#not to get like Personal personal on my silly anime blog but. man. i wish this shit was easier
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Welcome to Coco’s Review! Where I review and breakdown episodes, movies and etc and overthink every tiny detail and/or give my thoughts and opinions :D !! THE STORY I’M ABOUT TO DISCUSS HAS TOPICS ABOUT S/A AND OTHER DISTURBING TOPICS PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION !! Ok so this may not be something you’d expect me to cover but I wanted to discuss this series on my blog for a while now! Today I’m discussing Blue’s Story by Victaton!
Blue’s Story is a series by Victaton over on youtube that mixes gacha life 2 character designs along with animation. I like to think of the gl2 designs as character models and Victation expands on it through animation. The series doesn’t have proper episodes, its installments mainly continue music videos that go in a specific order. The story is about Blue, a man in his early 20s entering the company his older sister works in with a positive attitude only for it to fade away as a lot of women in his new job want to get in his pants and cause irreversible trauma on the poor guy. This series is meant to show how abuse in the workplace can happen and how s/a can be done anywhere and by anyone. It seems to be a response to the misconceptions of how men who are preyed on by women are not valid victims of s/a and how they should’ve enjoyed it or that only women can be victims (which is never true). Though keep in mind I’m not qualified to determine if the way the story conveys s/a and just abuse in general is shown accurately because I have not had these experiences myself but my heart goes out to the victims in the world who could resonate with Blue’s Story and I wish for nothing but happiness and peace for you guys. You all are very strong and deserved much better<3
I can tell Victation really touched people’s hearts and according to some people in the comments who are victims the story is pretty accurate to some experiences and some research has been put in this series which I heavily appreciate. So I’m happy people can feel seen with this!
So with this series I want to start off light and mention the animation- AND MY GOODNESS DOES THIS SERIES HAVE AMAZING ANIMATION!
I really love this art style that Vic has going on here
Like I said the gl2 designs seem to make the base and Vic uses their art skills to expand on it It really gives a dynamic feeling and you can hardly tell it’s gacha
Vic has a lot of dynamic poses and a great understanding of body language with these!
And I’m not even showing the best parts! But I want to keep it as a surprise for those who are interested in watching the series. I just couldn’t stop praising the visuals enough! Vic is the most experimental gachatuber I’ve seen when it comes to the visuals!! I hope to talk with them sometime to get some tips or to post how their creative process works because THE ART IS SO GOOODDDDD! AND THE CHARACTER DESIGNS RADIATE SM PERSONALITY AND ADD TO THE SYMBOLISM AND UNDERTONES OF THE STORY! It’s so fun to see :D and the color associations are a very interesting character design choice! It helps add a very colorful look to what is otherwise a very heavy story and makes it very easy to distinguish the characters and give them certain color motifs. Anyway I want to talk about the characters in Blue’s Story! Mostly by order of their debut! And I’ll only talking abt the characters that have a big impact on Blue (So I won’t be talking abt Magenta or her brother) and the ones that don’t have a definite character (So the red eye people won’t be mentioned) Anyway now that that’s established the character I want to talk about first is well- Blue himself! After All this is his perspective we’re following
Also quick appreciation for the silly little Blues that Vic draws<3 Anyway Blue is the most interesting character I’ve seen in a gacha series. I like how Vic doesn’t use Blue as a representation or a role model for victims to take after but a person who goes through his own stories and has room to be human. You can see his descent in his own trauma and self loathing in his story. Which leads him to make mistakes and have a difficult time navigating his relationships and how to make meaningful connections. Seeing him go from confident and upbeat to quiet and reserved is so heartbreaking. What I find so great about Blue is that not everyone can relate to his situation but his thought process is near universal. I can relate to having to be in survival mode when it comes to relationships after being done dirty by different people. Not to mention people would do the same things Blue did, they just went through different experiences. It’s a really great touch to the writing. What’s also interesting I find about Blue are these different personas of different ways he handles the trauma caused by all these women.
This is sorta a mix of my interpretation of what these versions of Blue are plus what Vic actually calls them From left to right 1.Hypersexual Blue (confirmed) 2.Heart Eyes Blue (confirmed) 3. Reality Blue (not confirmed) 4. Cyan Blue (confirmed) 5. Numb Blue (not confirmed) I’ll expand more on these personas when I do a character study on Blue (which is something I REALLY wanna do sometime)
Next up is Pink Who is the first character we meet when Vic started this series
Pink is a married woman around Blue’s age who he engages in an affair with. And one of the women Blue has a significant relationship with throughout the series since Pink was the first one in the workplace to have her way with Blue. A truly manipulative bitch 💀 I don’t have much to say about her because Vic themself made a video discussing the women in Blue’s life and their thought process on writing them(?). So I’ll just give my thoughts! Pink is a very interesting case of the “Abused to Abuser” situation and not to mention how she’s not one dimensional. She’s an abuser to Blue but also a victim to a different man. (her husband) There are scenes where she is being a nice person (highlighted with her scenes with Lilac) but what’s preventing her from being good is her philosophy of how men cannot be victims. How could they be? To her the most heartless person she knows is a man, while it’s close minded, it’s understandable but not excusable why she perceives men this way. Which I find very interesting! There’s also a cool animation choice with her lipstick color! Her lips are white when she’s doing nice things or is not perceived as a bad person, then grey when it’s more neutral (I think) and finally black when she harms Blue. Hence why her kiss marks start from white to black.
What’s also interesting is that Blue pursues her first! Since he started out so confident and upbeat he wanted to try and shoot his shot with an attractive woman. But backs off when he learns that she’s married, but things didn’t go as planned. But I find it very interesting how that’s how things started. Next we have Purple who is the CEO or just the boss of the company Blue works in
Purple imo is definitely the most uncomfortable character to watch (what am I saying ALL the abusers make things uncomfortable to watch) but Purple just gives me a chill up my spine. Especially with her design, it has been confirmed by Vic that Purple is in her 40s and would prey on much younger people. First she attempted to prey on Red (who is confirmed to be 19), but was unsuccessful then went after Blue, and was successful.
Not to mention she’s very inconsiderate of her workers, example in the second part of “Baby Hotline”.
Up next we have Red! Who is my personal favorite in terms of how she is written and her design! (I do not condone her actions)
I love how Vic went for a more cutesy innocent look for Red!
But not without giving her sharp black nails to show how harmful she is
It really nails the message home on how anyone can be an abuser no matter how they look like. I also want to appreciate her little heart eye effect that Vic does with her that’s constantly looping like HOW DOES VIC DO IT- IT LOOKS SO DIFFICULT TO PULL OFF- I’m guessing it’s green screen With Red she is an obsessive stalker who has feelings for Blue and is constantly pursuing him even if he doesn’t return the feelings. It starts off as an innocent crush but turns into something more harmful. I don’t have much to say that’s not been said by Vic on their video. I just really want to appreciate how well designed she is and I rly like the heart motif she has. You can tell she’s a naive girl who can’t understand how harmful she is. I’ve met someone who was my equivalent to Red and while thankfully I had people who managed to protect me, doesn’t mean the harm did not get to me. While they were not as intense and Red, I was still being harassed verbally and I just didn’t feel safe. ALSO HOW DOES VIC DO HER HEART EYE EFFECT I NEED ANSWERS Now we have Lavender who is Blue’s SISTER
YEAH THATS RIGHT- SHE IS BLUE’S SISTER And I swear everytime I see her I just want to punch her in the goddamn face and wipe that stupid smile off her face- Lavender is an example of non-physical s/a and incest with how she had sexual thoughts about Blue and would show it through more subtle actions. Not to mention she’s also a bystander to Blue being abused by other women and doesn’t do ANYTHING about it. As an older sister myself with my own little brother- Lavender ENRAGES ME! I could never imagine doing what she did to my own brother. He drives me crazy but I’d protect him no matter what. What is fascinating about her design is definitely how her eyes are constantly closed, as if she’s turning a blind eye to the harm Blue is a victim of and/or how she’s hiding so many things. Especially with how she only opens her eyes when she’s preying on Blue.
SHE'S JUST AS TERRIFYING AS PURPLE Lastly we have Lilac! Who debuts in the same video as Lavender
WHO IS THE ONE PERSON THAT DOESN’T TREAT BLUE LIKE SHIT She’s a very fun character! She’s a single mom who works in the same company as Blue. She has a lot more significance in later installments so I won’t spoil but I just love her<3 She’s so sweet I just can’t- it’s such a breath of fresh air compared to the toxic waste Blue’s been getting from the other women. Her relationship with Blue is so interesting to watch and I am just rooting for them to at least stay friends.
(Also she looks so pretty here) AND THAT’S ALL THE CHARACTERS!!
Overall I really enjoy this series but I do have some gripes with it. The pace is definitely a bit much- so much can be happening in a span of a few mins. And there are stories that could rly benefit a longer time limit. This problem comes up most with “Baby Hotline” where I hardly understood what was happening. Like I got the gist but I didn’t get the specifics. It can be difficult to keep up with. So yeah the series could work with a longer timeframe- “Sweet Little Bumblebee'' is a great example! Not everything is too fast and everything makes more sense while “Baby Hotline” tried cramming a lot in one minute. Well the first part of ot, the second part of “Baby Hotline” was at a much better pace in my opinion but still a bit hard to keep up with at first.
Anyway in conclusion! Blue’s Story is a really interesting story that deserves the recognition it gets and is worth your time if you are into really deep stories with heavy subjects!
(Credit to Vitaton for all the art presented) This is Coco typing.. Thank you for reading!
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march TC challenge
1. Has your TC ever helped you with any personal issues? Not realllyy 2. Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of your TC? Stuttering, dropping things, talking too much, too nervous, etc 3. What was your most memorable moment with your TC? first time he said hi to me first :3c 4. Have you ever thought of getting over your TC? ughhhh one day but right now I'll keep my eye on him 5. What song would you use to tell your TC about your feelings for him/her? born too late 6. What would be the perfect way your TC would admit his/her feelings for you? a letter 7. What would be the perfect way you would admit your feelings for your TC? last day when I dont get to deal with consiquences 8. What is the one thing that made you fall for your TC? his teasing with me <3 9. Has your TC ever given you something as a gift? ummm sorta? just candy lol but he does that with everyone 10. Is your TC in a relationship? If yes, have you met their girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/etc.? Not that I know of but I know he's desperate 11. What quote best describes your feelings for your TC? "You're no good for me but baby I want you" 12. What type of man/woman is he/she? Hes stern, he can have mood swings real fast 13. Is your tc married/has children/has pets? Not married, no kids, two dogs 14. Cutest thing he/she told you. "so you ready for your interview?" (i was wearing a tie) "what interview.. :(" - me (I WAS ACTUALLY NERV BC U THOUGHT HE WAS SERIOUS" "Job interview silly! you're all dappered up!" 15. What would you do if your TC would be drunk and tell you that she/he loves you? "pinkie promise?" 16. Has your TC ever said anything to you that hurt your feelings? very sternly tell me he's busy and to get out (today, ugh! cries) 17. Do you know anything about your TC other students don’t know? Uhhhhh he has minor OCD 18. Have you and your TC grown closer since the beginning of your relationship? DEEEFFFFF 19. If I was your TC, what would you say to me right now? I miss you 20. Tell us three things you want to tell him about you. I like design, I love photography and I adore cats and rain 21. What is the nicest thing your TC has ever said to you? not the NICEST but it was cute "Nice glasses!" 22. Have you ever told your TC anything you wish you hadn’t told them? Ughhhh I dunno everything 23. What was your first impression of your TC? stop talkkkiiinnggg 24. If you could date your TC without anyone knowing, would you? OFFCCCCC 25. Is there something your TC does that makes you smile every time he/she does that? Laughs 26. Does your TC have any cute/weird/funny habits? touching his moustache whenever he's focusing on something 27. What is your favourite moment with your TC so far? Talking to him in his class after school 28. Imagine you graduated and you’re in a relationship with your TC. You told your parents about your relationship but they don’t support you. What would you do? Wellll I would be an adult so I wouldnt care 29. Do any of your friends/family know that you have a TC? NOOO 30. How do you think your TC would react if they’d find your blog? slowly distance himself 31. What is the weirdest dream you’ve had about your TC? that he was an anime nerd (he sorta is)
#tc community#teacher attachment#teacher crush#male tc#male teacher crush#tc thoughts#tc blog#teacher crush community#teacher x student#older is better#teacher love#male teacher#teachers pet#boy blogger#tc crush#delulu
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Hey there, everyone! My name's Elliot. I've had a writing blog for a while, but I've never tagged a post to officially "join" writeblr before. My blog is more a place to store random photos and silly posts that remind me of my OCs, but I really would like to turn it into something more substantial!
Some stuff about me:
I'm 19.
I'm a trans man, bisexual, and physically disabled.
My favorite genres are contemporary/literary fiction, surrealism, horror, Southern gothic, and historical fiction/fantasy.
You will always find me writing about tragic siblings and religious trauma. If there's a will, there's a way...
I might not always see them or stay on top of them, but I'm fine with being tagged/ask games/stuff like that.
Now, for the wip intros!
Plot: When a teenage girl finds herself back in her child self's body after wishing for "the good old days", she attempts to use this chance to prevent her brother's suicide.
Genre: Contemporary coming of age, second person interactive fiction
Heather: The main character. An extremely shy, isolated, self-absorbed 17 year old who wants to be unconditionally loved above all. Endlessly curious, and longs for independence while fearful of it. Artistic and daydreams to cope.
Beau: Heather's older brother. Taking care of Heather was his responsibility as a child due to their father working, and their mother's depression confining her to her room. Well liked and deeply kind, but coddling and dishonest, Beau does everything he can to keep his struggles from himself and others. Suffered from a traumatic car accident at 19, and killed himself at 24.
Erin: Has known the two since she was 12, and dated Beau since his car accident. Good sense of humor and doesn't bullshit anyone. She thinks Beau's digging his own mental hole, and that Heather's burdened him too much. The siblings' parents don't approve of Erin's relationship with him because of her drug addiction. 24 years old.
Trigger warnings: Suicide/suicide ideation, death, self harm, neglect, intense portrayals of anxiety and panic attacks, car accidents, drug use
Plot: A priest decides to bring justice to the world by slaughtering those he deems morally reprehensible in the eyes of God.
Genre: Loosely Victorian inspired fantasy horror, in a setting controlled and dominated by Catholicism. Religious (trauma) fiction. Third person present tense
Celio: "The" main character. Keeping many secrets. Thoughtful and patient during his priestly duties, rigid and very bad-tempered otherwise. Well known for being one of the best speakers of his time. Selfish, arrogant, and extremely paranoid, especially of immorality and what others' intentions are, yet it does nothing to stop him sinking further and further into immoral and criminal behavior. 32-35 years old.
Finn: A main character. Celio's secret lover and pawn. Saved from prison time by Celio after Finn was falsely deemed responsible for his family's massacre. Looked down on and considered an outsider by all; pursuing becoming a doctor and surgeon with no license or ability to read. Coolheaded and humorous, but passive and stubborn. Just wants to do good for his poverty-stricken hometown, and to be respected. 32-35 years old.
Charity: Main antagonist. A mostly nonverbal, "orphaned" teen girl who Finn becomes a caretaker for. In actuality, she ran away from home after being ostracized by her church. She likes Finn, and gets along with Celio well enough, until she discovers his crimes and tries to separate Finn from the danger to no avail. Calm, sensible, and strongwilled, but with a bite to her. Has decided she's had enough of betrayal in her life, and that she'll take matters into her own hands, even if it means having to turn on those she once cared for. 16-17 years old.
Trigger warnings: Religious trauma, homophobia, sexual content, death, murder, gore, suicide, gun and knife usage, abuse (physical, emotional, financial, domestic, spiritual), harm to animals, smoking and drinking
The Day You Left (TDYL)
Plot: A teenager travels back to his hometown and reunites with his childhood best friend, sparking a slow, difficult mending of happenings previous.
Genre: Romance novel taking place in the mid 2000s, third person present tense
Skip: The main character. A very monotone trans 19 year old with a photography hobby and history of homelessness. He used to have severe anger issues, and they still come to the surface sometimes when reminded of his trauma. Ex-Christian atheist, vehemently. Avoidant to a fault.
Milo: A boisterous, reckless, punk teenager who used to be friends with Skip. Current sufferer of anger issues and struggles to pay the bills, usually resorting to delinquency. They have a complicated history, so Milo feels very mixed about seeing him again. "In between" Christian and atheist. 19 years old.
Josie: Skip's older sister, who he no longer has contact with. Traditionally evangelical and defensive of authority to the end. 17-18 years old in flashbacks.
Trigger warnings: Religious trauma, familial abuse, sexual content, suicide/suicide ideation, self harm, mentions of homophobia, underage drinking and smoking, arson
Finally, I do have a wip called Kettle Creek, but it's...very much in an in between state, which is why I'm not introducing it here lol. But if you ever see me tagging something as Delora or Olive, that's where they come from!
#writeblr intro#writeblr introduction#writeblr#writers on tumblr#writers of tumblr#writing community#my writing#original fiction#wips
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Chapter 97 & 98... shock me a lot (Part 1)
Alright, before reading my point of view about the chapters, ...
Thank you all so much because we finally reached 80 followers, we are on the way to 100 followers!!! I couldn't have done this without your support on liking my analysis. Though I may be not the best at analyzing anime or manga, and I probably be inactive quite long (could be because I'm busy studying, and I ran out of ideas), I will do my best giving you guys something to read (?) to entertain, all to the fans of SPY x FAMILY!
And Happy 2nd anniversary for this blog @spyxfamilyanalysis!!!
Now let's get back to the post.
After the ball dance event in chapter 97, we get to see Martha (Becky's butler) and Mr. Henderson (Anya & Becky's housemaster)'s past when they were schoolmates.
Now that I know Martha is 3 years younger than Henderson 😮
And oh boy, how I love this cute "romance" between the both of them :")))
From strangers to familiars, they have a very cute bond between a senpai and a kouhai. Firstly, if you haven't read chapter 97 and 98, read it now! Because this post contains spoilers!
Well, not because you can't read this post duh! I feel like if you read the manga first, you will get what I'm writing, so you can follow the flow of this post better.
(why this pic is so messed up...)
Just kidding really, I know you will keep reading anyway... Ima right??? 😏
Now first, plot of the story:
Chapter 97
(seriously, i dunno what to explain here, since this is the intro for senpai and kouhai's friendship~)
Ok why is the lady has Anya's signature smirk :D
Every since Martha's debut in ballerina show dance, the first ever word Henderson ever spoke was "How elegant!", which to everyone's surprise, from an elite to a transfer student.
And after that day, Martha, and new transfer student, ended up having friends thanks to her talent in ballerina, while Henderson, an Imperial Scholar, lost some because of his strict attitude (?) and his arrogant, was called "Mr. Elegant".
Yet these 2 opposite characters ended up spending time having tea and conversation, and they both enjoying each other's company, as if they are close friends, more than just the relationship between an upperclassman and an underclass-"woman". Personally, I think that is a great start to build relationships with not only just your peers, but also your upperclassmen. I mean, you can ask for the latter's advice, they can support your study, since they know more than you.
Heck, I wish I knew an upperclassman to help me with my studies and exams, too much for an introvert :")) But I guess I don't have time for that anymore... because I AM now the upperclassman. It's my last year in high school already, and 7 days left before my entrance exam for university. My sister is lucky to have me to guide her...
Martha also helped Henderson by protecting and defending him from his bullies, and hell, she was very funny when she was young. This could not get any more silly huh 🤣🤣🤣
And so, after graduation, he decided to become a teacher, probably because of how "unclever(?)" the teacher was, kinda blaming Henderson for boycotting military, and the bullies were the ones at fault.
And finally, ya all know, the prom dance...
Yes, he is not interested at all! Like bruh man >:(
Becky felt so bad for Martha, her butler. I, too, felt bad for her. But uh, I understand that at this young age, "love" is something hard to describe, feel, understand.
Off-topic: I also experienced love at first sight before, and you know, the feeling "love" is very vague. When I saw "him", a friend same class as mine in secondary/ junior high school, but not same class in high school, someone I kinda like, but not truly "love", I couldn't really confess my love to him. I can't say that "I love you" so randomly. Because, like, in my opinion/ definition of "love", you have to understand the other person's true self, and decide whether it is worth enough to confess, and you must stand on your ground of what truly happen, and what it means to love somebody. And I was an amateur of that, so I really am unsure what feeling I am experiencing. Like I had said in one of my "fact post" about me and Liam in my blog @laurenmiki06, I don't experience love before so I'm not sure of my sexuality. Besides, I know in some parts of America, ya care a lot about your sexuality and pronouns, but I'm in Vietnam, so they don't matter to me. I am not being offensive about this. I mean, what if he already has someone in mind that is not me? What if I got rejected, and probably, I couldn't bare the pressure, the pain I have to endure. That's why, in this 12-ish year of studying, I tried to ignore and set the feeling "love someone other than my family" aside, and focus on studying to pass grades, before heading to university And well, what Martha said is very true, you are still young and naive about your surroundings, you need to understand life first, before making decisions, that might affect your future.
And oh well, Henderson did say so himself: I was still so ignorant. So obsessed with pursuing my ideals... so desperate to radically change the world... that I couldn't keep step with those around me... or even spare a thought for the hearts of those even closer.
After two and a half years... she managed to become a Imperial Scholar, as she promised to him when they were still together at their own tea party-break.
And who would have thought that the new teacher they were about to greet was Henderson!?
And that's the end of chapter 97!
P.s.1. Bruh, I wish romance in real life could be like this... Lost and found again, and fall in love. And here I thought it would end up like this (I wish I COULD end up like this) but no, I still single :"))
And we all thought, Martha and Henderson will be on good terms again, like a fellow senpai and his trustworthy kouhai...
Chapter 98
At the start of the chapter, we finally have a reunion of Martha and Henderson (his first name is Henry, but I prefer to call Henderson). And we thought it would stay the same as that, still chatting at tea party... alongside with taking cover for bombs and war outside, of course.
Well, that's not until... this happen.
And there goes her future career in ballet... :"(((
Martha was depressed, but then something unbelievable just happened... Martha decided to join the army.
And what she said is true, they are living in the world where weapons are everything. Either you are saved from being killed or being killed. Survival is everything on the battlefield. Martha has to stand up and fight back, or she will lose everything. She has no choice, after all...
Henderson recalled himself as hard-headed, kinda stubborn, lost in a world of idealistic, where he thought that education can save the world, yet it worth nothing...
He was a history teacher, and you know what they say, let the past be the past.
When Martha heard that his parents were about to look for a wife, she overheard that and shed in tears. She knew that she ran out of time. You know already that I mentioned in chap 97 that she was in love of Henderson. She stood tall and bold, acted strong before the graduation ceremony and the ball dance.
While every ladies dressed in beautiful gowns and dressed, she dressed in an army suit, which surprised Henry.
And holy- their dance is hilarious, first time I saw his flaws in dancing, quite inelegant for a gentleman.
And the hit point, she was trying to confess her love to him... But it feel a bit... sudden and I felt it was missing something...
The English translate: "How much I truly come to-"
But in the Vietnamese translate: "Em thích a-" -> "I love y-" (it's a bit blur)
And that's the end of part 1
Part 2 coming soon...
P.s.2. Tatsuya-san really know how to make us insane.
Why!? It was good all the sudden! I was hyped after reading this, and then I became bored... This is the definition of a cliff-hanger. Well done, Tatsuya-san, you really know how make us drive insane :) Our adrenaline is rising and waiting for your next chapter.
The author's few words: Thank you for reading this!!! I've been busy lately, because I'm about to take my entrance exam (abt to die :"))) ), so after this post is posted, I'll be inactive for this blog for a week or so. I need to take a break from the test, it is pressured :")
Any ways, in truth, after chapter 98 was out for a while, I already start working on this. But it is hard for me to find time typing this (or could be I'm lazy), so long that chapter 99 just out a few days ago...
So Part 2 will be about chapter 99 then :)))
#spy x family#spy family#spy x family analysis#facts#henry henderson#martha marriott#high school#fun facts#school#student#chapter 97#chapter 98#amazing facts#interesting facts#random facts#random fact#Spy x Family analysis
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Getting To Know You Game
Thanks for the tag, @returnofthepineapple! This looks fun! I love procrastinating eheheh.
What's the origin of your blog title: When I made this blog six-ish years ago, I figured early on I shouldn't saddle myself with a fandom-specific blog name in case it didn't stick. (I was obsessed with Detroit: Become Human around that time and as we can see I clearly don't engage with it anymore. (And there's a long story to that.))
Calling this side-blog my "Fandom Files" would give me ""permission"" to as fandom-specific or as fandon-UNspecific as I saw fit!
OTP + Ship Name: Goodness we'd be here forever if I did this one. Passing for your sanity and mine.
Favorite Color: Green & blue, primarily.
Favorite Game: Animal Crossing (NH), Jedi Fallen Order + Survivor, God of War (2018) + GoW: Ragnarok, Breath of the Wild + Tears of the Kingdom, and Titanfall 2.
(I'm currently playing through Mirror's Edge: Catalyst for the first time and I like it, but it also gives me major anxiety/stress shakes.)
Song stuck in your head: Infinity by Jaymes Young
Weirdest Habit/Trait: I'll pass on this one; too tempting to get self-deprecating...
Hobbies: Various art forms/mediums, birding, crochet, reading, writing, and gaming.
If you work, what's your profession: Gradually working on setting up my own crochet business currently, since I can't "cope" with more typical jobs at the moment.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? See above.
Something you're good at: Crochet, writing, (single-player) games
Something you're bad at: Stepping outside my comfort zone, video game puzzles without a guide, and math (thanks, dyscalculia).
Something you love: My cats (Sgt. Smudge and Clementine), Dr. Pepper, the SW franchise, yarn, and nice pens.
Something you could talk about for hours, off the cuff: The Clones, birds, silly cat stories (both of my pets and the volunteer work I did for several years), and whatever my current, minor fixation is.
Something you hate: Having my interests mocked and belittled. People who are mean to pigeons.
Something you collect: TCW/TBB and Rebellion-era SW merchandise. Art supplies. Project ideas.
Something you forget: Too much, lmao. Like where I put the info sheet for the helmet doodles I planned on doing.
What's your love language: Quality time, I think? But also mutual info-dumping!!
Favorite movie/show: TCW and TBB; movie list would be a little longer to go through.
Favorite food: I'll never turn down stir fry or veggie rice!
Favorite animal: Birds and cats
What were you like as a child: Got picked on a lot for being the "nice, but very quiet and shy girl with weird interests" before high school. Had a 1'' binder full of Ben 10 stuff I liked that kids made a game out of hiding from me in order to make me cry. (Then had the gall to call me a 'snitch' when I had to ask a teacher for help in order to get it back when they threatened to rip things up? Middle schoolers are mean, man.)
Favorite subject at school: History, the arts (photography, ceramics, and general art), and choir in elementary school.
Least favorite subject at school: All mathematics. I didn't know I had dyscalculia, so thanks for making me feel stupid for failing all those tests, Mrs. B....
What's your best character trait: Creativity and compassion.
What's your worst character trait: Concentration and low self esteem. (Is frequent Imposter Syndrome the same thing as low self esteem?)
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? Some of the people I stayed in toxic/abusive friendships with because I waited too long to cut contact with them.
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? Can't really think of anyone, honestly! (Any one person, that is.)
No Pressure Tags: Whoever would like to play!
#dashboard games#getting to know you#kind of a long post so I put most of it under a readmore so you all aren't scrolling forever
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tag game: get to know your mutuals
tysm @mapofyourstars for the tag! enjoy my silly nonsense! (under the cut lmao)
What's the origin of your blog title?
it’s my internet alias/pen name lol. lita after lita ford/the jeffrey campbell shoe/the wrestler, vail after tobi vail from bikini kill
OTP(s) + Shipname:
charles xavier x erik lehnsherr (cherik); deadpool x worst wolverine (poolverine/deadclaws/peanutbub/whatever); storm x wolverine (stormverine, rolo, worm); wolverine x literally any other person ever (logan howlett, x-mansion bike). bonus points if contorted by the lens of my permanently installed ‘everyone should be a lesbian’ goggles
Favourite colour:
black (it counts as a colour sue me) purple, red, and grey
Favourite game:
im gonna be super fkin vulnerable here, i suck dick balls and ass at video games. i rlly love animal crossing and the wwe 2k games, and ive played a lot of tony hawk pro skater, mostly for my fiancée’s entertainment bc im awful at it and she thinks its funny. i do play a lot of ttrpgs too, me and my irls are currently playing a homebrew campaign based on a session of the quiet year we did together n thats super fun.
Song stuck in your head:
jerkin by amyl and the sniffers
Weirdest habit/trait?
echolalia/vocal stimming. i am constantly making weird ass noises or repeating things people have just said or quotes that are stuck in my head. my worst ones atm are ‘there’s nothing funny about a firm number two’ a la nandor from wwdits, and nightcrawler’s ‘im blue :))’
aside from art and writing, im a big pro wrestling fan, and i read a lot. current book is the blade artist by irvine welsh.
If you work, what's your profession?
my official job title is ‘visitor experience administrator’. i work at a tourist attraction and i do emails n shit.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Realistically?
i rlly rlly rlly want to be a funeral director. currently the only thing standing in my way is the fact that I can’t drive.
Something you're good at:
aside from art and writing (if its not too obnoxious to say either of those things) im inexplicably great at cutting and dyeing hair to the point that most of my friends use me as a hairdresser
Something you're bad at:
cooking. fuck me running i am awful at cooking. a lot of it is a motivation/lack of patience issue, but if it takes longer than ten minutes and involves following instructions fuck that im not doing it.
Something you love:
my hairy children

Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff:
x-men; greek mythology; the state funeral/postmortem escapades of eva peron; world war ii but in a special interest history geek way not in a weird fascist way
Something you hate:
the shitty impact that moral purity culture has on fandom/creativity in general. no i will not be writing an essay to justify liking the fictional bad man, leave me alone.
Something you collect:
i don’t really ‘collect’ physical things outside of like, stationery hoarding. i do have a lot of tattoos tho, so we’ll say that counts.
Something you forget:
everything. all the gd time. i have no object permanence and my short term memory is atrocious.
What's your love language?
acts of service and receiving gifts. im a big penguin-pebbler.
Favourite movie/show:
movies: don’t make me choose a favourite from the x men franchise i won’t do it, okay fine all of them but last stand; the adventures of priscilla queen of the desert; hunt for the wilderpeople; trainspotting
tv shows: the boys; deadloch; happy valley; schitt’s creek
Favourite food:
beige carbs. left to my own devices i would eat nothing but bread. i also love chow mein, enchiladas, and anything with garlic. im vegetarian and a lowkey picky eater (audhd innit) and i think that rlly shows in my writing lol. my characters are hardly ever shown eating or talking about food because my own relationship with it is weird. however, i love wine and coffee so both of those things show up in my work a lot.
Favourite animal:
sharks and vultures. vultures are wildly underrated.
What were you like as a child?
LOUDDDDD. i would talk a lot to anyone who would listen, very confident, got told i was an ‘old soul’ a lot bc i spent most of my time hanging out with adults. i also cried A LOT, like at most minor inconveniences, and was v argumentative and bad at authority figures. somehow, i was not diagnosed with adhd until adulthood.
Favourite subject at school?
art and english, to the surprise of absolutely nobody. i also rlly loved history (still do)
Least favourite subject:
maths. i am awful at maths. that said i also hated geography (because my teacher was a dick) and pe (because im a lesbian and changing rooms/teenage straight girls are evil)
What's your best character trait?
godddd this is hard lol. the one i like most about myself is probably that im funny. i have a ‘big personality’ (a phrase which i fking hate since i think it’s used as a polite synonym for ‘loud and obnoxious’) but one of the things i rlly love about myself in that respect is that im good at making people laugh.
What's your worst character trait?
how long do we have lmao. which is to say, shitty self-worth.
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
i would like another cat pls (my fiancée said we’re not allowed and im bitter)
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
bea arthur. i know thats like, bad use of time travel and all things considered she’s not exactly a monumental figure but i still love the woman more than life itself. by all accounts she was an eccentric weirdo who I see a lot of myself in so i would just like to hang out :))
if you are reading this you are tagged :))
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“Now thank the good lordy above this absolute belter of a nook is still open in the wee hours of the day!”
The sudden blast of energy the newcomer radiated as his voice joyfully boomed through the tiny, cramped eatery was an immediate overdose for the overworked waitress. It was far too late (or rather, early, according to the man) for this sort of social interaction.
Check out Everything and Nothing by beans (with 6 e's and 6 a's) on AO3! Also check out my co-artist @gearbroth 's (!!!) art on their blog!
For the 2023 TF2 Big Bang! @tf2bigbang
See below for bonus sketches and infodump!
It's been a while since I did a big art piece like this. It was fun, and it got me experimenting with watercolour pencils for the first time. I'm still learning the craft, and as much as I want my first ever watercolour painting to be perfect, it'll have to do. I'm satisfied with my attempt this time.
Although I do wish I could capture the painting in a higher resolution; phone camera and scanner couldn't cut it, everything is still a bit blurry. Here's the best I can take on my phone:

It's also the original colours, before digital shenanigans were done to it. The work of a sleep deprived art wizard waving his silly little magic wand tool to get everything to look nicer.
The original concept for this mini-comic came to me while I was sitting under a tree, halfheartedly trying to study for my two exams the next day. I quickly sketched this:

I honestly like the lineart of this sketch better than the final. What could be better than demo's sparkley anime eyes?
I was excited I finally came up with an idea after being high and dry for weeks. Basically my mental state:
I was going to have Demo stride in, burst through that door with exuberant energy that filled the Spy's shitty dead-end cafe. And also showcase his traditional Scottish garb, which let me tell you is a whole rabbithole that I eagerly leapt into while researching for cultural accuracy. (I tend rely on real life references alot. Trying to branch out to stylised drawing would be cool.)
What happened next were these little sketches on post-it notes. I draw on them first before committing paper because...it's fun :)
Also in this case, this is a comic, so I could rearrange the drawings how I liked, so this was actually goated.
In the second image, see another case of liking the lineart more than the final. I had half a mind to keep that sketch of Spy and paint over it, but that wasn't watercolour paper, so no... :(




I was surprised how well the sketches turned out. Bloody hell, I'm an artistic genius! Now lets see how that translates to paint, eh? Well, you already know.
Some things to improve on, personally, is to make the lineart cleaner next time, so the paint doesn't mix with the pencil to make this weird greyish colour. Anatomy, always. Clothing folds is another big one. And finally, time management. Man, art is a passion, but damn does having too little time screw my art quality over. Well as they say, scarcity breeds innovation.
If you've made it this far, I am putting a virtual turtle (vurtle) in your hand, because turtles are cool, and you are too.
As a bonus bonus to this info-dump, have the original concept sketch while I was feeling out how to draw Demo in formal Scottish suit and kilt.

#tf2bigbang2023#tf2#demoman#tf2 spy#demospy#bomb voyage#tf2 demoman#might add image descriptions later if people want
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*an Ask-Blog dedicated to the band Starveil and it’s individual members, and their goals and wishes*
Welcome to the concert hall! Located in a hushed forests of a state called Illustar. This concert hall is the home to the greatest band known to man Starveil. Even if the state is hidden from the rest of the world, thoes to know Starveil know true dedication and love to music.
Meet the Crew [all available for asks]
The Band members consist of 4 individuals, all closely known to many other characters in the story. These are the main characters.
Mintymug Latte [Protagonist and Lead Singer]
Darwin Latte [ Secondary Protagonist, Husband of Minty and Secondary Singer]
Vincent “Vinny” Whippette [ Mintys cousin and Lead Guitarist]
Valentine V.C Rosewater [ Mintys childhood girlfriend and Drummer]
Ivan and Lace Latte [Minty and Darwin’s children]
Roman and Sugar Rosewater [ Valentines children]
Pepper and Chiffon Whippette [ Vinny’s children]
Nasty people that have tried to breakdown the bands reputation can be seen wondering the state causing chaos or harm to those loving the band. Many hold personal vendetta towards the band. These are the villains.
Matiás Hernandez [Mintys First Ex Owner of a casino near the Starveil studio]
Flint Cañello [ Mintys second ex and active owner of catering company dedicated to Starveil]
Andrew Jacks [ Mintys Last Ex and radio host dedicated to slandering Emo and rock music]
Cavalier Hernandez [ Mat’s Husband and casino worker, active impersonator for band slander]
While my blog is for a more mature audience, it is separate from my NSFW content and SFW content, and any NSFW content will be hosted on different platforms to avoid younger audiences to see. I don’t allow any instigating of NSFW questions and scenarios, will block heavily if questions arise for NSFW content.
I hold my characters deeply and value their characterization, I do not allow anybody to dictate or change my content for their needs. Of you don’t like the way a character interacts I apologize but I will not bend backwards to change it.
I hold my project deeply to my heart but I am a content creator second, student first, I will not allow rushing or demand of fast content to be made on my personal well-being. I will do what I can to share my silly guys with you but be patient.
While I allow long scenarios a some Magic Anon questions I don’t allow scenarios where the story stops focusing on what I want you to tell. Respect when I say I ask for certain engagement.
My ocs have connections and history to each other and I don’t wish to eras that, I engage in doing alternate universe scenarios with them but canon is canon here, headcanons will be taken lightly or not taken at all depending. Don’t ask me to make proship or borderline illegal changes to my characters. Respect their family tree and connections to each other
I allow self shipping and system interjects but I will cease permissions if things get to the point where I am uncomfortable seeing any interactions I don’t approve of.
Please don’t make nsfw fan art of the children coded characters or nsfw art of the band members families together, I’m very choosy on nsfw fan art as a whole and request it’s not made.
I’m 20+ I don’t owe explanations to a block if you break the rules or disrespect my work, end of story.
If you make fan art I’d love to see! Tag the blog or my main @inkbite-arts and you’ll see it there!
If I need to address things I’ll break and use Mun Ghost, as well as using it if I am not playing any characters and answering questions alone.
“Aren’t these cuphead ocs?”
No. They use to be but I decided to create something new and original for my own university thesis. The object heads you see are classed and categorized. I’ll make charts soon to share what lore they have.
“Will there be any animations to the story?”
Hopefully so, we have voice actors and comic boards ready but I’m only one person so it will take as long as it needs to
“Who is related to who?”
Soon enough I’ll make a chart dedicated to the relationships of each character
“Do I know [insert character here]”
Most likely! Most of the characters have been around for years and some have been given or traded to me and they now coexist with the story.
“Minty seems familiar”
He should be! He’s been my mascot and sona for many years, if you remember me from my old days hello! Hopefully the change to minty is a pleasant one to see!
“What do we call you?”
Fangs/Ghost, any questions not applicable to character interactions can be answered by Mun Ghost [me]
Refs and Lore [will update]
Mintys ref
Darwin’s ref
Vinny’s ref
Val’s ref
Logos and Props
Species sheet
Illustar State Map and Brochure
Mats ref
Flints ref
Andrew’s ref
Cavs ref
The family tree
Toy house Folder
The voices
Thank you for reading, if you want to see my other content my main blog is @inkbite-arts
I hope you enjoy the concert. [Mun Ghost]
#Mun Ghost#text post#blog intro#inkbite-arts#Illustar’s Light#story blog#IL: Minty#IL: Vinny#IL: Valentine#IL: Darwin#IL: Mat#IL: Flint#IL: Andrew#IL: Cavalier#rules#faq#Mintymug Latte#Darwin Latte#Vinny Whippette#Valentine Rosewater
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Hi, I'm Scribe
(Art by Kollapsar)
About: As per the title you can call me Scribe; I also go by JL and or Knight (see Avatar) They/Them. I am a ex-professional Psychologist, I pretend to know things about Philosophy, and I have been known to write things that take place in my own silly little world. Also a TTRPG hobbyist that dreams about making my own one day. I mainly write modern fantasy with horror elements from a first person perspective. Things tend to get existential and there is often not a difference between reality and metaphor. Also there is no shortage of queer folk with super powers or deep occult knowledge in my stories. Currently most of my work is in the form of short stories and flash fiction, with a novel/serial in the works here or there.
Intent: What an ominous section title. Honestly I'm here to make friends in the writing community. I want to read other people's works and I want others to read my work. I want to encourage and be encouraged. I want to see the little notification number pop up on my screen and give my brain the good chemicals. Take this as blanket consent to tag me in games, to send me asks, and to send me messages. Tell me about your OCs and I'll gladly talk your ear off about world building. I also intend on getting published one day. It would be lovely to meet others going through the process.
Lexical Earth: Is the setting of most if not all of my writing. It's a modern fantasy setting who's hidden magic side was forcefully revealed during the year 2000, when the First Wave of Inscribed started showing up. Now governments are struggling to retain control, Thought Entities are going public with their machinations and hunger, and there is no small population of super heroes and villains trying to impose their views on reality. The magic system of this setting is generally soft with harder rules the closer one is to the material world. The Realm of Spirit is swirling occult bullshit, but it takes someone with actual knowledge to pull it down into reality. Experiment with Jungian masks, personas, and shadows; see the connective tissue of stories stretch across cultures; and walk those paths. Alternatively write words on your Soul and bend reality to the whims of your Inscription.
Directory: Bellow is a collection of the works I have posted and a short description of which each is about. Let me know if you would wish to be added to a general Lexical Earth tag list or if there is a specific series/protagonist you'd want to be tagged for.
(Under construction, there are a few works buried deep in my blog that I need to go excavate)
Samuel Smith, the Smith of Masks: Private investigator, grumpy and sarcastic, and part of the pre-inscribed world of Lexical. He's paid to solve issues between the Wyrd and the human; and often gets too emotionally invested. 1 – PI just wants to read books between jobs but Wyrd stuff is happening. Technically the first Lexical short I ever wrote. 2 – Sequel to the previous short. PI has a bad time working on this case, ends up having to sell part of his soul. 3 – Stand alone story. PI forgets what he's doing several times before solving a serial killer problem. Marian Wheeler would be proud.
Ken “Host of Fangs”, Lord of Hearts: Telepathic Inscribed that makes a hivemind with animals as his main power. He has substantial family and old life trauma and a masc., non-binary, partner who's soul is shaped like a jellyfish. 1 – Date gets interrupted by old woman/man Humanity handing out super powers. 2 – Ken gets a letter from his Ex and has big feelings about it.
Wander/er, Wanderer of Spirit: First Wave Inscribed that noped out of reality and went deep into the Realm of Spirit to learn about the Wyrd side of things. Generally an important person who shows up around big events, but more an advisor than a hero. 1 – Wanderer and a Thought Entity friend travel a bit too far away from earth. Careful not to wake Slumbering Kings.
Lexical Lore: For the World building and TTRPG side of Lexical. 1 – Inscribed, how do they work? How do you become one? Would they make a good RPG player character? All answered here. Go and make your own Inscribed and @ me with the results.
Lexical One-Offs: for stories that don't have a named protagonist or just aren't part of a series. Bedroom – Someone wakes up and gets ready for work. The Recursive Tree – The life cycle of one or more Thought Entities as seen from the perspective of a Soldier.
#writeblr#lexical earth#Scribe of Stories#Knight of Hearts#writeblr intro#writers on tumblr#It is done#It is rewriten#Perhaps now I can sleep#Dream of the waking world oh spirit of mine#Show me a reality I want to live in#and sleep oh waking world so that I might see it
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Welcome to Uta's blog population like 2.
helooo I'm Uta or several other names. I go by it/void and many other prns. check my prns.page >here< !!
read this very important thing written by my meowtual please, thanx :D
a lot more detailed info under the cutt ~

I say slurs (only those I can reclaim!)
I rarely am ever serious!
I can be very sensitive to rejection!
I'm very apathetic in regards to other people; I wish I wasn't!
I can be very harsh or rude on accident!
im basicallt INCAPABLE of processing if/when a joke is taken too far!! :(
Pls tell me if I fuck up i will not know :(

diagnosed and medicated ADHD, peer-reviewed as "def autistic" by my autistic little sister and older brother, depression (or at least some of the symptoms)
divorced parents, adopted at birth!
in general there is something fundamentally wrong/silly abt me
i LOVE homestuck, hiveswap, ddlc, genshin, hsr, crk, cats, borzois, drawing, singing, gacha, voice acting, animation, rain world, etc. (hyperfixations r bold and italic like this!!)
i like spiritual stuff (shifting realities, subliminals, etc) and i may reblog stuff like that sometimes <3
i have a bf!!!! NOT ANYMORE /silly
my fav color; tie between red, black, n white. pink n yellow are very close shared-second places
im here to be gay and shitpost man

spacehey - cheapjumpscare noplace - hiveswap pesterchum - hollowClown spotify - uta ౨ৎ ⋆。˚ tiktok - qualia.automata

DNIS . . .
thin ice ;
anti-endos / don't believe in endo systems, but don't harass or fakeclaim people abt it (i have friends who are endo and they are very cool!!!!!)
post abt politics Regularly (stresses me tf out)
post abt religion christianity at ALL
if you were that one person who told me I was silencing asians by having a cute/pink/"kawaii" aesthetic blog on tumblr in like 2020. yes that was the actual reason. im being so forreal. /silly but also /gen on this being something that actually happened

DNFI (do not fcking interact) ;
anti-endos / don't believe in endo systems, and DO harass or fakeclaim people abt it
pro-contact / anti-recovery towards paraphilias
nsfw/kink/18+ centered blogs (i am a minor :/)
doxx people or support those who do
believe/participate in cringe culture
pro 🇮🇱 or otherwise not pro 🇵🇸 (its a genocide mf)
^ post pictures of gore n dead kids in relation to the genoc¡de w/o tagging, censoring, or warning ANYYY of it (the reason i left twt)
im on your dni (respect your own gd dni)

my true zodiac is Pittarius !! [homestuck]
probably a
i tend to fixate on characters/whatever so hard i either Want to be them, believe i Am them, or both.
^ speaking of, at the bottom of this post is a list of stuff am that way about
^^ i should add here that the personality assigned doesnt contribute to this (though it certainly helps if i can go "THEY JUS LIKE ME FRR") i just. fixate so hard i go "mm i should be [whatever]" or "i mustve been [whatever] in a past life :D"
^^^ i am, most of the time, not under one of these episodes (idrk what else to call them but im not distressed rlly so shrug)
i barely ever remember to categorize things but i will remember for this blog i promise

#shut up uta! - yapping. rambling even. general Posts tag. #definitely not stolen! - reblogs !~ #uta time travels (again!) - queue'd posts.. mostly going to be whatever im currently horrifically nuclear levels of autistic abt #uta; nobody needs to know this - TMI posts; complaining abt periods, personal life, etc. etc. etc. it can and will get weird here #uta hears voices part ??? - askbox....... #uta pls shut up fr this time - LIVEBLOGGING ~ #(not) uta; [ANY-CHARACTER-NAME-HERE] - for when i am Fixating So Hard On A Character That I /Gen Believe I AM Them. Temporary. pls humor me/play along /gen. #uta's sprites - Sometimes I post homestuck / hiveswap sprites! this is the tag for that :3
Characters / Things Uta sometimes IS (not exhaustive) ;;
italicized = more current / more likely to be this than not | bold = even more current | italicized & bold = almost always this
PROJECT SEKAI ; Minori Hanasato, Airi Momoi, Emu Otori, Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Mizuki Akiyama VOCALOID / VOCAL SYNTH ; Xi Yi, Hatsune Miku GHOST & PALS ; Tamari [RECKLESS BATTERY BURNS], Say [CHATTERING LACK OF COMMON SENSE], Cakey [APPETITE OF A PEOPLE PLEASER], Teto [PATHOLOGICAL FASCADE] HIVESWAP & HOMESTUCK ; Charun Krojib, Dave Strider / Davesprite, Jade Harley, Karako Pierot, Meulin Leijon, Nepeta Leijon, Tyzias Entykk GENSHIN ; Collei, Fischl, Furina, Hu Tao, Kirara, Lumine, Qiqi, Xingqiu, Yae Miko, Yoimiya COOKIE RUN ; Peach Blossom, Caramel Choux, Linzer, Mozzarella, Affogato, Strawberry Crepe, Cream Puff, Kumiho, Espresso, Vampire, Stardust, Black Pearl, Whipped Cream, Roquefort, Butter Pretzel, Scorpion, Bellflower, Sour Belt, Crowberry, Pizza, Black Garlic, Coffee Candy, Baguette, Gim, S'more, Strawberry Cream, Astronaut, Starch Noodle, Strawberry Stick, Lotus Dragon, Lychee Dragon, Sugar Swan POKEMON [SPECIES] ; Absol [MEGA], Bewear, Blacephalon, Breloom, Carbink, Chatot, Cramorant, Cursola, Darkrai, Dedenne, Delcatty, Delphox, Eevee, Furfrou, Furret [SHINY], Galvantula, Glaceon, Hatterene, Iron Valiant, Jirachi, Kommo-o, Leavanny, Lucario, Lurantis [TOTEM], Luxray, Lycanroc, Maractus, Mareanie, Meowscarada [SHINY], Mew, Milotic, Mimikyu, Mismagius, Mudkip, Nihilego, Pheromosa, Pyukumuku, Raichu [ALOLAN], Rayquaza [SHINY], Sandslash [ALOLAN], Scoliopede, Scorbunny, Serperior, Shaymin, Smoliv, Sneasler, Solgaleo, Sylveon, Tapu Lele, Thievul, Tinkaton, Torracat, Tsareena, Vaporeon, Wooper, Wynaut, Xerneas, Zoroark [SHINY] POKEMON [HUMANS] ; Justy [JELLOAPOCALYPSE DOGS IN LOVE], N, Ingo, Emmet, Roxie, Clemont, Lisia, Lillie, Ilima, Mallow, Acerola, Marnie, Allister, Klara, Sabi, Florian, Penny, Iono, Rika, Ortega, Kieran, Lacey MISC ; wip.... sorrgy :(
Uta's Glorified Kinlist [IN THE KINNIE WAY] ;;
CHARACTERS ; Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Mizuki Akiyama, Charun Krojib, Dave Strider, Fischl, Yoimiya, Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Espresso Cookie, Sprigatito, Ingo, Emmet, Iono, March 7th SONGS ; Born2Run [PENELOPE SCOTT], Hammerhead [PENELOPE SCOTT], Sweet Hibiscus Tea [PENELOPE SCOTT], Baxter Ward is Under Fucking Siege [PENELOPE SCOTT], anarchy [EGG], Digital Girl [KIRA], Nobody [MITSKI], Gay Jokes [RIO ROMEO], Mirror Man [JACK STAUBER]
#shut up uta!#definitely not stolen!#uta time travels (again!)#uta; nobody needs to know this#uta hears voices part ???#uta pls shut up fr this time#(not) uta; [ANY-CHARACTER-NAME-HERE]#uta's sprites
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babygirl you're the one writing like an insane 13yo xoxo. this is goodbye now. you have more than proven yourself a completely misinformed and angry idiot and conversation with you has no further purpose because you cannot be bothered to see me, like me the real person typing this right now, with like, wants, needs, a bunny I'm fostering, glasses, a weighted fox plush, a mom and a dad, as a human being, but instead as a strawman to be yelled at and yelled at and yelled at. you couldn't even be bothered to click on my blog. it says 22 right there.
being angry all the time sucks. I hope someday you decide to change. I'm not trying to be condescending, honest. idk who you are, if you like weighted stuffed animals or think they're for babies and it's weird I have one as an adult. idk if you like pineapple on pizza. idk if you have a sister or a brother. idk what your silly wishful dreams are. you know, the stuff that makes us human. but we're both just human, man. it's scary times out there. I'm angry a lot too.
lotta people yelled at me on this post. they assumed things about me without checking, because they see "zionists" as this inhuman monolith. but it ain't true. all humans are humans. even zionists. I hope things get better for you, man. I hope they get better for both of us. I hope they get better for gazans. I started this response in a different place to where I'm finishing it. idk I just got to thinking, like, what if we could grab a pizza. would we be able to have a civil discussion over pizza? or would you yell at me until I cried (not very difficult to to, I'm rather sensitive). idk. maybe you think I'm fucking with you. I'm not. I'm just some guy. idk. well. that's all I've got to say.
everyone wants to punch nazis but nobody wants to help the people nazis want to slaughter.
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My Favorite and Least Sanrio Characters
Hello everyone, it's me, Sora. Glad you stopped to see my post :). Today, we will be talking about my favorite and least favorite sanrio characters. Of course, this is just my silly lil' opinion, so take this with a pinch of salt. Anyway, let's begin!
Favorite 1. Kuromi
First, let's talk about Kuromi. She's my all time favorite sanrio character! Now, I'm not gonna go full on deep into the lore, but I'll just say this. I was in my emo phase, we were at the mall, it was my birthday, and saw a plushie of her. Love at first sight, and she's been my favorite ever since! She's also a lot like me too, tough on the outside, yet girly on the inside. Her pink and black colors are also my favorite colors too! I hope we can see more Kuromi spotlight like when we got "Kuromi's Pretty Journey!" 💜
Worst 1. Minna No Tabo
Bleugh... I'm sorry to any Tabo fans out there... but still... bleugh... I'm sorry, but who the hell thought this ugly piece of shit was a good idea... If I found this thing looking up from my bed at midnight, I'd have a heart attack and die. I know, I know, not every sanrio character is gonna be a cute cat like Hello Kitty, but guess what? The Little Twin Stars. They're human like, and they don't look like a middle aged man-baby with a stupid face and dumbass hair. I really don't know why instead of putting underrated gems like U*SA*HA*NA and Wish Me Mell, they use this.... thing... End of rant, again, sorry if I offended any fans. 🤮 (PS. I just learned that this guy has a canon gf. What am I doing wrong...?)
Best 2. My Melody
I love her! She's a really cute contrast to Kuromi! Her anime, "Onegai My Melody" might just be my favorite anime of all time. I still sing the intro, A LOT. In fact, I'm working on a cover for that I'll post soon! Anyway, let's not get off topic here. Anyway, there's not too much to talk about for her other than her anime and rivalry with Kuromi, but she will always be in my top 3 sanrio characters! 🩷
Worst 2. Boy and Girl
...Are you kidding me? The same people who made Hello Kitty made this bland shit...? Nah.... No way! At least give them real names! What's the point!? At least with Patty and Jimmy, they might be kinda weird lookin', but they have personalities. But these guys!? They just look weird AND and ZERO personality! The only other piece I could find on the wiki was their "Lovely Round Eyes"... but all those "eyes" are is just two dots. C'mon, sanrio! I know you guys can do better than THIS. 👎
Best 3. Badtz-Maru
And for our final best character today, we have Badtz-Maru. I love this guy! I love his personality and style! And in Supercute Adventures, he and Kuromi seem to have a bit of a thing for each other, so two of my favorites being together makes me happy :). I also love all the side characters that come with him. I think that Hana-Maru might just be my favorite sanrio side character of all time! The XO clan is really fun to draw and make stories with, so you'll be seeing lot's of them in my sanrio gijinka chibi comics! 🖤
Worst 3. Hagurumanstyle
I'm sorry, what? Teeth...? Where the hell did the eyes go!? Ugh... I've had enough of this... 🦷
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this blog! Again, this is just my silly opinion, so take everything with a grain of salt. As always, Sayonara!
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Hi, you may call me Purpleshoe or Purple. The name is just something silly I picked while getting used to tumblr lol. I personally use She/Her pronouns, but for this blog/“persona” any pronouns used to refer to me are fine
!! Please Do Not Interact if: Racist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Transphobic/TERF, etc. And/or blogs that are “A.I. artists”, Proship**, Dead Dove, ProZoo/ProMAP or Poppytwt related!!
!! If you wish to follow and/or interact with me, I’d rather you be 18 and older since I am an adult and I may post/reblog mature content, but I understand minors can have the same interests as me !!
My interests include:
• Adventure Time + Fionna and Cake {tv shows}
• Aesthetics and moodboards {art}
• Anime content (some, not a lot) like Studio Ghibli {tv shows, movies}
• Avatar: The Last Airbender {tv show}
• Bee and Puppycat {tv show}
• Crystals, minerals, and gemstones (not spiritually related) {objects}
• Content Creators such as Markiplier and Vinesauce (specifically Vinny and Joel) {art related}
• Dandadan (on Netflix) {tv show} (haven’t read the manga yet)
• Dark (from Netflix) {tv show}
• Dragon Ball Z (Kai) {tv show, based on Manga}
• Drawing/doodling {art}
• Dream SMP***/Minecraft-related content {art}
• Fanfiction (some writing, mostly reading) {art}
• Five Nights at Freddy’s (mostly game, but some Novel content too) {video game, art related}
• Food/foodporn (not actual porn) {art related, cooking}
• Gorillaz {music, art}
• Horror/Scary content {art related}
• Kingdom Hearts {video game series}
• Little Witch Academia {anime/tv show}
• Memes, shitposts, YTP(MV) content {art related}
• Music genres like Indie and psychedelic rock (such as Tame Impala, Red Vox, etc.) and more obscure/surreal (such as Mallsoft, Vaporwave, Intelligent DnB/Jungle, etc. ) {music, art related}
• My Little Pony (mostly (early 2000s) toys + fanart, some show content) {objects, art, tv show}
• Neon Genesis Evangelion + similar/Mecha-related content {anime/tv show + movie, art}
• OFF by Mortis Ghost (mostly fan content) {video game}
• Owl House {tv show}
• Pokémon + Fakémon {games + art}
• Resident Evil series {games + art}, more specifically the character Leon Kennedy + lore
• Sonic (the Hedgehog) (some content, such as Colors and Unleashed both for the Wii) {video games}
• Spider-Man + related content {various content}
• Steven Universe (Future) {tv show + movie} + gemsonas and gemsona/fan fusions {art}
** Dark, one of my interests, includes a proship involving time travel incest that is important to the plot/storyline. I don’t call myself proship as I see it as an “exception” and do not like/support proship content in general
*** I do not support Dream(WasTaken) nor like him for his controversy/problematic actions, and I am no longer a DreamNotFound shipper/supporter even if I may still have DNF content on my blog as some content may refer to their fictional/role-play personas (C!DNF) from when the DSMP was still active
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So apparently I have hit a milestone while going full bore on my bullshit. There’s fifty of y’all now who decided you were getting enough out of this blog to follow along, and that’s mildly neat. Didn’t really expect that. We’ve had a lot of fun talking One Piece and other anime so I dunno, wanted to do something to mark the occasion and letting y’all know a bit more about my tastes seemed like it could be a lark. Shouldn’t be a shock that One Piece is my favorite anime/manga franchise...so here’s the rest of a top 10! No particular order, whys under the cut. Beyond that, consider me open to lightly personal asks for a bit too, just if you were curious.
TOP LEFT - Ranma 1/2: Okay...confession time. Eiichiro Oda is not actually my favorite mangaka. He’s pretty much only given us One Piece and there are several questionable aspects of his style. As a person and professional, I adore Rumiko Takahashi. Inuyasha was a huge deal for me as a teen. Mermaid Saga has been a fun recent read. Maison Ikkoku is one of my next big purchases planned. But Ranma, Ranma guys...it’s a stone-cold classic. Boy cursed to take the form of a cute girl when doused with water gets involved in a web of romantic pursuits stapled to bizarre martial arts competitions. It’s so silly, it’s honestly pretty smart when it wants to be. Fun shonen with a backdoor to maybe, just maybe giving young men a little empathy about what the girls in their lives are dealing with. This kind of blend is why Takahashi is such a goddamn legend and manga pioneer. Team Shampoo for life.
TOP MIDDLE - YuYu Hakusho: Yeah, it means more to me than Hunter x Hunter. This was one of the most important anime series for me to stumble across. Adult Swim back in the early 00s. It’s what showed me there was a much cooler world of more mature anime out there. Kurama was also a first anime crush and that sparked a lifelong love for plant-based superpowers because that’s probably what I would have if we lived in a cooler world. This is as infinitely rewatchable to me as The Simpsons or King of the Hill, and it even got more meaningful given my boyfriend and I bonded over it early in our relationship.
TOP RIGHT - Paranoia Agent: Another 00s Adult Swim classic, but one it took me a while to properly sit down and watch. I’m...generally a little too squishy for the truly screwed up anime out there but this one I could handle. And I love it. Especially as an adult that has had moments I wish a “Lil Slugger” could give me an out from day-to-day problems. “Happy Family Planning” is such a friggin masterpiece. Same with the most kickass lady in the series talking the monster down. I can’t recommend it easily because it does get into things like suicide casually, but man is it so good at what it wants to do. So short but it leaves such an impact.
MIDDLE LEFT - Kaguya, Love is War: I needed one episode of this to know it’d be a favorite. It’s a silly little high school romcom that has no business being as good as it is but I love every minute of Kaguya and Shirogane’s wild ride. That ending? Facepalmed because it was obviously the only way those two could end up of course. But I also love this series for being willing to be real, calling out gendered double standards and talking frankly about sex in a way that never feels inappropriate. But more than anything it’s a riot! The English Dub just makes me like it more for the headcanon this is all a story Brook is making up to kill time.
CENTER - Stop!! Hibari-Kun: I’ve talked about this one before. Shonen romcom where the everyboy lead is pursued by the perfect girl...who happens to be trans. It’s funny, heartfelt, and so ahead of its time in so many ways. Not to mention the fashion! It’s a cool series made cooler by it’s unique place in manga history.
CENTER RIGHT - Nana: Hey! It’s another one Oda namedropped! I remember being so excited when Shoujo Beat magazine had it’s run here in the US. Had a subscription for issue 1 and let it run for two years. So fun getting that in the mail as a teen even if my Mom groaned about it every time. This was their flagship and it isn’t hard to see why. A very real, even kinda gritty story about early adulthood. The odd couple roommates but the conflict isn’t really as much about them fighting. It’s about women supporting each other and finding their way together. And like Kaguya, it doesn’t shy away from some real problems women that age might have to deal with, even if they’re unsavory to discuss.
BOTTOM LEFT - Revolutionary Girl Utena: Trippy, weird, gay as hell, and has a good point by the end. I just adore everything about Utena. It flew over my head when I was a young teen watching it, but I still enjoyed it. Going back later though, I think this might be one of the smartest anime I’ve ever seen. Only problem is you can’t really describe why it’s awesome without spoiling it. But even little tricks like burying massive twists in clip show episodes...awesome. If I made a manga, this would be the main influence.
BOTTOM MIDDLE - Cardcaptor Sakura: Catch you catch you catch me catch me daaaatte... I’m so glad I got to see this as a kid Sakura’s age. It was always just such a comfy show as a kid. Tomoeda is the type of small town I wish I could have grown up in instead of Biblethumping and letting everything go to shit because all the adults cared about was phony moral outrage. Aside from that though, an almost perfect example of a Magical Girl series. Solid gay rep for the time too which I enjoyed. I say “almost” though because goddamn do I hate the Rika/Mr. Terada side of it. Too far CLAMP, even with the anime reining it in.
BOTTOM RIGHT - Fruits Basket: I was a fanatic about this manga when I was about 14-15. Then it came back with the anime adaptation it always deserved! It’s so hard to pin down what makes Fruits Basket so good, ostensibly it’s just kind of a reverse harem romcom. But its so heartfelt and unfraid to be comfy and sweet. It also gave me Ayame to salivate over. Between him, Kurama, Izo, & Cavendish...I think I have a type.
#50 follower spectacular#ranma 1/2#yu yu hakusho#paranoia agent#kaguya-sama: love is war#stop!! hibari-kun#nana#revolutionary girl utena#cardcaptor sakura#fruits basket
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Jackie Mczyne
since I never made one before cuz im bobo the fool
Name: Jackie Emanual Abdul Mczyne Pronouns: he/him they/them age: 25 forverer but 70 in total (30-7) Nationality: British-Tanzanian Species: Vampire (VTM) Clan: Ventrue Sect: Camarilla Location: Andover (primarily) and Swindon (secondary) Personality: egotistical anarchistic idiot Partner: @misericorsalvator Sire: @keeper-of-lions Notes: This man is a germaphobe and has a bit of OCD. Also can NOT handle physical toutch what so ever. If he was a bird he would be an impundulu
There are no specific rules for interacting with my blog! Just dont be focking racist cuz ill feed your kidneys to the dogs
THINGS ARENT TAGGED SO BE WARNED OF GORE BLOOD AND WHAT HAVE YA NOT you can of course ask me to tag certain things I will appologize because I may very well forget orz plz do remind me.
More rambles under the cut off
You've unlocked the extra rambles! congrats! Im so sorry as this may just be incomprehensible
first of all Hi! Im birdy, 24 years old, a black trans animator from the netherlands. I do da drawing and da makin of da gaymes. I stream on twitch you are always free to reach out to me here in DM's or else on discord The-Nerdy-Birdy#0918 <- JUST BE AWARE I was terrible social anxiety and I may be slow to respond THAT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU PLEASE KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU Im just silly :3 and have my moments. I promise ya tho I love to talk and ramble.
anyways, quick summary about jackie.
Jackie went through a lot in his living years! going through the 50s to the 80s as a black man in the uk certainly was something! He used to be a genuine sweet and caring kid and now he still cares but hes very jaded by the world. He used to be part of the british black panther party and he has many opinions bout stuff and politics! but he has quited down quite a bit after his embrace.
he has a bit of a shortfuse cuz folk keep threathening him and hurting him so he is quite defensive. sadly he does not have the brains to see yet that he himself also hurts people and he should be a bit nicer to folk sometimes!
He cares tons about his friends and those who he considers fam. he does not enjoy seeing folk get hurt but.... if push comes to shove he will always choose himself. hes all he has. and all he can rely on and nobody is worth destroying himself over. atleast he'd like to think that. he does however often finds himself choosing his friends over himself and he hates it.
EHHHH FASHION WISE. He basically runs a GIANT company called SALMON which both makes ready to wear as haute couture. he is not the sole designer of it al. but he is most well known. he is a bit of a control freak with his company (not much better outside it either) so he will pick up more work than he should resulting in him always stressing about something.
he has many other companies also and a whole buncha other lore PLEASE ASK ME BOUT ME BOI HE IS ALMOST 10 YEARS OLD AND HE MEANS A LOT TO ME.
Jackie is terrified of moths his handwriting is actually a perfect typewriter font he is really good at math! unlike me! cant see shit without his glasses was part of the british black panther movement HIS FEEDING RESTRICTION IS FOR ME TO KNOW AND YOU TO FIGURE OUT TEEHEE He wishes to become prince someday fave color is salmon of course.

HIS COTERIE BTW HOW COULD I FORGET! He is actually from a still active chronicle! though I most things on dash arent like canon lol In order the characters are: Tommy Riley Jackie Ada and Chris. they all hate each other and they has an awful time together :)
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mha date headcanons- boys and girls :))
♡ request: “i love ur blog already, ur writing is so good!!! im so excited to see the content u’ll be posting !! :D since ur taking requests, how abt some date headcanons for the mha boys (or girls if u want!) ?” - @dianangels
♡ thank you for letting me write girls aaa i chose to do some as first date hc. it was kinda hard to keep jirou’s gn because i wanted to reference wlw stereotypes but i succeeded in gender-neutral because i want everyone to be able to enjoy
♡ dedicating part of this to @anxious-botanist because she’s the one who inspired the momo cuddles hehe sorry it took so long
♡ fic details: headcanons, fluff, gender-neutral reader, 2nd pov
characters: kaminari, amajiki, jirou, ashido, yaoyorozu


kaminari- arcade
↠you hear me??? arcade!! date!! ideal man, right here, someone claim him immediately or else i will be forced to take ownership
↠he’s super laid back and chill, pretty childish at heart. he only means the best, though, so i think an arcade is exactly what he would go for when taking you on a date! he doesn’t have a lot of money but still wants you to go home with something to remember the date by
↠he buys like $50 worth of tokens and splits it between the two of you, making sure that he tells you which games give the most tickets, because he’s definitely been here enough times to remember
↠his favorite game is either crossy roads or the big bass wheel- he loves crossy roads because of how cute the style is, but also there is impending stress and levels of d o o m as you progress further. big bass wheel is basically just gambling, and i think he’s yumeko jabami.
↠he hacks games to make you win sometimes,, his quirk is bascially designed to do this. it’s like he was born just to take you out on this arcade date. he uses his quirk to short circuit the game and trick the computer into giving you hundreds of tickets
↠he just wants to make you happy and see you smile!! there’s not a feeling quite like succeeding at something as silly as an arcade game, but there’s a certain pride to it that he loves seeing on your face.
↠kaminari only does it a few times, since he knows that you should be earning your prizes ((not that you know when he does it, he’s really cheeky about it))
↠playyyy multiplayers with him! he loves DDR (dance dance revolution)- you do multiple rounds and are equally exhausted by the end of it akdflad you may not be good, and tbh neither is denki, but you still have fun, which is what matters
↠he also loves taking photobooth pictures, he puts on the most horrendous filters and does the dumbest poses, but it’s so adorable. he does the typical one smile, one “serious”, one silly face, one kith > <
↠kami gets cocky,,, it’s just how he is,, he gets overly confident whether or not he’s been on a winstreak
“heyy, y/n! look at my speedrun on this, i’m getting so many tickets, i’ll be able to get a house by the end of it!”
↠and then he CAN’T because he doesn’t get the jackpot eghgdhgeh
↠by the end of the day, you’ve spent hours at the arcade, laughing and screaming with denki as you terrorize the small children. yes, he’s that kind of guy
↠by “terrorize”, i don’t mean like a bully, but he’s unintentionally intimidating kids with his pockets overflowing with ticket chains, a crazed look on his face as he goes absolutely ham on the shooting games
↠there’s electricity coming off of him, kids sometimes have to dodge it when passing by
↠so anyways, by the end of the date, you’re basically being kicked out of the arcade, because, as kami puts it,
“we were here when it opened and i’ll be damned if we’re not here when it closes,”
↠between the two of you, you’ve aquired tens of thousands of tickets??? the employees probably hate y’all, they had to count those beasts of ticket rolls you’ve accumulated during the 10 hours the arcade was open
↠exactly 62,069 tickets (69 go brrr- kaminari’s brain), and you can basically buy the arcade with that currency
↠but here’s the thing: he lets you spend all of it. you heard me, all. of. it. he just wants to see you happy, and the best way he can think of to get a final glorious memory of your smile is to let you spend the tickets as you see fit, this generosity just to see you glowing as you walk out of the building, arms chock full of amazing junk
↠but of course, you’d feel bad if you spent all of it, especially since he was the one who took you out, so you offered him the half of the tickets that were won
“denki, you won most of these with your amAzINg gaming skills, it’s only fair you get to have something too,”
“my prize will be seeing you- your- your-- aw fuck, i forgot the line, it’ll come back to me, just give me a minute.”
↠he tried to be smooth and it failed, but you chuckled at the attempt, so all around, he considered it a success
↠denki gets a lot of dumb things that will probably end up being thrown away soon, but he also gets you a very soft bat stuffed animal that you should treasure and keep forever

amajiki- a walk and picnic in a japanese garden
↠tamaki is very shy, very socially anxious. he’s the kind to wait for people to leave a section of a store before he goes there, purposely do his errands in the early morning to limit social interaction, and find any excuse to leave a situation. which, tbh, isn’t that all of us?
↠let’s be honest here, if it wasn’t y’alls first date, he’d probably not go anywhere. as long as he’s with you, he doesn’t really care for anything too fancy
↠but he’s convinced himself that he needs to do something reasonably big for your first date to make sure you don’t regret your decision to go out with him. so instead of deciding to stay in, he goes somewhere that’s only slightly anxious for him, but where he still feels comfortable
↠so he’s decided on a japanese tsukiyama garden! these places are beautiful by design, not cheap but not too expensive, and people are obligated by rules to be quiet and keep their hands to themselves
↠nobody goes to a garden to socialize, in fact, i’d argue most people go just to look around, rest, and clear their heads. there’s usually not any screaming children, no quirk usage, no villains, it’s a little safe haven.
↠bonus: there’s butterflies :))
↠it’s so peaceful, and he gets to focus on you instead of whatever loud noise is making him anxious
↠he brings a picnic basket filled with all your favorite foods, and his! he makes a show out of displaying what he can manifest with different snacks, making a point to eat edible seeds so he can produce flowers for you 🥺🥺🥺
↠you walk around the garden for a few hours, marveling at the decor and how well-maintained everything is. there’s a koi pond, hanging wisteria trees, and multiple gazebos that create a really comfortable and calm environment
↠speaking of koi ponds, amajiki offers to buy you food so you can feed the fish! you stand on a bridge above the pond, sharing the container with him. the sMILE on his face when he watches you throw the food is so pure i’m-
↠he’s the walking embodiment of “uwu”- his face is so calm and his eyes are shining and he can feel his heart swelling with love i am GOING to cry my eyes out
↠but honestly, he wishes he could stay in this moment forever- you’re happy, he’s happy, and it feels like you two are the only people in the universe. right now, he doesn’t have to worry about school, villain attacks, his future, or anything that makes him anxious; all that he can see right now is how beautiful and at peace you look. he took you out today, and you’re enjoying yourself. this is one of the few things that makes him confident: knowing that he’s able to make you happy
↠tamaki is silently celebrating; you’ve had a good time and he didn’t freak out, so it’s the best possible scenario!

ashido- rollerskating! ((look at her she’s adorable the smile n the eyes aaa))
↠mina is a very energetic and bubbly person, its quite obvious if you’ve spent any amount of time around her
↠for your first date with her, she’d already have a location in mind!!
↠the atmosphere of rollerskating rinks is so electric, she can’t help but feel happy there, and she wants to experience that lovely feeling with you, too :))
↠you enter the rink, and mina is already borderline bouncing off the walls alskdfj
↠whether or not you’ve ever skated before, ashido is super cautious with you- multiple times she’s fallen on her butt while learning how to skate, so unless you’re a pro, she’s watching your every move to make sure you don’t get hurt
“y/n! please be careful- you’re not getting hurt on my watch!”
↠she jabs a thumb in her direction proudly, with the cutest bigass grin on her face awh 🥺🥺🥺she’s really enthusiastic about sharing one of her passions with you
“try to balance, alright? don’t put too much weight on your heel or toes, because then you’ll fall on your butt. here, take my hand and i’ll help you! hey, there you go, you’re doing great!”
↠she pays for everything and will WRESTLE you if you try to disagree aldkfa if you’re the type of person to pay for everything as well, y’all are going to have to fight; mina will not give up
↠ashido comes here a lot, so she’s friendly with all the employees, she has the uncanny ability to make friends wherever she goes ((i mean she’s friends with bakugou,, if she can do that,, she can do anything))
↠she takes one of your hands and backs onto the rink, watching for anyone behind her. once you’re balanced properly, she shows you how to move your feet so that the two of you are in sync
↠skating isn’t super hard to figure out, it’s mostly intuitive, so you’ll get the hang of it quite quickly!! maybe you’re not too fast, but it’s still fun, so it doesn’t matter
↠while you’re moving with care, making sure to focus on your footwork, mina will definitely take the chance to show off her skating skills! she’s moving like crazy, weaving around other people and nearly toppling them over but shh she’s trying to impress you and if i’m being honest??? she’s really fucking good aldkdf
↠it’s obvious that she loves this hobby, and the fact that she likes you enough to share it with you on your first date is so adorable aaaa
↠mina’s really agile- you don’t know if that’s all the hero training or just something that comes naturally, but the way she moves makes skating look like the easiest goddamn thing in the world-
↠she’s such a romantic, she’s definitely put in a request for the dj to play your favorite song, no matter if it fits the mood or not
↠heavy rock? sure!! as long as you’re having fun, who cares about what other people think? super vulgar rap?? w h y n o t ? !
↠she just has that extroverted, positive, charming energy that’s infectious
↠you can’t help but feel at ease around her, she’s a genuinely a great person, and what you think the epitome of a hero is
↠all ashido really wants here is to have fun with you- i mean she really likes you, and hopes that she’ll get to go on another date w/ you, so she’s doing everything in her power to woo u
↠and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t working 🥺👉👈

jirou- hanging out in her room
↠kyouka jirou, being the more introverted person she is, wouldn’t really want to go somewhere super public, like mina would
↠i also believe that she’d want to be friends (or at least acquaintances) with you before asking you on a date- she’s easily annoyed by people, so i think that she’d need to be comfortable around you if she was to be romantically interested
↠and you’ve ticked all these boxes! you understand her sarcastic, blunt personality, and find it pretty amusing. beyond all that, she’s kind and caring, and deep down, she aspires to be a hero for all the right reasons. who wouldn’t love her for that?
↠so for your first date with kyouka, i think she’d want to be somewhere quiet and intimate with you. she wouldn’t want any interruptions ((specifically from jammingyay, who enjoys butting his head in other peoples’ business))
↠the most comfortable place for her would be her room, since it’s really just an extension of her personality, and since you’re quite close, she’d be okay with letting you in her private space. she trusts you.
↠just two guys bein dudes 🤠 ((if you’re a girl, it’s just sappho and her friend--))
↠music is one of the biggest things in jirou’s life, and i think she’d want to share it with you. that is, if you’d let her :)) she has dozens of different instruments, so if you want to attempt to learn something, she’d be totally down!!
↠please show her what kind of music you’re into! no matter what it is, she’ll listen to it. she wants to get to know what kind of person you are when you’re not around other people, and music is a great way to do that. even if you don’t have the same taste as her, she wouldn’t mind, since a) she’ll listen to pretty much anything, she’s not picky; and b) it’s something that you’re showing her, and that’s enough to make her happy
↠she’s not a very formal person, so i think she’d just want to talk to you and hang out. i’d think kyouka would be more of a fan of a gradual relationship, one that starts from friends and slowly evolves into more. and yes, as you can probably tell, i am a sucker for mutual pining and friends-to-lovers tropes-- im a simple hoe 😌
↠she’s super fun to hang out with!! her sense of humor is really snarky, she also enjoys talking shit about people she doesn’t like. if you’re not into that, she’s able to carry on conversation really well. there’s not a moment of awkward silence between you
↠jirou actually really likes talking shit about people hsahsh- as long as it’s someone that’s been mean in some way. she won’t say anything bad about someone who hasn’t done anything to deserve it. but if you’ve wronged her in some way, boy, do you have it COMING
↠by the end of it, i just know your cheeks hurt from laughing
↠she’s just a really fun person to be around, she may not be the most bubbly person ever, but she’s super easy-going and cool ((jirou bias incoming ekejke))
↠i do think she’d try to sneak some kind of affection if she thinks you’d reciprocate- if you’re really getting along well, she might snake her hand into yours when you’re sitting on the bed, laughing
↠honestly you might not even notice until she stops, because your hand feels empty and cold without her like your heart aa
↠if she’s really into you?? might get a smol peck on the cheek 👉👈 please try to get a smol peck on the cheek, it’s very cute and she gets so flustered
↠she goes up to you as you’re about to leave her room, grabs your shoulder, turns you around, and gives you an adorable if not slightly aggressive smooch
↠then she reFUSES to acknowledge what she just did akdfld- she turns away, beet red, and is completely silent
↠meanwhile you’re probably laughing your ass off because wow she’s so cute
↠kudos if you give one back to her, baby is on the verge of exploding ejkdjf
↠her heart just can’t handle what you’re doing to her
↠and despite what her appearance is, her heart is doing backflips- she’s whipped <33

momo: tea and c u d d l e s
↠she’s a very fancy person, obviously. yaoyorozu wants only the best for everyone she loves, and that, of course, includes you! she loves showing affection through giving things to others. her family status only magnifies this aspect of her personality, as being born into wealth gives her the means to spoil you rotten
↠and even though she’s bougie as all hell, she also somehow maintains an elegant and simple air about her. it’s impressive, really. it’s not like she tries to flex her money, it’s just a part of her life, and she enjoys using her privilege well
↠that being said, what’s more elegant and mature than going for tea? it’s a lovely pastime that momo would love to include you in!
↠lowkey,, she’s a whole sugar momma dfkdjla im not even joking- she doesn’t try to be, but virtually everything she does shows how rich she is
↠you arrive at the tea room, and by god is it fancy. there’s multiple chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, which is decorated with classic renaissance-style paintings. all the tables are set with white cloth, plates made of pure fine china, flowers and woven baskets set everywhere to create a cottagecore-like setting. the air about it is so sophisticated, from the patrons (wait is that a celebrity-) to the decorations
↠your face is kinda just,,, 😮,, because what in the world did momo get you into??
“momo, you’re so sweet, and this place is lovely, but don’t you think this is a bit much? not that i don’t absolutely appreciate it, it’s just that this seems really expensive, and i don’t want you to have to spend that much for just one date.”
↠she just chuckles, saying that it was “really nothing” (???? MISS GIRL???)
“don’t worry, y/n, this isn’t too much! i want to have fun today, and this place is so nice! let’s just find a table, alright?”
↠like, hunney, you’re so kind, but this is a LOT
↠but if you say so....
↠she looks at you with the most enthusiastic, wholesome eyes, and soon you’re following her like a puppy towards your table. the waiter sits you down, and leaves, giving you a moment to glaze over the menu to find a drink
↠and there’s so many types of teas, at least 30 on this page alone. you hadn’t even heard of half of these drinks, how would you know if you’d like them?
↠yaomomo seemed to notice your puzzlement, and said that you could get a pot of something simple, like jasmine green or earl grey, and she would get something fancier that you could try. why not?
↠a few minutes later, you’ve already adjusted to the sophisticated and intimidating environment, focusing only on the girl across from you, and how her eyes glittered with happiness
↠she orders a few normal tea foods, like scones with jam, lemon curd, and devonshire cream, and finger sandwiches. the fanciest thing she buys, though, is a blooming tea that arrives in a clear pot. it has an open flower inside of it, which is what the tea is infused with. it’s nearly 16,100 yen for one pot, though, and while you protest its expense, momo reassures you that it’s no problem (you just learned not to say anything about money, as it wouldn’t stop yaoyorozu from spoiling you)
↠ngl, it’s so fun to pretend to be fancy for a few hours at a tea room !! you acted as if you were a member of high society, using stereotypes to exaggerate your actions. it made some people only slightly irritated, but hey, it got a laugh out of a pretty girl, so who’s the real winner?
↠yaomomo taught you some classy etiquette that you should definitely use, it makes her so happy to think that you’re learning about new things while still enjoying your time with her
↠she makes really good conversation!! her intellect seeps through everything she says, anyone who talks to her would be able to tell that she’s extremely well-spoken and mature. momo is modest, and deflects a lot of the compliments you try to give her, so if you try to display your admiration for her, you’d probably need to be very specific about it. she doesn’t have the best self-image when it comes to her heroism and field work. spoken affection sometimes doesn’t get through to her, but you know what does? physical affection!
↠she loves cuddles, and will regularly take you back to her house after a date to cuddle in her bed. her mattress is legendary, and it’s comfortable as hell. there’s an abundance of pillows and the bed isn’t too soft or too firm, and it’s always somehow an amazing temperature???? mattresses are investments, and this was definitely a good one
↠momo loves the intimacy and trust of holding you, it allows her to escape from overthinking and only focus on you, her beautiful partner. she doesn’t care if she’s the big or little spoon, but her favorite kind of cuddling is when you’re on your back and she’s curled into your side, head tucked under your chin and hand on your chest
↠she can do this for hours, please let her. she feels safe with you, confident, because you’re choosing to spend time with her in this quiet moment instead of being off somewhere else.
↠in conclusion,,, 💕women 💕

#denkineptune#mha x reader#kaminari x reader#denki x reader#kaminari denki x reader#denki kaminari x reader#tamaki amajiki x reader#amajiki tamaki x reader#amajiki x reader#denkineptune fic#jirou kyouka x reader#kyouka jirou x reader#kyoka jiro x reader#jiro kyoka x reader#jiro x reader#jirou x reader#momo yaoyorozu x reader#yaoyorozu momo x reader#yaoyorozu x reader#mina ashido x reader#ashido mina x reader#mina x reader
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