#not to be self aggrandizing
jonesyjonesyjonesy · 1 year
happy birthday bonz here are some passages that i hope encapsulated you ily ✨
wf pt. xiii
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wf pt. xiv.i
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wf pt. ixx
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
you know what would be a fun hotguy au actually. play fully into "he's an action star reliving his glory days" and say that scar is an actor who stared in the hotguy movies. he's in his forties at least now and much less capable of doing his own stunts than he once was, but he still considers himself hotguy and takes some pride in at least doing SOME of his own stunts. but the key here is that he's a "fairly athletic for a guy in his late forties" actor, NOT a superhero. (grian, his partner and assistant, reminds him this a lot.)
but the man who came to just ask him for help doesn't know that.
skizz doesn't know that.
skizz thinks hotguy is real.
and skizz is in real trouble. the kind of trouble that needs a hero. the kind of trouble he's not sure he knows how to get out of again.
so what does it hurt if scar just... pretends for long enough to get the real authorities to skizz? what does it hurt if scar tries to be hotguy for a little bit? he plays him on tv, how hard could it be?
and things devolve from there,
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cheekinpermission · 7 months
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Azul's just gonna pretend like none of that happened, huh?
(My Yuu is incredibly petty and will forever be bitter about having to share a room with Leona because of Azul snatching her dorm as collateral.)
Inspired by this line from the recent Tsumsted Wonderland event added under the cut <3
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sysig · 8 months
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Gift (Patreon)
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animentality · 12 days
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bugflies00 · 12 days
"you fell for the character's façade" except it's people once again missing the fact that at any given time there is a 90% chance tommyinnit is making fun of himself
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angel---eater · 27 days
okay the upd8 wasnt nearly as bad as everyones been making it out to be. maybe im just desensitized or used to my own shit, but that was EXACTLY what it was like facing your own childhood trauma, especially trauma youve never adressed or registered as trauma before. everyone needs to cool their shit. this is very basic early-stage trauma work being portrayed and imo it was portrayed VERY well. simple, but very well. that entire update was vriska talking TO HERSELF and her own self-hatred and victim blaming. that was NOT doc scratch, that was part of vriskas psyche, and it was FUCKIN WONDERFUL!!!!
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hauntedtrait · 1 year
i have some hot takes for yall today
mod updates shouldn’t be behind early access like… come on!
everyone should just be able to upload the cc they used on a sim or in a lot when they upload that sim or lot to be shared with the community. we know op didnt make the cc, we know credit goes to the cc creator, cc always has the creators name anyways. if i have to manually download all the cc for a sim or build i just won’t, like it’s not really doing anyone any favors. i’m not gonna list cc for every sim i upload, sorry, i’m chronically ill and i don’t have that kind of time or energy 🤷🏻 loosen up a bit man it’s just simblr
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son1c · 8 months
i think the hardest sell for starline was hypnotizing sonic into trusting him. like everything else would've been easy by comparison (and make no mistake: sonic fought it all SEVERELY). but getting sonic to stop trying to attack him and tolerate the "sessions" with the warp topaz took the longest for starline to accomplish. and i still think even once he's in the town, sonic still twitches sometimes.
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babykittenteach · 6 months
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sibylsleaves · 2 months
i actually liked tommy from episodes 4-5. He started losing points though with the bullshit he pulled in episode 6 and then in episode 9 he said what he said about Buck getting a medal and now the cut scene doesn't make him look flattering but just even more of an asshole and then episode 10 just sealed it. Like I ended the season severely disliking Tommy and I find him so insanely boring as all hell.
Like it's so obvious he's just a plot device but my goodness some plot devices are good have flavor added to them while they do their job before leaving. Tommy is like as boring as his age shows he is.
My friend said it best he's the person you date that is so insanely boring but there's nothing like genuinely wrong with him so you just have to wait till your friend wakes up and realizes it.
I'm with you there. I also enjoyed him in episodes 3 & 4 (although i will say a lot of what he did in episode 4 annoyed me!!! but i kinda let it slide just because Bi Buck was literally put me into a weeklong state of euphoria...) Less so in 5. And then just got increasingly bored with him and with the relationship.
I do think the takes about him being the Worst Most Evil Man in the World are fundamentally silly. I also think the takes about him being "the love Buck has been searching for his entire life" or whatever are fundamentally silly.
Your friend is right. He's just kinda there and there's nothing genuinely wrong with him but it IS kinda fun to hate on your friend's boring wet blanket of a boyfriend!!! wake up Buck!!!
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curiosity-killed · 2 months
a while back I had lunch with a couple of coworkers, one of whom asked me why I like public transit and public libraries—in a genuinely, sincerely interested fashion. it was not the first time I've been asked—or had people express bemusement about this—and so, despite being caught totally off-guard the first time, I did actually have an answer this time, which was I try to support things I want to see in the world.
and i felt (and feel) like this is extremely obvious. if we all assume that someone else is going to make sure the things we care about exist and exist well, so that we don't have to do anything—chances are good they're not going to get the support they need and they, in fact, won't exist or improve. So, the counter to that is to take the steps you can to provide that support. (duh)
but I feel like there is this mindset (that is heavily class [and likely race and gender] influenced) of like....someone else will take care of it. And it's about public transit or libraries and independent bookstores and it's about voting and advocacy and community. All these important things that require maintenance and perpetual engagement—the same way that you can't just wash your dishes once in your life and never have to do them again (unless you switch to disposal dishes, but then you still have to take out the trash).
I get that there are a lot of reasons why people feel disenfranchised and fatigued but...at the end of the day, life is composed of an endless series of actions that influence what options are available to you in the future. whether it's voting or going to the library instead of amazon or taking the bus instead of an uber....like. yeah you're gonna have to keep doing it if you want to have an impact. there's no silver bullet that's going to magically land us in utopia with only perfect choices, so you're just going to have to keep choosing the best option you've got to get you that next step closer.
if there isn't a bus that takes you from doorstep to doorstep, you still take the bus that gets you closest. if the dishes are dirty, you wash them. if you want the benefits of society, you show up.
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weebsinstash · 8 months
I'm sorry, you're telling me Valentino is so FUCKING EXTRA that he literally has girls who match his aesthetic JUST to open the door to his parlor for guests
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Valentino sweetie I have several questions, first and foremost of which is WHY ARE YOU FUCKING LIKE THIS
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I finally got to finish the Burrow's End ep and 1) hell yeah Tula, ho it up, 2) the whole Red Warren family is truly coming into this place with a some insane energy right off the bat, love that for them, and 3) I don't trust these goddamn bipedal stoats and their stoat propaganda a goddamn inch.
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
"Gradually, in recent years, I have become aware of new opinions emerging, and that there has been a concerted attempt to rehabilitate [Mary I]'s reputation. Some historians now hold quite passionate views on the subject, and their assessments have become the received wisdom of the day. When I came to write this novel, however, and revisited my own research, I found that I could not entirely support this new view." Author's Note, Alison Weir, The Passionate Tudor
oh so, oh so much to unpack here...least of all...yes, if you revisit your own work...you're going to have your own views affirmed?
not to mention the dissonance of 'historians are stupid, listen to me instead' vs book foreword, which includes herself in that group ('this book is dedicated to my fellow historians'); despite the author not having a degree in history.
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