#not working yet probably helps but same difference LMAO
5iyoomi · 2 months
I've been on my writing grind this month like it's actually crazy... I'll get an idea and then I'm like I have got to write this NOW or I'll die
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nothorses · 1 year
I hope this is okay to ask but I’m pretty desperate and googling stuff has failed me, so do you or one of your followers have recommendations on how to deal with the BO that comes with taking testosterone? I never had BO that couldn’t just be managed by showering enough and putting on just any deodorant but now that I’m taking T I sweat a lot and I smell bad and I nothing I do seems to fix it. My boss has politely mentioned it several times now despite all my effort and it’s so mortifying and embarrassing.
Things I’ve tried and am currently doing include so many different deodorants which I bring to work and reapply, putting baking powder in my shoes, on top of general basic hygiene. But none of it seems to make a dent and it doesn’t help that I can’t really change clothes or shoes throughout the day. I have to wear closed toed shoes and a lab coat and my job is pretty active, plus it’s 10 minutes walk from the parking lot and it’s over 100F or 40 C right now so when I arrive at work I’m already pouring sweat. I also have a large chest so it all gets under my bra and soaks into it and by the end of the day the bottom part of my bra reeks.
I know some ocasional BO on a busy day can’t be helped but none of the other people at work including other male coworkers seem to have the same issue at all, so there’s got to be a solution but I haven’t found it. Im thinking of trying antiperspirants but I also know I need to sweat and I would rather not put my health at risk. So if anyone has something that works for them please let me know bc im really desperate here.
First I want to say: you're not doing anything wrong. You probably just sweat more than some other folks, and that's not your fault, and you shouldn't feel bad about it. I'm gonna give you some ideas to try if you haven't yet, but I don't know how much you've already tried, and it sounds like you've been through a lot already.
I also have always had terrible BO, and the only thing that helped at all pre-T was "prescription strength" deodorant. I honestly have had less of an issue since starting T, weirdly enough, but part of that is also that I physically cannot stand to shower any less frequently than every single morning (not necessarily a good thing lol), and I also started using antibacterial products on my armpits when I shower.
Currently I use benzoyl peroxide body wash on my armpits, which can be drying, but it hasn't caused me issues so far (just look for Panoxyl, other brands have caused irritation for me and my partner both). I used Betadine surgical scrub before that for a bit (you collect weird shit when you work with horses 🤷‍♂️) and that worked well, too- plus it's less likely to irritate skin.
I also find that certain shirts cause me to sweat there more, and those also tend to be the more form-fitting shirts that get up into my armpits. That skin def needs to breathe.
My partner has had trouble with feet/shoes in the past, and he's used cedar shoeforms to mitigate that (cedar is also antibacterial!). He also makes sure any shoes he gets are breathable (not leather), and if they are leather, he gives them at least a day or two between wears. Probably good practice if you notice any kind of smell on any of your shoes.
You mention baking powder, and I'm not sure if you meant baking soda and just mixed them up (which I do all the time lmao) but just in case: if you are using baking powder, the one you want is baking soda.
I don't have much advice for chest sweat, except that you may want to consider bringing an extra bra (and maybe an extra pair of socks if you're noticing it before the end of the day) to change into midway through the day. You can also look for more breathable fabrics in general, especially athletic-wear, which is already designed to help wick sweat and mitigate those issues.
Lastly, I want to stress again that you're not doing anything wrong. Some people have more trouble with this than others, and if you're really struggling in a way nobody around you is, it may be that you've got something going on in your body that they don't have to deal with. This could be a medical thing as well (like acne!!), and there's no shame in seeking medical solutions for it. Talk to your doctor if you can; it sounds like it's causing you distress, and you deserve to be comfortable.
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peachhcs · 3 months
second chances
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
being at will’s going away party leaves samy feeling confused, so she looks to gabe and ryan for help
2.5k words
woohoo a fic!! finally!! i had to rewrite this like 3 different times bc i just didn’t like how it was being written, so i think i finally like this one lmao. we are getting closer to samy and will getting back together, but keep requesting for things! (i’m also working on my other requests dw!!)
au masterlist
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"okay, smile!" samy exclaimed while she held her little digital camera up to her face to get a picture of the boys all together. technically, she forced them into a photo—somehow being able to find all seven of them for a quick photo.
will's house was packed with people everywhere, so even finding an open space in his yard was like some miracle. the hockey boys smiled widely as samy's flash went off and the picture quickly displayed itself on the screen a moment later.
"aw, you guys are so adorable," the girl laughed, flipping the camera around so they could see the result.
"we should get that framed," ryan smiled as well.
"we'll take it again in like ten years to see how much we've changed," drew joked, but it only made the realization set in further that they probably wouldn't be all together again until then.
"samy should get in with her three boys," aram urged meaning her, ryan, gabe, and will.
it was determined pretty early on that those three and samy were the closest. not saying that the others weren't close with her, but it was easy to see how much of a connection all of them had with one another. samy's cheeks flushed, but she didn't have time to oppose because aram grabbed the camera from her hands and motioned for the four of them to get together.
"smile big!" the taller brunette grinned.
gabe and ryan smushed samy between them while will hung off gabe's side. their arms brushed, touching slightly behind gabe's back. the flush on the girl's cheeks didn't disappear as the flash went off again with the other boys peering over aram's shoulder.
"best one yet," the hockey player laughed, passing the camera to samy so she could see.
the sight was bittersweet. they all sported wide smiles while clinging to each other to hold onto the last moments with one another because who knew when they'd all be in the same place at once again. schedules were only getting busier as they grew into their careers. plus, things between samy and will were still somewhat rocky even though they were back on speaking terms.
that seemed to be the worst part.
"thanks for putting up with my pictures," the youngest hughes smiled, shutting off her little camera for now.
"i think you're the only reason we even have pictures together, so we should be thanking you," drew teased a bit making the others laugh. samy's gaze swept over the still massive crowd in the backyard until she landed back on will.
he must've sensed her gaze on him because he met hers almost immediately. a look neither of them really understood sat on their expressions—a mix between "i want to talk to you" and "i shouldn't talk to you" that had them struggling which one to choose.
will's family was hosting all of the hughes family for the weekend while they were in boston for the farewell party. the two only made a bit of small talk since last night when they got in to now. it was hard to describe what their relationship was at the moment. they sort of fixed things at the vacation back in july, but not much talking happened outside of that.
"hey will!" someone broke the two from their staring. both of their gazes slid to whoever just called his name, seeing a family friend motioning the blonde over.
samy watched as will said goodbye to them for now before pushing his way into the crowd. her eyes fell from his retreating figure until she found gabe's who must've been watching that entire interaction. the look in his eyes told her that he knew what she was thinking. he nodded his head, a motion saying to walk with him to somewhere less crowded so they could talk.
somehow, her and gabe have been reading each other a lot more easier than before. it must've been something they picked up ever since samy began ranting to him about everything going on her life since she didn't have will there anymore.
the two slipped away from the group through the yard until they were in the front of the house. gabe led the way to the front steps where he sat on one of the bottom ones, patting the spot beside him for samy to sit down.
"how are you?" the dark-haired boy began.
"i'm fine," the girl shrugged.
"are you guys still not talking much?"
samy pursed her lips, eyes on the car-filled driveway, "i guess. we haven't talked a whole lot since i got in last night."
"does that bother you?" gabe really turned into a therapist whenever him and samy talked about the breakup because he asked questions only her therapist would ask her about her feelings.
samy had to laugh at that thought making the boy beside her raise his eyebrow, "sorry, i'm just laughing because you kind of sound like my therapist. i don't know how i'm feeling to be honest. kind of weird? sad? happy?"
"i get it. i'm sure it's weird being here still," the hockey player sympathized and samy nodded.
"i just..i guess it makes me kind of sad that..all of our lives will and i talked about this day happening and how he'll go off somewhere to pursue his dreams and i'll still stick right by his side, but now we can hardly talk to one another and he's leaving in three days to the other side of the country," she bit her lip, pushing all the tears edging its way up her throat.
a frown found its way to gabe's lips, slowly pulling his arm around the girl for a small hug. his gesture forced the tears out as samy buried her face into her hands. he didn't say anything, instead letting her cry it out while he offered the best comfort he could in silence.
"i'm sorry. i think everything is just hitting me again," samy apologized while she wiped her tears away.
"don't apologize. it's good to feel all of it. i get it. this whole weekend has felt sad," gabe rubbed her arm in little circles.
"tell me about it," the girl mumbled earning a little chuckle from both of their lips.
samy rested her head on gabe's shoulder. the two sat in silence for a moment until they caught sight of ryan coming up from the backyard. the brunette smiled when she saw her other friend. "they told me you guys disappeared this way," ryan explained while a small smile, but it faded when he saw samy's somewhat red eyes.
"are you okay?" he quickly wondered.
"yeah, i'm fine. just got a little sad," she laughed, but not in a funny way, more like to fill the awkward silence kind of way.
ryan found gabe's eyes as the two of them spoke in only looks before he joined the two on the bottom step. "this could be your chance to talk to him more. i know it's been kind of awkward still between you guys."
"i don't know. it seems like all we can manage is weird small talk before things get awkward and tense," samy frowned. "i just wish things could go back to how they were, you know?"
"i mean..technically, you still can. you just have to do a lot of talking," ryan shrugged.
"i don't even know if i want to take him back or even like..go back to being in a relationship. do you guys even think i should?" the girl glanced between ryan and gabe. the two looked at one another again, their expressions unreadable.
"you know we can't answer that," gabe finally said.
"can you please just humor me and tell me because i can't even decide for myself," she rolled her eyes.
"he is still your best friend, you know. that kind of shit doesn't just go away, no matter how much you guys don't talk or whatever. from what we know, he's really sorry for hurting you," ryan glanced at gabe again for a second. "i don't know if we're supposed to tell you this, but like a few months ago when he was at the bauer combine he called us from rutger phones having a panic attack about you. it sounded like he really regretted what he did and he knows how much he messed up."
samy took in ryan's words, her mouth forming into an oh.
"do with that what you will, but he is really sorry and if you did take him back, he won't ever hurt you like that again. he was being stupid and i'm not defending his actions, but he really did make a stupid decision and i do hate him for not talking to you before he did it," ryan continued when samy didn't respond at first.
she looked over at gabe who nodded in agreement to everything the taller brunette said.
"you know him more than we do, samy. it's really your choice, but i think you should at least try to hear him out more and let him talk to you. at least let your friendship happen again," the dark-haired boy added.
"even if i did take him back, we don't have summer anymore. he's leaving in three days," samy finally spoke again. she watched her friends exchange another glance like they knew something she didn't.
"just talk to him. you know what they say about distance. if they really love you then nothing else matters. not even being all the way across the country," ryan said.
it looked like samy had a lot to think about, but she appreciated the truth from the boys.
people left the party around seven leaving everyone else staying to help with the clean up. samy started in the backyard with a big trash bag picking up the cans and bottles people left around. she actually didn't understand how guests just left their trash when there were numerous trash bins all across the yard to throw stuff in.
the others were inside picking up the rooms, so she was by herself until the back door slid open. will stood on the back deck getting the trash up there, but his gaze kept looking over at samy further down the yard. the blonde glanced back inside where he met ryan and gabe's gazes. both of them gave him a thumbs up saying go talk to her.
will walked down the deck, taking a deep breath before opening his mouth, "need any help?"
his voice somewhat startled samy, quickly looking over her shoulder and meeting his gaze. "oh, uh, yeah, sure."
the awkward silence quickly overtook them as will picked up the cups and cans on the grass. samy thought about ryan and gabe's words from earlier, cursing to herself as she plucked up the courage to try and talk.
"the party was nice," she began.
will popped back up, smiling almost immediately, "thanks. mom basically planned all of it."
"yeah i could tell. she looked like she was stressing me about everything going well," samy laughed knowing how mrs. smith got with making sure everything always went perfectly.
"thanks for coming..it..it means a lot," will's tone softened out a bit.
"yeah, i'd never miss this. i'm proud of you. you're gonna do great," the girl managed a little grin.
"thank you. you're gonna do great this upcoming season, too," will said talking about samy's soccer season.
"thanks, i hope so. it's looking pretty promising," the brunette hummed.
she found will's gaze again. his eyes searched hers like he was looking for something in her expression before looking back up the yard and awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"when do you leave for school again?" the boy wondered.
"not for another two weeks. pre season won't start until the middle of august," samy explained briefly.
"makes sense. when do your brothers head back to van and jersey?"
"pretty soon. they're gonna hang around for another week and then leave."
the question was on the tip of will's tongue, he just didn't know if he could bring himself to ask. it seemed like a stretch considering him and samy hadn't even really talked since july, but gabe and ryan insisted.
"it's kind of hard to believe i'm gonna be playing against them soon," will laughed a little as they moved to a different part of the yard.
"oh yeah, i know. playing against quinn and jack will probably be scary since you've never competitively played then," samy giggled mostly to herself thinking about quinn taking down will on the ice.
"i'm actually kind of scared to play them. luke is one thing, but they've got like..years of experience under their belts," will chuckled too.
"let's just hope they go easy on you first game because you're family," the youngest hughes smiled.
her and will fell into a more comfortable silence as they continued picking up people's garbage. the conversations felt a little easier now, so samy kept talking.
"what's the plans for the apartment?" she wondered because her and will used to talk for hours about what his place in san jose would look like.
"uh, i'm not sure yet. mom's been looking at pictures online, but we'll get a feel when we're there," the boy responded.
"hey, there's always the pinterest boards i made," samy joked, but she missed the look on will's face and the question on threatening to spill out.
"actually, i..i was wondering if you'd wanna be there?" the blonde got out, eyes on samy waiting for her reaction.
the girl stopped what she was doing, "what?"
"i know it's a really crazy ask considering we haven't even really made up, but i don't know. we always talked about how you'd be there helping me move-in and decorate. for some reason, i can't picture you not there," will explained himself briefly.
samy's expression softened out, heart swelling that will wanted her there still.
"oh. i..i mean..i don't have any money for a ticket there.." her cheeks flushed into a bright pink and it was a good thing it was dark so will couldn't see the embarrassing blush.
"that's okay. i can pay for it," he said.
"no, no. i can't..i can't make you do that. no," she shook her head.
"you're not making me do it. i'm willing to do it. i have the money," the blonde quickly shook his head.
samy sighed, her eyes bouncing from the grass to will's face. "are you sure?" she asked but more as a double meaning.
are you sure you want me there? are you sure about us? about me?
"yeah, i'm really sure. maybe it can be a way we can continue to..mend our friendship," will nodded even though saying friendship hurt because he wanted nothing more than to call her his again.
"i promise i'll pay you back," samy laughed a little.
"shut up, you don't have to pay me back. i know this probably won't be the only time i'm flying you out to california," the boy grinned a little making samy blush even further.
something in the air started feeling lighter as the two walked back up to the house. that awkward tension that had been building up for the last three months slowly began dissipating while the spark began rekindling.
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vigilskeep · 17 days
With Bea being your potential canon Inquisitor, how would your protagonists feel about each other?
keir and minerva don’t easily trust each other. he sees someone manipulative and dangerous who is always acting for her own agenda and doesn’t take proper care of her own people. she sees exactly the kind of big heavily armed human man throwing threats and physical violence around that all her life experiences have taught her wariness and dislike for. they’re both very accustomed to being the scariest thing in the room and have a tendency to get territorial. however, they have ferelden in common (whatever keir’s other thoughts, he will always owe respect to the saviour of his homeland) and someone they love in common (whatever minerva’s other thoughts, she will always owe a helping hand to the person anders cares about, and who kept anders safe when she couldn’t be there). once they get to know each other and have some picture of why the other acts like they do, it’s not all bad. probably. eventually
keir always looks at beatrice and sees someone else. he sees his beloved sister, as the sheltered young andrastian noblewoman she might have been. he sees the sebastian who was once his friend, both his earnest kindness and his inclination for fanaticism. and he sees grand cleric elthina, a woman whose unassuming appearance never changed the amount of power she wielded and what a profound danger she was. he is never sure which of these is closest to the truth and it creates a mixture of protective sympathy and real fear he finds a little sickening. for her side, she finds him somewhat intimidating on a basic interpersonal level. which he... kind of fundamentally is, lmao. arguably they’re both free marcher nobles but they’re from such drastically different worlds of experience all the same. she gets most of her information on him from the excitement and romance of hushed gossip or varric’s stories. the reality has more harsher extremes than she would like. but she wants to believe he’s a hero and that they’re on the same side
minerva harbours particular dislikes of sickly-sweet earnestness, “overly” pious andrastians, warden hero worship, and people who simply have power drop into their lap and then don’t even have any idea what to do with it. beatrice is precisely a combination of those things. she is... not likely to be minerva’s favourite person in the world. however, on minerva’s return from wherever she is, she would forced to admit through gritted teeth that bea is not only genuinely well-intentioned but straightforwardly a political ally. she is literally going to be the one who legitimises the mage rebellion and ushers in the end of the circle of magi. on those grounds, minerva will contain herself from whatever the political equivalent is of unhinging her jaw like a snake and eating the poor girl alive. she would kind of be visibly containing herself from doing that if they ever met and it would be a pretty unsettling experience for everyone involved. bea is at present blissfully unaware of all that and continues to think of minerva as a great warden hero and would hotly defend her against any heinous rumours of blood magic and involving herself in politics more than wardens should
(bea’s perspective needs the most work here because she’s newer. i’m also working with current bea, as in, early game dai bea the bright-eyed idealist who believes andraste has chosen her. she definitely believes in heroes—in a fun, weirdly meta, a little self-important way, she’s probably very aware of the idea of herself, minerva, and keir as the three “protagonists” of the dragon age so far. i think the bea we end up with by trespasser might have a very different take on the other two after she ends up with a very different take on herself, but i haven’t gotten there yet. i suspect that at great personal cost she may even develop a personality minerva would find bearable to be around 😭)
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kickedin17 · 4 months
I'm seeing people point out that the Craving (at least the single version) is about SAI being perceived by a lot of people as a flop album & I think that's probably correct but I also think it probably applies to Lavish, because I truly cannot imagine why else they decided to include it on the album? Like don't get me wrong I love Lavish but narratively it reads as the most 'expendable" song on the tracklist. Yet Tyler allegedly wanted to leave off Navigating (which they gave the lore video to, lmao) and kept Lavish. Which is fair because it's a banger and a nice break from everything else, but it's also just telling to me that they very intentionally did a song about industry bullshit on this album, the most direct they've gotten since Lane Boy.
Like either their label or someone in the industry did something to piss them off that we don't know about, or it's a generalized frustration. I have to imagine it would hurt to be Grammy noms/winners two albums in a row and then be paid dust the minute you do something a little different. Or (purely speculating here) to experience label pressure to have another album cycle like blurryface, when that's virtually impossible to replicate unless you're, like, taylor swift specifically, and when it inevitably doesn't happen they start pulling back on financing/promoting you/helping you get nominations the same way they used to. They're fucking you behind your back and you can't really do much about it because they're the ones with the money and the influence, and you're supposed to trust them to take care of/care about your work. Like tøp has never been a band that values itself on award or critical recognition, it's always been for us, but creatively speaking the whiplash of going right from your most commercially successful album, to your most critically acclaimed album, then to your most criticized - and to a degree you now just assume your time as a critical/commercial darling has passed, which Tyler seems to - would have to hurt. It would have to.
Honestly tho he probably just knew he cooked with the proctologist line and needed everyone else to know too
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sleepyhutcherson · 6 months
you’re home
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pairing: franklin fox x gn!reader
summary: where franklin, your boyfriend, surprises you with his return from a long work trip.
word count: 1.2k
tags: fluff, no use of y/n, clingy, touch starved, established relationship, petnames (love, babe, baby), just fluff literally.
author’s note: i adore this man. i need this man. he was such a cutie ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) seriously criminal how little content there is of him. expect more content of him from me tho. (also half asleep as i edited this, sorry for any spelling errors lmao)
You were a little bothered Franklin hadn’t called you, usually he would have called by now. He’s been out of town due to a work trip, it was sorted out last minute and with your work schedule you weren’t able to tag along with him. He would be gone for four weeks.
It’s been two weeks since he left, since then you’ve both clinged onto your phones eager to see each other through FaceTime or simply hear each other’s voices. You would text back and forth on a daily basis, meaningless conversation, just enjoying the mere words being exchanged.
You arrived from work an hour ago, you had just showered and were just starting on dinner. This was around the time Franklin called. You were feeling extra low today, missing your boyfriend a little more than usual. So you waited for him to call, anxiously stealing glances at your phone eager to pick up the phone the moment it rang.
A few minutes had passed, you were cutting up some vegetables, waiting…patiently. You try to discard the worries running through your mind, convincing yourself he was probably stuck at work. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a little worried. It wasn’t like him. For the past two weeks he’s called at the same time every day. Maybe he was just tired today? No, you think, he would call anyway. He would, you know him. You were being dramatic probably so you forced yourself to focus on your hands as they prepared your meal, your eyes flickering towards your phone that you made sure to place with the screen facing up in case you for some reason missed the ringtone.
But nothing, even after 15 minutes.
You shoot him a quick message then asking if he arrived at his hotel he was staying at safely, keeping your chats opened up hoping you would at least see he was typing back. Yet nothing appeared. God, you were overreacting surely.
The sound of someone trying to open the front door of your flat startles you, your heart practically springs out of your chest. Before you can even react, the door opens, and Franklin steps inside with his suitcase. You’re heart races, more than happy to see him. There’s a cheeky grin on his face when he sees your reaction, his arms opening up the second he sees you making your way towards him. “Hey, baby,” he coos, wrapping his arms around your waist, kissing the side of your head, taking in your scent. He melts into your touch, the familiar scent of your shampoo comforting him.
“You’re home,” you breathe out, relieved to see him—to have him back. Your hands are behind his neck, inching slowly up to the back of his head, your fingers entwined with his hair.
Franklin buries his face in the crook of your neck, nestling up there, tickling you slightly. “I missed you,” he whispers, kissing the smooth skin on your neck. He feels so vulnerable right now, your bodies pressed up against each other, sweet words being exchanged between each other. He pulls you closer, barely any space left between the two of you, desperation and greed taking over. He kisses up to your jaw, soft kisses being left on your skin, whispering between each peck how much he missed you, how much he longed for you, how much he’s been waiting to see you: how happy he was to have you this close to him again.
“I missed you, too.” You say with honesty. Your hands play with his hair the way you knew he liked it, tilting your head back a little to give him more access to your neck. The way he kissed you now was different from before, the kisses he left behind were so pure and slow as if he was making sure to take his time. To really enjoy the moment. You loved it, honestly.
You try to withdraw from his grasp a little—only to get a better look at him—but his grip tightens on you, not enough to hurt you but enough to show you he doesn’t want you to let go just yet. “Don’t. Not yet.” you hear him muffle into your neck. He was practically clinging onto you, not wanting to be without your touch ever again.
One of your hands continuously plays with his hair, the other rubbing softly against his back in a comforting manner. “I was worried about you,” you say then, “you didn’t call or anything.”
Now he pulls away, “I know,” he cups your jaw now, locking his deep brown eyes with yours, you nearly melt at the mere glance. “I wanted to surprise you.”
You smile, “you wanted to surprise me?”
He nods, cheeks pink now. “I thought maybe you would want to see me.” Suddenly, he’s much more shy with his words.
Your hands rest against his waist, his breath catching when you start rubbing his clothed skin with your thumb. “Maybe I did,” you pull him closer to you, his hands on the sides of your face, thumb gently rubbing your cheek.
He raises a brow, a smile on his lips. “Ah, did you?” There’s a playful demeanour between the two of you, one that is so familiar to each other. One that you both missed. Your noses brush against each other’s for a brief moment, you let out a soft giggle and Franklin loses it there his lips pressing against yours, and you welcome his kiss immediately. The kiss is soft, your lips moving in sync, your hands trailing slowly above his waist and fuck does it make him weak, the way your hands feel on him.
When you pull away, your hands move up to cup his face. “I’m glad you’re home,” you whisper with a smile, his eyes boring into yours.
He presses a kiss against your cheek but he lets his lips linger there for a moment longer. He would love to stay like this forever, your hands cupping his face, the softness of your palms against his skin, his lips against your flushed cheeks. “I missed you so much,” he says, his words clear but muffled against you. Still, you don’t miss the way his words are chocked up.
You pull him back, your hands gently on his sides again, you knew he loved being touched like that. His eyes are slightly glossy with presumably tears but he isn’t sad, a huge smile is plastered on his lips, and he genuinely seems thrilled. He is happy, that’s the thing. He’s so happy to be in your grasp, to have your lips bestowed on him merely moments ago. “You’re here now, love.”
He presses his lips against yours briefly, just to feel them again. You chase after his lips, your hands moving to the back of his neck to pull him towards you, and you kiss him once more, deepening the kiss this time. You were both happy to be in each other’s presence again, happy to be touched by the other—to be held. Franklin was very obviously in love with you just as you were with him.
When you pull away, he smiles at you like a lovesick idiot, murmuring an “I love you” as he pulls you in to embrace you, wanting to endure your warmth, your scent—you, altogether.
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taglist: @cancelledkaley @stanheights-boyfriend @jhutch-bf @laurrrelise @joshfutturman @gryffindorsblog @sofiehutch @obsessivemuso-withnofriends @helen-on-earth
love you all xx ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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wolfofcelestia · 30 days
Chances I'd become their girlfriend if I met them irl
I was just thinking about this because the idea of me and Xav being "the couple that should have been" keeps popping up in my head lmao
Assuming I was his childhood friend too, it would be less awkward than if we were strangers meeting as adults, but it would still be kinda awkward at the beginning. It would be like when MC first saw him again at the restaurant, but that awkwardness would be drawn out for like at least 4 months lmao
I don't think either of us would make the first move. It would just be us slowly getting closer and closer. I'd probably fall stupidly in love with him the moment he gives me a cute little snow animal, but our relationship would definitely move at a glacial pace, mostly because of his busy work schedule but also because neither of us would want to rush the other one too quickly
I think we'd eventually work out though, down the line. Slowly melting for each other, slowly warming up to each other
Overall, 95% chance I'd become his girlfriend. It would just be a very long game, which, to my demisexual ass, would be absolutely perfect
Listen man. I have anxiety. And this guy's lifestyle would definitely exasperate that. The only way I'd be with him is if he pretty much hounded me down, kept giving me gifts, kept contacting me so that I'd always expect and look forward to receiving his gifts and messages, and pretty much kept annoying me until I gave up and accepted him as part of my life
But my major issue is his lifestyle. He would have to accept me as someone who needs protection from whatever would trigger my anxiety, but this man knows how to shut people up to make it quiet and calm, and he knows how to create a safe and comfortable environment, so it's... not impossible for me to become his girlfriend. He just won't have the badass MC fighting beside him like in the game. Instead, he'd have like... a kitten to take care of. (I'm so mad I made that reference.)
75% chance I'd become his girlfriend. Or rather, his live-in pet. The pace would be pretty quick, I think. He's very proactive and determined, so he wouldn't stop with his gifts and his persistence until I gave in
This guy shares my star aesthetic and my interest in games. He's cozy and comfortable. Literally nothing wrong with him and everything right about him. And yet. I don't know??
Assuming we'd be living in the same building, I feel like if he wanted me, he'd absolutely have to be on the offensive because I would just be completely oblivious to his feelings and see him as a close friend. Even if he bought me a bunch of plushies and cute lights, and stayed up with me all night playing games or cuddling on the couch watching a movie until we fell asleep... even if he straight up started getting touchy, I'd be like "you're a good friend" to him the next day asdfalskj
I don't know. Maybe in a moment of weakness, I'd be able to see him in a different light, but the chances are slim. And he'd have to be really straight forward with me to convince my dumb oblivious ass that he wants to be more than just friends
35% chance I'd become his girlfriend. It would be really difficult to see him as more than just a friend but considering he would live so close, he has the chance to be the first one to help me if I'm dealing with any problems, so it's not impossible. The pace? The pace would be non-existent because the change in relationship would depend on the circumstances
I can't swim!! I'm pretty sure I get sea sick too! And I know absolutely nothing about art!! But as someone who lives near the ocean, I do have a connection to the sea. I don't know how he and I would get together though. If anything, he'd get me with his fire, and his ability to put on a show with it. Then again... that kinda circles back to me being a star-aesthetics girl who's drawn to little lights lmao
His personality would probably be helpful when I'm feeling down, but I feel like I'm too... stoic? Uptight? For his whimsy and silliness. And if I were his bodyguard... man, he'd be done for. I don't want to be responsible for someone else's safety. Any sign of danger and my anxiety would SPIKE
Yeah, I feel like me and Raf are just way too different. I wouldn't say it's completely impossible since, again, in a moment of weakness, his personality would be helpful in making me feel better, but overall, I feel like there would be around a 10% chance I'd become his girlfriend. Like Xavier, this would completely depend on circumstances but it's not looking good for him so far
Assuming we grew up together in a orphanage-type situation, it would be hard to see him as anything other than a close friend who'd always be beside you as a close friend. And from what little we've seen of him so far, I'm not so sure. For one, I'm not into being called pipsqueak by some guy 30cm taller than me. Like?? You wanna come down here and say that to my face??
I'd imagine him being just as comforting as the other boys for sure but, yeah it's hard to say from where we are in the story right now. For now, I'd put him at a 10% chance. Like with Xavier, he'd be stuck in the friendzone but even more so because Caleb would be a sort of "friends forever" type of friend. How do you move on from that?
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violet-1atte · 1 year
Kinktober Day Four: Monsterfucking - Chan/Felix
Tags: Demon!Chan, summoning, demon summoning, abnormal genitalia, no lube, mild pain kink, dom/sub undertones, bottom!Felix, top!Chan, dom!Chan, mild fear play
I forgot to post this lmao
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This was a bad idea. Felix knew that very well. He wasn’t the brightest but he had a pretty good head on his shoulders. He was smart and he did well enough in school. He just wasn’t always the best at thinking logically, which he was told often. In this situation, he knew that logically, he probably shouldn’t be doing this. He just went against his better thinking. 
Felix set the summoning book he had bought from some shady guy on the internet on his bed, open to the page he wanted. The book listed countless summoning spells and for all kinds of different entities, but Felix had one in particular in mind. An incubus. To put it lightly, Felix was desperate. He lived in a small, rural area and went to a small university and the prospects there were little to none. No one knew how to fuck him the way he wanted to be fucked and he was so sexually frustrated he could cry. His friend Jisung had offered a helping hand, as bros of course, but Jisung was far more submissive than Felix was and the exact opposite of what he needed. Of course, Jisung probably didn’t mean for him to take it literally when he said that at this point he should summon an incubus to come help him, but Felix took it that way. 
He honestly didn’t fully believe it would work. If it didn’t work then no one had to know he had such a deep lapse in judgment and he could move on with his life, forever sexually frustrated. If it did work, he could possibly end up with the best fuck of his life and never be the same again. He could also end up accidentally selling his soul to the devil, but that was something for his future soul to worry about. And because of the parts of him that did not believe in this whole thing in the first place, he wasn’t all that worried. He really should have been more worried. 
He took a deep breath, double checking that everything in his summoning circle was set up correctly. His heart was racing and his palms were sweating and he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing up, but he wasn’t backing out. He was going to do this. 
Once he had everything set up, he picked up the book and began to read. The words sounded like gibberish and his voice wobbled as he spoke, sounding all too loud in the quiet room. His hands shook a little as his words echoed back to him, bouncing off the walls. The flames on the candles he had lit flickered and yet there was no wind. The closer he got to being done with the incantation, the more his heart raced and his stomach swooped with nervousness. He could feel something, something strong, like something was waiting for him behind an invisible wall that he was about to break. 
As soon as he reached the end of the spell there was…nothing. His room was just as quiet as it had been before he started speaking. The candles had stopped flickering, leaving Felix to wonder if it was just his imagination. 
He sighed and closed the book. “Bummer,” he muttered to himself. He knelt down to begin putting out the candles so that he could put everything away, but out of nowhere, a breeze swirled around him and blew all the candles out. He didn’t even have his window opened. 
He shivered and swallowed thickly, slowly moving to stand up. Goosebumps rose all over his arms and he held his breath, waiting. Then, the floor began to shake. “Shit–” he gasped, reaching out for something to grab as he stumbled backwards. His light began to flicker and the air in the room started to heat up. He began to sweat and he couldn’t tell if it was from the fear or from the heat in the room. A disembodied laugh followed the heat and Felix’s breathing picked up. He shouldn’t have done this. He should have known it would be a bad idea, it would be dangerous. He hoped his mom and Jisung knew he loved them. 
The laugh grew louder and Felix started backing up, preparing to run. Before he could move another muscle though, something invisible held him back and flames erupted from the middle of the circle he’d created. Tears sprung to his eyes as the flames grew higher, heating his skin. He was going to die. 
He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, willing himself to be strong. If he didn’t think, it would all be over soon. The earth would be rid of his stupidity and he would hopefully make it to the afterlife. But then the scalding heat of the fire was gone, and the room was cool again. 
But there was another presence. 
Felix felt a warm hand on his cheek and what felt like claws scraping along his skin. His heart thundered loudly against his chest. 
“Why do you look so scared, pretty? You did call for me, didn’t you?” 
Felix exhaled shakily and slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he did, he let out a gasp. The creature was mere inches away from his face and he was all parts beautiful and terrifying. His eyes were an inky black and they bored into his soul, swallowing him up. Black curly hair fell across his forehead and two blood-red horns jutted out from the top of his head, bending and curling at the ends. They were long and sharp and could probably kill a man in an instant. Kill him. 
Now that his eyes were open he could tell that what had felt like claws on his skin were claws. The skin on his hand went from a caramel tan to the same deep red that his horns were on his fingers which extended into sharp claws, like a lion’s. The creature was smiling at him too, and he had two sharp fangs that looked like they could tear into flesh like it was nothing. The mere sight sent chills of fear down Felix’s spine. 
“I…uhm,” Felix attempted, gulping. “W-what–who are you?” His voice sounded oddly airy and high for how deep it normally was. 
“You really summoned me without knowing that?” the creature asked, raising a condescending eyebrow at Felix. Felix’s hands clenched at his sides. “Well…I think it’s pretty obvious what I am. I’m a demon, if you haven’t guessed already,” he said, stroking Felix’s cheek with his clawed fingers. His stomach flipped, and it wasn’t from fear. “And I’ve been called many names over the centuries. But you can call me Chan.” His smile widened and Felix’s eyes were drawn to the dimples that formed on his cheeks, contrasting the rest of his terrifying appearance. 
“Chan,” Felix repeated with a meek nod. “I–so–” Felix wondered if the creature–demon–knew why he had called him in the first place. Because despite the fear rattling his bones and the anxiety twisting his stomach into knots, Felix was still oddly drawn to him. He had gorgeous tan skin and a body that looked like it had been sculpted by the ancient Greeks and oh–Felix just realized he was entirely naked. “Do you–do you know why I–why I asked you here?” 
Chan hummed, pulling back a bit as he thought. “No. Only you can know your intentions. So why do you want me here?” he asked, leaning in again. “Do you need revenge on someone? Protection? Was this just curiosity, maybe? Or foolishness.” He laughed and it twisted Felix’s insides deliciously. Oh he was so stupid. This was insane. He was insane. 
“None of those things, actually,” he said. His voice still quivered but he felt a little more confident. “I–I was attempting to summon an–an incubus,” he said. 
The demon’s eyebrows raised and his lips curved upwards into a smirk. “Oh…So that’s why.” He laughed again and shook his head. “Humans these days…so desperate we don’t even have to do any of the tempting.” 
Felix bit back an embarrassing whimper at that and his cheeks heated up. A demon–a fucking demon–was calling him desperate. If a creature of sin was telling him he was desperate then it must be true. And Felix would be lying if he said that didn’t make hot waves of arousal pool in his belly. 
He didn’t say anything as he watched Chan’s eyes roam over him, igniting his skin in flames hotter than the ones that had brought Chan there in the first place. “I was desperate,” he admitted, wetting his lips. “I couldn’t–I couldn’t find anyone who was good enough. I w-wasn’t satisfied,” he continued. “They were all too soft. Too gentle.” 
“Hm,” Chan hummed. The hand that was on Felix’s cheek slid down to cup the side of his neck. Felix’s pulse raced against his fingers. “And that made you desperate enough to summon a demon?” 
Felix swallowed and nodded quickly. Fuck it really did sound pathetic when it was said out loud. 
Chan looked over again, his black eyes scanning over his figure. He looked up again to meet Felix’s eyes. “Are you scared? You were shaking when I arrived.” 
He licked his lips. “Terrified,” he whispered. 
The grin the demon offered in response sent blood rushing to Felix’s cock and his legs shook. “Good,” he said lowly. “I wouldn’t be doing my job right if you weren’t scared.” He caressed Felix’s pulse point with his thumb. 
“And will you–” Felix took a deep breath to steady his voice. “Will you do what–what I summoned you for?” 
“Well I’m not an incubus,” Chan said, pursing his lips afterwards. Felix’s heart sank and then he felt the genuine feelings of fear returning because if he wasn’t here for that then– “But I’m never against indulging. Especially with a human as pretty as you…” 
Felix’s eyes widened. Chan smiled and put his other hand on Felix’s waist, digging his claws into his skin through his shirt. “You really should be one of the angels with how divine you look. Definitely not with a demon.” 
“Well looks can be deceiving,” Felix said with a sweet smile. “I might look pretty and innocent, but I really just want to get fucked.” And somehow the fact that this demon looked like he could tear him to pieces and take his soul only made the desire burn hotter. “Please. I called you here. I want it.” 
Chan’s eyes shifted in color slightly, a bit of a red glow burning underneath the black. It made Felix’s nerve endings tingle. “Are you sure you can handle that, pretty thing?” he asked. 
Felix bit his bottom lip and smiled. “Absolutely,” he said, even though his stomach swooped like it did when he was on a fair ride. He had gotten this far, he might as well continue. 
“We’ll see about that, won’t we?” He grinned, and before Felix could even muster a response, he was gripping his long hair and tilting his head back. Felix’s scalp stung and tears sprung to his eyes almost immediately but shit it felt good. He hadn’t even had time to process that sensation before the demon’s mouth was on his, immediately kissing him passionate and messy. Felix moaned and his lips parted, allowing Chan full access to his mouth. His tongue ran along his lips and dipped into his mouth, connecting with Felix’s tongue. His fangs scraped his bottom lip and it stung and he was pretty sure there would be blood, but that only added to the intensity of the kiss. He ravaged Felix’s mouth like no one had before, pulling low, needy moans out of him. The sounds of their lips sliding together filled the room and Felix’s own moans bounced around the walls, only muffled by the demon’s hot lips on his. 
Eventually Chan did pull away and Felix gasped for air, his chest rising and falling. He wondered briefly if demons needed to breathe, but he didn’t have much time to ponder because suddenly Chan picked him up, the muscles in his arms bulging–and then he tossed him onto the bed. A gasp was punched out of Felix that turned into a moan and his cock twitched at the display of strength. If there were two things he loved they were muscles and manhandling. 
The demon crawled over him on the bed, completely caging him in. He knew that he was completely at his mercy. And to anyone else, the sight of the ink-eyed, horned creature looming above them would be terrifying, but to Felix it was erotic. This creature was terrifying and he loved it. 
“Humans are so fragile,” Chan said with a slight pout. “I’ll make sure not to totally break you though.” He gave Felix a cocky smirk and he wanted to cry. He wanted to beg yes, please, please break me, break me so that I can’t ever think of anything else, ruin me, but he held his tongue. 
“Let’s get these off you. I want to see what you’re hiding under these silly garments.” 
The demon didn’t even bother trying to pull Felix’s shirt over his head. He simply hooked his claws around the collar and tore it right off in one swift motion. Felix’s hips jerked and he outright moaned. “Fuck–I’ve always wanted someone to just tear my clothes off me,” he whimpered. 
“It’s so sad that everyone else was too weak,” Chan responded. He settled for just tugging Felix’s sweatpants off, and he tossed them aside along with the remains of Felix’s shirt. Felix hadn’t been wearing any underwear, so once the pants were gone, he was completely naked. Chan licked his lips as he looked over Felix’s body and he put his hands on his chest. “Mm so pretty. Truly abnormally pretty for a human…you really could be an angel. I’m glad you’re not though.” he scraped his claws down Felix’s torso, over his nipples and down the ridges of his abdomen. “If you were an angel I couldn’t be doing this right now.” 
“I’m glad I’m not then,” Felix said. “Now please fuck me, fuck me so hard it hurts.” 
Chan grinned and his dimples did nothing to take away from how hungry and downright sinister his grin was. “Oh I intend to. But one thing first. Call me Master.” 
Felix gulped and wet his lips. “Okay. Master.”
He chuckled softly and squeezed his side, his claws digging into his side. “Perfect.” He then moved between Felix’s knees and nudged them apart then brought two fingers to his lips. “Open.” 
Felix opened his mouth dutifully and the demon slipped his two fingers inside. Felix let out a muffled moan as Chan pressed down on his tongue and slid his fingers back. He gagged when his claws touched the back of his tongue the sensation only served to make the sparks of arousal in his stomach turn into burning flames. 
“Good boy,” Chan hummed, removing his fingers, a trail of spit connecting his fingertips. Felix stared ahead dazedly, his head already feeling fuzzy from the cocktail of emotions he’d felt in the last ten minutes and the feeling of his steadily hardening dick. 
Chan grinned, fangs poking out over his plump bottom lip, and he slipped his fingers between Felix’s asscheeks. Felix shuddered as the tips of his fingers circled his hole and for a moment anxiety twisted in his gut because oh fuck the claws. The demon seemed to notice the change and he merely smiled, black and red eyes flickering. “Don’t worry, pretty human, it won’t hurt,” he promised. Felix watched as the claws on the demon’s fingers disappeared, retracting back as if he were a cat. It made a wave of relief wash over him and he spread his thighs. 
“Please. Please open me up, master,” Felix whimpered, the pitch of his normally deep voice raising a few octaves. 
“Impatient,” Chan hummed. He circled his hole for a second before pushing the first spit-slicked finger past his rim. Felix arched his back and let out a moan. Chan’s hands were hot, and with just one finger he felt like a volcano was erupting inside of him. Heat traveled up his stomach, through his chest, up his throat, and it burned deliciously. 
“Ah ah–more,” Felix gasped, rolling his hips to pull Chan’s finger deeper. Despite the fact that he had only used spit for lube there was hardly any burn at all. Must be some sort of demon magic. 
Chan leaned down and scraped his fangs across Felix’s thigh as he inserted a second finger and began to scissor the tight ring of muscle. Felix shuddered at the feeling, the feeling of the possible threat–the demon, so much stronger than him, sharp teeth tickling his soft, sensitive skin. He felt lightheaded from it all. 
A litany of moans filled the air as Chan scissored his fingers in and out of him and when he pressed them against his prostate, he cried out. The heat of his skin made the touch so much more intense and he wanted more, more. “M-master, master, please,” Felix begged. 
“Such a pathetic little thing, aren’t you?” Chan asked with a condescending coo. Felix licked his lips and looked up at the demon through hazy eyes. 
“Ye-yes,” he hiccupped. “‘M just desperate. Desperate to get fucked, master, please.” 
Sinful was definitely the correct way to describe this scene. Felix’s freckled skin was flushed all over and his cock was hard and leaking against his stomach. And he was begging a demon to fuck him and fill him up. 
“Fuck, I want to break you,” the demon groaned. He leaned between Felix’s spread thighs and opened his mouth and for a second Felix thought he was going to take his cock in his mouth, but instead he stuck his tongue out and let a drop of saliva fall down his crack. Felix moaned low in his throat at that and clutched the sheets. 
“Sh-shit,” he swore, hole clenching around Chan’s fingers. 
Chan smirked as he removed his fingers, only to use them to collect the saliva and push them back in with a third added to the mix. He began to fuck them in and out of him, rubbing against his prostate in a way that had him arching off the bed and moaning obscenely. It was probably loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Fuck. 
The demon’s tongue and teeth mapped out his body as he fingered him. Bite marks and dark purple bruises littered his skin like a painting. Some of them hurt, some stung, but it was so good. With every new bite Felix’s reddened cock twitched against his stomach. Chan was merciless with his touches. The sensations overwhelmed Felix’s senses, making his head spin and his limbs tingle. But he needed more. ‘S enough, can take it now, I can,” he whimpered as Chan pressed a fourth finger into his twitching hole. 
“Well I am quite eager to fuck you, angel,” Chan said with a smirk. Felix laughed dazedly at the irony of the nickname. There was nothing angelic about any of this, like the demon had already said earlier. 
Chan removed his fingers, leaving Felix’s hole gaping and clenching around nothing. He brought his hand to his own cock and the movement drew Felix’s eyes to it. And then he gasped. 
“Oh–fuck,” he muttered. He didn’t know why he hadn’t noticed before. Not only was his cock huge, it was covered in rows of rough ridges and bumps, unlike any cock Felix had ever seen. Then again, Chan wasn’t just some man. He was a demon. A monster. Fuck. “That’s–” 
“Oh?” Chan asked, tilting his head teasingly. “Does it scare you, pretty?” He gave his cock a few slow tugs and Felix gulped, shaking his head. 
“N-no, master,” he breathed. If anything, it made him even more eager. Shit, those bumps would drag along his walls and rub against his prostate and it would feel so good. So good. 
“Good,” the demon hummed. He jerked his cock a few more times before releasing it and suddenly he grabbed Felix by the hips and flipped him over in one motion. Felix let out a gasp followed by a whimper, unbelievably turned on by the simple action. 
“Shush, pretty. Or I won’t fuck you at all,” Chan growled. He gripped Felix’s hips and pulled him back so that he was on his knees with his chest pressed to the mattress. His claws were back and they dug into the sensitive skin of his hips. 
Felix swallowed thickly and a groan rumbled in his chest when he felt the tip of Chan’s dick press against his hole. He nearly opened his mouth to ask for more but then Chan was pushing inside him. His mouth fell open and a loud moan was punched out of him as Chan pushed himself all the way in. The ridges of his thick cock caught on his rim and pushed against his walls but it didn't hurt, it felt good. 
"F-fuck, master, please move," he gasped pathetically. 
Chan's grip on his hips tightened and he began moving, giving Felix no time to adjust. He fucked him animalistically, his hips smacking against Felix's ass so hard he knew it would bruise in the morning. The bumps on his cock brushed against his prostate with every thrust and Felix's eyes rolled back. Heat furled in his stomach and he could already feel himself getting close pathetically fast.
"Hnn–ah, aahhh–f-fuck m-master, m-more, hard–nghhh–harder!" he whined, arching his back more for the demon to fuck him deeper. It felt like he could feel him in his guts. 
Chan picked up his thrusts, ramming into him so hard it punched the air out of him. "That good enough for ya, huh?" He gritted, digging his claws harder into Felix's hips. He didn't even sound breathless. 
"Yes, yes! Aahh," Felix moaned. Drool ran down his chin as he lost all care for how he acted, so close already. 
Chan continued fucking him just like that, pushing into him deep and hard, filling him up and stretching his walls better than anyone ever had before. His cock ached as it bounced against his stomach with each thrust, precum dripping down it. Each thrust had him twitching. It was too much, but exactly what he had been needing. 
"I'm almost–I'm gonna–" Felix sputtered after a few minutes, barely able to form coherent sentences. Chan pounded into him at an unnatural pace, one that left him reeling. He could never be fucked by someone else again. 
"Come for me then, pretty. Make a sinful little mess of yourself," Chan groaned. 
And just like that, Feliz was coming with a long drawn out moan, covering his stomach in cum. Chan continued fucking him through his orgasm, the drag of his cock making Felix tingle with overstimulation. He let him continue though, and after another moment he was filling him up with his cum, letting out a low growl as he did. 
Felix barely registered anything after that. One moment he was awake, being filled to the brim, the next he was out. And when he woke again, the demon was gone. The only evidence being the countless bite marks, hickeys, and scratches on his skin. 
It almost seemed like a dream. And Felix wondered if that would be the end of everything. But as he was moving around and getting ready for the day, a brush of an invisible hand on his shoulder and a familiar disembodied chuckle told him that wouldn't be the last he'd see of the demon. 
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adachimoe · 16 days
Hello! Fairly recent follower here who has been rabidly consuming your various post about P4/Adachi. Thank you for sharing so many cool scans/resources and for providing insightful analysis! I was wondering, have you ever written up anything about Adachi's relationship with Dojima and Nanako--and if not, would you mind sharing your thoughts? I keep seeing people say he doesn't actually care which is kind of wild to me!
Hi there! Glad you enjoy the content!
To date, I've only posted about his relationship with Nanako and Dojima once before, and it's a breakdown of the brief line when he first introduces himself to Nanako and the protagonist at the Dojima house.
This line was unfortunately completely different in English. The line was rewritten, the delivery is very flat and unplayful; Adachi sounds more like he feels threatened/scared of Dojima. But the Japanese voice acting and what he's saying (pretending to be Dojima's wife lol) and the situation made me feel that, even in April, Adachi must have had some level of rapport with Dojima.
Like you, I've also seen some insane shit. E.g. "At the hospital, I bet Adachi leans over Dojima's bed and whispers about how he hopes Nanako dies"??? What the hell that is an insane take LMAO. I've also seen people say that Adachi's arc in Arena Ultimax and what he says about Dojima in his narration means that Adachi got "woobified". Which, like, what?
Honestly, a lot of this also seems to go hand in hand with people not understanding the plot of Persona 4. Some people walk away from this game thinking that Adachi is the one who put Nanako into the TV (???), or that Adachi "picked" Nanako to be on the TV and thus targeted by Namatame (???). Thus, they interpret him to be more antagonistic towards Dojima and Nanako. Persona fans are not beating the "can't read, didn't play the game" allegations.
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I think Adachi's relationship with Dojima and Nanako in the games can be described as, "Not really understanding what you have until it's too late". It's not something he necessarily sought out (e.g. he wants to be a hotshot detective with a hot wife, not "Dojima's Bud"), so he takes it for granted. After you beat up Adachi in the TV World and bring him out to Junes, his expression and inability to say anything when he finds out that Dojima hasn't completely given up on him really speaks for itself. And this continues into Arena Ultimax.
The 2010 Persona 4 audio drama also helps build upon his relationship with Dojima and Nanako. He is involved (and even pats himself on the back for his participation lol), yet at the same time, he also un-includes himself: When he tells the protagonist that he helped Dojima *spend time with his family*, it's like he is putting up a boundary between himself and them, counting himself outside of their family circle.
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Golden further builds on this with his Social Link and his new interactions with Nanako. He clearly cares enough to watch his mouth around Nanako, catching himself before he says something that might upset her. Plus the extended letter he sends at the end, he really does spell out that, "Wow I kinda miss you all now huh funny how that works".
And if you've not seen it yet, the Adachi Q&A from the Stalker Club has some meta answers from Atlus regarding why Adachi took to Dojima when he first came to Inaba. I get the impression that Adachi is not a person who has many people that care about him, or feels like there aren't many. Thus the gestures Dojima showed him -- especially after a low point in his life, having been transferred to a small city and all -- probably meant a lot to him.
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If you follow the line of thought about Adachi's cat / mouse game being bullshit, his real goal being ruining Namatame's life, and him not ever watching the Midnight Channel, then Adachi's Social Link seems complimentary to the sequence of events on November 5th.
Under this lens, it would mean that Adachi doesn't know Nanako was on TV, and he understands (or has assumed) that the Investigation Team have been saving people but he doesn't quite know the precise details. Naoto calls and reveals that Nanako is gone. Adachi shows some hesitancy towards Dojima jumping to action, and he's hesitant to let the Investigation Team go. But he does eventually cave and lets them leave. Not just because he wants them to find Namatame (which would be beneficial to him), but also because he now understands what's happened and knows that Nanako is in danger.
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On the flip side, I'm not huge on the Golden anime's depiction of Adachi which puts a great deal of emphasis on his relationship with the Dojima family. While his relationship with them is certainly an undeniably important part of his character in general, the Golden anime changes his character in a way that I don't vibe with.
"Adachi willingly goes into the TV World without being exposed as the murderer due to feeling guilty about Nanako getting involved" is a very different character than "Dipshit suffocating in society while trying to get away with murder so he can still belong to society". Really, the Society!! thing, and how he just seems to feel stuck in the adult world; not advancing but not removing himself either, is a major factor as to why I like his character, and I feel that aspect of him was completely removed/downplayed/something for the anime.
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Like, I found these 3 panels from the Persona 4 manga (which also adds in some emphasis on Adachi's relationship with Dojima and Nanako) to be more effective and poignant than whatever the Golden anime was trying to do. Even just the top panel by itself tells a story that someone might be able to discern things from without knowing anything about Persona 4. It is absolutely possible to depict this aspect of Adachi without fundamentally rewiring him.
Anyway this got long lol. Thanks for the ask!
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frogserotonin · 2 years
Hii, could you do an Anthony lockwood x reader where they just have a nice chill day. They are together and have nothing to do so they just stay in bed all day sharing Stolen kisses, words of affirmation, cuddling, talking, bed hair, morning voice, makeout?
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y'all don't understand this is so different from what i write on ao3 for my other fandom, i am an angst machine there, all of these fluff requests are terrifying bc idk how to write fluff 😭(/lh dw i still love writing them)
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as long as you're next to me(just the two of us)- anthony lockwood x reader
(@citizen-01, @gibby31)
a/n: hope i could do justice to what u wanted!! was just listening to beabadoobee when writing this lmao warnings: none??? unedited, kissing ig, idk cursing?? ooc
Waking up in the morning wasn’t something you enjoyed all that often, the prospect of another day not that appealing when the Problem was still a prominent…problem issue. You’d never grow tired of waking up to the sight of Lockwood next to you though, limbs shot out in all directions-and yet always with an arm over you. Sometimes he’d have a little frown on his face when he was very deeply asleep that made you coo and smile so widely it hurt your cheeks. To be fair, who could blame you?
Waking up this morning was no different from most for you, a flash of disappointment at the world around you, and then giddiness at the realisation of Lockwood’s arm being slung around your torso and the most adorable fucking frown on his lips. You sigh happily, sitting up slightly, careful not to move his arm from its place. You glance at the clock on the bedside table-7:36am- dismiss it because it’s cold as shit, and weave your fingers into his hair, stroking his head and humming a song you don’t remember the name of. Today is a good day, a free day. Lucy will probably stay in bed until 9 and then make herself some toast, a cup of tea and then head back to bed and draw with the radio on. George won’t be up until around the same time, going to the kitchen to grab a pastry, make some tea and then bury himself in research about the Problem. 
If he could help it Lockwood would probably not awaken for another couple hours also. Unless you moved. He’d probably wake up to drag you back to bed to cuddle with him then.
You wouldn’t be opposed to that actually. 
Slowly you remove your hand from his hair, and then his arm from around you, letting out a small huff of laughter when he immediately moves it back, although still very unconscious. You swing a leg out from the quilt and place it on the (really fucking cold) floor, allowing for the majority of your weight to shift to that side. His other hand shoots out and grabs yours. For a couple seconds all you can pick up is incomprehensible mumbling, and then-
“Darling, come back.” It was a miracle you didn’t swoon, the nickname and the morning voice were a lethal combination. More grumbling and then he cracked an eye open and offered you a hopeful grin. “Please?”
Wow. How are you even alive anymore? It’s like your heart is simultaneously beating faster than humanly possible, and not at all. 
You feel his arms completely embrace you and drag you into them. He props himself up on one elbow and kisses your forehead, whispering a ‘good morning’ onto it and then attacking the rest of your face with lazy kisses, his other arm still securely hugging you to him.
“How’re you so pretty after having just woken up?” he asks, and it sounds so curious and genuine, you almost melt, right there and then. 
“I should ask you.” You try to play off how completely smitten you are by bantering with him, “Your morning hair is gorgeous dear.” you giggle at the hand that shoots up to try and smooth it down. It doesn’t work but you don’t particularly want to tell him, simply dragging his arm back down to cuddle you again. 
You lay together, you in his arms and his chin resting on the top of your head, for a little while, simply enjoying each other's presence. You turn around, burrowing yourself further into the blankets-because it really is fucking cold as balls, far out-and you wrap your arms around his middle. Neither of you are quite sure when you started kissing or who started kissing who but neither of you were planning on pulling away first.
Kissing Anthony Lockwood was many things. Sometimes it was rushed and breathtaking, like after a particularly terrifying case, when he’d push his lips to yours with a certain sort of vigour, reassuring himself of your stable and safe condition. Sometimes it was heated and intoxicating, deep kisses that doused you in gasoline and lit you aflame. 
These kisses are slow and idle, just the both of you enjoying the feel and existence of each other. You feel like you’re floating, tethered only by the feeling of his lips on yours. You’re infinite in his arms, your hands have found their way back to his hair, running your fingers through his hair. He pulls away and kisses the tip of your nose.
“You’re absolutely stunning.” His eyes lock with yours and his voice is hoarse and breathless from the kissing but still gravelly from having recently woken up. “You deserve everything and anything you so desire and I will go to the ends of the earth to provide you with that.” You kiss him again, just once, but it's hard and full of as much love as you can convey.
“I think that everything I want at all in this world is right here.”
“That is disgustingly adorable.” His smile is all the stars in a clear night sky.
“Thanks', I try.”
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arcade-chaos · 8 months
Tongue Tied Valentine
Sun/Moon x reader (a bit sun centric, sorry sorry), they/them reader no use of Y/N.
Warnings: light self bondage, nothing overtly suggestive beyond a joke or two
Notes: late but still (technically) on time! Recycled drabble from a different idea, thank the aces for voting for fluff lmao. Enjoy!
Really they should’ve expected this hectic outcome. Valentine's day for children was nothing more than an excuse to eat as much candy as physically possible, maybe one or two trying to slip extra special spider man themed cards to their crushes only to run away screaming when that same crush came close. A time for chaos and lots of red confetti, but the attendants seemed to have gone a bit more… overboard than they had initially anticipated.
Sure, the kids had their little mailboxes set up made from tissue boxes and googly eyes, most of them had ended up dinosaur themed after one kid had an idea everyone wanted to copy. They littered the tables in little rows, surrounded by paper flowers, ribbons, confetti- it looked like they had both ignored charging in favor of stringing every inch of the place in reds and pinks.
“So so do you like it??” Sun bounced out from the chaos, spinning them around until the colors meshed together.
“It's very you Sunny-” They snorted, swaying as he held their shoulders upright.
“Good good good- Charline I said no slime in the ballpit!- I wish you had gotten to see it before they were ruined but-”
“Sunny it's okay, they look great!” His eyes darted over to one or two torn streamers about the room, before snagging on yet another rowdy child climbing into a slide.
“Timmy that’s not how we play on the slide!” He patted their arm in a soft apology before running over, not before the kid was flushed out by two more kids sliding down into him. The only one to seem particularly bothered by it was Sun, who was careful to check them all for bruises before letting them run off. They watched for a moment before wandering towards the tables, eyeing the piles of candy in each box as they passed by, more out of curiosity than anything.
They paused near one of the tables, where their box sat with the one Sun made, painted half blue and half yellow with a little divider section for each of them. There were one or two in their box, mostly from the kids whose parents seemed to enjoy chatting with them, but the attendants' boxes were nearly empty, save for a clearly recycled doll themed valentine someone had taken the candy from. It made sense, they supposed, most of the adults only counted the kids in the daycare for their purchasing, why buy candy or stickers for a robot. It still made them feel sad, they had worked so hard to decorate and make little cards for each of the children, it was clear they really loved this holiday. With a firmer step now they marched to the desk, settling down with a few sticky notes to sketch out some plans.
If I run to the drug store on my break I can probably get some stickers… Maybe one of those giant plushies or something- it would take the whole break but maybe if I get someone to cover put down for me- They shuffled the papers as Sun came back into view, carting one of the younger kids away from a particularly rowdy game of tag. He sat her down gently at the table and offered some crayons, sitting on the floor nearby to color with her as he watched the game progress. He paused while shifting, glancing down at the boxes in the center of the table with a strangely still expression. He was pulled out of that thought by the little girl waving a crayon at him, demanding his addition to her drawing. They sighed as he cooed over it, clearly he was disappointed. They both deserved something special, if only they had remembered in time.
As if sensing the momentary distraction from their caretakers the kids began to shout, two in need of help with a shelf, one climbing up the netting, and another yelling at them for doing so. Sun took off to pull the kid down while they distributed plastic food to the children, who immediately launched into playing El Chips, whining when the assistant tried to walk away to help another kid tie their shoes. There wasn’t a moment to sit let alone think, by the time the lights dimmed they had only managed to grab a small handful of glitter vials and a single pair of craft scissors, not even the pair they wanted.
“Alright little comets, gather up now.” Moon hummed, pulling them away from their games and the shadowy corners of the playground. It didn’t stop them from bouncing about, even trying to enforce the no candy until after lunch time rule had its breakers. “Settle, or you won't hear the very special story we have prepared! And to think I worked so hard on it…” The kids shouted in protest before being hushed, settling into a lump in the story area. Just when they thought they could slip away Moon’s arm was around their waist, pulling them over to a stack of puppets. “Just follow my lead.” He murmured, ignoring the oohs and awws of the children at the display. Moon was a natural at leading the show, leaving them to improv with their own puppets as his screamed in terror at the fierce dragon on display. As the moondrops kicked in and the kids got sleepy it drifted into a calmer romance, the kids clapping as the handsome knight kissed the dragon and they bowed into their happily ever after back on the pile.
“Nighty night.” He called, his fingers curling as the ones still awake echoed his words. They glanced at the clock and winced, at this rate they’d never be able to make it to any store, let alone one carrying last minute valentines. “You should eat something starlight.” Moon chided, pushing them towards the door gently. “I’ve got them.”
“Thanks Moonie. I’ll be back before lights on, okay?” They knew how lonesome he got, only allowed a few precious hours together. His grin widened, his head spinning around before swaying upside down.
“I look forward to it.”
The rest of the plex was faring no better. The area just outside the daycare pickup was flocked with parents and couples, flooding around specially themed displays of the glamrocks. The music pouring over the speakers was cute, if not a little goofy, of Freddy covering some song old enough to be cheap but not too old as to be irrelevant. After pushing past a couple hundred people they managed to get into one of the breakrooms, seldom staffed by people.
“Happy day before half off chocolate day.” Quinn joked, his jazz hands making their grin no wider.
“Why are there so many peopleeeeeeee??” They groaned, feeding a few quarters into the machine for a drink.
“Special concert, with bonus chocolates from your fav if they're willing to shill. And boy howdy are they shilling.”
“I don’t suppose they have any kind of plushie option huh?” Quinn eyed them, the corner of their mouth twitching into a smirk before being covered.
“I don’t think so but I can bother em. They’d probably be glam themed anyhow, none of your precious boys I’m afraid.” He snorted as they choked, both of them ending up coughing.
“Oh shush, it’s for them not about them!”
“Ohh? Finally making a move then-”
“No no, I’m sure it’s totally above board, no need to worry about little ol me.” They groaned, rifling through the snack supplies Coral usually restocked. Cheez-its are basically lunch right?... I just wont tell them. They glanced over as Quinns watch beeped, one of the Monty themed ones he always had, they were pretty sure those weren’t standard for mechanics but hey, what did they care.
“They said no generic plushies, most of them are over fivty bucks anyhow- what the FUCK”
“Christ-” They groaned, fighting the urge to recalculate their budgeting on a napkin. A hundred bucks would put them way under their needs anyways.
“You could always make em something, don’t your boys have crafts n shit there?”
“I’ve been trying but the kids are being well- kids- and I doubt they’ll get better after naptime.”
“Mm. Maybe try online? There’s probably a million broke or forgetful valentines going down the same rabbit hole.” They nodded, waving as Quinn quickly stood to walk out.
“What do you MEAN he got two??” Chica’s snickering through the watch was loud enough to hear even as he left them wallowing, scrolling through stolen pins for a glimpse of an idea. Most of the listicles had more time than they did, lots of paper crafts and yarn. Those that weren’t offering crafts had less Faz-bear approved recommendations, most of which sounded like a sensory hell and a sticky nightmare. Although…
“Moonie psst.”
“You don’t have to whisper.” Moon mumbled, trying his best to keep his folds straight and careful.
“Sorry sorry, but maybe there's more paper in our stash upstairs-”
“I checked upstairs sunshine, this is the last of it.” They really should’ve watched the stock before letting the kids go ham on their mailboxes, there was hardly any glitter left and most of the glue sticks had been dried out by neglect.
“Under the mattress too?”
“You used those for snowflakes, remember?” Sun whined inside their skull, Moon was sure if he was up front he’d be pulling at their face. “It’ll be alright, we just have to be careful with this paper.”
“But its already crinkled!! It needs to be perfect- did you see how upset they looked?? There was hardly anything in their box- and they worked so hard on it!!” Moon sighed, placing the paper down so he could pull his knees tighter.
“I thought I’d have more time. Maybe that play was a mistake.” Half of the kids had tried to wake up, most of them after one kid had a particularly sour nightmare about being hunted down by a hungry dragon.
“Hush, you did great!! It’s not your fault I should’ve watched the clock more- we can always take down some of the ribbons if we need more paper-”
“No no, you said it yourself, we have to make this one perfect.”
They really wished their luck would’ve held out, as though stuck by Apollo himself the rest of their day was spent chasing the kids as they switched between hide and seek and trying to tag each other with ‘cooties’- in this case just some kids making kissy noises. Better than a licked palm they supposed. The attendants seemed just as tired, racing around trying to distract them with calmer activities that were pushed away in favor of more games, even a movie couldn’t settle them down. By the time it had simmered down most of the kids were gone, the last usual wave of parents sneaking closer as they both tried to get a head start on cleaning. Luckily the last few were enraptured by a game of house vs house, with a storyline too convoluted to even try to follow. Sun seemed even more anxious by the moment, glancing up at the clock as though he didn’t have an internal time sensor, waiting for the parents to pick up their kids and their pounds of candy.
“Moooom!” One of them shouted, waving through the window as a few parents made their way past the departing crowd.
“Can you get them for me Sunny? I’ll clean up the crafts area for you.”
“Okie dokie!” They both perked up, Sun skipping off to greet them as they shifted and brushed crayons into the box. A roll of white ribbon sat partially unspooled, allowing them to roll it before slipping it into the apron pocket. They could’ve sworn there was a pink one, but white would be good enough.
“I’ll be over here cleaning the house! Feel free to relax, starlight!” They swallowed their nerves, watching as he disappeared around a corner.
“Can do!” Bingo. They were careful to duck behind the desk, carefully cutting strips of ribbon with the safety scissors as their face heated up. It would be fine, the two had been begging for a sleepover for a while now, surely the metaphorical “I’m your valentines gift” gesture could be translated to a friendly sleepover right? “Hey Sunny?”
“Y- Yes star??” They swallowed down their nerves, tiptoeing towards the hidden door leading up to their room.
“I have a surprise for you- if you want! Both of you? I mean-” They struggled, palming at the knob as they crept around the corner of the frame.
“Oh!! Us too- I mean we for you- I mean-”
“Oh! Cool! Um, is it okay if we meet in your room?”
“Yeah! Just give us a second, okay?”
“Mhm!” They practically leaped up the stairs, trailing their hands along the rail as they tried to keep the wonky bow intact. A lot of the sites for looking up knots weren’t allowed by the plex’s wifi, but as long as they weren’t strained it would be just fine.
“Starlight?” Sun called from beyond the tube, shifting around the opening.
“In here!”
“Oh good good. Could you close your eyes for me reaaal quick? I want this to be perfect.”
“Sure! Sure… Actually, we could both close our eyes and do it at the same time maybe?”
“Yes! Yes, perfect.” They tried not to shiver as he snuck inside, jingling as he nearly tripped over their mess. “Okay okay… On three?”
“Happy valentines-” They both froze up. They were practically mirror images, Sun’s own ribbon in yellow making him hold his hands out in front of him. They swayed for a moment before breaking into a grin, both of them laughing as they struggled to stay standing.
“Looks like we both had the same idea, huh?” Sun giggled, settling on the cushion on the floor.
“I suppose so! I meant to make you a really good one, honest, but the day went so fast and… Well…”
“It’s alright Sunny, I blanked too.” They settled close, their cheeks burning as they shifted. “I um. I was going to offer to sleepover tonight- if you wanted-”
“Really?!” he jumped, his arms looping over them to trap them both in the ribbon. “Oh we would love that!! We can watch movies and play games- I just got a new one, a really really good one I promise!”
“Sounds good! Uh, Sunny?”
“I uh. I’m kinda stuck.” They glanced up as he straightened, his rays twitching for a moment as he thought.
“I have no clue how to untie this.” They snorted, their forehead smacking into his chestplate. “Don’t laugh! Moonie tied them all weird!”
“Lemme see, maybe I can get you untied without the scissors.” They shifted, managing to wiggle out of their bonds before trailing their fingers along his arm. The repeated transition of silk to metal was soft against their touch, Sun’s chest whirring as he watched them slowly mull over the knots. If their eyes lingered for a bit too long, or took a bit more time than needed, he wasn’t complaining. Not while he had his valentine.
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sadbigemini · 2 months
SUPERNATURAL MY BELOVED!!! Sorry, lol... I have some SPN fic prompts today. Let's get started!
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What If Dean Winchester Killed John Before The Pilot?
I saw this post talk about how the initial pilot script implied that Dean killed John instead of hunting down Yellow Eyes (Azazel).
And like just imagine!
John went 'too far' (Dean's opinion) in his abuse and Dean had to kill him. But he felt guilty even after everything that the bastard did to him and Sammy. And he couldn't be alone bc what is Dean Winchester without family, without a purpose?? 😭
So, he went to Stanford and told Sammy that Dad was on a hunting trip.
What if Sam knew? Whether it be from the moment Dean said something or he figured it out during the first hunt (the White Woman/Weeping Woman).
But he let Dean have his whole charade bc he knew he was working through his guilt or for some other reason??? Idk
Also in the post was during their 'first' meeting Cas was like "Dean Winchester I need you to help me kill my father" and like that can happen too lmao
It would be interesting
What if John Winchester died instead of Mary Winchester?
Patchwork Souls (title rec)
John went into the nursery instead because Mary was going to follow through with the deal she made with Azazel.
Mary would still want revenge against the demon though. Especially since she only agreed that she wouldn't enter the nursery and demons are all about technicality. Only when it doesn't apply to themselves apparently (meaning John's entry shouldn't have mattered, Yellow Eyes could have just teleported away).
So, I think she would start hunting again but she would definitely not let her grief control her. Like someone else we know (side-eyes John 😒).
Now I'm going off of Past Mary's personality bc I hate Brought Back Mary (or whatever you wanna call her lol).
Mary raises the boys and still teaches them to hunt but only for self-defense and as a precaution.
She doesn't take Dean on a hunt until he's like sixteen maybe eighteen and only because he wants to. Same with Sam. She also starts them out easy.
Dean definitely would have probably tried hunting on his own tho.
Bobby or Ellen would watch them a lot when Mary went on hunts.
Would that mean that Ellen's husband is still alive??? Whatever you want ig?
She would never leave them alone in a motel until Dean is like at least fourteen. And she would always leave them with enough money. Even if there wasn't quite enough for herself.
But when she wanted to spend some time with her boys she would hand off the case to someone else through Bobby or Ellen.
Jo would be like their little sister and Ash would be like their weird brother lmao
Bobby kinda became like a father figure to Mary and a grandfather like figure to the boys (don't get me started on that while weird relationship in the show please).
Mary makes money by becoming a private detective and solves mostly supernatural crimes. Sometimes it's just cheating husbands.
But when work is slow she works at the Roadhouse for extra cash and also hustles the hunters there.
Bobby/Jody or Jody/Donna??
Dean/Castiel in the future?
Mary encouraged Sam to pursue his dreams of a more normal safe life and becoming a lawyer. She also encouraged Dean's dreams of becoming a hunter even if she wishes he chose a different route.
The story might start with Mary being kidnapped because the demons want the colt? And Dean pulls Sam away from his more apple pie life to find her. Or maybe she went dark because she caught Yellow Eyes’ (Azazel’s) trail?
Maybe she wants to shield her boys from the demon and try to keep them safe?
What about John's deal with Azazel? Would Mary make it instead? Or would that not happen??
Dad Bobby ♡
Bobby adopts the Winchester boys legally.
When Bobby meets the Winchesters he's reminded of his father and he does something about it.
First he goes to rehab, talks to Dean (first about John not his plan yet, when he does it's a year after Dean was sent to the boy's home), starts getting friendlier with the locals, and asks Ellen and some hunters to help fix up his house. Making it not look so blatantly like a hunter's.
They hide it all in his panic room which he then makes a secret passage to so the social worker won't see it. But he keeps his guns locked up in his room.
He also takes a step back from hunting but still helps from pretending to be a FBI superior to giving hunting advice to finding hunts for others to help research lore. He focuses on his car business.
SPN has so SO many plot holes ranging from big to small so some the ages for certain things have been changed.
So, Dean went to the boy's home at 14 instead of 16. Sam was 10. Sam learned about monsters when he was 8 like in canon. Dean learned about them a little younger maybe. Currently Dean is 15 and Sam is 11???
The FBI Has A Secret Task Force Of Hunters
Supernatural and Criminal Minds crossover!!
Dean and Sam are forced to join if they don't want to go to jail. They'd also get paid a salary and have more stability. But it throws the Winchester brothers into a whole new world.
They have mandatory therapy and training tho– HA!
They'd also probably have to share their knowledge and train agents. Obviously the BAU is assigned to them.
So, the BAU works with them and gets brought into a whole new world too.
Maybe Bobby joins later and helps recruit more hunters, so they all could get paid or???
The new hunters have to probably pass a psych eval and stuff though, so???
OH MY GOD CHARLIE AND GARCIA!!!! they would bond over their VERY similar pasts and their VERY similar personalities! Dead parents bc of a car crash? Check. Sunshine nerdy personality? Check. Fangirls? Check. Tech geeks who dabbled in the illegal side of things? Check. Bright colors? Check. Fruity? Check.
Sam and Reid!
Sam And Emily!!
Sam and JJ!!!
OMG Rossi would uncle the hell out of them and I think Bobby would be jealous lmao but they would probably become drinking buddies.
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thedoodlenoodle14 · 16 days
Ok sooo...a cool person ( @regretfullyrave ), convinced me to create a post about a few of my OCs for my future murder drones AU called "It lives on Ebony 8" and welll.....here it is! XD
I'll also first say that my AU takes place on a completely different Exoplanet called Ebony 8 (which instead of being ice and snow is mostly just forest and rivers, no oceans tho, unfortunately), but still used to be inhabited by humans before the disassembly drones attacked 😅
But, here's a list of my MD OCs! :3 or at least, the OC's I think are most important XD
1. Xane- Grumpy boi Xane! XD Before he was sent to earth, he, as well as two other disassembly drone ocs, Beta and Green, had a virus implanted within them which became known as "The Dark Matter infection" (which sort of gave Cyn an easy access to, not take them as hosts, but use them as puppets instead). Although Xane loves to fight, he hates to fight when controlled by Cyn and wishes to find a cure.
Other than that, Xane may seem pretty threatening, but deep down he's a big softie (he won't admit it tho XD)
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2. Eric- Eric is my worker drone oc, and possibly the main character of my AU 👀 his parents once studied the disassembly drones and the The Dark Matter infection and after their death, Eric continued their work, but also befriended Xane and helps to find a cure for him.
Eric is smart, but not a very good fighter XD but he's kind and willing to give second chances. He finds disassembly drones way more fascinating than scary too lol
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3. Green - (creative name, I know TvT) Just like Xane, Green also has the Dark Matter infection. When she landed on Ebony 8, she took a lot of damage. Her weapon system was damaged beyond repair, leaving her somewhat defenceless. However, without her weapon system, she couldn't easily overheat, meaning she didn't have a need to kill worker drones for oil. She actually ended up befriending a worker drone colony and becoming sort of a protector of them. Green is pretty chill and laid back tho and not overly dramatic like Xane XD
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4. Beta - Once again, he has the Dark Matter infection too 😅 he's still a character I'm developing, but from what I can say, he's a pretty jumpy and paranoid dude and always nervous. And his best friend is a cat called Milo! :3 (Beta is a major cat person XD)
(I don't have an updated design for him yet 😅)
5. M - M is the leader of one of the disassembly drone squads (Xane's ex-squad too). She...uh...also killed Eric's parents...heh....😅 M is also kind of in love with Xane (despite Xane not feeling the same way at all XD), but M is pretty much a psychopath. However, I do want to continue developing her and perhaps giving her some motivations to her actions. Like...I know M is pretty evil...but I do believe she might be capable of change somehow.....just gotta keep developing her character 😅
(I also don't have an image for her yet XD)
6. Cortex - one of my newer Ocs, who was originally a worker drone, but I changed him to a disassembly drone instead XD He's M's twin brother, but I haven't developed a solid backstory or personality for this character yet. All I can say I that...he's not at crazy as M 😅 I'm still also trying to decide whether he would be a villain or not, but I have been thinking of giving him a similar role to J in some way.
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As an added bonus, here's a little concept of Cortex when he was still a worker drone in development 👀
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But yea...those are just the OCs that I think are pretty important in my AU so far :D they're all a work in progress and will probably change over time (except Xane, of course) :3
Also, go follow @regretfullyrave. They're cool! :3 And I also don't wanna get charged for tax evasion by W lmao
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moralina · 2 years
Summary: JJ decides to take you on an unusual date, and maybe you should've known that with him you could possibly end the night running away from security.
Warnings: nothing to do with the poem except for the title and i thought it'd be a great way to cut the scenes with lmao, also quickly edited, wanted to write more but also wanted to post this today. fem!reader.
Wc: 1.5k
My latest jj blurb
Not my gif
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Wild nights - Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
Our luxury!
Your feet met the slippery grass with a thud, making you slightly lose your balance but quickly adjusting your footing back as soon as his hands touched yours. 
"Where are we going?" you asked, hands pulling at the sleeves of your sweater trying to find warmth within. "I'm not complaining but i'd rather stay under my warm and soft blankets, y'know"
"it's worth it, i promise." he whispered even though there was no need to. Your parents were gone for a week, letting you by yourself while they visited some distant family member who you've never really met. "now c'mon" 
his right hand closed around yours, pulling your arm and bringing you with him to the parked van on the other side of the street.
"jj" you whined, sounding too much like a child but too cold to really care. 
"it's warm in the van" 
You hummed, still dreaming about your comfortable bed. 
Yesterday you had agreed to go on a date with jj - your first official date - but it didn't cross your mind to check the weather. How would you have guessed tonight would be as freezing as the inside of a freezer, when just yesterday night you were wearing a bikini and chilling in JB's backyard with the rest of your friends, relaxing in the warmth of the night. 
However, the weather betrayed you, and decided to suddenly change drastically on the exact day you and jj decided would be your date night.
"Ohmygod." You exhaled a breath of relief, relishing in the slightly warmer atmosphere of the van. 
After a few moments of staring and smiling like a fool in love, jj started the van. 
Futile - the winds -
To a Heart in port -
Done with the Compass -
Done with the Chart!
"That's our date?"
"C'mon baby! A kook's pool all to ourselves? It's the dream!" "They have a heat pump!" His eyebrows wiggled and you stared, not really sold
"No" you shook your head "no no no- jj, if we get caught we're screwed."
"Yeah but we won't."
"And how are you so sure?"
"The cameras stopped working after the storm last week and they haven't changed them yet" he spoke matter of factly "plus, there's no one taking care of the house, they're basically asking for it" you deadpanned and he smirked. 
Typical jj behavior, you thought to yourself, should've expected it.
How on earth did you fall for this reckless boy?
"Hey, be fun at least once in your life." He said, poking your side with his index finger
"Excuse me, i am fun." 
"Keep telling yourself that." He mumbled and you huffed a laugh, eyeing him up and down 
"If the cops get us-" you started saying, slowly getting closer to him "i'll throw you to the lions and run as fast as i can"
"Deal!" He exchanged his arm, a cocky grin on his face
After jumping over the gate with jj's help you waited for him to do the same, eyes traveling around the huge backyard. You've never seen a pool so big in your life. Its was probably the size of your house.
"Those kooks, man." You muttered as jj appeared beside you.
"Yeah." He said, also taking a moment to look around the whole place.
"How did you know about this?"
"I cut their grass last week" he shrugged, "heard someone talking about the security cameras not working." 
"Oh so then you decided it'd be a good idea to just… break in?"
"Yes." He said casually. 
You rolled your eyes, but followed him nonetheless as he started walking towards the pool. 
"Even the air feels different here." 
His comment made you laugh. He wasn't necessarily wrong. Everything felt different on figure eight. Didn't mean it was better, though.
"What are you doing?" You hushed when you noticed jj taking off his sweater
"What do you think im doing?" You lifted a brow quizzically "i'm not getting into the pool with my clothes on now, am i?" 
"Yeah, but it's free-"
"Freezing, i know, i know." His sweater was thrown aimlessly to the side "But the moment i turn this pretty thing on it'll be like a huge jacuzzi, baby!" 
You waited for him to do exactly that, and when the water seemed to be at a decent temperature you began to take off your shirt. However, your eyes wined when you glanced at jj and he was moments away from getting all of his clothes off.
All of it.
"Jj" you hissed "what. Are. You. Doing!?"
"I thought skinny dipping would be more romantic." He winked before finally discarding his sweatpants and underwear to the side 
Not even a second later he started running, and before jumping straight to the water he let out the loudest scream he could master.
"We're fucked." You breathed out.
Definitely the whole neighborhood heard that, and then security would get here and see you and your-not-yet-official naked boyfriend 
"Are you planning to run away from the cops with your thing dangling between your legs?" You questioned when his head finally came back to the surface
He chuckled at your comment, once again too loudly for your liking.
"I'll give them a show, princess." His hand ran through his wet hair and something inside you clicked. The urge to throw him against the pool walls and kiss him for hours being stronger than anything else "Now get in the water." 
You hesitated, but decided to go against your gut feeling, and I guess be fun for once in your life.
When your left foot touched the warm water you allowed yourself to breathe normally again, not noticing how your breath seemed shallow before. 
Slowly, you entered the pool, your underwear getting soaked in the process. You decided not to follow jj's idea for at least this one thing. You were not getting into someone else's pool naked. And you were not going to run from the cops naked either.
Rowing in Eden -
Ah - the Sea!
Might I but moor - tonight -
In thee!
"Get back here!"
"It was nice seeing you again, Carl!" Jj waved at the poor security guard. 
As he ran in front of you, with his pants worn inside out, and his shirt not making all its way through covering his torso, was definitely a funny site, but as much as you wanted to laugh, you also needed air to keep on running.
A scream of joy left his lips and you felt so much adrenaline running through your body. Something you only really felt with jj. I mean, he was the one always dragging you around and making you participate in his wild plans. 
"You're too slow!" He screamed, momentarily looking behind him to see you running a few meters behind. 
"I'm not used to running from the cops as much as you!" You exclaimed, extending your arm forward so he could grab onto you and take you with him.
When he caught your hand you almost fell to the ground, losing your balance, once again this night, for a short second, but your legs were quick to catch on to his speed.
You only stopped running when you reached the sand. The beach was dark at this time of night, a few lights coming from the street that weren't enough to illuminate the open space.
"That was-" you heaved, trying to speak but also catching your breath
"Amazing? Thrilling? The best night of your life?!"
"It's a way to put it, yeah." You nodded your head, mouth open still trying to even your breathing.
"Did you like it?" Jj asked after a moment of silence, speaking up once again after you gave him a questioning look "our date. Did you like it?"
"It was… something." You laughed. 
Definitely an adventure. It made you feel more alive than ever, but you wouldn't say that aloud, not wanting to give jj more motivation to take you to any more fun dates
"Something good or…" he trailed off.
You couldn’t see it, mostly because he wouldn't show it, but jj was nervous. He wanted to give you a memorable date. You've already gone out thousands of times together. Sometimes only the two of you, other times as a group with all of the pogues, but you never called it a date. Before tonight your relationship didn't have a label, and he really wanted it to have. He wanted you to be his girlfriend, and he wanted to be your boyfriend. 
So yeah, it was kind of a stressful night and maybe he went too far, but hey, you had the biggest smile on your face right now. You didn't look mad. Not one bit.
"Good." You told him finally
"Good" he repeated, feeling his muscles relax.
"But we're not doing this again."
"Yup! Definitely… not doing this again."
"What? You have my word."
"Yeah, no. Definitely not trusting that."
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A/n: im so anxious rn, you guys have no idea. Anyway, did this so fast I'll probably edit it again when i wake up tomorrow oof
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parkkiablah · 11 months
theres a lot of zevlor fics out there with an age gap btwn him and tav, but i'd like to see your take with him being in a relationship with tav who is around his age (or even older lmao).
maybe the both of them have given up on finding the person they want to settle down with. tav's party members act was wingmen to get a more pessimistic and grumpy tav to finally shoot their shot. (they all have seen they way the two of them look at eachother, its almost worse than watching two teenagers trying to confess to each other.)
(Thank you so much for your request!! 🧡 I loved the idea and just had to write this at work rn 😂 (don't tell anyone)
I hope you enjoy reading!)
'You feel like home.' (Zevlor x Tav)
When you arrived at the grove and you saw Zevlor knock out Aradin with a single punch, you knew you would like him.
He had worry and anger written on his face, mad about Aradin getting his people in danger and you could perfectly understand him.
Talking to him felt easy, both understanding each other perfectly. You weren't sure if it is due to you being around the same age than him or not, but you both understood life. The troubles it brings, the worries for the people you wanted to protect and the anger at anyone bringing danger to it.
You often found yourself in conversation with him, feeling comfortable whenever you heard his voice.
After defeating the goblins and bringing back Halsin you were sad you had to leave the tieflings company.
You made it your goal to meet them again when you arrived to Baldur's Gate but you weren't aware what to expect on your way there. The shadow cursed lands were worse than you expected and when you noticed the familiar tieflings on the ground, only imagining the fight that happened, you were alarmed. The few people at Last Light Inn told you what happened and you were shattered. Your goal for now was to find and save Zevlor and the other refugees from Moonrise Towers, which was a task you knew would be a challenge.
You rescued Rolan, being as reckless as he could be, found his siblings and a few others at the prison in Moonrise towers, yet Zevlor being nowhere to be found. The other tieflings told you he was imprisoned somewhere else and your worries made you feel sick.
When you did find him, you couldn't help but feel relieved, the fight against the few mindflayers a short one as you both fought side by side like you had never done something else.
Zevlor's face showing how shattered he was to have failed to protect his people.
Your hand landing on his shoulder, trying to offer some comfort.
"I know how you feel, but it's not your fault. The Absolute is dangerously convincing, you shouldn't blame yourself."
"I have no right to ask, but the others.. what happened to them?", he asked quietly, like he had no strength left in his voice.
"I saved as many as I could find, they are at Last Light."
"Thank you, again."
After the fight with Ketheric you convinced Zevlor to join your camp. Of course you had to basically force him as he saw himself as a burden for you and your party, but after some more reassuring he agreed.
It made you feel excited to get back to camp whenever you were done with a mission and you honestly hadn't felt that way for a long time.
Your friends were getting tired of the way you two obviously had feelings for each other but never talked about it. They saw you both basically act like a couple, talking and laughing, doing tasks together without saying anything and still understanding each other without words. The only thing you both weren't aware of was the glances between you, when the other wasn't looking.
You were sitting next to Zevlor at the campfire, you leaning against him reading the book in your hands. His eyes were on you more than on the book in his hand, his tail curling around you, casually laying on your lap.
To everyone else it would probably be a simple gesture, but out of all of them Karlach knew his bodylanguage told a different story.
"Tav? Can we talk for a second?", she shouted over to you, startling you.
She was standing a few steps away, talking to Shadowheart.
When you stood up, Zevlor reached for the book in your hands before you could even start to look for a spot to put it and you smiled at him, before walking over to Karlach and Shadowheart.
"Are you two going to kiss soon or do we have to lock you in a room together until you do?", Shadowheart asked once you were standing with them.
"What?", you asked, not quite understanding her question.
"You know what I mean, you two are acting like a couple that had been married for years and you can't tell me you aren't aware."
"And his tail is very much telling he likes you, too.", Karlach added.
"It's not like that, we are just friends.", you said.
"Oh come on, you can't-"
"Listen, it's cute that you care, but I assure you it's not like that, we are friends." And with that being said you walked back to Zevlor, sitting next to him again, when he wordlessly handed you your book back. Leaning against him you sighed, confused by what the others were saying.
"Are you okay? You seem tense.", he asked, noticing your mood had changed.
"Yea, I'm fine, no worries.", you assured him and he didn't push you to talk any further. His tail found its way around you again and you couldn't help but wonder if they were actually right about it.
The next days you started feeling more nervous around Zevlor. It wasn't like you were uncomfortable, just that the others had made you aware of feelings you hadn't felt in years. You felt your heart beating faster when you were close to him, your hands hesitant to just touch him like you did before your conversation with Shadowheart and Karlach and your gaze suddenly avoiding his.
He noticed the changes with your behavior, asking himself if he did something wrong, not aware of any situation that could have caused the sudden difference.
"Would you join me on a walk?", he asked you one evening at camp, when he noticed you avoiding him even more.
"Uhm-.. Sure.", you seemed hesitant, gaze on the floor while you both walked away from camp.
"Did I do anything to upset you?", he asked and stopped walking, when you were a good distance away from camp. He was looking for some privacy, hoping for you to be honest with him.
"No, why do you think so?", you asked confused.
"You are avoiding me, today specifically, but you've been different the last few days and I was wondering if I did anything wrong."
"Oh...", you said, pausing and looking at him. "You didn't do anything wrong, don't worry."
"What happened then? If I didn't upset you, what-"
"I like you. And I didn't notice before Karlach and Shadowheart basically told me it was obvious. Honestly I had given up on love years ago and I guess it just felt strange being aware of it suddenly, while it had been so easy to be comfortable with you around.", you confessed, leaving him speachless for a good moment.
"Gods and I thought I made you uncomfortable with getting too close or something.", he sighed relieved. "I feel the same. And I just realized when you took some distance lately. It just feels like home when I am around you and I started losing my mind thinking I did something wrong."
He smiled at you and you noticed all the feelings behind it; relieve, that he didn't do anything wrong, happiness, that your feelings are the same and especially how grateful he felt for finding someone to feel at home with.
He took your hand to pull you closer to him, only letting go of it to let both of his hands rest on your waist.
"I think I should thank the others for making me aware of the feelings we had been dancing around.", you said when your hands rested on his shoulders, smiling at him.
"Thank them for me, too.", he said, before his lips finally found yours.
Your knees were suddenly feeling weak and you were glad for him holding you, lips moving against his gently.
You broke the kiss suddenly, when you heard the others cheering from behind a tree. Of course they were watching you and you felt your face heat up.
"FINALLY!!", you heard Karlach shout.
Zevlor and you both laughing at the situation when you felt his fingers on your chin, turning your face back to him.
"I wasn't done yet.", he said with a smile and his lips were on yours again the next moment.
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chxnsdrive · 1 year
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pairings - jimin x (f) reader
genre - smut
summary - fantasies are fun..but what happens when the guy you’ve been fantasizing about knocks on your door one night?
warnings - 18+ (Minors DNI), voyeurism (kinda but not really), oral (f) receiving, boy next door, unprotected sex (c’mon..just don’t.), (f) masturbation, mention of toys, teeny tiny bit of plot, tell me if I forgot something please
word count - 3.2k
a/n - not sure where this idea came from but…yeah..enjoy lmao
Long nights at work had become a regular thing for you lately. You worked as a bartender at a local bar that was right around the corner from your apartment and while the money was good and you enjoyed your job, the hours were starting to get to you.
So naturally, you had to find a way to unwind and decompress after a late shift. Sure, it was a guilty pleasure and everyone did it, but you'd be mortified if anyone knew.
It was a normal night, like every other night this week. You walked into your apartment around 11:30, purely exhausted. But the promise of relaxation that you knew was coming was always enough to get you through each night.
After you had showered and brushed your teeth, you got into your favorite lingerie set. It was a white, two-piece, lace set that hugged your curves beautifully and even though nobody but you ever saw it, it still made you feel sexy and confident.
You got in your bed like always, getting nice and comfortable in your black, satin sheets. You sat back against your pillow before reaching into your bedside drawer for your favorite vibrator.
It was a small, light blue, silicone vibrator that offered suction on ten different levels. You had made sure to charge it before you went to work today, so it would be ready for you when you got home.
You pressed the power button, the vibrator immediately roaring to life. You put it on the third-highest speed before bringing it down to your clit.
The suction immediately tugged at your nerves, sending shockwaves through your body.
"Fuck." You breathed, closing your eyes. This feeling never got old.
You laid there as you shamelessly began to imagine your neighbor in the apartment right next to yours.
Just like every night.
Jimin was beyond attractive. The two of you had previously had brief conversations before, but nothing more than casual small talk between neighbors. That's how you played it off, anyway.
If he knew what thoughts actually went on in your head when you talked to him, he would probably never look at you again- let alone speak to you.
But you couldn't help it. Your imagination went crazy every time you saw him.
His lips looked like they were handcrafted specifically for him. They were so plump and looked softer than silk. You couldn't help but imagine them against your skin, kissing you slowly, everywhere, over and over.
His eyes were soft, yet intense at the same time. He wasn't very tall but he always dressed like God himself was going to come walking into the room at any given moment.
You moaned out loud for the first time as you let your imagination fully take over. Thoughts of Jimin taking place of the vibrator, letting his tongue explore you, making you feel incredible.
You imagined him running his hands along your body, squeezing and gripping at your skin as he fucked his tongue into you. Constant moans and gasps fell from your lips as you felt yourself getting closer and and closer to your climax.
The vibrator continued to pull and tug at your clit, building your orgasm quickly. You could feel the tension in your lower abdomen getting tighter and tighter.
"Jimin." You moaned again, completely engulfed in your fantasy as you gripped at your left breast with your free hand.
Your body stilled, only your thighs shaking lightly as your orgasm ripped through you. It was a feeling of pure bliss that you would never get tired of.
You laid there for a few seconds as your breathing slowly regulated and reality began to smolder your imagination once again.
Once you had finally come down, you got up and wrapped a silk robe around your body before going to clean yourself up. You took your toy with you, making sure to clean it properly also before heading back to your bedroom.
As you made your way back down the hallway, you heard a very light knocking at your front door.
"Who the fuck?" You whispered, glancing at the clock on the wall.
It was after midnight. Who would be knocking on your door this late?
You lightly tiptoed to the door, making sure to be silent just in case you didn't want the mysterious visitor to know you were awake. You glanced out of the peephole on your apartment door, a soft gasp escaping your lips.
It was none other than Park Jimin himself, standing in front of your door.
You clutched at your robe, eyes wide as you processed what was going on. You held your vibrator behind your back and finally opened the door, peeking out slightly at him.
"Oh, hey y/n." He said with a low, husky voice as he turned to look at you. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
"Um, hey Jimin. Is everything okay? It's after midnight, what are you doing up?" You asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." He replied, eyes traveling down your somewhat exposed body.
He seemed like he was nervous about something. Anxious, but in control of his emotions nonetheless. Even still, his eyes never left your body.
You blushed as you looked him over. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a gray, long sleeve, v-neck t-shirt that exposed his glorious collarbones. His hair was messy, yet his lucious, dark hair looked perfect. He was breathtaking.
"Well, as I’ve told you before, I work long nights so it's actually normal for me to be up this late." You huffed.
He stared at you, one eyebrow raised as he smirked. He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip before biting it lightly. You were absolutely screaming on the inside.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked, leaning closer until he rested his weight against your doorframe.
You hesitated, squinting your eyes at him. You would never admit it, but he intimidated the fuck out of you. You shifted your weight to one leg, eyeing him carefully.
He grinned that beautiful smile that you swooned for, his eyes turning to sweet crescents.
"Are you alone in there?" He nodded behind you, toward your silent apartment.
You looked behind you, confusion plastered across your face.
"Yes?" You answered in a questioning tone. "Why?"
He giggled almost silently, looking down at his feet briefly. He looked back up at you, his smile quickly fading.
"So, there's not another Jimin in there?"
You furrowed your brow in frustration at his antics before widening your eyes in realization.
He must have heard you calling his name while you were "decompressing" earlier. You swallowed harshly, staring at him as you thought of what to say next.
"I...don't know what you mean."
He giggled again, taking another step toward you. He glanced around the doorframe nonchalantly, his hands running down the sides slowly as he continued on.
"These walls are awfully thin, y/n."
You held your breath, looking carefully at him as he stood so incredibly close to you. His cologne practically radiated off of him, smelling of fresh linen as it intoxicated you.
"So tell me. Is that supposed to be me?" He asked, looking down at your hands.
You followed his gaze, looking down at your hands to see that you were now clutching your vibrator in front of you. You gasped as you put it behind your back again quickly. You could feel the heat flooding your cheeks.
"What do you want, Jimin?" You asked, trying to sound confident and brave. Your voice shook slightly, giving away the fact that you were actually about to melt completely.
"Truthfully?" He took one more step closer, his body nearly pressed against yours. He put his hand up to the side of your face, running his thumb gently over your cheek. His lips were so close to yours, letting them brush against each other ever so lightly. You had to hold back the urge to kiss him.
"I want to show you that I can make you scream louder than that piece of plastic can."
You swallowed harshly, hesitating. You didn't want to admit that you had been fantasizing about him, but he already knew.
Fuck it.
You bit your bottom lip before reaching for the hem of his shirt. He immediately brought his hands to your waist as he stepped inside your apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. He pinned you against the wall, pulling the toy from your hand and tossing it to the ground. He watched you with dark eyes, his breathing slightly rapid.
"You should really learn to be quiet, baby." He purred, smirking at you.
You giggled before taking his hand and leading him down the hallway toward your bedroom, swinging your hips as you walked.
As soon as you stepped into your bedroom, Jimin turned you to face him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your body close to his. He stared intently into your eyes as he ran his thumb slowly across your bottom lip, tugging just barely.
"Can I please kiss you?" He whispered, not taking his eyes off of your lips.
"Yes." You breathed, ready to let his lips melt into yours.
No other words were spoken before he leaned down to close the distance between the two of you. He kissed you desperately, as if he had been waiting for this moment just as long as you had. He wasted no time slipping his tongue into your mouth, taking the time to slip your robe off of your body and onto the floor in the process.
"Get on the bed, baby." He instructed quietly, pulling away from your lips.
You did as you were told, scooting backwards on the bed as you kept eye contact with him.
Jimin watched you carefully as he pulled his T-shirt over his head, exposing his toned torso. Your mouth watered as your eyes roamed his flawless skin.
He climbed onto the bed with you, crawling toward you like a predator that had finally caught his prey. He licked his lips as he eyed your lace-clad curves.
"Can I kiss you again?" He purred, hooking his fingers around the band of your panties as he ran his tongue along the inside of your thighs.
"Please." You responded, beginning to feel needy.
He grinned, pulling your lace down your legs and off of you completely. He licked his lips slowly at the sight of your glistening core, wet and ready for him.
"So pretty." He groaned before letting his lips dive into your folds.
Your back arched at the warmth of his tongue, a low moan leaving your lips. Jimin moved his tongue expertly through your folds, finding it's way to your clit.
He looked up at you with hooded eyes before letting his tongue dance in circles around your bundle of nerves. Your hands made a plunge for his hair, tugging lightly as a small cry erupted from your throat.
He grinned as he continued working you, bringing a finger to your entrance as his tongue continued its work. He let his middle finger slowly enter you, not once stopping his tongue.
You were nothing but moans and gasps as Jimin worked you so perfectly. You felt yourself getting close to your climax as he continued.
"You taste so fucking good, baby." He hummed from below you. He sped up his movements in and out of your core, adding another finger and curving them upwards until he found the spot that would have you running from him.
"Fuck!" You moaned, throwing your head back.
He continued watching you, wanting to see your face of pleasure when you came. His lips attached to your clit once more, flitting his tongue repeatedly until he felt you tightening around his fingers.
"Fuck yes, baby. Just like that. You're doing so well." He praised, sending deep vibrations through your pussy as he encouraged your orgasm. It was just enough to send you over the edge.
"Cumming." Was all you could manage to squeak out.
Jimin grinned, slowing his movements just barely so you could ride out every second of your climax. He watched you with lust filled eyes, your back arched, toes curled, and eyes closed as you came down.
His cock was harder than it had ever been as he watched you. Sure, he had heard you through the wall countless times- imagining what you looked like, what faces you made, how you tasted. But his imagination didn't have shit on what he was witnessing.
He pulled his fingers out of you as he slowly crawled the rest of the way towards you, leaving soft, sensual kisses up your body along the way.
The buzz of your high was fading and every touch of his lips on your skin sent aftershocks of pleasure coursing through your body. His fingers trailed up your thigh before making their way up your sides, giving you chills on every inch of your skin.
"Jimin." You whined, the tenderness in his touch beginning to be too much.
"Hm?" He hummed in a low, gravelly voice that made your nerves stand on end. He hovered over you, his head tilting slightly as he looked down at you with a smirk. His hardened cock begged for relief through his thin sweats.
You reached for the band of his sweatpants, eager to please him. He stopped you, grabbing your wrist gently. You looked at him, confused.
"You don't want me to-"
"Oh, I want you to. Believe me. But your pleasure is my only goal tonight." He responded, his thick lips turning into a half smirk.
You blushed, turning your head to the side. How could someone be so sweet but so hot at the same time?
Jimin pulled his sweats off of his body, making your eyes widen at how big he was. He ran one hand through his hair before lining himself up with your entrance. He leaned down, pausing before he continued.
"Will you let me fuck you?" He whispered, his lips only inches away from yours.
You nodded, desperate to feel him inside of you. He grinned a small, sexy smile that made your stomach flip. It quickly faded, his face turning serious as he slowly began to push into you.
Your jaw went slack, loving the burn of the stretch as your pussy wrapped around him.
"Fuck." He growled. He slowly sunk deeper and deeper into you until his hips met yours. You both let out sharp breaths, neither of you moving for a moment as you got used to the feeling of him.
Jimin leaned down and buried his face into your neck as he kissed your skin, slowly swirling his tongue in circles . You craned your neck to the side, your eyes rolling back at the feeling of the weight of his cock resting inside of you.
As if reading your mind, Jimin began slowly rocking his hips into yours, still sucking at your neck. You let out a soft moan as he started moving.
"Mmm, don't hold back baby. Let me hear you."
He snapped his hips quickly, making you gasp. He pulled his torso away from you, leaning back as he stayed inside of you. His hands gripped at your waist, raising your hips slightly from the bed.
"Do you have any idea how good you feel?" He growled lowly, pulling your hips onto his cock as he shallowly bounced into you. You could only moan in response. You had never felt like this. Words wouldn't form in your brain.
Jimin began picking up his pace, unable to hold back anymore. That sinful look had returned to his eyes as he moved in and out of you. His tongue poked into his cheek as he focused on how good you felt.
Just as you felt your climax building, he stopped abruptly. Your eyes fluttered open in frustration as you whipped your head in his direction.
"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing." He grinned. "Turn over."
You hesitated, already completely fucked out for this man, but willing to do whatever he asked of you. You turned over, laying flat on your stomach.
Jimin let out a deep groan, gripping your ass in both of his hands. He sunk into you effortlessly, not stopping to let you adjust this time. He hovered his body over your back, one arm propping himself up on one side of you as he thrusted his cock into you repeatedly. His other hand gripped at the bend of your hip, pulling your ass toward him to meet his thrusts.
"How does it feel, baby?" He cooed, panting quietly right next your ear as his cock worked you.
"So fucking good." You moaned, gripping at the sheets beneath you.
Realization suddenly set in as you listened to the moans of the man behind you.
Park Jimin was in your apartment, fucking you like there was no tomorrow. How did your fantasy come to life so quickly? And how was it better than anything your mind could have ever imagined?
Your back began to arch as you felt that familiar sensation building at your core. You heard Jimin let out a breathy moan as you squeezed around him. You felt his cock throb with excitement as he started pounding into you mercilessly.
"Fuck, Jimin!"
"That's right baby, tell everyone who's pussy this is." He grunted, slamming into you.
You bounced harshly into the mattress with each slam of his hips, your moans getting louder and louder. You listened as your headboard knocked against the wall, only encouraging Jimin to go faster as his continuous moans mixed with yours.
You felt yourself let go, feeling your body cross over as the heat of your climax consumed you. Your pussy contracted repeatedly, tightening around Jimin.
"I'm gonna cum, baby. This pussy’s gonna make me fucking cum." He grunted harshly, thrusting a few more times before pulling out of you. He pumped his cock slowly as you felt the warmth of his cum release on your ass.
The two of you sat still for a moment, breathing rapidly before Jimin got up and found his way to your bathroom. He returned with a towel, cleaning you up in the most gentle way possible. You smiled at the sweet gesture.
He put the towel in your laundry bin and returned to lay on the bed beside you. You grinned at how comfortable he seemed to be in your apartment.
"I've been wanting to do that since I moved in next door, you know." He said, laying on his back with his hands behind his head. He looked over at you and smiled before reaching over to pull you close to him.
"Yeah, me too." You admitted, snuggling up next to him. "Let's do it more often."
"You don't have to tell me twice, love."
The two of you laid there quietly, listening to each other breathing along with the soft sound of the clock ticking on the wall. Jimin giggled quietly after a few minutes.
"What's funny?" You asked.
"Oh, nothing." He kissed the top of your head.
"But I told you I could make you scream louder than that toy could."
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