#not to be a uhaul girl but. oh my god
sugared-violets · 3 months
happy fucking pride month everyone i just had the gayest 72 hours of my LIFE
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God I’m still thinking about the fact the girl I was talking to last seemed to pull away when I was talking about liking guys too and ID’ing as queer because she seemed like the type that thought lesbians were better than mspec people
Like her roommates would not stop making UHaul lesbian jokes (despite me also talking to her about not being ready to officially date let alone anything else) and when I tried to brush past it like “Oh haha well UHaul is the lesbian stereotype and I’m queer so idk what my stereotype would be” one of them literally muttered ‘well that’s awkward’ like wtf?
Plus this girl literally said she was upset when her own sister who dated exclusively women for a while decided she wanted to date men again because “women are better”, despite the fact one of her sister’s ex girlfriends literally broke up with her because she was “too sad” (aka has depression) so it’s like 🤨
Anyways I’m tired of women I date seeing me as lesser because I’m mspec/queer because this is 100% not the first time I’ve had this experience and I seriously doubt it’ll be the last
(This is also ignoring the fact I very much get treated as a woman or Girl Lite(tm) even when they know I’m genderqueer/nonbinary but that’s a separate post 🫠)
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wingdingle · 1 year
packing up all of my shit currently in da uhaul (moving in with ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) to go cross state and oh my god its so exhausting. im so tired that i doordashed subway even though its like a 2 min drive. i have so many memories im coming across that i havent seen simce i moved from my parents house and its reminding me of who i am creatively. finding all the little art pieces ive made.... So good
saying goodbye to work was hard but they love me there and sent me off with some boxes and i have another job secured at the destination. my whole family loves ❤️ and that makes it easier and she makes it easier for me to get along with them too
the cats are doing well in a big new house (3 of them now!) my parents built them a screened-in porch, and they love to go out there and sit in a giant circle on all the furniture. polkadots getting older and her hip looks like its starting to give out but shes still kickin. wish i could take her with me but i cant put her thru that at this age
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my girl is quite the porblem solver. shes very stronk and comes up with ideas like she got a fountain of them in her head, very smart and educated too and the sweetest kindest most generous and helpful and patient person ive ever met. she makes sure im well taken care of and im trying to do the same for her. i think she is my soulmate! i used to hate soulmate and other half theory but i feel she fits into me like a puzzle piece and its beautiful. every moment spent with her is so beautiful.
im moving on to the next chapter of my life now, im ready to say good buhbuh to ohio lol good buhbuh
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mattreactsto · 2 years
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Karen…is that a Spirit Halloween wig?
Awww. Chim did this?
Well…when he’s right he’s right.
Hen. Come on. The fuck?
Karen is a saint. Denny looks fed up with the bullshit.
Karen with the astronaut Mom joke. Move in next door and let’s have mimosas. Can you make mimosas? (I have zero ingredients)
Karen is a babysitter for a butt hurt white boy…and professionals.
Hmmm. Karen took them off the fostering list so Hen could concentrate. Okay. That makes sense.
Uh. Karen. Your kid?
Denny looks like one of the kids a year or so ahead of our son. (how the hell did I not pick that up)
Okay. The Yeps were funny.
Is…is Hen actually a mom. Because. Just. That’s. Comfort your kid. Come. The. Fuck. On.
Flashback Hen doesn’t have Bougie glasses.
Oh yeah Karen. Get it. GET IT!!
Oh my gods. Karen. Lovingly takes off the glasses…and breaks a goddamn lamp.
Bobby is so commanding. Why aren't you like that? (You ignore me like the cat does. Piss off.)
Dead guy. Brain putty. Sad.
God I love Karen.
Eddie is so…useful. You want him to root around in you, don’t you? (That’s not the point…)
Only Karen would argue with Bobby mid emergency. Slay girl. Slay.
Annoying white guy is more helpful with a busted face.
Ooh. Ugly ex stories.
Hen. Karen is so good. She wouldn’t bail. She’s a better person than you.
Buck. You should know by now to NOT fucking argue with Karen.
I wonder if the actors balls get sweaty in the turn outs.
Boom boom boom boom. I want you in my room. Or however that song goes.
Karen deserves a spa day.
So…Karen got UHauled and Baby trapped?
Karen…she is so valid with this. Okay. Season one…makes more sense.
Wooooow. Hen. Be less of a bitch maybe? I mean. Valid points from Karen. But Karen…the baby is innocent. I mean yeah. The Eva of it all is shit.
Karen. No! If they kill her off I swear to fuck.
Chim. Not cool fuck. Not fucking cool. Manipulative little cock fucking shit.
Wow. If anyone pulls that on our kid they die. For real. Fuck jail. Not even scared.
Bobby my boy. Just. Wow.
Hey. Injured Hen is like injured you! Except the break up. You’re just a ba…(finish that word and you’ll be eating through a tube I swear to Jesus.)
You know what Hen. Sometimes I don’t think you actually deserve her.
But seriously. Flashback Karen wig looks like Spirit Halloween.
HEY didn’t that Marvel Jones person lose her spleen too. (Jessica Jones. And yes. Yes she did.)
Oh right. Toni moved out. I wonder if her and what’s his name are having all kinds of geriatric old people sex. (Thank you for that visual. I may just shit in your CPAP tonight.)
After ALL that from the last couple episodes she’s dropping med school isn’t she.
Awww. Do you miss when our son was that age? (oh god so much. He wasn’t a cryer. He was a squawker. A cute squawker. I do NOT miss the diapers or anything, but my little snuggly boy? Oh yeah. )
Seriously. SHE COULDN’T have figured that out like, two episodes ago?
Denny is such a sweet kid. Yes buddy. You’re getting hugged a tonne.
Maybe they’ll write Hen as less of a jerk going forward.
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pocket-elf · 5 hours
Get to know me better
Before I took my short tumblr break of like, six months? I dunno, I got tagged by @kattahj for this and found it in my likes. So let's do it!
Last song?
Apparently it was Runaways by All Time Low, cause I have a few seconds left of it on Spotify from listening to music in the kitchen last night.
Favorite color?
I have no idea anymore tbh. It used to be teal but I don't think it is anymore. If you look at my wardrobe nowadays it's black.
Currently watching?
If you mean tv show I follow... then nothing actually. I've become so bad at tv shows. I did finally go back and finish the latest Doctor Who season yesterday. I had just stopped three episodes before the end for some reason (and yes I skipped several seasons before this) But I guess I can answer that I'm currently watching Good Mythical Morning as always. Smosh too. And I've been catching up on ATL stuff but I'm decently caught up on the main things (although I think I left a few CTL episodes as a treat after finishing Full Frontal and never finished those. Because I don't want it to end)
Last movie?
Oh gods I didn't remember in what order I watched the last few, cause I haven't watched a movie the past couple of weeks. And turns out the last one was Fan Girl from 2015. That movie was a mess.
I have a big sweet tooth
Relationship status?
Very very single, and I'd like not to be. But I don't know how to meet people or let them in romantically soooo
Current obsessions?
I guess ATL? It's calming down now though cause I've gotten through the frantic period of "oh shit a new band to get into? Need to devour everything" But oh it was so easy with these boys. The others had a bit of a slow start, needing to acclimatise to new sounds or something. This was instant and so easy.
Also cross stitch maybe?
Last thing you googled?
I tried to find where my friend got get a stupid hoodie last night
Selfie or another pic you took?
You know what? I considered just going with latest picture I took, which was progress on my current cross stitch (I try to take one every morning, just to see) but why not actually show my face? There's some new people around after all. This is from about a month ago when me and dad went to the very north (about 200km north of the arctic circle) for me to get to see the Swedish mountains and properly hike for the first time in my life. One of my friends called this lesbian bait. Not this particular picture, but same spot and one dad took of me. Hawk in full force in that one, a mix of hiking clothes and band shirt... I think her words were "I'm surprised there isn't a uhaul in the background". So where are my single lesbians at? Come find me I don't know how.
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daisyvstheworld · 2 years
Day 11 - Jan 11 - Prague
Woke up around 8:30ish bc of alarms and people checking out or getting up. I was still sleepy so I laid in bed but everyone was loud so I slooowlly got up.
I went to Kavarna Prazirna for breakfast, it was a cute underground Czech cafe. A lot of students or study groups were there so I sat at a bar area and ordered a hummus veggie sandwich and a cappuccino. It was veryyyy good.
I read my book and oh my god this author just knows how to set up these characters and then just TEAR THEM AWAY. I audibly gasped and was so sad. I had to decompress for a bit after one chapter ended….
Anyways, I paid, pooped, and started walking to Vysehrad, this castle complex thing. It was coo but kinda boring. From there I had the map to take the metro to Letna Park but I realized it wasn’t a metro station station, it was just a station and I don’t have a ticket.. so I walked to the nearest underground station which was still quite far, and bought a 24 hr ticket, THEN I guesstimated where a station was for the line I was taking. It worked 🤓
I got to Letna Park pretty shortly and walked up a million stairs to another view of the city. Quite pretty. A lot of people skateboarding. A saw a bunch of cute doggos, this one couple had 3 white dogs and a tiny little terrier looking dog. One of them let me give them pats!
I walked to the Museum of Technology and the surrounding area looking for a cute coffee shop. I found one but I didn’t really want coffee and it looked kinda packed so I just went to the grocery store and bought a sandwich. I kinda had to guess what protein was in it but I did it!! It’s chicken 🤓
I walked back to the park and ate half with a view of the city.
From there I missed the first metro line 15 to get to Vitkov and took the second one (lmao) there. It was another 10 min hike to the park, but the views were great! I had to pee really bad tho so I wasn’t like 100%. But I ate the second half of my sandwich with an even better view of the city.
I trekked back to the bus stop and took the 5 back to the hostel and rested. I realized that it was gonna rain in a few hours so I went back out to get final souvenirs (tiny bottle of the National liquor, wafer cookies) and try the trdelnik! It was VERY good - like perfect dough with almonds and sweetness. The cream was excessive but they gave me a spoon so I scooped it out and distributed it more evenly.
When I bought the wafers from the supermarket, I saw this homeless man with two dogs and they were all sharing a thing of food - my heart broke 😭 I was so sad. I was about to buy the dogs treats but I didn’t want to deal with the guy and risk anything. Ugh that really hurt though..
Once I got back, I showered and started repacking my stuff. Nova messaged me and we made plans to get drinks or dessert. I was just chilling in my PJs when the girl in the bunk above me asked if I was also traveling alone. We started talking and she mentioned she wanted to go to bars but she didn’t wanna go alone, so I invited her out with Nova and I! She definitely seemed young, but she was sweet. I found out she’s from Vienna, so I told her I was going there next. We went to The Alchemist Bar and I got to know her a big more, she’s been traveling all summer and did a volunteer exchange for housing at this dog sanctuary in Bulgaria. She loves dogs as much I as I do 🥹
Nova joined us pretty late but I love her energy, she was nice to have with us. She started gushing about how excited she is to be with her new girl and introduced me to the term “uhaul lesbian” which I thought was so funny. I was like yes I know what that means.
We didn’t stay out too late bc I had to wake up at 4AM, so we left around 10:15pm and went to bed!
Or at least tried to bc girls that just arrived in Prague were being so loud and going out 🫠
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shenevertricks1831 · 2 years
(eddie munson x reader)
part 1. Sept 1984
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TRICK'S TREATS (Author Notes)
This will be a multipart piece of the history of Eddie x Reader (if you'd like to know more about my reader, or how I write and have based them let me know!) This will cover various aspects of their relationship. From first meeting, to their friendship, parts of season 2 and 3 involving Y/N...I'm actually very nervous and anxious to post this, probably because for the first time in ages I've fallen for a character and a passion and a drive to write for them. So please be nice lol. This will all kind of be a shameless self insert and I'm so sorry...also an offical title is pending.
Triggers- not much for this part, mentions of divorce, uhm eddie being a little perry maybe lol uhm flirty and flustered eddie
Pt1 Sept.1984
Eddie Munson sat on his porch smoking. He watched as a uhaul pulled up to the trailer next to his uncles. Apparently someone finally bought the damn thing. He was intrigued when a short blond woman got out of the uhaul's driver seat. Then his interest truly peaked when she stepped out of the passenger seat. She had black high top Converse, black bike shorts that made his pants shamefully tight, and a fucking Motley Crue cropped t-shirt, holy shit! Then as his eyes wondered up he found the cherry on top. Her hair. Her fucking hair. It was teased, and curled, big. She looked like she could be a groupie, or a fucking centerfold. God and her fucking face, she was perfect. He should not be this fucking turned on just looking at a girl while he's sitting on his porch.
His uncles hand lightly smacks the back of his head. Shit when had his uncle even came out here? He hadn't even realized, to enthralled with the girl who was apparently his new neighbor. Lucky him, he thought.
"Come on, are you gonna stand there gawking all day or are you gonna come with me and offer these ladies a hand?" His uncle spoke in a gruff yet amused voice.  Eddie hopped to his feet quickly following his uncle the short distance over to the next trailer. Uncle Wayne went to talk to the blonde woman, presumably the mother. Eddie made his way around to the back of the uhaul, to you, but he didn't see you. So he peaked to the side of the uhaul with the passenger door; and there he saw her, bent over the seat leaning in to grab something. He didn't realize he was staring again, not until you climbed down from the vehicle and looked at him.
"Hey perv." You said flatly. Eddie blushed furiously and quickly tried to apologize. "I am so sorry! I just came over looking for you, and you weren't in the back so I just peaked over here," oh God he knows he's rambling, but he can't stop himself, "and you where there, and ya know, well uhm, it's, uh, it's very," he paused, guestering with his hands, rounding them as though he were cupping her ass, "uh, n-nice..it's nice. D-did you need help with your boxes?" Eddie finally shuts up, he is red, beet fucking red. And then he notices, she's blushing too. It's silent for a moment. Oh God he fucked up, he has officially ruined any minuscule chance he might have had. He is ok the verge of just leaving, and then he hears it. She laughs, no, giggles; and its the most beautiful sound Eddie has ever heard. Has he died? Did he just die of embarrassment, but then wind up in his own personal heaven? He knew in that second that he was going to marry her one day. He didn't know how or when, and that didn't matter right now; but you were his future wife.
"Your funny." Y/N smiles at him,."You remind me of my cousin a little." She notices his face drop just the slightest bit at that. "But I do have to day you're cuter than she is." You smirked. Eddie finally fully snaps back to reality. "Hold on," he states as he rushes back behind the back of the uhaul, "let's try this again!" He shouts to her before walking back over to her again, leaning against the vehicle. "So, where's a pretty girl like you from?" He asks trying to flirt, and oh my god! She actually blushes again, but still quips back. "Hawkins." She states, in a bored tone.
"No, no, no," Eddie shake his head, "I'd remember a girl like you." He looks down noting the Motley Crue top, not the average for most hawkins girls.
"Well then maybe your memory sucks Munson." She laughs before it turns into a sigh. His eyes widened, holy shit she knew him, she wasn't bullshitting. "So why don't I know you?" He asked, genuinely curious, but not expecting the answer she gave.
"I was born and raised here, but my mom and i moved to Georgia 3 years ago, then she got divorced, so.." She held her hands out in a 'here we are now' type motion.
"How old are you?" He asks, trying to do the math of how old he was 3 years ago and how he might know her, he doesn't remember her. She chuckles. "I'm 17, grade younger than you. But don't worry Eddie, I wont expect you to remember me, I was different years ago." She puts her hand out towards him. "Y/N Buckley." She introduces herself and he grasps her hand to shake it. They both pause, it's electric; but neither knows how to act on this. So they awkwardly pull away, and silently shift till Eddie speaks again. "So, uh, w-would you like some help with your boxes?" She nods. "Y-ya, that'd be great." She smiled at him.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a bucky Barnes one shot with the line “I think that you’re not as dark as you want people to believe” please?
a/n: yup yup !! i hope you enjoy <333 I kinda went overboard on this one hehe,, feel free to send in some bucky requests !! pls tell me what u guys think !!
word count: 5.1k ,,, i said it was long,,
minor faws spoilers ?
bucky paints himself as a villain, someone to avoid at all costs. you think he’s too scared to admit how soft he really is.
A groan escaped your lips as you mindlessly moved your hand around, trying to find where your phone was in order to turn off your alarm. You sighed as you finally found it quickly shutting it off and closing your eyes again. You lay there with an empty mind, sleep about to over come you again, thoughts of soft sheets and cozy couch- ding! ding! ding!
You jumped up in surprise, heart racing as your second alarm went off. Rubbing your eyes you tumbled out of bed, shuffling to the restroom to change and get your morning started. You headed out the door of your apartment, locking it quickly before going to work, taking notice of the uhaul truck parked outside.
As the day went by you went through the motions of your day, you were itching to get back home, eager to see if you had new neighbors or not. The last time you had neighbors it was a sweet old man, he brought you banana bread when he first moved in, telling you he hoped to be a good neighbor to you.
You had grown close to him, Stan, soon thinking of him like your own grandpa, but he moved away to live with one of her children. He had taught you to be more level headed and less stubborn and always treat other with kindness.
The thought of him warmed your heart, deciding then that if you had a new neighbor you would bake them some banana bread as a welcome gift, you hoped they were around your age since you didn’t have many friends and most of them were too busy half the time to hang out with you.
As you returned home, the door for the apartment next door was wide open and you could hear voices talking while boxes were moved around.
“Steve i can move it on my own youll break your back trying” a deep voice spoke, another one followed, this one lighter and raspier.
“you and i are the same age shut up” the other man spoke. You smiled as the two bickered, probably a son and his dad or grandfather you guessed.
You changed quickly, taking note of missing ingredients for your banana bread and headed to the store, giddy to meet your new neighbors. You had never been outgoing, throughout college you barely made any friends because you were too scared to talk to strangers, but you were trying to turn a new leaf now.
After paying and heading back to your apartment you quickly got to work, mashing bananas and singing along to your music. Finally popping the bread into the over and sitting on your couch, it was already 8 pm so you hoped your new neighbors would still be up, or else you would have to wait until tomorrow and you didn’t want to give them cold bread.
As the oven dinged and you made sure the bread was perfectly cooked you grinned ear to ear, taking it out and placing it on a plate you had bought earlier, the sides were adorned with a simple but cute floral design and you hoped they liked it.
You were about to head out the door when you took note of your outfit, you but your lip and decided to change clothes quickly, putting on some looser jeans, a white t shirt and a thin sweater.
You grabbed the plate and headed out, listening to see if there was any sound coming from the apartment, luckily you could hear the tv, they were watching a soccer game.
“okay okay, just knock say hello, bread then go easy!” You whispered you yourself, heart racing and palms getting sweaty. You backed away from the door slowly, nerves getting the best of you.
“No i can do this i can do this!” You scolded yourself, in one swift motion you knocked on the door before you could think. You face falling as you realized you had actually knocked, what if it was too loud? What if they thought you were rude now and that you were- oh, wow.
The door opened and there stood none other than Bucky Barnes. You recognized him quickly since he was all over your timeline on Twitter, everyone gushing about how hot he was and how he deserved better. Your mind was blank now that he looked down at you.
“can i help you?” He asked, looking at you and then at the bread, and then back at you. Your eyes widened and you nodded.
“oh yes! bread! I mean heres bread! i made it- here is some bread that i made as a welcome gift, like welcome to your apartment” you rambled, your face was burning and you hoped that somehow he couldn’t tell, maybe girls in the 40’s didn’t blush so he didn’t know what was wrong with your face you thought.
“oh?” was all he said, he could hear your heartbeat racing, he thought you were terrified of him, rushing though your words to get away from him as soon as heavenly possible. Bucky heard you rehearsing outside his door, a small smile on his face as you got the courage to knock, he was excited, maybe he could try to be your friend, his therapist said he needed it, maybe you wouldn’t recognize him and he could start new.
All that was thrown out the window when your eyes widened and your heart began to race faster as you saw him, obviously you knew him, he was the talk of the town at the moment.
“oh my god sorry! I’m y/n, i live right next door” you smiled softly, cocking your head in the direction of your apartment, the plate still in your hands and you wanted to cry because why hasn’t he grabbed the bread yet when i made it just for you.
“I didn’t know if you liked chocolate chip in your banana bread or not so i made it half with and half without i hope that okay” you continued, hoping he would take the hint and grab the plate from you. Thankfully he did and you sighed softly, glad that he took it.
“I uh- don’t really have an opinion” he stated, his lips pressed to a thin line for a second before he cracked a small smile at you, happily returning it.
“well let me know which you preferred” you laughed and he nodded.
“I’m James by the way” he said, placing the plate on a box next to him, “I’ll just got put this on a plate and I’ll give you yours back give me a second” he began and you quickly shook your head at him.
“Oh no! The plate is yours too! you can keep it” you grinned and his mouth opened a bit, no one was this nice to him besides steve. You were too kind, too caring and soft and he didn’t want to taint you or weigh you down with his baggage.
“oh uh, thank you” he cleared his throat, his mind racing and telling him to stop talking to you, leave you alone before he ruins your life like he ruins everything else. “It’s late so you should uh probably go” he started and you felt your stomach drop, part of you upset he didn’t try to talk to you more.
“oh yeah, sorry, have a good night! I hope you like the bread haha, if you need anything I’m right next door” you shot him a grin and he simply closed the door, a frown on your face as you walked to your apartment.
You let out a sigh before your eyes watered a bit. You were never gonna try and make friends again you told yourself, heading to your room to get your pjs and going to the restroom to shower.
Bucky could hear the music from your phone through the walls, they were thin enough to begin with but his super soldier hearing didn’t do him any favors. He could hear the rumble of your voice but he couldn’t make out the words as you sang.
Bucky smiled a little bit, you were so pretty and sweet. No one had even made him banana bread before, let alone make him half with chocolate chips and half without.
Bucky munched on the banana bread, deciding he liked the one with chocolate chips better. A smile on his face as he mindlessly watched his tv, thoughts only of the pretty girl next door.
You finished showering and quickly got changed, sitting on your couch and flipping through channels until settling on reruns of your favorite show. You were bored out of your mind and were about to head to sleep when a knock at the door scared you.
You grabbed your pepper spray from your bag and looked through the peep hole, letting out a sigh when you saw it was just bucky. You put the pepper spray back and rushed to open the door.
“hi bucky” you smiled and he pressed his lips into a thin line.
“I liked the chocolate chip one better” he spoke, looking at floor then at you. There was a smile painted on your face and you nodded.
“Guess I’ll have to make you more with chocolate chips huh” you joked and he smiled a bit before stopping himself.
“I’ll uh see you tomorrow” he spoke before heading back to his apartment and you smiled.
It was a little bit, but it was something.
The first week was pretty stagnant, not much conversation and just small waves from your end. The second week was better, he waved back at you and even gave you music recommendations. By the third week he was coming around more, telling you good morning and goodnight if you bumped into each other in the hall.
He helped you bring a pack of water up after seeing you struggle with the first one.
“I can- i can just help you with that if you want” he spoke from behind you, and you looked at him breathless.
“oh my god please” you sighed, he quickly took the waters from you and lifted them with ease, you stared at him in shock before opening the door to your apartment.
“You can just set it on the counter” you spoke, starting to take everything out of the grocery bags. “I’m uh i was gonna actually cook dinner tonight, if you want to come- not that you have to! I mean i can just give some to you and you don’t have to come over” you reasoned, rambling to the super soldier.
“I’m busy tonight actually” he spoke and you flushed red.
“Oh yeah no! Of course you being a hero in all, that’s fine! thanks for the water help” you smiled, he returned it before exiting and closing the door.
You scolded yourself, obviously he didn’t want to hang out with you god you were trying too hard.
By the time it hit a month and a half of bucky moving in you had given up, he seemed to be stuck in a funk, constantly brooding and avoiding you at all costs.
You baked some banana bread, adding extra chocolate chips and deciding to give him it and try to cheer him up, making get him out of his funk.
You knocked on his door and he opened it quickly. You smiled at the man and shoved the banana bread into his chest.
“I noticed you were upset and so i thought this would help, extra chocolate chips” you grinned as his face broke into a smile.
You turned to leave but Bucky grabbed your wrist, turning you around to face him.
“i- uh do you wanna come in?” He spoke, his voice wavering.
“I’d love to” you replied, following him into his apartment, a smile on your face as your eyes wandered.
“i know it’s not the best, your place is a lot more furnished” he spoke, setting the banana bread down on the kitchen counter.
“that’s okay, as long as you feel at home is all that matters” you said, smiling at him while he sliced the bread.
“I shouldn’t be doing this” he mumbled, “maybe you should go” he spoke, setting the knife down and looking at him.
“oh” was all you said, not knowing what to do.
“I’m just- fuck, look it’s not you i just” he cut himself off, sighing and squeezing his eyes shut for a second before opening them again.
“bucky it’s fine i can go” you whispered, setting a reassuring hand on his metal one.
He expected you to flinch, turn away at the cold feeling. But you didn’t. You kept your focus on him.
“I don’t want you to” he spoke softly, eyes locking on yours.
“i don’t want you to but you should, because I’m always ruining things, I’m always messing something up. Everyone i love or care about gets hurt- it’s like I’m some dark force that ruins anything good. I cant do that to you y/n” he finished, pulling away.
You debated on giving him space or wrapping your arms around him, you could tell what he needed more.
“I think you’re not as dark as you want people to believe” you spoke simply. Looking at the super soldier square in the eyes.
“You walk around brooding and acting like you hate everyone but in reality i think you’re too scared to let anyone in. You aren’t evil or dark. Youre insecure and scared, you just need someone to show they care but you don’t let anyone do that.”
Bucky looked at you in shock, not even Sam talked to him like that. Your eyes went wide as you realized everything you said.
“I’m sorry i don’t know where that came from- i can leave I’ll go i just- i just want you to know that I’m here, no matter what time it is I’m here” you mumbled, quickly leaving his apartment and going to yours.
Bucky stood there in shock, you were right. Everything you said was right. He was scared, he was terrified of letting someone in only to have them ripped from him. He didn’t want to run after you immediately, he had to think through his feelings.
He showered and changed into some comfy shorts and sitting on the floor next to his couch and turning on a soccer match.
His heart raced, brows furrowing as scenes as the winter soldier played over and over in his head. The sound of a gunshot in his dream made him shoot up. A thin line of sweat on his forehead had formed and he was panting.
He ran to the restroom, washing his face with cool water and listening to the faucet as his breathing steadied.
He checked the clock, 2:25 am. He threw on a cozy black henley and walked next door, he was scared. Knocking softly twice he waited for a second, his advanced hearing picking up on some shuffling inside.
You opened the door, a bat in hand that quickly fell to your side when you saw the state bucky was in.
“oh buck what happened? are you okay?” You asked, instinct taking over as you wrapped your arms around him, leading him to the couch.
“i had a nightmare” he whispered, eyes not leaving the floor.
“do you want to talk about it?” You asked, he shook his head and you nodded. You grabbed a fluffy blanket and handed it to him, giving him the controller to your tv and excusing yourself into the kitchen.
You made two cups of hot chocolate, adding extra marshmallows to his. You carried them carefully to the living room and set them on the table, pushing the one with more marshmallows towards him.
“maybe this’ll help you relax” you smiled and he thanked you, taking a sip. The two of you watching tv in silence, drinking hot chocolate and sitting close together.
By the time it was 3 am you were yawning, tired from your busy day. Guilt rushed over bucky, realizing he had woken you up and you had to be at work early.
“I’m sorry i should go it’s late and-” Bucky started, getting up and you stopped him, pulling him down softly.
“it’s okay, tomorrow’s Saturday” you smiled softly, his mouth forming into an ‘o’ shape.
“You don’t have to leave unless you want to, I’ll stay here for as long as you want” you assured him, placing your hand on his one more time and smiled, eyes soft and heart swelling.
You fell asleep watching tv, Bucky was wide awake, but the steady beat of your heart soon caused him to drift off not long after.
Something changed that night, Bucky became more comfortable around you, inviting you to dinner more and texting you when he didn’t see you. He even had made you banana bread, which he vowed never to do again because it turned out horribly.
You had it bad, you were so whipped for him and he was so whipped for you, both of you harboring a crush and neither of you realized.
It had been three months since bucky moved in, the last month and a half had been a blur. You and Bucky hanging out at any and every chance, going on walks together in the afternoon and even grocery shopping together. You had to museums and taken care of him after mission. You gave him hot chocolate after a nightmare and stayed with him until he fell asleep again.
Bucky helped you de stress, getting you away from paper work when you were too tired and getting you out of the house when you were cooped up during the weekends. He helped you become more confident, complimenting you any chance he got and getting shy around you.
Bucky had another nightmare, and as if instinct he got up, a frown on his face as he knocked twice softly on your door.
“‘M sorry doll” he whispered and you shook your head, holding his hand and leaving him into your room.
You were so tired, you had woke up at 6 am to get to work early after they called you in saying it was urgent. You had spent all day running around getting home later than usual. It was 9 pm by the time you were showered and having dinner.
You had called one of your friends, catching up with them since you missed their call earlier, talking until 2 am when you couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer.
By the time your head hit the pillow you were out, you didn’t know how you even heard buckys soft knocking. But sure enough you got up, and let him in, you lead him to your room without second thought.
You gently shoved him on the bed, moving to the other side and snuggling back under your sheets. “gnight” was all you said before passing out again.
Bucky was shocked, did you trust him that much? Did he really mean this much to you? You were exhausted and yet you still took care of him. His heart melted and he quietly took off his shoes, holding them in his hand as he walked to the couch, laying down and covering himself with the blanket you had given him the first time he came.
Morning came and you came out of your room, Bucky sound asleep on your couch, a fond smile on your face. You began to make the two do you breakfast, as quiet as you could so that you didn’t wake him, luckily he slept through it all.
You shook him softly, whispering for him to wake up when you finished, slowly he got up. Rubbing his eyes as you told him to go sit at table to eat his breakfast.
The two of you eating and chatting, both still tired.
“I didn’t sleep in your bed, i know you took me but i don’t know i felt like you were just too tired to think” he told you, your face burned from how hard you were blushing.
“I did what?” You asked, eyes wide. Bucky only laughed and shook his head.
“I figured you were just too tired to think of anything else so i took myself to the couch” he smiled and you giggled.
“did you sleep well at least?” You questioned and he nodded.
“not as well as i do with you by my side” he smirked and you chocked on your water, coughing at his statement.
“oh my god you- it’s 10 am can i please get a warning” you shrieked and he sat there confused.
“I’m sorry?” He said, both amused and confused.
“I’ll wash the plates!” You spoke quickly, getting up and taking his plate and heading towards the sink.
“I have to go, i have a thing with Sam today” he sighed and you nodded, “okay have fun, good luck and be safe buck” you spoke and he smiled, heading out the door, excited to see you again later.
“No sam like i like her” Bucky spoke, walking besides the man as he looked at something on his phone.
“oh you mean like, like like her” Sam teased, keeping a straight face.
“god i hate you” bucky groaned, regretting ever saying anything to the man.
“well if you like her why don’t you cook her some dinner, or take her to a park for a picnic or something” he shrugged.
“woo her with your charming cyborg mind” Sam smirked and Bucky glared at him.
“i cant- i don’t know how to and plus she probably doesn’t even like me” Bucky began and Sam stopped in his tracks.
“she makes you banana bread, hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and sleeps on the couch to keep you company after you have a nightmare” he spoke, looking at Bucky like he was crazy.
“yes” Bucky stated, brows furrowed.
“oh my god you idiot obviously she likes you” was all Sam said before continuing to walk.
Buckys mind kept drifting to you, did you like him too? Maybe he should take you on a date, you talked about ice skating one time maybe he should take you to a rink, or maybe a museum.
You were exhausted by the time you finished washing dishes, you had barely been sleeping this past couple weeks, always trying to stay awake just in case bucky needed you.
You didn’t mind it, you loved that he trusted you enough to seek comfort in you. Watching movies with him at night to help get his mind off things was your favorite thing, sharing popcorn and eventually he would fall asleep. He was finally getting rest and that’s all that mattered to you.
Your phone dinged as you watched some tv, a text from Bucky.
hi y/n
You smiled, heart pounding and stomach doing flips, you replied after a minute. You didn’t want to seem too eager.
hi buck! i hope all is well w you and sam :]
Buckys heart rate sped up at the site of your text, nervous as he typed out the message.
You saw the three bubbles appear, then disappear and then appear again. Was he okay?
“okay read this” Bucky shoved his phone towards Sam, he nodded in approval.
“no no too much right? let me change it” Bucky shook his head, deleting the text before starting a new one.
“Bucky just-” Sam began but was cut off by Bucky shoving his phone in his face once more.
“Yes bucky it’s good now send it” Sam groaned, just wanting his friend to finally go on a (successful) date.
“I’m gonna change th-” Bucky started, but Sam was faster, snatching the phone out of his hand and pressing send.
“there! now please tell me you know what to wear on a date” Sam pleaded, the silence was the only reply Sam needed.
I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me. I think you’re amazing and wonderful, please let me know- i would’ve waited to ask you in person but i can’t stop thinking
Your face flushed and a smile broke onto your face. Quickly typing out a response.
I would love you bucky
to**** i would love to
You groaned as you read over your texts, god he was gonna back out now, surely. This is the same man who took a month to wave back at his own neighbor for fucks sakes, now you just accidentally told him you loved him?
I’ll pick you up at 6:30 doll :-)
You bit your lip, smiling and jumping around in glee, you could hardly wait.
“okay if it’s just a museum date how about you wear this, and that” Sam spoke, smiling at how Bucky looked in his outfit.
“I’m gonna take her ice skating instead i think” Bucky spoke, and Sam nodded, looking in his closet.
“I’m not letting you near any of my sweaters” Sam spoke and Bucky rolled his eyes.
“i have something back home to wear, thank you Sam” he smiled, pulling him in for a hug. Sam smiled, happy that Bucky was finally finding peace.
Bucky quickly got ready, hopping in the shower and putting on a t shirt and pulling his black Henley over it along with some nice pants.
He checked his clock, 5:47. Enough time for flowers, he rushed out, grabbing everything he needed and heading for the florist.
He remembered how two weeks ago you told him your favorite flowers, gushing about them in your 3 am sleepy haze.
By the time he arrived at your doorstep and hesitated.
“okay, okay, i can do this. just knock, flowers and ice skating!” He smiled to himself, remembering how you were just as nervous when you first brought him banana bread.
He knocked twice on the door, you opened it with a smile. Buckys eyes went wide and his words got stuck in his throat.
You looked beautiful.
“I didn’t know where we were going so i kinda just put on something somewhat casual, i hope that’s okay! If not i can change” you rambled and Bucky blinked rapidly.
“You look beautiful doll” was all he said you blushed, smiling and nodding.
“i got you some flowers” he spoke, nervous to see your reaction.
“you remembered?” you whispered and he nodded,
“how could i not?” your face was burning as you took the bouquet from him, placing them in a vase with some water quickly.
The two of you left the apartment, nervous and giddy to see where the night would take you.
The ice rink was packed, something neither of you expected, and 30 minutes into the line YPU were yawning.
“I’m sorry doll i didn’t know it would be packed” he mumbled and you shook your head.
“i don’t mind I’m just a bit tired is all” you smiled, yawning one more time and apologizing to Bucky.
“Cmon i know what we can do instead” he smiled and you looked at him confused, but he quickly took your hand in his and pulled you out of line and back to his car.
The drive was silent, soft 40s music coming from the speaker as you headed to wherever bucky was taking you.
Before you knew it you were back your apartments, you were confused to say the least but decided to stay quiet and let Bucky guide you.
“Wait here” Bucky smiled, running to his apartment before coming back out with a backpack and taking your hand once again.
“I like to come up here when i need some time alone or just to think” he spoke, clicking on the top floor in the elevator.
You followed him out of the elevator, around the corner and up some stairs, and then you were on the roof. Bucky smiled at you as you saw the sunset over the buildings around you.
You were so busy taking in the view you didn’t see Bucky setting up the picnic infront of you, gasping at the small setup he managed to make.
“It’s not much but-” he started and you shook your head.
“It’s just enough” you whispered, sitting across from him.
The two of you talked until nightfall, smiling the whole time and giggling at each other’s anecdotes.
You were laying on Buckys chest, listening to him talk about the constellations as pointing them out with his metal hand, his other hand was softly running through your hair.
“-and that one is Ursa Minor, the little bear” he continued, listening to your heartbeat as it steadied. You had fallen asleep. Bucky smiled, happy that he could finally return the favor you had done for him every night.
He moved as quickly and quietly as he could, packing up everything into his backpack again. As he headed to pick you up you moved, opening your eyes slightly.
“did i fall sleep?” You mumbled and Bucky smiled, picking you up swiftly and you giggled.
“love when you treat me like a princess” Bucky smiled at your words.
“good thing I’m gonna treat you like one for as long as your mine” he replied, you blushed, fully waking up.
“yours huh?” You smirked and he blushed.
“You can put me down in awake” you smiled and he set you down gently.
“will you be my girl? I promise I’ll treat you like a princess, even promise to never bake again” Bucky smiled, stepping closer to you.
“you make a tough bargain barnes, i think it’s a yes” you smiled, pulling him by the hem of his shirt and placing your lips on his.
The two of you smiled into the kiss, breaking into a fit of laughter halfway through.
“why are you laughing?” You smiled, and he put his hand up in defense.
“you started laughing first!” He defended, pulling you in for another kiss before you could argue back.
You walked to your apartment hand in hand and in comfortable silence.
“I had a really good time tonight bucky” you smiled, turning to the super soldier.
“I had a great time too doll” he grinned and you turned around, unlocking your door. Bucky was already walking to his door when you stopped him.
“You arent gonna come in?” You questioned and he smiled, nodding and following you in quickly.
The rest of the night was spent cuddled up on the couch, hot chocolates in hand and watching your favorite movies on tv.
The two of you fell asleep before the first movie could even finish, you had never felt more well rested in your life. Bucky didn’t have a single nightmare and was the most relaxed he’d been in 80 years.
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StackedNatural Day 151: 13x17
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
April 5, 2022
13x17: The Thing
Written by: Davy Perez
Directed by: John F. Showalter
Original air date: April 5, 2018
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean continue to collect the pieces necessary to open a rift to the other world in order to save their family. Their latest quest leads them to a Men of Letters bunker from the 1920s and a hungry God from another dimension. Meanwhile, Ketch makes a shocking decision about Gabriel after an unruly encounter with Asmodeus.
A tentacle ritual, a Rhode Island chapterhouse, a flapper girl from the 1920s, archangel grace infusions, Ketch getting his ass kicked, Sam getting kidnapped, rogue Men of Letters, Yokoth the interdimensional God, traumatized Gabriel, the Seal of Solomon.
My Thoughts:
I hadn’t seen this episode before but to be honest as soon I saw the tentacle I was kind of ready to check out. I was pleasantly surprised! Aside from the bad special effects in the A-plot, I actually thought it was really interesting and well done, if a little too easily resolved for my taste. They had to leave room at the end for the Ketch and Gabriel reveal and I can understand that. The directing was really elegant, I particularly liked the shot of the leaves raining down when they first opened up the chapterhouse and the fight choreography in the diner.
I’m a fan of Davy Perez’s writing as well - he’s clearly a Deangirl, with the actually-happy-for-once Dean in the opening of the episode and the lavish compliments on his face from the tentacle god from another dimension. It was a jarring shift between happy go lucky “jinkies” Dean and “I’m in charge and you have to stay here” Dean that I wish had more of an explanation. It seems wild that they don’t even call Cas to let him know what’s going on or to wait for him to come through. He was in Scoobynatural last week so there isn’t a reason for him not to be in this episode. And it’s his son that’s missing!
It had been so long since the Gabriel reveal happened that I totally forgot about it and had to go back and read the wiki to remember what’s happening with the Asmodeus plot this season. I don’t remember how, when, or why he and Ketch started working together. Ketch and Asmodeus are two of my least favourite characters (rounding out the list with Donatello), but I actually didn’t hate their plot line this episode. I like seeing Ketch get the snot beat out of him (and hopefully some of his ego), and the framing of Asmodeus as the source of Gabriel’s obvious trauma gives him a little more heft as a villain so he isn’t as boring or annoying. The archangel grace addiction is… weird. I’m sure it’s relevant later, or earlier and I forgot, but I just feel like angel grace should burn demons and not get them high.
Also, I feel like these other Men of Letters characters should come back, or at least they should have rented a uhaul and collected all the research and artifacts from that chapterhouse. Are you gonna drive all the way to Rhode Island every time you need something from there?
When we first started watching Supernatural again Nic @weedsinavacantlot told me that there was Sabriel bait and I feel like we’re just getting into that, which is equal parts hilarious and insane.
Notable Lines:
“Oh my God. That's tragic. It's like a Hallmark movie. But with tentacles.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.8
IMdB Rating: 8.5
In Conclusion: I wish Dean would never stop saying “Jinkies”.
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
Hey um do you mind doing a kyoka jiro x fem! Reader where one day kyoka forgot her lunch and her s/o brings it to her, and like, 1-a asks who s/o is and yeah? I'm terribly sorry if it's too vague! (◞‸◟ㆀ)ˢᵒʳʳʸ
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘴: SHE/HER (FEMALE)
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Dude shes totally into bento boxes (like the really cute ones)
N e way
You guys are in your third year, so you guys were just like
So you guys live in a little apartment 
You’re in the support course, so you like to fiddle with her hero equipment and she’ll just watch ya
But no one really knows your dating, and it doesn't bother either of you
Jirō gets easily flustered, we know that, and Denki might drive her insane if he knows.
So one day she has early training, and you have a little sleep in day
So when you wake up, shes not there besides you and although it takes you a second to realize where she is, you can asure yourself you’re see her later
Maybe sooner than you expected
You open the fridge and there lies her bento box, neatly wrapped in the purple cloth sitting on the refrigerator shelf.
You smile at it, and close the fridge to leave and go get ready.
When you get to the school you’re just like skipping up the stairs, music playing a smile on your face
Although you dont know how this is going to go,,,, since you’ve never really met most of class 1A, you’re excited to see your girlfriend
You open the door to the 1A classroom, and your first sight is a man in a yellow sleeping bag who seems to be passed out. No one really notices you open the door, they only notice you when you’re at the front of the classroom searching through the rows faces. 
The first group to go quiet was Midoriya’s, you knew him from the sports festival. His whole group went silent and a few pointed. Many new eyes landed on you, some gasps traveled around the room and some just stared.
One stood in his chair, a blonde male with a black streak, and he pointed as he yelled. He sat next to your girlfriend, who scrolled on her phone with her earjack plugged in. She glared at Kaminari as he stood abruptly in his chair, and her eyes followed where his outstretched finger led.
Her eyes landed on you, and grew wide after a second of staring. She stuttered, before standing in her seat as well, and exclaimed.
And a few other yells followed, and she hid her face as she walked up to you, and you smiled. 
Gods, she's so pretty.
“Hi baby.” You sang to her, smile growing wider by the second. She smiles up to you, cheeks red and hands shaky.
“Hi- uhm whats up?” She barely can squeak a full sentence out, but she watches as you pull a neatly wrapped bento box out of your bag.
She gasps and grabs it softly as you hand it to her, and everyone behind you two start to freak.
“WHAT!” Uraraka yelled, slamming her hands onto Midoriya’s desk, as he fell out of his seat.
“JIIIIRO! NO FUCKING WAY!” Mina cackled as Kaminari stared and smiled slowly.
“SHE'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND! JIRŌ’S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!” Sero, Kaminari and Mina sang to your girlfriend, teasing her as she hid her face in your arms.
“DUDE WHAT'S YOUR NAME?? YOU'RE MANLY!” Kirishima cried out, wiping tears from his eyes.
You smiled wide, flustered from all the attention but glad to meet the forsaken peers of your purple haired girlfriend. She groaned as she hugged you close, just trying to hide her ever growing red face.
“Baby, I gotta go. I’m sorry babe, but I left ya a note!” You pulled away from her arms and landed a kiss onto her lips, and she malfunctioned.
Of course, you’ve kissed before but you were just trying to milk the situation for all its worth.
You tap the bento box that lies in her hands, and smile wide to her.
“I love ya.” You bring your hand to brush her cheek and walk out of the class room.
Leaving a frazzled, red faced, Jirō and a class full of maniacs that want to know everything about you. 
“JirO KYOKA! You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend! Let alone someone in the support course!” Yaomomo teased her, smiling wide.
“She's in the support course?!” Midoriya scrambled to his feet, sweating and out of breathe.
“Dude, that's Y/N right? That one girl who fucking annihilated that other kid in the course!” Sero spewed out, obviously confused at the sudden appearance.
“Holy shit you're right!” Kirishima exclaimed, smiling.
Kyōka in all of the chaos, walked swiftly back to her seat. She opened the neatly wrapped box before anyone could circle around her, and picked up the piece of paper that lies on top of the food.
She smiles as she reads the note you’ve handwritten, her ears becoming pink and her cheeks start to hurt from how hard she smiles. Your note reads:
“Meet me on the rooftop! I have sodas!         P.S. i beat you at Mario Kart last night, dont forget. :)    - me
“OO SHE EVEN HAS A LOVE NOTE!” Denki cackles behind her, and you can hear her yell from down the hall.
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functionalasfuck · 4 years
The GL ship in Wake Up Ladies 2: Very Complicated got sapphic relationships RIGHT
Literal dialogue from the show
Two girls: *have their first kiss*
One girl: “Why does it feel so right? Everything... us being together right here.”
Other girl: “I feel it too. Too bad, I want to get married already”
Me: “yeah you do you crazy Uhaul lesbians!!!!!”
Other girl: *literally whips out a ring right there and then*
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Falling Ch. 1
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin​
Pairing: Bucky X Reader [and a few more to come]
Summary: For a moment you had something good, something wonderful. But moments pass. Now, left with nothing but the ashes of a life and a love you fought so hard for you find yourself in a free fall. Who will you be once you hit the bottom? [Sequel to Only For A Moment but can be read independently.]
Warnings: Smut, loss, violence
A/N: Woo, I started Only For A Moment in late 2018 and had no idea what I was signing up for. I fell in love with this reader character as much as Bucky Barnes and then, of course, fell in love with them. Which... I won’t lie, made this hard to write. 
For old readers, I hope you like the second half of this journey. For new readers, welcome, it’s gonna be a trip.
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Rolling over to feel your familiar warmth is exactly how Bucky wants to start his day, every day.
For a few precious moments, he breathes in your scent - cocoa butter and cinnamon - almost able to taste you on his tongue. He wraps his arm gently around you, pulling your prone form closer, feeling the soft skin of your abdomen, the steady rise and fall of your breath. 
The muffled sounds of morning seep through the curtain, the goats grazing, the sound of the lake lapping at its shores.
These little details sink in, permeate every sense, and reassure him that this is no dream. You’re here, his wife, his love, his whole heart, his everything, in his embrace. 
You are here, and you are in love with him. 
Bucky will spend the rest of his life trying to figure out how he, of all people, got so goddamn lucky. 
He presses his lips between your shoulder blades, taking another deep breath as though he could breathe you into his lungs and hold you there forever. 
“Good morning, doll,” he hums into your ear.
“Mmm,” you sigh. Just that small sound sends desire humming up his spine. He drags his lips down your neck, nibbling playfully at the curve of your shoulder. 
“Bucky,” you say, voice still thick with sleep. 
“Hmm?” He runs his fingers down until he feels the soft hair between your legs.
“I can’t,” you say, half-heartedly pulling away. He just scoots his body closer, pressing his already aching cock against the curve of your low back as his fingers slip between your legs. A small shuddering sigh from you makes his cock twitch, you press your body back into his in response. 
“Sure about that, sweetheart?” He whispers into the shell of your ear, savoring the sharp intake of breath from you as his middle finger grazes your clit. 
“Have - work - soon,” you pant out. “Need-” Your words are lost when his teeth graze the fluttering pulse in your neck. 
“What do you need, baby?” 
“You suck,” you say with a breathy laugh. 
“I can.” He grips your hip pulling you onto your back, he’s between your legs before you have a moment to protest. Smirking up at you he kisses your thighs, feeling the muscles flex as you squirm a bit, his beard scratching your tender skin. 
Your hand reaches down, tangling in his hair, trying to pull him up. “Gotta be quick.” He pulls back and your grip releases. Looking down at you he can’t help but lick his lips, his body hungry for all of you. 
“I think...” his hand travels around your thigh, fingers tracing your folds. Slowly he slides two fingers into your heat. Your mouth opens with a soft gasp, eyes flutter, and your body arches up, pushing him in deeper. “I think, Okoye will allow you to be tardy just this once.” 
Panting, your eyes burn into him as he pulls out. Languidly he licks the moisture from them, humming in pleasure at your taste. You swallow hard, your own tongue flitting out to moisten your full lips. 
He dips down, tongue teasing. There isn’t a hint of protest from you now. 
Every subtle move you make, every small moan, drives him crazy. His body thrums with desire but he can wait, all he wants is to make you happy, to make you feel good. 
“James,” you cry, a tremor rocking your body. Until you, he’d always hated being called James but, god he loves how good your mouth makes it sound every damn time.  
His fingers join his tongue in the pursuit of your pleasure, stretching you open the barest bit. 
“Oh f-fuck,” you stutter. 
“You like that, baby girl?” You nod your head against the pillow. “Hmm? Didn’t hear ya?” He asks sliding in a third finger. 
Your hips buck up. “Bucky,” you whimper. “Please.” He leans down as far as he can, hovering over you while his fingers fuck you harder. 
“What do you want, love?”
“Fuck me,” you gasp. “Baby, please.” 
“Not until you come for me.” 
Your eyes squeeze shut, your back arches up, and a low moan fills the room. He loved driving you wild like this, loved seeing your body flushed and shuddering, loved knowing he could give you this. 
Traveling down your body his mouth pauses at your peaked nipples, savoring your cries as he circles them with his tongue and clips them with his teeth just enough. 
Once more between your thighs, he sucks at your center, knowing it will push you over the edge. You cry out, hands grabbing the sheets in white-knuckled fists, your walls squeezing his fingers tight. Only when your body goes limp beneath his touch, your breath coming in ragged gasps, does he stop. 
“Beautiful,” he breathes as he takes you in. 
“Come here,” you coo softly, arms open. The love and desire written all over your features make his heart sing. 
As he leans down, eager to give you what you both want, he finds himself enveloped in the warm static-like feeling of your power. Before he can think to do anything about it he’s on his back looking up at your smirk. 
“My turn,” you purr as you rub your dampness up the length of his cock. 
Leaning over him, your hair forms a curtain around your faces, so all he can see is you. He lifts his head to kiss you but you pull up, just out of reach, as you continue to rub against him. 
“You’re a goddamn tease,” he says with mock annoyance. 
“You started this, babe.” 
He shakes his head, a low laugh rumbling through him. This time he tangles his fingers in your curls, pulling you to him with unyielding force. 
“Kiss me,” he growls. You do, with conviction, as you slide him into you. 
Goosebumps cover his body for an instant, the feeling of your walls tightening around him, your warmth - god how did this always feel so damn good. He groans, your tongue flicking against the roof of his mouth, your teeth nipping his bottom lip. 
Your back arches lifting you away from his lips, your hips roll as you take what you need and all he wants to give. From this angle, he can see almost all of you. Soft full curves belie the powerful muscles beneath them - he loved every part. Hungrily his fingers dig into the flesh of your thigh, urging you faster. Your body responds.
His hips buck up, pushing deeper into you. When your cry reaches his ears it almost unravels him, the tension building in him dangerously close to release. 
“Bucky,” you say in a voice thick with desire. He watches hungrily as your hand slides down the front of your body, fingers beginning to stroke your clit. 
“That’s it, baby-” His words are cut off with a gasp as you reach your other hand back, pressing two fingers into the sweet spot behind his balls, applying just enough pressure. 
“Christ, Y/N!” His thigh muscles begin to tremble with the effort of not coming. 
“Mmm, you like that?” You ask grinning down at him, your finger still between your own legs as well as his. 
“Y-yes.” He grinds his teeth, “Keep that up sweetheart and-” He feels your body react, your own breath catching. 
“Come. Come with me.” Your lips remain parted as your gaze holds his. “James,” such a sweet sound. 
Bucky moans, deep and guttural, feeling the release take your both. The fog of his orgasm clears and you collapse, panting and shaking on top of him. He presses a kiss to your damp forehead.
“I love you, doll.”
“I love all of you,” you say in your signature response before kissing the corner of his jaw, nibbling the skin there a bit. “Even though you’ve made me so, so late.”
With that, you hop off the bed heading straight to the bathroom. He watches the sway of your hips and that immaculate ass walkaway. Already he could feel himself getting hard again - this super-soldier thing was a blessing and a curse. 
“Want company?” He asks, swinging his legs to the floor. You turn in the doorway to the bathroom. 
“Absolutely not,” you laugh. “You’ve done quite enough Mr. Barnes.”
“Fine,” he huffs with a smile. 
“I told her I didn’t mind the idea of moving in together but…” Ayo throws her hands up, “We’ve only been together a few months. It feels too soon!”
You can’t help but laugh, “In the states, we call that Uhauling.” 
“What’s a Uhauling?”
“A Uhaul is like a truck you use to move your stuff to a new place.” You toss her a fresh towel as you head to the training ring. “The joke is that us queer gals always move fast so we’re always in a Uhaul.” 
She shakes her head laughing, “So this is just a universally recognized habit?”
“How soon did you and Bucky move in?” 
“Oh no,” you laugh, “we are not to be used as a bar for anyone.”
“Why? You two are good together!” 
“Yeah, that is pure luck. Besides, if you were going on our standards you’d have moved in the same night you met.” You head down the corridor.
“You’re kidding right?”
“I was technically homeless. Look, it was a weird time.” You turn to face her walking backward, “Weren’t we talking about your situation?”
Ayo burst out laughing, “Talking about you is much more fun.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” The Kimoyo Beads at your wrist catch your attention as they light up with a call. 
“Hey,” you say as an image of a nervous Okoye pops up. 
She glances over her shoulder and back to her own beads, “Meet me at the lab. Now.” Instantly your blood chills. 
“What’s wrong? Is Bucky-”
“He’s fine. Just- I’ll meet you there. Go. Now.” Her image disappears leaving only Ayo’s concerned expression for you to focus on. Your mouth opens, though nothing comes out. 
Ayo nods, “Go. I’ll tell the others.” 
Shuri’s lab wasn’t far from where the Dora Milaje trained. You run at full speed, all the while your heart thundering against your ribcage from more than just the exertion. 
When you reach the open sitting area just outside the main lab you skid to a less than graceful halt gaping at Bucky, T’Challa, and the box on the low table between them. 
You’d never seen it. Bucky had always wanted to go to fittings and consultations alone. The most absurd thought crosses your mind, he never told you that it was beautiful. The gold details glint in the sun, the grey-blue metal sleek and somewhat understated - a far cry from the silver-tone of the old piece. Still… the arm could only mean one thing. 
“Doll,” Bucky breathes, holding his hand out to you. All you can do is look from him to the arm and to Okoye - she stands toward the back looking like she’d rather be anywhere but here.
“What is this?” You ask, your tone demanding an answer. 
“Steve got in touch,” T’Challa says. “Something big is coming.” You raise a brow as Bucky approaches, wrapping his arm around you. 
“How big?”
“Alien horde big,” Okoye answers walking to the couch, plopping down. Once again you look around the room, expecting someone to elaborate.
“So he says,” T’Challa runs a hand over his face. “There was an incident several hours ago in New York. And both Wanda and The Vision were attacked in Edinburg.”
“Wanda?!” You pull away from Bucky, body humming with energy suddenly. “Is she ok?” Bucky’s warm hand rests between your shoulder blades. 
“She is,” Okoye leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “The Vision was injured.” 
“We aren’t sure,” T’Challa says as Shuri bustles in. 
“Can’t he phase through things? Like, manipulate his density at will?” She’s studying a projection of the arm from her Kimoyo Beads. 
“I guess. Seemed to do something like that when we ran into him in Berlin,” Bucky says, tugging you close once more, your back pressed to his chest. 
“Wild,” with a flick the image disappears. “Let’s get this taken care of. It should be perfect.”
Bucky laughs a little, “Well you made-”
“Hold on.” You turn to face him, “You don’t have to do this. Not this.”
“I do.” His tone is matter-of-fact.
“No. I agreed to fight when necessary, you didn’t. The others are coming you don’t have to-”
He shakes his head, a soft smile on his lips. “You actually think I’m going to let you and Steve go without me? Not happening.” He traces the scar on your right cheek, the one he left when he was still Hydra’s tool. 
“If you fight, I fight.” You know there’s no use in arguing with him but you stand stubbornly, blocking his path to Shuri. 
His lips press against your forehead, “Let me get this taken care of.” Numbly you nod and step aside, Shuri grabs the arm and they disappear into the lab. 
“For what it’s worth,” Okoye says from her place on the couch, “I did try to talk him out of it.” 
“Who told him in the first place?” You feel your anger peak. 
“I did. We need all hands and he deserved to know what was coming,” T’Challa doesn’t sound the least bit remorseful. 
“Where’s Nakia then?” You spit. 
“Spain. She’s been informed but will likely not make it in time.” He crosses over to you. “If I thought there was a way to keep him from it, Y/N, I would have.” His hand feels heavy on your shoulder. “You have to believe me.” You do, even though you hate it, you know he’s speaking the truth. 
Biting your lip you nod in acknowledgment, not trusting yourself to speak. 
“Your gear and a brief is in ready room four, I’ll have Bucky meet you.” He sighs heavily, “General.” Okoye nods and stands.
As she passes you she says, “Meet us on the landing deck when you’re ready.”
In the room you perch on the edge of a small couch, body so tense you feel you may snap. Everything you read seemed too horrible to be real and then there was Bucky… 
You knew when you accepted T’Challa’s offer to stay in Wakanda that you may be called to her defense. The prospect hadn’t bothered you at all. But Bucky hadn’t been a part of that bargain - he’d been granted amnesty here as both an apology and a service to the memory of T’Challa’s father, given that both men had been victims of the same monster. 
A voice in the back of your mind whispers that you should have known better. There was no world in which James Barnes would let you face a fight without him. You weren’t in the mood to listen to that reasonable voice though. 
With a swoosh, the door slides open and Bucky enters, standing before you. You don’t even look up, just remain staring at your hands and trying to not tear the room apart. He kneels and two hands slide over yours, one warm and calloused the other surprisingly warm and smooth. 
Bucky runs his left hand up your right forearm before cupping your cheek, gently coaxing you to look at him. All you can do is stare into those cool grey-blue pools. God you loved those eyes. His thumb rubs over your bottom lip as his eyes crinkle with a smile. 
“Incredible,” he breathes. 
“That’s Shuri’s style.”
“I meant you.” 
Despite yourself, you laugh. “My god you’re a sap, Mr. Barnes.” He kisses you tenderly. 
“Only for you, Mrs. Barnes.” Taking your hands once more he tugs you up, “Come on.”
“What’re you-”
“What’s the point?” You ask pulling your hands back. 
“Trust me. If you can take a hot shower before a battle, do it. Plus,” he runs his left fingers down your right arm, “It’s been a while since I’ve held you with both arms.”
In the steam, you study him. A team of Wakandan surgeons had removed all they could of the remaining Hydra tech from his shoulder, replacing it with a shoulder of Shuri’s making, almost a year before. You’d loved it, loved that it made him feel free of Hydra - at least physically. Now with the arm, you worried that he’d lose that sense of freedom. 
He rubs his left shoulder with his right hand, looking suddenly bashful. “Do you… like it?” 
You nearly laugh and cry all at once. “It’s beautiful and it’s a part of you. I love it. But do you?”
He studies his left hand before responding. “Yeah.” He flexes the fingers, “I chose this one. Somehow that matters.”  
Tenderly you cup his cheek, “Of course that matters.”
Smiling, he wraps you up in his arms, holding you tight. You settle your ear just over his heart, the sound calming some of the anxiety in your chest as it always did. 
“I don’t like this,” you say as he runs his new fingers over the scarred skin of your back.
“Me either.”
“Then stand down. Please,” your voice cracks just a bit. “You’ve fought enough.” 
He pushes you back a bit allowing him to look into your eyes. “I chose this one too.” 
How could you argue with him after that? He’d spend a lifetime - even before Hydra - fighting battles he didn’t want any part in. What right did you have to take this from him?
“I choose to be by your side. Maybe I didn’t say in sickness and in health and all that jazz, but it was implied. Same goes for war and peace. You’re stuck with me baby.”
“And you apparently don’t trust your wife or your best friend to handle it,” you tease, trying to sound light-hearted.
He laughs, a wet piece of hair falling in his face. “Oh, I have no doubt you two would handle it. It’s how that has me worried.”
“So little faith.”
“Too much faith,” he says with a smile kissing you. “Faith that left to your own devices you two won’t know when to quit.” Playfully you punch him in his flesh shoulder. 
You think you could stay in the warmth and safety of this shower forever. After a few more minutes in one another’s arms you know it’s time though. 
Bucky grabs the towel before you’re able, a soft look on his features. With what could only be described as reverence he dries you off, littering your skin with burning kisses, leaving you aching for more. 
He sends you off to get changed as he dries himself but you hungrily watch him. Your teeth gnaw your bottom lip as you take in the muscles of his back, his thigs, all of him. Teasing, you run your power over his skin, touching and caressing in the way that only you can. 
“Didn’t you get enough this morning?” He asks flicking the towel at you.
“I’ll never have enough,” you grab his ass before winding your arms around him from behind. Your hands slide down the hard planes of his abdomen to the soft hair just below his bellybutton. Before you can go any farther he grabs your hands. Testing his resolve you kiss the curve where his neck and shoulder meet. 
He groans but doesn’t give in. “After this is over we aren’t leaving the house for days.”
“Deal,” you say, releasing him. 
Slipping into your gear felt different. 
You did it multiple times a week for training and yet knowing that you’d likely be putting it to the test made each piece feel heavy with purpose. 
Methodically you check the tiny Panther’s Teeth knives at your wrists pushing them out of their holsters with your power. The blades were only about an inch and a half long but they were incredibly deadly and calibrated to react with intensity at the slightest push from your telekinetic ability. 
The vambraces on your forearms absorbed kinetic energy much like T’Challa’s suit. They had a little bonus feature though in that you could use your power to enhance the impact of the blasts from them, even if they weren’t fully charged. Habitually, you make sure they feel solid. 
Finally, you slip your twin short spears into their holsters at your hips. They were much like those the other Dora Milaje carried but about half the size; they too were enhanced to pact a little extra oomph when combined with your power and would return just like your Panther’s Teeth.
When you finish, Bucky is watching you. 
He looked too handsome for a fight in that navy jacket. As his eyes rove over you your stomach begins to flutter. When they meet yours the fluttering ceases, there isn’t desire in his expression as you expected - they look so somber. 
Crossing to you he holds your gaze, tucking a stray curl behind your ear. “Remember the promise we made in Germany?”
“Bucky, don’t.” You move past him but he catches your arm in his vibranium grip. 
“Y/N -”
“I’m barely handling you coming, don’t make me do this too.”
“Look at me, Y/N.” His tone perfectly poised between gentle pleading and stern demand. With a sigh you do. 
 “This isn’t like before-”
“You’re right. You could stay out of it and stay-”
“But,” he continues as if you’d said nothing, “it’s a risk all the same. You promise me you’ll keep going, you won’t give up if something happens…” 
With effort, you swallow the lump in your throat. “I remember that promise going both ways.” 
He nods, “I swear. I will try.” 
“Me too. But-” 
You don’t have time to say more. His lips are on yours coaxing them open, sucking the breath and resistance and fear from you. For that moment there was nothing but him, nothing but the love you felt that burned so damn bright it dulled the shadows of your past and all its losses. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he breathes against your lips. 
“I love all of you, James.” He smirks at the sound of his given name. 
“But,” you continue causing his brows to knit in concern, “no heroic bullshit like last time.”
He laughs, “What do you mean?”
“No running off with Steve to save the world. No goodbyes. No heroics. We’ve got a goddamn army backing us this time so there’s no need for that-”
“As I recall you got arrested and went on summer vacation with Steve’s team.”
“Says the man who took a nice long nap.” You smile so big it hurts. “I mean it though.”
“Agreed,” he nods. “No heroics.”
The vibration at your wrist tells you it’s time to face whatever was waiting out there. But just not yet. You kiss him once more, just needing to feel those lips. Another vibration, and another. 
“Doll,” he pulls back. 
“I know, I know,” you grumble. 
Through the glass, you see the team land, and despite the circumstances, your heart ticks up a bit in excitement at seeing them. Over the past two years, you’d seen Steve a handful of times when he visited but had kept in contact with the others through encrypted emails and some handwritten letters. 
As the two of you approach, you overhear T’Challa giving Steve a rundown of assets joining this fight. When he catches sight of you he smiles.
“A semi-stable hundred-year-old man,” Bucky quips. You roll your eyes and release his hand, stepping past Steve to greet Natasha and Sam. 
“You look good,” Sam says warmly as he hugs you tight. 
“You look the same.”
He laughs, “Some of us didn’t get a cushy new set up in wonderland.”
“Sounds like an excuse to me. Natasha looks great so?”
“Why did I miss you again?” He asks as Natasha laughs. You embrace the spy and hear Wanda. 
“Y/N!” She shouts from the ship. Vision leans against the ramp as she releases him to run toward you. 
“Hey!” You huff, squeezing her. “You’re ok?” You hold her back from you giving her a once over with both your eyes and power, that invisible sense sinking under the surface for hidden harm. 
“I’m good. Promise. Vis though,” she glances back as he limps over to you all. 
“Mrs. Barnes,” he nods respectfully. 
You laugh, “Y/N.” He gives a weak smile, flinching before Wanda wraps her arm around him for support. 
“Let’s get you to Shuri,” Steve says from behind you. 
You move to follow the rest of them up to the lab but Okoye stops you. 
“I’d rather have you stay down here so you’re ready to move if needed,” she says. You cast a concerned look in Wanda and Vision’s direction. “You know I’ll look after them.” 
You nod and wave off the others. She follows them leaving you hovering somewhat unsure of what to do for a moment. 
“So,” Sam nudges you with a shoulder, “hear you got hitched, doesn’t look like he put a ring on it. Beyonce would not approve.” You laugh and Bucky wraps an arm around you.
“I keep tryin’ but she won’t let me.”
“The last two things I need are a wedding ring and your shit Wilson.”
“Just a friendly observation,” he winks. 
“Barnes!” Ayo calls from across the landing deck. You and Bucky both turn. Ayo laughs, “The broody one.”
“Is that supposed to help differentiate them?” Wilson snipes.
“Wow, I am not broody.” You say with mock offense. 
“And I am?”
“Of course you are wolfman. Here,” she hands him a large gun. “Just like you asked.”
You eye it, “You asked for that?”
“Mhm,” he takes it in both hands, looking it over. 
“Wakandan tech and he wants a soviet rifle,” you cross your arms sighing. 
“Old wolves don’t learn new tricks,” he says absently. “Thanks, Ayo.” 
“Of course,” she smiles. “Who’s this?” 
Sam opens his mouth but you cut him off. “Just some guy I know. Likes to dress like a bird.” Ayo raises a brow. 
“Honestly, did you Stockholm me into missing you because I do not deserve the kind of abuse I’m getting here.” 
You laugh, “This is, Sam Wilson. An amazing hero of world renown.” 
“I think I hate you.”
Ayo cracks, “Good to meet you, Sam.” 
With his gun slung across his back, Bucky pulls you close, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“I may hurl. Are they always like this?” Sam asks Ayo. 
“Hey!” You protest, placing a hand dramatically on Bucky’s ass. 
Before you can say more something slams into the dome above the city. You all flinch, staring as the burning debris tumbles away. 
“Holy shit,” Sam breathes. 
“Told you, I love this place,” Bucky says. 
The machine of military efficiency kicks in. 
You’re moving constantly almost from the moment the alien craft hits the dome. Making sure weapons are distributed, that the hovercrafts are in place, and anything else Okoye orders. It leaves little time to think about what was coming, to consider the size or the scale, to give space to the feeling of terror in your gut. You suppose there’s a certain kind of comfort in that. 
When the movement stops, when you board the raft with your friends to ride into whatever awaits you, that’s when you feel it. It isn’t the fear or terror you anticipated though. Fierce determination courses through your veins like lava, searing and unyielding.  
You’d fought impossible odds to keep Bucky safe and whole before - knowing then the lengths you’d go to save him. This was tenfold. It wasn’t only him you were determined to protect now. You would fight for your home, for the life you’d built with him, you’d fight for your friends, this family you’d once again cobbled together from the ashes. It didn’t matter if it was the governments of the world, an alien overlord, or god himself - nothing would stop you. 
As you all fall into formation you spot, M’Baku. He acknowledges you both with a nod. 
“You look alright for a colonizer, wolfman,” M’Baku quips, gripping Bucky’s forearm with a firm shake. 
“I’ll take that compliment,” Bucky smirks. 
“Not with the other Dora?” He asks you. 
You smile at Bucky, “I’m where I need to be.” M’Baku nods in understanding. 
Taking your place on Bucky’s left you let yourself soak in the impossibility you see just beyond the dome. You’d seen the earlier collision but seeing the massive wedge-shaped ships looming over the tree line made what you were all facing seem so much more real.
Steve, T’Challa, and Natasha make their way back with somber looks on their faces. 
“They surrender?” Bucky asks as Steve falls into place beside him. 
“Not exactly,” he sighs. 
As the Wakandan forces begin to chant you feel adrenaline crawl up your spine and maybe the slightest spark of hope. 
It fades quickly. 
There isn’t a word for the creatures that hurl themselves against the wall of the dome with pure savage abandon. They don’t care that it burns their bodies, severs their limbs, kills them. More and more come. 
“They’re killing themselves…” Okoye says in a horrified tone. You look down the line to her and hold her gaze, knowing your own horror is reflected on her face. 
“What the hell,” Bucky breathes at your side. 
You glance up to him just as he reaches for you. His kiss is desperate, somehow scaring and comforting you at once. When he pulls away his eyes speak volumes - the loudest being love. Without a word you both nod to return your gaze to the battle before you. 
With barely a thought from you, your vambrace raises its barrier, joining the other glowing shields of the border tribe warriors. Bucky shelters behind it and you both take aim. 
The sheer numbers of them allow for some of the creatures to break through. With no concern, they rush into the onslaught of fire. Ultimately it’s futile, the beasts simply keep coming. 
The realization hits you but Bruce voices the reality before you can force your mouth to form the words. Allowing these creatures to enter anywhere but here will spell disaster… 
The choice is an obvious one, though far from easy. You can feel the ripple of something between mourning and determination flow throughout the gathered warriors. Maybe this would be the end of Wakanda as she had always been, but she would not truly fall. 
T’Challa issues the battle cry and a strange sense of calm falls over your shoulders before you all charge. 
Violence, you understood, had been intimate with since you were a child, but never like this. Intimate violence was calculated even when done in heated rage or hatred. This mele? This was something else entirely. 
In moments you’re separated from Bucky but there isn’t time to think about it. There isn’t time to think about anything other than survival. The creatures are endless, talons raking and teeth lined maws dripping with death. 
A quick glance to your right and you see Okoye’s spear knocked from her grasp by one beast as another bares down. 
“Oko!” You yell. Your power grips the spear, hurling it back to her. You push one creature back and send the small vibranium blades at your wrist hurtling through the skull of the other. It drops and she spears the remaining creature. 
There’s no time to feel victorious. 
With a somber nod, you stand back to back facing down the beasts surrounding you. Taking a breath you focus a barrier of your power around you both, enough to slow the creatures. You whip the small blades through as many creatures as you can focus on, Okoye shoots with impeccable aim, and you pick off monsters with one of your half spears. Even so, it isn’t enough, and you can feel that familiar ache begin to blossom in your skull. 
It doesn’t matter. You push past it, ignore it, will your power to give you more. Stopping will mean death and you are not ready.
“If we die here,” Okoye yells back at you, “my only regret will be not trying that Pink Drink from Starbucks.” 
A laugh burbles from your lips, “You should have listened to me and you could die without regret!” Letting your barrier drop for a moment to give your mind a break, you send a wave of kinetic force from your vambraces pushing back the beasts. There is nothing but snarls and blood for several beats as you try to force your ability to comply.
Her back slams into yours as you both pant. Your power forms another barrier despite the screaming pain in your skull. Red suddenly obscures your vision. Quickly you wipe at your eye, the back of your hand coming away bloody. That… was new… and couldn’t be good. 
“If we live,” she says between gulping breaths, “we’re going to order the whole menu. Even the unicorn bullshit”
“If we live I’m taking you to get good coffee,” you tell her.
“We can do both.”
You sway, “I can’t hold this up much longer, Oko.”
“It’s alright,” her tone is resigned. “If we go, I’m glad to go with you sister.”
As you feel your power waver something bright, almost like lightning tears through the creatures surrounding you. 
“What now?!” Okoye groans. You both look around until you spot a figure, tendrils of lightning radiating from him. You’d never had the chance to meet him but there was clearly only one person this could be-
“Thor,” you say, admittedly a little awestruck. 
“Now that is an impressive white boy,” Okoye laughs. 
For the briefest moment, hope flairs within you. His arrival gave you a slight reprieve and may have just brought the odds more in your favor. 
“General!” A few Dora call over. 
“Go,” you tell Okoye. “I need to find Bucky.”
She nods, “Don’t die without me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you call back as you run. 
The sound of a semi-automatic rifle draws you to his location. 
“Bucky!” You bellow, hoping to be heard over the din. Several creatures rush your way - brandishing both of your short spears you take them down, not wanting to use your power as your head was still pounding. 
“Doll!” Just seeing him there, whole and unharmed, makes you feel like you can breathe easier. Briefly, he pulls you close before letting loose a few additional rounds. 
“What happened?!” he tilts your face, the vibranium smooth against your skin. 
“That bad?” His concern is enough of an answer. “May have pushed myself a little too far. But in my defense, we were one slobbery bite from death.” You push away from him and fire your spears at several approaching beasts. 
“No you don’t,” Bucky tucks you under his right arm, firing only with his left. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.” No part of you wants to protest, which is surprising. Feeling his solid, reassuring form behind you is as grounding as ever. 
“Woo!” An unknown voice whoops. “We’re gonna talk about that arm later, man!”
You stare at the small figure as it scurries off, firing on - and killing - several creatures. 
“I’m sorry,” you take a shot. “Am I hallucinating or was that a fucking raccoon?!”
“You’re not hallucinating,” Bucky releases you to reload. “He just tried to buy my arm.”
“How much?” You toss over your shoulder as you cover him. 
“What?” He sounds incredulous. “I’m not selling my arm.” Bucky clears a path and you both start moving. 
“Too bad,” you spear a creature in the neck, narrowly avoiding a spray of fetid blood. “Could have put it toward that honeymoon we never took.” Bucky’s laugh brings a smile to your face. 
“Maybe I’ll talk numbers with the raccoon after we defeat the fucking alien horde.”
“Do that.” You both tear through a small cluster of the beasts. “Just don’t knick the paint before then. No one wants damaged goods.” The humor drains from you quickly. 
“Something’s coming,” you can feel the vibration in the earth. 
“Holy shit,” Bucky breathes as the earth beneath the barrier bulges and a platoon of circular tanks tears through the earth. 
With everything you’ve got, you both begin to sprint in the opposite direction. The chatter in your comms is almost overwhelming. Looking up you spot Sam and Rhodes taking aim at the tanks, sending them skittering to the side. It gives you an idea. 
“Rhodes!” You call into your coms. “If you can get a lock on me, I need a lift.
“On it!” He responds. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Bucky grips your arm drawing you both to a brief halt. 
“I can knock them down but I can’t exactly-” 
“Y/N, we agreed no hero-”
“I can do this, Buck! I have to.” Rhodes swoops down, grabbing you under your arms. The last glimpse you catch of Bucky is him shaking his head, a scowl darkening his features. You’d deal with that later. 
“What’s the plan?” Rhodes asks.
“Just get me in range of one of them, I can knock them off balance and-”
“Dominos,” he responds. 
Tapping into your power sends a fresh tingle of pain through your skull but again you push it aside. You can practically feel the heat of the machine with your power as you reach out. Using your hands to focus the energy you slam it into the side of the tank. With a groan, it topples taking down three others with a satisfying explosion. 
“Nice!” Rhodes cheers. 
You manage to take down several more, spotting Wanda’s signature red glow as you do so. She was supposed to be with Vision… You hear Sam on the comms.
“Shit,” you sigh. “Heading to Vision now,” you call to the team - ignoring Bucky’s protest in your ear. 
Rhodes drops you and you sprint toward the trees. You can’t help but think that you aren’t too far from your house right now. 
That thought flees as you see Steve flung aside by an attacker. 
“Steve!” You try to force your legs to move faster, sending your power out to grab the man. Instead, your vision goes red, blood filling your eyes. Crying out you double over in pain, convinced that your skull was actually fracturing. 
After a few breaths, you’re able to right yourself and make your way over to them. 
The man is dead on the ground, Steve hovers over Vision. You hold your breath, terrified that the worst has happened, your heart already aching for Wanda. But as Steve turns to face you it’s clear that Vision, while injured, is still alive. 
“Y/N!” Steve quickly strides over to you. Pushing past him you kneel before Vision. 
“Mrs. Barnes,” he says weakly. 
“Y/N, remember?”
He huffs a hollow laugh, “Yes, Y/N. You’re bleeding.” 
“I’m fine.” You blink your eyes, trying to clear the red from them as you place a hand on his shoulder sending what you could of your power into him. 
You’re no Wanda but you can feel the broken parts, sense where whatever animates him is trying to reform the connections. Huffing in exasperation you fall back on your ass, resting your forearms on your knees. 
“Sorry, this is well above my pay grade.” He nods, giving you a wan smile. 
“Y/N,” Steve’s voice is stern, “your eyes.”
“Really, I’m good, Steve.”
“That does not look good.” You know he’s right, know you’re clearly pushing your power to places you never should. But when the alternative was far less appealing what choice was there?
“Here,” he kneels, producing a small flask of water. Taking your chin he tilts your head up to him and slowly flushes your eyes.
“Buck’s gonna be pissed,” he smirks. 
“He already is. He’ll get over it.”
“Vis!” You turn to see Wanda land at his side and stride a bit away to give them space. 
You’re about to say something to Steve when Vision cries out in pain. You whirl around. 
“He’s here,” Vision breathes, sending a chill up your spine. 
“Stay on them,” Steve orders before calling for the others. 
The stillness that follows as you see the team come into focus makes every hair stand on end. On instinct, you take a fighting stance spear ready. 
He emerges from thin air as though he ripped a hole in reality itself… Maybe he did. 
You feel disconnected from the scene before you. One by one you watch as this Thanos swats away some of the strongest people you know like flies. You watch, holding your position, and try with all your might to not hear the choice Wanda is being forced to make behind you.
“Y/N,” her voice cracks, “tell him I can’t.”
You turn. Vision’s eyes are begging you to make her listen but Wanda… The desperation in her face. Your chest constricts, cutting off your words.
Vision speaks before you’re able, “I’ll just feel you.” Tears burn your eyes. 
It was too close to a refrain you and Bucky would often use to comfort one another in dark times when memories threatened to swallow you whole. Just feel me. 
Wanda looks from you to Vision and back and nods. You turn away, both unable to watch this and determined to protect her with your life. 
It takes everything you have to not charge in with the others, especially when you see your Bucky, your brave soldier, blown back. Even so, you stay. Wanda was doing the impossible - making a choice you never could - and you would not leave her alone, not even for Bucky. 
Rage blossoms in your chest with every beat of your heart, with every soft sob you hear from behind you. This fucking bastard. 
He inches closer and closer. 
Steve takes a hit so hard that you fear he may not recover but there isn’t time to consider. 
Hoping to distract Thanos you hurl your spear at his head, knowing it would be entirely ineffective. You just need to buy Wanda time. 
He raises his gauntleted fist, the stones glowing with ethereal light, as you saw him do before attacking the others. Before he’s able to make a move you push every ounce of power you can from your body and latch onto the gauntlet. 
The pain inside your skull was beyond words, your vision floods red. This may kill you. 
Silently you beg Bucky to forgive you, beg him to know that you’re sorry and that you love him. 
Thanos staggers back, looking briefly from the gauntlet to you, sneering. 
Quickly you realize it isn’t the metal you should focus on but the stones. If you could rip them- Almost without thought your power latches onto the stones and-
All the breath is pulled from your lungs. 
The world goes quiet before sizzling into vibrant flashes of color. Each fills your vision with a different image - the vastness of space, a golden orange field of water…
You feel… electric. No longer does your head hurt but rather it sings with power. Power beyond anything you ever could comprehend. 
It consumes your awareness, your entire being. You want them, want this. You pull harder, something deep within you hungry for what these stones held. 
“Intoxicating isn’t it?” A bass voice asks, strangely sincere. “But they aren’t meant for you little warrior.” 
You’re so lost in the stones grip that you don’t see Thanos raise his right fist. 
Suddenly there is nothing but darkness. 
A blast of indescribable energy shakes you back to consciousness. Desperately you gasp for air. 
“I got you,” only then do you feel Bucky’s arms around you cradling you to his chest. 
Your whole body trembles. Your mind is on fire, your senses on overdrive. It hurts. Everything hurts. A yearning almost like hunger roars deep in your mind, calling for that power even as your own ability surges, flooding your perception.
“I’ve got you,” Bucky whispers in your ear. “I’ve got you, doll. Just feel me.” 
I only feel you.
“Wanda,” you croak as you push from his arms. You don’t register that it’s odd how you practically float to the ground. 
Bucky catches your arm but it’s not necessary. You’re frozen in place as you watch Thanos impossibly pull Vision back together. 
Wanda screams, lunging for him, but he bats her away. With no effort, you catch her midair in your power drawing her to you and Bucky.
Her head rests on your chest as you shield her from seeing Thanos rip the stone from Vision’s head. Bucky embraces you both, his back between you and Thanos.
“No,” she weakly whispers. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper into her hair. “I’m so sorry.”
She jumps, and you all turn as Thor’s ax slams into Thanos. It’s a death blow, it must be, nothing could survive that. Even so, you feel no joy. The losses were too great.
The instant Wanda sees Vision’s prone and colorless form she pulls away from you. Immediately you think to stop her but Bucky pulls you against him. 
“Let her go, Y/N.”
You turn, pressing your face into Bucky’s chest, breathing in his familiar smell. Trying with all your might to just feel him and not the pain. Just him and not-
Another indescribable surge of power somehow more powerful than the last washes over you, disrupting your thoughts, preventing you from feeling him or anything but that intoxicating sizzle of the stones. It burns through you, seeming to set your very blood on fire this time - but you like it, something in you humming with satisfaction. 
When it retreats, again your body begins to tremble, bordering on convulsions. Your power felt loosed - a wild animal freed, and hungry...
“Just me, baby doll.” His arms crush you to him as though he’s trying to hold you together. You try to focus on only that comforting pressure. 
“Just feel-” You feel his left arm loosen its hold, feel a shift in the air around you, in the very fiber of his being. Immediately you lift your head from his chest. 
Bucky releases you, taking a half step back. He holds up his left hand, the fingers fluttering away in the wind. But that couldn’t be what was really happening. It couldn’t be… It moves up his forearm.
“Y/N, I-” he breathes. 
“No,” you rasp.
Immediately you press your hands flat against his chest. All the power that had been pulsing through your body, threatening to overtake you since the moment you touched those stones, you call to it now. 
You will not take him from me, you silently swear to anything that will hear you. I will not let you have him. 
His pupils dilate as you flood his body with your power. Willing it onward, you feel it permeate every cell, latch on to even the smallest particles. You feel each minute piece of him vibrating with a light and warmth that somehow, even at the molecular level, seems familiar, feels somehow like home, like your Bucky. 
You also feel as each minuscule point of light… goes dark. 
In your periphery, you see the plume of dust that was his left arm flutter away in the air. This insidious force rips him away, bit by bit. As you lose him it reverberates through your body, each tendril of power snapping back into you like a whip. 
No, you growl to the universe. Desperately you push your power farther, beg it to be stronger even as your sight begins to flood with red. Frantically you blink away the blood. He is mine. 
You never look away from his eyes. They shift from wonder, to fear, to something soft, so soft. So… kind. 
Bucky raises his right hand to cup your cheek. You feel nothing but the soft caress of ash.  
“I -” his voice seems so far away - “I love all of you.”
“No, please-” You beg. A tear runs from his left eye, catching the light for an instant before his beautiful face vanishes.  
Your left-hand pushes through nothing but air, beneath your right though... His indomitable, ever steady, heart - the most precious gift anyone ever gave you - still remains, determined to beat for just a moment longer, only a fleeting moment, until your fist closes on nothing but ash.
@bluegirlusa1​  @l0kisbitch​  @tazzi-baby​  @disagreetoagree​  @woodyandbuzz20-01​  @mooniightbucky​   @saundrasays​  @breezy1415​  @alyssaj23​  @mywinterwolf​  @wonderlandmind4​    @anamcg317​  @buckaroo-barnes​  @jazztherebel​  @peachthatdrinkslemonade​  @regulusirius​   @auskitty​  @babyimp1967​  @katecolleen​  @handplucked​  @stevehesaidabadlanguageword​  @darkdragonphoenix​  @issanitydead​  @thestorydetective​  @buckysstar​    @greyeyedsmile14​  @watchoutforfrostbite​  @for-the-love-of-the-fandom​  @jewelofwinter​  @siriuslycloudy2​   @jdoenson​  @gamorazenn​  @wildmoonflower​  @cutie1365​  @demonlover87​  @winterboobearsworld​  @this-kitten-is-smitten​  @amorluzymelodia​  @nutellakirb​  @nighttwingg​ @coffeebeforewater​
Tag list pumpkins, just know I hate me too.  I wanted to let y’all know that this story will be different from the OFAM you grew to love, because it sort of has to be. We’re going on a whole different journey with this reader and while Bucky will be echoing through this series, it will not be the same (obviously). I hope you stick with the reader through this leg of the trip but I understand if you ever want to hop off, just let me know.  Love you all so much! 
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shochmonster · 4 years
84 Questions
original: https://fuckyeahsurveys.tumblr.com/post/61049002526/84-questions
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs Guns of Brixton - The Clash Holiday in Cambodia - Dead Kennedys  Chainsaw - Nick Jonas California - Joni Mitchell Make It Wit Chu - Queens of the Stone Age This Woman’s Work - Kate Bush The Bad Thing - Arctic Monkeys Between the Bars - Eliot Smith Drown - The Smashing Pumpkins Different People - No Doubt
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? I’d take @duoloopo to the UK. I’d like to see places other than London.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen)  I use my iPad stylus the most, but I have this heavy mechanical pencil I really like for drawing. 
Favourite month and why? October. I just love the fall vibe. 
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. I went to undergraduate school with Rebecca Sugar. We used to ride the bus between NYC and DC together on holidays. 
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. Can of seltzer, pencil case, stack of bills
What brand logo is closest to you currently? REAL Skateboards
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites? I love Small World and Munchkin. 
A musical artist you love that isn’t well known Laura Stevenson and the Cans
A musical artist you love that is well known Red Hot Chili Peppers
What is your desktop background currently? Thomas Barrow on the beach in the Season 4 Christmas Special
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them @duomaxwell02 with my face :O 
First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow White
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in? Two wall clocks, though one is very old and doesn’t wind anymore. I also have a clock @duoloopo ‘s dad made for me. It’s on the piano. 
What kind of headphones do you use? JBL Bluetooth, noise canceling 
What musical artists have you seen perform live? Foo Fighters (3x), Incubus (3x), Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, Audioslave, Justin Timberlake, Troy Sivan, Arctic Monkeys, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Queen (but with Roger Daughtry, not Freddy... for obvious reasons.). Probably a whole bunch of others I’m blanking on. 
Does virginity matter to you? Not really. 
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? PS4, PS2, PS1, XBox 360, N64, Gamecube, Wii, NES, SNES, various Gameboys, Nintendo DS, PSP
What pets do you have? What are their names? Two cats, Hemingway and Renji
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? I like freelance art gigs the best. As for ‘normal people jobs’, I once was a sign painter for Whole Foods. That was pretty fun, minus the work drama. 
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Food service. 
What magazines do you read, if any? I’ll pick up Time once in a while
Inspiration behind your URL? My classic original URL was LinkWorshiper and had been since AIM first existed. I picked it because Zelda was the first fandom I ever joined. Now I’ve changed all my handles (except on AO3) to reflect my actual name, as my literary agent thinks it’s more professional. 
Inspiration behind your blog title? Mean Girls. I always chuckle imagining Thomas and Jimmy as some Edwardian version of the Plastics. 
Favourite item of clothing? My Downton livery waistcoat. And the stiff bosomed shirt and collars I have to go with it. 
Are you friends with any exes? Nah. By the time I felt comfortable enough to possibly try, I also didn’t care enough to. 
Name at least one book you loved as a child. His Dark Materials (the trilogy by Philip Pullman). I still love them and am jazzed that he’s writing more these days. 
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) US English, mostly a northeastern dialect/accent
What email service do you use? Gmail
Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? So much stuff. I have a mood board full of Downtons stuff over my desk, various DA posters and memorabilia, plus some artwork I’ve done, and some of my JC Leyendecker collection. The aforementioned wall clocks, a San Francisco cable car bell, Sailor Moon and a few other little knickknacks, like my hamsa. To name a few lol. 
What’s your favourite number, and why? 212 because it’s Manhattan’s area code and also because it used to be the notation for one of my favorite ships in an old fandom. 
Earliest moment in your life you can remember? Sitting under the table and looking at my grandma, who was wearing a Cruella Deville dress she’d knit herself. Like, it had the actual Disney character on it. Pretty cool to a little guy, I guess!
What did you have for dinner yesterday? Quesadilla 
How often do you brush your teeth? Whenever they feel gross
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? Lately, I’ve been into Junior Mints. 
Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently? This blog used to have my old handle, linkworshiper. I did a small Whole Foods blog when I worked with them, but it never went anywhere. 
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? Sushi
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? Downton Abbey, though lately I’ve been crazy busy and not as active as I once was. Casually still poking at old fandoms like Zelda and Gundam Wing to name a few. 
If you could study anything, what would it be? More art education can’t hurt. Maybe some formal history education. 
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) Chapstick 
How would you describe your sense of humour? Seinfeld 
What things annoy you more than anything else? Mouth noises
What kind of position are you in at the moment? Sitting
Do you wear much jewellery? Nope
Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc) Three supposedly equal branches of government, currently being run into the ground by a clown 
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own @halcyondaze @mab1905 @lavender-hued-melancholy
What do you carry your money in? I try to never carry cash, but I carry a small wallet 
Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not? I like it but sometimes it feels like a chore, especially during a commute. @duoloopo thinks I’m a shit driver so she tries to drive whenever she can, which has pluses and minuses. 
Longest drive you have ever been on? Savannah GA to San Francisco, CA in a UHaul
Furthest away from home you have ever been? Germany 
How many times have you moved house? God, I don’t even know. More than ten. 
What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture? Cat toys, unused canvases
How many devices do you own which can access the internet? Phone, computer, iPad, various game consoles 
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? Thomas and Jimmy <3 <3 
Is there anything that always makes you sad? Thinking too hard about being a failure
What programs do you currently have open? I just rebooted, so only Chrome, Spotify and Photoshop
What do you associate the colour red with? This line in the Kate Bush Song Blue Symphony, which goes, ‘I associate love with red, the color of my heart when she’s dead.’ 
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? The Greek food I ordered in for dinner
Last healthy thing you ate? Roasted veggies
Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day? I prefer tea, and I drink coffee for energy, though sometimes I think it just makes me crash harder. 
What do you associate the colour blue with? The sky
How long is the closest ruler you can find? 12 inches
What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? Dark blue
When was the last time you drank water? About a minute ago
How often do you clear your browser history? Rarely
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? Yes
Ever written fanfiction for anything? Oh God, yes. You can still find it under Link Worshiper on AO3, though some of my ‘classics’ have been removed since I turned them into original manuscripts 
Last formal event you attended My cousin’s wedding
If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why? Maybe inch my birth year up just by two so that I’d stop being called a damn millennial. At my age, I really just don’t relate to the generation even though technicalities make me a part of it. 
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? Beach
Roughly how many people live in your town? 52,000
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Leonard Nimoy :D 
Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores I haven’t really gone shopping since the pandemic. Right now, it feels like the only place to buy anything is Amazon XD
Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one? Samsung. It’s not a Galaxy but is a new model and a fraction of the price. 
What is your least favourite colour, and why? I don’t think I dislike any colors honestly. 
How do you spell grey/gray? Grey. I’ve got too many British online associates to ever go back. 
Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link) It’s Umbrella Academy fanart of Klaus. He’s in black and white with this hands over his eyes and the background is red. It’s very graphic. 
What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow? 736
How many posts do you have? 8,859
How many posts have you liked? I can’t find the stat D: 
Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content? Mainly reblogs but I pepper in my own content when I can. Lately, I haven’t had time to do as much fanart though, and I kind of feel like it’s not worth bothering to post my original stuff. Nobody follows my blog for that. 
Do you track any tags? No. 
What time is it currently? 7:33 PM CMT
Is there anything you should be doing right now? Waking up @duoloopo. TIME TO JUMP ON THE BED. 
tagging, if they feel like it: @abbys-little-whippersnapper​ @bumblebarrow​ @irrationalgame​ @downtoncat​ @mab1905​ @duoloopo​
and everyone who I’ve forgotten
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blurglesmurfklaine · 4 years
God I feel like I’m gonna be sick
I’ve been telling my family for years that racism still exists and still happens we just are sheltered from it because of where we live. The demographic is overwhelmingly Hispanic at 99%, so it’s flipped here. White people are the minority here. But I fucking told them I TOLD them that when we went to Austin for state solo and ensemble that two of our girls got called wetbacks and they all just brushed it off but now that my brothers are moving around they’re seeing it more and I hate it
The other day my oldest brother went up to Austin to rent a UHaul because he’s moving to Tyler. As soon as he walked in, the white man behind the counter said “we can’t help you here.” when my brother already had a reservation. He asked for an explanation and he just repeated “we just can’t help you here.” My brother, who was awarded his medical license three days later.
I remember being naive enough to tell my other brother, who’s always been much lighter skinned than my oldest brother, “at least you don’t have to worry about stuff like that”. He’s been living in San Antonio for a few years now, since my nephews been born, and he just replied “nope. When we took Cristian to the pediatrician, he took one look at me and said, ‘oh, you’ve got that Indian blood in you’.” Which to me, at the time seemed friendly (although ignorant) enough. But what he was really saying was “I can tell you’re not like me” and I hate that so much I hate it I hate it
I hate waking up to this and feeling sick to my stomach and being worried for my brothers to leave the house in case they decide to wear something casual like a tank top and a cop decides it makes them look suspicious and I hate that when my Nuf and I went on a run my mom told us to be careful because the cabin next to us had a trump flag and I hated seeing how scared she was and I hate being so fucking worried for my little sister and nephew I actually feel nauseous
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rowbeana · 4 years
sometimes i have dreams and then remember them post #23
IT’S BEEN A YEAR??? lmao well that’s fair and this dream is wild enough to be worth the wait
so it started off stressful with my friend (and i?? idr) moving. now that i’m thinking about it, the friend was claire or maybe it was simply maya hawke but anyways. our other friend...lauren lapkus...akljskd was helping us move by driving the uhaul. SO, FOR SOME REASON, MY FRIEND WAS SITTING IN THE BACK OF THE UHAUL WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY NOT SAFE AND IDER HOW THIS WORKED BUT I WAS LIKE HOLDING ONTO SOMEONE TIED TO THE BACK FOR DEAR LIFE AND HOPING NOT TO DIE
sadly. when my friend got in, she fucked up so the uhaul was slightly open and lich rally her head was sticking out a little and she was stuck and lauren started driving and i was like??? THIS IS. SO DANGEROUS and my friend was like. mad but she said it was fine and i was like...IT’S NOT BUT OKAY.
eventually, we’re on the freeway and the uhaul like opens completely (and now i’m remembering lauren had stuff in it too, idk what was going on) and stuff falls on us so we both tumble off/out of the vehicle and lauren doesn’t notice and keeps driving.
i guess...i thought she would realize soon enough so i’m not THAT panicked?? i said something about feeling bad about all our stuff falling out skhdf. but i’m on my phone trying to figure something out and i think my friend wanders away? idr how we meet this priest guy and he offers to? help us? he ends up taking us to what looks like a hotel but his house is in the back idk lmao and he puts us in this underground cell things with his daughters and i don’t know! what he said we were supposed to do there, work? but i was like...um no LMAO?
so i’m like what the FUCK and i leave but my friend is like what’s the point and accepts her new life and i’m like. BITCH IT’S BEEN TWO SECONDS, YOU ALREADY QUIT? BYE IG. i sort of remember the priest guy chasing after me yelling but i was like fuck off!! god!!!
i end up back on the same stretch of highway bc this is a tiny town, fsr a mom and her daughter are there. i think this is where i learn about how the priest guy injects people with something that kills them unless they use an inhaler and no that doesn’t make sense. but basically his “church” is clearly a cult and i’m like...now why did we have to fall off the uhaul in this weird ass town!
i’m desperately trying to contact lauren but i message her through an app like wire but not bc wire does let you make phone calls and i couldn’t figure out how to call her and i did get in contact with her but she gave me a really confusing way to get her number and i was like!! my dumb friend is probs gonna die soon so why all this!! i tried but i kind of gave up bc fsr i went back to get my friend
somehow days had passed? maybe. don’t ask! she’s not looking great and she’s been working and she’s like part of their creepy family now and i’m like well stop i’m gonna save you! but again she is useless. some stuff happens -- there’s like? a college on their compound/in their giant hotel building ashkdjf? and i...end up being a professor, sure why not...omg this reminds me i had a pet dog and he could talk ASLJKDH YEAH SOMEHOW I FORGOT THAT BECAME A PART OF THE DREAM AT THIS POINT
i try setting up my classroom and another class is in session across the way and whatever why am i doing this lmao. then some time later idk me and my friend get injected by the priest bc it’s “time” to die (just cult tings) and he also injected himself and his whole fam but he injected them a bit before us so when they start dying we’re like...sHIT WHERE’S AN INHALER. BUT FSR MY FRIEND IS STILL DEFEATED AND NOT EVEN TRYING AND IM LIKE OKAY WELL I WANT TO LIVE SO CAN YOU HELP. and she does bc she finds an inhaler and i use it and i’m like hope that helped! and i make her use it and we’re vibing bc the priest is dead now so! swag!
i’m in my classroom, to get my dog bc fsr i guess he lives there, and there’s a college party and these cool girls come over and i’m like oh i’m actually a professor here and one of them kind of starts to be like that’s cool-- but i say and i’m quitting because get me the fuck out of this town and she’s like of course bc ig they have a high turnover rate at the school akhsd and they seem Liberal and Normal so i’m like. yeah i was almost killed by that cult leader so! and they’re like...blink...yes that sounds bad!
there’s literally a time jump and suddenly we’re playing a game at this party and my friend is my partner for the game and (she might be kali at this point lmao) suddenly everyone leaves but i was facing away from everyone and i gather that there’s a new cult guy and he’s there and as my friend is like “oh no...rowan you’ll never guess who it is” my eyes land on some writing on a wall or something about who it is and i’m like...unfortunately i know!
so i turn around and soren JKSHD IS WEARING THESE WHITE ROBES IDK AND HE LOOKS bad....and i’m like...now what the fuck....and i’m not scared he’s gonna hecking inject me so i like hit him and i said ARE YOU A MURDERER NOW? AND HE SAID SOMETHING LIKE...WHO CARES THESE PEOPLE ARE UNCLEAN OR WHATEVER AND I WAS LIKE. SIGH
then i woke up <3
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ghostofbrock · 4 years
Tumblr media
it was a hot summer day in jackson, georgia. so hot that every pool in town was opened yet packed with the residents in the city. families from smaller towns near the city even drove in just to cool down in the pools of kansas. it was rumored to be one of the hottest days out of the whole year, it definitely seemed like it.
yet, the star thompson wasn’t with everyone else. she was doing the opposite of what the whole town was doing. she was at rosie’s dinner on 46th street, sipping on a cherry milkshake while reading the newest feature NASA had published. she had been waiting for months to get her hands on it and this morning her older brother harry threw it at her as she ate her breakfast.
the fans in the diner were on blast, only star and a family of three were in the diner along with the workers. star sat at the counter, her face in between the pages of her magazine. she was so intrigued and lost in the pictures and words of the feature that she didn’t realize that she was sipping on an empty milkshake.
that was until tommy gilmmer interrupted her by grabbing the magazine from her hands and placing it onto the counter, opened on the page where she left off.
“what’s your deal, tommy!?” she gasps, slightly mad towards him for crashing her reading sesh. she looks at him up and down, noticing his work attire was dirty with a grease stain.
“you’ve been sipping on an empty milkshake for half an hour. also, school ended two week ago so why are you reading like a mad man?” he squints at her and looks at her if she was crazy, but he’s known her for years so he isn’t that surprised.
“because i can. and thank you...” she says as her eyes drift off to the other milkshake he had made for her without noticing it at first. “you’re welcome, miss sassy pants. but why aren’t you at the pool with everyone else? it’s supposed to be one of the hottest days of the year.” he asks her with curiosity, beginning to wipe down the counter that had gotten sticky from the previous costumers.
“i’m not everyone else, tom. plus, i’ve been waiting for this bad boy for weeks.” she points down at her magazine with a smile of pride.
“still into that space stuff, huh?” he says and gives her a sly grin. “always have been. there’s just something about the stars and planets that intrigue me, you know? the fact that we might not be alone in this universe is mind blowing to me.” she beams at her magazine, tommy rolling his eyes playfully at his friend’s obsession.
“well considering the fact that nora daniels lied about being abducted last year doesn’t seem all that mind blowing to me. you’re crazy if you think aliens exists, star.” he chuckles at her and stops cleaning the counter, throwing the rag over his shoulder.
“she’s been telling lies her whole life, why would you believe her? her family is known is be liars.” star scoffs, talking smack about the daniels’ family.
“i gave the girl a killer of a doubt and she proved me wrong. let’s move on from that conversation, yeah?” he asks the girl, she simply nods and sips her milkshake.
“i have to get going anyways before the street lights go on. see you later, tommy.” star says as she gathers her things. chugging her milkshake quickly and leaving tommy money for both milkshakes.
“cya, be careful. don’t want you getting abducted by aliens.” he teases her, he laughs as he does so.
“not before you get a real girlfriend.” she teases back, knowing he gets nervous when he talks about having feelings for a girl.
the walk from the diner to her house wasn’t long. she passed by the public pool and still saw people there but not many. mainly just reckless teens partying and drinking illegally now that the adults and children were gone.
she checks her mailbox before going into her house. she only got junk mail and a check from her brothers’ job. when she looked up and scanned the neighborhood, she noticed a UHAUL truck driving away from the house across from hers. the house had been empty for months but now it seemed to be under new residences.
she remembers her old best friend, ally, living there. the two were very close and knew each other since they were toddlers since their families would have dinner together on sundays after church. she missed ally a lot, she didn’t like talking about what happened because she knows she’ll break down into tears and star thompson hates crying.
and if she had to make one wish, it would be to bring ally back to life.
ally’s parents and two sisters moved to michigan two years ago after ally’s funeral. ever since then the house had been empty, and if i’m being honest star wasn’t ready for anyone to move into that house again. in star’s mind, it was ally’s house. no one else’s but hers.
but star had to face it, it wasn’t ally’s house anymore. it belonged to the new owners of that house.
she shrugged off her thoughts and walked into her house, immediately being greeted by the smell of vanilla. she hears her mom and dad in the kitchen but doesn’t bother to go and greet them. it’s not like they’d noticed anyways.
she walks down the hall to her room, passing the restroom and her brother’s room. she closes the door behind her and throws herself on her bed. she turns her hand to look at the picture frame on her nightstand. it was a picture of star and ally when they were 13 on the fourth of july. she smiles to herself as she looks at the picture.
then as she sits up on her bed, her brother barges into her room.
“star, i think i just saw the hottest boy in all of kansas.” he says, panting and bends over to catch his breath with his hands on his knees.
“you say that about every boy you like.” star groans and rolls her eyes at her brother. “but i’m serious this time. he’s like... a god or something.” he tells his sister once he catches his breath.
“he lives across the street. i saw him coming from the corner store with a pop in his hand. i saw him walk into the house too.” star winces at her brothers words. it hurt harry to say those words as well since him and ally were close as well. she was the one to help him find himself, to embrace his sexuality. the way he dresses and everything, ally supported him and was proud of him for becoming who he is today.
“so you’re a stalker now?” star blinks.
“no... well i might be if i don’t get to make out with him. if he’s gay then i’m marrying him. if he’s straight, then you can have him but don’t break his heart like you do with all the boys that like you.” he says, walking over to his sister’s window and moving the pink curtains to look across the street at the mystery boy’s house.
“oh my, harry.” star rubs her temples due to her brother being so obnoxious and obsessed over a stranger right now.
“you push away every boy that finds you smoking, star. that needs to stop. how do you expect to have children?!” harry says, putting his hands on his hips.
“those boys were pigs. and that mystery boy is probably the same exact way! only uses girls for pleasure then leaves them!” star protests. “not all boys are bad, star. you have to at least give one boy a chance.” harry sighs.
“i’m too busy for boys.” star folds her arms over her chest.
“oh put a sock in it. now you’re going to help me get what i want! i need to know who the mystery boy is!” he grabs her shoulders and shakes her.
“not helping, harry. i’m not your slave.” star scoffs at her brother. “i’ll do your chores for two weeks straight.” he try’s to bargain with his little sister.
and from that point on, harry and star thompson were bound to find out about the mystery boy from across the street. little did they know he’d bring so much things into their lives. chaos, love, sadness, adventure and betrayal.
so what could go wrong?
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