#now we don't drag people out of their house and hit them in the square town
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#until christmas#i am watching a new film that i've never seen before#today i saw the peasants a polish film#every scene feels like a painting it is so beautifully done#a stunning team work#Jagna that town made your life miserable after all you were just an object that your mother traded in for a piece of land#Antek i hate you so much such a coward man#whole town talked shit about Jagna they called her every slur they knew (hate those words so i won't write them)#not so much different of how people talk about a woman they don't like now days#now we don't drag people out of their house and hit them in the square town#we do it behind a keyboard#i enjoyed it and Antek ๐คฎ#wm
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All is Fair in Dice and War
***Soooo, @bagelsinatoaster I love this request. However, you didn't specify which board game and as I am a huge nerd I decided to take some creative liberties and combine this with another idea I've been meaning to write which is: MC introducing the demon bros to Dungeons and Dragons. I certainly had fun with this and I hope you like it!*** Summary: Leviathan's world is flipped upside down when MC tells him there is a game that basically allows him to be the Lord of Shadows in real life!! He demands that his brothers join him as MC introduces them all to the chaotic shit show that is Dungeons & Dragons. For once, it was a peaceful day in the House of Lamentation. Lucifer was lounging in the living room with a cursed record playing softly in the background. For once, Satan had willingly joined him and was sitting by the fireplace, thumbing through a book on the human world. Belphie had been passed out on the couch when he arrived and was still laying there with an impressive puddle of drool collecting near his mouth. Even Asmodeus and Beel had joined in, with Asmodeus gently humming to himself as he painted his nails and Beelzebub happily munching on a snack as he enjoyed the sight of his family getting along. Yes. It was perfectly quiet and peaceful, and Lucifer didn't even have any traces of his regular migraine. But of course, nothing good lasts forever. Everyone jumped as the door slammed open and a wide-eyed Leviathan dragged you into the room. The two you very closely followed by Mammon loudly complaining. "Oi! You're gonna hurt them! Cut it out, Levi!" Lucifer sighed and closed his eyes, momentarily mourning the peace that he had just barely begun to enjoy, and closed his book. "Leviathan, let MC go. What are you freaking out about this time?" Lucifer regretted asking the moment the words left his mouth. Levi looked at it with the expression he only ever got when his limited edition Ruri-Chan merch arrived; his eyes were wide and glittering with excitement while his face bore a grin so large that Lucifer was surprised it didn't rip his skin. The third-born was practically vibrating as he let go of your wrist and pushed you forward. "Tell them! Tell them about the game!"
You laughed at Levi's excitement and casually rubbed your wrist. "I was just telling Leviathan about a game that we play in the human world called Dungeons and Dragons-" "You get to make a fantasy world that everyone plays in, and everyone makes characters. You can be a wizard and cast spells against a huge monster! Or a war hero fighter that has been betrayed by his brother! Or a noble knight who is looking for his lost kingdom! And the best part is that it's real!" Levi interrupted, nearly jumping in place as stars danced in his eyes. You put your hands out towards him to try and calm him a bit. "Well, not entirely real. It is played in person, but it's a role play tabletop game, meaning it mostly relies on the players' imagination. That is unless you have thousands of dollars to spend on 3D maps and figurines of your characters." Levi's eyes grew even wider, if possible, as he started shaking his hands up and down. "I CAN HAVE A FIGURINE OF A CHARACTER THAT I MADE?! GAAAAAAAAAHH!" A pillow flew across the room and hit Levi square in the face as a now awake Belphegor glared at him. "Will. You. Shut. Up?" the Avatar of Sloth hissed as a dark dangerous aura grew around him. Beel gently patted his twin's head in hopes of calming him. Leviathan pouted as he noticed no one else seemed to be getting excited about it. "C-Come on guys! This isn't even a video game! It's a thing that we can all do together and personalize it to be something that everyone will like. It'll be fun! Right MC?" You nodded as you gently tossed Belphie's pillow back over to him. "Yeah. I love D&D. I played it all the time in the human world. There's action, suspense, and even romance if you really wanted it," a couple of the brothers perked up at that. "I could put together a one-shot for you guys to try it out if you'd like? I'll help you make your characters, and we can all get together for an evening and play it sometime in a couple weeks." The room went quiet as everyone thought it over. Most of them had no interest in the game itself, but if it was organized by you... "I'm in," Beel decided with a nod. "I think it will be fun. All of us trying something new; it could be neat." Satan casually flipped a page in his book, "The creative aspect of it is definitely appealing. We'd be the masters of our own fate, and that most certainly piques my interest." Asmodeus smirked as he put the cap on his nail polish. "And you said it could be whatever we want? My, one might say that this game could help our wildest fantasies come true~" he made sure to wink at you as he giggled. Belphie, who had only just got back his pillow, scrunched up his face in disgust and launched it at Asmo. "Don't make this weird Asmo," he looked over at you and shrugged, "So long as you do all the work in putting together the character thing, sure. Why not?" Mammon looked over at you from the corner of his eye. "Ya mean to tell me, that you can make it so I'm some awesome, rich, and powerful prince?" Asmo scoffed as he pushed the pillow off his lap. "Please Mammon, even the world of make-believe has its limitations." Mammon blushed as he growled at his brother. You just chuckled and teasingly elbowed his side. "Don't listen to him, Mammon. There is a set amount of how much money you start out with depending on your class and background, but I'm sure we can find something that will make you happy." The second-born blushed even more as he grumbled quietly under his breath. Lucifer tilted his head in thought. "I suppose that if everyone else is playing, naturally I must as well," he stood and began to make his way to his office. "I look forward to seeing what you come up with MC." The next two weeks were spent planning and carefully figuring out the details of the one-shot and the characters that everyone was going to play. Levi was, of course, the first one who came to you to build his character. The two of you spent hours going through the Player's Handbook and sourcebooks to find the perfect build to recreate the Lord of Shadows. In the end, you put
together a human fighter that you gave a couple magic items to make Levi's vision really come to life. It seemed basic, but for the Lord of Shadows, it was perfect. The moment the two of you finished, Levi dove to his computer and ordered a custom-made mini that looked exactly like his character. Satan was genuinely interested in the game, especially after he learned about all the lore and rules behind the different classes and races. You had just been chilling in your room one day when the door burst open. Satan stood there with wide eyes holding a copy of Volo's Guide to Monsters. "MC, why didn't you tell me there are cat people?!" You chuckled, knowing exactly where this was going. "They're called tabaxi, but yeah, they're basically cat people. Would you like to play as one?" He scoffed and snapped the book shut. "Is that even a question? Of course, I'm playing as one." After some discussion and bouncing back and forth between classes a couple of times, Satan settled on a tabaxi druid; that way he not only looked like a cat, but he could speak to them as well. After a few days of you spending time with his brothers focusing on getting their characters ready, Mammon came to you wanting the coolest, most epic character ever. At first, it was clear that he wasn't fully invested in the process, but as he saw the customizable options and all the cool stuff that his character could have, you got his attention. You ended up designing a golden teifling rogue (you tried to tell Mammon that teifling usually wasn't yellow, but he gave you such a sad look that you couldn't say no) that was decked out with piercings and gems all over its horns and tail. He tried to act like he wasn't that excited about it, but one day during class you caught him doodling what looked like a stick figure version of the character on his sheet with a big smile on his face. Asmodeus came in shortly after Mammon finished,
insisting on having the most charming and beautiful character there was. You tapped your chin at the request. "I mean, stereotypically bards are extremely charming and...well seductive...almost too seductive. But that's only thei-" Asmo had hearts in his eyes before you could even finish. "That's what I want to be!" You sighed and made a mental note not to include any dragons in the session as you marked Asmo down to be an elven bard and helped him create his character sheet. You hadn't heard anything from Lucifer for nearly that entire first week, until one day as you were lounging in the living room, he walked in holding a stack of resource books. "Ah, MC. I've been looking for you. I wanted to inform you that I will be playing a half-elf multiclassing as a paladin and hex-blade warlock." You blinked at him as he put all the books down in front of you. "O-Oh. Would you like help putting together your character sheet?" He just grinned and began to make his way out of the room once more. "I've already done it. I must admit that this was quite a bit more interesting than I thought it would be," and with that he was gone, leaving you to try and figure out what had just happened. With only a few days left until the one-shot, you had to go find the twins and get them to make their characters. Beel apologized like crazy for you having to track him in down in order to get his character made. The poor guy was in the middle of peak Fangol season and had completely forgotten. Once the two of you sat down in the kitchen with an empty character sheet in one hand and snacks in the other, Beel gave you his full attention. He put a lot of thought in his character and wanted to make it really good since he appreciated that you were doing something that they could all do as a family. He bashfully decided to play a halfling. Not only did the little creatures share his love for food, but he thought it would be neat to try being small for once. His class was also a surprise. After carefully flipping through all of the class options, he had eventually settled on a cleric. "They're the healers, right? This way I can help the others if someone gets hurt." You gave him a huge hug then and there. Belphegore, on the other hand, was not so easy to work with. "Belphie, come on. Just flip through the book and choose something!" He groaned into his pillow and rolled onto his side to glare at you. "I told you I would play if you did all the work for me. Me flipping through a book is work. It's not happening." After an entire hour of trying to get him to cooperate, you gave up. In retaliation you made his character a goblin barbarian, just to drive in the fact of how much of a brat he was acting like.
Finally, the day came for you all to play the one-shot, and much like you expected, it was complete and utter chaos. You had tried to maintain some structure and keep everyone on track, but it was hopeless. Levi and Satan were taking the game seriously and, Diavolo bless them, were the only reason their party was making any progress. Mammon was trying to pick-pocket every non-player character that they met while Asmo distracted them by flirting. This worked great for them until Mammon got caught and would've died from the resulting injuries if it wasn't for Beel. Speaking of Beel, the poor fella was trying his best to do well in the game but kept getting confused by all the rules and different stats and modifiers. Belphegor spent most of his time, trying to explain it to his twin, but in the end, Beel accidentally ate his dice and Belphie passed out on his shoulder. And then there was Lucifer. He had been mostly quiet the entire game. Surprisingly, he let Levi and Satan take the charge in any investigations and puzzle-based interactions, but he did so with a smirk. You had a funny feeling in your stomach that he was up to something, and you were right. It was the final boss. Satan and Levi were on the edge of their seats, having worked so hard to get the party to this point. You smiled, knowing that one of the best parts of D&D was finally taking down the big bad. In this case, you had prepared a beholder for them to fight. It would be no easy task. The fight should have required them to work together in an epic battle of wits, magic and melee attacks. Only, when everyone rolled initiative, Lucifer went first. The eldest smiled as his eyes sparked menacingly. "For my bonus action, I'd like to use my hex blade's curse on it, which allows me to add my plus four proficiency bonus to all damage, and makes any rolls of nineteen or twenty critical hits. I will then use my long sword with divine smite at third level to attack him and attack him again using my extra attack," barely giving you time to process what he said, Lucifer rolled his dice twice. "And that would be a nineteen and a natural twenty, meaning they're both criticals due to the curse. That should hit, yes?" "Wha-" You could only watch as Lucifer, now with twice the amount of damage due to his critical rolls pulled out a disgusting number of dice and rolled them all. And of course, with his luck, they all rolled high. "So that's 90 points of damage plus the extra damage from the curse and the bonus from my duelist ability per attack, brings this 102 points," he smugly perched his chin on top of his hands as the table gaped at him. You gulped and looked down at the beholder's character sheet, "Y-You just took o-over half of his hit points in one round..." His grin widened at the information, "What, like it's hard?" You never got the chance to finish the game, as Satan burst into his demon form and pounced on Lucifer, the eldest laughing like a mad man, while Levi tore up his character sheet in a fit of jealous rage. Levi never asked to play with everyone again after that. ***This was just so self-indulgent and I just- I loved it. It combined two of my favourite things and I have never been happier. This was more crack than fluff, but either way, it was fun and I hope you nerds out there enjoyed it ๐ฅฐ Thanks again for the request @bagelsinatoaster!*** Taglist: @mimik248 @roseytoesy @ester-is-here
#obey me fanfic#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me fic#obey me belphegor#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me mammon#obey me lucifer#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me demon brothers#obey me fluff#obey me crack#obey me requests#my writing#dungeons and dragons#dnd#d&d#beholder#druid#cleric#rogue#fighter#paladin#warlock#barbarian#bard#game night#fan fiction
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SWITCHING POSITIONS ## akaashi keiji

doms and subs are overrated. it's hella fun being a switch and keiji couldn't agree more.
. tw smut, switch! akaashi, switch! reader, some baby girl and baby boy calling, mommy kink, sir kink, drunk sex, unprotected sex (dont try this at home), oral (m receiving), creampies, slight degradation . wc 3.8k

the night is young. as young a night gets for two college students after finals week. while countless people from different frat houses have already invited you to come to their year-end parties, you never really enjoy that scene. it's too much of an effort to dress and doll yourself up when, after such a stressful week, you just want to wind down and get drunk here in your dorm with your best friend.
plus, keiji tells way more compelling stories than boys you've encountered at parties and that's saying something, considering you had been drunk as a skunk but didn't find them funny at all.
yeah. offense.
right from the get-go, you figure he's never one for small talk but there's a fondness in his eyes when he talks about his days as a volleyball player. he becomes more loose-lipped, sharing to you memories of his teammates and games. you really didn't care whatever topic he chose to talk about, you just know you'll listen to him anyway. it's great listening to him talk with that comforting voice of his.
"you know," you lean your head back against the couch, cozying up in your hoodie. "maybe you should start a part-time job as a youtuber. you can be one of those people who do asmr videos or something." you chuckle, finding the random thought amusing.
"but i'm already on a full-ride. i don't think i need to get a part-time job," he lies comfy on your couch. one arm hanging, hands over the can of beer.
you sighed staring up at the ceiling. "lucky. it's hard maintaining grades when your professors are a bunch of snobby assholes who don't care about their students."
his knee nudges the back of your head lightly. "don't say that," he scolds. "that's bad. they're still your teachers."
always so polite.
just as you reach forward for another slice of pizza, akaashi speaks again, eyeing you thoughtfully. "wellโฆ maybe i can start an asmr channel and we can split the money i earn."
you laugh, torso turning around to face him. you bring the beer can up to offer a toast.
"see, this is why i love you, keiji."
after clicking his can with yours, you turn around to have a bite of your pizza โ completely missing the red flush on his cheeks, thrown off-guard by the strong proclamation you just made, albeit he knows you probably meant it in a platonic way. he didn't know what to say next so he took another swig of his drink.
he doesn't know. really. what triggered him to look at you as something way more than a normal friend would. for someone so self-aware as him it's frustrating not knowing how and when his feelings for you even changed. because the only time he realized he was knee deep into liking you was when he was also at the brink of losing you.
which reminds himโฆ
"what happened to that guy you were texting two weeks ago?" he asks.
"ah, him? he's tooโฆ what's the word, assertive? intrusive? i don't know โ it's like he wants to monopolize my time. like he wants my whole world to revolve around him and it'sโฆ kinda creepy actually."
akaashi scoffs, sitting up to get a slice of pizza. "you guys were only talking for two weeks."
"i know! that's what i'm saying!" you say, hands wildly gesturing to and fro. he's afraid you might spill the beer. "like โ dude. maybe it's either he needs to chill the fuck out or i'm just not into doms. or maybe he's a walking red flag."
he hums thoughtfully, slumping next to you on the floor before dusting his hands off from pizza crumbs. "he's a red flag. obviously."
"okay but random thought: doms are overrated," you reach forward to open another can of beer, thinking out loud. "subs too. i feel like it's kinda tiring being a top as much as it is being a bottom. being a switch, on the other hand, is like getting the best of both worlds and who wouldn't like that? it's some good hannah montana shit."
now akaashi keiji can't help but laugh at that. "are you drunk? how did our conversation end up this way even."
you bump his shoulder, laughing with him before drinking your beer. "oh, come on. humor me a little, keiji. think about it. i'm right. aren't i?"
"and how do you know?" he turns his head towards you. "have you been a top? or bottom โ"
"i have," the smile you gave him sent butterflies to his stomach. "both. back in my all-girls high school. being a bottom's not too bad butโฆ eh, still. i'd rather just be a switch. it's exhausting to top all the time."
"don't i know it," akaashi mutters under his breath. flashbacks of all those awkward and embarrassing endeavors filling his mind. "guys are always expected to top. it's like a stereotype. can't i just sit back sometimes and follow orders, too?"
he feels the heat crawling up his neck and it makes him shrug off his jacket, leaving him with the plain white shirt underneath.
"i can give you orders."
akaashi almost chokes on his beer.
"you literally just said it's exhausting to top."
you shrugged. "yeah, but โ i mean, it is! it is butโฆ you know."
he can see exactly how embarrassment is taking over your features and he wants to stop and move on from the conversation. he wants to. he should. but there's an inkling feeling inside him that doesn't because he wants to see how this unfolds. his heart is beating erratically and he can't take his eyes off you since that little comment you made.
"i'm sorry," you chuckle, a dismissive tone in your voice. "nevermind. anywayโฆ"
akaashi shouldn't entertain his thoughts.
it's improper. you're his best friend. literally one of the few people who he's managed to befriend in college. he can't lose you. he can't risk being awkward with you. his not-so-platonic feelings for you should never get in the way of that. never. plus, you're both intoxicated right now and you were probably just kidding around. akaashi isn't that kind of guy. he respects you. he should dismiss the conversation but โ
"then give me orders."
you froze. eyes widening as you stare at the forgotten netflix movie playing on your laptop, unable to look at the man sitting next to you. afraid of the weight of his stare. you didn't know why you blurted out whatever you did a few seconds ago but you never thought he'd entertain it. not that you mind, anyway. this is your best friend we're talking about. well-mannered akaashi keiji with the ocean eyes hiding behind those cute square glasses.
the akaashi keiji you've been crushing hard on since you saw him at the freshman orientation two years ago.
"would youโฆ spread your legs for me?"
light rustling can be heard as the microfibers of his socks drag against the carpeted floor. just as you reach forward to push back the coffee table, akaashi beats you to it and does it for you. making sure to push it far so you won't accidentally hit your back on the edges.
with one smooth swing of your leg, you're sitting snug on his lap. the rough fabric of his jeans grazing your thighs as your hands tremble whilst dragging down the planes of his torso.
akaashi grabs your hands, stopping you.
"you look hesitant. you don't need to do this if you don't want to." his tone is low, understanding as always.
you look at him straight in the eye. leaning forward until your lips are all but grazing each other as you spoke. "i want to. i want you."
you dive down to start peppering kisses down his neck and you hear him let out a shaky sigh. you lick a stripe up the side of his neck before kissing the shell of his ear. "go on, keiji. you can touch me. don't you want to touch mommy?"
you feel him shudder, his dexterous fingers mapping random lines underneath your hoodie, slowly raking higher and higher until he's saying "mommy, please take it off" in low hushed tones. the blush in his cheeks prominent as he can't seem to stare at you in the eye. so cute. so submissive. so stupid thinking you'll let him undress you so easily.
"did i say you can take it off?" you hiss, reaching down to cup him from over his jeans and shoving his hands off you. "don't tell me baby boy is being bad, are you being bad? i thought my baby keiji's a good boy for his mommy."
"butโฆ but i am a good โ"
akaashi hisses, knees jolting when he feels you tracing circles on the insides of his thighs with the tip of your nails. for someone who just claimed they didn't like topping, you're doing an impeccable job at it and he doesn't know whether or not he loves it or hates it. when your sneaky little hands unbutton his jeans and teasingly pulls the zipper down, okay, no, he definitely loves it. the determined look in your eyes as you pin your gaze on his features, watching like a hawk at every furrow of his brow, of every sharp intake of breath, every time he throws his head back.
"if you're such a good boy why don't you strip for mommy, hm? won't my baby boy give me a show?" he can't take his eyes off you as you smile, sultry, leaning over to lick at his bottom lip as your ass slowly grinds against his jeans. how merciless you are, when you gave him a peck and pulled away. "go on. strip and sit on the couch."
blindly reaching around the coffee table, you grabbed whatever beer you can hold before raising it up to your lips and staring at him over the rim of the can as he throws his shirt off. you suck in a breath when his abdominals come into view. his torso lean and smooth, siding a little more on the petite size with a tiny waist. and you shamelessly check him out even more when he leans over and hooks his thumbs under his jeans, pushing it down.
you didn't speak until you saw the black waistband of his boxers.
"those, too."
he pauses, looking a little lost. "i'm sorry, what โ"
"everything, baby boy. i want everything offโฆ including those boxers. wanna see your dick throbbing. bet baby boy's already hard because mommy kissed his neck and gave him hickies, isn't he? bet you'll love it if mommy licks you all over, or when mommy rides her baby boy's cute thighs. would my baby keiji like that? would you? does my baby boy deserve it?"
damn were you good at this. the more you spoke the more it's making him ache and he wastes no time in shoving everything down. true to your words he was throbbing. the mushroom tip oozing precum and his dick standing tall. maybe it's the alcohol in his system or maybe it's the desire for you that he had kept locked away for so long, but akaashi can't bring it in himself to feel embarrassed. not when you're looking at him like you want to devour him whole.
the same bright eyes of his adventurous best friend who's stuck by his side since being wide-eyed first years in this huge university โ he'll probably never see you in that same halo ever again, already tainted by the image of you now.
he sees you swallow, eyes never straying away from his girth and akaashi feels a little proud to have you looking star-struck. when you rise from your seat, his muscles tense in anticipation, staring at your hand as it slowly reaches forward โ only to pause mid-air.
akaashi looks up at you questionably and he sees the unspoken question in your eyes, asking for his consent. and your baby boy's answer was instantaneous.
"please, mommy. touch me?"
the smile on your face was cocky. definitely cocky as your hand wraps around his girth, the other wrapping around his throat as you coo. "aw, how can i resist when you're asking so nicely? why don't you sit on the couch and i'll grant whatever my baby boy wants, hm?"
he mewls, leaning back on the couch and eyes you with lust. "like this, mommy?" he mutters, desperate. he even tilts his hips up a little to offer you a better view as you hum in approval, straddling his hips as you stroked his cock.
"such a good boy for mommy, aren't you? how pretty."
he hisses when he catches sight of you kneeling before him in between his legs, looking at him with the most captivating sultry gaze he's ever seen. "mommy's gonna give you a 'lil prep, yeah? so it won't hurt when i ride your dick, baby boy."
"yes, momm โ ugh."
akaashi throws his head back when you finally wrap your lips around him. the image of your hollowed cheeks forever ingrained in his mind. his eyes fly close, focusing his attention on your swift tongue as it lies flat against the underside of his cock, taking him eagerly from the base to the tip. your tongue swirls around the head, sneakily poking around the hole where precum oozes out.
"mommy," he whines when your tongue travels back to his girth, tracing one of the prominent veins in his dick before your hand comes up to play with his balls. "mommy โ shit. so goodโฆ feels so goodโฆ"
it urges you on, hands retracting to wrap around whatever your mouth couldn't cover. his back is arching and you suck him with fervor, eager to push him to the edge, to make him believe you're going to lick and play and suckle until he's creaming around your mouth โ only to pull away at the last minute.
"no!" he moans, looking down at you desperately as you rise from your seat. "i was-i was gonna cum!"
you dismiss him easily with a wave of the hand, too busy shuffling out your clothes. maybe if you had the energy, you would've punished him a few rough spanks but you were far gone already. thoughts of that dick splitting you in half as you ride him consuming your mind like a plague.
akaashi groans when you hop onto the sofa and crash your lips on his. you never would've imagined kissing him this way. sloppy and wet and painfully induced with lust. the stretch is amazing, there was the lightest stinging sensation but was overridden by pleasure. he groans, pulling you close and peppering your shoulders with kisses.
you grabbed his shoulders and started bouncing on his lap in a slow, stimulating manner that made you feel every vein and curve of his cock as it deliciously drags against your walls. you hear him wine. you hear him talk about how it hurts and how he can't take it anymore. how he needs his mommy to move faster. faster, mommy. please fuck me faster. but you ignored him, so caught up in domspace to see the growing irritation in your baby boy's eyes. to see the sudden shift from clinging onto you so desperately to gripping possessively against the soft flesh of your sides.
the air was knocked out of your lungs when he slams you down on the sofa.
"you dare ignore me?" his face is passive, eyes cold and steely as he pinned you with a dark stare. "time's up. i think you got a tad bit carried away there, don't you agree?"
"want me to show you how it's done?" you shiver in excitement when he takes your wrists in one hand. his thighs flex as he gets on his knees before hooking your legs over his shoulder, thrusting his dick deeper into you. akaashi bends forward, a hand firmly gripping your face. "i want you to address me as 'sir' and nothing else, do i make myself clear?"
his low assertive tone so painfully attractive you clenched around him as he drills into you with vigor. akaashi chuckles, the low rumbles of his chest stimulating your perked nubs as it grazed against him with every thrust. "yeah, you like that? like it when i speak to you like this? ah, fuck you're so tight. you're pussy's practically choking my dick โ look, fucking look, baby girl."
your head grazes his as you both watch his member disappear inside you, getting off at the lewd sight of the glistening sheen of your essence wrapped around his cock and the loud squelching noise it makes when he rams it into you again. you whimper, pulling akaashi down for a kiss as your ankles hook around his back, pulling him deeper as his pace quickens and his balls slap against your skin.
"see that? your pussy keeps sucking me back in. bet you're desperate for my cock, aren't you?" you never thought akaashi to be the type who's into talking dirty, you thought he was the gentle, vanilla type. but alcohol always brings around quite interesting things about a person after getting drunk.
you cling onto him for dear life as his hand reaches down to draw figure eights against your puffy clit, eliciting the most feral of moans from you that could rival that of pornstars. "sir," you shudder. "please, sir. please."
"please what?" he grabs your lower back, pulling your torso up to hit an angle that makes you see stars.
"please, let me cum! please."
akaashi clicks his tongue before raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "you didn't listen to me when i was the one begging, why should i listen to you?"
your hands wrap around his neck, sobbing against the crook of his neck by the sheer pleasure you felt. he can't understand your mindless babbling. all inside keiji's mind is the feel of your perked nipples grazing his chest and your plush walls wrapping around him so prettily. he never did it raw, having you as his first time doing it without a condom pushed him way over the edge than he wants to admit.
"be-because โ ah โ i didn't โ"
akaashi hauls you up into a sitting position, arms wrapped around you securely as you straddle him. he yanks you away from his neck, a tight grip wrapped around your throat as he stares straight into your eyes as he fucks up into you, feeling his balls slap against your skin. "what? cock's that good you can't even speak?"
he feels your hips stutter as you sob, tiny hands wrapped around his wrists. you didn't even try bouncing and meeting his thrusts anymore. "sir, please! s'too much! wanna cum โ"
"then fucking work for it," he stils his hips. "fuck me back, baby girl. come on. you said you wanted to ride me, didn't you? bet this is what you've been thinking about for the whole night. that's the only thing my baby girl's capable of right? thinking 'bout my cock and nothing else? such a dumb little baby."
your legs quivered and shook as you obliged and pulled yourself half way up, before meeting him halfway and impaling yourself back down his cock. the first time you did it had both of you whining, akaashi quickly threading his hands through your hair to yank your face towards him. he wants to imprint this memory into his mind. to be able to merely shut his eyes and be transported back to the night you both were intoxicated and you let him use your cunt like a fleshlight.
all sense of manners were thrown out the window as his ocean eyes memorized the way your eyes rolled back when he hits a sweet spot, the way your nose scrunches when the pleasure becomes overwhelming, the way the drool shamelessly trickles down the side of your lips as your tongue sticks out and he so badly wanted to spit but he didn't in fear of making you uncomfortable. everything. he wants to memorize everything.
"just a little more, pretty girl. you can do it. together, okay? cum before me and you'll fucking regret it."
he grabs you closer, burying your face in his neck and planting his feet firm on the ground as he pistons his cock into you. it's not the heat of your body, or your pretty cries, or the lewd sound of skin slapping that made him cum. no. it was your sheer desperation and vulnerability as you bit his shoulders and yelled at the top of your lungs.
he pulled out at record speed and had made a mess on his torso but he was hardly able to register any of these. so fucked out and sated and content to have you sitting on his lap as he stares at your plain ceiling. he doesn't even realize you've dropped down to your knees and started lapping up the essence splayed on his torso until he felt the hot muscle of your tongue. "(y/n) โ"
"what happened to baby girl?" you tease, a playful smile on your lips as you meet his eyes. "you were so into it, 'kaashi. you should've seen your face โ well, i wasโฆ kinda into it too, anyway."
it took akaashi around three seconds for everything to finally sink in, to fully sober up and let the gears work in his head. the realization of what had gone down on your sofa, of the things he told you, brings about an embarrassment greater than anything he's ever felt in his entire life. suddenly, he's shoving you away from him and draping the discarded blanket around your naked form whilst politely looking away. then he quickly covers his soft dick with one of your throw pillows.
"oh, my god. i'm so sorry. this is a mistake โ shit โ i'm sorry! you see, i've liked you ever since and not as a friend and i swear i'm not the type to just โ"
"keiji" you snap him out of it. "i like you too, okay? now don't go around saying it's a mistake or i'm going to throw you off the roof. do you want me to throw you off the roof? right. i don't think so. now, come on! get your sexy ass dressed, we're going somewhere."
"where... are we going?"
"i'm craving ice cream. so for our first date, buying ice cream at 2am!"

#(โแดอหฌแดอ) mine เผโง#หหยฐโข*โโท queueโd!#thirsthours#haikyuu smut#hq smut#haikyuu scenarios#hq scenarios#haikyuu imagines#hq imagines#haikyuu#akaashi keiji#akaashi smut#akaashi keiji smut#akaashi keiji x reader#akaashi keiji x you#akaashi keiji x yn#hq akaashi#akaashi haikyuu
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Foreign Shadows
Karl Heisenberg x Reader: Part 1
Warnings: weapons, blood, gore, kidnapping, torture, cursing, sexual content.

"Ethan, you can't be serious?" (Y/N) calls after her friend. "I am serious. She's missing and I'm going to find her." Ethan shouts, over his shoulder, continuing into the woods. "Its getting late, you can't go out there alone." She says, stomping after him. Ethan turns suddenly. (Y/N) bumps into her chest, inhaling sharply. He looks down at her with desperation.
"Then come with me."
(Y/N) walks beside Ethan, arms crossed. They hadn't spoken to each other for at least twenty minutes. "Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Ethan sighs, breaking the silence. "I know this is hard for you." (Y/N) starts, feeling an uncomfortable shiver run down her spine. Someone was watching. "But this wasn't a good idea. We're out here alone, in that dark, with a only a flashlight. I mean this is classic horror story shit." (Y/N) says. "I know, I know." Ethan mumbles. What sounds like a small branch snapping under someone's foot his heard. They both fall quiet. Ethan looks at (Y/N). Shs looks back wide eyed. He glances around, suddenlt noticing lights in the distance. He pulls (Y/N) to him, whispering in her ear. "There are light down the hill. When I tap your arm, we run, got it." He explains, having a feeling of dread in his gut. (Y/N) lets out a shaky breath feeling him tap her arm. She boots.
Ethan is hot on her tail, as they both sprint down the hill. The lights get closer and closer to reveal a small village. "What the hell?" (Y/N) whispers. Ethan doesn't see her stop running and bumps into her, knocking them both to the ground. "Shit!" Ethan says, grabbing the attention of some people walking the street. (Y/N) groans, sitting up, feeling eyes on her. "Ethan." (Y/N) says, patting the ground beside her. He was gone. She stares at the spot of the ground he once was sitting on. Did he leave her? (Y/N) stands, brushing her hands on her jeans. "Ethan!" She whispers harshly. "Dammit." She mumbles, looking entirely out of place in the village. "Are you lost?" Someone asks, from behind her. She turns, quickly. "I don't- I'm not from here." (Y/N) stutters watching the woman's face light up. "A foreigner! How lovely." She starts. (Y/N) doesn't let her finish. "Have you seen a guy, about this tall," She gestures with her hands, "Blonde hair? He was wearing a green jack-" The woman stops her. "I've seen no man. Please come, inside!" She says ushering (Y/N) inside her home. "Wait, but-" The woman sushes her. "I insist! We never get foreigners nowadays." The woman laughs, eerily. (Y/N) swallows, thickly. "Let me go find my husband, and I'll be right back." The woman says, giving her a creepy grin. (Y/N) shutters as the woman leaves. She rushes to the door, opening it. It slams on the wall as she bolts out of the woman's house and into the square. Where the hell was she? What was going on? Where did Ethan go? What was in the wood? Her breath quickens and she glances frantically around the village for an escape. Villagers stop in their tracks, staring at her as if she were a digusting creature. A dull pain, resonates on the back of her skull. She grunts, falling to the ground from the impact. She turns, seeing villager with some heavy object in hand. (Y/N)'s head pounds. Her adrenaline begins to kick in. The man raises his weapon to strike again and she rolls to the side hearing it clank on the brick below her. She kicks the man in the shin, pulling herself up. "Oh no you don't!" The man yells, aiming a shotgun at her. Where did her get that from? "What do you want? What's going on?" (Y/N) roars, anger filling her. "Where is my friend? What did you do to him-" The gun goes off, the bullets piercing her thigh. (Y/N) falls on her back, crying out in pain. Her hands shoot to her injured leg, holding it. Blood seeps onto her hands. She sobs, looking up through her tears at the man. "Mother Miranda will be very pleased to see you." The man says, confusing the hell out of (Y/N). "Please-" The barrel of the gun comes down the hit (Y/N)'s head.
"Oh, please, that is utter nonsense!" A female's voice booms. (Y/N) winces, feeling cold metal around her wrists. Her thigh is numb and pulsates with her heart. Her head hurts. It's throbbing, aching. She turns to lie on her back. "(Y/N)!" Someone hisses, from beside her. "Ethan?" (Y/N) croaks, quietly. "Thank God. I thought you wouldn't wake up." Ethan says. He's bloody and dirty. "What's going on? Ethan, please tell me this isn't real." (Y/N) whispers. "Ah!" The same female voice says. "They're awake." She chuckles. (Y/N) props herself up against a wall. Oh god. A woman looms above her. She's enormous. She towers over (Y/N) like a tree. She has to crane her neck to see the woman's face. She glances around the room seeing several other figures. Her eyes widen. What the fuck was happening? "Oh, don't be alarmed, darling." The woman, grins. "The worst is yet to come." She says. Someone snorts and (Y/N)'s head turns to see a gruff looking man, smoking a cigar. "What the fuck is going on?" (Y/N) projects, taking all of the strange people by surprise. Ethan feels anxiety bubble in him. "Who are you? What are we doing here?" (Y/N) drills. No one answers. "Answer me, goddammit!" (Y/N) shouts. Cigar man let's out a laugh. It sounded like it came from deep within her gut.
"What's so funny, cigar man?" (Y/N) growls, making Ethan kick her uninjured leg. "Dont provoke them." He mumbles. "Cigar man." The scruffy man repeats. "Don't provoke them?" (Y/N) says lowly. The strange people watch the two humans interact. "Don't fucking provoke them?" She shouts at Ethan, making him flinch. "Some dumbass shot me in the leg and all I was trying to do was get some answers." (Y/N) rants. "You're the one who dragged me out here to find you're precious daughter!" She says raising her hands mockingly. Ethan's face contorts. "Oh so it's my fault?" He says, laughing bitterly. "Obviously! We're in this situation because of you!" She argues, shoving her index finger into his chest. "Me? I'm not the one who-" The tall woman becomes tired of their bickering. "Enough!" She booms, shutting them both up. "Mother Miranda is on her way and she will decide what to do with both of you." She says, obviously annoyed. "I like her." The man says, pointing his cigar at (Y/N). "She's got spunk. Now him," He pauses, pointing to Ethan, "He seems like a pain in the ass, if I'm being blunt with you." He says, ignoring that the two humans were even there, talking to the tall lady. The large woman, sighs heavily. "It isn't your decision, Heisenberg." She says, sitting down. "Now hang on just a minute," (Y/N) says squinting. "Since when am I property?" She glares at all of them. Ethan swallows. "Since you set foot here." A new voice says. It's filled with power. It was quite intimidating. A female figure covered in feathers enters the room. "What the fuck." (Y/N) whispers, eyes trailing her as she walks. The Heisenberg man snorts. Ethan cowers to the wall behind him. Idiot.
Miranda stops at the center of the room. "We will decide your fate, from now, forward." She says, speaking with a kind of grace. "So we don't get a fucking say in this?" (Y/N) fumes. "(Y/N)." Ethan says, weakly. "Don't '(Y/N)' me. I don't want anything to do with this! This is insane. It this a joke? Did my mom set this shit up? She's been after me for years. I knew-" (Y/N) is silenced. "Shut your fucking hole and let the woman speak. Damn." Heisenberg snaps. "I thought you liked me, cigar boy." (Y/N) sneers. Heisenberg rises from his seat, suddenly, making her jump. Mother Miranda sighs. "Now you listen to me, princess." Heisenberg growls, stalking over to her. (Y/N) stands her ground, rolling her shoulders back. Ethan starts to shake in fear. He grabs her jaw, roughly.
"You ain't making the fucking decisions around here." He says. (Y/N) tries to pull her head out of his grasp, but he simply tightens it. "Your fate is already layed out for you. So I suggest to cooperate or you will face the consequences." Heisenberg grins. "Get your hands off me you pig!" (Y/N) says, lowly. A loud crack echos inside the room. (Y/N) falls back against the wall, hand to her face. He just hit her. "Learn your place or you won't survive." Heisenberg whimpers. (Y/N)'s eyes sting with tears. Everything hurt and nothing made sense. "Go to hell." She mumbles. "What did I just say-" heisenberg starts raising his voice. "That's a great show you put on for us, dear, but I think that's enough." The tall woman says, boredom in her tone. (Y/N) slumps back against the wall, defeated. It was no use.
"Ethan Winters." Mother Miranda says. "Your fate has been decided." She speaks with authority. There's a pause. "Lady Dimitrescu will have you." She states. The tall woman grins wildly. Ethan shrinks back against the wall. (Y/N) sits there, a cut on her cheek from something Heisenberg hand on his hand. Possibly a ring. She didn't care. Ethan is carried away by the tall lady she had learned to be Alcina Dimitrescu. "Good fucking ridens." (Y/N) mumbles to herself, watching Ethan struggle. "(Y/N) (L/N). Your fate has been decided." Mother Miranda repeats. "Oh, great." (Y/N) says, voice dripping in hate. "Lord Heisenberg will take you." She says. (Y/N) feels anger filling her. "I'm not going with that idiot." She says, looking at Miranda while referring to him. She hears him stand. Goosebumps rise on her skin, seeing his shadow on the ground as he looms above her. "Get up." He orders. "Fuck off." (Y/N) retorts, still looking at Miranda. "Get the fuck up!" Heisenberg booms. (Y/N) glares up at him. "I said, fuck off!" She yells back. Heisenberg smiles, adjusting his hat. "You're in for a ride, pretty girl." He growls, grabbing her forearm, forcing her to stand on her bad leg. (Y/N) yelps, numbing pain shooting through her ankle to her hip. She pants, pulling at the chains surrounding her wrist. She would glady, for no money at all, kick him in the balls, if her leg was healed.
"Well? C'mon walk." Heisenberg says, in a teasing manner. "I got shot, dumbass! I can't walk." (Y/N) spits. "Guess I'll either have to drag you or throw you over my shoulder. What'll it be?" He says, a glint in his eyes. (Y/N) remains silent. He grabs her by the middle, hosting her over his shoulder. "Put me down!" (Y/N) shouts as he begins to walk. "Oh! I see. You'd rather be dragged on the ground, huh?" Heisenberg says, stopping. "No." (Y/N) says, quickly. "That's what I fuckin' thought." He says, hand resting on the bad of her thighs. It didn't seem like he really cared about the wound on her thigh.(Y/N) starts to feel blood rush to her head. The man was carrying her at an uncomfortable angle. She grunts, wiggling to adjust herself. "Quit movin'." Heisenberg barks, slapping the back of her injured thigh. (Y/N) flinches letting out a pained sound. She dangles from his shoulder like a ragdoll. This was embarrassing to say the least. He was treating her like a sack of potatoes.
After what felt like a month, they reached some sort of plant. A factory maybe? This was all surreal. A whirring sound is heard and (Y/N) is walked through a door. "Welcome to your new home." Heisenberg chuckles. "This isn't my home." She snaps, hitting his back with her chained wrists. "Now you've done it." He says, before throwing her down on the floor. (Y/N) hisses, her leg aching. "Look, this us how it's gonna be." He starts, kneeling down to an eye level stance. "You ain't gonna cause trouble and your gonna do what I say. You hear?" He says. "You may need some trainin'," He pauses, eyes hinting some darkness,
"But you'll fuckin' learn."
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Maybe a Blackwood drabble involving a distant cousin, down on her luck, thinking she struck gold moving in with dear cousin Charles... until things take a dark turn? (They don't have time really be cousins of course.)
(I made her an old friend because the cousin thing doesnโt really vibe for me but I hope you like it)
Dark drabble request for Charles Blackwood! Reader is an old friend of Charles that he's obsessed with. Non-con breeding kink if possible?
What Could Be
Warnings: noncon, manipulation, yearning
Charles was always nice. Well, to you. Most people told you over and over what an asshole he was but he was always good to you. Ever since you were teens and he was scamming cards down in the alley. He always had your back and despite his reputation, you had his.
It had been a while though since you last saw him. Almost ten years. You'd got engaged to Jimmy and Charles left town just before the wedding. He said he had no choice but to miss it, he had an inheritance he needed to claim before it expired. But he never returned.
Then you and Jimmy divorced. Your mother wouldn't house you after the divorce and most felt similar about boarding single women. So you stayed with the widow Doreen Aldine and worked at the flower shop.
Six months and fourteen days after the separation, the last face you expected to see walked in. You wanted to hide but you were the only one left in the shop. You closed at 4:30 and it was already quarter after.
Charles wasted no time. He wasn't that type. He neared the counter and admired the orchid on the corner. You watched him nervously. Had he forgot you?
He smiled and assured you otherwise.
"You still like daffodils?" he asked as he rested a hand on the counter.
You tried not to smile back. "Charlie." You were the only one who called him that. "You must have made it in time. That's a nice suit."
"Did I?"
"You didn't come back. Why would you?" You said. "Leaving this town..."
"How's Jimmy?" He asked.
You blinked and tilted your head. You laughed.
"Engaged to someone else. Already." You answered. "We divorced just before Christmas."
Charles frowned and dropped his hand from the counter.
"Oh... You alright?" He touched the thick orchid stem. "I can't imagine old Missy Helen has changed. She always was a vicious gossip."
"Her and her daughters," You shook your head. "I live with the widow Aldine."
"Lee died?" He asked. You nodded.
"I work here." You shrugged. "Ma won't... How are you, Charlie?"
He considered you and sighed.
"Good. I got a place upstate." He checked his watch. "You got time to cut a bouquet?"
"If that's what you need." You said.
โA dozen of those roses,โ He pointed to the expensive pale pink ones.
You nodded and went to your work. He counted out a pile of bills and you gave him his change. He took the flowers and smelled them. He looked over them at you and tipped them towards you.
"I know you prefer daffodils," He said. "But you deserve the best."
"Charlie," You laughed.
"I'm sorry about the divorce." He said.
"Not your fault." You stared at the bouquet. "I'll figure it out."
He waited but you didn't take the flowers. Couldn't.
"Come upstate with me" He said.
"Just a visit. See the city, see outside this damn place." He waved the flowers closer. "I'm only here for the night. My uncle needs bail."
"Tomorrow?" You asked.
"At noon." He said and pushed the flowers against your hand. "If you don't come, just look at the flowers and think of me."
You took the bouquet at last and his lips went crooked. He knew he'd won, like he always did.
"You still running dice?" You asked.
"Mmm, no," He hummed. "But I still play the odds."
You told Doreen youโd be back. You told her youโd write to let her know. You realised as you packed your valise that Charles hadnโt given many details. Yet that didnโt deter you. That you could not stop thinking of his offer drove you to give a notice of absence at the flower shop the next morning and mull over which scarf to wrap your hair in.
Was Charles still the boy he had been? Had he meant it?
For a moment, you worried that one of his mean tricks would turn on you. That it was finally your turn to find out why Charles Blackwood had earned the loathing of so many in town. Why he had left and never come back. Well, not until yesterday.
You left the vase of roses with Doreen and the cheque for your room. You would still need it when you came back. Or if you didnโt leave at all. As you walked down to meet Charles by the square, you were certain youโd be waiting for nothing. But he was there in a red sports car with an open top. He stomped out his cigarette as he stood straight and smiled at you.
โYou look as if youโre running from someone,โ He said as he took your valise.
โOnly myself,โ You replied.
He placed your bag in the small trunk and opened your door for you. He wasted little time as he got in the driverโs seat and turned the ignition. His hand clutched the stick and you stopped him before he could pull away.
โWhy now, Charles? Why did you come back?โ
โMy uncleโฆโ
โGood timing,โ He turned his hand and squeezed yours. โFor once.โ
You drew away and he shifted into gear. The edge of your scarf fluttered as the wind barreled around you. You watched the old town fade away in the side mirror then peeked over at Charles. His smile was gone and his face was tense in thought. You knew that look; it was the one he got before he had stuck Mr. OโNeilโs ladder to the wall with tar but now, you suspected he was up to something much more sinister.
Charlesโ house was bigger than any you could have imagined. The winding driveway and the towering gate. Had his inheritance really been so prosperous? You were in awe as he led you up the curved front steps, his arm under yours. Your ride had been long but smooth. You only spoke now and then, little reminiscent remarks.
He stopped at the front door and pulled a long key from his pocket as he parted from you. You clasped your valise in your fingers as he pushed the doors open and revealed a spacious foyer of polished marble and newly-laid wood. You stepped inside as his hand went to the small of your back and the door clicked as your heel echoed it in a sudden halt.
You stared at yourself. A likeness which was much forgiving of your true appearance. The paint was finely laid to reflect your former youth. The girl Charles had known all those years ago. The girl long gone. The portrait was startling as it reigned between the curved staircases. You turned to Charles and his hands clutched your arms tightly as he held you in place.
You dropped your valise in shock as he loomed over you. You trembled as his oceanic eyes were dark and stormy. You squirmed as his hot breath enshrined you.
โI waited so long.โ He said. โI counted the days. I hustled, I lied, I cheated, to get all this.โ He squeezed your arms as you tried to push him away. โFor you. Itโs all for you.โ
โYouโre scaring me, Charlie.โ You gasped.
โI wasnโt going to wait forever. I wasnโt even waiting for you to get rid of Jimmy. I just needed it to be right. And it is, now.โ He leaned in and rubbed his nose against yours. โEverything is perfect now that youโre here.โ
โNo,โ You breathed and he took a step forward and forced you back. Another and another, until you were against the wall. โCharlie, I thought--โ
โYou thought Iโd wait forever,โ His hand left your arm and went to your throat, his lips hovered before yours. โWhy him? Why did you never want me?โ
โWeโre friends, Charlie, I never thought-- I never wanted to ruin--โ
โDonโt give me that,โ He snarled and crushed his lips against yours.
You slapped his chest as he leaned into. His other hand crawled down your arm and gripped your waist. His fingertips dug into your side through the silk of your dress. He held your jaw as he devoured you and began to bundle the fabric over your thighs. You tried to pull it back down but his hand was between your legs in an instant.
He drew his lips from yours as he moved his knee between your legs. He pressed his hand roughly to the front of your panties and growled. You clawed at the lapels of his jacket and whimpered.
He interrupted you with another kiss. This one sloppy. You squeaked in surprise and his hand slithered down your chest, groping you hungrily before descending further. He snaked both arms around you and kneaded your ass. He lifted you suddenly and you tore your lips from his, hitting your head against the wall.
He balanced you between him and the wall, one hand gripped your right thigh as his other tugged at your garters. You beat against his shoulders but he barely noticed. He dragged his fingers over the satin along your crotch and picked at the edge. He teased you with two fingers before he turned his hand and stepped even closer.
He struggled with his belt and grunted in frustration. You wriggled desperately, grasping at him and the wall for anyway out. He only leaned against your heavier as he fumbled with one hand between you.
โPlease,โ You begged. โCharlie--โ
He kissed you once more. He bit your lip harshly then forced his tongue in your mouth. You felt his hand moving and smooth flesh tickle along your thigh. He guided his tip up your leg and hooked his finger under your panties. He pushed the satin aside with the head of his cock and you squeezed him between your legs, trying to shut him out.
He grabbed the back of your head and parted from your lips. The scarf crumpled in his hand and choked you as it slid down around your neck. You stared into his eyes fearfully and he thrust. One single, painful thrust that filled you entirely.
Your lips formed an O and his eyes flared. He did it again, this time you let out a whine and he twisted the scarf so that it choked you even tighter. You beat on his shoulder as your pleas were trapped in your throat.
โLook at you,โ He tilted his hips again, harder. โLook at this place.โ He moved in tandem with his words. He leaned in until his lips were against your cheek, his spit smeared across your skin. โBig enough for us.โ He sped up. โFor our family.โ
โChar--โ The scarf tightened and your voice fizzled.
โYou donโt have to-- thank-- me,โ He rutted as he jostled your body against the wall. โI-- love-- you.โ
#charles blackwood#charles blackwood x reader#dark charles blackwood#dark!charles blackwood#dark charles blackwood x reader#dark!charles blackwood x reader#drabble#we have always lived in the castle
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pair: yeonjun x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 2654
parts: 1 | 2
ยท ยท โโโโโโโโโโโโโ ยท.โ.ยท โโโโโโโโโโโโโ ยท ยท
It had been a long time since Yeonjun felt like this. Sometimes life in general had become too much to bear and the things that used to make him happy weren't working for him anymore. Times spent alone slowly became more frequent for him than times he'd spent with his friends.
He'd skipped the first day, not wanting to go back to that routine life just yet. And towards the start of the day, he would never have imagined meeting you and getting to spend the day doing things that strayed far from any of the schedules he'd previously planned. A breath of fresh air was what he liked to call it, and he had you to thank for that.
Unlike him, everything was new to you; a new city, a new school, new people, and a whole new life ahead. Yeonjun felt a little envious after realizing it when you'd talked more about yourselves during lunch, but after seeing how you seemed to enjoy every single second of your little sight seeing endeavor, he thought that maybe he could also be a part of something new in your life.
Best friends.
You had agreed to be his best friend from today onwards; the pendant around your neck serving as proof. Yeonjun finds his hand wandering over to his pocket, holding on to his old necklace.
Half of a star. He'd bought it a few years back. The necklace had a similar purpose with the one he was wearing nowโ meant to be worn separately by two different people. In his case, he had bought it as a whole and had decided to keep one half of it still in its case, stashed inside his closet. His reasons for purchasing it never really felt clear even to him but he also wouldn't call it an impulsive decision. Yeonjun liked to think that he'd be able to find a use for it in the future.
"Yeonjun." You call for his attention, pointing at the posters plastered on a random shop's wall. "It says that the annual carnival will be opening tonight. Wanna go?"
Yeonjun grins. Opportunities somehow kept showing up right in front of his doorstep. "Yeah, only if you want to though. Afterall, I'm only the tour guide for today."
"Shut up." You hold back a smile. "Have you been there before?"
Yeonjun repeats the question in his mind. As someone one would consider pretty popular, you'd expect him to be no stranger in hanging out at fun places like an annual carnival, but that's just it. Yeonjun had never visited that Carnival once ever since it opened. His friends had asked him to tag along but something about it just never seemed to make him want to.
"No." Yeonjun answers, scratching the back of his head. "If we end up going then this would be my first time too." The first time he'd actually wanted to go.
"I guess we're going then." You grin and Yeonjun finds himself smiling back. "It says here that the Carnival's just around the corner so it'd probably be okay if we just walked there."
The two of you make your way to the Carnival. You still had a good amount of time left before it opened so a few quick stops at some stalls along the way didn't do any harm.
ยท ยท โโโโโโโโโโโโโ ยท.โ.ยท โโโโโโโโโโโโโ ยท ยท
In all honesty, Yeonjun didn't even know when and how he'd ended up holding your hand, laughing his heart off by the time you arrived at the entrance but it all just happened somehow. Was it the when your ice cream cone almost landed straight on his shoe earlier? Or when his hand nearly hit you square in the face when he noticed a bug flying towards you? It could've even been when a group of old ladies started hitting on him at the handbag boutique and all you did was stand there shaking, wanting to laugh your ass off.
No matter what the reason was, he liked this. Somehow, it just felt right.
The two of you pay for the tickets before heading inside. The place was larger than any of you had ever expected, cleaner too. People of all ages were enjoying their carnival experience to the fullest. Children were running around with their guardians following closely behind, couples and groups of friends chatting along and taking picturesโ Yeonjun could swear he saw two old men arguing over who gets to take a picture with the mascot first.
"So, which ride do you wanna go on first?" You ask, turning to him.
"Well, how about that one." Yeonjun points at the viking and you feel yourself getting more and more excited.
"NICEโ" Before Yeonjun knew it, you were dragging him around to every single ride at the carnival.
You liked to keep count of everytime Yeonjun freaked out while you went on the rides, and Yeonjun liked to do the same. Despite the thrill of being at a carnival keeping you hyped up, there were a few times when you had overestimated your tolerance with being thrown around. Yeonjun nearly puked twice: once at the twister, and a second time on the rollercoaster. Even you were almost a victim by the rollercoaster's loops.
Yeonjun had claimed he was an expert at navigating haunted house attractions, stating, "I've been watching horror movies all my life. Nothing scares me at this point, tbh." True enough, nothing scared Yeonjun except every single ominous decoration and jump scares the haunted house threw at him. You weren't too fond of horror yourself, but you ended up trying to be the brave one after Yeonjun basically clung to you half of the time. It didn't help whenever you freaked out since you ended up losing Yeonjun after he not so subtly abandons you at the slightest suspicious sound. It was a miracle you made it out in one piece.
"Yeah, so, uh, sorry about that." Yeonjun laughs it off the moment you two got out.
"Sure but you should know that I'm never gonna let you live it down." You tell him, smiling widely as you hold up the photos you received from one of the staff. "I got evidence."
Yeonjun snatches the photos from your hands. "Bold of you to assume these'll affect meโ oh." It definitely did.
You watch as he slips the photos inside his jacket as if it wasn't obvious enough that he was trying to hide it from you. "Nice try but," You take out another batch of photos and wave it around. "Boom. Two copies."
"Wow, okay."
The two of you ended up laughing at each other before you suggest in trying out the stalls. They say time flies by fast when you're having fun and they couldn't be more right. There had been an unspoken competition between you and Yeonjun of who can win the most prizes and let's just say you weren't about to let yourself lose. By the time you got tired, you had a total of three plushies and a bunch of candy bars stuffed in your pockets and well, Yeonjun had the exact amount of prizes you had.
"Fine. It's a draw for now but only because I'm tired." Yeonjun holds the plushies tighter. "We should really get a bag for this. I wonder if we can get a huge plastic bag somewhere."
"Nah, we can just put em in here." You take off your back pack, opening it wide. "I'm sure it can fit all six of them. They're small enough." You were lucky that they did, finally leaving your hands free.
"Wait." Yeonjun pauses after putting the last of his plushies inside. "How can I be sure you won't just take my plushies for yourself after we leave? I'm pretty easy to distract soโ"
"If you forget to get them back then I'll just hand them to you tomorrow at school. You go to HSU too, right?" You tell him.
"Yeah, but how will you contact me?"
"Obviously, we exchange numbers."
Yeonjun blinks. Of course that'd be the simplest solution but still. He'd been talking about staying as friends even after all this but the thought of exchanging numbers hadn't really crossed his mind. He takes out his phone and the two of you quickly added each other as contacts, somehow feeling a bit closer after the exchange.
"While we're at itโ" Yeonjun pulls you in closer as he bends down. Only now that you've felt Yeonjun's warmth close to you have you noticed how cold it actually was outside . It takes you a few seconds to register that he wants to take a few selfies.
You bust out a smile and tried to go along with whatever weird faces and poses he did. "Send them to me later." You say after examining the photos. There's one where Yeonjun mimicked a kissing motion near your cheek, making you smile. Who would've expected you two were total strangers up until a few hours ago.
"Got room for one last ride?" Yeonjun asks as you return his phone.
"Yeah, sure. Which one?"
"Don't ask as if you don't know. I'm pretty sure you left this one out on purpose."
Perhaps unconsciously, you did. In every single movie that involved the two characters going to a carnival, for some reason, they always left the Ferris Wheel for last. It's not like you wanted something grand to happen when you ride it, but more like you just wanted to get a good view of the entire carnival before leaving. It seemed like the perfect final attraction.
Yeonjun notices how you've gone quiet and decided to hold your hand, pulling you along. "Let's go before the place closes."
"Okay." You look up at him, nodding.
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The Ferris Wheel ride wasn't all you had expected it to be. It looked pretty slow in the movies but right now? You were about to puke.
"Yeonjun, wait." You hold on to Yeonjun who was sitting opposite to you.
The Ferris Wheel was going too fast to your liking and you started feeling dizzy. Getting a good view of the carnival seemed impossible at this point and looking at your partner made you even more miserable.
Yeonjun was having the time of his life. He loved the feeling in his stomach whenever the ride went down, and the fact that you were lowkey suffering right in front of him made him laugh even harder.
The speed went on for a few more rounds until it finally slows down. Your heart and probably everything else stilled once the ride came to a complete stop just as your car reached the top. "Thank God. I felt like I was going to die."
"Well, you're safe for now." Yeonjun grins, leaning back in his heat. "You wanted to enjoy the view, right? We'll be stuck here for probably about a minute or two so enjoy it while it lasts."
"Yeah." You smile back, looking outside the window.
The winds were colder up there, reminding you of how warm it felt when you stood close to Yeonjun earlier. Yeonjun catches you warming yourself up with your hands and chuckles. He takes off his jacket and hands it over to you. "Here, put this on."
"Thanks." You quickly put his jacket on. Usually you'd go for the polite route and turn him down but if you were going to continue this friendship business then you weren't about to suffer in the cold when the dude's practically handing you a solution.
Yeonjun gives you a little smile before you continue to admire the view. Down there, the lights almost looked like a sea of stars. The music around the place didn't really help set the mood but somehow, the mixture of it along with the laughter and delightful screams of the other visitors made it feel right. After everything that happened today, you felt like it was the right decision to end the day with this breathtaking sight.
And Yeonjun couldn't agree more. The lights below reflected in your eyes in a way that made the atmosphere lighter. He could tell you were happy and right now, that seemed to be enough for him.
The Ferris Wheel began moving. Yeonjun snickers as he felt you grab for his hand, worried that the ride might throw you off once more, but it didn't. The way down was slow, allowing you to enjoy the ride in peace. Your pendant started to shine, reflecting the lights. It reminded him of everything that happened, from the moment you two met and agreed on a friendship that would last for only a day, up until now where he held your hand on the Ferris Wheel after deciding to be friends for real this time. The pendant became the sole proof of that friendship and Yeonjun couldn't help but wonder if the ones he bought a few years back would truly be of any use in the future. But what would it symbolize for? Who knows, he might just give you the other half.
Your car comes to a stop and the doors open. The realization that the day has officially come to an end left you feeling disappointed. Yeonjun squeezes your hand, bringing your attention to him. He gestures for the two of you to get up and you do, finally stepping back on the ground.
Both you and Yeonjun felt that the way back to the entrance was too fast. It really did seem like the two of you wouldn't see each other again despite the fact you went to the same university. The thought felt silly but that's just how the carnival experience gets to you.
"I guess this is it." Yeonjun speaks up first. "You live pretty far from here, right? I can take you home if you want."
"It's okay. My cousin lives nearby and I texted her earlier that I'd be staying over." You tell him, not wanting him to worry. "How about you? Will you be alright on your own?"
"Yeah, definitely." Yeonjun reassures, holding up his hands. "Oh, and by the way. Is it okay if I leave the plushies on your bag for now? I can't exactly carry them on the way back. If it's ok with you."
"Don't worry. You can just take them back tomorrow." You grin and Yeonjun smiles back. "Also, I'm keeping your jacket for now. I'll return it after I clean it up."
"I can work with that." He shouldn't feel this happy but he did. In a way, he was able to find an excuse to meet up with you tomorrow without things getting awkward. Maybe this friendship could work out afterall.
"Thanks for today. Honestly, this was the most fun I've had ever since I got here." You say, taking one last look at him.
I should be the one to thank you. "You know, I have a lot of things I wanna say to you right now but I think I'm gonna wait until I feel like it."
"Nothing. I'll text you later." Yeonjun gives you a quick pat on the shoulder before running off to the opposite direction. "See you at school! And don't forget to bring the kids!"
You raise a brow. Did he just refer to the plushies as his kids?
He felt dumb, running away from you. The longer he stayed, the more he had trouble leaving, which was new for him. It's been a while since he actually found someone he'd like to hang out with and he was having trouble controlling his excitement. Soon, you'd be able to visit each other's houses, hang out more freely, talk about your days as if it were nothing, and get to know each other more. Honestly speaking, Yeonjun couldn't wait for that day to come but I guess he'll just have to start with tomorrow.
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Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
HELLO GUYS. ๐๐ผ Here is part 9 of I Have A Dream and I must say this part was very fun and exciting to write ๐ I hope you guys aren't so surprised with this weeks chapter and like always please enjoy this weeks chapter ๐๐ BTW how excited are you guys for this new come back? ๐
โ Holy... Shitโ
Breathes out Mingi, the showdown between Ji Woo and the sweet older lady still present in his mind.
After watching Ji Woo scurry off, being casted out by the whole village community both Mingi and San ran back to the house. The whole ordeal being way too big to not mention.
Slamming the door open, Mingi takes ahold of Sanโs arm and drags him towards the big living room where he knows the rest of the guys would be hanging out in.
The rest of the guys (minus Hongjoong) watch as Mingi drags San into the room and sits him down on the sofa before leaning down and taking huge breaths in from having ran all the way from the small town square. Mingi takes a few more breaths in before walking towards Jongho and taking the remote off his hands, turning the TV off causing all the guys to yell out HEY! in protest.
โ Listen up, we have some something to tell you guysโ say San once he finally regains his breath, standing up and walking towards the pile of guys that sat on the brown couch. โ Guess who we just saw!โ Mingi says as he waits for one of the guys to start guessing.
โ I'm gonna go ahead and say Y/N since she's the only one that could bring up such a big reaction from you.โ exclaims Seonghwa, irritated with how abruptly Mingi and San interrupted them in the middle of a good movie.
โ We saw her too and let me just say... WOW! I swear if you guys saw her you'll honestly lose your breath, she looks so pretty and pregnant!โ answers Mingi causing San to nod along in agreement and the guys don't seem to miss the way his eyes twinkle at the mention of her name.
โ Then who else did you see? โ asks Wooyoung, curious as too who else would have caused Mingi and San to apparently run all the way home.
Mingi and San look at each other for a couple of minutes, seemingly having a mental conversation before turning towards the guys and uttering the name of the girl they have all collectively hold a strong dislike towards too.
โ Ji Woo.โ
Serious of gaps fill the room, faces of shock confusing stare back at San and Mingi almost causing them to burst out laughing if the topic at hand wasn't so serious.
โ SHEโS HERE?!?โ yells Wooyoung, causing the guys to wince at his volume. They failed to notice the small leader hiding in the shadows listening to their conversation.
โ More like she was.โ says San, the guys calming down and giving him confused looks. โ What do you mean she was? Is she here or is she not?โ questions Yeosang, the rest of the guys nodding their heads right after his question.
โ Okay so we went for a swing around the village to eat some food, but we bumped into Y/N and this older lady. We were waiting for them to leave and then eat something really quick but all of a sudden Ji Woo pops up behind them and starts trying to talk to Y/N.โ Mingi blabbers on and the rest of the guys attentively listen to every word, making sure they don't miss anything. The leader of the 7 slowly inching his way in, making sure to be as quiet as he can so that none of the guys catch him.
โ Y/N didn't want to listen to her though, so the older lady with her took her and pushed her behind her. It looked like she knew who Ji Woo was because my god was her glare scary and it looked like she was trying to shut Ji Woo down quickly.โ Mingi continues before stopping and taking a big breath in, his words coming out at a fast pace causing him to lose his breath. San having been quiet this whole time letting Mingi tell the story, notices how Mingi stopped so he decides to continue for him.
โ So the older lady was the one talking to Ji Woo and I guess Ji Woo didn't like that so she started screaming at Y/N! Telling her that she couldn't drop years of friendship for something that was apparently small, like can you believe her!โ San spits out, the words that Ji Woo said replaying in his mind and causing him to huff in anger. The rest of the guys seem to feel anger as well as some of the guys have glares set upon their faces, jaws locked in frustration.
โ Y/N was being crowded by some people of the village and Ji Woo was getting mad, so she started screaming at Y/N that it was her fault that Hongjoong cheated on her! That she wasn't a good girlfriend to him!โ butts in Mingi, causing the guys to jump up in anger.
โ HAS THIS BITCH LOST HER MIND!โ yells out Jongho and the rest of the guys freeze in shock, first off; never hearing Jongho curse out so freely and second from how mad he sounds. All the guys do is watch as he paces around the back of the couch, muttering under his breath. The sound of curse words mixed in with Ji Wooโs name causing the oldest of the bunch to cringe from the harsh words coming out of the youngest mouth but nonetheless letting him continue.
San reaches forwards and takes ahold of Jonghoโs sweater, pulling him towards the couch and making him sit down. Before Jongho can get up and start pacing again, San grabs both his hands and starts rubbing circles in them with his thumb, a technique that Y/N used to do on him whenever he was stressed or mad.
โ I really miss her Hyung...โ Jongho mutters sadly, causing San to sigh. After the whole ordeal in Y/Nโs apartment and her leaving, the guys felt like something was missing from them and San took a huge turn because of that but everyone knew that the second person to slowly change due to her departure was Jongho.
Y/N was like a big support system for Jongho, second to his family. She was always reassuring him whenever he couldn't hit a certain note or whenever he was getting frustrated with a specific dance move he would tell Hongjoong to call Y/N wanting a big warm hug from her.
Jongho really loved Y/N like a big sister, a sister that he could talk to without holding back. She took care of him like a big sister, and all he wished for was being able to hold her again wanting to feel the comfort that she could only provide.
โ I think her life is falling apart..โ whispers Yunho, the guys waiting for him to carry on talking.
โ I went to the mall she used to work at with y/n and apparently she got fired.โ he says and all the guys do is roll their eyes.
โ Whatever.. She honestly deserved that, after all wasn't Y/N the one that got her that job?โ Yeosang asks, wooyoung humming as an answer to his question.
โ Okay enough about her losing her job! Anyway, so she started being rude and disgusting towards Y/N so you won't believe what the older lady with her did!โ Mingi once again exclaims, catching the attention of the guys again.
โ She practically marched towards Ji Woo... AND THEN BAAM! SMACKED HER RIGHT ACROSS THE FACE!โ Mingi cheers out, the rest of the guys gasping out in shock. Jongho turns towards San and gives him a look of disbelief, San just lets a smirk invade his face and gives a firm nod.
โ Did she really get smacked?!?! โ questions wooyoung and Mingi screams out a yes. โ You should have seen her face! She looked so surprised and her lip was split from how hard Mrs. Park smacked her!โ San adds in, the smug look upon his face letting the guys know that he probably enjoyed her getting smacked.
โ Mrs. Park..?โ asks Seonghwa and San nods his head in confirmation to the name. โ That's the name of the one who smacked Ji Woo, we heard everyone talking about her after they left.โ
They all sit in silence after that, wooyoung letting out small whines from having missed Ji Woo getting slapped. Hongjoong decides that he should finally make himself present or else the guys would call him out for listening to them.
โ Ji Woo was here..?โ His small voice pierces the silence of the living room and all the guys turn towards him in surprise, his sudden presence causing Mingi to jump in fright.
โ Why are you acting so surprised.. I honestly won't be surprised if it was you who told her where we were. You probably missed your midnight fucks right.โ scoffs out Jongho and Hongjoong bites his lip in anger, causing the skin to break and the taste of the iron red liquid swirl inside his mouth.
โ I-.. I didn't call her... I blocked her number after y/.. After Y/N left.โ Hongjoong mutters out, desperately trying to defend himself as best as he can.
โ It doesn't matter anyway, the home wrecker left after being humiliated in front of everyone. Karma is working fast with her.โ San says, trying to quickly dismiss the subject of Ji Woo the thought of her just making him angry.
Standing up abruptly, San walks towards the living room doorway where Hongjoong stands causing the rest of the guys to jump up in alarm. They know San would never hit anyone, no matter how much they wronged him but they still stand alert in case anything were to happen.
San knowing the guys are probably watching his every move lifts up his hand and shakes it around letting them know that he doesn't plan on doing anything bad.
Stopping next to Hongjoong, they stand next to each other both facing different directions. โ Ji Woo was one problem in Y/Nโs life and I'm glad she's dealt with but there still stands you. One more problem for her, but I'll make sure that you stay far away from her from now on.โ he says and finally walks out, heading towards his shared room.
They watch as Hongjoong squeezes his eyes closed, desperately biting his lips again and harshly gripping his pants. He lets out a shaky breath and opens his eyes again, glassy teary eyes stare straight at the rest of the guys in the living room. The immense frustration and pain causing some of the guys to look away from him before they all slowly start walking out, leaving Hongjoong standing in the living room alone.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
โ Seonghwa-Hyung, have you seen my airpods anywhere around here?โ San asks as he walks into the dining room where the older male is seated in, a book and a steaming cup of hot chocolate situations next to him.
At the call of his name, the older male lifts up his head from his reading and watches as San walks around the room slowly starting to look around. โ Didn't you have it with you yesterday? How could you lose such an ugly blue airpod case?โ Seonghwa exclaims causing San to snap his head towards him in disbelief.
โ How could you?!? Wooyoung gave me that case for our friendship anniversary hyung! What would he say if he heard you just now!โ San points at Seonghwa, his fake hurt tone causing the older male to let out a small chuckle.
โ He won't say anything, he's too scared to go against me.โ Seonghwa smugly says and all San does is shake his head trying to not let Seonghwa see that he agrees with that statement.
โ Didn't you have it with you when you came back right after spotting Y/N?โ he ask but San just shakes his head in agreement. โ Yes I had it with me then.. But I didn't feel it in my jacket pocket a while later.โ San says and Seonghwa hums in concentration. โ Maybe you dropped it when we ran after Hongjoong, we did run the whole way and came right back home after dragging him back. It might still be there.โ Seonghwa say and San snaps his fingers when Seonghwa mentions the running they did yesterday.
โ You're right Hyung! After we came back home I didn't feel it in my pockets anymore.... I'll be back, I need to find it before someone else grabs it.โ San exclaims making the older male shake his head at him. โ Why don't you wait till the morning? It's already dark and it's supposed to rain in a little bit.โ the older male says, worry evident in his face.
โ Don't worry! If I run over there, I'll have enough time to look around and make it back before it starts to rain. I have my phone with me, so I'll call you when I start heading back.โ San shows his phone to SeongHwa before bolting out the dining room and towards the front entrance.
โ H-HEY! You better be back in 20 minutes! If you're not back by then, I'm sending a search and rescue party!โ Seonghwa screams out and all he gets in return is laughter from San.
By the time San gets near the park, the low rumble of clouds nearby cause him to curse out loud trying to hurry up before the waterfall catches up to him.
Taking out his phone, he turns on the flashlight and starts panning it across the cobblestone road desperately trying to find the bright neon blue airpod case. Due to the complete darkness surrounding him, he fails to notice the big twisted branch sprouting from the ground a couple feet away from him.
Slowly walking around the area, he curses out loud again before quickly twisting around and beginning to walk back towards the house. He makes it a couple steps before his foot is caught between the branch causing him to fall and twist his ankle, letting out a loud yelp of pain when he hits the floor.
Slowly reaching towards his foot he rips the branch off the ground and turns on his back, reaching a shaky hand towards his throbbing ankle. Lifting up the material of his sweatpants, he sees his ankle slightly red and swelling no doubt in his mind that it's at least sprained.
Falling on his back, he lays there a couple of seconds taking deep breaths in trying to calm himself down. Reaching towards his pockets, he takes out his phone and quickly unlocks it wincing in pain when he accidentally moves his ankle. Pressing the contact icon, he types in Seonghwaโs name but before he can press the call icon a familiar voice calls out towards him.
โ Oh my God! Are you okay? I saw you fall and I ran as fast as I could to reach you!โ the person exclaims and San turns towards the girl making her way to him.
โ Do you need help? Is your ankle okay? That was a pretty heavy fall...โ her voice trails out once she makes eye contact with the male laying on the floor.
โ S-San...?โ Y/N mutters out, starting at the injured boy with wide eyes. San goes to reach for her, but only manages to scream out in pain the throbbing in his ankle getting worse than it was before.
The scream snaps Y/N back into reality and she without thinking carefully crouches down and places a comforting hand on Sanโs shoulder. The action surprises him and he snaps his eyes towards the woman he's in love with in confusion, expecting her to leave the minute she saw him. Instead, he watches as she closely inspects his ankle then wince when she notices how ugly it's gotten in just a couple minutes.
โ We need to head to my house.โ she firmly states causing San to choke on his spit from how serious she sounds. Without waiting for his response, she stands up and then crouches down again putting her arms behind San and carefully trying to lift him up.
โ Woah Woah Woah! Wait a minute Y/N! Youโre pregnant, you can get hurt trying to lift me up!โ San yells out in protest, trying to remove her hands away from him in order to stop her for moving him any further.
โ It's about to start raining and my house is close by. Do you want to wait in the rain for someone to pick you up?!โ she harshly asks him, causing San to shut up from how hard sheโs glaring at him. Looking at the sky quickly, he notices how much darker it's gotten and the bright flashes of lightning rolling in from further away. She's right he thinks and all he does is get one look at her stern face before giving up and nodding his head.
Neither of them say anything as she helps him get up, San trying his hardest to carry most of his weight as to not hurt her and her baby. Gradually walking a couple more feet, in under 5 minutes they end up in front of a small two-story house. Walking up to the porch they make it just in time because the moment they step foot under shelter the heavy clouds above let out buckets of water, harshly hitting against the steps they just climbed.
Taking out her keys and throwing open her door, Y/N drags a panting San towards the living room before dropping him on the sofa and quickly walking towards the kitchen. As she rummages through her pantry, taking ahold of the small first aid kit she spots a small white note with her brother's handwriting letting her know that he's out buying food.
Placing the note back down, she walks towards her fridge and grabs a bag of frozen peas before walking back towards the injured man. Kneeling down she places a small table in front of him and props his foot up on some pillows, trying so hard to focus on something else instead of his piercing eyes looking at her.
Placing the frozen bag on his swollen red ankle, she grabs his shaking hand and places it on the cold bag before getting up again and walking towards the downstairs bathroom. Sanโs heart beats a hundred miles per hour, the soft touch of her hand grabbing his causing him to forget about his injured ankle for a split second before he watches her stand up again and walk towards a long hallway.
Throwing his head back he takes a big inhale through his nose and let it out in form of a shaky breath,the pain causing him to break out in a sweat. He runs a hand through his quickly dampening hair and waits a couple second before hearing the sound of Y/Nโs sandals rushing back towards him.
Opening his eyes, he comes face to face with a cup of water and Y/Nโs outstretched hand with a white pill placed in the middle.
โ Take it.. It's ibuprofen. It'll help with the pain.โ She says and San quickly takes it from her hand, wanting to get rid of the pain coursing through his ankle.
Y/N moves back towards his swollen ankle and takes his hand away from the still freezing cold bag, making sure not to accidentally bump or move his foot. She reaches towards the red first aid kit before taking out an anti-inflammatory cream and carefully spreading it across the red swollen skin.
San watches as she takes a role of clean white bandage and carefully wraps it around his ankle, tying it firmly so that it won't fall off right away. After tending to his ankle they sit there in complete silence, the tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife.
โ I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..โ San whispers out to Y/N, causing her to grip her baby blue dress. Standing up abruptly, she goes to walk away from him but San reaches out faster than she can walk. He strongly grips her wrist, yet soft enough so he doesn't cause a bruise.
โ Please... Please don't leave me again Y/N...Please don't walk away...โ San chokes out holding onto her wrist with both hands and bringing it towards his face, placing her hand on his face and gripping it there. Y/N watches as San sobs onto her hand, his hands keeping her hand placed on his face and sobbing out pleas for her to stay.
Turning back around to face him, she lifts her other hand and places it on his other cheek causing San to let out a loud sob and cry out even harder. He intertwines his fingers with hers and brings them up to his forehead, preventing her from moving away from him.
โ Please just let me explain.. Let me explain myself and if by the end you still hate me then I'll leave you alone but please just let me explain.โ He cries out causing Y/N to choke in a sob, dropping her head on their intertwined hands and letting tears drop from her glassy eyes.
They sit there together, both they're heads placed on their interlocked hands crying into each other. Finally lifting up her head, Y/N watches as San manages to calm his sobbing down to a meer sniffle here and there.
โ Do it..โ she whispers causing Sanโs head to snap up towards her, his bloodshot red eyes staring right back at her intense stare.
โ Explain Yourself.โ
#ateez#ateez angst#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#ateez reactions#kpop imagines#kpop angst#ateez hongjoong#ateez seonghwa#ateez yunho#ateez yeosang#ateez san#ateez mingi#ateez wooyoung#ateez jongho
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The lovers of the night
Scarlett and Aaron
(part 3)
2 weeks go by, Aaron and Scarlett always saw each other in the evening, during the day, they gave each other almost ambiguous accomplice looks. They talked about everything and nothing, getting to know each other a little more, even though Scarlett remained mostly silent, preferring to listen to the Sheriff. Tonight, there was a good opportunity to meet again, the rodeo party, it is certainly not a very romantic place to declare his flame but they should not miss this opportunity.
"Tonight ?" she asks, surprised.
"Yes, if you don't mind."
"But will there be people?"
"It's the principle of the holidays, inviting people."
"Oh ... I don't like the crowd ..."
"Don't worry, we will step aside, we will be quiet."
"Well ... I'll think about it."
"I really hope to see you tonight, Scarlett."
When evening came, Aaron was already there, 3 guards stood in front of the entrance, inside, it was crowded, alcohol and cigars smelled like noses.
Scarlett was still at home, not knowing what to wear for her date. Half of her wardrobe was mostly black. Did she have to dress in a simple way? Extravagant? If she put on lace, the Sheriff would take her for an easy girl, well what she doesn't want. She finally opted for a dress with a small black neckline, decorated with small diamonds. Watching her hair in battle, she decides to style and curl it, leaving her long curly lock in front of her eyes.
"It should be enough ... Come on ... I can do it." she thinks.
She puts on her black shawl and heads for the saloon.
"As long as she comes ..." thinks Aaron, in front of his small glass of whiskey, until he hears the guards' voices becoming imposing.
"You can't go back!"
"What? But it's not free to enter?" asks Scarlett, shocked.
"No, but to go back, it's 20 dollars!" asked the guard.
"Stop, I invited her!" said Aaron, arriving in time between the two guards.
"Sorry Sheriff, we didn't know that." said one of the two guards, embarrassed.
"Scarlett, come on, I've been waiting for you." said Aaron, holding out his arm.
She grabs his arm without hesitation and lets herself be dragged to the bar.
"I thought I couldn't go back. I didn't know it paid off." she said softly.
"I should have warned you, forgive me, but as I invite you, we have free rein." he said, looking at her.
"Fortunately you are Sheriff otherwise ... I will not have passed."
"Hehe, come on, come and have a drink."
"Since time. But I have no money ..."
"I'm the one paying, since I invited you." said Aaron with a charming smile.
While they were drinking, Aaron watched Scarlett from top to bottom.
"You're beautiful tonight, Scarlett ..." said Aaron, shyly.
"Ohโฆ thanksโฆ does that mean that on other days, I look like a rag?" she asks, suspicious.
"Huh? No, no, take it as a compliment! I'm sincere, now or on other days, you're ravishing."
"You have to say that to all the women you know."
"I'm not interested in other women, you mean the most to me tonight." he said, placing his hand gently against her shoulder.
Scarlett feels a shiver run down her back. Why was he doing this for her? She flees her gaze, not knowing what to do or how to react. In the distance, three women, provocatively dressed, call the Sheriff in the distance, then they start to walk towards him.
"Looks like you have company." whispers Scarlett to Aaron.
"Ooh dear Sheriff! You here? We weren't expecting it!" said one of them.
"Stay a little with you!" begs the other, resting her chest against him.
Aaron looked very embarrassed and couldn't help but blush.
"I would like to, but I'm already busy, ladies, but can you do us a favor?"
"Oooh? Which one?"
"Try to distract the guards, a little bit of your company would do them good." said Aaron, praying that it would work.
"Your desires are orders, Sheriff! Hihi! Come girls!" said one of them, jumping on the guards.
"Come on, Scarlett! Let's go outside!" said Aaron, taking her hand.
It was a diversion, the two of them rush out and sit at a table outside in the light of the lanterns.
"But why did you do this?" she asks, exhausted from this race.
"I didn't want to be locked up in this place with her crazy peopleโฆ I saw that you were embarrassed. Outside, it's better, just you and me."
"Hehe, you're right, I was starting to suffocate, I don't like the crowd."
"I know it ... are you hungry?" he asks.
"Not too much ... Maybe a few aperitifs." she replies, touching her hair.
Once the aperitifs are there, Scarlett asks a question that was running through her head.
"Tell me ... Do you like what you do? Well, I mean, as a Sheriff." she asks.
"You know, being Sheriff was not a vocation for me." he replies, taking a square of cheese.
"What do you mean ?" Scarlett was starting to be interested.
"Since childhood, I had a dream, to go around South America. But I was brought back to reality by my father. I was very close to him, but the only one I did not like at his place was his authority and his arrogance. He himself was Sheriff before my turn, I had to be ready to succeed him because he was getting old. He said that traveling was for the gypsies and the Indians. instead, I saw the sea, as I told you before. The sea was my only comfort, I found peace. "
"It must be wonderful ..." sighs Scarlett, listening to him attentively.
"I will take you there, I promise you." he said, looking her in her eyes.
"You don't have to do this for me, there are other women who would dream of seeing the sea with you."
"You are the only woman I would like to take." he said, putting his fingers on Scarlett's hand.
She withdraws her hand a little, blushing.
"Why are you interested in me? I'm boring, and other women are better than me, they deserve you. One day, you will have to find a woman to be your wife."
Hearing this, Aaron wondered if it was the right time to tell him what he really felt for her. Suddenly, soft music cuts him off before a sound even comes out of his mouth. A slowโฆ nothing better to get closer to the one who won his heart.
"Would you like to dance ?" he asks.
"I don't know how to dance ..." she replies, closing in on herself.
"Come, it's easy." he said, taking her hand.
They stand up and put his hands on her back.
"What are you doing ?" Scarlett jumps.
"Put your hands on my shoulders."
But being small, her hands land on Aaron's chest. Which makes him blush more and more.
"Let yourself be lulled and guided by me and the music." he whispers in her ear.
Scarlett was mesmerized by her words and her reassuring voice. She lets herself be entirely done. She sticks against him, Aaron felt like immense happiness in his heart and thousands of butterflies in his belly. Scarlett felt reassured in his arms, their dance turns into a passionate embrace. They cuddled for a long time until the music stopped.
"To answer your question before, I don't need to search among all the women who are here, because the only woman I love is in front of me." he said, taking her hand.
"Huh? What ... what did you say?"
Scarlett understood perfectly, but she refused to believe it. It was too much for her, she wanted to escape from this awkward moment. Aaron was waiting for her reaction.
"Um ... I think you are wrong, Aaron ... I am not the one you think ... or the one you want ..."
"Why do you say that ?" asks Aaron, who did not expect her reaction.
"Excuse me, I have to go back ..." she lets go of his hand and runs away.
Aaron is left alone and taken aback, what did he do wrong? He sets off in pursuit. She was opening her door.
"Scarlett! What did I do? Did I hurt you?" he wrote, joining her.
"Leave me alone, it's better for you and me that we each stay on our side. You have nothing to do with me." she said coldly.
"Scarlett, I don't understand, I just confessed that I love you! I thought thatโฆ"
"Well, think no more! You will never love me! I will make you suffer!" she writes.
Aaron didn't understand why she said that. He follows her to the kitchen.
"Get out of my house!" writes Scarlett, her eyes filling with tears.
"Scarlett, calm downโฆ we can explainโฆ" said Aaron, taking her in his arms.
Scarlett brutally pushes him away and grabs a knife, pointing it at him. Aaron steps back in fear.
"Ho! Scarlett! Put down that knife!"
"I will not make you happy! I am a monster! I will no longer trust a man!" she yells, hysterical.
Aaron closes the door to prevent his screams from attracting the attention of a villager.
"Scarlett, we can talk about it calmly, please, drop that knife." he said, advancing cautiously.
"Stop! Otherwise I will kill myself in front of you! I deserve it! I would rather die than surrender!" she said, turning the knife against her.
"SCARLETT !! No !!" he rushes over to her and grabs her wrist, removing the knife and letting it slide further to the ground.
"AAAH !! LEAVE ME! Kill me!" she yells, struggling.
Aaron holds her tightly in his arms until she calms down and she bursts into tears, falling to her knees, still in Aaron's arms.
"Shhhh ... calm down ... what's this story? Why should I stop you? Want to talk about it?" he asks silently.
She nods to say yes. He covers her with his coat and goes to the living room sofa.
"I don't come from here, actually. I'm from town. I was training with my mom so I was ready to inherit the business."
"I see ... but what is wrong with that?"
"In the meantime, I was forced to be with a man just to make me descendants. I was unable to conceive ... He ..." she stops in her sentence, feeling the tears come to her eyes.
"Shhhh, take your time ..." said Aaron, thinking about the worst that could have happened to her.
"He ... he raped me! Saying it's my fault ..." said Scarlett, bursting into tears.
Aaron was shocked by this revelation, he could never have thought of it, he cradled her in his arms.
"You know why I have this scar on my cheek? It was beating me too! One day, it was one time too many, it hit me again and ... I grabbed a knife, and ... I wanted to defend myself but I ... I stabbed him ... "she said, whispering the end of her sentence, still bursting into tears.
Aaron finally understood why she was so scared and that she never went out. He continues to listen to her.
"What happened next ?" he asks.
"I ... I was tried, but I was released because I used self-defense. Half defended me and the other called me a murderer ... I left town to settle here after the death of my mother. I prayed that no one would recognize me when I went outside ... I didn't want it to end like that. " Scarlett replies, drying her tears.
"I'm on your side ... you defended yourself and this junk deserved it, no one has the right to hit a woman!"
Scarlett was amazed that the Sheriff was part of her terrible past.
"You have to stop me ..." she said.
"No ... I won't do it. I understand why you don't trust me ... rather men ..."
"I ... I didn't say I don't trust you. I need time for that ... you're the only one who really seems to want to take care of me ..."
"For the moment, I will make sure that no one does you harm ... for my part, I will never harm you, I will never leave you, we will take our time." said Aaron, hugging her.
"Aaron ..." whispers Scarlett, hugging him too.
"You deserve happiness, everything you told me stays here, your secret will be ours." he said, looking at her.
Gently, he approaches her face, his lips brush against hers, Scarlett turns her head slightly, everything was going so fast for her. But she couldn't help smiling after this delicate gesture.
"I'll wait for you, Scarlett ... take the time it takes." said Aaron, taking her hand.
"You don't have to keep more secrets between us." he finished, kissing her forehead.
"I will come to see you as soon as I can." said Aaron, getting up.
"I prefer the night, I like it when you see me at that time." said Scarlett smiling, then she continues.
"And thank you again for trusting me."
Aaron turns around, he comes back to her, puts his two hands gently on her cheeks and kisses her tenderly. Scarlett remains frozen as if someone had cast a spell on her, she doesn't protest and relishes this kiss.
He breaks the kiss and says to her:
"I love youโฆ"
Scarlett didn't know if she should answer him, she didn't want to rush, yet her feelings were mutual. She answers him with a simple smile and Aaron leaves in silence.
To be continued...
Part 2 :
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Don't hold your breath that the show will give us anything great with the Starks. GoT always handled the Lannisters and Dnys storylines better than the Starks, showing us what they can do and their achievements. As of now only Arya is being represented as a Stark who progressed and can do shit, even Jons storyline isn't handled well, Sansa and Bran are a mess. All the theories are good, but it's also what want to happen. I don't know what will happen but I'm almost certain nothing we wish for
Itโs odd to see someone drag the show of behalf of the starks and in the same breath claim that none of them have progressed? So Sansaโs 8 seasons worth of pain and progression never happened? Branโs suffering and hard trek towards the unknown only to find a destiny thatโs far greater than he ever expected never happened? a young Robb Stark wasnโt kicking Tywin Lannisterโs ass until heโs death? Catelyn Stark wasnโt shown to be a fierce mother who didnโt make down to anyone and didnโt try everything in her power to protect her children until her last breath?
Did Sansa Stark not start the series as a naive high born girl with dreams of the south only to get a rude awakening very quickly that she didnโt let break her? Did we not see Sansa tell Joffrey her brother would bring her his head? Did we not see her quietly learn how to survive a snake pit that most other characters would have died in? Did we not see Sansa jump from the walls of her own home to get away from her abuser then tell Jon that she was taking that same home occupied by that abuser back from him at all costs even if she had to do it alone? Did we not see Sansa triumphantly save Jon at the battle of the bastards and get her home back after years of devastation to he family? Did we not see Jon crowned King in the North, a crown we thought we wouldnโt see again after Robb? Did we not see Sansa give justice to not one but TWO of the most vile and abusive men on the series?
And what about Bran? A cripped young boy who was driven out of his home by someone he thought was his brother and was forced to wander with his younger brother and two guardians while knowing if they are discovered they will die. The boy who had powers that he didnโt understand but learned how to use them anyway even without guidance at first? What about when Bran warged Hodor to stop them all from being discovered? Or when he had to make the heartbreaking decision to forget about ever letting Jon know he was alive because he had to embrace this unknown destiny in front of him? Was it not recently Bran stark that allowed the North to have the information they needed to prepare for the battle with the NK and was it not Bran Stark that allowed Arya to ultimately defeat him?
And Jon, I mean do I really need to break down all the ways the show has propped Jon up? How heโs faced difficult tasks left and right and has fought his way through every time. How he was betrayed by his own brothers and brought back then helped his sister win their home back? How Jon has done everything in his power at all times to protect the people he loves most like Sam and Sansa, and Edd. How about even in the last episode, when he fought tooth and nail to try to get to Bran, even made himself ignore his best friends dying because he had to save Bran before the NK got to him. How the only thing that could keep Jon away was a whole dragon and in the end he was even willing to square up with that same dragon if it gave him the chance to reach his little brother and end his war.
There is so much I havenโt even mentioned but Iโve mentioned more than enough to kill that idea that the show doesnโt care about the starks outside of Arya. Thatโs completely false. I mean itโs even contradicted by the minutes of screentime they get. The stark siblings have always had some of the most screentime on the show, even at times surpassing Danyโs. If they arenโt the focus then why do we see them the most?
The Starks started the series as a wonderful close family that was ripped apart at the seems very early so yeah while the lannisters and Dany racked up Win after Win we watched the Starks suffer, but even through that suffering their was personal triumph for each and every one of them, and eventually they made it home and now they are the only house left with a real future. House Lannister is in shambles, more fractured now than ever with Cersei putting out a hit on both Jamie and Tyrion. They donโt even have control of their ancestral home anymore and there is a good chance none of them survive in the end. House Targaryen is still on itโs last breath with no real hope unless Jon decides to knowingly engage in incest with Dany. House Greyjoy just lost Theon and only the maniac Euron and Yara remain. The rest of the great houses are gone. They are done but the Starks...they are alive and well and are the only house in position to really have a future. They just lead their people to victory against the worse enemy to date, HOUSE STARK JUST SAVED THE WHOLE ENTIRE REALM and with the right matches they can carry the legacy of their house on for years to come which is something that no other house can say.
Tell me again how Sansa is a mess when she has been positioned at one of the smartest characters left in the game and has been shown to have her motherโs fearlessness and determination when it comes to advocating for the rights of her people. Idk what show youโre watching anon but Sansa is not on the wrong side of her rivalry with Dany.
I think you need to let your theories go at this point since they are clearly making you disrespect the family you claim you love. Imagine thinking House Stark has no achievements and are the ugly step children of the series when this is THEIR story.
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For context for today's post you may want so know this. Schools here are split into 3 categories. Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 6), Junior High (Grade 7 to 9) and High school (Grade 10 to 12). The names of all the schools, as well as people throughout this thread, have been changed for privacy reasons. I will also specify that the stories are all confirmed from my P.O.V. either from my experience or by interviewing people with direct knowledge of the conflict (otherwise know as "hearsay". Johnny Depp's favorite word). Without further ado, let's get back into it.
So after the 'rents went splitsville, when ya boi was 18 months (I'm the hippest white guy on my block), they went their separate ways. And I don't remember much from then until I was about 7 or 8. Everything from birth until that age I know of from hearsay. Although I take a lot of what I hear with a massive grain of salt, except when it comes from either of my younger sisters. We will get into them soon enough.
- Being dropped down a flight of stairs by my father at 18 months after he tried to abduct me after the fight that he and mom had that would lead to their eventual divorce. When asking my father about it later in life, explaining that if it was me I would have tuck and rolled so the baby never hit the ground or even left my arms, his response was "I twisted my ankle" in an event that never needed to happen.
-A scar on my forehead from a time I was left unattended in the bath when I was 3 so my dad could go answer the door. I was told not to jump before I was left unattended. When I inquired he said he "couldn't remember who it was so it probably wasnt anyone important". A lifetime scar and, let's face it, the first of a couple life altering injuries. While I don't remember a life at that time, we can assume with the scientific evidence we currently have on head injuries is that if a head hits a water tap with enough force to cause a cut that would scar it has a decent chance of being accompanied by a concussion. That being said I could be the same person today if that event never happened, but the likelihood of that isn't good.
-A permanently scarred right pinky finger. The scar splays out from the second knuckle joint on this inside (Like when you're looking at your palm). And believe it or not, I'm just realizing now while looking at it that it kind of resembles the Star Trek symbol. Which furthers my own self stereotype that I'm a nerd in a jock's body.
-A daycare named after a Disney movie, an unknown preschool that I was expelled from for biting fellow classmates, Hoffsteder Elementary (Grade 1 to 1st halfish of Grade 2), Dunleavy Elementary (2nd halfish of Grade 2 until the end of Grade 5). Dunleavy would be the school that I would attend for the longest period of time (3 and a halfish years)
So earliest memory I have is my 7th? birthday party. I remember it happened because I've seen pictures but I also remember my sister Sasha (7 years senior. The one from my last post) in a pair of denim coveralls with one of the straps not done up with a white Sesame Street shirt, more specifically a Big Bird shirt, on underneath and large square thick framed glasses. It was 1994. At 7 I simultaneously thought my older sister was the biggest dork and yet the absolute coolest at the same time.
The party was held at Keenan Akerson's house. That is the earliest boyfriend of my mother's that I can remember and he's the only person that I ever have to say his full name. No idea why.
He was a drag racer. We went down to the local speedway. I remember, very vaguely, once. Nothing much other than the noise the cars made. It's almost a dream at this point. A figment of my imagination almost.
Mom broke up with him. No idea why. I should have asked her. Mom did make off with a Nintendo Entertainment System, which Sasha explained in laters years was Keenan's that he bought for his daughter that he had over sometimes. I don't remember her. And a 3 piece handmade wood entertainment unit. It would become the bane of my existence in my formative years as everytime we moved if mom couldn't afford movers it was me and her, and this thing was solid wood.
From Keenan Akersons we move into Dunleavy Three. A townhouse (aka rowhouse) which I would later find out is for people with low income. It was my favorite. It wasn't extravagant by any means, but I adored it. Maybe because it was just the 3 of us. Mom, Sasha, and myself. Sasha would eventually leave to go live her dad's shortly after for most, if not all, of her high school. He lived in a town that was about an hour and a half drive from where I resided with my mom. Even with Sasha gone I was happy here. I had the unfinished basement as an entire playroom to myself. We didn't even have enough stuff to fill the room. A play rug with a map of a town on it that you drive your toy cars on, and a Little Tikes Football Toy Chest that I would routinely empty all of my toys out of and climb into. Sometimes I would bury myself in the toys. At some point a large comfy grey chair, the matching sofa was in the living room, and a tv with a small square tv stand made it's way down there.
My time at Dunleavy was fine. The second half of Grade 2 was with Mrs. Klein. She was a grey haired lady. She had glasses and she had a short perm. This was in 1994. My 7 year old self would have called it an afro. It was that rounded. From what I remember she was very kind. I always felt safe around her.
Grade 3 came my first crush at the ripe old age of 8. Her name was Mrs. Anderson. It was the first time I knew what love was. She was a redhead and I'm pretty sure she was Italian. She was also very kind. That's kind of a theme for Elementary teachers. My heart wanted more but I was mature enough to know that we could never be and so I gazed from afar. Then summer came and the ol' ADHD kicked in and I forgot Mrs. Anderson ever existed. But I never forgot the way I felt.
Also the assistant principal of Hoffsteder ended up leaving after what was either my Grade 2 or 3 year and transferring to Dunleavy. I had made the joke that he was following me. A joke that while funny to an 8 or 9 year old is really creepy if he had been the one to say it. This part also isn't important to the story at all. Just a minor footnote that I remember and I thought was funny. Mostly for me.
Also Dunleavy had a program, that I was well aware of as I was always getting into trouble at school most likely attention seeking, where if 2 kids have beef they sit with 2 other, usually older, kids and hash it out. And the 2 older kids are there as moderators while the other 2 hash shit out. I can't remember what they called it but I'm now realizing how insane it sounds. Like the principal doesn't have time for your Grade 3 drama so talk to these Grade 6ers and they'll tell you what to do and you do it. And they pulled the Grade 6ers out of class to moderate this shit. Holy fucking shit balls this is insane saying it out loud.
Anyways. That's it up until the end of Grade 3. Just me and my mom, chillin' in Dunleavy living our best and happiest life. But as we all learn at some point, people are very good at making. I had no idea mom wasn't happy. She'd routinely stay out on weekends and I'd look after myself but she'd always come home alone. Someone would enter both of our lives soon enough and change both of us forever.
0 notes
Nalu Fluff Week 2017: Within the Law, Chapter 1
fanfiction by impracticaldemon Words: ~2500 | Also available on FFnet and AO3

Author's Note:
Once again, I'm too behind on writing to be able to complete all the prompts for this ship week, but I did want to contribute at least a little!
The main prompt for this story is "Rain" (Day 2). I am also throwing in "Vacation" converted to "Work" (Day 3), and a smidgen of "Fashion" (Day 4). I haven't yet decided what else I may do for this ship week but you can probably look for a couple more pieces. Please remember: "a fanfiction author is never late, nor is she early, she publishes precisely when she means to." Thank you, Gandalf (and Tolkien, I suppose).
I hope that you enjoy the following shenanigans!
Chapter 1 ~ Sunshine in the Rain
Law school was toughโit turned out that Professor Porlyusica's class on Trusts was just as bad as they'd told herโbut this was infinitely worse. Here she was in downtown Magnolia, wearing her bestโand currently onlyโsuit, a tailored white blouse, sheer nylons and conservative dark heels. And she was lost. Not very lost, just momentarily stymied. Any one of the three mega-towers in with entrances onto the plaza looked like it could house the prestigious Makarov & Vermilion law firm that had granted her this precious and not-to-be-missed interview for a summer student's position.
Unfortunately, a small contretemps at a subway turnstile involving a little white dog, an oddly bluish-grey cat with a green bandanna for a collar, and a guy rocking a great suit and neon pink hair, had caused Lucy to drop the paper with the firm's street address. The guy had been apologetic, sort ofโhe'd viewed the whole thing as more funny than serious. Then he'd told the animals to meet him at the 'usual place' and off they'd trotted without further fuss. It had been a little weird. The man looked like he worked at some high-powered jobโLucy had assumed that the animals weren't his.
"Don't worry," pink-hair-great-suit had told her, "you didn't hurt Happy or Plue."
That hadn't been Lucy biggest concern, but she'd murmured something appropriate and gotten a wide grin in return. She'd even returned the guy's wave as he rushed offโthough whether to his job or to rendez-vous with his pets was unclear. He wasn't to be seen getting on the subway, in any event.
"There's a map in the lobby if you need one," said a voice behind her just then, making her jump.
"Um, yes, thank you. I guess I'll just go take a look." In fact, Lucy was having a tough time convincing herself to go into any of the buildings. Unfortunately, the person behind her probably worked in one of the towers and would find it really strange if she just went on standing rooted to the pavement.
"Oh hey! I just realized it's you! Sorry again about earlierโฆ"
Great. It was the pink-haired guy who'd seen her almost fall on her butt in the subway station. He had a nice voice, Lucy thoughtโnot too light, but bright and cheerful without being sharp or nasal. A half-turn confirmed her first impression of the suit. It fit him too well not to have been either custom-made or at least tailored by somebody who knew exactly how to accommodate square shoulders, a trim waist and lean, narrow hips. Okay, just stop that right now.
Lucy shook her head at herself; it was really rare for her to notice somebody's looks that much before getting to know them. Mostly because she made a point of not noticingโman, woman, whateverโฆ nobody and nothing was going to get in the way of proving to her dad that she didn't need his money, his connections, or him in order to be successful at what she wanted out of life. His comment had been dismissive, as usual: "Lucy, I've got no problem with paying for law school, but remember that Heartfilias hire lawyersโwe don't become lawyers."
He didn't understand that once she'd learned all the tricks of the trade from the pros, she was going to turn around and use them working for the people who really needed lawyersโsmall businesses, new entrepreneurs, creative people with a dreamโฆ Her family's company swallowed them up and spat them out because they couldn't afford a professional who could read the footnotes to the fine print.
There was a polite cough, and the man beside her surprised Lucy by saying, "You're looking for Fairy Tail, right?"
"Whatโwellโฆ yes, actually. And you are?" Lucy waited politely for the stranger to respond. She was suddenly on high alert. Only lawyers called M&V 'Fairy Tail'. (Of course, they were probably the only ones who cared, but stillโฆ it was just one of those things that you learned: the names of the judges of the Supreme Court, the fact that most modern consumer protection law could be traced back to tainted ginger beer, and the real name of M&V.)
"Me? Oh rightโI was in a rush beforeโNatsu Dragneel." He held out a strong, blunt-fingered hand and smiled encouragingly.
That's one hell of a smile, thought Lucy, trying not to stare. It really stood out in his tanned, olive-toned face. Fortunately, she was in interview mode and she automatically shook his handโwarm, but pleasantly dryโand responded: "Lucy Heartfilia. And my interview's in ten minutes, soโฆ"
"Oh that's right!" Natsu forgot to let go of her hand, and Lucy eyed him with a sinking suspicion that she wasn't going to like what she heard next. "You're the one all the fuss is about." He held up the bag he had in one hand. "Special treats for the meetingโum, interview. They're pretty excited about having you join the firm."
"Because of the connection to Heartfilia Enterprises?" asked Lucy bluntly.
"Well, yeahโฆ sort of?" Natsu looked puzzled, and then realized that he was still holding Lucy's hand. He returned it to her with a final squeeze and without any noticeable embarrassment.
Lucy tried to swallow her disappointment. They were giving her this interview because of her family connections, not because of all her hard work over the last year and a half. As if in response to her suddenly dark mood, the early spring sunshine was blotted out by a large, heavy-looking cloud. It reminded Lucy of a star destroyer from Star Warsโand every bit as ominous as one of those gigantic, triangular ships had ever looked to a fleeing Rebel cruiser. A drop hit the tip of Lucy's nose and a change in the breeze brought the smell of incipient rain. Petrichor, thought Lucy. The smell of rainโthough really it's the smell of plants getting ready for rain.
"I really should get goingโ" Lucy tried again.
"You know, that cloud looks exactly like a Star Wars battle shipโa star destroyer." Natsu was now staring up at the cloud above them. Then he looked down at Lucy and blinked. "Uh, sorryโฆ old sci-fi stuff is a big hobby for me."
"Yeah?" Lucy perked up a little. She was trying not to think about the umbrella she'd left at home because it had been so sunny earlier. Another drop hit her and she noticed that the plaza was emptying fast.
"Oh, sure! How about you?"
Lucy didn't know quite what to say. Natsuโbecause 'Mr. Dragneel' didn't suit him in the slightestโseemed perfectly prepared to stand there and chat, while the heavens were clearly getting ready for the opening act of what now looked like a major storm. She shouldn't have skipped the weather report this morning.
"Well, actually, um, NatsuโI mean, yes I like some of the old TV shows and movies too, butโ"
Lucy was forcibly interrupted by a combination of drenching rain and Natsu grabbing her hand and dragging her off at a sprint, oblivious to her heels and demure-but-narrow business skirt. Apparently she should have acted on her instincts sooner and gotten under shelter right away. She would have had to forcibly ditch her new acquaintance, however.
Moments later, they stood panting in the lobby of the smallest of the office towersโor rather, Lucy stood panting while her companion went back to the door to look anxiously out at the rain.
"You know," he said over his shoulder to Lucy, "you really should've come in out of the rain before it started. Couldn't you smell it?"
Lucy finally snapped. To heck with trying to be polite!
"Yes, I could smell it, Mr. Dragneel, but every time I tried to get you to move, you just, just ignored me!"
There was a pause while Natsu processed Lucy's irritation. Thenโwhy was she not surprised?โhe grinned, and used his hands to comb some of the water out of his cotton candy hair. The result was a spiky, yet ridiculously perfect mess.
"Yeah, I guess I might haveโI was keeping an eye out for Happy and Plue. Sorry about that. No harm done though, right? I mean, at least you're in the right building now, and it's just rain." He caught Lucy's expression and laughed sheepishly. "Well, yeah, okay a lot of rain. Heavy rain, you might say. But you look fine, really."
Lucy decided that they had bonded enough over the star destroyer cloud for her to get out her compact and do a quick check of her face and hair in front of himโsomething that normally she would never do. Thankfully, she did look okay, courtesy of a well-pinned bun and minimal, but expensive, cosmetics. On the other hand... She barely repressed a yelp at the jagged tear in her stocking. She restrained herself from shaking Natsu for having dragged her along at such a pace, and tried to make him pay attention to her anxiety over the time.
"Mr. DragneelโNatsu. I would like to be on time for my appointment. I have three minutes to get there. Your pets appear to be quite good at looking after themselves. I expect that they are waiting out the rain under cover somewhere. Please tell me where to go."
With an abrupt change of demeanor, Natsu gave her a quick nod.
"You're right, my bad. It's just that I'm watching Plue for a friend, and I kind of had to sneak away from work to let him out for a bit and, wellโcome with me."
With impeccable manners, he swept her towards a bank of lifts, waving at a sleepy-looking security guard whom Lucy hadn't even noticed. Lucy thought she saw a look of apprehension flit across Natsu's face as the lift doors closed behind them and he selected one of the upper floors. What was that about?
When they stepped out at the thirty-second floor, scant seconds later, Natsu turned and leaned heavily against the marble-faced wall. Despite now being extremely worried about the timeโeven to the exclusion of fretting over her torn stockingโLucy paused to see if she could help. The rain was now pounding against the windows, all but drowning out the inevitable soft music of the floor's tastefully neutral lobby area.
"Um, Natsu?" Only years of controlling her anxiety around her father allowed Lucy to ignore her damp, less-than-pristine appearance, the fact that she was late for an interview for her dream job, and the way that the storm outside was competing with Elton John for her attention. (Why Elton John? And why the Musack version? Did it really need to be even slower and sappier than it already was? Plus, the song was older than she was and she probably knew it better than Elton at this point, courtesy of a thousand upscale office tower lobbies just like this one.)
"โฆ Sorryโฆ" Natsu looked positively ill. He waved a hand at her feebly. "โฆ 'S'why I usually take the stairs."
"To the thirty-second floor?!" asked Lucy, appalled. Then again, he did seem to be in very good shape. Maybe this was why.
"Oh, don't worry about Natsu, Ms. Heartfilia," said a distinctly amused male voice from behind her. "He's terrible with elevators. And cars. And boats, trains, trams, pony-wagons, children's pedal toysโ"
"Shut up, Gray," growled Natsu. His voice was still distinctly rough around the edges.
The man who had come into the lobby looked to be about Natsu's ageโmaybe a year or two older than Lucy. She was surprised that he wasn't wearing his suit jacket, since most city lawyers she'd met over the years wouldn't leave their office without one. Still, the icy blue tones of his slim-fit shirt worked just fine with his dark hair and eyes. Again with the personal appearances, she sighed. What is with me today?
"Are you really going to be alright, Natsu?" For some reason, Lucy found that she already missed the pink-haired guy's slightly overwhelming smile.
"Yeah," said Natsu. This time he managed a slightly happier expression.
"Yeah, he's okay, I promise," said his colleague, at almost exactly the same time. He still looked like he was laughing at Natsu, but his tone indicated that he had answered seriously. "I'm Gray, by the wayโGray Fullbuster. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Heartfilia."
They shook hands, and Lucy found Gray's grip to be firm and dry like Natsu'sโbut cool instead of warm. It was an odd sensation, in fact.
"Lucy's fine, Mr. Fullbuster."
"Sureโjust call me Gray, then. I hope Natsu met you like he was supposed to? We tend to find people standing outside in the plaza looking confusedโฆ Anyway, Natsu volunteered to leave early to find you, so you could get inside before the rain hit." Gray quirked an eyebrow, somehow sensing that something was up. "Was there a problem?"
Lucy froze. He was supposed to meet me and bring me straight here? Her mind quickly ran through images of the collision with Plue and Happy at the turnstile, followed by Natsu running off to somewhere while she boarded the subway, followed by Natsu looking for his pets while the clouds rolled inโฆ and then dragging her willy-nilly into the building after the downpour started. She glanced out the window at the wind-lashed rain and then momentarily at Natsu, who was now leaning more casually against the wall, his hands shoved deep into his pockets and an irrepressible smile at the corners of his lips.
"Actually, everything was just fine," said Lucy, lying through her teeth for no discernible reason.
Natsu looked surprised and then grinned. Lucy blinked. How did he do that? For just a moment, it was as if the rain had stopped and the sun had come out. I'm living a clichรฉ, she thought, rolling her eyes at her own sentimentality. She decided to make a start on appearing professional.
"I'm ready whenever you are," she told Gray. She'd just have to ignore the stocking.
"I'm good to go, too," added Natsu.
Lucy looked between them in surprise. She hadn't expected a job interview to include more than one junior associate, and Natsu and Gray just couldn't be that long out of law school. Gray's lips quirked.
"We've been working here for years, Lucyโonly our degrees are kind of new. I'm the head of our forensic law and tax services, and your cover letter mentioned you had some interest in learning current methods for tracking multi-layered companies and complex transactions." Gray paused, then shook his head. "And Pinky over there"โhe ignored an obviously automatic "hey" from Natsuโ"believe it or not, is the head of our corporate and securities law group. Basically, if you're serious about the kind of law you have in mind, you'll be working with usโmostly Natsu."
Natsu finally pried himself off the wall. With a total disregard for personal boundaries, he walked over and gave Lucy a short, one-armed hug.
"It'll be great!" he assured her, beaming.
Lucy just nodded. But when she sat down for her actual interview, which was conducted by the famous Makarov Dreyar himself and his equally well-known protรฉgรฉe, Erza Scarlet, her heart wasn't hammering against her ribs the way it usually did during important interviews. Even her stomach butterflies had faded substantially. Strangest of all, the storm had abruptly blown itself out, and the sun was shining. All she needed was twittering bluebirds to complete the scene.
Oh well, Lucy thought, resigned. At least it's a good clichรฉ.
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#fairy tail#nalufluffweek#nalu#fanfiction#impracticaldemon#nalu fluff wk 2017#prompts 2 3 4#because i would be late except that#wizards are never late
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"40 acres and a mule"
Baby what the Hell you want a mule for?
Alright baby. Let me tell you.
You will never ever ever get reparations.
Y'all this lady instigated him and pissed him off. Called him a dam liar and a begger and all kinds of bad.
I quit watching it. I seen enough. "Hustler"
Bitch I'll hustle my fist in your teeth and get you a new set, don't talk hustle when you don't know a dam thing about it.
Let me tell you about me.
I'm registered 1/16 Muscogee (Musckogee and/or Muskogee as well) Creek Nation out of Oklahoma. Our tribe headquarters is in Oklahoma in a mound of dirt -- under a pile of earth is our headquarters.
We have the original council house of brick in town it's a measeuem were all very proud of. Its on 6th street. On a big ole square.
So. Let me tell you. We used to be in Georgia. That's why i picked Atlanta for a big ole fuck you fire. I picked others but I said "this is a government thing?"
"Not really Sabrina it's more police"
"I'm hearing government in that word. Can I fuck up Atlanta? I'll take some country Georgia but you know my tribe is from Atlanta specifically. I don't want no one to get hurt though"
Tree said "i got something perfect, a Wendy's because you use to live in Ireland, too Miss Red Leg hairs in the sun"
"Alright then. Ill take you on Then. Its a done deal".
This was 2008 and to be clear, we didn't start human trafficking in that parking lot -- they already was. 12 years and they ain't stopped. We did intervene but, they dumb and stubborn and they stayed away from the Wendy's unlike the other night. For the last 12 years. This way they would be more inclined to use it. Like we bust them and they keep on. They don't care. Its greed. An addiction. They can't see. So.
I get punched in the face and I get back up and fight again. Same thing - different American Dreams.
So Spain came now Spain is over by Europe. Look at a map. And we left. From fear, we went to Florida.
We didn't have no label. We were humans. We were love. So we moved down to Tampa area.
Then we got named by the whites. The whites then fought us unlike the Spaniards who just wanted to share and we didn't want to. So we just left.
So some of us was all fuck you. We ain't moving just because Spain said we did for them don't mean we will for you. So. We fought.
Some of us were captured. So then the white people said you will show us America, The New World. Like bitch you think we know it all been all over and shit like we got cars. Fuck.
So the whites raped and tried to kill all that refused to move. So they left them. We left them. They were named Seminoles.
Because semen they were raped and we also left the old that were unable to travel. And the small kids. Two words. Semen in. Olds. Raped. Wounded. Old and children.
The rest of us took the whites and Spaniards (some did and some didn't war) across the new world.
And we followed Creeks. The Spaniards knew the rivers went North and South. They wanted to go West.
So we walked. All the way to the Middle of the United States of America. And stopped.
We said we want our land. We want our trust. We want our lives back. You go do you and leave us here and alone without you.
The Spaniards agreed. And the whites of course so fucking greedy and non cognitive. Fought.
Eventually we got our land. My family. We had a big ole 2 floor 10 room mansion. It felt like.
32 years later the government decided they wanted to build a dam. And once again. Our land was gone.
And our land was stolen.
Now that glorious home we had that my family earned to show the way West is gone. Flooded under a lake built by a dam in Oklahoma.
They moved us to Okmulgee about 45 minutes South of Tulsa.
Its not a reservation. Anyone can live there. In fact our HQ is in the city limits.
And we don't have land. We don't have anything we were promised.
Since i don't live there and i live in New Mexico, I don't get any of the benefits. And because New Mexico Native Americans warred with each other due to the Hispanics from Central America. Other Nations don't like to help me.
Here. Native American tribes in New Mexico. They're prejudice against each other. And whites.
And it's really fucking bad. I used to work at the BIA. Beaururu of Indian Affairs. "What tribe are you?" And if you were Aztec you were cool. If you were Peublo you were fighting with Navajo. And vice versa.
And we were making sure people of ALL Tribes got money for their needs. Like for medicine or transportation. And our office was fighting each other.
Like what the Hell? We all have the same purpose here. We all come from the same place, we all have the same heart and same pain. And we're all are hurt and so why are you all hurting each other?
I got a tattoo of an Indian Head on my left lower arm so no matter what unless it was long sleeves, everyone could see.
And i would hear them physically hitting each other. And they all remembered I got the tattoo and i showed them when i came back from lunch and I wss all bleeding and it was brand new.
Then i went around and showed them all as it healed. Showed them progress and lack off.
So they would fight. The Aztecs didn't put up with shit like me. And so people would try to dominate them
So i could always hear them fight. And it was a big office. An entire floor of the big Compass Bank building in Albuquerque. But I could always hear them except on the complete opposite because door ways. But three certain ladies would go to the hall and call for me to go stop it.
You know. It was the year 2000. I was only born in 1985 although I have always used a different birthday since i was adopted of 1980.
So literally I was 15 years old. "Legally" i was only 19 and not even old enough to buy alcohol and there I was pulling grammas off each other And people old enough to be my mom.
They called me a stupid white. Because I am light skinned. A stupid white nigger. I know what that is. An abusive slave owner
Me!! Me of all people!!!
I already had PTSD coming out the ass and i could barely drag my ass out of bed in the morning because i wss so suicidal depressed. And i get called a slave owner. A lazy and abusive one at that!?!
"Well i don't see you working!! You wanna call people nigger you brown ass bitch?!?! Your ass is always fighting!! Why don't you go earn a paycheck!!" She regretted running her mouth at me more than 2x. I had shoved her and when she got closer, she claimed because she couldn't hear although people from the complete opposite walls came running, i punched her in the face. Cold coked her dead to the floor. She had that evil gleam. The dead Zulululu look. That evil dumb bitch look. And no fucking way was she touching me. So then her back up who was like 7 foot tall grabbed up my hair and vagina and threw me 8 feet across the room.
I just got up and sat at my desk and pretended like nothing happened. Just like the Zulululu do. I had road rash like a mother fucker tho.
I got him later in the parking lot. Shoved him in front of a moving car at 40 mph. This girl that worked with us. A 68 mustang all real metal total steel.
He never came back to work to mess with us. And,the girl got transferred to another floor. And I got called down for her 5th fight and I interviewed the people around the fight area and they said they all worked in peace until she had come. They had whites tho.
And most New Mexico Native Americans HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE whites.
So she got fired, I recommended it. She couldn't get along with anyone. I recommended she get a job on her reservation in Montana for her tribe and so the BIA paid for her to move. Citing emotional difficulties, PTSD due to government intervention in Native American lives.
So this man he's asking for reparation in this video.
And i just want to answer him..
You never will. They were gonna fire her. Leave her dead. I asked special they send her away to a place she could likely find peace.
Nd she did. But if it wasn't for me, she would had nothing.
And she had called me a white nigger and I got thrown 8 feet across the room because of her.
I'm adding her now and him to the list. Idc if they been interviewed, its eye for an eye. They are both Zulululu and still causing fights over nothing.
I had slammed her against the wall by her throat and i wanted to kill her and i should had. But i told her "im going to do something for yoh because i hate myself more than i hate you and you will accept it. And if hou keep acting like this you will receive death more than me slamming your head on this printer until you can't breathe" then i put all the pressure I could without killing her on her throat. Then killed her anyway. Died myself went through the black hole and dragged her ass back in her body pushed the EMT OFF ME, got up and jumped on her stomach and chest full body and killed her again then this bitch tried to go to the sun, so i got her ass back. Threw her ass back in. Woke up in the fucking elevator, trying to get outta the stretcher "oh im fine where is this dam bitch"
"Oh my God! You gotta lay down!"
"Fine i bet she's not back in" got out of my body and found her hiding in the dirt.
This bitch wanted to fight?! She was gonna find me fighting her. Behind death for the rest of her life.
She was old, too. Like 46... I was only 15/19. More than twice my age. 3x my real.
I woke up in the stretcher downstairs laughing and farting. She was crying how scared she was. I thought it was funny. I was so mad I didn't care how she felt. Scared was not what i expected. It surprised me and made me laugh. I didn't know how she would feel. She never stopped fighting. Scared of me? Nah. Im just an innocent sweet babe.
So other than her, i would show people my tattoo when the fought. "You and I. You and her. We all come from the same place. We are all Indians! Look at me! My tattoo! It hurt! For no reason and I didn't want it to! Lets just get over it and heal ourselves in our souls the Indian way!"
They had saw. Some had taken photos. They knew it hurt. It swelled up. It was red. Imflammed but not infected. Like anger of the hearts.
I shouldn't had to prove we suffered
So I ask those asking or demanding reparations, please don't.
We don't all have benefits. And we have pain and suffering. And a lot is jealousy because some tribes have more than others.
If you get reparations, i fear the ramifications.
"Oh them ni**ers got shit and we didn't"
Babes. Sometimes it just time to let go.
Just let it go, baby.
I can't think of my family's land and mansion under water. Flooded. I get punched in the fucking heart. And it hurts. It hurts so bad
I ain't a piece of trash. Following a dam creek so fucking far just to climb what looked like another mountain. Fuck that.
Then they flood it. Fuck you back.
Lost city of Atlantis. People look for it by Greece and shit. Its just in Oklahoma.
We came from Atlanta. "Fine this can be your new Atlas location" said the Spaniards..
But they were too nice. Christopher Columbus was too nice. Spaniards brought food and shelters. But we we're afraid of them. Their odd food, and so on. We did not know what they were. We didn't recognize any one. When we went to Florida they did go with. It was exploration to them. Running away to us. They followed, just curious.
Then we understood. They were like children playing. Innocent. They followed. They kept us safe.
They knew we were afraid once there was a ravine. Their scouts spotted it. They knew we ran our horses too fast and we would all died. They raced ahead in the night while we camped and they all stood to block us off. 100 feet from the edge they formed a line of their own bodies to stop us.
That is when we knew we could trust the Spaniards. So we went scout back to Atlanta to see what happened there. And to tell what had occurred. That our lives had been saved.
Then we took court. We camped near side them for 10 days to decide how much of our lives we should give. Reports came back that 100% trust would be accurate. And so slowly we allowed the "wapuauhaluani" to lean into the Spaniards to truly see what they were all about.
We became friends.
But the whites took over the country. And we all lost.
So I understand what my brothers and sisters and my ma's and pas and little babies in the African American community is going through.
From the eyes of my current life as a registered 1/16 Native American, 23andme says only 3%
As a person to get a tattoo to stop war after I did so many years of community work in the Black Panthers where obviously I am not black any more and I was accepted.
I know what it feels like to be white and hated.
I know what it feels like to be hated for the color of my skin.
As a white person.
But fully accepted into the black community..
So excuse me when I go to a state that has an actual African American population and I just sit and stare looking like a true jack ass.
I just feel like myself. I feel complete. And I feel accepted.
And so not all of you know me. I do work in South America and all over the globe and i treat them all the same.
Reparations, i am afraid. I know and I believe will have repercussions this day and age.
So now Altlanta. Where i am from. My tribe was all brown there. Is now black.
I don't be ignorant and hate them because they took over my town.
That's not why i say. I say because it happens to everyone else.
And so I plan to treat people all the same. We do the DNA4U paid education and quizzes. And i know its not what you ask but it is done by the Tree of Infinite Knowledge.
And right now I'm just a POW and i can't do more than what I can.
But all you beautiful people that is gonna survive. I promise you.
Every single person on this Earth has suffered.
Every single person will get rewards for living. Every thing will be okay..
I know it's not today. Today is the fight for our beautiful children in this world and ourselves.
Its not almost over yet its not just beginning.
This is the orgasm state. Orgasm. So intense and wild and pleasurable and exhausting.
What comes after? Bliss and peace.
Tree keeps telling me two to four years more
My babies, it sounds so long. But every time he says 2 years I say "Well at least it's only 2"
I ask him 3 times a week. "How long is it now?"
We are gonna be okay.
You know those books that you pick the ending? What you do effects it?
Sometimes you can do 5 different things and the ending is the same?
People. I saw call it the "plandemic"
Trust me, it's planned so hard core the black hole feels it. We will win.
I gave up my only child. She was 4 years old. In 2008. I have a clone. And her spirit comes sometimes in it. And sometimes it's other ghosts.
People were wondering why I was crying the other day when I was driving. And I didn't want to say.
My daughter is in prison now. To keep her safe. You cannot imagine the intense fear I have every single day. And I don't even understand myself as for why.
I can see my daughter and she's safe and she's happy and laughing. But... She's a divine clone. My parents made her and the evil aliens took my real daughter.
They call her Sophia. She volunteered. Well. Voluntold. She said "someone needs to fix this! I was born on Martin Luther King's (Jr) birthday of his I have a dream speech and I have a dream too! For someone to fix this!!"
And my mom said from the dead, "I have a proposal"
Like I'm screaming and already bawling but u stop myself because she goes straight out of body and stands in front of my mom.
Its so beautiful. Then it is like a horrible Disney Fairytale curse.
"So i just want you to say yes and don't think about anything and don't think about your mom. She's hurt. Remember her back is broke? Now back to Martin Luther King. Yoh can make all dreams come true. You can be the Hero for the whole entire world because your dad is a mess and you can change this from oh 47 years to about 12 what do you think about that?"
"Yes!! I do! I want that! What do you think mom?"
And i could only stare at how beautiful mu child is. And I felt the horrific horror of how the Queen or fairy God mother puts the whole town to sleep for the curse and you know i began to bawl.
In our past lives. She wasnt the brave one. She was the first born. And she was always with me. Over protective like crazy. Someone was always watching just to make sure she breathed right and had all she needed immediately. Never went out. Always had 7 layers of guards between her and the outside world.
And my mom of all people was telling her to go free and go Just walk in the front door of evil to live.
I was proud. And joyful and in complete agony.
I had to do what was right.
God didn't send his only begotten son to die on the cross. That never haoend.
But a Goddess gave birth to a girl after having sex. And the aliens that attempted to kill her on a cross, named her Jesus and wrote a shameful book about her called the Bible. With nothing but lies. And that Jesus. The real Jesus. The Only Jesus. Sent her only daughter into the pits of Earths most Evil to destroy it with dreams.
So we will all suffer for two to four more years..
For that child to allow us to finish our work.
And no one will say the word reparations again. They will simply say "thank you, I am happy with the changes"
My mom promised me and my daughter.
Due to the True Annabelle parading around as Sophia (now in my prison and went swimming with a historical sibling that was born in a lifetime different than this in their shared hall cell) we are down to two to four years as opposed to 35.
So please quit fucking with Christopher Columbus.
The statues that are being taken down by states will be placed when it's safe to do so in places Christopher Columbus loved, if that is okay with every one else.
Robert E Lee as well. Tree has already publicly listed our blessed that we were so lucky to have that ARE heros for Earth.
Obviously not all white people are bad. But they used to be. Back then. Obviously I am 95% White according to 23 and me.
We had an emergency situation. So we changed the skin of all people not on the Africa continent to white. That os on the non American side. Later after invasions we changed all our good to brown.
This way. Because the invading aliens were so power full. So #1 is protect.
So Northern Europe was changed to white from Negro in order to blend in with the invaders. This way invaders in that,area,didn't know who to kill.
So,obviously invading in Ireland was red heads and white skin.
Sweden, yellow hair and white skin.
So we instantly did that.
Then because of information they would continue to invade that area, we kept them the aliens color.
So all of us except the negros are the color of aliens.
But the Zulululu kills and invades the body with their souls. So now African color folks have alien as well as every other color..
And that is why I'm fed the fuck up.
Im killing every fucking alien i don't agree with.. We did 12 years of intensive studies. In 1994 we jailed ass holes like Trump and more. And this is the end result.
Y'all Jesus been here 35 years.. And i want to kill myself. This Earth. I just wanna blow it up and start all over. But I'm stubborn.
And I'm PISSED the fuck off.
And i have a child willing to risk her life until age 16.
Like the damdesr Princess in the world.
So every one will get the land they are owed.
African Americans. Remember VIKINGS.. Our babies, our brothers and sisters our elderly had their land stolen.
People in Africa. The Middle East.
I had to tear down a dam wall in the middle of Germany.
I'm here and i hate it.
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[MF] I can't ask permission and I don't expect forgiveness
"Here it comes," Virgil whispered under his breath, turning away from the approaching policeman.
Joanie shoved hands in pockets and replied, also in a whisper, "Be cool." Then, to the Nora, "Keep digging."
"Hello," the policeman said, talking loud as he was still twenty yards away, moving with purposeful strides across the green grass of Tranquility Park. "I'll have to ask you to stop that digging."
Virgil, in a navy blue suit, took a breath and squared his shoulders towards the Policeman. He attempted a smile and stuck out his hand. "Hello officer. What seems to be the problem?"
Behind him Joanie and Nora, both wearing work clothes - jeans, boots, reflective safety vests over cotton and hard hats - paused to watch. They were standing around a plaque set into the ground that read: "City of Houston Time Capsule. Buried September 2nd, 1960. Not to be opened until September 2nd, 2015."
"Can I see your work permit?" the cop asked, ignoring Virgil's hand.
Virgil looked around, confused and stammered, "...permit...? Why... what...?"
"Yeah, yeah," Joanie said. "I got it over here." She retrieved a metal clipboard, opened it, and flipped through a stack of paper.
"I can call the Mayor's office?" Virgil offered.
"No, no," Joanie replied. "I'm sure I have a copy."
"So do I dig or what?" Nora said.
"No," the cop said.
"Yes," Joanie said at the same time.
Nora speared the blade of the shovel in the ground and leaned on the handle. A big girl, crowding six feet tall and past the two century mark, her top-weight pushed it down a good six inches. She winked at the cop. "I'm listening to the man with the gun."
For all her heft, Nora had a very pretty face. Long, wavy curls of hair escaped from her hardhat and she made a show of tucking them back in. "Hell, even if he didn't have the gun," she continued, "he's too cute to argue with."
The cop - a youthful black who enjoyed visiting the gym, radiated confidence, and kept his appearance sharp and professional - did a double take. When she caught his eye, Nora winked again and there it was - that moment a man, confronted with such an unlikely specimen, thought, what if...?
"Here," Joanie snapped up a piece of paper. "Found it."
She handed it to Virgil who passed it to the cop.
The cop looked at its face. It appeared official enough, with stamps and signatures, but he didn't know enough about it to say one way or the other. "I'll have to call this in," he decided.
"For Christsake," Joanie bitched.
"Hey now," Nora beamed. "Overtime!"
"Look," Virgil said, "Just call the Mayor's office. You know Jack Vance, right? Ask for him."
"All I know is this thing isn't supposed to be dug up until tomorrow," the cop said. "There's supposed to be press; even a van. Buses of kids and all that. You guys are making a mistake."
Virgil nodded his head and chuckled, "Yes, you're right, officer....?"
"Officer Martin. See, the thing is, well.... Did you hear what happened when they opened the League City time capsule two years ago? No? It was somewhat of a disaster. Fifty years ago they didn't appreciate what the groundwater around here could do to even the sturdiest box made during that time. Anyway it was a stinking mess. The only things that survived were bits and pieces of old junk that couldn't be corroded. They pulled something out that looked - I swear to God - just like a wooden dildo. Might have been part of something else when it had been buried, but when they slapped it in the Mayor's hand.... Well, most people snickered, but quite a few were very offended. All those kids asking 'what's that, mommy?'.
"Oh! And there was the frog, too. Well, the frog skeleton, dressed in an adorable tuxedo - complete with a top-hat and cane, hermetically sealed in a bag with the sheet music to Ragtime Gal-"
"-Can we get on with this?" Joanie interrupted. "No way this project is authorized for golden time."
Virgil touched Officer Martin's arm, gently turning him away. "Our Mayor does not want that happening here. So this is somewhat of a preemptive strike. If we find everything in order, the capsule goes back and we cover it up just like it was. Bada bing. If, however, it's a big smelly puddle of slop? Well, I've got some clean old junk in my car. You understand how this works? Have to make hizhonor look good for the cameras."
Officer Martin's eyes went from the unctuous Virgil, to the exasperated Joanie, landing on the bemused Nora. "Okay," he said. "Carry on."
"Thank you Officer," Virgil said, once again attempting to smile.
"Hey Officer Martin," Nora called out. "You want to help dig? I'll bet those big arms of yours could make short work of this hole."
Officer Martin fought back a grin. "Tell you what, lady. I'll swing by here after I get off work and see if still need help with your hole."
Nora barked out a laugh loud enough to be heard in Sugar Land. "When's your shift end?"
"Eight o'clock."
"Me and my hole will be waiting."
Officer Martin strutted away using everything his momma gave him.
When the policeman was out of earshot, Joanie cut her eyes from Virgil to Nora and back again. "Jesus, you two...."
"I have bad news," Richard Hautala told Joanie. As if to emphasize the words, he dragged a straight razor across his hairy and bespotted forearm. A thin line of blood welled up from the cut.
"Um," Joanie said.
"Oh, this?" Hautala held up the razor. "This is just for effect." He turned it around and showed Joanie the other side where a tube containing red-dyed Vaseline lay across the blade. "It ain't real. It's about as sharp as an asshole. You squeeze this here for the blood." He demonstrated, dragging it across his wrist this time - same result: a thin line of red.
"But why, you're wondering?"
"Hey, Mr. Hautala, really-"
"-Surely you noticed my new look?" Old Man Hautala smiled - dentures gleaming - and twisted his head to let Joanie take it all in. An octogenarian, Mr. Hautala was bald and shriveled with the body shape - and skin texture - of an avocado. But since Joanie had last seen him, he'd added eyebrow studs, ear stretchings, and facial tattoos - tears at the corner of his eyes. He had a stud on one nostril and a loop through his lower lip.
He winked and lifted his polo shirt. Both sagging, leathery nipples had been pierced; connected by a silver chain.
"What do you think?" he asked.
"That's.... Something," Joanie rubbed the back of her neck. "You said bad news?"
"Kids today," Mr. Hautala explained, tucking his shirt back in, "do this shit now. If I want their business, I have to show them I relate." He gingerly brought a finger up to touch one of the ear stretchers.
Joanie flinched when the whole ear fell off, hitting the ground with a clang.
"Oops," Mr. Hautala reached to pick it up. Like the razor, it was a fake. His real ear was still where it belonged, on the side of his head. It had liver spots and tufts of hair, but no holes.
"I don't mind telling you," he said, fitting the prosthetic and screwing it in place, "it's all fake. Even the tattoos. Why take a needle when Sharpies cost, like, a dollar?"
Joanie shrugged.
"You said bad news?" Joanie prodded.
"These couple of kids come in looking to trade on old tech. On chips? Yeah, right, I tell them I'll do what I can, but don't go buying that house in the subs just yet. Anyway, these kids look like... like... the colour out of space, you know? Barely human. The dude had horns. No shit, implanted little nubs on his forehead, supposed to be horns. Huh. The girl's pants were so tight, you could tell what she drank for.... Nevermind. Anyway, when they come back and I tell them the deal, she starts slicing up her arm. I'm hip. Bad news hurts. Give me a whetstone, a Gillette, a squirting flower and five minutes and we'll commiserate together, darlin'. So here I am. What do you think?"
"Desperate times," Joanie stated.
"Too right!" Mr. Hautala exclaimed.
"The bad news?" Joanie tried again.
"Yeah. Turns out the buyer is in a sanitarium so.... No money."
Joanie rubbed a hand over her face.
"Okay, so this is not to say there will never be money, but just now...? She's kind of tied up."
Houston, September 2nd, 1960.
Ten year old Marion Bradley stood in wide-eyed wonder as the celebrity worked his way through the crowd. He tossed his head back and showed teeth when he laughed and, when he shook hands with the city's politicians, his head tilted slightly and his eyebrows raised inquisitively at their names. Houston doesn't have a fall season, so it was hot, but even still the celebrity wore a tapered jacket with a fleece collar. His waist was encircled by a gun-belt; the holster of which bore the image of a chess piece. He said "Thank you," with a peculiar clip to the words.
His name was Richard Boone and he was there on a publicity junket and to watch the time-capsule buried.
To young Marion, however, his name was Paladin and he was just about the closest thing to a living god she'd ever seen. Once a week she saw him on the television being as brave and intractable, wise and lusty as the entire pantheon of Greek deities; so how could he be here, now, walking around with them just as if he were a real person?
She was positively transfixed.
As he moved among the people, his eyes fell on her and he smiled. "Ho ho!" he said, scooping her off her feet. "What do we have here?"
Under his hands, Marion's flower dress became wings and she flew in the sky. If he let go, she'd fall into the sun. He didn't let go, however, just spun her around in a circle then set her back down. "You are just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I believe I'm going to ask your father if you can join me for dinner tonight at the Carlton Hotel?"
Standing next to them, beaming like a child himself, her dad said, "Maybe when she's older."
"It's a date," Paladin said, slipping her a card with a wink. He gave one to her father, too. In fact, he handed them out freely to all around.
As they were closing the lid on the time capsule, he used two fingers to expertly flick one of those cards into the box. People cheered as it spun through the narrow opening at just the last moment possible.
The cards all bore the image of that same chess piece from the holster. They read "Have Gun, Will Travel".
Marion Bradley held the card in both hands like an icon. She knew it was a treasure she would never lose.
"Of course she lost it - or threw it away." Mr. Hautala had bagged up the card they'd retrieved from the time capsule. He slid it across the table to Joanie. "This was supposed to be the replacement. Shame. She was going to pay over a two hundred grand for it too."
Joanie, hands folded on her lap, looked at the card. It was remarkably well preserved. "What's it worth, really?" she asked.
"Less than nothing," he replied. "Well, check that. Because of the press you're getting, I could maybe get a couple thou. Maybe. It isn't every day you can snag grip from a stolen time capsule. The weirdness factor alone might go five grand." Mr. Hautala shrugged.
"Well, the buyer still wants it, though, right?"
"Sure. But, like I said, they locked her up."
"When's she getting out?"
"Eh, this could be one of those if she's getting out situations." Mr. Hautala rubbed his thumb against two fingers, making the international gesture of money. "She's very wealthy and her family is worried about their inheritance."
"Doesn't seem like a reason to lock her up." Joanie crossed her arms. "Isn't she fighting it?"
"Absolutely. She's a big shot lawyer, you know. It's just that, well, she has gone a little crazy." He tapped the card. "Two hundred grand plus for this? Do you know how many of these cards are out there? Even supposedly authentic ones - printed by the studio in the 50s and 60s - can be had for around fifty bucks. Hell, you can get one signed by Richard Boone himself for a thou or less. Nope. She has to have this one; no matter what the cost." Mr. Hautala whistled low and circled a finger around his ear.
"She's a collector," Joanie said, sounding indignant. "Lots of people pay lots more for stupider stuff."
"Sure," Mr. Hautala agreed. "But Marion Bradley isn't a collector. She is trying to recreate her life to be exactly like it was when she was a girl back in the '60s. Bought her parents' old house; got a refurbished Chevy Covair; snatched up every toy from that era. Changed her wardrobe. She's been sinking millions of dollars into this obsession. The doctors call it crippling nostalgia."
"They just made that up."
"She showed up in court wearing pedal pushers and a denim blouse knotted under her breasts. Her hair in ponytails, sucking a lollipop. She weighs close to two hundred pounds."
Mr. Hautala lifted the duffel-bag containing the rest of the stuff Joanie and her crew stole from the time capsule and handed it over. "Me? I don't get it," he said. "I never did look forward to looking back. Of course, that's probably because things were so terrible when I was a kid. Wars with a capital W. Diseases and no medicine. Hunger. And the constant fear of death from above 'cause all those damned pterodactyls."
"Is anything in here worth... anything?" Joanie said, lifting the bag.
Mr. Hautala made a face. "I took pictures and notes. Like I said, I'll shop it around. Y'all got a trending news story with that time capsule burglary, so there may be some interest there. But beyond nostalgia or weirdness?" He shook his head.
Dejected, Joanie stood to leave.
"Hey kid," Mr. Hautala stopped her at the door. "Just in case you're interested - the sanitarium where they're keeping Marion Bradley is located over on the Southwest side. In Missouri City. A place called Sendak's. Not like she's locked up in Supermax or anything."
Joanie paused with her hand on the doorknob. She blinked twice.
"She'd be grateful, I'm sure," Mr. Hautala continued, "for a visit."
Joanie nodded slowly.
"Hey, check this out!" Mr. Hautala raised the fake razor to his mouth. "You think this'll freak those kids next time I see them?" He opened his mouth wide, eyes popping, and dragged the dull blade all over his tongue.
He also squirted some of the fake blood.
"Pah!" he winced, spitting. "Yuk!"
Joanie left him, closing the door on a sputtering of "Puh!"'s
"Oh shit," Virgil said, his eyes growing wide. "Ohshitohshitohshit,"
They were sitting in the booth of a Mexican restaurant close to the airport with the time capsule items spread out over the table, taking inventory. Virgil's outburst had been caused by the door opening. Joanie looked over her shoulder to see Detective Donald Sobol walking in.
"Be cool," she grabbed Virgil's wrist just as he was about to start scooping all the stolen items into the bag. "Be cool."
She let go the wrist. Virgil folded his hands.
Momentarily, Detective Sobol stood at the edge of their table. "Well hello, Ms. Muncie," he said. "Fancy meeting you here."
"Detective," Joanie muttered by way of greeting.
Detective Sobol set his hands on the table and hunched over the various maps, papers, trinkets, toys and doo-dads. He smiled. His aquamarine eyes sparkled. He laughed, showing them the two rows of coffee and cigarette stained teeth. "You've got to be kidding me."
"What?" Joanie said.
"Oh, nothing." He stood up. Then pushed his hands on his lower back and stretched. "Hey, maybe you can help me out with something. There was this unusual robbery yesterday, maybe you heard? A crew of slick operators stole a time capsule just before it was supposed to be dug up. Really embarrassed the Mayor in front of all those news cameras; standing over an empty hole with a bunch of nothing. But you wouldn't know anything about that?"
"What's a time capsule?" Joanie asked.
"Right." The detective said. "Y'all ought to be more careful. Food here's good, but they don't really clean the tables very well. Might get all this stuff sticky."
"Oh, right!" Virgil exclaimed. He started shoveling the stolen goods away immediately. "Thanks for the advice."
Detective Sobol watched Virgil, shaking his head sadly. Then he turned his attention to Joanie. "When are you going to stop this?" he asked.
Joanie cocked her head and just looked at him with a dull, blank expression.
"Can't you see it's over?" the Detective continued. "The time for this type of nonsense has come and gone. There's no more room for the common crook in today's society. You either have to be a brutal, remorseless killer or a highly sophisticated criminal to get noticed. These little grifts of yours? I hate to tell you this, but they're passรฉ."
Virgil used both hands to cram the items in the bag. He struggled with the zipper, catching it on the edge of an old map. When he forced it, the paper ripped. "Shit," he said, holding up a ruined piece of history.
Detective Sobol motioned towards Virgil with an open hand. "See? This is who you're working with now? What ever happened to Leonard? Stark and Westlake?"
"Hey, those two...." Joanie sat forward, getting upset.
"Yeah, I know," Sobol interrupted. "But then there's Connell and Matheson, too. Hell, even Bradbury left you."
Joanie brought a fist down. Her mouth became a tense, white line and her eyes narrowed. Sobol recognized he'd gone too far. His voice softened. "I'm just saying. You're time has passed."
A waiter came with a basket of chips and two bowls of salsa. Detective Sobol took advantage of the interruption.
"Anyway, I'll leave you to your meal." He set twenty dollars on their table. "On me."
"Whoa, hey," Virgil pushed the money away like it was on fire. His distrust for police ran deep. "No need for that."
Detective Sobol put a hand on Virgil's shoulder and squeezed. He used the other hand to tuck the money into the breast pocket of Virgil's shirt. "I insist," he said. "I voted for Chris Bell."
submitted by /u/virgiltempleton [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2vcDw4K
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Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
Hello fellow Atiny and Kpop stand, I wasnโt able to post Wednesday nor Thursday and I know some of you guys were looking forwards to read part 6 but without further ado here is part 6 of I Have A Dream ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ
She woke up to the sound of rain lashing down on her rooftop, the silence of the house being disturbed by the harsh water droplets falling from the dark sky.
The vibrations of thunder shake the small two-story house and emits a loud creak from within the place. Y/N tensed up for a second fearing that the small place would cave in on itself but then lightly chuckling from how crazy that would be.
She laid there a couple more seconds before hearing her alarm clock, the irritating ringing causing her to flinch from how unexpected it was. Sluggishly she lifts up her hand and slams it against the annoying piece of technology, the force of her hand causing the alarm clock to fall to the bedroom floor.
Letting her hand hang over the side of the bed she lays there a couple of minutes contemplating whether she should get up and go to work wanting to stay in the comfort of her warm covers the rest of the day, but then she realizes that Mrs. Park would scold her if she didn't take care of herself. Moving under the sheets she lets go of the pillow she was cuddling against and finally sits up, the darkness of the room making her think it's still night.
She hears the continues pitter-patter of the rain hitting her window making her turn towards it. She HATES the rain, the dark clouds surrounding the sky and the heavy feeling it drags along with it. She hates the memories that somehow always make their way back to her.
It was raining when she found them together, the rain falling down on her when she was breaking down somehow causing her to lose herself for a couple of days. The worse days of her life she would say, she was scared of how much she had changed after that night barely able to recognize herself in the mirror.
After a week she was finally able to come down to earth and take care of herself, she'll be damned if she let a man break her down. The thought of her baby also served as a motivation to her, wanting to give birth to a healthy baby and live in the small house she resides in now.
The room across her turned into a nursery after living in the village for a month. She felt the happiness of having a baby creep up on her letting her know that she was going to be alright with or without a man.
Shaking her head, she carefully steps out of the warm mattress, watching her step for the fallen alarm clock. Stumbling towards the dresser she opens it and takes out an outfit for the day, making sure that the clothing complimented each other or else Mrs. Park would roast her being the fashionista she is.
Setting her clothes down on her bed she walks towards her bathroom and turns on the showerhead, placing her hand over the water to make sure the temperature is just right for her. Feeling the warm water trickle down her hand, she turns towards her sink and takes her toothbrush and toothpaste figuring that she should just shower and brush her teeth at the same time as to save time.
Washing down her body with a little bit of struggle from the small baby bump she sighs to herself, the thought of her struggling with a much bigger belly to clean herself makes her huff in defeat.
Finishing up her shower she slowly steps out the tub and takes the white fluffy towel placed next to the curtain. Patting herself down she wraps it around herself and walks out the bathroom towards where she laid down her clothes.
She slipped on her comfy dark jeans and white long sleeve sweatshirt, the outfit was plain but still stylish as to not upset Mrs. Park with her lack of fashion.
Walking down the stairs, she steps over to the main entrance towards the shoe cubert. Kneeling down, she carefully opens the bottom of the cubert and takes out a pair of dark blue rain boots. Cleaning everything up she walks towards the small white couch near the exit and sits down with a huff, all the walking around making her lose her breath.
Leaning back against the couch she sits there a couple minutes rubbing her stomach before she sits back up and tugs on the rain boots knowing that her ride will be here anytime soon.
As in cue, honking comes from outside her house and Y/N curses out loud, quickly and carefully scrambling to get her belongings and to not keep the person outside waiting. Once at the door she shoves everything inside her purse and takes the raincoat next to the door as well as her keys not wanting to be locked out her house later on.
Once outside she locks her door and then walks towards the car parked in front letting the big water droplets hit her raincoat, too lazy to open up her umbrella.
She opens up the passenger door and quickly sits down wanting to get out of the rain already. โ Woooow look at you! The wet dog look is amazing on you!โ She hears someone say on her left, snorting out and rolling her eyes at the driver.
She turns towards Kyung Mi, the villages teacher and lightly punches her in the arm already getting used to her teasing knowing she means no harm with her comments.
โ You like it? I got inspiration from you after that one time you fell in a puddle.โ Y/N snickers out watching as Kyung Mi begins to turn red from embarrassment. โ HEY! You know we never talk about that okay! It could hurt my reputation around here.โ Kyung yells at her not wanting to remember such humiliating memory.
โ What reputation? You take care of little kids who drool and slobber all over you and on occasions piss on you.โ Y/N laughs out causing Kyung Mi to roll her eyes but she doesn't miss the twitch from her upper lip letting her know that she's holding back a smile.
โ Yeah laugh all you want but in a couple months you'll be getting slobbered and pissed on too.โ Kyung says as she points towards Y/N baby bump. โ Yeah well, I can't wait for those times because at least Iโll finally have my baby with me.โ Y/N says as she taps her stomach causing Kyung Mi to coo at her from the driver's seat.
โ Okay you cheesy momma bear stop with the cute stuff, you'll make my cold heart melt.โ Kyung says but still gives her a small smile letting her know that sheโs happy for her. โ Did you hear the big news recently?โ Kyung asks her and Y/N shakes her head in confusion.
โ You know that big house a couple ways away from the town square?โ She asks her and Y/N hums in acknowledgment while looking out the window. โ Apparently, there's a group of people moving in today. My neighbor said that he saw tons of people working on furnishing it and getting it ready yesterday.โ Kyung says as she drives towards the town square where they both work at.
โ Really? Didn't someone say that the house was for celebrities or something since it's so expensive to rent?โ Y/N mumbles out confusing plastered all over her face. โ That's why is such a big deal, apparently the people moving in are celebrities! Can you believe that!?!?โ Kyung exclaims out loud startling Y/N at the same time.
โ What if they are cute! I can finally find myself a hot and rich girl Y/N! I can move out of this place and I'll take you with me. How amazing would that be!!โ Kyung says excitingly taking one hand off the steering wheel and placing it on Y/Nโs shoulder slightly shaking her as she talks.
โ Don't get your hopes up MiMi, it's probably just a bunch of old businessmen wanting to take a break.โ Y/N chuckles out while patting Kyungs hand that is still placed on her shoulder. She hears Kyung sigh out and watches as she nods her head โ You're probably right, but that doesn't mean there won't be a cute assistant or even maid so I'll take what I can get.โ Kyung says as she smiles at Y/N causing both of them to go into a fit of giggles.
Feeling the car stop, Y/N looks up and sees that they are parked in front of her job which seems to already be opened as the lights from inside are on. โ Don't worry, you'll probably find a nice girl to settle down with sooner or later.โ Y/N says as she turns towards Kyung and pats her on the head causing Kyung to snort out a laugh.
โ Okay fashionista I believe you. Now go and have fun at work and call me later on if you need a ride home in case it's still raining okay?โ Kyung says as she watches Y/N exit the car. Turning around Y/N gives her a thumbs up and watches as Kyung finally drives off towards the village's small school.
With a deep sigh, Y/N turns around and walks towards the boutique already expecting Mrs. Park to shove down some food down her throat in order to keep her healthy. As she walks closer she hears Mrs. Parkโs loud voice coming from the back of the room and she shakes her head not once regretting ever applying here. Walking towards the back she prepares herself for a day filled with clothing and pampering.
They had left earlier than expected, the big bus taking them to Incheon arriving earlier in the day. From fear of having to pay more than they were told staff immediately rushed to getting every single boy in that bus and making sure their luggage was placed in the bottom portion of the bus.
In under an hour, they were able to get everyone on the bus and help with some last-minute packing before they finally set out towards Incheon.
The bus was quiet apart from some constant shuffling from some of the guys who had gone back to sleep, the rain combined with the smooth driving lulling them back into dreamland. Towards the back of the bus sat San, staring out the window as the rain fell heavily from the dark clouds.
He wanted to sleep, the heaviness from his eyelids and warmth that wooyoung was providing from beside him causing him to yawn but he couldn't. Mind wrapped up with the thought of her.
How was she doing? Was she taking care of herself? Is the baby okay? Does she know the gender? Constant unanswered questions floated inside his head and caused him to lose sleep multiple times throughout the 3 months that went by.
Turning to look towards the rest of the guys he located the one he was currently thinking about. Two rows away from him sat hongjoong, leaning against the window knocked out and snoring loudly against it causing it to fog up. San glared in disgust, how could he sleep so soundly after what he had done, sleep so calmly knowing that he ruined Y/Nโs life and could have potentially ruined her trust in men altogether.
He glared at him with pure fire in his eyes and as if Hongjoong felt the intensity of his stare he watched as Hongjoong stirred and slightly woke up turning his head lightly then snapping his head back once he realized it was San who was staring at him.
Letting out a scoff San finally removed his stare from Hongjoong and continued to look out the window. He felt his body relax from the calming atmosphere and with that he lets his eyes close, letting sleep envelop him like a blanket.
. . . . . . . . .
โ San... San Hyung wake up, where here already.โ San hears as he feels himself being shaken awake by wooyoung. Lifting his head from where it was resting against the window he catches sight of the big almost mansion-like house resting on top of a small hill.
Gathering his things, he shoves his phone into his pockets and lifts himself off the seat noticing that wooyoung decided to stand there and wait for him. Walking out together, San notices that he was probably the last one to exit the bus as the rest of the guys are already running towards the house in excitement and also in fear of getting wet from the small drizzle of rain.
Shaking his head, he begins to walk towards the house with wooyoung in toe. Up close the house is actually smaller than it looks like from down where the bus is parked but nonetheless still a decently big place. Arriving at the doorway he notices all their luggage stacked up against the left side of the big entrance and he quickly walks towards it wanting to take a shower and eat.
The rest of the guys seem to have the same idea because all at once they rush towards the mountain of suitcases and bags to last them a month startling the manager that would be staying with them.
โ Now, this is a big place but you guys will still have roommates just to make sure you guys spend more time together okay?โ Says the manager and the guys grumble curses under their breaths seeming to have been looking forward to getting their own room which won't be happening now.
They wait as the manager takes out a clipboard from his bag and begins to call out names. San waits for his name to be called then immediately feels his body turn cold when he realizes that the only person left to room with is Hongjoong.
โ Okay last but not least San and Hong-โ begins the manager but before he could finish San harshly interrupt him. โ No. I won't room with him so either you give me my own room or change roommates with someone else.โ He says and he doesn't miss the way Hongjoong flinches from his tone.
The manager begins to stumble over his words, never have seen San tense up like he did just now and how hostile he was towards Hongjoong. In his mind, he prays that this break can somehow rekindle their friendship.
Seonghwa noticing how flustered the manager got from the situation decides to speak up not wanting to make him or the rest of the guys uncomfortable. โ I'll switch roommates with San, wooyoung and him can get a room together and I'll stick with Hongjoong.โ He says and watches how the manager lets a breath out of relief and nods his head multiple times.
Not being able to stand the tense air the manager quickly turns around and begins walking towards a long hallway calling the boys after him and leading them into their rooms.
Once they are all finally settled in their big rooms, they all begin to unpack wanting nothing more than to eat, take a long hot shower and sleep. San is still tense from the situation and Wooyoung seems to notice because he grabs San by the shoulders and takes him back towards the front entrance.
โ Come on, let's go get some food and clear your head while we're at it. I'll let the manager know so we don't get in trouble.โ Wooyoung says as he shoves his feet into his worn-out sneakers. San doesn't seem to hesitate and does so as well wanting to get out and relax for a while.
Grabbing ahold of some umbrellas they both exit the big house and begin to walk towards the path leading to the town square. San mindlessly walks after wooyoung not knowing where they are going. โ Where exactly are we going?โ San asks and they walk a couple minutes in silence before wooyoung answers him.
โ I woke up before you on the way here and I did some research on this place. It's a pretty small village, only about 4,000 people live here but that's good since we won't be recognized. I also saw that they have a really popular restaurant around the town square. Good food and good service so that's where we are going.โ Wooyoung says and San only hums in acknowledgment trusting that wooyoung knows his way around from just google maps.
Walking for a couple more minutes they immediately know they are in the town square from how light up and lively the place is even if the weather isn't the best at the moment. Walking deeper into the town square, they get looks from the locals and hear as they start to whisper but none seems to recognize them probably just talking about a new face in town.
They continue to walk before they stop in front of a small restaurant filled with people, the small establishment bustling with life. Walking up towards the door they are immediately surrounded by the smell of meat and kimchi making their mouth water from the scent. They scan around the place and quickly realize just how packed it is, the whole place filled with various families and couples.
โ Should we just order to go? โ Asks wooyoung and San quickly agrees, not in the mood to be surrounded by people. They step up towards the small counter and greet the little old lady sitting behind it before they start to order, knowing that if they just get for themselves the rest of the guys would kill them so they place a big order for everyone.
Being told that the order would take 30 minutes max, they decide to sit against the bench located in front of the window and wait for their food. They sit there in silence but San can see from the corner of his eye that wooyoung want to say something, opening then closing his mouth multiple times.
Finally gathering his thought wooyoung begins to speak. โ You know we can't keep this up right...?โ He says and San lets out a sigh from the question. โ I know... I want to forget about it and go back to the way it was but I-.. I don-...โ San stumbles over his words not knowing how to express himself, wooyoung seems to sense this because he carefully places his hand on his shoulder and San brings his hand up to grip onto his hand letting him know that he appreciates the gesture.
โ You are the only one who knew how I felt about her and how much I suffered in order to let her be happy with hongjoong. I saw how happy she was with him and how in love she was and it broke my heart knowing that it would never be me and then he does that to her. โ San says not missing the way his voice starts to quiver.
Taking a deep breath he begins to speak again. โ It felt like a punch in the face after she texted us and I wanted nothing more than to take her pain away. I should have let her know, even if it wasn't my place or yours we let her get hurt by not telling her sooner and it honestly breaks my heart.โ he says and wooyoung brings him into a hug knowing that San needs to let everything out.
โ And then we found that pregnancy test and it just felt like someone took my heart and ripped it into pieces. Can you imagine the excitement she went through when she found out she was pregnant? She always said that she wanted kids, and the minute she finds out she might be having one everything else just went downhill.โ San says as he grips onto wooyoung, wanting to be held by someone.
โ I LOVE her wooyoung, and I'll travel the whole world to find her again and be the one to mend her back together. I want to be the one who she calls home and lays asleep in my arms at night. I want her child to call me dad because I know damn well I can be a better one than hongjoong.โ he sniffs out, trying his hardest to keep himself together in public.
โ I know you will and I want you to know that I support you 100%. Y/N deserves the whole world after what she's been through and I know that you are the only one who can give it to her.โ wooyoung says as he pats San on the back wanting to comfort him as best as he can.
They sit there in each others embrace for a couple of minutes before San finally pulls away, lifting his trembling hands and wiping under his eyes to get rid of the tears that managed to slid down his face. Chuckling to himself he shakes his head and turns to look at wooyoung. โ Hey.. Thanks man I really neede-.... Wooyoung..?โ San begins to say but stops once he notices wooyoungโs flabbergasted expression. Lifting up his hand he waves it in front of his face and that seems to snap him out of it.
Wooyoung stutters out something but can't seem to form a proper sentence, noticing Sanโs confused expression he slowly lifts up a shaky finger pointing at something across the street. San turning around as he had his back towards the window looks at what wooyoung seems to be pointing at before his heart stops completely.
Across the street where a small clothing boutique stands in place are two women talking animatedly under the cover of the store, trying to shield away from the small drizzle of rain. They watch as the older lady of the duo leans forward to place a kiss on the other woman's cheek before leaning down towards her stomach and kissing it as well.
That's when San finally takes her whole appearance in having been staring at her face the whole time. The swell of her stomach causing her white long sleeve sweatshirt to stretch out, letting everyone know that she is currently pregnant.
They both stare in awe as they watch the older lady walk away with a final goodbye and other one walk the opposite direction opening up a big clear umbrella and holding it above her head.
Watching her walk away snaps them back into reality and wooyoung seems to gain his ability to speak again, whispering out the name of the girl they just found โ... Y/N..?โ he says and San turns around to look at him still too shocked to speak.
They stare at each other for a couple of seconds before the old lady at the register calls out their names letting them know that their food is ready. Scrambling to pay for the food they both exit the restaurant and rush back towards the house knowing what they have to do. Arriving there in under 10 minutes from how fast they were running as well as how close it was they burst through the doors startling the people who are present at the kitchen across the entrance.
โ GUYS COME HERE RIGHT NOW!โ Yells out wooyoung and from the sound of his voice, the guys seem to know it's urgent as they rush out the kitchen all already dressed in their PJs.
โ What happened?!?!?โ asks SeongHwa as he sees how shocked they are from their facial expressions, San not even uttering a word out just staring into space.
โ We found them.โ San says, sounding like he's out of breath and all the guys stare at each other in confusion. โ Found who..?โ asks Yunho and wooyoung grabs his shoulder in excitement.
โ We found Y/N!โ
Wooyoung screams out and the rest of the guys gawk at them, minds immediately going blank from the information just thrown at them.
โ What do you mean you found Y/N?!?!? You mean to tell me you saw her here? At this location?!?!โ Mingi utters out too surprises to even raise his voice. Wooyoung nods his head rapidly and they all fall into silence.
โ Wait! San said them..? Does that mean that she is actually pregnant..?โ calls out yeosang and the rest of the guys snap their heads towards the dancing duo, eagerly waiting for one them to answer. They watch as San lifts up his head, the same flabbergasted expression on his face and he nods slowly causing the rest of the guys to gasp out in shock.
They knew there was a possibility of that pregnancy test being positive, they just didn't expect it to be true.
They all stand in silence taking all the information in before San jumps up in a hurry startling the rest of guys from how fast he got up. โ Guys... Where's Hongjoong...?โ He asks and the rest of the guys tense up quickly losing color on their faces.
โ He left a couple minutes after you guys left, he was mumbling something about being alone.โ Jongho says and the rest of the guys curse out. โ What direction did he go?! Did you see where he went!?!?โ Wooyoung fires at him rapidly, not liking where this is going.
โ He walked the same direction you guys went, towards the town square, but instead of going all the way into the center he walked towards the little village houses.โ He says and San and wooyoung completely freak out.
โ FUCK.โ yells out San and the rest of the guys flinch from how mad he sounds. โ What?!? What's wrong with that?!?!โ calls out SeongHwa and they watch as San spins around to look at them.
โ That's the direction Y/N was heading!โ He growls out and the guys feel a cold shiver go down their spins, not liking what's about to happen.
. . . . . . . . . .
Hongjoong pulls his black puffy jacket closer to him, feeling shivers all over his body from how cold the night is the rain not doing anything to help it as well.
He knew that he should have brought an umbrella or put on more layers to keep himself warm, but the tense atmosphere around the house revolving around him and the guys was suffocating and he just had to get out of there.
He walked down the path leading towards the town square but instead of going all the way into town he branched off into the road leading to the village houses. When they were close to arriving he woke up from his deep slumber and watched all the little houses filled with families, along the way passing a small park and that where he was standing now.
Walking in the rain, he quickly found an empty bench to sit on and rest. He inhaled the fresh air the village provided feeling different from the air polluted city, and he lets the water droplets hit his face. He watches as a couple runs for cover from the rain, having their hands covering their faces so the rain won't hit them. He watches as they finally find cover under a house and burst out giggling leaning against each other and finally giving each other sweet pecks on the lips causing Hongjoong to wince at the sight.
Looking away he feels his throat clench up and his eyes to water but he stops himself from crying. Ever since he did what he did, he has never hated himself more than the day she left, every day he would sneakily go to her abandoned apartment not wanting the guys to know. He would lay on her side of the bed and grip onto her pillow, sobbing loudly not wanting her fragrance to leave the plush fabric. Even going as far as buying the same perfume she would wear and spraying it back on her pillow, trying so hard to keep the memory of her in his thoughts.
It was hard every day to live without her and Hongjoong never realized this after she left, taking everything he loved about her with her. Not knowing if she was pregnant or not he prayed that he could find her before she possibly gave birth, wanting to be apart of her and his child lives again.
Humming seems to break Hongjoong out of his thoughts and he swears he's heard that hum before. It takes him a minute to remember the song being hummed before he jumps up in a hurry and wildly looks around the park wanting to find the source of the humming.
The song is familiar to him only because it's the song SHE always used to sing, telling him that her mother used to sing it to her when she was younger and since then has stuck as a little tradition.
Snapping his head towards the road he sees a figure walking closer and once they walk under the light located in the entrance of the park he feels his brain stop working.
Walking calmly under the slight drizzle of rain is Y/N rubbing her belly bump and humming to it causing Hongjoong to stifle a sob. โ It is real then.โ he thinks to himself as he sees her in all her pregnancy glory. She seems to be glowing and the baby bump makes her 10x more beautiful to him, knowing that the child she is carrying is his.
Snapping out of his thoughts he sees a car pull up next to her and his heart starts to race watching as the person rolls down their window.
โ Y/N you little snake!โ yells the person inside the car and Hongjoong relaxes a little knowing that the person inside is a woman.
Watching as Y/N walks towards the car, he hears her laugh out loud and it makes his knees wobble from hearing her laugh again.
โ Hey Mimi, what are you talking about?โ questions Y/N and the person inside lets out a huff. โ I told you to call me if you needed a ride back home! What the fuck are you doing walking in the cold rain dumbass! Don't you know you could get sick! Are you trying to get sick? What about the baby? I swear I'm like your mother taking care of you!!!โ Rants out the girl inside and all Y/N does is let out another laugh and walk towards the passenger side.
โ Get inside right now and you're staying over tonight okay? I gotta make sure that you don't get sick and endanger my godchild!โ the female who he now knows as Mimi yells out before opening the passenger door and gesturing Y/N to get inside the car.
He begins to panic once he sees that Y/N is about to walk away from him once again and he starts to walk towards the car weakly calling out to her. He's too late as he watches Y/N close the car door and the car speed down the road leaving him behind in the park.
โ Y/N...!โ he finally screams out her name and runs after the car but stumbles on his way out the park falling to his knees and reaching out a hand towards the car, watching as it moves away further from him.
Hearing someone call his name, he turns around to see the rest of the guys running towards him. San being the one leading the pack of overgrown children, they finally stop in front of him watching as Hongjoong breaks down again mumbling one name that causes the guys to look at each other.
He's calling Y/Nโs name.
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