#not sure what happens to the /others/ in all these scenarios
scribere-flores · 2 days
Sabo x Reader
~Just as a hypothetical question~
Part 5. Other Parts Word count: 3,8k words Short summary: Reader is preparing her escape, slowly losing it over her confusing feelings. Sabo is in his stalker era. AN: Dear God, I don't know what took over me when writing this. Let me begin with saying I don't condone stalking irl, this is just a silly self-indulgent fic. There is also mentions of a knife at one point, more as a joke, but it's there. Still nothing graphic. Smut will come in the next one, which will also be the last part. Thank you for reading!💕
MDNI 18+
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(This man is way too pretty for his own good)
Almost three days had passed since Y/N became aware of Sabo’s true identity. And of the real threat he posed to her. He was dangerous, not just because he probably could crush her windpipe with little to no effort.
No, the real reason Sabo was so dangerous was because of his goddamn charm. Always helpful, always making her flustered. Always making her laugh against her will. It was still impossible for her to keep it together when she was near him.
He was playing a sick, sadistic game with her feelings. He wanted to kill her for god sake! And, even though those horrid facts were clear to her, Y/N’s heart still wanted to jump out of her chest every time she saw him.
And that was probably saying more about how messed up she was. Desperately clinging to the first person that ever showed her concern, even though she knew it was fake. Pathetic.
She kept having this one recurring dream. Being alone in a dark room, until the door suddenly opens, and Sabo walks with a smug grin on his face.
He stands behind her, places her wrists behind her back, and then proceeds to let his hands travel all over her body. Cold leather from his gloves caressing her skin as he presses soft kisses down her neck and back.
His movements growing more impatient as he takes a strong grip around her hair, pulling her against him. Then, just before the dream ends, his other hand snakes around her neck, cutting the air from entering her lungs.
And it excites her! Y/N always wakes up feeling hot and tingly after that dream, which means that something must be seriously wrong with her.
The man wants to kill her and she gets excited by the thought of him choking her?! That can’t be normal, it just can’t.
Besides her internal crises that she still had the hots for her future potential murderer, everything else was going as planned. 
After spending a half-day crying over the fact that the handsome, cruel man had tricked her just for his own pleasure, Y/N finally pulled herself together and started planning her escape. She was not willingly staying in this cursed base just to later be dragged to the execution stand.
So she had made a list, things she needed to secure her safety once she left. All the things she had spent the last few days gathering. Things that now were securely kept in a bag in her closet. 
She had also visited the small library more than once, reading every book on wilderness survival she could find. Memorizing pictures of what plants were safe to eat and which ones she should avoid. It wouldn’t exactly be ideal if she ran away from torture and her own murder, just to then die of food poisoning.
Y/N had done all these things, and she was painfully aware of the fact that she had been watched. 
Sabo was always near, following her like some curious cat, trying to figure out what the mouse he was hunting was doing. She was the mouse in this scenario, and it was starting to get on her last nerve. 
He looked amused the entire time too, huge grin on his face, probably getting some twisted sense of pleasure from watching her from afar. It was annoying, and Y/N was pretty sure stalking counted as a crime. But so was trying to overthrow the World Government, so Sabo might just not care that he was breaking the law.
It didn’t matter anyways, she had already gathered everything she needed and her planned escape was happening tomorrow.
She was currently pacing back and forth in her room, trying to figure out if she had forgotten about something. 
Who was she kidding, she most definitely had.
She hadn’t stepped foot outside the castle gates her entire life before two weeks ago, and now she was planning to survive out in the wilderness all by herself. It was a recipe for disaster.
But if the choice was between dying of hypothermia in freedom, or in the hands of the Revolutionary Army and her handsome tormentor, Y/N would choose freezing cold freedom everyday of the week.
Suddenly, her dark thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door.
“Jane Doe, you in there?” An obnoxious, honey-sweet voice could be heard on the other side.
Hate that stupid nickname.
He seriously needed to stop doing this. For the last couple of mornings, at the same time everyday, Sabo had knocked on her door, asking if she was there.
And Y/N never answered, pretending that she wasn’t in the room. He usually stayed outside for a few minutes before he left, which was probably going to be the case today too.
She heard Sabo let out a deep sigh.
“I don’t know if you’re there, but I’m coming in.” He stated, like he wasn’t about to invade the last personal space she had at this godforsaken base.
Goddamnit… She had locked the door, right?  
No, this wasn’t the time to take any chances, she needed to hide. Who knew what god awful thing he would do to her if he found her.
Y/N quickly scanned the room for a hiding spot. Under the bed was too obvious, even she knew that. As her eyes landed on the small built-in closet, she heard the doorknob starting to turn. She didn’t have the time to be picky, she needed to hide, now!
Just as she had slid the closet shut, the bedroom door flew open. The small wooden planks of the closet door barely gave her any vision of the room, but the gap was wide enough to see Sabo mindlessly walk in. Not a care in the world, like he belonged in there.
‘He wishes.’ Y/N thought as she rolled her eyes.
Then she noticed that he was looking at the closet, straight at her, with a serious look that spelled nothing but trouble. She could swear that her heart was trying to crack her ribcage open by how hard it was beating.
She put her hands over her mouth, careful to not make a sound, as Sabo’s eyes lingered on her hiding spot for a few more seconds. Then an amused grin spread over his face, before he turned around and started to look around her room.
Dear God, that had been a close call.
“Are you hiding from me, Angel?” Sabo chuckled, bending down to look under the bed.
Since his blatant fake confession he had called her that from time to time. Some new way to play tricks on her mind for sure. And Y/N always berated herself when she heard it, because it made her stupid heart flutter every time.
Seriously, what was wrong with her?
Besides studying up on how to survive on her own, she had read a few books on psychology during her visits to the library. In those she had learned about this thing called *Stockholm Syndrome*, basically when a captive believes they are in love with their capturer. 
And Y/N had let out a sigh of relief when she read that. It explained every warm feeling she had for the man that she was 95% sure wanted to chop her head off in front of a crowd. The other 5%, well… that was the dumb sliver of hope that still lingered in the back of her mind. 
A sliver of hope that she consciously ignored. She wasn’t in her right mind, she had been manipulated by that handsome devil, and the strange thoughts she had about him couldn’t be trusted.
She had to stick to what she knew, and that was that Revolutionaries hated Nobles with a burning passion. At least, that had to be the case when the revolutionary in question was their Second in Command.
The closet walls were starting to feel cramped as she continued to watch Sabo mindlessly prance around her bedroom. He picked up her pillow, brought it to his face and let out a low groan as he took a deep inhale through his nose, making Y/N really question the man’s sanity. Was he trying to memorize her scent in case he had to hunt her down? 
What was he? A goddamn bloodhound or something?
She let out a quiet scoff when he put the pillow back, seeing a satisfied look on his face. She shouldn't have done that.
His eyes zeroed in on her again, a wicked smile spreading over his lips, making Y/N forget how to breathe. 
A shiver went down her spine as she watched Sabo move closer, stopping right outside the closet. He was so close she could feel him towering over her through the door. 
“Are you in here, Angel? Please answer if you are.” 
Dear God, please don’t open it.
Someone was apparently listening to her prayer, since he abruptly turned around, when Y/N was just seconds from passing out due to the lack of air in her lungs.
“Bummer, guess she’s not here then.” Sabo said in a monotone voice, putting his hand to his cheek in a dramatic manner.
He started to walk towards the door. She couldn’t believe it, she was actually going to get through this without being found.
Then, Sabo stopped in the middle of his step, right as he walked by her dresser. He carefully opened the top draw, which wasn’t good. That wasn’t good at all.
“Hmm… I might as well since I’m already here.” He snickered as he took something out and stuffed it in his pocket, quickly leaving the room right after.
As soon as the bedroom door closed, Y/N fell out of the closet and landed on the floor. Too shocked from what she just had witnessed.
“Did- did he just steal my underwear?” She whispered to herself, as she felt a warm flush spread over her face.
Was Sabo a pervert?
Because that would explain sooo much. She laid on the floor, pondering on her theory for a few moments, before she rolled over on her back and let out a weird, nervous laugh.
“Yes, definitely a pervert… Just gonna add that to the list of reasons why he needs to be avoided at all cost.” Y/N concluded, questioning how she had gotten herself in this situation to begin with.
So fucking angelic.
There was no other way of describing her. Even though she had actively been avoiding him for the past few days and making him watch her from afar. 
But Sabo could forgive that. She was obviously planning something, and the most optimistic part of himself had convinced him that it was going to be a surprise.
He didn’t know what kind of surprise yet, but he looked forward to it. A little too much in fact.
He had watched his Angel gather all sorts of things, swiping snacks from the pantry when she thought no one was looking. Snatching blankets and other fabrics from the laundry, candles and matches from the storage. 
All things that were needed for a romantic date. 
Sabo still wasn’t sure why she needed all the tools she stole from the supply closet, nor did he understand what she was going to use a tarp for.
But he almost lost his shit yesterday when he saw her sneak a rope into her bag. If his, quite frankly, dirty mind was right and she wanted him to tie her up with it, he might have to marry her on the spot. 
The knife however, that was still a bit concerning… But hey, he was willing to try out whatever she had in mind at least once.
No matter what she was doing, these past few days had convinced him.
She had continued to play their little game, even though the rules had changed a bit. AND, she was planning a romantic surprise for him. That girl understood him so well.
She liked him, maybe just as much as he liked her, if that even was possible.
Sabo knew his obsession was starting to get a little out of hand. Or in all honesty, “a little” would be an understatement. 
He knew that what he was doing wasn’t exactly normal. Watching her go about her day, keeping tabs on where she was, at what time in the morning she was leaving her bedroom and when she usually returned. Putting it in a more brutal way, he was stalking her.
God- that girl brought out dark things in him he wasn’t even aware were there before. Last night he spent at least two hours convincing himself that, sneaking into her room through her window while she was sleeping, wasn’t a good idea. 
It wasn’t, he knew that. No matter how much that girl had messed with his moral compass, he knew that it would be crossing a line.
But he just wanted to hear the sweet voice he had been deprived of hearing for the last few days, even if it was her yelling at him to get out.
That’s why he went to see her this morning, to talk to her. Not about anything special, he just wanted to see her pretty mouth move, until his mind was filled with nothing but the sweet sound of her voice.
Sabo knew she had been in there, observation haki really becoming handy in these kinds of situations. But she hid in her closet when he stepped into her room.
And if she wanted to play Hide and Seek, who was he to deprive her of that fun? 
Plus, he had gotten a little prize for playing along.
Still, things had started to become a little boring for him.
At first, it had been exciting seeing her turn a corner every time he was near. Watching her look over her shoulder to see if he was there. It was twisted- but fuck- just knowing she was constantly thinking about him brought him so much joy.
Even if she was doing it in an attempt to avoid him, Sabo couldn’t be mad about it. She was obviously still trying to muster up the courage to face him after his blatant confession.
It was cute.
He had imagined her confessing her feelings for him so many times at this point. Nervous stutters leaving her mouth, a flustered blush spreading over her face.
God- Just the thought made him want to do unspeakable things to that poor girl. 
And in any normal case, Sabo was nothing but patient. With her however, not so much. 
Like previously stated, watching her had been fun for a while. But he was done with just watching now, he wanted to be with her. Being close to her, talking to her, teasing her. Seeing her smile, laugh or just resting peacefully on his chest.
So, at this moment he was in the library, hiding behind a bookshelf and going over his options on how to best approach her.
Jane Doe was sitting at a table a bit further away, reading a book in peace. Looking absolutely angelic.
Besides the two of them, the rest of the room was empty. And dammit, if there hadn’t been so many unresolved issues that needed to be sorted out first, he would probably pin her to that table right this moment.
Hitching that cute, little skirt up over her hips as he left kisses up and down her gorgeous legs. Teasing her to the brink of insanity until she begged him to touch her. Eating her out like a man starved for food-
Yeah, that was definitely not happening yet.
The second best option was to go over there, trying to make her flustered enough to at least blush. Which shouldn’t be too hard to achieve.
So Sabo did just that, walking over with a statement that was suggestive enough in mind. He stopped right behind her chair, bending down close to her ear, feeling a bit amused when he saw her flinch.
“You know, I had this dream last night- and fuck- your hands felt so soft against my skin. Like an Angel touching my very soul.” He said in a low voice, blowing a puff of hot air against her neck.
It was true, he really dreamt that last night. He had been kinda pissed off when he woke, not wanting the wonderful dream to end.
And he knew how much his little nickname affected her, she was so bad at hiding her true feelings.
“Dear God, why?” The girl asked under her breath, making Sabo chuckle as he walked over to the other side of the table, sitting down across from her.
“Why? Cause you’re cute, and funny, and ignoring me. So you’re obviously my type.” He stated, watching her mindlessly turn to the next page in her book.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?” She answered, looking up at him for the first time.
“Perfect.” Sabo sighed, getting completely lost in her eyes.
He barely had the chance to catch the pretty blush that spread over her face, before she turned her head down.
But it was there, he saw it, and it made his chest fill with pride. No matter how hard she tried to ignore him, he could still make her flustered anytime he wanted to.
“Are you bothered by me being here?” He asked, giving her a teasing smile.
“Yes. I want to be alone.” She said curtly in response, not paying him more attention than necessary.
It was selfish, and probably a bit dumb. But Sabo wanted her attention to be on him, and not on some stupid book. What was so interesting about it anyways, for her to not look at him? He was way more interesting-
God, he really needed to seek professional help, didn't he? He was jealous over a fucking book.
“What are you reading anyway?” He scoffed, failing to keep his displeasure in.
“None of your business.” She snapped back, voice deprived of any warmth.
Shit, was she annoyed? That couldn’t be good…
“Why are you so snappy today?” Sabo asked, needing to know if all of it was just in his head.
“I’m not.” She bit out, jaw visibly clenching. 
If it was one thing Sabo took pride in, it was that he was good at reading people. But not this girl apparently, making her an exception in yet another way. 
He must have fucked up big during the last couple of days for her to be this mad with him. Was it the stalking? Had he taken it too far? 
“Yes you are. Did I do something to make you upset? I’ll try to fix it if you tell me.” He said, trying to reach for her hand, but she quickly moved it away.
“I said I’m not. Just drop it.” 
Was this their first fight? 
Sabo might not have been in any real long term relationship before, but he wanted this to work. He needed this to work, because he wasn’t sure if he could recover from being rejected by her. 
He knew that communication was important in any healthy relationship, so her avoiding the topic wasn’t going to cut it.
“I will drop it, if you tell me what’s wrong. I don’t want you to be angry at me and-”
“Can you just back the fuck off and leave me alone?” She said with an irritated tone, looking up at him with fire in her eyes.
Oh fuck, she’s mad mad.
She swore… she actually swore. That was a word Sabo thought he never would hear leave his Angel's beautiful mouth.
Was this about the underwear? He knew she had been hiding in the closet when he “borrowed” them, but he didn’t think she would be this angry about it.
“Is this about what I took from your room? Because I was going to give-”
“Okay, so I must have done something else then… I'm sorry?” He said, feeling his heart sink to his stomach.
She didn’t say anything more. She just let out a frustrated groan as she slammed the book shut, leaving it on the table and walked away. Leaving him alone with nothing but his own thoughts.
He messed up, this was not how he wanted things to go. Had he been wrong the entire time? Had she actually been mad at him, and was that the reason she avoided him to begin with? Had they not just been playing their usual silly game?
Fuck, maybe had he come on too strong three days ago. He did choke her, so it wouldn’t be surprising if that was the reason. But she said she liked it, right?
Sabo was about to go crazy, trying to figure out what he did wrong, when his eyes landed on the green cover of the book she had been reading.
He picked it up, curiosity getting the better of him.
“ *Outdoor Survival for Beginners*- what the actual?” He flipped through the pages, as something clicked in his brain. “Shit-”
Jane Doe was planning on running away…
It all made sense now. Why she avoided him, why she had gathered all those different things. Why she had been so defensive just moments ago.
(Why she hadn’t told him she liked him too.)
She was leaving, and she didn’t want anything left behind. It made sense, he would do the same thing if he knew he was leaving. It was plain cruel to confess your feelings to someone, just to be gone a few days later.
That’s why he had confessed to her. He wasn’t exactly planning on leaving her anytime soon, and he wanted her to know that.
Still, the only thing that didn’t make sense was her reason. Why would she want to run away?
She liked it here, Sabo saw how happy she looked whenever she helped around the base. How well she got along with Koala. How peaceful she had looked that morning when she slept on his chest.
In fact, why was she even hiding her identity to begin with? He hadn’t thought about it more than in passing, his mind usually being too preoccupied with holding his urges back around her.
Something wasn’t right…
“I might have to speed some things up.” Determination took over him.
Her plan was batshit crazy to begin with. She couldn’t even cook, how the fuck was she going to survive alone in the woods? She would die, hungry, freezing and alone, within a couple of days.
Sabo couldn’t stand the thought of losing someone he cared for again. Not after Ace-
No. This wasn’t the time to dwell on that. 
He had a few very urgent house calls to make.
Tag list: @nymeriiiia
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luizd3ad · 3 days
First Home | Poly!Moonwaterkiller x GN!Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Remus Lupin X Regulus Black X Barty Crouch Jr x GN Reader WC: 1,094 CW: Poly Relationship, Anxiety, talks of Remus being in pain Author's Note: Heyyyy so like I know I haven’t been here for a while but I’m hoping I’ll be getting back into this😌🖤 Summary: Remus nervous about his first full moon in the new house
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Remus was pretty happy with his life at this point. 
He had great friends, a promising career and the most perfect and loving partners he could ask for.
But that didn't change the fact that for one night a month he absolutely loathed his life. 
He hated the moon almost as much as he hated himself during the moon.
Though over the years he had learned to accept what he was significantly more than he used to. 
He had learned to tolerate it. To live with it.
But that didn’t mean it didn't scare the absolute hell out of him most of the time. 
Especially when the conversation of moving in with his partners came into the loop. 
He was feeling beyond apprehensive about the idea of it all. 
It wasn't because he didn't love his partners, quite the opposite actually. It was because he loved them so much that the thought of accidentally hurting them or cursing them with the same fate as himself or… worse…  would often send him into a spiral of anxiety, overthinking and self loathing.
But eventually after months of reassurance -and Barty pouting- Remus caved and agreed that the four of you should finally move in together.
So after weeks of searching for a home -which according to you and Barty felt like it was taking ‘fucking forever’- you finally found your perfect home and moved in as soon as possible. 
That was a few weeks ago now and last night was the first full moon in the new house. 
Yesterday before nightfall Remus was beyond terrified. 
His mind had been clouded with overthinking and the absolute worst scenarios his brain could manage all day.
So when he woke up still in the basement that he and your entire friend group had spent countless hours reinforcing and charming -to Remus’s standards and preferences of course- he was so grateful. 
So grateful in fact that he was able to be distracted by the pain in his body a few moments longer than normal.
But eventually the pain consumed his body like it normally did.
For what could have been a few minutes or a few hours -Remus wasn't really sure- he just laid there looking up at the ceiling of the basement basking in the pain that ran through his body and his normal post full moon self loathing. Just completely lost in his own mind that was until he was pulled out by the sound of your voice.
“Moons? Are you awake?”
The sound of your voice had involuntarily brought a smile to Remus’s face and sent a wave of calm and comfort over him.
“Yea I’m awake love.” Remus groaned while sitting up feeling a few of his joints popping and his muscles tensing up.
It didn't take long for him to hear the sound of your footsteps coming down the stairs with a hot cup of coffee -that you meticulously made sure was exactly to his liking- and his favorite blanket in hand. 
Both things Remus had gladly and gratefully accepted.
“We made breakfast, if you're up for it.”
The sweet softens off your voice was slightly interrupted by Regulus chuckling.
“And of course by ‘we’ Y/N means they did the majority of the cooking since we all know I can't cook to save my life and we value our health enough to not want a repeat of when Barty tried to cook dinner for us the other week.”
Remus couldn't help but laugh a little, no matter how much it hurt, when he heard a very dramatic gasp from Barty.
“I'll have you know Black that I'm an excellent cook, you're just too much of a prick to appreciate such perfection.”
Remus continued to chuckle at the very familiar childish bickering happening between two of his lovers. 
He was actually enjoying the small distraction so much that he didn't notice when you sat next to him until he felt your shoulder brush against him.
“How are you feeling really, Remus?”
Remus couldn't help the small sigh that escaped his lips when he heard your words. “As good as to be expected love… I'm just grateful I didn’t get out and hurt one of you or worse...” 
You sighed softly and looked at Remus with a soft and loving look in your eyes. “Remus, I know you're worried but this bassment is a fortress. We'll be fine.”
Though you sounded so sure in your words Remus still wasn't fully convinced. 
His mind was already starting to spiral at this point with the possibilities and of the dangers that he imposed on the three most important people in his life.
Remus hadn't even realized he was now staring off into the black abyss of his coffee cup that was currently warming his hands till you placed your hand on top of his gaining his full attention.
When Remus’s eyes met yours he couldn't deny the love and honesty that he saw swimming in them which made your next words comfort him.
“We are fine. We will be fine. I know your anxiety won't go away but you need to remember that you have done everything in your power to ensure our safety and that's all you can do. Plus you know better than anyone that the three of us are very skilled with our magic so we are more than capable of taking care of ourselves. Not everything is on you Remus. We knew what we were signing up for when we asked for the four of us to move in together. We love you and everything will be fine I promise.”
Remus just sighed and nodded. 
A part of him honestly did feel better, he knew that he would never be a hundred percent comfortable for that one day a month but it made him feel better to know that you genuinely believed in your words and in him.
“Okay, I'll try to calm down more… I’m just so scared that I'm going to hurt one of you but I'll do my best to keep my anxiety at bay... Thank you, my love.”
Remus wrapped his arm around you and kissed the top of your head just being happy in the moment.
Once a month he loathed his life.
But everyday before and after the full moon he genuinely loved his life.
Right now he loves his life.
He had one of his lovers in his arms while his other two lovers were ‘fighting’.
This is the life he will forever be truly grateful for.
. ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆₊☽ ◯ ☾. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° .
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coldflasher · 15 hours
okay but re. that post about elseworlds!barry realizing that oliver woke up in bed with iris... if we coldflashed this, i feel that crossover event would have gone VERY differently because you're not telling me that leonard snart wouldn't have realized there was something wrong the second he woke up in bed with oliver queen
like picture this: you're leonard snart. you have years of trauma, hypervigilance, and experience surviving dangerous men (and, ultimately, being one). and you fall asleep next to barry, the man you love---who, don't get me wrong, IS dangerous, but is in most situations seemingly unaware of it; who appears nonthreatening and harmless unless riled, who, most of the time, just seems like a sweet and normal guy---and you wake up next to... something else. something that looks like barry, and sounds like barry... if you aren't paying attention.
this is a thing that walks without making a sound, like it has years of experience sneaking around and moves that way by default (like len does); it turns into a statue at the slightest sound and doesn't even seem to breathe. barry is always crackling with frenetic, fidgety energy, even when he sleeps; he has nightmares and thrashes until the covers are bunched up around him, but this thing slept stiff as a board, flat on its back without moving a muscle and barely wrinkled the sheets. this thing is wary, and quiet, and it moves like a killer, with a killer's instincts. and it's looking around their bedroom like it's never seen this room in its life
and len would KNOW.
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venomhound · 7 hours
Hazbin Hotel - Vox Kink Headcanons
Personal kink headcanons for my beloved tv man Vox. Not doing the more obvious/universally accepted kinks. Instead I'm writing about some of my more... niche takes.
WARNINGS: Gender neutral reader, but is AFAB for the last section; all the kinky shit obviously; Valentino mention (18+), MDNI, NSFW below the cut ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Domestic Kink ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
For those who don't know, a domestic kink is being turned on by doing everyday couple things. Things like cooking, cleaning, that type of thing. Vox basically gets turned on by you two being a couple and taking care of each other. The man is so love starved he just gets sent to another planet by those simple everyday shows of affection.
If you start helping Vox get dressed in the mornings, he will melt into a puddle. Every. Time.
It started simple enough, Vox was in a rush so you thought to help him put on his coat. Sliding it onto him, adjusting the collar, straightening his bowtie... You didn't notice how still he went until you went to fix his sleeves and you looked up into his wide, almost feral eyes.
Vox desperately crashed his lips against yours as he pulled your bodies flush together causing you to squeak. Only then did you feel how hard you had made him as he grinded into you... Needless to say, Vox had to reschedule his entire morning.
Vox will come home to you cooking dinner and just bend you over the counter. Whispering in your ear, 'Your so sweet doing this for me, Sugar. Now let me take care of you."
I have had the scenario floating around of you making Vox breakfast in bed one morning just as something nice to do for him. You dont think too much of it, he has been so tired and overworked lately so you figure any extra sleep he can get would do wonders for him
Vox however, absolutely fucking loses it. When you wake him up with tray in hand, he... just kind of stares at you. What do you mean you already made breakfast? Wait you have breakfast? For him? For him in bed?
You actually thought the man might have bluescreened. It takes you setting the tray down and grabbing his hand before he starts moving again.
Vox pulls you into his lap and starts peppering kisses all over you. He just cant believe that this is actually happening; that your here with him, that you did such a sweet thing, and oh god does he love you so much.
He actually is daydreaming about it the rest of the day and bragging about it whenever he can.
Comes home early that evening just to surprise you and spend a romantic evening together (totally not because he accidentally pent himself up gushing over you all day ABSOLUTELY NOT).
Recording/Being Recorded ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
(This one might not be a niche take but I'm putting it here anyway cause I want to yap about it)
I wasn't quite sure if there was a specific name for this kink. But what I mean by this is Vox loves to specifically record you two having sex. Like an amateur porn thing. However. These videos are meant for his eyes only.
Vox would murder anyone who so much as tried to get their hands on these videos. God help them if they actually saw one. Its not even a matter of honor or anything, its a matter of only Vox is allowed to see you come apart like that. Vox is the only one allowed to hear you make those sounds.
Vox honestly isnt going to even bring this whole 'recording you two' thing up unless he trusts you completely. Even then he is super sheepish the first time he asks about it. Vox knows your going to be suspicious and, yeah, you rightfully are due to his association with the porn moth.
It takes a bit of prodding for you to get out of Vox that he sees it as a different way to enjoy you. To experience you. He will get to see your beautiful body at angles he never could while he plows into you. He can finally see the look of pure ecstasy on your face as he eats you out, diving his tongue as far into you as it can go.
Vox is over the moon when you finally agree to let him place a camcorder in your shared bedroom.
You viscerally notice how much more relaxed and strangely content Vox seems to be next time you two have sex. Vox always had this certain tension to him and its just... gone now.
What you don't realize is that 'tension' was Vox's underlying fear of how transient you were. He was always trying to absorb as much of you as he could, to memorize every part of you. But now he felt like he could truly let himself enjoy the moment knowing that he will be able to listen to your heavenly sounds on repeat, analyze every little twitch he causes, and fully see every expression you make.
A deep, deep, dark part of Vox want to tell Valentino to cancel every shoot he has for a day. To reserve the studio just for you two. To spend an entire day taking you in every way imaginable. Bringing you to bliss in every messy way he possibly can. Getting you to make every obscene noise that beautiful voice of yours can make.
But Vox knows that he could never trust Valentino to not make a copy of you two for himself. So he will stick to his amateur recordings. Anything to keep you safe and to himself.
Whenever Vox is missing you at work (or whenever he gets a free moment honestly), he starts watching back one of your now countless sex tapes. He will let the odd feeling of comfort wash over him as he sees the adoring looks you give him and hears you two exchange words of love. God, he can't wait to get back home to you.
Cock Warming ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
OKAY. I think I've gotten the point across that Vox is a certified lover boy™ who basically wants to imbibe your very being. Whelp. This is just more of that.
Don't get me wrong, Vox loves sex. Sex is great. But having you on his lap, his cock inside you, the two of you as close as two beings can physically get, and just- enjoying that... It hits differently you know?
Say its due to his mechanical nature all you want, (insert joke about 'plugging in' here) but Vox loves to feel like you two are truly connected. When your bodies actually become one like this, he is just that much closer to perfect.
As stated previously, will let you sit on his lap and cockwarm him anytime you please. Vox's absolute favorite times are when he has to do work ironically. He can never stop the blissful smile he makes as he has you in his lap. Vox will gently hold you with one arm while the other tries to get work done. You always end up giggling whenever you kiss up the side of his neck or monitor and Vox lets out the most contented sighs.
Honestly, just start going to work with him, becoming his personal cocksleeve whenever he is in his monitor room. A blanket draped over the two of you to hide what's actually going on.
Since the poor guy has no choice but to sleep on his back; you can easily do the same thing for bedtime. Climb on top of him and delicately slide him inside of you. Vox will just look up at you with the most lovedrunk expression as you bend over him and nuzzle into his neck, your body draping over his, and Vox pulling you impossibly close as you both fall asleep.
Its times like this that Vox questions why anyone would even need heaven.
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themeraldee · 3 days
More on the breast feeding stuff you wrote about, I imagine that if it came in any other time than sex that maybe Homelander's partner might make sure to wait to tell him until he has somewhere to be, like he's just about to leave for the day and they just casually from the shower. "Oh, by the way I started lactating" I know i'd find it funny to pull that idk. And also love your writing, it's so tasty. I wanna eat it lol.
Thank you so much sweetheart 🥹🥹🥹 by all means have a feast!!
You're such a tease! Poor Homie. I see this played out two ways. If you two have talked about it before and you know that it's his biggest guilty pleasure there's no way he's leaving now!! He's getting Ashley (or whatever poor sod) to clear his entire schedule. It doesn't matter whether her was meant to save the President, he is not gonna hold back after such discovery.
He's plucking you out of the shower throwing you on the bed, not caring about how wet you make it (wink wink) and he's making himself verrrry familiar with the taste of your milk leaking straight into his mouth. Don't worry, he'll totally reward you for your effort with an orgasm or two. As long as you let him have everything you have on offer.
However if you two have never talked about it and you haven't figured it out and instead you say something along the lines of "Oh, by the way I started lactating. I'll have to go see a doctor when you're gone." He's frozen in the doorway. Hairs standing at the back of his neck and it's like he can already taste your milk on his tongue. He's never used his senses more than when he's inhaling deeply to see if he can smell the lingering sweetness in the air.
After much deliberation he still leaves but he's totally disassociating, not paying attention to anything anyone has to say. Depending on how far he's had to go he's eagerly watching you through the walls, listening to what the Vought doc has to say. Just as Ashley's about to ask him if anything's wrong, trying to gently nudge him into saying the right lines or going on the right set he hears the doctor say there's nothing wrong.
You're surprised to see him back so early, sure he wasn't meant to be back until much later in the day and he's awkwardly hovering.
"Soooo how did your appointment go?"
"Oh it's nothing serious, apparently can happen due to all sorts of reasons. Like excessive nipple stimulation! Which we both know I've had plenty of." You laugh it off and he's still stiff as a board.
"Right. That's good news then. T-that nothing's wrong with you I mean."
He's not always the easiest the read but right now he couldn't be more obvious if he tried!
"Would you like to try some?" Before you even finish he's hoisting you up and into the bed and just like the first scenario he's not letting you leave the bed till the end of the day.
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cravingpepsimax · 1 day
since he’s beginning to spread, here’s a rough timeline of events for the fujo bill au:
bill is defeated and is put in the theraprism
after who knows how long, bill begins coping with his spite and rage towards stan and ford by doing/making stuff that he thinks they’d hate.
he begins “shipping” stancest. bill doesn’t really GET the incest taboo, it seems pretty much entirely arbitrary to him, but he knows it exists and is something humans are REPULSED by. thus, he starts making stuff involving stan and ford dating each other. theraprism staff thinks it’s odd but him writing books about stan and ford kissing is significantly better than him writing books in an attempt to escape.
over time, bill starts getting actually invested. it may have started as pure spite, but he begins to remember things that, oh boy, sure do seem pretty incestuous, now that he thinks about it. at first, it’s funny — “HAHA, WOW, SIXER REALLY IS A FREAK, ISN’T HE?” — but then it becomes real.
since bill’s calming down and is no longer talking about wanting to murder the entire family 24/7, theraprism staff decides to move onto the next step in bill’s karma program: becoming pen pals with one of the people he used to terrorize. mabel’s a lot like bill, but not evil, so the theraprism staff choose her.
meanwhile, a 13 year old mabel gets a Crazy Paranormal Experience, in which she is told what’s going on. mabel agrees to be bill’s pen pal (he won’t be able to do any actual harm, and, worst-case scenario, it’d be funny to mess with him (note that, even though mabel’s 13, well over a year has passed for bill — time is merely a suggestion for beings as powerful as the theraprism staff)
bill HATES being made to do this stupid pen pal stuff. he can’t use it as a way out — the theraprism staff have been keeping a VERY CLOSE EYE ON HIM ever since the book, and it’s gonna be hard to trick mabel into doing ANYTHING for him. so, his first few letters are him insulting and trying to upset mabel, who doesn’t really seem to care at all.
eventually, in one of bill’s pieces of hate mail, he says some shit like “SIXER AND HIS BROTHER ARE REAL FREAKS, KID! WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY’RE DOING ON THE STAN O’ WAR II? I’LL GIVE YOU A HINT: THE ANSWER’S ‘EACH OTHER’!”
mabel promptly ignores the rest of the letter entirely, and makes a GIANT response excitedly going “oh my gosh, you noticed, too??”, and listing everything romantic she’s ever noticed about them.
bill responds, filling in some gaps here and there, telling her about some incestuous stuff from 30+ years ago, pointing out things she missed, pointing out things he missed (“WOW, THEY DID WHAT? TALK ABOUT NEEDING TO GET A ROOM, YEESH.”)
they become stancest gossip buddies from there. mabel fujopills him in other regards (bill never thought he’d watch a show called “ouran highschool host club”, much less at the request of a 13 year old who thinks the pair of twins kissing would be hot/cute, but hey, afterlife’s full of surprises, ain’t it?) but his main love is and always will be stancest
they eventually become close enough and the theraprism staff trusts them enough to get interdimensional phone call privileges. any time anything happens mabel calls him and goes “oh my gosh, you’ll NEVER guess what just happened!” and they gossip for like an hour
stan and ford are completely clueless as to what’s going on at all. i like to imagine they find out eventually but it takes awhile LMAO
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writerfae · 3 days
Okay, so now that I'm awake: The mighty Willow dying, am I right?
Let's think about this! First off: Why is it dying, because I personally wouldn't want to give the Willow Court the Alder Court backstory, sooo...
But regardless, it's dying. And Callan has to sacrifice himself
The thing is that the whole court would be devastated, because Callan's a great king plus he's the baby they prayed for the moon goddess to save!
And imagine his friends! Rhys would lose his best friend!
Imagine Amelie!
And, of course: Henry...
I can't decide if Henry would accept Callan's decision or try and keep him from going through with it. I mean in the end he would surely realize that it's the only way to save the court but I could see him having a brief "I'm not letting you do this" panic moment.
And afterwards Henry just cries and cries and holds Callan in his arms. And Aiden would I think try to comfort him the best he can, but...
Another great angst idea:
Same concept but with the royal willow siblings! Because then here's what I think could happen:
All three of them arguing over who gets to sacrifice themselves and I can imagine a heartbreaking scene where:
Celene and Tamlen are arguing, Celene claiming that she should do it because she is the queen and the oldest, Tamlen arguing that that is precisely why she shouldn't do it, and he'll do it instead... and while they're arguing, Nolan sneaks over and does it himself 😭😭😭
Haha do you truly were coming back for this xD
Okay, so hypothetically the Willow could die. All mighty trees can if their spirit or the tree itself get damaged. It doesn’t have to be like with the Alder court.
So this would be the backstory for this scenario.
But like maybe someone who isn’t the king could try to pull a Rook on the Willow (obviously they would fail, but they could damage the Willow enough for it to fall sick) or someone would find a way to like poison it or something.
And I totally see your ideas! Really delicious angst! With Callan doing it cause it has to be done and his friends and family grieving him. Henry especially, obviously. He’d only let Callan do it if it’s the last chance they have, knowing he cant stop his beloved from doing what he put his mind on.
But let me raise you this: Callan sacrificing himself after Henry died. Callan, at this point an old king with grown up kids, grieving the loss of the love of his life.
Him sacrificing himself to the Willow not only cause he’s the king and this is the best and last service he can do for his people (especially his children, the one thing from Henry he still has), a death of far more use for them than one of heartbreak. But also because then he doesn’t have to live without Henry anymore.
I also like the idea to do it with the siblings. I could see them arguing about who will do it, all trying to keep each other safe. Also, I agree that if one of them were to do the sacrifice, Nolan would do it. He’d be best suited.
The poor siblings though. In both scenarios…
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herefortheships · 3 days
Why would you say people ship Beetlejuice and Lydia? I’ve been a fan for so long I’m just like “huh…why do we ship it?”
Suddenly remembered I hadn’t answered this, and since I can’t sleep right now I’ll answer it! I meant to earlier and forgot.
I personally ship it because I love the concept of monster x human relationships, and especially when one character (usually the male part of the ship when it’s m/f) in this case this character is Betelgeuse, is dark, powerful, often immortal and even terrifying, (in Betelgeuse’s case also unhinged and absolutely crazy lol), and definitely the least you would expect to EVER fall in love, and yet he does fall in love with this other character who happens to be human, mortal, often quiet and also unlikely to fall in love. These two are the least likely to fall for each other, but they do! Then he starts to show a softer, completely unexpectedly romantic side to him that is reserved only for this woman he loves and no one else. She is both his strength and his weakness all at the same time. He is willing to do everything and anything for her.
Often these two characters are complete opposites and at odds with each other (or even enemies!) and yet they find each other in the middle. There is something they find in the other which cannot be replaced or found in anyone else in the world, and as unexpected and unusual and crazy at it is, before they even know it, their connection is forged in a way where they cannot and will not ever belong or fit in with anyone else. They’ve become a part of each other, even when the odds were against them or might be against them forever because they are intrinsically worlds apart. But love just finds them, and they meet in the middle.
I also love this kind of couple a lot when one of the two realizes their connection before the other, like Beetlejuice just knowing Lydia is *the one*, even if he can’t explain to her how he knows or why. This same scenario happens with Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At some point he realized she was the one, and she just got under his skin and became an inseparable part of his being.
Although not always, I believe this type of couple also follows the female gaze, since the male character (as I mentioned above it’s often the male character) shows an interest in the emotions of the female part. This is true in Beetlebabes. He isn’t interested only in her body, but also in honoring her emotions and desires (like Betelgeuse honoring Lydia’s wishes to have a more private wedding and respecting her boundaries by not forcing her to kiss him or something like that, plus making an effort at being romantic by serenading her and giving her an absolutely romantic wedding with a magical dance in the air). These interactions that are more romantic than sexual speak to the female gaze.
I think also that Beetlejuice Beetlejuice had several “Universal fantasies” entwined in the Betelgeuse x Lydia relationship that are just irresistible for many romance lovers and when those are present, our minds just inevitably grab on to those fantasies and identity them whether we are aware of them or not. Our mind just goes yep this is a romance and oh boy what a romance this is and before you know it you are obsessed. If you haven’t read about Universal Fantasies in writing, these are basically just more specific tropes that really speak to audiences in a way that hooks them powerfully to a story, and more specifically to romantic stories. This concept is introduced by Theodora Taylor in her book 7 Figure Fiction (which I’m sure many writers know about since it’s pretty popular but I mention it just in case it’s new to someone reading this).
Another reason lots of people love this ship is just aesthetics as well which is also valid. For me this for sure became one of my top three Burton couples.
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jackiepackiee · 19 hours
𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓇
𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇! 𝒟𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓎𝒶
𝒲/ 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
GN! Reader expect for Tengens part
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𝒮𝒶𝓃𝑒𝓂𝒾 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓏𝓊𝑔𝒶𝓌𝒶 - 𝒲𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Contrary to a lot of headcanons I’ve seen, Sanemi would be happy about this
Obviously not outwardly smiling and laughing, but a reserved and peaceful relief
He wants the best for his younger, and now only, brother
And he wishes for nothing more than his happiness and has always hoped for a lover for him to make happy
Family that Genya could have that wouldn’t leave or be tainted like he was
Kind and loving
Now… he wasn’t expecting this lover to be a fellow demon slayer
Especially another Hashira
Sanemi and you, before all of this, get along fine
He respects the other hashira, and obviously sees your strength and drive
But he’s not overly kind, he’s just himself and standoffish
When he does find out about this however, don’t expect a huge reaction
Because he doesn’t know how to react
It’s most likely that you wouldn’t tell him outwardly, and Genya doesn’t speak much with him
Whatever the situation may be, he looks at the two of you for a second
Genya, having grown up with him, recognizes the look in his eyes
It’s the look he’d have with their mother and younger siblings
Yet much fainter now
Sanemi is protective, and this new fire is to cradle you two with your feelings
He wants the best for his brother, and you’re perfect for him
Kind, incredibly powerful, and strong willed
Another person to look out for Genya while able to give him the affection Sanemi fails to deliver
For the sake of happiness, let’s say Sanemi and Genya speak more
Sanemi tells Genya to not be an idiot and treat you right
Before a date he’ll sometimes silently approach Genya and fix his little arrangement of flowers with a huff
“Make sure they put them in water…”
As for your relationship with Sanemi
It’s more like you two are enemies and comrades at the same time
You’re upset at his harsh behavior, talking back at him when he berates anyone
but also willing to die for Genya just like he is
Although he’ll make sure that never happens
Unbeknownst to you, you’re now on his protection radar too
How can Genya be at his best without you?
Lucky you! Dating Genya and getting his scary brother as your new bodyguard
𝒢𝒾𝓎ū 𝒯𝑜𝓂𝒾𝑜𝓀𝒶 - 𝒲𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Giyuu is, like most things, indifferent
He’s happy for you, and happy that you could find love
It’s admirable how you find time to balance work and a more domestic life
But… he’s him
And won’t pay it too much mind
Not wanting to get into your business
To add a little more to this, let’s make a scenario!
You and Giyu are on a mission
And on this mission you’ve been instructed to assist at a small village
Multiple lower rank slayers have gone missing
Sooooo, you both make the journey
Only to find out Genya is a victim to a lower moon
Along with a bunch of other lower ranks of course
You and Giyu make quick work of the smaller demons, but the lower moon obviously poses a challenge
It’s relatively normal until he sees the demon go directly for Genya
It had read your feelings and went for your most important emotional connection
Just before the sharp nails reached Genya, Giyu severed the hand off
He wasn’t sure what made his body move on its own, but seeing you happily embracing your boyfriend after the battle was enough to pull a small smile onto Giyu’s face
Willing to do anything to assist his fellow hashira
𝒦𝓎ō𝒿𝓊𝓇ō 𝑅𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑜𝓀𝓊 - 𝐹𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Despite being only slightly older than you and Genya, Rengoku acts like a big brother
Laughing (in his way, not a mocking way) while patting Genya’s back
Genya of course blushes and acts like it’s something to ignore
Rengokus enthusiastic response makes him embarrassed!
Now this man is probably one of the first to know (because Mitsuri gossiped to him and his brother over lunch)
And while his energy is over the top, he won’t share the secret
He’s a smart man, and very in tune with emotions
So he knows that it can’t be easy for you
Demons are enough of an issue, no more pressure trying to keep a secret as big as a relationship
Now he loves to talk just as much as he loves to listen
You’re like a little sibling and he’ll listen to all your rants
“The way he wore his hair today. It curled up after the rain and..!”
He won’t judge you for your blushing while recounting the events
Instead he’ll try his best to make that situation happen again
Genya happens to have his hair like that everyday now?
It’s because Rengoku told him that leaving his hair the way it is after air drying is healthy!
(He totally lied, he just knows you think it’s cutest right after it dries)
And Genya believes him, always taking the advice
Which leads to cuter and kinder Genya and more often occasions of you swooning
𝒯𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓃 𝒰𝓏𝓊𝒾 - 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Oh boy…
You’re both in for a ride
Tengen is probably also one of the first people to know
The man has three wives, he knows what it looks like when two idiot teens are in love
Especially when one of them is you who’s never been distracted from training expect when Genya is with you
And with Genya who seems to train even harder to not only impress Sanemi but now you too
Speaking of his wives, they’re probably the reason you know they Tengen found out
It was some “secret flashy plan”
It was early in you and Genyas relationship
And Suma, Hina, and Makio suddenly snuck up on you and stanched you away into the sound hashita estate
They gave you a makeover
Makio and Suma picked out a pretty outfit while Hina gently did your hair and a little bit of makeup
The entire time you four all gossiped, which ended up in your blushing while blabbering about Genya and your early stages of dating
Genya… he wasn’t so lucky
Tengen stole him away and was on his “make over” duty
Not that Genya and Tengen are bad in their respective rights, it’s just…
Genya is a hard around the edges boy and Tengen is Tengen
But he eventually cracked and gave him some serious advice that wasn’t just “I have three wives, I’m a ladies man”
All while helping him find an outfit that isn’t his uniform
“Girls… they’re less complicated than you think. And that one, she’s in for the hell of it. So you have to treat her nice, and she’ll do the same. You’re both good kids, you’ll be fine.”
This all leads to you looking like an angel by your makeover and him blushing furiously
And… Tengens plan may have just set up the date when you two had your first kiss!
𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑜𝒷𝓊 𝒦𝑜𝒸𝒽ō - 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Shinbou is very intelligent
She knows patterns and human behavior
And she’s familiar with Genya after his demon consumption
So it’s very obvious to her what’s going on
Especially after he’s the first to visit you and visa versa
She remembers the day she really found out though… wasn’t a good one
Genya had eaten demon flesh again, even if instructed by everyone to stop
Gyomei said it was immoral, Sanemi said it was stupid, and Shinbou said it was unhealthy
But you, you hated it the most
Seeing him become something he’s not
You loved him, not a demon
And hated the danger it proved
So when this night came, hell broke loose
He had eaten demon and transformed for the night
It’s just that you saw him right before sunrise
And we’re unsure if he had transformed back into a human before the sun
Leading you to leave the battlefield, covered in bruises and pushing past every slayer who tried to speak to you
When you met Shinbou, you started crying
Genuine tears one only cried after the loss of their life
Being herself, she hugged you
And tried to help by inquiring your emotions
“G-Genya! Sniffle Is he here? He was still a demon minutes before sunrise.”
She understands and ushers you someplace
Genya is fast asleep, making a cute face as if he was dreaming
You never outwardly told her, but she’ll never forget the fear at the thought of losing him, and the relief in your eyes and you feel to the ground in tears at his survival
𝑀𝓊𝒾𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓇ō 𝒯𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓉ō - 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓇
Unbothered king
Now he’s friends with Genya but both are rather reserved people
Not the type to share much about their lives and feelings
Let’s pretend this is after his memory is restored
Muichiro is a good kid, and your friend as well
But is pretty unaware of romance and honesty not that interested
Not that he won’t listen
You could talk him ear off about anything and he’d hum in acknowledgment
He just doesn’t have much input
You three do hang out together sometimes
If you’re more extroverted it works well
You pull them along to do fun things
You three really getting to act your age and mess around
If you’re more introverted this is one of the chillest groups ever
When Genya is around people he trusts (his lover and friend who are both Hashira) he never yells or acts over the top
He’s actually rather quiet just like Muichiro, especially when in his presence
The one real involvement of Mui in romance is Genya asking if the flowers he picked are good and Mui nodding even though he knows absolutely nothing about gift giving or flowers
𝑀𝒾𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓇𝒾 𝒦𝒶𝓃𝓇𝑜𝒿𝒾 - 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Either your best dream or worst nightmare
She is more enthusiastic about this relationship than you are!
Expect weekly letters inquiring your dating status
Have you had your first kiss?
He held you hand?
You had a sleepover?!?
And the second she sees you she’s bouncing in excitement
Pulling you to the nearest place to sit and interrogating you
For being the love hashira, she’s pretty clueless
She always wants to know every cute detail
“You kissed his cheek? The scar or the other side? Did he blush? He always blushes around you!”
This is what I mean by dream or nightmare
Either you get embarrassed about the question or love the gossip about your lover
She’s the more supportive, giving you amazing date ideas
Even if most of them have to do with eating
She’s the first to know about your first kiss and this girl wants the WHOLE story
She definitely tells Obanai too (if you’re okay with it)
She doesn’t talk to Genya much though :(
Especially since the first and only time she tried to ask about your relationship his face lit up bright red and he seemed to freeze
“All I did was ask about your relationship and he didn’t respond! The conversation was fine before that!”
But he is never surprised when he gets a visit from her crow with a letter of all your new favorite foods, places, and items
She’s an excellent gift giver and wants to help him
As if he didn’t already know all of that, he genuinely appreciates the effort
This girl is your biggest fan!
𝒢𝓎ō𝓂𝑒𝒾 𝐻𝒾𝓂𝑒𝒿𝒾𝓂𝒶 - 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Gyomei knew first
He’s a wise older man and a observant mentor
And while you may be off most of the time, Genya is always training under him
And he doesn’t fail to notice Genya always hitting that much harder whenever you are gone on a long mission
I’m saying this man knew Genya had a crush before Genya knew that himself
And he was moved, brought to tears and not paying attention to Genyas huffs of embarrassment
Genya would never yell at him of course
Gyomei is a smart man
And with that he knows a lot about kids (he considers you both kids)
So he’s well aware of your dancing around your feelings
And that upsets him
Your time on this earth is very likely to be short as demon slayers, so you both shouldn’t be wasting it
That is why, as the oldest hashira, he gets some plans in motion
Why are you suddenly on more missions with Genya?
Why do you both end up at the same wisteria house?
Why is it that you both happen to have the same days off?
Gyomei Himejima is why baby
He wants what’s best for the people under his care, even you can take care of yourself
And if he has to put in some forced proximity? So be it
𝐼𝑔𝓊𝓇𝑜 𝒪𝒷𝒶𝓃𝒶𝒾 - 𝒮𝑒𝓇𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝐻𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶
Obanai does care
Not some bullshit of him being uninterested with other people’s lives
He sees you as a child (you’re obviously around Genya’s age) and knows that only so many things could make a child in the demon slayer corps happy
He knows neither of you have had good lives
If you had, you wouldn’t be in this damn job
That being said, with how withdrawn he is you’d probably think he didn’t even know you and Genya were an item
But he’s observant
And cares for his fellow hashira just like everyone else
He won’t have much to do with anything
But best believe he listens to both Sanemi complain and Mitsuri babble about you two
Sanemi is trying to seem tough
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ffcrazy15 · 1 year
"Oh so when James Kirk refuses to believe in no-win scenarios it's 'changing the conditions of the test' and 'commendable original thinking,' but when I, Bradward Boimler, can't accept the possibility of failure and retake the Kobiyashi Maru sixteen times–"
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yuwuta · 21 days
i get critiquing plot holes and power differences/disadvantages and systemic things like sexism and sexualization/fetishization and racism in manga and stories in general, and i also understand loving your favorite character and wanting a certain outcome for them, but it's always a little bonkers to me that people geniuenly believe they could have come up with better endings or outcomes than the authors themselves... like i know people get attached to their favs and everything but manga and story telling is an artform and it's art that's created by a real life person who chooses to share their story with you there is no "better" ending that you could have come up with because you couldn't have come up with those characters in the first place! sure you think you could worm them around in better scenarios but even that is wishful thinking because you couldn't have, wouldn't have, and didn't come up with the world and scenes around them to navigate them in canon in the first place! idk i get wishful thinking and hopes and cracking jokes and fix-it fics and ships all that but sometimes i feel like people need to be humble and take a step back lol.... it's not your story and there's nothing for you to change, much less publicly scream about how the author fucked up just bc your favorite character didnt end up how you wanted them to.... and if u feel that strongly just like... do it in your own little online or irl community lol there's no need to scream on the internet every 3 months about how u think the mangaka who gave u the character u love so much is a piss poor artist
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toytulini · 4 months
if you draw enough monster ocs, when you go back to drawing a human character, it feels like "sameface syndrome" everytime, by virtue of their face being. human.
#toy txt post#or maybe i am just sameface syndrome#but also different face syndrome#two characters will have the same face but then the next time i draw those characters its a different face than they had last time!#i know part of it is being out of practice but also there is definitely an element of feeling constrained by human facial structure lmao#the monsters have Their Own Problems but like. no one has a face like bokrae no matter how inconsistent i am about drawing her#her features are iconic enough to her that you can tell everytime#birdie???? i faceclaimed eartha kitt for her and im still struggling cos i feel weird about faceclaiming as a concept#but even then 😭 one time i was trying to give headloose a face and someone was like wow he looks like birdie!#me 😭😭😭😭😭 what!!!!!! hes not supposed to!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i need to practice. features#you know the worst part about coming up w a bunch of fuckin Scenarios in my brain for ocs is that i have even fucking Drawn them yet#to give them like. iconic staple features and figure out what their faces look like. which feels like it would really help to have that#knowledge and muscle memory before i jump into trying to draw intense scenes with difficult poses!!#not to mention. listen. i can do the monster faces. somewhat. the bodies??????????? well for one. theyre too big everytime#im convinced i could be trying to draw bokrae on like a full ass wall size paper like a mural thing and run out of room. it just keeps#happening. i have no sense of scale for them either. by which i mean i struggle w scale already and also cant decide what i want it to be#and ive tried to handwave it away by being like ohhh uh. birdie casts spells on them to change their sizes for convenience but also#no. perhaps that explanation works for other ppl. @ myself tho its not good enough i Know Better!!!!!!#agh!!!!!!! i really need to figure out bokrae's Teeth also. like i dont. i coukd get away with it. but i should. and i want to.#anyway all this to say that i need to give these characters faces and body designs (actually the body designs for humanoid ocs is the easy#part. the faces are whats stumping me? well. i need more practice w all the body types again but like i Know what im Going For at least.#for the most part anyway. havent fully figured out heights. struggling w characters that i want to make short but give imposing tall energy#on occasion? birdie can be short all day long no problem. I want Alasdair to be short enough that he has a bunch of short boyfriends that#feel tall around him? bytte was going to be like 6ft max but then i thought about making her taller and like. what if i made her taller#headloose is not that /short/ but he is Not Tall and prolly pretty lean? twink build for sure#and of course all these short /tall distinctions come with a bias of relativity to my own height which i categorize as medium height#but short ppl call me tall and insist its not average and tall ppl call me short. (5'6) and then i have to factor in how the gender changes#the dynamic of a height like my height is Short For A Man but medium to tall for a Woman. which id argue is medium height bc mens heights#are socially held to high standards (hehe) and also i know ethnicity/race is also a factor? but im out of tags. rip. bye
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mockingmolly · 2 years
Man, the contrast of M9 getting Molly back in the form of Kingsley, versus BH potentially getting Laudna back in the form of Matilda? With tm9, Kingsley was quite possibly the kindest way they could have gotten any semblance of their friend back. It had been a year without him and none of his friends existed as he would have remembered them anymore, and he would have been faced with the struggle of trying to find his place in their group again, coming back a contrast to the person they built him up as while he was dead.
And furthermore, he came back into a time of newly-won peace, after they had managed to defeat the threats that had been building up since his death. They got him back specifically because of their success, and gave this fresh-memoried person a world ahead of them to reclaim themself the way molly never truly had. But Matilda? If the soul they pluck from the afterlife is the girl who died and stayed dead on the tree, instead of the one who spent 30 years living in the aftermath of it, they’re essentially dragging up a girl who has long-since been at rest, to thrust her into the deep end of the biggest threat any of them have ever faced, and inevitably expecting her to be able to swim and keep up. A girl who died without having any grasp of her powers, nor life experience beyond what she knew at the outskirts of the briarwood’s rule. Plucked up and dropped into a group of strangers who are dealing with some pretty intense grief, and the weight of the world on their shoulders. 
Laudna has, of course, gone through a lot. There’s no reality in which she isn’t deeply fucked up by what happened before, upon, and after this second death. Reckoning with the sudden loss of Delilah over her shoulders and what it means for her going forward is going to be a journey, but she’ll have her family by her side through all of it. She’ll have the knowledge she’s gained through 30 years of unliving and a grasp on what’s at stake in the world she’s coming back to. The world she seems to want to come back to, as shaken as she is.
If the soul they reach out to is Matilda, there’s no guarantee that anything they could say will appeal to a stranger that’s been dead and at rest for decades. And even if they do, i can’t help but feel like uprooting and forcing a soul they don’t know into a life/burden they have no way out of is also one of the crueler outcomes in all of this.
#critical role#cr meta#bells hells#cr laudna#like I think it’ll be juicy either way BUT this is yet another thing that solidifies my disinterest in us getting another Kingsley scenario#because what happened to Kingsley was /kind/#and this? this is not. this is striking Laudna down to her lowest and just. keeping her there#no closure or restitution. just the end of the story. she’ll know exactly what she’s leaving behind and everything she’s lost.#there’s no path amongst the living that won’t be *difficult* sure. there’s going to be a lot to process and a lot of reopened trauma#but there’s at least the possibility of healing and reclamation on the other side. a chance at living she’s only gotten the bastardized#version of the last three decades.#whereas plucking Matilda out of the afterlife and basically going Hey Kid You Don’t Know Us#but do you wanna come deal WITH ALL THIS SHIT??#also feels like the cruelest way *Matilda* could get her second shot at living. she diedat her lowest too but the burden#of the life she’d be forced back into outweighs the rest she’s found in being in the afterlife for 30 years#we talk about the lack of agency laudna has had throughout this and there’s truth to it. but at least she *wants* to come back.#she has people she wants to come back and fight for. has something to gain from living again#a life to reclaim#with Matilda it would be uprooting her and forcing her into a life she has no way out of#no choice#sivsi speaks.
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arionawrites · 6 months
1. it’s my 24th birthday today, so my goal of being published by the time i’m 25 is now a one year looming monster, but i never specified what kind of published and am currently looking in various literary magazines that are recommended for writers who have yet to be published, so i’m surprisingly confident that i can make it work? and tbh even if whatever i write isn’t officially published before my 25th birthday, if i have someone in the process of being published then i’ll be happy!! no matter what though, i’m gonna try to be proud of myself for at least giving it my best shot!!
2. i honestly love that my birthday is on the ides of march because the ides of march meme shitposting is only a thing on tumblr but it also being my birthday makes it easier to like. be excited about the ides of march outside of tumblr. like even in person i can be like “it’s my birthday! i’m an ides of march babe (:” and if someone is like oh what’s that? or if they say something along the lines of oh like julius caesar? i can be like yep!! and even if it’s a small thing outside of tumblr it brings me immense enjoyment and amusement being able to bring it up off of tumblr
3. transportation situation has been very rough since june 2023 when i totalled my car, my gap insurance are being assholes and i ended up putting my foot down on the phone with them yesterday which i’m pretty proud of because i am NOT a confrontational person (something i’ve been working on this past year, so seeing some improvement with my ability to hold my ground and not be a pushover yesterday was very cool!!) i was told i’d get a response from them by friday next week no matter what, and if i don’t then friday of next week i will continue to wreak havoc upon them. but my moms car which i’ve been using since my accident broke down yesterday, hopefully it’s fixable but my parents were saying it might be done for, so trying to think of how i’m gonna get to work next week is kind of stressing me out lmao, but for now i’m just gonna focus on enjoying my birthday the best i can because i don’t want to start off being 24 with an overwhelming anxiety for something that won’t be a potential issue until monday. plus i already messaged my boss today to let her know that i’m going to do everything i can to make it work out but just so she’s in the loop and knows of the potential of me not being able to make my morning shifts (one of my coworkers said she’s more than happy to give me a ride for our afternoon shifts which does help relieve some of the stress!) and i told her i’d let her know for sure sunday so that if necessary she can have time to figure out someone to fill in for me in the mornings!
overall: life is weird and i ended being 23 yesterday with a shitty situation but a positive outlook and i am going to enjoy my first day of being 24 no matter what because honestly i fucking earned it. happy friday everyone, i hope it’s a good day for you and me both!
#aritalks#i did cry a little bit when i first woke up because i dont really know what to do about work and also i hate not having a car i can use#not only because of the work aspect but also getting my license when i was 18 gave me a freedom i didn’t have before#and i don’t like having to rely on other people just to like go to the fucking store or something yk#but then my best friend/roommate messaged me happy birthday and i was like fuck it! today is going to be a good day!#the stressful uncertainties can wait until tomorrow#also one of my best friends who hasn’t said happy birthday to me the past two years#(not intentionally im p sure they were just busy on my birthdays the past two years#and then had that moment of ‘oh shit i didnt send a message fuck i think its too late now’ which i totally get bc anxiety things yk)#was one of the first people to message me happy birthday!!#i’m also hoping to still be able to go see my mom and then stay the night at my dads tonight#so i can see both my parents and also my baby siblings for my birthday#my dads working today but after he texted happy birthday i sent him a text asking if he thinks we could still make it work#my mom is asleep still i think (she called me at midnight and left a voicemail singing happy birthday!! but her sleep schedule has been all#over the place recently so i’m waiting until 11:30 to call her which is in like 30 mins)#but she said something yesterday about driving out to me to give me a hug and also bring me my diabetes stuff that got delivered#(her house is my mailing address because i know it’s not going to change bc it’s my great grandparents house that she’s partially inhereting#when my great grandpa dies but since i have moved out of my dads my address has changed twice and i didnt have a mailbox at my last place so#just for the sake of consistency and not having to worry about important shit getting sent to the wrong address i’ve had her house as my#mailing address since i moved out of my dads at 19)#so i think i’m gonna ask her if she can just pick me up instead so i can go to her house w her and hang out with her#and hopefully my dad will be able to at least stop by with my siblings so i can see them too#i’d like to stay the night with them but if we can’t make it happen then i can also stay the night w my mom and hopefully tomorrow figure#out the car situation. might have to rent a car for a week if i can afford it? best case scenario is my moms car can be fixed but i still#dont know whats wrong with it ik there are two potential problems and one is fixable the other is not#the fixable one would cost like $150-$400 to fix depending on if we get a used part or a new one#if its $150-$200 ish i can probably afford to pay for the whole thing or at least most of it#but if its more than that hopefully my dad or one of my family members can help#and i can just pay them back in like $50 increments with my next few paychecks#just realized i said i wouldnt worry abt the car thing today and also i think im at tag limit to i’ll stop now lmao xoxo gossip girl ❤️
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lynxalon · 6 months
HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT THAT CRITROLE EP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! im SO glad we had the set up of the last one so we could have the big thrills of this!!!!!!!!! this had everything!! it had ira's bad (and good!) decisions! it had sam's out of pocket wacky can shenanigans!! it had deception and sneaking! it had badass plays and some.. eye-catching talents 👀 it had gross shit that's kinda actually sad if u think about it! it had walking (running) away from explosions (NOT a sunglasses moment this was a loserfail) it had .. terrifying parents. it had imodna momence !! :D it even had some unprecedented wins for our typically fighty/flighty adventurers!!! i will ABSOLUTELY be watching that again come monday!!!!!!!!!!
#lynx speaks#cr spoilers#now to expand upon these!!! i am THRILLED that there has been a more overt notice of orym's hex 😏#thats what i've been excited for for aaaaaaages i adore orym esp when he gets a little more fucked up#what can i say im a bit of an angst fan myself :D#fcg gave ira SUCH a bad time tho like CMON BBYYYYY 1 MINUTE ?!?!?!?!?!! yall r LUCKY yalls r cool af#also tho.... ira actually saving fearne like 👀 i see it!!! i think simply everyone likes fearne and everyone would save her 😎#and team infiltrate i loooved imogen's use of that damn .. what was it called ? the damn static bomb that was sick as hell!!!#and hey!! both teams got in and out without anyone catching on that it was bells hells helping!#is that a first for bh? cause it sure feels like it TBH like the feywild malleus key stunt did NAWT go this smoothly#even with the bumps they had they did terrific frfr#esp with imogen setting up oryms badass fighter play and launda and chet setting each other up for success#and it does FEEL like imogen is more powerful on ruidus just from the plays she makes like the static spell and how it set Everyone up#to protect them all and keep their enemies in bad positions so that bh had good positions#they barely got hits and orym and chet took the brunt of it#they got out everoa and themselves without too much hassle and i'd say team mcfuckin 'splosion did pretty fucken well too#more damage on their side but. thatssss not their fault thats mainly on ira (and fcg 😂)#gosh. goshhh. what a good fucking episode. and sorrowlord zathuda. and liliana. fuck bro.#zathuda is SCARY#and liliana i meaaaaaaan. hun what did u THINK 🧐 imogen meant when she told u to run?? 🤔 'did she know' u know the answer to that.#i was definitely excited cause. we knew the volition were gonna fail in killing liliana. but i felt in my heart that she was gonna#feel betrayed by imogen. despite creating the scenario in which imogen must 'betray' her.#i LOVE fucked up mothers cant waaaaait to see what happens next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
aaaaah the lxc poll is assuming he’s going to survive the 100 years. i see i see. well,
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