#nothing like plasma straight from the wrist!
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->With the local ghost population feeling a bit better about life, Smiler then proceeded over to Moory's shed to make sure the cow had a nice snack and a nice milking, while Victor used his magic to Scruberoo the shed itself from the greenhouse. Gotta keep the cow clean and happy, after all! Smiler then flew off to the study to jam on their guitar for a bit, accompanied by a curious Shadow. Victor did the big old harvest as Elmer and Bugs took care of the last of the watering and weeding, then joined them in there to work on his latest song at the piano -- and then Alice, returning from her jog, went ahead and started a new painting of Smiler jamming away! Everything was very sweet and creative for a while. . .
-->But what ho, who is this at the door? Why, it's Cecilia Kang, trying to do the neighborly thing and help them with a bunch of busted wind turbines! As there are ALWAYS busted wind turbines around here. *grumbles* However, she was thoroughly distracted from this job by the appearance of a couple of specters on the porch, as I imagine any right-thinking person would be. Victor went out to chat with her and reassure her everything was fine, and she ended up doing a little painting on the porch easel instead while Victor Repairioed all the turbines on his own. I mean, to be fair, it's easier than waiting for Cecilia to repair them all! We have no idea what her Handiness skill is!
-->While all that was going on, I decided Smiler should try out the fabricator and see if they could make some eco upgrade parts! They did so without any issue, and delivered the part into Victor's inventory, where Victor proceeded to use it to upgrade their oven to be more energy efficient as well. Might as well save as much electricity as possible! Smiler then went out to chat with Cecilia (who was checking the turbines for anything she could actually do), and in lieu of repairing broken objects, she instead offered up her wrist so Smiler could have a snack. What a nice neighbor, right?
But wait -- what the heck is Smiler wearing in their dark form? That's not an outfit we've seen a lot, now have we. What prompted this particular sartorial change?
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sugusearrings · 10 months
( ' glass children. ' )
violet wrists and then her ankles, silent pain. then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams. monster, how should I feel? creatures lie here, looking through the windows i will hear their voices. i'm a glass child, i am hannah's regrets.
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— summary: with the star plasma vessel dead, satoru and suguru need you (fem!reader) to lead them to their next path. — genre: angst. heartbreak. — playing: monster by meg & dia — note(s): i'm a sucker for what ifs. i love what ifs. good and bad. i thought about this what if a lot. i wanted to write about this since halloween and didn't have time to post it. i just know suguru and satoru are better than me cause everyone would have gotten this smoke. that's all imma say. anyways, mentions of blood & death. probably some spelling errors here and there. — word count: 866
Those beautiful cerulean blue hues still sparkled as the light down on them.
But the spark of life was gone. They were dull. Lifeless. Emotionless. You never saw them like this before.
You could feel the anxiety swallowing you whole. If someone looked closely, they can see your legs trembling slightly. The two boys in front of you were having a brief conversation but you couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t hear anything over the loud sounds of your heart rate picking up at a rapid pace. You couldn’t even hear the round of applause the strangers that crowded around the white hair teenager who held the lifeless body like he did the first time meeting her.
They were clapping for Satoru. Fucking clapping.
You just stared at the crowd in disbelief. What kind of people would approve of this? What kind of people are happy over this? The death of a young girl.
A young girl you considered your friend.
Monsters...monsters... “Suguru...should we kill these guys? The way I am right now I doubt I’d feel anything.” His voice was hoarse. But what made your heart ache was hearing no emotion in his tone. It matched his stare. Dull. Lifeless. Emotionless. Your eyes went over to Suguru. His back was faced to Satoru but you saw his almond shaped eyes were as wide as they can be but soon he pulled himself back together. He always does. He has too. “No. There’s no point. It’ll be dissolved soon enough.” His voice mimic the tone Satoru set. He began to walk towards the door to get out of there. He was sick of the clapping and the smell of the dried blood that lingeried. He was sick of this. He was sick of this life. He was sick of death. He was sick of curses. “No point, huh? Does there really need to be any point to it?” Satoru asked or stated. You couldn’t really tell. You went to follow behind Suguru like a lost puppy but Satoru called out your name.
"Y-yes...Satoru?" your gentle voice trembled.
"What do you think we should do?" Satoru asked you. His eyes didn’t look at you. They just looked straight ahead into nothing. Suguru's eyes went over to you almost forgetting you were even there. Your eyes was puffy and red from crying. You were the emotional one out of the three. That's why Satoru would tease you about being weak. You were a crybaby. But Suguru didn't see an issue with it, he likes you like this. So did Satoru but he wouldn't openly admit it. You reminded him about those certain emotions he swore he couldn’t feel anymore. "Name...what should we do?" Suguru also asked willing to do anything you said. The self proclaimed brains of this trio couldn’t think straight or logically. So it was up to you.
The boys looked over at you for an answer. An answer you didn't have. This wasn't fair. These higher ups using you children. Not caring if you killed one another or died in front of each other. You loved your best friends. Especially Satoru and Suguru, willing to do anything to protect them. Even Riko. They were the only family you have. But would the higher ups mourn you? Would the higher ups sink into a dark hole of depression? Would the higher ups get revenge on you? Or would they replace you like a piece of livestock. They would probably replace you in a matter of days.
They probably would assign Satoru and Suguru a mission while your ashes are still warm.
Satoru and Suguru.
The thought of leaving them behind made you feel sick at the pit of your stomach. How would Satoru handle it? You knew Suguru would break in a matter of days. He bottles so much inside of him it would just burst out. Would they keep it together if you were to die? Or would they lose it themselves.
You know you would lose it if either of them or both of them were to die. Leaving you all alone. To defend yourself. To love yourself. You couldn’t imagine a world without them. The three of you were glued to each other, couldn’t really function without the other.
You could feel the anger replacing the fear and anxiety. On the inside your morals and humanity was being teared apart, stripped away from you the more you stared at Riko's lifeless body in Satoru's arms covered by a thin white cloth. "Name..." Suguru called out to you once more. There wasn’t much time to make a decision. "Kill them," you finally answered losing all emotions you had that day, "kill them all." That's all Satoru needed to hear. His lips formed a wicked grin as Suguru silently summoned the rainbow dragon. You stood watched the blood being splattered on the walls and floors. The screams made you smile like that day on the beach with your best friends.
That’s where your mind was. The day on the beach with Riko and Satoru laughing at the sea cucumber while you, Suguru, and Misato were on the beach towels just watching them with smile of your faces.
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
scout discovers the spiderverse but it's alt versions of scout?
basically across the scoutverse please
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
Engineer wipes sweat from his forehead as he twists a final screw into place. With a grunt, he steps back from his latest invention to do a final inspection. Everything seemed in order. The bolts and welded metals hold strong, and the numbers on the adjacent screen were reading normal. Its an advanced teleporter, one meant to jump entire cities. Hell, states even if he keeps working!
Right as Engineer reaches for his test subject, an apple, explosions can be heard. He turns to the door, eyes widening behind his goggles as a screaming Scout is shot through the doors. The young man is launched straight into the wobbly plasma of the teleporter. Bits of metal and concrete land against the machine, altering its original trajectory.
“Scout—!” Before he can stop it, the machine goes offline with a tremble and screech from the computer. Engineer panics and rapidly tries to find out where Scout landed, but its no use. He can’t do anything! Alarms and sirens sound from the massive teleporter then, with a weak groan, it powers down.
“Show yourself, maggot!” Soldier marches into the destroyed workshop, glancing around as if nothing happened. His search is cut short by an angry Engineer grabbing him by the throat with a metal hand.
“Soldier, what the hell did you just do?” Hardhat crooked from his anger, venom seeps from Engineer’s mouth. His entire project, gone! Ripped from his hands before he could properly test it!
“I was playing grenade tag and elected Scout as my partner! That pansy didn’t even bring grenades!” He chuckles despite Engineer throwing him to the ground. The Texan runs back to the machine and starts his repairs. Hopefully, Scout’s alive somewhere.
Where Scout ends up is his room. Well, sorta his room. He crashed onto the bed, which does have his favorite comforter, and landed on the floor. Still, something isn’t right. When did he buy a poster for the band French Brigade? Is that even a real band? Why are there a bunch of discount perfumes and loose tampons on his vanity? When did he even get a vanity??
As Scout turns to run out the door, he sees a woman standing in the doorway. A woman who looks almost identical to him! The only difference between them being their shoe size and a baseball bracelet on her wrist. Immediately, they both start screaming.
“Get the hell out of my room!” She charges in, ready to beat the oddly handsome stranger into a pulp. Both Scouts reach for their bats, hitting each other on the head at the same time. The act knocks both of them out, and they collapse into an unconscious pile on the floor.
Scout awaken with a slap across the face and ice water dumped over his head. He jerks upright, eyes rapidly blinking to focus on the curious face before him. Its a woman with smile lines to her chin that looks identical to Medic. She steps away to reveal another woman wearing overalls.
“Evening, dearie.” Aside from being British, there’s little difference between her and Scout’s Engineer. They’re a similar height and build, but her prosthetic is on her left leg. The same goes for the Medic. Her graying hair is styled the same, but instead of a dove, a parakeet is on her shoulder.
“I bet you’re wondering how you wound up here. Does this machine look familiar, love?” She gestures to a massive teleporter exactly like the one Engineer was building. Scout groans and nods slowly. His head is still foggy from being knocked out, but everything is slowly coming back.
“I think so. I got thrown into one because Solider played—“
“Rocket tag!” At that shout, a rocket bursts through the doors and lands behind Scout. The explosion sends him straight through the teleporter for a second time. Scout lets out a scream as he gets sent to yet another dimension.
Now, Scout is plummeting through the sky. He screams again, eyes squeezed shut in preparation for the deadly impact. So, this is how he dies? Far away from gis friends and family, no way of ever getting back. Hopefully, he splatters somewhere dignified.
“Falling flan!” A flash of light, and Scout lands on a squishy, sweet smelling surface. It’s a giant flan! He stands, slipping a bit before finding his balance. As he looks around, a figure lands behind him. Its him…sorta. This Scout is wearing one of those magical girl costumes Pyro’s shows always have.
A giant red ribbon is tied around his torso, and the layered dress is white with red and pink accents. His curling black hair holds pink bows that match the delicate gloves on his hands and the ankle boots on his feet. The entire outfit is the girliest thing Scout has ever seen!
“That was close! How’d you get so high in the sky, stranger?” Before Scout can even utter a word, his body turns transparent. Like the crackling static of TV, he flickers before disappearing entirely. It leaves the heroic Scout confused as he slides off of the dessert to meet with the rest of his team.
Every time Scout lands, he’s met with another version of himself. Girl versions, ugly versions, that one Scout in his 40s. He even met an emo version! Strange as it was, it does make him consider buying a pair of skinny jeans. The constant flipping between dimensions seems endless until he lands face first in Engineer’s workshop.
“There you are, boy! He’s alive, y’all!” Its Engineer! The one Scout knows! Medic helps him stand, brushing the dust and remnants of flan off of his face. God, it feels good to be home!
“What did you see in there?” Medic asks as Heavy wheels a chair over to them. Scout takes his seat, head throbbing and eyes adjusting once again. He takes a glass of water offered and guzzles it before sighing.
“Dudes, you’re not gonna believe this!”
Hope the wait was worth it!! -H
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If you are taking requests, 78 from that whump/angst list for Hiccup and Dagur?
ooh, good choice!! one particular instance springs to mind...
Words He Didn't Mean
"A fake! I hate you, you hear me? I! Hate! You!"
Hiccup lowered his head, panting with rage and despair. The hunter behind him laughed, and Hiccup held back a snarl. He wanted nothing more than to fall to his knees and weep; they had been so close to getting out of there alive, and he'd let his temper get the better of him. If only he hadn't charged Dagur, if only he'd waited a few moments more, if only... well, if only he hadn't taken off solo in the morning to begin with. No matter which way he looked at it, it was all his fault.
He barely heard what the hunter captain ordered his men before he was being shoved along toward the beach. And now he was going to be taken away from here, away from anybody who knew where he was and what had happened to Toothless.
They emerged onto the beach where the ship had docked. The captain turned to Hiccup. "Last chance. You wanna help that dragon? Help yourself?"
Hiccup set his face grimly. "I'll die before I talk."
"Then die you shall," the man said smugly. "Viggo will see to that. Take him!"
Before he could bite back with something, Hiccup heard a familiar whistle in the air that meant one thing-- Toothless! But... who was riding him?
Plasma erupted on either side of him, sending the hunters flying with howls of pain. The captain grabbed Hiccup and forced him to his knees, sword ready, but a streak of midnight topped with flaming red hair appeared on the sand before them.
Toothless spread his wings and roared, teeth flashing in the sun. The hunter captain dropped his sword and fled back up the beach, disappearing into the underbrush with a yell of panic.
"Bud!" Hiccup cried! Toothless ran forward and he tried his best to give adequate scratches while his hands were bound. "It's good to see you too."
Dagur walked forward, and Hiccup couldn't meet his eye. His stomach roiled with regret at the words he'd hurled, but Dagur was smiling.
"I have no idea how you stomach that," he said, shaking his head and slashing the ropes around Hiccup's wrists. Before he could move, Dagur clasped Hiccup's wrist in the traditional Beserker fashion. "I know you didn't mean it," he said in a low voice. "You're too soft-hearted to hate me, Brother."
I hope you like it!! I know it's kind of taken straight from the show, but I like to write out what's happening in my own style. I added a few elements too! I'm pretty much always taking requests lol.
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intubatedangel · 2 years
Code Red : Chapter 6
The flu has pretty much gone, I didn’t get this done sooner thanks to a busy weekend. I’m glad so many of you are enjoying this and are invested in Anna’s story. Will she live or will the team lose her? I’d love to see your thoughts.
Story Index  
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
* * * 
Carl's arms were starting to burn. He'd only been delivering the forceful compressions for 2 minutes. He was out of practice. He usually ran a code, giving the orders and performing procedures. He always had Anna on hand to give compressions. She was incredible, she could do compressions at a perfect depth and rate for over 5 minutes with ease. But she couldn't give those chest compressions to herself. Not when she was lying underneath his hands in full cardiac arrest.
Carl looked around the trauma room, taking stock of what needed done. They needed to start a central line to get the plasma and TXA into Anna's body alongside the cross matched blood that should all be arriving soon. With the rapid infuser and a surgeon on site they would hopefully get Anna's blood pressure back up, they'd need to constantly monitor that with an arterial line. There hadn't been any point up to now, messing around with a cuff would have wasted time just to tell them that Anna's BP was practically non-existent. Anna's abdomen would need sterilised too.
Next he checked who he had to work with. In the trauma room with him were four nurses, a paramedic, a surgeon and a cop. He liked Officer Jones, but at this point he wouldn't be of any use. Jessica still looked worn out. Mark was an option to take over, but Carl knew the nurse had been shaken by his own attitude. The situation was too important, Anna was too important, to put in someone he wasn't absolutely confident in. He struggled for a moment, his gaze drifting down to her face. Her eyes were closed, her skin ghostly pale. He could only see a small portion of her lips in the gaps of the tube holder, but what he could see was a bloodless grey. He shook his head. He couldn't dwell on it. Right now, she needed Dr Teague the professional. Not Carl, the man who loved her.
"Sarah." He said to the nurse closest to him, her hand squeezing the ambu bag every few seconds. "Take over after this cycle. Lucy, swap onto the bag." He told the paramedic, who swiftly skirted around to the head of the bed and took the rubbery blue bulb from Sarah. The nurse shifted into position opposite him, mounting the step attached to the gurney. "No pulse check, straight in." He told her. They all knew they would feel nothing. "3...2...1!" He pulled away, Sarah instantly taking over, her hands thrusting Anna's sternum down to the perfect depth.
Carl took just a moment to catch his breath, then launched into orders. "Trish, get an arterial line in her wrist, I want a constant BP on the monitor. Jessica, prep her abdomen. Mark, handle the blood order when it gets here, full units in the infuser, I'll set a central line for the others."
As he was grabbing the central IV kit he glanced over to the phone, where Dr Edwards was requesting equipment from upstairs.
"Just bring a variety of grafts down, I have no idea what I'm going to find, but I need to get in there now." She was saying. Her gaze lingered on Anna's belly as it popped and rolled from Sarah's efforts, as she listened to whoever was on the other end of the phone. "Now dammit! It... It's one of our own."
* * *
Carl had to locate the jugular vein mostly by touch, Anna's blood volume so low that the vessel was almost hidden. At least it gave something to concentrate on, instead of how deathly cold her skin felt, even through his latex gloves. He managed to find it, framing it between his fingers before he took the wide bore cannula and slid it through her skin, into the vein. As soon as it was in he took the included bandage and laid it over the needle and around the port, securing it. He finished the line with a 3 port connector, ready for the TXA, FFP and leaving a spare for quick drug insertion.
He was still leaning over when he looked up, checking the progress of the others. Instead, he got a full view of her breasts, wobbling and shaking each time her chest was forced down then recoiled. His tore his eyes away, clenching a fist. He closed his eyes tight, gritting his teeth as he tried to banish the images from the weekend before, when he'd made those breasts jiggle in far more pleasurable circumstances.
He failed, and in doing so all the other walls broke down. It wasn't the sexual element that shattered him. It was who it had become attached too. Thinking of that evening drew out the feelings he'd felt then. The depth of his love for the woman he'd spent it with. The woman whose heart had become so tied to his own. A heart that, were it not for the pounding compressions, would be laying unmoving in her chest.
From the moment he had seen her lying on the landing, drenched in her own blood, he had been forcing the fear away, attempting to contain it. To bury it. To focus on being the doctor. It was nowhere near enough. He had never loved anyone as much as he loved her. And now he was losing her. The grief was smothering him, punctuated by the persistent whine of the monitor.
He couldn't do this. He opened his eyes, looking down at her face. Her hair was spread out around her head like a dark halo, framing her pale and lifeless features. He didn't have the strength to fight his hand as it reached out and stroked her head, his fingers gliding across the silky smooth locks of deep auburn. He felt the tears stinging the corners of his eyes as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.
She needs you.
I can't watch her die.
Then don't. Save her! Take that fear and use it!
It was similar to what he had told her, when she was struggling with the interest they shared. When it was distracting her from the work at hand. Don't fight it. Don't bury it. Utilise it. Let it become an enhancement to your efforts.
His eyes snapped open, letting a tear splash down onto Anna's cheek. He took a deep breath as he pulled himself back together. He was Carl, the man who loved her. And Dr Teague, the professional. Both of them together, ready to do anything to save her.
* * *
Trish managed to establish the art-line in just a handful of seconds. As diminished as Anna's blood vessels were, the radial artery was easy to find. It was the one they palpated for a pulse, they all knew it by heart. They could find it, even if there was no heart beating.
Trish inserted the needle and hooked the line up to the monitor within just a single minute. She looked up to Carl for further orders. That was when she saw the clear conflict within him. She felt like an absolute fool. She'd come so close to losing her head, so close to falling apart completely. She was Anna's best friend.
Carl was so much more than that. The kiss he gave her was so tender, his tears so painful to see. Then she saw the shift in his manner. He stilled, the shuddering fear disappearing in an instant. He straightened up, looking straight at her, his eyes ablaze with something new. It took her a moment to realise that fire within him was determination. As frantic and desperate as the situation was, Trish felt a core of steel settle within herself.
By then Carl had already looked at the cannula in Anna's wrist, then the trace it reported to the monitor, a gentle bump each time Sarah's hands caved in Anna's ribs, squeezing her heart and pushing blood through her body. The flashing reading beside it was grim. 37 on top, a pair of dashes below. And that was with nearly four full units pushed in by the rapid infuser.
Trish followed his gaze as he then looked at Anna's bloody abdomen. Jessica had taken a bottle of iodine and had liberally splashed it over Anna's belly, an orange brown flood washing over the lingering scarlet swirls and becoming a deep dirty brown as it mixed with the fresh blood that trickled from the wounds each time Sarah sent an artificial pulse through Anna's body. The nurse used a small swab on a stick to spread the disinfectant, creating a wide area of yellow tinged skin for the surgeon. No one bothered with drapes, there wasn't time. What was necessary had been done, that was all that mattered.
Dr Edwards rolled over a trolley loaded with surgical instruments, not a full complement, but what they kept in the cupboards of the trauma room. For situations that were at least similar to this. Not even those bureaucratic types who managed and planned the trauma rooms would ever have expected the tools would be used to try and save the life of a nurse who had been stabbed in the very hospital she worked in.
It was a moot point now. One of their nurses, their best even, their colleague and their friend, was lying on that trauma bed, her heart stilled in her chest because she had lost so much blood. They couldn't allow it to stand. They had to do everything in their power to stop the bleeding, to get that small heart in that petite chest to beat once more.
Edwards had scrubbed up and donned a pair of cream latex gloves that reached almost to her elbow. In her hand was a gleaming scalpel. "Have that suction ready," she said, looking at the steady rivulet of blood being forced out by the compressions. "Two units at least." She told Jessica, who had just finished adjusting the large articulated lights over the trauma bed. The nurse quickly pulled a different trolley over then rushed through a pair of connecting doors to fetch a matching unit from Trauma 1.
Trish watched as Edwards stepped up to the side of the bed, taking a deep breath. It was clear that she could feel the tension in the room. "Hold compressions while I make the first incision." She said aloud. As soon as the rhythmic distending stopped she lowered the scalpel to Anna's belly, the insanely sharp blade seeming to meet no resistance as it cut through skin and flesh, drawing a thin red line across Anna's yellow stained abdomen.
* * *
Carl motioned to Lucy and Sarah to switch places, then watched as the surgeon cut through flesh and muscle, the thin red line rapidly thickening as she got through the final layer, the free blood in Anna's abdominal cavity rushing out. "Resume compressions!" Edwards commanded, then glanced to Jessica. "Hand me the retractors." Anna's belly began to bulge again as Lucy started to thrust down on her sternum, each compression forcing a gout of blood from the incision. The scarlet flow doubled when Edwards inserted the retractors, cranking them open to create a gaping hole into Anna's abdomen. Blood cascaded down her side, the existing stain on the white sheet beneath her shorn scrubs expanding in seconds, saturating the fabric to the point that Anna's blood began to drip off the side onto the floor.
"Get that suction in there!" Edwards shouted at Jessica, who had been momentarily stunned by the sheer scale of the flow. She started, grabbing the suction tube in one hand, flicking on the machine with the other, before plunging the end of the suction in to the turbulent crimson pool. The machine hummed, quickly drowned out by the slurping sound coming from the tube itself. Carl knew that much blood had to mean a completely severed artery. He felt his fear rising again but took it and pushed it towards action. He was moving towards the second suction unit when the door opened, drawing his focus.
It was the blood order. He diverted away from the suction, meeting the tech halfway, snatching the bag out of his hands. He took it to the counter, grateful to see Mark already moving over. He pulled open the bag, taking out 4 red bags and handing them off to Mark, who went to swap the near empty bags. There was another 6 units of blood still in there, along with 2 trios of different bags. He took one of each of those, spiking them with an IV line. While walking back to the bed he looked over at the tech. "Is there another batch ready to go?"
The tech nodded, but also shrugged, drawing an arch look from Carl. "We've got another full batch, but that's it."
"What? How?" Carl had to fight to contain the flare of anger. This was a major trauma centre, they should be carrying much more than 20 units of a single type.
"This is the third trauma patient in 2 hours with that type, plus a dozen surgeries through the day." He shrugged again, speaking with a blasé tone. "It's just bad luck."
Carl let his anger come through. He spun the tech to look at the bed. "That is one of the best nurses you'll ever see. One of the best people you'll ever see." The tech paled as he realised who was on the bed and saw the state she was in.
"We...we've already called the regional bank, a resupply is coming in an hour or so." The tech told him, dragging his gaze away from the intensive resuscitation efforts.
"Not good enough." Carl said. The regional blood bank was only 10 minutes away at a normal driving speed. "Call them again, tell them to have matched blood ready to go. Jones!" He called to the police officer who had until now been keeping out of the way of the medical professionals. "You know where the blood bank is?"
He nodded. "Donated there myself just last month." He said, already moving for the door, giving Lucy a quick glance before disappearing. The paramedic was too focused on compressions to acknowledge him. The tech was still stood there.
"Go!" Carl's voice wasn't loud but carried enough command to send the tech scurrying to comply, almost crashing into a green scrubbed young man pushing a cart through the doors.
* * *
Edwards stayed out of the discussion about blood, silently wondering if Carl's overstepping was going to cause trouble in the future. Not that she disagreed with anything he had done. The damage inside Anna's belly was severe. She was going to need a considerable amount of surgery to fix everything that had been caught by the knife and it would require a substantial amount of blood products. That was a secondary concern right now. Edwards didn't need to fix everything. She just needed to repair the worst of it and reduce the bleeding enough to get the nurse's heart beating again.
If only it was that easy.
The single suction unit was barely keeping up with the blood being forced out by each compression, it didn't have a chance of clearing the field. Edwards was able to make some headway with large gauze swabs, plunging them in and removing them seconds later, having already reached their limit. She was finally getting a half decent view when there was a commotion at the door.
"Steady on!" A voice she recognised exclaimed. She raised her head to see one of the surgical department's trainees dodging around the tech, finally arriving with the requested equipment.
"Zach! Get that tray over here then scrub in to assist!" She called, before turning back to the mess of Anna's insides. She hadn't cleared all the blood, but she had enough visibility to identify one of the major bleeds. Carl had come over and hung the additional bags running into the central line and was now looking to her. "Renal artery has been completely severed." She told him, before looking at Jessica. "Hand me a vascular clamp." The nurse kept the suction in place with one hand, reaching for a clamp with the other. "Next one along." Edwards told her, prompting the nurse to hand her the more suitable metal device. Delving deep with her fingers into the pulsating sea of blood, she followed the spilling vessel back enough to give her plenty to work with, then guided the clamp along the back of her digits and secured it on the artery, reducing that flow to a trickle.
Zach stepped up to the table opposite her, immediately operating the second suction unit, poking the end of the tube deep into the surgical opening. Edwards waited for a few moments. With two suction units removing blood, and the major artery no longer spilling it, the field should be clearing. The level of blood reduced somewhat. But not enough. Fresh blood was still pumping into Anna's abdominal cavity. Clamping the renal artery had only served to redirect it.
Edwards looked up at Carl, shaking her head. "There's another major bleeder, maybe more than one. It's just too much. I can't stop what I can't see."
Carl didn't say anything, couldn't say anything. The monitor continued to scream, the ecg showing an unbroken asystole. The blood pressure reading had barely changed, the line showing only small bumps. He looked at the clock. 3:57. Anna's heart had stopped 15 minutes ago. She was running out of time, and he was running out of options to do anything about it.
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Rescue Mission
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Pairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: The Batch agrees to help Hera save her parents; you encounter a familiar face
Warning: angst, TW: PTSD episode, TW: panic/anxiety attack, mentions of shooting and violence
Word Count: 2048
A/N: Won't be updating constantly, but sorry for keeping you all waiting
pt xvi, pt xviii
You and the Batch were looking over the city's capitol, trying to figure out what’s going on. You looked through one of your sniper scopes, having detached it from your rifle, and observed the heavily guarded area. Some people started to gather as Admiral Rampart made an announcement, which you listened to through Chopper’s satellite.
“Citizens of Ryloth, the shocking attack of your beloved Senator has left you shaken, but Orn Free Taa’s condition continues to improve and he will make a full recovery. The perpetrators of this heinous assasination attempt have been captured…”
Hunter looked up from his binoculars and over to Hera, “Assasination attempt?”
Hera shook her head, “That’s not what happened.”
You looked at Hunter for a moment before Omega spoke up.
“Hunter… Crosshair’s here.”
You took in a sharp breath as you looked through your scope and saw his familiar baster rifle and him in his new Imperial armor.
“Great. Just what we need!” Wrecker grumbled.
Hunter then gestured for the boys to huddle, so you took a bit to watch Crosshair before turning the girls.
“Keep an eye on the Capitol.” You ordered Omega and Hera, then put on your helmet before joining the boys.
“Ryloth’s not a separatist planet.” Echo said mid-coversation.
“Exactly my point.” Tech stated and went on about who knows what. You tried to listen to him, but you could see a change in Hunter’s demeanor.
“Wait here.” Hunter ordered as he rushed off.
You waited with the others before an Imperial probe droid came crashing down near all of you.
“Oh good… a probe droid.” Tech sighed.
“The Empire will know we’re here.” Echo announced.
“And so will Crosshair.” You said in unison with Hunter.
“Let’s move.” Hunter ordered, so everyone started following. Hera took a moment before being pulled by Omega with Chopper behind them. You were near frozen in your spot due to the thought of possibly reuniting with Crosshair. Echo was near the back, trying to make sure no one was left behind. He turned and saw you still in your place, then he went to you before grasping your hand tight.
“We can’t stay, mesh’la.” He insisted, which caused you to nod and follow him back to the Marauder.
You sat of the Marauder’s steps as the Batch talked with Hera.
“I told you… no guarantees. We’ll get you off world and take you somewhere safe.”
“Wait! Please!” Hera pulled at Hunter, “I’ll pay you double!”
“No money in the galaxy will matter if we’re dead! What you’re asking us to do is not worth the risk.”
Hera took a moment to look at him, “Not to you.” She rushed off. The boys started to head to the Marauder, but Omega stayed back.
“You shouldn’t have said that!”
“Being strategic means knowing your limitations, Omega.”
“She’s trying to save her family! I would do the same for you.” Omega retorted before following Hera. Hunter took a moment to process her words before turning towards the ship and seeing you still sitting on the steps. You hadn’t taken off your helmet since you got back to the base, but Hunter could sense the rigidness of your stature. He crouched down in front of you and placed his hands on either side of your helmet before gently lifting it from your head. You were pale and had tear streaks staining your cheeks. Hunter was surprised at first, but came to realise what was wrong. It was similar to your small episode in the fresher just recently. You were suffering from plasma shock… Hunter placed your helmet to the side and carefully caressed your wet skin.
“I know, cyare… I know…” He whispered before picking up your helmet, then hooking an arm around your waist to help you onto the cruiser. He sat you down and stood between your legs with his face in your hands. He did his best to coax you through the process of a plasma shock episode and made sure his attention was undivided just in case anything else happened. Once he sensed your calm breathing and heart rate, he moved away.
“I’ll be right back… just take your time, my love.” He hooked your chin endearingly before heading to the cockpit. You stay seated for a bit before Omega and Hera rushed onto the ship, straight into the cockpit. You were about the get up to see what was happening, but then D-5 rolled over to you quickly and bumped your foot.
“Star! S-s-s-star!”
You smiled weakly before picking him up and looking at him, “You haven’t broken anything have you?”
“All-all better!”
You hummed before placing him down and following his trail as he rolled into the cockpit. Yo stood at the threshold as Hunter spoke.
“Alright, you two go with Chopper as back up, but at a distance.”
The girls got excited, which caused Tech to speak up.
“By themselves?”
“Tech, Wrecker, wait until those canons are down, then move in. Echo and I will scale the Capitol wall and free Hera’s parents.” He looked down at Hera, “I guess we’re following your lead!”
Omega saw you at the threshold and grinned, “Did you hear that, Lodestar?”
You nodded with a smile, “Yeah. I know you’re just getting started with this mission stuff, but you’ve got clone blood in you. Just be careful, okay?” You approached her and cupped her face.
“Where will you be?” Hera wondered with excitement in her eyes.
“I’ll join Hunter and Echo at the Capitol. Freeing people is my thing, remember?”
Everyone looked to each other before dispersing to prepare.
You walked cautiously with Hunter and Echo, approaching the walls of the Capitol. You nodded to Hunter as you all readied to scale the wall. Hunter crouched, offering you a boost before helping Echo and then jumping up himself. It was a fairly quick process and you climbed over the dursateel parapet as Hunter took out one of the guards. The other looked over the wall at Echo.
“A little help?”
Hunter got his attention as you looked at the small map of the Capitol you had downloaded through your holopad connected to your armor on your wrist. The others looked over to you before you nodded and gestured to the direction you should be going. The three of you arrived to the detention level and took out the guards then you found the cells before freeing those enclosed in them.
“What are you doing here?” Gobi Glie asked as he looked at all of you.
“Breaking you out.” Hunter explained.
“You know them?” Another male twi’lek asked who must have been Hera’s father.
“They are mercenaries, but I did not hire them for this.”
“Hera did.” Hunter stated.
“Hera? Where is she? Is she safe?” Her father asked.
Echo chuckled, “With Omega and Chopper? Let’s hope so.”
You were looking through your map again, “We should go soon, troops will be heading to the refinery by now.”
Hunter nodded before following you away from the detention level to find a safe exit. Everyone rushed down the halls but you stopped.
“What is it, Lodestar?”
“This… this is too easy.” You whispered.
“We have to go.” Cham insisted.
“No, no, I’m going to double back… see if the courtyard is clear.”
“That’s not the plan.” Hunter said sternly.
“Crosshair knows we’re here. He knows how we think. He isn’t a fool.” You argued, “I’d rather have one of us caught or killed than these innocent people we’re helping. I’m going to check the courtyard.”
You rushed away from the group before taking a detour for the upper wall again. There were troopers scouting out the exit, so you pulled out your blaster and stunned them before making your way around to get a better look. There was an overhead view on the farside of the courtyard where you could use your rifle just in case things went south. As you rushed over, you could see troopers lining up with shields and blasters, ready to attack the front gates.
“Hunter, do you copy?”
“I copy. We were just warned, we’re heading for Senator Taa’s private quarters. There’s a ship waiting there. Rendezvous back with the group.”
You stopped, eyeing a figure at the overview, “Go on without me. I’ll meet you back at the base.”
You silenced your comm before pulling out the dagger you had sheathed in an underarm leather pocket. You approached carefully, trying not to make any noise. As you were getting past them, a shot near misses you. They approached out of the shadows and your heart froze. The person waiting there was Crosshair himself.
“So… Hunter has found another replacement.” He sneered through the modulator of his helmet. Your heart was pounding in your ears as he stopped just a few feet away.
“Silent too… How original.”
You gripped your dagger before sheathing it and standing there looking at him through the dark visor of your helmet.
“However, fairly stupid. Nothing like me.”
Says the one doing the Empire’s dirty work.
You took a step back as he raised his rifle again.
“At least give me a challenge.” He groaned, “You have no idea how good I am with a moving target.”
But you do…
You clenched your fist before rushing towards him and knocking the rifle out of his hands. He grunted before grasping your shoulders and tossing you into the wall. He approached you, looming over your body before pulling you by a piece of your armor and leaning you over the ledge, looking over you.
“You’re holding back… some soldier you are.” He commented quietly before taking your blaster from your belt and raising it up to the side of your helmet. Your breathing was fast and your whole body was shaking, but you still managed to raise your arm and take off your helmet quickly. Everything grew silent as he looked at you through the tinted green visor of his Imperial helmet. He dropped the arm holding your blaster and loosened his grip.
You shoved him away forcefully before kicking the blaster out of his hands and picking it up, then shooting his rifle so it couldn’t fire. You then rushed away as he was down, making your way back to the base.
It was nearly sun up when you arrived back to the valley where the base was. Omega was waiting with the Batch and Hera when she saw you. She ran up to you and hugged your midriff tight.
“I was scared you got captured by the Empire.” She admitted.
“I’m alright. Just had to make sure everyone was safe…” You replied before looking up at the others.
“We’re heading south to another city, away from Imperial scanners.” Tech explained as you approached the Marauder with her. You nodded, avoiding Hunter’s eyes and following Omega as she and Hera pulled you onto the ship.
You all arrived at the hangar of the small city before Hunter talked with Hera’s parents and the Batch was gathered around with Hera, occupying themselves. You stood to the side, still thinking about Crosshair.
“Lodestar.” Cham called and you looked up before approaching, “It has been an honor finally meeting you and working alongside you. We are all familiar with the work you have done.”
You nodded politely before Hera was called, so you walked away towards the Marauder. It was only a few minutes before the others joined you. You all filed onto the ship, but before Tech and Echo could go to the cockpit, Hunter stopped them and they all turned to you.
“What were you thinking?” Hunter pressed, crossing his arms over his chest, “You almost sabotaged the whole mission.”
You didn’t say anything, looking at him while he talked.
“You risked being caught by the Empire, Lodestar, don’t you understand that?”
You gave him a curt nod, seeing Omega’s worried eyes in your peripherals.
“Next mission, you’re staying on the ship--maybe even stay behind on Ord Mantell.” He ordered, before walking back to the cockpit. His brothers protested while following after him, but Omega stayed with you in the main Hangar.
“Lodestar? Are you alright?”
You looked at her with a nod before she went to sit as the ship started to take off.
Taglist: @darkangel4121
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Just for Kix
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"Hey, look who finally decided to show up!" a friendly voice called out as Kix walked into the GAR's main medbay.
"Curl, you di'kut, there's no one else here," Kix complained, though the grin on his face took the sting out of the insult he tossed to his fellow medic.
"Yeah, but the others are on their way," Curl said defensively, gripping Kix's forearm in greeting. Kix squeezed Curl's 104th-gray vambrace in return before helping to gather some of the medbay's most comfortable chairs.
'The others' were the other medics of various battalions. Every few months, the GAR brought some of the older medics back to Coruscant to be recertified. This class was going to be great or terrible, Kix hadn't decided. With some of the brothers he heard were scheduled to be here, it could go either way, but it was sure to be memorable.
Still, it would be good to see everyone again. They had decided to meet here as soon as everyone's transports arrived. Classes didn't start until the next morning, but everyone needed a chance to complain about the idiots they were in charge of.
"Are all the transports here?" Kix asked.
Curl started to say something, but he was cut off by heavy footsteps approaching the medbay door. A large trooper stepped in, his sheer size and the weight of his heavy muscle making the floor reverberate a little with every step. His armor, altered to fit his increased muscle mass, was painted with swirls of 327th yellow.
When he caught sight of them, he bobbed his head and removed his helmet. "Kix, Curl," he said in greeting, his low voice rumbling through the room like thunder.
"Limit," Kix returned.
"Well, if it isn't the most popular medic in the GAR," Curl joked, beaming at the man. "Heard you couldn't keep the females away last time you were at 79's, vod."
Limit's face flushed. "Stop it, Cu- Curl. I get enough of that from my- my own men."
"Leave him alone," Kix chided, shoving at Curl's shoulder. "Keep it up and I'll tell Wolffe you were bullying Limit."
Curl was irreverent, but Kix thought that threatening to go to his commanding officer would make him back off - especially with a CO as ill-tempered as Wolffe. Curl seemed unphased, however.
"Oh, yeah?" Curl challenged. "Maybe I'll tell him you were messing with Limit. He's still mad at you for joking about his cybernetic eye."
"You j-joked about Commander Wolffe's eye?" Limit asked, looking shocked and a bit horrified.
Kix felt an uncharacteristic surge of guilt. Limit was everyone's favorite brother. Disappointing him was like hitting a youngling.
"You didn't have to see how bad it was, Limit!" he defended. "I was scraping black goo out of it. He's lucky it didn't catch fire, and Curl is lucky he didn't have to deal with it!"
"Yeah, but I had to treat your general that one time," Curl tossed back.
"And I'm sure it was terrible for you," Kix said dryly.
The one time General Skywalker had been injured and admitted he needed a medic, Curl had been the one to treat him. Kix had spent his entire career dragging his general into the medbay for every injury, but Skywalker came and asked Curl to all but perform a battlefield surgery!
Curl had been insufferable after that.
"You know better than to make fun of someone who came to you- to you for treatment, Kix," Limit told him, deep voice saddened.
"Yeah, Kix," Curl gloated, beaming from behind Limit's impossibly broad shoulder.
"Come over here, Curl," Kix invited. "I want to show you this new method of spinal adjustment I learned. Only a mild chance of paralysis."
The door opened once again, this time admitting a trooper who wore Coruscant Guard crimson even out of uniform.
"Wow, Ink," Curl commented. "Didn't even bother to dress up, huh?"
"Got off duty an hour ago," Ink grunted. "Didn't want to be in my armor longer than I had to."
True enough, the trooper wore a crimson shirt with sleeves that barely reached his elbows. Wearing civvies to a medic meeting, even one that wasn't GAR-official, was a bold move. Everyone's civilian clothing was open to mocking, and Ink was no exception.
Of course, Curl didn't limit himself to Ink's clothing.
"What happened to your arms, vod?" he asked, seeming to fight a grin.
Ink was known among troopers for his tattoos. Intricate, Mandalorian-inspired patterns traced along the entirety of his back, shoulders, and arms. Ink had been expanding the maze of tattoos lately, and they had now spread down his forearms almost to his wrists. Of course, Curl was probably talking about the spots where messy splotches of color filled the precise outlines of the pattern.
At Curl's question, Ink glanced down at his forearms and shrugged. "The Guard had to investigate a fire on one of the lower levels. There were some younglings there."
He said it like it was a full explanation and - from him - it was. Ink melted around younglings of every species, despite how much he scared their parents.
Kix hid a smile of his own. "How's life with the Corrie Guard treating you?"
"He shou-should be the one doing the treating," Limit joked.
"Hilarious," Ink deadpanned. "Guard life is good. Treated a sprained ankle last week. Di'kut jumped down a level and a half without a jetpack."
"Hey, you know the rules," Curl objected. "No med talk until everyone is here."
"Who are we waiting on?" Kix asked.
"Heeeeeyyyyyyyy!" Shatter cheered, bursting through the door like he had been waiting for an introduction. Sprain followed close behind, throwing his arms outward like he was accepting applause.
"You didn't start without us, did you?" Sprain asked when Shatter finally paused to breathe.
"Just a short story about Wolffe," Limit admitted, looking guilty. "Sorry."
"Nothing to apologize for, Limit," Shatter forgave easily, gripping Limit's forearm in a quick warrior's greeting.
"Besides, we've all heard about Wolffe's eye," Sprain added. "Kix has been complaining about it for months."
"Was I supposed to stop?" Kix asked, mildly affronted. "I can still smell it!"
"Gross," Ink contributed.
"Gross? I'm gonna assume you're talking about that sad excuse for civvies," Shatter jabbed. "I mean, I wasn't gonna say anything, but it looks like something a Weequay would wear."
Ink snorted. "At least they didn't run out of dye for my shirt like they did with your hair."
Everyone else in the room chuckled at that - except Sprain, who had a single streak of dye up the back of his hair to match his brother. Shatter's was 212th gold, of course, while Sprain's was 41st Elite Corps green.
"I would be more offended by that if we weren't talking to the unanimously-voted best medic in the GAR," Sprain said, grinning.
"Is it true you actually got Fox to sleep more than five hours straight?" Shatter asked.
Kix perked up. This was new information… Fox was infamous for his lack of regular sleep, and infamously stubborn when it came to setting professional limits for sake of his health.
Ink leaned back in his chair and crossed his color-swatched arms over his chest. "I can neither confirm nor deny that story. Medic-patient privilege."
"C'mon, Ink," Curl wheedled. "No one's ever gotten Fox to sleep that long, especially not an almost-shiny like you."
Ink shot a glare in Curl's direction.
"However you d-did it, good job," Limit congratulated sincerely. "The Commander needs to take better care of- care of himself."
"We're here to learn new stuff to use on the field, right?" Kix mused slowly. "Well, I have a general who likes to avoid sleep. Can you give me some tips, Ink?"
Curl snorted. "Maybe another medic just has to ask."
Sprain, having heard the Curl-treating-Skywalker story before, just elbowed Curl. "Yeah, Ink, help Kix out. Of course, I don't need any help at all, since General Unduli believes in living a life of balance..."
"Shut up, Sprain," Shatter told his brother. "We get it; your general actually takes care of herself. Ink, if the circles under Kenobi's eyes get any darker, I'm going to get called in for dereliction of duty. Help a vod avoid a court-martial, would you?"
Ink sighed. "I can't be specific, but… did you know that certain Coruscant businesses will package unflavored protein powder in stim packages?"
Shouts of laughter greeted his carefully worded advice.
"Is that ethical?" Limit asked, sounding a bit troubled by the idea of deceiving a patient.
With a shrug, Ink told him, "More ethical than letting the Head Commander catch a plasma bolt in his shebs because he's too tired to function when his overlapping stims wear off."
Limit still looked doubtful, but Kix made a mental note of the trick. The general and commander didn't use stims except in dire circumstances - claiming that the Force sustained them - but the captain was known to be more reliant on non-sleep methods than Kix would prefer. And don't even get him started on Fives and Echo. When the ARCs were attached to the 501st, Kix could feel his heart working overtime.
"Speaking of catching a bolt, is it true you threatened to shoot one of your troopers, Curl?" Kix asked, relishing the looks of shock on the faces of the other medics. He had waited until everyone was present to drop that particular bit of news.
Curl looked surprised, for once. "How did you hear about that?"
"I have my ways," Kix said mysteriously. It paid to be friends with officers from other battalions, and his friendship with Sinker had proven it on multiple occasions.
Looking murderous, Limit drew himself up to full height. "You what?"
Curl knew when to get out of the line of fire and took a few steps away from the mass of muscle that was Limit. "It's not as bad as it sounds! Some of the members of the Wolfpack were experimenting with their jetpacks. I overheard a plan to drop a trooper from cruising altitude and have the other men catch him on the way down. I told them that they wouldn't have to worry about the enemy if they tried it."
Shatter blew out a breath. "Your battalion is something else, Curl."
That was the general consensus, if the nods and grunts around the room were any sign.
"So? Am I forgiven, Limit?" Curl asked, his eyes dancing.
Limit clenched his jaw. "I just don't think there is any- any cause to threaten one of your own troopers. Their safety is your concern, and they get enough threats from outsiders."
Sprain looked curious. "And what do you do when one of your troopers refuses to consider his own safety?"
"I talk to him," Limit answered simply. "Last miss- mission, Lieutenant Galle tried to hide an injury from me. When I found out about it, I treated- treated him and we had a talk about the responsibility of command and the importance of being at your- at your best when the lives of your vode are at risk."
"How did he take that talk?" Kix asked. Galle was notoriously stubborn and took criticism extremely poorly.
"He cried and admitted that I was right."
Surprised laughter met that pronouncement.
"Psychological warfare is the worst kind," Ink told him. "I'd rather someone just shoot at me."
"You don't mean that," Curl said, though his voice made it a question.
Shatter raised his eyebrows. "Would you rather get shot at or have Limit tell you that your life choices were bad?"
With a long look in Limit's direction, Sprain shrugged. "I'd go under fire any day."
"And I sup-suppose you all just threaten your men?"
"Sometimes, you can bribe them instead," Curl countered, keeping a steady distance between Limit and himself.
Any attempt at coherent conversation disintegrated from there, as the medics fell into arguments about the best way to handle stubborn patients. Kix fought a grin as he listened to them all. With medics like these fighting for the Republic, the CIS didn't stand a chance.
A/N - As a note, stims are canonically injected, but this is a theoretical powdered version. (Go with it.) I know some of you have told me your hopes for a happy ending for Kix. While I'm sure he continues to help where he can in his current timeline, the sequel era just doesn't inspire me enough to write a sequel-based happy ending for him. However, the idea of a medic group chat is one that has stuck with me throughout this series, and I wanted to include it in part here! You already know Curl, Shatter, and Sprain. Limit was introduced in the Bly chapter of Nobody Listens to Kix. Ink is new and got his name from his tattoos (not because of my username, I promise!). I hope it provided a lighthearted end to this particular fic.
Unfortunately, this is the last chapter of this story at this point. Unless I get some new ideas or surrender to my urge to write more about these OCs, this is the end of this particular story. If anyone has interest in a different work about several members of the Coruscant Guard, I have one I'm publishing as my new weekly-updated story (found on my masterlist). If not, no worries! It has been an absolute joy writing for you! Thank you, as always, for reading! Have a wonderful day!
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
💔Rotten Love💔 //Twisted Wonderland Yandere Idia Shroud X Yandere Eliza X Reader// Part 1
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GIF made by the amazing @flowerofthemoonworld. Okay, so this story is really going to have a Persephone x Reader x Hades vibe to it. If we can get this to 160 likes before July 12 than I’ll release part 2. For now, my goal is to make it a 4 part story with a bonus 5th fluff chapter. Also for this story reader will be GENDER NEUTRAL.
WARNING: Gore, Angst
💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙
There was always a cold, nostalgic air in the Ignihyde dormitory, a sort of homey sensation that made Eliza's heart skip a beat. Sure the dorm was quiet and secluded, unlike the ghost kingdom, there was barely anyone to talk to. Most may have even described it as "lonesome" and "boring". But to princess Eliza who had waited more than five hundred years to be with her prince charming, it was unadulterated, homespun bliss. Of course, there was still something missing, a tiny puzzle piece that refused to fit in with the rest of its kind, a stubborn little piece it was, yet all too important to paint the picture of her perfect life. That mulish fragment came in the form of her newly wedded husband, Idia Shroud.
The "young" princess sang as she skipped over to where her "husband" was sitting, his posture crooked, like that of a scrunched up cat's. His long slender fingers where typing rapidly on that bizarre rectangular device that he all too attached to. Way too attached to, for Eliza's liking.
Eliza nuzzled her visage into the crook of the bleached-skinned boy's neck, taking in his smokey, ash-like sent. Her icy colored arms wafted over his shoulders, enclosing them his a tight embrace. Her fingers dangled over where his heart was, feeling tiny fast-paced pulses that sent a pleased blush to her face. "Idia let's go for a walk near that river. Please, my love! You haven't left this room since the reception!"
The taller male barely turned to look at her, preferring to instead to keep his eyes locked on his glowing blue screen. "Still busy Eliza" his cold dead voice was always so sharp and monotone whenever he spoke to her. It felt like someone was reaching into her rib cage and squeezing her decaying heart. Her voice cracked into a thousand tiny shards, as she tried to form a comprehensible answer. He might as well have told her to die again and rot in the deepest parts of hell. He doesn't love me....he'll never love me. The relation was like a heavy chronic toxic gas levitating overhead. Easy to overlook but still there, always there. Idia didn't move, if Eliza's arms weren't wrapped around his shoulders feeling every breath he took, she might have mistaken him for a statue. No, not a statue, she thought, some sort of sculpture of an ancient Greek God. A divine being set in stone resting in an altar, waiting for reparations and benedictions. 'I'd gladly pray at your feet every day. I'd sacrifice everything I had just for you to smile that charming smile at me'. The ghost thought to herself.
For an endless minute, the darkroom fell into a thick, suffocating silence. Neither Eliza nor Idia moved both too scared of breaking some invisible glass wall they had put up around them. However, no amount of serenity could dispose of the awkwardness, and annoyance Idia was beginning to feel. "You know" the lord of the dead began "maybe you should talk to the principle about join the school full time. It would give you more to do than breathing over my shoulder" despite Idia's tone harboring no malice, Eliza still flinched in shock. Her body going rigid, stiffening as if she was going into Rigor Mortis again.
The voice in her head screamed,
"Please stop" she whispered
"If that's what you want" she finally replied in a broken voice.
"I'm... I'm only saying it for your sake," he muttered in a coaxing tone.
Deep down a delusional part of her wanted to scream that he was only saying all those harsh things for her own well-being. But she was still lucid enough to not believe those fallacies, imaginary words...Eliza perceived that her beloved prince Idia saw her as nothing more than a nuisance.  One that he was far too eager to get rid of. 
She couldn't bear the conversation any farther. Painfully slowly she peeled her arms off from around her so-called lover. In that taunting minute, Eliza swore she could feel billions upon billions of sharp needles piercing every piece of her dead body. She lingered in place staring at Idia's glowing, blazing hair. She didn't want to leave, she wanted to spend every second of her dead life with him! Touching him, kissing him, loving him! But he wouldn't love her! Why didn't he love her!! Without a customary goodbye or any form of acknowledgment, Eliza flew to the door. Swinging it open just a crack, wishing to slam it so hard that the whole underworld dorm would feel it. But alas she was still royalty and there was a politeness beaten into her every action. In the end after much debating, she closed the damn door quieter than a mouse. With a broken heart and eyes full of tears, princess Eliza began to hover up onto the surface of the school grounds.
A simple blaring thought that reverberated through Eliza's nonexistent skull as she marched through the glowing green halls of Night Raven College. Unlike Ignihyde, the rest of the school still felt rather alien and terrifying to the girl. She'd only been in the cafeteria for a short amount of time. Only to finish up her official marriage to Idia. After the marriage -and much persuasion from his friend with grey hair and glasses-  Idia had carried Eliza in the traditional manner a groom must carry a bride, to the hall of mirrors and straight to Ignyhde. Neither of them had left Idia's room since then.
It was a rather short memory but one that always placed a smile on Eliza's face. Rather than remembering the halls, Eliza had been all too bewitched by Idia's shy golden gaze, his bloody red face, and his kissable thin blue lips. Such a darling memory that she would always cherish within her rotten heart.
But as the minutes ticked away and Eliza passed hallway after hallway all identical to one another, she soon began to wish that she'd paid more attention to the whereabouts of the school's rooms and offices. The headmaster's office seemed to be missing from this endless maze. Behind every corner was the same tiled floor, candles lit by a mystical green light and windows so large they put the countless classroom doors to shame. Every few minutes a crowd of students would pass by, disappearing behind another wall withing second. No one noticed her, which was rather odd considering she was the only female in an all-boys school, her purple dress and feminine curves were proof enough of that. "I guess this is the result of being a ghost, wandering the land of the living" She whispered hopelessly to herself. "You're invisible when you're me..."
The eighth turn that Eliza took brought her to a small cluster of peculiar students. Some donning ears and tails like those of wild beasts, while the other had odd features resembling Ortho's limps. Metallic and reflective. They were laughing at something, attentions enclosed within their small groups. A measly thought flew into Eliza's head, why not speak up? Raise your voice and ask where she could locate the headmaster of this complex establishment.
"Excuse me."
None of the boys turned to her, they just continued with there chatter. Eliza opened her mouth to speak once more when she -rather unwillingly- picked up stray words from their conversation.
"It's not fair!" A tall lanky one with striped ears and tail whined
"Yeah! How come that useless shut-in gets to get married to a cute girl !" the second one was even taller, with thick furry grey ears that reminded Eliza of a wolf.
"Look man I don't know what Idia has that makes him so damn lucky! He's a useless wimp..." A Bold statement made by the one with metallic features.
Eliza was sure they continued bashing Idia but the phantom pain of blood coursing through her ears droned them out. How dare such hooligans speak ill of her beloved husband! Her fingers flexed in a robotic-like movement, stretching open than closing once more. Around her tiny flame-like spirits began to materialize, cute and cheery with big eyes and smiling mouths...until they noticed the distress of their mistress. the tiny things took a look around, grasping the situation from the loud words of the boys as well as Eliza's grim expression. Slowly the little flames began to merge with one another. Fusing into a large ax with a burning end. The weapon floated down to her hand, positioning itself smugly between her ghostly digits.
Eliza's eyes locked with the backs of the boys, she didn't know how this would work, could the ax could even harm the living? It may just phase through them as if nothing had happened....or it may price through there flesh and bones, tearing them in two. Hosting the ax up over her shoulder with both hands and taking a shaky step forward, Eliza lunged towards the first boy. In a swift flick of her wrist, the blade of the ax was pushing through the Ignihyde student's back. Splitting ceaselessly at the skin and urging past muscles until it reached the creamy colored bones. Eliza didn't stop there, her arms still pushing forward trying to get the heavy ax to break those pesky osseins. He had to pay for what he said! No one was permitted to speak ill of her one true love! A satisfying crack filled the air followed by a choir of screams. Only when the ax had finally resurfaced on the other side, covered in plasma and the remnants of organs, did Eliza turned her attention to the other two students. There eyes where enormous staring at her in disgust and fear...and something else. Something that -although it revolted her to her very core- she wished Idia would look at her with that same look in his eyes. A look of want, a look of need, pure lust, yet the welcoming sort ONLY if it was coming from the person you adored so much.
The blue-haired ghost didn't move, her semi existent body felt overworked. Everything hurt! Or at least she thought what she was feeling was the ghost equivalent to human pain. "Why.." her voice glitched at every syllable, like a broken cassette player. The two boys didn't answer instead taking shall strides backward. "WHY DID YOU SAY SUCH AWFUL THINGS ABOUT HIM!" in a split second, anger over ran Eliza's boy once more, dragging her and the ax forward until the blade came in contact with one of the animal eared men's neck. Slicing it so it flung backward, crashing onto the ground with loud "thud" then rolling around in its own gore. The last man stand, the one with monochrome ears pushed his palms forward, a pathetic attempt of shielding himself from her wrath. "W-we..we d-d-did...didn't-t mean...mean any..offense...honest!" His voice creaked as tears gushed from the corners of his eyes. "You're...you're just so...so...pretty...beautiful even...and...and...Shroud well...we...well, he's a loser who w-w-wouldn't kno--" his words were left half-finished, as Eiza's ax severed through him diagonally.  
Her heart was pounding much too fast, that it was beginning to make her feel sick. Her legs finally gave up, sending her crashing onto the blood coated floor.  Her bare knees dug into the red liquidy substance, finding an odd comfort in the warm human ichor. Eliza didn't know what to do, or even where to go. If she went back to Idia like this he would surely use it against her, Ortho was too young to be introduced to such a carnage...and she didn't know anyone else! "I'm all so very doomed" she sobbed as transparent tears trailed down her eyes.
"Hey" A distant voice spoke up. "What's wrong with her?" another voice, this one more high pitch and raspy. Eliza tore her face from her hands looking up at a group of three strangers and a cat...no, not strangers, she recognized the orange and blacked haired boy. They both had tried to crash her wedding. But the other person was new, they had a gentle look in their eyes, a welcoming stare that the princess longed for. "Hey ghost bride," The orange-haired boy spoke up, "need some help with your mess?" Eliza nodded meekly. Her body still limp and voice still too frail to speak. The last person, the one that had unexpectedly piqued Eliza's interest extended a hand towards her. And with only a scrap of hesitation, Eliza gripped it.
"Come on, we'll help you out!"
💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 👻💙 
Tags: @yandere-romanticaa​ @ghostiebabey​ @lovee-infected​ @mermaid-painter​ @firemelody4​ also tagging @twstpasta​ and @delusional-obsessions​ cause I know they're huge Eliza fans.
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bcbdrums · 3 years
happy birthday, @shegogogirl​!!!  this fic is based on her headcanon.  it is NOT based on mine.  go read her outstanding fanfics at @rosesforshego​!!!
FFn     AO3
Shego's step echoed as she shifted her weight to the side, surveying the items on Dr. Drakken's work table. Some were easily recognizable—a hammer, a screwdriver, a soldering iron—but others she had never seen before, and she decided that the blue villain she now worked for was at least more knowledgeable in various engineering fields than she was. But the jury was still out on whether or not he was a 'genius' as he claimed.
Shego glanced over her shoulder to the heavy, metal doors of the lab. They were closed, and the soft hum of machinery was the only sound in the lab so late in the night. She assumed Dr. Drakken had gone to bed, but the lights had been on when insomnia and boredom had brought her down.
She surveyed the objects on the table again and an old curiosity began to surface in her mind. She frowned at the idea as her eyes fell over the hammer again and the memory it brought, and she shook her head to rid her mind of the thought. But she knew it was still there, clawing its way forward as she picked up an unknown object and turned it over in her hands.
It resembled something like a dentist's drill, if she was recalling that tool correctly, and yet something was off about it. It also looked geared to working with larger materials than teeth. After a moment she held the object away from her slightly and flicked a switch on its side. A white glow emerged from the tip of the object as well as an electrical hum. She narrowed her eyes, and then glanced back at the soldering iron.
The thought was back in her mind—the one she had sworn she would never allow again. But looking at the array of tools she had never seen made the curiosity press forward like a drill in her mind, carving a direct line through the barriers she'd erected and going straight to her conscious thought.
'Maybe, one of these...'
Shego felt the hesitation and also the pull—the sense of knowing she was about to cross a line she shouldn't cross, and knowing that there could be ramifications, and also...knowing she had no other choice. With a sick feeling of regret, she pulled off her left glove and dropped it on Dr. Drakken's chair.
The tips of her fingers were nearly black, and a dark green faded to pale in a slow gradient from the tips of her fingers across her palm and to the beginning of her wrist. She flexed her hand twice, amazed at the motion as she couldn't feel any of it excepting the slight pull of tendons in her wrist. And then she looked at the object in her hand.
She felt the first real uncertainty, and after a moment flipped the switch to turn the tool off and picked up the soldering iron instead. That was familiar, and something she had used before. Perhaps, this time...it would be different.
She turned on the soldering iron and waited the length of time she knew it would take to heat. And then without even a breath of caution, she placed the dark, pointed end on her fingertip.
Nothing. There was still nothing.
She drew the iron down her finger toward her palm, watching the texture of the skin change slightly as it was burned. But she couldn't feel a thing. The cost of her powers had been the death of the nerves in her hands. She hadn't felt a thing with them since that horrific comet strike when she was eleven years old.
While she was used to having appendages she could use and never feel after so many years, she still held a fool's hope that one day, maybe...she could feel again.
She turned off the soldering iron and put it down in disgust, turning back to the strange drill-like object that had glowed. She picked it up and turned it on, hesitating as she hovered it over another finger. She had no idea what actual damage the device might cause. But...if she could just feel it...
Shego startled and dropped the tool as she whirled around, keeping her un-gloved hand behind her back.
"Dr. Drakken!"
The man was fully attired in his blue lab coat, suggesting he'd only been out of the room for a brief interval. He was looking at her expression in confusion which she attempted to school from its panic, but he quickly moved forward and toward the still-running tool she had dropped. She took the chance to grab up her glove from the chair and put it on as he examined the device before turning it off.
"What were you doing with my microscopic laser drill?" he asked when he turned back to her.
"I was...just looking at all the tools. I don't know what most of them are."
Her boss's confusion remained for a moment, but then faded as the boyish glee she was getting used to bloomed on his face.
"Would you like to know what they do?"
"Uh. Sure," she said hastily, even though all she wanted to do was escape from the situation that had very nearly revealed her. But staying to listen would be a better cover.
As Dr. Drakken began talking about the laser drill so rapidly she couldn't have followed if she tried, behind her back she pressed her fingers into her palm one after the other, and then pinched her finger where the soldering iron had run over it.
But there was nothing. She couldn't feel a thing.
"And then after my new Robo-Butlers have become a staple in every home, we flip the switch and turn the amiable automatons into my legion of— Shego? Are you listening? Shego?"
Shego startled and looked down. Drakken's gloved hand was covering hers on the work table in the lab.
She pulled her hand away quickly, grabbing it with her other, and Drakken recoiled and blinked. They regarded each other for a moment, Shego's thoughts entirely arrested, until Drakken frowned and blushed faintly, turning back to the robotic component he was working on.
"You could at least listen to the plan!" he spat in defense.
Shego crossed her legs over to the other side where she sat on the work table to face away from him slightly, still holding her hand. She didn't feel anything... Of course she didn't. But something had made her look down. It hadn't been his voice that brought her back into focus. Somehow...it had been his hand on hers.
"Robo-Butlers, legion of doom... Go on," she said, finally waving her hand absently.
She looked at the dead appendage as she set it back down on the table. She knew she hadn't felt anything when he had touched her... She couldn't have. And yet somehow, it was definitely what had drawn her focus.
The curiosity she felt about the moment dissolved quickly into anger. There was no way Drakken had touched her hand for any other reason than to get her attention, but if he had...she still wouldn't feel it. She would never feel anyone touch her hands for any reason at all.
What did it even mean to feel? She had physical feeling in all of her other extremities, though she knew somehow it wasn't exactly what it was supposed to be, due to the comet. And other types of feeling... She couldn't let herself feel anything beyond anger, resentment, greed... Those feelings would drive her as she aided Drakken in his plot to take over the world, and in her own goal to erase every memory the world had of a super-hero named Shego.
No. 'Feeling' wasn't something one did with their body. It was merely the darkness churning in her soul like magma, building until the day it might explode again like it had the day she had left Go City.
Drakken's voice brought her focus back, and she saw his confusion at what must have been a dark look on her face. But rather than reacting in fear or annoyance to her lack of listening, he simply sighed. Her brow rose.
"Just...hand me those pliers," he said with another sigh.
Shego looked across the table where the tool sat out of reach and picked it up, her fingers grasping the item with the proper amount of strength from both practice and remembered instinct. When she turned back and handed it to Drakken, she watched his fingers brush against hers.
He turned his face away quickly and frowned, another faint blush coming over his cheeks as he used the tool to manipulate some tiny wires. Shego looked at her fingers for a moment before setting her hand back on the table. And she frowned at the sudden unexpected feeling not in the dead extremities, but the one that tried to break through the darkness in her heart.
Shego stared at the menace of the glowing and electrified green mass that was the syntho-plasma, out of control and about to consume them both. Suddenly, she had the sense she should turn around. But the threat in front of her caused her to ignore it.
"Shego? Shego!"
A tug in her shoulder caused the villainess to finally turn, and she saw two things. First, that Drakken had a death-grip on her hand—which of course, she hadn't felt him grab—and second, that another mass of the living goo was headed straight toward them.
Shego growled and in one swift movement had thrown Drakken up over her shoulder. She flipped out of the way of the rampaging sentient substance, setting Drakken down when they were clear. And then they began to run.
"I think it's time to put syntho-plasma in the 'fail' category, Dr. D.!" she said between her labored breaths as they sprinted out of the lab in their snowy mountain lair and toward the hover-car bay.
Shego felt that instinct to turn again, and a second after felt a familiar haphazard tug in her shoulder. She looked down to find that Drakken had taken her hand again for some reason as they made their escape, and she looked up to see his face half-turned back the way they had come, twisted in terror and also in thought. Whether he was trying to think of a way to salvage the plan or reason where it had gone wrong was beyond her, but she found her thoughts drifting immediately to his grip on her lifeless hand.
He must have grabbed it to get her attention before, but...she had told him awhile back of her inability to feel with her hands; that every object she held was held due to practice, and memory from childhood. It was why she was occasionally clumsy with new things, which he had very rarely seen because she concealed it well. It was also why she lacked confidence in cooking, as the art required a certain dexterity. No, all her hands were good for were burning things. So knowing this...why had he grabbed one?
After leaping into the hover-car, Shego had expected Drakken to let go. But when she tugged against him to reach for the controls she wasn't able to free her hand. She looked again to where he was holding on tighter, while biting his other hand apparently in attempt to keep from either shouting or perhaps crying, if the way his eyes were pinched shut was any indication. Shego couldn't analyze it in the moment, since the living green plasma was still in pursuit, and with her free hand she started the craft and guided it out of the bay and away from the lair.
The explosion that followed soon after hadn't been caused by Kim Possible that time, but by Drakken's own haste in experimentation. But Shego would yell at the man for it later. Now that they were high in the sky, clear of the pursuit of any green goo and only the scent of smoke interrupting the chill of the air around them at their altitude, she needed first to deal with the fierce grip he still had on her hand when she looked down to the seat between them.
She looked at the way her fingers were contorted in his grasp and frowned for a moment, wondering if he might have broken them. But when she looked up again he was still biting his other hand, and there were definite tears in his eyes.
"Dr. D.?" she asked, suddenly concerned.
He blinked suddenly and turned toward her, and she drew back with a gasp. The left side of his face was burned and even had some slightly blackened spots. Clearly the syntho-plasma, which operated within some kind of electrical field, had touched him in their escape, and she'd missed it.
She swallowed down the lump that had come to her throat both for concern for him, and for the memory of pain that had surfaced at seeing his own.
"If you'll let go of me I can get the first aid kit," she said evenly, surprised at the lack of edge in her tone.
His eyes dropped and then widened at seeing the way he still held her hand. He released her, and after flexing her hand several times and determining that at least her fingers didn't seem broken, she reached below the seat for the case containing their medical supplies.
When she looked up again Drakken had stopped biting his own hand and appeared to be trying to halt his tears. Shego opened the case and then frowned.
"Dr. D., didn't I tell you this needed to be re-stocked?"
Drakken looked down at the near-empty case in her lap but said nothing, only replacing his hand in his mouth to bite hard on it again. She had noted tooth marks in the black leather prior to his doing so. Shego sighed in frustration at the complete lack of any supplies for cleaning or bandaging in the case, but at least there was still plenty of burn gel which was the more important in the moment.
She pulled the cap off of the gel and then hesitated. There weren't even cotton balls in the kit. There wasn't anything she could use to effectively spread the gel onto Drakken's burn.
She gritted her teeth and frowned as she looked up at him again. She didn't know why the tears he was fighting got to her. Or maybe it was the fact that his blue skin was starting to blister, and she still had a memory of similar pain herself. But whatever the reason, and with a small fluttering of fear in her heart, she began pulling the glove from her hand.
Drakken's squinted eyes widened slightly at the sight she had never before let him see, of her blackened fingers with streaks down through the dark green of her palm. Where the color faded to her normal pale green at her wrist, the skin there also softened from the rough scarring that she had gained when the comet's power had first seared through her hands.
She squeezed too much gel from the tube onto her fingertips—a sign of her own nervousness at revealing the ugliness she hid, that she couldn't exert the proper pressure—and then set the tube down in the kit. She lifted her fingertips toward Drakken's face and he watched the movement of her hand.
"This'll be easier if you move your hand," she said through a sigh.
Drakken's brow rose, and he removed the hand from his mouth he'd been biting, hurriedly attempting to dry his tears with the cuff of his glove. His eyes remained on her hand until the gel touched the side of his face. He winced and gave a slight hiss, but then blinked repeatedly as it began to provide relief.
Shego sighed again through her nose, her mind brought back to the moment she had sat up amid flaming wreckage, smoke choking her lungs, and her hands ablaze with a green fire that had terrified her. Now, it was her source of power, and her way of shutting down her anxieties by exerting power over others. But at the time it had been pure fear, and...pain. It was still the greatest pain she had ever experienced, and she hated remembering it. But it was in her dreams... The cries of the dying, the roar of flames...and just pain.
"Thank you, Shego."
She was startled from the horrifying memory at the sound of Drakken's voice. He was looking at her now, and not at her hand, and she could see that the burn gel was providing him some relief. She took a deep breath and then sighed through her nose.
"You're welcome," she said.
Drakken looked hesitant, and then glanced down to where her other hand still held the first aid kit. She followed his gaze and then her own eyes widened as his hand reached for hers, but then stopped halfway there.
"Did I hurt you?"
"What?" Shego asked, her heart suddenly beginning to race. What was he asking?
"When I squeezed your hand."
Shego felt a relief sweep over her at his words, not sure why she had panicked to begin with. There had been no reason for it.
She lifted her free hand from the first aid kit and flexed her fingers again several times.
"Seems to work."
"Does it feel...? Oh. I..."
She retracted her hand from his face with a frown, ignoring his obvious concern over the slip and choosing to wipe the remaining gel on the hover-car seat. She attended to the task meticulously, having to watch to make sure the gel was gone as she couldn't feel when it left her fingers or even that it was on them at all. But when she turned back, she gasped.
Drakken had removed her other glove and was examining her hand. She yanked it away and fell back in the seat, her heart racing again as she was utterly at a loss for words.
She responded by igniting her hands, the familiarity of the green flames a comfort as Drakken leaned away from the danger.
"I'm sorry!" he cried, waving a hand in innocence. "I was just making sure I didn't break your fingers. I...I'm sorry!"
Shego looked at his horror-stricken and remorseful face with the red burn on the side, looking better already for the gel. She looked at her gloves on the seat between them, and the first aid kit that had slipped from her lap when she jerked away. And then she looked at her hands, the black of her fingers like the charcoal of burned twigs, her palms a strange, dark source of power. The green fire surrounded her hands like a threat and like the safety of a womb.
She let it go out and stared at the appendages, just as dead and unfeeling. She looked at Drakken. He looked less afraid, and...
Shego turned away sharply as she felt tears stinging her eyes, though she wasn't sure why. When people had pitied her in the past, she threatened them. If they had offered condolences, she tore them down with her words. And if they didn't stop she let them know that Shego the super-hero was not who they thought she was. No, she knew what to do with the fire that had destroyed her. It was her strength.
But now, for some reason...when she had seen that look in Drakken's eyes...she couldn't do either of those things. She couldn't threaten him with pain, and she couldn't just mock him. For some reason...it all felt wrong. And instead she was fighting tears.
She hadn't cried in front of anyone since the day the comet struck.
She blinked and jerked her head slightly in his direction to let him know she had heard, though it wasn't necessary.
"I'm sorry, I should have asked... I'm just worried I broke your fingers. I was squeezing your hand...really tightly."
Shego snatched one of her gloves and used it to dry her tears, then slipping it back on and the other soon after.
"Won't matter if you did. They still work, and I can't feel them anyway."
"I'm sorry... I—"
Shego resumed flying the hover-car, taking them out of the smoke and away from horrible moment.
"Just forget about it, Dr. D.," she heard herself say, though she wasn't sure why she was letting it go so easily. All she knew was...a feeling...different than the memory of fear and pain, and different from the panic she had felt in the moment, was swirling around in her chest. A feeling she didn't recognize.
She glanced at Drakken and then realized...the look on his face wasn't the same as the pity she'd remembered seeing on others during the old hero days. This look was simply...concern?
The new feeling swirled more prominently in her chest, and she tightened her dead fingers on the steering controls. She wondered if actually feeling her hands again would be better or worse than whatever this other...feeling...was, that seemed to be taking over her.
Crackling close by. A roaring wash, slightly distant. A siren.
The sound of crying.
The realization that these sounds and sensations weren't a nightmare or memory, but the present reality, was terrifying. But none of them had been what woke Shego as she blinked up into the darkness of the night.
An orange glow at the edge of her blurred vision confirmed that she was indeed in the midst of a fire. She didn't know where or why. But she knew it wasn't the past, when the comet had struck. It was the present. And she was on the ground on her back, in pain again.
She felt something then. It was only the ghost of a feeling long forgotten, but she still felt it—for just a fleeting moment, and then it was gone. She knew it had been this ghost, and not the chaos surrounding her that had woken her.
She tried to guide her eyes in the direction of where the feeling had come from but only saw her arms. Her brow furrowed. Her arms were not under her control she realized, as they were elevated and she not the one lifting them. Her gaze traveled further and then she saw her hands.
Something pressed against her mind then, insisting this was the source of the feeling that had woken her. But that was impossible... Wasn't it?
She blinked a few more times and tried to force away the blurring in her vision, the sounds of the fire getting nearer a strong motivation. And then she saw the method by which her arms and hands were elevated.
It was Drakken. He was sitting beside her on the ground, one knee pointed up, and her hands rested atop it as he held them in each of his own. And then she saw his tears. His eyes were held tightly shut as whimpering sobs left his lips, tears sliding down his face in streams so rapid the heat of the encroaching fire couldn't evaporate them fast enough. This must have been the source of the crying she had heard.
She watched as Drakken's thumbs rubbed over her fingers, back and forth. If she hadn't been looking she wouldn't have known, as she couldn't feel his touch. And then he set his face down atop her hands as controlling his cries became more difficult.
"Shego..." left his lips in a choked sob. "I'm so sorry, Shego. I'm so sorry."
It seemed to be all he could say, in his struggle to hold back fiercer sobs.
Shego tried to speak, but found her mouth didn't want to work. Attempting to lift her head only revealed just how much pain she was in, as suddenly all of her nerve endings—those still functional—felt like the nearing fire that she feared. It was that knowledge that motivated her past the pain and she forced her head to rise from the stone and metal rubble she realized it was lain upon.
His head shot up.
"Shego! You're alive!"
The realization that he'd thought she was dead was eclipsed by the relief in his voice and the startling joy in his eyes. It was this sight she found herself suddenly able to focus on despite her blurred vision. Her head refused to lift any higher and she let it fall back to the ground.
Before he could say anything else however, the siren she had forgotten was suddenly the prominent feature in the atmosphere. Drakken leaned toward her, and she wondered in confusion whether it was out of his own fear, or a desire to protect her.
She watched as police officers pointing guns at them entered the periphery, and the sound of fire hoses blasting water started to eliminate the crackle and roar of fire. She couldn't hear what the officers were shouting as it all became a fog in her throbbing head again.
"She's hurt, she needs medical attention!" was Drakken's desperate reply to the officers. "She was thrown into that tower and electrocuted before it collapsed!"
They shouted something else, but Shego still didn't hear it, nor did she try. Her gaze had fallen slightly to fix on where Drakken still tightly held her hands atop his knee. And through the pain and the distraction around her, she recalled that somehow...it was that touch that had brought her back.
She couldn't feel her hands. She never would feel his fierce, protective hold on them. But the sight sent a different feeling stirring in her chest—one she was starting to grow weary of fighting, and wondering why she ever had.
Shego shifted where she lay on the large, round bed. The pillows were soft and comfortable, and the sheets like silk against her skin. But the pleasure of those physical feelings went all but unnoticed for the swell of feeling in her heart.
Drakken sat next to her, her bare hands held up between them. He kissed one palm, and then the other. His lips moved up one scorched and blackened finger, and then down its other side. And then he repeated the process on the next one. And the next...
It hadn't been easy to let go of the rage and the deadness inside that she had made her haven, and to let herself trust the feeling that Drakken had stirred within her. To give up what had been her source of strength and defense for so many years had been a battle, and one that had taken so long to win she feared losing him forever—especially after he had saved the world and everything changed. But it had been that fear that had been her final push, as she realized that life without him was far worse than braving the unknown and letting him in.
She hadn't known that in doing so, a veritable flood of feeling would come crashing over her like waves, utterly destroying the anger and bringing life back to the places that were dead. It was frightening... But she had to open herself to him. It was the only way they could be together. And in depths of her soul, she couldn't deny anymore that he was all she yearned for.
She continued watching as Drakken kissed her hands with all the attention and care in the world. She could imagine that it felt gentle, tender... His kisses to the rest of her body always were. And sometimes when she thought hard enough, she could imagine that she truly felt his touch on her hands. It had been his touch, after all...a touch she couldn't even feel...that had begun cracking through her walls.
She suddenly felt tears prickle in her eyes as she watched his lips linger on the back of one hand before favoring the other with the same, compassionate touch. And all in a rush she realized that she could feel.
"Shego?" Drakken asked worriedly upon seeing her tears. "Is something wrong?"
She shook her head lightly. "Nothing. It just..." She paused to take a shuddering breath as the emotions overwhelmed her. "...It feels so good."
Drakken looked perplexed for only a moment until realizing she didn't mean physical feeling, but the feeling in her heart. And then kissing each of her hands once again, he released them and she instantly locked her fingers behind his neck and pulled him down. Not that he needed any encouragement, but she felt she couldn't wait another moment to have his lips touch hers.
She hadn't known anything like the love he filled her with could exist. But she was certain beyond doubt...it was the greatest feeling of all. And their love... That was the feeling that mattered.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Caught - HeadCannon
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Request: A hidden camera in MC’s room and the bidders use it to find MC masturbating, one day she walks in to find them jacking off to it. @alicevaski​
Pairing: Soryu, Babe, Eisuke, Mamoru (Not Ota, I just can’t with him)
Word count: 5000+
Warning: Smut and NSFW, Female and male masturbation, un-protected sex, Spying
Throwing down the bags you had been carrying all day, watching them bounce down on the bed as you kicked off your shoes, even your days off from work left you exhausted. You took full advantage of your day off, leaving your bedroom in the penthouse which you were currently residing in and getting a long list of errands you had done all before taking a few hours to leisurely shop. Living in the penthouse, rent free, and becoming a private maid for the bidders, a healthy raise in salary courtesy of Eisuke, meant you had more disposable cash than ever before. Your eyes fell onto the bag which held the new underwear you brought, never would you normally spend so much money on underwear but the red silk and satin material called out to you. Why you even brought it you’d never know, it wasn’t as if you had a love life, the last time you even got any action was far too long for you to even remember. Your right hand and a bullet vibrator become your only dates, especially since living with the bidders, you wouldn’t even dream of bringing a man to the penthouse. You couldn’t deny your sex drive had increased since living with them, the smouldering smirks, the teasing flirts, the not-so-stuble suggestions left you feeling tingly and aroused. It was like a slow burning torture, each of them setting off sparks with you, only for you to have to relieve yourself in the dead of night with silent prayers no-one heard you. Oh how you were wrong…
“Boss move! You're hogging the screen!” Ota squeaked, trying to push the tycoon out of the way to get a glimpse on the tablet screen. The camera was placed as a matter of security, Eisuke had them installed all through his penthouse, only he up to this point knew they were there. Eisuke had flicked it on just to purely check you was safe in your room, nothing more, but Soryu had caught you on the screen and questioned him before the others quickly fled to his side. But eyes grew wide. They watched you, clothes scattered across the floor, the only thing on your body was the underwear you earlier purchased.
“Move kid, this is for adults only,” Mamoru huffed, grabbing him by his collar and flinging the young artists aside. Soryu tutted and rolled his eyes, crossing his right leg over his left.
“Don’t tutt at us, you're just as much a pervert for watching,” Baba chuckled, rubbing his knuckle against the mobsters slicked back hair, messing it up. 
“Got a point Sor,” Eisuke smirked, his long finger flicking across the tablet, the plasma tv on the wall springing to life, the image of you in your bedroom flooding the screen. You stood in front of the wall length mirror, hands running across your body as the crimson-red underwear clung to your body, leaving little to the imagination. 
“Holy shit kid-” Mamoru wide open, dropping the cigarette from his mouth, a light thud as it hit the floor. The bidders watch in awe as you bring your hands up to cup your covered breasts, pushing them together, giving them a full-front show of your cleavage. 
“Who knew the little lady has such good taste,” Baba licking his lip hungrily, eyes focusing on the screen to catch a glimpse of your behind as you turned in the mirror, the red thong illuminating the suppleness of your ass. 
The bidders watched with high anticipation for your next movement, not expecting you to brush your hands against your breasts, fingers tweaking at your clothed nipples until they hardened beneath the flimsy material, a breathless gasp leaving your lips. 
“Koro you naughty girl,” Ota grinned with beady eyes, as you slipped a hand between your underwear bottoms, fingers teasing over your clit in a brushing movement. Breathes hitched as you sat on the edge of the bed, legs spread with your feet placed flat as your back fell onto the sheets below, hands tracing up and down your thighs in a teasing manner. A smirk twitched at the side of Eisukes mouth, eyes watching the delightful show on the screen as your back arched, hips bucked as you pushed a finger below the material and into your delicate folds, the gasping moans sent all the blood from his head straight to his cock, as did all the others. All of them knew they should turn off the video, but you were beyond enticing, all of them lusted after you but feared to proceed any future out of fear from the other bidders. 
The whimper moans fell from the tv, fingers frantically working inside you as you tugged off your underwear, letting it loop off one of your ankles, the bidders getting a wide shot, your core being plunged into with your sleek fingers. Each of them sat forward with anticipation, watching you bring yourself to climax as delicate whimpers of a name fell from your mouth before slowing your movements and removing your fingers, the honey essence dripping from you and onto the sheets below. They all sat in silence for a moment, breaths and heavy and hearts racing before each of them quickly dis-band and dispersed into their rooms. All of them had you on their mind, replaying what they just witnessed. 
Eisuke: Eisuke was a powerful man, he could bring businesses down with a flick of his wrist, he could make profits double in value before he even had this morning coffee. Yet when it came to her, he was completely powerless. She had a grip on him like none other, every smirk or suggestive comment she would bat off but the rising colour of cheeks left Eisuke knowing he had an affect on her, just like she did him. He found him fisting his cock, night after night, spilling on his sheets wishing it was her hand instead of his. Ever since she’d come into his life nothing else seemed to matter, he lusted after her like he had never done before, purely intoxicated by her scent and presence. After the performance he witnessed with the others, he deleted every tape of it except for one on his phone, he wanted you purely for himself and no-one else. He watched as you climaxed over and over again, cock twitching each time as he knew he had heard right, ‘Eisuke’ falling from your lips in a withering moan.
With a hearty sigh you finished up the last room of your floor, checking your phone you had finished 30 minutes earlier than normal. You practically skipped to the elevator, you could go up, make Eisuke a coffee he would demand and be done for the day. The penthouse was empty when you entered, silence except for some tapping from Eisukes office, you waltzed over to the coffee machine and prepared his drink. Putting the three sugars and the jug of milk on the tray, pouring the hot water into the cup, carrying it to his office. You were so used to entering his office without knocking you didn’t think twice about just entering.
“Mr. Ichinomiya, I have your cof-” You started before frozen as you pushed the door open, Eisuke hunched over his chair, head thrown back with gritted teeth, hand thrusting in a vigorous movement below his desk. His eyes shot open, his eyes laced with darkness and lust, his hand slowing but not stopping as a bead of sweat ran across his forehead. You were about to turn, shut the door and run but a crying moan from the screen stopped you, “Eisuke” your breathless came flooded your ears. He was jacking off to you.
“Are you just going to stand there or what,” His lips twisting into a smirk as you slammed the door behind you, threw the tray on the nearest flat surface and began unbuttoning your blouse. You wanted this, you needed this, you wanted him. Straddling him, tapping his hand away as you wrapped your hands around his lengthy thickness, pumping him as he had been doing moments before. His hands ran up your exposing thighs, pushing up the material of your skirt to expose the red underwear you were wearing, the same underwear you wore when moaned his name, he felt all-self control snap. Fingers ran against the damping wetness of your panties, growls of approval as pushed a finger under them to run against your slickening folds. 
“Mr. Ichin-” You whined with pleasure, as he sunk a finger inside your deep core, only to be cut off.
“Eisuke,” He groaned, your hand squeezing over his head, thumb tracing over the slit to spread his pre-cum over him. 
“Take me,” You begged, another finger being trusted inside you, your hips mercilessly grinding down to ride his hand. He continued thrusting into you, only to remove his slicked digits from within when he felt you clench, his smirking gaze met your flushed cheeks. Pushing you off of his lap, turning you around so you faced his desk, your hands gripping at the solid wood beneath you as your skirt was hitched up over your waist. The heat of his throbbing member pressed fiercely against your ass as he ripped your panties from your body, a ‘I’ll buy someone new ones’ smirked from behind you. One hand held your waist as the other spread your legs a little future, his erection gliding across your folds in a teasing manner.
“Eisuke please,” It came out more needing than you hoped, wetness coaxing his cock as he continued to tease you.
“What do you want, baby?” The word baby made you clench over nothing, pushing yourself back against him to relieve some friction. You knew Eisuke too well to know he never just give someone something, they had to beg which is what he wanted to do now. 
“Just fuck me already,” You cried, unable to take his teasing, the wanton need clear in your voice. Hands gripping your waist as he thrusted into you, the thickness pulsing against your walls as he stretched your tightness with a hiss of pleasure, burying himself to the hilt inside you. 
“You're so tight and wet for me baby,” He groaned with a slight struggle, fingertips sinking into your skin as he pulled out to thrust back in. Your knuckles went white from gripping the desk below you, the powerful thrusts hitting the perfect spot inside you, whimpers falling for you with each one. The sound of his pelvis hitting your ass flooded the small office, followed by your breathless moans and the occasion grunt from behind. It didn’t take long for him to bring you to a climax, the intensity picking up as he fucked you through your orgasm, Eisuke crying your lips as he delivered a pleasure to you like no-other. 
“Your mine,” He growled, sinking his teeth in the crook of your neck, a mark of claim as he stilled, spilling deep inside you. A few breathless pants filled the silence, Eisuke finally pulling himself from you, his head resting against your back. 
“I mean it,” His voice was slightly softer than normal, turning you around keeping you pinned between him and his desk, his face coming close to yours.
“Your mine,” His lips meet yours the first time, both of your hands coming up to intertwine in his hair, pulling him down close to you. 
Soryu indeed was as his friends called him a ‘closeted pervert’, he lusted over you just as much as the others, the only difference was he did it in the privacy of his own comfort. He wasn’t as bold as the others when it came to women, able to keep his urges under-control unlike Ota he practically fucked anything with a pulse. Even confessing he lost his virginity due to a ‘life or death situation’, he didn’t need to go into future more details about it. He’d be calm, cool and collected throughout his life, that was until she came into it, making him through it all out of the window. Primal urges kicking in, the more time he spent around her, the more times he found his fist wrapped around his cock with the image of her in his mind, her name grazing his lips. The day the bidders watched her on screen, he wanted nothing more to bullet through all of them and protect her modesty but he was so pulled in by her, her moans and delicate whimpers, he couldn’t stop himself from falling victim. He had to fight the urge to kick down her door, take over and ravish her, but now only the image and memory of her would have to do. The moment all the bidders left for their rooms, he was already on the phone to his men telling them to hack into the security camera and send them a specific file, he heavily stressed that if anyone opened it he would make no issue of getting rid of them. He also made sure to get them to delete the footage from the security once Soryu had received it, this was for his eyes only. He fisted himself in time to your fingers, imaging he was plunging his thickness into you rather than your fingers, bringing himself to the edge in time to you. He planned to edge himself, deny his release for a few rounds before spilling but the moan that left the screen, the moan of his name made him release over his lower stomach without touching himself.
“Motherfucker” You hissed, tripping over something in your room and stubbing your feet off it, a slight pain surged through your foot. Bending down to see the leather coating, a book Soryu had lent you many weeks ago that you had finished, forgetting to return it to its owner. It was late into the evening and you knew Soryu was in, you’d not long been making him omelets for his dinner, fussing that he didn’t eat enough. He was literally so fussy, the only thing you ever saw him eat was the food you cooked for him. Picking up the book you headed out of your room and down the hallway to Soryus, his light was off but you knew he was in.
“Sor?” You knocked to no response, you knocked again before pressing down on the handle and slowly pushing the door open. It was dark inside, no sign of Soryu, he must have gone out. Boldly stepping in, you placed the book on his bedside desk, the sound of running water flooding your ears. Ah, he’s in the shower, no wonder he didn’t reply you thought. Turning to leave him in peace, a noise stopped you in your place, a heavy groan and whimpered moan. Shit, shit, shit, you thought. He’s got a woman over and here you are in his room! You hurried to make an exit when his words stopped you, “Bella”, he was calling out your name. The whimpering moans grew louder, almost as if it was a tape looping, heat flooding your cheeks as you recognise the whimpers, your whimpers, your voice crying out Soryu’s name. Was he? Over you? Surely not, but the groan of your name once more confirmed your thoughts. 
Your feet lead you before you could even think, bouncing over to his bathroom and pushing the door slightly open a jar, breath hitching at the sight before you. He was under the shower, droplets of water running off his taunt back, one hand holding the wall as the other moved back and forth in front of him, his head thrown back as he groaned, his phone on the side playing looped recordings of your crying moans. 
“Soryu…” You so breathlessly whispered, biting your lower lip as you took in the scene before you, feeling yourself clench and pulse in time to your throbbing heartbeat. He turned his head over his shoulder, no sign of embarrassment as usual, instead his eyes half lidded and rimmed with lust. His hand stroking himself slower, a slight glimpse of the pure muscle that lay beneath his suit, the throbbing hardness that make you go weak at the knees. Neither said a word, his eyes following you as they watched you pull of your clothes before joining him in the shower, fully exposed as you stood in-front of him.
Bringing a hand to rest on his cheek, the other ran down his abdomen before reaching the curls at the base of his cock. A shiver ran down his spine as you wrapped a hand around him, replacing his own as you began to stroke up and down him, the head pressing tight against your stomach. He closed the distance between you, pushing you to be back up against the wall as his mouth came crashing down on yours, your hand pumping him with a harder grip. Tongues coaxed each others, a soft hand held your waist as he groaned into your mouth, his hips thrusting as you brought him closer and closer to a release. 
“What are you-” His eyes opened wide as you broke the kiss, pushing him back slightly before dropping to yours knees, his cock twitching as you ran your tongue up and down his length, replacing your hand. The groan that hit your ears was like music as you took part of his length into your mouth, hand re-wrapping around his base as you feel into a steady rhythm. A handle gently placed to the back of your head as you bobbed over him, muscles of his toned chest beginning to twitch as his breath became ragged. A flicker of your tongue under his head, a strangle groan and you felt his hot release shot against the back of your throat. He panted above you with shut eyes, regaining his breath before opening them, eyes glossing over once more as he watched you swallow and releasing him with a lewd pop. 
The next few seconds were a blur, him picking you up as he turned off the water, carrying you into his room and placing you on his bed. Both of you dripping wet, lust in your eyes and a blazing heat shared between you. He almost looked hesitant to continue before the words, ‘make me yours Soryu’ fell from your mouth. Lips came crashing back to yours as he pushed you down onto the bed, climbing on top of you. 
Mamoru liked to tease you, often referring to you as a kid but he always saw you as a woman. Especially when you would clap back at the remarks the other bidders made at you, nothing warmed his heart more than seeing someone stand up to Eisuke and down-right refuse him. The lingerie he saw you wear that night was like the lingerie he pictured you wearing so many times in his thoughts, but never did he think you would actually be the type to wear it. He knew all about the cameras Eisuke had planted across the penthouse, he was a detective for christ sake, he even knew how to access them off his own phone. The night the bidders watched you on the screen, he removed all copies from the system, all except one that he kept for his personal use. He wasn’t like the others, taking a woman for a quick fling here and there, his main company was his right hand and porn. But porn was fully replaced with your own video, he timed himself to release at the same time as you, the way you breathlessly moaned his name was enough to send him over the edge. 
Today was the day the penthouse was to be cleaned, so far you’d done every room except Mamoru’s. You always left his last due to him sleeping in late, it was just easier to do it last rather than argue with the detective who protested for days the last night you went and woke him up. Wiping the small bead of sweat from your brow, you picked up the cleaning supplies and headed to his room. Pushing open the door, his room was still dark but a glow of his phone indicated he was awake. 
“Hey I’m gonna clean is that okay-” You started but stopped, a moaning coming from his phone and your eyes shot open to see Mamoru sprawled under the covers, phone in one hand and a jerking movement coming from the other. He stilled as he saw you.
“Fuck I’m so sorry,” You blushed, going to quickly retreat but the moan of ‘Mamoru’ stopped you, that was your voice coming from the phone. Your eyes meet his, he already knew he had been caught jerking off to you, lust and desire raging through your body. 
“You know,” You whispered, shutting the door and dropping your supplies, taking striking steps towards him, “If you put the phone down,”. You began unbuttoning your uniform, pushing the dress off of your waist to stand in your underwear before, “You can have the real thing,”. He let out a heavy groan, throwing the covers off of him, the sight of his toned body and throbbing member standing fully erect with a glistening beam of pre-cum on his head made your eyes widened. 
“Then quit staring and get over he darlin,” His eyes flitting with lust as he watched you climb onto the bed and straddle him. Hands indulged over each other's bodies, your underwear quickly stripped from your body as fingers teased your wetting folds, reaching down to wrap your hand around his thick cock and pump him. A finger thrusted into you before another joined, both of you bringing pleasure to each other in a synchronized rhythm. His breaths started to become more frayed, a sign if things didn’t stop quickly it would all be over too fast. Taking the hint, you released him from your grip as he pulled his fingers from within you, lapping at the wetness that dripped off them with his tongue. Lifting yourself up, you lowered yourself onto his head as your wetness coaxed down him, his hands resting on your waist. The breathy moans fell from your lips as you tilted your hips, angling him to hit the sweet spot inside you as you took him inch by inch, the thickness of him stretching you to a new high. Falling into a steady rhythm, your nails digging into his chest leaving red marks as he helped guide your rocking motions. A string of groans and mumbled words fell from him as each motion, “Fuck sweetheart,”, “Your so tight darlin”, “Your fuckin perfect,”, each one spurring you on more. Throwing your head back as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, the thrust of his hips as he ground up to meet you sent sparks of electricity down your spine.
“M-Mamo!” You cried, muscles clamping down over his cock as he let out a heavy groan, your orgasm hitting you as he continued to thrust into you. He reached his peak seconds after yours, the tightness of your core coaxing him into his own release. 
You panted for a few moments, head rolled forward as he held you against his chest, the scent of sex and sweat lingering in the air. His cock still buried inside you as you felt the rapid beating of his heart beneath his chest, his hands caressing your back in a soft motion as your breaths came back to normal.
“I should get back to work,” You managed through slight pants, the hold on you tightened.
“Your not going anywhere darlin’” He grinned, rolling you over so you lay beneath him, his cock re-hardening inside you, “Your mine now kid, I’m not planning on letting you go anyway,”. 
Baba was an actual gentleman, the rumours and exchanges of his sex life were heavily exaggerated. Yes he did go through a patch in his life when he was jumping from bed to bed but it was nowhere near the extent of what the other bidders said it was. He was actually a hopeless romantic, wanting more than just a meaningless fling which is why when she entered his life, he never ever considered another woman. Instead she flooded his thoughts, innocent at first but the growing lust for her pursued into dirty ideas. He found porn no longer interested him, no the only thing he thought about was her, each time she popped into his head the blood went rushing down south. The video of her the bidders saw stirred in emotions he didn’t know he had, it wasn’t just lust, he wanted to rip the tv from the wall and prevent anyone from seeing her like that. Anyone expect him. He relieved her images in his mind, spilling over his lower stomach as he hand once again found itself rubbing over his cock. The next day, the thief snuck into Eisuke’s office and downloaded the video onto his phone, removing all traces from with a click of a button. He was a thief, destroying footage and breaking in was practically his day-job. His fingers skimmed over the video, admiring her beauty until he found the part he wanted. He held his phone close to his ear listening with pure detail, his cock hardening and throbbing as he heard it, “Mitsu” whimpering from her lips as she came. 
“Okay Mitsu, I’m done cleaning so I’ll see you later,” You smiled sweetly as he tipped his fedora at you, gathering up your supplies as you left his room, leaving the thief sitting at his desk. Mitsu’s room was the last room on your shift, meaning you was finally free to enjoy the rest of your day. You were planning on going to the market and enjoying the sunshine, a day full of your own leisure. Putting the supplies away in the cleaning cupboard, you noticed one item was missing from the pile. With a sigh you turned on your heels and walked back to Mitsu’s room, pushing the door open.
“Hey sorry I just forg-” Your jaw dropping as you witnessed the sight in front of you. Mitsu standing up from his desk, naked except for a tight pair of boxers with a strained erection, flustering as he covers it with his fedora and mashing the buttons on his phone. 
“P-Princess!” His face red as a crying moan you instantly recognised, your face burning as red as his as you heard your moans coming from the device. You both stood still, eyes focused on each other as your chest rose heavily. 
“I- Cloth… forgot-” You stuttered, still taking in the sight, the redness spreading down his neck. 
“Mitsu…” You shut the door and took a bold step forward, “I-Is that me?”. His eyes averted your gaze and he hung his head slightly, giving you a clear answer. The heat of embarrassment washed over with arousal, the man you so longed to be with was turned on, over you. The moaning whimpers of his name came again from his phone and he finally got it to turn off, finally bringing his eyes to meet yours.
“Mitsu I want you,” The words gushed out before you could even recognise them, his eyes widening as he took a step towards you. 
“You do?” He questioned, where had the man who could charm the pants off a nun gone?
“I thought that was made fairly obvious,” You teased, guesting on his phone as he chuckled, finally relaxing about the situation. 
“Well it would be rude of me to deny my beautiful lady of such need,” He flashes you his trademark grin, closing the space between you and dropping his fedora. Your lips met in a hurried frenzy, both of your and his hands tugging to undress you before tugging at his boxers, his erect member standing free. His hands cup your naked breasts as your hand wrapped around his thickness, wanting moans falling from both of you. He guided you to the bed, gently pushing you down as he spread your thighs, peeling your panties away and exposing your glistening core to him. 
“Your beautiful,” He whispered between kisses that traced up your thighs, pressing a gentle bite to the apex of your thighs met. His face settled between your thighs, the flat of his tongue stroking over your throbbing clit as you throw your head against the sheets, fingers clinging to his hair. He pushed his index and middle finger into his mouth, slicking them with saliva before spitting against your clit, his tongue coming back instantly to lap it through your folds. His fingers thrusted into you, making you cry out with pleasure, pumping into as he lapped at your clit. Your hands twisted into his hair tugging at his to guide his movements, your hips grinding against his face as he ravished you. He ate at you like a starving dog with a bone, never ceasing for a moment as another finger found itself inside your tight core. 
‘M-Mitsu!” You trembled, thighs clenching at the side of his head as your back arched fully off the bed. A harsh nibble at your clit sent you over the edge, ecstasy racking through your body as your orgasm hit you with an intense wave. He removed his fingers and lapped at your essence, savouring every drop from your leaking core. 
“Now my princess,” He hummed, finally pulling himself away to crawl on top of you. 
“I hope you forgive me but I fear I can’t hold back any longer,” His crashing down on yours as you taste yourself on his tongue, your legs spread to let him settle between you.
“Don’t hold back Mitsu,” Your nails racking down his back as he thrusts his head inside you with a pleasurable groan.
“Your mine princess, only mine,” He groaned, thrusting and fully hilting himself inside you. 
MC finds out the camera: “Is this really necessary?” Mamoru grumbled.
“Shut up whining,” Soryu scoffed.
“It’s embarrassing,” Eisuke mumbled, but a smirk still graced his lips.
“You're only saying that because you got us caught and into this mess!” Baba chuckled. 
“Now, now, boys,” You purred, crossing your legs as you sat back to lean on the sofa, the bidders standing in front of you in a line, “It’s only fair”. 
You found out about the camera and the mens little watching after finding Ota trying to break into Eisukes computer one day on your shift. After a harsh pinch to the ear, the artist spilled and the only thing on your mind was revenge. 
You watched eagerly as they dropped their boxers, a wide range of length cocks all different in thickness and curves stood solid in-front of you. Your tongue darted out to lick your bottom lip.
“Make it good show boys,” You winked, watching as their hands wrapped around their own lengths. Oh how sweet revenge can be. 
210 notes · View notes
salt-warrior · 4 years
Okay, so I’ve been thinking a lot about how people often don’t know much about phlebotomy and correct venipuncture procedure which is honestly really scary. Having a phlebotomist do the correct order of draw is vital to correct diagnosis. The manner in which they prep you for a draw can also affect this and it’s all just so important. So I’ve worked myself up enough that I’m making this post on all the basic things you should know about phlebotomy so you don’t get misdiagnosed and get sick and/or die or misdiagnosed and spend lots of unneeded time in the hospital wasting thousands of dollars. I’m a small tumblr, so this probably will be seen by like three people, but if you want to keep you and your friends (especially those that get a lot of bloodwork done) healthy maybe CHECK OUT AND REBLOG this post. **I won’t be graphic or anything, but phlebotomy is entirely about blood and needles so you’ve been warned.
First off, there is a very specific list of things that a phlebotomist needs to do from the time they enter the room to the time they leave it. The problem is that often times, phlebotomists often don’t get much training, or they are nurses who yet again, don’t get a lot of training. For example, I attended a 72 hour course spread over six weeks and learned everything from where all the veins are and which ones to stick, to learning how to read test results, to doing every kind of stick from straight needles to butterfly needles, dermal punctures, and IV’s. I am by no means a pro in any standpoint; but, if I’m being completely honest with you, lots of the supposed pros don’t actually know their stuff. So disclaimer aside, here are the important things that one should know about venipuncture (the puncturing of a vein) procedure. 
Okay, so when a phlebotomist or nurse or whoever is drawing your blood enters the room, they should be washing/sanitizing their hands. If they’re already wearing gloves, then you know those aren’t sanitary, so ask them to wash clean their hands. If they didn’t do it in front of you, you should assume they didn’t do it-- and even if they did, gloves are only be meant to touch the sanitary items and area used in venipuncture procedure. 
They’re going to identify you and whatnot, yada yada, put on their gloves (after they lathered that sanitizer on their hands right in from of your face) and then they will position you and supplies. Simple enough. They’ll put on their tourniquet, look at your beautiful blue veins, and select one that they are going to draw from. Easy easy. Now, some places will mark veins (like the American Red Cross-- in my experience at least-- and plasma centers) and while it’s not good practice, it’s not going to hurt you. In my experience sticking, I’ve never marked someone and have never encountered issues. I also feel the veins with my gloved hands (as every person drawing your blood should) and encountered zero issues. Not the biggest problem in the world, but for real, they should be wearing gloves. This will not affect the procedure, but it’s unprofessional. 
Now, when your phleb is selecting your vein, let’s make sure they don’t pick one with high potential to cause nerve damage. If they are looking at your arm near your inner elbow there are three main veins: Cephalic (top, near the ceiling), Median (middle), Basilic (bottom, near the basement). The best choice is the median, followed by your cephalic. Both great choices. Now, your basilic should only be used if no other veins in your arms or hands can be used. It is statistically the most likely to obtain nerve damage if stuck there and it is right by a major artery. I want you to feel the veins in your arm right now (with your index and middle finger) and find which vein is which. Sometimes it’s surprising where they are. But one tell of the basilic is that you can feel a pulse from it due to the artery right by it. Look for all three of your main veins and feel for that pulse. Don’t let anyone stick you there unless there are no other options. Seriously, nurses love that vein (we literally call it the nurse vein) so don’t let them just stick that needle without trying anywhere else first. Now I want you to take your three middle fingers and lay them across the inside of your wrist and remember that for the love of everything in the world no one should ever stick you there. Do you know how many freaking nerves you have there? Holy hell no one should stick you on the inside of your wrist. Not even those beautiful veins on the side of your wrists. The back of your wrist, sure, go for it. But that three fingered inside area is a massive no no. Back of hands? Sure. Back of wrist? Sure, I’ve even done a successful self-stick there. Inside of wrist? Never.
Next thing is to clean the site. Now, this is the single step that is performed incorrectly more than just about any other. First of all, gloves are a must. They have to be worn. Second, your arm has to be SCRUBBED, using excellent up and down friction for 30 seconds. A little swipe across your arm does NOTHING-- absolutely nothing. And after those 30 seconds are over, they should not touch the site. They should not waft air onto the site. They should not wipe the site. It HAS TO AIR DRY. ChloraPrep, or any other type of antiseptic used works differently than simply washing with soap and water. When you wash your hands, you are washing away whatever gunk is on there. Alcohol cleansers work differently by killing what is on your skin. It needs to be allowed to sit on your skin and kill all the gross germs there. And wiping it or blowing air on it just puts germs right back onto your sanitized area. Now, you may be wondering “why should I care if there are germs on my skin when the needle is clean and only taking from my vein?” Well, when that needle goes in it takes a teeny tiny bit of skin with it as it makes that hole in your flesh. Whatever germs are on that skin go right into your bloodstream. Those germs also go right into your draw tube. I really cannot stress how important this single step is. For real-- if they do not clean the site correctly, ask them to redo it. And if they don’t, ask for another phlebotomist. That is your right as the patient. Period. 
So let’s say that they’ve done everything right so far: they sanitized their hands, put on gloves, and are now placing their tourniquet on your for the second time to draw from the preselected vein after sanitizing the area as mentioned above. They stick that needle in (hopefully fast and in right into the vein). Let’s say they do get the vein, first try, without having to redirect. They then proceed to draw their test tubes. Now, there is a correct order of draw, and if it is not followed correctly, you can be misdiagnosed. Each tube contains different additives in it according to what it’s testing for. They are performed in a specific order because those additives can carry over to the next tube. If the draw is done in the correct order, this is not an issue. If it is done incorrectly, then there is a chance of being misdiagnosed. (NOTE: I’m not saying that every time you will be misdiagnosed, but you definitely can. Any competent phleb should know their order of draw. It’s not hard.) **However, some facilities do have slight variations in their order of draw and that is okay. You can simply ask about the order of draw and whether or not your phleb knows it. If not, you can ask for a phleb that does. 
Here’s the order of draw (as told in my Phlebotomy Essentials 7th edition textbook by Ruth E. McCall): Blood culture--drawn in glass bottles (additive: SPS), light blue tube top (additive: sodium citrate), red serum tubes (additive: clot activator), tiger/gold top tubes (additive: clot activator with gel), light green/marbled green top tubes (additive: Lithium heparin with or without gel or sodium heparin), green (additive: sodium heparin or lithium heparin), lavender/pink/pearl/tan (additive: EDTA), gray (additive: potassium oxalate/sodium fluoride), royal blue (additive: sodium heparin). Now, the ones with the same additives (red and tiger/gold or light green/marbled green) can be switched because carryover won’t affect them. So your basic order of draw are: blood culture, light blue, red/tiger/gold, greens, purple/pink, gray, royal blue. I honestly suck at coming up with memory techniques and like to just memorize stuff but here’s an acronym: BcLbRGPGR. If you see your phlebotomist performing an incorrect order of draw, ask them if they know the order of draw. If they don’t, kindly ask for a new phlebotomist that does know the order of draw. It is your right to have a competent phleb.
Now, let’s say that your phlebotomist misses. It happens to the best of us, so try to be patient. When redirecting, they should pull back, feel for the vein with their lovely gloved hands and then have a quick stick. Let’s say they can’t get it and try sticking another spot. Same issue, they miss. At this point, the phlebotomist should go and get another person to try. A phleb should not be sticking you more than two times. They should not leave your tourniquet on for over a minute either, so unless they get a redirect within that time, that draw should conclude. If a phlebotomist tries to stick you for a third time, kindly ask for another phleb to try. They should seek that change themselves, but if they don’t ask for someone else. A fresh pair of eyes and is never a bad thing. Another thing to note: if you feel shooting pains during a venipuncture procedure, tell your phleb and have them discontinue. If you start to bruise (get a hematoma), your phleb should discontinue the draw. The only pain you should feel is that little prick of the needle. If there’s any other discomfort, the draw should be discontinued. 
Wow, okay, so let’s say that everything has gone well up to this point. You’re on the last tube and the phleb pops your tourniquet. They pull off the last tube and then quickly withdraw the needle from your skin, immediately applying gauze. They ask you to apply pressure and they cap their needle and throw it away. Everything’s great and just dandy. They didn’t ask you to raise your arm in the air and bend it because their smart and know that literature has proven that that does nothing. They check your gauze and make sure you’re not bleeding. If you’re not, they apply a bandage over the gauze. If you are, they apply pressure until bleeding has stopped and then apply a bandage over the gauze. Wow, kudos to them, you’ve had a successful phleb. They ask their questions, do their phleb stuff that doesn’t exactly concern you and thank you for your time. Easy peasy. 
Again, I’m not a professional by any means. I took a 72 hour course along with a butt-ton of homework and studying. I read my Phlebotomy Essentials 7th Edition textbook by Ruth McCall and have passed both my course and state exams. But each time I go and get stuck somewhere or watch others get stuck I am haunted by that malpractice. So, if anyone has questions feel free to ask me, I love talking about phlebotomy:) And of course, medicine is always changing and improving, so maybe within a year there will be more steps to add to this that I might have missed. It’s always great to stay up to date on this kind of stuff.
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grimmhorizen01 · 3 years
The Black Devils Attack Boston
Jack was like a lot of people, just trying to survive whatever Boston threw at him.
Unlike everyone else however, he usually had the advantage. Be it, in a gun fight or in a conversation, he usually came out on top.
As his back rested against a steel barricade that was slowly being chipped away by gunfire, his only thought was, ‘where the hell is his support’.
Which as he looked to his left finally arrived.
When he first saw her fighting against the Mechanist’s robots, he thought for sure she was gonna end up scrapped.
But she didn’t, with his help at least.
As he watched Ada sprint over the hill, her twin Gatling lasers revered up and unleashed hell upon the would-be raiders.
“SHIT ROBOT” he heard one of the raiders shout, and in turn he peaked around the steel barricade and fired at the now standing raider, who’s head soon came clean off.
“Ada get some rockets in there!” he shouted.
Since he first meet Ada, he’s tweaked with her weaponry and her frame, usually a Assaultron frame wouldn’t be able to carry more than two weapons, but with a little steel here and little bit of construction grade servos there and bam, better lift and higher achievable speed.
Which allowed her to carry at least one heavy weapon, and most of time it usually was a modified quad barrel rocket launcher.
An right on queue, one high explosive missile nails a raiders and pulverized his entire upper body.
“FALL BACK” one of the raiders shouted and soon the remaining raiders ran as bullets and lasers picked off the slower of the bunch.
“I’m not detecting anymore hostile sir. We are in the clear” her voice echoed throughout the collapsed building of Boston.
“Ok, let’s get moving”, Jack walked towards the now empty road and soon began searching the raiders for anything good.
“Ada, what do we have plan today?” He asked as he heard the robot move closer to him.
“The Slog has a problem and would like you to come and helped them with. We are also low on aluminum and adhesive.” She listed off a few more which he nodded at.
“Sir can I ask you something?” As Jack finished searching the last raider, he looked back at Ada.
“Go ahead” he signaled for them to move on to the next block.
“Why do you continue to have me travel with you? You have other companions, yet you continue to have me with you.” Her question made Jack looked at her before sighing.
“Ada is that building clear of hostiles?” He scanned the building as it groaned with stress and waited for her answer.
“Yes sir” she answer and soon followed as he entered the building.
As he closed the door behind them and pushed a metal desk in front of it.
After making sure it wasn’t going to open, he sat in a nearby chair and took off his helmet and bandanna.
His ran his hand against his face and felt the all to familiar scars, the most prominent was the three that ran down the right side of his face.
“What I wouldn’t give for some fucking shampoo” he sighed as he ran his hand through his unkept hair.
“Ada the reason I keep you around is because of your personality, you know what it like to loss someone and you know how it feels to want revenge. Also you don’t fucking complain every time I go on a scarp run” he sighed as he leaned back against the chair which creaked with the weight against it.
“If you say so sir” she sighed as she sat down against the floor, both of her Gatling lasers disconnected and fell to the floor, which allowed her the ability to attach her claws.
As he watched her disconnect the Gatling lasers he slowly stood up and walked over to her and grab said claws from a pack on her waist.
“Here let me help”, he squatted beside her an waited for her to lift her wrist up and extent them.
Once she did, he connected the joints together and once connected, she tested them and once certain that they work she leaned back against the wall an sorted through the bags on her back and her waist.
“Ada how are we doing on ammo?” Jack asked as he leaned back against the same wall Ada was and watched as she sorted through every single item they had collected so far.
“We are low on .44 and .50, if we head for Diamond City we should make before another raiding party arrives”.
Right as she said that a distant voice could be heard, “Sir the scouts said they went in there!”
“Shit” Jack immediately reached into a side pocket and grabbed a fragmentation mine and chucked it at the door and hopped over a coach.
Ada on the other hand, disconnect her left claw and reattached one of the Gatling lasers.
“COME ON OUT WASTELANDER!” Whoever these guy’s were, they were bad news.
“YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO LEAVE THE BUILDING BEFORE WE COME IN THERE!” Silence, Jack wasn’t going to give up that easily.
And that’s when he heard the very distinctive sound of a vertibirds.
“Ada ready weapons, this is either gunners or rouge brotherhood” he looked over at Ada and saw her connect the other Gatling laser, before kicking the claws over to Jack.
“Weapons primed and ready sir” as she spoke all three of her weapons locked on to the door way.
“Sir I don’t think they leaving” As Ada listen in on the enemy, she soon heard heavy foot steps walking closer and closer.
As Jack watched the door he soon came up with a very dumb idea, as he looked straight at the door he reached down to this thigh and grabbed a flare.
“Send them in” the voice shouted, an soon plasma started nailing the metal door, which soon began to melted upon contact.
‘Please be gunners’, Jack thought as he watched the door melt away he quickly ducked under a plasma bolt and in retaliation lit the flare and threw it out the door.
After a couple second of silence, a voice came over the radio, “shells inbound general”.
And soon whatever was out there was destroyed, he even heard the very familiar sound of crashing vertibirds.
As Jack stood up, he immediately got hit by large ball of heated plasma which luckily ricochet off of his chest armor and made him crash against the wall.
As an armored foot stepped forward towards them, the mine Jack placed detonated and seem to cripple the armored individual.
As Ada watched Jack hit the wall, her processors went into overdrive as she smashed into the now crippled armored giant, and with her entire metal chassis, pinned the man to a nearby wall and unloaded 2 entire fusion core into their head.
Ada wasn’t letting another person die because of her, if anyone was going to die it wasn’t going to be them.
“Fuck” Jack cursed as he stood up and ready his weapon towards the door and soon saw a set of red eyes peering through the smoke cloud.
“Enemy armor, watch out!” He shouted as a large black gauntlet reached forward with a plasma pistol and soon began to unload upon them.
“Die wastelander scum” a staticky voice echoed.
Ada leaned back and turned around to see a hulking suit of heavily modified X-02 power armor, in its hand was a fully automatic plasma pistol with sprayed Jacks position with glowing hot green projectiles.
As she aimed both Gatling lasers at the foe, her audio receptors soon pickup the loud foot steps of power armor and began to unload her own weapons on to them.
As the assailant tried firing again a rocketed soon hit their hand and detonated the pistol in their hand.
As the plasma slowly melted the mans metal hand, he sprinted forward and crashed into Ada and soon began crushing one of her Gatling lasers and as fast as lighting it was ripped off of her joint and thrown to the side.
As Jack watched he reached for his rifle an fired at the metal giant which sent a dent into the helmet.
“Why don’t you just die mutie?” The man dropped Ada, who slumped over, and walked over to Jack and as soon as he got close, Ada shot up and fired a rocket into the mans back.
The man, surprised by the robots resilience, turned and pulled out another plasma pistol, this one however wasn’t automatic instead it was a plasma thrower.
As he did, time slowed down to a crawl as Jack watched the metal man soon pull the trigger, as he stared at them, he soon pushed through the pain and grabbed his ripper and charged.
“GET THE FUCKING HELL AWAY FROM HER!” Jack shouted as he dashed forward and jammed the ripper into the power armors armpit and soon felt as it tear right through their arm, and hopefully the insides.
As Ada watched Jack sprint forward with the ripper, her visual receptors soon went blank as plasma hit and melt away at her armor plating.
All Ada could do was listen as she was blinded by the plasma, she soon heard a loud crash as well as the sound of a ripper hitting metal repeatedly.
An then nothing, only the sound of sizzling metal and heavy breathing.
As Ada sat against the wall, she soon heard the sound of foot steps and a flare being lit and thrown.
“Ada report” Jacks voice echoed through Ada’s damage audio receptors.
“Visual and audio receptors compromised, repairs needed. Left hand joint destroyed. Sir I think it might be a good idea to head home”
“Ok, fuck. Brotherhoods inbound, we’ll head to the Prydwen, gotta tell Arthur about this” Ada listen as Jack stepped closer to her and soon felt his hands reach under her arms and lift, which with her help allowed them to move outside.
After 10 minutes of waiting and scavenging, Ada finally registered a friendly vertibird, “sir they have arrived”.
As Jack watched the vertibird land, he watched two knights exit the craft and secure the landing zone.
“Knights get over here!” Jack shouted at them and they listened.
“What is it Sentinel?” One of the knights ask as she looked around at the crater filled streets.
“Get the robot on the vertibird” he point at Ada and then looked at the other knight “and you come over here”.
As the knight did as she was told, Jack took the other knight to the building he and Ada had defended.
“Soldier tell me, do your recognized these guys?” He pointed at the remnants of the power armor.
The knight walked forward and examined the bodies and after a minute of poking and prodding, he came back with and answer.
“well if I’m right sir, these guys are Enclave, sir we need to tell the Elder” Jack nodded and walked outside and made his way to the vertibird with knight following behind him.
After making sure Ada was secured to the craft, he signaled to the pilots lift off, “pilot get us to the prydwen on the double!”.
As Jack waited for the prydwen to come into view, he could only think of Ada, her chassis was heavily damaged and her left arm joint was entirely destroyed, and until he got her back to somewhere with tools, she was blind.
“Sir prydwen coming into view now” the co-pilot yelled.
After docking with the Prydwen, Jack instructed the two knights to take Ada to his room an he headed for Arthur.
“Sentinel, I hope this is a emergency” Arther yawned as he stepped out of his room.
After Arthur took a sip from his mug he looked at Jack and waited.
“Arther, about a hour ago, I was attacked by, what a knight tells me, the Enclave” Arther tired expression soon faded as he stared at Jack.
“They seem to want something from me I have no clue what, but they seem to have been trailing me for who knows how long” by now they had made it to Kell’s.
“Captain, alert the crew. We have an old foe to confront” Kell’s nodded and soon announce to the entire crew about they’re current situation.
“Sentinel go to your quarters. Get some rest, tomorrow I’m sending you in a recon mission. If these bastards are here than we need to crush them before they can gain a foot hold on the Commonwealth” the Elder turned and looked out unto the Commonwealth.
As Jack sat in his room, he stared at the now semi disassemble Ada, who only had her main chassis, legs and right arm attached, as her armor plating was set aside and being worked on by Procter Ingram, God bless her for being able to do so.
Her left arm was an entirely different situation.
“Ada system report” Jack asked as he grabbed a screwdriver and tighten a loss pair of circuitry.
“Visual marginal, audio receptors have been restored” Jack sighed as he stared at Adas head and looked at it.
“God damn it what the hell wrong, I’ve changed the lenses, repaired over half the circuitry in your body, and still you can’t see?!” Jack angrily throw the screwdriver into a nearby dart board.
“Sir I know you don’t like this option but, you might hav-“Ada heard him smash his hand against something, by the sound it was probably metal.
“Ada, No. I’m not going back there, if those bastards are still tracking me, they’ll easily be able to kill me down in that factory”
As she sat there, her processors ran a multitude of calculation an as she did her system alert her to something, “Sir I have detected a fault in a subroutine”, whatever Jack was doing soon stopped as he ran over to her and plugged his pipboy into the side of her head.
“No wonder you can’t see”, Ada soon heard him sigh as he rewrite whatever faulty code there was.
“Huh interesting, seems like someone got creative an upload a virus into your system”Jack soon found the fault and examined the code to see if there was anything to lead back to the hacker.
“odd though it seems to only have effected you subroutines when in actuality it should of detonated all of your heavy ordnance?”
Ada wasn’t very happy with that response, but before she could say anything Jack spoke up.
“I can’t seem to get rid of the thing in its entirety unfortunately, it keeps replicating itself, it doesn’t seem to want to destroy itself which explains why your still here and not in pieces”, after that the problem seem to resolve itself as Ada soon was able to see Jack standing in front of her.
“Ada report” Jack voice held concern as he watched his friend stand an exam her surroundings.
“All systems are green excluding armor and one of my subroutines. The virus seems to be updating faults in my code that allowed whomever to hack me in the first place”
“Ok than. If it gets out of hand tell me, I think I know a way to at least limit it for now. Hopefully” Jack watched Ada moved her arm and her Gatling laser.
“Sir I’m still missing a arm and a working hand joint”, Jack nodded as he looked back at the semi decimated arm, everything lower than the elbow was completely destroyed.
“Unfortunately I can’t repair it we’ll have to head back to red rocket for a new arm, which is going to be a bitch to make!” He groaned and stood up and said he’d be right back.
As Ada waited, she began running a scan of her software and once again received a alert.
[SYSTEM ALERT: Archangel Online...]
As the text rolled across her HUD, she watched as both her ammo and armor counter flicker and change ever so slightly.
Archangel? I don’t remember Jack installing this or is it the...?
[Archangel: Visual Systems, Online 100%]
[Archangel: Defensive Protocols, Online 75%]
[Archangel: Repair Subroutine, Deactivated]
[Activate?] [Yes] [No]
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Yoo Kihyun x Reader
Summary: Honestly the video and the Believer cover killed me so enjoy some PWP based around it! 
Warnings: Shameless PWP (Slight BDSM themes (Dom Kihyun OFC), nothing to extreme - Toys, edging, denial, over-stimulation)
On editing actually decided I didn’t like this but it’s all done now :P
The music was throbbing through your ear pods, the bass unconsciously in sync with your steps up the stairs. The bass which you hoped would also drown out the throb between your legs. The throb which had been damn near constant for days. Literally.
Yoo fucking Kihyun.
It’s been about a week since he released the cover of Imagine Dragons Believer. It’s been a week since you made the HUGE mistake of telling him it drove you mad watching him feel himself through the music like that. Kihyun wasn’t due at your place until tomorrow but you were too desperate and sought to tempt fate.
-So what did you think?”-16:03
-You hit it right out of the park obviously! -
-Yeah it was amazing. I’d also be lying if I said It didn’t make me want to fuck you so bad right now-
-And what a shame you won’t be seeing me for a week :P-
You pictured the smug first that would have been plastered on his face. Stroking his already inflated ego always put you first class to tortureville.
-What can we do to help my princess get through the week then?- he’d added
-Come over or leave me alone- you’d offered as the lemon green tea doused your throat while smothered in your blankets on your sofa.
-It’s going to be more fun because I’m doing neither…-
Before you’d even finished reading the message you knew whatever you were going to get was THAT Kihyun. The Kihyun that totally consumed. The Kihyun that was so in control you’d do anything he asked because the alternative was much worse. Even if he wasn’t there. You’d rubbed your thighs together, tongue wetting your lips.
-…You’re going to touch yourself for me. Get yourself all worked up for me and I want you to show me –
You read those words in the way his devilish lips would have whispered if he were there. You’d sat up eagerly before replying.
-Want me to cum for you?-
- Definitely not! that’s reserved for me –
God if he could the pout on your face you’d be straight over the table ass out counting how many strikes to your ass you were going to get
-You fucking serious? I’m not seeing you for daaayyyss – You shot back accompanied with an army of sad faces.
-I never specified who it was going to be most fun for. But for that attitude you’re going to do it every day for me. Make sure you record your frustrated whines at the end. I want to hear how desperate you get.-
You cursed yourself and him a thousand times as you took yourself to the bedroom.
-I know you’re a good girl and you’ll do what your told-
You refused to reply and sent the videos to him.
Today was day six, to say you were irritable was an understatement. You’d not sent anything to him today. Tempting fate.
Jooheon was the one to let you into the dorm. Apparently catching him mid food prep; a spatula gripped in his free hand. His movements stopped dead. Eyes grew wide as his brain fought to find something he’d likely forgotten.
“Nothing was planned, chill. This is a surprise Kihyun when he gets in kind of thing” His shoulders dropped.
“Thank god my brain just panicked I’d not put enough food in. On that note though have you eaten? Want me to make you something?
“No thanks. But I do have a small favour to ask though” eyes on the floor observing the converse slip past your heels.
“Sure what’s up?” You took a quick gauge of the room. Minhyuk gave you a quick soft smile and nod before his eyes flew back to the large plasma screen to focus on holding his lead against Hyungwon in whatever overwatch thing was going on. Hyungwon’s eyes briefly acknowledged you but he was too busy squealing and wincing.
“Can you guys make yourself scarce for like ten minutes when he gets back pllleeeaaassseee”
You were responded with a blank, processing look on his face. Changkyun ending up startling Jooheon as he looped his arms round his neck. You don’t know what it is about him but this guy always knows when you’re up to no good. It’s like he knows you’ve got your lacy lingerie set with suspenders on underneath you red and black polka dot dress as well.
“I’ve got this, don’t worry” he stated winking in your direction. You could only roll your eyes amused, bringing your hands into a prayer to him.
“Guys! Let’s go! None of us wanna see when Ki gets surprised” The boys on the sofa fumbled up grabbing their crinkling packets of crisps wordlessly agreeing with Changkyun.
“Thank you soooo much guys, love you” you called after them as they disappeared into their rooms. You checked your phone, you had around ten minutes until Kihyun would be home from the studio. The artificial light of the teardrop lighting had become more prominent as the evening sun descended beneath the blocky skyline of Seoul; purple pastels separated by an orange hue.
You unhooked each button down the front of your dress. You boosted yourself up using the bar style stools to hoist you up to sitting on the marble breakfast island. You were not leaving until you got what you needed tonight and that was absolute in your mind.
It took a few long minutes for the harsh coolness of the marble to regulate to the body temperature of your behind. Phone in your hand aimlessly scrolling through your feed until Ki’s face bubble over took the screen.
“Can I help you” you immediately chimed
“Hey baby, yes you can I’m just getting ho...
His phone barely gripped in his hands. Eyes fixed on the shock on his kitchen side. The words he was going to speak completely strangled out in his throat. He was met with your silence. The misbehaviour screaming in your eyes, lip between your teeth.
“Where are the others?” his words were hesitant, eyes rushing around the room multiple times. He might be … but he was damn private when it came to you; he would not have any of the boys SEE you as you were now. Hear you, I mean he made it a damn point to have you crying him name so they could hear sometimes.
“Making themselves scarce for ten minutes so I can surprise you”
“Yeah?” His bag dropped at his feet, he’d snaked his was over to you zoning in to only you. His fingertips gentle in their dance up your thighs now either side of him.
“Well consider me surprised” he smirked through a kiss.
“Off!” He tapped at your thigh.
The second your feet found stability on the floor, you’d been spun. Stomach pressed to the cold side by a hand at your mid back, other hand trailing upwards in between your legs.
The frustrated exhale swept passed your lips dragging the corner of his up when his hands skipped out at the apex of your thighs gripping at your hips instead.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing princess” his hand slid further up your back to grip into your hair and tug.
“Teasing me into giving you what you want. You still have one more video to make before you get anything from me. So if I were you I’d go to my room put on your collar and wait for me” He pressed a kiss at your shoulder that lingered through the goose bumps. Your bodies moulded together in a final heated kiss before you waltzed off to the bedroom.
Kihyun’s stare held you in permanent unseen restraints. He’d shoved his arm chair to the bottom of the bed, and plonked himself down legs splayed. The top three buttons of his shirt undone hand cradling a camera lense, eagerly waiting in your direction.
Kihyun wasn’t satisfied with just the collar, he’d clipped a metal bar to the O-ring of your collar. Matching cuffs had been strapped to your wrists and clipped onto the end of the bar running vertically down your body. There was some leeway with the chains from your cuffs; not much but enough your hands could dip between your legs.
“You’re so beautiful. God it’s hard for me not just to come and fuck you like that” he cooed. The pulsing of the recording red light blurring in your vision as your eyes rolled back.
“Ki..hyun please” You whimpered, nerves igniting at the thought of him giving in to you finally.
“Dinner be ready in 5 guys” Jooheon’s voice echoed through the dorm.
“That’s enough baby. Now I need that mouth of yours before we can leave this room. KNEES!”
You were not going to refuse that tone.
His finger licked under your chin angling it upwards. The camera still gripped in his hand, lens momentarily facing away. He stole a sweet kiss, his lips plump and full against yours.
“I really missed you baby, please tell me you’re staying tonight” the sucrose heavy wrapped in his words, the caramelised glint in his blown-out pupils dancing.
“Mmmhmm” you nodded innocent, despite him being hard in front of your face. His eyes had melted to a softer chocolate fondue.
“Good, you’ll be too tired to leave when I’m finished with you”
“Now show me how much I made you want me”
He decided to keep the camera off, there is no way his hands could have maintained any type of composure. His hands were tightly balled fists in your hair. The deep breathless moans seeping past his pursed lips only kept your core vibrating furiously
There were many knowing smirky looks while the boy ate. Every time you pressed your thighs together that bit tighter. Every time he purposely had his hand just that tiny bit too high on your thigh. Every time he whispered to you how bad he needed to feel how wet you were and how he could make It worse. Inside your core was screaming but you physically responded backhanding him wherever you could reach. Obviously, the boys joked and scolded you; this only had Kihyun erupting into more giggles knowing full well you couldn’t defend yourself and say why.
With that said you couldn’t quite call yourself the innocent party; sitting on his lap; minutely gyrating your hips earned you many harsh sly squeezes and warning stares.
With the bedroom door finally shut, it took Kihyun mere seconds to rid you of his white tee and joggers. You were already whimpering, desperate putty in his hands.
“Think you’ve waited long enough for me?” Kihyun cooed as you melted underneath his sweltering presence into the mattress.
“See how much longer you can wait” he shot in before you could answer. His hands not reaching you once, they stayed firmly either side of you; only his lips and nose grazed your skin. He knew you disapproved by the way you shifted on the sheets, his lips only curled up into a smirk on your chest before taking a firm bite. The sting had you squirming under him, at least the blossoming red will be coverable with clothes
Makes a change
The tip of his nose traced down your stomach in lazy patterns, every warm breathe fanning a new wave of goose bumps.
“Ki…please!” The nips and breaths on your thigh became way too overwhelming.
“Sorry princess” His head hovered over your core lowing air. You shuddered with an irritated groan.
“Sensitive, are we? A week of not being able to cum. Too much for you when you know I’m here Dying to fuck you?”
“Do you even have to ask” you breathed exasperated. Kihyun’s teasing was merciless at the best of times. He’d always have a flurry of cursing thrown his way.
“Now now, don’t make me keep you waiting any longer” blowing again, your body tensed holding on to every bit of sanity it could muster.
“Say please once more and I promise I’ll let you cum…”
Jesus Christ
“On one condition”
“Ugghh anything!” You would have sold your soul at this point. Your complaint caused a light laugh as he looked up from between your legs.
“I get to hear cry out my name? Your videos have drove me crazy this week, I want you so fucked out”
In his pause waiting for you to respond he stripped himself of his shirt. Finally. He necked half a glass of water before dipping back down between your legs. Eyes completely absorbing every ripple of his biceps and shoulder muscles until he’d positioned himself. With the guys preparing for a comeback he was at the gym more and no matter what he did most of the tone ended up being held in his shoulders and after a week of frustration you were entranced to say the least.
Your vision knocked off kilter.
“Shit!” You’d neglected to notice the amount of ice Kihyun had purposely put in his glass. Breathe was swiftly hijack from your chest. The ball of his metal tongue bar still ice cold pressed to your clit had your knuckles brimming white in the sheets, air forcing out through pursed lips. The fatal concoction of the cooled metal and the warmth of his mouth kicking the volume of your shocked moans to way too audible.
“Fuck you sound sexy but you’ve got to be quieter than that, I don’t want to gag you” He bobbed up gulping another mouthful, you could swear you heard even more crunching on ice. Wrists growing tighter in preparation.
“Is that good baby? Need to cum yet?”
As if your whines and writhing didn’t tell him this.
“Beg for it and you can have it” he cooed, chin glistening with you. Lips making there way up to yours at an agonisingly slow pace. Each hot kiss strong, liquidated with need. He found the taste between your thigh all too hard to pull himself away from.
“Beg” he asked again through a kiss you struggled to not cry through.
“Kihy…un please, I need you, jesus..Ki…please” whining with a fervent urgency.
“Oh I know you can do better than that princess” he goaded fingers hovering over the desperate core moments from sending those shockwaves you so badly needed.
“Fuck I swear… please let me cum, I’ve needed you so bad, please I’ve been craving your cock all week. Give it to me…I can’t…”
“Better, oh you know I’ll give it to you baby, but you can give this to me first” Your back arched to a perfect crescent, feeling his fingers stroke the front of your walls, that precious velvet goldmine.
Your neck peaked in front of him head rolled back into the sheets. His lips clamping down on you, hot pants fanning a hot breeze across your neck. Palm firm against your core.
“Fu…” your words grew silent. The pressure remaining firm sending longed out waves as the aftershocks started throbbing through your nerves. A growl rolled around his throat, his hips rolling against nothing. He was starting to feel desperate, aching for you.
“God I’ve never needed you so fucking much” he panted into your neck. Tracing his fingers through the mess he’d created. His bottom lip disappeared between his teeth; dangerous eyes ravenous for more of you. Your body still recalibrating back down to the earth gave him no response.
“Are you still going to be a good girl for me a few more times?”
“Mmm I wanna be” you shuffled pressure at his hips, his knee pressed against your core allowing you to circle your hips against him. Your hands raced to his belt, fumbling the buckles undone. You needed him out of those tight jeans.
“Needy much” he teased, a small grunt of relief when the tight denim was dropped to the floor. He climbed back on the bed climbing past you to sit against the backboard. Rolling on your front to follow his presence.
“Come and sit on my thigh baby girl” A small pout formed on your lips.
“You think I’d give you my cock that easy huh? Not until your shaking with tears in your eyes”
“Mmm” you hummed your throbbing clit now pressed to his thigh. Both hands resting a loose grip either side of his neck.
“And don’t act like this isn’t one of your favourite things. Use me like the desperate princess I’ve made you”
“Do I get to touch you?” Ghost like touches trickled down his chest underneath the rapid barely controlled movements of his breathing. Doe eyes pleading against his blown eyes that struggled to lift from the shine glistening on his leg.
“Only until I tell you to stop” Your hand had already teased beneath the elastic of his boxers.
“Ugh” God the way the veins in his neck twitched as his head rolled back against the wall. Your hips angled onto his tensed thigh. His grip loosened around the wrist of the hand sliding down his shaft when he’d decided on the pace that wouldn’t shove him off the edge.
“You sound just as pretty with my hand round your dick as when you sing” your breathes mixing, perspirated foreheads pressed together both focused eyes down. You’re hips ground harder, hand speed moving in proportion.
“Tch… stop” Kihyun choked gripping at your wrist again. He guided your hand to the meet the other at the back of his neck.
“Focus on you, I wanna watch you fall apart” He pressed at your chest, straightening your back leaning back. His hand trailing your skin, each fingertip curving round your breasts taking every inch of skin to a heightened state.
“Don’t stop princess, you’re so beautiful. Cum for me baby” He shoved his hands down onto your hips pushing down as your head and arms fell forward onto him. He shoved his hand to the back of your head pushing you into a kiss to keep the moans ravaging out of the room as your muscles pulsed sweetly.
“Mmm I could watch that all day” Kihyun cooed kissing you with a sweetness worthy of diabetes. Your head swirling in climatic bliss. He sat up, maneuverer you beneath him. Your hands default dropping to either side of your head.
“Are you joking?” You panted soul packing up good and ready to leave. The devil stood tall in front of you, smirking down, eyes dark.
“I want one more” his fingers drummed against your wand that you were sure you were about to regret leaving at his.
“Now you have a choice, either I can hold it until your begging me to stop or you can?”
“You hold it”
“Pleeasssee” you added.
“Anything for you”
The vibrations had you whining, tears pricking at the side of your ears. Sensitivity hijacking every single nerve ending at your core. Kihyun’s head buried in your neck, low moans fanning your neck as your cries only made him strain harder to not buck into you.
“Colour?” Kihyun asked, his weight not allowing you to move, wand still harshly pressed to you. Your muscles drained of energy, the forced convulsions post climax forcing them to run past empty.
“Yel..low” you whimpered. He showed mercy freeing you of stimulation. He thumbed the corner of your eyes, the clear droplets chased its way over his knuckles.
“Had enough of me yet?” he breathed between gentle kisses down your body, a sweet trail of plump lips.
“Mmmm” you hummed not even in response more a noise of waning bliss.
“So you don’t want my cock after all your whining this week?” Eyes shooting open
“I do, Ki…please I’ve needed you soo bad” your body running on pure desperation.
“And just think all because I released a cover video”
“Roll over ass up add bits!” he ordered. You just about pumped enough strength into your muscles to obey.
“Here baby, save your energy” He rolled up a couple of pillows and plumped them under your stomach. The caramel chocolate of his voice melted and gooey.
“I’ll go slow baby”
You knew this was for him as well as you. He thrived on working you up to the point he’d be painfully on edge without even having you. He needed enough left to shove you into bliss once more with him.
Noise was no longer a concern, all you had left was breathless pants and groans.
“I never wanna believe how good you feel” Kihyun managed choking through his words, his hips light in their juts into you. Hips controlled by his hands secured at your hips, your head rolling hard into the mattress. Colour draining from your knuckles attempting to blend into the white sheets scrunched around them. The slow ascent torturous as it was sweet.
“Baby….” You choked.
“Please go faster” you whined, the slow build up in your muscles was aching every fibre past the point you could cope.
“Why’s that princess?” Kihyun slowed his hips the demon.
“Want to…cum…please”
“You know you can’t be quiet when I fuck you like that” …
“Don’t…care…gag me” you managing panting through pursed lips. His hips stuttered in approval, a growl vibrating in his throat.
“Well… how can I refuse”
“Ugh” you both groaned in unison, disapproving of the emptiness you both felt.
Silicone ball consuming the inside of your mouth, leather taut across your cheek.
“Look at me baby” You were cross legged pillows hugged at your chest. Longing glazed over eyes looking up at him, hair fallen over your face. The red tinted skin around your eyes proof of your complete undoing.
“You are soo pretty like this, my fucked out good girl… Get back with your ass up” Thank god you were gagged. The now muffled squeal would have certainly drawn attention from the dorm. He spared no energy going easy on you, his hips snapping into you.
“Is this what you wanted? …Want you to cum with me, Okay!” Your nod into the mattress was not seen, your okay signal with your hands was. Your right hand flew to the side of his thigh, red crescents soon dented in his skin.
“Close baby?” You were falling apart quicker than hips could keep up.
“Fuck, keep doing that” hips slowing when you pulsed your walls around him.
“Mmm like that… okay…baby ready?” He didn’t need your hand signal, your body stiffened. Your concentration holding on to his ever-becoming sporadic hip thrusts. You waited for his delectable deep as fuck low groan and his body to still before you let the last wave of muscle spasms ravage your muscles of every last contraction. Long drawn out pulses drawing more water to your eyes, teeth gripping harder on the rubber.
The perspiration suddenly felt warmer under his palm curving round your behind, squeezing harshly. He half collapsed, more of his skin fusing across your back for a beat before completely falling onto the bed. You fell beside him, the ability to formulate words was still beyond you. Kihyun rolled to face you snuggling a kiss into your neck.
“Want a bath beautiful?” asking while stroking the peak curve of your hips where his fingers had been planted. As the oxytocin fled your system the soreness from the bruises that would surely blossom over the next few days nudged your skin.
“I’ve still got a couple of your fave bath bombs, and I’ll bring you some Vodka aaannnnnnd I’ll maybe even make you breakfast in the morning”
“Babe I’m going to need dinner by the time my body will work enough to leave the bed” you whined dramatically.
“But yes, love yooouu” you added, ridiculous accomplished smirk wreaking havoc on his face as the buckle of his belt secure the trouser back round his hips.
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viktor-noctis · 4 years
Harvest Moon
Anakin Skywalker wanted to kill everyone in the room. And then himself.
Even if they didn’t know who he was, because the chance they might find out was too terrifying to consider.
But they hadn’t. He knew they hadn’t. Because if they had, they would all have died of laughter before he could slice them into little pieces with his lightsaber. Which he didn’t have.
This night just keeps getting better and better.
He had completed well over two-hundred missions since he joined the Jedi Order, from escorting diplomats, brokering peace between nations, and fighting on battlefields the galaxy over. He had traversed forests full of dangerous, man-eating flora, ice cloaked mountains with beasts that could rip one apart in seconds, and even desserts. Full of sand. Which he believed was far eviler than the worms waiting beneath the surface of the dunes, ready to swallow one whole, or any of the previous threats combined. He would take any of them, all of them, even a dustbowl, over his current assignment.
On paper, it looked standard: use secured invitation to get inside of a party of ambassadors, senators, and potential members of the Separatists. Easy. Sneak past heavily armored centurion guards wielding plasma canons and ion missiles that may or may not have heat seeker technology embedded in them. Interesting, without a weapon, but not impossible. Find information regarding the movements of enemy shipments, containing stolen kyber crystals, and potential hostages of their side. Somewhat difficult… If one didn’t possess an encrypted pass code, capable of rapid copying the necessary data in record time. All-in-all, the usual kind of Jedi mission that included a bit of espionage on the side.
Except the teeny, tiny, minute detail of the invitation being formatted for a Lady Skylar Erie.
A woman from a small, noble house on Naboo. She was twenty-two years old, six feet tall exactly, and didn’t speak due to a childhood incident. Her hair was a light brown with touches of golden blond, possessing eyes the color of dark turquoise gems, and skin bronzed by the sun. Lady Skyler had full, dark lips, now shaded to a deep crimson, and high cheekbones. Her shoulders were broad, her legs long, and –
“Luckily,” the stylist had smiled at him in the mirror, “handsome young men make beautiful women.” Obi-Wan didn’t look like he agreed with that statement. His arms were crossed, eyes wide beneath his furrowed brow, and lips pursed within his beard… which he was stroking. Which meant he was looking for something comforting to say. Anakin was almost curious what sort of backwards, reorganized Yoda-phrase he would use, no doubt intended to distract him from that fact that he made a passable woman in a pinch. His former master opened and closed his mouth several times, forming nothing, and eventually just let a burst of air out behind his sealed lips. Which was probably the wisest thing he could have done.
The dress was another monstrous affair. The fact that Padma had been the one to gift the pattern to the tailor made him want to jump off the nearest bridge. Because that meant it was from Naboo, which was notorious for having so many hard to navigate layers, it was like trying to solve a puzzle maze. He’d overheat and die. Either that, or it would be a flowing slip of silk that would immediately give away the fact he was a man, and he could already see the billboard tagline all over the tabloid side of the holonet.
A form fitted, off the shoulder, obsidian gown arrived. There was a deep cerulean, satin sash that wrapped around the top, no doubt to hide his lack of cleavage, and draped down to curl over the low arches of his hips, falling down his buttocks like a tail. The entire thing was accented with ivory stones across the top, coiling in abstract patterns down his ribs, growing smaller till they faded at his thighs. Made from the finest silks, the whole thing had been custom fitted for him a week before.
“It’s a shame you want to destroy it.” Obi-Wan’s voice held six feet worth of lamentation that Anakin was ready to bury him in. “It’s rather beautiful.” One look from Anakin had shut him up for the entire evening. He had his word that when they made it back to the Temple, he was allowed to slice it to pieces with his saber until it was nothing but a smoldering, crumpled ruin of unidentifiable cloth and cracked stones. He was also not to take a single holo of him in it, no matter how much Senator Amidala plead or bargained.
However, he had quickly realized that the most dangerous part of his mission didn’t entail trying not to fall flat on his face while wearing three inch heels (how Padme managed the ‘dagger stilettoes’ that were over five he would never know, but he was going to bow down on his knees the next time he saw her), nor glaring at the men who gave his backside leering glances (he just about managed not to Force push that last one’s face straight into the buffet table), or even punching the last piece of kriffing, snorg-birthed, moose-goose snot brained –
I hate this, I hate this, I hatethis, IhatethisIhatethisIhatethis –
He almost tore his dress. Again.
No, the most dangerous part of his mission was none of the above. It was navigating the toxic snake pit filled with people he knew almost nothing about. Oh, some of them he had seen, certainly: thieves, murderers, drug dealers, and slave traders. They were up to their ears in nothing but filth and injustice, the lowest of the low, scum that he had to smile and play nice with like a mute, pretty girl with only three brain cells to her name would.
Anakin’s face hadn’t stopped burning the whole evening. He only prayed his embarrassment couldn’t melt away the layers of foundation and contour applied to his features. She’d even combed and fixed his hair, plating the strands into a short braid with ribbon that matched his dress, and flowers that curled into the elaborate cuffs around his ears. He hated the jewelry almost as much as the gown… the dainty chains in his lobes had snow drops on the ends, bearing sapphires so deep they appeared onyx. The choker around his neck was emblazoned with them as well, with diamonds that offset the ones on the dress.
He had to wear gloves. To cover up his mechanical arm, as if it were something to be ashamed of. Anakin managed to contain a growl, keeping his fan close to the lower portion of his face. He didn’t dare lower it, least someone find his jaw too strong, his neck too thick.
How can anyone believe this? Maybe everyone around him thought it was just as ludicrous, just as impossible that Anakin Skywalker liked to spend his Tuesday evenings dressed as a woman, strutting around some of the worst moss-pit vipers in the galaxy. He swallowed what remained of his pride.
Get the information. Get out. You’ve done this a thousand times before. Never like this he hadn’t.
He had the advantage of his height at least, his gaze straying over the facades in attendance, knowing his mark would favor a more private location. The mask they had given him was just insult to injury… It covered everything above his cheekbones, wrapping over the bridge of his nose. Carved from delicate ivory, with swirls and coils painted on in black at the top, fading to midnight blue around his eyes, and then a rich silver at the edges. The top of the brow split in a mane of feathers, mimicking the shades already present. According to Obi-Wan, it was meant to represent a delicate, blue bird found on a planet covered mostly in water in the furthermost reaches.
Anakin almost felt relieved when he saw his target in the throng of dignitaries. His mask wasn’t strapped on like his own was, dangling from his right hand, while his left arm remained occupied by a Togruta girl with red skin and yellow horns. He really did not need to be thinking of Ahsoka right now. What would she say if she could see him? She’d never stop talking about it. She’d probably sneak a holo or two just to save for future blackmailing purposes, because what sane Padawan would pass up the opportunity to have a picture of their Master all dressed up for the ball?
The man in question, with more gold than white or black in his mouth, was one Fren Pollock. After obtaining a hard-won pardon from the Republic – something that made Anakin’s teeth grind – he had somehow acquired a governorship on a small lunar colony. Drugs, munitions, and people, nothing was beneath him. Anakin found himself reveling in the notion of bringing him down, of dismantling his little empire into the dust, and taking all of his accomplices with him.
“Woah there, blondie.” A bodyguard. One of four. No armor, no weapons, as was the standard, per the request of the hosts.
[ I’m really terrible at writing scum bags, but Fren allows Anakin closer, only to drug him. Someone intervenes, of course, but after unmasking Anakin things go from bad to worse. Also, Dooku wears a Loth-wolf mask. - ]
“I believe the young Lady has had enough.” Anakin’s stomach dropped. He couldn’t breathe. His next whimper was stifled against a hard chest. Hands, warm and solid, one on his wrist, and the other on his back. Protective, almost tender, they held him steady against the taller man.
 The chuckle that emanated from the Count tightened around his chest. The air left him, slipping free in a low, hoarse whimper. Dooku just laughed harder. Anakin didn’t dare raise his head to see the slice of his grin through his cheeks.
“My, my, this evening is just full of surprises.” Dooku’s sneer rippled through his already weak knees. They shuddered beneath him, leaving him to sway dangerously. “I didn’t expect to find you here, Skywalker, but considering this turn of events, I’m rather glad I did.” Red and blue. Anakin’s teeth clenched, jaw ringing with the pain, straight into his temples. He should jerk forward, smash his head into Dooku’s nose. Crimson and azure. Their sabers should clash, they always had, easy and familiar. Darkness and light, trading breath and edge, till one consumed the other. Mars and Venus. Planetoids too far to know, yet the tales of them were wreathed in the fantastical. The coin flipped, came down in a shower of sparks that were the shades of stars.
Dooku tasted like something bitter and yet sweet. It reminded Anakin of the grapes Padme had given him while they were visiting Alderaan, off a vine five years old. She said they were native to the planet, that they would keep the same fruits without dropping them for hundreds of years, but when they were plucked clean… they died. Those same plants were the reason the planet was known for its wine. She had challenged him to taste as many as he could, all the way up to the first century. They made his nose wrinkle, his vision darkening as his eyes squinted, then misted with tears he blinked away. He didn’t even get to twenty.
He still had the gift… the one Bail Organa had given him. He had winked at him, saying something about how even Jedi needed to have fun every once in a while. The crystal, ruby embossed bottle was hidden somewhere under his bunk, protected by his worn, old Padawan robes. He still didn’t know how a beverage made from fruit as old as Yoda was supposed to be a good.
“What are you doing?!” His head throbbed. His parted lips trembled, prickling with something he couldn’t name. Anakin’s cheeks were still burning, but a new heat had been added from the friction of the Count’s beard. Dooku’s hand gripped his bicep, the muscle throbbing beneath his hard palm. Anakin could feel the bruises forming, the pulse of blood beneath the surface. He’d torn away, smashing him into the wall, and he had… he had kissed Count Dooku, a known Sith Lord, and leader of the Separatist Systems Alliance. A tremble lanced through him, clinging to his muscles, till he felt as if he were going to shake straight out of his skin.
Anakin’s head twisted, turning away from Dooku, but his body wouldn’t follow as easily. His tongue clung to the roof of his mouth, thick with the ichor of whatever had been in his drink. He swallowed it back, trying to free himself of the Count’s hand with a sluggish, surly throw of his shoulder. He stumbled instead, pivoting dangerously close to the wall, but durasteel bands took hold of his waist. His body jerked, a whimper exiting his lungs as they compressed. The darkness crept into his vision, stifling him in the heat and musk of whoever held him.
“What have you done?” Far away, harsh and whispered. The syllables grated against his scorching ears. His throat ached with the sound that left him, high-pitched and terrible. His mouth contacted something solid and warm and smooth. He couldn’t help but rub his face into the warmth of that broad shoulder. Whoever held him smelled like heat and spice.
Padme and Obi-Wan sat across from him, laughing as his face twisted. He had grown up a poor boy on Tatooine, you didn’t just waste food, no matter how much you didn’t like it. Which meant swallowing down whatever you were given, which meant he was willing to try anything once. Even the boiled bark of a strange planet. It was not the taste, but the brittle texture on his tongue. Citrus and tang, almost metallic in its bite, sliding down his throat with the same viscosity of honey, and the viciousness of alcohol.
That was the smell that surrounded him now, sharp and distinct. There was something overtop, layered on to smooth the undercurrent of that wild, intoxicating aroma. Anakin almost thought it was… roses. Yes, roses. Extravagant and sweet, enough to hide the Loth-wolf’s true scent.
[ Dooku makes a strategic retreat, taking Anakin with him back to his room… Mistake. The drug is in him now, and inhibition is taking a nosedive straight into hell. He puts Anakin in his room, where he struggles out of the dress, tearing off the jewelry, and rubs at his face. The Count returns after a thunderous crash, effectively shattering every bottle in his private bar. Not good… He returns to the room, submerged in darkness, standing at the end of the bed… ]
Anakin trembled beneath his own pride.
The moonlight splayed over his shoulders, weaving through his white hair, curving over the hard edges of the right side of his face. His eyes, cheeks, lips, chin, his entire face lost to the shadows. Anakin could see nothing of him, but he could imagine the furrow of his brow, the pull of his mouth into that familiar sneer. Or would his cheeks ripple with a snarl? He almost wished he could see him, the revulsion of his features, the cruel amusement preferable to the void that stared back at him.
He could feel something though, intangible as the Force, but as palpable as its presence. Dooku’s gaze. Those hard, dark orbs, piercing his bunched shoulders, his heaving chest, the tremble of his stomach.
He lost.
[ And this is as far as I got because I’m terrible. I’m not tagging this much either, because its a WIP. ]
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elmidol · 4 years
Tenacity and Rebirth
Three Blind Tooke Part Three Death Is An Art
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Three Blind Tooke 
 Part Three: Death is an Art
 Chapter Sixty-Two: Tenacity and Rebirth
 If not for you,
I could never survive
This one moment,
The most painful of my life.
 The chaos of battle was not a new experience for you, although the change in perspective remained a novelty. Too accustomed had you grown to observing the carnage through the lens of your scope. In that moment, you would not have traded your position for anything in the world--that would have stolen you away from the nearer proximity to Kylo. Your grip on the lightsaber that had belonged to his mother tightened. The ground under your cheek shook as the planet itself was assaulted by blasts from weapons of war. You stumbled, regained your footing, and surged towards the Force users. Finn and the Knights of Ren had also taken paths to bring themselves closer to Kylo Ren, Rey, and Not-Rey. Other Force users that had--stupidly, you thought--aligned themselves with the First Order worked to thwart these actions. If not for them, Finn might have been at Rey’s side when Not-Rey and Kylo both called upon the Force to knock her back several paces. Her body hit the ground, albeit not as hard as it might have had she not recovered enough to use the Force to lessen the impact.
 What you were working to do would be suicide. Someone yelled that to you--a Knight, an officer, a stormtrooper, a Resistance member, you did not know. It hardly mattered. You would not stop running towards Kylo Ren. A body slamming into yours rendered that statement a lie. You and the assailant landed on the ground. Rolling, you quickly activated Leia’s lightsaber and used the plasma blade to impale their throat. The blaster that would have been used to kill you, that had been on a trail to meet your gut, tumbled out of their grasp as their floundered, perished. You deactivated the blade in unison with pushing yourself back up onto your feet. Winded, you mentally swore at the delay that this had caused.
 Fissures were forming in the ground at each clash of Not-Rey and Kylo’s blades. The power swirling about them had kicked up a wind that lifted pebbles, stones that were the size of fists. You suddenly wished that you had grabbed your helmet for protection. There was no undoing the past, however, and so you simply changed course. Rey had heightened reflexes, which meant that if you were beside her, you stood a greater chance of succeeding. In the interim, you endured those pebbles cutting into you, beating you, bruising you and drawing blood.
 Rey, possibly sensing you, paused until you were only a few feet away--in hearing range, which allowed you to heed her words. “He’s so cold. I haven’t felt anything like this since… I was small and on Jakku.” She shuddered, the shiver not from the weather. Its emphasis on what she had said made you hold your breath for a beat. The pair of you activated your lightsabers, two Skywalker blades that were meant to protect the last of that bloodline. You followed along a few steps behind her, mimicking her actions to effectively dodge any projectiles as well as deflect First Order soldiers that successfully broke through all obstacles and arrived where the pair of you were.
 You readjusted your grip on the lightsaber that was in your possession. You knew that your fighting stance was incorrect; you had never before wielded such a weapon, and, yes, a part of you did fear it. You recalled how it felt to be injured by the plasma. Knew the impact it had. You were concerned that it would ricochet into you, that you would lose a limb. That you would fail Kylo. Yet the timorous voice in your head that preached these potential failures was one you disregarded as you pushed onward.
 Rey linked an arm into yours, yanking you out of the way of one blaster bolt, released you, and used the Force to stop a second that would have pierced the both of you--you in the arm and her in the clavicle. You bared your teeth, looking in the direction from whence it had come. This allowed you to also check on Cardo’s status. The medic remained kneeling over him, two other Knights of Ren nearby, keeping away foes. As Rey turned on her heel to refocus on the task of joining Kylo, you looked to Not-Rey. They looked so alike, Rey and Not-Rey; and as the Darkness in Kylo grew there were shadows forming on Rey’s face. As though this might drown her, the bond they shared in the Force threatening to crush both. Watching her in the corner of your eye, however, you could not help but note that there was also a Light that refused to go out. Instead it grew brighter in the face of Darkness. If one went to an extreme, the other shifted to encompass its opposite on the spectrum. The Force balanced itself by using these two.
 Not-Rey and Kylo were thrust back from one another after a coupling of their blades temporarily linked them and they both called on the Force for more strength. It was Not-Rey that drew nearer to the two of you as a result. Rey locked blades with her family member, and you ran past her towards the amber-eyed man that was not bothering to look at you. His hand surged forward when you were near to him, and you were tugged into his grasp. Still his eyes did not consider you. You clutched at his hand with both of yours, which took additional effort as you fought to keep hold of the lightsaber that was in your possession.
 “Kylo!” you growled out, weakly slamming the metal of the weapon’s hilt against his wrist. That did earn his attention. He lowered you so that your feet were once more on the ground, however he did not release you. He barely lessened his hold. “I’m on your side.”
 “Are you?” The challenge was punctuated by additional pressure from his thumb. Another bruise, you passively thought. His eyes roamed along your face, drinking in your expression for signs of deceit. Finding none, Kylo did at last remove his hand from your throat. You staggered forward, managing to catch yourself before you could collide into him. “I will kill her.”
 “That’s fine! I just don’t want you to kill Rey!” It was infuriating but understandable, his entire attitude. The coolness of his gaze sent an icy chill through you, and now you shuddered just as Rey had when she had sensed the changes he was undergoing. You felt some of it, and yet it was different--because you felt his emotions as well, felt his loss; and because you loved him. “I…” You scanned the various skirmishes taking place nearby, and in truth you were surprised that Kylo as giving you the time to do so. That he was not actively pursuing Rey and Not-Rey. Your very presence aided in leveling him out. It helped him to center himself. “If Finn is here, he can help me keep Rey away.” Finn would understand and would agree. This was not about hurting Rey. It was saving her and others. Not-Rey had made her decision and would not stop until she was killed. The same blood that ran through their veins was a curse, nothing more.
 Kylo nodded in assent, his eyes momentarily darting to Not-Rey. Then he half-turned so as to engage the nearest First Order soldiers that were preventing Finn from getting closer. It was as though they had understood that keeping him away from Rey aided the First Order. It kept Not-Rey alive, which sealed the deaths of Order of Ren and Resistance members alike. The red blade cut through two enemies before you could even injure a single target. Kylo was faster, adrenaline and hatred equally fueling him. Another enemy impaled simultaneous to a different individual being crushed with the Force. Finn, perhaps sensing the enclosing Darkness, pivoted. His wide eyes returned to normal immediately upon seeing you. The two of you nodded at one another in understanding.
 Together, the three of you cut through the First Order enemies that had kept you apart. You spoke to him, quickly explaining the plan; Finn nodded the entire time, verbally agreeing though he wore a pained expression near the end. Neither of you wanted to hurt Rey. It did not matter that there was no way around this. Nothing was going to lessen the blow.
 “As soon as we take care of her, I can use a comlink to get hold of Rose or Poe.” A truce, you understood. A way to relay to the remainder of the Resistance that the only enemy to pursue was the First Order. You glanced towards Kylo only to find that he was no longer paying attention. “I know it will happen.” Finn was not relying on Kylo, but on you. You pinched your lips into a thin line, feeling simultaneously confident and helpless. “Ren?”
 In slow motion, Kylo met Finn’s gaze, which briefly narrowed. Kylo nodded. You understood nothing, which frustrated you. There was no time to dwell on these thoughts, however, as both men began to head for Rey and Not-Rey. Licking your lips, wincing at the injuries you were beginning to feel, you moved to join them. Because he was not locked in battle with Not-Rey, Kylo Ren was not exuded as much Darkness, which meant there were less stones in the air. Less things cutting into you. Your fatigued body screamed for you to stop, but you would not listen. You could not rest. You would assist Finn in convincing Rey that she had to keep back away from her relative.
 How could you explain that blood did not determine family? This was what she had longed for, and you could well remember the ache you had felt when you had believed you had lost your entire family.
 Rey reached a hand towards the three of you, and it felt as though you had walked straight into a wall. Perhaps you would have been thrown backwards had Kylo and Finn not sensed what she was doing and each raised a hand to deflect her power. Maker, you despised how the Force could be used against you. Wiping sweat off your brow with an arm, you resumed walking to her and endured her glare while offering one of your own. Finn caught her blade on the end of his. Not that she had swung in earnest; she had known she would not harm him, but had given into frustration all the same.
 “No!” she screamed as Kylo Ren took her former position, engaging Not-Rey. You held a hand behind your back, felt the hilt of the lightsaber wobbling, and opened your fingers. Leia’s lightsaber returned to her son so that he could kill the woman that had assisted in her execution. “No!” This shout from Rey was weaker, and she dropped down to her knees.
 Your heart ached at the sight of her tears. Finn glanced at you, sending the message that he had to remain alert, ready to stop her should Rey leap up. Telling you that he had to remain on his feet so as to fight any foe that approached. You, on the other hand, could lower yourself to the ground and join Rey. You placed both of your hands atop hers. She curled her hands into fists, her glare harsher, crueler, a flicker of hatred piercing you.
 “Who that woman is doesn’t define you,” you said, not even sure where the words were coming from. Kylo? Finn? Rey? Yourself? “I’m so sorry, Rey. I…”
 “Just...don’t.” She shook her head, allowing the first of her tears to fall. “There is nothing you can say...nothing…” Her voice caught in her throat. You nodded, respecting her wishes. Looked over her shoulder towards Cardo. Could not tell if he was still alive. Did not know if Kylo Ren had lost a member of his blood family and found family on the same day.
 The cacophony of battle dwindled to a low buzz as your mind worked to shield you from anything that was not Rey or Cardo or Kylo. Yet even for those important individuals, you discovered that your attention wavered. Remaining in place yielded the result of an adrenaline decrease. Exhaustion began to work through your limbs. Injuries screamed, demanding your attention. Chest heaving, you greedily drank in air while searching Rey’s face with your eyes then your hands when you could not be certain there were no hallucinations. Rey did not bat away the limbs. The intended targets of touch were the shadows that played along her countenance. These traces of darkness assisted in amplifying the similarities between her and Not-Rey.
 Rey enveloped you in her arms and buried her face in the crook of your neck. Her hands were in constant motion. She was reaching with the Force and using that power to aid Finn in halting potential injury to any of the three of you. You placed both of your hands on her back. Returned the embrace and remembered how she had done the same for you when she had agreed to remain behind on the day of Snoke’s demise. She had stayed for you. The two of you had never met before that, not officially, and yet she had felt in the Force that connection. With Not-Rey, you could tell, it was solely because of the blood they shared and Rey’s desire to find her family that she struggled with. She knew that there was no connection beyond that, that Not-Rey would kill her with little to no thought if given the chance. She had been sold by her family, a kind of rejection that she had not been fully old enough to comprehend at the time. Now she had been rejected again.
 As much as you wanted to tell her that it would be okay, you were afraid that fate would prove you a liar. Leia had already fallen in this battle. Cardo could be on the way to losing his life as well. So many potential deaths.
 “I can feel something,” she murmured. Finn made a noise of agreement. 
 This interaction prompted you to look back at Kylo Ren, who had been joined by Vicrul. Not-Rey caught Leia’s blade on one side of her own weapon then Kylo’s on the other. At that angle of the blades, her only move to fully disengage without injury would have been to push backwards. That was where Vicrul’s presence assisted Kylo. The Knight had his weapon at the ready; the scythe, from what you had been told, he used to tear the souls out of enemies to augment his own power. If Not-Rey thrust herself away from Kylo, her flesh would be caught on its sharpened blade.
 There was a moment wherein Kylo Ren and Vicrul shared a look. Despite his mask, Vicrul was able to be read by Kylo. The exchange would have been easy to miss if you had not been paying such close attention. Not-Rey, too, was not oblivious to what had happened. Her face broke out in a snarl and she released a scream of rage. The Force swirled around them as it had before. Rey shuddered, trembling against you as the Dark power rose in both Not-Rey and Kylo. Perhaps in Vicrul as well, although you could not be certain.
 You were forced to shield your eyes with one hand, which obscured a part of your vision. The three warriors shifted, Not-Rey trapped despite the way she called on the Force for aid. Her next shriek was also one of rage yet it contained pain as well. The sound reverberated through you with how the wail seemed to be sucked into a void. Rey’s head snapped upwards. It caught you in the chin, and you rubbed at your jaw, sucked on your bloodied tongue, which you had bitten upon impact. Together with Rey, you rose shakily to your feet and stared.
 Vicrul’s scythe had been thrust through Not-Rey from back to front. Kylo Ren had released his hold on both lightsabers. It was Vicrul who held them. And it was Kylo who had a hand hovering over the tip of the scythe, which meant that he had used the Force to drag it through her. Kylo Ren himself had been the one to kill Not-Rey, and there was something in you that stirred. A sense of awe and of concern. The premonition that it would be revealed he had absorbed Not-Rey’s essence. Be it her soul or her power only, it did not matter. This potential precognitive realization meant little. It did not change the feelings you had for him nor the relief that Not-Rey was dead.
 Finn gave your shoulder a pat. Your knees began to buckle, nearly giving out completely on you. Rey and Finn each grabbed one of your arms to keep you from collapsing. “Give me a moment to find a comlink. I need to get in contact with Rose or Poe.” He took another moment before stepping away. Before that he, like you, had watched as Kylo yanked his hand backwards and drawn the scythe the remainder of the way through. Then Kylo had traded weapons with Vicrul again, both men setting off in different directions to cut through more First Order foes.
 “We’re sitting ducks here if we stay,” you said, trying to work through the various routes things could go. Hux would easily be able to eliminate the majority of the Order of Ren leadership along with the Resistance. You doubted, despite this, that he was sitting up there where he could be killed. That was not his style; there was taking risks, and then there was being foolish. After witnessing the display of Kylo Ren’s power with the deaths of the ysalamir, Supreme Leader Hux would aim to kill the man with technology yet he would not bank on a full victory on this day. You tilted back your head and scanned the skies.
 Order of Ren and Resistance starfighters slowly disengaged from battling one another in favor of allying themselves against what First Order ships remained. There were more casualties as the news was relayed, delays occurring alongside miscommunication. You felt your stomach swoop and plummet with each death that you witnessed. As those starfighters cut through the enemy, there were transports arriving on the planet for both the Order of Ren and the Resistance. The Night Buzzard had been brought in closer, landing where Cardo could be carted inside along with the medic and nearby Knights. Vicrul and Kylo remained on the ground, neither reacting as the Night Buzzard lifted for a second time. This time it headed towards the sky, towards escape. The Millennium Falcon blasted a First Order TIE that had started pursuit. You breathed a sigh of relief. Heard Rey whisper that Chewbacca, Poe, and Rose were all aboard that vessel.
 The temporary alliance was more clear to you as your mind processed what you had seen in regards to the Knights of Ren ship; a Resistance fighter had also gone up the ramp. They had been holding supplies for the field medic, had been working to help keep Cardo alive. Likewise, several Order of Ren officers and stormtroopers boarded a Resistance transport that was on the ground. The soldiers worked together to kill First Order troops and allies.
 Looking away, you began a search for Kylo and thus learned that his path was taking him to his mother’s body. You tiredly started forward in pursuit. Rey walked a mere two feet behind. Her lightsaber hummed, its blade screeching whenever it was assaulted with a barrage of blaster bolts that it then deflected. Finn was headed in the same direction. So, too, was the Millennium Falcon. Kylo Ren reached Leia first, and by the time you arrived to join him, he had already lowered himself long enough to scoop her up into his arms. He hugged her tightly against his chest, which heaved but a single time. Other than that he displayed no signs of despair--nothing typical, that is, since the color of his eyes betrayed how her death continued to shake him.
 “We’re leaving?” You were fairly certain that you already possessed the answer to the inquiry, however you refused to take for granted that he could give into his rage once more. Kylo’s gaze flicked to you, considered Rey and Finn, and then he twisted so as to locate the Millennium Falcon. The ship was beginning its descent though it was not powering down its engines in a way to suggest its pilot planned a prolonged touchdown. Kylo stepped in the direction of the ship. Its ramp was lowering, and Chewbacca was visible in the formed opening. His despair was vocalized in a bellow that nearly dropped you down onto your knees. Tears sprang to your eyes; they were the ones that you had somehow managed to choke back when all the others had fallen.
 The back of your arm served as a tool with which you wiped away the liquid from your face. Rey had her free hand on the small of your back, urging you forward. Even as he walked, Kylo turned and called to Vicrul a command that the body of Not-Rey be collected. You wondered if this was so that he could study her or if it was to reduce her to ash as part of his new collection. Whichever the case, his words impacted Rey. Her fingers twitched enough that you felt them jump along your spine.
 Chewbacca reached out for Leia, yet Kylo did not oblige this silent request. He clutched his mother, altering how he held her so that he could use one hand to grab onto Chewie, who tugged him aboard the Falcon. The familiarity between the two struck you. How had you taken for granted that this wookie was, in a way, also part of Kylo Ren’s childhood family?
 Finn was next to board the Falcon. He turned around and, along with Chewbacca, seized your tired arms and dragged up into the ship. Rey used the Force to jump higher than a non-Force sensitive could, which was not much different than what Finn had accomplished.
 In order to relocate Kylo for what felt like the millionth time in a handful of hours, you were forced to set off in a jog. Stumbling thrice, you growled out annoyance over his familiarity with the Falcon. He had a predetermined destination in mind and that was where he headed. His loud boot stomps were a gift, perhaps intentional on his part. He was not going to leave you behind no matter his pain. It was the others that he worked to abandon. Any other Resistance members jerked away from him, which you noticed the very first time you turned a corner and caught a glimpse of him. Two corners later, you paused at the doorway.
 You took a heavy breath while stepping inside. The door slammed closed with extra force, an indication that Kylo Ren would not allow anyone else near. Not for now, not for--how long? It hardly mattered. You walked to him; his back faced the door, and he was seated on the ground. Legs spread, his mother’s head in the crook of an arm, one hand on her face as he wiped clean the spit that had mostly dried.
 As you moved around him, you noticed two things: his eyes maintained a different hue than their norm though they were not quite so red-rimmed in their irises, and there were tears slipping along his cheeks. You did not comment on either. Did not say anything at all. Only lowered yourself onto your knees, and stared at mother and son.
 Footsteps on the other side of the door preceded another wookie wail of despair. Your lips parted at their sound. Still you said nothing. The world around you buzzed, tilted. The Millennium Falcon was in flight, but you could not say if that was the cause of this vertigo or not. Chewbacca slammed a fist against the door. Then two fists. The metal dented. Snarling, Kylo’s grip on his mother’s lifeless body tightened. He allowed the door to open, which had been the only way to silence those fists.
 Just as with you, after Chewbacca entered the room, the door slammed closed. You barely had a chance to catch a glimpse of Rose and Finn standing on the other side. You assumed that Poe and Rey were working together as pilot and co-pilot in order to ensure a successful escape. Chewbacca lowered onto his knees without attempting to touch Leia or Kylo. Your mind was spinning. Reality was shifting all around you, going in and out of focus.
 Apologies would not bring her back. Nothing would. You wrapped your arms around yourself, mindlessly humming a tune that your father and mother had taught you. It was one that played at funerals yet also a tune that you had loved beyond that. A strange post-mortem hope. Kylo lifted his eyes off of his mother’s body. His mouth opened, his moistened jaw wobbling though he refused to let free a sob or any other sound that would fully display his despair.
 He had danced with you. He had given you gifts. He had saved your mother. You could only sing, shyly, softly. A tightness lodged itself in your throat but you persevered. You sang for your mother-in-law, for one of the Rebellion’s heroes, for the woman that had formed the Resistance, for the era that had perished alongside her.
 Kylo removed his hand from his mother’s face to cup your cheek instead. He hooked his fingers, dragging at your flesh repeatedly until you obliged the silent request, shuffled forward without standing. Your knees collided against his legs and that was where you stopped moving. His thumb traced down to your lips. Lower to your throat, down until he was able to place his palm over your heart. It pounded in your chest, increasing its rhythm as your eyes beheld his other hand encircling his mother’s wrist. There would be no pulse for him to feel. His eyes were wide, so wide, a question dancing in them. A question that you did not need the bond to know.
 Would I be a monster, am a monster, that I want to trade the living and the dead, to swap their places?
 It was unclear if the living being he would exchange for his mother was Chewbacca or you. There was a chance that it was your mother. If he could go back in time to sacrifice her, if that meant Leia would remain alive.
 “Kylo…” You swallowed thickly, tilted back your head, and let yourself sob. You choked out his chosen name again. “It didn’t matter how much time I spent with her, she never agreed… She never will.” There was no way to lessen his pain, to wipe it away. Nothing would steal away his dreams that would forevermore remain unanswered. That did not equate to you giving up in trying to provide something. “My mom, even if she is alive, she tolerates who I am.” You bit down on your bottom lip, closed your eyes, and sighed heavily as the leather glove cradled your cheek for a second time. “It’s like she wants me to succeed without winning. To succeed at existing as the idea she always saw for me.”
 “It hasn’t disappeared.” You shook your head, whispering that it never would. The idea that had been planted in his head, that had been hammered repeatedly, was so fully integrated with his being, and it would not change. He would be haunted by it, though this haunting was one that he could well survive. You reopened your eyes in unison with his hand dragged away. Kylo Ren lifted his mother up into his arms again long enough to transfer her onto the bed upon which he laid her out. He shifted her hands so that they were crossed one atop the other. He began to fix her hair. His eyes in constant motion, scanning every detail as he looked down at her.
 Chewbacca also rose to his feet and you did likewise within seconds of that. “Do you want me to speak to the others?” You did not want to leave him, not really. Kylo knew that, he had to, and so he nodded in understanding. Though subtle, you had felt the jump into hyperspace, which indicated to you that communications between the Order of Ren and Resistance had been completed. The ships would regroup, regather, and only then would true conversation take place. In the interim, all that knew of Leia Organa’s death would be demanding to see her. They would be outraged that Kylo was with her, nevermind that he was her son. Nevermind that a truce was taking place.
 Leaving meant that you were able to gather what other information had been learned including who else might have perished. You wanted to know the status of the Knights of Ren, and you desired knowledge of your mother’s whereabouts. You exited the room. Finn and Rose stood on the other side, the pair engaged in small conversation. Rose broke away from Finn, thrusting herself forward and embracing you. You weakly returned the hug. The warmth with which you were greeted did at long last manage to floor you.
 The pair of you were a laughing mess as you both collapsed together on the floor. You were in hysterics. Crying. Laughing. Sobbing. Shoulders shaking. Unable to breathe, a lump in your throat, the invisible hand of despair choking life from your spirit. Your own pain and Kylo’s, which hit you in waves as he let himself mourn his mother now that the only witness was Chewbacca, who had been there since before he had been born. Chewbacca, who was a kind of uncle to him. Chewbacca, who had shot him when he had killed his father, Han Solo.
 Rose placed her hands on your shoulders and began to knead the flesh as she spoke. The sound of her voice washed over you though her words did not. She, too, had lost everyone. Her parents then her sister. All of them were dead. You could feel that in her words, understood a kinship that existed between her and Kylo just as it existed between her and you. Life and Death, the Force, connected all living beings. Pursing your lips forward, you worked to regulate your breathing.
 Two hours passed, two hours that were nearly a blur of activity. Rey barely spoke; she, too, was processing the loss as the finality of acceptance regarding the truth of her family hit. The somber mood permeated throughout the ship. Known deaths were discussed. Your mother was not among that number, and she would be joining the Order of Ren and Resistance due to an encrypted message that had been sent to the last of the Resistance. You were growing too numb to feel relief, though the absence of another reason to ache was in some way more noticeable. The Order of Ren had sent a list of injured parties and deaths as well. Many were strangers to you, thus what this would mean in terms of the war you would not know until Kylo Ren was ready to share.
 You were seated beside Poe. Rey and Chewbacca were piloting the Falcon, and Dameron refused to leave you alone. He had listened to you describe Leia’s death in full detail, or as much as you could offer. You had then also narrated the remainder of the battle to help him understand how Not-Rey had died along with how you and Finn had prevented Rey from stopping or delaying it from occurring. Only after you were finished had Poe slipped the datapad that contained the list of Order of Ren casualties towards you. You had read through them then shifted to the injured. Cardo remained critical, his last update given directly after he had been taken onto the Night Buzzard. Trudgen was injured as well, albeit not gravely from what you could tell. Kuruk was not listed at all.
 Since Ap’lek had been absent from the battle, you did not search for his name. Ushar and Vicrul, on the other hand, you scanned the list for. The last reserves of strength were siphoned from your body as you read both of their names. Vicrul was injured yet, like Trudgen, did not cause you more than a moment of concern. It was Ushar, who was listed as critical, that had you collapsing against the back of your seat.
 Poe led you towards a different area of the ship so that you could rest. You slept for an indeterminable amount of time, awakening to discover that you were not alone in the room. Poe and Ap’lek were seated nearby, the two men across from one another. There was a warm ball of fur cuddled against your stomach. You stroked it, and Millicent released a light noise of acknowledgment. You searched your surroundings without raising yourself in order to learn your present location. You deduced that you had not been removed from the Falcon. Ap’lek and Poe communicated with one another with a multitude of pauses; they were not comfortable in each other’s company and wanted only to gain as much information as they could. It was a shaky, new alliance and thus you were not disheartened to notice these things.
 When it was apparent that you had awoken the two alternated speaking in order to bring you up to speed. The Millennium Falcon was in the docking bay of the Order of Ren’s flagship. Leia Organa’s body had been removed from the Falcon and taken elsewhere to prepare it for a funeral that both the Resistance and Order of Ren would attend. After its completion, a real discussion of what this alliance might mean would occur. Arrangements for the upcoming battle with Supreme Leader Hux would also be discussed; that was what they were referring to it as--it was not an end to the war, per se, simply another battle. When the Emperor had been defeated, the war had not ended until Jakku. Even then there had been more skirmishes, and the First Order had arisen. When Snoke had been killed, Kylo Ren had taken the mantle of Supreme Leader; likewise with the fall of Kylo and the rise of Armitage.
 When does war end? Maybe it never ends. Maybe that’s why I clung so tightly onto a singular goal. Kill Kylo. Kill Snoke. Kill Hux. Take it a step at a time, but when does the fighting stop for me?
 With a sigh, you scooped Millicent up into your arms and rose from the bed. Ap’lek stepped in front of Poe to prevent Dameron from following you. You appreciated this, as you did not want to be tailed. There was, in fact, only one person that you wanted to be with. Your familiarity with him led you. Millicent’s warmth assisted in grounding you. You stroked the top of her head, holding onto her so that she could not get away if she tried. She was not squirming. The small cat instead retreated into your embrace, tucking her head against your arm to hide from the Resistance and Order of Ren members you caught glimpses of as you kept walking without taking time to identify any beings.
 Kylo Ren stood close to the observation window through which he was able to watch Leia being prepared. She had already been changed into new clothing after being washed. Her hair was arranged in an Alderaanian fashion. Her dress was red with white designs. Her lips were painted to represent Naboo, to tie her in with her birth mother. Noticing that, you recognized the care with which she was being readied. Her biological and adoptive parents were all represented. Her wedding ring tied her to her husband. A mother’s ring to her son. You raised your stare to consider Kylo’s reflection. His eyes had not returned to their normal darkness, but they were less yellow than before.
 As he turned his head, Kylo rested his attention on the feline that you held. “You find something new in which to place hope.” He turned back to his mother. “Every time.”
 “I am a stubborn tooke,” you said softly, your eyes focused on his, which pinched in the corners though he did not smile.
 “Yes, you are.”
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ncityislove · 5 years
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➳ Pairing: Fem. Reader x Sub!Johnny
➳ Genre: Smut
➳ Word Count: 2k
➳ Warnings: slight degradation kink, pegging, voyuerism, mention of exhibition kink, dirty talk
Credit to @asteriaguk for making the header! 
You bumped the door with your hip as you struggled to carry the heavy bags of groceries into the house. You expected to be greeted at the door, your friends always inviting themselves over for free food and the plasma flat screen T.V mounted on your wall but was surprisingly met by an empty living room.
You grunted when you placed the groceries onto the kitchen counter, flexing your stiff fingers from the cold. Throwing your keys onto the table, you headed into the kitchen.
"Johnny!" you called out for your boyfriend, as he had promised to help out with dinner.
You decided to get a head start by wiping down the stove and counters. Johnny must have made breakfast for himself, but as usual, he left a mess behind. You reminded yourself to scold him for that later.
After putting away the groceries, Johnny still hadn't shown up. That's odd. His car was in the driveway so you knew he was home.
"Baby," you yelled, your voice echoing through the kitchen.
Nothing. You puffed your cheeks with air, slowly blowing it out. If he was trying to get out of helping then he had another thing coming.
You walked down the hallway, peeking into the game room. It was empty. You checked his office next, again, no one was there. You were about to check the bathroom when you saw the door to your shared bedroom was cracked when it usually remained closed. You approached the door frame, ready to burst the door open and give your boyfriend an earful for not answering your calls but when a desperate noise met your ears you stopped dead in your tracks.
You peeped through the small opening of the door, careful not to make a sound, your eyes landing on Johnny, his reasoning for not answering you earlier now suddenly clear.
You were caught off guard by the sight of your boyfriend, eyes screwed shut and jaw agape as his large hands tugged at his length. His shirt was discarded at the foot of the bed but his basketball shorts remained, rolled down to his sweaty thighs.
Your eyes darkened as they followed the slow movement of hands as he teased himself, your mouth salivating at the pronounced veins that protruded from his forearms to the long fingers that wrapped around the pink head of his leaking cock. He suddenly thrusted up into his hands, a low whimper escaping his pretty pink lips that went straight to your core, your panties started to stick uncomfortably to your legs.
You were tempted to reveal yourself. You wanted to touch him, let him fuck you until you were screaming bloody murder, but you wanted to watch for a little bit longer. His hands quickened and his breath followed in suit of his actions, a bead of sweat rolling down his neck. You were dying to know what he was thinking about that had him so worked up. You hoped it was you.
You pushed the door open, entering the room, but Johnny was too lost in himself to notice your arrival. His eyes were still shut, his teeth latched to his bottom lip. He only opened his eyes when he felt your weight dip into the mattress, a blush settling over his cheeks in being caught.
He froze, watching you wordlessly as you made your way towards his side of the bed.
"Didn't you hear me calling you, babe?" you asked, your voice sultry as your finger traced up his bare abdomen.
His muscles flinched at your touch, his head shaking from side to side, too embarrassed to speak.
"No, of course not," you agreed, saddling his thighs. "You were clearly too busy jerking yourself off."
Johnny's lips parted, his eyes adverting yours abashedly. You thought you went too far, your lips forming an apology when you saw the tell-tale sign of his dick twitching in his still-hand.
"You dirty boy." You smiled at him, moving the long, sweaty tufts of hair from his dark eyes.
"Well, don't let me stop you. Go on."
Johnny's eyes widened. Clearly, you caught him off guard by your request but he didn't protest. Normally, Johnny was the one leading the reigns but at times like this, when he was especially needy, he liked for you to take control. He never said it but you knew he secretly loved it when you told him what to do, his body telling you what his words didn't.
His hands started moving again, slower than before. Feeling your lustful gaze on him this time, he dragged his hands down his cock, twisting the skin in exaggerated motions. Your fingers rubbed soothing circles on his knee, which affected him more than it should've. His heart raced knowing you were watching his every move and it turned him on beyond belief.
"You can go faster, can't you?" your hand lifted to tilt his chin up at you.
He swallowed, his eyes connecting with yours as he complied with your wishes.
"Good boy," you praised, his eyes fluttering closed as his warm hands encompassed his tip once more.
You lifted your shirt over your head, then your bra next, Johnny moaning when your breasts fell free.
"Baby?" he called, his voice small.
"I know," you answered, taking his hand and pressing it to your chest, his fingers moving to pinch the pert nipple.
He let out a guttural groan as he pumped himself faster, his head falling back into the pillows as he felt his orgasm approaching.
"You close, love?"
He nodded, his eyebrows furrowed from how good his own hands felt.
"Look at you, getting off to me watching you touch yourself."
Johnny moaned, his ears flushing at your words.
Your hands caressed his chest as his he let out quick shallow breaths, whimpering your name over and over. His stomach convulsed with every tug at his length and you knew he was close to cumming. His hand wondered from your chest to your face, his thumb rubbing over your cheek.
You placed your hand over his, placing a kiss in the wide palm of his hands. "Tell me what you were thinking about."
"You," he answered, nearly panting.
"What about me?"
"That night you surprised me at work," he licked his lips. "When you crawled underneath my desk and sucked me off, knowing anyone could walk in at any moment."
"I remember that," you smiled at the memory. "I also remember how you pretended to be mad at me afterwards. You weren't mad at all, were you?"
Johnny shook his head, a grunt escaping his lips that started as a chuckle.
You instructed him to grip himself tighter and he obeyed, wanting to please you more than himself.
"Fuck," his eyes closed then opened again, giving you pleading look. "__, please?"
Was he asking for permission to cum? You raised an eyebrow. It's been a long time since Johnny fully submitted to you and you had to say, it was really hot.
"Since you've been so good," you paused to kiss his hand again. "you can cum."
As soon as the words left your lips, white spurted from his tip, ruining the sheets as a long string of moans emitted from Johnny. His legs quaked as his orgasm exploded in his body and you pecked kisses along his stomach, licking up the mess he made on himself.
When his high subdued, his lips came into rough contact with yours, your tongues colliding messily. His hands settled on your ass, giving it a gentle smack which caused you to giggle.
Johnny pulled back slightly, his forehead pressed to yours. "Babe, can you...do something for me?"
You smiled, sweetly at him. "Already? Is my baby still needy?"
The shy smile on his face answered your question.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I want....c-can you..." he shook his head, leaving his sentence unfinished.
"Aw, come on, tell me," you frowned. "You know you don't have to be embarrassed around me," you pecked his lips for emphasis.
Johnny was the most confident person you knew—especially when it came to sex. It was strangely cute to see him fidget under your gaze for once but you wanted him to be comfortable with you and it saddened you that he wasn't yet.
"You don't ever get like this unless–" you looked down at him in realization. "Oh, that's what you wanted? Why didn't you just say so?"
Johnny looked down, a small blush blooming in his cheeks as he chuckled softly. You pouted at him before leaning over to reach in the drawer of your nightstand, pulling out the lube and a black strap-on. Johnny was already hard again, his excitement showing when you rid yourself of your jeans to attach the strap-on. You rarely got the chance to do this so you decided to make it last as long as you could.
You motioned for him to spread his legs and he quickly did so, helping to set up a pillow under his ass. You took a good amount of lube, smearing it around his hole before inserting a finger, careful not to hurt him. His breath got caught in his throat as you slid your finger in and out of him. When you felt he was ready, you worked in another finger, then a third, keeping your gentle pace.
"Are you okay?"
Johnny nodded. "It feels good."
You hummed in approval, adding more lube,  replacing your fingers with the tip of the plastic dick. Johnny gripped the sheets, gasping as you slowly pushed in, moaning when you bottomed out. You paused, giving him time to adjust. Only a few seconds had passed before he was already wriggling impatiently.
"You ready?"
"Yes, yes, please move," he answered quickly.
You pulled out slowly, sharply thrusting back into him causing him to cry out. You rocked your hips roughly just the way you knew he liked, setting a rhythm to your deep strokes. Johnny bit his lip, trying to hold back his sounds of pleasure, which you were not having any of at all.
You tapped his thigh hard enough to make him jump. "You know not to hide those pretty moans from me," you clicked your tongue. "That makes me very upset and you don't wanna upset me, do you?"
"N-no, I'm sorry," he said, freeing his bottom lip from his teeth.
"Don't be sorry," you drizzled the lube on his twitching cock. "Do better."
You began snapping your wrist up and down his stiff dick and he cried out your name, still a little sensitive from just having came earlier. Johnny moaning was your favorite song and you'd be damned if his pride stood in the way of letting you hear it.
You matched your thrusts to the speed you were jerking him off to and it was only a matter of minutes before Johnny was completely fucked out, groaning and moaning for you to go faster. When his whines started raising in pitch you knew he was close again. Johnny grabbed onto the pillows above his head, trying to find anything to hold onto, your hard thrusts causing him to bounce uncontrollably.
You lifted one of his legs over your shoulder, allowing the strap-on to hit his g-spot which earned you a delicious groan of pleasure from Johnny.
"Right there?" you asked, hitting the spot again.
Johnny threw his arms over his face. "Mm, fuck, yes."
He spasmed in your hands as you tugged at his length faster than before and Johnny let out a strangled noise. His high was so close he could almost taste it.
"I'm gonna cum—I'm gonna cum—please let me cum," he begged, his voice strained.
You made him hold out a few seconds longer before giving him the words to "Cum, now." His hand gripped your arm, grunting as he came for the second time, his sticky cum coating his stomach once more. You helped him ride out his orgasm, twisting and pulling at his length until you emptied him of everything he had to give.
Johnny muttered out a thanked you, too spent to move. You kissed his sweaty forehead before pushing yourself off the bed to go get a cloth to clean him up when his hand caught your wrist.
"Where are you going?"
"I was just gonna help you clean up."
There was an uncanny dark glint in his eye as he spoke. "Not until I return the favor, love."
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