#now mind you i gave you our way to do that which is usually blunter than what society likes
surohsopsisofclouds · 2 years
APARTMENT ABOABIBSIBWOBOS im thinking about getting an apartment soon tooooooooo. IM OKQY iwent to a roller disco last night im hungover and bruised BUT IM FINE IJUD WOKE UP
Yeah we've got an apartment!! I'd definitely suggest having a good pool of savings first before you get one, you will think you have everything and then suddenly you need like 20 things that all cost like $5(i know you dont use those but i just woke up so thats what im typing) and you need them like yesterday, lol.
also rip to the hangover, make sure to drink a lot of water, if you drink some while you're drinking alcohol you can avoid the hangover we've heard.
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jean-kayak · 3 years
Anon Request: Hi. Can I request knb gom asking the girl they like out scenario. Thank you.
A/N: Ofc anon, here you go! I hope you like it!
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He's actually liked you for a while. You were one of the first people that actually saw him. He was actually about to run into you when you stopped and apologized. Since then, his feelings for you continued to grow. Every time you were both walking in the hallways, you always made sure that no one would run into him, and it made his heart flutter so bad, he literally thought it would explode.
When Kagami finally gives him enough courage to try and ask you out, he actually becomes so nervous that you don't even see him coming up to you in the hallways. "Oh, Kuroko, you scared me, that's a first. What's up?"
He almost chickens out right there, the smile on your face making him even more nervous, and he tries to keep his heartbeat out of his ears just in case he disappears right in front of you. "Um, on Saturday there's this new movie coming out, and I was wondering if you wanted to go see it..." He trails off, hesitant to add the last part, but he swallows his words and does it anyway. "Like a date?"
Your smile widens as you nod your head quickly. "Yes, I would love to go on a date with you."
He almost doesn't hear it, but when your answer fills his ears, he's smiling so big that his face hurts, and his heart is still racing.
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He wasn't even sure if you had felt the same way, and Kasamatsu was getting annoyed that Kise was distracted. He had always gotten gifts from fangirls, but he realized soon enough that he only wanted them from you, but despite his usually confident personality, he was way more than nervous to try and ask you out.
And every time he finally got enough courage to ask you, someone would come along and interrupt him, showering with gifts while you start your walk home, and he never got a chance to ask you to stay. He whines to Kasamatsu about what he should do, and he tells him that he should just ask you when no one else is around before kicking him back onto the court.
So, he asks you to stay until practice is over, which you don't mind, and he has you meet him outside the gym. In the back of his mind, he thinks that this probably wasn't the best idea because he's all sweaty, but luckily you won't see how red his face is.
He hands you a huge bouquet of flowers, maybe a little too excitedly because you almost drop them as your eyes widen. "Woah, this is huge. Your fans gave you this?" you ask in disbelief.
He rubs his hands together as he shakes his head. "They're for you."
Your eyebrows raise as you look down at the flowers and back at him. "For me? What for?"
"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date? With me?" The question's out there now, and now he waits for the answer he's been dreading.
"Really? I would love to."
"It's okay if you don't--" He stops himself as his eyes widen. "Wait, you said yes?" You nod as you chuckle softly, and he gives you a big hug in excitement, momentarily forgetting that he was a sweaty mess.
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He didn't even realize that he actually had feelings for you until Takao pointed it out to him. But as soon as he did, it seemed to be the only thing he could focus on. Whenever you would talk to him, his nerves got the best of him, and he was always having trouble responding because he found himself focusing more on you than the conversation.
He starts noticing that whenever he has a lucky item every day, that you're more so interested and amazed rather than teasing him about it like the team does, and that doesn't bother him, but how you respond makes him realize how big his crush is.
He's actually reluctant to ask you out, and Takao rolls his eyes before almost pushing him into you and running away before Midorima can catch him. He pushes his glasses up on his nose before he takes out a small teddy bear and handing it to you.
"It's your lucky item for today," he says, having to clear his throat to try and conceal his nerves. You take it excitedly, your eyes running over the cute bear when you notice that there's a note wrapped around the neck.
"You don't have to say yes, and you can keep the bear." He quick to speak when he sees you read it, and his luck isn't the best today, so to say he's a little nervous is an understatement.
"So, when is this date happening?"
He raises his eyebrows slightly. "You're saying yes?" You chuckle again as you nod your head, and he visibly relaxes, a small smile appearing on his face.
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You were a part-time manager for the team, and apparently, Aomine was the only one who didn't notice that he was only showing up to practice when you were there. He brushed it off every time someone commented on it, and the team was even more surprised when he started showing up even though you weren't there.
Momoi actually pushes him about it, telling him that his reasoning behind it was because he liked you, and it didn't even dawn on him until he was trying to take a nap on the roof. He still tried to deny it, but almost every conversation he had with you about practice, was you telling him that he still needed to go even if he wasn't going to practice.
Of course, when he shows a little bit of agreement, Momoi gets excited and tells him that he has to ask you out, which he denies quickly, but the more he thinks about it, the less of a bad idea it sounds. He tells her that he doesn't want her help, that he is more than capable of asking you out on his own.
But that doesn't mean he's any less nervous.
He thinks about how he could ask you, but every outcome is just him asking you out on a date awkwardly, and he almost gives up on the idea until you come up to the roof to get him to go to practice.
"Aomine, I thought we made a deal," you say, leaning over him and shielding the sun from his face.
"If you go on a date with me, then I'll go more often." His eyes shoot open. He doesn't know why his mouth started talking on its own volition, but he looks anywhere but your face, scared of your reaction.
"Is that a deal?" He slowly looks at you, seeing that you have a small smile on your face, your eyebrows raised.
"You want to go out with me?" he asks incredulously, and you huff softly as you nod.
"Yes, but I'm not going unless you go to practice." You start making your way down the ladder and back into the school, and he's right behind you, trying to convince you if there's something else he could do instead of going to practice.
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Himuro was quick to notice how Atushi's behavior changed whenever you would start talking to him or if you were in the same room as him, but he didn't say anything. He was really surprised when he started offering you food, knowing how protective and passionate he is about it and decided to ask him about it.
"She was hungry," he responds, giving him a lazy excuse before busying himself with opening another bag of chips, but Himuro doesn't miss the way his face starts to turn a light shade of pink at the mention of you.
"You should say something, Atushi," he tries, but he just ignores him, telling him that he was nothing more than a friend helping out a friend.
So, when he sees you walking into the cafeteria, he calls you over, making Atushi freeze, the chips he was going to put in his mouth, hovering in front of it. "I actually need to go, but Atushi has something to ask you."
Murasakibara glares at him as he walks away, and you sit down next to him. "What do you need to ask me?" Your attention is fully on him, and he fumbles with the bag of chips in his hand before holding it towards you.
"Thank you," you say eagerly, taking a couple of chips. "I did not bring nowhere near enough food today."
"Well, you could always get more...like on a date," he responds, cringing slightly at his words, and you smile as you finish chewing, your head tilting slightly.
"Are you asking me out?" you ask, and he gives you a small shrug as he looks away, making you laugh softly. "I'd like that."
He turns his head back to you in surprise before giving you a small smile. "Well, just so you know, you're getting your own food after our first date," he adds, and you laugh as he lets you take another chip.
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He knew pretty early on that he felt different about you, but he didn't think at first that it was because he liked you. He wasn't really nervous to ask you on a date, but he was nervous about whether or not you would actually yes or if you felt the same way.
So, for a while, he doesn't say anything at all, keeping his feelings a secret whenever he was talking to you, but because he sees you almost all of the time, those feelings only become stronger and harder to hide.
And he spends way too much time trying to figure out how he should ask you, or if he should be extravagant with it. But everything he comes up with, he just ends up countering with something negative about the idea, so feels defeated.
He doesn't like this feeling, and he decides to just go for it because he thinks he'll feel better that he actually asked you instead of just not trying at all. He's able to catch you after school before he goes to practice, and he takes a deep breath before he speaks.
"I just wanted to ask you something," he starts, and curiosity appears over your face.
"Sure go ahead."
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" It's blunter than he would like it to be, but right now he's pleased that he finally got it off his chest. But that feeling is slowly pulled away as he waits for your answer.
"It took you long enough," you joke, and his eyes widen in surprise before he laughs with you.
"I just wanted to ask you in the right way," he admits, a little sheepishly, and you smile softly.
"But short and straight to the point is good enough," you reply before walking up to him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek before you start to walk away.
"You've got practice, but text me the details, okay?" And he watches you walk away, his hand brushing over his cheek.
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ssatoritendou · 4 years
Backup | i.
back up | ii.
Pairing: Bokuto/reader Atsumu /reader
Miya Atsumu, Bokuto Koutarou 
Word count: 5.4k
+ summary: (time skip) You have a one-sided crush on your close friend, best friend Bokuto Koutarou however you’re are being strung along after he suffers heartbreak after heartbreak with his loving heart. Atsumu is both of your friends and sees the clear problems with the situation so he plans to help you to get over Bokuto.
Genre: angst fluff 
Warning: vulgar language, 18+ scenarios
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You were currently eating dinner with some of the Black Jackals. You had met them through Bokuto. Which right now was out with his new girlfriend or should you say the new love of his. It was painfully obvious to everyone except Bokuto himself that you had a crush on him. “____ it’s not that he doesn’t like you,” Hinata said trying to cheer you up. “Hinata that doesn’t really help her,” Sakusa said rubbing his eyes. “It’s ok Sho. Personally, I just don’t get what he sees in her. She is just so-” “Let’s not sugar coat it. She a controlling bitch who has her hand so far up his ass that she can talk for him. Like he’s a ventriloquist dummy.” Atsumu said sipping on his beer happy with his analogy. Even under a face mask, Sakusa can still make a disgusted look. “You are always so vulgar. Please a lady is present.” “He’s right though Sakusa. He’s just different. He doesn’t even gel his hair up anymore. He dresses differently. He isn’t the usual ‘Hey, Hey, Hey!’ spirit.” You pointed out. “I do have to agree with you there. At first, it was kind of relaxing and now it’s bone-chilling.” “I miss the old Bokuto. He makes you excited about volleyball even if you are playing against him.” Hinata sighed. 
“____, get over it. This is how it goes he dates the girlfriend and for lack of a better term-” “There is a better term so don’t say what you are going to say.” “He is pussy-whipped.” Atsumu stated once again with Sakusa rolled his eyes. “This is his routine. He falls in love with every girl he lays eyes on and then they break his heart because they get bored of someone doing every little thing for them.” Except you, Bokuto didn’t fall in love with you when he laid eyes on you. Maybe because his actions were pure. But you didn’t have a crush when you first saw him either. This one-sided love thing was killing you slowly. So much it was like you could breathe in front of your best friend. 
By the end of the night, you and Atsumu were driving home together since you both lived near each other. He always walked you to your door. “Are you sure you are ok to drive?” You asked. “____ I only had one beer tonight and I was nursing it. I have to get up early tomorrow. Long day at the gym.” “You shouldn’t work out too much. Then the girls will be fawning over you too much.” You said with a laugh. “You mean my fan club? Now it’s just getting annoying. It was funny at first when there were only 3 showing up to my game and all I would do is a wink and they would collapse. Now it’s a crowd like Oikawa gets.” “Really seems like you really enjoy and they do more than just stroke your ego.” You chuckled again. “You have had too much to drink.” “Have not! Bokuto told me that.” You whined. Atsumu thought for a minute. He knows he has complained a lot about his fan club to the team. But he wasn’t the only one with a fan club it seemed. Sakusa had fans too but he was much blunter towards them. He made a couple of them cry and Atsumu could never make a girl cry. Just wasn’t in his nature and if his mother found out...his ass would be handed to him. “Bokuto doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I would never hook up with a fan. It’s not right. They have feelings for me and I wouldn’t use them for my own enjoyment.” “That’s rather noble of you. So you are a gentleman.” “Of course I am.” He defended himself. “Are you coming to the game on Tuesday?” “Yeah, it starts at 4 right?” “Yeah, it does. But don’t you usually come for our warm-ups, before anything starts?” “Bo told me that is when the warm-ups were. Maybe he just got confused with the times.” Atsumu rolled his eyes. That’s right the girlfriend was coming now too. Didn’t want you there obviously. But Atsumu wasn’t going to let that happen. “Listen ___.” He became all serious. “I know you like him a lot. I do too in a different way but that is beside the point. Everyone likes him because he has that personality. You shouldn't wait for him. For him to get a new girlfriend every 4 months and him saying she is the one. When in reality she doesn’t even meet anyone besides us. You shouldn’t have to mend his broken heart every single time either. You shouldn’t have to feel like his back up when he feels like all else fails. Instead, make him feel like he is your back up. Because if he was truly just your best friend he wouldn’t treat you like this.” You listened carefully to his words. He was right Bokuto was dim-witted but he wasn’t a complete idiot. He always came to you when he was broken. But you didn’t understand what the term back up meant. But you were too tipsy and tried to go into a detailed conversation about that. “Goodnight.” He said kissing the top of your head leaving your apartment.
Tuesday had come. Which meant seeing Bokuto. Who you haven’t seen or heard from in a while. There were the occasional hi’s and he asked questions about preparing a meal in a microwave. Just out of curiosity you asked what time you should be at the game today. He still told you 4. You wanted to double-check with Atsumu. He told you again that the game started at four and that they would probably arrive at 3:15. He even offered to pick you before he headed to the bus to drive there. You had never driven on the bus with Bokuto. It almost felt like you were stabbing him in the back. But Atsumu sent a funny message saying, ‘I only ask because you are a horrible drive. I’m afraid for the pedestrians on the road.’ It made you laugh. You agreed to go on the bus with them. You knew everyone. It wouldn’t be awkward.
“M’lady,” Atsumu said bowing in front of the open doors of the bus. “Are you still keeping out the gentleman act?” “I assure you it is not an act. I will even offer my hand in helping you up these steps.” “You are so weird sometimes. It makes me wonder about your twin.” He did indeed help you on the bus following right behind you and picking the back seat and even giving you the window seat. “I’ll have you know I’m not the weirder twin. If anything it’s Samu.” “Oh, really why is that?” Before he could give you an answer. Hinata, Bokuto, and his girlfriend were making their way on the bus. You had no clue she was going to be here. Atsumu knew and that is why he offered. Atsumu didn’t think you deserved to be treated like this even if Bokuto was his friend. He needed to break your heart sadly. You had to learn that there was no chance between you and Bokuto. That you two would remain friends. “Hey ___!” Hinata shouted running towards the backsliding next to Atsumu. “Bokuto didn’t tell us you were coming on the ride too.” “Because he didn’t. I did. You have been in her car those pedestrians are endangered when she is behind the wheel.” Atsumu said. “I’m not that bad. I passed my driver's test.” “Probably because the teacher had already seen you try so many times he just gave it to you to never get back in the car with you.” You hit his stomach. He leaned over. “I’ve had worse than that Princess.” You blushed at his sudden sweet nickname for you. “Don’t call me that.” “Alright, babe.” He said with a laugh stretching out. “You want a drink before we start moving? I know you get car sick easily.” “Yes please.” He got up from his spot and took off his jacket and put it down on the seat. And walked over to the cooler sitting in the front of the bus. Bokuto had been watching your interaction with the setter. He found it strange. He knew you were friendly with his team but not full friends like the two of you were right? “Hey, Atsumu why did you bring ___?” “She asked me if the game was still at 4 today and I had to remind her that warm-ups were before that. I just offered to bring her here. It’s a lot easier. I didn’t think the coach would mind since your girlfriend rides the bus every game now.” ‘Your Girlfriend?’ The owl thought to himself. That was an odd way of phrasing it. Did that mean that you two were dating? And you didn’t tell him!? And with a fuck boy like Atsumu?!   “Can me and ___ sit in the back seat?” “You really want to sit back there with both Hinata and ___ who both are prone to being car sick. I can afford to have vomit on me. I always bring an extra pair of sweatpants.” “Ko we can sit up here it’s fine. I don’t want to be near throw up again.” Atsumu rolled his eyes at her and walked back to you and Hinata. “Sho says that Saeko Tanka is a worse driver than me.” “You don’t even know her how can you be a definitive judge on her driving skills.” “Shoyo says he almost died with Kageyama in the car.” “It’s true Sumu, except he was sleeping half the time and eating the other half. He wouldn’t have noticed.” “So she is worse than ___ but doesn’t mean ___ is the best driver in the world.” You pouted on not winning this argument. “Stop pouting babe. I rather see you smile.” He smirked. You falsed a smile. “What was Bo asking?” You asked him. “He asked if he and she could sit back here like they always do.” “Always do?” You asked out-loud. “Yeah, almost every game he takes her on the bus and brings her to the games. He has she likes this VIP treatment of being the only one on the bus beside the team. And the only one who can really watch us while we warm up.” He said going into his bag pulling out his iPad and headphones. ‘Only one.’ You repeated in your head. “But I figured she was feeling too special as of late. And besides, you know more about volleyball and you can see Sakusa basically wash his entire seat before he sits in it.” “Isn’t this the Jackal's bus?” You asked thinking you saw the jacket's decal on the side of the bus. “Yes. We are the only ones that use it. And he has sat in that seat every single time. I’m convinced that he comes here it a vacuum cleaner and cleans the entire bus when we aren’t practicing.” He laughed a little. He noticed you weren’t really paying attention to him. “Don’t bother with them. Don’t even think about it. You want to watch the other team play?” “Sure.”
You arrived at the gym. Atsumu told you to go to the bench where the coach and to watch them warm-up. “We can take the train home. And get dinner.” “Yeah let’s do that. Is the train station far from here?” “No, I don’t think so,” Atsumu said. “Gotta go now.” Bokuto came up to you to say something. “Hey ___. I didn’t think you were going to come to warm-ups today.” It was his phrasing that got to you. He never spoke to you like that before. “Atsumu asked me to come.” “Oh. Why aren’t you sitting up in the bleachers?” “Atsumu said it was fine that I sit here.” You weren’t even looking up from your phone. “Are you just doing everything he says?” “Yes. Were friends Bokuto we live close to each other. He almost always drives me home or I drive him home. We have dinners together too.” “So you guys are just friends?” He asked suspiciously. “Yes. Why do you ask that?” ‘Because he was calling you pet names and basically called you his girlfriend.’ He was thinking but he said in return, “No reason. But does that mean you are better friends with him than me?” He pouted. It was hard to tell now that he stopped gelling his hair up. You wanted to tell him, ‘Yes. He’s been a better friend as of recently.’ But you opted for one that wouldn’t hurt his feelings so much. “Of course not Bo.” You cupped his face. His face brightened up he almost looked like the old Bokuto that you knew. He glanced away for a second and then pulled from your hands. “I have to go now. The game is going to start soon. Make sure to go to the bleachers.” “Atsumu said I could stay here for the game.” You smiled at him.  
“You guys played well today.” “We won by the skin of our teeth today, ___,” Atsumu said frustrated. “But you still won. That is a positive.” “Yeah, you are. What are you going to get?” “I think noodles. I’m not sure if I want soba or udon though. What about you?” “Skewers and onigiri.” “That does sound good.” “We can share if you get soba.” He said wiggling his eyebrows. You nodded your head and agreed. “You know my brother owns an onigiri shop.” “Really? That sounds fun.” “You find that interesting? That is what makes him the weird twin.” “How does that make him the unusual twin? You are a pro volleyball player and the setter. You have high chances of making it on the national team. Onigiri shop is pretty common.” “Exactly who wants to be ordinary.” He stated. “I don’t know. I like to think I’m ordinary.” “Please you are far from ordinary. You are an artist for Shonen Jump. And you are friends with me.” He smiled. “Sometimes Atsumu I wanna punch you across the face. But then you have those puffy cheeks and I could never.” “My cheeks are not puffy.” “They are when you smile.” You squished his cheeks. You enjoyed the light conversation with Atsumu. It made you feel like you were almost talking to Bokuto. But it was different Atsumu didn’t need your constant attention. Plus he wasn’t always happy-happy with everyone. When he didn’t like someone he made it very clear he didn’t not like you. Sometimes he was a dick to people he first meets but gives him the time. “I have a question what is a backup?” You asked. “A backup?” He asked back thinking about what you were asking. “Oh. What Bokuto is using you as?” “Yes.” “It means that you are a standby partner or significant other anticipated as a potential romantic or sexual partner in the event of a failure or unforeseen end of the current relationship.” “And you think Bo is using me for that?” “It’s known at this point. Just his body language and the way he talks to you or about you. It is like he’s territorial over you but doesn’t want you to think that he is actually attracted to you all the time like right now with his girlfriend. Then he goes back to you and then the cycle starts all over again. At least you don’t use him as an emotional fluffer.” “What is an emotional fluffer?” “Oh my, you are so innocent when it comes to relationships. It means using a friend as a significant except they don’t get any of the benefits.” “Shouldn’t shock you that I’m a relationship virgin. I’ve never been in a relationship.” “Not even in high school.” “I was focused on graduating and getting into college.” “Let’s face it your volleyball team wasn’t that attractive.” “Are you calling me a groupie?” “Maybe.” He was laughing. “Nah I’m just joking.” “Wouldn't you be my fluffer?” “How so?” “We go out to dinner, you drive me home sometimes, you have pet-names for me, and you sometimes fix things around my apartment.” “Yeah, but you do the same things for me. Accept the fixing, you just cook for me. You pay for some dinners and you drive me home. So we are both equally fluffers.” You nodded. “Is that a bad thing?” “I don’t think so.” “How does one stop being a backup?” “You date someone else make it apparent to him that you are off the market.” “Good. How do I do that?” “Have you ever been on a date?” “No.” You said lowly. “Ok. Ok. So Friday I have a practice. I will be taking you to a nice restaurant, I’ll come to pick you up, I’ll pay for dinner and dessert.” “Atsumu...” He put his finger in front of your face. “And dress nice too.”
“Come on Atsumu one more set let’s go,” Bokuto said. “Bokuto I have to go. I have a date.” “A date Atsumu?” Sakusa questioned. “With who, Tsumu?” Shoyo asked. “____.” He said sternly but he was excited. While the team was staring him down. Bokuto dropping the ball. “I gotta get home and shower. I have to look nice for her and pick up flowers.” “Didn’t think she would ever say yes to you,” Sakusa said. “But you have to be a gentleman towards her.” “I always am. But I seriously have to go.” Atsumu collected his things and was making his way out the door. Bokuto came running after him. “Why are you taking her out?” “I like her. She is sweet. I like spending time with her.” “She isn’t-” “Yeah I know she isn’t one of my fangirls. And she said something about you telling her that I fucked around with them. Which you and I both know I didn’t. That would be a waste of time. ____ isn’t a waste of my time.” “She said yes.” “Yeah, she did. Why does that surprise you? I spend more time with her than you have in the past month, past year whenever you have a new girlfriend.” Atsumu wasn’t going to listen to any more of whatever pure crap was about to come out of Bokuto’s mouth. And went home to prepare for his date with you.
“___ why did you FaceTime me on a Friday night while I’m editing?” Akaashi asked over the phone call. “You are a guy and my friend and I wanted to ask your opinion on this dress.” You said to your coworker and friend. “Why not ask Bokuto?” “I can’t ask him.” “Why can’t you ask him? And be honest with me because if you don’t tell me he will.” “I’m going on a date.” “A date? With who?” “Miya Atsumu.” “His teammate!” He yelled into the phone surprised. “Akaashi that is beside the point. He doesn’t know that I’m going on this date. And as it was pointed out to me I can’t just sit and wait for Bokuto to decide he wants to be with me. It’s not healthy.” “No, it’s not.” Akaashi agreed. Akaashi never met any of Bokuto’s fleeting romances. He told Bokuto after he met one that was completely rude to everyone. He made it a rule that they had to be dating for at least 5 months. Which was never going to happen. “What was your question?” “Is this dress slutty to go to a nice dinner?” You were wearing a black spaghetti strap dress that fell just at your knees with black stockings. Your hair down with a clip-on on either side. Wearing a simple locket that your mother had bought you for Valentine’s Day last year. You were wearing basic black heels. “You remember those earrings I bought for your birthday the blue ones. Put those in and put on that crop navy cardigan.” You listened to your friend and put those things on. “I do have navy heels, should I put them on?” Akaashi thought about it for a minute. “Yes. I think that will pull the look together.” He hummed with that. “It is nice to see you going out since you are a homebody.” You chuckled. You knew he was just trying to ease you. “I go out with friends. But I see what you are saying because of my position at Jump I can be anywhere and do my work. Hey, I could be in Antarctica all I have to do is meet the deadline and attend meetings virtually.” “What I mean is whenever Bokuto gets a new girlfriend he prioritizes them after volleyball. He even combines the two. When you two became friends through me I asked him to keep an eye on you. But he failed obviously.” “Don’t blame him for having a big heart Akaashi. That he loves so deeply.” You hummed. “Are you going out to go out with and to date Atsumu? Or are you going out with him to get over your crush on Bokuto?” It was a practice date you knew that. Atsumu didn’t really have feelings for you. He wanted to help you get over Bokuto. It wasn’t real. But you weren’t sure if you say to Akaashi that it was that. “Can’t it be both?” “I just worry that you might hurt him if he is just a rebound for your crush. And I don’t that burden on your shoulders.” “It will be fine Akaashi. Now how do I look?” Akaashi was starring at you attentively. “Yes, you look nice. Definitely not slutty.”
Atsumu knocked on your door. He straightened his tie and he held the bouquet of flowers close to his chest. When you opened the door you almost made him speechless. “Hello, Gorgeous. I bought you some flowers.” “Thank you Atsumu.” You took the flowers and placed them in the kitchen vase. “You look very handsome tonight Atsumu. All for me?” “Of course for you. M’lady?” He stuck out his arm out to you. You gladly took it. “And where are you taking me on this fine evening?” “I’m taking you to the new hibachi restaurant.” “Atsumu that is expensive.” “Hush now. I plan to treat you to a wonderful meal after you got dressed up.” He said to you opening the car door for you abs helping you into the passenger seat. “You cleaned your car for me. You really are a gentleman for your dates. Careful Atsumu you might accidentally cause me to fall in love with you.” You joked. “Like I would mind you falling for me Babe.” He stated.
The restaurant was beautiful. Atsumu was able to snag a really good table too. He requested the corner table in the right corner booth. You and he were able to look out at the restaurant. You sat next to him in the booth, he made sure that you sat close to him. “Do you know what you want? Do you want appetizers?” “I do if it means I can spend more time with you.” He smirked at you. “Let’s get soup. It’s light filling so we can enjoy our meal.” He leaned into your ear and whispered, “Hopefully dessert too.” You never thought Atsumu can be this attractive to you. You knew he was hot but this was different. You kind of enjoyed it. You turned your head your lips almost touching, “Trust me I want dessert.” “Hmm. You are good at flirting can’t believe you haven’t been on a date.” He pulled away slightly he had his hand resting on your thigh. You had to remind yourself this isn’t real. “Are you always this flirty with your dates?” You ask. “Yes.” He sighed. “But it’s not that I go out a lot. I am really focused on volleyball and time with my friends. Plus my alone time.” “What do you do during your free time?” “I play video games, go to the gym, watch old matches and try to learn new sets. Sometimes I go to Osamu’s shop and help there. I should take you there sometime.” “Planning a second date already Atsumu?” You teased him. “Of course anything for my beautiful girl.” He laughed. “What have you been up to recently?” “Currently I’m working with an illustrator and author of romance that also has monsters in it. It’s only just starting. It’s a lot of meetings and figuring out what they want the style to be and where the story will go.” “It is not too much for you right?” “No. I like this part of it.” You smiled at him. The waiter was coming over to your table. “Let’s order now.”
“Do you actually want dessert or do you want to go home?” Atsumu asked you as the waiter was taking your plate away. “Mmm. Let’s get ice cream at that ice cream place not far from your apartment.” You said. He paid the bill and he didn’t let you see the bill and you left. You however paid for the ice cream. You knew guys shouldn’t always have to pay. “I was supposed to be treating you on this date.” “I’m your date too, Atsumu. It is only fair that I also pay for something.” He smiled happily at that comment. “I like the idea of being treated nicely. The way I deserve.” Atsumu said sticking his spoon in his mouth. “What flavor-” Before you could even finish asking the question, he stuck the spoon in your mouth. “Pistachio? I didn’t peg you as a pistachio guy.” “Trust me you will never peg me.” He hummed at his perfectly timed comment. “You do realize that I inadvertently kissed you.” You blushed. “Don’t be an idiot Atsumu.” He laughed at your cute reaction. He put out his hand, “Come on let’s go home ___.”
He was walking you upstairs with his arm around your waist. It wasn’t weird being this flirty with Atsumu, in fact, it felt oddly comfortable. “Did you have fun tonight?” He asked as you were opening the door. “Yes, I did. Too bad every date isn’t going to be like this one.” You sighed. “No one can live up to my first date with the Great Miya Atsumu.” “No one has to if you don’t want to.” He stated leaning against the wall. “What Atsumu?” He shifted facing towards you and looking you in the eyes. “If you want to continue going on dates, hold hands in public, kiss even if you are comfortable with that. I don’t do things that will waste my time. I don’t think it would be a waste of time to date you.” You were speechless. “Atsumu I-I don’t know what to say.” “Think about it then. You have my number and you know where I live.”
“Sakusa, Bokuto, Oriver let’s run some quick attacks.” “Sure Tsumu-Tsumu!” Bokuto yelled. “What about me Atsumu?” Hinata asked. “We have been running attacks all day. I have to practice with other spikers too.” “Hinata I want to practice my setting with you,” Inunaki said. Atsumu started practicing his spikes with his teammates. He had a set way of setting to each player. He was working hard on that. Being able to predict his teammate's moves much like his rival Kageyama. Bokuto liked softer spikes than Sakusa’s so he could slam them hard on the ground. He sets the ball just as Bokuto was coming to spike it over the net. The ball made its way over the net but not to Atsumu’s satisfactory. “Sorry, Bokkun wasn’t my best set for you today. I think I need a break.” Atsumu went to the bench and pulled his water from his bag. Sakusa came over to him handing him a towel to wipe himself with. “How did your date go with ___ on Friday.” “It went well. I took her to this new hibachi restaurant I paid for. She bought ice cream for us. I cleaned my car, dressed nice and bought her flowers. I wanted her to feel special. She means a lot to me.” “I still can’t believe she said yes. Considering.” Sakusa looked over to Bokuto. “Sakusa can I tell you something in private?” The spiker nodded and they walked away from their teammates. Sakusa perked his ears to the bottle blonde's information. “It was her first date.” “Oh.” “Not that I had a problem with that. When she told me that I decided that I was going to treat her out. The only reason she even mentioned it was because she wants to get over the great horned owl.” “So you took her out as a practice date?” “Something like that. But I do like her. I told her that and I told her I would like to date her. I asked her to think about it. I wouldn’t be mad at her if she turned down the offer. I would still like to be her friend if she was comfortable with that.” “Would you be ok with being her rebound or second option?” “I wouldn’t think of it like that.” “That’s rather mature of you Atsumu. It seems that you are growing up.”
Miya Atsumu had officially distracted you from work. Sure you have or had a crush on Bokuto but this feeling of being strung along and used felt horrible. He was a great friend. But this feeling was crushing you. Atsumu was nice. He was great. He made you feel good about yourself and he made you feel alive. He made you feel special. Akaashi's words were stuck in your head. You didn’t want Atsumu to feel second to Bokuto. The idea, the action dating him was more than tempting it sounded like a dream. You needed to talk to him. You decided to text him to come to your house after his workout.
You had put out cookies. Baking had always calmed you and Atsumu loves to eat. The knock on the door had you up on your feet so fast. “hi.” You said in a small voice. “Hello ___. May I come in?” “Please. Do you want a cookie?” “I will literally eat anything you bake.” He smiled happily taking off his shoes. He rushed to the cookie plate and brought it to a seat in your living room. “You said you wanted to talk?” “Yes, about your proposal.” “Ok. Before we talk I want to say something. I want you to say everything that you are thinking. I will respond when you are done. If it is a rejection, I want you to know I will not be mad and I would still like to be friends.” You nodded. Ok, here you go. “First things first, I would like to date you. I like how you made me feel on our date. I liked how you made me feel before the date. I worry though that at some point you will feel I choose you second that I put you second. I don’t want you to feel like a second option I know that you sometimes felt that way in childhood being a twin. I couldn’t live with myself if I did that to you.” You leaned into your body not wanting to look at him. Atsumu put the plate down and held you close to him. “I hear you. I want to say if I don’t want or think I will feel that way. I promise you that your crush your one-sided love will mean nothing to me. If I help you get over him I’m happy to do that. I want to date you in spite of that because I care about you a lot. And that date meant a lot to me. I wanted you to feel special because you are that to me. I will try every day to treat you like that if you will be my girlfriend.” You squeezed his body. “Alright let’s do this. I want to be your girlfriend.” You looked up to him. He did his childish smirk, pulled your face to his, and placed a light kiss. "I am yours, My Beautiful Girl."
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