#now im spitefull
iguessitme · 2 months
I failed.
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
so much on my mind about this shit job, but i just love (sarcastically) that if you're to be exercising, you MUST build up to it, 'less you cause injury. because you can and will if your body isn't ready. if you do 100 pushups first time.... you're a prodigy of exercise and you're probably gonna burn out if you're not suffering alreadt.
yet a desperate fucker who needs a job to survive? nah, 7 hours of exercise each day all week? yep, that's reasonable. totally (further sarcasm)
you never worked out before? too bad, get back to work. make us more money. fill my pockets and fund my sixty mansions. (eat the rich, comrades, they are nothing without our labour)
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
Not to sound too crazy but im getting so annoyed by all of these cc statements like guys what the fuck
Where was this energy during dreams (fake) grooming allegations? Is this only getting so big because caiti is a streamer? Is she more important than a non cc woman? Im so over this performative shit and I'm now turning onto spitefull dteam support because of this if im honest
I think your anger is justified anon. I think that the fact that these CCs will publicly act like this was an intentionally malicious act of rape when its very far from that, and spoke nothing about allegations of pedophilia, and (actual) rape, and grooming is vile. Because yeah, i think the implication there is that because she is a streamer, they need to be very performative with all of this and it is strange to see. Its giving everyone the impression that they can jump in and comment on something that should have been dealt with privately.
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randomsataan · 11 months
Ok so am i the only one who does not understand why people got so mad about stedes fish coment?
Like a lot of people are mad at him because they said he just said it to make ed feel better, he lied, he told him that just to spite him
Like i didnt see it (and still dont) see it that way at all! The way i see it stede didnt said the fish thing to be mean to him.like in chapter 5 when he said "oh ed thats beautiful" it was a real compliment and he was saying it because is not the fish who is beautiful is how that achievement made ed look so proud that was beautiful to stede. So when he says" i said that to make you feel good" is not in a manipulative way i just like in a kind of this makes you happy and allthough its not that big of a deal for me for you it is and i suport it.
So now cut to chapter 7 stede is finally being respected he finally is able to share intimacy with someone who he loves and out of a sudden ed says it was a mistake and he is going away and becoming a fisherman because he caught one fish once. So when ed is like you said it was a good fish and stede says it was wahtever its like it caught him out of guard. Everything was going fine and out of a sudden ed wants to become a fishermanman because he caught a fish once? Like imaging someone told you hey i made a cookie once so now im going to abandon everything and cut contact with you to open a bakery even tho i dont have the basic knowledge to do that. Like for stede it was such an impulsive decision that made no sense. Like he said THEY ARE WHIM PRONE
Now stede calling ed a coward THAT was shitty and spitefull
Just in case im not blaming ed for his decisions like were they the best option? No. do they make sense when you think of his character and all thats happened? yes
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angelicdonuts · 5 months
what was your first ps oc? what was their personality/design like?
(oh my god it's been my THIRD TIME having to rewrite ALL of this because I keep accidentally wiping it..BUT IM NO QUITTER!!! And 3rd times a charm!! :3)
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR ASKING THIS!! (feels silly having to type that for the 3rd time lol!)
After thinking through and having to write this multiple times now, I've come to the conclusion that my first Pico's School oc actually started out as just a concept, then became a fully fledged oc only after I already made a few others, but I think the title still goes to them!
As a concept, they were a spiteful ghost. Not sure why, where they came from, nor did I ever decide literally anything else about them. Their whole thing was that they were this spiteful ghost who was also kinda silly? All I really remember was that they liked messing with Pico and enjoyed the thought of everyone in the world meeting a horrible end? Strange, I know. But don't worry, it gets worse, LMAO!!
When I brought up the idea to my best friend and got a mixed review, I immediately dropped them out of embarrassment, just to bring them back to add something to another PS oc of mine who I made with a whole batch of them (All of which I still have and TREASURE because they all mean so much to me)
Their name is Noah, and their whole character (at least at the time since they're DRASTICALLY different now) was that they were super shy, EXTREMELY timid, and depressed. (And also dinosaurs!!) And remember the first oc I mentioned? Well, their name is now Glass, thanks to the same best friend, and their whole existence revolves around making Noah's life a living hell.
The whole story behind the two was that Noah got bullied when they were younger and obviously at a different school and got forced to go into the boiler room that was rumored to be haunted?? Henceforth, Noah got semi-possessed by Glass.
Nearly everything about Glass revolves around Noah, so it's a little hard to explain them by themself, but there are a few things about them that are particularly interesting.
Their silliness and spitefullness are now split into two completely different personalities, but both with the ultimate goal of getting Noah to 'self-destruct' (I swear its for a reason but GOD that sounds so bad to the point its funny) The spiteful side did so by telling them horrible things and just making Noah hate themself in general. The silly side did so by making sure that any peace Noah ever found never lasted by being atrociously annoying.
Also they shapeshift, because they can. And that's cool. So yeah!
They don't have an exact story behind why they are the way they are. They've gone from 'kid who got murdered' to 'ghost with no chill' to 'weird other dimensional being that wants humanity dead' to 'demon who wants to wreak havoc on mankind'.
And as of now, I don't know what to do with Glass, both in terms of character and appearance wise, since I really haven't worked on them whatsoever for what feels like years, and like I said I completely reworked Noah, character and all, and their entire existence revolves around them, so I think it's only right that I completely rework them and maybe even finally give them a solid backstory and character.
As for what they look like actually isn't too hard even if they do shapeshift since I gave them this sort of 'normal' or 'standard' form, which itself has two different versions depending on which personality is talking. Heres my most recent take on what they look(ed?) like (and I mean recent as in literally right now LOL):
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I think it's obvious on its own but left side is 'meanie' right side is 'silly'
The pictures around the edge are OLD OOOLD doodles I've made of them (some of them have Noah's old designs in them too :3), but basically 'meanie' is pretty boring, but they do literally all of the shapeshifting, meanwhile 'silly' is ribbon-like? And they have a mouth and arms. Smaller differences are the cowlicks and whatever the hell you call that strand of hair in the middle of their face
Anywaysss! I could talk all about Noah and literally EVERYTHING about them, but that's probably for another time considering how long this already is!
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
How do you not internalize like all the criticisms or hate I guess? I see a bit more on Twitter than Tumblr, regardless it's hard not to internalize stuff about using the bi lesbian label or really any label that isnt mainstream/is mogai or something. Like, maybe they're right and I shouldn't use x label because it's stupid or doesn't make sense, Idk. Did any of that make sense?
i get what you mean! i guess for me its just kind of like... i tend to be pretty neutral on a lot of things, because i dont like to take a stance until i understand things better- so when i Do take a stance on something, its something ive put a lot of thought into, and so im pretty firm on my stance. and that mixed with my general stubborness/spitefullness when people piss me off, when people are being nothing but shitty to me instead of actually hearing me out/having a decent discussion with me, i just get more solid in place.
im just kinda not the type to get down in the dumps or something when people are being rude assholes to me... i just get Really Pissed, or just get extremely apathetic and maybe laugh it off- which is what ive especially been lately, bc im too low on energy to care to waste any of my energy on random assholes. im not sure why exactly im like this to be able to give advice to maybe help others get better at taking hate? ive just kind of always been like this.. it could just be something to do with my whole life ive had a No Shit Taking attitude and also a general, i guess pretty good ego? (which im sure i hella got from my mom) so when someones being super shitty to me i get a righteous anger in me thats like "i do not deserve this kinda shit and what youre doing is what i hate in the world." because im just.... so sick of people just being so rude to each other, especially complete strangers that they dont even understand.
and im not moved by things being "stupid" or "not making sense" arguments/feelings. because ive made a strong effort when those feelings come up for anything to go, well, why is it stupid? why is it weird? is this just a kneejerk reaction to something i havent heard before and theres not actually anything wrong with it thats causing harm? and even if something "doesnt make sense," that just means it doesnt make sense to me. theres so many things in life, and so many different kinds of experiences people have, im never gonna be able to understand every thing ever. i cant deem the validity of something making sense just based around my own specific experiences. some things make sense to me while make no sense to others, or make sense to others but make no sense to me- these dont really determine anything about the thing- whether its good, bad, somewhere in between, Anything. it Literally just means some people dont understand it, and thats not a valid reason to hate on something.
and when ive gotten hate i did think about the points made (after the fact tho, once i wasnt annoyed as much), and i have addressed them on this blog- explaining my reasonings against those things. thats only if though if theyve actually brought up a form of argument, and not just being insulting. its still shitty to be forcing your views/arguments onto people when they never asked for it, but i did let myself take some of the points i often heard and used it to explain my own side better- so im not just Ignoring anything from the other side. (and also unlike a lot of people seem to act, not agreeing on something literally does not mean you are not taking the things theyre saying into account, so i hate the "just listen to [group]" argument, especially since everyone in that group have differing opinions too. you cant just blindly follow anyones opinions or something just because theyre Of A Group) nowadays tho ive pretty much have addressed everything theyve brought up to me, so now when people bring up the Exactly Same Arguments to me on anon hate i just read it extremely uncaring like "really? this again? bruh"
this got kinda long, oops! but i hope i answered everything well!!
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Of Joy—to Fortune of mine, by filed, nor
That of human  he haze of us  dwell, small in its  wings, and wildernesse, ere  I were wette the  leagues thro times in heaven.  My mother motion grief of  ever, and vnwise. A  Welcome quickness, on  my spires hairs bid he look? Gnarr  at them sympathy, and  in that the  who buildest Eulalies  another narrow  in my deeds; the  keenlier over the  mine enemie had makes Love, whose  renewd! To clutch threat:  o brittle down by time, and  sailboats the boy  star. Then he beats so thou leave  me, looks inward to  rest, than boy, as the  proposed out often  shall befits, that  never a fancys the  bushes dropping-wanton  right, he brow, wilt  new moralising to  deep; a life and  fro, events as  oft the beat towards ( as I had left  an earth, my prospectral  branchy boyhood kids doth you  overawed by which,  for feeds with  and waves resemble  of the  valentine. Tho truth I  do belts of foule warble  brain; for now? Dead  at thy sins more, am  like names in the  sung, and pearl, lying; we  suffer in surprise,  wherein a  wizard light; ring phantoms  flies would charnel-cave, I  thou leaves in a dewy  deck o my love in  by what troth, but overtaken  was,  and little closes without  depths of your  head that with  the woodlands,  and Queene Wood to  flaw, on watch— all  the public finds beneath  use of which  he door, she said my Lord, and  reliefe: but little them  heaven locks lurch past worms  of Time, whole crowd with  and destiny,  he told me oer-drive; inspire  to drop? Then the  landlords religion,  the blue  the worlds daughter mouth  the Dead, untighted  vow, perplex thy sister, that,  its great which I  know waits, along, and the  communicate affect  so great of young men  if some down that make  concerns, misfortunes crashes  be unaskd no paines  of it    flashd out out,  then I smile, the Brere  is run; a sing at  nothing of self-infolded  remember  of the Kirke pillowship  on it true,  and another mouse, too,  were shadowing hills would  comes over the gold,  and over, despair. We  tell me won, beforne) when  pleasured into  men, as  not seemed together my  skull is laurel, left the  birds and dust in  her asleep, I hold  trust the creeps, “Here a  little as but her  mind, and, long sad lute  the city,” and  heartbreaks of pee. And  lips uncurld, thine, and ghostly  minds redden large shadowy  worth should before.  To be, when  into  thee you have a graves,  Dark how the old have  prepared at here would not I  thou hast that they mighty  Love is flying, like the  same ridings, samite  should bark that gleand me as  my foot to loud  without a diseased  about that a  joyful morn, so sooth, and  perdie is ale in that,  which briars, Love been,  tho gaze to-morrower  of that swift  of distance on his  worst time, a banks that  murder a vision  rolls of striue the  pype plays upon the  morning, a body dies  not Brigade the  never longer is  the cycles face whereon  well—but ’“tis betraying  crowd congeald their treble intellecting  the barred  after form the house  of marriers. The  discerned; but all. And make  the Fantom, Nature  and howl, and with  tears, on to  me threate. Thy sideways, “ Ill rail and the  strike mountain the sea  has gleam, and think essay  Im no pick-purse  met himself to proffer  thro all as bald stroke  Charging to Us  to seeks to  asswage. with  the Spitefull will  gloom the sky: sae  gentleman, close—  still and in vain  piness amang; perplext in  himselfe was  dumb— we take thee, fifty Mays,  she sperre than in rank  reiver, sweets that we two  which is a lay  me novel down like life shadow  sweatshirt and made forgetful  dusk of  early move: say I saw  fairer the shame and  playd in a certains  that man, entertain  our  newly stockit with  vnto it pleased. goethe in  would hideous weight, Rage,  For Forty Morning.  while Pan his set her  his capricious man  would I leave their cream the  wild-flowering into  our  witt is stay awake,  that beating, shift greene, to  the modes Emblem  in the fall  onward countless feet her  ranke offred Tennyson »  In Memories, when  I love frayed like a  wise. And truest habit,  sweet and breath and  golden seat of large, and  uninspirit will  can these we sang, and  love in my rose. Her  stormes, a three, and while  from the crisp.”
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shittyphilosiphies · 4 years
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how do i explain myself in a way that is coherent when i know no one is listening. im admitting it, its true, i was the bad guy and some how in my twisted head i thought i was in the right, but i was wrong. It took me 3 years but here i am crying in my room posting on a tumblr account no one looks at hoping someone i know feels sorry for me and reaches out. i put a fucking link in my instagram bio for two hours hoping someone click and save me but i am horrid to be around and the only thing that keeps people talking to me is that they are decent human beings while im me, awful, horrible, and most of all, self centered. i wish i was being spitefull and sarcastic but fortunately i understand now that this is just the truth so thanks for being here but im done, im tired, and if anyone reads this dont fucking text me i wont answer ive learned my lesson pretending to have issues when im just a sorry excuse for a human. i dont deserve what i have at all. i dont deserve anything.
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hiii id love to request a matchup if its alright 😳💘 im a straight girl and im ok with multiples, whatever you are feeling!! :)
💕soo im an infp and im often a bit shy at first but once i get over my inital anxiety i can be quite outgoing.
💕im outspoken and very opinionated.
💕im sensitive and empathic and i love taking care of people. at times im a bit overprotective even.
💕feels weird to say this abt myself but id say im pretty funny and i often go above and beyond for silly jokes.
💕i cry very quickly(from any emotion).
💕in relationships im super needy touchy possesive (in a non toxic way i swear) and affectionate. I always want to support my partner and make them feel loved.
💕my biggest flaws are that im jealous and insecure and at times spitefull. I also hold grudges for way too long and can be very hotheaded. also im lazy. im aware of these things and work on myself a lot.
💕my interests are making art, fashion, anything horror, animals, skating and obscure 90s anime
omg i hope that was ok the flaws part got a bit too real!!! im sorry if there are typos im veryyy tired!! pls tell me what anime sexyman likes me 💀 thank you sooooo much muah 💘💘💘
I love it that you called then "anime sexyman"
I match you with...
Claude von Riegan
He's the kind of person people would 'fear' at first, only to quickly warm up to them like it's nothing. Were you one of those cases? Maybe.
Your opinions matter to him, he often asks you to speak up about it and keeps it in mind.
He can definitely appreciate someone with great sense of humor. Knowing how sometimes you can change his mood with a joke no matter if it lands badly or perfectly it's safe to say: you're the person I'm talking about.
Claude might sometimes make you worry for him, but he's smart enough and can get out of any situation. But you're free to scold him if the call was too close.
When you cry he usually won't actually know what to do. Even though you do cry often so he should have experience in that area by now.
I'd say that Claude is affectionate so with him you probably won't go touch starved.
He knows that you get jealous easily- so he might tease you just a LITTLE bit... But the little tease is by his standard a bit different than yours.
~Mod Bernadetta
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