#now my mom is a annoyed/mad at me because i'll have to use her car or need someone to pick me up but idk i think it's doable after a while
born-to-lose · 1 year
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 6 months
sheldon cooper x reader??? thanks 😍
my first request!!! hope you like it :)
girl from the train station
"WAIT!" sheldon's voice called at the train that had just driven off. oh he was so screwed. his mom would be so mad; this had definitely put him off breaking rules for life.
he sighed and looked round to see if there was anyone he could ask for help. then he realised he was in germany, of course there wouldn't be many people that could help him! his german was good, but it could only take him so far.
"hey, are you okay?" your voice interrupted him from his thoughts. he looked up to see you, standing in front of him, a sympathetic smile on your face.
"hallo-." sheldon begins in german but you cut him off.
"i speak english, i'm here visiting family." you chuckle. sheldon finds himself smiling slightly as well, but quickly stops.
"oh well.. i'm definitely not okay, i just missed my train in a foreign country and my mom's going to kill me because she thinks i'm at the library." sheldon says, in a panicked tone.
"calm down," you say comfortingly, "i think my mom can help you get home."
"really? that would be wonderful." sheldon breathes out a sigh of relief.
"yeah.. i'm y/n. by the way. nice to meet you." you hold out your hand for him to shake.
"sheldon." he looks at your outstretched hand, and reluctantly shakes it.
you give him a confused look.
"sorry i don't really like physical contact, no offence but i don't know what germs you have." he states, matter-of-factly.
surprisingly, you laugh. "fair enough."
sheldon smiles slightly back. you seemed a nice enough girl, he felt like he could trust you.
"right, you're in luck, we just dropped my dad and brother off here, so we'll be able to take you back to your mom." you say, and lead him to where he had just bought that damn strudel that made him miss his train in the first place.
"mom" you approach a woman that looked like an older version of you, "sheldon missed his train home and has no way of getting back!"
"now now honey calm down." your mom says then turns to look at sheldon, "do you know where you're staying?"
sheldon nods and tells her where he's staying.
"oh, that's right around the corner from my parents, that'll be easy then, you can come with us if you'd like." your mom smiles at him.
"i.. would like that." sheldon nods.
"great!" you cheer. sheldon looks at you. although you weren't his type of person (then again, who was?), he found you endearing.
"let's go then!" you say, and the three of you walk to your mom's car.
"would you like to sit up front sheldon? i'm feeling generous." you smile at him.
"no thank you, it's statistically safer in the back." he says, but then sees your face drop a little. "thank you though." he adds, and smiles at you.
"that's fine, i'll keep you company." you take a seat beside sheldon in the back.
your mom starts the car, and then you were on your way back to sheldon's hotel.
"so where are you from sheldon?" you ask, wanting to find some things out about him.
"medford, texas. what about you?" he nods.
"nice, i'm from (insert place here)." you respond.
"how come you're in germany anyway, sounds like a long way from home?" you chuckle.
"i'm here at grad school." sheldon responds.
"grad school?! wow you must be a genius." your eyes widen.
sheldon sees your reaction and chuckles.
"i am, i started college at 11." he subtly brags.
"11?? woah!" unlike many other kids his age, you seemed impressed and in awe of him. he liked that.
"yeah." sheldon says.
"i wish i was as smart as you." you look at him.
"it's just a natural gift." he responds. "i'm sure you're good at other things that i'm not. for example sports."
you giggle. "maybe i am. then."
for the rest of the car journey, you and sheldon talked about yourselves. sheldon learnt you came to germany quite a lot because your grandparents lived here, you had an older brother who annoyed the living hell out of you (he could relate) and you were a swimmer. he found himself quite enjoying talking to you, and was quite sorry when he arrived back to his hotel.
"here we are, it's been a pleasure driving you home sheldon." your mom speaks up from the front.
"thank you so much for driving me." he smiles politely.
"mom, please can i walk sheldon in!" you beg.
"alright, but don't be too long." she smiles fondly at you.
"come on." you say to sheldon who thanks your mom again and you walk up to his shared room.
you reach to a stop outside of his door and sigh.
"well.. it was nice meeting you sheldon." you smile sadly at him.
"and you. i had a great time talking to you in the car." he smiles back.
"yeah uhh.. maybe i could give you my number, in case you'd want to talk again..? you can tell me more about your string theory." you feel your face heat up and look down.
sheldon's eyes widen "uhh yeah okay." he surprises himself.
"here." you take hold of his hand and write your number on it, using a pen from you pocket.
"i'll call you." he nods. "well goodbye y/n.."
"bye sheldon." you reply and before he can stop you, you place a quick kiss on his cheek and walk off.
sheldon brought his hand to his cheek, open-mouthed. first, he lied to his mom, then he snuck out, and now he had just been kissed by a girl!
maybe today hadn't been so bad after all.
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anadiasmount · 11 months
limit - jude bellingham series.
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quick sum: shy and innocent uni student by day but a notorious street racer at night, meets now currently best footballer jude bellingham under certain circumstances. what happens when these two are forced to get along, in order for them to get out of trouble? will they sacrifice their careers in order to protect themselves?
wc: 4.7k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
psa 🗣️: hello! this is a request mixed with an idea i had. this is a small five-part series since I didn’t want to do a large fic. i really hope you enjoy since it’s a enemies to lovers, ‘she fell but he fell harder’, car girl! reader, and jude being somewhat cocky and mean but a huge teddy bear. pls note that i don’t condone any street racing or hectic driving! this series will have mature content so minors DNI 🔞. it will also contain other issues dealing with family domestic issues, mentions of being insecure, etc, but I'll place the warning then :) please enjoy chapter one, and let me know your thoughts! 🤍
“Now class I hate to stress this enough but you have to take exquisite and thorough notes. It will not only guide you but help and take you to the correct path for this course,” said Professor Alto. I felt like rolling my eyes and walking out of the lecture room, but instead, I just turned over and laughed with Marie, who was already staring at me. “He says that every class period, I'm starting to get annoyed because we’ve been taking this class for the past month,” Marie snickers.
“True but in all honesty he does have a point,” I raise my eyebrow and look back at the Professor who was now walking back and forth presenting the slides. “Shut up. We get it you’re smart,” Marie groans and pushes my shoulder, taking out some gum and then paying attention forward. “I'm sorry, I would like to run my own business one day, and this is where I have to start first.” This time I push her shoulder, and hear her mutter a ‘Yeah yeah whatever…’
I grabbed my bag and pulled out my notebook, took different coloured pens, and began to write down the slides, using other different coloured pens to write important texts and or highlights. It’s just girly things. We would be here for a while, as this lecture would take up to three hours, so I got comfortable. “What are you wearing tonight?” Marie whispered, leaning her head on my shoulder as she typed away.
“Probably something black,” I shrugged, “I might wear this new corset top and black jeans since I'm racing tonight.” Marie looked over at me with wide eyes, “But isn't your car still in the shop?”
“No, it got fully fixed two days ago, and tonight I wanna see if the new adjustments are working properly,” I say, taking a sip of water and rubbing my eyes as they feel dry. “Y/n are you sure that’s a good idea though? You just got your car back, and knowing how you race, especially after just getting it back can be dangerous. If something happens, all that work that was done would go to waste,” Marie stresses, and I notice that because she began to talk with her hands.
“I know the risks, trust me. But I need this money for me, my mom, and my little sister. I'm working two double shifts and if I win tonight, I'm set for the next two months. It won’t be an easy race, but at this point what more can I do?” I sigh and rub my temple, a small migraine wanting to form.
It wasn't easy anymore. It became harder when we had to move out of my dad’s place as he began to become a different and mad person. It wasn’t the environment I wanted to be involved in, let alone my mother and sister. It became especially harder when he came and did mass destruction on our property, and tried to hurt us. The night repeatedly lives in my head, the screams, the yelling, the smashing windows, the red and blue lights, it's hard to sleep as any time I close my eyes I just see him.
I always had a great relationship with him. We were close and happy. I grew up wanting to be him, and he always set examples and tried for us. He would do my hair, teach me how to cook his chocolate chip cookies, and even go on to show me how to play the piano. We spent every weekend working in his mechanic shop, working on dear old Darla for one day to be driven by me. The old black Ford was now ruined into pieces when he went crazy after discovering he would be arrested.
What changed in him to become that way, was the question I kept repeating over and over again. If the truth comes out one day, maybe we can be at peace. But for now, it's being cautious and assuring the safety of my family. I sacrificed a lot to be able to support us, as well as my mom. The car racing was something I randomly got into, my mom didn't like it, but in a way for me, I escaped reality.
The adrenaline rush. The speed. The rush overtakes my body. The determination to win as the prize in the end holds a lot of possession. Maybe even the idea of it being illegal also took a more motive of why not, as bad as it sounded. I became a hell of a driver, I was the best of the best, and some people took that personally.
The tracks and races became a second home to me. The ability to conduct and take charge of my own was truly an honour. For once, only I listened to myself instead of others. For once I could do something that made me happy, as much as it felt wrong to do. I met people, good and bad, and stayed away from the bad as they reminded me of my dad. A weekend like tonight started at the tracks but indeed by the city in the underground club Sahara.
I saved enough to buy myself a 2014 black Dodge Challenger. Slowly I made work by changing the motor from a V6 to a V8, running to almost 470 horsepower. The rims were also replaced with all black, and I added other features like a loud exhaust and a cold air intake system, just recently. This would’ve never been done if I didn't have Jimmy, an old friend of my dad’s. He never questioned what I did to my car, just wished me ‘good luck, and be careful’.
When my mom found out about my car, she threatened to kick me out. That same night I brought back $1,800 and left them on the table, muttering a quick “This is why I do what I do”. Since then she hasn’t questioned, just used the money for savings, groceries, and bills. I would of course help out, especially on bigger and expensive things, like Uni. Uni was expensive, and I sure as heck was lucky to afford what I could.
My first race was over a year ago, in the older tracks leaving Madrid. It was a secluded area only known to nearby residents, or people like me who raced, or those who went to live life a little. You could expect anyone there. I knew of this place after Marie and her girlfriend Kaia took me. My first race was that same night after a girl got pissed at me for accidentally bumping her shoulder with her boyfriend.
One thing led to another, and then you saw me at the finish line in Marie’s Grey Nissan Altima. That baby could run, period.
Part of me could say I also got addicted to how much money it would bring home. I didn't care if it was clean or dirty money, it met my needs, and I was grateful for it. Multiple people have gone against me but they can’t race like I can. There are tips and tricks to it, whether it is releasing the clutch early or letting the car struggle a bit before making the shift. Slow down or maybe speed up. You learn along the way.
My biggest rivals of them all were Jacey and Jacqueline. They made my life a living hell a week before finals. They insisted and threatened me to race them or else I would be kicked out and can’t ever place my foot on the tracks. They were the best anyone had seen, but I knew what they wanted. They were a part of a malicious gang in the northern part of Spain. If I won, I would be free and they were to never bother me, but if I lost I would do laundering and drug exchange.
I won that night, by some miracle. It turned out Jacey was racing unfairly and it didn't count as he had cheated. They would always go against me, and it became sort of a rival race whenever we did go against each other. Like tonight. Tonight would be a big night, it would be a packed race, and surely every young adult would be there.
“Wait, wait, wait. You’re going against Jacqueline tonight? How could you have failed to tell me this?” Marie ran, her back across the wall as I got myself a redbull to survive the rest of the day. We had a 20-minute break, and now we were seated outside waiting to go back in.
“I didn’t know either, Max texted me this just a couple of hours ago,” I said, taking a sip of the energy drink. I pulled out my phone and showed her the message. “Well, I can see why you’re doing this then,” Marie points to the text of the amount of cash I could win. “What did you end up fixing in your car?”
“I did a bit of mostly everything. I added high-flow catalytic converters, high-flow mid pipes, high-flow fuel injectors, high-flow air induction systems, an upgraded header, and upgraded pulleys. Just newer stuff that the new challengers have nowadays,” I say, laughing at Marie's confused face staring back at me. “Well whatever you said, let’s hope it works out.”
“Trust me it will. Because you’ll be in the seat next to me to see” I smirked.
“Bitch no I am not, the fuck?” Marie gives me a puzzled look. I give her a look for using such profanity. I hated it, I didn't like such strong and hateful words, especially those that meant hurting someone's feelings. I never cursed, I just didn't see the fun or thrill of it, which shocked many.
“You are because you lost the bet last week. And Sheila is out of town. So better bring your mask and helmet,” I say, opening my iPad to get some studying done before my business class after this lecture. “Plus when have you ever turned down the opportunity to ride with me? I know you secretly love it,” I wink at her to which he just shakes her head and smirks.
“I'll do it, but only if you wear the black midi skirt I got you. As a matter of fact, I’ll ride with you only if you let me get you ready and get you sexy,” Marie says. I blush profusely and immediately shake my head no. I would rather die than be seen wearing anything more revealing than my boobs. I'm just too shy and not confident for it. I can’t rock outfits like Marie can.
“Funny but no. You know me, I am good with a revealing top and maybe some tight jeans,” I brushed her idea once again, but knowing how she could be, especially when she's a fashion major, it would be hard. “Either deal or no deal. You know you need me in order to race,” she tries to intimidate to which I finally agree. “I will make you the sexiest girl there. Who knows maybe you’ll be lucky and get laid,” she taunts, an evil grin on her lips.
“Oh quit the act. We know you are shy and innocent, but you become a freak and a total show when you race. I'll see you tonight,” she winks and walks out, completely leaving the lecture.
—/— Jude’s Point of View —/—
After matches came recovery. And after recovery, it was either a day off or prepping for the next match. Luckily I had the gym area to myself, working with a physical trainer on my knee and doing a few exercises that were as much work. I just needed something to preoccupy my mind before I met with my publicist. It's not that I hated him, I just didn't tolerate such a person like him.
I dragged out this meeting as far as possible but knowing how he is, he wouldn't care. After briefly talking with the PT about a few stretches I could do at home, I walked down the cafeteria and met up with Eduardo, who invited lunch for the both of us. We sat down and just talked about the game plays and the upcoming international break.
Lunch went by quickly, now I found myself walking down the small hallway into the office that belonged to my publicist. I resented him even more for working at the training grounds. I would rather be anywhere else but here. I put myself together and walked into the office only for it to be empty. I just take a seat and go on my phone bored. When Jaime does walk in, he hangs up and opens the manilla folder, where stacks of papers are in.
“Jude you have to quit going out so much! Look at all these articles!” Jaime raised his voice and threw the printed papers onto the marble desk. I rolled my eyes and sunk into my chair, my legs naturally spread apart, as my hand came to my temple.
“Real Madrid’s new star boy stars on and off the pitch. Ancelotti’s new golden boy has a record similar to Grealish, could we expect to see the young player get involved in the same stuff? Oh, my favourite, Jude Bellingham is seen leaving the strip club after the place was recently investigated by local authorities!” Jaime read off the articles, leaning forward to slap the side of my head, when he noticed my unfazed look. “Okay, I get it! Shit!”
“No Jude you don’t get it! How many times have I told you this isn't England? You're in Spain. Dealing with both countries who are on your ass to find every single detail of you. They follow you around with a camera because you let them, you give them a reason too. It's already the fans doing it, but the paparazzi, no I won’t let that slide,”
“Okay, so what do you want me to do? I’ve done everything you’ve suggested me to do! I can’t stop them, or else I'll end up on the cover the next morning. I can’t just quit my fun, because of them. I deserve to have a nice evening with my friends and family, but they're always there!” I bite back.
Not even my mother keeps tabs on me like this man does. I appreciate Jaime, but it's moments like this where I want to get up and leave and do the opposite of what he tells me to do. He takes his job too seriously and overworks himself way too much. I can’t exactly be the person he wants me to be. I hate being driven around or being forced to be someone I'm not.
“We have no say and do on the paparazzi, you know that. But if you keep doing what you do, I'll have to get you a stricter PR contract, and I can assure you, it will be hell. You choose Jude. One more fuck up and it's the first text you’ll receive the next morning,” Jaime threatened.
“You can’t be serious. Jaime, I can’t be hidden away the entire time! I don’t give a shit about what they think of me! I'm focused on football and my family. I told you to let them be and write what they write!,” I say, standing up and grabbing my training bag to leave. “It's my job to protect your image as a person and footballer, Jude. And it will be like that. If you have such an issue, go ahead and fire me, but we both know what that will do for the both of us…”
“One more fuck up Jude, and you will see.” I scoff and walk out, slamming his door. The office workers jump in their seats, while I mumble out curses and insults towards him. Would he really go that far just to keep his job? Threaten my image for his self-satisfaction? Yes, he would. I sigh and scratch my chin impatiently, trying to come up with a different plan to avoid the PR contract he was talking about. But all I could do was come up with reasons and stuff to piss him off.
The idea of a PR stunt sounded stupid. Sure, I have had my share of scandals but nothing too serious like he dramatises. People just can't seem to stand the idea of no commitment, especially if it involves girls. They also couldn't stand the idea of a footballer wanting to go out and enjoy a night of themselves. Some people can be so unreasonable, like Jaime, I would say what I had to say, and I didn't care for anyone’s feelings especially if I spit out the truth.
“Yo! Hey Jude! What’s up? Looks like you got back from speaking with Carlo,” Eduardo comes up and dabs me up, teasing me for my stressed look. I chuckle, “Nah man. My publicist is pissing me off. Trying to tell me what to do and giving me shit about all these articles.”
“When will they learn,” he comments, his brow nudging to the obvious. “For the moment mine hasn't given me ‘advice’ or ‘warnings’ after our trip to South France.”
“Well lucky you. I just can’t stress about this shit right now. We have the upcoming important games, and I am determined to win. And if I do go out, he shouldn’t be up my ass about it every time,” I groan, taking out my phone and seeing a call from Aurélien. “Tchou, how can I help you?” I joke, referring to when he dealt with his situationship while on our trip to France.
“Ha ha, very funny. What are you up to tonight? We’re free tomorrow.”
“Probably nothing. Just walked out on my publicist, so If you have anything in mind to do, say it,” I put the phone on speaker so Eduardo could hear, and let him know. “Me and the guys were gonna head out the city to go to a car meet, out of Madrid,” he says. I give a look to Eduardo who just shrugs his shoulders not retaining the information.
“A car meet? Those exist here?”
“Yes, dumbass. You’d be surprised but, they're very fun. Although we shouldn't be there, it's the only place where people and paparazzi can’t recognize us. They treat each other and us like royalty, plus who wouldn’t mind some fun?” Aurélien says to us. I hesitate, only because of what just happened inside, but also the idea of it being illegal and caught. “You guys in or not?”
“Count me in.”
Jaime wouldn't know. And if Aurélien is saying we wouldn't be recognized, then why the fuck not? I'm not here to just pose for cameras and play. I'm also a regular person who deserves to live his life the way I want. Part of me thought of how bad this idea could be, but truthfully I didn’t give a shit, I just wanted to piss off Jaime. Aurélien advises us to dress nice since people who attended those car races often thought of them as fashion shows. Which is found myself calling the only girl who could help me out.
“Hey, Sunny? Sorry for the late call, could you help me out with an outfit for tonight? Just don't mention it to Jaime.”
—/— (Your Point of View) —/—
“Ok no- That’s like way too revealing! I couldn't pull that off” I brushed away the shortest skirt she found. “Nuh uh- No way. You're going to wear it, and it's going to be worn with these shoes and lace meshy top,” Marie comes behind me and puts both hangers to my front. “My whole butt is out in this skirt! People are gonna see my-” I waved with my hands to my lower region to which she snickers.
“Either you race or don’t,” Marie says, to which I just squint my eyes together. “Fine! I will at least pick out my jacket!” I pick up the clothes and quickly change into the pieces of clothes she gave me. My makeup was already done, a simple and not too heavy look since I had to wear a mask and helmet underneath while I raced. All I had to do was take my hair out of my rollers and apply some deodorant and jewellery and we could make the drive down.
Marie gasped as I walked out, clapping her hands excitedly as she approached me. “You look so fucking hot, I could make out with you!” Her hands roam and fix my skirt so they pull lower and hang around my hips. I give her a look but she quickly shrugs me. I go to the mirror and tug on both items. “I don't know whether to pull this up or or tug it down,” I say shuffling.
“Hurry! Fix your hair and put your boots on. You have a race to win!”
I pose for a selfie when I see Marie point her phone towards me, my hands on the steering wheel as I pull into the gravel road that heads to the main road to the tracks. Goosebumps raise my skin as I hear the music and loud car exhaust as we pull in. Other cars are doing donuts, which I find silly, or showing off their engines. “Hi Matty, how are ya tonight?” I ask the middle-aged man who sighs and hands me my racer number and time slot. He’s tired of his job, but just like everyone else here, he has his reasons. “Same old same old. I bet money on ya tonight, so you better win against that trashy girl Jacqueline,” he points out, handing me back the cashback after I paid. “Good luck tonight, make us proud!” he winks.
I smile and shift to one as I drive down to the start of the line. The tracks are old and kinda messy. They can shift from gravel to normal roads, which causes some drivers to lose focus. “Nervous for tonight?” Marie asks to which I nervously nod. “I mean it's against Jacqueline, we’ve had our shares in the past and she’s good,” I say.
“Yeah but not as good as you. Keep that in mind. Just think of the money, it will be your motive,” she says. We open the door and step out, I hear commotion and then look up to people cheering for me. I wave and thank them before walking over to our group who’s standing by the starting line. We all hug and chat about the race, which is filled with a lot of rivals going head to head.
I could feel my blood pumping as I watched the two Mustangs take out, their exhaust fumes following. The excitement you face also comes to anticipation as you watch which car will make it first to the end. The yellow Mustang wins by .4 seconds after they race for almost two minutes. I turn to the side when I hear my name being called, “Y/n, when are we gonna race?”
“As soon as you let me see what’s under your hood,” they scoff and walk off. It would've been too easy…
—/— (Jude’s Point of View) ---/—
The black LV suit was perfect for the occasion. Aurélien was right, people do dress as if they were attending fashion shows here. We all decided to go in two cars, making the almost forty-minute drive down to this closed-off restricted area. We followed the guide who led us up to the almost ‘VIP’ area.
The commotion was loud. People were either drinking, making out, or dancing. Or those who wanted to feel lucky, gambled money by playing poker. This truly did feel like a bad idea now, but I couldn't care less now that I was drinking a beer. We had clear and perfect views of the track, I was lucky to attend an F1 show in the past but this? This was completely different.
Fancy or new cars racing, and it was just the beginning. I talked with Eduardo for a good time as I observed the loud car go head to head towards the finish line. Music played loudly, but as Aurélien had said, no one recognized us. We step out and that’s when I notice the black challenger pull in. Two girls step out, but it's the driver who gets my attention. She chews gum and listens with boredom as they explain the rules to her.
My eyes roam down her slim and fit body, and I get a closer look when she quickly puts on her mask and helmet. I find myself not being able to look away, especially after she faces her opponent, ignoring their truce handshake. She’s too confident and now has my full attention.
Her windows are rolled down, her hand on the wheel, and the other is on the gear shift, patiently waiting for the light to turn green. “Who’s that?” I finally speak, completely forgetting I was in mid-conversation with Eduardo. “That’s Y/n in the black challenger. And in the red camaro is Jacqueline. They hate their guts, biggest rivals after Jacqueline's brother cheated on a race. Y/n, she’s the best of the best…” speaks a different guy. “Word on the street is that Jacqueline is involved in a gang, but who knows,” he says.
Y/n pulls out her thumb signalling she’s ready, and then quickly drives off when the light turns green. Just like the guy had said, she was the best of the best, quickly drifting and turning onto the tracks. Her car was faster than the red camaro, and you could tell the determination to win was there. I just waited for it to go the other way.
Soon yelling and commotion started when Jacqueline caught up, and took the lead, Y/n just maintained her speed and control as before. “What is she doing? She’ll lose if she doesn't catch up!” said another guy. I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms, looking back at the two cars on the race track. I didn’t understand how this worked, but it looked like not even I could make those turns, especially at those speeds.
Everyone gasped or oohed when the camaro lost control and failed to do the sharp tight turn correctly, cheering when Y/n went back to the lead and quickly made it to the finish line. We walked down to the starting line where she got out, and put her hands up, and cheered. She took her helmet and mask off, and that's when I truly was drawn to her facial features. “Bro? You’re drooling,” Brahim joked to which I just pushed his shoulder.
The crowd went quiet as the red camero pulled in, an angry Jacqueline and passenger getting off to confront Y/n. “You cheated!” she points at her to which the girl wearing all black just snorted and chuckled, “No babes. You just suck. I won, just like the other times before. Now go whine somewhere else and leave us alone for once.”
Her eyes connected with mine, and it felt like time just slowly flew by. Her lips parted, as she took me in, her hand holding the helmet and now stack of cash. She looked away and shyly smiled towards her friends, them congratulating her. She would nod then and there and only stick with those friends. “I’ll be back. Going to congratulate the winner,” I say and smile at Eduardo who wishes me luck. I don't need luck I'm Jude Bellingham.
I was determined to know more about her. Who she was, and why she raced especially. But before I could introduce myself, a loud bang and glass shattering prevented me from doing so. The last I saw while we ran was Y/n getting into her car and driving away. A loud car pulled near us, the familiar face and eyes locking with mine.
“Hurry! Get in!”
---/--- ( author's note) ---/---
hiiiii! first chapter eeekkkk! I hope you all enjoyed it and didn't think this was too long! I truly enjoyed writing this, and can't wait for you guys to read the rest. I'm also praying this doesn't flop or I'll be really upset... have an amazing day!
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otherone12 · 2 months
If You Don't Like My Chemical Romance, Wait Outside For Your Girlfriend
Gerard Way x Reader
-> Masterlist
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A/N: Hey!! So… No one asked me to do this, but I remembered an edit that I saw a while ago, and the intro was Gerard saying “if you don’t like My Chemical Romance, wait outside for your girlfriend”. I Had this idea and the urge to write it (because I’m kinda obsessed with Gerard, sue me). Btw, I'm writing a Mikey x Reader Imagine (what was inspired by The Killers "Mr. Brightside" song), so i'll probably post it this week or next... well, hope you enjoy this fic (:
Summary: You have a shitty boyfriend who bother you when you're in a MCR concert. You're in the front row of the show and Gerard notices all that situation. (I imagine this with the 2007 Gerard era, but it doesn't really matter, except for the show's setlist, because it will be songs from Bullets and Revenge).
-Warnings: Abusive relationship. A lot of curse words.
- Word Count: 1.526
- Ps: Idk if it's fluff, confort, angst... i just dont't know lol
- Ps2: I'll not use y/n…
- Ps3: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language ... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
1st Person POV
My 25th birthday was last week, and my mom gave me two tickets to my favorite band’s concert, one for me and another for my boyfriend. He is not a fan of My Chemical Romance, he’s into electronic music and some country stuff (i’ve never understood his taste in music), anyways, he is coming with me. I spent the whole week talking with my friends about how amazing the concert is going to be and how excited I was. 
When the day finally came, I wanted to be one of the first in the row, because even with the premium pass I needed to be sure that I’ll be right in front of the stage. 
I heard my name when I was in my room, dressing up as Helena for the concert. I turned around just to see my boyfriend with a mad look on his face.
- You’re really going to dress like this? - The disgust on his face made me feel a bit insecure about the cosplay.
- What’s wrong about it? - I tried to stay calm, even if I was about to scream at him.
- Nothing. But you never wear dresses, neither on my birthday, and I asked you to! - He walked to my bed and sat, sighed sadly and kept talking - I just don’t understand why this is so special. 
- We’ve been together for five years, and you don’t understand why going to see the band who saved my life is special?  - I spoke calmly, took a deep breath and held my tears. I didn't want to cry on what was supposed to be a happy day.  
- I know that means alot for you, babe, but this shit means more than me? - He increased the volume of his voice.
- I… I’ve never said that! - I let his anger infect me, and now I was screaming like him.
- DID YOU FUCKING HESITED?! - He got up and I really thought that he was going to hit me or something.
- WHY DON’T YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE?! I'M TRYING TO GET DRESSED! - At this point, I let my tears pumped out my eyes, accepting the fact that I'll need to redo my makeup.
- FINE! - He slammed the door, leaving me alone in the silent room.
I knew the night wasn’t going to be as good as I planned. 
*** time skip*** 
Arriving at the concert venue, my boyfriend parked the car next to the front door and we got out of the car. I saw just three people. We did it! We were ones of the first to be there.
- Oh my God! I loved your outfit! - The girl in front of us turned to me and said - I was going to dress up like this, but I didn't find the right dress.
- Thank you! I actually made the dress with an old one from my mom’s closet.  
- This is just Impeccable. 
I smiled at her and turned to my boyfriend, who was rolling his eyes. I was so excited that I didn't even care, he wouldn't ruin my day. 
- Are you sure that you want to be here waiting for the show to begin for five hours? - He sounded tired and annoyed, but we were there for just about half an hour. 
- Yeah, I'm sure. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. - I think that if he stays away for a while, he will be nicer or something, but maybe I was a bit rude and he’ll be even more mad - As long as you come for the show when it begins. 
I smiled, trying to make him see that I'm not angry, I was, but he didn't need to know.
- Sure… I'm going to find something to eat. Stay fine, babe.
He gave me a brief kiss and drove away.
*** time skip***
I was finally inside of the building, but my boyfriend didn’t get back for five hours. I was worried because I tried to call him like ten times in the last three hours, but he didn’ answer. I was about to leave, when I saw him coming.
I hugged him in desperation, but he seemed like he just went to the bathroom and got back in two minutes.
- Like I said, I was buying some food.- He gave me a smashed hamburger and I grabbed it with an angry look on my face.
- I was worried! Why didn’t you answer the ten fucking calls?
- My phone was on silent. - The way he seemed to not care made my blood boil. - But I'm here now, right?
- Whatever.
He opened his mouth to say something, but at the same moment, Frank, Mikey, Ray and Gerard stepped on the stage and I couldn't help but scream with the crowd. Without saying anything, “Our Lady of Sorrows” started. I was so close that I could see the color of Gerard's eyes. Was this heaven?
Everything was going really well, but it was a small show, so they kept stopping the show to talk to us. Before playing “Helena” Gerard said:
- Well, the next song is really important for us, and it’s amazing to see that so many people like it too. - He looked down at me and smiled. I forgot how to breathe for a moment. - Your dress is perfect, darling.
I was about to faint.
- T-thanks! - I said, smiling back at him.
My boyfriend gave him a death look, but Gerard just chuckled and started to sing. 
- What the fuck?! - He grabbed my arm and began to talk, loud enough to not be muffled by the music - That was why you dressed like this? to impress him? 
- I dressed like this as a tribute to this song! - I tried to make him let me go, but it didn't work, so he kept holding my arm. - It's not my fault that he noticed!
He huffed and dropped my arm.
- I need a drink.
He walked away to the bar and I stayed watching the show. I was not sure, but I think Gerard saw all that shit happening. By the way, seeing Frank and Ray playing guitar with my own eyes was the most amazing thing ever until now, and Mikey slayed so much with that bass. 
The next song that they played was “The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You”, and I was very enthusiastic about this song. But I haven't any idea of how this was going to end.
I was singing along, and weirdly Gerard walked close to where I was and kneew in front of me. He put his hand on my cheeks, which turned red immediately,  and kept singing “Pull the plug. But I'd like to learn your name. When holding on. Oh, I hope you do the same '' He looked deep into my eyes and continued “Aww, sugar”.
The crowd started to scream again, and my boyfriend turned to see what was happening. The scene made him get out of his mind. I know that a good girlfriend would never let this happen, and I should've backed off, but he has been such a dick since the day started, so I didn't feel blame, shame or anything else. 
- You came here five hours early to be in the front because you knew this was gonna happend! You’re a fucking slut, don’t you? - He never talked to me like that. I got so sad that I couldn't even pay attention to the song.
This sadness became anger so fast, and I pushed him away before he could say any other thing. He tried to grip me in his arms, but I dodged him, bumping into someone next to me, and spilling a drink on my dress. I was about to scream something, but I saw Gerard making a sign to the security guard, who ran to my boyfriend and told him to go away.
- It’s fucking over! - I said to him and went back to see the rest of the show.
At the end, I waited for the people at the back of the crowd to leave, so I could have easy access to leave too.
- Hey! 
I heard and didn’t believe it when I felt a touch on my shoulder. 
- I’m sorry about what happened… I shouldn't have done that - It was Gerard. He was in front of me, just us. - Apropos, I'd really like to learn your name.
We laughed with the reference.
- That’s fine, he was being such an idiot since morning. - I said, giving him a shy smile. I said my name to him and kept talking - By the way, the show was amazing! 
I was chatting with one of my favorite people in the world. I needed to make this not about my, now ex, boyfriend.
- Thanks! Good to know that even with all that shit you could enjoy the show. - He’s so cute, and the way he cares about his fans makes him even more wonderful. - It’s kinda weird but, can I get your number? It’s fine if you don’t want to give, but I find you really pretty and the way you dealt with this whole thing..  
- Sure! 
~ Well, that's it, lemme know if you like it, and send me your request (;
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garbinge · 4 months
Drunken Night
Jax Teller & Teller!SisterOC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller (a little Chibs cameo too) 30 Day Fic Challenge (19/30)
Word Count: 2.4k A/N: Another slice of life fic for Joanne Teller outside of my multi-chap Charming life but as usual I'll still be using that tag list :)
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Drunkenness, drug use, drug selling, pining, hungover, alcoholism in a way.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics @chloe-skywalker @kmc1989
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When Jax’s phone rang, he knew answering it was going to piss off pretty much everyone around him, but when he saw Jo’s name with the time in the top left corner, he walked away immediately and answered. 
“Hey, what’s up?” He could practically hear the scoffs clear as day of the men who ranked a lot higher than him burning their glares into his kutte as he walked away. They were likely getting more mad as they stared at the fresh rocker that was sewed into the back of his kutte, since he and Opie just finished their prospecting period. 
All Jax could hear on the other line was loud music, yelling, and then he heard Jo’s voice. “Jax?” It was extremely slurred, and very faint, like it wasn’t her who was on the phone. “You called Jax?!” And that remark confirmed it. 
“Hey Jax,” One of the voices Jax knew as Jo’s close friend was calmly speaking into the phone despite the chaos going on in the background. 
“Mare?” He asked, confused. “Where’s Jo?”
“Well um, currently? She’s making her way to the coffee table–oh no, she cut across to the keg to do a keg stand. She’s drunk, Jax. She won’t listen to me, I didn’t know who else to call.” 
“Shiiiit.” Jax was laughing slightly. “C’mon Mare, give her a slide of bread to soak up the beer and a cigarette outside and you’ll be able to push her into a car and drop her in the plants on the side of my moms. She’ll find her in the morning.” Jax was laughing at his own joke. 
“Jax,” She was cut off by a lot of noise which made Jax frown. “It’s bad Jax, I think it’s more than just alcohol, she was upset before, I don’t know. But I need help. We’re at Laney’s house.” 
“Alright, yea I’m on my way.” Now he was more concerned, the idea of his older, definitely more responsible than him, being on drugs, and being taken advantage of at a party was off-putting. 
“I gotta go.” He spoke up to the group as he walked back putting the cell back into his pocket. 
Some of them groaned, some laughed, most were pissed. 
“Nah, man.” Tig shook his head with a smirk. 
“You’re not going anywhere, son. We’re on a run, we need you.” Clay’s tone of voice left little to be argued with, but that didn’t bother Jax. 
“It’s Jo.” Jax knew those words were the magic ones. 
Clay’s eyes closed in frustration and he brought his hand up to his head like a headache was forming. “Can’t you call Gem?” This time his voice left much to be argued with and was drowning in desperation. 
“You wanna call mom at 1:30 in the morning to go to pick up a completely smashed Joanne?” Jax’s eyebrows raised. 
The rest of the crew looked at each other knowing none of them would have wanted to deal with that or the aftermath of it. 
“I can ride with him.” Opie spoke up, his hands resting across his chest. 
“Nah, bro. I’m good.” Jax shook his head, knowing the likely reason Jo was like this right now was because of Opie. 
“You gotta bring someone with you, it’s 1:30, you ain’t goin’ alone.” Clay pointed, his anger coming back out. 
“Chibs.” Jax nodded to the man before looking at Opie who looked wildly confused. “It’s better not to have both our bright white brand new rockers driving through Mayan territory to get back home at 1:30, bro.” Jax scrunched his face up. 
“Let’s go, Jackie boy.” Chibs slapped his shoulder as he walked towards the bikes. 
“Take the tow, she’s probably not in the best riding shape.” Clay spoke annoyed. “We’ll load your bikes up in the van.” 
The ride was quick, they made a 40 minute ride back to Charming, 20 minutes, without incident. Both of them stepped out of the truck as they stared at what was clearly a large house party still unfolding in the house. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go in and find her, you stay out here, only come in if things get rowdy.” He turned to Chibs who was grinning and pointing to the house. 
“Seems a bit rowdy already, lad.” 
Jax smirked and waved him off as he jogged up the driveway. The door was open but it was still tough to squeeze through the crowd. He dodged spilling drinks, annoying drunk people, and ashes of cigarettes being discarded until he spotted his sister, face down in the sink throwing up. 
“Jo.” He said as he pushed through the people now to make his way over to his sister. 
“I’m fine.” She pushed Jax’s arms off her the minute they touched her. 
“You’re clearly not fine.” 
“Here, I got her a water bottle.” Mare, Jo’s friend, appeared on the other side and handed Jax the water bottle. “She’s been like this for the last 10 minutes.” 
“Thanks, I got it from here.” Jax was shaking his head as Jo rolled her eyes clearly at the both of them. “C’mon, I’m gonna take you home.” 
Jo wasn’t in a place to argue anymore, the spinning was taking over and she was wishing she was back home. 
“Gemma’s gonna kill me.” Jo mumbled as she tried to balance herself against the counter. 
“Gonna bring you to my apartment at the clubhouse, I’ll tell her you were hangin’ with Wendy or some shit.” 
“She won’t believe that, she knows I got into it with your girlfriend last week.” 
Jax recalled their little argument last week that happened in front of everyone, Jo grilling her about something with her current boyfriend Micky that turned heated. Just as Jax thought about his sister’s boyfriend, he was in the room, like he spoke him to existence. 
As Jax closed his eyes in frustration, he mumbled under his breath. “Yea, not the biggest fan of yours either. C’mon, Jo.” He moved so that his sister was tucked under his arm and started leading her out of the party. 
She was mumbling a lot of nonsense, Jax not only chose to ignore it but it was honestly too hard for him to understand anyways. It was like that until they reached outside when Jo panicked. 
“My bag, I need my bag!” That was a sentence that came out clear as day. The panic in Jo’s voice meant there was something in her bag that she couldn’t leave without. 
“We’ll come back in the morning.” Jax tried to convince her as she flailed around in his arms. 
“I need my bag, NOW.” She was turning around, practically pushing Jax too go back inside. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll go grab it, you go with Chibs.” He was looing down the driveway in hopes that the man would see his struggles and come help. “Chibs!” With one call of his name, the man was appearing and Jax was pushing the girl into his arms. “Put her in the car, I gotta get her shit.” 
Jax was stepping back into the madness of the house party. His eyes immediately scanning for Joanne’s bag, her backpack was something that she’d bring everywhere with her since she was 12, and despite her being older now, he knew she still would have brought it. 
He clocked it on someone in the crowd and as he followed it he realized it was Micky. 
“Of course.” He mumbled before pushing through the crowd. “I’ll take the bag, Micky.” 
He turned around, pretty quickly, ready to fight but then smiled when he saw Jax. “Jackson.” He nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep the bag safe for Jo.” 
“Yea just like you did for her.” He puffed his chest out. 
“I ain’t tryna fight you Jax.” The man escalated the conversation just by mentioning the word fight. 
“Never said anything about fightin’ Micky, just give me the bag.” 
“I ain’t given’ you shit, Teller.” Micky stepped to Jax who within the next two seconds, was ripping the bag off his shoulder and looking inside. 
He let out a breathy scoff when he pulled the bag of drugs out of his sisters bag and held it up to Micky. 
“I know for a fact this isn’t Jo’s.” He slammed it against his sister’s boyfriend’s chest. 
“I don’t know, she’s been really in the dumps lately, maybe she’s self soothing.” Micky smirked as his hand wrapped around the bags. 
“You know what, if that’s the case, I think I’ll take these with me.” Jax had started to think through how not only could he prove a point to Micky but also use this to get some quick cash for the club. 
Micky didn’t say anything, just tightened his grip on the bag. 
Jax pulled it out from behind his arms and stuffed it back into the backpack. His teeth sucking against his lip as he did it. “Stay the fuck away from Jo.” 
“Can’t help that she keeps running back to me. You’ll get it one day, Teller. Maybe when I have that reaper on my back.” He poked at Jax’s kutte which Jax quickly brushed off. 
“You’ll never be patched in Micky, you’re too much of a junkie creep to step foot in any SOA charter.” He was tossing the bag over his shoulder. 
“When I’m Jo’s old man, it’ll be pretty hard to stop me.” He was taking a step back now. “Enjoy the cash my drugs bring the club, maybe I’ll tell Clay if I’m funding SOA, I deserve a seat at the table.” 
Jax scrunched his face up at the comment but did the same as Micky and walked away. Moving the bag back down his shoulder to look through it. Finding a book, a notebook, and a makeup bag under the drugs. Inside the book, acting as a marker was a picture of Joanne, Jax and JT. Jax knew what it was before even looking at it fully. But when he went to place the book back in the pack, a piece of notebook paper fell out onto the driveway. As he moved to pick it up, he saw it was a note from Opie. 
“Know you’re leaving for cosmo school, Gemma mentioned it last time she was at TM – wanted to let you know that Donna and I are planning the wedding in June, wanted to let you know ahead of time so you could be there.” 
It looked like he had dropped it off or taped it to her door or something by the looks of the tape on the top of the sheet. He immediately knew this is what spiraled his sister. He pushed it back into the bag and made his way towards the tow truck. 
“Here.” Jax handed the girl the bag in which she hugged it tightly. Chibs looked at both of them a bit confused when Jax spoke up. “It’s JT’s bag. Gave it to her when we were kids.” 
That was all it took for Chibs to understand it’s sentimental meaning. 
“Where to, kids?” Chibs pushed the car’s gear into drive. 
“Back to the clubhouse, I’m not chancing dumping her at home and waking Gemma.” 
The ride was silent, the only sound being from the loud engine of the tow truck. As they pulled into TM the jerking of the truck over the potholes woke up Jo and she came to. 
“I feel like shit.” Her hand flew up to her head. 
“You look like it too.” Jax teased her as he glanced over at her hair all messed up. 
“Smell as well.” Chibs scrunched up his nose. 
“Fuck.” Jo looked down and saw the dried up puke stain on her shirt. 
“There’s clean clothes in one of our drawers. Gemma just did laundry. You’ll find something to change into.” 
“Gemma.” Jo started to piece together things. “She’s gonna be pissed I didn’t come home.” 
“Aren’t you leaving for cosmo school in like a week? She’s gotta get used to you not being home.” Jax said as he jumped out of the tow truck. 
“I think that’s exactly why these last few days home will be so crucial for our loving mother.” 
“I’ll tell her we were having a sibling bonding moment and drinking ourselves silly at the clubhouse bar.” Jax shrugged trying to think of something. 
“Aye, I can back that statement up.” Chibs agreed as he jumped up on the picnic tables to wait for Ja so they could head back up to meet the club. 
“Thanks.” Jo nodded in agreement. “You can go, I’ll be fine, I’ll take one of the prospect’s shirts, he keeps his things freakishly organized.” 
“Ahhh, Juicey.” Chibs laughed at the thought of their brand new prospect. 
“Did I say anything…” Jo whispered to Jax as her hands leaned against the clubhouse door to push it open. “..Stupid.” 
“Nope, just your normal bitchy self.” Jax joked which earned him a push. 
“I still feel so drunk.” Her hand moved to her head. “Thanks for picking me up. Mare call you?” 
“Yea, she was worried.” Jax grabbed a cigarette to place in his mouth. “For the record, if Micky can’t be there for you in moments like this, maybe he isn’t a good match.” 
“I broke up with Micky. Tonight. He’s dealing. Why I was fighting with Wendy last week.” 
Jax sighed and nodded. “You got shit in your bag.” He pointed to it which caused Jo to drop it off her shoulder and look inside. 
Her shoulders dropped, still being too inebriated and hungover mixed together to deal with it. 
“Give it to me, I’ll handle it.” His hand was extended out. 
Jo handed the plastic bag that was filled with a bunch of different pills and powders to Jax. “Can’t promise he won’t come looking for it.” 
“He won’t.” Jax grabbed it and tossed it to Chibs who caught it as he laid on the picnic table. Jo nodded and went to go inside the clubhouse when Jax called her name one last time. “You know, it’s his loss.” 
Jax wasn’t talking about Micky, but he knew Jo was assuming he was. 
“Thanks little brother.” She tapped his arm before she disappeared back in the clubhouse where she’d spend the rest of her night, alone. 
As she walked past the blue bike that was JTs, she stopped and placed her hand on it. 
She mumbled as her hand glided across the bike and fell off as she stumbled down the hallway of apartments. 
“Wish you were here.” 
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cryptidsurveys · 17 days
Thursday, September 12th, 2024.
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Are you “with” the very last person you kissed? I'm not in a relationship with anyone.
Ever dated/kissed a someone with the name Casey, Tyler, Ryan, Jordan, Colton, Rebecca, Samantha, Lauren, Taylor, or Ashley? No.
Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or lying down? I actually don't remember my very last kiss.
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? I'm not thrilled with many of the choices I've made in life, but I'm a lot happier with the choices I've been making over the last year or so. They haven't been perfect, but things seem to be moving in the right direction.
Are you excited for anything? The 21st (y'all probably know why by now, so no explanation is necessary). The Chili Festival. Autumnal foods. Upcoming trips to the Mountain Park, especially now that the leaves are starting to change. Cooler weather. Halloween/Thanksgiving vibes. Meeting up with my mom for lunch this afternoon.
Do you hate the last person you kissed? No.
You’re stuck in an elevator with one of your worst enemies, what do you do? I don't really have any enemies, but as for the person I dislike most…I'd be extremely annoyed, but I don't think I would say or do anything that wasn't related to getting out of the elevator.
Will this weekend be a good one? Saturday is iffy. It should be "okay" as long as I stay focused on the positives. Sunday should be alright. I'll be working with River and Kristen, so no issues there at least.
Are you mad at someone right now? It's like a mixture of anger and anxiety.
Do you like to listen to the radio in the car? Yeah. I pretty much always listen to classical music when I'm in the car.
Do you sleep with a fan on? Sometimes we'll leave the swamp cooler on through a portion of the night, but I don't use any fans.
How is your hair right now? Buzzed and short and currently covered by a beanie.
Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else? Yeah. One instance was silly and impulsive, and I ended up getting back together with the first person. Another instance involved breaking things off with someone new because I still wasn't over my ex and was probably hung up on the slim-to-nonexistent chance that things would work out.
How many windows are open on your computer? One window, five tabs (two for Tumblr, two for YouTube, and an online Notepad where I take these surveys).
How tall are you? About 5'3".
Is something bothering you? Yeah, but hopefully it will pass. I just have to get through the next week-ish.
Have you ever taken a shower with anyone before? I have.
Have you ever laughed at something that wasn’t meant to be funny? Plenty of times. I have a rather morbid, irreverent sense of humor.
Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex “Fuck you”? Yeah.
Do you like to cuddle? Very much.
Have you done anything sneaky lately? Yeah.
Is your hair clean? I took a shower yesterday morning, so it's not filthy.
Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? No, but I did drift off while enjoying Essential Salt's latest podcast.
Were you happy when you woke up today? I was anxious, but also looking forward to grocery shopping. I bought some fall goodies to try.
What are you drinking right now? Coffee.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yeah.
Does someone have feelings for you? No.
Have you ever been cheated on? Yeah.
Are you hard to please? Naw. I think I'm pretty easy to please. I'm relatively low-maintenance and small things can make me very happy.
What are you craving right now? Relief from overthinking. I'll be pleasantly distracted for a moment, but then the worries will creep back in, along with a racing heartbeat and a knot in my stomach.
How are you feeling right now? A whole mess of emotions I don't feel like untangling.
What are you sick of? Alex. One would think her fast-approaching exit date would make it easier on me and that I'd be on cloud nine with anticipation, but if anything it's made me less tolerant.
Are you missing anyone/something? Cats who have passed away, backpacking memories with my dad, the way I used to feel about volunteering (I still love it as a whole and have no plans to quit, but these past few weeks have been overshadowed by anxiety, anger, and dread).
Relationship to the last person you called? The last person I called was my mom.
Could you date someone shorter than you? Yeah.
Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the planet? Or simply leave my sphere of influence.
Do you wear glasses? Pretty much only when I'm driving or when I need to see a menu up on a board.
Where did you sleep last night? In my own bed.
Do you straighten your hair? No. My hair is naturally straight.
What color shirt are you wearing? I'm wearing a black t-shirt, a slate gray/blue long-sleeved shirt, and a pine green sweater.
Do you have a best friend? Ollie.
Do you wish you had the chance to go back in time and change something now? Yes and no. Yes because I wish I had handled things differently, but no because staying silent wasn't the answer either. I'm just going to have to let the chips fall where they may and come up with a better approach in the future.
Who is the last person you got a text from? My mom.
Are you excited for winter? Yesss, but I want to focus on enjoying autumn first.
When are you at your happiest? When I'm around the people I love and when I'm doing something I love.
Is there anything you wish you did today? Why haven’t you done it? Today has barely started, but some things on my to-do list include making art, washing some bed stuff, and vacuuming my room.
Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors? Indoors for the most part, but I like getting outside as well.
What were you doing before you started this survey? I put away the groceries and made breakfast.
Can you honestly say that you love yourself? Not fully, but a lot more than I used to. Recognizing even a portion of my worth has led to some interesting developments…
Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? Lately, yes. I'm just like DUDE you really need to let this go before it consumes you and makes you do something stupid and regrettable. It feels like all of my old behavior patterns are bubbling right below the surface, but I'm trying my damnedest to choose a different path.
Is there anyone you would seriously punch right now if you had the chance? No.
Do you own a pair of uggs? I don't.
What are your plans for tomorrow? I'll be at the animal shelter for a full day.
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fatimaah · 3 months
low-key sad June
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After the cooking day (13th) I had a big fight with my parents. First I didn't call them and didn't tell them that I will be done at 7, then I kinda messed up on the way home cuz I forgot to tell my dad to let the power on since we have food in the fridge. And after that....worse, I came home to find my mom literally FURIOUS. She told me that I really messed up, I didn't text her enough time and wasn't online when she texted me and I didn't have time to clean the house properly after the girls left. We had this annoying dinner when everyone is silent (of course I didn't eat anything and soon went to the kitchen cuz I was mad at them too).
And the thing that got me super mad and sad and every negative emotion ever is that after dinner my mom was like nOw wE wiLL gO tHerE anD cLeAn afTeR u. As if I didn't clean ON PURPOSE. I insisted on cleaning everything the next day or at least going with them to do all the job myself but they didn't agree and told me to stay home. So technically....it was their choice to clean after me, I told them I'll clean it the next day morning. But that time I felt super guilty which then made me sad too and I cried myself to sleep. Messed up. Literally nothing that bad happened but as always, she made a whole drama. I swear everytime she does it she acts like I AM THE drama queen.
Anyway, Eid came soon and we're preparing for it. I think my grandma told them about me crying because they both didn't say a single thing about it in the morning. We were preparing presents for everyone and blah blah blah.
This Ramadan, and this Eid Kurban I don't feel like celebrating... because of Palestine and Sudan.
But we went to my grandma's house for a barbeque, my cousins came and we did henna tattoos together and then my father got a parrot as his present. He is really into birds and he looked really happy. He still is, I swear he is literally in love with this Jako (I love him too but I was more excited about my dad being so happy because these months he wasn't doing well with his job and everything)
Days passed buy, I mostly got money for Eid and didn't really get much material presents.
Yesterday was a scary day. Really really scary. My dad got into a car accident. I cried so much when I heard about it. Happily, he wasn't hurt much, just a bit on his arm and neck. Now he's better.
Because he had to sell his car five months ago, he was using my mom's car. Now my mom's car is absolutely crushed by the accident
(it's really REALLY lucky that my dad even survived because the whole car except for his seat was literally crushed)
We used to have two cars, now we have none - that doesn't make me sad tho. I still feel so happy my dad is alive and okay. Alhamdullilah.
And...I realized that anytime, anything terrible can happen and it can take all of my happiness. Anytime, anyone I love can die. And I don't want to think about it. I would rather die than living my parents' deaths....I feel scared. I can't imagine what would happen if he didn't survive. I don't want to think about it but I can't help myself.
Unfortunately, life is always moving forward. Never back to the good old days when we were fine and didn't worry much about money and everything. Never back to school girl era where I was just enjoying my friends' company. Never back to times when we had things to talk about with my friend group.
I can try to keep our friendship the same but....it seems like we have less and less bonding with each day. Less things to talk about, less things to trust....less things to ask.
Can't blame anyone, life just moves forward, and never back.
June 19, 2024
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Freya Ridings - Castles (Orchestral Version) [Amazon Original]
There's a huge huge thing going on here it's gigantic and they're starting to talk about it. He said you guys have a gigantic problem you can ignoring you have been ignoring. And really underneath those houses like the White House and governor's houses we feel they're castles and most of them the person's inside would be about 15 ft tall. And that is probably just above the floor no it's underside of the top of the railing this is the top of the floor is like 12 ft and people agree and then he is going to be up to the gutter it's near the bar it goes underneath the main roof it looks really weird people don't know what it is but it's like a gutter it goes inside the building and it comes from the roof and the building that goes perpendicular that's about his height it's way up there and Dave is close to that now he's at the 15 foot mark still can become bigger a lot bigger than you think but yeah people are on it. Brad is having a bad day and our son my husband that s*** it says I'm getting comfortable with it eventually hopefully I'll forget it. He said he's going to have a bad day not so great it seems stupid but she has to do it cuz she's in so much trouble and he got it and he came by and smiling and said that's the dumbest s*** I've ever seen her do it's going to work because that's the problem someone might be experimenting and it's true too but who
This is terrible it wasn't her it was said that atrocious thing at the party is this idiot who got hit by the Rock and she's the one who started the Rock fight and she think we think she's a masochist and she's sick all the time and she is quite mad and she may have hit your mom in the accident but he says it's devil's breath and they did find it and he talks calls you report and I saw it too and there's plenty of it that's a lot and it was probably Dave and he says no so I get it it's Michelle Odette now these people are very violent and very dangerous he's one of them but he's a kid he's just hanging around hopefully having money so I can do stuff so it's kind of a hassle you have a car you have to drive around it's harder than riding the bike and the boat is hard to drive and sitting in a restaurant with all these people it's kind of annoying at times okay so I get it but it's true as a trifecta he says now it's four because the atmosphere would be different and it's not just he would be a walking machine of death he would have to be out in public and everything to see be getting money by borrowing money for lunch from me and stuff and he and he says you know I'm good for it it's kind of funny I'm not supposed to land any money and we always used to now we don't do anything and no I'm not falling for your footballs on the deck trick they can't see me I'm not over there
Yeah okay okay publish already Becca
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
John Shelby- Deals
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Falling for John was never something I had planned. He was my sisters husband after all, but when she died John and I got closer and my feelings for him just blossomed. I never told him how I feel and I won't because how could I do that to my late sister?
I enter the Garrison and sit at the bar next to John
"YN I'm struggling with the kids"
"Need me to come over more?" I ask but he shakes his head
"They need a mom. I'm going to get married" my heart drops hearing this, but I know we could never be
"Who's the lucky girl?" I ask trying not to sound upset
"Lizzie Stark" I look at John like he's gone mad
"Woah wait did I just hear you say that right?"
"Yeah. Please don't say anything. Tommy, Arthur and Polly have already given me an earful"
"Well.. if your going to be happy then who am I to judge"
"Are you happy though?" John looks me in the eyes, I'm trying to not cry
"Uh huh. I've got to go. I'll see you soon" I get off my seat and turn away from John
"But you just got here" I ignore John and walk out of the pub.
A few days later I'm walking down the street
"YN" I hear Tommy shout. I turn and see him in his car
"Hi Tom" I smile
"YN get in. We need to talk" I sigh and get into the car "has John spoken to you?"
"About his plan to marry Lizzie? yeah"
"I've just offered her money, as a one last time... she excepted. I've told John, and he's a wreak. We're having trouble with the Lee's so we need to unite the families"
"So you want John to marry a Lee? why are you telling me this"
"No" Tommy sighs "I've said Johns first born daughter would marry a Lee of her choice"
"Bloody hell Tom. And where do you expect this daughter to come from? John has boys and unless one of them drops their penis I don't think your plan will work"
"That's why John does need to marry"
"So why aren't you marrying him off?"
"Because he loves you"
"Pardon" I ask shocked
"And you love him. Neither of you are very subtle"
"We can't"
"Because of Martha? Martha would want you both to be happy"
"But she's my sister? I don't think it's very ethical"
"It's not illegal. Look I'm giving you a chance for you to be together here. Take it"
Now I'm here at my wedding! I walk over to John in my wedding dress
"We are here gathered together to join this man and this woman in matrimony. If you both move forward with this marriage, the Lee's and Shelby's will be united with the promise that the first born daughter will marry a Lee. John do you take YN to be you lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do" John smiles at me
"Do you YN take John to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"
"You may now kiss" John pulls me into him and kisses me passionately.
That evening Ada is dancing while being 8 months pregnant
"Martha won't hate us right?" I say John looks at
"Never" I watch Tommy go up the Ada
"Come and look YN. Come and look at the family you've joined. Come and look at the man who runs it. Makes deals that benefit him but hurts people in the long run. He hunts his own sister down like a rat and he tried to kill his own brother in law" Ada yells
"Ada that's enough" Arthur now tries to calm her down
"And now he won't even let me have a fucking dance. Not even at a fucking wedding"
"Ada calm down" Polly says holding her
"Sit her down" John moves towards her. Polly goes to help her down but then stops
"Holy shit. Water. Right get her in there" Polly points to one of the cars
"Bloody hell Ada you pick your times" John says annoyed
"John don't" I shake my head. We all head to the Shelby house and I help Ada to give birth to her baby boy Karl
"You'll have this to look forward to one day" Polly says cooing at the newborn
"I'm worried about what we got ourselves into. I wanted to marry John, I really did and I know he wanted to marry me, but we're basically selling our future child to the Lee's"
"Maybe she will magically fall in love with a Lee" Ada laughs
"You've always been part of this family, but welcome to being a Shelby"
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sapphicscholar · 2 years
Sorry this is so tropey but if it speaks to you: I wish you’d write a fic where Ava and Deborah get accidentally locked in a room together. (ideally when they are mad at each other ;)
I love a good trope when it fits the bill <3 going into some more season 2 speculation (drawing on some things we got from the promo photos and captions) because dammit I am EXCITED for the space of the tour bus hahah
Deborah is going to kill them all. Since when does Marcus go out with Damian and get so blindingly drunk he has to call out sick of all things? She can't even remember the last time he took a sick day. Maybe he'd taken a long weekend for the flu of '09... But now he's single and "finding himself" in his 40s like he's some middle-aged mom that just read Eat, Pray, Love for the first time.
She glances down at her phone for what feels like the hundredth time, rereading Damian's message about staying back to take care of Marcus while she steadfastly avoids eye contact with the only other person on this bus as they trundle down the highway.
"Deb?" Ava is, apparently, not going to afford her the same courtesy.
"I'm working," Deborah manages, her tone clipped. The kind of voice anyone else would hear as the end of conversation that it is.
"You've had the same email open this whole time. I can see Damian's string of sad-face emojis from here."
Deborah runs the tip of her tongue along her teeth and takes in a deep inhale. "You're gonna dictate what counts as work now, too?"
"That's not—"
"Save it."
"You know, we have to talk about it at some point."
Decidedly, they do not. Deborah built a whole career on talking around the things that don't need to be dredged back up. At least until now. Until Ava. Who will not force her hand again. Not now. Not after...
"Fine," Ava huffs. "I'll go talk to the bus driver."
"Went so well the last time, hmm?"
Ava's mouth draws tight, and she drops back down to her seat, curling her feet under her. "Most people like car games if they're stuck on the road this long."
"No one likes car games."
"I do!"
"Of course you do."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Ava looks ready to fight back, but after a long moment, she gives up the ghost with an annoyed little sound in the back of her throat.
Of course, no silence can go unbroken, and it isn't long before Ava's standing right in front of Deborah, fire blazing in her eyes. "I know you're still pissed. I get it. But you kissed me, lady. And acting like it didn't happen isn't gonna make it go away."
"Sit down," Deborah hisses.
The driver merges jerkily into the left lane, and Ava stumbles over her feet. (Deborah really needs to buy him a nice present at the end of this.) Ava widens her stance, only to go flying into Deborah as the driver merges back over, and Deborah's breath catches in her throat as Ava's hands land on either side of Deborah, leaving them much too close. (On second thought, he's getting paid a perfectly livable wage.)
This time, Ava does. Right next to Deborah. Close. Too close.
"You have a whole fucking bus."
"So what? Do you want me to go sit in the back and scream up to you about how you yelled at me for an hour, broke a grand worth of New Age hippie crystals, then planted one on me, and stormed out to give me the silent treatment for days?"
Deborah practically snarls.
"That's what I thought."
"Don't act so smug."
"I'm not! I just...I mean, are you ever gonna, like, tell me what that was about?"
Deborah sniffs. "A mistake."
"Mistakes don't normally last that long."
"Oh, I don't know about that. You've been my employee for how long now?"
Ava recoils, and Deborah lets herself relish in the rush of savage satisfaction. "That's not what I meant."
"What do you want me to say? I'm so used to anger and sex going hand in hand from years spent with Frank and Marty that I let myself get carried away? Is that enough introspection to get you off my fucking back?"
Ava blinks at her once. Then twice.
"And what about you, hmm?"
"What about me?"
"I wasn't the only person in that room. What had you shoving your hands up my top in less than two seconds?"
Ava juts her chin out, the muscles in her jaw clenching. "You've got great tits."
Deborah's caught between shock and annoyance (with a flare of desire she'll never let herself admit to), and she barks out a laugh. "Well, it's settled then."
"Deb. C'mon, obviously that's not the only reason why, just like I'm pretty sure you didn't actually mistake me for a 70-something sleazebag."
"You're right. He's got bigger tits by far."
Ava lets out a loud huff of frustration. "And maybe you actually enjoyed yourself with me."
"Please. It was a minute of frantic groping. I've gotten further from leaving my phone on vibrate overnight."
Ava's cheeks flush pink, and Deborah settles herself back in her seat and pulls her email up again. There's an apology email from Marcus with two typos in it. He really must be on death's door. There's a slew of messages from her QVC reps, plus a confirmation email about this little YouTube episode she's somehow deigned to do. Apparently these days any asshole with an at-home studio can reach millions of subscribers without hauling their ass all the way across the country.
"I think you kissed me because you wanted to," Ava says after a long period of quiet.
"That simple, is it?"
Ava shrugs, scooting closer to Deborah. All brashness and little thought of the consequences. One of her hands lands on Deborah's thigh, just an inch or two higher than propriety would deem permissible. "I think it could be... If you let it."
"Nothing here is simple, honey."
"Not the rest of it. But wouldn't it be nice to just...let yourself want something and have it?"
"Nothing's ever worked like that. The rest of the world is always going to be there, Ava. Just like every bit of our history is always going to be there."
"They're not here on the bus, are they?" Ava's hand slides a little higher, her face moving closer.
Deborah licks her lips. "Ava," she whispers.
"Simple," Ava says, her voice low, little more than a murmur. She presses a soft kiss to the corner of Deborah's jaw. "I want you. I'm so done with hurting you. I just want to be something good for you. I want that."
"That doesn't sound very simple," Deborah manages, her breath coming a little faster as Ava's mouth moves along her jawline.
"Right now, all you need to know is how much I want you. Okay?"
And for once, with a needy whimper catching in the back of her throat, Deborah lets herself give in.
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moonhoures · 3 years
Hi hi! If the prompt isn't taken yet, could I request prompt 20. “I’m way too drunk to be driving, so I was gonna walk home– stay on the phone with me, okay?” with Hyungwon? If all slots are already taken that's fine too, I know I'll be looking forward to whatever you write regardless😊 I hope you'll have a good day /night whenever you read this ❤️
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hyungwon + 20. “i’m way too drunk to be driving, so I was gonna walk home– stay on the phone with me, okay?” + fluff + slight angst + gender neutral reader insert
There were many words that Hyungwon liked to use to describe you. Perfect. Beautiful. Intelligent. Charming. So many more, he could go on for ages. But in situations like these, he found it hard to call you a good decision maker. On one hand, was hanging out at the bar with your friends fun? Yes. Was staying well after all of them left until the bar closed down at two a.m. a good idea? No, especially not when you didn’t have a reliable form of transportation back to your apartment. Luckily, your humble abode was only two blocks away, which wasn’t far in terms of a car or bus, but it certainly caused some pain on your drunken feet.
So, you did the only thing you could think of.
“Mm?” your boyfriend’s disgruntled voice sounded from over the phone, immediately letting you know you woke him up from his slumber. Usually you would feel extremely guilty, but given the circumstances you knew he’d understand.
“Yeah, baby?” he asked again, though you could barely make out his words through his gravelly voice.
“So, I know you’ll be mad at me, but I’ve been drinking with my friends tonight. And I’m way too drunk to be driving, so I was gonna walk home– just stay on the phone with me, okay?”
There was a moment of silence over the line, so you pulled the phone away from your ear to check that he was still listening. He was.
“Yeah, I’m listening. I just don’t understand why you didn’t call an Uber. Where are your friends? Why didn’t they drive you home? Do you want me to call my mom to pick y-“
“Hyungwon- No. It’s late, I’m not bothering your mom because I got drunk. This the last state I want her to see me in. Secondly, I don’t like Ubers, and you know that. And my friends left a while back, but I wanted to stay longer and ended up talking to Ben until they closed up.”
Ben was a long time friend and co-owner of the bar you had just left. It wasn’t uncommon for you to stay a while and catch up with him.
“Why didn’t Ben take you home?”
You took note of his annoyed tone, rolling your eyes but remaining grateful that he stayed on the phone while you trekked along the sidewalk. Only about five more minutes left.
“Why can’t you just ask me how my day was? How my week has been? We rarely get time to talk enough as it is and when we do you want to grill me about how I didn’t get a ride to my apartment that is five minutes away?”
Your boyfriend sighed, and you could feel the tension dissipating as he realized you were right. At least he knew you were safe.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. How have you been?” before you could speak, he interjected again, “Actually, now I’m just worried, how far are you from your apartment? Are you being aware of your surroundings?”
A small smile graced your lips as you stepped up next to an intersection, pressing the button for the crosswalk that immediately signaled for you to go ahead. The familiar bird chirps of the light went off, and you knew he could hear them. The intersection was only about 50 feet from the entrance to your building.
“Okay, good, you’re at the intersection. Please let me know once you get inside safely.”
“I will,” you tried to focus on not stumbling over the curb as you walked along the pavement. You also tried to keep an eye out for anyone creeping around, but thankfully there was no one. Within minutes you were inside your apartment building, getting into the elevator as you told Hyungwon about your night.
“I’m glad you had fun, even if it was without me.”
“I did, but I wish you were here. I feel like I miss you more and more each day. It just multiplies by ten,” you frowned, “When do you come back from overseas promotions again?”
“Two weeks.”
“That’s two weeks too long,” you stepped out onto your floor, making your way to your door and unlocking it. You kicked your shoes off once inside, locking the door back behind you and flicking the light on. “I’m home. Safe and sound.”
“Good, and I know. If I could come back tomorrow I would. In a heartbeat.”
“I know,” you mocked him, the both of you letting out half-hearted laughter. “Well, I‘ll let you get some sleep. You’ll need it.”
“Okay . . . ________?”
“I’m sorry we haven’t been able to talk much. I’ll make it up to you when I get back. I’ll shower you with affection and attention and gifts and-“
“Hyungwon,” you interrupted him with a smile evident in your tone, “As much as I would love all of that, all I want is for you to hold me when you get back. I just want your presence.”
“And you’ll have it. I promise. Until then, we can have our FaceTime dates.”
At that you both laughed again, recalling the last FaceTime date you had that lasted three hours. You both ordered pizza and ate together, you in your apartment and him somewhere in New York. You spent hours just talking as if you weren’t on opposite hemispheres. It was nice, and yet bittersweet.
You slumped onto your bed with a sigh before speaking again, “Goodnight, Hyungwon. I love you. Call me in the morning, okay?”
“I will, baby. Drink some water before you go to bed, and make sure you put some medicine on your nightstand for the morning.”
“Of course.”
“Goodnight. I love you.”
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a/n: ahh thank you for requesting! i also hope you have a good day/night when you see this! 🥰💌
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
bands | thirteen
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.9k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, slight degradation, trouble stirring behind the scenes if you squint, yeonjun and soobin (txt) make an appearance but also as reg 18 yr olds lol
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme​ @min-nicoleee​ @eggbutnotyolk​ @ra-mun-e @miinoongi​ @jimidol​ @ppeachyttae​ @thebeebi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @kooafraid​ @liriaus​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @sunniejinnie​ @cypheruby​ @cyb3rbab3​ @masterlists101​ @awhnamjoon​ @redhedhoseok​ @wooya1224​ @taeismydeath @jikookiekosmos​ @un2-verse​ @aynsx​ @wearenot7withu​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"BTS' Jeon Jungkook rumored to be dating stripper from nightclub!"
"Jungkook is no longer single, ladies!"
"Jeon Jungkook is dating a stripper? Why the hell is he doing that?"
"Who the hell does she think she is? I bet she's not even pretty."
"Jungkook fell for a stripper? Out of all people? Damn, and I thought he was better than that."
Jungkook has been tired, the rumors constantly being spread day in and day out. But, it still didn't mean he was gonna say shit to prove himself to people out there. He didn't need to give anybody answers. Hell, this was strictly between you and him and that's how he wants to keep it.
Fuck every single one of you who didn't wanna be behind him and support him. Don't even think about calling yourself a fan of his if that's your mindset.
He could truly care less. He was happy and he felt ten times better than he has in a really long time. It's unfortunate how people love to stay narrow minded. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that it was so unfair for you - how they stuck to that stripper image, rather than really getting to know you beneath the surface.
But it's not like anyone else deserved to know the real you, not after all this shit. And he was gonna keep it that way, and protect you.
"Hey, don't listen to any of that shit, okay?" Jungkook says as he meets you in your car in the BigHit building garage. "None of that matters to me."
"I know, but Kook." You look at him. "Your career, BigHit literally might not even want me here and-and—"
"Then I'll make sure they understand it's not an issue, because it's really fucking not." He says, getting irritated only at the thought of the company giving him issues over you. He watches as you slightly frown, causing him to sigh and soften his own facial expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get worked up like that. It's just annoying how people are narrow-minded. This has absolutely nothing to do with you." You give him a small smile. "Come on, I'll walk you." You silently nod and hop out of your car. You follow beside him, your stomach in knots having to meet with their performance director. This meant you'd also most likely run into the rest of Bangtan.
In which happens to turn true pretty quickly.
"Jungkookie!" Hoseok says loudly down the hallway as he approaches the both of you. He does nothing besides smile, curiosity definitely filling his eyes.
"This is Y/N. Y/N, Hoseok hyung." He holds out his hand for you to shake, his head tilting ever so slightly because you know he's familiar with your face. He's just trying to remember from where. Or, he has recognized you, but he's trying his hardest not to say anything.
Cause they have seen all of you, especially in that fishnet bodysuit.
"Hi! Nice to meet you! You can call me Hobi for short. Are you meeting with someone?" You nod.
"Yeah." Is all you can reply with as you shyly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Nice, goodluck!"
"Is everyone else here?" Jungkook asks, making Hobi nod.
"Yeah, but they're still running through some stuff in the dance studio. I just ran off to take a break."
"Okay." Jungkook looks at you. "Follow me, he's in one of the private studio rooms." You both part ways from Hoseok, the need to clutch onto Jungkook's arm immensely strong right now. You hold yourself off though, because even with passing a few female staff members, you catch them looking at you oddly with the way you're walking side by side with Jungkook.
Nope. Don't even think about it, Y/N. It doesn't matter.
Jungkook knocks softly on a door, the middle of it being made up of entirely frosted glass so it's difficult to see inside. Their performance director opens the door swiftly and welcomes you in with a warm smile, stepping aside to let you in.
"I've got it from here, Jungkookie. Thank you." Jungkook nods but tries to peek through the door to get one last glimpse of your face before he shuts it fully. "How are you doing, Y/N?" He sits in front of you, leaning onto his knees with his hands fully clasped together.
"I'm good. How are you?"
"Good, tired." He chuckles. "Thanks for taking my call earlier and for meeting at such short notice on a weekend. I had a couple of things come up and didn't want to push things off until later." You smile.
"It's no problem."
"Jungkook tells me a lot about you."
"Does he now?" You chuckle and tilt your head to the side.
"Says you're a really good person. Super hardworking. Told me a little bit about your situation with your brother."
"Mmyeah, it's a little complicated."
"It's alright, no need to get into the details." He smiles before letting out a small sigh. "It's incredibly rare for me to hear Jungkook speak like that. In general. He's usually very closed off, doesn't like to let people in much. He really respects you, you know? Cares about you a whole lot." You slightly blush.
"I'm still getting used to it." He chuckled.
"Look, I know you've been worrying because of where you've been and all that, but I want to reassure you that none of it matters. I don't like to focus on all that. You're here as you, not her." He says, putting another pronoun to your stripper persona.
"Thank you, I appreciate it." He nods. There's a small pause before he begins to speak again.
"I could really use some help around here if you're still interested? The boys are becoming a lot for me to handle."
"Ah-uh, yeah! Of course I am." You found yourself stuttering at the sudden offer. Was this fucking real?! "But, you are aware of where me and Jungkook are at, right?" You ask, trying to be completely transparent and honest about their relationship. He nods and waves his hand out.
"As long as you keep it professional here, right?" You nod.
"Come, let me show you around really quickly and have you formally meet the boys." You swallowed the lump in your throat. Fucking great. He definitely didn't know they've all seen your titties and pussy out during Yoongi's birthday, and now here you were - about to meet them again in this environment. Hobi was awkward enough even though he tried not to be.
Surprisingly, Jungkook wasn't waiting outside in the hallway like you thought he would be, but the tour commences and the PD is taking you around pretty quickly. You feel even more awkward and somewhat alone [even though you weren't] without Jungkook nearby, but you chug along and say your hello's to the people you're introduced to. He finally brings you into the dance studio, where there's loud ass music blasting, Jungkook, the boys and some backup dancers in front of the mirrors fooling around.
"Aye boys, come here real quick." You and Jimin lock eyes and your body suddenly gets tense. The room feels 10x hotter than it already is, especially when he slowly walks over and clenches his jaw. He is literally seeping with hate right now, maybe actually disgust, and he doesn't even try to hide it. Most of them for sure recognize you, but they seem to brush it off and give you a big wave/smile anyway.
"Last, that's Jimin - Jimin, Y/N." You give Jimin a fake smile, and the only thing his ass can reciprocate is the smallest, tight-lipped smile you have ever seen. You've never even seen your mom do that when she got mad or upset with you.
"Hi." Is all you can say.
"Sup." He looks at you before turning on his heel and walking away.
"Ooookay?" Namjoon furrows his brows as he watches Jimin walk away so rudely. "The hell was that about?"
"I knew that was Kookie's girlfriend! Maybe Jiminie remembers seeing her titties and shit too, needs to walk away before he gets his ass beat by him." Yoongi says lowly behind Namjoon.
"Yeah, like you're any better." Namjoon says, looking at Yoongi weirdly.
"I mean, we did see her practically naked." Jin says, chiming into the discussion.
"I touched her." Yoongi's mouth slightly hangs down. "I touched her."
"Go ahead, say it louder so Kookie can hear you." Jin nods sarcastically. "Go, say it!"
"No, stop." Yoongi's cheeks turn red while shaking his head and laughing. "He'll literally launch me out the window with one hand."
"You asked for her to sit on your lap too, bro!"
"I was joking, and it's not like she did it anyway!"
"Whatever, I'm keeping my birthday deep in my memory storage."
"Clean slate for her so it should be for you too, my guy." Namjoon says as he has enough of their conversation.
You look at Jungkook who is silently standing there, looking like a big dork with a huge smile on his face and his thumbs up. You give him the tiniest nod before proceeding to follow the PD out.
"So?!" Jungkook dashes to meet you in their waiting room area, where an abnormally large picture of Jimin posing oddly hung up.
"He said he'll send me all the info and papers and stuff!" You respond excitedly as Kook hugs you and quickly swings you around.
"See, I knew it would work out!" He puts you down. "Are you gonna tell Kai?" You shook your head.
"Not today at least, it's his birthday and I don't wanna take away from that. It's his day." Jungkook smiles at you.
"Text me when you've picked him up? I should be home by then."
"Okay." You blush and back away, making Jungkook look at you with confusion. "I have to keep it professional here, duh."
"Ah I see." He chuckles. "That won't last very long."
"Jungkook." You whine.
"There's a lot of private rooms here and—"
"I'm not listening, sorry. I think Kai is suddenly calling me." You cover your ears as you begin to walk away, giving him one last smile before leaving him to the rest of rehearsals and whatever else they're doing. He laughs to himself as he waves you off, excited to get through the day so he can just spend time with you and Kai.
As the hours go on and it's about time for you to pick Kai up, you quickly stop by the store because you're a procrastinator and didn't buy Kai's birthday gift any earlier. You felt bad you weren't able to find the shoes he wanted, but you at least snagged the video game he had been talking about for a couple of days now. Before walking into the arcade, you made sure to write your birthday card and slip some more money into it before shoving it in your bag to give to him later.
"Your pretty sister is here." Yeonjun grabs Kai by the shoulder as he finishes up a game.
"Yeah, and you're too young for her."
"Age is nothing but a number. It's only like.. 6 years apart."
"Besides, she's taken, dude. Sorry." Kai snorts as he watches Yeonjun's smile fade. "You would have never had the chance."
"You're mean."
"I'm mean, or you just have really high, unrealistic expectations?" The rest of their friends laugh as they follow Kai over to you.
"Hey!" You smile at all his friends.
"Hiiiiii Y/N." They all say in unison, some waving in awe, while the others shyly dug their hands into their pockets. "Birthday boy, you all good to go? Got some good Loco Moco waiting for you."
"Yeah, I'm good."
"Happy birthday again, Kai! Get online later!" Soobin yells out.
"Yeah, yeah." He says, waving them off as he follows you out to your car.
"You guys run through the entire arcade?" Kai laughs.
"Pretty much." He sinks into his seat, legs damn near touching the glove compartment with how long he is. "I'm honestly so excited for Loco Moco. It's been years!"
"It has not been that long." You laughed.
"You're right, it's been months." Kai looks out the window. "Wait, you're passing the road to get to our go-to shop though?"
"Cause I found a better place."
"How is there a better place when that one was already supreme?!"
"Hey, trust me on this okay?" You laugh. Kai starts telling you about his day and how so many people he knew from school had been messaging him happy birthday. He truly looked his happiest today and it was all you could ask for. Though at the same time, your heart slightly sank at the fact that he'd be going off to uni soon and staying at the dorms. He was just growing up way too fast, and you wanted to spend as much time as you could with him now before he was too occupied being a college boy.
You slipped yourself past Jungkook's security, parking in the one guest spot they have in the garage that's closest to the elevator. Kai doesn't really question it and hops out anyway, his hands in his pockets as he follows you into the elevator and onto Jungkook's floor.
"You ready, kid?"
"Is this some like, Michelin Star Loco Moco restaurant?"
"Ah, I guess you could say that." You knocked on the door, hearing music playing in the background. Jungkook opens the door and Kai's eyes widen.
"Oh shit, that's Jungkook?" Kook laughs and steps aside to let you both in. "Sis why—what—how come you didn't tell me we were seeing your boyfriend? I look like a mess!" He says lowly.
"You don't!"
"Hey Kai! Happy Birthday!" Jungkook says smiling, making Kai actually blush. He's cheeks are tinted with a rosy color and he suddenly gets all shy.
"Your brother's tall." Jungkook looks at him up and down.
"Looking at an 18 year old 6 footer."
"Must be nice."
"Go sit." Kai silently nods as he sits awkwardly on Kook's couch, while you go and check in on him in the kitchen.
"Is he always that shy?"
"No. Just with you, apparently. He's not even that shy around girls." You chuckle as he places a quick kiss on your head. "Need my help?" You still ask even though the plates are neatly prepared already.
"Not really." He smiles down at you. "You hungry though?"
"Starving, actually." Your eyes light up at the plates. "Ouuuuuu, yum."
"Honestly, I think this batch might be better than my first."
"Still honored to be your guinea pig." You carry a plate over to Jungkook's coffee table in the living room.
"Oh shit, that looks amazing." Kai says, slipping himself down from the couch to the floor so he could get a good whiff of the plate. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Jungkook hands you the remote before walking into his room. "Pick something."
"Here, birthday boy. Help me choose."
"Let's watch Soul on Disney+." At this point, Jungkook comes out of his room with a wrapped present, his eyes locked on the TV.
"Ooh, I keep seeing this everywhere! Niceeeee." Jungkook says, smiling with Kai nodding and already digging into his plate. "By the way, this is for you." You shoot him a look as he sits on the floor by you, watching as Kai unwraps the present. Kai's eyes light up as he sees a shoebox underneath the wrapping, quickly flipping the lid open to reveal those blue Air Jordans he wanted.
"Kook?!" You say lowly, making him smile at you and gently pinch your side.
"Holy shit!" He holds out a shoe, only for him to immediately shake his head and close the box again. "Jungkook, I can't take this." Kai says.
"No, it's your birthday."
"Yeah, but isn't this expensive? You've already done so much for me and my sister, I-I don't want to—"
"Kai, it's cool. If it's one thing you can do to repay me, it's to take my present." You literally want to cry at how sweet Jungkook is being with your brother. He had been good to you, no doubt, but this was one thing you didn't expect from him at all. Quite frankly, you had forgotten you mentioned the shoes to him. The fact that he actually remembered and kept his word.
"Okay." Kai says, gently setting the box down aside before looking at Jungkook with a small smile on his face. "Thank you. I really appreciate it. Like, even with the food and everything. It means a lot to me."
"You're welcome." You give him a soft smile before digging into your food while Soul was already off to a start. Kai and Jungkook devour their food together, with you following shortly behind as Jungkook brings over a small ice cream cake from his fridge for Kai to blow his candles on. After the boys had helped themselves to a good serving of the cake, they started getting hyper and pulled up Smash Bros on Kook's Nintendo Switch [as if Kai hadn't played enough games today]. It started to get intense; the boys jumping and yelling everywhere, bouncing off of the walls, with you getting pulled into the competition every now and then. Even though you knew you'd lost over and over again, you happily joined in anyway, seeing how excited your brother was - plus, it was always a bonus to hear Jungkook's loudly obnoxious, nerdy laugh.
"I WIN!"
"Hey, hey, hey. I let you win because it's your birthday." Jungkook said, making Kai laugh as he crashed to the floor.
"Sure." Kai huffed and puffed. "Crap, I'm tired. What time is it?"
"Almost midnight. We should start heading out, bubba." You patted Kai's chest gently.
"What? No, it's late. Why don't you two just stay here?" You suddenly remembered you've had Kai's shit in your trunk since you dropped him off at Yeonjun's this morning. You didn't have any change of clothes, but that could easily be fixed with Jungkook's closet.
"Only if the queen wants, she's driving."
"It's late, baby." Jungkook says to you softly. "No way I'm letting you two head out there."
"Okay." You give him a small smile before handing your keys. "Can you do me a favor?" He chuckles.
"What is it?"
"Kai's duffle bag is in my trunk." He nods and takes your keys.
"I got it. Kai, you can take the guest room or my office room." Jungkook says with his 3-bedroom apartment having ass. "I have my computer in my office room though, and a pull out bed. I don't know how comfy you'll be."
"It's cool, I'll just take your guest room. I always bring my laptop and switch whenever I sleep at my sister's." Kai says getting up. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Jungkook says, toothlessly smiling at the both of you, completely endeared at how alike you two were - even down to the fact that you both said thank you for every little thing. If this was a result of Kai being close to you and having you as pretty much his mother figure, then Jungkook wouldn't know what to do with his feelings. He felt butterflies every time he thought about how cute and sweet you were, and he was always excited to be around you.
Jungkook does a quick jog to your car, grabbing Kai's Nike duffle from your trunk before jogging back to the elevator and back to his apartment. He walks in to see Kai helping you clean up the remaining dishes in the sink, tidying the rest of the things in his kitchen.
"Thank you." Jungkook says himself, a little unfamiliar with saying such a thing to be completely honest.
"You're welcome." You say softly, wiping your hands on his hand towel. "Off to bed, or are you gonna go online with your friends?"
"I'll see what they're up to, but I'm pretty beat. Today was fun." Kai smiles at the both of you. "I really appreciate it." You ruffle his hair a bit before gently pushing him towards his bedroom for the night.
"Bathroom's right over there, help yourself to anything you need."
"Don't stay up too late."
"Only if you aren't too loud." You gasp while Jungkook laughs out loud.
"Hey, I'm just being honest. Please remember that I'm right in this room."
"Oh my god, go to bed." You shove him inside the room and shut his door. "Don't even say a word." You look at Jungkook shyly as you hurriedly brush past him to get into his room - even though Jungkook is literally right behind you with those long ass legs of his, making every stride so much easier for him to catch up to you.
"What's your outfit of choice tonight, pretty lady?" He shuts his door behind him as you start to make your way into his closet.
"Hm, I'll just wear this plain black--" You unfold it. "Balenciaga? Okay, I definitely can't just wear this to sleep."
"Why not?"
"Because this is like, name brand and everything."
"So?" He shrugs. "Just wear it, babygirl. It's not gonna make much of a difference, you're wearing it either way." You do a slight pout before you start to slip out of your clothes to get into his shirt. You make his way to his bathroom to take a little tinkle when you notice another toothbrush sitting next to his. A pink toothbrush, next to his blue one.
"Why do you have two toothbrushes?" You wash your hands as he comes in to the bathroom to start getting ready for bed.
"That's yours." Your eyes light up at his statement.
"I figured since you'd be over more, it'd be easier for you." He furrows his brows lightly. "Unless.. you didn't want--" You press a kiss against his lips, his hands resting on your arms to keep you close.
"No, I did want that. Thank you."
"Of course, baby." He pecks your forehead.
"By the way, way to make me look like such a bad sister!" You say as you start getting your toothbrush ready.
"Why? The shoes?"
"The shoes, the Loco Moco, the games, the ice cream cake." You laughed. "I literally got him a video game and some money."
"I mean, he is turning 18. I wanted to help make it as memorable as possible."
"I appreciate you a lot. Really."
"I appreciate you too." Your eyes widen as you brush your teeth.
"Waaaaow, say thaht wun mohr tiyme." You say, pulling a Jungkook while brushing your teeth.
"Eye apprushiate yoh toh." You giggle. The both of you finish getting ready for bed before slipping into his warm sheets. Jungkook never goes to sleep early, however, he makes sure all the lights are off and that the show he's watching isn't too loud. You have no idea what's going on in his show, but you lay on his chest to watch for a little bit until you feel yourself getting a little more sleepy. He's holding you close, his hand brushing through your hair softly, causing tingles to ripple through your body.
"Yes, baby?"
"You make me happy." You say sleepily as you hung him tighter. He smiles down at you, your eyes now shut close as you slowly start to drift into a deep sleep. He presses a light kiss against your head, fingers still in your hair.
"You make me happy too, sweetheart."
564 notes · View notes
angellesword · 4 years
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Summary: You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It’s simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if…Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
“A future without you is a world without color.”
Genre: soulmate au, e2l, slow burn, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 4k
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"You sure you don't need anything?"
You weren't sure if it was annoyance or amusement that caused you to chuckle upon hearing hesitation in your father's voice.
"I'm good, Appa." You assured him, "it's just Jeongguk. Don't worry."
You were wrong. He wasn't worried because of Jeongguk. He was worried because of you.
"Okay," your father let out a deep sigh as he tried to calm his mind. "I trust your soulmate. Have fun, love."
And just like that, the call ended.
After everything that had happened, your father still believed that Jeongguk was your soulmate.
You still did too. How could you deny that fact when you could clearly see colors now?
It had been four months since your eye surgery. You didn't think it was going to be a successful, mainly because you were convinced that Jeongguk's hatred towards you was the reason why you went blind.
Apparently, it was your fault.
You knew it was reckless to drive when you were under the influence of alcohol. This wasn't just about you. This was also about the people who could have suffered because of your stupidity.
Your father was actually disappointed in you. He didn't expect you to do something like this, especially because he knew that you had a careful approach in life.
You hated being a burden. Your greatest fear was to be the reason why someone was hurting. Your father didn't understand what ticked you to break out of character, and so he asked. He asked what was wrong—causing you to break into tears.
You couldn't keep this to yourself anymore.
You told him about everything you had been going through—like how your soulmate didn't love you and how stressful being a lawyer was.
Of course your father understood, but he told you that it wasn't an excuse to put yourself and other people in danger.
There were other ways to welcome or ignore pain. You agreed since it wasn't like you planned this to happen.
Your father didn't believe in you, though. He felt like you were trying to harm yourself. This was why he called you every single day. He wanted to make sure that you weren't driving or doing things you weren't supposed to do.
He freaked out when you told him that you were going out with Jeongguk tonight. It wasn't because he hated your soulmate. Admittedly, he felt like you were lying when you told him that Jeongguk didn't love you.
That can't be right. It was obvious. Your father had met your soulmate and he saw the way Jeongguk looked and talked about you. He couldn't be wrong; the boy destined to be with you was whipped—as in madly in love with you.
His claim turned out to be true when right after your surgery; you gasped and cried so hard because finally, you could see colors.
It was too good to be true. Was this seriously happening? Was Jeongguk really in love with you?
You couldn't tell.
You used to think that seeing colors was the indication of your soulmate's love for you, but it had been months now yet Jeongguk hadn't verbally told you that he loved you.
Sure. Actions spoke louder than words. You guessed you just had to be contented with this.
The past four months felt like a dream. Jeon Jeongguk, the most stubborn and egotistical person in the world, was acting like a lovesick fool because of you.
You told yourself that you did not want to love your soulmate. You stood by this. You had been ignoring Jeongguk's attempt to 'win you over.'
(Un)fortunately, the boy just wouldn't stop.
He would send you letters written in a small sticky note every day just to tell you the sappiest thing. On the other side of the sticky note, there's an exquisite drawing of every detail about you.
You realized that it was some sort of puzzle, but you hadn't really had the chance to piece it together because you were too caught up with the words written in the sticky notes.
Note 1 Red Red is the first color in the rainbow. She is my first love, but it ended. I'm saying this because I realized that the start isn't always the end. She’s the beginning, you are my end game.
This was the first note you had received from your soulmate. It was plastered on your front door—this was also the first thing you had seen after you had been discharged from the hospital.
Note 2 Orange Orange is the color I thought I know by heart. As it turns out, I've been fooled. I have been fooled by the world, but it's okay. You helped me see.
This note was unclear to you, yet it didn't fail to make your heart feel light. You weren't aware that Jeongguk was talking about how the florist who sold him orange tulips for almost a decade, the one who��fooled him.
No one could take advantage of him now, though. You helped him with this problem.
Note 3 Yellow My mom said that yellow is the prettiest color. She also said that it shines the brightest. I'm glad I didn't believe her. It wasn't bright at all. It only reminds me of the time I thought I'll lose you.
It took you long to realize what he was implying.
This was the color of your shirt when your car crashed. Jeongguk remembered how dark life was when you were pushing him away.
Your soulmate had sent you hundreds of letters by now. All of his notes started with colors. Out of all the things he sent you, the yellow note was what stuck to you the most.
The black world was frightening. It felt cold and lonely and Jeongguk was exactly like that. He was lonely. He suffered from a major heartbreak that was why he turned cold. He hated what Red had done to him, but he wasn't really different from his ex-girlfriend.
Jeongguk hurt you the same way Red hurt him, but your soulmate was willing to do everything to make it up to you.
Aside from the notes, you also found out that Jeongguk was the one who cooked your food each day. You got mad at Red because she failed to tell you the truth. There was even a point wherein you stopped eating the food your soulmate had prepared since you literally didn't want to do anything with him anymore.
Jeongguk was still persistent. He would always pick you up from work and then he would ask if you wanted to grab dinner with him.
You always declined his offer to take you out. Turning him down was always part of your daily routine, so you didn't know what changed this Saturday night.
Why, after four months, did you finally accept Jeongguk’s attempt to ask you out?
"Can't resist his bambi eyes, can you?" Jimin laughed on the other line. Your best friend called right after your short phone conversation with your dad. It was like everyone was interested in your business tonight.
"It's just one date, Jimin," you rolled your eyes, yet the blush in your cheeks indicated that Jimin was right.
You still couldn't resist Jeon Jeongguk.
It wasn't like you were giving into him. No. It would take more than his wide, doe eyes to melt your cold, cold heart. He hurt you after all.
But last night was different.
You were supposed to have dinner with your subordinates since it was Friday, but then you spotted Jeongguk waiting outside the building of your small law firm.
He was standing there with trembling lips. Your soulmate was freezing under the cold winter, yet he still chose to wait for you.
You see, Jeon Jeongguk was banned from entering your office. You told the securities not to let him in since he was distracting everyone at work.
Your employees just couldn't stop gushing over your soulmate to the point that they weren't able to finish their task for the day. They were always trying to get Jeongguk's attention and the most annoying part was that your soulmate didn't seem to mind—not because he was a flirt too. It was actually because he was too naïve for his own good.
So yeah. You banned him from entering the building because he was a distraction and definitely not because you were blinded by your stupid jealousy. No. Not at all.
He was your soulmate, yes, but it didn't mean you had to stay together. The only thing you two should do was to try to be casual and not hate each other.
You couldn't afford to make Jeongguk hate you. This was the only rational reason why you agreed to go out on a date with him tonight. You were just scared and guilty for letting him wait for you in the snow.
"Whatever you say," you could imagine Jimin's teasing expression despite not seeing his face. "Have fun, okay? Love you!"
"Ditto! See you soon," you pressed the end bottom of your phone as your doorbell rang.
Seven pm. You bit your lower lip, glancing at the clock. Jeongguk was right on time. He told you last night that he would be outside of your door at exactly seven in the evening.
You sighed and fixed your hair a little before opening the door.
Jeongguk practiced speaking the things he would say to you tonight in front of the mirror. He swore he prepared so hard because he didn't want to disappoint you. He felt like this was his only shot with you, unfortunately it seemed like he was destined to fuck things up with you again.
"Oh fuck," his eyes dilated upon seeing you.
You were wearing this pretty dress that accentuated your curves. You looked so expensive and exquisite that Jeongguk felt like he was out of place.
Your soulmate was wearing a thick sweater and black sweatpants. His hair was messier because of the winter wind.
"You're not dressed." This was the first thing you said to him. The scowl on your face made him think that you already regretted agreeing to spend this night with him.
He was wrong. You were only frowning because you felt embarrassed. You took your sweet time preparing for this date. You even rushed to buy a fancy dress just this morning, causing you to feel like a fool.
It was clear now that you were more excited than the man who practically begged you to go out with him.
"I-I just thought it'd be better to stay home because of the weather." The boy said sheepishly while showing you the home cooked food he had prepared for this date.
You swallowed hard.
"Come in." And then you opened the door wider for him.
Jeongguk let out a sigh of relief. At least you did not kick him out. He wouldn't know what to do if that happened. He missed your home so much. He missed Miri as well. Too bad the fury pet wasn't around.
Miri visited the Kims' mansion every Saturday. Red picked the cat earlier this day. She said Miri was the only one that could make Soobin smile. Red and Seokjin, the newlywed couple, were only allowed to visit Soobin every Saturday. They always take the little boy to a nice place with your cat Miri.
Jeongguk realized that it was a blessing in disguise that the cat wasn't around since no one was scratching the couch where you and him currently sat on.
Jeongguk's idea for this date night was to simply watch some movies while eating. He thought that this was the perfect plan, sadly it looked like you didn't share the same sentiment.
"Jeongguk," irritation was laced in your voice as you called your soulmate's name.
You were irritated for the reason that you felt like he didn't really want to be here.
Jeongguk seemed preoccupied. It was apparent when you asked him what film he wanted to watch. He simply said 'whatever you want," while staring at you blankly.
You let it pass at first, but you couldn't ignore it now that the movie had ended and it appeared like he didn't even realize.
Jeongguk was silent beside you, but he couldn't sit without fidgeting. The air was awkward. He looked awkward, like he was uncomfortable or something. He wasn't even eating his food.
"Did you like the movie? Were you scared?"
"Uh," Jeongguk was staring again. "I'm...yeah. It's pretty scary,"
"Oh." You narrowed your eyes at him. "I didn't know you were afraid of zombies."
"Yeah. I am," he wasn’t and you knew it.
You huffed, crossing your arms. He was such a liar.
"The movie that we just watched," you gritted your teeth. "Isn't about zombies, Jeongguk. It's not even a horror film. It's Toy Story 4!"
You were annoyed. Why did Jeongguk even ask to be with you when he wasn’t going to pay attention to you or to the things the two of you were supposed to do?
"I'm sorry..."
And there's it again. The insincere apology. He was always sorry, but he never changed.
"You know what? Just go home. I..." You trailed off as tears filled your eyes.
Why did you always have to make a fool of yourself because of him?
"I don't want you here."
Jeongguk's heart sank upon hearing the words that left your mouth.
"No please," he also turned pale, eyes turning wide because he wasn't expecting this date to turn out like this. What he wanted to happen was to enjoy the winter night cuddled with you as the two of you watched a romantic movie.
Jeongguk imagined watching Love 911 to give you an idea of some of the things he wanted to try with you.
"What do you mean no? It's obvious that you don't want to be here. You're not even paying attention."
"It's not like that," he avoided your gaze.
You only scoffed. Typical Jeongguk. Always telling you that you didn't get him.
"Then what is it? Why do you look uncomfortable? Why do you look like you don't want to be here—"
"I told you it's not like that!" He was staring at you using those big eyes. His thin beckoning lips protruded into a pout.
"I just!" He sighed like he found it hard to explain what he felt. "Can't concentrate on other things because all I can think about is you!”
He didn't let you finish. Jeongguk was rambling. He was nervous. He didn't want you to get mad at him again.
"Your dress really looks so good on you and your make up is really nice. You're really pretty...and really beautiful and really sexy and I really just...really—"
"Huh." you pouted, slightly cringing because of his excessive use of the word really. "So now you're blaming the way I look?"
You were teasing him to get rid of the funny feeling in your stomach. Damn Jeongguk for confusing the hell out of you. You were supposed to be annoyed, but why were you smiling?
And why the hell was it so easy to melt into him?
"No!" Jeongguk groaned. He was getting frustrated. You seemed to always twist his words and extrapolate things.
"Look..." He closed his eyes since he couldn't bear to look at you anymore. He was scared to see the disappointment in your eyes.
"I just love you okay? Like really, really, in love with you."
Jeongguk's heartbeat doubled when you didn't speak.
Silence engulfed the whole room that he was forced to open his eyes.
His heart went even crazier. It was beating erratically.
Why were you staring at him with an agape mouth?
"What did you say?" You were no longer in the mood to fool around. Sure, you were teasing Jeongguk, but it didn't mean he could also joke about feelings and love.
It wasn't fair.
"I love you?" Jeongguk said, unsure.
He wasn't unsure of his feelings. He just didn't know if you were referring to the last words he uttered.
"You...love me?" You were still in doubt.
Jeongguk simply nodded his head; a soft smile was plastered on his lips as he scrunched his nose. You knew this look well. This was his genuine self and it only meant one thing.
He wasn't lying.
"But..." you bit the inside of your cheek. "This is the first time you told me that."
"I thought it's obvious?" Jeongguk mirrored your confused expression.
He expressed what he felt for you by singing. Jeongguk thought you understood.
You did not. The song lifted your spirit and you also found the gesture sweet, but you still didn't realize it was his way of confessing.
"I mean..." Jeongguk pouted his lips more. "Your eyes tell, right? You can see colors now."
As soon as these words escaped his mouth, Jeongguk felt like he had been hit by a truck—crushing his bones and telling him how stupid he was for crossing the street even though there were signs that told him to stop.
The signs had been there all along.
"You love me..." Jeongguk blurted out. His realization was too sudden that he couldn't help but a cry a little.
You panicked as you asked him what was wrong.
"I wasted six months because of how stupid I am!" His answer was unclear.
"Gukkie," you put your hands on the either side of his shoulder, urging him to look at you. "You're not making sense. Speak slowly."
Jeongguk shook his head, tears still painting his cheeks. It was funny how the situation kept on turning around. Just a few breaths ago, you were the one who was on the verge of crying.
"I told you you didn't understand!" Jeongguk was still not making sense, but you decided to stay quiet and let him speak.
It looked like he needed an outlet for the reason that his emotions were overflowing.
"I left b'cause I thought...you...d-din't love me!" He sobbed and your heart cracked.
How could he think this way when all you had ever done was make him feel the love you felt for him?
Jeongguk's twisted expression told you that you had voiced out the question running inside your mind out loud.
"I called you delusional since I believed that you really are," he was bringing back the wounds that you were trying so hard to forget.
Still, you didn't stop him from speaking.
"H-How can you be sure you love me when I myself know that I am not worthy of your love?"
Jeongguk knew that he had always been mean to you. He hadn't done anything to make you fall in love with him that was why he was questioning your feelings.
It wasn't him whom you loved. It was the idea of him being your soulmate. You liked the thought that there was someone out there for you.
It made sense now, though. The fact that he could see colors brightly made him realize that your feelings were real, but it didn't mean he understood your reasons.
Jeongguk stood by his statement. He was unworthy of your love.
"You're not doubting yourself, Jeongguk." You shook your head at him, proving him otherwise. "You are doubting my feelings for you."
This wasn't about Jeongguk's beliefs. This was about you. You grew up thinking that when you felt like everything was collapsing, your only choice was to trust what you feel was right. It's because at the end of the day, you were going to be the one to face the consequence of your actions—not your parents, not your friends, and not even your soulmate. They would be affected by your decisions, yes, but only indirectly.
They could make their own choices that would directly affect their lives even if their choice was based on your decision. People would end up having different results even though they walked on the same path.
"But why me?" Jeongguk sounded broken as he asked this. It hurt you to think that he really thought so lowly of himself.
He couldn't be blamed. He loved Red before; however, it was still not enough. He had moved on from her, but it didn't mean that all the scars would fade away.
His first breakup up caused him to think that despite giving your one hundred percent, it would still be lacking for some people.
But you weren't some people.
You were you and you had your reason.
"Sometimes you don't need a reason to love someone." Your reason was not having a reason at all.
Your soulmate wasn't sure if he agreed to what you said.
Jeongguk didn't believe that just because things existed, it was already valid. Validation cannot be valid if one would not give enough reasons to prove why it's worth validating.
This was the reason why Jeongguk was questioning the love you claimed you felt. He needed reasons. He was just a human after all—always in need of affection and reassurance.
"I mean...I tried thinking of a reason why I shouldn't love you, but I just can't find any." Your confession made Jeongguk blush.
You had always been straight forward.
The way you loved was the opposite of how your soulmate loved. This was probably the explanation why it took him long to admit his feelings for you.
As stated, Jeongguk was in constant need of reason. His drawings of you were his proof of the love he felt.
"If you can't find any reason, then just allow me to tell you the million reasons why I love you."
He didn't wait for your answer. Jeongguk simply moved closer to you. His face was just inches away from yours.
"You're smart." And then he kissed your forehead.
You weren't only a book smart. You were emotionally intelligent. You had taught Jeongguk a lot of things, especially when it came to forgiveness and compassion.
"You're brave." He kissed you left eye.
He remembered the night you told him you liked him. It was in front of many people. You didn't hesitate even when he was running away.
"You're patient and understanding," he kissed your right eye.
You tried to understand Jeongguk's annoying attitude.
"You work hard in all aspects." He kissed your nose.
"You're beautiful," he kissed your left cheek.
You really were. Inside and out.
"It's you,"
Jeongguk didn't know if he could love someone who wasn't you.
"Most importantly, I love you because you are my soulmate." And then he kissed you on the lips.
You laughed in between the kiss, but you didn't stop kissing him back.
Did you forgive him?
The answer was yes.
Were you ready to love him again?
Were you still hurt by his actions before?
Did you want to be with him?
There were many questions flooding your mind right now. Some of your answers might not be the truth, maybe you were just too happy right now—caught up in the moment because you were in Jeongguk's arms again.
But it didn't matter now because one thing was sure.
You were willing to love Jeon Jeongguk again because you didn't want to repeat his mistake.
You didn't want to lose your soulmate just because of hatred and denial.
Things were clear now.
Jeon Jeongguk loved you and the world was no longer black and white.
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 BONUS: (a poem made by young OC that made her realize why she should trust her own feelings)
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holy. after 6 weeks???? i’m finally done writing this baby. wow. thank you thank you everyone for reading this—especially those people who never failed to send me feedback. i love you all!
New fic alert! READ HERE >> SAVE ME - Demon!Taehyung x Doctor!Reader
YES. I LIKE USING BTS’ songs as the title of my fanfics. 😅
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
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requests: CLOSED
warnings: angst galore
word count: 2.9k
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this idea has been in my head for the past couple of days and i’ve finally got to write it out, i’ll be back to request killing after this. enjoy!
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It was a simple statement.
You didn't mean anything by it, so you weren't sure why your boyfriend was making a big deal out of nothing. At least, you assumed it was nothing. It's obvious that Tsukishima has trust issues, that you were well aware of. But you've known him since middle school. One would believe that you've passed that hurdle in your relationship, right? Wrong.
Being around Kei felt like a being around a time bomb. Most people didn't know what would trigger him and his resting bitch face didn't make it any easier either. Of course, having dated him for almost a year now and knowing him for more, you knew what to and what not to bring up. But like most people, you slip up. Who knew ten words would cause so much turmoil?
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It started off normal, well as normal as a study date could be. The practice had ended early for some reason, you decided to not pry about it. You, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi walked home together. The walk was relatively quiet, with you and Tadashi having a small conversation of your own. Once Yamaguchi went on his own merry way, Kei carefully held your hand with his. You glanced at him and smiled slightly. "Oh, what's this? Tsukishima Kei, showing affection?" You teased, swinging your hands back and forth slightly. Tsukishima's cheeks were dusted a light pink, if you asked, he would swear it was the heat (even though the temperature dropped almost an hour ago). But you both knew that you were the only one who had the power to make him flustered, even if it wasn't by much.
"Shut up. I'm your boyfriend, I can't hold your hand?" He questioned, staring straight ahead. You giggled and poked his cheek, "Nope, not you. It's weird" You taunted. It was all fun and games until he snatched his hand away from yours, which caused a whine to leave your lips. "Hey!" You pouted, trying to grab his hand again. "No, it's weird right?" He retorted, holding his hand out of your reach, knowing it was impossible for you to obtain. He chuckled as you jumped trying to get him to hold your hand again. After five minutes, he decided to take pity on you and hold your hand once again. You glared at him, "You're so mean" You stated.
"Of course, I've got to give my girlfriend the full Tsukishima Kei experience"
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The walk to his house was full of playful banter exchanged between the two of you. But the minute Kei spotted his brother's car in the driveway, his demeanor changed. You didn't notice the change right away, "Oh, I didn't your brother was visiting from college" You said, still holding Tsukishima's hand. The blonde pulled his hand away from yours and stuck them in his pockets, "Neither did I" He replied, walking ahead of you.
You followed behind him, now noting the solemn mood that took over. You knew Kei didn't talk to his brother much, after the whole "incident" between them. His mom often complained to you about the gap was growing in her two boys' relationship. You couldn't help but feel bad, you knew it was a pride thing when Akiteru lied to his brother. Obviously that doesn't excuse it but still, you understood.
"I'm home, Y/n's with me"
Tsukishima called out while taking his shoes off with you following suit. Akiteru popped his head in the foyer, "Hey lil bro, long time no see" He chirped. Kei just nodded, not bothering to respond. You didn't miss the slight hurt that flashed on his older brother's face before he turned to you. "Omg Y/n, you've gotten so big since I last saw you! How are you?" He asked, pulling you in for a hug. You hugged back, smiling, "I'm good, how's college life? Is it as good as the movies?" You inquired.
Akiteru has always been like an older brother to you, way before you and Tsukishima started dating. He was the reason you two got acquainted in the first place. Akiteru worked for your parents for a couple of summers. And when your parents threw their annual 'End of the Summer' cookout, Akiteru finally accepted their invitation and brought Kei along with him. The rest was history.
"Ha! I wish, it's hard to party when you're swamped with work but that might just be my poor management skills talking" He laughed, scratching his cheek lightly. "Enough about me, what brings you here?" Akiteru asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Oh, Kei is gonna help me study for a bit" You answered, suddenly noticing that your boyfriend was no longer in the foyer. "Ah that's good, well I'll let you get to it. Wouldn't want to keep Kei waiting, I think we both know he doesn't have a lot of patience" Akiteru said, whispering the last part causing you to giggle. You waved to the eldest Tsukishima brother as you made you way upstairs to Kei's room.
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You opened the room door before closing it gently behind you. Your blonde boyfriend was already at his desk, reading a textbook, his headphones snuggly placed on his head. You walked over to him, lifting one side of his headphones, "Thanks leaving me alone with your brother" You whispered in his ear before pulling away and sitting on his bed.
Tsukishima took off his headphones and turned to look at you, "Sorry, it didn't look like you minded" He replied back. You took note of the snarky tone he used, he's annoyed with you for speaking to his brother. You mentally rolled your eyes, how petty. "My bad, maybe it's because I haven't seen the dude in almost a year" You muttered while rummaging in your bookbag. Tsukishima just stared at you before turning back to his textbook.
You two did work in silence for a good ten minutes before you spoke up. "Are you still mad at Akiteru?" You asked randomly. You knew this was a sensitive topic for your boyfriend but the tension you felt in the foyer earlier wasn't imaginary. "Who said I was mad at him?" Tsukishima inquired, not bothering to look at you. "Uhh, says the tension that was in the air the minute you saw his car" You retorted, looking up from your own textbook.
There was a short pause before he responded, "Well no. I'm not mad at him. Annoyed? Yes. Mad? No" He replied curtly. You knew you could push a few more questions before Kei got to his breaking point. "Well, why? What did he do this time?" You asked, resting your chin on your hand. "Nothing" Kei stated with a note of finality in his voice. Signaling to you that he didn't want to speak about his brother anymore.
But you didn't care. You knew what this was really about, and against your better judgment, you decided to push your agenda. "Clearly, it's something. You don't give dry ass responses to your brother for no reason Kei" You spoke, the textbook in your lap long forgotten. Tsukishima scoffed, "Please. I give dry responses to everyone". You raised an eyebrow, "You don't give dry responses to me" You insisted.
"You're different. Plus I did give you dry responses when I first met you" He claimed, still staring intently at his textbook. You sighed heavily. "Kei, you can't keep holding on to what your brother did. Yeah, it was wrong but he apologized and it happened years ago–" You started before you saw Tsukishima's hand curl into a fist. "Don't speak on things you know nothing about" He said, through gritted teeth.
You narrowed your eyes, was he fucking serious? "What the hell are you talking about? I was there Kei! So was Tadashi and that other kid, I know what I'm talking about" You argued. Finally, for the first time in this whole conversation, Tsukishima turned to face you. If looks could kill, you would be dead on the spot. His honey-colored eyes glared at you and his eyebrows were furrowed causing creases between them.
"Clearly, you don't. If you did, you would know it's not that easy for me to let something like that go. He lied, Y/n" Kei snapped, his glare not once faltering. "Everybody lies Kei. You're smart enough to know that also applies to your brother" You explained, staring at the blonde in disbelief. Why was he so adamant about holding on to this? What was the problem? "That's not the point." He huffed, turning around again.
"Then what is the point Kei?"
Tsukishima just shook his head, returning to his work. You blinked, was he ignoring you now? Wow, so childish. You huffed through your nose and picked up your discarded textbook, "I seriously can't believe you haven't gotten over this yet" You uttered, flipping the pages to the right chapter.
And there it was.
The time bomb finally stopped ticking.
Next thing you knew, Tsukishima slammed his textbook shut and swiveled around in his chair at the speed of light. His face was red and he was shaking, in what you assumed was anger. This, however, wasn't an unfamiliar sight. You and Kei have argued before and you guys would argue again. You were both fireballs, and you know what they say about fighting fire with fire...
"Get out."
"I'm sorry, are you having a tantrum?"
"I said: GET OUT!"
You flinched slightly at his raised voice. You watched how his anger subsided for a hot second before he sat down and returned to his textbook. All you could do was scoff and pack your stuff. He always did this, you always tried to help him. Always tried to get him to open up and what did you get in return? Anger, that's what you got. Every fucking time. You zipped up your bag and flung it over your shoulder before storming out of his room, slamming the door behind you.
You put your shoes on as fast as you could, but it was a little hard to do so with the tears clouding your vision. "Hey" Akiteru spoke softly, sitting next to you on the stoop. You sniffed, "Hey. Kei and I finished studying. So I'm leaving if I could get this stupid shoe on–" You claimed, as you struggled to get your left shoe on. Akiteru took your shoe from you, "I heard you and Kei arguing... you don't need to defend me y'know" He stated as he helped you slip on your shoe with ease.
"I know but he's being such a dick about it. You already apologized, what more does he want?" You asked rhetorically, wiping the tears in your eyes. Akiteru only shrugged, "I don't know what he wants. But I do know he has every right to be upset with me. I lied to him for three years, I would be mad at me too" He spoke, whispering the last part.
"You had a good reason tho–"
"But that doesn't make it okay"
"I know but–"
"Y/n. Kei will forgive me on his own time. I can't force him and neither can you. All I can do is wait and all you can do is support him. I get the feeling he isn't pleased with his girlfriend siding with his brother" Akiteru joked lightly. He gently patted your knee before standing up and stretching.
"Now c'mon, let me drive you home"
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The next week was a nightmare. Tsukishima didn't speak to you and vise versa. If he wanted to be an asshole, then so be it. He'll never catch you trying to help him again. But... you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss him. You missed how he would walk you to class, how you two would sit in the courtyard together for lunch, how you would walk him to volleyball practice before going to the library to wait for him. The list goes on, Kei was a big part of your life whether you wanted to admit it or not.
"Y/n! Y/N!"
You turned around to see blue and orange bounding toward you at full speed. You quickly step sided before they collided into you. "Hey Hinata, Kageyama, what's up?" You asked, looking at the two boys trying to catch their breath in front of you. Suddenly they both bowed simultaneously, "Please tutor us!" They asked in unison. You chuckled nervously as students passing by gave you three weird looks. "Uh.. sorry guys but my marks are fairly average. I don't think I'll be any help to you" You claimed, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Please? Tsukishima won't tutor us anymore! He's been a real jerk lately" Hinata huffed, his cheeks puffing out slightly. "More like an asshole" Kageyama commented before quickly stuttering out, "S-Sorry! I know he's your boyfriend–". You held up your hand, "It's okay, I know. He's been the same way with me. I could tutor you guys before practice if you want?" You suggested.
"Yes! Thank you so much Y/n! You're the best!"
Hinata hugged you tightly and you patted his head. "You're welcome Hinata, I'll meet you guys at the gym later" You confirmed, before pulling away and walking to your next class.
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Why did you agree to this again?
You loved Hinata and Kags, you saw them as little brothers but.. these boys are idiots. You wanted to tear your hair out. Letting out an exasperated sigh, you tried to explain the formula to them one more time. "Come on guys, it's not that hard" You claimed, leaning your head in your hand. The gym floor was hurting your butt and you couldn't wait for Daichi to show up so you could leave.
Not to mention, you wanted to get out of here before he who shall not be named shows up. "I'm sorry Y/n, I just don't get it," Tobio said, erasing his paper for what seemed like the hundredth time. You sighed, "Y'know what? It's fine. We'll pick this up again tomorrow, you guys have to get ready for practice anyways" You stated as you started packing your stuff. The boys nodded following suit.
You bid them goodbye as you left the gym. Once you turned around to head home, the last person you wanted to see was standing a few feet away from you. Tsukishima stared at you, his eyes widen by a fraction, probably surprised as to why you were in the gym. Next to him was his right-hand man, Yamaguchi. Tadashi just looked between the two of you before heading off to the club room on his own. You didn't blame him, the tension in the air was thick.
"Hey stranger"
You walked to Tsukishima, deciding enough was enough. As much as you hated to admit it, you missed your sarcastic bean pole of a boyfriend. When you stopped right in front of him, he nodded towards the gym, "What were you doing in there?" He asked. Ugh, you got a migraine just thinking about it. "I was trying to teach your friends some math turns out I overestimated how smart they were," You said, looking up at your boyfriend. "Yeah? Well, that was your first mistake" He replied, the smallest of smirks gracing his lips.
You smiled sadly, looking down at your feet, "I miss you" You muttered. You fully expected Tsukishima to pretend to not hear you and make you repeat yourself like he always did. And you two would makeup and all would be good again. But.. he didn't do that. Kei lifted your chin with his fingers to make you face him. He then wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. You, of course, hugged him back as he mumbled something against your hair.
You stifled a giggle as you leaned back to face him. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Can you repeat that?" You asked sweetly. "Really Y/n?" He groaned. You nodded, looking at him expectantly. Kei rolled his eyes before looking at you seriously, "I missed you too. And I'm sorry for being a dick" He apologized, kissing your forehead tenderly. A small pout formed on your lips, "Why are you sorry? I pushed you and that's on me. You'll forgive Akiteru on your own time, and I'll support whatever you do. Whether that's giving him forgiveness or the silent treatment" You declared, holding his face in your hands.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, "Stop being so dramatic, it's annoying. But, you were right. I can't be mad at him forever. He's been trying to make things right since then and I guess I pity him" He explained, still holding you in his arms. "Hm. Well, take it slow, there's no rush. Akiteru will be happy either way. Now go to practice, you're late" You scold, pulling away and pushing your boyfriend towards the gym. Kei grabbed your hand before you walked off, "Hey Y/n?". You hummed in response looking back at him. Your heart skipped a beat as he looked at you with nothing but love and admiration in his eyes.
"I don't what I'd do without you, so thank you for being in my life"
You smiled widely, pressing a soft kiss to Kei's lips, "Aw, look who's being dramatic now".
In the end, you never found the answers to your questions. And that's okay. Because you'll support Tsukishima in all his endeavors, petty or not. Because that's what partners do for each other. Tsukishima wasn't over his brother's betrayal and even though you didn't really understand why... that was okay. Because this was about him, not you.
And so, you got over it.
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tanzaniiite © 2020 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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ash19871962 · 3 years
Warnings- Blood, Domestic Abuse, slight mention of suicide (not my choice criminal minds made the story for rosalyn)
Jennifer Jareau x OC Jareau
Having an older sister was sometimes a blessing and a curse. There was absolutely nothing you wouldn't do for her, after everything she had done for you. It annoyed you how quickly you guys would make up after a fight, but she was your best friend.
Both of your childhoods were incredibly different, having grown up in the same house but with totally different atmospheres. When you were two and JJ was 11, your 15 year old sister Rosalyn took her own life.
After that things changed in your house, you don't really remember it too much but Jj would tell you stories about that time. Especially at night when you were supposed to be sleeping, trying to remember a sister you don't actually remember is very difficult.
Of course you've seen pictures of all three of you but she is still a stranger to you. But to Jj it affects her deeply, Ros was her idol.
Sometimes in the back of your mind you wonder if Jj even likes you or is just using you to replace Ros. After all your 9 years younger than her? But she is still your big sister and you can't think of her like that for long.
It doesn't surprise you as you grew up that Jj is everywhere. Anything that happened she was there, when Ricky that snot nose kid from 1st grade punched you in the face, she spent hours in the garage showing you how to block your face.
At 14 years old she had much better things to do but she stayed with you. Cleaned your nose and made sure you didn't tell mom. Your mom was probably more of an absentee parent, like she was there in body but not in mind too much. Jj says Ros took a part of her, but sometimes you feel jipped.
Mom apparently used to laugh and smile, plan fun things for them all to do. But you can't remember any of this. You only remember Jj. She was the only one who looked after you, kept you safe it was almost like she was your mom at times, but you always remember her.
Remembering sharing a bed with her during storms, playing in makeup singing stupid songs, sharing secrets and just plain missing her.
She would be so disappointed if she could see you now. Not really having a choice anymore anyways, telling her is essential but your still scared what if your big sister can't help?
Shivering in the cool breeze taking into account your still bleeding a little you decide it's time to leave. Wiping the blood out of your face as best you can, the gash above your eye stings.
The fight you just had was nothing new, the bruises on you back would testify to that. Even through all this you still don't know how to even tell Jj.
It's not an easy conversation, she is either going to be so mad at you she won't speak to you or so over protective she's gonna kill him.
Your phone on your lap feels heavy, but the nerves in your stomach feel like a lead weight. Opening your messaging app you text her
Aj- Hey jayge Are you busy, can I call?
A couple minutes ago by and she texts you back
Jj- Abs! Hey hun yeah we're almost done with this case, give me a couple hours I'll text before we head to the airport ok? Love you💜
You don't want to be disappointed but you guess it'll have to do. Grabbing your phone making your way into the house stopping briefly to grab a couple changes of clothes and your memory box which has everything important in it including you birth certificate.
Making a split decision you also leave your phone but write down all the important numbers just in case. Knowing by the time Jj texts, you'll either be in the hospital or with her.
Nothing else in this house is important . Feeling like the worst thing possible is being stuck here, you leave and make your way home to Jj.
Getting behind the wheel planning to make such a long drive from Pennsylvania all the way to Quantico or at least as close as you can get.
First things first she needs a Dr, so she decides to take care of that first pulling out of the driveway and driving putting a hospital search in her GPS, locating one two towns over that she won't be recognized in she proceeds there.
Sitting in her car fiddling her humbs working up the courage to move. Finally making the decision you walk in and start a new life.
A nurse approaches you and escorts you to the back, answering questions left and right
Name Abigail Jaraeu
Age 20
What happened... Your not exactly sure how to answer this so you don't answer.
Getting changed into the stupid gown you realize how alone you are. Butterflies fly in your stomach making you almost nauseous.
The Dr, has a knowing look in his eye as he looks over your injuries, noticing more than you realize.
The gash above your eye takes 8 stitches, your nose is not broken but two black eyes are in your future, didn't even notice the split lip until the dr goes to stitch it 3 more there.
Feeling absolutely terrible it's not done, the rest of the body check shows more injuries none of them too serious just painful.
The broken wrist being the worst, mystified that you could drive all the way there without so much as a twinge of pain.
Apparently adrenaline is a real thing.
Shocked as the Dr starts applying the cast, absently shocked and numb to how you you must look.
You just want Jj.
To hug you, to hold your hand, to kiss your forehead, your scared and you want your big sister, but she is at work.
Surprisingly no broke ribs just jarred heavily, and of course the bruises, you are given a prescription for pain and instructions for the cast, and you sign yourself out against what they recommend but you know you are just ready to be with Jj.
The drive from this place to Jj is roughly 5 hours so you get started.
The phone you left at the house has to be found by now. Memories of the fight flash as your merge on the interstate, setting cruise control you let yourself relax.
The shoving, the broken mirror the outrage that you didn't do anything wrong. It made no sense to you, Johnny was supposed to be a good guy, but he ended up being the scariest thing you've ever encountered.
As your driving you remember Jj is on a case so no one is at her house. Your nephews would be with Wills Mom. Maybe you could stay there till they got back you had a key?
In this situation you didn't think she'd mind.
God you were scared, what If she yelled at you? If she did your pretty sure you would crumble.
Driving is incredibly hard with a cast but you have to make due, you have to get there. Once there everything will work out.
Feeling incredibly guilty now, you think should you even bother Jj? She literally has children what if Johnny came there?
You don't think he's that stupid but you never know. Jj would kill him.
Stopping to fill up with gas using most of the cash you have, you keep driving closer and closer to safety.
For probably the quietest drive your ever made in your life you finally make it to Jj's neighborhood.
Concerned now because it's 2 am and the street is completely deserted, you make up your mind to park farther down the road from her house just in case she's actually already home.
The upstairs light is on, and your basically a nervous wreck. All you want is her, but scared in how she's gonna react .
Slowly getting out of your car, you make your way to Jj's porch and knock softly.
Hearing the footsteps, turns the butterflies in your stomach turn to rocks.
Will opens the door angry someone knocked on the door at 2 am. The second he sees your face his jaw drops, and concern fills his eyes.
Your arms are grabbed into a hug, tears finally fall from your eyes as he calls for your sister to come down the stairs.
Obviously Jj took that offensively, as it's 2 am and she only just got home.
Upon seeing you stitched casted and crying in her husband's arms, all composure is gone.
The next couple of minutes are a blur, feeling yourself be transferred into her arms, sobbing uncontrollably, but strangely you feel better.
Her hands are on your cheeks, and her blue eyes are filled with anguish but at that moment you feel safer than you have in a long time.
"What happened to you Abs? I tried calling you and Johnny said you went to bed"
There is a lump in your throat "Johnny did this, all if this"..
Out of the corner of your eye you see Will leave the room, and in that moment you know, you have to tell her everything..
The story spills from your lips, how he stared out like a normal boyfriend, then he just got so angry at everything how the fights started and how this one ended, how scared you were but most of all how you just had to get to her.
Jj stares back speechless and incredibly livid, her baby sister her best friend was hurt, and came to her.
She pulls you into another hug and in that moment it didn't matter how you looked or were you came from, you were home.
Jj would fix everything, and you would never be able to repay her.
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cryptidsurveys · 1 month
Friday, August 23rd, 2024.
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First thing you touched this morning? Most likely my phone or one of my cats.
Last thing you yelled at? My dad was downstairs sneezin' up a storm yesterday, so I shouted a few "BLESSIN'S!" to him.
Is your car a piece of crap? Nope. It's around sixteen years old, but it still runs beautifully.
What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next 7 days? Visiting the Mountain Park - hopefully next Wednesday or Thursday.
What’s annoying you right now? This damn headache. It's been coming and going since last Wednesday and I'm just so over it! D;
When is the last time you looked in the mirror? After my post-animal shelter shower.
Would you have a long distance relationship with the person you are with now? I'm not in a relationship. In general, I'm not entirely opposed to a temporarily long-distance relationship, but I would make it very clear from the beginning that I'm not going to be the one uprooting my life in order for us to be together.
Who was the last person to make you really mad? Probably my mom during the initial stages of our reconnection. I didn't let her see the full extent of it (I mostly went home and grumbled to my dad about it), but I did eventually speak up and she's been a lot better about certain things since.
Where is the last place you had sex? Home.
Who is the last person you had sex with? A past partner.
Do you enjoy watching porn? No.
What’s your favorite drinking game? I've never played a drinking game.
Do you cry often? I would say regularly but not excessively.
Do you think someone is thinking of you right now? It's definitely possible.
Choose one to have (beer, cigs, or weed)? Cigarettes. An unfortunate habit I still haven't kicked. I quit smoking weed several years ago; the few times I smoked after that left me feeling dizzy, so I don't think I'll ever go back to it. And when it comes to alcohol, I have to be careful because it's very much a slippery slope. I try to keep it to rare/special occasions only.
Do you wish on stars? I wished on 11:11 earlier because I just want this headache to go awaaayyy.
Are you a big flirt? No.
What is the most disgusting prank you’ve ever done? Probably those stupid prank phone calls I made when I was a kid. It was the one and only time I was ever grounded for something, lmao. I was totally out of hand.
What would you do if you became pregnant? Ugh.
When did you last make out with someone? Was it good? Years ago.
Do you like your body? I've been pretty happy with it lately. It's becoming increasingly toned due to animal shelter work, and the way I carry myself is changing too. I'm starting to look more laidback and confident instead of hunched and anxious.
Are you a likeable person? Yeah.
Who did you dream of last night? I don't remember last night's dreams. I'm also falling so behind on my dream journal… Maybe later I'll try to jot down any recent fragments I can recall.
Whose body do you wish you had? I'm fine with my body. I just wish it didn't get so many migraines. Or ANY migraines.
What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home? I am at home. I showered. Then I laid in bed for a bit and listened to a YouTube video.
When is the last time you saw your mom? Yesterday. My parents and I went out for lunch at Pizza Ranch.
Have you ever been so in love, you wanted to get married? Yeah. Lol that yearning feels so unserious now. I truly loved those people, but I was so naive.
Did you get lucky on prom night? I didn't go to prom.
Is there a song that makes you cry? There are songs that have that potential.
Are you normally a horny person? No. I'm actually afraid of that feeling.
Where is your self-esteem from 1 (low) to 10 (high)? It's pretty decent. I'd give it a 6.5.
What color are your eyes? Hazel.
Plans for tonight? Just chillin'.
Plans for the weekend? Volunteering. I think Saturday will be a full day and Sunday might (?) be a half day - it just depends on who's going to be there. If they're short staffed, then I'll probably stay all day.
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