#notice the little heart with Kim on the cover btw
electricdisco · 3 months
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ilikemesometaetaes · 4 years
Kim Seokjin Oneshot
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•••> Author: @ilikemesometaetaes​
•••> Summary: Give him a break, okay? Finding out his girlfriend’s bias wasn’t him is a pretty hard hit to the man’s ego. He has a right to be a little... possessive.
•••> Pairing(s): Seokjin/Reader
•••> Requested by Anon: “Hey love, I was wondering if I could request a oneshot where the reader is dating Seokjin, but he accidentally finds her old fangirl stuff and discovers he wasnt her bias and jhope was? And ya know he gets all jealous and possessive;) btw I love youu”
•••> Word Count: 4.41k [Unedited]
•••> Rating: 18+
•••> Tags: smut | Established Relationship | Seokjin!au | Boyfriend!Seokjin | Jealous!Jin | strangers to friends to lovers | fishing buddies
•••> Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), forced orgasms, oversensitivity, dirty talk, our jin is a jealous boy, possessive!jin, idol!jin, cursing, alcohol use
Copyright © 2021 ilikemesometaetaes. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for the request, anon! I thought it was just going to be a drabble, but I guess not! I hope you enjoy :)
Seokjin called for you from your old bedroom, feeling insecure about going through the things in your closet.
“It’s okay, babe! It should be in there somewhere!” You yelled back, obviously busying yourself with tonight’s dinner before you moved your stuff into your boyfriend’s home.
Seokjin’s lips spread into a tight line, clearly uncomfortable with the action of prying into your life before you met him. He was never one to judge character nor the one to actively seek out every detail about you. He respected your privacy and your boundaries enough to never ask, waiting until you were the one speaking about it.
It was what sparked the relationship between you two in the first place. A respect for privacy and the skill of having patience.
You had met him at a fishing beach; the sun was almost fully set and it seemed that Kim Seokjin needed some time away from the boys and the spotlight.
You were sitting in a camping chair, waiting for the telltale signs of a fish nipping at your line when you noticed the man walking over to the next open slot of shore rocks just five yards to your right.
Conversation was minimal, but being in a setting where patience was what kept a person sane meant that you were fully capable of waiting.
It was strange how you hadn’t noticed it was him. Of course, he wore a mask and sunglasses along with a baseball cap, but Kim Seokjin’s personality was seemingly unique and quite noticeable. The man who sat next to you was someone completely different.
He was quiet, patient, reserved, and outright plain. After a short conversation with him about how the fish were biting that day, you understood that the man went there for quiet- same as you. So you gave it to him.
You just couldn’t help but notice that he continued to sit next to you for the days to come. He would come out every other day or so and sit next to you, regardless of the amount of spots available around. You would talk about the weather affecting the fish, ponder over the current position of the moon to judge the tide, and then resume the silence. It was almost as if you were basking in each other’s quiet presence.
His voice, a familiar tone of inflection, was evasive. It seemed as if he was purposely lowering his voice to distort it, but you could never bring yourself to ask why. Instead, you settled on listening to him speak as his beautiful brown eyes cast a wistful gaze into the bay.
From what you could see, he was handsome. You could see his eyes when he took off his sunglasses at night and the occasional tuft of hair that stuck out from under his ball cap. His shoulders were incredibly broad, stretching every jacket and sweatshirt he wore almost to the extreme.
He sat in his chair like he had run a marathon, slouching so far that his long legs were almost entirely off of the seat. It looked as if the man was dreadfully exhausted.
Light conversation seemed to pick him up from his slump but you didn’t want to press too far, knowing that the man was undoubtedly hiding his identity. You were okay with this, practicing the patience you had learned from fishing throughout your everyday life.
Each time you spoke, the conversation slowly got further and further. The day that you got to talking about what he did for the day, you learned that he lived an active and busy lifestyle. He came to fish for the calm and relaxation- a break away from it.
After a little over a month of meeting with the man to enjoy the silence, he disappeared.
You never got a name; never got an age; you knew next to nothing about him.
You continued to show up in your usual spot, hating when someone else sat where he would, but you couldn’t be rude and tell them to move.
You weren’t going to stop your hobby of fishing just because he did, but it seemed as though your reason for going to fish had shifted. You had gone expecting to see him walk up with his tackle box and fishing rod at his usual time. You only found yourself disappointed when he didn’t.
Several months passed with no sign of your mystery man. Eventually, you had forgotten about him, his presence a mere, fleeting thought whenever you looked at his old spot.
The day he returned, he was almost unrecognizable under the light of the moon.
The cool spring weather had morphed into hot summer evenings and transitioned to chilly, late-summer-early-fall nights while he was absent. Instead of the basic black street clothes of the usual fashion that the young men of Korea wore, he was dressed professionally and warm.
A long, beige peacoat hung from his shoulders in a way that the width of the shoulder seams did not stretch and, instead, looked perfectly fitted as the length fell to his knees. He wore a black turtleneck that was tucked into black skinny jeans, secured into place by a brown belt with a pair of brown leather dress shoes to match.
He didn’t even wear a hat, revealing his light brown hair. All that remained of his old style was the black mask that he wore to cover his face.
The man held no tackle box in his hand; a cooler hung from his fingers and a camping chair was nudged under his arm. In the place of his fishing rod in the other hand was a small bouquet of flowers.
“Oh, thank god.” He breathed. “You’re still here.”
“Of course I’m still here.” You chuckled. “I’ve been coming here for years.”
He sat as you spoke, repeating the same actions with his chair as you had pictured him doing countless times in the past months. Your fishing buddy was finally back and looking as handsome as ever.
“Have you?” He huffed as he sat back in his chair. “I only just found out about this place back in April. It’s quite nice.”
“Yes, it is.” You agreed, turning your gaze to watch the lights from the nearby city reflect off the surface of the water. He wasn’t changing his voice anymore and you couldn’t help but recognize it immediately.
For a moment, you processed his presence- he was actually here. Then, you turned to him again with your eyes trained on the cluster of yellow flowers sat atop his small cooler, attempting to keep your cool.
“What’s the occasion?”
“A celebration of friendship.” He laughed to himself as he grabbed the bouquet and raised it to you, avoiding your gaze.
“A friendship?” You asked, taking them from his grasp and looking down at them. “These are very pretty. Thank you.”
“I figured it’s been a while since we met and you seem to be incredibly kind, so why not be friends?”
“I don’t mean to be rude- I’m totally cool with being friends with you- but I don’t even know your name.” You laughed, hoping that this would finally be the day he revealed himself.
“I’ll only tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
“Easy.” You laughed. “My name is Y/N.”
“Please don’t... freak out or anything...” He muttered, raising his hand to take his mask off his face. Your heart beat wildly in anticipation.
As soon as he peeled the loop from his ear, your mouth slightly fell open on its own accord and you were suddenly starstruck by the fact that Kim Seokjin sat next to you.
“My name is Seokjin.” He kept his gaze lowered as if he was ashamed of his identity.
“I’m a huge fan.” You were speaking impulsively, unable to think about your words with the beautiful man so close to you. What else could you say?
“Oh, are you?” He asked, slowly lifting his gaze to meet your own.
“I am. It is very nice to meet you, Seokjin.” You were keeping yourself under control and you had no idea how, practically vibrating in your chair.
“And it’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.” Reaching into his cooler, he plucked out a bottle of soju and two shot glasses. “Care to share a drink over our newfound friendship?”
Grateful for the distraction, you took one of the glasses. “I’d love to.”
Your friendship with the idol bloomed. Under the strict condition that you never told anyone of your meeting spot- not that you wanted to or anything- you and Seokjin would continue to meet up on occasion and fish, sharing a drink or two and learning about each other.
When he found out about your love for his own band, he laughed and teased you for being a fangirl. When he continued to show up after the revelation, it exhumed ultimate trust that you couldn’t resist returning.
The other strict condition of your friendship was that you couldn’t meet anywhere but the beach. Six months of seeing the man you were gradually falling for in one spot became exhausting, but you couldn’t complain. Sure, you couldn’t go out for coffee or see a movie because of the fact that there were eyes everywhere, but you were okay with having your own little secluded paradise away from society.
It seemed that patience wasn’t one of Seokjin’s better traits, because even he came to complain about hanging out with you anywhere away from the brackish water.
One signed confidentiality agreement and an established set of rules later and he was being sneakily rushed into your already open front door so that the neighbors wouldn’t see him. It sort of reminded you of your younger days when you were sneaking a boy in so that your parents wouldn’t catch you.
His schedule wouldn’t allow you to see him more than two times a week, but it allowed for the two of you to retain a certain level of privacy that taught him more patience. Despite the lack of consistency, each time he came to see you sent butterflies into your stomach and a need to grow closer.
It only took a month of him visiting you before the media began getting suspicious of Jin’s whereabouts. His disappearances from his home to undisclosed locations drove the world into speculation of a solo career or a new music video- or a woman.
The more the rumors ran around, the less you saw of your friend.
It was hard to be apart from Seokjin, fully aware of the fact that you were falling for him. The idea that he could possibly have feelings for you was next to impossible to believe; all you were to him was a break away from the fame and cameras. Even as he rest his head on your shoulder with an arm around your waist while you watched a movie from your couch, you found it hard to believe there was a possibility for more.
You had the world in your embrace. How could you possibly ask for more?
A year of being friends with Seokjin proved to be the ultimate trial to test your patience. You never stepped out of line, hardly ever let yourself dream of being with him, but always imagined what it would feel like to press your lips to his gorgeously plump ones.
To say you passed the test was a decently literal way of putting it.
Exactly one year and two months of knowing Kim Seokjin, not including when he was a nameless man who you sat with, was all it took for him to start showing signs of more.
You sat in your usual spots on the beach, drinking soju, when he turned to you and asked if you ever thought of dating him.
“All the time.” You blurted in response, cursing under your breath immediately afterwards at your lack of hesitation.
Instead of responding, Seokjin burst out laughing. He tipped his head back and guffawed to the night sky but all you could do was laugh cautiously with him in confusion. Worry raised in your heart at the chance that you finally crossed the line even as you swooned over his endearing laugh.
“What are you laughing at?” You built up the courage to ask after he calmed a bit.
“I promise you that I am not laughing at you. I’m actually laughing at myself.” He wiped a building tear from the corner of his eye.
“Why?” You asked.
Instead of responding to your question, he turned to you with all hints of joking wiped clean by the serious expression on his face.
“Do you want to date me?”
You stopped breathing for a moment at his question, heart seemingly skipping a beat and fingers gripping your chair tightly in disbelief.
“W-what?” You stuttered.
“Please let me know if I’ve crossed the line, but would you like to go on a date with me?” He grabbed your hand in his and held it close to his body. Even in the cold weather, his hands were as warm as ever.
Kim Seokjin thought he was crossing the line? He thought he was shooting his shot to someone he had a minor possibility of dating? Being patient couldn’t have been more rewarding than in that moment.
“I’d love to.” You smiled.
Of course, the media was all over your first date with the man.
Even from inside the fancy restaurant you sat in, you could see the camera flashes from across the room in your secluded corner. Seokjn simply waved them off and continued to sip on his wine, telling you to pretend that they weren’t there.
For you, the pressure was intense. The entire world sat on your shoulders as they tried to scare you away from the man you loved.
Despite the harsh scrutiny and the offensive comments, your time of waiting on Seokjin had thickened your skin and reinforced your resolve. Your ultimate test of patience left you with a sense of serenity in the tense world.
You could wait for the attacks to die down. You could be patient- Kim Seokjin was worth it.
As time went on, people cared less and less about your relationship after realizing that you weren’t going anywhere. You had predicted as much.
To celebrate your two-year anniversary together, your boyfriend finally asked you to move in with him.
He was nervous, to say the least. Seokjin wanted you to live with him because he found your apartment to be quite small- it was about time to give you more.
Now, two days after the proposal to move in- on his free weekend- he was helping you move out of your apartment.
Everything was going smoothly, as he expected, up until the moment you told him to go into your closet and grab the box of clothes you had set aside to donate.
He wasn’t expecting to find a small box stuffed into the back of your closet with BTS in large sparkly letters decorating the top. After he pulled it out and dusted it off, he opened it to find photocards and trinkets of his brother, Hoseok.
Gingerly, he dipped his fingers into the box and pulled out a tiny, pink pouch that perked his interest- Seokjin never faired well with fighting his curiosity of material things.
Pulling out the small chain, he let a grimace riddle his features whilst he surveyed the six silver letters of Hoseok’s name adorning it.
“Oh.” He heard from behind him, causing him to jump and quickly drop the pouch and bracelet back into the open box in his lap. “So you found those.”
“What is all this?” He asked while gesturing to said box, an ugly inferno of jealousy beginning to curl inside his stomach and snake its way up his throat. All Seokjin could think about was the fact that Hoseok was your bias and not him. Sure, he never asked, but you could have at least told him that he had competition.
“I- uh-“ You stuttered. Your hesitation to answer warranted him to stand and approach you with an eyebrow cocked and a storm brewing in his eyes.
“Am I just a ploy to get to him?” Seokjin’s anger was obvious, yet you couldn’t help the lick of excitement as he became possessive over you- a trait you rarely saw on the man.
“No!” You were quick to answer his question, closing the space between the two of you to grab his hands in your own. “Babe, I swear! Those are from years ago! Before I met any of you!”
Although Seokjin knew that you were telling the truth, he still seethed in response and let his jealousy show. You seemed to like the jealous side of him, so he decided to maximize his advantages of the situation. It was also hard to ignore that he was growing slightly uncomfortable in his pants.
“Then why do you still have them?”
“Because my friend made them for me and they’re special!” You defended, wanting him to hold your hands. His fingers wrapped around yours tightly and pulled you so that your body was flush against his. You were left to stare up at his towering frame.
“Well,” He chuckled, letting go of your hands and bending down to throw you over his shoulder. You squealed in surprise but he only growled and smacked you on the ass with so much force that you yelped out in pain.
Seokjin threw you down on your tiny bed and you looked up at him in anticipation when you noticed the sly smile thinning his plump lips. He leaned down, placing a knee between your legs, as his gaze locked with yours.
“I’ll give you something fucking special, J-hope stan.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the nickname, bringing your arms up to wrap around your shoulders as he pecked you on the lips and trailed his lips down the side of your neck.
Once he placed a kiss on top of your clothed nipple, Seokjin wasted no time in lifting your shirt over your chest to press his tongue and lips against you. You sighed, letting your eyes flutter closed as you tipped your head back and let him work over your areola.
“Does Hobi know how sensitive you are here?” He asked, licking your nipple immediately after. He brought his thumb to the other one as he kissed it again. “Would he even figure it out?”
Instead of answering, you threaded your fingers into his hair blindly, wrapping your legs around his waist while he lowered his mouth further down your body. The notion left you quaking in its wake.
His nose feathered down your stomach while he whispered his next question.
“Does he know how soft your skin is?” Seokjin pressed his lips to the skin of your waist and you craned your head up to look down at him, catching his gaze promptly. Seeing his lips against your skin had your legs pressing against his sides even tighter. “Would he even appreciate it?”
He backed up and pulled your underwear and shorts down your legs to bare your pussy to him, not wanting to tease you at all. He was on a mission and you wouldn’t stop him.
By the time he got his face between your legs, you were already spasming and dripping.
Your boyfriend looked at you with a smirk on his lips. “Could he get you this wet?”
His tongue pushed between your folds and flattened to rub against your clit to lap up once with a groan building in his chest before he pulled away. “Would he even taste you?”
You whimpered, dependent on Seokjin for pleasure as he pressed his tongue on your clit and slid two fingers into your depths to scissor you open. For a good minute, he pumped his two fingers into you and shoved his tongue onto your bundle of nerves as if trying to completely lick it off your body.
Your first orgasm was sharp and intense, causing you to cry out and dig your fingers into your boyfriend’s scalp. He pulled his lips away from you for a moment to look up at your heaving body.
“Could he even find how sensitive you are right-“ He brushed his fingers against the spot that had your mind reeling. “-here? Could he make you feel good? How would he even begin to try?”
The oversensitivity had your senses dulling and your lips babbling. “He wouldn’t. God, Jin. He wouldn’t.”
He continued to sink his fingers into you, harshly laving over your clit with his tongue in between his words as if he were fucking you already.
“You just-” Slurp. “-taste like-” Suck. “-fucking candy, baby.” You gasped at the loss of contact and squealed every time he returned his tongue and covered you with his plump lips to wildly swirl the hot muscle into you.
Being forced into more orgasms wasn’t new for you, however, it was always on his dick that you sobbed your way through countless climaxes. The pleasure of being pushed over the edge by his tongue was completely new and unabashedly erotic.
You screamed and writhed against Seokjin’s hand splayed possessively over your stomach, trying to get away from the contact but helplessly struggling against him. One after the other, you were painfully shoved into cumming, but it’s only when you squirted onto his chin that he finally let up.
“I bet he couldn’t make you squirt like that.” He darkly chuckled.
You, sweaty and breathless, lay under him with a bead of drool beginning to collect at the corner of your mouth. Mindlessly, you affirmed his statement.
“He couldn’t. He couldn’t.” It was almost as if you were chanting now.
“You’re damn right, he couldn’t.” Seokjin stood on his knees and quickly pulled his jeans down just enough for his dick to pop out before eagerly settling himself between your shaky legs once more.
Pussy raw and throbbing, you needed him to fill you properly to balance out the sensitivity on your clit. It was almost painful.
“This pussy is mine.” Seokjin grabbed his dick and looked down to slap his tip against your clit repeatedly. Your legs jerked in result, body responsive to the slightest touch on your nub. “You’re all mine.”
“Jin,” You whimpered. “Please.”
“I know, baby. I know. Be patient.” And he slid in slowly.
You dug your nails into his shoulders and threw your head back into the pillow again. The pleasure was blinding and you tensed your entire body at the sensation of him stretching out your insides.
“He could never know how tight you are.” Seokjin grit his teeth as he bottomed out. “How fucking warm-” You gasped and your eyes rolled back as he nudged his hips to try pushing himself further inside you, succeeding in dipping slightly deeper into your walls and crowding himself against your womb almost uncomfortably. “-you are.”
At this point, all you could do was sob in confirmation. “He couldn’t.”
“I’m not gonna lie.” He pulled out and thrust into you once, then twice, and then paused while heaving above you. “You got me all worked up with how cute you sound so I won’t last very long. I’m going to need you to cum one more time. Can you do that for me, love?”
You nodded almost immediately, knowing that all he needed to do was toy with your clit to send you over the edge.
With a harsh beat, your lover ferociously fucked into you and grabbed one of your thighs to widen your legs. With each clap of his skin into yours, you let out a small huff while he literally fucked the air from your lungs.
“Cum, baby. Cum right now.” He strained.
“I-” You cried, holding onto him for dear life as you desperately needed that last nudge to send you hurtling towards ecstasy. “I can’t. I n-need-“
“Hobi can’t fuck you like this, Y/N. Can’t fill you up and make you scream like I can. But you can’t cum for me?” He smashed his swollen lips onto yours and messily pushed his tongue into your mouth. When he pulled away, a string of saliva connected the two of you. “What do you need, baby? What do you need me to do?”
Your clit practically screamed for attention from your prior orgasms, but you were too focused on not actually crying to tell him. Instead, you snaked your hand down your body towards yourself and Seokjin followed your trail down to where your bodies joined, noticing immediately how swollen and red your clit was. His expression softened in realization.
“Oh, does my girl need her pussy touched?” He crooned roughly.
You nodded feverishly, sniffling.
“Okay, love. I’ll touch.” And he did.
Your orgasm was almost instantaneous. Your body, battered and exhausted, trembled as it seized up to accept his thrust for the last time that evening. In all its pain and bliss, your climax was glorious.
“Oh fuckfuckfuckfuck-” Seokjin growled as he dropped his head to the crook of your neck. “Squeezing me all tight like that. You’d never squeeze Hobi like that.”
Even through your pleasure, you felt him clutch onto you tightly, slowing his thrusts and sinking himself deeply to empty his release into you.
“That’s my girl.” He groaned after he stilled, slumping against you. For a moment, the two of you breathed and relaxed in each other’s presence.
You chuckled, turning your head to kiss his head. “That was pretty hot, babe.”
His head shot up from your shoulder immediately. “Not at all! How could you stan Hobi and not me?”
“Babe, I was so much younger. Of course, the one who is a literal ball of sunshine was my bias. You can’t get enough of Hobi.”
“But I’m your boyfriend…” His eyebrows turned up at you and pouted all the while his dick still lay wedged between your legs. Slowly, you pushed him off of you so that you could go clean up.
As you stood, you walked to the bathroom and laughed again. “Yes, you are.”
Even as you were walking away, you heard him mutter under his breath.
“Hobi would never walk away from me like that.”
All you could do was giggle at his statement, knowing that he would eventually get over it. 
Kim Seokjin was the one you loved. Who was Jung Hoseok?
If you’d like to read more of my work, feel free to check out my Masterlist!
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kimburgess-ruzek · 3 years
chapter one: purgatory
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summary: Intelligence had been through the worst of the worst trying to get one of their own back alive. Each member has been to their own personal hell. Will everyone make it back, or will the cracks in Intelligence be big enough for the entire team to shatter?
a/n: about that s9 speculation, yeah i’m going to make a fic out of it. if you want to beat around the bush and read the plot of the fic, it’s here. definitely new to writing so we’ll see how this goes! also, don’t know how to work a tag list, but if you want to be tagged, let me know!
t/w: mentions of trauma, gunshot wounds, assault, surgical procedures (which btw i made up, i’m not a medical expert)
read on ao3.
“I think we should get married.”
six words. six of the most important words. Jay had the breath knocked out of him. He can’t understand what he was just asked. I think we should get married. Just a few months ago, Hailey wouldn’t even look into his eyes, much less say “I love you.” And a marriage proposal, that seemed pretty much impossible.
Jay looked into Hailey’s eyes. He saw past the tears and looked deeper. He saw sadness and fear, emotions not usually associated with an engagement. No, he saw something different. Hailey was different.
Jay cleared his throat, clearly stunned. “I—.” He tried to find words, find anything to respond. But he couldn’t. He cleared his throat and tried again to say something, anything, but nothing came out. Hailey noticed the hesitation and suddenly changed her demeanor. She tried to dry her tears as quickly as possible, wiping her eyes and running her hair through her hands. She then stopped Jay, interrupting whatever he was trying to express.
“You know what, never mind. Never mind. I— We need to go. We need to get to the hospital. See how Kim’s doing.”
Jay saw the sudden change and tried to reason with Hailey. He quickly found his words. “Wait, wait, wait. Hails. Is everything okay?” He asked while putting his hands on Hailey’s arms, stopping her from turning towards the door. He gently rubbed them, trying to soothe Hailey. However, it was to no avail; Hailey gently pushed herself away.
“No. No, we need to go. We need to see Kim. I need to see her. Let me go change and then we’ll leave, okay?” Hailey reassured Jay, nodding her head. Before Jay could respond, Hailey kissed Jay on the cheek and briskly walked to the room. She felt like she was suffocating in her clothes. She had worn them for almost two straight days, and she had been to hell and back in them. She needed to get out of them.
“Okay—“ Jay half yelled, wanting to make sure she heard him. He updated Will on his whereabouts and he let the rest of the team know he and Hailey were on their way to the hospital. Kevin replied that Kim was still in surgery. The doctor hasn’t given any updates but hopefully will soon. After about five minutes, Hailey walked out in a new pair of jeans and a different top. She quietly grabbed three granola bars, one for her to eat on the way and the others probably for Kevin and Trudy. Jay loved how thoughtful she was. She had her keys, purse, and jacket in hand and was heading for the door.
“Yep.” Jay got up from the couch and followed Hailey out the door, turning off the lights on the way out.
The walk to the car and the drive to Med was really quiet. There was definitely tension in the vehicle; there wasn’t the comfortable silence that Jay and Hailey were used to. Hailey was focused on the road while Jay was focused on Hailey. She never looked back at Jay though, her eyes only on the road.
“Do you want to talk about what just happened—“ Jay started but Hailey quickly interrupted him.
Jay took a breath and mumbled “okay.”
For the rest of the ride, you could’ve heard a pin drop in the car. No one talked and no one made any extra movement. Once Hailey found a parking spot in the parking garage, she turned the car off and took a long, hard breath, trying to gather her words. Jay was opening the door when Hailey grabbed his hand, stopping him.
“Look, Jay. I... Look I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to be short with you.”
It’s okay,” Jay replied, trying to reassure her.
“No, it's more than that. I didn’t mean what I said earlier. At the apartment. I mean I love you, I do. I love you. And I think you’re decent. But not the other stuff. I just... It was just today. We almost lost our team member. We almost lost our friend, Jay. I don’t know what I would’ve done if we lost Kim. And I can’t think about it. If we did lose her. Because I don’t know if I could’ve forgiven myself. I don’t know if I could live with myself, thinking I could’ve done more. And at the apartment, I just saw someone that helped save my friend and I don’t want to lose you either, ever. And the emotions and no sleep and everything just got to me and I.. I. I don’t know. I don’t know. But.. Just don’t think about that question I asked earlier. Okay, Jay? Okay? It’s all good, I promise.”
Jay could clearly see Hailey was rambling. She was tired, no, she was exhausted, and she was backtracking. He was scared. He was scared that Hailey would retreat back to before, turned off from love. He hoped this experience didn’t make Hailey go back to being afraid of love. Of loving Jay. Because he loved Hailey. He loved everything about Hailey, from her seriousness when working a case to her humming along to the music she was playing in her earphones while pouring her coffee in the mornings. But there was also something else. Something that Jay couldn’t explain. Hailey was different, and not different because of what she explained. No, this was more than fear, more than desperation. This was a plea, almost a cry for help. And Jay didn’t know why. But he knew that something changed in her. Something happened when Voight split them up. And Jay knew he had to get to the bottom of it. Not for his sake, but for Hailey’s.
As much as Jay wanted to tell her he enjoyed the proposal, he knew she didn’t mean it. At least, he knew she didn’t want it for pure love. This wasn’t genuine. The love was, but the proposal wasn’t. This was a reaction to something. And as much as Jay would love to be engaged to Hailey Upton, he knew she wasn’t ready for it. And he knew she would regret it if the proposal went down like this. But he knew that he loved Hailey with all of his heart, and he was going to show that. As much as he wanted to say "yes," he was afraid of saying anything would just break her. So he went along with Hailey at the moment, and he decided he was going to try again later.
Jay put his free hand to Hailey’s cheek, wiping a stray tear. “Hailey, I love you. I love you so much. And that’s not going to change. Ever. I will do whatever you want to do and are comfortable doing. Now, let’s go check on Kim. Does that sound good?”
Hailey relaxed into Jay’s hand and closed her eyes. This was the first time she had relaxed in hours. After a pause, she nodded and left Jay’s hold. She opened the car door, and they walked towards the hospital entrance to hear the fate of their friend’s life. They walked into the unknown.
Med was covered in blues. Police of all ranks and districts filled the waiting room. It was so packed, Kim would be embarrassed. She wouldn’t want to be the center of attention. But she needed the love. She needed the support, and when one of their own has fallen, everyone’s going to be there to help pick them back up.
Hailey and Jay quickly spotted Kevin and Trudy in their blackout gear. Kevin had his bloody vest lying on the floor next to him. His bloody vest that was Kim’s blood from where he held her so tight, trying to stop any bleeding if it would do any good. Trudy was sitting in a chair and Kevin was standing next to her, his hand on her shoulder and his phone to his ear. He wasn’t talking, but his phone was still to his ear.
Trudy wasn’t speaking either. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t find any reason to have small talk. Or deep talk. She just couldn’t find anything to say. All she could do was just think, and run her mind to the ground worrying about Kim.
Kim held a very special place in Trudy’s heart. She was different from any other officer that Trudy has had. Kim has this pluckiness to her. She had a different attitude when it came to policing. And as much as Trudy berated her in front of the 21st, as much as Trudy picked on Kim and made her work overtime and made her run the extra mile, she loved Kim. She loved that green rookie with big brown eyes that walked in on the first day with a smile and a donut. She loved the woman who stayed in the district despite her failed relationship. She loved the woman who kept fighting when she kept getting knocked down. Kim had to have the biggest heart Trudy had ever known a police officer to have. Whether that be because of all of the hardship she has dealt with in the police academy or the lack thereof while growing up Trudy didn’t know. And to be quite frank, she didn’t care. All she knew was that she wanted to protect that big heart of Kim’s. She had to because Kim was the reason why a city like Chicago has hope. Kim brought light to a city of darkness. She brought ambition to a city of despair. No matter what the case was, Kim put all of her knowledge and energy into that case. She not only did that, but she cared for the people in the case. Hell, she even cared for some of the suspects, damn it. That’s how big Kim’s heart was. That's how big Kim's heart is. And now, that big, gullible, genuine heart has to fight for its life. It had to put itself in a position to be saved and it has to endure hours upon hours of surgery. So no, Trudy could not find any words to say.
Hailey and Jay walked up to Kevin and Trudy and gave solemn grins. Trudy found the strength to stand up and hug both Hailey and Jay. She held onto Jay a little longer, whispering ever so quietly “Thank you.” Jay patted Trudy’s back as a welcome, trying not to cry from the images of Kim handcuffed in that Buick resurfacing. After what seemed like a century, Trudy let go and sat back down. Hailey hugged Kevin and she and Jay stood with them.
Hailey then dug into her bag and pulled out a portable phone charger and handed it to Kevin.
“I thought you might need this.”
“Thanks, Hailey. Ruz would appreciate it.” Kev kindly took the charger and plugged it into his phone. He was glad because his phone was surely dying but he wanted to give Adam all of the updates as that were coming in.
“How’s Makayla?” Jay asked, crossing his arms.
“Uh, she’s good. She’s good. Adam told her that Kim had to work late, so she’s good. She remembered Adam and wasn’t scared. She fell asleep on the couch but Adam moved her to her bedroom.” Kevin tried to find any facts to answer Jay's question. He replied before listening to Adam say something over the phone.
“Yeah, Hailey and Jay are here... No, no updates yet... Yeah, man... The docs said the surgery would be pretty long.” Kevin answered over the phone.
“I spoke to the Commander. Intelligence isn’t getting any new cases until Kim pulls through.” Trudy stated, looking up at Jay and Hailey who nodded. They both thought it was rather respectful of the commander.
Trudy turned her attention towards Hailey, asking, “Did you or Hank find anything about Roy?”
With that question, Kevin looked at Hailey too. He chimed in, “Yeah did you catch any leads? Do you know where Voight is? Trudy has tried calling, but it goes straight to voicemail.”
All eyes were on Hailey, who quickly became flustered and at a loss for words. Does she tell the truth? Hell no. Not right now at least. Not until she gets to the bottom of what Voight did with the body. What does she tell them? She hung her mouth open, not knowing what to say. Jay noticed Hailey’s nerves and tried to calm her by putting a hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze. This made Hailey refocus, and she mustered up an answer.
“I, uh. No. No. And I don’t know where Voight is.” Hailey could barely get her Sergeant’s name out of her mouth. She tried her best to sound casual and honest, and it must’ve worked. Either that or everyone was so exhausted and stressed that they didn’t press any further.
Will Halstead pushed his way through the waiting room and joined the team.
“Hey, no word yet. I just talked to one of the nurses. Just said they’re still in surgery.” Will said. He tried to press for news. Anything, but he was shot down. Hopefully, this was just because they were in a rush and not because they had bad news, which is what Will does but didn't want to believe was the situation now. When Jay told him of Kim's injuries, Will, as a doctor, was shocked she even had a pulse. Her injuries were severe and traumatic, and she spent almost 24 hours bleeding. But Will dare not say his thoughts to Intelligence. No. He didn't want to break any of their hope. And Kim was going to need all of the hope she could get if she was going to pull through.
The team just nodded and settled in. Not one of them was going to leave until they received news about their member. So they waited.
It was 8:03 am. The sun was peaking through the blinds covering the windows. It has been 10 hours. 10 long hours. Some of the police officers left for their shift. Most stayed, camping out in their chairs. Some slept on the floor. Some were called to a scene where they handled it and immediately came back to the hospital. Hailey, Jay, Kevin, and Trudy rotated between two seats, allowing each person to catch a little bit of sleep. But in reality, none of them could get more than a few minutes of rest before the memories of the previous 36 hours crept into their minds, jolting them alert and awake. But they all stayed in that waiting room. In purgatory. No matter how scared, how sad they were, they all remained brave. Trudy and Jay tried calling Voight a couple of times only to realize he wasn't coming. They passed it off to be overwhelming. They thought Hank couldn't fathom hearing any bad news about Kim in person. Either that or he was somewhere, swallowing down liquor like he did when Al passed. But they didn't leave. They couldn't leave. They just had to hope the Sergeant wasn't doing anything he shouldn't be doing. 
Kevin stayed on the phone until about 3 am before Adam told him he was going to try to sleep so he could take Makayla to school the next day. Adam woke up at 6 but got the same luck as the rest of his team. He didn’t really get much of actual rest. But he woke up, got ready, fixed breakfast, woke Makayla up, got her ready, drove her to school while singing her favorite songs, and was back on the phone with Kev and heading to Med before 7:45.
Will kept coming in and out of the waiting room. He would periodically try to get information but was shut down every time. Nevertheless, he kept trying. He kept pushing for Intelligence. For Kim.
Suddenly, a doctor scrubbed and dressed in surgical gear stepped foot into the waiting room and everyone immediately woke each other up and sprang to their feet. Kevin told Adam the surgeon was here and put his phone on speaker. The surgeon walked straight to Intelligence and the other officers turned towards the team, waiting for the news. No one moved. No one blinked. Everyone studied the surgeon, trying to pick up on any cues before he spoke. Everyone held their breath. Everyone waited for the update.
After a long breath, the surgeon started pouring words.
“Officer Kim Burgess experienced severe head trauma, assault, shoulder strain, and two shots to the abdominal region. It was clear she lost a lot of blood, and when we got into surgery, it was much worse. She had a dislocated right knee, so we set it in place. The through-and-through shot didn’t do any internal damage so we patched it right up. The other one that never exited was lodged two inches to the right of her left kidney. If it were to hit it, she would have experienced kidney failure and gone into shock shortly after getting hit. Luckily, that didn’t happen. We were able to extract the bullet with as minimal damage as could be done. She had some pieces of glass lodged in her arms and we were able to get them out. She experienced head trauma. We checked, and she was bleeding internally in the brain. Left untreated, it could have lead to developmental setbacks, blood clotting, or death. However, it must’ve started only a little before she arrived here. This was likely due to her staying calm under pressure and subconsciously keeping her head in the correct position. She lost a lot of blood and had a low BP. She lost a pulse after we tried to stop the bleeding, but she was resuscitated after the first try. We did everything we could, and we did a lot. She made it out of surgery. She’s critical, but she’s stable.”
With that, everyone let out the breath that they were holding and erupted with such emotion. Some celebrated, hugging and shaking hands with each other. Some clapped and yelled in happiness. Some stood there in awe, in shock, in disbelief. Hailey dropped her head in her hands and started sobbing. Kim’s alive. She’s alive. Jay let out an excited expression and high-fived Will before engulfing a shaky Hailey in a huge hug. Trudy just let out a loud, deep sigh of relief. She immediately pulled the surgeon in for a hug. She knew Kim would pull through. Kim’s a fighter. She was going to push through. Kevin had big tears in his eyes. He couldn’t believe it. As much as he tried to be optimistic, he saw Kim with his own two eyes. He saw her and could only imagine what kind of torturous hell she went through. He knew Kim was strong, but this. This situation looked bleak. And as much as he tried not to believe that he held on to Kim during her dying breaths, he just didn’t know if Kim could pull through. He didn’t know if anyone could have pulled through with those injuries. But she did. Kim’s alive. After Kevin caught his breath he put his phone to his ear and checked on Adam.
“You heard that, brother?”
All he heard back were deep breaths and sobs.
“She’s okay. She’s gonna be okay. She’s gonna be okay.” Kev heard Adam whispering in between his cries. He didn’t hear a direct answer from Adam but he knew he heard the surgeon. Kev followed suit and replied, “She’s gonna be okay. She's gonna be okay, bro.”
The surgeon cleared his throat and the waiting room quieted down, listening to what else he had to say.
“They’re wrapping up on Officer Burgess now. She will have a brace on her knee to keep it in place. She’s cut and bruised, and she’ll likely have a concussion. We’re giving her blood and we’ll continue for the next few days along with antibiotics to treat any infections from the warehouse. She’s sedated. We’re going to try to ease her awake but she’s a fighter. So she’ll probably wake up by tonight. She’ll be transferred to a private ICU after she’s out of surgery. She’s been to hell and back, and she has a hell of a recovery to go, but she’s alive.”
The waiting room erupted again in relief and celebration. The surgeon hugged and shook hands with all of the officers, including Intelligence. He then left the room to allow the policemen to celebrate.
Intelligence just looked at each other. They didn’t jump up and down or screamed to the rooftops. No, they were too tired for that. But also it was a different kind of energy. 48 hours ago, they were at each other’s throats. Each one of them had a different idea on how to solve this case. On how to get Kim back. Each one of them had hit their breaking point. Each one of them had been to their own hell. And some of them hadn’t made it back yet. And while Kim was fighting back from her hell, while she was fighting for her life, the team came together. They rallied together for their team member, for their friend. They had to come together in order to give Kim that energy. That strength in order for her to make it out on the other side. But that was temporary, and the team knew that. Now, after Kim has made it, the team doesn't know how to feel. They didn’t know what to do. And just because they got what they wanted — they got Kim back and they got her back alive — it doesn’t mean everything that just happened is dropped. It doesn’t mean everything, every word can just be forgotten. No, it just means things get taken off pause.
Intelligence had a lot of work to do. It had a long road ahead of them. The question is: will everyone make it out unscathed? Or will someone crack, leading Intelligence to be shattered?
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flooffybits · 4 years
To Risk It All
Idol: Kim Taeyeon (Girls’ Generation)
Request: Yes
Anon: hi! you're one of my fave writers & i want to say that im absolutely in love w/ your works! can i request a taeyeon scenario wherein she tries her best not to let the public know abt their relationship because she doesn't want ppl hating on s/o that they can't even enjoy a simple date outside? s/o was fed w/ it so they got into an argument? tae eventually apologized & took it upon herself to reveal their relationship to the public? im sorry if this is very detailed btw :( i hope it's okay!
Author's note: theres no need to apologize! detail is actually really nice because it makes writing the story better
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Years of being under the spotlight has given the idol a lot to learn. After being harassed from dating a junior, being bashed for a member being kicked out of their group, and losing a friend where she was forced to hide her own depression, she’s learned how privacy would always be intruded by many.
At first, she didn’t want to think too much into the relationship she had with you. You were someone she met at some cafe, as cliche as it sounded. She accidentally poured her drink all over your shirt and she ended up apologizing profusely and insisting to buy you a new shirt.
She found comfort in you for the little time you spoke when picking out a shirt. You knew who she was, yet you treated her like a regular person, something she’s been wishing for in a long while. When she realized that you were someone she could talk to, she asked for your number and if it was okay to meet again without the accident, and you happily agreed.
When she started to fall for you, her fear started coming back, too.
She had to be professional about it, but she also didn’t want to lose you. So she kept those feelings down and tried to be as normal as possible around you, though she couldn’t help it when butterflies would swarm inside her stomach whenever she saw you and how the world seemed brighter when you smiled or laughed
It put her at ease.
So one night, she thought that maybe it would be okay to just be herself around you and her feelings poured out of her like a waterfall. It would have been alright if you rejected her, that would have been much easier. But instead, you initiated the kiss right after she told you and all things came flying out the window.
You weren’t too bothered with having to keep the relationship a secret and she appreciated that. She could just enjoy her time with you in private.
But not all things last forever since two years after, Dispatch decided to come and ruin her life once more. There have been some pictures of the two of you, but your faces were always covered due to Taeyeon’s request. It kept you protected and even if people noticed her, they wouldn’t know who was with her.
“I know, Tae. I just wished we could do something else.” You sighed while you sat on the couch, fingers running through your hair whilst she crossed her arms, lips pursed together. “We can but... just not now. It’s too risky.” She says and you know because you’ve already heard this before.
The conversation has been reoccurring, much more now with Dispatch keeping a close eye on her.
It irritated you.
Yes, you knew that this was going to happen when you first started seeing each other. But you didn’t think that you would nearly be on house arrest just for it. It felt suffocating and restraining and it wasn’t healthy, to either of you.
“Then why don’t we just tell them. At least that way, we don’t have to keep hiding.” Her head whips to you, looking at you as if you had grown a second head. “Y/n, the reason I don’t want us going out is that they don’t find out.” She emphasizes and it doesn’t help your frustration.
“Then what are we supposed to do? Even coming here is risky for you because everyone knows you don’t live her. If people saw you, that’s it. And then what?” You finally snapped. “I can’t go out to see you, we can’t be seen together, then what’s the point?” Your words made her heart rate rise. It was scaring her because it sounded like there was only one way out of this, if she chose not to come clean.
“I’ve told you, I’m doing this to protect you.” She breathes out and you stare at her with a frown, doing your best to stay calm with the situation you were both in. “I don’t need you to protect me, Tae. I am more than capable of handling myself.” You tell her, voice lower compared to your outburst earlier.
“I don’t want them to start sending you hate or threats. I don’t want them to suddenly walk up to you and potentially hurt you. You mean too much to me for that to happen and I can’t forgive myself if something bad happened to you because of me.” Tears were threatening to come from her eyes, but she didn’t want to let them out. “If you do, then you would have enough faith in me and our relationship than the fear of what everyone else will say or do.” You reason, standing up and then walking towards the bedroom.
Taeyeon was left in the living room, staring quietly at the spot you once occupied and let out a deep breath. She had to run her fingers through her hair, doing her best to brush her exhaustion and anxiety away. This was one of the things she wanted to avoid, yet here she was.
Looking at the bedroom, she chewed on her lower lip before she shook her head and walked inside. With a quick look at you, back to her with the blankets pulled up to your chin, she slipped in behind you, doing the same and curling up under the covers.
The next day was a little calmer compared to last night. When Taeyeon woke, she saw that you were already awake and had breakfast prepared, though after a little panic of waking up alone in bed.
Sometime during the night, you both ended up tangled together, bodies close, without realizing. And when you woke up, that was the same position you were in. It made your chest tighten because as much as you wanted to keep this relationship going, it was too tiring for both of you.
"Good morning." Her voice was gentle, careful as she entered the dining room and sat down while you offered her a small smile. "Good morning." You greeted back while taking a sip of your coffee.
There was a pause and you both have to admit that this was one of the most awkward breakfasts you've ever had. Neither of you could look each other in the eyes, and neither knew what to actually say. But thankfully, her phone rang and stole her attention away, and judging by the grimace on her face, you could only guess who it was and what it was about.
“Go ahead. I’m going to work, soon.” You tell her, picking at your food since you didn’t really have the appetite to eat anything and Taeyeon bit her lip. “Y/n, I’m really sorry about last night but I will fix this. I promise.” She tells you, reaching for your hand to give it a squeeze and you try not to sigh and give her a weak smile. “Okay.”
Taeyeon left your place with hesitance. She drove all the way to SM, thinking about what could possibly happen and what she could do. She didn’t want to keep hurting you like this, it was unfair. And then your words from last night echoed in her head when she got to the parking lot.
Staring at the wheel, her hands went loose before dropping to her lap. She had to take a minute and actually think of this whole thing. If she kept hiding you away, these fights would only keep on escalating and the risk of losing you was slowly rising, too. But if she did come forward and told everyone, the possibility of them hurting you scared her beyond belief, but you convinced her that you were capable of protecting yourself and she knew firsthand that you could.
It was just a battle between her own fears and she wasn’t sure which side she would be taking. Glancing at her phone, she sees the picture she took of you when you were sound asleep next to her.
Looking at it now, she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you. It was just something she hasn’t told you yet.
At that moment, she grabbed her things and finally exited her car to go and get this meeting over with, her head held high as she steeled her resolve. She wasn’t losing you. That, she was certain of.
Coming home after a tiring day, you kicked your shoes off before dragging your body over to the bedroom, dropping your keys on the counter as you passed, but your hand stopped mid air when you saw Taeyeon sitting on a chair, wringing her hands together. When she finally looked up to meet your gaze, she gave you a smile before standing up.
“You’re back.” She breathed out and you blinked in confusion, slowly putting your hands on the table while she bit her lip and then carefully handed her phone to you, an article pulled up that was dated today, published just a few hours ago. “What’s this?” You ask hesitantly and she just gives you a pleading look.
You look down, immediately seeing the picture of your girlfriend but was quickly followed by the one you were both in and you already felt your breath hitch in. After a quick glance at her, you let yourself read the contents of the article, slowly feeling your muscles grow less tense when you saw that Taeyeon had confirmed the rumors of her seeing someone.
“You...” You choked out while putting her phone down and she let out a breath. “I thought about what you said and... you were right, that I shouldn’t let other people control how my life goes.” She looks at you, her eyes shining as she reaches for your hand like she did that morning.
Taeyeon has endured so much throughout her career, but all the hardship brought her to where she is now. It was what brought her to you and she believes that maybe this is what life planned out for her. With a steady gaze, she squeezes your hand. “I want to be with you. I want to live the rest of my life with you.”
Your eyes softened as you took in her form. Your girlfriend was truly an admirable person and you just wanted to take all that suffering away from her. But it also moved you how she was willing to tell people that she was dating again even after what happened before. But the last bit made you freeze while analyzing her features, trying to see a sense of doubt, but there was none.
She stared at you with nothing but certainty and love and it was enough for you as you pulled her into you and pressed a long kiss against her lips, one she happily accepted with her arms wrapping around your neck.
You would both be okay, even through the hate. She had always been afraid, but now she was more than willing to risk this career. Because unlike this, you gave her a sense of comfort and security.
She would be damned if she gave that happiness up.
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moonlightkitkat · 5 years
“Are you going to yell at me, too? I deserve it.” Félix/Marinette + Lila (Btw Congrats on getting past 100 followers)
Aw thank you so much! I’m so sorry that this took so long to finish! I wanted it to be perfect and i ended up writing a Sick Marinette+ First meeting Felix+ your prompt lol. I hope you enjoy it!
It had been two days since she’d gone to school, having gotten sick from running around Paris while it was raining. While it sucked having a sore throat and a runny nose, she was relieved all the same. Being sick meant that she had the luxury of staying in bed all day, or going downstairs and watching movies while staying all bundled up on the couch. It had given her a much needed reprise from Lila and Chloe and all of the drama at school, for which she was grateful. Alya had come over at lunch and after school to bring her her homework, and she even stayed to help her with her homework. Of course, Marinette needed to wear a sick mask so she wouldn’t cough all over her, but it was nice to just spend time with Alya again. 
Alya had told her all about a new kid in their class, and how absolutely rude he was. “You don’t get it Marinette, he’s not Chloe rude, he’s stuck up rude. Won’t talk to any of us, and whenever we try to talk to him he just ignores up and keeps his nose in his book!” Alya ranted to her as she walked her to school. Since she’d already missed two days of school and she felt back to normal, save for a sore throat and an occasional cough, shed decided that she was okay enough to go back to school. She wore her mask just to be safe, not wanting to get any of her classmates sick. When Alya heard about it, shed taken the responsibility of walking her to school, refusing to let her be late on her first day back.
It was nice, walking to school with her, just being with Alya again and not having Lila around them. Marinette had noticed that Alya hadn’t mentioned Lila once around her, much to her relief. Maybe she had finally realized that Marinette just didn’t like Lila, and gave up on trying to make them be friends. She could only hope that was the case.
“Oh yeah, Lila was sitting in your seat while you were gone, I hope that’s okay.” Ah, there it was. “Really? Why?” She didn’t really care about why, as long as she didn’t have to sit next to her or deal with her trying to take her seat today, but she supposed she might as well let Alya spill whatever it was.
“That guy i told you about, Felix? He was assigned right next to her, and he shoved Lila out of her seat!”Marinette’s eyes widened at the thought of a new kid just randomly shoving someone, but then again, it was Miss No Personal Space Lila, so she couldn’t blame him. “Really? Did you see it happen?”
Alya shook her head, her brow furrowing as she recalled the story. “We were all doing our worksheets in class, and all of a sudden Lila was screaming! When I looked back at her she was on the ground, crying and holding her arm. Poor thing.. She hurt her arm and needed help with writing.. Anyways, she’s terrified of him now, which is why Ms Bustier moved her over with me.”“Did anyone see him push her?”
“Nope. We were all so busy with our work, and she was in the back with him… If he did anything else to her..” Her friend growled, clenching her hand around her phone. 
Looks like she missed out on all of the drama these past two days. She wondered what Felix was really like. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Alya, but she didn’t know whether or not she believed her considering Lila’s involvement with it all. 
Walking up the steps of the school, Marinette pulled her mask up to cover her nose as she coughed, pausing as she finished her coughing fit, her throat burning by the end of it. A warm hand patted her back, and when she looked up, she saw Nino behind her, offering her a plastic cup of water. 
“Thanks Nino,” she said hoarsely, lowering her mask and accepting the cup, gratefully sipping it, sighing softly as the soreness from her throat fading a little. 
“No problem Mari. You gonna be okay during class?” He asked as he followed them into the school, offering a loving smile to Alya. 
Nodding, Marinette finished her water, tossing the cup into the trash and pulling up her mask. She’d brought some cough drops with her, so she’d be sucking on those during class. They worked like a charm, but she didn’t want to waste one before class started. 
When they walked into the room, all of them jumped in surprise as Lila ran up to Marinette, hugging her tightly and letting out a pitiful wail. “Oh Marinette! Thank goodness you’re here!”
Marinette’s eyes went wide as she was hugged, panicking a little as the girl who had threatened her weeks ago and had been quietly bullying her these past few weeks hugged her tighter and nuzzled her. Seeing her panic, Alya quickly pulled Lila away from her.
“Whoa girl Marinette’s still sick, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” 
The brunette’s eyes widened, and she quickly moved away as if she had the plague. Even some of the class stiffened, and she suddenly wondered whether coming here was a good idea. 
Clearing her throat, Lila offered a less enthused smile to her. “Marinette, can I ask you a favor?” She asked in a voice so sweet it made her stomach turn. Before she could answer, Lila continued. “There’s a new kid sitting next to me, but i’m really not comfortable sitting next to him… He’s been bullying me.”
The whole class gasped at that, looking up at the empty back row. It seemed Felix has not arrived yet. “Bullying you? What did he do?” Alix growled, standing up and staring down at them, looking like she was ready to murder someone. Alix never did like bullies, and Marinette couldn’t help but wonder how she react if she found out about Lila’s treatment of Marinette. 
Trying not to seem pleased with the attention on herself, Lila shifted almost nervously, glancing at the door and then around the room. “Oh… I really shouldn’t say.. If he finds out I told all of you..”“If he tries anything ill kick his skinny butt!” Kim yelled, the other members of the class muttering in agreement. 
“You’re safe with us Lila, you can tell us,” Mylene added, offering the girl a sweet smile.
Letting out a soft sigh, Lila straightened her posture and smiled up at them. “Thank you all, I’m really lucky to have such a sweet class! Okay. I know you all won’t let anything happen to me.”
After pausing for a few moments, her smile fading to a look of shame. “He didn’t just push me.. He was pinching and kicking me too. He’s been giving me mean notes between classes, and they were so mean i just had to throw them away! He’s even been bullying me online, and I tried blocking him, but he just made another account to keep bullying me!”
She let the class take a minute to roar with fury, all beginning to plot with how to deal with him. “So Marinette, i was wondering if I could sit in your seat, I’m just really not comfortable sitting with him..”
Marinette frowned, looking up at the classroom, seeing several open seats. “But..” She croaked, wincing as her throat burned. Turning away from Lila, she started coughing again, bending over and taking a few shaky breaths as it ended. “There’s other seats,” She whispered, the only way she could without her throat is hurting.
Lila pouted, sniffling and looking anxiously around the room. “But I want to sit next to Alya, i feel safer with her here.”
Looking back up at the open seats, she pointed to the seat behind her. “Ivan?”
Shaking her head, Lila stepped closer to Alya,wrapping her arms around herself. “Please Marinette? I really don’t want to be near him. Besides, should you really be sitting behind Adrien when he’s sick? He needs to keep his health up for modeling!”
To her dismay, when she looked over at Adrien for some support, he shifted nervously in his seat, staring at her feet in shame. “I… I really can’t get sick Marinette… If i do, my dad might take me out of school…”
She stared at him in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief. She could understand why he didn’t want her to sit behind him, but it still hurt. 
A loud sigh came from behind her, making her jump. “You’re blocking the way,”an unfamiliar voice said dryly. Jumping out of the way, Marinette looked up, her eyes meeting a pair of blue grey eyes. 
Sighing again, he looked her up and down. “I take it youre my new deskmate?” Offering a small nod, he glanced at Lila before gesturing for Marinette to follow him. Lowering her head in disappointment, Marinette followed him to the back, sitting in the aisle seat. Setting her bag on the ground, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a cough drop, popping it into her mouth. 
She sat there in silence, her heart pounding nervously. The silence between them was uncomfortable, neither of them having introduced themselves. It wasn’t that Marinette didn’t want to per say, but her throat was too sore for her to manage. Just breathing hurt, but the cough drop helped immensely. 
She felt Felix’s eyes on her, and she stiffened, chewing her lip as he looked over her. “So, are you afraid of me too?” he asked quietly, and Marinette paused. 
Was she scared of him? She asked herself, unsure whether or not she was. Reaching into her bag, she went to pull out her notebook, and he sighed softly as she ignored his question.
Felix was certainly surprised when he walked into class today, seeing a new target for Rossi to harass. He’d quietly listened in, staying out of the class’s view, wondering who the small girl with pigtails was. Apparently this was the friend of the liar’s true seat partner, and Lila was just interested in stealing her seat, spreading more rumors about him it seemed.
He didn’t care for liars. Living with a father who was well centered in politics made it difficult for him to stomach them. He’d read the tabloids, the headlines accusing his father of an affair with a woman who wasn’t his mother. Others read of child abuse, or his father cheating, seeing other mistresses. All were untrue. Seeing strangers lie about his family, a family they knew nothing about, and involving a child into the drama, it had made him wary of opening up to anyone, afraid that they’d manipulate him like they did his father. 
This girl seemed to be wary of Rossi as well, and not as prone to believing Rossi’s claims. She’d seemed rather suspicious when she spoke, and when the class started to gang up on her, that’s when he chose to make his entrance. He didn’t mean to spook the girl, but at least she didn’t start a coughing fit. 
When he sat down, he was surprised that the girl actually followed him. Surely her friends had spread some rumors about him didn’t they?
Looking at the girl up and down, he could definitely tell she was still sick. Her forehead was a little clammy, and her eyes were red and slightly puffy. She looked tired, but whether or not that was from being sick, or talking to Rossi, he didn’t know. The girl was so stiff next to him, and he frowned, feeling something in his chest grow heavy at how scared she looked. “So, are you scared of me too?” He asked quietly, wondering why he was even bothering him. He never cared about what people thought of him before, so why now? 
To his surprise, she completely ignored him! She instead turned away from him, fiddling with her backpack, her hair falling over her shoulders as she leaned over. Sighing softly, he shook his head, opening his book to read, wondering why he’d even bothered asking her. 
Out of the corner of his eye he saw her pull out a pen and notebook, flipping it open, the sounds of the pen clicking and then scribbling on the paper filled the quiet air. He tried to ignore her, but the notebook came into view as she pushed it over to him. The stubborn part of him wanted to ignore it, and for a little while it won out. He managed to pretend not to see it, but the longer he ignored him, the more curiosity ate at him, and eventually he looked down to read the note. 
I’m not afraid of you, just a little overwhelmed. I’m Marinette, sorry for having to write this down, my throat really hurts :(
So she wasn’t ignoring him when she went down to her bag. Picking up the pen she offered, he wrote back to her. Didn’t your friends over there talk about me?
He watched the girl glance down at the group at the front, Lila’s laughter filling the air as she leaned over to Alya, excitedly telling her something. Well… they did.. But I don’t believe anything Lila says. If she said that you pushed her, she probably forced herself to fall.
So she wasn’t trapped in Rossi’s web of lies. That was probably why Rossi was so eager to choose her out of everyone in the class to switch seats with, even though there were several free seats available to her. He’d wondered why she had been so determined to switch seats with her.
He wondered just what this girl could’ve done in order to upset the girl, though considering Rossi had claimed bullying just because he refused to talk to her and fawn over her like the others, he suspected that it didn’t take much to get on her bad side. 
What did you do that made Rossi so upset with you? he wrote on the notebook, watching as her brow furrowed at the question before lighting up in recognition.
Lila? Oh nothing, unless you count telling her to quit lying to my friends and telling her that I would tell them all about her lies if she didn’t stop. Why don’t you believe her lies? She pouted as she wrote this, her brow furrowing.
So Rossi was threatened by Marinette, interesting. He wondered what on earth this girl who smelled strongly of freshly baked bread and desserts who was barely as tall as his shoulder could have managed to do in order to make the girl feel threatened by her. 
She claimed to know my father. My father doesn’t take the time to entertain young girls with big mouths. She also claimed to be related to a famous writer and lots of other great celebrities. Anyone with any sense, or at least a humble bone in their body, would not so openly share these with a stranger. I can recognize a liar when I see one. Boasting connections is what weak, scared children do, not truly powerful and well known figures. I should add that this is only true part of the time. There are many celebrities who boast about their connections and riches shamelessly.
Like Chloe?
A soft chuckle escaped him, and he nodded, sparing a glance down to the blonde in the front row, staring daggers into the side of Rossi’s face as she tried to get Adrien’s attention.
Precisely. I doubt either of them are too different. If neither was threatened by the other, or as petty, im certain those two would have teamed up already. Neither of them are smart enough for that though.
To his surprise, Marinette giggled at that. It was low and deep, a sign that it truly did hurt her throat in order to speak, and that she had most likely lost her voice. Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but smile. 
Before they could continue their conversation however, Ms. Bustier walked into class, calling their attention to the front. The two continued to write on a piece of paper that Marinette tore out of her book so they could continue to chat, and Felix was surprised that he was looking forward to each note she wrote. She was the first person who didn’t hate him in the class, and he appreciated that. It seemed the two were alone together in the class, the only two not under Rossi’s spell, and the only two who dared to speak against her, even if he was the only one who could talk at the moment. 
Perhaps it was that silence, and that they had both had to put the effort into writing their responses, able to skip the dreaded smalltalk and have a real conversation, that had made Felix warm up. Or perhaps, it was far too early to tell, and she would only use him too.
When lunch came, Marinette had been whisked away by Alya, much to hers and Felix’s dismay. She’d barely been able to grab her bag and purse, Tikki napping inside, before the reporter had grabbed her wrist and stormed out of the classroom, fussing about how Marinette needed to go home and rest during the break. Marinette couldn’t even protest against being kidnapped! Her throat hurt too much, and all that came out were pitiful noises and croaks that just made her throat hurt. Before she knew it, she was seated on the couch, bundled in a pile of warm blankets that threatened to pull her under and sleep for eternity, and a mug of warm soup that her mother had made for her. Despite her earlier protests, she realized just how exhausted she felt now. she managed to eat half of the soup and place it on the table before she promptly passed out in her burrow of blankets, utterly exhausted and in desperate need of a nap. 
Who knew that a nap could do so much for someone? When she woke up, she was all cozy in her cocoon of blankets, feeling better than she had earlier today, and much more calm and relaxed. It was hard not to relax when you were curled up on a comfy couch, all bundled up, with a small Kwami stroking your hair softly as she gently woke her up.
“Marinette,” she cooed in a gentle tone that was similar to her maman’s whenever she was sick when she was little. “Class is in half an hour, do you want to stay here and continue to rest?” It seemed that Marinette skipping school was only okay if it was when she was sick. 
Shaking her head, she yawned, stretching out and looking up at the tinu kwami. She really should go back to school, she didn’t want to miss anymore this week. Besides, she just had a nap, she should be able to last the rest of the day. Tikki gave her a worried look when she wrote this down on her notes app, and Marinette offered to leave early if she was feeling sick later. Satisfied with this compromise, Tikki flew to her shoulder, hiding behind her pigtail while Marinette got ready for classes.
Alya was gone when she woke up. According to Tikki, she’d left not long after Marinette fell asleep. She didn’t blame Alya for this, she wouldn’t want to just watch her friend sleep for an hour either. Besides, she was probably cuddling with Nino back at school. ‘It must be nice to have a boyfriend,’ she sighed softly, her thoughts drifting to a certain blond. She was still upset with him though. He hadn’t stuck up for him, even though they were friends. While she understood his concerns, she was still hurt that he didn’t speak up earlier when LIla tried to steal her seat.
Her thoughts spread to another blond as she walked to school, bundled up in her jacket and scarf, munching on crackers as she crossed the street. Felix seemed nice, even if the whole school thought otherwise. Marinette knew how it felt to have the class against you, to feel like everyone was out to get you, and that you were alone. It helped at first, having Adrien there with her, knowing that she wasn’t alone, that there was someone who could help her, stick up for her. To her dismay though, the model hadn’t done anything close to that, simply avoiding her gaze during any confrontation, and coming up to her afterwards to try and smooth things over. She frowned at the memories of all their talks, how Adrien tried to be the peaceful mediator to someone who isn’t interested in anything other than making her life miserable. 
Felix though.. He seemed different, and she could only hope that it wasn’t her wishful thinking that brought up these thoughts. He knew right away that Lila was lying, and had taken action, even if it was just telling her to follow him. Still, he had been kind to her, and it had been a long time since she’d felt such kindness. To show her appreciation, she’d brought a box of treats for him, carried in a plastic bag that her maman had placed it in, so it was germ free. Since she didn’t know what he liked, she had requested for one of each cookie type, and her parents were all too happy to accept her request.
Hopeful that Felix would like her gift, she walked into the school, stunned to see her classmates all circled around the very blonde she was hoping to see. He had a neutral, almost bored expression on his face, but she noticed the way his hand tightened around the strap of his bag, betraying his nervousness. It wasn’t like she had to walk close to hear what was going on, her classmates yelling accusations of him hurting Lila. 
Frowning, she made her way to the group, pulling up her mask as she neared them. “Seriously that’s not cool dude,” Nino shook his head in disgust. “If i hear that you treated Mari like this…”
A new wave of anger rippled around the group at this, and a small bubble of pride and happiness swelled in her chest at them protecting her. If only they were protecting her from Lila, and not her friend. She tried to speak up, but no sound came from her. Wincing, she forgot that she couldn’t speak yet, and went to unwrap another cough drop, only for Kim to bump into her, knocking it from her hands. “Whoa what the!” Turning around, Kim’s brown eyes met hers, and she offered a small wave. “Oh! Sorry Marinette, I didn’t know you were there..”
The class quickly turned their attention to her, all suddenly going quiet, sheepishly waving before leaving the circle, sending dirty looks at Felix as they fall retreated to the class. It seemed that now that she was here, they weren’t as willing to threaten and gang up on Felix, which was a relief
“What… are you here to yell at me too?”
Felix sounded tired, he sounded so tired.What had they been saying to him? How long had they been doing this?
Frowning, she shook her head, pulling out her phone and typing out a message before showing him. I couldn’t yell at you even if I tried, which i don’t want to do. Are you okay?
The tension seemed to leave his shoulders, and he offered her a small nod. “I’m fine. Are you feeling better?”
Yup! I napped all of lunch, but I still wish i was sleeping if I’m honest with you.
“That’s good. So, shall we head to class?” 
Glancing at the clock on the wall, she frowned. But there’s still ten minutes left. Did you eat yet?
Now it’s his turn to look sheepish, and he shook his head. “Our classmates.. Kept me busy im afraid. I’ll be alright without a meal though.”
Well that wouldn’t do! Shaking her head, she pocketed her phone, and took him by the hand, dragging him over to the bench under the stairs before rummaging through her backpack. 
“Marinette, you don’t have to-” she pulled up a granola bar and a croissant, relieved she’d had some in her bag. Tikki must have slipped it in, which meant there was definitely chocolate inside. If only she’d managed to heat it up..
When he didn’t take it, she frowned, and held them out to him, motioning for him to take it. After a few seconds of hesitation he took the treats from her, looking down at them before looking back at her. “Are you certain?”
Smiling brightly, she nodded her head, and he relented, taking a bite of the croissant. His eyes widened as he swallowed, and he quickly ate the rest of the treat. Satisfied, Marinette leaned back against the bench, closing her eyes and relaxing while he ate his makeshift lunch. 
After a few minutes she heard a happy sigh, and she knew he was done. She waited until the bell rang to open her eyes though, enjoying the quiet peace. Sighing, she reluctantly stood up, following Felix into the class, ignoring everyone’s glares at the blonde. Taking her seat, she pulled out her notebook, flipping to a clean page. Don’t worry about them, I’m not going to let them do that again. I’ll talk to them and tell them what you’re really like, or at least that you are a lot nicer than they think. 
A small smile spread on Felix’s face as he read the note, and he pulled out a pen to write with. Thank you Marinette. At least you’re on my side.
She smiled brightly at that, and was so happy that she’d managed to befriend Felix. It was nice knowing that someone was on her side, and it was nice having someone to talk to. Perhaps sitting in the back wasn’t as bad as she’d first feared. The sound of pen hit paper caught her attention, and she looked down as he slid the notebook over, snorting at what she read.
So, do you always carry spare croissants in your backpack?
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moving-accounts-uwu · 4 years
Home Is Where The Heart Is {Pt. 1}
Fandom: Far Cry 5 
Characters: Seed Brothers x Serah (OFC) 
Story Type: Series 
Series Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, death, violence, romance, fluff, polygamous relationship, abuse, smut, slight dub-con, religious themes, kidnapping, brain-washing, Stockholm Syndrome & Lima syndrome, some elements of the games is used (locations, story/timeline, etc).
Chapter Warnings: None!
Word count: 2.3k words
Story Summary: Serah is a young woman living in Fall’s End, Hope County and has lived there all her life. She owns her own farm and B&B, nothing very exciting ever happens in Fall’s End - except for the occasional chaos caused by Sharky Boshaw. That is until one day, three men show up with a broken down car and seeking a place to stay. Serah, being the kind and caring person she is, lets these men into her home with open arms, but she truly doesn’t know what she has invited into her life. 
A/N: each chapter will have specific chapter warnings/trigger warnings at the beginning to help those who would get triggered to know what is about to happen in each chapter. I wouldn’t want to trigger anyone tho ;w; Other than that, I hope y’all enjoy this chapter 1 and updates to this story will be slow though. I know this first chapter is short but make sure to show it some love so I know y’all like it and I can continue it!! Gif is not mine btw~
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Hope County was never really busy or loud; it was mainly quiet and peaceful. People could leave their windows and doors unlocked during the nights because no major crimes were ever committed, and the fact that Hope County only had a small amount of law enforcement because of the low crime rate. 
Hope County was the perfect place for Serah. Serah had lived in Fall's End for nearly seven years, and her life has never taken a turn for the worst while living on her farm. She owned a few cows, chickens, pigs, and horses that she tends and cares for. Her large farmhouse has also been renovated to be Fall's Ends very own 'Bed & Breakfast'; getting the occasional tourist here and there, or sometimes it's a local needing a little change in scenery. Serah's main customer is Sharky Boshaw. 
Sharky liked to cause a little trouble, otherwise, Hope County would be too quiet. Whenever Sharky was too drunk to go home, he always managed to walk to Serah's farm and keep her company while tending to him. Serah was also good friends with Kim and Nick Rye, the couple being her closest friends since she moved to Montana from New York. Serah wanted a change of scenery herself, and she always dreamed of owning her own farm and 'B&B'. 
It was a warm morning when Serah woke up in the early hours on a Saturday. She groaned a bit, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and giving her muscles a good stretch before leaving the confines of her bed. Most of her farm chores were done the day before, so only a few small chores were left remaining. Serah planned to go to The Spread Eagle to visit Mary May, another good friend of hers from when she first moved to Fall's End and worked at the bar for four years. 
As Serah was doing some dusting around the house with only having to hang out the laundry after, she was excited to get a move on and get it finished. 
"C'mon, Serah, nearly done then we can have drinks to wash the stress away." 
Serah couldn't wait to relax before Monday began; the only days she really lets loose is on the weekends with Mary May, and sometimes Sharky if he hasn't already been drinking and passed out somewhere. When the chores were done, Serah took a quick shower to freshen up and put on a cute white, lace sundress that had a deep neckline that flashed a bit of her cleavage and stopped just above her knees. 
Serah parked her car in the parking lot before pushing through the bar doors, looking around at the few patrons already there just before 1 p.m. When she approached the bar, Mary May was quick to greet her. 
"Hey, beautiful! Just finished all the chores on the farm, yeah?" 
"You have no idea..." Serah gave a dramatic sigh of relief while Mary just laughed. 
"Don't worry, sweetie! Maybe you could ask one of the boys to help you out around that big farm of yours. You probably need to hire some farmhands, otherwise, you're gonna get tired and grey from stress." Mary May was very motherly for someone who was only a few years older than Serah. 
"You know I would if I had the money, Mary. I can't afford to hire farmhands while paying my bills, groceries, and animal feed. I'd either go broke or couldn't pay them enough to keep around." Serah shrugged before getting comfortable at the bar, trying to decide what drink she'd want to order first. 
Serah ordered herself a Bourbon and Coke while conversing with Mary and a few other patrons, having the day pass slowly and having a good time. It wasn't until two in the afternoon that Serah thought about heading back to the ranch. She asked Mary if she could leave her truck in the parking lot, which Mary said yes and that she didn't need to ask, while Serah called Nick for a lift. 
Serah didn't have to wait for Nick long; he came under less than 2 mins and picked her up. 
"Hey there, Serah! You have a good time?" Nick asked while he headed towards the ranch. 
"Oh yeah, I had a few drinks to help unwind. It's been a rough few days working, but I got everything done. Maybe I'll get a few new guests or Sharky might just crash at mine whenever he's too drunk to go home." Nick and Serah both laughed at the thought. 
Nick and Serah had a sibling bond; Nick was like an older brother and Serah being younger. Serah met Nick when she turned 21 and had her first drink at the Spread Eagle, where she was introduced to Nick and Kim Rye, then five years later, she was basically another Rye in their eyes. She had a second family after losing both her parents to cancer when she was 19. Nick and Serah even got tattoos of each other's names that Nick claims 'Now you're a Rye! You're now my little sister'. The memory always brings tears of pride and joy to Serah's eyes. 
Nick parked in front of Serah's ranch before hugging her tight. 
"You know, you could always ask me to help you out if things are too much, sis." 
"I know that Nick, but I couldn't possibly ask of that from you when Kim is this far along in her pregnancy. She'll need your help more than me. She could give birth next month or so." Serah tried to reason, but Nick just scoffed. 
"Kimmie is a tough son of a bitch, every time I offer to help her, she tells me she can do it herself. Trust me, I have plenty of free time to help you out." Nick gave Serah a comforting squeeze on her shoulder before she hopped out of his car, waving him goodbye and watched him drive away. 
With a sigh, Serah walked back into her home and started to plan out what to make for dinner. She heard the soft sound of her white cat, Alpine, purring away in his perch at the window sill, the sun coating him with warmth. 
"Hey there, Alpine, did ya miss me?" Serah giggled as she walked by him, scratching behind his ear as she went. 
*2 hours later* 
Serah always had a habit of making large portions of food as if other people lived in the two-story house. She couldn't help it, Serah just created that much food so she wouldn't have to worry about making more the next day. She guessed that it was because she would have to cook for the guests when they stayed at her 'B&B' and she just can't help it. While she let the chicken and corn soup to simmer, she started to get Alpine's food ready because she knew he'd become needy soon. 
"Alright, buddy, you'll be having some delicious prawns, your favorite!" Serah sang as Alpine came rushing over and meowing loudly at the smell of the prawns. 
As Serah put the prawns into a small bowl and placed it on the floor near the kitchen island, she heard the sound of a slam and a muffled, angry voice followed by a calmer voice. Serah's curious mind got the better of her and snooped near the front window and peeked out through her translucent curtains to see what the commotion was. There was a black SUV parked on the side of the road, small amounts of smoke coming from the hood while three men stood around the front of the car. One of the men had red hair and beard with scars covering parts of his face and forearms; he was the one who was angry at the fact that their car must have broken down while the two other men stood around letting the redhead vent. One of the other men was dressed in very luxurious clothes and had many tattoos covering his arms and hands, and he also sported a beard. The other man had his hair in a bun, wore yellow-tinted glasses, and looked to be trying to calm the scarred man. 
Serah was still in a daze by watching the men that she hadn't realized that the men had noticed her house, and one of them was making their way to her front door. The sudden sound of knocking on her door startled Serah out of her daze and she quietly made her way to the front door. When she made sure her little latch lock was in place, she opened the door slightly to greet the man with the tinted glasses and man-bun. 
"Hello my child, my name is Joseph, and my brothers and I happen to be in a bit of a predicament. It seems our car has broken down and we don't know how to fix the issue, would you happen to know of anyone who knows mechanics?" The man said. 
Serah blinked for a few seconds, registering what he had said. 
"Oh!" You looked at your little wristwatch to see that the time was now 4:30 in the afternoon and that the closest mechanic store is at least 45 minutes away and closes at 5 o'clock. "Um, the closest mechanic is nearly an hour away, and they'll be closing soon, so you won't be able to see them until tomorrow." 
"That is quite alright. I also saw that this loving ranch was a 'Bed & Breakfast', would my brothers and I be able to seek refuge here for the night until one of us are ready to walk into town?" Joseph gestured to the two other men still standing by the SUV who were looking at them from afar. 
"Oh, of course! And because of your circumstances, I won't charge you; I'd feel bad if I did. Save your money for when you get your car fixed." Serah gave him a warm smile, unlatching the lock on the door and opening it wide. 
Joseph motioned for his brothers to come forth while he continued to talk to you. 
"That is very kind of you, my dear. May I ask, what is your name? It's silly of me for not asking our host's name." 
She then made way for the three men to enter her house and they huddled in the open space living room. 
"My name's Serah, and I'll be your host. I've got some chicken and corn soup that's just settling and will be ready to serve. I also have spares bedrooms upstairs if you'll follow me!" Serah led the three men to the rooms and let them choose a room for themselves while also being introduced to the two men, John and Jacob. 
Jacob was the eldest Seed brother while Joseph was the middle child, and John being the youngest. Jacob served in the army and was a hardened soldier; John used to be a lawyer while Joseph claims to be 'The Father'. He preached about the gifts of God and how God would occasionally speak to him or give him visions about 'the Collapse'. Serah was never really religious; she never cared for religion but never stopped anyone who did. She politely listened to Joseph talk about this 'Project at Eden's Gate' and how he and his brothers have come to Hope County to save as many people as he can before the collapse because that is what God has told him. 
Serah started to serve the Seed brothers the soup when John spotted Alpine walk into the dining area. 
"Oh, and who is this little guy?" John asked while petting the white feline. 
"That's Alpine; he was a stray when I found him as a kitten. He was so small and malnourished, but he stole my heart the second I saw him. He's my little fur baby." Serah picked Alpine up into her arms and cuddled him for a bit. 
The four of them ate, Joseph and Serah doing most of the talking, John contributing now and then while Jacob grunted in acknowledgment. Joseph talked more about Eden's Gate then asked where would be the best place to buy a property big enough to host sermons for him and his followers or 'children' as he called them. Serah answered as many of Joseph's questions but told them that they would have to see sheriff Whitehorse about getting a license to carry when John asked about that. 
When dinner was over, Serah grabbed all the empty bowls and was prepping to wash them when John stopped her. 
"Please, you've cooked and let us rest for the night for free, the least we could do is wash the dishes. Go and relax, dear." 
Serah gave him a sweet smile, nodded, and thanked him before heading for the living room to read a book. Jacob seemed to already have worked out the TV remote, and he and Joseph were flicking through the channels. The sat in silence with only the noise of the dishes being washed in the kitchen to fill in as background noise. The rest of the evening went by with small talk and watching whatever is on TV before the Seed brothers and Serah bid goodnight to each other at around ten. 
As Serah was about to enter her room, she was stopped by Joseph yet again. 
"I'd like to thank you again, Serah. It seems God has led us to you, and to be blessed with your kindness and hospitality. Hopefully, in weeks to come, we'll see you again. Goodnight, dear." With that, Joseph went into his room, leaving Serah in the little hallway who was touched by his words. 
As Serah did her nightly routine and hopped into bed, she had a nightmare of an explosion and the world on fire.
Thank you for reading this short chapter!
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
i would like to bless your followers and dash, sooo can you give me a crash course in noir 😊😊
NOIR is a nine-member boy group under Luk Factory
(Not really pleased with how they are promoting my boys but imma get over it one day!)
Our fan name is Lumiere (or Lumi) and we don’t have any official colors or a lightstick yet.
Noir debuted on April 9th of 2018. With the mini-album Twenty’s Noir. Their title debut song was Gansta (SUCHA GOOD VIDEO) 
They also had a predebut song called As a Star and it makes me so soft.
Their next comeback is on the 27th (THIS MONDAY!!!!!!) The album is called Up the Sky and the title track is called Lucifer
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Shin Seunghoon
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Shin Seunghoon is our precious leader!!!! 
(He was what got me into Noir. I saw a video about the best leaders in kpop and I was like)
He is 27 years old. His birthday is May 30th, 1993 (He is a Gemini)
Boy is tallllllllllllllllllllll
like he’s 5′10.
but in pictures by himself he for real looks like he is 6′2
istg he is like 65% legs.
He is the leader, main rapper, and also sometimes a vocalist (but the rappers in this group pretty much fo everything)
HE SPITS FIRE when he wants to. 
Really good at freestyling 
He makes mixtapes on youtube on Noir’s channel. (I think he has 5 out now)
He is a college-educated man!!!! (He went to Korean National Open University
He took taekwondo when he was younger
The man trained for 8 years
He and Hoyeon compose and format a lot of their songs with a team of producers from LUK
(I often think he and Chan from skz are really similar.)
Seunghoon is legit a father of 8 soft crackhead kids. istg he is so done with them most of the time
We call him our koala because he looks like one <3
Seunghoon is obsessed with accessories and wearing them to the point where stylists literally have to take them off of him. (I have never not seen picture of him not wearing jewelry. )
he is actually in the military right now and i miss him so fricking much TT
All in all hot boy on screen and soft dad in real life
Kim Yeonkuk
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this boy I cant
Kim Yeonkuk. Damn.
he was on Produce 101 season 2
he was eliminated on ep.5 :(
He is the lead dancer and a vocalist
Yeonkuk is 25 years old. His birthday is February 8, 1995 (An Aquarius)
is totally the aegyo king but denies it
he seems cold at first but has a big ass bright personality its so freakin adorable
my personal favorite clip of him is and the boys dancing around on vlive to big bang and him saying fantastic baby (its sounds so cute when he says it)
He is also a 5′10 tall boy
he trained for 3 years
not kidding
his waist is so fucking small its scary.
literally a walking meme.
pause in any interview and he is pretty much gonna give you a memeable face
this boy is so loveable and goofy 
also if this boy doesn't post like 8 photos of him doing something on insta im convinced he thinks that it just didn’t happen
he never posts just one photo its always like 6-8
also I was highkey afraid he was gonna go bald last comeback when they legit turned his hair into smurfs pubes
Lee Junyong
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Lee Junyong. When i say i love this man with my whole heart
also 25 years old
his birthday is March 1st 1995 (Pisces)
another 5′10 king
Main vocalist.
he is a former member of INX
his brother is Seungyong from N.CUS
he trained for 4 years
vocals for days. VOCALS.FOR.DAYS.
Did a cover of BTS’s The Truth Untold with Siha and literally gives me chills.
He has little crooked front teeth so when he sings he has this tiny little breath in some of the words so his voice is even more distinct
BUT LIKE JUNYONG HAS THE CUTEST SMILE EVER (I love his teeth in that's a weird thing to say but i think they are so cute)
he is 1/2 of the Highnote Belting Club
talks. all. the. freaking. time.
he goes live alot
boy is obsessed with Yunsung someone save yunsung from him
total crackhead when not doing real interviews
never fails to make me smile
he is said to be the moodmaker of the group
he was in episode 6 of The Liar and His Lover
overall he is just so sweet and funny and its so easy to love him
Nam Yunsung
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Yunsung is the Lead vocalist and Visual
24 years old His birthday is August 29, 1996
He is a virgooo
lead vocalist and LOOKS IT
he is the king of intense eye contact with the camera 
he looks like legit prince charming
2/2 of Highnote Belting Club
weird af
istg he is the biggest crackhead
very extra. (as you can see in gif)
he calls himself a vampire because of his super pale skin
he trained for 4 years
he raps part time
he hides snack between his bed and the wall but apparently daewon and junyong steal them
I think he rooms with junyong? not sure
Someone save him from junyong. boy is going to be smothered to death
ngl their relationship is really cute
he was also in Produce 101 S2 but left bc of health issues.
cutest thing ever and then turns into a devil onstage
a literal puppy
he is big fan of ateez and he and another member actually went to the groups first concert in korea
he is just so precious and weird 
Kim Siheon
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oml this smol bean
Kim Siheon god damn
He is 23 years old
Birthday is December 23, 1997 (Capricorn like meeeee)
also 5′10 babyy
Vocalist but also a rapper (he rapped suga’s part in their remix of BTS Fake Love)
Beware the Siheon
He has a hot older sister, Hanbit, from a group called Hot Place (Their debut song is called TMI and its pretty good.)
he trained for 5 months
he really likes drawing and does caricatures of his members
he is the eyebrow king
idk his eyesbrows are just.... 
stylists do things to his eyebrows anf it just fucks everyone up
high key has the best fashion sense
others boys willshow up to vlive in like hoodies and he is wearing a freakin casual suit
he is like a boss at every kind of game
claims himself to be sweet like “Heonie”
“Hi! I’m siheon! Heonie Heonie Siheonie!”
he is a litter quieter than the other guys 
BUT he is so funny 
he doesn't like spice on his food for some reason
yeah he's crazy
he trained for 5 years
he's just precious and hot and hot and really hot
Ryu Hoyeon
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Ryu Hoyeon.
So he is my bias wrecker. Boy climbed up my bias list so freaking fast
He is the main dancer, vocalist, and a rapper (he also composes and arranges with Seunghoon)
He is 22 years old
His birthday is February 6, 1998 (Aquarius)
anontherrrrr 5′10 babbyyyy
He says he looks like a shark and i agree
There was a predebut photo of him half shirtless it was awesome
he was also on Produce 101 S2 
eliminated on ep.5 :(
he trained for 2 years
He, yeonkuk, and seunghoon were in the Japanese tour of the musical Altar Boyz with Teen top’s Niel,2PM’s Chansung, and many others
he has a semi viral video of him
when he was a trainee / on produce 101 he was dancing to nct127 cherry bomb and had an unfortunate but quite hilarious accident (just look it up its funny)
sucks ass at games. every game. ever.
he is a low-key crackhead. he is a calm crackhead lol
he used to have a youtube channel
you can still see his insta (leaderyoo) its so freaking cute and has predebut stuff of all the boys
he made their entire remix of fake love
he choreographed their song Diamond and also their cover of Taki Taki (which was very hot)
becomes a beast when dancing
he has an original chore to WEight in Gold that is very.......(insert eyebrow wiggle here)
has that dorito torso
(tiny waist and broad shoulders)
also thighs god damn
He is also a HUGE Vixx fanboy
Alter ego is DJ Ironman
He is very close with Siha, Siheon, and Yeonkuk
they turned him into a traffic cone for the Doom Doom comeback
he speaks a little bit of English (just a little bit)
all in all I'm completely in love with this man
Yang Siha 
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THIS MAN IS SO FINEEEEEEE (he's my bias btw I have never been so in love with a man other than jisung)
Yang Siha is just uugghghhh god damn
22 year old babyyyy
Birthday is March 9, 1998 (Pisces)
Lil baby is 5′7″ oml i love him
he likes watching youtube videos and anime
He trained for 1 year and 1/2
looks good in every freaking hair color
his voice does NOT MATHC HIS FACE 
but not like in a Felix level way
He says his most attractive features are his “feminine features” (he says his unpronounced Adams apple and his small noes and doe eyes
HE HAS SMOL EARSSSS and i lovethem
close with Hoyeon and Siheon
but like his voice though
its so freaking pretty
it gives me chills
everything about him is perfect
he has tiny lips lol
he can play guitar
legit i swear his entire closet is black he rarely wears color
if someone is hugging anyone in a vlive or something
its siha
its always siha
everyone cuddles siha
i wanna cuddle siha. fuck.
for some reason I've just noticed this
the boy likes to wear long sleeves idk why
he also always seems to wear this one necklace Idk why but its so pretty and i really love that he does idk
he says his favorite song by NOIR is Travel (its also my favorite. its on their debut album and omg his part <3)
he is just so pure oml everything he posts on insta just makes me so soft
he is just so freakin cute and makes me switch lanes so fast
Kim Minhyuk
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ooooof this cutie
Kim Minhyuk is something else
i just don't know what he is lol
Lead rapper and lead dancer
22 years old
His birthday is March 18th, 1998 (Pisces)
5′11 boy yes sir
He went to Seoul Arts College
he has an older brother
apparently he cooks in the dorms
he trained for 1 year
he likes to play basketball
he really loves taking photos on his camera
he HATES bugs. its kind of funny ngl
he also is deathly afraid of balloons (i will not apologize for laughing at this one)
He and yunsung loooove ateez. they went to their first concert.
I think he is the most versatile member (look wise) because sometimes its hard to recognize him with each comeback because they change his style
he has these really cute big circle glasses he wear and just uwu
he kinda looks like Simon or Theodore from Alvin in the chipmunks in the best way.
he has a thing about jumping
like whenever he gets excited or happy he just starts jumping
he smiles like sunshineeeeee
even though he is the second youngest a lot of the members say that they go to him for advice 
(probably cause he has permanent hold of one of the 3 braincells noir has)
he looooves girl group dances 
especially twice 
He owns Noir’s tiktok pretty much. also their insta
he's a precious chipmunk
Kim Daewon
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Thhis baby oml
Kim Daewon is the cutest thing since that fluffy little dog whose name i cant remember
20 years old 
Birthday is April 18th, 2000 (Aries)
Lead Dancer, vocalist, maknae
In pictures he looks tall af
5′7″ but looks like 5′4″
the cutest thing everrrrr
the biggest fluffiest cutest cheeks
everything about him is smol except for them thighssss
trained for 1 year
he has one older sister
he goes off in the chorus of their b-side track “Between” though like fuuuuuuucccckkkk (lowkey one of my favorite songs by them)
literally one of the funniest people you will ever see
extra crackhead energy
makes all the boys laugh
he loves chicken and snacks (gotta keep those cheeks in top shape)
literally the softest boy
he's good at everything i swear
he likes to shimmy.
has a cute butt lol
he talks in tiny
literally the cutest maknae ever oml
I hope this helped guys!!!!! I really hope you can stan noir and support them in their comeback this Monday! I hope this helped @distrikt9 if you need videos or anything feel free to ask! I love sharing my boys. They really are so underrated. I did this so fast ngl. I've never typed so fast
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justjeonday · 5 years
Solace | kim namjoon
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Solace; comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness.
- pairing: kim namjoon x reader
- genre: angst, fluff
- word count: 4,400
- warnings: reader fears what the future holds, very brief mentions of anxiety, includes descriptions of feelings/behaviour that might be associated with mild depression (the reader is only stuck in a rut in this fic and it’s nowhere near as critical as depression, but I still wanna be safe and warn about this in case it might be triggering for someone!)
- rating: PG
- notes: I’m excited to finally post on here again! I’ve had this idea for a while, but I haven’t had the time to work on it until now. I think I like how it turned out??  I’m not sure yet lol. I’ve been working on a few fics over the past few weeks, but I keep getting stuck and this is the only thing I’ve managed to finish since I last posted. Since I have a little more free time, due to the quarantine, I’ll hopefully be able to post some more soon! But for now, I hope you’ll enjoy reading this - thank you for all your support! <33 (this is still not completely edited btw so I apologize for any mistakes you might find)
- inspired by: this vlive.
- song: Solace by mell-ø & Ambulo
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You stare blankly at the screen in front of you, eyes heavy and mind dull as the seconds count down for the next episode to start playing. This is all you’ve done since waking up, binge-watching some random kdrama you found online. It’s not great, and you’re not focused - but you figure it’s enough to keep you occupied for at least a few more hours. Enough to push most of your gloomy thoughts to the back of your mind.
You feel exhausted, the past four days mostly consisting of work and very few hours of sleep - plus added pressure and stress of having to keep up with studying during it all. Your arms ache from serving and cleaning up tables until late after midnight. After finishing up and closing the place, you’d go straight home to sleep - not having the energy to care for yourself. Then you’d wake up at noon, and have some breakfast before yet again making your way to work. Many people this time of year, during spring break, take vacations with their families so your boss needed you to put in more effort than usual to keep it all running smoothly. You’re grateful for the opportunity to make some extra money, but at this point it feels like you’re doing too much and your body isn’t willing to keep up anymore.
You feel overwhelmed - lost. Are your efforts even worth it when they’re not going towards something you want in the future? Thoughts like these have been weighing you down ever since you woke up, and you had decided it’d be best for you to call in sick and just be sad today. You had moved from the bed to your sofa, and here you’ve been laying ever since then. All the blinds in your apartment are down, no hint of sunlight peeking through - no trace of hope seeping in, no light capable of bringing color to your sombre day. 
You sigh as another episode starts playing, mind brought to the small recap that’s starts playing across the display. You try your best to pay attention to it in hopes of you actually starting to like it so that watching it won’t be so boring. You pull your covers up to your chin, basking in the scent of your boyfriend’s cologne stuck to his shirt you’re snuggled up in. It brings you comfort, soothes you and calms you - it makes you feel secure where you are.
You breathe it in, the longing feeling to hold your boyfriend intensifying as you do.
A sudden chime makes you jump slightly, eyes landing on the door as you sit up  - heart beating quickly in response to the unforeseen ringing disturbing the calm atmosphere in your apartment. You dread leaving the comfort you’re sofa is bringing you, but you feel impolite leaving whoever it is waiting. So you get up and mope over to the door, your body feeling heavier than usual, as if a force is pulling you to the ground.
With lethargy still clinging to you, you don’t bother looking through the peephole before unlocking and pulling the door open - wanting to get it over with and get back to hiding under your covers. Your eyes squint slightly at the sudden light leaking in from the hallway, but you instantly recognize the tall figure stood in front of you.
“Joon?” You gasp quietly, heart skipping a beat in surprise. 
His lips stretch into a smile, arms reaching out and inviting you into his embrace. Immediately you walk towards him, wrapping your own arms around his neck as his end up around your waist to pull you against him. You smile, face laying in the crook of his neck.
“Hi, baby,” He mumbles, a smile evident in his voice as he presses kisses against the exposed skin on your shoulder that’s peeking out through the collar of Namjoon’s oversized shirt you’re clad in.
“I missed you so much,” You say against his skin, voice strained from not uttering a word all day. You enjoy the presence of your boyfriend for a few more seconds before pulling away to look at him, “I thought you’d be gone until next week?” You utter, confused.
“Plans got cancelled,” He whispers, leaning forward to plant a kiss onto your nose - causing you to scrunch it as he does.
You smile in content as you look at him, eyes scanning over his face before unavoidably landing on the pink of his lips. You reach up and press your own lips against the corner of his mouth, before you change target and kiss him - your eyes fluttering close as you cherish the feeling of them against yours again. He kisses you back and you taste the rose lip balm coating his lips, the one he always has with him in his pocket. It makes you smile into the kiss and pull away, suddenly turning shy as you feel blood rush to your cheeks. You hide by his neck again, lips brushing over the mole just under his jaw.
You feel his chest vibrate against yours lightly as he chuckles at you, arms squeezing tighter around your waist. Your fingers start playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He’s been growing it out for a few months now and the mullet is now very apparent - even more so than when he left. He dyed his hair a beautiful lilac shade not too long ago, and you love the way it looks on him. Nothing beats his natural dark brown hair, but somehow he manages to make every hair color look just as good and at this point you just can’t decide which one’s your favorite. He’s making it very difficult for you.
You walk backwards, making Namjoon follow you as you’re still secure in his arms. Once back in the darkness of your apartment you kick the door shut. You give your boyfriend a peck on the cheek before you pull away from him, letting him get comfortable and take off his shoes as you return to your sofa.
Namjoon, now that he’s able to focus on his surroundings, takes instant notice to the darkness that suffocates your apartment - and the messy sofa. If anyone knows you well, it’s him. After knowing each other for almost two years, he can read you like an open book without problem. One of the many things he’s come to learn is how much you hate wasting the light of day, and especially so during this time of year. You love spring, it’s your favorite time of the year and you always long for it whenever it isn’t current. He also knows that, if you’re not up and getting ready by 9 AM, you’ll most likely beat yourself up for it. However, on rare occasions, you’ll let yourself lay under the covers for another hour or so - but that's only if he’s there, laying next to you
Cuddling is something you simply can’t say no to.
Automatically, taking all these things into consideration, Namjoon starts to worry.
He kicks his sneakers off as his gaze follows you, watching as you fall down on the couch of which looks like it has been occupied all day. Your figure disappears under the cover, and he makes his way over to you. “Is everything alright?” He asks, a crease forming between his eyebrows.
You register his question but you don’t answer it, instead you reach your arms out and gesture for him to join you on the couch. His features soften and he manages to squeeze down next to you, despite the small space left to be occupied. Your leg comes out from under the covers to lay over his hip, holding him close to prevent him from falling to the floor.
You let your eyes shamelessly admire his face even though he’s aware, your fingers once again coming up to brush through his hair - strands of lavender running softly in between them as you do.
He lets his own gaze roam across your features, searching for any sign of anxiety or sorrow. “Hey,” he says, bringing your attention back to his previously asked question.
“Everything’s fine now that you’re here, don’t worry Joon,” you mumble, your focus still on his hair.
Namjoon doesn’t fall for your excuse. Grabbing your wrist softly, he removes your hand out of his hair and lays it over his chest, making you look at him. “Please talk to me.”
You sigh, avoiding his gaze as you attempt to sugarcoat what’s really going on. “Work’s just been really tough, it’s not that serious.”
You always feel bad complaining about work, or sharing the weight of your problems with Namjoon. You know how tough his job is compared to yours, and his schedule is never really empty. You know he loves what he does more than everything, but you’ve seen how hard it can get as well. So compared to your job, you realize the hours you put in are minimal next to the amount of time he dedicates to his job. Complaining just doesn’t feel right.
“You really underestimate me,” He sighs, eyebrows raised at you. “I can tell it’s not just work, it’s almost five in the afternoon and you’re still laying on the couch with my shirt on - you only do that when you’re feeling really low.”
You give up, accepting the fact he can see right through you no matter how hard you resist to let it show. “My head just feels kind of crowded,” you start. “I feel like there’s so many thoughts in my head, and I can’t organize or figure any of them out. I feel lost, I have no idea what the future holds and that’s fine - but I don’t even have a vision of what I want it to hold. I’m just not sure I’m walking down the right path.”
With Namjoon being back next to you, you certainly feel better - but still, it doesn’t remove any of your worries. You wait for a response, but a few seconds go by and there's still just silence. You look up to meet your boyfriend’s gaze, his eyes showing empathy as he looks back at you.
Without a word, he slips out of your embrace before he gets up and walks over to your windows. Before you know it, he pulls one of your blinds up. The sun shines straight in your face, making you quickly seek cover under the pillow next to you. As you hide, you hear Namjoon proceed to pull every blind up, the room becoming even brighter as he does. After he’s done you hear his footsteps close in on you, and suddenly he rids you of your shield - leaving you exposed to the blinding rays of light that are now touching every possible surface in your living room. Your hands come up to cover your eyes, groaning. 
He gathers all your blankets and pillows you’ve taken from your bedroom before disappearing to put them back where they belong. Even with the low state you're in, you feel appreciation and adoration causing tickles in your belly. He always does this, always makes it his priority to bring you up when you're down. You find it endearing, how dedicated he gets - and lucky to say the least.
“What are you doing?” You ask out into the open, Namjoon still fixing your bed in the other room.
“I’m taking you somewhere,” says your boyfriend, walking into the room again.
You furrow your eyebrows, eyes finally adjusting to the light as you stretch - limbs splayed across the couch. “And where may that be, Mr. I’m On A Mission?” 
He snickers at the name, reaching his hand out for you to take. “You’ll find out once we get there.” He pulls you up from the sofa, making you stand before him. “Go put something warm on, the sun’s really nice but it’s still quite chilly,” he says.
Your heart flutters at his sweet gestures. Having been with Namjoon for such a long time, you’d expect the flutters to fade and his gestures losing impact along with them. But it’s all still there, just like when you first fell for him. Your heart still flutters at the dimples in which appear when he smiles, and at how his eyes turn into crescent moons as he laughs - how he shows affection but then becomes shy after. You’ve realized it’s those small things you usually wouldn’t think to pay attention to, but to you they all still cause butterflies to swarm in the pit of your stomach, and you swear you fall in love with him over and over again every time.
You still feel a force pulling you to the ground as you make your way to your closet, but not as intense as it was before Namjoon showed up at your doorstep. You’re still having to push thoughts back, still have to prevent them from getting the best of you. Knowing you have Namjoon with you, and knowing he’ll listen if you’ll talk about it, does bring you comfort. You’re well aware he isn’t capable of helping rid of these thoughts in your head, as he can’t assure you what the future holds or what path you should go down so it all works out - no one can. But still, you’re more than grateful because you’re certain he’ll be the one to at least make you feel better about things, and keep you from giving up.
You grab a lounge set from your drawer and slip onto it, the soft fabric fitting loosely over your body just like how you want it - only really seeking for comfort. Taking Namjoon’s words into consideration, you also make sure to grab a warm coat from your closet before heading back to the living room.
You find your boyfriend sitting on the edge of the couch with rays of light reaching him, a golden aura forming around his figure, making him look like a fallen angel from heaven. And thinking about it, you’re convinced he is one. Where would you be without him? 
You take a moment to enjoy the magical sight, your fingertips starting to tingle as you get an urge to skim them over his beautiful golden skin. Namjoon looks up, catching you as you eye him with a small smile on your lips.
He chuckles. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you mumble, walking up to him.
He stands up, arms capturing you in a hug once again. Your cheek ends up pressed against the soft fabric of his sweater, the scent of his favorite cologne stuck to it, making you breathe it in and relax against him.  
“You look cozy,” he comments, pulling away to look you up and down.
You mumble a quiet thank you, your hands finding his and intertwining your fingers.
“Ready?” He asks.
Your nod doesn’t come off too assuring, making him laugh as the both of you slip your shoes on. Namjoon grabs his coat and with that you make your way out of your apartment, your hands interlocking again as you do. You exit your apartment complex and brisk air surrounds you, causing you to shudder and walk closer to Namjoon as you search for any source of warmth. The two of you stop at the side of the curb as your eyes search for your cab that has yet to arrive, the sun now hitting you and warming you up slightly.
As you wait you turn to eye your boyfriend, love swelling in your chest.
“You look really handsome today,” You say through a smile, eyes meeting his.
You hadn’t seen him in this particular outfit before, but he pulls it off really well. He’s clad in a denim on denim outfit, with a jean coat that reaches all the way to his calves. You’re not surprised it looks amazing on him, everything does.
“Thank you,” he says, cheeks rubescent as his eyes scan over his own body before looking at you and squeezing your hand in his.
You lean into him, nose scrunching at his adorable shy behaviour. Getting the sudden urge to peck him, you get up on your toes and press your lips to the dimple that dents his cheek. He pulls you into his side, hand laying on your hip. As you pull away your attention turns to the black car pulling up in front of you. Namjoon steps forward and opens the door and beckons for you to get in before him, being the gentleman that he is. You climb into the car, moving over so your boyfriend can get in next to you. He sits down and closes the door before reaching into his pocket and grabbing his phone, leaning over to show the driver where he wants to go. Gazing over, you try to catch a glimpse of anything that might reveal what location you’re going to but you manage to get nothing.
“No peeking, baby,” He teases as he puts his phone back in his pocket.
You pout, giving him pleading eyes.
He laughs, his hand coming to lay just above your knee before squeezing lightly. “Be patient.”
You let out a chuckle at your own childish behaviour, laying your hands on top of his before turning to look out at the surroundings as they flash by in a blur. As the driver takes you through Seoul, you find your mind wandering again as thoughts start filling your head. To distract yourself you turn to your boyfriend and ask him about his recent work trip.
Before you know it, the car comes to a stop and with cheeks still aching from a joke Namjoon whispered to you just seconds ago you watch him get out of the car. He holds the door open for you, a grin still on his face as you get out - the adorable indents in his cheeks once again appearing. You always get an urge to kiss them, but if you’d act on it every time that’s all you’d do.
Once you’re out of the car, you glance at the scenery of which you’re very familiar with, and which you’ve come to love and appreciate since being with Namjoon. One thing you learned very early on about him is how much he loves and treasures nature. You didn’t really see the point before, especially since you live in such a big city you don’t really think of it that much. On your own, before meeting him, you’d never think to go to a park just to relax. But now you’ve really learned to appreciate it and the healing powers it holds, something Namjoon also taught you.
“You took me to Hangang Park?” You say, a tinge of excitement in your voice as your eyes take in the beautiful view of the setting sun reflecting in the river.
Namjoon looks at you lovingly as you view the location. Hangang park isn’t away from any civilization, there’s still skyscrapers in view and it’s crowded. It’s not what you consider a traditional park, there’s not grass everywhere you look or trees surrounding you. There are platforms in stone and bigger patches of grass scattered around evenly. Even though it might not be the most green park, something about it brings you more comfort than others do. You think it might be the combination of city and nature, since you’ve lived in Seoul your whole life you’re used to tall buildings and city lights - all that comes with it. And with what Namjoon has taught you about nature, and how you’ve become someone who appreciates that setting as well, you really feel at home when you’re at Hangang Park. 
You said this to your boyfriend when you came here with him for the first time, and that’s probably his reason for choosing this specific location. It makes you feel warm inside, happy he takes all these things and uses them to make you feel relaxed and calm when you need it.
Namjoon comes up behind you and lays a hand over the small of your back, the two of you starting to walk slowly closer to the river. The sunset induces beautiful hues of orange and pink to paint over the blue sky, making the world around you breathtakingly beautiful. You feel some of the weight slowly ease off of your shoulders, and you feel as if you’re finally able to inhale and exhale deeply with ease. The both of you walk over to one of the grass-patches by the river, sitting down on it with shoulders touching and fingers intertwined.
You sit like that in silence for a few minutes, and you sense Namjoon knows you need to just be for a while. You enjoy the feeling of him next to you, his presence as the both of you watch the sky and its reflection in the body of water before you. Surrounding you, there are groups of friends, couples, families, also enjoying the wonderful time of day. The atmosphere around you is happy and tranquil, in contrast to your dark apartment you’d locked yourself in earlier.
“It’s beautiful,” you mumble, laying your head on Namjoon’s shoulder as you watch the hues of the horizon fade into the light blue above you.
A few more minutes of comfortable silence pass by, before he brings his attention to you.
He brings your interlocked hands up to plant a kiss on your knuckles. “Let it out.”
You look up at him, your response lazy, “Hmm?”
“Whatever you’re holding in, whatever’s bothering you. It won’t do any good for you to keep it in.”
You exhale, resting your head against his shoulder again as your eyes return to the skyline. “I’m feeling overwhelmed, and every thought that has entered my mind I’ve been overthinking for no reason. I feel like I’ve gone down this path that I’m now stuck on and I can’t see any lanes or exits for me to lead me in another direction. There’s so many outcomes that could occur if, when the opportunity comes, I choose to walk another way - so many things that could go wrong.” You stop, fingers of your free hand coming to fiddle with the cool metal of his rings as you think of what to say next. “I feel like I’m putting in a lot of effort to do good at work and with studying, but it doesn’t feel worth it when I’m not sure the hard work I’m putting in is doing anything for my future.” You look down at your hands as you feel the familiar lump of anxiety form in the back of your throat.
“It’s normal to have thoughts, and to overthink them. I’ve been where you are right now, and I get you. It’s normal to worry about the future, everyone does - because it’s full of uncertainty and you can never really know what to expect or what it’ll turn into as time passes.” He pauses, and his words bring you comfort - knowing you’re not completely alone in feeling like this. “Someone told me once to think of my mind as a tree, and of my thoughts as branches. For these branches to grow, you’ll have to experience a lot of different things - hurtful things, things that’ll anger and confuse you along with happy and hopeful things. Your mind consists of so many of these branches, there’s happiness, pain, hope, desperation, devastation - everything.” He speaks, hand coming up from time to time in front of him to gesticulate.
You listen carefully to his words as your eyes follow pastel clouds that float across the sky. You’ve always loved how self-aware Namjoon is, you’ve come to think of it as one of his most beautiful traits - one that you really adore. He’s always stayed true to himself, no matter what. He recognizes his mistakes and faults so that he can better them and become someone who’s greater than the person he was the day before. You wish you can be that one day, as good of a person as he is. He always tries to be the best version of himself.
“You’ll need to prune and cut them to take care of the tree, to care for your mind and for it to keep growing beautifully. The hurt will be unavoidable, but you’ll have to make these choices so you can continue to grow and blossom. These thoughts and feelings you’re currently feeling, try to think of them as branches of your young days, as branches of a young tree. When you’ve experienced all of the hurt, the grief, the happiness, the love - you’ll be a beautiful tree, the most beautiful tree.” He says. “I know you’ll be,” He turns to search for your gaze, wanting you to see and notice the sincerity of his words.
Your eyes meet his, inside of which sunsets of their own exist as the sky reflects in them. You feel the force that’s been pulling you down fade, and you feel yourself tearing up as you look at the man in front of you, whom you cherish most out of anything. You realize how blessed you are to have met someone like him, someone with a precious soul like his own.
“Thank you,” you whisper, feeling yourself starting to tear up.
Slightly embarrassed, you look away but you feel Namjoon’s finger nudge lightly at the underside of your chin - making your eyes meet his again. “No need to thank me baby,” He says softly, wiping your a few tears that escaped with the pads of his thumbs “I just want you to be okay, that’s all that matters.”
The love you feel for him spreads like a wildfire through your body. “I love you so much,” you say, eyes still looking into his.
A smile grows on his lips as he looks at you. “Come here,” he mumbles, hand reaching to the backside of your thigh.
He pulls your leg over both of his, so that you end up straddling his thighs before his arms snake around your waist to pull you into him. You embrace him by putting your arms around his neck and pressing your cheek against his. With your body now filled with relief and comfort, you find yourself wishing you could stay like this forever - keep him this close forever.
“I love you too,” He whispers in your ear.
The future remains a mystery, something you’ll never be sure of.
But in this moment, what you’re completely certain of, is your everlasting love for the man in your arms.
He’s your everything.
He’s your start and your end.
He’s your Solace.
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Our One and Only | 03
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Word Count: 3.7k
Pairing: BTS x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst (but not really angst bc I suck at angst)
Warning(s): Yoongi crying )): , Hyuk is an asshole, lots of cussing, someone’s fist hits someone’s face, violence, the numbers aren’t real btw, talk about verbal and physical abuse, uhh yeah I think that’s it, OH it’s pretty badly written bc life is tough man but enjoy!
Summary: The members didn’t think they could be any more content than they were at the moment. They were getting to become known worldwide and have inspired a significant amount of other hybrids to follow their aspirations. However, when Y/n strolled into the room, they realized they could turn out to be quite a lot more satisfied.
If you’d like to be tagged, let me know in the comments!
Prologue, 01, 02, 03, 04, 
Chapter Three
Hyuk swung the door open, Yuna following behind him. Taking a deep breath in, you followed as well. When you walked in you could see all of the guys glaring at your boyfriend with distaste, tension strong in the air. Yet, as soon as you came into their line of sight, the glares softened, smiles gracing their faces, the air feeling light and happy once again. You nervously smiled back as you stood in between Yuna and Hyuk. Your boyfriend took your hand and the boys all lowly growled and glared at your joined hands. For some strange reason you didn’t want to make them angry. You could pass it off as not wanting to offend them, but you knew you were just insecure of what they thought. So, not wanting to anger them any further, you tried to pull your hand out of Hyuk’s grasp. Though this proved to be difficult as he just kept tightening his grip.
You cleared your throat, trying to lighten the mood, “Hi.” The sound of your voice seemed to calm the stiff hybrids.
The golden retriever, who you remember him introducing himself as ‘Hobi’ stepped forward. “Hello!” he said brightly, his tail wagging back and forth in excitement. It was cute how excited he got when meeting new people and you couldn’t help but to giggle. His ears twitched and his eyes lit up when he heard it.
“Hello, thank you for coming back here,” Namjoon said as he held his hand out to you. Shaking his hand, you smiled politely. As you let go of his hand, his smile somewhat left his face but he was quick to make it return before you could notice. 
Jin grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it, “Hello again beautiful.” You could feel your cheeks burning as your eyes widened. Hearing Hyuk scoff, you were reminded of his presence and coughed awkwardly. Feeling his hold on your hand tighten, you glanced at him and saw him glaring with a frown on his face. Feelings of guilt slowly built up inside of you. Here you were allowing some guy to flirt with you in front of your boyfriend.
Namjoon cleared his throat, gesturing to the two couches in the corner of the room, “Why don’t we sit?”
The three of you followed behind them. You let go of your boyfriend’s hand and sat down in the middle. Hyuk was about to sit by you, but Jimin beat him to it with Taehyung sitting on your other side. You looked apologetically to Hyuk as he huffed and sat on the other couch. Hoseok sat in front of you, leaning back on your legs. Jin sat on the other side of Taehyung with Jungkook choosing to sit by Jimin. The two remaining boys, Yoongi and Namjoon, sat on the floor either side of Hoseok. You knew without even looking that Hyuk was glaring at them all.
“Would you like me to sit by you baby?” you asked him as you went to get up. Having all of them sitting so close to you was becoming a little too overwhelming. Before you could fully stand, Jimin wrapped his tail around your waist and Taehyung put his arm around your shoulders while the rest of the boys growled.
Hyuk raised an eyebrow, “Actually yeah, I would like it if my girlfriend would come sit by me.”
“Aunt Y/n? Where can I sit?” Yuna quietly ask you before a fight could break out. You were grateful she said something because you knew how bad Hyuk’s anger could get and you also knew hybrids had intense instincts.
Before you could answer her, Jimin held his arms out to her, “You can sit on my lap cutie!” You heart skipped a beat as you saw him pull her onto his lap. He looked so adorable interacting with her. Yuna smiled big as she looked at him with admiration. He was her favorite after all.
“Can I pet your ears?” Yuna’s question brought you out of your thoughts.
Your eyes widened, “Yuna! You can’t just ask that!” You turned to Jimin as you apologized, “I’m so sorry Jimin-ssi.” He just smiled at you and allowed Yuna to pet his ears. You smiled as he started purring, the sound relaxing you further.
Everyone broke off into their separate conversations. Jimin and Jungkook were talking to Yuna, while Namjoon and Hoseok were quietly whispering to each other, glancing at Hyuk every once in a while, and Yoongi was just sitting there silently. As you were talking to Jin and Taehyung, you could feel someone’s eyes on you. Thinking it was Hyuk, you looked at him only to find out he was on his phone. Tilting your head to the side, you looked around the room to see who it was. Your breath hitched as soon as you made eye contact with Yoongi. His gaze held so much pain and regret that you had to avert your eyes. He let out a whimper and the noise caused everyone to look at the two of you.
“Jagi..” Yoongi’s voice was quiet and he timidly put his hand on your knee. He let out another whimper when you flinched away from him. When tears gathered in his eyes, Hoseok put his arm around him.
Hyuk cleared his throat and crossed his arms, “I’d like if you wouldn’t call her Jagi. Only I can do that. Besides, she’s afraid of you. Don’t you remember?” A smirk was present on his face as he looked Yoongi in the eyes. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You knew Yoongi felt bad about what had happened and it angered you that Hyuk was being so inconsiderate.
You expected Yoongi to retaliate and start a fight, but were shocked to see him only tense up before leaving the room quickly, his tail wrapped around his waist and his ears down. It was strange to see him looking so vulnerable. Yuna had told you how he acts like he doesn’t care, but you could also remember him saying how much of a softie he was. You were brought out of your thoughts when Hoseok follow him, sending a heated glare in your boyfriend’s direction. For some strange reason, you felt your chest hurt when they left. Rubbing your chest lightly, you looked back to the rest of the group. The BTS members that remained looked at you knowingly. You were about to ask if Yoongi would be okay, but Hyuk spoke up.
“Is he always such a baby?” he snorted and smugly looked at the guys. They all growled at him, their tails swaying in anger, their eyes staring daggers at him.
Surprisingly it was Jungkook who spoke up, “Why don’t you shut the fuck up?
“Why don’t you make me bunny,” Hyuk spat out at Jungkook and sniggered when all he did was take a deep breath and turn around. He chuckled at Jungkook’s back, “That’s what I thought. Poor little shy bunny can’t do shi-” He was cut off by Jungkook’s fist hitting his jaw. You gasped and covered your mouth as Jungkook fell on top of him, continuing to land punches on his face. Yuna started yelling and crying as the boys grabbed a hold of him and hauled him off of your boyfriend.
“Are you okay?” you asked as you ran over and helped him up off the floor. Yuna followed behind you and grabbed your hand tightly. Just then, Yoongi and Hoseok walked through the door into the room. The frigid atmosphere made them stop in their tracks and become on guard. Their sharp eyes quickly looked around the room to see what happened.
Hoseok was the one to break the stressful silence, “Uh what happened here?” No one uttered a single word, making you bit your lip anxiously. God, you didn’t know what you would do if they all started fighting again. You especially didn’t know how to feel now that Yoongi was back. On one hand you were excited he came back, but on the other hand you were slightly afraid. Yet somewhere deep down inside of you, you knew he would never intentionally hurt you.
Hyuk wiped his lip, looking up at Jungkook straight in the eyes, “You’re lucky you’re in some famous band or else you’d be dead.” Your eyes became wide as you stared at him in disbelief. Was he stupid? Why was he threatening a famous person? A hybrid at that!
“Y/n, why don’t you take Yuna and go buy some merch? It’s on us,” Namjoon said as he waved over a security guard proceeding to tell him something all the while keeping his eyes locked on Hyuk. Said security guard nodded and led both you and Yuna out of the room. As soon as the door shut behind you, you could hear someone inside start yelling, other voices joining in. You could feel yourself start to panic, not wanting anyone to get hurt anymore.
Looking away from the door, you tightened your grip on Yuna’s hand and followed the guard down a hallway. Once you guys got to the little store they had, you looked down at your niece, “Okay Yuna, choose what you like and I’ll get it for you sweetie.” Yuna gasped and looked at you with shining eyes, excited to be able to get BTS merch. Like she always told you, you could never have too much.
“Ma’am, Mr. Kim said he would pay for it. So you don’t have to worry about money,” the security guard said as he held up a shiny, silver card. From what he had said you could tell it was Namjoon’s credit card.
You put your hands out in front of you, stuttering slightly with eyes opened wide in disbelief, “Oh! No thank you! I can pay for myself. He doesn’t have to worry about paying for me haha..” You trailed off as he tried to hand the credit card to you. Key word being tried as you quickly moved away from him. Walking over to where Yuna was looking at some t-shirts, you heard the man clear his throat. Pretending to not have heard him you stood next to your niece, “So Yuna Tuna, what have you thought of getting?”
“There’s so much I wanna get, but I don’t want to waste your money and Appa only gave me ₩50,000,” Yuna pouted as she put the shirt back. In her arms she already held two shirts and a poster. You were about to reply, telling her she could get whatever and you’d pay for it, but it seems like the security guard, who was starting to get on your nerves by the way, beat you to it.
He picked the t-shirt Yuna had previously put down back up and handed it to her, “You can get this Ms. Yuna. Rm-ssi said he’d buy it for you.”
Okay, now he was really getting on your nerves. You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the man. Why didn’t he get the hint you could pay for it? Actually, why did Namjoon think you couldn’t pay for it? Did he pity you?
Yuna gasped and grabbed the piece of clothing from his hands, smiling up at him and then at you. Seeing her so excited made you soften your tight stance. You could always pay Namjoon back. Granted it might take you a while, especially after seeing how much Yuna was getting. So far, she had six shirts, two different tote bags, a headband, and another one of their CD's.
"Yuna, don't get too much okay? It's not nice to spend all of someone's money," you said as you followed behind her.
She looked back at you as she put everything on the counter to be checked out, "But Namjoon said I could get anything." A pout was present on her face as the cashier rang up her merchandise.
"I know he did sweetie, but it's still not polite to spend people's money. It's always a good thing to be independent and not rely on someone," you voiced as pulled your wallet out. Just because Namjoon said they would pay for it didn't mean you weren't going to try and pay for it yourself. You were a strong and independent woman after all.
As you and the little girl had a stare off, the cashier had finished ringing the items up and cleared their throat, "That'll be ₩170,000 please." The security guard handed the lady the credit card before you could whip yours out.
Huffing, you crossed your arms, slightly pouting, not knowing the rest of the boys were standing behind you. Someone coughed, making you turn around in shock. As you turned around, you swore you heard one of the boys mumble out the word 'cute'. You waved awkwardly, completely embarrassed they had seen your small act.
"Namjoon-sii! Thank you for letting me get all of this merch!" Yuna bowed and looked up at him in admiration. You could tell just by looking at her interact with them how much she admired them and the thought made your heart swell. She was too cute for her own good.
While Yuna was talking to the boys, showing them what she got in the process, you walked over to stand next to your angry boyfriend. You leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Hey baby, how are you doing?"
"How am I doing? Really? Are you really asking me that right now?" he scoffed, shaking his head and shifting away from you. He didn’t understand how you could be so idiotic at times. Like right now, how you were just letting them talk about your relationship with him and not even say anything was making his temper rise to dangerous levels. 
Leaning away from him, you tried to hide the hurt shown on your face, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay...”
“This is why she shouldn’t be dating you. You treat her like shit,” Jungkook’s broke into the conversation. Jimin brought Yuna over to look at some of the posters and you silently thanked him. You really didn’t want her to hear them fight. Again.
Hyuk looked the bunny hybrid in the eyes, “Oh you really don’t know when to shut your mouth bunny.”
“I told you not to fucking call me that,” Jungkook spat at Hyuk, the rest of the boys, excluding Yoongi, tried to calm him down. Yoongi was just staring at you intensely.
“Hyuk, you need to calm down,” your voice was soft, trying to calm the agitated man.
He ripped his arm out of your grasp and shifted his glare to you, “Do you not hear what they are saying right now Y/n? Are you really that fucking dumb?” When all you could do was stare at him, he grew unnerved and raised his hand. You flinched, expecting to feel the sting, but was met with growling instead. There, stood in front of you, with Hyuk’s wrist in his own hand, was Yoongi. Your heart skipped a beat. Yoongi. He stopped Hyuk from hitting you.
“Don’t you dare lay a hand on her or I’ll fucking break both of your hands,” Yoongi’s words were low, a threatening growl in the back of his throat. Your boyfriend went to raise his other hand, but was stopped by Hoseok grabbing it.
You walked around both Yoongi and Hoseok, voice quiet and a slight tremble to it, “I think it’d be best if we left. Thank you for allowing us backstage to hang out and thank you for buying Yuna things. I greatly appreciate it.” Finishing your words, you bowed low and called Yuna over.
“Wait, Y/n, can we at least get your phone number? We want to hang out some more...” Jimin trailed off as he saw the look Hyuk was giving him. Saying yes meant you would disappoint your boyfriend...but saying no meant you’d be hurting seven people. And you know what they say, majority always wins.
Glancing between both boys, you made up your mind, “Of course you can Jimin-ssi.” Hyuk’s head snapped towards you, but you ignored it. It wasn’t technically your fault. He was the one who got in a fight with them. Not you. Plus, you felt this certain pull making you want to get to know them even more.
Grabbing Jimin’s phone, you typed in your number then handed it back to him. A few seconds later and your phone buzzed in your back pocket. You thought better and decided to take a look at it when Hyuk was asleep. Bidding them goodbye, you left behind Hyuk with Yuna’s hand in your own. She happily skipped next to you, her purchases in her unoccupied hand.
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The ride back to your apartment was silent and tense. You had tried to make conversation with Hyuk, but he just tightened his grip on the wheel, knuckles turning white. Taking the hint, you stayed silent and looked out the window. Your phone kept buzzing, so you pulled it out to see several messages from new numbers.
+820245674823: Hey Y/n-ah! It’s Jimin! ^^
+820257609483: This is Hobi!
+820284763947: Hello, Y/n, it’s Namjoon (:
+820248576930: Jungkookie is here!
+820274539274: Hello worldwide beautiful (;
+820247593294: Y/n!!! It’s Tae ((::
+820284639292: Yoongi...
You smiled and saved their numbers in your contacts, frowning when you saw Yoongi’s message. You could sense he still felt guilty towards what had happened and it made you sad. Opening a new chat, you typed out a message just to Yoongi.
You: Hey Yoongi-ssi, I wanted to tell you that what happened today isn’t a big deal. I forgive you and hope we can be friends in the future! ^.^
Remembering you left the others on read, you quickly answered them.
You: Hey guys! It’s Y/n ;;
Jiminie: Y/n!
Namjoonie: (:
Kookie: Do you play any games?
Hobi Hobi~: Hi cutie!
TaeTae: If you do let’s get together and play!!
Hearing Hyuk scoff, you quickly answered Taehyung and Jungkook. Afterwards you silenced your phone and put it away. As soon as you got home, you picked up a sleeping Yuna and brought her into your guest room. You placed her on the bed, tucking her in, and giving her a light kiss to the forehead. Back in the living room you saw Hyuk sitting there on the couch.
When he saw you come in, he stood up and crossed his arms, “So. Let’s have a talk, shall we?” You gulped and slowly sat down, him joining you although a distance was between you.
“What do you want to talk about?” you quietly spoke, afraid talking too loud would anger him even more and wake Yuna up. As much as you didn’t want to talk about today, you knew you had to. Especially if you didn’t want Hyuk to break up with you. You had spent so much time with him and you did truly love him.
He scoffed and gave you a burning gaze, “Oh I don’t know maybe about how you stayed silent when they were shit talking our relationship?” When you didn’t say anything, he continued, “Or do you wanna talk about how you apparently almost kissed one of them? Hmm?”
“I didn’t mean to. We were just staring at each other and next thing I knew we were both leaning in...” trailing off towards the end, you gazed at the coffee table suddenly imagining what it would have felt like to actually feel Jimin’s lips on your own...
“Damn it Y/n! Stop daydreaming about them!” Hyuk’s loud voice made you jump, not even realizing you had stopped listening to him.
You looked down at your clasped hands, “I don’t get why you’re so mad..”
“Are-Are you fucking serious? Tell me you’re joking,” he was getting louder and louder the more the conversation dragged on. You could tell he was fuming and you really did want to calm him down, but sometimes you just didn’t know what to say. And right now was one of them as all you could get out was a small ‘uhh..’
He stood up abruptly and started pacing, “I swear to God you’re so fucking dumb sometimes! They were blatantly telling us we don’t belong together! And all you did was stand there and act like they weren’t being complete assholes!” He was almost yelling at this point. It was when you were once again not paying him any attention that he finally did yell, “Again! You’re not listening to me again!”
“I’m sorry...” you said it so quietly he almost didn’t hear you. You hated when anyone so much as raised their voice at you, so hearing him yell at you made you extra quiet and cautious. 
He slammed his hand down on your coffee table, causing you to jump. Tears started welling up in your eyes as you thought back to when he was going to hit you. Was he going to try again? And if he did what were you going to do? No one was here to stop him. Sure, he had yelled at you and verbally abused you when he was really fired up, but never has he tried to physically hurt you. Maybe it was best if you never talked to the members of BTS if it meant he wouldn’t hit you… 
“Hyuk,” your voice rang louder and steadier than you anticipated, but it had gained his attention. “I’m sorry for everything that happened tonight. I promise I won’t talk to them at all,” you continued as you pulled your phone out of your back pocket. You blamed it on the guilt you were feeling, but you knew you were in fact just scared of what he could possibly do. Pulling up the groupchat, you typed out two simple sentences. 
Y/n: I’m sorry, but I think it’d be best if we forgot we ever met. Please, never contact me again.
Hyuk sighed as he sat down beside you, “Thank you. That’s all I wanted baby. You’re doing the right thing. Now, let’s go to bed. Okay?” He kissed your head and walked off to your bedroom, with you trailing slowly behind. If you were doing the right thing, why did your heart hurt so much?
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Tag List:
@child-ofthe-moon-and-leaves, @chari-a, @cjisluckycharm, @huhuehuey, @childfmoonn, @goldenkookss, @jiminsreina, @i-am-canada-13, @eilowyneleyne, @2seokkyo, @lokathefemale, @raja-in-demigodishness, @shelley-hennig14, @theshiningmoonsblog, @agoddesswithablade, @the-argus-eyed, @btsstan4life, @jinniepeachxo, @purpleheartsfortae, @nari2220, @k00kjals, @yasbts705, @moxxie84, @breadcaaat, @kpopgirlbtssvt, @kamibyul
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loftywon · 5 years
Alone with you
Characters: Kim Mingyu, Reader
Genre: Fluff, hint of smut (quick make out session)
Word count: 1,383
A/N: gosh so I had another fic in mind but I ended up writing this one first nyek btw it helps to listen to the songs I mentioned while reading :)) happy reading <3
  A deep and an agonizing sigh left your lips as you entered the decorative ballroom your family reserved for the homecoming of your very distant relative. The setting wasn’t new to you – long dresses and suits, chandeliers hanging above you, and a pianist playing what you thought to be Claude Debussy’s Clair de Lune. You scanned the room and as expected you were the only one without a date. Another sigh escaped your mouth as you looked at the time. 8pm. “It’s gonna be a long night,” you said under your breath.
“Y/N, over here,” you looked towards the direction you heard your name being called. It was your eldest brother waving at you from across the room. A small smile crept on your lips as you saw Kim Mingyu leaning against the wall next to your brother and his girlfriend. His greyish hair pushed back with that all black suit just made your jaw drop. Seriously, how can anyone look that good, it has to be illegal. It didn’t help either when you two made eye contact and he began smiling at you with his canines peeking out.
“Hey, Y/N, you remember GF/N and Mingyu, right?”
“Y-yeah, of course, I do,” you stammered a little as you felt Mingyu’s eyes linger on your body. All of a sudden, your throat felt dry and you excused yourself to go to the bar for a drink.
“I think, I need a refill. Do you mind if I join you?” Mingyu looked at you again showing off those cute canine teeth of his. Damn, he’s so adorable.
“Sure,” was all you said as you two made your way to the bar passing by various relatives. Once at the bar, you looked back at your brother and his girlfriend giggle and give you a thumbs up. You could feel the heat on your cheeks spread to your ears. Quickly, you diverted your attention to the bartender behind the counter.
“What can I get you two?” the bartender asked with his eyebrow quirked upward.
“Two Cosmos, please,” you blinked twice because how did he know your favorite drink. Mingyu noticed your puzzled expression and chuckled with his left hand covering his mouth. You didn’t realize how much you loved hearing him laugh nor did you notice how well his suit hugged his broad shoulders as they rose and dropped with every chuckle he let out.
“two Cosmos coming right up,” it didn’t take more than 5 minutes before the bartender handed Mingyu your drinks.
“Thank you,” your hand brushed against his as he handed you the frothy bright pink drink.
“Cheers. Here’s to…” he trailed off. Doubt cast on his face. He wasn’t sure whether he should say it or not.
“Here’s to us,” you continued. With your words, it was now Mingyu’s turn to be a flushed mess. A resonating clink filled the silence between you and him. After a few more drinks, it was time to eat dinner. Your heart skipped a beat when Mingyu took your hand in his and lead you to the dining table. He motioned you to your seat while pulling your chair back. He took his position to sit across from you and next to your brother. He was such a gentleman that it made you question whether he was real – whether what you were feeling was real.
It wasn’t long after when guests started to say their goodbye’s and leave one by one. You looked around the room hoping Mingyu hasn’t left yet. As you were about to give up, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Mingyu looking down at you with a soft smile. His suit jacket now off and the first two buttons of his dress shirt now unbuttoned.
His hand made its way to the small of your back. “Come with me,” he whispered close to your ear. Hearing that sent shivers down your spine, at the back of your mind, you knew something was up. It wasn’t long until you reached a small indoor garden. Flowers of different kinds and colors lined up in rows stretching all the way to the ceiling. You were in awe by how beautiful the garden was, adorned with paper lanterns, a few benches, and a magnificent fountain at the center of it all.
“Y/N, I like you.”
You turned your head so fast to face Mingyu that it didn’t give him enough time to do what he had planned which was to hold your hand. You looked down and saw that he had retreated his hand from touching yours. A slight tug in your heart told you to step closer, and so you did. Which caused Mingyu to step back, he was afraid to touch you – afraid that if he did you might disappear.
“It’s okay, Mingyu, I like you too,” you reach for his hand and intertwined your fingers. You were surprised by your own composure given the rapid beating in your chest. You’ve had a crush on Mingyu ever since your older brother came home and introduced him to you. You recalled your first encounter and the way he screamed boyfriend material. Black shirt, bomber jacket, and jeans, he looked absolutely breath-taking in such a simple outfit.
He was so shy and awkward that you instantly fell in love. Mingyu was everything you wanted and more. Kind, funny, and honest. The way he would ramble about fashion and music had you falling even deeper down the rabbit hole. It was also worth noting how good he was at cooking. He would sometimes come over your house to practice football with your brother, and after a few games, he would make the best pasta you’ve ever tasted.
Mingyu’s breath and warm body brought you back to your senses. The way he was slowly closing the space between you two had blood rushing to your cheeks. He smiled to himself pleased with your reaction. Your hands landed on his toned chest as he leaned down to kiss you, and in a blink of an eye, your lips were locked together.
His arms wrapped themselves around your waist while one of your hands made its way up to the back of his neck. You felt his heart hammering against his chest with every rise and fall. It was so natural like your bodies just moved on its own accord already knowing what the other was gonna do next.
Mingyu gently bit down on your bottom lip in hopes of accessing more of you. You nodded in response knowing all too well what he wanted and once you opened your mouth to him it was like your tongues were dancing to the sound of Handel’s Ombra mai fù playing in the background. You pulled away from the heated kiss to look into his eyes. You leaned your forehead to touch his making your noses brush at the slightest movement. His dazzling dark brown eyes were now gleaming back at your now teary-eyed ones. He brought his hand to wipe away the tears running down your face.
“I’ve always dreamed of this moment,” you said in a murmur, and if it weren’t for how close Mingyu was to you he would have missed it. “You have no idea how many times I’ve pictured this in my head, but now that it’s finally happening.” Your head hung low after uttering the last syllable. You didn’t know how to continue, but thankfully Mingyu caught on.
“I know what you mean,” he began. “I’ve thought about you a lot lately, so when I heard you were coming, I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to tell you how I feel.” He hugged you tightly and you returned the loving gesture with a kiss on his cheek.
“I’m glad you feel the same way.”
He hummed in response which made your heart melt. He smelled like flowers, and you were like a honey bee attracted to his floral scent. For a while, Mingyu held you in his arms like that. Then soon after, you and he swayed to the sound of the music. Going into the ballroom that night, you didn't expect to leave with newfound love. You drifted off to the thought that you’d never be alone again.
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Rewatching Syren
The little mermaid is my favourite ondertale episode
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What kind of dystopia do these poor Parisians live in where stuff like this is happening even when there aren’t akuma attacks going on??? ignore Pocahontas in the corner okay that’s just the Disney Channel thing, the sequel sucks anyway
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Uh just a warning. So, I know in these rewatching ml posts I always harp on about Kimax this, Kimax that, Kimax Kimax Kimax. But the truth is that after 2 seconds of seeing Ondine onscreen I already wanted her to marry Kim so be prepared for me screeching over Kimdine a lot in this thing okay, I am TRASH and I’m not even sorry about it
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How much do you wanna bet Kim has broken every single one of these rules multiple times
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I love Ondine so much too, she’s basically buff freckly Ariel and she’s so cute oh my god freckles for days
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Okay so the sign’s in a bunch of different languages and I’m 99% sure Kim has ignored it many, many times
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He didn’t put his goggles on when he went underwater, and actually neither of their swimming caps cover all their hair ugh they’re both disasters, I love them
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She’s BLUSHING and everything how does Kim not notice this??? He’s all like “oh that boy you like must be so dumb lol” well yeah Kim, yeah HE IS
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Can I gush for a second about Ondine’s design?? They actually made her look like a swimmer, like with big shoulders and arms everything, and she’s fairly tall, and she’s got freckles everywhere (at least 40 on her face alone, I counted) and thick eyebrows and it all just makes her super GORGEOUS like yes can we get more character designs like these please?? (And KIM OH MY GOD LOOK AT YOU you’ve got it bad and you don’t even realize skdjfhksjdhkj)
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Oh btw Ondine’s bracelet is 023 and Kim’s is 024, in case you wanted some useless information
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we, as a fandom, are sleeping on the fact that Kim can stick his toe in his ear and that Ondine thinks it’s cute and this is actually a canon thing that is canon
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He even passes her the notebook with his feet?? Sometimes I wonder what she sees in him but then I remember I want to adopt him so like, there must be something
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Reason #3274598347 why Kimdine are a great couple: they really must trust each other a hell of a lot considering they literally have a game where they spill their secrets to each other, like, they’re already close friends and know so much about each other and oh okay I may be using this rewatching post to just gush about my fav underrated canon otp oops
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He still likes Chloé at this point? Really?? Really??? (And he’s just gonna casually leave the pool before knowing for sure that the animal attack is over? I guess he just expects to be able to outrun those panthers huh)
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In the English dub at this point he literally calls her a “little mermaid”, huh maybe that Pocahontas icon in the corner isn’t totally irrelevant after all (also he implies this is nowhere near the first time Ondine has tried to confess her feelings, so basically Kim can join Adrien in the “she’s just a friend” club)
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That eyeliner
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Grumpy Chat gives me life okay, it’s so funny to me for some reason
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Uh... it’s not just me who thinks Rena looks really, really pale, is it?
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Alya just straight-up flirts with Ladybug, she’s not even being subtle
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The lifeguard doesn’t even wait a second when Syren turns up, he just starts running, what a mood
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MARKOV IS BACK!!! MY LIL ROBOT BABY!!! And Max too, I’m always glad to see him
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I genuinely want to watch Mecha Monkey vs Cyber Shark 3 though
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Kim’s hair really Did That
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Question: did Markov need a ticket?
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Look at Kim in the background being sad that Chloé didn’t show up omg
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Tfw the guy you like is so oblivious that you cry enough to flood an actual city
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I’m actually really proud of Marinette, she’s been put into such a tough situation where she wants to tell Chat Noir the truth but isn’t allowed, and she’s trying to do something to change that because she trusts him and understands his frustration
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Mmmmm cronchy
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This lil elephant decor got me thinking, how cool would an elephant miraculous be?
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This poor boy is just sitting alone being emo when he’s attacked by the floods
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I’m not Plagg or anything but that stuff genuinely sounds really good okay
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My little brother’s reaction to Plagg hyperventilating into a sock was “big mood” and honestly? Tea
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CLASSMATES!!! Nino getting a slight amount of screentime!! Good stuff
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What’s Max up to? “Psst Markov, do you think Kim will ever love me?” He looks sad okay I wanna give him a hug
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Ah yes, my favourite companies, “Cinema Productions” and “Film Studio”
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Alya clinging onto Nino!!!
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An interesting thing is that while Syren is one of the nicest (if not THE nicest) akuma villains, I’m pretty sure she has the highest death toll by far. Tidal waves and mass flash-flooding in a major city?? Thousands and thousands of people have gotta be dead and you know it, like imagine if she’d accidentally killed Kim too, that would have been awkward
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Marinette and Alya being heroes and making sure everyone got out okay omg, they’re heroes even without the mask
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There really are not many survivors up on these rooftops, are there...
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Kim is just on another level of Iconic entirely??? Paris is flooded with his future bae’s tears and he puts on a swimming cap and goggles (which he doesn’t use) and immediately leaps into the water, and then tells Markov (who is a tiny robot and allergic to water) to learn to swim like a frog, what even goes through his brain
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*dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN*
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“KIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!” Here is the mandatory Kimax part of the rewatching post -- Max is so worried for Kim??? He’s the first one to react and the only one to like, properly react??? Ugh my multishipper heart
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The fact that Alix went to look means either she does at least slightly care about Kim, or she’s just super hyped to watch him drown, and I’m not sure which is funnier tbh she’s so fake though unlike Alya she just stands there not even trying to look
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Me trying to row anything, ever
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Alix has one single line in the entire episode and as usual, it’s the BEST line
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*physically restrains myself from making a Shape of Water reference because it’s been done so many times by now*
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My small brother laughs a lot at this scene because he says it reminds him of the time Chat Noir put a bowl on Prince Ali’s head and now I can’t unsee it
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This hurts me in my soul okay, she wants to tell him but she caaaaaan’t
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Huh, Fu managed to get a lot of stuff up on the roof with him, how’d he have time for that?
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Lemme just cover my nonexistent ears for a sec
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The best thing about this scene is that all the jokes Marinette tells aren’t even funny, I’m honestly cackling with laughter
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Also?? These new costumes??? I love them holy moly
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Fu has cobra venom... bro... listen I researched that stuff for a certain fic and uh you don’t want that stuff lying around, trust me, it is NOT A PLEASANT WAY TO GO
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I know my first reaction to this should not be laughter, but it’s just so funny seeing Adrien being bratty for once okay this is g r e a t, ah yes Paris being FLOODED and UNDER ATTACK is a very good time to take off your ring
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Heartfelt Plagg!!! I love him
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So uh... if Kim is Syren’s prince... does that make him... Prince Kim... AHEM ANYWAYS that throne she made for him is so cute and I can’t believe he doesn’t even care that he got kidnapped by an akuma villain ‘cause hey, it’s a hot shredded mermaid therefore Kim’s a scalie and it’s CANON
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So he’s all like “I’ve never seen a siren at the pool before??” which means that 1. He doesn’t realize she’s an akuma villain, he just genuinely thinks she’s a siren who actually lives in Paris, and 2. he knows what a siren is and doesn’t put 2+2 together that this particular siren has chosen him as prey and is luring him into staying underwater with her forever
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I legit think about this scene every single day. The writers were probably like “okay so we need a mermaid episode, which kid in the class would be most likely to be seduced by a m-- KIM. IT WOULD BE KIM.” He’s just realized this freckly fish is Ondine and that she’s in love with him and just... hhhh I have a lot of feels it’s like 1am okay
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He wants to be a merman so that he can swim fast, that’s so Kim of him I’m in tears omg, Syren doesn’t even care she’s just being a creepy fish with 100 freckles on her face (I counted) tempting him into staying with her at whatever cost
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Asjdhskdjhfksjd he KNOWS she’s an akuma villain and still wants to kiss her?? Well to be fair Ondine’s evil yandere mersona is very pretty and Kim never really uses his brain for thinking, so... yeah
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“Okay so I want to kiss u but I also wanna watch this movie DO U SEE MY DILEMMA” I love his reasoning so much
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My exact reaction on seeing Ladybug’s new outfit
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Look how happy she is to see Chatfish in his new costume!! Bless them both tbh, I’m a lil sad we didn’t get to see Aqua-Plagg though, how amazing would that have been
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Kim geeking out over their costumes is not only such a mood but also it’s adorable and oh shoot I ship him with Ladybug too, I have too many Kim ships I swear
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HE LOOKS SO SAD WHEN HE’S TALKING ABOUT HOW ONDINE GOT AKUMATIZED?? I’m like 99% sure at this point he’s realized he likes her too and probably feels so bad about unknowingly causing her to be upset enough to get akumatized omg my HEART okay I should stop endlessly gushing over Kimdine now shouldn’t I
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“You wanna know my secret???” Okay wait, was he... was he about to stick his toe in his ear in front of Ladybug
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Oooh do French numberplates actually do this thing? like, have numbers on top of each other like that? That’s pretty interesting
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I work at a doctor’s surgery and I can tell you now, even Master Fu’s handwriting is more legible than half the stuff I have to decipher written by those darn doctors
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I wonder what would happen if Tom actually ate one of those
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You gotta love how unsubtle that Frozer foreshadowing is
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For the first time in the episode, she’s actually wearing her goggles!
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The fact that he asks her out?? Using their secrets game?? Is just so sweet?? They just care about each other so much look at them?? Ugh just get married already you freaking scalie disaster jocks
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I know Nathalie’s sorting out a schedule but it kiiiinda looks like she’s playing Tetris lol
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On the one hand Gabe yelling at Nooroo makes me want to punch him, but on the other hand he’s literally asking outright how to become a mermaid
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THERE’S AQUA-PLAGG!! YES!!! I know this end card was more cringey originally and they changed it, but it’s still cringey ngl
(And idk where else to put this but fun fact: there’s a Septimus Heap book called Syren and it’s rly good, it doesn’t have any fishybugs and chatfish in it but it’s good)
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shslpunkartist · 2 years
Hi Punk! Lil Sis wanted me to wish you good luck on your comms today and we both hope you will get some silly comms one day! Also uhm that other post- the one where you were a lil freaked out over anon sending a question about Kim's Pico there- erm is it bad that I was admittedly curious about him too? As in general, I mean. Lil Sis also been curious too but now she feels maybe she should wait to ask later because, to quote her, "I don't want Punk think I'm a creepy meanie spy creeper" 😂
Oh yeah I forgot. Gonna just copy paste what Kim sent me
Under the readmore cuz it's long
I should start off that he and Pico's mom were in their early twenties when they had Pico. Why I mention this? Because he, by netherworld demon standards, IS still in his twenties. So he looks more like his son's twin instead of his father. His wife on the other hand has actually aged noticeably over the years due to her being human and all.
If you're wondering, yes, this has often cause confusion among people over the latter years. So many folks had mistook him for as his son's twin that it's pretty much a running gag at this point. Fortunately magic and non-humans are a thing in this universe; he doesn't say he's a demon since uh his kind is rather different than the ones in that universe are but he DOES say he does have some minor lineage of his side of the family that make it so he's stronger and more long-lived than normal humans. Which is also a thing in this universe too so the cover works. Still doesn't stop him from often needing some help from his wife to prove he's telling the truth lol
Oh and I know I probably said this before but my Pico's dad is nothing like Matthew. He might be considered a bit worrisome by human standards if only because uh haha this dork often forgets that certain things that would be normal and ok in netherworld demon society wouldn't be so in human society (like for example him wanting to slaughter this creep who wouldn't stop creeping on his wife, even saying yes to little Pico if he could help, only for him to get bonk on the head by his wife who had to pulled them aside to try her best to explain why he and their son cannot do that. Both him and lil Pico listened in the end but they were both very grumpy afterwards) but overall is a good man despite the hiccups.
Hell, you wanna know how he'd react if he were to have another child but unplanned like how Morgana was? Well, he'd admittedly be unsure at first and will talk things through with his wife if only cuz netherworld kids require a LOT of attention especially since even at young age they're ridiculously strong and durable and uhm prone to accidental destruction at times not kidding about that last bit btw
lil Pico once knocked over a FREAKING TREE while trying to show off how tough he was to some friends at elementary ended up giving the poor PE teacher a new heart attack because one minute they were helping a kid on the swing then the next SUDDENLY A FREAKING TREE IS HEARD SMACKING NEARBY School never found out it was lil Pico btw. Oh he and the kids who saw it said he done it but they didn't believe them because, well, y'know lol
but anyway getting back on track Pico's dad would've accepted the other child if his wife wanted it. It'd be best not to mention what Matthew done to him because… well, this guy would consider your Pico and his family as his own. Partially cuz that's just how he is, partially cuz instincts from his dragon lineage makes him very protective of those who he considers friends and family and wouldn't stand for any serious injustice to them.
So uh for him to learn about what Matthew had done? He'd be very upset on their behalf. Murderously so. His wife will need to step in to talk him down because this man will go out to find Matthew and slaughter him. Yes that might seem ridiculous for him to go do this since your Pico isn't actually his but, well, it wouldn't exactly be too unusual within netherworld demon society. I HAD mentioned netherworld demon's sense of morality is rather odd at times y'know so you can say this is another good insight to that lol I'd also like to add if your Pico and those of his family were to step in to talk him down then he'd listen. He'd be very dumbfounded at them doing this because why wouldn't you want that fucking bastard dead after everything he had done to all of you??? but he'd eventually albeit very reluctantly back down. He'll definitely be grumpy about it for awhile though lol
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folkloreguk · 7 years
🎄 December 3rd 🎄
A/N: Happy December! I decided to make a kpop-scenarios-advent-calendar for all of you! I will post at least every second day up until Christmas! They will either be fluff or smut, sometimes only small drabbles, sometimes long scenarios. And all my scenarios will be optional bias (male, at least in the smuts) so all of you can enjoy them! x
genre: smut
~3100 words
summary: You decide to bake cookies but have no eggs in the house. Who better to ask than your handsome neighbour?
here’s my jungkook advent calendar I did last year!
A/N: (we’re going to pretend the reader is on birth control, okay? Use protection, kids!) H/M means “his name” btw! Happy reading x 
When you got up that morning, you were perfectly rested and warm. Outside it was snowing peacefully, and you sipped your tea by the window, watching the snow flakes dance in the air. It was a Sunday and you had already decorated the entire house with Christmas items. It looked great. Lastly, you decided it would never fully be December if you didn't have cookies in the house. You were excited to bake. It had been a great day so far. Until you opened your fridge and realized you had no eggs at home.
You were stubborn, and when you were planning on making cookies, you were going to make them, one way or another. You thought about going out and buying a carton of eggs. Then you realized, it was Sunday. The shops were closed. You debated whether to go to your friend's place just a few minutes away and ask her for some eggs. But when you glanced out the window, your idea seemed not so great all of a sudden. The snow had become much heavier since the morning, the flakes having changed into big, white lumps that made it difficult to even see in front of you.
What a great excuse to ring the cute neighbor's doorbell. He had lived in the same house as you for a year now, but you had never really gotten to know him. Occasionally, you chatted in the elevator, or greeted each other when you met at the grocery store across the street. It was a shame you had never had the chance to talk to him more. But now you did.
Fixing your fluffy jumper, you walked out your apartment's door, straight down the hall. You grinned at the excitement of seeing him. You wondered, was he someone to wear ugly Christmas jumpers? Did he like the season? Would he be willing to give you some eggs in exchange for cookies? A little nervous, you rang his doorbell.
“Coming!” you heard him call from inside. Three seconds later, the door swung open. Your mouth parted slightly when you saw him. Not because he looked so good (which he certainly did). Because he was dressed as if he was going on an expedition to North Pole. He was hiding his hands in the sleeves of his thick jacket, a fluffy scarf covering his chin. His hair was sticking out of his beanie a little, looking soft as always.
“Oh…,” you started, “Are you going somewhere?”
“I'm not,” he answered right away. You tilted your head in confusion. “My heater broke.”
You couldn't help but grin at how he was dressed, and he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he chuckled as his eyes lowered to his thick jacket.
“Can't you let it get fixed?” you asked, at the same time feeling sorry for him.
“I will, but the guy said they only have time to come over in the evening,” he explained. Only now you noticed his cute fluffy socks. He looked adorable and you were trying not to grin anymore. You didn't think much about your next words.
“You should come over to my apartment meanwhile! You can't stay here freezing all afternoon,” you exclaimed. He gave you a sweet smile.
“I'm alright, really,” he said. You were about to protest, but something else caught your attention. The elevator doors behind you opened, revealing your old neighbor.
“Miss Kim, let me help you,” he instantly said, watching the old woman exit the elevator, hands full of bags. You rushed to her as well, grabbing one of them. You wondered where she could come from, with full bags on a Sunday.
“Thank you, children,” she said, making you chuckle. She always called you 'child', even though you were technically an adult. As she opened her apartment's door, you eyed your handsome neighbor again. Then, you handed the old lady her bag, smiling again at her thankfulness and wishing her a good afternoon.
“Seriously, you can't stay in that cold apartment, H/N,” you said again, when it was only the two of you again.
“Wouldn't it bother you, to have me hanging around in your apartment?” he asked, unsure.
“No!” you almost yelled, trying to look less enthusiastic than you were. “I'd feel bad knowing you're cold and alone here.”
“That's really sweet, thanks,” he said, and then followed you. “It's Y/N, right?”
You nodded, happy that he remembered your name after all. You showed him the way into your apartment, waiting patiently as he peeled off his warm clothes. You couldn't hold back a laugh when he turned your way and you discovered the jumper he was wearing. It was red, with an obnoxiously gigantic reindeer on the front. Its red nose was a small pompom that had been sewed on.
“Don't laugh!” he complained. “It's the warmest thing in my wardrobe and I couldn't care less about fashion when I'm cold!”
But as he realized you wouldn't stop giggling, he laughed too, looking down at the animal on his sweater. So, he might not have been the biggest fan of ugly Christmas jumpers, but he sure as hell owned one.
“You've got it nice here, I might not leave at all,” he joked. The way he talked made you laugh. It was comfortable, as if you had known him for years. To be fair, you had known him for a while, but only faintly. You barely knew anything about him.
“I like company,” you joked back, and the smile he gave you made your heart beat fast. You had gotten lucky, living next to such a handsome person. “So, what do you do when you wanna have fun?”
For the next half hour, you talked, about everything and nothing. You made two cups of tea, and he explained how he was working at a music label, and was trying to work his way up so he could compose his own songs and maybe even sing for a living. You were impressed when he showed you his talent. His voice was beautiful to say the least. Then he told you how he loved animals and wanted to get a dog, but he was afraid he wouldn't have enough time for it, especially after his girlfriend had left him a year ago. Now the flat was always empty when he was gone. You couldn't help but feel relieved to hear he was single.
“What about you? Do you live here alone?” he asked, supporting his head in his palm.
“I do,” you answered. “No pet, no boyfriend.”
He smiled, and you could have sworn he leaned an inch closer to your head. For a few seconds you looked into his warm eyes. He watched you as if he was trying to read you, as if he was trying to know you better by just looking. When your eyes lowered, you noticed his sweater paws. Of course you had to ruin the moment.
“Are you still cold? I can turn up the heater if you want, or you can borrow a blanket,” you offered with a rushed voice. He smiled, but shook his head.
“I'm fine. This…is just a habit,” he admitted, lifting his hands. How could someone be this inhumanly cute and hot at the same time? Suddenly, he chuckled.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Oh, it's…nothing,” he answered, a little shy. “I just had a stupid thought.”
“Tell me!” you insisted. “I won't judge you.”
He seemed to think for a second, grinning at you mischievously.
“I just thought about how people in movies always have sex to keep warm,” he said. You choked on your tea in surprise. You coughed, knocking your hand onto your chest in an attempt to gain your breath. For a moment, you tried to cover up your shock, thinking about what to say. Was he trying to initiate something or was he simply making conversation? You regretted not knowing him better.
“You know what? I think that only works in movies,” you told him your opinion. “You're naked, after all. How are you supposed to be warmer than if you just used a blanket?”
He laughed at your comment.
“That's an interesting theory,” he said. “But you've obviously never had sex the right way.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” you asked, offended, hiding the fact that you had just managed to not choke on your tea, again.
“If you'd had, you would know that it can keep you warmer than any blanket in the world,” he stated, looking at you convincingly. The tension in the air had suddenly changed. You felt your fast pulse, and the way you tried to avoid his stare failed terribly. Not knowing what to say, you shook your head, attempting to push away the dirty thoughts. You reached for the two cups and got up, carrying them to the sink in your kitchen. It was an open kitchen, and you could practically feel his eyes burning into your back. You'd wanted to get closer to him. But this close? When you spun around, you jumped. He was standing right behind you, grinning.
“Do you want me to prove my words?” he asked, his voice deep and husky. You could see he was impatient, but he waited for your answer without pressuring you, which you appreciated. But after all, you were going to say yes either way.
You simply stepped forward, closing the space between the two of you. That's how they did it in the movies, right? His hands instantly grabbed your sides, pulling you even closer. When he kissed you, he tasted of peppermint tea, his lips soft but his tongue rough. The fact that there were at least four layers of clothing between your upper bodies frustrated you immensely. No matter how close you pressed yourself to him, you didn't feel what you needed to feel. While his hands were running along your sides, you took the front of his sweater, pulling him with you towards the living room. You were a stumbling mess, kissing and trying not to fall over in the process. When the back of your legs touched the sofa, he pulled your jumper upwards and you lifted your arms, making it easier for him. His sweater followed right away, and you couldn't help but grin at the reindeer one more time. With it, he had shed off his shirt he had worn underneath. Now you admired the smooth skin of his abdomen, making you even more impatient.
Then, you let yourself sink back, pulling him down with you, so he was laying between your thighs. His lips sunk down to your neck, kissing you softly. The way he added more pressure now and then made you feel dizzy. You let out a quiet sigh, closing your eyes at the sensation. His hands teased you, playing with the hem of your thin shirt and running over your still covered boobs. You were only wearing thin leggings, and the way he ground his growing bulge against your crotch drove you almost insane. A small moan left your lips He chuckled, making you confused.
“What?” you mumbled. He was in the process of pulling up your shirt, kissing his way up your stomach. His hot breath against your skin made you forget about the cold outside.
“I didn't think I was gonna hear that from you so soon,” he said. Then, he hesitated, looking at you. “I'm sorry. I'm not usually this…I usually need a few dates, but you're just…you're so…”
You blushed, but were quick to reply.
“It's okay! Do you think we'd be doing this if I had a problem with that?” you asked. He chuckled gladly. Then, he lowered his head, finally pulling up your shirt completely. You lifted your upper body, aiding him in shedding off the material. Right away, his hands went to your back, opening your bra and taking it off you. He didn't waste a second and began kissing your boobs softly. You had trouble keeping in another moan when his lips wandered to the valley of your breasts and his hands toyed with your nipples, then letting them run down your sides to your hips. Another time his crotch ground against yours. This time, it was his turn to groan in frustration. It was raspy and low, making your breath hitch in your throat. You wanted to press your legs together for more friction, but you couldn't. His kisses traveled down your belly, teeth nibbling at your hips. His fingers dug into your waistband, exposing more skin for him to kiss.
“H/N, please,” you begged, wanting him to stop wasting time.
“My heater's only gonna be fixed in the evening,” he argued and chuckled. “We can take our time.”
You groaned in annoyance.
“What if I don't want to?” you asked. He laughed a little. His hair fell in his face messily and he was biting his lip, looking up at you. Your heart skipped a beat. Finally, he grabbed the material of your leggings, pulling them down your legs, along with your underwear.
His breath fanned over your folds, making you lose every last bit of patience you'd had left. He chuckled when he ran one of his fingers over your clit, realizing just how wet you were because of him. He pressed his thumb down, making you whimper weakly. You were sensitive and needed much more than this. Then, you felt his tongue. It was slow at first, as if testing what you liked most. Although at this point, you would have liked anything. He got more confident as the seconds went on, and you felt yourself become weaker.
He had found your sweet spot, but knew exactly what to do to tease you just the right way. He would pay attention to it for a while, licking and sucking quickly, building up your high. Then, he would suddenly stop, finding a different spot and changing his pace. You were a moaning and whimpering mess. His name fell from your lips repeatedly, begging him without words to let you cum, but he seemed to enjoy watching you squirm.
“Are you still cold, sweetheart?” he suddenly asked, barely detaching his lips from your swollen clit. You answered with a whimper as vibrations went through you, only making you more impatient.
“What was that?” he asked again, grinning cheekily.
“No, I'm not-” you began, but cried out in pleasure again when he hungrily attacked your sweet spot again. This time, he didn't tease. He didn't slow down. He didn't stop. Stars sparkled behind your eyelids when you closed them. Your fingers tangled in his locks and you whimpered softly. Arching your back, you pulled his hair, but he didn't even blink. His hands held onto your thighs tightly, even when you wriggled under the intensity of your orgasm.
You didn't breathe for a few seconds, then you rung for air. He pulled away slowly, watching as your chest heaved and eyes fluttered. You searched for words, but there weren't any on your mind. Your eyes fell onto his pants. More, onto the bulge at the front, and you instantly tried to collect yourself. Lifting your upper body onto your elbows, you reached for his belt.
“Let me,” you began, but he grabbed your hands. His fingers closed around your wrists and he pushed them down on both sides of your head. For a moment you wondered how he could stay this calm.
“It's okay,” he said. Even though you had just cum, you felt more than turned on. He was on his knees between your thighs, hands playing with his black belt to get it off. He was biting his lips in concentration and his arm muscles flexed when he pulled the leathery material forcefully.
You sucked in a breath when he yanked down his pants, showing off his hard member. His jaw flexed as he pumped himself a few times, still on his knees. You weren't sure whether he didn't want to you move your hands from beside your head, but you were too intimidated to find out. So you let them by your side, waiting as he lowered his hips to fit yours. He gave you a look before entering you. You simply nodded, nothing but him on your mind.
You both sighed in release when he finally began sliding into you. He was slow at first, pulling out almost all the way just to push right into your g-spot again. He was still holding himself on his knees, pushing his hips forward forcefully. Then, he leaned lower, his face getting closer to yours. His hands wrapped around your wrists again. You couldn't help but watch his arm muscles flex beside your head.
“This… is how to keep warm,” he muttered, smirking down at you. Then, he suddenly snapped his hips into you, and it was as if he had changed his attitude completely. You moaned in response, joining his content groans. The way his hips moved was heavenly. The way they fit into yours made you regret not talking more to him earlier. He moaned your name, making you look up at him. The pleasure mixed with his facial expression overwhelmed you. His brows were furrowed, his cock brushing over your sweet spot so fast, you could barely keep your eyes open. When he let go of your wrists, he bent lower, until your chests were touching. He was right. His skin felt burning hot against yours, and you never wanted him to pull away. By the way he bit his pink lips and had his eyes shut tightly, you could tell he was close, though.
You swore under your breath, watching him closely. Your hands flew to his hair, pulling roughly while he lowered his head. His hot breath went over your lips before kissing you messily, tongue running over your lips. You tasted peppermint and his own perfect scent you knew you could get used to. Your hands ran down his back, digging your nails into his muscles. He swore and moaned your name again, letting you know he was coming. The sounds he made were raw and low, making your head spin. His thrusts sped up through his high, eyes still closed tightly.
With the seconds, he slowed down, as his gorgeous eyes opened in exhaustion. You whimpered one last time as he pulled out carefully. He grinned at you happily before rolling to the side, so he lay on his back next to you. You watched his chest heave as if in trance. For some reason, it made you feel calm. Then, the realization hit you. You just had sex with your hot neighbor. After all this time of drooling over him, it felt almost unreal.
“I just remembered something,” he said all of a sudden. You turned your head, giving him a questioning gaze. “You rang my doorbell earlier, but never told me why.”
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sevngmin · 7 years
family doctor!seungmin
a/n:  it was hard to find pictures of clinics;-; so i tried to go according to colour scheme! this fic is also dedicated to the 2 seungmin stans, annie and jupiter,, i hope yall like it^^// request
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seungmin... graduated at the top of his class for family medicine
cute looks+good grades?? destined to do well fam
eventually he became a doctor in seoul national univ. hospital, one of the top hospitals in seoul
his niche wasnt really paediatrics but he enjoyed the company of children that the ceo gave him the offer in the department
seungmin declined, choosing to stay in family medicine
however patients who are fairly young are always numbered to his room so its all good
sometimes he’s on ER(emergency room) duty and 80% of female patients develop an instant crush on him
its funny cause when he measures their heart rate it spikes abnormally high and he gets flustered, “why is your heart rate so high?”
and doesnt notice the growing blush in their cheeks
anyhow, that was on rare occasions when he needs to cover duties for his colleague and close friend, jeongin
seungmin always wears this white coat with pororo stickers decorated on his name tag
coat pockets filled with candy and stickers to reward the children for behaving well
really hates to administer injections as he really doesnt want to hurt the children
but for the sake of their health he had to
and shower them with loads of candies and stickers after that
sometimes he’s also a FPC(first patient clinic) doctor
fpc: a doctor assigned to a particular patient with complicated problems, to avoid confusion, these patients go to the same doctor consequently for their diagnosis and reports
and when he sees familiar faces his eyes light up 10 times more, eyes crinkling into crescents
he’s just so friendly, children dont even hate going to the doctor’s because of him
while checking their lungs seungmin would squat down to their eye-level to talk to them, to distract them
children willingly open their mouths to let him check their tonsils too
children rarely cry during his consulations, because seungmin is that good with children
and they go out happy
which makes you wonder what kind of spell seungmin casts on the kids to make them happy
you, a permanent in the ER, deal with all sorts of people everyday
frantically rushing in every minute, life and death right at its doorstep
sometimes you see seungmin in the ER for cover duty, and he was definitely a sight for sore eyes
but you never approached him, not wanting him to see you in messy hair and makeup almost all gone
you always see him cooped up in his room during lunch break, and you also didnt have the courage to ask him out for lunch, since the both of you werent close either
in reality, seungmin always cooks his own lunch and saves them in a bento to eat during lunch break
its much more economical and healthy, the only times he eats from outside are company gatherings or jeongin forcing him to come along which he would immediately agree imo
seungmin’s cooking is actually one of the best out of all of the doctors, since he lives alone and living on ramen wasnt exactly the healthiest
which lowkey explains why he’s so damn smart, both booksmart and streetsmart
strangely, he hasnt have much experiences with girls
all of his knowledge are from romcom kdramas btw
but he does know how to be a gentleman around girls,, a huge plus point
aNYWHO the gods decided to shine on you and seungmin was in ER duty for this whole month
because jeongin was down with pneumonia, and was unfit for duty
definitely not missing out naggings from seungmin saying he should stop eating churros
you knew jeongin fairly well, as your same-shift colleague in the ER with a very cute friend
and when he was down with pneumonia you didnt know whether to thank him or kill him
because, seungmin would take over jeongin, which meant he would be on the same shift as you
you got to see him, but also you didnt want him to see you
what will he think of you? will he hate you? many questions filled your mind
all of them were forgotten the moment seungmin approached you to say hi
“hi, im seungmin! im from the family doctors’ side, but im here to cover jeongin for the month. and ive seen you around, but i didnt really catch your name.”
“i-i’m y/n! im a permanent here. jeongin’s friend too.” you stuttered, which made seungmin giggle
you stared at him weirdly, which made him clear his throat, “im sorry i mustve offended you.”
“no... its fine. i understand that ER duty isnt the best and we’re on night duty too.”
seungmin looked slightly offended at your rebuttal, but still regained his composure
usually, there werent many patients at night but there was this one little boy who couldnt stop crying because of a high fever
you were flustered, as jeongin was the one who always tended to younger patients
just then, a knight in white armour(quite literally) came rushing by your side to placate the crying child
the child stopped crying as soon and seungmin tended to him, and the whole consultation was just a breeze
the poor child had suffered from chicken pox, and he had to be isolated in a different room in the hospital
both you and seungmin were sad, the child would be both lonely and in pain(?)
since the child brought down the mood for the both of you, you decided to get 2 cups of hot cocoa to cheer him and yourself up
“don’t worry. the child will get better.” you patted his arm(which was your boldest move of the day), handing him the hot cocoa
he looked at you with puppy eyes, the brightening up slightly, “i hope he will.”
“he will, with your expertise, im sure he will soon.” you comforted, unaware that seungmin’s heart was beating wildly at your comment.
seungmin was practically skipping back home when his shift ended
now night shifts wasnt as suckish anymore with you around seungmin
the both of you would always joke around with each other, you “accidentally” squirting saline solution onto seungmin and he’d be like
“hEy y/n this would be a good time to express my affection for you!!”
you’d be like nell ho bc 1. you didnt want to get soaked and 2. too close for your heart to function properly
mostly 2.
but the both of you stop your playful banter until chan came along to tell the both of you off to “stop acting like a love-struck couple”
even after his duty in the ER, seungmin would approach you for lunch break, to jeongin’s surprise
hes like, “hyung, you never ever ask me to go for lunch”
“im sick of my food anyway”
“sStop LyING i know you like y/n”
“i suddenly love jjangmyeon lets order some and share with her”
sometimes seungmin would cook you a bento too, knowing youre too busy
tbh you were starting to catch on a lil but you didnt want to give yourself false hope
until one day jeongin steps in to play cupid
sOoooo jeongin tells you that seungmin needs help with some wound dressing thingy
which you nearly wanted to question him but went with it anyway
and when youre in seungmin’s room there was no patient, only seungmin attentively typing away on his desktop
and he was wearing black-rimmed round glasses with slightly curled hair
a whole boyfriend look ngl
but you shook that off, asking seungmin if he needed help with anything
seungmin tilted his head in confusion, “no..?”
just then, the lock of the door went click, signalling that it was locked
“jeongin.” the both of you sighed in unison, shaking your heads
you were unsure of what to do, so you just released your ponytail and sat on the examination bed
“rough day?” seungmin speaks up, gulping slightly
“yeah, there were so many patients today.” you sighed, “even the nurses werent enough to help.”
“stop talking and confess already!” you hear jeongin’s voice at the other side of the door, as the both of you widened your eyes
“confess... what?” seungmin laughed awkwardly
“yeah... what?” you smiled awkwardly, avoiding seungmin’s eyes
seungmin decided that he needed to man up and say something about it, so he just got up from his seat and brisk-walked towards you
and he cups your face ever so gently and says,
“can i kiss you?”
you were flustered, and nodded meekly
and yes that was you and seungmin’s first kiss and love
young love
when will i ever
anyhow!! seungmin would always pick you up from home to the hospital and vice versa
sometimes he stays over at your place,, your mom doesnt mind
because!whatta sweet man bringing my daughter home!!so that she saves on train fares
seungmin shocks you everytime you find out something new about him
just like at a company gathering, all of the doctors gathered at a karaoke and seungmin went up first with a day6 song
and his vocals?? sWOON
and next he sang stitches and had hes eyes on you all the time
but heres the thing... the both of you cant let the entire hospital find out about your relationship if you wanna live in peace
so the both of you are like business terms until you step out of the hospital lol
would make you food! Everyday!
and also eat with you during lunch
wouldnt mind ER duties bc ur there
highkey wants to send a complaint to make you work at paediatrics so yall can see each other more often
backhugs! are! a! thing!
be it seungmin hugging you or you hugging him... the both of you live for hugs
likes to link pinkies
star watching at the rooftop... peaceful
with hot chocolate in hands too
there was once you got really sick and had to stay home
seungmin was dead worried he even took days off to take care of you
doctor kim doesnt only take care of kids
his masters aint for nothing
people started to wonder why the both of you were off work at the same time lol but they just shrugged it off
except jeongin
jeongin wants the both of you to get married
and the both of you do
the whole hospital didnt know of your relationship until you started to send out wedding invitations
“youre getting married to dr kim?? seungmin?? from our hospital??” was prolly the most asked question after “congrats! when are yall having kids??”
you were lucky it was a secret till you marriage lol
fast forward to when you gIve birth wOOSH
isnt this bonus too much of one
seungmin didnt want to faint so he was just by your side helping you keep c a l m
you had much more strength than he thought you would so he smiled:)thru:)the:)pain:)
you were in more pain so he understood that
you gave birth to a lil bby girl aww
your husband couldnt be more happy
finally someone made use of his medical knowledge to take care of his daughter
subconciously mumbles medical terms to his daughter in attempts to make her fall asleep
“seungmin... if you continue doing this... our daughter will graduate med school at 5.”
it does work better than classical music tho ngl
your daughter indeed took after her dad.. learning how to walk at 8 months and talk at 10 months
you would sometimes bring her to work and people always tell you that shes a carbon copy of seungmin
big eyes, milky white skin... yeah
has a pic of the three of you on his desk its just so endearing
“is that your child?”
“yes its my daughter and beautiful wife!!!”
and you actually brought your daughter into seungmin’s clinic... he turned into a puddle of goo
such a fool for his daughter smh
and a fool for you too
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weebrecs · 7 years
Can you recommend BL Manwha? Your BL anime list was epic btw
Thank you so much! I love Manhwas myself. For anyone who doesn’t know they are Korean Comics. Here is a recommendation list for some of the ones that I’ve read. I’ve marked the Mature ones with (***)
19 Days (7/10): This one tells the story of high schoolers going about their daily life and the silly situations they get themselves into as they try and work on their relationships, friendships, and social lives. If you’re looking for a good laugh this is the one for you. The thing I didn’t like is that the releases of the chapters are only a few pages long and the story feels a little disjointed. Of course the main couple swears that they are “just friends” but it’s very obvious where the doubt comes from. This is currently still on-going with over 200 chapters. Comedy, School Life, Slice of Life
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A Guy Like You (10/10): Go Siwon suddenly wakes up in a dream with a classmate that he rarely talks to and is asked if he remembers what they did during the freshmen retreat when they all got drunk. The supernatural element is heavy in this one where two boys share the same dreams and slowly grow together in their waking hours. I cannot rave about this manhaw enough: the art is beautiful, the story is captivating, and the characters are so lovable. This is currently on-going with a little over 30 chapters. Drama, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Romance
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All About Lust (7/10): After seeing his upperclassmen’s artwork Wooseung decides that he will confess, and his confession is easily accepted. Only problem is that his upperclassmen’s idea of love and lust are a little muddled. In order to mend their twisted relationship Wooseung must find the middle between love and lust. This one started off really strong, but I’m not a super fan of the new couple or the most recent chapters. However, I still think that it’s worth the read. It’s still on-going with a little over 30 chapters. Drama, Slice of Life, Mature, Romance
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At the End of the Road (9/10): Taemin suddenly has a dream about a man he has never meet before and watches him try to commit suicide.  The next day Taemin is hit by a truck and when he wake up he finds that he’s no longer in his own body, but the body of the man that he watched last night in his dream. He later learns that his body didn’t survive the accident. He believes that he has switched bodies with the man from his dreams, and now he must live the other man’s life. However, a handsome man from his childhood identifies Taemin and swears to protect him. I feel like I used up my lifetime of “oh shit’s” reading this. There are so many twists and turns with this story. It’s currently on-going with over 35 chapters. Supernatural, School life, Romance
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***Blood Bank (10/10): This is my favorite one on the list hands down. Shell Overlord is a powerful vampire who suddenly becomes very interested in a human named One who works as a banker. In this world humans are treated like livestock and their blood is collected every month to feed the vampires that rule all. However, one day One finds himself standing over Shell as the vampire asks, “Please, step on me.” Shell is an abnormal that must hide the fact that he loves to be dominated by humans, but can he really get One’s love when One has already promised to harden his heart against this cruel world? This has currently finished publishing and has 61 chapters. Mature, Drama, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Vampires
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H&H Roman Company (8/10): God has decided that since humans have become so self-reliant and aren’t asking for any help that he will put all of his angels and demons into a company and make them work along side the humans. Ginger is born of both an angel and demon parent. He declares that his angel side is stronger so that he can join his childhood best friend Rum as a pair (pairs are made of one angel and one demon) together they struggle to come to terms with their feelings for each other. This is currently completed with 33 chapters. Comedy, Drama, Supernatural, Slice of Life, Romance, Childhood Friends
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Heart Silent (8/10): Hyeon-Jin’s heart has never beat a day in his life, and then one day he stumbles across Chan. Since then his heart will randomly start beating whenever they’re together. Hyeon-Jin is terrified of his heartbeat, but he doesn’t want to stop meeting Chan. This one is on-going and currently has over 30 chapters. Unlike the others this one is slow-paced and everything is just starting to get rolling, but it’s still very cute. Slice of Life, Drama, Comedy, Romance
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***Killing Stalking (8/10): This one is not for someone who’s weak of heart. The story tells of a stalker, Yoon Bum, who falls in love with a man that happens to be a serial killer. The serial killer, Sangwoo, keeps Yoon Bum prisoner in his house as they do dreadful things together from torture to killing people. At first I think I was so shocked that everything was happening and that’s why I kept reading, but now I can tell you that I think the creepiness has ebbed. I don’t really like this manhwa, but I think I keep reading because I’m curious on how it will end. This is still on-going with currently about 30 chapters.  Psychological, Thriller, Horror, Mature
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***Lover Boy (8/10): Eunho once asked Jaeha to be his, but it was too late he was already getting married. However, now they meet again after Jaeha’s divorce and now the time for new love has arrived. Sadly Jaeha is going out with another man in order to try and help himself forget his feelings for Eunho, but Eunho refuses to give up on their love. This is currently on-going with almost 30 chapters. Romance, Slice of Life, Drama
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Meeting Him (10/10): This is one of the fluffiest things on this list. One day Shiwoo finds an unconscious man wearing traditional clothing outside of his apartment. Shiwoo brings the man into his house only to find that the man is an ancient prince, Jun, that time traveled to find his lover. In Jun’s time his lover is dying of a unknown disease, but in this time Shiwoo is fine but he doesn’t know Jun. Shiwoo and Jun’s lover have the same three moles on their shoulder making Jun think Shiwoo is his lover. I read everything that was translated in one sitting and I’m dying inside. It’s so cute and I need more. This is currently on-going with just over 15 chapters. Romance, Slice of Life, Drama, Comedy 
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Raising a Bat (10/10): The cover makes this look like it’s going to be a naughty kind of manhwa, but that couldn’t be more of a lie. Park Min Gyeom has a problem: his body produces too much blood. In order to rid himself of all of the blood he usually donates it, but one day he’s attacked by a vampire. Said Vampire actually is the socially awkward Kim Chun Sam. Together they form a strange relationship as blood provider and vampire. Slowly their feelings for each other start to grow. This is currently complete with 58 chapters, but extras for the story are currently still coming out. Romance, Comedy, Supernatural, Vampire, School Life
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***Royal Servant (10/10): I know that when I started this I was like “Interesting, but not my favorite.” Now I’m super invested in their happiness. This tells the story of Kyon who works for Lucaon who is a Royal Blood/Master with supernatural powers. Lucaon’s parents were poisoned causing him not to trust any of the servants or get close to any of them. However, this all starts to change when he notices Kyon and learns that Kyon has a crush on him. Thus starts their Master/Servant relationship and the thawing of Lucaon’s heart. This is currently on-going with over 30 chapters. Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural
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***Window Beyond Window (9/10): They’ve been childhood friends for as long as they could remember.  Yubin has been in love with Shin-Ginu for the past six years and now they are living next door to each other. One night Shin-Ginu sees Yubin playing with his ass and now their strange relationship is about to take off. They both love each other, but neither will admit it. They’re super adorable and funny. I read everything that was translated in one sitting. This is currently on-going with over 20 chapters. Romance, Slice of life, School Life, Childhood friends
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***You JIn (9/10): You Jin is a terrible drunk and did something that he shouldn’t have (give a blow job to a stranger) now said stranger has returned to his room and wants to start a serious relationship with him. Slowly their relationship starts to grow closer after they start being honest with each other. When I started this one I was a little confused because of the lie, but then it made sense. This is currently complete with 16 chapters and a few extras. Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life 
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V x MC x Saeyoung - Satisfied
[ Admin IU ] [ Hamilton! AU ] [ Listen to Satisfied! also the animation is great! And so you can understand the story better! ]  [ Btw guys, if you want me to make Saeyoung as Eliza, just tell me~ ] 
It was Jihyun and MC’s wedding. It has been a few years since they have been in a relationship and today is the day they finally became theirs forever. Jihyun and MC were sat together, their grins and never ending thank yous to their friends that surrounded them happily in this formal event. Saeyoung, chosen to be the best man, and of course, MC’s sister as the maid of honor Zen is pissed drunk and he stumbled in the middle of the room, holding a champagne glass. It was a small musical thing the rest of the RFA and their friends prepared. Zen, raised his glass full of champagne and yelled. 
“Alright, alright! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Now everyone give it up to the best man, 707!”  Saeyoung stepped in, with a glass in hand; he was also drunk. “A toast to the groom! A toast to the bride! (RFA and others; To the groom to the groom! To the bride! To the bride!)
From your best friend, (Seven, Seven Seven) Who’s always by your side!  To your union! (To the union, to the revolution!) To your union, you provide and the hope that you provide. May you always, be satisfied.” He sang, his eyes locking with MC’s and she smiled at him and he felt the stab in his chest. He stared at nothing at all as there was a blur of events and he was back in the night. The first night where he saw MC personally. The night he could never forget because the pain was unbearable to him. 
Rewind, rewind
Helpless, sky’s, sky’s Drownin’ in ‘em Drownin’, rewind I remember that night, I just might (rewind) I remember that night, I just might (rewind) I remember that night, I remember that
Saeyoung walked in the RFA party, a smile on his face as he saw Jaehee greeting the guests and checking on them as usual. Her formal self so busy on the guests that she didn’t notice Saeyoung pass by until he patted her shoulder.  He entered, eyes scanning the room for the people he wanted to look for. Yoosung, Zen and Jumin seemed to be surrounding a lady. Based from his observation and eye scanning from down to up, the lady was wearing a red dress that hugged her waist and elegantly flowing down. The straps on her shoulder and her hair, perfectly combed was sitting on her shoulder. His eyes moved to her face that was being almost covered by the boys. Sighing, he went to check the fuzz over and he recognized that voice as he came closer. MC. He was greeting her and she smiled, waving at him and practically, he can feel his cheeks burning. The boys went to get a drink and MC pulled him to the terrace to get some fresh air. Their conversation was as clear as glass to him.
  I remember that night, I just might Regret that night for the rest of my days I remember those soldier girls Tripping over themselves to win our praise I remember that dreamlike candlelight Like a dream that you can’t quite place But MC, I’ll never forget the first time I saw your face I have never been the same Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame And when you said “Hi,” I forgot my dang name Set my heart aflame, ev'ry part aflame This is not a game..
“ You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied.” MC was staring at the moon with a smile but she turned to him, eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Saeyoung scoffed loudly. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about. You forget yourself.”
“You’re like me, I’m never satisfied!” MC giggled, hugging him. Wow, she’s kinda tipsy. “Is that right?”  “I’ve never been satisfied.”  “My real name is… Saeyoung Choi.” He took a step backwards and bowed, taking her hand and kissing the knuckles as he looked up at her. “MC ___.”
“MC, where’s your family from?” 
“Unimportant,  There’s a million things I haven’t done but Just you wait, just you wait…” And with that, MC winked and left to go inside as she saw Jaehee come in. Saeyoung’s heart sped up and in his mind, he was already internally screaming. 
So so so… so this is what it feels like to match wits With someone at your level! What the hell is the catch? It’s the feeling of freedom, of seein’ the light It’s Ben Franklin with a key and a kite! You see it, right? The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes Ev'rything we said in total agreement, it’s A dream and it’s a bit of a dance A bit of a posture, it’s a bit of a stance She’s a bit of a flirt, but I'mma give it a chance I asked about her fam'ly, did you see her answer? Her hands started fidgeting, she looked askance? She’s penniless, she’s flying by the seat of her dress Beautiful boy, does she know it! Peach fuzz, and she can’t even grow it! Saeyoung stared at her from the outside as she was inside, chatting it up with the other guests that were here because of her hard work. They seem to really like her. He was walking inside to find V to talk to him about a few things before he looked at him and he was staring at MC (he got the surgery pls) and he was..
Helpless. His eyes widened in fear and realization. The realization that Jihyun might also love MC. And he knows he is helpless. And his eyes are just helpless. and he realized. Three fundamental truths at the same time.  He walked to MC and he could see, from the corner of his eyes, Jihyun’s face fell to a shocked trance and got a little sad. His hand grabbed hers and she turned to him, a smile on her face. Saeyoung lead the way to the one and only Jihyun. “Where are you taking me, Saeyoung?” “I’m going to change your life.” MC was taken aback and she let out a hearty chuckle. “Then by all means, lead the way!”
First truth: 
I’m a boy in a world in which My only job is to marry rich My father has no daughters so I’m the one Who has to social climb for one So I’m the oldest and the wittiest and the hidden in Seoul City is insidious And MC is penniless  Ha! That doesn’t mean I want her any less
They were in front of Jihyun and he bowed. “Jihyun Kim. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Jihyun Kim… Ah! V?” MC’s eyes sparkled, looking at Saeyoung and he playfully winked. “The one and only.” They were actually conversing. 
Second truth: 
She’s being nice to me because I’m an RFA member too That elevates her status, I’d Have to be naïve to set that aside Maybe that is why I introduce her to Jihyun Now that’s her groom Nice going, Saeyoung, she was right You will never be satisfied
“If it takes fighting everything for us to meet, it’d be worth it.” She smiled, seeing Jihyun take her hand elegantly and he pressed his lips on her knuckles and Saeyoung just smiled. “I’ll leave you to it.” And he left, his heart clenching. It hurts. 
Third truth:  I know Jihyun like I also know my own mind You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind If I tell him I love her, he’d be silently resigned  She’d be mine He would say ‘I’m fine.’ HE’D BE   L Y I N G ! 
But when I fantasize at night It’s MC’s eyes As I romanticize what might Have been if I hadn’t sized Her up so quickly  At least my dear friend’s her groom  At least I keep her eyes in my life.. 
The room was dead silent, and everyone was staring at Saeyoung. His eyes were watering and he had wide eyes. 
“Seven, are you okay?
But, he snapped out of it and just yelled happily, raising his glass violently, causing some of it to spill on the floor.  
“To the groom! (To the groom! 3x) To the bride! (To the bride! 3x)  From your best friend (Seven! 3x) Who is always by your side (by your side!)  To your union (To the union! To the revolution!) And the hope that you provide (You provide!)” May you always… Be satisfied {Be satisfied} She will never be satisfied I will never be satisfied
Check out our masterlist!
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