#not saying im extremely deep but at least i can understand that there are more than one aspect to situations
mysticsublimeperson · 4 months
<< part 2 >>
Merlin woke up feeling cranky, he didn't exactly sleep. It resembled more to several disgusting and sweaty naps, and a lot of self deprecating introspection in between.
So Merlin decided to stop trying around 10 am, and moved to the sofa. He didn't have anything to do that day, they weren't waiting for him in the lab, nor in the office, they all thought he would have been too hangover. Funny.
He needed to get out, to get coffee, to try and look for a new perspective, or at least a solution, so he got up and dressed and went to open the door.
A sharp thud sounded when something collide to the ground.
"Shit, er... Merlin, sorry, good morning?" Arthur was trying to blink away the heaviness.
"Were you sleeping in my hallway?" Merlin was really confused now. Arthur had always been a bit of a prat, and he grew up rich (and still was very rich, even if he denied it) so he was posh. In all the years he knew him, Arthur had never volunteered himself to discomfort, because he could afford not to.
"Yeah, I.. Well, you told me to go, but then I thought that if I went then I would have to come back in a few hours, and well it was really early in the morning, and I didn't bring my car, so I would have to call for a car and then, well come back, and wold spend like a proper half hour just pacing around my flat, just so far away from you... guessed you also wouldn't be answering your phone, so waiting here seemed like the better option. But now that I say it out loud, it sounds kinda stalk-ish" He said sheepishly, his voice was still deep, and slow. Trying to recover from sleep. He stood up, but was supporting in the door frame. "It's just... you seemed really upset. I know I was the reason, but" he gulped "you are always for me when I'm like that..." Merlin sighed.
"Come in" Merlin talked with a controlled voice. He would have wished for a little more time to figure this out, but if he was honest maybe more time would have only made him more paranoid.
"I, er, yeah, thank you" It was extremely strange to hear Arthur so insecure, but Merlin needed to focus on his situation, and not fall into old habits. "How.. How did it go? Yesterday I mean, sorry I didn't ask sooner"
Bad, he wanted to say.
You ruined it, he wanted to shout.
I missed you, he wanted to cry.
"Fine, I guess" he didn't want to offer information, he sat in the sofa again.
Arthur gulped again and put on a tight smile. "I see" sitting beside him.
"And you? How was your dinner?" Merlin suddenly felt tired again, he didn't want to shout, or yell, he didn't want to incriminate or fight, he just wanted this situation to be over. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"
Arthur opened and closed his mouth several
"Merlin. I am so sorry" he said after a while. Without looking at him. "I know there's no excuse... and the way I treated you when you arrived here too... you didn't deserved that" his voices sounded tight.
If this had been any other day, Merlin would have folded, he would have told him that it was forgotten. Any other day, Merlin would have bitten the bullet of disappointment, and would have try to understand his point of view, his situation. Any other day...
"Arthur" he said after a long silence "I think it's time for us to rethink about what we want from this relationship" he could see the moment all the muscles in Arthur's body tensed up.
"What do you mean?" He sounded so scared, and Merlin fought the urge to hold him.
"What I mean Arthur it's that, this relationship can't go on like this forever" Merlin breathed slowly, trying to express himself as accurately as posible "I feel like im living on borrowed time with you, and even if you are the one in the wrong, I feel like I should just be grateful to have you a little longer, no matter how you much you may hurt me"
"That's not true Merlin, please, I would never intentionally hurt you. how can you think that? I love you" he finally looked Merlin in the eye. They were red and swollen, and a bit desperate.
"I know you love me Arthur, I believe you" he tried to swallow the knot in his throat "but sometimes that's just not enough" Merlin sat back at the sofa, looking at the ceiling. The same ceiling he had been looking since he arrived yesterday, thinking the same things, over and over. "I know you love me, and I love you, more than anything. But I also know that you would never invite me to a company dinner, you would never even acknowledge me in front of your coworkers, you would purposely hide me from your dad..."
"Merlin" Arthur said his name like a warning.
"Im not trying to be resentful Arthur" Merlin spat "they're just facts. Like the fact that you hate your job, and it makes you miserable. But you would never leave. Even if it's a shit job, at a horrible and inmoral company" he kept his tone neutral, he wanted to make a point "I would never ask you to leave, because a would never want to put you in a position where you would need to choose"
"Merlin" now his name sounded like a prayer, and a question.
"I think I always knew that I really never had a chance if you had to choose" suddenly his voice quivered.
"That's not..."
"Arthur please!" he really didn't want to hear empty promises, so he made a gesture for him to wait "I told you that yesterday was important, you knew that. And you choose him" he will not cry, no more "You ditched me, last minute. You left me alone even though I told you I Wanted you with me" his words bouncing on the walls.
"I didn't think..." Arthur was trembling a bit. And he looked like his world had been rocked and put upside-down.
"Arthur, you already have a life planed out. And you are the one that's choosing to keep it that way, you are going with the plan. And one day I will have to see how the papers and magazines cover the stories of you ascending to CEO of the world's most evil construction company, and marrying a young nice pretty girl, who is really boring and bratty but also insanely rich and has good connections, and have three beautiful very normal and healthy kids... all while I keep fighting with my little NGO to change the status quo that you reinforce. Don't you see that you don't have space for me in your future?" all the resolve to keep his cool abandoned him mid speech but at least he got it out. Arthur was looking at him like he had just told him that he only had a minute to live.
"I don't see a future without you Merlin" Arthur said, really softly, eyes shining with soon to be shed tears.
It hurt Merlin to hurt Arthur.
He never wanted to hurt Arthur.
Merlin brought up his legs and hugged his knees, hiding his face momentarily biting his lips hard, while blinking away the tears. "I love you Arthur, and I don't think I could leave you alone if I wanted to. But I think this relationship... it puts unfair expectations, for both of us" Merlin swallowed "It's not fair for me to expect something you are not ready, nor willing to give" he argued as calmly as he could. "I suppose we work better as friends"
He could see Arthur wanted to fight.
He also could see that Arthur had seen his point.
"What if...?" Arthur started, shaky. "What if I leave?" Merlin's brows furrowed confused. "My father, I mean. What If I leave him? What If I leave Pendragon Constructions? Everything... what if i..." he was starting to stammer and was not making sense. So Merlin took his hands.
"Why would you do that?" I was the genuine confusion in his expression that made Arthur sob.
"Because I love you Merlin!" he practically screamed with broken voice and desperate eyes. "please" begged silently.
"I think that if you do that. You'll resent me, eventually" he tried to reason while giving a reassuring squeeze to his hold "He is your father Arthur, you love him, and you want to make him proud, I understand that" even when he knew what it meant for himself "But you also are better than he could ever be" he assured "You won't ever lose me, I'll just need some space"
"I don't think I can do that" Arthur spoke carefully while caressing his hand "I don't know how to, I don't want to" he breathed trying to calm himself. "But I will try for you if you want me to" he swallowed "But don't misunderstand. I am not giving up on us. I won't" using his hold he pulled Merlin in for a hug. "I am sorry, I am sorry I disappointed you, I am sorry you felt like that, but above all I am sorry that you are right" he hugged him strongly and Merlin tried and failed nor to melt in his arms. "But this won't be the end Merlin, you are right for now. I will work, everyday, every moment to deserve you, to make you feel loved, to prove to you and to myself that I can become the man that you think I can be, and when that day arrives, Merlin I will sweep you off your feet" he talked those words like it was a threat, directly in his ear, while holding him close, so Merlin decided that just one last time, he would believe in him.
He would keep hoping.
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How does God and Lucifer’s siblings view the sins? Are his siblings jealous they have been replaced or are some of them glad that Lucifer has found others who he can be a family with?
Also, do Asmodeus and Lucifer ever indulge in bird like behavior together?
God is very pleased Lucifer has them, He intended for it and a lot of the needless cruelty of the fall was to ensure Lucifer was found, endeared and open(desperate enough) to accept the help of the demons princes.
A full power emotionally destabilized Archangel wasn't going to be quick to make friends in hell. And Yes, I am very much looking forward to unpacking God's 'Ends justify the Means' mentality and 'Father knows best' approach to making decisions that affect other people without their say.
He likes them if only cause He's less guilty for losing Lucifer's original family if he ends up with another one.
However they as individuals are very foreign, while nothing is like Him, He has an understanding of creatures that strive for His perfection. He does not know what to do with those that have no interest in His order. Especially those created outside His will.
He skittish around Fat Nuggets as He is the Sins its very amusing
He's immune to Fear of Unknown by nature of being All knowing, they aren't Other to Him - He's perfectly aware they are complex people with depth and value. Which has unlocked some other, far stranger emotional response that like a morbid intrigue.
The sins and archangels' dynamics do have some posts here and here but im always up for an excuse for a proper mindset deep dive!
Because of implicit and explicit bias his brothers think of hellborn demons as lesser, Heaven is just like that, not necessarily bad just insignificant in the wake of God's Will and Order.
They see them as pets Luci is using to fill the void they left behind, the best he can do, while they're not necessarily upset at the situation by itself...
They are absolutely affronted at Lucifer being closer and more comfortable with the sins than he is or really ever was with them.
All he does is complain about the sins and how he has to manage them! (context) They were under the impression he barely tolerated them what do you mean he finds the demons' company preferable and there's a undercurrent of unbreakable trust and unconditional love in all that taunting and banter.
His siblings aren't jealous of being replaced however they are extremely jealous of being superseded.
They also... see the sins as bringing out Lucifer's 'worst traits', (mainly, Pride) because Christianity Heaven runs on shame and repression so nothing's more terrifying to them than someone being unapologetic in themselves
It's like, the worst parts of Catholic guilt and Protestant evangelical beliefs mixed together.
He has to miserable in hell in every way because if he was even the least bit happy away from the church Heaven that would have to mean something was wrong with him... or it. They don't want to see their brother like that but they're unwilling to compromise their worldview either, for who are they without God? Who is God if He's wrong?
Lucifer is cringe(and damned) but he is free etc etc
I'm so glad that near decade I spent studying Christian dogma and culture is coming in useful, there's so much texture and potential in this family dynamic
Yes, YES!!! I have waited my whole life for someone to ask about this, Bird solidarity!! Asmodeus unfortunately doesn't have a beak (it's different from claws or fingers and not even other angels can replicate it, fuck he misses his Dad) but still mutual preenings!! Billing!! Nestling!! Headbutting!! Wing tucking!! Someone who gets it!
I think Lucifer feels way more fondness for the Ars Goetia than he has any right to just cause a lot of them are birds.
Yeah they're pompous arrogant pricks but, those are endearing quirks to him if it's birds (okay he sees these as basically pets)
Paimon is still around despite his everything because he has a beak and is one of the few Goetia to truly prioritize ass kissing over dignity or prestige and will groom him without acting like it's weird.
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
Moonie-chan , do still write for oshi no ko and nier automata?! If yes !!! Could you do ai hoshino, Ruby hoshino, 2b, with male reader ( if you don't mind) who's have cheerful,dedicated guy,very optimistic, with dreams and bright world views.experienced a great sense of freedom and tried to experience everything life had to offer with childlike optimism. Please.... You so lovely moonie-chan, love you 💋🫂❤️
Cheerful and optimistic S/O has a great view of live
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Ai, Ruby, 2B ]
[ Oshi no Ko ] [ NieR Automata ]
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While I was writing it i just understood how much im bothered by this kind of people (the ones that are extremely optimistic), nothing personal I juts hate life so i despise the extreme optimism, or at least I don't tolerate it much from strangers (thats the reason why I hate Rengoku)
Anyway, please remember I only write for gender neutral, I want everyone to feel included while reading, u know?
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Ai Hoshino
It could be easy to think that you two have a matching personality for how Ai always acts in public, but the reality is that you two are quite the opposite, Ai isn't really optimistic and cheerful, she just put a facade for everyone when deep down she is filled with insecurities and saddness
Ai actually like a lot your personality and is a little envy that all that cheerful attitude is natural for you, but at the end she likes it, and having a relationship with you give her the opportunity to stay with you all she can
Ai end up learning to imitate your own cheerful and optimistic personality, taking a few quirks of you and adding them to her facade, trying to play a even better role as an perfect idol for her fans, but deep down she feels a little flustered because this way she can feel you closer (specially since for her work you two can't be together much time or even just make public your relationship)
Honestly, Ai likes you more than she could understand or even admit, your cheerful attitude is the complete oposide from what she truly feels, you are what se doesn't have, what she doesn't feel, and thanks to your relationship she is slowly learning new pleseant feelings, feeling of happiness and love
You are kinda what Ai needed on her life, she is surrounded by pressure from her work, envy and mistery, but you are so natural and loving, your smiles are never fake and your optimism came from the botton of your heart, and she can't help but feel fascinated, is something completely refreshing to her usual enviroment, it makes her heart skip a beat sometimes because of how real you are with all of this, or whenever she remember that this person she admires and loves so much loves her in return, and loves her for real
Ai feels like the way you see the world is kinda childish, she knows a world too diferent from the one you seem to know, Ai's life is surrounded by pressure, insecurities, she is exposed to harsh coments and claims on her person, asking to be more and more, even herself is a lie, the Ai the world knows is a facade, while you see the world with brightness, your eyes sees beauty and hope in everything, always saying that even if today was a bad day tomorrow can be a better day. Ai can't help but think you are amusing and silly, but that doesn't stop from liking the way you see the world
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Ruby Hoshino
Ruby tent to be more cheerful and optimistic, even a little childish, so your personalities normally just match with each other, understanding each other in their view of life
Since Ruby wants to be an idol is more probably that you two will have to keep your relationship as a secret, still with your personalities matching you two can easily be seen as best friends if you don't make too obvious your relationship. What, at the end of the day, isn't too wrong, you two can easily considere your relationship as best friends and lovers
Your cheerful attitude can either be loved or be hated for your friends, because whenever you two are together that attitude just multiplies, for example Kana gets easily annoyed (specially if you are being affectionate) while Mem-cho kinda like it, constantly just matching your own energy and end up be like a group of caotic teenagers ready to eat the world. In the other hand, Aqua isn't too bothered by it, he just likes seeing his sister happy, but will make sure you don't mean any harm to her or that your stupidity blindful optimism doesn't lead you two to troubles
As much Ruby is optimistic and childish she may not be as much as you are, and there are a lof of things she admires of you, your great view of life is something of that, she does tries to don't think the worst of people but for what happened to her mother and for being in the media she is exposed to criticism, hate and even people who tries to make her see bad on everyone, so having you is quite refreshing, your great view of life lead her to have one too, influenced by your own she tries to see things in a bright light too (much to Aqua's annoyance because he is trying really hard to protect her sister, and this just trigger his overprotectiveness since he is the literal opposite)
Even in moments that she is more calm and wants just to relax she likes talking with you and asking for your opinion, truly interested on hearing it and discovering more of your point of view of diferents things, is probably that at some point she will also ask you what you think about what happened to her mother (without telling you who is in reality)
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2B feels troubled by her relasionship with you just because it brings her so much joy but sometimes she feels like she doesn't deserve it
At the start it was dificult for you two to get together for 2B's insistance that feelings are forbidden for a YoRHa unit, but no matter how much she used to repeat it that would never stop her from falling in love with you, deep down she always knew that not feeling anything it was imposible, specially with you around. It took a while but at the end 2B accepted her feeling and finally accepted to be in a relationship with you
2B feels completely fascinated by your personality, even when most of the time she is serious and even just focused on her duty she just can not be infuenced by your cheerful attitude, she doesn't admit it much but she like having you around when she go out of the resistance camp because she likes the way you see the world, even when she seem like she isn't paying attention or that is too focus on her surroundings she is actually paying attention to what you say or your reactions, she loves just hearing you talks or see you whenever you find something new or something catched your attention (and if 9S is there with you two is even more fascinating! your personalities match really well, but sometimes is too much for 2B's heart)
Even when she doesn't look like it, 2B sees a lot of herself on you, your way to see the world one so hopeful and beautiful, you find the world fascinating and even with all the dangers you always thought it was a world worth of living on, and that is something that goes straight to 2B'S heart because, even when she doesn't feel exact the same, she also things that despite the danger and the reason why she was created, despite what YoRHa was doing to her, she also thought the life was worthy to living because she has you and 9S. She normally doesn't say much about your way of thinking, and if you ask she normally answer that she doesn't know or isn't sure because she doesn't want to tell you all that troubles her heart, but your way to see the world really brings her a lot of hope
2B grows really protective over you, she loves you with all her heart and, honestly, she thinks that you are more that she could even ask for, even sometimes feels like she doesn't deserve you (mainly for her truly purpose), so she tries to overcome her insecurities and determinated for her love she had promised to herself to protect you and your bright heart to all cost, no matter if you are a android or human, even if you are a machine she will protect you, always with the hope of having a peaceful life with you, someday somehow
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on an outsiders kick so heres the main gang as things me and my friends have said
Soda: Your wish is my command. Be gay forever
Steve: I'm still straight but I'd fuck you now
Soda: Not that gay
Darry: I dont really like you. Why are you always hanging around?
Dally: I ask myself the same thing every single day
Pony: I know we're supposed to be saying embarrassing things about ourselves but before we talk about me i'm really upset Two-Bit didnt mention the fact that he was in love with thomas the train
Two-Bit: i watched ONE episode when i was FIVE go fuck yourself
Pony: You have a shrine by your bed
Two-Bit: irrelevant
Johnny: I'm not really scared of anything, no
Johnny: but cats freak me out. and so do dogs, sometimes, but mainly cats. and especially ducks. oh, and needles, and doctors in general. also loud noises, sharp objects near me, any sort of projectile, and stoves. but like, thats not that many things
Dally: I understand so much about you now
Pony: I'm going to write a novel and all of you are gonna have characters based off you. Any questions about it?
Two-Bit: Am I hot?
Pony: No. Next question
Darry: Am I going to regret reading this?
Pony: For sure. Next.
Johnny: Please dont make me a crybaby
Pony: You shouldnt read this. Next
Steve: Can me and Soda date?
Pony: You already are. Next
Soda: Can me and Steve not date?
Pony: Too late. You know you love him. Next
Dally: You're going to make my character really deep, arent you?
Pony: Possibly. Havent decided yet. Anything else?
Johnny: Is Dally as hot in the book as he really is?
Pony: I'll no longer be taking questions because I'm extremely uncomfortable, but on second thought, you might really like this book
Two-Bit, upon walking in on Steve and Soda cuddling: I leave for FIVE minutes and i'm left out of fucking everything. all the fucking time. i hate everyone in this house
Steve: Do you want to lay with us?
Soda: Yeah, come lay with us
Two-Bit, practically dropping himself on them: I'm still mad at you
Dally: For some reason Ponyboy is really obsessed with the idea of me being really soft inside and just not showing it so I dont get hurt. I think he wants me to be narrative foils with our other friend too
Dally: How do i tell him i'd change the narrative doom him if i could and feel no remorse without crushing that hope in him
Pony: I like to think its a secret but me and everyone around me knows im writing a slowburn, hes only soft to him trope, slight enemies to lovers fanfiction about Johnny and Dally in my head
Dally: the term fanfiction implies i have fans
Johnny: i'm a fan of you
Pony, whispering: they practically write it themselves
Dally: Here, i stole this. dont ask questions, just take it
Darry, taking the sleeping pigeon that Dally just handed him with a mildly horrified expression: where did you get this?
Dally: i told you i'd bring back souvenirs from my field trip. no more questions
Johnny: Not many people like me.
Johnny: its probably because im kind of a pussy, but i like to tell myself its because i'm annoying because at least then im not calling myself a pussy
Dally: Wait, wait. Who doesnt like you?
Johnny: Huh? Why does it matter?
Dally: No reason. Just, like, give me an example
Pony, in the kitchen and hears all of this: *puts the knives in the cabinet where Dally wont look for them* I dont really want to have to bail anyone out again
Soda, to Darry: I think Steve is kind of in love with me, but I really dont want to have to break it to him that I dont feel the same
Steve, with Soda in his lap: *stops playing with Sodas hair* What?
Soda: Nothing, baby, you're fine
Darry: I will never understand you
yes, one of my friends did bring a live pigeon back from a field trip. it slept a lot, and we'd hold him all the time while he slept and he'd stay asleep when we passed him around because we had to move. i hope he wasnt sick and is doing okay
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gerardspuppy · 1 year
jim and tarsus iv
so. ahem. i actually have many more thoughts on this.
in his autobiography kirk says that tarsus was the reason he decided to join starfleet,, and also that as a kid he would obsessively follow the rules to the extent of throwing his best friend under the bus because of a singular mistake. like that’s a massively dick move. 
but it makes much more sense when you consider that he joined starfleet because of a massive trauma that stemmed from someone not following protocols, from thinking that they could do better and that their ideas were the universal right. yes he’s obsessed with the rulebook as a young adult because he’s seen what happens when people break those rules. i think it’s less so a direct ‘i might become Kodos’, and more like ‘i’ve seen the extreme damage this thing can do, and i’d do anything to prevent that’
then he gets his own command, a starship over which he essentially has total control, and that forces him to realize that command is really not as simple as he thought. that sometimes to save people you do have to break or bend the rules, and that things are never so black and white as he imagined. so he eventually becomes much more confident in his own judgement and decides to learn from the mistakes of others rather than being terrified of making the wrong choice. and bones (and spock too, although they were less close at the start of the five year mission) for sure helps him with this by trusting his judgement but also offering criticism when necessary. so by the time TOS starts we meet a Kirk who is much more confident in his personal judgement, and is also in a situation over which he has complete control rather being under the command of others.
that would also explain why he seems to treat Kodos with much more sympathy in the Conscience of the King that should be expected given everything. he’s grown as a person, and begun to more so understand what it’s like to be in a desperate situation with so many people relying on you, and even if Kodos was completely in the wrong, he can at least understand a little more now.
i think it also explains why he takes being grounded for the three years after the mission so hard and why he’s so obsessed with having his own command. first of all, im sure he has some discomfort with being permanently planetside, because if something happens (like a famine....) he’s essentially trapped. as well as that on the enterprise he 1. was in total control of the ship and 2. had his crew/friends there to constantly keep him in check. 
at a desk he has no control over his situation and has to do whatever a superior officer tells him, which might’ve been fine with younger rule-obsessed kirk, but post mission kirk is much more confident and experienced. he can tell when a decision is wrong, whereas his younger self may have not had the knowledge or self assuredness to be able to tell. but he has to respect his superior officers, so he’s trapped in a situation where he witnesses things that he disagrees with but can’t do much about it. i think at this moment he understands the adults and Kodos’ followers on Tarsus much better as well w.r.t. that feeling of being utterly powerless. and the lack of control really gets to him because if something bad happens like on Tarsus he can do essentially nothing about it. yes, starfleet has internal regulations and such to prevent people taking advantage of their power, but the effects of ptsd aren’t exactly logical. it’s just a deep fear he can’t shake through reasoning.
then secondly he’s completely alone. for five years he lived in close contact with his crew, and he always had people around him he could consult when he wasn’t sure, who weren’t afraid to call him out. so to now suddenly be the face of starfleet or whatever and to have everyone fawning over him, and essentially no one he can rely on for constructive criticism... not fun. not to mention that both spock and (to a lesser extent) bones leave him. i think that’s why he gravitates to lori cianna, because she was one of the few people who didn’t treat him like a celebrity. and he knows exactly what happens to someone when they’re worshipped by everyone and have no source of feedback, so on one hand he’s trying to gather some control over a situation where he feels very powerless, but on the other hand his sense of security in his own judgement is beginning to fray. enough to drive anyone insane. so he just kind of. loses his sense of self. because he knows what he needs but he also doesn’t trust himself to have it.
then comes TMP, and he treats Decker like shit, but he’s also desperate because the past 3 years have essentially reinforced all the age old Tarsus trauma and he’s so so lonely and uncertain. and this might be the one chance he has to finally feel like himself again. but ofc the effects of the past three years are bleeding through, so in TMP he second guesses himself much more than in the series, more like he would’ve been at the start of the first mission.
anyway i think Tarsus is criminally underexplored in the movies/series. It explains a lot of decisions he makes, that without context seem kinda asshole-ish, and it also explains why he’s so obsessed with the enterprise. that ship represents happiness to him. his posting as captain is the only time he’s ever felt in control and confident in a situation.
but yeah. if anyone has more thoughts on this id love to hear them.
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clydeznuts · 1 year
Okay. i hate cringy 2015 pictures but I want to talk about this one.
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Ive seen things similar to these a lot a bunch many times, but this one stood out to me for some reason. May be the stupid font or something else, but I found it to be deeper than I expected. And I don’t expect ‘deep’ content to actually be deep content because of whatever the fuck the shit in r/im14andthisisdeep is.
My Passion comes from pain—not exactly true, but with a little more explanation you can see why. Leo’s always the one to risk his life for his brothers, the most willing at least. You remember how he went out to fight Shredder on his own during the invasion? (Well, he really does that almost every episode but anyways.) You can understand (I hope) that Leo’s love and support for his family fuels his passion and willingness to give himself up for them. Not that it’s a good thing, of course.
My calm masks a storm-this is the one that really made me think for a second. It’s true. Donnie’s calm does, actually, mask a storm. Donnie can, well all the brothers can, easily kill anyone they want to. They have elite ninja training and are extremely flexible, they all exercise enough to be ripped, and im sure if they didnt have plastrons they would have abs. Remember what Splinter said to Donnie when giving him his bō staff — “Peace.” Donnie, id say so myself is the calmest of his brothers most of the time. Not the most patient, but the most peaceful and willing to retort to linguistic combat because that’s what he’s most good at. Donnie, id say is the second angriest brother after Raph. Even Raph’s scared of him when he snaps.
My strength is an illusion—is partially strue. His strength is not an illusion, he is indeed the strongest of his brothers, but the angry mean man facade is an illusion. Remember when Raph comforted Mikey? All the times he singlehandedly saved Leo’s ass? He does care about his brothers. He is hotheaded and rude, but he’s also caring and understanding.
My innocence is not ignorance—It’s indeed canon that Mikey is the most talented of his brothers in martial arts, but doesn’t care enough to use that talent. He could probably beat Leo if he trained and meditated as much as Leo. Mikey has prooven time and time again that he’s more intelligent than he looks, and even though he found retro mutagen with his tomfoolery he still indeed found it. He’s not stupid. He beat a literal demon lord, give him some credit.
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donnerpartyofone · 7 months
i find you unimaginably cool and ive expressed to you before on anon the sentiment that i feel a deep kinship towards you for how you speak so candidly abt your own stupidity (pls dont take that as me calling you stupid) bcuz i feel exactly the same way abt my own stupidity and hate when ppl try to talk me out of it but ANYways i just saw your post abt writing a novelization of splice and i am literally reeling. i love that weird ass movie so much and i think writing a novelization of it is one of the most off the wall and amazing things ive ever heard of. i hope that you will share when it is published bcuz i cannot wait to read it. pls know that someone out there understands you (or at least understands you as best as someone can thru this parasocial lens of tumblr and how you choose to share yourself there) and that someone out there thinks you are basically what i hope i can be when i grow up. thank you for sharing. thank you for articulating yourself as well as you do (i too have the itch to tell you you are not stupid but bcuz i know how it is i wont do it but besides that, i think you are one of the clearest and most well articulated writers ive ever encountered online or elsewhere). sorry, this all feels insane to type. im off two tallboy ipas and i just think youre great.
Dearest Correspondent,
Oddly enough, just the other day somebody liked an older post of mine, and when I clicked on it to remind myself of what it was, the next post down was your last message. Anyway, thanks! The whole novelization business is really funny. Do people even know what they are anymore? I didn't know anybody still made them until I was hired to do SPLICE. I used to get them from the drugstore sometimes when I was a kid because my parents were very uptight about what I watched, but they wouldn't be caught dead restricting anyone's reading habits. During my initial conversation with the SPLICE publisher, we kind of bonded over our memories of the CHILD'S PLAY 2 novelization, of all things, that seemed to help me a lot in addition to my ideas about what SPLICE should be like on paper. I tend to think of novelizations as just another piece of merch, but when you write them, I don't know, like you really have to live out the movie in your mind over and over again to figure out what the characters are experiencing physically, environmentally, how their emotional experiences affect their bodies, etc. You have to fill in the blanks of what they think and sense just enough to make your transcription convincing, while staying within certain bounds to honor what the filmmaker meant to say. SPLICE started as kind of a lark for me, and then almost immediately it became extremely personal; when I was nearing the end of my first draft I thought, "OK, well, I guess everyone is about to find out how insane I am." I was afraid it just sounded "crazy" and wouldn't be what the publisher was expecting. But after I turned it in, the surprise encouragement I got from actual-Vincenzo Natali was pretty amazing, so maybe it's good! Maybe you really CAN'T tell how crazy I am, and it's just very entertaining. You'll have to wait and see.
Parasocial relationships are tricky, huh, especially here on tumblr dot com. The best thing you can do for yourself is just be very aware that they are happening within you, a test you seem to have passed. I think a lot of us come here seeking understanding of our weirdest parts, but the more you put out there to find the people who get what you're saying, you simultaneously get a lot of reminders that most people have no idea what you're talking about. There will be people who seem to hate you because they've misunderstood you, and there will also be people who love you but whose interactions prove that they have absolutely no idea what you're communicating. I recently culled a bunch of followers because they were just creating a lot of noise, even though they may have meant well, and I was losing the clarity I needed to keep doing this. I started to see every post as a worrisome opportunity to find out how poorly people can possibly read me, and suppressing the urge to re-explain myself every day was becoming exhausting. And ironically, around the same time, I was briefly mutuals with one of my favorite bloggers ever, and just as I thought we were becoming chummy, they unfollowed me. I didn't freak out, actually I just unfollowed them back because I was concerned about being annoying, but I did have all kinds of Thoughts about this event. I have spent a lot of time reviewing what my projections were about that person, and what my personal investment in their narrative says about me. I think there could be something good to get out of this audit, even though the whole episode is sort of embarrassing. But Tumblr definitely gives you a lot of opportunities to examine your own filters, clean them out once in a while, and get to know yourself a little better--even if other people seem to be getting to know you a little worse! You just have to stick to your own course and see what comes of it.
Uh. What the hell was I saying. I don't know! But I appreciate your messages, I feel "gotten" by them. Some of the follower upheaval recently did involve the way that I process my experience of my own stupidity out loud on here--like I know that sometimes folks are trying to be helpful by contradicting me whenever I sound "negative" (read: realistic), but being told (by strangers) how to feel about yourself and that you're wrong about your own experiences is actually really awful, confusing, frustrating, and undermining. So I don't mind being reminded that my signal is coming through for at least some people. I hope you're doing good this holiday season. I wonder what beers you had, they sound fun!
Good tidings to you,
PS Isn't "on here" a weird phrase? I always feel like a primate when I say it, but I have yet to find a different phrase that conveys the same thing as accurately.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
All Might can suck it, in ur Monster AU comic! >:(
Heck yeah!!
He can also suck it in a few other comics too lol, not that I hate all might but,,, he’s just not,, the best,, person. There’s just so much of his shady actions in canon to use as groundwork here.
Granted he’s a great hero, most of the time. He’s really only good at being the big muscle for villains that can take a punch. He’s not great at the smaller parts of his job, like investigating and calling ambulances and working with the police.
Not to mention he’s a bad teacher/parent. Not saying he doesn’t care but he clearly values hero work over teaching and parenting. You can see he doesn’t really understand what the kids actually need of him until later. It’s why the class was so thrown off by all might giving actual good advise (via the book in his pocket). So he’s not bad and he wants to do the right thing and he doesn’t actually commit to learning how to do the right thing until later.
But! I often portray him as though he has no want/need to understand, and only thinks of heroism and crime in black and white. You can draw a lot of parallels to Batman and Superman here. For example, Superman is usually called for big over the top fights. He’s a heavy hitter, that’s his specialty. I have never ever seen him actually try to mentor anyone until he actually gets Jon (and Kon kinda). He starts out pretty bad with Kon in most versions, and often with other heroes because his views on things and people are usually set in a black and white view.
Batman on the other hand is very much good with kids. (Most of the time) (im ignoring the times where he’s abusive or whatever) (think Wayne family adventures version) He values the safety of kids and knows the intricacies of crime, much like Aizawa and underground heroes. You don’t always call them for heavy hitters, you call them for intel gathering, deep rooted and systematic issues like drug rings and trafficking. Stuff Superman wouldn’t get too into because his focus is on defeating the clearly evil alien invasions, etc.
So I think All Might has potential to be good in more ways than just being a heavy hitter, but in my comics I always see Aizawa as more of a parental role for kids because he’s not a black and white person. He deals with kids daily as a teacher and cares about making sure they can protect themselves. Stuff all might doesnt have experience with (but he learns later) and in my comics thats just how I think All Might would be to an extreme black and white perspective.
With the quirk thing, you can always see in the anime and manga that All Might values strength most. He thinks the more power you have the better off you are. That’s why he thinks Quirkless can’t be a hero, he overlooks other types of quirks in trainings and focuses on strength to win battles rather than smarts. He encourages Izuku to stop thinking and just punch stuff. No idea how to teach kids.
So in my Monster comic All Might is played up to where he views not only crime but also quirks in that black and white vision. Scary villain quirks are bad, weak quirks are useless, strength quirks are heroic, mutant quirks are creepy and scary and villainous, etc. So of course Monster quirk Izuku is seeing the brunt of that type of viewpoint and discrimination.
All might thinks he’s doing the kid a favor by telling him to hide his quirk and not cause trouble. Still sees himself as a hero and one giving solid advice on life. He’s very much wrong but he doesn’t see it.
Anyways sorry that got super long, hope this was at least interesting to read or helped in some way to explain😅
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
@queerbashir I promised to elaborate on my thoughts about Trapper and Frank in O.R. so let's hope it doesn't get eaten this time!
I left tags on this excellent and funny meme saying:
#ok but what he actually says is deep down there's no real hatred and he means it
@queerbashir said:
#idk breakfast i think he means it#but maybe im projecting
It's possible there was a miscommunication here, because we both said "he means it" and seem to be referring to different things. But what I was originally saying was that the meme (which, again, is great, 10/10 no notes) has the opposite meaning of the original scene.
That scene in O.R. is one of the closest looks into who Frank is that both Trapper and the audience ever get. Unusually for Frank, he just sort of starts opening up to Trapper. I think the circumstances of working long shifts in surgery together make Frank feel a little closer to Trapper, and exhaustion loosens his lips a little bit. For all that Frank is an antagonist, there is a certain level of closeness between Hawkeye, Trapper, and Frank. They don't want it, but it's there. Living in such close quarters with Frank and knowing first hand what he's going through, because they're going through the same thing, forcibly humanizes him. They associate with Frank, sometimes: In Dear Dad, Again (s1), Frank is in a fight with Margaret and spends time with Hawkeye and Trapper. He drives them crazy, but they still treat him basically like a very annoying friend. In Dear Dad Three (s2), they're so bored Trapper and Frank play cards together. Frank is a presence in the social circle.
Crucially, Frank wants to be in the social circle. Frank's insistence that "I didn't come here to be liked" is defensive; he knows nobody likes him and says fine, I didn't want them to like me anyway. Margaret tries to reassure him that everyone is just jealous, because Frank is so superior. In this scene, we get a moment of unusual honesty from Frank. He's aware that no one likes him and it bothers him. This comes after Frank leaves for a break after getting upset at Henry taking Hawkeye's side in the O.R. chatter. Honestly, no one wants to hear this, but Frank has a point. Hawkeye can usually say whatever he wants in surgery and he's at the least allowed to do it and at the most rewarded for it. When Frank says things, he's usually told to shut up. The difference isn't always the content of what they're saying or that Hawkeye is right, it's that people like Hawkeye and that he earns a certain amount of leeway by being the best surgeon. This is difficult for Frank to understand and he feels like it's unfair which he's not entirely wrong about.
So after getting, from his perspective, jumped on yet again, Frank sees Trapper isn't working and opens up to him a little bit. He opens the conversation with a stab at genuine gratitude and humility which is extremely rare for Frank. He doesn't quite hit the mark, but he gets pretty close. Frank was genuinely horrified by the mistake he almost made with the kidney and reacted the way he did in the moment because it's very uncomfortable to be publicly called out for such a serious mistake, even if it's deserved. We get a clue later in the conversation as to why he chooses Trapper to open up to, other than simple availability. Frank asks why no one likes him, and says:
Well, we got along fine, for the first two weeks.
Trapper doesn't argue. In fact, he more or less confirms it, by saying that time was wasted. So Trapper and Frank at least peacefully coexisted for the first two weeks. What happened? I suspect the answer is Hawkeye showed up. Frank then says:
But, deep down, there's no real hatred, is there?
And Trapper says:
Deep down? No.
I think Trapper means it, because he's just too tired to lie. I also think it's consistent with their dynamic. Hawkeye and Trapper don't like Frank and they enjoy tormenting him, but there's no real, deep hatred. Frank is a thorn in their side because he's there, but they don't hate him the way they hate the war. They don't want him dead, and while they do enjoy watching him suffer sometimes, they also feel pity for him. Trapper then answers Frank's question: why don't people like him? It's not for any of his crimes, or any of the reasons the fandom usually cites for hating him. It's this:
It's just that you're a joyless person, Frank. 
Which is honestly so much harsher. This is changeable behavior, but it's not something Frank knows how to change. I think being joyless is at the root of a lot of Frank's conservatism; he can tell that the mood dies when he walks into a room, so he huffs that they're all rule-breaking degenerates who are going to hell. This also explains some of his hypocrisy, because being with Margaret is just about the only time he does find joy. There are times Frank tries to join in the fun and his attempts are mocked. Frank is a miserable person to be around, and that's sad. Frank knows it, too. In a rare moment of honesty, he tries to explain it:
I'm from a very strict family. We weren't allowed to talk at meals. We couldn't even hum. Anybody who hummed got a punch in the throat.
Trapper says:
That's terrible.
And it is! In a different moment, Trapper might make a joke. Hawkeye certainly would. But in the weird atmosphere of this sleep-deprived, Trapper just tells the truth. He doesn't say that excuses Frank's behavior, but he acknowledges that it is terrible. Frank then follows with one of the single saddest things I've ever heard:
I think that's why I became a snitch. So I could talk to somebody.
Frank then describes a situation where he didn't snitch on his best friend and felt so guilty about it he ended up snitching on himself, probably snitching on the friend in the process, even possibly losing the friend. Joyless person.
At this point, Trapper is done with this conversation. Trapper has been falling down exhausted the entire time, and now he can barely keep his eyes open. He can't really process what Frank is saying anymore and tells him that. So when he agrees to Frank's request and says:
Friends, Frank. No more hostility. No more hatred. Friends.
At that point, he's saying whatever he thinks will make Frank stop talking and let him sleep. Of course directly following it with:
Now, shut up, Frank, or I'll kill ya.
Is funny. But there isn't any real hostility in it. Trapper is just tired. He'd say something like this to Hawkeye in this situation.
Trapper and Frank have an unusually personal conversation and Trapper says "deep down, I don't hate you, you're just a miserable person to be around."
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samaspic31 · 9 months
im so fucking mad about capitalism's devaluation of manual labor (especially financial, hi raise the fucking wages) and expectation to outsource labor, leading to dire exploitation (everyone is exploited, but manual workers especially AND don't get compensated for the toll on their body AND get looked down on unlike white collar workers, all that because making intellectual products is worth 10 times more money i fucking guess). The average person used to have so many more practicak skills and we used to know how make so much more stuff, having people cook, clean, take care of your children and sew for you was the height of luxury for a wealthy woman, depending so much on buying to substain your lifestyle was reserved to the extremely wealthy. People were expected to hold more basic skills outside of a hyperspecific field of their career like today and were allowed to spend time on broad and practical knowledge, and today schools do not even out the playing field because it's still mostly theoric regurgitation (which great, but give all the youngsters a cooking, crafting and sewing class and teach them accounting im begging) making people into highly specific tools relying on buying most of what they don't even think they can make, because disempowered. (this is linked to capitalist shaming of perceived failure and beginners and imperfection but that's a whole other can of worms)
Like for example it was just a given painters made their own paint (or started by making it for their mentor, any way they were taught how), it was considered a necessary first step, a way to understand your medium, and a way no to depend on anyone else or a corporation, and i think a lot of artists are missing that step of having to spend effort on the medium itself. I don't know how my graphic tablet works and i can't make acrylic paint and that's a shame
Like it was always normal for the already rich to leave all physical work to exploited workers but today it's everyone else's case too (at least in the economic north), making your own stuff is a counterculture thing, and even poverty or being an exploited worker eats so much of time that it makes it so buying is necessary and stuff made with exploited labor the only affordable option, fucking vicious cycle
there were deep inequalities with how the teaching of those skills were segregated, which was for which gender and social class, im not saying it was universally good, and women were expected to accumulate way more skills just to do all the managing of a household AND get that labor devalued, just, urgh, it was considered important to know at least i guess
also the birth of packaging and the rise of single use plastic+ worldwide transport of goods is heavily linked to this and a consequence of a global economic boom but it's still a fucking disaster-
anyways buy a s little new shit in as little packaging as you can and fuck corporations
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mxmentos · 2 years
rewrite the stars.
character(s) ; mona x gn!reader genre ; star-crossed lovers word count ; 1007 cw/tw ; very annoyed mona, not proofread (when is it ever) a/n ; told yall ill make y/n the good guy this time <3 i wrote this in a rush, you can tell by the ending 💀💀 sorry for the lack of content- and yes, the old hag is mona's mother in this au lol
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“are you out of your mind?!”
your grip on mona’s arm loosened, but your fingers remained firm and made sure she couldn’t escape. you weren’t done with this woman just yet. mona’s pale green eyes flashed at yours with anger, grunts escaping her parted lips as she tried to free herself from your grip. 
“[name], i demand you to release me at once! do you know who i am? i’m the daughter of the most praised astrologer in the entirety of teyva-”
“will you quiet down, star-lady? i’m trying to get us out of here.”
“star-lady?! i will not let myself be disgraced with such preposterous nicknames. release me at onc-”
you placed your free-hand over mona’s lips, muffling her strained voice from escaping into the woods. “you’ve been hanging out with fischl a bit too much, haven’t you?” you whispered, listening keenly to make sure the two of you were alone.
“no sign of the old hag’s guards here, mona. there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“that’s not who i’m afraid of,” mumbled mona. you removed your hand from her lips, finally letting go of her arm. mona was extremely upset with you. she knew you were an idiot, but she never would’ve imagined you do this sort of thing. her cheeks flushed with rage as she began to unleash all her anger on you.
“what. were. you. thinking? grabbing my hand as i was plucking berries in the royal garden, and running at full-speed! did you not take a pause and think about the possibility of my master, who was admiring the stars in the balcony, taking a glance below and seeing me carried off to the woods by some lunatic i fell in love with? and how would you consider…”
mona continued along with her rant, but you weren’t really listening to what mona was saying. she stood before you, her deep violet hair illuminated by the moonlight alone. arms crossed, she strutted back and forth, angrily rambling about how careless you were. you admired everything about her; the quick movements she made with her fingers, the way her ponytails swayed along as she strutted back and forth… oh, you were so in love with the woman in front of you.
“...we could’ve been in so much trouble. are you even listening to me?”
you let out a soft chuckle, which made mona’s cheeks burn even more. she didn’t know if she was angry at you or happy to see both of you together in the forest, free from both of your families, and ready to burn the woods with your desires. but alas, she knew that wouldn’t happen; there were too many faults in the stars to ignore.
“[name], don’t you understand? i can’t go back… because of you! and now i’m stuck with you and i don’t have anywhere else to go… just the thought of me waking up to see your ugly face in the morning makes me sick-”
“mona… we both know that you wanted it.”
mona's pupils dilated at the sound of that. “wanted… what?” mona shot a puzzled look at you, but you knew her true intentions. she wasn’t ready to talk about the subject of you and her being together. the both of you were deeply in love the moment the delicate thread of your fate interlocked with hers, tying a beautiful knot. but the both of you knew that unless you did something about it, that knot will slowly fall apart, and the threads that once held each other would finally let go.
“you wanted to be free. to be free and roam across the woods. so what if we cause a forest fire? at least the forests would burn from the desires in our hearts. my longing to be with you grows by the day, and im sure that in the depths of your delicate heart, you have that same longing. mona, the universe has destined our relationship.”
mona bit her lip; as much as she wanted to believe you, she just couldn’t. she could never forget the fine morning when she decided to dive into the depths of the stars, wanting to see the path of destiny laid out for you and her. saying that the path was not charted the way she expected it to would be a bit of an understatement.
“[name], our story is inscribed in the stars, the universe only guides us to the path foretold.”
you let out a deep sigh; unlike mona, you didn’t believe in astronomy. how would you let a few specs in the sky determine your fate? it sounded extremely unrealistic, but you made sure not to mention it to mona. 
“listen, [name], as much as i want to be with you, there is simply no reality in which we would have a happy ending. you know how much the megistus family despises you and your family. besides, the stars don’t paint a pretty picture of us in the sky. i think that it’s… better if we stayed apart.”
no. that wasn’t true, and you both knew it.
you wanted to be with her, even though it would all end up in flames. there’s not a second that went by without you thinking about her. your heart was aching from the distance between you and mona, you couldn’t be separated from her any longer. and you knew that deep down, she felt the same. 
“don’t you get it, [name]? the stars have been inscribed with our fates. must you continue with your pointless convincing?”
mona looked at you with starry eyes, a tear trickling down her cheek. she wanted to believe you, she really did, but the stars said otherwise. you gently cupped her cheeks, causing her cheeks to flush. as you stared more into her eyes, you could see endless galaxies spanning across, hiding the truth of the universe. 
“...why do you keep fighting for a future you know we can’t cherish?”
“because if the stars were truly written, then we can rewrite it.”
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fic by @/mxmentos on tumblr. do not repost this fic without my permission.
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softdaemons · 1 year
everytime i return to my sns hours all i can think about is naruto and sasuke traveling together post ending, after trying to live in the village but they just cant for all the obvious reasons. sasuke can't sit still and even though he conceded at the end of their fight he hasn't changed his mind in that the world /needs/ a revolution. it takes a while and alot of fighting and denial on narutos part most of the time leading to one of them bursting out the door in anger not being able to take conversations anymore lack of conversation, but naruto eventually allows himself an ounce of honesty that the villages obsession with him ushering naruto onto a pedestal of being a hero and beelining him to be the future hokage sakura pushing him towards hinata the death cost of the war the continued treatment towards sasuke. it all pains him, a cruel mix of ptsd trauma and depression ontop of rage and anger after what his family has gone through, he has gone through, sasuke, and everyone else he's met along the way that have been orphaned or treated wrong by the shinobi world.
so they eventually agree to leave because konoha is exhausting and claustrophobic to say the least, with a quickstop at nekobaas to get properly set up with material, but also mentally prepare before truly leaving. nekobaa and her apprentice both give them some tips of neighboring places that may be looked past by the other villages that they can look into for money and lodging should they want it, and thats the way naruto and sasuke exist for a while. taking odd jobs, protecting innocents from other desperate or vile induvials looking to get on top with the new changes swirling around. months stretch into a year or so and of course they fall in open love, naruto pondering and feeling guilt of being away from home for so long, but he gets anxious over falling into the mix of expectations again, and sasuke keeps him up. the closest they ever go back to konoha again is maybe to visit gaara.
i'd imagine from time to time team taka comes along on their journey. deep down naruto and sasuke bitterly thinking that things couldve been like this maybe. not separated and working together earlier on. but they don't dwell on it for now and over the course of one meetup karin and naruto whove been hitting it off through their lineage start gossiping over uzushio and this basically turns into my excuse of naruto and sasuke settling down at the whirlpool ruins, taka included. i want to imagine they turn it into a place of respite for those who may have been displaced during the war - most of those individuals being ones crawling out of hiding being descendants of the uzumaki and other orphans. its a beautiful sanctuary and a spearhead for naruto and sasukes plans of creating widespread change, from dismantling shinobi programs to train child soldiers, publicizing history starting with the destruction of uzushio and the uchiha etc etc your basics.
im iffy on there being also being a few uchiha stragglers - survivors who had left konoha in secret. im sure konoha would not allow or even the clan head allowing individuals to leave the village in order to keep them all in one place/together. but i can buy some people making it out wanting a life away, but after the massacre events living in secret as normal civilians, only coming out of hiding post war after hearing about the sanctuary being built for another clan and being assisted by the infamous sasuke.
ALSO. i think naruto would be fierce in fighting for jinchuuriki and what the world has done to the tailed beast and their hosts alike. extremely determined to protect them and mourning not only his family but another one he never got to know with the other hosts. i can see bee stopping by uzushio as a sort of second home and them bonding and training more in a way that sasuke cant even understand. i think it would def help naruto build upon his own independent identity. honestly idr canons comments on the jinchuurikis fate but i think it would be the sweetest thing if the beasts came across individuals they connected to that they could find their own hosts and they would come to uzushio to train with nar and bee.
im gonna shut up now this is the most self indulgent au trying to cram 92852837 things in it at once. tldr. sasuke and naruto are in love and after a while and deep into their healing process they start their own family and have 2 daughters.
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sopebubbles · 1 year
Just a slight input of mine, as in my two cents.
I totally absolutely understand yoongi's and tae's pov about them feeling left out when hobi goes in heat and Jin gets all possessive, but towards the end we also see how yoongi also gets a little possessive about Y/N when hobi mentions having a room for Y/N ( as in yoongi wanting y/n for himself) so in that perspective shouldn't yoongi be a little more understanding of Jin? No? Just me?? ( This is what I feel) Jin could have had his own dreams and desires no?? While trying to do his best (from his perspective) for everyone in the pack...
and somewhere my heart goes out to Jin that maybe he wants to have a child with HIS HUSBAND with whom he's been married for so long and loves so much. And Jin isn't being selfish just that hobi is his husband first and then the omega of the pack??? Jin could have been trying his best under the pressure and with what all knowledge he has?? No??
My heart goes out to jin for trying to take care of everything and everyone without being able to express himself. Maybe I am wrong but this is just something I felt. And I do agree that buying an entire house without consulting with other members is wrong, anyone would be upset.
( also being a leader isn't easy, if the members do not say how is he going to understand, and even if everyone says something and share their input but in the end their points do not get selected that too leaves a sour taste(I hope you understand what I mean) and the leader, I don't know if they do, go about talking with everyone individually? That could be exhausting no?😔)
And I am so proud of Y/N for asking for help. good job MC. I love you for this, you fighter!!
Im glad you noticed that parallel with Yoongi's possessiveness! There will definitely come a time when Yoongi has to confront those possessive feelings when she's actually around AND others want to be around her. I think there's a bit of a difference in the fact that they're in a years long relationship and Jin is trying dictate how other people can be with Hoseok. Yoongi should try to understand Jin's feelings, no doubt, but it doesn't make Jin's actions to alienate everyone acceptable. It will be interesting to compare them as alphas down the line
And yeah, Hobi is his husband but if he wanted to be exclusive like that maybe he shouldnt have brought 3 other alphas into his pack. The most troubling thing about his behavior for them is that its a change. In his own heart Jin never did use to care about whose baby hobi would have, he would've just loved any baby of Hobi's as his own. But his mom put this idea in his head and the fact that he wouldn't talk about it just shows that deep down he knows its wrong.
I think all your thoughts make sense in a way bc those are very natural ways to feel, i just dont think those are the core issues, but im glad you're in Jin's corner! Pack alpha is a tough job and theres still an important issue that Yoongi raised which is that Jin sees pack alpha as a set of privileges (i get to decide where we live) instead of responsibilities (i must provide us with a safe place to live). I strongly believe that if Jin hadn't been first he wouldn't be pack alpha. Its strictly bc of his position as Hobi's husband that he has the role BUT his upbringing/family also makes him feel entitled to it (his mother would be extremely displeased with him if he wasn't pack alpha). The stress is honestly a bit too much for him and makes him close in on himself, not discussing with others and ultimately making bad decisions. At the end of the day, he should be at least discussing important decisions with his packmates even if he ultimately thinks that his choice is the right one. In my opinion thats the more effective form of leadership.
I know everyone wants her to rush back but im honestly very happy with yn for doing the best she can rn. Asking for help was huge even though she might not have asked for all the help we think she needs.
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
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bokutosbiceps · 8 months
[here for the matchup trade!'
fandoms i would like: same as yours, bsd and demon slayer. no preference as long as they arent too young!
prominent personality traits: passionate, levelheaded, contemplative, opinionated, honest (heart on my sleeve). realistic but optimistic about it. individualistic. i am an ambivert. sometimes my mouth runs and i trip up over what i am going to say, and i'm blunt. sx/sp. im a big person on wanting improvement and having ambition (mostly for myself, but i will encourage others).
hobbies/talents: i like to read and write and listen to music and taking walks. i draw too. i'm really good at explaining things in a very cohesive manner. my logic is really good, so my persuasion is extremely good too. im very efficient and creative, which i apply to many things in real life. i also have very good intuition.
-> appearance-wise, i’m east asian, with a wispy middle part and shoulder length black hair! i look more cute-sque than hot or whatnot.
thank you for this matchup exchange!
the PRESSURE !! after you wrote me that fantastic match up, i am feeling the p r e s s u r e … 😅 but i’ve got some spicy snacks + the motivation so here we go!! i hope you love your matches 😁
bungou stray dogs
i match you with DAZAI OSAMU 🖤
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you + dazai would just be two little peas in a pod. the thing he appreciates most about you is your appreciation for ambition, as well as how you can tell someone like it is! he hates people who beat around the bush, but he really revels in the fact that he’ll never have to worry about that with you. you guys rarely ever fight because every discussion is level headed + free of insults/trickery (on your part at least, we all know dazai can be a cunning man). dazai could sit + listen to you talk for h o u r s. he’ll be sitting there with his chin resting on his open palm, a small smirk on his lips as he listens to you talk about whatever you’re passionate about that day. after you’re done with your speech, he’ll just wrap his arms around your waist and give you a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek.
getting to know dazai can be difficult, though, even if he loves you. he’s very closed off + protective of his feelings, so it takes a lot for him to be able to trust someone. when he met you, though, he could see that you were his twin flame. he felt as though you’d be able to understand the inner workings of his heart and mind, so he’d share them with you. you’re the one + only person he’d open up to like that, so be grateful! conversations with him can be so deep and provoking that you’ll both be left squinting at the sunlight streaming in through your windows, wrapped up in each other’s arms, after pulling an all-nighter just to talk.
dazai thinks you’re soooo intelligent, so he’ll often ask you for advice if there’s a situation at the detective agency that’s got him stumped. he’s so thankful to have you on his slide, because you truly can open his mind to perspectives he’s never seen. he also really admires the way you can bring things together to flow so smoothly, + he believes that this is truly a showing of just how smart you are! with that being said, dazai will constantly be trying to challenge your intelligence. whether that be with little riddles, pranks, games of chess/checkers, quizzes on random facts he’s picked up on—all of it, you gotta stay on your toes!
dazai’s favorite thing to do with you is to walks around downtown yokohama! he knows you love going for walks + he can identify with that, as walks usually help him clear his mind. you guys will stroll next to the river, in between the tall buildings, stopping at various food or knick knacks stalls just to see what there is to see. you guys pretty much have the entire city mapped out by heart from how many walks you go on. dazai tries to make it a nightly occurrence, only because he knows that work can keep him pretty busy, so being able to hear you, his favorite person, talk about your day while strolling around yokohama, his favorite city, is the best way he can think of to unwind after work.
demon slayer
i match you with RENGOKU KYOJURO 🧡
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rengoku love love LOVES your passionate + optimistic self! its something he admires so deeply about you, like he really couldn’t have chosen a better person for himself. he wouldn’t be able to get along with someone who’s closed minded or negative, but he always tries his best to befriend most people! he doesn’t have to try with you, though, it’s extremely natural for him. he also really admires that you’re always striving for improvement + that you have great ambition, because he can definitely relate to that. he loves that your relationship consists of building each other up + encouraging each other to do your best + give your all no matter what you do.
a relationship w rengoku would being by his side at all times. he never wants to let you out of his sight! whether he’s training, reading, sleeping, eating, he’ll want you to be there! on a cozy night, one could find you + rengoku cuddled up under a kotatsu, reading or writing, often interrupting each other to show off something one of you found interesting in your book or to get opinions on your writing. he’s the biggest cuddle bug in the world, so he absolutely loves any sort of physical contact or affections from you. in his perfect world, you’d always be underneath that kotatsu in the winter, or splayed out on a futon in the summer, with your fingers running through his fiery locks while he just listens to whatever is on your mind.
another thing about rengoku is that he always wants to make sure you’re taken care of. it’s always “have you eaten?” or “did you sleep well?” or “do you need help with anything?” he’s your number one fan + he always wants to make sure that you’re content in life. if there’s anything that’s upsetting you, he will coax you into telling him + then immediately figure out a way to solve it. if it’s something that he has no control over, the empath in him will take over + he will also be upset. sometimes even more upset than you are. we love showings of solidarity in a partner.
rengoku also really wants you to be safe at all times, even though he’s almost always around to protect you, he worries for the day that he won’t be around when you need him. with this being said, you two will spend countless hours training. he’ll teach you the basics + teach you special ways in which you can protect yourself until he’s absolutely satisfied. it’s a dangerous world out there, but rengoku will be damned if his girl can’t protect herself!
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a/n: idk how you managed to be matched w two of the hottest men in their respective franchises LOL it’s just what you deserve, what can i say 😉 anyways, i really hope you liked them !! thank you so much (again) for mine 😁
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
•Would you say you're more likely to be a Sibling of Sin or a Ghoul? Why?
ghoul!! i love the ghouls so much and it would be really cool to be able to do the things they do. plus, it’s cooler than being a sibling in my book.
•Which Papa would you prefer to work with? Why? (Sister Imperator is included)
POPIA!! i love that little rat man so much. he would be so gentle and kind and he would be the perfect person to talk to and work for.
•Are you an introvert, ambivert or an extrovert? Tell us a bit more about it.
i think i’m not quite a balance but introverted until i’m extremely comfortable with you. i can be extremely shy and won’t approach someone else unless im heavily convinced to. and when i get comfortable, i have no problem approaching someone.
•What chore do you like the most/hate the least?
sweeping floors. as long as i have my earbuds in and i can sing into my broom like a mic, im good.
•Do you like to travel, or maybe you prefer to stay at home?
i’m not sure about this because i don’t like being home but i don’t really like being away from home too much.
•Free space
i’m an absolute menace to society and to myself. i bring chaos literally everywhere i go. i kill every plant i touch so i'm probably primo’s least favorite person. i like to write and listen to music and have no problem doing tasks as long as i have my music to focus on.
This post is part of the 1000 followers Role in ministry event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your role in the ministry is...Song writer Ghoul
You work for Copia, you two get on really well.
You help him write the songs for Ghost, that bond of sitting and writing music together runs deep. You also write music for the rest of the Clergy when they need.
He is very easy to talk to and work for you. You both enjoy chatting so after work you tend to go grab a coffee together and just talk about anything and everything.
The studio you work in is has a cosy laid back vibe. It's nice and peaceful there, no one really disturbs you.
Primo has heard about your reputation with plants and has banned you from helping with his plants, he was very understanding about it saying gardening isn't for everyone. You wrote a song to appologize and thats how you ended up writing songs for Ghost and the rest of the Clergy.
The Ghouls love you, they were very good with you being shy, you got to know them at your speed. Now however the lot of you cause chaos together.
Copia has to pretend to tell you all off but really he quite enjoys sitting back and watching all the antics you lot get up to.
When there is a break between albums you sometimes help the cleaners, just with sweeping and only if you want to. If you start singing with the broom as a mic Swiss will appear from nowhere with is tambourine. There is a whole impromptu perfomance with him singing into the mic with you and then you both do a shimmy.
written by Nyx with help from Death
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bromineiscandy · 1 year
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What a PLEASURE to finally be here. I've been watching for at LEAST 3 months and I must say I enjoy watching you all bicker it is Very Entertaining! Ha ha ha!
((OOC info under the cut, pinned post))
another blog by me, bunny, the person who came out of nowhere swinging SEMI-LUKEWARM
null will randomly blip out of existence with my motivation and energy levels!
i tag the following:
blood // horror gif needles anatomical hearts bats deep ocean
since mobile is a fuck, heres the ooc page info put here
my name is bunny, im 25+, i do not want to be addressed
im also over on crow, honey, and julia’s blogs
id like to avoid the tumblr chat “function” as much as possible, especially ic, i do not receive any kind of notification that i have a new message and it will not update with new messages unless i manually refresh the page. it leads to miscommunication and me missing things frequently and i dont like that. 
additionally, i am no longer given activity notifications, so communicating through replies on a post is a good way to have me not see it! please reblog whenever possible if you want to have a conversation
if you talk regularly with honey or null and we are mutuals you can talk to me ooc/ask for my discord,, if i draw you things i am trying to be friends, but i am not very good at being friends and do not have much to offer
im not Extremely picky with who i follow, but i have people whos judgement i trust and will block freely and without hesitation. im here to curate my ideal experience, not save the feelings of a stranger. 
while i understand that ic=/=ooc if your character spews blatant bigotry of any kind please dont interact, actually
this page does not accept magic anons
██████ ████ was born in the ████ ███████
they are a nonbinary kindred of indiscernable race
they are 5’7”, approx 145 lbs
they were embraced ████ years ago by ███ █████ and are a malkavian of the █th generation
they have been going by null between identities that they take on, and prefer to be referred to as such
null is a touch and sex-repulsed aro-ace
they are a well practiced and extremely talented chemist and are addicted to inhaling caustic chemical substances. frequently they struggle to function, even without needing to breathe, without having a gas mask on. it reeks of chlorine and vitae. 
null has a memory spanning three months and will forget you if they do not keep in contact for approximately three months time. 
null does not remember anything about their past or previous lives, and everything they write is in indecipherable codes and different languages and scripts. 
they have a ghoul named Ripper who they collected ████ years ago, Ripper keeps null safe when they are unable to or when they are unaware of the dangers around themself. 
they are friends with a mage self-turned construct named Heim who they affectionately refer to as The Good Doctor, who has been responsible for dozens of cults over the centuries
they have also made friends with Delilah multiple times over their lifetimes.
between times of voluntary torpor they will frequently fully forget who they are and who they are or have been associated with. they rely on their own notes and the recollections of Ripper and The Good Doctor.
will add more if i can think of anything
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