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chickem9 · 3 months ago
Então que quiser mandar me conversa pode seja bem vindo ao perfil amigo(a)
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megadicasdeviagens · 2 years ago
Neste vídeo, apresentamos 5 incríveis lugares para se conhecer no Canadá. Começando pelo Banff National Park em Alberta, com suas paisagens deslumbrantes e atividades ao ar livre. Em seguida, o Parque Provincial de Churchill em Manitoba, um lugar ideal para observação de ursos polares.
Em Montreal, Quebec, você pode desfrutar de uma mistura única de cultura francesa e canadense. Em Ottawa, a capital do país, você pode explorar a rica história e arquitetura do Canadá. Por fim, em Toronto, você encontrará uma cidade cosmopolita com muitas opções de turismo e entretenimento. Venha conhecer o Canadá!
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transient-winds · 4 months ago
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Several things are happening here that I love:
1. Kanuma looking around nervously and Arima finding that bemusing. I'm pretty sure we know who Kanuma's nervous about seeing (*cough* suo *cough*).
2. Sako treating Inugami like an owner telling their dog to stay put if the dog wants to be rewarded with a treat. (also inugami is so much taller than i remember, sako's literally at chin height)
3. Togame and Choji. That's it.
Special mention to Gravel for Suzuri encouraging his team to loosen up and mingle around cuz they're all friends here + the fact that they are nervous means they feel guilty and they're in the prescence of people they went to beat up and ended up being given jobs by them. I think it's sweet.
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Another shoutout to Roppo Ichiza for being cutie patooties. Otawa and Miyoshi especially.
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findflower96 · 5 days ago
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hawkwatchdogblog · 2 years ago
The Top 5 Effective Reinforcers for Positive Dog Training
Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in dog training, but not all rewards are created equal. Understanding the difference between rewards and reinforcers is crucial for shaping desired behaviors effectively. In this blog post, we will explore the top five effective reinforcers for positive dog training. By identifying and utilizing some reinforcers, you can strengthen the bond with your…
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lovelyyoungmen · 10 days ago
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Borys Otawa as Szymon in "Where birds cry", the last beautiful days of their love, the reunion of two childhood friends
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and Filip
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their last dance, Filip must leave with his father, they will be separated
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skycrorg · 2 years ago
Nuevo estudio calcula edad del universo en 26.700 millones de años, el doble de lo que se creía
Nuestro universo podría tener el doble de edad que las estimaciones actuales, según un nuevo estudio que desafía el modelo cosmológico dominante y arroja nueva luz sobre el llamado “problema de galaxias tempranas imposibles”. El trabajo se publica en la revista Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. “Nuestro modelo recién diseñado alarga el tiempo de formación de galaxias en varios…
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luke-r-gillespie · 8 months ago
May 26 - Kiyomizudera / Mindar at Kodaiji / Gion Tour
Today began like most, at 8 with a quiz. No breakfast bento today (earth shattering news, I know) and our class meeting was brief. We departed for Kiyomizu-dera by train and arrived after thirty minutes or so. As far as Buddhist Temples go, this one was pretty cool (my second favorite of the trip so far) and there was a lot to see and do.
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The first thing we did at Kiyomizu-dera was walk through the temple's "womb" to become reborn. This entailed walking through a winding pitch black tunnel under the main temple by following a rope attached to the wall. At the end of the tunnel was a large rock that supposedly grants you a wish when you reach and touch it (the "womb" was actually a really fun experience, I didn't necessarily feel reborn though. The next section of the temple had a large singing bowl which I rang before praying to this section of the temple's kami. We observed the surrounding area of Kyoto from the hanging deck (famous for its nail-less construction) before moving onto the "Otawa Waterfall."
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The Otawa Waterfall is not a waterfall but in fact three diverging streams of water, each of which corresponds to an unlabeled blessing from Kannon (goddess of mercy.) You are only supposed to drink from one of the three streams (although one of my classmates didn't seem to get the memo) or the goddess perceives you as greedy and grants you no blessing. This was a really fun experience and the cool water was refreshing after all the stairs!
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After leaving the shrine, I briefly walked around Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka before grabbing lunch with some of the guys and Professor Smith! I had a margherita pizza (shocker) and some strawberry shaved ice while walking around afterwards as a sweet treat.
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After lunch, we went to see Mindar, the "android" of the Buddhist goddess Kannon. The "android" gave a presentation on Buddhist ideals and its core teachings, accompanied by a cool light show and projected displays (however, the robot a little uncanny valley for my taste.) It was cool to learn about Buddhism and to see the contrast between the ancient Buddhist temple and this new Buddhist technological development.
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After this presentation, we took a short walk to Gion where we walked around for a bit before attending a short Geisha performance. This area of Kyoto is not very tourist friendly (on account of inappropriate tourist behavior here in the past) and I definitely felt that in all the dirty looks that we received. After Gion, I returned to Stay SAKURA where I did laundry and relaxed before going out to dinner with Griffin (we got turned away from four different sushi restaurants before ending up back at McDonalds, at least we tried.) All in all, another eventful and fun day in Kyoto!
Academic Reflection
Todays first reading, derived from a Sekkyo-bushi meaning Sermon Ballads performance, was about the goddess of mercy, Kannon. This reading somewhat changed my pre-held perceptions of Kannon, as parts of this passage painted her as vindictive or even malicious (antonyms for mercy.) For example, Kannon acting to kill Shintokumaru's mother after she insulted the goddess or making lord Nobuyoshi's wife unable to bear children, on account of their actions from a previous life (destroying bird eggs.) To be fair, Kannon also showed mercy and kindness within the reading, such as when she provides Shintokumaru with the feather duster to cure his illness (which I felt was more in character.) I found it interesting to see both sides of Kannon within these excerpts. Kannon's influence can be felt all throughout Japan and I certainly felt it today at Kiyomizu-dera.
The second reading from today, an article titled “Enlightenment Geishas” was about the history of Geishas in Japan. More specifically, the Geisha "enlightenment" that has taken place in Japan in recent centuries. This "enlightenment" refers to the education of Geishas in traditional Japanese practices, marking a shift from being primarily sex workers, to being focused on family life and being productive mothers as well as members of Japanese society. At today's Geisha performance, this education in the arts and refinement was very evident. Both the performance and museum aspects of this excursion were extremely elegant and made me think of high society.
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gideonffraser · 1 year ago
continuação desse chat com @erinwu
                                   ◜ "olha, aqui é muito bonito, mas lá é um bom equilíbrio pra natureza muito linda com uma cidade muito legal." tinha ficado realmente apaixonado pelo lugar e não era seu intuito ofender st. johns, como ela não era local, se permitiu ser bastante sincero, não fosse a necessidade de trocar de sede por mando da joja, teria ficado por otawa mais uns meses. "o pessoal estranha tanto assim? se bem que eu vejo o pessoal questionar bastante o fato de eu vir pra cá, só que eu acho que no meu caso, julgam a minha ganância." que não deixava de ser ganância mesmo, só estava ali porque ganhava muito bem para isso. "um segundo." pediu a ela quando foi atendido respondendo as perguntas para um cadastro e depois. escutou as opções, satisfeito. "você quer dividir uma pizza? não consigo comer sozinho, a gente pode ver um lugar em comum pra comer." tinha avisado para a tendente que ia falar com a sua companhia, via como uma oportunidade de fazer uma amizade. "quer ouvir as opções também?"
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weirdstrangeandawful · 11 months ago
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@greaseonmymouth Ahahaha Canadian Ottawan here. Welcome to the wonders of North American Indigenous languages (and colonialism, see Arviliit for example) lol.
We have:
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada (ironically stops at the edge of the Ottawa-Gatineau Metropolitan Area)
Ottawa Islands (Arviliit), Nunavut, Canada
Ottawa, Illinois, USA
Ottawa, Kansas, USA
Ottawa, Minnesota, USA
Ottawa, Ohio, USA
Ottawa, Oklahoma, USA
Ottawa, Wisconsin, USA
And then there are non North American bonus:
Ottawa, Ivory Coast
Ottawa, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Otawa, New Zealand
Weatherman discovers his monitor has a touch screen
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newsmatik · 3 days ago
Canadm Pm Trudial PM Trudeau's Offormal Alolands after Trump offices
Ottawa: After we had President Donald Trump signed an organization on the closest to the “dark hours” – Leave Iran to carry the problem and war in Afghanistan, or diseases such as the Hurricane Katrina and the New California’s forests. Speaking to Americans from the Press Competition in Otawa, Trueau said he did not choose, but to send the suspicious activity. “From the Normandy beaches to the…
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myvinylplaylist · 4 days ago
Rolling Stones: Undercover (1983)
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Front sleeve contains 7 stickers in geometric patterns.
Issued with custom-printed inner sleeve with credits and additional artwork (© 1980 Shozo Otawa) with a promotional "Subscribe To" fan club flyer.
Rolling Stones Records
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gracie-bird · 22 days ago
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The Otawa Citizen Wed, Aug 11, 1971 
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findflower96 · 2 months ago
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ferrolano-blog · 1 month ago
Trump quiere invadir Canadá... algo que viene de lejos... La cuestión de la anexión, así como una invasión total de Canadá, ha estado en la mesa de discusión del Departamento de Guerra de Estados Unidos desde el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial... nuestro vecino estadounidense había previsto declarar la guerra a Canadá... los planes de guerra contra Canadá consistían en bombardear Montreal, Quebec, Halifax y Vancouver... el plan fue actualizado en 1934 y 1935 durante la presidencia de Roosevelt. Fue retirado en 1939 tras el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial... “Un plan audaz pero un plan paso a paso para invadir, apoderarse y anexar a nuestro vecino del norte … Primero, enviamos una fuerza conjunta del Ejército y la Marina en el extranjero para capturar la ciudad portuaria de Halifax, aislando a los canadienses de sus aliados británicos. Luego tomamos las centrales eléctricas canadienses cercanas a las cataratas del Niágara, para que se congelen en la oscuridad. Luego, el ejército estadounidense invade en tres frentes: marcha desde Vermont para tomar Montreal y Quebec, ataca desde Dakota del Norte para apoderarse del centro ferroviario de Winnipeg y ataca desde el Medio Oeste para capturar las estratégicas minas de níquel de Ontario. Mientras tanto, la Marina de Estados Unidos se apodera de los Grandes Lagos y bloquea los puertos canadienses del Atlántico y el Pacífico… “Rading the Icebox; Behind Its Warm Front, the United States Made Cold Calculations to Subdue Canada", por Peter Carlson, Washington Post, 30 de diciembre de 2005 (Miguel Chossudovsky, Un. Otawa)
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molsons112000 · 2 months ago
What increases your chances of surviving cancer?
“Exercise boosts the immune system, decreases fatigue, depression and therapy side effects,” Dr. Bugnariu said. “It also improves physical function, quality of life and potential survival of patients with cancer.”Jan 16, 2020
https://www.unthsc.edu › story › in...
Increasing your odds of beating cancer
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › PM...
Imaging and cancer: A review - PMC
by L Fass · 2008 · Cited by 1033 — Multi‐slice CT systems with large area matrix detectors and high power X‐ray tubes are able to cover large scan volumes during breath hold acquisitions in the ...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › PM...
Magnitude, Impact, and Management of Respiration ...
by SA Yoganathan · 2017 · Cited by 83 — Technical advancements resulted in 4DCT for defining the tumor mobility accurately. 4DCT technique images multiple respiratory states within one data ...
https://www.sciencedirect.com › pii
Measurement of lung tumor motion using respiration-correlated CT
by GS Mageras · 2004 · Cited by 325 — We investigate the characteristics of lung tumor motion measured with respiration-correlated
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › PM...
Identification of anti-tumor components from toad venom
by F Gao · 2017 · Cited by 18 — Previous studies reported that toad venom has an activity in tumor inhibition. For instance, extraction of toad venom inhibited the growth of ...
Missing: slow ‎respiration
https://www.mdpi.com › ...
Toad Venom Antiproliferative Activities on Metastatic Melanoma
by L Soumoy · 2020 · Cited by 11 — Our results indicated strong antiproliferative capacities of toad venoms on melanoma cells. We found that
Why do cancer cells need a sugar fix?
All cells need glucose for energy but only healthy cells can make glucose from fat. Cancer cells must have glucose & cannot use fat and therefore die off in the absence of glucose in the diet.Aug 16, 2023
https://news.cancerresearchuk.org › ...
Sugar and cancer – what you need to know
The Pros and Cons of Low Carb…
Fighting Cancer By Putting Tumor Cells On A Diet - NPR
Mar 5, 2016 · There's particular interest in the ketogenic diet, similar to the low-carb Atkins diet that is …
You pair up the diet with supplemental treatment like k vitamins, and you can be very effective in fighting cancer. This makes radiation treatment and chemotherapy, more effective...
 number of different cancer types. Vitamin K2 (VK2), which exerts anticancer effects on a number of cancer cell lines, is considered to be a prospective novel agent for the treatment of cancer. The present review aims to summarize the results of studies in which VK2 was administered either to patients with cancer or animals inoculated with cancerous cells, particularly investigating the inhibitory effects of VK2 on cancerous cells, primarily involving cell-cycle arrest, cell differentiation, apoptosis, autophagy and invasion. The present review
So your diet is a big part of fighting cancer!!!!
During cancer treatment, your diet is an important part of staying strong and energized. Find out what foods to add and avoid to feel your best. Your #CancerTreatmentDiet plays a big role in how you feel during chemotherapy or radiation.
 2024 · Yaguchi M, Miyazawa K, Otawa …
Vitamin K and its analogs: Potential avenues for prostate cancer ...
Vitamin K (VK) is an essential nutrient
So if you put these together with radiation treatment or chemotherapy or other forms of treatment, then the ability to beat cancer is very, very, very much likely, this is a cocktail for success!!!!!!
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