#redvinesaremycrack answers
scullywannabe · 10 years
How do you stay so positive and happy all of the time??!!!!!
That’s because I don’t. I wish I had endless optimism and was always happy but I’m don’t and I’m not; and that’s okay. I try to think optimistically because too often I’m the pessimist dragging people down, but sometimes it’s okay to just let yourself be sad and put on some sad music, and cry for a bit. I try to help friends to think positively but it is just as important to know that whatever they are feeling is valid and it’s okay to be in a funk. It’s ok to feel things but it’s not ok to take it out on others, and if you do (because let’s be honest it happens) apologize and ask for forgiveness, however it’s not a blanket excuse to treat people rotten. 
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scullywannabe · 10 years
5 9 11 ?
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Do I Wanna Know?- Arctic Monkeys
9: A song that makes you happy
Boats & Birds- Gregory and The Hawk
11: A song that you never get tired of
Blank Space- Taylor Swift
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scullywannabe · 10 years
TBH you're the most adorable. Your selfies always make me smile, and I'm incredibly jealous of your hair. Plus you're a sweetheart!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! Ahhhhhh! I can’t, you’re so sweet!!!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
TBH- I think you're really pretty and I enjoy your posts (they are quite funny).
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate the compliment and you’re so sweet! Haha I’m happy I can bring some laughter to you!!
TBH-I like your blog a lot too!!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
I would most certainly not, it was my mother
18. The last time you felt broken?
Last Wednesday.
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
No, thank the Lord. I usually avoid the people I’m crushing on for some reason. Can’t embarrass myself it I’m not around them, right?
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scullywannabe · 10 years
You remind me of Peggy carter and I can't tell if it's the lipstick or the beautiful face or both. :)
Thank you so much! Peggy Carter is the greatest and so beautiful, so this is like the best compliment!! Ahhhh, I'm literally blushing like a huge dweeb right now!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
Brave!! (:
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scullywannabe · 10 years
Merida, you're truly s Disney Princess
Thank you so so very much!!!!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
Haha Thanks!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
I'm dying right now, I just noticed your blog description and I'm losing it!!! That's the greatest fucking thing ever!! asdfghjklkl
Hahaha Thank you so much! I’m sure there are better ones out there but I’m happy with it!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
P.s thank you for being a wonderful human being and listening to me rant x
It’s no problem, I don’t mind listening to you. You are so so very strong and you’re welcome to rant to me anytime. I pray that things improve and let me know if there’s anyway I can help! I hope that I helped you feel a little better(:
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scullywannabe · 10 years
My life is such a mess right now.. my dad's terminally ill, my mum won't stop being physically and emotionally hostile and I can't stop thinking about the rape that happened a while ago. I can't get over the feeling of being so so tired you know?
I know it seems terrible but, you will always have people who care, and who would love nothing more than to help. It’s a hard thing to cope when a parent is terminally ill and it’s hard not to become upset because of it. I would just say that you shouldn’t mourn a loss before it happens and I would work to create as many good memories you can, regardless of whether they’re big or small. It isn’t an easy thing when a parent is emotionally hostile never mind physically. I can understand where you’re coming from because I went through a similar thing with my Dad when I was younger. Sexual abuse is a terrible thing to have to experience and to cope with. No matter what people may say: you are not damaged, you are not broken, you are loved, and there is nothing wrong with you. Much like metal is refined through fire and is still a beautiful thing, so are you. I do know the feeling. It’s not a physical, although it takes a physical tole, it’s an emotional weariness-which is almost worse. But, you can get through it, and you will. You are strong and I wish I could take away this pain and all of the things you’re going through but I can’t. But, that being said I am always here to listen to you rant or just to talk if you need me to. 
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scullywannabe · 10 years
I might just rant for a sec okay? I'm so unhappy and its getting unbearable and I really don't think I can do this anymore. I've been taking some meds for it but theyre not working and I just want to stop burdening my friends, I don't know what to do
I think part of the reason why it’s hard to be unhappy is that we are conditioned to think that we always need to pretend that our life is going fine or perfect. Then when we open up to someone we feel like we’re the only one or that we’re being bothersome, which is not the case. Medications don’t work for everyone and can sometimes make it worse, case in point, me. I’ve always been afraid of opening up to people (part of that having to do with prior things hence the trust issues) but once I started to say to my friends (tell people you,re comfortable with and trust) that I was feeling so unhappy it made it better. It helped to know that I was not the only one going through it because they often had struggled with the same thing, just getting it out there helped, and also they’re your friends. No matter how much you feel like you’re burdening them, if you’re going through something your friends would want to know and help anyway they could. Also, they can help you work through some of the reasons you’re feeling unhappy. Take all of those voices in your mind that say you’re bothering your friends and just punch them in the face. Your feelings are important, your feelings are valid, and you have friends care for you, and they just want to help, sometimes they just don’t know how (so you might have to tell them; like if you just need a hug, ask for one, I do it). Plus I’m always here if you want to talk. I hope this helped, let me know if you have any more questions!!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
I followed you because I had just watched a very potter sequel and thought your url might have been a reference to it and even if not i liked your posts ^_^
Thank you so much! My url actually is a reference to AVPS, I feel some people might not make that connection off the bat haha. Thanks again, you’re so sweet!!
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scullywannabe · 10 years
do you like poetry?
I love poetry! It’s so great. 
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scullywannabe · 10 years
Hey, quick q, why do make so many posts about yourself?
I make posts about myself because it’s my blog……???
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