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Meet Ritchie and Notole
So These are the boys Trixiana mentions in my other post where her and Dario were introduced.
Both are in a throuple with Trixiana and each other.
Ritchie: He's doing it again.
Notole: Doing what.
Ritchie: Staring.
Notole: Of course he is. How can he or anyone help it. We're sinfully delicious.
Ritchie: Our kiss lethal.
P.s Did we mention we're all vampire's.
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#wesurvived #bts #wingstour2017 #whoiswho #whatsongisthis #notolls #nightlifeofjerseycity #tollsx100 #50dollarlights #stillwantafan ☺️😬😗 (at Prudential Center)
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#closingday #memories #notol #certificate (at Nitol Tata Motors Driver Training School - DTS) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Rk3kLpnGXMYID-rnHY6e7IO7P4G9lZozcw4Q0/?igshid=1c1bllfrongok
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It's Friday. GO You! #punchdenergy #greenlight #green #coffee #superfruit #energy #gummies #punchdgummies #punchdpower #goyou #amazonprime #amazongrocery #fridayfun #notolls
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GRCMB - momartiphotos©™2019 ~ Louisville KY.
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The Fiery Furnaces - Single Again (2005)
egy csomo ideig ugy voltam ezzel a lemezzel, hogy meh, kiraly de mittomen, vannak jobb albumok, es most egy honappal 2020 elott eljutottam addig hogy ez egy kurva jo album, szoval tiszta szerencse, hogy amikor talalkoztam Eleanor Friedbergerrel elmondtam neki hogy neki van a legjobb haja es az osszes zenejet szerettem, szoval most mar nem kell elmondanom megegyszer. Amugy vannak Berlinben emberek, akikkel ugy ismerkedtem meg, hogy “hello, mindenki azt mondja te vagy az egyetlen ember akit ismernek, es szereti a fiery furnacest”, hat igy elek itt. Ugy mint otthon lol. Ugyanannyira izgalmas sztorijaim is vannak!
edit: ha mar valaki ezt elolvasta, akkor meg irok par dolgot, ami masoknak is erdekes lehet, pl az, hogy ezt a zenekart egy testverpar csinalta, es itt egy what’s in my bag video, ahol egyreszt ilyen furan flortolnek egymassal, masreszt meg a fiu tag rengeteg beszel a magyarokrol: https://youtu.be/lJUlMQ5PDL8 mondjuk eleg furcsa dolgokat is.
itt a slager, aminek a videoja alapjan azt gondolna az ember, hogy Eleanor minimum olyan magas mint en, de NEM, hanem joval alacsonyabb, de regota keresek pont ugyanilyen kabatot, mert neki olyan jol all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEvLtTxakrQ
itt van Eleanor egyik szoloszama, es ez egy olyan album amit tok jo volt hallgatni, mert parkapcsolati dolgokrol szol, egy notol, aki 43 eves, es kepes errol oszinten meg relatable irni szamokat, ja meg o is mindig idosebb pasikra bukott mint en (jartak Marc Maronnal, aki 13 evvel idosebb nala, es aki a Glowban a drogos edzot jatsza, meg van egy hires podcastja, ahol hires embereket interjuvol), ne aggodjatok, ezt is elmondtam neki, mikor talalkoztunk, marmint hogy orulok hogy nem csak nekem van apakomplexusom, jo, zavarban voltam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU8Gbs48VQ4
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With Dubai’s decision to promote electric cars, these five models will be on offer next year. Which one will you buy? #carguideme #magazine #bmwi3 #nissanleaf #renaultzoe #chevroletbolt #hyundaiioniq #instacar #instacars #electriccar #electriccars #dubai #buyingcars #notolls @rta_dubai @dewaofficial @bmwmiddleeast @nissanmiddleeast @renaultme @chevroletarabia @hyundaimea
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Krka Notol Pharmaceutical Plant
"Krka dd Novo Mesto market analysis" is a significant drug and synthetic items provider situated in Novo Mesto in Southern Slovenia on the Krka River, working beginning around 1954. The organization's essential items are nonexclusive medications for the drug market however it additionally creates veterinary and restorative items. To give the premise to future seriousness and development, Krka chose during the 1990s to fabricate a cutting edge fabricating plant, called the Notol Plant, for the creation of strong measurement structures. The plant was developed in three stages from 1998 to 2008 and involved a venture of €150m. Notol is an abbreviation of the Slovenian expression 'Novi Obrat Trdnih Oblik Locna' (New Plant for the Solid Forms).Development Development of the 23,124m² plant started in 1998. The plant integrated vertical progression of materials, mechanization of inside transport and the utilization of standard compartments. The new plant intended to deliver 2.5 billion tablets, covered tablets and cases a year and upgrade the stream between unadulterated creation and specialized surfaces. In 2003, the plant acquired consent from the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medicinal Devices of the Republic of Slovenia to create drugs. Stage I of the venture cost €15m. Stage II started in 2004. It included the expansion of specialized gear to accomplish 100 percent preparing of the plant. Pellet creation limit was likewise expanded. "The plant expected to deliver 2.5 billion tablets, covered tablets and cases a year."The third stage included development of an office for halfway item and little clump creation for a quick and excellent exchange of innovation being developed and creation. Six new bundling lines were added to the bundling office, which expanded the plant's creation limit by 50-60%. A programmed vertical capacity framework for bundling was likewise evolved alongside progress of the plant's vehicle framework. Stage III expense around €51m. The Notol plant comprises of four interconnected structures: a creation fabricating, a regulatory gathering place, a bundling building and a little clump creation office. CreationInside the creation building, which has five stories, a totally new idea for the development of semi-completed tablets, covered tablets and cases has been executed in light of spatially and climatically isolated regions. Creation islands are utilized along with individual docking stations, a mechanized inner vehicle between creation islands, an upward progression of material and the presentation of standard holders. Individual materials expected for different creation processes are given from the upper floor, and material from various creation islands is shipped off the floor underneath for additional transportation and handling. The point of interaction between creation islands and specialized rooms is executed by taking care of and getting docking stations, offering both a perfect and secure method for trading material with the cleanrooms. The docking stations address one of the main developments of the Notol plant. The transportation of all handled material is helped out through computerized directed vehicles (AGVs), which transport the materials in mass containers. Cycle and control frameworksThe assembling execution framework (MES), along with the individual Scada frameworks and the total calculated framework are the key mechanization parts of the Notol plant. The MES framework manages the complexities of inner vehicles, gauging frameworks, dosing frameworks for granulation, tumbler, washing stations, gauge checks and portable cleaning set up (CIP) units.Download Lead Sheet The combination of the Scada and MES frameworks is done so they can work freely on the off chance that the MES framework becomes inaccessible. The reason for the Scada and control frameworks of the singular creation islands is to computerize the material exchange in and out. There are likewise a few extra undertakings including apportioning, granulation and tableting. A constant UI implies the Scada frameworks can give perception of hardware status, control of techniques, nearby blunder taking care of, connection points to the MES and the regulator. Scada frameworks are answerable for dealing with docking stations, creation machines, CIP and DIP frameworks and furthermore actual execution of creation, reports, authentic information, cautions and occasions. Scada work-stations are the fundamental frameworks for work issues. The last rendition of the Notol plant will ultimately comprise of 50 creation islands and a sum of around 80 iFIX Scada frameworks. "The last variant of the Notol plant will ultimately comprise of 50 creation islands and a sum of around 80 iFIX Scada frameworks."ActivitiesThe most intricate iFIX Scada application is the management of the focal CIP station, which is the framework liable for setting up the CIP media and the topping off of the versatile CIP units. These units are independent frameworks, including vessels, valves, radiators and sensors as well as their own regulator. They are associated with a power supply, air supply and the neighborhood network while sitting on the docking stations and are battery worked while in transport. All oversight of the versatile CIP and DIP units is appointed to the Scada arrangement of the singular station, where the unit is as of now found. iFIX is additionally utilized for HVAC purposes and factors, for example, temperature, strain and dampness are checked in 510 rooms utilizing three iFIX Scada servers. Computerization organizationsThe Notol plant involves GE Fanuc iFIX Scada frameworks and iHistorian for information assortment and announcing. Metronik was the organization answerable for the turn of events and joining of the mechanization frameworks. GE Fanuc was additionally liable for the advancement of all the HVAC frameworks. Samo Somrak, the Krka division chief liable for electrical designing and robotization, said: "The total task has been more an innovative work plot as opposed to a standard undertaking… Today, the outcomes demonstrate that we have made the right strides… With the Notol plant, we have made a significant step in the right direction towards our future creation."Join Free Demo Secession Now
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life imitates art
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Igy volt, de mar mindegy :) remelem talalsz egy szukat aki megadja neked azt amit elvarsz egy notol :)
Rossz emberbe szerettem bele
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Alhamdulillah, Selesai #Cod #JvAutoLube Pada Owner Nissan Grand Livini Ni Yang Mengalami Masalah Masuk 'D' Delay Beberapa Second Setiap Pagi. Treatment sesuai digunakan dgn masalah seperti kenderaan tuan. Masalah Awalan Dapat Dikesan, Kemungkinan Ada Masalah Kebocoran Tekanan Didalam Gearbox Seperti Yang Diterangkan Didalam Video Yang Saya Share Sebelum Ni Kat Page ⤵️ ( @PakarGearbox.com AJJV EMPIRE ) Boleh Cuba Guna 2-4 Notol Treatment Untuk Rawatan Awal Dan Workout Semula Pressure Didalam Gearbox Tuan. Dalam Masalah Tuan Cukup 2 Botol Kita Tengok Hasilnya Dalam 3 - 7 Hari Lepas Tu. Info Lanjut Jv Auto Lube ⤵️: wasap.my/60192550660/jvautoig #Gearbox #JVAutoLube #At1004 #JVAutoLubePakarGearbox #PakarGearbox #GearboxSentap #GearboxTermenung #GearboxKeras #KeretaTermenung #GearSentap #oiltreatment #hotoiltreatment #rosakgearbox #gearboxrosak #gearboxsentap #overhaulgearbox #gearboxoverhaul #JvAutoLubeNilai #JvAutoLubeSeremban #JvAutoNilai #JvAutoSeremban #JvAutoKuching #JvAutoSamarahan #JvAutoMelaka #JvAutoKL #JvAutoSemenyih #JvAutoSepang #JvAutoSalakTinggi #JvAutoKotaSeriemas #JvAutoMantin #JvAutoPajam https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJ3kVunFgb/?igshid=1toevbt7p05je
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Kétmilliót loptak egy idős nőtől a kamu szerelők http://hirzilla.hu/hirek/online-hirek/belfold/2019/04/07/ketmilliot-loptak-egy-idos-notol-a-kamu-szerelok/?feed_id=22489&_unique_id=5ca991f36b92b 2019.04.07. 07:54 Módosítva: 2019.04.07. 07:55 Két férfi 2019. január 31-én délelőtt becsöngetett egy V. kerületi idős asszonyhoz, majd vízvezeték-szerelőnek kiadva magukat közölték, hogy a mosogatót meg kell javítani, mert az áztatja az alatta lévő szomszédot, számolt be a police.hu. A idős nő beengedte őket, és amíg az egyik férfi elterelte a figyelmét, a másik ellopta a lakásban lévő ékszereket. [embedded content] A nyomozók az adatgyűjtés és a kamerafelvételek alapján azonosították az elkövetőket, akik közül a 31 éves ercsi G. Ferenc egy korábbi eljárásból kifolyólag a büntetés-végrehajtási intézetben tölti büntetését. Testvérét, a 42 éves G. Istvánt a BRFK V. kerületi Rendőrkapitányság nyomozói 2019. április 3-án fogták el ercsi házában. A férfit elfogását követően előállították az V. kerületi Rendőrkapitányságra, ahol lopás bűntett miatt gyanúsítottként hallgatták ki. Köszönjük, hogy olvasol minket! Ha fontos számodra a független sajtó fennmaradása, támogasd az Indexet! 15% 3699 Ft 3145 Ft 15% 3990 Ft 3392 Ft
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nekem furi, hogy a Képmás 2 és a Csodatevők is ugyanúgy 6-ost kapott, de azért ez a sorozatajánló a 24-en elég jó tájékozódási pont.
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