capcastiel-blog · 9 years
Okay, I was tagged by the ever lovely  @deducingsammy - thanks love! Nce Jonas Brothers lyrics on yours btw :P
Instructions: Write the first ten songs that come up on shuffle. No skipping, no cheating lovelies. Twist: Quote your favourite lyric from each song and tag people.
Necromania - Fearless Vampire Killers
Dramatic you say? You would be too if you saw death in your way
Paint You Wings - All Time Low
When will the princess figure it out she ain't worth saving?
Messed Up Kids - Jake Bugg
Gave up on us long ago with no hope; all you hear is the cold wind blow and get stoned
O-O-H Child - The Five Stairsteps
Some day, yeah, we'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Bleed Into Your Mind - All-American Rejects
I fill you full of little lies, you're still hungry for the truth
I Won’t Be Home For Christmas - Blink-182
And even though the jail didn't have a tree, Christmas came a night early ‘cause a guy named Bubba unwrapped my package
Alone - Sleeping With Sirens
Could you check my pulse for me to see if I'm alive
This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race - Fall Out Boy
All the boys who the dance floor didn't love and all the girls whose lips couldn't move fast enough, sing, until your lungs give out
Joy - Rend Collective
The pain will not define us; joy will reignite us
All The Rage - Funeral For A Friend
I'm sick and I'm tired of always being the good guy
Ta-dah! I tag... @gerardtouchedthebutt @laughter-in-the-night @greenleaves98 aaand @notnatural-comikhan if you fancy it! <3
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dovecameron · 9 years
Sam (and it's varying forms)
Sunshine and grass :)
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sparklypunk · 9 years
It makes me think of black coffee, intelligence, and hair blowing in the wind
//send me your name and ill write what it makes me think of
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scullywannabe · 10 years
TBH- I think you're really pretty and I enjoy your posts (they are quite funny).
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate the compliment and you’re so sweet! Haha I’m happy I can bring some laughter to you!!
TBH-I like your blog a lot too!!
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