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marlynnofmany · 4 months ago
Who's doing off-brand NaNoWriMo this year? They can't take our fun from us!
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veronae-buddie · 3 months ago
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T, (fluff with very light spice) 3.4k
Buck’s hand snapped tight around his wrist. “Don’t do that.” “Buck, come on, it’s honestly delicious,” Eddie said. “No, I mean, don’t … suck on your fingers like that.”
Buck and Eddie disagree about the merits of raw cake batter ... and it leads somewhere unexpected (and sexy 😉)
@shortsighted-owl @disasterbuck @serensational @blue-winged-boy @emotionallyencumbered
@gnoeltop @inell @verdimundi @darkrose6578 @littleblackraincloudofcourse
@deliriousbean @idealuk @oldfangirl81 @ronordmann @shealwaysreads
@queenofthesydrianites @marvelgirl9326 @graendoll @sofa-king-lame
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illarian-rambling · 3 months ago
So, for the month of November, in the spirit of Novelember (cooler Nanowrimo), I tracked my writing data. I didn't really have a concrete goal other than to write every day, since I'm in college and that means November is Hell Time. Anyways, that said, here's the highlights!
My most productive day was the 29th. I wrote 2538 words in two sittings, with an average wpm of 10.5
My least productive day (excluding the 7th, 13th, and 27th, where I didn't write anything) was, big surprise, the 6th. I wrote a total of 48 words at a wpm of 4.8.
My slowest wpm day was the 5th, at a wpm of 2.5. I think I was in class then tbh.
My fastest wpm day was the 30th, at a wpm of 17.5. Like most writing sessions, I was on my phone for half the time, but I guess I was just on it less for this one.
My average writing session length was 65 minutes. Mostly, I was writing at night.
Other data I collected was in regard to my surroundings, including distractions. Such notes include gems like:
"Submarine documentary in the background" (10 wpm, 644 word session)
"Bing chillin'" (9.6 wpm, 228 word session)
"Might've failed my exam but that won't stop the sexytime grind" (6.65 wpm, 266 word session)
"Shit was rainty" (12.3 wpm, 246 word session)
"My cat fucking drooled on me" (7 wpm. 842 word session)
"Google probably thinks I have a gambling addiction" (12 wpm, 595 word session)
"Described food too hard, now I'm hungry" (10.6 wpm, 962 word session)
"Oh god I'm gonna have to fix my sleep schedule" (5.8 wpm, 349 word session)
"Smut is hard when your characters won't stop infodumping about magic" (8.7 wpm, 1048 word session)
All in all, my total word count for the month of November was 27,326 words at an average speed of 8.99 wpm. Those are cool numbers I guess, but within them, I made it to the middle point of The Final Voyage of the R.S. Starbreaker, I wrote my first sex scene, I started my second Rel project, and, most importantly, I had fun! Even on days when I wrote only a few dozen words at a snail's pace, I had fun. Even on days when I squeezed out what I could between classes, I had fun. Fast or slow, many words or few, writing will always be a passion I adore and one I intend to pursue no matter the speed of my progress. In the wise words of Mr. Sanderson: journey before destination. What's the point in getting somewhere if you don't enjoy the views along the way? I've never found a hobby where this applies more fully than to writing.
So here's to journies! May everyone's path be a scenic one, no matter how long they take to walk it, or how many detours they make along the way <3
@amandacanwrite @elsie-writes @riveriafalll @kosmic-kore @kaylinalexanderbooks
@bard-coded @carrotsinnovember @patternwelded-quill @somethingclevermahogony @whatwewrotepodcast
@the-angriest-author @mk-writes-stuff @frostedlemonwriter @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @watermeezer
@leahnardo-da-veggie @mr-orion @televisionjester @ray-writes-n-shit @evilgabe29
@trippingpossum @tragedycoded @halfbakedspuds @ominous-feychild @cain-e-brookman
@wyked-ao3 @thecomfywriter @mysticstarlightduck @rumeysawrites @the-golden-comet
@cowboybrunch @gioiaalbanoart @theink-stainedfolk @sableglass @thelaughingstag
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jaydove-writes · 6 months ago
Due to NaNoWriMo's support for AI, I propose a new challenge with a new name: Novelember. Who's with me? I chose the name because it's a combination of novel and November.
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aritany · 4 months ago
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happy 4th of november i am feeling, unhinged
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novelember-official · 4 months ago
Novelember is here!
What is Novelember?
Novelember is completing 1 writing task/day. It can be anything: idea generation, research, worldbuilding, etc. There is 0 pressure. Your goal could be to write one word per day!
 Every writing task is part of creating your novel. Researching, crafting world and character, plotting, editing, and sharing are all part of the writing process, and they count toward a finished product.
Novelember is about having fun writing and celebrating each part of the process. Enjoy exploring your world and characters!
Novelember is about quality over quantity. Rushing, concentrating on only word count, can destroy quality. It can help you get words down, but there are other ways to spark your writing. After all, one of the first requirements of a novel is that you are writing about an idea you're excited about. Sometimes that takes some exploration. Sometimes characters require some chiseling to figure out their true selves. 
Writing is not just for one part of the year. It's a year-round activity. Sometimes, though, you need to jump-start your novel. 
That's where Novelember comes in. It's not about completing a novel in a month. It's about enjoying every dimension of writing a novel. It doesn't matter what part of the process you're at. It all counts. 
Novelember is for people who haven't started their novel yet and need some inspiration. You can explore ideas; you don't have to jump right into your story. Discovering ideas is one of the most fun parts of writing.
Novelember is also for people in the middle of their novel, for example, and who want to work on the rest of it, perhaps finish it.
Novelember is for people who don't want the stress of deadlines. Sometimes they can help, but sometimes you don't have enough time to complete 50,000 words, for example. Life happens. That's ok. You can complete 1 writing task-- such as write 1 sentence, research 1 setting element, etc. 
Novelember is for immersing in the writing process and enjoying it. Rushing can destroy the rhythm and flow of your writing. It can destroy your enjoyment. Sometimes, you just need to immerse in something. Create. Explore. Have fun.  
Your writing goal can be anything. As long as you're doing 1 writing task/day. However, don't worry if you miss a day. The overall idea is to foster a writing habit. And any writing task counts. Sometimes, research can take the form of visiting a park and writing down a description of what you see. Many diverse things can count as writing. Because it is all part of the process which will end up in a finished product. 
Your goal could be to write one sentence per day. In the end, you will have several paragraphs. Perhaps a short chapter. It may help you learn more about your character and world, and this will spark ideas for your novel's plot. Or perhaps you will find that writing some sentences inspires more sentences and they build off of each other and the novel takes off. 
Part of writing is finding out what works for you. You can take this time to play with writing tools so you know how to use them once you start writing your novel in earnest. You can explore novel ideas, write potential scenes, research topics you're fascinated in. You'll learn the kinds of effects different techniques create, and you'll learn the kinds of tools you like and the ones you don't. Because every person has their own writing style. You can develop yours now. 
You can use this marvelous month to begin your writing journey. Follow your inspiration wherever it takes you. 
And share your journey, your discoveries, and snippets of your writing, if you like. Someday perhaps you will also reveal your finished novel!  
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mekachu04 · 4 months ago
November and beyond
firstly - thank you all for sticking with me through KiKi'tober. this was the first time I'd ever finished a monthly daily challenge for October and i could not have done it without y'alls support.
that said- oh my. i am.. i am stunned that i pulled it off and also my brain is melting a little. i haven't drawn seriously since like 2009 and to finish two sketch books between july and today is mind boggling. and i still very much plan to keep writing and doodling for y'all - things are gonna likely slow down a bit ^^;
World Anvil is hosting it's first Novel'Ember this year, in light of.. other sites, and I'm going to try and use this to actually get some of R.Rebellions finished and up and then maybe get some of the other WIP's concluded.
I also have some crosstitch projects that have been on hiatus all summer and one of them is so close to being done that i really need to see to that XD
There is more Kidd & Killer content coming, just don't expect it every day anymore!
Once NovelEmber gets going, i think i'm going to go ahead and post a link to the WIPs so if you have an account and want to be nosy, you can go poking around at whats in the works for the future
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enchantedephiphany · 4 months ago
He kept walking, not looking back. The grass swallowed his footsteps; he touched the seeds as they brushed near his waist. The wildflowers smelled like warm sunshine.
Ahead, something was beelining toward him.
A sleek orange and black head appeared.
A tiger!
Her tail twitched, but her golden eyes were soft. She rubbed against him and kept walking.
He knelt by the stream and slid his hand in the water. It was cold and clear, rushing past his fingers.
The branches swayed gently in the breeze; the light hummed slightly redder.
The sun hovered over the distant hills, a bright orange circle.
A slight chill spread over his skin.
A blazing blood red figure stood beside him.
His heart shattered, along with the illusion of freedom. This beautiful place was just another tool in Elena’s hands.
She sat down on a rock next to him. Slid a strand of long golden hair back. “If only you could see how beautiful you look right now.”
He turned away, not wanting to acknowledge her presence.
“How do you like my dreamscape?” she asked.
“Is that what the fourth floor is?”
“I needed a refuge for me alone. And now—for you.” She reached for him; he slid away and leaned against the spongy trunk of a tree.
He felt hungry and tired. Longed to rejoin his team. “Let me go.”
“Why don’t you stay here a while?” She slung a bag from her shoulder and set it on a flat rock. “I brought supper.”
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brianmostcertainlymay · 4 months ago
Novelember, Day 01:
Pick a chapter that needs edits; record here.
1) 1.0b now complete. 2) 1.01 now complete, 35 words added. 3) 1.04 now complete. 4) 1.06 now complete. 5) 2.05 now complete. 6) 3.03 now complete. 7) 3.04 now complete. 29 words added 03/13/24, but count never recorded. 8) 4.04a now complete. 9) 4.04b now complete. 10) 4.06a now complete. 11) 4.09a now complete. 12) 4.09b now complete. 13) 5.02a now complete. 14) 5.05 now complete. 15) 5.10 now complete. 16) 5.11 now complete. 17) 5.13 now complete. 18) 6.04 now complete. 19) 7.06 now complete. 20) 8.02 now complete.
All chapters that had minimal tweaks/edits/changes noted from rereading many times (I need to stop that). Suggested changes were in purple to make them easy to spot.
l want to get these easy tweaks done first before tackling the chapters that need real work. I'm crying in advance.
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andromedaexists · 4 months ago
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I lost track of time this week (thanks to crazy shenanigans at work that I can't even begin to describe here without going on a huge rant) BUT it's the start of the writing month
In an attempt to find something non-denominational, I've stumbled on people calling this month Novelember, so I guess that's the work imma use for it too
My goal this month is to add 50k to this re-write of Desecrate. I'm sitting at just over 16k right now, so I would like to have 66k written on this draft by December 1st!
I have never been successful with these types of challenges, but I'm still gonna give it a go and take y'all on the trip with me. Idk how imma do updates for this challenge, whether they'll be hosted on my IG or my BlueSky (@andromedaexists for both!) At the very least I'll try to keep up with my wupdates to make sure I'm staying on track!
That's all I really have to say for now, see y'all in the first novelember update ✌️
Fiction - Dark Fantasy / Dark Academia
Re-drafting! I��ve got about 16k done in this new draft with the plan to finish this one and start another round of Beta reads by the end of the year! Desecrate is already up on GoodReads if you want to keep tabs on it there!
Religious trauma, Religion in general, queer characters, questioning faith, dream shenaniganery, reading a lot of ancient texts, complaining about college classes, Queer Platonic Partners & Found family in general
This book heavily criticizes the Roman Catholic Church and deals with Catholic Guilt and Religious Trauma 
What would you do if everything you knew about your faith was flipped on its head?
That’s what Kit has been trying to find out. After dropping out of Seminary and giving up on his life’s dream of being a priest, he has to piece together the shattered remains of his faith.
But what if those pieces fit together in ways they never have before? What if they reveal a secret that the church has been hiding for millennia? What will he do then?
Adonai’s been held in captivity for longer than They can recall. They don’t remember what the sun feels like on Their skin, what the wind feels like in Their hair. It’s a shame, one of Their only regrets was not fighting back that day.
Their time will come. The Messiah walks among the living once again, and They know that he will free them. Until that day, They will remain patient.
Christian “Kit” Michaels (he/him) - the main character who’s POV we get. Just your everyday guy. Is a Classics student after dropping out of Seminary, does the church thing, lives his life to the best of his ability. Prone to some weird ass dreams
Adonai (he/they) - the subject of Kit’s dreams. They’re… not having a good time at the moment. Or really just ever.
Father Isaac (he/him) - A Priest of the Diocese that Kit goes to. One of the first people Kit goes to after his dreams start. A great confidant, even if he is bound by his faith.
Sister Benedictine (she/her) - Who doesn’t love a nun?? Some of the best people imo. Benny is one of the first people Kit goes to and is ride or die for her pathetic man (they are queer platonic partners, after all)
@lockejhaven @mr-writes @eleanordaze @flowerprose
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enchantedephiphany · 6 months ago
My challenge is to simply write daily. Any amount of words. If i write one word, i find that others follow.
Instead of doing NanoWriMo I will be doing something where I try to aim for writing an actual average of 400 words a day for the month of November in memory of Terry Pratchett, who as far as I know never thought telling a computer to write a book for you is a good way to hone your skills as a writer.
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veronae-buddie · 3 months ago
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T (drama with some fluff), 10k written between s8e7 and s8e8
Nodding slowly, Eddie pressed his lips together and then whispered, “Okay, I’ll go to Texas. But you’re coming with me.” Buck’s eyes widened. “I am?”
Eddie and Buck go to Texas to resolve things with Christopher, and a few unexpected revelations come along the way...
@shortsighted-owl @disasterbuck @serensational @blue-winged-boy @emotionallyencumbered
@gnoeltop @inell @verdimundi @darkrose6578 @littleblackraincloudofcourse
@deliriousbean @idealuk @oldfangirl81 @ronordmann @shealwaysreads
@queenofthesydrianites @marvelgirl9326 @graendoll @sofa-king-lame
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nulcheck · 3 months ago
With 20k words for NovelEmber down, it's time to get right into WorldEmber!
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aritany · 4 months ago
alright. novelember starts tomorrow. in the spirit of the Challenge, my goal is up from the 84k it’s been every month of the year so far to 100k. i will see you all on the other side
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enchantedephiphany · 4 months ago
I can always write something
Even if it's just writing notes
Even if it's not technically writing, I can do a writing task like research, edit, reread what I wrote
does anyone else get hit with the overwhelming urge to write at the exact moment they can’t?
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shay-the-maker · 3 months ago
November Writing Goal: 51,000 Words
I wrote 1842 words today~!
Meaning I've written 15,510/51,000 words~!
Probably not going to reach goal by end of month, but let's see how close to 51k I can get~!
Words written, regardless of goal, are still words and progress I didn't have for Dread Secrets before~!
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