#not practicing fire safety
luvwich · 4 months
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wild at heart, part two
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(part one)
by @streetkid-named-desire for their vp for charity extravaganza❗
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theoi-of-olympus · 3 months
Currently moving house so not everything is where it should be, but the newest update of my altar
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jellidraws · 1 year
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i had an idea for a canary fakemon that glows when it sings, so miners used to use it as a light source. this was very dangerous for the pokemon and many of them died. the spirits of some of those pokemon became trapped in the mines and now haunt them, taking revenge for their untimely demise by using their light and song to lure unwary people and pokemon to their deaths ^_^
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sickmachete · 1 year
AVOID HILLS. seriously. the radiant heat coming off the flames pre-heats nearby grasses/fuels located above (heat rises!) which is what cause fires to "run" up hills lighting up long strips in the blink of an eye. you cannot outrun a fire that's chasing you up hill.
EVEN IF you are standing below the fire all it takes is one stray ember blown in the wind to start a fire below YOU and then you're really screwed. if you're caught on a hill, run to the side and (if possible) try to get to any charred/burnt zones behind the fire.
charred/already burnt black areas are safe zones. they will not easily re-burn and can become refuges to retreat to (but still be mindful of smoke inhalation).
healthy green grass lawns can also be temporary safe zones. the moisture held in lush grass makes it a lot more difficult to catch fire and can work as a temporary refuge in the case of a house fire. however, TO BE CLEAR: this does NOT apply to tall forest meadow-type grasses. when i say healthy grass im talkin like suburban manicured lawns okay? if your lawn is looking crusty dry brown then thats not gonna be a good place to run to.
most mild carbon monoxide poisoning (aka smoke inhalation) can be cured by simply taking in fresh air. severe smoke inhalation may require further medical treatment though.
fire needs FUEL + OXYGEN + HEAT in order to burn. if you removed ANY of these 3 things, the fire will go out. this is known as the fire triangle. the reason why water works against fire is mainly because it's cold, however it also helps by "drowning" the fire, depriving it of oxygen.
on this note!! if you're cooking and your food catches on fire inside the pan, DO NOT! pour water onto it!!!! that will only make it splash. what you're gonna wanna do is grab a pot/pan lid and gently slide it onto the pan. this will cut off its oxygen and put the fire out. DO NOT! slam the lid onto the pan!! this rush of wind/air could blow the fire right out of the pan and directly onto you/nearby furniture!
CHECK YOUR FIRE EXTINGUISHERS!!! please!! not all fire extinguishers are meant to be used on the same fire!!! while it can vary (and you should definitely look up the ratings for your own location/extinguishers) many of them will have specific class ratings written along the label. here in the USA, those ratings are in letter form (ie: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class K). sometimes these ratings are combined (ie: Class ABC), meaning that a Class ABC fire extinguisher can be used on a Class A, B, or C fire.
CLASS A: these extinguishers should be used on wood/paper/plastic (ie: your basic trash fire).
CLASS B: these extinguishers should be used on flammable liquids (ie: alcohol, gas, petroleum, greasing oils <- not food oils though!!).
CLASS C: these extinguishers should be used on electrical fires (ie: sparking cables, your computer spontaneously combusted and is on fire, etc).
CLASS D: these extinguishers should be used on combustible metals (ie: magnesium, titanium, potassium, sodium, etc. if that metal shit in your garage is burning, use Class D).
CLASS K: these extinguishers should be used on flammable cooking oils/greases (ie: your stove is on fire, your barbecue's on fire, etc).
CLASS ABC: these extinguishers can be used on any of the Class A, B, or C material fires.
DO NOT USE THE WRONG EXTINGUISHER. they are labeled differently for a reason!!! a Class ABC extinguisher (for example) will make a Class K fire splash! you will cause that big old greasy fire to splash right back onto you!! Class K extinguishers are specifically designed to safely put out fires without disturbing the liquids/oils so please please please check the labels of your extinguishers.
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PULL the pin in the handle.
AIM the nozzle at the base of the fire.
SQUEEZE the lever slowly.
SWEEP (across the base of the fire) from side to side.
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cyrcetears · 1 year
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I made a poster for my besties who have a habit of catching things on fire <3
Reminder to check your burners and don’t leave items on top of your stove if they are flammable or meltable haha
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I think chat noir should get a gun
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moonwolfmedia · 9 months
Everybody’s all gung-ho for practical effects, but when *I* want to light someone fire everyone is all concerned about soot on the walls and catching the synthetic fiber rug on fire and the practical effect gets shut down.
Where is the justice?
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If you don’t enjoy weeding, may I introduce you to flame weeding (aka cook them where they stand with a torch)
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resa-cindre · 6 months
creature comfort (1/?)
((aka, the fanfic bug bit while i was scrambling for a camp nanowrimo project whoops? there shall be a heavy dose of introspection and the faintest amount of plot))
People like comparing Buck to a dog.
Usually if there’s specifics dropped, it’s a Golden Retriever—floppy haired, with soulful eyes and a big heart. Full of boundless energy, friendly curiosity, and infallible cheer. Depending on who’s doing the comparing and how much teasing is wrapped up in the words, he laughs along or just ignores the dig.
Hen says it fondly when he brings a box of good cookies from a new bakery to work and he can’t stop lighting up with satisfaction each time someone bites into one and groans happily.
Chim says it on a laugh after Buck comes out of the showers shaking his head to try and make his hair dry faster.
Athena says it one evening that Bobby persuades him to come over for dinner and he walks into their house spouting facts about snails. She shakes her head as she says it, but she doesn’t attempt to hide her smile. Bobby agrees, ruffling Buck’s hair just like he is a dog.
Eddie watches him bounding around his backyard with Christopher and Denny one afternoon and says, “You really are just a human Golden Retriever, aren’t you?”
The game takes a pause when Chris can’t stop giggling at that. Buck herds the kids to the porch where a pitcher of juice and Eddie are waiting, and he leans on the railing, grinning up at Eddie. “What—affectionate, loyal, good with people? Yeah, sounds about right.”
“Nah. Big, dumb, and pretty.”
Buck gasps dramatically, locking eyes with Chris. “Eddie,” he says slowly, “did you call me pretty?”
“That’s what you’re taking from that?”
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cosmogenous · 10 months
What are the consequences of playing with fire?
a damn good time. but remember, only you can prevent forest fires
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People-are-acting-up-in-the-notes-of-our-fire-safety-posts solidarity ✊😔
i really love people’s insistence that fires act differently and have different consequences outside the continental usa
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jcbbby · 1 year
I set off my fire alarm for this aesthetic clip…
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fraddit · 2 years
Earlier I wrote in some tags that I need to buy a fire extinguisher, and that is absolutely true, because guess who took a bunch of apparently still hot embers out of the wood stove this morning and had them sitting near more than one box of matches and fire starters...
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There should be a coming of age ceremony at like age 12 where you go to the local fire department and they show you how to use a fire extinguisher and then you get to physically practice with a real fire extinguisher so you know what it feels like.
I am 30 years old and I just realized if a fire started in my house I would have to read the instructions before using the extinguisher, because I've never needed to use one so I have the memory of one fire safety lesson literal decades ago and zero practical knowledge.
I feel like it would be easier to remember, if I'd done it before.
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ismailfazil1-blog · 2 months
Camping Safety: Precautions, Dangers, and Emergency Preparedness
Embark on your outdoor adventures with confidence and peace of mind with "Camping Safety: Precautions, Dangers, and Emergency Preparedness". This essential guide is designed for campers of all levels, offering crucial insights into staying safe in the wilderness.
Inside, you’ll find expert advice on:
• Essential Precautions: Learn how to plan your trip, choose a safe campsite, and prepare for a variety of weather conditions.
• Recognizing Dangers: Identify potential hazards such as wildlife encounters, poisonous plants, and natural disasters, and learn how to avoid them.
• Emergency Preparedness: Equip yourself with the knowledge to handle emergencies, from first aid techniques to survival strategies.
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Whether you’re a seasoned backpacker or a novice camper, this book will be your trusted companion, ensuring every camping trip is a safe and enjoyable experience. Stay prepared, stay safe, and make the most of your time in nature with "Camping Safety: Precautions, Dangers, and Emergency Preparedness".
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horreurscopes · 4 months
i do not have and will never have an iphone but i've been watching hugh jeffrey's videos where he keeps exposing apple's cartoonishly evil anti-repair practices and whatever you think they are doing to keep people purchasing new devices, it is astonishingly worse.
jeffrey's releases videos every time there's a new iphone where he tries to switch parts between two brand new, straight-from-the-store working phones and shows how apple has serialized the internal components so multiple phone functions are disabled when a part with a different serial number is put inside it, effectively killing third party repair, as well as scraping non-functioning phones for parts, while iOS deceptively claims that it is a third party part and it is locking the phone for "safety" purposes.
apple was also exposed recently for not only shredding half a million traded-in phones, but taking the company they were hiring to do so to court for failing to destroy products and instead selling some of them on the side 💀
this video jeffrey posted a month ago puts side to side the claims an apple technician gave at a legislative hearing when speaking against oregon's right to repair bill, and jefferey himself demonstrating that they were, well, lying out of their ass. it doesn't have nearly enough views imo so i'm sharing it here.
in short: stop buying apple products if you care about the right to repair, reducing e-waste and human rights.
the exploitation of cobalt mines in congo is fueling the fire of genocide; people are dying in the thousands in subhuman slavery conditions every day while apple does everything in their power to stop people from repairing and re-selling their products while claiming they are committed to reducing e-waste.
we need to be committing acts of t[redacted]ism against corporate greed but in the meantime withholding your consumer power is the bare minimum
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