#now someone kill korn quickly
fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Porsche: Korn is the WORST father! How do you not see it Kinn?!
Kinn: He's not bad, Porsche! You're just misunderstanding my dad!
Pete: Yeah Porsche! He never hits his kids! So how can he be a bad father?!
Vegas: Yeah... the bar's THAT low with me and him.
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lurkingshan · 2 months
Things That Have My Attention in 4 Minutes Episode 3
This was kind of a weird ep that gave me a bit of tonal whiplash, especially around Tyme and Great's little date.
Let's talk timelines. We know there are two main ones: 1) Original where Great is presumably having a cardiac event and where he made all the original choices the power is now letting him change, and 2) Redo where things are different based on his second chance decisions. It appears that everything we are seeing happen is part of the redo timeline, which we know because all the events are connected and influencing each other.
I'm also feeling good about my theory that at 11:04 he will get sent back to the original timeline and our redo comes to an end. We advanced to 11:02 this episode.
This episode's 4 minute jump back indicated that the real trigger is Great not advancing with Tyme rather than tied to him making shitty and harmful decisions, since he got sent back just for turning down a date invitation. Ngl that's kinda disappointing to me, I was more into this being about his character development.
If the purpose of the power is to steer Great to Tyme, and we know that he originally did a hit and run and didn't go to the hospital, that implies he met Tyme differently, and possibly later, in the original timeline. The power seems focused on changing the course of his relationship with Tyme, and the images he's been seeing of himself and Tyme together and Tyme's different messages on the Thai Tea cup may have been his consciousness briefly slipping between one timeline and another. After this ep, where we saw that Tyme was asking forgiveness, I wonder if he didn't fess up about investigating Great's family in the original timeline and the power ensured he would in the redo. Now that he's unmasked himself, is he going to tell Great that he's after his family and why?
The cold opens--Tyme injured, Tonkla murdering someone in the same manner his brother was killed, and now a second body turning up--may be things already happening in the original timeline (which is the future from our current vantage point) or they could be new future things happening as a result of these changes.
I don't think Dome is Tonkla's brother. He is alive and at the hospital in the redo timeline where Tonkla is grieving, which we know because Tyme specifically says that he is checking on him on Great's behalf. That would not make sense if Dome was actually residing in the original timeline, where Great never saved him or met Tyme at the hospital this early.
I need to know more about Nan, her connection to Tyme, and why they are being so reckless in their pursuit of this gambling operation. The way she infiltrated that compound alone with an armed man in an isolated place was wild.
We saw Great give Tyme the white doll at the end of their date, but then when he was brooding later at his apartment, both dolls were sitting on his couch. Continuity error, another consciousness slip moment, or a clue of something else going on?
Tonkla sure started fucking that cop quickly, and in the home Korn pays for. I'm worried about that kid. And the graphic nature of that scene had me clutching my pearls lmao (shoutout to the PrEP mention but boy what is your preoccupation with being fucked raw??). At least the cop seems like a better sex partner than Korn. Get your kicks in while you can, sugar baby.
Besties I really have no idea what's going on but I'm trying my best!
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tumsa · 1 year
turn this knife the blunt way around
happy belated birthday, @kimchaybrainrot!💛 you're lovely and deserve all the treats! i tried to write fluffy soft things but failed spectacularly because angst and i are besties. i promise there is some sweetness at the end.
here is some post-canon kim + kimchay:
- - - 
Kim is not surprised when Porsche shows up and enters the café exactly when Kim is wrapping up his set. Kim has ignored calls and messages from Kinn, Tankhun and the Unknown caller. So he signs a few autographs, takes selfies with fans and lets his manager tell them that Wik is very busy and needs to go. Porsche meanwhile orders a caramel macchiato for himself and his bodyguard and waits until Kim packs away his equipment. 
"Khun Kittisawat," Kim finally says loud enough to annoy Porsche's security guard, who is holding his drink as he has never seen coffee before.
"I know you helped Chay at the warehouse and at Yok's," Porsche says, ignoring pleasantries, making it sound like an accusation, "but you have to leave my brother alone."
Porsche has taken well to his new role. He manages to sound steely, not heated, like someone in charge of the situation, and he doesn't have to add any threats. It's an order, even if Porsche has no hierarchical power over Kim. Porsche doesn't know that Kinn is just a placeholder for Kim. 
"Okay," Kim says, with his perfected poker face and neutral tone. He can tell from how Porsche squints and grips his macchiato that Porsche had expected some resistance. 
"Okay," he finally nods, sips his drink and turns to leave. Kim picks up his guitar and waits for Porsche to take a few more steps.
"Porsche," he says because there is a good reason why Kim has trailed Chay for a few months now. Kim has killed at least seven people that wanted to get their hands on the precious innocent baby brother of the minor family's new leader. "Chay's bodyguards are horrible."
Porsche freezes. There are still people around them, some of Wik's fans lingering around, as well as regular customers, so they cannot talk openly. Kim knows that's why Porsche had chosen the location, but it's funny to see him regret that choice now. Porsche opens and closes his mouth, quickly figuring out Kim's words' meaning.
Kim leaves. 
- - - 
It's not surprising that Chay barely gets to leave the compound afterwards. And when he does, his security detail matches one of Kinn's and Porsche's combined. 
"He hates it," Pok says, sliding a photo over Kim's desk. And yes, Chay looks miserable in the image; he looks small in his soft hoodie and loose jeans. Kim knows how it feels to be surrounded by all these suited men and still feel isolated and lonely. 
Kim hates how thinking it's for the greater good, his own safety doesn't chip away at the guilt he feels knowing it's his fault.
- - - 
It's also not surprising that another few months later, Chay moves out. Just like Kim, Chay is not made for golden cages; there's only so much that your love for your brother(s) can balance out, and Chay has always been brave enough to go after what he wants.
Kim keeps his promise and stays away, he's too busy trying to keep Wik's career from exploding. He knows his father will end it if the fame draws too much attention to their family. The freedom Kim has is imaginary; it's just a leash made longer, long enough that sometimes Kim forgets it's there until he makes one step too far, and it chokes him viciously.
"Do you want me to keep following Khun Porchay?" Pok asks.
Kim thinks about his father's chess board, the pieces he moves around, and the plans he executes. He thinks about his father saying: "I will fake my death", "the minor family will attack", and "you have to protect Porsche's brother, I know what you've been doing with him". He thinks about Korn killing his own brother, Vegas and Macau being pushed away their whole lives only to be embraced when they are no longer needed on the board, and Chay's mother, drugged and unaware.
"No," he says because he is tired of being his father's son. He makes a choice and tells himself to be brave and be like Chay. "Leave him alone."
Pok nods and leaves quietly.
- - - 
Kim buries himself in music because music loves him back. 
- - - 
"Your new album is so sweet," the boy says, and his voice shakes slightly as he smiles shyly, handing over the card to be signed. His older sister is recording their conversation with a cheeky grin on her face. Kim can imagine that this will be future blackmail material. 
"Thank you," Kim smiles, "what's your name?"
"Rune," the boy says, still in awe, as Kim writes him a small, personalized note. 
"I am glad you wrote some happier songs," the older sister says conversationally, unbothered that Kim is Wik, while Rune picks up his signed card like it's the greatest treasure. "All the sad ones Rune was playing for months made me a bit worried for you. He still gets teary-eyed about the Why Don't You Stay one."
Ah. Kim is saved from answering it because Rune is mortified and pulls his sister away, telling her to shut up, oh my god.
"Hi!" the girl that was next in the line waves at him with a big grin on her face. "I love your new album; it's very sweet!" 
Kim smiles back.
- - - 
Your new album is amazing, and we are so proud! We miss you. 
Kim reads the message again and again; he swallows tears and thinks about the song he wrote weeks ago, about the tiny hints he left there, knowing that nobody but him would know. He didn't think that-
"Kim?" Kinn picks up right away. He sounds hopeful, and Kim realizes that their father is so wrong. The love has not made Kinn weaker; it has made him human.
"I miss you too," Kim says. He can hear Kinn smiling.
- - - 
"I am disappointed," his father says, and Kim thinks nothing has ever made him feel more proud than Korn's disappointment. "Maybe I was wrong about you."
"Maybe," Kim says, and they both know he means, yes, yes, you were.
"I don't know what I did wrong," Korn says, defeated, in a rare moment of honesty, "how all three of you ended up like this."
Like this, he says. And he means stupid, weak and pathetic. He means, why would you pick anything over power, ambition, or being the victor? Why would you willingly lose a fight? Who would you do that for, and why?
"You wouldn't understand, father," Kim smiles, pushing Kinn's ring across the table, "after all, you killed your brother and locked up your sister."
He gets up and leaves, half expecting a bullet in his skull, but it never comes. 
- - - 
The knock on the door makes Kim jump. Only a few people know where he lives, and all the ones who do know to inform him before their arrival. Tankhun has started to show up unannounced, but Kim (now) knows that Wednesdays are shopping days; Tankhun has discovered the magic of shopping malls, and they are a lot shinier than Kim's apartment.
Kim finds the gun before heading for the door but puts it down when he looks at the security camera. He unlocks the door, suddenly very aware of his messy hair, worn shirt and mismatched socks that Kinn had gifted as a joke.
"Hi," Chay says. 
Kim has not seen him for almost two years, so he files away the new haircut, a bit broader shoulders, a sharper face, but the same sweet smile and big, innocent eyes. 
"Hi?" Kim answers, unsure because Chay's smile is short-lived, and he looks closer to tears.
"I know you loved me," Chay says, and he might as well kick Kim in the stomach, "I mean, I listened to your new album, I mean, sorry, it's none of my business, I should not say that, I just, well," he keeps talking, nervously shifting, looking anywhere but at Kim, "I need you."
Kim feels like someone dropped him in an ocean, leaving him to drown. There are waves of feelings crushing him, pushing him down to the seabed. I know you loved me. Apparently, Chay still knows how to flip Kim's world around. Kim moves before Chay can flee, opening the door wider and stepping aside.
"Come in," Kim says, his voice trembling funnily. And then, because he cannot help it at all, he asks, "You listened to my new album?"
"Of course," Chay says, and it reminds Kim of Tankhun's eye rolls.
Did you like it? Kim wants to ask, but he doesn't. He doesn't get to have this, and he won't be selfish if it hurts Chay, not anymore, and he's been doing good so far. 
"Why do you need my help?" Kim asks instead as they walk to the living room. Chay sits on the sofa, back to looking like he is about to cry, but like crying is not a choice he is allowed to make, and it makes Kim's insides hurt. Chay needs to point, and Kim will aim his gun. 
"It's about my mom," Chay explains, "I don't know how much you know, but-"
"I know everything," Kim says, and their knees brush as he sits down next to Chay. "I am sorry, I-"
"It's okay," Chay brushes it off quickly as if what Kim did is not a big deal. And Kim wonders if it isn't for Chay anymore. Maybe Chay has learned that there are worse things than stalking and using someone, maybe Chay is helping Porsche now and has done similar things, or maybe Chay has killed someone. Kim has no idea, and it's making him a bit dizzy.
"She remembers everything," Chay explains, and Kim doesn't say that he suspected that too. He looks at Chay's hands that are nervously moving around, wants to grab them and keep them still, but talks himself out of it. "She told me a while ago, she remembers that Uncle Korn killed dad, and wants to tell Porsche, but she's worried that Uncle Korn will... And I am so worried about her and Porsche, and I think Porsche maybe knows too, and something is about to happen, and I-"
"Do you want me to kill my father?" Kim asks carefully. He realizes that he would if Chay asked.
Chay looks horrified. "What? No, of course not!"
Kim is lost, has been lost since he opened the door. "So, what do you need me to help with?"
"I didn't say that," Chay says so quietly that Kim almost doesn't hear it. "I said I need you."
And because Chay is the bravest one of them both, he climbs into Kim's lap, hugging him like he did the very first time, with everything he has, and bursts into tears.
"I don't know," he whimpers in Kim's neck, his tears mixing with Kim's, shaking as Kim holds him closer, "what I will do if Porsche dies. I don’t want to be alone anymore, Kim."
Kim wishes he could hide Chay inside the walls of his chest, away from everything, but nowhere is safe with his father alive.
"Shhh," he says instead, "it will be okay, you are not alone."
- - - 
"Chay," Kim says hours later when it's getting dark in the apartment. They are still on the sofa, and Chay is half lying on top of Kim, cuddling like they used to, except Chay is quiet and looks defeated under the weight of the world. 
Kim takes a breath and tells himself he can do this. If Tankhun can go to the shopping mall and Kinn can choose Porsche over their father, Kim too can face his fears. "I want to apologize. I am sorry; I know I hurt you, and you didn't deserve any of it. I wish I could take it back."
Chay hums and looks up through the bangs that are half covering his eyes; there's a small smile on the corners of his lips, and Kim wants to press it there, make it stay, and never let anything make Chay sad again.
"I forgave you a long time ago," he says, "Porsche told me how silly Theerapanyakul siblings are. I am very proud you used words this time."
He's teasing Kim, and Kim can't decide between laughing or crying; he settles on neither, holds Chay closer, and moves his hand to stroke Chay's hair gently. He thinks fate is being funny, giving him something only after he learned to let it go.
"And you did write me fourteen love songs."
Kim laughs.
- - - 
He returns early in the morning when the dawn settles over the city, a new morning ahead. Chay is still on the sofa, covered in blankets; he gets up when Kim enters the living room.
Kim puts down the gun on the coffee table. He knows he is still covered in sweat and smells like cigarettes that he shared with Porsche when Chay hugs him. 
"It will be okay," Kim promises, and buries himself in Chay. 
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hongtiddiez · 9 days
4 minutes ep 2 raw reactions
oh ok starting out intense again, i see.
still so fucking in love with the opening. what a haunting gorgeous image. no notes.
oop room 4 we know who that is. ooh 10:04pm
oh now i feel bad for saying tyme gave me bad vibes, he just has rbf. i get that lmao same
ohhh yikes great's friend sucks but i also don't trust dome.
i really feel like this shit with title is a red herring bc this would be way obvious with how aggro and shitty he's being.
ooh shit it's dat time - 11pm.
is his cheek bruised? oop yes it is.
i dont like how lackadaisical great is about things and how complicit he is. like. i get this whole show is giving him a chance to NOT be complicit and give him 2nd chances to do the right thing but like. my guy. why are you like this? why don't you give a fuck about all the terrible shit happening around you?
rewinding real quick to see if i missed any numbers aside from the 00:04 and 00:00 - okay i did not.
but like... someone really needs to get view away from this guy pls. he still has a whole ass other person in his nasty clutches.
BOI LMAO. i thought he was gonna be shitty to great bc of his "mom" but no dr. rbf has a lil crush. but like, who can blame him?
DAYUMN OKAY. you're both fucking ridiculous. the palpable gay panic. but like, again, fair.
IT'S PRETTY DEEP LMAAAO. i shan't say it.
i'm wearing headphones and this song is way too bass-y in my ears, it's rattling my skull.
my guy half of that bandage is on his hair, you're a terrible doctor.
man i really love sammon shows, they really build this perfect level of tension.
that blood was left at midnight, it would NOT still be that red at, what? 6am? but okay. the magical humidity of thailand i guess.
great really doesn't seem like a bad guy, just more like he's not taking any sort of active role in the world around him.
whoa whoa whoa wait. what??? if title is there who the fuck is dead?
bruh this rich boy garage? there's no way there isn't-- yeah. that. a camera. dipshit. love the clock ticking effect on the perspective tho.
dr boyfriend!!! what are you doing here?
wait now that we know title is fucking crazy is he the one who shot tyme in the ep 1 preview thingy?
god DAMN tyme's legs are long.
it's 11!! but at least there's a pretty kitty.
ohhh no. oh wow. korn buddy. i know you're working but like, at least a single word to him, c'mon. OH DO NOT YELL AT HIM.
still REALLY confused who is dead and why tho, not gonna lie.
oh whaddup gun theerapanyakul 2.0
straight sex in my bl??? also like. man. i was hoping to like korn but he can go to hell now for all i care. hope her pussy tastes like soot and ash.
how did i know detective man was gonna be a rebound. he was looking at him a little too intently.
WHOA. WHOAAA. DR RBF???? WHAT'RE YOU DOING? AND WHO IS DEAD? like am i stupid??? dome, title, and great were all at the field. great took dome to the hospital. title confronted great in the garage. so whomst is dead??
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cute-scenarios · 1 year
!SFW! Alt boy x reader
No gendered language so 😼👍
Summary: The quiet and mean alt boy in your class seems to have taken a liking to you
Your in the last 10 minutes of class. Sense the class finished up everything rather quickly, the teacher let everyone just chill. You decide to pull out a piece of paper out and start doodling whatever comes to your mind. You smile to yourself as you pour out your ideas onto the white paper.
For some reason you feel like someone is starting at you, it makes you feel a little uneasy. You turn your head to see who is looking, and the person who’s looking at you is a very edgy looking boy with short black hair, a Korn shirt, some big black pants with small specks of red around, a black and red belt with a checkered pattern, some large chunky boots, and lots of jewelry. His eyes feel like their glaring at you, sending a shiver down your spine. He then gives a small smile, then waved at you. This throws you off guard. You wave back and smile to be nice. He then gets up and walks over to you. The boots add lots of more hight to him, considering he’s tall. He then pulls out the empty chair next to you, looking into your eyes
“Can I sit with you?”
He asks, his voice was somewhat low. His hands were pretty veiny and strong-looking
You reply, puzzled by his actions. Even though you’ve never talked to him before, everyone knew he wasn’t social OR nice to anyone around, when he met new people he was cold and rude, but for some reason he’s not doing anything like that to you.
“So, what are you doing right now”
He sounds genuinely interested.
“Oh! I’m just doodling”
You can’t help but smile a little about how he’s treating you, you can’t help but feel just a little bit honored.
“Oh, so your a artist?”
He gives a small smile.
“What do you like to draw?”
“I like to draw [favorite thing to draw], it pretty much just kills time”
“Ugh, I wish I were as good you, you could turn it into a career”
He then chuckles. You feel a little more comfortable around him, he truly seems like a kind person, he’s probably learning how to not be as shy as he use to be! Awe, thats too sweet.
“..what’s your name? I’m y/n”
You ask a little quietly, your heart beats a little faster than usual.
“My name is Raven, but you can just call me Ray”
“That’s a cool name, it fits your aesthetic”
As he hears this his pale cheeks turn into a soft brush of pink
He didn’t know what to say, he was a little flustered by the small complement. For some reason, your gut tells you to check the time, so you do. It’s almost time to leave! It seems like Ray understood what you thought.
“Hey, you seem pretty nice, so I’ll just write down my snap and Tiktok”
He pulls out a small paper from his binder, then rips a corner off. He then writes his username on both apps.
“You don’t have to flatter me so much..!”
You say, adding a laugh. Ray doesn’t respond, but he hands you the small paper. You take it and put it in your pocket.
“Thank you-!”
Your cut off by the bell. You then see Ray get up. He sighs.
“Well, goodbye for now..”
He sounded a little upset, but packed his stuff and left the room, leaving you and the teacher as the only ones in the class. You realize this and quickly pack up go to your final class. Your felt with a bittersweet feeling, but you know you’ll be able to talk to him again.
(This is my first real “x reader” type thing so sorry if it’s bad or cringe or smth 😿)
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cyansadness · 2 years
What about me?
Chapter 1: I’m a human too
disclaimer: this will hurt and not in a good way
tag squad: @swifteforeverandalways
They won. They beat the unbeatable Bloodhounds. They even saw Holly and Coach Korn kiss at center court. So why did Ava feel so empty? She felt betrayed. Not just because Nick cheated on her. It was because nobody seemed to care.
They comforted Louise because she showed her emotion. She showed that she was upset. All Ava did was show that she was mad. Like she always was. Even after, as they were getting showered and dressed, they comforted Louise, calling him every name under the sun and telling her that she’s too good for him.
They never said a word to her. Maybe they thought she didn’t need to be comforted. She’s Ava Navarro. She would be fine. As she was getting dressed after taking a quick shower, she noticed something. A small hickey that sat right above the top of her bra.
She remembered that day. It made her knuckles go white as she tightened the grip on her shirt. They were in his truck, on the beach. They were in the backseat, he was on top of her and they were making out.
She can still remember how his lips moved down her neck and how she reminded him that she couldn’t have any visible marks on her or her mom would kill her. He had tugged on her shirt and she happily obliged. They were dating, why shouldn’t she trust him? She can still recall how he let his hands graze over the mark, admiring his handiwork.
She quickly puts her shirt on so she doesn’t have to see it anymore. She wasn’t stupid. She knew how guys looked at her. Comments under her posts while she was on the tour. What guys say while she walks past. What Nick’s friends would say. It never bothered her.
She thought it didn’t but something changed. Maybe when she started dating Nick, she didn’t know, she felt subconscious. She could feel everyone’s stares. It made her feel small. It was nice to date someone who didn’t care about how she looked. Louise mentioned how he would say that they had a connection like no other.
Did he only date her so that he can still have someone when he was horny? Was it to stake his claim so no others could have her? Was he just using her? She felt used and dirty and ashamed. Fighting back tears were harder than it seems. Nobody was here. They left.
Suddenly, it felt like her ribs were growing smaller and trapping her lungs. Getting a full breath was suddenly impossible. Her tears flowed as she sobbed. She couldn’t breathe. Everything hurts. She doesn’t remember at what point she felt but she was holding onto her locker for dear life one second; then on her knees, on the floor, clawing at the ground. She couldn’t breathe. She kept crying. She couldn’t call for help, she could barely breathe. All she could manage was a whimper. She doesn’t even remember where her phone was. It hurts, everything hurts. She was alone and she was scared. She needed someone, anyone.
She felt someone’s arms wrap around her and speak to her but she didn’t know who. The tears made her vision blurry and their voice sounded far away, like she was underwater. A small plea for help left her lips. “Help.”
Louise didn’t feel good. I mean, who feels good after finding out your boyfriend had been cheating on you with your teammate/friend. But something felt off. The girls have been constantly reassuring her, during half-time, after the game, and now as they wait for Ava so they can go.
She noticed that no one ever said anything to Ava after the fact. She also got played and was also hurt. She had a gut-feeling something was wrong. Ava never takes this long to get ready. She’s always the first one done. “I’m going to check on Ava.” She said, not staying to listen to their responses.
As she got to the locker room doors, she could hear crying, which made her even more worried. She opened the door slowly, not to startle Ava. The sight she was met with hurt her heart.
Ava was on the floor, sobbing and hyperventilating as she was having a full-blown panic attack. This has clearly never happened to her before so she was clearly panicking which was not helping. Louise quickly jumped into action. She knelt down next to Ava who hadn’t noticed her presence. She didn’t know if Ava wanted to be touched or not but she could get yelled at later.
She brought the girl to her chest, hugging her tightly. “Ava, it’s me, Louise. Nod if you can hear me.” Louise said softly, voice gentle and comforting. A whimper left her lips as she looked around frantically. It broke Louise’s heart. She moved in front of Ava, grabbing her hands. “Ava, can you speak?” She asked, looking for any trace of recognition in her eyes.
“Yeah.” A weak response escaped. “Good. Name five things you can see?” She asked, rubbing small circles on Ava’s hands. Ava started to stumble and stutter over her words, starting to panic even more. “It’s okay. I’m right here. You can do this. Five things you can see” Louise reaffirmed her. “D-door, lockers, you, benches, floor.” Her breathing started to even out slightly. “Good. Four things you can touch?” Louise asked again. “The carpet, my clothes, your hands, my shoes.” Her voice was less shaky. “Good. Three things you can hear?” Louise could feel Ava’s hands tightening around her own. “Your voice, that ringing in my ears, and my heartbeat.” Her voice was steadier, she was breathing evenly now. “Two things you can smell?” Louise asked. “Body washer, air freshener.” Her body wasn’t shaking anymore. “One thing you can taste?” This was the last step. “My mouth.” She was still crying but not panicking.
Louise maneuvered the two so their backs were leaning against the lockers. Ava was leaning onto Louise, wiping tears off her face. Louise swung her arm over Ava’s shoulders, bringing her closer. They sat in silence for a few seconds before Ava started to speak.
“What was that?” Ava asked, still so confused. “That was a panic attack. What I used was a grounding technique I learned when I became captain.” Louise explained, rubbing her thumb on Ava’s shoulder. Ava leaned her head on Louise’s shoulder, feeling a wave of exhaustion hit her.
“What happened?” Louise asked. “I don’t know. Everyone left. I was alone. Nobody asked if I was okay. I wasn’t. I’m not. He used me. He wanted someone to make out with on the side. He never cared about me. The team doesn’t care. Coach doesn’t care. My mom doesn’t care. Who the hell gives a damn about me?” Shesobbed, hitting her head against the lockers, not flinching at the pain.
“Ava, I do. I came back because I knew something was wrong. I knew you weren’t okay. I care about you so much.” Louise held Ava’s face in her hands. She didn’t expect Ava to launch at her with a hug. After a moment’s hesitation, she hugged back. Ava will be fine. They both will be. Louise will make sure of it.
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
Korn and the art of learning through the mistakes of others.
My brain is going crazy rn and i don't know if it's my lack of sleep or am I having intellectual™ thoughts about the gay mafia show again but I have been thinking about Korn after the finale a lot(as we all have been doing). But especially about Korn and his father and Namphung.
At the day that Porsche's father is killed, Korn's father is accused of murdering Namphung's whole family and then taking her under his wing.
I will not go as to why would Korn's father saved Namphung, but I will go into what he wanted from taking her in and he failed doing and what Korn actually succeeded in doing with Porsche by improving on his father's methods.
The Big Theerapanyakul, let's call him Big T, obviously wanted Namphung loyalty. He raised her after all and took her under his wing. He expected her to come back on his call.
But he hadn't succeeded. He didn't have her loyalty, she left the mafia, she got married to someone and cut all the ties and she didn't want to come back to that world.
Big T wasn't successful.
But Papa Korn?
Student Beats his Master.
And Korn apparently was a very good student.
But why did he succeed in trapping Porsche in this life while Big T failed with Namphung?
It's because Big T murdered Namphung's whole family, she didn't had any stakes when leaving other than her life and that was practically unimportant anyway. She had no chains in the form of loved ones when she was leaving.
Loved ones as a leverage.
And Korn saw that, I think that's why he left Porsche and Chay alive that day, as a leverage. Namphung wouldn't go with them willingly, but if it's her children at stakes? Her loved ones? She can be locked up in that attic for an eternity.
And then all those years later comes Porsche.
We all know how much of everything was planned by Korn but I actually think that even showing Porsche his mother was indeed planned. That he really did had in mind their meeting but not in a caring uncle way.
No, Korn saw Porsche and he saw an opportunity. He already had a leverage over him - his mother, Porsche clearly was skilled and he was a Namphung's son. Which meant that he could get the position as the minor family heir.
But what Korn needed was Porsche's loyalty before doing that. He needed him to walk into this world by himself. That's why I think he also reacted so quickly to Kinn and Porsche being boyfriend's in such a manner. They being in love actually aligned with his plan more then he initially planned. He now, not only had his mother but also his lover and then saying that Chay also should be moving into the compound? This was Korn's chains tightening around Porsche's hands and ankles without us even noticing.
But he still wasn't sure how loyal Porsche was.
That's where the final showdown comes in.
Korn could have lied about Porsche hiring Porsche, he didn't have to really say anything. Kim meddling wouldn't have impact on Porsche and Kinn because he wasn't speaking and sharing with them. He didn't have to do that.
But he did, he did as to specially put him into this position where Porsche had to choose.
And Porsche showing up to the final fight? It was a testament of his loyalty.
To Korn it didn't matter it was his loyalty to Kinn. Loyalty to Kinn means inderct loyalty to Korn because his own son is just a pawn, a tool to use in this game of chess played with lives.
And that's when Korn shows Namphung. When Porsche has proven his loyalty. He shows him his shackles, the ones that were put on him long before and by having Kinn offer him the ring, the new ones he put on.
That's why Namphung was so devastated at the last minutes. All this sacrifice, this life in a fucking attic was for nothing, because there were walking in her sons. One of them with the same shackles thing him to this world she recognized because she wore them herself.
Also side note to VegasPete fans: Vegas also has slight shackles put on. Korn did what his father did when killed Namphung's family. He said he will take care of Vegas and Macau. And then he let Pete go after Vegas. Pete who did say he will always be loyal to the major family (even if it was only formality). They might have an illusion of an escape from this world but one string pulled from Korn and just like Namphung's lovely family life with her husband - it will fall apart at the seams.
Because Korn saw what his father did. And he improved it.
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macauchayenthusiast · 2 years
my kinnporsche fic masterlist
hi! i’m tkzxexo on ao3. this is my kinnporsche fic masterlist, to be updated as i write and complete more fics.
Up All Night (I Won’t Quit)
Pairing: Macau x Chay
Series: Veni, Vidi, Vici
Summary: Porchay is crushed by the knowledge that Kim never loved him, only used him. Macau feels the need need to get away from the mafia life. They meet at a bar in Bangkok, right after Kim leaves Chay once more.—“Do you know who Vegas is? Of the minor family?” Macau asked, and Chay hummed in response again. “I’m his little brother. He and your brother hate each other. Hell, your brother hates me.” He said, waiting for Chay to break off of him and scorn him. “I really don’t think you’re supposed to be, uh-” “Hugging you?” Chay asked, causing Macau to stutter.
Notes: This is my fic baby and my first kinnporsche fic. I;m planning on a three-part series with this as the first part. Macauchay is the cutest ship and this fic goes from fluffy smut to angst and political mafia stuff really quickly.
Chapters: 8/8
‘Cause That’s What Young Love Is All About
Pairing(s): Macau/Chay, Vegas/Pete
Series: Veni, Vidi, Vici
Summary: Porchay was enjoying his new life as Macau’s boyfriend, as well as Vegas’s protégé. However, certain things begin to come to light after a party hosted by Korn Theerapanyakun. What was this about his mother?
Notes: This is the sequel fic to my fic baby and is where I finally get to explore BAMF Chay. Very fun for me, and I finally get to explore the whole Nampeung plot (though I make some changes).
Chapters: 7/7
Punch My Face, Do It ‘Cuz I Like The Pain
Pairing(s): None
Characters: Kim, Kinn, Tankhun, Korn
A closer look into Kim's childhood, brought to you by the memory of the moment he first realized that no one really loved him.
His father had raised Kim to be observant, and so Kim noticed when his classmates would gush about how their mom had gushed over them, or how their dad had taught them how to play a sport. His mother had been dead for years, and the only sports Kim’s father taught him how to play was How To Hold Your Breath Underwater For Longer Than Humanly Possible and How To Kill Someone In Gruesome Ways.
Kim had noticed how his classmates reacted when they scraped their knee on the playground, or bumped their head at recess.
Kim didn’t cry when he scraped his knee or bumped his head. Kim didn’t whine to a teacher when someone said something mean to him, and he didn’t break down in any circumstance, even in those that would leave his classmates floundering.
Chapters: 1/1
Would You Love Me More, If I Killed Someone For You?
Pairing(s): None
Characters: Kim, Kinn, Tankhun, Korn
Kim ruined anything he touched, just ask Kinn. He couldn't stop himself, though, not when the acceptance he so dearly needed was dangling right in front of his face.
“Music?” His father asked, looking at him with an appraising eye. “Acceptable.”
Kim’s mouth dropped open for a few seconds. Was he serious, he wondered, or was he just saying it to poke at Kinn’s bleeding heart?
“Really?” Kim asked, hoping that his voice wasn’t too shaky. There was no way his father had just given him his blessing to become a musician. Just a few years ago, he had told Kinn that bearing your heart out in sound was letting people see right into your every thought. He had said it was a weakness, and Kim could count with his fingers on one hand all of the times he had changed his mind after making it up on something.
“Yes.” His father replied, not even looking up from his newspaper now. Even if he was doing it solely to hurt Kinn, his father had acknowledged him, called a decision of his acceptable. He had been trying for years to hear those very words, and now they were being handed to him on a silver platter, alongside his older brother’s biggest dreams.
Chapters: 1/1
Mistakes I Made When I Was Younger, And It’s Too Late To Discover Love At The End Of The Summer
Pairing(s): Kim x Chay
Characters: Kim, Chay
Kim gets a glimpse of what he could have before reality comes crashing down.
The performance went down like usual, his eye being caught on a few people who exhibited a significantly higher amount of emotion from his performance than the others. One was a nerdy kid with a bowl cut and glasses, another was a girl wearing a skirt that was probably too short to be actually conforming to her school’s dress code, and the final was a boy with big eyes and a blue dress shirt on. As time passed and he continued his performance, he couldn’t keep his eyes from falling on the boy again and again, being drawn to him and his magnetic personality. Kim wondered in the back of his mind what it would be like to be friends with a person like that, who was so effortlessly happy.
Chapters: 1/1
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slasher-trasher · 3 years
Alright awesome!! What about Jason, Brahms, Michael, Vincent, and maybe even Bo with a male s/o who sings a lot? But not like, soft and sweet music but more like Queen (if you want a softer-ish vibe) or Korn (if you're feeling more hardcore)? And just sings it out loud whenever they want. Like it'll be quiet and then music's just blasting while he's singing along dkdjdkskdldjd
×Vex ∆
A/N: alrighty then i'm not sure if you ment queen, like the brithsh old-school band that made lover boy, but i'm going to stick with that if you wanted something else let me know! I'm doing drabbles btw :D
Warnings: bl00d, murd3r, d3@th, cursing
Slashers x Male Reader who sings around them!
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Jason Voorhees:
Jason walked in on you singing, at first he thought it was someone else breaking in and hurting you, so he immediatly grabbed his machete (did i spell that right???) and started running to your guys bedroom.
"J-JASON WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE AHHHHHHH" you screamed throwing the hairbrush you were using as a microphone. He felt bad, did he do something wrong, he remebered when his mother used to sing to him, and she wasn't shy about it.
"Jason sweetheart, he's shy about it, not all people are open about singing" his mother said to him, he nodded and grabbed the hairbrush to put back into your hands so you could go back to singing, he stood there watching you,
the next song came on and you started singing we will rock you VERY loudly, he loves you even if your taste in music is very different from his.
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Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms was quietly reading in his study room when all of a sudden loud music came over a radio and loud singing. He was mad to say the least...
He quickly got up and rushed to your room. He knew it was you who else could be singing.
"handsome, please... i was trying to read" he said annoyed, you ignored him and kept singing anyway. he stood there glaring at you with arms crossed, he was happy once the song was over
"now can i get back to reading please" he said raising an eyebrow,
"fine..... after this song" you started singing loudly again he just groaned and went into the walls, hoping for some sort of quietness
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Michael Myers:
He just got back from killing someone and when he heard some LOUD singing he was slightly unphazed. he walked up the stairs to your guys room, only to find you loudly singing.
He stood there just watching, he was debting on eithier a) killing you b) torturing you c) just stay there watching
It took you a whole 20 minutes before you finally noticed he was there
"M-Michael" you said voice cracking, he jsut stood there watching, expection you to continue singing... he would glare at you until you started singing again....
you might be there for awhile
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Vincent Sinclair:
He was quietly working in his workshop, happily enjoying the peace and quiet. He was very started when music came on and you started singing. he looked at you with a pleading face. He enjoyed your singing Y/N but please, keep it quiet.
When you didn't stop he poked you, you looked at him "do you need something sweetie" he jsut gestured to turn it down, you happily agreed but still singing, just not as loud.
Other than that he loved your music and your voice when singing.
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Bo Sinclair:
You two were in his garage while he was "working", really it was him singing along with you,
You two had a karoke date night almost were you two would sing as loud as you guys could
"Bet i could sing louder" Bo challenged
"Nope not at all" you smirked
"Fine come on then"
you both started singing as loud as you can, everyone could hear it... everyone. Vincent was scared of the both of you the next day.
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eliazine · 2 years
What does happiness means ?
second part of my reaction to @dancinbutterfly meta
"Porsche’s dream will never come true and he will never have that bar on the beach. He will never have his own life"
"insured that they never could truly arrive to their desired final destination together"
I do wonder what would be a happy ending for them. What form could their desired final destination takes ?
I can't find it again but I liked the way someone put it in another post : Porsche's dream of a bar on the beach is the vision of someone who hasn't given any real thought in his future since he was a child. It's a dream for the sake of having one.
His life was centered on Chay's dreams and future (to the point that he would support him choosing any career Chay fancies. let's face it, in their situation encouraging him to choose something more reliable than music wouldn't have been unreasonnable).
He is trying for his own path, first by deciding he wants Kinn in it but for now it's still more of a "surviving the next crisis" mode than a "what kind of life do I want for myself" questionning.
The one thing that does stand out from his "dream" is the flexibility and carefreeness that is so out of reach in this current minor family leader life.
And Kinn ? He quickly renounced the singer path (because it was a bad fit for him where he felt he could only succeed by cheating ? or solely because of his father's interference itself ? did Kim face the same dilema ? I think not, see other meta by @rozzychan ) and was then trained for his role as heir.
The Mafia world is his. He has no moral dissonance with it whether for work or for his personal life (see him supporting Porsche either way regarding killing the scapegoat supposed hit and run driver). Would he even be able to function outside of it ? would he want to ?
Sure for a vacation with his lover he would: hiking, fishing, cooking, singing etc.. but to renounce the power, the riches, the greatness of his position as a Mafia leader ? To become a man who has to comply with the law, avoid violence even when it would be the best way to solve a problem ?
More than the mansion and the staff at his beck and call, this is what I can't see him forsake. As Porsche stated in ep 12 "You won't be able to stay here".
He does love Porsche enough to answer "I can be anywhere as long as it is with you" and maybe even believe it but he would still be like a tiger playing the part of a kitten.
Making the family bigger may not have been his dream as a child, but I do feel it may have become a genuine part of his identity. Can it really just be reduced to "something his father makes him do" like a separate part from his "real self" ?
He does say he enjoy his breaks (staying in the wood, being happy in Porsche house) but wouldn't he want to come home and get back to his throne afterward (as he seems very happy to do at the beginning of ep13 when the crisis seems averted and it is not a matter of choosing between said throne and Porsche anymore) ? Beside his love for Porsche, how different is he really from his father ?
I dearly hope that Kinn and Porsche will manage to get out of Korn machination and find themselves, be it as mafiosi on their own terms or whatever form their dream take.
My take on the subjet greatly changed so I'm putting the link here to where I am right now : Kinn Needs to get out of the mafia
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 years
KinnPorsche Episode 10 Review-In which TheQueenofSastiel basks in the beauty that is this show
This episode was just as delightful upon rewatch, which makes me quite happy.
Porsche running off with Vegas was not an outcome I anticipated, but Porsche's reasoning made perfect sense. He had no way of knowing whether or not he'd die there, and he wanted to protect Kinn. Vegas played on that fear and desire expertly.
All the fight scenes this episode were choreographed beautifully.
I loved the connection between Kinn and Porsche when Porsche begged Kinn to trust him. Mile and Apo can do so much with just their eyes.
It always struck me as deeply idiotic that Porsche didn't try to get Kinn to put Porchay in a safe location, preferably outside of the country, ESPECIALLY after Porsche and Kinn were kidnapped from Porsche's home. But I think that kind of thoughtless recklessness is in character for Porsche. And I like that it bit him in the ass. Porchay has every right to feel betrayed
I knew Vegas was lying and playing Porsche this whole time, but I was still crushed when he confirmed it and made it clear that he didn't give a shit about Porsche at all. I was holding out hope that at least part of Vegas had genuine feelings for Porsche. Alas.
Generally I find the whole "the villain must tell the hero their diabolical plan which gives the hero time to escape" trope deeply irritating, but something about it worked here. I think it's that Vegas hadn't planned this encounter at all, and had a fuckton of emotions about his family dynamic that he needed to get out.
His relationship with Tawan was surprising and unsettling. Their interactions made me super uncomfortable(though it was nice to see Vegas' Dom side). I almost feel sorry for Tawan, but he killed Big, so, you know, fuck him.
Oh, and I totally called Big dying to protect Porsche because he knows how much Kinn loves him. Still, I hated it, and I wish that we'd gotten a little bit more of his backstory. Why did he fall in love with Kinn? How did Kim know how he felt? Did Kinn know? I feel like we won't get those answers now, which disappoints me.
And while I wasn't happy when Big died, I LOVED that someone finally pointed out how ridiculous it was that the bodyguards didn't wear bulletproof vests. Like seriously, what's up with that?
I loved how pissed both Tankhun and Kinn were that Korn didn't kill Gun. They radiated fury, and it was kind of hilarious.
It didn't surprise me at all that Pete was the only one who stood up for Porsche to Kinn, mostly because @heretherebedork called it.
Whoo, boy, let's talk about Vegas and Pete. I got an ask about them, which you're welcome to check out, but I'll talk about them here in general.
I didn't think that the show would be able to get me at all invested in the two of them, I really didn't. They had less than five minutes of screen time together from eps 1-9, so I figured the show must be saving them for s2. But this ep...damn. It was a three minute scene, but in that scene alone, the chemistry between Bible and Build was made quite apparent:
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The intensity between them blew my mind. It was the way they connected as sadist and masochist that really(obviously) did it for me, though. I wouldn't call what happened between them S&M play, because nothing about it was playful or consensual. But Vegas's sadism was on full display:
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As was Pete's masochism:
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As I said in my ask, I have no idea if Pete was responding to the pain in a sexual way or not, but I do think he was enjoying it. For a masochist, enjoyment of pain is not always or even usually a sexual thing, so I think boiling Pete's reaction here down to pure sexual excitement is likely incorrect.
So yeah, I'm now greatly looking forward to more scenes between them.
I loved Kinn and Porsche reconnecting. Part of me feels like maybe the reconciliation happened too quickly and easily, but I think, given everything, it makes sense. They both made mistakes, and they're both madly in love, emphasis on the "madly". They aren't terribly reasonable about it, so them falling back into bed together and moving past the whole thing as quickly as possible tracks.
Porsche farting with Kinn under the covers is so in character and so gross and it was somehow still adorable.
Oh! And I appreciated this show throwing caution to the winds and talking shit about their country:
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I loved everything about this episode.
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eldic12 · 2 years
Quick thoughts on EP8.
Kinn and Porsche has entered the honeymoon phase! Yay! But since it’s Kinn and Porsche, things are bound to happen to put a dent on or even burst their happy bubble. In this case, a certain someone everyone thought to be deceased. The episode flew by quickly (honestly it felt too short the ep was not even 50mins 😔).
Here are the things I love about KinnPorsche EP8:
• The opening scene - so after the event of the previous ep, Kinn and Porsche finally made and did it inside a bedroom. Seeing them waking up in good spirits, in each other’s arms (exchanging morning breaths 🤭) and having a morning cuddle and kiss is so wholesome (okay maybe not because you know IT IS Kinn and Porsche we’re talking about) and endearing. I love how Kinn suggests to announce their relationship with that cheeky smile on his face (and I was not surprised Porsche was the one holding back).
• Porsche seeking love advice - okay it may not be his original intention but he ended up getting one. He is so overwhelmed by happiness and love that he wants to share it with someone other than Kinn of course and that person is Yok. Yok is probably the closest adult/parent figure Porsche has in his life (the uncle does not really count) who he can lean on when things get a little too much. I love their friendship and I love how Porsche can open up to Yok without feeling he would be judged.
• Their date - for a first date, Porsche did an awesome job. Though he was not able to execute all of the things he planned, their first official date was a success. Their happiness is reflected on their faces and their smiles are so bright it was blinding. Mile and Apo once again delivered with the feels because I believed and felt every emotions. The snapping of photos, the hand holding, the stolen kisses, that almost smooch and of course the underwater kiss, were perfect (I know stan twitter is expecting a different kind of pool scene but hey the one we have in EP8 is great as well). I just can’t with these two gahhh!
• Tankhun and the squad - it was one sequence but I really love seeing Tankhun, Arm, Pol, Pete and Porsche together. It’s always fun with them even if they were just hanging out doing a mundane activity like watching a horror movie. Tankhun is over the top, as always, for having his bodyguards wore those make up, all for one, one for all is his mantra hahaha.
• Kinn and Porsche having a conversation - This one is the highlight of the episode for me. They are communicating and words are spoken. They compliment and tease each other. They say I miss you. Yes, TO.EACH.OTHER. Kinn opens up a bit about Tawan and Porsche is able to ask what’s on his mind. He made Kinn say he is over his ex and that the picture he kept was just one of those things - nothing important. I just hope they continue being this way.
Uhm but that preview is not looking so good because Tawan is obviously up to something, darn. Tawan’s timing is so suspicious. Just as Kinn and Porsche are basking in the bliss of their upgraded status, here comes the ex trying to ruin it.
P.S. Kinn is surprised to see Tawan in the flesh. Could it be that he truly believed Tawan actually died when he shot him? Or perhaps he was so distraught by the betrayal he thought he killed him but in truth he just wounded him and somebody powerful (Khun Korn?) wanted to spare him of more pain he was told Tawan is deceased? Or maybe the major family is led to believe his past flame is dead and those who informed (minor family) them are the ones using Tawan now to shake Kinn’s resolve and destroy his new-found happiness? Ahh, I don’t know what to think anymore. Now I really want to know what truly transpired in that moment when Kinn shot Tawan and who were actually there when it happened.
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lady-une · 3 years
They Always Leave
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This is something I wrote just to process my feelings about a guy. Nothing fanfic related at all. Honestly probably just a pile of emotions horribly written. But if you read it enjoy. It made me cry.
Trigger warning that this does mention drug use but honestly this stuff isn’t a drug.
Loud laughter and music could easily have been heard by anyone who happened to drive by or park near the crazy looking Toyota. For inside the Toyota held three friends, who were just doing their normal Scooby gang shit of smoking and listening to music. Their bellies were full having just engorged themselves on wings, cheese curds, and waffle fries.
The night was setting up to be a normal night for the trio, nothing to crazy. The only thing out of the ordinary was that a special appearance was to be made by a man who once partook in these normal nights. A man who’s laughter lifted one of the girls spirit. A man who did stupid shit all the time just to make people laugh. A man who’s darkness matched Alice’s. He was everything she wanted all rolled up in one stupid motherfucker.
When Alice had first met Caleb he was just some random guy who had tagged along with another guy her best friend had been seeing. Everyone knew of him as alibi, he was just some stupid redneck man. Not at all what Alice was attracted to. Yet the more time she spent with him the more that stupid redneck grew on her. She told herself it was nothing, chalked her emotions up to him just being a challenge. She knew he didn’t like big girls, he preferred his woman small and red headed. It was fine, everyone had their preference in a mate. Hell Alice had her own and this man didn’t hit any requirement.
But something changed. The playful teasing and remarks changed. She started to see him differently. An attraction started to slowly build deep in her gut. Small little hugs became more. Being so close to him that she could feel his breath on her cheek as they spoke silly things to one another about what they were doing. The urge to kiss him started to grow. The day dreams of him professing his attraction started to become recurring. The way he looked at her, it made her second guess everything. Was that smile different? Did he always follow me with his eyes? She started to ask around to see if anyone else had noticed anything or if it was all in her girly imagination. Some said he was just being friendly and a few said he probably had feelings too.
Alice had a way of showing her affection. Some call it a love language but in all honesty it was just childhood trauma and her way of trying to buy affection. To keep someone from leaving, because Alice knew they all left in the end. She had slowly started to gift him things. It started out small, a sex toy since he had been in a two year dry spell. She had taped it up with two containers of gorilla tape. She had joked saying it was to mimic being at a bar and having to work for that piece of ass. Then she had found out his favorite beer. Of course it would be a seasonal one, just like her who had a love of a hard to find seasonal liquor. She checked daily for the beer to come in stock and finally when it did she bought 3 cases knowing it wouldn’t last long but it would put a smile on his face.
For his birthday she had requested the day off work. The idea had formed to drive the hour long drive to his job and tape his truck up with clear wrap and then attach birthday balloons. Then meet him and his friend Greg at the bar for a birthday lunch. There she would give him his gift, a shirt. Nothing extravagant, just one from his favorite online brands that supported the troops. Yet that whole plan had been lost. Gone in an instant. Lies and deceit had caused her to part ways with her once close friend Greg. Caleb was a causality as her best friend had called it. Alice hated it, she didn’t want to part from Caleb.
The birthday shirt had sat days in her room at the end of her bed. Still in the delivery packaging. Alice would have just dropped it off in the bed of his truck had she known his address. Instead after a night of smoking and drinking she had finally texted him. Letting him know she had his gift, letting him know how much she missed him. With the dawn of the next day came sobriety and realization of how stupid she was. Quickly opening the chat she saw he had not seen the messages, this was her chance to right the wrong. With a click of her finger she unsent the messages to Caleb. It wasn’t until later in the day that Caleb had finally opened the chat up and saw that she had unsent the messages and called her out on it.
Alice confessed that she had texted him some stupid ramblings about the boxing match she had seen. A bold face lie but there was no way in hell she would confess her feelings to him sober. Instead she lied and then asked to meet so she could give him his birthday gift early. He had agreed to meet her while she was out with her friends. A quick drive by and it would be fine. Or that’s what Alice had told herself.
The margarita she had in the restaurant had calmed her nerves. The devils lettuce she was smoking had made her even more calm. This would be fine, she repeated her mantra “it’s fine” over and over in her head. A quick in and out.
It wasn’t long before she received the text that he was pulling up and asked where to park. She told him to look for the Yoda mobile and loud music. He replied back with a simple “LOL” and then she heard his loud truck before she saw it. Looking at her friends she smiled before getting out of the car with the gift. Caleb had parked two spots to the left of car and was climbing out of it by the time she reached him. The man wore his standard wranglers and brown boots with his KORN t-shirt and hat.
Alice laughed before nervously saying, “I should have bet on KORN instead of the fuck your feelings shirt.”
“That shirt was dirty, this was the nearest shirt.” Caleb replied with a half smile on his face.
Alice looked up at him trying to decipher what his eyes were possibly saying behind his dark sunglasses. A memory of a time earlier that summer where she yelled at him to take those damn shades off so she can see that he was looking at her while she talked to him popped in her head. To an outsider it would look like she was being mean to him but that was how they were. They would loudly bicker and cuss one another out with a smile on their faces.
“Well now you have a new shirt. Sorry I didn’t get you those jeans you wanted, you know shit just got weird and I felt weird texting you to ask about the jeans.”
“You didn’t have to.” Caleb replied as he took the colorfully bright pink Disney princess bag from Alice’s outstretched hand. He looked at the bag and back to her with a smile.
“Don’t give me that look, I saw it at target and the damn thing screamed ‘Caleb’ so I had to buy it. Now go on and open it!”
Caleb shook his head as he opened the bag up, sifting through the pink and blue tissue paper Alice had stuffed into it. When Caleb finally had the shirt in hand he tossed the princess bag into the bed of his truck and unfolded the shirt to hold it up and inspect it.
“I fucking love it Alice!” He shouted as he looked at the shirt that had bullets in the shape of a hand flicking you off.
“I wasn’t sure if I should get that one or the one with all the fish on it that said size matters. But Greg said to get this one.”
“Well I love it, thank you!”
Caleb opened his arms and Alice fell right into them wrapping her arms around his back and taking comfort in his hold. It had been too long since she got to hold her favorite person. She often dreamt of him holding her and it felt just as good as her dreams.
“Come on Alice, say your goodbyes. He is a casualty.” Yelled out Alice’s best friend from the back of the Toyota affectively killing Alice’s moment with Caleb.
“Casualty?” Caleb asked.
Alice pulled away but held on with just one hand to his KORN shirt, “Just ignore her.”
“Mmmhmm. How are things going with that?” Caleb inquired.
Before Alice could give him an answer her other friend yelled from the driver seat in his Yoda voice “Say your goodbyes and lets go.”
Alice looked from Caleb to her friends in the car and stomped her foot as she yelled “I wanna keep this one!”
The car of friends broke out in a laughter knowing that she was referencing a TikTok they had all seen hundreds of times. They thought she was being funny, they knew she had a crush on Caleb but she had meant it. She didn’t want him to be a casualty. She wanted him to stay in her life.
“You should probably get going, I don’t wanna hold you up.” Caleb said with a slight chuckle.
“I don’t want to. Can’t you stay awhile?” Alice asked looking up at him through her sunglasses. She could feel the tears wanting to come but held them back.
“You know I cant.”
“Please.” She begged.
“I have to get home.”
“Live a little.”
“I do live a lot but just not with you.”
“Same excuse every time.”
“Get going now before they leave your ass.”
Alice grabbed on to his shirt with the other hand. “I don’t want to.”
The tears were welling up inside her eyes, she didn’t know how much longer she could hold off. She hated crying in front of people. She saw it as a weakness. The many years as a child being told to stop crying or she would be given a reason to cry. Then as an adult being told by the man she was seeing that crying was a weakness and that she need to toughen up and that she wasn’t allowed to cry and be weak. She knew it was perfectly fine to cry and it was not a weakness. It was something that she told her kids all the time when they felt sad. That it was normal to cry and that you should cry and work through your emotions. Yet it was something she preached but never practiced herself. She had four kids at home to watch over, she didn’t have time to be weak.
“Thank you for the gift Alice, I really do like it.” Caleb said as he held onto one of her arms.
“I’m glad you do.” The first traitorous tear slip passed her eyes and she knew the instant Caleb saw it because his face lost all playfulness.
“Alice…” he gently called her name.
“I know its stupid. You don’t gotta tell me that. But I know the minute I let go and you get in your truck I wont see you again. All those plans we had will be gone. Who will take me to the gun shop to buy my first gun? Who will make sure that the sales man doesn’t take advantage of me? Who will help me learn to shoot it correctly? Why couldn’t you like me? God I sound like a stupid female right now. But we would have been great together you know. You matched my level of darkness, we matched each other in so many ways.”
“You know it. They know it. Everyone knows it. Everyone always said that we should just get together but we both would just laugh but deep down I wanted it. God did I want it but you just couldn’t get past that I was a bigger girl. Boy do I feel fucking stupid on an epic proportion right now.”
“Alice everyone has their preference, you always said we were friends because you knew I didn’t like you like that.”
“Of course I did because I didn’t wanna lose you. Better to be friends then not have you in my life. Funny how now I wont even have that.”
The tears were freely falling at this point. Alice could no longer hold her head high, instead she looked down at the ground. She couldn’t look at that stupid face of his, that face that she knew would haunt her dreams for many days to come.
“Alice you will find someone so much better then me. My stupid ass wouldn’t make the best partner for you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. Look at me Alice.”
Alice shook her head, how could she look at him she was feeling pathetic at the moment. Crying because a man doesn’t want her. Caleb didn’t give her a chance to wallow in her own misery, he put his new shirt on the side of his truck bed and grabbed her face lifting it up to his. He lifted her sunglasses and looked at her tear stained face.
“Don’t cry Alice.”
“Shut up you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
Caleb took his thumbs and brushed the tears away from her eyes. “I’m not someone to cry about.”
“To me you are.”
“You gotta let me go Alice. Move on. It was fun while it lasted and we will always have our memories.”
“Do they teach you these bullshit excuses when you guys are in school? I swear it’s the same fucking thing just said by a different guy.” Alice yelled angrily through her tears.
“Don’t be mad.”
“Don’t tell me what to feel.”
“Then don’t act like a spoiled brat.”
“Then don’t act like an ass who is un-attracted to fat women.”
“We aren’t going to get anywhere on this. Please don’t be mad and please don’t cry over me.”
Alice knew she was being mad because she was hurt and that she shouldn’t be. She knew she should be enjoying these last few moments with Caleb. With shaky hands Alice reached for Caleb’s sunglasses and lifted them up to see his face. Caleb was an expert at hiding his feelings, years in the military had made him hard.
“Why did you do it Alice?” Caleb quietly asked.
“You act like I did it on purpose. I didn’t plan on falling for you. If you weren’t so fucking perfect and if your darkness didn’t call to mine we would be safe.”
“I’m sorry Alice.”
“Me too Caleb.” Alice whispered as more tears fell down her face and she stood on her tippy toes to give him a chaste kiss at the edge of his lips.
Alice tried to smile through her tears and pulled away allowing him room to get back into his truck. With him seated in his truck Caleb rolled down the window and said goodbye before pulling away. Alice watched as the man she wanted nothing more did what all men do…..leave.
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make-sterek-canon · 4 years
That night I saved you || PolArm oneshot (KinnPorsche The Series)
Getting hurt being somebody's bodyguard is part of the job. It's inevitable.
Getting killed is another thing entirely. In Pol's eyes, it's unacceptable. Even more if the one at risk is Arm.
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“That night I saved you”
[Pol’s POV] (Italics = emphasis/others; italics and bold = thoughts)
Extremely warm night. Sticky climate. His suit is completely ruined from all the sweat and dirtiness. There's also some blood mixed in there. Snot too, probably. Pol can't tell.
He's holding Arm down with one hand and the gun with the other. Arm is unconscious and not even responding to any external stimulus. All Pol can feel is his heart beating in his chest. Too slow to be noticed but it's something, some hope in the dark situation they're in.
Pol needs to get Arm out of there and fast or he'll lose him, and he's definitely not ready to say goodbye just yet. Maybe not ever.
He pushes the button on his earpiece but dead silence welcomes him from the other side. He takes off the damn thing rather violently.  Time to put into action his last resort then.
"Pete! Pete!" His shouts fill the air. The bullets are still flying around and there's too much noise. He waits a few seconds, then tries again. Calling Pete desperately. Unrelenting sweat is falling down his face and neck, wetting even more his white (not anymore) shirt.
"Here!" He hears, and he sighs in relief.
"Listen! Can you handle it? I need to get Arm some help, he's in bad shape!"
"Go, I'll cover you!
That's all he needs to get going. Ducked behind a pile of sturdy-looking boxes, Pol tries to pinpoint Pete's position so he'll know where to move. Judging by his shouts he might be somewhere to the right and if Pol remembers correctly there's an exit that way. He needs to move to reach it though and it's easier said than done since he still has to protect both himself and Arm from getting hit by stray bullets. The only way is staying crouched while dragging Arm's motionless body.
Unresponsive as his fellow is, Pol is taking longer to do just that. He also needs to call someone to come and get them because they took Pete's car this time and of course he's the one that has the keys.
Pol curses under his breath. He'll definitely make a copy for next time. If there was a next time. There is still the possibility that none of them will survive the night after all.
After countless and torturous minutes he finds himself closer to the right side exit. This abandoned warehouse is big but not enough to get yourself lost.
Fortunately, no one has seen them and Pol hopes it stays that way for a bit longer.
"Hang in there, Arm. We're almost out."
He hasn't moved yet and Pol is starting to think that he's been dragging a corpse all along, but the sole thought is quickly getting to him and there's no time to lose.
The air is even more stickier and dense outside than inside the building, and Pol is heavily wheezing from the effort. Resting Arm's back against the facade, he places a hand on his chest to support him while taking the phone out with his free hand. Scratch that. He decides against it when not even two seconds have passed. They were not going to make it if they had to wait for someone from the major clan to come.
"Think, Pol. Think..."
Raising his eyes he suddenly notices an old gray Sedan some meters away, parked on the side of the smaller building, part of the main one but detached.
"This better work."
Hauling Arm as carefully as his own banged up body allows him, he walks to the vehicle. It should be easy to open since its windows are not armored as Pete's and the rest of their cars. Or if it's a getaway car as Pol suspects he could probably find the keys nearby, placed there for the owner to grant a fast escape. 
First things first, he rests Arm against the car and checks to make sure it isn't open before looking for the keys. Crouching close to the driver's side tire Pol sticks his hand in the space between the car's fender and the tire, finding the keys on top of it. Bingo. After grabbing them he gets up and when a shot rings out, his hand opens on instinct dropping them to the ground. The bullet impacts against the gravel right next to where Arm is and Pol's breath stops working for a second, scared that he might have been hit.
"Where do you think you're going, scum? Put your hands up and turn around. Slowly."
Pol does as he's told, facing the man. He's pretty much average looking, not as big in size as Pol and he's definitely tired if his labored breathing is any indication. He has to take him down. And fast.
The quietness doesn't last long when the man steps forward with his gun still raised. The distance is shorter and Pol takes that chance to surprise his enemy, crouching down and getting some gravel to throw it to his face. That gets him a shout in response and he promptly throws himself against the man next to take the gun away. It flies off somewhere. But that's not the end of it. The man only needs a moment to collect himself and he attacks Pol. Avoiding blow after blow, he counterattacks when he has the opportunity, but he's not fast enough to block a sudden kick to the ribs. Falling to his knees in agonizing pain, Pol raises his head to look at the man, who's got a karambit and is brandishing it right in front of his face.
"Very nice... Just stay there like the dog you are. Fucking useless." He snickers and Pol flinches in disgust. "Your fuck-buddy must be dead, huh? Don't worry, you'll be following him soon enough..."
Pol glances Arm's way and his eyes tear up but he bites down hard on his lower lip to prevent the tears from falling. It's highly efficient since the pain distracts him from feeling anything else. He's not going to give the bastard the satisfaction to seeing him cry. Not for his own life, but for his fallen friend. The defiant look Pol sends the man's way makes him smile sadistically.
"Ah, that look... I'm so gonna enjoy butchering you like I would do a pig..."
A sudden movement causes Pol to look behind the man, a bit to his left. The man notices but it's not enough for him to turn around or even move. There's no time since he already has a bullet embedded in his skull. The dead body falls forward right into Pol but he moves before it touches him. 
Still kneeling, he looks up at the shooter. Vegas.
"Empty promises... I hate people who are all bark and no bite the most." He says, with a gravely tone full of disdain. 
And suddenly it's like a staring contest. But this time there's neither winner nor loser.
"Where's Pete?"
Pol is not sure if he should answer though he somehow knows that Vegas means no harm to his friend.
"Still inside."
"Get the fuck out of here or I'll finish you off. Less Kinn's bodyguards means less threats to my clan."
"Why won't you then?"
"Finish us off."
"Let's just say that a certain someone wouldn't like that. Be grateful."
Guess who.
With nothing more to say, apparently, Vegas turns around and walks to the main building, gun in hand and ready. You can still hear some commotion happening inside. Pol watches him go for a second before getting up to get the keys from the gravel to open the car. He checks on Arm then, looking for his pulse in the neck. It's there. Weak, but there. Pol heaves a sigh of relief. 
Getting him inside the car is not as easy at it looks but he manages to lay him down on the back seats. Pol is still not sure how is he that unconscious but he suspects he was brutally hit with something, and he worries that Arm might have a concussion since he's bleeding quite profusely from the head.
The road is completely empty on their way back and Pol speeds through it with too little care for anything else than getting Arm the help he needs.
Pol is so focused that he swerves and almost goes off the road when his phone rings unexpectedly, strident in the silent car. 
His heart still in his throat, he answers after a few more tones ring.
"Pol, it's Pete."
"Hey... How are things there?" He asks the best he can, trying to steady his racing heart so it could return to normal.
"Calmer. I- I think we did it. The cargo is ours" Pete's voice is wavering a little, and Pol is not going to ask how they got it since he already knows. They had outside help and if Boss Korn found out he'd be anything but happy. But he won't say a thing. He's never been a whistleblower and he won't start now.
"Not many. We came prepared after all."
"Yeah..." Pol distractedly says, looking at Arm through the rearview mirror.
"What about Arm? Where are you taking him?"
"Where do you think?"
"Dr. Top? Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Pol grips the steering wheel so hard that both his hands start hurting, and he asks with his teeth clenched. "I don't have many options at the moment, or do I?"
He doesn't trust the man either but it's also true that there's nobody else they can go to. Dr. Top is as mysterious as he is a good doctor, and he'll treat Arm fairly. 
"Ok, ok. Do what you have to do."
Running a trembling hand through his thick and slightly sweaty hair, Pol exhales slowly. "Pete, Arm... he... I'm not sure if he's alive. He hasn't moved or anything since before we left. He had a pulse when I got him into the car, but it was weak. He... he may be dead for all I know and fuck, I'm not okay with that..."
"Pol, you need to calm down," Pete says softly. "It's going to be okay, you hear me? He's gonna be alright. He's one of the toughtest men I know. So stop thinking. It's definitely not helping."
"It's just-"
"No, and whatever you might want to say? Just keep it for when he comes around. Okay? Call me when you get there."
"Yeah, alright. I'll call you."
"And... ?"
"Stop thinking. I got it the first time, Pete."
"Just in case you forgot."
"Right... See you."
"See ya."
Then Pol hears a "Vegas, what the f-" and suddenly the line is cut off. 
He doesn't move or says anything for a while, but the silence becomes too much and he feels the need to fill it.
"Vegas came to help... Can you imagine? That sadistic bastard helping us... Well, more like helping Pete." Pol mumbles, looking in the rearview mirror from time to time. "He saved my life. I'm not sure if I should be grateful or scared. I owe him, big-time." He doesn't know what comes into him but in a flash, Pol hits the steering wheel quite violently. "Fuck, Arm. Talk. Open your damn eyes. Can you at least hear me?" Regret washes over him the second he explodes. "I can't believe I'm doing this... I'm sorry. Fuck. I'm sorry. I should have been there for you sooner. If you die...” Don't you dare die on me.
The Anakinn residence comes into sight, imposing and in complete darkness except for the lights on the front facade. 
Next to it, Dr. Top's house lies. It kinda looks like a cabin and it has all the comodities and necessities but if he lives there is basically because it is in his contract. Other than that, he comes and goes at will. No questions asked.
Getting out of the car Pol opens the back door to take Arm out. He doesn't even care about leaving the car open since it's not his and carries Arm bridal style towards the house. The entrance light turns on before he reaches the wooden door and it opens, showing the doctor in silky maroon pajamas. He's the definition of tall, dark and handsome. That's probably why Boss Tankhun and Vegas' brother Macao are head over heels for the man.
"Sleeping, Doc?"
The man smirks for a microsecond and urges Pol to get inside. "Leave him on the dining room table." He quickly follows the orders. It was like someone had told the doctor that they were coming because the table was clearly prepared for an emergency. Leaving him there, Pol steps back. That's when he takes a moment to evaluate Arm's state by himself. He's too damn pale. But other than that he looks like he's sleeping.
"Can you tell me what happened to him?" The doctor asks while checking Arm for vitals and shining a light into his eyes.
"I don't really know. I wasn't even close when it happened." Pol explains. "But I guess he was hit with some kind of weapon or thrown against something..." He stops talking, swallowing hard when he notices that his voice is breaking.
"It must be a concussion... Has he been unconscious the whole time?" 
So I was right. Pol nods, not trusting his voice just yet. 
"I'm gonna need you to be vocal, Pol. Get yourself together and talk."
"Y- yeah, he's been like that since I found him lying on the ground."
"That wasn't so hard, was it?"
Pol clenches his fists. Son of a...
"Okay, you can wait outside. Drink some water. Eat something. Do whatever you want, but get out of my sight."
"What? No-"
"Yes, Pol. You're making me uncomfortable, and you don't want Arm to suffer the consequences, right?"
Frowning and still with his fists clenched, he barks a resounding negative, storming out of the dining room after glancing at Arm for a brief second.
If he lets himself get carried away and closes the door with more force than necessary nobody can really blame him.
Pol doesn't know how much time he spends sitting on that awfully orange colored sofa, but he's been dozing off for a while, his eyes opening and closing non-stop. 
But he knows he obviously lost the battle when he's startled awake by a hand shaking him. His own grabs that hand determined to get it off him in the worst way possible but he's promptly stopped by a familiar voice calling his name. "Pol, it's me."
Pete's delicate face welcomes him when he opens his eyes. "Pete. You're here." Surprise follows and he sits upright. "Why are you here? I thought you were with V-"
"He dropped me off and went back to work. He's got some unfinished business to attend..."
"Yeah, I can only imagine." Pol snorts, running a hand through his hair and clearing his throat. He feels it scratchy, like something got stuck there.
"Have you drank or ate anything? I don't want to be that person but you look bad..." And it must be true when his friend is looking at him in such a worrisome way. He doesn't even get upset for not having called him.
"I just can't... I feel like throwing up every time I think about it. Arm..." The reality hits Pol in that exact moment he remembers why he's in the state he is in. "Fuck. Arm. Pete, how is he? Do you know? Has the doctor talked to you? Is Arm... ?"
"Stop. Man, you're freaking out and that's not going to help either of you," Pete tries to calm Pol, taking his hands between his. "He's alive. He's fine. But he's not waking up. Dr. Top said that it'll probably take some more time for him to come to his senses. He also said that he's suffering from a severe concussion and that he's lucky he has no brain damage. So it's just a matter of time until he..."
"I want to see him." Pol declares, getting up in such a rush that it desestabilizes him for a second.
"You're going to hurt yourself even more. So stubborn..." Pete mutters, frowning while holding him by the elbows. "Has Dr. Top checked you up? Ah, don't bother answering. I already know what you're gonna say. Sit, for fuck’s sake."
"I need to see him," Pol almost begs. He just wants to see with his own eyes that Arm is alive. Is that so hard to understand?
"No, it's not." It's almost as if his friend had read his thoughts but he just said it aloud. "You know, it should have come as a surprise... but it just makes perfect sense. You are always together, and don't let me get started with those meaningful stares and little touches... Say, when you do you think it all started?"
"What do you mean?" He's still not ready to admit it out loud. Not if he can help it. So he chooses to play dumb instead.
Too bad Pete doesn't think the same.
"When did you fall in love?"
"You're being more nosy than usual..."
"I'm just curious."
"Should I ask you the same then? About you and that... man?" Pol answers back, quite forcefully.
Pete stills for a moment, with his eyes being the only thing giving him away. "I guess I deserved that one."
Feeling bad, Pol quickly backpedals. "No, I'm sorry. I just don't want to talk about it. It's not the moment nor the place."
"You're right," Pete shrugs sending him a tiny smile. "But don't think this is over."
"Oh, trust me. If I know you, and I think I do quite well, I just know you're not dropping it out anytime soon."
"Just delaying it. Because you look awful and I pity you."
Pol can barely contain a laugh. Pete is that good. He's a ray of sunshine among the darkness that lives within them. Even when he's had it really bad himself. Being a ball of happiness is his greatest charm.
"Okay, jerk, now make yourself useful and take me to him." 
“Methinks you should ask nicely,” Pete pouts, obviously faking being upset.
“Well, me thinks you're being ridiculous.”
“Ah, you're no fun...” Sighing, Pete puts an arm around Pol's waist, and he instinctively puts his right arm around Pete's shoulder as support. "Alright then, I'll take you to your lover boy. He's rocking the Sleeping Beauty look, let me tell you."
"I'm telling him once he wakes up."
"Oh yeah? Then I'll tell Boss Tankhun to punish you later.
Pol snorts. "As if I hadn't had enough beatings for two lifetimes..." 
"At least you weren't almost killed like a million times. Those guys were ruthless. The bullets kept coming and I thought I was a goner."
"You don't know the half of it," he mutters shaking his head, remembering how Vegas had saved his ass. Probably the same way he had saved Pete's if you think about it.
It seems like while Pol was asleep Dr. Top had moved Arm from the dining room to the guest room that was next to the kitchen and the toilet. Not by himself, of course, but with Pete's help. 
The bedroom is neither big nor small, and it looks cozy with that warm wall decor paper beige colored with golden motifs. There are some paintings and portraits here and there, and a wardrobe in the bottom right corner, not too far from the full sized bed. 
Arm lies there, still a bit too pale but he doesn't look like he's dying anymore. Pete was right in his Disney comparison and Pol cracks a smile.
"Whistle if you need me. I'll be in the living room." Pete interrupts his train of thought and he just nods, following his friend with his gaze as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him. 
Turning around, Pol walks to the bed and sits on the right edge, facing Arm. His hand moves before he can think about it and he places it over Arm's heart. His heartbeat is steady and Pol closes his eyes to calm himself. They're both safe and together. Together... As if the touch was burning him he removes his hand from Arm's chest.
"I'm going crazy... There's no other explanation." Pol sighs, running a hand through his hair as a nervous gesture. "You really need to wake up, Arm. That doctor freaks me out and I don't like the thought of you spending the night here. I want us to go home."
It's right then when Pol notices that Arm's hand is palm up on the sheets in a clear invitation. After clenching and unclenching his fist a few times, he closes the distance and grabs Arm's hand with his own, lacing their fingers. He's almost tempted to kiss the back of his hand, but what he does is leaning towards Arm to whisper in his ear in a soft tone: "Are you going to leave me hanging? I didn't peg you as a cruel man..."
At first Pol thinks it's his brain playing tricks on him or maybe a muscle reflex but when it happens again it makes him lose his breath. Something is squeezing his hand. Leaning back a little, he looks into Arm's chocolate eyes, unblinking. Awake at last.
"We're even then, because neither I pegged you as a romantic man..." His voice sounds extremely hoarse but it's like music to Pol's ears.
Wetting his lips, he smiles from ear to ear. "Ass."
This time, neither of them smile in solitude.
Writing this second oneshot was a challenge. It almost killed me, haha. But it was fun and I loved writing it. So worth it!
I hope you guys like it ^^
Here’s the first ArmPol oneshot I wrote. This one is a continuation. Kind of~
I’ll probably write a third one (last?) and maybe a Vegas/Pete spin-off!
Now go  give the teaser for the series some love.
Thank you! <3
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angelicichor · 5 years
Some N//SF//W headcanons for some of my favourite slashers bc I can't sleep:
Michael Myers (RZ) :
• It's no surprise that he is rougher in bed, dominating is what he does and it comes to him easily, with that huge body of his
• Yet there's always some gentleness to his movements, an awareness that you're weaker than him and he needs to be careful with you, because even if the idea of you breaking at his touch is arousing, the fear of losing someone precious to him (again) keeps him focused.
• His fingers are trained both in craft and destruction, so I can say that him fingering you? A dream come true. He's watching you every time, a coy smile on his face, learning from your reactions as you melt in his touch. And every time you come just a bit quicker.
• If you really want to be D E S T R O Y E D - bite him. Literally. Don't draw blood though because he is going to probably almost kill you for that. But biting? Oh boy. Get ready to be set in fucking place. He's the monster here, he hurts you, not the other way around and he'll make sure you remember that.
• He'll make it a point not to use his knife though, he wants to show you HIS own power, so you fear him, not the damned weapon. He switches them out like toys anyways.
• I you go down that route prepare for pain. And I mean it. That man killed enough people to know where to press for your bones and muscles to scream under his touch, he'll dig his thumbs into your jaw as he grinds against you, choke you just with his knee on your chest when he's getting his dick hard, shove his hand down your throat, making you gag or choke, smilling the whole time, watching your tears form. You started this so see it through, he has MANY ideas on how to make you crumble.
• And trust me? You'll love it.
• Now the most surprising part? After he'd come and you're a panicked mess on the bed, half aware of everything around you, you'd feel your body lift slightly, then something warm envelop you.
• That's Michael, lifting you up, pulling you close to him and lulling you in his arms, using his raspy voice to calm you down, to tell you you're safe now and there will be no more pain... Until next time, that is.
Thomas Hewitt:
• Oh, Tommy's a kind giant, alright. Had his fair share of practice in careful touch making his masks, but there's some of that butcher roughness in there too, so expect his fingering to be a bit more... Insensitive.
• He'll be too absorbed with looking at your adorable expression to realize he's being a bit too rough, too mesmerized by the way you pull his hair and moan to see that his pace is too quick. If you want a slower and calmer ride, take the lead, whisper his name and pull his gaze a bit higher, to your eyes, let him absorb your beauty and use that to guide his movements.
• He loves you too much to resist you if you want to call the shots for a night, but just this once, okay? He ain't a bottom, Charlie taught him 'better' than that.
• Don't tease the boy too much though, because he ain't afraid to push you over the table and give you a solid ass slapping session. In this house discipline is all, and you're definietly lacking in it if you think you can grind against him like that and not take responsibility.
• But oh is it delightful to hear this man's aroused laugh when you beg for forgiveness, his firm hand decisively slapping you muscle, just in the right spot to make you squirm, leaving the flesh reddened for more than a day and you unable to sit properly.
• And just when you think he's done and you're off the hook he hauls your ass down into his basement on his shoulder and lies you down on a still bloodied table, pressing against your heat with his erection, chuckling lowly at your gasp as you feel just how hard he is.
• You don't have to wait long for him to slam into you, filling you to the brim, bit of pre-cum on his tip. He's always such a delicious fit.
• Still, while he's not slow in his movements he ain't brutal like Mikey either. It'd rather say it depends on whether he wants to make you both feel good or make you suffer just a bit longer.
• If there's blood involved though, he ain't gonna be waiting for nothing, it does something to him, even if it's not yours, he just adores that metallic smell, it makes him so light headed. He loves painting on your body with it too, but only once he realizes you ain't scared of a bit of gore. If you're squeamish he'd never even consider bringing you into the basement.
• In all honestly if you're into blood play, just pass him a knife and give him the sweetest smile you can, he'll catch on, don't worry. He's a damn professional too, so don't worry about fainting form blood loss, he got you covered.
• But his biggest secret is... He's a slut for rock and metal music. Greet him with Slipknot or Korn playing in your bedroom in the evening and he'll quickly be over you, eating you alive with his gaze, those hungry, hungry eyes.
• He ain't a dancer but let me tell you, he'll time his thrusts perfectly to the song you're playing, it's uneven, seemingly chaotic, rough, then soft, heated all the way through and you're loosing yourself to it, just as he is.
• Don't call him an animal, but he's definietly a beast then, clawing at your skin as he goes deeper, growling into your ear, one hand choking you into obedience and other bruising your hip in his obsessive grip.
• Even through the loud music you can hear and feel his heartbeat against your back. He wants you close, wants to use his strength to make you come and feel every single vibration of your body as you do.
•Make sure to scream if he bites you, remind him to control his instincts just a little bit, or moan, he'll stop his biting to laugh quietly and nuzzle into your neck.
• How?? THE FUCK??? CAN HE GO FOR SO LONG?!? You're already trembling under him, unable to move a muscle and he's still pounding into you mercilessly, enjoying the dominating force he has over your comparably tiny body. Each time your insides clench against him he pushes back, assuring that it welcomes him back.
• And somehow he manages to finish just as Vermilion ends. You are unsure whether this is just dumb luck, or if he really has so much self-restraint to hold it in for so long.
• I hope you have a towel or a handkerchief at hand because when he comes he comes loads, especially after longer sessions.
• He'd love for you to keep it inside though, our Tommy has a mayor breeding kink and even if you can't or won't give him children, he loves, LOVES seeing your trembling, defeated body filled with his cum.
• Oh and PLEASE do be vocal when he fucks you, it keeps him going. You're so cute when you call his name too...
Brahms Heelshire:
• Ah yes, the stinky wall boy. He actually showers, believe it or not, just not too often. It's hard to believe but it's true, though running and climbing through walls will get you dirty, there ain't no getting around that.
• Brahmsy doesn't really enjoy fingering, not you, not himself, he's more of an oral guy, more of a receiver, obviously, he's a brat after all, but when he gives, he gives it all and his tounge is amazing. Praise him and he'll give you the best orgasm you ever had with just his mouth.
• Most of the time it's hard to remember Brahms is a grown man, well, aside from the visual reminder that is. He is always so obedient and loves to follow his schedule, it's rare for him to actually act how his testosterone is telling him to. He's a good boy, you can be sure of that, especially when he's using his child voice.
• But there are days when his cover gets blown and you can tell immidietly, especially from his smell, sweet and warm, inviting you closer. It's almost as if he was in heat, keeping close, way past your personal space, grabbing you whenever he can, squeezing tightly at your hips, your chest, pulling your hands up to his face to give you soft, porcelain kisses.
• Then at some point the mask goes away, letting you stare in awe at his sly smile, his hooded eyes, lightly squinted to fit his expression, and a small lick of his lips lets you know that tonight you're his.
• Those nights are long and passionate, as each thrust tells you how much he adores you, your voice, your body, your you. His childish voice goes away so that the man of the house can speak and it makes you shiver as he calls your name, giving you small 'I love yous' and praising how good you feel, calling you his, only his.
• And to your utter surprise he makes sure that this night you come first, that you're satisfied before him, letting his bratty demeanor rot somewhere in a corner just for today, so he can treat you with the love and care you deserve for doing the same to him every single day.
• You're his darling and he makes sure to let you know that.
• Though those nights are very special to you, sometimes it goes a bit wilder.
• Sometimes the existence of a bed is forgotten and he swoops in from one of the hidden entrances and pulls you into the wall, mask already missing, so he can bite into your neck, make you scream in surprise, massaging your crotch messily, hastily, so he can get what he wants so much quicker and without you complaining.
• He takes you against the wooden walls, your moaning voice echoing through the skeleton of the house, hitting you right back and bringing that sweet blush back to your face.
• Don't try to order him around, "pretty please". He needs you, not your complaining right now. You can scold him later, he'll take it willingly, but in this moment he needs to let go, loose himself in you, chase his own release before yours so he can calm this heat down.
• Then just as you can feel him getting close he'll pull out and finish with his own hand outside of you like a proper gentleman. Except he comes on your thighs, so now those pants you were wearing? Yeah, those need washing.
• And if you're understanding to him after those 'accidents' you might expect a late night visitor, willing to make amends and give you something he forgot to give you earlier, with his lovely, lovely tounge and long, slim fingers. Make yourself comfortable, he's going to make sure you don't regret being patient.
• Also Brahmsy is a big fan of tying you up once you introduce him to the concept. Try it, he's very creative.
Hope you enjoy me being thirsty on main, may make part 2 if I'm feeling sleepless again or if anyone wants me to but haha I ain't a writer ( or at least not a good one, I usually write for myself but that shit ain't good... )
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mrallnight57-blog · 3 years
The Crystal of Mordokia
Chapter 15
      As Litias told the story of Billbo H Hero. The two of them had made there way to the fourth floor. Once there. Litias took Jenny to a room at the end of the hallway, this was the room that Litias slept in.
    Jenny had listened to Litias's story, yet she still had many questions. Once the two of them got into the room. Litias went to her bed, and began pulling a trunk from underneath her bed. That's when Jenny started asking questions. "So this Billbo, he was some kind..."
     Before Jenny could finish the question. Litias turned to her and cut her off. "Shhhh! Don't say his name. He might hear you, and neither one of us are prepared to face him. No... from this point on, just call him The Hero.
      Jenny raised an eyebrow. "He is more like a monster."
     Litias got up into Jenny's face. "No, pretty one. I'm the monster. I am the Dark Witch, the all powerful Ruler of Mordokia!" Litias paused for a moment. Then begrudgingly said in a low voice. "Ex-Ruler of Mordokia."
   Now Jenny was beginning to become more curious about Litias, but she knew that would have to wait for later. Right now she needed to get all the info she could on Billbo, or Litias preferred name for him, The Hero.
     Litias opened up the trunk, and her demeanor changed. It was as if this strange creature was genuinely happy.
     Litias pulled out a old parchment, and more excitement came over the creature. Jenny even picked up a little giddiness in Litias's voice as she spoke. "Ah yes! This is when he battled the ogre king!" Litias put the parchment down, and grabbed another one. This made Litias even more giddy. This is when he found the treasure of Goldoff!" Litias grabbed another parchment with her other hand. The creature's eyes widen, and she got even more excited. "Oh!!! This is when he battled the two headed dragon Korn Tello!!!" Litias gave Jenny the look of someone who had just came out of a fan convention. "Did you know The Hero was only ten years old, when he defeated his first dragon!?!"
      Jenny's eyes widen. "He slayed his first dragon, when he was ten years old?"
     Litias quickly shook it's head no. "Not slayed. Defeated. Korn Tello was still alive, the last time I was on Mordokia." Suddenly Litias spoke in a somber tone. "The Hero didn't believe in killing. Thought everyone deserved a second chance. That is why the Dark magic makes him do it. A punishment for interfering with the Difias's quest.
      Jenny was carefully watching Litias. She couldn't help but feel as if Litias, the creature who claimed to be a dark witch, seemly admired The Hero. Litias was acting like a child telling it's new best friend, about their favorite super hero. The only difference was, Litias was unlike any child Jenny had ever seen, and the creature's favorite super hero threatened to kill everyone in the building.
      Jenny kept her eyes on Litias as it continued to rummage through it's trunk. Not knowing much about Litias, and it's relationship with The Hero. It made her wonder if the two of them had ever met. As Jenny was about to ask the question, Litias cut her off. "No. I've never battled The Hero. He was before my time. You forget pretty one. This all happened over two thousand years ago."
     Jenny's eyes widen. She never actually ask the question, plus now she wanted to know how old Litias was, but before she could inquire, Litias spoke again. "I'm one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven years old." Jenny's was in complete shock. Litias then followed it up by saying. "Apparently, for my kind, that is very young."
       Litias was still pulling out stuff from her trunk, and Jenny was becoming more dumbfounded, it was at this point she thought about Gothic Mirror, and knowing it was this creature that probably taught him everything he knew. She came to the conclusion, Litias could read her mind. Jenny was going to say something, but Litias interrupted her again. "Yes Pretty One, I can read your mind."
      "Can you stop!?!" Jenny finally got a word out, and was becoming frustrated.
     Litias gave Jenny a look of a scolded child. "Meaah. I'm just making sure you don't try to hurt me."
     Jenny settled down. "I'm not going to hurt you."
     "Good." Litias seemed happy with Jenny's response. Then added. "It's not like you could anyways." Trust me when I say, many heroes have tried, and I humiliated every single one of them."
     Jenny smiled. "Well all of them except, you know who."
      Litias shrieked. "Meeaaaah!!! I was never suppose to fight him, and now he is here!"
     The two of them had a awkward moment of silence, but after a few moments, Jenny began speaking. "Look... If you want me help you defeat him. Then I still need some information. So I can fully understand what I am up against.
     Litias gave Jenny a look of annoyance. "Why would you help me Pretty One? I'm a creature of pure evil, and he is a hero."
     Jenny folded her arms. "Well The Hero said he was going to kill everyone if I don't stop him, and you haven't."
     Litias gave a faint laugh. "Not yet."
    Jenny gave Litias a dirty look, and Litias said. "Fine. What would you like to know?"
     Jenny unfolded her arms, and gave Litias another dirty look. "Don't read my mind this time. I want to actually be able to ask the questions."
    Litias, once again acted like a scolded child. "Fine... I see you take the fun out of everything, don't you? Ask your questions."
    Jenny was trying to think what she should ask first. Everything about Litias and it's story seemed unbelievable. Finally she decided to ask some basic questions.
"So I know the hero isn't a demon, what is he exactly?"
      Litias growled, then the creature began mumbling in a language Jenny didn't understand as it stared at the floor. Finally the creature looked back at Jenny, and began speaking. "I hate to have to explain it this way. Have you ever seen," Litias gave a look of disgust. "Lord of the Rings?"
      Jenny let out a bit of a chuckle. "Yeah. I watched it with my dad as a kid. I really only watched it to spend time with him. It was one of his favorite movies." Litias gave another look of discuss. Then Jenny had a epiphany. "Bilbo was the name of one of those little guys, you know, the one with the r.."
     Litias quickly cut her off. "Stop!!!" Litias seemed to be getting angry. "That damn Tolkien! He got everything wrong! For fuck sake he thought Billbo was a Kender, and even misspelled his name."
    Jenny raised an eyebrow. "Kender?"
     Litias rolled her eyes. "Excuse me. I guess you would call them hobbits."
      "Is there a difference?" Jenny asked.
      "Yes." Litias replied. "You see Hobbits, went on a quest, to destroy the one ring in a volcano. Kenders would trade the one ring for a stock of celery."
     Jenny wanted to laugh. She even wanted to ask some follow-up questions about these creatures, but realized she was getting off topic, and needed to refocus. "So if The hero is not a Kender, or whatever. What is he?"
      "He's an Elf." Litias stared at Jenny as she answered her question. Then followed it up with. "At least Half-Elf, but it has always been up to debate, what the other half was."
     Jenny thought about it for a moment, then asked. "I thought Elves were short and fat."
      Litias shook it's head. "No, those are dwarves."
      Jenny was now scratching her head, then she snickered. "Well I prefer the Elves that make cookies, or Christmas presents." Litias just stared at Jenny. Then Jenny followed it up by saying. "Sorry. I tend to make jokes in stressful situations. It's how I keep my sanity.
     Litias continued to stare for another moment, until finally the creature went. "Ha." Then it went back to staring at Jenny.
     Jenny thought about her next question. As Litias sat on the end of the bed. Jenny decided to sit next, to her, but left space between them, before she asked her next question. "You said The Hero, was half elf. Could the other half be human?"
      Litias let out a hard laugh. "That is the problem with you humans. You all want to be part of everything. Earth is the only world I have been to that has humans. Yet when you fools make up stories about my world, you arrogantly put yourself in as the hero."
     "Is that so?" Jenny replied. Jenny scooted just a little bit closer to Litias. "Tell me this then. How are we telling stories about your world, if humans have never been there?"
     Litias let out a little growl, which caused Jenny to move away from the creature. Then Litias began to answer. "You been around the crystal, haven't you?" Jenny nodded. Litias continued. "That sickness you feel, the dread, and nightmares it gives when someone is exposed to it. The crystal has been on earth for over two thousand years. Even though the ones who are closest to it feels it's effects immediately. The orra it gives off still travels. It's possible that over time you humans had succumbed to visions, which turned into stories, creating a entire genre.
Basically, I'm saying, what you humans call fantasy, was once my reality."
      Jenny was now thinking about the story Dan told her earlier. "I heard that those visions, turned nightmares, may have droven some to suicide."
      Litias smiled. "You mean like one of the archeologist that found the crystal?" Jenny nodded, realizing that Litias had probably read her mind again. Litias snickered. "Don't lose any sleep over it. After the man died. It was discovered that he had a large amount of child pornography on his computer."
      Jenny's eyes widen. The only thought going through her head now was, damn! Even when trapped in the crystal. He still found ways to kill bad people.
     Jenny shook that thought out of her head, then came to a realization. "So you're telling me that dragons, elves, dwarves, and ogre all exist?"
     Litias gave a slight smile. "Yes... In one form or another."
      Jenny sat there in shock. Normally she would think that the person she was talking to was insane, but considering the fact, the person she was talking to wasn't even human, made everything it said, far more believable.
        Litias stood up and walked to a door that was in the room, she opened it up and it lead to another room. As Litias entered the adjacent room, Jenny followed her. Once in there Jenny noticed Litias had a desk. Litias picked up a parchment that was on the desk and began looking at it. Jenny looked around the room and saw another bed, she then sat down on the foot of that bed and asked. "Is that another one of The Hero's story?"
      Litias turned it's attention back to Jenny. "You're funny pretty one. You must think all I do is sit around, reading stories about The Hero."
      Jenny smiled. "Well you could have fooled me."
     Litias frowned. "It's a spell. Similar to the one that put The Hero in the Crystal. I'm going to need to memorize if I'm going to battle the hero."
      Jenny raised an eyebrow. Why did Litias have that spell on it's desk? Did Litias think there was a possibility of The Hero escaping the crystal tonight?
      Jenny didn't want to think about it to much, she was once again letting herself get off topic. She needed to focus, and figure out what she was truly up against. "Look if we are going to work together, I need to know what kind of powers The Hero has."
      Litias put the parchment down, and began pacing around the room. "He has many. He is extremely strong, and fast. He can summon his legendary weapon out of thin air. Any ability he sees, he can mimic it, and do it better. He can transport himself anywhere he wants. He can even read the soul of anyone he meets."
     Jenny stared at Litias. She was completely puzzled about the last thing, the creature said. "What do you mean, he can read soul of anyone he meets?
      Litias stopped pacing and let out a sigh. "The Hero can look inside one's soul, and see everything they have ever done. Everything they have said. All the knowledge one person has, can become his in a blink of an eye. Afterwards the victim will become disoriented, feeling as if hours have just passed them by."
      After listening to Litias, she began to mumble. "That's how he knew everything about me."
     Litias watched Jenny for a moment, then the creature asked. "Is there anything else you want to know? If not, I need to return to the task of memorization."
      Jenny looked at Litias. "So with soul ability, he can judge whether someone is good or evil, and he will kill the one's he deems evil first, right?"
    Litias growled. "Yes, that's why he can't know I'm here."
    Jenny shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about him coming for you anytime soon. He has plenty of other bad people to deal with tonight."
     Litias eyes widen. "What do you mean?"
     At this point Jenny realized that Litias probably wasn't fully aware of everything going on. "The Gothic Lights are putting on a concert, with a popular band, and has hired a really nasty motorcycle gang to be their security. They are doing this to promote the arrival of the Demon.
       Litias began freaking out. "No!!! That fool Travis promised he would only have a few of his followers here, when I gave him the contract!"
     Jenny didn't understand how Litias didn't know what was going on. "How did you not know about the concert?"
      Litias, who was now enraged, yelled at Jenny. "I was asleep!!!"
      Jenny gave Litias a confused look. "You must have been asleep for a long time not to know about this."
      "Yes!!!" Litias screamed. "I've been asleep for the last six months!"
     Jenny's eyes widen, but before she could inquire further, Litias continued speaking. "I can go many years with out sleep, but at some point I have to recharge my magic. I went into hibernation six months ago. During that time, Travis was suppose to be working on away to get me the crystal, now I see he has been far more busy than I expected."
      Jenny interrupted Litias. "He killed a person, to bring you that crystal."
      Litias looked to be bothered by what Jenny just said. She stood silently for a moment, before mumbling something in a language Jenny didn't understand. Then Litias spoke in English again. "That is none of my concern. My concern is to trade contract for the crystal, and to take my prizes. Once that is done, I will leave your world."
      Jenny raised an eyebrow again. "Prizes? Besides the crystal, what else was he suppose to get you?"
      Litias smiled. "Nothing, I was going to retrieve my other prize myself."
       Jenny became worrisome. "Where is this other prize?"
      Litias laughed. "Don't worry pretty one, I already have it now."
      Jenny knew it was pointless to keep asking her about the other prizes, because the creature apparently didn't want to talk about it, and she knew she couldn't make her. There was still a big problem though. The contract, she couldn't let it get into the hands of Travis, Aka Gothic Mirror.
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