#not wanting to own him or anything selfish..more like admiring him from below
mrpenguinpants · 2 years
Look, but don't touch. [ Harbinger Edition ]
— You're the only one who's allowed to touch him. Likewise, he's the only one that's allowed to touch you.
— Childe, Pantalone, Scaramouche, and Dottore
Love Language Series | Touch [ Here ] | Actions | Time | Words | Gifts
This is written before the Sumeru quest. Harbingers are their own warning.
This was a fever dream, incredibly self-indulgent, don't talk to me about this ok. Honestly don't even wanna tag people in this (´。_。`)
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Childe is friendly but he always keeps himself at arm's distance from anyone who isn't his family. The kind of guy that acts like he loves everyone but he truly doesn't like anyone. Always polite but never kind. He won't be outwardly hostile if one of the cicin mages decides she wants to try her luck and cuddle up to him, he sort of admires her bravery, but the hardened stare and indifferent response are awkward enough for anyone to bail halfway.
So what a surprise to everyone when it's Childe himself that pulls you into him. It's not a friendly hug either, he quite literally drags you into his embrace as soon as he sees you, locks his arms around your waist, and spins you around. Before he catches himself and gently settles you down and pretends as if he didn't boldly announce to everyone that you're special.
He is a harbinger at the end of the day so any intimate relationships he has need to be hidden lest he puts you in danger. That said, he doesn't do a very good job. He gets agitated and fidgety if he can't hold you, longing gazes in your direction even if someone else is speaking to him about something important. Whether it's shooing specks of dust off your shoulder, a tap on the arm, or the brief brush of your fingers against his whenever he hands something to you. He always finds some way to touch you.
It's always the worst and best time to speak with Childe if you happen to be there. On the upside, Childe is more likely to give his approval to whatever his subordinates ask just so they go away and leave you both alone. On the downside, because physical touch somehow makes Childe drowsy and almost drunk, he's useless.
It wasn't always like this. During your first months as something more than friends, not quite lovers, he kept you at an arm's distance just like everyone else. Only the occasional arm over your shoulder or a hand on the small of your back, just enough to show you that you meant something to him. But over time, those touches began to linger until the dynamic shifted and he began to rely on your touches to keep him sated. On particularly stressful days, he'll pull you aside into his office with a rushed excuse to just hold you in his lap. He's recharging, don't make tease him.
But he's not a selfish lover. If you need comfort or just want to be held, he'll gladly throw his plans out the window just to spend time with you. What's wrong? Did someone upset you? Want me to take care of them? He'll offer anything to make you feel better while you're cuddled up to him and it makes his heart flutter when you say you just want to stay beside him. He has a bad habit of resting his entire weight on top of you if you're both ever lying down. All that muscle is heavy but sometimes it's comfortable until his elbow accidentally digs into your side.
Childe can be polite if someone else wants to touch him but he's baring his teeth at anyone that has the audacity to place their hands on you. If someone bumps into you? He's fine, accidents happen. Someone moves you to the side? Whatever he won't throw a fit over that. He believes in the below-the-shoulder, above-the-waist, hands not included, rule. If anyone touches you, it's the only time when Childe will throw his reputation out the window.
Scaramouche likes to compare him to a dog and he'll gladly growl and bark if that's what it takes for people to get the hint and leave you alone. He'll slide his arms around your waist, tilt your chin up, and without any concern about the scene that this will cause, kisses you deeply. All the while sending the nastiest glare to the person that touched you. Look, don't touch. You're his.
Childe likes to believe that he has self-restraint. He's a soldier first and foremost so he has discipline beaten into his bones. But right now he's close to snapping the pen in his hands and hurling it into that bastard's forehead. He can feel Ekaterina's concerned gaze on him, shifting on her feet nervously, as she struggles to push through her explanation of his assignment quickly. Unfortunately, it's all white noise to Childe as all of his attention is on the cicin mage whose being a bit too friendly for his liking.
"Lord Tartaglia?"
Of course, you don't blink twice at it. He's seen how that loud electro pirate dotes on you and is overly physically affectionate herself. Maybe he should also fight her as well after he's done dealing with this cicin mage.
"Childe?" Ekaterina tries one last time, using a more familiar name to see if that would catch her superior's attention but alas, he was too busy glaring daggers into her college. Ekaterina raises a hand to lightly tap on her superior's shoulder to get his attention but just as her fingertips brush against the fabric of his uniform, Childe's death glare is directed at her. She flinches away from the otherwise easy-going Childe, her mask doing little to hide her startled expression.
"Sorry, sorry, not meant for you," Childe blinks away the hate from his ocean eyes, coming to his senses as he runs a hand through his hair, "What were you saying?"
"There is no need to apologize, Lord Tartaglia, I overstepped," Ekaterina, bless her heart, waves off the sudden aggression but takes a step back. Before she can continue, she overhears you saying goodbye to the mage and your footsteps coming closer. A small surprised noise escapes your chest as Childe pulls you into his arms immediately. If she didn't know Childe, she could almost say his expression was a bit cute with how pouty he was being. Although the look in his eyes says otherwise now that she was just on the receiving end. This seems to be a common occurrence because you just giggle and hug him back just as tightly.
"Please don't harm her. She was just being nice," you mumble into his chest.
"I'll think about it," he says, his eyes never leaving the mage.
On the one hand, the banker always carries this prestige that makes most people stay away in awe. No one wants to get on the wrong side of the man who basically funds the country of Snezhnaya. On the other hand, Pantalone has an ethereal beauty that compels people to come closer and touch. To see if the porcelain skin is real, feel if he's muscular or lean under the heavy fabric, or sneak a peek at what colour the banker's eyes are. It makes you kind of giddy knowing that this man belongs to you. That you know the answer to all these speculations.
You aren't sure when it started happening but at some point, he always ends up sort of mindlessly touching him. Placing a hand on his arm or knee, running your fingers through his hair, or gently rubbing away the stress from his shoulders. There wasn't an ulterior motive, Pantalone was just too handsome that you can't help but touch him just to make sure he's real. He thought you were overexaggerating a bit but he seemed deeply pleased at your confession since it was coming from you personally. That egotistical bastard.
But he always reciprocated your touch. Offering an arm for you to hold onto, brushing the hair out of your face, or rubbing small circles into your hand. Small gestures of affection would occasionally lead to more. The fact that Pantalone of all people let you be this close was something you secretly prided in yourself. You couldn't help but rub his newfound privilege in front of anyone that got too close that this elegant man was yours to hold. Look all you want but you're the only one that gets to touch.
You weren't aware of Pantalone's level of aversion to touch until he almost caused a scene at a gathering. It was meant more for looks and reputation, the occasional business talk, but overall a lax evening. One of the ladies thought it would be a good gesture to place her hand against Pantalone's arm. A bit flirty but innocent enough that the sheer disdain that swirled in Pantalone's eyes made her flinch away surprised. He struck her hand away, the sound carrying through the now-silent ballroom as everyone turned to the sound. You were surprised as well that Pantalone of all people, the image of control and ever-smiling, lips turned down into a repulsed scowl. Your feet quickly moved over to him, quietly excusing the woman for her careless act, and ushering her away before anything escalated. No one spoke of that night.
Ever since then you've always kept your hands firmly glued to your sides lest you feel his anger. If you happened to brush against his finger you would splutter out apologies and scamper away. If you felt his hand hover near you, you always assumed you were in the way and quickly moved aside for him. Overall, you acted as if it was you that was uncomfortable with touch. With each passing day that you fled from his hand, the crease in Pantalone's frown grew deeper.
It comes to a head one night when you get to see how Pantalone's aversion to touch applies to you as well. Occasionally some wealthy noble will host a gala and as one of the Tsaritsa Harbingers, Pantalone will be required to be present for at least one of them. Given his status, most of the attendees flock over to him which leaves poor you to meander about and find something to do with the time. Despite being his lover, you're not privy to what goes on with his work and frankly, the business talk and parties bore you. At least these places have food.
He sees you conversing with a man he knows is from Liyue, hoping to find more investors and trade partners here in Snezhnaya. He's already spoken to the man and rejected his offer so that's most likely why he's speaking to you, the banker's partner to garner sympathy. Although from the looks of things, you don't seem that impressed either. You notice his stare, perhaps his expression betrays him because your eyes grow concerned before giving a polite bow and turning to walk away and to him. If that was all then perhaps tonight wouldn't have ended so badly.
The man grabs your arm painfully enough for you to whimper and that's all Pantalone needs. He doesn't even try to hide his expression behind a smile, his lips set into a straight line. He grabs the man's arm tightly, the leather of his gloves crinkling from the force, and he nearly breaks the man's arm. How dare this inferior social climber put his filthy hands on you. You have to plead with him to let the man go, desperately trying to pry his grip away as the businessman begs the Harbinger on his knees that he didn't know.
Pantalone is pissed.
You've never seen him this angry before. The lady all those nights ago doesn't even compare close to the anger radiating off him. His fingers flex still as he leads you away into an isolated hallway. You're not even sure if he knows where he's going, completely blindsided by rage. So you quickly step closer and throw your arms around him, stopping him in his tracks as you bury your face into the soft fabric of his suit.
"It's okay. I'm okay," you whisper softly into his back. You're not afraid, he won't get angry, not with you. Never with you. But it still pains you to see him this way. You feel more than you hear his deep sigh before slowly turning around and taking you into his arms. "Thank you. I didn't mean to start anything, you just looked displeased and I got worried. Oh, I'm sorry-"
You quickly move to shuffle out of Pantalone's hold but you can barely get two steps back before his touch grows firm and you're trapped. Despite how strong his hold is, he gently tilts your chin up so you can look into his pretty eyes. He really does have a nice eye colour you think in the back of your mind.
"You've been avoiding me. Care to enlighten me as to why that's the case? Did someone feed your mind with little lies?" Pantalone sounds coy but you can hear the undertone of worry. As if he's done something wrong which you quickly shake your head to.
"W-Well, that incident with the lady from a few weeks ago, the one in the red and black dress, you looked really angry when she touched you so..." you trailed off as your eyes look at anywhere that isn't the man in front of you, nervously twisting the cuff of your sleeve. When you actually hear it back it does sound a bit ridiculous to believe that but you just didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Or make him act a certain way just because you liked physical touch or to uphold appearances.
"And you thought you were comparable to people like that? That I would allow special treatment just because you were mine? That I would reciprocate to anyone but you?"
You fumble a bit at how honest his words are, searching for some way to justify yourself but at the end of the day, you'll knock your head against the wall for how stupid your logic is. So you stand on your tip toes and reach hesitantly up towards his face. Pantalone's face reminds neutral but he slowly leans into his touch, his muscles finally relaxing just by your touch.
How the hell he tolerates you is anyone's guess. How the hell you tolerate him is Celestia's guess. He has the worst attitude, is quick to anger, flaunts his authority wherever he goes, and is overall a terrible person to be around. Yet every time he looks over his shoulder, you're always one step away from kicking at his heels. Which you have accidentally done before and somehow survived so he must like you a smidge. You tell him it's because it's out of spite that you're still here and spite is a powerful feeling. He of all people should know.
Scaramouche despises anyone being within his personal space, which is already a pretty big range, so the idea of someone touching him is repulsive to him. If he somehow was in danger and someone touched him in order to save his life, he would probably throw a fit and shock them. Their only reward is that he doesn't kill them. It's not like he has to worry too much, no one really wants to be in his presence longer than they have to and any admirers are quickly turned off within the first couple of seconds. Which makes it all the more baffling that you still hang around him and test just how far you can poke his limits.
The first time you touched him was by accident. Someone had bumped into you causing you to fall into Scaramouche. Luckily for you, you managed to put your hands out first and brace yourself against the wall but you had successfully caged the Balladeer between your arms. If you weren't currently fearing for your life you might have laughed at the horrified expression on the Harbinger's face. The only reason you survived that day was that Tartaglia chose that exact moment to waltz in and frankly, he was a far bigger headache than you were.
He's not sure how you managed to worm your warm into his cold non-existent heart but at some point, he got used to your presence in his life. A few words to take care of himself, extra paperwork being filled, or shooing away other soldiers so he could have space. All of these acts of kindness were met with half-baked insults and suspicious looks. Every time he asked you why the hell you were acting like he was some helpless doll you always answered the same, you just felt like it and he looked like he kinda needed it. Which was so baffling to him that you managed to walk away with your head intact.
It started off with small things. Like you're both feral cats that are trying to co-exist in the same alleyway. You always announce your presence, give him enough time to leave, and your touch is barely there. You never do anything close to intimate, never hold his hand or hold his face, and he never reciprocates ever. Although it speaks volumes when he doesn't push you away ever. You're always nearby, sitting close, and you both exist contently.
But just like a feral cat, with enough time and love, even they will begin to grow comfortable and domesticated. The look on his subordinate's face was hilarious when little old you waltzed over to the sixth harbinger, plopped down into his personal space, and literally sprawled yourself over his lap to see what he was looking at. Just to one-up the absurdness, Scaramouche didn't seem bothered in the slightest, only calling you an idiot for not being able to read the document that was right in his hands.
Although there are some downsides to being so close to Scaramouche. He's possessive with the power the enforce his pride. You have to constantly scold him that he can't go frying anyone that comes within two feet of you. It's hardly efficient and it's annoying having to scream just to know what time it is.
The you from years ago would have balked at how casual you were speaking with the infamous Balladeer.
"All I'm saying is you sound like a possessive maniac," you huff, your arms crossing over your chest as you frown down at the sitting man. You doubt he's even paying attention to you because if he isn't throwing spite around then he's filtering you out of his mind. Scaramouche barely acknowledges your words, still fiddling around with the Electro Archon's gnosis. It gives off faint sparks of electro every time he rolls it over his fingers but he doesn't give any signs of pain. Maybe because he's an electro-user? Either way, he's obviously not listening to you. You let out a loud sigh before shrugging and turning on your heel to walk back into the camp. Suddenly, his hand shoots out and latches onto your wrist and he's yanking you down. The you from years ago would have fainted seeing you sprawled over your superior's lap. As your vision tilts to the sky you can't help but think that for such a small body, he sure has a lot of strength. He wears a bored expression, his other hand is cradling his head while his elbow is on his knee, before a nasty smirk makes its way over his face.
"Yeah? So what?" Scaramouch says, his hand stopping to firmly hold the gnosis, though now one of his hands is now settled on your hip. You blink. Huh, you...weren't exactly expecting the ever-prideful Balladeer to blatantly admit that.
"Well, the "what" is that it makes it incredibly inconvenient to talk to anyone. Everyone avoids me like the plague because their scared you're doing to kick down their door and attack them," you pout, grumpily adjusting your head to lay on his knee, "Also you need to eat more. You make a horrible headrest."
"That's fine. You won't need anyone else," he says dismissively.
You open your mouth to say something but the look in his eyes makes you falter. He's serious. A mixture of a past memory, the present moment of you both together, and a far-off dream all dance in his eyes. It's a look you've never seen before on Scaramouche's face despite how long you've worked under him and you can't help but be mesmerized by it. It's likely the first and last time you'll ever see him be honest. But it's quickly over as his eyes morph into snarky glee, his lips pulling into a mean grin.
"You look stupid."
Il Dottore
People are downright terrified to even be in the same room as the infamous doctor. There's never a safe moment and anyone could be the next test subject depending on his mood. It doesn't matter who it is, even his own segments, if someone touches him that means they've just volunteered to be his next experiment. It's suffocating when Dottore is out and not locked in his lab because everyone need's to be hyperaware of where the doctor is located in the room. So to say that Dottore tolerates you is a massive understatement.
He actually quite likes to parade you around, almost like you're his newest addition to his collection. Touch isn't a problem for him if he's the one initiating it given how often he's dragging you around like you're some pet. He's not gentle in the slightest, nearly pulling your arm out in his crazed rush to show you his newest creation. You would joke and say that in moments like these, he's the one that acts like the pet. Too excited to show its owner its newest achievements. But you have a sliver of sanity in your mind so you keep your mouth shut.
Every moment with Dottore is a warped sense of time. You've been with the Doctor for a long time, before he became a Harbinger, and you don't know how your relationship progressed to this stage. You're walking on a tightrope of old colleges that are too intertwined with history to be separated or co-dependent individuals that need death to finally leave each other. So when he touches you softly, affectionally, you stumble and fall off your rope. The mad doctor laughing from above, arms still outstretched from where he's pushed you.
Half of it is madness, and half of it is out of genuine love. Although, to Dottore, madness and love are the same things. His acts of affection are spontaneous and equally as fleeting. One second he's rattling off medical terms and theories, pauses in his rant just to give you a deep kiss no matter who's around you to witness the act, and proceeds as if nothing happens. That's not to say you don't enjoy it when he decides to reward you, you just wished it wasn't in front of so many people. You suspect he does it on purpose.
There's no softness or quiet time aside from the very very few and far between moments Dottore decides to indulge you. He's a busy man, his mind only built for progress, and he has better things to do than to play pretend. But for you, the one who forcibly carved space into his heart, he can make arrangements. Only for a short while. Some days he may hold you as if you'll shatter if he squeezes any harder, other days he'll push your hair away from your eyes quietly, and one day he kisses you as if you're something more.
Unlike Dottore, you don't have an intimidating reputation. People can touch you if they want to. It makes you a bit happy when Childe will pat you on the back or ruffle your hair cheekily. He's also one of the few who can get away with it as well since Dottore can't physically harm him for touching you since he's a fellow Harbinger. Besides, people speak with their eyes more. Since that doesn't qualify as anyone touching you, Dottore won't do anything. So they stare.
They stare at how the Harbinger holds you in a special place. You aren't remarkable, you're the same as the rest of them. Yet you're untouchable and invincible from the man who can change their entire lives. Mistakes occur frequently when Dottore is in the room, the slip of a finger because everyone is too focused on staying out of the Doctor's way. You get to stand beside someone like that.
It's been a hard day. A very hard day. You're absolutely exhausted and ready to curl up into a ball as soon as you get to your room. You aren't even sure what exactly happened. One second you were doing your job and the next your head was on the ground with a pulsing pain on your right cheek. It's not unusual for patients to lash out but under those circumstances, they don't have anything to do with you intimately. You know what people think about your relationship with Dottore. What people who only glimpse into the relationship you have with him think. Usually, they stay silent, only judging you with their eyes but always silent. That is until nearly 10 minutes ago.
"You're late."
You barely react when you hear his voice. Of course, it's him. God, what bad timing. He's the last person you want to see right now, especially in this state. You only give him a nod and mumbled out apologies, stumbling over your feet like a newborn lamb when his hand latches onto your wrist to drag you off again. You think you might have his fingerprints as bruises now. Another thing people can mistakenly think about your relationship. You only know you're crying when you hear the splatter of your tears against the tiled floors and Dottore's footsteps come to a halt. His grip on you has gotten tighter.
You're startled out of your wallowing when warm hands cup your face, brushing your tears away. His gloves are off. When did he take them off? Dottore simply looks at you as you silently cry. You're too tired to apologize, too tired to break down in sobs. Your arms hang uselessly at your sides but you close your eyes and lean into his touch.
"Give me their name."
He whispers it softly. You think back at the girl that struck you. You think she's new, she has to be. You know that if you say her name, you won't see her tomorrow. But you're too tired right now. So with no hesitation, you volunteer her to become the next test subject.
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ode-to-fury · 10 months
One Small Freckle
Pairing: Gale/Tav
Words: no clue
Summary: Whoo boy I woke up this morning and this lil drabble basically wrote itself and I like it so much I thought I’d post it. Self indulgent to the max which is my favourite type of fic to write. Gale has some morning after thoughts. This is based on my Tav but idk I think it’s fairly vague.
Gale lay awake, surrounded by Shadow Weave which terrfied and tempted him in equal measure, thinking.
He’d meant it as a farewell. He’d meant it as- as a last night, a last wonderful night with the woman he had come to love. He’d meant to show her one more facet of his beloved Weave before the inevitable happened, perhaps to give her something to explore in future. In truth, it had been a selfish, shameful thing, and he’d known it would hurt her more than anything else.
I’m in love with you, too.
He’d made his peace with the fact that his life would pay for his follies. It had all made perfect sense to him. Too much sense. He’d endangered the Weave with his ambition, and Mystra had spurned him, and now, to protect that thing which he loved the most and earn his godess’ forgiveness he simply had to destroy himself.
It had made perfect sense, in his heart, in his mind. No doubt Mystra had known it would, clever, clever thing that she was.
And what would it hurt for the world to have one less grasping wizard in it to sully its wonders? Who would miss him?
His mother, perhaps. And Tara. But the two of them would be safe from the destruction he would cause, far away in Waterdeep. And even more safe, when the threat of the Absolute was gone. They would mourn, but heal. In time.
I’m in love with you, too.
Her hands had callouses on them that scraped against his skin when her fingers danced across it. Those callouses scraped against his own, from the years working with his staff, from writing. Such mundane tasks that he yearned for now. She had one small freckle on the palm of her right hand, just below her thumb, that he could have spent hours admiring. Had she always had it? Or was it from days spent in sunlight adventuring through Faerûn, seeing all those places in the flesh he had only ever seen on paper?
Had he ever loved anything so much as he loved her hands? He remembers the first time they’d touched, trapped in that rock. Warmth eminating from her fingers, even then. If he’d known how the touch would damn him, would he have taken that hand?
Yes. In a thousand different realities. In every lifetime he could concieve of, the answer was yes.
I’m in love with you, too.
He’d attempted to match the colours of his nighttime illusion to her eyes, though he thought he’d come up woefully short. In some light, they seemed grey, like thunderclouds, or green, or blue. Then she would grin, or laugh, and starlight would burst forth from them. Days upon days he could have sat finding the perfect words for that light, for the brown specks that floated in it like leaves on the surface of a pool of starlight. He’d tried to count them, but he hadn’t had the time.
Time. Once he’d thought he’d had enough. He’d thought he would have lifetimes, like Elminster. Thousands of years to unravel the universe, it’s secrets, it’s functions. Now… now when all he wanted was to watch as the corner of her mouth quirked upward, and a dimple appeared on her cheek, now he would run out of that which he had taken for granted for so long.
I’m in love with you, too.
And then. Then he’d made the largest error of them all, and forgotten that she was not a goddess, despite his feelings on the matter, and she would not know to guard her thoughts in the astral plane, when they connected.
Pleasure had ripped through him, as Mystra had shown him, in the way he loved, but knowledge also.
He’d seen her thoughts, the hurt he was causing her, but the love also. A love large enough to match his own, at the least. He’d seen her fears, and her dreams, and her loves. Forests she’d walked through and rivers she’d crossed. Her yearning for greatness and reknown and acceptance. Glimpses of firelight and laughter, of tears and loneliness. Such loneliness it had made him gasp with the pain of it.
They’d mingled and loved like the gods do, but the clumsy fumbling of their mortality had interfered, and Gale had lost himself in the essence of her and had had no desire to find his way back to himself. Not ever.
I’m in love with you, too.
He lay awake in the darkness of his tent. She had fallen asleep after, which he understood. The darkness, the fear of the past days, the battles at Moonrise to rescue their allies, and now this. Now he had added to those burdens.
He’d been walking toward a precipice. Toward the abyss of nothing. Away from the pain of his heartbreak. Away from the physical pain of the orb and his arcane hunger. He’d stared into that darkness that had been beckoning since the day the orb had stolen his powers, his goddess, his life. Mystra had given him a chance to find solace in that darkness. To redeem himself in it, and save the Weave as he did. It was right. It had to be right, or she would not have commanded it, no matter her anger toward him.
I’m in love with you, too.
Away from the darkness there was pain. Strife, death, and pain. But there was life. There was Karlach, with her easy smiles and childlike hope and vulgar humour. There was Astarion, with his snide remarks and his hunger for power that matched Gale’s in a way he did not quite like, but who was by his side when he needed it. There was Shadowheart, who was closed off and sullen but who healed his scrapes and bruises with a wink and always shared her wine. There was Wyll, with his bravery and goodness and who would help Gale think of a word to rhyme with “pool” if he asked. Lae’zel, who could barely hide her smile when he asked her about her home amongst the stars and who was stronger than the rest of them combined. Weave save him, it gave him strength too.
And there was Tav.
I’m in love with you, too.
Before Elminster’s appearance he hadn’t thought about Mystra in days. The realisation had terrified and elated him in equal measure. If she had asked this of him two months ago, before the tadpole, he would not have hesitated, not for a moment.
Tav’s lips had brushed over the mark of the orb on his chest, kissing that which he had been cast out and condemned for. Her lips were soft, despite their time exposed to the elements. He wanted to ask her how she managed it. He wanted to ask her so many things that he did not have time for now.
I’m in love with you, too.
And in the darkness of his tent, surrounded by the Shadow Weave which tempted and terrified him in equal measure he finally realised that something in his heart and mind had changed.
He did not want to die.
The thought terrified him worse than anything else he’d experienced in the past weeks, and there had been some truly bloodcurdling sights.
Somewhere along their journey, perhaps next to the fire when Wyll was telling stories, or fighting with Tav at his back, knowing what she would do even before she did it, or walking along sharing thoughts with Astarion and Lae’zel, somewhere along their journey he had started living again.
Despite the orb, despite the tadpole, despite their dire, almost inevitable odds of catastrophic failure, he had started living again.
And gods, was he enjoying it.
I’m in love with you, too.
The night before he had bonded with her in a way he had not bonded with anyone in his life, not even Mystra, for she had always kept herself apart from him. Tav had had no such boundaries, and he had kept none from her.
Perhaps they would all die before this was over even without him detonating the orb. Perhaps they would transform into illithids and lose their souls. Perhaps this Absolute would crush them without so much as a second thought.
Or perhaps they would triumph, slim as their chances might be.
I’m in love with you, too.
But he would face it at her side. If they found this Heart of the Absolute and they decided it was best he go forth with his plan, then gladly he would. But until then, if she asked him to live he would live. If she asked him to defy Mystra, he would. If there was even the smallest chance that he would one day have the time to write poetry about that small freckle beneath her thumb, he would defy Ao himself to have it. He didn’t want to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to live with her, with their friends beside them.
And in the darkness of his tent, surrounded by the Shadow Weave which tempted and terrified him in equal measure, he grinned, and decided he would attempt to get some sleep before what would surely be a grueling day. Perhaps his last. Perhaps.
But certainty was ever an elusive creature when it came to adventures such as theirs. Hadn’t he been telling Tav so ever since Elminster had appeared?
He closed his eyes.
I’m in love with you, too.
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jakegasm · 2 years
sour | lo’ak sully
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request ˚୨୧ @loaksbitch ˚୨୧ : angsty au where lo’ak is insecure and jealous after he sees his best friend, who he calls his person aka reader/oc laughing and giggling with the new clan boys (a’noung+ rotxo+ more boysss)
Genre: angst
Word count: 1.9k
Pairings: lo’ak sully x omaticya!reader
Warnings: swear words
notes: after 3746499 years i have finally fulfilled your request, ya girl been busy with school and work so forgive me 😭 i hope this does your angsty heart justice mwah!
p.s. again its not proofread but when is my stuff ever? lol
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It had been a few months since the sully’s departure from their homeland. A few family members found their adaptation to the waters easy while others found it difficult. And by others, it was lo’ak. It wasn’t the fact that he couldn’t learn how to become one with the water, he never really felt like he fit in. As much as it pained him to leave his home he had also hoped that maybe he could find his place here in Awa’atlu, but with his luck, he was sadly mistaken. 
He couldn’t complain too much though. I mean, he had you. You made everything better when you were around. Minus his older brother being the one to scold him and lecture him before their father did, you were always there to save him. He was ecstatic when he learned about you joining them on their departure, your parents granting your wish to be with them. He always made sure you stuck to his side making sure you didn’t stray away too far from him. With a new place and a new home came new people and new problems. You were like his other half, like if something were to happen to you he felt he would actually die, which explains where the protectiveness over you came into play. 
Today was like no other. You had promised tuk you’d take her to see the reef and collect some shells for the plethora of jewelry you two always made, and of course he was tagging along. The three of you walked alongside the shore tuk skipping in front of you while you and lo’ak followed shortly behind giggling at the little one's excitement. It always amused lo’ak at how his younger sibling could be so giddy all the time and as silly as it sounds he sometimes envied her for it. 
“There it is!” tuk squeaked pointing at the large rock that sat just before the sea line, gentle waves crashing against it. Before either of you could say anything she was already off, her little feet ran as fast they could amongst the sand urging the two of you to hurry up as she quickly took her place on the rock. The two of you could only laugh at her excitement, something neither of you would ever get tired of. Carefully lo’ak helped guide you up onto the rock before climbing up the rock himself, thankful for the flat surface the top of the rock had. 
He smiled to himself in endearment while he watched the two of you, you held tuk securely in your arms while she leaned over your lap letting her small hands play with the creatures below her in the water, giggling as some of them suckled lightly on her passing fingers. Your smile reflected hers as one of your own hands joined her own in the water. It was at times like this where lo’ak actually studied you, you were beautiful to him nonetheless of course right after his mother but you…you were so ethereal to him. The way your freshly braided hair cascaded down your back and over your shoulders where jewels and beads were painted within them, how your skin shines so brightly even in the darkest moments you were glowing, and your smile. Your smile was something he was selfish over. Your smile was something he’d keep in his pocket forever, not daring to let someone else see it. Your smile had a hold on him that not even he could understand but what he did understand is that he never wanted to stop watching you smile. Your voice snapped him back into reality, his admiration never letting down. His eyes stared curiously into yours before wandering to tuk who also held the same expression you did. 
“Did you say something?” He finally asked. 
“I asked if you were ready to go. Tuk still wants to find things for our bracelets.” He blinked rapidly trying to bring himself back down into reality nodding his head as a response while he stood up alongside you and tuk. The three of you made it back down safely tuk linked her hand with yours lacing your fingers together as she swung them. 
 “Did you see the way he was looking at you? He has goo-goo eyes!” Tuk giggled earning a giggle from you as well. Her brother ony rolled his eyes at her ignoring her usual teasing. 
“He was staring at you so hard he started to drool!” 
“Alright that’s enough tuk.” Lo’ak warned her by shooting her a threatening gaze to not say any more than what she was saying, fearful that she might tell his secret, but unfortunately for him his gaze was not enough to stop her. 
“Lo’ak likes you!” The three of you stopped you and lo’ak held the same expression of shock but tuk’s beaming smile never left her face. 
“You little shit!” Lo’ak yelled before taking off after tuk who had already started running her laughter ringing through the air. Your hand clasped on your mouth while you tried to seal the laugh that leaked from your lips, watching as he finally caught her spinning her around before hoisting her up on his shoulder. Shaking your head you jogged to catch up with them, your smile never leaving your face. Your hands softly linked themselves around his arm sending his body into a full blaze. 
“Come. Let’s go before it gets dark.” 
And with that he lets you guide them to your next destination, never not once taking his eyes off of you. 
The next day was different though, somehow he let you out of his sight for too long. 
He cursed at himself for letting tuk distract him so long with her breathing lessons, there was tsireya for that, he thought. He wandered the beach rather in a rush, his only goal was to find you and bring you back to safety. With him. Only him. Yes, it was selfish but he could honestly care less. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard giggling but it wasn’t any giggling, it was your giggling. He felt what felt like flames immediately spread from his stomach to his chest, he stomped forward to the scene, his nose flaring in irritation. You were walking along the beach when a’noung and roxto approached you, sparking up a small conversation. You were laughing at something stupid roxto had mentioned before you were being pulled into a hard chest. 
“Back off fish lips.” Lo’ak was fuming. And you could hear it in his voice. Mentally you rolled your eyes since you knew you were going to have to find a way to calm him down after this. A’noung only half smiled and threw his hands up in a surrender stance, roxto following his actions except the male snickered both of them slowly backing away. 
“Relax. We were just keeping her company.” Both males gave you one last glance, roxto turning to leave before a’noung. 
“I’ll see you around.” He winked at you smiling before turning to join his friend, you were shocked at the gesture making your body heat up a little. Lo’ak huffed at this before dragging you along the beach ignoring your pleas and questions behind him. You couldn’t understand what had got him so worked up, you truly didn’t understand him either at times though you and his mother were the only ones who knew him from deep within, yet at times like this he rendered you confused, and speechless. 
“Lo’ak, enough!” You abruptly stopped attempting to snatch your arm away from his death grip with little to no avail. 
“What is wrong with you!” He held a dumbfounded look towards you before it quickly turned back into anger. 
“Me? What’s wrong with me?! You’re the one flirting it up with fish lips!” 
“He said something funny, am I not allowed to laugh at his jokes? And we were not flirting lo’ak.”
“No, you’re not!” 
His response threw you off. Yes, of course, he was very over-protective at times but this? This was a whole new level for him. You had always known lo’ak to be the jealous type, extra protective over things and people that he deeply and truly cherished. Yet this anger he was radiating toward you made you feel somewhat small. 
“No? Lo’ak I am not your property. I can laugh and talk to whoever I want.” You were standing your ground despite the scowling look he presented to you. It felt like he was burning holes through your body, looking straight through you. If looks could kill, you would’ve been dead by now. 
“I don’t care about you talking to other people. I care when those people are fish lips one and two.” He seethed putting extra emphasis on the word “people”. 
“Lo’ak…listen.” Your voice was soft now, you knew better than anyone that you were for sure not winning this argument with him. Gently you guided him to the sandy ground signaling for him to sit close to you, yet he refused. You scrunched your forehead in confusion but decided to let it go knowing his stubbornness had taken over. 
“I understand you do not like a’noung and roxto but I am allowed to speak with them on my own terms.” 
“Are you serious? Like…are you being dead ass right now?” The new language he spoke sent you into confusion, must’ve been a human phrase he had learned from his father. 
“Lo’ak I—I don’t understand. A’noung and Roxto are my fri-“
“Friends?” Lo’ak head shot up towards you, his anger even more evident on his face. In a quick motion lo’ak was on his feet his hands balled up at his sides. 
“You’re friends with those assholes? Especially after—god they treated us like shit when we first got here and now you’re friends with them?” Lo’ak’s mind was racing. He couldn’t even begin to fit the pieces of the puzzle. 
“How—how could you betray me like that?” His voice was low, his anger now completely covered in hurt. How could you forgive them so easily? They made your lives a living hell for the past couple of months, hell they even left lo’ak for dead at one point. And here you are becoming friends with them? 
“What? Lo’ak—“
“They left me alone beyond the reef! I could’ve died out there! And while I was out there you were—“
“But you did not lo’ak! You are here! I am talking to you! A’noung and roxto have sincerely apologized to you, even to your family! We all have forgiven them and you need to do the same and move on!”  You were frustrated. No. Irritated. It was at times like this where you felt like you were scolding tuk for misbehaving. 
“Fine.” He finally responded after having a heated stare down with you. You caught a glimpse of his eyes glistening and the slight bit of his lightly trembling lip, trembling so lightly that if you blinked you would’ve missed it. Turning on his heel he briskly started to walk away. 
Great. Now you’re the bad guy. 
“Lo’ak wait! Where are you going?”  You called out for him but was ignored as he got further and further away from you. Rolling your eyes you quickly caught up to him grabbing a hold of his arm only for him to snatch it away aggressively from your hold. You couldn’t lie. The gesture hurt you a bit. Lo’ak never yanked away from you like that, even when he was in the pissiest of moods. 
“I’m doing what you told me to do. Moving on.”  He didn’t even spare you a glance before walking away from you completely. You stood there in complete silence watching as his figure grew farther and farther away until you could no longer see him.
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again forgive me for taking so long with this, my life has been crazy. and to those who sent request I see you babes and I didn't forget about you I'm just taking It slow rn. <3
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queen-haq · 7 months
Fic: Never You (Penelope x Colin) - Part 3
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV show)
Spoilers: S3 released scenes.
Summary: They may have been friends once but his callous words decimated their relationship. Determined not to have anything to do with him, Penelope is ready to move on. But Colin isn’t giving up, not at all. Friends or not, they are connected for life - and he intends to remind her of that.
“You would hate me for not wanting to court you. You would be that selfish?”
“Of course you would think that.”
“What else is this if not punishment?”
Masterlist (contains links to Part 1 and my other stories)
Penelope had always dreamt that her first kiss with Colin would be sweet and romantic, exhibiting the care and tenderness that existed between them. Passion never entered her mind, and when she daydreamed about being married to him, not much thought was spent on the act of making love. Instead she imagined reading to him, walking with him, enjoying food and laughter, and living a life of shared contentment – very different from the marriage between her own mother and father. After overhearing Colin the night of her mama’s ball, she desperately wanted those fantasies to stop. Yet they lingered and she didn’t understand why. Maybe it’s because he was so deeply entrenched in her soul that she couldn’t imagine a future without him, maybe those dreams just brought her comfort when too many things had changed otherwise, but either way they didn’t stop. And so she started writing as a way to distract herself from her thoughts, not scandal sheets but rather a novel about unrequited love. It was halfway complete before her mama made the decision to send her to the country to stay with one of their cousins. Portia Featherington hoped the change in air would mean Penelope would stop moping and hopefully lose some weight. Penelope had her own reasons for agreeing. She wanted distance from Eloise and reminders of Colin, and hoped discovering a new place would give her respite from the pain. The last few months at Ayleshire had provided that and so much more; it was there she had met Arthur Debling and had her eyes opened to a world she never knew existed before. And it was because of him that she was now aware of desire and passion, and that it could exist without love.
Because Colin didn’t love her, but the moment his lips touched hers they were both wrecked. All thoughts ceased to exist, all she could do was feel and experience sensations she had never imagined. He devoured her with his mouth, his tongue stroking hers with raw urgency. And she kissed him back with equal fervor, standing on her toes, clinging to him desperately.
Whilst her gloved hands fisted his hair, aching to run her bare fingers through his soft, beautiful curls, his roved everywhere on her body. One second he was cupping her breasts, the next his hands were grasping her bottom, roaming over the length of her frantically. He was a man caught up in madness, fully determined to possess her.
Everything was moving fast, too fast, her body aroused, mind spinning. Desperately needing some air to compose herself, she dragged her mouth away from his. But he didn’t stop, no, his mouth drifted to her ear, his ragged breaths echoing in her mind as his tongue traced the curve of the shell, making her tremble in his arms. And then his tongue stroked the oh-so-sensitive spot just below which instantly made her knees buckle. But he held her tight, his grip fierce and strong as he maneuvered her back against the wall of the maze, refusing to give her any respite from the ecstasy he unleashed upon her.  
No one had ever admired her breasts before. It hadn’t even occurred to her that it would be something anyone would want to do, but seeing the glazed look on Colin’s face as he stared at them longingly, touching her with reverence, before angling down to pepper hot, wet kisses on her bosom made her realize how much she still didn’t know about physical arousal. Like how good it felt to have his face sink into her breasts, the sensation of his tongue and teeth on her skin, electrifying every nerve in her body. She moaned, feeling that deep yearning between her legs. “Colin, more…”
Frantically he tried to scoop her breasts out of the bodice but the corset underneath proved too tight.  “This damn thing,” he bit out with frustration before yanking down the sleeves of her dress. The force with which he pulled not only ripped the lace from the sleeve but also tore the side of her bodice.
It was at that moment Penelope rushed back to reality, feeling exposed in front of him. Quickly she covered herself with her arms.
The shift in the air was palpable, fraught with tension.
Hesitant, her breath came out in shallow spurts as she finally dared to glance up at him. Colin was no longer looking at her like a man possessed. Instead there was panic in his eyes, his face taking on a horrified expression.
“Pen…” His eyes swept over her chest. “I’m so sorry. I…” He jumped back, realizing he was entirely too close. Like he could no longer bear to touch her. “I don’t know what came over me.” Guilt flooded his expression. He couldn’t even seem to hold her gaze and averted his eyes. “I took liberties I shouldn’t have.”
Her stomach was coiled into knots, mind still reeling from what occurred. “It’s fine. It’s over. We both acted foolishly.”
“You deserve a husband who values you.” He cast her furtive glances, running his fingers through his hair. “Someone who cares for you and cherishes you. Someone who can truly love you.”
Because he couldn’t.
There was no denying that his words wounded her, but not being good enough for him also didn’t bring with it the searing pain and shame it once did. Now there was no agonizing heartbreak, just a dull ache in her soul which she could manage with little effort.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His eyes still lingered along her ripped bodice. “I acted like a savage.”
“It’s done with,” she replied, irritated. “I would just like to go home and put this night behind me.”
“Your first kiss is supposed to be special, a magical moment, and I ruined that for you.”
“You didn’t,” she interjected. “Tonight was not my first kiss. So you don’t need to fret.”
The change in him was abrupt. One second he was burdened with remorse, next he was staring back at her with fire in his eyes, a simmering rage that appeared to dissipate all of his trepidation from before. “Who did you kiss, Penelope?”
Penelope, not Pen. He rarely ever used her given name, not unless he was upset. And spotting the angry glint in his eyes, the tightening of his jaw, it was clear that he was – which made her own temper rise. “How is that your concern?”
He took a step towards her, his eyebrow cocked. “Answer me.”
“I will not!” She glared up at him defiantly. “You are in no position to demand anything from me, Colin.”
The madness that took over him when he was kissing her seemed to return with a vengeance as he closed the distance between them. His demeanor was agitated, his troubled eyes piercing right through to her core. “Was it him? Your mysterious suitor?”
“Why does it matter to you? You don’t even believe he exists!”  
“He’s taken advantage of you, hasn’t he? What has he done?”
She should have walked away, perhaps even tried to calm his distressed self for the sake of their friendship - but his entitlement and refusal to believe someone would actually want her still had her infuriated at him. Outraged, she started provoking him instead. “Nothing I did not desire for him to do.”
His eyes darkened to an almost pitch-black under the moonlight. “Is that so?”
“Yes,” she huffed back. “And that is all I wish to say to you. Good night, Sir!”
When she attempted to walk past him, he blocked her path. “Who is he?” Danger laced his voice. “I demand you tell me now, Pen.”
“And I demand you go to hell!” she spat out.
“Did you kiss him the way you kissed me?” His arm snaked around her waist, crushing her against his chest. “Did you let him touch you?”
What was happening between them? She didn’t understand it. He’d never behaved like this before, a complete contrast to the boy she fell in love with. Yet his predatory wildness didn’t scare her, instead sending thrills down her spine.
“Did he kiss your breasts, Penelope? Did you undress for him and let him see you naked?”
“And what if I did?” she retaliated. “Why do you care?”
“You do not belong to him!”
“But I will. Soon.. And then I will be loved and cherished and happy and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”
“You think I would just let you walk out of my life, Pen?” He shook his head ‘no’, his eyes gleaming with emotion. “I will never let you go.”
It was all too much, she could no longer bear it. His close proximity, his intoxicating words – it all wreaked havoc with her thoughts. Worst of all, he was giving her false hope and that was something she couldn’t afford to have. “Release me, Colin!”
“I will not.”
“Colin! Unhand her now!”
It was the sound of Anthony’s voice that finally made Colin loosen his grip on her waist. Immediately she distanced herself from him, a heated blush creeping across her cheeks at being caught by the Viscount. Anthony wasn’t alone, next to him was his wife, Kate, who was staring at Penelope with concern.
To be continued...
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
Hey! May be this out of context but I love your insights, observations and way of thinking. May you answer this question, this something is always puzzle me: Why do you think there's *so big*, yet, so *delusional* fandoms?? I've seen many posts that don't even make sense or based on *valid* reasons for this fandom fave character/ship but take a lot of notes (1K, 2K or even 5K)??
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Ah, thank you very much, I’m really glad that you appreciate my way of thinking!
(properly tagged anti-ending under the cut)
Especially because there aren’t many who agree with me I guess…not that I care, but your ask reminded me that when I recently fixed my theme and tags I saw one of my old rants that got more than 150 notes, way beyond the notes I get for those, not to mention that particular one was my unprompted take on the Itachi and Sasuke parting scene, specifically on Sasuke’s startled look when Itachi’s hand is reaching him. It wasn’t a popular opinion, no matter what fandom you associate it with, from Itasasu to others. Maybe it was because of the screencaps I added. Maybe because I posted it shortly after the ending and everyone was very much into supporting or hating it, me included, now I don’t want to think about it instead.
About your argument, I agree with you 100%. I (try to) keep it to myself but to me most things I stumble upon sound biased and delusional, which I wouldn’t care about, if the authors didn’t try to sell them as logical, valid and unbiased. As “the ultimate truth”, so to speak, not just on pro-ending and canon blogs (my only contact with them is what seeps through my blacklist) but also from those who are on “my side”, liking the same characters and/or pairings. It’s inevitable tho, as everyone think they’re right. Besides, to them, I am the delusional weirdo~
Yeah because I’m on the unpopular side: I hate the ending, yet I try and focus on what I like instead of talking about it 24/7, I don’t care about the kids, I like weird, rare and dark ships, like the Japanese fandom I see fixed roles (top/bottom) in pairings no matter what is realistic and what’s not because the “reverse order” or “they switch” to me sounds weird or almost as a different pairing, I have a clear idea on characterization and dynamics for my favourite characters and pairings that is not common, I write darkfics with abuse, dubcon, manipulation and all that unhealthy stuff. Oh and Itasasu. To me my ideas are sound, logic and better than most, it’s others’ that are boring, uncreative (and OOC) tho~ 
So as much as some of the things I see make me cringe, as long as no one comes to tell me how wrong I am, I tell myself that mine is just one of the man perspectives out there. (*coughs* no matter how right it is *coughs*)
Introduction over, now the real reply starts. Keep in mind that I am aware that some might genuinely like the things, characters and pairings I’m criticizing here, and keep in mind that I have nothing against those people or against those whose reasons I analyze. It’s just a dispassioned opinion I formed observing the fandom, so don’t take it personally.
The reasons behind certain opinion’s popularity might be that they’re simple and they appeal to what’s already been said and done countless times, so it’s nothing but a repetition of something popular as well, and people like it because it’s safe and doesn’t challenge their views.(also on fanfics and fanon. This explains the super popular Uchiha inc AU with CEO Itachi in his designer clothes, the exaggerated fanon dynamics for Itachi and Sasuke, both with sort of narcissistic arrogant Itachi+whiny Sasuke, and with psycho possessive Sasuke+weakling martyr Itachi, and many more popular fanon elements like selfish victim Naruto to name just one~)
Speaking of which, fiction is never entirely original. It is related to tropes and plot devices and aimed at a certain target. Naruto’s is mostly Shounen Jump readers, so Japanese preteen boys, but also preteen girls…uhm…whose ideas about changing the system are as deep as their knowledge of love. kishi/SJ took their taste into consideration, through reader polls, actually butchering shaping the story to fit their agenda. It’s not just an age thing though. Average and casual readers are the same. They take things at face value and don’t have any interest on motives and consistency of plot and characters. They go with the flow of the story, simple as that. (Like when they see Orochimaru free, Kabuto running an orphanage but Sasuke in jail/having to redeem himself while Naruto is basking in popularity they find it ok and justify it with the reasons given in the anime/manga, and don’t even get me started on pairings. I had arguments in real life, with people I held in relatively high esteem, who since canon pairings happened they said they’re ok even though Sasuke rejected S*kura a few chapters before. Or, in a more fandom-related realm, when they stick to the most popular pairings and opinions around, like sticking to the big 3 because they’re more plausible more than for a real liking~)
It might also be the completely opposite reason: after something has been repeated over and over, after a stalling situation for lack of new material or a boring plotline, after a series ended, there is finally new content, or some new character is introduced, and it’s a breath of fresh air, especially in a dying/decreasing fandom. (Like being enthusiastic about the new generation anime and everything new even though it’s a dull rehash. Or going head over heels for a new opinion/fanon trend because it feels new and fresh, no matter if it’s worse than the previous one. Liiike everyone shitting on the top/bottom distinction or aggressively turning to the reverse version of the pairing because the previous one was apparently “wrong” all along. And I think I’m pretty obvious about what dynamics I’m referring to~)
Sometimes it’s a matter of exposure. The more people are exposed to a certain thing the more they’ll like it. Even if they used to hate it. (if you think about it, there was more anti-ending before, and while many left the fandom, others changed their minds because the new content is everywhere by now)
Sometimes it’s a matter of trends. Random official initiatives or memes or other fan based things become suddenly popular and the average person just follows. This also happens with opinions and fanon that pops out of nowhere, and magically everyone is enlightened by the new truth, not realizing that 99% of the cases it’s the opinion of a random person who runs a random blog and it’s just as biased or plain wonky as anyone else’s so it’s better to take it with a grain of salt.
Despite I’m constantly thinking and theorizing stuff and I pride myself to be an independent thinker, even I fell into this at first. When I started this blog I was still into a compulsive fanfic reading phase and I didn’t write at all. Only when I became unsatisfied with fanfics and meta around I started writing mine, and I realized that some opinions and headcanons I used to hold as valid were influenced by certain fic writers, especially a popular one whose ideas felt fresher compared to others’. Still I should have realized that when I read their stories in my head I changed what felt OOC in characters/dynamics, a clear sign of having a different idea. As I wrote my stuff though my vision became clearer and completely different from that author’s. 
I hope this helps! Either to understand what’s on some people’s minds, or to realize that you’re not the only one who facepalms while scrolling through the tags~
Hawk out
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sukirichi · 4 years
— hands to myself (nanami kento x reader)
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pov: you miss nanami too much that you can’t keep your hands to yourself
content/warnings: nsfw, voyeurism, masturbation, spanking, multiple orgasms, daddy kink, sugar daddy nanami, unedited fic
inspo: hands to myself by selena gomez
note: i can’t get sugar daddy nanami out of my head my brain goes brr brr PLEASE SEND ME THIRSTY ASKS ABOUT NANAMI 
@unabashednightmarepizza​ and @noritoshiikamo​ asdgjkl here we goooo i guess 
masterlist !
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the penthouse felt so lonely without nanami.
he’s been working so hard, staying overtime and coming home just as you’re already buried in the sheets. nanami would slither in as quietly as he could, not wanting to disturb the peaceful slumber of his baby girl, but what he doesn’t know is that you don’t mind waking up, just to see and feel him before he leaves for work again the next morning.
right before the sun rises, nanami’s already left. in your dazed state, you’re sure you felt him kissing your forehead before the doors close with a soft click, leaving you alone all over again.
you know he doesn’t mean it, you know he doesn’t want to leave you – but nanami is a hero and he has a duty to the people of this world to exorcise curses to bring a safer environment for everyone. truly, you admire him for this, sometimes a little too much that you might even fall in love with the rigid and stoic man who doesn’t smile.
still, you can’t help but to miss him.
ever since you became his baby girl, life has been easy. even though nanami wasn’t around all the time, he made it up by leaving his credit card to you, assuring you that you were free to get what you wanted. out of boredom, you’d go to the upstate and use his car to drive around the hills, arms heavy with shopping bags.
you’re not selfish, of course, you always make sure to bring him a little gift too. whether it came in the form of buying a new necktie for him – which he always wore to work proudly – or donning your body in lacy, white lingerie that has nanami losing control and worshipping your body until you’re screaming his name with a dried throat, you never forget to leave a little something for him.
sometimes you wish you could tell him you don’t really want the money. you’re thankful he’s more than generous to help you pay for college fees in return of you being his sweet baby girl, but you don’t need the Gucci or prada if he’s not going to be around.
you wanted nanami more than anything else, missed him more than anyone else.
your room feels so empty without him. his scent still lingers in your sheets because he’d rather sleep with you than stay in his own room, only using said room for showering and getting ready for work.
a lightbulb shines above your head. throwing your iphone to the side, you run to his room and open the cabinets one by one. nanami was as organized with his surroundings as he was with himself. his closet is an impressive collection of dark blue button-ups, nude slacks, and his iconic nude suit jacket. they’re all of the same brand and size, and you laugh because only nanami would buy the same thing over and over again.
at the end though, your gaze lands on a rare collection of white button ups, neckties neatly rolled and tucked at the glossy marbled drawers in front of the closet. already, you feel your heartbeat picking up as your hands touched the soft cotton material, nose slowly rubbing and burying into his shirt.
it even smells like him.
your movements are swift. previous shirt discarded on the floor, your arms loop inside the sleeves, tying up just until the undersides of your breasts before you pick out your favourite tie for him, a satin black one that always made him look delectable for dinner parties.
nanami rarely wore those, but when he did, he knew you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands to yourself. the last time he brought you with him for a birthday ball of his friend, nanami wore this exact black tie paired with the traditional fitted, three piece suit. you remember how needy you were for him that night, little fists clenched at his dress shirt and nanami lowly scolding you to behave.
but you were so desperate to touch him – how could you not when he was so damn irresistible – that he felt bad for his baby girl. long story short, you and nanami left early for the party, with your pussy bouncing up and down his thick pole while nanami glared at the limousine driver to keep his eyes on the road, large, calloused hands possessively gripping the flesh of your ass.
you missed him so much you might go crazy.
grabbing the nearest bottle of his perfume, you spritz it into the air, leaning forwards so that you’d get his scent all over you. it somehow felt as if you were coating yourself in his name, claiming and branding yourself as his even without him in the vicinity.
that’s how much you wanted him, and you don’t stop rubbing his perfume along the pads of your wrist until you can’t smell yourself anymore. your legs are accentuated by the black suede pumps you strutted around the penthouse with, lips tainted red from the wine he kept in his precious little cellar – which was also a spot in the house you both fucked at during that time nanami wanted to taste you on his lips.
he pushed you next to the glass borders then, spreading your legs open until you’re absolutely bare of him. the memory of nanami burying his warm tongue in you has you rubbing your thighs together, your black lace panties already damp with arousal.
you won’t touch yourself, though. that’s one of the rules nanami placed the moment he agreed to be your sugar daddy: you couldn’t, under any circumstance, touch yourself without his permission.
sighing, you trudged back to his bedroom again and sat your ass on his silver desk, legs swinging below you as you stared out into the night city.
nanami likes his room dark, that even though he’s got a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, he almost never opens it. only the bright light from the opened closet is what illuminates your silhouette as you watch the skyscrapers twinkle from afar, the people bustling on the streets looking like ants from this height. it was perfect – the night looked so beautiful and the ambience so romantic with soft, classical music playing from the AI speakers – but nanami isn’t here.
he wouldn’t come home early either. you could already tell how stressed he’d be because gojo satoru always makes him work overtime.
for now, you just had to enjoy your own presence, replacing nanami’s heat and love with his perfume and clothes. his shirt is absolutely baggy on you, the ends of it falling on top of your thighs. your breasts nearly swells out from the tight cups of your bra and the fat of your thighs clumped underneath the straps of your stockings.
you’ve sighed for what seems like the hundredth time that day. it sounds selfish, but you wished that nanami would come home early and pay attention to you. surely, gojo satoru would be more than fine handling the curses himself for just today.
unable to help it, your head fell back on the transparent glass windows of his room, fingers snaking under his shirt. instinctively, your legs opened, a breathy sigh falling from your glossy red lips as you slipped a finger in. it’s not as big or as thick as nanami’s, and your hands are way too soft compared to the scraping sensation his calloused fingers gave whenever he fingered your pretty little pussy.
it’s nothing compared to what nanami can make you feel, but it should be enough, for now.
your head falls back as your heel lands on his desk, nearly grazing the precious smooth top of his table. you have a feeling nanami is going to punish you once he sees the slight scrapes of your stiletto against it, but who cares? at this point, you’re willing to pull off the stupidest things just to get his attention, just to get him to fuck you.
“nanami,” you moan around the second finger, your other hand spreading your legs open. you’re so horny that you don’t bother taking your panties off anymore, the material flushed with the slick of your own arousal that it’s heavily damp. “daddy, i miss you,” eyes shut tight, you fondle with the sensitive nub of your clit, pumping yourself slowly as you imagine that it’s nanami making you feel good this time.
you know you’re being a bad girl, that you’re being an absolute brat. not only did you break the rule that you’re not allowed to touch yourself exactly after you convinced yourself you wouldn’t, but you’re leaking right at his desk, heels grazing into the smooth material.
if nanami were to see, he wouldn’t forgive you.
he would break you.
if it was a punishment, then why do you enjoy the idea of it? why are you so enticed, so excited, so eager to have your daddy use you like a fucktoy? your lashes flutter against your cheeks, hips bucking into your cupped palm as your belly begins to tighten. “b-break me, daddy, please, nanami-”
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you freeze.
tentatively, you crack an eye open, swallowing audibly when nanami stands at the edge of his door, his glasses already removed. now that his beautiful blue eyes aren’t obscured by anything, you’re met with the intense heat of his gaze, nearly burning like wild fire. you glance down at your fingers buried in your pussy and gulp, pulling them out with a loud shlick. you were so wet at just the thought of him, so stupid to even want to be punished, but now your spine freezes when nanami struts to your way.
his hand tilts your chin up, forcing you to look at him. “i asked you a question,” his low, baritone voice has you clenching around nothing, throat tight out of nervousness. “i said, what do you think you’re doing?”
“i-i’m sorry, daddy,” you duck your head down, lips red and trembling. “i just missed you so much and i got so horny-”
“so you thought it was okay to touch yourself? even after i’ve made it clear i don’t want you doing that?”
“i’m so sorry-”
nanami doesn’t give you a chance to speak before his lips crash into yours, his tongue effortlessly slipping inside to swipe over your teeth. you gasp in his mouth when his large hands cup your ass and haul your weight off the desk, legs wrapped around his waist. nanami slaps it, making the flesh bounce and gripping it tightly with a firm squeeze. you’re pretty sure you’d turn completely red and marked by the end of this, but you don’t care, fuck, you don’t fucking care – nanami’s here and that’s all you care about.
you kiss him back just as eagerly, arms around his neck as he carries you like you weigh nothing. nanami groans when your teeth nibble on his lips, eager and needy hands unbuttoning his shirt. his hard pecs and abs greet you like a present you couldn’t wait to unwrap, and you’re both breathing hard by the time you pull away.
“are those my clothes?” he snaps the strap of your bra under his shirt, eyes narrowed over the way you look terrifyingly small in his shirt. you nod, breasts rising up and down, tempting him to reach over and squeeze it. your back arches at his touch, his ministrations missed and needed. no, you craved it. he’s been gone too long you’re not sure you could take it anymore, and you hiss when nanami buries his sharp nose in the juncture of your neck, the front of his pants damp and coated with your exposed wet cunt. “and you’re wearing my perfume too.”
“tell me, baby,” nanami sets you down on your feet. your legs are a little wobbly from the heels and with desire burning in your stomach. he steadies you by placing a hand under your armpit, and you lean forward to kiss him one more time. nanami tsks and shoves you backwards, cheek sliding across the glass. “why did you go to my room without my permission? why did you touch yourself when i told you not to? do you want to be punished?”
your cheek stings from the impact of your skin hitting the glass, but your mind is too clouded with lust you can’t really focus on his words. wiggling your ass to press against his erection, you beg for him, hands looking for the comfort of his skin.
nanami slaps your ass and hand away to shut you up, and you fall forwards with a muffled cry. “answer me when i ask you a question, baby girl. i’m not always going to be this nice.”
“daddy, i-i just missed you so much, i couldn’t help it.”
“you missed me?” you hear his belt unbuckling behind you, your ass perking up in excitement. fuck, you just wanted him to pound into you already. but nanami’s always too patient, always controlled in everything he does, that you’re laying there shaking with your pussy dripping for him. finally, fucking finally, you feel his cock enter you inch by delicious inch, and you moan at the same time nanami groans at burying himself deep within you. “my stupid silly baby can never keep her hands to herself, huh?”
“no, daddy, i want you too much, i just miss you so bad.”
“you do?” he teases, rolling his hips languidly. his pace is so slow and teasing that you’re whining for him to go faster, but nanami only shakes his head. before you could fathom the way nanami’s eyes darken, he leans forward, hitting deeper than he did before. your moans are so breathy that you start fogging up the glass, and nanami rubs your swollen clit before using his hands to squish your cheeks. he forces you to follow his gaze, voice low and almost growling. “if you miss daddy so much, then show it to them. show them how good i’m making you feel. come on, baby girl, i know you can do it. you’ll do it for me won’t you?”
realization dawns you the moment nanami pushes your body further in the glass, your breasts squished and flattened against the cool surface. “d-daddy,” you gasp, tightening around him once you see that the overtime workers from the office parallel to his penthouse are now witnessing the way nanami rams his cock into you like a wild animal. “they’re, ah, watching.”
“i know, baby, i know,” nanami loosens his necktie around your neck, snatching it and tying it around your wrists instead. “let these people know you’re mine – that you’re my baby girl and no one else’s okay?”
hands bound behind your back and nanami’s thick cock thrusting roughly into you, you’re unable to move or even think straight. you just nod mindlessly as nanami keeps fucking into you, hands gently pressing down your throat. his dick keeps rubbing against your most sensitive spots and you’re shaking underneath him, your arousal heightened when you saw several of the office workers have already pulled out their cocks and stroked it at the sight of you dripping onto nanami’s black marble floors.
nanami doesn’t stop praising on how much you’re a good girl for him. now that his cock is buried within you, he’s already forgotten that you’ve broken his precious rule.
you don’t complain, though. how could you when he has you screaming his name, your makeup and sweat leaving a figure the shape of body plastered on his glass walls? you’re sure his housekeeper is going to be so angry at the both of you for leaving cum stains everywhere, but you and nanami have forgotten all about it.
it seems he misses you just as much because nanami doesn’t stop fucking you until you’re full of his cum, breasts swollen and aching from being pressed into the wall for so long.
an hour passed – maybe two – you’ve lost count from the amount of times nanami has made you cum. your legs are giving out beneath you and your latest lingerie set is broken, comforted only by the promise that he’s going to get you good one. you’re absolutely lost in the pleasure of nanami driving his cock impossible deep into you all the way until morning, body spent and shaking from all the orgasms.
fucked out and whining, nanami litters kisses all over your body to soothe you a little bit, but he doesn’t stop. and the truth is, you don’t want him to, either. legs wrapped around his waist and heels digging into his ass, nanami finally tangles his hands into yours as he pistons his cock in and out of your squelching pussy.
he’s giving you his all, and you can’t keep your hands to yourself no matter how hard you’re trying to, not when nanami is prowling into you as you’re spread underneath him before he goes gentle, almost as if making love to you.
well, you could, but why would you want to?
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hello 🧸 i really enjoy reading your alice in borderland writings and just wanted to say that your writing is ✨immaculate✨ hope you keep up the good work!also, i wanted to request something where the reader is this badass/genius at the beach and niragi and chishiya can’t help but be attracted to her and so they try to pursue her both. but even though she acts tough on the outside she does like them back and the rest is up to you if that’s alright~
Thank you so much! That just made my day. 😊 And of course, here you go! 
Two Peculiar Admirers | Shuntaro Chishiya, Suguru Niragi
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya, Niragi (Aguni, Kuina, OC)
Summary: You are a new member of The Beach with a harsh attitude and a strong personality. Chishiya and Niragi can’t help but be a little bit lovestruck.
Warnings: a lot of swearing, blood, stalking, violence, threatening
Word Count: 3.5k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: I planned to fit this all into one part but it got a bit too long and I still have more to write. I’m so sorry I left it at a cliffhanger but I promise I’ll upload Part 2 before you know it!
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It had all begun when Aguni had brought you back to The Beach.
You were a particularly strong woman, both on the inside and the outside. You didn’t hesitate in games to do what needed to be done to survive. And best of all, you were on your own. He thought you would be a perfect little guinea pig to add to the pile back at The Beach to help collect cards.
Aguni had found you at a heart’s game, a game of betrayal. He noticed you at registration, believing that you would be killed off within the first few minutes. But he got a great surprise to see that you gave up other player’s lives without hesitation. At least you knew how to survive in the Borderlands, no friends, no one to betray.
He followed you for a while after the game, trying to find the right moment to grab you and place the black bag over your head. You noticed him following you a few times, so you kept your guard up.
But eventually, he used his strength against you and knocked you out with a few hits to the head. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to make you black out.
He didn’t want to take any chances. After seeing your strength and skills conveyed at the hearts game, he didn’t want to risk becoming injured or even killed by you.
After being brought back, Aguni spoke highly of you in the meeting room, causing Hatter to move you to a higher number than most. You were annoyed if anything, you were doing completely fine by yourself. Why did these people have to drag you into their selfish and chaotic dynamic?
You were rather cold-hearted towards everyone, being upset about becoming a part of all this mess. You felt like a soldier in a meaningless war. You didn’t want to put all your energy into your games just to let one person leave this hell. Everyone seemed blinded by it, didn’t they realize they were believing empty promises?
On one of your first nights at The Beach, you had been sitting at a booth nearby the pool by yourself. You enjoyed watching people acting like drunken idiots, it was entertaining to you. Sipping your drink and laughing at people getting pushed into the water had become one of your favourite pastimes, since there didn’t seem to be much else to do other than drink or dance.
This was when Niragi first approached you.
A sudden arm slung around your shoulders like a snake. You whipped your head around harshly, receiving a fright from the action. A young man with several silver piercings in his face had decided he had the audacity to make himself comfortable right next to you. Well, technically it felt like he was sitting right on top of you he was that close.
You furrowed your eyebrows roughly at him but didn’t move, just staring at him with a surprised look on your face.
“Hey sweetheart, you’re looking awfully lonely,” he began, leaning his face much closer to yours. “Why don’t you come with me? I’m sitting over there with a few of my friends. I would love it if you could join us.”
You could tell this guy had never been rejected before, his ego was so large it oozed off his words like a bad smell. You put a hand against his chest and pushed him away from you. His eyes widened in surprise.
“Look sorry… whatever your name is. You’re being real fucking annoying right now,” you said, being straight forward with him. Although you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t appreciate his confidence. But there was a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and this man seemed to be right in between the two.
He sat up and off you with a shocked look on his face. “Are you sure you want to be saying that to me?” he said in an annoyed tone. You watched as he cocked his pierced eyebrow upwards, being interested in how you would answer.
You gave a big sarcastic smile and giggled. “Yeah, you’re nothing special sweetheart. Thanks for ruining my peace and quiet.” You stood up out of your seat and his arm slid off your shoulder. He watched you in shock as you strutted away from the booth, making your way to the bar nearby. You didn’t want to argue with a man who just so obviously wanted to get into your pants. You weren’t going to give into anyone that easy.
Niragi let out a big breath and smirked as he checked you out from the booth. “Hopefully no one saw that.” He said to himself.
No girl had ever rejected him so harshly before. You didn’t know who he was? Did no one tell you?
Your harsh remark to his attempted flirting struck a chord within him. He felt his heartstrings pull tight in his chest. That attitude of yours really hit him.
I mean, who wouldn’t love to play a game of cat and mouse? Because the vibe you were giving off to Niragi gave him the idea that you would love to play a little chase game of emotions with him.
Chishiya’s meeting with you would have been rather bizarre. He met you at a game because you were assigned to the same group as him for one night.
During the drive on the way there, you kept glancing your eyes over to the mysterious figure. He sat quietly in his seat, hood over his head and earbuds in his ears. He wore all white, reminding you of a ghost.
The game was a four of clubs. Pretty easy for someone like you, or so you thought.
It was held in an apartment block that reached twelve levels high. The aim of the game was to find the safe zone to disengage the bomb within the time limit and without being ‘tagged’ by the tagger.
During the first five minutes of the game, you tried your hardest to remain alone, but a young man who didn’t have any idea what he was doing followed you around from registration. He seemed to be a new player, so after a while you decided to tolerate him. He could be used as a shield from the tagger if worse came to worse.
As you made your way around the levels, checking every door and looking around every corner, you heard rapid gunshots every now and then. It made your heart drop every time you heard it just below you or just above you.
At some point you watched as you saw the tagger take aim at someone who was on a different level. You watched as the young man ducked down to avoid being killed, bullet holes shredding into the wall next to him in the process.
You frowned. Why did the tagger attack him so far away? Every victim has been on the same floor as him when he kills them.
Then it hit you: he was trying to protect the door that the young man was attempting to open. That must have been the safe space.
You and the new player that remained with you made your way down a few levels to the door that the tagger had been shooting to. There had to be something there, he wouldn’t aim from that far if he didn’t want that door opened.
As you arrived, the tagger and the young man gone, you were about to open the door before you heard a voice call from further down the balcony.
The mysterious figure from the car was there, strutting along the path like he owned the place. You kept your hand on the door handle and looked at him to see what he had to say.
“Are you sure you want to open that?” he gloated, smiling slightly and stopping just next to you. You looked him up and down. He had a shorter stature than you expected.
“I was planning on it,” you remarked, jiggling the door handle in your grasp. It was unlocked, unlike all the other doors you had tried. This must have been the safe zone.
The figure tucked his hands into the pockets of his white hoodie and raised his eyebrows while scanning the door up and down. “Don’t you think it’s a bit strange that the tagger didn’t just stand in front of it?” he said.
You thought for a second. He had a point, but you didn’t have time to think logically at that moment. The game phone in your pocket beeped and announced that there was only five minutes remaining.
“Look I’ll just open it slowly. But we must hurry because we won’t know how long I could take to disengage the bomb,” you said matter-of-factly.
The man nodded and stood behind you so he could see what was through the door when you opened it. You breathed out heavily and slowly turned the door handle to peep inside.
The room blossomed with light as soon as you opened the door. It seemed normal enough, except there was another door on the other side of the room that led to a lit-up area.
“That must be the safe zone,” you breathed out, relieved. “Must be,” the figure repeated.
A sudden deafening sound filled the air behind you and you both whipped your head around to see the new player that had followed you lying on the ground with several holes in his chest. You felt blood splatter onto your face from the impact, shifting your eyes upwards just to see the tagger at the end of the hallway, quickly storming their way down towards you and the man.
“Shit!” you screamed. “No time to waste!”
You pulled open the door completely, and before Chishiya could even think quick enough, you grabbed him by the back of his hoodie and tugged him inside harshly.
He stumbled from the sudden movement and ended up falling on top of you from the force, managing to kick the door shut with his foot in the process.
You groaned underneath him. “Sorry,” you muttered. “You weren’t moving so I didn’t have a choice.”
He chuckled above you and pushed his arms against the ground to stand himself up and off you. “No worries, I could never be mad at someone for saving my life.”
You thought that both of those encounters with the strange young men would be your last, but apparently not.
You began being put in the same games as Chishiya more often, eventually forming a bond with him and always teaming up together during games. He introduced you to his friend Kuina, who you became rather close as time went on.
Although you still preferred your time alone greatly, there was always a certain someone who would disturb your peace and quiet.
Niragi would take any opportunity to annoy you, whether it be in the hallways when you’re on your way to bed where he would back you up against a wall and try to make you feel threatened, or whether it be out at the pool when you were by yourself. People would stare at you both as he sat with you and tried to make it seem like to the public that you were together, which was quite embarrassing.
He would never leave you alone, and at some points you began to believe that he was stalking you. He managed to find you everywhere, so it wouldn’t be an outrageous claim.
Chishiya however you found a lot more likeable.
He was subtle, kind of making sly comments about his attraction to you every now and then. You appreciated him trying to hide it more rather than being too open about it like Niragi. It made you more interested in the intelligent and mysterious man.
Chishiya at times though would come across as rather overprotective. That was the only thing you had a problem with, because out of all people he would know that you can handle yourself simply fine.
Sometimes in games together, he would do everything in his power to make sure you stay away from potential death. At times he would drag you around like a ragdoll just so you stay beside him. It became quite annoying, but you dealt with it anyway. You did not want to offend or upset him.
Niragi leant against the hallway wall just outside your bedroom door. He was waiting for you to get changed so he could take you down to the bar and have a few drinks with you. You did not know he was outside though, he kind of just saw you after you arrived back from your game and followed you.
As he fiddled with his rifle to kill time, he heard a small pitter-patter of feet just down the hall from him. He glanced upwards to see none other than Chishiya making his way up the carpet towards him.
Both exchanged confused looks, until Niragi’s mouth pulled up into a smirk and he ran his pierced tongue over his bottom lip slowly like a snake.
“What’s a blondy like you doing here?” he chuckled, pushing himself off the wall and slinging his rifle over his shoulder in its usual position.
Chishiya raised his eyebrows, conveying his usual confident expression on his face. “I could ask you the same thing,” he retorted, walking further towards Niragi.
Niragi chuckled deeply then spoke. “I’m waiting for someone.”
“Really? Giving them a fright before their execution. That’s quite low Niragi even for you.” Chishiya’s smile never left his face.
Niragi threw his head back and cackled. “No actually, quite the opposite really. I’m waiting to take her down to the pool.”
Chishiya widened his eyes in shock. “Her? Hm. I never took you as the romantic type,” he teased.
“I’m not. I’m more of the ‘follow you around until you pay attention to me’ type,” Niragi admitted. Chishiya let out a small laugh at his comment.
“Seems more like you.”
Chishiya walked further towards Niragi who remained close to your door. He watched in confusion as Chishiya reached his hand out towards the door handle to open it, but before he could, Niragi whipped his hand quickly over it to stop him.
“What are you doing?” Niragi said in a tense voice, so contrasting to the somewhat light-hearted one he had just a moment ago.
Chishiya pulled his hand back slowly and looked up into Niragi’s darkened eyes. “Going into this room? What else would I be doing?”
“But this is Y/N’s room,” Niragi argued, standing in front of the door so Chishiya couldn’t get inside.
Chishiya raised his eyebrows. “Yeah? So? I need to talk to her.”
Niragi leaned down closer to him with a frown painted on his face. “About what?”
Chishiya rolled his eyes. “None of your business you creep. Why are you standing in front of Y/N’s room like a guard dog anyway?”
“She’s the one I’m taking down to the bar.”
Chishiya’s heart dropped. There’s no way you’ve been with Niragi, you weren’t dumb enough to become involved with the psychotic militants.
“Wait no. She told me that she was going to spend some time with me and Kuina after the games.”
Silence filled the air between them. Neither of them knew what to say, but the rising tension between them became stronger each second.
“Does she know you’re here?” Chishiya asked out of the blue.
“Does she know you’re here?” Niragi fired back, avoiding his question.
Another awkward silence before Niragi spoke. “Look, you better not get involved with her more than you already have. She’s mine so you stay away from her,” he threatened Chishiya, walking towards him causing the shorter man to take a step back.
“Oh, you want me to stay away? You are standing outside her bedroom door with a rifle over your shoulder. Do you really think she’ll learn to like you?”
“At least she can trust me, you fucking manipulative snake.”
“She’d probably be terrified you’d put several bullets through her Niragi. Why don’t you think logically and leave her alone? It would save her the suffering of having to deal with you!”
“What? So, you can gaslight your way into her trust? At least I am straight forward Chishiya, you’d do nothing but lie and use her for your own personal gain like the fucking selfish brat you are!”
“No, at least I wouldn’t view her as nothing but a toy to play with. You know she doesn’t like you, so why the fuck do you keep trying?”
“Shut up!”
“No, I won’t! I am not going to let you weasel your way into her life and put her on display like some trophy to show off to everyone! Just leave her the fuck alone and stop following her around! It’s really fucking pathetic of you!”
Chishiya suddenly flew back into the wall behind him, creating a large bang that echoed down the halls. Niragi had kicked him square in the chest backwards. He let out a satisfied laugh.
“Look at you! You can’t even defend yourself! What makes you think that you could keep me away from Y/N?!”
Chishiya sat up from his position on the floor and let out a loud groan. His spine was screaming in pain, making him stumble before finally standing on his two feet.
Niragi didn’t even give him time to breath before he punched him across the jaw, making his head whip sideways and fall back against the wall. Niragi gripped one hand in his blonde hair roughly while another clutched the collar of his hoodie.
Chishiya yelped in pain, not being able to fight back. He didn’t bring any weapons to help himself, he did not expect to be in this situation when he left his room to come to yours.
Niragi leaned close to his face which was scrunched up in pain. “I dare you to try and keep me away. Because nothing comes between me and what I want, no matter what it is.” He spat harshly in his face, narrowly missing Chishiya’s eye.
He let loose of Chishiya’s white hair, causing him to fall to the carpeted ground. “I guess I’ll meet up with her another time, when there aren’t any rats around to trip on,” Niragi chuckled and turned to make his way down the hall towards the staircase at the end.
‘What wonderful timing Y/N would have if she came out just now,’ Chishiya thought to himself.
As if he had predicted the future, you busted out of your room harshly, almost tripping in the process. You locked eyes with Chishiya, who had blood pouring out his nose while seated against the wall opposite your door.
“Oh my god! Chishiya! The fuck happened to you?!” you exclaimed, rushing over and kneeling in front of him.  “I heard a loud bang outside and came out to see what it was. Was someone else here?”
Chishiya grabbed the hand that you offered to him to help him up. He groaned as you lifted him to a standing position, only for him to fall forwards onto you from sudden nausea that hit him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep him upright while he placed his chin on your collarbone.
“Just forget about it. I’m okay, just a little scratched up,” he tried to deflect your question. “I had a really rough game and I tripped over just then. Smacking my nose on the ground didn’t help much.” He was surprised with himself about how quick he covered up what happened. He felt quite embarrassed being beaten up by someone as dumb as Niragi, so he didn’t want to tell you.
You laughed a little bit, the happy sound warming Chishiya’s heart. “You’re such an idiot. How do you manage to survive all these games while being so clumsy?”
Chishiya smiled. The fact that you cared about him outweighed the throbbing pain of his developing bruise on his jaw. He brought a hand up to his nose and wiped along it, soaking up the small bit of blood in his sleeve.
“You still want to go see Kuina?” he asked you, pulling away from you and looking you in the eyes.
“Yeah of course!” you exclaimed excitedly. “I was thinking we go down to the pool for a while. We can sit in a corner somewhere and chat,” you suggested.
Chishiya nodded and held out his hand. “Shall we then?” he said teasingly.
You laughed and began walking while leaving him hanging. “Maybe one day I’ll hold your hand, but not today.”
Chishiya chuckled and jogged to catch up with you. As you walked side by side, he secretly hoped that Niragi wouldn’t be down at the pool, preparing to start trouble the moment he sees Chishiya with you.
Unfortunately, his luck wasn’t on his side that night.
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ikemenlibrary · 3 years
Everything I’ve Always Wanted  (Ikemen Prince)
Pairing: Licht Klein x Belle (MC)
Day 1 of @voltage-vixen ​‘tis the season for smut! Prompt: “all I want for christmas is you”
Summary: Licht never really ever thought about what he’d want for Christmas, until Belle asked him to  Warnings: nsfw content below the cut; minors dni, uhhh this is unedited
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“So I’ve got the foreign book for Chevalier, the new jeweled egg beaters for Yves… last on the list is,” Belle’s pink tongues slid over her lips, wetting them as her gaze fell onto Licht. “You. Licht, I can’t figure out what to get you for Christmas.”
He stood tall, a shiver running down his spine. Christmas was just another day to Licht; he didn’t get presents nor did he gift any. Why should he, if he didn’t want anyone getting close to him? His eyes fell to Belle’s before dropping to her hands where she was tightly clutching a list.
“I’m the easiest to shop for,” Licht responded, gently taking the list from Belle’s hands and glancing down. Next to his name had a bunch of question marks, ideas crossed off. “I don’t want anything.” She came next to him, looking at the list over his shoulder. “Nothing?”
“No one gets me stuff, and I get nobody else anything. I prefer it this way.”
She let out a frustrated puff of air, blowing her bangs out of her eyes in the process. “Well, just think about it. I’d really like to get you something.” As they left the town in a carriage, Licht promised her he’d think about it.
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He was pacing his bedroom, Belle’s pleading for him to think about what he’d like for Christmas running across his mind every time he turned on his heel.
Licht didn’t want anything materialistic, he didn’t want her to just give him a gift because it was ‘good enough’. He wanted more time with her, he wanted her and everything that came with giving himself to another person.
With a racing heart, before he could lose the courage to tell Belle, Licht marched down the hall. The jewelry box with a necklace he found her admiring earlier in the day was pressing incessantly against his leg with every step he took closer to her door.
He knocked twice, formally, the way he always did when he showed up at her door - which at first rarely happened, but now him visiting her took place more often than time he spent with Yves - and his brain finally caught up to his heart in the time it took for her to open the door.
This was stupid, I shouldn’t have come. I deserve to be alone. Licht’s brain started spinning. I’m selfish to be here right now, wanting to tell her what I came to tell her.
“Licht?” Belle’s hair was neatly brushed after a bath and she was dressed in her nightgown. Her milky skin was almost luminescent in the dark and Licht swallowed down the feelings that were stirring in his stomach at the newly uncovered skin. “You usually don’t visit me this late.”
“I… have something for you.” He said awkwardly, reaching into his pocket to pull out the box. He handed it to her, looking down at his feet as she opened the box. “Merry Christmas.”
“Oh, Licht. This is beautiful! Thank you so much but…” her voice fell off. Licht’s curiosity made the best of him and he glanced up, watching as she bit her plump lip as she played with the gemstone on the necklace.
“But what?” He asked, silently reaching for the box and gently pulling the necklace out. Their bodies conversed in their own way as she turned around, sweeping her wet hair off her neck so Licht could clasp the necklace.
Licht heard her breath hitch as his fingertips brushed against the bare skin on the back of her neck. “You told me you didn’t get gifts for anyone.” “I did,” Licht said, stepping away from her warm body. “But it’d be unfair of me to come here asking you for a present, with nothing in return for you.”
Her eyes lit up, a delightful smile brightening all her features. If Licht could choose one moment to freeze in a frame forever, it’d be this. Her beautiful grin, him smiling back bashfully. “You thought of something I could give you?”
Licht stood up tall, like he did on the battlefield; he may not feel very confident but he looked it. Like Yves always told him, it’s easy to fake what you want people to perceive you as until you get the feeling on your own. He could fake confidence while his insides were shaking, he could do this.
“I thought about a lot of things. You could easily get me a book I’d never read or a piece of clothing I’d wear once or twice to make you happy. But, you asked me to think of something I wanted.” Deep breath. Inhale, exhale. “Belle, all I want for Christmas is you.”
Her lips parted in surprise, her eyebrows raised. “Licht - are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
He was tired of words, he was already right here; so close he could almost taste her. Move forward two inches and then… They were kissing.
Her hands were wrapped in his hair, tugging gently on the silky strands as one of his arms wrapped around her waist, the other cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking gently. It was a sweet first kiss, something Licht knew he’d always remember, especially when his tongue snaked out to trace her bottom lip and she made a hum of surprise that had Licht’s body thrumming.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” She whispered against his lips, their heavy breath mixing together.
Licht didn’t respond, instead opting to pick her up and walk her into the room, her bedroom door closing noisily behind the pair as he dropped her onto the bed.
Belle’s cheeks and neck were flushed red and her heaving chest only accentuated the fact that she was just aroused as Licht was; her nipples were poking through the thin fabric.
Licht unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt before her hands pushed his out of the way and she deftly unbuttoned the rest, pushing his shirt off his lithe body and tracing his newly exposed skin with gentle fingertips.
Licht’s mouth fell to her neck, kissing and sucking at the pulse point that sat beneath her ear and when she moaned out his name in a heavy whisper, Licht felt his dick throb against her bare thigh.
She felt it too, because her hand reached between them and tightly grasped him through his clothes. If Licht wasn’t drowning in her already, he would have been embarrassed at his reaction; a wanton moan fell from his lips and his hips bucked into her hand.
She whispered his name again, this time against his lips as his hands crept up her inner thigh, finding solace in her wet warmth. At the same time, her hand unzipped his pants, gently tugging them and his boxers down to free his heavy cock from its confines.
They silently explored each other's bodies, her hand wrapped around his penis as his fingers rubbed slowly, then fast, then slightly slower on her clit. Licht’s lips attached to her neck once again, on an area where the chain of her new necklace would rub against later, and suckled on the sensitive spot. He flicked his tongue over the bruise and he smirked against the area as her grip on his fingers in her wet hole tightened.
“I- I’m,” she managed to pant out, before Licht kissed her harshly, his teeth playfully clamping down on her lip.
“Cum for me,” he whispered. “That's all I want.”
She came undone then, with one more flick of his thumb against her clit and her hold on his cock tightened for a moment, before she let go in the throes of her ecstasy.
Licht held her as she came, every twitch of her body and change of facial expression captivated him completely. He had long thought he knew every single expression she could hold, but this - this was new. It was something he wanted to explore once again.
Belle sat up, her hair falling over her shoulder as she reached for his dick, but Licht stopped her. “I’m not gonna leave you like this after what you just did for me.”
“I don’t expect you to, but look at the time.” She glanced at the clock on the wall and smiled.
“It’s Christmas,” she replied, her fingers starting to dance seductively over his hardened member. “Did you get everything you wanted?”
Her hand started moving up and down and Licht struggled to reply. “All I wanted was you, and here we are.”
His reply was met with a sweet kiss on his lips and her wrist flicking up and down even faster.
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inviouswriting · 3 years
Simeon x Fem!Reader
Smut. Very... very... smut.
Below the cut has the content for it.
Warnings - It's a smut, but has cockwarming, blowjobs, cunninglus, hairpulling, overstimulation, a mild predatory Simeon, letting that other side he has surface a tad bit, mirrors, a good time.
“What do you say to something sweet?”
“I could use some sugar.” You smile up at him, and his eyes seem to shine from the idea of something more.
“Give me a little time to prepare something then.” Simeon disentangles himself from you, you sigh when you move off of Simeon’s lap giving him a forlorn stare at being out of his arms. He just beams a gentle smile. You forgive him, it is hard not to when he has a look of innocence to him. Yet you know what lays underneath that gentle exterior he puts up.
“Alright, I am going to go shower to warm up a little.” You inform him, and he nods in agreement, Simeon looks at the mess left behind, a smirk graces his lips at just how much you were turned on. He goes to work on cleaning the table of the water and yours and his evidence you did anything on the table. He will now have memories of what you both did while eating at it.
His attention is drawn to your DDD going off, and he lifts it to see who was messaging you this early in the morning. It was Mammon, Simeon quickly responds to the message saying you are unavailable, before shutting the phone down so you are alone with Simeon longer. The brothers can wait one day without you.
Simeon feels a little selfish for it, but when the others hog and hound you every waking moment in the day. He does feel jealous when they ask for your time when you are with him. The angel sets about preparing something, hearing the water of the shower just starting. He thinks of something that he can use with you in the shower, tapping a hand to his face. He still feels the sting in his back from your nails, scratches he might enjoy showing off to make others wonder what he does to make you lose control.
Simeon looks in a pantry for an idea to jump out and grins as he tugs out a hidden box he has for chocolates, out of Luke’s reach. He takes a few pieces setting them on a plate and starts heading into the bathroom to catch you before you get out.
You were finishing rinsing conditioner out when you hear the door open and close. The clink of a plate being set down, and gentle humming from Simeon as he stripped to join you. You feel arms circle around your waist tugging you back against himself.
“Sorry I kept you waiting.” Simeon murmurs in your ear, and you relax more when he turns your head to meet him for a kiss. You meet him in a sweet one, a chaste peck before a full deep one. The tongue that prods at the entrance of your mouth is welcomed. Your eyes widen over the sweetness that graces your tongue; you instantly kiss him harder to get more of the chocolate that was on his tongue.
Simeon turns you in his arms to make it comfortable and walks you back to pin you to the shower wall. He pushes his tongue deep into your mouth letting you suck on the appendage as he explores your mouth, memorizing your own unique taste. You hadn’t realized you were moaning into the kiss until you come up for air, panting at the loss of his lips. The tingling kiss that leaves you wanting so much more.
“Air, my lamb, you need to breathe.” He kisses the side of your mouth, and you part your lips for another kiss, only to have him lick your lips. A tease, you chase after him, wanting to kiss him longer. Simeon avoids your mouth, planting small kisses along your jaw, even rubbing his cheek to yours affectionate before he gives you another kiss that makes your head spin.
Simeon lowers his gaze to yours as he seals another kiss with you. You keep your lips parted as he prods your tongue to explore him. You tilt your head up into the kiss, you feel one of his hands palm a breast, squeezing it till his fingers tug at your nipple rolling the nub between his index and thumb. You feel your head spinning much more and legs quivering from the way he makes you feel with affection like this.
The angel breaks the liplock in favor of biting down on your shoulder, you can feel a fang digging in enough for the pressure but not enough to break your skin. A full suck placed on that spot, he even grazes his teeth along your flesh, being mindful of where he leaves his love bites, never on main veins or arteries. When he is satisfied with the red on your neck he gives it a loving kiss, before moving onto the next spot.
You soak up his attention, every ounce he gives when he is like this. You feel your legs trembling, even more when his other hand slides up along your thigh to press his fingers into you. Simeon holds you up against the wall when your legs buckle from the pleasure of him pushing deep three fingers curling them just right. Hot moans fall from your lips right into his ear your mouth is next to, Simeon feels your teeth on it tugging. This makes him thrust his fingers into you a bit faster, you feel yourself losing your grip on standing.
“Go ahead, I have you.” Simeon says into your ear, and under his guide he helps you onto the floor of the shower. He keeps your legs apart as he has free range now to thrust his fingers as deep as they get. You feel yourself overwhelmed in pleasure that you move a hand on top of his to guide him into touching you. Simeon responds with using his thumb to circle and flick over your clit. He sees your legs shaking and stops his hand ministrations, pulling his fingers free from your pussy. You see his fingers covered in your fluids and he looks at it impressed.
“Really made a mess of you here. I am sorry to be a little selfish now but listening to you... and seeing you in such a state.” Simeon sits so his back is against the wall out of the spray of the water. Your eyes go down to his cock and see what he is asking for. He is painfully hard that you see precum streaming from the tip.
“Would you please suck me?” Simeon asks face pink, even grabbing the base of his erection to offer himself, the allure of his blue eyes heated and you crawl forwards to help him out.
“Of course.” You agree, seeing his face light up in relief to the request. You lean down and move a hand to take over for Simeon. You touch over the soft skin of his cock giving him a few tugs to hear him sigh impatient. You run your tongue along the underside following a path of precum to the tip. Once there you sweep your tongue along the very end of the slit teasing him as he had teased you earlier. His response is his hands on the back of your head to guide you down to take him. You deliberately miss taking him into your mouth in favor of kissing along the top of the head and down the shaft.
The grip in your hair tightens just a hair harder from the building pressure he feels. Maybe a bit frustrated, if you had to chance a stare up to the angel’s face he is giving you that one stare to stop messing around with him. You give him one more tease in apology, kissing back up the length of his shaft along the underside paying close attention to the very sensitive spot just below the glands, a spot he loves when you go down on him.
You admire the color difference of the bright pink tip among dark skin, before you take the head into your mouth. Simeon sighs in approval when you go down as far till the tip hits the back of your throat. You still had three inches till you met the base, but you move up to suck on him, following the rhythm of his hips when he thrusts into your mouth. Moans falling from your angel’s mouth in almost a sinful song. Yet what you two do is far from a sin with the love you have.
Simeon feels a blissful sensation run through his spine when you take those last remaining inches. You concentrate on not gagging on him, pulling up to lave your tongue around the head then back down. You press your fingers on his sac rolling it as you please him. Simeon’s hand on your head pets through your hair lovingly.
What he wasn’t prepared for was when you pulled your mouth off to suck just on the tip of his cock, looking up at him as you do so. You focus your attention right here, seeing your angel come undone with a visual that will wonder if he will be able to return to the Celestial Realm after his time with you. A sweet and salty flavor spreads across your tongue, and you look up at Simeon’s face. His eyes are closed, and he is panting hard as more floods your mouth. You greedily swallow his cum down, not wasting or spilling a drop, even squeezing his balls for a little more as you milk him of his seed.
When Simeon opens his eyes, he is greeted to another sight that starts making him hard all over again. You noticed him about to open his eyes and rest the flat of your tongue against his cock underneath as the last of his semen coats your tongue. You give him such a stare, as you use the tip of your tongue to tease the slit.
“My lamb... you have no idea what you do to me.” Simeon rests his hand back on your head and guides your mouth off him. You sit on the floor as you clean your face from any remnants. Simeon watches you for a few minutes, then remembers you have yet to cum yourself. He tilts your head up with a hand and presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Let me return the favor now? I was unfair to you.” You get his words, and sit back only to be guides to lay on the floor. Simeon reaches over to turn the water off feeling it running cold. He then lifts your waist up and strewns your legs over his shoulders. You shiver when you feel his hot tongue against your slit again, and pushes his tongue inside of you. He wastes little time in pleasing you, aiming to get you off fast to match him to relax before he is ready for another full romp.
Simeon’s fingers fit in along his tongue, scissoring your hole open to hold your walls so his tongue can delve deep like how he was kissing you earlier. You feel heat pooling at your belly, and you don’t control your voice anymore when you feel him swirl his tongue inside. He never cares about his own taste, not when he aims to please you. Your toes curl when he focuses running circles with his tongue on your clit before sucking on the nub till he feels your entire body shaking.
You cover your own mouth with your arm, biting into it to keep from making high pitched cries. Simeon uses the fingers he has inside to pump when his tongue is outside, then hold your hole open to push his tongue deep, then pulls back to suck on your clit.
“Don’t bite yourself my love. Let me hear you, you know I won’t let up till you scream my name.” A teasing but chiding lilt to his voice, and you pull your arm from your mouth to moan out when he focuses his attention solely on your clit. He uses his fingers to push the hood covering it back and you feel immense pressure in your belly.
“That’s it... about to cum for me... let go...” You feel mortified, as you hold back, you didn’t want to on his face. Yet he was drawing it out of you. Even pushing his tongue deep again his mouth closing over your pussy. The pleasure is too much and after his fingers bump one spot inside of you, you let go in a full gush, screaming his name as loud as possible letting it echo through the shower.
Simeon hums happy to himself as his tongue is greeted with a sweet taste. He knew the difference between fluids, and getting you to squirt was a favorite of his. He keeps lapping at your folds from opening to clit to get all of the fluid that you released.
You are let back down and all you could do was shake and shudder from your last orgasm. Simeon grins to himself at reducing you to such a state, he crawls over top of you, and you lazily greet him in a brief kiss. You smooth your hands through his dark hair, petting his head, paying attention to the top of his head and his face. Gentle rubbing that has him nuzzling his cheek to yours in affection, wanting more with you.
“I want more...” Simeon says, and you knew what he meant. You know the angel wants a lot more than just oral, you admire the way he has stamina to burn through. Part of you wonders if you had a whole day and night with him, of when you can wear him out. You haven’t been able to yet, wondering if it is an angel thing to never tire.
Simeon kisses along your neck again, over the love bites he made. He notes how high they are, that you will have a hard time hiding them from anyone else.
“Good, I want more too... you think we could have fun in front of the mirror?” You voice an idea to Simeon, and see his face light up at the idea. He gets to his knees and collects you into his arms. You both had dried enough for this, and your angel brings you both over to the full floor length mirror. Simeon tests your body to see if you are ready for him again, pushing two fingers inside of you gently, pumping them enough to arouse you. He enjoys the way you grip his fingers, still sensitive to his ministrations.
You are guided with him to sit down with him, Simeon guiding you to sit in his lap, adjusting himself so he can enter you. You press your face against the cold glass of the mirror at the stretch, his fingers and mouth were never a comparison to the size his dick is. After Simeon bottoms out entirely, you feel arms circle around your waist and tugs you to sit in his lap. The motion sends him as deep as he gets, and your hands go to your abdomen where you feel him.
“Good? Too much?” Simeon checks with you, as he moves his hands to guide your legs to rest over his knees. The mirror in front of you; your eyes wander to it, and you were not prepared for the sight that greeted you. Simeon keeps your legs apart with his knees, you see a predatory gaze in his eyes. One you’ve seen on the dance floor. His gaze pins your eyes to his, and you fidget in his arms.
Simeon settles with resting his head in the crook of your neck. He drops his eyes down to from yours to where you are connected to him. Your eyes follow and your face lights up pink at how much of you is stretched to fit the angel. He even tests how much more he can fit with a bump of his hips up, the thrust makes you yelp in pleasure.
“You look good like this, on me, with me inside. I fit perfect... you are so warm and wet. I never want to pull out again... I want to keep doing this.” Simeon lowers a hand down to spread your folds apart getting a better look at your stretched hole around his cock. Simeon uses his free hand at your waist to push you down till the only part visible is his sac, while the rest is buried to the hilt.
You feel full of him, even with his subtle rocking to keep from being stuck. Loving kisses are placed along your shoulder, to the corner of your cheek. You tilt your head away, and Simeon kisses more of your neck, pressing his cheek to yours to feel the soft of your cheek to his own. He is lovingly like this, and you see the expression on his face. Purely happy that you keep it in mind.
Simeon tilts your head back to his, seeking your lips for a kiss. You follow his guide even as he begins to move, bucking his hips up to bounce you on his cock. You open your mouth for a moan only to be muffled with Simeon pushing his tongue deep into your mouth again. You wish you could cling to him, your hands clench and unclench till your angel finds them to lace your fingers together.
Through a cracked eye, Simeon watches you through the mirror, seeing the way your pussy swallows his cock, you feel him twitch. He sees how drenched you are, and the sounds of skin against skin filling the air. Simeon focuses on the sensation around him, tight and warm with wet, he sees the way you glide down on him. He even stills himself a few times just to make you grind on him.
“Please... Simeon...” You plea with him, you feel a kiss on your neck.
“Please what?” His tone is always gentle in your ear, you grip his hands tighter, and he matches your needy grip grounding you to him.
“I want to...” Soft nibbling kisses on your lips, he catches your bottom lip to bite enough to feel his teeth but not enough to break skin.
“You want to what? Cum again? Hold out a little longer my lamb. I’m not anywhere close yet.” You let out a moan, and hold yourself back from that feeling. Simeon feels you clench around him, and he drives himself harder into you, his hands now on your waist guiding you down, rocking you with his hips. Simeon tires of the position you two are in, and arranges you to have you pushed against the mirror in front of you. You brace yourself against the surface, pressing your face against it; Simeon pulls your hips back to his and begins a hard and unrelenting pace to get himself closer to that blissful release feeling.
You are met with pleasure surging through your entire body, your toes curl and your legs shake from each thrust in as he sheds being gentle for want and need now. Each thrust in you are met with the feeling of him bumping your cervix. Your nails scratch at the surface of the mirror, not able to leave indents in it like you did the table earlier.
Simeon lets his own moans out, focused solely on the sensation of your pussy gripping his dick when he thrusts inside. You feel a hand smooth into your hair, nails scratching delightfully along your scalp as Simeon grabs a handful and starts tugging till your head is arched wonderfully back not going far to where it strained. The pull of your hair adds onto what you are feeling, you whine in a way, where he shoves himself deep and stills to bring you down from an orgasm.
“Not yet.” He warns, you feel shivers down your spine from his tone of voice. You hadn’t heard it since the play, and it excited you than scared you in this moment. Simeon lets go of your hair in favor of pulling you up with an arm under your chest, pushing you flush against the mirror. His eyes going down to focus on his cock thrusting in and out of you. You feel him twitching inside of you and your eyes open to find his face twisted in absolute pleasure.
“Alright, my lamb... alright.. Now.. Please.. Let me feel you. Cum for me please...” Simeon’s free hand goes to slip along your folds rubbing your clit in fast circles to stimulate you further. His thrusts are jerky and uneven, There is a swell you feel accompanied by loud moans against your neck where he buries his face into. You are turned on by the sight of your angel completely gone out of control of himself that when you cum again you release such a loud moan that his eyes snap open to see if he hurt you by accident. Instead he is greeted to the same look in his eyes. Fully blissed out and he has to thrust up hard to bury himself from you almost pushing him out.
“My own angel... my love.. My lamb... you are beautiful like this... let me enjoy this further.. Please..” Simeon cums shortly after you do, his own voice echoing out in the shower that seeing him lost in bliss. You can almost make out the halo. You feel hot seed flood inside of you, and Simeon pulls you into his arms to sit back again. Your head tilted to his as he claims your kiss bruised lips swallowing further moans before moving to lay on your sides together.
Simeon stays connected to you for a bit longer, enjoying the heat he feels around him. He keeps his face in the nape of your neck, both of you just outside the view of the mirror. He has one of your legs strewn over his and a hand down massaging your folds around his cock. He spreads them and when you respond by closing your leg on top of his hand to trap it there and grind. Simeon nudges your legs apart enough for him to tease you again.
“I’m too sensitive, Simeon please have mercy.” You plea with him, and feel a kiss to the side of your face.
“Alright, we still have a bit more time. What would you like to do with me?” Simeon runs his hand along your arm and shoulder, feeling how soft it is. You think about his question.
“A bath before we continue? I want to be in your room again.” Simeon hears you and thinks about moving. His thoughts are drawn out when you squeeze him.
“Can we stay like this a little longer? I’m not ready to separate.” You hear him and feel a moment that is beyond just a little intimate. He is insatiable and you are as well with the time allotted to you both to spend exploring and loving each other.
“We can stay like this a bit longer, but can we adjust so I can see your face too?” Simeon agrees and pulls from you long enough to flip you to face him. You blush when he guides himself back inside and you roll your hips down till his cock is fully buried into you once more.
Here you meet his gaze and stare, gentle and you roam your palms over his chest. Simeon enjoys the feel of your palms like this, he returns the touching with his hands down the middle of your back pulling you closer. You move your hands up to his face and rub your thumbs over his cheeks tugging him to meet you in a kiss. You never give him just one kiss, after he has expressed how much just one doesn’t convey his feelings. You rapidly give him kiss after kiss, all over his face earning happy hums of approval. Your fingers get brave and you run a teasing scratch on his shoulders, grazing the skin till he pins you underneath him again.
“If you keep this up, I’ll just have to take you again right here, forgetting the bath and bedroom. Think we can make it to the bedroom?” You look up at him, that same predatory gleam to his eyes, you know it lurks within him, you have seen it with the brothers. They all possess that stare when they want something. Simeon’s are directly on you, and you know he wants you alone, to himself.
“I think we can make it to the bedroom. However, I don’t think I want to.” You answer him truthfully.
“Good. I don’t think I want to either. If I had my way, I will have you on every single surface of Purgatory Hall. Before anyone we know is set to return.” Simeon affirms that he rather stay in the bathroom with you, taking you repeatedly till you are too worn out to move.
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bakugosbratx · 3 years
Chapter Two
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Chapter One | Chapter Three
Warning: 18+ Content. Arrange marriage, arguing, toxic, some degrading, etc.
Words: 1.3k
Tags: @awilddreamerwrites @someonewhowannadielol @gazelle-des-pres @bloggingdumbshit @darlinguareiridescent @justtiarra @illumisrat @samkysnks @ebiharachan @lukepattersin @lightsinmycity @lanarist @cursedryomen @bakusquadtingz
Y/N and Katsuki are sure to have words that night.
The countless text messages Y/N received from her nagging parents through her cellular device is driving her insane. She is already grinding her teeth in annoyance.
Y/N attempted to overlook Katsuki’s rude actions towards her family. Y/N is not happy to be married so young either. Especially to a jerk such as Katsuki. Maybe she is selfish in that regard. The woman is quirkless and now lives in the life of luxury. How dare she sulk in her misery? She should be ashamed of herself.
All her pacing is creating a draft in Katsuki’s office below, aggravating the hero even more. How is a powerful pro such as Katsuki supposed to work with so much disruption? It’s only a matter of time before you come to disturb him even more.
His jaw is clenching and his eyebrows are staying knitted together. Katsuki is unhappy for more reasons than one, but Y/N isn’t helping her case. This is only going to make their argument worse.
Y/N was not even sure what she was more upset about: the fact she did not blame Katsuki for behaving like he did or the fact the hatred in his eyes still lingered? Y/N despised Katsuki, of course, but Y/N still held hope. Hope that one day he would see her as equal. That’s all she ever wanted to be. Somebody, anybody, to see her as equal.
Each day, though, it becomes more prevalent that they will never be one. They will never be the happy couple both of their parents desperately wanted them to be. Instead, they will always be constant enemies, battling each other’s walking existence.
A deep sigh escaped Y/N’s parted lips, forcing herself out of her bedroom is a mental struggle she daily faces. Y/N feels like a prisoner in her own home. Diamonds and jewels only make her feel some sort of value for so long. She often examined her gorgeous wedding ring. The jewelry only reminds her how alone she truly is inside.
Down the stairs, Katsuki can hear his wife’s heels make their way to his office. First he had to deal with her annoying parents and now he will have to deal with this.
Katsuki is a workaholic by default. One could admire the hero’s drive, of course, but even this grinds Y/N’s gears. Katsuki will throw himself into work before ever acknowledging his home life issues. Work will be his number one priority, always.
Gently tapping her knuckles on the heavy wooden door, Y/N invited herself in. Katsuki did not even offer her a glance. His work is way more important than the battle these two are about to have.
Y/N does not come into his office often. Even the butlers and maids need special permission to step a single toe in this room. Unfortunately for Katsuki, Y/N stopped giving a damn about his wants.
It’s time you cared about her needs, Katsuki.
Y/N strolled over to the occupied male, remaining standing on the other side of his desk with folded arms across her chest. Y/N’s face shows clear frustration with her husband. A look Katsuki knows all too well.
Y/N gives Katsuki a moment to acknowledge her presence, but when he does not even offer that, she decides to clear her throat and speak. “Bakugō.” She called. Katsuki gazed over to his wife, his head resting in his calloused palm.
“What, Y/L/N?” Katsuki growled, clearly not happy with the interruption of his focus. Y/N’s eyebrow slightly twitched at the mention of her maiden name.
“It’s Bakugō,” she corrected, “and we need to have a chat.”
Katsuki rolled his crimson orbs, not caring to discuss anything Y/N wanted at the moment. He would much rather be responding to emails than entertaining another conversation with you.
“Look, if it’s about your damn parents or whatever, I’m not sorry. Now scram.” Katsuki shrugs, dismissing Y/N from his office with the wave of his hand. Y/N glared at him, slamming her hands down on his desk.
“I don’t care if you’re sorry or not, but I deserve some respect, Bakugō!” Y/N exclaimed, anger bubbling up.
“Not this stupid conversation again.” Katsuki groaned, his crimson orbs rolling away from her. The couple fight about this topic quite a lot. “Y/L/N, look, we are in an arranged marriage because—“
“Because I’m fuckin’ quirkless.” Y/N finished for him, knowing that phrase all too well. She is going against all of her parents' teachings. Katsuki's needs should always come before yours and he would agree with that to an extent.
“I’m talking, Y/L/N.” Katsuki scolded, talking down to you like a child who needs discipline.
Y/N balled her hands up to fist beside her, a snarl present on her lips. This is a battle she will never win. She knows this and so does Katsuki, so there is no point in even trying.
Katsuki does admire her persistence, though. No matter how many times he degrades her intelligence, she is always ready to snap back with tears present in her irises.
“It’s Bakugō.” She corrects again through gritted teeth.
“Ha! If you think I’m ever going to call you by my last name, you really are delusional.” Katsuki snorts, once again, mocking the woman’s wishes. His focus turns back to the monitor in front of him
“This is exactly what I’m talking about, Bakugō. You don’t care about my needs or what I want. You continuously make a fool out of me in front of my family, talk down to me, and treat me like, like,” you paused to find the right word.
“Like, like?” Katsuki mocked, getting under your fragile skin even more. “Spit it out, Y/L/N. I don’t have all day.”
“Like I’m some kind of burden.” You finish off, softer than you planned. Her knees began to tremble and what is left of her broken heart is left for Katsuki to play with.
“Maybe you should learn to take a fuckin’ hint then.” Katsuki snapped. Y/N’s bottom lip quivered as usual in these situations.
This time, though, Y/N had enough. “Then why keep me around, huh? If I’m such a damn burden to you, why don’t you discard me like everyone else?” You sobbed, a hysterical mess.
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “It’s not that simple, Y/L/N. Y’know this.”
“And why not?” Y/N argued. “I see how you look at me. I’m just a curse put onto you. Y-You—“
“That’s enough, Y/L/N.” Katsuki insists, standing up from his black leather rolling desk chair. He placed his palms on the desk. Y/N mirrored his actions, their faces inches from one another. Katsuki is taken back, but remains still. A quirkless woman will never intimidate him. He fights the most dangerous of villains.
“Why? Struck a nerve?” Y/N challenged through her hurt features yet she will attempt to mask them. Katsuki loves good competition.
“Pft. You didn’t do shit!” Katsuki sneered. “You’re just a quirkless moocher who takes advantage of my success.”
Y/N had a nice little chuckle out of the last sentence. Katsuki is successful, she will give him that. He has more money than he knows what to do with. The man could give up his career today and still be comfortable living for the rest of his days.
Still doesn’t mean his inflated ego isn’t fragile, though.
“By the look of your recent ratings and tabloids, you are not going to be very successful for very long.” Y/N insulted, a cynical smirk masked her lips. Katsuki’s palms began to smoke and his eyes became a darker shade of red. If Katsuki could, he would blow you to ash.
“Get out of my office, shitty woman!” Katsuki orders, pointing towards the exit.
“Nice chatting with you, Bakugō.” Y/N crotchety states, turning on her heels. Packing what is left of her pride, she makes her way out the door with a slam behind her.
All Rights Reserved — I don’t give anyone permission to repost, distribute, copy or re use my works in any way. 
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aotimagines · 4 years
Hey! I love everything you guys write. I’ve been following since like 2016? 2017? Lol, and I never get sick of it. Your character writing is just so on-point! :) I wanted to ask for headcannons or a scenario (whichever you feel more inspired to write!) for Eren and his s/o. What would their relationship look like transitioning from the early Survey Corp years to now? It also breaks my heart seeing how he’s changed, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and how it’d play out :,)
Wow, anon! I’m speechless, tbh. Mod Spookzz and I created this blog back in 2016. It was a time when a lot of snk blogs weren’t active with the exception of two or three. To know that you’ve stuck with us for this long really means a lot. Thank-you so much! I’ve...thought about this, a lot. Like, a lot. There may be some projecting in here based on my own OC, but this is genuinely what I think would happen. I hope you enjoy! Happy Valentine’s Day, btw! My gift to everyone is...angst. Again. I’m sorry, lmao. MANGA SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT. Also, fun fact, but this post is our 666th post, lmao.
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✩ I know the recent fandom interpretation of Eren is that he’s some charming, charismatic fuckboi, but that is...not him. At all. Not that there’s anything wrong with fanon interpretation, ofc, but Eren is...lmao.
☾ Eren doesn’t know anything about romance, period. He canonically ignores Reiner, Jean, and Armin when they are praising girls and shows zero romantic interest in just about everyone. 
✩ He’s preoccupied with other things, you know? His mind doesn’t really wander to romance often, so his s/o probably started out as his friend. 
☾ Like, it’s hard not to fall for Eren’s idealism. He’s a super passionate speaker and has some really inspiring thoughts and ideas. He’s not stupid--not by a long shot--and this magnetism draws his s/o to him like a moth to a flame. 
✩ His s/o probably realizes that their friendship and admiration for Eren has shifted into something romantic with all the ensuing drama that happens during their first trial expedition in the Survey Corps. The fear of losing Eren again really hits home and they are at a complete loss. 
☾ They wouldn’t want to ruin their friendship, so they would keep the feelings locked away for a long time. 
✩ Truthfully speaking, I can’t see Eren and any s/o getting together until the events between the four-year time skip. 
☾ Yes, Eren is worried about what he saw the day he touched Historia’s hand and often wonders about whether or not the future he peeked into is set-in-stone. 
✩ It changes his disposition. The bright, energetic, blunt boy that his s/o once knew is gone. Eren is quiet and often lost in his own thoughts; it’s not like him. So, they would cling to his side, trying to figure out what was wrong with him and what was bothering him. 
☾ How no one else doesn’t notice the change in Eren is beyond me. I’d imagine that his s/o is so aware of it that it becomes almost painful to see how withdrawn Eren has become. 
✩ Eren almost comes clean to them numerous times, but doesn’t want to put that burden on their shoulders. By the time he’s around eighteen, he realizes that he’s in love with his s/o. They are a constant in his life--always helping him and trying to distract him by taking his mind off things. It’s the only time Eren feels normal and he comes to crave their attention just as much as they do his.
☾ He confesses to his s/o beneath the stars on a night where they half-dragged him out of bed to see a meteor shower. When he finally gets to kiss them, Eren feels alive for the first time in almost three years. Everything seems perfect and he becomes scared to let go of their hand in fear that his happiness he’s found could slip between the cracks of his fingers at any moment. 
✩ Which is what happens. No matter how happy Eren is to simply be by his s/o’s side, the realization that the future he saw would come true no matter what he did makes Eren realize that being with him would only hurt his s/o down the line.
☾ As much as it kills him on the inside, he’d break up with them. They’d be in tears and ask why and the only thing Eren can think to say is that he isn’t in love with them, anymore. They are both broken hearted, but Eren knows this decision would save their life. He would never fathom asking them to go along with the Rumbling idea and loves them too much to be selfish.  
✩ The next few months are painful. It’s obvious to just about everyone, Eren’s s/o included, that he broke up with them for some unknown reason. Despite being broken up, Eren and his s/o still meet up and spend time with one another. Even though he broke up with them, Eren can’t stay away. 
☾ When Eren escapes to Marley, his s/o is crushed and wants answers so bad. Even though they trust Eren, his actions become hard to justify when he kills innocent people just to keep Paradis safe. 
✩ In canon, Eren and his s/o wouldn’t have a happy ending. It makes me so sad to think about, but...maybe in another life, they’d have a chance at happiness. 
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antichildeismoving · 3 years
genshin tartaglia/female reader sfw
I need to start titling these. 
contents: workplace romance, Childe being a creep, reader is a newly hired secretary and very oblivious
(also sugar daddy vibes bc i know what i’m about)
The clothes that Childe had picked out were beautiful and much, much more expensive than anything you’d ever purchased for yourself. Kneeling on the pristine carpet of his office, you pulled dress after dress from their wrappings. Childe had propped himself against his desk, arms folded across his chest as he watched you. 
“Sir, I can’t possibly accept these,” Your voice trembled, clinging desperately to your last threads of composure. “They’re--”
He frowned. “You don’t like them?” 
“No, no! They’re gorgeous, but there’s no way I can afford them.”
Childe’s lips twitched up at the corners. “Consider them a gift, then. To congratulate you on your promotion.”
Eyes widening, your lips fell open in surprise. “A gift? But I--”
“It’s selfish of me really. But you can’t blame me for wanting to see you all dressed up. Why don’t you go try them on?.”
There was an edge to his voice. By now you knew him well enough to recognize that this was not a request. He made you show him every outfit too, although you supposed that made sense since he’d been the one to buy them.
It was clear he’d put a lot of thought into picking each item out. They were all pretty similar to the clothes you already owned, except these were infinitely higher quality and had been tailored to fit you. 
Wait, how does he know my measurements? you wondered, but quickly pushed the thought away.
 Each piece was surprisingly modest too, with the exception of the last dress. It was the same muted red as the accents on Childe’s own suit, with a skirt that fell all the way to the floor. It would’ve been fine if it weren’t for the cut of the top, which plunged dangerously low and exposed most of your neck and collarbone. Two long slits ran up either side of the skirt, stopping just below your hips so that when you walked your legs were almost entirely visible right up to your thighs.
Childe stood behind you, looking over your shoulder as you turned this way and that to admire the cut of the fabric. His eyes trained on your reflection, narrowing as you self consciously pulled the skirt forwards to cover more of your legs.
“Don’t,” He reached out, catching your wrist before you could make an adjustment. His other hand had found its way to the curve of your hip, running across it and over your stomach and using the leverage to pull you against him. 
“Sir?” Your voice was quiet, nearly drowned out by the sound of your heart pounding in your chest. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” His breath was hot on the back of your neck, eyes fixed on your reflection with an uncanny focus. 
“You’re, uh, checking the fit? To make sure the tailor got the measurements right?”
He sighed, pulling away and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Is it really so hard to believe that I find you attractive?”
You didn’t reply, turning from the mirror to face him.
He was clearly frustrated. Somehow it made his boyish face even younger, like a kid trying to hold back a tantrum. You might have thought it cute in any other situation, but now it only served to make you more nervous. 
“I like you,” said Childe. “A lot. And I want you.”
“You… You want me?”
“Archons, how dumb are you?” He shut his eyes, exhaling. “Fine, you know what? If you don’t believe me I’ll just have to prove it to you.”
And before you could even process what he’d said, Childe wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into a kiss. 
Oh, you thought. Maybe he really does like me. 
After a long moment he broke away, eyes trained on your lips. “What’s left on my schedule today?”
The question caught you off guard, but luckily he didn’t wait for an answer. 
“Actually, forget it. Just cancel any appointments.”
You nodded, trying to force your brain back into professionalism. “Right, of course. Change of plans?” 
He laughed, his grip on you tightening. “Yeah, you could say that.”
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Veritaserum (Part 7)
Here we are friends, the next installment! If you haven't read the other parts I recommend that you either jump over to AO3 to read it or start at Part 1. I'm anticipating there will be three more chapters (maybe four?) and am hoping to have it all finished up by the first few weeks in August. Enjoy!
"Harry," Draco called as he entered the house, the comforting scent of the herbs in his greenhouse still clinging to him. "Could we order some lemon tree saplings?"
There was no response, so he wandered through into the living room and saw Harry sitting at the desk with a file spread out, papers in stacks and piles, as he read through a letter. He was rubbing his forehead like he was getting a tension head ache.
"What's wrong?" Draco asked, coming around to look over Harry's shoulder.
Harry looked up, seemingly surprised to see that Draco was here. "I got a letter from Hermione," he said, offering the letter to Draco. "She's gotten them to agree to a trial."
"Well that's good news, isn't it?" Draco asked.
"It's tomorrow."
He blinked and took the letter from Harry's hand, skimming through it, "She seems to feel pretty confident."
The other man hummed and went back to looking at the notes spread across the desk, "I don't know," he replied, gesturing to the notes he had spread across his desk. "Here are the case notes Hermione sent over. She's hopeful, but..." he trailed off.
"But?" he asked as he conjured a chair and started looking through the case notes.
Harry sighed and Draco turned his head to watch as he pulled his curls up into a messy bun. "I don't trust them," he said flatly. "There's no nice way to say it. But I don't."
"That's sad," Draco teased as he picked up the notes again, "Aren't you supposed to be the paragon of hope and optimism?"
He bumped Draco's shoulder with his own and a thrill ran through his belly. "Shut it." He shook his head, "What were you asking when you came in?"
"Lemon trees," he murmured distractedly, "But it can wait."
(Read more below the cut)
"Right," Harry replied, shoulders drooping a bit, "Well, I'm going to go make some lunch."
"Is it okay if I look at these?" Draco asked.
Harry's brow furrowed as though he couldn't understand the question, "Of course," he replied, "Let me know what you think."
Draco spent most of the day going through case notes, reading about his own case, about the cases that set helpful precedents, and about all of the research Granger had done. "Merlin, but she was thorough," Draco said later on, rubbing his eyes to try to get rid of the headache that was hovering near his temples.
"Here," Harry said, handing him a cup of tea. Then as he sat down on the couch he asked, "What do you think?"
"She seems to be very prepared," he said.
Harry nodded slowly, "But do you think that we'll win?"
He hesitated, Harry was really invested in the results of this trial he couldn't let his pessimism sway the other man. He sighed, "Honestly?"
The other man nodded, bracing himself as though he was expecting to get hit with a curse.
"I don't know," he confessed. "They really don't like me, the Ministry wants to make an example of me but they have you on the other side of this. I'm sure that they're weighing your value to them against the 'lesson' that incarcerating me will teach others."
Harry scowled.
"Hey," Draco said, setting down the papers and moving over to sit next to Harry. He bumped his knee against the other man's, "No matter what it'll be better than what you rescued me from."
With a huff, Harry replied, "That's not very reassuring."
"Let's talk about something else," Draco suggested, he couldn't bear to see the sour look on Harry's face for another minute and if this was going to be the last night he spent here, he didn't want to spend it worrying.
"Alright," Harry conceded, blowing out a breath. "Tell me what you were thinking about planting in your garden."
Draco dressed carefully the next morning, putting on a pair of slacks and a pale blue button up shirt, carefully combing his hair into place and using the shaving spell his father had taught him years ago. He stared at himself in the mirror for a moment before he wandered outside to look out over the ocean.
His chest ached as the tide rolled in and the waves trailed over his toes, the warm breeze ruffling his hair brought tears stinging the back of his eyes. And Harry, Merlin, Harry; the bottom of his stomach dropped out and his chest felt tight at the thought of leaving him, he was never going to see him again after today.
It was almost enough to make him beg Harry to let him stay. Almost enough to make him ask if they could just forget about this farce of a trial and spend the rest of their lives here. Together.
But he had to go, there was no choice. It was selfish to think of staying, to imagine trapping Harry here away from his friends and family, away from the world that he'd saved.
"Hey," Harry murmured behind him.
"Hey," Draco replied, glancing at him over his shoulder. The dark circles under his eyes indicating Harry had slept as poorly as he had. "It's going to be alright," Draco assured him.
Harry hummed. "We could just stay here, you know," he said softly. "We don't have to go back at all."
His heart twisted painfully and he had to take a deep breath before he could trust the words about to come out of his mouth. "They'll never stop hunting me, Harry. And they'll never let you come back to the Wizardng World if you don't take me back now."
"I don't care!" Harry exclaimed and the gulls that had been on the beach near the house took off, flapping their wings to lift into the air and away from the noise. "Draco, I don't care," he repeated.
Draco turned fully to look at him, "Your bravery has always been your undoing."
Harry looked down and slowly reached for Draco's hand and Draco stopped breathing as their fingers slotted together. "I'm not sure about this," Harry said, squeezing his fingers.
"I'm not either. But we have to try," he said. Then with a little smile he added, "Besides, your friends will never forgive you if you don't let Hermione use all the things she's been working on."
Harry let out a tiny huff of a laugh, "You're not wrong about that." He shook his head and released Draco's hand, "I'm going to grab the portkey."
After he went inside, Draco turned and wandered one last time through the greenhouse that Harry had built for him. Admiring the work bench and the cupboards, brushing his fingers through the ferns and inhaling deeply near the lavender. Consciously trying to store all of the sun, and fresh air, and plants away for the dark days ahead.
When he emerged, Harry was standing there waiting with and old hat in his hands, "Ready?"
Draco nodded, then he said, "Before we go," Harry's eyes snapped to his. "I just wanted to say thank you for all of this," he said, gesturing around him to the little slice of heaven he'd enjoyed living in for the past few weeks. "And thank you for saving me."
Harry's eyes filled a bit and Draco cleared his throat and looked away, trying to keep himself from crying.
"I will never forget what you did for me," he said and then he held out his wand, "Would you keep this for me?" he asked.
He watched Harry's adam's apple bob as he reached out and took it.
"Then if everything goes well you can just hand it back and if it doesn't," he shrugged one shoulder, "At least I'll know it's with a friend."
Before he could say anything else, Harry was pulling him into his arms and wrapping him in a tight hug. "We don't have to do this," Harry murmured. "Say the word and we'll stay right here. I'll order your lemon trees, I'll-"
Draco pressed a quick kiss to Harry's cheek, "You're a good person, Harry Potter," he said before pulling back and clearing his throat.
"So that's a no, then?" Harry asked.
The corner of his mouth tilted up, "That's a no, but thank you."
With a nod, Harry turned and headed into the greenhouse to hide Draco's wand away. "I'm not turning in your wand when they check us in at the Ministry," he grumbled. Then he looked at Draco for a long moment, "You're sure?"
"As sure as I'll ever be."
After another long pause, Harry nodded once and activated the portkey. Draco took one last, longing look at the only house that had ever really felt like home before he was being whisked away to a trial that Draco couldn't ever imagine would have a good outcome.
Veritaserum Prompt Part 1 Veritaserum Prompt Part 2 Veritaserum Prompt Part 3 Veritaserum Prompt Part 4 Veritaserum Prompt Part 5 Veritaserum Prompt Part 6
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arhvste · 4 years
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— iwaizumi hajime x reader
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— an: based off of ‘be honest’ by jorja smith because she’s sexy
— dt: megan thee stallion because it’s her birthday and i have nothing else to offer to my queen right now </3 so here megan, you might like iwa if you ever watch hq
— warnings: suggestive content [not explicit nsfw but it is still suggestive]
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“i know you want me”
iwaizumi kept his distance as he watched you softly sing to yourself, emptying the remaining clean crockery remaining in the dishwasher. he had intended to help you, but seeing you like this always caught him off guard.
forever in your own element, unaware of what was lurking past your direct vision, you paid no mind as your boyfriend leaned against the sturdy door frame, eyes never once tearing away from your body.
“every day, not only when you're lonely, yeah”
your body moved so naturally around the kitchen, every drawer and location for every utensil memorised like the back of your hand. not once did anything interrupt your flow. hands grabbing and tossing things to where they should be, iwaizumi watched as music from the speaker dominated the atmosphere.
“you see, you think you know me”
had the dishwasher not been open, anyone could have mistaken your kitchen activities as a private show for anyone who happened to be watching rather than just chore.
your hips moved on beat to the song as a mischievous twinkle glinted under the dimmed kitchen lights, your silhouette seductively moving identically to your own body; you were simply alluring to watch.
“but you don't even know nothing about me, yeah”
the lyrics strung out your lips as you finished up with the plates and utensils. your boyfriends old aoba johsai jersey adorning your frame and his grey calvin kleins fitting your waist and thighs, iwaizumi bit his bottom lip at the tempting sight of you in his clothes in your shared apartment.
he’d well and truly claimed you and he had every intention to reinforce that fact at this very moment as he stood up properly and quietly wandered over.
“you see my, thick thighs”
you jolted at the new presence behind you. well sculpted chest pressed up against your back and calloused hands secure around your waist. iwaizumi grunted as he felt you tense up however, that was only momentarily. the second his hand dipped down to graze over your thighs, you felt at ease once more.
whenever you found yourself so close in his touch, a wave of security and and relief crashed over you, he was the only man capable of holding you in such a way, both physically and mentally, iwaizumi hajime had truly made you his.
“lost when you look into my brown eyes”
tilting your head up, iwaizumi brought his hand up as he dragged his fingers along the bottom of your jaw demanding your eyes to interlock with his. that once mischievous twinkle in your eyes now gone, but replaced with a strong desire with tints of lust scattered scarcely in your gaze. iwaizumi’s own stare holding a strong dominance and want for you.
you read each other like your own favourite books as you relished in the feeling of the pads of his fingers running up and down your neck and jaw before finally letting you drop your head back down.
“see, my little waist can make you switch sides”
his previously free hand retreating back to your hips, thumb circling the side of your upper thigh, he cleared his throat slightly at the feeling of your waist backing up dangerously against his own. you were testing the waters before entering risky territory you knew you wouldn't be able to leave and iwaizumi was slowly, but surely growing slightly impatient at your little game.
“you never know the devil in a disguise, so why don't you stand up, baby, and”
you hummed as your boyfriend ran his hands up and down your sides, body swaying in time with yours as his fingers reached up the fabric of the aqua material. the sides of your torso growing warm under his touch, you pulled away out of his touch slightly in means to provoke him and of course he never failed to notice this behaviour.
“tell me, tell me, tell me do you want me on top?”
iwaizumi pulled you back as close as he could into him as you airly laughed at his rough play with you. his hands gripping your hips and you swayed them in time, he encouraged your movements as you threw your head back and flashed him a playful grin before dropping your head back down.
“so let me show you, show you, show you, i don't need to back it up”
your playful smile still tugging at your lips, you purposely dropped down slightly to press up against where you knew your boyfriend was most sensitive. he clicked his tongue at your misbehaviour as his fingers hooked under the white trimming of his boxers that you were currently modelling for him and him alone.
“don't wanna hold you, mould you, scold you, split you in half with my heart”
his thumbs teasing your skin above the waistband as his fingers teased the skin under the grey material, he smirked as he had you exactly where he wanted you. you gasped as he teasingly tugged at the waistband slightly before you brushed his hand away in attempts of scolding him despite the fact butterflies in your stomach countered your intentions.
“i just wanna love on you, trust in you, honour you, please, do the same on your part”
paying no mind to your ‘telling off’, iwaizumi let his hands find their way back up the jersey again sending shivers up and down your body. lips pressed up against your ear, he permitted his hot breath to fan against the shell of your ear as you whined unsure of whether you wanted him to stop or continue.
that didn’t matter anyway, he was going to make that decision for you.
“be honest, you want this”
the athletics trainer muttered along, his words only loud enough for your ears to catch. hand dipping out the jersey, he brought it back up and let his fingers dance along the base of your neck where the material refused to cover. dragging his fingers up once more, he hooked his fingers under your jaw as he guided your head up allowing him more access to your neck as he hummed in praise for your obligation.
“but i can be heartless, regardless of my conscience”
licking his lips, iwaizumi took advantage of the acces you had granted him as he proceeded to press kisses along your neck and jaw as you continued to sway your hips against him, your own hand reaching up to his neck as he marked the territory he demanded was his.
“be honest, you want this”
your breathing now short and shallow as you felt yourself grow excited at his faint possessiveness over you.
his claim over you always so rough and present, but never once overbearing or concerning. he had taken you so abruptly, but not to the point where you didn’t like it. no, you quite liked his strong desire for you to be his and his alone. it felt satisfying know he wanted you as much as you wanted him, the two of you holding an equal balance of both love and lust for one another.
“but i can be heartless, regardless of my conscience”
iwaizumi pulled away and admired the now painted canvas of your skin. a new masterpiece to memorise along with the countless others he had previously painted on your skin as well as the countless others to come.
now sick of the lack of skin-to-skin contact, iwaizumi pulled your waist towards him as he guided you to your shared bedroom, dim city lights from below the apartment windows calling you both in for another night of intimacy.
“w-wait let me turn off the speaker-” you protested but was cut of by a soft pinch left on the side of your hip from your impatient boyfriend.
“leave it on, i like it.” he tutted as your eyes widened before you nodded allowing him to take over the way he liked.
the second you entered the bedroom, the door was kicked shut but not to the point where the song that had caused this event was drowned out.
despite the fact your mind was currently scattered and you only had clear thoughts of your boyfriend and your own selfish desires, at that very moment, you had decided that just maybe doing your chores in your boyfriend's clothes later at night in the future was a clever move.
especially if this was going to be the outcome.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudezz @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @dear-kozume @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @crescenttooru @kuxredere @warakou @iss6s @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake @wompwomphq @waitforitillwritemywayout @webworld @brokeasshoee @sunasbabie @rowley-with-ackerman @mjoork @trifliz @curiouslilbeast @ineedsomefoodpls @hp-hogwartsexpress @ghostexhibit @kenmacorps @vhskenma @lollypop-lam @cultsumu
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gusu-emilu · 3 years
Ship: Wei Wuxian / Wen Ning
Summary: Wei Wuxian gives Wen Ning a heartbeat, but not in the way either of them expected.
Rated T, No Warnings Apply
POV Wen Ning, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, references to WWX's poor health, First Kiss, Pining, Cuddling, Presumably Unrequited Love, or more accurately: whatever these two have going on, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, and the inherent homoeroticism of necromancy
Ch. 1/2, 6k, read on AO3 above or on Tumblr below
Wen Ning has always known that Wei Wuxian is not someone to hesitate.
The moment Wen Ning enters the Demon Subdue Palace after packing up the last sack of turnips, Wei Wuxian grabs his wrist.
“Come look!” He tugs Wen Ning deeper into the cave, slender fingers wrapped around Wen Ning’s wrist. He grins at Wen Ning over his shoulder. “I’ve made some more demonic devices, probably my best batch yet. I’d like to see the impersonators down in the town copy these!”
Wen Ning steadies his balance, not fully recovered from Wei Wuxian suddenly whisking him away.
Wei Wuxian has never hesitated to touch him. Wen Ning still isn’t quite used to it, having grown up in a family of doctors whose every touch felt calculated, and among clansmen more focused on war and strength than friendship. Clansmen who rarely respected him, never mind showed him affection.
Even now, he exists in a constant state of volatility due to his outbursts of resentful energy. Every family member in the Burial Mounds is careful around him, even A-Yuan at times.
But not Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian is entirely different. Has always been different.
The first time they spoke, Wei Wuxian had already been comfortable with casual touch. Wei Wuxian hadn’t hesitated to lay hands on him to adjust his archery posture—steady hands he can still imagine on his upper arm and around the side of his ribs, friendly pressure like a heavy quilt, as Wei Wuxian comforted and praised him.
Then the war began, and Wei Wuxian choked him in Lotus Pier—furious, merciless hands like paws of a frightened animal. Wei Wuxian hadn’t hesitated then, either. He would’ve fully choked Wen Ning had he not held back enough to let him speak.
Then the war ended. Now Wei Wuxian uses him as an armrest, fixes his hair, arranges talismans on him, even once tried to pick him up and carry him as a joke. (He'd been a bit too weak to manage it for long. Wen Ning hadn’t thought that part was funny.) Now he drags Wen Ning around by the hand, all without hesitation.
Had Wei Wuxian hesitated before raising him from the dead?
Wen Ning isn’t sure which answer would comfort him.
“Take a look at this one,” Wei Wuxian says as he places a stone tablet in Wen Ning’s hand. A faint black cloud winds around the tablet, the smoke’s path tracing the red fulu writings carved into its surface. “Still pretty weak, but I’m getting closer to replicating yin iron with just regular stone.”
Wen Ning glances back and forth between the tablet and Wei Wuxian’s tired but enthusiastic smile. His eyes are bright with joy, but dark circles frame them. He hasn’t eaten much in the past few days, instead focusing relentlessly on his experiments, despite needing to save energy to heal the stab wound from Jiang Wanyin.
But Wen Ning still hasn’t figured out how to make him rest. Maybe admiring the new batch of demonic devices will help calm his inventive frenzy.
He nods, giving a small smile at Wei Wuxian. “That’s good.”
“Weak yin iron will be much easier to use. Better for small applications here and there, less dangerous…” Wei Wuxian squats by the scattered piles of demonic cultivation tools and notes, rummaging through to find another invention, the tablet already forgotten.
The black cloud around the tablet continues to swirl, small wisps seeping into Wen Ning’s skin. The tablet feels more like a block of dust than like stone, but despite his dulled senses, he notices…something else. A second sensation.
A throb.
“Yeah?” Wei Wuxian says, squinting at a page of especially messy notes.
“Does…does this have a pulse?” The stone continues to throb weakly, more of a resonance than a physical sensation, its aura cold like resentful energy.
Wei Wuxian looks up from the papers, one eyebrow raised. “It’s still doing that?” He stands and takes the tablet, examines it. “Hm. This might be good! I’ll have to find out what flow pattern of resentful energy caused this.”
Wen Ning closes his hand. Strangely, he wishes for the tablet to still be pulsing against his palm. It had felt kind of pleasant, if disturbing. “Resentful energy can create a heartbeat?”
“Well, it’s not exactly a heartbeat. But yes, if channeled the right way.”
“…Does that mean I have one?” Behind his back to prevent Wei Wuxian from noticing, he presses three fingers to the inside of his wrist, where years ago Jiejie had taught him how to read the flow of his blood. A black vein of resentful energy now covers those lifeless pulse points. “I’ve never felt it.”
Wei Wuxian turns the tablet between his hands thoughtfully. “No…you don’t have a heartbeat.” Then he grins, one of those sly grins that crosses his handsome face slowly, as if an idea has rushed into him so quickly that he needs to pace his smile just to contain it. Wen Ning doesn’t like those grins, because they make something flutter inside him.
“At least, not yet!” Wei Wuxian adds. “Do you want one? I could figure something out—”
“No, it’s okay. I’m fine without one.” The last thing Wei Wuxian needs is another project to stay up all night for—least of all an unnecessary project that Wen Ning requested by accident. Wei Wuxian has done enough for him already.
“I’m serious!” Wei Wuxian says. “It shouldn’t be too hard. I can test it right now.” He trails a finger over the blood-red writing on the tablet and mutters a few words under his breath. The black smoke around it thickens. “Just something temporary, to see if the idea works.” He steps closer.
Nervousness immediately jolts through Wen Ning. It’s unfortunate that death has muted the nerve endings in Wen Ning’s skin but has done nothing to quiet his anxious mind, which is always at both its most overactive and sluggish around Wei Wuxian.
Wen Ning watches the tablet’s red markings begin to glow, watches Wei Wuxian’s expression harden to a chiseled concentration.
“Come here,” Wei Wuxian says.
If Wei Wuxian’s hunch works, Wei Wuxian will ignore his health until he finishes developing the method to give Wen Ning a permanent heartbeat. If it fails, Wei Wuxian will still ignore his health, this time trying until he finds a different method.
It’s best to not let him try. To give him a firm “no.”
But Wen Ning has never been good at those. Especially when it comes to Wei Wuxian.
He has also never been good at lying to Wei Wuxian. Although he must do so for the sake of Wei Wuxian’s health, it’s hard to admit that he doesn’t miss his heartbeat.
He misses many small details of his body. Jiejie had taught him the ways of Dafan Wen medicine, made him attuned to the evidence of life in himself. He knows how fast his heart rate is supposed to be while lying in bed, knows which pressure points she once worked at to calm his anxiety, knows the irregularities of the breaths he no longer takes.
He used to like his heartbeat, his breath, their soothing rhythm as he fell asleep. It was comforting to understand that much about himself, to follow this evidence of life, when in childhood a piece of his soul had been snatched and left the rest of him a puzzle.
Now the lack of this evidence of life feels like a testimony against him.
Wei Wuxian could return some illusion of life to him. Would be happy to do so.
Selfishly, Wen Ning wants him to try. Being a walking experiment has its unsettling moments—more accurately, a constant hum of discomfort—but there is something morbidly enchanting about letting Wei Wuxian mold him into whatever he envisions. Into the magnum opus of a genius.
An even more selfish part of him wants to beg Wei Wuxian to try, because how symbolic would it be for Wei Wuxian to restore his heart, of all things…
“Wen Ning?” Wei Wuxian asks softly.
“Okay,” he answers, and instantly regrets it.
Wei Wuxian smiles again, this time the smile he saves for when he is about to tinker with the Ghost General. Wen Ning has learned all of his smiles by now, and he still doesn’t believe that there is one specially for him. But Wei Wuxian gives him that reassuring nod, the warm curve of his lips, the eager yet slightly rueful glint in his eyes, and Wen Ning can only recall seeing that expression the previous times Wei Wuxian rewrote pieces of him.
Wei Wuxian explains exactly what he’s going to do and how the resentful energy will flow. Wen Ning nods, and Wei Wuxian rests a hand on Wen Ning’s chest—casually, moving without hesitation, like always. “It won’t actually restart your heart. Just give the illusion of a pulse for a few minutes.” He furrows his brow as his focus intensifies. “That is, if it works.”
The feeling of Wei Wuxian’s hand on the center of his chest is stabilizing, yet it sets Wen Ning’s mind into disarray, despite how many times he has felt this before.
Wei Wuxian closes his eyes, preparing to reroute the resentful energy inside Wen Ning.
A cool stream of energy enters Wen Ning. Growing colder, gushing rapidly—
Then over almost instantly.
Wei Wuxian opens his eyes. “Feel any different?”
Wen Ning feels a bit dizzy, which is new. He hasn’t experienced vertigo since becoming a fierce corpse. But that fades quickly, and soon he is left with only the feeling of thick fabric pressing against his chest where Wei Wuxian’s hand rests.
He shakes his head. “Do…do you feel anything?”
Wei Wuxian shifts his hand, presses harder against Wen Ning’s chest. Waits, then sticks three fingers in the groove of Wen Ning’s neck, and that feels nice. Wen Ning almost wants to hold his hand there—
“No. I guess it didn’t work.” Wei Wuxian sounds much more tired than before. He removes his hand.
“That’s okay. I don’t need a heartbeat.”
“You want one though, yeah?” Wei Wuxian begins sifting through the inventions scattered across the cave, perhaps looking for another device, perhaps just hunting for kindling to spark an idea.
Wen Ning had been too selfish by agreeing to this. Who knows how long Wei Wuxian will research this now?
“I don’t want you to start another project,” Wen Ning says, and the faint thread of anger in his voice is stronger than he intended, even though that anger is mostly directed at himself. It's been harder to control his emotions since resentful energy began feeding them.
Wei Wuxian looks up, startled. Then he grins and gives a small laugh. “Are you turning into your jiejie now? Bossing me around…”
The joke only strengthens Wen Ning’s resolve. It reminds him that he can invoke Jiejie’s authoritativeness. He has never been good at following in his sister’s footsteps, but calling upon her immovability is almost as effective at steeling him as resentful energy. “You should sleep or come help us outside instead of always working in here.”
Wei Wuxian rubs his eyes. “I know, I know. You’ve all told me many times.” He seems to regret the slight bite in his tone. He tends to snap once in a while, the effect of stress lashing out from behind his mask, but it always dissolves as quickly as it appears.
“I’ll listen to you,” Wei Wuxian says, gently this time. Wen Ning feels a wave of relief. But then Wei Wuxian smirks and adds, “For now. I really do have some theories I want to test.”
Wei Wuxian rises to his feet and walks over to him. Stands and looks at him for a while, then says, almost murmurs, “I have enough projects for myself.” He tucks a strand of hair behind Wen Ning’s ear, and Wen Ning nearly melts. “Let me do something that’ll make you happy.”
This is bad. Very bad.
Wei Wuxian isn’t even telling the truth. His projects are all for the protection of Wen Ning’s family, not for himself. But the fond touch, combined with the sweetness in Wei Wuxian’s voice, is already enough to make Wen Ning bend.
He would much rather take care of Wei Wuxian than be taken care of. But if he weren’t worried about being a bother, he would tangle his hair just for Wei Wuxian to run his fingers through it, to twirl and comb and braid it the way he unravels and reorders the resentful energy inside Wen Ning.
“You really don’t need to. Getting a heartbeat was just an idea,” Wen Ning mumbles.
“And a good idea! We all need more comforts around here, don’t we?” Wei Wuxian nestles three fingers in the groove of Wen Ning’s neck to search for a pulse again, his brow knit in thought. Despite himself, Wen Ning can’t help but be glad that he can feel that touch a second time.
When Wei Wuxian experiments on him, the tugs and surges of resentful energy don’t exactly feel good. It’s like ice cracking under his skin, leaving shards that poke out of him. Or like the bony hand of a skeleton yanking at his insides, ripping him apart and rattling the pieces around.
The pain and discomfort frighten him. Remind him of what Wei Wuxian is capable of. What Wen Ning is capable of.
Yet he finds enjoyment in the fear, in the icy fingers of resentful energy, because those are the shadows of Wei Wuxian’s hands on him, reshaping him.
And before Wei Wuxian experiments on him…that feels too good. The doting—almost loving—attention, the careful examination, mumbled words, soft touches…
Wei Wuxian pulls his hand away and brings it to his own throat. His glance darts around the cave as he seems to calculate something in his mind.
Then he grabs Wen Ning’s hand and presses Wen Ning’s fingers into his neck. The sensation comes delayed, but Wen Ning feels it.
A pulse. Wei Wuxian’s pulse.
Wei Wuxian continues looking around the cave and thinking, as if this is just another ordinary step in a routine. But to Wen Ning, this is—this is—have they ever done something this intimate? How can Wei Wuxian let him feel the rhythm of his pulse, of his life force, and act like it’s nothing?
Somehow that makes it even more intimate, that Wei Wuxian doesn’t seem to mind…
Wen Ning counts the beats to himself.
Too slow. Not by much, but Wei Wuxian’s heart rate is too slow for his age, his size.
Wen Ning would make a mental note to tell Jiejie, but he knows she’s already aware. Wei Wuxian’s health has been deteriorating since he stepped back into the Burial Mounds.
“I…I have a different idea.”
Wei Wuxian lifts Wen Ning’s hand from his neck, but doesn’t let go. He smiles. “What’s that?”
“You can just give me the tablet.” Wen Ning looks down at the slab of stone, thin black wisps of smoke swirling around it. “I can feel its heartbeat.”
“You don’t want your own?”
He shakes his head.
Wei Wuxian playfully taps the back of Wen Ning’s hand a few times. Four times, to be exact. Wen Ning can’t help counting. “That heartbeat isn’t very human, though.”
Neither am I, Wen Ning wants to say, but he knows Wei Wuxian will scold him if he does. “It would be more than enough,” he says instead.
“You’re going to make the Yiling Laozu feel like a fraud if you let him give you scraps and call it ‘more than enough.’” He sighs and glances down at the tablet. “But you can take it until I come up with something better.”
“Then…is there something that you don’t think is a scrap?”
Wei Wuxian brings Wen Ning’s fingers to his neck again, and the warm pulse hums through his fingertips. “Well, there’s my heartbeat.” He winks. “I’d still call that a scrap, though.”
“No it isn’t,” Wen Ning blurts.
Wei Wuxian raises his eyebrows. Then his expression turns thoughtful. “Would you rather keep feeling mine?”
Wen Ning doesn’t reply, but he knows his face says everything. Not even rigor mortis can hide the answer.
“Forget about that useless rock, then.” Wei Wuxian pats his chest. “I’ll be your heartbeat for now.”
Wen Ning is sure that if he still had blood flow, he would be flushed. Panicked energy begins to twitch inside him. “N-No, it’s okay—”
“You don’t want my finest craftsmanship, and you don’t want my scraps! What am I going to do with you?”
“Nothing,” Wen Ning answers quietly.
“Yes, something.” He takes Wen Ning’s hand and tugs him toward the slab of stone he uses as a bed. “Hm. How should we do this? Maybe—”
“Wei-gongzi,” Wen Ning says, exasperated. He likes that Wei Wuxian never hesitates, never slows down—it’s attractive, in a frustrating kind of way—but it often leaves Wen Ning in the dust with his mind still sputtering and struggling to function.
“Alright, sit here.” Wei Wuxian gestures toward the bed. “If you want to,” he adds.
It’s pointless to ask if Wen Ning wants to. He wonders if Wei Wuxian knows that he doesn’t need Chenqing or yin iron to make him do just about anything.
Suddenly filled with dread, a dread that he is going to like this too much, he steps forward and awkwardly sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Perfect,” Wei Wuxian murmurs. He taps Wen Ning’s knee twice. “Spread your legs.”
Now Wen Ning is certain that he would be flushed if he were alive. “S-S-Spr—what?”
“Hey.” He smirks and points a finger at Wen Ning. “Who taught you to have thoughts like that? Don’t worry. I just need you to make room for me.”
Wen Ning gets out some garbled form of “okay” and spreads his legs, creating enough space for Wei Wuxian to sit on one of his knees.
Which Wei Wuxian does.
Sit on his knee.
He also wraps his arms around Wen Ning’s neck and pulls him closer until his cheek touches Wei Wuxian’s chest.
“I can’t do all the work myself.” He cups Wen Ning’s chin. “You have to move too.”
Wen Ning swallows—by habit, since he doesn’t really need to do that anymore—and positions himself so his ear rests over Wei Wuxian’s heart. He can’t feel Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat through the robes, but the gentle sound of thum, thum seeps into him right away.
Warmth, too. A lot of warmth.
“Good?” Wei Wuxian hums.
Wen Ning makes a small noise of contentment in the back of his throat. He fiddles with his hands in his lap, trying and failing to find a good place for them that isn’t Wei Wuxian’s legs. “I hear it.”
“Only hear it?”
He opens his mouth to object, but he knows that Wei Wuxian will spot the lie before it leaves his lips.
Wei Wuxian opens the collar of his dark outer robes and lets Wen Ning rest his head on the thin red inner garment.
Even warmer. Softer.
He can feel Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat.
He hasn’t felt something like this since he was a child. It’s…not what he expects.
Jiejie had taught him how to take a person’s pulse. How to place three fingers on each wrist and find the six pulse positions corresponding to the meridians of the body, to identify the different types of pulses—their depth, width, length, strength. How sometimes the pulse feels like beads rolling along a table, while other times it feels like the crisp pluck of a guqin string, and so on, each revealing secrets of the body, guiding how to best heal the patient.
All that knowledge had once been exciting. It seems mundane, now.
The medical analogies for a pulse at the wrist, Wen Ning realizes, don’t work to describe what a heartbeat from the chest feels like when it’s pressed against his cheek.
It’s like wading in a warm stream, sunshine beating on him. The gentle lap of current, its smooth rhythm—thum, thum—like the most natural and simple form of expression.
Wen Ning wishes Jiejie had instead taught him how to decipher a person’s soul by listening to their heartbeat, because with this strange, steady language reverberating in his ear, it almost seems possible.
“Now?” Wei Wuxian asks.
Wen Ning doesn’t make a sound this time.
He counts Wei Wuxian’s heartbeats and tries to guess how many fit into a minute. They remain like that, long after Wen Ning loses count, with Wei Wuxian’s warm body in his lap. They both relax, and Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat eventually fades into Wen Ning, like it’s his own.
His awareness returns when he notices Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat slowing even more. He pulls away, immediately missing the comforting solidness of Wei Wuxian’s chest, and looks up to see a calm, drowsy expression on Wei Wuxian’s face. His eyes are heavy-lidded and almost fully closed.
“We’ve been telling you,” Wen Ning says softly. “You don’t sleep enough.”
Wei Wuxian rubs his eyes. “You really are becoming bossy.”
“I just want you to take care of yourself.”
“You and your jiejie are like a pair of vultures. Circling me when I’m weak and picking at me!” He gives a wan smile and reaches around Wen Ning’s back to rub his shoulder. “But I appreciate that you care about me.”
Wen Ning absorbs the feeling of Wei Wuxian stroking his shoulder, the thrum of Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat still lingering in his ear. “I appreciate that you care about me, too,” he mumbles.
He’s not sure if Wei Wuxian hears, but figures he knows anyway.
* * *
The next day, Wei Wuxian lets Wen Ning listen again.
And the day after.
And the day after that.
It becomes a pattern, as reliable as the beat of Wei Wuxian’s heart. Wei Wuxian is more likely to skip a meal or lose a night of sleep than he is to shirk his self-proclaimed “heartbeat duty,” and Wen Ning begins to wonder if Wei Wuxian likes it as much as he does.
Then Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli show up in Yiling.
That night, Wei Wuxian drinks like he wants to waterboard himself.
He forgets about heartbeat duty after that. Wen Ning lets him.
* * *
Two weeks later, Wen Ning brings a medicinal draught Jiejie prepared to the Demon Subdue Palace. The sun outside sank long ago, leaving behind deep blues and browns that bleed into the entrance of the cave. A single candle flickers on a rock shelf in the cave wall, illuminating the craggy wall and the floor strewn with bits of metal and wood and crumpled talismans.
Astoundingly, Wei Wuxian is not hunched in the corner scribbling away. He’s in bed scribbling away, his sleeves rolled up and his tied-back hair slightly disheveled the way they are when he digs in the mud pond for the lotus pods that won’t grow.
He hadn’t come out to farm since the day before. Wen Ning wonders if he’s fixed his sleeves or his hair since then.
Wen Ning steps over as quietly as he can manage with his clumsy feet and waits beside the bed, holding the draught with both hands and feeling a faint sensation of its warmth. “Wei-gongzi?”
Wei Wuxian presses the wooden end of his brush into the corner of his mouth. “Do you know how to make a Spirit-Attraction Flag attract only ghosts of a certain age?”
“Mn. I—wait—” He cuts off and draws what looks like disjointed pieces of an array scribbled in the margins around rejected brushstrokes.
Wen Ning lets him write for a while, then says, “My jiejie made this for you to drink.”
“And why,” Wei Wuxian asks without a pause in his writing, “is she spending resources on me instead of saving them for A-Yuan and the others?”
“You need medicine, too. Because your stab wound still hasn't healed, and—and Jiejie says your body still isn’t used to not having a gold—”
Wei Wuxian abruptly stops writing. Wen Ning clamps his mouth shut, and wishes he hadn’t said anything.
With a lack of pleasure that he fails to hide, Wei Wuxian scribbles a few more things, then stands up, slices a cut in his finger, and begins trailing red lines on a Spirit-Attraction Flag. “I’m going down the mountain to test this.” He looks over at Wen Ning with a softened expression and walks out of the cave.
Wen Ning doesn’t need him to say that it’s an invitation to follow. He always accompanies Wei Wuxian down the mountain. He’d rather Wei Wuxian sleep, but at least leaving the Burial Mounds always puts him in a better mood.
After they pass through the final protective array and the forest around the path begins to change from grim black leafless trees to green trees shaded blue by moonlight, Wei Wuxian seems to relax. But instead of testing the flag in the clearing where he usually does, he continues walking.
They reach the edge of the forest. A few clouds in the sky hide some of the stars, but the moon is out, a bright half of a silver coin. They pass the town from a distance, still close enough to see amber dots of light from the few lanterns lit at this time of night, but far enough that even Wen Ning’s sharp vision can’t discern clear shapes of the buildings. Wei Wuxian stares at the town once in a while, as if he can see something in the muddied blocks of light.
They enter a different patch of forest and stray just far enough inside for tree branches to reach across the sky again.
Wei Wuxian holds up the flag and examines it.
He lowers the flag to his side.
“Wei-gongzi,” Wen Ning says quietly.
“Did you…”
He trails off when Wei Wuxian begins slowly rolling up the thin canvas. “I think I just wanted to go for a walk,” he says. “I’ll let the spirits rest today.” He sets the folded flag on a large rock and sits on the ground, his back against the stone, looking out at the plains and town from the recesses of the forest.
“I like walking with you,” Wen Ning says, and sits beside him.
Wei Wuxian usually buries his sorrow in his projects, in the crop fields, in his games with A-Yuan. This aimlessness is the closest glimpse Wen Ning sees of Wei Wuxian’s true state of mind. Wei Wuxian ensures that he is alone whenever he truly lets in his sorrow, but Wen Ning accompanies him during the times when he comes close. As if Wei Wuxian wants him to see—wants someone to see—but refuses to reveal everything.
No one else but Wen Ning has sat next to Wei Wuxian while he draws portraits for no particular reason (he never shows them to Wen Ning, but Wen Ning can guess whom he draws), no one else has slept across the cave from him while he mumbles in his sleep, no one else has wandered down the mountain at night with him.
Wen Ning doesn’t know if he should feel privileged or worried that Wei Wuxian lets him see this much.
He doesn’t think he deserves to know Wei Wuxian’s deepest thoughts, but he wants Wei Wuxian to pass more sorrow onto him, let him shoulder some of the pain. Wen Ning’s heart is dead, he can take it.
“Wen Ning,” Wei Wuxian says. He smooths his robes, adjusts his fitted sleeves. “I haven’t done heartbeat duty in a while, have I?”
“You don’t need to.”
“Maybe I want to.”
Wen Ning looks down at his knees, but Wei Wuxian scoots closer.
With their backs against the rock, Wei Wuxian hugs him in, rests his hand on the side of Wen Ning’s head, cradling him against his chest. Wen Ning tucks his arms away, trying not to touch Wei Wuxian, but Wei Wuxian takes one of his hands.
“It’s okay,” Wei Wuxian says.
Wen Ning waits a moment, wishing he had proper breath to steady himself, then carefully wraps his arms around Wei Wuxian, nestling close to his slender frame.
It feels different this time. Not because their position is different, or because Wuxian’s heartbeat is any faster or slower, stronger or weaker.
There is no purpose this time. It isn’t for Wen Ning to experience sensations more fully. It isn’t for Wei Wuxian to find comfort.
They are just two bodies cast aside from life, bodies that struggled to catch each other during their fall until they landed in each other’s embrace.
Holding Wei Wuxian feels as natural as his heartbeat, as inevitable as each thrum beneath where Wen Ning rests his head.
And just as fleeting.
Wei Wuxian is more alive than any person he knows, yet is wasting away more each day, having given up everything to protect the Dafan Wen.
And Wei Wuxian is not his. Only one thing ties them together: they have each made the other into a member of the living dead.
With whom did it start? Was it Wei Wuxian, who brought Wen Ning back as a fierce corpse, or was it Wen Ning, who held Wei Wuxian down as his core was removed? Or was it the world that did this to both of them?
But despite the thread of shared death that ties them together, Wei Wuxian could break that connection if he wanted to.
Wen Ning is bound to his family, bound to this unnatural body, bound to Chenqing's laments. He can never reenter the world.
But Wei Wuxian...
One day, Wei Wuxian may have the chance to belong in the world again. With his shidi and shijie, with Lan Wangji.
Wen Ning will always be banished to the margins of the world.
“How long are you going to live with us?” Wen Ning finds himself asking.
Leaves rustle quietly in the forest, clouds disappearing above their heads to reveal more stars against the dark liquid sky. An owl hoots questioningly far behind them.
“Until tomorrow,” Wei Wuxian says. “Ask me again tomorrow, and I’ll tell you again.”
“I can’t ask you that every day.”
“Then don’t ask me at all.” He strokes Wen Ning’s hair, over the back of his head and down his back. “I’m not leaving.”
Wei Wuxian continues playing with Wen Ning’s hair, running his fingers through it, stopping occasionally to work out a tangle. Not for the first time, Wen Ning wishes he could feel touch more strongly. He had dreamt of moments like these as a teenager, gentle caresses from Wei Wuxian, impossible moments. He hadn’t realized he would receive them one day after they had given up their lives for each other.
“When do you think we’ll get our next visitor?” Wei Wuxian asks. “Think I can make that Spirit-Attraction Flag into a Guest-Attraction Flag?” He chuckles. “We can hang it at the ridge. People will be drawn from miles to come talk to us. Tell Uncle Four to get lots of fruit wine ready." He fiddles with the sleeve of Wen Ning's robe. "I’ll have you test out the flag. Wear it like a cloak, and go walk around Yiling to see how many friends you make.”
“I can barely get anyone to buy turnips from me.”
“Change of plans, then! I’ll make a Customer-Attraction Flag, and we’ll finally be rich.”
Wen Ning smiles. “What are we going to buy once we’re rich?”
“Toys for A-Yuan.” Wei Wuxian rubs across Wen Ning’s shoulders, back and forth. “Every toy in Yiling.”
“We should buy every toy in Lanling, too.”
“That’ll need a lot more money. We’ll have to grow bigger turnips.”
“A giant one.”
“A single giant turnip?” Now there is real laughter in Wei Wuxian’s voice. “I’ll have to plant you as the seed to grow something big enough. Don’t tell your jiejie. Although she might figure it out when you disappear, and meanwhile a turnip the size of the Burial Mounds takes over Yiling.”
“I still won’t tell her.”
Wei Wuxian makes a low humming sound. “I can always count on you.”
Wen Ning melts more into Wei Wuxian’s embrace, surrounded by his warmth.
“Too bad that no matter who we bury in the lotus pond,” Wei Wuxian says with a sigh, “those plants still don’t want to sprout.” This time he doesn’t rub Wen Ning’s back or fiddle with him while he talks.
He’s never said something like that about the lotus crop without following it up with a confident proclamation—But when have I ever not achieved the impossible?, They’ll poke their heads out soon!, My lotus flowers will be the biggest you’ve seen, just wait!
He’s never left hanging the chance that the lotus crop might not grow.
Wen Ning waits for the cocky remark, but it doesn’t come. “They’ll sprout if you’re the one growing them,” Wen Ning suggests, filling in the declaration that Wei Wuxian missed.
Wen Ning’s stomach sinks. He looks up. Wei Wuxian smiles at him and guides him to rest against his chest again.
“It’s only been two weeks. They might take a while,” Wen Ning says, his face nearly turned into Wei Wuxian’s robes.
“I’ll just cheat and make a Lotus-Attraction Flag.”
“I’ll help you.”
“Of course you will. You’ll also help me with the flag for attracting guests to marvel at the beauty of our lotus pond!”
Guests again.
Wen Ning knows that Hanguang-Jun had visited on the day his consciousness returned. Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli had met with Wei Wuxian soon after. Both left marks on Wei Wuxian.
Is he thinking about them?
Wishing he had warmth of his own to give Wei Wuxian, Wen Ning hugs him tighter. He's not sure if they lower to the ground in one movement or slowly slide down, but eventually they lie on their sides, facing each other, arms tight around each other. Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat speaks, and Wen Ning listens.
I’m lonely, it whispers. I’m so lonely.
Who is there in the Burial Mounds for Wei Wuxian to feel the same affection toward as he feels about Hanguang-Jun? Or to provide the same comfort as the company of his siblings?
Everyone in the Burial Mounds has tried their best to provide the support of a new family for Wei Wuxian. He has even called them his family. But try as they might, how could the Dafan Wen replace his shidi and shijie?
The shidi and shijie Wen Ning helped Wei Wuxian save, only to steal him away from. He knows that it was Wei Wuxian’s choice to lead the Dafan Wen to the Burial Mounds and live with them, but would he have made that choice if he had never formed a relationship with Wen Ning and his sister? The thought makes guilt churn in his stomach.
Wei Wuxian runs his thumb in gentle circles over Wen Ning’s shoulder. “Yes?”
“Is that something you want?” He pulls away from Wei Wuxian’s chest to look up at him, though not quite into his eyes. “Guests?”
“Don’t take that all so seriously. If guests come, would they be as good of a drinking buddy as Uncle Four, or as good of a storyteller as Granny, or as energetic as A-Yuan? They couldn’t compete.”
“But you meant it,” Wen Ning says, surprised at the force in his own voice, quiet as it is. “I’ll help you bring guests here.”
Wei Wuxian smiles and brushes his thumb over Wen Ning’s cheek, the touch warm and soft like hushed words. “You’re already too good to me. Don’t worry about me.” He sighs and looks up at the sky. “Each of us will have things we want, but can’t have. It’s just part of living.”
Wen Ning, too, looks up at the star-studded sky through the dark silhouettes of trees. The full shapes of the constellations are broken up, but he can picture which stars are waiting behind the black hands of tree leaves.
As he follows the disjointed forms of the constellations, he decides that he will relieve Wei Wuxian’s burdens.
He is not sure at what moment he makes the decision, but it settles into his bones and becomes his purpose for the night.
Not just for the night. For as long as Wei Wuxian is by his side.
The day Wen Ning’s consciousness was restored, he had heard A-Yuan singing a song about walking the “single-log bridge.” Curious, Wen Ning had asked where A-Yuan learned the song.
“Xian-gege,” had been the answer. The song’s lyrics had been about Wei Wuxian walking alone into darkness.
Wen Ning will not let him walk alone.
If Wei Wuxian wants to walk the single-log bridge, Wen Ning will carry him across it.
“Will you tell me about them?” Wen Ning asks.
“About what?”
“The things you want, but can’t have.”
* * *
Thank you for reading! Next chapter is coming soon. If you enjoyed this fic, come visit me on AO3!
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sunseteyes · 4 years
Not me slowly creeping here with my favs 😳, but Tendou, Tsumu, Noya and Akaashi with a rlly big crush on reader and how they try to get her attention?
getting their crush’s attention
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ starring: tendou satori, atsumu miya, yuu nishinoya, keiji akaashi
ㅤ ㅤ↪︎ themes: heavy signs of flirting pft. fluff!
ㅤ ㅤ↪︎ announcement: hi anon thanks so much for requesting! so sorry this took so long~ i really liked writing this though! feel free to pitch in hc requests if you like~ oh btw my format in posting kinda changed! hope you liked it~ taglist is now below the post !!
『• • • ✎ ATSUMU MIYA
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knowing atsumu, he’s going to want to get your attention as soon as possible
one of his steps in order to do that is to try and woo you with his volleyball skills. what more could he give best than show you what he specializes in doing?
so it’s most likely that you’d be invited into one of their games, even if it was a practice match. another possibility will be during their training but he might be selfish enough not to let you have a moment to speak to the others and let them steal his momentum
if that fails or if you needed some more push, atsumu will probably try to invite you for a lunch outside. coffees wouldn’t be atsumu’s thing. and it’s because he’ll reason out that “a way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.” nobody gets full with just coffee
and yes, he knows it because of his brother. 
he may also try to even convince his brother to cook for the two of you and invite you to their house for dinner. 
“’tsumu, why do i have to be caught up with this?” “come on, be my wingman for once, ‘samu!”
osamu may be slightly pissed off at his brother but he’s going to do what he can to help his brother out. as for atsumu, he will be too focused on you to notice his brothers efforts, but surely they will be obvious enough until you figure it out
“w-what? did ‘samu tell you i like you? ah really!!! that osamu!!!” 
“huh he didn’t? then-?”
in the end, there’s a high probability he accidentally confesses due to his carelessness
no matter, he’s going to be the type to pull off his plans on trying to attract you. and even if he slips, he knows that he already has you wrapped around his finger by then
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akaashi is a silent admirer. he would rather admire you from afar than speak to you head on
but he does pitch in occasional praises whenever it is acquired. like when he learned that you got into a club that you’ve been wanting to attend, or maybe you got high scores in your test, then he’ll most likely praise you
“congrats, (y/n)-san. i heard you got perfect in english today.” he’ll say while bokuto is in the middle of rambling when he saw you. of course, bokuto will know you, that guy knows everyone.
though that’s the thing akaashi will be thanful of. at least he’ll get to at least have reason to talk to you, no matter how short of a time it may be
one thing about akaashi is that he doesn’t like trying to gain your attention just because he likes you, unless of course they’re important matters.
in short, if he likes you, he likes you. he wouldn’t do anything to try and give a shot whether you like him back or not—especially if you’re not showing any of those signs.
but the secret wouldn’t last as a secret that long because surely someone else will notice how he would seemingly treat you more kindly and just differently than others
or maybe bokuto was just teasing him and suddenly the other members of fukurodani catches upon the slight hesitation in akaashi’s reaction
so when they find out about it, no matter how lowkey akaashi is, he’s going to get caught sooner or later, but it would only be by those who was used to akaashi’s personality and how he treats other people—his team mates, most probably
they wouldn’t rat him out nonetheless, but do expect them to be the ones to give akaashi even the slightest push
and of course, who was akaashi to say no especially when they tempt him that much?
as long as he is not doing anything to invade your privacy or force you to do anything, akaashi would agree. because even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he’d take in any kind of suggestions and finds it rather amusing when they indeed work on you
for example, when one of his team mates suggested to give you a love letter
akaashi will probably take that suggestion, but he’d make himself anonymous
or maybe that time when you received another anonymous flowers during valentines
or the good luck post-it note you had on your locker the day you were going to have a finals exam
akaashi will be the type to show you that you are beautiful and important; inside and out. his actions wouldn’t even be too weird for you, nor would you feel uncomfortable with his lowkey advances. 
it’s quite unlikely that he’ll reveal himself, unless maybe when he finally decided to. he’s someone who will wait for that “perfect time”
he’ll plan for it and wait for it diligently. and even if it takes forever, akaashi will wait for it
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satori already knows what to do in order to win that heart of yours.
he also wouldn’t be the type to hesitate or shy away when it comes to you, especially if he knew he had a chance
but if it seems that he doesn’t, he’ll still do his best to take your heart. he will know each and every likes you have, or even your pet peeves. he’s that observant, remember?
by knowing your likes, he would know what to do to catch your attention.
“(y/n)-san, do you like coffees? or are you perhaps a fruit-shake lover? which one is it? which one?” 
you like plants? he’ll invite you to join him in trying to find plants he could take care, and surely if you know a lot about them, he’d have a reason to strike a conversation with you
you like anime? he’ll watch them with you! 
you like watching the shiratorizawa volleyball team? he’d invite you to their trainings.
and if you’re the type who would like having their alone time, he wouldn’t bother you every day just to prevent you from being irritated by his presence
satori is not one to give up, but if you decided you did not like him, he will stop his advances
however, if you do find a little bit of spark between the two of you, then that’s good.
although it might end up to you confessing instead of him with how he could tease you into saying it. when he knows you’re wrapped around his finger, he’ll know how to make you even more flustered and what puts you on edge
so yep, be prepared to be embarrassed, folks
but still, at least you’ll get a boyfriend afterwards. fighting!
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nishinoya is very much like satori, but do expect him to be more... energetic chaotic
with how he’s acting with kiyoko, that would probably be how nishinoya would act
only this time, it would be different in a way that he’s more careful and observant into what would tick you off and what wouldn’t. he’ll also give more respect to your space, so don’t worry about that.
nishinoya would make himself be “worthy” of your love, no matter how sad that sounds like
he would still appear to be infatuated with how he always try to catch your attention by buying you coffee every morning, or when he brings you bento for your lunch when he realizes that you don’t eat that much, but his actions will be genuine.
he’ll make his move. the minute nishinoya realizes that he has feelings for you, you’ll realize just how much he became part of your life that when he’s not there, you’ll feel kind of... lonely
and yes, it will happen even if you didn’t like him at first
and what happens after that? nishinoya would immediately see if you blush or sense that you get flustered by his advances, and he wouldn’t believe it at first 
nor did you honestly
because who would have thought you’d fall for his charm after he basically chase after you with his heart wide open??
anyway congrats! just wait for him to make a move again after he has his own panic when he noticed that you like him too. but it will be quick!! expect for a bouquet of flowers plus chocolates or teddy bear maybe hehe
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