#not whatever the hell Varre is
sweetmapple · 1 month
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Varre and Ansbach dynamic as I see it
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luminaryofblood · 7 months
Damn, that one peeper on twitter was right. I really am feeling post trailer depression.
I think it's... Mainly the fact that it seems that the implications is that the DLC is going to be accessed really late in the game, so there's that strong chance Morgott will already be dead. So there won't be any cameos from him.
And there's the implication of Mohg being the gatekeeper for accessing the DLC, which means killing him. Therefore nulling whatever possibility of him making a cameo. Unless he pulls the same card Margit pulls on us at Stormveil("I shall remember thee, Tarnished.")
Of course, you could also go Varre's way and meet Mohg earlier(after dealing with a lot of pain in meeting a boss several levels above your own). But still...
I was hoping that the DLC would have taken place at a time when the twins were still alive... Hell, I was hoping that the DLC would have offered some sort of alternative to where we didn't have to kill them. But they'll have already been killed by the time of the events of the DLC...
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xaracosmia · 1 year
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name/alias: Thysto age: 28 pronouns: he/they ooc contact: thyripsto (twt)  other characters in xc: Vespa Crabro, White Mask Varre
name: Roman Sionis  age: Late 30s-early 40s.  pronouns: he/him series: DC Comics canon point: After his death (Primarily drawn from Catwoman 2005 run). app triggers: Hoo boy, I am trying to cover every possible base here. Abuse (familial and by romantic partner), murder, torture, arson, burning alive, gun and gang violence, death, lots of medical mentions (disease, near death, hospitals, procedures, lasting damage/brain damage), drug/alc mention
There is nothing that can be described as ‘pleasant’ in Roman Sionis. Well, maybe one thing - he is witty and funny, but in a way that is dry and sarcastic, intended to barb at something or someone else. Beyond that, however…not really. 
Demanding, harsh, and aggressive, Sionis is a man who was at the top of the world, fell, and then clawed his way up again. He expects everyone around him to know that he possesses a certain level of power and presence, and when they don’t, he will beat it into them. His temper is famously short - and he will take it out on everybody else around him. A minor inconvenience can turn into an outburst, and when he is mad he yells - even louder than he normally does. 
The root cause of this is in his history, sure, but it is the same thing that prevents him from improving as a person. His self-confidence and ego, his inability to as for help or admit fault, the fear of weakness and perception that any and all things that cannot be done on his own are a weakness - all of it plays in his head. And while he is certainly not unsure of his actions or of his self, he is incapable and uncertain in the face of vulnerability, in opening up to others, in a relationship that isn’t more than the man giving the orders and the person taking it - or the person who needs to be killed. 
He tends towards the self-destructive, but in ways beyond that of the physical. Oh no, he is very mindful of his own bodily limits, though he keeps those a secret - instead, he tears down anything good that might come to him, before it can reach in and attach to him. Before he really starts to feel and care. Before it can hurt. 
That might be what it all comes down to - fear. And what does fear do? It makes him angry. That’s part of the trouble with him, the damage in his brain; it makes everything jump, skip right to the worst, and therapy for it? Forget it. That’s more weakness. 
something your muse struggles with: Everything to do with interpersonal relationships, particularly when it comes to vulnerability. To show weakness is to make yourself a target, and to grow fond is to make your heart weak and frail. He’s lonely and he will self-sabotage and he has died alone once.
your muse’s greatest strength: He is stubborn. It’s a fault, but also a blessing - he will not give up on things when he sets to it, no matter the pain he goes through. He will ALWAYS find a way to win - even when it kills him. 
Roman Sionis should have been loved. Instead, he was just an icon. 
His mother was disinterested in parenting – hell, she was disinterested in being married. Instead, she took to his father for the money, and he took to her because she was an easy arrangement: she gives him a son, an heir, and then she can do whatever it is she wants with the money. They never had any love. Richard Sionis didn’t BELIEVE in the idea of it - he saw the world in terms of people who wanted something and how much they wanted to take, and assumed that every interaction was the beginning of a transaction, even if it wasn’t stated. It’s a mindset Roman would inherit - but that comes later. 
The young Sionis was the solitary heir to a long-standing business empire. The Sionis family was rich and prolific - their name old, notable. For ages, they had owned Sionis Steelworks, one of the largest industrial factories in Gotham, alongside several other notable businesses (the one of note here will be Janus cosmetics). Rich and given any material object he wanted, he was the image of a spoiled son - only one without any love, any example. His care was administered by nannies and maids paid well, but not well enough to deal consistently with a child that felt the world was owed to him. A child already predisposed to lashing out for attention. 
He was also a child not told enough tips for his own wellbeing. Playing late into the evening (rather than return to a loveless inside, where his current guardian would depart and he would be left sitting with his father for hours), he came across a raccoon. Raised on television and comics, he thought it might, perhaps, be just as friendly as the mascot he had been seeing. 
I don’t need to tell you a wild animal isn’t. 
The cut on chest and hands were given a casual treatment, he was told how stupid he was, and he was sent off. It wasn’t until his fever reached 104 degrees a while later that they bothered to take him to the hospital, despite showing signs of malaise for days; it was just a shame he was trapped home sick from his fancy, gated-in rich kid school.
It was meningitis. It should have been fatal. Throw enough money at a problem, though, and they can cure your seven year old. It left Roman damaged; some things just don’t heal up right, especially when scarred that young. His emotional regulation would never be “just right,” and he was left with severe hearing loss. 
Let’s skip ahead, past his college partying and all the fleeting, unimportant relationships and faces who only wanted to be near him for the money and the prestige. He was good at keeping them around. Yes, let’s skip right ahead to when he worked at Janus Cosmetics, learning through experience beneath his old man. Let’s skip ahead to Circe. 
She was a model at Janus, a new one. She was pretty, she was sweet and spoke softly, and more than anything, she didn’t know who Roman was. Didn’t know he was the big boss’ son, didn’t know he was rich and powerful. It meant that she didn’t want anything from him, no money, no power. She just wanted to be by him for him, laugh with him because he was funny, love him because he was him. They were inseparable fast, and he proposed even faster. 
His parents did not accept it. They threatened him, threatened her, threatened everything. Kick him out, strip everything away. Roman, weak, upset, complained of it - and Circe simply told him to kill them. Kill them, and they could have anything. Or else she would have to go. 
So he did it. He lit the curtains on fire and locked them in the old sitting room, listened until they stopped screaming, and then called it in. Of course there was nothing left. He inherited everything - and a series of bad business decisions and blissful spending on Circe later, everything at her behest, everything to make her happy, keep her happy, keep her with him - and he was bankrupt. 
Old Bruce Wayne bailed him out - something Roman will never forget and never forgive. Still, he had Circe. He had her right there with him. She would never leave him, she loved him so much. Only she didn’t. Only it was all a lie, and not long after she buried a knife in his shoulder and left him for dead. One hospital trip later and he got a diagnosis - a finite number on his lifespan, and one much smaller than others. 
With nothing left, he went on one last bender, stumbled to the mausoleum in the pouring rain. Screamed at the burnt up corpse of his father through the doorway - then slipped on the steps and tumbled down. He smashed his head on the ebony wood coffin, and delirious, thought up a new form of reversal. A new form of rebirth. A new identity. 
In a stupor he carved the first pass of a design from the coffin. A skull. A face of Death. Everything that followed and haunted him. When he emerged after the storm, he decided to become the Black Mask. And so his criminal career began.
Just with one catch - he made sure to hunt Circe down and enact his revenge on her. Burn her beautiful face until there was nothing left, torture her till she begged. She responded in kind, lighting him on fire - sealing the mask on his face forever. 
Maybe it’s mundane. Maybe it’s magic. Either way, the mask is here to stay. Roman Sionis is an echo. Black Mask is the real man, now. 
Roman is a mundane guy. Not a power to his name. 
inherent abilities: 
Combat Know-How - Enough boxing, scrapping, and gunplay to get himself by. He isn’t a professional MMA fighter or anything, but he can make a hell of a dent in something. Beyond that, he has a very, very VERY deep love for everything with a nice, sharp blade. And he’s really good with them (No, I don’t know how or when he learned how to use a sword well, but he DOES). 
Twin Handguns - A pair of twin, semi-automatic pistols. There isn’t anything special about them. Function over fashion, this time. 
Favorite Knife Collection - Kept in a nice, rolled leather case where everything has its place. These are actually special - sharp, custom-made, finished matte. For a variety of very specific, potentially on-the-go uses. 
starting ability: None.
starting item: Favorite Knife Collection
Given the fact that comics are very varied and fluctuate, my portrayal of Roman takes and combines aspects of canon sources from all over with headcanon I’ve built over the past 5 years. Please ask me about it. 
My Roman is deaf and immunocompromised. He needs medical treatment actively and will be using the hospitals/care facilities actively. 
Oh also, he is afraid of most animals (mammals and mammal adjacent specifically) especially raccoons and dogs. 
He doesn’t remember he died yet. Waiting for something to trigger that one :) 
discord id: BLACK MASK#3488
passcode: used to rb fanart of this guy a lot when i was a kid also this was incredibly funny to me while processing this app
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ascnsion · 2 years
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▋   𝑳𝑰𝑭𝑬 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑴 𝑫𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑫   .  .  .  .  .     ❛ this is bullshit.   ❜  𝙁𝙍𝙊𝙈  @ayoungeststark​​
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     ▎      The taste of sand was in his mouth and the tips of white hairs were singed a putrid and ugly black — so, yeah, Noh had seen better days, but the residents of New York City had seen better decades. Being from another planet entirely, there was a great appeal being in a supposed city which never slept, being surrounded (or suffocated) by an overwhelming presence of people, yet disaster seemed attracted to the bustling city to the point rent prices were even more unjustified. The deed was done at the end of the day however, Noh only looked half as bad as what the New Yorkers must have felt. Smoke was heavy in the air. Fire damage and even water damage stained the streets. Despite the warnings issued, the death of the battle called for an apparent audience as citizens shuffled about ruins with hollow eyes. 
Noh-Varr picked up a fallen toy and dusted off debris before handing it to a child, only to have both mother and child eye him with some degree of venom. It wasn’t HIS fault that octopi monsters, whatever the hell they were, decided to make New York City their stomping ground. Noh was tired, but not too tired to attempt to clean up some of the mess. With super human strength, he began flipping vehicles over to their proper position when a muttered curse tugged on his ear. The white haired youth set down the taxi, very gently, and peered over at the other man. Noh had only entered during the tail end of the battle, but he recalled this suited hero being part of the commotion. Noh attempted to run fingers through messy, dirty white hairs, only to get tangled on the burnt edges. Great. 
    ❝    I’m inclined to agree, but .. ❞  The sounds of sirens, both of police and emergency personnel, suffocated the streets. Strobing lights of red and blue bounced off buildings, played off their flesh, and armed officers wasted no time drawing their weapons. Did no one tell them who the good guys were?
   ❝   I have a feeling it’s about to get a whole lot WORSE.    ❞  
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 years
I think a lot of people miss the fact that Varré does NOT have red eyes? And it’s not just that his unmasked appearance is showing him before any eye alterations, in-game as well, they are pale eyes, not the deep red you get after he does the bloody finger procedure.
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So I guess the accursed blood he was given was something different from what he did to the Tarnished? The implication seems to be that it was Mohg’s blood, unclear if it was also injected under the nail or given to him by some other means. There’s also the line that he was the only one of the surgeons able to “tame” it. We seem fine though and there are other bloody fingers, so that also seems like its something different. We do see other White Masks though, and the description specifically mentions the war surgeons being given the accursed blood, so those are probably some of the others? So they didn’t die? Did they go insane then??
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vindictar · 5 years
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prismatic-starstuff · 2 years
Aaaaaangst time!
So Varre is Mogh's number one fan. Of course... Hell, we'll say the Tarnished is brought along too... Biiiit of a rivalry as to "who gets to sit on Luminary Mogh's lap." Interpret that as you will.
They're CONSTANTLY butting heads. Yet at the same time, they've both got this level of respect as well.
Something happens to Varre -- not entirely sure what, but he's injured and he's dying.
And both Mogh and the Tarnished are right there, doing whatever they can to save him.
... We'll say that Varre DOES survive whatever mess he got himself into.
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Ooh... Oooooooooh, this got my brain wheels turning...
So, even though Mohg and Consort Lambkin do clearly care about Varré - they wouldn't have tried to save him otherwise, and they've all been through so much together, of course they care about him - I'm now thinking about... what if, in this scenario, Varré was injured by the Night's Cavalry because he was trying to get to Margit; and what if he wanted to see Margit specifically because he wanted to change allegiances?
I'm now just imagining Mohg in a furious rage, fully prepared to take the fight to Morgott because one of his soldiers dared to lay hands on his Varré... but whether it's because he doesn't want to mislead his lord, or because Morgott has become something of an idealised concept for him while he's been jaded with Mohg and his consort, Varré admits what really happened. He admits that he was injured because the Night's Cavalry saw him as an enemy in their territory... and he admits that he went to their territory because he wanted to see their lord; because in that moment, he'd believed he could've found the love he'd once found in Mohg elsewhere.
...I'm in my angst feelings now, but now I'm also considering the possibility of Varré x Morgott, which is a very interesting concept...
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moontours · 3 years
Okay it's been like 8 yrs since the last series and they all have different stuff they're doing but if Kate is coming back to New York.... then we must have a YA reunion and adult shenanigans. Bring Eli and Cassie back too. Every guest and groom from the empyre Vegas wedding needs at least an issue together before the minimoffs and Kate are fully destroyed by the mcu
PLEASE 🥺🥺 i know it might be a bit tricky with tommy and billy bc of the wanda + space stuff but i hope they'll be able to find time to meet up again. i want them to catch up and stuff plus they tbh kinda teased the young avengers coming back in the 1000 story or whatever it was so like where are they :( also i miss the minimoffs' relationship with kate so much she was literally their bestie. bring back eli and cassie hell even bring back noh-varr i want a full reunion
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kideternity · 3 years
also 7 and 13 :)
7. who do you think has the coolest superpower?
HMMMMMMMMMMM I adore many a superpower but I think
Reality bending sorts of abilities ala Eternity girl n Shade the changing man
Electromagnetic spectrum powers ala Max electro n Magneto n stuffs
Take the cake for like Superpowers in comics I forever will think are SUPPPPPEEEEER fucking badass as all hell and are very epic and cool and sexy as fuck to have . Like I see Shade almost destroying the entire multiverse probably and Erik fucking Tossing big ass cars or trucks whatever around and I go YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
13. favorite extraterrestrial character? (ie. superman, thor)
ORION ORION MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND FOREVER ORION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honourable mentions go towards the Venom Symbiote, Superman, the version of Noh-Varr I created In my head, P much all of the omega men, Martian Manhunter and Lightray + Forager
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themainframes · 2 years
And still, we dread it. Today at approximately 1900 the Incursion is set to occur, with the main collision happening at 42nd St and Broadway, the area dubbed as Times Square. We have come up with a number of response teams that will each have their own respective tasks to complete. The goal is to stop the Incursion and close the rift. This is unlikely, however, and mostly are attempting to provide as much time as possible to the EXTRACTION TEAM so that they can best prepare to make the leap into the Negative Zone. Please see below the list of team designations and their respective tasks.
LOCATION: The Baxter Building proceeding into the Negative Zone via ship
PURPOSE: To take the Extracted Team and scientists into the Negative Zone to wait out the collapse.
ben grimm / thing (616) eden fesi / manifold (616) franklin richards / powerhouse (616) johnny storm / human torch (616) susan storm / invisible woman (616) t'challa / black panther (616) valeria richards / brainstorm (616)
LOCATION: The Quinjet containing the extracted scientists
PURPOSE: To pilot the scientists to the Extraction Team
bobbi morse / mockingbird - co pilot (616) bucky barnes / winter soldier (mcu) natasha romanoff / black widow- pilot (616) yelena belova / black widow (mcu)
LOCATION: Hell’s Kitchen, NYC
PURPOSE: To help secure the secondary rift growing in Hell’s Kitchen
danny rand / iron first (616)
elektra natchios / daredevil (616)
jessica jones (mcu)
luke cage  (616)
matt murdock / daredevil (616)
tandy bowen / dagger (616)
tyrone johnson / cloak (616)
LOCATION: Times Square, NYC
PURPOSE:  To stop anything from coming in through the fracture
anna-marie lebeau/rogue (616)
carol danvers/captain marvel (mcu) -- to be extracted.
clea strange/sorcerer supreme (616)
clint barton/hawkeye (mcu)
crystalia amaquelin/crystal (616)
daimon hellstrom (616)
druig (mcu) -- crowd control -- to be extracted.
everett thomas/synch (616)
gabby kinney/scout (616)
gwen stacy/ghost-spider (65)
illyana rasputin/magik (616)
jane foster/valkyrie (616) -- to be extracted.
janice lincoln/beetle (616)
jean grey (616)
jeanne-marie beaubier/aurora (616)
jessica drew/ spider woman (616)
kate bishop / hawkeye (mcu)
kamala khan / ms. marvel (mcu)
kate pryde/red queen (616)
lana baumgartner /bombshell (1610)
laura kinney / wolverine (616)
lorna dane / polais (616)
makkari (mcu)
marc spector / moon knight (mcu) -- to be extracted.
miles morales / spider-man (1610) -- to be extracted.
nadia van dyne / wasp (616)
noh-varr (200080)
ororo munroe / storm (616)
peter parker / spider-man (mcu) 
peter parker / spider-man (616) -- to be extracted.
ripley ryan / star (616)
riri williams / ironheart (616)
sam wilson / captain america (mcu)
stephen strange/doctor strange (mcu) -- to be extracted.
steve rogers / captain america (616) -- to be extracted.
tabitha smith / boom-boom (616)
theresa cassidy / siryn (616)
valkyrie/king valkyrie (mcu)
wanda maximoff / scarlet witch (616) -- to be extracted.
xi'an coy manh/karma (616) -- crowd control
LOCATION: The Domo, in Kansas
PURPOSE: To do whatever readings and incantations possible to try and slow the fracturing.
doyle dormammu (616)
emily bright (616)
sersi (616)
LOCATION: The Earth’s atmosphere
PURPOSE: To inspect the rift appearing at the atmosphere
abigail brand / commander brand (616)
eros / starfox (mcu)
gamora (616)
guardians (drax, mantis, nova, rocket, star-lord) (616)
isabel kane / smasher (616)
phyla-vell / captain marvel (18897)
LOCATION: Baxter Building, NYC
PURPOSE: To protect the loved ones of the heroes while they fight
gwen stacy
laura barton
layla el-faouly
linda carter
pepper & morgan stark
michelle jones
ned leeds
LOCATION: Global PURPOSE: To help secure secondary rifts globally 
elsa bloodstone (616)
madelyne pryor (616)
megan gwynn/pixie (616)
satana hellstrom (616)
ava starr/ghost (mcu)
meggan puceanu/gloriana (616)
peggy carter/captain carter (what if?)
jeanne foucault/finesse (616)
julie power+ the power pack (616)
kate bishop/hawkeye (616)
alison blaire/dazzler (616)
kwannon/psylocke (616)
neena thurman/domino (616)
remy lebeau/gambit (616)
angelica jones/firestar (616)
melissa gold/songbird (616)
monica rambeau/spectrum (mcu)
LOCATION: Island of Krakoa
PURPOSE: The mutants who have not volunteered to come to the rifts
emma frost/white queen
the five (including eva bell + hope summers)
laurie collins
majority of the quiet council
raven darkholme
stepford cuckoos
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tanadidreamer · 6 years
In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea to have a prank war while Krell was away on a secret mission but Admiral Varr had approved and even some of the natural born crew had taken part.
And, unfortunatly, nobody had informed Reaper, who was now standing in the center of the rec room, covered in whatever the hells Cipher had in that bucket. The entire room had fallen silent as Reaper stared at them, giving no sign of anger in his body language aside from being unusually stiff from evident shock.
“Reap? Everything alright, buddy?”  Chaos asks warily as he noticed Reaper’s shoulders started to shake from....mirth? Chaos could hear a very familiar giggle coming from his brother, the very same one that Reaper always had when he was trying to act serious and not laugh.
“Oh my gods.....what is he doing?” Legate asks in horror, staring at the commander,
“What’s so funny, boss?” Knockout asks casually from where he had been chatting with the resident old men and Solus, who all looked very amused.
“T-T-Their looks.” Reaper responds as he started laughing and shook his head as he walked over the group that wasn’t taking part in the prank war. “I’m not sure if I should be insulted or not.”.
Scrapper snorted at that. “Looks like we actually have Reaper with us today. Ya kids better watch yer backs around ‘im and Chaos now.” Scrapper advises as he inspected the sticky blue substance on Reaper’s armor while Solus wiped his fingers against it then played with it a bit once he withdrew his hand.
“Gross.” The mute captain signed with his free hand as he inspected the goo. “This is easy to clean, right?”.
“Yeah, why?” Cipher responds as he smiled at the older clones.
“Because I wouldn’t be merciful otherwise. I was the brains behind Chaos’s more legendary pranks.” Reaper chimes as he popped the seal of his helmet and tugged it off to smirk at Cipher who simply grinned at the challenge.
Chaos couldn’t help but smile, maybe there was still a bit of hope for Reaper.
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