#not my best work sorry eve 🥹
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ayukaze · 1 year ago
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jikookficsdiarry · 3 months ago
Im sorry i was mia again...im so busy with work and studying, and guess who was doing both on Christmas eve?! ME🫠🙈 but its okay I'm packing gifts and sipping on my favourite beer whilst listening to my favourite carols🤍
I hope this Christmas brings you abundance of joy, happiness and peace and that you are blessed spending this day with your loved ones. To all those who are unable to spend today with your loved ones, or if this holiday season has been tough for you, I pray you are happy and you find your peace and comfort🤍 have the best day and god bless you all with so much happiness✨️stay safe and enjoy the Christmas cheer✨️🤍
I really miss my parents, I miss being back home and my family is having a big reunion back home...i really miss everything, but my parents left me a chirstmas goody bag lile they do every year since i was born hehe and I didn't expect it at all😭 oh man I miss them...im gonna tear up but its happy tears i promise.
I hope you'll have the best day loves! I hope the tannies are also happy on this beautiful day and just 7 more days since we can say the tannies are back this year🤍🥹
Merry Christmas once again🤍🎄
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koomaqu · 17 days ago
hello it's me again and i'm here for some fic recs!!! (i couldn't send a dm here bc it's only set for mutuals, but it's fine! i'll send via ur askbox instead!!) basically anything from princesskay is the best written bxh for me, not to mention the amount of fics she contributed in the tag. here are my top favs from her: 1) holden praise kink series - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1748365 2) holden gets moany when bill gives him a back massage - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23315452 3) post canon jealous bill when holden dates someone looking like him - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31294862 4) titles of this series are all alcohol bc they're mostly drunk here - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1491002 5) holden goes undercover (and falls for someone who looks like bill before realizing he actually likes him) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23462395 6) lots of one shots - https://archiveofourown.org/works/22217824 7) her magnum opus imo (1930s au+priest holden/cop bill+bottom bill) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26651644 other favs from other authors: - crossdressing holden getting bill worked up - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20102347 - killing eve au - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16323347 - mafia au w holden as honeypot (bill is so fucking hot here i swear) -https://archiveofourown.org/works/21025406 - vampire holden au - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21462586 - fantasy au where holden has investigating powers that make bill aroused akshdjf - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30508176 - drugged up holden stuck in his undercover & bill goes along w it - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15980873 - phone sex that started out as a joke but got serious rq - https://archiveofourown.org/works/49622944 - bill character study!!! where he pines for holden from s1-2, wanting to kiss his partner but never got the chance to - https://archiveofourown.org/works/57502639
idk if this is a lot or not enough ajsdhfjhjdf but yea! if you got any more trope/kink preferences, just ask me bc most likely i've read that fic under the tag 😭😭😭 that is all~ happy reading 😊😊😊
Ah damn my bad for not checking the dms settings after proposing it myself omfg, sorry!!
And THANK YOUUU for such an extensive, detailed list!! 😭 I can't wait to get to those omg 🥺💖💖 just the premise of so many of these have me worked up! Bill pining looks especially delicious 😭 my hearttt. Thank you again! 🥹
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jungkoode · 5 days ago
Hi hello it's me 👋 that anon who mentioned 25th hour changing the direction of my own writing.
I actually only write for me and a few friends 😭 but if I get the courage to post anything I'll totally share it with you!!! It's not a fandom based thing, something I made for some OC's of mine but could easily be turned into a bts fic.
Anyways yes 25th hour has altered my brain chemistry permanently. It's actually the first thing I discovered of yours and I found it on ao3. I read it when you put up the first chapter and remember obsessively checking my phone when I was on break at work to see if you posted more. Then I bumped into your tumblr and that was a wrap lol, I'm here forever now.
One thing that I LOVE about it is how the world feels so full without like- les miserables-ing it. Truly feel like it's a master class in environmental storytelling. Especially when you add on the characters interactions with Noma as well? Ugh. Just ugh. I'm obsessed actually. I also love to theorize and you gave me so much for my brain to gnaw on in that story. I am absolutely convinced her and yoongi can't touch because his power is restore. I have no idea what that means for her yet!!!! But!!! As I said I'm chewing on it!!!!
I was unable to successfully write anything sci fi until I read this for some reason. I think you just inspired me to go absolutely insane, in the best way possible of course.
Hello again baby! I can’t believe you’re here again 🥹 welcome back again!
I totally feel you — 25H is truly my weird Matrix / Umbrella Academy Hybrid kid that looks slightly unhinged on Christmas Eve but I cherish deeply.
Honestly I know it’s probably my hardest work to read — the techno babble and brain wrecking there is just… insane. But I’m a Trekkie, so are we surprised?
I think that’s why it’s also the hardest one for me to write! I’m a huge sci-fi nerd, but there’s so many things we don’t know that I have to research and make up, that sometimes I get exhausted. That and the fact that Noma here is a walking computer whilst I, the author, barely can tie shoelaces together without creating some sort of calamity.
But I am SOOO happy to hear your thoughts on the world building and the environment? The whole AU is honestly crazy and I HAD to come up with so many theories and hypothesis to make it work (and some I made up on the spot so if you’re a scientist… try to suspend your disbelief for the reading. I tried my best. 😭) BUT YES. Word building is just something I adore!
And sometimes it’s so hard! Because you have to take into account who’s narrating the story, and what they know. Like, totally off topic now but, I did read Fourth Wing and a lot of critiques I saw complained about the protagonist explaining things to the reader in ways that did not feel natural. Because who has an inner monologue explaining how the world works? I definitely don’t comb my hair and think in my head ‘okay so every country has a government, and each government has these money institutions called central banks, which work together in this thing called European Union…’ and the works.
NOBODY DOES THAT. And I think reading reviews and critiques has also helped me a lot as an author. But back to the topic (sorry, rambling is my thing), yeah! Environmental storytelling is hard, especially trying to make it natural and not awkward as fuck.
And if you ever do write anything feel free to absolutely hit me up on my DMs! I would love to read whatever you come up with — knowing it’s been somehow inspired by my own work is honestly an honor. 🥹🫶🏻
Thank you! Have a blessed day. ❤️
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domjaehyun · 7 months ago
Miss "Many many thoughts on part 4" here, I came back to share them:
- First off, very soon into Part 4: the Kirko Bangz reference made me smile so hard but also made me feel old a lil because I was like "damn how many people aren't going to get this?" 😭
- The progress from Part 1 through to Part 4 with how y/n feels about Winter: the way it goes from pity and guilt to bitterness and envy, and you did it in such a 'show don't tell' way, very mwah. This is just a me thing but I also believe it's the first infidelity fic I've read where I don't feel too bad for the person getting cheated on because the people involved in the affair are so compelling in their addiction to one another? Since we get y/n's perspective in such a "biased" way, Winter acts as nothing more than a barrier between her and Haechan and the fact she's portrayed as so gullible, passive and "too nice" as Haechan put it, makes me feel the same annimosity towards her as y/n, almost. Somehow I'm more scared of Jeno finding out about their ordeal because y/n's perspective "humanises" Jeno more because he's not an "enemy" like Winter is and it's just, yeah, very good Miss Jewel ����
- The contrast between the smut scenes with Jeno and Haechan is so good? The way you wrote Jeno's really felt like a petty/just-sex hookup compared to the desperation and devotion in the Haechan scene(s).
- Speaking of the Haechan smut... the scene at the end...... woah. Probably some of the best smut I've read? It felt so heated and just... hot, desperate, emotionally-driven (both good and bad emotions), everything. Also, very original? I don't think I've ever read a y/n be so caught up in it that she just forgets how to kiss back, that was very new and very hot and very REALLL.
Not really Part 4 thoughts but overall other series thoughts/praises:
- Sommelier is such a unique and cool job choice?
- I love how you integrate the song lyrics into the fic, it immediately makes me want to listen to the song. I played break up with your girlfriend all morning because of Part 4 actually 🤭
- Love how goofy and silly Seulgi's character is
- The way you write dialogue is really good and the way you describe the surroundings and the way people emote around what they're saying always makes it feel very realistic.
In general, you have a really great talent for writing: keep going 💗 excited for the rest of this series and whatever you'll have cooking next. I fear this series may have dethroned Pussy Fiend as my favourite domjaehyun piece.
See you next week!
OH. oh wow . i just want you to know i am so happy right now i am literally sitting here like this
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but like . actually cute 💖 OKAY LETS GET INTO IT HEHEHE
the way i made that reference entirely for me i was like no one is gonna laugh but me and i do not care BUT IM HAPPY YOU GOT THE REFERENCE OMG 🥹
THANK YOU i really tried to capture the shift in her stance on the whole thing bc she can’t exactly keep doing it and feel guilty like . clearly she enjoys being with him and she doesn’t feel bad enough to stop yknow? it’s so fascinating that you commented on the humanization of winter and jeno respectively BECAUSE I WAS HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME TRYING TO MAKE WINTER A LESS FLAT CHARACTER WHILE ALSO MAKING HER NOT VERY LIKABLE!!!! my inner struggle was “okay she has to be Real but not Too Real bc then the audience will pity her too much and hate MC. but if i make her Real and Annoying it wouldn’t make sense why she’s in the friend group to begin with if she’s blatantly irritating” so i def went the route of like . she’s here but not much….we like her a bit, but not that much…….
jeno …. i had to humanize him bc he serves as somewhat of a foil? to haechan’s character which you’ll see more of in the next part i think like he has to be real / human so the audience can see why she and haechan work so well…. yeah :p sorry to jeno </3
IM SO GLAD YOU FEEL THAT WAY i wanted there to be a stark contrast in the way they interacted w each other like . even down to the way they eat pussy they are Different and both can get the job done but it’s like . you still have a favorite though
REEEEAALLLYYYYY??? 🥹🥹🥹 some of the best smut you’ve ever read oh my god 🥹🥹🥹🥹 i think that’s so hot like . emotionally charged sex AND being so into it that you lose yourself and forget how to function properly 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ mhm mhm good stuff
THANK YOU credit to that idea actually goes to my very dear friend :3 she came up w that i just ran with it fr !!!
EEE THANK YOU i love having like . at least one silly/goofy girl character i think a lot of the time ppl feel compelled to make their female side characters or female characters in general very . bland. like it’s not giving ✨ very demure very mindful ✨ it’s giving “you are not fun at parties so what are you doing here” i use the female friends as an outlet for all my yapping i just make them talk abt any and everything so . hehe
THANK YOUUUU I LOVE DIALOGUE ITS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE PART TO WRITE i love capturing every little detail i can think of in dialogue whether it be in the dialogue tags or the actual dialogue itself !!!
DETHRONED PUSSY FIEND OMG 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 i adore this comment i really do strive to outdo myself like not all of my fics are a Labor Of Love some of them are just me scraping out the brain rot i have from thinking abt an idea and i make it look nice but when i devote like . months and hundreds of thousands of words to a fic ……… i am definitely aiming to outdo myself :’) so this means a whole lot to me thank you genuinely 🥹🥹🥹 I WILL KEEP WRITING I HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF STOPPING 😁😁😁 you are so lovely im so happy you came back to say more i really thoroughly appreciate this message !!!!
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naniskys · 11 months ago
hi!!!! gmmtv part 2 is happening soon so i wanted to ask you a few questions :)
what kind of shows are you expecting?? what kind of shows so you want to see??? which couples do you want to get a show and which couple do you think will get one??? is there anything you don’t want to see at all???
sorry anon this has been sitting in my inbox for over a month, but it's gmmtv24 p2 eve so i'm finally getting around to answering it :)
ngl i haven't been super up to date on gmmtv stuff lately + a lot of my favourite actors aren't in the lineup which is kinda sad :(
NEVERTHELESS, let us proceed with the fun stuff hehehe
Based off what artists have leaked + reddit detectives + my general delusions: (first 5 with asterisks are ones i'm extra excited for!!! :D)
**firstkhao mafia romcom directed by p'jojo - fk have a series confirmed by khao himself, and all their interactions with p'jojo ever since that first sus ig story makes this one almost 100% confirmed for me (maybe not all the details exactly, but fk with p'jojo at the very least).
**estwilliam cp debut - ALL THE DETECTIVE WORK HAS CONVINCED ME, after greatinn and thorfluke were successfully sussed out before part 1, i have faith that this is gonna come true too 🙏
**KRISTSINGTO COMEBACK - YOU DON'T JUST BRING BACK SINGTO WITHOUT EVERYONE CALLING FOR THIS and there's nothing gmmtv loves more than the big bucks so we all know this is happening 😌
**bounprem's vampire project reannounced (possibly with a new trailer) - i think this one's a given and probably why bp will be there. i'm not sure how long this whole sws gmmtv overhaul has been in the works for, so i dont know whether they'd have filmed a new trailer or not, but i'm expecting some more gmmtv artists to be added to the cast as well.
**new perthchimon bl - i hate myself for not staying up to date enough on perthchimon news lately😭 but i swear someone somewhere strongly hinted at it ???
new joongdunk bl (more adult setting??) - again, i swear i saw someone somewhere confirming/hinting at this, but idk
At least 1 more gl announced - 23.5 is going pretty well and i think they're gonna keep trying it out (emibonnie? viewjune? janjane?)
lego lykn's acting debut + mark pakin main role - As confirmed by the people themselves in livestreams (just grouping them together for shits and giggles lol) also leads me to think some of the other lykn members might dip into acting? 👀
gemini in a het series (with prim or a newbie) - definitely expecting non-bl works for both gemini and fourth, and i've been seeing stuff about geminiprim?? 👀
perthchimon non-school bl directed by p'aof - i will happily take them in whatever capacity we get but i'd love to see them with p'aof in a more mature setting + with a solid good plot
perth in a bl with a different cp partner - i love perthchimon and i love dangerous romance with all my heart, but i also love mixing and matching all the blorbos and i'd love to see perth opposite some others (gmmtv would give us ohmperth if they weren't cowards)
more plot-heavy bls where romance isn't necessarily the main thing - i want to see some less tropey works, where the non-romance plot is more the main focus of the the show
midnight museums s2 - this is not in a million years happening, but a girl can dream 😭😭
dark romance/something more gritty - honestly thing gmmtv does best with their lighter shows, which is why i think it'd be interesting to see them branch out a bit more
another bounprem bl 🤪 - this probably wouldn't have even happened before the gmmtv switch, and don't think it's gonna happen now, but bp are my day 1s and i'm always gonna root for them, solo or together 🥹🥹💞
sports bl !!!! - i've been on a sports drama kick lately, and gmmtv has plenty of sporty people, so make it happen!!
a proper enemies to lovers bl (WITHOUT a childhood meeting reveal) - i need them to truly DESPISE each other's guts before they get together
heartliming spinoff 🫡 - geminifourth's best work imo and i don't think anything will ever beat it for me <3 it would make for such a good show if it's executed well (i have full faith in gem4th and p'aof), it's been too long now, but i would actually die if this happened
a platonic friendship-based show - i just wanna see a really good friendship group (which we can make gay in the headcanons anyway lol) and put them in situations, whether it be crime fighting, trouble making or anything in between honestly
be gay do crime - need i say more? (why are half of my wishes lowkey the same thing reworded 💀)
I think that's all i have in mind (for now). Happy gmmtv24 part 2 everyone !!!! <33
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seiwas · 3 months ago
happy christmas eve, sel! i already placed my ornament on your tree days ago hihi but i wanted to greet you on here too! altho i only found your blog just recently, seeing you on my dash is something like the familiarity of seeing an old friend, haha. i mentioned this before, but i've come to the habit of expecting your posts on my feed, and was wondering why you were not quite as active as you usually are and found out that you got engaged shortly after!!
thank you for sharing your art with us, and i wish you all the best in your coming marriage & (official, since you're getting married oml) family life! 🫶 i hope to have enough time to occasionally binge on your works next year. stay safe & warm (or cold, depending on where you live lol) in these times! all the love to you! 🩷🌟
nonie this is the sweetest message ever 🥺 waaah i could sob 🥺 what a gift that you stumbled upon my lil blog and i get to thank YOU for your kindness!! saying that my presence is like the familiarity of an old friend means the world to me 🥺 i'm glad i can provide that kind of comfort to you!! (and how cute!!! that you were expecting my posts on your dash too 😭 i'm sorry i kind of just disappeared for a bit 😭 i was considering announcing a semi-hiatus when things got busy but honestly didn't even know what a semi-hiatus would mean for me 😭)
thank YOU for being so lovely and choosing to leave a sweet message on here 🥺 you make sharing my stuff on here less scary 🥹 & thank you for the well wishes as well!! i hope to also have the time to write more next year!! i hope the end of the year is treating you well, and that the next year will be even better!!! i am multiplying all the love you've given me and sending it back to you tenfold 💗🥺
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star-eyed-angels · 3 months ago
hiiiii it's your santa again! HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE/MERRY CHRISTMAS (depending on your timezone) 💓💌🎄🎁🧑‍🎄
i'm so so sorry to hear you got sick before christmas😭 pls pls take care and i hope you feel better very soon! here's much warmth from my end to yours!
you're so right? dino's smile is the most beautiful thing on the planet 💖 i think there's so much innocence and purity and his inner child hidden away in it? like he was forced to grow up earlier than usual (as an idol and as a hyung in his family) so seeing him smile freely is really precious <3
and yess love triangles are so heartbreaking i think i can't even torture myself thinking of it 😭 happy endings for the win <3
do you mind if i ask what profession you're in? i wanted to suit the character to you completely! if it's a problem to share, no worries at all!
and a few quick rapid fire questions for you🥺 please indulge me i just wanna get to know you better !!
your love language: quality time vs gifts
festive feasting vs dance&music
romcoms vs period dramas
soft music vs energetic music
sunset vs sunrise
comfort food vs experimenting
movies vs reading
nature vs heritage
night time vs day time
sorry if all my questions are too burdensome! thank you in advance for being patient with me🥺💌
https://www.instagram.com/reel/DD9aGWVSgUe/?igsh=b3Rpb3EwdWJuM256 REMINDED ME OF YOUR MAFIA ATEEZ FICS
Merry Christmas, my lovely secret santa!! It’s just turned to midnight not too long ago so it’s officially Christmas time!!🎄
Thank you lovely, I’m doing my best to try and rest, I’m just bummed because I was supposed to be in charge of dinner this year and now I can’t really help 🥲But hopefully a Christmas miracle will happen and I’ll actually be better for the actual day🤞🏼
I hope your Christmas goes well! Sending you all the virtual hugs and well wishes for you and your loved ones!!❣️
Yes!! you get it!! His smile is so pretty! I agree, I’m always reminded of the conversation he had with Seungkwan during in the soop where he tells him to just enjoy being the youngest at times. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him or any of the members really to grow up so young. So seeing them have fun and just be silly kids at hearts always makes my heart full.
Yes! Happy endings are a must, my poor heart can’t bear sad endings. 
So as far as what I do I work in a call center, boring 9-5 life for little ol’ me. but I studied communications, and my dream job is working in something in that field (if I could have it my way I’d be a screenwriter🥲 )
Oooh for me I think I’m more into quality time! I love spending time with loved ones, even if we don’t do anything special☺️
I would say feasting! 
Definitely love romcoms more
ooh this one I think is 50/50. It really just depends on the day, like my everyday playlist is a mixture of everything. 
Comfort food mostly, tho I do love experimenting every once in a while 
This one is so HARD, I’m big on reading because it’s so lovely just sitting and picturing worlds through fics and normal books, but I live for dissecting movies.
I’m so sorry I’m a little dumb and having trouble understanding this question
Night time!
And they aren’t a burden at all! I’ve loved getting to talk to you and I hope I can get to know you more when I find out who you are ❤️
also the fact that you thought of my fic is so sweet🥹💕
I’ll let you in on a little secret. while San isn’t next for my mafia fics, this video is very similar to how I picture him. and he may or may not drive a motorcycle 👀
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daisynik7 · 1 year ago
you’ve always given me a heads-up before your breaks and it’s something that i hope you don’t feel pressure to do but i always appreciate the gesture, and i hope you’ll accept my apology. i ran myself into a rut a little bit ago without a distinct cause, which is annoying 🫠 but gradually been climbing out and regaining composure, but i’m good now! 
sincerely i hope you’ve been well! how have you been, any plans? hoping you have days off work with the holidays. also Merry Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to you, my love! <3 continue to enjoy your break, i never want to assume the absence of difficulty of the holidays for anyone, whether spent with family or alone, i hope you’re treating yourself and eating dishes that make you feel good, i send you all my love regardless!<3
i hope the last week of this year for you is restful and prepares you for all the good things to come in 2024, you’ve been working so hard, especially these past few months and yet you’re still able to find time to prioritize you, that’s amazing for you!🫶🏼 most of all i hope you’re proud of your accomplishments and what you’ve achieved not just in work projects but in your personal life, and of course, your writing that takes time out of your day but has long graced this dogshit app with quality😌as well as your efforts to uplift other writers in this community and your credit to the original! 
i’m so so so grateful to have (married and) crossed paths with a sweet and gentle soul like you, for as long as you’d like i will be here to share your excitement and cheer on your success and do my best in providing insight or even just comfort for your insecurities that you will overcome, and of course a source of snuggles when you're in your funks or the seasonal depression hits, because i know you’d do the same for me.🥹 
in my absence, i send you a surplus of hugs, kisses, and cuddles, plus the emergency reserve. resolutions or not i will be just as proud of you (if not a little more because i can 🫢) for what you did this year and in the upcoming year!<3 i love you dearly sweet daisy, thank you for your company and for occupying my mind 24/7, my fav permanent resident in my lil mind space 🥰🥰🥰
THEA! SNOOKUMS! WIFEY! oh my goodness, am I so happy to hear from you! there is no reason for you to apologize whatsoever, please don't feel bad about anything! I'm sorry to hear you were in a rut but I'm so glad to hear that you're good now! I hope that you can enjoy these last days of 2023 with high spirits.
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and Happy New Year to you too, my love! I had plenty of delicious food these past few days, enough to keep me well-nourished into the new year LOL. I hope you had the same! Did you cook or eat anything special?
I'm going to take the next few days to reflect on my year! I think that's always healthy to do, right? I used to write down new years resolutions as a kid, but I'm realizing that we as a society should appreciate ourselves more about what we were already able to accomplish, whether they are big things or small things. It's important to have goals for the future, but I think it's just as important to pat ourselves on the back for what we've already done, so yeah! I'm going to start doing that with myself more and I hope you do the same!
You are always too sweet to me, I don't know what I did to have the blessing of knowing you. very grateful to have you by my side and that we both have each other to rely on! I'm always here to root for you, to cheer you on, to shower you in love and support just as you do for me. I'm so proud of everything you've been able to accomplish this year and am excited to see you continue to thrive in 2024. Whether it's in your personal life, in your hobbies (like writing, bc you're incredible at it!), or whatever else you put your mind to. I know you're going to keep shining brighter and bright, my beautiful, twinkling star. ✨
I love you so so much thea!! I'm accepting all your affection and sending you all of my own. Smooches, snuggles, hand-picked flowers, and so much more! Thinking of you always and I missed you so so much! 😭💜
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roosterscockpit · 2 years ago
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader
This list will be updated every time I post a new part! I will keep this pinned so it will be easier for you all to navigate and go through the story! Thank you for all the love and support bestiess! 🥰
I do not consent to my work being copied, translated or published elsewhere. If you do happen to see it, please let me know.
Part 1: Just The Beginning
Part 2: Little Leia
Part 3: Revenge Of The Sixth
Part 4: The Real Reason I'm Here
Part 5: Austin <3
Part 6: The Best Day Of Your Life
Part 7: The Beach Scene....
Part 8: Bradley...Bradshaw...
Part 9: A Date?
Part 10: Time To Let Go
Part 11: "Stay, Austin."
Part 12: You Were Each Other's First Everything
Part 13: His Little Girl
Part 14: Every Time I Close My Eyes
Part 15: Goodbye, Again...
Part 16: Bradley's Wings
Part 17: Dagger 2, Up And Ready.
Part 18: "MAAAAAAAV!"
Part 19: They're Mine
Part 20: Our Little "Bob"
Part 21: Papa Mav Duty
Part 22: Bradley Meets Billy 
Part 23: The Banquet 
BONUS: Their First Halloween Together HC
Part 24: Leia’s Family <3
Part 25: Hangman’s Little Wing-Girl 
Part 26: It’s Been A Week And A Half...
Part 27: Lieutenant Bradshaw
Part 28: Leia Is A Kindergartner 
Part 29: Daddy Rooster, Sir.
Part 30: Leia’s Callsign Party
Part 31: Name: Leia Rey, Call Sign: .....?
Part 32: Fanboy The Tooth Fairy
BONUS: Friendsgiving HC
Part 33: Dagger Squad vs. Vapor’s Homework
Part 34: Welcome Home, Baby
Part 35: Party The Night Away
Part 36: Rooster's Cockpit (that's me 🥹)
Part 37: Scarred For Life
Part 38: Paradise
Part 39: The Venue
BONUS: Dagger Squad Takes Care of Leia HC : Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
Part 40: Last Day In Paradise
BONUS: Just A Bow And A Santa Hat 🎅🏼🎁
Part 41: Welcome Home Kisses
Part 42: Leia's Puppy
Part 43: Best Man and Maid Of Honor
BONUS: Their First Winter Together H.C: Pt. 1 Pt.2
Part 44: Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
Part 45: Will You Give Me Away?
BONUS: Christmas Eve At Papa Mav’s HC ❄️
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