#not need your help in getting food. they have survived this long perfectly fine without your help. you are actively
p33p33p00p00 · 4 months
hate how like. actually giving a fuck about animals has consistently made people mad at me for ruining their "fun". i'll tell someone their Haha Funny video of someone petting a fucking WILD MOUNTAIN LION isnt cute because its actively fucking endangering the animal and the person filming and then they will get mad at me and ask why i always ruin things. can people please care about wild animals in a way that does not involve humans. do not pet them do Not feed them. Leave Them Alone.
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knaveofmogadore · 6 months
#messages from knave#im making breakfast and im gonna list my observations from three years of weird living situations#younger siblings of big age gaps will see most interactions as a form of soft combat until trained out of it#but when actual clmbat happens they're used to not having any sway so they don't actually know how to act in arguments#siblings with codependent relationships have their own internal langauge that they apply to others. not sure if they realize they do it#but they'll hold you to the same rules they've mentally created for each other without explaining them#siblings of ALL stripes will approach situations with a set idea of how communication works. and even if it's not a logical way to communica#they'll expect you to also communicate in that way. and if you can't or refuse they'll shut down and communication stalls completely because#they can't fathom doing it any other way except the way they and their siblings socialized each other to do it#siblings with adversarial relationships don't take outside advice and will take attempts to give advice as manipulative. not their fault#oldest siblings are the most conflict averse people on the planet. oldest sinlings say#'is anyone gonna balloon this situation out of proportion by avoiding it for as long as possible' and not wait for an answer#siblings who were regularly appointed as hall monitors will see any interaction with you as transactional#a hallmark of a dysfunctional sibljng relationship is someone who thinks telling you NO is worse than going through a situation they do not#wanna be in. and then they'll complain about it endlessly#and then they'll be like 'i don't want favours from my parents because they'll hold it over me' and never make the connection on their own#people cannot anticipate your needs with their minds. they are sometimes going to ask you to be a part of things you don't wanna#you're NEVER gonna be able to live in a world where people will stop asking you to be a part of things that's not feasible#had one say once 'people should just know not to ask me along for plans I can't get to people should know not to invite me'#and you know dude that's just now how stuff works. there's a difference between 'x cant drive so they can't help me move my dresser' and#'i know xs work schedule so i shouldnt infomr them of group plansnon the off chance they could make it so they don't feel left out'#people with hyper competitive siblings can't fathom that other people won't know how to do stuff. i don't just mean athletes but siblings#with that scarcity mindsetnin general like they can't handle people not having the same knowledge base they have. it's a survival thing#and NO having a life of suffering doesn't make you correct all the time has literally anyone else watched heathers#youngest siblings always have the most deranged dating stories and the oldest in a set of age gap siblings always has the WORST taste in men#< that's directed at my sister and no one else that's a personal diss not a real observation#only children have one thing. theyre SUPER weird about splitting the grocery bill#food is NOT communal to only children I've learned firsthand. Also they'll be perfectly fine sharing anything else BUT food usually#weed. loans. bathroom supplies. dishes. ect. but NOT food#meanwhile sibljngs are a little TOO comfortable chowing down on stuff they didn't buy. bad roommates are bad roommates
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pluppsauthor · 3 months
Tag Game: OC Questionnaire!
BIG post, a compilation of every time I have been tagged for this (that I can find) and haven't already answered (I think)
Thanks to taggers at the bottom this time so I can jump right into it! (I'm doing each set of three with a different character from Frequency: Forsaken, since it lines up perfectly)
- - - - - - - [In order of appearance: Zenith, Kyr, Reven, Ino, Dawn, Dusk]
1. What genre of story would you rather be in? (as opposed to the one they are currently in)
*light laughter* "You're implying I'm in a story, one whose genre I'm not entirely sure of. But, knowing me, thinking of myself as being in a "story" is not a foreign thought to me." "As for what genre I'd like to be in. Something calm and nice, like a gentle romance or fairytale of knights and princesses."
2. Do you think you'd survive the movie A Quiet Place? (must stay as silent as possible or alien creatures hunt you down)
"I would need to stay silent? Hmm, I think I would do fine. I can't see, and despite having another form of perception, there are some things still out of my world. I could very well accidentally make a sound without knowing what caused it. My power is also silent so... that would help I think. Overall, I think I would do fine."
3. What's your idea of a quiet get-together with a close friend?
*light chuckle* "I've spent a lot of time with the friends I've made, but I think my favourite has to be sitting quietly by a calm river. The subtle sound and warm silence is really comforting to me. So anything like that would suffice."
4. How do you do on roadtrips?
"Roadtrips? Those aren't really a thing. But if we're talking about long journeys, just give me something to eat and someone to talk to and I'll be fine."
5. Do you have any rituals you stick to in daily life?
"Eating, sleeping, normal stuff. I don't really have "rituals" I do, I just coast, see what happens and go along with it."
6. What would your Halloween costume be?
*laughter* "Well I want to say a dragon, but that would be too obvious." *silent thinking* "OH! What if I was a knight! I can transform into a dragon, then I would be the princess, the knight, AND the dragon, just like those old fairytales. That would be good!"
7. How do you make decisions? Long deliberation, or impulse? Logic or emotions?
"I think things through. As much as I hate it, the amount of times I've given into my emotions is... staggering. I think fast, and act faster, no time for emotions to get in the way."
8. What is the best thing that could happen within five minutes after waking up? Does it signal that the entire day will be good?
"Not bleeding out or missing any limbs. So long as I'm in one piece and not dying, that's enough. And, no. No day has ever - Or will ever - be a good day unless Dusk is dead."
9. Is there anything that you find difficult that you feel should be easy?
10. Who's your favourite person?
"I've lived a long and storied life. To choose only one being who has impacted me the most is... cruel. Most of those I remember being fond of are gone, and I have long since forgotten their names. But they were, friends, of mine once, yes. Now, however... I suppose Dusk is most similar to those I remember remembering."
11. What food can you not stand?
"I don't need to eat, but I can. There was a time, once, where I did need to eat. That time was when I truly enjoyed food. I think my least favourite was something bland, I think it was nothing but basic grains and uncooked plants. It was terrible, so much so that I still remember it today."
12. Do you have any pets?
"I've had a few over my life, none currently however. They live such short lives, it makes me sad to grow close to them."
13. What's your favourite book?
"I haven't read much, on account of being raised outside of the system and being a wanted criminal for the majority of the rest of my life. I read one, once, it was some fictional book about some myth or legend. I think it involved a snake that ate itself or something."
14. Do you like your job?
"Job? That's a funny way of putting it. If you mean being a part of the New Season, then no. I don't like it, but it is a necessity, something that needs to be done."
15. Who would you kill for?
"I'm not one for revenge, mostly. I think if anyone else here in the New Season died. Dusk, Zenith, Kyr, even Ino. I think if they died, I might track down and kill whoever killed them. But if someone threatened ME, I wouldn't hesitate to kill them first."
16. What is your favourite thing to eat?
"Favourite things are for the rich and the comfortable. I will take any food that is edible, regardless of taste. I suppose my "favourite" would be any cooked meat. It really doesn't matter to me."
17. What is one of your lifelong goals?
"Well... that's a tough question. I don't think I have one. I want to help the New Season, seeing as I'm one of the people who founded it. But... that isn't really what I want to do." "I guess I want to tear down the Everden family, seeing how they are the reason my life ended up like this. But I'm not sure what comes after that, if anything."
18. Do you have any fears?
"After... I don't even want to talk about it... but, after that, I REALLY don't like jellyfish. I'm also afraid of forgetting, I don't want to lose my memories again."
- - - - - - -
Thanks to (inhale) @tildeathiwillwrite (here), @illarian-rambling (here), @kaylinalexanderbooks (here), @sunglasses-in-the-bentley (here, here, and here)! Love you all! ❤
As for who I will tag, no pressure as always, I will tag: @mk-writes-stuff, @phoenixradiant, @diabolical-blue, @somethingclevermahogony, and open tag. ❤
I'm back now from vacation btw, was out for the last week or so. Now that I'm back I intend to do some old cobwebs (tags) I've been tagged in.
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vixen525noms · 1 year
Defying Certain Death Part 8
Copied from my DeviantArt account, a non-sexual G/T vore story featuring adults along the lines of the lion and the thorn fable. There will be tons of hurt/comfort aspects, lots of safe vore. That is the primary focus in this.
Barrett is and adult giant standing 85ft tall and Hope is an adult human at 5ft 6. Barrett does not eat children at any point.
Warnings: Unwilling Prey; Safe Vore; Soft Vore; Characters in Distress
Future: While this part is relatively tame, future parts include fatal vore and violence. Barrett, the giant, is not a good guy, so will be doing some occasional bad things.
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He felt the girl squirming and fighting as she made the trip down, and he continued to purr. He was quite familiar with those struggles, it was common for his kind to have live prey, some even liked the feel of the fighting and squirming from the frightened prey. When she dropped to the bottom of the stomach he sighed, beyond glad to have the feeling of something in his belly. With the protection spell to keep her safe, to prevent damage and digestion, it was more or less just an illusion of having food... but he didn’t care. Just losing that feeling of desperation helped significantly. 
He rested a hand over his stomach, able to feel the frightened girl panicking, trying to figure out how to climb or escape. He knew she wouldn’t listen while panicking like this, so he would have to wait until she stilled a bit. Since she was in poor shape as well, she tired out quickly, the adrenaline from fear burning out quickly and leaving her without any energy. Once she wasn’t moving as much, when he knew she was more likely to hear him, he started to speak softly. “Don’t worry, little one. You’re safe... Like I told you before, there’s a protection spell. You won’t be harmed. I am sorry... but there wasn’t any food. I couldn’t get to the wild sheep, and I have no idea how long it will take to find something else. I promise I’ll get you back out as soon as I find something to eat. I’m just going to take a little time to get cleaned up, and then I’ll start trying to find something again. You won’t be in there long, and you’re perfectly safe.”
He listened silently a moment, hoping for a response. He knew the protection spell would keep her safe, but he would prefer to have some sort of confirmation that she was fine. He sighed as he lowered his hand, realizing she wasn’t going to respond. He removed his clothing and knelt down, starting to wash the dirt from the fabric. When he leaned over to better work on the clothing, he felt the girl move as the change in angle sent her tumbling to a new spot. She cried out in surprise and he froze, listening in case she spoke. When there was still no comment from her, he went back to cleaning off his clothing.
Once he had finished cleaning up his clothing and himself, he dressed despite the slight chill from them not yet being dry, and started heading down the mountain. He decided to try to get a response from the girl, talking to her, “You know, I don’t think we ever exchanged names. We’ve talked about a great many things, but I don’t think that came up.” He paused as he finally heard a response from her, glad to have better confirmation that she was alright. However, he wasn’t that happy with her response. “I... didn’t see a point. I figured as soon as you were free... well you wouldn’t need my help anymore.”
He sighed, a touch depressed by her answer. He knew Syors like him were known for eating humans, but she actually believed that her work to save him would have no meaning? They may be predators, even seen as monsters... but they weren’t animals. Not just some wild beast. They still knew honor, knew that some circumstances required exceptions. And owing someone your life was such a circumstance. “While it is true that I no longer need your help for survival... You saved my life, and that has meaning to me. I owe you greatly... I intend to see to your safety, little one. How about I start? I’m Barrett.”
He waited for a moment, listening to learn the name of the one who saved him. He was a bit surprised at the length of the silence, and had just started to speak up again when she replied, “Li...” “You’ll laugh.” He frowned, confused by this unusual statement. “Excuse me?” There was a brief hesitation before she spoke again, “You’ll laugh... If I tell you my name, you’ll laugh.” “I don’t see why. It’s just a name.” He started to walk again, moving quickly to leave the mountain to seek better hunting. “Shouldn’t the fact I want to learn your name make it clear I don’t want you hurt?” “I... I’m starting to see that... but... you’ll still laugh at my name...” 
Barrett paused briefly, sighing, “It’s just your name, something to call you by that’s a bit more polite than things like ‘little one.’ Come on, why would I laugh at your name?” She was hesitant to reply to his question, feeling very certain he’d laugh. Not that it was a name that always got laughed at, but rather this particular situation would make it humorous. She didn’t like the idea of him laughing at her name, but she also knew he probably wouldn’t drop the topic so easily. “I figured you’d laugh because... Because my name is Hope.”
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ladylilithprime · 7 months
When The Time Is Right
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Frank Discussions Of Sex (But No Actual Sex), Dean Winchester Being Bad At Feelings, Autistic Cas and Jimmy, Miscommunication, Threeway Relationships Require Threeway Consent, Discussions of Souls and Magic
Summary: Sam got hurt protecting Cas and Jimmy from alicorns. Alicorns are drawn to virgins. Dean blames Cas and Jimmy for Sam getting hurt. Therefore, Cas believes that to protect Sam from getting hurt because of them again, he and Jimmy need to no longer be virgins. Things do not go as planned.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 27: Protect
Read on AO3
VIRGINITY WAS A social construct, or at least that had been the opinion of several of Cas and Jimmy's human classmates in college. They were frequently very quickly informed otherwise by their more magically-natured classmates, because while there really wasn't any sort of moral attachment to virginity or lack thereof, there was very much a magical aspect to the act of sexual congress and several different species who were specifically hardwired to be able to tell who among a gathering had or had not engaged in it for one reason or another, or had not engaged in certain types of sex. Dragons, for example, though according to Kevin that was because of the instinct to protect hatchlings and those too young for mating flights. Faeries, too, not that Sam had ever given any indication that he was aware of it until the subject could no longer be avoided. Because unicorns could also tell whether or not someone was a virgin, and so could their more carnivorous cousins.
And alicorns particularly liked the taste of virgins, whether they were tender little children or divinely created adult identical twins touched by fae magic.
"We've had sex, though," Jimmy couldn't help pointing out, a little shocky still as he sat next to Sam's hospital bed. "You should know since you were there for it...."
"Did we do it wrong?" Cas fretted, the fingers of his right hand tightly gripping Jimmy's left while his left hand gripped Sam's right.
"Absolutely not," Sam told them firmly. "The only way a person even can do it wrong is without consent or proper care for your partner and plenty of preparation and checking in. The problem," he added with a sigh, "is that an alicorn's definition of virginity is penetrative. It's a bit of a focal point for them, case in point and pun intended."
He gestured towards his thoroughly packed and heavily bandaged left side below his rib cage where only hours before there had been a rather massive two foot long golden spiral horn thoroughly impaling him. With the good painkillers working their way through his system, Sam was even more blunt-spokenly honest than usual, and apparently inclined to joke now that it was obvious he would survive the incident. Jimmy and, to a greater extent thanks to having been the one almost impaled before Sam had physically intervened himself, Cas were less capable of seeing the humor in their lover being injured and hospitalized after very nearly dying in a fight to protect them.
"They could tell that we've never had penetrative sex," Cas stated even more flatly than his normal deadpan.
"Which is perfectly fine and entirely up to individual choice," Sam said firmly. "How do I put this.... you know how sometimes certain foods together makes the taste and texture too much of a sensory overload? Alicorns are kind of like that, only for them the taste and texture focus is the magical soul energy of their human victims. Penetrative sex mixes the metaphysical 'flavors' a lot more obviously than any other kind of sex, so for an alicorn's purposes that's what 'counts'."
"What about someone who got pregnant via artificial insemination methods?" Jimmy asked, his mind flashing in worry to Amelia. He hadn't given her a moment's thought until now, what with the risk of imminent death and Sam's potentially fatal injury, but now he felt the very real concern starting to rise up.
"Pregnancy is a kind of gray area already," Sam admitted with a grimace. "Usually the pregnant person got that way through sexual intercourse, and then there's the overlap of the bearer's soul energies with the very, very slowly coalescing soul energies of the baby. The soul doesn't even fully settle into the infant's body until around the time the umbilical cord stump drops off. So even if the bearer got pregnant through scientific methods instead of sexual, their taste to an alicorn would still seem, er, muddy." He paused, then added more gently. "Amelia, Donna, and Matt live on the mainland. The alicorns didn't even get onto the bridges."
"You're sure?" Jimmy bit his lower lip, hating the insecurity that could make him doubt Sam's word even though he knew his boyfriend couldn't lie, but needing the reassurance anyway.
"Meg gave me a full report of what Balt reported to her to keep my mind off her patching me back together," Sam obligingly reassured him. "And while Donna's a sheriff, she was not among the people listed as injured and there were mercifully no fatalities. I'm as sure as I can be while sitting in this bed without a phone to call them."
Calling them had to wait until the brothers could get Sam safely discharged from the hospital - against medical advice, technically, but then both Meg and Dr Argall had bargained with Sam for a full week of bed rest with absolutely no strenuous activity in exchange for being allowed to convalesce at home - and back to the magically expanded apartment above Lighthouse CommodiTeas. And then Dean had arrived. That so-called "conversation" had resulted in Cas going nonverbal for four hours and nearly had Sam violating his bargain with Meg and their doctor to get up and physically eject Dean from the apartment over the cafe while Jimmy did his best to distract Jack (and himself) in the kitchen from the yelling.
Cas was able to talk again by the time Jack had been put to bed, but he was still reduced to a scant handful of words at a time. Jimmy's practice with translating was put to the test as they worked out the plan for covering the cafe while Sam was both stuck in bed and in need of someone to stay home with him. One thing they all agreed was that it was important to have at least one able-bodied adult in the apartment with Sam both day and night to help him and be available to help Jack. This meant that their work schedules got rearranged a bit and Jimmy left briefly to drive over to his and Cas's apartment and collect their overnight bags. The question had been briefly raised about also digging out their sleeping bags, but Sam had assured them it wasn't necessary.
"I'm pretty much going to be living on this couch for the week," he told them. "If you don't mind sharing, you can both take my bed for the duration."
If Cas had any trouble falling asleep in Sam's bed with his scent surrounding them and their lover absent from the sheets, lying injured out on the couch, he didn't tell Jimmy about it. Likewise, Jimmy never mentioned how long he lay awake with his face buried in the pillow that smelled of sage and clover, and sandalwood and cinnamon just like Sam's favorite soap and shampoo, his ears straining for the slightest hint of distress from the living room. It left him feeling tired and cotton-headed the next morning as he made coffee on autopilot and then kicked himself and brought Sam tea with honey and milk. Cas left the apartment for the cafe's kitchen without bothering to stop for breakfast, which was a clear sign that he was still very bothered by something, but until he was ready to talk about it there wasn't much Jimmy could do to help his twin except be there for Sam while Cas was working and then take his own turn tomorrow.
Cas came upstairs after the lunch rush with two extra blueberry cream cheese danishes for Sam and Jimmy, and a determined expression. "We need to have penetrative sex."
"What?" Jimmy almost choked on the sandwich he was eating, and felt briefly grateful beyond words that Sam had already finished the broth-heavy chicken and rice soup Jimmy had made and so couldn't do the same. He was still gaping wide-eyed at Cas, whose expression looked no less determined for the rush of pink suffusing his face.
"We need to have penetrative sex," he repeated, glancing over at Jimmy briefly before looking back to Sam. "The fact that we haven't made us vulnerable and put us at greater risk to the alicorns than if we had simply been out in public, which in turn put you at risk. I know better than to suggest that you not come to our defense, any more than Jimmy or I would agree to leave you vulnerable and undefended, and while we will certainly be much quicker to evacuate a danger zone in the future, the risk posed by our technical virginity is still there. It's a risk we can mitigate by having penetrative sex."
"No," Sam said - croaked, really - and shook his head.
"Not now, obviously," Cas said, holding up his hands. "Meg was very clear about what she meant by 'strenuous activity'."
"Cas," Jimmy started, trailing off when he realized that he didn't even know where to begin with this one. Clearly his twin had been thinking hard about this ever since the accusations Dean had flung at them before Cas had shut down and Jimmy had fled to the kitchen to distract Jack, maybe even since that conversation in the hospital, but that didn't stop it from coming out of left field for him!
"And it has to be with you, Sam," Cas went on, a hint of desperation entering his voice. "Even if Jimmy and I were comfortable engaging in sexual activity exclusively with each other, our souls are identical. Whatever transference of energy happens during sex wouldn't make a difference if it's just us."
"Emotions also play a large part in it," Sam reminded him, sounding rather strained. "And please believe me when I say that if you or Jimmy ever truly want to explore penetrative sex in either direction, I would absolutely be honored to participate... but not if the only reason you're asking is because you think of your virginity, technical as it is in this specific area, as a thing to get rid of because it might put me at risk."
"But... you got hurt protecting us," Cas argued, sounding so painfully small that Jimmy nearly whimpered. "For me. The alicorn was aiming for me, and you put yourself in its path and got hurt because of that."
"And I would do it again if the circumstances arose," Sam said firmly. "Even if we had been acting like Dean at a Bacchanalia festival before that night, I saw the two of you in danger and pinned down in that alley and I did my best to keep you safe. That I got injured right at that specific moment was unfortunate, but it could have happened at any point that night if one of the alicorns caught me off guard while fighting."
Now Jimmy couldn't stop the whimper from bursting free, clapping his hands over his mouth to muffle it. That was the least reassuring thing he had ever heard. That Sam could have been injured before, run through and still fighting somewhere alone without him and Cas there to call for help when the alicorns were dead and his strength gave out--
Sam's expression softened. "I didn't collapse in that alley because I ran out of strength, Jimmy," he said, breaking through the babbling words that Jimmy hadn't even realized he had been saying. "I collapsed from the relief of knowing that you and Cas were unharmed, that I had succeeded in protecting you."
"So you won't have penetrative sex with us... because you think we don't really want it?" Cas asked uncertainly.
"And because I don't want any time we have sex of any kind to be out of fear or obligation," Sam said dryly. "And I'm a lot more sensitive to the emotional resonances involved than an alicorn is to the technicalities."
"Oh," Cas winced, looking down at the carpet. "Sorry..."
"Hey," Sam murmured, holding out a hand. "Come here, both of you?"
Slowly, Cas and Jimmy approached. Cas tried to hang back a bit, but Jimmy nudged him forward to sit closest to Sam's upper body while Jimmy sat behind Cas and pulled him into his arms tight against his chest. Cas wrapped his hands around Jimmy's wrists, and Sam put his own hands over theirs.
"Listen to me closely, okay?" Sam said. "I love you. I love you, Cas, and I love you, Jimmy. And any time we do anything sexual, or even just quietly intimate like this... it's pure bliss, because I can feel how much you both love me, too. If one day either of you decide you really want to explore penetration in sex, that's fine. And if you don't and it never happens, that is equally fine. No pressure, ever. Okay?"
"Okay," the twins chorused. Jimmy felt Cas let go of his wrists with one hand and twist to catch one of Sam's. He lifted it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to Sam's knuckles. "I don't like seeing you hurt," Cas murmured, "but I'm glad you're protecting us."
"It's my honor," Sam murmured back, and Jimmy knew their lover didn't mean just against the alicorns any more than Cas had.
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cheeryraccoon · 2 years
Maybe I Already Have - Illinois
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More of an adventure type with fluff sprinkled in.
All your life you wanted to be adventurer. You lived for adrenaline and longed to discover something no one thought was real. When you were little, your father told you the story of the 'Temple of Ancient Monkeys'. Your mother said it was a myth but you knew it had to be real.
You're in your twenties now and finally saved enough money to go on the adventure you always wanted. You took a plane to where the temple should be located. You were more than prepared with maps, food and water, rope, and other essentials. You knew when you went home, your family would be so proud of you. You landed a few days ago and were currently walking and looking at your map in the middle of no where.
"It should be right here- woah!" Just as you looked up, the ground beneath you gave way.
Luckily, you survived the fall without a broken bone or a scratch. You got up, dusted yourself off, and looked around. You were trying to take in the fact that you found the temple you've been searching for when you saw a giant round boulder start to roll towards you. You jumped out the way just in time for it to roll by. When it passed you saw a handsome man behind it. He had black hair and stubble on his face. He was wearing an adventure outfit a bit like your own and a matching hat.
"Hey, you alright there?" He asked, wiping some sweat from his brow.
"Uh, yeah! I'm fine." You answered, shaking your thoughts away.
"Huh, how'd you find this place? Only the most skilled adventurers ever get this far. It seems you're pretty special, huh?" He said, his voice was very smooth. It sent a chill down your spine.
"I don't know about that, I'm guessing you're an adventurer as well." You mentally face palmed, he wouldn't be here if he wasn't!
"You are right, I've already found the statue that's meant to be put here." He pulled a beautiful monkey statue out of his bag and handed it to you.
"It is a beauty. Don't look it in the eyes for too long though, they say-" You cut him off.
"I know, the curse." You said as you looked at it in your hands, avoiding looking into the eyes.
"Hm, you're a smart cookie. Y'know, I've been in need of a new assistant after the last one got ran over by a giant boulder. What do you say? We can finish this adventure, maybe even fall in love."
Your heart skipped a beat.
"Sure, but I'd prefer the word 'partner' than 'assistant' if we're gonna do this together."
"Fine by me, you hold onto that and follow me." He smirked and turned down a tunnel in the cave.
You put the statue in your bag and followed him, taking in your surroundings as you go.
"The names Illinois, pleasure to meet me. I know what you're thinking," He winked at you. "Yes, I am single."
"Good to know", you thought.
"But I'm married to the job and my assistants never last too long. Quite frankly, I do hope you stick around. You are quite handsome and/or beautiful." He smiled at you and you smiled back.
"How long have you been adventuring?" You asked before you realized you were about to walk into a trap.
"Hey, don't worry about the traps. They always seem perfectly timed to miss you if you're going at a casual walk. I think they count on people panicking and jumping around. Follow my lead, and don't take your eyes off me." He said in an assuring tone.
You followed his lead through the traps, doing as he said. His eyes sparkled in the light of the blowtorch that fired next to you.
"Good job, you got through." A skeleton popped out of no where with a sword as he finished his statement. "...Alright."
You walked out the cave and almost squealed as you saw the podium in the middle of the new cavern you were now standing in. You made it! All your life has come up to this! Your dream will finally be achieved!
"Well well well, here we are. Y'know you've been an incredible help on this adventure and I can't help but thank you. Would you like to do the honors?"
You nodded excitedly and took out the statue. You walked up to the podium and carefully placed it in it's rightful place. Out of no where, it started glowing blue. In an instant, you were transported to a beautiful jungle.
"I've seen a lot of animal heavens in my day. Lion heaven, dog heaven, bee heaven." Illinois stopped in his tracks and looked at you. "Bee heaven was not a fun place. But this, this is pretty alright."
You nodded and watched one of the monkeys come up to you. The monkey bestowed a glowing banana to you. You nodded thankfully before you were sucked back into the temple.
"Wow, that really was something." Illinois said, looking back at your surroundings.
"This is what my whole life has led up to... I finally did it! Did you get anything?" You examined the banana with wonder in your eyes.
"Oh, you got a banana? All I got was this rock. Not all animal heavens are winners, I suppose." He gave you the rock.
Once it hit your hands, the outer shell broke into sand and gravel. It revealed a beautiful diamond. You started peeling the your gift and inside was a fully gold banana. You looked at Illinois and smiled.
"Thanks for the adventure Illinois, you really helped my dream come true." You said as you put your new fortune into your bag.
"It was no problem, now you get to find a new dream." He responded while turning to leave the cave.
"Maybe I already have, Illinois."
"Smooth. Would you want to... further accompany me on more adventures?" He asked a bit shyly, which was out of character for him.
"Hm... more adventures sound lovely." You respond with a skip in your step.
Illinois threw his arm over your shoulders and you two walked out of cave, excited for what your next adventure has in store.
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Prompt: I love when Remus is a lot smarter than he lets on, so I’d love a prompt where Logan is overworking himself and not taking care of himself and one tic of the clock away from either passing out or having a full on mental breakdown (not the type you can recover from in a day). Remus notices the little signs Logan shows, and hears the intrusive thoughts Logan has. Remus really becomes concerned when Logan’s intrusive thoughts start to involve taking breaks, going to eat properly rather than inhaling granola bars, and even sleeping. Remus storms in and is like “Logan tf????” Then gets hella soft once he realizes the state Logan is in
Thank you for the prompts, babe! I liked this one the best so I picked it. 
GUYS PLEASE VIEW THIS AS A C H E C K P O I N T if you've been scrolling for a while (and you probably have) pause here! drink water! get food! walk around the room for a little bit! stretch! do something please! you are very important to me and I care about you very deeply!
Read on Ao3
Warnings: discussions of self-harm, nothing explicit, some self-destructive tendencies and behaviors. 
Pairings: focus on intrulogical, background LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic i don’t care
Word Count: 2410
Realignment: to align again.
Realignment: to reorganize or make new groupings of.
* * *
Remus hears a lot of weird shit.
The problem arises when the shit he starts to hear isn't weird at all.
Remus hears a lot of weird shit.
 The more appropriate definition would be ‘fucked up like you wouldn’t fucking believe,’ but one of us has a problem with particularly strong language and shit doesn’t have to be censored in a lot of media anymore. Which is so convenient! For some of us!
 It’s fucking great.
Anyway. Point being. Fucked up shit.
 Intrusive thoughts literally fall under his purview. It’s the fun stuff! The stuff you don’t wanna think about that makes your skin crawl and your eyes pop open at the witching hour and stay awake until the sun rises. That’s Remus’s job.
 And it’s like the whole Mindscape is whack-a-mole that he gets to play with! Buttons here and there, squeeze this part and watch the eyes bug out of this part, bap this one on the head, see which one pokes up next. Who’s gonna have nightmares tonight? Who is having a nightmare tonight?
 It’s fun.
 Point. Right. Right.
 It’s normally pretty easy to tell whose intrusive thoughts are whose. They taste different. Patton’s taste like sugar so sweet it’ll fill your mouth with cavities. Virgil’s taste like spiders, crawling around his mouth. Janus’s taste like salt. So much fucking salt. Dry as hell.
 Roman’s taste like blood. Problem is, Remus’s mouth normally tastes like blood, so…
 Yeah, they gotta work that out.
 Logan’s taste like ink. Which is why it took him so long to figure out that Logan was having them. Not just because the nerdy wolverine was so convinced he couldn’t have them—rationalizing them as philosophy principles, come on—but because Remus isn’t exactly an expert on pens. Writing like normal people. Ugh.
 Normal people.
 What a lie, Janny probably gets a big kick out of those.
 No one is normal and normal is boring.
 Logan. Right.
 Okay, so here’s the thing.
 Logan’s thoughts aren’t really…standard? They are to some extent, you don’t really get a whole lot of variety from him—even when Remus has been so helpful in making his room safe for him to be in during bad days, there’s such a lack of imagination there that he wasn’t sure exactly how to feel—but it’s the recent ones that’ve been getting…weird.
 Remus chews thoughtfully on the kraken tentacle. He swings up to the chandelier and hangs by his ankles, letting the blood run to his head. Makes it easier to think sometimes.
 It hasn’t been very long since they found out…well, since they found out.
 Remus frowns. Why is he censoring himself? It’s not like he can’t fucking say self-harm, it’s not like he can’t describe what it was, it’s not like he can’t close his eyes and see it happening again.
 Then his mind jumps helpfully to the shocked, panicked look on Logan’s face and the soft, furious resignation on Roman’s, and his jaw snaps shut.
 He cares. So he has to be gentle with them.
 He growls, swinging himself up to perch on the chandelier proper. He turns the kraken tentacle over and chews on the rubbery side.
 The others are delicate. Not that they’re more breakable than any other metaphysical humanoid, but their minds are fragile when it comes to Remus’s side of things. Could they handle the full spectrum of his side of thoughts and shit? Probably, they’re stronger than they give themselves credit for. Should they have to? Hell to the fuck no. But it means that Remus can’t just throw them in the deep end and see if the kraken spits them out whole or in chunks. Could they survive? Absolutely. Would they still be…them? Doubtful.
 Remus lets one of his legs go, hanging by one knee as he tips over.
 Plus they’re always a little more fragile when it comes to these thoughts anyway. Poking and prodding too much would hurt. Like, the bad kind of hurt.
 They’re not supposed to get hurt. Not like that.
 So. Gentle it is then.
 Right. The others. He has a point, he’s just gotta get there.
 Roman…fuck he’s missed his brother. They got—they got so much shit to still work out but they’re gonna do it together and fuck he loves his brother so goddamn much. Roman knows that, he knows that, and he’s always there to pull Remus out of his head when he needs it, hit him with a pillow, or tackle him onto something and hold him tight. He’s—his thoughts taste like blood and Remus hasn’t bitten anything since so that he’ll never miss it again.
 But with Logan...
 Logan is…odd. It hasn’t been long since they first found out—or rather, they confronted him about it, and Remus hasn’t tasted ink without it disappearing very quickly or knocking on someone’s door to please go get your fucking nerd, please. But the ink has only written the usual suspects, whispering the theorems in dark corners, muttering about the incompleteness of a set, the need for Logic, not Logan, and how to jump through the little loophole again.
 It’s not exactly hard for the others to tell.
 Lolo hasn’t been looking great. Sure, he’s all pressed and dressed, glasses perfectly in place, tie done up just so, walking around like everything’s just totally and completely fine, but it’s in his face. Object impermanence aside, normally when Remus bugs him, he reacts in some way.
 Sass is an emotional response and you won’t convince him otherwise.
 Whether it be a wry comment, effortlessly fixing whatever Remus has done to him this time, or even just a look, Lolo does something.
 Not anymore.
 Now he’ll just kind of…sigh and move on? He’ll fix whatever it is only if it’s directly interfering with what he’s trying to do, or when Patton or Virgil come round the corner and freak the fuck out because you’re bleeding! Then he’ll fix it.
 Remus wouldn’t say he’s bored, but he’s worried.
 Mainly because the intrusive thoughts…aren’t what he’d consider intrusive anymore.
 Take a shower.
 Eat something that isn’t just a granola bar.
 Go to sleep.
 Ask someone for help.
 If those are Lolo’s intrusive thoughts, then what the fuck is normally going on in his head?
 Remus waits. Waits. Keeps waiting.
 The instant his mouth tastes like ink again, with a question of whether or not Logan should take a break, he sinks straight into his shower. He washes his hair thoroughly, gets every single bit of grime off him he can, and puts on the softest pajamas he has—thank you, Roman—and drops himself outside of Logan’s door.
 He strains, mouth still full of ink, to hear anything other than the soft click, click, click of Logan’s keyboard.
 He can’t.
 He knocks.
 “One moment, please.”
 Indeed, a few seconds later, the door opens to reveal Logan, looking as annoyingly pristine as he always does, surprised to see him.
 “Remus? Did you need something? Why…” he trails off as he takes in what Remus is wearing. “What’s wrong?”
 “Can I come in?”
 “Of—of course,” Logan stammers, moving aside to let him in, “are you alright?”
 “Should be asking you that, Lolo.”
 “Remus, you’ve just knocked, first of all, on my door and asked to come inside.” Logan adjusts his glasses as he sits at his desk. “This is extremely out of character for you.”
 “Uh-huh.” Remus flops onto the bed. “You know what else is out of character?”
 “Not wearing your costume?”
 “Not hearing intrusive thoughts.”
 Logan’s eyes widen. “Has—is there something wrong? Are you not hearing any? Do I need to get Roman?”
 Remus frowns. “Why’s it so easy for you to do that?”
 “Do what?”
 “Care. Try and take care of me.”
 Logan blinks. “Because you deserve to be taken care of, Remus. Your needs are important.”
 Remus idly toys with a loose thread on one sleeve. “Why?”
 “Why? Why are you important?” Remus nods. “Because you’re—you’re an important part of Thomas, you’re important to us, and we care about you.”
 “So it’s easy for you to care for me because…you do?”
 “As simple as that sounds,” Logan says with all the softness that should be directed at himself, “yes.”
 Remus nods. “I’m not having problems with hearing intrusive thoughts.”
 “You’re—you’re not?” Logan sighs, relaxing a little back into his chair. “Then why did you say you were?”
 “Because the thoughts that I am hearing aren’t really what I’d consider intrusive.”
 Logan frowns. “Like what?”
 Glad you fucking asked.
 “‘Take a shower,’” Remus says, his eyes fixed firmly on Logan’s face, “'eat something,’ ‘take a break,’ ‘go to sleep.’”
 He watches Logan’s face tense.
 “Sound familiar, Lolo?”
 “You—I—my apologies,” Logan manages after a moment, adjusting his tie, “I did not mean to be an inconvenience. You are correct, those are not intrusive thoughts, I’m not sure why you’re hearing them.”
 He turns to his desk and begins to fish around for a notebook.
 “That is quite intriguing, I wonder what the possibilities for hearing other types of thoughts are, considering—“
 Logan pauses, turning back. “Yes?”
 Remus fixes him with a look, getting up and walking toward him. “They are intrusive thoughts, Logan. The issue is that your intrusive thoughts are about you taking care of yourself.”
 Logan freezes.
 “W-well, I’m sure that it’s nothing to be concerned about.”
 “So either you can admit that was a lie or Janny’s about to get summoned.”
 “Remus,” Logan sighs, “it’s fine. As you said, these aren’t what are traditionally considered intrusive thoughts, it’s nothing to be concerned about.”
 “No, Lolo, it is,” Remus argues, “because it means that the thought of you taking care of yourself is so foreign, so fucking out of the ordinary that not only does it happen to cross your mind—“ he takes Logan’s chair and spins it around— “but you try to force it out.”
 Logan looks anywhere other than Remus’s face and tries to stand. Only to wobble and crash back down.
 “Easy,” Remus says quietly, resting a hand on his shoulder, “you haven’t eaten in a while.”
 “But I have work.”
 “But you need food.”
 At Logan’s honest-to-fuck pout, he sighs, dragging the poor nerd up and out the chair and sitting him on the bed.
 “Why do you think you don’t deserve to be taken care of?”
 “I didn’t say that—hey!” Logan blinks up at him, scandalized and covering his stomach. “Why did you poke me?”
 “’S what I do when Janny won’t tell me the truth.”
 “I wasn’t—okay, okay!” Logan covers his stomach protectively as Remus readies another poke. “I just…I’ve already asked for help for this before. I shouldn’t have to again.”
 Remus sighs and lightly flicks the side of his head.
 “Virgil tries that too.” He stares hard at Logan. “Come on, Lolo, you can do better.”
 “It’s not your jobs to take care of me.”
 For fuck’s sake…
 Remus reaches out and tugs gently on Logan’s tie.
 “Remus, what—“
 “You taking more books outta Patton’s library now?” Remus tilts his head. “You don’t have to beat around the bush, Lolo, just be honest.”
 “I am being honest!”
 “You’re not lying, but you’re not being honest.” At the poor nerd’s confusion, he sighs and fixes his glasses on that cute nose. “Just talk to me, Lolo.”
 “I—“ Logan sighs and oh fuck why does he look so tired?
 Well, because he hasn’t been sleeping.
 Or eating.
 Or taking care of himself.
 Unbidden, part of his conversation with Roman flashes into his head.
 “Self-harm can be self-denial too.”
 “It’s bad enough that I’ve made you all worry about me,” Logan says finally, “I would hate to be a burden.”
 Oh, Lolo. “You and Roman, huh?”
 Logan looks up warily. “What do you do with Roman?”
 “You know what I do.”
 Logan sighs. “May at least take my glasses off first?”
 “You might wanna change too, I’m not letting you up for a while.”
 Logan stretches to place his glasses on the nightstand and poofs himself into a t-shirt and boxers. He sighs and opens his arms.
 Remus takes two running steps and tackles the poor nerd onto his bed.
 “Am I hurting you?”
 “No, no, just—just a little startled.”
 “Mm.” Remus snuggles closer into Logan, his arms wrapped tightly around him. “So. Wanna try one more time?”
 Logan sighs, deflating them both to the bed. His head lolls to his left, eyes on his open computer screen. Remus follows it, barely suppressing a growl as he stretches his arm out to save whatever’s on screen and shut it.
 “I know what I’m supposed to be doing,” Logan whispers, “I understand the process, I am aware that healing is not a linear concept, I know it’s going to take time, I—I understand.”
 Remus looks down, giving him an encouraging squeeze. “But?”
 “It’s hard,” comes the soft confession.
 Oh, Lolo.
 “I know,” he murmurs, leaning down to hug him properly, “I know, Lolo, I know it’s hard. But you can’t try and do it all yourself, you’ve gotta remember that we’re here for you, we care about you.”
 “But why?”
 Remus smiles and cuddles him tighter. “You said it yourself, Lolo. We care because we do.”
 “O-oh.” He feels Logan’s throat work as he swallows. “Thank you, Remus.”
 “Of course, Lolo. I’m guessing that sinking us to the living room so everyone else can spoil you is a bad idea, right?”
 “Yes.” Finally, finally, he feels Logan shyly tighten his grip on him. “Can we just…stay like this?”
 “Do I have your permission to hold you hostage until you fall asleep?”
 “Then go to sleep, Lolo,” Remus murmurs, “I’m not going anywhere.”
 General Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness  @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes  @iminyourfandom  @bullet-tothefeels  @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83  @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember  @fandomssaremysoul  @im-an-anxious-wreck  @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch  @enby-ralsei  @unicornssunflowersandstuff  @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams  @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne  @aularei @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer  @i-am-overly-complicated  @annytheseal  @alias290  @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions
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mystic-sky · 4 years
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part 1 here.
You stirred awake as the sun crept onto the bare back of the man you clung to. His arm was draped over you, chest heaving softly. You looked up at him. Even while he slept he was gorgeous. You could only imagine what you looked like right now. Your brain flashed back to everything that happened the night before.
He fucked you. Spectacularly well. 
You did your best to slip from underneath his grasp without waking him. Slowly but surely, you released yourself from his grip. You didn’t think he’d be a heavy sleeper.
Your feet lightly touched the carpet and you crept towards bathroom. Immediately, pristine and cool tiles laid beneath you as you fathomed over his personal bathing space. You looked around before finding your reflection over the bathroom sink.
“Look what he did to me.” You panic, hickeys panted your neck and chest. You ran your fingertips over the bruised skin.
“I was so into it, I didn’t even think to ask him not to leave any marks.” You whisper quietly as you facepalm yourself.
You used the bathroom and washed your hands promptly before peaking out the door at the beast in his bed. He was still fast asleep, snoring just barely. 
What a fucking princess, you thought. He remained beautiful even in slumber. His hair was disheveled a bit, but he was still gorgeous.
You crept back into bed, wanting to slide beneath his arms again without waking him.
You pouted, laying on your side of the bed neutrally and watching him rest. You couldn’t even attempt to go back to sleep- you couldn’t stop looking at him. You liked this quieter version of him so much. It was almost hard for you to come to terms with the fact of what he was capable of in bed. The things he had already done to you made your face hot.
And then you remembered your declaration of how good the sex was, telling him you’d come back soon. You felt out of your mind. You covered your face from utter embarrassment. Of course you wanted to see him again, but it ticked you off a bit that he predicted that it’d be this way.
Pulling your hands down halfway across your face, your eyes laid on his sleeping frame. You still couldn’t fathom why he liked you. You’d be sure to ask him why later. You could only imagine what dating him would be like. Would he pick you up from work? Did he have siblings for you to meet? What were his favorite foods- and did you even know how to make them?
What was the actual deal with his eyes? Your glance pivoted towards his long white eyelashes. Would he eventually tell you everything? Would he be willing to? 
When you instinctively found yourself bringing a hand to touch his face his eyes shot open. 
You jumped, nearly falling backwards off the bed as a loud shriek fell from you lips. 
“What is wrong with you?” You clutched your chest as he let out a deep laugh. 
“You stare a lot. I could feel your eyes burning a hole through my body.” He finally said after his good laugh, sitting up.
“I can’t help it.” You said, sucking both your lips into a line. You bit down shyly as you gripped the ends of the t-shirt you wore.
“I never said I minded.” He slid closer to you.
“Wow, you’re even cute with bed hair.” He added. 
“How long have you been awake?” You blush, changing the subject.
“Since you left me all alone to go potty.” He pouted. Your eye twitched. 
“You creep!” You say, clutching a pillow and swinging it at him. 
“I was hoping you were going to cuddle with me again, but then you just laid there ogling at me. Again, I don’t blame you.” He said, bringing a thumb to your chin. You could’ve rolled your eyes, but he was so close all you could think about was him kissing you again. You hoped he would, you were antsy and yearning for a repeat of the prior night’s events.
“What?” You finally said, anxiously breaking the silence.
He blinked softly at you before speaking, “How sweet do you like your coffee?”
You blinked a few times, earning a grin from him. 
“I- Sweet enough?” You blurted. Your mind had wandered off just from him getting close to you like that. “Two sugars I guess, and whatever creamer you’ve got works.”
“I tend to go a bit overboard. So I’ll let you add the stuff you like.” He chuckled, slipping out of the bed. 
“Let me get you some stuff.” He walked towards the linen closet. You could see him in the hallway from the bedroom. He came back with a tooth brush and towel. 
“Everything else is in the bathroom.” He said, handing you the toiletries. 
“Thanks a lot.” You say, getting up on your feet. You hugged the towel to your chest. 
“Holler if you need me. Unless you wanna shower together-
“No.” You say, skidding past him. You walked down the hall, feeling a little shy to shower in his master bathroom. 
“Aww, you’re breaking my heart (Name)-chan.”  He called out.
“You’ll survive.” You say, you could feel his eyes on you as you nervously stepped into the other bathroom.
“I can help you figure out how to turn on the water~”
“I can manage~” You sing back, shutting the door.
He’s got all his stuff in the other bathroom, you thought. You placed the towel and toothbrush on the sink counter. 
“I’ll give him a little space.” You needed a little bit too, you felt frantic at the idea of bathing with him. You had no idea why that felt too intimate and steamy for you. The idea of him bathing you, sudsing your slippery wet body- you knew you were going to fold and let him fuck you if he tried. That or you’d initiate it yourself. 
But it was probably the inevitable sweetness that would follow afterwards that scared you mostly. How playful you knew he would be as he bathed you after you both would cum. He’d probably give you kisses and make fun of you and your inability to stop looking so cute and embarrassed all the time.
Were you ready for intimacy like that? To make you fall in love with him? Heck, you briefly remember him telling you that you might fall for him when he was sexing you hours ago.
You patted your face with your palms repeatedly.
“You’re thinking too much.” You said to yourself before, looking into the large bathroom mirror. 
“I be he’s not overthinking at all. He’s probably nonchalant as fuck right now.” You whispered, finding the toothpaste. You brushed your teeth promptly before removing your shirt. You slid the shower door open and stepped inside, fiddling with the knobs for the right temperature. There were soaps you were and weren’t familiar with. 
Does he really live alone? You found it hard to believe that he was this attractive and single.
Maybe some women can’t take his vain personality, you thought.
After what felt like a long shower from contemplating your decisions from the night prior, you exited the bathroom. You clutched the towel around your damp body as you walked back into his bedroom. You could hear him in the shower, but you saw he had laid out clothes on the bed. 
“Those are for you.” He called out, making you jump. You didn’t realize he heard you walk into the bedroom. 
You stared at the matching hoodie and sweatpants on the bed. He was perfectly content with lending you his clothes and that made your chest warm. 
You found your bra and put it on. You wished you had fresh underwear, but at the same time you’d probably throw up in your mouth a bit if he had that to give to you too.
You slid on the gray sweat pants, tying the jaw string as tight as you could around your waist so they’d fit. Followed by the hoodie, you pulled your hair out the hem of it and looked in the mirror attempting to primp yourself up the best you could. Why does wearing this make it feel like I’m his girlfriend, you thought.
He had good taste in clothes, you hoped this wasn’t his favorite.
“The slides are for you, too.” You heard him say in the doorway. His hair was still dripping wet but out of his of his face and pushed back.  He gripped the towel around his torso before walking up to one of his drawers.
“What slides- oh.” You peer down at the black sandals beside the bed.
“I’ve got socks for you, too. You’re about to look like a little me~” He cooed. He seemed happy to dress you up and you stood there awkwardly, cheeks red.
“Thanks. I was fine with going home in my dress though.”
“I was too. You looked so good in it.” He said, walking over and handing you a pair of socks. “But I also want you to be comfortable.”
“I’ll be sure to give them back.” You said nervously, bawling your fists under the long lengths of your sleeves. 
“The sooner I get to see you again, the better.” He says smugly, closing the space between you both. 
“What is it that you like about me exactly?” You look up at him. 
“You’re even more direct in the day time.” He said, nearly brushing his nose against yours. 
“I’m serious.” You say through crimson cheeks.
“I just gave you one reason.” He laughs, throwing his head back. “I like how forward you are, too. It’s tasteful, so it doesn’t feel like I’m talking to a brick.”
“Mhmm,” you crossed your arms, coaxing him to go on. 
“You’re super adorable. Seriously, you haven’t stopped blushing at me. I could make fun of you forever. And you take the teasing so well so far. It’s kind of hard for people to deal with my overbearing personality sometimes.”
“The list can and will be endless... if you let me take you to dinner this weekend.”
“I- wow..” you stutter. He really seemed to genuinely like you. You didn’t find his personality overbearing in the slightest. In fact, to you it made him more attractive. And the fact that he was able to turn it off at the right moments to convey that he is thinking of you made your heart swell.
“Did you not expect me to ask you right away?” 
“I did not.”
He let out another laugh. 
“Unless you have plans, or work. Let me know. I can work around it.”
“I think I can fit you into my schedule.” You shoot back one of his signature smug smiles.
“You’re for real becoming a mini me.” He said, wrapping his arms around you. 
“You’re gonna get me all wet.” You say as some of his damp strands press against your forehead. 
“Honey, I do that already.” His voice low, pressing his lips against yours. You had wanted him to kiss you so bad, you were so happy he initiated it. You brought a hand into his wet tresses, pressing him into the kiss. He moaned against your mouth as he brought one of his large hands to grab your ass, squeezing firmly. 
You did a little yelp into his mouth before pulling away, “Your dick is stabbing me in the stomach.”
“Oops,” He said, before pressing a quick kiss against your lips. He let go of you, before pulling his towel off his lower half, drying his hair a bit more throughly. 
“Let me get dressed, and then I’ll make you breakfast. Or we could go out. Your pick.” He said.
“You aren’t the least bit shy, are you?” You say as your gaze drops to his member. 
“Maybe I was in grade school. There are some things you grow out of.” He said, turning his body and walking towards his closet.
“For most people, this is not one of them.” You turn away, walking out the door and giving him the privacy he didn’t even ask for. 
“(Name)-chan, maybe I wanted to put on a show for you.” He called out. 
“Get dressed.” You found your way to his living room, plopping your body on the suede couch. Everything was too nice, and you did your best not to touch anything while your eyes ogled around the place. You could see some antiques plastered with his last name on the shelves. 
So he really is a big shot, you thought. You’d heard briefly of the Gojo family’s financial successes but nothing more. It sort of explains his personality, but there were plenty of things still left unanswered.
He had pictures of himself all around going places with family and friends. You looked at some of the women in the photos, wondering if he had dated any of them or if they were relatives. This one photo in particular caught your eye. He was wearing a blindfold, smiling the biggest smile beside three awkward looking teenagers in private school uniforms. This looks recent, you think.
Right beneath it were three people in another photo- him being on the left wearing dark sunglasses and a small brunette girl in the middle. The third person to the right was male and almost as tall as him, with dark hair and black piercings. He has to be in high school here, you thought.
He didn’t change much, he still looked like a cocky bastard. You smiled a soft smile. He’s still a likable person if you can adapt well to his personality.
“I’m like 17 in that one.” His voice rang from behind you. You spun your head around. He had on an outfit similar to yours, with a black hoodie instead. 
“How old are you now?” You ask, realizing you had no idea how old he was.
“28.” He said, walking through the open space towards the kitchen. Your mouth could’ve dropped, panning back towards the photo and towards him again.
“You look the same. Maybe a little taller? But the exact same.” You turn your body, draping your elbow over the couch to watch him as he fiddled through his cabinets. 
“I’ve got good genes. The kids will be gorgeous.” He says slyly, placing two mugs on the counter. You roll your eyes, bringing yourself to your feet. You stride towards the kitchen, watching him pour the coffee into both mugs.
“That smells so good.” You say, swooning at the scent. He slid your mug towards you as you watched him toss several sugar cubes into his coffee.
Your eye twitches, “Is that really necessary?”
“You’ve been drinking coffee wrong your entire life I see.” He says casually, dumping more cubes into his cup. He finally mixes in the creamer before taking a sip. 
“Fuck yes.” He breathes out.
“Major crackhead energy.” You laugh, putting normal amounts of cubes into your own cup.
“Don’t knock it til you try it.” He says, bringing his mug towards your lips. Your take hold of thing, but he’s not letting go. You think he’s enjoying your fingers touching his while you press your lips onto the edge of his cup. You take a sip before stepping back immediately wincing. He laughs deeply at you before putting the cup back to his own lips and taking a sip.
“You’re an actual crackhead-“ You scrunch your lips, “-what kind of manic sweet tooth, what the fuck?!”
He laughing heavier now, leaning on the counter. 
“8.9/10.” You scoff, pertaining to his review you gave him earlier. He laughs harder.
“You’re too funny.” He raised his head, wiping a  tear. 
“I’ll gain the points back.” He flirted back through his chuckles.
You couldn’t help but smile at him. What a kiddish trait, it’s cute, you thought.
“Now, another question.” He managed to say, laughter finally subsiding. “How do you like your eggs?”
“Surprise me.” You say, sliding around to sit on the stool behind the island. 
And with that he cooked you breakfast. The entire experience felt like a dream. You didn’t want to go back home. But you were sure your friends were wondering how your night was. You had your own life, but you were aching for him to be apart of it. You wondered what his world was like. Surely this was just a minuscule part of his week but what did he do for fun, what were his hobbies or favorite TV shows, does he stay up late or not? You wondered if he likes to sleep with the cool air on all the time. What were his turn ons and turn offs, and so much more.
You were starting to romanticize him a bit too much, and you’d be petrified if he could tell what you were thinking. 
“That was delicious.” You say, eyes on his back as he placed the last dish in the dish rack.
“I’m a man who loves to please his guests.” He leant back on the sink, drying his hands. Just as he was about to speak his phone rang. He scooped it out of his pocket, picking it up. 
“Good morning~” He sung. You pouted a bit, wondering if he was that cheery with everyone. He walked off, mouthing at you that he’d be right back. 
You swung your legs on the stool, slouching a bit. Before you could continue feeling jealous of who was on the phone, he came back out, shoving his phone in his pocket.
“Well, that was work.” He let out a heavy sigh. 
“Is everything okay?” You ask, turning your bum in the seat towards him.
“Not exactly. There’s a little emergency. So I’ve gotta bring you home now.” He says nonchalantly.
“Oh, okay. It’s alright.” You bawl your fists, feeling a bit disappointed. You were going home anyway but you wanted the moment to last as long as it could.
“I’m sorry.” He says, walking up to you in your chair, bringing a thumb to your chin. He tilted your head before speaking again. 
“So I’m a teacher and I have to go check on one of my students. He’s not looking so good.” He sounded a little more happy than upset saying this. You cocked your eyebrow, happy he was finally laying some truth on you but slightly weirded out by his tone.
“He’s a bit of weird kid. He’s got a knack for getting himself in some odd situations. But he’s got potential. I believe in him.” He says, making you relax a little. You hoped the situation wasn’t dire- he wasn’t acting like it was anyways.
You nodded, realizing maybe it was one of the kids you saw in the photos. 
“That’s really sweet.” You smile, rubbing your hands between your thighs. 
“Let’s get your things. You need another bag for your clothes?” You nod. He was incredibly thoughtful. 
Quickly after with your belongings in hand you follow him towards his front door. You watched him put on the darkest shade of sunglasses before grinning at you. Your heart was swelling, he looked so good you desperately wanted him to be yours. Your eyes dropped to your feet, trying to hide the high color on the apples of your cheeks. 
“The cutest.” He said, pulling your chin up and pressing his lips against yours. “Don’t look so down. We’ll have more time together soon.”
You puffed up your cheeks before letting out a sarcastic sigh, rolling your eyes. All you wanted was to throw your arms around him, get naked and back in the bed. You briefly remembered that you had things to do today as well. Adulting is annoying, you thought. 
“I want another kiss.” You were so whipped.
He obliged, pressing another sweet and delicate kiss to your lips.
“I’d give you some tongue but then I’d get worked up again.” You could see the sweet stare in his eyes when he a bent down over his shades.
“Mhmmm, and you don’t want to be late.” You say, using your hands to feel up on his chest.
“I’m now noticing you’re quite the tease, (Name).” 
“Hmmm,” You say, flipping your hair. “That’s rich coming from you.”
You brazenly moved past him and opened the door. He passed his tongue over his lips.
He could get used to this.
You were back to your regular schedule. Everything felt somewhat mundane without him. You had only spent a few hours with him, but it was magical. Your head was empty aside from him constantly echoing in it whenever you spaced out. Your friends could tell he had done it to you. Completely and utterly entranced by him, you were at work doodling things when you should’ve been working, texting him when you shouldn’t have been texting, even fawning over him when you should’ve been sleeping.
It had been a few days since you last saw him. You didn’t dare call him. Instead, a lot of texting throughout the day. You were falling asleep with your phone in your hands at 3AM- yeah you had it bad. Of course he was busy, and your brain had been doing whirl winds thinking he simply didn’t want to talk to you at some moments, only to be bombarded with more texts of him explaining his whereabouts hours later.
On his end of things, he couldn’t stop thinking about you these past few days. Your voice played endlessly in his head. Things you would say and your sweet moans- all of them on repeat. His students could tell he was more chipper than usual (if that’s even possible) but somehow quieter and more deep in thought during some instances. 
He couldn’t rid the thought of you from his brain. Your lips, the way you said his name. You were so delicate. He was anxious to call you but he was often tired after his long work day and dealing with his students. He sent you as many texts as he could. As soon as he was finally able to get back to you you were already fast asleep. He wanted you to call him so badly. He was confused as to why you didn’t.
You had just gotten home from work, fresh out the shower. You were doing your usual routine when you heard your phone go off. You nearly leapt towards your bed, towel nearly falling off your body. 
You unlocked your phone to find a text from Satoru. You couldn’t stop grinning at the screen.
‘Hey sweets 😌❤️’
You anxiously tapped your fingers away, attempting to say hi and ask him what he was doing before your phone rang. You squealed, dropping the device onto to the bed.
“He’s calling me. He’s fucking calling me.”
You panicked, sliding up the bed away from your phone like it was some sort of cursed scroll. It may not have seemed like a big deal to some considering you slept with the man less than 72 hours prior. But he had never called you before, things felt so backwards. You really were crushing on him.
Realizing the phone had been ringing for too long, you crawled over to pick it up. 
“Hello?” You said, holding the phone up to your ear.
“Heyy~” He sung. You could feel yourself getting weak in the knees.
“Hey.” You say casually, succeeding at hiding your nervousness. 
“You’re off work right? What are you up to right now?” He asked. The background sounded quiet, you couldn’t guess where he was.
“Yeah. I got off a while ago. I just got out the shower.” You say, gripping your towel. You laid back on your bed, holding the phone to your ear.
“Nice, me too. I was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat. I’m starving right now.” He chirped.
Right now? He wanted to see you? Your were eager to say yes, scream yes, into the phone.
“You can’t wait til the weekend, star boy?” You tease. 
“I like that name. We’re doing nicknames now?”
“You’ve been calling me sweetie, cutie, honey- I’m just getting started.” 
“You can call me all the names you want tonight if you come get dinner with me.” He says. 
“Definitely.” You say, excitedly swinging your legs above your body.
“Great, I’m outside.”
“Parked out front.”
“What the...” you pull the phone from your ear, and walk towards the window angled towards the front of your house. There his car was, double parked in the street. 
“What the hell?!” You exclaimed.
“You’re mad.” You say, letting out the loudest laugh. “What were you gonna do if I said no?”
“I knew you’d say yes. You miss me bad don’t you?”
You couldn’t deny it. You let out a flirty and sarcastic sigh and when silence filled the phone line soon after, he quickly followed up with,
“Cause I miss you real bad right now.”
You held your head with your free hand, a complete and utter blushing mess. 
“I’ll be down in 10 minutes.”
“That’s what I like to hear. And it’s casual wear, so don’t stress.” He says smugly into the phone. How could you not stress?
You give him an ‘okay’ before hanging up and grabbing the nearest pillow, screaming into it. You swung your head back, letting out a loud, nervous breath.
He’s so crazy, you thought, smiling and holding your towel to your chest.
You quickly got dressed, finding your best booty hugging jeans and long sleeved v-neck ribbed shirt. You lightly did your makeup, and fixed your hair. You spritz yourself with your favorite scents and looked in the mirror.
“He’s so inconsiderate.” You say this but you can’t stop grinning. You throw a light jacket over your arm before sprinting to your front door, checking yourself in the mirror once more. You lock your door before attempting to casually walk to his car like you weren’t just in panic. 
You open the door, sliding into the passenger seat. 
“Hey,” you say, placing your jacket and purse on your lap. 
“Damn, you look good.” He turned towards you, lip between his teeth whilst he grinned. 
“Thank you.” You say, getting a good look at him. He had on blue, lightly distressed jeans and a sherpa lined jean jacket. He had a cool grey shirt underneath and another dark pair of shades encased in silver templates that helped push his hair back.
He had absolutely no right to look that good. 
“You look good too,” You say, sliding some hair behind your ears. 
“Thanks, sweetie.” He said, leaning over. He was centimeters from your face, breath panting over your lips. His eyes fixated on yours. You almost closed your eyelids in anticipation waiting for a kiss.
His arm reached past you, pulling your seatbelt over your body and fastening it.
“Safety first.” He said cheekily. This motherfucker.
“You thought I was gonna kiss you?” He smirked, leaning back in his seat.
“Shut up. Where are we eating?” You huff.  He got you good.
“I was thinking BBQ.” He chuckled back. 
“Unless you have a taste for somewhere else, I’m down for whatever if they have desserts.”
“BBQ works.” You say as he starts the car.
“Then I know just the place. It’s nice and low key, not too far from here. And they’re known for having the best ginger beer. The sweetest I’ve ever tasted.”
“Sounds good.” You smile, watching him turn on the radio. 
“And more importantly, how was your day?” He  panned his cerulean eyes towards you for just moment asking this, then back at the road.
“It was good. Nothing stressful, it was normal. How about you?”
“I’m glad.” He says. “My day was mediocre. I sent my students off early. They’ve been working their butts off. I figured they deserved it.” 
“I get the feeling you wanted to slack off a little too, hence you finding the time to be here with me right now.” You teased. 
“You could say that. I told you I missed you.” He reaches over, placing his large hand over yours. You tense up, not expecting him to display such a romantic gesture.
“Too much?” He asks.
“Not at all...” Your voice barely audible and fading under the music, but he heard it.
“Good.” He entwined his fingers over yours, massaging your knuckles with his thumb. The very sensation sends chills up your arms before your body relaxes. Not him making you melt from a simple hand hold.
Your heart was boucing against your rib cage.  You prayed your palms wouldn’t start sweating underneath his warm hand. You bit back a smile as you both rode in comfortable silence.
“I hope you know dinner is still on this weekend.” He speaks up.
“It better be.” You say. “You still have time to improve your rating, especially after the atrocious coffee from the other day.”
He laughs lightly, “was it that bad?”
“Bad is too generous.” 
“I bet you eat saltines when you’re craving.” He rolled his eyes.
“Just because your coffee is too sweet does not mean I’m one of those people who like saltines.”
“It actually does.” 
“It does not.”
“I bet you eat the regular corn flakes with the green rooster on it too, don’t you?”
“I do no-
“You do. That’s the only possible explanation for your bland tongue.”
“I bet you’re one of those kids who used to eat sugar straight out of the packets at restaurants when you went out with your parents.”
“Spot on.” He cackled. His laugh was so contagious, you found yourself throwing your head back as well.
Not long after, he pulled into an empty space. When he let go of your hand to park, you pouted.
“We’re here?” You ask. He hummed in response. 
“That was fast.” You say.
“That’s what happens when you spend time with someone like me.” The smile he shoots you makes you feel sick- in a good way. 
He gets out and walks around the car to open the door for you. He takes hold of your hand as you get up and shut the door. 
He intertwines his fingers with yours as you walk towards the restaurant. You weren’t this nervous the first time you both were this close. You could feel your chest swelling and hands getting a bit clammy as you looked up at him.
“You’re gonna love this place. My top 5 places to eat in Tokyo. Did I mention the music is great too?” He said, pulling down his shades, much to your disappointment. 
“Nope. Looks trendy.” You say, peering through the glass as you both walked inside. He squeezes your hand playfully, grabbing your attention.
“This is just one of many places I’ll take you.” He caught himself lost in your eyes for a second before grunting a bit.
“If you want that, that is.” 
“I do.” You say, quickly making it evident you truly did like him back. You’re twinkling to him in that moment, gracing him with the most precious smile he’s ever received.
And for the first time in a long time, Gojo Satoru’s heart skipped a beat.
“Are you okay?” You quiz. He had been staring at you for a little too long.
“Yeah, I’m good.” He said. “You’re just really cute.”
“Falling for me?” You said it thinking it was something he would say but his reaction was a little different then you expected.
“I might be.” He says quietly, but somehow still confidently.
You raise a brow at him, was he blushing? You almost missed it, considering he threw a cocky grin right back on.
“Table for 2 please!” He called out to the host. 
Dinner was more amazing than you expected it to be. He was good laugh, followed along by good food and some good desserts- just like he promised. You hadn’t had this much fun with anyone in long time. You didn’t want the night to end, and you’d give anything to spend more time with him. 
“Are you busy tomorrow?” You were on his arm, walking back towards his parked car.
“Not particularly. Just essential things, grocery shopping, some laundry. I wanna wash the clothes you gave me.” You say, pondering what other chores and plans you had. 
“Want to spend the night with me again?” He asks bluntly. He read your mind, and that freaked you out a bit. You can’t read his eyes through the thick shades, and he’s not grinning his usual grin.
“Do you have some sort of special ability I don’t know about?” You questioned. He smiled again, which made you relax.
“I have a few.” He laughs. Something told you he wasn’t lying, but you didn’t ask. “So is that a yes?”
“Obviously.” You say. “Let me go home get some clothes.”
“That’s takes up so much time.” He whined. You were happy he felt vulnerable enough to act this way around you.
“It’ll only be a few minutes. I won’t take long.” You say, squeezing his hand back. “Besides, if you’re patient you might get a surprise later.”
With that, he shoved you in his car, seemingly teleporting to the drivers seat. You couldn’t help but throw your head back in laughter as you fastened yourself seatbelt.
“Any surprise from you is sure to be a blessing,” he says proudly, starting the car.
You both rode back to your house. You were eager not to keep him waiting, only filling your bag with the toiletries and clothes you thought you’d need. You were really going back to his house. He literally invited you back to his space. You felt crazy in that moment, but you were still going through with all of it, zipping your bags up a little too giddily. Was he this spontaneous all the time? No matter, you loved what was happening. 
Even if things between the both of you didn’t work out, (because you absolutely never know) you were still going to imbue the experience into your head. You were having a lot of fun, and that was all thanks to him.
“Finally,” he said as you finally entered the vehicle again.
“You’re impatient this evening.” 
“I enjoy being in your space.” 
“That so?” You say, putting on your seatbelt. His hand find yours as it rests on your lap again, and you hold back a swoon. It was so attractive watching him drive with one hand like that.
“Who wouldn’t? You’re the most refreshing person I’ve met in a while.”
“Are you trying to boost your score again?”
“You know, I should start rating you, too. Just because.” He jokes. Your mind starts ringing a range of dirty thoughts.
“I’ll get a perfect score.” You say confidently. 
“Ohh-hoh? You got some tricks up your sleeve I don’t know about?” 
“You think I’m just some sort of whiny sub with occasional comebacks here and there?”
He was quiet, attempting to suppress a grin.
“You’re right.“ You say in just a barely sarcastic tone. He looked at you for a second and back at the road again. 
“I’m just a bratty sub. It’s imbued in my personality.” You say, cupping your cheek.
“You’re too funny.” He smirked. “You’ve got all night to prove yourself to me, cutie.” 
“I’d like to go to bed before midnight if that’s alright with you.” You say sarcastically.
“You know that’s not happening right?” 
“Because you start your day with a crackhead cup of coffee? I figured as much.” You say, leaning your elbow on the car door. He let out a toothy laugh, glasses slipping down his nose a bit. 
“This is why I like you.” 
Less than 20 minutes later, you both were in his apartment. You took off your shoes and hung your jacket besides his on the coat rack. After washing your hands together like some parent and child over the sink, you flopped on the familiar suede coach, letting out a sigh. 
“Ughhh, I’m so tired.” You say, staring at the ceiling. You had pictured yourself being at home catching up on one of your shows or reading a good book. Instead here you were in his living room making sheep eyes at him as he grabbed his remote. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” He said, flipping through his streaming services. When he heard that you didn’t answer, he turned his gaze towards you. 
“You and I both know you don’t want to watch a movie.”
He smirks before sitting on the coach beside you. 
“No, I don’t.” He chuckles honestly. He wanted to ravish you, but he figured you might want to save the sex for later. He slipped off his glasses and put them on the coffee table.
“But knowing someone’s favorite movies gives you a lot of insight on who they are.” He adds.
“You’re a lot deeper than you like to let on.” You say, shifting your body closer towards his and pressing your breasts against his arm.
“(Favorite movie).” You say, earning a raised brow from him.
“8/10.” He says.
“It’s a 10/10 movie.” You retort. 
“Your review is sitting at 8/10, until further notice.” 
“There are plentiful ways to improve said review.” He says, pretending to look at his finger nails. You bury a laugh into his shoulder, before speaking.
“I missed you a lot.” You say quietly after your laughter subsides, nuzzling your head against him. He hums deeply.
“Then why don’t you show me how much you missed me?”
You look up at him, lips curling into a smile. You give him an ‘okay’ before throwing one of your legs over his lap, straddling him on the couch. He let out a grunt, not expecting you to eagerly pounce on top of him. He instinctively places his hands on your waist. You take hold of his jaw in your hands before kissing him. You could feel his throat growl against your hand, sending the vibrations throughout your body. You used your free hand to cradle the back of head, deepening the kiss. His strong arms wrapped around your body as he let out a barely audible moan.
You pulled his lip into your mouth, sucking for a second and letting go, shooting him a seductive smile.
“Did that do the trick?” You ask, wiping a bit of the wetness from your mouth with a single finger.
“I think I need a little more.” His azure eyes were begging for your mouth but he somehow still felt like the dominant one underneath you.
You comply, dipping your head back down, pressing your wet lips to his. You connect tongues and he eagerly welcomed it. You couldn’t help but hum against his mouth. He was giving you that feeling in your core again. You instinctively grinded your hips against his crotch. You wanted more friction, regretting wearing jeans in that moment. His large hot hands travel under your shirt, caressing your bare back skin. You felt him teasing at your bra while your tongue was at work in his mouth.
“Stop fiddling with it and take it off if you want to.” You say, anxiously. 
“I have to undress you? This may affect your score.” He puts a finger to his chin, smiling smugly.
“Fine,” you roll your eyes before taking off your shirt right in front of him, giving him a show. 
“That’s what I like to see.”
You dive towards his lips again, pressing your breasts against him. It didn’t take long for you to start caressing the back of his head as you kissed him. You missed the smooth feeling of his undercut against your finger tips. You took hold of one of his hands and placed it on one of your padded breasts, urging him to massage you. As he squeezed your mounds you could feel his length begin to protrude and stab at your crotch. 
“That didn’t take long.” You pull away, watching a stream of saliva fall from both your lips.
“I’ve been hard since before dinner.” He says nonchalantly. You raise an eyebrow in response. You get up from on top of him, and strip yourself of your jeans. He leans back on the sofa, spreading his arms across the top length and eyeing your body from head to toe.
“I’m going to spoil you this time.” You say, bringing yourself to your knees between his legs. 
“I’ve been wanting to see you on your knees like this for a while now.” He has his lips between his teeth as he watches you.
“So you’re admitting to fantasizing about me?” You trace your fingers up his legs and along his thighs.
“You don’t wanna know the thoughts I’ve been having about you.” 
There he goes again, saying things to burn your cheeks in the heat of the moment. 
“And if I do?”
“Oh, I’ll do it all eventually. You’ll experience everything I have in mind for you in due time.”
You could feel your underwear getting soaked from his words. No matter, you went for his belt and he was glad to watch you unbuckle it. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his hot length out. You gripped the base with your hands, before gulping. You really had forgotten how big he was. He looked down at you so cockily, you felt a wave of irritancy come over you as he spoke.
“I know,” was all he said.
“Shut up.” You said, wrapping the tip of his length with your hot mouth. You used your tongue to swirl around it, adding some delicate suction. You tucked some hair behind your ears before taking it deeper. Your mouth felt so full. You hoped you were able to satisfy him despite his longer member. When you felt him shift his legs, you panned your gaze to his eyes. 
Oh, you got him good. You spat more onto his length, stroking it while you paid extra attention to the top with your tongue. 
“Oooo...” He moaned through his teeth, lips vibrating with pleasure. 
“You look so pretty with your mouth around my dick like that.” He moaned. He was getting anxious, and heat began to crowd his body. He removed his shirt and tossed it to the side. He brought a hand to caress your head lightly while you sucked. His body really was gorgeous- perfect actually. In every way. 
You held his blue gaze with yours. You could feel his legs shaking a bit. He was throbbing and twitching in your mouth. Little did he know, you weren’t going to allow him the sweet release he was approaching. You were aching to sit on it like last time. You could feel yourself nearly leaking out of your panties. His cursing and sweet low moans were fueling your cunt in an entirely different way than you were used to.
You release him from your mouth, making a popping noise. You stand before him, glinting seductively. He could’ve yanked you down and fucked you right there.
“You’re not going to cum just yet.” You say, slipping off your underwear and straddling him. 
“Oh really?” He rested his arms back, watching you hover above his length. 
“You wanna sit on it so bad, don’t you? Well go ahead, I’m not stopping you.”
His words made your knees weak, but you were still a bit bugged by him. You were intent on fucking him this time and making him call out your name. Out of spite, (and possibly overwhelming lust) you slid your raw, wet sex onto his length. His eyes widened, letting out a soft groan.
“You sure about that?” He asked through gritted teeth. “Because I might not pull out.” 
“I’m on the pill. I’m not that reckless.” You explain. You tried your best to be still for a moment, still getting used to his size. You used this opportunity to unhook your bra and toss it across the couch. He had been fantasizing about feeling your slippery pussy on his length without any rubber in the way. He didn’t think you’d be so gracious so soon.
“You really are spoiling me.” He said, biting down on his lip as he stared at your breasts.
You smile at him before raising your ass up, and slamming it down on his length. You were enjoying him looking like this.
“Oh God,” he mouthed, gripping your waist. You found yourself in a smooth rhythm, rocking back and fourth. You pressed your lips against his while you bounced and grinded on it, pouring your tongue in his mouth. Your hands were in his hair, rubbing his chest. His and your sweet moans filled the living space. The way his shaft curved and repeatedly hit your deepest spot was incredible. He truly felt the best. 
As your mouths departed, you watched a stream of saliva continue to connect your lips before completely dribbling down his chin. You raked your hands towards the hair on the back of his head, pulling his head backwards and exposing his neck to your lips. You sucked on the soft skin on his neck and underneath his ears while you bounced expeditiously onto him.
“Shit...” He said through gritted teeth. “Fuck... how are you this wet?”
You only hum into his ears with satisfaction before riding harder onto him.
“Ah..hah...” He breathed out, digging his fingers into your hips.
Suddenly, without warning, he wraps his strong arms around you, holding you in place. He starts thrusting into you from underneath, making you panic.
“You’re... deliberately... sabotaging.. m-my score.” You stutter and squeak, unable to do much but take it.
“Oh no, you gave me a good show sweetie, but now it’s my turn.” 
The glint in his eyes was menacing as he battered you from beneath. Your moans were incoherent, and you felt yourself falling apart as you leant forward over his shoulder. 
“Whose my pretty, sweet girl?” You found yourself submitting yet again. Your knees were getting weak anyway, you weren’t going to be able to ride it for much longer if he hadn’t done this.
“I... I-I am.” You say into the crook of his neck. So much for dominating him.
“I feel you squeezing around me. You love my dick that much?” You nodded weakly against him. Your insides were turning into jello. 
“What was that? Speak up or I’ll stop. I wanna hear you tell me how much you love it.”
He really knew how to get you going, igniting another fire within you. You finally find the strength to use your body again and start grinding against it while he thrusts, finding his rhythm. You throw your head back, completely immersing yourself into his sex.
“I-I love it so much, Satoru, I love it.” You were surprised the words fell from your lips. Normally you were shy to say such things when asked to. He had your head clouded and submerged with pleasure, there wasn’t any time to think about how embarrassing it might feel. You could only focus on the feeling he gave you.
You were pretty much splashing onto his lap. You had never been this wet before- subject to the first time he sexed you.
“Such a perfect view.”  He watched your breasts bounce for a brief moment before pulling one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking generously. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, working away at your core.
“Now don’t be shy, cum for me just like the last time.”
He knew you couldn’t hold it any longer, feeling you clench yourself around him. You called out his name, feeling nothing but ecstasy as you came onto him. You nearly fell limp above his body, panting loudly. He leans forward, picking himself and you off the sofa. He placed you down, before hovering over you.
“I’m sorry but I’m not done yet, darling.” Your eyes are glazing back at him, feeling overwhelmed with pleasure. You knew he wasn’t done with you either.
“Can you handle anymore?” He asks, pushing his hair back as he looked down at you.
“Mhmm.” You hum. 
“Let me warm you up again. Can you get on your knees for me, baby?” He said, patting the couch. You couldn’t help but do it simply because it was him asking you to. You sat up, weakly positioning yourself onto your knees, resting your upper body against the head of the couch.
“Like this?” You ask.
“Mhmm, just like that.” He knelt down behind you. “Spread your legs a bit.”
You felt a bit self conscious. You attempted to look back at him before feeling his hot tongue connect with your clit. 
“Oh...” you moan, sort of surprised. He laughs against your sex a bit before putting his entire mouth over your clit. He takes both of your ass cheeks with his hands and spreads them wider, eating you deeper. You feel his tongue poke your entrance repeatedly, licking up what was left of your orgasm. You grip the railing of the couch, letting out the softest moan.
You felt him pull away and hover above your body. He put two fingers in his mouth before pulling them out, followed by another popping noise. He dipped those fingers into you, making your back arch. Your hips followed his fingers as he curled them inside you. You shamelessly rocked against his hands, earning a small laugh from him.
He tore his fingers from your cunt as you turned around and watched him suck and pass his tongue over them.
“You ready for it again?” He asks, sliding with raw member against your soaking cunt. You hum, pushing yourself against him, anxiously trying to get him to penetrate you.
“I love it when you start begging like that.” He says, sliding into you. “It makes it so hard for me to deny you.”
You grip the cushions, bracing yourself for the impact of him thrusting into you. He grips your hips firmly with his large hands as he fucks you senseless. All you could hear was the sound of your wet sex in the living room as you moaned brokenly. Him fucking you over the couch like this definitely hit different.
“F-fuck.... more...hard..der...” you panted while he jolted himself into your body repeatedly. 
“Hmmm?” Almost agitated, you look back at him.
“Harder,” you say firmly, demanding to be fucked.
“Ooo~” He grinned. “So assertive.”
He took hold of both your forearms, pinning them against your lower back with a single hand. His other arm pulled your body up, pressing your back against his bare chest. His large free hand cradled your neck and jaw as you leant your head back on his shoulders,
“Now ask me again- nicely.” You barely had to support your own body with the way he was dominating you like this.
“P-please fuck me harder.” You ask, your throat humming against his hand.
He let out a breathy chuckle, before fucking you harder just like you wanted. Being this close against his heated skin was it’s own kind of pleasure.
“Now was that so hard?” 
You were so wet, your juices began spilling down the insides of your thighs as he fucked you. You were nearing your end, limbs feeling gummy. One of his fingers had been resting above your lips because of how he held you. You opened your mouth while you moaned against it, slicking it with your tongue.
“You’re gonna make me cum, doing hot shit like that.” He said muttered against your ear, it was enough to send your throbbing center over the edge. You could feel him thrusting quicker- sloppier, as you spilled yourself onto his length. He let go of your body, instead now holding you by the bends of your arms. He pounded harder into you, stimulating you well past your orgasm and approaching his own.
He groaned loudly, and you were so dazed you barely heard him say your name while he did it. He let go of your arms, allowing you to finally collapse over the head of the couch. He removed his twitching member from your slimey cunt, shooting his fluids onto your ass. He came so much you could feel it running down your legs and onto the cushions.
“Fuck,” he stumbled back a bit. “Don’t move. Let me go get you something.”
You could’ve laughed at the slight panic in his voice when he said that.
He disappeared for a few moments before returning with a t-shirt and a hot towel for you, wiping you clean himself. 
“I was caught up in the moment and wanted to be extra cautious.” 
“You could’ve came inside me. I said I didn’t mind.” You say, laying back on the couch.
“You’re pretty ballsy.” He chuckled.
“I tend to get lost in the moment,” you say, putting on the shirt he gave you. “And I have my own clothes this time.”
“I know, but there’s just something about watching you move about in mine.” He says, laying down and motioning you to come towards him. You crawl up between his legs before laying on top of him. He wraps his arms around you tightly, snuggling you between his legs.
“I take this means my score was decent?” You say, looking up at him.
“Oh that. Let’s see...” he pondered. “A 10/10 for the oral. 10/10 for endurance. As you can see, I’m not as high maintenance as you.”
“I’m not high maintenance, you said you were the best so I-
“And aren’t I?” 
“That’s besides the point. It was to be proven and I needed to humble you.”
“No, because now, I wanna hear you say it.” 
“Say what?” You ask.
“That I’m the best.”
“And gluttonize your ego? I think not.” You say, pressing your lips to his. “Besides, you already know much I like it.”
“Yeah but hearing you say it adds the extra spice.”
You let out sigh, before looking into his eyes.
“Gojo Satoru is, in fact, the best I’ve ever had.”
“Mhmmm, like candy- but for the ears.” 
“Shut up.” You laugh, pressing another soft kiss to his lips.
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can I ask a prompt with some ppl giving pregnant catra a hard time? (is it still okay for pregnant catra? if not then it's okay too)
Vomiting TW
Time didn’t heal all wounds.
Catra was aware of it, and she didn’t take it personally when people glared at her or made comments. She drew the line at people trying to physically hurt her, but usually at that point Adora was between her and whoever was taking a swing, and she didn’t have to worry too much.
Even ten years later, Salineas was still the worst place to go. The kingdom had recovered nicely (due in no small part to the hours of sleep Catra had sacrificed to rebuild it), but memories lasted.
Mermista’s word trumped all feelings, though, so when Catra was invited to Salineas, no one could really protest.
“I’m still not sure why we couldn’t teleport,” Glimmer grumbled. “Pretty sure the boat is worse for Catra.”
It absolutely was. Catra had spent most of the journey leaning over the edge, or resting limply against it while Melog tried to comfort her. “Are you sure she’s okay?” Bow added, raising an eyebrow as he looked at her. Adora rubbed the back of her head nervously.
“Yeah. Yeah, of course I’m sure. I’m just... going to go check on her.”
She scrambled across the deck, joining Catra, who was starting to look a little green. “Maybe we should’ve just let Glimmer teleport us,” she said uncertainly. Catra shook her head furiously.
“No. No magic around the baby. Not like that.”
“Then can we at least tell Glimmer and Bow why? They’re worried.”
Catra raised her head to look blearily at their friends, who weren’t even trying to pretend they weren’t staring. “Maybe later,” she mumbled, dropping her head back against the edge. “If I survive this trip.”
They hadn’t told anyone outside of Mystacor they were trying to have a baby, and they hadn’t told anyone when they’d found out last week that Catra was pregnant. They were going to, but she was only six weeks, and they wanted to just wait a little longer, to be absolutely sure. They didn’t need pity if anything went wrong.
“We’re almost there. Just take a deep breath.”
Catra did as she was told - then groaned when the smell of salt water hit her sensitive nose. “Bad idea,” she groaned, leaning over the edge again. Adora rubbed her back pityingly.
It was a relief to finally dock, even if it took Catra an extra few minutes to collect herself and get up. They weren’t that far from the palace, but Glimmer still offered to teleport. “Nope,” Catra said, squaring her shoulders. She was not going to spend the rest of the night locked in the bathroom.
She felt a little better by the time they arrived at the ball room. It was Mermista’s birthday, which was pretty much the event of the season in Salineas. Catra was sure she would have reluctantly accepted if Catra had played sick to stay in Bright Moon, but... who was she to turn up some of the best sea food in the kingdom?
“Yeesh, I figured you guys would get here first,” a dry voice said as they walked into the already crowded room. They looked at Mermista, who was watching them with a dry smile and a raised eyebrow.
“Happy birthday!” Bow and Glimmer hugged her tight.
“Catra insisted on not teleporting for some reason so we had to take a boat-”
“What, was two hours of being sea sick better?”
“A little fresh air never killed anyone,” Catra said dismissively. Mermista rolled her eyes.
Catra went straight for the food table, dragging Adora with her. “Well at least you’re feeling better,” Adora teased, squeezing Catra’s hand.
“Oh shut up-”
Every time, without fail. Catra rolled her eyes, sighing, as Adora was waylaid by several admirers. She wasn’t about to wait - she was starving. And the baby was demanding shrimp.
And she wasn’t alone for long. Scorpia and Perfuma were already at the table, talking and snacking. “Hey Wildcat!” Scorpia said happily, scooping Catra into a hug. She winced, but smiled, patting Scorpia’s back.
“Hi Scorpia. You mind? I’m dying.”
Scorpia set her down, letting her get to the table at last so she could eat. “How was your trip?” Perfuma asked. “Bow mentioned you were taking a boat.”
“Yeah, enjoying the sights, you know.”
“Did you develop some love for the ocean?” Scorpia asked doubtfully. She’d seen Catra on boats a couple times. It never went well.
“I mean...”
Her attention was torn between Scorpia and Perfuma and the food, not to mention the din of the party. She had almost no warning before a rough hand grabbed the back of her shirt, throwing her to the ground. She landed hard, head snapping back with a crack. The world went blurry for a minute.
“-tra? ...okay?”
Perfuma’s voice drifted in and out. Catra grimaced, blinking a few times to clear her vision. Perfuma was kneeling beside her, trying to help her sit up, while Scorpia held Adora back from punching out the chef who had decided it was a crime for Catra to be enjoying herself in the kingdom she had destroyed. She sat up, grimacing, one arm crossing her stomach. Six weeks. She wasn’t fragile by any means, not like she would be in about six months, but that didn’t mean she could just be pushed around and thrown into floors, either.
Mermista’s voice reverberated in Catra’s head. The princess cut through the crowd that had gathered, furious. “Adora, stop trying to murder my chef and take care of your wife. Sea Hawk, put him in cell.” The chef started to protest. “You don’t think you get to assault someone at my party and get away with it, do you?”
Sea Hawk appeared to take the chef away; there was no further protest. Adora knelt on Catra’s other side, gently sliding an arm across her back to support her. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Catra took a few deep breaths. Her head hurt, but she was fine. The baby was probably fine. It wasn’t even really a baby at this point, just a bunch of magically bound cells trying to make a baby, it would suck if something happened, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. It wasn’t like Catra hadn’t already taken to talking to her stomach when she was alone, or poking it experimentally, thrilled about the little life growing inside, or-
“Catra? Catra, hey.”
She was shaking, her breath coming a bit too fast. Adora had a hand on her cheek, trying to get her attention. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Does something-”
The world turned over in a sickeningly familiar way. Catra pressed her face into Adora’s shoulder, groaning, as soon as they were settled wherever Glimmer had taken them.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to get you both out of there.” Glimmer sounded nervous. Catra wanted to look at her, but her eyes were still squeezed shut and she had no intention of opening them. “I’ll... I’ll be right back.”
She teleported away. “There’s a bed,” Adora said quietly. “Do you feel okay moving?”
“Sure,” Catra muttered through gritted teeth. That turned out to be a lie; she forced her eyes open as she was moved, and the world was spinning. Nope. “Adora-”
A small trash bin was forced into her hands before she could finish the sentence. And of course Glimmer chose that moment to return with Bow, Scorpia, Perfuma, and Mermista.
“Should... I get a doctor or something?”
Adora rubbed Catra’s back as she heaved. “No... maybe? I’d rather take her to Mystacor-”
“For a head injury?”
Catra cracked an eye open to look at Adora, who was watching her uncertainly. She nodded miserably, returning her attention to breathing and trying not to freak out. So much for keeping it to themselves.
“Well, she’s um... she’s pregnant, actually.”
Dead silence followed the words.
“I’ll kill him,” Glimmer declared.
“I’ll help.” That was Scorpia, surprisingly.
“Okay, okay,” Bow cut in. “Maybe murder isn’t the right idea...”
“Let’s not out-rule it completely,” Mermista said darkly.
“It’s probably fine,” Catra mumbled, setting the trash bin aside. “I’ve been sick for like, two weeks, this isn’t exactly a new development.”
“Seeing a healer might still be a good idea,” Perfuma pointed out. “When you’re ready to move.”
“Is this why you didn’t want to teleport?” Glimmer asked. Catra ducked her head, refusing to answer. “Why don’t I go to Mystacor and get someone, and if they  say you’re okay, I can take you home - that has to be better than suffering on the boat.”
“I didn’t think the boat would be that bad.” Catra sighed. “You guys don’t have to stand there and stare at me. Go back to the party - I mean, yes, get a healer first.” She’d feel better just confirming that everything was okay. “But it’s stupid to stand around staring at me.”
“It’s not stupid to want to make sure you’re all right,” Bow said. “And what about our future niece or nephew?”
“Why don’t you stay, Glimmer goes to Mystacor, and the rest of us can go back downstairs,” Perfuma suggested. She had spent enough time with Catra to know when she was starting to get overwhelmed. Scorpia started to protest, but stopped when Perfuma placed a hand on her claw.
“I’ll send up a staff member in case you need anything,” Mermista compromised. Catra nodded, since it didn’t seem like she had much of a choice. She knew her friends cared, though.
Everyone left, and Bow immediately joined them on the bed. “I didn’t know you guys were trying to have a baby.” He was doing a very good job at restraining his excitement and not shouting. “How far along are you? Do you have thoughts about names?” He gasped. “Will they have little cat ears?”
Catra smiled slightly, dropping her head to rest on Adora’s shoulder and letting Adora handle the questions. She knew her wife had been dying to talk about the baby with someone besides Catra, and it was nice to listen to their excited chatter fill the silence.
(Everything was in fact fine, save for the slight head injury, and the healer assured them that it was perfectly safe to teleport with Glimmer. Catra vehemently disagreed with that last part, but that was an on-going debate.)
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givemethatgold · 3 years
Fix’er Upper - Part Twelve
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader Warnings: Mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of drug use, fluff, smidge of angst? Length: 1.7k Notes: Managed to whip up this bad boy during a quiet moment today and should probably make y’all wait for it but I don’t really do posting schedules (as you’ve noticed) so enjoy. Not beta’d, not proof read, I’ll die on this messy hill.
Series Masterlist
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Surprisingly, life didn't change too much after that night. Frankie continued to run his acreage and oversee the making of this year's cider. With some encouragement and support from you, he was starting to expand the business and already had a few pubs in the closest city clamouring to have his product on tap.
Meanwhile, the improvements on the house were nearing an end, for the indoors list anyways. The first thing Frankie had helped you do was to install your new soaker tub, immediately followed by christening it by making soft, slow love to you inside of it.
There hadn't even been any water, your impatience to be close to each other wouldn't allow for that. You had just stripped out of your coveralls, convenient work-wear for people who fucked like rabbits you had to admit, and sat in his lap with your arms and legs wrapped around him. His hands guiding your hips in a slow rocking motion, breathing each other's air as your open mouths hovered in a not-quite kiss, only breaking eye contact when you threw your head back as you came.
Autumn passed quickly and Winter had gripped Vermont, cloaking the countryside in a heavy blanket of white. Christmas was a cozy affair, you and Frankie had been asked to join Jacquie and Mark in their family's merriment. It had stirred something inside of you, watching a functional family laugh, sing, argue, eat, and love with such abandon. 
It was everything you'd dreamt, initially, for your future with Brad. Now? Now you were starting to picture that future with Frankie's face as the patriarch, you just haven't built up the nerve to broach the subject yet. 
You'd started working at the bakery, enjoying the early mornings surrounded by rising dough and sculling back coffees with the adorable older ladies who ran the place. You'd also begun doing the books for Morales Acres and Catfish Brewery. Frankie was a veritable genius but he claimed he had no patience for keeping receipts and tracking numbers.
You had a sneaking suspicion he was playing dumb in an effort to give you more time together but you really didn't mind. Your break-of-dawn mornings at the bakery had you tired, but after a full day of renovating or bookkeeping, you were downright exhausted and ready for bed by eight pm. This, mixed with Frankie monitoring the brewing, bottling, and distribution of his cider and networking at bars and pubs throughout the state meant the two of you rarely saw each other.
All of your hard work in your own house had made you a popular friend to call when someone needed decorating advice, or a helping hand once they realized they couldn't tile their kitchen backsplash solo. You never charged for your time, although payment had initially been offered until work had got around that you preferred a good meal and conversation over money. I mean, sure, you could use the cash but it just didn't seem right. And you loved helping people and making deeper connections with the town you now truly felt you belonged in.
Tuesday evenings had become an unofficial date night for the two of you. The bakery was closed on Wednesdays and bar owners tended to be less interested in business halfway through the week, something to do with the rush of the previous weekend having worn off and the worry of setting up for another one starting to grow.
This meant you could stay up late, enjoy a proper homemade dinner, maybe even watch a movie or share a bottle of wine while soaking in your big ass tub. It usually ended as a sleepover, your house being the preferred location; Frankie's loft was perfectly fine but it did lack a certain homey appeal.
This pattern, this life, that you'd created for yourself was making you happier than you'd ever been in your entire life. You weren't one hundred percent content, not yet anyway, but the path to getting there was on a direct trajectory. You still wanted to finish your college degree, maybe switch it over to horticulture. Building a greenhouse and selling flowers was still a pipe dream but something your heart truly longed for, something that Frankie was constantly encouraging you to do.
"Look, hun," he had called out to you a few weeks ago while supposedly researching the new line of bottles. "There's an auction next county over and they have all this confiscated stuff from a grow op that got busted!"
"What?" You'd made a face and laughed at the absurdity of it all. "What on earth would you use from a pot farm?"
He just gave you a salacious wink as an answer.
Frankie had been open about his past drug abuse and while some recovering addicts may want all mention of it banned from a conversation, Frankie found levity in treating the topic like any other person would.
It had taken you a couple of hours to realize why he'd brought up the auction. It had hit you with a jolt, knowing that he’d remembered your rambling from on top of the Ferris wheel. You didn't realize he'd been listening when you'd told him about your idea of taking over the flower stand at the market once the current couple retired.
Your heart had swelled and there was a concerted effort to prevent the sudden onset of tears from running down your face. God, you loved this man, maybe one of these days you should tell him...
This particular routine was working well for the two of you. It gave each of you your own space to relax, destress, enjoy the shitty tv shows you were too embarrassed to watch in front of another living person. It also forced the two of you to take your relationship slowly, communication being a constant learning curve. You were both really good and telling each other when you needed time alone, when you were feeling stressed or sad. You each had learned the tells for when the other was angry or just hungry, if it was hormones or if there was something that was actually pissing you off.
The thing you each seemed to struggle with was expressing the softer side of the relationship. Neither of you appeared to have the Words of Affirmation love language skill, yet you both craved to hear it. You showed how much you cared for Frankie with your acts of service; helping him with the boring side of the business, baking, deep cleaning the loft, even scrubbing out the massive fermenter in the Catfish Cider warehouse.
Frankie, on the other hand, showed his love through physical touch. At first, you had assumed it was a staking-his-claim kind of thing but then you noticed how he'd do it all the time. A hand on your lower back while walking, caressing your hand with his thumb when driving in the truck, carding his fingers through your hair while you watched tv.
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This week's date night found you at his place, relaxing in the loft after a busy workday. You were making dinner while he 'helped' by sneaking bites of the prepped ingredients, arm slung around you with a hand in your back pocket.
"What're you looking for?" He asked, taking advantage of your distracted searching through his cupboards to sneak a few more pinches of grated cheese.
"A can opener!" You replied, exasperation raising your voice an octave. "I could have sworn I saw a white one around here somewhere..."
“No, pretty sure that one's yours. I don't think I have one?"
"Frankie," you deadpanned "how did you survive as a bachelor without canned food?"
"I ate a lot of take-out?" He looked indignant at your laughter, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Can you stop judging me long enough to eat some burritos?"
Smoothing his playful scowl with a kiss, you sat down at the counter and enjoyed your first meal together of the week.
An idea was formulating in the back of your mind, though, and you barely tasted anything. As the evening progressed, the idea grew and you were liking it more and more. The final straw was you not having a toothbrush in his bathroom anymore, having forgotten that it had fallen off the counter and into the trashcan the last time you'd spent the night.
Using his, with a strange mixture of distaste and nonchalance, before making your way over to the bed, you began to plan how the conversation could go:
Hey Frankie, so you know how I have a big house all to myself? Yeah... And it had everything we need in it? Yeah... And there's more than enough room for two adults to store all of their things? Yeah... And I wouldn't have to use your toothbrush ever again? Yea- wait what? I think you should move in with me.
It wasn't very romantic but it was the most likely, considering your dynamic. Just as you were crawling into bed and snuggling under the arm he'd raised to allow you to get closer, his cell phone rang.
"Hello? - This is he. - Yeah, biological. - Oh god, when?"
The immediate change in his tone from questioning to horrified caught your attention, sitting up to face him you grabbed his free hand, silently letting him know you were there for support.
His eyes were out of focus and a panicked expression was slowly morphing his face as the conversation went on, but he gave your hand a squeeze back in acknowledgement.
"Yes, in Vermont. Do you have my address? - Okay, good, good...okay - When? - I'll have something ready. Umm... does she... does she remember me? - Oh. Okay, thank you."
Slowly lowering the phone from his ear, Frankie sat staring into nothingness for what felt like hours. His side of the conversation and the way he was reacting had you rattled. You could guess as to what was happening but weren't sure if now was the right time to pry.
"Babe? Is, is everything okay?"
Gripping his hand tighter and rubbing his back you sat with him for a few more minutes before trying again. You didn’t want to push him but your heart was constricting in your chest from nervousness and concern for him.
"Can I get you anything? What do you need?"
His hand was now completely dead in yours; eventually, he turned his head towards you, eyes never fully focusing, and shook his head.
"I- she- fuck... I think you should go.”
Part Thirteen
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
you belong with me
Day 11, story #1 is by @accio-broom
Title: you belong with me Author/Artist: accio-broom Pairing: Arthur Weasley / Molly Prewett Prompt:  Soulmate AU Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): None, unless Arthur Weasley trying to enjoy his birthday offends you.
When Arthur Weasley woke on the morning of the 6th February, nothing was out of the ordinary. He took his time, easing out of sleep like a man with nothing to do. He stretched out his body with a loud yawn, then pulled back the curtains of the four-poster bed, ignoring the attack of the winter air that filled the dorm room.
He was going to have a perfect day.
Wiggling his toes on the plush rug next to his bed, he greeted his fellow dorm mates.
“Morning, Ry.” Arthur tipped his head towards the Gryffindor on the bed opposite him. “How’s it hanging?”
Ryan was not a morning person, and he grumbled at Arthur before snuggling further under the duvet. Arthur chuckled and joined in the conversation about the latest Quidditch scores, trying his best to not lament too long on the disappointing Cannons scores. He gathered his wash bag, and made sure he had clean briefs with his uniform, then waved a cheery goodbye as he wandered off to the bathroom, whistling as he moved.
Today was Arthur Weasley’s birthday, and the day he came of age, although the notion was rather peculiar to him. He didn’t feel all that more responsible than he did yesterday, but according to Wizarding Law, he could now leave school, get a real job and get married, should he wish.
He scoffed as the thought of getting married flitted into his head, disappearing as quickly as it came. That would mean actually landing himself a girlfriend, something he hadn’t yet achieved during his six years at Hogwarts. He hadn’t even come close.
As he showered, Arthur mapped out his day in his head. If it all went to plan, he’d enjoy a big breakfast with the rest of his school friends. His classes today were straight forward—double Muggle Studies this morning, then Potions this afternoon. Between these would be lunch, and a free period, where hopefully, he’d be able to go for a fly, if the weather was okay.
If he survived the day, then he and his friends were planning a night of wizard chess, birthday cake and butterbeer, which hopefully Ryan was going to sneak from the kitchens for them.
Shower done, he dried himself off in front of one of the mirrors. As he did, he examined his body. He didn’t look any older than yesterday, there were no new lines or hairs on his body. He was still the same gangly lad with violent red hair and far too many freckles to count.
Arthur settled his glasses on his face, then loosened his towel. Without warning, a soft femine voice filled his head, taking him by surprise.
Merlin, I hate red hair.
Tightening the towel around his waist, he looked around the bathroom for the source of the sound. 
“H-hello?” he called out, but the only reply came from the echo of his greeting bouncing off the tiles. “I-is anyone there?”
I wish I were blonde or a brunette—anything but this. Nobody fancies redheads. 
His heart pounding, he checked all the nooks and crannies in the room, only to find that he was the only one there. The tips of his ears turned bright pink as he turned his attention back to his reflection. Dark circles sat under his eyes, and a frown covered his face. He was tired. It was the only explanation for the voice that was still filling Arthur’s ears with insecurities. There had been a few late nights in the library recently, as well as some early morning Quidditch practices. They must be catching up on him.
He’s no spring chicken, after all.
Hurriedly pulling on his uniform, he combed his hair then carried on whistling, hoping to block out the now persistent voice in his head.
The girl’s commentary didn’t stop whilst Arthur ate his breakfast. It filled his ears, dragging his shoulders down with negative thoughts and observations.
Everything is so greasy here, the voice wailed. No wonder I’m putting on weight. I’ll get spots if I carry on eating like this. I wish Mary wouldn’t wear so much perfume. It makes me feel sick.
The negativity depressed Arthur and was the last thing he needed on his birthday. He’d hoped for a nice day, full of presents, and easy lessons and time spent with his friends, but instead, Negative Nancy was ruining his time. He didn’t even fancy opening his gifts, which had been delivered by owl mail just as he sat down for breakfast.
Glancing down the table, he tried to work out the source of the interference in his brain, but the Gryffindor table was full of people, and conversations flew around them from every angle. He sniffed, wondering if Mary’s perfume could lead him in the right direction, but all he could smell was baked beans.
With a sigh, he shoved his second sausage into his mouth, letting the taste of his favourite breakfast food cheer him up, even if it was only a little bit.
Muggle studies was Arthur’s favourite topic, but he found it hard to concentrate as his head filled with arithmancy. He hated the subject, there was a reason he didn’t choose to continue the subject after their O.W.L.’s, so it irritated him greatly that the thoughts were disrupting learning more about muggle bridges. They were such beautiful contraptions, too.
Lunch was just as bad. Although the voice was annoying, Arthur was starting to get used to it. However, what was infuriating him was how familiar the voice sounded, yet he couldn’t work out who it belonged to. Whenever it filled his mind, it brought warm feelings and stirred something new deep inside his belly. Whatever was happening to him, he felt awkward that he was getting a very up close and personal look into someone else’s thoughts. Throughout the morning, he’d experienced such a vast range of emotions, and he felt like he might explode.
His birthday was going downhill rapidly.
By the time Potions came around, Arthur was exhausted. He arrived at class before the rest of his peers, and as soon as he settled into his usual seat, he folded his arms and rested his head on them. He was about to drop off to sleep when…
“Good afternoon, Arthur. Are you enjoying your birthday?”
Arthur’s ears pricked up. It was the same damn voice he’d been hearing all day, but this time it was loud and happening outside his head. Peeking over his arms, he watched as Molly Prewett sat down next to him and gave him a warm smile.
It was her, the voice inside his head. How had he not realised this before now?
Although he and Molly weren’t best friends, she had been his potions partner since their first year, and they often found themselves sharing a table in the library late at night. Could she hear his thoughts the same way he could listen to hers? Or was this all one-sided?
“Oh, yes, it’s fine,” he said, finally lifting his head from the desk. “Perfectly spiffing.”
Perfectly spiffing? He’s never spoken like that before, and definitely not to Molly Prewett. He usually chooses his words carefully around her, not wanting to look like an imbecile.
She giggled, and Arthur goggled at her. Was she only laughing at his choice of words, or was his internal commentary amusing her. His pulse started to quicken. There had been many thoughts throughout the day, some that would mortify him if anyone else heard.
Arthur checked on Slughorn, who was distracted writing today’s recipe on the board. Summoning the courage, Arthur took a deep breath then reached out with his mind. He crossed all his fingers and toes that this would work as he thought hard.
“Hello? Molly?”
All of a sudden, Molly sat upright in her seat. Her face turned towards him, and even through the smoke from their cauldron, Arthur could see that her eyes were wide, and her jaw was almost reaching the desk.
“Arthur? Oh Merlin, is that really you? Is it your voice I’ve heard all day?”
“Yes? I mean, I think so. I’ve been hearing your voice since I woke up, and I was curious to see if you could hear the same.”
A red blush crept from Molly’s neck and onto her cheeks, and Arthur was sure it wasn’t from their cauldron or the heat of the dungeons.
“How much did you hear?” Molly averted her gaze from him.
Arthur paused, weighing up his options. Should he lie and protect Molly from inevitable humiliation? Or should he tell her the truth? It was a difficult choice, and both came with a list of pros and cons. But Arthur wasn’t a dishonest man, and if this problem continued for much longer, Molly deserved to know what she was exposing him to.
Plus, if she was experiencing it too, then she probably had a good idea of what he’d heard.
Reaching a decision, he flexed his mind again. “All of it. I’m sorry, Molly. I tried my best to ignore it all, but it’s all I can hear.”
“What’s going on? Do you think we should go and see Madam Pomfrey?”
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle. The mind-reading was not an illness or spell damage, and they hadn’t been near each other recently, save for right now. 
It’s no coincidence that this started on the morning of his seventeenth birthday, and his brothers had mentioned something similar happening to them, although at the time, Arthur put it down to them yanking his wand. They often liked to tease him, as older brothers do.
It was Percival who’d mentioned it, while they were tinkering with a Muggle car in their father’s garage last summer.
“So, this school year is going to be fun for you, Arthur,” he’d said, a smile on his face. “Coming of age, you’re allowed to go to Hogsmeade without supervision, you’ll hopefully get your apparition licence too.”
Arthur had smiled, his stomach lurching with excited nerves. “If I pass.”
Bilius had piped up. “The family record is five attempts.”
“And Dad has never grown his eyebrows back.” Percival smirked at his brothers.
Arthur joined in with the laughter, relishing getting to spend time with Percival and Bilius. Percival had married almost straight out of school, and although Bilius remained single, he was always away on secret missions for the Order of the Phoenix.
Grinning at Arthur, Pervial spoke again. “Of course, apparition isn’t the hardest thing you’ll have to deal with. If the voices start, you’re in for a treat.”
“Voices?” Arthur fumbled with his screwdriver as a frown appeared on his face.
“Yeah, don’t you know?” Percival continued, adding oil to the engine. “When Weasley men come of age, they have a special way of finding their one true love.”
“What? No, you’re making this up. This is all fairy tale nonsense, surely? Bilius hasn’t met anyone!”
“How do think Perce landed his wife so quickly?” Bilius laughed. “Wasn’t his charm or good looks, that’s for sure.”
Percival and Bilius had erupted into giggles again. The tips of Arthur’s ears burned pink. There was no way this sort of thing happened, they were just having him on. But still, the thought had appealed to him. He was so unlucky in love, that the thought of being able to automatically identify his future wife had piqued his interest for sure.
Would he be like Percival or Bilius? Only time would tell.
Arthur hadn’t thought back on that conversation since it had happened. But if what his brothers had told him was true, then there were worse women in the world to be hearing in his head. Molly was kind and pretty. He’d always had a soft spot for her, but he’d never acted on it for fear of being rejected. Now, he probably didn’t have a choice.
Taking a huge breath, he reached for Molly’s hand and squeezed it. His grip trembled but felt it pertinent for him to try and be brave, given the enormity of what they were facing. In an attempt to distract himself from her internal panic, he wet his lips before finally whispering in a low voice, 
“What do you know about soulmates?”
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Part 1 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Yoongi x reader (eventual), Yoongi x BTS, dom!Yoongi x sub!Taehyung x sub!Jungkook
Summary: One night when Yoongi is out for a moonlit stroll, he finds a girl dancing in the park all alone. When he approaches her, his whole life changes forever.
Warnings: There is some mention of mental and physical abuse in this chapter, as well as some a theme of depression and mention of self-harm.
Tags:@calling-dips-on-j-hope​, @fic-recs-by-moon​, @luvtaeha, @aretha170​, @xicanacorpse​, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711​, @channiespup, @lindsayjoy444​​ 
Part 1 | Part 2
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He was drunk. Again. This time it was worse than the others though. The other times he was drunk enough that he was tired and could not stay awake long enough to actually hurt me anymore than a couple of hits poorly aimed and a handful of harmful words thrown at me. But it was enough for me to fall further into a deep, black void that seemed to have no way out. It was inescapable. I could hear him banging and shouting to himself downstairs. I was in our room, pretending to be asleep. I rarely slept when he was around, scared of what he would do to me when I was unaware. 
That was why I slept while he was out during the day, and then would sneak out at night once I knew he was sleeping. I would go to a park nearby and just sit there and collect my thoughts. Sometimes I would let myself taste the sweet release that I got when I danced, but that was very rare. He banned me from dancing, saying it was like I was cheating on him by showing off my body to other people. And of course, I believed him. 
I guess the only good thing was that he wasn’t my soulmate. Everything was still black and white and all the shades of grey in between for me. But I just couldn’t find the courage in myself to get help to leave him. When I was in the park, I loved to listen to BTS to help myself find the courage to get through the next day. Just enough that I would want to survive. But that didn’t stop the want to die from slipping through some cracks. Small scars littered my wrists. They all looked almost silver to me, but I knew that if I could see colour, they would be red. The colour of blood. 
He laughed when he found out. Said I deserved it. Said I should do it more and maybe, just maybe, if I was lucky I would cut deep enough to end it. 
I could hear his footsteps thumping up the stairs now. I gulped and nestled under the blankets, trying to even out my breathing and slow it down to give the impression I was asleep. I almost flinched when I heard the door open, but I managed to stay still. 
“I know you’re awake.” He said, his voice dangerously calm. His footsteps grew louder until I could feel his breath fan over me. It stunk of cheap whisky and other alcohol. He scoffed. “Of course you’d ignore me. Stupid bitch!” He slapped me across the face, causing me to jolt forward and gasp in pain as red hot sparks shot across my face. I curled into a ball, protecting my face with my arms. “Worthless, good for nothing slut.” He pulled me off the bed and kicked me in the stomach, making me cry out in pain. I began to back away from him, pushing myself along the floor with my hands and feet as he walked towards me. 
My heart was pounding in my chest, my breathing erratic. I was scared. He could kill me. He lifted his foot as if he was going to stamp on my outstretched leg, but I rolled away just in time, earning myself a kick to the side. I whimpered and stumbled to my feet. I looked around for something, anything I could use as a weapon, as something to defend myself. My eyes zeroed in on a lamp. It was a gift from my mother; a metal base that had little knots of the material jutting out from the sides. I knew it was heavy. I knew that it could possibly knock him out.
I ran over to it and picked it up, yanking the plug out of the socket. He walked closer to me, scoffing. “You think you can hurt me with that?” He chuckled. “Sweet,” He began to undo the buckle of his belt and was about to pull it from its confines when I swung at him with the lamp. It was as if the gods were looking down upon me when the metal end connected with his head, knocking him out cold. 
I stared down at his unconscious body, breathing quickly. I tried to calm myself down as I grabbed my phone and shoes, quickly disabling my location services. I had to leave him. Next time, I may not be so lucky. I looked around and stuffed some clothes into a backpack, grabbed a charger and my toothbrush and ran out of the house.
I didn’t have a car. He never let me, since he was under the impression that I could get away with it. Guess he forgot I had two legs and could walk. I shivered slightly, wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to warm me up. I was only wearing a light hoodie, not realising how cold it was.
But I’d be fine. I could just huddle up underneath some of my clothes - use them as a blanket. I didn’t have any friends I could go to - he had made me get rid of them as well. I suppose it was safer for them; he could have threatened to hurt them to get me to do anything. I looked up at the sky, seeing the moon glowing a bright white light, the beauty of it making me feel calm. The moon was full and round, the streets being illuminated by the moonlight as I made my way to the little park that was my safespace.
Yoongi POV:
“No, no, no, no!” I groaned as my computer froze, the coloured pinwheel spinning around as if to mock me. I slammed my hand down on the desk in frustration, knowing that there was a good chance that all my hours of hard work on this song would be deleted. 
I pushed my chair back harshly and got up, kicking at the chair in annoyance. “Stupid thing. Can’t even work properly.” I glanced at the screen, letting a small sliver of hope through, hoping that the work had been saved and that it was still there, almost at the point of completion. My heart sunk, the screen was black. There goes eight hours or more of hard work for nothing.
I picked up my phone to check the time. It was almost midnight. There was a miriad of texts from my hyung and dongsaengs, urging me to come eat. Hobi had said he had come to get me but I clearly didn’t or wouldn’t hear him so he left. There was food for me in the fridge and Jungkook was waiting up for me. Of course he was, the boy could not sleep without knowing that everyone was in the dorm. 
All seven of us were in a relationship with each other, yet we were not soulmates since it was not allowed between people of the same sex. Stupid homophobic system. But if Kookie was waiting for me, I guess I should stop working now. The boy would force himself to stay awake, which would make him grumpy the next morning. Sometimes he acts like a baby, but who can blame him? He is the maknae after all.
My phone dinged, signalling a text for Taehyung.
Tae ❤️:
Hyung, when are you coming backkkkk? The bed is empty and I’m colddddddd. Pleaseeeee hurryyyyyyyyy
I love youuuuuu
But hurryyyyyyy
I shook my head and chuckled at Taehyung’s cuteness. I decided I would not text him back, but rather call him as I collected my stuff. I clicked on his contact name and put the phone against my ear as I shut off the computer and walked out of Genius Lab, locking the door behind me. 
“Hyung! When are you coming back?!” Tae asked as soon as he picked up the phone.
“Tae, baby. I am on my way, okay? I’m just a bit stressed though, so I may have to have even more cuddles.” I said. Even though I never showed it, I loved having and giving hugs to the members. But only behind closed doors. I could never do it in front of the cameras. It would ruin my bad boy persona. 
“Cuddles!” Tae gasped. “Yay. Hurry, please, hyung.” He pleaded, dragging out the end of the ‘please’, making me chuckle.
“I’m just getting in the car now baby boy. I’ll be back soon. Give me five minutes.” I said as I unlocked my car and got in, throwing my stuff over to the passenger seat. 
“Okay, hyung.” Tae said, smiling. I could hear it in his voice. “Oh, and hyung?”
“Yes baby?” I said as I set the phone in its holder and put it on speaker so I could start driving.
“I have a surprise for you.” He sang, giggling after. “I think you’ll like it a lot.”
“Oh, I look forward to it, baby.” I said as I reached a traffic light that was just outside the building. As I looked around, I caught a glimpse of lace stuffed by the seat. I frowned and reached over, pulling at it to get a closer look at what it was. I smiled and shook my head as I realised that it was a pair of Tae’s panties. He had obviously hidden them in here, seeing how they were strategically concealed.
Wearing lingerie was something Tae loved to do. He wore it all the time, not that any of us complained. He looked so cute, but so beautiful and breathtaking at the same time. My personal favourite was when he wore one of my oversized shirts with a pair of panties underneath, the lace framing his ass perfectly. Tae was the subbiest out of all of us, with Jimin and Jungkook a close second. Jin would sometimes sub and sometimes dom, but me, Joon and Hobi were the doms. I wondered if this is what his surprise would be.
“Oh, baby, I have something of yours.” I said.
“What is it?” Tae asked curiously. I could hear the duvet covers moving around as he shuffled on our bed. Each of us shared a room. It was me and Tae, Jimin and Hobi, and Joon, Jin and Kookie. Some nights, there would be more of us sleeping together, and some nights we would all sleep with each other. That was usually if one of us was really stressed or really upset and needed comfort from everyone. I wouldn’t need that tonight. I knew Tae would be able to cuddle away all my worries. I would be able to make it up tomorrow. I could get one of the others to help me.
“I’ll let you guess, baby. It was in my car and they are lacy.” I hinted. I heard him swallow before he took a deep breath.
“Am I in trouble?” Tae asked, his voice a lot quieter. “I’m sorry, I put them in there as a just in case, you know how you like to rip them off me.” He added quickly.
“I’m not angry at you baby boy.” I said, keeping my voice calm. “It was a nice surprise.”
“It was?” I could hear the smirk in Tae’s voice. “Then you’re going to like what I have for you here in bed... Master...”
As soon as he said this, I felt what could have been all my blood rush to my dick. “I’m almost home, baby.” I said, clearing my throat and palming myself to relieve the feeling I had. I let out quiet and breathy moan.
“Are you touching yourself, master?” Tae asked. “Are you getting your big cock nice and hard for me?”
“I want you ready for me when I get in, puppy.” I said as I pulled the car into the driveway of the apartment complex where our dorm was. 
“I’ll be waiting for you, Master.” Tae said excitedly, ending the call.
I turned off the engine of the car and sat there for a few moments, trying to calm myself down slightly. I would give him a slight punishment - he knew not to leave things in the car, no matter how arousing it would be for me, and he had also teased me slightly.
I walked into the house and spied Jungkook sat on the sofa, mindlessly flicking through the channels on the TV. So, he had waited up for me. Might as well if he wants to join in the fun with me and Tae.
“Kookie, baby.” I said, walking over to squat down in front of him. As I came into his line of vision, a bunny smile formed on his face.
“Hyungie, you’re back.” Jungkook flung his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.
“Hey, bunny.” I stroked his hair and turned my head to kiss his lips gently. “Baby, TaeTae and I are going to be having some fun in a second. Do you want to join us?”
Jungkook looked at me, his chocolate eyes sparkling. He hummed in agreement and nodded his head. “Bunny wants to help please Master and TaeTae.” He said, instantly slipping into his subspace. 
“Okay, bunny.” I said, standing up with him still wrapped around my neck. He whined when I tried to push him off so I could walk upstairs. “Do you want me to carry you?” My cute little bunny nodded eagerly, so I picked him up and carried him towards mine and Tae’s bedroom. “Alright, bunny, let’s go say hi to TaeTae. Master has to punish him a bit though, first. You can go freshen up first if you want.” I suggested.
Jungkook nodded before leaning forward to kiss me. I reached down and squeezed him through his sweatpants, causing him to let out a shaky whine. “Master, please.” 
“Go freshen up baby. When you’re done you can come straight in.” I said, setting him on his way with a pat to his bum.
I pushed open the door to Tae’s room and saw him kneeling on the bed. But what really took my breath away was what he was wearing. It was a lace bodysuit that had bows decorating it. I couldn’t see his ass, but I already knew that there would be nothing covering it. There were small bows fastened to the tops of his thighs, holding the bodysuit in place. To top it all off he had a collar fastened around his neck.
“Fuck, puppy. Look at you. So beautiful for me.” I said, walking over to him and tracing his lips with my finger. “I believe these belong to you.” I pulled the lace out of my pocket and tossed it at him. He caught it with one hand and smirked at me.
“Did you like your surprise, master?” He asked coyly, looking up at me. I moved my hand to hold his face in place, cupping his chin. 
“I love it, puppy, but you know the rules. You don’t leave things in my car, do you?”
“No, master.” Tae looked down in shame. “‘M sorry. I just wanted it to be there as a backup.”
“Puppy, do you wanna know why I rip them off you?” I asked, kneeling down in front of him. He tilted his head at me in confusion. “Because I love the idea that you are wearing nothing beneath your clothes and that if you have one slip up, you would be exposed.” I trailed my finger down his chest and circled it around his tip.
“Master, please.” He begged. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. It was a mistake.” I could see that he was almost fully hard, his cock was straining against the fabric of his bodysuit.
“You wanna make it up to me? Turn over and on my knee.” I ordered, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Yes, master.” Tae leant across my lap, his stomach resting on my knees. I smirked when I saw his exposed ass, all round and ready for me.
“Now, puppy. Kookie will be joining us soon, so we’d better make your initial punishment quick.” I said, kneading the globes of his ass. It wasn’t as big as Jimin’s, but Tae definitely had a beautiful ass. “How many do you think you deserve, pup?”
“At least 20, master. I was naughty.” Tae almost moaned out.
“Yes you were, puppy. Very naughty. You also teased master when he was coming home.” I sighed. “But, I guess my puppy likes being punished, doesn’t he?” Tae was silent. I smacked his ass hard, causing the flesh to jiggle. “Doesn’t he?” I repeated.
“Yes, master.” He said after he had yelped. I could feel how hard he was pressing against my thigh.
“I think I may give you 25, how does that sound?”
“Good, master.”
“And after each one, you thank me. You need to learn to obey, don’t you puppy?”
“Yes, master. I do.”
“Count, dumb pup.” I began to slap his ass. Each time he counted and thanked me. At 25, he was sobbing in pain and pleasure, rutting against my thigh. I pulled him up so he was straddling my lap. “Such a good boy, taking your punishment so well.” I praised him, making him smile at me lazily. “So I think my puppy deserves a reward?” Tae nodded excitedly so I pushed him down so he was kneeling on the floor.
I stroked his hair out of his face. “I want you to suck me off, pup.” I said, tugging on his hair gently. His hair was always curly and floppy, always soft to the touch. I stroked my fingers through it lazily as he played with the zipper on my pants, before tugging at them to pull them down. I quickly stood up and allowed him to pull them down with my boxers before I sat back down.
His eyes widened when I came into his eyeline, his mouth instantly watering. His hand cautiously reached out and wrapped around me, giving me a few strokes. I inhaled sharply and hissed at the feeling of his calloused palm wrapped around me. “No hands, baby. Just your mouth.” I said after a few seconds, batting his hand away. 
He set his hands on my thighs and sat up a bit so he was level with my dick. His mouth opened eagerly and before I knew it, the tip of my dick was engulfed in his warm, wet mouth. I tilted my head back and groaned, fingers tangling in his hair and tugging, earning some quiet moans from my puppy.
I looked down and saw his big eyes staring up at me as his mouth took more of me in. “Fuck, you look so pretty baby.” I cooed, tracing his lips that were stretched around me. “All stuffed full of my cock. I know you can take more though.” I gently pushed at his head, making him take more of me in until my tip hit the back of his throat. He gagged slightly as tears sprung from his eyes. “Now, you can stay just like that until Jungkook comes and then your real punishment can begin, hmm?”
Taehyung nodded, choking on my dick as it went further down his throat. “Careful pup. Don’t hurt yourself.” I said, wiping away the tears that were trailing down his face from the intrusion in his throat. He always looked so beautiful like this. 
After a couple of minutes, Jungkook came into the room, his mouth opening slightly as he took in the sight in front of him. “Hey bunny.” I said, beckoning him over. “Doesn’t TaeTae look so pretty?”
“TaeTae always looks so pretty, master.” Jungkook said, his voice barely a whisper. 
I took Jungkook’s hand and pulled him on the bed as I pushed Tae off of me. “Okay, here’s what is going to happen. Tae, puppy, you are going to sit on the other side of the bed and watch as I play with Koo until I decide that you can join us.” Taehyung nodded and scrambled to the other side of the bed, his cock hanging heavily between his legs, begging for release. It was a dark colour, signalling how desperate he was for release, but I wasn’t going to let him have it. Not yet. He got himself comfortable and was about to start stroking himself when I added the next part. “And no touching yourself, pup.”
Tae’s bottom lip started to wobble slightly. “Oh, please, master. Please. I need to cum so bad.”
I looked at him and smiled as I helped Kookie undress. “No, dumb pup. You’ve been naughty. You need to prove that you deserve it.”
Tae looked like he had been slapped. “O-Okay, master. I’ll be good.” He said, trapping his hands between his thighs and the mattress. Once I was sure that he wasn’t going to disobey my orders, I turned my attention back to a now naked Jungkook.
“Look at my beautiful boy.” I smiled as I stroked my hand down his chest, feeling his abs, before travelling down to his thighs to squeeze them gently. It was known that Jungkook had a thigh kink. He would always have to have his hands on someone’s thighs, squeezing them and sometimes sucking at them if we were having fun with each other. “He has such big thighs.” I bent my head down to suck at them, causing a whiny moan to spill from his parted lips.
“Master, please.” He looked at me with his doe eyes shining. 
“Please what, bunny? Do you want master to touch you here?” I traced my finger along his dick, earning a quiet groan from him. His dick was long and pretty, the mushroomed head a darker shade than the rest of it. It twitched as I traced the vein along it. I trailed my finger down to his ass. “Or here?” I circled his hole, earning a moan and a breathy yes from him.
I hooked his legs over my shoulders and wrapped my lips around his hole, stroking my tongue over his puckered hole, making him jolt forward slightly. “Ah, Master.” He moaned as I licked at him. He tasted musty and his shower gel and something that was distinctly Jungkook. I prodded at his hole with my tongue before pushing it into him, licking at his walls, coaxing high pitched whines and moans out of him. “Master, I’m so close.” Jungkook cried out, so I pulled away, leaving his hole shining with my saliva.
“Bunny, do you want me to stretch you out first, or can you take me?” I asked, as I kissed him, slipping my tongue into his mouth so he could taste himself on my tongue.
“I can take it, master.” Jungkook said eagerly. I nodded and kissed him again as I pushed my dick against his hole. The head pushed past the ring of muscle with some resistance until I was fully sheathed inside of him. “Ah,” Jungkook had his mouth open in pleasure, beautiful sounds spilling out of me as he adjusted to my size. “You’re so big master. You stretch me out so good. Feel so full.”
He was so warm, wrapped around me, and so tight. He was always tight no matter how often we fucked him, or with how many dicks he was fucked with at once. I moved my hips back before snapping them back in, causing the both of us to moan. Each thrust got faster and harder until Jungkook was a moaning mess, writhing around beneath me. 
There was a whimper from next to us and I looked up to see Taehyung, watching us while tears poured down his face. “Yellow.” Tae hated to be left out when he was in his subspace. He always had to be doing something and not just watching. “Master, please.” He begged when he saw me watching him. “Please, I’m sorry. Just let me join in.”
I looked at Jungkook who had been watching me and him carefully. “Shall we let him join us?” I asked the boy underneath me. He nodded eagerly.
“I wan’ him to ride me.” Jungkook requested. “While you fuck me.”
“Okay, bunny.” I said, stroking his hair. I pulled out of him carefully to get Tae and comfort him. “Hey, puppy, you’re okay. You took your punishment so well. Master is so proud of you.” I said, hugging him tight. “Such a good boy.” I kissed his lips gently as I wiped away his tears. “Especially for telling me you didn’t feel comfortable anymore.”
“Thank you, master.” Taehyung smiled at me, his eyes still slightly teary. I reached down and pumped him a bit, smearing his precum around his dick. 
“Look how wet you are, puppy.” I cooed as he crawled over to Jungkook. He leaned forward to kiss Jungkook. While he did this, I squirted some lube on my fingers and pushed two into him, making sure he was properly stretched out. I thrusted them into him for a bit before adding a third. Once I was sure he was ready, I nodded at him. “Go sit on Kookie’s cock baby.” I said. He lowered himself down slowly, causing both of them to moan loudly. Once Tae was fully seated, I pushed myself back into Kook, making him moan again. “How are you feeling, bun?”
“Feels s’ good.” Kookie said, looking kind of spaced. “Please, ‘m green.” I began to move inside him, making him grip onto Tae’s thighs and moan out loud. Tae began to bounce on his dick, moans coming out of his mouth. I reached around and started to stroke Tae’s dick in time to my thrusts inside Jungkook. Tae’s moans got louder and louder, signalling he was getting very close. I could feel my lower stomach tightening, signalling I was about to come.
“Master, I’m so close.” Jungkook whined, earning a noise of agreement from Tae.
“You can both come.” I allowed, stroking Tae even faster. He began to shake as Kookie began to buck up his hips due to how close he was. I knew Tae would come extra hard if I talked dirty to him, so I did. Jungkook was already close to cumming, but as soon as Tae came I would finish so I didn’t want him to be overstimulated by it all.
“Tae, puppy. Get off Kookie a second.” I said, tapping his bum which was now starting to bruise. Tae looked over his shoulder at me, looking as if he might cry. “You still get to come, puppy. I just wanna see you. Get back on Koo facing me.” I explained. Tae nodded and got off, turning himself around before lowering himself back down. I caught sight of his beautiful face, his mouth open and eyes squeezed shut as Jungkook’s cock split him open. “Now lie down so your back is against Koo’s stomach.” Tae obeyed and let him lie back. “Koo, bun, lift up his legs so I can see your dick going into his pretty hole.” Kook obeyed, wrapping his arms around Tae’s thighs and almost folding him in half. I almost came at the sight in front of me. Tae’s hole was so stretched around Jungkook’s cock, making it become slightly swollen.
I smirked at Tae before stroking around his hole and Kook’s dick with my thumb. “So pretty, puppy, letting bunny stretch you out like this. I bet you can’t wait for him to fill you with his cum, painting your insides white. Or maybe you’d like both of us in there. Imagine how it would feel, both of us splitting your pretty hole open, gaping you out so much all our cum would just come back out of you. Both of our cocks rubbing against your walls.” I reached out and began stroking his cock, seeing his face scrunch up and his body tense. He was right on the edge. “I bet it would make you come instantly. We’d have to maybe put a cock ring on you to stop you cumming too early. But you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, master. I’d love it.” Tae was breathless. “Oh, I’m so close.” He whined, letting his head tilt back on Jungkook’s shoulder.
“But we’d have to stretch out your little hole even more.” I smiled, pushing my thumb into his hole alongside Kook’s cock. Tae let out a scream, his body going still.
“You sound so pretty, TaeTae.” Kook said, stroking up and down his thighs. “Bet you’re so wrecked down there.” He reached down and pushed one of his fingers into Tae, next to mine. “Master, can we plug my cum inside him?” Kook asked.
“Of course we can bunny.” I said. “But we need this puppy to cum first.” I looked at Tae, whose body was jerking. “Aww, look at him. He’s going to come so hard.” I stroked him even faster before leaning down and taking his entire length into my mouth. I sucked hard, hollowing out my cheeks. Tae let out a silent scream as he came hard, his body shaking with the force of his orgasm.
I swallowed some of his cum, loving the salty tang of it before leaning over him to kiss Kook, transferring some to his mouth. Kook moaned at the taste, making Tae whine. Of course he wanted to have some. I moved to kiss Tae, transferring the last of it to his mouth. His throat bobbed as he swallowed. 
“You’re such a cumslut, pup.” I chuckled, now starting to thrust hard into Kookie, chasing my own orgasm. Kookie’s breaths started coming out as short, high-pitched moans as his own orgasm drew nearer and nearer.
“I’m gonna cum, master.” Kookie warned as his hole clamped down on me, making me unable to move. The pulsing and constant contracting of his walls made me spill into him as he spilled into Tae. Both of us moaned as we released. I fell forward and leant my head on Tae’s stomach as I caught my breath. 
“Both of you did so good.” I said as I carefully pulled out of Jungkook. “Koo, do you want a plug?” The boy nodded so I moved over to my bedside table and pulled out one of the four plugs I had in there. One for each sub. I walked back over to the pair who were still connected to each other. I pushed the trail of cum that had come out of Kookie back into him and pushed the plug into him.
“And me!” Tae exclaimed. I chuckled and got his out of the drawer. 
“Alright, baby. Let’s get you off Koo, hmm?” I gently pulled him off Koo and pushed the plug into him. “How are you both feeling?” I asked, looking at both of them.
“Tired.” Tae replied.
“Good.” Jungkook replied at the same time. He had a sleepy smile plastered on his face. 
“Okay, that’s good. Tae baby, you gotta stay awake for a bit longer. I need to clean you up, and put some lotion on you.” I said, gently stroking his hair as he looked at me with his eyes half shut. 
He whined slightly, moving so he was sat on my lap. I could feel the plastic of the plug nestled between his ass cheeks pushing into my thigh.  “Can I have a bath?” He asked, his head laying on my shoulder. 
“Sure baby.” I said. “Do you and Koo want to have one together?” I looked at them both as they nodded their heads. “Alright babies.” I stroked Tae’s hair gently. “Let’s take these plugs out of you, okay?” Kook nodded and bent over slightly so I could pull it out of him. He hissed as his hole stretched around the bulbous plastic, followed by the dripping of my cum out of him. “Okay, KooKoo, why don’t you go and start the bath and I’ll get Tae ready.”
“Okay hyungie.” Jungkook pressed a quick kiss to my lips before padding into my adjoined bathroom and starting the bath. 
“Okay, Taebaby, I need you to stand up.” I said softly to the sleepy boy on my lap.
He groaned and looked up at me, his eyes narrowed. “Why?” He asked. 
“I need to take your plug out, love.” I said. “It’s going to hurt you later otherwise.” He opened his mouth to protest but I pressed a finger to his lips. “No buts baby, I’m taking it out.” I laid him down on the bed and gently pulled it out of him, allowing Jungkook’s cum to spill out of him.
“Want some.” Tae whispered, looking at me. I sighed and swiped some of the cum onto my fingers and let him suckle it off.
“Now, bath time.” I said, pulling him up so he was standing on his own two feet and leading him into the bathroom.
A few hours later, we were all cuddled up in bed. I had had trouble falling asleep - the stress from losing all my work was still looming in the back of my mind. I had told my manager, but he must have been asleep when I sent the message. 
Tae hummed in his sleep as he curled into my side even more, Jungkook spooning him from behind. They both looked peaceful as they slept, not a hint of worry on their perfect faces. 
My phone began to buzz, cutting through the silent atmosphere like a hot knife through butter. I unwrapped Tae from around myself and sat up answering the phone. “Hello?” I asked in a hushed voice as I disentangled myself from the blankets.
“Yoongi-ah? I need those tracks by 8am in the morning. You’re going to have to keep working on them.” My manager said, sounding quite annoyed. My heart began beating faster as I felt the stress and anxiety begin to build back up inside of me. “You should have stayed later and fixed your mistake.” I slipped out of the room and closed the door.
“My mistake?!” I was pissed. It was not my fault that the systems crashed and deleted everything. Do I control all the computers at the company? No! If anything they should be badgering IT to see if they can recover some of the files. “The computers crashed as I went to save it. Can’t IT recover them? That is eight hours of work lost!”
“No they can’t. That’s why I’m calling. I need you to come in right now and try to redo them the same.” He requested. “I’m sorry about this, but I just need those otherwise you will miss the deadline and your mixtape will have to be delayed further.”
“I think we need to get better computers. Those ones are getting kind of old and slow.” I said. 
“Don’t blame the machinery Yoongi-ssi.” He said shortly. “Come in now or no mixtape this year. And you wouldn’t want to disappoint ARMY, would you?”
I scoffed. Now he’s guilt-tripping me. “I’ll be in in about half an hour. Let me get changed and get my stuff together.” I said.
“Okay, I’ll be waiting.” He hung up the phone and I let out a noise of frustration before going back into the room, closing the door as quietly as I could so I wouldn’t wake up the sleeping babies. I looked over at the bed and let a fond smile ghost over my face. Taehyung’s hair had now flopped in front of his face and his arms were outstretched to the spot where I had previously been sleeping.
I felt bad for leaving them alone, but I really didn’t have a choice. I walked into my wardrobe and pulled out a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants and quickly changed into them. I pulled on a beanie and grabbed my lyric books before grabbing a pair of shoes and sliding them on.
I must have been a bit too loud because there was rustling in the bed and I saw Taehyung patting around with his hand. He sat up and squinted at me sleepily. “Hyungie? Where you goin’?” His voice was heavy with sleep. “What time is it?”
“It’s early, love. Go back to sleep. I need to go in to the studio.” I said, walking over to him to kiss him goodbye. “Come on lie back down.”
“But you were there all day yesterday.” He complained, whining slightly.
“I know, baby, I know. But all my work got deleted so I need to go back in to redo it.” I said. “And if I don’t meet the deadline then my mixtape will get pushed back even further and that wouldn’t be fair to ARMY.”
“But these songs aren’t even for your mixtape! They’re blackmailing you!” Taehyung exclaimed. “I wanna come with you.”
“Baby, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” I said, pushing his hair back out of his face.
“No it is! I could help you, and you always say two brains are better than one. We can get it done faster.” He argued, sounding determined. “And we can tell Kookie so he won’t get confused when he wakes up. We can leave him a note. Pleaseeeeee.”
I sighed. “Okay, fine. But get dressed quickly.”
I shivered under some of the clothes as I lay on the bench. I was too scared to sleep. He could appear at any moment and drag me home to give me the beating of a lifetime, and this time he could actually kill me.
Every time I heard footsteps I would freeze and not move, hoping that it wasn’t him, and that if it was, he wouldn’t see me. It was getting colder though, and I knew I would have to move in order to keep myself from getting hypothermia. 
I knew there was one thing that would be able to calm me down, and it would also keep me warm. I rifled through my pockets, trying to locate my headphones. My fingers wrapped around the wire and pulled it out. I groaned. They were all tangled and knotted. I began to pick them apart, finally freeing the individual earbuds. I plugged it into my phone and scrolled through my music until I picked a song that I wanted to dance to. Spring Day. It cheered me up a lot, and I loved the dance.
The notes flowed through my body, twisting and turning to the tips of my fingers and the ends of my toes. My body moved like the waves in this ocean of music, bending and stretching at the crests and troughs. I loved it. As I danced, I allowed my thoughts to
I had started dance when I was three. My mother had insisted that I was going to be a prima ballerina, or a professional dancer in a company, so she had me enrolled in any kind of dance you could think of. Baby ballet, baby tap, baby jazz, baby contemporary, baby street dance, baby modern, baby music theatre. Most of my life was spent dancing. As I got older, she put me into singing, art and drama classes. I dropped some of the dance classes: tap, modern and jazz. I was happy.
Then came the arguments. My mother and father started arguing over the amount of money that was being spent on me. We were quite a well-off family, both of my parents has respectable jobs with a decent salary. Income was good, and there was even some wiggle room for nice holidays. That was, until my dad became addicted to alcohol and spent all of our savings on the drink until there was barely anything left. 
My mother had to put some away secretly just to be able to pay for bills and my extra curriculars. But he found out, and that’s when the arguments started. I was eight at the time. He would accuse her of not trusting him, and she would accuse him of being an alcoholic and how that wasn’t a good environment for me to be in. 
The arguing would last for at least three hours each night and would end with one of them storming out the house. Most nights it was my father - probably to get even more drunk. My mother would slam the door to their bedroom and dissolve into tears. I would hear her sobbing herself to sleep, but I was too scared to comfort her.
One day, after a year or so, my father stormed out that door and never came back. My mother said it was for the best; in my mind, though, it was my fault. I was the one who had all the dance lessons and singing lessons and drama lessons and art lessons. I was the one who was using all their money. He liked to tell me that when my mother would storm out. He also liked to hit me. When my mother found the bruises and cuts, she lost it. That was what caused the arguments to get worse.
Things got better after he left. My mother got happier, found a new boyfriend. He was nice, buying me the latest iPhone or laptop. We were all happy.
And then I met him. He was the perfect boyfriend: kind, loving, everything you would want. But that’s the thing about love. It’s blind. It would be a few months before I realised who he was behind the mask he put on everyday. I should have realised that the relationship was moving too quickly. He asked me to move in with him after we had been together for just three months. As soon as I set foot inside that house, the door locked behind me, and the key hidden somewhere I could never find it. 
After a couple of weeks, the verbal abuse started. The name calling and insults and threats over something unimportant, like slightly burnt potatoes. I brushed it off as something normal. After all, it was my fault. I was the one who turned the oven up too high. 
Then came the physical abuse. At first it started off as slaps and small beatings, but it eventually lead up to him getting out his belt and whacking it across my face every night before beating me up with his fists. I don’t know what exactly caused him to do it. Sometimes he said it was me looking at another man, and other times it was just because of my presence. Either way, it was my fault and I deserved them. 
I tried to leave him. But he caught me, and I almost ended up in hospital from the force of his beating. My skin was mottled blue and purple for weeks. It was then I started self-harming. It was my fault.
I twirled as the song came to an end, catching sight of a figure standing in the shadow of the trees. My breath hitched in my throat. Had he found me? If he had, he was going to kill me for sure. 
Yoongi POV:
Just as I had thought Tae had fallen asleep on my couch, bundled up in my hoodie about an hour after we arrived at the studio. We had already retrieved the majority of the songs though.
He had got to work immediately, perching on my lap as he sang the demo song over the backing music, which thankfully I had saved. I loved Taehyung’s voice - it was deep and sultry, which was actually something that contrasted greatly to his personality he showed in private. After we’d been working for about fifty minutes, he began to yawn, curling up and leaning against my shoulder, watching me put together the backing tracks and the vocals and moving things around to create the songs. His favourite was ‘Black Swan’. 
“‘M sleepy, hyungie.” He mumbled against my collarbone.
I reached up and stroked his hair gently. “You can go and sleep on the couch. I’m almost done, baby.” He looked up at me through sleepily squinted eyes.
“You sure? I think I can stay awake a bit longer?” He said, yawning again. When he yawned he sometimes looked like a baby puppy. 
“No, baby, you’re tired.” I said, rubbing his back. “Go on, do you want my hoodie?” I asked.
“Mhm.” He nodded his head. He slid off my lap and made grabby hands at my hoodie. I pulled it off, leaving me in my white v-neck top, and handed it to him. He pulled it on and lay down on the couch, closing his eyes and almost instantly falling asleep. I smiled at him fondly before turning back to my work.
I only had one song left to do - my solo song on the album. I searched through my files, only to realise that my work on it had all disappeared. I groaned and saved everything before shutting my computer down. I needed to go for a quick walk to clear my head. I turned to look at Tae, who was curled on the couch in a deep sleep. The park I would go to to clear my head is only a five minute walk away from here. I would be thirty minutes tops. He wouldn’t wake up hopefully, and if he did, I was only a phone call away. 
I grabbed my extra hoodie and pulled on my jacket, gently closing the door to my studio. I walked out of the building and made my way to the park.
It was cold outside. The air bit at my exposed cheeks and nose as I walked. I pulled a mask on to insulate them. The park was calming and whenever I went there, it was quiet and if there was anyone there, they were elderly and didn’t know who I was. 
I walked through the gate of the park, pushing the squeaky barrier open. It appeared deserted, which wasn’t surprising considering that it was four am. But I still kept my guard up; you never know what crackheads will be around.
I was walking through the trees towards my favourite thinking bench when I saw her. She was dancing to some very familiar choreography. I stopped in my tracks. She was a beautiful dancer. I watched, awestruck as she flawlessly twirled and flipped and turned. It was then I recognised it. It was Jimin’s choreography in Spring Day. She must be a fan. She twirled one last time and stopped, facing me. Her face twisted into a look of terror as she ran to gather her things. On the bench I noticed, was a backpack and a pile of clothes.
“Wait!” I yelled after her, chasing her to talk to her. It was clear that something was troubling her, and I wanted to help her, not caring that she was an ARMY. “Let me help you! Please!” I caught up to her at the bench, where she had slightly calmed down. As soon as we made eye contact, something strange happened. All the greyscale colours in my world that I had grown used to melted away. My eyes were filled with dark greens and blues, clearly because of the darkness, but the moonlight shone down on her.
She was breath-taking. Her hair was a shiny, vibrant, Y/H/C, and her eyes shone like Y/E/C gems. She was holding her breath in surprise, probably recognising who I was.
“You’re Min Yoongi.” She said. “You’re my soulmate. This can’t be happening.” She was shocked and confused.
But I didn’t know what to do. Now that I had found my soulmate, did that mean I had to leave the others? We had never discussed the possibility of this happening. I looked at the girl in front of me and decided that I couldn’t leave her. Not like this. She looked scared, and from the looks of things, she was homeless. I had to look after her. And I swore to myself that I would. Until the end of time.
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hello!! can i request a fluff fic with bennet on a picnic/cafe date with his s/o in a modern setting, tysm!!
Hello!!! I love this idea sm, it’s so flipping adorable!! Bennett just existing gives me a serotonin boost but this is just too cute ahdghagshshegsh—
Bennett may be a bit OOC since I haven’t written anything for him yet, so lmk if there are any mistakes!! (^///^)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: When Bennett’s picnic date with you gets ruined, the cafe serves as a form of comfort to both of you.
Warnings: None
Modern!Bennett taking his Gn!(s/o) on a picnic/cafe date
Bennett loves exploring, so picnics are his cup of tea. And when you’re there, his favorite things become ten times better!!
Every week, you decide to go far away from the city, to an empty, open field. No bad luck can find either of you there, since nothing resides there. Or at least, that’s what you usually think.
You would make food together before you leave, hoping that it doesn’t rain on your way over. Even if it does rain and get the food wet, Bennett is happy wherever you are, no matter what! And if everything does get ruined, cafe dates are always a thing too!
Bennett would be so nervous about it too because of his luck, the last thing he want to do is get you hurt. But it happens anyway, which lowers his self esteem by a lot. Please tell him you don’t mind. This poor boy needs lots of hugs and reassurance. (ToT)💖
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You loved Bennett, but it was no secret that his luck effected everything he touched. Quite literally. For example, he tried petting a stray cat one time, (which was a bad idea in the first place) and not even a minute later, it scratched both of you and ran off.
At times, it would get a bit frustrating, but you knew that it wasn’t his fault. Whenever you were just hanging out after school, you both would get turned down by nearby stores due to his past incidents with his luck, leaving you to wander aimlessly around the city until you got bored and went home.
So, earlier today, Bennett got fed up with his situation and met you at the front gates. He suggested going on a picnic for a change of scenery. He had already planned everything out, rambling excitedly about all the things you could do there. You reluctantly agreed, silently hoping that nothing would go wrong. It was better than another long walk, at least.
It’s wasn’t a surprise that your boyfriend wanted to go elsewhere for your date, but you weren’t sure if it was safe.
If Bennett couldn’t survive in the comfort of his own home, then how would his luck effect nature? It could rain, getting all of your food wet- but that was only the best case scenario. For all you knew, there could be a sudden tornado or hurricane that hits just as you finish unpacking everything.
Going on a picnic seemed like a death wish, and both of you knew that. So why did Bennett want take that risk?
He said that it was an empty field, so there wouldn’t be any chance of dangerous entities. And, he said that things would be alright as long as you were with him. He thought you were his lucky charm. And in truth, you were.
When he met you, he felt like the luckiest boy in the world. You gravitated towards each other, quickly becoming friends, then working your way up to something more. You were precious to him, and he was precious to you.
So, you and Bennett set a date for your picnic. Thank the archons that today was that day. Today was Saturday, the only day that contained endless free time.
You had been so excited that you could hardly sleep on the nights before your meet up. To make things worse, you woke up way too early out of excitement. But, on the bright side, this meant that you could prepare more.
You grabbed a package of cookies and sandwiches, along with your phone in case of any emergencies. After throwing all of these into your backpack, you left your apartment and headed off to Bennett’s house.
The walk there wasn’t too long, especially since you were familiar with a few of the shortcuts lying within the city. A while ago, Fischl had introduced you to them, all while reciting a monologue about her “secret base”. (Which really just ended up being her room.)
You dashed down the empty sidewalk as soon as Bennett’s door came into view. A rush of adrenaline hit you as you climbed up the cement stairs. You knocked on the door, which flung open almost immediately, revealing Bennett.
A blush washed over Bennett’s cheeks as he looked at you. “(Y/n), Hey! P-please, come inside!”
You nodded and happily followed him inside. His Dads were scattered all over the living room, making breakfast and going about their day as usual. As you entered, all of them greeted you. They added in a few comments about how Bennett never stops talking about you, much to his embarrassment.
It wasn’t the first time you had visited Bennett’s home. In fact, you were practically family to everyone related to him. Sometimes, if you two got bored, (which was quite often) you would sleep over at his house, or he would sleep over at yours. It was safe inside, which was a harsh contrast to what the outside world was like.
Whenever you wanted to go on dates together, both of your families would help set them up for you. They knew Bennett would need the help, especially with his terrible luck and romantic obliviousness. However, it turned out that he was pretty much fine on his own. But, if either of you needed help with anything in general, you knew you had support.
You chuckled and took his hand. “You ready?”
Bennett nodded, grabbing his bag. Soon enough, you were being pulled out of the room and onto the streets. The sun had fully risen, indicating that today’s weather would be optimal for a picnic. You had no idea where he was taking you, but you trusted him enough for your anxiety to subside.
There were a few close calls with wild animals and speeding drivers, but overall, Bennett’s luck seemed to be doing alright today. All you needed to do was get to your meeting spot without getting hurt, and everything would be fine.
Or so it seemed.
The houses and tall buildings started to fade as you ventured far outside the city. In front of you was a massive open field, Cecilias and Windwheel Asters scattered all over the grass. Your heart swelled at the beautiful view before you, grasping your beloved’s hand even tighter than before.
“Benny… this is amazing- how did you find this place?” You breathed.
“Ehe! Well, one day I was trying to walk school, but I got lost and ended up here. Looks like I got pretty lucky after all!” Bennett said, sheepishly tubbing the back of his head. “Come on, let’s go set up.”
You set down your bag and started unwrapping the food you brought. Bennett laid out a blanket beside you, and started unpacking food of his own. When you both were finished, you sat next to him, laying your head on his shoulder.
Heat radiated off of Bennett’s skin as he wrapped an arm around you. He was internally sent into a flustered panic whenever you made contact with him, which wasn’t a surprise. Right now, hugging you was the only way to hide the fact that he was blushing furiously. Besides, the feeling of your arms around his waist made him feel safe.
The only thing you could hear was the steady, fast-paced beating of Bennett’s heart, and the rusting of flowers and grass. Almost ten minutes passed before you pulled away, looking at his face. You smiled as you observed every detail of his eyes.
Suddenly, an ear shattering clap of thunder echoed throughout the valley. Not even a second later, heavy rain was pouring on both of you, completely destroying your food. The two of just sat there in both despair and surprise, watching as your picnic got ruined.
Why did this happen? The weather was perfectly fine this morning- what changed? Bennett silently cursed his luck for ruining his date with you, his demeanor shriveling as the rain continued to pour. Normally, He wouldn’t let something like this get him down, but today it was harder.
“I-I’m really sorry, (Y/n)…. I swear, it wasn’t meant to turn out like this- ah!”
Noticing the change in his mood, you pulled Bennett up and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Don’t worry! I don’t mind the rain, but we should leave so that we don’t get colds. If you want, I know a nice cafe we can go to instead!”
Bennett blinked a few times, obviously surprised by your cheery attitude. Most people would’ve given up on him at this point. However, you stayed with him, which is one of the many reasons why he loved you. You never gave up on him, no matter how many times your plans were ruined.
Bennett nodded his head with a determined grin before scurrying to help you pack up. The thunder you had hear a few minutes ago had started up again, making both of you nervous. So, as soon as you were done, you led him to the cafe, holding his hand.
At this point, both of your clothes were completely soaked and water was dripping from your hair. But neither of you minded, you were just happy that you got to go on an adventure together. You and Bennett bolted towards the cafe as soon as you saw it. Warm, pastry scented air hit you two, beckoning you inside.
The cafe was busy, many people coming here to take shelter from the rain. But, there were a few tables left so you told Bennett to grab one while you got some coffee and cookies for you both. Luckily, the cafe was swift in their preparations, causing you to return to Bennett before anything went wrong.
You sat across from your boyfriend, smiling as his eyes lit up at your presence. He opened his mouth to apologize, but opted to bite into a cookie you bought him instead. Anxiety was radiating off of him. So much so that it physically hurt to watch.
So, you held out your hand for him to take. You knew that he didn’t have anyone else to come to for comfort, and that he would get chewed out for the smallest mistakes. You wanted to help him, and teach him that it’s okay to be loved, even if it’s a foreign experience for him.
Bennett was finally starting to realize that. He was finally staring to realize why you stayed with him. It wasn’t out of pity or spite, no, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. It was because you genuinely loved who he was as a person, despite his bad luck.
And that meant more to him than anything in the world.
So, he took your hand, and silently made a promise to you.
{🔥..^v~} “(Y/n), for all of the times you’ve helped me… I promise to stay by your side whenever things get rough.”
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haikyuu-sins · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet-Trafalgar Law
Since no one wanted to send me any Law requests, I took matters into my own hands and did this. I got the prompt from @dragonprincess18 so thank you for this because I needed it! :) 
A-Activities: What do they like to do with their boyfriends/girlfriend? How do they spend their free time together?
For the most part, if you’re on the sub with him and there’s nowhere to go but yours and his rooms, his office, and the kitchen area he prefers to stay in his office and room because he enjoys the quiet. Law absolutely loves reading with you. Especially if you’re reading one of his medical books and you ask questions about it. He just really likes that you’re interested in it and want to learn more. He also likes that you know about this kind of stuff in case you need the information. If you do know that he likes Sora, Warrior of the Sea, (he will try to hide it) then he’ll probably geek out once or twice about it. You can’t help but smile when he talks about it so in depth because you love seeing him talk about something he enjoys. If you aren’t on the sub and you’re on a new island, he will begrudgingly (he secretly loves it, but won’t admit) explore the town with you as long as the last stop is a book store of some sort.
B-Beauty: What do they admire about their boyfriends/girlfriend? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires how much you care about him. He can see how much you do and he hasn’t had someone like that since Cora. He melts on the inside when he sees you smiling at him and he’s the reason for it.
C-Comfort: How would they help their boyfriends/girlfriend when they feel down, have a panic attack, etc?
He understands what it’s like and sometimes because from time to time he’ll get them when he’s alone. It depends on how you want to be comforted. If you don’t want to be touched, he won’t. He’ll probably just go to the kitchen and get you something warm to drink to help you calm down. But if physical touch helps you, he’ll have you sit on his desk and he’ll rub your thigh or he’ll let you sit on his lap while he rubs your back up and down or cards his fingers through your hair. He’ll reassure you that everything is going to be okay and it’s going to pass and it’s not going to last forever. He lets you talk about it after it’s over and listens to what you have to say. Law will give you advice on what he thinks will help you in whatever situation you’re in. When he sees you sad, he just wants to hold you because he hates seeing you sad. He’ll bring you your favorite comfort drink and food to his room with you (even though I think he’d hate having food and drinks in his bed, he would absolutely make an exception for you) and you guys will just cuddle together while you talk about what’s wrong.
D-Dreams: How do they picture their future with their boyfriends/girlfriend?
Law doesn’t exactly think very far. He’s basically on a suicide mission so honestly he doesn’t see a future yet. Once everything is over and if he survives then he starts to think about his future with you because he really doesn’t want to get your hopes up. He really just always wants to be around you and as long as you’re there with him, everything is perfectly fine. 
E-Equal: Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He’s a little bit of both, it depends on the day. I’d say he very much tends to be on the more dominant side but there are days where he’s just kind of, whatever about things. That’s only when he has time to relax and that’s almost never.
F-Fight: Would they be easy to forgive their boyfriends/girlfriend? How are they fighting?
I think you’d probably fight with him about how he’s so willing and ready to throw his life away for his causes and how much it bothers you. He says some hurtful things that he’ll admit that he only said out of anger. He’ll be angry for a while but eventually he’ll go and talk to you about the fight and apologize for what he said to you.
G-Gratitude: How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their boyfriends/girlfriend do for them?
He’s very grateful for the things you do for him but he may not show it all the time. Like when he forgets to eat and you bring him something that you made for him. He’s also very aware that you take care of him better than he takes care of himself in terms of making him eat and drink water instead of coffee for once.
H-Honesty: Do they have secrets they hide from their boyfriends/girlfriend? Or do they share everything?
He hides a lot. Law is not a very open person and I don’t even think he’s told his crew about his entire past. You might be an exception but honestly, don’t count on it. It’s difficult to get him to open up about himself and you do have to pry a lot. He might get a little annoyed, but when you tell him that you just want to know more about him, he may give in a bit and tell you a thing or two. Definitely hides the fact that he loves Sora, Warrior of the Sea. He doesn’t know that there’s a good chance that you’ve seen the comics before so he thinks he does a good job at hiding them. They’re either in a box under his bed or in his desk drawer.
I-Inspiration: Did their boyfriends/girlfriend change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things, or helping them overcome personal problems?
If you do get him to open up, you made him realize how good it feels to get things off his chest. Law has been living with this weight on his shoulders about his past and everything that has happened to him. So when you sit there and just listen to him, he likes knowing that you’re actually listening and taking it all in. Don’t say anything, just let him talk. It’s very rare that he comes and talks to you about his problems because he feels like he’s dragging you into unnecessary drama about his plans. He’s taught you to look at things from a different perspective and to think things out thoroughly.
J-Jealousy: Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He doesn’t get jealous at all really, mostly annoyed I guess. He doesn’t really do anything unless you can’t get out of the situation, it gets out of hand, or you look to him for help. If he does get jealous, he doesn’t say it and you’ll have to ask Mr. PoutyPants about it. He’ll be shut in his office and probably be a bit petty about it. I can see him hating the fact that Sanji gives you a lot of attention if you don’t shut it down. He may or may not tell you to “go talk to your other boyfriend” at some point because, well, petty. 
K-Kiss: Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Oh he’s a good kisser alright. Among plenty other things. Something tells me that pre timeskip Law would be a cocky bastard and pull you to him by your shirt and lift your chin and whatnot- just being a tease. But post timeskip Law just gives me awkward vibes but in the best way possible. He’d be a little more shy about it, honestly I think he may even plan it out in his head and just hopes that everything goes accordingly. 
L-Love Confession: How would they confess to their boyfriends/girlfriend?
He didn’t realize his feelings until the two of you were in real danger. Well he actually did but he didn’t want to admit it. He thought he was really good at pushing his feelings down and not letting bubble up but seeing you so bloody and beat up, it changed in an instant. He knew that he couldn’t lose you. When he was able to patch you up and you woke up after asking how he was, Law was mad. “How am I? You should be asking about yourself, dumbass-ya.” “Seriously Law, are you okay?” “No. I could have lost you.” That’s basically his confession and it’s the best you’re going to get until you actually hear him say that he loves you.
M-Marriage: Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I don’t think Law would want to get married-officially, anyway- he’s not the kind of guy to settle down. He’s a pirate. If you wanted a ring, then sure he’ll get you one but I don’t think he would actually propose to you. It would be more like an unspoken thing that you guys are very much together so technically you’re married in his eyes and he’ll call you his wife/partner. **Spoilers for Wano Arc!!!** When you get captured and are in the prison with Bepo and the others and when Shinobu says to kill you guys after she thinks you snitched, he’s pissed. Absolutely livid. “You think I’m going to let you put a finger my wife/partner? You’ll be dead before you can take one step towards them.”
N-Nicknames: What do they call their boyfriends/girlfriend?
The only name I can think of him calling you is possibly “love” but it is in the utmost of privacy when he absolutely knows that no one can hear him. He just gets all flustered when others tease him for it and it’s happened a handful of times. The bedroom though is a different story
O-On Cloud Nine: What are they like when they’re in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?
Oh it’s so painfully obvious when he loves you to everyone but him. He thinks he’s hiding it so well, but the small unnecessary touches say otherwise. A brush past your shoulder, “Here, I made extra tea,” or him not yelling at you when you come into his office without knocking on accident. It’s the little things that make it obvious when he thinks it’s not. 
P-PDA: Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about their boyfriends/girlfriend in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss, etc, when others are watching?
Not really. The only time he would do something like that is if you needed some sort of help and someone was hitting on you and you asked him to come over. “I don’t think my partner is very interested. I think it would be best if you leave.” He doesn’t brag very much, I’m sorry, he’s just not that kind of guy. He would much rather have your relationship be private. That being said, yes he’s way too shy to kiss you in front of others. Unless he’s sleepy, you might be able to get away with a little peck here and there. 
Q-Quirk: Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s in no way romantic but what he does notice is when you and him are walking along some shops and he sees when something catches your eye or when you look at something longer than the rest. You may find it on your pillow that night. (He will have stolen it.) It makes you happy and that’s all he cares about.
R-Romance: How romantic are they? What would they do to make their boyfriends/girlfriend happy? Cliche, or rather creative?
There is not one romantic bone in this man’s body. He very much relies on his crew to help him. It’s not like they set everything up, although they have a few times but it was a surprise on both of your parts. They wanted you two to have a nice evening together by yourselves and be able to relax without planning it all. That all being said, the romantic stuff is a little on the cliche side, but in the best way possible and it makes really nice memories. 
S-Support: Are they helping their boyfriends/girlfriend achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Oh my goodness yes yes yes! He might not show it often but every once in a while he’ll say that he’s proud of you at how far you’ve come as a pirate. Especially if he’s helped you train and feels how much stronger your punches and kicks are.
T-Thrill: Do they need to try out new things to spice up the relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Routine. Routine. Routine. He does not want to differ from his routine. Sure one new thing every once in a while is okay depending on what it is. But he probably won’t want to incorporate it into the everyday relationship. He likes what he has going with you. Though if you insist on something new, then he’ll try it and see if he gets used to it. If he doesn’t he’ll say something about it. If he does, he’ll stay quiet and not mention it. The second you do is when he wants to stop.
U-Understanding: How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He gets you. How well depends on how far you are in the relationship and how much you’ve talked. He’s also not very empathetic, I’m sorry. He’ll say what he thinks is best no matter what you may think about it and how much it will hurt your feelings. Sometimes it’s best because you can see another perspective and maybe he can help you from there. He will empathize with you if there’s a death or something tragic happens, he’s not that cruel. He would be there for you. 
V-Value: How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You’re one of the most important things to Law in the world. He’s even found himself second guessing his plans and missions because he doesn’t want to lose you somehow. *spoilers I guess* If Doflamingo or Kaido ever got his hands on you and hurt you, he’d never forgive himself. He does put you first though and like I said before, you’ve argued with him over his plans and he’s very headstrong about it so he’s not going to back down.
W-Wild Card: A random fluff headcanon.
He’s let you paint his nails black one time and one time only. He won’t tell you that he actually didn’t mind it but he made you take it off before you guys went out to eat with the crew.
X-XOXO: Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Only in private. He’s a touch starved baby and he does actually really appreciate your touch when he’s stressed. So if you come into his office when he’s working on something and you can tell he’s ready to rip his hair out, he’ll love if you came up to him and hugged him from behind or rubbed his shoulders. Law actually does like to cuddle at night though when he’s trying to sleep. He’s found that when you’re either on his chest or he’s holding you it’s easier for him to get some shut eye even if it’s just for a few hours.
Y-Yearning: How will they cope when they’re missing their boyfriends/girlfriend?
He copes well enough. Of course he does miss you but he’s not going to cry about it. He might just kinda lean back in his office chair and sigh while he’s thinking about you. But when he’s really missing you, he’ll take a picture out from his desk that Bepo and Penguin made him take with you. He looks annoyed in the photo and he’s rolling his eyes, but he only pays attention to you and your bright smile and goofy pose. He can’t help but smile fondly at it. He won’t admit it but he actually really loves the picture and would never tell Bepo and Penguin that.
Z-Zeal: Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
Absofuckinlutely! He loves you with all his heart even if he doesn’t say it very often. He hasn’t loved someone like this in a very long time so he wants to protect what he has with you at all costs. I 100% believe he would risk his life for you. He does not want to lose you or anyone he loves ever again.
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cmagines · 3 years
What We Become: Prologue
Fandoms: Criminal Minds, Agents of SHIELD
Summary: In the aftermath of Afterlife, Y/N decides to leave SHIELD and aim for a job opening in the FBI.
Word Count: 1,278
           Nightmares were to be expected before starting a new job. That’s what you told yourself, repeatedly, until you halfway believed it. Never mind that your new job was likely to be a cake walk considering the last year you’d been through. Rapists? Murderers? Dark stuff, but nothing compared to the webs of violence and espionage you’d finally left.
           It was too early to be awake. It was too pointless to go back to sleep. The treadmill took a pounding from your feet, and then your shower ran as hot as you could bear. When you had first joined SHIELD, you had hated training, but now exercise was such a part of your routine that you struggled to rest without burning out the energy in your muscles. The shower that followed was even better. You could imagine that the water washed away more than just sweat and shampoo. On bad days, you unwillingly imagined tiny specks of stone being carried down the drain.
            The clock read almost six once you were dressed in your robe, so you took your time making breakfast, hoping that some food would calm your stomach. After all, you had no idea what exactly you were walking into and being prepared could only serve you well. Coulson had said you were a shoo-in, but it was a competitive position and you still had to get the other foot through the door. That in mind, you had a sizeable meal and packed an equally sizable lunch.
           Though there was enough time to fuss about your outfit, you didn’t see the need to bother. SHIELD agents dressed just like FBI agents. At the end of the day, a fed was a fed, and to make a good impression, you needed to show that you could fit in, play ball. You spent the rest of your extra time skimming recent news on your phone before heading out early in case of traffic. Driving was another thing you’d have to quickly get used to, right up there with staying in one place and cooking only for yourself.
           The FBI had a parking garage that connected to their two buildings. One was their training center, while the other was headquarters. Both were heavily secured – not to the point that you didn’t think a sufficiently motivated terrorist could get in, but enough so that you felt fine leaving your emergency stash of cash in the glove compartment before taking out your gloves.
           It was the first time you had opened the box, and you let out a deep breath as you saw them. Fitzsimmons had come through, as always. They were almost identical to the pair they had made for Skye – well, she went by Daisy now – except for that there was less texturing on the outside. Jemma had designed them that way to be less conspicuous. The gloves fit like gloves, to borrow a satisfyingly accurate phrase, but they felt airy enough to be comfortable.
           After you had landed in her shoes, Daisy had been able to help you in a more efficient way than Lincoln had been able to help her, simply because she knew exactly how to train you. Once you had a handle on exercising your powers, targeting your abilities came more easily. The gauntlets weren’t supposed to be as necessary as they had been in the beginning for Daisy, but it was better to be safe than sorry – especially among people who knew the bare minimum about how the world was beginning to change. You curled your fingers into fists and inhaled deeply, practicing the mindful breathing that Dr. Garner preached to you. Between Fitz’s genius engineering and Dr. Garner’s coaching, you felt confident that you could control yourself enough to blend in and leave your strange “heritage” in the past.
           Daisy ached to see you go and it pulled at your heart to leave her behind. She had become such an essential part of your life that it felt like betraying a sister, especially now that she could use your support more than ever. Her Secret Warriors project was on thin ice from the start, and a trusted right hand would go a long way to solidifying the tentative ground she rested on. But, as you looked down at your gloved hands, the power in them still made you wish you’d never set foot in Afterlife, and that was how you knew it was the right call to walk away.
           The question that remained was whether you had walked to the right place in the aftermath. Leaving your lunch and your go-bag – which you had packed in the spirit of optimism – in your car, you headed for the doors to headquarters and fastened your new ID to your belt where you could easily reach it. Bobbi would have had a fit if she’d seen, scolding you about how easily a thief could steal it. Right now, a thief was the last thing on your mind. You had an interview to ace, and hopefully a new team to impress.
           The directory told you where to go. There were two other people on the elevator when you entered, but only one of them got off with you on your floor. The big glass doors in front of the bullpen office space were more nerve-wracking than exciting, especially when you realized that if you failed to impress, the odds were slim that you would ever walk through them again.
           You weren’t certain where to go but hoped that if you walked with confidence, no one would think you looked pathetic or suspicious. Your gut told you that the man in charge would have an office to himself, so you picked a path that went along the left side of the room towards the mezzanine stairs. You caught the attention of a brown-haired man at a desk facing the wall you walked past, and to pretend not to notice, you looked at the wall instead and realized it was a memorial to agents who had died in the line of service. It was sobering.
           Maybe this wouldn’t be such a cake walk. SHIELD had put you through loads of convoluted worst-case-scenarios, some of them even involving aliens, but that didn’t mean that danger began and ended with what could be classed as science-fiction. Even with your added advantage – which you were determined to keep under wraps for as long as possible – you were fallible, just like Daisy, Sif, and SHIELD itself. Thinking otherwise would get you killed, and possibly some others alongside.
           Breathe. You were perfectly qualified. This was still bound to be safer than your former position. And as a bonus, no one was going to know what your former position actually was. An old friend at the Triskelion had helped you make sure of that. The last thing you wanted was to quit before you even began, beaten to the punch by breaking news or bureaucratic red tape. You were even outsmarting the newborn Index by legally taking a new surname. Just so you didn’t forget all you were capable of, all you had survived, and all you could still lose, you picked one that reminded you of family.
           The agent’s name was on a plaque centered on his ajar office door. You raised your left hand and knocked with your knuckles.
           “Come in,” the man’s voice called, sounding busy but almost friendly.
           With your wrist, you pushed the door open wider to step into the organized office and introduced yourself, politely but confidently. “Good morning, Agent Hotchner. My name is Y/N Johnson, and I’m here to interview for the open position in the Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
A/N: This crossover idea has been floating around in my head for a couple of weeks. I’m curious if anyone is interested, so I decided to write a quick little introduction. What do you guys think?
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spicyizuku · 4 years
mha boys & cooking headcanons
hi ❤️ heres my thoughts on the boys and if they'd cook for u!! enjoy -🌶
Includes: Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, & Iida Tenya
warnings: mentions of food
genre: general, fluff, opinion piece
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Todoroki Shoto
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𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
hmm he does sometimes!! he usually makes lunch for you when he has time off, but it's mostly stuff you can make without using an oven. he makes a GREAT sandwich
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
yes! and by yes i mean he watches as you cook. he'll probably prep the kitchen for you- he cleans up the kitchen and helps chop vegetables so you dont take extra prep time
𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤?
hmm i think he'd like baking more! he's not much of a sweet tooth but its easier to mess up when you cook rather than just sticking something in the oven and waiting for it to rise
𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥?
he's decent!! he doesnt like handling hot liquids for reasons (except soba duh) but anything other than that hes fine! it might take two tries to get a recipe right. he doesnt really make anything fancy
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
absolutely!! he loves finally being able to sit down with you after a long day. the first words that come out of his mouth is usually "how was your day?" nd you two easily fall into a pattern. he almost NEVER misses dinner
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞?
you already know!! baby loves his cold soba!!
𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬?
if you had a claim on a room in his house it would be the kitchen. yea he lives there but thats YOUR kitchen.
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Bakugou Katsuki
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𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
Everyday!! He strongly believes providing and cooking for you is one of the easiest ways to show you how much he loves you. his food speaks for him. He loves trying out new recipes for u!! nd theres no snark if you ever request something for dinner. When you two first got together he'd make breakfast and then say he "accidentally made too much" so you can have some. It gradually evolved to "What do you want to eat?"
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
rarely. he doesnt want u anywhere near the kitchen. On rare occasions when he's done cooking u make desert, but usually you bake in advance bc he doesn't want anything in his way when he's ready to make something
𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤?
hes the cook and ur the baker!! He doesnt see the joy in baking and thinks it's useless to him since he doesnt really enjoy sweets. that is- until you make KILLER Shu kurimu. he cant get enough of the cream puffs you make and does not know when to stop. u usually only make them once a month. he gets mad if you make them more bc he knows hes going to ignore his meal plan and inhale them lol
𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥?
You already know Bakugou is Gordon Ramsey 2.0!! man can make anything. every time you see him head to the kitchen you get excited. you KNOW he's abt to go hard and make the best food you've probably ever tasted
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
hmm not much- You know bakugou is an overachieving perfectionist. He works and works and works until he drops. He doesn't have time to sit down and eat, he's always on patrol. That doesn't mean he leaves you with nothing to eat, though! He'll get up early to make you both bentos and makes sure to prep for dinner if he isnt cooking in advance. On off days (rare) he'll make you American styled breakfast in bed 🥰
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞?
Tantanmen! its the japanese take on Sichuan Dan Dan noodles. u know baby loves his spices
𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬?
HIS. dont even THINK about trying to get in that kitchen while he's cooking. he needs his space and cooking is his time to shine!! he'll get irritated if ur in the way. he likes when you sit at the bar top of his kitchen and talk to him while he cooks. even distracted he cooks perfectly. he doesnt add much to the conversation since he's still focused, but he loves hearing ur voice and knowing you enjoy being around him enough to just sit and watch
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Midoriya Izuku
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𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
ummm- he tries?? He makes you two a lot of no-cook dinners since hes not good with cooking yet. But babyboy definitely tries!!
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
all the time!! izuku is usually watching you cook. whenever you're in the kitchen, hes there. He watches and takes notes so he can get better. He helps with all the non cooking parts- chops up everything and preheats the oven. He'll help clean up your mess as you go!!
𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤?
hmm both! he's a decent baker but he wants to learn more about both. baby never gives up on learning something new
𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥?
hh at first? NO. You're surprised he's survived this long. You have no idea how he follows meal plans to stay in shape for hero work when the man barely knows how to boil water. He's admitted he used to go to Bakugous and annoy him until he was kicked out with a full stomach. but!! Once a week, you'll give him a lesson and watch over as he cooks, you know he'd rather die than give up trying to perfect something. He's a really fast learner and is actually starting to get good!! Next thing you know you'll be coming home from work and finding that dinner was already made- maybe a bit dry, okay. But its not that bad!!
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
He tries- he really really tries. He loves eating dinner with you, but being the #1 hero takes sacrifice and dinner with his loved ones is exactly that. He's too busy for his own good; completing patrols and missions, attending events, making appearances, writing reports??? Its all a LOT. He'll probably come home to eat dinner with you once (twice, if hes lucky) a month.
You know how hard it is on him. He would always sit down and eat dinner with his mom when he was younger and not being able to sit down and relax was stressful. One day you decided to surprise him! You two share your locations so you made dinner and went out to bring him food. You two ate on this agency's fire escape- He was so happy!! You remember that scene when spiderman ate a churro while sitting on the ledge of a building? thats yall. After that, he makes sure these midnight picnics are a daily thing- he wouldnt miss patrol dinners for the world
he always wraps an arm around you when you two eat during a patrol. He gets grumpy because you never bring a jacket and he doesn't have one on him to give you since hes in his hero suit ): you sit side by side, arms brushing against eachother as you two eat whatever you made
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞?
Tonkatsu!! its one of his favorite foods and it doesn't take that mich effort or time to make
𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬?
Yours!! you're usually in charge of food- he's too busy and if he rushes cooking the food will turn out inedible. He doesnt have time to clean up after you- so he hires someone to clean the kitchen daily. A hero's salary has its perks!
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Tenya Iida
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𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
not usually- its not because he doesnt want to. It just doesn't cross his mind. Cooking for him is more of a chore- He'd rather take you out someplace nice
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
All the time!! You two work around the kitchen with eachother effortlessly- never getting in eachothers way. He'll stop to watch you work your magic sometimes. Cooking with you is such a mundane yet enjoyable experience
𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤?
baker!! he mostly makes rolls and baked goods that arent too sweet. I strongly believe Iida likes to bake bread
𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥?
He's decent- he follows all recipes to a T so if its a bad recipe the food will turn out a little bland. u know when you see a recipe and it has little to no spices so you add some? Iida doesn't do that- a recipe is made to be followed
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫?
Yes!! You two try to eat together at least three times a week. On fridays his brother comes over for dinner- its always a grand time! The dining room booms with laughter and chatter
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞?
beef stew!! thats one of the meals he makes thats really really good!
𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬?
shared! you both cook and bake equally and u never kick eachother out the kitchen. He loves being in the kitchen with you!! He'll press up against your back, resting his head on your shoulder and wrapping an arm around your waist as he watches you cook
he's tried being romantic and dance with you in the kitchen. poor baby just doesnt know how to dance. but humor him!! he loves dancing with you! Theres a speaker in the kitchen just for when you want to hold eachother in the kitchen and listen to music
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Thanks for reading 🥺 If you wanna leave constructive criticism i'd really appreciate that ❤️ I take requests btw! lemme know if i should do a pt 2 w the other boys & shinsou! hope u enjoy ur day
- chili 🌶
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