#notepad animatic battle
pepperpepi · 14 days
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flunkyfish · 20 days
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gafyndii · 2 days
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Just some dumb doodles of my favorite ab characters :]
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floydsg · 23 days
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hey i really like this guy
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tapwater118 · 2 months
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featuring everyone’s sevennd favorite characters:
Choccy Melk Cranton, Jaundice Bax, Sippy Dippy, Bunk and the Punk, Nanchows, AssShid, Zilly Ztraw, and Notpaid
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lupiclaws · 9 days
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Some characters 💤
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wicked-gharial · 26 days
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my favorite ab characters
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moonsidesong · 7 days
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@brifdi-daily week 13 ! i hit 100 characters this week... which is very cool... and soon we will be at 100 days!!! which is also very cool...
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stellarbat · 20 days
I found out about @theanimatichostau's au and got hooked. I ended up finding the inspiration to create some fan host designs for notepad and acid (both of whom I love).
Here's Host Acid!
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For Acid here, I took his ability to retract his limbs and evolved it so that he can generate as much limbs as needed! He would probably prefer experimental challenges that test events untested before.
And Here's Host Notepad!
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With Notepad, I went with a more messy style, giving him golden binds to show he's stronger, a LOT of messy papers shoved in him, and a pencil where he can just draw in the air to create obstacles. He doesn't use it often, though.
I can't wait to see more out of your au!
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colewicki · 22 days
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fanart of grant swag
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theanimatichostau · 16 days
Host Sticky!
She likes to take notes just like Notepad! Except its a little hard to put her face back on...Sticky!
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Art References belong to GagOfGreen. Character belongs to Visgroups. Sticky could be considered one of the more passive Hosts. Before Animatic Battle she mainly just wandered the earth. Unlike most of the other hosts, she wasnt too bothered by the lack of contestants. Host Sticky Notes! (Is that a pun?) -Sticky only has a limited amount of sticky notes she can use (40 to be exact, all compressed down) She mainly writes down notes on her sticky notes but will allow others to doodle only if they give her the sticky note back. -Sticky can remove her face and put it back on, however she has to do it just right or it will be crooked. She often carries around a stick of glue to put the stick back on the notes after shes removed them too many times. -Sticky has been torn to shreds by the contestants at some point. While her paper is alot stronger than normal, a tear cant be fixed easily. She had to be manually recovered due to this and has since just tried to stay in the background.
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theefunfactory · 26 days
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I drew something that wasn’t digital for once, sorry for the bad image quality lol
I LOVED this episode of Animatic Battle so much, I loved the emotional scene with Doorstopper and Weathery sm, along with Notepad being a total badass too can’t forget that
Btw the lyrics are from this song, though it fit them well :)
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oscconfessions · 21 days
Hear me out
Acid x Notepad x B-Block (Animatic Battle)
My friend suggested acidblockpad meanwhile I just went with bacidpad
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cage-cat-yt · 2 years
Tiny art dump
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I'm gonna work on an animatic and an answer for one of the goofy gang member asks today. But for now I'll just give my insight on the doodles I did
First is I drew all of the goosebumps dummies in my style! Mr. Wood took more inspiration from his comic look since I prefer it over the actual book look, and Rocky and Dennis have the appearances of their show looks -though I kinda wanna headcanon one of hisbeyes being a lazy eye? One of my band buddies have one and a lotta people hc him being blind in one eye, which makes sense with the context of the book itself-. Then Slappy takes inspiration from his movie look.
Second is some art I did of Demoman and Junkrat. Tbh I'm in a love/hate relationship with Overwatch, because I see SO MUCH POTENTIAL in it, yet Blizzard keeps not using it to its full power. Some characters have interesting personalities, but then majority of the characters are bland and stale, having nothing worth noting. Only ones I can truly think of on the top of my head is Junkrat, Lucio, kinda Tracer (or maybe it's because she's the poster child) and... that's about all I can think of, but I'm confident there's more. And since you all know I'm a tf2 baby, I remember a few years back being hyperfixed on the tf2 vs overwatch rap battles, and yesturday I wanted to listen to them again, so I did while I worked on this.
Final thing is of my headcanon for Paige the Notepad and her romantic orientation and stuff (Panromantic Asexual). Idk, I was gonna do kore of my hc drawings for different fandoms but I chose against it to work on the comic I was doodling.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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