#not to mention the soundtrack
anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
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“Will you be there when I wake up?” “Always. I’ll always be there.”
1999: Maura Franklin and Daniel Solace
(Raw images: not mine)
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I've just watched "When Marnie Was There" and I desperately need to scream about it. The relationship between Anna and Marnie is the most beautiful one I've ever seen portrayed in the media . Being there for each other, making each other feel happy and forgiving is what it takes to really love. I could have written about all the hints dropped about Anna personality changing beautifully as she met new people and how deep are all their conversations had I not been so numb when trying to translate my thoughts into words. That's the only movie ever which made me cry. I love it so much. Now I'm definitely going to read the book it's based on
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bordonfreeman · 2 years
I forgot how good of a movie Robots is
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amelia-mariee · 4 months
please see fall guy if you have not. ryan gosling and emily blunt are both phenomenal (as always). it has explosions and romance and a dog that understands french and the song all too well and it really feels like a love letter to the stunt community and best of all, it’s a movie about the making of a movie, which i will eat up every time.
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guzhufuren · 1 month
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“Sighing beneath the moonlight at a fleeting and breathtaking glimpse of beauty, willing to trade this life for an endless cycle of love and hate.“
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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kyeterna · 1 year
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obligatory mspaint omori meme about the finale
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maudiemoods · 4 months
Shrike? More like uh shloser or something idk
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nightsp1der · 2 months
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i did the thing. i finished the fight.
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chirpsythismorning · 5 months
When you see it...
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caluupin · 5 months
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Finished TGAAC around 2 1/2 weeks ago but only finished the doodles today. but still, here ya go!
#caluuart#art#dgs spoilers#dgs2 spoilers#tgaa spoilers#tgaa2 spoilers#ace attorney#the great ace attorney#tgaa#dgs2#not tagging characters bc it's a lot#RAMBLE TIME. so ever since I finished dgs2 I have been listening to the soundtracks and MAN these bang so much#esp as a person who plays the piano and likes music. it's just. good. yeah. some of these do give me psychological dmg tho lmaoo#like kazuma's nocturne theme or his prosecutor theme. or the secret trial theme.... the partners - the game is afoot! theme.... I am normal#WHICH SPEAKING OF! man I love the sholmes + mikotoba partner twist so much even if i got a bit spoiled about it. i just think they're neat.#The partners of all time I think.#Also also the found family!?!?!? I am A SUCKER for found family. they fed me so well.#funny thing was the barok character development surprised me despite the fact that I also expected it since the first game lolol.#I do think he's an interesting character and probably one of the best character development in the game. And that I find his design cool.#oh yeah I didn't draw it but when I saw that albert mentioned that barok is “the darling of the van zieks family” I was genuinely like.#huh? wdym. like man at the time “van zieks” and “little darling” feels wrong in the same sentence. that was until I saw his pre-#-trauma pictures n well. albert isn't wrong. which was a slight surprise to me.#In conclusion: I liked it a lot. and now occupies parts of my brain along with my other brainrots.#They fight for priority in my brain whenever I try to sleep or disassociate lol. Well at least there's more material to think about.#off topic time: arlecchino animation. for the sake of the tag's length I'll just say a few things:#I am very very interested in her story and oh my god father.#My brain has stopped braining now; good night my fellows
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dead boy detectives is the perfect cure for a broken heart
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affectionatecorpse · 2 months
Okay as a distraction from my previous post, I'm going to do another analysis. Yay! This time we'll be covering another video game, but this isn't actually a horror like the previous posts, so untense your shoulders. Today I'm going to be talking about Yinu, from No Straight Roads, from the perspective of an ex child prodigy.
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No Straight Roads is a vastly underrated game, so I'll give a brief introduction. The game focuses on protagonists Mayday and Zuke, two members of a rock band who go on a mission to take down their oppressive EDM based government, NSR, and reintroduce rock to the city. The plot sounds simple enough, but the layers go incredibly deep, so I highly recommend playing/watching the game for yourself to form your own thoughts about it's complex messages. Obviously, spoilers ahead.
Now NSR is made up of 6 EDM artists who power the city. But one particular artist greatly stands out from the rest. This artist is Yinu.
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Yinu is by far the youngest of the artists, for starters, at only 9 years old. She's a child prodigy, and at this young age, she's already won many awards for her music and gained a massive following. But unlike the other artists, Yinu isn't actually an EDM artist. She's a classical artist, who's skills are in piano. Now this usually wouldn't matter, but when she's one of the EDM based leaders, it's immediately a bit odd how she herself isn't an EDM artist.
We'll come back to this. Now, Yinu, as mentioned, is a child prodigy. She was taught from a young age to play piano by her father, and quickly mastered the art. But when her father grew ill and passed away, it was just her and her mother left, with Yinu inheriting his beloved piano. As she continued to play in his honour, her skill began to grow, and so did the attention she received. She quickly became a celebrity, and her mother used this as a distraction from their shared sadness.
By feeding the fans and the attention, Yinu's mother developed an unhealthy coping mechanism. She began to lose sight of what the piano meant to them. And I expect, so did Yinu. It's a very common thing, when your hobby becomes a job, it just loses it's fun, and is no longer a luxury to do. More a necessity. It's never said explicitly, but I interpreted this phenomenon to have a strong effect. Yinu played because it was a job, and what her mother wanted. Her mother became blind to her daughter's struggles, as she never really noticed the fact Yinu didn't want to play for other people, but for herself, and her father's memory. This is shown through her eyes becoming white and cloudy during the battle, while Yinu's stay the same.
I may be projecting. I was actually a child prodigy myself. I had a knack for my writing, and it was my greatest passion. My interactive imagination kept me distracted from the war my parents were fighting against each other. As a kid, I was never really their child. I was a weapon. A way for them to get at each other. I'd trail between houses, passing on messages and information they could use to slander one another, and I was rewarded for doing so by being shoved out the way and left to do what I wanted, while they paid no attention.
I used my imagination, my worlds, my characters, to escape my reality. To keep me company in my depressing solitude. To avoid forgetting them, I began to write them down. This was what got me the attention I so desperately craved. By 10 years old, only a year older than Yinu, I had published my first book in my local town. Finally, my parents were proud of me, so I kept going. I wrote until my hands were sore and fragile with blisters. I wrote until every page of my notebook was fuzzy from correcting my spellings.
It wasn't an escape anymore. It was a necessity. Something I had to do in order to be recognised. It wasn't fun anymore. It was no longer a way out.
As I got older, I began to matter less. I wasn't a smart child anymore. I was just a Person. I wasn't Somebody, I was just... Anybody. I found my parents stopped caring when I lost that spark again, and this time, I didn't get attention when I tried fixing that.
I see my own struggles in Yinu. The song she plays starts simple, and slow. Relaxed and full of passion. She finds herself completely in her element. But when her mother gets involved, her playing becomes more desperate. It gets faster and more tense, as her mother doesn't even consider putting her aside. A parent's normal reaction to her child being physically attacked by two adults would be to take the child away from the situation and make sure they're okay, but Yinu's mother just lifts her up, and tells her to keep playing.
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Yinu obliges, and plays more determined than before, like she's terrified of letting her mother down. She constantly assures herself under her breath, and repeatedly mutters reminders to herself to keep her fingers curved as she focuses. In the next phase, Yinu and her mother have been repeatedly hit and injured, yet her mother still doesn't remove Yinu from the situation. Instead of being mad at the attackers for hurting her daughter, she yells at them for ruining her performance, as if that's the more important thing here. She destroys the walls around them, outraged, and orders Yinu to play even harder.
The song gets incredibly intense here, and it's here that you notice the piano fading out. At the start of the song, it was purely piano playing. But by this time, the piano is playing alongside EDM music, at just around the same volume. In the next phase, Yinu is knocked to the ground from a great height, and calls to her mother to catch her. But... she doesn't. She isn't caught, and alongside her piano, she crashes to the ground. Her mother doesn't even notice she's fallen and is hurt. She just completely ignores Yinu's cries, and focuses entirely on the destruction of the concert.
The song is almost completely EDM now. Yinu is out of frame, and it's the mother you're battling at the end. And even as Yinu sits alone on the ground, without looking at her at all, her mother just tells her not to stop playing no matter what. But despite Yinu's continued efforts, the piano barely shines through the techno anymore.
I should also mention the visuals. At the start of the fight, Yinu's mother was completely out of sight. Then, she poked her arm out of the curtain at the back of the stage to lift Yinu's piano out of range, but she remained out of sight. The curtain then gets moved, and she is now fully visible, but still further back in the dark than Yinu. After she rages and destroys the hall, she is very clear and visible, taking up a lot of the battlefield while Yinu is mostly out of frame of the camera. In the final phase, Yinu is no longer there, and her mother has completely taken over the battlefield.
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First phase
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Final phase
After defeating Yinu's mother, Mayday and Zuke prepare to celebrate their victory. But... they're interrupted. By Yinu, the one everyone involved forgot was part of this battle. She knocks the two off the giant rose they were standing on, and also probably their high horse. She's muddy, injured, roughed up, and still, her mother never asks her if she's okay. She doesn't even praise her for knocking them down by herself. She goes to nearly acknowledge it, saying "Yinu, my dear, you got them!", but that isn't actually praise. It's a mere acknowledgement, which she thinks is enough. And after saying that, she once again orders Yinu to play for her.
To which Yinu completely breaks. She finally loses her patience and just snaps, screaming that she hates them all, while slamming the piano keys in a burst of anger to triple the speed of before. But her outrage is still in beat. She still plays her song for her mother.
When our main characters get back up to her, and recklessly knock down the rose, Yinu plummets near to her death. She clings desperately to her piano, the one thing she has left of her father, but ultimately cannot hang on, and while she's protected from the fall by her mother, the piano is not, smashing into pieces as it hits the ground. And while she solemnly mourns this valuable part of who she is as a person, her mother STILL doesn't acknowledge it. She moves past Yinu and goes straight to yelling at Mayday and Zuke again, ready for another round of fighting without even checking on her daughter.
But Yinu stays strong. For herself, for her father, and for her mother. She feels she's the only one who can. And even when her piano is in pieces, her concert hall is destroyed, her appearance is tattered, and her injuries are stinging, she plays on. She just sits there. And keeps playing the song. Slow, and sad, like she's completely burnt out. But feels she's not allowed to quit, or she'll be letting her mother down.
This is when we cut back to the EDM detail. Because Yinu is not an EDM artist. The EDM, the unbearable fame, the place in government... it's all her mother. The EDM starts when her mother joins, and completely takes over when Yinu is no longer part of the battle. Only at the end does the piano come back, as Yinu steals back her own song from her mother's hands, and plays her classical music her style, with the Rock/EDM metre spiralling out of control, as the music now is neither of those genres. It is 100%, completely authentic, Yinu.
Holy shit. This whole sequence hits hard. From the desperate attempts to please her mother, putting up with the demands to keep playing no matter how hurt or stressed she is, only to break down and immediately get punished for it, and sadly go back to what she was doing before, because her rebellion resulted in her most treasured possession getting destroyed? Yinu is an incredibly tragic character. No child should have to put up with the grief, the pressure, the stress, and the burnout that she feels.
The activity that bonded her and her late father ended up being what ultimately hurts her, all because her mother couldn't process her own grief in her own way, and put her daughter at major risk because it stopped the hurting, instead of actually sitting down and talking with Yinu about the mourning and pain they both feel in their hearts.
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I wish I'd had exactly what I want for Yinu. I wish my parents had talked to me about their separation. I wish they had figured out their issues and stopped feeling so angry at each other all the time, so they could live their separate lives in peace. I wish they had kept me out of their hatred for one another. I wish they had treated me like their child. I wish they'd loved me more than they hated each other. But they didn't. And I ended up alone, sadly writing this post, in the same way Yinu ended up sadly playing what's left of her piano in the ruins of her once polished, sparkling concert hall.
Here's a link to the song Yinu plays throughout the battle. Take a listen for yourself, and you'll see what I mean by the intensity growing, as the EDM takes over the classical more and more.
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pleeeeease just let me rant
so obviously a lot of the hype for hamilton the musical has calmed down. it’s been almost ten years. the original cast has long since moved on, and you won’t find as many posts about it on tumblr, and a LOT less active fan fiction. i understand that it’s been a while. but-
hamilton the musical is a piece of artwork. it took Lin-Manuel Miranda seven years to write. its emotions are relatable, and powerful. ive yet to meet someone who hasn’t cried on watching it’s quiet uptown for the first time. the level of intense talent you need to even begin to attempt to write something like that is just beyond incredible.
“Just get over Hamilton it’s dead”
so the fandom’s less active. so what? it will continue to be beautiful. continue to be hilarious. continue to punch you in the gut. let hamilton the musical live. don’t be ashamed to stay in a fandom that’s been around for a while.
the original cast, and any cast after, has so much talent. Renée Elise Goldsberry rapping and singing in Satisfied has my heart. her delivery of It’s Quiet Uptown makes anyone sob. Daveed Diggs in Guns and Ships? anyone? fastest song on broadway EVER? and don’t even get me STARTED on Pippa Soo, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Okieriete Onoadowan, Leslie Odom Jr, Chris Jackson, Anthony Ramos. And as for Lin-Manuel Miranda, what can i say?
listen to hamilton. love hamilton. sing and rap hamilton. be a nerd about hamilton. let people judge you. it’s their loss. anyone who wants to go a life without understanding these emotions, this power, that Lin-Manuel Miranda squeezed into 2 and a half hours, well, that’s their problem.
be a hamilfan. and don’t let anyone give you shit for it.
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goodluckb4be · 1 year
we, as a society don’t talk enough about killing eve
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pharawee · 5 months
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Dee Hup House's next BL series "I Saw You in my Dream" will star Putter Phubase (My Universe and Our Days, where he also sang part of the soundtrack) as Yu and Ryu Ingkarat as Ai. The first (pilot?) trailer will be released on 1 May. Tee Bundit will direct (yay!).
MDL describes the story as follows:
On the last night of the sixth and twelfth month each year, Ai has long had prophetic dreams. There's only one thing he's never dreamt of—love. On the last night of that year, however, he dreams of a love so warm. He doesn't want to believe that the man of his dream could be P'Yu, a neighbour skilled at driving him crazy, the opposite of dream Yu.
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meat-wentz · 1 year
should i watch jennifer's body. i'm so intrigued by all your posting
it’s my firm belief that everyone should watch jennifer’s body because it’s a unique portrait of best friendism that leans into eroticism that leans into murderous desire, the push and pull of being so close and yet growing up and growing apart and hurting each other because it’s the only relationship you have where being the worst is permitted simply because you don’t know how to live without each other. ALSO it’s a great story about competition between girls and how girls eat each other and how girls are victims and how girls can tear everything apart and how girls are mean and cruel and how girls can know each other so much they can feel each other in their bodies and it’s about how we look at popular girls and how we treat high femme girls and how girls love each other and how girls hold each other and how girls are hungry. it’s everything to me.
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