#nova skipper
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citrispace · 2 months ago
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Let's go together!
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katriniac · 10 months ago
@twisted-gremlin 😏 You'll be happy to know that Mitsunari was indeed ND-coded intentionally. 😉
😍 The localizer/translator of his route confirms it:
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I highly recommend reading the entire Twitter thread if he's one of your faves. Nova's insights are a treat!
I want Vincent to randomly walk up to Jean, squish his face, pause and say “precious”, and then just walk away-
You may interpret this as platonic, pre-relationship/mid-mutual pining stage, or post-relationship with our pure boys!!!
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shadsasaur · 11 days ago
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i made a small cardigan
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ aalto. adrian. adriana. adrina. aegir. aerwyna. akua. alda. aleksy. alon. amphitrite. andrienne. anemone. anenome. angler. aqua. aquaette. aquata. aquatique. ariel. arielle. ashera. aurelia. azolla. banks. barbeau. bay. beachette. beachie. beachy. beryl. blu. blue. bluette. bonnie. brooke. bubble. bubbles. calamari. calder. calypso. calyspo. captain. cari. caspian. cassius. cattail. cean. cecelia. celesea. cerulean. cerumae. ceto. clover. coastalle. coastelle. coral. coralette. coralie. coraline. cordelia. corel. corelle. coron. coronis. cove. cubit. current. cyx. dari. daria. darya. davy. delja. delmar. delphin. delphine. derya. destiny. doria. dorian. doris. dory. dylan. echo. elles. eyre. fern. fin. finley. finn. fish. fishe. fisher. fishette. fishy. flipper. float. foam. fwish. goldie. guinevere. guppy. hudson. hurley. hyacinth. hydropha. ink. inky. isla. jack. jelli. jelly. jewel. jordan. jordyn. kai. kaia. kairy. kelpie. kelsey. lagoona. lagoonette. lagoonne. lake. lana. levi. leviathan. lorelei. lotus. maelyn. malik. maren. marie. marin. marina. marine. marinette. marion. marissa. maritren. marlin. marne. marnie. marvin. mary. maxwell. meena. mer. merissa. merlin. meryl. mira. mirabel. miranda. miriam. moby. molly. moray. morgan. moss. naiad. nancy. nauticalette. nauticalle. nelum. nemo. neptune. nessie. nina. nixie. nori. nova. nymph. nymphaea. ocean. oceanette. oceania. oceanne. oceanus. octo. oscar. oss. osseo. pacifica. patience. pearl. pearline. percy. pike. pine. pippy. pond. poseidon. puff. rain. raine. ray. reef. reefette. river. ronan. rosemary. sachiel. sailor. sandy. scylla. seaette. seamus. searya. seaseaette. seashelle. seaton. sebastian. selkie. serena. shark. sharky. shell. shelle. shelley. shelly. shorette. siren. sirena. sirenette. sirenne. skip. skipper. snapper. sporty. squid. star. summer. sushi. tail. tallulah. teal. tide. tidette. timin. titus. treasure. trout. twilight. undine. valdrian. vert. verulean. waterette. wave. wavette. wavy. willow. windsor. wisteria. world. wyvern.
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PRONOUNS︰ ab/abyssal. algae/algae. an/anemone. ang/angelfish. aq/aqua. aqu/aqua. aqua/aqua. aqua/aquatic. aquatic/aquatic. bay/bay. be/beach. bea/beach. beach/beach. bite/bite. bleu/bleu. bloop/bloop. blu/blue. blub/blub. blue/blue. bo/boat. brea/breathe. breeze/breeze. brine/brine. bubble/bubble. ca/catch. cae/caer. carp/carpal. cat/cattail. cattail/cattail. chomp/chomp. clam/clam. claw/claw. cliff/cliff. coast/coast. cor/coral. coral/coral. cra/crab. crab/crab. cur/rent. dae/daem. de/deep. dee/deep. deep/deep. di/dive. dive/dive. dol/dolphine. drift/drift. drip/drop. drop/droplet. drow/drown. eel/eel. enj/emjoy. exci/excite. fi/fish. fin/fin. fish/fish. fish/fishe. fish/fishie. fish/fishy. flo/float. flo/flood. float/float. flow/flow. foam/foam. fwi/fwish. fy/fish. gill/gill. glass/glass. glub/glup. gre/green. gull/gull. hi/hide. hunt/hunt. hy/hydro. ink/ink. jaw/jaw. jel/jelly. jell/jellyfish. jelly/jelly. jelly/jellyfish. kelp/kelp. krill/krill. lagoon/lagoon. lake/lake. li/light. lob/lob. lost/lost. lu/lung. luu/luu. ma/marine. mako/mako. mar/marine. marine/marine. mer/maid. mer/mer. mer/mermaid. natu/nature. nautical/nautical. nep/neptune. oce/ocean. ocea/ocean. ocean/ocean. octo/octopu. oyster/oyster. peace/peaceful. pearl/pearl. pinch/pinch. puddle/puddle. ray/ray. re/reef. reef/reef. riv/river. river/river. sa/sand. sail/sail. salt/salt. sand/sand. scale/scale. scuttle/scuttle. se/sea. sea/sea. sea/seaweed. sea/shell. seal/seal. search/search. sh/ship. sha/shark. shark/shark. she/shell. shell/shell. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shine. shiney/shiney. shoal/shoal. shore/shore. shri/shrimp. sink/sink. skul/skel. soul/soul. splash/splash. spon/sponge. squ/squid. squid/squid. star/fish. star/star. stare/stare. sting/sting. su/sun. sun/sun. sun/sunbathe. swi/swim. swim/swim. swish/swish. tail/tail. tear/tearself. ten/tentacle. ti/tide. tide/tide. tooth/tooth. tre/trench. treasure/treasure. tro/tropical. tropi/tropical. tuna/tuna. um/umbrella. urchin/urchin. void/void. wa/water. wa/wave. wash/wash. wat/water. water/water. water/wave. wave/wave. wet/wet. wha/whale. whale/whale. wy/wave. ☀. ⛱. 🌅. 🌊. 🌞. 🌴. 🍥. 🎣. 🏖. 🐋. 🐙. 🐚. 🐚.🦐. 🐟. 🐠. 🐡. 🐬. 🐳. 👙. 💧. 🚢. 🛥. 🦀. 🦈. 🦐. 🦑. 🦞. 🧽. 🧿. 🩱.
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aesthetically-meme · 7 months ago
‘ What Are You? ’
A little drabble focused on Dusk's first days on Dreamland. Inspired by @that-fanperson-meg 's fic 'How Twilight Knight Convinced His Father That Their Best Friend Isn’t a War Criminal!'
This is also part 2 to ‘ Who Are You? ’
It was LITERALLY the middle of the night.
“ I am only giving you one chance to explain yourself, Dusk Knight. ”
They knew. They knew Meta Knight had read the reports. About how a village was burned down by one of Nightmare's monsters. Dusk could only skim through the report before their access was taken away (always on security, the GSA was), but they knew that locals could only describe their horns. They even told him themselves. The star-burning knight even brought it up the night they appeared!
Everything about this was bad. What if he told the GSA? What if he himself tried to do something?? Meta Knight wasn't a high-ranking star warrior for nothing.
Was he even still with the GSA...?
There's a possibility he left. They haven't seen his badge. Did he have to wear one? Perhaps it was tucked away in its box, safe and pristine. Meanwhile theirs was pinned onto their cape, present for all to gaze upon when they weren't using their wings. They hardly took it off, using it to punish themselves further of how disgraceful they where to the GSA. It was something Skipper always complained about.
“ I just don't get it! Why wear it if you aren't with them anymore? ” He argue, “ Wearing it means you're still with them! ”
“ Maybe ta' you, but I know what I've done. I don' wear it wit' honor, Skip. Ain' nothin' honorable 'bout me anyway... ”
They didn't care what other people thought anyway ... If they wanted to think Dusk was in the GSA fine, but they won't pretend to be.
But perhaps in this particular instance they did mind. They'd already gotten questioned a few times pertaining to the strange badge, especially by that one astral ... What was her name? Selene? Yes, Selene. She seemed excited about meeting Dusk. It was a comforting notion...
They were getting very off track though! Dusk quickly turned, eyes catching sight of Meta Knight sitting atop one of the many pillars that decorated the castle's courtyard. The knight stood still, cloak wrapped protectively around himself. They raised a brow behind their mask.
“ Explain myself? I think I did plenty 'a explainin' at th' banquet, sir. ” Stay calm. Relax. “ Wuz there somethin' ya needed ta' know? ” Dusk mentally smacked themselves in the face. Of course there was, you star blasted idiot! It's why he's asking in the first place!!
The other knight stayed silent, possibly assessing how to approach this. A few seconds passed before he jumped down from the pillar, cape unwraveling behind him. His sabatons gently clicked against the floor upon landing. Oh Nova he was cool.
Calm, stay calm.
Dusk could feel their wings shiver under the cape's spell. If took every ounce of repression to not reach to the side and pluck a feather from their wings .... They really shouldn't've have stepped out. Meta Knight must've known they'd visit, only because of Twilight, really.
It didn't matter know. He was here, interrogating them, and stoking a fire not even Dusk was sure would light. They had great respect for the knight, however his knowledge on them was dangerous for sure. They could feel the magic of his precious Galacta humming- did it always do that?
But as soon as they lingered on the thought, the traces of magic faded. Odd.
“ Your report to me and a report from one of the locals did not match up. I am simply making sure that I did not get any information mixed up.. ” Meta Knight paused, glancing at Dusk Knight's badge, “ Rumors have started to spread on that planet. Are you aware? ”
Rumors...? Rumors of- of them?? Their eyes squinted slightly behind their mask.
“ I wuzn'. Care ta' share? ”
“ They aren't too descriptive.. Just that the GSA had allowed one of Nightmare's monsters to infiltrate the GSA. Many claimed that the monster had dark purple horns... similar to yours actually. ” They didn't like the way he spoke. Teetering between exposing the truth and knowing void all.
Yet the way he said it... 'Monster'. Like he was confirming that's all Dusk was. A monster. It made a part of their soul cry.
The older astral sighed, voice clipping with annoyance. “ As I said, you only have one chance to explain yourself. What are you doing on Planet Popstar? ”
Dusk's eye twitched at the question, a spark of annoyance dancing across their horns.
“ I already told ya' when I first showed up. 'M here fer Twi. I thought someone 'a yer rankin' would remember things like that. ” They spat.
The gentle hum of Galaxia caught their attention, its magic growing like a fire. Yet, as quick as it ignited, it quickly dissipated. Odd. There were rumors Meta Knight could commune with his weapon, though none could prove the claim. Did it have something to do with that?
Whatever the case may be, Dusk noticed the way he slipped his gloved paw over the handle of the blade. No, he wouldn't be so rash as to attack... right?
“ I ain' here fer a fight. Whatever info ya' got on that village thing is wrong. You don' know anythin' about wut happened that day. ” Their cape slowly unfolded into wings, gently flapping and shedding loosened feathers. They shivered once more in warning.
“ If I have the wrong information, then perhaps now is the time to update your report? ” He dared, eyes squinting behind his mask.
“ Unless ya' got a pen an' pad, ya' better shove off. ” A low growl rumbled deep within. “ I had a great deal'a respect fer ya', not t'mention yer also my best friend's dad now... ”
The knight sighed. He wouldn't be getting answers out if them that easily. “ Fine. One more question, if you wouldn't mind? ” His eyes flashed green- could they always do that???
The young astral glanced at Galaxia, then Meta Knight. He still had a gloved paw resting on Galaxia's hilt, yet he made no further moves to prepare an attack. It almost put them at ease, if it weren't for the fact he was basically interrogating them at the moment.
“ Fine, jus' make it quick. I got places t'be y'know... ” They really didn't, but if saying it made the other knight hurry up... Their magic was dancing under their fur, hair standing on end with unease.
“ Even as a young cadet, the other board members of the GSA wondered about your state when your mentor brought you on... ” he paused. “ You did not respond to basic question, you never looked directly at anyone- you didn't seem present.... ”
“ My question is, Dusk Knight ...
What are you? ”
Dusk Knight's eyes widened slightly before squinting. They reached up and gently took purchase of their mask.
“ 'M a lotta' things. ” They growled.
Slowly taking off their mask, they looked Meta Knight in the eyes. Bright pink eyes contested Meta Knight's golden ones as magic danced across their horns. A slight blue tinted their irises.
“ But I sure as Nightmare ain't no monster, ” their voice seemed to warble with electricity, “ be sure t'tell th' higher ups that. ”
An electric hum they didn't notice finally subsided. It's hold on the air dying as Dusk Knight set their mask back on. When had their wings started shivering??
Huffing out a sigh, they quickly turned around and started walking towards the entrance. A concerned sigh drifted out of Meta Knight as he watched them leave.
Dusk Knight did not show up for breakfast that morning.
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scotianostra · 9 months ago
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Charlie Barr, arguably Scotland’s most accomplished sporting sailor was born on July 11th 1864 in Gourock.
The youngest of the Barr brothers, from a known seafarer family, his mother, afraid of losing all her children at sea led him to learn a trade on land and got him a job as a greengrocer. Charlie’s experience was short-lived on land, the saltpeter in the air intoxicated him and one day he decided to run away and found a position as a cabin assistant on a coastal trade schooner.
In 1885 his brother John Barr was hired to take the 16-meter Clara to New York and Charlie embarked with him. In 1886, at age 22, he was called back home to take over the Fife 40ft Minerva, and with her he crosses the Atlantic again. He won numerous regattas, rising to fame as a talented and innovative skipper and making some money, as many regattas had monetary prizes then.
Charlie Barr, short at just under 5 foot, with a bushy mustache, he was a man of few words. Despite his Scottish accent, that Americans found very difficult to understand, he attracted the attention of the big Americans shipowners of the time (Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Morgan) and took on American nationality.
At the helm of Ingomar, he accepted the challenge of Kaiser Wilhelm II’ Meteor, in a series of regattas organized by the Royal Yacht Squadron and brought a club representative onboard during the races. At one point in the regatta the Kaiser, at the helm of Meteor, approached with good bows and the club representative yells at Charlie: “Captain, the Kaiser! Turn!”
Reply from Barr: “The Kaiser stops being Kaiser when he’s at the helm of a racing yacht!”
The two yachts maneuvered on a tight near miss but without damage as the German had come about before. The regulation stipulated that the victor could choose the trophy. That afternoon, Charlie Barr requested the Kaiser to lower Meteor’s pennant and be given to him as a trophy. The Kaiser objected but Barr didn't budge. Today, that pennant is still on display at the Royal Yacht Squadron.
Charlie Barr was hired to skipper Columbia, winning the 1899 and 1901 America’s Cup, and Reliance, with which he was awarded the 1903 one. Nine wins over nine regattas. 84 years would pass until it would be equalled and 100 years until the record was broken.
In 1904 Kaiser Wilhelm launched a challenge of crossing the Atlantic. Charlie Barr was skipper of the 57-meter schooner Atlantic, belonging to Mr. Marshall, who would take part in the regatta with six guests. Charlie hired 51 fishermen from Nova Scotia as crew. Regatta rules required to remove the propellers and display them on deck. He took the hard route towards the north and following the orthodromia. On the sixth day they did a 341-mile run. The ninth day Atlantic sailed on the reach by a following storm, just a small jib and a square sail up. The decks were swept by the waves and two men were busy with the steering wheel. The owner Mr. Marshall requested from Charlie Barr to head into the wind and wait until the storm eases. The skipper answers: “Mr. Marshall, you engaged me to win this race, and that is what I intend to do”. He then accompanied him to his cabin, closed the door and locked it.
Charlie Barr and Atlantic won the Kaiser Cup and broke the record for crossing the Atlantic. The record was kept for 75 years.
Charlie Barr died of a heart attack during a visit to his family in Southampton at age 46, in 1911. He is still recognized as the best skipper of all times., you wonder if his records would ever have been beat if he lived longer.
There have been plans for a statue of Barr to be erected in Gourock but theyare still to put into motion.
You cand loads more detail of Charlie Barr's life in a three part article here https://www.classicboat.co.uk/articles/people/charlie-barr-part-one-of-our-series-on-the-greatest-british-racing-skipper-of-them-all/
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ps-aeiou-vowels · 2 years ago
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pokémon themed artfights!
nova for @lumiious
fang and braze for lavenilk on artfight
fern for spaghettigremlin on artfight
skipper for @doodlele
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pico-digital-studios · 1 year ago
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Expanded Shatterverse
In One More Hero, after OMT!Tails had recovered from the crash-landing in Boscage Maze (Dimension PR-GRO-2023), he and Nine were walking through the expanded jungle.
Nine: You know, Boscage Maze wasn't always like it is today.
OMT!Tails: It got expanded?
Nine: A lot of the Shatterspaces have, Tails. Funnily enough, me and Thorn are really the only two that actually remember what transpired in the past, and yet no-one else does.
OMT!Tails: Oh? How so?
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(Logmill Marshland sprites by DanielMania123)
Nine: Well, after Sonic and Shadow were forced to leave to protect our realm, it made the Shatterverse expand beyond what I knew before. It even caused Shatterverse counterparts of them both to come into existence, alongside three sets of people I never knew prior. Over in New Yolk, for instance, Sonic's counterpart is Enforcer Sonic, who was said to have traded his freedom for the safety of the critters in the city before we kicked the Chaos Council out, Shadow's is Prism, but made by me from abandoned blueprints the Council left, and there are three more named Crème Brûlée, Nitroxide and Lodestar Nova.
Nine passed Tails a sheet listing all the major ones between dimensions. (Sonic and Shadow ones (alongside the Temperature Split bunch) are owned by @son1c)
New Yolk City: - Myself (Tails) - Renegade Knuckles - Rebel Rouge - Rusty Rose - Denizen 1998 (Big) - Enforcer Sonic - Prism (Shadow) - Crème Brûlée (Cream) - Nitroxide (???) - Lodestar Nova (???) - The Chaos Council (Eggman) Boscage Maze: - Thorn Rose Scavengers - Prim (Rouge) - Gnarly (Knuckles) - Hangry (Big) - Mangey (Tails) - Halcyon (Shadow) Newer Residents - Windthrow (Sonic) - Shroomik (Eggman) - Hoodie and Topian (Cream and Cheese) - Wildcard Nitro (Is that second word the name of the yellow hedgehog? Odd...) - Hostas (???) No Place: - Knuckles the Dread Dread's Crew - Sails (Tails) - Black Rose - Batten (Rouge) - Catfish (Big) Neutrals and Other Crews - Gale (Sonic) - Bermuda (Shadow) - Sailor Cream and Seadog (Cream and Cheese) - Skipper Nitro - Rogue Nova - Captain Robotskis (Eggman) Temperature Split: Freeze Team (Deepfreeze Domain) - Alabaster (Rouge and a Pink Wisp) - Hatchet (Tails and two Yellow Wisps) - Rocketeer (Nitro and an Orange Wisp) Burn Team (Heatwave Hearth) - Roundgear (Eggman and a Cyan Wisp) - Blister (Knuckles and a Black Wisp) - Ardent Rose (Amy and a Blue Wisp) - Aquatic (Big and a Green Wisp) - Constellation (Nova and an Indigo Wisp) Neutrals - Syzygy (Sonic) - Callisto and Jupiter (Shadow and Maria) - Star and Power (Cream and Cheese, a Heart Wisp)
(What the four Nitro Shatterverse counterparts look like, in the order mentioned in that list:)
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OMT!Tails: A whole book about them? Hmm... Let's see...
OMT!Tails had a flick through, finding it pretty interesting.
Nine: Some of their stories are quite interesting and shaped who they are today. Lodestar saved Nitroxide from being turned entirely robot, Shroomik is one of the few humans here in Boscage and has been helping out on terra-firma, Gale's been one of THE strongest versions of Sonic I've seen, and Callisto's essentially a Shadow-Wisp fusion that's a friend to all Wisps.
One of the points in the book caught OMT!Tails's attention.
OMT!Tails: Wait, Star lost her mother?
Nine: Yeah, I'm afraid so... Thankfully, Syzygy took her in with some other younger companions away from Temperature Split's main planet, in hopes of trying to end the Wisp Races for good.
OMT!Tails: Honestly? I can relate to Star's pain.
Nine: You... You can?
OMT!Tails nodded.
OMT!Tails: Before we met back at New Yolk, a monster known as OMT attacked my world, and... left some nasty scars on me... Vanilla, my Cream's mom, never came back from that, so I had since adopted Cream as my little sister. It's been a year since then, and I still haven't been able to move on...
Nine: Hey, Tails. You're a strong guy, I know you are. I mean, come on! You made it out of that crash-landing practically in one piece AND fought off "Agen" or whatever his name was, so that deserves credit!
OMT!Tails: Heh, thanks, Nine.
Nine: But, you know... For both of us, I guess it just isn't the same without the Sonics we knew...
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OMT!Tails: Hey, Nine? I know I'm not the best with advice, but I know neither of our Sonics would want us dwelling on the past and what happened before. He always told me that if I want to do something, that I do it right away and when I can.
Nine: Heh, I get what you mean, buddy. Even then, it's a shame the grown-up Sonic couldn't be here to hear this.
OMT!Tails: And he wasn't even the best mentor, either... When do I know if I'm ready?
Nine: You're not meant to by normal means, Tails. The way you know you're ready is to find that courage in yourself. And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step.
OMT!Tails: "Take that first step"... Honestly, I never heard that advice before, but it can work! Thanks, Nine.
Nine: You're welcome.
Nine noticed a small canister Tails had.
Nine: What's that you got there?
OMT!Tails: Oh, this? They're the remaining particles from OMT.
Nine: Once we get back, I'm gonna put some study into them. I might have something to invent that can give you a helping hand back home.
OMT!Tails: Awesome! Well, here you go.
He passed the canister to Nine.
Nine: Well, we should go get you some practice around here.
OMT!Tails: Ah, yeah! Thorn said she'd be setting up some targets around the jungle for me to work with, right?
Nine: Mhm.
OMT!Tails: Then let's do it to it!
He raced off, ready for his target practice, as Nine followed.
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brainbuffering · 2 years ago
Love's In Sight Review
A: Uoyama, T: Nova Skipper, L: Kyla Aiko, E: Jack Carrillo Concordia 
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[ID: English Cover for "Love's In Sight" Vol 1. A teenage girl in a pink sweater vest and skirt school uniform presses herself up against a teenage boy dressed all in black. He has a black emo style haircut that covers one eye, but shows off a large scar across the other. She has wide blue eyes that are not looking directly at the boy. In one hand she holds a cane. Her other hand is feeling his face, a thumb stuck in his open mouth. He looks Incredibly flustered.]
"Love blooms between a tough delinquent boy and a spunky girl with a vision impairment! Morio Kurokawa is the toughest-looking tough guy around. Yukiko Akaza is a self-possessed girl with a vision impairment attending a school for the blind. The whole city fears Morio, but Yukiko sees the real him-he's a soft sweetheart who's just searching for his place in the world! Mori the Black Panther has won over a hundred fights. He's beloved by his goons and feared by the public. But now, he faces his biggest challenge yet when he meets Yukiko...and falls in love at first sight! Can Morio outgrow his delinquent roots and turn over a new leaf for his unexpected love?" 
When I first heard about this book, my immediate thought was that of complete and utter dread. I assumed from the plot summary and the cover image that it was just going to be a series of jokes at the expense of the female protagonist. Because haven't we all seen that before? Disabled people being the butt of all the joke and never the one making them, despite disabled people being some of the funniest folks around? 
But upon finding out via Twitter that the translator, Nova Skipper, had low vision as a child which was partially corrected by surgery, and that the book was inspired by the mangaka’s experience with her father's sight loss, I became more interested. If the translator understood what it was like to be visually impaired, then I could at least rely on some level of authenticity. 
And boy oh boy am I super glad I gave this series a shot! Disclaimer as always, whilst I am physically disabled, I am not Visually Impaired. Or rather, my Visual Impairment comes in the form of double vision that is corrected by medication and only requires I sometimes wear an eye patch/black out lens. Therefore I cannot confidently say whether the series is ableist towards visually impaired people or not, but without a shadow of a doubt it absolutely has its heart in the right place! 
The series takes a real hard look (no pun intended) at the different struggles people with visual impairments and other disabilities face all whilst being genuinely funny and heart-warming. The jokes are never at Yukiko's expense, if anything they're targeted at the able-bodied people around her! And when her visual impairment is used for laughs, it's in a way that feels natural and that she can own. For example, when she bumps into Morio because he is wearing all black and she cannot differentiate between him and a tree, so he runs off to buy fluorescent clothing resulting in an easy to spot boyfriend but a man she doesn't want to be seen dead with. 
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[ ID: Morio and Yukio stand outside a clothes shop. Morio is dressed in a pair of jeans, a long sleeved TShirt, and a mesh vest with a smiley love heart on it. The TShirt is labelled as being orange, the jeans red, and the vest black and day glow yellow. "Spar-KILL" sound effects dot around him. M: "How's this, am I easier to see?" Y: "You're easier to see… but harder to be seen WITH." ]
The series does a wonderful job of explaining what it means to be visually impaired, and the different forms that can take. Uoyama uses her medium superbly to give the reader an excellent idea of just what Yukiko's level of vision is. And whilst the fact that it started out as a Pixiv Comic means that the layouts are rather samey (always just four horizontal panels), it's clear that she chose manga as a means to tell this story for a reason. Even if comics are sadly still an inaccessible format for many visually impaired people…. 
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[ID: Panel 1) A highly satirised image of a public park in black and white where no details can be made out. There are "Vroom" and "tweet tweet sound effects" Y: Here's fine Kurokawa. M: For real? Let me walk you home. Y: I'm familiar with the way back. 
Panel 2) A highly saturated head shot of Morio where none of his facial features can be made out save for a vague outline of his eyes and mouth. M: Well, okay. I wanted to but… 
Panel 3) Same image again. M: What's up Miss Yukiko? Y: …. 
Panel 4) Half body shot of Morio with his hand stretched out. There are even fewer of his facial features visible. There is a "Tap Tap" sound effect to imply that Yukiko is walking away with help of her cane. Y: It's nothing. Bye. M: Huuuuuh? I wanna know! ]
On a personal note, I really related to the complicated relationship between Yukiko and her older sister. The way in which she felt smothered by her constant attention and concerns, whilst also understanding that she does need help with things. Mostly though, Yukiko just wants to live as a teenager who makes their own poor decisions. It can be difficult to get the balance right as a disabled person between getting the help you need and having the independence you crave. Between doing what is sensible, and doing what is fun. For me, that was staying up past midnight to go to convention parties even though I knew it would increase my seizure risk, for Yukiko that's wearing the shiny and pretty high heels her boyfriend buys for her even though they're a major trip hazard. 
The story doesn't just focus on Yukiko's experience of the world though. In volume two, it's clear that the Mangaka instends to show how society's snap judgments and so called "norms" harm everyone. Morio is shown to struggle as a child because of how his grandmother's lack of wealth and poor vision means he wears tattered second hand clothes. In adult life, he's shown to find it nearly impossible to find even a basic job because people make snap judgments about him because of his facial scar, something that is completely beyond his control. In an incredibly touching flashback, we're shown how a queer character is made to feel angry, and vulnerable, simply because he must live in a society that views him and the way he loves as "different" and "other". 
This book isn't just for disabled people, it's for anyone who has ever felt like they've been left out by society or judged prematurely based on things beyond their control. It's about making connections between people, and embracing both our individualities and our similarities. I would say it does an excellent job of showing the importance of understanding solidarity between seemingly different marginalised social groups, and I very much look forward to finding out what happens in volume 3, which should be coming out in the UK sometime soon.
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garden-of-bah · 3 months ago
bunny/human alter 💕
lotta creative freedom on this one, but they came out really cool. the picrew i found was super cute and really helped me bring him together
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Name/s: riley, nova, cas, skipper
Age: 20
Pronouns: they/he/she
Genders: genderfluid
Sexuality: pansexual
CisIDs: ash brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin, hybrid (human/bunny), freckles, thin, short, smoker, piercings, SH scars
Mental/physical conditions: ADHD, depression, OCD, AVPD
Faceclaim: @/fuzzenia on picrew
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Alter roles: social protector
Front triggers: skating, nightlife, raves, punk/indie songs
Signoffs: -🐰, -🌙, -⏱️
TransIDs: transForkedTongue, transBPD, transSHSeverity, transCanadian, transFrench, permaStoner
Personality: laid-back, cool, responsible, easygoing, confident, witty, sarcastic, accountable
Quirks: has a stutter and talks really fast, which can lead to some communication mishaps
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offslime · 4 months ago
Is it really all over? Are these last gatherers of food from the wild to be phased out? Is this the last of wild food? Is our last physical tie to untamed nature to become an obscure delicacy like the occasional pheasant? Is Gloucester to become a village of boutiques, labeled "an artist colony," like Rockport? Will Newlyn one day be only for strolling, like its neighboring towns, or as has already happened to St. Sebastián? Will Gloucester harbor, too, be converted into a yacht basin? Or should it be preserved, as is Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, as a museum to the days of fishing? Governments understand that there is a social function to having fishermen and having fishing ports. Even while they have programs to reduce the size of their fleets in order to save fish stocks, they are also subsidizing fishing because there is no work available for most ex-fishermen. In the developed world, only Iceland expects fisheries to make a serious contribution to the economy, and even that country is trying to reduce the number of fishermen. A 1989 study by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that it cost about $92 billion to operate the global fishing fleet. Revenue, on the other hand, was only $70 billion; much of the difference was made up by subsidies from governments to fishermen and boat builders. According to the FAO, by the early 1990s, the twelve-nation European Union was spending about $580 million in annual fishing subsidies, while Norway alone paid out about $150 million. The Japanese government was estimated to have extended $19 billion in credit to its troubled fishing industry, much of which credit will never be paid back. Miles from Gloucester harbor, at the hotels along the rocky New England coastline-rocks once valued for drying cod and now loved as a scenic element-tourists eat their breakfasts and plan their day. In the distance, lobster boats and small trawlers glide by, their diesel engines out of hearing range. Many of the tourists are planning to go "whale watching." They talk of whales as adorable pets, how they flop and dive and make a real snoring noise. On this rugged coastline where fortunes were once made hunting whales, whale watching has become a prosperous business during the tourism months. The skippers of the whale-watching boats are usually out-of-work fishermen. There is a big difference between living in a society that hunts whales and living in one that views them. Nature is being reduced to precious demonstrations for entertainment and education, something far less natural than hunting. Are we headed for a world where nothing is left of nature but parks? Whales are mammals, and mammals do not lay a million eggs. We were forced to give up commercial hunting and to raise domestic mammals for meat, preserving the wild ones as best we could. It is harder to kill off fish than mammals. But after 1,000 years of hunting the Atlantic cod, we know that it can be done.
— Mark Kurlansky, Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World
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shadsasaur · 3 months ago
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elder abuse (sat on him)
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47burlm · 1 year ago
From Portland, Maine, to Yarmouth Sound, Two-twenty miles we ran. In eighteen hours, my bully boys, Now beat that if you can.
The crew said it was seamanship; The skipper, he kept dumb. But the force that drove our vessel Was the power of Portland rum.
Come all ye hardy haddockers Who winter fishin' go. And brave the seas upon the banks In stormy wind and snow. And ye who love hard driving, Come listen to my lay Of the run we made from Portland On the Mary L. McKay.
We hung the muslin on her As the wind began to hum. Twenty hardy Nova Scotia men Chock full of Portland rum. Mainsail, fores'l, jib, and jumbo On that wild December day, As we passed old Cape Elizabeth And slugged for Fundy Bay.
Storm along, drive along, Punch her through the rips. Northeast gale's a-blowin', And we'll take all that she gives. We're homeward bound to Yarmouth Sound, Two-twenty miles today. We made the run on Portland rum On the Mary L. McKay.
We slammed her by Monhegan As the gale began to scream. Our vessel took to dancing In a way that was no dream. A howler o'er the taffrail, b'ye, As we steered sou'east away, For she was a hound for running, Was the Mary L. McKay.
We slammed her to Matinicus. The skipper hauled the log: "Sixteen knots! Lord Harry! Ain't she just the gal to jog?" The half-canned wheelsman shouted As he swung her on her way: "Just watch me tear the mainsail off The Mary L. McKay."
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Reducing Sail at Sunset, by Anthony D. Blake (1951- )
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tvparapobres · 2 years ago
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years ago
Assistir Filme Barbie: Um Natal Perfeito Online fácil
Assistir Filme Barbie: Um Natal Perfeito Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/barbie-um-natal-perfeito/
Barbie: Um Natal Perfeito - Filmes Online Fácil
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Junte-se a Barbie e suas irmãs Skipper, Stacie e Chelsea e veja como seus planos de férias se transformam numa aventura inesperada e uma lição reconfortante. Depois que uma nevasca desvia seu avião, as garotas se vêem longe de seu destino em Nova York e de seus sonhos de férias. Agora encalhados em uma pousada remota na pequena cidade de Tannenbaum, as irmãs são recebidas por novos amigos e experiências mágicas. Em agradecimento pela maravilhosa hospitalidade que recebem, eles usam seus talentos musicais para fazer uma apresentação para toda a cidade. Barbie e suas irmãs percebem que a alegria de estar junto é o que realmente faz um Natal Perfeito!
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pomomos · 1 year ago
5ive/6ix/7ven/8ight/9ine etc
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My doll design! Soon she shall be my first BJD, what should i name her?
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