#note purchasing
cozylittleartblog · 2 months
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art we do not tell n*****do about
charms || stickers
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laurencin-draws · 4 months
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lasoona post-its! pick some up on etsy if you fancy!
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guzhufuren · 1 month
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The producer of Meet You At The Blossom has announced that they’ve filmed 2 short special episodes that will come out soon
these episodes aren’t based on the original novel but have been extended by the screenwriter to fit the storyline. each one is about 5-6 minutes long. the time of release will be announced soon
one of the episodes is about the main and side couples returning home, with Su Yin and Huaien getting adorably jealous. the producer thinks this episode is fun and worthwhile. the other one is about them retrieving the hairband that Xiaobao threw away, but she feels that this one is a bit lacking in flavor. she’s thinking of packaging the “returning home” episode together with some BTS footage and selling them
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dolltwink · 8 days
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I am in awe of these creatures,,, thank u @shirecorn
Pspsps get them here
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
This is a request for further information on your sticker shop situation with the Nintendo copyright strikes? If you feel like answering/ranting about it if you want. Why did they take your sticker? And who did it? What does an artist's work have to do with their copyright right now specifically and what did you mean about the Rebubble tagging system? I have no idea how rebubble works lmao. I have trouble understanding these things sometimes, that's why I'm asking, I don't want to appear rude or demanding or anything.
Sorry about your sticker, I would've loved to buy that one :/
ok so the gist of it is that nintendo doesn’t want anyone selling unauthorized merch of their characters, regardless of the actual legality of said merchandise. fanart is in kind of a gray area in terms of what is transformative and what isn’t, so whether or not it’s legal to sell is. questionable. because redbubble doesn’t want to have to claim legal responsibility in the event that something on their site IS found to violate copyright law in court, they allow corporations to set guidelines about what kind of content related to their IP they allow on the site. nintendo’s guidelines appear to prohibit any original art based on the legend of zelda to be sold on redbubble. of course, redbubble has millions of users with millions of individual products, so rather than actually manually checking each upload for copyrighted content they have filters on the tag and title system, so anything uploaded with tags or titles related to legend of zelda gets “reviewed” and will be stuck in review forever and never actually go live on the artist’s store. most artists, myself included, get around this by naming their art vaguely and not tagging the actual IP so that we can get past the filters. this is why all the loz stuff on my store is named like “knight and princess” instead of “link and zelda.” what i assume happened with the sticker that got taken down is that it somehow ended up in front of a real person rather than an automated copyright checker, and that real person was able to recognize the IP for what it was. again, redbubble is obligated to either comply with nintendo or shell out lawyer money, so it’s not their fault this happens, it’s nintendo’s. i think that one thing that also might have contributed to that specific sticker going down is that it involved a korok, which is a very recognizable species specific to loz, whereas some of my other “knight and princess” art is ambiguous enough that it COULD conceivably be another set of characters. anyway that’s the gist of it. thankfully i haven’t had anything else taken down so far, but because that artwork is now flagged i can’t put the sticker back up without risking my whole shop going down. such is the life of a fanart creator unfortunately
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bonetrix-arts · 11 months
Still at the con but I just handed off these lil fellas to the drawfee crew :3
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I considered doing all drawtectives but then I was like "but Luce though" so I pivoted. And you KNOW I had to include a rhino on Grendan's ;3
I also gave them this lil sketch
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I'll have to post the print I made for Karina when I get back to my tablet hehehe
I'm so glad I came!!!!!!!! The panel was an absolute delight, I WILL be doodling some of the freaks presented in it later for sure.
I also got a couple of the gacha pulls, no Luce tho.... I will try again 💪💪💪
I need to go back anyways cuz I was shaking so much I forgot to have them sign the thing I brought. But it's fine because I got one of the risos >:3
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simpingforcys · 18 days
During King Candy's introduction, Disney+ subtitles have him say: "Hello, my royal subjects!"
While in other captions and DVDs (and what is mostly heard) he says: "Hello, my loyal subjects!"
One flaunts his status, one flaunts his ego. Either way, to him, it's just about the same.
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lilac-nites · 3 months
Before I was able to become a lolita, I loved browsing online scans of GLBs and Kera. It was a great way to keep up with releases and see street snaps. By the time I figured out that I could buy GLBs in Kinokuniya, it had already gone out of print (you can find scans of them at lolitahistory.com). I'm always looking for lolita magazines and found Moonbow.
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I saw this on IG and bought a digital version of their magazine. I'm so happy I did. I bought vol. 4 which has indie brands and even a section on lolitas with tattoos. I'll definitely be following this magazine. It reminded me of old GLBs but more international.
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meatexe · 14 days
if u have ever been like “wow i love meatzie so much i rly wish i could buy them something” now u can :D
i have a throne -> here ^-^
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twinknote · 1 year
every single day of my life i think about these stickers
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i mean just look at them
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starbuck · 1 month
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went to my first house show EVER tonight and TWO people said i was cute
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jangmi-latte · 4 months
i think i'm late to this but do you have any up close pics of kalim's beta design(s)?? i crave him but the most i've seen is extremely blurry photos ;(
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hi babycakes! if you're talking about the concept art then i, unfortunately, don't have them :(( they're not featured in the design books nor magical archives either and they're only featured during the twst exhibition back in 2022. afaik they're not allowed to be that close to the exhibits when taking photographs. this is the clearest i got of kalim's old design:
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he was supposed to have dark hair and i think he wasn't supposed to be the kalim we know today.
his design note only had this. no scratched or redesigns of his event outfits :(( it was mostly jamil:
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although if other people have any other sources, feel free to share them here! you can also ask @/yuurei20 or @/twiwoncrackpopcorn! afaik they'll be releasing more design notes and archives in the future so we can watch out for that <3
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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who hasn't misplaced their nephew at least once?
Robert James-Collier as Daniel Watson THE INHERITANCE EP03
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daguerreotyping · 1 year
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Daguerreotype of a stylish gentleman wearing an elegant slim-cut coat, his top hat in hand, c. 1850
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pjharvey-moved · 5 months
my relationship with taylor swift is straight up more complicated than most people's marriages bc yes a solid 90% of criticism of her is straight up misogyny even when it comes from women, yes both her last two albums have been very cringey and a disappointment to me but she's such a beloved public figure that even her most mediocre output will be immensely commercially and critically successful, yes she is THE SOLE REASON i started songwriting as well as the number one reason i felt as a teenage girl that i could pick up a guitar and learn how to play and it wasn't just a guys' thing, yes she's a major capitalist and her portrayal of feminism is surface level at best and her fans that think she's peak feminine rage need to listen to riot grrrl and live through this by hole and nasty by rico nasty and have their lives changed.
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heybabybird · 12 days
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we're taking the batmobile on a joyride :))(don't tell dad)
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