#now that im home i can post this weee
jetstarred · 3 months
what i listened to in june 2024!
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total albums: 6 top 3 albums: damn. (kendrick lamar), souvlaki (slowdive), e (ecco2k) click read more to see full reviews :D
Damn. - Kendrick Lamar (2017)
Fav song: Love.
Immediately I love how this album is a different sound from TPAB, including a clip of a reaction to a lyric from Alright at the end of BLOOD. It’s a great introduction to the album. After listening to the album in full, I think it’s a great follow up to TPAB. Kenrick says his thoughts on the reaction to that album, reflecting on how he tried bringing awareness to black people’s struggles and got labeled as someone who was making the problems worse. So he talks about his own experiences more on this album, basically saying “this is my real life, not some story demonizing black people”. It’s insane to me that this album won a Pulitzer prize, and it fully deserves it. The lyricism is on another level, taking multiple listens to fully understand. Beyond just the lyrics, the music on this album is a really beautiful melding of the sound of GKMC and TPAB. There’s a really unique atmosphere as well that adds to the entire album. The features are used perfectly, and I like the sort of cyclical nature of the album, with the album ending where it starts. I feel like I’m running out of new ways to compliment Kendrick because every album of his I listen to just knocks it out of the park.
Ranking: 9/10
New Superheroes & Demos - You Love Her (2015)
Fav song: 2007
This album is a great mid-2010s digital hardcore album. It’s unique from other digital hardcore music I’ve heard in a way that’s very fun. It has strong cyberpunk vibes, aided by the female vocals that make me think of Ana de Armas’ character in Blade 2049. You Love Her’s production is excellent, always staying in the same pocket that gives me those strong cyberpunk vibes. I also thoroughly enjoy the mix of completely instrumental tracks and tracks with vocals that are either mixed in or provided by a vocalist. All the vocals are very different from each other, giving the vibe of this being a soundtrack for a piece of media. I’d love a game or movie scored by You Love Her, and I’m very excited to check the rest of his stuff out.
Rating: 8/10
Hex Dealer - Lip Critic (2024)
Fav song: Bork Pelly
This is a really good breakbeat album that has punk and club influences. This album reminds me a bit of The Garden and Lustsickpuppy. I honestly don’t have much to say because all the songs stayed in a very similar sound, with some sounding more electronic than others. I do like the main vocalists’ voice, it’s kinda unique for this type of music. Easily music I can just throw on and jam to.
Rating: 7/10
Bejible - Bejalvin (2023)
Fav song: Box Cutter Vasectomy
This album is like if you turned Queef Jerky up to 11. It’s very heavy electronic music with some very good rapping that also gets pretty silly. This is the type of music that is perfect for djing at a rave and I’d love to see it live (spoiler alert: I did).  Overall, two thumbs up from me.
Rating: 7/10
E - Ecco2k (2019)
Fav song: Time
This album is essentially my introduction to drain as a genre. I’m obsessed with the ethereal, dreamy, and airy vibe of this album. It feels like floating through the clouds. And not just white fluffy clouds, but grayer, storm clouds too. The electronic moments added a very welcome variety to the sound of the album, keeping it from sounding to monotonous. Ecco’s voice is perfect for the mood of the album, just high enough to fit with the airy nature, and low enough to be distinct from the music. The choral backing vocals help really elevate the music. Also, I really like the inclusion of a short, spoken voice track not quite in the middle of the album. It makes the structure of the album more interesting. Overall, I really liked this album! The only complaint that I have is that I wish it was longer (it’s only 30 minutes). But I’m excited to listen to more of Ecco’s music and drain gang in general.
Rating: 8/10
Souvlaki - Slowdive (1992)
Fav song: When The Sun Hits
I’m preaching to the choir when I say this is such a good album and a quintessential shoegaze album, but that's because it's true! It’s perfectly atmospheric and hazy, feeling like sunlight filtering through a fall morning fog. The vocals are so dreamy and have a yearning quality to them that's almost romantic. I’m sure this album sounds fantastic on vinyl, and I’d love to own it someday. I will be listening to this again multiple times throughout the year.
Rating: 9/10
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azulcrescent · 9 months
Saw your post about colony/factory game sims and wanted to know if you have favourites, some sort of ranking to them, a comfort pick or anything like that
Ooh that's a hard question. I can't rank them all in a tier list since they all give slightly different things, but i can describe them by how and why they like them.
I like Oxygen not included cuz i've played it so much now that it's like going home whenever i play it, and it's always fun running a crew of gremlins that go "weee".
Rimworld is a game ive played SO MUCH that i feel like ive seen it all. It's fun and relaxing but also im kinda sad cuz i know the game enough that i unconsciously start min maxing things and i want to go back to the time where i knew nothing lol
I play Factorio when i want to feel like im coding without actually coding lmao. also it has so many different modpacks so its very versatile.
Satsifactory is probably the weakest link out of these for me because it has a bit of an identity crisis i feel. the game demands you to build gigantic factories to fulfill its endgame goals but it only has a simplistic blueprint system meaning it gets tedious for me fast unless im particularly feeling it. the game looks GORGEOUS THO.
Dyson Sphere Program is amazing cuz you build A FREAKING DYSON SPHERE!!! The planetary logistics is also great and the different planets and stuff are great too. the new combat system i find is good too.
Timberborn is a game that i play when i want to play an almost vanilla citybuilder but with some flavour to it. It's really fun with its water mechanics and the tree and food systems. Overall it can be a very relaxing and fun experience unless ur playing on hard in which case it is a masochistic sort of fun lmao
Against the storm - HOO BOY, this is a hard game. This game is a blend between a puzzle game, a factory game (cuz of its supply chains) and a city building game and a rougelike and it's amazing. It's brutal but whenever i can pull out a win on P20 (Highest difficulty) it feels exhilarating.
Did I just go on an autistic ramble? i think i just did. hope this answered your question lmao.
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twiyoriz · 2 years
Loid and Yor are the world's most supportive parents. One time Anya had a play in school, Loid would cancel his missions in a blink of an eye and Yor would take a day off from City Hall and informing the Shopkeeper to let her off from assassinations for one day because her daughter will be performing in a play and SHE NEEDS TO BE THERE TO WITNESS EVERY SECOND. They'll cheer the loudest and will spend the rest of day roaming in the city with their daughter and gets her everything she wants.
And Anya is just happy to be around her parents and that's all she needs to be happy.
anon im so sorry this is so late but im finally posting this bc im finally done with finals WEEE
BUT THIS IS SO CUTE considering that this is the first time anya’s felt such support and love from anyone i know this means so much 😭 compared to her classmates she’s never had that fear of no one showing up because she knows that they’re smiling with a camcorder of some sort in the audience.
i feel like loid and yor also end up becoming everyone’s honorary parents too, but mainly yor. she feels absolutely terrible for the kids with busy and wealthy parents that never bothered to show up (cough damian cough), so yor always brings a bouquet of roses to give out to anya’s classmates (and gives non-bone crushing hugs if they want some) so that they feel included and recognized as well :)
in loid’s case, he finds this to be a surplus of information. he immediately goes into twilight mode, but seeing his girls be so happy makes him think that work can be put off for now. (it would be weird to ask these six year olds such serious things anyway, he thinks) instead of discreetly interrogating these rich children who are offspring of the most powerful people in the country, he gives them a high five and a “good job”, watching fondly as anya and yor interact with the other kids
i definitely agree with you on the fact that they would spoil the hell out of anya omg… i feel like what happens though is that anya just asks for peanuts and then wants to go home to play with bond because she’s too tired (same).
but its a guaranteed that anya will be hearing her and her classmates' performance replaying for weeks on end bc twilight and yor cannot stop gushing over her 😭
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