#not saying the attractiveness of the companions are what make them good but. its what makes them popular lmao
qqweebird · 10 months
bg3 was interesting to me when it came out but then everyone just had to talk about that twink to death
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Macaque, making his grand entrance wearing one of his best outfits just to flex: Now, what is all this rackets!?
The group turns to see a drop-dead gorgeous goth monkey with shouldering eyes, Wukong can feel his face heating up as he realizes that's his shirt. Luzgen realizes what his brother-in-law is doing and starts to grin. Baije is currently having a huge gay existential crisis because while he may be straight, he also has eyes!
Luzhen: Nothing of note, dear brother-in-law! Wukong's companions have come for a visit and to ask he return to the journey the Bodhisattva had task him with.
Macaque turns a regal eye over them as all of them except for Wukong, who is still shellshocked at the sight of his mate looking downright divine, have the sudden realization that Wukong didn't just have a brother. He has a husband, one who looks as though he would feed then to the lions at a moment notice: I see... well then I suppose I shall join in this conversation. Considering it involves the fate of my mate and king.
And then Macaque makes sure to kiss Wukong upon the cheek, causing the already blushing mess of a king to go into an overheated state as he stammers in a flustered manner, tail wrapping around Wukong's waist to pull him close.
Luzhen smiling deviously at Macaque's performance. If its one thing the two agree on, it's their sense of humor.
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Wukong blushing and stuttering like a malfunctioning computer at how enchanting his mate is looking right now. This monkey has been in jail for 500 years, his brain is overheating. Only reason he aint doing something unholy rn is cus there's baby monkeys and a monk present.
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The Stalwarts are smiling deviously in their own ways - you know they helped Macaque prepare for this introduction.
Each pilgrim has their own reaction.
Zhu Bajie's is the loudest. You can hear his jaw drop and the gears turning in his head as he realises "Thats a guy!?"
Tripitaka is Terrified. One cus attractive people scare him, and Two because Macaque really does look ready to toss the monk into the ocean for making Wukong sad.
Sha Wujing politely covers his eyes and says a cheery "Hello!" He does not wish to look disrespectfully.
Ao Lie doesn't even act surprised (horse or not). Brother Wukong spoke so highly of his mate that the dragon just assumed he'd be as drop-dead gorgeous in person. Lie does however giggle behind his sleeves at Wukong's love-struck expression.
As Macaque's kisses his mate's cheek and wraps his tail around him, Wukong can only reply with a sound akin to steam escape a kettle. And with the near-instinctual wrapping of his own tail around Macaque.
It all sends a very clear message to the Pilgrims that the bodyguard they took for granted has many very good reasons to drop his employment at any time if he so wished.
And that theres someone very willing to cut them all down if they ever take him for granted again.
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
As the person in charge of Crime Alley, Jason gets invited to lots of events, hosted by both sides of the law. It’s expected that men of… his position are accompanied by at least one companion. A small, attractive person who’s only job is to look pretty, be talked over, and forget anything that’s said in their presence.
Jason does not want to subject any of the alley girls or his lieutenants to this if he can help it, and Steph and Cass have no patience for condescension or leering.
Luckily Tim is happy to get all dolled up if it means hanging off Jason’s arm while Jason tells him how pretty he looks and good he’s being in between networking and making deals.
And sometimes, when Jason is meeting with some of the less savory side of Gotham with different expectations, and Tim is on his knees between Jason’s massive thighs, or squirming in his lap, or getting his nipples pinched while he’s arching up, mouthing at Jason’s neck as Jason’s business partner watches on-
Well, Tim wouldn’t have agreed to be Jason’s plaything if there wasn’t anything in it for him
tim having such a DEEP need and want to be objectified, to be in a room and having men watch him and whisper things under their breath about him. maybe it's the teenage horniness brain that drives him to do something as stupid as volunteering to be jason's arm candy, knowing he's likely to get groped, filmed, photographed, or even cornered and fucked by some horny criminal if jason lets him out of his sight and can't alpha dog posture some 'he's mine' bullshit.
bruce had refused to use tim like this when he was matches malone and dick had as well- both of them citing that tim was too young, that it was dangerous and it would be putting tim in a vulnerable position, and that, posssibly, they'd have to touch tim...intimately. and that was a problem because no matter what they were trying to accomplish, it didn't justify doing THAT to tim. "THAT" being them fucking tim or groping his baby tits.
jason doesn't have that problem. if tim's willing to do it then jason's willing to use him. tim knows that jason thinks it's wrong to use alley girls for the parties, that steph, cass, or any female vigilantes would be against and even indignant at having to do something so low brow and classless as sexwork (which was its own issue but jason wasn't willing to open THAT can of worms).
so when tim volunteered of course jason took him up on the offer without much question. he probably concluded that tim was after the same circles jason was being invited to or that he was just THAT much of a robot that this kind of undercover work didn't bother him. either way he never brought it up to dick or bruce so they never stopped him.
so tim gets to get dolled up, gets to try on all kinds of accents to use, gets to dye his hair because a wig getting ripped off was too risky if things got ugly, got to watch hours of youtube videos to perfect a cut crease, doe-eyed eyeshadow look using a cute baby blue shadow and glitter eyeliner.
tim wears a tight dress that ends at his thighs and that's split open all the way down his sides and then sewn closed in an X pattern with a satin ribbon. that way any hands that rest on his waist or hips with feel warm, soft skin under their fingers. jason doesn't say he likes it but his fingers play with the ribbon, tugging and slipping a finger or two under it to stroke tim's skin while tim smears lipstick on his helmet and his high collared armored shirt while squirming and making little noises like all the other cute lap pets resting on the thighs of gotham's biggest and toughest gangsters.
that's what it's like when things are tame. tim's just a sweet little pet to soften tension like a puppy to be cooed over.
other times tim takes a more...active role.
tim never gets to sit on jason's lap and fuck himself down on his cock but he does get to kneel and moan around a mouthful of his cock. jason's grip on his head is hard as he guides tim's head up and down, his mechanized voice releasing a drawn out groan as his head tilts back on the couch they're sitting on and pumps of hot cum fill tim's mouth. the night before this operation tim had spent all night researching how to give head. for his first time he'd say he did pretty well, jason doesn't complain at least.
jason never complains about tim's work, he didn't say much of anything to tim. even if tim leaves with a puffy mouth, bruised knees, and pain in his tits because jason had squeezed and pinched them hard enough to bruise as punishment for tim when he made too much noise.
but tim didn't mind. so long as jason kept allowing him to come tim would continue to return. tim gets off enough from the memory of the night once he returns home to want to keep doing it.
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noroamenial · 1 year
I wrote some more Raphael x Tav!!!
spoilers for story stuff in Act 3, its there to set the scene.
uhhhhhh cw: a pretty suggestive start (it's just paragraph.)
basically it starts at the end of a sex scene between Raphael and Tav. After that its just a bunch of sweet. And the main plot is a date between raph and tav.
....“Take me, Raphael.” and oh did he. Passion and lust coupled into a starburst of an orgasm, the stroke of his cock drove you insane. Through a mix of biting, scratching, gentle words, wandering hands, and three orgasms you were laid sated and bare on your bedroll. 
Raphael sat beside you, stroking hair from your face. He sighed, leaning over to kiss you briefly.
“Will I see you again?” your voice and thoughts had returned, albeit hoarse. 
He looked at you, contemplating for a few moments. Something swirled behind his amber eyes that you couldn’t quite place.
“Yes.” he stayed close to your face to speak softly. “Once you arrive in Baldur’s Gate, meet me in Sharess Caress…try not to let your companions tag along.” he glanced at the bedrolls around camp. “Then we can discuss over dinner.” he smiled, looking down at you once again. 
You smile back, coaxing him down to kiss his cheek. Raphael obliges.
“Good, now take care to remember our plans. And do try not to die, my dove.” he scolds lightly, pulling the bedroll’s blanket around you. 
Your exhaustion had turned to excitement as soon as your party had made it to Baldur’s gate. You reserved the rooms above the Elfsong tavern for your companions before heading out. You were meant to meet Kithrak Voss at Sharess Caress along with your other…confidant. So hopefully your party wouldn’t connect the dots too easily. 
The morning you had woken up after your last encounter with Raphael, you were greeted with your whole party and their deep concern for the bite marks, scratching, and not to mention the infernal lettering hastily scrawled up your arm. You honestly couldn’t even give a half assed excuse. And thank the hells no one could read infernal—you couldn’t either but that's besides the point. You assumed it was just a reminder from Raphael.
In Sharess caress Kithrak Voss spouted nonsense about the devil Raphael and freeing someone before scampering off to the lower level of the city and telling you to meet him there after meeting with Raphael. You sighed, you had thought that this meeting would be something more…casual, rather than some new contract business. 
Begrudgingly you let your companions—Astarion, Gale, and Karlach—come with you. Now that they knew it was Raphael, they insisted. With how much you left out of disclosing your rendezvous, and Raphael’s charm and seeming inability to feel shame, your party might end up learning a little too much today. 
Pushing open an oak door you briefly glanced at the sign beside it. “Devil’s den” was this a usual arrangement? Seeing as it was a room inside a brothel, you didn’t particularly want to know if Raphael was an employee or a patron. 
The quick light up of his eyes as you led your party into the room was all that you needed to confirm what this was going to be. It was only for a second, the gentle amber of his true irises, before it faded back to a washed out rich brown for his human form. It's not as if his human form wasn’t attractive—it was. It was just that you had been longing for that form bathed in the soft camplight glow.
“My dove and her flock have finally come to my nest,” Raphael clasped his hands together in front of him, his easy smirk lazily sprawled across his lips. 
“Though I believe I asked just for you,” he mutters, taking your arm suddenly as you got close. His free hand pulling up your sleeve, thumb rubbing across the infernal writing in ink still clear on your arm. 
Karlach fidgeted at your side, you could tell she had to double take as not to strike the devil. 
“Anything you have to say to them, you can say with us around too.” She growls, leaning forward. The teifling makes a motion with her hands for him to brush off and he does. 
“Oh it’s fine by me, but it might not be fine by her.” Raphael shrugs, backing up. 
“And why would that be?” You ask hesitantly, meeting his gaze.
“You know why,” he shrugs again, “anyways, to business.” Raphael explained his deal to you, he’d offer the Orphic hammer to release the Githyanki prince from the empower and the astral prism and in return he wanted the netheres crown.
“…After a century long rage, I decided that my time would come.” He smiled, “and here it is, the dead three’s little representatives stole it right from under Mephistopheles nose, and I may regain it.” 
“Do not agree to this.” Gale warns from behind you. “Netheres magic is wild and untamed, it must be studied and understood.” 
You hesitate here, you had promised Gale this artifact, but centuries of disappointment and even wrath could come from turning Raphael down.
The devil must have noticed: “I won’t make you decide now, after all, you have other things to do before then.” He let out a sigh, gazing out the window as his expression fell.
“Thank you,” You sigh. And suddenly you’re both standing in silence. You can tell your party is shifting uncomfortably behind you, they don’t want to be here longer than they need to.
Raphael clears his throat, 
“One last thing, then I will let you go.” You watch as his gaze looks you up and down. “I promised you dinner. If you’re still interested, come back at sunset. Just you this time, my dove.” And his smile returns with the name. 
Your heart was beating so fast as you and your party left to go back to the Elfsong Tavern. Truth be told, all you could think about was what do you possibly have that would be suitable to wear on a date?
Your companions were less giddy. 
“Dinner? For what? When did he promise you that?” Karlach was talking into the air, hot steam rolling off of her shoulders as her infernal engine worked inside her. “Promised you? You better not be making some sort of deal with him. You can’t. I know firsthand the consequences of making a deal with a devil.” 
“Don’t go.” It was Gale’s voice this time, “I know you think you can handle everything, after you’ve handled—“ he waves his hands up, “—all this. But don’t. Please.” He places a hand on your shoulder. And at this point you can’t tell if he’s more afraid of losing you, or the potential to study that artifact. 
You shrug his hand off as you see the Elfsong in sight. 
“Well Astarion, any opinions?” You sigh, looking over at the pale elf. 
He shrugs, “If you do this, do it out of your own benefit. And If you end up in harm’s way, we’ll come running.”
That was one of the most caring answers the vampire could have come up with. Maybe he was seeing part of himself in you, or maybe he really did just care. 
“Thank you.” 
You had already spotted your companions across the tavern eyeing you. After confessing you had a ‘date’ and that’s why you were sneaking away from the tavern so late, they had followed you. At first you laughed at how they tried to be sneaky, but now it was just annoying. 
You were sitting near the back in a reserved booth, it was in a corner with a little alcove above it, and a single candle in the middle of the table. You had dressed up, some black outfit that had caught your eye the day previous. It had little silver embellishments and white trim lace, it cost a pretty penny, but you felt as though you deserved at least one nice thing. 
Tracing the smudging infernal on the inside of your arm, you sighed. You shouldn’t get your hopes up for anything. It was more likely that Raphael wanted a contract out of this encounter and was just nice enough to save you from embarrassment directly in front of your party. You suddenly felt really stupid with that last thought. Why would someone desire your company in such a way? Nevertheless a devil of all beings. It seemed that all you had been doing lately is giving. Giving to your companions, whether that was emotional or physical. Giving to the damn parasite in your head. Giving to the emperor. Being the conduit to the end of something greater than yourself. Every action, every consequence hangs over your head every day, every second of your journey. You are a beginning and an end. A tool for greater purpose. 
You swallowed hard, looking at the small flickering candle inside of a half mason jar. This wasn’t good, you were holding back the urge to burst into tears. 
“Usually I am nothing less than punctual.” A deep sigh and the creak of wood, and Raphael was sitting beside you in the booth. He had that sharp tang of sulfur with him, meaning he must have rushed in not long ago. “But I was taking my time, apologies.” Raphael was one for attention, but his usual outfit was gone in place of something more neutral, dark grays and maroons, accented with gold. It was a change from the vibrant blue. Stray burning cinders floated from his hair as he combed a hand through it. The human glamor was probably rushed too. 
He flashed you a grin that faltered when your eyes met. 
“It's okay.” You murmured, dabbing at your eyes. It was more embarrassing than anything to be caught so emotionally. 
“And, I'll admit, I’m glad to be a bit more casual with you.” He teased, taking your hand in his as soon as you finished. “As my favorite entertainment of course." And as you meet his gaze, that uneasy feeling returns.
"It actually...was really exciting to be asked out to dinner." you admit, "And I'm excited it was you who asked me."
That had left him quiet, no quip or remark. He angled his head to look at you. Perhaps he was taking in the genuine tone of your words, or maybe he was just content with the fact that you wanted what he wanted.
“Your companions are here.” He says after a moment of silence. 
“I know.”
“They are glaring.” 
“I know.” 
“I take it they don't approve.” He chuckles. 
“Nope.” You can’t help the smile that comes from you. “I’m allowed to go on a date and not disclose the who, what, and where.” 
“So they followed you?” 
“Probably.” You shrug, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Let’s make this night as long and enjoyable as possible, because I know I’m getting a stern lecture the moment I leave.” 
“Why don’t we go somewhere more private then?” He proposes, kissing the top of your head. 
“In a moment, we’ve got one of these reserved booths. I want to makeout with you openly.” 
For some reason, that perked him up exponentially. Perhaps his desire for performance and attention. “Whatever you wish, my dove.” He purrs, hand leaving yours to instead gently squeeze your thigh. “I would give you the world if you asked.”
“Why is that?” You ask, moving to face him. 
“I am fond of you.” He chuckles, “I don’t like things like I like you. If you weren’t in the middle of a life or death situation—I would court you slower. But you’re mortal, I have to be quicker lest you slip from my grasp all too quickly.” 
There was a slip of worry in his tone, perhaps love all too soon lost. Or maybe just the nagging worry of losing you. But it didn’t dwell long as he leaned in to kiss your cheek. And finally, there was that warmth you had been missing. 
If this is well received I could make a part two! or even a smutty prologue but here is what I have to offer.
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tyran-the-tyranical · 7 months
That one line from Raphael's Second Diary will never cease to get me 🥺 LIKE MIGHT I ADD- these are his private thoughts, separate from his manipulation attempts and so he, with his full chest, admits so much in his second diary, like when he says "never have I been so attracted to mortals as I am to those infested by the tadpole." AHH, (my delusions are so real, trust)
BUT WHEN HE SAYS "They gestured to the melting hooks, suddenly glanced my way, and in their face I saw they had the best of me." look, I get the subtext behind all these quotes, but a girl can just ignore all that media literacy and take it for face value, OK? 💅 but also reading into it, he does admire Tav to a certain extent, and I have to wonder, why? Tav isn't an origin character and Tav's actions and character basically changes with every playthrough (Same with Durge, as they can change too) So I have to wonder if it's because Tav is controlled by the player, since, Raphael does end up breaking the fourth wall in his epilogue speech, so perhaps that's what he sees.
Another way to look at it is, either way, no matter what the playthrough, he sees something in Tav, something that makes them stand out much brighter than their companions (For some reason???)
To further that statement, what is the best of Raphael? I mean, if its an evil playthrough, that would be obvious, but if you're playing a good playthrough, what then? perhaps what he sees is someone he can finally use to get the crown, that's also very likely. Still though that's a very to the point (IMO) not as interesting of a reading since it's literally just his end goal for us, BUT STILL A VALID ONE, because, it is true, that's what he wants from us the most.
Also his third diary where he just straight up admits that he's being so honest with us so he can manipulate us, love that for him, "I am master here. A prince of bargains cloaked like scarlet satin. All that hidden under sublimely obvious truths that cannot be discounted." Which also makes me wonder, is Raphael actually an honest person? I mean, Korilla thinks he's at least decent, but honest? outside of helping us, if we look at Yurgir, he really fucked him over lol. Obviously, Raphael isn't what he seems, even if he's honest with us, to what extent? he says it himself, he's honest about "...sublimely obvious truths..." but what about when he says he's grown quite fond of us in his own way, HMMMM?
I wish this man got a proper story arc in the game, outside of the whole deal for the hammer and House of Hope, that's all plot related for the hammer, but a storyline about Raphael as a character? I mean yea, maybe that would whisk away some of his mystery, his intrigue, but I'm sorry- you cant just end it with him fucking himself (poorly) and trying to break Hope (making her a metaphorical symbol of hope anyway, I think....) AND LEAVE IT THERE?!?!? at the same time, I do like the ambiguity of his character, you could think of him as a cruel bastard after seeing what he's done in the House Of Hope to his debtors and Hope herself or perhaps just a Pathetic lil guy who's shit in bed lol, or maybe even soft, if you go off Korillas words and what he does for us in game he can come across as quite nice, especially after we've interacted with Mizora who's is the only other Cambion example we can go off of.
I also just think it's interesting that he sees anything in Tav/Durge at all. Ofc he says he sees the best of him (Always gotta relate back to himself lol) but that especially a mortal is what he could see himself, the best of himself, but then again he does see potential and ambition as admirable (?) or just something he appreciates, you can see that with Mol and Gortash to some extent anyway, But what ambitions does Tav have outside of just trying to survive? Like, the obvious answer is he wants us to give him the crown and we're the underdog in the story but then why does he refer to Tav so differently then? I fear this has turned into another rant again, lol.
Just a final thought here, but, if he did ever get a story arc, similar to the companions, would they give you multiple directions to take his character? i mean with Shadowheart for example, you could help her break from shar or have her fully convert into shars chosen, but even then, if you free her from shar theres the point of saving her family or freeing her from Shars (curse?) there's multiple ways for her story to end. Though, Raphael isnt a companion, so would he have something similar to idk a minor companion like Halsin or Minthara, who don't really have that much of a diversion (I think) in their endings, they don't really have the option, only really if the player decides to be evil or not, they kinda just follow them either way, it doesn't really impact their own stories. Obviously, I would prefer something with nuance but also, HE ISN'T A COMPANION 😭 and pressingly some of the companions need more work done than he does atm lol. Maybe that's me just projecting lol, once again, me wanting to have my cake and eat it too, anyway, that's me done... for now lol
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marigold-hills · 3 months
Dunes & Waters, part 5
“Don’t be absurd,” Remus says, teeth tight against the pain, pushing Black’s various bags back into his hands.
It must be such a tiny burn but the thing with silver and werewolves is that it spreads like a poison ivy rash. Remus feels the blisters forming down his palm and up his fingers and having the hand stuffed in the confines of his pocket really isn’t helping. The skin grates against itself, against the linen of his trousers and Remus wants to rip it off and just get it over with. Needs to put the hurt under cold water, infuse it with wolfsbane, but he’s in a middle of a muggle market and Black looks like a spell about to misfire.
“I don’t know what you think, Lupin,” oh and now Black decides to use his actual name, and isn’t that just perfect, wonderful, fantastic, “you haven’t been the most wondrous companion, but I didn’t think you’d add phobic to your list of faults.”
“Knock it off, Black. Just because someone doesn’t want to hold your hand in particular doesn’t make them phobic.”
They’re standing in the middle of the market, separating the tide of shoppers like a stone in a stream. Getting some very nasty looks, the longer they’re stationary, because they’re blocking access to a fabrics stall on their right and frankly it’s just rude, to stand in the middle of a pavement during rush hour just to have a whisper-shouted conversation.
Remus wants to walk away. The burn is up to his wrist now. Statute of secrecy be damned he’s got half a mind to just apparate back to the hotel straight from where he stands, but the Ministry’s number one rule (don’t let the criminal out alone) flashes alongside the pain.
“I get you must be used to people swooning at a mere touch of you, but you won’t get that here so keep your ridiculous judgement to yourself. Good?”
There are tears in his eyes and he thinks he’s shaking. Black looks absolutely affronted, like the mere idea that there is someone out there who doesn’t find him attractive never crossed his mind.
Remus isn’t that person. Obviously. But he would much rather cut Black’s ego down a few pegs (if such a thing can be accomplished by a too-lanky, too-tired academic with a propensity for sweaters) then admit what he is.
Funny, really, because then they could have it out over who actually is phobic.
“Sorted? Great. I don’t have time to indulge you anymore today. We’re going back to the hotel. Follow me or I swear to Merlin I’ll floo Kingsley and tell him you’re not cooperating.”
“Run straight to daddy, why don’t you,” Black grumbles and its so quiet Remus wouldn’t hear it were it not for his condition, so he ignores it. Anyway, he follows as Remus hurries through the crowd back to the apparition point. That’s all he can ask for and what a relief, to be out of the conversation and put of the risk of being discovered.
@digital-kam <3
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged!)
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Nobunaga her Archer and Avenger versions from FGO with an S/O who was her master in a previous grail war who she meets again at Chaldea and he's become a rare modern day heroic spirit and a strong one at that.
I had a blast writing this, not to mention it helped to scratch the itch I had for the best war criminal.
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“Heh, looks like you still have a bad habit of not expecting things to get in close to you. Then again… you are an archer, so I guess it can’t be helped.” a familiar voice muttered behind Nobu.
“It couldn’t be…” Nobu thought to herself in shock.
Then, the cuts ignited, engulfing the corrupted servant in a pillar of blood red flames.
“So… you became a heroic spirit didn’t you?” Nobu asked without even turning to face you, her fists clenched tight.
“Of course, after all, we both left quite a few things left unsaid to one another the last time we were together didn’t we?” You responded quietly, the same sword at Nobu’s side in your own hand.
“You know that's not what I meant.” Nobu muttered through gritted teeth.
“I know, but the how can be saved for later.” You told the archer servant quietly as you returned your blade to its sheath.
The atmosphere was tense as the group returned to Chaldea with Nobu glaring daggers at the newly summoned saber servant who held the same sword as her in their hands.
In an effort to break the ice, Guda decided to ask a question.
“Soooo… Saber, mind introducing yourself to the class?”
“Apologies Master, but only one person will ever get to know my true name, and she is rather greedy with it.” You responded as you walked beside the woman glaring daggers at you.
“Really? Mind if I ask who?” Mash innocently requested.
“I don’t think that's my place to say, but you probably know her, she has a wonderful larger than life personality that can get her into quite a bit of trouble which she’ll easily brush off, not to mention, she is quite attractive, and looks quite fetching in her uniform.” You responded cheerily, leaving a certain archer flabbergasted and, if one looked closely, blushing ever so slightly.
After that, You and Nobu were inseparable and yet… no one knew why.
Nobu sitting directly next to you during lunch, as she drank tea, or addressed her retainers.
You sat directly next to her… any time she was sitting down.
It got to the point that, in lieu of your true name, you had been designated as “The Saber Of The Demon King”.
And it was a name Nobu had taken quite a liking to.
She was a rather possessive person after all.
And you being known by that name? It made her all giddy inside.
Now, if only they knew just who you were to her, that would make your name even better for her.
Still, she was going to wait to drop that bombshell, after all, she doubted that it would be good to give so many people a heart attack from shock.
Not to mention, she still had to figure out just what you were to her as well.
Master, comrade, partner, companion, and even… lover.
These were all words she could use to describe you and yet… none of them truly fit what the two of you were, falling short by the distance of entire planets.
Oh well, the both of you had plenty of time to figure out just what the two of you were to one another.
After all, she was Oda Nobunaga, Demon King Of The Sixth Heaven, it can’t be helped that things tended to get a bit complicated when she was involved!
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The flames of Honnoji engulfed her enemies in pillars of flames, burning them to less than ash in an instant.
Yet, she was not the one who burned them.
That honor belonged to her counterpart, a recently summoned Ruler who could always be found standing at the Demon King's side like a loyal blade.
No one knew exactly where this servant came from, there was no record of them in the stores of Chaldea and the Ruler refused to share their name, saying that a rather fiery conqueror had already taken sole ownership of it with a look of affection on their face that had caused a certain Avenger to chuckle with a similar look on her own.
There were theories of course, most of them centering around the two of you.
Some were reasonable like you being an existence similar to that of Nobukatsu except you were the flames of her noble phantasm made manifest.
Others were… not as reasonable, like the one that claimed you and her were Master and Servant from a grail war or something else that would require a summoning or that would allow an Avenger to properly incarnate in the real world even if only through sheer luck.
Alas… neither of you would ever give a straight answer, merely deflecting every question asked.
Nonetheless, if anyone was ever looking for one of you, they simply had to find the other part of the duo and low and behold that is where the person they were looking for would be.
Simply put, the two of you were inseparable.
And something told everyone in Chaldea both of you would have it no other way.
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"Difficult to please"
"Focalors with a reader that can switch bodies"
Characters: Focalors x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: The obvious things right away: I've never written for Focalors before nor do we have much information about her yet, so I wrote her mostly from my gut feeling after seeing her in the Fountaine trailer.
Anyway, I love Furina as you might have guessed by me changing my theme for her. She's such a little gremlin and her design is so beautiful. I can't wait to see her and how she changes (well, hopefully somewhat to the better at least) in the story.
I’m going to use “Focalors” and “Furina” interchangeably, since I’m 99.99% sure they’re the same person, but hey, if Hoyoverse somehow pulls a huge twist on us and I get it wrong it would also be kinda funny.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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To say that you were nothing more than a glorified babysitter for Fountaine’s Archon would have been a massive understatement. Once a young law student aspiring to one day become a judge, it didn’t take you long in your position as lawyer to attract the attention of your archon. Not in the “have a vision and beat up the bad guys” kind of way, however. Instead the weird clients you represented never failed to deliver her a somewhat entertaining spectacle, causing the Chief Justice to “volunteer” you as the Archon’s advisor… a role that, while sounding nice, de facto only had the responsibility of keeping her entertained enough to not sully any more court hearings than necessary with her cries of boredom.
When you found out about your powers to switch bodies, you knew better than to tell anyone other than your closest companions… especially Furina. While she got away with her attitude in her own body, you didn’t even want to fathom how many friends she’d be able to alienate or from how many shops she’d get you banned from if she did the same while running around in yours.
However, all of your hard work of keeping it a secret eventually turned out to be futile, as the Archon would eventually figure it out one way or another. After all, the reason she got so little done was not for a lack of ability, she simply didn’t care about most cases and delegated them to whatever judge crossed her path first, but when you began acting a bit stiff around her, the challenge of figuring the reason out was more than enough to keep her on your case.
If it weren’t for the fact that a small voice in your head worried about where to start a new life after having your entire image destroyed by the one currently occupying your body, you would have found the day in your Archon’s body amazing, you got to attend as many court cases as you wanted without anyone batting as much as an eye, got to have your first experiences as a judge and even didn’t have to pay for any of the most delicious food and drinks Fountaine got to offer. The stares you received from the other officials, probably wondering what could have happened for their notoriously difficult Archon to have such a good day, were a bit much at some times, but it was not like you were complaining.
“I want to change back!”, Focalors demanded the moment she stepped into her office, swinging the door behind her shut with as much force as she could muster and not even wincing in the slightest at how loud it was. Beelining towards the couch as she let herself fall onto it, letting out a groan of annoyance loud enough to make any bird sleeping outside fall out of its nest.
“Can’t handle being asked out all the time?”, you tried to crack a joke, knowing all too well that answering earnestly would only earn you a bored sigh.
“Ha!”, Furina let out a loud laugh before turning her face towards you. “Remind me to make you my court jester the next time we are in need of one”, she stated sarcastically before looking back at the ceiling. For your and Fountaine’s sakes however, you decided to disregard her order and to not to remind her of how she had just fired the last one for “being boring”.
“Aren’t you humans supposed to have interesting lives? What happened to ‘live every day like it's your last one’? Or is doing *this* what you all desire??”, she asked while extending her arms and wildly signaling into the air.
“What did you do all day?”, you asked, trying to sound as casual as possible even though your mind was starting to panic about what you might be greeted with tomorrow. But instead of answering your question, your Archon ignored you and continued to complain about how boring your life was, causing you to start worrying even more.
“I bet you loved this day, watching boring court cases, getting any food you desired for free, being asked for your opinion… eugh”, she let out yet another groan, making you wonder how easy it was for her to read you.
“Anyway, I want my body back. So give it to me”, she continued to ignore you as she stated her earlier demand once again.
“What did you do while in my body, Furina?”, you asked one last time, grabbing both of her shoulders to force eye contact with her.
“You’ll probably have some explaining to do. I honestly want to see it all play out, it’s going to be the most entertainment I’ve had in months”, she answered off-handedly, causing you to bury your face in your palms as she continued on as if nothing happened.
“I’ll make you a judge as compensation, it’ll be a win-win. You’ll get to do what you always wanted to do and I may get one or two interesting hearings out of it”, Furina stated before pulling your hands away from your face and placing her forehead on yours, prompting the two of you to finally change bodies.
Yet, her offer caused you to feel even more conflicted than you already were. Finally, it was your time to let out a groan.
“That’s Nepotism.”
“I don’t care”, she responded bluntly, forcing you to use all your self control not to fall into the deep pit of hopelessness for your nation currently seeming to open in front of you. “Didn’t you want to become a judge?”
“Yes, but I want to earn it!”
What followed were a couple of seconds of silence before Furina turned around, walked over to a different couch, sat down, let out a long sigh and spoke a sentence so laced with irony that you didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at it.
“Fine. Geez, you’re so difficult to please.”
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zhongrin · 2 years
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◇ characters ◇ kaeya
◇ tags ◇ gn!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader is sick and clingy (don't we all-), kaeya is so soggy and in love it's making my teeth hurt
◇ a/n ◇ happy holidays, all!! this is a fic for the genshin impact x reader secret santa 2022 event and is dedicated to @maaarshieee! hi there! we've never really interacted before but i found your blog because of the event and can i just say, your works are so sldkfjlskjdflsd. i wish this was longer but i am out of writing juice and i am hoping that you like the finished product :3
my javanese is super rusty so i might have butchered that title but yk what i am curious how many people can read it lmao no google translate to help you this time- ok fine i'll stop being mean- [en] translation of that title is 'good night, dear'.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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“darling, go back to bed.”
it’s hard to take kaeya seriously when he’s standing in your kitchen with an apron and a ladle in his hand as he nurses a pot of porridge bought from good hunter this morning.
you pout and wobble towards him, eyes droopy and face flushed from your fever. with his swift reflexes and subtle display of precise control he has over his vision, the cavalry captain freezes off the fire on the stove before catching your body in his embrace. he's going to struggle to light the fire again without diluc's help, but your safety matters most and he doesn't think you'd appreciate your house burning down even in your delirious state.
you then proceeded to nuzzle him affectionately; he’s cool and smells good and comfy - the perfect companion for your feverish self, “missed you.”
“am i so attractive you crave my presence after just ten minutes of being deprived of it, hmm?”
you can’t see it, but a bashful, fond smile spreads unto your boyfriend’s lips when you readily nod against his chest. your sick self might be ten times needier than the normal you and is quite a handful, but he personally adores the way you oh-so-naturally seek and cling to him. it tells him that you need him even when you’re not in a rational state - that you trust him to care for you when you’re most vulnerable.
he’s wanted. he’s needed. by you. the light of his life.
but while he’s so smitten by your endearing self, he, unfortunately, also has to play the bad cop to ensure that you recover well under his care.
“just five more minutes, sweetheart. go lie down and i’ll bring you some food, then you can take your medicine.”
“mmm… don’ wanna…”
“do you want me to revoke your cuddling privileges?”
you look up at him with such horror in your expression, and he urges himself to not break his serious facade. had you known the way you're able to easily tug on his heartstrings, he’s sure it would be the end of him. it takes every bit of his determination to not crumble upon the crestfallen look in your pretty eyes and the slight downturn of your lips.
“… i’m sorry,” you finally say after a few beats of silence, understanding that he's not going to change his mind.
“you don’t have to apologize, love. just go lie down, and i’ll be with you in a se-”
“your day off,” a sniffle leaves you, “our date. i ruined it.”
your guilt isn’t unfounded - the knights of favorius doesn’t exactly have holiday breaks or frequent day offs. after all, disturbances of any kind still happen. rain or sun, summer or winter, hilichurl attacks and nefarious crimes threatens mondstadt and its citizens at all times. and so as the official protectors of the nation, it's only normal for them to be on standby at all times. and yet, now that your knightly boyfriend had managed to take his hard-earned vacation…
the edges of his eyes soften and kaeya hums, raising his hands to cup your burning cheeks and wipe the tear that had just fallen off the side of your eyes. you sigh in contentment at the feeling, and this time he’s unable to hold himself back from pressing a long kiss to your forehead; the cold sensation a pleasant distraction from the burning temperature of your body.
“is that what you’re so worried about? we can always go on dates another time,” he quickly adds when he sees you about to protest his claims, “and i don’t mind taking care of you on my day off. think of it as a repayment for all those times you nurse my hangovers.”
“[name], darling,” the teasing lilt in his voice is nowhere to be found when he tilts your chin so your gazes meet, “it’s really fine. as long as we’re together.”
you give him a weak smile and shift to stand on your tiptoes, bringing your lips together in a sweet ki-
“-oops, naughty, naughty,” kaeya laughs from behind his palm that had covered his lips, effectively blocking your attempt at a kiss. upon seeing how offended you look, he laughs harder, hand moving to pinch your puffed up cheeks, distorting your series of grumbled protests. “i’m sorry, sweetheart, but i don’t want to get sick. sharing germs aren’t exactly caring, you see?”
“bu’ i wan a kith-” your plead is muffled against his hands and a fond look crosses your boyfriend’s face.
he’s always been weak to any sort of requests you make, especially if said request involves your ardent desire to profess your affection to him. it took him quite a while to feel worthy of your love in your early stage of relationship, but he has learned to enjoy them immensely now - although that’s not to say that he appreciates them any less. you’re still as precious to him as the first day he fell in love - if not more -now that he’s had a taste of how it feels to belong to you.
“when you're fully recovered, i’ll give you as many kisses as you want.”
“…… promise?”
“good, now that that’s settled - would you like to be carried to bed, your majesty?” your suave knight is back with the question, pearly white teeth glinting as he gives you a dashing smile.
you don't bother answering him verbally, but he still readily held you up the moment you latch onto him like an adorable sloth. it’s a short walk to the bedroom from your kitchen, and you spend the short time of tranquility nuzzling onto the knight’s shoulder, eyes closing peacefully as the feeling of safety wraps you in a blanket.
kaeya lowers you onto your bed gently, helps you adjust your pillow, and tugs the blanket up to cover your body. only when you’re tucked in comfortably your boyfriend allows himself to lovingly pat your cheek and places a kiss on the crown of your head, murmuring something under his breath; a language unknown to most and lost to time.
“what’s that one mean?” you ask drowsily, not recognizing the phrase of this specific one. you can recognize khaenri’ahn for i love you and be safe simply because of kaeya’s routinely reminders, but this one sounded foreign in your ears.
“it means ‘get well soon’,” he says as his palm rests against your cheek, further cooling the warm skin.
“i will,” leaving him with the promise, you drift onto the land of dreams.
kaeya stays for a few minutes and tells himself that it’s only so he’s sure that you’re asleep - and most definitely not because he missed your presence just as much as you did. eyeing your soft, relaxed sleeping face, he holds back the urge to press a quick kiss to the corner of your lips and redirects his target to the side of your temple instead.
another phrase falls from his lips; another routine, although he’s positive you wouldn’t recognize the words either, because he’s always said it whenever you’re sound asleep. it’s a little different than the others, only because in the language, there are a few meanings to those words.
good night.
sleep well.
i’ll be there with you when you open your eyes.
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @clovcly | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what direction would you have taken Cullen's character in Inquisition? Or would you have included him at all? :3
oh man well
first of all i’m not sure i’m the best person to answer the question because i am profoundly uninterested in cullen. even in dao, his most cohesive appearance by a mile, where he features in my favourite origin, he um... he sure is there! he serves his narrative purpose! i don’t know what else to say
more in the spirit of actually answering your question, i think dragon age inquisition is as fundamentally incapable of making good use of cullen as a game that would make cullen part of its main squad inherently must be. dragon age inquisition is not capable of breaking down what is wrong with the templars, which is why you get... i don’t know why people call it a redemption arc even in quotation marks. he just shows up. he still supports the templars, and would rather you go to them, who shouted you down in the street, than the mages, who by all appearances straight up invite you over. he has not had to face the consequences of his work in the templar order or his treatment of mages; for all intents and purposes, from his perspective, all he did wrong was not notice that his knight-commander was an anomaly who was crazy. he is fundamentally the exact same guy who told me to my face mages were not people, except he’s polite about it now, because this is dragon age inquisition and we all just need to shut up and come together to defeat the Real Problems. it is completely canonically possible for him to have taken part in two circle annulments, one of which he personally instigated. dragon age inquisition does not care!
so to take cullen in a decent direction for his character—if you insisted on bothering to include him in yet another game at all—you would have to be writing him in a different game than the one where the hero has no choice but to lead an organisation with cassandra and cullen at their side, where every challenge to that organisation’s divine purpose is laughed off. (meanwhile one seemingly humble elven apostate, who actually has entirely other concerns, is the only compulsory mage. no rebel aligned mages are even optional companions in the game.)
i am interested in what it would theoretically take to write a compelling ex templar character. my own inquisitor is an ex templar! dragon age is a series designed to challenge your ideas of what backgrounds allies can come from, and designed to throw in your face that, for better or worse, good or evil, everyone on every side is also a person who believes they have their own reasons to do what they do. but if you wanted the ex templar character to be cullen, you have to challenge the foundations of his beliefs as a templar. you have to make him... actually regret being a templar? criticise the templars for anything other than imperfect service to the chantry and impolite wording of their deadly prejudices? you might even want to consider centring his personal quest on, hey, the terrible things he’s done and believed, not on the harm to the poor little stoic self-sacrificing templars
sorry this is coming across a little aggressive. you see why i’m the wrong person for the job. i don’t like cullen and he was an antagonistic force in the previous two games who my characters felt personally threatened by. i don’t see why i have to swallow that he’s one of the good guys now without him facing a single consequence, much like cassandra, who was introduced interrogating my friend. (but hey, this religious army has good intentions!) and i certainly don’t see why you would not only do all that but make him the face of a ludicrously flat, wish fulfillment romance only available for women of the conventionally attractive races (available for circle mages! with a throwaway line about how she’s not like the other girls to address it!) to get straight married and settle down with a dog and a picket fence. (i’m not saying there is no place for wish fulfillment romances whose only stumbling block is cutesy awkwardness. but that’s not what dragon age is for! where’s the teeth! it’s representative of a wider tone change in dai that i deeply dislike and if i get onto it i’m going to make this post so long. and with this man?)
idk i think cullen should have been the rogue templar breaking rules to hunt wardens in awakening and sigrun should’ve got to cut his head off. the end. that’s my ideal. sorry again
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messierthanthou · 4 months
Rainbow in the Dark
Every Friday and Saturday night are the same, find a shitty, dingy and dark bar, get fucked time and time again by someone strange and unknown. Occasionally he gets a “straight guys” who’s just “curious” about Steve and his type of gays, the pretty type, that is, and Steve is more than eager to comply to their whims, although he’s good at keeping it cool.
What he isn’t good at is keeping quiet. It arouses him beyond control to get bent over in a locked, or unlocked, bathroom stall, getting fucked from behind where he doesn’t need to see his companion and all he can focus on is getting off to an audience.
He’s considered doing porn, actually, thought time and time again about getting fucked by some star seeking singer up on stage at the bars he attend. It might pay well, keep him satisfied whilst being seen by thousands, but it’s too clean, not rough and dangerous enough for him. Sure he keeps safe, makes his partners wear protection and all, but the danger lies in the strangers and the public setting.
And tonight is no different than last week; show up at some unmarked, underground bar, hunt for a piece of meat among the crowd of some wannabe rock band, get a little tipsy, and if anyone as much as meets his gaze, he’s on them like a dog on a bone.
The next band is announced, and Steve barely hears their name as he isn’t paying full attention to the stage, he’s surveying the market of men from the bar, a light beer in hand, but then the night’s entertainment takes the stage, and it’s like finding the North star when you’re lost.
Some blonde steps into the spotlight, his crew gathering behind by the guitars and drum set, as he himself stops by the mic, throws up a fist and says a little too loud into the mic, a little too enthusiastically,
“We’re Billy and the Dicks, but you can call us B.A.D., and we’re here to rock your night.”
Steve’s enchanted by this guy who’s probably Billy of the group, shirtless beneath his leather jacket and with golden curls that fall down his back. Steve can’t help but to walk straight through the crowd as the band starts playing their cover of Rainbow In The Dark, a Dio original and masterpiece, and something about how passionately Billy sings out makes it all feel so deeply personal.
The brunette doesn’t stop walking till he’s by the front of the stage, standing between a bunch of women who might just be as attracted to the singer as he is, but Steve has already decided that he’s the one who’ll be with the wannabe rockstar later tonight.
And almost as if Billy heard this thought, he looks down and meets the brown eyed gaze, his own crystal clear. And he keeps eye-contact like it means something, then winks in a way that makes it jolt through Steve’s body straight to his cock.
B.A.D. plays five songs in all, and every now and again, Billy stares down at Steve, and when they played You Shook Me All Night Long Steve liked thinking it was dedicated to him in that moment, no matter how unlikely that was. Maybe he’s a bit egotistical.
When they’re done, everyone cheers and the women scream for the band, but Steve just stays quiet, staring, wanting.
He must be magical, because he gets what he wants.
Billy says something unheard to his band members, then jumps off the stage, landing straight in front of Steve, who’s already starting to get hard thinking about taking this man’s sweaty cock from behind.
“Hey pretty boy,” the blonde says, voice hoarse from all the singing and rocking on, and it is beyond charming to listen to.
“Billy, was it?” Steve says like he forgot.
“Yeah, but you can call me whatever you want.” A tongue darts out to lick dry lips till they’re shiny with spit, and Steve is definitely hard now, strangled by jeans.
“Billy’s good with me,” Steve says, stares a little too long as he takes in all of Billy’s sweaty glory. “You busy?”
The stall door bursts open and it’s a wonder it doesn’t fall off its hinges when it’s slammed shut again as Steve and Billy barely make it inside with their pants on. Buttons and zippers are freed while lips are locked tight together, only coming apart from minutes of making out and grinding their crotches together when Billy drops to his knees, parting his lips and wraps them around Steve’s mighty length, leaving the brunette gasping and groaning as he feels the tip of his cock go deep into singer’s warm throat without gagging - wonderfully so.
All too quickly he’s reaching the peak; foreplay isn’t for him because getting sucked off feels too good to be real, so he yanks at those blonde curls and gets Billy up and standing again, no matter how sorrowful his dick becomes at the lack of contact and heat.
Steve reaches into the pocket of his jacket and shows off the condom that will hopefully fit around the girth of the other, as he looks down to take in all of the glory that he is practically dying to be stretched out around.
He’s always worried that his partner will complain about it, but no one ever does, not even Billy here who grabs it, tears it open with his teeth, and rolls it on in one well-practiced swift move. And then those hands grab Steve by the hips before twirling him around and bending him over, Billy wasting no time to bring the head of his cock to Steve’s tight hole and pushing in, both of them agreeing in a moan.
The pace isn’t kind or soft, it is fast and brutal with skin slapping together loudly from the start, and Steve fucking loves it; fingers marking him with bruises on his hips as he gets manhandled in rhythm with his sounds of pleasure.
He then feels Billy bury his face between his shoulder blades, an arm snaking around his waist, the other hand coming up to open his mouth and dig in a couple of digits that he instantly sucks on, which seems to please the other man.
“God you smell great,” Billy grunts out where his face is pressed into the back of Steve. “A real pretty smell for a pretty boy.”
It’s… unusual, but not unwelcome. His partners usually stay quiet as if it makes it all more anonymous, but Steve’s maybe a bit of a narcissist, loves hearing compliments, being told he’s a good boy, how good he feels, how amazing he is.
And one would think that Billy knew this, as he keeps going,
“Fuck you feel amazing, real tight. Sucking me in. Craving my hard cock.”
Steve can’t help but reach for his leaking prick to jerk it to the rhythm of the thrusts that ram against his sweet spot, but before he can get more than one tug on it, Billy grabs his hand and forces it up against the wall, then the other, too.
“If you’re gonna cum, it’s gonna be on my dick alone.”
“God, you- ahh!” He tries to give a comeback, but it’s near impossible to form coherent thoughts when he’s being fucked so hard and good that he’ll definitely hurt tomorrow, but “Fuck!” if it ain’t worth it.
And it seems to not be necessary for the brunette to touch his own trembling cock, as the euphoria builds in his gut faster than ever before with any other partner.
“I’m-I’m close! Oh shit!”
Billy then releases his hands and goes down to grab him by the hips to gain proper leverage as he fucks Steve thoroughly, pounding and slapping and cursing till brown eyes roll back and the orgasm crashes through his system, like burning lightning that shoots throughout Steve, making him call out in ecstasy as he cums all over the toilet beneath him.
As his muscles tense up, so does his hole around the blonde’s cock, and he isn’t far behind before pumping the worn out brunette full of his burning load. There’s only a few more thrusts left in Billy, who bottoms out into Steve, before pulling out, and over Steve’s shoulder he can see the other stare down at his now leaking hole, admiring his handiwork no doubt. Then he presses a thumb into Steve’s ass, making him moan gently and sorely, but still he can’t help but be a bit of a slut and pushes his ass into the touch.
Which Billy seems to take as a sign that he isn’t fully done, pulls out his thumb and then shoves in two fingers and curls them, making Steve whine like a real bitch.
The singer then bends over to lean in and whisper, “This was fun, pretty boy.” Whilst he curls his fingers and slowly thrusts them in then digging out every last drop of cum. “Hope we can do this again sometime.”
And with that said, the fingers are gone, the body heat is gone, the entire presence of another person in the stall with Steve is gone. And Steve smiles, hoping a little for another time indeed.
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shinyzango · 4 months
So, about that "A Steampunk Carol" graphic novel...
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I totally did not forget to make the post about it like I promised I am so sorry.
For those who are not familiar with it, long story short a while ago I came across a Kickstarter project for what seemed to be a steampunk adaptation of the Nutcracker story and was bummed that I missed out on it and wasn't able to support and secure a copy for myself, but a fella made me aware that it did actually get published in Italy a few years ago, and that it was sold on Amazon. And after discovering that there was literally only one copy left, I bought it on a whim to both read it and to hopefully attract more attention to it for reasons I'll discuss in just a bit.
I'm just going to say that I'm very back at writing reviews so apologies if this doesn't say anything at the end or if you didn't get the answers to your questions dkfjgn
Alright, now for the book itself.
First things first, the story. I won't go into details right now as I do not want to spoil folks in case this does get released in english to a wider public, but I can add a Spoilers section in the future where I explain in detail what happens if I get asked about it.
The story, like I said, is an adaptation of the Nutcracker And The Mouse King, but it is quite different in many elements, and spices things up quite a bit, especially after the introduction.
Sadly it feels quite rushed in its execution imo, I assume it's because they had to fit everything in a single volume. Which is a shame because there are many concepts and ideas that are very fascinating and interesting, both for the plot and for the characters themselves.
Speaking of the characters, they are quite unique and interesting.
The main kid, Caitlin, who is the Clara/Marie of the story, can be a little sassy, but she still feels grounded and has a good balance between putting down her foot and being nervous about the situation. I don't mind her character.
The Nutcracker, who is only called Schiaccia (just a shortened "Schiaccianoci" which is nutcracker in italian. I assume he's called Cracker in english if they kept that logic), feels solid. He's a loyal soldier, skilled but does show hints of insecurities. A good lad.
The mice are great as well, I'm really intrigued by the lore they cooked up for them, and the Mouse King is actually not bad, and I like what they did with his character.
There's also another supporting character, a tin soldier who goes by Sergeant Idle. He is basically a companion to the Nutcracker. He is basically a plot tool, helping with the backstory and moving the story forward, but not in a bad way. He's very enjoyable.
I would have loved to see them all explored further, but like I said it all feels rushed probably because it had to stick all in a single volume. I don't know if the authors ever considered this to become a series or if it's just a one-shot story, but I would honestly love to see this evolve into a series, if only because I love the characters and I would love to know more about the lore they cooked up for it more in detail, letting all the elements have the time to shine.
Moving on to the graphic...
I love Lorenza's art style. It looks very sketchy, with a clean roughness to it if that makes sense. And I really like all the designs of the characters.
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(Apologies for the glares, I tried my hardest to limit them as much as possible. also ngl I'm giggling a little seeing how Schiaccia looks similar to my Hans skdfkjhn)
All in all, I really like this adaptation. It's unique and enjoyable, if only a little rushed.
Like I mentioned before, this was Kickstarted a while ago to get properly published in english. It was successfully funded and as far as I know, they're currently in the process of printing copies if not even shipping them for the backers. I still don't know if the folks at Last Ember Press are planning in making it available to purchase outsite the Kickstart, but I really hope so because I do think this deserves to be available to everyone.
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whoismissriley · 1 year
Adore You - Fanfic.
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SUMMARY: The life of the Captain of Task Force 1-4-1 has always been a mystery. Even for his closest friends and teammates. He alone carries the loneliness in the middle of the night and the stormy memories of the past that make him sink into a sea of Scotch Whisky. However, there is a small light that appears from time to time around him. A girl, of course, who makes him feel like she’s in her twenties when she’s around, she’s light and smiling and full of life. She is one of the best Sergeants in the unit and the best in hand-to-hand combat. John is secretive, even with what she makes him feel. But she doesn’t give up, to get his attention, again and again… and again. And in the midst of all his darkness, let her love him… and make him stop feeling
Warnings: This story is rated +18 Has explicit violence, obscenity, do not read if you do not agree with this. AGE DIFFERENCE, the protagonist will have a significant age difference with John (28/39). HISTORY, will not follow the course of the game nor its history in it.
This is my first time translating something, so sorry for the mistakes.
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«"What’s a grumpy captain?" she smiled giving him a push with the shoulder.
"I’m not… grumpy" he looked at her seriously "maybe just a little" she laughed softly and he couldn’t help but do it, she was so… cute.»
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Chapter 1
THE LOUD SOUND OF THE HELICOPTERS was for Leah almost the same as an orgasmic sensation. Perhaps the same sensation he felt when he brandished a knife into the flesh of his enemy and saw their lost eyes as his short life ended.
Her companions called her Angel of Death. Because she was as beautiful as she was dangerous.
At first, in her first years of service after Laswell had inducted her into the private SAS group commanded by Task Force Captain John Price, she did not like the nickname. Not when Soap said it just as John Price was hovering nearby. She didn't like that he saw her as a violent or too brutal woman.
But he ended up getting used to it.
The first years working with them were intense. Getting used to being a companion of men seemed like a difficult task to perform, but both her espionage ability and her perfect hand-to-hand combat were abilities that Laswell believed were necessary to integrate into Price's group.
Soap was tactical and brute, brute force for the most part. Ghost was skilled in long-range shooting, including melee weapons. He could throw a knife meters away from an enemy and stick it right in the middle of their damn pupil.
Leah had learned from him in all that time and managed to add to her list one good thing that she did the most and Ghost Riley was proud of his student.
Gaz, it was brutal and dirty. His hands were not very meticulous on missions, he always left too obvious traces, but he was fast and more agile than Ghost and Soap.
Leah saw how the group worked, Soap and Ghost always moved together, Gaz and Captain Price too. Gaz moved forward and the Captain cleared.
She always worked around them, always adapting to their needs. If she had to change places with one of them, Leah had no problems, she had learned to know them so well that she imitated their movements so as not to break the pattern.
But she had never, ever had to work with the Captain and it pained her to admit that she felt a little disappointed by that.
While her companions had opened up to her over time, telling her about their private lives, the Captain's to her was a tortuous mystery. As if they were at the foot of a huge mountain trying to climb and slipping again and again while he is there, at the top. Looking at them and laughing at them in case anyone managed to find out something about him.
Leah had heard Soap say that the only one who really knew Price was Laswell, because they had worked together for a long time in the past.
And Leah had obviously always been interested in the Captain. Always trying to remain feminine enough when she was around him to attract his attention, although sometimes she forgot it on the battlefield. She didn't think about it until she was under the shower and the thoughts of everything that had happened shook her.
Then she realized and understood that someone as unattainable as him was never going to set his eyes on her.
Of course, they were "friends", they talked from time to time and when there were only opportunities, they shared a cigarette in silence.
Leah made jokes and she loved how he laughed, stiffly, pursing his lips under his beard as he looked at her.
It was as if for a moment only she existed for him.
But, as nice as he was, he was distant.
"Good morning" Soap rubs his eyes when he sees her, stretching over his head, a group of recently arrived female soldiers trotted past in front, whispering and laughing in their direction "Good ladies…" he greeted solemnly, trying to flirt with them "Hey Leah, if it's your turn to train those in that group today, could you say a good word about me to the one with black hair?" Leah followed her gaze, there were many with black hair.
"Specific, Soap"
"The one with black eyes, the one who stares at him" Leah is almost scared when she feels Ghost appear out of nowhere, but she continues looking for the girl until she finds her, the group of women stops and she is the only one who is looking towards where they are, staring at Soap with a tender smile.
"I invited her for a drink last night," Soap shrugged his shoulders, "she's pretty cute."
"Pretty cute?" Ghost growled "you were drooling, Johnny."
Soap laughed and Leah shook her head.
"Where is Gaz?" Leah asked, looking around.
"In the office with Price," Soap said.
The captain always left his office at ten in the morning to shout orders, it was always the four of them, to run the place, if not to train new recruits or take charge of training or meetings that he hated attending. It was to be replaced when she had to go into town and have meetings at the CIA building where she herself had left.
And that morning was not far from reality.
Leah looked at the watch in her hand and tried to maintain a relaxed posture, paying attention to what Soap was telling Ghost about the position of the weapons or how he had shot the other day in training, but her eyes went to the man He came out after Garrick, in his military suit and hat, some leaves in his hands while he rubbed his face with his hands.
His walk was slow and light, it was as if he moved around without having to look where he was stepping because he knew the entire place by heart. He was also tall, six foot nine, a little shorter than Ghost but intimidating enough for her, who was five foot six, dammit. He was a flea in the midst of so many big men.
“Hey” Gaz joined the group, greeting everyone, Leah was feeling calm that morning. He had decided of his own free will to try to pretend that he had no feelings for the Captain, he had been trying to do it for years, but this day he really wanted to pretend that they were just friends.
“What's up for today Cap?” Soap wanted to know.
“Ghost and Gaz” Price said looking at the sheets  “I need you out, I need you to go to Manchester and meet with Laswell, he will give you a location, go and extract. Do you understand?”
“Copied” Ghost murmured.
“Soap, I need you at shooting training with Group A and Leah” Price gently looked up, blinking with a neutral expression “I need you to train the new group of women who just arrived, make them sweat and suffer, yes? You're good at that” Price winked at her and she turned red but couldn't help it. John Price smiled when he saw her and sighed, looking at the others “well, let's move.”
Ghost and Gaz walked away immediately, Soap walked away with Price behind them as they talked about something, she stood still for a moment thinking about their moves, her mind creating the perfect tactics and training for the new ones as her eyes followed his back. John Price's width and big shoulders.
His mind wandered to how strong his arms would be or whether his chest would be as hard as the wall behind his back. Her mouth went dry and she didn't notice Soap coming to her again with a sly smile.
He wrapped his arm around her neck and shook her hair with his hands.
“Hey!” Leah pushed him away laughing and Soap too “What's wrong with you, idiot?”.
“You turned all red, huh?”.
“What are you talking about?”
Soap grabbed her shoulder and stared at her.
“When are you going to tell him you're in love, Leah?” She opened her eyes wider than normal and pushed him away with a single punch to the chest.
"Idiot” he rolled his eyes, "go to work, lazy man."
Soap chuckled.
"Remember to be good to the black-haired girl," she murmured as she walked away, but Leah furrowed her eyebrows at the woman beyond, oh no.
I wasn't going to be very good to her.
John Price was sitting in the chair in front of his desk, his legs spread lengthwise on the table as he crossed his arms over his chest. I needed a few minutes of silence, of rest. Maybe a little Whiskey.
But he woke up to a couple of sounds coming from outside the office, which made him lower his feet from the desk and look out through the glass walls. He could see a group of female soldiers running from one side to the other without rest. John chuckled and stood up with his hands behind his back to look closer out the window.
Leah screamed demandingly, demanding them over and over again that she wouldn't stop. Damn, the woman had a loud voice that was even sweet when she screamed, the expression on her face was enigmatic as she gave orders and saw how she enjoyed making her subordinates suffer.
His chest swelled when he saw her, he felt a pride that he often felt with her. But it was just pride, wasn't it? Her eyebrows slowly furrowed as she watched a random soldier approach her and talk close to her ear, though the expression on Leah's face didn't change as she shook her head, John's hands going hard on her back and without realizing it. He was gritting his teeth and feeling strangely jealous.
It was idiotic.
He turned around and approached his desk, opened the first drawer and took out his bottle of Scotch Whiskey, poured some into the glass tumbler he had on the table and drank it down.
His eyes traveling to the window as he watched Leah shout and give orders.
When the night comes, Leah is exhausted, Soap invited her to have a drink at the bar with the rest of the team, which she denied, saying that she was too tired to go out in the cold of the night even though she knew that a strong drink was going to warm her body.
One of her friends of the same rank as Sergeant, Darcy, had approached to encourage her to go with the group, but Leah also refused, promising to go out on Friday with the group of girls.
He dragged his feet towards the training field to collect the things he had left on the bench before going to his room when he saw John Price with his feet outside the training field, on the cold, dry ground, looking around at the dark night. Smoke billowed from between his lips as he took a long drag on his cigar.
She swallowed slowly and with great difficulty.
The image of John Price looking out into the dark blue night of the base, smoking a cigar, was disconcerting and beautiful. And for that reason and more, Leah didn't think as she glided up to him, carrying her things in one hand, and approached his side.
“What are you doing here alone, my captain?” she joked, but she turned red. Had she really said to my captain? shit.
John turned to see her with the cigar in his lips.
“Oh, I'm... I don't know, killing time?” He shrugged his shoulders, moving awkwardly on his feet.
"Sure," Leah smiled.
“And you?” John stared at her, for a moment at her lips and then at her eyes as if his thoughts had evaporated.
“Same thing, I think” Leah sighed looking at the dark starless sky, then turned to him and noticed that John's hat was tilted, she raised her hand adjusting it while he stared at her “it was... crooked” she swallowed slowly, being aware of how he was looking at her, but she couldn't stop herself from acting stupid with him.
"Thank you," he murmured hoarsely, expelling the smoke to the other side as he looked at her and noticed her cheeks turning red.
“You are welcome”.
"I guess it looks better now," Price licked his lips unconsciously and that small gesture made Leah's head explode.
"I'm glad," she smiled looking into his eyes, the knot in her belly twisted making her feel dizzy because of the way he was looking at her, it wasn't usual. It was unusual for him to see her like that “Aren't you going to go with the boys to the bar?”.
"Yes, in a while," he replied without taking his eyes off her, "I'm waiting for Gaz. The boy is in love, apparently.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes” Price smoked his cigar again “Aren't you going?”.
Leah swallowed slowly and shook her head firmly.
“I'm exhausted. I need my bed”.
“Hmmm…” Price murmured, nodding “that sounds good”.
Leah felt like everything was spinning around her, she was so hot and the truth is that it was so cold that she didn't understand it. He looked into John Price's greenish eyes one last time and smiled, patting the Captain's arm without crossing the line of allowable trust.
"Have a good night, Captain," he said, turning around.
"Yes, you too... Leah," he whispered hoarsely. His British voice echoing in Leah's mind and ravaging her body.
Her steps felt heavy as she walked away from him, as if the strings of her heart that had been tied to him without permission were pulling tightly. He closed his eyes, pulling them out, but they were cooked tightly.
Several minutes later she was lying on her bed trying to read a book, before that relaxed her and she could clear her mind, but at that moment she couldn't. No matter how much she read and read, her mind went to John and the way he had looked at her.
In the morning, Leah was feeling energetic. He knew he had a lot of work to do because Gaz had sent him a message to tell him that they had to go meet with Laswell to receive information about a mission and study some plans for possible field research, so he showered, dressed in his military uniform and hurried out of his room. Gaz was sending messages to her phone to hurry up, so she walked down the hallway typing with her fingers on the screen, totally distracted and not looking ahead.
John Price came grunting softly down the hall, his eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head and rubbed his forehead. Neither of them saw each other when they collided. John had a coffee in his hands and managed to push it away from her before it spilled on any of them, but Leah collided with his hard chest and almost fell backwards if he hadn't been agile enough to grab her arm and hold her. instead.
Leah's brown eyes met John's in a span of a second in which her mind had no thought other than "Oh shit" which made her slow to react.
“Captain! I'm sorry, I'm sorry…” Leah bent down to pick up her phone that had fallen to the floor at the moment when her hands landed on John's chest, who was wearing the military suit, the green sweatshirt with the half-zip opened, revealing the gray t-shirt underneath.
"It's okay, nothing's wrong," John released her arm, looking at her intently. "Are you okay?" .
“Oh yeah. Now yes," the girl joked as she put the phone in her pants pocket and smiled mischievously. John raised his eyebrows but smiled back, unable to help it. Leah realized that even though he had smiled at her flirting, he seemed angry for some reason and tilted her head “Are you angry about something?”.
“Angry?” John straightened up, softening his expression and stretched his sweatshirt down distractedly “I'm not... I'm angry. Why would I be angry?” he took a sip of coffee, looking at her.
"You look... like you came grumpy," he laughed slowly.
“I always seem grumpy, don't I?” Although John laughed, Leah could still hear the hard tone in his voice and sighed heavily, trying to find the way he made her feel worried.
“Well yes, you're right” she smiled back as they looked into each other's eyes. John sighed a little calmer. What was wrong? Leah had never seen him interact with her like that, like... Did it make him nervous? No, it had to be his imagination.
"I'm usually always in a bad mood." John made a gesture with his hands, grunting to himself with his eyebrows furrowed, and Leah smiled because the gesture was quite cute for someone like him.
John wasn't wearing a hat so he could see his short blonde hair and since he rarely saw it he thought it was quite adorable.
"Captain," she sighed calmly, as she spoke with him every day, as friends, as co-workers, as a sergeant who trusted her boss, "you know that if you want to talk about anything, you can have a cup of coffee with me” she stretched out a hand towards John, removing a couple of invisible lint on his clothes while looking deliberately into his eyes. That was impromptu flirting! She wanted to hit herself “I'm a good listener”.
“And you think a hot cup of coffee will solve my problems?” John mocked ironically, playing with her as he changed his position, crossing his arms over his chest after leaving the coffee on the firebox to the side, he looked at her with one eyebrow over the other waiting for her response.
Leah chuckled as if flirting was a normal thing between them. But it was the first time I became aware of it, apparently because I was so fucking nervous.
“Then with what?” He looked into her eyes-.
“Hmm, with… with a lot of milk… and sugar” John laughed slowly, tilting his head, and Leah, although she turned red, laughed anyway. Fuck, fuck, fuck What was going on? “I don't know Leah, I'm just kidding you. It just so happens that you made me vent a little”.
“Well” she shrugged her shoulders, taking a couple of steps back “I like it when you joke with me, because you look less grumpy, you know?”.
John chuckled again.
“Yeah?” she nodded “And why is that?”
"Sometimes you're funnier than grumpy, I just don't think you've realized." Leah tilted her head thoughtfully, although she was nervous talking to him was so natural... The ropes pulling from her heart towards him made her see his lips a little. little, the way those green eyes looked into hers made the blood rush to her head.
“Oh yeah?” John released his arms and approached with his head bowed slightly towards her “Do you like my jokes?”.
"Maybe," he pouted, feigning disinterest, looking at him as if there was no one around him, as if cadets weren't passing here and there. The magic was as if he were making her float in the air as if with one movement he could reach John Price's lips with the tips of his fingers. Magic that broke when Gaz began desperately calling her on the phone — shit, shit — she said, stepping back “I have to go, I have to go to the CIA with Gaz”.
“Ah, Laswell told me. Good luck with that” John sighed regretfully and turned away.
“See you!” She began to run quickly down the hallway and John stood watching her figure disappear.
"Old fool," he said to himself, shaking his head, continuing on his way, forgetting the coffee on the firebox.
His mind was filled with full lips and brown eyes the entire rest of the day and, also, the lonely night.
Chapter 2.
A FEW DAYS LATER, Leah had been kept busy gathering information with Gaz about some missiles they needed to find, if they found the location soon, they would be planning a ground mission before the first snow of December fell, which in theory was, well.
He had kept minimal contact with John since the day of their hallway collision. Enough to make flirtatious jokes of three or four sentences before going their separate ways.
That specific day, neither she nor the group had much to do. It was Friday and almost the entire base was relaxing for the weekend, some were returning home and those who stayed were hanging around the base doing anything from training to playing poker in the dining room.
“Hey, Leah” Soap finished his breakfast while Ghost typed on his phone without taking his eyes off the screen. She was still on her phone, texting her mom that she probably wasn't going to be there for Christmas. Not if they collected the information necessary to execute the mission.
“Let's bet something” Gaz approached them with his tray in hand and sat next to Leah watching her frown as she responded to the message “Yes?”.
“Hmmm” Leah sighed and turned off the cell phone screen, annoyed with her mother and left the phone on the table to look at Soap”.
"Soap wants to be humiliated," Ghost muttered, typing on his phone.
“And who the hell are you talking to by the way?” Soap leaned in to look but Ghost pushed him away with one hand covering his entire face”.
"With your mom," Ghost answered, making Leah and Gaz laugh.
“How funny” Soap closed his eyes and turned to Leah “as he said, let's bet” he looked at her with that evil expression that Soap had when he was behaving like a kid.
“You want to bet... With me?”. She rested her elbows on the table and her chin on her hand.
“At the shooting range, if I hit the doll in the middle of the forehead with the Scar-H you will ask the captain for a date” Gaz almost spit out his coffee and Ghost looked away from the phone, becoming interested in the conversation.
“If not?”.
“And if you don't” Ghost imitated his position on the table, “I'll let you embarrass me in the middle of the training field”.
Leah raised an eyebrow and looked at Gaz who nodded encouragingly. But she looked at Soap again.
“Why would I want a date with Price?”.
"You and I know why," Soap murmured.
"No, no," he denied, "not that. Let's bet something else, do you want?”.
Ghost put the phone away and looked at them expectantly. Gaz leaned forward to hear clearly.
“If you win I make Holly come and leave you breakfast every day” she raised an eyebrow”.
“Is her name Holly?” Soap snorted excitedly “But how would you make it...?”
“I have my tricks” she shrugged her shoulders “but if I win, you will clean the team uniform for a month”.
"A month is too short a time," Ghost murmured.
"Yes, make it a year," Gaz encouraged.
Soap scowled at them.
"Okay, okay... one year," he downplayed, "I'll win anyway."
Leah looked at Ghost and smiled, she could imagine her friend smiling under the balaclava.
“So it's a bet?” Soap stretched out his hand.
Leah thought about it for a few moments, but they always bet idiotic things anyway. Now that he wanted to bet on something that involved John it was a dirty game to expose her, but she wasn't going to let him do it. He was his friend and he loved him, but sometimes he didn't know how to stay silent.
John was breathing deeply against his office desk. His hand covered almost his entire forehead as he rubbed it, trying to lessen the headache when Gaz came in, opening the door as if they were chasing him.
“What's happening?” he asked, alarmed.
"Leah, Soap, shooting range sir, now," John raised his eyebrows and chuckled, dragging his chair back to stand up.
“When is the day that Soap gives up?” he snorted, following Gaz calmly “he will never be able to beat him. What are they shooting with this time?” John tried not to sound so interested, but Gaz was as close a friend to Leah as he was to John, he knew them and he didn't have to ask to know that there was a genuine attraction between them.
"With a Scar-H," he exclaimed, pushing the door towards the gym and the shooting range that opened up around them both.
The first thing John saw was a bunch of female and male soldiers huddled on the edge of the firing range trying to get a good view. He made his way without difficulty since upon seeing him the soldiers automatically moved aside and he took a position right in front, crossing his arms over his chest.
She had her gear on, her gun in her hands, shooting straight at the target. Ghost walked up to John and Price's side.
“How many do you have?” John asked Ghost.
"Six out of three," he said as if he were laughing.
"Damn," John scoffed, "Does Soap have a fetish for being humiliated?" .
The three of them laughed.
"I think so," Ghost also crossed his arms and the three watched Soap shoot, nowhere near the target.
Murmurs of mockery and others of laughter were heard. John was holding back his laughter, because his eyes fixed on Leah in the distance. She turned to load the gun and her brown eyes met his, but she looked away in concentration and John felt his chest tighten.
He breathed as if he had been in the water for an eternity and had come to the surface.
Leah beat Soap by far and John smiled in satisfaction, she never let her down on those things. It was amazing how she was able to concentrate and be strict.
As everyone dispersed she approached her group, Soap shook his head in resignation.
"A year then," he murmured, looking at her.
“A year, but forget it. Not my clothes. Only the boys'” She left her equipment on the table, took off her vest and disassembled the Scar, leaving it on the table running her fingers over it as if she were caressing it. John's eyes fixed on her.
"Good job, Leah," he said and clearing his throat, he looked at Soap. "You disappoint me, Soap. Don't you get bored of losing to a woman like her?" 
"Hope is the last thing you lose, Captain," Soap murmured and looked at Leah who was taking off her gloves and talking about tactical things with Ghost.
"Yes," John murmured thoughtfully, following Soap's gaze at Leah. Did Soap like the girl? Or were they just friends? He crossed his arms trying to appear oblivious to that feeling in his heart.
"Will you join us at the bar, sir?"  Gaz made him come out of the trance by squeezing his shoulder, he looked at him distracted.
“Ah yeah sure”.
“Hey, Angel of Death” Gaz yelled at Leah “Are you coming with us to the bar?”.
"I don't think so, I mean... I'll go, but I promised my friends to go with them." Leah shook her hands, looking at John out of the corner of her eye.
“Are you going to introduce us to your friends someday Leah?” Soap murmured, playing with a knife.
“Can you stop thinking with your cock once in your life Johnny?” Ghost growled at him and then the masked man looked at Leah “Your friend the sergeant?”.
"Yep, my friend the other sergeant," she laughed, "I'll give her your regards, Simon."
Ghost stayed silent and Soap started bothering him.
"See you around," she glided away after looking at John and smiling sideways.
He looked at her butt for the first time with different eyes.
He had known her for a few years, she was charming since he saw her. But he always saw her in a professional manner because she always looked quite professional. John didn't know what had changed but an animal instinct was flowing through him. One I haven't felt in a long, long time.
“Come on, Cap?” Gaz patted his chest and looked at him with a mocking smile, John followed him with furrowed eyebrows.
"What a look that is on your face, boy," he barely asked, as he took out a cigar and lit it in his lips as he walked out of the base.
“Not even one. I haven't even looked at it”.
"Hmm," he growled silently, drawing the cigarette smoke into his old lungs and then throwing it out. "You and Leah are very close, right?"
“We are friends, sir. She's like my little sister," he shrugged his shoulders.
“So do you know if he's dating anyone?” Gaz looked at him as they left the parking lot, the bar was two blocks from the base so they basically left there and did it on foot.
"He's not dating anyone, as far as I know," he smiled at him. "Why, sir? If I can ask”.
John denied.
"Curiosity," he murmured, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder, "tell me boy, how are things going with your girl?" .
Gaz smiled widely.
"Excellent sir, I will see you tomorrow."
"I'm happy Gaz, I'm happy for you."
Gaz smiled and John continued walking beside him, Leah's voice lingering in his head.
A song by The Cranberries was playing on the jukebox as Leah was laughing with her friends about what one of them had heard from a soldier the other day. His beer bottle was between his fingers as he listened to one of them attentively, but the truth was that his eyes darted from time to time to the men sitting beyond the door.
Ghost, Soap, Gaz and John were sitting at a small table, mostly listening to Soap's stories half drunk because he was almost screaming laughing.
But Leia saw John from time to time, sitting in the chair with one arm on his stomach and the other on the table, holding a glass of Scotch Whiskey.
John looked at her for a moment and just for a moment she smiled at him in greeting. However, a short time later John was already on his sixth glass of Whiskey. But he wasn't like Soap, he didn't catch fire with water and even if he drank a whole bottle of Whiskey alone, he knew how to maintain his sanity unless he didn't want it himself.
Years of experience. And he knew it.
“Is everything okay Cap?” Gaz squeezed his shoulder, drawing his slightly distracted attention to Leah, her dark jeans, her leather jacket, that black scarf around her neck, and her hair that sometimes looked half red loose on her shoulders gives her such a different look. to see her inside the military suit.
“I was just...thinking” John raised his glass of Whiskey to his lips, his eyes lingering on Leah going to places he preferred not to go.
Leah looked back at them again, noticing John's lost, wistful gaze somewhere on the floor as he drank his Whiskey.
"We're leaving," Darcy shook her arm. "Are you coming with us?" Leah looked at her friend and then at the boys' table, it was the fourth time that Soap called her by extending his hands, this time it was Gaz who joined him and Leah couldn't help but laugh as she turned to her friend.
“Do not go. I'll stay with the boys for a while” her friend smiled and said goodbye to her.
Once she was alone, Leah slid over to the table where they were, Gaz pulled out a chair for her with a double intent right next to John Price.
“Angel, Angel” Soap babbles “two against three, two against three” she turned her attention to her drunk friend and furrowed her eyebrows without realizing that John was looking at her with almost childlike amazement. Almost as if there was nothing else in the world I should be doing at that very moment.
“What thing?”.
“Beer or tequila” Gaz dropped his glass of tequila on the table looking at her dramatically and she laughed.
“I prefer beer, tequila gives me problems” he leaned against the back of the chair and crossed his arms, laughing while Gaz grabbed Soap by the arm with an exaggerated I TOLD YOU SO, SON OF A BITCH. And he sat down again.
John had that shocked expression that he couldn't get rid of, but it was that very thing that didn't let him say anything. Maybe because he was too drunk to say any coherent words or just because he was lost in thought, remembering the first time she arrived, those years ago, where he himself had gotten angry at Laswell for sending him a spy and she was the one who left him. with his mouth open. He had trusted her enough to include her in the 1-4-1 forever. And he never thought of including a woman in that.
She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and he knew it not just because he was a little drunk. He always knew it, he just felt too ridiculous to admit it.
As she talked and laughed with the boys Leah looked at Price with a smile. He cleared his throat and leaned close to her ear without any intention of making it seem sexual to ask her if she wanted another beer and that he invited her. Leah nodded, feigning concentration on the story of Ghost, the one who talked a lot more when he drank too much.
John stood up like a rock and went to get Leah's beer and sat next to her, accidentally brushing his knee against hers. He handed her the beer and she received it, brushing her fingers as she took it.
A few minutes later, Leah's stomach hurt from laughing and she probably would have stayed longer if she hadn't seen the time.
"Well, it was fun but I have to go now." Leah took her bottle and drank the last of it. John watched her distractedly as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand and licked his own lips as if he were the one licking her. She looked at him “good night”.
He looked away at the bottom of his empty whiskey glass and shook his head as if out of inertia.
“Good night”.
Leah swallowed hard, it was hard for her to smile but she did it anyway, getting up and grabbing her jacket to go out into the cold. It was still August, but it was honestly very cold.
John watched her leave, his eyes following the shape of her body, the sound of her footsteps as she walked away, feeling as if an enormous weight was looming on his shoulders. He got up to the bar and ordered another drink.
Although Gaz's steps were slow due to the alcohol, he managed to crawl towards the bar and lean on it looking at the Captain.
“That?” John asked with a frown as he swirled the ice in the now refilled whiskey glass.
"I didn't say anything," Gaz took off his Jockey and shook his short hair.
"But you want to do it."
“And I can?”.
"Son of a bitch," John laughed, taking a sip of Whiskey, Gaz rested his forearms on the bar and asked for another Whiskey to accompany John, "say it."
“Are you seriously going to stay here watching her leave instead of going after her?”.
John sighed heavily as he turned to Gaz, weighing his thoughts, tasting the Whiskey on his tongue. He looked over his shoulder at the bar door, she should be arriving at the base then.
"Yes," and he took another sip, licking his lips, "seriously." Gaz shook his head and smiled as he drank with him in silence.
In her room, Leah tried to fall asleep. Thanks to the alcohol it became easier, but she kept feeling that her body was tingling in the areas where John Price had accidentally touched her at the bar. A movement of the knees, an elbow, the fingers when giving him the beer. The warm, lost look, full of nostalgia.
I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat. She also didn't have to be a fortune teller to know, after several years working at his side, that the man was broken in some way. And that perhaps it was no longer time to be a spectator in his eyes, Leah took a breath before closing her eyes, promising herself to start giving John signs about her feelings. About how much she wants to... take care of him.
Chapter 3
-And now! — Leah raised her hand and the recruits ran away in a hurry. She looked at the stopwatch and when it reached one minute she raised her hand — Stop! Mason, Willis, Levson and Collen, you can go! The rest of us run for half an hour! —.
Between frustrated sighs, those who did not win began to run making their last effort.
—No mercy Bravo-7? — Darcy, her friend nudged her, appearing at her side —.
Leah rolled her eyes.
-Do not call me that way -.
"Isn't that what he calls you?" — Darcy surreptitiously moved his head towards Price's office that could be seen from where they were. Leah could see him waving his hands while talking on the phone, apparently a little irritated.
In the last few days I had not seen him or spoken to him. In the mornings she trained her group and in the afternoon she had meetings with Gaz and Laswell about the missiles.
Ghost and Soap had gone to Mexico to help Alejandro with some drug dealing stuff, so they weren't there.
"It was a joke and unfortunately it stayed that way." Leah shrugged her shoulders, watching the recruits run.
"Well, they say that you're strict just like him and if you don't believe it, ask your girls."
—I'm not strict. I just… want to do things right —.
"I know," Darcy patted him on the cheek, "and you're doing it right."
She says goodbye to her friend and follows her with her gaze, gradually focusing on John a little further away. He stands with his hands in his pants pockets looking at her. He raises a hand to greet her and Leah does the same, feeling so awkward that she He stops breathing and looks away, frowning.
The rest of the day is dedicated to routine things, meetings with Gaz, gathering information. Calls with Laswell, etc. By nightfall, Leah decides to go for a run around the training field, when no one is around. So she puts on her headphones and starts running in a hurry, a song playing as she runs around the court without stopping. Barely looking around, she doesn't notice that John is standing outside his office, which is right in the corner of the court, leaning against the wall, allowing himself to light a cigarette as he looks at her.
About an hour in, Leah stops panting, hands on her knees, body bent over. John runs his eyes over her body, clad in those exercise leggings, sweat running down her white skin as he finishes his second cigarette. She turns around and is scared when she sees him.
"Shit," he exclaims, taking off his headphones, "since when have you been there?" —he laughs, approaching with labored breathing—.
"Just a few minutes ago," he lies thoughtfully, "You keep running when you get stressed, huh?" —.
Oh, he knew it.
Every time Leah ran around the court it was because something was making her self-conscious, but saying it out loud made him feel betrayed in some way, like he had missed that there were many things about her that he knew and liked.
"Yes," she answers, raising an eyebrow, wondering how he knows that, but she smiles. She grabs the water bottle from her bag and drinks a little — And you can't sleep? —.
—The more tired I am, the less I want to sleep—he shrugs his shoulders, blowing the cigarette smoke away and throwing the butt on the floor when he steps on it, he steps aside to let her pass through the doors and continues walking beside her— Is Laswell stressing you out? —.
—She's stressed, Shepherd is a pain in the ass, that's all—Leah snorts—She hasn't told you? —.
—About the missiles? Yes, but we can't do anything until they give us permission, fucking bureaucrats — John denies as he walks with his hands in his pants pockets —.
—At least we have enough information, we know where they may be. You just have to wait.
—While we wait, horrible things can happen —.
—I know—Leah looks ahead, the hallway of the rooms divides in two, John's room is on the opposite side from hers—Gaz and I are working on it, tomorrow I have to go to Laswell, I'll let you know. of the preview in the afternoon. Is it okay? —.
—Yes—John nods, trying to feel his cigarette awkwardly between his pockets—yes.
"Good night, John."
"Good night, Leah," she smiled slowly and turned to head to her room.
Another night sleeping with my heart in my hand.
The next morning John Price remains engrossed in briefings with Gaz. The day passes slowly and boringly, as they discuss what their course of action would be if Laswell gave them the upper hand.
He has a cigar in his mouth while his feet are up on his desk and Gaz looks things up on the computer in front of him.
—Hey Gaz—He murmurs, fuming to the side—I don't think I've ever asked you this, but have you always worked with Leah before I recruited you and took you out of the CIA?
—Yes sir, we joined the same platoon, then she met Laswell and started working for her until Laswell sent her to work with us —.
—But she still works for Laswell, right? —.
-I think so? — Gaz looks away from the computer to look at the Captain's thoughtful expression as he smokes his cigar lying on the chair — Why? —.
-Curiosity -.
He clears his throat slightly, it's not like he suspects her of being a spy. John knew from the moment Laswell sent her with them years ago that she was someone who could be trusted. She tried everything there was to try in Urzikistan, she almost stayed with Farrah and Alex and she knew it from the moment the two women met and instantly liked each other.
As if he had her on his own radar, John sees a faint shadow moving across his vision past Gaz. His eyes move quickly to find Leah walking across the meeting room to the door of his office. She smiles as she texts something on her phone and there's something about that smile and those eyes that makes John feel his blood rush to his feet.
Before he can think, John is on his feet walking towards the meeting room. Gaz sees him smiling but doesn't say anything and lets him go.
—Hey—John opens the door from his office to the meeting room and the girl looks up from the phone—good night—she smiles.
—John—she turns off the phone and puts it in the back pocket of her black pants, takes out the folder under her arm and extends it—good night—she laughs—I have this for you—.
—Mmm, more damn paperwork? — he takes the cigar out of his mouth as the door closes behind him and puts it out in the ashtray on the conference table. He looks at her and looks slightly distracted, John observes her figure surreptitiously, his eyes a little tired. But he feels like a slow burn… a feeling he can't stop feeling… a consciousness growing inside him.
—Information about Paris—.
John looks at the folder and raises his eyebrows.
—Paris huh? Gaz told me -.
—Yes, we weren't sure. Now — she looks over John's shoulder and sees Gaz working on the computer in John's office on the other side — Working so late? —.
“Working hard,” he whispers, his voice a little hoarse. She doesn't know what to say suddenly, the words feel like they're on a page, she feels that somehow her back is sweating as if she were burning and he was too close to her. Leah approaches his side, touching her body to his side, she moves the pages of the report pointing things out and talking, but he is looking at her like a fool without listening to her or understanding her.
"Read it," she whispers, closing the folder next to her but it stays there, "and tell me how it is." She sighs, her arm brushing against John's, barely touching each other for just a second.
But it's enough to set John on fire.
"Mmm, I'll do it," he murmurs and she pulls away with a gentle smile.
—If everything goes well… Tomorrow we will probably have permission to go investigate — she sighs, looking into his opaque blue eyes, which shine unusually for her that night. John moves a hand and puts it on the girl's back as he looks at her.
“You did well,” he nods slowly, as if he were closely controlling his movements.
Leah blushes as she looks into his eyes, her throat tightens and suddenly it's cold in the room, her hands feel cold and her body feels shaky. Move back by inertia.
—I have to… go — he points back — you… you tell Gaz, yes?
John can't even move, he watches her leave. His eyes on her figure as he disappears through the other door and down the hallway. His body feels empty, suddenly. Trying to find something to touch. He swallows hard and looks at the folder in his other hand but it's just forgotten paper in his hands. His mind is filled with it and he can't… breathe for several seconds. A subtle but dangerous attraction fills him completely, a flame fluttering in his chest.
Gaz's touch through the door window snaps him out of his trance and he turns to him.
-All good? — but there is mischief in the boy's look and John… just laughs, shaking his head. He opens the door and hands her the folder.
"Looks like she's doing all the work for us kid," he murmurs, shuffling his steps back to his desk.
In the middle of the night later, John is sitting at the desk in his room, his glass of whiskey half empty on the table. His shirt is open revealing his chest. He drinks a little while staring at the laptop screen and looking at Leah's report on the side. His expression is calm but the veins in his neck seem to pulse against his skin. His fingers slide over the keyboard as he sighs.
He exhales as he drinks another bit of Whiskey. The alcohol begins to take its toll on him at that time of night but his expression remains neutral. His eyes dart from the screen to Lea's report almost with a longing that makes him feel anxious. He drinks a little more and a little more and rubs his forehead with his fingertips as he exhales again.
He sinks into the seat with a sigh, memories filling him, tormenting him again. He fills his glass immersed in bitterness. His breathing is long and slow as he drinks. He hears the ice crack as it melts and his eyes go to the window. The world looks so still, as if it were a painting. He scratches between his eyebrows and leaves the glass on the table, his phone vibrates next to the laptop with messages. Several are from Laswell and Gaz, even from Soap with some shitty jokes that I could probably read later.
But his heart stops when he looks at Leah C.'s Name on his screen.
"Did you read the reports?"
His breath stays in his throat, he takes the glass of Whiskey and drinks in silence while grunting under his breath.
"In my room in ten minutes," he responds, taking another drink.
He knows he's lost, that the alcohol has already taken all of him at that moment, but he can't stop.
Chapter 4
His breath catches in his throat as he shuffles down the hallway. Do the footsteps sound louder? Is she being too loud? A soldier quickly passes by on the right and salutes her as usual. Leah is not breathing and presses her back to the wall with her head too. Eyes closed as he tries to calm down. When he opens them he looks around, the long hallway stretches to the end and keeps turning but Captain John Price's room is just four doors down from where he is.
Fuck, fuck.
Take another breath.
It's just work, damn it.
Another breath and he moves his feet again, one in front of the other as if he had more than 30 pounds on each thigh. This feels worse than running uphill on a rainy night while trying to save yourself. The thought makes her smile as she reaches the door with the name "Captain Price" in gold letters.
She knocks on the wood of the door twice. He's not breathing but he's there, risking everything. Never, in all the years has she been there, standing at John Price's door waiting for him to open or… whatever.
-It's open! Happens! — The scream sounds like the ones he makes when he yells at new cadets or like a boisterous laugh while talking about something with Gaz.
Leah frowns and turns the doorknob, opening it slowly.
The room is dark except for the laptop screen on the small desk at the foot of the bed.
"Come in, come in," she hears him say. Leah takes a while to adjust her eyes to the darkness and seeing him, there, sunk in the seat in front of the desk. His figure is drawn as a shadow by the light in front of his face on the screen.
She moves forward after closing the door and approaches the edge of the table, trying to maintain a professional expression. But the fight is terrible within his heart. Because she has rarely seen John in a deplorable state like the one she sees him in now, which makes her feel like hugging him, sitting on his lap and holding him until his tense body relaxes and she puts her hands on his back, surrendering. to the need to love affection.
“Sit down,” he murmurs. Her eyes are on the screen and in her hands a glass of Whiskey that Leah smells, it's Scotch. But she doesn't stay looking at the glass but at the image of him, leaning against the back of the chair, with his shirt open and his chest exposed.
Even through the light of the screen that seems to illuminate nothing, Leah can see some scars on his enormous pecs and some beautiful ones in the middle that disappear as they go down.
He follows his sane instincts as much as he can and grabs a chair he sees out of the corner of his eye dragging it next to the desk next to John.
She looks at her report next to John's laptop and then looks back into his eyes, finding John's blue eyes on her.
—So—she clears her throat in a useless attempt to calm down and tries her best not to lower her eyes from John's and see his hard… and broad chest—You read the report.
—I read it, very useful — John takes a sip of Whiskey while looking at her — but I assume you knew that… — John swallows as he removes the glass from his lips and licks them as if he didn't want to waste a single drop of the Whiskey. He almost wants to smile at the sight of Leah's cheeks so red with the blood on her face, as if she were writhing under the weight of his gaze, fighting for something inside.
—Assume what? —She rests one arm on the table taking the report, just to have something to do while he looks at her like that—.
—Do you want me to say it? — Leah looks at him and he tilts his head as he continues to look at her, his eyes fluttering over her in a back-and-forth that makes her feel dizzy.
Leah snorts.
—Okay, that's wrong. Which is strange for a woman who worked at the CIA during her first years of service, right? I should know more how… Damn, I'm good at shooting from a distance, I hit the target and I can take down Ghost who is stronger than me but… — she scratches her forehead, pressing her fingers between her eyebrows — I hate making reports, I think Which is why I was so happy to be here when Laswell sent me.
"I don't…" John looks a little bewildered and watches her take the glass from him and take a sip while looking into his eyes.
"I didn't want to disappoint you," Leah swallows, feeling the bitter taste on her tongue and in her throat. The way he wrinkles his forehead and nose makes John want to cuddle him.
"You don't disappoint me," he murmurs, smiling. However, his expression hardens as soon as he clears his throat. He feels a small voice in the back of his head, the words soft and quiet, a whisper of air like a warning. He lets out a breath and drinks some Whiskey again, taking the glass from Leah, looking at her computer screen. “You did well,” he murmurs. “We just can't do much with all this information if we can't act.” John says. He rubs his forehead with his fingertips — damn bureaucrats, sons of bitches —.
Leah smiles, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand.
"I'm sorry, as much as Laswell loves me, I can't make her twist her arm for this," he sighs, "we have to wait."
John looks at her.
“Mmm,” he grunts, rolling his eyes back to the screen.
—Well then, is that why you called me or why did you accept the conversation? — She leans a little over the table trying to meet his gaze — Has the curmudgeon decided to talk about what's bothering him? —.
John looks at her with a tense jaw.
"There's a storm brewing, Leah," he growls, breathing heavily through his nose. His eyes fluttering between yours and your lips. He leans toward her and Leah screams as John slides his chair closer to him. His expression is dark, but as if tenderness is struggling to get through. His eyes roam over Leah's lips, her loose blonde hair over her shoulders, her neck. He takes another whiff of Whiskey as he looks at her.
"You're grumpier when you drink," Leah murmurs without thinking, his small action of pulling her closer in the chair has gotten her on edge, she no longer has time to think about what is right or wrong. She just wants him to kiss her and she knows she's going to let him do it.
—And you like that? — John leaves the glass on the table while not taking his blue eyes off Leah's brown ones. The light from the computer screen captures Leah's silhouette against the wall and his. He looks at her hungrily even in the middle of his drunkenness and can see her cheeks getting redder and redder.
"No," she murmurs, looking at John's lips as she swallows slowly, takes a deep breath and willpower to look at the computer screen again. "What are you working on?" —he breathes deeply, feeling John's breath on his neck. He's not completely inclined but the heat of his body burns her in leaps and bounds as he keeps his eyes on the screen.
—Laswell sent me some things, information. The same thing you did -.
-But better -.
—No, not better —he murmurs —Shepherd sent information too. Did you read the memo? —.
—Mmm — Leah reads the screen — pure shit —.
John laughs in a low, hoarse voice.
"Yes, pure shit," he murmurs, looking at her profile, he can almost feel her trying to stay still in her seat, her hands itching to put it on his wide, meaty, soft thighs. Her mouth is dry and she is not ashamed of the way he is looking at her, desire burning in every pore of her skin.
—Is that why you're in a bad mood? —she asks, this time turning her face to find John Price's closer than normal—.
—Maybe—he feels the heat of her breath, the heat of her body enough to drive him crazy.
-Because? — It's like a random question, as if it were just to say something in the middle of the tortuous silence between the two of them —.
"You said it, it's bullshit." John snorts through his nose and leans back against the back of the chair, his arm going behind Lea's back, she sees his hand out of the corner of her eye. He doesn't touch it but it is there, leaning on the back of his chair.
Leah frowns at the screen and leans forward. His hair falls on his chest at the movement and he clicks on several pages, John sees his legs crossed in those dark jeans, his elbow on his legs, his chin on the palm of his hand as he clicks and looks at the screen.
Suddenly Leah looks at him and her gaze makes him feel a little dizzy.
—It's bullshit—he shrugs his shoulders—I'm crossing my fingers that Laswell gives us the go-ahead tomorrow.
—You want some action, don't you? — he chuckles — the emotion, mmm…
-You do not? —she raises an eyebrow in his direction—you've been stuck among piles of shitty papers for months.
—Maybe—his mouth is dry, his body on fire from the heat of Leah's body. It's burning because of him. His thoughts lead him to see her lips again, imagining what it would be like to touch her, every part of her sweet body. He feels his breath catch in his throat when he looks into her eyes again. His breath warm and trembling as he barely breathes.
Lea smiles but doesn't know what else to say, it's as if the words float in the air and she can't grab them to make them sound through her lips. John puts the glass of whiskey on the table and lets his hand fall to her legs, to Leah's legs, without touching. He just slides them until he grabs her thin fingers.
—You have such pretty lips… — he smiles ironically — Don't you feel like kissing me? — His teeth shine white and his voice is a hum of breaths that come in short bursts. His eyes are locked on her lips, locked on her eyes that remind him of the chocolates he always sees when passing by the cafeteria at London Central Station, mmm yes, maybe he'll buy some for her another day. "Like you say?" that saying…?
"He who doesn't risk doesn't cross the river," she whispers breathlessly, focused on John's fingers playing with hers, her body burning for him.
—Exactly—John smiles slyly and leans forward, taking a risk. Her hand closes around Leah's fingers and she closes her eyes.
Feel the heat of his lips, the distance no longer exists. Relief floods his soul, as if Leah's lips were a balm that makes him feel missed. Her hand slides up her arm until it reaches her shoulder, soft, tender caresses as Leah's lips move over hers, sweet, soft, slow.
He moves his lips over hers again and again, slowly. His hand goes up to touch her hair, caressing it as if it were porcelain. His fingers between the blonde strands of her hair and he holds her there. Her breath warms her lips as she feels Leah's hands on the hard muscles of her arms as if she's afraid to touch further.
She is the first to part their lips and he doesn't stop her. John lets his hand fall from her hair and her arms as he listens to the wild beating of her heart, her short breathing as he looks into her eyes.
Leah looks at him for a few seconds before standing up calmly, her fingers touching her lips as she looks at him, fixated on him as he steps back and John doesn't stop her from leaving. He sees her go towards the door and disappear after closing it.
John stays in the chair, his eyes filled with a desire and a feeling that swirls in his burning chest, his hand hitting his ribcage and rubbing as if it can calm what he feels inside. He reaches forward for the glass of Whiskey and sips as he tries to cool his head for a moment, but he still feels Leah's lips on his, he can almost taste her.
Damn all this time he was ignoring those sweet lips…
Chapter 5:
—Yes, yes — Leah had the phone pressed to her ear with her arm while she finished adjusting her military boots on the bed — Thanks Kate, I'll go tell them right now —.
He hangs up and finishes tying his boots, grabs his dark green jacket and quickly puts it on to go out. He rushes to John's office but when he arrives he only sees Gaz sitting in the chair half asleep.
—And John? —he asks holding the door open. Gaz scratches his eyes, looking at her sleepily.
"I thought you were going to know," he shrugged his shoulders mockingly and she just looked at him witheringly. "I wasn't with you?" —.
—No—he sighs—Ghost and Soap? —.
"They just arrived, they're coming here."
Leah nods and heads back the way she came, shuffling across the floor toward John's room, knocking twice before checking to see if the handle is open. She swallows slowly as she remembers what had happened last night, the way he looked at her, his lips. His touch… His body shudders but he still opens the door slowly and peeks out carefully.
John comes out of the bathroom adjusting the watch on his wrist. He is wearing his military suit and his hat is resting on the bed. When he sees her, his eyebrows rise slightly.
—Sorry, I knocked but…
-Do not worry It's OK. Come in—he circles the bed and walks over to her slowly, Leah shrinks as his large body approaches her as the sensations of the previous night overwhelm her—Is everything okay? —.
Don't you remember that I kissed you?
-If everything is fine. Very well indeed - she takes a breath trying to keep her eyes on John's - Laswell called, everything is ready to go to Paris, it's a forest far from the city, a warehouse that may be guarded by Hadid's men, but … —.
John's eyes stay on her, on her body and the way he tries to control her. She can feel her pulse beating faster and her mouth slowly drying out.
-Yeah? —.
"I need you to handle this John," she clears her throat, "and give the order to leave."
—Sure—his eyes land on hers and she can feel the heat of his gaze. He steps close to her and touches her hand, gripping her fingers just like he did the night before, caressing her fingers as if he's afraid they'll break. She can feel her body turning on little by little. "You're doing it well," she murmurs, getting closer, her other hand rests on Leah's waist while she looks at her from above. "This thing about… organizing things."
—John… —she is blushing, but fighting with herself—.
—Hmm? — John runs his hand up her arm, his fingers on her neck moving up to her chin. She narrows her eyes as she feels the touch of his calloused hands on her face.
—Everything is ready, Gaz must be preparing the Helicopter, we have to… go —.
—And aren't we going to talk about the kiss you gave me last night? —His voice is hoarse and his breath warms his lips. Her brown eyes look at him with adoration.
John's fingers brush his cheek.
He looks down at her lips and kisses her slowly. His hand holds his face with no intention of wanting to end it. Leah's heart beats hard against her chest, she hesitates as if she were going to back away but John puts his arm around her, holding her against his body and kisses her for a long time, savoring her as if he were holding back the desire to devour her. He feels his body burn as he brushes his teeth with his tongue asking her to go further.
Leah moans against his mouth as her hands grip the fabric of his military clothing, crumpling the fabric as if the life depended on it.
For a moment she lets him intensify the kiss and her thoughts become clouded as their tongues dance with each other, she feels it and knows she needs it. However, he pulls away, gasping for air. His hands are spread over his chest pushing back slightly.
—Mmm—John looks at Leah's lips slightly swollen from his kisses, his fingers caress her lower lip slowly, his arm around her is hard and he has no intention of letting her go. His eyes move to yours, his breathing is labored, his lips parted.
He wants her again.
He turns her in a single movement, carefully placing her against the wall, leans down, brushing his lips with hers but doesn't get closer.
“We have to go,” Leah gasps. “…
"Mmm…" he grunts as she feels through the palm of her hands how his hard chest rises and falls.
With a lot of willpower, John lets her go. Releasing little by little with a lot of pain. He watches her regain her composure while he still doesn't want to deal with his emotions.
"Okay," Leah clears her throat and heads toward the door, but looks at him before opening it.
"We'll talk about this later," John tells her with a neutral expression, approaching her.
—Yes—Leah opens the door before he grabs it again and as she walks in front of him she smiles like a fool.
As John walks behind her, his hungry eyes admire her figure. Her curves, the way she falls into those tight jeans. He shakes his head, running his hand over his face. Leah is one of the few women in there who doesn't wear a lot of military clothing, maybe because she's not quite a soldier, because she's also CIA. But John loves seeing her in those half-tight jeans.
The only thing he thinks about when he goes after her is to hold her against a wall again and kiss her. But he swallows and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
Upon arriving at the hangar, they meet Gaz, Ghost and Soap and Alejandro.
The latter looks at Leah with surprise and John notices how Leah opens her eyes as if she had seen a ghost.
"Leah?" — Alejandro passes by Ghost and approaches with a smile —.
-Alexander! — Leah runs towards him hugging him by the neck. John stands still next to Gaz watching the scene with his jaw clenched — What…? — Leah hangs on his neck — How…? —.
—Ah, the boys mentioned that they needed help so — Alejandro shrugged his shoulders as she looked him in the face — Not annoying, right, Cap? — Alejandro tilted his head to look at Price —.
—Of course not — Stoick responds — I suppose you're aware — John Price looks away from them and Leah gets off Alejandro's neck without realizing that John is jealous, of course, because he hides it very well while giving him his back and puts on his military equipment in one go.
—Of course, of course — Ghost approaches Alejandro and Soap and they prepare everything to get on the helicopter. Leah, smiling, approaches the table to take her outfit and put it on, however it takes a little work for her to find the bodices to adjust it on her hips.
John turns and watches her struggle against the straps and approaches silently. He grabs her hips and puts his arms around her as she freezes, with one tug he adjusts the straps and she's almost out of breath.
—Is it like this or is it too tight, Miss Carlsen? —he whispers hoarsely, leaning towards her ear—.
"Very… tight," she murmurs and hears him growl, a low, rough growl that vibrates in his throat as she loosens the straps a little. Leah takes a breath, turning to him with a frown. “What's wrong?” —.
John looks at her without saying anything, takes his weapons and puts on his hat almost without blinking. He quietly turns to the helicopter while everyone is there.
When she gets to the helicopter, Gaz helps her get on and Leah slides inside, sitting next to the window next to Alejandro. He leans towards her, almost shouting over the noise of the rotors and propellers.
—I'm glad to see you little one! —she exclaims, John hears through the headphones and stares at them as he sits in front of her. Leah looks at Alejandro with a smile.
-Me too! — She smiles and her gaze goes forward, John is squeezed by the window in front of her, Gaz and Soap are at her side.
He stares at her like he's making fun of something.
-Moved? —she sees him raise an eyebrow—.
"Very much." His face tenses under the weight of his gaze, as if they were playing tag.
The helicopter rises, the base is just a point in the middle of nowhere from above. Leah looks back at him, John has his head against the back wall, eyes closed and hands on his legs.
Leah shivers helplessly and looks out the window, biting her lip as if that will help calm her mind or her thoughts that move and stir around her.
At other times he would be the type to just keep his mind focused on working on what should really matter, but right now he's trying hard not to grab Alejandro and pull him away from Leah to take his place, put his hand on her. her thigh and growl in Alejandro's direction so he knows she is his.
The thought makes him laugh at how ridiculous it looks and he opens his eyes, seeing her as a hard hit to his balls. She looks out the window down, her blonde hair tied back in a ponytail as she holds the gun firmly in her hands.
Let his eyes caress your body surreptitiously and your mind be filled with fantasies. How did he let everything spill out of nowhere? The way he felt about her was like she had exploded through the door.
The trip lasts a long time and although John fights not to fall asleep, he does. When he wakes up he sees Leah leaning against Alejandro's shoulder, sleeping. He opens his lips as if to shout at her but his voice gets stuck in his throat and Gaz nudges him.
"We're getting there," he looks at him half-disoriented and nods, swallowing slowly as he holds his gun in his hands and breathes deeply before looking out the window.
Stay focused and alert is your biggest motto. Your feelings and emotions cannot cloud your good judgment. So avoid looking at her the rest of the way.
When the Helicopter lands, Leah wonders how they'll make the convictions now. Since the group is used to working among themselves without Alejandro, what she sensed could unbalance the movements she was used to having with them.
Once downstairs, John already had everything planned.
Gaz and Alejandro would go straight to the warehouse and infiltrate inside until they reached the agreed point. Ghost and Soap would stay up high to keep watch around.
John stared at her and then at his companions.
—Leah and I will go to the forest downstream, go around the perimeter and we will meet at the shed — everyone nodded — be alert and focused —.
"Yes, sir," they murmured in unison and Leah saw her friends run towards where John indicated, she also saw John calmly puff the smoke from his cigar and his blue eyes looked at her through the darkness of the forest.
—Do you hear me? — John murmured through the headphones to the others, everyone responded affirmatively and John nodded to himself — Okay — he took a breath while holding his gun and when he turned he found Leah looking around — stay close — he whispered, trying to take the role that he used to take, being Captain, being Chief. But when he saw her slide towards him his heart tightened in his chest as if he wanted to put her under his arms and not let anyone touch her - stay alert -.
"Yes, sir," she said. At John's surprised expression Leah shrugged her shoulders - sorry, habit -.
—It's okay, it's as it should be — He takes a deep breath, fighting with himself —.
Leah looks at him strangely, a bitter feeling filling her nervous system. She shakes her head to clear her thoughts and follows him through the forest. It's not long until they see the structure, she crouches next to a tree, turns on the night vision to look around and then the sniper.
“Two guards outside, four inside,” he murmurs to John.
He nods.
Price: Bravo five, here bravo six, do you copy me? Gaz: Copied, we're in. Price: Good.
John looks at Leah and she nods, a tactical gesture she has committed to memory.
"Cut off the heads," John murmurs and she adjusts the franc in her hands, adjusts the sights and fires. The two men fall dead to the ground. John puts a hand on his arm - good job - they both nod and move towards the building -.
John shoots the light poles, turning them off, moving through the darkness they sneak into the building. It doesn't take long for them to meet up with Gaz and Alejandro. The four of them are against a wall waiting for the next move. But things don't look very good, there are more enemies than they thought there were.
"There are at least thirty," Gaz mutters, looking over the edge, "not counting the trucks outside."
—We will make it—John reloads his silencer weapon—the objective is in the subway cell—he slides his fingers across the screen of his phone looking at the graphics—Gaz and Alejandro, stay here. Leah—a nod indicates the order and the woman nods firmly, sliding with him down the narrow hallway toward the door—.
John gestures to her to be alert and watch when she sees someone out of the corner of her eye, John pushes her against the wall trying to stay still. Her eyes watch him closely, her breaths coming in gasps.
When the shadow passes, Leah moves a little away from John and his grip, he opens the subway door and kills two guards who appear on the other side. Leah slides over another enemy, her knife digging into the hard flesh and bones of the man's head as it falls to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
John looks at her as if he were seeing something amazing and a smile crosses his lips.
Concentrating again, they go down the stairs and enter the underground. John and Leah take down more enemies as they make their way to the cells, opening them one by one.
Leah kicks the penultimate one, a bandaged man is sitting on the bed. His hands are bloody and he is barefoot.
She whistles at John and he approaches to look at him, they don't have to say anything to know who is the target. A worker who has information, who has worked with Graves.
At that moment, something similar to a bomb explodes not far away, John and Leah fall to the ground with debris falling around them. He falls on her with the need to protect her. They try to communicate with the rest of the team but for some reason the radios don't work.
While they are trying to leave, they meet Gaz who tells them that she has broken up with Alejandro and that she doesn't know where he is because the radios don't work. He also tells them that he found the missiles they are building.
—Take him out of here, take him alive — John puts his hands on Gaz's shoulders — look for the others, and get out of here now —.
Gaz nods hesitantly, but grabs the bandaged man and forces him to walk away from them.
John turns to Leah who is looking for the door where the missiles are. He rushes to her grabbing her elbow pulling her towards him.
"We have to get out of here," he says urgently, but Leah denies.
—We can't go and leave this here John —she looks around, piles of empty barrels but in the background, almost in the darkness, blue containers appear before her eyes —.
"We have to go," he repeats, but she lets go and denies.
—You go, make sure the equipment is okay. I… I'll see how I destroy them.
She moves forward and John frowns at her, processing her attitude and what she apparently wants to do. He shakes his head groggily and approaches her again.
"It's too risky, Leah," he follows her as she kicks the barrels, throws folders in search of information.
—We can't go away and leave this like this.
—We have the objective, we must go.
"Go away," she continues searching until she stops in front of the containers.
John runs a hand over his face.
—You are disobeying orders from your superior —.
—Since when are you such a dictator? — She turns to him putting her hands on his belt, John opens his eyes thinking something else and when she removes one of the tools that John uses to open locks he rolls his eyes —.
—It's an order, if you don't obey you will be punished Leah —.
—Well, I don't care—she puts the tool in the lock and kicks it, the container door opens wide and they both stare at what's inside, two missiles. One finished and another… almost half built. Leah sighs, looking at him.
—Don't say anything—He shakes his head, looking around when he feels Leah take off her backpack and dig inside—Really? —.
"It's the only way," she responds, pulling out bombs.
—They are not under control Leah, you put them on and we will have twenty seconds to get out of here. And do you have any idea how long it will take us to get out of here? —.
"Well, I guess we're going to have to take a chance."
John snorts.
"The hell with you, woman," although he denies, he knows it's the only solution, so he helps her place the bombs quickly. When they place the last one, they look into each other's eyes. "I have to admit your audacity."
She laughs but doesn't say anything.
John activates the bombs, grabs her hand and starts running with her pulling.
They can't make it to the stairs when the bombs explode. Smoke and debris fill the place and Leah falls to the side, she is sure she has hurt her head somewhere but she doesn't think about it as she tries to look for John in the fog of smoke and dirt. He stands against the wall, trying to breathe but even the air is toxic, his ears are slightly blocked and he hears the gunshots as if they were echoes. His vision doesn't clear at all and he tries to concentrate on coming to his senses.
John's large shadow crosses her gaze, grabbing her by the shoulders, he shelters her behind his back while she sees him shoot, she hears him shout something, but she can't hear him. John pushes the escape doors and they go outside, the gunshots getting louder as Leah hears again.
—You have to run now! — he shouts at her, grabbing her hand — Come on, come on — she shakes her head, they go into the darkness of the forest, running along the paths, running, running, running, until the building, the fire and the shots are just a far point in his sight —Don't stop! - he shouts, pulling her -.
The cold hits her face, but the heat from the adrenaline of running keeps her warm.
They run, until the sounds of gunshots are just echoes.
Leah stops bracing her hands against her knees, panting. John is still in front of her, his blue eyes looking at her in the darkness.
"They'll be fine," he whispers with a broken voice. "They'll be fine."
Leah swallows, looking over her shoulder, cursing under her breath. Yes, she knows her friends will be okay. Has to follow.
—Leah—she feels John's fingers hovering around her arm—come on, we have to continue.
It was very cold. John knew that at that time of year in Paris, it snowed.
He had to find shelter soon.
Chapter 6
Leah doesn't know how far she has walked, but she can't feel her legs as she continues to do so, trying to keep up with John, wondering if he isn't tired, although she can see that he is evidently panting as the minutes pass much more than before.
She tries to concentrate, her hands holding her gun as she follows him silently. It is evident that they have separated from the group and that she feels disoriented, and if it weren't for the fact that John is ahead of her, she would be curling up on the floor and letting herself die. Cold dead.
The damn radios don't work and they're in the middle of a fucking forest in a country they've never been to before. The lack of signal has caused John to almost break the emergency radios they had in their backpack. And to make it worse, the cold has gotten rough. The snow started falling a long time ago and every step is a pain in her bones that makes her shudder.
And yet, as she follows him she is thinking about John's kiss. The one she hasn't been able to stop thinking about since that night and now that they were stranded in the middle of nowhere, she wondered if he was going to continue with that Capitan attitude all the time or was he going to come hug her to warm her and kiss her.
"There's a river to the south," John murmurs, walking with his eyes straight ahead. "There should be some cover or…" He turns over his shoulder to look at Leah and when he sees her, he stops dead. His expression reflects concern mixed with softness.
—Yes—Leah responds, watching as her feet begin to leave marks due to the snow that is accumulating, a gust of vision envelops them and Leah has to hug herself with her eyes closed to tolerate the cold that she tolerates less and less, so In fact, he's shivering and despite the gloves his fingers and toes feel colder than a penguin's—or maybe finding shelter or something, whatever.
John stops causing Leah to crash into his chest and stumble back but he grabs her arm. His brow is slightly furrowed, his blue eyes boring into hers, his voice barely above a whisper.
—Come here—John pulls her towards his body. He hugs her and rubs her arms and back trying to give her some kind of warmth. Leah closes her eyes against the comfort and sensation.
"Although I like this a lot, I think we should move on."
The touch between the two is electric, intimate. John's hands run up and down his back. His fingers caressing her, as if that does any good or is just a lame excuse to have her close. Leah looks up at him. His gaze is penetrating on her.
—You need heat. "You can trust me for that," he whispers, pulling her closer to him.
Leah leans on his chest, for a few seconds it seems like she stops shaking. Her arms are ridiculously big and strong and protect her from the cold.
"I see that," he murmurs, "but we have to…" as soon as he moves away he begins to tremble. "Keep moving forward, come on." Leah pats John's chest, moving ahead of him.
John takes a deep breath and watches her walk like she's made of jelly, trying hard not to keep shaking.
—Are you avoiding me or something? —he asks, matching his pace.
—Avoiding you? John, I'm freezing to death.
He growls under his breath.
—How do you come to a place like this with a jacket as thin as that? —he looks at her—Where is your head lately? —.
"You don't want to know." John looks at her and chuckles. However, when Leah returns the flirtatious look, she staggers and John grabs her again.
"One step at a time," he warns her gently.
They walk several more kilometers, Leah no longer feels the cold on her face or her hands. He looks up past the tree trunks and steep hills and sees a small cabin in the middle of several trees. He grabs John by the arm, patting him almost on the verge of screaming, and points him in the direction of the cabin.
“Caba-cabaña,” she shivered, her arms clinging to herself. John puts his arm around her, pressing her against him, and rubs her arms.
"Fuck me," he says, laughing, "come on, let's go."
John pushes the old door open with one hand while making sure to get Leah inside to protect her from the wind.
"Stay here, I'll take a look at the outside."
Leah nods as she rubs her arms and her chin trembles, her teeth chattering. Look around. There is a large bed in the corner, a kitchen that probably doesn't work, another door that could lead to the bathroom, an old couch, and a table with two chairs by the window near the front door. It is small and probably long abandoned.
John enters, closing the door tightly, he locks it so that it does not open and he takes off his backpack and all the things that could get in his way. The first thing he does is take off his military equipment and then the jacket he is wearing underneath, he quickly puts it over his shoulders. Leah's shoulders and rubs her arms.
"You'll be fine," he encourages, looking into her eyes, both of them looking at a small fireplace on the side.
—We can't light it, if they see the smoke they could see us, if the boys aren't looking for us… — John caresses her back —.
—Shhh, I know. They will find us without smoke, I know — John has her against his chest and looks at the bed — Why don't you go to bed? Come - he approaches the bed and sits her on the edge, looks at some furniture near the wall, opens it and finds blankets -.
"Someone definitely lives here," Leah manages to say quickly before shivering again.
—We'll leave her a note when we leave or we'll become her friend by hook or by crook if she comes back—John winks and puts several blankets over her—that's it… you'll be fine.
"F-fuck John, I'm… I'm sorry," he's still shaking and rubbing his hands over his face, blowing breath between them as if that would help. John takes her hands. Small hands between huge hands. He rubs them against his while looking at her.
—I'm made for this, it's not fair to you — he laughs as if he were mocking, rubbing his hands against Leah's while he watches her smile from the side — You're like icicles.
She laughs looking down, the feeling of his large hands rubbing hers is so comforting. They are so warm…
"Take a breath," he whispers, "that's it."
His voice and warm hands calm her a little like rain after a storm. John leans down and places a tender kiss on her forehead.
"Rest," he whispers, caressing her back with one hand while still supporting her with the other.
“Hold me,” she says, as if she desperately needs to get her hands under John's clothes to feel his body heat.
John doesn't even doubt it. He throws himself on the bed and pulls her up while Leah puts her head between his chest and his arm. John caresses her arms as he wraps her in the blankets.
"It's okay," he whispers, "now rest a little. Are you warm now?" —.
Leah now doesn't know if she's shivering because of the cold or because of the naturalness with which John flirts. She wonders if he's conscious about the way he talks to her, like he wants to make her cringe all the damn time.
"Aha," he manages to say.
John hums quietly, a soft sound falling from his lips as his hand caresses her arms. His big, strong hands move with a gentle touch and she wants him to touch her under the covers, to give her warmth, body heat. But try to handle the situation without losing your mind because of what you are feeling. Besides the cold.
"I'm sorry for being so cold," she murmurs with her cheek against John's chest.
"You're freezing, there's no need to apologize."
Leah's hand resting on John's hard stomach is caught by John's free hand. He intertwines their fingers in a way to continue warming her up. Rub the backs of your fingers up and down.
"Mmm," Leah whispers, narrowing her eyes, her skin tingles in the areas he's touching her, her body getting incredibly hot.
"That's it," says John, "you're hot now."
Outside the wind whips against the house as if it were going to blow it down, the snow falls like there is no tomorrow, and the whistle of the wind that gets between the old wood of the house makes Leah shrink into John's lap.
—Tell me a story, whatever, I hate storms…
He smiles, his voice soft.
—Once upon a time there was a little girl… and she was cold. Like you. But she had a big, strong man. He put his arms around her and promised her that everything was going to be okay—John looks down at her and meets her brown eyes. His blue eyes studying her gaze in the darkness - and he believed him -.
"Ha, ha… that's funny," she laughs and snuggles further into his lap. Her little hands feeling the hard skin of her clothes. Will her skin be as warm as her hands? Suddenly the image of him in the darkness of his room at the base, with his chest exposed, makes his throat go dry.
John sighs, pulling her close to him, his arm wrapping around her even tighter and she hides her head under his chin as John's hand moves up to her neck, playing with the strands of her hair.
"I'll keep you warm, Leah." Just close your eyes. Everything will be fine. I promise -.
Leah relaxes, her body warming up, her legs intertwined with John's, his hand safe against her abdomen over her clothes, his strong arms protecting her. The sound of the wind and the blizzard is suddenly just a whisper as her eyes close and close until she falls asleep.
He opens his eyes with a wave of panic. There is no one next to him and there is silence and light. The first thing he does is sit down on the bed suddenly, evaluating its entire contour with his eyes.
He stops to look at the man hunched against the table, growling under his breath.
—John? —The Captain looks at her but concentrates again. Leah takes a while to realize it but when she does she notices that she is fighting with the radios.
John lets out a frustrated huff. He stops for a moment and his eyes linger on her. Sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing her arms, tucked into that too-big-for-her jacket of his that makes him smile.
-Did you sleep well? —.
"Yes," she murmurs, looking out the window. Outside everything is white and there is no seeing. Even the sun seems to be hot. Although he still trembles a little, it's actually due to the lack of John's body heat and he frowns as he looks at him again. "You didn't sleep at all, right?" —.
"Someone had to be alert and had to try to fix these shitty radios that…" John stops, looking at Leah with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."
—I work surrounded by men, I listen to all kinds of things. A swear word doesn't scare me — she smiles warmly and John does so for a moment. However, go back to watching the radios — you should get some sleep now. You can't go without sleep.
—No, no… I need to fix this. Just warm up, I'm fine.
Leah rolls her eyes.
“Grumpy bear,” he mutters under his breath, looking out the window. She thinks he didn't hear her, but John slowly turns his face to Leah.
“Damn, I heard that,” he huffs in the most annoying but loving way possible. His blue eyes are on her and as much as he wants to continue fighting with the radios, he knows she's right. So she slowly gets up and sits next to Leah on the edge of the bed.
"I didn't say anything," Leah turns to look at him with feigned innocence.
—Yes, yes you did — He smiles as he rubs his hands along your arms — Are you still cold? —.
"Just a little bit," Leah shrugs her shoulders as John hugs her, giving her a kiss on the back of her head.
"Keep resting, we're going to be here for a long time." John huffs, sliding his arm away from Leah and stands up, but when he does, Leah's hand closes around his arm.
"Stay," she murmurs, looking at him almost with a shyness that makes him feel overwhelmed. He looks at her fingers on his arm and his breath catches in his throat, he sits up taking a deep breath, putting an arm around Leah's back again, pulling her closer to him.
His chest is warm and musky beneath the layers of clothing he's wearing. He slides onto the bed again, his large body stretching across it as he waits for her to do the same. Leah doesn't think about it for a second and crawls towards him, getting into his arms.
The contact instantly warms Leah and as he holds her her breathing becomes heavy.
When both are comfortable. John closes his eyes trying to sleep. Having Leah's body pressed against him is a challenge, especially not touching her as his thoughts are leading him to do. He is a trained and calculating man after all.
But with her he just wants to be John. Just John.
—You're so warm. "Like a stove," she says with her eyes closed, unconsciously turning, her face against his strong arm while John moves on her back to hug her and snuggle behind her.
-Yeah? — John laughs slowly, a hoarse laugh that leaves havoc on Leah's neck as their bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle —.
"Mmm yes, I could stay like this forever," he says with his eyes closed.
—Yes—John looks at the wall, feeling his ears get hot. She rubs Leah's arms as a distraction, but that makes it worse. The fire that burns in his chest for her is enormous.
-It is very cold -.
"Calm down," he says with a sigh, "You know?" Don't tell the others but… you're my favorite.
Leah turns her gaze slightly to look at him.
-Yeah? — he smiles, but immediately freezes when he feels John's air on his neck —.
—You are by far my favorite, Sergeant. For a country mile — John's voice is a thick, hoarse whisper as if he's holding breath. His eyes look at Leah's neck as if his fangs were coming out.
She swallows slowly knowing what she is doing and what she wants. She desperately needs him so she turns around again hugging him face to face, closes her eyes and brings her cheek closer to John's, sliding it over his beard.
"You're so warm," she whispers, feeling John's hands slide slowly along her waist.
John closes his eyes feeling her touch, his nose gets into Leah's hair inhaling her shampoo smell, she always smells of citrus and he loves it and now that he has her there in his arms, rubbing against him like a kitten looking for affection John feels like he's about to lose his mind.
—John… — Leah's hands slide over his broad shoulders over the thermal shirt, then she touches his neck, even feeling the veins in it. The pores of your skin. Leah isn't even breathing.
"Leah I…"
"Kiss me please," he begs, his voice like a moan coming from his throat, if he could kneel to ask for it, Jesus, he would do it "please…"
The corner of John's mouth twitches upward. His large hand covers Leah's entire back and his strong arms wrap around her carefully. He can feel her breath hitting his skin. He wants to kiss her, with every fiber of her skin, and his heart races in his chest as he presses his forehead against Leah's. Blue eyes staring at her almost breathless.
Then Leah kisses him. At first glance it looks like a clumsy, almost childish kiss, but when John puts his hand in her hair, moving it to intensify the kiss. A quiet sound escapes his throat, pleasure but also something that makes John's heart tremble with every soft movement of Leah's lips against his.
He smiles against her lips and combs her hair with his fingers, a tender, breathless caress.
—Damn Leah…
He laughs against her lips pressing them again. His hands run over Leah's body as if asking her permission while she grips her fingers into the fabric of his T-shirt and her tongue shyly slides into his mouth.
"Damn…" John murmurs.
His right hand slides over her waist caressing her waist. Slowly going down her thigh, leading her to place her leg over his and higher over his hips.
—John I…
"About that night Leah," he murmurs against his lips, which run down his chin toward his neck, his beard tickling Leah as he holds her hips with one hand.
-What about that? We kissed John… and I… you…
-Me what? — John steps away for just a moment to look at her with one eyebrow over the other —.
—I like you, I like you a lot—she looks at his lips, his blue eyes looking into hers—.
—Mmmm—John leans into his neck again, this time nibbling a little, as if he were tasting his flesh. Leah moans as John's hands slide over the fabric of her jeans, caressing her thighs and hips until they slip under her blouse, touching her skin — you're so soft.
"John…" She moves restlessly under his large body, her hands move along his back and soon get under his shirt. His skin is hard, hot.
"Leah, let me show you how much I like you," he says in a growl as he licks the entire length of her neck to her ear, making sure he hears her very well. "Yes?" Be a good girl and let me show you.
"Yes, yes," she opens her mouth as she feels John's fingers press against her hips, almost panting. John takes her face in one hand and kisses her passionately. His tongue thrusting into her mouth, exploring. Moaning.
For a moment there is nothing else but the two of them, rubbing, kissing. Moving their tongues fervently over each other's. She feels John's hardness hitting her which makes her moan.
—God, you're so sensitive… I never imagined that… — he slides his mouth down, licking her neck — that you were so sensitive Leah — his mouth lowers, his tongue licks her collarbone, he nibbles desperately as he touches her down — .
Her throat gets dry from thinking when she is wet. Which makes him pull away and get on his knees between her legs. Leah opens her eyes disoriented and her heart stops when John pulls his shirt over his head.
His hard, wide body looms before her. Beautiful dark and light ones in the middle of his pecs… those marked muscles. Those strong arms. It makes your throat dry.
John leans over her again, biting Leah's bottom lip and she drops her hands to his shoulders touching his skin. Several scars cross his skin in various places and he finds it so fucking sexy that he can't stop touching it.
—Are you going to be good to me? —.
"Yes," he murmurs, watching John go down his neck, kissing his chest over his clothes, lifting his blouse to kiss his belly that contracts when he feels his beard. "John…" his cheeks turn red just by feeling him go down and An unexpected scream leaves her throat when John pulls her pants and panties down at the same time — John…
"Shh…" he whispers, shaking his head. He takes off her boots and socks quickly, the same with the rest of the clothes, Leah closes her legs embarrassed but John separates them, burying his fingers in her thighs — Jesus Christ Leah — looks at her, licking her lips — Jesus Christ — she says as if to him. same…
—John… p-please…
John sees her cover her mouth and as he leans towards her legs, imagining her taste, he removes his hand from her mouth.
—No doll, you're going to scream. I want to hear you scream, yeah? — Judgment leaves Leah's body and her eyes roll into her head as the captain's tongue slides along her vagina while he moans with pleasure —.
Chapter 7
“John, n-no,” she sighs, her throat closing, her body tensing as he slides his arms under her thighs to hold her close and still.
—Mmm… —she hears him moan, while she squirms. Captain Price's tongue slides between Leah's folds with expertise, determination and boldness.
Jesus, no one would think you had that language, Captain. Leah thinks as she grits her teeth trying to control herself.
In her short 28 years not a man had touched her that way. Definitely not like him and he hadn't had many lovers in his life so to speak. She was always very strict about it, no sex before the first date. But with John I was open-legged without an appointment or anything on the agenda.
Her eyes roll into her head as he sticks his tongue in and his fingers move slowly around her clit. Teasing her, having fun with her. But John's own moans are starting to drive her crazy.
"Oh John, p-please," she whispers, her voice is barely a whisper and every time she covers her mouth to scream, The Captain yanks it away and nibbles at it, scolding her.
Leah felt herself unraveling, her heart beating like crazy with every lick, breath, or bite. John Price's huge hands rise from time to time upwards, touching the edge of her breasts.
"Mmm…" he moans again.
Heat begins to build up in your belly and your hips begin to move involuntarily.
In less than five minutes Leah finds herself moaning and whimpering while he is buried between her thighs. His body trembles, collapsing as the desire warms his belly and expands around him.
"That's it," he murmurs with a touch of calm and passion that shines in his eyes when they look at her. John smiles as he looks up at her and pulls away just a little, leaning his body over her. His hand softly hovering over her neck and rising to her lips, putting his fingers in Leah's mouth - Doll… - he grunts as he takes out his fingers and moves closer, kissing her mouth as if he were eating her alive, she moans against him. mouth. Feminine and sensual moans, as sweet or sweeter than what he imagined Leah could make, lost, he lowers his hand and fucks her slowly with the same fingers - Fuck… - he murmurs - you're so ready for me. Tell me how ready you are — she murmurs with her lips on Leah's neck — are you ready for me? —.
"Y-yes," she gasps, her body hunching over him, her moans incoherent, her hands on John's shoulders.
-Say it -.
"I'm ready, ready for you John," she says barely in a whisper, John's growl coming out of her throat like a growl that gets lost in her mouth.
It doesn't take him long to get rid of the rest of his clothes off the bed, while Leah's head is spinning from the orgasm she just had with John's tongue, she is dragged by his legs to the edge of the bed and makes a loud noise. I scream in surprise. He kisses her slowly, passing his tongue over her lips. A tender, romantic kiss that turns into a passionate one as he sticks his tongue into her mouth, moaning on her tongue as he rubs his huge, thick erection over Leah's wet folds.
“J-John,” she moans, her nails digging into his shoulders, slowly but enough for John to moan with a smile.
He pulls away, spreading Leah's legs with his hands, making sure she's spread wide open for him. She takes his erection and slides it through her folds, torturing her clit as Leah nearly cries.
"I don't have condoms," he moans almost breathlessly.
-I inject -.
"Still…" John bites his lip, the thick tip of his penis pressing at Leah's entrance making her whimper.
He looks into her eyes from above and what they want is implicit, of course. If it's for both of their approval, Leah doesn't mind if he cums inside, but she wouldn't mind if he did it outside either. For John, however, it is a topic that causes a stir. It makes him nervous but the mere idea of ​​seeing her full of him anywhere on her body makes his brain scramble.
"P-please," she moans and John narrows his eyes, taking his member, sinking into her with his eyes closed.
"Jesus… God… you're so… you're so…" The words are lost in his mouth, dying when he leans down, grabbing one of her legs to wrap it around his hips and kisses her. Mmm… Are you okay? — he asks in a whisper, Leah nods, biting her tongue — Can… can you do more?
"Yes, just… just do it," she slides her nails down his back and John's skin ripples with her touch, pushing deeper into her until she takes him completely. "You're so…" she murmurs into his neck, inhaling. the smell of her hair — so good…
And then the eternal sway begins, the rough, soft hands on her body, grabbing her breasts while she rocks as if there were no tomorrow. A string of curses spill from Leah's lips as he pushes against her, biting her skin, kissing, licking. The moans are muffled by the sound of their fur.
There, alone in the middle of the morning, surrounded by snow and trees. The birds fly out of their tops at Leah's moans, John's growls take her to ecstasy, make her lose her sanity.
Leah's legs tighten around his hips, feeling her tighten around him makes him slam hard into her.
"Oh Leah," John's voice is low as he squeezes her between his hands, while his mouth runs over her neck, her collarbone, while his tongue swirls around her nipples.
Leah kisses him, her hands gripping his hard, strong back. The way John moves against her makes her lose her mind. She moans loudly in his ear, digging her nails into him. The movements become strong, wild and are joined by grunts and meaningless words.
—You're so pretty… — he moans in her ear — so soft Leah…
—John… —.
She twitches and John feels her, making her wince.
—Mmm—He hits harder, satisfied with having found his point, that point that every time he presses Leah's eyes fly over her head.
—Mmm John! -.to…
"Say it," he pushes hard, concisely.
—John! —.
John bites her neck and his tongue licks the mark, Leah moans, her legs shaking and her body arching. His nails slide down John's back and dig into his ass.
—Oh John… John…
"Mmmm I like my name on your lips doll," he whispers, biting her lower lip, "that's it, that's it…"
Leah moans louder and louder and the orgasm rocks her again, warming her and making her shiver. John wraps his arms around her as he pushes against her, their bodies pinking as he gets harder and harder.
—Mmm… — he kisses her with a passion that she has never felt before, everything has been much more than she has even imagined — Leah…
She looks up at him and John stands up, holding her legs as he pulls out of her, John's hand wrapping around his hard member as he masturbates until his moans make Leah want to come just listening to him.
Then the hot, white thing falls on her belly and she looks into his eyes while he does it, she licks her lips watching it, watching it cum all over her hot, panting body.
—Oh God… — John murmurs looking at her body full of her — honey… you look… — he squints his eyes still moaning —.
The corners of Leah's mouth turn upward. He's sweating, he's sweating and it must be at least two degrees below zero. He gasps, trying to catch his breath, and closes his eyes for a second, listening to John Price's breathing. She opens them when she feels that he is on top of her cleaning her body, she looks at him almost adoringly.
The image of a man like him bending over her cleaning the remains of his semen on her belly and thighs with such dedication is worthy of a photograph. Even her short hair looks messy as she runs her fingers through it after finishing and tosses the piece of cloth off the bed before crawling back to her and kissing her arms all the way to her neck.
-Are you OK? — He wraps his arms around her and turns her, pressing Leah's back to his chest, and she begins to suspect that this might be her favorite position for curling up in bed. Which makes her smile - She raises her hands - she does and he covers them both with the sheets and blankets - that's it -.
—I'm fine. Are you? —she adjusts to him. John's body is still warm on his back and his arms wrap around him better than a blanket.
—Mmm—he buries his face between her neck and her hair—I am.
There is a slight silence between the two of them, dozing and taking in what they just did. They only listen to the sound of nature outside and their breathing that little by little begins to return to a normal rhythm.
—John? — Leah strokes John's arm under her head —.
-Hmm? —.
The words get stuck in her throat and John feels her tense in his arms. So he opens his eyes, caressing her skin with his fingers.
-Is that I…
—You're worried, aren't you? What are you going to do now that you've slept with old Captain Price?
Leah turns in his arms to face him, although the first thing she sees is his hard chest and her small fingers shyly trace his scars, although her gaze on John's blue eyes is determined.
"You're not old," he furrows his eyebrows.
—Leah—he caresses her face with the back of his hand—don't worry about it. Is it something you regret? — she shakes her head — then nothing happens. Is it something you don't want anyone to know? —.
—Do you want anyone to know? —.
—I don't care—he shrugs his shoulders—maybe we can keep it between us for a while but eventually they're going to find out, you know? —John's fingers slide into Leah's blonde hair—.
—And that doesn't bother you? —.
—Do others know? —.
-Yeah -.
"It's going to bother me when they stare at you blatantly in my presence and I have to grit my teeth and have to remind you who you belong to," he says so sweetly that Leah laughs but sees honesty in his eyes and that makes her purse her lips. "It doesn't bother me." Let them know that you are mine. Because you're mine — John pauses with his hand around her cheeks — Because you're mine, aren't you? —.
"I love being yours," she smiles, "I've wanted to be for a while." John raises an eyebrow and his throat resonates loudly as he sees her red cheeks.
"I may have an idea, Leah." You gave me very suggestive looks, what do you want me to tell you - she opens her mouth to say something, but John grabs her cheeks, opening her mouth - you have always seemed too dangerous to me to look at for too long. I knew you would be one of those women who you look in the eyes and you are lost.
-That? —she almost laughs—And have you met many of those women? —he says with some suspicion—.
—Many, but not one like you—Leah rolls her eyes and John laughs, drawing her face closer to him by her cheek—it's a joke, Leah I just want to flirt with you. I have not met women like you, I like you, I like you a lot.
She looks at his lips and closes the distance by kissing him and pressing her naked body to him. John grunts, he's a little tired but when she tangles her legs against his and her nails tear the skin of his back, he knows that tiredness is overrated.
Somewhere in Paris a group of men organizes to find their captain.
Gaz is communicating with Laswell after the asset is taken away for questioning, talking to Laswell to send out the search teams while Soap spins the knife in the air with his elbow on one leg and his chin on his palm.
—Maybe they're fucking behind a tree or…
"For God's sake, Johnny," Ghost throws a rock at him, but Alejandro, who is trying to read the map Gaz gave him, looks at Soap with one eyebrow over the other.
—Fucking? —.
Soap looks at him.
—It's a joke, a man and a woman like Leah lost in the middle of nowhere — he shrugs his shoulders — I don't know, think about it. You don't have to think about it much really.
—Plus they both have a lot of chemistry—Ghost also shrugs his shoulders while Alejandro furrows his eyebrows at his comments. Gaz approaches after talking to Laswell on the radio — What did he say? —.
—The search team is on the way, but they're going to take too long. It's been one night already, they could be dead.
—How little faith Gaz — Soap puts away the knife and takes the map from Alejandro — if they fled upriver they could have followed the short path — Gaz leans down to look —.
—But if they went for the other one? —.
—Then we split up, it's already stopped snowing and it's not going to do it again — Ghost murmurs — Soap and I are going down the path to the river, you and Alejandro go the other way. If they don't find anything at this point, we communicate and we meet here at dusk.
"Solid," Soap nods, adjusting his weapon.
The four shake hands, grab their weapons, backpacks and equipment and prepare to search.
—Okay then, favorite music? — Leah is lying next to John, their legs intertwined, they have dressed because of the cold but you still remain lying together under the sheets —.
—The one from the eighties, in particular… anyone — John has one hand supporting his head while he looks at her from the side —.
"Say one, come on."
—Well… Any Rupert Holmes.
Leah tilts her head.
—And who… is it?
—You don't know who…? Damn Leah, I'm going to have to teach you about music.
-Sing a song -.
John starts laughing.
-No -.
-Oh, come on. Aren't English men daring? Sings -.
—No—he growls—Tell me your favorite song, if you sing it I'll sing it. Let me guess, you grew up in the 2000s, Britney Spears? —.
Leah laughs.
—Everyone likes Britney —.
—Not if it makes you want to shave, honey —John reaches into his backpack and takes out the last of their food, the last can of disgusting vegetables. Leah wrinkles her nose.
"I'd rather die of hunger," he pushes him away with his hand.
"Don't be stubborn, it's an order," he grunts and opens the can. "Come on, just a little."
Leah eats a little then John, both suppressing the urge to vomit. But they laugh about the situation minutes later. When they see that the sun is setting Leah looks at the broken radios.
-And if…?
—We are not going to go anywhere, if they look for us they will find us here. My boys are smart, they will find us.
Leah huffs and snuggles into his chest with her eyes half lidded.
—Now tell me, sweet or salty? —John asks him—.
—Sweet — she shudders — Oh my God, lemon pie, coffee with two sugar, raspberry cake, oh shit… I need to eat that. Donuts filled with strawberry jam.
"Disgusting," he wrinkles his nose and Leah looks at him.
—You hate sugar — John raises his eyebrows in surprise — I've been working with you for years, bringing you coffee to the office or sitting next to you in meetings or lunches.
—You were taking your notes, Hmm? - he caresses her face - I can see it…
—Mmm—she leans over him and kisses him.
—Mmm—his arms surround her and he turns to stand on top of her—I like it.
They have been walking in the dark forest for several hours, Alejandro is energetic, just what Gaz needs to not stop his pace searching and searching incessantly. However, Alejandro cannot get the doubt out of his chest.
"Hey Garrick," she says as he walks ahead pointing his gun and flashlight in the dark.
-That? —.
"Do Price and Leah have something?" —.
Gaz turns to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
—Soap and Ghost kept insinuating things and… —.
-You like her? —.
"We have been friends for a long time."
—I know, he told me about you — Gaz looks a little suspicious — he really appreciates you.
—Ya, I know — Alejandro looks ahead and sees a cabin hidden between trees and snow —.
The question is not answered and Gaz is grateful that he doesn't ask again and hopes that whatever they are doing if they are there, that they aren't fucking. Although inside he would be laughing if something like that were to happen.
John is enthralled kissing Leah's neck, nibbling on it while his hands caress her breasts under her clothes and rubs against her slowly. Caresses, a tender game to kill time while you continue asking each other questions.
—Do you remember that? —Price nibbles on his neck—.
—From when Gaz fell from the helicopter? —John pulls away to look her in the eyes—.
"You should be more specific, honey," he says with a smile.
"Well, the time he fell out of the helicopter in Russia, when we were chasing the arms dealer."
—Ah, yes — John laughs as he continues nibbling and licking — yes.
They both laugh until they hear noise outside.
The two of them, like the trained soldiers that they are, move away from each other as quickly as they can and grab their weapons. Leah slides towards the door since she is barefoot without making a sound and John grabbing his gun wins on the other side. The footsteps are heard getting closer, John raises two fingers towards Leah which indicates that there are two people coming.
He puts a finger to his lips, his weapons in position.
The door opens and in the darkness a man points his gun everywhere, John jumps around the young man by the neck.
"I want there," John says, Leah points at the other but he grabs her without realizing who she is.
"Captain," Gaz raises his hands in defense and John immediately releases him.
"Just look," he laughs.
—Gaz! — Leah grabs his arm and hugs him —.
-Are you OK? — he asks, laughing — I see you more than fine — he raises an eyebrow at the captain who is sitting putting on his boots with a harsh laugh that breaks all schemes —.
"Alejandro," she hugs him.
"I'm glad to see you well Leah," he hugs her tightly. "You're not cold at all," he murmurs, taking her hands.
John walks over and drops the palm of his hand on Alejandro's shoulder.
"I took care of keeping her warm, Colonel Vargas," he winks as he picks up his backpack and looks at Leah, "get your things together, come on."
Leah turns red as a tomato and promises to get revenge for it later. John can't handle Alejandro's face and laughs in his face, with no intention of being mocking. Alejandro chuckles, trying to think it's just a joke, but his eyes follow John Price until he walks out the door with Gaz.
—Are you okay Ale? — Leah grabs his arm when he sees her ready to leave —.
"Yes," he says, looking at her curiously.
Gaz calls to them from outside and they leave, but when she closes the door behind her, John turns to her holding out a paper.
—I forgot this, for the owner of the cabin — Leah laughs and opens the paper.
"Of two crazy lovers who like him very much, Merci"
-What does it say? — Alejandro wants to know, but Leah doubles down —.
"Nothing important," she responds, laughing and going into the cabin again, when Alejandro comes out and Gaz is waiting for them ahead and John looks at her with his hands on his equipment on his chest. "What?" —.
"Nothing," he shrugs his shoulders with a smile that is barely visible.
Leah shakes her head and sets off, following Gaz and Alejandro, who contact Laswell to tell them that they are safe and returning to base in London.
Chapter 8
Leah and Captain Price have been seeing each other for about two weeks.
The vast majority of the time the man sneaks into Leah's room at night or they just go out for a drink like two good friends when the group wants to go out and have fun.
This morning, however, Leah gets up knowing that she will see little of John unless it is to pay him a short visit in his office.
"I won't do anything because I'll be at the base, I have work to do with the new ones, Kate."
—Someday you have to celebrate your twenty-ninth — Laswell sighs on the other line —.
—Anyway, do I have to be in your office tomorrow? To organize my times -.
—Yes, I need you to come and talk about something that has me worried, yes? —.
—As a friend or as a boss? — Leah crosses the hallway to the cafeteria to make a coffee, in the distance she sees Gaz waving a hand for her to come closer and she waves back to tell him to wait —.
"Like both," Laswell puts on his serious tone of voice and Leah snorts, she hopes it's not what she thinks because she and John have been quite careful not to let anyone see them.
In the morning Gaz and Soap went to sing happy birthday at their door, laughing while Ghost was there but not singing and with his eyes rolling and shaking his head while saying that they were ridiculous.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then."
Leah hangs up on the call, puts the phone in the back pocket of her dark pants, and walks over to her friends who are waiting for her at the table.
-Surprise! — Gaz jumps from her seat and Soap reaches out to a piece of cake on the table with a candle — it's little, but with the heart — Leah laughs and pats Gaz's shoulder —.
—They didn't have to do it — Leah hugs Gaz — but thank you —.
Gaz and Soap exchange glances.
—Why don't you come to the bar tonight? We got drunk in your honor — Leah sits down, putting her coffee on the table, turning it thoughtfully — Come on! It will be like every year.
And it was true. Every year on her birthday she went to the bar with them. Only once did her birthday fall on her days off and she was alone in her apartment sinking into a bottle of wine. John would always go with them for a while, have a couple of drinks and leave.
This time Leah thought her birthday was going to be different. But John hadn't even said good morning to her and he didn't come to her room the night before. They didn't always have clear sex, but cuddling next to him was enough.
So she sighs, trying to deal with the silly feeling of feeling… a little ignored on the day she intended to be regaled by her secret lover.
-Yes, sure -.
Gaz and Soap high-fived and Ghost said something about drunks and Leah was deep in thought for a long time.
Gaz enters John Price's office around afternoon, as the sun is about to set. The boy is wearing dark military clothing, the ones they usually wear when there are no battles to fight.
The captain is engrossed in papers and eyes in front of the computer.
"Gaz," he murmurs without looking at him.
—Sir, let's go to the bar. Are you coming? —.
-To the bar? Why would they go to the bar one day in the middle of the week? Don't they have to train or make it more productive? —.
"Just for today, sir… you know, to celebrate Leah's birthday."
John leaves the papers in his hands. His eyes stop blinking and he looks at Gaz carefully.
-He forgot? — Gaz raises an eyebrow. He is the only one, even though neither Leah nor John have told him anything, who knows about their secret relationship. Maybe Laswell, once John slipped past his lips and called her, honey without realizing it, and Kate's eyebrow rose curiously at the sight of Leah's red cheeks.
"Of course not," he continues working trying to hide it. How could he forget something so important?
—So you're going? —.
-Yes Yes. I'll catch up with them - he waves his hand for Gaz to leave and when Gaz leaves John grabs his cell phone almost desperately and calls -.
Kate Laswell responds to the third ring.
"No questions, just answer," John speaks with a calm voice.
—Anything you want to tell me? —.
—I said without questions—John clears his throat—Leah's favorite flowers—.
John hears Kate snort and then Kate's wife's voice is clearly heard.
-The daisies! —Allie exclaims.
—Shh Allie! — Laswell scolds her but then Allie takes the phone from his wife —.
—Hello John, nice to greet you. Are you dating our beloved Leah? — John almost got stuck — you don't have to answer, it's quite obvious you're happier than usual and less grumpy, that's progress since you already know… —.
—I need a place that sends flowers here to the base now — he cuts her off, clearing his throat — Can you help me with that? —.
-Yeah! Oh, I know him. They will be delivered directly to your room at the base. Do you want them to include a note too? Oh God how romantic! — John massages his forehead and hears a busy sound on the other side, Laswell picks up the phone again —.
"Watch what you do, John."
—Thanks for the information, give my regards to Allie, as pleasant as always —.
-I'm watching you -.
—Bye Allie —.
Even though John furrows his eyebrows somewhat irritably, he's chuckling. He leaves the phone on the table and pats his forehead. How could he forget something so important? He couldn't forgive himself.
He finishes the paperwork he is organizing and leaves his office to his room to take a shower and change and goes to the nearest book store outside the base. That literally takes up most of the rest of the day.
Around ten o'clock, he sees a man arrive with a huge bouquet of daisy flowers and John hides behind the wall in panic. Close your eyes tightly.
It was just a twig Allie!
She watches him walk down the hall to Leah's room. He hides between the door and the wall watching as she opens the door and receives the gigantic bouquet of daisies.
John hits his forehead against the wall several times, cursing under his breath.
Then he sighs.
Although it's been too much he hopes Leah doesn't get angry or it seems like it's too much because it is…too much.
He shuffles into his office and picks up the gift-wrapped book on the table, jotting down a note and quickly writing something down. And he tips his hat to the reflection in his office windows. He adjusts his dark jacket and runs his fingers through his hair.
He sighs nervously, many feelings swirling inside him. Doubts about whether you're doing the right thing leave you when your phone vibrates with a message.
Leah C. Whatever, I'll be with the boys at the bar.
He looks at the message with a raised eyebrow. Maybe what Allie wrote on the flower bouquet card. Enough so that Leah wouldn't say thank you to him or something.
He deserved the disdain.
John I left something for you in my office, stop by before you go to the bar.
Nothing else.
John puts the phone in his jacket pocket and steps out of the original taking one last look at the wrapped book and note. He walks out of the base and leans against the wall, pulling out a cigar. The night is starry for November, light your cigar and wait.
Arrange the flowers on the desk. He laughs as he cuts small cuttings to fit inside a glass bottle on top of the clothing cabinet near the bedroom window.
That's too many daisies. But it's the most romantic, dullest thing anyone has ever done for her in her life, ever, ever, and she doesn't know where to hide the goofy smile on her face.
He takes the card in his hands again, giggling.
"Because you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world, adorable, charming, sensitive and tender and all those things, happy birthday sweetheart. Atte: JP"
You didn't have to be a fortune teller to know it was Allie, she was the only one who called him sweetheart. And knowing that John had asked Allie, Kate's wife, for help was something that still had her numb. Because then it meant that he had told Laswell and now he understood why he wanted to see her in his office tomorrow.
Anyway, he decides to leave that for later and looks at himself in the mirror on the wall before leaving. She's wearing that baggy red dress with white circles, black stockings underneath, and a leather jacket on top. A red scarf around her neck and her blonde hair down. Even though it's winter it's not that cold anyway.
Silence drifts down the halls and you knock on the door to John's office, opening it carefully and being surprised to not see him there.
However, his desk lamp illuminates a picture object in the middle of the table. He gets close enough to lean over the table and see a small note folded in two with his name written in that messy but at the same time perfect handwriting that characterized John's.
She takes the note:
Happy birthday, Leah. I hope you like it. Price.
It was kind of bland, but it was Price. And that made her smile nervously as she put the note in her jacket pocket and took the package to unwrap it. Her mouth opened and she smiled as she revealed a book "Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë". He began to look through it and realized that it was an old edition, one of the first editions.
It couldn't be.
She took the book and went outside, when she came out into the open air outside the base she heard John's voice not far from her.
"Love blinds but you have to see how much you brighten the eyes," John murmured, blowing the smoke from his cigarette to the side when Leah looked at him. She smiled and approached John slowly — you look beautiful Leah, but walking like that is dangerous. You could get sick.
—It's okay—she shrugged her shoulders, looking at him—Why are you here? I thought I was going to see you at the bar.
-I was waiting for you -.
-Yeah? —.
John nods and throws the cigarette butt on the floor, stepping on it with the sole of his shoe. He looks around, making sure no one sees him, and puts his arm around Leah, pulling her close. Before she speaks John has his lips on Leah's, moving them slowly as she wraps her arms around his neck. Their tongues intertwine, they dance with each other.
"God, how I've missed you," he murmurs, kissing her slowly while breathing heavily.
"You've been in that office all day," she caresses his neck, behind his ears, "and last night you didn't go to sleep with me."
—I've had a lot to do, I'm sorry—John lowers his face into Leah's neck, kissing and licking as he moans hoarsely—but right now I need you so much—his hands on her back went down and lightly squeezed Leah's butt— this pretty dress Mmm — she nibbles on her neck — Can I fuck you with it? —.
An involuntary moan escapes Leah and she closes her mouth, opening her eyes, looking around.
—Mmm y-yes —.
"Yes," he grunts with relief, "but then," John moves away from her a little agitated, "now we're going to go somewhere."
-To the bar?
John shakes his head taking Leah's book in his hands.
"No, not to the bar."
—But the boys…
—They're not going to miss us — Leah takes her book, holding it to her chest — Did you like the flowers? —.
—How did you know I liked daisies? —he says with a mischievous smile as John shrugs his shoulders—.
"Look, I'm not going to lie to you, Allie helped me," he sighs, looking into her eyes a little scared, "I thought your birthday was next week, you can hate me if you want but I forgot." I'm not going to justify myself with work, it would be childish and I'm not.
—It's okay—he laughs—I understand John, nothing happens. Anyone can forget it.
—It won't happen again—he takes her hands—at least I remembered that you said that you always wanted to have a first edition of that book.
-You see? And I loved it — she kisses his cheeks — thank you.
—I'm going to make it up to you—he grabs her hand—Come—.
John drags her through the snow towards the parking lots, the front passenger of his truck helps her get in and starts the engine.
For a moment Leah looks at him not knowing what to say until she no longer wants to bite her lip.
—If you talked to Allie to…
"They know it, both of them." He looks at her out of the corner of his eye as he drives and Leah raises her eyebrows.
"Damn, that's why he wants to see me then," he tucks his hair behind his ears while looking out the window.
-Cup of tea? —.
—He wants me to go to the CIA tomorrow—they both look at each other—Did you tell him? —.
John shakes his head.
—I went to lunch with them last Saturday when you stayed at the base training the new ones and they read me like every day — he sighs, frowning — I guess I was too obvious or Allie is a witch —.
—I saw Allie on Saturday, I accompanied her shopping—they both look at each other again—.
John bursts out laughing as he moves the steering wheel with his hands. Leah bites her lips nervously.
—Well, it's okay — John put a hand on her legs — Do you want this to end? Are you worried that…? —.
"No," she almost screams, looking at him, "I don't want this to end," John Ma looks askance, trying to keep his eyes on the road, "I'm not worried about anything, I'll face it," he whispers.
-You are afraid? Do you want to finish it? —.
He shakes his head, tightening his fingers around her thigh.
"I don't want to," he whispers, "I don't want to be alone."
—You never will be, John—she keeps her gaze on him while he does it in a back-and-forth—.
He squeezes her thigh with his fingers and smiles slyly.
Several minutes later John parks the car on a street in London. He gets down to help Leah out and adjusts her jacket, pulling her to him for a kiss.
"You're very unsheltered," he murmurs against her lips. "Come here," he surrounds her waist with one of his hands, pressing her against him.
-Where you take me? —.
—You are a Yankee who spends most of her time at a base in London and who almost never goes out to the city to sightsee.
"But it's going to snow any minute," she looks up at him.
"That doesn't matter, doll, as long as you're with me nothing will happen to you." A hoarse laugh comes from her arms as she kisses the back of her head.
—And where are you taking me? —.
—The other day you told me that you had never been on the London Eye — he looks at her — now, you are on it — they turn down a street that stretches in front of them, surrounded by trees and Christmas lights and in the background the enormous and beautiful London Eye spinning so slowly with its lights and colors in the middle of the night.
"How cute he is," Leah squeals, raising her eyebrows.
—This time of year it's prettier, with the Christmas lights and all that —.
—Can we get on? - she asks excitedly -.
—Yes Leah, we can get on — John smiles and Leah grabs his hand and pulls him towards the London Eye.
—Look at the tower—Leah is pressed against the glass of the capsule while they rotate very slowly inside the Ferris Wheel—.
"That's Big Ben," John murmurs as if he were saying it to a little girl, he looks at her, resting his arm against the glass at his side and his other hand on Leah's back. "Seriously, Leah, how many years have you been here?" living in London and haven't gone out for a tour? —.
—Almost ten years—she looks out the window—I reached twenty here—.
"Yes, I remember," she looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
-Do you remember? —.
He reaches up to her back, brushing her hair away from her neck as he watches her curls fall down her back.
"No one could forget the beating that a rookie gave to Soap," he laughs.
"Yes," she laughs at the memory.
"But then you left with Laswell and didn't return after several years,"
—I liked working with her. But I love being on the base, the missions, the adrenaline — she leans on his shoulder — being with you.
—Mmm — he hugs her closer to him — yes, me too. It's been a long time since I… I didn't feel so well accompanied, you know?
-With me? You feel good with me? —she looks at him and John slides his lips over hers—.
"I love being with you," he whispers, "I don't feel alone Leah," John caresses her hair with one hand, slides his lips over hers, "I wish you would never leave me, you make this old man want to come back to life."
—You are so young and sweet… delicate and powerful that I feel like this is going to end in the blink of an eye and that I can't stop you. Because you're young and you should be sharing your time with someone your age and…
—I don't want anyone else—she furrows her eyebrows, making sure John looks her in the eyes—I'm not going anywhere. And if I'm going to separate from you it will be only while I wait for you to return to me after some mission or vice versa.
John's eyes are full of sorrow and anguish, fears that he is not able to let out. Because he's afraid that she really wants to leave.
Leah kisses him and smiles against his lips.
—Wait a minute, I have something else for you—John takes a small box out of his jacket pocket and puts it in Leah's small hands—open it.
Leah opens it with a goofy smile and then looks at it.
"John…" John takes the necklace from the box and unbuttons it.
“Turn around,” she does, brushing her hair to the side. John runs his hands over her shoulders, surrounding her neck with the thin chain of the necklace and adjusts it, he leans down to kiss the skin of her neck while she lets out a moan and turns around, touching the necklace with her fingers.
Margarita shines silver between her fingers as she looks at him with adoration.
"It's beautiful John."
He pulls her into his arms again.
"Happy birthday Leah," he whispers against her lips.
She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him passionately as they spin on the Ferris Wheel.
—Shhh… — Leah murmurs as John kisses her against the wall outside her room — wait… — John hugs her from behind, his fingers eagerly shoved under her dress, tugging at her dark stockings — John…
-Hmm… -.
The task of opening the key is difficult when the big, tough man is carelessly handling it. But he finally manages to open the door. However, she can't get in when John grabs her hand and pushes her against the wall, grabbing one of her legs to put it around him while rubbing against her hips.
He kisses her with passion and hunger. All he has done from a certain point in his life is overcome any feelings he has, burying them deep inside. But with her he can't, with her he can't hide and he knows that he won't be able to continue doing it any longer.
He pulls away for a moment to look at her lips, lets his hands move to her neck and brings her to his mouth again. He wraps his arms around her pressing her against the wall and kisses her with desperate hunger.
His hands slide down her back and he buries his hands in her butt, pressing her against him while rubbing against her hips.
"I want you Leah," he murmurs against her ear, leaving a trail of saliva from his kisses along her neck. "She searches his face, responding forcefully, moaning against her mouth." You keep moaning like this, I'm going to cum in my pants, doll. " he growls, nibbling on her neck.
Leah's laughter fills the room as John picks her up and lays her on the bed with him on top of her, kissing her as he moves down her neck and caresses her breasts over her dress.
"Girl in red," she moans, lowering her mouth down her belly, "pretty white polka dots," she moans as she continues to go down and John lifts the dress from her hips to her belly, kissing her exposed skin, "let's get rid of this, okay?" — pulls her panties and stockings down her legs while still kissing the flesh. He takes off her boots and slides between her thighs again.
—J-John… — Leah clings to the sheets when John buries himself between her thighs, tasting her, moaning against her vaginal lips while he licks, bites and kisses her —.
Sensual sounds escape Leah's lips as he kisses her between her legs, rubbing his thick fingers around her clit as Leah loses control of herself.
—Mmmm honey — she moans while she feels that he is about to cum just from giving her pleasure — Fuck Leah — Leah trembles, her hand stops on John's head while her hips move against his mouth — mmm yes honey, you know delicious, shit.
Leah screams, a sensual scream that fills the room. John feels the taste of his orgasm in his mouth and moans as if he can't take it anymore. And as Leah tries to snap out of her trance she sits up, John's hips in front of her eyes as she pushes him off the bed.
—Leah W-what? —his voice dies in his throat when he sees her unbuckle his belt—.
Since they've been dating Leah has only had one thing on her mind. She has never had a cock in her mouth and having John's or imagining it has made her wet several times a day or night just thinking about it.
John trembles as she drops his pants and pulls down his underwear releasing his thick, long penis as she massages it in her small hands.
—L-Leah… — John's voice falters when he sees her open her mouth and closes her eyes, leaning her head against her back — Damn… —.
Leah licks him from the tip to the end as if he were ice cream, she has never done it with anyone before but her instinct and desire leads her to moan against his skin and veins.
"You have to tell me if I'm doing it right," he murmurs, kissing the tip of his penis while one of his hands goes up and down it.
—Y-you don't have to… you have to…
—I want to do it John —she opens her lips putting the tip in her mouth—I don't know if I can do it all but you have to practice…
John laughs as if his nerves betrayed him. And Leah licks it, taking it as much as she can into her mouth and the sensation makes her moan.
—Mmm Leah…
—Mmm… —he helps himself with one hand while he covers the rest with his mouth, licks and sucks with his eyes half closed over and over again—.
—M-doll… — John slides a hand under his chin, caressing his cheeks without looking — fuck… fuck… —.
-I do it well? — Leah murmurs quickly putting it back in her mouth, John moans and looks down at her, those huge eyes looking at him with his cock in her mouth makes him lose his mind. So he lifts her up carefully, kissing her desperately - But…
—You'll do it another day, hell I want to fuck you now Leah — he turns her against her back and pushes her slowly against the bed, she puts her hands and knees against the bedspread and John leans down kissing her neck — Can I fuck you in the doll dress ? Tell me yes, I'm begging you - he nibbles on his ear -.
"Please John."
John moans in response, pulling away slightly so he can kiss her back and nibble on her ass before fitting his cock between her folds and pushing into her slowly until he opens up just enough for him to hear her moan loudly.
—Are you okay, honey? —he murmurs, caressing her legs. She nods her face against the quilt, but John lifts her against his back. He takes off his shirt — you're so beautiful Leah — he moves his hips back and forth, his body panting, his chest purring for her — always so tight…
—Oh John…
The beats of his heart match, equalize as he kisses her neck and pushes against her in sensual movements.
—Mmmm—he moans loud and hoarse as he bites her ear and neck, leaving slight marks on her white skin. Her body moving against him in a constant rhythm.
John Price takes his time taking her, feeling her breasts in his hands as he grinds her against him, but feeling this animal instinct when he pushes her down, lifting her ass as her dress sways in front of him.
He rolls the fabric between his fingers and tugs at it as he pushes against her hips, moaning and softly exclaiming almost obscene words that mix with Leah's moans. He pulls away to turn her around, he needs to see her pretty face while he fucks her and grabs her, her hips and kisses her, sweat runs down his body and Leah's gestures make him lose his sanity. She drags her nails down John's back making his skin ripple and he groans.
They are a mass of sweat and skin and the dress is lying somewhere in the room as they move against each other.
Several minutes later John is spread out on the bed with one arm across his chest. Eyes glued to the ceiling, open as he tries to find his own breath. Leah is with her head on his chest, making movements with her fingers on John's chest.
"Happy birthday," he says barely in a whisper. His voice exhausted but still full of humor. The girl laughs and hugs him tighter.
Their eyelids become heavy and little by little they both fall completely asleep. The room is dark, the light from the street spotlights far beyond is all illuminated through the dark windows.
It starts to snow… and their breaths meet in the room, arms wrapped around warm bodies clinging to each other, like two pieces of a puzzle.
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Fallout 4 companions reaction to crushing on sole who despite being a playboy who sleeps with mostly any man or women attractive are dense to see their interested in them and sees them only as buddies as a result
MacCready would be very annoyed by it, and he'd make his annoyance known, He'd bitch at them for ditching him for some random hookup for the thousandth time, but he always hid his anger under the guise of teasing. He's actually pretty annoyed, though. I mean, would it kill them to just go to a bar and drink a beer with him? He normally wouldn't care who his boss was screwing, but his feelings for them would complicate things...even though he knows he has no right to feel that way he still feels himself getting more and more agitated every time they flirt up a stranger. He would find himself putting more and more ungodly amounts of alcohol on his tab whenever they would disappear and numbing the sting of rejection until he'd inevitably drink so much he'd blackout.
Hancock wasn't shy when it came to flirting, and he had been flirting with sole since the very beginning and when they just laughed his advances off he just assumed they were the more quiet and reserved type, and took it as a challenge. Well, apparently, that couldn't be further from the truth. They were in the third rail, flirting up a stranger at the bar. His bar. Hancock knew he wasn't exactly easy on the eyes, and by no means was he God's gift to the commonwealth, but it did hurt that they didn't even give him a chance, especially when he didn't just want a quick hookup from them, but actually had caught feeling.. He knew he had no right to feel the way he did, Hell, he was known for getting around himself but a little voice in the back of his head kept on nagging that it was because he was a ghoul, and if he still had a set of smoothskin things would be different... He'd do everything he could to drown the voice out, emptying canister after canister of jet, but he still couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't good enough for them.
She'd ball her fists and grit her teeth every time she saw a stranger getting too close, logically she knew she didn't have any room to judge them, was she annoyed that all her flirting was lost on them? Yeah, but she knows you can't force someone to feel something. If there's one thing Cait values its freedom, and she would never want to take that from someone like it had been taken from her so Cait would just make herself scarce when they were flirting with someone so her anger couldn't get the best of her
He'd give sole a whole lecture on how unsafe it is to be alone and venerable with someone you barely know, especially in the wastes. Danse really wouldn't be consciously aware that it may be his own feelings causing him to feel that way, and would genuinely belive he was looking out for his friends safety even if the pit in his stomach and burning in his chest said otherwise.
She watches the people sole flirts with very closely. She's curious to see what they all have in common (if anything) making mental notes on their similarities and differences, she'd tell herself it was just research, but the very detailed list of soles favorite attributes lying in front of her said otherwise
Deacon had never been a jealous guy. With Barbara, he never had to worry, and since then, he'd never cared enough to be jealous, so it's safe to say this was a first for him, and it was absolutely infuriating. He'd watch them flirt up another random stranger and despite himself he'd tense up, abandoning his usual poker face, though if sole noticed they didn't seem to care as they got up to leave with yet another of their countless hookups. Deacon would end up distancing himself from sole for two reasons, 1. Because he can't let shit like this get to him, he's a railroad agent for fucks sake and 2. it hurt to much to be around them. He'd take more jobs from hq, and for the first time in a while, he'd find himself drowning his troubles in alcohol.
Piper has had a few crushes before, so she was used to the feelings, but what she wasn't used to was how goddamn inferior it made her feel every time she saw them with someone else. They were friends after all and she knew she had no right to be jealous, but all she wanted was for them to look at her the way they looked at all the random people at bars or at settlements. Even if it was just for a second... she wanted to know how it felt to have their undivided attention and adoration. To be theirs even if it was temporary.
Nick would always give sole the same line, "Just be safe kid". They'd always role their eyes as they walked away from him, but he'd always be stuck worrying... not everyone had the best intentions out in the wastes and when you're as infamous as sole that puts a target on your back. Maybe it was just all the cases he'd work that made him so cynical, but then again, that nagging feeling in his chest was a pretty dead give away that maybe it was more than cynicism keeping him up at night....
Preston wouldn't say anything to them at all. He cared about sole a lot, and all he wanted was for them to be happy, even if that wasn't with him. It hurt a lot, but he was used to pain, and for sole, he'd endure anything
He would hate it. The people of the commonwealth were vile and undeserving of even a second of soles time. He hated how much time they gave strangers when they could be doing important work for the institute. He'd have a firm talk with them about where their priorities lied. He wouldn't even be able to process that maybe his own feelings were what was clouding his judgment.
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bratshaws · 8 months
through the hourglass 335. brb x oc
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a/n: im so tired of my internet issues ughhh (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
“Have you been to Disneyland before?”
She looks up from her phone when he asks, sunglasses low on her nose as she purses her lips, “Hm?”
Rooster’s caravans shone as the sun hit the lenses, one of his arms resting by the window as they wait in traffic, pointing forward, “Disneyland,gorgeous.” he smiles, “You’ve been there?”
“Oh yeah, not too often. You know, my parents could handle me and Leo maybe Mike? But,” she shrugs, “We often came here with other family members, but it was really fun.” she smiles at him, looking back to check on the kids. Nicole was the only one awake, holding her stuffed chicken toy - again, his friends were hahah so funny - with her big light eyes moving around.
The twins were sleeping so soundly Bea was jealous, “Anyway,” she cfontinues, “I asked Dr.Connelly again if it’s okay for them to come–”
“Didn’t we check with her yesterday,gorgeous? Didn’t she say it was fine?”
“Well yes,” she types down, “But you gotta make sure,Roos.”
Rooster nodded,smiling to himself as the traffic finally move forward "You're right, gotta make sure everything's in order. We want this trip to be perfect for them."
Beatrice smiled, nodding as she waits for the pediatrician’s response. "Exactly. I want it to be a magical experience for all of us, stress-free."
As traffic inched forward, Rooster glanced at Nicole in the back seat. "Nikki seems excited. She's been eyeing that stuffed chicken like it's the key to the Magic Kingdom."
Beatrice chuckled, casting a glance at Nicole who was now inspecting the stuffed chicken with a serious expression. "That chicken is her travel companion. It goes everywhere with her. I have no idea how she got so attached to it." and she gives him a side eye look, “Who knows why,right?”
He narrows his eyes playfully, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Our daughter likes chicken themed stuff? Wow,” Bea giggles, “Can’t say I saw that coming.”
“Yes,baby girl it is a chicken.” he adds while looking through the rear view mirror, “So, since you’ve been there before can you,” a shrug, “Give me the basic rundown of what I’ll see first? I think I haven’t seen anything Disneyland related since the 90s.”
Beatrice smiled, eyes shining immediately, hands spreading. "Sure thing. Disneyland is divided into different lands, each with its own theme and attractions. The first land you'll probably see is Main Street, U.S.A. It's designed like a nostalgic American town from the early 20th century, you know, with shops, restaurants, and the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle at the end." 
Rooster nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Sounds charming. What's next?"
"Well, from Main Street, you can branch out to different lands. There's Fantasyland, where you'll find classic attractions like 'It's a Small World,' 'Peter Pan's Flight,' and the 'Mad Tea Party' – you know, the spinning teacups. Perfect for Nikki."
"I can already picture Nikki insisting on spinning the teacups faster than anyone else."
Beatrice laughed, "Exactly. She'll probably challenge you to a teacup spinning competition."
Rooster smirked,  tilting his head so he could see better "Bring it on. What's next after Fantasyland?"
"Well, there's Adventureland, where you'll find 'The Jungle Cruise' and 'Indiana Jones Adventure.' It's got a tropical jungle theme."
"Sounds like my kind of place. I'm ready for some jungle exploration."
“Yeah, you would.”
Both of them looked down at his Hawaiian shirt. And he snorted, “Hilarious, what else?”
"Then there's Frontierland, with a Wild West theme. You'll find 'Big Thunder Mountain Railroad,' a roller coaster. And oh!  'Splash Mountain,' a log flume ride with a drop at the end."
Rooster's eyes lit up at the mention of roller coasters. "I'm definitely trying those. What's after Frontierland?"
"New Orleans Square is next. It's got a Southern charm with cobblestone streets and a haunted mansion. The 'Haunted Mansion' ride is a must-see, especially if you like spooky stuff."
“That could be interesting. What's left?"
"Uuuuhhhh,well, there's Critter Country, which has the 'Winnie the Pooh' ride. And finally, there's Tomorrowland, a futuristic-themed land with attractions like 'Space Mountain' and 'Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.' she grins, “And hmmm…let me think, there must be something else.”
“You got that all from memory?”
“Course not hon,I memorized everything remember?” she grins, tapping her phone, “So we’d know what to do.”
Rooster chuckled, "You're like our personal Disneyland encyclopedia. Impressive."
Beatrice grinned, tapping her phone screen. "Well, it's a big park with a lot to offer. I just want us to make the most of our time there, experience everything the kids might enjoy." she smiles more “And you. You look good by the way.”
He smirks, face still forward, “Do I?”
“Hard to look,bad,Roos.”
“Aw,keep going like that and I’ll have to take you on a date,gorgeous.”
Beatrice's laugh rang through the car, a warm and melodic. "A date at Disneyland? Now that sounds like a plan. We could even try one of those character dining experiences. Maybe have dinner with Mickey and Minnie?"
Rooster grinned, the image of sharing a meal with Disney characters sparking his amusement. "Sure, why not? I'd love to see kids’ reaction."
"I bet they’d love it."
As the traffic inched forward, Rooster stole a quick glance at Beatrice. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and the sparkle in her eyes mirrored the excitement building within him. "Gorgeous, this trip is going to be incredible. Thanks for making it happen."
Beatrice met his gaze, her eyes softening with affection. " I'm just making sure it's filled with magic for all of us."
The car finally reached the entrance to Disneyland, and the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle came into view. Rooster couldn't help but marvel at the sight, the grandeur of the castle against the backdrop of a clear sky. "We made it.”
Beatrice grinned, her excitement bubbling over. "We sure did.Ready?."
Rooster chuckled, "Sure am."
Nikki's eyes widened at the sight of Cinderella's Castle, and she tugged on Rooster's hand. "Dada, big! Inside?"
Rooster chuckled, lifting her onto his shoulders. "Maybe later, sweetheart. Let's explore a bit first." he keeps her up on his shoulders and her tiny hands land on his cap as they walk forward, “There’s…a lot of people here.”
Bea pushes the stroller forward, the twins now awake, “Yeah. But it’s less than often. I think we’ll be okay.” she does grab his bicep as they move forward, to stay close at all times.” Where do you want to go first?”
Rooster scanned the parl, considering their options. "How about we start with Fantasyland? I’m…kinda overwhelmed right now,hah."
“That’s okay,Roos,we’ll start slow.”
Rooster and Beatrice navigated through the crowd, the twins in the stroller, and Nikki on Rooster's shoulders, her eyes darting from one magical sight to another.
Nikki pointed excitedly at the spinning teacups of the Mad Tea Party. "Dada!"
“Yeah,baby girl. I know, we can go there later.” his eyes looked around for a bit, lips pursed, “...you know, it feels…weird? A little?”
Beatrice nodded, understanding the mix of emotions Rooster was experiencing. "It's a lot to take in, especially for the first visit. But we'll take it one step at a time, alright?"
Rooster smiled appreciatively, squeezing her hand. "Yeah, one step at a time. “ the kids were having a blast at least, Nikki was just babbling so happy on his shoulders that he just couldn’t help smiling, “Do…they have anything to do with the sword and the stone?”
Beatrice thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, they do! The Sword in the Stone is right in front of King Arthur Carrousel. We can check it out."
Rooster’s lips parted and he just…looked like a little boy for a second, lips quirking, “Wow…wow uh…wow.” he was fidgeting a bit with excitement, “Can we…can we go there?”
Beatrice chuckled at Rooster's childlike enthusiasm. "Of course, we can. It's a classic Disney experience. Nikki, what do you think? Want to see if Daddy can pull the sword from the stone?"
Nikki clapped her hands  "Yea!"
“I think daddy is worthy enough too,” Bea smiles, rubbing his arm and seeing how his cheeks heated up as he dropped his gaze, “We can go Roos. If you want to start there,we can go there.”
He looked so delighted by that idea, he looked so so happy. “It is your favorite movie, right Roos?”
Rooster grinned, his eyes lit up with a genuine excitement. "Yeah, it is. 'The Sword in the Stone' has always been a favorite. I mean, who wouldn't want to try pulling that sword out?" he pauses “My mom…and I watched it often.”
“And…Robin Hood.” he smiles, “Do they have stuff like that here? Robin Hood?”
"Oh, they definitely have nods to Robin Hood. We can explore the area around the castle, and I'm sure we'll find something related to the legend of Robin Hood. Maybe even a character meet-and-greet!"
Rooster's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That!...sounds amazing. Yeah,yeah, gorgeous."
The Bradshaw family made their way to Fantasyland,  and Bea was so happy that all her loves looked like they were having a blast. As they approached the King Arthur Carrousel, Nikki's eyes widened with. Rooster carefully lifted her down from his shoulders, and she immediately ran towards the majestic spinning horses.
"Dada, horsies! Wide one?" Nikki's little hand was pointing forward while looking back.
Rooster grinned, glancing at Beatrice with his hands on his hips "What do you think, gorgeous? Ready for a carousel adventure?"
Beatrice nodded, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Why don’t you two go first? I’ll stay with the twins first.”
‘You sure?”
“Yeah,” she grins, “You two have fun,yeah?”
Rooster smiled appreciatively at Beatrice, his shoulders relaxing"Thanks, gorgeous. We'll catch up with you right after."
“I’ll be right here,” she points to a bench, “Don’t worry.”
Nikki was practically bouncing on her toes, her eyes flickering between the carousel and her parents. "Come on, Dada! Horsies!"
Rooster chuckled, taking Nikki's hand. "Alright, let's go baby girl."
As Rooster and Nikki joined the line for the carousel, Beatrice found a comfortable spot nearby to park the stroller. The twins were wide-eyed, taking in the colorful surroundings. Beatrice glanced around, with Aurora being a loud babbling baby as she watched people go by.
She couldn't help but feel a warm sense of contentment, hand on her cheek as she watches. She just wanted him to have a good time, he’s been through so much and he deserves a break. The carousel music began to play, and Beatrice marveled at the joyous expressions on their faces, pulling out her phone to film them for a short while. Nikki was getting so tall, even for a one year old, she’s half his calf already.
She only watched with her eyes shining. This was going to be a good day.
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gurugirl · 2 months
So I'm conflicted. I messaged you a while ago that I was talking with a guy 25 years older than me. We exchanged pictures and I wasn't attracted to him. I broke things off with him but didn't tell him why. I used an excuse that, while true, wasn't the reason I didn't want to talk anymore. I missed talking to him, so after about a month I started messaging him again. I've never had anyone talk to me the way he does. We text all day, even when we are both at work. We text about everything. Like our lives, daily stuff, childhoods, and sex stuff. I don't think we have disagreed on anything yet. I don't know if I like him or just that he is the only person to be nice and seem to care about me in the not just friends sense. There are so many things to think about with him. He has two kids. I am only 7 years older than his son. I wouldn't want to start out as anything serious with him but I've never even been on a date before and he has been married and had children. Plus there is the whole could I become attracted to him. When I first saw his picture it was an instant no from me but after looking at them over and over again I can see maybe some attachment growing. I'm just looking for any sort of advice. I don't want to hurt him just because I can't figure my shit out. Any idea of how to figure this out? What do I do or ask him or myself? I've never done this with someone my age so it feels even more confusing with someone older. He always says he likes talking with me and is thinking about me. I get a thoughtful message that is different every morning. First thing at around 7am even though he knows I won't respond until hours later. How can I tell if I like this because its from him and not just because it is happening at all? Sorry for the long-winded ask. I'm just very confused and no one in my real life even knows he exists. It isn't something I want to bring up if it isn't ever going to turn into a real thing. What would you do and how would you go about figuring it out? Also I can't remember if I mentioned it in the past but for reference I'm 30 and he's 55.
Hi hon! I think I remember you telling me your age and his.
It sounds like you genuinely enjoy his "company" or like how he treats you and you two get along really well so to me it makes sense you'd want to keep talking because you formed a bond of some sort. But when it comes to matters of the heart that's where stuff really gets confusing. You have established you like him as a companion or friend but you're not attracted to him.
I've had friends in the past that I liked so much that I was confused by what my feelings were for them (I couldn't tell if it was romantic or just like close friends) and in the end it wound up boiling down to me just really really liking them as a friend but it was mistaken for more because it was kind of intense. I'm not sure if that's kind of how you're feeling for this man or not but I can see it happening and I empathise with you bc that's super confusing. The guy that I was very close friends with wound up liking me as more than a friend and I sort of forced myself to want to be with him romantically bc I wanted to keep his friendship and not lose him, and also thought surely I'd eventually find him attractive bc I liked him so much but that never happened and I couldn't get past not having that physical attraction.
While I don't feel like looks are everything, for me personally, if I were to be considering seeing someone romantically I'd need to find that physical attraction after my experience. I don't think you can force something like that or that one day you'll wake up and find him handsome. But who knows? Maybe that wouldn't be the case for you. We are all wired differently. I met a couple a few years ago where the woman told me that she never found her husband to be "good-looking" but that she adored him and everything else about him made him attractive to her (he was also much older than she was).
I fear this is one of those things that you'll just need to try and be honest with yourself about (which is so hard when you're confused about it) and maybe even him as well. Being that he's 55, I'd hope he's not expecting a 30 year old to find him terribly attractive. I bet he's aware that you'd have that hurdle to figure out.
I don't know how you should go about it in your situation. I just know for me I would want to be at least somewhat physically attracted and I don't think it's something I can force. But since you're so conflicted about this and no one else knows about him, would it be the worst thing to talk it out with him? You trust him (it sounds like) and you two know a lot about one another so maybe just tell him how you're feeling. It'll give him perspective maybe and if he's a truly stand-up guy he won't try and persuade or pressure you or anything like that. It'll be more like a frame for him to view the relationship so you two are on the same page, or at least he can understand your view of things. Maybe you'll find clarity that way, by talking it out with him.
Thank you for the update! I hope my rambling made sense and that you can find some clarity in your situation somehow 💕
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