#nothin on you
jaaybunny · 1 year
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versus-weird-al · 3 months
Winner #98!
The results are in and the winner of our ninety-eighth poll - "Nothin' on You" (B.o.B.) vs. "Another Tattoo" (Weird Al) - is...
"Another Tattoo"!
"Another Tattoo" (Weird Al) got 66.7% of 18 votes, while its opponent "Nothin' on You" (B.o.B.) got 27.8%. 5.6% of voters elected to see results.
So far the score is...
Originals: 15, Weird Al: 55
Bonus Medley Score:
Originals: 11, Weird Al: 17
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mercenaryg · 6 months
I got Nothin On You baby, never had
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smovs · 1 year
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bout 3 hours into the story and 100 hours into paragliding to every corner of hyrule with my best bud tulin
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dynachan · 2 months
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Oh my god.
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ashwii · 8 months
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Red and blue make something
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cannedcrabs · 2 months
Red is kinda ugly ngl don’t be mean to him
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buggbuzz · 1 year
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spaceistheplaceart · 6 months
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found an old ekurei comic rotting in my files, decided to finish it. upon my rewatch of mp100 i kept noticing how many times dimple was referred to as a pet- but he's not ! ! ! he's a friend :)
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t8oo · 9 months
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more jigoe 👍 their contrast is so funny man who did coke and had an exclusive diet of cigarettes and scotch n went 20 yrs without a home cooked meal before lupin picked him up from the street VS man whos entire life revolves around being fit and honorable (?)
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versus-weird-al · 4 months
Please listen to both songs before you vote!
"Nothin' on You"
"Another Tattoo"
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zarla-s · 1 year
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olimar and louie's relationship is so funny to me
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miraculan-draws · 11 months
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Y2KUNT SHADOWHEART AND ASTARION!! ACTION HORROR MOVIE BABES!! audiences rave, critics boo!! nu metal soundtrack!!
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revasserium · 3 months
sakura haruka; 1,189 words; fluffy fluff fluff, first love, sakura learns the meaning of friendship, no "y/n", lapslock, mindless fluff tbh
summary: after all, the rain is still just... the rain.
a/n: inspired by clementine von radics poem mouthful of forevers, and also wow sakura is adorable
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when he tells you that anger is a language that he’s never needed to learn to know, that loneliness and rejection are dialects as near to him as his hometown used to be, you do not run away.
maybe it’s this place — maybe the blue of the sky from the rooftop garden. maybe, he thinks, there’s something in the water here that makes people kinder, makes them so damn comfortable with splitting open their skins to show him their insides, while asking for nothing in return.
“the summers are hot here,” you say, pressing a cool, dripping bottle of water to his cheek, laughing as he jumps and jerks back, holding it out as he looks from you to the bottle and back again, “make sure to hydrate.”
“why do you care?” he asks, because sometimes, it’s the only way he remembers how to say thank you.
“here, take it,” you say, offering him your handkerchief when he comes back from yet another fight, blood still trickling down the corner of his forehead, “it even matches your hair.”
“don’t need it,” he says, glancing down at the black and white checked piece of cloth, but he doesn’t push you away when you reach out to dab at the drying blood, your hands soft and careful. he never knew hands could be such things, but he supposes there’s always time to learn.
“isn’t that what schools are for?” you say, giggling when he plucks up the courage to tell you one day, when the nights slowly grow longer and the days are clipping own tails, tucking in earlier and earlier. the wind is just on the other side of biting and he’d stared down at his own hands for a solid half minute before reaching out to offer you his scarf — a present from the old lady from the musubi store for putting up her brand new awning.
“y-yeah. guess so,” he says, pulling back to admire his handiwork, the thick knit of the scarf now wrapped snuggly around your shoulders. his blush is more than enough to keep him warm the rest of the way home.
when he lashes out — because its the only way his body remembers how to react to the act of kindness — he sees the hurt flicker like fireflies behind your eyes. but still, you don’t turn away. instead, you sit back, you sigh, and you tell him you’ll wait.
“why?” he asks, because it’s the one question that keeps on echoing through him, like the tolling of a hundred thousand bells, reverberating through him till it’s all he can hear — why?
“because,” you tell him, “sometimes people just need time — and lucky for you, we’ve got a lot of that here. so…” you shrug, sitting back with a sweet, knowing smile, “take your time. that’s what friends do for each other — sometimes, we’re there, but sometimes… we give each other space and we give each other… time.”
time, he thinks, turning the words over his head. how long has it been since he’d had to sleep with one eye open, to always look over his shoulder, to wake up knowing that he’s gotta hit the ground running. how long? what was it that he was running away from?
and sure, he still doesn’t quite have a setting between off and a hundred, but he thinks… maybe with enough time, he can learn. and you teach him.
slowly, he learns the weight of laughter, pure and sweet and joyous, the power that tenderness can bring, the way that sometimes a smile is more potent in a fistfight than as well-aimed punch, that somehow, your hits always land harder when you have a thing worth fighting for. and it should’ve been obvious, but maybe it’s not — that love is a thing of viciousness and vengeance, but also a thing of delicacy and light.
when he holds your hand for the first time, he thinks his entire body might burst at the seams, shattering into a million and one pieces if ever you tried to pull away, but still, there comes a time for letting go.
“i’ll see you tomorrow?” you say, the pair of your teetering on the front steps of your house. behind you, the warm glow of your living room lights paints your outlines in gold. sakura swallows, your fingers still laced in his. he reaches for a reason — any reason — not to let go.
“unless… you wanna come in for dinner?”
he whips around so fast he almost cricks his neck, but he nods before he can psyche himself out, and the next second, you’re tugging him into the house behind you. it’s not the first time he’s met your family, but it is the first time you introduce him as your boyfriend. the word has a strange ring to it, a one-two punch that knocks the breath from his lungs every time you say it.
and it’s only really been a week.
later, in the dim halo of your bedroom lamp, your legs dangling over his as the pair of you read manga on the floor of your room, he reaches out to pull you into his arms.
“i — i’m not a — hm,” he clears his throat and tries again, fighting the urge to bury his face in your shoulder from behind, “i’m not good at… this kind of stuff…” he admits, though your tinkling laughter tells him that yes, you know. still, he forces himself to go on —
“so… uh — if i like… blow up over something random just… like slap me or… or something.”
for a second, you’re quiet, your steady breathing and his much less steady ones the only sounds in the room.
then, you twist slightly to face him, peering up at the profile of his face in the burgeoning dark.
“do you remember that one day — when it rained this summer? and it was so, so nice because it was so freaking hot that whole week?”
“uh… yeah?”
“and then… like three weeks later, there was a hurricane warning, and everyone had to stay home?”
“sure. umemiya made everyone run to put away his stupid planter boxes —”
“but… if you think about it, the rain is still just… rain, right?”
sakura frowns, pausing, “i… guess so.”
“yeah. so… it’s kind of like that with you, i think.” you smile, settling with your back against his chest, his arms around your middle, “the rain is still the rain, whether is light or it’s heavy. and… i’ve always loved the rain.”
sakura makes a soft noise, letting his head fall back against your bedframe.
“it doesn’t matter to me… cause, i think i’d still feel the same about you either way,” you say, turning around once more to fix him with a smile —
“i’d love you if you were summer rain… i’d love you, still, if you were a hurricane.”
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bloodydeanwinchester · 11 months
i've had soooooo many people ask me what i'm doing this weekend over the last couple of days and like how do you explain to someone who doesn't know what destiel is that you're doing destiel this weekend???
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