#npo start
spinraggen · 10 months
NPO start
Stiekem zie
ik je
al languit
Je benen -
die heerlijke
benen - uitgestrekt
op de bank.
Je kijkt met
volle concentratie naar
Boer zoekt Vrouw
en ik kijk
alleen maar
naar jou.
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snowandstarlight · 3 months
i would love to know what OR start time is at seattle-grace-whatever it's called now
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uitzinnigmp3 · 6 months
hooii allemaal ik ben laat maar ben ook de mol aan t kijken
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 7 months
Oké mensen belangrijke vraag
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pangalactics · 2 years
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Movie Diary 2023: Tár (2022)
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wie-de-fuck-is-de-mol · 3 months
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Kan iemand grappiger dan ik een caption voor deze sc bedenken ik voel namelijk dat ie memepotentie heeft. Bij voorbaat dank
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dokushoclub · 1 year
Japanese Reading Resources for Absolute Beginners
A question I encounter often is "How much Japanese should I study before I can begin reading in Japanese?"
From my experience as a learner and reader myself and from managing a Japanese book club for other learners I can honestly say that you can start way earlier than you probably think!
There are many resources that only require knowing hiragana. Those texts usually teach vocabulary through pictures and only use basic grammar.
Some are even simpler than that: The Japan Foundation's Hiragana Books are great for those, who are still remembering hiragana characters. Every short book introduces only 1-2 new characters, so it's a great reading exercise for those who've just started.
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The free graded reader 「どうぞ、どうも」 by the NPO Tagengo Tadoku only uses the words 「どうぞ」 and 「どうも」 to write an entire story. Again, this makes for a great exercise in reading hiragana and understanding context. Another "level 0" recommendation by the same NPO would definitely be 「しろい?くろい?」. This book uses the full range of hiragana characters but the grammar is simple and all used vocabulary is illustrated.
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Another site with great resources for absolute beginners is Nihongo Tadoku Dōjō. If you have memorized both hiragana and katakana and know how the particles を and で work you will be able to read this text about stationary (ぶんぼうぐ) and understand everything by looking at the pictures!
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The resources linked so far can all be accessed completely free on the linked websites. If you have the money to spare, please also have a look at the box 「スタート」 from the series reberubetsu nihongo tadoku raiburarī published by the NPO Tagengo Tadoku and ASK (affiliate link). This box includes 8 little books in very simple Japanese.
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All these texts for absolute beginners will get you started reading in Japanese with very little knowledge of characters and vocabulary.
Reading in Japanese is a skill that requires practice. But once you get used to it, it can be such a valuable tool to reinforce new vocabulary and grammar. So please don't wait until you're "ready" before you start reading - start early at your own level!
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catofadifferentcolor · 6 months
Terrible Fic Idea #87: Percy Jackson, but make it MCU
Look, I didn't want to come up with yet another crazy PJO crossover, but here I am. Because instead of just coming up with the lightest, fluffiest, gayest PJO romance possible - which is what I wanted - I had to turn it into an MCU identity reveal fic too.
Or: What if post-ToA Percy Jackson was Peter Parker's caseworker following Aunt May's untimely death?
Just imagine it:
Tony Stark first meets Percy Jackson in the ICU of Metropolitan General the day after Peter and his aunt are caught in a terrible subway accident. May dies on scene. Even with his advanced healing, Peter is badly injured and taken to the nearest hospital - where it quickly becomes apparent he's Enhanced. It takes about 24 hours for the news to make its way to Tony, who immediately storms the hospital with the intention of taking Peter back to his Tower to heal-
-only to be told Peter's not going anywhere by the social worker assigned to the case.
This is remarkable for many reasons, not the least because the social worker is an unassuming, overworked 27-year-old wearing Finding Nemo socks and a faded Save the Oceans t-shirt. That the case worker - Percy Jackson - stands his ground in the face of Iron Man's wrath is even more remarkable, but Tony is forced to admit the kid has a point: he can't just let someone without any obvious connection to a minor walk off with said minor, particularly when that minor is Enhanced.
It takes Tony a couple days to get his ducks in a row, proving that he is not only able and willing to take in Peter, but is the one his aunt wanted to take care of him in the event something happened to her. During that time he has JARVIS research everything he can on Percy (lives in a Central Park penthouse owned by his long-time boyfriend, a successful music producer; volunteers for a NPO started by his best friend dedicated to restoring the wild; brief stint as the youngest ever on the FBI's most wanted, etc), but finds nothing to suggest he's anything other than a social worker trying to do what's best for his charges.
Percy becomes a semi-regular fixture at the Tower. At first it's just business, checking in on how Peter is doing and facilitating the foster care/adoption paperwork. Later it becomes something akin to friendship, with Percy being utterly unimpressed by Tony's fame but remarkably charmed by his inventions and philanthropic efforts. (He also comes to have strong feelings about the Rogues and their actions during the Civil War once he learns of them, helping Tony to see their betrayal for what it is. This alone makes him one of Rhodey and Pepper's favorite people.)
This goes on for quite some time - though I see this as happening post-CACW, we don't jump straight into the Infinity War, with there being several years wherein the Accords are ratified, the Rogues found and tried for their actions in the Civil War, and for the most part allowed to return to the Avengers on a probationary basis - until Thor finally arrives with news of Thanos' impending arrival.
Only Percy happens to be visiting when Thor arrives and the Avengers naturally have questions after Thor addresses him as Prince Perseus.
The truth of Percy's identity comes out in fits and starts (demigod son of Poseidon, saved the world a couple times, ascended to become God of Heroes, Natural Disasters, and Poison as well as Patron God of New York City; has been dating Apollo since he was fourteen; yes, is actually a social worker, albeit one who takes cases across the country to protect demigods and Enhanced), which is not helped by Thor (who can't help but comment on what he knows of Percy's heroics) or Apollo (who shows up after Percy texts an SOS but can't help but talk up his boyfriend either.)
The Infinity War still happens, albeit rather differently than in canon - perhaps Thanos turns out to be a disgruntled child or sibling of Gaia out for revenge, justifying Greek/Roman interference? But the details don't really matter as much as the identity reveal.
And... that's really all I have with regards to plot. But there should be a lot of character moments leading up to the reveal that hint at who Percy really is but which don't form a coherent narrative until the truth is revealed.
Bonuses include:
The softest, fluffiest romance possible for Apollo and Percy, with the pair more or less falling head over heels at first sight at the start of TTC, having their first kiss at the party at the end of the book, and dating throughout the rest of the Titan War. Apollo goes absolutely batshit insane when Percy goes missing at the start of HOO and breaks out of Olympus to crash the Senate meeting at the end of SoN and check on his boyfriend, and eventually gets made mortal for helping too much during the Giant War. The broad strokes of ToA occur with Percy fighting at his now-mortal boyfriend's side, and Percy ascends to godhood when Apollo regains his. There's some tension (Zeus is not happy about his firstborn son's choice of lover, fearing overthrow; Poseidon fears Apollo will end up breaking Percy's heart, but softens after Percy ascends and his chance of becoming a flower diminishes; many CHB campers think Percy's mad for dating a god, etc) but for the most part it should be as fluffy as circumstances allow.
Percy having been really obvious about his background, but in ways that seem reasonable ("How did you meet your boyfriend?" "I was at a really bad party when a friend ended up calling her brother to pick us up early. I fell in love with his car and then with him.") or like jokes ("Those sea turtles really seem to like you." "I like them too." "I guess they're kind of cute." "Excellent conversationalists too.") until the full truth comes out; and
Thor attempting to make up for blowing Percy's cover in dramatic (and hilarious) ways. This should include the gift of at least one native Asgardian water plant ("Dude, have you never heard of invasive species?") and end in a bakery's worth of Asgardian baked goods.
And that's all I have, though given the way this has been living rent-free in my head all week there may be more. As always feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More PJO Ideas | More Terrible Fic Ideas
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k3fanblog · 1 year
The results of the best K3 song bracket are known!
And the winner is... Oya lélé!!!
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Tele-Romeo finished second and Alle Kleuren ended up in the third place. Hart verloren just fell out of the top 3 and ended up in fourth place.
And with this the competition is over, I posted the bracket first on March 22nd and the first polls the day after. That means it took over 3 months to determine the very best K3 song of all 4 generations. I had great fun seeing people campaigning for their favourite songs in the notes, why they think a certain song is better and occasionally sharing stories of times they performed one of these songs as a kid, so thanks to everyone who voted and/or reblogged some polls, some comments really made my day and I hope this tournament reminded you of some old songs or introduced you to some new ones.
Speaking of which, my next plans are to run 3 more tournaments to determine the best song of each non-og generation, because the og was (kinda understandably) overrepresented in this tournament and I thought it might be fun to give the other 3 formations a chance and some other people also liked this idea when I polled people a few weeks ago. So, ehm, keep posted for that I guess. It won't start immediately, because I am kinda busy atm and I need to figure out some logistics for the kkj generation (does de revolutie count as an og song or a kkj song??), so you might see me outsourcing some decisions through polls in the coming weeks.
Finally, now that I have your attention, I've been running a 2-year campaign to get K3 in the NPO radio 2 top 2000, and specifically Oya lélé and since Oya lélé did actually win this, I think I might be able to convince you to vote for Oya lélé as the K3 song representation of the top 2000, so if you would please consider voting for Oya lélé in 5 months and if possible try to convince other people to do so too, you would make me very happy. (Also because I do not have other social media so I can only campaign for it here)
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nolanhattrick · 1 year
here is a a bullet point explainer of my top surgery day (like when i was actually in the hospital) because i feel like if i had something like that i would have been less horrifically life-endingly anxious
day before:
we drove to the city it was in because we were staying with family and wanted to get settled. we left around 10 ish? in the morning and it took us 3 or so hours to get there with all the bathroom stops we made
i received a call from my surgeon's office at 10:30 in the morning giving me the time i needed to show up at the hospital. i was to show up two hours before my surgery time (5:45 am ; 7:45 am), and i was first on the schedule
we showed up at my cousin's house and got settled, i was fasting as required and took my special soap shower at around 9pm. i needed to show up at the hospital at 5:45am but my cousin lives less than 5 minutes away from the hospital so i could afford to go to bed late.
day of:
i woke up at around 2 and went back to bed at around 3:30, woke up at 4:30 and took my second hibiclens shower. i got dressed in clean clothes and we drove to the hospital at 5:30 am
we had never been to the hospital before so we fucked around and found a place to park. we walked in and were confused until we looked around and found check-in. they didn't ask for ID or insurance, just my name. they scanned my advanced directive and medical power of attorney, told me to wait in the surgery waiting area, and told me that someone wld come find me! i was also given a hospital bracelet with my real name on it not my government name which is cool.
we waited for a little bit. there were two other people there. we were all in pajamas. it was great. the waiting area was full of local indigenous art. i wish i would have taken pictures now.
a nurse called my name and verified my date of birth and that i was there for gender affirming double mastectomy. she took me and my mom back to the preop area and took me to a preop room with a bed.
i was weighed and given a urine sample cup for pregnancy testing. this sucked bc i was NPO for like 12 hours and dehydrated as fuck but if you still have a uterus and ovaries you will have to do this.
she gave me a six pack of hibiclens wipes and instructions on how to do the surgery wipe down. neck to toes. one for neck and shoulders, one for chest and torso, one for back, one for arms, one for legs, one for groin and glutes. there r details on the paper. this is recommended but not required depending on ur surgeon. u do it urself. ur nurse does not touch u.
u put on ur gown and then ur given an IV with saline. i was given an oral anti inflammatory and 1000mg tylenol with a teeny bit of water. this is when they blew the valve in my hand. i COVERED my preop nurse with blood and almost threw up. it was great.
she went over some mental health questions and some physical health questions - are u depressed when did u last eat and drink etc. they were concerned because i hadn't eaten solids since the ninth and my surgery was on the twelfth but it was okay.
they asked me who my favorite music artist was because apparently listening to your favorite music while in surgery improves recovery outcomes. i blanked and then told them my chemical romance and the 1975. i hope they enjoyed that whiplash of a mix.
i was taken down and my mom was kicked to the waiting area. the elevator broke and we had to wait. awkward.
i sat in the real preop bay and started crying. got rly nauseous. a preop nurse gave me a puke bag and opened my fluids completely. i think this is where the additional damage to my arm happened but we're not sure. she was really nice but REALLY busy. she needed help lol it was just her for four people :(
she came and verified my name and date of birth. she gave me these sleeves that squeezed my calves to prevent blood clots. she put a warming blanket on me. she gave me consent forms to sign. she moved me to a private corner so my surgeon could draw guidelines on my chest. she put a scopolamine patch behind my ear and then dipped to do more work. love her
my anesthesiologist came by. she asked me my pronouns - the only person to do so (they're charted but still)! she checked my heart and lung sounds and complimented my lung capacity. she asked me what my fears were regarding anesthesia and told me that i was safe with her. she read over my consent and my preop EKG i got in weeks prior. she said that she considers me zero risk and that she is unconcerned which was a big calm down moment. she went to go do pre surgery things.
my surgeon came by. he unhooked my warm blanket and had me stand up so he could draw lines on my chest. he double checked my consent papers and then put me back under my warming blanket and gave me my puke bag back and then went to go do pre surgery things.
about 10 minutes later i was being wheeled into the surgery room. this is around 7:45am. it was actually REALLY close to preop. and it was very cold.
they had me put myself on the table. i was introduced to the rest of the surgery staff. they were literally all women. so cool. my head was going to be sitting on this jello bundt cake looking thing. i laughed and pointed that out. then i got hooked up to an oxygen mask by the anesthesiologist and it smelled like playdough. i commented on that and she laughed and that's the last thing i remember before
i woke up! i was groggy as fuck. first words out of my mouth in recovery were "oh that's exciting, i woke up" and the recovery nurse looked Very Concerned. she was nice to me. she also sprinted when i asked for a puke bag.
i was there for about two hours. one asleep, one awake. they needed to watch me eat and not throw up and i Succeeded and i also needed a bed to return to, which they didn't have.
my surgeon came by to check on me, said i did great! i don't remember much of this.
i went back to the same preop wing at, like, noon-thirty ish. i got to see my mom at one. my postop nurse was a SAINT. he monitored my immediate pain levels and the instant it got above a four he tried to get me pain medication, but was stonewalled by my surgeon.
he got me more food. i had like 12 ounces of apple juice and some cheese and crackers. he let me look at his tattoos and he told me stories while we waited for my mom and for discharge papers.
we got discharge papers, i got dressed mostly by myself. mom gave me my phone back so i could text my friends that i was alive. mom was also handed a 10 pack of gauze with nipple cut outs and we were told to open my swelling reduction binder and change them out once a day.
i was also instructed to empty my JP drains once or twice a day depending on fluid level and given urinalysis cups to empty them into. i never got more than 12mls out of them so this wasn't an issue
you just kind of pop them open and let the oily blood drain out and shake them a little and then squeeze and close them again. yes u can feel it sucking when u close it. it's not painful just weird.
then we went back to my cousin's house! and i devoured a burger and slept kinda shitty
i was up and walking normal same day. i got up slow and did circles around her living room. it was helpful.
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in-amor-veritas · 6 months
i was wondering about 14, 19, 31, 33 and 40 for the writer asks :)
hiiii ooo I just answered 31 and 33 in the post just before this but let me see what the others were
14. hahahahhaha 😈 here have a few. coincidentally I’ve been planning my next big post season fic for a long time now that I’ll start uploading once AINE is over. this isn’t the first sentence bc i don’t write linearly but….
“Did you fuck him?”
“That’s not really any of your business anymore.””
“Considering we are still married I think I have a right to know.”
19. i could give you more of that one but ill pick something that’s been in my drafts FOREVER and i swear one day ill finish it up
“Are you ready for tonight?” Wilhelm murmurs when she pulls back, tucking a stray lock of blonde behind her diamond studded ear.
Elin makes a stressed noise, pressing her face into the crook of his neck and groans. “Theoretically I am, but I don’t feel ready. I feel like there’s a thousand different things I still need to do…or double check.”
Elin’s fledgling NPO, BLOM, is holding an event tonight, which she has been stressed over for weeks since the beginning of planning. It’s rather straightforward but she had had less time to plan than normal and getting the venue and the logistical efforts had been one challenge on such late notice, but finalizing the right guest list was a whole different beast.
As she had explained to him, and as he knew, the guestlist was crucial to the success of the event. The right people with the right influences and networks plus deep enough pockets and just enough of an inferiority complex to be swayed into donating to a cause lest they look cheap.
Wilhelm had taken it on himself this time to help her finalize the list, as she had enough stress on her plate as is. He hadn’t offered initially with any self serving intentions, however as he had looked over the list of contacts his secretary had sent over he had had a thought had occurred to him.
He knew that she commonly invited representatives from the different industries, music industry included, especially from the bigger studios and he remembers that time maybe a year ago that he had seen Hugo’s name on the list.
Hugo Álvarez.
The man That Simon has been dating now for the past two years.
Two years.
Has it really been that long already?
40. Simon eyes were stars, constellations Wilhelm knew by heart.
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songofpurplesummers · 7 months
mmm misschien dat ik weer eens de Belgische ga kijken dit jaar, zie dat die op maandagavond valt te kijken op NPO Start vanaf 20:00 uur 👀👀
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shion-yu · 7 months
False Alarm
Sometimes, it’s just not meant to be. An early Cliff and Theo/Al story, mostly fluffy banter and then some angst. 2,810 words, no TWs but CWs low intensity hospital setting, transplant talk, mention of internalized homophobia.
Cliff wasn't sure what to make of Theo, the lawyer he was doing his summer internship with before he started his first semester at NYU. When Cliff thought about what a lawyer should look like, he had certain expectations. A lawyer was extremely formal, never smiled or laughed, never asked questions, and always wore a suit. The only one of these qualities that Theo possessed was the suit wearing, and even then he could occasionally be caught wearing khakis and a button down. 
The craziest thing about Theo though, was that he was openly gay and no one seemed to care. It floored Cliff. His mom had always looked down on gay couples they saw in public. She looked down on everyone, but especially people who "chose" to stand out. Yet here Theo was, with a big office overlooking the financial district and an incredible case record under his belt and nobody ever seemed to disrespect him. He even had a picture of his partner on his desk where anybody could see, including the clients who came for consultations and business partners whose opinions really mattered. Cliff didn't understand how Theo got away with it, but he did. It definitely left an impression.
This particular day though, Theo seemed frazzled and distracted. Cliff was sitting across from him in Theo's office just having his weekly check-in with the lawyer. Theo usually seemed very put together and focused, but today he kept checking his personal cell phone on his desk like he was waiting for something. "So Cliff," Theo said, "Still think you'd like to go to law school after your first month here?"
"I think so," Cliff said. He tried not to watch as Theo glanced at his phone yet again. "I like the research. And I like going to court."
"You've certainly got the brains for it," Theo said. "When you're at NYU, take lots of diverse classes. Everything can always tie back into law and make you better at practicing it."
"Thanks," Cliff said.
"No problem," Theo said casually, but he was immediately distracted when his phone buzzed with a call. He looked at the caller ID and nearly jumped out of his seat. "Sorry Cliff, I've got to take this," Theo said hurriedly. "You're fine here, just, hey, pour yourself a coffee or something." Theo motioned to the full coffee pot on one of his other desks and then stopped paying attention to Cliff.
Cliff tried not to be nosy and listen, but it was hard not to when they were in the same room. He made himself a cup of coffee even though he preferred tea and sipped awkwardly. He hoped it gave the impression he wasn’t paying attention to the conversation Theo was having that clearly was not about work. "Are you sure that's all it is?” Theo was saying, his voice concerned. “Tomorrow? What time? Does he need to stay overnight? NPO after midnight? Okay. Yes, of course. Thank you Doctor."
Theo set his phone down, took a deep breath and then sat back in his office chair. "Sorry Cliff," he said. "You can come back now."
Cliff awkwardly returned to his seat a cross from Theo, placing the steaming cup of coffee on a coaster at the edge of Theo's desk. "That was my partner's doctor, I've been waiting for that call, sorry to be so distracted," Theo said. "He's going to the hospital for a minor procedure tomorrow, so I probably won't see you for the rest of the week." 
"Oh," Cliff said. What else was he supposed to say? "I hope he's okay."
"He's fine, thank you," Theo said. "He's got a port, I don't know if you're familiar, it's like an IV in his chest. Anyways, it got infected so they're replacing it with a new one." Cliff honestly had no idea what Theo was talking about, but it sounded serious. It seemed Cliff wasn't very good at hiding his expression, because Theo added, "He's got a disease called cystic fibrosis, so he's in and out of the hospital a lot. I don't want to say it's not a big deal, but well, it's not an emergency. Don't worry." 
"Okay," Cliff said. He nodded to the framed photo on Theo's desk. In it, a slightly younger Theo had one arm slung over the shoulders over a guy with curly dark hair, thick glasses and dimples. "That's him, right?"
"Yup," Theo confirmed. "His name's Al. He's a good guy." The way Theo was smiling as he said this was different from the way Theo usually smiled at everybody else. Cliff didn't know how to define it - fond, perhaps? "Next time he comes around I'll let you meet him. You'd like him." Now Theo had a weirdly knowing look on his face, as if he understood something Cliff didn't. 
"Sure," Cliff said. He was so confused. 
His confusion didn't abate even when he did meet Al about three weeks later. Al was shorter than Theo and wore very casual clothing that stuck out in the law firm. His cheeks were pink compared to the rest of his olive skin, which Cliff soon realized was from coughing. Al coughed the entire time he was in the office to drop off a lunch for Theo, and he dragged a metal cylinder on wheels behind him that connected to clear oxygen tubing in his nose. Cliff was startled; the oxygen hadn't been in the picture, nor had he expected Al to sound quite so sick. But everybody else in the office seemed to know Al well and think nothing of it. Al himself seemed energetic and cheerful, which was not how Cliff pictured somebody sick in his head.
Still, Cliff wasn't used to sick people, even if Al was apparently not contagious. He was sort of hoping Theo had forgotten about his promise to let him meet Al, but Cliff had no such luck. "Al, this is my intern, Cliff Barrows," Theo said as he led Al right to Cliff's desk.
Obviously unable to hide when his boss stood right in front of him, Cliff stood up and forced a polite smile. "Nice to meet you," Cliff said, sticking his hand out to shake.
"Nice to meet you too! I finally meet the famous Cliff," Al grinned, shaking Cliff's hand. His grip was firm and sure, not weak at all.
"Famous in a good way," Theo reassured Cliff. "I told him all about what a good kid you are."
"Uh, thanks," Cliff said, trying to keep a questioning tone from creeping into his voice. He felt awkward standing right there in front of the two of them under scrutiny. "Um... I'm just gonna get back to work then," he said, sitting at his desk and typing something nonsensical into an open word document until he was sure the pair was no longer looking at him. 
Cliff tried to look subtle as the two men walked away. Theo led Al towards his office with one hand around Al's back, Al coughing as they went, but he was also laughing. Cliff had no idea how he could seem so happy. Cliff had googled cystic fibrosis when Theo had mentioned it and it didn't really sound like a laughing matter to him. It sounded incurable and painful. Then again, Cliff supposed they couldn't be gloomy all the time. Or maybe even most of the time, since Al and Theo seemed to be normal unlike Cliff who could indeed go around with a perpetually serious look on his face. 
Al sat heavily in the chair on the client side of Theo's desk, coughing until Theo handed him a glass of water to sip on. "Thanks," he croaked, smiling up at his partner gratefully. 
Theo sat across the desk from Al in his chair. Although Al got to see Theo in his formal attire every day before and after work, seeing him wear it at work always felt different. Theo carried himself so confidentially and spoke with such a professional tone, it honestly made Al want to grab his tie and kiss him right there in the office. Theo's desk had definitely seen some action after hours before.
"Stop looking at me like that," Theo said, opening up the salad Al had brought him.
"Like what? I don't know what you're talking about," Al said innocently.
Theo mixed a packet of dressing up with his salad. "Like I'm a piece of meat."
"Aren't you?" 
Theo shook his head with a smirk. "You're so damn predictable," he said. "You keep your hands to yourself mister, I've got court later today. Thanks for the food." 
"You're welcome," Al said. "By the way, you were so right about that Cliff kid." 
"Right?" Theo said around a mouthful of lettuce. "He's definitely gay."
"So gay," Al agreed. "And adorably awkward.”
“He’s actually a better speaker than you might think,” Theo said thoughtfully. “When it comes to work stuff anyways,” he added, seeing Al’s incredulous look of doubt.
“He gave me the ‘wow, you must be dying’ look,” Al said. “You should probably tell him I’m fine. And that his face is an open book." 
Theo shrugged. “I don’t know how reassuring ‘My partner’s fine, just waiting for a double lung transplant’ is, but sure, I’ll tell him.”
Al rolled his eyes. “Thanks a lot,” he said sarcastically. “Anyways, I’m heading home. What do you want to eat tonight?” 
“Anything. Shake Shack. Anything."
"So... Shake Shack," Al said. 
"How did you know?" Theo grinned. "Okay, be careful on your way home baby. Wear your mask on the train."
"Ugh, Theo, it's July," Al whined, but Theo knew he would behave. Al was usually great about taking care of himself, but especially now when he couldn't risk any illnesses lest it ruin his chances of being on the transplant list. It was also why he tried not to leave the house much these days, but he'd had a doctors appointment a few blocks away so had taken the opportunity of already being out to visit Theo. 
Theo kissed Al goodbye and watched his partner walk down the street from the windows in his office, dragging the wheeled oxygen tank behind him. He shook his head, wishing Al would just take a cab, but Al hated wasting money if he could do it the cheaper way and Theo suspected it was far more about independence than cost at this point in their lives. 
They'd been together about five years now and had lived with each other since day one, having met as roommates. Theo had been in his last year of law school while Al was struggling after the death of his husband. At first they were just friends and that was enough. Right person, wrong time Theo thought, because it didn't seem like Al was ready for anything more. But then Al had gotten really sick and although he insisted Theo didn't need to worry about it, it was impossible. Theo spent every day studying at the hospital so that Al wouldn’t be alone until feelings became inevitable and Al made the first move. The rest was history. 
Theo smiled to himself thinking about Al, absently eating his salad until he was interrupted by his phone ringing. It was Al, which was odd because Al had only just left his office. "Babe? You okay?" Theo answered.
"Meet me at the hospital," Al said in a breathless rush. "I’ve got lungs."
Theo was speechless. This was the moment they'd dreamed of for months, and it was happening now. Right now. "Theo?" Theo realized he hadn’t said anything in response.
"Holy shit. Holy shit, I love you so much. Yeah, okay, I'm coming."
False alarms for this sort of thing should be illegal, Theo thought to himself angrily. The doctor had just left the room and explained he was so sorry, but the lungs weren't a perfect match after all. They were going to someone else - someone who wasn't Albert. Al had been congenial about it, nodding as if it didn't bother him. But Theo was livid and could barely contain his anger as the doctor closed the door. 
The silence in the room was heavy. Al had been changed into a gown, given CHG bath and gotten labs done, and had his port hooked up to fluids. He sat there in the hospital bed where they'd waited with excitement for the past two hours, now lost for words. 
"It's not fair," Theo said finally. His hands were balled into fists, which were shaking. "How can they do this?" Al was quiet. He looked out the window with a calmness that Theo didn't understand. "You're not mad?" 
"No," Al said softly. "I'm not mad. Can we go home though?" He was already going for his clothes, unbuttoning his gown. "Hey, if you hurry you can still make it to court this afternoon." 
Theo shook his head. "I don't care about court. I already told work I didn't know when I'd be back. They're going to be more surprised when I say nevermind." 
"Sorry," Al said, as if he’d ruined a casual date and not lost the opportunity of a lifetime after it was crudely dangled in front of him.
"Don't apologize," Theo said. "If anything, this place should be apologizing to you. How are you so calm?"
Al shrugged. "Someone else is getting lungs. Someone who needs them. I'm not going to be mad about that."
Theo sighed. "You're right, but I'm still pissed. Can I be pissed for you?"
Al seemed to consider it for several seconds and then nodded. "Yeah. You can be pissed for both of us, okay?" 
"I gotcha, baby," Theo said. He forced a tight smile at Al, who gave a tired smile back. 
Al was discharged and they arrived home around dinner time. Theo was starving, but Al said he didn't feel like eating. Theo didn’t feel like seeing anybody else for the rest of the day, even a delivery driver, and ended up throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. He called Al to the table when it was ready, hoping the smell would entice him. "You should eat just a little," Theo said. 
"I'm really not hungry," Al said quietly. "I just want to go to bed and have this day be over."
Theo felt a pang of pity and sighed. "I know. Just a few bites?"
Al finished half a slice and then shuffled off to bed. Theo ate the rest of the pizza alone, letting all the negative thoughts he was having get to him for just a few minutes. He chewed the pizza like it had personally done something offensive to him and then scrubbed the dishes clean, his stomach aching from eating too much. Then, he took a shower and forced himself to let all the tension leave him. He imagined it swirling down the drain with the soapy water, leaving him exhausted but calm. As upset as Theo was, Al was the one these things were happening to. He had to be strong for Al. 
Theo went to the bathroom, now in fresh pajamas and ready to be there for his partner. Al was lying on his side but not asleep and peeked over his shoulder at Theo. Theo sat next to him on bed and rested a hand on Al's arm. "Should we talk about it?" He asked.
"Nah. What is there to talk about?" Al said in his usual gentle tone. If Theo didn't know any better, he'd think Al didn't care, or was totally fine. But he also knew that wasn't possible and Al hid his feelings well. 
"What happened today was kind of crazy," Theo said carefully. "Crazy and honestly... not okay. It was like the biggest news of your life and then the biggest let down. It's a lot to take in."
Al sat up and looked at Theo. His green eyes were always so forbearing. "It is a lot," he said. "But ya know, I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be. Coz when I got the call, I didn't think, 'I'm going to live.' All I could think was, if I die, I'm not ready. So... Maybe today just wasn't the right time."
Theo hadn't expected Al to say anything like that. He swallowed down the lump that had risen in his throat and took Al's hands in his own. "You're right. It wasn't meant to be, and maybe it was for the better."
Al nodded in agreement, leaning forward to press his forehead against Theo's. "I love you, Theo," he said. "Thanks for being there for me." 
"I love you too," Theo said, taking Al’s hands in his own and squeezing them. "And next time you get the call, it's going to be the right match."
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shesmyevangeline · 7 months
voor alle nederlandse widm fans die ook de vlaamse versie willen kijken: als je vpn hebt kun je gratis via goplay/play4 kijken (live en achteraf) en vorig jaar stond de aflevering de dag erna ook npo start, geen idee of ze dat dit jaar ook weer gaan doen
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warningsine · 24 days
A 43-year-old from the Netherlands said on a TV chat show that he was taking legal action against the streaming platform Netlix over its show "The Man With 1,000 Kids," describing it as "sensationalist." 
Jonathan Meijer claimed the show had slandered him and the hundreds of families he had helped to create, among other things by overstating how many children his donated sperm had been used to create.
The show's title picks the round number of 1,000 and at one point says the real figure could be as high as 3,000, which Meijer said was incorrect, despite acknowledging that his own tally might not be complete.
"Five hundred and fifty, that's the number I know for sure. Anything above that is just speculation," he said on the "Eva" talk show on public broadcaster NPO 1 with Eva Jinek late on Tuesday. "That's why I have started a case to fight against these lies." 
He said he wanted the documentary taken down from Netflix's website to protect the children from media trying to make a "spectacle" of the case, saying they were "being recognized in the street." 
Court ordered he stop last year, Dutch guidelines say maximum 25 children per donor
Meijer made the headlines in the Netherlands and abroad last year when a court in The Hague ordered him to stop donating. It threatened him with a fine of up to €100,000 (roughly $110,000) per case if he failed to comply. That case settled on a minimum figure of 550 children but acknowledged the possibility of more.
Clinical guidelines in the Netherlands say a donor should not father more than 25 children in 12 different families, to limit the risks of incest for the offspring. However, because there is no central register for sperm donors, he was able to bypass these rules in a number of ways like going to multiple clinics.
The court found that Meijer had misinformed families about past donations, many of which were also arranged on internet forums rather than via fertility clinics, giving the impression not all of the sperm was his. 
This meant the children were "part of a huge kinship network with hundreds of half-siblings they did not choose." The court thought it "sufficiently plausible" that this could cause psychosocial consequences for the children like identity problems and fears of accidental incest.
Meijer said during Tuesday's appearance that he became interested in the concept of sperm donation as a young man when he was close to people with infertility who wanted children. He started donating in 2007. He said that as of 2019, he had stopped donating sperm, except to families that wanted a second or third child with his help.
The show sought comment from two prominent Dutch lawyers, Gerard Spong and Peter Plasman, who said they believed his case to be "completely hopeless." They said the show served a clear public interest, among other things informing people seeking a sperm donation in the future about the case.
They also said Netflix had done thorough research with sources who went on the record, and that Meijer had refused his right to reply and offers to cooperate. 
"I do not want to cooperate with such a shady company," Meijer said in a sometimes heated exchange with the moderator. "I can share everything myself on my YouTube channel."
msh/jcg (AFP)
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autisticlenaluthor · 11 months
i have to be NPO starting at midnight for a procedure tomorrow and my nurse from the past few nights (who doesn't even have me as a patient tonight) is running to the store at 11pm to buy me ice cream so I can have a treat before I have to fast 😭
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