#not sane in the slightest
yea-baiyi · 2 years
i keep thinking about the odyssey i am THINKING about wei wuxian as odysseus. you were dead. its been years since you’ve seen your family. the child you left behind is almost a man. you wear a face they don’t recognise, you sneak in through the back door. the dog gives your identity away. the world knows it’s you when you draw your weapon. the person you love recognises you by the original symbol of your love—a secret that no one else in the world knows about, still, because they kept it safe for all these years. you get the chance to go back and despite everything, you found home waiting for you; he kept your place and raised your son and he was still there waiting for you when you got back. tell me o muse, about a complicated man i am extremely not okay
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
i keep thinking of apocolyptic au kross..... just like, them trying to get by
and sometimes, I wanna think that killer looks at cross, this random guy he's fallen in love with, this tough, stony, kinda cold dude, and killer just
mourns that he couldn't have met cross before it all fell apart, and he wishes they could have done cheesy, silly things as a normal couple, stuff like picnics in a nice field, joyrides, fairs, dinner dates, romantic spas, late nights in a cozy bed, just. things that killer used to want to do with a partner, but of course he catches himself the best fish in this dried up sea when there's none of that to be done anymore
even on the best of nights, when they curl up together and just bask in the feeling of being able to have each other at all, it's always tainted by the fact that it wouldn't last; there would be no lazy mornings for them, and when the sun-scorched clouds brighten with 'sunlight', they'd pack up camp and move on to their next place, always looking for food, water, temporary shelter, supplies; survival came first and cross kept them moving
and like, I imagine whatever relationship they have is unspoken, unacknowledged, and its one of those things where they just slowly closed the distance until they were silently taking ahold of each others hands and snuggling up at night, lingering together within grabbing distance
but they didnt really ever discuss it, they just went with it, and neither of them can pinpoint the exact night when they first laid down close enough for cross to haul killer's sleeping mat closer to his [most likely during some winter night, when cross could get away with saying it was for warmth, which is as true as it is false]
but now that its there, and they have this proximity, Killer just finds himself again and again, lying awake, hyper focused on the warm spot where Cross's breath hits his neck, and just wishing they could have had a chance at a normal life
and then, cross gives him a stupid, silly, precious, irreplaceable gift; the star projector I talked about in the tags, and I wanna think that its that that breaks killer's barriers down enough for him to admit how much he just wanted to wake up in a nice bed, in a safe home, with the sunrise peeking through thin curtains to trace their outlines through the thick, cozy bedsheets and killer could kiss him and promise him a full breakfast and a relaxed day and killer admits that one little thing to cross and it just strikes cross then that killer was just
he may have gotten used to living in this new world of theirs, but whereas cross had essentially moved on, Killer hadnt, and with the discovery of Killer's homesickness for a nonexistant life, suddenly cross just noticed how lacking their current one was and shit, its no wonder killer is so bummed
and I wanna think that cross just slows down almost? he lets them linger, doesn't drag killer to his feet to get moving anymore, and killer seems more settled, because if he closes he eyes and just pretends in the mornings, he can see those sunbeams on clean bedsheets, like he dreams about so often
and because they linger now more often, they start finding things that, in this new world of ruin and decay, they were meaningless, but stars damnit, when cross catches killer eyeing up a silly, whimsical thing, like a ruined playground, cross just steers them towards it and they indulge in some fun
of course, the places are always falling apart, but every now and then, they come across a swing set that holds their weight long enough for cross to take a seat and killer to climb onto Cross's lap, sitting backwards, and they just swing, and cross feels a little dumb, but killer hasn't smiled so brightly in all the time they've been together, and if that's all it takes, then cross gladly surrenders himself to feeling stupid a little longer
and all this new time for living outside of survival, killer picks up an old hobby or two; whittling, mainly, and rock collecting, and cross has a little wooden rose tucked away in his jacket now, right over where his heart would be if he had human organs and killer sees it every now and then, and feels a little fuzzy
and then cross finally, finally, picks up his own hobby, and now he just has a little sketch pad filled to the brim with drawings of killer, most of them of killer focused on his whittling, and there's just a fiber sense of peace between them now that they're living a little beyond staying alive
and with that, killer starts trying to woo cross (even tho they're already past that) but I wanna think he feels like he owes it to cross, and himself? so like, he brings cross more small trinkets, going all out in every way he could in his courting efforts that its obvious to even Cross's dense skull
and they finally indulge in something cross honestly even forgot was a thing, and they go beyond hand holding and cuddling and killer starts pressing sweet little kisses to Cross's cheek and it just snowballs from there, and huergh I'm so unwell over them........
thats my final kross ramble of the day 😌
Hello chair what is this BOMBSHELL you’ve just unleashed upon me
You are so fucking spot on. About everything. All of this is something I’ve thought about at least once but you’ve worded it so well I’m actually going to lose it
Like this is my exact brain rot almost like?? HELLO
ESPECIALLY THE THING ABOIT THEM NOT ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGING THEYRE RELATIONSHIP??? That is so spot on the way I’ve been thinking about them I’m losing my absolute fucking mind
Everything’s gone to shit and they can never go back to how it was before no matter how goddamn bad they may want to. Now matter how goddamn much one or both of them wishes they could just have that normality back. But they still have each other and they’re still surviving. And they’re learning to adapt and they’re learning to just. Appreciate each other cause maybe they can find things that are just barely normal enough for them. They can pretend to have what they could have had before those homes went off GODDD I AM UNWELL ABOUT THEM
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lemonhemlock · 9 months
it's so crazy that you have to use the anti tag for things that aren't against any character whatsoever just because someone may take offense…that post wasn't anti dany at all for example
i know 😑 it's one of the things i find most childish about fandom culture
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clowny-lau · 3 months
I honestly don't know how any hetalia character can be fully sane. An immortal being living through numerous wars, watching time pass, watching nations rise and fall, watching their people live in misery and poverty.. yeah you can't not have some problems because of that
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peaches2217 · 3 months
Me on Saturdays, vibrating with excitement while at work or on the town: Fuck yeah! Shot day! I can’t wait until 4:45!
Me at 4:45 that same Saturday, with all of my supplies laid out, realizing I do in fact have to stick that long-ass needle into my thigh once more: Fuck. Yeah. Shot day. Fuck.
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kwiiwi1 · 11 months
on that loser obsessive grind rn
(I have learned at least 4 full Jam Republic performances so I can do em in my Halloween costume)
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sorrowslament · 2 years
"I would like it noted that I have never claimed to be sane or anything of the sort."
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lunneus · 1 year
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Oh he cookin
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bo0zey · 2 years
help i have a crush on my manager…….like fr like i think i might actually wanna kiss him possibly even idk ……… idk what to do abt this all ik is i’m going 2 hell😐
#he did 1 on 1s w everyone tryna get to know them n when he asked to speak w me i didn’t know wtf was going on#i thought i was gonna b fired n i was like nooo it’s only my 3rd day on orientation please!!#but then we started chattin in his office n i was nervous n answered stupidly ofc#but he asked what i wanted to do w my career n i told#him i wanted my SANE & TCN certifications n he was like oh i have a tcn book i could#borrow hmm i don’t have it w me but i’ll look for it for u n i was like????#bc if u do the slightest nicest thing for me like SLIGHTLY go out of ur way for me i’ll fall in love#i didn’t think he’d rlly do it but a few shifts later he approached me w the book n was like here u go u can give it back whenever#n i was like hearteyeemoji thank u omg i couldn’t believe he was serious???#he’s so cute i found his notes in the pages n he put his name on the inner cover like a little#DORK#i wonder if he thinks i’m pretty#i think he’s pretty he has dark brown hair n pretty light eyes n usually i don’t like light eyes but idk#his skin is slightly tan n looks soft i wanna touch him#sometimes we catch each other’s gaze n i wonder what he thinks#i notice him look at me when he first appears in the vicinity n i have to force myself not to look at him ugh#i’m literally delusional like ik he doesn’t like me he barely#knows me he’s just polite and a good manager that genuinely wants the unit to succeed#but like idk sometimes i wonder if maybe he at least thinks i’m kinda pretty.??#is it illegal to date ur manager….#.ok idk why i’m even entertaining the thought he’d literally NEVER give me the time of day pmaoooo#ramblings#shut up cianna
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tw1nkee28 · 1 year
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GOD DAMN, this is not sane 😭😭😭 45 TIMES???
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merriclo · 2 years
what if i stopped caring abt my writing being good and just started being unhinged. how would y’all feel abt that.
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qrevo · 8 months
praying for u. i hope u guys finally get ur silksong
tomorrow for sure since it's the 5th anniversary of the trailer and february is an important month for team cherry and the marketing guy leth said that they prefer to release stuff at the start of the year and tomorrow is the trailer anniversary and two weeks later it will be the 7th anniversary of hollow knight and it'd be a perfect release date and hollow knight had a period of two weeks between the release trailer and the release of the game and they intended to release it on the first half of 2023 but couldn't do it so it must be close to release and-- *insert 30 more minutes of incoherent rambling*
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heartlequincj8 · 10 months
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I wanted to share my silly and dumb kin list just for the shits and giggles
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then-here-after · 1 year
I didnt open tumblr for 7 hours and missed a whole lotta things😬uh
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corkinavoid · 2 months
DPxDC De-Aged Triplets and Their Tired Single Sister
Jason has seen the four of them a couple of times in Crime Alley now. They looked like a family, what with similar facial features- err, actually, the kids looked like carbon copies of each other, but their mom/sister/aunt/cousin looked similar enough to be related to them by blood.
Normally, Jason didn't care for each and every family that moved into Crime Alley. Sure, he cared about all of them as a whole, but there were a lot of people, and he couldn't possibly get elbow deep in every life story he came across. So all he knew about them were three things: a) they were on the run from someone or something, b) they trusted each other and no one else, and c) apparently, they have made it their life goal to never make any kind of sense.
The list of shit they have gotten into included but was not limited to:
• one of the kids biting a gun. Not the hand of the attacker who was holding it, no, the actual gun. And he bit a piece of it clean off, which earned him - or her, actually, Jason knew one of the triplets was a girl but he couldn't tell them apart - a lecture from their... mom? sister? parental figure. The lecture was about how chewing metal does not help with iron deficiency.
• getting kidnapped and creeping out their kidnapper to the point of him returning the kids back home. A few witnesses said one of the kids was actually driving, sitting on the kidnappers lap behind the steering wheel and cheerfully commanding the man to speed up or brake. Their mom actually apologized to the kidnapper for the incident and offered him homemade cookies for his troubles. He ran away without them.
• driving a lady at the laundromat insane by repeatedly walking inside and climbing into one of the washing machines. They never got out of it, just one kid walking into the laundromat, climbing into washing machine, then another kid, looking exactly like the previous one, walking inside, climbing into the same washing machine, then another kid walking into the laundromat- well, you get the idea. The lady claimed she's seen at least five kids do that in a row, but when she looked into that washing machine, there was no one inside.
• casually falling out of windows. Or, better, walking out of them like they were doors, at any given opportunity. The witness - an old man who was helping their mom with groceries - said the mom did not care in the slightest, and when he asked her about it, obviously concerned, she just said, tired and exasperated, 'they like the feeling of free fall, don't worry, they'll come back in a minute'. Sure enough, they did, not a scratch on them. The family lived on the sixth floor.
• eating insane amounts of food. Jason personally witnesses their mom give them her wallet, telling the kids, 'eat until you're full', and promptly passing out on the table, her head on her arms. The kids then proceeded to eat four whole pizzas, three burgers each, then seven brownies and at least five cups of soda. What was interesting about it was not only the amount of food they ate but the way they never left their mom unattended, one of the kids always staying beside her sleeping figure as the other two went to order.
And now, all four of them were standing in front of him. Not Jason Todd him, but Red Hood him. And he was... confused.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I said, can you watch them for a few hours? Three, maybe four," the mom, Jazz as she introduced herself, was looking at him like it was he who was speaking nonsense, not her. Because asking a crime lord to watch three kids in the middle of the night is not something a sane person would do.
"Why?" He asks, bewildered, because what the fuck else is he supposed to say?
"I need to kill a man, and if they come with me, it will take three times longer," Jazz tells him. Is she saying the kids slow her down or what? Jason can admit he's never been this confused in his entire life.
"You could ask me to kill a man, while you stay with them, no?" He tries to reason, but the girl waves him off:
"No, that will take even longer. Besides, no offense, but you kill people to simply end their life, and I need that man to fucking stop existing forever."
What's the difference he almost wants to ask. But instead of that, he just sighs.
"Why me? I'm sure you could find a babysitter-"
"No babysitter will handle them. The last one told me they have been running laps on the ceiling, which is, actually, not that big of a deal. They are kids. Kids like running around," she huffs, and Jason suspects she is missing the point here, but okay. He gets why babysitters are not an option.
"You do understand what they can witness if they stay here?" He asks, as the last attempt to reason with the girl, but she just nods and leans down, making all the kids turn to her.
"Okay, you menaces, tell me what not to do while you're staying with Mr. Red Hood."
"No eating people," one kid starts.
"No driving people insane," the other one continues.
"No, um, stealing eyeballs," the third one finishes, and what the fuck are those ground rules? Is this girl a mother to eldrith horrors? That would explain some shit.
Jazz turns to him, "See? They're all good."
In what world is that good? Jason debates if he should start running now or when she leaves.
"Do they have names?" He asks instead. The girl nods:
"Danny." His surprise must be evident even through the mask because she sighs and points to each kid, "Diane, Daniel, Dante. Dani, Danny, and Dan. Actually, you know what, let's make this easier," she rummages through her bag and gets a marker out before gesturing to the kids, "Come here."
As they do, she proceeds to draw numbers 1, 2, and 3 on their foreheads. Then she nods to Hood and puts the marker away.
"Okay, that's better. Behave, you monsters, I'll be back soon!"
After she leaves, Jason looks down at the kids. They also look at him, eerie and unblinking.
Finally, one of them - number 2, Dani, if he is not mistaken - asks:
"Do you want teeth? We have a lot."
"She doesn't mean her teeth," number 1 clarifies, "She means other teeth."
...This is going to be some very long three hours.
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chqnified · 1 year
The huge urge to just get rid of anything sentimental anything that was part of me from before is taking over
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