praveendaskumar · 2 years
In Satlok, there is constant supreme peace and happiness. Until we go to Satlok, we cannot attain supreme peace, happiness and immortality. It is only possible to go to Satlok if we take initiation/spiritual instruction from Complete Saint and keep doing worship of Supreme God Kabir throughout our life.
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jyotibhalalasblog · 2 years
Satlok VS Heaven Satlok(eternal place of God Kabir) is free from death & suffering. Every soul enjoys the eternal life.
Heaven is not free from death and suffering. Even after going to heaven, death is definite and then one takes birth again.
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prabhjot0009 · 2 years
Supreme God Kabir appears whenever He wishes; He never takes birth from a mother because He is the Originator of all.
- Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
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pankaj1122 · 2 years
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brijalbhavsar · 2 years
After going to Satlok (Eternal Place), a soul obtains an immortal body. One never dies in Satlok. All souls live happily with their father, eternal God Kabir.
- Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
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souryadas12 · 2 years
There is no peace in heaven or in the 21 universes of Satan/Devil.
One cannot remain happy in this mortal place.
In Satlok (eternal place), there is constant supreme peace and happiness.
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meena4321 · 2 years
Satlok VS Heaven
Supreme God Kabir is the Master of Satlok which is eternal.
Satan is the King / Lord of twenty-one universes which are destructible.
Heaven is also mortal.
True worship can end the cycle of birth and death.
Take refuge in Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to attain salvation, eternal peace and happiness.
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dasbalakmanikpuri · 2 years
In Satlok, there is constant supreme peace and happiness. Until we go to Satlok, we cannot attain supreme peace, happiness and immortality. It is only possible to go to Satlok if we take initiation/spiritual instruction from Complete Saint and keep doing worship of Supreme God Kabir throughout our life.
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lewis-brown-1 · 2 years
Satlok VS Heaven
Supreme God Kabir is the Master of Satlok which is eternal.
Satan is the King / Lord of twenty-one universes which are destructible.
Heaven is also mortal.
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reena-tonger · 2 years
One can go to Satlok via a True spiritual leader, or a complete saint or "True guru"(SatGuru) who imparts the true Mantra. That True Guru is Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
Take refuge in Him.
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ankit-goyat · 2 years
Supreme God Kabir is the only God who is free from the painful cycle of birth and death.
The one who dies cannot be called the eternal God.
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pankaj1122 · 2 years
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this-is-arz · 2 years
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nidhi-kandela · 2 years
Satlok VS Heaven
Heaven is a temporary dwelling place & not the final destination.
Satlok(eternal place of God Kabir) is permanent and the final destination of all souls.
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One can go to Satlok via a True spiritual leader, or a complete saint or "True guru"(SatGuru) who imparts the true Mantra. That True Guru is Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.
Take refuge in Him.
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By worshipping the supreme God Kabir one attains complete salvation. Without salvation one remains in the cycle of birth and death.
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