#not to mention the giant sea monster
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kevinthecantaloupe · 2 months ago
Why are none of the webcomics I read right now having a chill moment.
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perpetualexistence · 1 year ago
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I present to you: Alejandro's reveal in the Sea Monster AU in art form!
I wanted to show it off here rather than just as banner art because A) it's really cool and a beloved Christmas gift I've received and B) I realized that with how my blog is currently set up, my profile pic is covering most of Noah. And what's the point of g/t art if you can't see the size difference?
I will say again here that I personally didn't draw this, but rather an anonymous irl bff of mine did, hence the watermark. My own copy is watermark free, so I had to add one myself to give credit where it's due and to deter the art thieves. And when I say add, I mean I had to ask said best friend to guide me through the process step by step like a toddler. But hey, I did a photoedit!
Why is there a storm here when I didn't describe one in the scene before? Well, the art predated me writing the scene. Time will tell if I do decide to actually incorporate a storm when/if I make this into a fic. Either way it still looks really cool.
Enjoy having Noah realize he's in danger! And hoping this doesn't awaken anything in him.
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lizard-shifter-noms · 1 year ago
Wayward Waters Chapter 5
Hello everyone! Chapter 5!
time to explore more of the world!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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I missed home, but right now i had no idea where the fuck i was.
Only that I was on some island with a big ass eel pit that injured one of the Crewmembers of the ship I had landed on somehow.
And now I was sitting on a slope in my Giant form with a Birdlegged Maniac who was used as a pillow by a sea serpent.
In all honesty? Fuck.
The last I had seen of my friends was in the storm that had thrown me off the ship I was supposed to be on and now one of the guys that found me and said he'd help me was out of commission.
I glanced over to Jamie, who had given up trying to remove Imugi’s head by now and was just lying there.
They looked sad, but not sad sad, rather the kind where one tried to hide they were sad.
I looked around for anything helpful but the only things I saw were more rocks, some sand and a few palm trees which were barely the length of my under arm.
Palm trees hmm…
A VERY stupid idea came into my head.
I slowly stood up so as not to startle them and walked over to the nearest tree, a dingy little thing that had broken almost in half by the storm.
Wouldn't make it for long now anyway and was only holding on by a thread.
Good thing too, Robin would never forgive me if I ripped out a healthy plant.
I positioned myself so that they couldn't see and tried to get the tree as quietly as possible, which was only half successful.
“The HELL you doing over there? I swear if you do something shady I will get the paint bucket we have on board and pour it into your nostrils!”
That had to be the weirdest threat I had ever received, and I lived in the same castle as Nea.
Man, I even missed her too, how absolutely stupid.
Whatever, I put the tree in my hand so it looked like it grew out from there before turning around.
Holding the hand with the tree up so it could be easily seen.
“Look, Palm tree”
Jamie made a choking noise before starting to full on laugh, keeling back over while Imugi looked confusedly at them before slinking back into the ocean.
“Your jokes are so bad I don't even know why I'm laughing at them!”
I just shrugged.
“Maybe they're funny because they're bad? Or your sense of humor is just as bad as my jokes”
Jamie made a noncommittal noise and I sprawled out on the grass where I was.
“Yo Kitty cat, how tall are you? You're like as tall as Imugi is long”
How tall i was? Well human form was around 5’10, for the giant one i could only guess.
“Uhh dunno? Like thirty feet? I can't exactly measure myself easily like this”
I heard shuffling and turning my head to look. I saw that Jamie had taken the measuring rope which had kind of started all of this mess with Ronan.
“Well then, hold still and I can check! We already went through so much chaos to get this stupid rope that we might as well use it!”
Well, fair.
“Yeah, it would be nice knowing how tall I am exactly, Is the rope long enough for that?”
They shrugged.
“Only one way to find out, also this thing is like fifty feet or so if not i can still measure twice and use math to figure it out”
They walked up next to my head with one end of the rope, setting it down on the same height as my scalp.
“Can you use your thumb to hold this end to the ground? I think id just drag it away if i tried”
I nodded and pressed the end of the rope into the ground while Jamie walked along my side down to my knees, counting the feet as they went.
I did wonder how tall I actually was, so far I had just estimated myself to be around thirty feet but I wasn't sure if that was accurate.
Probably not.
I did my best not to move as Jamie walked along my side, both to not mess up the measuring and to not startle the Bird Legged weirdo.
I sat up abruptly at Jamie's shout, seeing the sun already low in the sky.
“What? Forty five? That's fifteen more than I thought!”
Huh, then again I had never really had anything to accurately measure myself with.
“Yeah! Forty five! You must be bad at math!”
“Does math have anything to do with me misjudging my height?”
Jamie flicked the rope and started coiling it up.
“Well according to some nerds everything is math somehow,  So who cares?”
Well, I was the first to admit that there was a lot I didn't know, but everything was math? Who came up with that?
“Well, what now? Are we stuck on the island? I'm sure my friends worry about me and I'd like to get to them as fast as possible! And Ronan needs an actual Medic!”
Jamie tilted their head at me, and for a painful second I was reminded of Oakley, god I missed all of them.
Especially Robin.
“Well, bringing Ronan to a doc, an actual one not whatever Imik and Akeem are doing would come first, but the doc is also back at our base and we need to go there anyway for the map n’ shit.
So i guess now that our Captain’s injured well probably go there faster anyway, so i guess you get your wish”
Harsh, but true.
“Well i did want to get home as fast as possible but not like that, i hope he'll be okay, he will be okay right?”
Jamie just shrugged and waved to follow them, which I did, slowly.
“I'm sure he'll get over it, it's not the first time he got bitten by a electric eel, just never so many, also he managed to get through a fuckton of other weird injuries, so yeah hell be fine, he don't got enough brain for it to be damaged further anyway”
So Ronan would be okay in the end, good to hear.
“Hey! So you can shift into that fuzzy thing and into a giant right? Do you have anything more portable than that? Well be faster if you're not so fucking oversized”
Well, yes, but I hadn't done so because I hadn't trusted them thus far, but if we could go faster…
I waited for a moment that Jamie was looking forward to the boat and then turned the Gem on the bracelet, shrinking down to my human size.
The next time they turned to face me I was already back in my human form and they let out a startled screeching noise that grated in my pointy ears.
“You could do that the entire time? What the fuck! You should have done that sooner!”
“Well, i didn't know you guys, and i'm less likely to be stabbed as a giant creature, also the entire thing with my second heart starting to work and i didn't know if shifting would fuck it up even more”
“...Fair point, let's get back on the ship and jumpscare Imik!”
“What? Why? And why Imik?”
“Cuz Akeem can't be scared, also it's funny seeing Imiks Webbed ears Flare up in alarm!”
So just for fun then, yeah that was okay.
“Well, as long as it's okay I don't see why not, but shouldn't we focus on getting Ronan to the Doc you mentioned?”
Their face lost the mischievous touch.
“Ugh yeah fair, let's go on board and toss Imugi the Halfter so she can tow us away from the island”
They walked up the plank to the Boat and I followed behind, 
almost slipping one time as the wood was slick under my feet and the Orange tinted sky made weird shadows.
“If you fall in i will laugh”
“If I fall in, I will make sure the splash hits only you!”
As stupid as being stuck away from my friends was at least the banter with Jamie was a little funny, they were gruff sure, but not malicious.
 “Come on Kitty cat! Help me toss the tow thing to Imugi!”
I followed them up to the front of the boat where a variety of stuff was bolted down or straight up Built into the ship, like the box in the front.
The Box looked to be lockable and Jamie yanked out a weird construction of rope and metal, the front part reminding me of the thing they put into the mouth of a horse to ride it.
Then they tossed the front half into the water and hooked the part still on the ship into a pair of curved metal things that were bolted to the boat itself.
So that was the thing Imugi used to tow the boat! Interesting.
“Did you know that Imugi is named that because Ronan kept her in a mug for the first two weeks of her life? Apparently she was TINY! And ‘IN MUG’ became Imugi at some point”
What? That sea monster used to fit in a mug? A bucket I could maybe believe, but a mug?
“She was that tiny? Wait, why was she kept in a mug?”
Jamie shrugged.
“Orphanage probably wouldn't have taken kindly to a sea monster in the house, he left after Imugi got to big to hide, somehow got a boat and a bunch of idiots to help him out”
“You're also one of those Idiots, you're aware right?”
They waved me off.
“Yeah yeah, whatever, to get on this ship you gotta have a few screws loose anyway, and even more so if you end up staying”
Well, at least they were self aware.
There was a sudden tug on the boat and I leaned over to see what it was.
Apparently Imugi had found the tow thingy despite the Ocean getting dark before the sky and was slowly dragging it through the water, Boat and all attached.
Jamie hopped down from the railing and walked towards the stairs, the movement of their legs reminding me of a strutting pigeon.
Yeah, I'd better never mention that, as funny as the mental image might be.
I followed them down the stairs back onto the deck.
“Do we need to steer the boat if Imugi is towing it?”
“Nah, she knows where to go, she's not stupid she’ll know that with one of us injured the best thing to do is go Home”
Well, that was relieving, I doubted Jamie could steer properly, or even if so that they would do so in a normal way.
The sound of a door opening drew my attention while Jamie walked up the mast to the crows nest again.
Turning my head around I saw that it was Akeem, who softly closed the door behind him.
He looked at me unblinkingly for a moment, could he even blink? and then carried on past me as if nothing was amiss.
He opened a hatch in the floor and pulled out an Telescope, hit the mast one time and then tossed the thing up where Jamie caught it in their claws with a single leg.
Impressive, I had to admit that.
Despite their insane shenanigans they managed to function pretty well as a team.
Once again I was made aware of my own friends not being here with a pang.
I hoped i could go home soon, they were nice yes, but i'd rather go back to Tunstead and the Castle in Kamerasca.
Akeem then turned to me and I once again wondered if the guy had to blink at all, him being completely, well, Stone faced.
“Ronan is alright for now, we will head to Kariba Island as fast as possible to get him proper treatment, then after we have brought him to a doctor we will see that we find you a way to get home”
“Thank you so much, can I help somehow? I'm not good with boats or medicine but i can move heavy stuff”
The stone man shook his head.
“We are alright for now, should we need your help i will let you know”
With that he left again and went into the boat.
Huh, thus far I haven't set a single foot into the ship itself, eh whatever.
Also Kariba Island? Hadn't heard that before.
I wondered where on the map that was and what the island itself looked like.
Eh, I'd find out soon enough.
Soo… what to do now? I was stuck on the ship with nothing to do, and I did not want to sleep just yet as i was not tired.
I did not like that, it gave my brain time to think about Home which made me miss it all the more.
I Looked up the mast to the crows nest at the top.
One could probably see pretty far from there.
If Jamie could climb it with sweater covered hands then surely i could climb it normally!
I went up to the wooden structure and tried to jump up as far as possible only to slide right back down despite my best efforts to hold on.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Came Jamie's voice from above and glancing up I could see their head looking down at me.
“I'm trying to climb! Maybe I'll get lucky and see something I know!”
As unlikely as it was, it would at least distract me from thinking too much.
“Well you're doing a shit job at trying to get up here!”
“Help me then!” “Nah, watching you struggle is funnier”
I rolled my eyes at the retort and tried again to get up, only to slide down again while I wrapped my legs around the mast and held on with my hands.
“How the fuck do you do it? And with fabric covered hands no less?!”
“Hah! I'm just used to it! Tell ya what! If you can get up here with no help I'll give you one of my shiny pebbles!”
I was about to retort that I had no use for shiny pebbles when I saw what Jamie was holding up.
A whole ass Ruby the size of a thumb, partially obscured by the sweater which still covered their hands.
Even in the weird light of the late evening it was clearly visible, especially against the blue fabric.
Well, admittedly i had no need for it seeing as i lived at the castle but damn if that wasn't enticing.
“Where did you even get that?”
“Sometimes I help Imik crack open Boxes from sunken ships! So I get to keep some of the stuff!”
Huh, true sunken ships might contain treasure but one had to get lucky to get anything good.
“Alright, I'll get up there somehow!”
I tried to scale the smooth wood again and this time managed to get a little higher than before but fell down regardless.
“One should think that a guy able to turn into a giant cat could climb better than that!”
Well, true, but the Ardua form had claws…oh wait.
Jamie also used their claws to climb! Granted their bird-like feet were already better for climbing but maybe I should use my nails instead of trying to hold on with only my hands.
Yeah, I think I figured it out.
I slipped my shoes off and put them in one of the bolted down boxes so they wouldn't get lost and then went back to scaling the mast.
This time it worked! Without shoes and using all of my nails to grip better I actually managed to climb slowly up!
“Now you look like a monkey instead of a cat! Good thinking though!”
I looked up for a moment at Jamie's dumb comments and saw I was a little over halfway up by now.
Only a little bit to go!
I went at it and was nearly to the top in no time, noticing it was nearly dark now, damn how slow was i at climbing?
Then my hand slipped.
Before I could slip more or even fall Jamie's clawed leg had gripped my upper arm.
They pulled me up on the horizontal beam and I hung there for a moment like a piece of fabric.
“Ayy you made it! Congrats! 
You don't have to lay there like a wet towel though!”
Ohh this was a bit higher than i had originally thought.
I clung to the wood and tried not to think what kind of injuries I'd get should I fall from up here.
I also tried to calm my breathing and erratic heartbeat.
Well, heartbeats now, at least they were in sync now.
I decided to stop looking straight down and instead looked at Jamie.
Huh, they had made the vantage point into an actual nest, sticks included.
There also was a variety of knicknacks lying around, including some valuable looking things like gems and gold.
They held out a mishmash of shiny and glittery things in a cracked wooden bowl, still covering their hands with the blue sweater.
I wondered what was up with that but decided against asking.
Not my business, and there might be a reason as to why.
“Well, ya made it! As promised you get to pick whatever you want from the shiny stuff in the bowl!”
I continued to cling to the wood with all of my limbs but still peered into the bowl that Jamie held out to me.
There was the aforementioned ruby of course, which glinted despite the sun being almost gone by now, but also a variety of other stuff, some of which were fossils?
One in particular caught my eye, It looked like a crystalized sea star about half the size of my thumb.
The crystal itself was a pretty shimmering opal with hints of green and blue as well as orange.
Well, that would be one hell of a souvenir, and Fable said he liked stars so it would be perfect.
I pointed at the crystalized sea star, still clinging to the wood to not fall off.
Instead of handing the thing to me directly Jamie stuffed it into a little bag with a long cord and put it over my head like some sort of necklace.
“Now you don't lose it!”
“Thanks? I think”
They shrugged and leaned back in the surprisingly roomy nest-like build.
“How the fuck do i get down?”
They sat up again and looked down to the deck.
“Uhh, i just slide down or climb down, not sure if you'll manage that though”
“I'm NOT doing that, especially not now that it's getting dark! Please tell me there is some other way down?”
They stared at me.
“Well, only other way down would be to just fall, but i think that's worse for you”
Yes, yes it was.
“Oh fuckdamnit, what do I do now?”
“Eh, im sure Akeem will think of something tomorrow, or Imik though he's better at diving”
I looked at them with a deadpan expression even if most of that was probably lost in the slowly encroaching darkness.
“And what am I supposed to do now? I don't think I can cling the entire night to this piece of wood!”
“Uh, right, gimme a minute to make some space”
They haphazardly shoved anything pointy into one corner of the nest and then pulled me into it.
Despite being only four feet four at most they were pretty strong i had to admit that.
No wonder Imik asked for help cracking open old boxes.
I just flopped face first into it right where I was, shoving a handful of seashells away from where my head rested.
“I think this was a stupid idea, but quite frankly i don't care right now”
“You're laying there like a wet cat, have some dignity Kitty cat”
I just rolled my eyes at them and pulled my legs into the nest as well.
“Whatever, after climbing im too tired to care, you can wake me tomorrow you overgrown chicken”
With that i faced down again and used my crossed arms as a pillow.
It was only a minute later that I felt a clawed foot on my back, and then another.
Jamie settled on top of my back with what sounded like a very quiet chirp.
I was pretty sure for an onlooker they looked like a broody hen right now.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“You're warmer than the floor”
“Then get blankets or something, im not a fucking matress”
“You are now!”
With that they settled where they were and I could literally feel them poofing up like a little bird.
I gave up with a sigh, it wasn't worth the energy, Besides, it wasn't hurting me.
“Whatever, but if you fall of because i move its your own fault”
“Yeah yeah, i've fallen down before, its no that bad aside from the sprained toe i had once”
I just grumbled something into the floor.
“Hey, you good?”
“...i miss my friends, the last they saw of me was when i went overboard”
“Oh… well we are headed to get a map or whatever, or maybe there's a faster ship that will take you onboard?”
I just grumbled something into the floor, suddenly feeling worse than ever about being so far away.
I buried my face in the sticks so Jamie wouldn't see the tears in my eyes as I thought about what my friends could be doing right now.
Were they searching for me? Or did they already think I was dead?
Robin would surely push for a search but Rikaad, well, he usually only thought logically, and searching for me when I might be dead and he had something else to do wasn't logical.
He still had to stop the deserter fleet from Maringand and try to deal with the pirates.
And Arthur had no idea what even happened, he probably thought we were all on the boat doing stupid stuff.
My hands gripped one of the surrounding sticks and squeezed it till it broke.
As I buried my face even deeper into the sticks, which weren't as uncomfortable as expected, I felt Jamie move off of me.
They did not say anything but I could sense them right next to me.
Suddenly there was the sensation of a hand raking through my hair.
The hand was coarse, almost scaly and the fingers seemed to be tipped with claws.
Jamie's hand? No wonder they hid them in the sweater, people aren't nice to anything they deemed dangerous, and claws definitely counted as that.
I didn't move, or even make any attempt to glance at their hands to see what they looked like exactly.
The only thing I did notice was the number of fingers, five.
So definitely not like Oakley.
I kept lying there unmoving as Jamie detangled my messy hair somewhat, picking out salt and other stuff found in the sea that had gotten stuck there as I fell into the water in the storm.
The word preening popped into my head for a second.
As much as I did not want to admit it, the sensation of claws gently scratching at my scalp was strangely soothing.
I maneuvered my arms to be around my head so I could hide my face even better.
Just as Jamie didn't want me to see their hands, I didn't want them to see the silent tears running down my face.
God, I missed my friends, even Nea.
Despite having a person next to me who I was on good terms with, I had never felt lonelier.
Maybe because I finally knew what it was like to have friends and didn't want to lose that.
I tucked the arm with the bracelet under me and shielded my face with the other.
I stayed like that and let Jamie mess with my hair until I fell asleep, not once giving in to the temptation of looking at their hands as curious as I might have been.
I was who knew when later awoken to shortness of breath and a slap to the face.
I sat up abruptly, panting and gasping for air.
I looked around frantically, not recognizing anything as my sight refused to focus, leaving everything blurry while hyperventilating.
I gripped at my chest, feeling both of my hearts beat wildly and making the thumping sound echo in my ears.
Then I got a second slap to the face and my eyes finally focused somewhat.
“Man you almost fell off! Are you okay?”
I looked at the person talking to me, noticing frizzy hair and a blue sweater.
“I- uh, Jamie?”
“Yeah! Who else could get up here?”
My brain was working too much and too little at the same time and I felt nauseous.
“Dude calm down, i don't want to slap you a third time”
I rolled over and dry heaved, actually glad to not need to eat right now.
“Do I need to get Imik or Akeem?”
I shook my head, still feeling awful.
There was no mistaking the way my limbs shook and my mind reeled with Images id rather not remember.
“No… im- im fine, just give me… some- some time okay?”
While I never had one prior it didn't take a genius to figure out I just had a panic attack, and even now my hearts were beating like mad in my chest and I felt weak, trying to steady my breathing.
“You don't look fine, what the fuck happened?”
I could sense them poofing up next to me while I leaned my head on the rim of the nest.
I closed my eyes tightly to try and banish the Images of corpses on a bloody field and an Injured Fable.
When that didn't work I opened them as looking at the ground way below me was better than those images.
“Hah… Panic attack, when i got tossed overboard i left the medicine from Oakley in my cabin”
“PANIC ATTACK? You don't think mentioning something like that beforehand would be a good idea? You would have fallen off hadn't I grabbed you!”
I groaned and tried to calm my shaking limbs and racing hearts.
“I never- never had one before! Didn't think i- id get one”
Suddenly a hand shoved my chest down again and a pillow was shoved under my head.
“Lay down dumbass, i'm going to get Imik”
Before I could say anything they had started climbing down already.
So instead I let my head sink onto the pillow and tried to calm down, repeating the breathing exercises I had shown Robin so long ago.
Breath in four seconds.
Hold for seven.
Then out for eight.
God, all of this sucked.
At least without needing to eat, I didn't have the problem of throwing up.
The random dry heaving wasn't any more pleasant though.
I rolled onto my back to the best of my ability and just stared at the blue sky, my vision still a little blurry.
I decided to lay there with shaky limbs until Jamie came back.
I felt absolutely awful, I never wanted this again, but I had no hopes of this being a one time thing.
I dug the heels of my palms into my eyes in an attempt to make the flashes of Images stop,  not keen on reliving the moment Oakley Burned like a dry leaf.
Or the time Fable fell into the river after he got shot in the foot.
I rolled to my side and tucked my knees to my torso, dry heaving again which caused uncomfortable muscle spasms in my abdomen.
My two hearts were still beating wildly, but at least they were in sync now.
For the moment I just lay there trying not to get another panic attack and waiting for Jamie or whoever else to help me get off this stupid mast.
While I lay there I could hear the sound of metal thunking against wood and I closed my eyes tightly as it happened again, curling up and putting my hands over my ears as the sound came again, being horribly reminded of the sound the Arrows had made when they hit flesh.
Luckily the sound stopped as I was about to start hyperventilating again, but I still couldn't bring myself to move, staying where I was, curled up and with shaky limbs.
I was vaguely aware of Jamie being back and Imik also somehow being up here.
Akeem was probably too heavy.
I tried to look at them through my unfocused eyes but only saw blurry shapes.
“Its okay, calm down”
I heard one of them speak but through the white noise in my ear I could not tell who it was.
I flinched away when I felt a hand touching me.
Stuff? What stuff?
The blurry shapes moved and I could make out one of them leaving my line of, very blurry, sight.
Judging by the amount of yellow I could make out it was Imik.
He held a stick or something under my face before breaking it in half.
I smelled something weird, like an overly sweet plant but with a slight hint of rotten leaves.
It made my head swim and my thoughts blur together into a deep thrum.
My limbs feel heavy as well and I lost whatever little focus I had in favor of the fogginess.
Shortly after that my entire vision went black and I was back to being unconscious.
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aeralux · 2 months ago
"Spellbound" - Daemon Targaryen
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Daemon Targaryen x Witch!Reader
Summary: A witch doesn't cower to anyone... except maybe a dragon. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Harrenhal seems to be riddled with darkness and mysteries, after all.
Warnings: SMUT (18+); rough sex; oral (f!receiving); fingering; foul language; talks of magick and its use; technically infidelity on Daemon's part; loss of virginity; mention of blood
Words: 8.3k
Notes: No description of the reader, except for dark hair. Takes place in Harrenhal when Daemon is staying there. I tried to be as accurate to Westeros lore as I could, I literally spent hours on their wiki, so I hope it shows through :)
𐔌 . ⋮ aera .ᐟ ֹ ₊ ꒱
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Harrenhal was a ghastly place. It had the biggest castle of all of Westeros. The castle had five dizzying towers, with equally monstrous curtain walls. The walls were incredibly thick, and its rooms were built on a scale that would be more comfortable for giants than humans—said to be haunted and eerie.
Perfect for sorceresses and sorcerers alike, the city had a coven of Witches who collectively went by the name "Wives of the Gods Eye." The name was an ode to Gods Eye, the largest lake of the Seven Kingdoms, located south of Harrenhal.
In the embrace of warm sunlight, the water of the Gods Eye shimmers in vibrant shades of blue and green, casting a magical glow. Yet, as winter blankets the land, its surface transforms into a steely grey, reminiscent of the coldest metal. Majestic black swans glide gracefully across the water. Just a short distance away, a winding lake road meanders near the storied Harrenhal, leading through a patchwork of rolling hills, sparkling streams, and golden sunlit fields. As one journeys further south, the landscape gives way to dense, shadowy forests, creating a clear contrast.
The lake, with its murky depths, bore a name of divine beings, yet here, amidst the towering pines and shivering mists, there existed no gods. Only monsters lurked in the shadows, and witches wove their secrets beneath the pale moonlight. As for you, you were a bastard of Pinkmaiden, an unwelcome child of a place that should have offered a home. At the young age of six, you were sent to Harrenhal, a castle steeped in blood and betrayal, to serve the lords and ladies of House Strong as one of the laundresses. The ancient stones watched over you with cold indifference, whispering the secrets of many who had come before.
Your raven-black hair flowed like a dark river down your back, framing your face and matching nicely with your unsettling eyes, which shimmered like a stormy sea. These features marked you as different, a reminder of your uncertain heritage. It was not long before the Lady of Harrenhal, with her porcelain skin and sharp gaze, grew wary of your presence. On the eve of your sixteenth birthday, she cast you out, her disdain cutting deeper than any blade.
Alone and bereft, you wandered the wilderness, uncertainty gnawing at your heart. But fortune smiled upon you when the coven of witches found you, their cloaks billowing like dark wings against the whispering wind. They took you in, offering a refuge far removed from the stone walls of Harrenhal. In their hidden glen, where wildflowers crowded beneath the trees, they made you feel cherished for the first time. 
Nowadays, for most, magic is a little-understood force in the world. It has been so long since magic was truly potent that most understanding now exists only in superstition and rituals of questionable validity. But with them, you understood, the doubts of others have no claim.
"You are special," they insisted, words dripping with ancient wisdom. "You possess something otherworldly." Their voices wrapped around you like a warm embrace. For the first time, you believed there was a purpose to your existence—a spark that set you apart from common folk, a thread woven from the fabric of something otherworldly.
Under their solemn guidance, you began to practice the mysterious arts. You learned to mix herbs and roots, crafting potions that glinted with promise and danger. Each incantation you whispered held power, resonating with the essence of the world around you. The witching nights became your solace, and as you delved deeper into their teachings, the women of the coven began to call you their newest daughter—their black swan. In that embrace, you found your wings, soaring above the harsh reality that had sought to bind you.
There, in the shadows of Harrenhal, you discovered your true calling and uncovered your hidden talent: Glamour magic. The few ladies of the coven from Asshai welcomed you into their fold. Asshai, a mysterious and ancient port city nestled in the far southeast of Essos, was unlike any place in Westeros, you gathered from their stories. There, the Ash River wound its way through the land, flowing into the vast expanse of the Jade Sea, where the waters sparkled under the sun like jewels.
As you sat among the flickering candles in their dimly lit chamber, they taught you ancient spells in their native tongue. Words danced on your lips like whispers in the wind, each incantation holding power and mystique. They guided you in prayer, teaching you how to bow your head before the Red God, channelling your intentions through sacred rituals. The air was thick with incense, and the flickering shadows brought to life the stories of ages past, filling your heart with a sense of wonder and purpose.
When the wise ladies of the coven, cloaked in shadows and steeped in ancient lore, deemed you ready to embrace your destiny, they presented you with a striking necklace carved from deep black obsidian. Its surface shimmered like a starless night sky, reflecting the flickering flames of the hearth where your journey began. Though the obsidian was traditionally used to forge weapons of war, the coven believed it resonated with your spirit, a perfect talisman for what lay ahead.  
As you clasped the necklace around your neck, it transformed into your glamor, an enchanting charm that bestowed upon you the power to weave illusions. With it, the magic could shift the perceptions of those around you, allowing you to appear as someone—or something—entirely different. While the shape of the necklace remained unchanged, the world could see whatever you wished it to see, bending reality to your will.  
The true strength of glamors lies in their connection to the wearer. Each illusion from the obsidian was ingrained with a piece of you, making them far more potent than mere tricks of light. As you wore the necklace, you felt it pulse gently against your skin, a current of magic entwining your fate with ancient spells. The coven’s trust in you burned bright like the embers of a dying fire.  
In the realm where shadows danced and whispers echoed, the obsidian necklace became more than just an accessory; it was an extension of your very being, a bridge between the world you knew and the numerous possibilities.
Through the fogs surrounding Harrenhal and its haunting towers, a figure emerged one day that would change the course of history. Daemon Targaryen, the rogue prince, found himself in the ancient fortress where magic lingered in the air, where witches snarled their secrets beneath the pale moonlight, and where even the strongest of men lost their minds to visions that tormented them.
The arrival of the Targaryen prince foreshadowed the beginning of the violent conflict known as the Dance of the Dragons, igniting the flames of war. The first target being Harrenhal. Daemon Targaryen, fierce and determined, led the charge to seize this shadowy castle for his wife, Rhaenyra. In his mind, it would become a stronghold for loyal supporters rising in the Riverlands.
Chaos erupted in the region, the air thick with tension and fear hanging heavily over the lords and common folk. Yet amidst this turmoil, you stood resolute, encouraged by the words of an elder from your coven, whose foresight promised their safety in these troubled times.
With unwavering determination, you journeyed to the godswood of Harrenhal, walking along the clear, winding stream that wandered gently through the emerald shrubberies. The ancient weirwood, with its deformed roots and an angry face carved into its bark, awaited you at the heart of the woods. Its pale leaves trembled softly in the breeze, whispering secrets of generations past.
Above you, birds flitted through the branches, their songs mingling with the rustling leaves, while bats emerged as shadows against the dusky sky, patrolling for their evening meal. A sly cat sneaked near the godswood's stone wall, its eyes glinting like lanterns in the twilight. In this serene moment, you felt a peculiar kinship with the creatures of the wood, convinced that you were not alone.
With reverence, you placed your offering between the twisted roots of the ancient tree, murmuring a quick prayer. You believed in many deities, each an important part of your life, hoping that at least one would consider your call. After all, in these dark times, hope was a precious thing.
Before your journey back, you felt a tug in your heart to pay a quick visit to Alys. The kind healer lady was one of the rare souls who did not cast disdainful glances at you during your time in the castle. Known by others as the “witch queen,” Alys saw past the uncanny aura that surrounded you. She had grown fond of you, despite the brooding darkness that seemed to dance in your eyes, and she understood that your best path was far from these stone walls. You stood out too much among the lords and ladies, a vision amidst the living.
Like a creeping shadow, you slipped through the secret passage, the cool air brushing against your skin as you navigated the hidden corridors. The echoes of your footsteps were muffled by the cold, damp stones, as you moved with practised ease to avoid the lurking guards. You knew better than to provoke their watchful eyes.
Upon entering Alys's chamber, you were greeted by a familiar sight—her collection of potions and drying herbs adorned the shelves, a simple yet charming chaos that spoke of her craft. The room held a soft scent of lavender and something earthy, an aroma that always brought you comfort. You wandered over to the table, intrigued by the array of glass bottles filled with vivid liquids.
But the serenity shattered in an instant, as a cold steel blade pressed against your throat, sending a chill cascading down your spine. A sharp gasp escaped your lips, mingling with the tension in the air. Your heart raced, pounding against your ribcage as panic surged. Who could it be, a figure lurking in the shadows, ready to end your life? The world around you faded into silence, but your senses heightened, honed by years of uncertainty. At that moment, you wondered if your last moments would be in the castle that had been both shelter and prison.
You couldn't see the face of your attacker, but you could feel the presence looming over you, the weight of their body pressing you forward. The blade dug into your skin, drawing a thin line of blood that trickled down your neck. You swallowed hard, fighting back the fear that threatened to overwhelm you.
"Who are you?" a low and menacing voice demanded. And what are you doing here?"
The voice was unfamiliar to you, but there was a certain authority in it that sent a chill down your spine. You knew that whoever this person was, they meant business.
You tried to turn your head, to catch a glimpse of your attacker, but the blade pressed harder against your throat, making you wince in pain. "Please," you managed to choke out, your voice barely above a whisper. "I mean no harm."
The figure behind you let out a harsh laugh, the sound echoing off the stone walls. "No harm? You sneak into the healer's chambers like a thief in the night, and you claim to mean no harm?"
You felt a tear slip down your cheek, mingling with the blood on your skin. "I'm not a thief," you said, your voice trembling. "I'm a friend of Alys. I came to see her, to...to say hello."
The blade pressed harder against your throat, making you gasp in pain. "Hello?" the voice repeated, a note of suspicion in it. "Somehow I doubt you, little witch."
You knew then that your attacker was well aware of your true nature, of the magic that coursed through your veins. You thought of the obsidian necklace around your neck, the glamor that disguised you as a simple servant girl. But you knew that even that powerful magic would be no match for the Valyrian steel pressed against your throat.
Your heart pounded against your ribs as you struggled to steady your breathing. The cold steel pressed harder against your throat, sending a jolt of pain through your body. You tried to swallow, but your mouth was dry, and your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth.
"I swear, it's true," you managed to choke out, your voice trembling with fear. "I didn't know anyone would be here. I thought...I thought Alys would be alone."
You could feel your attacker's warm breath on the back of your neck, their presence looming over you like a dark shadow. You wanted to turn and face them, to see the face of the one who held your life in their hands, but the blade kept you still.
"Please," you whispered, tears stinging your eyes. "Don't hurt me. I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just...I just wanted to see her"
Your hands shook at your sides, the obsidian necklace hidden beneath your simple servant's gown a cold weight against your skin. You knew that your glamor was useless now, that your true nature had been discovered. But you couldn't let them know about the coven, about the power that you possessed.
You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain that was sure to come. You had survived so much in your short life and had endured so much hardship and betrayal. But in that moment, faced with the cold steel of a stranger's blade, you felt more vulnerable than ever.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I didn't mean any harm."
You waited for the blade to slice through your skin, for the blood to pour from the wound. But it never came. Instead, you felt the pressure of the blade lessen, the cold steel sliding away from your throat.
Slowly, you turned your head, your eyes widening as you saw the face of the one who had held your life in their hands. It was a man, tall and broad-shouldered, with hair the colour of spun silver and eyes as violet as an iris. He looked like he had stepped straight out of a legend, a true son of Valyria.
Daemon's violet eyes narrowed as he studied the young woman before him, his gaze sharp and piercing. He could see the fear in your eyes, the way your body trembled beneath his touch, but he also sensed something else—a flicker of something dark and dangerous lurking just beneath the surface. He knew a witch when he saw one, and you were no ordinary servant.
"A friend of Alys's, you say?" he growled, his voice low and menacing. "And yet you seem to know your way around this castle better than most. Tell me, little witch, what exactly are you doing here?"
He kept the blade pressed against your throat, not enough to draw blood, but enough to keep you still. He could feel the heat of your skin beneath the cold steel and could see the way your pulse fluttered. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear.
"I've dealt with your kind before," he whispered, his voice a low rumble. "I know the tricks you play, the illusions you weave. But trust me, little one, you'll find no mercy here."
Daemon's eyes flicked down to the necklace hidden beneath your gown, a flicker of recognition sparking in their depths. He had seen such trinkets before. But this one was different—there was a power to it that even he could sense, a dark and ancient magic that thrummed through the air like a heartbeat.
"What's this?" he demanded, his fingers brushing against the hidden amulet. "Some kind of charm, is it? A trinket to hide your true face from the world?"
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. "I can smell the magic on you, little witch. It clings to your skin like perfume. The same foul odour that clings to the healer."
Daemon's hand slid down from your throat to your collarbone, his fingers tracing the curve of your flesh beneath the thin fabric of your gown. He could feel the heat of your skin beneath his touch, could see the way your body trembled at his proximity.
You took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady the trembling of your hands as you met Daemon's piercing violet gaze. With a steady motion, you reached behind your neck and unclasped the necklace, letting the heavy amulet drop into your palm. There was no point in trying to hide your identity any longer. Your true face coming to light.
Daemon's lips curled into a wicked grin as you revealed the truth of your identity, his eyes glinting with a predatory hunger. He could see the fear in your eyes, but also the aggressiveness, the spark of something wild and untamed that called to him like a siren's song.
"I am a witch, yes," you admitted in a hushed whisper, your heart pounding so hard you feared he could hear it. "But I speak the truth, your grace. I did not know anyone would be here."
You couldn't help but notice his rugged handsomeness as you spoke, the strong lines of his jaw and the way his muscles rippled beneath the thin linen of his tunic. You quickly averted your gaze, not wanting him to see the effect he was having on you.
"I'm from the coven called the Wives of the Gods Eye," you continued, voice barely above a whisper. "We practice the old ways, the magic that was once forbidden. I simply came here seeking some herbs."
You met his eyes once more, defiance mingling with the apprehension. "I meant you no harm, my lord. I swear it on my life."
"A witch of the old ways, are you?" he purred, his hand sliding up from your collarbone to cup your chin, tilting your face towards his. "How very interesting. And here I thought Alys was the only one in this godforsaken castle who dabbled in the dark arts."
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. "You say you seek herbs, little witch, but what say you to a bargain? Your secrets for my protection."
Daemon's hand slid down to your neck, his fingers wrapping around your throat in a loose grip. He could feel your pulse fluttering beneath his touch, could see the way your body trembled at his proximity.
"I could use a witch of your talents in my service," he murmured, his voice low and seductive.
You stepped back, your hand brushing against the dagger beneath your skirts. "I am not some whore," you hissed, your voice low and dangerous. "I do not offer my services to any man, least of all one who would threaten me with a blade."
You met his gaze, your own eyes blazing with defiance. "You would be wise to let me leave at once, your grace. I have no quarrel with you, but I will not be cowed by threats or promises of power."
Turning on your heel, you strode to the shelves, your movements quick and precise. You grabbed a bottle of dried hemlock, the bitter scent filling your nostrils. You turned back to face him, the vial clutched in your hand like a weapon.
"I a daughter of the Gods Eye. I bow to no man, not even a prince of the realm."
You lifted your chin, your dark hair falling in waves around your face. "Now, I will ask you once more. Let me pass, or face the consequences of crossing a witch."
Your hand tightened on the hemlock, the glass cold against your skin. You could feel the rage thrumming through your veins.
"Choose wisely, your grace."
He had dealt with witches before and had watched as they danced and writhed beneath his touch. In pain and pleasure.
But this one was different. This one had a fire in her eyes that couldn't be tamed, a defiance that only fuelled his dark desires.
"A daughter of the Gods Eye, are you?" he growled, his hand tightening around the hilt of his dagger. "How very bold of you, little witch. To stand before a prince of the realm and threaten him with your petty magic."
He took a step forward, his eyes locked on the vial of hemlock clutched in your hand. "You think that trinket will save you? That your gods will protect you from the wrath of a dragon?"
Your breath hitched as Daemon closed the distance between you, his presence overwhelming your senses. The threats rolling off his tongue made your head spin, a dizzying combination of fear and thrill coursing through your veins. You had never met a man who could match the fire in your blood, his very existence seems to challenge you at every turn.
Daemon's lips curled into a cruel smile, his voice dropping to a low, seductive purr. "I have seen the faces of men and women as they begged for mercy, only to be denied. And I have drunk the blood of my enemies, their cries of agony echoing in my ears like a symphony."
"I could hurt you," he growled, his voice a low rumble. "I could crack you like this vial in my hand, leaving you a broken shell of the proud sorceress you once were."
"What do you want?" You gritted out through clenched teeth, hating the way your body reacted to his proximity. Your legs felt weak, your knees threatening to buckle as he loomed over you, his eyes burning into yours.
Daemon's lips curled into a wicked grin at the challenge in your voice, his eyes glinting with a predatory hunger that made your blood run cold. He could see the way your body trembled beneath his gaze, could feel the heat of your skin even from a distance.
Stop it, you scolded yourself. He's just a man. Don't let him get under your skin.
But even as you tried to regain your composure, you could feel the power emanating from him like a physical force. It was intoxicating and dangerous, and you knew that if you weren't careful, you could easily lose yourself in the reckless temptation.
"What do I want?" he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Why, I want what all men want, little witch. Power. Control. To bend others to my will."
He took a step closer, his hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from your face. His fingers lingered on your cheek, his touch searing your skin like a brand.
"But with you, I want something more," he murmured, his breath hot against your ear. "I want to break you. To shatter that defiant spirit of yours and make you mine."
You could feel the heat of his skin against yours, could smell the musk of his scent, and for a moment, you were tempted to give in to the desire coursing through your veins.
But you were not some simpering maiden to be seduced by a pretty face and a silver tongue.
Daemon's hand slid down to your throat, his fingers wrapping around your neck in a loose grip.
"I could take you now," he growled, his lips brushing against your jawline. "I could pin you to the floor and claim you, make you scream my name until your voice is hoarse."
His other hand slid down your side, his fingers tracing the curve of your hip through the thin fabric of your gown. "But where's the fun in that? No, I'll take my time with you, little witch. I'll make you beg for my touch, for the sweet release only I can give you."
Daemon's eyes locked with yours, his gaze intense and unwavering. "So what will it be, my sweet? Will you submit to me willingly, or will I have to break you first?"
"You think you can break me?" You said, my voice steady and clear. "That you can tame my soul with your pretty words and your empty promises?"
You leaned in closer, your lips brushing against his ear. "I have faced far worse than you, Daemon Targaryen. I have stared into the abyss and emerged unscathed. Your threats mean nothing to me."
Your hand slid up his chest, your fingers curling around the chain of the dragon necklace that hung from his neck. You could feel the heat of the metal against your skin, looking at him with a scowl on your face.
"But if you truly want to test yourself against me, my lord," you teased, your voice low and enchanting. "If you think you have what it takes to claim me as your own... by all means, try."
Daemon's eyes flashed with a dangerous light at your challenge, a low growl rumbling in his chest. He could feel the heat of your body against his, could smell the scent of your skin, sweet and intoxicating.
"You play a dangerous game, little witch," he purred, his hand tightening around your throat. "To challenge a dragon is to invite its wrath."
His other hand slid down your back, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. He could feel the heat of your body, could sense the power that coursed through your veins.
"But I like a woman with spirit," he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "It makes the eventual submission all the sweeter."
Daemon's hand slid up your side, his fingers tracing the curve of your breast through the thin fabric of your gown. He could feel your nipple harden beneath his touch, could see the way your body responded to his ministrations.
"I will have you, little witch," he growled, his voice low and seductive. "I will claim you as my own, body and soul. And when I am done with you, you will beg for more."
You roll your eyes at Daemon's sweet words, his attempts at seduction falling flat. He thinks he can have you with just a few pretty lies? How naive.
"You tempt me, my prince," you say, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "But I'm no easy conquest. Besides, Alys will be back soon. I bet she won't be happy to see an old man taking advantage of her friend." You smirk cruelly, enjoying the way his eyes narrow at your words.
You try to pull away from him, but his grip on your throat tightens, forcing you to meet his gaze.
"I could seriously hurt you, you know," you snarl, your eyes flashing with a dangerous light. "Don't underestimate me."
Daemon's eyes flashed with a dangerous light at your words, a low growl rumbling in his chest. In one swift motion, he slammed you against the wall, his body pinning you in place.
"Enough of your games, little witch," he snarled, his hand tightening around your throat. "You think you can toy with me, challenge me, and walk away unscathed?"
His free hand slid down your body, his fingers tearing at the fabric of your gown with a sharp, ripping sound. Buttons scattered across the floor as he bared your skin to his hungry gaze.
Shock and fury flash through you as Daemon rips open your dress, baring your breasts to his hungry gaze. You stare at him, completely still as a statue from utter disbelief, your breath coming in heavy gasps that make your breasts heave with each inhale.
"I will have you," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "I will claim you as my own, body and soul."
Daemon's hand slid down your body, his fingers tracing the curve of your breast, teasing your nipple into a hardened peak. He could feel the heat of your skin, the way your body trembled beneath his touch.
"I can feel your desire, little witch," he purred, his lips brushing against your ear. "Your body betrays you, even as you try to resist. I will make you mine, in every way possible."
"W-wait," you try to say, but your voice comes out breathy and weak as his fingers roll your nipple, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through your body. Your eyes roll back and a soft moan escapes your parted lips.
What is happening? How did this get so out of control? You think to yourself, your mind spinning from the onslaught of sensation. You can't believe this is happening, that you are letting a man you barely know take such liberties with your body.
Daemon's lips curled into a wicked grin as he saw the effect his touch was having on you, your body arching into his hand like a cat in heat. He could feel the heat of your skin, the way your body trembled beneath his ministrations.
His hand slid down to your thigh, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of your ripped gown to caress the soft skin of your leg. He could feel the heat of your body.
"But first, I think I'll taste you," he growled, his hand sliding higher, higher until his fingers brushed against the slick, heated flesh of your core.
Even as you try to formulate a protest, your body betrays you, arching into his touch, craving more of the delicious pleasure he's igniting within you. No, I can't let this happen. I have to stop him.
But the words never leave your lips, lost in a moan as Daemon's hand slides lower, teasing you in places you have only touched in secret, in the dark of night. You are lost in a haze of sensation, your body responding to his touch despite your mind's protests.
"That's it, little witch," he purred, his fingers pinching and tugging at your nipple. "Give in to the pleasure. Let yourself feel the ecstasy only I can give you."
He could feel the wetness of your arousal, could smell the musky scent of your desire.
"You're already so wet for me," he growled, his fingers brushing against your slick folds. "Your body knows what it wants, even if your mind tries to deny it."
Daemon's fingers slid higher, teasing your entrance with a feather-light touch. Your walls clenched around his fingers, begging for more.
You couldn't think straight, your mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. It was wrong to crave a man you had just met, especially one who had threatened your life moments ago. But the way his fingers teased your most intimate places sent waves of pleasure through your body.
You had heard the other women of your coven speak of lovemaking, their descriptions painting it as a powerful form of magic. Perhaps you could harness this power, and use it to your advantage as Daemon desired to use you for his own pleasure.
Your hips rolled against his hand, seeking more friction. You bit your lip to stifle the moans that threatened to spill from your lips, determined to maintain some facade of control. But deep down, you knew you were in danger of losing yourself to the sensations he was eliciting.
Daemon's eyes glinted with triumph as he felt your hips roll against his hand, your body betraying your true desires. He could see the conflict in your eyes, the way you bit your lip to stifle your moans, and it only served to fuel his own dark lust.
"You can't hide from me, little witch," he growled, his fingers teasing your slick folds. "I can feel how much you want this, how much you crave my touch."
He pressed two fingers inside you, his thumb circling your clit with a maddening rhythm.
You let out a loud, uncontrollable moan as Daemon's fingers delved deep into your untouched walls, his touch igniting a fire within you. Your juices flowed freely, coating his hand as ecstasy consumed your entire being.
Your body writhed against the cold stone wall, your hips bucking shamelessly against his skilled fingers as he finger-fucked you with reckless abandon. Waves of pleasure crashed over you with each thrust, your breasts heaving as he groped and kneaded them roughly.
"Your body is mine now," Daemon snarled, plunging his fingers deeper into your slick heat. He curled them just right, stroking that sensitive spot within you that made your vision go white. "You'll scream my name until your throat is raw. You'll beg for my cock like a bitch in heat."
His other hand gripped your hip, holding you in place as he finger-fucked you with ruthless intensity. Your cries of pleasure echoed off the stone walls, mingling with the lewd squelching sounds of his fingers pounding into your drenched cunt.
"That's it, take it," Daemon growled, his lips latching onto a pert nipple. He sucked hard, grazing the bud with his teeth as his fingers ruthlessly stroked your g-spot. "Come for me, little witch. Let me feel you spasm on my fingers."
He could feel your walls fluttering around his digits, your body teetering on the brink of climax. With a final, brutal thrust, he sent you careening over the edge. Your scream of ecstasy filled the room as your pussy clenched down on his fingers, your release dripping down his fingers.
Daemon lapped at your neck, tasting the salt of your sweat. He continued pumping his fingers through your climax, prolonging your pleasure until you were boneless and mewling.
"Good girl," he purred, finally withdrawing his soaked fingers. He brought them to your lips, smearing your essence across them. "Clean them."
Your eyes fluttered open, glazed with post-orgasmic bliss. You hesitated only a moment before parting your lips, allowing him to push his fingers into your mouth. The musky taste of your arousal coated your tongue, and you couldn't help but moan around his digits.
He grins wickedly as you lap at his fingers provocatively, cleaning your essence from them. As his fingers are clean, he lowers himself to the floor, kneeling before you, as to worship you.
You gasp as Daemon sinks to his knees before you, his dark eyes fuming with raw desire. Your heart races, your pulse pounding in your ears as he settles between your trembling thighs. The heat of his breath on your most sensitive flesh sends electric shocks of pleasure straight to your core.
Dazed and off-balance, you instinctively reach out, fisting your hands in his hair for support. Your legs still feel like jelly from your earth-shattering climax moments before.
A bewildered expression crosses your face as he grins up at you, his tongue snaking out to drag along your dripping slit. You cry out, your head slamming back against the cold stone wall as ecstasy crashes over you in relentless waves.
"Mmmm, you taste divine," Daemon purrs, his hot breath fanning over your slick folds. He laps at your essence like a man starved, his tongue delving deep to drink from your most intimate well.
You can only moan brokenly, your head thrashing from side to side as he feasts upon your quivering flesh. His tongue is pure sin, licking and suckling at your clit with unholy skill.
"Good girl," he growls, the vibrations sending shockwaves of pleasure through your core. "Ride my face. Grind that pretty cunt against my tongue."
Lost to the all-consuming pleasure, you do as he commands, rolling your hips shamelessly against his mouth. Your thighs clench around his head, trapping him in place as you fuck his face with feral ease.
His lips close around your clit, suckling the sensitive bud as he thrusts two fingers into your dripping channel. They curl just right, stroking that secret spot within you that makes you see stars.
"Fuck, you're so tight," Daemon groans, pumping his fingers in and out of your fluttering walls.
You can only whimper in response, your body tensing as another climax builds at the base of your spine. It coils tighter and tighter, threatening to snap at any moment.
Daemon's tongue delved deep, lapping at your dripping essence with a hunger that bordered on feral. He groaned against your slick flesh, the vibrations sending shockwaves of pleasure racing through your body.
He focused his attention on your clit, the tip of his tongue flicking the sensitive bud with rapid, teasing strokes. His hands gripped your hips, holding you in place as he devoured you like a man starved.
Your fingers tightened in his hair. The public nature of your coupling only served to heighten the forbidden thrill, the rush of being taken in a place where anyone could stumble upon you.
His fingers dug into the soft flesh of your thighs as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge. He could feel your body tensing, your walls fluttering around his probing tongue as he brought you to the brink of climax once more.
With one final, hard suck, he sent you spiralling over the edge. Your scream of ecstasy echoed off the stone walls as your pussy clenched around his tongue, your release gushing into his eager mouth.
Daemon lapped at your spasming cunt, prolonging your pleasure as he drank down every last drop of your sweet nectar. He continued his ministrations until your body went limp, your cries turning to whimpers as the waves of pleasure subsided.
Finally, he pulled back, his lips and chin glistening with your juices. He stood, a wicked grin on his face as he towered over your prone form.
"You taste divine, little witch," he purred, his hand sliding up your body to cup your breast. He pinched your nipple, rolling the hardened peak between his fingers. "I could feast on your cunt for hours and never grow tired."
He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, "But I'm not nearly done with you yet..."
Lifting you up with ease, Daemon tosses you onto the creaky bed, your body bouncing on the worn mattress. You cry out in surprise, your heart pounding as you take in his towering form looming over you. His eyes burn with a hunger that gives you chills.
"Daemon, please," you plead, your voice trembling. Your core aches, still throbbing from the intense climaxes he's wrought from your untouched body. You are no experienced harlot, but an untouched maiden, and you fear you are not ready for the sheer size of him.
Daemon's large hands grip your ankles, spreading your legs wide as he settles between your thighs.
Daemon's eyes raked over your trembling form, taking in the sight of you spread out before him like a feast. His cock throbbed with need, straining against the confines of his breeches as he drank in the sight of your swollen, glistening folds.
His hands moved with urgent purpose, his fingers making quick work of the laces of his breeches. He shoved the garment down his legs, kicking it aside with a careless motion. His cock sprang free, the thick shaft jutting out proudly from a nest of dark curls.
He rubbed his cock against your slick entrance, teasing you with the promise of his hard length. You could feel it throbbing against your sensitive flesh, hot and hard and ready to claim you utterly.
"Please," you whimpered, your body trembling with need. "I... I've never... I don't know if I can take you."
A cruel smile twisted Daemon's lips as he heard your plea.
"Please be gentle," you whisper, looking up at him with wide, vulnerable eyes.
Daemon's expression softens for a moment, a flicker of something akin to tenderness crossing his features. His hand reaches up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over your trembling bottom lip.
"Shh, little witch," he murmurs, his voice surprisingly mild. "I'll make it good for you. I promise."
With that, he leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His tongue delves into your mouth, claiming you, staking his claim over you.
As he kisses you deeply, you feel the head of his cock nudging against your entrance. Slowly, incredibly slowly, he begins to push forward, stretching you open around his thick girth.
A sharp gasp escapes you, breaking the kiss as he breaches your barrier. Pain and pleasure mingle together, your untouched walls struggling to accommodate his size.
"Fuck, you're tight," he groans, his hips grinding against yours. He gives you a moment to adjust, his hands roaming your body possessively. "Such a perfect little cunt, made just for me."
He starts to move, pulling out slowly before slamming back in. The rhythm is brutal, each thrust hitting that spot deep inside you that makes stars explode behind your eyelids.
You cried out, your back arching off the bed as pain and pleasure crashed over you in equal measure. He stretched you wide, his thick length filling you in a way you never thought possible. Your walls stretched and clenched around him, your slick arousal easing the way as he claimed you over and over again.
"Fuck!" Daemon snarls, his eyes rolling back at the tight, wet heat of your virgin walls. 
Daemon sets a brutal pace, pounding into you with animalistic hunger. His hands grip your hips hard enough to bruise, holding you in place as he ruts into your willing body.
"Take it," he growls, his voice strained with pleasure, his hips snapping against yours with ruthless force.
The bed creaked beneath you, the sound mingling with your moans and his grunts as he took you, his cock sawing in and out of your dripping cunt. Your legs wrapped around his waist, your nails raking down his back, leaving red marks and bloody imprints.
Daemon's brutal thrusts tore through you, each one sending shockwaves of pain and pleasure coursing through your body. You screamed, your voice hoarse and ragged as he pounded into your virgin cunt. Tears streamed down your face, your nails raking down his back as you clung to him desperately.
He had taken something sacred from you, your maidenhead, and you knew your souls were now tied. The ritual of first blood, unplanned as it was, had sealed your fates together. And with a dragon as your first, the power you could now wield...
You threw your head back, your moans echoing off the stone walls as he fucked you with complete disregard. Your hips bucked to meet his thrusts, the pain giving way to a pleasure you had never known before. You were lost to the sensation, your body consumed by the feel of him inside you.
Daemon's eyes darkened at the sight of your tears, a predatory grin spreading across his face. He could feel your walls clenching around him, gripping his cock like a vice as he claimed you over and over again.
He angled his hips, hitting that sweet spot deep inside you with each brutal thrust. His hands roamed your body, groping and squeezing, leaving bruises in their wake.
"That's it," he growled, his voice rough with pleasure. "Take my cock like the little slut you are. Fucking mine now, aren't you? Your cunt belongs to me."
You met his thrusts with your own, your hips rising to meet him as he drove into you over and over again. The bed groaned beneath you, the frame creaking threateningly as he took you with unrestrained lust.
You felt your peak nearing, your entire body on fire as Daemon pounded into you with unrestrained fury. You brought his neck to your teeth, biting down hard enough to draw a few drops of blood. The copper taste flooded your mouth, bitter and metallic as you licked the crimson liquid from your lips.
"Now you have bled for me too," you whispered ominously, your voice thick with lust and dark magic.
But before you could reach your peak, you quickly reached for your enchanted necklace, clutching it in your hand. The ancient magics within pulsed to life, amplifying the power of this ritual tenfold.
Power surged through you, your cunt squeezing tight around Daemon's cock as you came. Your eyes rolled back, your body convulsing as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over you. Dark energy swirled around you, the air crackling with stifled energy.
"Mine," you whispered, your voice echoing with unexpected dominance. "You are mine now, Daemon Targaryen. Entwined by blood and pleasure."
Daemon's eyes flew open in surprise, his mouth falling open as he felt the surge of dark witchcraft. But it was too late - the ritual was complete.
Daemon froze, his cock buried deep inside your still-spasming cunt. He stared down at you, his eyes wide with shock and a hint of fear.
He groaned, his hips stuttering as your cunt clenched around him like a vice. The dark magic amplified every sensation, every touch, every thrust. It was overwhelming and intoxicating, and he never wanted it to end.
"Fuck," he gasped, his voice strained with anger and pleasure. "What did you do?"
But even as he asked, he knew. You had bound him to you, claimed him in a way that went beyond the physical.
He thrust into you one last time, his cock erupting deep inside you as he came.
He tried to pull out, to break the connection, but your walls clenched around him, refusing to let him go. Panic flashed across his face as he realized the implications of what you'd done.
"You... you she-devil," he snarled, his hands tightening on your hips. "Did you plan this? To trick me, to bind me to you?"
You just grinned, a vicious, seductive curve of your lips. You could feel his fear, his anger, but beneath it all was a flicker of arousal. The power you now held over him was intoxicating.
"Shh," you cooed, your fingers trailing down his chest. "Don't fight it. We are one now."
You roll your hips, your walls clenching around his softening cock. He groans, his hips bucking unconsciously into yours.
You gasped as the obsidian stone of your necklace pulsed warmly against your throat. The maleficent force surged through your veins, your eyes rolling back in ecstasy. "Yes!" You cried out, the power exhilarating in your veins.
Your eyes, nearly black now, held his gaze as you sneered cruelly.
Daemon collapsed on top of you, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. His softening cock slipped from your abused cunt, a trickle of his seed leaking out to pool on the tattered sheets beneath you.
For a moment, neither of you moved, your bodies still intertwined as you both tried to process what had just happened. The energy that had swirled around you during your climax still lingered in the air, making the hairs on Daemon's arms stand on end.
Slowly, he lifted his head, his dark eyes searching your face. He looked confused as he took in your triumphant grin and the blackness of your eyes.
"What... what did you do to me?" he asked, his voice hoarse.
You smiled at him, your eyes gleaming with malice. "I didn't do anything to you. I had no desire to harm you, as I stated before," you answered truthfully. "Did you know that the moment when one reaches orgasm is the most intense and the most powerful experience a human can have in life? For in that moment, the soul suddenly opens to the divine realm and the breath of God is infused. I needed another to reach divinity."
You rose from the bed, slipping your ripped dress back on and throwing a cloak over yourself. "I simply used you... as you have done to many women in your life, I'm sure. Do not fret, my prince," you smirked.
Daemon stared up at you, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and a hint of grudging admiration. He pushed himself up to sit, his naked body on full display as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.
"Used me?" he repeated, his voice low and dangerous. "I've never been used like this before."
He stood, his cock already starting to harden again at the sight of you, despite his anger. He took a step towards you, his hand reaching out as if to grab you, but he stopped himself.
"What are you?" he demanded, his eyes raking over your form. "What kind of witch are you?"
He snatched up his discarded breeches, roughly pulling them on, his mind reeling from the events of the past hour.
"I should kill you for this," he growled, but there was no real heat behind his words. He knew he couldn't, not now. Not with the bond between you, however unexpected it may be.
"What do you want from me now?" He asked, rage clearly visible in his eyes.
You sauntered over to Daemon, your hips swaying seductively. The rip in your dress left little to the imagination, your full breasts on display for his hungry gaze. You could see the desire warring with the anger in his eyes as you approached.
"Nothing anymore, my prince," you purred, your voice like honey. "My powers have been amplified. I owe you a debt of gratitude for that."
You traced a finger along his jawline, feeling the prickle of his stubble. "Though I wouldn't mind having you take me again. I doubt I'll find another man as virile as you in all of Westeros."
You leaned in close, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered, "You've awakened something in me, Daemon Targaryen. A hunger I never knew I could satisfy."
Your hand slid down his chest, your nails raking lightly over his skin. "I am yours. And I suspect you are mine as well."
You pulled back, your eyes locking with his. "What say you, my dragon?"
Daemon's breath hitched as you touched him, his body responding instantly to your proximity despite his anger. He grabbed your wrist, his grip tight enough to bruise as he glared down at you.
He pulled you closer, his other hand gripping your hip. "You want to be taken again?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous. "I'll fucking ruin you."
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homoquartz · 6 months ago
this show has everything. its got
multiple canonical gay characters who flirt and kiss and have feelings
lucas gage as a slutty catboy
female characters of multiple ages who are all complex and fun
wonderful soundtrack!
a giant sea monster named angie
tragic backstories
turbo hell for gay people
did i mention one of the women is a butcher and just kinda. carries her huge butcher knife around. and she's goth?? AND A LESBIAN??
spells and potions
a very stressful beach episode
several!! remarkable jawlines
eternal (literally) love and devotion
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sanjisprincesss · 10 months ago
I could fall in love with you
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Synopsis: How I think the one piece men would realize they’ve got it bad for you!
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Characters: Monsters trio x fem! Reader
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・cw: fluff fluff and more fluff! Sort of proofread
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ song credit: I could fall in love by Selena
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ LUFFY
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Realized when he started to feel even more clingy towards you.
With Luffy it’s a matter of whether or not he realizes or someone around him realizes. The minute he realizes he doesn’t hold back on his feelings and tells you immediately.
He realizes when he starts to feel a certain way when Sanji or anyone grazes at you in any other way then friendly. Which is a feeling he never really felt since in any other situation he wouldn’t care about if someone flirts or flaunts over you.
He starts to crave your attention and presence more and everyone around him will most likely notice.
You and Luffy sit on top of the head of the thousand sunny pointing out clouds shapes making stories and backgrounds to them. Watching the sunset a beautiful ray of colors and scenery cover the sky.
“Shishi that one looks like a sea cow doesn’t Y/N!” Your captain said pointing and laughing at a cloud that strangely resembled a giant sea creature. You look to where he’s pointing to see the cloud he’s mentioning. You can’t help but smile and laugh at the remembrance. “ yeah it does look like a sea cow Luffy!”
As the laughter begins to die down, Luffy with an unreadable expression turns to face you without saying a word. As you turn to face him his famous smile returns to his face “Y/N i love you so much! You know that right!”
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ ZORO
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Realized when he got a little too overprotective of you even more than he’s willing to admit.
First of all, as soon as he gets the slightest hint that he’s head over heels in love with you he’s denying it and will try to deny it as much as he is possibly able to. DENIAL IS A RIVER IN EGYPT.
Which is also why he wouldn’t confess first.
Zoro is known for being the protector of the strawhat pirates, by nature he has his hand on his swords the minute the crew is In danger. It's not that he is more protective towards you than the crew, it's more like he’s more protective of you towards others that have pertenal feelings towards you. Which once again is not really his main train of thought yk.
Of course he would never admit, but he likes to have your company near him. May it be you reading a book in the crows nest while he trains or just being near him while he’s napping.
As the sun shines on the sea and everything in its path. You Nami and Robin were sunbathing on the deck as Sanji came by with fresh drinks for the three of us. Luffy Chopper and Usopp playing around the ship while laughing with zoro training in the crows nest.
He says with hearts in his eyes placing the drinks down on a table and hanging them out one by one.
“Aye, curly brows give em a break will ya!”
And that Is all you hear form the green haired swordsman before you and your friends share a knowing glare before smiling towards which other.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ SANJI
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Realized he loves you differently than he would other women…
Let’s state the obvious: Sanji loves women. It’s a known fact about him. He has felt infatuation before to the point where he thought he was in love. That infatuation died down when he found another woman who crossed his path.
But with you it’s different. His infatuation turns into something that lasts. It doesn’t fade away when someone else is around him. He lowkey turns into Mr prince.
He goes that extra mile. He’s a gentleman all around and it’s really hot. He can have a conversation with you without any kind of questionable behavior or nosebleeds. No lustful stares of any sort, no signs of dirty thoughts, just quality time with his lover.
The crew had all departed ways to follow their regular duties and routines after dinner. However you stayed after dinner to help Sanji with the kitchen while of course he always insisted that there was no need for you to worry your pretty little head.
You always insisted on helping and how could he ever say no to you. So there you two are, wasting and drying dishes. One by one.
“ I wonder what different types of fish and seasonings are in the all blue?” “What color do you think the water is there?” You ask him while drying a plate. As he passes the next dish that needs to be dried.
“The all blue hm…you know just what to ask me, don’t you? A beautiful girl like you deserves a gorgeous answer.. don’t you think?” You nod while putting the last dish away.
“Let’s see..if I had to think of a color, one that matched the idea of all the world's fish swimming together.. I’d say sky blue. A brilliant sky blue it has to be!”
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vigilskeep · 3 months ago
various and sundry artbook tidbits i found interesting (SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THE VEILGUARD ARTBOOK. obviously)
faction & location stuff:
a sketch page from the very early days exploring shape languages for factions like elves, dwarves, wardens, the necropolis, tevinter, and rivain, also includes concepts for the mages’ college and the ben-hassrath
early rivain concept arts have npcs with a similar armour patterning to duncan’s, suggesting it’s a mark of his rivaini heritage like i always thought!
the depiction of the ““creation story”” suggests elves were mimicking the bodies of dwarves when they formed their own, not humans like i think mythal says in game flashbacks, which would make more sense timeline wise
there’s concept art of the city of ventus, which i believe is of particular relevance to mercar players? it’s right on the border of arlathan forest, and surrounded by magical statues holding out raised hands forming a ward along the tree line to keep it from encroaching
the home base was going to be a lovable fixer-upper of a ship given to us by isabela, named the dumat. this didn’t fit the spy theme they were originally going for, so they tried really really hard to make it a submarine without feeling anachronistic by making it sort of sea monster shaped. there are a lot of cutaways and schematics. they were going to give it a mystery engine that you would get light fetch quests to feed random objects: “ten dried lavender flowers, five quail’s eggs, three brass belt buckles, etc.....” the submarine then turned into an undersea mansion on the back of some giant shambling sea creature you would never get a good look at
later on there were some funny takes on the lighthouse specifically, like bringing back the sea creature theme to put it on the back of an interdimensional veil whale, or having it be the true location of the black emporium with a collection of eluvians that xenon the antiquarian lets you use
there’s a tiny concept art for a “high-speed aravel chase” in a canyon like a western
tevinter gladiators are mentioned a couple times. we WEREEE going to get to see the minrathous proving grounds :( there’s also a dwarven embassy concept art somebody take me out back and shoot me
there are a lot of ghilan’nain creature designs that didn’t make it into the game which is a shame but i can see why they would have been resource heavy
the antiva concept arts are so gorgeous. a lot of it got through! and definitely the overall Vibe made it. at some point it seems to have been antiva city itself; they don’t call it treviso and they mention the circle of magi as a major landmark
“The entrance to the Necropolis is like an inverted Tower of Babel. They seek knowledge in the grave instead of heaven.” <- this just rules as a line
for arlathan: “To differentiate it from previous forest and jungle locations in Dragon Age, we went with an autumnal colour palette. It has the benefit to feeling ominously like the end.”
the veil jumpers have a “skull halla” symbol that “implies their willingness to risk death”. did that end up in the game?
“With each faction, we explored a range of aspirational fantasies. For the Wardens, this ranged from knights in shining armour to butal tanks to a Nietzche quote: ‘Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.’”
there’s this concept among the warden armours for an insane orlesian noblewoman look with the winter palace morrigan corset and a piled high wig, but the skirts torn knee length and a serrated fan in hand. i’m kind of obsessed
“To bring more life to the world, we thought about what industries would keep the Anderfels afloat. We took the prominent Warden blue colour and envisioned an industry harvesting flowers, creating dye, and then weaving copious amounts of blue fabric.” this is probably where the flower quests in the hossberg wetlands started off conceptually? v cute
character stuff:
in completely different early versions of the game, solas had a “bad cop” right hand woman called reva
imshael the desire demon/choice spirit from the masked empire and inquisition was going to be a two-handed weapon warrior companion, and also sexualised now while in largely feminine form, which would have been a Choice. there is one art of him in masculine form, also sexy but still not showing as much skin as the feminine one
as i said, neve was going to be calpernia
taash was a rogue. (they’re still a light-armoured dual wielder so that checks out.) it seems like davrin was briefly a mage. at some points harding seems to have inherited bianca
saarbrak, another qunari companion, seems to have lastest the longest of the abandoned concepts. he’s the only non-canon one who got as far as having a place for him sketched into designs of the lighthouse: “saarbrak’s planning room”. mentions and sightings of what might be him are sporadic and i think you only see his name on that sketch, but i’m connecting it to the description “a potential qunari companion evolved from saarebas to dapper qunari spy, offering a deeper look into qunari culture”
the embroidery on harding’s clothes is how she passes the time while “waiting for days in a sniper perch” on missions. i just thought that was cute
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jamieontheroof · 11 months ago
Random things I noticed while playing What Remains Of Edith Finch
There was a poster of the cannery that Lewis worked at on the boat.
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2. Edith Jr wears what appears to be an engagement on a necklace. Whether this is her ring or her mothers is not mentioned.
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3. At the start of the game, Milton's missing posters are EVERYWHERE. There is even a giant pile of them in a nearby lake.
4. The dragon slide that crushed and killed Sven is still outside.
5. As you walk toward the house, the music gets louder.
6. The swing that Calvin flew off decades ago is still looped around the branch.
7. There was a spare peep hole in the garage that didn't have any names or dates on it.
8. At multiple points throughout the game you can hear a train in the background, despite the fact that the train tracks are clearly destroyed.
9. There are multiple pots throughout the Finch house that looks like they have eyes.
10. One of the books the Finches possessed was 'King in Yellow', a book known for making anyone who read it insane.
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11. The house sounds alive, or like there are people constantly moving around it.
12. Walters bedroom is painted with both ocean and train designs. One of the paintings is the old house that Odin tried to bring to America.
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13. There are drag marks on the ground of Walters bedroom (most likely made when his drawers were taken out of his room.)
14. The entrance to the tunnels is hidden by a book called 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a classic sci-fi story about a sea monster.
15. Molly's room is filled entirely with animal books.
16. There is a jelly fish on Molly's bed (possible connection to the monster??).
17. Molly has a chalkboard in her bedroom where she is a princess in an underwater castle and Sven is about to get attacked by a sea monster (slightly resembling the dragon slide).
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18. As shark!Molly starts falling down the cliff, she passes a road where headlights are briefly scene.
19. When the monster gets back to Molly's room, the window that cat!Molly jumped through is still open.
20. There are still Christmas decorations in Molly's room.
21. The curse is 500 years old. That is a lot of dead people.
22. In Odin's viewfinder, it states "His [Odin's] daughter, Edie, is already dreaming of new Finch house" showing that even though her own father died not even a week ago, Edie has already moved on.
23. The house is filled head to toe with books about death, including two that Odin wrote.
24. Sven's shrine does not have a log painting like the rest of the family. His portrait is painted on a simple canvas.
25. Edie has a number of strange tapes in her room including one titled "conspiracy now".
26. The toys from Gregory's final bath are still in the bathroom.
27. There is an old bottle of alcohol in the bathroom bin.
28. A lot of Sam's photos are based on Calvin (a swing, astronauts).
29. All of Milton's drawings are based on the death. (Molly = cat, Barbara = pumpkin)
30. There are cigarettes and gin on Sam's side of the room he shared with Calvin.
31. Calvin already had bruises, Band-Aids and a cast on his leg when he died.
32. Sam blames himself for challenging Calvin.
33. In the story, Calvin doesn't fall. He keeps flying.
34. Barbara's birthday cake is still in her room.
35. Barbara is holding crutches in her portrait.
36. There are totem-esc styles statues of both Calvin and Molly
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37. Barbara's outfit is over the railing.
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This is the same way the Hook-Man falls
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38. "Performance of her life" can also mean that it is the performance she is known for.
39. There are spare portrait logs in the basement.
40. There is a fake window in the basement.
41. Edie's grave is finished despite her dying and then nobody else going to the house.
42. There is no grave for Milton.
43. Lewis' grave has a crown on it.
44. There are times wear it seems like you can hear sobbing (this one may just be me).
45. There is a box of Kay's old stuff in Sam's bedroom.
46. Odin has a park named after him.
47. This isn't a fact but I think this may be one of the funniest photos of the game (LIKE SIR? YOUR DAUGHTER IS SOBBING!).
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48. Both Calvin and Dawn are on Sam's shrine.
49. Gus has a skateboard over his name.
50. Gregory has the soap bottle from his final bath in his shrine.
51. The music cuts out when Gregory isn't moving.
52. Same also blames himself for Gregory.
53. Gus never met his step mother.
54. Gus was crushed by the (totem) statues of his deceased relatives.
55. Dawn's light switch is the only one on
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56. Most of the rules are about past deaths. (No playing outside without permission : Calvin, No answering door for strangers : Barbara, No messes after dark : Molly (???)).
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57. Milton's garden has a castle (reference to the Unfinished Swan)
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58. There is a small Sanjay shrine in the classroom
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59. Edith JR did an assignment on her family history.
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60. Lewis drew on his desk.
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61. There is no death date for Milton on his peephole.
62. Edith JR wrote Milton's death date as 2003 (the year he disappeared).
63. The door from the flip book is in Milton's room.
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64. Lewis' dream Palace is decorated with fish.
65. The gnomes scattered around the house are outside the original house in Edie's story.
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66. The credits roll in reverse order.
AND THAT'S IT!! I had a few others I thought didn't need to go in.
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 1 year ago
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Consider this a part 2 of Can't Escape the Nightmares cuz I keep getting ideas for this story 🙃
Pairing(s): Jasper Hale x Human!Reader, platonic!Rosalie Hale x Human!Reader
Warnings: mentions of past assault, mentions of past rape, noncon themes discussed, reader is jasper's mate, platonic!rosaliexreader, human!reader, nightmares, trauma, ptsd, dark content, mention of blood, brief mention of murder/death, hurt&comfort, ft the cullen fam, yes i'd like to sign up to be protected by rosalie ✋🏼, and my depressive ass could certainly use a man like jasper lol
Words: 1253
Summary: It was hard for you to be outside. Not after what happened. And with the Cullen house surrounded by a sea of towering trees. . . It was difficult for you to even step onto the wrap around porch. Everything about the outside reminded you of that day in the woods.
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They'd smelled your blood from miles away, noticing that it grew closer and closer until Rosalie was upon the doorstep with you dangling in her arms. Your eyes were open, though void of expression; merely staring at these near angelic looking family with gold hued eyes.
Your injuries were nothing major, yet your blood yanked at their olfactory senses.
And Jasper was helpless when, eyes being engulfed by jet black.
The expression in Rosalie's expression though kept him at bay.
"Get him out of here. He can't handle it." Rosalie snaps, her hold on you growing tighter.
Intently watching Jasper's every move, you see the rigidity of his frame and the back and forth sawing motion of his jaw. He must have ground his teeth to oblivion, at least that's what you thought.
Never imagining the true inner turmoil that was engulfing his every sensibility. Jasper's perpetually cold skin suddenly felt like it was on fire. A monster scratched at his mental door. A monster that wanted to taste every inch of your skin before sinking his straight, razor teeth into your delicate paper-like flesh.
"Jazz, snap out of it." Edward motions for Emmett to keep him back. His hiss is low as not to scare you further. Knowing all the horrors you had just gone through
The fog that reduced his head to a warm flush lifts enough for him to finally notice the state you were in.
Large splotches of red and rich purple are smattered across the entirety of your arms and legs, with a giant one blooming on your jaw. His stomach recoils at your lack of clothes. Connecting the visual clues together to realize what had happened and why Rosalie was dyed in a mess of different blood types that didn't belong to you.
You were already broken.
Suddenly that monster was silent, it too watching with baited breath as Rosalie carries you up the staircase and to Carlisle's office. The older blonde vampire quick and on her heels.
Jasper's monster seemed to take that moment to decide something that was against its very nature: it would protect you, guard you and keep you.
There will always be that hunger in him for your blood. But no longer would he be ruled by it.
When exhaustion finally swept over you, Jasper peeks his head into Carlisle's office. Rosalie sat on the floor in front of the couch you were asleep on.
She's in front of him in a flash, barring him entrance with a fatal snarl.
He dare not mess with this gold mama bear.
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It was hard for you to be outside. Not after what happened. And with the Cullen house surrounded by a sea of towering trees. . . It was difficult for you to even step onto the wrap around porch. Everything about the outside reminded you of-
"They can't hurt you again." Edward mentions behind you as you stood in the front door, hand quaking above the doorknob.
That didn't relive the nausea in your stomach. Your eyes shut tight and Edward winces when your mind immediately goes to the day that you were assaulted.
When you catch yourself you immediately apologize and take a step back. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"No, don't apologize." He's firm on this and finally you turn around. Surprisingly, the Cullens had understood the trauma you had gone through more than you would have thought. Every one of them had gone through a horrifying event much like your own. Rosalie's was almost identical to your's and possibly the very reason why she had saved you and killed those monsters who abducted you. And has protected you since then. She reminded you of a mother hen.
When Jasper first showed interest in you, Rosalie actually became aggressive toward him; telling him that you weren't ready for such a relationship. That you needed to heal more.
Jasper never stepped over any boundaries. He never came close to it. He waited. Helped you whenever you asked for it. Approached you tentatively until you told him that he didn't have to tiptoe around you. Many months were required before this. In the meantime you allowed Rosalie (and to a smaller extent, Alice and Esme) to tend to you and repair your fragmented body.
The only time he used his power on you without your permission was when you were asleep and suffering from your all too frequent nightmares.
"If you want, I can go outside with you. Maybe we can take a short walk around the house." He softly offers when you glance back at the door.
They were all so kind to you, never asking when you'd be ready to leave their house. It never came up. In fact you had the suspicion that Rosalie would insist on you living with them from now on. An unofficial part of the Cullen family.
You knew their secret. Living there, it didn't take long to discover that they were not human. From their perfect pale skin, to their golden eyes, there was something different about them. The way Edward was able to anticipate your every needs or how even being in the same room with Jasper had your anxiety simmering down. Even Alice displayed odd signs that you would have normally passed off as some kind of mental illness when she'd stare off into the distance. You now knew it was her getting a glimpse of the future.
"Thank you, but maybe today isn't the day. . ." You force your trembling lips to quirk up into a tentative smile though it could not fool Edward who could hear the inner turmoil in your mind. He never pushed.
He nods and lets you amble back upstairs to safety. The Cullens required no sleep so their bedrooms were essentially just for decoration. Rosalie and Emmett happily gave up their room so that you could seek out privacy when you were too overstimulated to be in their company. They even bought a tv just to put in the room for you. You didn't know what you did in your life to deserve them.
But before you go to your own designated room, you stop in front of Jasper's with a tentative hand raised to knock on his door. You were always nervous when asking him to hang out with you while Rosalie was gone. You'd heard Rosalie whisper to Emmett one night about you being Jasper's 'mate'. She must have thought you were fast asleep but you heard them discuss the possibility of a relationship between you and the other blonde Hale.
It made you self conscious now when you were near him. You'd known that he was. . . attracted to you.
You jump when his bedroom door opens to reveal his figure. "H-Hi."
His smile is always so sweet and even shy. "Hello."
"Um," Your fingers twist the hem of your shirt anxiously. " well, Rosalie is gone. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a little bit. . . Esme bought me a new dvd. We can watch it?"
Adoring the way his eyes crinkle when his smile broadens, you take a step back to allow Jasper to exit his room and close the door behind him. "Lead the way, ma'am." Your chest squeezes when that southern drawl of his comes out.
Trusting anyone again wasn't an easy journey. But being cradled by the Cullen family was bound to heal some wounds.
And perhaps water the seed of love that had been planted in your heart by Jasper.
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kaidabakugou · 2 years ago
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WARNINGS: some graphic descriptions | mentions of death | cunnilingus | pubes | hint of body worship | nipple play | marking | biting | blood | blood drinking | spit | breeding kink | hint of dumbification | some hair pulling | overstimulation
A/N: proud to finally be able to share with you guys my submission for Touch of Divine Rush Collab by @dark-mnjiro, i love Norse Mythology and had lots of fun writing this one so i hope you enjoy my little knowledge dump plus my interpretation of what Vidar’s journey would look like after Ragnarök
i also made a GLOSSARY to help you understand some of the terms and old Nordic language used without the need of researching it yourselves, please enjoy and tysm for reading!
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The air felt thick as ash rained down upon the battle grounds, the remnants of the wrath from the towering flames of the fire giant evident all around as the silent god took in his surroundings. His foot still perched atop Fenrir’s fiery jaw as he looked down at the mangled wolf, a sharp pain making itself known on his palm when adrenaline started to subside from his body. Noticing one of Fenrir’s fangs pierced into his right hand where he held the beast’s jaw open seizing it before bracing his lower foot, adorned with his magical leather shoe, against its lower jaw and tearing it apart as the prophecy intended. Successfully avenging his father, Odin, after his journey ended being devoured by the foul monster.
Bakugou could barely see a few feet around him, the sky burned black as the flames reached all the way up to the stars, consuming them as not even the cosmos could evade their fate of being swallowed by the sea. Ragnarök, the final battle, had finally progressed to its final phase. And as the world burns in flames, Bakugou couldn't help but to inhale the stinging smoke around him, feeling it stain his lungs as he closed his eyes towards the black sky.
Clearing his head from the chaos that surrounds him, beginning to feel the icy touch of Helheim against his scorching skin as he calls upon the forces of nature whom he trusted the most to guide him through this new journey.
A small smile adorned the god’s features as he accepted his fate, although destined to survive the destruction, he found it hard to believe in prophecies when the rumbling of the ocean’s hunger was making the ground beneath his feet tremble as it started to sink into the depths of the unknown. But the silence in his ears reassured him that he will once again rule over a regenerated earth.
Silence had been Bakugou’s strongest companion, known as the silent god for he desired nothing more than to be left alone to rule the forests who were bound by close ties to him where nothing but solitude and deep silence reigned. And his desires would soon be answered as droplets of water began to slowly quench his stained skin, the god’s deep vermilion irises fluttering open as the skies poured down on him. The flames around him began to die down as the sea rumbled again and Bakugou mentally kicked himself for doubting the Norn’s prophecy as their words echoed in his head. 
“Early begun.” 
“Further spun.” 
“One day done.” 
“With joy once more won.”
Ragnarök wasn't the complete end of the world. Out of the sea, the earth started to rise again, new and filled with all shades of green where fields of grains soon began to grow without the hand of any god, human or elf to aid it. A new sun shined down upon the fresh world, and soon a new moon would follow suit as they both traveled the same path as their ancestors and returned to their old lawful regularity to keep earth from seeing the darkness of Ragnarök ever again. 
The surviving gods met at Ithavoll, once again a safe place for the gods to regather themselves as they built a new city and joined forces to bring earth back to its original splendor. But after a while, once the tasks at hand were complete and life on earth was once again restored, Bakugou left Ithavoll to take his throne in Landvidi, the wide lands. 
Where his glorious palace eagerly waits for his return, decorated with large green boughs and only the most delicate of flowers in the midst of an impenetrable primeval forest where he could peacefully reign among the silence of the trees. Where anyone who dared disturb his silence, will receive no mercy and awaken the same mighty god that tore Fenrir’s devilish jaws with his bare hands. Soon, everyone across the realm knew better than to enter the forests uninvited, for all who entered were never to be seen again.
All except one. 
Ever since you were a child, your mother would warn you to never go near the woods just off the threshold of Alfheim, the land of the elves. Hearing stories and tales of how those who had crossed were turned into corpses and left to rot by the border as a warning or were never to be heard from again.
Tales of giant man-eating beasts that would starve themselves and wait patiently for whatever ignorant soul dared set foot into their territory. Some would even say that the surviving dragons resided deep within the monstrous shadows of the tall trees, that reached so far up into the sky that no daylight could seep through. Blood-thirsty bees and spiders that would drain their victims of their blood to the very last drop, leaving them nothing but a mess of bones and dried flesh for the forest soil to consume. 
And those who managed to avoid such terrible fate and considered themselves lucky enough to reach deep within the forest to find the triumphant god’s palace in search of hidden treasures that only the remaining son of Odin could possess, would only be left wishing they would have died at the claws of the forests beasts, for they imagine their death would've been quicker compared to the merciless torture the retired god would greet them with before watering his rare carnivorous plants with their blood and feeding them their remains to keep them hungry for more. 
But you would argue the opposite.
The forest has always been kind to you, ever since you first stepped foot inside of it, back when you were just a small elf beginning to learn the elven ways of magic and strayed a little too far off the border in search of kalonji, a white-petaled flower that only grew near the thresholds of the forest and was a necessary component for brewing medicine due to the healing properties of its seeds. 
But by the time you finished collecting the rare flowers, you had already entered the forest and had no idea on how to return home. The warnings of your mother started to echo inside your head as panic began to settle in the more you looked around and the vast forest seemed to appear the same no matter which direction you faced. Sinking to your knees as tears started to cascade down your cheeks, dropping the basket of flowers beside you as you buried your face in your hands waiting for whatever horrid fate that would end your sorrows. 
Your choked sobs and sniffles were certain to attract one of the many beasts your mother had told you about, but when you started to hear the ruffling of leaves in steady steps getting closer, you never imagined coming face to face with one of the most beautiful creatures you had ever laid eyes on.
A white stag with the most piercing red eyes stared down at you warily. Large, majestic antlers adorned the sides of his head, resembling the leafless branches of the winter trees, as he cautiously smelled around you, taking in your scent while your cries died down in your throat as you stared up in awe at the towering giant. His large hooves were the size of your head, and his long legs were taller than you as you took in their size while he circled around you before settling on your opposite side.
Taking one last whiff of you before turning his snout towards your basket, inhaling the rich aroma of the kalonji before gently stealing one. Raising his head to stand tall in all his glory as he looks around whilst he eats it. You reached over and grabbed a flower as well, bringing it up to your nose to take in its bitter notes within its subtle floral fragrance before presenting it to the stag. To which he happily accepted as he lowered his neck towards you once again, taking your offering before beginning to walk past you and into the trees, stopping momentarily to look back at you only to find you already at his side as you two made your way through the extensive forest. 
You were unsure of where the stag was leading you, but you figured that sticking by his side would be better than waiting alone for the icy souls of Hel to take you. Taking in the vibrant colors of the forest as you found it hard to believe that so much beauty could hold such terrors, but you weren't going to remain present long enough to see it for yourself.
Along the way you encountered small white wood aster and yellow trout lilies that also possessed many medicinal benefits, taking some and putting them inside your basket for later while your started to carefully weave their small branches together, although your inexperienced hands were still clumsy, you still managed to keep all the flowers secure until finally closing it into a circlet. You've been so distracted with the flower crown in your hand that you hadn't noticed the stag had led you back to the threshold of the forest, being aware of your location once he stopped a few feet away from the treeline where you could see the busy city of Alfheim just past the bushes. 
Excited that you were going to be able to return home safely, you thank the stag as he looks down at you, giving you what felt like a nod before turning his body to leave. But stopping in his tracks when you ask him to wait as he gives you a confused look, watching as you walk up to him and offer him the crown you'd been building the whole path back. Those piercing vermilion eyes softening as he stares back down into your eager ones before lowering himself to your height, presenting you the top of his head while being careful not to hurt you with his antlers as you gently place the flower crown between them.
The different shades of yellow and green contrasting from his unique white fur beautifully as you feel his cold nose poke the side of your cheek before leaving a long wet lick on it, making you giggle before waving him off as you make your way down the hill and back to the city whilst he disappears back into the deep forest.
And ever since, each time you've gone to collect more kalonji, you'd find small and rather odd gifts near the flowers. Sometimes it would be random objects like polished stones and crystals, pretty feathers of all colors and sizes, and even sharp teeth that you could only imagine belonged to a creature far larger than those of these lands.
But mostly, you'd find only the rarest of flowers placed neatly upon the grass, looking so out of scenery as they wait for your arrival against the green fields. Flowers that you couldn't even begin to name since you'd never seen any others quite like them. Some would possess the most vibrant colors your eyes had ever seen, and others would have the most fragrant aromas to carry them despite their subdued appearance. Whatever the case, you'd always look forward to the little presents that awaited you on each journey to the border, and back then you were always so curious as to who could be leaving them for you to find at such opportune times. 
But now, nearly a vicennial of winters later, you still look forward to the same little surprises, only now you are well aware of who is responsible for leaving such treasures.
Making your way past the same threshold, you walk through the dense trees you've grown so accustomed to. Ever since that eventful day, the forest has always been kind and welcoming to you. Presenting you with an abundance of the same exotic flowers you would find when you were little, showing you paths filled with the same rare and delicate crystals you'd receive on occasions, and even the few animals you've had the fortune of meeting on your different journeys have grown a liking to you. 
But your reason to return to this forest always remained the same. 
Landvidi possessed only the most beautiful of landscapes, filled with the highest trees and tallest branches in the realm, lush vegetation and fresh flowers. Past the high grasslands, in the heart of the forest known as The Hall of Landvidi, is where the silent god’s palace is located. Surrounded by an even greater portion of earth’s natural beauty that paints a picture of solitude, for no being other than the retired warrior god could reach.
And as the protector of these lands, filled with ambition and strength, he is determined to ensure it remains that way. He has seen what destruction is like, lived it himself during the great battle of the destruction of the cosmos and all that lived within them, and will stop at nothing to keep the peace. 
Bakugou is the strongest of the gods, following Thor, and after fulfilling his fate as an avenger and brave warrior, his rebirth after Ragnarök symbolizes sustainability and regrowth. Being the only god known to be tied with nature, as most gods were connected to the sea through Heimdall, the watchman of the gods, Bakugou had always felt his soul to be more at peace within the wide lands. And even though he swore to never allow any trespassers into his territory, ever since he heard your cries all those winters ago, something within him told him you'd be the exception.
As you descend down the stoned path towards the small tunnel under the large oak trees, you take in a deep breath when the soft breeze hits your skin, the tunnel is formed by the widened crowns of the trees that spread and reached the branches of the oak trees on the opposite side, creating a beautiful passage towards the hidden waterfall ahead. 
From the oak branches, bellflowers of all colors hanged down decorating the path with a mesmerizing view. You reached up and collected some of the violet-blue flowers, making sure to grab several of their leaves as well. Although their petals had a mild taste, the leaves can be quite refreshing, and you knew the one you seeked would enjoy them. 
Securing them inside your basket next to the fresh apples you'd collected from your orchard, you resumed your way down the oak passage as the sound of the waterfall filled your ears. The Querencia Waterfall is the most beautiful of all the waterfalls in Landvidi, located just at the entrance of The Hall a few miles from the palace. It's the only waterfall in the land that’s so high, when the sun is at its peak some of its rays seep through the tall crowns of the oak trees, forming rainbows that look like they're cascading down along with the stream when they capture the water.
Surrounded by ancient willow trees, the lake where it pools contains powerful waters filled with passion and love from the root of the weeping willows that are believed to provide a nourishing embrace of fertility and healing. These were the only willow trees in all of Landvidi, after Ragnarök they became quite rare to find throughout the realms, so you were astonished when the white stag brought you here on one of your visits. Welcoming you into the water to bathe while he feasted on some of the exotic flowers that floated around different areas of the lake. 
You smiled to yourself as you think back on that day, remembering how nurturing the water felt around your body for the first time as its magic began to absorb into your skin. Your heart swelling when you recall feeling something being placed atop your head, only to find the stag adorning your hair with the water hyacinths he collected, rounding them on your head by tangling them with strands of your hair to the best of his abilities until it formed a circlet as his own way of thanking you for the crown you gave him on your first encounter.
You've been coming to Querencia ever since to meet with the stag, bringing him only the freshest fruits from your orchard and collecting flowers from the forest on your journeys to make more crowns for him as a thank you for all the treasures he leaves on the threshold for you. Sometimes he'd wait for your arrival near the berry bushes just off the edge of the forest and escort you through the wide lands filled with birch trees where many wildflowers favor growing near their roots so you can collect them. Other times, you venture into the forest at first daylight and wait for him in the water.
Today was one of those days as you reach the willow trees closest to the waterfall, settling your basket down near its roots as you begin to strip your garbs, folding them by the basket before entering the water. 
Submerging yourself deeper as the warm water sinks into your skin, the soft current wraps you in a state of tranquility whilst you absorb its properties before soon enough you spot the majestic antlers of the white stag. Smiling when you meet his gaze, noticing how his doe eyes seem to light up when he meets yours before entering the water with you, gracefully making his way towards you as water splashes around him from the force of his hooves. Giggling when he presses his wet nose against yours before lowering his soft furred forehead to your damped one. Something that had become a habit when greeting each other.
“God morgon, you came rather quickly today!”, you whisper against him as you greet him in the old language.
Although the old tongue was not commonly used anymore after the great destruction, you noticed you get a reaction from the stag when using some of the old words, almost as if he understood them better than the modern tongue. 
“I brought you something!”, you eagerly tell him, causing his ears to perk up at your announcement as you lift yourself from the water and start walking back towards the willow roots where you left your basket, the stag sauntering alongside you. 
Watching as you open your basket to reveal the shiniest of apples, his tongue dragging against his snout at the sight as he leans forward to eat one when you offer it to him, knowing your orchard produced some of the juiciest and most delicious ones in the realm after you watered them with the water you'd collected from the Querencia river. Offering him the bellflower leaves next as he accepted them and eating one yourself before diving back into the water. 
Fully submerging yourself as the stag followed suit, his smooth white fur now a light gray as it clung to him, droplets of water dripping from his antlers and falling against your skin when he circled closer for you to hold on to him as you swam together.
This was your usual routine on the days you'd meet on the waterfall, bathing together and feeding each other different fruit and flowers you'd bring to one another until the sun would start to disappear behind the mountains, indicating it was time to return home before nightfall. Currently seated on his back while he paraded you around the lake while eating some of the fruits on the bushes near the waterfall, sighing as you wished the stag could communicate with you further, even though you already communicated in your own unique way, exchanging gazes and gifts, and sharing intimate moments such as these that many would thought impossible to be as close to a rare white stag as you are with this one, you still wished he could speak sometimes and be able to tell you stories from the forest he knew so well.
“I wished you could speak to me”, you express as you rest your head against his neck, feeling the patches of hair beginning to fluff up from the breeze hitting his back where you laid. Ceasing his chewing at the sound of your voice as his ears flick at your words, turning his head to the side to look at you before softly snorting while rattling his antlers to signal you to alight and join him in the water again, to which you comply as you sink back in and circle him until you're facing him again. 
Smiling when he presses his cold wet nose against your stomach, snuffling up the center of your chest while leaving gentle licks on your skin before reaching your neck to nuzzle his jaw there as your hands pet along his broad shoulders and trailing them up his slender neck. He gives your side another lick before stepping back a few steps further from you as you stare back at him confused. Unsure of his behavior since he has never done this before when bathing together. 
But just as you begin to approach him again, you stop when the water around him changes its movements, once a steady stream now rapidly swirling with such force you could feel it pull you in closer. Trying your best to steady yourself in the water to swim away but as quickly as it came it dissipated, the water returned to its peaceful flow as if nothing had changed. Except now the white stag was no longer there, and in his place stood a man you'd never seen before.
A tall blonde with a strong physique of that of a warrior, adorned with battle scars and tattoos of old nordic runes on his chest traveling all the way down his abdomen and disappearing below his waist submerged in the water that you couldn't quite make out from your position. Rows of different stone necklaces, identical to the ones you gifted the stag a few winters back embellished his neck and a circlet of flowers sat atop his ash locks, the same crown of flowers you had placed on the stag not so long ago when you were riding him. 
You stood there frozen in place, still confused as to what had happened to the stag that was just standing before your eyes mere moments ago. Snapping out of your daze when the man started to come closer to you, water rippling around him with each step, similar to when the stag enters the water and it splashes from the might of his hooves. The man stopped in front of you as you peered up at him, the sun seeping through the trees hitting his chiseled face to reveal his piercing vermilion eyes.
The same pools of red that you'd recognize anywhere, the eyes staring back at you were the ones of the stag, eyes you'd look forward to seeing everyday when you woke up, a deep crimson you'd come to find in all things that reminded you of the stag, in the ripe apples of your orchard that he loved so much, in the rare red lilies that only bloomed during the early times of spring in the valley near the waterfall, in the polished pyropes stones he’d bring you every late winter and now in the body of a man whose presence felt familiar the more you took in the energy around him. 
He smiled when he noticed everything beginning to make sense to you when your widened eyes began to soften. 
“Elskan mín”, his voice low but eager as he wraps his arms around your waist and hoists you up to spin you around in the air, causing you to secure your arms around his neck while laughing before holding you close to him. Wet skin pressed against each other while strong arms keep you close as your legs instinctively wrap around his center.
Lowering your face towards him to nudge your nose against his before pressing your foreheads together, just like you would with the stag only now his nose is warm and the dampness of his forehead matches yours. 
“How come you hadn’t done this earlier?”, your eyes searching his as you notice him peering at your lips while you speak before meeting your curious gaze again. 
“Didn’t want to scare you away”, he answers simply whilst pressing kisses along your jaw sporadically. 
“Why now then?”, you push while allowing your digits to travel up and down his nape, tangling with his hair. 
“It just felt right”, he whispers while fondling one of your braids with the charms of your mother, she had removed them from her locks and secured them in yours before passing so you could have a piece of her with you when she could no longer be present in body but carry on in soul and spirit.
His hand traveled down to your shoulder where old nordic runes adorned your skin as well, only yours possessed sacred sigils of the old elven folklore, while his runes were of a time before Ragnarök. Which made you wonder if this was the retired god of vengeance everyone was so wary of, he evidently possessed the powers of one and if anyone was to allow the welcoming treatment the forest has presented you with all these years, it was him. 
You reach for the hand still tracing the runes on your skin to cradle it in yours as you turn it so his palm could be facing you, whilst he watched as you inspected his hand. Smiling again when you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, almost able to see the ripples of electricity in your head as you put all the details together, a habit of yours that he loved to observe throughout the years since meeting each other.
To Bakugou, out of all the creatures that had stepped foot inside his forest seeking his aid, you were the most beautiful he had ever seen, no flower from his garden could compare to you, and since the day he met you he swore that one day you would become his goddess, and he has remained by your side since, waiting for this exact moment that he'd be able to finally show himself to you and solidify your love. 
He watched as you traced the scar on his palm, a reminder of the path he once walked guided by the burdens of fate. Your eyes meet his again when you finally put all the clues together, noticing how he looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered, and to him you were, for you had become his purpose after no longer having interest in matters of war and retiring to spend eternity within the silence of the wide lands. 
“You're him… the silent one”, only receiving a nod in return as more answers arise in your head, but settling on the one that dominated your thoughts the most.
“Why me?” 
“It's always been you, elskan mín… and now we are able to seal our love for one another.” 
All your questions are melted away when he pulls you towards him and captures your lips in a kiss so fervent that causes your insides to stir with emotion. Only pulling away when the need for air becomes inescapable as you pant against each other's lips. 
“I’ve waited so long to do that”, he exhales while making his way towards the shore with you still secured in his arms. 
The fresh spring breeze hitting your skin when you leave the comfort of the water makes you shiver, a small hint of winter still present in the air as the forest was still transitioning from the stabbing cold into the warm energetic glow that this season brought along with it.
Your nipples pebbling at the loss of heat from the god’s body when he sets you down on the soft clearing of moss and wildflowers under the tallest willow tree. Something that doesn't go unnoticed by him as he peers down at you, now able to openly devour you with his eyes whilst you lay under him, strong tatted arms caging you between them as he lowers himself to capture your lips once again.
All the tales of the remaining son of the once All-Father were of his brash and merciless demeanour, ones that were bound to inflict fear upon anyone that heard them, but all those stories drifted into distant whispers of the wind the more you got lost in him. His touch was firm yet delicate, something that would seem impossible for his physique with such imposing structure, but it was possible. His touch was filled with love and spoke the words his voice failed to express. And only now that his lips trailed open-mouthed kisses along your skin, is that it becomes evident to you the extent of said love as you look back on all the years you've spent together. 
Courting the other in the shape of flowers, stones and apples, in a dance of mighty passion that led to this exact moment as he settled himself between your legs, positioning your thighs above his broad shoulders whilst his fingers traced informal shapes on them. His eyes fixated on the tuft of hair above your cunt as he sinks down to bury his nose in it, inhaling your scent as you watch his eyes darken from finally being able to delve in the thing he craved the most after so long.
Maroon eyes meeting yours while his lips follow the trail of hair down towards your sensitive lips, the feel of his hot breath alone making you clench around nothing as you watch him hover above your cunt, puckering his lips so a long strip of spit falls from them and lands on your clit. Watching as it slides through your folds before pressing his tongue flat on your entrance and licking all the way up to your clit, repeating the action as he falls into rhythm. Feeling yourself get increasingly wetter with each swipe of his tongue while your chest starts to rise and fall unevenly. 
Getting lost in the pleasure as your hips begin to buck when his tongue focuses on your clit, circling it before rapidly flicking against it causing something to ripple inside of you. He wraps his lips around the sensitive bud while his eyes look up in awe at the way you arch into him, your cries unleashing the might in him that had been forgotten for centuries as he sucks on your clit with more vehemence, needing to hear you sing for him louder. 
Increasing his movements as he begins to suck on your folds, the feeling of his lips messily fondling with yours sends chills across your skin as you slowly rock your hips along with him. Your hands reach for his where they rest on your hip bones as he easily opens them for you to tangle your fingers with his whilst he continues to increasingly devour your cunt. The wet smacking sounds of his lips clashing with the ones of the waterfall as you feel yourself get closer and closer to your release.
The sweet taste of your fluids on his tongue drove Bakugou into a frenzy, lapping and eating your cunt while whined grunts resonated from deep in his chest, the vibrations pushing you over the edge. Arching deeper into his touch as wanton moans escape your lips, white spots clouding your vision when he buries his face further into your cunt, nose rubbing on your clit while he drinks every last drop of your release, not stopping until he gets his fill. 
Parting from your cunt once your whines die down into heavy breaths, face stained with your fluids that he pays no mind to as he dives back in to place a tender kiss against your clit before trailing up to the tuft of hair, savoring your scent as he buries his nose in them again and runs his lips against them. Pulling your hairs between them, the slight tug making you peer down at him as you meet his eyes, filled with love and adoration mixed with something else, something more sinister and hungrier that hasn't been sated completely.
Watching as he presses a kiss to your hairs as well before continuing to trail them up your abdomen, never breaking eye contact as he reaches the valley of your breast. His hands untangle from yours as they glide against your sides to cup your boobs, shaking them in his grasp before capturing one of your pert nipples in his mouth. Swirling his tongue around it while he sucks them harder and slowly pulls back until it flicks out of his mouth with a wet slurp, to then switch and give the other nipple the same treatment. Alternating between both breasts as your whines encouraged him on, not stopping his ministrations until your chest was swollen and overstimulated, almost making you reach your climax once again but pulling away to edge you on as he continued to lay kisses against your chest before moving towards your neck. 
Shifting from tender to ravenous when he starts to mark your skin with his teeth, nipping across your throat until settling where your neck meets your shoulder. Feeling his tongue drag against your skin followed by a sloppy kiss before his teeth scrape your delicate skin, your cunt clenching in anticipation as you wait for him to finally give in to his desires. 
Bakugou could hear his heart beat loudly inside his ears as he began to sink his teeth in you, pressing down until the skin gave away against his force, the rush of blood drowning his taste buds making the loud beating cease into silence as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
The mighty god had left the path of war behind a long time ago, but one's nature can’t be so easily avoided as the craving for disaster and vengeance haunted him at times from a period where the blood of his enemies would quench his skin, finding its way to his lips, reminding him what victory tastes like.
So as the savory metallic taste pours down his throat, he can't contain the groan that escapes him as a chill runs down his spine making him grind against you whilst your sweet cries pull him from his silence. Withdrawing from your skin to lap up the remaining rush of blood before cradling your face in his hand, holding your jaw firmly as he presses his lips to yours. Kissing you with such might you feel he could almost devour you through the kiss as the taste of your own blood mixing with each other's spit sends you both in a trance as you continue savoring it.
Bucking your hips to grind against his cock as his hips follow suit, beads of precum mixing with your arousal as he rubs his length between your folds whilst his tongue tangles with yours. Too engrossed in the kiss to pull away, you sneak your hand between your bodies and guide his cock to align with you as he slowly begins to sink into your cunt. The stretch of his cock sends a hot wave of pleasure down your back as your cunt sucks him in further, inch by inch as your fingers curl around ash blonde strands. 
Your breaths become labored as you part from each other, lips swollen and red as he fully sinks into your warmth. The grip from your silken walls forces him to brace himself as he places his arms next to your head to keep himself from collapsing when he feels his thighs twitch. Pressing his forehead to yours when his hips start to rock into you, slow and steady at first before gradually increasing his thrusts into a brutal pace that drives both of you into a babbling mess. 
Your wetness gushing messily, soaking the untamed strands of ash hair on his pelvis as they bounce against your own, before dribbling onto your skin causing it to spread in sticky strands every time his hips part from yours to snap against them again. Strangled moans mixing with the sloppy sounds of your bodies as the sensations become overwhelmingly good.
Tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you look up at him, trying your best to answer him when he asks you to tell him how good it feels between the curses in old tongue and heavy grunts that escape him. Responding to what feels like incoherent babbles as your mind melts away the more he pounds into your sloppy pussy. 
Bakugou could feel his balls twitch as he neared his release, but he needed you to come undone with him and make an even greater mess on his cock for him. Shifting his weight on one arm while the other gives your breast a quick tug before reaching between your bodies as he starts drawing quick circles against your clit with his thumb. Sending an electric shock of pleasure through your body as your breath gets stuck in your throat before you start coming apart. 
Squeezing around him hard as a flow of arousal gushes between your bodies as it stains both of you and leaks down into the soil beneath you. Your walls clenching around him mixed with the obscene sounds coming from your pussy sending him over the edge as well as he buries his cock to the hilt, filling you up as the hand on the side of your head tangles with your hair when yours tug harder at the one on his nape.
The tears finally spilling from your eyes as hot - impossibly hot - globs of creamy cum spill against your sultry cunt, searing your insides as you find yourself never wanting this moment to end, wishing to always be plugged full of the vengeful gods mighty cum. Feeling the final pulses of his cock inside you as his head falls down against your shoulder, smiling to yourself between heavy breaths at the wet feel of his ecstasy filled tears smearing against your skin but choosing not to say anything as he fully allows his weight on top of your whilst your arms wrap around him. 
Giggling at the soft lips pressing feather-light kisses on the side of your neck as they slowly trail up towards your lips, capturing them in a gentle kiss while his fingers caress your scalp where he previously had a grip on your hair.  
A cold breeze pulls you both from your trance as the rustling of the willow tree above you fills your ears, once again reminding of the remnants from the harsh winter as goosebumps erupt from your skin. You notice how the waterfall no longer has a rainbow flowing through it, indicating that the sun has already begun to set, and you need to return home quickly.
You've never stayed in the forest long enough to see nightfall, and the stag would always make sure to escort you back to the treeline safely before sunset, but today time had slipped from your hands and you began to worry. Bakugou is quick to notice your concern as he wraps his arms around your center to hold you close, burying his head in the crook of your neck again and taking a deep breath as he inhales your warm scent. 
“I have to leave”, you remind him but still reciprocate his actions by wrapping your arms around him again as you also hated the idea of having to depart from this moment. 
“Stay”, he whispers against your skin followed by a swipe of his tongue against the dried blood around the punctures on your neck. 
“There is nowhere for us to st-”, you began to dissent, but the forest god silenced you by quickly pulling you into a kiss once more. Grin on his features that you couldn't help but smile in return despite your disapproving eyes.
“I want to show you something”, he guides your legs to wrap around his waist before rising from the ground with you secured in his arms as he carries you through a path of the forest you hadn't explored before. The sun was already halfway past the mountains, making it hard to see, but just as you were about to express your concerns to him, a light in the corner of your eye caught your attention. A small blinking light followed by another until an entire cloud of dancing lights was illuminating your path.
After Ragnarök, it was rare to catch a glimpse of certain insects, fireflies being one of them, so seeing so many in one place had your jaw slack as you watched how they gracefully danced under the upcoming moonlight whilst they guided you through the forest. 
Bakugou kept walking through the field of thinning willow trees that started to morph into magnificent maple trees that even with only the dim light of the fireflies, you could vividly see their vibrant colors. These acer trees had also become a rarity after the great destruction, and the analgesic in their bark was of high command to aid as a remedy for some illnesses, which made you wonder why he hadn't shown you this part of the forest before. The stag had always granted you access to all the rare medicinal flora found in these lands so you found it odd that he kept this area hidden from you. 
Your confusion only grew more as you made your way deeper into the darker trails of the maples, where the path seemed to end by a sealed corridor blocked off with an impenetrable wall of large roots and maple leaves.
“Blómi”, you hear Bakugou whisper as the sound of creaking wood follows, watching as the roots begin to untangle from each other and the leaves falls to the ground revealing a path of lit stones descending into a large garden with a great abundance of flowers, leading towards a large structure. 
Your jaw fell slack again, as you wouldn't have imagined  that this is where the silent god kept his palace, nor that such a vibrant area filled with such sublime greatness of nature could be hidden amid the sacred gloom of the maples. Bakugou couldn't help but smile as he carried you through his garden whilst you stared in complete enchantment, filled with joy that he could finally share his greatest treasures with you. 
The inside of the palace was equally as marvelous as the outside and had a beautiful golden fountain at the very center with small creeks that led to other corridors of the palace, ones you couldn't wait to explore once daylight came again. As for now, the mighty god was still carrying you towards what you could only imagine were his chambers as he ascended the grand staircase near the main entryway. Revealing an archway adorned with flowy white curtains that led inside his bedchamber where he set you down on the spacious bed at the center of the room. The bedding was soft and cozy as you sink deeper into the comfort of them, noticing how the moon sat perfectly above the palace where you had a clear view through the sunroof above the bed.
“Hí, elska”, you heard Bakugou whisper next to you, offering you a coconut shell filled with water. 
“Takk!”, you smile while grabbing the shell and drinking from it, finishing its contents before settling back down on the bed as a yawn escapes you, sleep finally catching up to you after such a fulfilling day. Settling against his chest whilst Bakugou worked his fingers through some of the tangles bathing earlier might have caused.
“God natt, ásynja mín”, he boasts, a grin spreading at your widened eyes looking up at him. 
“Ásynja?”, you ask, unsure if you heard him correctly to which he only nods in return as you match his smile. 
“Yes, ásynja mín, for everything I own is now yours as well”, he adds while nodding towards the room, confirming that he meant the palace and everything within his forest was now yours to rule alongside him for eternity. 
And you couldn't be happier as you drift off to sleep against the god’s chest, neither could him as he placed a gentle kiss against your forehead before peering up at the moon. Asking his father if he was watching as he finally found the one with whom his soul delights in after many years of hard battles, he has completed the prophecy he set for himself all those winters ago when he met you, now with a content smile as he buried his nose in your head, excited for what the future awaits as the rulers of Landvidi.
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flimflamfranky · 30 days ago
okay, there's a LOT happening here and i need to go over it before i fucking explode
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first things first, we've got these beasts or gods which seem like parallels to the ancient weapons, with the sea, sky and land (from right to left). i've got two theories about this: these are just representations of the ancient weapons as monsters or the gods that the ancient weapons are based on OR we already know one ancient weapons is actually a person. what if they were all original living beings and some got turned into monsters? especially with pluton, i'm reminded of franky's bad end from sbs 101.
references to the enel's maxim traveling to the moon. seems like someone tried that before and failed because of the ancient weapons?
this might be a bit of a stretch, but this profile looks like an elephant. specifically zunesha
another stretch, but this profile looks like imu
here, it looks like we've got people harvesting 'suns' to power a city, as well as some people with halos. this is probably the slaves and forbidden sun the text mentions, but the halo people are interesting, since we haven't seen that before.
here, we've got a group of a bunch people fighting one of the monsters. there's nika, emet, giants, minks, mermaids, dwarves, and lunarians. there are also the people on the boats which might represent different kingdoms? one looks like they have a top-knot which could be wano. there are also the people riding a whale, which seems to imply a tribe of people linked to the island whale that we haven't seen yet. and then there's the people fighting with the monster. this all seems linked to the war that happened in the void century, referenced by the middle text box.
and finally, the text box itself. i highlighted a few bits that i found most interesting, so i'll go through those:
so "within the earth" there was a "forbidden sun". this either is or is a precursor to the mother flame that vegapunk discovered/invented to create his own sun/endless energy (ch 1114). seems like maybe people in the past tried that and got punished by the sun god for it. regardless, the idea of a forbidden sun is fascinating.
then, the "earth god [...] shrouded the world in death and darkness" leading to the second world aka the void century. now, im not sure if these gods are tied to the monsters shown in mural or the ancient weapons. my guess would be they're tied to the ancient weapons with the earth god and sea god, but the forest god instead of a sky god complicates things- wait. i was going to mention that the forest god was mentioned in skypiea, along with the sun, earth and rain (sea?) god (ch 287). we also see one of their gods in kashigami, the giant snake. and one of the meanings of kashi (according to google) is oak. so it stands to reason that kashigami is the forest god. a forest god from a forest IN THE SKY. boom, we can tie it to the ancient weapon uranus, problem solved.
also, speaking of the rain god, it's the only one from skypiea not mentioned here (unless it is just a different version of the sea god since skypedia doesn't have a sea and ya know, the water cycle and all that), but there is some rain over the whale people that seems significant.
anyway, moving on to "they will never meet", which is repeated in the second world too. while i believe this references the sun god (not) meeting the other gods during these times, it also reminds me of roger mentioning that they "were just too early' (ch 968) with discovering the one piece.
then in the second world, we've got the "void" and "the fires of war", aka the void century and the great war that occurred during it.
also, i didn't highlight it, but the "forest god tamed demons" bit is also interesting. for demons, the three things i think of is the mythical devil fruits of the five elders, the giant shadowy beings from the florian triangle, or the maybeeee the horned ancient giants? my bet is on the florian triangle beings since they kinda looks like shadows cast from skypiea
then, there are "those of the half-moon [and] the moon". now, we known that one of these are the people from the sky island, from enel's cover story (ch 470 and 472). then, there are the lunarians, which given their name and wings, also come from the/a moon. now, which group is the moon or the half-moon, i don't know, but it's interesting that there are two separate moon groups.
and then, finally, we have "the sun god dances and laughs, guiding the world to its end". now, this is probably the most important bit from the whole thing. we know from saul that the third world here is the present, so this is, like, direct foreshadowing. this could be metaphorical, that luffy will end the current "world" aka the world government and usher in a new world, "a new morning". but it could be literal. i don't remember if i came up with this or if i heard it somewhere else, but i have this theory that luffy might destroy mary geoise and destroy the red line, which this line might support.
and finally, we have "and they will surely meet", echoing the last lines of the the previous two stanzas. now, in those two, "they" seem to be the gods, but that's not so in this one. of course, this leaves a lot of things that it could be but either way, luffy will meet someone who will be important the end game of this whole thing. my completely based on nothing, just pure vibes guess? that maybe, the one piece is alive.
and of course, i am very excited that franky is the one kinda front and center here, literally, so i can only hope that maybe him (and robin) will get a lot more focus in the upcoming arcs. a guy can dream.
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cavegirlpoems · 7 months ago
Hello, new follower here! I saw you mentioned you worked on several RPGs, may I ask what those were? I'm always looking to find new cool RPGs!
OK so, off the top of my head: TTRPGs: -Wolfpacks & Winter Snow (osr weird fantasy paleolithic with too much historical research) -Dungeon Bitches (PbtA dyke-punk dungeon-horror full of sex and body horror) -Esoteric Enterprises (osr modern-day occult gangsters/urban exploration) -Haunt/Hearts (romantic lyric game about a lesbian ghost) -The Yellow Curtain (experimental metafiction King In Yellow/RevStar) -Deep Morphean Transmissions (dreamscape conspiricy noir surrealism in a setting kept secret from the players ooc) Modules/Settings/Adventures: The Gardens Of Ynn (whimsical fantasy in a ruined extradimensional garden, procedurally generated osr) The Stygian Library (whimsical fantasy in a haunted extradimensional library, procedurally generated osr) Dead Girls In Sarkash Forest (feminine horror with tragically undead protagonists, mork borg for riot grrls) Wounded Hungry & Forgotten (a mini bestiary for Dungeon Bitches) Black Lung (Dungeon Bitches in the industrial revolution, again with too much historical resarch: out any day now i promise) Wargames: The Dolorous Stroke (experimental detailed skirmish game based on medieval romances with knights going on quests) Black Death Walking (narrative campaign skirmish game set in the 15th century with zombies and satan) Currently In Progress (in various stages of done, titles subject to change, may or may not actually get finished): Black Death Rising (osr religious horror with zombies, fascists and satan all trying to kill you, same setting as Black Death Walking) The Bleeding Gullet (a body-horror OSR setting in a giant mutant-filled chasm that makes you violently ill if you try to leave it) In The Black Cloister (experimental solo wargame where you explore a ruined nunnery/vinyard full of weird monsters) Sunset Seas (nautical osr adventure where you sail around exploring various increasingly weird islands on the edge of the world)
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lizard-shifter-noms · 1 year ago
Wayward Waters Chapter 6
Hello everyone! Chapter 6!
time to explore more of the world!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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I blinked and slowly woke up, seeing a wooden ceiling.
My head felt heavy and my thoughts foggy.
Did I fall off the mast?
I tried to sit up but a somewhat webbed hand forced my head back onto the pillow.
“Please stay on the bed for now, we don't know how exactly you will react to Rimkir root so don't move”
What root? And reacting to it?
My vision was still blurry and my head foggy but I felt like I was in the wrong place.
“Wha hapn?”
I felt extremely confused, the last thing i could recall was, uhh..
Oh right, sitting on top of the mast and having a FUCKING Panic attack!
I tried to sit up but the half webbed hands shoved me down again.
“I said to stay put! Does nobody ever listen to medical advice? You're just as bad as Ronan!”
I blearily looked up at the person I could now identify as Imik.
And I had almost forgotten that Ronan was also somewhere in the ship.
“Wha? Did he wake up? Wait what happened to me? Why am I not on the mast anymore?”
Imik looked tired, at least from what I could see and I suddenly felt bad.
It wasn't their fault, they shouldn't have to deal with my shit.
“He woke up a few hours ago, He's better now but tried to walk around right away. 
I ended up tucking the blankets so tight that he can't move anymore.
As for you, well you had a pretty bad panic attack.
We ended up sedating you so we could get you down from Jamie's nest, which was kind of a logistical nightmare.
Do you feel any better now?”
Sedating me? Was that what the sweet smelling thing had been?
“Uh, im better now, my brain foggy tho”
Imik absentmindedly nodded and then bent down to fetch something from the floor.
He then handed me a big glass filled with clear water.
“Drink something, I'll have to go and see if Ronan managed to wiggle out of the bed, but you can just yell if you need anything else”
With that he left and I was alone in a small room that definitely belonged to someone else.
There were knicknacks strewn about and half a shirt looked out of a chest that had been shoved into a corner, making it look like the wooden thing was sticking its tongue out.
I stared at the glass, wondering whose room I was in, judging by the sizing of things it definitely wasn't Jamie’s, if they even had a normal room aside from the nest thing.
Whatever, I smelled the water to make sure it wasn't salty before slowly drinking it.
My brain still felt a little foggy but compared to the panic attack I preferred it.
I laid back on the bed and just stared at the ceiling for a while.
All of this sucked, like a LOT.
Man, I wanted home!
I kept laying there for half an hour feeling extremely bored.
At least until I heard footsteps on the other side of the apparently rather thin wooden wall if the sound of voices was anything to go by.
“...-anic attacks really suck, what are we supposed to do if he gets another one?” “Well for one not let him climb the mast again! What was the big idea for that anyway?” “It wasn't my Idea! I think he wanted to climb it out of curiosity!”
“And you let him? No wait, I bet you even taunted him for every mistake he made while climbing!”
“So what?”
“Guys, calm down”
“So what? SO WHAT? You keep egging people on! On the stupidest of things! I swear one of these days someone is going to jump in an underwater volcano because of you!”
“I assume im being ignored for the sake of anger once again”
“No, that's just not true! Unlike most people I've met, I know when to stop!” “Really? You do? What about the time you-‽  MMPh!”
“That was one time! You're really gonna harp on THAT Forever?”
“Jamie take your foot out of Imiks face please”
Okay what was going on out there?
I stood up and went to the door, opening it to a rather comedic sight.
Jamie had their clawed foot in Imiks face and squished his cheeks while Imik gripped Jamie's arm and tried to push them away to no avail.
Also I was pretty sure the position they were in was only possible due to Jamies weird legs seeing as they were both rather contorted and tried to strangle each other.
They froze when tha saw me in the position they were in, with Jamie half of the ground, foot in Imiks face and Imik trying to wrestle Jamie away.
Also Akeem was behind them.
Both Jamie and Imik looked at me.
“Ignore this!” “Didn't I tell you to rest?”
Came it from them in unison.
“It's a bit hard to rest when you guys are so loud, what are you even doing?”
They let go of each other, Jamie somehow not falling over.
“Nothing important!”
They said at the same time only to be suddenly grabbed and lifted off the ground by Akeem, leaving their legs dangling out of reach of the floor.
“Apologies Donovan, we will stop bothering you now”
I just stared at him for a second.
Then Jamie wriggled around and started scratching his face with their clawed feet, creating the sound of cat claws on a tile floor.
Despite the assault on his face he didn't even flinch, or blink.
Must be nice to be able to not give a single fuck about that.
“Uh, okay? I do feel better now, how's Ronan?”
Imik pointed two doors down the hall before he and Jamie were dragged away by Akeem.
Jamie still trying to scratch his face unsuccessfully.
Well, that was weird. 
I walked to the door Imik had pointed at and knocked softly.
I felt better now and just laying around was not doing me any favors, Might as well see how Ronan is doing.
“Ronan? Are you awake?”
I heard some rustling sounds and a dull thump, What the hell was he doing?
“Door is unlocked! You can come in!”
Of course the door was unlocked, scatterbrained as he was.
I slowly opened it and saw Ronan lying on the bed, only half under the covers and with his feet on the headrest.
So the sounds I had heard were him jumping back into bed.
He looked at me confusedly.
“Oh, uh, Donovan? You're… smaller”
Oh right, last he saw of me was when I turned Giant to transport him out of the Eel pit.
“Yep, it's me, how are you? 
The eel bites looked nasty, do you feel any better?”
He nodded despite the weird angle he was laying in.
“I feel better! Still incredibly sore though, and there is one nasty bite on my lower arm! Look at it!”
He held his arm up and began undoing the bandages.
I looked on for a second in shock before swiftly walking up to him and stopping him by holding his free arm away from the bandages.
“I believe you! I think you should let the bandages stay on, if you're so keen on showing me you can just get me the next time you change them okay?”
He looked disappointed but relented luckily.
“Sooo how come you're smaller? And two legged? OH! Can you shapeshift into anything else? And how do you do it? Can you use magic? If so, what kind?”
I was taken aback a little by the wall of questions he threw at me.
“Can you maybe ask one question at a time? I barely remember the first one you asked!”
He stopped talking and blinked confusedly.
“Oh sorry! So should I start again but slower?”
I looked at him with a deadpan face.
“As far as i know you should be resting, and i'm pretty sure i heard you running around, i just came in here to see how you're doing”
“Oh come on! I'll be fine! Ain't the worst that's happened to me! And I was just at the window! I wanted to let Imugi know I'm better!”
As nice as wanting to tell his Sea Serpent that he was okay now was he really shouldn't run around with what was essentially a lot of small lightning damage.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, still not feeling all that good myself yet.
“Five questions, but then you have to promise to rest as long as Akeem says”
Akeem seemed the most level headed out of them so this seemed reasonable to me, besides I did not want Ronan to injure himself further.
His face seemed to light up at the prospect of getting to ask Five questions though and I felt like I'd regret that soon enough.
“Okay! Deal! Soo first question uhhh, 
OH! How many forms can you shapeshift into?”
At least he picked an easy one for the first question.
“Three, the fuzzy green thing you saw, which is called an Ardua by the way, the Giant one and this human sized one, that's all”
“What? Only that? Man and here I was hoping for a cool dragon or something! 
So wait, I just remembered you barely ate anything as the… Ardua you called it? Do the plants on your back do photosynthesis? And can you use their energy?
Question number two, and quite an observant one, especially for a scatterbrained guy like him.
“Yes to both of those, like plants i can get get energy from sunlight if i'm in that form, which is pretty practical”
His eyes went wide and he started fiddling with the blanket.
“Ohhh! Man that must be awesome to not need to eat! 
If Imik didn't remind me I'd forget it sometimes!
Okay next question, number three right?
Your Giant form looked really tall! Any idea how tall exactly?”
How tall? Well he was in luck that had just been very recently measured.
“According to Jamie who measured me out of Boredom i'm forty five feet tall, no idea if that's accurate though”
“Forty five??? Fuck that's really tall! And I doubt Jamie made a mistake in measuring, they helped in the past measuring things in the past and it was always pretty accurate, so it's probably correct!”
So Jamie was right about me being forty five feet tall,  good to know that I was garbage at estimating my own height.
“Okay question four! Uhhh, what's your preferred form? Like the fuzzy one? Or the Giant one? Which one?”
My favorite form? Hmmm, each had their advantages and drawbacks.
The Ardua form looked scary and had no thumbs, the Giant one was strong but didn't fit in a house, The human form did fit in a house but was comparatively weak.
“Uhh to be honest no idea, they all have their advantages and drawbacks like, the fuzzy one does not have thumbs, the Giant one is too big for a lot of things, and the human sized one is weak compared to the other two.
I guess i like the Ardua form for sleeping though, in that form even sleeping on the floor is somewhat comfy”
He nodded wildly and seemed to think for a moment.
“Okay, Question number five, How do you shift? Is it like magic? Or more Biologically? I've seen Merfolk that can change their tail into legs and back! Is it like that?”
Of course that's what he HAD to ask, ugh, but I told him I'd answer five questions so that's what i was gonna do, not like he could use the bracelet anyway.
I held up the arm with the bracelet and tapped it.
“Don't tell anyone but this thing lets me shift, and no you can't use it, it's locked to the genetic code or whatever Oakley called it, meaning if anyone without the necessary genes puts it on they will die.
So do NOT under any circumstances put it on, you hear me?” He nodded, gaze transfixed on the reflective material of the bracelet.
“That is so cool! 
As soon as we're back to base you have to show me all the forms!”
Well, that went better than expected, at least he wasn't asking to wear it himself but maybe the warning did come across to his brain properly.
“I'm fine with that, the sooner we get there the sooner you get to poke at the forms and the sooner I can get back home!” He nodded frantically, nearly tearing holes in his blanket with his nails.
“Oh if you help me to the window I can tell Imugi to go extra fast! And tell her I'm fine! I didn't quite make it to the window before you came in…”
He admitted and I rolled my eyes, this guy's self preservation was Garbage at best.
“Alright, just don't complain to me when your wounds reopen!”
“Oh don't worry! I have a high pain tolerance!”
That comment made me think back to Fable,  the poor guy also had no idea what happened to me.
God, I missed him as well.
“That does not sound as reassuring as you think!”
He just shrugged and I helped him stand up by slinging one of his arms over my shoulder, idly noting he was about the same height as me.
Then I slowly maneuvered him to be right next to the window which he immediately opened.
There was an excited whistle click sound and suddenly Imugi was in front of the bullseye shaped window which was too small to let her fit her head in.
Not that she didn't try tough.
Ronan just stuck his hand out instead.
“I'm fine girl, and I'd be even better the faster we reach home. 
Can you be a dear and bring us to Kariba Island as fast as possible?”
Imugi made a weird sound that was a mix of chirping and whistling and dived under and out of sight again.
Only a moment later there was a tug on the boat and I could literally feel how we went faster.
I held onto Ronan so he wouldn't fall over.
“Man she's fast! And she's towing the entire boat!” Ronan laughed at that.
“Yes! She can hold that tempo for quite some time as well! You should see her zoom around without being tied to the boat! I even made a saddle! I keep falling off though so I gotta tinker on it still!”
I wasn't sure what surprised me more, that the Sea serpent could hold this tempo for an entire day or that Ronan made an entire fucking saddle for her.
Okay the saddle somehow surprised me less, and even less that he still had to tinker on it.
“A saddle? Really? I hope you can hold your breath well then! 
Now let's get you back to bed”
He grinned and nodded, half hanging over my shoulder like a wet cat.
“Fine by me! A deal is a deal! And I got to tell Imugi I'm fine so that's even better!”
I gently guided him back to bed and set him on it properly, not the weird upside down thing he did before. 
“Oh before you go! Could you hand me a book to read? Its so fucking boring just laying around!”
While talking he pointed at a closet that was built into the wall of the room with lockable drawers.
The keys for it were on a hook right next to it that was bent so much the ship would have to be upside down for them to fall off.
I took the keys and opened the drawer he had pointed at, seeing a total of ten books, picking two random ones I chucked them on the bed where Ronan immediately grabbed them like a possessive drake.
“Thanks! Finally less boredom! Also I hope when we get there we'll find a way to get you back to your friends!”
I stopped for a moment where I was in the doorway.
“Thank you for helping, now just focus on getting better Imugi had looked so sad when you got Injured!”
That seemed to surprise him.
“She did? Ough, I gotta apologize for that later to her!”
“Not only her, Jamie, Akeem and Imik where also worried as fuck!”
With that i left the room and closed the door behind me.
Man, what a chaotic bunch, but at least we were closer to that Kariba island now. 
Maybe I should ask them if they got a map of the island?
Knowing what it looked like might be nice.
On the way back to the deck I ran into Jamie, who immediately grabbed my arm with one of their bird leg claws, and dragged me along.
Man they were strong for someone so small, first getting dragged into the nest and now I was forced to keep up while they only hopped forwards on one leg.
“You GOTTA see what Island we are going past right now! And it's just the right season too!”
Island? Right season? What?
“Wait a second, what do you mean? 
Why are you dragging me to see an island? 
Are we going to stop there?”
They just shook their heads, dragging me onto the deck and towards the railing.
“Nah, we ain't gonna stop! So that's why you have to look now!”
Well, I had no idea what this was about if we weren't even stopping at that island but I still looked if only to stop Jamie from digging their claws in even more.
The island we were sailing past was VERY colorful and looked to be completely overgrown by every flower possible in this climate, giving it an almost unreal appearance.
“How many flowers are there? And how come they all grow there?”
Jamie just grinned widely, showing a pair of dull fangs.
“Ha! I knew the guy with plants on his back would like this! 
Apparently some odd years ago a ship that was supposed to bring lots of rare flower seeds to who knows where got stranded on the island and broke in two! 
The seeds were just left there and at some point started growing!”
All the flowers were from a single shipwreck? 
Wow, I was almost tempted to ask them to stop the boat so I could try and get some for Robin but that would mean wasting even more time.
Suddenly a webbed hand grabbed the railing from outside,  heaving the attached body onboard again.
It was, of course, Imik.
He also had a little burlap bag slung over his shoulder.
“I found some seeds that were waterproof packaged! Part of the wreck is actually still there! Just underwater!”
Man Imik had to be a fast swimmer to get there and back while we drifted past it, the island wasn't really all that big even.
He then reached into the bag and tossed me a little thumb sized box made out of bronze, shaking it I could hear lots of little things hit against each other.
“Here! You can have one! I doubt those contain any plant that's not already growing on the island!”
“Oh, uh, thank you, I actually know someone that would love this!”
He grinned, which showed a mouth full of shark-like teeth, and gave a thumbs up.
“Great! I myself am quite bad at keeping plants alive for longer than a week anyway!”
He then speed walked away to the door into the ship,  his webbed feet making a weird plap, plap noise as he walked.
Yep, chaotic bunch.
I stowed the thumb sized box away in the little bag that already contained the fossilized sea star for Fable.
Looking back at the island I noticed Jamie had used their claws to hold onto the railing and squat down like a bird would.
They really looked like a chicken right now with the way they sat on the wood.
I decided not to mention it and instead watch the flower island until it was out of sight.
It was really pretty, man I wished my friends could see this, Especially Robin! He'd love this!
At some point Jamie walked off,  going back up the mast to be the lookout again.
The island was out of sight now, Imugi was really fast, and strong, so i had nothing to do now.
I had already checked in on Ronan, Jamie was back up the mast and I was absolutely NOT climbing that again.
Maybe I could ask Akeem or Imik for something to do? Oh wait, Imik wanted to show me how to properly hold my breath for a really long time!
Then we got interrupted by the chaos on the eel island and kinda forgot.
Not to mention the fact I had a panic attack.
Yep, not fun.
I walked through the door I had seen Imik disappear into and found myself in a room filled with shelves and boxes, all nailed or screwed down so they would fall over should the ship be hit by a bigger wave.
The shelves themself were so constructed that they had drawers instead of bare wood to place things on, and every single one was lockable in a way that would prevent them from sliding open unprompted.
Quite an architectural feat in my opinion, and considering that Imik mentioned he was a treasure hunter they were probably filled with various things he brought up from the sea floor.
“Looking for something specific?”
I startled and turned around, coming face to face with the Merling.
“Oh, uh, kinda? You said you would show me how to hold my breath for a really long time?”
“Oh right, I did! Good timing, I was just getting bored again after stashing my new stuff!”
I was then dragged along for the second time today, but this time I was led to a more open space in the middle of the room which had a carpet nailed down on it that seemed to be made out of seaweed.
Remembering last time I had gotten a short instruction I sat down on the carpet while Imik did the same opposite of me.
“Okay where were we last time? Like what did I already tell you?”
“Uh, you told me to like, calm down and slow my heartbeat?”
He nodded, at least I had gotten that right.
“Apnea is about expanding the capacity of your lungs. 
At a depth of 30 meters, the lungs are only 25% of their actual size, so With diaphragmatic and lateral lung breathing, more air can be inhaled! 
And if you slow your heart down and are calm your body uses less air!
Fantastic isn't it?”
I had understood maybe half of what he was saying, but he'd probably show me anyway.
Yep. I was right in that as he started to explain how to control one's breathing among some other things.
And thus the day was spent learning how to do various breathing exercises.
While unusual it wasn't as boring as one would have thought, At one point I had to hold my breath while Imik tried to get me to laugh or poked at me.
Apparently that was to make sure I wouldn't spit all the air out should a fish startle me.
While probably true he seemed to have a good time with it, and it was a little funny
He had also been positively surprised when I told him about the only breathing thing I knew, to calm someone from a panic attack.
He immediately jotted it down in a random notebook.
We continued with that until the door was slammed open and Jamie waltzed in.
“AY! Dinner time you idiots!”
Already?, though, looking actually outside showed the sun was way lower than before. 
We really had spent all day with the Apnea diving thing huh?
Well, i did feel like i made some progress, like being able to hold my breath for about seven minutes now, Maybe more, we didn't have a clock.
Whatever, maybe now they had something to eat that wasn't sandwiches.
No they did not, and by now the bread was either stale or soggy again, somehow.
I politely declined under the guise that since I had plants on my back in Ardua Form I didn't need to eat anyway.
That and I didn't want to use more of their resources than I already did.
And so I got out of eating stale sandwiches, for now at least.
“Are you not a fan of sandwiches?” Asked Ronan then, gnawing on his own rather stale bread with what was probably marmalade.
“Well, depends, and not everyday for sure, don't you have anything else on board?
Since I had gotten onto the boat the only thing they had to eat were those sandwiches, which couldn't be healthy.
“Well, the dude that cooks had to stay home cuz he broke his ribs!”
Interjected Jamie nonchalantly while grabbing another bread.
“What?” “Yeah! The crane we have on board was getting some heavy box up and somehow slammed him into the wall! Apparently the pressure of being squished between the crate and the wall just snapped some of his Bones a few months ago! 
Good thing we know a pretty okay doc!”
I was just staring at Jamie who told a story like that completely nonchalantly.
Yeah, these guys had a few screws loose, maybe even used them to keep the boat together.
“Oh, well, I hope he gets well soon?”
I said awkwardly, not really knowing what to do in such a situation.
“Eh, Yamet is fine, next time he can go back on the ship as well! I bet he's incredibly bored though!”
At least that was nice, but man these guys were crazy.
Oh well, better not say anything about it.
Though if they made such jokes this Yamet guy was probably fine.
The only somewhat calm dinner of stale bread and possibly moldy marmalade was interrupted by a loud boom and an impact that shook the entire ship.
What? What was happening?
The entire crew had already sprung up and hasted to a variety of places, Jamie back up the mast, Akeem and Imik got entire fucking Cannons.
Ronan was already nowhere to be seen and I had no idea where he went.
Hopefully back inside as it appeared we were under attack.
Not really knowing what to do, I walked over to where Akeem and Imik were, already stuffing a cannonball into the cannon to fire back.
Not knowing how to operate a cannon or even how to help, I tried to get a glance on what was attacking us, which turned out to be another ship.
Pirates? As far as I knew they were a big enough Problem that Rikaad had wanted to deal with it himself.
Worse was that the enemy boat was bigger than ours and probably had more people.
Imik and Akeem fired their cannon and managed to hit the low side of the enemy ship.
Unfortunately we got hit again, the ship going very lopsided for a moment and I could hear a weird screech.
Looking up I saw it was Jamie, who was upside down and held on to the outermost piece of the mast with a clawed foot.
Oh fuck, they'd fall in at any moment!
Leaving the experts to man the cannon, I ran to the other side of the ship, only seeing out of the corner of my eye that apparently Imugi had rammed the other boat, causing some of the men on board to freak out at being attacked from a sea monster.
Man, I hoped they wouldn't shoot at Imugi.
Unlikely though.
I was positioned at the railing, still not anywhere near Jamie and thus not able to catch them as they fell, another cannonball impacting at the same time and causing the crane to fall overboard where Jamie was just moments ago.
Being horribly reminded of what had happened to me not that long ago when the mast crashed onto my own head I jumped in after Jamie, shifting while jumping and inhaling as much air as I could, doing as Imik had shown me.
I dived down after Jamie, seeing that one of their legs had gotten tangled in a rope from the crane and they were desperately trying to get it loose.
I managed to swim after them right as they went past an underwater cliff, the top part of the crane scraping against the rock with an unpleasant noise.
Not having thumbs currently I simply bit into the crane, not like it would be usable anymore anyway.
Jamie got loose, kicking their thin legs which were definitely not made for swimming and tried to swim up, which thanks to having so thin legs was agonizingly slow.
Then the crane which had been scraping against the rock knocked a boulder loose, which in turn bumped into more rocks, freeing them and causing an underwater landslide.
Jamie got hit square in the chest by one and was dragged even deeper down as the rocks went towards the bottom of the ocean and I dived after them, taking them into my mouth due to a lack of thumbs.
Their legs were still sticking out and my mouth was filled with water, not allowing them to breathe either as one of the bigger rocks hit my back, pushing me deeper underwater and ending up trapping me on a shelf like rock formation as more of the rockslide buried my lower half under it.
Fuck, now i was trapped with no air, 
and even worse was that Jamie had no air either.
But I had a little bit of air, maybe I could share?
Tentatively I pressed Jamie against my palate, pushing out as much water as I could and then let my mouth fill with some of my own air.
I felt them cough and while maybe a bit stale the air was still better than nothing.
But now what? I was trapped and there was no way for Jamie to get back up without drowning.
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himezoro · 1 year ago
Can you do head canons of how the straw hats would cheer you up if they noticed you were sad?
— thank you so much for requesting, and being my first request ! ୨୧ i mainly focused on the monster trio, i'll be happy to do a part 2 with other straw hats if you want to (tbh i was so excited to write after work that i could not wait lmao). i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i liked writing it for you ⋆˙⟡♡ i didn't know if it was meant to be their s/o, so i went for both hypothesis.
— ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ : how would the monster trio cheer you up if they noticed you were sad ?
wc : 1400+
warning! : mention of gender (female) in sanji's part !
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sailing with the strawhats has always been pure magic and ectic each day. watching the sun sets in the most beautiful places, feeling the breeze tickling your nose, discovering nature in all its glory, dancing to the rythm of the waves. but traveling the seas had its tough times. who could have thought that your inner demons would catch up, when the thousands sunny would go so many ways ?
during these tempestuous times, with a forced smile on your face, the light in your eyes dimmed, and when you thought (or, your inner demons so declared), no one noticed, or that no one cared...
monkey d luffy
[ if you were his friend ]
luffy brings light with each blink of his round, bright eyes. he is the life of the party, hell, he is the party.
and even though he is used to having some more quiet souls around him, like zoro or robin, he sure can notice when someone is feeling sad, especially a crewmate. a friend.
when he noticed your absence during the time the ship decked on a beautiful beach, luffy asked for you, as he would for any of his comrades.
when he heard you stayed on the ship "to get some rest", he nodded and kept on having fun with usopp and chopper.
but the time flied, and you did not show up.
luffy would scream for you at the top of his lungs for you to come out and look at him pull pranks and build a really fun castle. he would do anything to make you laugh. even if it meant getting dugged in the sand by his friends or used as a kite for kite-surfing.
if his screams didn't make you come out (or, get him killed by nami), he would run to the ship and offer you a present : seashells he collected.
he would offer his biggest smile and tell you that he will be back soon with a giant fish for everyone to eat.
needless to say, he ended up drowning and that, made you laugh.
[ if you were his s/o ]
again, luffy may look a little over the moon, but he can make the difference between introversion and sadness.
if he would do anything to make you laugh as a friend, as a partner, luffy would tend to be more quiet.
luffy immediatly feels your sadness, even from miles away. it clenches his heart. he hates it when he knows his antics are not enough to make you smile. he feels like he failed in some way.
luffy's love language is physical touch. be prepared for a lot of cuddling sessions where he would not.let.you.breathe.
he hopes to bring warmth to your heart. he would not kiss you, but trap you with his elastic arms for as long as you want, or until he has to eat.
if you say you need space and alone time, luffy would respect that. instead, he would put his hat on your head and patiently wait until you're ready to be welcomed in his arms.
he's a sweetheart overall i want to squish him
roronoa zoro
[ if you were his friend ]
roronoa zoro is a quiet animal, a man of a few words. he respects boundaries more than anyone on the ship, which is why you liked having him around, especially during these dark times.
but just because zoro is quiet doesn't mean he does not notice. boy, does he notice. that man is always on watch, his guard on, he can feel the switch in the air the second he saw you sitting in a secluded space of the ship.
he knows he's not skillfull with words, and he knows he does not like prying. so, he does not ask questions. he just acknowledges your current state, and leaves you space.
when other crew members would ask for you, he would lie and say you're asleep in your quarters and do not want to be disturbed. he would make sure no one gets close to the place you're currently hiding, knowing that if you were there, it meant not wanting to be seen dealing with these emotions.
he would yell at luffy for being too loud and pretend it disturbs his own peace.
when he sees you come out looking sad again and cross his path, he would not talk or say anything. instead, he would give you a small, silent, yet, eloquent nod.
in other words : zoro would be the greatest gardian
[ if you were his s/o ]
zoro often felt like he was not a great partner. he's not energetic like luffy, romantic and eloquent like sanji... he feels like a brute.
but if there's one thing zoro is confident in for sure, in his relationship with you, it's his ability to protect you, to shield you from harm.
as a friend, he always feels protective of his crewmates, but when it comes to his s/o, this boy would build a whole planet just for them to be safe and sound. at peace.
so he immediatly notices you were sad with the way you bid "goodnight" after dinner.
he left you alone for a couple of minutes, just so you would not feel oppressed. again, this man knows boundaries.
yet, he is unable to stay away from you and leaving you alone in such state. his duty is to protect you from even the smallest ant. even if he has a lot of trust in your strength, he cannot help but to come into your room and sit, lay by you. he would not ask you to talk, but he will. after placing a kiss on your wet temple and a hand on your shivering shoulder, he would quietly state, with determination and pure adoration : "i'll be waiting by your side, if you need anything."
he would probably fall asleep, but he kept his promise, and his hand remained on your shoulder the entire time.
vinsmoke sanji
[ if you were his friend ]
sanji cares about the well-being of his crewmates like no other. after all, he is the chef, he is responsible for your health, and you know what they say : le bonheur est dans l'assiette (translation, happiness lies in the plate).
so when sanji notices you have not finished your meal last night, he figures that you just didn't like its taste.
so the next day for lunch, he tried to improve his recipe and served the meal once again, but to no avail. you did not eat a bite and quickly left.
sanji then understood the meal was not the issue here (he's a great chef after all, i cannot see him fail a recipe), but it was something else. you were sad. and this man cannot let a pretty lady in such dismay (or a friend in general).
sanji would bake your favorite cookies and, if you're a female, bring them over to you on a silver tray with the most marvelous bouquet to make you feel like a princess. it would be difficult for him to hide his excitement when he sees you, but he would understand your need to be left alone if this would please you.
but if you needed someone to talk, female or not, this man would pour down a cup of wonderful tea and listen to you for minutes, hours, hell, even for days, and provide a lot of advices and support.
he would not eat the treats he made for you, claiming they were yours and he "feeds off your growing happiness".
[ if you were his s/o ]
he would do everything he would do for a friend. after all, sanji is known to be kindhearted, thoughtful and attentive.
but when it comes to his s/o being sad ? he would feel it right away, like lightning.
before checking on you and reacting, sanji would think. this boy is sensitive, filled with empathy. so he would question himself and wonder if he is the cause of your sadness. is he too cliché ? is he too pushy ? does he not compliment you enough ? is the attention he gives to other ladies problematic ? he would think a lot about his own actions to make sure he can comfort you the right way.
so even though he notices your sadness really early on, he takes a while to react.
but when he does, expect your favorite treats along with a wonderful handwritten note under the plate where this boy tells you everything he wants you to know, "so you can cherish these words forever and hold them to your heart when feeling sorrow"
he would not give you the plate in person if you asked to be left alone, instead, he would silently leave it by your window and wait until you open it to offer you a sweet, loving kiss, on top of your forehead. like la cerise sur le gâteau (translation, the cherry on top of the cake).
2024 © himezoro - do not repost or translate my work. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome
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abbyfmc · 5 months ago
Yanderetober #2:
Yandere Kraken! x Sailor! Reader:
Myths of the sea, who isn't fascinated by them?
They have existed since human beings began to have the use of reason, all in order to prevent and warn sailors and naive people of the possible dangers of this part of the planet that has always been with us.
There have been stories about ghosts of drowned people trying to drag victims away; mermaids who hypnotized sailors or pirates, or mermen who hypnotized women and young girls in order to kill and eat them, or force them to be mermaids in order to reproduce and preserve the species; ghost pirate ships (or normal ships); monsters like the megalodon or the leviathan, and of course, the much-mentioned kraken.
The Kraken was a giant octopus or squid that lived in the depths of seas and oceans; and according to stories, it was responsible for several sinkings of ships, boats, cruise ships, submarines, canoes and even flooding of beaches, seaports, as well as coastal towns and cities if they were close enough to these places.
However, that was no impediment for a beautiful young woman like (T/n) to become a lover of the seas. Since she was a little girl she was passionate about everything that had to do with marine species, water currents and boats of ALL kinds. She trained and worked hard to become a very successful diver, as she became today, becoming one of the best.
On one of those days, she was out diving, exploring a bit when she was intercepted by a mythological being half human and half octopus, which she didn't see. When (Y/n) returned to the surface that being came out moments later without being noticed. She saw her take off her diving helmet on the boat, revealing her beautiful face and voice.
--'She's beautiful'-- he thought to himself.
From that moment on, he couldn't stop thinking about her, much less seeing her. He spied on her hidden behind some distant rocks while he was in his Cecaelia form, watching her clean the beach and port; explore the reefs, clean them and help the species that live there (which were mostly starfish, sponges, fish, small fish, crabs and turtles) and he admired seeing her passion and dedication to marine species.
He fell in love with her passion and dedication for the sea, her care for sea creatures, her beauty and kindness. He tried to get close to her, even tried to rehearse his words; but she always returned with those useless humans to the surface, without her even suspecting their existence.
So one day, fed up with not being able to have her, he decided to do something.
After collecting the best pearls and marine treasures for her, he thought about how to attract her since he knows that humans cannot live underwater, thinking about creating a spell to turn her into a beautiful mermaid and later, into his queen. He prepared the spell meticulously, and then went up to the surface where he found his beloved strolling on a boat. From what little he could see of the deck, it was decorated in an elegant and romantic way. In addition, his beloved (Y/n) was very pretty.
He was about to approach her, but then he saw a human man approaching him in a very lively manner and they began their date calmly. Both were enjoying the night, and the marine being could not bear the idea of ​​his beloved being with another; so he put his plan into action. He changed into his true form, and used its tentacles to split the ship in half with great force.
--Look out!-- He heard the other human male scream. The ship ended up sinking along with the one who was once (Y/n)'s boyfriend, who was dragged into the depths with that being, who gave her the spell through a kiss. She was understandably terrified and scared. She realized that she could see and hear perfectly well under the sea, and she also noticed the painful changes she was undergoing to be a mermaid.
--Who are you and what the hell are you?!-- She asked in the midst of all the pain as they stopped.
--I am someone who has watched and desired you for a long time. Someone who would not accept you staying away from me,-- the imposing kraken man replied, wrapping his arms around her in a hug while she suffered from pain due to the transformation.
--Let me go!-- She exclaimed, scared and angry, trying to separate herself as she felt her muscles, bones and arteries deform to join together in a mermaid tail.
--No way! You will be my queen! MINE!-- He shouted at her, angry at her refusal. She wanted to continue fighting, but she fainted in his arms.
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Hours passed and she woke up in a kind of sunken shipwreck. It had half-open chests that revealed marine jewels such as gold, silver, pearls of all colors, copper and zinc. There were rings, simple stones, necklaces, earrings and a beautiful gold crown adorned with pearls. (Y/n), still horrified by her transformation from human to mermaid, was amazed by the beauty of the crown, which seemed to belong to a queen. She looked at it for a long time, and then someone spoke to her from outside the ship.
--It seems that someone has already woken up-- A male voice from outside said excitedly. --Good morning, my precious queen-- The kraken greeted her from outside, only its eye visible through the large hole in the ship's wall. She was frightened by her situation, as well as by the immense size of her kidnapper.
--You… who are you?-- She questioned fearfully, lying down.
--Oh, that's right; my name is Kai and I am the kraken ruler of all the seas. May I know yours?-- Kai showed up, pulling the mermaid out of the boat with the help of one of his tentacles without allowing her to free herself. --You are more beautiful than you already were-- She could only tremble in fear at this, because she could not imagine herself in the middle of this situation, at the hands of the kraken itself.
--I'm… (Y/n); what do you want from me?-- She asked fearfully.
--You, sweetie-- he smiled. --isn't it obvious?; I've been watching you for some time now--.
--But, for what?; My meat doesn't taste very good-- (Y/n) questioned, trying to excuse herself because she thought he was really going to eat her.
Kai just laughed for a while, which confused the mermaid. Kai calmed his laughter and then looked at her, bringing her a little closer to his face.
--Oh love, I don't plan on eating you or hurting you. I will make you my beloved queen, and we will take care of the seas and oceans together.-- Kai answered her with eyes full of loving obsession, accompanied by his raspy voice and a smile that was terrifying for poor (Y/n).
The terrified mermaid could only think about what awaited her in the future.
-The end.
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thepossummoldypasta · 3 months ago
I Lost Myself to Find You
Tw! a character thinks he's been drugged, strong depictions of someone feeling ill
Steve knew, he knew, it was a bad idea to come to school today. He had thought (ignorantly, stupidly,) that the effects of having his face beaten in and the horrors of almost dying to a fucked up paper-fortune-teller-monster would have faded away over the weekend. Apparently not. Of course not.
Now everything aches. It hurts more than Steve thinks it should. It hurts like he’s a walking livewire bruise. Like every muscle has torn apart and hurled itself back together with no care. He doesn't remember being so absolutely fucked yesterday.
It's pretty obvious that he’s in a bad way. Steve’s shuffling down the hallway like a zombie, arms curled around a suffering stomach that he doesn't even remember Johnathan socking. Not to mention the smell. Steve’s set to present as a beta and even he can smell how absolutely pathetic he is right now.
It's only second period and he longs to be back home with the covers pulled over his head.
Fuck it.
Steve turns around. O’Donnell can fuck herself; Steve’s insides are falling out and he's got priorities. His internal organs trying to eat each other has got to be more important than English class.
It's a long trek to his car parked at the far, desolate, corner of the lot. What stupid mountain was Nancy’s little brother going on about the last time he saw him? Card-something? Steve feels like that. Like he’s crawling lamb-like across some epic snowy mountain, about to collapse.
Where's his car?
Steve knows where he parked his car, but he doesn't see it in the lot. Or he thinks he doesn't; Steve can't see much of anything through the spots dancing in his vision. Maybe the swirling is making it harder to see than the spots are? Either way Steve’s got no idea how far away he is from the bimmer, lost amongst a swimming sea of metal.
He needs to sit down; to yell at his thoughts until they regroup.
Is he even in the parking lot anymore? fuck is he even in the parking lot? The swirling feeling is worse, now it's like he’s swaying on a giant seesaw crossed with a carrousel. Steve’s head feels heavy, like there is cotton and sand thumping around in there instead of brains and rational thoughts.
At least the spots in his vision are gone. If Steve focuses enough--despite his eyes mimicking a fuzzy camera lens zooming in and out—he can see boldly colored evergreen leaves and icy moss. Yep, not in the parking lot.
Probably not a good idea to wander around in the snow blanketed woods with no jacket. The weather is cold enough that Steve could freeze!
He could freeze if it didn't feel like a fire had been lit in his stomach and across his shoulders.
It's almost near dark, Hawkins is firmly in that time of year when the sun disappears early, but the sky remains dully lit. The shade cast by the trees Steve is trudging between dims the earth even further but everything seems so vivid to him that it almost doesn't matter.
It shouldn't still be this easy to see. It's almost like the preternatural senses that he’s heard come after presentation. Even Betas gain heightened senses, but Steve hasn't presented as one yet, so why is it so bright?
Suddenly it occurs to Steve that he might have been drugged.
Tommy did say he would get back at Steve for abandoning him; The really sad thing is that Steve can picture his used-to-be best friend slipping him something as payback. What would this even be? God, he hopes its not acid.
Steve knows what he has to do now, where he has to go.
Eddie can help
When you think about it, at first the idea seems utterly absurd, but Steve knows Eddie. Sure, the alpha is a major freak, but he’s also Hawkins High’s most prominent (only) drug dealer. He’s bought from Eddie. Every time Steve picked up the “party favors” his friends pressured him into getting, Eddie would get this look on his face and tell Steve that he was always there if he had a bad trip.
And that’s what this is right? It's just a bad trip—even if it was potentially caused by the one guy he used to trust more than anybody else in the world—but now Steve actually has a plan! He just has to make it to Eddie!
Shockingly that might be easier to do than one might think. Very luckily Steve knows these woods and knows them well. In abrupt clarity Steve realizes the route he must have taken to get here and therefore the route he needs to take to get to Eddie.
If he’s in the woods he must have wandered south out of the Highschool parking lot, weaved between houses and the thin tree line, and eventually got himself into the woods proper. He doesn't think he took any turns, so if he just heads west, he’ll either head straight to Forest Hills or pop back out on a road he can follow to get there.
After a small setback—because he can’t follow the sun to find west—Steve is on his way.
The hike through the frost and snow is still oddly easier than it should be. Steve feels like his body is running on fever and instinct. As he walks Steve absentmindedly starts to hum “Over the River and Through the Woods” under his breath, hoping familiar music will speed up the flow of time.
He can still see fairly well; well enough to see (and attempt to ignore) what seems like a little girl following him from close behind. Steve knows it’s probably just the ghosts of his foggy mind coming to haunt him but the idea of a young pup all alone in the woods makes something in him, ache.
Soon enough, she slips back into the shrouds of trees. The pup won’t answer when Steve calls for her; and though it hurts—oh how it hurts—Steve reasons he cannot stop and weep over the spirits conjured by his drug addled brain. He’s almost there.
It should be startling how direct the path Steve took is but he doesn't care about that. He’s almost there. Lights shimmer in the distance, if he listens closely, it's almost like he can hear the soft thrum of distant music permeating the forest floor.
The Munson trailer seems to rise from the freezing mist, welcoming and safe. Steve sees Eddie’s window aglow in the evening and a sigh of relief breaks free from his troubled chest. Steve knows Eddie’s trailer, his window (Eddie refused to sell anything worse than weed anywhere but at home), the certainty is a comfort.
Eddie promised he would help him, here Steve will be safe. Quickly but clumsily Steve flies like a moth to the soft window-light. All sense has left him now; Steve claws and whimpers at the window pathetically until it opens.
“Harrington?” Eddie sticks his head out to greet him, “What are you doing?” Steve whines at the harshness of the whisper. He knows it wasn't meant to be mean but it still feels upsetting somehow.
“Eddie, I need help” the plea is pitchy and sad even to his own ears but still Steve presses on. “Eddie, you promised!”
The poor alpha startles, sucks in a breath and leaps to settle the boy crying at his window.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Eddie flounders. “Steve, calm down, we can sort this out.” no matter how Eddie tries to sooth him Steve does not get a hold of himself. It takes several, long, anxious, moments before Eddie retreats back from the window.
Steve wails.
Why would Eddie leave? why when he said Steve could always come to him?
Steve has never felt so fragile before, He doesn't remember feeling this heartbreaking lonesomeness since maybe before high school. It could be just a culmination of every emotion he's felt and locked away because of the hell he was pulled into. it could be that this was just the last straw. Either way for some stupid reason he feels a small twinge of abandonment in his bruised heart.
All of a sudden arms envelop him in warmth and care.
"Hey, lets get you inside, okay Steve?" Eddie murmurs by his ear. "Jesus man, what are ya a space heater or something? You have your own vapor cloud." Steve doesn't think he was actually supposed to hear that part, but when he turns around, sure enough, a fine mist rises from his shoulders and trails after him like a sorrowful miasma.
how did that happen? When did that happen?
The Munson trailer is warmer and more comforting the anywhere else Steve has been in his entire life. Something rumbles deep contentedly in his chest; its so nice.
Eddie leads him over to a small couch covered in more through pillows on it than a couch thrice its size would need and Steve is glad to rest there.
"Okay man, what do you need?" Eddie questions when the other boy is settled in, "What can I do?"
Steve can't muster actual words but somehow the alpha understands. Swiftly Steve finds himself under a bundle of blankets to situate any way he wants while Eddie steps away once more. This time it isn't so bad; Steve still feels unhappy that Eddie isn't with him, however unlike last time Eddie had told Steve where he was going and was still in his line of sight as the Alpha goes to call his uncle.
"Hey Wayne" Steve hears Eddie greet his uncle. There is a brief back and forth about why Eddie is calling, and how "yes it is suspicious for you to call this late", before Eddie admits defeat. "look, You really cant get mad about this okay?" Eddie stresses into the phone. "I picked up another stray."
Another? but could that mean--
"I-I know Wayne," Eddie interrupts Steve's train of thought, "but I really gotta help my friend out okay? He's in heat."
The conversation continues at a steady murmur, but Steve can barely hear it, let alone make sense of the yeses and i-knows being passed back and forth.
Steve can't stay. He should have known taking advantage of someone's hospitality would have consequences. Here he is, a pathetic lump, on Eddies couch when he should be focusing on his omega! His omega in heat no less!
Steve struggles to free himself from the blankets and pillows he hadn't realized were completely surrounding him. Distantly he hears Eddie frantically tell his uncle he has to go and slam the handset back into the cradle as Steve almost tumbles to the floor.
"Hey! Hey! Steve what's wrong man?" Eddie manages to catch Steve by the shoulders holding him in place.
"No! Let me go!" Steve cries, thrashing in Eddies hold "You should be taking care of your omega!"
Steve nearly breaks free but Eddie wraps around him. now he's trapped in a hold more like a hug than a trap pushing him back into place.
"Well I don't know if we're quite there yet big boy, but that is what I'm trying to do!" The Alpha huffs.
"No you should be with him! He's the one in heat!" the cry pierces into the night, Its so sharp Steve is almost shocked it cam from his own mouth. Eddie makes a confused noise--that might have been a word if Steve was paying attention--he shifts his hold once more, putting Steve at arms length so he can look in his eyes.
"What!" he shouts in return, Eddie looks deep in his eyes despite Steve's best efforts to look away.
"You're in heat." Eddie says it with such conviction it's startling. In fact Steve is so caught off guard that he goes limp enough to be laid back against the couch.
Eddie coos at him softly, Tucking the blankets back around Steve, even going so far as to fluff a few of the pillows.
"oh honey," Eddie says sweetly as he brushes a hand along Steve's hair in a way he would normally despise, "You really didn't know? is this your first one?"
Steve nods against the alphas careful hand, taking it to nuzzle. Literally three hours ago--heck five minutes ago--if anyone had asked Steve if he was in heat he would have laughed in their face. Now the low, thrumming, ache has settled back in his gut and inclines him to think differently.
What else could this be really? well, he thought drugs, but hindsight and a safe place to rest vanishes the thought. looking back on the day all the cramps, the post-presentation senses, the fire that's settled within him, it all seems to make sense.
(a distant part of his brain--the one that will be embarrassed in a couple days time--tells him that the emotional sensitivity was also probably the result of his surprise presentation. That it was the natural, sudden shift, in hormones and pheromones effecting his already slightly addled brain)
"I don't want to leave, Eddie." Steve eventually sniffles against the warmth of the alpha. He reaches up to hold him gently and Eddie sinks into the hug.
"You don't have to go anywhere sweetheart. I'll look after you, I promise."
Later, after many cuddles and complaints from the new omega about how he "thought heats were supposed to be sexy", Steve will reflect on this week as probably the best one of his entire life. Up until that point of course. After all he has the rest of his life with the most caring alpha he's ever known ahead of him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yay It's Done! Feel free to come check this out on Ao3 as well because I've decided to cross post as many of my works as I can =]
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