#especially if you ask what the landlord hasnt gotten around to fixing yet for them
surohsopsisofclouds · 2 years
APARTMENT ABOABIBSIBWOBOS im thinking about getting an apartment soon tooooooooo. IM OKQY iwent to a roller disco last night im hungover and bruised BUT IM FINE IJUD WOKE UP
Yeah we've got an apartment!! I'd definitely suggest having a good pool of savings first before you get one, you will think you have everything and then suddenly you need like 20 things that all cost like $5(i know you dont use those but i just woke up so thats what im typing) and you need them like yesterday, lol.
also rip to the hangover, make sure to drink a lot of water, if you drink some while you're drinking alcohol you can avoid the hangover we've heard.
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