#nothing will humble you like your dentist looking at your teeth and immediately asking
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year ago
ive had the displeasure of having my dental (and physical and mental but yknow) health neglected for the first 19 years of my life so now im very serious about dental health. bcuz it's expensive as HELL to fix your teeth. and i dont wanna end up wearing dentures at 35 like my mom and grandparents 😭😭
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orcinus-ocean · 5 years ago
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I am watching hours worth of ex-vegan “interviews” or testimonials, so you don’t have to.
I link to each one so you can see them for yourself, but I wrote down the important points of each one, since I believe this is not just important, but vital information. This could save people’s lives, if they just stop and think and look at another perspective before they go into it.
These are real people. They really wanted it. They really knew what they were doing. They weren’t “doing it wrong”. These are their experiences.
Ex-Vegan (8 Years): Veganism Is a Teeth Rotting, Muscle Atrophying, Degenerating, Fart Fest
A young man with a lot of health issues including severe eczema, got into veganism to get healthy
He had previously been living the typical “college” lifestyle with lots of fast food, no health-thinking at all
For the first year or two, he felt amazing, he did fine for four years, had a successful YouTube channel talking about skin health and the vegan diet
Emphasizing how “literally obsessed” he was with his dental hygiene and health, four years into veganism, his teeth were deteriorating and every time he visited the dentist, he had to have a root canal, he had cavities, infections, receding gums, always something
He was always bloated with a visibly bloated belly
Despite being a very health-focused athlete, his muscles wouldn’t grow the way they should
His skin started going “grey” and his hair lost its rich color
His memory and ability to focus deteriorated
He completely lost interest in food - everything “disgusting”
Feeling a craving for protein, he upped the high-protein vegan foods, and he only felt worse and worse
After realizing this diet was making him sick, he took one bite of salmon and “it was like taking drugs” - clear, physical reaction to it, and compared to the plants giving bloating and gas, “it felt like I was eating nothing, but I had so much energy”
After going back to eating animal protein (as much wild fish/meat as possible), his weight corrected itself, strength in the gym went “off the charts”
The pain and irritation he had on the vegan diet went away
His gums went from white pink to red, “right away”
Digestion issues - gone, hormonal issues - gone
“Since I’ve been eating animals, I feel more humble and more gentle towards animals, I feel more respect towards them, and I feel like I understand the cycles of life and appreciate life even more”
He says the vegan diet can help people to “clean out the body” as it did for him, but veganism, he doesn’t understand. “If your mom was on her death bed, and she had the choice: Die a horrible, painful death, or eat salmon, you would want your mom to die a horrible death rather than eat salmon. I’m asking this to vegans, and a lot of them are like ‘Under no circumstance would I ever have my mom or anyone I know, eat salmon, because it’s killing an animal, it’s abuse’. And I’m like aren’t humans animals?”
“I view the vegan diet as a disease-reversal protocol, not as a ‘forever diet’.”
Ex-Vegan Family: (6+ Years): "Healthy" Vegan & Vegetarian Dogma Depleted Health and Vitality
Casey vegetarian/vegan for ~15 years
Did it to try to clear up his eczema and staph infections (which were so bad the doctors wanted to amputate his legs), didn't really work
He did feel great for the first few months as a raw vegan, but looking back, he believes it was more due to cutting out grains and processed foods, since he found grains are terrible for him
Lost a lot of weight, rotting teeth, reoccuring cavities
Gina became vegan at the age of 13, being a picky eater and caring about animals
The "readymade" vegan food wasn't doing well for her, so she started eating only raw vegan food
She felt really good - for about six months. After six months, a very severe depression, accompanied by brain fog, lack of mental focus, constant hunger, weight loss and joint pain, kicked in
She believed so hard that this had to be right, that she stayed a vegan for 6 years, before introducing dairy
At the age of 17, after four years on veganism, developed a cancerous tumor on her leg (not necessarily connected, but worth noting)
Five years into veganism she was pregnant, and began craving red meat - they started buying local dairy, meat, liver and eggs
After the baby, she went back to raw veganism, and the joint pain came back, "it's detox"
She instead went back to being vegetarian rather than raw vegan, but she still suffered from worsening joint pain, fatigue, brain fog
A couple of years later, she was pregnant again and she was craving red meat so much she even dreamt about it
Her conclusion was "I must be doing it wrong, I must just eat more of the high-protein vegan food"
For her third pregnancy, she stayed vegan, and the birth was the hardest one she had
The baby had the lowest birth weight of the three, still normal weight, but later, he wasn't gaining weight normally
The child couldn't sit up at six months, couldn't walk at a year old, was depressed, only learned to walk after they gave him meat, and he finally became happy
Then on her fourth pregnancy, she was not vegan for the first half, but went back to raw vegan on the latter half of the pregnancy, and this child was healthy
On raw veganism at the end of the fourth pregnancy, her teeth were "falling apart", her bones were aching, and she was so foggy she couldn't think or remember anything
At the end of her pregnancy, she hadn't gained any weight, just stayed the same
Her teeth were full of cavities, despite having been to the dentist and "fixed everything" just some months prior
They could never manage raw fruit more than six months at a time, constant hunger
They believed the constant hunger could be due to parasites, so they ate anti-parasitic herbs which only made things worse
When she stopped eating vegetables (only fruit?), she got skin rashes as well
When they went back to meat, they felt full for the whole day, while on raw veganism, they had to eat all the time and were still always hungry
At the time of filming, they were completely off veganism for four months and she feels like her brain has "grown", she has energy, can exercise again, is gaining muscle
Ex-Vegan (4 Years): How Veganism Shortened My Lifespan
Started veganism as a New Year’s resolution to turn his life around, after living “like a degenerate”
He started with a month-long juice fast, where he felt great
On the first year as a “whole foods vegan” (mainly raw), he suffered from loss of libido, insomnia, migraines, arthritis, couldn’t build muscle
After a year, he went back to a diet of white rice, lean meat, bone marrow and occasional red meat
This diet immediately got his libido and muscle growth back
After some time, peer pressure made him drop the meat, but he still ate eggs
The vegans around him told him “if you continue to eat meat and dairy, you will not be able to ascend and channel divine guidance”
One of them was a nutritionist, and when he told her veganism destroyed his health, she said that he needs to be on 80/10/10, a fruit-based diet
He stayed on it for five months, and it was “the worst 4-5 months of my life”
He went on another vegan diet, based on sprouts, sea vegetables and algae, and a bunch of supplements
Same problems - lack of libido, insomnia, lack of muscle, migraines, cracking joints
A friend who saw him for the first time in years said “you look like one of those kids in the refugee camps”, because his face was so sunken-in
His friend eventually convinced him to go with him to a steakhouse, and he describes the first bite he took as “the fat going straight into my brain” and he felt “like a dying wolf”
He gorged on 2-3 pounds of fatty meat, slept for twelve hours, and his friends told him he immediatly looked like a completely different person
His cracking joints, dry skin and insomnia went away
Still, he went back to veganism, and all the problems came back
He went back and forth between raw veganism and primal diet every 2-4 weeks, rebuilding on an animal-based diet, deteriorating on a plant-based diet, always thinking “this time I will make it work”
He had to give up aiming for optimum health as a vegan, instead aiming for just “normal stability”
Staying at an old vegan institute managed by one of the creators of his sprouts-algae-supplements diet, doing a colonic, the worker there admitted to him most of them there are not vegan, because they fall apart on it, but go on a primal diet
During the colonic, the worker pushed his liver, and he felt “fire” going down his intestines. What came out was all green, spirulina, algae and other such supplements, which had simply stored in his liver
He speaks a lot about studies on different “uncivilized” peoples around the world, who were all eating high amounts of animal fat, wherever they lived
At the end, he speaks of where veganism might be coming from, and the lie that veganism is good for the environment
His message to vegans is to “quit bothering and harassing people”, and that if you care about animals, go buy cheap land in Arizona and make an animal shelter or something, instead of bullying people who eat meat
Ex-Vegan (2 Years): Vegans Have No Empathy for Humans
Vegetarian for six years, before going vegan
Ate mainly raw vegan, and then her stomach became “an empty, vacant hole”, she was always hungry
Throughout her time on veganism, she was taking lots of supplements
Her skin dried up, she got acne all over her face
She became “emotional and neurotic” and “absolutely insane” from a lack of B12
A lot of talk about the cult mindset in the “vegan community”
Starting to eat eggs again, she felt “a little bit better”, but still felt hungry all the time
Panic attacks over tiny things, anemia, constant diarrhea
Started eating fish, it didn’t help much
She was always hungry but had no appetite, had to force-feed herself
After a particularly bad day, she realized she was risking her life, and ate steak the next day
Eating steak for the first time in years, she felt warmth throughout her body, tingling on her head, and “satiated” for the first time in years, “it changed my life”
Ex-Vegan (12+ Years): Veganism Is Starvation - Fruitarianism Is Suicide
Started in 2002 as a vegetarian for a year before going vegan, became raw vegan from 2009-2011, then went on to fruitarianism until 2015
She says many feel great the first year or so on veganism, because they cut out all the junk from their diet
She had digestive issues prior to becoming vegan, thought it might help, but it only got worse and she got sicker as the years progressed
After six years and only getting sicker, she thought it must be the drugs for her health issues, "I'm doing it wrong", or "my body is wrong"
(They talk about some very interesting "meat and milk causes cancer"-studies four minutes in)
She said the raw vegan years were the worst of her life, that her brain “stopped functioning”. She became "permanently psychotic", she "saw hell" and heard voices - conclusion: "oh, it's detox"
When she stopped veganism in 2015, she had a test done on her hair. They said they had never seen that much heavy metal in someone's hair before
She had been doing nothing but "cleansing" and "detoxing" for the past five years, and she was "the most toxic, sick person you'll ever meet"
She was “literally dying” towards the end, freezing cold all the time, her bones hurt so much she couldn't lay on a hard surface
She couldn't digest anything but fruit anymore, it took two years of quitting raw veganism until the point where she could digest vegetables and meat again
Her teeth had to be all "redone", because they were rotten to the roots, her hair was falling out
She was told that on this fruitarian diet, it will feel like hell for 2-3 years, because of the "detox", then they will feel great, like godlike beings
But since 2-3 years passed and people still felt awful, their "leader" changed that to "people are so sick today, the detox will take 5-6 years!"
This also didn't happen, people stuck for 5-6 years and only got sicker, so the story changed to "7-8 years, then you will feel great!"
Her comment: "You can't be a herbivore and be healthy. If you want to have a life of mental illness and an early death and degeneration, go be vegan."
Many of these people have also spoken of how many well-known names in the vegan/raw/fruitarian communities (from YouTubers to authors) are known “cheaters” who eat meat frequently in order to stay healthy, while lying to their audiences and telling them to stay vegan.
These were only five. I will do more of these posts, to keep them at a readable length.
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