#now that im lookng at it
nuwuna · 2 years
Songs I Associate with Redacted Relationships
So instead of catching up on assignments I've procrastinated on, I'm doing this bc why notttt???
David x Angel
She Chose Me by Bruno Major
Warm on a Cold Night by HONNE
Sam x Darlin/Tank
Lust for a Vampyr by I Monster
Driving Just to Drive by Matt Maltese
Elliott x Sunshine
Dreams - Demo by grentperez
You Might Be Sleeping by Jakob and Clairo
Avior x Starlight
Astronomy by Conan Gray
Francis Forever by Mitski
Geordi x Cutie
Easily by Bruno Major
Curl Up & Die by Matt Maltese
also Old with You by grentperez for Vincent x Lovely
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amberdawn · 8 months
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
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"michael's canon drawings this" what about michael's canon HANDWRITING
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jays-nook · 8 months
Looking for A Gilgamesh Resource!!!
I have been lookng for the past 30mins for a secource list for the Epic of Gilgamesh and I cant seem to find it for the life of me :sob: I remeber seeing it last month (I think) in the tag or so but it was not a recent post - I doubt it was.
It was this long textpost someone wrote outlining their opinion on every translation of Giglamesh, like a resource guide, and it was so useful but my idiot self forgot to like/reblog it and now its lost to me :sob:
I can't remeber what blog wrote it but like they had each translation in a list with a rating and like howaccurate it is, writing style..etc. all those glorious details </3
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tmmyhug · 8 months
hi. tortured with the thought (dc and hermitcraft fan) what was the fic where Jason called Bruce Bdubs I'm going to explode forever
ok this is driving me CRAZY bc i couldve SWORN i remembered exactly which fic it was but i just went and looked thorugh the whole thing and i cant find it. so now im going to spend an inordinate amount of time lookng for the right fic as soon as i am free from the homework agonies. please remind me if i forget
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metfell · 1 year
for context the reason bedrock couldnt get offhand for so long was that mojang had to figure out how to make it work not just for pc and console but also for mobile. and thats something i didnt even consider when i was complaining about minecraft bedrock's lack of parity. this game has to not only work in java edition, but for console and mobile. and it all has to function- in bedrock at least- the same so that players can play on crossplatform realms. thats a lot to account for, and its understandable that bedrock takes longer to implement features than java does.
and if this is the first post youre seeing from me about this, ive been complaining about bedrocks lack of accessibility and parity for like 2 years now. i especially complained about the implementation of the warden and deep dark on bedrock due to their lack of subtitles. its incredibly frustrating to watch people who have only ever really engaged with java minecraft once again only complain about java minecraft and leave bedrock in the dust.
im lookng forward to talks of them fixing the lighting engine though, which hopefully means those promises of fireflies are back on the table, but thats just speculation. im just excited and hopeful that minecraft bedrock is finally going to get some love from developers.
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aria-ashryver · 10 months
a peek at the Starlight GC
(some undisclosed time in the future)
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Luca: oh ok, exciting news everyone!!!!! theres a HUGE fkn bug on the door right above the keyhole so we all live outside now!!!
Cas: its js a bug new kid
Cas: grow a pair
Luca: alternatively, come save me
Cas: no <3
Luca: Gabe help
Gabriel: I'm halfway across town, mi vida
Luca: im stuck outsideeeee
Gabriel: ...
Luca: 🥺
Gabriel: I'm on my way
Cas: times like these idk which one of u to make fun of first
Luca: ...i hope the bug eats you harlow
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viofficial · 1 year
Hello i am back for five seconds to talk abt that welcome home update bc WHAT !!! i have .. so many thoughts and the current speculation isnt rlly doing it or the source material justice. im not gonna add any links here, u can find those urself, ill just be going thru my very unorganized thoughts. anyway!
so while i cant make any confident speculation as we're so early into the project, however i think the new update confirmed my suspicion that wally Is the one sending the restoration project these letters. specifically in the staff only page, where on one of the emails, there's smth in white highlighted marker that reads "-wally darling" like a signature of some sort. i could be wrong but idk who else would be doing this yk? esp in the damaged state the restored materials are in? its also indicated by one of the staff having a dream abt wally lookng at them as a phone rings. its also clear bc of the many eye and spiral imagery throughout the page.
another thing i found interesting was in the 1-14 pages, how near the end, the characters look to wally for input. i think its bc in the show ur supposed to follow wally around as he's technically a narrator/observer of some sort, indicated by one of the scripts in an earlier update, with wally speaking to the viewer. but i wonder why it cut off so abruptly?? idk
so far my "theory" is that smth happened in the neighborhood that caused wally to lose his friends hence in the guestbook he mentions he cant find them or has no memories of them, that or ppl's lack of memories of the show causes his world (or the show itself) to fall apart, which would make sense. idk if they died or anything but idk smth happened. i also saw someone say that what could be happening is that two worlds exist, one where welcome home was a real show that existed in the 70s, and one without. we're seeing the world without.
i don't think wally or home is evil, or that home is behind anything or that smth is happening in home OR that wally is stuck in home. i dont think that clown would make smth so cliche, and while cliches r fine since everyone has a diff spin on it, i feel like itd be narratively unsatisfying. its clear that wally is desperate, he wants to be seen, remembered in some way. maybe its why he's always facing the camera, symbolizing that desire? idk maybe im delving too deep LMFAO dont blame me i literally spent Hours looking for clues and refreshing twitter. its also clear that wally isnt evil bc i believe its him apologizing for the letters/materials looking so fucked up and taking a toll on ppl. maybe it isnt him but itd make sense
wally can also see us. through our fan art, through our support, he can see whats going on in the outside world hence how he's able to break the fourth wall and send the restoration project the envelopes (specifically eddie's envelopes). i say this bc of this line if u type "/a" on the website.
“I have more eyes than I did before. You know how to draw eyes. You draw mine many times. I know it is thanks to you, neighbor, that I can see. But it is still… I can’t… See."
now that he doesnt have access to the guestbook, he's desperate for diff ways to connect to us and the restoration project. he just wants to be remembered. i dont think him breaking the fourth wall is too out of the ordinary considering he appeared in an interview, signifying he must know of the outside world, that his world isnt real, he's played by a voice actor, and so on.
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beidousoneandonly · 1 year
Hobie x Reader
FNAFICC TIME EHEEUHEUEHU ok so ill start out with like neutral nothing freaky yeah im willing to take on requests!!!! and sorry if its wack english isnt my first language
You were looking at the nice sun set as you sat in the roof of your house, as you admire the nice colours of the sky hobie joins you for a bit,
You liked hobie but you werent sure he'd like you back so you didnt say anything, lately youve gotten closer to him, getting to know him more, be with him, you fell harder than ever before.
As hobie made himself comfortable next to you laying down whatching you "what are we lookng at?" he asks "dude look at the clouds they are so pretty" you say not trying to sound awkward
You wanted to be closer to hobie be more than friends but hed probably pull something like "i dont belive in labels like girlfriend or boyfriend" so you decided youd never actually confess but its hurt when you saw someone flirting with him
You look back at hobie trying not to blurt out your feelings so you looked away as hobie noticed and asked "soemthing on your mind?" "well you see theres this problem with my firend you know and i dont know how to help them" you said "well then tell me whats going on maybe i can help" you comply as you speak "well this friend of mine has a crush on her friend right, and she doesnt want to tell him because shes worried that he doesnt feel the same way and will ruin things between them." as you stop speaking you turn to look at him and he has a troubled look on his face "thats just stupid theres a high chance the friend likes her back even if he didnt like her i doubt anything would change" he spoke as you look at him and roll your eyes at his response as you climb down from the roof "what'd I say?!" hobie asks as he looks at you climbing down.
A few days go by from the day when you were on the rooftop with hobie as he tried not think about it, he had several conclusions as to your reactions but he didnt tell you about them.
after that day you prayed that hobie didnt catch on but it was too obvious.
Days later your group got invited to a house party, you werent the most fan of those but you didnt have anything to do so you decided to go with your friends for a bit and then youd leave.
As you get ready with gwen shes texting the guys if theyre already there, they reply with a image of pavitr in a water fountain, you and gwen switched looks and laughed and left for the party
You arrive and there puke outside on the grass already you contemplate whether you should return but march inside with gwen and meet up with hobie,pavitr and miles in the back
"Hey guys-" you say as you look at pavitr wet he still hasnt dried up "HAHHHHHHHHHHH" gwen wheezed her ass off as pavitr was trembling his ass off "You should defenetly change" you demand
Some time goes by as you get bored since you finished gossiping with hobie and gwen you guys were cririzing everyone at the party but now you had no one to gossip about, as you sighed this girl was going around recollecting people to play games as she asked you guys if you wanted to join so you said why not?
everyone gathered at the living room since most had left the party it wasnt crowded anymore, The girl that rounded everyone together suggested we sit in a circle as we do you notice hobie is looking at someone and you start to get jealous and sit next to him and bump into him to get his attention he raises an eyebrow at your actions, as the girl announces we play truth or dare or spin the bottle, someone suggests to combine them two
the game goes some on has to spin the bottle and has to do truth or dare as everyone agress the game starts and they spin the bottle as it lands on someone and they dare them to go home, everyone starts laughing at the cruel joke but the person seems upset either way the game continues as it lands on you and say truth, you dont want to be another joke like the previous person as they ask you who is your type, i am in blank "i dont really have a type ya know?" you try to shake it off someone yells BORING but you didnt want to make a fool out of yourself, some spins later the bottle lands on hobie
i give up LMFAOO ill continue this later im tired
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chiroptaro · 2 years
You'll never fucking guess what his subject is
um ???? crane please im so bad at guessing u know this umm uhh i was gonna say oh i bet it's something absurd and demon-y like gourmet flesh cooking but then i was like oh obv its not gonna be that then but now im lookng at him again and his outfit is kinda chef-like so GOURMET FLESH COOKING
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for being the one who inspires all of this activity feels so good i have been wracking my brain trying tofigure out why i am being punished for being someone who had no idea any of my theoretical concepts were being fully realized, & who just wanted to enjoy some of the fruits of all yalls hardwork while not even boasting about how i totally inspired cody who motivated all of you.. but hedidnt even realize that it was me who did that til just now. and shit is about to get a whole lot more fair and righteous & that is a super dope thing. i have a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach cause i talked too much shit to people who generally are just admirers & supporters.. its sometimes hard to appreciate that kind of support when i am so far from happy. i know i dont show it, i probably come across as totally peachy keen but it is not the case at all if i am away from my beloved. he knows this. he should. the only reason he would be anything but cocky would be because someone else is telling him lies or something because he knows full well he is the only thing that has ever made me give a damn about anything ever in this wholefuckingworld. i dont know if he does know this.. and apparently hes the onewith his feet up against the window.. just waiting for me to somehow get into his apartment.. just likehe was waiting for me to get on to the roof with him earlier.. andthen he apparerntly drove away in a carbut is now back in that apartment.. im confused. so whoever is there is either someone who needs to be told how to fix my fuckingbroken relationship or someone who needs to be worshipped like the sex god he is.. either way, i dont understand why everyone acts like i am some problem because i cannot walk through walls & have had a hardtime being anything but totally repsectful this entire month where i have been going through hell.. as politely as possible. i worry that all my casualties have made me come across as uncaring or uninterested in my husband but thats not the case. i just dont know how to texplain any better how many times i have already tried every single thing that you want me to try again and its just a lil discouraging and ihate lookng like a crazy person or drawing unwanted attention...plus i dont know why im supposedto know things like that youre there waiting for me or that youve had this thing that iddnt know about or that youre not the one whose in that apartment or that youve beeen upset all night and burning things and everyone is totally unaffected by your obvious upsetness. i want to doeverything right the first time but i fear ive alreeady fucked that. al i can do is try to fix it so here goes nothing :
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kristalpepsi · 4 years
Sometimes self care is looking thru my #myself tag n lookng @ the very poggers art of myself
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mejomonster · 5 years
men of sword spoilers,
well i guess murong li just does want to watch the world burn. that’s basically all he says to qi zhikan.
i would like to hope murong li has some actual goal, and really didn’t just play everyone into war for the sake of just destruction in general. but then, i guess, after yaoguang maybe he does just hope everyone perishes.
still, i hope there’s more and he was just being tight lipped with qi zhikan.
also i didn’t connect UNTIL NOW that the best friend of murong li’s is who jumped from yaoguang’s structure way back in the beginning. i guess i just thought the guy was wandering the world secretly like murong li, or else died off screen to let murong li get away. but that he actually dressed up as murong li and jumped in place of him???
ok cool make me sad for that side character again. its fine. 
and the swords... the sword plot... the sword plot??? magic swords??? i have no idea how much murong li is making up, why he’s spreading this tale in the first place, or if anyone is ‘mandated’ by the gods versus cursed. i do hope he does something with it. cause again, i hope his plan is more than just ‘destroy everything in general until everything is fallen apart’.
so qi zhikan broke my heart. but mostly, i was just real confused by his ‘explanation’ to murong li about why he’s so loyal to the king, and why king jian bin ‘doesn’t fully trust him back?’ Is it because Jian Bin would be naive to trust someone who’s saved his life, whom he ‘owes’ the way he owes Qi Zhikan??? Is what Qi Zhikan says even true, or even the whole story - since he has no reason NOT to lie to Murong Li. And I feel like all conflicts aside, Jian Bin DOES fully trust Qi Zhikan anyway. So the assumption he doesn’t is false.
i feel like if this show hadn’t been censored as much as it was, that explanation from qi zhikan would’ve been significantly more enlightening.
anyway as it is their little music video scene anihilated me, jian bin broke my heart, i don’t know why he gave up instead of holding out some desperate hope that qi zhikan might come save him (except i KNOW why, he’s a pessimist, he usually picks the worse doubt, and he probably felt that if he stayed alive then xiao qi might have followed him and gotten captured/killed too - jian bin probably hoped xiao qi would really run away and leave all this if there was no king to return to). 
anyway. my heart hurts. jian bin was one of my favorite characters.
extra awful that he was the best king, and he dies first.
i have conflicted feelings about the whole episode because: 
1. they showed a PRIEVEW of their deaths in episode before, like that isn’t a Huge Spoiler. 
2. Murong Li and Qi Zhikan ARE my favorite characters, so it was great having them in the same scene - but like at what cost you know? The cost was losing Qi Zhikan! I wonder if on some messed up level, Murong Li hoped to save Qi Zhikan while letting Qi Zhikan lose ‘everything’ just like Murong Li had - so someone else in this world would relate to him. 
Maybe he’d intended to recruit/befriend/partner up with Qi Zhikan once he’d lost everything too, and hoped to destroy the world together with this god of war (or whatever his real plan is). If that’s what Murong Li DID have planned - it really backfired in his face. Just like him assuming Qi Zhikan could be swayed to leave jian bin. I think... Murong Li was just trying to make up for losses, trying to get something decent out of the situation, by noting the magic sword response to qi zhikan’s death and deciding to use that magic response for something.
3. The heroes I was rooting for died, so I guess now I’m on Murong Li’s side by default (since otherwise I was rooting for Jian BIN AAAAA). But like... little bastard better have more planned then just ‘destruction for destructions sake’???!!! Like... Murong Li... at least aspire to take over the world, or abolish kings ruling kingdoms all together... I’m begging you to have some kind of actual goal besides just watching the world burn. Please? Your best friend didn’t die just for you to be equivalent to a ghost - you need to be ‘hope’ like he said, and that requires SOME KIND OF REAL PLAN. He died for you, so pull it together MURONG LI.
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nekobytebin · 2 years
wnet nd had miy Last cig th 1 i got from my mom while sittjng outside a church., marlboro gold jus lyke my very First snd was reminiscing a lot tke taste and feelng is now fully a memory of lithuania.. reminded me of lithuanian gold vodka 7 filtered LOL thought sbout aukse sincze i wuld smoke nd share monster wit her hope she is doing well jm so thankful tht she wasz so nice 2 me gave me rly special memory they r so fleeting so iwill cherish it always #& i was thinkng how her name is derived from the word for gold nd bunch of things about change,endings,beginnjngs., whilw lookng at the dark sky nd saw a sideways jagged flash of light blue as if beneath it for a short moment idk wat it was anyway whwn i got up to leav as i turned around my eyez set on this surprised me so much #_#in gold,,raphael=7 ..im#7^^ BONUS lowest qwuality beato-chan uoohgolden 7epitaph 7
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granma-sweetie · 2 years
hi yes so on my birthday my grandmother my brother and i went to hamburg right. and i actually discovered the best place in all of germany which is ✨thalia✨
it's this huge bookshop and oj my gods i love it so much
it has a lot of books right but also this section with things that aren't books and also a cafe thing??????? and a second floor???? but like i always went to the section with the books in english because im too stupid do read anything in german but like. they had heartstopper books. HEARTSTOPPER BOOKS and like pride things right next to them like dude i was going JASIJHDSJKHASJKDHGWA the whole time lookng at it but my grandmother was there so i couldn't really. anyway the english section DDUDE THEY HAD MADELINE MILLER AND THE CLASSIC SECTION WHERE I SAW THE MOST GORGEOUS COPIES OF DRACULA AND DORIAN GRAY AND FRANKENSTEIN ORIGINAL 1818 TEXT AND ASDHWHGFDCBEHBKGEIBHDBHKSKHBWKHBFKJBHCBN@!!@WJH!UHES@ AND SHERLOCK HOLMES AND AGATHA CHRISTIE AND JANE AUSTEN AND IYTS JUST ASJNHGBDFHSVBFHDVSB
so hwat i got i got circe (in english because in german it cost like three euros more lmao???? and i know english better)
what do i even need to say about this. this book is so fucking good. i dont know if youve read it but if you havent do it read it it made me cry like seven times
in my defense, telegonus
i also got two jane austen books (mansfield park and northanger abbey) and im reading mansfield park now im halfway through and its really good and i would die for edmund and i want to kick henry in the balls (btw. asshole henry other than henry wotton they should unite and we can kick them in the balls collectively) but also i accidentally spoiled the ending for myself through edmund's wikipedia page and now i don't really want to read it because like,,,, i mean,,,, i mean it's good but like they're cousins and they got married and like
idk man
but like its good and im excited to start northanger abbey afterwards because the main character is supposed to be obsessed with gothic lit and im like
oh thats me :D yes
so yes ajdnskbfve
i have a copy of circe that my former teacher gave me and i’ve been putting off reading for some reason but no longer. also hAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY MAN HOLY SHIT also KELSJDKSJD THE ATS SO COOL ALSKRKSJDKSJDJSJ!!!!!!!
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piratemadi · 4 years
now im just lookng at russian doll quotes and applying them to silvermax. silver voice sorry i'm a little out of breath i was just grabbing you a mango
LMFAOSDJklfsos Yeah!! max voice youre the most selfish person i’ve ever met thank you for changing my life lives are hard to change
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