#ab rainbow assortment
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b1tches-lov3me · 27 days ago
I made a sillouhete17 visual novel thingy
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Check reblogs for continuation
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sippylotion · 1 month ago
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I like how "Exclamation Mark" just has his normal face while everyone else is demonic
oh i GOTTA !
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angelicha1ley · 8 months ago
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rainbow assortment and her tall ass gf
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animaticbattleconfessions · 1 month ago
i love rainbow assortment and oils paint soo muhnc jch im n imormal about them im gonna cry if happy meatball is ufe in ab 4 if either of them get exterminated im gojnna crash out
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lolasimms · 2 years ago
a lots gonna change pt.14
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Summary: Married life isn’t great, infidelity ensues, and things change
next chapter
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"Here Lila" Abby called out as she handed your daughter a paper plate with a piece of confetti cake smeared all over it. If you were being honest the piece was too big for your liking and you were sure that Lila would be leaving with a sugar rush. But special occasions called for special acceptions, this being one of them.
"Thanks Abby" Lila accepts the plate and bounds into the dining area to go and enjoy her sugary treat.
"Should I cut you a slice?" Abby glances up at you, her large hand gripping the icing covered knife.
"Sure, that'd be nice." You reply and she lowers the knife back into the white frosted cake, littered with rainbow sprinkles. Much like Lila's, she cuts you an abnormally large triangular piece of cake, placing it on the polka-dotted paper plate and then handing it to you. She awkwardly smiles, grabbing her own plate and then makes her way to the dining room.
Things were still a bit tense between you and Abby after the altercation at Joel's two weeks ago. You'd assured her that she was forgiven after a lengthy heart to heart, but she was still doubting you and beating herself up. Ever since said altercation, no words had been exchanged with your ex-wife, save for a few updates about Lila's school and pickups but that was it. And you hoped it stayed that way. You knew they were both partly at fault but Ellie had started the physical fight, and she hadn't even made the effort to offer a genuine let alone any apology.
It was Abby's birthday and her father had invited you over to his, insisting you bring Lila along to help the Andersons celebrate. The home sprung memories of familial and domestic bliss. Streamers strewn about the dining room, metallic balloons that displayed '26', radio hits that you're sure Jerry didn't even listen to, booming throughout the house and an assortment of different coloured balloons held together by ribbon.
With your plate of cake in hand, you made your way to the dining room, where Jerry had Lila sitting beside him, the both of them looking through an old chunky photo album filled with baby photos of Abby and others of her extended family. Lila was "ooohing" and "ahhing" whilst simultaneously letting out giggles. Your eyes met the blue orbs of your lover who finally gave you a genuine smile for the first time in a week. You stride towards Abby, taking a seat besides her and taking your hand in hers.
"I love you." You whisper as you smile at her, leaving a kiss on her cheek, immediately she warms up, her face tinting to a light shade of red. She leans into you, placing a chaste kiss on your mouth where she mumbles an "I love you too." You're both interrupted by Jerry, who clears his throat and Lila's quiet "eww." The two of you pull apart, sporting mischievous grins on your faces when Jerry shuts the photo album and announces.
"Okay Abs, time to open your gifts." Lila's immediately trailing behind him as he makes his way over to the living room and the two of you follow suit. You were sat on the arm of the grey sofa, while Abby had Lila in her lap. The five year old had been so excited to pick out Abby's gift that she'd insisted it be the first one she opened.
"You sure this isn't a bomb Lila?" Abby jokes as she shakes the box, holding it close to her ears. You and Jerry simply chuckle at Abby's playfulnesses, but Lila finds it to be the funniest thing ever. She's hunched over giggling while Abby tears the wrapping off the small box. When she opens the box she's met with a vintage field watch, one she’d been raving about for the past six months.
“Y/n, you didn’t!” She yells, turning to you with a smile on her face and you simply smile. She reaches up and kisses you. “Hey, I helped wrap it” Lila exclaims hating the takeaway of attention from her. “Thank you too Lila” Abby squished her cheeks and then places the watch on her wrist.
“Thank you for coming Ms. Lila, I’ll see you next time alright?” Jerry waves off a tired Lila who’s hands are swinging behind you as she’s splayed out in your arms. “Bye, Jerry.” She mumbles, letting out a yawn in the process. You walk her over to the car and sit her into her booster seat, clicking it in and then shutting the door. Abby and Jerry are stood at the front door chatting, when he motions for you to come over.
“Thank you for coming over Y/n and bringing sweet Lila, you raised an angel.” He smiles, playing with the hair on his chin. You warm up at the compliment and offer him a genuine smile.
“Thank you Jerry for having us, and for the food and cake.” Abby pulls you closer into her and smiles down at her dad. “Alright dad, we’re going to head Lila’s done for the day.” She takes the box of cake from his hands and hands you the car keys. “Alright goodnight you two and happy birthday again Abs.”
The drive back home is quiet, the car being filled with only sounds of the heater blaring and Lila’s soft snores. Abby has her hand on your thigh the whole way home as you drive, not daring to let go. The two of you basking in the silence. As you’re making a left turn, she gives your thigh two small squeezes causing you to look at her. She gives you a loving smile and then rubs you softly. She didn’t have to verbally say it but you knew it was another apology, no matter how many times you’d forgiven her, she still felt responsible for the fight and she wasn’t going to stop atoning for her mistakes until she felt her forgiveness was truly earned.
Despite her protests, you’d managed to get Lila into the bath once the three of you had arrived back home. She whined and whined but you knew if she didn’t have her bath she would get restless at night. Once bath-time was over, you’d taken her into her room, read her a story from the array that were shelved in her bookcase and then proceeded to read.
“Mommy stop.” You were mid-way through a sentence when she’d lifted her sleepy head to stop you from continuing.
“What’s wrong baby?” You question as you drop the book into your lap.
“There’s two characters, and you’re not doing Mr. Flippers voice right. Can Abby come read that part?” She asks, genuine concern over the inadequacy of your impression. You call out to Abby, who was in your bedroom and she immediately made her way to the Lila’s room.
“Everything ok?” She asks, her hair wet from the shower she’d just taken, clad in an oversized hockey tee shirt and plaid pyjama pants.
“Can you help mommy read to me?” Lila looks up from the tucked in cover of her quilt.
“Really?” Abby asks a grin coating her face and Lila nods adamantly. The five year old falls asleep not even half-way through the book. Her head resting on her little pillow, hands tucked under her cheeks.
You kiss her goodnight as Abby switches on her nightlight, the two of you exiting the room.
“She asked me to read her a bedtime story.” Abby smiles down at you and you grin widely, nodding your head. The two of you make your way into the bedroom.
“So, how’s 26 treating you so far? You ask her as you straddle her waist, her arms immediately grabbing onto your hips and squeezing tightly.
“Pretty good, though I know a way that could make it great” She smiles at you, her fingers grabbing the hem of your pyjama shirt and lifting it over your head.
“Mhm, what may that be?” You lift yourself off her thighs and shimmy your way out of your pyjama shorts and underwear. She immediately pulls you back down to straddle her when you’re interrupted by your phone ringing on the bedside table. Abby’s let’s go of you waist but you continue.
“Just ignore it.” You mumble as the two of you come together in a kiss. You’re grinding against her in tandem as she sloppily kisses down your neck, making her way to your chest, when the phone begins to ring again.
“Just take it, baby” She sits back against the headboard and you un-straddle her. You reach over to your phone, and to your surprise the contact reads Joel. You’re taken aback, seeing as Joel never called you this late at night, ever.
“Hello?” You hold the phone close to your ear, as you fidget with the comforter. Abby’s warm hands stroking your back rhythmically.
“Are you on your own right now, where’s Lila?” He questions and you’re taken aback by his forward ness.
“I’m with Abby, Lila’s asleep. Joel what’s going on?”
“Y/n, you need to get down to the Oakwood Hospital right now, it’s Ellie.”
@moonlightdivine @maybe-cece @macaroni676 @sawaagyapong @katiemars @ellieseater @dakota-dream @joliettes @hebrokeimup @bratydoll @wakasaaa @catostrophiclesbian @dinas-a-bird @lazyunknownwerewolf @h3sitant-alien @ceo-of-ellie-simps @mechetegirl109 @kashoot-me269 @lonelyfooryouonly @ellieswifee @doodlebob-mp3 @ellieismami
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sippylotion · 9 days ago
Imagine her drawing in him
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Rainbow Note!
aka: Note Assortment, Colouring Book, Quiet Creativity
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comcuter · 9 months ago
also lava cake :3 my second favorite osc character (next to rainbow assortment ab)
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harryspet · 5 years ago
rogue angel [2] bucky barnes
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[Warnings] darky bucky barnes x reader, noncon forced aged regression, daddy bucky, dd lg dynamic, ab dl dynamic, very light bondage, drugging, angst
A/N: I got a wayyy better response on the first chapter than I expected! Thank you all so much for reading! I guess I would call this chapter more of a filler with the reader just adjusting to her new life.
In which someone actually starts to care for you. 
series masterlist
word count: 2.9k
You were strapped to a table, serums of their making pumping into your body, a contraption attached to your head designed to send electric waves through your skin. You screamed for hours. Why didn’t you stop screaming? It never helped. It never made them stop the pain. Perhaps it was because your mind was so empty. 
You sat up straight, startled, at the memory. That’s when you realized Bucky’s hands were undoing the gag around your mouth, “I’ve got ya, angel,” You heard him say, finally able to close your lips together. You hadn’t even noticed that he’d carried you upstairs and ran a bath for you until you were actually sitting in the tub. 
It wasn’t the being naked that frightened you, it was the soothing hand on your back and fingers rubbing soap into your skin. The traumatizing memory had taken you away for a moment but now you were back in reality, where something even worse was happening. 
You had wet yourself in front of him and, like you were a child, he had cleaned you up. You couldn’t remember what it was like to be a child, you only knew what they had taught you about youth. In your opinion, the milestones seemed a bit boring, something you didn’t mind skipping. What use would pink overalls and bubble baths be to Hydra?
It wasn’t like you had much choice when Bucky brought the washcloth between your legs, you had much control over them as a baby doe. 
“Is your arm waterproof?” You asked, your curiosity striking you. 
Bucky chuckled, “For the most part, yes, but I try not to shower with it.” You nodded and had a feeling that Bucky was just happy that you were interacting with him in any capacity. 
“What … what are you going to do to me here?” There had to be other reasons why he was keeping you in the middle of nowhere. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, Y/N.”
That wouldn’t be your name. No matter how much he said it, it would never belong to you. 
“But you want to turn me against them? Like Steve Rogers did to you?” Bucky pressed the cloth against your shoulder, swiping down your arm. The soap smelled like warm vanilla and, you wouldn’t admit it, but you liked it. 
“Steve and I already had an emotional connection, we were friends. That’s what helped me realize their lies. You don’t have any ties so I thought I could help build you one, with me.”
With him. As your Daddy. 
Maybe you could pretend, you thought. As soon as his guard was down, you could make a move, “I’ve never needed anyone.”
“It’s not a bad thing to need someone,” Bucky spoke earnestly but you only rolled your eyes. 
You didn’t protest when he lifted you from the tub or when he held your body as he dried every inch of your skin. Your teeth were gritted the entire time but your current plan was to comply and cause him to let his guard down. Even Bucky seemed surprised that you weren’t fighting him. 
He carried you from the bathroom into your “new room” which you didn’t get a chance to fully take in before. The walls and the furniture were both white but everything else seemed to be full of pastels. There was a bed fit with light pink sheets, mint green pillows, and lots of stuffed animals. A toy chest sat beneath the window and a giant, oversized rabbit sat right next to it. 
It was eerily calm in the room and you could see the last shreds of sunlight coming in through the white curtains on the windows. He set you gently on the twin bed and you watched as he crossed the plush white carpet towards a large white armoire. Your eyes widened as it opened, revealing a rainbow assortment of clothes. 
You took a wild guess and assumed they were all in your size. How long had he been planning this?
“What’s your favorite color, angel?” You met his blue eyes and found a soft expression on his face. You thought for a moment before shrugging. You hadn’t thought about it nor did you think it really mattered. He continued, “Hmmm, unicorns or spaceships?”
He held out the options for you to see and you winced, “Why can’t I wear normal clothes?”
“You’re too small for big girl clothes,” He spoke, making the decision for you. Spaceships it was.
“I am a-” You stopped yourself. You could do it, you told yourself. 
You let him slip the onesie over your head which was white and had little planets and spaceships printed on it. He urged you to lay down flat and that was when he reached into a drawer beneath a bed. As soon as you saw it, your plan went out the window, “No, no, I’m not wearing that!” You stared at the pink pull-up he’d grabbed, “I’m not a baby, you fu-”
He pinned your hands down above your head and you desperately tried to move your legs, “What if you have another accident?” He continued, slipping one of your feet into one of the holes.
“Please,” Bucky paused, and even you hadn’t expected the word to leave your mouth, “I won’t have another one.”
“Say ‘Please, Daddy’” You scowled at him, “It’s hard for me to listen when you don’t address me properly, angel.”
You shut your eyes, taking a deep breath before swallowing the small shred of pride you had left, “P-Please … D-Daddy,” You stuttered out.
Bucky smiled, the hand that wasn’t pinning your arm was rubbing your legs soothingly, “Good girl, angel, now ask Daddy for what you want. Use your big girl words.”
“Can I … Can I please wear regular-”
“Big girl panties,” He interjected, correcting you. 
You gritted your teeth, “Can I please wear big girl panties ... “ He waited patiently, knowing the word was on the tip of your tongue, “Daddy?”
Bucky smirked, loving the name on your lips, “How about this, angel?” You struggled as he continued to slide it on you, “If you eat all of your dinner and you keep this dry all night, I’ll let you wear big girl panties. I’ll even let you pick the pair.”
Clearly, he hadn’t completely gotten rid of his sadistic side when he left Hydra. You felt that as soon as he buttoned the onesie closed.
You hated him but you had to admit he was smart. You couldn’t refuse to eat or you’d risk further embarrassment tomorrow. Tomorrow. It was starting to sink in that you’d be here for a while. 
After he’d put the clothes on you, he’d brushed out your hair, tying it back for you. His movements were a little clumsy but you could feel his happiness as he accomplished each task. It seemed like he had been practicing. 
He was even more excited to present you with a small, bear plushie that he thought would bring you comfort. 
He brought you down to the living room, setting you on the plush couch before ordering you to sit still while he went to retrieve something. Something he wanted to show you. As he walked out of the room, you looked around, noting the coziness of the room but also the locks on every window. 
You were mapping it out when suddenly heard the subtle sound of nails scratching against the floor. A dog ran into the room, jumping onto the couch and attacking you with a lick to the face, “Y/N, meet Archer,” You were unsure of how to interact with the creature for a moment until you decided to brush behind his ears. The husky dog seemed to like it, nuzzling further into you. 
You couldn’t remember ever petting a dog before and you had no idea they could be so … friendly. Archer seemed to already love you as he continuously lapped at your face. 
Bucky could see you letting your wall down and, deciding not to interrupt that, he left to start on dinner. He figured Archer would keep you busy and also let him know if you tried to escape. 
When dinner was almost read, Bucky walked back into the living room to find you sitting on the living room carpet, playing tug of war with the stuffed animal. Archer easily ripped off the bear’s head and you giggled … Bucky actually heard you giggle. 
“Bad dog, Archie,” He scolded the dog as Archer dropped the bear’s head into Bucky’s hand obediently, “We don’t chew on Y/N’s toys.”
“No, look, he likes it!” You protested, insisting that Archer get to destroy the rest of the toy, handing archer the rest of the bear. You clapped your hands as Archer ran around the living room, shaking it in his mouth.
Bucky sighed, figuring he could try to tame an assassin but he couldn’t stop her from liking to watch things be dismembered. 
“Alright, dinner time,” Bucky lifted you from the carpet, carrying you into the kitchen, Archer in tow. He helped you wash your hands before sitting you down in your seat at the dining table. You were like a little doll, helpless but it didn’t seem like Bucky mined doing every little thing for you.
You and Bucky were eating the same meal but his plate looked vastly different than yours. Your plate was flower printed and was separated into sections. Your steak was cut up into already tiny pieces and your fork was barely sharp enough to pick up your food. And then there was the dreaded sippy cup that he expected you to drink from. 
You held your fork, staring at the plate as Bucky started to cut his own steak, “Big girl panties,” Bucky winked, bringing a piece of steak to his mouth, “Remember? You have to eat all of it. I know you’re starving.”
Whatever leverage Bucky he could get, he used. He had to get her used to eating regularly and not using it as a way to protest. 
You poked at your broccoli before bringing a piece to your mouth, “Good job, angel,” He praised you as you continued to eat. You were starving and this is exactly what your body was craving. You finished your plate faster than either of you expected and Bucky asked, “Do you want more?”
You immediately shook your head even though it was far from the truth. 
Bucky could tell you were lying and you flashed him a look of surprise as he slid the rest of his food onto your plate, cutting up the steak into small pieces for you, “Eat some more,” He told you and you lifted your fork again. 
It confused you, why he even cared about you. No matter how sinister his intentions might be, you found it was strange that he showed you even a little bit of compassion. 
Bucky watched you as you finished the rest of the food and he was satisfied when you cleaned your plate again. Thinking about the condition he found you in, he figured that you hadn’t been eating much since you were forced to abandon Hydra. 
He understood the mental battle you were going through right now and he was expecting it would be a while before you slipped into little space but he’d be patient. 
Bucky watched from the doorway as you played with Archie on the floor of your bedroom. You seemed to already have him better trained than Bucky ever did. Bucky noticed the less he interfered, the more you seemed to slip into things. He even noticed you sipping at your sippy cup and, as your actions grew lazier, he knew the sedative was kicking in. 
He had to get you a sleeping schedule as well. You’d fall into things better with patterns. Consistency was another thing that made humans feel safe. 
Your eyes felt heavy as you laid down on the carpet. Everything in this house was so … soft. Archie pranced over to you, licking at your chin and you pushed him away, a lazy grin on your face. 
You felt Bucky’s arms around you before you even noticed he had approached you, “I think it’s bedtime, princess,” Princess, that was a new one. 
“I’m not tired,” You moaned, sleepily, as he scooped you into his arm, “Archie save me … I’m being taken.”
Bucky chuckled, setting you down into the bed, and pulling a blanket over you, “It’s Archie’s bedtime too,” Bucky spoke softly, “Why don’t you say goodnight?”
You watched as she raised her hand to wave at the dog sitting idly by, “N-Night Archie,” Bucky’s heart warmed at the sight, noting how cute you were when you were tired. Bucky whistled and the dog pranced out of the room, his tail wagging. 
“He’ll be here in the morning,” Bucky assured you, sitting down at the edge of the bed. His hands touched your hair, soothing brushing it back with his fingers. Your eyes were already closed, a stuffed giraffe tucked into you. 
“What … about … you?”
“I’ll be here too, angel,” With that, she seemed to drift off into sleep. 
You awoke to sunlight on your face and the sound of birds chirping. For a moment, you looked around and felt safe … until the panic settled in. You started to move your legs, realizing you could finally move them a bit but, as you pulled the blanket off, you saw a cuff wrapped around your right leg. 
You investigated, finding it attached to a chain that seemed to be connected to the bed itself. You pulled at it with all the strength you could muster and nothing. It was a powerful magnet just like that gag he had put on you. 
You had fallen asleep? You couldn’t think about it that long as Bucky appeared, opening the door slowly. Maybe there was some type of camera in here that was tracking your movements for him. You didn’t put it past him. 
“Good morning, princess,” He greeted you and you noted his dark t-shirt and basketball shorts. You didn’t think he’d look normal in clothes typical for relaxing. He walked over, reaching down to undo the restraint but he paused, “Don’t you have something to say to Daddy?”
Great, you thought, sighing, “Good morning, Daddy,” Bucky imagined a point in the future where you spoke words like that enthusiastically. With that small sign of submission, Bucky undid the restraint and you noted he didn’t even use a special key. Maybe it had something to do with his arm?
“Sleep well?” You nodded though you knew that was probably due to whatever he had put in your drink, “It’s nice out so I was thinking we’d go out after breakfast, what do you think?”
“Go where?” You raised an eyebrow. He only narrowed his eyes at you, expecting you to add a formality, “Go where Daddy?” You corrected yourself, a fake smile on your face. 
“Down by the lake, for a picnic,” How romantic, you thought, wanting to roll your eyes, “What would you like to wear, angel?”
“Something normal preferably,” You were long overdue for a spanking, Bucky thought. He had to remind himself that it was only your first day here and there’d probably be lots of punishments in your future.
“I thought you wanted those big girl panties... maybe you’ve gotten used to you little girl ones?” You paused, unwilling to admit that you had forgotten about them. 
A staring contest ensued as he waited for you to back down and, as he expected, you did, “I like the color red … Daddy.”
Bucky was satisfied and you were glad you were getting a little bit of your womanhood back. You hadn’t even noticed how subtle he was with his system of rewards and punishments. With every good thing you did, he praised you and when you made snarky comments he threatened to put the pampers back on you. 
He brought you to the bathroom to relieve yourself, very awkwardly, and to brush your teeth. After, he picked out a red gingham dress whose skirt barely covered your bottom and allowed your bubblegum pink underwear to peak out beneath it. He matched it with a pair of black mary jane shoes and, as a cherry on top, he tied a red bow into your hair. 
You sat on the bathroom counter, watching him as he did his work. Looking at his face, you could tell he liked dressing you up, and, although you didn’t hate the dress, you didn’t like the unfamiliarity of it. You’d never dressed like this before and it made you feel a little insecure which made you even more frustrated. 
You looked back into the mirror and your eyes widened. You had never looked so … feminine. Your face had even gained some color and you had to poke your face to make sure it was real, “You look beautiful, angel,” Bucky’s words took you back. You’d never heard that from someone other than the old men you were forced to flirt with on missions.
You shook your head, embarrassed, but Bucky continued, “You do.”
You looked at him, trying to read his blue eyes, and you froze as he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
Never had someone done that either, “You’re heaven-sent, I’m sure of it. You’ve just been lost for a little while, that’s all.”
You felt something foreign, like that thing inside your chest was finally beating.
Send me an ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist! If there’s something you want to see in this series, I’m open to ideas, just send me an ask! Hope you enjoyed!
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chiseler · 4 years ago
Larger Than Life
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In 1927, Albert Bertanzetti and his three-year-old son, William, were taking a stroll when they stopped to join a small crowd watching a film being shot on the streets of Los Angeles. During a break in the shoot, Albert suggested his son go show the director, Jules White, his little trick. So William toddled over to White and tugged on his pant leg. When he had White’s attention, William flipped over, went into a headstand and began spinning in circles. White was so taken with the trick he gave the young Bertanzetti a small uncredited role in the two-reel short, Wedded Blisters. Afterward, William earned a regular role in the popular Mickey McGuire series of shorts, where he played Mickey Rooney’s younger brother Billy. Taking prevailing anti-Italian sentiments into consideration, in the credits he was cited as “Billy Barty.”
Barty had been born in Millsboro, Pennsylvania in 1924, but when it was determined he had hay fever, Albert decided to move the family West, to the dry, clean air of Hollywood. Depending on how you look at it, hay fever was the least of Barty’s problems. Or maybe not, given how things worked out.
Apart from hay fever, Barty had also been born with cartilage–hair hypoplasia, a form of dwarfism. Being extremely small for his age at three (as an adult he stood three-foot-nine), when it came to early film roles he was almost exclusively relegated to playing diaper clad infants. It was a director’s dream—having an infant on set who could not only take direction, but could walk, run, talk and do tricks as well. As a result, along with the Mickey McGuire shorts, he played infants in everything from the all-star live action adaptation of Alice in Wonderland (1933) to Golddiggers of 1933 (1933) to Bride of Frankenstein (1935). In fact Barty, tiny as he was, would play diaper-clad infants until he hit puberty.
Over a career that would span seven decades, along with infants, Barty would play his share of elves, leprechauns, imps, Hobbits, trolls, assorted other fairy tale and fantasy characters, clowns, court jesters, pygmies, sideshow performers and mad scientist assistants. Ironically, for having appeared in over two hundred films and television shows, Barty did not appear in the three touchstones of American Dwarf-centric cinema: Tod Browning’s Freaks (1932), Sam Newfield’s The Terror of Tiny Town (1938), or Mervin LeRoy’s The Wizard of Oz (1939). No, although he would appear in the behind-the-scenes comedy Under the Rainbow (1981), contrary to the general assumption, Billy Barty was never an original Munchkin. There are reasons for this.
In 1932 when Browning was working on Freaks, Barty was only eight, he was not a professional carnival freak, and he was too busy with the Mickey McGuire shorts. And after the shorts’ seven-year run ended in 1934—two years before casting began on Tiny Town or The Wizard of Oz—Albert Bertanzetti, recognizing talent in all of his children, pulled Billy out of the movies and sent the whole family on the vaudeville circuit.
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Now, 1935 was hardly the most opportune time to try and break into vaudeville. As an entertainment form it had been on life support for a decade already, with theaters either closing down or becoming movie palaces with performances, almost as a sad afterthought, taking place after that evening’s double feature had ended. Those performers who could were trying to break into pictures, and those who couldn’t were vanishing without a trace. Now here was Barty, who’d been working regularly in films for nearly ten years, trying to break into vaudeville. Nevertheless, Billy and Sisters, as they were touted, marched on, with a musical act featuring Barty’s sister Evelyn on piano and accordion, his other sister Dede playing violin, and Barty himself on drums. They all sang and danced a little, and the adolescent Barty told jokes and did impressions. In his later years he remembered the time fondly, mostly because it gave him a chance at that early age to see much of North America.
In 1942 Barty enrolled in college in Los Angeles and majored in journalism, hoping to become a sportswriter. While there, he joined the football and basketball teams, where he was both a novelty and a ringer. He also played second base on a semi-professional baseball team for a spell, where by his own account he was walked forty-five times.
Instead of pursuing work as a sports columnist after graduation, he returned to show business. Later he was quoted as saying, “You don’t see any little people doing newscasts, you don’t see any doing sports writing, you don’t see any sports announcing, you don’t see any coaches, but there are little people who are capable of doing these things, who have proven themselves.” You get the sense there was a little personal bitterness there, hinting he may have been forced back to Hollywood because that was the only place he could find work.
By 1947, now an adult with a gravelly but high-pitched voice, Barty sported a boxer’s face on a disproportionately large head. In many ways he resembled a diminutive William Demarest, and in many roles would adopt Demarest’s gruff but lovable demeanor. Shedding the diaper at last, he nevertheless picked up where he left off, playing assorted pygmies and leprechauns and elves, usually for cheap laughs.
In the early Fifties he became a regular member of Spike Jones musical comedy ensemble, The City Slickers, and was a big hit on Jones TV shows, where he became especially known for his slapstick, spot-on Liberace impression, and his ability to roll off his piano bench into a head spin, a trick which continued to serve him well.
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Growing up, Barty said, he had no idea he was different, that his parents never told him there were things he couldn’t do because he was too short. By the time he was thirty, however, he’d come to learn the rest of the world was not quite as accepting as his parents. In 1957, Barty put out a call for little people from around the country to join him for a get together in Reno. Only twenty people showed up to that first convention, but it became the foundation for Little People of America, a support and advocacy group pushing for equitable treatment and civil rights for dwarfs, midgets and other people of unusually small stature. His aim was to ensure little people across the country would be treated fairly, would be able to get jobs, and would be granted the same accessibility rights afforded the normally-sized. It always struck me as a little odd that, for all his tireless efforts lobbying to normalize perceptions and treatment of little people throughout American culture, Barty, without much apparent gumption, would continue to take roles some might call demeaning, or at the very least helped cement those stereotypes he was fighting so hard to break. Perhaps to him it was simply paying work, it was showbiz, and he knew full well what his role was within that world. But the apparent ironic contrast between his activism and his work would lead to a public tiff in the Seventies with fellow small actor Hervé Villechaize of Fantasy Island. Barty, who’d appeared on the show, felt Villechaize was undercutting all his work when he said bluntly that people like him and Barty “were midgets, not actors.”
After the second annual Little People of America convention, Barty began courting Shirley Bolingbroke, a little person who had attended the meeting. When he proposed, however, she declined, telling him she was a devout Mormon, and so would never consider marrying anyone outside the faith. In 1962 Barty relented and converted to the church of Latter-day Saints, and the two were married. Although Mormon insiders and publicists have made a big deal of Barty’s enthusiastic True Believer status within LDS, it would be many years before he agreed to get baptized and receive full member status, and then only to participate in his son’s baptism.
Around the time of the marriage, as Barty was making regular TV appearances on various comedy and variety shows (including a recurring role on Peter Gunn), he also began hosting a weekday afternoon local kid’s show in Los Angeles which was called either Billy Barty’s Big Top or Billy Barty’s Big Show, depending on who’s doing the remembering. That stint may well have brought him to the attention of the sinister Sid and Marty Krofft, who in the late Sixties conscripted Barty to become a regular on several Krofft shows including H.R. Pufnstuf, The Bugaloos, and later Sigmund The Sea Monster, where he played the titular sea monster opposite Rip Taylor and aging child star Johnny Whittaker.
For all the low-brow antics and his uncredited roles in Elvis movies, it must be said Barty was always a compelling and charismatic screen presence, a, yes, larger than life character. In those few rare instances when he played roles that made no references at all to his height—like Abe Kusich, the shady drunken cockfighter in Day of the Locust or Ludwig, Rod Steiger’s sidekick in W.C. Fields and Me, he proved himself an electric onscreen presence who could dominate any scene.
(Just a quick aside, in 1980 Ralph Bakshi rotoscoped Barty to portray both Bilbo and Samwise Baggins in his animated version of Lord of the Rings. I wasn’t aware of that at the time, but thinking back on it now, the way both characters moved, it seems so obvious I was watching another Billy Barty performance.)
In 1975, around the same time he opened a Southern California roller rink he called “Billy Barty’s Roller Fantasy, Barty established The Billy Barty Foundation. As an adjunct to Little People of America, the Foundation aimed to provide practical assistance—money, adaptive equipment, etc.—to little people in need, particularly children. And after campaigning for George H.W. Bush during the 1988 presidential campaign, he sat on a panel of advisors working to hammer out the details of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which President Bush signed into law in 1990.
At the same time he was sitting on that panel, Barty was also producing, directing and starring in Short Ribs, a syndicated sketch comedy series featuring an all-dwarf cast including Patty Maloney, Jimmy Briscoe and Joe Gieb. The show, which was modeled after SCTV and SNL, only aired in the Los Angeles area and ran thirteen weeks. After the show went off the air, Barty was slapped with two lawsuits, one from the show’s co-producer William Winckler and one from the show’s co-writer Warren Taylor, both of whom claimed Barty owed them money. The suits ended up, inevitably, in small claims court. Barty lost both suits, and even though few people had ever heard of, let alone seen the show, news of Barty in small claims court was too much for reporters to resist, and the case received smirking national attention.
After the suits were settled, Barty continued to work, but a bit more sporadically. He had one-off roles on Frasier, Jack’s Place, and a few low-budget quickies, and seemed to be edging more into voice roles, providing characterizations for a Batman cartoon and The Rescuers Down Under, to name a couple. But he was still working until the end, when he ended up in the hospital with cardiopulmonary issues in late 2000. He died on December 23rd of that year at age 73.
In the late Eighties he told an interviewer, “I’ve never looked at acting as ‘Ahhh!’ and ‘Gee!’ I started in vaudeville when I was five and for me it was just walking on a stage and I’m gonna perform. Later on I was impressed by many things, like when I worked with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas in Tough Guys. That was an ‘Ahhh!’ for me. When I look back, even today, I guess I can go ‘Ahhh!’ because I worked with Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell in Gold Diggers of 1933 when I was nine. Then they were just grown-ups on the stage. As I look back, I’m more awed now than I was when I was actually doing it.”
Those who knew and worked with Barty always recall what a joy it was, how kind and enthusiastic and funny he was, a real spark who could enliven even the most questionable production. I would never deny that. I’ve always loved and admired Barty, and have sat through countless godawful films and TV shows simply because he had a role, no matter how small.
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That said, I do have to wonder if at the end, after all his decades of work fighting for the dignity of little people everywhere, he felt like a bit of a hypocrite for spending those same years and more cementing the stereotype in the American consciousness. I also wonder if he died still wishing he’d become a sportswriter for a Des Moines daily instead.
by Jim Knipfel
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probiotic-gummy · 4 years ago
Stomach related Advantage | Probiotic Gummy
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Dealing with your wellbeing is an essential duty that you should not to discredit. While current medication has made it simple to treat and give fixes to an expansive range of infections, it has additionally made it conceivable to advance our bodies against conceivable infirmity.
The chewy candies are basically a unique kind of vegetation or advantageous microbes that duplicate inside your stomach related framework. In contrast to common microscopic organisms, they are helpful to your body. What the valuable microscopic organisms essentially does is rival the hurtful microbes.
Vie for what? You may ponder. All things considered, by working with similar fundamentals, destructive microscopic organisms gets knocked off by the gainful kind.
It is basic that the destructive microbes present in your stomach related lot. Here are the serious results of having a microbes culture in your framework. A portion of these issues related with having unsafe microbes incorporate provocative gut illness, the runs, and bad tempered inside condition.
There are potential manners by which you can acquaint accommodating microscopic organisms with battle the hurtful ones, an ideal model being yogurt. The inadequacies of a ton of these choices are that more often than not, the microbes are denatured by the body's stomach related juices.
An incredible benefit you will get with Probiotic gummy is that, in addition to the fact that they are scrumptious, they can be utilized by grown-ups and youngsters also. It at all you have or are encountering intestinal issues, and it is presumably imperative that you counsel your PCP all together for the person in question to suggest the right prebiotic chewy candies for you.
The best ones include:
Best Probiotic gummy List
The item by Digestive Advantage is truly outstanding and most suggested among comparative items on the lookout. As far as comfort, you will get an adaptable item as it tends to be utilized by the two kids and grown-ups.
The chewy candies have a fruity flavor. Their regular taste can be ascribed to the way that they don't have counterfeit enhancing. Consequently you need not stress over ingesting superfluous synthetic added substances with the utilization of this item.
The item will be helpful for you in settling a range of intestinal and stomach related inconveniences, some of which incorporate bulging, distress mounting in the lower mid region, and at times, gentle loose bowels. Others incorporate a horde of stomach related problems like IBS, lactose narrow mindedness, and the creation of exorbitant gas.
Not at all like numerous options like yogurts, the microbes present in the Probiotic gummy can make due under solid acidic and soluble conditions making them profoundly successful and proficient in fighting strong and destructive microscopic organisms inside your stomach related framework.
The item from Digestive Advantage cis appropriate for use by the two youngsters and grown-ups, making it an extremely conservative buy as you need not buy separate Probiotic gummy.
The scope of stomach related arrangements offered by the item is very various. This is a helpful across the board answer for some, normal abs bothers, making it an absolute necessity have ware on the off chance that you end up being ailing.
A few clients of the ware have shockingly experienced stoppage as a symptom of utilizing it. This is a genuine concern.
The item can be viewed as excessively sweet for youngsters inferable from their high sugar content.
Rainbow Light
This item by Rainbow Light has been named by numerous buyers to be the best worth on the lookout. The item serves two chewy candies. They contain 1 billion CFU Bio-Active safeguard. This will most likely guarantee that the microscopic organisms get by in exceptionally acidic and soluble conditions in the stomach.
The ware will be of extraordinary help to you, as it will help you in reestablishing your absorption. You will get numerous advantages which incorporate mitigating over the top gas, shields you from encountering loose bowels just as keeping you from getting clogging, among other normal stomach related and intestinal issues.
You won't need to stress over capacity with regards to this ware, as you can store it on racks without the requirement for refrigeration. There are a great deal of flavors, including various fruity flavors, just as a chicken enhancing that the two grown-ups and kids are certainly going to appreciate.
The item adaptability is unbelievable, as it tends to be utilized by people who have numerous hypersensitivities like gluten, eggs milk, and furthermore peanuts. The item needs fake flavors, and this implies that you should not to stress over ingesting superfluous synthetics.
The item is very well disposed for use among people who experience the ill effects of a scope of hypersensitive responses. It is liberated from a great deal of causative specialists that trigger such hypersensitivities.
You will get a wide exhibit of seasoning that can be liked by the two youngsters and grown-ups, going from chicken enhancing to organic product seasoning.
With this ware, you should not to stress over capacity, as they don't need refrigeration.
There have been concerns raised about the productivity and viability of the Probiotic gummy, attributable to the quantity of microbes present.
Under high temperatures, the chewy candies will in general liquefy into one enormous tacky substance, making it a bad dream to cut and partition it.
This is a phenomenal product as it will help you massively in boosting your insusceptibility and dealing with your stomach related wellbeing also. With the utilization of this item, you will get solid greenery adjusting your digestive tract supporting the stomach related cycle.
The item additionally contains uncommon Bacillus subtilis probiotic, which has gone through observationally verified to help the gut microbiome, seriously supports the invulnerable wellbeing, and furthermore incredibly helps your defecation, forestalling stoppage and other related distresses.
In the event that you are taking medicinally recommended catalysts, this item will supplement the compounds appropriately, as it will adjust your stomach related framework to accommodating microbes. The Probiotic gummy will assist with tackling a scope of issues, for example, having extreme gas, stomach related anomalies, for example, swelling and the runs.
The bundling of the item takes into consideration ten pieces for every container.
Probiotic Gummies
The item offers a wide scope of answers for a ton of issues to do with absorption just as defecations. It additionally works on your resistance.
This is one of the not very many Probiotic gummy that are both natural just as vegetarian amicable. It has been made to think about individuals of assorted slimming down inclinations.
It tends to be utilized related to therapeutically endorsed catalysts for superb outcomes.
There are just ten Probiotic gummy in each container, which is just a quarter full when bought.
There are worries about the Probiotic gummy being excessively sweet.
In the market today, there are less makers who will manage the cost of you similar measure of amounts as you will get in this magnificent item by Nature-Made. These Probiotic gummy will give you 42 chewy candies comparable to 21 days of pills.
The product is astounding as it has been made after a rigid assembling measure and furthermore from chose normal fixings. The Probiotic gummy don't represent any substance added substances, giving your body less metabolic stain when utilizing the item.
The item is additionally helpful when utilized related to restoratively suggested supplements, as they supplement each other to improve and facilitates the stomach related cycle. The probiotic sticky doesn't need refrigeration, and you just need to store it's anything but a climate of 23 degrees Celsius, or roughly 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
The probiotic sticky is strongly suggested for grown-up use. Probiotic Gummy
The volume of chewy candies you get in a solitary jug is a great deal. With 42 pieces, you get 21 days' stock.
The way that the product is all-regular is an additional benefit. This is on the grounds that your body won't have the weight of preparing superfluous synthetics.
You won't need refrigeration with the acquisition of the item, as you can store it under temperatures of 23 degrees Celsius and beneath.
The exhibition of this ware isn't exactly as productive and as powerful on the off chance that you contrast it with other Probiotic gummy on the lookout.
A great deal of the helpful microscopic organisms present in the item are powerless to being denatured by exceptionally acidic and antacid states of the stomach related framework.
It is safe to say that you are looking for a probiotic sticky that isn't just without sugar yet in addition vegetarian amicable? Is along these lines, look no farther than this item by Flamingo-Supplement. The ware is a significant uncommon variety in its group.
The way that there this item is without sugar makes them extremely ideal to be utilized by youngsters, who will in general get advertised up and testing to contain in the wake of devouring sweet products. The item has likewise been observationally tried and discovered to be liberated from hereditary alterations.
The microscopic organisms utilized in this item are the Bacillus Coagulans, a profoundly safe microbes that will endure your stomach's hydrochloric corrosive, and furthermore flourish under high pH. This makes them very proficient and compelling as far as generally speaking execution.
Among the numerous advantages, you will get with this item incorporate the counteraction of clogging, a sensational decrease in stomach throb, and furthermore to a sharp decrease in gut aggravation, also genuine improvement acid reflux.
In the event that you end up having sensitivities, you need not stress. The Probiotic gummy are liberated from gluten, peanuts eggs, and numerous other a
https://www.probioticgummy.net/ https://twitter.com/GummyProbiotic https://www.instagram.com/probioticgummy6/ https://www.pinterest.com/probioticgummy
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hunnybadgerv · 5 years ago
Interrupted Interlude | Born to Ride | Joker x F!Shepard
Summary: Joker has a mandate—too keep an eye on Shepard’s stress level. So, he has an idea how to accomplish just that. If he can get her to step away from work long enough.
a/n: Clearly, I am shipping trash. And for some reason, when I’m trying to fall back into writing I have to write smut. But it is not entirely my own fault because this particular piece was inspired by a photo manip that @alyssalenko posted, both the NSFW and the slightly safer for work versions of the image.
Read on AO3
<Preview under the cut>
Interrupted Interlude
Candles flickered off the polished hull panels in bright dancing amorphous shapes in golds and oranges that lent to the mystery and coziness of the commander’s roomy quarters. The space smelled of warm spices, which Joker had to attribute to the skill of the candlemaker he and Shepard happened across months earlier in one of the refugee bays on the Citadel. That day, she’d come back to the Normandy with an assortment of them in a rainbow of colors, with scents ranging from berries to smoke. The ones he’d procured were all a deep red and smelled like the tea Leah always kept on hand for when she just wanted to unwind.
And that’s exactly what he wanted to incite tonight. Joker wanted to help Shepard unwind some of the tension that was pushing her body and mind to the edge. He wanted to wipe the war, the lives in the balance, the reapers, Earth, all of it from every inch of her mind. Even if it only lasted for thirty minutes it would be enough, or at least that’s what he hoped.
With the last candle lit, he toggled the room’s dim lights down, then finally decided off would be best. Bright beacons lined a path to the bed and cast a vibrant glow that could even keep him from breaking a leg on the way. Unbuttoning his shirt, he almost talked himself out of it, but when his omni-tool chimed with a programmed tone all his hesitation fled.
They’d planned this. Well, he reminded himself, they had planned to spend the night shift together—alone. He’d messaged her when he got to her quarters; she’d responded telling him that she needed ten more minutes. That timer had long since come and gone, but that wasn’t a surprise. Whenever she missed their “dates” by longer than she intended, she always messaged him when she left the war room.
If anyone could understand it, Joker did. He and Leah Shepard were cut from the same cloth—focused, dedicated, loyal. The qualities that helped them excel in the service tied them to one another tightly as well.
The chime had set Joker’s heart racing and he knew the timer was counting down. If he wanted to surprise her, he’d have to be quick. Joker rushed out of his clothes, kicking them under the edge of the bed, so as not to throw off the warm, carefree mood he tried so hard to set. He threw the pillows into the center of the bed against the headboard, then climbed atop the covers and propped himself in a relaxed pose. With one knee bent, he leaned back into the pillows and laced his fingers behind his head. There he lay naked as the day he was born save for the hat he almost never took off.
As a last thought, he tightened his stomach muscles just a touch to try and show off the tone of his abs. Then he waited. One minute. Two. Low music pulsed through the room. It wasn’t loud enough to hear any lyrics if there were any, it was just there to further his aims—Shepard’s relaxation.
When the door swished open, his abs clinched again in anticipation.
“Lights,” a voice called. A modulated voice. The wrong voice.
Joker had a split second to register it before he was blinded by the bright lights. Eyes clinched shut he managed to find the wherewithal to yank his hat off and cover himself, not that it would do much to make his presence in Shepard’s quarters seem innocent in the least.
“Joker!” Tali chirped. The surprise was noticeable even through the modulation.
“Yep,” he said with a wince as he blinked slowly in the light.
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b1tches-lov3me · 1 month ago
Fuck you sents you designs for the "shes alive" au
Basically since the her possession started animatic decided to take a long loooong hiatus till the possession stop.
Click alt for info
Happy meatball
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(wheres rainbow assortment?)
Heh. Im lazy to make her design sooooo...
Rainbow assortment is.
Dating with oils paint
Works as an street artist
27 years old
Edit: also tell me what teams I should do next
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failedclone · 5 years ago
I would love to hear more on your Pjo au!!! Im living for the Jims as Hermes kids bc man when u right u right only those guys can have that Energy
Here are some assorted egos (also only after publishing that did I realize I left out Abe and Magnum. I apologize)
Google(s)- Iris. Because rainbow
Bing- Hebe. Because he’s hip w/the kidz *dabs*
Eric Derekson- Demeter. He just wants 2 farm
The Host- Apollo. Because of the knowing what’s gonna happen before it does. Also the streak of gold in his hair
Dr. Iplier- Also Apollo. Because,,,he’s a doctor
Bim Trimmer- I’m not sure with him honestly? Someone flashy because he’s like That™️
Honestly that’s all I got. I refuse to give Ed Edgar or Silver Shepherd an answer ghsbs
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dailyabwheelship · 12 days ago
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aka: Rainbow School, Visual Arts Class
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spikeybits · 5 years ago
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callboxkat · 6 years ago
Quiet (part 19)
Author’s note: I’m not going to lie, the end of this part turns into tooth-rotting fluff. I hope everyone has their floss ready.
Warnings: selective mutism, college, food mention, reference to previous fights
Word Count: Somewhere around twelve hundred? Word is being glitchy again.
Virgil pulled the new hoodie snug around him. It fit him better than his old one had. Had Roman really made this for him? Was that where he’d been the past two days? He probably would have accepted just the apology.
An idea occurred to him. But should he do it? Was it really a good idea?
Perhaps he shouldn’t overthink it too much, or his jaw would lock up on him.
“It’s Virgil,” he mumbled suddenly.
Roman looked over, confused. “What?”
“My name,” Virgil repeated, with only a miniscule increase in volume. “It’s Virgil.”
“Virgil?” Roman stared at him for a second, as if caught off guard, and for a second Virgil thought he might start laughing. Virgil started twisting the ends of his new hoodie’s sleeves in his fingers. He knew it was a dorky name, but it was his name! He didn’t know if he could take it if Roman started laughing, not right after—
“I like it,” Roman said, interrupting Virgil’s thoughts before they could spiral too far.
“Oh… good.” Virgil swallowed, hoping the wave of relief crashing over him hadn’t been too obvious.
“So…” Roman said after a while. “Would you want to reinstate movie night?”
Virgil glanced up from his phone, raising an eyebrow. Are you sure that’s a good idea?
Roman seemed to catch his meaning. “We don’t have to, I just thought… I mean, I know Patton misses them, and I’m sure Logan does too, no matter what that wet blanket says. Plus, it’d be nice to hang out with Joan and Talyn more.”
Virgil sighed, rubbing his wrist uncertainly. He had to admit it sounded nice. It could be like before everything had gone wrong. Perhaps better, even, now that the others knew that Virgil wasn’t just too arrogant to speak to them. But it could also be very awkward and strained, and what if another fight started? What if they decided Virgil was lying?
“Virgil?” Roman ventured at his side. “What do you think?”
He shrugged.
“We could even do one tonight. It’s Friday, after all. Or… or we could have it tomorrow night, or maybe wait until next week. Whatever works for you.”
Virgil bit his bottom lip. He had to admit it was a little satisfying, seeing Roman basically beg him like this. But that wasn’t why he was drawing this out: he really wasn’t sure.
“We could watch Nightmare before Christmas?”
Virgil chewed the inside of his cheek for a few seconds before asking, “D-do you have The Black Cauldron?”
Roman looked mildly offended. “You think I would have an incomplete Disney collection?”
Virgil rolled his eyes.
The two of them decided that waiting until the next night for their movie night would be better. It would give the others more warning beforehand, since it wasn’t fair to just spring the plans on them. They had probably made other plans for their Friday already.
After only a short while longer, in which time Roman had somehow managed to apologize about fifteen times and check repeatedly that Virgil really did like the hoodie and wasn’t lying, Virgil escorted Roman out of the building.
Virgil, leaning on the door, made a gesture in place of a verbal good-bye.
“Bye, Virgil. See you tomorrow.”
“Yep,” Virgil said, nodding awkwardly. “Oh, and Roman?”
“Don’t tell the others where I live.”
Patton had been delighted to hear the news about V and Roman’s reconciliation –and the subsequently planned movie night!—but he had to admit he was nervous. This was their first movie night since the disastrous falling out between Roman and V, and Patton really wanted it to go well. He just wanted them all to be friends again, and for whatever reason, it felt like this movie night was the big deciding factor. He had a right to be apprehensive, though, didn’t he? Patton couldn’t help but dwell on everything that had happened.
Roman said that he had apologized to V, and that V had accepted it, but after such a long, drawn out fight, Patton just couldn’t find it in himself to believe that everything was just going to be okay again.
He sure hoped so, though.
Virgil nervously paced up and down the path that led up to the library building, waiting for Patton to arrive and pick him up. He didn’t have any of his school things with him this time, not bothering with the pretense that he had been working in the library. He was too nervous to bother.
“V!!” an excited voice called.
Virgil turned to see Patton, having just parked at the side of the road, closing his car door and jogging up the path towards him. He threw his arms wide, and Virgil found himself enveloped in a tight hug.
Virgil stumbled back a couple paces, bringing his own arms up to return the hug. “P—Patton, hi,” he laughed.
“I love the new jacket, kiddo! Are you ready to go?”
Virgil nodded, and then the two of them returned to Patton’s car. Logan was in the back seat.
Virgil made a peace sign in response, getting in the front passenger seat.
The three friends arrived at Roman’s house in only a few minutes. Virgil fought the urge to rub the back of his neck, a nervous habit, as they made their way up to the porch.
Roman must’ve seen them approach, as he flung open the door just as Patton was about to knock.
“Welcome, friends!” he said grandly. Virgil noticed he wasn’t wearing his prince costume, but rather, a simple t-shirt and sweatpants. “Come on in!”
Joan and Talyn were already inside, setting up a mass of blankets and pillows in front of the television. An array of refreshments were laid out on the coffee table, including a large bowl of popcorn, two large pizza boxes, an assortment of drinks, and a bowl of Halloween candy. This last was in spite of the fact that it wouldn’t even be October for another week, something Logan was sure to point out but which none of them would actually care about.
To say that that movie night went much better than the last one was an understatement. They had lots of food, watched a few movies (The Black Cauldron was up first, of course), and the five guests finally met Roman’s brother, a high schooler named Emilio, when he snuck in to steal some candy. Patton immediately invited him to watch one of the movies with them, which none of the others minded, except maybe Roman.
No one made mention of the fight at the last movie night, or of the two very tense weeks that had followed, but Virgil did get plenty of compliments on his new shoes and hoodie. And nobody asked him to pitch in for the pizza.
Just as the credits started rolling for the last movie, Virgil finally told the rest of the group his name.
The reactions were a mixed bag. Virgil thought that Patton might explode from excitement, and Logan went off on a tangent about how Virgil “suited him excellently” due to its resemblance to the word “vigil” and how the name was thought to come from the term “vigilance”—Virgil didn’t even bother questioning at this point why Logan would randomly happen to know such specific information about his name. Talyn only said that it was a nice name, not making as big a deal out of it as some of the others, and Joan just smiled. Roman was clearly trying to pretend that the name was news to him as well, and being the theatre nerd he was, knew not to go overboard in the act.
All in all, the movie night hadn’t been a disaster. He had finally revealed his name, and it hadn’t gone as horribly as he feared. He had his friends back, even Roman.
Maybe Virgil could survive this whole college thing after all.
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