#now you taunt me and use my friends to doom me?
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skyfallscotland · 3 days ago
Quicksilver, by Callie Hart 🦋
She is moonlight. The mist that shrouds the mountains. The bite of electricity in the air before a storm.
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Ohh boy. Personally I think she is none of those things, but that's me getting ahead of myself. God, I feel so anxious posting a book reaction after the Onyx Storm Debacle, but here we are, with a book I didn't love...again.
So...I started this one with a running commentary again (Throne of Glass style) but I couldn't quite commit. We will however approach it chronologically, because that's an easier way to show my thoughts as they evolved.
Would I recommend this book? No. And I’ll tell you why, but there are spoilers ahead so be aware of that.
Friends...I did not enjoy this one and I'm starting to feel like a crazy person. Is this just a massive reading slump? Or am I weird? Because everyone seems to think these books are the best thing since sliced bread and I've not liked a single one of them 😭
My first impressions? Saeris is so cliché. Like oh we're starving and can barely survive, you can see my ribs, but actually I can scale a giant wall and fight all these fully trained guards and win...ok, sure. It's giving 00's YA vibes but alright, I'm rolling with it.
I had no understanding of what it was I was doing, but if this was a world-ending gift, then good. Fuck this city and fuck this world. My family was already doomed, and what did I care for anyone else?
Bit dramatic, but whatever, I'll still ride with you. Who am I to judge? I did write Remi.
“I wear pants. Shirts. Things I can move easily in. So I can run, and climb, and—” Kill people.
"So cliché." I mutter to myself as I put the book down. Then pick it up again. Then put it down again and use the audiobook instead.
At some point, Layne would accept that I just didn't eat that much, and she'd stop loading up my plate with so much food. She'd slip an apple into her pocket for me or something.
*Deep breaths* Saeris would absolutely fit in on mid 2000's tumblr. Babe, this is such a weird flex to include when you’ve already made it very clear she was a starving orphan, ok?
We also met the infamous Carrion—more on that later—and her brother...who sucks. No two ways about it. I hated him immediately. Are there any decent book-brothers out there? Or just...no? I thought from the way he was acting he was going to be fourteen but no, he's like TWENTY, what the fuck 😭
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So anyway, hooray! We've fallen through a portal to a new world and that's the stage set—then we meet Kingfisher. Oh man. Kingfisher.
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This is a kingfisher. I just want y’all to know that. I know it’s not his ‘real’ name but it’s still what she’s crying out in rapture ok, a choice was made and it wasn’t a good one.
Anyway, surprise surprise, he's an asshole, but here’s the rub: he doesn't seem redemptive.
My jaw was screaming, I was clenching my teeth so hard. “Fuck—you—” “There you go again. Hungry, needy little bitch in heat, begging to be fucked…” he taunted. “Let. Go!”
I’m ok with enemies to lovers, but there has to be a hint at least that the ‘bad guy’ can be a decent person. There has to be something that hooks me about him—his entire personality can’t just be ‘asshole’, and above all, despite the fact he doesn’t like the FMC (even loathes her for all I care) he has to at least have some basic respect for her, otherwise I’m not down. That’s just my personal take, you don’t have to agree, but it makes me uncomfortable otherwise.
“I don't hate your kind. I'm just disappointed by how breakable you are. If I held you down and fucked you the way I'm imagining fucking you right now, I doubt that you’d survive it.”
Like that? That’s not cute or arousing in any way.
“That your body is betraying you in other ways. That I can smell you, Little Osha, and I'm thinking about drinking the sweet nectar you're making for me straight from the fucking cup.”
I do also think the smut was just not for me in this book, as a general rule, I did find it very cringe. Case in point ^
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—a look of rye amusement on his irritatingly handsome face.
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LMAO this was meant to be wry, I assume? There were a few instances like this throughout the book, as well as typos and missing punctuation. Which, we’re all human, I get it, but it kind of annoys me a little when this was picked up for trad pub, pulled from KU (I bought it—twice!) and has since gotten a million dollar Netflix deal. Please, if we’re going to be doing that, the publishing house needs to edit the damn book. Honestly? I think it could have done with 200-300 less pages. A developmental edit was needed, let alone a final edit.
Anyway. Onwards.
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So they make a blood pact, in which she agrees to basically do whatever the fuck he says, which is...tired. I'm tired. The book is tired. We're all a little tired here.
Kingfisher held out his hand and pulled me to my feet, making a derisive sound when he saw the cut I'd inflicted upon myself. “Baby.”
It’s just...this utter derision he has for her, his supposed (spoiler alert!) fated mate, that just gives me the ick.
Then there's this:
Kingfisher stunned me to silence when he dropped to his knees and started picking up the shards of broken cup. “It's all right, Archer. Hush, it's all right.”
Ok, this here is the first indication we get that he can be a decent person, and it’s not with her, it’s with some random character we’ve just met. Do I grow to like Archer? Sure, but right now I don’t know him from Adam, all this scene tells me is that Fisher is capable of respect and kindness, just not with Saeris. Be so for fucking real right now, that does not make you want to root for them. If this were your bestie you’d be screaming for them to run. This is the crux of it all. We had to get like 300 pages into this book for there to be a single hint of redemption in him and to me that's bad technique.
Clearly everyone else disagrees since they're out there praising it, but I've nearly DNF'd so many times by now, because you're 👏 not 👏 giving 👏 me 👏 crumbs. Please, give the reader something! It's all well and good for people to be out here going "well he's like that for a reason" (spoiler alert: the reason sucks, it's just the cliché 'I wanted to push her away for her own safety) but his reasoning means shit if people lose interest and don't get far enough to find out what it even is.
Note: by 'people' I mean the rest of the internet, not anyone here specifically, but since a few of you have said the same, just know that's a generalisation and I still love you! But I fear my point stands, his change of heart/any indication of kindness comes too late in the game for it to be an effective character arc (more on this later!!)
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I shouldn't have moaned. I definitely shouldn't have told him that I wanted him. For the love of all the gods in all the heavens, why had I said that? I was going to throw up.
Same babe. Why did you? Why do you?
I couldn't believe we'd finally arrived here.
Me either!! 56% of the way in! We've basically done absolutely nothing but wander around and talk about how hot and mean he is for 300 pages but finally you're...doing things...with him 😬
Every part of me wanted to scramble from the bed and bolt for the door, but I knew that would be folly. Just like a hell cat, Fisher would give chase.
So terrified every part of you wants to bolt for the door...charming. Very hot. Love that for you.
“I could probably use a sho—” “Do not fucking dare finish that sentence,” he snarled. “I don't want a mouthful of soap and perfume. I want to taste you.”
Shower. She was going to say shower.
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Another note, because I'm incapable of not shouting this from the rooftops when the occasion arises—vaginas are self-cleaning, there should be no soap or perfume going in there! You would have tasted her anyway you dumbass. You'd think he'd know that, given he's supposedly been in more of them than your local gynaecologist.
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“And we can’t lie.”
*deep breaths* since WHEN? And that only makes it worse??
I'd imagined the words. Fabricated them out of thin air and somehow played them aloud in my own head in his voice.
Oh, hey Violet, how did you get here?
So anyway, then we enter the final conflict? Confrontation? Where she needs to go and save her newfound mate from under the mountain the bad guy's place! (oh and there's vampires, did I mention that before? No? Well there is now).
Anyway, turns out Rhysand Kingfisher was trapped there for 110 years with big bad Malcolm, who it's implied sexually assaulted him during that time, but we never address that. Why? Well this is romantasy and we only have six-hundred pages, why would we? Just throw traumatic experiences in there for the sake of it, why not?
“That's right. Fifty-five. He spent the next eight years trying to find the coin once he reached the center, didn't you, my love?”
55+8=63... what happened to the other 47 years? Guys? I'm????
Whatever, who cares about math! We're on the escape until—WOAH.
“It can't see or hear you. It tracks movement.”
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Don't panic, don't panic, we all know how to defeat the middengard wyrm whatever that thing is! And we do. But not really, because everything in this maze regenerates, just like romantasy plotlines.
More fighting, more evil villain monologuing, etc.
THEN Saeris has to go and find a coin to break the blood oath Kingfisher made with big-bad, even though big-bad said he broke it himself five minutes ago during his evil monologue in order to make Fishie confess to...things.
“I release you from your oath to us, Kingfisher, Bane of Gillethrye. Now, go on. Tell your friends all about the deal you struck with us all those years ago.”
But no matter, we're off to find a coin and no worries, we've got that down! Of course in the process Feyre Saeris dies and gets brought back to life again as an all powerful fae/vampire queen hybrid. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?
Not me, even I couldn't have predicted that double-doozy. Probably this guy though:
Zareth. God of Chaos.
Which? NO. Nope. No. Too late. FAR too late in the game for this. I'm out.
The way we went through so many boring pages of nothingness to this in the last 20% is truly something.
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Danya was a complete and total waste of everyone's time, she existed only to be the bitchy, elitist mean girl side character who was mean to poor Saeris and occassionally made her jealous. This one-dimensional treatment of female characters grinds my gears. Even Everlayne, Kingfisher's sister was entirely useless, making Saeris the special female unicorn. Pretty sure this book fails the Bechdel test.
Ren was nice, I liked him, poor long-suffering man that he was.
Lorreth. Man, y'all can't shut up about Carrion and you're really sleeping on Lorreth. This man saved me from DNF'ing, he was fantastic. Put some respect on his name! 10/10 no notes. The guy you'd actually want to get with if this book were real.
He'd still looked dumbstruck as he headed off in the direction of his tent, cradling Avisi��th like a baby in his arms.
Carrion. CARRION. Ok straight up...is that really a word we want to be using as a name? Really? Is it relevant? Like did we do that on purpose because he somehow reflects roadkill? I figured we'd find out, but NOPE 💀
Who fucking knows at this point though whether it is his name. I doubt it, given Kingfisher's name is apparently not Kingfisher either. Personally though I still think that should have been addressed in the book. It's over 200k words, you can tell us why certain nicknames exist.
The thief held up his hands. “You're right. I apologize. I'm just a little on edge right now. I'm not my best self.”
Hilarious, there to cause trouble most of the time, 10/10, almost no notes.
“Are you going to tell me about my parents, or are you going to start undressing each other? Because I can leave. I don't have to, but I can,” Carrion said.
Except the part where he turns out to be a thousand-year-old fae too and a secret, mystery, vampire-killing-prince dude or whatever, there's a note about that and how it's kinda unnecessary to drop in the final 5%. Was it foreshadowed? Not effectively, no. Also Carrion Daianthus? Roadkill, crows, and...pink flowers? Yeah. That's him. That's the one 💀
Onyx. Token wild animal taken in as pet/familiar trope. She can have this one. He's cute.
Elroy. Dude's definitely going to become important again. How much do we wanna bet he's Fisher's dad? Anyone?
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Anyway, this was wildly chaotic and I don't really feel bad about it because so was this book. It started out well in the first 5-10%. It was a slog to read between the 10% mark and 60%. Honestly, it only got better once they'd fucked for the first time, which was because Kingfisher's character did a 180 overnight with a big fat handwavey motion, like our FMC's magic coochie cured him of his violent tendencies. Like not to be crude, but I'm not sure there's any other way of putting it.
I think it's just not a great book, which I also think is a shame because the world is interesting, I loved the parts of alchemy we got (which weren't enough, imo) and the swords, the magic, the portals, the quicksilver, etc. I think it had so much potential and that's ultimately why it also bothers me so much as well. It feels squandered through a lack of refinement and editing.
Will I read the next one? Maybe. I'll let someone else take the hit first and see if it's any better paced this.
This has gone on long enough lmao, so I'll just leave you with one last quote that I think really sums up this book so, so much:
“Not that. The brother part,” she said in a loud whisper. “That’s not common knowledge?” “Well, yes. And no. It's just not spoken about. And it's very, very complicated.”
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cascadianights · 6 months ago
I'm watching Jesus Christ: superstar and let me just say, as someone w loads of early religious trauma, you missed out on so many opportunities here
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 2 months ago
Steadfast 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, power imbalance, obsession, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: King!Bucky Barnes (Medieval AU)
A Knights, Kings, and Knaves Story
Summary: you serve Duke Rogers, but when his friend, the king, takes an interest, you find your work in turmoil.
Note: I've wanted to do medieval drabbles for years. I bit the bullet and now we're all doomed. I was torn on whether to make this one Stucky however... I think Steve deserves a wifey in his own installment.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The shanks of brown hair rests between your fingers as you angle the shears. The snips is precise and careful. You work diligently, wordlessly, as the duke stares at his reflection. He’s lost in thought as you are cautious of his mindless tilts and tweaks. 
“It is looking rather better since Kennick’s butchering,” he muses. “I feared I might sport a monk’s pate anon.” 
“Your grace,” your keep your focus set, not looking up as you snip away another length of hair. 
“Not much shorter than that. Winter will be here soon enough,” Lord Rogers girds. “What of the beard? Shall I keep it for warmth as well?” 
“Your grace,” the reply rises again, a different lilt to it which says, it is upon your prerogative. 
“Hm, many other lords I’ve seen as late sport the like. As our king does,” he continues on. “Is it very common of me to do the same?” 
You draw a lock away from his face and stretch it above his forehead. Your voice does not rise as you bite the tip of your tongue with great concentration. You think of Kennick and the lashes on his palms. He is only a young boy; how could he be asked to do such a delicate task? 
A knock rattles the door. The lord’s eyes flash in his reflection as you peek at the mirror. There isn’t alarm, only attention. He flicks his fingers. 
“Please, pip, see to it,” he commands. 
You lay down the shears and leave him. You go to the door and draw it open. It pushes from the other side and you stumble back behind it. You nearly fold completely as you recognise the bearing of the broad shoulders. It is hardly a surprise for the king to appear, only that you forgot yourself in the calm of the previous moment. 
You keep your knees bent and head down as King Bucky strides towards the duke at his looking glass. You gently close the door as the liege receives barely a glance from the man at ease on his cushioned chair. He huffs and tugs his ear. 
“Is that how you receive your king?” King Bucky taunts as Rogers swats away his hand. 
“I wouldn’t want to make a mess,” the duke retorts and gestures again, “pip, it is still uneven.” 
You set your chin and return to the vanity table. You pick up the shears and nod your head, “your highness.” 
The king does not answer and he leans on the other corner of the table. He crosses his arms, the deep blue leather of his jacket straining. The duke tufts his chin again, paying heed to the patch of silver there. 
“I see you’ve recovered from your recent bout of baldness,” the king mocks. “Your head is much too lumpy for it.” 
“Have you come only to jeer me?” Rogers asks dully. 
You measure another shank and trim carefully. Often, you’ve done similar for your fellow servants. Usually with duller blades or a razor to the scalp. The duke usually only requires a tray or a flagon of you. The request was unexpected but undeniable. 
“Forgive me for disturbing you and your barber. I’ve a fine man from Rivard who sees to my own. A gold coin would’ve brought him to your stead,” the king suggests. 
“A waste of good coin,” Rogers sniffs. “Looking at you, I’d never assume any barber saw to that nest.” 
The king takes affront and smooths his dark tresses, a subtle wave near the bottom of his strands as they frame his chin. “Eh, you speak treasonous words. To insult a king’s hair is next to blasphemy, duke.” 
“Shall I take the cattails in hand?” Rogers counters. 
King Bucky chortles, “if I didn’t fear you’d aim them at my hide, I’d agree to it.” 
You peek up at the noise of his laughter. You’ve not heard it often from the king, not that you are often in his presence. He seems of a bright disposition that day. Even so, you flinch as your eyes snag on his. You quickly put your mind to the shears.  
“Mm, and what has brought on your good mood?” 
“Why shouldn’t I be in fine spirits?” 
“I ask why you should,” Rogers, turns his head and you recoil. A dusting of hair falls from the towel around his shoulders. 
“I should ask why you seem rather the opposite,” the king mutters. 
“I am not... unhappy. Pensive,” Rogers admits. “You’ve heard from Stark.” 
“Aye, whoever doesn’t hear him when he opens his mouth?” 
“Hm, I would think a rasher response of you,” Rogers intones as he turns to the mirror again and you comb your fingers from his hairline to his crown to compare. The king shifts as you sense his observation of your reflection. 
“Isn’t it what he intends? What good is it to feed his pride? If he should like to put on this display, then he shall make himself a fool. I’ll be all the more pleased for it to be at my hand.” 
“You don’t think it is some ploy?” 
“Of course it is? A tournament of kings? For what purpose but to put to mind the matter of war? To suggest that should we not play nice, a horse and shield might be appropriate.” 
You shift around to the back of the duke’s head, the king leans in. His movement draws your gaze and you find him watching your hands. It makes them more prudent. 
“I would not speak it into this plain, but do you not worry for his machinations? At any tourney, there are those who might take a deathly blow, or slip beneath their steed’s hooves--” 
“When did you grow so cautious? I can lift a sword and sit a horse--” 
“Should either be sabotaged? Should your plate be poisoned at the feast--” 
“Is there something you are aware of that I should be?” The king challenges. 
“Only that he is his father’s heir, in many ways,” Rogers harrumphs. 
“You think I should fear a dagger up a sleeve when you’ve a servant with two so near your eye?” 
You pause and the duke tuts, “keep on, pip,” Rogers orders as he waves off the king’s devious suggestion. 
“Ah, gentle hands, I see, forgive the poor humour,” he unfolds his arms and grips the edge of the table as he leans. “Rogers, you will be close. Vigilant as ever.” 
The duke sighs, “the winter nears.” 
“Is that it? You never liked the cold, I should’ve guessed it.” 
“I can bear the cold, but travel would be arduous.” 
“You would wait for the spring?” 
“Perhaps,” the duke slides a ring to the tip of his finger and spins it. “And Thor? Has he sent his agreement to this Field of Silk?” 
“I was to ask you the same. I presumed with how you get on, he might prefer you as his messenger,” the king says. “Very well, I will think on your concern.” He clucks and stands, moving closer as he watches you with intent. “I am surprised, I thought you would be most eager for a tournament. You were the Knight of the Lilies for years anon.” 
“A time ago,” Rogers rebuffs. 
“And time is still left,” King Bucky reaches again to tweak his ear, “I know they are rather big, but try not to snip them off, eh?” He japes as Rogers tilts away from his touch with a growl. “I shall leave you to your grooming, though perhaps next time you should just call the stabler.”  
The king strides away as the duke pushes his ring to his knuckle. The shears continue to snip noisily in the silence. The door announces the king’s departure with a sonorous echo. 
“My luggage will need prepared,” Rogers resigns. 
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carpetbug · 1 year ago
ML Feline Blue AU Chapter Two: The Pont des Arts
1 • 2 [tw: blood and slightly gory imagery] • 3
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The last time Marinette had felt such paralyzing anxiety as she traveled towards the Pont de Arts was middle school. It was the day she realized she had a crush on Kim, and Socqueline - her best friend at the time, who left Francois’s Dupont at the end of 8th grade - had almost immediately shut down the immature day dream that was their future together. Still, Marinette had made her way to the bridge after school to stare at the locks of all the couples that had been here before her and conjure up sickeningly sweet fake scenarios of her new heartthrob. The craziest thing she had done that day was silently wish that Kim would magically reciprocate her romantic feelings, and still it had felt like she was walking some invisible tightrope, putting her life on the line for some spectacular balancing act she knew she could never pull off. She can still remember the way her hands shook and stomach churned while she perused the locks that decorated the bridge's walls. The fear she felt that day, that heavy stone of discomfort that lodged itself in her stomach, she felt it now all the same. Only this time, instead of feeling like she was merely risking her life, she could have sworn she was marching straight to death's door. And the miniature ladybug creature, this ‘kwami’, was doing little to put her unease to bed.
“You’re not listening, are you Marinette?” the alien-like red bug questioned delicately with a slight inflection to her already syrupy voice. Her eyes softened with guilt when Marinette met her expression with a lost look, lips parted slightly as she struggled to respond.
“I-I’m sorry.. uh.. Tek…?”
“Tikki” the small bug smiled patiently.
“Right. Tikki. I’m sorry Tikki” Marinette sighed and adjusted her hold on the miracle box. What a guardian she would be, she couldn’t even remember this kwamis name. How was she supposed to do.. well, everything else?
“I died. That old man pushed me into the seine and I died.” Marinette stammered in disbelief as her limbs pushed her away from these freaks of nature without waiting for her brain's command.
“Don’t be scared, Marinette! We’re your friends!” The ladybug themed creature said reassuringly, dropping the intense tone with which she was speaking seconds prior. She, along with all the other small beings, floated effortlessly in the air. “I am Tikki, the kwami of creation. We aren’t going to hurt you, Master”
“Master?” Marinettes throat went bone dry as the words rattled her brain. She was their master? “Oh my god I’ve actually lost my mind.” She chuckled under her breath. The chuckle morphed to a steady laughter, and soon enough she was doubled over in hysterics, hands clutching her sides so tightly she could feel her nails digging into her ribcage. “That OLD man PUSHED me into the SEINE and I DIED!” She shouted in a side-splitting roar of laughter.
“Good job Sugarcube, now she’s having a breakdown.” Marinette heard a much more sour voice taunt. Suddenly what seemed like a million more voices chirped in, each unique in its pitch and pronunciation, and each more desperate to be heard than the last. She could only hear broken sentences and words through the plethora of noise from the kwamis and her own uncontrollable laughter, an occasional ‘We’re doomed!’ and ‘Master Fu!’ catching her ear.
“Just hush, Plagg!” the ladybug scoffed in annoyance. She darted closer to Marinette, small fin-like arm extending to pat her shoulder in a comforting gesture. “Tune them out Marinette, you simply need time. Your bravery will surface soon.” She tried to soothe the frantic girl before returning her attention to the other beings. “Everyone, please listen! We can’t do this now, not to her.” Tikki spoke sternly, yet the words hung in the air like a plea. “I.. I’m certain none of us are ready to speak about Master Fu," a dejected tone began to cling to her small voice as she continued “But he wants us to go forward. And he needs us to guide the new guardian”. Marinette looked up as her voice began to catch in her throat, a pang of pity shooting through her unstable heart at the sight of the tears beginning to pool in the small beings eyes.
“Master Fu?” Marinette repeated softly, peeling her hands off her body and standing up from the rough cement platform that offered her safety. With a powerful shudder she became painfully aware that she was still soaked from the seine. Her hands traveled up to her hair, removing the smooth ribbon that held together her right pigtail - the left had come undone in the water. “Is that... was that the old man?” She asked the kwamis with a weary tone, eyes trained on her soggy shoes as her hands wrung out her dark hair of the water still wearing it down. “Why did he-?”
“Throw you in a river?” the sour voice chimed in again. It belonged to the black cat, who was now floating leisurely on his back with a yawn. Marinette was almost certain she could see sharp teeth in the kwamis mouth. Tikki shot him a deathly glare, but he went on. “I’m Plagg, kwami of destruction, lover of cheese” He stated with casual disinterest, as if nothing traumatic had just occurred. “Not his smartest move, I’ll agree. But-” he sat upright and narrowed his eyes, voice taking a more serious tone “-he did what he had to do to keep us all safe.” his long tail flicked, motioning to the other kwamis. “That includes you.”
“I was telling you about the kwamis, '' Tikki chirped, following by her guardian's side while levitating in the air. Marinette nodded, quickly glancing up to check what street they had reached, then darting her eyes back down to the wooden box she had hugged to her chest. It was getting harder and harder to focus on the bugs' words, her mind occupied only with thoughts of Master Fu. Despite the kwamis, and the freezing water that seems to have seeped into her bones, and the distressed voices in her head yelling at her that she was alone in this, Marinette couldn’t shake the idea that this man was still alive. He would be waiting at the Pont de Arts, ready to retrieve his miracle box and kwamis, and he'd reassure her that she would never have to worry about any of this miraculous nonsense ever again. Marinette wasn’t going to find his body. She wouldn’t.
“There's nineteen kwamis in all, but two of us are missing. Nooro and Duusu are the kwamis of transmi-”
“Tikki, I’m- I can’t-” Marinette bit her tongue as she fought to find the right words.
“What is it Marinette?”
“I’m sorry but I just can’t talk about this with you. It’s just… too much” Marinette mumbled, wishing the earth would open up beneath her and swallow her whole. “Can’t this Master Fu just explain things to me when we find him?”
Tikki blinked in surprise and remained silent for a few seconds. Then, she nodded and feigned a weak smile. “Of course Marinette. If we find Master Fu he will explain everything” she reassured.
Marinette nodded absentmindedly, taking another brief glimpse at the street signs and sighing in relief at seeing they were close to their destination. Suddenly this all felt like some sort of fever dream, like she would go home and sleep tonight then wake up in the morning with nothing changed. Except maybe she would always think about being thrown in the seine, the cold and brutal water that had seeped through her skin, leaving her fingertips wrinkled and pruny against the wood of the miracle box. And sure, it might feel real enough that her knees still wobble a bit as she walks, but everyone has horrible nightmares sometimes - right?
“One second, Tikki” she stopped the kwami, still stuck in her train of thought.
“Marinette!” Tikki had paused, and Marinette turned her head to see the small red kwami floating, arm extended to point at the bridge that suddenly seemed to appear in front of them. When had they gotten here?
“Oh. Great, we’re here! Let’s find this Fu-Man and let me get home so I can go to bed and forget all about this.” She adjusted her hold on the box and began to cross the wide bridge when Tikki darted in front of her with urgency.
“Wait! Master, I must tell you, thi-”
“Sorry, but please just call me Marinette.”
Tikki smiled and continued “Marinette, I have to quickly warn you that- even we kwamis are not sure of the lengths this villain is willing to go. We do not know if he acts with mercy, so this may be something you don’t want to see. If you’d like, I can go ahead without you and see for myself then come back?”
Marinette scrunched her nose as she thought for a few moments. Eventually she shook her head and smiled- a genuine and kind smile that made Tikkis heart ache. “No need, I’ll come with you. You’ve been here for me during all this, so I want to be here for you until you’re back in good hands” she promised.
“He was being chased?” Marinette questioned, reeling from the information the cat kwami had just dumped over her head like cold water. Fu had been pursued by some unknown antagonist for several weeks, until they eventually found and attacked the guardian. Marinette had only been an innocent bystander, a stranger in the wrong place at the wrong time, and a helping hand when Fu was at his most desperate for any kind of savior. She was the only way to get the miracle box out of the villains' reach in such a short amount of time. And the seine had been the only way to get her out of danger.
“More like hunted” Plagg sneered in response and crossed his arms
“Plagg, you're scaring her!”
“She should be scared!”
While the black and red kwami hissed at each other, the girl's head was spinning, overwhelmed with this new world she was suddenly a part of. There were so many questions running through her mind, all begging to be answered. But the most desperate one came first “Can we go back to the Pont des Arts?” She asked softly, interrupting their argument.
Plaggs expression widened in shock, and he was about to protest when Tikki stopped him. “Good idea, I’ll have all the kwamis return to the miracle box.”
“Well, wait-” she stopped her “Will you stay with me? I would feel a bit better if I had someone more informed by my side”
The red bug smiled and nodded, still ignoring the bewildered look from the cat. Before he could say anymore, she turned back to the kwamis, leaving him grumbling and following after her.
“God. It’s already three a.m, papa is going to be awake and getting started in the bakery soon.” Marinette muttered to herself while checking the time, her and Tikki moving at a slow pace across the bridge. It was dark, the moon providing the majority of the lighting cast down on them. And, it was almost entirely silent. Save for the constant rushing of the water beneath the bridge -the sound was making her hands begin to shake all over again-, and the occasional distant hum of a car passing nearby.
“A bakery?” Tikki whispered in response.
“Yeah,” she smiled. “My parents own a bakery. ‘Tom and Sabines’.” Her hands came together then spread like she was forming a rainbow in the air as she spoke, adding a loving touch to the simple name. Tikki gave a light giggle.
“Sounds amazing! What kind of sweets do they make?” the red bug questioned before suddenly gasping, “Do they make cookies?! I haven’t had a chocolate chip cookie in so long!”
Marinette was taken back by the kwamis sudden eagerness for one of the simplest sweets their bakery had to offer, but she couldn’t help but give an entertained laugh. “We make all kinds of cookies. Snickerdoodle, peanut butter, red velvet, oatmeal raisin, -”
“Don’t you dare say that about oatmeal raisin cookies.”
“Get to the good stuff!”
She stuck her tongue out teasingly at the kwami before continuing, “chocolate chip, chocolate chunks, and like a billion other ones I'm forgetting. Give or take seasonal and custom flavors my dad makes from time to time, too.” When she looked up, Marinette swore a line of drool was trailing from Tikkis mouth, but as soon as she had noticed it the bug was in her face in excitement once again.
“Wow!” Tikki exclaimed. “I can’t wait to try them.”
“How long has it been since you last had a cookie?” she asked. Marinette wondered what parts of human life the kwamis knew of and took part in, given the ‘secrecy’ about their existence. They were familiar enough to have opinions on cookie flavors, apparently.
“Oh, I'm not sure. I haven’t had a holder in a few decades, though I have left the miracle box during that time, - Marinette? Are you not listening again?”
Almost as soon as the kwami had started talking, Marinette had frozen her stare on something ahead of them, and she seemed a million worlds away. Tikki turned to look and her heart dropped.
Blood soaked into the wood underfoot, leaving a dark stain that seemed pure black in the night time. More sat in small pools and splatters, some spraying across the lock decorations and steadily drip-drip-dripping into the surface below. The longer she stared the more she realized the Pont des Arts would now always feel like it had been smeared with death. It was all too fresh, like someone had drained the old man of all his blood and used it like paint, spreading the viscous liquid on any surface they could. It seemed like both an introduction, and parting gift. The display was left with intent, the predator that had gotten Fu was leaving a warning for whoever tried to come to his rescue. It said ‘I’m here, look what I am capable of. Look at everything I did. Look at what I’m willing to do.’
Marinette took a step back, mouth agape as she realized breathing was becoming increasingly difficult. Her blood pounded in her ears, droning out the seemingly fraught help Tikki was trying to provide the panicked girl. Another step back and her legs buckled, dropping her directly into the glistening pools of gore. Her hands clenched into fists, now stained a dark red as she kneeled in the blood, and she panted in desperate need for air. It seemed to hang in the air now, the metallic tang filling her mouth and nose.
The screech - almost directly in her ear - snapped her attention back to the ladybug creature, whose voice was feverish with alarm. “Tikki..” she breathed, still struggling to keep from hyperventilating. “Tikki, this is him, isn’t it?” Marinette brought her hands up, now holding them raised in the air to shine in the moonlight. The crimson liquid trickled from her palm to her wrist, then down her elbow and back to the bridge. “This is Master Fu?” the tears began to fall down her cheeks now, the reality setting in. She was the guardian. She was alone.
“You need to get home.”
Marinette gets home, soaked (though no longer bloody, thanks to an alley hose she passed on her walk), and exhausted. Her breathing still awkward and unbalanced, lungs aching from whatever water she took in from the seine. Her emotions bubble inside her, threatening to spill over from her eyes once again. It was bad enough you could tell she had been crying already, she didn’t need her parents to see her in the act. Tikki rested on her shoulder, tucked neatly into her hair as they approached the bakery.
“Home sweet home” she said, waving her hands with pretend enthusiasm as she tried to revive the playful energy they had earlier. Instead her voice felt deflated and hollow. Her hands reached for the doorknob, shaking slightly as they hovered above it.
“Do you not want to go in?”
“Its not that.”
“Marinette. You can talk to me”
Marinette took a deep breath. “I can’t hide all this from my parents. Not yet, at least. If I go inside now and they’re awake, they'll know I was outside then they’ll see I was crying and I’m terrible at hiding things from my maman so one word from her and I’ll instantly spill everything that happened and then they-”
“Slow, Marinette. Is there any way you can sneak in?”
“Only through a window or my balcony, both of which I definitely can't reach from down here” she huffed, the puff of breath blowing through her still damp bangs that hung across her face. She was about to grit her teeth and accept the inevitable interrogation her parents would give when Tikki spoke again.
“I can fix that.” the kwami gave a sweet smile before phasing seamlessly through the wood of the miracle box and returning with a small case in her arms. “These are the miraculous of the ladybug. If you put on these earrings and say ‘Spots On’, you'll transform and be able to get to your balcony undetected.”
Marinette hesitated, then reached for the box and opened the lid to peek at the miraculous. Inside were two round, red earrings each with five small spots, which she carefully plucked from their resting places. They went through her ears effortlessly and lacked the weight that many earrings came with. “Please don’t tell me this is going to hurt” she wheezed, eyes drooping with sleep.
“Definitely not.” Tikki reassured quickly. “When you’re inside just say ‘Spots Off’ to drop the transformation.”
“Well… spots on?”
Tikki flew through the air, this time as if she was being pulled by some invisible force - one coming from the earrings. Her vision exploded with pink as bubbling, glowing masses appeared out of thin air and swarmed onto her body. She held her breath and pressed her eyes closed, still awaiting a sting or ache to overtake her body despite Tikkis reassurance. Instead the magical clouds felt light and tingly on her skin as they passed over her from head to toe.
The buzz came to a stop in a few moments which Marinette took as a cue to open her eyes. Nothing around her had changed, she was still standing outside the bakery clutching the miracle box, only now she was dressed in a sleek red and black spotted suit from neck to toe. She was a ladybug.
Marinettes breathing hitched in her chest as she ran her gloved hand across the material, then up to her face where she felt the grooves of a mask across her eyes. Built in secret identity, cool. She felt refreshed, the soreness in her legs was now just a weak discomfort. She took a relieved breath, and slowly stretched her limbs as she gathered her bearings. A yoyo rested on her hip, also a solid red with five black spots like the earrings, but with the same honeycomb texturing of her suit.
“A yoyo? I’m going to… yoyo to my room?” she mumbled to herself as she gave it a few experimental tosses. Looking up, she took a few breaths and prepared herself. She took a step back and threw the yo-yo towards a neighboring roof, then gave a slight tug when it had wrapped around some solid object. It pulled her effortlessly from the ground, propelling her upwards while she struggled, airborne, like a fish out of water. In moments she landed, almost entirely flat on her face, on the spine of the rooftop.
It took a minute for Marinette to figure out her next step, which ended up being just to drop from the roof to her balcony. It had seemed much more complicated in her head, like she would have to be some ninja, hiding in the shadows. But she had left the trapdoor to her room unlocked, so it had required no more effort than opening a door. She landed softly on her bed, and subsequently threw herself back onto her blankets with an exasperated sigh.
“Spots off” she mumbled, already fighting the alluring call of sleep. Another flash of the magic light and the suit was gone, leaving Tikki in its place. She looked around, observing her new environment before turning back to Marinette.
“Home sweet home” She echoed the previous statement, then burrowed into the crook of Marinettes elbow as the girl groggily put herself to bed. With the miracle box held firmly in her grip, and the deep ache slowly returning to her muscles as the magic of the miraculous wore off, she mumbled a barely coherent goodnight to Tikki and let herself fall into the comfort of sleep.
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years ago
kas!eddie/monstefucker!steve: pt. 2
read pt. 1 here !!
steve never thought he’d see eddie munson again. but there was nothing in this world or any other that could have stopped him from venturing back down to the depths of hell to save him once he realized he was alive.
after dragging him out of the upside down two weeks ago, they’d kissed, touched, fucked, told secrets, cuddled, and cried together. it was absolute bliss.
steve felt like he’d been transported to wonderland. so he didn’t hesitate to move eddie into his house in order to help him recover and heal. everything seemed fine and strangely normal.
eddie was still eddie. a bit different on the outside, but on the inside—his wicked sense of humor, selfless heart, nerdy interests—all remained the same.
except for the fact that he was kind of oddly possessive over steve.
which steve didn’t really mind because he was so used to dating people that couldn’t give less of a shit about his well being. the amount of times he’d shown up to a date with obvious marks or bruises on his arms after fighting supernatural creatures and had them ignored was off the charts.
by stark contrast; eddie watched his every move, protected him from harm (including from mundane things like hot stoves and rainy weather), called him ‘beloved’ ‘perfect’ and ‘mate.’
but if there was one thing steve was learning that eddie hated—it was the thought of anyone else laying a finger on steve. especially in a romantic or sexual sense.
which was how they ended up here.
steve fucked up. he fucked up badly.
of course, steve doesn’t realize how badly until eddie—or; this new super strong, muscular, bloodthirsty killer, undead in a way that still doesn’t quite compute version of eddie—is pinning him to the bed within seconds of him walking in the door post-work. name badge still attached to his polo.
“holy fuck! jesus, eds! i literally just got home. give a guy a minute to decompress!” steve’s words are vastly ineffective and get muffled into the pillow as eddie makes quick work of his clothes.
“shut up. be quiet. face down. my turn.”
he strips steve down to his gray briefs with little ceremony. steve groans as he listens to the seams of his family video uniform rip—sharp claws grazing his skin as the fabric falls to the wayside in tattered shreds.
how many times can he tell keith his dog ate his uniform before he gets fired?
doomed to be fired or not, it doesn’t matter, because steve’s so gone for eddie munson that he’d give up his job, dignity, and livelihood just to keep him happy.
he wags his ass back and forth to taunt, play, and entice. not that he needs to with how eddie’s acting, but because he wants to. he wants to rile eddie up even more.
“someone missed me, hm? can’t stay away from my pussy, can you? such a perv, munson,” steve jokes, but his laughter’s cut off when he receives a sharp slap to his ass. it’s certain to bruise.
“who the fuck touched you? who thought they were good enough to get so close, huh? where are they? i’ll kill them,” eddie’s voice is dark, deep, dripping otherworldly ichor and heat.
“n-no one! no one touched me, eddie! i swear! you can trust me!” steve always finds it alarming how easily his cock starts throbbing when eddie threatens to kill someone on his behalf.
but that’s neither here nor there. right now all he can think about is cumming and surviving, but mostly cumming.
eddie’s fully naked. steve has no idea when that happened or how, but suddenly his briefs—his brand new calvin klein’s—are being bitten off and discarded along with the rest of his clothes while the thick, leaking, barbed dick of his ‘friend’s’ is rubbing between his ass cheeks. it slips and slides and makes noises that would have definitely embarrassed the hell out of steve prior to this. squelching obscenely.
“who is she? why did she touch you? smells like girl. you smell like girl. don’t like it. hate it. hate her,” eddie’s crying which breaks steve’s heart, but he’s grown used to this too.
“it’s okay. you’re okay, eds. you have me. we’re safe. we’re in our nest,” steve says as calmly as possible, “no one’s going to hurt me and if they tried—you’d protect me, wouldn’t you?”
“always protect you, stevie. always,” he cries into steve’s skin, breathing hot and heavy. steve twists to grab his hand and squeezes three consecutive times.
“i know. i’m so proud of you. i’m so lucky,” he adds.
all of ‘new eddie’s’ emotions are insanely heightened in this way. he’s volatile, temperamental, and loves harder than anyone steve’s ever known. it’s terrifying and beautiful.
something clicks in steve’s head. a very vague, seemingly inconsequential moment from earlier that day. he needs to be more careful.
“baby, listen—it’s not what you think. this girl i used to go out with—years ago,” he stresses that part to dilute the importance, “came into family video today and she hugged me to say hi. we caught up for a minute. that’s all! and then she left.”
“don’t want to share, stevie. mine. you’re mine,” he’s nuzzling into the side of steve’s neck and licking at his throat, “mine. mine. mine.”
“yours. all yours. always yours.”
steve breathes a sigh of relief as eddie starts purring—that’s the closest thing he can compare it to—against him and rocks his hips back to let him know everything’s going to be okay. he still wants to be fucked, bred, filled.
“need to get rid of her scent. make you clean. make you mine again,” eddie grunts and lines himself up with steve’s hole. his hole, which, is still dripping and gaping from the events of that morning.
“good. that’s real good, baby. that’s what i’m here for. take what you need.”
eddie likes to cum inside him before he goes to work as a way of marking his territory since he can’t follow steve out into the world outside of this house (for now).
most days, steve wakes up with that huge cock buried in his ass. usually already pumped full with three or four loads and somehow eddie will still be rock hard and insatiably horny. nothing quells his constant arousal.
steve jumps when eddie’s tongue dips past his rim and begins lapping at his inner walls. eddie grips him by the waist, hands encompassing him with ease, and holds him in place. he finds his spot quickly and presses up into it with the tip of his tongue.
“taste like mine,” eddie slurps and then gathers a mouthful of saliva to spit directly into steve’s ass. it tickles, makes everything sloppier just as eddie likes it, “put babies in you this morning. going to put more babies in you now.”
it’s not exactly the truth but the possibility of pregnancy—specifically of eddie getting him pregnant—makes his dick ache for release and hang heavy between his legs.
“yes, sir. please, sir.”
“good human. good stevie,” eddie praises.
steve shivers from head to toe and whines into the pillow. his back arches to give eddie a better angle and he reaches around to spread his ass as far apart as possible so eddie can eat him out properly.
as he licks into him, steve gets a funny idea in the back of his mind. it’s risky given eddie’s physical prowess and unhinged state, but he’s feeling bratty.
“there is one other thing—she did tell me i looked hot in my uniform, but don’t worry i don’t think she meant anything serious by it,” steve bites his lip and smirks to himself.
he likes when eddie’s rough. he wants eddie to be rough with him.
the reality of the situation plays out so much better than it ever could have in steve’s imagination.
eddie flips him onto his back in one swift motion. kicks out his legs from underneath him and growls deep in the back of his throat.
steve sees his face finally and mewls. he’s fucking gorgeous. his eyes are blown out—pupils the size of the full moon. his sharp, elongated incisors are visible and bared. he’s snarling, panting, and his dick is swollen to the point that it’s slapping against his stomach with every move and barely fits between his thighs. it’s going to hurt like hell and steve wants it more than he’s ever wanted anything. he’s ready for eddie to break him.
“stay,” eddie orders him as he pushes steve’s knees into his chest and holds him by the ankles.
he’s drooling which should be gross, but steve opens his mouth to catch the droplets like they’re snowflakes. he moans on each swallow and eddie licks over his mouth in a sloppy half-kiss to express his pride.
and when eddie enters him in one forceful stroke, steve screams bloody murder. he sobs, whites out as eddie thrusts without pause. as he renters consciousness, he finds a puddle of his own cum pooling in his belly button.
a second orgasm building while eddie dips down to lap at his milky release. gathers it all in his mouth and feeds it to steve from the fat part of his tongue.
“thank you,” steve moans, as his body gets moved up and down the bed by sheer force and strength, “thank you for making me cum. thank you for making me yours. please breed me. please get me pregnant so girls won’t flirt with me anymore.”
eddie pins him down further, bending him past the point of comfort. steve’s a human pretzel, contorted in ways he didn’t think possible. eddie’s hips snap into him and steve knows it’s only a matter of time before his barbs will lock into place.
“my stevie,” he punctuates his words with bites to steve’s nipples, suckles on them and drags the sharps of his teeth over the buds to tease, “keep you safe. protect you. give you my babies.”
eddie’s trembling. tears back in his eyes. this is emotional for him. steve’s surprised to find that he’s welling up too despite the filth and pleasure.
“come on, eddie. cum in me. get rid of her. make me forget she exists. i’ll never think about her again,” steve whines, desperate to feel the spread of warmth in his sore hole. it purifies him every time. heals him.
the barbs take hold, lock in, and eddie cums with a violent cry. he chokes steve out while he does it, drags his talons down his chest and marks him up. and steve cums moments later, watching eddie’s gruesome lust turn into a soft smile of satisfaction and adoration.
he’s purring and rutting into steve ceaselessly. hips rolling in circles as he bends to lick steve clean. drags his tongue from top to bottom as his cock pumps seemingly endless spend into steve’s body.
by the end, his stomach is fuller and more rounded. be it from a baby or otherwise, they’ll have to wait to find out.
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1, @disastardly, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @the-redthread, @asbealthgn, @bestofbucky, @vampireinthesun, @carlyv, @shrimply-a-menace, @lordrrascal, @jjoesjonas, @malachitedevil, @anxiouseds, @feraleddiekinninghours, @gay-little-bitch, @jhrc666, @pinkdaisies1998, @mcneen, @perseus-notjackson, @eiddets, @corroded-coffin-groupie, @three-possums-playing-human, @stevesbipanic, @plutoshelm, @arkenstoned, @indiearr, @they-reap-what-we-sow, @gleek4twd
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anonymityisfunwriter · 1 year ago
Sunshine on Sakaar - Part 1
Prologue Anon's 1K Celebration
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You sigh to yourself, sitting in the same crowd of people that you do everyday, watching as they chatter amongst themselves, betting on the lives of the warriors in the arena.
"Someone's come through the portal," another person chimes in, their voice brimming with excitement.
You rest your chin in your hand, always feeling the tinge of guilt at another unwilling participant for the Contest of Champions. They never lasted long.
You don't get a chance to try to commit the next unfortunate person's face to memory before you're called back to your duty.
"Oh, Sunny!"
You bite back your sigh of irritation and plaster on your widest grin. "Yes?"
"Do that trick for us again." It's a thinly veiled order behind a giant smile and a condescending laugh. You have no choice but to obey, while they clap, laugh, and taunt you.
You can hear the vague outline of the Grandmaster's normal speech to those entering Sakaar. You've heard it time and time again. Most were doomed to fight in the Grandmaster's twisted contest. You were considered one of the lucky ones.
You always hoped that every person would be 'lucky'. Luck had a strange definition in a place like this. In a place like this, anything was better than a death for the vain entertainment of others. At least you were alive for the vain entertainment of others.
You hear the familiar speech wind down, you're all about to find out the fate of Sakaar's newest arrival when you finally hear the voice of the new arrival, a voice far too familiar.
The flame in your hand suddenly extinguishes as your head snaps up, "Loki?"
His gaze snaps toward the sound of your voice. He sighs deeply, still tightly strapped to his chair, "This day just keeps getting better."
"You two know each other?" the Grandmaster asks, amusement lighting up his face.
"He tried to kill my friends once."
The Grandmaster raises his executing staff at him, "So he's no good?"
"No, no!" you quickly backtrack. And though there's a part of you that seriously questions why you're helping him after everything he'd done, you know you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't at least try to save him. "He's my friend's brother. He's, well... he's Loki."
"Loki..." the Grandmaster hums. "Sunny, can he fight?"
"No!" you quickly reply, much to Loki's distaste.
Loki scoffs, "I beg your pardon."
"He can't fight, Grandmaster. Not at all. It's kind of sad."
"I-" Loki tries to interject.
You steamroll over his words, laying your words thick for the two of them. You gently nudge Loki's restrained shoulder, "He's a total wimp, but he's a delight though. Really! Almost as funny as I am!"
"Hmm..." the Grandmaster audibly thinks. "Alright, you've made a compelling case. He can stay, but, Sunny, you're responsible for him."
"You won't regret this," you call after him, biting back a cringe. You whisper to yourself as you look back towards Loki, "But I might."
You take your time undoing each of Loki's restraints, and as you reach for the final one that unbinds his hands, he hisses in your ear, "You know that I could kill you without so much as wave of my hand?" 
"Do you know that I just saved your life?" you whisper back. "Now, behave until we get you away from the Grandmaster. He's known to change his mind."
He rubs at his wrists, standing up from his seat, "I was being my charming self, I had no doubt that I could manage."
You sarcastically snort, walking out of the viewing room and back to your room, "I'm sure you could."
Loki's footsteps trail behind you. "I don't like your tone."
"I'm sure you could," you brightly singsong.
"What are you doing here?" he demands, stopping in front of you. 
"Like right now? Or just in general?"
"Oh, well, in general, I'm... actually I don't know what I'm doing here. I mostly just sit here and say something every once in a while. Sometimes, the Grandmaster, he’s the guy in charge, he makes me do tricks for him. And right now... I was just watching you slip in through that portal over there."
Loki's head tilts slightly as he does his best to tamp down his impatience with a heavy sigh, "What I meant was, how did you get here?"
"Now, that is a very long story. It started when we were in Sokovia back on Earth, and let me tell you, things were not going well. Like not at all. So we were only there because -"
"Stop," Loki interjects, shaking his head. He dismissively waves his hand, "Stop. No, no, I am not nearly interested enough to listen to this."
"Well, alright," you shrug, turning on your heels to walk away.
Loki grabs your elbow, spinning you back around, "I am, however, very interested in your acquaintance with the Grandmaster."
"Could you help me?"
Your mouth twists slightly, "I dunno... I don't think that's a good idea."
“Why not?”
“Because you’ve tried to kill my friends before?” you reply like it should be obvious to him. 
Loki scoffs at you, “Aren’t you also friends with my oaf of a brother? The friend of your friend is also your friend.”
Your eyebrows furrow at him, “I’m no expert but I don’t think that’s how that saying goes.”
“I’m certain it is.”
“And, no offense, but Thor doesn’t exactly have the nicest things to say about you," you admit. "He told me a story about a snake or something.”
"He greatly embellishes."
“So you didn’t disguise yourself as a snake because Thor likes snakes, all so you could bite him?”
“He slightly embellishes,” Loki corrects.
“You don’t even like me.”
"If Thor has accurately depicted your character, you could look beyond my history to help a soul in need."
You cross your arms over your chest, quirking an eyebrow at him, “So you want me to help you out of pity?”
“I would like you to help me of your own accord, but seeing as that it unlikely, yes, I’ll take your greatest sympathies.”
You chortle, “I don't think you could win my greatest sympathies.”
“You think your life more tragic than mine?” Loki asks, his voice thick with offense. 
You call over your shoulder, “I don’t like to compare myself to others.”
He grabs your shoulder, spinning you back towards him, “But you do, don’t you?”
“I don’t think, I know.”
"My long lost sister tried to kill me!" Loki starts.
"My friend unknowingly kidnapped me and doomed me to a life on an unknown planet," you counter. "I don't even know how long I've been stuck here."
"My mother is dead."
"I never knew my parents."
"My father lied about my true lineage and rejected me for his golden child," he retorts.
"My parents left me abandoned, on the street for dead. After a whole day of knowing me. Only one day old."
"You win," he begrudgingly admits. 
"Nice!" You clench your fist in victory. "Wait, does that mean we both have sad, traumatizing lives?"
Loki frowns, "I suppose it does."
Your mouths twists in discomfort, "Maybe we shouldn't think about it too much?"
Loki quickly nods, agreeing with you, "Let's not."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Anon's 1K Celebration
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez@ludicbouquetfromearth@matchat3a@famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff@valoraxx@blue786sworld@buckyandgeraltsupremacy@geminigengar@ansaturn@ecolle@lexhalstead3@ybflkmj@mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112@thegirlnextdoorssister@toomanyfanficsbruh@moonlightreader649@breathtaking-cynthia@mirikusashes@beans-and-toast@niyahcoca@katiechikin@elxvrr@antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy@krissydclayton93@buckysbarne@deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic@whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @buckybarnessimpp @withyoutilltheendoftheline
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bloody-bee-tea · 9 months ago
June of Doom 2024 Day 2 - It didn't have to be this way
Satoru comes to slowly. His head is throbbing and he can immediately tell that something is off. His cursed energy is just out of reach, his vision is obscured and most telling of all is the fact that is skin is prickling.
Suguru isn’t anywhere near then.
He maintains his position a moment longer, taking stock of the situation and he’s not at all surprised to find that he’s tied up. Satoru doesn’t bother to test the restraints though, because he knows he doesn’t really have to and instead he strains his ears to figure out if he’s alone or not.
There’s a slight shuffling to his right and then some murmured words which are answered by a different voice, so Satoru knows there are at least two other people with him.
It doesn’t matter, ultimately, but it feels good to figure things out for himself.
Once Satoru is certain he’s not going to throw up from his headache even if he moves his head, he picks himself up, sitting straight in the chair and giving at least some relief to his bound hands.
“Oh, look who is with us,” a voice sneers at him and Satoru guesses they saw him move.
“I wish I could,” Satoru says, his voice just a little raspy so he can’t have been out for too long. “Mind taking off whatever you put over my eyes?”
“You wish,” the voice says, and Satoru expected as much.
He’s not quite sure why his captors are this careful though, because whatever they gave him has his cursed energy locked away anyway, and it’s not as if he could do anything with his eyes alone.
Satoru can’t even turn on Infinity like this and the chafing on his wrists is not thanking him for it.
“Where’s Suguru?” Satoru asks, not bothering to ask who they are or what they want because both answers will be inconsequential in the end but his captors only laugh.
“Concerned, pretty boy?” one of them taunts him. “Don’t worry, he’s safe and sound at the school. For now. You can visit his grave there soon enough. If you can even find him under all the rubble.”
Satoru frowns.
“You’ve got something against the school?”
He’s probably dealing with a handful of curse users here and they are clearly not the strongest, nor the smartest, or they would have killed him on the spot.
“You don’t have to concern yourself with that,” a new voice chimes in. “The school won’t be standing for much longer and all your friends will be gone, too.”
Satoru rolls his eyes—not that they can see it—because this doesn’t seem as if they thought it through properly.
“You should have killed me when you had the chance,” Satoru tells them and he’s being completely serious about it, too.
It’s downright stupid letting him live, especially since they already had the upper hand once. Satoru will have to double down on his training after this; he knew that detecting and neutralising poisons should have been a priority and yet he still slacked off with that.
Oh well, it can’t be helped now.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to that, if you don’t want to join us,” someone to his right says and of course. Of course these idiots were hoping that Satoru would join them and whatever cause they are fighting against.
“I’ll pass,” Satoru cheerfully informs them, the prickling of his skin getting stronger with every minute that passes now and he knows that Suguru is almost here.
This is going to be fun.
“You know, it didn’t have to be this way,” Satoru cheerfully informs them. “If you go now, you can still get away with your life. I promise I’ll make sure no one comes after you.”
That earns him a round of laughter and Satoru smiles indulgingly at his captors.
“I don’t think you understand what’s going on here. The school will be blown to smithereens by now. Your friends are dead. And if you don’t want to join us, then you’ll be next.”
“Yeah, sure, sure,” Satoru nods, not bothered in the slightest.
Suguru will have noticed the moment Satoru was taken and he’s not going to be happy about it.
Things between them have been a bit—fucked up, as Shoko so lovingly put it, ever since the incident with Toji. Neither of them had taken it well, learning the extent of their injuries and their co-dependency has gone through the roof since then.
And this feeling, this prickling under Satoru’s skin whenever Suguru isn’t near is just one of those things. Satoru knows that Suguru feels it, too, because while before it always was Satoru who stuck close to Suguru, their roles are much more evenly divided now.
Satoru is still the one who instigates it much more often than Suguru, but if he doesn’t, Suguru is right there, right up in his business, getting as close as he can.
And the fact that Satoru has been taken and is nowhere near Suguru right now? That’s just going to make him go a little bit insane, just like it’s making Satoru insane right now.
He could get out of his restraints; he knows, because Suguru made sure to properly teach him the ways, but in all honesty, it’s much more fun to simply sit here and wait until Suguru comes and gets him.
It makes Satoru feel all special.
Satoru knows that there’s no way in hell that Suguru will let his captors get away with their lives and that’s just as well, if you ask Satoru. They have a system in place ever since they realised that they might just both be a little bit fucked up and so far it’s served them well.
It stopped Satoru from killing all the clapping people in that horrible room and it stopped Suguru from wiping out that village that thought it’d be okay to beat and lock up two little girls for being different.
These curse users though, they won’t even get half as lucky, because Satoru very much thinks that they deserve everything that’s coming for them.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” someone asks Satoru and now that makes him laugh.
“Oh, where do I even begin?” he asks, grinning widely as he notices that the prickling is getting less and less with every minute that passes.
Suguru is close then.
“It was fun chatting with you, but I think this is where it ends now. My other half is here and you’re all out of luck.”
“Did you hit him too hard over the head?” a guy to Satoru’s left asks, the question clearly not directed at Satoru himself and he can only imagine how the other person shrugs.
It’s all they have time for, because then there’s a loud bang and something hits the ground with a metallic sound.
Probably the door that was blown off its hinges, Satoru muses and leans back in the chair, all relaxed and happy, because Suguru is here.
“What the fuck!”
There’s yelling and shouting and so much noise that it’s honestly hard to make out what’s going on without being able to see but Satoru can feel Suguru, so it’s all fine.
People still think that Satoru is the strongest, which would make him the most dangerous by default and while it might still be true that Satoru is a few levels above everyone else they clearly don’t account for the way it makes Suguru a little bit insane to be parted from Satoru.
In all honesty, Satoru would rather take it up with himself in a fight than fight a Suguru who is being kept from him.
No one is able to stand against Suguru like that.
The fight—if it even is one—is over in less than five minutes. Satoru suspects that Suguru had one of his curses simply eat the curse users that were present and soon enough everything falls quiet again.
Except for the footsteps coming up to Satoru.
“Took you long enough,” Satoru says, tilting his head back to allow Suguru to cup his cheek in his hand.
“Are you hurt?” he asks, as he slides the blindfold off Satoru’s face.
Satoru blinks against the sudden light but he makes sure not to close his eyes for too long, taking in Suguru as if he hasn’t seen him for weeks instead of mere hours.
“My head hurts,” Satoru pouts out and watches how Suguru’s eyes soften slightly, though it does little to wipe the manic look of his face.
If this was the last thing Satoru’s captors saw then they must have died scared out of their mind, Satoru thinks, and it serves them right.
He on the other hand feels nothing but warm with that look fixed on him.
“And my wrists,” he belatedly adds and Suguru leans in, almost as if he’s hugging him as he checks the restraints on Satoru’s wrists.
“You know how to break out of these,” he accuses him then and Satoru grins.
“But it’s so much more fun to have you break me out of these,” he gives back and Suguru rolls his eyes at him before he breaks the restraints with ease.
“Let me see,” Suguru then says, carefully taking Satoru’s wrists in his hands and checking the damage.
If Satoru is honest, his shoulders hurt more than his wrists, the position they had forced him in more straining than anything else.
“It’s fine,” Satoru gives back, though that doesn’t stop Suguru’s inspection.
“You knew I would come for you,” Suguru finally says, his gaze still on the slight chafing on Satoru’s skin and Satoru huffs.
“Of course I knew. I could feel it.”
Suguru only hums at that and Satoru rolls his eyes when he realises that Suguru is worrying about something.
“You’re being stupid,” Satoru finally says and now that gets Suguru to look at him.
“Stupid,” Satoru says again and it makes Suguru smile slightly, so Satoru counts it as a win. “You think I care about this?” he then asks with a nod towards the carnage around them.
There’s more blood than he expected there to be but just like he thought, no corpses are left laying around. Suguru cleaned up after himself.
“You stopped me before,” Suguru reminds him and Satoru nods.
“Yeah, just like you stopped me. But this? This is different. They kept us apart.”
“They hurt you,” Suguru corrects him and Satoru hums.
“That, too, yes.” He takes Suguru’s face into his hands. “I would have killed them, too, if our roles were reversed. And you wouldn’t have minded either.”
At hearing that Suguru’s shoulders drop and Satoru can’t believe how stupid he was, thinking that Satoru would care about any of this.
“Nothing gets to keep us apart.”
“You could have handled this yourself,” Suguru says as he helps Satoru up and Satoru’s head is still throbbing and he does feel a little bit off without access to his cursed energy, but he still plays all of that up, simply so that Suguru will pick him up and carry him out of there.
It takes all of one stumble for Suguru to sigh in defeat and bend down to slide his arm under Satoru’s legs, picking him up in a bridal carry.
“I could have,” Satoru agrees, slinging his arm around Suguru and tucking his face into his throat. “But then you wouldn’t have swooped in like this and I think I might prefer it this way.”
It’s the truth but it’s also a reminder that Satoru doesn’t care just what Suguru did right now to get him.
Satoru would have probably obliterated the entire building if someone had taken Suguru away from him, for however long, even though he, too, damn well knows that Suguru can handle himself.
“I don’t like being apart from you,” Suguru says after a moment, his arms strong and secure around Satoru and it sounds like a confession, like something that’s just meant for Satoru to hear.
“I don’t like being apart from you either,” Satoru gives back and presses himself closer.
He thinks they haven’t been separated for this long in ages—basically doing everything together these days—and in all honesty Satoru hadn’t been prepared for how wrong it had felt.
It’s almost worse than barely being able to access his own power.
“Good,” Suguru breathes out as if he honestly doubted Satoru could feel the same and just for that Satoru nips at his throat. “Hey!”
“You’re being stupid again. It’s us, Suguru, always. I knew you would come for me. I knew what would happen. And honestly, I would have done the same. You know I would have.”
Satoru has always been a bit more open with his possessiveness of Suguru so that shouldn’t come as a surprise, but he knows, instinctively, that Suguru is the same.
“I know,” Suguru sighs out and brushes his lips over Satoru’s forehead.
“So stop being stupid and get me back home, I’m in need of some comfort,” Satoru whines out, pouting up at Suguru for good measure, too, even though he damn well knows that Suguru would spoil him for the rest of the day anyway.
“Dinner and a movie?” Suguru asks and Satoru shrugs because he couldn’t care less about those things.
“As long as you’re there,” he gives back, even though he knows that Suguru is not going to let him out of his sight any time soon.
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere,” Suguru immediately replies and Satoru wriggles happily at that.
“Then dinner and a movie,” Satoru agrees because as long as Suguru is there he’d be fine with anything.
And the fact that Suguru doesn’t stop touching him even once the entire evening is only an added bonus.
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everywishway · 1 year ago
Kalina Playlist Deep-dive
Kinda wanted to do a playlist deep-dive about all my Fantasy High playlists. If you want any more, I have playlists for all the Bad Kids, both Voxes, and I'm working on a Cassandra Playlist. Starting off with my baby girl, Kalina
I picture this as Kalina describing the fall of the Unnamed Goddess into the Nightmare King. A goddess of dreaming and doubt till she lost her mind, and her persona. Turned her forest into this idealization of what the Nightmare King represents.
Kalina's persona is this person manipulating everything in the background and several steps ahead of everyone. Also how the Bad Kids originally assumed she stole the crown to control the Nightmare King and be in power.
Kalina's ideology is about taking control to bring back the Nightmare King by any means necessary. Not wanting people to look too closely into her.
It's like how Kalina always gives options when speaking to the Bad Kids, especially Riz. Also how each option and the tone get more threatening overtime. Also "They took a lesson from their fathers" connects to Riz and how she killed Pok.
The Mind Electric
I honestly don't remember why I added this? Vibes? Maybe it's another example of her trying to control Riz and the Bad Kids, taunting them and making them face their fears? Yeah, that's it, why not?
Achilles Come Down
Goes against my Kristen Playlist which has this same song. This is Kalina and Kristen deciding what Cassandra is going to be in FHSY. Kalina is the deeper voice and Kristen is the kinder one.
Kalina's loyalty to Cassandra and more religious imagery for her connection to Cassandra. Plus the line "Time capsule for the future, trust me that is what I'll be" is how she lives on for the Unnamed Goddess as the plague for her to live. Also "Oh the things that you do in the name of what you love, you were doomed but just enough" is her talking about how her goddess was doomed by her followers, the people who loved her. Also, the second section of the song says "Got a few more fake friends" showing her connections over the years she keeps at arm's distance like Pok Gukgak.
Child of Ashes
I picture this as Kalina singing to the Bad Kids, willing to show them mercy as long as they back off this case.
Hawk in the Night
I see this as her talking to Riz because she is still close to him. She's his godmother, she wants to see him grow strong but it's not the best advice.
You Stabbed Me in My Sleep
My Love is Sick
Kalina is literally a plague, what can I say? Just kidding, it's that and all the religious imagery. The loyalty to the person is like Kalina's loyalty to Cassandra in all her forms. Plus I love Madds Buckley so much. <3
Kalina's abilities appear and disappear, along with taunting the Bad Kids and messing with them on their journey. Her confidence, knowing they hate her and why right before the bridge. Plus during the Bridge where the artist says "Why don't you just leave me alone" I see Riz and other Bad Kids begging her to stop with this, stop messing with them.
It Took Me By Suprise
Her being is surprised that the BKs didn't back off, especially Riz after taunting him and seeing the anger in their eyes... thats it...
That Unwanted Animal
How I picture Kalina sees herself. She cares for Cassandra in every form and tries her best to take care of her. When the "Unnamed Goddess" sacrifices herself to be the Nightmare King, Kalina becomes the "Unwanted Animal".
Little Big Boy
Specifically for Fabian, when she makes him stab the Hangman and jump into the ocean.
Take Me To Church
Another song with religious notes to show her dedication to Cassandra and illness notes for her being a literal plague Sophomore Year.
the fruits
Another song with religious notes that I added for the vibes. Also, her being used to keep alive a goddess.
Allies or Enemies
Picked to show her relationship with the Bad Kids now in the present time. Also her new relationship with Cassandra as this new form.
Until It Doesn't Hurt
The pain of her being a plague and vibes.
If I Kill Someone For You
Another song is about Kalina sacrificing herself, and her identity to keep her Goddess alive, to bring her back. Sacrificing her livelihood, and her well-being to bring back the Nightmare King.
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Final boss music and the end describes the battlefield of "Spring Break I Believe in You" where there is no light coming through the forest, the stairs and ruins where the battle is old and decrepit. "When they do I'll be right beside you, so glad we almost made it" is her speaking to herself/the Nightmare King as she brings them back to life.
Panic Room
Another song about the Nightmare King's Forest and how Kalina and the Nightmare King shaped the forest to have the deepest fears of the Bad Kids.
That's it! I hope yall had fun listening to me explain my thought process <3
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daughterofthe104thsblog · 9 months ago
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Part 2 the encounters:
As you walk the halls to the gymnasium you see tup on his phone just for him to notice you
Tup:hey there. Where did you come from??
Pluma! Let's go were late to gym!
Your new friends call to you
As you turn yourself into a crow then you morph into human form then you head to gym and your fencing partner is renata the bully against a bigger bully that just transferd minerva
Sink you girls can keep up?!
Zen let ze duel begin!
And you cut Minerva in the lip! Then u back flip off the wall and all to kick her down and then she back flips to then trip you over with her leg!
Oh clumsy much?!
Minerva remarks. Next after gym you hit the lockers and then one look from Renata and she says sorry new blood around that girl everyone is doomed to losing
Pluma:??? So is this you being nice?! Or wot?!
Then zat was a good show da?! As she speaks
And yes I'm german/Russian but next time we meet u gouhls won't be to lucky
In less your as famous as boba you say quietly
Then you say nothing as she pores shampoo and baby pouder on your head!
Zere we go all clean as she laughs just then Renata looks at you as your crying and everyone else is either in shock or are hestaricaly laughing.
Then she gets you cleand up and your other new friends in your dorm all get you washed dried and ask if your ok.
Renata: I'm sorry love I was naturally aggressive with you back there
So I've noticed the gash marks on you dear tell me about it?
Pluma:Um kleetus did that 2 nights before I even came here.
U said he was washed up?! Technically he was fired for over drinking and selling cheaply prepared cars
And then he gets violently argumentative with my mum.
Renata:oh I'm so sorry I had no idea well new blood I mean pluma here you go I'll braid your hair once in the bedroom
Um ok!
Next thing you know you see a nother boy in the hall. Then he gently vanishes just to see you up close
Hello madem! As he is behind you
Gasp! Then he catches you as your about to faint
He then says to you you sure do scare easy don't you. And you like a lot of black.. Well I'm grem your pluma no?
Um yes I'm pluma
then Renata and you take a picture of each other then you go out for recess
And you see them all with there powers and stuff then chopper agian walks up to u make any friends yet?
As he sits on a stone bench next to you you look to him then slick walks over to you and says
Slick:wots this about?
As your real quiet the other kids see you and then you look to chopper and you teleport yourself to a near by tree to be alone.
Then they all look to each other and the one being u never thought you'd meet with is half lassat and half human hanging from the top of the tree your in
Oy! Well now this is ironic don't we think?! As the young teen taunts you oh but I'm not here to tease you I just sit here to enjoy the birds
Then grem spears before you along side chopper then he says
Chopper:boys can we get a few?!
You want to know more don't you?!
Pluma:Yes. Well mum hasn't been contacting me at all and I can't even carry a thought of kleetus being the one to have brought me to life...
Then a deep Sigh from chopper... Hun you know I'm bisexual right?! And trans?
Um yes lol wots that about you ask
Well this limb big enough for 2?!
u say
Chopper:Alright then you want to know if it was me n slick?! Then yes it was us who in pregnated your mum and gus helped a bit to.
We biologicly are your parents and don't u mind that scoundrel kleetus I'll Handel him personally!
To be continued
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acourtofantumbra · 2 years ago
Where Have All the Dragons Gone?
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☆ All SJM spoilers: ACOTAR, CC, and TOG ☆
It's been quite a while since I put my SJM tin foil hat... I've got the attention span of a squirrel and moved onto other things.
Anyway, over the past 3-4 months I decided to start my first true re-read of all of SJM's books while a bunch of my friends were beginning the series for the first time. This week I finished Crescent City (just in time for my insanely beautiful Fairyloot editions to show up 1/2 a year later) and plan on moving onto TOG this week... but I have so, so, so many scenes that have been bothering me that I fully skimmed over in my first reads.
This scene above from HOSAB, chapter 46, with Ariadne has been fueling my intrusive thoughts lately. On my first read of CC2 I was so distracted by that insane ending that I could probably sum up my thoughts about Ariadne as "Well, that felt like a waste of time?" But upon further review (and now having read TOG in its entirety as well)... I'm starting to feel like she might be one of the most easter egg laden chess pieces placed on the board.
Per usual, I don't really have answers as much as I have some glaring parallels that feel important... But ultimately I think our "long, lost dragons" are not so lost and have been waiting patiently to enter the chat.
Ok, let's go back to the (extended) scene from HOSAB:
“Exactly,” Flynn said, as if the Fae lord weren’t taunting a dragon. A fucking dragon. A Lower, yes, but … fuck. They weren’t true shifters, switching between humanoid and animal bodies at will. They were more like the mer, if anything. There was a biological or magical difference to explain it—Ithan vaguely remembered learning about it in school, though he’d promptly forgotten the details.  It didn’t matter now, he supposed. The dragon could navigate two forms. He’d be a fool to underestimate her in this one.  The dragon stared Flynn down. He gave her a charming smile back. Her chin lifted. “Ariadne.” Flynn arched a brow. “A dragon named Ariadne?”  “I suppose you have a better name for me?” she shot back.  “Skull-Crusher, Winged Doom, Light-Eater.” Flynn ticked them off on his fingers.  She snorted, and the hint of amusement had Ithan realizing that the dragon was … beautiful. Utterly lethal and defiant, but—well, damn. From the gleam in Flynn’s eyes, Ithan could tell the Fae lord was thinking the same. Ariadne said, “Such names are for the old ones who dwell in their mountain caves and sleep the long slumber of true immortals.” “But you’re not one of them?” Ithan asked.   “My kin are more … modern.” Her gaze sharpened on Flynn. “Hence Ariadne.”  Flynn winked. She scowled.  “How did all of you”—Declan cut in, motioning to Ariadne, her body similar to that of a Fae female’s—“fit into that tiny ring?”  “We were bespelled by the Astronomer,” Sasa whispered. “He’s an ancient sorcerer—don’t let him deceive you with that feeble act. He bought us all, and shoved us into those rings to light the way when he descends into Hel. Though Ariadne got put into the ring by …” She trailed off when the dragon cut her a scathing, warning look. HOSAB, Chapter 46
It needs to be said, the difference between magical beings feels like it has only barely scraped the surface at the end of CC2 and I have not one clue how Sarah is finally gonna break all that shit down for us. But during my reread I finally got really into the Mer plot for this exact reason as well... clearly quite a bit going on there. Also... with the sprites magic not being first light-based??? Ok, back to the task at hand.
So Ariadne is identified as a dragon, which according to the front of both Crescent City books, is part of the House of Flame and Shadow. Perhaps our most controversial collection of beings in the CC world, our Slytherin house lol.
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But, according to Ariadne herself, there is a difference between the kind of dragon shifter she is and a dragon that is a true immortal... and allegedly sleeping in a cave somewhere?! —> remember this. Ok, so what is a true immortal? Aren't the Vanir and fae immortal for the most part?
Well, we've been getting corrections through SJM's series that there is a difference between long-lived, which is what the fae and Vanir are, and true immortals.
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Particularly in the ACOTAR series we've had Death Gods explain the difference between their true immortality aka "[they have] no death awaiting them." And suspiciously, the Bone Carver claims that his sister, the Weaver, is not only truly immortal, but she's found a way to "eat life itself" so that's remains youthful. Interesting... can think of around 6 folks allegedly able to do that in Crescent City, but I digress.
So true dragons — the ancient ones — seem to be true immortals as well. There is "no death waiting for them." Interesting considering we've had references in both TOG and CC that dragons are either no more or MIA. We actually get references at least once to dragons in each of SJM's series. Let's dig in a little more.
So TOG is our series with the most obvious inclusion of, at the very least, dragon-like creatures (we love you Abraxos) aka Wyverns. Wyverns we learn were made by the king - in a process Manon claims to not know much about... but happens in a mountain. But let's not skip ahead.
We've known since early on in TOG that dragons once existed in Erilea, but wyverns remain and are even the symbol represented on Ardalan's royal seal.
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Celeana is surprised to see dragons depicted on the doors to the palace's library - because of course... libraries are at this point one of our most consistent, important, and often lost/destroyed, settings/plot points across worlds. Followed up with her feeling "a shot of lightning" about this dragon-adorned library... my spidey senses are tingling, how about you? Have dragons been associated with lightning in mythology? Yes. Yes they have.
First, what is the difference between a dragon and a wyvern? In fact lets take a look at all the varietals, some of the names might be familiar.
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Who could forget the Wyrm from ACOTAR? Characters (amren) have been referred to as drakes, and I think we can argue that we've encountered a couple others from this list (perhaps sent from Hel?).
Anyway, what happened to the dragons of Erilea? It seems that they were defeated during a conflict and people largely believe them to be gone and whole societies (the mycenians) lost hope and fight once the last dragon disappeared/was killed.
But it's Maeve who gives us the clearest picture as to what happened to the dragons.
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Glass is obviously significant in Throne of Glass and brings new meaning to the now destroyed glass castle, which I now assume was made from dragon glass.
But Maeve having "ensured" dragons were eradicated is particularly interesting knowing what we know about dragon fire from CC2 (we'll get to that). What this "ancient and bloody conflict" was we can guess at, but much like ACOTAR and CC we've got a wealth of wars to choose some and some we have more information about than others... anyone else suspicious about the sprite rebellion?
But Maeve mentioning Aelin's own "fire-breathing heritage" gave me pause... is she suggesting Aelin has any relation to dragons? Especially when Aelin starts to feel pangs of empathy for reasons she can't explain (a lightbulb moment in any SJM book - she uses this easter egg tactic a lot), her overwhelming sorrow while she's actively being tortured feels notable. Especially mentioning dragons "would never again been on this earth." Perhaps they can be found on another?
But Maeve destroying dragons is important because Bryce learns from Jesiba in CC2 that the strongest weapon against a Prince of Hel is in fact... dragon fire. Seems like an important tool to have in the arsenal... and why mention it if there are no dragons left anyway?
It contained an analysis of dragon fire, dating back five thousand years. It was in a language Bryce didn’t know, but a translation had been included. Jesiba had scribbled Good luck at the top. 
Well, now she knew why the Astronomer kept Ariadne in a ring. Not for light—but for protection. 
Among its many uses, the ancient scholar had written, dragon fire is one of the few substances proven to harm the Princes of Hel. It can burn even the Prince of the Pit’s dark hide. 
Yeah, Ariadne was valuable. And if Apollion was readying his armies … Bryce had no intention of letting the dragon return to the Astronomer’s clutches. HOSAB, Chapter 50
Granted, this alludes to there being a few substances that can harm a Prince of Hel, but with the introduction of Ariadne and "the ancient ones"... dragons have just shot to the top of my personal list of "things that are probably coming for us in CC3 and beyond" especially in this fight against the Big Bads.
Granted we learned when Bryce breaks into the Dawn room at the Crystal Palace (dragon glass too???) that the warring factions of Hel united to oust the Asteri and Thanatos is only now saying he doesn't give an f about his brothers' plans... maybe we don't want to roast Apollion, but just some of his brothers? And maybe dragon fire has some ability to take down an Asteri too? Who can say?
But that brings me back to Ariadne's conversation about the difference between the kind of dragon she is an the kind of dragons that have allegedly gone missing... she doesn't say they're gone.
“Skull-Crusher, Winged Doom, Light-Eater.” Flynn ticked them off on his fingers.  She snorted, and the hint of amusement had Ithan realizing that the dragon was … beautiful. Utterly lethal and defiant, but—well, damn. From the gleam in Flynn’s eyes, Ithan could tell the Fae lord was thinking the same. Ariadne said, “Such names are for the old ones who dwell in their mountain caves and sleep the long slumber of true immortals.”
Hm... sleeping in mountain caves? We've definitely had some not super subtle hints about some giant presence slumbering below mountains — in both TOG and ACOTAR. And while TOG has clearly mentioned their missing dragons... ACOTAR explicitly references dragons one time.
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When Lucien gives Feyre a cloak UTM she notes Amarantha's coat of arms isn't just a dragon... but a sleeping dragon. Can I fully say I understand all the implications here? Certainly not. But it was an "oh damn" moment when I saw it. Especially considering how convinced I am that Hybern was possessed by a Valg. And if Maeve (Valg) and Princes of Hel (??) fear dragon fire... that... is an intriguing parallel.
But ok, so we've got a coat of arms with a sleeping dragon... what else has been referenced as a massive sleeping force?
Cassian wondered if his brother had ever told her what dwelled in these mountains. Most had been slain by the Illyrians, or sent fleeing to those Steppes. But the most cunning of them, the most ancient … they had found ways to hide. To emerge on moonless nights to feed. Even five centuries of training couldn’t stop the chill that skittered down his spine as Cassian surveyed the empty, quiet mountains below and wondered what slept beneath the snow...
Cassian soared toward it, unable to resist Ramiel’s ancient summons. Different—the mountain was so different from the barren, terrible presence of the lone peak in the center of Prythian. Ramiel had always felt alive, somehow. Awake and watchful....
Ramiel rose higher still, a shard of stone piercing the gray sky. Beautiful and lonely. Eternal and ageless.  ACOFAS, Chapter 3
Now I'm not saying I'm 100% confident a dragon is sleeping beneath Ramiel... but I am saying I feel confident we've gotta find dragons sleeping somewhere and the planet that's retained the most magic seems like an obvious first place to look.
I also wonder how much connection there could be between lost ancient dragons and the rare thunderbird line — a CC plot point that has been breaking my brain even more the second time around (all thoughts, no real conclusions). But with the inclusion of lightning + dragons (Aelin at the library, the Great Rite, etc.)... thunderbirds are looking even more suspicious in my eyes. Even more suspicious is our dear Hunt Athalar... lightning wielder of our dreams...
Her teeth shone, her canines long enough to shred flesh. “Did Bryce Quinlan tell you what occurred when she stood in this chamber twelve years ago?” His blood turned to ice. “That’s Quinlan’s business.” That smile didn’t falter. “You do not wish to know what I saw for her, either?” “No.” He spoke from his heart. “It’s her business,” he repeated. His lightning rose within him, rallying against a foe he could not slay. The Oracle blinked, a slow bob of those thick lashes. “You remind me of that which was lost long ago,” she said quietly. “I had not realized it might ever appear again.” HOEAB, Chapter 33
That's all I got for now... stay tuned for a potential descent into madness about Thunderbirds. We'll see.
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mareenavee · 2 years ago
Snippets Someday
Howdy again :> I was tagged by @dirty-bosmer to share more snippets. I'm also mid ground-up edit and even during the course of this, I can see the level ups so I'm happy to share. Picking a favorite chapter is HARD though, I must say. While I'm in it, it's hard to see what makes a chapter a favorite, but during the editing process, sometimes certain turns of phrase really make me proud of my past self and my last three braincells :> I think this should be normalized. Our writing is good and worthy and we are all doing our best.
Tagging the most esteemed: @paraparadigm, @changelingsandothernonsense, @thana-topsy, @polypolymorph, @thequeenofthewinter, @snippetsrus, @rhiannon1199, @oblivions-dawn, @airiat, @the-storytellers-seer, @archangelsunited, @inquisition-dragonborn, @saltymaplesyrup, @friend-of-giants, @gilgamish, @tallmatcha, @miraakulous-cloud-district, @kookaburra1701, @rainpebble3 and HONESTLY anyone else who wants to play this game! Tag me back so I can read more snippets!!
Rules: Revisit an old fic (or earlier chapters of your current WIP) and share a snip from: * Your first chapter * Your favorite chapter * Your most challenging chapter Alternatively, if you don't write longfic, feel free to share your one-shots. Provide as much or as little commentary as you want.
Under the cut for snips from The World on Our Shoulders!
First Chapter: Chapter 1 - Prologue (Ah. The drama. Laid out like a picnic. Immediately. Without holding anything back.)
It had been months now, time inching ever closer to a year away. The last letter she wrote home to him was before the most recent complication to their situation. It had been filled with lies, of course, as most of her correspondence had been for some time now. He wrote all the time, even when he had no word from her. Though he was always reaching, even in the distance, as far away as she could keep him, it had become so easy to ignore his hands. She stooped with just a small bit of discomfort and picked up the soft shirt she had been drying in the sun. She had already wrapped her chest, and packed away her lighter armor for travel which had been scrubbed clean. Next to her bag, a crumpled letter, smoothed over many times, lay taunting her to read it again. The ink was smeared in places, perhaps written hastily and folded before it had a chance to dry. He hadn’t bothered to use the good parchment this time, either. She looked over the correspondence once again, searching and not finding anything of interest or note. There was nothing between these lines. That was part of the problem. He commented once again on the last letter she sent, and then begged her to come home. She had burned a thousand of these. Maybe not that many, but enough. And she never answered the persistent question: when? Because the answer, after a time, had become never. And Nyenna wasn’t sure how to phrase that nicely. There likely wasn’t a way.
Favorite Older Chapter: Chapter 8 - Haunted by the Ghost of You (I have a couple more new favorites but this did mention older chapters. I enjoy the ache of these doomed ships so here we are.)
Athis was exhausted. The weight of his thoughts, his worries, his sadness had him crumbling. Once, he could have turned to her and she’d take it all away. One kiss, one glance, and he would be okay again. She was his home, his shelter, his safety. He thought he’d given her that, too, but like with everything else, her path had taken this from her as well. Nowhere felt like home, once again, for either of them. That emptiness was tearing into his soul at this point. It had been just like before he even made it to Skyrim. Nothingness. Hopelessness. He couldn’t help inviting it in. There was nobody else in here, anyway. He had tried to push the bad memories away from him all this time, but in the void, they crept back in. Reminded him of all his terror, ceaseless in their torment. He sighed and leaned his forehead against his arms as he curled in on himself. “I can’t do this by myself, love. I really need you here,” he whispered to the ghost of the girl he remembered, singing in the kitchen with autumn eyes full of love and hope. She didn’t answer. Couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She was gone, and Athis knew no matter when Nyenna next came home, that girl in his memories would never, ever return.
Challenging Older Chapter: Chapter 12 - What Am I Capable Of? (Arguments, arguments, arguments. Hard to get into the headspace of.)
“I choose what I do with my life,” he insisted, trying hard and failing to keep the bitterness out of his voice. “You don’t get to tell me who and what I am capable of saving, even if you are this legendary hero.” And he knew they were fighting words. He knew because lately, especially, things being wrested out of her control caused so much pain and confusion. It was a sore point, an argument waiting to happen no matter who was on the other end. She did level her gaze on him again, and this time he could see a malice behind it, even if it did not belong entirely to her. “So you would have me relive this fear every battle? You would distract me from what I’m supposed to do just because you think I need to be saved?” she said, words icy. And he didn’t mean that, no. He knew she was deflecting. Trying to cover up her uncertainty, her hesitancy. The fact that she didn’t believe in herself, not even a whit, even when he knew she should. “Is that how you see me, Nyenna? A distraction?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed. It hurt to dig like this, but they were her words. Could she not hear how absurd this all sounded? She exhaled through her nose. Crossed her arms over her chest. Looked away. “There were minutes in our last fight where I couldn’t be sure if you were alive or dead,” she said after a moment, shoulders sagging under the weight of the revelation. “It was like I was back at the border, watching Eris be cut down, taken from me forever, and all I could do was keep running. I had to leave him behind – couldn’t help even if I knew the magic then. And the ghost of that decision has stayed with me. It is unceasing, relentless fear, Athis. I can’t just make it go away. It’s always on my mind. What could happen to you is always on my mind.” She didn’t exactly answer the question, nor did she apologize for her turn of phrase. But this was the heart of it. Fear. Something he could understand. He peeled one of her hands away from herself and held it in his.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years ago
MAG 191 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: mowing the lawn.
Does anyone understand what Martin is mumbling in his sleep? I've listened to this part so many times now, I feel like I'm at work...
MARTIN: "You were sleeping with your eyes open again." You know who else sleeps with their eyes open? Cats! Jon is a cat, confirmed!
JON: "What was I like at Salesa’s?" MARTIN: "Oh, you’d just completely conk out. Eyes open, obviously, cos god forbid the creepy ever stops entirely, heh, but –" JON: "Thank you." MARTIN: "– you’d just be dead to the world. I actually got a bit worried, once or twice, but you always woke up fine. You said you didn’t dream. Sounded pretty happy about it too." Aww, finally some fluffy fan service again! That "Thank you", so amused, so fond!
MARTIN: "Hey, I meant to ask. Do you recognise that woman, Celia?" Hehe, Martin already reacted to her name last episode^^ Lynne Hammond is her pre-Change name.
UNNAMED: "Names are how they see you; they’re how they find you in the files. You can hide all you want, but if they know your name, they can see you. And take you away." Oh, that sounds like some conspiracy bullshit...
I feel Jon so much, I also can't shut up if I hear someone obviously getting things wrong...
MARTIN: "Do you need to make a statement?" JON: "Actually no. I haven’t since we got down here. I suppose it must be the tunnels. Nice to be a bit more in control, although it does feel… odd." That's so good to hear, Jon enjoying just being Jon.
ARUN: "You don’t believe in them, do you? In their power?" OMG, the way he taunts Martin!!! I really can’t with religious fanatics..
I'm with the tape recorder/Web on this one. I think it was very important to record Martin and Arun fighting xD
JON: "I don’t know. I know how Georgie gets about people in her care. If she thinks helping us will endanger them…" That... is really sad to hear. Those are random people Georgie has known for, what, half a year tops? Georgie and Jon used to date. Even if they got into a bad fight when they parted, there has been affection there once. They seemed like halfway decent friend when Jon lived at her place... And these people are now more important to her than Jon? And later it is actually Melanie suggesting to help them in their cause..
JON: "If, however, we find a way to somehow destroy or, uh, eliminate the powers… I’m not going to be okay. There’s too much of me that’s part of The Eye now. I don’t… know what would be left of me without it. Maybe I just die. Maybe I survive, but I lose… something. My identity. My mind. My… memories. I don’t know." We hear later from Annabelle that Jon would survive this and stay more or less the person he thinks himself to be (whatever that means), and I kind of can see that this works... Right now, the Fears exist, the Eye takes up a big part of Jon, and while the Fears exist in this world, in general even if blocked out - sometimes more, sometimes less - that part becomes hollow and can't keep Jon structurally upright and he threatens to collapse. But if the Fears completely vanish, that void goes with them and the empty space can be filled with Jon again and support is once again given. (Also yeah, the tragedy part, he could have been okay and so forth...)
JON: "Martin, when the time comes, I need you to promise me that you won’t try to stop me." MARTIN: "I promise. I love you, Jon." JON: "I love you too." MARTIN: "But I’m not going to doom the world over it." This is super important! I mean, Jon will bring it up again, when the time comes, but this is the origin of their promises and how each of them will think the other one didn't keep his.
MARTIN: "And you have to promise me you’re going to do everything in your power to live. That you’re not going to sacrifice yourself at the first opportunity, just because you feel guilty about what happened" JON: "… I promise." Both of them don't really believe it will come to it, that's why they promise. Martin is so sure, that there is another way and that he never gets in the situation of having to let Jon go. And Jon thinks, in his infinite knowledge, that there's no way this could possibly end good for him..
GEORGIE: "And it’s not like the tunnels have gotten any safer with them hanging around." Wow... How she emphasises "them"... Another thing to throw on the I-don't-like-Georgie pile...
MELANIE: "It feels crap, you know, just doing nothing." GEORGIE: "We’re surviving. And trying to help others do the same. That’s not nothing." I mean on the scale of "trying to save the world" and "doing nothing" that's pretty far on the "doing nothing" side... And this will be Georgie's suggestion in MAG 199...
MELANIE: "and I’m sick of people acting like I should feel so super-sympathetic towards him, just because he’s had a rough time of it. I’ve had a rough time of it from the second I met him!" You can have had a rough time yourself and still show empathy...? This isn't a competition. I get not liking people, you don't have to like everyone, that's simply not possibly. But a bit of empathy for others also isn't like the hardest thing in the world...
Bit sad that Melanie ended up still hating Jon. I felt like she did have character progression at the end of S4. What happened to "He's welcome as a friend"?
GEORGIE: "Well, we’re not going up the tower, but… yeah. I want my cat back." Finally something we can agree on!
Oh and just last episode I was wondering if the recorders ever clicked on themselves without either Jon or Martin being present? Well, at least after the change I can say they do! xD
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 8 months ago
Here's my official WIP for Trojan Vanellope.
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Trojan Vanellope
• Skullgirls 2nd Encore (Wreck-It-Ralph AU canon)
• Friday Night Funkin': Sugar Rush Madness
• Power Coin (Upcoming spin-off series)
About: Trojan Vanellope is a villainous alteration of Vanellope for the Wreck-It-Ralph AU canon for Skullgirls 2nd Encore story mode and the upcoming spinoff for the Power Coin series. In the original story mode for Skullgirls 2nd Encore, Vanellope becomes Trojan Vanellope when she is controlled/possessed by the Zeus computer virus and carries out full-on-war against the entire Canopy Kingdom, The Medici Mafia, The Skullgirl, including her creator from Lab 0, Valentine.
Bio (Story Mode):
In the aftermath of the Canopy Kingdom's war against the Medici Mafia, the kingdom was left vulnerable, providing the perfect opportunity for the rogue Zeus virus from Lab 0 to execute their plan to reshape the world in their own image. Seizing the moment, the digital virus itself infiltrated the project Vanellope in the tube and possessed her body, forcing her to carry out unspeakable acts against the Canopy Kingdom.
Vanellope, under the influence, embarked on a destructive path, leaving a trail of bloodshed as she moved through the castle, taking the lives of numerous Black Egret soldiers and her other rebellious victims that encountered her along the way. Her rampage was only opposed when Valentine intervened, preventing her from harming Princess Parasoul and obtaining her Power Coin.
The conflict between Vanellope and Valentine unfolded a fierce war, with both women displaying equal power in their confrontations. However, Trojan Vanellope's battles merely served as a distraction. Once she was strong enough, Trojan Vanellope possessed a vast army of Black Egrets and commanded them in the background to collect every Power Coin scattered across the Canopy Kingdom.
In the final battle with with Valentine, Trojan Vanellope absorbed and collected Power Coins, making her completely unstoppable. Both Valentine and Princess Parasoul were effortlessly killed by Trojan Vanellope. As the Zeus virus observed the destruction wrought by Vanellope under their influence, they decided to relinquish their possession of her to taunt and mentally break her, saying "Is there anything more painful than seeing those you love die?". However, Vanellope used his regained control to end the Zeus virus's plans by stabbing herself in the chest. The Zeus virus tries to repossess and control her in time, but it was too late.
1. Skullgirls 2nd Encore (Canon AU):
• "You come here to challenge me? Then face me!"
• "Then face me!"
• "Come face your doom!"
• "Nothing can stop me from absorbing the Power Coins!"
• "I had it with you!"
• "Give us your power now!"
• "You stupid mortal!"
• "Your struggling is pointless, we had already won."
• "Your pathetic struggles cannot sway for the likes of I."
• "Especially even the Mafia cannot stop me."
• "Of all histories greatest monsters, you are by far the most wackiest fool I ever encountered."
• "Aw, what's the matter princess? Don't you recognize your own royal friend?"
• "When the feline beast is out of the cage, I will be more than honored to slay the beast."
• "Your pathetic existance will be eliminated just like all the others."
• "Pity, I thought you knew me very well my creator."
• "Even pathethic demons like you get in my way to victory."
• "Your very pathetic for an undead corpse to face your inevitable demise."
• "Big Band? No, how about a big mechanized machine waiting to be controlled."
• "You're nothing but a carbon copy, Your existence is useless."
• "I will not serve with the likes of the Crimson Scourge like you, it is time for you to die."
• "You're nothing but an arrogant fool, trying to be a hero."
• "Looks like I missed one, don't worry, *chuckling* I'll make this quick."
• "Well well well, if it isn't my arch-nemesis of the stars; Annie.
• "Foolish child, you don't even know who you are dealing with."
• "Just as your attempts to stop me have failed."
• "Once I find the Skull Heart, do know I will destroy it's pathetic existance.
2. Friday Night Funkin': Sugar Rush Madness (Content Candy Cosmos):
Trojan Vanellope (Game Over Lines):
• "Is there anything more painful than seeing those you love...
• Just as your attempts to stop me have failed. And now...
You will die...
• You never stood a chance to begin with.
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almxndrekitou · 10 months ago
I grit my teeth as my messy hair get in my eyes
The darkness makes it difficult to find the unconstrained strands of my hair that waved carelessly with the gusts of wind my fan released
My tears slowly sneer the edge of my eyes
Tempting my vase to turn red, urging my nose to water
I feel alone again
And you're once again the reason why I feel like this
I hate writing bitter nothings about these things, knowing you could always care less
Everything you do is about yourself and if not, it's for someone that's not me
It's like
You don't see me until I wave frantically at you
So I sit and wait patiently for you to text me back
Which you don't, so I'm being silly, feeling a familiar migraine rushing wine to my head and rivers to my eyes
Rolling around in my bed
Then my parents'
Hoping a notification makes me feel better
How sad I've turned out to become, no?
Desperately waiting for a text?
Is that my newest low?
It's almost so unbearably suffocating how helpless you make me feel
Making me feel guilty because you lacked
Like it's my fault?
And, I'm no less than an old dog with a dying body
But you already know that
You know how terrible my rot has gotten
I crave the validation of any being that dared to perceive me
I'd die for the monster lurking in the darkness of my room to come out and confess how I'm the best human he'd ever haunted
That monster will be better than you
He'll do the things you don't even think of doing with me
He will stare at me meaninglessly
Tell his other monster friends how he's hit the jackpot
How he'd never haunt another soul but mine
I know for a fact
When I'm sitting here
With music blaring in my conches as the darkness envelopes my room entirely
I know that as this sickly feeling devours my skin
Digs into my intestines
And I close my eyes as my throat dries
The monster will stay
He won't leave me just because I told him to go
He longs me much more than that, I know
He's such a gentle monster too
He won't ruin how I've kept my things
But he'll still clean the dust
Use it to cover himself so maybe I can see him one day
He tells his friends, "he's not good to her! I want her to be happy, and heavens must answer me when I tell them to make her smile!"
I'm being delusional
Maybe a tad bit narcissistic
Hoping someone sees me how I see myself
Treat me how I want to be treated and love me like I've loved everyone
But I won't digress onto how my love was stripped of me
I will be honest
Perhaps I'm incapable of being loved,
Perhaps doomed to never find my other half
Perhaps to suffer silently as I see these pairs of people have their joyous days
While I rot in this dystopian scenario
Get my flaws pointed out at
Cursed with a disease that I get taunted for
Yet no one sees my suffering underneath my skin
And that scares me
Have I excelled at hiding my emotions?
But then why am I crying now?
Oh monster
I wish at least you were real
I wish someone could knock some sense into him
I wish I didn't have to beg for love when I give it away so freely
I just want some peace in my mind
0 notes
askthechronoverse · 2 years ago
Chapter Eight: Follow Me Down, Down, Down
Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
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"What do we do now, Rick?"
The eyes of her advisor were glazed over with fear and mourning. He couldn't look at Unikitty as the world continued to crumble around them. There was only blackness now, like night had fallen but without the hope that stars provided.
"Princess…" He croaked, voice breaking down further. "You need to get to the castle. The castle is all that's left of our world."
"What about you, Rick? You need to come with me." Unikitty reached out to grab him.
"Don't come near me. I can hear the hole that took Puppycorn grow bigger. I'm not sure I'll have ti-" The cat shook her head and got closer.
"I can't lose you too, Rick! I lost my friends and my brother. You… I need you most of all… I'm gonna be lost without you!" She tried to grab Rick but he shook. As he did, the floor around him started to fall away.
Unikitty could feel her tears run hot against her face this time. She touched her cheek and the wetness made her recoil. Were visions of the future supposed to make you cry? Why did the visions seem so real now, like they were happening right before her eyes? She thought they were just dreams! She backed up toward the moat, wishing someone had answers around here.
She really had to find Rex now. He did say he could help her with the visions as well if things fell through. It was time to give the older Master Builder a chance to help.
Her paws seemed to have a mind of their own this time as she rushed to a building at the farthest end of the main city to start her search. She shook her head and continued to move toward her destination, watching it get closer. "I just need to… take the road past Richard's old newspaper stand… wait. Newspaper? Rick never showed an interest in journalism…" She looked on the street corner and squinted. She could make out a small stand that looked sad and abandoned. There was no color, but she could make out the words "Richard's Newspapers" on a wooden sign above a striped awning. She lifted an eyebrow as she approached the stand, which disappeared when she got close and left her on an empty street corner.
She moved back across the street and the stand still didn't manifest. "I could have sworn there was a newspaper stand here…" She started to move again, the stand flickering back into existence in the corner of her eye to seemingly taunt her. She turned to look at it again and it was gone. She put her head in her paws. This was becoming too much.
Her paws moved her forward, towards the building. The closer she got, the more intriguing this all was. Despite the age of the Unikingdom, it was old and clearly abandoned like the ghost newspaper stand. What was driving her to this spot? She stopped at the curb in front of the place. It looked deceptively tiny, like it knew it was hiding some great secret. The sign on the roof was falling apart and exclaimed that this was the "Escape Room of Doom", if you filled in the fallen and degrading letters half eaten by the elements. A banner that looked almost white asked the reader to rate the establishment and the sign on the curb demanding that only cash be used for payment was crumbled and nearly unreadable. Posters with no indication as to what they were advertising threatened to fall to the floor, but clung stubbornly to the windows. Slowly, she opened the door, looking around with fear and worry…
Only to reveal a cozy shop. There were shelves of books and displays with comics that showed various degrees of wear and tear. There were action figures and, at the counter polishing a miniature of a blocky beholder, was a being with Jack-o'-lantern eyes and a cape. The hood was down, an ectoplasmic green quiff adorning his head. The cape covered him completely, but clawed gray hands poked through to polish. There was a large table with comfortable chairs and soft couches by the window. The being looked up from his work and cleared his throat.
"Welcome to Cursed Games and Such. I wasn't expecting you so soon, princess." He put his miniature down and adjusted his name tag, which cheerfully stated "Score Creeper" was the name to call the being.
"Who are you?" Unikitty was pale as she backed up to the outside. The building looked as new as it should now, with the sign now corroborating with what the ghost-like entity said. Something about the clerk was familiar, but she couldn't pinpoint what as she stepped back into to the comic shop.
"Can you read the name tag, princess? I'm the Score Creeper." He rolled his glowing eyes. "Like I said, you were expected. I would have thought it would have taken a little longer for you to come to me, but it's not that big of a deal."
"I'm not really interested in comics and miniature figurines." Unikitty shrugged, picking up a comic that had a robot with an s on his chest on the front cover. There was a sticky note that stated that it was on hold for a customer.
"You have two friends that are. Which is weird because one of them strikes me as more of a jock than someone who would have an interest in this kind of thing but that's why we shouldn't stereotype people in the modern era, I suppose." He waved his hand in a circle as he spoke.
"That's neat… Wait. Are you talking about RJ or Hawkodile?" Question marks appeared above the cat's head.
"It's RJ, but he's not the one that matters here! Let's just focus. Your friend left you something he said will be important to you when you find this place and start a long journey. Hang on, I'll get it from the back." The mysterious being left through a door that stated firmly "staff only. all others must roll initiative." He soon returned with a small jar with a cutesy representation of Doctor Fox's head. The expression on the face was stoic and purposeful, like she was trying to keep herself from breaking apart. Unikitty took the jar and watched the little head just stay there, unmoving.
"What is this?" Unikitty lifted an eyebrow.
"How should I know? All he said was that the answers you seek are in the jar." He snatched the jar out of her paws. "He also said to not give you this because it would change everything. I believe he specifically said it would complicate matters."
"Then why show it to me?"
"He asked me to keep it from you a few days ago. If I'm being honest, he's no longer thinking straight. That's not normal for him." The Score Creeper put the jar down on the counter.
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beetle-the-boy · 2 years ago
So I Wanna Talk About Final Fantasy XV
Spoilers for chapter 8 onwards
Specifically the story. Before I even start, there's an immediately 10 pentafucktrillion points taken off for needing to watch like 8 different pieces of media to understand what's happening. To get into the actual story, I've been able to take a lot of it seriously thanks in no small part to the banter and chemistry that Noctis and his troupe have with each other. But the characters and story became a car crash in slow motion once Ignis became blind.
In the scene directly right before it, Noctis watches his cardboard box love interest Lunafreya die in his dreams as a final message. Even though there were barely any scenes between the two of them, Noctis is really upset about watching his fucking fiancè die in front of him.
So Noctis and his gaggle are on a train and Noctis is obviously grieving. Gladiolus, in his infinite wisdom, decides to start getting angry Noctis for "moping around" and telling him to get his "head out his ass" DESPITE THE FACT HE LITERALLY WATCHED HIS FIANCÈ DIE. His reasoning behind this is...
*budda budda budda badda badda badda badda*
Ignis is injured.
This obviously means that everything that Noctis is going through is bullshit and him grieving means he's unfit to be king. This creates, honest to God, one of the worst manufactured tensions I've ever experienced in any sort of media.
This is only made worse by the fact that Gladiolus is the main star of one of the most shameless product placement quests in gaming for Nissan Cup fucking Noodles. And during this section where Ignis is blind, he obviously can't cook so you have to settle with some shit food that gives barely any benefits. This is a really good idea, intertwining story and gameplay is a good idea. This is IMMEDIATELY ruined by the prescence of fucking Nissan Cup Noodles.
The bickering between Noctis and Gladio gets to the point where Ignis basically has to say "shut the fuck up both of you. I'm not quitting until I'm dead." Noctis and Gladio say effectively nothing to each other but the game says they'be made up their differences so it must be true.
Afterwards their train gets attacked and Ardyn, who remembered "oh yeah I'm the villain" in Altissia and began to act as such. After a really cool set piece, Ardyn tricks Noctis into punching Prompto off the train. Now this is a fairly simple set up right. But the chapter loading screen aftet this accidentally ruins the entire tone of the game. Ardyn used a "stitch in time" to make himself look like Prompto. They could've easily said anything other than that but since they specifically, named an ability, described what it does, and showed the person using it, it made me and my friend's imagination run wild with the idea. Since Ardyn can just stitch-in-time himself as anyone, whose to say he isn't Arenea, or a train captain, or a little kid, or LITERALLY FUCKING ANYONE.
We all imagined Ardyn basically turing into this scene of Handsome Jack (https://youtu.be/SxcOAh6h2b0?t=725).
At this point everyone in chat had lost the ability to take the game seriously and then it just gave us more and more to laugh at in chapter 13 aka:
You Like Doom 3?
Apparently it's widely hated, I honestly like it but it's literally Doom 3.
Spooky comically evil voice taunting
Having to kill demons with limited supplies
Murky, gray industrial complex
Spooky comically evil voice literally gassing you
The final piece of the pie is getting the Alterna spell which is so hilariously over the top powerful that I can't help but laugh. The effect of feeling powerless is lost when you literally summon a blackhole and watch your enemies get spaghettified.
I haven't finished the game yet but I'm very close. I don't think theres anything the story can do to save itself but God have I loved watching the ride.
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