#now I can melt into a puddle đŸ«¶
hero-of-the-wolf · 2 months
@kikker-oma !!! I couldn't let this month pass without writing you a little something đŸ«¶ I hope you like it!!!! based on this drawing here :)
Twilight stumbled back a step, bringing his shield up against the lizalfos’ attack. His side screamed in protest at the impact, forcing him to fall back another step.
“Careful, Twi!”
“Do you need any help?”
“Are you okay?”
The rancher ignored them all. He was losing his mind. He knew that the others meant well, but it was hard not to feel absolutely smothered by all of their concern. He was a fully capable hero, just the same as the rest of them. So why was his injury such a big deal? Just because he’d almost died-....
Twilight shook his head firmly. He was fine. The wounds were well on their way to scarring by now. So what if they were still sore? So what if his current strength was only a fraction of what it once was? There was absolutely no reason for the others to worry about him.
He was fine.
The lizalfos pressed the attack, hacking its sword against his shield over and over again. Twilight gritted his teeth, losing more ground with every hit.
This was getting ridiculous.
Surging forwards, he bashed his shield against the monster, stunning it, and thrust his sword through its chest. With a horrible screech it exploded into a cloud of black smoke.
Twilight panted, wiping the sweat off his face with the back of his hand. He moved to walk forwards when his legs buckled, sending him stumbling to his knees with a surprised grunt. Almost immediately he felt a concerned hand prodding at him. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, trying to hold it together. He’d be worried too if he was in their shoes, he tried to remind himself. They meant well.
He waved Sky away and forced himself back to his feet. His side was still screaming at him, his head was spinning, he couldn’t quite catch his breath. He looked around for the next monster only to realize the battle had already ended and everyone was staring at him.
He felt his face flush red.
Without a word he picked a direction and took off, steps quick and unsteady. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed space.
He managed to make it out of earshot before the pain grew too much and he was forced to sit down roughly on a nearby rock.
Hylia it hurt.
It shouldn’t. He hadn’t even done that much during the battle. It shouldn’t hurt at all.
What was wrong with him?
He stiffened. He didn't dare to turn around. He knew that whoever it was, they wouldn’t be leaving him alone so easily. But maybe if he just—
 are you okay, rancher?”
Or not.
“Fine,” he snapped.
 not so sure about that.”
Footsteps crept closer, almost too quiet to hear. Twilight glanced over to see Hyrule nervously wringing his hands. When he noticed the rancher looking at him he immediately stopped, dropping his arms back down to his sides. The rancher frowned in concern and motioned him closer.
But Hyrule only bit his lip in response. “You
 you’re bleeding, you know.”
Twilight looked down at his side, eyes widening in surprise when he saw that his shirt was already growing red.
“Can I
He nodded, resigned to his fate, and let Hyrule pull his armor off to look at the wound. He ignored the traveler’s concerned sounds, staring down at his clenched fists instead.
He’d hurt himself again.
Some hero he was.
“I know you’re trying to get your strength back,” Hyrule finally spoke up. “But you can’t hide this from me.”
Twilight glanced over again to see Hyrule watching him expectantly, his hands still outstretched. His heart twisted in guilt and he forced his gaze away.
“Nothing to apologize for.” Hyrule gently pressed his hands against the wound. They were blessedly warm, easing the pain back into a much more manageable ache.
“Thank you,” he tried again.
Hyrule paused, looking up at him with a small, genuine smile. “Anytime.”
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girlgenius1111 · 4 months
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alexia + leĂłn!r's secret relationship comes to light no warnings! enjoy đŸ«¶đŸ»
“Ale!” You shouted, scrolling frantically through your phone, through photo after photo of you and Alexia at the beach the other day. They all bordered on too friendly, or at least they seemed that way to you. The panic in your tone was clear, and Alexia felt her stomach drop in the bedroom. She’d been putting away some laundry when you’d shouted for her, but she was running towards you without a second thought. 
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” she asked, sliding in her socks on the hardwood floor slightly as she made it into the living room. You looked okay, physically, although your face was contorted with anxiety and fear. 
Wordlessly, you held your phone out towards her. Alexia crossed the room in two long strides, grabbing the phone and beginning to scroll. “Oh.” She said. 
And if you had been anxious before, it was nothing compared to how you felt now. Was she upset with you? The beach had been your idea, your terrible, terrible idea. Alexia looked upset, and your thoughts began to spiral further. Did she not want anyone to know about your relationship for more reasons than just being afraid of your sister? Was she really not as into you as you thought and going public would be a mess that wasn’t worth it? Did she really even love you? 
“Amor?” Alexia said. You looked up at her, seeing her brows furrowed as she gazed down at you. You realized she had said your name a few times, but you’d been too lost in your own head to notice. “Talk to me.” Her voice was gentle as she took a seat next to you, dropping your phone onto the sofa and taking your hand in hers. 
Alexia knew how you could be, and the best thing she could do for you when you got anxious was just listen. Sometimes you could talk yourself down, and other times she’d do it for you, but having her listen without judgment always seemed to help, at least a little bit. 
“Are you upset about the photos?” You asked, instead of listing out every insecurity that had just popped into your head. Alexia did not know how deeply unworthy of her you felt, and she never would if you could help it. 
Your girlfriend thought for a minute. “Not upset about the photos. I am
 upset because you are upset.” 
“You aren’t mad that I made us go to the beach?” 
“Amor, you did not make us do anything. We just went to the beach. We are allowed to do that. I am upset that you are so anxious, I am not upset with you.” 
“People are going to see these, Alexia.” 
“I know that. We’ll deal with it, however you want.” 
You chewed on your lip for a minute. “And if I wanted to tell people? About us?” You asked, voice small and hesitant. Alexia felt her heart melt as she gently cupped your cheek, tilting your face to look at her. 
“Then we’d tell people. If that is what you want, that is what we will do. I understand why we are keeping it to ourselves, but I would also be very happy for everyone to know that you are mine.” 
“Really. I just want you to be happy. That is all I want, and all I need. You, with a beautiful smile on your face.” Alexia whispered, leaning in and very softly pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You were a puddle of mush on the sofa at this point, tucking your face into Alexia’s neck and taking a few calming breaths. She held you carefully, as she always did incredibly content to sit with you until you felt better. If Mapi killed her when she found out, oh well. At least she’d gotten a whole year with you first. 
“Hermanita, I am just saying, I can find you a date. It’s been so long since you’ve gone out with anyone.” Mapi was practically shouting, even though the volume in the club wasn’t very loud. She was excited, though, as she always was when she talked about your love life. Your sister was very famous for setting you up with girls, and once you got to know them more, decided they weren’t good enough for you. Which was part of the reason, you and Alexia had yet to tell your sister this was going on. 
“No, Mapi.” You said for what felt like the hundredth time, rolling your eyes good naturedly, even as you felt Alexia’s hand grip onto your upper thigh under the table. You peeked at her out of the corner of your eye. Her jaw was set tightly, and you could feel the jealousy coming off her in waves at even the mention of you going on a date with someone else. Mapi was too caught up in listing off people she could set you up with to notice. 
Alexia and you were both very tense. Ever since the pictures of you both at the beach had been released, you’d been walking on eggshells around your teammates, wanting to give them nothing that could lead them to believe you were anything more than friends. You’d decided to tell, yes. But you didn’t want people finding out through the pictures, or through walking in on you and Alexia making out in the showers after training. You’d been lucky, so far. No one had brought them up. And so, you hadn’t really thought anyone had taken the leaked pictures seriously. Your teammates definitely hadn’t, but it appeared that some of the fans had. Some of Alexia’s fans, specifically. 
This became clear when one of the girls who had been practically glaring at you across the bar all night finally made her approach. Alexia had left your side for just a minute to get you water, always one to push hydration. Your teammates were scattered throughout the bar, and Ingrid and Mapi were only a couple feet away, talking quietly to each other, small smiles on both of their faces. 
The girl was by your side very suddenly, almost startling you. She was clearly drunk, but the boldness and anger with which she spoke still shocked you. 
“I can’t believe Alexia Putellas would date you. You are not good enough for her. She should be with Jenni, or someone prettier than you. You’re wasting her time.” She slurred, each word feeling like a stab to your already very insecure heart. 
You stepped away from her, hearing Pina come to your defense from somewhere next to you, telling the girl to fuck off. Turning around, you almost ran directly into your sister, who had risen along with her girlfriend at the strange girl’s outburst. Her face was contorted with confusion, clearly having heard what the fan had to say. Your reaction spoke volumes, the way your eyes were flooded with tears, and your chest was already beginning to rise and fall rapidly. 
It was true, Mapi realized. In the time it took her to come to that conclusion, you were off, sprinting towards the bathroom. They were single bathrooms, thank god, and you made it inside quickly, not bothering to lock the door behind you. 
She was right. That girl was right. How could you ever think you were good enough for Alexia. Sweet, beautiful, perfect Alexia. The best person you’d ever known. 
It was one of the worst panic attacks you’d had in years, and by the time Mapi slipped in through the bathroom door, you were pretty far gone, only able to hear a faint ringing sound, only able to claw desperately at your chest. 
“Hermana, hermana, breathe, you are okay,” Mapi tried, reaching to grab your hand. You only wheezed in response, and Mapi realized you weren’t hearing her. Your sister looked around rather helplessly, her unspoken plea for help being answered almost instantly. 
The door opened and in came Ingrid, closely followed by a very frantic Alexia. As soon as the captain spotted you, though, her attention was stolen, no longer thinking about the implications of everyone finding out about your relationship. She was at your side on the filthy floor of the bathroom within a second, carefully grabbing your face in between her hands, and tilting it up towards her. 
“I am here, mi amor, I am right here. You have to breathe, cariño, let yourself breathe.” 
Alexia, too, realized you weren’t really hearing anything she had to say, so she switched tactics, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you in until your head was resting against her chest. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Ingrid tugging a resistant Mapi out the door of the bathroom, but Alexia only cared for you in that moment. 
“I have you, my beautiful girl. I love you, more than anything. Everything is okay. You are safe.” 
You managed to come back into yourself, your girlfriend’s voice in your ear the most comforting thing you’d ever heard. You looked up at her, tugging her as close to you as possible, needing to feel more of her. “Ale” you whimpered, watching her face crumble at the sound of her name. 
Alexia hated seeing you like this. “Mi preciosa.” She soothed. “I love you, my girl, I love you so much. You are okay.” 
Your insecurities quieted for a moment, in favor of something else flooding your mind. Mapi knew. Mapi knew. That her little sister was dating her best friend. You’d seen it on her face, when you turned around to flee the scene. She’d known. 
You’d talked about telling Mapi, yes, but now that she knew
 you were terrified. What if she was upset? What if it ruined your relationship with your sister, or her relationship with her best friend? What if she made Alexia break up with you? 
Your girlfriend could tell very easily that you were spiraling, barely having calmed down in the first place. 
“Hey, come back to me. I’m right here, mi amor. Tell me what you’re thinking.” Alexia whispered, her face so close to yours that all you could really see were her eyes, squinted with worry. 
You gripped onto her shirt tightly with both your hands. “Mapi knows,” you told her, ridiculously afraid of her reaction. 
Alexia nodded slowly. “Ingrid told me when she came and got me. It’s okay, mi amor. We will deal with it.” 
“But what if-” 
“No what if’s. Tell the what ifs to go away. Just focus on calming down.” Alexia insisted, pressing a light kiss to your cheek. “Can you do that for me?” 
You nodded shakily. “Yeah. Just
 stay here?” 
“I’m not going anywhere.” She promised, tightening her arms around you. “I’m staying right here, with you.” 
Alexia got you up once you’d calmed down further, protectively wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and headed for the exit. As soon as you were both out of the bathroom, though, you were met with the sight of your sister pacing very aggressively around the little hallway just outside the door. Her head snapped up when the door opened, and Ingrid had to hold on to the back of her shirt to stop her from lunging at you, and pulling you into a hug. 
She squirmed in Ingrid’s grasp, huffing impatiently, all the while staring daggers at you. You searched her gaze for anger, but you only saw worry. 
“María,” Alexia began, pulling you in closer to her side. Mapi didn’t appreciate that, Alexia acting like you needed to be protected from her, and her face turned cloudy. 
“No. Alexia. No. How long has this been going on?” Mapi asked, her teeth gritted in a sudden flare of anger. You didn’t deserve to be kept a secret, and that’s exactly what Alexia had done to you. 
“María, amiga, I understand you have questions, I do, but your sister is really shaken up, and I’d like to take her home. She gets overstimulated after panic attacks, she shouldn’t be in here.”
Mapi floundered for a minute, filled only with concern for you, tucked away against Alexia’s side. 
“María, I just want to go home. We can talk tomorrow.” You said, your voice stuttering over your words. You were still anxious, still shaking, and all you wanted was to go home with your girlfriend, where it was quiet and safe and you could be entirely surrounded by Alexia. 
Ingrid squeezed your sister’s hand, and Mapi nodded to herself. “Okay, yeah. Okay hermana. I love you. Take care of her, please, Ale.”  
“Of course. I love her, María. I’ve got her.” 
Mapi watched as Alexia looked down at you, the softest expression she’d ever seen on her captain’s face. 
“Home, mi amor?” 
“Yes please.” You whispered. “Your apartment.” 
“Whatever you want, my girl.” She promised, before leading you in the direction of the exit. 
Mapi had never seen either of you like this. So evidently in love. So happy. And she felt stupid for missing it, and even worse that you’d both felt the need to hide it from her. She turned to Ingrid with tears in her eyes, to which her girlfriend sighed softly. 
“Come here.” Ingrid whispered, drawing her girlfriend close to her chest. 
“Am I a bad sister? A bad friend? Why wouldn’t they tell me?” Mapi mumbled. Ingrid shook her head. 
“No, you are a good sister and a good friend. You have an overprotective streak, María, they probably just wanted to give themselves time together before they told you.” Ingrid assured her. 
“I don’t like not knowing things.” Mapi complained quietly. 
Ingrid chuckled. “I know you don’t, María min. Now you know, though. And you can talk to them about it tomorrow. We can go to Ale’s and have a conversation.”
“Yeah. Oh god. EW.” Mapi said, quickly growing very disgusted. 
“What?” Ingrid wondered, pulling back in concern. 
Mapi looked nauseous. “They are sleeping at Alexia’s house together.” 
“Maybe your sister is sleeping on the couch.” Ingrid suggested helpfully. 
Mapi grinned up at her. “I love you.” 
Alexia barely let you out of her grasp the whole way to the car, and the whole drive home. She kept your hand held tightly in hers. Somewhere in your head, you knew very well that when you were anxious, it made Alexia anxious, but you didn’t have it in you to say anything that would let her know you were okay. You weren’t okay, and you weren’t even really sure you could speak at all. You were much calmer now, physically, but your mind was still a mess. You were shaking, and you did your best to focus on Alexia’s thumb running soothingly over the back of your hand.  
Before you knew it, Alexia’s free hand was lightly stroking your cheek, and you looked over at her to realize you had arrived at her home. 
“Hi.” She said softly, her hazel eyes earnestly looking into yours. Alexia really did love to watch out for you, even before you were together. She’d always kept an eye on you, at first because you were her best friends’ sister. Eventually, though, she found herself watching you when she didn't have a reason to. And you’d gaze at her right back. 
“Hey.” You replied, giving her the best smile you could manage, although it was sure to be very weak and unconvincing. 
“Feeling better?” 
You shrugged. “A bit.” 
Alexia sighed, seeing through your lie, but she smiled at you anyway, kissing your cheek and getting out of the car. She was around the car in a flash, opening the door and offering you a hand. 
Once you were in the house, Alexia instructed you to sit on the couch and wait for her to return. You tried to relax into the couch, tried to get your mind off what the girl in the bar had said to you. You don’t think you were very successful, because Alexia was back in what felt like 3 seconds, though she had her hands full. 
“Okay. Water, crackers, your medicine and a sweatshirt. And that fun pokey ring.” She said, dumping everything onto the table in front of you, handing the sweatshirt to you first. It was one of hers, one of your favorites, and you pulled it on quickly, trying to covertly inhale the scent of her all over the fabric. Alexia very dutifully handed you the water next. You smiled at her gratefully, eating a few crackers and taking your anxiety medicine. You turned to her, prepared to tell her what had happened as you knew she was probably dying to know, but she turned back to the table, grabbing the acupressure ring. She gently took your hand, sliping the ring onto your finger, smiling to herself when your skin erupted in goosebumps at the sensation. 
“Better now?” She asked, lacing her fingers with yours. You nodded, this time telling the truth. “Can you tell me what happened please?”
You nodded again, this time a bit more hesitantly. You didn’t really want to tell her what the girl had said, but you knew you had no choice. “What did Ingrid tell you?” 
“She said someone said something to you about me. And that Mapi heard, and knew we were together.” 
You thought for a moment. You were a bit torn on how to feel now. On one hand, Alexia had been so entirely perfect, the whole night. She’d gone out of her way to make you feel safe and help you calm down. Your insecurities really didn’t know any bounds, though, and you were still half convinced that the girl had been right.
“What did she say to you?” Alexia wondered, after it was clear you were having a hard time finding the words. 
You took a deep breath, tearing your eyes away from your girlfriends as you responded. “She said that she couldn’t believe you were with me. That you should be with someone better, someone prettier. And that I’m wasting your time.”
Alexia was silent for almost an entire minute, long enough for you to look up at her and try to gauge her reaction. She finally spoke when she made eye contact with you. “And you
 you believed her? You think she was right?” She asked. 
“Do you?” You countered, trying to sound stronger and more confident in her answer than you felt. 
“No.” Alexia said, exasperation clear in her voice. “I do not. You are perfect for me. I do not need anyone else, and I do not want anyone else.” 
“Right.” You whispered, blinking hard. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have believed her I just-”
“You do not need to apologize for feeling bad that someone said something horrible to you.” Alexia replied, resting her hand under your chin and tilting it up towards her face when you wouldn’t look at her yourself. “I would never be mad at you for being insecure, mi amor. I understand. It just means I do not tell you enough how much I love you.” 
“You tell me so often.” You laughed, and Alexia smiled sadly down at you.
“Well, I need to tell you more.” She reiterated, leaning down to brush her lips to yours. “I love you.” She moved her lips to your cheek. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” She continued, pressing kisses to every inch of your face, repeating the words in between every kiss. When she pulled away, whispering a final I love you against your lips, you were quite sure that you believed her. And that you’d never felt more loved in your life.
“Please come with me.” Mapi begged from the passenger seat. 
Ingrid smiled sympathetically. “No, this is something you need to do yourself.” 
“My sister gets to have her girlfriend there.” Mapi said grumpily. 
“Your sister’s girlfriend is part of the conversation.” 
Mapi sighed, turning slightly more serious. “Ingrid, I don’t know what to say.”
“You aren’t the one doing the talking yet, elskling. Hear them out. And then tell them what you think.” 
“Right. Okay. I can do this.” 
“You can do this.” Ingrid agreed, before unbuckling her girlfriend’s seatbelt for her, as it seemed she wasn’t quite going to take the first step. It was almost entertaining, watching Mapi move like a snail as she grabbed her phone and slowly, slowly, got out of the car. 
“They’ve been in the driveway for like 7 minutes.” You noted, leaning your head on Alexia’s shoulder. 
She sipped her coffee, smiling slightly as she gazed out the window with you. “Maybe she is picking out the weapon she is going to kill me with.” 
“Don’t say that.” you groaned, wacking your girlfriend on the arm. 
“I am just kidding, amor. She isn't going to kill me, or you. It’s all going to be fine.” 
You didn’t say anything in response. All you could think was that you hoped to god she was right. 
You’d never seen Mapi so reserved, as she walked through Alexia’s door, and took a seat in the big armchair. You sat on the couch next to Alexia, much farther away than you would have normally sat next to her, but you were trying to ease your sister into this whole thing. 
It was awkwardly silent as you all sat looking at each other for a minute, none of you really knowing where to start or what to say. 
“How long?” Mapi asked eventually, fixing her gaze on Alexia. 
“A year.” You said quietly, the significant amount of time not making you feel any less guilty. 
“A year?” Mapi breathed, looking between the two of you incredulously. 
“A year last week.” Alexia confirmed. She shifted slightly, sliding her foot across the floor so that her sock squished against yours. Your girlfriend was nervous, you realized. 
 why didn’t you tell me? I mean, I understand if this was new and you weren’t telling anyone, but it’s been a year. You’ve never dated anyone for longer than a month, hermanita, why would you keep this from me?” 
Alexia opened her mouth to reply, but you recognized the question was directed at you and your sister would not appreciate your girlfriend speaking for you. 
“At first, we just wanted to see where things were going. And then
 I don’t know. It was just easier not to tell. We didn’t have to deal with anyone’s reactions or opinions that didn’t matter-”
“My opinion does not matter?” Mapi interjected, frowning sadly at you.
“Of course it does, María, I just
 I wanted to decide this for myself. Without you being for it or against it, I wanted to decide how I felt about Alexia before anyone told me how I should feel.” You explained, relieved when your sister nodded slightly. 
“Me too.” Alexia tacked on, wincing slightly when you stomped on her foot a bit, though her face fell further when Mapi turned to her with a cold glare. 
“You have been keeping my sister a secret from everyone. Are you ashamed of her?” 
“María!” You yelped, looking horrified at her. 
Alexia remained calm, though, keeping steady eye contact with your sister. “No. She is the most important thing to me. We decided to keep it a secret together. I would have told the whole world that I loved her the minute I knew, if it would have made sense. People are still insane about me and Jenni, though, and I did not want her to get caught in the crossfire. It was just easier for both of us if no one knew.” 
Mapi looked slightly less angry now. 
“We were going to tell you. Next week at brunch, we were going to tell you, Mapi, I promise, this just happened first, and
“What that girl said to her,” Mapi began, again looking at your girlfriend with a slightly accusatory expression. 
“Is false. Completely and entirely false. I want your sister, and her only. No one else.” Alexia spoke with conviction, and you felt a small smile on your face before you could stop it. 
Mapi nodded thoughtfully, then fixed her attention on you. “And you are happy?” 
“Yeah. I’m really happy, Mapi.” 
“And you? You are happy?” She asked, again looking at Alexia. 
“Happier than I’ve ever been in my life.” Your girlfriend said honestly, though you could see the tips of her ears turning slightly red; Alexia never had been good at expressing her feelings. 
“Okay then.” Mapi said. “If you are both happy, then I am happy.” 
“Really?” You asked, looking skeptically at your sister. She normally made things much more difficult than this. 
Mapi just rolled her eyes. “Of course. You are both adults, and I trust you. I don’t think many people are good enough for you, hermanita, but if anyone is
 it’s Ale. I guess.” She added the last part when Alexia looked close to tears. They weren’t expressive friends, normally showing their appreciation for each other through actions rather than words. 
You stood, walking over to your sister and pulling her into a tight hug. “Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, María, but I’m really really glad you know.”
“Yeah, yeah. I love you.” Mapi said gruffly, ruffling your hair like she used to do when you were much younger. As you flattened it back down with an annoyed look thrown at your sister, Alexia moved forward, pulling her best friend into a hug. 
When Mapi whispered in her ear, Alexia wasn’t surprised at all. “If you hurt her, I will tear you limb from limb, Putellas. I mean it.” 
Alexia knew she did. 
And she had every intention of never hurting you, for as long as she lived. The ring she’d brought way too soon that sat in her sock drawer was evidence of that. The baby names she sometimes thought of when she lay awake at night were evidence. The way she looked at you, though, like you lit up every corner of her life, was the best evidence. 
When Alexia tugged you into a hug next, Mapi knew from the way that her friend looked at you, that this was different. This was going to be forever. You were happy, and you were with her best friend, and there wasn’t much of a problem your sister could have with that. If you got married and changed your name to Putellas, though. That’s where she’d draw the line. 
hope you enjoyed 🙂
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emmyrosee · 7 months
hiya emmyy
i’m in love with your soft bf!sukuna pieces they’re just, melting me into a puddle of simp- so.. i saw your post abt angst so what would you think abt sukuna and y/n arguing, and making up after that? i dunno why but i’m just picturing him texting you to eat your meals and drink water and take your meds, even tho he acts like he doesn’t care at all đŸ«Ł (did i js want that in bf? yes )
thank you so much for providing a lots of pieces for simps like me (who pretty much simp over anyone they can) and i might show up in your notifications bombarding your posts with likes but i hope you don’t mind ;)
hope you’re having a good day (and get good rest, water, food (and meds if you take them!)) <3
-sky :)
When you banish him to the couch for the night, he merely scoffs and grabs his pillow to make his way for it, but he hears your soft cries and his heart breaks just enough to make whatever you were fighting about seem beyond unimportant.
He takes his phone out to scroll on through it, trying to distract himself from the situation, too stubborn to fully cave into the guilt. But then he sees the time, and he sends you a text.
SENT don’t forget to take your medicine.
I think there’s a bottle of gatorade in the fridge. Drink that and have one of my protein shakes, since we didn’t eat tonight
dummy 🙄 why do you care?
SENT because I still fucking love you?? Duh??
Fights aren’t going to change that fact, idiot
He clicks his phone off and lays an arm over his eyes to block out the automatic lamp and the moonlight that creeps in from the curtains and into the big living room, and he tries not to look as you come stalking back out of the bedroom and approach him.
“You remembered that I have to take my meds,” you swallow thickly.
He scoffs, “and?”
He hears you shuffle awkwardly, “we’ve just
 been fighting so long, I thought you would’ve forgotten, too- because I did.”
Now, he finally peeks at you from his arm, “I’m never going to forget something that important. You know that.”
He watches as you timidly, raise a hand to lay on his thigh, thumb stroking the muscle lovingly, “I’m sorry I banished you to the couch.” You look down in shame, “I never want us to go to bed separate
 I don’t want to be the couple that does this, who needs to do this.”
“I didn’t do this,” he grumbles.
“I know; but I only did it because I was hurt, Sukuna. Please understand where I was coming from.”
This makes his heart jerk and tighten, his arm finally coming down to look at you fully, and with a click of his tongue, he reaches down to lace his hand with yours, and he sighs, “I know I’m not the easiest guy to work shit out with, so I get it.”
You sniffle, “Will you
 come back to bed? With me?”
He ponders his options for a minute. He could go back to bed, condition you into thinking that it was okay and you’ll always pull this crap on him. But you look so sad, so heartbroken and wearing your heart on your sleeve-
And hey. Maybe he likes watching you grovel a little bit.
He clicks his tongue and makes a move to get you off his legs, and you smile excitedly. “Alright,” he gruffs. “Pull this shit again though, and I’m sleeping on the porch swing at ma’s.”
You nod your head, and as he sits up, he plants a kiss to your knuckles, squeezing your hand lovingly.
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are, Kuna.”
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luveline · 1 year
hey luv (haha) bombshell!reader lives rent free in my head and I have a lil request for you đŸ«¶đŸœ can you write spencer calling reader a nickname for the first time and how flustered she gets? especially in front of the team I would ashdfkflsjah i feel like she always teases him with baby, handsome, etc. and he just turns red but when it’s his turn for (non malicious) payback she melts into a puddle of đŸ„čđŸ«Š and forgets how to act đŸ„Č thank you queen ily đŸ«°đŸŒ
thank you! this isn't in front of the team but i can def do that if that was the most important part, ly ♡ fem
"What's that?" you ask, peering over Spencer's shoulder. 
He turns his face to yours, sneaking a kiss against the curve of your neck. Your breath catches at his affection. "It's online shopping," he answers. "Have you seen it? They deliver your parcel the next day, apparently." 
You like the sound of that, wheeling your chair next to Spencer's to sit at his desk side by side. You're in the midst of a very rare occasion in which there's no  case and no paperwork. It won't last long, and you and your teammates are using these spare hours like a paid vacation. You deserve it (even if it isn't technically moral). 
"What are you buying?" you ask, squinting at his glaring screen. 
His gaze flashes between you and the monitor. He turns the brightness down for you. "You need new socks, right?" 
"Don't buy me socks." 
"Why not?" 
"Because I can buy my own socks?" 
"But I can also buy you socks. I felt bad this morning when I didn't have any matching pairs to lend to you. I'll buy you a big pack and this way you'll always have socks when you need them." 
"Spence, that's so sweet," you say, your hand on his bicep, thumb stroking a line he likely can't feel over his layers. "You really don't have to, though. I kind of like the odd sock look." 
Spencer looks down at your shoes. Your socks are mostly hidden. Despite what you've said, you don't like wearing odd ones, it doesn't fit your perfectly kept image, but you like Spencer a whole lot. 
"No, you don't, and that's fine." He clicks on the Buy Now button, a twenty four pack of black and white crew socks jumping into his cart. "What else should we get?" 
"We?" you ask, leaning back. 
You've barely lifted your left leg when Spencer grabs you by the knee and drapes it over his right. "You never have the stuff you need when you come over. We may as well get it all done now while we have time." 
"Are you serious?" you murmur, a slight pout to your lips. 
Spencer's eyes dart down, catch, and lift back to yours. He sounds soft as you do as he says, "Of course I am. Am I being too forward?" 
"You're never too forward. I'm too forward enough for both of us, Spence. But you don't have to buy me things, I can get all of this stuff myself and bring it with me." 
"What kind of boyfriend does that make me?" 
You can't believe he's your boyfriend. You could scream. "The most adorable one ever?" And that's just the half of it. Spencer Reid has a penchant for ignoring his own good looks. He could've been a super model if the whole genius thing didn't work out. "I need a pillow, then. If we're doing this Reid, let's do it. But I'm paying for my stuff." 
"Okay, angel. Whatever you say." 
You almost miss it, his pet name. Your brain assumes sarcasm, but when you play it back, there's only a soft giving in, like he'd do anything you asked him to just because it's you. Because you're an angel. 
You've called him so many pet names and though you knew they flustered him, you're thinking maybe the team was right, and that you were torturing him the whole time. You melt like a little square of butter in the middle of a frying pan, limp in your seat and uncomfortably warm. Angel. It inspires the want to be saccharinely sweet to him, and you would if you could regain your strength. 
You huff a breath up your hot face in hopes of cooling down. 
"What kind of pillow? Do you want a really soft one? They have hypoallergenic, or down feather." He looks at you sideways. "You can't pay for this, it's too expensive." 
"It's sixteen dollars," you say, feeling submerged. 
"Exactly. Are you okay? You look uncomfortable." 
"I'm feeling a bit hot, suddenly. Hot flush." 
Spencer abandons the computer and his online activities to unbutton the top button of your shirt, and then the second, his hands achingly gentle against your collar. "I'll buy a fan," he says, one hand trailing down your arm soothingly as the other searches for paper. "But for now." 
He fashions you an origami fan and fans you diligently. It works for a time, but you remember the dulcet cadence of his voice and the delicate way he strung the syllables together as though 'angel' were the name you were given at birth, and you feel warm all over again. 
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inuyashaluver · 11 months
hiii i was wondering if u could write mccabe and just some couples fluff but the reader is also captain/part of arsenal?? pls ignore if u arent taking any requests đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ
captain’s armband- katie mccabe
katie mccabe x reader
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description: in which kim and leah both are out, meaning you are next in line for the captain’s armband, your girlfriend didn’t realise how much it has an affect in her
warnings: suggestive, swearing
a/n: this was so fun!! thank you for the request ❀ enjoy!!!
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your arsenal captain, kim was out due to a minor injury. regularly, the next captain position was leah, but due to her acl injury, she was also out. next in line, was you. your girlfriend couldn’t be more excited.
you’ve been at arsenal all your life. playing in the youth teams alongside many of your current team mates. your girlfriend, katie joined arsenal in 2015, she had the fattest crush on you. you held yourself well, confident, but not cocky. the sweetest person ever but absolutely ruthless on the pitch, scoring goals one after the other.
your friendship sailed and formed into a romantic relationship when katie passed you a ball and you got a goal. running to each other immediately, embracing each other tightly, much too long to be platonic. she grabbed the back of your head to whisper in your ear, “let me take you on a date? please” you nodded frantically and gave her another hug, your teammates making eye contact with each other with knowing smiles. the rest, is history.
you never had the opportunity to use the captain’s band, katie didn’t even know you were third in line after 8 years of dating.
everyone was getting dressed in the change room, katie chatting with caitlin in the corner as you shrugged on your kit. kim came and stood behind you, limping. she placed a hand on your shoulder and turned you around.
“oh no kimmy, still injured?” you frown at your captain, “yeah, love, now my little superstar, take over for me and leah and give ‘em hell” she placed the captain’s armband in your hand, and she closed your hand around it, giving your hand a squeeze of encouragement.
“for you and leah” you smile at her and she nods, moving to go and sit with leah and the acl club the the stands. you put the armband on your bicep and go to stand at the front of the line in the tunnel. katie, still in the change room couldn’t find you anywhere, “anyone seen me girlfriend anywhere”
alessia, your cubby mate tells katie you’ve gone to the tunnel and she goes to find you immediately. you must be upset about something, as you didn’t give her your pregame kiss.
katie spots you in the tunnel, talking to the captain of the opposition. she quirks her eye brow in confusion. “hey! missy! who do you think you are? leaving me alone like that!” katie exclaims and you turn towards her, smiling and excusing yourself from the other captain.
when you turned to katie, her mouth hung open. the captain’s armband shining on your bicep.
“baby, oh. my. god.” she runs her hands on her face and turns her body away from you.
“what’s up katie bear?” (you only said this nickname in private - katie’s reputation would be ruined if people knew her soft spot was your pet names)
you were standing in front of her, she refused to move her hands, she couldn’t look at you. you grabbed her arms and tried to pull them down, she wouldn’t budge. “baby, are you alright?” you spoke so softly at her, she swore she was melting in a puddle. you kept your hands on her arms, rubbing them gently with your thumbs.
“baby, come on look at me” you plead, she gently opens her fingers, just so you can only see her eyes in between her hands. she instantly closes her eyes when she looks at the band again.
you make a noise of understanding, “ahhh, my lovely katie bear likes my new look, huh?” you coo and she groans at you. she finally moves her hands from her very red face and places them on your waist, pulling you close to her body.
“you’re so awful to me, this is possibly one of the hottest things I’ve ever witnessed, and you don’t even warn me. some fucking girlfriend you are.”
you then get pulled into the hallway, katie pinning you up against the wall and placing a passionate kiss on your lips.
she squeezed your hip and groaned into your mouth, you gasp and she uses the opportunity to move her tongue in sync with your own. you grab the back of her neck and leaned up into her, slightly grinning into the kiss. it was full of so much emotion and passion. you could tell that she was frantic, knowing that you were needed in about two minutes. you pull away from her, placing your hands on her chest distancing yourself away from her.
“woah, should I ask kim for her spare band, I didn’t realise it affected you this much” you smirk at her, turning into surprise when she nods her head enthusiastically at you. “I-I was joking”
“baby, you’re killing me” she throws her head back looking at the ceiling, hands on her hips. you grab her hand in yours, “come on mccabe, go and line up.” you stand on your tippy toes to whisper in her ear, “captain’s orders.”
she groans again, “awful woman you are” she shakes her head at you, you laugh at her actions.
you made it on the pitch. katie watched you the entire time, you doing any sort of captain activity had her weak at the knees. “mccabe, have you got a captain kink or something?” alessia claps her on the back, katie looks at her over her shoulder,
“fuck off russo” she paused, “maybe a little bit” alessia screams covering her ears, “my innocence!!” katie pushes her away red in the face.
the game was going well, the encouragement from katie somehow making you play even better than usual. you play in the midfield, and managed to gain possession, you saw katie running up and it was a no brainer, you passed to your girl. the pass was perfect, connecting accurately. katie decided to go for it and shoots from a long distance, she got the goal.
you squeak in excitement when she lifts you up on her waist, “oh my god I love you, my captain” she winks at you, “oh baby! you’re so cute.” you grab her face in your hands place a quick kiss on her lips, she smiles up into you. loving when you take control for once. she really needs to take this captain’s band home with her.
the game concludes, arsenal up 4-1. you exchange hugs and handshakes with the opposition. kim and leah come and find you. leah puts you in a headlock while kim taps the top of your head. “well done love!” kim exclaims, leah can’t stop smiling at you, they were both so proud of you. no one is prouder than katie though.
you stood there talking to them a little longer until katie sweeps you up bridal style and smiles down at you.
“my little captain! baby I’m so proud of you” she kisses your nose, you smile up at her,
“okay but my girl’s a goal scorer, I’m even more proud.” she looks at you offended, suddenly placing you on the floor.
“are you really gonna start this argument? I’ll win” she scoffs, starting again,
“I’m so proud of you baby, I mean you’re captain come on!” her hands are back on her hips, she’s looking down at you, her words and gaze are stern.
“for a day baby, but lovey, you got a goal! I’m so proud of you, are you kidding?” you gently shove her shoulder
“captaincy though baby-”
“enough!” alessia appears out of nowhere, “just be proud of each other! oh my god, you’re made for each other. ” she walks away after pushing you into her
katie smiles down at you, giving you a tight hug, hiding her face in your neck, kissing your shoulder. “come on, let’s get my girl home” katie says in her thick Irish accent and grabs your hand pulling you into the change room, stopping to sign a few shirts and taking some pictures with fans. many congratulating you for your position, even if it was for one day.
in the change room, people were in the shower or chatting and waiting for one. you take off the band and your shirt, leaving you in your sports bra. a hand grabs the band from behind you, placing a hand you know all too well on your hip. you turn and see katie putting the band on herself. your mouth hung open. “like my new look?”
“uh-um katie, I get what you mean now, baby” she laughs at you and grabs the base of your neck, whispering in your ear, “let’s just shower at home and get out of here.”
you nod your head at her, and she hoists you up over her shoulder, grabbing both of your bags and heading to her car. everyone laughs as you wave goodbye. katie was on a mission, getting you both home as quick as she could.
let’s just say, you both took turns showing your affection for your lover in the captain’s band. Kim was never getting it back. ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 44,232 others
katie_mccabe11: super proud of my girl and her day of captaincy @/yourname
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yourname: you love that band more than me!
↳ katie_mccabe11: only if you come with it
↳ alessiarusso99: smooth
↳ yourname: very smooth
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strwberri-milk · 9 months
may i request kaeya, zhongli, and alhaitham with a gn!reader who can easily make them super flustered? ty đŸ«¶
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Kaeya doesn't expect to have his words turned on him but that's exactly what you end up doing to him. You've seen the effect he has on others and decide to flip the script. Why should he be the only person who gets to have fun? It doesn't seem fair to you.
The first time you do it he laughs it off, ignoring the flush creeping up his neck and the way he feels a desperate urge to avert your gaze. You can hear a slight tremor in his chuckle, knowing that it wasn't as easy going as he was practically begging for you to think it was and smile to yourself.
In no time you've figured out which buttons to push to make him become a blushing mess - he's practically radiating heat and the red undertone of his skin somehow becomes more pronounced when he's in your presence whenever you open your mouth to speak. You definitely abuse your power for evil, loving the way he practically melts whenever you talk to him and fails to rebuke any of your statements. Even if he doesn't tell you you know he likes it as well, judging by the fact that he's constantly seeking out your attention.
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Zhongli wasn't expecting someone to be able to evoke these kinds of feelings in him. He knew that you were good with words with the way that you spoke to and around him and that there was something about the quality of them that made him want to hear them more. However, when you first learn you were able to fluster him when you hear his words hitch a little when he responds makes you curious to what extent you can push him.
His responses start to need more time to be formulated, carefully choosing his words. You know he doesn't typically stutter but now you get the sense that he's trying especially hard to make sure that he doesn't mess up in your presence, the mischievous smile on your face making it even harder for him to concentrate.
One day he asks you in private if you find it amusing to fluster him. The question is asked with him refusing to look in your eyes, the mere act of asking also flustering him to no end. You know he doesn't mean any harm with the soft tone in his voice and the fact that he invited you over for this conversation, telling him that you just find it adorable to see him show you a side that he's normally never had brought out by others. He coughs a little, not expecting that to be your reasoning but the fact that he doesn't tell you off tells you all you need to know.
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Al Haitham is very composed at any given moment in time. That is, until you. He had no idea that someone could make him feel...embarrassed? Flustered? He's not quite sure what it is that you make him feel but he's even more concerned that for whatever reason, he doesn't feel the need to chase you off or chastise you for doing so.
You realise when he isn't scolding you that it's basically your pass here card, continuing to fluster him. You can barely tell that it's working but with the quirk of his brow and mild huff of "annoyance" signalling your success, you continue to work at him. You're kind enough to do it in private at least, knowing that if you pushed too hard you'd end up losing him and that's not at all what you want to happen.
He confronts you, a little aggressively but you know that's just the way he speaks. He doesn't beat around the bush, asking if you find it amusing to embarrass him in such a manner. You decide to respond to his honesty with your own, telling him that yes, you absolutely adore it and the thought of reducing him to a flustered puddle makes you smile every time you think of it. He rolls his eyes, deciding that's as good an answer he'll get. You take note that he never actually told you to stop, taking that as a permanent get out of jail free card when it comes to bothering him affectionately.
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dearpyramus · 27 days
Can I get “wiping off a food stain near their lip” and “comparing hand sizes” with Carmy? đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»
a/n: IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO U OLIVE BESTIE. also apologies this isn't the best, band camp destroyed my motivation but im trying. hope u enjoyed though <33
You were in bed with Carly, sleepy after a nice meal made by him. These were your favorite days. It was just you guys. So simple yet so domestic. You hoped there were more days like these to come.
You were lying on your side, cradling part of his chest. You were rambling about your day while he played with your hand, fingers tracing the lines of your palms as if to memorize them. At one point he placed his large palm against yours and chuckled at the size difference.
"Cute..." he murmured, his voice gruff with sleep.
He didn't notice how red your face got. Normally you didn't get flustered easily. There was something about him that could always get you red as a tomato. Instead, you opted to roll your eyes and playfully nudge him.
"Shut up", you chuckled, secretly meaning the exact opposite.
You could feel his chest shake with a small laugh. It caused your heart to swell, the sound of his laugh was always like music to your ears.
You turned your face to his. He smiled at you with sleepy eyes. God, he looked so precious right now. You wouldn't say that out loud though.
His expression changed when he saw your furrowed brows. Before he could speak, you reached out to his face. You cradled his cheek and rubbed your thumb at the corner of his mouth, swiping away a food stain from dinner. The action was so simple yet so intimate.
A calloused hand cradled yours, gently taking it to plant a kiss on your palm. You were just about ready to melt into a puddle. Who knew Carmen Berzatto was such a softie?
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gingerjunhan · 7 months
xdinary heroes on valentines day
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â˜†ćœĄ happy Valentine’s Day everybody!! Sending you all so much loveâŁïž
word count: 1019 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: eating, pet names (pretty, baby, beautiful), “the rizzness,” a single swear word, drinking, lmk if I missed something!
goo gunil
way too excited (pt. 1)
Gunil is pouring his love out to you in literally any way imaginable
like, look me in the eye and tell me this man wouldn’t put his jacket over a puddle for you to walk over đŸ‘ïžđŸ‘ïž
fancy dinner
the works
it’s over the top in a romantic way, not in the decor and hearts type of way
“I love you every day, you know that right? Not just today.”
holding your hand across the table and looking lovingly into your eyes SISNSKSND hold me down
gets you an extravagant gift that you insist that he shouldn’t have gotten you but he literally does not care
showers you with compliments and affection đŸ«¶đŸ»
he’s been planning this for weeks, it has to be perfect
he shows up at your door, flowers in hand
and when you open the door to greet him he just
“You look
he can’t keep his eyes off of you
he’s head over heels, falling in love all over again
kim jungsu
Jungsu strikes me as the type to love love, so he’s so so so happy
he finally has an excuse (not that he needs one) to shower you with so much love and affection that you feel like you’ll be sick of him by the end of the day
really thoughtful date!!
if this is your first Valentine’s Day together, maybe he’ll take you back to the spot where you had your first date together đŸ„č
the sweetest softest boy ever!!
matching outfits are a must
“You look so pretty, baby!!”
the brightest smile when he looks at you
you know the one he gets when his eyes sparkle?
yeah, that one
keeps you close all day
like, don’t lift a finger because he’s doing everything for you
gotta show his baby how much he loves and appreciates them!
cheesy couples photos
cute gifts
lots of chocolate and sweets
Jungsu goes full out on Valentine’s Day and you can’t tell me I’m wrong
kwak jiseok
Jiseok is a little nervous because it has to be perfect
if he messes something up today, it’s over 💀
stresses the whole week beforehand to get everything planned
but when the day comes, it’s nothing short of perfection
dinner at your favorite place
a cute couples activity
like pottery painting or something
the smile never leaves his face
he feels so lucky to be spending this day with you, and he won’t let you forget that!
“I’m so glad we can do this together. I love you so much.”
sneaking kisses any time he can
and then giggling afterwards
he is at your every whim
you want ice cream? let’s go right now
getting out your wallet to pay for dinner? it’s on him
your wish is his command
Princess Treatmentâ„ąïž all day for suuure
cute little gifts like a stuffed animal and some flowers or chocolates
at the end of the night, he lets you know how much fun he had!
god, he loves you so much he thinks he might explode đŸ’„
oh seungmin
bro is cranking up the rizzness to levels you’ve never seen
the epitome of being a gentleman
fancy restaurant reservations
fancy outfit
hell, he probably bought you your outfit as a gift (your first of many today)
huge bouquet of flowers
if I could describe the evening in one word: expensive
bro is not cheaping out on this day
no no no
“Only the best for my baby.”
he PAMPERS you
soft gazes and gentle smiles
whispered praises whenever you get a moment alone
intertwined hands at any moment
if he doesn’t tell you he loved you or remind you how beautiful you are at least 10 times today he’s failed
multiple expensive gifts just because he can
someone help this poor man’s bank account
after your fancy date, things die down a bit
a relaxing evening at home
maybe a couple of drinks
face masks? why not
light some candles, pour some wine, and turn on a movie to finish up the evening
han hyeongjun
believe it or not, he’s feeling confident!!
it would be stereotypical, but the day would go smoothly
a sweet, handwritten card
a small bouquet of flowers
a box of chocolate
you can go to dinner if you want
or he could make you dinner! it’s up to you
I feel like Hyeongjun would shine in the gift department
like,, you are definitely getting something handmade!
he would make you a card out of crayons, construction paper, and glitter glue and you better LOVE IT đŸ«”đŸ»
sorry I got excited
he struggles a bit with showing affection, so he would use Valentine’s Day to make it up to you in a way?
does he follow the typical setup of the day? yes
but do either of you mind? no!
“I know it’s not much, but I just wanted to show you that I care about you.”
he sticks close by all day, trying his best to be a little more affectionate than normal
he would try to pack in the complements too
he tries his hardest, and it’s great!
overall, you have a really nice day full of love and thoughtful messages and gifts
lee jooyeon
way too excited (pt. 2)
cheesy decorations
giant teddy bear
rose petals
way too many candles
the works
he would definitely be the type to fill your bedroom with heart-shaped balloons and cover your bed with rose petals 💀
it’s cheesy, but he doesn’t care because he loves you
gives you all the sweet little treats a person could ask for
he would attempt (keyword: “attempt”) to bake you a cake
it’s the thought that counts, right? đŸ«¶đŸ»
he gives me stay-at-home date vibes!
all your favorite snacks and candies are laid out for you, and your favorite movie/show is already cued up for you to watch
“I got all of my favorite person’s favorite things!”
he’s clinging to you
like, you might as well be wearing the same shirt
it’s a very chill evening full of sweet kisses, warm hugs, and lots of love đŸ«¶đŸ»
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎âșËłâœ§àŒš
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spideystevie · 2 years
the way i spent 10 minutes ruminating on what to send u from the prompts list 💀😭 but #2 with hangman if you’re up for it <3 its giving childhood bffs to lovers gawd i need him i fear
lovin’ u! đŸ«¶
bee!!!! i am so up for it! love some good childhood friends to lovers. i need him so badly too, i fear. lovin’ you, i hope you enjoy <3 (0.9k) 
2. interlocking pinkies
It was a habit neither of you had broken from the time you were seven. You couldn’t remember when it had stuck but Jake did. Any memory that related to you in any sense of the word was crystal clear and golden in his mind.
You were in the first grade, the end of the school year coming to a close and summer vacation on the horizon. He’d made you pinky swear to be friends forever beneath the shade of an oak tree near the playground at recess.
You hadn’t hesitated, your tiny pinkies interlocking in something you treated like an unbreakable vow. He didn’t let your pinky go after that. Literally. He held it tightly with his all the way back to your classroom. 
Even now, well into adulthood, he was finding excuses to keep your pinky linked with his. Maybe it was a little silly and slightly juvenile all these years later but that didn’t seem to matter. The two of you were drawn together like magnets, your pinkies acting as the north and south ends. 
As you grew up, it only seemed to become slightly more intimate. A gentle reassurance. A simple grounding chain of comfort. And as your feelings grew, blossoming like peonies in spring, you often wondered what it’d be like to link all your fingers together. 
You wondered how he’d react to you hooking your ring finger through his, followed by your middle and so on until your fingers were a tangled knot between your bodies. It always made a nervous tick jolt your stomach, a lurch like you get at the drop on a rollercoaster. 
You arrive late to the Hard Deck, the celebratory party for the completed mission in full swing when you get there. There’s no need to search for Jake because you hear the shouting before you see him.
“No way you can hit it three in a row,” the sound of Rooster’s voice gets louder the closer you get to the dart board. 
“With my eyes closed, Bradshaw,” you can hear the stupid smirk in Jake’s voice.
“Prove it.”
You tsk to yourself, rounding the corner and pushing yourself into the small crowd formed around the game of darts that’s really just your best friend showing off. Sure enough, there’s that signature smirk on his face as he tilts his head and shrugs. Coyote stands next to him and puts his hand over Jake’s eyes as he sets up to throw.
Each dart hits the bullseye, three quick thumps into the board. Coyote moves his hand and Jake grins, turning to Rooster with a look reminiscent of “I told you so.” You shake your head with a smile, still impressed all these years later. 
“You’ll catch flies if you stay like that, Rooster,” Jake teases, moving to walk past him and back towards the bar. He spots you before he gets very far, his face visibly softening and glowing like the sun. He calls your name and when you’re in close enough range, he hooks his pinky with yours to pull you the rest of the way to him. 
There’s a quick press of his lips to your temple that has you wanting to melt down into a puddle on the sticky bar floor. You’re not sure Penny would appreciate another mess to clean though. 
“Was wondering when you’d get here,” he says, starting to walk in the direction of the bar, pulling you along with him. “Let’s get you a drink.”
You don’t argue, content with letting him lead you around by your conjoined pinkies. The two of you end up settled at a table with most of the squadron, your pinkies still interlocked and hidden from prying eyes beneath the table. You’re listening to Payback recount a story from the carrier ship that has most of the guys laughing. 
As you smile along, the nagging thought of interlocking the rest of your fingers until your hands are palm to palm returns. Nearly all of your focus is directed towards pushing the thought away, so much so that you hardly register Jake’s pinky shifting against yours. 
Slowly but surely, he’s begun to maneuver each of his fingers through yours. There’s a scrape of a callus against your hand that makes you blink out of your stupor. You glance down beneath the table, as subtle as you can, to see your hands completely tangled together and sitting on his thigh. 
Something warm and almost unfamiliar bubbles up in your stomach and to your chest. You have to bite your lip to hold back a grin because he’s holding your hand and it feels different, special..right. He squeezes your hands once, quick and fleeting and you look up at him. 
There’s a sparkle in your eyes and he leans his head towards yours. You can feel his breath against your ear, his lips brushing against the shell of it when he speaks. 
“This okay?” he whispers and you wonder if he’s aware that his thumb has started to stroke against your skin. You choke on a hum, nodding once. 
“More than okay,” you whisper back. You’re nearly nose to nose, so close you can count the amount of divots that form from the crinkles by his eyes when he smiles. After a beat you blink and lean back, trying to ignore the glaringly obvious looks you’re getting from a few of his new friends around the table.
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alovesongtheywrote · 10 months
can i please ask for another part of nightmare academia if you can 😭😭 i need a pick me up so bad bc of exam week at my campus and i loveee your series sm!!!
sending love đŸ«¶đŸ«¶
♄ Summary:  This should help! I hope your exams went well!! In this chapter of Nightmare Academia, Spencer makes up for past mistakes and you take him home. [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♄ Warnings: mentions of the stab, guilt
♄ A/N: ok, we're getting goofy again- at least, for now
♄ Word Count: 1382
Series Masterlist
You didn’t see Reid again until he came back to work.  You saw Penelope every now and then, and she kept you updated on his condition until she left, but you never saw Reid until he came back.  Once he did, all your mugs went missing.  Honestly, you were kind of proud.
You were hesitant to retrieve your stolen property- hesitant to see Reid again.  You stood outside his door for a good ten minutes before you even bothered to knock.  When you heard his voice through the door, telling you to come in, you almost turned tail and ran.
You were avoiding him, not because of your anger but because of your guilt.  You couldn’t stand seeing him hurt and motionless in the hospital, broken because of you- so you just avoided him.  It was the cowardly thing to do, but still, you did it.
Now, you needed to see him again- you needed to get your mugs back.  You needed coffee.  You pushed open the door.
Reid’s face lit up when he saw you.  His eyes were so bright, and his smile blinding.  You felt so guilty.
“Hey!  I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?”
You weren’t entirely sure if his words were genuine, or if he was playing a game with you.  Either way, you could play along, “I’m here for my mugs, Reid.”
“I thought you’d say that.  Go back to your office, they’re already there.”
You tilted your head, “Not bad.  You took the base prank and elevated it.  Smart.”
Spencer shrugged, “Thanks.”
You paused halfway through the door, tapping a nonsense pattern into the wall outside his office.  Staying felt wrong, but you couldn’t leave.  Not yet.
“Hey, uh.  I’m sorry I didn’t visit you in the hospital.  I was-”
“(Y/N), I know what you did.”
You paused, looking up at him with wide eyes.  Yes, he knew what you did, you got him stabbed- did he know how guilty you felt about it?
“You covered my classes for me,” he picked up his own mug, “You were busy.  Don’t worry about it.”
You nodded, taking in a deep breath, “Perfect
 And uh, are you- how are you settling in?”
You didn’t know a person’s smile could make you feel physically warm, but his did, “I’m doing okay.  I told you, I’ll be fine.”
“You did.  Just one of many things you’re right about, I guess.  And you- you aren’t hurt, right?”
He shook his head, “I told you, I’m okay.”  
“Good- perfect,” you paused, fingers still pressed against the wall, “Now tell me to get the hell out of your office.”
He laughed a little, taking a sip of his coffee, “Get the hell out of my office, Professor.”
“Good boy.”
You left, missing the delicious sight of Reid melting into an absolute puddle at your words.  He wondered, briefly, if you were trying to put him back in the hospital.  He could never tell when it came to you- but god, if you wanted to put him in the hospital, all you had to do was ask.
Upon returning to your office, you were met with the sight of two cardboard boxes on your desk.  One of them contained your mugs.  Inside the other, a 1960s Vintage Royal Empress Typewriter measuring about twelve inches in width and weighing thirty-three pounds and eight ounces.  You could feel the tears forming behind your eyes.  Your typewriter had been destroyed in the attack.  
Somehow, Reid had gone out and found you a new goddamn typewriter that was the exact same make and model as your old one.  You could kiss that damn bean-pole- you wanted to kiss that damn bean-pole.  
Your fingers brushed over the polished metal of the machine.  In the box, beside it, you found a note.
“I remember you said something about being in the market for a vintage typewriter.  I found this and thought you’d like it.  Feel free to use it the next time you get angry at me.”
It wasn’t signed, but you didn’t need a signature.  That was his handwriting.  He bought you a typewriter.  You got him stabbed, and he bought you a fucking typewriter.  Tears spilled down your cheeks as you took a seat at your desk.  
That evening, Spencer passed by your office on his way home.  He stood outside the door for a second, listening to the click of the keys beneath your fingers.  He stayed there for a while, in the otherwise silent hallway, letting the click of the keys promise him that you were nearby.  
He’d missed you, during his recovery.  He knew that you felt guilty.  He couldn’t forget what you said in the hospital.  He also knew that you were busy- you’d picked up his classes without a second thought, and while you had done an incredible job, he knew that couldn’t have been easy.  That hadn’t kept him from missing you, though.
He had to face that down, too- the fact that he could miss you so much after only hours of being away from you.  You’d settled in so nicely with everything else in his life.  He’d gotten used to you, and you were such a presence that nothing could come close to replacing you.  That probably wasn’t normal, but it was a therapy appointment for another day.
Until then, he would let himself listen to you type away at the machine he got you.  
He stayed in the hallway for a few short minutes, until the click of the keys stopped.  He barely noticed the change.  He did, however, notice you stepping out of your office with your bag slung over your shoulder.  You were clearly surprised to see him.  
“Shit!  Reid!  It’s you.  Fuck, you scared me.”
“Sorry,” he winced, “I didn’t mean to-”
“I know,” you swayed a little, side to side in the doorway, “But hey, it’s good that I caught you, I uh.  I wanted to say thanks.  You- you really didn’t have to get me a new typewriter, Reid.”
“Well, technically it isn’t new.  The Vintage Royal Empress line didn’t come out until-”
“Reid.  You know what I mean.  Thank you.”
“It’s no problem.  I mean, you saved my life, so-”
“Saved your life?” you scoffed, “Reid, you wouldn’t have gotten stabbed if it weren’t for me.”
“And I would have bled out if you hadn’t been there.”
“And you wouldn’t have been bleeding if it weren’t for me.”
“If it weren’t for you, what?  If it weren’t for you looking out for your students?  If it weren’t for you protecting Missy?  If it weren’t for you being smart enough to use the typewriter as a weapon?  Tell me, (Y/N), what did you do to get me stabbed?”
“I-” you were at a loss for words, “I’m sure there’s something I did, I just.  Can’t think of it.  Right now.”
Spencer smiled, “Maybe you just want to stab me.”
“No!” you practically jumped across the hallway, stopping right in front of Reid, “I do not want that.”
Your eyes darted down over Reid’s stomach, hovering over the location of the wound.  You couldn’t see it, but you remembered the red stain across his shirt, the pool of blood that got bigger and bigger no matter how hard you’d pressed down.  
Before you could even think of stopping yourself, your fingers brushed lightly against his torso.  Your touch was gentle- enough for him to feel, but not enough for him to flinch.  Inside your office, the lights flickered.  You only realized what you were doing when Spencer moved to wrap his hand around yours.
You jumped a little, shaking your head as you came back to your senses.
“Shit- I’m sorry, I um-”
“Don’t apologize,” Spencer’s voice was soft.  His eyes carried some sort of gentle confidence within them.
You squeezed his hand.
“Hey, you aren’t taking the train home, are you?”
“I am, why?”
“Because if someone elbows you in the wrong spot, you’re gonna bleed out on the train, and I’m gonna feel like shit about it.”
“That’s highly unlikely.  The stitches have already-”
“Spencer,” you stopped him, “You can tell me about it in the car.  Let me drive you home.”
On both accounts, he did.  
♄ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts, @morgthemagpie, @iiheartbowie, @digitalhearts, @corpsebridenightamare, if you asked to be tagged and i forgot, pls let me know!! if you would like to be tagged and aren't, also let me know :D
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
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Sincember Event❄❄
Rating: Fluff/SuggestiveđŸ„đŸ­
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Draken immediately rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face and set his mechanics magazine down on the coffee table in front of him.
“Yes, shorty?”
He looked at your attire with a dark eyebrow quirked. “What in the hell are you wearing?”
You just grinned and did a 360° spin to showcase your festive holiday onesie. A sparkly, sequin-covered Santa hat covers your hair, complete with actual blinking Christmas lights.
“Are you ready to put up the Christmas decorations?!”
He looked up at the ceiling as if thinking about it and ran his tongue over the platinum top-row grill.
“No, but you are, so that means that I’m ready by default.” 
“Right you are! Now c’mon!”
why is this shit all tangled up?” 
His dark eyes darted from the lights on your hat to the tangled mess that you’d set in front of him.
With hands planted firmly on your wide hips, you just glared at him. 
“Well, they have just been sitting in the garage inside a random box since last Christmas.”
Ken looked at you standing across the living room with a pile of boxes labeled ‘xmas deco’ sitting at your feet.
“Don’t get smart.”
“Sorry Kenny~but please untangle them so I can hang them up? You know you’re so good with your hands
You strutted over to the couch and stood behind it before your hands planted on his strong shoulders.
“Hmm, is that right?” Draken grinned at you from his side profile almost making you melt into a puddle of goo right there.
“Move the ladder just a little to the left, Ken. Right there is good!” 
You squealed as your much taller boyfriend situated the ladder underneath the archway in the living room where you were going to string the lights up.
“Go ahead. I'm holding it.” 
You hesitated a bit and looked away from him, a sudden wave of embarrassment washing over you. Ken caught onto your change in demeanor quickly. 
“What’s the matter?”
“If I go up the ladder with you holding it like that my butt will be in your face.”
It almost hurt for him not to roll his eyes.
“Girl, I grew up in a brothel. You think I’m worried about some ass in my face? Just put the shit up.” 
He shook the ladder a bit as if to say ‘get your ass up there’
After you got over yourself, you climbed up the ladder and began stringing the lights up.
Just as you were climbing down, Draken scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder.
Your butt cheek wobbled from the force he'd put into that smack.
“Hush. You can finish this tomorrow. How about you come and tell me again how good I am with my hands, huh?” 
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
đŸȘ·â€” Forever : Perpetual
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୭ ˚. Pairing : widow!JakeSully x fem!Navi!reader
୭ ˚. Summary : request
୭ ˚. Parts : pt1 pt2 pt3
୭ ˚. Song : shameless (speed up)
à­­ ˚. Warnings : smutt, stupid in lust and pleasure, p in v, daddy kink, name calling, soft!dom!Jake, sub!reader, tsaheylu forming, choking if you squint, orgasm denial, hand cuffs and blindfold, spanking , cunnilingus (f receiving), fingering (f receiving) , being sore? Softie Jake, fluff ending â˜șïžđŸ«¶đŸŒ
୭ ˚. Word count : 2.1k , proof read
୭ ˚. Note : "word" - dialogue
Extras : I really need a Jake Sully in my life, like please just once, this fic had me regretting being born human 😭 anyways enjoy and let me know, please request more đŸ«°đŸŒđŸ’š Minors please stay away! To be tagged in future works go on the pinned post on my acc â˜ș
୭ ˚. Glossary : [txa'lan] - heart, [yawne] - beloved, [tiyawn] - love, [syulang] - flower, [tsaheylu] - neural bond
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If my imagines of Jake fucking me dumb were something, than him doing it in reality is more than what had I expected, I was on my hands and knees more like on my knees with my face pressed onto the cot, his big hands gripping my hips from behind, his thumbs pressing into the dimples on my back, my mewls and moans filled the tent and I was so glad the kids wanted to stay at their grandmother's tonight, Jake was still using his fingers, we haven't even gotten to the main part before I was just a puddle under him, melting from the heat of his touch, his mouth leaving several marks down my shoulder, fingering my sopping cunt one more time as his fingers hit just that spot, I was on the edge yet again but he pulled out just as quick, with a quick manoeuvre he flipped me on my back, his hand travelling to my neck and gripping it tight and pulling me up by it, leaning down he whispered "don't worry, sweet girl, just a few more minutes, I want you to come with me" letting me go, he went down settling between my thighs pulling my legs over his shoulders, licking a stroke down my slit, and i couldn't help but grip the ends of the cot in ecstasy.
Jake's skilled tongue was lapping up any juices his mouth can get hold off, big hands holding me down so i don't move, my fingers raked his hair, pulling and tugging with every moan of pleasure that fell from my mouth, he sucked on the clit making me convulse on myself, just again nearing me towards my sweet release as my thighs shook, my velvety walls spasmed only for him to stop yet again making me groan in frustration, head tilted back, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks, gasping for air, he just chuckled, looking down at my state "such a good girl for me, taking all I'm giving without a complaint, don't worry babygirl, daddy's gonna reward you now, for being so good" with that he leaned back taking the band of his loincloth he loosened the ends making the fabric to fall to the floor displaying his cock, my eyes widen at the girth, it sprang out of its confinements slapping onto his stomach, i just gulped thinking how the hell I'm gonna take it but my thoughts were interrupted by him "it's okay ma' txa'lan, I'll be easy on you, just relax yawne" his smirk made shivers run down my spine, he mouth came down on mine, kissing away my tears, he brought his queue in front of me, hastily joining mine with him, i moaned as the feeling doubling in itself, even his breathing picked up, grinding his hips against mine, that friction was doing nothing for the pent up tightness inside me, i needed him, right now! " I need you, please-" he stopped his work on one of my nipples and did exactly what i requested.
àŒ»âœŠàŒș ă€€àŒ»âœ§àŒșă€€àŒ»âœŠàŒș
Slick dripped down your folds, oozing like cream onto the sheets but for all Jake cared it was heaven to him, gathering some of it on his fingers and coating it on his length, precum dripped out his slit in thick strings, lining himself up with one glance at you he sank in, just the tip as you gasped getting accustomed to the feeling of his cock inside you, strings of moans spilling out from your mouth, Jake groaned the feeling of your walls clamping down on him making him impossibly hard, he pushed in further and further until he was buried to the hilt, gasps and puffs of breaths fell onto his ears , he gave you a few minutes to adjust before moving, he set a slow pace, pulling out almost fully before pushing in again, meanwhile he kept himself busy with your breasts, squeezing them just right, biting and nibbling, while your hands were holding onto his back for dear life, nails digging into his skin from the pleasure, the pain perfectly mixing up with pleasure as he pistoned inside you again and again, his hand trailed downwards rubbing careful circles on your clit, leaving you buckling your hips for more, you mind was beyond fogged to even form words, lips parting to form sentences but only incoherent words came out.
Jake was taking his time to pleasure you, branding every curve of your body into his mind, grabbing your plush thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist, getting into a better position to support you back and give him good access to get in harder, every thrust was pushing you nearer and nearer to that edge, if you didn't get that release now, you knew you would cry out, vision blurred you gasped out "daddy- ah ah, i'm gonna- oh, I'm gonna cum, please-" his thrust became rough, as he gritted out "a few seconds, flower, come when i tell you, do not come before i tell you to" but his words fell on deaf ears, it was too much, too much pleasure, too much everything, you couldn't control yourself as you came with a scream erupting from your throat, your brain turning to mush in that moment and you couldn't think of anything other than the waves of pleasure washing over you, Jake came inside you a few moments after, hot spurts of cum painting your walls.
He looked down at you in mock disappointment, you had disobeyed his orders and this meant only one thing, after helping you ride down your high, he got up pulling out , you whimpered at the loss of his cock inside you, coming back with a strip of leather he tied your wrists, giving the knot a good tug he put your hands above your head tying it to the head board, a small whimper escaped your mouth " shh now, you failed to follow my order, you acted like a bad girl so now you will get your punishment" pulling you onto his lap he slapped your ass hard enough to leave a mark but not enough to hurt, moaning out he tugged your head back with his hand in your hair, giving him full access to your neck, with nimble hands he tied a blindfold on your eyes, you tried to say something but he cuts you off "shh just relax tiyawn" you trusted him with this, his mouth felt hot on your skin, every touch was blazing, if before being blindfolded was good than this felt heavenly, with nothing to look at all the attention went to your skin, his feather light touches and kisses, everything felt unbearably good, heat began to pool on the underside of you belly, drops of slick slipping down, you felt Jake line himself up again, as you were still in his lap, you sank down on it, and his cock hit places it never did before, moaning so loudly you were sure you were going to wake up all of the omaticaya, you bit down on his shoulder to muffle out, he didn't move at all so you called out to him but his only response was " you acted like a bad girl, so now make up for it, do it for yourself sweetheart"
letting out a mewl, you used the leather cuff to your leverage as you bounced up and down but everything was in vain as much as you tried you couldn't get right angle or force or BoTh! This time the tears fell with a lot of frustration then before, Jake just laughed a little at your desperate state as you chase your release but couldn't give inn to it, his hands traveled down to your hips pushing you against the wall, he had mercy on you after a while of seeing you try and fail at pleasuring yourself, he pounded into you, your mouth hanging open, he took your blindfolds off as the light from the small fire glinted, his hips snapping into you, the sound of slapping skin evident, both of you a pile of moaning mess "s'tight for me huh? Acting s'good for me, squeezing your tight little pussy on my cock, good girl, keep going like this and I'll reward you with your release- yeah, just like that, honey" his cock hitting that spongy spot again and again, biting your lip you stopped yourself from screaming out, his hands still on your ass and hip, you tried so hard to keep silent, taking almost all your energy to keep yourself sane but his pounding was proving otherwise, you chased your orgasm yet again but made sure you were in somewhat control, head lulling back and giving into the pleasure you forgot how long this has been going on but all you wanted was more and MORE! Bruises were forming on your body in several places and you knew you'd barely be able to walk tomorrow, but right now that was all to be thought about tomorrow.
Jake's movement got languid and slow, his cock twitching and he groaned loudly he was nearing his end, you pussy was red and puffy from the continuous assault on it, his member slipping in and out easily, he gritted out "c'mon syulang, come with me like a good girl you are, show how nicely you can come for daddy" and in no time you were coming, as if his command was the only thing your body needed, he didn't hold back any longer following right after you, he didn't pull out just yet, still buried deep inside, he let himself fall on top of you his head falling into your neck, both of you panting and heaving coming down from your highs , he picked up his head, pulling out, you just groaned at the feeling, your head falling onto his chest as he untied you, you melted onto him with no energy left inside, he chuckled at your antiques but didn't say anything laying both of you down, you queues still connected his love washing over you in gentle waves, this was everything you ever needed, he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead and pulling you chose, you were almost on top of him at this point but you two were too lost in eachother to care, you sighed the feeling of his hands making patterns on your back, he moved a little, turning his head to look at you as he said " are you sore babygirl?" You just nodded not trusting yourself to speak any longer, he just rubbed your back promising he'll go soft next time, which you knew was a big fat lie but let it slide anyways.
àŒ»âœŠàŒș ă€€àŒ»âœ§àŒșă€€àŒ»âœŠàŒș
After a while of lying on the cot he got up, it still wasn't morning yet, so that was unusual, you got up with him looking at him confused, as you were about to ask him what he was doing but before you come he simply picked you up and throw you over his shoulder, walking out of the tent the cold biting you skin as he made his way into the forest, he walked and walked before he stopped in front of a pool, after further inspection, you came to find out it was a hot spring, you just looked at him with a smile as you slowly lowered yourself down into the pool, savoring the feeling of the warm water on your cold skin, the temperature doing wonders for your sore spots, to your surprise he got in with a canon ball, which should not have been surprising as it was coming from him but it did, he swam towards you, engulfing you in his arms, laughing and screaming as he picked you up by your waist, pulling you in front back, settling near the stone edges at the border, you in front of him, arms wrapped around his neck, foreheads touching, you wanted to be locked in this moment forever, to never wake up from this dream, this all felt like a dream, but his hands constantly moving up and down your back grounded you, opening your eyes you just admired him, his eyes, his nose, his ears, everything, tracing a finger down his nose to his lips, he just held you palm kissing the inside of it as he said "you feel better now, baby?" You just smiled, all of sudden bashful as if you weren't just fucking him a few hours ago, he just leaned in for a kiss, finding your flustered form Adorable, giggling into the kiss, your heart swelled with happiness, this was forever, this was your fate, that's what eywa wanted you to have but you were too stubborn to admit, but now you have it and you couldn't be more happier, pulling him in for another kiss, you spend the rest of the night talking, massaging and cleaning eachother off, and if not, falling in love with him even further
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A/n : i didn't know writing this could make me this turned on đŸ„Č man, i really want a Jake Sully, all while listening to shameless on repeat had me wet 😭😭 i hope y'all enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing this lmao đŸ€Ł
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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everettswritings · 8 months
What would shadow milk be like as a caregiver? would be a very silly caregiver who would always make his little laugh because he loves the sound of their laughter and wants them to be as happy and playful as they can be?
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You thought Royal Margarine was silly? No, no, no, no! Our favorite trickster is far more silly. And I mean SILLY
Loves constantly making funny faces at you, especially whenever you copy him. It already makes his heart melt when you laugh, but when you copy him? He’s just a puddle at that point!
Feeding time is always fun. Expect to be spoon fed and expect them to say something like:
”Here comes the airplane! Nyooom!”
“Here comes the choo-choo train! Open the tunnel!”
”Here comes the Race car! Zoom zoom! It’s gonna crash, open the garage!”
They mix it up every time, but what’s most funny is when they struggle to come up with something and their mind blanks a bit. Do you have any IDEA how hard it is to come up with new material? How dare you laugh at him?!
Expect him to get super involved with playtime, especially whenever it’s something like “house” or “doctor”. For example: as a patient in the game “doctor”, he is going to come up with the wildest scenarios imaginable.
”Oh, doctor! It’s terrible! A car drove into my mouth and now it’s stuck in my throat! I can’t breathe! Help me, doc!”
How is that physically possible? No clue! But who cares? So long as you’re entertained, that’s all that matters!
Oh yeah, tickling is a must. Just sayin’
Same with any other physical affection.
Reads books with you and goes all in, making funny sounds and giving all the characters distinct voices.
If we’re being honest with ourselves here, what DOESN’T he go all in on? They may treat everything else like a joke, but caring for their little is serious.
They just want their little to be happy! Why wouldn’t they? That smile of yours of so sweet and that laughter is like an angel singing
Speaking of their little(đŸ«”), you definitely get a lot of nicknames. Some generic ones like “baby”, “cutie pie”, and “little one”; but also some more specific ones. His favorite to call you being “jingle bell”/“little bell”
Oh, do you babble? That’s okay, he’s still gonna talk to you! It doesn’t matter how much you sound like you’re just speaking gibberish, he’ll carry a conversation!
”Oh my goodness! Is that so? Wow!”
“I never thought of it like that! Jingle bell, you’re a genius!”
What can I say? He just loves entertaining his little.
Actually, he just loves his little :)
And that’s about it! Caregiver Shadow Milk never crossed my mind, but I’m so glad for this ask because it’s such a cute concept. I genuinely love this so much! Have a good one đŸ«¶
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carnivorous-parasite · 3 months
Have this tf2 thought that has been plaguing my mind today (and potential fic/ficlet idea for you to steal if you feel inclined 👀):
I adore the headcanon that medic gives all the mercs check-ups, and it gives me the idea of it being spy’s turn and medic does that one thing where doctors feel your stomach to check out your organs but surprise surprise
it tickles đŸ€­ and OF COURSE spy cant admit/reveal that, he’s a mature adult who is NOT ticklish 🙄 but medic is not dumb and he notices and teases spy about it đŸ«¶
“Whats the matter? What is so funny?!” “Stop moving, im trying to make sure you are healthy, mein freund!”
Spy then promptly melts into a puddle
poor fella
Anyway god bless ticklish old men *salutes*
OHOHOHOOOO 👀👀👀👀 I LOOOVE THIS I hope my writing can do it justice o wise one
Routine checkups. Medic did them once every month. However pointless or unnecessary they felt to Spy, Medic went out of his way to ensure everybody recieved theirs, and he was no exception. 
Medic pulled him from his thoughts by rather rudely snatching the cigarette from his lips. "How many times do I have to tell you not to smoke in here? Especially not during a check-up, for gods sake." he scolded as he had countless times before. He knew Spy had no intention of listening, of course, but even still insisted on arguing his point. What was he if not persistent, after all?
Spy only rolled his eyes. It was a response he offered quite often. 
Not bothering to push it, Medic continued on with the current task- he knew just how impatient Spy tended to be.
He moved his hands to Spys stomach, lightly pressing his fingers into his skin, only to then have the Frenchman jerk rather suddenly away from the touch. 
"Are you alright?" Medic asked, quirking a brow, "Did that hurt?"
Spy, on the other hand, had never wanted to crawl into a hole and die more in his life.
"I'm- fine. Startled me, is all. Your hands are cold." he lied, trying his best to keep his tone nonchalant. He hoped and prayed his expression wouldn't give away the fact he was lying through his teeth. "..You may continue."
Spy cursed himself in his head for stumbling over his words the way he had. In quite literally any other scenario, he was an excellent liar, even when it came to making something up on the spot- it was part of his job, after all- so then why on earth was this proving so difficult for him?
But Medic wasn't born yesterday. He was insane, yes, but stupid? Absolutely not. This was far from the first time he'd elicited such a reaction from a teammate.
"Ah, I see. My apologies." Medic replied in the most innocent tone he could muster. The checkup could wait. It wasn't often he got to see Spy vulnerable like this- and, come to think of it, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen him crack a real, genuine smile.
Medic continued, though now he was much more purposefully pressing his fingers into Spy's stomach. "Hmm, you are quite tense, though. Are you certain there's nothing wrong?" 
Spy opened his mouth to reply, but whatever he'd been trying to say was cut short by an undignified squeak as the Doctor prodded at one of his sides. If Spy had to hazard a guess, he'd say his face was just about the same red as Medic's gloves right about now.
Before he had any time to process it, Medic had started kneading at both of his sides, and he couldn't for the life of him hold back the wave of giggles that came up his throat, though his hands quickly shot up to cover his mouth in some attempt to muffle the embarrassing noise. 
"My, someone is rather giggly today." Medic grinned, as if he didn't know damn well what he was doing already. "Is something funny?"
Spy had no intention of dignifying him with a reply, much less did he trust his voice at the moment. He moved one hand from his mouth to try and shove Medic off (to no avail, of course). 
"Ah-ah, none of that, Herr Spy. I need to ensure you are healthy!" Medic chided, taking both of the other man's wrists into one hand and holding his arms firmly above his head, his free hand continuing its spidering and scribbling at his sides. "Why ever are you wiggling so much, anyway? You've never given me this much trouble."
"Doctor-!" Spy managed.
Medic paused, if only to allow Spy to speak. "Ja?"
Spy took a breath, trying to compose himself as if it would recover even a shred of his dignity. "You- this- This is highly unprofessional-"
"What is?" Medic asked coyly, resuming, moving from his sides to his stomach, sending him right back into another fit of giggles. "I don't see what's unprofessional about me giving you a checkup. You're the one being fussy about it."
His hand travelled upwards. "Do try and hold still. I need to make sure you have all your ribs." 
"What- what do you mean, 'have all of'- of COURSE I do!" Spy protested indignantly.
"We can't be sure unless I check. I'm the doctor here, Spy." He scolded, running a single finger down his ribcage. "Let's see- one, two, three.." 
Spy jerked away, biting his lip and holding his breath to stifle any laughter he could trust to escape. Medic clicked his tongue. "No, you come back here, silly! You made me lose count." 
Oh my god, Spy thought to himself, he is trying to kill me.
It took 4 more tries, but eventually, against all odds, Spy was able to hold perfectly still. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to hold his giggles, but he took the small victories where he could. Finally, Medic released his arms, withdrawing his hands. 
"Hm, everything looks good! Though maybe next time I could do without the squirming. You nearly kicked me." he scolded playfully. Spy hugged himself for protection, still just barely giggling under his breath.
Medic's grin widened. "You know, I can't help but notice you didn't ask me to stop. Not even once, in fact."
Spy couldn't argue with that, as much as he wanted to.
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i. got carried away writing this one
it started as a lil ficlet and soon i was hitting 1000 words ;-; 
anyway i hope this is good???????????? i love the idea so much its so canon. feedback always appreciated <333
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actual-gremlin · 4 months
If you've read tsats what did you think about it :))
I am so sorry it took me this long to reply!!
I personally loved it! I know there’s been a lot of discourse over it, but I personally thought it was very well written. I also went into reading it knowing that I was not the age group it was targeted for. (Like all of Ricks books, it was targeted for preteens and young teens). I think that’s a key difference between me and some of the other readers.
I had a few favourites moments, so here they are!
Persephone and Will in her garden. That was a HUGE turning moment in Will and Nicos relationship, even though Nico wasn’t involved in the conversation. It was so meaningful! This was the start of Will actually getting character development!! I could honestly make a separate post about this interaction.
I also LOVED hiss-majesty looking up to Will. Like that was so sweet! Imagine you’re Will. You’ve met the trogs before and you weren’t treated with any respect. But you’re used to that. You’re used to being pushed aside and only being pulled back when you’re needed for something. It’s happening again. And not just to you. It’s happening to someone else, and they turn to you of all people to help. To look up too. Like I would just melt into a little puddle and never recover! And the ending where Will sees Hiss-majesty wearing the same Cheese Hat that he was wearing?? Literally SOBBED. (Can you tell I love their dynamic and I want more of it??)
Nico and Will escaping on the boat and kissing while Bob cried?? Please I was dyingđŸ˜‚âœ‹đŸ» they’re having a moment, and then there’s Bob just wailing in the background!
Will and Nico calling Percy and Annabeth and telling them their plan to head to Tartarus and Percy and Annabeth looking at each other like 😳🙊 ‘maybe they mean Tartar sauce? For fish? Yup that’s what they mean!’ They were in so much denial and it was so funny for no reason? Anyways.
I (obviously) love the Cocopuffs! Their introduction was definitely weird and off putting, but- and listen closely folks- THAT WAS THE POINT!! IT WASNT MEANT TO BE PRETTY! OR NICE!! BECAUSE TRAMA IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS!! The whole point was that it made you feel icky and uncomfortable! I could make a whole separate post about this (please ask me too) but the design of the scene was to be uncomfortable, and it hit its mark. anyways the Cocopuffs are lovely đŸ«¶đŸ»
I also adored the ending where Nico talks to Bianca and his mother Maria and gets closure. Was it canon compliant? No. But it was still a sweet sentiment and I enjoyed it.
I think Rick and Mark Oshiro did a fantastic job with this book. also thank you for this ask, because now I need to go reread TSATS! If I find anything else, I’ll be sure to reblog this post with the additions!
Thanks for the ask!! (Please send me more! I swear I won’t forget them in my drafts like I did with this one!)
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Missing our plm couple extra today. Wonder what they’re doing đŸ«¶đŸŒ
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I’ve had this on my drafts for a while and decided to finish it with the image of long-haired and glasses JK in mind. It sort of sets up the stage for the The Fight as well. I hope you enjoy đŸ„°
Title: Please Love Me Bonus 06 - I tell you everything.
WC: 4,421
Tags/Warnings: suggestive
Series Masterlist
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Five minutes. Jungkook’s phone pings.
No 10.
Or maybe 15 sorry hun I’m still packing up but also it’s the last day of class so everyone’s chatting it up oh you can come in if you want! Another ping. 
Jungkook laughs at your run-on sentences and knows you’ll be cringing at them later. But he’s also imagining you looking a little stressed, trying to multitask between fixing your tools and saying your goodbyes to your classmates. 
He turns off the engine and exits the car. It’s when he gets another message - Kook, can you come? I need help with my things đŸ„ș - that he jogs the block to the art studio and makes a left to the hallway where your class is. 
He looks around, in awe of how the decor at the west wing quickly changes. In the half year that you’ve been enrolled in your drawing class, he’s visited you a few times and each time, the art pieces hanging on the wall have been different. He’d spied a few of yours, too, and he’d spent too much time just admiring your work and imagining what inspired you or what you were thinking, something he always asked you about later on. 
But one other thing he likes to do when he picks you up is peek through the half-wall window and not-so-creepily watch you work on your piece - focused eyes surrounded by your soft features, with only a look of determination mixed with pure passion for the craft. You did say you’ve come to love drawing after all. 
It’s through his visits that your classmates have come to know him, too - that first time, one asked if he was the nude art model and another yelled they wished he was. Jungkook didn’t miss your slightly embarrassed and flushed face when you finally claimed him as your husband. The room melted into a puddle, with oohs and ahhs reverberating through the walls when he greeted you with a forehead kiss and picked up your things as he often does. 
Jungkook does all those again today. He sees one of your pieces and imagines what you were thinking of as you painted the sky green, then he turns to the room where the sound of applause catches his attention. But then his smile - the one he’s been sporting since this afternoon when he got to free up his evening so he could attend your event with you tonight - fades, his eyebrows furrowing and a pout forming on his face. 
He’s familiarized himself with all your classmates and colleagues, and that half-naked man with firm pectorals and large biceps and chiseled jaw and sharp nose is definitely not one of them. 
Back inside, you’re busy putting away all your pencils giggling at the light banter between your classmates. You’d asked Jungkook to help you with some of your things and you know he’s probably waiting outside.  
Before your gaze wanders outside, you look around the room and meet deep-set, hazelnut eyes - intense and paralyzing as they bore into you. You’re quite surprised, and as you zip up your bag, you accidentally hit your easel. You shut your eyes as reflex, ready for it to make that sound as it hits the floor. 
But it doesn’t.
“You nervous or something?” 
The man’s voice is deep. It’s familiar, and as you look up, you know why it is. 
He’s putting in place the easel that you almost knocked over. He’s got a smirk on, and you wonder if your flushed form has anything to do with it. You didn’t really expect that the man whose backside you were drawing just minutes ago would be speaking to you. The models for your nude drawing class don’t exactly interact with the artists - it’s kind of weird to do that when strangers have basically seen every part of you. 
But he’s here in front of you with a twinkle in his eyes that have now softened, and you’re only able to shake your head. Sure, he's handsome, but he’s also still half-naked - you’re not exactly sure how to process that outside of your drawing bubble.
“You’re rushing, then?” He asks.
“Uh, sort of?” You chuckle, relaxing a little as you try to focus on just his face.
“That’s a shame. I heard that Mrs. Yang’s treating your class to dinner and she invited me. I was really hoping I’d see you there,” he replies.
“Oh? I’ve got an event tonight. Is there something you wanted to tell me?”
“Sort of,” he chuckles now. “I’ve modeled for some of her other classes and no one draws me quite like you do. They seem so real and so intimate. Mrs. Yang said I could personally ask you if I could bring home your drawings of me. I like how you’re able to capture the—”
He’s cut off by the sound of a throat clearing and Jungkook turning you towards him with a deep kiss on your lips, his hand gripping your waist tightly as he lingers on your skin.
“Hey, babe,” he says.
“Kook,” you blink up at him, surprised again by the desperation in his actions. “Hi,” you recover, smiling at his presence despite the scowl on his face. 
“You ready to go?” He sounds in a hurry, uninterested.
“Yeah, I was just talking to Samuel. He was asking for my drawings of him.”
“Is he now?” Jungkook arches an eyebrow and crosses his arms. He looks up and down the man in question who still has a smirk on his face.
“I am,” Samuel replies, assessing your husband from head to toe just the same. “___ draws me so beautifully. Her pieces make the hours-long process of posing nude all worth it. She’s got an amazing eye, among other things.” 
If you didn’t really care much for him earlier, now, you don’t care much for him at all. You want to tell him off for how shameless he’s being, but the selfish and silly part of you wants to know how your husband would react and well, follow up that sudden kiss he gave you to get your attention.
“She does,” Jungkook replies. “She’s obviously talented but she’s also had some practice. I mean, I’m her muse when it comes to this
 nude drawing thing and yeah, I know all about posing for so long being worth it.”
Jungkook gives you a naughty smile and you know exactly what he’s thinking about. “It’s quite the gift when you’re married to an artist, you know?”
“Ah, you’re married, I see,” Samuel hums, glancing at your left hand that’s now sporting the ring that you remove every time you draw or paint.  “That’s good. For both of you. Not for me but yeah, I shouldn’t be surprised,” he turns to you, chuckling now, realizing at how stupid he seemed. “But can I still keep the artwork, if that’s okay and not weird for your husband?”
“Her work, her choice,” Jungkook responds. 
“Sure, if it’s as nice as you say it,” you shrug, not minding much. It’s always a compliment when your model reacts that way to your final output. “You can just ask Mrs. Yang for them.”
“It is, I truly mean it,” Samuel smiles more genuinely this time. “And yes, I’ll choose the best one, although that might be difficult. They’re all great.”
“Thank you, Samuel,” you grin, not interested to keep this on. “I’ll get going now. It was a pleasure.”
“It was. I hope to see you around,” he smirks again, and you don’t miss the scowl that graces your husband’s face once more.
You wave goodbye to your classmates and tell them you’ll catch up with them another time. It’s when you exit the building that you turn to Jungkook, his frowned expression turning into a pout. 
“What was that, Mr. Jeon?” You giggle. 
“What?” He’s defensive, even as he takes your hand and leads you down the street. 
“Don’t think I didn’t know what you were doing with that kiss and head-to-toe look and hidden meanings in your words, hmm? Are you threatened?”
You’re teasing, a rarity for you because Jungkook does get quite jealous and you’ve never wanted to push him, but something about him in his work attire, rolled up sleeves with tattoos exposed and all that makes you want to just try. He looks tough like this, especially with his hair that he’s growing out, but the glasses he’s been wearing more frequently just makes him adorable. It’s a kind of sexy that you’ve been enjoying lately. 
“Just never seen him before,” he shrugs. “And he was obviously flirting with you. Like, ‘you’ve got a great eye among other things’? What the fuck does that mean?!”
“Yeah, I thought he was just being friendly until that,” you laugh. “He’s modeled just 3 times including today. He’s apparently an artist, too, so he knows a lot about forms and stuff. So that’s kind of nice, being complimented like that.”
“Hmm, probably. You also couldn’t stop looking at him.”
“Hey!” You nudge Jungkook. “It’s only because his body is so overwhelming, you know?”
“And what about mine?” He frowns.
“Perfect - just the way I like it,” you turn towards him, stopping him in his tracks so he could look at you and see the love in your eyes. “You, my dear husband, are the most handsome and sexiest being in this world, with or without clothes, and I absolutely adore every inch of you, every ridge and every dip and every beauty mark and every scar.”
You cup his cheeks and feel them rise to his eyes as he can’t help but smile at your words. 
“No need to worry, okay?” You assure. “Classes are over and I’m satisfied with my nude drawing abilities already, especially with the muse I’ve got.” You wink, liking how he blushes. He takes your hand and lovingly kisses it before kissing your forehead. 
“Hmm, might want to draw me again soon so that this is the only nude body you’ll remember,” he winks. 
“Oh trust me, this is the only nude body I remember,” you respond, resting your palms on his chest.
He takes the opportunity to pull you closer, his warm breath tingling your skin. “Good. I’ll keep reminding you though, maybe tonight? Or right when we get home?” He hums in satisfaction and kisses your lips.
You giggle in his hold. “Kook, we’re in public,” you remind him, as an old woman chuckles as she passes by you both. 
“I don’t care,” he huffs.
“I do,” you answer, though your words don’t have a bite in them.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he arches a brow.
“Do I need to?” You tease, tracing his defined pecs underneath his silk polo as you bite your lip.
“Fuck, let’s go.”
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You arrive at the grand estate of Mr. Lee that’s right at the edge of the city. It took a while to get here, as you and Jungkook took too much time feeling each other up before you actually got dressed, but it was something you didn’t mind. He gets riled up when he gets jealous, and you’d shyly told him it was quite a turn on. You would’ve passed up on this event if it wasn’t so important to you, and he understood. He promised to continue what you’d both started after, though, and that really got you smiling. 
The mansion is buzzing. Clanking sounds of champagne flutes, soft munching of canapĂ©s, and laughter and conversations fill the grand room and the hallways nearby. There are many familiar people - and not because you know them from the art world, you know them because of your family and Jungkook’s. Those present in the viewing of Mr. Lee’s private art collection are big names in the business and entertainment industry, after all. But they’re here by personal invitation and their appreciation of art, including you.
It’s a twice a year event, and you’re lucky that one of Mr. Lee’s granddaughters is currently your student in the weekly art class for children that you’ve been teaching for the past few months. Her mother befriended you and was kind enough to invite you tonight, and you couldn’t be happier, especially when Jungkook messaged you earlier that he was able to free up his evening to accompany you here. You’ve been busy with various projects on top of the classes you take and conduct, and you wanted to spend time with your husband, even if half the time you’d be gushing about the pieces anyway, something he said he wouldn’t mind at all.
You find your way to look at a contemporary piece, telling Jungkook about the artist, when someone calls your name. You turn to the side and see a familiar face. 
“Chi-won,” you smile. “It’s good to see you here.”
You return the hug that the man gives you and introduce your husband.
“You, too, although I figured you’d be here,” he grins. “You’re why I got invited in the first place. I heard you recommended the tattoo shop to Mr. Lee’s daughter. She came a few weeks ago and found out I collect art, too, and she invited me tonight. So thank you.”
“Ah, that’s wonderful,” you chirp. “She said her friends aren’t into the arts so she gives the invitations to even acquaintances whom she thinks would appreciate it. I’m glad you get to witness this, too. It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
Jungkook zones out a little once you and your friend start talking about the artists whose works are displayed in the estate. Somehow, art talk is only interesting to him when it’s you who’s talking, so he lets his mind wander a bit until he hears the words that sort of knock him out.
“Loving the tattoo, by the way. It looks really great now that it’s healed,” the man says. 
Saying it’s great means he’s looking at it, and looking at it means he’s got his eyes on the colored ink painted on the valley between your breasts. Much as Jungkook adores the low-cut neckline of your wine-colored satin dress, that obviously also means that other people get a peek at it, too. The tattoo is beautiful - it’s his birth flower, after all, and he feels blessed everyday that you got it because of him, and that he gets to marvel at it every single day. He just doesn’t like the thought of others having that opportunity, too.
“Thank you,” you gush. “You’ve got amazing people at the shop, and that’s because of you. I really love it, and so does my husband. Right, Kook?”
You turn to him and Jungkook manages a curt nod and an almost-whisper of “of course.” Is
 is he the man who put this on you?
You and Chi-won say your goodbyes as he heads to the other wing, and you turn to Jungkook with his curious look mixed with a tinge of nervousness.
“He’s a tattoo artist at the shop where I got the flower done,” you say, realizing what your statement could imply once Jungkook’s eyes widen.
“Oh! He didn’t tattoo me, Kook. He just owns the shop,” you explain, not wanting your husband to worry that another man got to see your bare chest. Jungkook’s face relaxes and you hear his sigh of relief. “I told you I’d get a woman to do it even if you didn’t ask for it. I don’t exactly want to expose my body to another man, you know?”
“Just me, huh?” Jungkook shyly smiles now. 
“Of course, honey. No one else.” You kiss his nose and like how his eyes close and how his features soften at the act.
You both continue the tour around the mansion. There’s an entire area dedicated to all the pieces - paintings, sculptures, mixed media art - and you gush at each one. Somehow Jungkook feels like it’s just you and him in your own little bubble. Even with the people you greet every once in a while, you choose to experience the collection with just him, even if you know he doesn’t understand half of the things you’re explaining - he’s said he likes just hearing the tone of your voice and the way your eyes crinkle when you talk about the things that make you happy.
Unfortunately, he has to burst that, as he takes an important work call and excuses himself. It takes 15 minutes but when he returns, there you are with yet another man gushing over you, it seems like, as the tall man with incredibly strong features and perfect hair shows you photos from his phone and laughs along with you.
Jungkook stands there, not wanting to burst the bubble you have with another person who gets you, in that sense - someone who gets your art, your world, your passion, and who gets to respond to you with more than just “ah, that’s cool,” the way he does. So he lets you have your moment, your space. He’ll step in in a while, he tells himself.
“Why is it that every time I see you in one of these things, you’ve always got that look on your face as you watch your wife socialize with another man from afar?”
Jungkook knows the voice before he even turns to the side and finds Kim Namjoon, your brother’s close friend and a staple in these events as an art collector himself. He’s become familiar to Jungkook, too, finding him during the times when he’s stuck on his spot as he chooses to observe you from afar. Because the man’s right - this happens more frequently than Jungkook likes to admit.
“It comes with marrying a talented and beautiful woman, I guess,” Jungkook chuckles. “I’m used to it.”
“Well, it’s her world and she stands out,” Namjoon responds.
“She stands out anywhere, actually, with anyone,” Jungkook responds, letting the thought settle in before he continues. “The man’s this big shot executive and a single dad. His 5-year old is in her art class and the kid adores her so I don’t blame the guy for admiring my wife. She’s great with kids.”
“Is it really admiration, though? Looks like he’s just showing off his son to her,” Namjoon observes, as the man holds up his phone to show you various photos to both of your delight. You’re laughing along with the man, smiling as he shows more.
“Yeah? I mean, look at the way he looks at her,” Jungkook responds.
He should be used to it by now. You have a comforting charm about you, and if he wasn’t a stuck up teenager, he would’ve realized that very early on. But no; he’d shut you out and only got to see just how good it is to be around you once he’d married you.
Your students in art class are a testament to that - it’s no wonder you were asked to add another schedule because the kids enjoy your sessions that much. Their parents are a testament to that as well. Even strangers are. But it hits differently, as he sees how the man softly watches you laugh and coo at his own son. There’s a certain glow on your face when it comes to children - Jungkook won’t blame anyone for finding that beautiful. 
“Hmm, it’s nothing compared to the way she looks at you, though,” Namjoon says. “You’d be laughing or something, or socializing when you’re in your world, and she’d be looking at you with the brightest stars in her eyes.”
Jungkook looks at the older man with questioning eyes. 
“I’ve been to some of your family’s galas, Jungkook. She hangs with me sometimes when you’re off to do your duties, and it always made me smile how adoringly she looked at you, whether up close or from afar.”
“That’s, uh
 that’s nice to know,” Jungkook hums, feeling his heartbeat quicken. 
“And it shouldn’t be news to you anymore. She may be catching a lot of people’s attention but at the end of day, all she wants is you.”
And right on cue, you look around and find him, your soft eyes asking if he’s okay. Jungkook nods - to you and to Namjoon’s suggestion of going over to you. 
“Hey, hun,” you take his hand as he gets closer. “This is Woobin, Sunoo’s dad. He was just showing me photos of them painting the new playroom.” You turn to the other man. “This is Jungkook, my husband.”
“Hi,” Jungkook shakes Woobin’s hand. “So you’re the father of the famous Sunoo. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Ah, so she’s talked about him,” Woobin chuckles. “And yes, I am. My son adores your wife, as many of the kids and their parents surely do.”
“___ talks about the kids at her class all the time,” Jungkook smiles, realizing it now. “They just make her so happy.”
Despite your busy schedule full of your own classes and the ones you run, on top of your actual job at the art firm and being an artist yourself, you’re devoid of any stress once you start talking about your students. You know what they like to paint or draw, know how to help them improve, and have so many ideas to make them appreciate art even more. It’s no wonder they love you as much as they do.
“Ah, that’s no surprise. I’m just glad my son got to enroll in her class. I heard it’s tough to get into it now since she’s in demand,” Woobin states. “But it was nice to meet you, Jungkook, and nice to see you again, ___. Sunoo will be happy to know I saw you tonight.”
You and Jungkook bid him goodbye and you turn to your husband, smiling sweetly at him. 
“I’ve seen everything tonight,” you inform him. “Another round of desserts and then we can go?”
“Sure, but I’m suddenly craving for churros and ice cream,” he responds.
“Hmm, let’s go to McDonald’s, then.”
“Alright, but uh, are you cold? Do you want to put this on?”
Jungkook removes his coat and offers it to you, and though you know the breeze outside is manageable, you take it, somehow wanting him much closer tonight. You also know that perhaps it’s your low neckline that he’s a bit wary of. 
“Sure, Kook. Thank you.”
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You lean on Jungkook’s shoulder and hum in satisfaction over the strawberry-flavored sundae. “Hmm, this is almost just as good as the desserts at the event.”
“Babe, McDonald’s is always just as good or better than anything,” Jungkook says with a half-full mouth. “It’s truly amazing.”
“It is. Somehow it cleanses our palette of rich-people stuff, doesn’t it?” You laugh and he joins you. It’s something that sparked your bond in the beginning, after all, and that hasn’t changed. 
“Yeah, but it’s also just my happy food, you know? Grease, sweets, unhealthy stuff
“Happy food, huh? Did something upset you tonight? Or maybe someone?” You ask, wanting to know if him stepping away while you spoke with Woobin has something to do with it. 
“Not really. Woobin didn’t cross a line,” Jungkook says, an admission that he knows what you’re talking about. “I mean, he was looking at you like a man with a crush, though, and I can’t blame him but he knew his boundaries. Good for him.”
“Of course he does, Kook. He knows I have a husband.”
“Yes, after you told him you couldn’t have coffee with him when he asked you out, which means that he was interested and he probably still is, like that nude model who was definitely into you.”
You turn to look at him who’s busy with his sundae but clearly bothered, but not enough to be angry. You’ve always been honest with him, the way he’d always been honest about the women at the Clubhouse who’d thrown themselves at him after one of his soccer games. You’ve always trusted each other, and you’re just glad that that’s always been enough to not have any miscommunication or arguments because of it.
“Ah, Samuel. Yeah, that was new.”
“Oh? He’s never hinted on a crush? Dude was looking at you like you were all he could see,” Jungkook shakes his head. 
“Yeah, then you came in with a kiss and swept me off my feet,” you teasingly roll your eyes. “How romantic.”
“Sorry, it was just reflex,” he explains. 
“I know, but you have nothing to worry about, okay? I tell you everything. Maybe not the mundane interactions or insignificant things that I easily forget but the important ones.”
“I know,” he says, smiling at you. “And you know I tell you everything, too.”
“You do,” you smile back. “But thank you for making it tonight. You’ve been so busy and I’m just glad I got to be with you.”
“Anything for you, babe. You’ve been so busy, too, and honestly, I didn’t mind moving the meeting with my father since I wasn’t really ready. Plus, all I had to say was that I was accompanying you to an art event and he let me go. You’re a spoiled daughter-in-law, you know that?”
You laugh at his teasing and the fact that your husband had the gall to ask his own father and boss to move a meeting for you. 
“I am, actually. And now it benefits you, too!”
“It benefits both of us,” he corrects. “But tonight was good. I mean, I kinda had to ward off certain men but I didn’t mind. It was still a fun one.”
“It was,” you hum, basking in his boyish smile and the twinkle in his eyes. Something comes alive inside you when he looks at you this way, and amidst the midnight buzzing of a McDonald’s in the city, you move closer and kiss his lips, gentle but wanting, and you feel him smile even wider against you.
“Babe, we’re in public,” he teases, and much as he likes to do that, he also enjoys it when you get a little flustered even when you mouth that you ‘don’t care.’
You peck his cheek and pull him, and as you walk to the car with his coat over your shoulder, as you talk about the art collection all the way home, and as you share a bath and then lie bare underneath the covers with your tangled limbs, Jungkook only knows this - this is your world, and in the one you both share, you’re the only two people who matter.
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Series Masterlist
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