#not to mention we are ALL sick and tired of Donald Trump
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While I am VERY HAPPY with the Early and Mail in Voting Turn Out for Democrats I am VERY STRONGLY URGING people to continue!
Why? Because a little good bit of info just cropped up!
Huh....and here I thought he knew NOTHING of Project 2025?? 🤔
Everyone (NON MAGA) knows this old fucker is KNEE DEEP in the Project 2025 cookie jar.
So we will NOT have to worry about living in North Korea/Russia and China; here is the link below to register to vote along with the deadlines varying by state! Also, your own vote isn’t enough! Get as many people as you can to vote for Kamala be it your friends, cousins, parents, grandparents, old friends from high school and college, coworkers, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, stepchildren (if they’re 18 and over) and the list goes on and on but every vote counts! ALSO PLEASE check your registration DAILY because MAGA WILL purge your voter registration!!!
And early voting has started! And if you don’t wanna vote on November 5th, Early Voting is another option! Like I said get as many people as you know and try early voting that way you can avoid MAGA fuckery on November 5th! Here’s the link down below listing the dates by state:
And Mail in Ballots are ANOTHER option I highly recommend!! And like I said get as many people as you can to take advantage of this option! BUT if you decide to go with Mail In/Absentee Ballots; PLEASE mail your ballots at the ACTUAL USPS office!! That way MAGAts won't fuck with it.
Now we all enjoy the lives we have right now right? Where we can basically go as we please, worship whatever religion we want (or not) and be with whoever we want.
IF Trump worms his way back into the White House because we had a low voter turnout like he did in 2016, just think about it; we had Roe v Wade, Affirmative Action and Chevron overturned. I bet all the money in my savings and checking accounts that Interracial Relationships, Women’s right to vote and Gay Rights will be done away with. BET MONEY.
Or…:they’ll be “left to the states” 🙄 Because we know that’s going so WELL with abortion.
Not to mention, what happens in America has a trickle down effect for the rest of the world so if we get fucked, the rest of the world gets fucked too.
Please, let’s NOT have another 2016.
Thank You 🙏
#anti trump#fuck trump#fuck maga#anti maga#fuck republicans#fuck republikkkans#kamala harris#kamala 2024#kamala harris 2024#kamala for president#kamala harris for president#vote#go vote#vote vote vote#get out the vote#register to vote#vote blue#vote democrat#vote harris#vote harris walz#vote kamala#vote kamala harris#please vote#voting#voting is important#voting matters#non anime#not to mention we are ALL sick and tired of Donald Trump#we’ve been dealing with him since the 1970s….let’s be done with him ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!
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Also preserved in our archive
A very long but worthwhile read chronicling the liberal descent into antimask/vax madness and the doctors who led the charge.
The full article includes a wealth of helpful links I can't reasonably transfer. Follow the link to find them! I'll try to transfer as many images and videos as I can.
Emily Oster, Leana Wen, Ashish Jha, and Zeynep Tufekci Betray America
Public Health in America is having its Budd Dwyer moment.
We were told time and time again how crucial it was that Kamala Harris defeated Donald Trump this past November. Well, it was recently revealed that Harris' internal polling never showed her defeating Trump. Instead of retooling her campaign and doing what's necessary to defeat Donald Trump, even if it meant giving Wall Street the middle finger, Harris and the Democrat Party burned over a billion and a half dollars praising Dick Cheney and putting Donald Trump back in the White House - as well as leaving 65% of races uncontested nationwide, simply handed to the Republicans on a silver platter. Giving Oprah a million dollars, spending six figures to re-create a podcast set that resembled a dentist's waiting room, and countless other thoughtless grifts, made it clear that Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party were never serious about defeating Trump - a blatant insult to every liberal and Democrat voter that put their faith in the opposition party which insisted "democracy was on the ballot" as their Vice Presidential nominee livestreamed Sega Dreamcast games.
Now we all get to live with the consequences of such a horrific act of political irresponsibility and cowardice. David Gorski of Science Based Medicine, Walker Bragman of Important Context, and the Death Panel podcast have all done extensive breakdowns of how Trump's handpicked crusaders against vaccines and public health have a long history of getting countless children sick, hospitalized, disabled, and dead. This isn't an article about retreading the same territory as the above-mentioned outlets, which have covered these nominees and their long history of failures and moral depravity in excruciating detail.
What's most important about these appointees is what they all share - a dangerous combination of two traits: utterly incompetent and arrogantly dishonest. We are talking about scientifically illiterate narcissists who, when soundly rejected by the overwhelming consensus of their colleagues in medicine and science, as well as...reality, instead embraced sadistic billionaires such as Peter Thiel and the Koch oil dynasty, taking to social media to spread their message amongst right-wing cranks and contrarian media in the hopes of fooling Americans into embracing their unethical delusions. The fantasy of these inept contrarians being brave medical geniuses, censored by The Man, became a popular fiction amongst conservatives and conspiracy theorists across social media; adolescent fantasies of the brave Rebel Anti-Vax Alliance hero Luke Skywalker brandishing his fully erect lightsaber against the evil giga-vaxxed Lord Vader of the Galactic Public Health Empire.
Sadly, we are now watching liberals in journalism and academia begin to embrace and even endorse this depraved crankery in a total betrayal of the public that puts their trust in them, legitimizing the same old tired anti-vaccine crankery that has haunted us for centuries - at one point, smallpox was even advertised as harmless and beneficial. We are witnessing the beginning of a total rewriting of the history of the past five years, even when the facts are readily available, in order to push false equivalences or outright lies to grant legitimacy to the utterly illegitimate, just weeks before a second Trump Administration is set to be sworn into office. There is no excuse for such a gross violation of every professional and ethical standard in the world of medicine, science, and public health - yet liberals in academia and journalism are happy to openly engage in such obscene banjaxing.
Lobbyist Leana Wen and Economist Emily Oster Endorse RFK Jr. on Raw Milk, Fluoride, and Vaccine “Choice”
Take it from a cattle farmer with over a decade of hands-on experience shoveling manure: Unpasteurized or “raw” milk can make you very sick and possibly even kill you. (FDA) This is a well-documented, basic scientific fact that has been well-established for a very long time. (Wikipedia) Pasteurization is, essentially, the process of boiling milk in order to kill bacteria and other threats to human health, because humans are not cows - or bats. There are no meaningful health benefits to drinking "raw" milk, a frankly bullshit term that is an insult to any serious farmer. We are also now at a point where H5N1 is being detected in "raw" milk products, risking the start of another pandemic within our own borders. Dr. Noha Aboelata of Roots Community Health breaks this down in detail in a 30-minute briefing:
Potential head of the HHS under Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - who has already gotten countless children killed from his anti-vaccine advocacy (Mother Jones) - pushes the imaginary health benefits of this garbage to his easily deluded audience. Unsurprisingly, liberal pundits like Leana Wen and Emily Oster are rushing to defend these sorts of "choices" using fraudulent data, just as much as they worked overtime to confuse parents about COVID-19, which has already killed and disabled many children; a fact that both paid opinion havers are still in serious denial of.
We previously profiled Leana Wen in January 2023, a Brookings Institute lobbyist and M.D. who has experienced the COVID-19 pandemic from the safety of her couch. We've also talked extensively about Emily Oster over the past two years: an economist with zero medical or scientific credentials and a long history of morally depraved garbage to her name - from claiming “it isn’t economical” to give Africa drugs to treat AIDS, (Forbes, Archived) to declaring that the right of pregnant women to drink alcohol (Twitter) is a feminist issue, to taking money from bloodsucking fascist Peter Thiel (Twitter) to publish fraudulent data in order to get countless children killed and disabled by COVID-19. These are not legitimate medical or scientific experts.
Both Emily Oster and Leana Wen took out opinion editorials (Oster in the New York Times, Wen in the Washington Post) recently citing the same JAMA Pediatrics study claiming that fluoride in drinking water is potentially a biohazard - using the racist, long-debunked concept of "Intelligence Quotient points," in order to legitimize Robert F. Kennedy's depraved conspiracy theories and baselessly attack one of the most effective public health initiatives in our lifetime. If you actually read this study for yourself, you will find the results to be…utterly inconclusive. Epidemiologist Abby Cartus breaks this down in extensive detail on her newsletter Closed Form. Wen and Oster think you are too inept to read for yourself and form your own conclusion from the reality that this single study is... worthless!
Why any self-respecting woman would carry water for a depraved, exploitative wretch who drove his wife to suicide by keeping a black book of all his affairs, rating each woman he had sex with based on how extreme a sex act he was able to perform with them, is utterly beyond belief - achieving absolutely nothing but completely destroying their own professional reputations in the process. If you truly hate yourself on this level, you're supposed to either seek professional help or drown out your sorrows with a bottle of whiskey in the privacy of your own home, instead of publicly humiliating yourself in service of an abusive, misogynistic creep that considers you subhuman for the unforgivable atrocity of having a uterus.
Unsurprisingly, Biden's final COVID-19 Czar Ashish Jha went to bat to endorse his fellow Brown University laptop class academic Emily Oster, writing on Twitter that this was merely a crisis of "public health messaging:"
"Great [Emily Oster] piece about how to do public health messaging better. Some public health experts believe the public can't handle nuance. That's nonsense. Talking to folks about the complexity of the evidence, tradeoffs, and strength of recommendations is good. Want to rebuild trust in public health? Treat the public as adults."
There is no "nuanced" argument legitimizing the selling of "raw milk" and other scam health products with serious public health risks, especially with a potential H5N1 pandemic on the horizon. It’s not “complex” to state that children should be vaccinated against COVID-19, and the overwhelming majority of pediatric COVID-19 deaths are in unvaccinated children. There are no meaningful “tradeoffs” for putting safe amounts of fluoride in water fountains. These are all basic scientific facts, and a large part of maturing into an adult is having to accept the reality of being told "no," and realizing when you're simply dead wrong. As Final COVID Czar under Joe Biden, Ashish Jha's primary goal was not to "treat the public as adults," but as bleeding piggy banks to be exploited for profit from unmitigated COVID-19 infections.
As a handpicked crusader for "privatizing the pandemic response," Ashish Jha oversaw millions of Americans winding up disabled by COVID-19, often losing their careers in the process - falling into poverty, homelessness, and deaths of despair. Women are disproportionately affected by Long COVID disability, and the messaging of the failed Harris campaign was that these women were to be abandoned (Twitter) and brutalized by the same police that the Biden-Harris administration diverted pandemic relief into buying more weapons and military toys for.
Ashish Jha smugly shrugged his shoulders and took out an opinion editorial telling everyone to "ignore COVID" whilst accepting prestigious awards. If we lived in a just society, he would be living out of a cardboard box under a freeway overpass, begging for pocket change. Unfortunately, we live in the world where the Brown University Dean of Public Health is comfortable making public endorsements of sadistic anti-vax cranks, such as Marty Makary and Jay Bhattacharya, to senior government positions.
Biden's COVID Czar Ashish Jha Endorses Mehmet Oz, Jay Bhattacharya & Marty Makary for CMS, NIH & FDA Directors You've likely heard a version of the phrase "if one Nazi is sitting at a table of a dozen people, you have a table of a dozen Nazis." The same is true of anti-vaxxers and their depraved ideals, which are often rooted in a naked embrace of fascist eugenics. You simply cannot find a "reasonable middle ground" or stake out some sort of enlightened "centrist" view that legitimizes the opinions of the arrogantly incompetent & dishonest, who champion pestilence whilst fearmongering about safe & effective vaccines for their own personal gain. By lending credence to these frauds, you establish your priorities: saving lives is less important than not hurting the feelings of sadistic cranks, or one's own personal comfort.
With a second Trump administration about to be sworn in, Democrats should be in open revolt that the Biden Administration left the COVID response in charge of anti-vax cheerleader Ashish Jha, who in a November 24th, 2024 post on Twitter wrote:
"I think [Marty Makary] at FDA, [Mehmet Oz] at CMS, and [Jay Bhattacharya] at NIH are all pretty reasonable...They are smart and experienced."
This is, undeniably and objectively, an absolute lie from the former Biden Administration official, similar to how Biden parroted the lies that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" as head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2003. It shouldn't be surprising that rewarding failure only breeds more failures, even when a nation is gripped by a once-in-a-century pandemic disaster.
For starters, Mehmet Oz is a morally depraved quack celebrity doctor who once boldly proclaimed that the public has "no right to health," and has frequently abused his daytime television platform to peddle quack cures to exploit his elderly audience. If put in charge of the CMS, Oz's priority is privatizing Medicare and Medicaid so that he may profit from companies that he is personally invested in, leaving the elderly and disabled with substandard, privatized "Advantage" plans that do not cover essential medical needs - driving more American families to medical bankruptcy and begging strangers on GoFundMe to survive, or more likely: homelessness & deaths of despair.
This is what the Brown University Dean of Public Health, Ashish Jha, considers "pretty reasonable."
Marty Makary's claim to fame was as a cheerleader for nakedly embracing COVID-19, falsely proclaiming the end of the pandemic via "herd immunity" multiple times, starting in early 2021. In September 2021, he claimed that getting COVID-19 protects you from COVID-19 - try telling that to the countless American children who have had it half a dozen times already, and are losing their health, dreams, and futures as a consequence. When it became clear that this approach of nakedly embracing COVID-19 had obviously failed, disabling millions of Americans in the process, Makary took out an opinion editorial in the Wall Street Journal in December 2022, attacking Long COVID - claiming it was "long anxiety" on Fox News. The evidence is overwhelming at this point, and it all says that this supposed practitioner of "evidence-based medicine" was dead wrong and is too craven and pathetic to admit that he was dead wrong about the disease he simped for to millions of FOX News views.
Makary would also fearmonger about the COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that the disease - which has killed tens of millions worldwide, according to the Economist - is essentially harmless, while the vaccine is supposedly causing massive epidemics of myocarditis. Marty would falsely label COVID-19 as "omi-cold" and "nature's vaccine," both objectively false lies that got countless thousands of Americans killed and disabled in the winter of 2021-22. Makary openly celebrated parents not vaccinating their children against COVID-19; of the thousands of pediatric COVID-19 deaths in America, they were overwhelmingly unvaccinated. Their parents would likely prefer a child with a sore arm instead of a child who is now six feet under, in a coffin. Marty has never apologized to these parents or lifted a finger to help pay for the funerals of these children who have been forever silenced.
This is who Biden's COVID Czar, Ashish Jha, considers "smart."
Last but not least, we have Jha's endorsement of Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford "health economist" who made bold proclamations about the alleged harmlessness of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the comfort of his couch, taking money from the Koch oil dynasty - which has already funded an incredible amount of unscientific climate collapse denial propaganda as well as the "Tea Party" which would evolve into Trump's "MAGA" hordes - to champion a mass infection strategy for COVID-19 as it was overwhelming hospitals, driving some doctors and nurses to suicide. Bhattacharya was happy to openly demand millions of American teachers risk death and disability from COVID-19 in early 2020, long before a vaccine was available, in order to preserve “normalcy.” It’s worth noting that teaching is a predominantly female-dominated profession.
These sorts of Little Eichmanns (Wikipedia) have always existed in society in one form or another; morally depraved sadists desperate to play God with the lives of their supposed inferiors. They must always be condemned, combatted, and outright rejected by polite society. Instead, liberals like Ashish Jha are openly lying in public displays of support for these lecherous, vapid narcissists who can only derive self-worth via forcing suffering upon others.
Much like how the Third Reich was helmed by incompetent scam artists cooked to the gills with methamphetamines, Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya looked at the COVID-19 pandemic and his inability to do anything to treat COVID-19 patients & save lives - as he never bothered to put in the work to attain a medical license - and decided to make the largest mass death event in the history of the United States all about how he could promote the most important "health economist" in America: himself. Starting off 2020 by conducting a fraudulent seroprevalence study (Twitter) and publishing false conclusions, Smilin' Jay never bothered to stay grounded in reality whilst his fellow Americans were dying and being disabled by COVID-19. Jay's priorities were rooted in growing the public profile of Jay Bhattacharya, no matter how wrong he was or how many Americans he would get killed in his sycophancy for a deadly and disabling virus he refused to learn a single thing about.
Employed by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, Jay Bhattacharya would get countless Floridians killed in 2021 by failing to vaccinate the population before the Delta variant struck, after boldly proclaiming that he "protected the vulnerable." Smilin' Jay never apologized for this failure, or his many others - and why would he? He's been generously rewarded for his loyalty to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with liberals like Ashish Jha cheering him on. As part of his narcissistic fetish for spouting unscientific nonsense in front of any camera he could find, Jay Bhattacharya would also fearmonger about the COVID-19 vaccine, fearmongered about PPE, falsely portrayed himself as a victim of "censorship," falsely proclaimed getting COVID-19 protects you from COVID-19, openly embraced anti-vax conspiracy theorists, and even endorsed Canadian white nationalists whilst tweeting "Honk Honk" - a dogwhistle for Heil Hitler.
This is what Ashish Jha considers "experienced." This is who Biden and the Democrats put in charge of the final months of the COVID-19 response: a vocal supporter of abusive, scientifically illiterate anti-vax cranks that nakedly endorsed conspiracy theories whilst advertising pediatric illness as beneficial for your child’s health. If you voted for Biden in 2020 in the hopes that he would treat the very real domestic threat of COVID-19 more seriously than the blatantly false threat of a "smoking gun" from Saddam Hussein, you should be outraged: you have been made a fool of, and the anti-vaccine movement is now primed to unleash a torrent of pestilence upon you and your children via the federal government.
Liberal pundits, such as sociologist Zeynep Tufekci of the New York Times, are now working overtime to try and rewrite history - even if it means legitimizing anti-vax cranks like Jay Bhattacharya in a craven attempt to save face.
Desperate to establish herself as some sort of Enlightened COVID Centrist in "the paper of record," Zeynep was a vocal loyalist to the Biden Administration's vaccine-only strategy of mass infection from 2021 onwards. As the consequences of such a failed strategy came to light, such as COVID-19's negative impacts on the immune system - a well documented fact now in 2024 (PAI) - Zeynep would frequently cherry pick experts that validated her pro-viral opinions, and abuse her own platform to attack developing science in a failed crusade to falsely equate COVID-19 reinfections as "mild," on par with the common cold and influenza. This required endorsing obscene, unscientific views like "immunity debt," (PAI) a myth easily debunked by opening any Immunology 101 textbook.
The Pandemic Accountability Index will provide a full profile of the years of disinformation that Zeynep Tufekci peddled to the public in due time, but for now, it's worth noting that on November 27th, 2024, Sociologist Zeynep Tufekci would write an opinion editorial in the New York Times titled "Trump's Pick to Lead the N.I.H. Gets Some Things Right." Zeynep would open this drivel by making an objectively false statement that disqualifies anything which might come after:
"It's a welcome sign that, unlike many of Donald Trump's picks to lead parts of the nation's health system, his pick for director of the National Institutes of Health, Jay Bhattacharya, is actually qualified."
Fact Check! There is zero tradition of the National Institute of Health employing "health economists" such as Jay Bhattacharya, especially in a leadership position, and especially when they have a morally depraved history of making obscene claims like "health insurance encourages obesity." Jay is, by any serious definition of the term "qualified," utterly unqualified for the responsibilities of heading the NIH. We know this, because thanks to his previous experience under Ron DeSantis, he got countless Americans killed by COVID-19.
To pretend otherwise, one has to completely erase the history of Jay Bhattacharya's activities over the past five years. Zeynep Tufekci of the New York Times is either too dangerously incompetent to handle the responsibilities of medical journalism, or so utterly dishonest that one has to wonder if she's been contracted by the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself to function as a Public Relations spokesperson. This sure as hell has nothing to do with sociology, but this hasn't stopped Zeynep from asserting her supposed expertise on topics she clearly knows very little about.
Zeynep would also claim on Twitter that Bhattacharya "has made valid points about the pandemic;" mainly her insistence that SARS-CoV-2 must have come out of a laboratory, and that repeated COVID-19 infections are protective against... COVID-19. Zeynep is too scientifically illiterate and devoid of ethics to answer the very serious question raised by such "valid points:" if you seriously believed SARS-CoV-2 was designed in a lab, why would you take money from the Koch oil dynasty to argue that we should rapidly infect hundreds of millions of unvaccinated Americans, including children, with said lab-designed virus less than a year after it touched our shores, well before we had any comprehensive understanding of the harms it posed to the human body? Are working Americans and their children little more than lab rats?
Tufekci would also make more absurd, blatantly false claims in defense of Jay Bhattacharya via Twitter:
"[Jay's] dismissal as 'fringe' by public health authorities, and even censorship on social media, was unjustified and wrong. Not every point was completely wrong, and besides, they deserved addressing, not silencing. The public has a stake in such major decisions."
In reality, Jay Bhattacharya and his deranged ideals of letting COVID-19 ravage hundreds of millions of Americans well before a vaccine was widely available *was* addressed by an overwhelming consensus of scientists, doctors, and public health experts...in the fall of 2020. David Gorski for Science Based Medicine, Epidemiologists Abby Cartus & Justin Feldman with the Death Panel podcast, and countless other voices from experts around the world, including the Royal Bank of Canada Global Asset Management, published extensive rebuttals about such a horrific idea from the same mind that brought you "the thin are subsidizing the gluttony of the obese via health insurance premiums." Liberal pundit Zeynep Tufekci is outright lying and rewriting history, silencing critical voices in order to construct a false legitimacy to anti-vax social media grifter Jay Bhattacharya’s appointment to lead the NIH.
To claim that Jay Bhattacharya is an "unjustified" victim of "censorship" is a morally depraved and outright fictional statement. A laptop-class loudmouth being told "you're dead wrong" by doctors and scientists with real-world responsibilities isn't censorship. Privately owned social media networks, such as Twitter and YouTube, are entitled to moderate their platforms as they see fit and does not qualify as "censorship." Jay Bhattacharya isn't some oppressed dissident voice that the public needs to hear; to embrace his sage wisdom about how COVID-19 infections protect against COVID - Jay is backed by wealthy billionaires that have, for decades now, peddled the same unscientific propaganda that alleged liberal journalists like Zeynep Tufekci are supposed to vigilantly oppose - not launder - in the newspaper.
Every single "point" that Jay Bhattacharya has spouted about COVID-19 has been completely wrong, time and time again. This is a well-documented phenomenon, all across the Internet, because Smilin' Jay simply cannot shut his own goddamn mouth for five minutes. Yet again, Zeynep Tufekci of the New York Times thinks the general public is too incompetent to verify her outlandish claims in defense of a cruel, manipulative fraud that has incited violence against doctors and scientists that are tasked with actually saving lives.
In Closing People are rightfully afraid to fear of what might come to pass if America's federal public health apparatus is put in the hands of a gaggle of unscientific anti-vax cranks who already have the blood of countless Americans on their hands. It will be crucial for real experts to raise hell and get their teeth bloody in angrily rejecting whatever bullshit comes out of the mouths of these frauds - and guerilla, grassroots public health, in whatever form that may take, will become crucial to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of Americans over the next four years - especially that of our children. What we simply cannot do is embrace outright fiction in order to legitimize and empower bad actors that have long proven themselves utterly incapable of handling the real-world responsibilities of managing public health in America.
Every single liberal academic & pundit you see going to bat to endorse Trump's hand-picked social media sycophants - bloodthirsty zealots waging a crusade against public health and regulatory authority on behalf of their billionaire backers - is committing a grave act of treason against their fellow American, on behalf of a nefarious villain that dates back to the origins of human civilization. Countless thousands of years ago, ancient mythology was a tool to pass down essential knowledge from one generation to the next via oral tradition, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were no different. These are forces that have shattered human societies throughout our long and bloody history - War, Death, Famine, and yes, Pestilence - infectious diseases. This war that medicine has waged against disease has a long tradition; you can read up on the mother of modern medicine, Florence Nightengale, (PBS) on the importance of clean air in preventing the spread of disease, or Death in Hamburg (Internet Archive) on the class politics of pandemics - or read up on saboteurs in 1830 claiming that smallpox is a "New Year's Gift to the world." (Twitter)
As long as we have civilized society, we will always have this fight against infectious diseases, and those who insist we nakedly embrace them will never have your best interests in mind. This is a basic fact that any credentialed sociologist getting paid to write about public health should know quite well by now.
There is no good reason for any liberal to waste a drop of ink legitimizing these grandstanding carny hacks. Going forward, one has to wonder how liberal journalists & academics will help forward Trump’s crusade against public health.
We have a long four years ahead of us, and mainstream institutions like the New York Times will try again and again to rewrite history. The Pandemic Accountability Index refuses to let this pass, and only with your support is our archival work and reporting possible. If you haven’t already, please consider taking out a paid subscription or making a one-time donation.
#mask up#public health#wear a mask#pandemic#wear a respirator#covid#still coviding#covid 19#coronavirus#sars cov 2#us politics#the only functional difference between a conservative and a liberal in the US is the base color scheme of their PR campaings#Youtube
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Shoe On Head
beat by Tristan (www.Shadowville.com) lyrics by shoe on head MADE ON …GARAGE BAND… on a snowball mic. i'm so sorry.
Lyrics: they say i'm right wing cuz i hate woke shit white pedestal preachy idpol bullshit friends with conservatives so i'm not left enough mad i'm not an activist, that i don't hate on trump enough orange man bad unironically you fuckers lost the plot and it's really killing me 'send her back, send her back' for shitting on her government send my ass back too, bitch, cuz i'm also done with it
years after years putting facts over feels the mask slips and then you put your feels over facts quick allow me to be a partisan hack you're probably not even 'right' you just think liberals are wack well me too, it's true, we suck, we do you don't have to be a 'centrist' to know this too vice, vox, buzzfeed all the do is patronize while buzzfeed calls you nazls and won't let their workers unionize
call me triggered wheres the lie bitch i am sick and tired of this game, this establishment i am not 'right wing' i am not a 'centrist' i am just a mad lib a motherfuckin mad lib
call me triggered wheres the lie bitch i am sick and tired of this game, this establishment i am not 'right wing' i am not a 'centrist' i am just a mad lib a motherfuckin mad lib, bitch
msnbc, abc, cnn keep sanders off the polls again and again never mention tulsi gabbard or yang by his name cuz if the masses wake up they might unplug from the game they push their favorites to the spot, the absolute flops the ones who toe the line, keep big money on top joe biden is a hawk, kamala is a cop this party is a circus trump has got this on lock
all these clowns on stage and their keeping gravel out if they let him in they can't control what he talks about if they let him in he'll call them out on all their bullshittery their neocon, neolib, warhawk headassery
how they rigged the primaries and gave that shit to hillary propped up donald trump and led him to his victory called him the pied piper, yes, this is in the wiki leaks so if you wanna blame someone you better blame the DNC
call me triggered wheres the lie bitch i am sick and tired of this game, this establishment i am not 'right wing' i am not a 'centrist' i am just a mad lib a motherfuckin mad lib
call me triggered wheres the lie bitch i am sick and tired of this game, this establishment i am not 'right wing' i am not a 'centrist' i am just a mad lib a motherfuckin mad lib, bitch
This was done five years ago, the most awesome thing I have ever read, she was right then, she is right now.
This is her now:
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Democracy is never guaranteed.
While it may be true that history doesn’t repeat itself, it sure as shit is rhyming right now.
Jun 10
Before I get to my thoughts on the President’s visit to France, I have something to say because frankly, I’m fed up and I’m angry as hell.
Because I am so fucking sick and tired of the mainstream media opining on why it is that “Joe Biden’s accomplishments aren’t reaching the public.”
Why his “messages aren’t getting through.”
Before they pan to a guy at a touchscreen wall explaining how the number of 47-53 year old psychology majors turned CPA mothers of 3 in the states which begin with the letter I who have moved “away from the President in this election”, is “something we need to watch over the course of the next 5 months.”
And then, and THEN, that same wall-sized touchscreen warrior will swipe to the next screen which shows the number of Americans who believe Donald Trump wants a federal ban on abortion at like a 4 on a scale of 1 to 1,000. Without uttering much more than a “wow” as observation,
Why aren’t his accomplishments reaching the people?
Why aren’t his messages getting through?
Why don’t more Americans know what Trump is actually promising to do to our rights once in office? Why don’t they remember what he actually did TO this country when he was in office?
Why don’t more Americans know what Joe Biden is promising to do FOR us if he gets a second term?
Gee — I have no fucking idea why, because it can’t be that they aren’t fucking talking about it as much as they should, if they’re even talking about it the fuck at all.
The problem can’t be that they keep repeating the fact that the good news isn’t reaching the people, without ever really telling the people, the good fucking news at the same time?
That just can’t be it, can it?
Well hell yes, as a matter of fact, it is. At least in part. A significant part.
And they damn well know it. But don’t take my word for it, take theirs. As the President concluded a powerful, inspiring and poignant speech at Pointe du Hoc, some “expert” on one of the many letter channels which shall remain nameless, went on and on about how the speech, reportedly intended to evoke one of Reagan’s more iconic moments, just didn’t really matter, because no one was watching like they would have been in the 80s when a speech like that would have been on all the major networks. (The three major networks could have carried Biden’s speech too. It was on their cable outlets, but that simply isn’t the same).
And that was their coverage of the speech for the most part. How it wasn’t Reagan’s. How it didn’t measure up. While the Qrackhead Brigade ran with multiple, easily disproven, disgusting lies, all fucking weekend long.
Lies which were shared all over social media.
(I’m reserving my commentary on J.D. Sniveling Weasel Taintsucker Vance for a separate post).
The mainstream media didn’t have to cover every moment of Biden’s trip. But they should have at least covered it fairly and comprehensibly and they simply did not.
They didn’t really even listen to the words our President delivered. They were looking for him to attack Trump. That’s it.
“He didn’t mention Trump by name.” That’s what I heard most.
But here’s the thing about that — he doesn’t have to mention Trump, we all know who he means. He knows all too well the threats to democracy we face at the moment. The world leaders he was speaking to know as well.
We are talking about a madman who has told them, the leaders of the very same nations our soldiers died for when they scaled those cliffs, that he will let a murderous Russian despot do “whatever the hell he wants to them.”
They know the danger Trump represents.
And they needed to hear what our current President had to say to assure them that he will not abandon them. That WE will not abandon them.
In the same way that we did not abandon them 80 years ago.
I truly believe that the President needs to run on the fact that he’s the candidate who will stand for democracy, versus the one who is promising to be a dictator. I believe his campaign believes they need to hammer that as well. Because it’s true. Because that is a message which resonates across the political spectrum. And then, when he has an opportunity to shout that message from the top of those magnificently beautiful, historically consequential cliffs and does so, the media says, “He didn’t say Trump’s name.”
I didn’t hear any of them mention Trump’s NATO comments in reference to the speech. Not once. But Biden did refer to them, in his own way. One which they failed to cover.
“The struggle between dictatorship and freedom is unending… We cannot let what happened here be lost in the silence of the years to come. We must remember it, honor it and live it… Democracy is never guaranteed”.
“We cannot let what happened here be lost in the silence of the years to come.”
That is as close to saying “we cannot let Trump win” as anything could be, without actually saying it. And it needed to be said.
It needs to be said, here and abroad over and over again until November. Those soldiers did not die in vain. We owe it to them to keep our democracy intact. We owe it to them to carry the torch forward. We cannot ever forget why they were there. Why they fought. Why so many of them were willing to die. Why so many of them did.
Eighty years ago, a swell of American soldiers stormed the beaches at Normandy. They hurled themselves into the water, onto the sand, through the tall grass, dodging bullets and artillery shells while the bodies of their buddies piled up all around them. Young men, a few years older in many cases than my own son, who’d never so much as left their hometowns, were confronted with the face of true evil, with Hell itself, and in the face of unthinkable peril, they fought with everything they had, not for themselves… but for their country. For democracy.
For freedom.
The world was under attack by the enemies of liberty. By a handful of immoral, illiberal megalomaniacal demagogues hell-bent on attaining unrivaled power at all costs. Complete control. Of everything and everyone. No matter how nefarious the means. {jo from jerz set substack to subscribers only, so I copy/pasted}
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We're sick and tired of these people they don't do anything right all their people have problems all the time they're sick all the time it's like this huge huge asinine maintenance s*** that's forced on us to take care of people that try and blow us up I am sick of it he's right too we're far too tolerant of these people he has to drink Pepto-Bismol all day long quite literally because of what they're doing I went out of this he keeps on telling me do something by do something about it do something about do something about it what are we doing sit around talking having f****** meetings every few seconds about any of this I want action items written up at the meeting and they have to start to see what happens it makes no difference no it's you're in there and you can talk to each other and you have to have like 5 minutes of action items I don't want the same atmosphere that I have here you go back to your cubicle and it's different but you're stuck with just your people and you're doing your thing and you're detached I want us to get along and he said that to nuata and Ariana and they said each and every meeting we're going to have action items because what are we meeting for if we don't and I'm putting it into an sop and we'll start on the action items and we're going to have that kind of behavior here we're never going to have what these people have which is a nightmare and I tell you they just keep saying the storms coming and it's not I want these people erased for what they're doing nobody can tell but really it's not a bad idea because it goes against Tommy f and last time he went right up the state with the ship and his ships about to crash so they can take it up the ass by Tommy f literally that's what they do now there's other things going on but this is a major issue how they were treating Camilla Harrison by they I mean Trump and his people were horrendous the audience was awful they were booing her and clapping for Trump a little and the other people told him to stop doing that and you can hear them bickering and you can hear Trump saying horrible things to her terrible things out loud on screen so we're going to mention a couple:
These are things that former president Donald Trump said today to vice president Camilla Harris who is now in office for the United States office of the vice president and she's residing he said:
"I don't think this biych Queen should be in office and running anything" there are two laws that this race is lewd and livacious behavior and it is also a criminal law where he is belittling her and demeaning her and she is someone in public office he's attempting to de power her it is illegal as it may affect the office of the vice president
"I think I've made myself clear I want this b**** out of office she's in my way she's into my stuff and she has no right to be and she's obstructing what I'm trying to do to win the election although some of it might seem illegal it's my business,,''. This breaks too laws lewd and vivacious behavior it is a misdemeanor offense unless it is against a high-ranking publisher public official and by high ranking you can be building inspector or something of that nature. The second one it breaks is he is saying that she's obstructing the election without proof and without people having heard go before a committee he is accusing her of a crime and trying to slander her belittle her to me and her and it might depower her it's just goal too it is also wrong to do during an election and it is the contrary to the election committee. We oppose what Donald Trump is doing we oppose his way we oppose what he stands for and his most supper and I in his motif and we opposed his people for being vulgar rude disgusting creatures and we don't want him in our sight however he would prove to be more valuable if elected as we're forced to do the job to take over keep that in mind because that's the truth we just can't stand him because he commits every sin that you guys have come up with like everyday he repeats it when you're hearing is making you feel great too bad for you
--overall this discussion proved that Donald Trump is ignored for being the bombastic absolute jackass he is and massive failure as a Mack of any kind. We're not really sure why because he's up there and he shouldn't be but he is an ass. And he's a racist person. He should not be able to run for high school class president and one of his disguises not to mention president he is a demented brain he is a psychotic killer his past is jaded his name is Charles Manson and his name is also the person Bernard gets and Mr William Dahmer he's a cannibal and he has been threatening our son who's a VIP inventor and engineer and the attitude is very lazy and lackluster and you have lost tons of stuff tons of personnel and you're going to lose tons of territory.
With that said we have told Trump enough he says and we don't think so but we continue to berate him because of his asinine attitude of sticking his fat ass in the way of something he doesn't understand yesterday he seemed to have gotten it and he did and he said cruise down to look and see what's going on in the Continental caverns and today you got in trouble with the max and he couldn't figure out why and he was reminded about it by Tommy F and others and he said this topic is very hot just like he said now he's sending a big troop down tonight and he's going to go take a look and he is also sending people to the ships in question which may have gone news in years ago. We're tired of you announcing things on TV over and over and over to people who know better the sandstorm is coming and it's pushing the storms to the storm you talking about is PMT powered right now it will be overrun in about 4 hours and that's about 9:00 p.m. Eastern standard Time what you should do is empty your desk and get your stuff out so you can leave but you don't get what we're saying Tommy f is going to go after you and Michael too says thank you we get it I don't know you understand that little kid oh you are him there might be an issue with that we do appreciate it but we don't appreciate Trump and his attitude and we look down on racism and he's an overt racist and you want to put him in there then blame us for putting this hot incompetent wire in
Thor Freya
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have a frequent guest who always asks how I’m feeling.
And it happens EVERY NIGHT.
I’ve stopped thinking it’s just them checking up on my health to be nice, and then wondering if they are really saying, “should I be afraid to be here?”
Don’t get me wrong -- I GET that.
But I check my temperature at least twice a night. before starting work (once at home, and then the required check before I’m allowed to clock in).
I’m not saying this is foolproof, but I don’t want to be someone’s guinea pig. If I think I may have it, I’ll TELL PEOPLE to stay away from me. Or I’ll miss another couple weeks of work (which would SUCK right now -- we’re on a skeleton management crew as it is, and we may be about to lose another bone) who is under investigation, for one, and no-call-no-showed last week). There were two other managers alerted to show up at 7am today (even though NEITHER were schedule at that time, and both will be working LONG days, in case the first manager no-showed again).
And we cannot afford two other managers showing up at 7am when the action starts in the afternoon (I could have stayed if need be instead of using these other two managers up -- I wouldn’t have loved it, but I would have made it happen). And one manager who showed up early this morning has already put in their notice, so I’m prepared to work a LOT of extra hours in the near future, especiially if we let this other manager go. But it’s what we’ve gotta to to keep things honest in the casino, then it’s what we gotta do.
I’m just so sick of being the mask police. I can handle everything else. But especially after Trump was so cavalier and contracted the virus, if I can’t get my guests wo wear them, I think it’s time to start tossing people left and right.
I mean, what are they gonna do, fire the third-most senior manager in the casino because I’m enforcing state rules in the wake of our President getting the virus after flouting rules?
I don’t plan to be a jerk about it, but...I do plan to be FIRM about it. If I wave to ask ANYONE more than three times to wear their mask, I show them the door. My boss does NOT want me to do this, but...after all the positive tests in the White House, where people acted like my guests who refuse to properly wear masks, what the heck else am I supposed to do in order to protect our other guests and our employees (not to mention myself?
This is the longest I’ve ever held a job without a break (I worked for Disneyland longer, but there was a break between two separate periods of employment). But I’ve never been closer to leaving a job (without actually doing so) to this point. I like MANY aspects of my job. I’m just sick of convincing people who think the rules don’t apply to them that YES THEY DO and, if they refuse to comply, it’s my own rear and. I’m sick of the selfishness and the denial of the pandemic. If they cannot act like responsible adults and continue to act like children and respond with “I don’t wanna” when it affects MY ability to hold my job when I tell them to wear a mask,, maybe they don’t belong in an 21-and-over casino. They may be legally of age, but I may make the call that they are not MENTALLY old enough to be there.
My boss has asked me to back off on this. I don’t know that I can do that. My safety, the safety of my elderly parents, the safety of the senior citizens who visit our casino, the safety of my coworkers...the safety of my entire community is at risk. It could cost me my job, but since we seem to be about to let go the last safety net they had, I think I’ll be okay (maybe not my boss’ favorite person, but I don’t see them firing me when we don’t have enough managers to fill every shift as it is). I think, instead of “turning things down,” I need to start turning things up in my enforcement. I will NOT be the reason we get shut down and coworkers lose their jobs via regulatory agencies. My boss may think it’s “theater,” but...I’ve seen too many catch the virus because, like Donald Trump, they believed it was all “theater” and couldn’t be bothered to do their part.
If they DO fire me? I wish them luck. Not that I’m irreplaceable, because I’m not, but...we’re SO short that, at least for a bit, I would be okay.
And I’ve outlasted SO MANY other managers who have come and gone in the four years I’ve been there. I’ve stuck around despite larger offers from other casinos (and while those offers don’t come in anymore, I know the people at the other casinos and know the offers just stopped because I kept saying no). I’m TIRED of this virus, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still here. It doesn’t change the fact that our idiot President went out of his way to avoid safety measures, and now he has it (I hope he recovers because I’m not an asshole, even though I DO NOT LIKE HIM). But it bugs me that, last night, after news broke of Trump having it, I STILL had to remind people to put their goddamned masks on. Like, NOBODY has learned ANYTHING on that side of the political spectrum. What a bunch of fools. I wish I lived someplace with smarter people than those I live with here. But I live in a redneck, red-wing town who will NEVER agree with me.
My vote doesn’t matter here (I will STILL cast it because someday that may change). But our electoral votes, GUARANTEED, are going to Trump in this state despite my opposition.
I’ll make my voice heard. But it won’t be heard by many. It’s still the right thing to do, though. And I’d rather cast what I feel is a useless vote than to sit it out, because one never knows. My voice will be heard whether it’s meaningless or not.
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America Has A Compromise Problem
Compromising is important, especially if you want to get anything done. Like any give and take situation, the deal has to be appealing to both sides. This can be difficult enough when the two sides are somewhat close together already, but what if they aren’t? What if one side wants something that is indisputably harmful to the other side? America’s compromises as of late aren’t really compromises at all.
I’m going to talk for a moment about the Overton window. From Wikipedia: “The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. It is also known as the window of discourse.” America’s current Overton window, at least when you watch any kind of news or professionally published widespread media, is somewhere between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. That’s what the media covers, it’s what is discussed as acceptable in many circles, and it is vastly different from most other developed countries.
The idea that universal healthcare is a “far left” idea is absolutely laughable in places like Denmark or Germany or New Zealand. It’s even laughable for many members of America’s younger generations. America’s hyper-capitalistic ideals have pushed the Overton window so far right that it’s considered “centrist” to think that antifa (the position of being against fascism - you know, the thing that Nazis did) is just as bad as being a Nazi. Basically someone is saying “we should kill all the Jews,” someone else is saying, “actually we should not kill any Jews” and the centrist says “wait, wait, wait, what if we compromise and only kill some of the Jews?” as if that’s an acceptable answer.
Media in America is largely owned by corporations. As such, the owners of most of these media outlets are actively invested in making sure the Overton window in America never skews far enough left so that they will lose profits. The ultra rich control the narrative, not allowing for anything on the actual left to see the light of day for discussion.
The reality is that there is a large portion of Americans, particularly in the Millennial and Gen Z ages, that are considerably to the left of the Overton window. You can see it in the protests that are happening all over America (and yes, they ARE still happening). These protests are largely led by young people who are tired of being dealt a bad hand by the economy, racism, climate change, exploitative healthcare, and many other systemic problems. Media has softened the demands to defund the police by saying, “no one actually wants to abolish police” even though that’s exactly what many people on the left want. There are real leftists living in your communities. Socialists. Anarchists. Communists. People who believe that the workers should own the means of production (no private companies). People who believe in all housing being free (eliminating landlords). People who believe money as a concept should not exist because it leads to haves and have-nots (only resource-based economy). People who believe there should be no president, no nations, completely open borders (as much as centrists will tell you that no one believes this, there are real people who whole-heartedly do believe in open borders). The growing left movement in America has grown very tired of agreeing to compromises that don’t actually do anything for their agendas or beliefs.
So now it comes to election season and we are faced with some serious choices. Decades of voting for the lesser evil has gotten us to this point. Skyrocketing unemployment, billionaires increasing their wealth by 50% profiting off of a pandemic, price gauging life saving drugs, a minimum wage that has been stagnant for more than a decade, college and housing costs pricing more and more people out of homes and education, not to mention a pandemic that threatens to be the deadliest disease we have ever seen because people are more concerned with making sure billionaires don’t lose money than making sure that everyone survives. America is a pit of despair right now. There are popular jokes about 2020 apocalypse bingo cards because of the increasing absurdity of circumstances in every passing month.
But here we are. Election season. It’s shaping up to be a showdown between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The Overton window tells us that Joe Biden is the obvious compromise candidate, somewhere between Sanders and Trump. But that alienates an entire large group of people and potential voters, mostly those under 40. Joe Biden, the man who crafted the 1994 crime bill is not an appealing compromise for those who want to abolish police. Joe Biden, the man who has been credibly accused of rape, is not an appealing compromise for those who have experienced sexual assault and become physically sick at the thought of another abuser (see Brett Kavanaugh) being put in a high position of power. Joe Biden, the man who has said he would veto Medicare for All if it came across his desk, is not an appealing compromise for those who have been rationing insulin trying to pay the bills, eat, and also afford life giving medicine. Joe Biden is not an appealing compromise for those of us for whom Bernie Sanders WAS the compromise.
For many people my age, the only America we have known is the America that does nothing but benefit the most wealthy. We have seen countless black Americans murdered by a violent state. We have seen thousands upon thousands of people declare bankruptcy due to medical bills, and many more die because they could not afford care. We have seen our country refuse to do anything meaningful about climate change because the government is essentially owned by oil companies and their lobbyists. We have seen and experienced a massive student debt crisis that is making it almost impossible to get ahead. We’ve attempted to mitigate these travesties by voting “blue,” for the lesser evil, for the person with slightly less terrible policies. We’re tired of compromises that don’t concede anything to us at all. We’re tired of electoral politics that force us to choose between Voldemort and Darth Sidious. For many leftists, Bernie Sanders was our last hope for electoral politics.
One of my favorite Democrats once said: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” I would advise the DNC to consider this heavily when selecting their platform this year. It’s time to try a compromise that’s actually in the middle of the electorate for a change. If we are unable to do this, the guillotine jokes may end up not being jokes anymore.
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Sun Jul 05, 2020 04:47:26 PM EDT
.@FoxNews gladly puts up the phony suppression polls as soon as they come out. We are leading in the REAL polls because people are sick & tired of watching the Democrat run cities, in all cases, falling apart. Also, now 96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Another 2016!
-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump
Our Analysis
There is a 1% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.
This is tweet number 1799 mentioning the Democrats from @realdonaldtrump -- 1638 since inauguration. This is tweet number 1142 mentioning Fox News or Fox & Friends from @realdonaldtrump -- 621 since inauguration.
Word probabilities: 79/20 (Trump/Staff) Time probabilities: 75/24 (Trump/Staff) Metadata probabilities: 94/5 (Trump/Staff) Posted at: Sun Jul 5 16:47:26 2020 EDT [Link] Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone Score override for tells
The most informative terms in this tweet were: @foxnews (Trump, 2.4:1), phony (Trump, 2.0:1), polls (Trump, 1.5:1), soon (Other, 1.5:1), come (Trump, 2.2:1), leading (Trump, 1.8:1), real (Trump, 3.4:1), people (Trump, 2.6:1), & (Other, 2.3:1), watching (Trump, 2.7:1), run (Trump, 3.0:1), also (Trump, 4.8:1), % (Other, 1.2:1), republican (Trump, 10.4:1), party (Trump, 2.4:1), another (Other, 1.2:1), 2016 (Other, 1.6:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)
A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC): {'anger': 3, 'disgust': 3, 'negative': 7, 'fear': 3, 'trust': 4, 'positive': 2, 'sadness': 4}
Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 8.4
#trump#donald trump#tweet#twitter#donald j trump#president#tweet analysis#trump tweet analysis#dems#democrats#democrat#dnc#@dnc#fox news#foxandfriends#foxnews#fox and friends#fox & friends#fox#@foxandfriends#@foxnews#@fox#gladly#puts#phony#suppression#polls#soon
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Beauty Realms
I refused to pick myself up
Off the damn ground
Just like u refused to help
That child to his feet
Stop letting ur guns whisper
Wrds get crisper like ruffles
Listen to ur heart listen
To ur heart listen to ur lover
Don't go out like biggie Tupac?
U dig? macking like combs
No poppa just bringing something proper
Stop poppin start huggin
And she never ever kept me
Warm at night pick up in
Hearses brief like gun be silent
My children Feel the prints on dead mulch
Shook ur folks like her looks
Killer creepin to ur window
Crushin dead leaves as he enters
A person's crib bnn hit in the face
By the coffin lid father thought
It was intentional i took it well
No help meh i come from them
Like mary for her baby the times
They never good to us
trump got me thinking
Biggie got me shaking my head
Tupac got me Reminiscing
Robin Schultz have me forlorn
I wanna think sick dreams to put
The devil to sleep why the fightin?
Stop u cryin ur groaning tha moanin
Caht u see im dying on my death
Bed like Wallace said u wouldn't understand I'll make the phone call brief
Like highschool love u don't wanna love
No more too late for this
Somebody put the pipe to my
Nutshell i want the trigger to
Talk dirty to me so let it squeeze
Young Fools don't wanna help a nigga
Breathe and i don't make enough bread
To set examples Like chances
Making mills givin bills no cheap thrills lovin pll Instead of ur bread ur pills love urself Even tho i tried i cried too much
Am srry too much let's sit
And hold hands with kim
Tell donald he gotta go
Let Steyer Take office i wanna
See smiles on people's faces
I wanna see Liberia and Africa
Dance to no more sickness no more pain
Tell shinzō am srry he won't accept it
But i want to express the thought
That should matter to him and me
Like they and them but no one ever
Spoke of us and we its always i to the am
No she cuz they were too irrelevant
To man as man was too
irrelevant to woman its funny how
That i express this better thnn a
Typical adult would but i was i
I shook my head and asked my
Pistol for help it proceeded to
Shoot meh in the noggin why The jokin?
I wasn't yet laughin stop clowin
This Is serious drink the maggots
Eat ur meal the coffins call us all
They stop ur flower bringing
Ur slow songs whnn three yrs go by
now ur just dirt
In the hue time its past our time Subliminal like a correspondence
Too dependable Don't overreact
I hate going to the room cover doors
We gonna be here for awhile so two-sided
Living like a hypocrite so wishy-washy
Triggers keep whispering to me
Why call the ems? U got soul to
Call them urself u pullin my leg
Choking my collar put up
against the furnace Hansel and Gretel
Got away scott free pull ur guns
But pull ur frustrations on ur kids
Why so petty? I must find a way to die
Getting real tired of people just let
Me die slow slow as sloth
u waste my time wrap me up like
A pharaoh no king no godd just a bad boy
Im choking on wrds as ur friends choke
On high clouds sinking in high tide
Oh no no don't come back and haunt
My lonely soul i ain't got time
For entities gotta my mind
On my goddamn feelings don't Have
Time for weeping gotta
keep my Eyes on goddamn time
Don't carsick me with ur fake affection
I couldn't figure out why the same
Damn cars were parked outside hospitals
Evrynight i couldn't picture my
Lover dying a slow death too
Gone like onfroy and the Nineties
Were terrible with some honorable
Mentions the hospital was a night clinic
Send urself back the crib
dying early dawns suffocating
On life support u test me my heart
Ripped out Rip so sad let die
Wasn't worth a penny a Dime To'em
U didn't wanna be a molester
No killer am in the act of street knowledge Am stray no godd
Wise godd stray i get around i see well
I don't lie well but eat good
Make sour promises look distainful
I keep wrds as if they were
precious stones i sought it out
Like beauty realms but unreachable
Like a pretty woman like a goddess
They saw me ugly and unseasoned
Had a personality i never seen before
More lame thnn the average
So weak thnn the meek so wasteful
Like a bottle not precious as diamonds
Flith as a rug that's me on ur floor dead
Its so real like a beauty realm
i couldn't touch and fantasies and dreams
Remained in my skull but shut them off
With a noose i was so wrong Whnn will
I see a smile on my Face??
Whnn will Japan forgive Us???
Who will feed the needy everyday?
Make ur days worth don't make one
Day good make a hundred more
So high u could be like Jesus
But u weren't my saviour
Stop climbing high u wanted
Clout and fame for ur good deeds
Stop ur boasting be humble
Ur not a modest man with high morals
Not so great now Huh??
U think u better thnn Us yeah???
U misunderstood my lettering
That's why with each paragraph
U get more and more confused
This isnt to teach its to understand
Why we lack so i keep my head low
And except the worser deeds by
The higher man cuz they lie all the same
I look for imperfections in the mirror
Instead i saw the devil mock me
With sick expression ur no Ecstasy
Just a supernatural phenomenon
Caused By my own fabricated Infatuation
Within beauty and splendor so
Grand i shot my heart out
Filled my head With Grandeur
Passed out on my brother's shoulder
But he knock me to the ground
And cussed me being a flower
I was a ugly flower brother saw
Me a burden and our mother troublesome
And our sister worrisome but i
Cut off excuses brother why the frowin?
Have i failed u? I was i not motivated
To keep ur mind at ease
I grieve on ur bed side cuz the way u sleep Looks as if ur in a coffin and i couldn't Bare the sight i sigh cuz we all will be In wood coffins one way or another People shoot me off my feet
Like a realm i was forever lost
To Infinite amount of souls
Crying to themselves rotten
Like the stray the maggots breed on him
I passed the arsenic to my
Darling lover no wonder why
The blue blazer and the yellow tights
Fitted me so well i was going
To start a mass chain affect
So horrendous be like Marylin Monroe
Dial nine no call back just silence
Crack of dawning lead out in a stroller
Beauty's dead and where was judy?
Tell me if i go to a pastor
Will be truthful with Me?
Could he say with a heavy heart
That things happen for a reason?
Could he rlly honestly possibly
Probably hopefully reassure me
That i could die Happy???
Uh huh....didn't think so....
Riddle me this u ppl who think ur above all
U who thinks ur generosity
holds no bounds u women hold signs
For change u need to rlly look
Urselves in the mirror to understand me
Riddle me this can we still love
Once the heart stops beating??
Can u fix a beggar a hot meal
Without think lowly or suspicious
Of him? Can u care for a child
After he lost waht u got??
See ironically u all berates me
Cuz u kno im telling the truth
But ur stuck in denial and me
Taking great pity in u
I sigh and walk into a hwy
My talking was shunned out by
Visco girls and Woman stereotyping
Men without giving urselves a second
Reason whnn we act we act reason
The other 50% were just fools
I turned a Symphony to a sad man crying
Old man dying dead stray a walkin
I stop the talkin cuz am sinking
They murders me softly
I sullied myself to the coffin once more as The birds stop their srry note
Im being for real for real.
And not fake for fake
See where am going with this??
But u don't wanna listen
But u wanna help ppl??
#no shame#shameimaru aya#japan#shinzoabe#apology#people#sad poems#sad poetry#sadnees#sad thoughts#dark poetry#dark poem#dark thoughts#depression#love#peaceful#relatable#corruption#haiku poem#poetry#equal rights#america#president donald j. trump#smh smh#charity#celebs#just stop#fearful#stress#im lost
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Riot Fest Sucks
Riot Fest Sucks. It’s a tongue-in-cheek phrase that occupies multiple meanings and connotations, referencing the organizer’s self-deprecating recognition that they’re not gonna make everyone happy with the lineup and scheduling conflicts. It’s the name of a Goose Island Beer Co. pale ale made for the Fest, at times served lukewarm, its $10 price tag a symptom of a somewhat pretend punk festival bombarded by corporate sponsors whose presence fails to belie the lack of close, cheap parking, credit card lines, and functioning ATMs. Oh, and Riot Fest Sucks because hours into it my girlfriend sprained her ankle exiting the Vans popup experience down the 20-foot fire pole with no soft landing. So unlike previous years, this year, I left after a couple sets on Friday.
I won’t get there yet--first things first, Caroline Rose. When I walked up to her stage and heard Natalie Prass playing on the loudspeaker, I thought what I initially did upon first seeing Rose’s name in small print on the lineup poster: “Why not Pitchfork?” But as soon as her band gradually came out--first "nicest legs in the band” drummer Will Morse, then “handsome and single” bassist Mike Dondero, then “best friend” Abbie Morin--and started playing a surf rock melody as Rose entered, it was clear that her unique mix of electro pop and retro rock--not to mention her early folk and country material--had her suited for a festival that embraces classic sounds. They began with new song “Everybody’s Making Out”, potentially from the new album she just finished, and then “Cry!”, the band providing a plinky breakdown to the LONER standout. Rose alternated between genuinely appreciative of a fairly large crowd coming out early on a Friday to hear some upbeat but sad songs, and being playful and goofy--essentially conducting the band with her feet while playing keys on another new spacey synth pop song, all before noticing the camera and posing as if she was in a photoshoot. Her joking fit the sarcasm of songs like “Money”, which was interrupted by Rose chugging a 312 and barely smashing the can on her head and then playing Aerosmith’s “Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing” on kazoo. Rose is as fun at a festival as she is forlorn on record.
But then the incident happened. I listened to a remarkably nonstop and consistent Hot Snakes set through the medical tent next to the stage as my girlfriend iced her foot, leaving for urgent care right as Neck Deep’s catchy but juvenile pop punk began, not to return until mid way through Turnstile on Saturday. Thankfully, we were able to rent a wheelchair for the next couple days. Navigating the grounds with a wheelchair was a challenge, parking for free on Roosevelt before going through the grass of Douglas Park and the various street curbs separating the Ferris Wheel and the Rebel Stage from the main area. For what it’s worth, save for a couple unsavory comments (“You’ve got him trained well!”), most people were extremely aware and respectful, moving out of the way when necessary, and even helping us out of the mud. We chose not to get ADA access next to the sound stage until Sunday, partially because we were unaware of the possibility, but also because we wanted to be with friends and in the crowd. And from my brief experience, Riot Fest and its attendees walked the walk as much as they talk the talk about acceptance and zero tolerance for discrimination against differently abled bodies.
Speaking of Turnstile, what I saw from them was a perfect mix of rap rock, hardcore, and nu metal, favoring songs from last year’s Time & Space like “Generator”, short ditty “Bomb”, and standout “Moon”, the last played twice, once regularly and once a capella by vocalist Brendan Yates to close the set. It was much more inventive and progressive than the band who commenced immediately afterward, nonetheless Riot Fest staple Gwar. This time around, most of Gwar’s set surprisingly focused on the generic thrash music, not as many antics, just costumed men playing and spraying blood willy nilly as opposed to as part of a plot. (Except when they killed Donald Trump--that was great.) It’s not Riot Fest without Gwar, but at this point, their sick jokes and edgelord humor is appealing mostly to dudes like the one in the Joe Rogan 2020 shirt I saw leaving the set.
We then traveled to the secluded Rebel stage to catch supergroup The Damned Things, who thankfully came on late, since on the way we got caught up in one of many “What happened?!?” conversations with a friend. The band first formed in 2010 to release their debut album Ironiclast, then consisting of Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley of Fall Out Boy, Scott Ian and Rob Caggiano of Anthrax, and Keith Buckley and Josh Newton of Every Time I Die. Nine years later, they’ve released their second album High Crimes, and this time around, Caggiano and Newton have left, and in has come Alkaline Trio’s Dan Andriano. At Riot Fest, they played half songs from the first record, half from the new one, including the first four tracks of the latter, which showcase equally what The Damned Things do well and where they fall into the traps of MOR rock. “Cells” is more raw than you’d expect from a band with FOB and Alkaline Trio members, both on record and live, and is a surprisingly great introductory song to the album. The other songs they played from High Crimes, including cheesy cheerleader chanting “Something Good” and “Omen”, whose lead riff can’t decide whether it rips off Tame Impala’s “Elephant” or Muse’s “Uprising”, could have been ditched in favor of record standouts like “Carry a Brick” or “Young Hearts”. The former combines the vocal urgency from Buckley that we’re used to with ETID, with Anthrax-worthy thrash metal, while the latter (along with the record’s centerpiece “Storm Charmer”) interpolate a menacing blues rock stomp that could have been emphasized over the pop punk sheen of the Fest. Not to mention “Let Me Be (Your Girl)”, whose music is straightforward but whose lyrics feature gender inversion when assumed sung from the perspective of the lead singer. I left enjoying the set but wishing they had played for longer so I could hear the deeper cuts.
Album score: 6.3/10
Of course, the scheduling gods put Testament, also known as “if Metallica was still good,” during The Damned Things, so we had time for just a bathroom break before catching The Struts. In case you’ve never heard of them, The Struts are English glam rockers, fronted by a man who wears a shirt with batwing sleeves, who fancy themselves the lovechild of Queen and Def Leppard but end up falling closer to someone like The Darkness--which is not a bad thing! Their second album Young & Dangerous is catchy and somewhat undeniable, and the band’s fanbase came out to support them at Riot Fest, British flag in tow. It was probably the crowd’s enthusiasm that fed off lead singer Luke Spiller that made the set infectious; “If you’re not ready to dance and sing, then you might as well fuck off,” he proudly proclaimed, a nice, clear contrast to drummer Rafe Thomas oozing out the words “Hello Chicago” in the most droll voice possible. Sure, the lyrics “I bet your body’s so sweet” are even more cringey in 2019 than they would have been in the 70′s and 80′s, and the “instructing the crowd to get down to the ground” maneuver is pretty tired, but it was refreshing to see a band so unabashedly and unironically unashamed of their influences. “Don't wanna live as an untold story / Rather go out in a blaze of glory,” Spiller sang on the opening lines of “Could Have Been Me”, and upon ending the song, he instructed the crowd: “Ladies and gentlemen, remember our names!” It felt like a scene from a movie, and I couldn’t help but think that such cinematic flair is exactly what the band is going for.
I had time to catch a little bit of underrated electro pop band Pvris and pick up an Orange Wit from All Rise Brewing Co (another Riot Fest staple whose most popular beer has actually improved over the years) before catching Wu-Tang Clan, almost by default. The legendary group seems to be Riot Fest’s token hip hop booking every other year, and so I’ve seen them play Enter the 36 Chambers about 36 times. They ended up doing it again even though not billed to do a complete album set, but was I really going to see Rise Against, Manchester Orchestra, or Andrew W.K. over some of the greatest artists, let alone the greatest hip hop collective, of all time? I’ll take time number 37.
Then came what I knew was going to be the most difficult decision of the weekend, and one I kept thinking about even after it was made. Thrash metal titans Slayer were playing their final Chicago area show at Riot Fest, and their other supposed farewell show I saw last year was phenomenal. Then again, who am I to believe that this would be the time Slayer would finally stop cashing it in and retire? Instead, I opted to see something I very likely would not see again: Bloc Party playing their 2005 debut Silent Alarm in full. Based on how surprisingly great their Lollapalooza 2016 set was, I was eager to hear a set filled with, uh, only good songs, and the idea of the first sounds of the set being the echo of the opening drums to “Like Eating Glass” traversing through the crowd, was one that supplied me with a rare kind of glee. So when the band came out donning masks, launching into the album’s slow final song “Compliments”, I realized that what I initially heard as speculation--that they would be playing the record in reverse--would be true. There went my dream. The sounds and images of fire coming from Slayer’s stage filled me with regret.
But as the set went on, I realized that the choice was one that was both strategic on the part of the band, making the crowd stay to hear favorites like “Banquet”, and beneficial to the crowd. Each song was more energetic and frankly better than the previous one, from the sweet dancefloor melancholy of “This Modern Love” to the stop-starts of “Positive Tension” and “Helicopter”. Of course, “Like Eating Glass” proved to be a worthy singalong, everyone around me air drumming like nobody was watching. And I even got to see Slayer close with “Angel of Death” on the way out!
With one full day of Riot Fest finally in the books and surprisingly sore from navigating a wheelchair over patches of grass, mud, and curbs, I was thankful that the first batch of sets we were interested in seeing on Sunday was at the same stage, where I could grab beer and food and come back, and we could switch off between the grass and the ADA stage (which, awesomely, had free water). Arriving to hear the end of wildly cool and catchy Chicago post-punk band Ganser, we sat and waited for Nick Lowe with Los Straitjackets (and watched a different kind of “jacket” swarm unfortunate members of the crowd who mistakenly wore too much cologne). With the masked instrumental rockers (another band with masks?!?), two years ago Lowe released an album of instrumental versions of some of his best songs, so I was curious to hear how they would fare as his backing band. They got a slowed down “So It Goes” out of the way, as if to say to casual fans in the crowd, “I dare you to leave,” before burning through a variety of early era Lowe classics like “Without Love”, given a country spin by the band. The band delivered a mid-set instrumental performance as Lowe took a break, showing their guitar chops and stop-on-a-dime dynamism, before Lowe came back for “Half a Boy and Half a Man” and the other song everybody was waiting for, “Cruel To Be Kind”. Before playing set closer “Heart of the City”, Lowe said to the crowd, “Thank you, music lovers!” the quintessential statement from a true “music critic’s band,” but one with the pop songwriting talent to reach beyond.
I took the one-two punch of the “Save a lollipop, suck a dick” t-shirt and the tardiness and subsequent flatness of The Village People’s set as a sign that I should leave and walk by Less Than Jake opening their set with Back to the Future music, be mad again at the scheduling gods for putting the amazing-sounding Ride at the opposite end of the park from where Guided By Voices was about to play, and grab some delicious Harold’s Chicken for myself and unfortunately protein-lacking pad thai for my girlfriend. But there’s nothing like GBV to fix a less-than-ideal situation or improve an already good one. “How do you follow The Village People?” Robert Pollard hypothetically asked as the band went on. “With the village idiots!” With even less time to play than they had at Summerfest, GBV churned out practically all hits, starting with their usual set closer “Glad Girls” and revealing a barrage of known live gems--“Cut-Out Witch”, “Motor Away”, “The Best of Jill Hives”--and some they haven’t played in a while, like Isolation Drills’ “should have been a hit” “Chasing Heather Crazy” and “Echos Myron” prelude “Yours to Keep”, during which a crowd member actually blew a whistle when Pollard sang, “the whistle blows.” The latter was part of the band’s Bee Thousand finale, giving a crowd of casual fans exactly what they wanted and pleasing diehards no matter what.
Deciding to forego sprinting and catching any of Against Me!’s full albums (two of them!) set or Dave Hause & The Mermaid, I planted myself in a spot where I could see Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson’s beehives. The B-52′s followed a recipe for success in their set, leading off with track one of their debut, placing one hit early (“Private Idaho”), segueing a couple more from their debut into “Roam”, saving the two you knew they were gonna save for last. (Though I didn’t know they’d introduce “Love Shack” with War’s “Low Rider”.) The band was appropriately absurd and silly, frontman Fred Schneider’s sprechgesang adding hilarity to his response to Pierson’s “Something’s on fire in that pizza joint!” (“That’s my dinner!” he responded.) After the band ended with “Rock Lobster”, Pierson broke character and said two very serious things: 1) “Please vote!” and 2) “Go see Patti!”
And Patti Smith we did see, in all her glory. Her voice was as strong as ever on “People Have The Power”, “Dancing Barefoot”, “Free Money”, “Because the Night”, and “Gloria”. Unfortunately, almost half of her set was covers: “Are You Experienced?”, The Rolling Stones’ “I’m Free”, “Walk on the Wild Side”, “After the Gold Rush”, and for some reason, Midnight Oil’s “Beds Are Burning”. I would rather have heard something from her excellent later career albums like 2012′s Banga.
Hey, but she got a tribute during The Raconteurs’ set, as they chanted a little “Gloria” during “Top Yourself”. Along with shouting out headliners Bikini Kill (and the fact that they call God a “she” on new album closer “Thoughts and Prayers”), was it all part of Jack White’s plan to reveal himself as a feminist punk? I’m not sure; I do know that sociopolitical ideas aside, Help Us Stranger is a bit underwhelming as compared to the previous two Raconteurs releases, which were no White Stripes albums themselves. In any case, the band gave a very good set, because Jack White live is not to be reckoned with. The generic charge-up of album opener “Bored And Razed” was a buzzing jaunt on stage, and the blue-eyed soul of “Now That You’re Gone” was actually a nice change of pace from the blues-rock mashing of “Top Yourself”. On record, though it’s a welcome Ryan Adams diss track, “Don’t Bother Me” is straight up annoying, the repetition of the title after each line well-intentioned but flat--again, live, it somehow worked as a piece of absurdism. Thankfully, the band did play some of Stranger’s highlights, like the beautifully melancholy “Only Child” and power pop jam “Sunday Driver”. I wish they had replaced the comparatively generic “Somedays (I Don’t Feel Like Trying)” with catchy punk dirge “Live a Lie” or “Thoughts and Prayers”. The latter is the best song on Help Us Stranger. From the title, you think White might be trying to comment on gun control, but the song is at heart about life, a zooming folk odyssey rife with synths and fiddle and mandolin. “There’s got to be a better way / To talk to God and hear her say / ‘There are reasons why it is this way’,” White sings. It would have been an appropriate Riot Fest song: realistic, yet inspiring.
Album score: 6.3/10
But it was Bikini Kill’s triumphant reunion that was the perfect way to end the weekend, with dizzying instrumentation courtesy of Tobi Vail’s drums, Kathi Wilcox’s bass, and Kathleen Hanna’s guitar and siren of a howl. You knew they would sound great and play everything you wanted, from “Rebel Girl” to “Demi Rep”, the latter of which I hope will expose a new generation of fans to the band as the theme song to Hulu’s excellent PEN15. But the most fitting, even if not entirely poignant, was Hanna’s commentary, decrying “Let’s take this country back” white feminists and men who think they know everything, calling out rape culture more explicitly than anybody at the entire fest. “I’m sure Slayer talked about this a lot,” she quipped at one point. But it was a thought-provoking off-handed comment, one that makes me look forward to future lineups. Forget my forced symbolism of a $10 dollar beer. And I know the inherent problem of having a private, very white festival in a public park in a neighborhood made up of predominantly people of color, is not going to go away as long as the fest stays in said park. But Riot Fest can make a statement with the curation. Do they continue to market to nostalgia with minimal radical politics? Or will the festival live up to the name and, in their own words, stop sucking?
#riot fest#live music#caroline rose#hot snakes#turnstile#gwar#the damned things#the struts#wu-tang clan#bloc party#nick lowe#los straitjackets#guided by voices#the b-52's#album review#patti smith#the raconteurs#bikini kill#testament#pvris#slayer#ganser#less than jake#ride#against me!#dave hause#goose island beer co.#all rise brewing co#mike dondero#will morse
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Medea Rambles...It’s Reality
I would really love to put up a review today. Really, I would. And I would love to talk about the latest Pokemon episode, really I would...But, I'm not in the mood. Because of certain events, I'm not in any mood for my usual Sunday shenanigans.
Whenever I pick up my phone and see that damned CNN Alert message, I think one of three things has happened.
1. Trump said or did something incredibly stupid, illegal, or dickheadishly stupid.
2. A celebrity from my childhood died.
3. A massacre has occurred and was caused by gun violence.
And in the past seven days, that third option has come up more often than not. Now, by no means am I fully against guns. It's not my thing, if you like hunting, by all means. If you feel you need it for protection, I don't give a flying fig. However, there are certain guns that really shouldn't be in the hands of anyone. Period! And each time I hear about what a gunman uses, it's usually an AK or an AR-15 or some other monstrosity that really shouldn't be in the hands of (what it seems like) very unstable men. And in a lot of these massacres including the last three prominent tragedies, these very unstable men are under the age of 25.
That is fucking frightening.
Why would anyone want to go to an open place like a school, a Walmart, a gay nightclub, a concert on the Vegas strip, a church, a mosque, a synagogue, a local pub, a college campus, or a garlic festival to shoot up innocent people?
Oh yeah, all of these places have been shot up in the last couple of years. And again I need to say, THREE OF THESE HAPPENED JUST THIS WEEK ALONE!
I remember being in middle school when the Columbine shooting happened and in shock over what I was witnessing. Now it’s by no means the first gun massacre in our country and sure as fuck wasn’t the last. But the mere fact that this was a high school and these were students being slaughtered raised a lot of eyebrows. Now not much action was taken at the time, but there were plenty of back-and-forths over who was to blame for this. Being in middle school, they pretty much blamed all the things I liked including video games, South Park, and Marilyn Manson. Seriously, just because Dylan and Eric listened to Manson, all Manson listeners were going to go on a killing rampage? Fuck you then and fuck you now!
Then I remember 12 years ago with Virginia Tech and freaking out because, hey, I’m a college student. Who’s to say UNM wouldn’t end up on the national news one day because of a tragedy involving gun violence? Then again, I’m just a paranoid, autistic person and I worry over everything.
But then it wouldn’t just be at a school...it would be in places you wouldn’t expect. A strip mall in Arizona. A theater in Aurora, Colorado. And even an elementary school in Connecticut.
Yes, I have to talk about Sandy Hook! Twenty 1st graders and their educators were gunned down. That should have been the final straw in taking some freakin’ action! These were six and seven year olds going to school. AND RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS FOR CORN SAKE! Because of this, my cousin has a quiet room in his home where his daughter used to play and sleep.
Yeah, not-so fun fact about Medea. I have a relation to one of the victims in Sandy Hook.
So imagine my disgust with pukes like Alex Jones attacking these families, calling them out for faking their children deaths. Alex Jones can just drop from the face of the earth and I’ll sleep like a baby at night. But like with Columbine, not much action was done. Even though President Obama tried, he couldn’t get Congress and Senate to pass any kind of gun regulation laws.
I would like to blame it on the fact that both the house and senate were Republican-led at the time and whatever the black president wanted to happen, they told him to sit and spin because fuck your needs! Yeah, I want to say that they’re all a bunch of racist crackers, but most of them are still kinda lobbyed by the NRA. And when I say kinda, I mean, these guys are willing to lick boots for the NRA and screw the safety of the people.
So, no gun regulations happen and more tragedies continue happening. It wasn’t really until the San Bernadino tragedy that lawmakers wanted to do something. But not about gun regulation! No, because in that particular tragedy, the people causing the mayhem were part of ISIS (or so they claim). If the shooter is someone from a different place other than the U.S., they hate us for our freedom and this is terrorism. But if a white guy from Ohio does it, it’s just a sad day in America.
Now there are many of factors to these killers. Mental health is a big factor played in many of these tragedies. Yes, that is a biggie in general. Because people suffering from mental illness are statistically more likely to be a victim of gun violence than to commit one. People only bring up mental illness if the shooter is a white, American-born boy and soon enough, they’ll drop the subject of helping folks with this problem. How about we talk about gun regulation?! Have weapons of war off the streets and out of our homes! No one needs guns that can turn a body into swiss cheese in a matter of seconds given to a regular joe. Oh and once again, nothing happens. Even after we get some of the worst shootings after Sandy Hook! Because while 20 1st graders being gunned down in a classroom was pretty fucked up, we ended up with more obscene tragedies.
Just to name a few, the Pulse Night Club shooting in Orlando, FL where 49 people lost their lives (during Pride Month no less), an outdoor concert on the Las Vegas strip where 58 people died, and another high school shooting in Parkland, FL where 17 students lost their lives. At least with the last shooting I mentioned, the surviving students had ENOUGH and demanded action. In some ways, change did happen. We have a new generation ask the questions my generation didn’t and the generations before ignored it all.
With the swearing-in of a new Congress in January (the first time it was Democratic majority since 2010), the first issue they took up was on gun regulation. And it passed the house! The only problem is that the leader of the senate has refused to let ANY of these bills pass. He just let’s it die. And then you have that same sonuvabitch send out thoughts and prayers? The Congress is trying to do something so we wouldn’t have to go through these horrible tragedies time and time again! Fuck you Mitch! No seriously, fuck you and shove those thoughts and prayers up your ass because we know what you’re all about! We saw you during the days of Sandy Hook!
And so we continue with this wave of gun tragedies! Only now, a lot of these recent shootings seem to have a certain, controversial thing in common. All of them either liked Donald Trump or praised his rhetoric. I know I shouldn’t tie any tragedy to any serving president. I didn’t blame Clinton for Columbine. I didn’t blame Bush for Virginia Tech. And I never blamed Obama for Aurora, Phoenix, or Sandy Hook. But Donald Trump is a whole ‘nother level of blame.
It’s safe to say we’ve NEVER had a president quite like this. Someone who would rile up his supporters in some frightening ways. I don’t want to repeat ANYTHING of what this fool says. He carefully words his statements to his base and watch these fringey people go off the deep-end. When you have a president blaming Mexicans, banning Muslims, and criticizing African-Americans, there’s a lot of toxicity to absorb. And I am sick of it!
A lot tragedies in the past two years have had the essence of Trump lingering around it. The man who sent bombs to Trump’s enemies last fall was a staunch Trump supporter. The man who shot up a Jewish synagogue last year, also believed in Trump’s words. As did the Parkland shooter! Oh, let’s not forget the man who shot up the mosque in New Zealand earlier this year, he believed in Trump too. And same with the two of the three shootings that has happened in the last 7 days. People trying to enjoy themselves as they eat garlic-flavored foodstuffs in Gilroy and families buying things they need for the upcoming school year in a Walmart in El Paso...all of them taken out by white supremacists guided by words of a lunatic leader who believes black and brown people are the enemy.
His words are not helping. His words are damaging.
I know gun violence has been a major issue way before Donald Trump became president. But this recent onslaught of violence is too much to bear. If he was a decent person, he would put an end to his disturbing rhetoric. No more of these “Go back to where you came from” tweets. That means calling out white supremacy when you see it! And cut the shit about good guys on both sides! When you have one side marching and shouting, “Jews Will Not Replace Us” and the other side finding offense to those words, this shouldn’t be a fucking debate!
This country needs to fucking change and change now. Whether it’s through legislation, replacing political representatives with people willing to give a damn, or overthrowing a dictator. Do it and do it now!
Sorry for this rant, but...I’m just tired of this happening over and over again. I’m almost to the point of being numb by these tragedies. And that shouldn’t happen.
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Anne Lamont Facebook post
Every so often, I mention a book I’ve always thought about writing, called All The People I Still Hate: A Christian Perspective. Half the people responding roar with laughter and say, “I’d read that,” and half are sort of horrified, by either the word “hate” or “Christian.”
You’re not supposed to hate, because hate is ugly and diminishes the soul of the hater. But if I were to be honest. I’d admit that I could still write the book, about some of our leaders and one really special ex-boyfriend. But I got the miracle.
There is an entire chapter in the new book titled, “Don’t Let Them Get You to Hate Them,” about the steps I took to reduce my crazed fever dream hatred of certain people, whom I am too polite to name. I do not have the book in front of me (I am on a plane). And I have lost an enormous amount of cognitive function since this book tour began, so cannot give you a synopsis. But I seem to remember something about how all willingness to change and heal from anything addictive, whether alcoholism, dieting, binging, or hatred, begins with the pain of staying the same.
A sober relative once told me that he and his friends, working the 12 Step program, all reached Step Zero before they did step One (which involves admitting that they were powerless over their drinking and that their lives had become unmanageable.) But before that, they had to arrive at Step Zero: they woke up one morning, sick and tired, and said to themselves, “This shit has GOT to stop.”
I did the hate for a full year after the election. It was kind of exhilarating, definitely mood-altering—I could go from despair and hopelessness, to adrenalized, not quite on fire but hot. I was so stuck, so clenched, my mind filled with tiny rats; I didn’t even know who I would be without my hate.
I felt that if I gave it up, they would win, in the paranoid sense of the word They. I would become a mealy-outhed blob of fear and indecision, like, well, right off the top of my head, Susan Collins. I mean that nicely.
Who, very recently, I was loathing. And now, through the miracle of Step Zero, prayer, radical self-care, and looking in the mirror for the source of the problem—at own fear, my inner blowhard Donald Trump, I am not hating her—very often, or nearly as much.
There’s a story in Almost Everything about one of my 8- year-old Sunday School students, to whom I asked this question one day: “Do you believe that God, and Goodness, are always with us, within us, around us, to comfort or guide, to gentle our hearts and help us get our sense of humor back?”
He thought about this a minute, and then said, “About Eighty percent”
I love this so much. Eighty percent And the great writer and speaker David Roche happens to be the pastor of the Church of 80% Sincerity, which posits that 80% of anything is a small miracle—sincerity, faithfulness, healthy eating, truth-telling (“Darling, I will love you all the way through dinner.”)
So after I reached critical mass with my hatred last year, and realized I had lost myself, felt toxic and rashy, imprisoned and steamrolled, and was becoming them, and that this was what they wanted, I did the most amazing thing. I stopped in my tracks. I asked myself, “What if you have a year left on this vale of tears, this world of wonders. This funny blue marble. Is this how you choose to live?”
Of course not. I want to be a Love bug, because if you want to have loving feelings, you need to do loving things: We take the action, the kind action, and the insight follows. Wonder and service fill us, and help us pink up, like babies. Revenge empties our reserves, sickens us, and makes our skin look like hell.
My insight is that we are a dangerous species. Cain is still killing Abel, and at the same time, paradoxically, we are as vulnerable as kittens.(There is also a chapter in the hope book about how all truth is paradox.) So yeah, we get scared, and we blame, and we judge, and we bask in our self-righteous victimization. And we are
all, even Dick Cheney, and EVEN (I think) Ted Cruz, precious children of God, with equal standing in the family of mankind and womankind. God loves Mitch McConnell exactly as much as he loves my little grandson. That’s called the mystery of grace.
So if I were to have written a book called All the People I Hate: A Christian Perspective, I should have done so a year ago. It’s all been sort of ruined by the work of the last year. If I were to be honest, I do hate Trump, or at least every single thing he does and says. But less. Twenty percent of me remembers that he is a man who has never once been loved, never once, except maybe by his kids. His brother was destroyed by the lack of love, and committed suicide. Twenty percent of me aches for the total barbaric ruins of his inner life. Twenty percent. That is a miracle. And on top of that, I’ve realized that God looks at Trump and sees His own suffering son, never leaves him and aches for him, too, pulls for him to be transformed by Love, loves him as a mother does her child. Love is WAY beyond what I am personally comfortable or familiar with, tending as I do toward thoughts of perp walks and commissary cheese snacks.
And even when I am still working on the eighty percent part where I have so much rage about some people, I know that God in her infinite divine weirdness still loves hateful revengeful me as much as She loves the perfect baby we played with in Austin.
How can these things be true? You got me; but I know that my belovedness and inclusion in this precious community of All Of Us are due to God having such low standards. (As Sam’s aging and barely mobile but joyous dad says, every time he successfully lurches to the next stabilizing counter or tabletop, “Yay God!”) I have absolute hope that we are, and will continue to be okay (well...eighty percent of the time.)
I believe, against all odds, that if we stick together, take care of the poor and the very old, get thirsty people water, including our own worried self-obsessed selves, we can dramatically reduce our viral load. We can be Love with skin on. We can be present in barbaric times, and at the same time be nourished by the gorgeous and inspiring things all around us.
We can be free.
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Watch Joe Scarborough Talks Jesus, Scripture During Immigration Tirade
I don't Watch 'Morning Joe' every day, because I'm tired of ruining shirts from the blood dripping from my ears as I listen to this condescending POS hypocrite lecture America with his Trump Hate speech.
Joe Scarborough opened Wednesday's episode of Morning Joe with one of his signatures 10-minute Trump hate monologues. As usual he spewed uninformed nonsense about the presidency of Donald Trump. It took all of 1 minute and 57 seconds before I was forced to turn off because I could no longer stand this hypocrite throwing around Jesus and scripture to justify his uneducated Trump-Hate Scarborough brought up the poor 8-year-old Guatemalan child who died this week while in the care of the Border Patrol. Of course, Joe Scarborough insinuated the boy's death was America's fault, Donald Trump's fault, and the Border Patrol fault. Amazingly, no matter how many times these asswipes tells us "Stop saying sending thoughts and Prayers" because prayers do nothing. When needed they love throwing out the name "Jesus" as a way of proving that America, and Donald Trump are evil. Scarborough whined about scripture and evangelicals supporting President Trump, and then asking "What would Jesus Do,? "Jesus would be with these poor immigrant children." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); If Joe Scarborough Wants Scripture then we will oblige him Joe Scarborough, if you want to invoke scripture and Jesus, as a way to validate spewing your uninformed Trump hatred. Then maybe you should have paid more attention in bible class because you seem to forget Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Instead, you screwed around with Mika in some MSNBC closet, who, by the way, was also married. Why? Because the power of Joe Scarborough's boner, trumped Jesus, and those scriptures you used to justify your uneducated opinion. Joe Scarborough asked "What would Jesus do if he were alive today?" and he was 100% right, he would have been with these children. I know where Jesus wouldn't be... Shacking up with a married woman and hiding from her husband while you and your trollop fornicated in some flea-ridden motel. Joe Scarborough should asked: Since Joe Scarborough was mentioning scripture, and Jesus. Then a better question would be "What would the Messiah Obama have done?" No worries, we have the answers because Obama has already done them. Separate Families Locked illegal immigrant children in cages Bankrolled 'Pay for Prisons' with taxpayer money Lock immigrant children crossing the border in what the 2014 media was describing as "Obama's illegal Immigrant Children Prison Camps." Challenge a court decision that declared the Obama administration guilty of ignoring the 'Flores Settlement, Just To justify keeping Immigrant Children Locked Up longer than the law allowed. Media and Congressional Blackout's. So no one could document what was happening inside Obama's Illegal Immigrant detention warehouses. Yes, the Obama administration called them "warehouses." This list (and there is more) was not just some right-wing hyperbole... BUT FACT! I included all the links to the stories we have done in the past. They, of course, come complete with proof of what the great Obama was up to with these illegal immigrant children. Strange, I never heard Joe Scarborough mention Jesus' name or what Jesus would have done, between 2009 and 2016? At one point, Joe Scarborough scoffed at the idea that 'Trump claims his policies will be a deterrent for the illegal immigrants to try to come to the U.S.' Amazingly, you know who else thought that? Obama. During the lawsuit brought against the Obama administration for violating the Flores Settlement. The government initially justified opening these detention facilities by saying: Central Americans wouldn't want to come to the US to begin with if they knew they would be detained and possibly deported when they arrived. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Clueless Joe Scarborough... FACTS SUCK Because it's so obvious that the media never brings it up. It is a fact that the people who are most culpable in the death of this poor child were the parents. The media doesn't seem to bother to ask what kind of parent's drag their 8-year-old son across thousand's of miles of hostile territory, with very limited access to food, water, and or medical facilities? Joe Scarborough insinuated the boy died because of President Trump's immigration policies, and of course, being in the custody of the U.S. Border Patrol. If Joe Scarborough actually cared about the truth, he would turn away from doing the NY Times crossword puzzle, and maybe read a few of their stories. It's not like the New York Times is going to be accused of being the Fox News of Print, anytime soon. Here is what the NY Times reported about this child's death. The Guatemalan boy died who was not named, and his father had been taken by Border Patrol agents to the Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center after they saw what appeared to be signs of sickness. The Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center is a general hospital, owned and operated by the non-profit Otero County Hospital Association. At first, the boy was thought to have a cold, but the staff at the hospital, later found that he also had a fever. He was held at the hospital for an additional 90 minutes for observation before they released him back to the Border Patrol agents on Monday afternoon. The medical center gave him prescriptions for amoxicillin, a commonly prescribed antibiotic, and ibuprofen. On Monday night, the boy started vomiting, which prompted border patrol to take him back to the hospital. Unfortunately, just after midnight on Tuesday, the boy passed away. The cause of death is not known, but an internal review will be conducted, according to the Department of Homeland Security. From the scant details that we do have, so far. I can see no reason that the Border patrol or President Trump in any way contributed to this boy's unfortunate death. You can read the full NYT article here Trump's policies, and the Border Patrol probably gave the boy a better chance of surviving. If in some other reality we had open borders, and if the parents were the overprotective type, at the first sign of sickness what would they have done? That's right, take him to the Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center. As a parent myself, unless my son was showing signs of having more than just having a cold, or an upset stomach. I, like millions of other parents, would have given him some Pepto Bismuth, two children Tylenol's. Then put him to bed after making sure he drank some Gatorade, or Pedialyte so he didn't get dehydrated. If he got worse, of course, I would have driven him immediately to the Doctor. Or, if I lived in that area, the Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center. The point is, the border patrol agents did far more than millions of American parents would have done. Until we know the exact cause, then no one should be blamed! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Here is Joe Scarborough's 10-minute opening OBAMAmnesia Trump Tirade... Maybe you can beat my 1:57, before throwing up? Read the full article
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Kids These Days
You know, I must be getting old because it would seem that today’s generation is leaving me far behind. Now before I even start this blog off, I expect to ruffle a few feathers and rustle a few jimmies. But I feel such a thing is warranted. I originally started this blog to share my thoughts and experiences with owning a motel in a small-ish tourist town here in Tennessee. But I have since found that my want to speak on multiple topics far out weighs my want to seek comedic fan fair. Being someone who has spent the majority of their 31 years on the planet working with the public, I have discovered many things about both ‘them’ and myself. I have seen the changing of the proverbial seasons when it comes to generations and stood witness to may amazing events in life. That being said, persons under the age of 25... what the hell is wrong with you!? Yes, yes, I’m only 6 years older as the least from most of the people this post is aimed at, but hear me out. People in the ‘sub 25′ category have obviously missed something along the way of growing up, particularly those in the male persuasion. Now, I’m not talking about girls, trans folk, gay folks ect... I mean, Hetero males, rocking that ‘alpha’ life of ‘smashing hoes’ ect... Jesus... what wording you lot have come up with. Though I guess these observations could be aimed at just about anyone, but for now, lets just focus on the biggest culprits, Cis Gendered Males? Is that what they are called? Work with me, I’m old and lost a lot of internet cred when I hit 30. These... mouth breathing, awkwardly smiling, laughing for no reason out of awkwardness, time wasters have seemed to take over the planet! They troll the world, looking for booty with that magical pick up line ‘u want sum fuk?’. Yes, these assholes. Well, assholes may be a bit harsh, lets go with miss guided.
Now, no need to gather arms and come and hunt old Rocco down just yet, chances are, by the end of this that is, you might agree with me. Now that I have your attention, here is what I am driving at... I don’t care your sex, gender, preference or complication, at some point many of you reading this will want to take a mate. That’s right I’m friggin’ trying to be neural here! If you are one of these folks, then you know the pain of the dating scene. It’s loaded with false hope, let downs and people just wanting to ‘smash’. That’s all well and good if you want that sorta thing, but what if you don’t? What if you just want someone who gets you on a deeper level? Well, tough luck, these slugs of humanity walk among us, sucking up all of the air and ruining lives at others expense. These humans are called ‘alphas’. ironically, they are nothing of the sort. Sure online they are badasses, screaming from the safety of their homes, but in public, they are piles of mush. I would know, I deal with them every single day. Before I continue on my ‘alpha’ rant, you should know a bit about me. From the age of 14, I worked for a hunting and fishing guide service here in the smokies. I started out taking care of the bait, moved on to watching the shop and eventually to the business’s only hunting guide. Rucking 90 pounds of gear up a mountain infested with black bear was a daily chore in the fall. Setting up blinds, putting out sent and doing so mostly in the 5am area of the day in darkness with no flashlight with nothing more than a handgun at the age of 23 was the norm. I have taken, lawyers, cops, marines and the occasional dentist up and down that mountain and they have all said the same thing... “You have to be half crazy to do this job!”. Truth was, I needed to support my growing family. But When you are alone in the woods with a 6 foot tall marine who is scared of dark woods with bears in it, you tend to take the moment and enjoy it. My point is, I don’t even consider myself an ‘alpha’ after all of that! I know people 10 times crazier, harder and meaner that I could ever hope to be, so that puts me firmly in the average human area. So, when I see people touting how they won a bar fight or are going to stomp someone ass for this reason or that, I roll my eyes. Bare in mind, most of the people are the someone that have nothing original to say to you in your DM’s on dating sites. They want what they what, they want it now and you better be moving or they will call you whatever derogatory thing to make it look like they were doing you a favor. Clear your brain for a moment... Think of the last person like this you interacted with... now image them in front of a 325 pound black bear in the dead of night. What do you think they would do? That’s right, shit themselves. Chances are they were never worth your time to start with. They can’t even ‘chat up’ a partner properly! What happened to simple complementing someone sincerely!? What happened to being original!? WTF happened to being creative!? Entitlement happened. People these days have a want for instant gratification like a man in the desert has a want for water. The internet is a wash with clickbait, easily accessed porn and... well... There is no other way to say this but dumbasses. The human condition demands gratification and acceptance. Today the only way to prove one’s self worth (to many,NOT ALL) is to be a ‘beast in bed’. It’s like it became the ultimate mark of success or something. Who needs school, a good job, a good name or aura about yourself when you can lay pipe like Enbridge. None of these things in any way help you in life but for some damn reason, it’s all about the here and now. It’s honestly pathetic to see people like this interact outside of Facebook, they are worthless at conversation and can not for a moment fathom a sentence without proving themselves. Even the way they talk! It’s awkward... sometimes I would have to spend an extra 45 minutes trying to drag answers needed from them to solidify their sale or what they needed. The phrase ‘I don’t know’ followed by a moronic smile and giggle is normally what I have to deal with. Zero sense of urgency, zero people skills and a general feeling of unease surrounds them. Some of them talk as if they are exhausted from a night of getting laid, slurring their speech and forcibly acting tired as if it were cool. It’s not cool, it’s fucking annoying for the rest of us! I think it is time that people like this take a page from their own book and push themselves outside their comfort zone. I think we have all had enough of the ‘Dumb cute/scene/player’ routine and could use a little more intellect and charm. Maybe less notches in the belt and more character. Rather than be someone you are not, or even worse... a fuckboi, maybe try and be romantic. I mean actually romantic, not some half-assed snapchat edited video to a bad song from a singer who sound like he just sucked off a can of helium and dropped 12 xanx. For those of you who read this and found yourself angered by the very people I mentioned, good for you! You are the part of the population who is sick of people like this and want more from your life than a quick lay. For those of you who read this and screamed bullshit and ‘I AM an ALPHA!!!’, you are the ones we all can’t stand! We don’t hate you, but we also don’t like you. If you read this and said ‘Who the hell is he talking about!?” I mean people like Donald Trump, Justin Bieber, Keemstar, ect... Anyway, that’s my ‘holy shit I can’t sleep again’ Rant for the night. I feel better, how about you?
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FBI responds to Trump claim about Mar-a-Lago search
It looks like Donald Trump help orchestrate us to get the huge fleet and so we would go up to Saturn cuz we need the laser and he's trying to explain it to her son but having our son explain it cuz he knows it's sharp but too sharp for this little s*** and our son slowly said this do you know what our modus operandi is do you know how we do things and what would result from this type of approach and he's saying no he said you sitting there watching me do it like 500 times into your areas so the guys like an a****** and wants to blow up Earth and leave but he'll be destroyed by Saturn so it's calling up his men and because yeah we have to take over the ship down there the only way to do it is using our method and Trump is an idiot and handed stuff away just like a retarded man can't remember what we usually do. So he's sending for his men to ask what to do and they're really going to try and kidnap our son and what we say is you're making it a lot worse is we do not vow to people who are trying to kidnap him and he starts blabbing his ass off and saying all this stuff is slander and blah blah blah you said your bothering me and harassed me and you sad on me my whole life because of this and you're an idiot and her son did say I don't even think you're planning on going up to Saturday because you're such a spaz and you won't be able to destroy that planet at all you're ridiculous and the guy is saying will put a device in it it won't make it in it they're patrolling all the time you're not technical enough to figure out how to do it and we started to laugh because he's not you don't want it to be but really this guy is a piece of s*** and he is going to try and kidnap our son's wife it wasn't all these problems and said there's too many problems and the Earth is not safe and if we pull out everything we can and keep doing it and we won't have lasers to do anything with and it won't be a fruitful adventure so we figured out what we need to do which is his idea doesn't constantly be blocking the tunnel.
We're going to have to do the idea and we have to do it now because it's. And his son and daughter were out at the whole time getting ready and they said this if we had to decide the last minute it'll probably would not work but we've been getting ready to raise Galactus that we have to those tunnels will be plugged there's no safety we're tired of everybody living on the edge because it's making people angry and sick we want to show that we're doing the job and then we have big things and they have to sign up not that where these losers and he said it too we're going to do it if you don't stop us it's going to get done and that's another thing and he sent it to his boys one day here. And it's mathematics I can't escape it and they'd rather sit around and they're not hiring enough so things are going to change the system will work adequately and then we'll start filling in but really without it we would not we won't put more holes cuz the morons can sneak in or force their way in.
It also makes it a lot less effective we're going to town now and doing the job
Thor Freya
We are prepping and we're getting ready for it and my wife is happy again and I don't want her to be disappointed just had a very hard life even compared to mine
I have to watch him all the time and he needs me to I don't do it for entertainment but it is entertaining. And it's saying it's not my fault and I'm not mentioning that but that's funny it is funny because he says we're always pushing me around. I'm tired of that and this will be a change if it's going to happen. We needed to happen. And we are doing characters and stuff it's easier to talk but we need to get things done people need help in life not misery all the time it's been misery for a long time a long long time and it's it's too much they need a risk analysis and I performed mine and mine says who cares they can't see it they can't see this one and they know that something left or material left they're idiots
We think he's right too if we get these big ones that are not so big that we won't be able to get a huge one so I put a hold on the ones in a huge it's true too we need to get it out it's behind the planet and time is ticking and he said we're going to pull this out if nobody stops this is coming out and they have to stop us with more than just don't do that so I found his kids doing it and his cadre and we did talk about doing it and said you can't get away with the math he said that thing is half the is huge if they can't see that they can't see anything and they'll never believe this is out there in the store over there that's the point it might not be used for anything and just sit there closer in and he said this is hell but I do agree and we started working and just considered a gate so I went ahead and changed it I said this this is what it's for and they said laughing I said yeah I said it will s*** and that's right we can grow it back it's for the Sun but it doesn't take tons of effort to get to be huge and it can eat the soil and it absorbs it and other material in it absorbs it at a rate of a ratio of 1 to 50 so that showed how it's possible and we have to clean up stuff anyways and it's moving right now. Her son and daughter are getting frustrated saying we have every idea in the book it's always stocked and always halted and always slow down we do the testing so this one is going through or people who are in the way are going to be criminals and I started to do that and we have this group now and there's others who oppose it and we want to hear why and you're under scrutiny by the way if you do oppose it
Thor Freya
We were in opposition a little but wanted to hear why not and we do and he's right you're going to screw up my whole plan he's saying because you're demanding it goes out after these other ones it's going to be this uphill battle and we can't afford one that's going to be too dangerous so we're moving out now you know about that aspect of it and we're getting ready for it
Posieden and Goddess Wife
His ideas work they're risky dangerous I would push your head that we have to see some results he says if you don't do this you're not doing my plan you're not going to see any positive results and she put it up there and it works and you can sit over there and do nothing it's not like we're going to be driving around all year and I said this why don't we doing this anyway and we're compelled to keep people from the other side and it's exposure is much less than thought you can't see the damn thing we're moving out now
Uriel and goddess wife
I did a test and I did a risk and analysis as part of the test and I was actually very satisfied and I said look this thing's been around everywhere here and I can't even tell they cannot tell one of our people miss it no but some do I mean you'd be surprised and it's freaking huge there's nothing bigger and it's gotten bigger than it was and it was ridiculous okay it's a portion of it but it's not a small portion it's a decent size portion it's like 1/10 or something and it's a true test so although I'm just look really huge in space there's still hard to find and we do understand we don't really have a job for nothing it's just going to sit out there and it can and will prevent from people from going there for real it's going to be a big push and there's a few other reasons why my test came out as far lower by doing this and then not doing it and we're going to proceed now
Zig Zag
I suppose people want me to be don't Galactus for Comic-Con but really I don't have any money for that kind of thing
He wants to buy a costume he doesn't want to make one they're like $2,000
Hera yeah they make that one believe it or not
I suppose you go to a custom shop that's who was talking about what he was talking about and he wouldn't want to have plastic and rubbers too hot and some leather I got to tell you something I don't think we can make that Galactus suit and we're going to have to and there's nothing to buy it with it's far from doing anything like that he trying to make it or he can buy one online that's used usually they want a ton of money I got to get out of here we can't even get into Comic-Con how the hell would we know anything and right now the max are probably down there already and have been and people telling us they know about it they have their stuff I see some of it and it's true
Angie who is Batman gee whiz Batman and he seems like it's only up and up
No. No we're killers and fighters and we're going to stop him
Batman Daniel
We're on it right now we see it
Mac daddy
Olympus we have approved your projects and it's a green light and yes before the Bradley GT1 LOL
Thor Freya
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The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
March 2, 2021
Tribune scoopster Scott Pierce penned a column on Gov. Spencer Cox's TV habits. One of his faves is “Phineas and Ferb,” an animated musical where the duo embarks on wild adventures, kinda like when Cox and former Gov. Gary Herbert bought a trainload of hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid 19. Here at Smart Bomb, the staff has been sleuthing and found that politician/developer Greg Hughes likes “Peaky Blinders,” a violent show where British gangsters get control of land near TRAX stations and make a killing. A little bird says Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall loves Ted Danson's new sitcom, “Mr. Mayor,” where Danson keeps saying City Hall is transparent but won't talk to reporters. State Sen. David Hinkins from the tiny town of Orangeville likes to watch “Judas and the Black Messiah” on HBO Max and introduced legislation to ban riots because he's sick and tired of all those Black Lives Matter demonstrations in remote Emory County, population: 10,000. And state Rep. Kera Birkeland from Morgan, who sponsored a bill to keep trans high school girls from competing in soccer, can't miss the series “Dare Me,” on Netflix where teens get into booze and sex and will do anything on a dare, including gender changes to win at girls soccer. Kids these days.
Can you believe those lousy F-ing liberals and AOC. They stole The Bill of Rights and no one can find it anywhere. Mike Lee has looked up and down and all around but... nothing. It's just lucky that we have honorable men like Sen. Lee to keep track of these things. We could have been thinking The Bill of Rights was safe and sound. But noooo, he told CPAC — the MAGA version of Burning Man — that thieving AOC and the Libs stole it on account of “they think The Bill of Rights is blasphemy.” It's just like those Godless Democrats to go around using The Bill of Rights' name in vein — they hate freedom, Lee said. He warned the patriots of what he calls “Liberal Utopia,” where AOC and Nancy Pelosi wave their witches' wands and government makes healthcare and education affordable, leaving Americans without any freedom at all. “Faith in government is tyranny,” he said boldly, which is why the feds should not be in charge of Covid vaccines or coming to the aid of flood and hurricane victims. Walmart or Amazon should do that, Lee said. He's the world's foremost expert on the Constitution and separation of powers. Never put too much power in the hands of a few, Lee said, before scurrying off to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the ring of the President for Life.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered the American flag lowered all over the Sunshine State in honor of that great patriot Rush Limbaugh. The right-wing windbag (say that 10 times real fast) had gone to meet his maker — whoever that is — and because he's one of the most heroic of Americans, the flag was put at half-staff. And in Orlando last week a gold statue of Donald Trump was unveiled so that Trumpers could pray to it — think capitalist-version of Buddhism. The statue had a big gold head, shorts like Old Glory and gold feet with red flip-flops. It's up for sale for $100,000. (True story.) The occasion was CPAC, where Trumpers meet to see who can praise Him most. Florida always has been a different sort of place. The state's screwy politics include the debacle in 2000, when the U.S. Supreme Court stopped a presidential recount there and gave George W. Bush the presidency. Florida's Sen. Rick Scott, who previously was the state's governor, brought back a bunch of Jim Crow-era voting tactics, including false claims that 180,000 aliens were on voter roles. He didn't specify whether they were Latin Americans or Martians — Roger Stone does live there, after all. Somerset Maugham had it down: “Florida is a sunny place for shady people.”
Post script — Well, that just about does it for another week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of the Utah Legislature so you don't have to. When the clock strikes midnight on March 5 we will be able to breathe a sigh of relief — ignorance is bliss. And speaking of ignorance, that patriot and con artist, Utah Rep. Burgess Owens, took part in a CPAC panel where he said this: “Over the next couple of years, let’s have these good conversations with our friends. Let’s lower the temperatures. Let’s listen a little bit more. And at the end of the day....[Democrats] are going to do it to themselves... In the end, the good guys will win.” Burgess was one of the good guys who refused to certify the election of Joe Biden because who the fuck wants democracy. And we thought we'd never miss Mia Love. Wonder what Burgess and Mia think of Dixie State University in St. George. Students there want a name change because as everyone knows, “Dixie” carries a lot of baggage — slavery and lynchings for starters. In 1915, the school was dubbed Dixie College. Mormon settlers had grown cotton there and in the post-Reconstruction era, Dixie was glorified as part of the “Lost Cause” lore of moonlight and magnolias — another Big Lie, the worst kind.
Hey Wilson, we didn't even mention “Amend” the six part mini-series on the 14th Amendment streaming on Netflix about black people's fight for freedom. It's a must-see for all Americans, including people like The Proud Boys, Three Percenters and others who apparently are completely ignorant about this country's foundation. So, like Wilson, what can you and guys in the band conjure up for us that will hit home:
Southern trees bear a strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees Pastoral scene of the gallant South The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth Scent of magnolias sweet and fresh Then the sudden smell of burning flesh Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck For the sun to rot, for the tree to drop Here is a strange and bitter crop
(Strange Fruit — Billie Holiday)
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