#not your brother’s girlfriend’s best friend’s cousin from church
titus-androgynous-87 · 10 months
I screamed so loud when I saw the wires STAPLED INTO THE ROOF JOIST that my neighbor walked across the street and knocked on my door to ask if I was ok
I’ve seen Some Shit in older homes, and homes where people think they can DIY plumbing and electrical work. But I’ve NEVER seen LIVE WIRES STAPLED TO A ROOF JOIST
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bravesung · 1 month
( scarlxtleaves. ) ━━━━━━
The events of the night before were JUST as crazy as he could have thought.. especially when it came to Yusuke. But it was not the typical bachelor party he's seen in movies. Hell they didn't even have a stripper, all the boys really done was enjoy a few matches of Sumo which was followed by a night of paintball. And as promised Yusuke had gotten him back to the church, just in time (Terry can also be around because he's the best man). The young man stood at his position where they've rehearsed and from here on out it was just a wait. The music began playing and before they knew it, here came Hanamaru walking side by side with her cousin Jin. Something happened the moment he saw her, his heart was overwhelmed with sch happiness, there wasn't no threat to the city, just him, her and their friends and family. She looks so beautiful and today is the day they will be bonded in matrimony. A moment he's been waiting for for months now, and now that it's here..and her in that dress, the blond couldn't help but shed more than a few tears. She was brought before him and he held her hand with a smile before things proceeded once more.
The Priest had done his job and they've arrived at the vows. Rock had something prepared of course. A light chuckle and grin appeared on his face before he took a piece of paper from his pocket.
"Hana, you've truly made me the happiest man in the world. I know this is cliche to say but life was truly dark before I met you. I've known a lot of things before I've met you. My mother has taught me the love a child can receive from a mother, an unconditional love at that. Terry showed me that a family isn't made of the people you were born with but the people you meet and through that I learned what it was like to have the love of a father, Jin of course whilst he wasn't too accepting of me I could tell that he loves you very much and yes eventhough we might still butt heads and have disagreements here and there, I still can't help but feel that this is what it's like to have a brother and then I met you through Sachiko. You know I can't exactly go through all of this without mentioning Sachiko..she might fire me." That was at least his attempted at a joke, now before one little sniffle he continues. "Sachiko unlike many people saw an outsider and decided to take a chance on me, regardless of my academics..when an establishment digs deep enough into my past they'll see something about me that makes me a professional liability..but not Sachiko. She doesn't always show it but there's a lot of love in that woman and kindness and believe me it doesn't exactly show all that easily, but it was because of her kindness I was able to meet you. I still remembered when I locked eyes with you, you were meeting up with Sachiko at table three and I instantly lost myself in your beautiful eyes and not to mention that smile. OH the kitchen staff told me to just forget the idea because of how important you were...but day in and day out you'd come back and hang out with Sachiko..if she didn't just make us greet each other I might have been admiring you from afar even today. But I'll always be grateful to her for introducing us..for that alone there will always be a place in my heart for her, like everyone close to me she's become my family too. Hana, after getting to know you, I jst wasn't aware a person could radiate such warmth, I've never had the fear and anxiety of loving someone else before I met you. Now with you the world is so much brighter, food tastes so much sweeter, you’ve truly given me an appreciation of life, you’ve filled me with so much joy and love that I promise to give you All of that and then some. Do you understand me Hana, from today for the rest of your life the only thing you have to do is wake up in the morning and from the moment you rise I will show you how you should be cared for, how you should be loved because you are more than just my girlfriend, fiancee or wife. Hana you’re more than my soul and my heart, you’re my very essence, you make me because I’m NOTHING without you! I vow to love you with all of my heart for the rest of our lives.”
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it  was  showtime.
adorned  in  your  beautiful  dress,  your  made-up  face  was  concealed  under  the  shimmering  veil.  everyone  took  their  places:  guests  in  their  seats,  the  bridesmaids  and  groomsmen  at  differing  sides  of  the  alter.  this  made  you  the  last  to  come  out.
everyone,  please  stand  for  the  bride.
the  doors  opened,  and  with  your  arm  entwined  around  your  cousin’s,  you  proceeded  to  walk  down.  you’ve  walked  various  runways,  but  this  particular  aisle  swelled  your  heart  the  most.  you  felt  eyes  on  you,  heard  the  violins  play  their  soft  melody,  and  saw  the  videographers  and  photographers  getting  the  right  angles.  this  was  what  young  girls  dreamed  of:  wedding  bells  and  happily  ever  afters.   this  was  yours,  hanamaru.  you  were  one  of  them,  now!
you  stood  in  front  of  your  fiance,  thankful  the  veil  was  hiding  your  attempts  at  holding  back  your  tears,  but  they  came  out  without  your  permission.  thankfully,  the  setting  spray  and  waterproof  makeup  was  doing  it’s  job.  no  matter  where  you  two  were,  rock  always  smiled  at  you:  that  promising,  charming,  grand  smile.  that  same  smile  that  bought  him  your  heart.  when  it  was  time  for  the  vows,  by  the  time  rock  was  finished,  you  grew  emotional,  no  longer  able  to  contain  your  tears.  you  could  hear  the  various  ‘aww’  throughout  the  audience.  rock  remembered  from  the  first  time  you’ve  met,  that  very  second,  the  first  time  the  both  of  you  exchanged  glances.  everything  from  beginning  to  end  strengthened  and  weakened  you  at  the  same  time.  oh,  how  your  heart  felt  so  full,  your  eyes  alit  with  affection.  you  never  thought  you  could  love  rock  any  more  than  you  already  did,  but  your  loving  him  was  limitless.
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❛  rocky  .  .  .  ❜   your  words  trail  as  you  attempt  to  gather  yourself.  his  vows  still  resonated,  but  it  also  gave  you  the  courage  to  speak  your  deepest  emotions  to  your  friends,  family,  and  most  important,  your  soulmate.   ❛  please  allow  me  the  chance  to  speak  from  the  heart.  I  .  .  .  I  wanted  to  write  this  out  .  .  .  b-but  .  .  .  I  spent  my  younger  years  doing  that  because  I  was  afraid  to  speak.  up  until  I  was  eighteen  years  old,  I  didn’t  have  my  voice,  I  was  nothing  like  how  I  am  now:  my  mother  and  father  guided  me,  my  cousin  and  best  friend  gave  me  courage  .  .  .  and  you,  rocky,  you  gave  me  strength,  you  unlocked  a  sense  of  love  I  never  knew  I  harboured,  you  gave  me  access  to  a  world  I  never  knew  I  could  dance  in  .  .  .  I  became  one  of  those  lucky  ones, I wanted to always be good enough for you.  I  found  my  soul  in  you,  I  found  true  love.  you  never  make  me  feel  alone,  I  never  had  to  question  your  loyalty  to  me.  you  bear  a  love  so  strong  and  pure,  and  not  once  would  I  ever  stray  away  because  of  who  you  had  the  misfortune  of  being  related  to.  rocky,  you  bear  no  evil  in  your  soul,  you  are  one  of  the  sweetest,  gentle,  protective,  amazing  being  that  I  have  the  pleasure  and  privilege  to  have  as  my  husband.  I  vow  to  love  you  with  every  fiber  of  my  being,  to  protect  you  as  you  do  with  me,  to  treat  you  like  the  king  you  are,  to  be  yours  and  only  yours.  thank  you  .  .  .  thank  you  for  coming  into  my  life,  thank  you  for  being  mine,  thank  you  for  existing.  ❜
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Yooooooooooooooo Good Morning!
i actually woke up feeling better than I have been so my plan is to try to be just a little bit productive. Maybe wash some clothes. Maybe clean up my room. The possibilities are endless!
Also! Last night was my niece’s birthday and I gave her present to her! I got her and I tickets to go see the offspring, sum 41, and simple plan in september! She was so excited that she dive bombed me and almost broke my glasses!! I think I won the birthday this year lol
Oh wow! Amazing! What a line up!
I met some cool people at the concert last night including a guy and his girlfriend who had been a fan of them since they were Chicago locals (he was next to me so I talked to him more than her but she kind of nodded and listened) and a woman who said she was going to let her wife know she was getting out of line with me. I’m not good at starting conversations at concerts really but it seems people always end up talking to me, or I chime in eventually. I hope you both have fun.
I know this was sent like yesterday I think and then I talked to you today. I said I was reading and then going to bed but right as I put my book down everything hit me again and I started getting freaked out again so I figured I’d answer your ask.
My mom put my table back up in my craft room, so I can start working on physical stuff again. Right now I’m working on a series of hand-drawn pride pins. The first one I did was asexual and the design was recycled from the pin I made my cousin for her bag (which I posted on here and sent to you) and it feels very cottagecorey but I made a bisexual one of just flowers and while I’m really happy with the design I feel like it misses the mark of the vibe I’m going for. As a consumer I’m more drawn to greenery and mushrooms vs flowers, but I spent so much time on it I’d hate to scrap it. I’m hoping I can make other ones that really capture that cottagecore feel more, but it’s very hard since I’m trying to focus on realistic things that include those colors in my pride flags. I’m hoping to do some poison dart frogs with the lesbian flag or the rainbow flag maybe, since frogs are cottagecore. But yeah.
I want to start working on my patch pants in case I end up going to SSC. I know I told you originally I was and then I wasn’t going to which I haven’t like announced anywhere because even then I was still thinking “fuck it maybe I’ll just fucking fly up and go” BUT my best friend is trying to plan her wedding reception that week so we can still go BUT I called it off because our other best friend’s brother’s wedding got moved to that weekend and her family is very over-the-top so it’s going to be a all-weekend thing at LEAST and while I’m fine with having her reception on a weekday because I gotta take time off to go up there anyway I know I’m not the only guest. I’d *like* to think I’m the closest thing to a Bride’s Maid of Honor, you know, which was the dream back when I thought we were all cishet but mildly weird, before we were both like “fuck church weddings” and also before she was like “I’m going to get legally married for the tax benefits and shit” so like you know back when I dreamed of being her brides maid of honor. I am racking my brains trying to come up with a good present for her (my literal best friend since I was 5) and I have a few ideas but they’re going to take research and effort. You know I can’t just buy her a post card or like the keychain I got her when we went to pride for her literal wedding present.
Anyway that’s what’s up here I think I’m going to go eat and take my meds and do the self care you told me to do and hopefully by then I won’t feel so jittery.
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i-rove-rock-n-roll · 11 months
All my synopses (I have way too many wips)
If any of these strike your fancy let me know!
Icarus survived the fall and a bruised body isn’t going to stop him from getting back to his father. Unfortunately, he is whisked all the way to Libya and into a completely different bout of family drama, involving two brothers and a case of human sacrifice. Meanwhile, Minos, the king Icarus and his father escaped from, is hot on finding Daedalus, who is torn between mourning and denial, refusing to give up searching for his son. The ultimate question is ‘who finds who first?’
Cain has wandered the earth since his brother’s death. He has lived among the homeless, walked across continents and sailed across seas. He hasn’t had a home for hundreds--thousands-- of years. Then he walks into St. Mary’s church and meets Father Turrell, a sarcastic priest that lives on coffee, chili, and musicals. Father Turrell offers Cain a job, and despite his better judgement, Cain accepts. What follows is mayhem, and Cain’s safe haven, like all his others, is ruined. But now he has Father Turrell stubbornly refusing to let Cain leave without him. So they begin to wander...and trouble follows.
Down We Fall
A story of weddings and political chess that begins with the bride stabbing the groom. The prince and the princess had been promised to each other as children, had grown up together as best friends, had told each other everything.
But saying I love you was out of the question.
In the realm of politics, both their kingdoms are struggling. Between infighting for current ruling authority and anarchy caused by the citizens, the pressure is put on. Something has to give. The prince and princess are not yet king and queen after all. The King is dead so who rules the chessboard?
The Jaguar Twins
They always knew their dad was out of the picture, being a famous soccer player, but it’s when the twins go to find him that things get real weird, real fast. Confronted with magician half siblings and a snarky old grandmother trying to kill them, the twins have to wonder when their father will be home to see them. The answer, of course, is that they have to go find him.
Witches and Werewolves have been at war for centuries, only made worse by the history of hunters and burnings. Each side has cause, has killers.
Has children.
These children are the ones that wish to change things, to form an alliance. Because they see a danger that their forbears do not.
There is something else behind the curtain. And it’s coming very soon.
Redemption Day
When Gram Niesler returned home from prison, the last thing he expected was to be blamed for was arson. Especially considering the Donaldson’s house burned down before he’d even returned to town. Thankfully things straighten out, but Gram is soon hit with the truth that his cousin Nicki, who he still remembers as having skipped rope and painted his face with glitter, is the one behind the fire. Stranger still is her reasoning. Vengeance for her girlfriend’s death is one thing, but with literal angels and devils whispering in her ear, Gram is both trying to keep Nicki out of trouble, and tasked with helping her create a trial Armageddon.
The Day Pa Crow Met Death
Pa Crow had seen many things in his long life, but none could compare to his time with Death. It isn’t permanent. Death just wants to ask him for a favor. Death’s children have disappeared. For Pa Crow this story is all too familiar, because he takes care of children too, telling them stories and buying them ice cream on long summer days, and the awful pattern seems to have emerged when his own children vanish as well, leaving behind empty tire wings and half drank lemonade. This leads Death and Pa to go on a road trip, tracing the last places the children were seen, and eventually getting wrapped up in things they could have never predicted.
Alternate Pursuit
Phineas Lancaster: college drop out. Once a genius on the cusp of discovery, he now spends his every waking moment at the bar. Even his mother didn’t expect him to amount to much, and with the owners of the bar being his only friends, Phineas found himself agreeing.
Things change when he gets kidnapped. Twice.
Facing a man that could be his clone and a shadowy government organization hot on his ‘twin’s’ heels, Phineas has to make a choice. As he downs his final drink, all he could wish was
“If only the world wasn’t ending.”
Mary, Mary
She was an assassin, quite content with her work and quite in love with her boyfriend Dan. But when Dan is found dead, Mary seeks vengeance.
Visiting his grave, flowers in hand, Mary finds the dirt upended, and Dan’s body is gone. Piece by piece Dan’s body is returned to her, and in dream and daylight Dan begins haunting her.
While Dan finds being dead a blast, Mary is determined to bring him back to life, all while escaping rival assassins and trying to figure out which one killed her boyfriend.
I spy
Cody buried Dan on a Tuesday, dirt under his nails from filling in the grave. He was the only one to khow.
Dan walks into Cody’s life the following Friday, toting a gun and covered in blood.
What follows after?
The other side
Officer Smith, the laughingstock of the LAPD, is kidnapped by a man busting his way out of the station. The man, Ray, leads the cops on a chase before ditching the vehicle, where the two then hitchhike into enemy territory, the property of one Don Gino. It turns out Ray is a member of the Family, and after introducing Smith to Don Gino, things become clear. They want him on their side.
Caught in between his duty as an officer and being treated with the first ounce of respect he’s felt in a long time, Smith tries to unravel his own feelings, all while learning what life on the other side is like.
Ben Simmons, despite being an only child, was a big brother first and foremost. He loved his cousins, loved his aunts and uncles, and would do anything they asked of him. His mother even comes back and spends time with him, and things start looking up. Then his cousins are found murdered and hope dies with them.
Unraveling the mystery of the killings doesn’t stop them from happening, but maybe he could find another way. Discovering the power of time travel, Ben seeks to save his cousins from their fates. Dodging the killer lurking in the shadows, Ben takes a deep breath. And plunged into the unknown.
The Gay agenda
Magic doesn’t exist. That was one thing Eric knew with certainty.
Love potions were hooey. Witches were frauds. Curses weren’t real.
His world gets flipped on its head when he hears a prophecy, detailing how his best friend, the love of his (totally straight) life, is supposed to murder someone—and upon completing said murder, damns his soul. Attempting to prevent this from happening, Eric takes up watch at Nick’s house. But it is not an easy time; it’s Halloween and the night is filled with spooks and spirits ringing the doorbell and asking to come inside. The real question is: will Nick open the door?
The Undertakers
To be an Undertaker is an arduous task. Undertakers lead lives of solitude, collecting the dead and giving them the proper rights everyone took for granted. You weren;t chosen to be an Undertaker, uou were born to be an Undertaker, Those who are to be Undertakers disappear, leaving behind family and friends, weeping widows as the darkness swallows them, as they are taken into the arms of the Crypt. They leave behind no message, only empty beds, empty desks, where their coffee cools and sheets lay bare. Missing posters go up, and rumors fly, but none report a word of truth on what has happened to those that disappear.
They lurk in the shadows like boogeymen, taking and tending to the dead. They are presumed to be eaten by crows and carrion, as the Undertakers sit in the shadows and watch from the sidelines.
Deanie Williams, seventeen and aching for more in life, wakes up one day to live her life as usual. She goes to school. She goes to the 7-11. She buys a slushee. And she gets kidnapped. The world she is used to is violent, filled with murder, and when she is taken underground she feels the solitude. She feels alone.
And she feels afraid.
Despite the first peace she’s had in years, Deanie misses her family. Caught between the world of the living and the world of the dead, she learns what it truly means to be an Undertaker.
False Fangs
Things become complicated when Dracula rises from the dead and finds out his son has become…human? And friends with monster hunters? Wait, when did this happen?
Vlad Dracula Jr, known to his friends as Drake, made a big mistake. While at a party he drinks from the wrong cup and, after a strong shock, finds himself back in the land of the living. Now facing a fragility he hasn’t in years, Drake intends to make the most of his humanity. Yet old traumas resurface and Drake finds himself battling an illness—the same illness that prompted his father to turn him over a century ago. Racing against the clock, Drake looks for a way out, a way to regain his vampirism. But vampires don’t grow on trees, and the clock is ticking.
Betty Moreian died alone in a fire, her screams unheard. The authorities are convinced it was an accident, while her longtime friends, Lucy Scott and David Raby, suspect foul play. As their methods of investigation drive them to blows, David is hunted by the authorities for the crime of stealing Betty’s body, David confronts Lucy, blaming her for Betty’s death.
With the authorities closing in, Lucy struggles with confessing her secrets. She was in love with both Betty and David. She already lost Betty, she couldn’t lose David too.
Abandoned upon the shores of an unknown island, Ariadne screams in bitter rage. Theseus, her betrothed, has left her behind, forsaking his promise to make her his wife once they reached safety. With her home of Crete long gone, Ariadne makes the best of her situation, making the isle her new home. In the night a ship comes ashore, and the only survivors are two men. They offer Ariadne passage, while she tries not to grow attached. Traveling the world, Ariadne enjoys herself for the first time in years, only to stumble upon the harsh reality of her past.
The only time she feels secure is with Dionysus, the demi-god in denial, who doesn’t judge her. But when they are torn apart, how can they ever reunite?
Don’t Go Stealing My Heart
Meet Rhondalis
He’s your average clean cut thief who decided it would be a bright idea to steal from a dragon.
The dragon disagreed.
Swallowed by the dragon’s maw and spat out on the New York subway, Rhondalis isn’t sure what to make of his surroundings.
But he makes friends! And it turns out they’re thieves too! Museum thieves, bent on stealing the most priceless artifacts from museums around the world. Falling head over heels from friends to lovers, Rhondalis has never been happier.
Then betrayal! One of his lovers steals the dragon won crown he worked so hard to swindle. Faced with a ticking time bomb deadline and a stolen heart, Rhondalis does the only thing he can do.
Steal his heart back
My Dear Watson
It’s been three months since John Watson died, three months since his wife Mary and best friend Sherlock Holmes were left to pick up the pieces. Three months since Mary and Sherlock grew closer, trying to fill the void left behind in the wake of John’s death. Mary has taken up consulting work of her own, doing her best to help the grieving couples in London and prevent them from falling into the clutches of charlatans and fake psychics. When a case crosses over from Sherlock’s world into hers, Mary finds herself injured and recovering at Baker street. Things take a turn for the strange when she begins to get letters addressed to her and Sherlock from John, postmarked from the day he died. Whispers follow her, and Baker street feels more occupied than ever. Could John be reaching out? Could ghosts be real? As her cases become darker and the inexplicable happens, Mary finds herself questioning all that she knew. After all, whenever you’ve eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth
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darspeaksout · 1 year
I Don’t Have It In Me To Forgive You
Darwin, are you gay? You gotta confirm that.
This conversation happened in the bedroom of my childhood home, probably about seven years ago. It’s hard to say exactly when. We had a church event that night so you had stopped by my house so we could carpool to the venue together. I had to be in a good mood and put a smile on for these strangers, pretending like you didn’t just pry yourself into the sensitive parts of my identity a couple hours ago. It was that same night, as I found myself sleepless in bed, that I decided that I wouldn’t have you over at my house anymore.
Your cousin, who was my classmate, told me you had seen me at my part-time job but that you didn’t say hi. Apparently you saw I was busy serving customers and didn’t want to disturb. I chuckled when I found out. When has my being busy, or my being gay, ever stopped you from inserting yourself into the picture?
I graduated high school and moved on to university. Because my campus was near the house I had spent most of my life, I was a commuter student. It was sometime in my first or second year when I was on my way home that I ran into you, still in your high school uniform, as you were a few years my junior. We’re both Filipino so it baffled me how you could talk to your elders like that. I exited at my usual bus stop and proceeded to walk to my house. On the sidewalk, you were coming from the opposite end. I remember I had gotten a haircut a few days prior, I was wearing my best trench coat, it was a sunny day and one of my essays had been graded an A plus. I felt glorious - and in the best possible mood to run into an enemy. 
We saw each other in passing and exchanged a brief hello. Actually, it was you who said hello. All I did was nod in your direction and kept walking. You looked awkward, guilty almost - as if acknowledging my presence was as grave as an insult. Don’t worry, you can look. Making eye contact with me won’t make you gay.
I remember you were walking with a girl. Was she your girlfriend? I never knew. It was none of my business so I never bothered asking. That’s the difference between you and me - I know to mind my own business. Just as on the day you demanded to know my sexual orientation, I wondered if you still felt superior having a girl by your side and knowing that that will never be a possibility for me. Did you feel big? Did you feel macho? Did you feel all the things you wanted to feel as a straight man who looks down on gay people? Before, you wouldn’t have hesitated to shake my hand, give me a hug even, upon seeing me at our church events. Now, you hardly get a glance out of me. And I only say your name when I recount this story to better friends as I introduce you as the homophobic prick, the cousin of my high school classmate, who thought he could interrogate my identity out of me. Well, you never got your answer, at least not directly. And any chance you had at becoming my “brother-in-Christ” as all those hypocrites from church liked to call it, you had squandered it all. I hope your masculine entitlement was worth it. 
When I reached my house, I made a cup of coffee and basked in my academic success, my newfound passion for learning, and my good fortune of having crossed paths with you for a brief moment. If you didn’t know it then, you knew it now: I don’t need you, I never did, and I’m better off without you. Since that day on the sidewalk, I haven’t seen you since. I wonder if you were able to connect the dots and realize that that conversation in my bedroom had everything to do with the boundary I set between us. It’s not an accident that we drifted apart or that I appeared less warm and inviting; it was always my intention to keep you out after how you disrespected me. I would see you at events and engage only if we were put in the same group. Just by being in your vicinity, I felt I needed to wash my hands. When you judged me for being gay, just know I judged you even more and lost even more respect for you for being homophobic. 
Sometimes, I think about how I would respond if we suddenly crossed paths again and you were to say sorry. The reason I think this is not totally impossible is because other people who have treated me similarly have made the effort to reach out and apologize. People grow and mature; neither you nor I are exempt from this. But those people who’ve said sorry were just bystanders and never the bullies themselves. While it’s true that standing by enables and perpetuates poor behavior, it’s not the source of it. And that’s why I can usually forgive a bystander but not the perpetrator.
I can, and I have, forgiven a lot of people for a lot of things. I have hurt people and have been forgiven, too. But if you were to ever say sorry, I honestly don’t think I’d have it in me to forgive you. The question you asked in my room felt like an attack. It felt like you were sizing me up and down, determining my worth as a human being based on who I’m attracted to. You gotta confirm that, Darwin. I don’t need to confirm anything to you. The only thing confirmed here is that you’re not a friend of mine, and I don’t care if you’re the relative of one of my best friends. You were judging me just as how the guys did in elementary school, who later followed me to high school, who I’ve lost touch with since, but whose impact I still feel on the days I find it particularly hard to love myself. Even now as an adult, I still have those days. And seven years later, with a whole degree, a new career, social circle, hobbies, and identity, I still think back to the words you had said. In my own home, my own bedroom too - you made me feel defenseless. It felt like any progress I had made to accept myself was set back by several years. If you were to say sorry now, I would let you know that I heard your apology. I received it. But I can’t confirm that I’ve truly accepted it. When it comes to the subject of my identity, it’s a non-negotiable.
People often remark how “brave” I am whenever I open up about this, as if bravery has anything to do with it. I don’t know if I’m brave or if I’m just angry. Angry at guys who think they can talk down to me and angry at myself for having not said a word in my own defense. Before, I was afraid. Now, I would give those people Hell. I figured, if these homophobes will never respect me anyway, I can treat them how they treated me and I’ll have nothing to lose.
I am not above being forgiven for things I’ve done. But I’ve also never taken someone’s identity, be it gender-related or otherwise, and used it against them. If anything, I have criticized people’s actions. But anything related to their personhood I have never attacked. And that’s why I feel I don’t need God’s blessing, or anyone’s blessing for that matter, to exercise my right to choose not to forgive you and to choose to never see you again. And beyond not forgiving you, I want you to suffer for it too.
Please see me when you’re out on dates with girls. Please see me in the sidelines at your basketball games. Please see me in the pews at your wedding. Please see me in your son when he comes home from kindergarten and tells you he has a crush on a boy. Please see me in the news whenever gay men are harassed, imprisoned, killed, and whenever we sing, shout, and laugh. Please see me enough times until you see I’m a person just like you who is alive and will one day die. Please see me in this lifetime because I can’t guarantee I’ll get to heaven.
And if you do make it to heaven and you don’t see me there, tell your god, the god who hates gays, that I said hi.
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gorochuva · 2 years
Taking Madoka's survey bc I can
remind me to tag this later
Please tell us your name. Lillyan (this is going on the internet, I'd rather not give you my last name)
When is your birthday? January 10
Your blood type? I don't know
Would you please tell us your three sizes? What sizes?
Would you tell us about your family composition? Me, my parents, and two cats. And a Pikachu plush that I treat like my little brother, but I don't think that counts.
What’s your occupation? I don't currently have one
Your favorite food? Pizza, and anything with Mexican cheese
Favorite animal? Jaguar
Favorite subject? I really liked English when I was in school
Subject you dislike? I HATED social studies in the sixth grade, the teacher was so annoying (I got in a fight with him once)
Is there a boy you’ve been thinking about? I think his name's Mithrandir? I mostly know him online as Twomanyraptors- or Eldrisoul, now.
Do you enjoy school? I did
Are you in any school clubs? I was in anime club for a bit
What’s your motto? "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
Your special skills? I can't really think of any
Would you tell us about something you treasure? My Pikachu plush. I named him Goro, and I've had some form of him since I was 10. His most recent form is a Build-A-Bear Pikachu I got the day before my birthday.
Would you describe yourself in a single kanji? 複雑 (keiyodoshi: complex; complicated; intricate; mixed (feelings))
What are your best qualities? My cousin says I'm good at handling death.
What are your shortcomings? I have a hard time understanding why people feel certain ways about certain things
Would you tell us about a place you remember? I have a super vivid memory of us going on a drive through a forest during the fall when I was less than a year old. I thought we had a picture of it, but it turns out it was one of those post-editing backgrounds.
What is your favorite drink? Apple juice
How well can you swim? Decently, I guess. I used to take lessons at the YMCA when I was little, and I remember the logo at the bottom of the pool freaking me out for some reason.
Your timing in a 50-meter race? I've never done that before
Your current obsession? Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. I want a microphone from it so bad, but it's a really old show so they're super expensive
Are there any foods you dislike? I don't like the way certain vegetables feel in my mouth
Anything you want currently? As I said, the microphone from Mermaid Melody
Are you afraid of heights? Yes
Do you dislike thunder? Meh
Rain or shine? I like looking out my window on a nice sunny day.
Do you use a regular pencil or a mechanical one? Mechanical
What do you eat for breakfast? Usually a bowl of cereal, but if I'm feeling really lazy, I'll just grab a granola bar or a pack of fruit snacks.
Do you believe in ghosts? Uh… yes.
Can you play any musical instruments? The drummer in our church band gave me lessons when I was in middle school, but I don't remember much.
Are you an outdoor or indoor type? Indoor, sadly. I want to go outside more often, but it's always either too hot or too cold
Do you ever quarrel with your mother? It's been a while
Do you have a cell phone? Yes
How long is your commute to school? I think it was like… 20 minutes?
Do you have more friends than average? Not really
Your favorite sports? Archery
How well can you cook? Best I can do is anything that can be microwaved.
Favorite colors? Turquiose. Black, yellow, and blue are also a really nice combination. ;)
Anything you could never forgive? My nephew's girlfriend for sleeping with him and bearing his child. If their ages were reversed, I don't think I'd ever see him again.
How tall are you? 5 ft something, Idk off the top of my head
Shoe Size? Dang it, they don't say! I think I'm like a… 7? 7.5?
Your dreams? I want to be a voice actor
Do you have any marriage desires? As long as we're both happy together
Do you dislike hot drinks? I tried coffee as a child, and I spat it out on the cat
Do you like bitter coffee? Obviously not
When’s bedtime? 9 to 9:30
When do you wake up? Around 8, but I have trouble getting out of bed right away. Unless that's normal, I never thought of that.
Are you a bed person or futon person? There's actually a futon under my bed for when we have guests.
Are you confident in your ability to concentrate? It comes back to bite sometimes
Do you have any weight loss tips? Carbs apparently don't make you fat. Dare I say, it's a scam invented by weight loss companies in an attempt to bankrupt bakeries.
Between warm and chilled soba, which do you like more? I've never had soba.
Which arm is your dominant arm? I'm left-handed.
Tell us about something lucky that’s happened lately. I got gifted two memberships on YouTube within the same week.
Tell us about something unlucky that’s happened lately. Our dog had to be put down in the beginning of December. I wasn't there to say goodbye, or apologize for being so difficult with her.
What’s the name of your school anthem? I don't know the name, but it went "Ah Monrovia, ah Monrovia" da da Da da da…
What’s your favorite flower? Stargazer lilies. That's the flower I was named after.
What’s your favorite saying? Didn't you already ask me about my motto?
What’s your favorite four-kanji phrase? 一期一会 (ichigo ichie: once in a lifetime meeting)
What comes to mind when you think about spring? Easter
And summer? Going to the pool
And fall? hehe leaf go cronch
And winter? Pretty snow
If you had a time machine, where would you go? Victorian London to meet the author of my idol.
Do you like reading manga or novels more? Definitely novels. I'm in the middle of a Fazbear Frights book right now, and I still need to find the last in the Underground Zealot series.
What’s your allowance? 5 to 10 dollars
Tell us something a lot of people say about you. I'm shy
What are your hobbies? Writing, drawing on my computer (IN PROGRAMS, the computer's fine), or watching anime
Tell us your weight. I don't remember
What are your qualifications? Like, for a job?
What do you wear when you go to bed? Whatever I'm wearing during the day
Has anyone ever asked you out? There was a boy in eigth grade biology who kept asking for my number. He and his friends got in trouble with the substitue for not doing their work, and I think she sent them to the office. The next day, when the teacher asked them what happened, and I offered to explain my side of the story- including the phone number issue- he said it was "sexual harrassment."
If I told you the world would end tomorrow, what would you do? Wait it out. You really think you can outsmart God?
Tell us about your daily routine. I'd rather not.
What is something you always carry with you? My Pikachu plushie
Western food or Japanese food? Western. I've never had Japanese food before
How do you commute to school? I took the bus
What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed at night? Normally, I'm just off the computer and straight to bed.
What’s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Mess around on my phone until I'm fully awake.
Where are you living right now? I don't think it's a good idea to say.
What kind of place is it? One-story house. Needs a lot of work done on it, which we're still in the middle of. We basically lived in the garage for the first few months, which is almost the size of the house itself.
What’s the most interesting thing that’s happened to you so far? I got flirted with in YouTube comments because of my username at the time. I was a little kid, so it was super creepy, but looking back on it, I have a feeling he was joking, but I can't be sure.
What’s the saddest thing that’s ever happened to you? I had to leave choir because of another autistic kid I didn't get along with. He graduated the year before me, but that was also when the pandemic hit, so we never got to sing again.
Do you like roller coasters? No
How’s your eyesight? I don't know the exact numbers, but I need glasses, and my computer screen gets really fuzzy when I take them off- fuzzier than other things from a similar distance
What’s your favorite holiday? Halloween
What job do you have in school? N/A
What do you do on your break? N/A?
How long do you study every day? Out of school, don't need to anymore
Who of your friends can you rely on for advice? Who relies on you? I'm a really secluded person. I usually solve my problems by just thinking out loud to myself.
What do you do on weekends? Same things I was doing on the weekdays
If you could be reincarnated, what would you want to be? Someone who could be in choir without the obstacles I once had.
Are the school rules really strict? On paper, yes, but the "clothing must cover your shoulders" bit was hardly ever enforced.
What do you have for lunch at school, a bento or a school lunch? I brought lunch from home, but also ate school lunch if it was pizza or something.
How many friends do you have? Like 2
Do you take any detours when you go home? If I want to
Are you interested in any actors? Dan Green as Yugi and Yami Yugi was the role that inspired me to pursue voice acting.
What are your thoughts on this Q&A session? No comment.
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lynelovespopculture · 3 years
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ZELDA (SC)-The high priestess of the Order of Hecate and the headmistress of the Academy of Unseen Arts; Older sister to Hilda and the deceased Edward; aunt to Sabrina and Ambrose; Sister-in-law to Dr. C and Diana; wife to Faustus; stepmother to Prudence; step (and later adopted) mother to LJ and Jake; birth mother of Cordelia
FAUSTUS (SC)-Former high priest of the church of night/Judas; former headmaster of the Academy of Unseen Arts; Son of Lord Liam and Lady Drusilla; Half brother to Brutus and all of Liam’s bastards; Husband of Zelda; Father of Prudence, LJ, Jake, and Cordelia; Brother-in-law to Hilda and Edward; best friend of Dr. C; Uncle to Ambrose, Sabrina, and Sara; Due to his abusive past and trauma due to the insanity curse, Faustus is often misunderstood. He feels so guilty about the past, he barely mingles with the coven; He worked first at Dr. C’s bookstore and currently teaches mortal children at Greendale Middle School.
HILDA (SC)-Sister to Zelda and Edward; Wife to Dr. C; Aunt to Sabrina, Ambrose, and Cordelia; a teacher at the academy;
DR. ROBERT CERBERUS AKA DR. C (SC)-Hilda’s husband; Brother-in-law of Zelda and Edward; Faustus’s best friend; owner of Dr. Cerberus’s Books and Spirits; could be considered an ‘honorable Spellman’;
AMBROSE (SC)-From a different branch of the Spellman family tree; Raised by his auntie Hilda; also nephew to Zelda; cousin to Sabrina and Cordelia; Prudence’s boyfriend; Shares the day-to-day duties of running the mortuary with Jake; sometimes serves as the academy’s librarian
PRUDENCE BLACKWOOD AKA PRUDENCE NIGHT (SC)-Another ‘honorable Spellman’; Faustus’s daughter with Madeline Wells; Siblings are LJ, Jake, and Cordelia; adores stepmother Zelda; informal leader of the Weird Sisters, ( a witchy trio consisting of her, Agatha, and Dorcas); Long-time girlfriend of Ambrose; teacher at the academy;
SABRINA (SC) –Daughter of Lucifer and Edward’s mortal wife, Diana; raised by her aunties Hilda and Zelda; Cousin to Ambrose and Cordelia; This former troublemaking teenage witch has grown up a lot and is now a therapist;
LJ (SC)-Born to Faustus and his 1st wife, Constance; Zelda knew Blackwood would be cruel to the girl so she whisked the baby away and named her Letitia, when Blackwood got her back, renamed her Judith; when she was reclaimed by the family, she decided to call herself LJ and after being adopted by stepmother Zelda, she took the surname Spellman; Older twin to Jake; half-sisters are Prudence and Cordelia; Now all grown up, LJ is a witch doctor who can also practice mortal medicine;
JAKE (SC)-Originally named Judas, Jake changed his name to forget about being raised by Blackwood; Younger twin of LJ; half-sisters are Prudence and Cordelia; Not as strong a warlock as Faustus or Ambrose, Jake is good-natured and easygoing; Runs the mortuary with Ambrose;
CORDELIA (OC)-The youngest member of the Spellman clan; Cousin to Ambrose, Sabrina, and Sara; Half-sister to Prudence, LJ, and Jake; is the only biological child of Faustus and Zelda therefore she had the blood of both Blackwoods and Spellmans; Her parents later learn are the 2 most ancient bloodlines of magic; meaning that they are all descendants of Hecate due to her grandchildren, the man who spells and the lady of the blacken woods; Because she has both bloodlines, Cordelia is the divine child who is fated to become the most powerful witch ever born; all the family knows about the prophecy-except for Cordelia herself;
LILITH (SC)-The 1st woman and the 1st witch; Started this story as Lucifer’s pregnant handmaiden, now is the queen of hell; looks exactly like mortal teacher Mary Wardwell; Wife of Adam, 3rd earl of Masters; Mother of Zander (Alexander; who she hopes to marry off to Cordelia 1 day) and newborn Nora;
LUCIFER (SC)-Heaven’s fallen angel; the dark lord; Father to Sabrina and Zander; Been in numerous flesh prisons, including Faustus; currently trapped in a witch council member in hell;
ZANDER(OC)-Son of Lilith and Lucifer; believes himself betrothed to Cordelia;
BLACKWOOD (OC)-Is not a person, just a curse; a spell; put on Faustus by Lucifer and Edward when Edward was seeking permission to marry Diana; curse started when Faustus and Zelda got married…or was it earlier?; It bears the mark of Cain which makes it immortal; currently buried alive in the Greendale woods;
HARVEY KINGLE (SC)-Sabrina’s mortal friend and 1stboyfriend; comes from a long line of witch hunters;
ROZ WALKER (SC)- Sabrina’s mortal friend; a seer;
THEO PUTMAN (SC)- Sabrina’s mortal friend; later to be the vice principal of Greendale Middle School;
ERIN, EMILY & ERICA WARNER (OC)-Mortal triplet sisters; all are Cordelia’s best friends; recently learned that the Spellmans are witches.
SARA REED AKA SARA NIGHT AKA SARA BLACKWOOD (OC )-Known for driving Cordelia crazy as she tries to steal her friends; turns out to be a bitter Blackwood cousin;
NINA ROBINSON (OC)-Greendale Middle School’s new 8thgrade teacher; in lust with Faustus; won’t leave him alone no matter how much he rebukes her;
EDWARD SPELLMAN (SC)-Brother to Zelda and Hilda; adopted father of Sabrina; once haunted Faustus as a ghost; Edward is known for 2 things, being a powerful warlock and keeping life-changing secrets from his family;
MINION (SC)-An ever-loyal servant of the throne of hell and whoever sits upon it;
MAMBO MARIE (SC)-Brief love interest of Zelda’s; lives in New Orleans with her new wife;
LORD LIAM BLACKWOOD (OC)-Faustus’s abusive father;
LADY DRUSILLA BLACKWOOD (OC)- Faustus’s abusive mother;
MADGA (OC)-Faustus’s beloved governess; the only person who truly loved him as a child; murdered by witch hunters;
JOAN (OC)-Faustus’s mind guide;
MADELINE WELLS ( OC)-Prudence’s mother; She and Faustus mutually agreed to a purely physical, emotionless affair (her heart belongs to her dead husband Barnabas, and his to Zelda; Yet at some point, Madeline fell for Faustus and got pregnant to trap him; Even after she gave birth, Faustus made it clear that he wouldn’t marry her so Madeline threw herself in a river; Prudence was only 1 day old;
CONSTANCE BLACKWOOD (SC)-Faustus’s 1st wife; biological mother of LJ and Jake; Edward forced the marriage with blackmail and lies; Haunted Faustus as a ghost but later apologized;
SHIRLEY JACKSON (SC)-Former teacher at the academy; Haunted Faustus as a ghost;
BROTHER LOVECRAFT (SC)-Briefly plotted with Blackwood to steal the coven from Zelda;
SAM (OC) & MIKE (OC)-Dr. C’s brothers
SARA (OC) & ROSE (OC)-Dr. C’s sisters-in-law
BRIAN (OC)-Dr. C’s cousin; a minister that, along with Zelda, married Hilda to Dr. C;
SABRINA MORNINGSTAR (SC)-Sabrina’s dark side; was briefly queen of hell;
ELIZABETH TUDOR (RLP/OC)-History’s Elizabeth I; half-breed; her mother was a witch and her mortal father was a king; Is immortal due to the mark of Cain given to her by Lucifer as a punishment; lives in a rip in time that allows her to protect and rule her people to this day; An ally to the Spellmans;
MAXINE AKA BROTHER MAX (OC)-A witch that used a glamor to make herself a warlock so she could serve on the witches council;
THE WITCHES’ COUNCIL (SC)-The final word on the government on witch law;
THE SISTERHOOD (OC)-A secret underground, council made up of women, Maxine is a go-between them and the witches’ council; They are the 1stto realize that Cordelia is the divine child;
BRUTUS (OC)-The new Lord Blackwood; Sara’s father; Half-brother to Faustus and all of Lord Liam’s other bastards;
MR. & MRS. WARNER (OC)-Parents of the triplets;
MR. HOPPER (OC)-Principal of Greendale Middle School
GUS (OC) -Owns an auto body shop somewhere between Greendale and Salem; helped Faustus when he blew a tire;
MRS. APPLEGATE (OC)-Another teacher at Greendale Middle School;
DRUSILLA & SHELLEY (OC)-2 witch/maids who work in Salem;
ADAM, 3RD EARL OF MASTERS (OC)-Originally from Elizabeth’s world; He left to marry Lilith; Father of newborn Nora;
PETER WATSON (OC)-Brief boyfriend of LJ’s;
NORA (OC)-Newborn daughter of Lilith and Adam;
SALEM (SC)- Sabrina’s cat;
KING (OC)-Faustus’s panther; that was murdered right in front of him;
APOLLO (OC)-Jake’s greyhound;
OCTOBER (OC)- LJ’s dove;
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welcometotheocverse · 4 years
Marvel OCs ( wip )
Name: Nico Ikol
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Summary: Let’s get one thing straight, Nico was absolutely not some kinda norse god Okay? Nor the reborn version of one or whatever. They were just a normal kid. 
Okay so they sorta had a knack for getting people to agree with them and fine they’ve been having dreams about a blonde man with way too long hair and lightning and then there’s the whole...powers thing.
But I mean, aside from that.
And oh yeah the guy from their dreams is at the door claiming he’s their lost long brother. 
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Name: Ruth Parker
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Rowan Blachard
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Summary: Ruthie Paker has been dubbed her brother’s shadow from the first time they arrived at their aunt and uncle’s doorstep. The siblings have been together through everything; their parent’s deaths, their adoption by their aunt and uncle, their uncle’s death. It was the Parker kids against the world.
So when Peter starts acting weird Ruthie’s the first ( and it starts to dawn on her, the only one) who notices.
Name:  Astrid Odinsdotter
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
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Summary: Loki wasn’t the only child stolen from a battlefield. Nor was he the only one Odin and Freya raised as their own. Astrid was raised along side her brother as the princess of Asgard unware of her parentage; but her world gets thrown into utter chaos first when her brother is exiled to Migard and then when her true parentage is brought to light.  
Name: Grace Wilder.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
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Summary: tbd ( takes place in Runways) 
Name: Isabelle Nyx
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Holland Roden
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Summary: Heir apparent to Nyx Incorporated, Isabelle like all of the PRIDE kids seems to have it made. Never mind the fact that her best friend killed herself or that her friend group fell apart soon after. 
On the anniversary of Amy’s death, Isa tries reaching out to her former friends but out of everyone, Alex Wilder seems to be the only one interested in mourning Amy with her. She’s surprised when the others join them, and even more surprised by what they find out.
“Fuck our parents. How about we actually run away.”
Name: Michelle -Miche- De Santos
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Siena Agudong.
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Summary: Miche  knows the church of  the Gibberin is evil, knows that they paste on happy grins to prey on runaway kids. She knows because they killed her sister. The problem is no one believes her. It doesn’t matter though, she’s not gonna stop until she figures out how to make people see the rich assholes for the evil they are.
Except that she wasn’t planning to find the very children of the people she’s sworn vengeance against. 
And apparently, they ran away.
Name: Lucille Harkness.
Story: tbd.
Faceclaim: Amber Benson
Summary: Lucille knows about Agatha Harkness, how could she not. She grew up on stories of the witch that betrayed her coven ( Lucille’s coven) and committed the most atrocious of acts against their own during the time of the Salem trials. Agatha’s name was whispered in Lucille’s family, a warning of how reaching for forbidden knowledge could corrupt; a horror story of the witch who slaughtered her own kind without a care in the world. 
Still she never expected to find any trace of her in her lifetime, never expected Agatha to be more than whispers and campfire side stories, much less find out she’s in  a bubble of  Chaos Magic in a small town in New Jersey. 
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Name: Nancy Keener
Story: The Mechanic
Faceclaim: Sadie Sink
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Summary: tbd
Name: Tracey Stein.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Sophie Lillis
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Summary: Tracey has known her dad was evil since he beat her brother over a B-. She’s also known better than to think anyone would believe her. Except for of course her brother. They both knew it, they covered for each other, protected each other and that was enough. Even when their social group expanded to include the other PRIDE kids, it had always been her and Chase against the world. When Nico’s sister died and their little friend group falls apart it’s still the two of them against the world. 
And then on the anniversary of Amy’s death the siblings find themselves at Alex Wilder’s house of all places. Turns out her dad’s not the only evil asshole in their parent’s little social club. Turns out all their parents are.
Turns out they have to runaway. 
Name: Gwendolyn -Wendy- Maximoff
Story: tbd.
Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown
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Summary: Finding out her brother was a mutant and that the men who came to look for him when she was five years old, finding out she herself was a mutant, finding out there was a special school for mutants. Gwendolyn Maximoff thought the weirdest parts of her life were behind her. She’s starting to settle in at the institute, starting to call it home, and she has her big brother with her which is the most important night.
Then overnight Peter disappears. Months go by with Hank and the professor poring over resources and Wendy wondering when her brother might come home. When they finally find him she demands to be the one to go find him.
As it turns out she might be the only who can; and that’s how she finds herself in Westview New Jersey...on an entire different dimension. 
Name:  Kamila Maximoff
Story: ( Love ) Persevering 
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
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Summary: Kamila lives in Westview, a little town in New Jersey where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens. Kamila lives with her older sister Wanda and Wanda’s boyfriend Vision who might as well be her father for all intents and purposes. Life s simple in Westview, Kamila wakes up every day and goes to school. She helps babysit her little cousins and gets help for her advanced courses from Viz. She and Wanda are as close as ever...she thinks.
Kamila doesn’t always remember what she learned in school. Their neighbor Agnes gives her the creeps. She doesn’t remember the twins turning 1, or 2, or 3. She doesn’t know why Wanda’s the closest thing she’s had to a mother but she is. She wakes up screaming sometimes with nightmares of Vision’s body and her sister screaming and turning to dust. She feels like time isn’t passing and is passing too fast at the same time. She remembers things..things that never happened. ( why would she ever be in sci-fi YA novel looking lab? Why would Wanda?) 
Kamila lives in Westview New Jersey with her family; in a suburban little town where nothing ever seems to happen. But she’s starting to think their lives are anything but boring. 
Name: Anne Rogers
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Sarah Michelle Gellar
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Summary: Steve Roger’s genetic clone. Shield’s pet project. Avenger’s Family Member. Darcy Lewis’ girlfriend. Anne’s gone through a lot of changes throughout her existence. And a lot of loss. 
She refuses to have Darcy be one of them.
“I’m not gonna ask again assholes. Where the hell is my girlfriend?”
Might end Tyler Hayward’s entire career and existence.
Name: Audra  Ward.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim:  Zoey Deutch
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Summary: Audra doesn’t remember much before her brother gained custody of her as baby. That’s what happens when your grandparents and uncle are a load of abusive assholes ( that much Grant did tell her) She doesn’t know what led to their deaths, how Grant was able to find her and gain custody when he was a teenager himself. She doesn’t know anything other that the life they build together after.  Still she has her  brother, and school,  and her life is...well not normal. One does not simply have a normal life with a brother who works for S.H.I.E.L.D but all in all her life is good. It’s her and Grant against the world, and she has a plan to graduate early and find her own calling helping to keep the world safe from H.Y.D.R.A. like her big brother does. 
Then Grant’s team finds a break in  tracking down a hacker and her life gets decidedly  more messy.  
Other Plot bunnies:https://welcometotheocverse.tumblr.com/post/651928008282816512/marvel-plot-bunnies
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richincolor · 4 years
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January's New Releases
2021 told 2020 to hold it's beer and what a month January has been! Publishing YA also came out swinging with a slew of new books (many already bestsellers) in what we hope will be another banner year for BIPOC stories. Click below to find books for your TBR list. 
Week of January 5th
The Life I’m In by Sharon G. Flake Scholastic Inc
My feet are heavy as stones when I walk up the block wondering why I can’t find my old self.
In The Skin I’m In, readers saw into the life of Maleeka Madison, a teen who suffered from the ridicule she received because of her dark skin color. For decades fans have wanted to know the fate of the bully who made Maleeka’s life miserable, Char.
Now in Sharon Flake’s latest and unflinching novel, The Life I’m In, we follow Charlese Jones, who, with her raw, blistering voice speaks the truths many girls face, offering insight to some of the causes and conditions that make a bully. Turned out of the only home she has known, Char boards a bus to nowhere where she is lured into the dangerous web of human trafficking. Much is revealed behind the complex system of men who take advantage of vulnerable teens in the underbelly of society. While Char might be frightened, she remains strong and determined to bring herself and her fellow victims out of the dark and back into the light, reminding us why compassion is a powerful cure to the ills of the world.
Sharon Flake’s bestselling, Coretta Scott King Award-winning novel The Skin I’m In was a game changer when it was first published more than twenty years ago. It redefined young adult literature by presenting characters, voices, and real-world experiences that had not been fully seen. Now Flake offers readers another timely and radical story of a girl on the brink and how her choices will lead her to either fall, or fly. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant Balzer + Bray
Sixteen-year-old Tessa Johnson has never felt like the protagonist in her own life. She’s rarely seen herself reflected in the pages of the romance novels she loves. The only place she’s a true leading lady is in her own writing—in the swoony love stories she shares only with Caroline, her best friend and #1 devoted reader.
When Tessa is accepted into the creative writing program of a prestigious art school, she’s excited to finally let her stories shine. But when she goes to her first workshop, the words are just…gone. Fortunately, Caroline has a solution: Tessa just needs to find some inspiration in a real-life love story of her own. And she’s ready with a list of romance novel-inspired steps to a happily ever after. Nico, the brooding artist who looks like he walked out of one of Tessa’s stories, is cast as the perfect Prince Charming.
But as Tessa checks each item off Caroline’s list, she gets further and further away from herself. She risks losing everything she cares about—including the surprising bond she develops with sweet Sam, who lives across the street. She’s well on her way to having her own real-life love story, but is it the one she wants, after all?
One of the Good Ones by Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite Inkyard Press
ISN’T BEING HUMAN ENOUGH? When teen social activist and history buff Kezi Smith is killed under mysterious circumstances after attending a social justice rally, her devastated sister Happi and their family are left reeling in the aftermath. As Kezi becomes another immortalized victim in the fight against police brutality, Happi begins to question the idealized way her sister is remembered. Perfect. Angelic.
One of the good ones.
Even as the phrase rings wrong in her mind–why are only certain people deemed worthy to be missed?–Happi and her sister Genny embark on a journey to honor Kezi in their own way, using an heirloom copy of The Negro Motorist Green Book as their guide. But there’s a twist to Kezi’s story that no one could’ve ever expected–one that will change everything all over again.
Roman and Jewel by Dana L. Davis Inkyard Press
If Romeo and Juliet got the Hamilton treatment…who would play the leads? This vividly funny, honest, and charming romantic novel by Dana L. Davis is the story of a girl who thinks she has what it takes…and the world thinks so, too.
Jerzie Jhames will do anything to land the lead role in Broadway’s hottest new show, Roman and Jewel, a Romeo and Juliet inspired hip-hopera featuring a diverse cast and modern twists on the play. But her hopes are crushed when she learns mega-star Cinny won the lead…and Jerzie is her understudy.
Falling for male lead Zeppelin Reid is a terrible idea–especially once Jerzie learns Cinny wants him for herself. Star-crossed love always ends badly. But when a video of Jerzie and Zepp practicing goes viral and the entire world weighs in on who should play Jewel, Jerzie learns that while the price of fame is high, friendship, family, and love are priceless.
The Awakening of Malcom X by Ilyasah Shabazz & Tiffany D. Jackson Farrar, Straus and Giroux (Byr)
In Charlestown Prison, Malcolm Little struggles with the weight of his past. Plagued by nightmares, Malcolm drifts through days unsure of his future. Slowly, he befriends other prisoners and writes to his family. He reads all the books in the prison library, joins the debate team and the Nation of Islam. Malcolm grapples with race, politics, religion, and justice in the 1940s. And as his time in jail comes to an end, he begins to awaken — emerging from prison more than just Malcolm Little: Now, he is Malcolm X.
Here is an intimate look at Malcolm X’s young adult years. While this book chronologically follows X: A Novel, it can be read as a stand-alone historical novel that invites larger discussions on black power, prison reform, and civil rights.
When You Look Like Us by Pamela N. Harris HarperCollins
When you look like us—brown skin, brown eyes, black braids or fades—people think you’re trouble. No one looks twice at a missing black girl from the projects because she must’ve brought whatever happened to her upon herself. I, Jay Murphy, can admit that, for a minute, I thought my sister, Nicole, got too caught up with her boyfriend—a drug dealer—and his friends.
But she’s been gone too long now.
If I hadn’t hung up on her that night, she’d be spending time with our grandma. If I was a better brother, she’d be finishing senior year instead of being another name on a missing persons list. It’s time to step up and do what the Newport News police department won’t.
Week of January 12th
Chlorine Sky by Mahogany L. Browne Crown Books for Young Readers
She looks me hard in my eyes & my knees lock into tree trunks My eyes don’t dance like my heartbeat racing They stare straight back hot daggers. I remember things will never be the same. I remember things.
With gritty and heartbreaking honesty, Mahogany L. Browne delivers a novel-in-verse about broken promises, fast rumors, and when growing up means growing apart from your best friend.
The Meet-Cute Project by Rhiannon Richardson Simon & Schuster
Mia’s friends love rom-coms. Mia hates them. They’re silly, contrived, and not at all realistic. Besides, there are more important things to worry about—like how to handle living with her bridezilla sister, Sam, who’s never appreciated Mia, and surviving junior year juggling every school club offered and acing all of her classes.
So when Mia is tasked with finding a date to her sister’s wedding, her options are practically nonexistent.
Mia’s friends, however, have an idea. It’s a little crazy, a little out there, and a lot inspired by the movies they love that Mia begrudgingly watches too.
Mia just needs a meet-cute.
Concrete Rose (The Hate U Give, #0) by Angie Thomas Balzer + Bray
If there’s one thing seventeen-year-old Maverick Carter knows, it’s that a real man takes care of his family. As the son of a former gang legend, Mav does that the only way he knows how: dealing for the King Lords. With this money he can help his mom, who works two jobs while his dad’s in prison.
Life’s not perfect, but with a fly girlfriend and a cousin who always has his back, Mav’s got everything under control.
Until, that is, Maverick finds out he’s a father.
Suddenly he has a baby, Seven, who depends on him for everything. But it’s not so easy to sling dope, finish school, and raise a child. So when he’s offered the chance to go straight, he takes it. In a world where he’s expected to amount to nothing, maybe Mav can prove he’s different.
When King Lord blood runs through your veins, though, you can’t just walk away. Loyalty, revenge, and responsibility threaten to tear Mav apart, especially after the brutal murder of a loved one. He’ll have to figure out for himself what it really means to be a man.
Angel of Greenwood by Randi Pink Feiwel and Friends
Seventeen-year-old Isaiah Wilson is, on the surface, a town troublemaker, but is hiding that he is an avid reader and secret poet, never leaving home without his journal. A passionate follower of WEB. Du Bois, he believes that black people should rise up to claim their place as equals.
Sixteen-year-old Angel Hill is a loner, mostly disregarded by her peers as a goody-goody. Her father is dying, and her family’s financial situation is in turmoil. Also, as a loyal follower of Booker T. Washington, she believes, through education and tolerance, that black people should rise slowly and without forced conflict.
Though they’ve attended the same schools, Isaiah never noticed Angel as anything but a dorky, Bible toting church girl. Then their English teacher offers them a job on her mobile library, a three-wheel, two-seater bike. Angel can’t turn down the money and Isaiah is soon eager to be in such close quarters with Angel every afternoon.
But life changes on May 31, 1921 when a vicious white mob storms the community of Greenwood, leaving the town destroyed and thousands of residents displaced. Only then, Isaiah, Angel, and their peers realize who their real enemies are.
Week of January 19th
Thirty Talks Weird Love by Alessandra Narváez Varela Cinco Puntos Press
Out of nowhere, a lady comes up to Anamaría and says she’s her, from the future. But Anamaría’s thirteen, she knows better than to talk to some weirdo stranger. Girls need to be careful, especially in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico—it’s the 90’s and fear is overtaking her beloved city as cases of kidnapped girls and women become alarmingly common. This thirty-year-old “future” lady doesn’t seem to be dangerous but she won’t stop bothering her, switching between cheesy Hallmark advice about being kind to yourself, and some mysterious talk about saving a girl.
Anamaría definitely doesn’t need any saving, she’s doing just fine. She works hard at her strict, grade-obsessed middle school—so hard that she hardly gets any sleep; so hard that the stress makes her snap not just at mean girls but even her own (few) friends; so hard that when she does sleep she dreams about dying—but she just wants to do the best she can so she can grow up to be successful. Maybe Thirty’s right, maybe she’s not supposed to be so exhausted with her life, but how can she ask for help when her city is mourning the much bigger tragedy of its stolen girls?
This thought-provoking, moving verse novel will lead adult and young adult readers alike to vital discussions on important topics—like dealing with depression and how to recognize this in yourself and others—through the accessible voice of a thirteen-year-old girl.
Your Corner Dark by Desmond Hall Atheneum/Dlouhy
Things can change in a second:
The second Frankie Green gets that scholarship letter, he has his ticket out of Jamaica.
The second his longtime crush, Leah, asks him on a date, he’s in trouble.
The second his father gets shot, suddenly nothing else matters.
And the second Frankie joins his uncle’s gang in exchange for paying for his father’s medical bills, there’s no going back…or is there?
As Frankie does things he never thought he’d be capable of, he’s forced to confront the truth of the family and future he was born into—and the ones he wants to build for himself.
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo Dutton Books for Young Readers
“That book. It was about two women, and they fell in love with each other.” And then Lily asked the question that had taken root in her, that was even now unfurling its leaves and demanding to be shown the sun: “Have you ever heard of such a thing?”
Seventeen-year-old Lily Hu can’t remember exactly when the question took root, but the answer was in full bloom the moment she and Kathleen Miller walked under the flashing neon sign of a lesbian bar called the Telegraph Club.
America in 1954 is not a safe place for two girls to fall in love, especially not in Chinatown. Red-Scare paranoia threatens everyone, including Chinese Americans like Lily. With deportation looming over her father—despite his hard-won citizenship—Lily and Kath risk everything to let their love see the light of day.
If I Tell You the Truth by Jasmin Kaur HarperCollins
Told in prose, poetry, and illustration, this heartrending story weaves Kiran’s and Sahaara’s timelines together, showing a teenage Kiran and, later, her high school–aged daughter, Sahaara.
Kiran is a young Punjabi Sikh woman who becomes pregnant after being sexually assaulted by her fiancé’s brother. When her fiancé and family don’t believe her, she flees her home in India to Canada, where she plans to raise the child as a single mother. For Kiran, living undocumented means constant anxiety over finances, work, safety, and whether she’ll be deported back to the dangers that await her in Punjab.
Eighteen years later, Kiran’s daughter, Sahaara, is desperate to help her mother, who has been arrested and is facing deportation. In the aftermath, Kiran reveals the truth about Sahaara’s conception. Horrified, Sahaara encourages Kiran to speak out against the man who raped her—who’s now a popular political figure in Punjab. Sahaara must find the best way to support her mother while also dealing with the revelation about her parents.
We Free the Stars (Sands of Arawiya #2) by Hafsah Faizal Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The battle on Sharr is over. The dark forest has fallen. Altair may be captive, but Zafira, Nasir, and Kifah are bound for Sultan’s Keep, determined to finish the plan he set in motion: restoring the hearts of the Sisters of Old to the minarets of each caliphate, and finally returning magic to all of Arawiya. But they are low on resources and allies alike, and the kingdom teems with fear of the Lion of the Night’s return.
As the zumra plots to overthrow the kingdom’s darkest threat, Nasir fights to command the magic in his blood. He must learn to hone his power into a weapon, to wield not only against the Lion but against his father, trapped under the Lion’s control. Zafira battles a very different darkness festering in her through her bond with the Jawarat—a darkness that hums with voices, pushing her to the brink of her sanity and to the edge of a chaos she dare not unleash. In spite of the darkness enclosing ever faster, Nasir and Zafira find themselves falling into a love they can’t stand to lose…but time is running out to achieve their ends, and if order is to be restored, drastic sacrifices will have to be made.
Lush and striking, hopeful and devastating, We Free the Stars is the masterful conclusion to the Sands of Arawiya duology by New York Times–bestselling author Hafsah Faizal.
Week of January 26th
Written in Starlight (Woven in Moonlight #2) by Isabel Ibañez Page Street Kids
If the jungle wants you, it will have you…
Catalina Quiroga is a Condesa without a country. She’s lost the Inkasisa throne, the loyalty of her people, and her best friend. Banished to the perilous Yanu Jungle, Catalina knows her chances of survival are slim, but that won’t stop her from trying to escape. It’s her duty to reclaim the throne.
When Manuel, the son of her former general, rescues Catalina from a jaguar, a plan forms. Deep in the jungle, the city of gold is hidden, home to the fierce Illari people, who she could strike an alliance with.
But the elusive Illari are fighting a battle of their own—a mysterious blight is corrupting the jungle, laying waste to everything they hold dear. As a seer, Catalina should be able to help, but her ability to read the future in the stars is as feeble as her survival instincts. While searching for the Illari, Catalina must reckon with her duty and her heart to find her true calling, which could be the key to stopping the corruption before it destroys the jungle completely.
The Knockout by Sajni Patel Flux
If seventeen-year-old Kareena Thakkar is going to alienate herself from the entire Indian community, she might as well do it gloriously. She’s landed the chance of a lifetime, an invitation to the US Muay Thai Open, which could lead to a spot on the first-ever Olympic team. If only her sport wasn’t seen as something too rough for girls, something she’s afraid to share with anyone outside of her family. Despite pleasing her parents, exceling at school, and making plans to get her family out of debt, Kareena’s never felt quite Indian enough, and her training is only making it worse.
Which is inconvenient, since she’s starting to fall for Amit Patel, who just might be the world’s most perfect Indian. Admitting her feelings for Amit will cost Kareena more than just her pride–she’ll have to face his parents’ disapproval, battle her own insecurities, and remain focused for the big fight. Kareena’s bid for the Olympics could very well make history–if she has the courage to go for it.
Wings of Ebony (Wings of Ebony #1) by J. Elle Denene Millner Books/Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers
“Make a way out of no way” is just the way of life for Rue. But when her mother is shot dead on her doorstep, life for her and her younger sister changes forever. Rue’s taken from her neighborhood by the father she never knew, forced to leave her little sister behind, and whisked away to Ghizon—a hidden island of magic wielders.
Rue is the only half-god, half-human there, where leaders protect their magical powers at all costs and thrive on human suffering. Miserable and desperate to see her sister on the anniversary of their mother’s death, Rue breaks Ghizon’s sacred Do Not Leave Law and returns to Houston, only to discover that Black kids are being forced into crime and violence. And her sister, Tasha, is in danger of falling sway to the very forces that claimed their mother’s life.
Worse still, evidence mounts that the evil plaguing East Row is the same one that lurks in Ghizon—an evil that will stop at nothing until it has stolen everything from her and everyone she loves. Rue must embrace her true identity and wield the full magnitude of her ancestors’ power to save her neighborhood before the gods burn it to the ground.
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thechangeling · 4 years
The Fall
This is a one shot I wrote about my OC Gianna Blackthorn-Rosales, one of Kierarktina's kids. Full disclosure, I don't have bipolar, but I do suffer from depression and I did some research to fill in the blanks. Thank you to Halima and Ellie from helping me with the Spanish.
Tw for Depression and suicidal thoughts.
When Gianna woke up, she felt as though she was under water. Her limbs were heavy as if they were weighted down with led. Her alarm was blaring from her phone with zero sympathy. Gianna groaned and fumbled around for her phone to turn it off.
Shit. She felt like absolute garbage. Everything hurt. Everything felt hallow and empty like a great big hole had been carved out of her chest. Mornings were never fun, but today especially sucked. The idea of moving to get up, or even keeping her eyes open felt like absolute torture.
Gigi had recently come down from a manic episode and now she was sinking, unable to stay afloat. Not that she even really wanted to. Not right now at least.
That's when she remembered. Today was test day. Of fucking course. Testing day was when every shadowhunter under 18 had to undergo a series of skill tests, with weapons and also hand to hand combat. They were given scores based on how well they did and then those scores then were sent back to the Clave.
Of course it had to be today of all days. That was the problem with mental illness. It didn't care if you had a schedule to keep or things you needed to do. It just bulldozed it's way through your life, screwing everything up and then leaving you to clean up the mess.
Gianna grabbed her phone and typed out a quick message to her brother Nico.
I'm sick today, tell mama I can't do it.
Her therapist would tell her that avoidance wasn't healthy, but she would argue that sleeping right now was definitely the best thing for her. Unfortunately in fights such as these, the professionals usually won.
Gianna felt guilt and shame start to trickle in, greeting her like old friends. You're pathetic. You're a pitiful excuse for a shadowhunter. That's what everyone else is thinking and they're right. You're worthless. Everyone would be better of if you were gone.
Her phone vibrated next to her with a text from Nico. Gianna picked it up, already knowing what it would say.
Shadowhunters don't get sick. No one will buy it. Come on Gigi you need to try. He wrote.
Gianna fought the urge to scream. Try? Like she wasn't trying? Did they all think she was pulling this crap on purpose for shits and giggles? She was really getting sick of most people.
She was sick of her parents, sick of her siblings, sick of her cousins Ellie and Anthony even though they didn't get to see each other very often.
She was even sick of Anabla. Which made Gianna very scared. She loved her girlfriend but sometimes everything just became too overwhelming. Her father was always busy running his kingdom and whenever she went to Unseelie, many people always made it very clear that she was not welcome. Her father didn't even really understand how mental illness worked, but then again neither did her mama and papa.
Shadowhunters weren't supposed to be sick and neither were faeries.
Suddenly there was a banging on her door. "Gianna!" She heard her mother's voice on the other side of the door "¿Qué esta pasando?"
Gianna shut her eyes. Maybe if she pretended to be asleep her mama would leave her alone. It was unlikely but still. Her mother pounded on the door again. "Alleya!" She shouted angrily.
Well fuck. That was never good. As soon as her mother used Gianna's fae name, it meant that she was in big trouble.
"Ok yeah I'm coming!" She yelled back. Gianna took a deep breath and pulled herself to her feet.
I can do this. She thought to herself. It's gonna be ok. Just get though this then you can go back to bed.
She put on her gear and began to braid her hair into a faerie style. It was a personal tradition of Gianna's, to braid her hair like a faerie and pull it back so that her pointy ears were exposed whenever she had an offical shadowhunter event of some kind.
Outside she could hear the sounds of Shadowhunters arriving at The New York Institute by portal. Gianna and her family had slept over at the institute so they wouldn't have to travel. She could instantly hear the cheerful loud voices of her cousins, as well as her aunts and uncles greeting each other.
One big happy family.
Gianna could feel the aches in her muscles as if she was sore from a good work out. Getting through testing would be absolute hell.
But she would do it. She grabbed her bow from it's hook on her bedroom wall as well as her quiver of arrows, and marched outside to meet her fate.
The wave of liveliness hit Gianna like a truck. There were older shadowhunters gossiping and catching up with one another, while teenagers and kids of all ages darted excitedly around each other gathering their weapons and gear. She noticed her mama and papa talking with her tías, Helen and Aline. Nico was being bombarded by hugs from their tìo Jules and tìa Emma. Even though they were all on her papa's side of the family, her mama had no siblings. In fact she didnt have any family she was in constant contact with since they were all in Mexico. So at her mama's request, Gianna called all of her papa's siblings tía or tío as a way to keep her connected to her culture.
As for her father's side of the family, it was basically just a long string of "these people want me dead", so nobody was getting any names of any kind.
Then there was Kit and Ty, who Gianna called by their first names because they were so close. She had always felt better connected to them for some reason.
Speaking of.
She spotted them over by the corner if the room. Ty had his headphones on and Kit was hugging-
Oh great.
She was here.
Mina freaking Carstairs.
Which begged the question, what was she doing here exactly? She was 18. She was supposed to be done with these sorts of tests.
Gianna watched as perfect Mina rushed over to great a screaming Ellie, who was her Parabatai, and Anthony and that was when it dawned on her. Right. Of course.
Mina had come to watch them.
The perfect supportive friend and Parabatai. Always smiling. Always ever so sweet and polite.
Yeah Gianna really wasn't a fan.
Nico would tell her that she was being irrational, and she probably was. But Mina Carstairs had always looked down on her with that familiar expression of pity and disgust.
It might have had something to do with the time Gianna had tried to steal Church during one of her manic episodes. Or the time when she woke Mina and Ellie up by blasting heavy metal at three in the morning while making brownies at the LA institute.
In her defense, she couldn't sleep.
Gianna knew lots of people always assumed she was doing these things on purpose. Like she was purposefully trying to sabotage everything in her life. That was probably one of the most irritating things about having a mental illness, being blamed for the things that you had no control over.
Being held to neurotypical standards was also shitty.
"You look like you're about keel over and die on us" said a voice at her shoulder.
Gianna whipped around and breathed a sigh of relief.
Gianna couldn't quite managed a smile, but she instantly flung her arms around him in a hug which he returned.
"Hey there little shadowfae" he cooed. It was the nickname he had for her ever since she was a kid. "Are you taking your meds?" He asked her with his head still resting on her shoulder.
Gianna groaned, lightly pushing him away. "Why can't you just greet me like a normal person? What ever happened to, "How are you?" Or, "What great weather we've been having lately!" She rolled her eyes.
Magnus looked sympathetic as he placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. "I'm sorry Gigi. I'm just worried about you." He said softly.
Magnys was essentially the one who had jumpstarted her treatment, the same way he did with Thaís. He contacted Caterina, who contacted a doctor with the sight to get Gianna diagnosed, on medication and into counseling.
Her therapist was actually half Unseelie, half mundane. She was fairly sweet, and she and Gianna got along pretty well. It could have been a lot worse.
Gianna nodded, "Yeah I know. I am." She protested.
That was mostly true, although there was one week when she had gone to Unseelie to visit Anabla and forgotten to bring her meds with her. She was paying for that now.
"Everyone! Could I have your attention please!" They were interrupted by the voice of the consul. Alec Lightwood-Bane was standing in the middle of the room. Several members of the council were standing with him. "We will begin testing in five minutes! If all of the perticipents could please make their way down to the institute's training room. Thank you."
Magnus caught Alec's eye and smiled at him from across the room. He then sighed and squeezed Gianna's shoulder again. "Well. I should go join my husband" he said matter of factly. "Good luck little one."
Gianna managed a small smile. "Thanks Mags."
Gianna stood in place for awhile, willing herself to move. People passed by around her like waves moving around a bolder. No one played her a second glance, not her cousins, and certainly not Mina Carstairs. Her parents were probably busy with Nico.
The living room filtered out and then she was alone. Standing in the middle of the room with a bow in her hand.
See. The voice told her. You're all alone. You're always alone. No one really cares about you.
She tried to protest, tried to fight it but she was just too tired. And there was that old familiar feeling again. A feeling beyond exhaustion, beyond despair, and beyond hopelessness.
The feeling that at the end of the day this is all that you are, and all you ever will be.
And there's nothing that can change that.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
If I had to choose | Boo Seungkwan
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Type : best friends au
Genre : fluff, slice of life, soft Seungkwan and strong reader? Like mentally strong and the reader always protects him? You get the point.
Word count : 2k
Synopsis : Seungkwan had always needed someone to look after him, he was too naive for the world but you were always there to protect him from all the odds, you were the bold one in this friendship.
A/N : This is solely inspired by a movie I watched and I really loved the interaction between the two best friend.
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The music was played blissfully at the church by the band, all of the people who came to attened the wedding were either sulking at how boring the wedding was or were either pretending to be interested.
Even if we take a look at the bride and groom who were seated in their respected seat; the bride was taking selfies and the groom was chatting with some random person.
Isn't wedding suppose to be the most happiest and lively event?
You heard someone yell your name making you halt your activity and turn towards the voice, the father of the bride made his way towards you who was busy managing other activities of the wedding.
"Yes Sir?"
You didn't even made an effort to smile fakely at the man standing in front of you.
"You're not doing you're job properly, look how boring the wedding seems to be."
He exclaimed pointing at the people and the atmosphere of the wedding which made you scoff and roll your eyes at the said man.
"Listen Sir-" you breathed in, "- I have done my part as a wedding planner for this wedding, I have decorated the church with flowers and also the outside plus the song list you gave to me for the wedding I'm even playing it, now, it's not my fault that you have such boring family and relative who can't hype up the mood of the wedding, you can't expect me to do that!"
You were really tired, now what do they want you to do? Dance your heart out and entertain people so that they won't be bored? Being a wedding planner was surely a hard job. You even needed to bear the people's reckless tantrums.
"Hangin, the plates for the lunch have out numbered the guests in the wedding and we need more plates."
The brother of the man came rushing towards you and the bride's father.
But before he could utter a single word you stopped him by showing your hand in front of him since your phone started to vibrate.
You looked at the caller ID to see Seungkwan written over it with a picture of a really adorable boy. You shook your head and decided to answer your best friend's call afterward and kept it inside your pocket.
"I told you guys that the plates will be out numbered, in a wedding with guest list of 1200 people you just asked me bring 700 plates saying it's not necessary that everyone will come and now see what has happened, you're such a miser."
You finally snapped at the man.
"Now how are we going to manage this?" Hangin asked you finally giving in and accepting it's his fault.
You nodded thinking of a way to get out of this trouble.
"I have an idea, I'll bring out 400 plates more but I need 200 dollars more."
"What? That's too much!"
"I didn't tell you to mess up in the first place plus since I know your condition I'm willing to take just 200 dollars otherwise other planners would have took nearly 500 for the urgent delivery."
You reasoned as you waited for their answer.
Both the brothers sighed.
"Okay I'll give you the required money just get you're thing done."
"Okay let's go." you agreed smiling at yourself for gaining an extra amout of money.
"Listen Vernon I need 400 plates more for the Jung's wedding urgently so bring it in 1 hour or less."
You informed your manager/friend calling him to tell about the emergency.
"Okay baby."
He chuckled before hanging up, he liked watching you being this stress but alas he wasn't there to witness it.
As you were observing if there were any other mistakes, a lady in her mid 30's, probably the aunt of groom, stopped you from going any further.
You looked at the lady with an eyebrow raised, you weren't normally this grumpy but there are different kinds of people in this world and they need to be treated just the way they treat others.
"I don't like this white rose system, it feels like you have came to a funeral hall."
She exclaimed while making a face at the decorations.
You huffed.
"Well I'm sorry ma'am but it was the bride's wish for the flowers to be white."
"Can't you change this flowers to green colored flowers?" The lady asked. "I like green more."
"I'm sorry ma'am but the wedding is almost finished I don't think I can do that plus it's hard to find such a big amount of green colored flowers."
"I don't know who gave you the permission to be the wedding planner of this wedding. Who even gave you the degree of being one huh? I will do a better job than you in this field." The lady said while blowing her manicured nails.
"Listen woman, you don't know how much knowledge and patience is required to be at this stage and you're better than me? Hell not even in your dreams who likes green flowers you dumb."
You scoffed and walked away.
Your phone rang again making you take it out in front of you Seungkwan was written on  the caller ID, sighing you picked up the call.
As soon as you picked up the call you could clearly hear your best friend crying at the other end.
"Now what?"
You had already grown tired of your best friend's crying, not that you were heartless but the reason made sense.
"World is so cruel to me, this time it was my fault, I shouldn't have done that."
Seungkwan's voice cracked as he spoke with you.
"Yeah yeah the world is really cruel and the life can be hard sometimes." you said but that only made him cry more.
"Where are you Boo?"
You asked him softly taking in consideration that he's crying right now and he can't be treated harshly.
Seungkwan gave you the address where he is and without even a second glance you headed out of the church to fetch your bestie.
After fetching him up and constantly listening to him babbling about random things but not exactly telling you what happened, along with that crying face, both of you finally reached at your apartment.
He rushed out first and went inside the kitchen got himself a big piece of cake and sat at the corner of the kitchen silently eating and looking at nothing in particular.
You removed your blazer and shoes and stood in front of Justice.
"Mind telling me what has happened?" you asked putting both of your hands on your hips and here we go the Nigra falls started to flow again.
"Will you even tell me what has happened?"
You were so done with his constant crying that you had to control your urge to smack his head.
"Now what? I know you're crying because of her but I want the reason, from the past 2 years all you do is cry over her and nothing else."
"It wasn't her fault, it was mine this time." he cried as he was still eating the cake.
"Eat first and then talk you brat." you made a face at him.
"Shut up. I'm already hurt."
You sighed and sat in front of him, crossed leg.
"Why don't you break up with her already?"
"I love her." Justice
"But I don't think she loves you."
"Why do you think like that? She loves me."
You pinched your eyebrows with your hands and started counting three to control your anger and also the throbbing headache which you know was soon going to follow.
"See you remember that time?"
"Which time?"
He casually asked you still eating the cake not really remembering what time.
"The time when she yelled at you for posting a picture of you with Bora."
"She was jealous okay, girlfriends tend to be jealous."
"And then he posted a picture of her with two random boys we don't even know about."
"She's different."
He furrowed his eyebrows pouting at you.
"Every freaking boy on the earth thinks that his woman is special but since it's coming from you're mouth, I know we are fucked up."
"But what? Remember when both of us went to club with her and she introduce us to a new boy?"
"What about that?"
"Shw introduced you as her close friend and not as her boyfriend, did you get that? AS A CLOSE FRIEND, don't you know what happens when girlfriends starts introducing their boyfriends as close friends to someone?"
"But she said that she didn't want him to know about us because he was her cousin."
You rolled your eyes as you took out your phone, open up your instagram account and showed it to him.
"See where do you find a picture of both of you on her account. She has herpictures with so many boys but not with her own boyfriend."
You snapped showing him Jaeyung's profile.
"Okay I got it, it was her fault that time but this time it was me."
You motioned him to go on.
"She was in bathroom and suddenly her phone vibrated so I went to take a look at it and before I could do anything she snatched it away form me and was angry cause she thought that I'm doubting her." he says softly sniffling a bit.
"Do you know that she has a tinder account?"
"Nope." he answered.
"Boo she has a tinder account! Why does she even need it anyway? And why didn't she tell you? Do you know what it means?" you dramatically questioned.
"But what's the big deal anyway."
"Boo-" you stood up. "-out of two years means 24 months which means hundred and four weeks, she made you cry for hundred and two weeks, what kind of relationship averages one week of happiness per year?"
Seungkwan just looked at you and blinked multiple times digesting fully on what you just said.
"Then what should I do?"
"Finish it boy!"
"But I've been with her for 2 years already."
"It's never too late Boo plus that girl, I don't think she even loves you, you can forget her." you patted the latter's shoulder.
"I can't, I love her."
"Well I'm sorry then this is the only way I can save you up from that asshole."
You put both of your hand on your waist looking intently at him.
He gulped as you stood up looking at your eyes with confusion and fear written all over his face. What will you do?
"Me or her?"
The words left your mouth and horror plastered all over his face. He sighed knowing all well that whatever happens in his life he will always choose you and you'll always choose him.
"What club are we going to this time?"
You grinned at him already knowing you will win if you put out the said question in front of him.
"Surprise." and he groaned knowing he's going to have a wild night.
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bravesung · 1 month
The events of the night before were JUST as crazy as he could have thought.. especially when it came to Yusuke. But it was not the typical bachelor party he's seen in movies. Hell they didn't even have a stripper, all the boys really done was enjoy a few matches of Sumo which was followed by a night of paintball. And as promised Yusuke had gotten him back to the church, just in time (Terry can also be around because he's the best man). The young man stood at his position where they've rehearsed and from here on out it was just a wait. The music began playing and before they knew it, here came Hanamaru walking side by side with her cousin Jin. Something happened the moment he saw her, his heart was overwhelmed with sch happiness, there wasn't no threat to the city, just him, her and their friends and family. She looks so beautiful and today is the day they will be bonded in matrimony. A moment he's been waiting for for months now, and now that it's here..and her in that dress, the blond couldn't help but shed more than a few tears. She was brought before him and he held her hand with a smile before things proceeded once more.
The Priest had done his job and they've arrived at the vows. Rock had something prepared of course. A light chuckle and grin appeared on his face before he took a piece of paper from his pocket.
"Hana, you've truly made me the happiest man in the world. I know this is cliche to say but life was truly dark before I met you. I've known a lot of things before I've met you. My mother has taught me the love a child can receive from a mother, an unconditional love at that. Terry showed me that a family isn't made of the people you were born with but the people you meet and through that I learned what it was like to have the love of a father, Jin of course whilst he wasn't too accepting of me I could tell that he loves you very much and yes eventhough we might still butt heads and have disagreements here and there, I still can't help but feel that this is what it's like to have a brother and then I met you through Sachiko. You know I can't exactly go through all of this without mentioning Sachiko..she might fire me." That was at least his attempted at a joke, now before one little sniffle he continues. "Sachiko unlike many people saw an outsider and decided to take a chance on me, regardless of my academics..when an establishment digs deep enough into my past they'll see something about me that makes me a professional liability..but not Sachiko. She doesn't always show it but there's a lot of love in that woman and kindness and believe me it doesn't exactly show all that easily, but it was because of her kindness I was able to meet you. I still remembered when I locked eyes with you, you were meeting up with Sachiko at table three and I instantly lost myself in your beautiful eyes and not to mention that smile. OH the kitchen staff told me to just forget the idea because of how important you were...but day in and day out you'd come back and hang out with Sachiko..if she didn't just make us greet each other I might have been admiring you from afar even today. But I'll always be grateful to her for introducing us..for that alone there will always be a place in my heart for her, like everyone close to me she's become my family too. Hana, after getting to know you, I jst wasn't aware a person could radiate such warmth, I've never had the fear and anxiety of loving someone else before I met you. Now with you the world is so much brighter, food tastes so much sweeter, you’ve truly given me an appreciation of life, you’ve filled me with so much joy and love that I promise to give you All of that and then some. Do you understand me Hana, from today for the rest of your life the only thing you have to do is wake up in the morning and from the moment you rise I will show you how you should be cared for, how you should be loved because you are more than just my girlfriend, fiancee or wife. Hana you’re more than my soul and my heart, you’re my very essence, you make me because I’m NOTHING without you! I vow to love you with all of my heart for the rest of our lives.”
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warfear · 4 years
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WHAT’S GOOD, PARTY PEOPLE ?     the name’s mads :    twenty - four summers young, in love with cj from dawn of the dead (2004), mortal enemies with amc’s the walking dead and so very excited to be here. thus, without further ado, below the cut you’ll find the basics—the general gist—about my horrible, poorly written bastard children. 
trigger warnings for : cancer, death, kidnapping, abuse and assault !!
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APOLSKIS, JULIAN      —      twenty-four, comic store clerk.
BASICS :     born in seattle, julian moved to fort elms when he was a whooping eleven years old. why, you don’t ask. well, because he got diagnosed with a gnarly case osteosarcoma and his father took ONE LOOK at that hospital bill and vanished into thin air, that’s why ! so, mommy dearest took her kids and skipped town as well. for less horrible reasons, of course. since then, his cancer has came and went and came back again. until finally it went for the last time, taking his leg with it as it did. he’s cancer free now ! three years and counting. we do love that for him … depressing facts aside, he’s in a punk rock band because we gotta Stick It To The Man. they suck but he’s decent on the drums and that’s all that matters. him. yeah, he’s a bit of a prick. a lovable prick. loves to play the devil’s advocate and hates talking about his feelings because ~ romantic trauma ~. but other than that, a decent guy, alright ! put some respect to his name. 
ex - girlfriend :     bringer of trauma … she was his second ever girlfriend and their relationship was good, okay ! lasted almost two years. and then, without warning, she dumped him, THROUGH A NOTE. left without a word and that was that. a big bitch move, i’d say. 
mother :     the best mom there is ! worked three jobs to support her family after the deadbeat left, and is overall the best person juli knows and will ever know. she’s a second generation polish immigrant and very insistent on julian retaining his jewish heritage. pops was christian, so … gross. 
father :     not much to say about this bastard except he hasn’t spoken to his own children in thirteen years. not as much as a birthday card ! who knows where he is now. we’d like for him to be dead in a ditch but odds are he has a new family. i’d love for julian to knock him out, please hit me up for that. 
hospital buddies :     like i said, he spent most of his childhood in a hospital. so he must’ve made at least one friend there. they can be a teenager, they can be a senior citizen — as long as their friendship was thrust onto julian by sheer proximity and boredom. he’s obviously well now but i’d like for him to have a sliver of his past life close. 
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DIMEO, BRANDON      —      thirty-five, mall cop.
BASICS :     very italian. a walking italian stereotype, really. his family is huge and he’s close with them all. too close. i’m talking yearly hunting trips, weekly family dinners, and a mother who still does his laundry. which means, yes, he’s a momma’s boy. a bit of a scrub, if you will. flopped out of the police academy in his early twenties, as he’d almost done high school, and settled for acting cop at the local mall. he’s a bit of a dumbass, and by a bit i mean a lot. unintelligent to the point where he can’t do basic math. emotionally unintelligent to the point where he can’t have a long - term relationship. we do love that. also a big fan of the charlie’s angels television series, AS HE SHOULD BE. he’d be an angel of charlie’s if he could be …
ex - girlfriend :     i’m talking first and only. probably didn’t get together until his mid - late twenties, and didn’t last that long either. probably had issues with his weird relationship with his mother, probably didn’t appreciate that he couldn’t clean his own house, probably wanted a man and not a little boy. she definitely dumped him. oh, well.
family :     he has A LOT. two parents ( i was gonna say obvi but is it obvi, i don’t think so. check yourself @ me ) and three brothers … but he’s the baby of the family, physically and mentally. i feel for his mother. i’d love for him to have a kid cousin, though. like one girl ( except his mommy ) he treats well. it’d be cute, shut up.
friends with benefits :     pretty self - explanatory. no strings attached, no commitment, no expectations … it’s all poor donnie here can muster in life. so do give it to him, please and thank. 
broskis :     he needs friends ! who aren’t other mall cops ( sorry egg take it up with HR ) … maybe dudes he’s known since high school, his OG home - boys. either to enable his antics or to call him out on his shit. i’ll take anything for brodawg over here. 
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KINNEY, SAWYER      —      twenty-two, vet student.
BASICS :     god’s favorite. just kidding … i don’t think her love for him is much reciprocated. first dropped off as an infant @ the local church’s doorstep, then adopted. all is well ! no, her adoptive parents die in a car crash thirteen years later. she was there, too. sole survivor … even her baby brother passing away in the accident. shit’s tough, my dudes. she still has her older siblings, but who cares about them. was diagnosed with epilepsy shortly after ( she hates it, thanks ) and now lives with a disorder to remind her even more of the event. BIG YIKE LET’S MOVE ON … she’s a ray of sunshine ! loves animals and soccer to death. a social butterfly with no concept of personal space. insistent on not minding her business, plagued by a constant need to be liked by EVERYONE. book smart, emotionally intelligent … yet a whole dumbass. we love to see it.
cousins :     fun tidbit, after her parent’s death she moved in with her uncle and his children. so, give me those very children ! her siblings are both older than herself and i’m dying for some same - aged partners in crime here. who played soccer with her after school ? who tried beer with her for the very first time ? i am WAITING.
soccer pals :     captain of the local girl’s soccer team, since seventeen baby, sawyer’s in dire need of her soccer pals. y’all ever see the netflix original girls with balls ? yeah, me neither, but that could still be them versus the zombies. they’re all so close and athletic i NEED them to team up against the undead.
toxic church friends :     i’m not calling christianity toxic … i’m calling white church going pinterest loving bitches toxic. i just think it’d be neat for her to have people from that part of her life really pushing this ~ religious agenda ~ onto her further. you know, shaming everything that she does. WHY NOT ! can’t think of a single reason why not, actually.
someone to get under :     look … last year she got DUMPED by her boyfriend. it was rude as hell ! you don’t need to know his reason, okay … she did no wrong, mind your business … either way, give me SOMEONE ELSE for her to focus on so she can finally get over that skinny motherfucker. it doesn’t have to be reciprocated AT ALL, homies. she can thirst from afar … as long as her attention is redirected from ex - boyfriend to wow - possible - boyfriend. ja feel me ? cool.
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OSWALT, KEVIN      —      twenty-one, waitress.
BASICS :     born in fort elms as rowan blake, this teensy bitch had a good life going. two parents, three older siblings, one cool ass dog… you get the gist. but all things must come to an end, no ? so, when rowan here was five years old, she was approached by a teenage girl by the name ryan, and booboo the fool as she was, rowan followed this older, much cooler girl right into a stranger’s car… and then rowan was no more ! she spent the next year thirteen years of her life as kevin oswalt, living with her new sister and new mother — creepily nicknamed mama. to say her life with the oswalt’s was good would be… well, it’d be a lie. because kevin wasn’t the first kid they ‘napped, and neither was she the last. lets just say that house was a shit - fest and we should be glad she managed to run away at the tender age of seventeen. by sheer luck, she wound up back in fort elms and by even more luck, she managed to get an education and graduate. unrealistic ? take it up with 2016 me. other than that super fun backstory, kevin’s baby. she likes books  ( always has, though it was her only form of entertainment for a good chunk of her life there )  and she likes french fries. she’s still discovering the world around her, even if she has been out and about for about four - ish years now. so if she’s a BIT NAIVE, then excuse her…
ex - boyfriend :     not to go into too many details but kev’s introduction to the dating scene was less than ideal… barely legal and kept under wraps for A YEAR. it sucked, okay. not a good first experience, IN MY OPINION. kevin has another but she’s stupid. EITHER WAY, that left her kinda fucked - up when it comes to relationships. so, when she started dating her other ex circa summer 2017, she was pretty not - that - into - him. sorry we can’t all be over our 30 year old boyfriends… she never even said those three little words and them bitches dated for a year. TRAGIQUE.
brother :     tragically, throughout the years, kevin’s brother is the single family member not picked up and that’s just… fucked, if you ask me. either way — his name is marcus blake but you can change his first to whatever ! he’s the sibling she was closest to as a wee bairn, alright. and i need him here… even if he wouldn’t know her as his sister anymore, but seeing as kev has managed to weasel her way into the blake family through mother and sisters REGARDLESS if anybody remembers or not, i’d say they’d cross paths anyway. oh, and he’s in a band… which isn’t to say juli’s, i mean it could be, but that’s not what i’m saying… anyways, that’s all.
bad influence :     kevin’s too nice. and i don’t like it. so, please, pretty please, give me a plot of pure mayhem. somebody less outwardly chaotic than pippa but more scheming, and maybe capable of convincing kevin to grow a spine. think penelope and josie in legacies… but not gay. i mean, it COULD be gay. i’m not saying it HAS to be gay… mind your business.
victim by proxy :     okay, hear me out… the oswalts are crazy people, and although kevin would like to be excluded from that narrative, she simply cannot. so, consider giving me somebody with some sort of connection to the kiddos missing  ( alternatively : to the man she shanked… girls, ya gotta read her bio, i’m not exposing her further :see_no_evil: )  so kevin’s guilt can just SKYROCKET. that’s fun, right ? make friends with some poor bitch who’s little bro went missing, knowing full well what happened… sickening, kev, get help.
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ROSILIO, ODETTE      —      thirty-five, florist.
BASICS :     flaky defined. dropped out of high school, dropped out of california, dropped out of her own wedding … i mean, the list goes on. originally from mexicali, mexico odette moved to chino, california at the ripe age of five. her mother then proceeded to lose custody six years later. * that one vine vc * WAY TO GO, PAUL ! in and out of foster care since, eventually choosing to stay out for the remainder of her teens. until she got herself knocked up ( not by choice but ait ) and was forced to move back in with mommy … but hey, it all turned out fine in the end ! and when her daughter was four years old, she dipped forever. she’s since been living all over the states, only moving to fort elms five - ish years ago. and has indeed stayed put since. even if she did manage to pull a runaway bride. a bit of a bitch move, but at least she’s consistent. ish. because she’s not a bitch, okay, she’s simply … out of fucks to offer the world. can i get an amen. 
ex - fiancé :     like i said … left at the altar, that’s gotta knock you down a peg. or two. but she didn’t mean to stomp on his balls like that. in fact, they were very much in love at one point. dated for about two years until marriage was brought up and well, cold feet took over. and there’s no coming back from being a no show at your own wedding, is there. so that was that. marriage over before it even started. they didn’t get much of closure but that’s life for you.
mother :     a horrible mother, plain and simple. she was in and out of jail when odette was in her custody, mostly due to drug related charges which was … not cute, girlie was like eight years old. though who knows, maybe she’s cleaned up her act, and maybe she’s ready to get back in her daughter’s life. or maybe she’s just looking for money … either way, get miss marisa to washington !
employees :     i want … snotty teens, or early twenties bitches that she’ll have to manage. she’s had it with her own daughter, why not add more children for her to boss around. that, or somebody at work who she doesn’t wanna clock. an ally amongst the flowers. 
chino friends :     odette did indeed spend her early to mid teens on the streets and she must’ve made some friends along the way except for kai ( here’s your one mention of the simp @ salem ) … either some bad influences or some good ones. y’all ever seen the movie thirteen ? exactly like that. give me some blasts from the past to bring out the old odette.
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blackkudos · 4 years
Al Green
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Albert Leornes Greene (born April 13, 1946), often known as The Reverend Al Green, is an American singer, songwriter and record producer; he is best known for recording a series of soul hit singles in the early 1970s, including "Take Me to the River", "Tired of Being Alone", "I'm Still in Love with You", "Love and Happiness", and his signature song, "Let's Stay Together". After an incident in which his girlfriend committed suicide, Green became an ordained pastor and turned to gospel music. He later returned to secular music.
Green was inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995. He was referred to on the museum's site as being "one of the most gifted purveyors of soul music". He has also been referred to as "The Last of the Great Soul Singers". Green is the winner of 11 Grammy Awards, including the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. He has also received the BMI Icon award and is a Kennedy Center Honors recipient. He was included in the Rolling Stone list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time, ranking at No. 65, as well as its list of the 100 Greatest Singers, at No. 14.
Early life
Albert Leornes Greene was born on April 13, 1946, in Forrest City, Arkansas. The sixth of ten children born to Cora Lee and Robert G. Greene, Jr., a sharecropper, Al began performing with his brothers in a group called the Greene Brothers at around the age of ten. The Greene family relocated to Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the late 1950s. Al was kicked out of the family home while in his teens, after his devoutly religious father caught him listening to Jackie Wilson. He then lived with a prostitute, began hustling, and indulged in recreational drugs.
"I also listened to Mahalia Jackson, all the great gospel singers. But the most important music to me was those hip-shakin’ boys: Wilson Pickett and Elvis Presley. I just loved Elvis Presley. Whatever he got, I went out and bought."
In high school, Al formed a vocal group called Al Greene & the Creations. Two of the group's members, Curtis Rodgers and Palmer James, formed an independent label called Hot Line Music Journal. In 1968, having changed their name to Al Greene & the Soul Mates, they recorded the song "Back Up Train", releasing it on Hot Line Music. The song was a hit on the R&B charts and peaked at Number 46 in the Cash Box Top 100. However, the group's subsequent follow-ups failed to chart, as did their debut album Back Up Train. While performing with the Soul Mates, Green came into contact with Memphis record producer Willie Mitchell, who hired him in 1969 to be a vocalist for a Texas show with Mitchell's band. Following the performance, Mitchell asked Green to sign with his Hi Records label.
Early success
Having noted that Green had been trying to sing like Jackie Wilson, Sam Cooke, Wilson Pickett, and James Brown, Mitchell became his vocal mentor, coaching him into finding his own voice. Before releasing his first album with Hi, Green removed the final "e" from his name. Subsequently, he released Green Is Blues (1969), which was a moderate success. His follow-up album, Al Green Gets Next to You (1971), featured the hit R&B cover of the Temptations' "I Can't Get Next to You", recorded in a slow blues-oriented version. The album also featured his first significant hit, "Tired of Being Alone", which sold a million copies and was certified gold, becoming the first of eight gold singles Green would release between 1971 and 1974.
Green's next album, Let's Stay Together (January 1972), solidified his place in soul music. The title track was his biggest hit to date, reaching number one on both the Billboard Hot 100 and R&B charts. The album became his first to be certified gold. His follow-up, I'm Still in Love with You (October 1972) went platinum with the help of the singles "Look What You Done for Me" and the title track, both of which went to the top ten on the Hot 100. His next album, Call Me (April 1973) produced three top ten singles: "You Ought to Be with Me", "Call Me (Come Back Home)", and "Here I Am (Come and Take Me)". In addition to these hit singles, Green also had radio hits with songs such as "Love and Happiness", his cover of the Bee Gees' "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart", "Simply Beautiful", "What a Wonderful Thing Love Is", and "Take Me to the River", later covered successfully by new wave band Talking Heads and blues artist Syl Johnson.
Green's album Livin' for You (December 1973) was certified gold. He continued to record successful R&B hits in the next several years including "Livin' for You", "Sha-La-La (Makes Me Happy)" from his album Al Green Explores Your Mind, "Let's Get Married", "L-O-V-E (Love)" and "Full of Fire".
By the time Green released the album, The Belle Album in 1977, however, Green's record sales had plummeted, partially due to Green's own personal issues during this time and his desire to become a minister. His last Hi Records album, Truth n' Time, was released in 1978 and failed to become a success.
Gospel recordings
Continuing to record R&B, Green saw his sales start to slip and drew mixed reviews from critics. In 1979, he injured himself falling off the stage while performing in Cincinnati and took this as a message from God. He then concentrated his energies towards pastoring his church and gospel music.
From 1981 to 1989 Green recorded a series of gospel albums.While still under contract with Hi Records, Green released the 1980 album, The Lord Will Make a Way, his first of six albums on the Christian label Myrrh Records. The title song from the album would later win Green his first of eight Grammy Awards in the Best Soul Gospel Performance category. In 1982, Green co-starred with Patti LaBelle in the Broadway play, "Your Arms Too Short to Box with God". In 1984, director Robert Mugge released a documentary film, Gospel According to Al Green, including interviews about his life and footage from his church. In 1985, he reunited with Willie Mitchell along with Angelo Earl for He Is the Light, his first album for A&M Records. His 1987 follow-up, Soul Survivor, featured the minor hit, "Everything's Gonna Be Alright", which reached number 22 on the Billboard R&B chart, his first top 40 R&B hit since "I Feel Good" in 1978.
Return to secular music
Green returned to secular music in 1988 recording "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" with Annie Lennox. Featured on the soundtrack to the movie, Scrooged, the song became Green's first top 10 pop hit since 1974. Green had a hit in 1989 with "The Message is Love" with producer Arthur Baker. Two years later, he recorded the theme song to the short-lived show Good Sports. In 1993, he signed with RCA and with Baker again as producer, released the album, Don't Look Back. Green received his ninth Grammy award for his collaboration with Lyle Lovett for their duet of "Funny How Time Slips Away". Green's 1995 album, Your Heart's In Good Hands, was released around the time that Green was inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The one single released from the album, "Keep On Pushing Love", was described as "invoking the original, sparse sound of his [Green's] early classics."
In 2000, Green released his autobiography, Take Me to the River. Two years later, he earned the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and recorded a hit R&B duet with Ann Nesby on the song, "Put It On Paper". Green again reunited with Willie Mitchell in 2003 for the album, I Can't Stop. A year later, Green re-recorded his previous song, "Simply Beautiful", with Queen Latifah on the latter's album, The Dana Owens Album. In 2005, Green and Mitchell collaborated on Everything's OK.
Green's 2008 album, Lay It Down, was produced by Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson and James Poyser. It became his first album to reach the top ten since the early 1970s. The album featured a minor R&B hit with the ballad, "Stay with Me (By the Sea)", featuring John Legend and also featuring duets with Anthony Hamilton and Corinne Bailey Rae. During an interview for promotion of the album, Green admitted that he would have liked to duet with Marvin Gaye: "In those days, people didn't sing together like they do now."
In 2009, Green recorded "People Get Ready" with Heather Headley on the album, Oh Happy Day: An All-Star Music Celebration. In 2010, Green performed "Let's Stay Together" on Later... with Jools Holland. On September 13, 2018, Al Green released his first new recording in almost over ten years, "Before the Next Teardrop Falls," most famously recorded by Freddy Fender in 1975. It was produced by Matt Ross-Spang and is part of Amazon Music's new "Produced By" series.
On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed Al Green among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.
Personal life
On October 18, 1974, Green's girlfriend, Mary Woodson, assaulted him and then committed suicide at his Memphis home. Although she was already married with three children, Woodson became upset when Green refused to marry her. She doused him with a pot of boiling grits as he was preparing for bed in the bathroom, causing second-degree burns on his back, stomach, and arms which required skin grafts. Shortly after, Woodson fatally shot herself with his .38 handgun. Police found an apparent suicide note inside Woodson's purse that declared her intentions and her reasons. A few days prior, Green had sent Woodson to convalesce at the home of his friend after she had taken a handful of sleeping pills and slit her wrists. Green cited this incident as a wake-up call to change his life.
Days after Green was released from Baptist Memorial Hospital Memphis, where he was treated for his burns, he was reportedly held hostage at gunpoint by his cousin who demanded that he owed her money. Green refused to press charges.
In 1976, Green established the Full Gospel Tabernacle church in Memphis. Green resides and preaches in Memphis, near Graceland. He is a member of the Prince Hall Masons, the African-American wing of Freemasonry, at the Thirty-Third Degree.
In September 2013, Green's sister Maxine Green was reported missing from her assisted living home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. According to her daughter Lasha, Green has not reached out to the family about his sister. As of March 2020, she is still missing.
Marriages and children
On June 15, 1977, Green married his first wife Shirley Green (née Kyles) in Memphis. Originally from Chicago, she was one of his backing vocalists and an employee at his church. Together they have three daughters. Shirley first filed for divorce in 1978 on the ground of cruelty and irreconcilable differences. She filed again in 1981, charging that Green had subjected her to domestic violence throughout their marriage. Green accused her of cruel and inhuman treatment in a countercomplaint. In a sworn deposition in 1982 as part of her divorce filing, Shirley testified that in 1978 while five months pregnant, Green beat her with a boot for refusing to have sex. The assault resulted in head wounds, one of which required stitches. After the incident she filed for divorce, but they reconciled. According to Shirley, they separated several times when the beatings became "too frequent and too severe." Initially, Green denied beating his wife, but under oath in 1982 he admitted to striking her. Their divorce was finalized in February 1983. Green agreed to pay her $432,800 in alimony and child support. In 1995, the story of Nicole Brown Simpson inspired Shirley to go public with the abuse she endured in order to help other victims.
Green has six children: two sons, Al Green, Jr. and Trevor; four daughters, Alva Lei, Rubi Renee, Kora Kishe (with Shirley Green), and Kala.
Green was reportedly remarried by the 1990s.
Assault charges
Green's former secretary, Linda Wills, filed a $25,000 civil suit against him in 1974. Wills charged that Green beat her and shoved her through a glass door in his Memphis office after a dispute about how much back pay she was entitled to for her duties. The civil suit was dropped because of "conflicting testimony," but in 1975 they settled a $100,000 lawsuit for assault and battery charges.
In 1977, Green and his former organ player Larry Robinson were arrested for assault on Memorial Day in Irving, Texas. According to Robinson, Green and his bodyguards jumped him when he confronted Green about owed money from previous gigs. They both posted bond on a misdemeanor charge.
In 1978, Green was charged with assault and battery for allegedly beating Lovie Smith unconscious with a tree limb. The charges were dismissed after Smith, who had moved, did not receive a subpoena and therefore missed the court date.
Awards and honors
Green has been nominated for 21 Grammy Awards, winning 11, including the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Two of his songs, "Let's Stay Together" and "Take Me To the River" have been inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.
Green was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995. In 2004, he was inducted into the Gospel Music Association's Gospel Music Hall of Fame. That same year, he was inducted into The Songwriters Hall of Fame. Also in 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him No. 65 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. He was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2009 BET Awards on June 24, 2009.
On August 26, 2004, Green was honored as a BMI Icon at the annual BMI Urban Awards. He joined a list of previous Icon honorees that included R&B legends James Brown, Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Bo Diddley.
In 2009, Al Green was inducted into the Michigan Rock and Roll Legends Hall of Fame.
Green was recognized on December 7, 2014, as a Kennedy Center Honors recipient.
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quiltwork · 5 years
How my traumatic childhood affected my sexuality
So I’m not entirely sure how to go about this, but I used to be gay and trans, and probably a so-called “gay Christian” if u can call it that. To be honest, my abusers were more of that title than I ever was. 
My history leading up to it was rough. When I was 11, I was sexually abused by 2 of my friends who were girls. They were 12 and 13, in middle school, while I was still in the 5th Grade. They wanted me to be quiet and hurry up, don’t tell anyone. No reason why. We slept together watching a sex toy infomercial. I never told my family out of fear I’d be rejected for being bad and disgusting, and be thrown out on the streets. These girls were popular at their school and I went to church with them whenever I spent the night with them in their town. Their friends hated me and would bully and exclude me when they came over for parties. I didn’t want to feel the grief of the sexual abuse that night so I told myself I would forget about it, and it actually happened. Amnesia set in, like it did for every other trauma.
By 12, I was emotionally neglected by my mom. She was busy with work, the house, my unstable abusive older sister, my grandpa, everything but me. I had no real friends so I stayed inside with my technology addiction. Tried grabbing mom’s attention with my interests, never worked. I would daydream that I was a lonely orphaned crying fairy under a waterfall, who was going to make friends the next day. I drew myself and tried to feel good about my developing body, that when I showed mom and my sister the picture, my sister, jealous of my body and any time I could talk to mom, shamed me for the way I drew my body. That it wasn’t good enough like hers, but she was an adult and I was a child. It culminated into another fight between her and mom, with mom almost losing a finger and running off to the hospital, leaving me with my suicidal sister attempting to take her life again. 
By 13, I was confused about my sexuality. Started liking girls and women and not knowing why. Tried telling mom about it, and she’d avoid the topic and tell me not to talk about it with anyone. An old friend who went to my birthday party developed a “crush” on me then. This friend was a Sophomore in high school, while I was a 7th Grader. She grew up in church and saw herself as a gay Christian. She knew my relationship with mom sucked, and told me, “I think I know you better than your mom does, sweetie..”. That was the beginning of her grooming. Of her dressing me up, doing my hair and makeup and taking me out. Teaching me ballroom dancing. Showing me gay pedophilic manga, how to ship same sex friendships in cartoons and anime. Pushing me to continue obsessing over an abusive gay pedophilic cartoon couple. Walking me over to the high school’s Gay-Straight Alliance Club. A Club run by a lesbian Christian woman completely cool with teaching her kids that it was alright to be sexually attracted to inanimate objects like tourist attractions, cars and probably animals. My grooming abuser basically taught me that God loved me and made me gay, so I should ignore those who are “hateful”. 
I came out by 14. There was a girl who was obviously bi curious who kept flirting with me, so I developed a love addiction for her. Did everything in my power to get her to date me, and when she eventually gave in, she started cheating on me with multiple guys. Didn’t know it was her doing it, so I fought them off, or tried to. I had to make sure she wouldn’t leave me, that no one would take her away, that her mom wouldn’t separate us or the school, or else I’d be all alone. She was hypersexual, so I did everything she wanted, even BDSM just to keep her. Even though I didn’t want to and it made me at times very uncomfortable and anxious and dissociative, I kind of liked it anyway. It was a trauma bond. It was what I was used to. 
At 15, I didn’t want to be a girl anymore and came out as a boy. I didn’t want to be doing anything sexual anymore either, so I was asexual. I very obviously was running away from my sexual abuse/grooming and the objectivity it placed on my female identity, but I thought starting my Freshman year anew was the best idea. My girlfriend began to back off after I finally told her I don’t think I can kiss and touch like this anymore, but I didn’t fully realize it. She wasn’t allowed at Homecoming, so my grooming abuser jumped at the chance to take me as her date without my consent. Only found out it was a date through the corsage via my cousin. My grooming abuser was now a Senior. I kicked off my high heels and ran away from the creepy dance floor of grinding bodies where she wanted me to be, and found my school friends and hung out with them until she found me, acting depressed and saying she was going home. My girlfriend avoided me to cheat in the bathrooms, even on my 16th birthday, so I broke up with her. 
2 other things: Our GSA Club went downtown for a vigil for dead gay kids, and my grooming abuser used it as an opportunity to dance with me at the square in front of everyone. She also got me to tell my “transgender testimony” to her class to try to brainwash them too, and it actually worked and I deeply regret it. I was her trophy she worked hard to win and would show me off and use me to further her agenda. 
At first I spend my 16th year depressed and subconsciously searching for a rebound. That rebound left me when I told her I was asexual, too. Then, I went crazy. Was I not good enough because I couldn’t make out and have sex? I tried a one night stand to prove my worth with a curious friend who decided at the last minute she couldn’t go through with it and left me there on the bed. I went home hating myself for being broken and not knowing why (amnesia), that I should give up on girls because I can’t make them happy. I became bitter at a world that only loved you for what you could give to it. I went into Fight mode, angry yelling and protesting at whoever and wherever I was. I dated a sweet boy who didn’t last long due to life’s circumstances so he had to move for his dying brother, dated an older guy who would avoid me or sleep on our couch. At this point, I saw myself as genderqueer and panromantic. 
On my 17th birthday, my grooming abuser came over unannounced. I wasn’t planning anything and frankly, didn’t want to be bothered. She would not stop pulling and tugging at me to go out with her, I kept saying no, and we went on this way for hours. Until at last she tried to guilt trip me, saying, “I just wanted to make you happy...” and left. I ran away from my abusive school to a career high school for my last 2 years, with a lab full of girls and one boy. I thought it was the best new experience I could try having the best friends I always wanted. They sort of liked me, until I let one of them know about my past. Then they immediately began to exclude and bully me in the halls. I stood up for myself, and they hated me and started glaring at me. After graduation when I turned 19, they started cyberbullying me for a year afterward. I became agoraphobic and lived in psychosis delusions that they were watching my every move and knew where I lived and would find me eventually. 
Within that first year out of school, God was calling me to Him. I’d always loved Him since before I could remember, so I went with the feeling. He called me to check into His Word about if being gay was actually alright, and I found out it wasn’t, and it shocked me. I couldn’t reconcile what I read with what I was taught, so I wrestled with it. Why was it bad, why why why? He didn’t give me the answers at first, he let me wrestle for a time.
On my 20th birthday, I drew gay shipping fanart, and that was the day the Holy Spirit held heavy on my heart that what I was doing was wrong. I felt oddly bad for what I did, so I went to Him with an idea: If He truly felt like it was a sin, then I asked Him to change me and I’d avoid all appearance of it for a while until then. If it wasn’t bad, I figured it wouldn’t go away. He would let it be because it wasn’t a problem, and I’d be okay with it. So I repented for 3 months, came back to check, and the feelings were gone. I saw beautiful women as creations of God, as my sisters. I saw those same sex friendships in cartoons and anime as just that, friendships. I was amazed, and eventually told God to reveal anything else I had been blind to, completely grateful for what He had done.
And He started to lift off all of my amnesia, leading me towards trauma and addiction recovery with Him 💕 So, if you haven’t heard it yet, that’s my story 😊
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glamrockmonarch · 5 years
Wedding Bells
Present-day!Brian May x Reader
Summary: it’s a wedding! B!Reader and Brian’s wedding stort is finally here.
Warnings: all SFW. Fluff all around.
A/N: On popular demand, I decided to narrate what the weddings were like for both of our Original Timeline couples. Although I apologize for it if it’s short and not my best work I do hope you enjoy! ❤
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The truth was, B!Reader was having trouble not biting her nails as she waited inside the car. They were already parked outside the church, she was going to come out and walk the aisle in a moment but how could she not be nervous? 
She was excited, of course, because she could not believe what a wonderful start for the year! Having spent most of the previous year stressing over deadlines for her book and wedding planning, she was now about to tie the knot and once she was back from her honeymoon with Brian she was coming home to the release of her book. Hopefully, the first of many… 
So where were these nerves coming from? It might have had something to do with the reporters outside the church. The paps waiting outside of her home for the last few weeks were just relentless. 
She was not anxious about the things people would write online, she knew the fans of her soon-to-be husband were supportive of their relationship. She was having trouble with the thought of her picture appearing everywhere online, on the papers the next morning. She did not want to be known as Brian May’s super young partner, which the media so senselessly had been doing for almost two years now.
“Everything alright?” Her father asked her, looking at her with the same unreadable expression he had on his face the day she moved out of the family home. 
B!Reader remembered that day and then thought of the conversation she had with her father after she came home with the ring on her finger. Looking down, the ring seemed to shine brighter than ever. A delicate pink band of gold holding the squared diamond in the middle. She thought Brian had an exquisite taste when she first examined the ring, he would never give her some huge rock. No. Brian was too humble for that sort of thing. 
With her hair falling over her shoulders in those long waves the hairdresser covered in hair spray, she shook her head lightly, minding the veil stuck to the back of her hair where the two strands of her h/c hair were joined from both sides of her head to make for a soft and delicate looking half-up hairdo. 
“I wish they hadn’t found out…” She told her father and re-wrapped her fingers around the bouquet of flowers lying on her lap. 
“Well,” her dad paused, “if they’re here, the least you can do is show them how little they matter.”
B!Reader frowned and looked back at her dad, thinking he was someone else. 
“Come on,” he reached for the door handle and took a quick glance at his watch, “this is your big day. My daughter is getting married, and no stupid reporter will ruin this day. I will not allow it!” 
It might have been the bubbling up of emotions, or the nerves of the day, she did not know what it was, but she knew she wanted to burst into tears at that moment.
Her parents had never been too excited about her relationship with Brian, and her father had certainly never been shy about it… those words, although did not mention Brian, did show that he wanted her to be happy. That she mattered.
He stepped out of the car and looked around, people had gathered outside the small church to watch from a distance as the wedding took place. 
B!Reader and Brian kept the guest list quite limited to their closest friends and family. Regretfully, Brian would not be able to have his own parents there, but he hoped somewhere in the universe they would see it and be happy for him; instead, he only had his son and daughters there, along with the grandchildren. He invited his closest family, some friends from college, scientists who were for sure going to speak to B!Reader and as always make her feel more than ignorant… she did not mind, it gave her and Brian something to talk about later when she asked why in the world were his friends talking about sonoluminescence.
On her side, she invited her sisters and her brother, her parents, a few aunts and cousins, and her small group of closest friends. The two decided to, of course, have their respective agents there as well. The only person she accepted to invite with a frown was R!Reader. 
“She gets on my nerves, Brian!” She discussed with him once. 
“She is Rog’s girlfriend…we have to invite her.” Brian reminded her. 
“Yeah, yeah… he got himself a real piece of work with that one…”
Regardless, here they were, probably sitting near the front too. 
B!Reader picked up her bouquet and handed it to her father before taking his free hand and pulling up her dress to step out of the car. Brian’s little grandchildren stood on the side with their mother, Louisa, who waited patiently. The little ones were soon instructed on how to hold the train of the bride’s white dress. The skirt that opened at the waist flew around her figure and she smiled at the kids, lifting her veil just for a second she winked at them and put the see-through piece back on its place as she intertwined her arm with that of her father. 
It was another emotional moment that day. She suspected Brian had felt many emotions just a moment before when he walked to the altar accompanied by his youngest daughter Emily. With her dad handing her the bouquet again he tapped her hand that emerged from under his arm and gave her a soft smile. 
They could all only hope for a bright future ahead. Mr. Y/L/N did not intend on giving up his daughter at the altar more than once, and B!Reader had never even pictured things going wring with Brian. They were both mature, and they understood each other even when they did not agree. The arguments were fierce, but both came back to each other a minute after. With so many different interests, they were usually taking part in something outside of their comfort zone. When one of them needed it, they would both stay home and have a break from the world. Brian sometimes needed someone to take care of him, and B!Reader never felt like he took her for granted. Nothing could go wrong, anyone could see how perfect for each other they were - even if the papers tried to bash them for the age gap. 
Sticking her head up high, she straightened up and walked inside with her dad as they both shared the moment when the guests all turned to her as she approached the aisle. It turned out that although she smiled at everyone there, she could not focus on any face the one of the man waiting for her at the altar. 
Brian stood there as tall as he was, in his blue suit, a rose on his jacket. He even looked odd with his white shirt buttoned all the way up. His eyes showed a strange gleam, tears? But he was smiling. Yes. There was a small smile on his face, lips in a tight curve, chin tilted down. She watched as Jimmy patted his father’s shoulder. 
The whole thing was a blur, at least to her. After her father put her hand on Brian’s with a rather stern look at the man becoming her husband, everything happened too fast. It all seemed a little meaningless…a wedding in a minuscule part of the universe, B!Reader knew Brian would never see it like that, still; she could not help it but smile at him when they said their vows. If there was anyone she would jump into the void with, it was him. 
At last, upon hearing that it was done and they were officially men and wife, she turned to Brian and the world appeared to spin at its usual speed now. It fell into place and for the first time, she turned to look at her husband. 
“Doctor May,” she said slowly, with caution.
Her grey husband smiled down at her and they held one another to give each other their first kiss as a married couple. 
“Mrs. May…” he chuckled to himself in glee. 
Their guests all cheered and clapped, but really, they could not care much for it as they ended the kiss before it became something vulgar and uncomfortable to watch. 
The couple was all smiles as they turned to leave down the aisle, smiling at their friends gathered there to celebrate them. 
“I was a little nervous this morning. There were reporters outside the house.” She admitted once they were sitting inside the car taking them to the reception. 
Brian held her hand in his, the two of them almost squeezed together in the backseat while there was plenty of space on the back the 1933 Bentley. 
“That is usually how it is…” Brian sighed, “I thought it didn’t bother you anymore…?” 
B!Reader leant her head on his shoulder and turned her eyes to his face. 
“I don’t. It’s just…well, I wasn’t ready for all of that happening today. I guess I…forgot you are more than an astrophysicist…”
“Ah…” He turned his head to kiss the top of her head. “But they didn’t follow me today! It was you who they wanted to see…”
B!Reader put her free hand on Brian’s chest and giggled with a sense of guilt at her husband’s subtle compliment. 
“You know what? I am not fighting you on this one. I am cute.” She stretched her neck to kiss Brian’s cheek. “And all yours now!” 
Brian wrapped his arms around her and smiled. When in a thousand years could he ever imagine that he would have the chance to find the right person at his age! The right woman, young and mature. Pretty and smart. Adventurous and caring. Loving and curious. He just could not help it, when they had that conversation about marriage and she looked away at his words. He had said he would never marry again after Anita, and it did not help that she tried her best to hide it…she was heartbroken. Brian knew if he did not make a move at some point, he would just keep hurting her and eventually he would push her away, so he did what any sane man would do. He bought her a ring and proposed. Almost exactly ten months ago that day. 
“Hey, Bri?” She suddenly asked, “have you heard Adam singing the song?” 
“Oh, love!” Brian chuckled nonchalantly as he reassured his wife. “Adam’s blessed with that voice, don’t worry about it!”
B!Reader shifted in her seat to fix Brian’s collar, she spoke as she did so. 
“It’s just…I was listening to it earlier and…well, this is just a warning, Bri.” 
Brian looked at his wife through narrowed eyes. 
“I might cry during our first dance.” 
It was a perfect warning, as soon as the song began and Adam, in his beautiful pink suit, started singing with the band behind him, B!Reader in Brian’s arms let out the first few tears. With Brian singing on her ear she then decided to spend that first dance with her head on his chest as they swayed in the middle of the dancefloor to one of their favourite songs, in fact, he first song they ever danced to together. Doris Day’s “if I give my heart to you” in the voice of Adam Lambert. 
“…And will you sigh with me when I’m sad Smile with me when I’m glad And always be as you are with me tonight
Think it over and be sure Please don’t answer ‘til you do  When you promise all those things to me Then I’ll give my heart to you” 
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