#not much feels colorful after the turtles’ and Splinter’s disappearance
ninjagecko72 · 2 months
Hi cerise has returned and
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She found some flowers and she wants to share them
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Thank you. Not much has been feeling colorful lately but I think Isa appreciates the thought.
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yellowhollyhock · 4 months
thinking about Donny developing a crush on Angel
Because I don't think it would be until after btts. There are moments in earlier seasons that are seeds to me, where I think they'd be in love looking back on it, if that makes sense? But when she gives him the best of the outfits in her intro episode and he enjoys dressing up more than we usually will see from him, I don't think it means anything at the time. Or in the Darkness Within when the creature makes him see her fall--I like best to read that as purely platonic in that moment. They don't know each other well yet--but it does tell us something about how deeply he values his friendships. And the fact that she comes to their Christmas party--okay she mostly seems to be there to help Raph torment Casey and April, but still, it shows some trust and level of effort that she's there. Because it's not like she can tell her grandma where she's going.
On my mind lately has been Donny, finally truly coming back to the present after getting Master Splinter back, wanting to move on quickly to the next big thing which he now knows is helping April start her own tech company, but he can't tell her that because 1) messes with the timestream and 2) she just got married. He needs to find ways to keep himself busy because when he doesn't have something immediate to deal with, he ends up having to deal with nightmares and shutdowns instead.
And then here's Angel, settling into her job as a hairdresser, just moved back in with Gramma because she needs help at home, trying to spend more time with the turtles because 1) they disappeared, that freaked everyone out, stuff is is always happening to them and this time she's not gonna miss it, and 2) trying to recapture memories because her life has gotten away from her so fast and now it's 9 to 5 and what ever happened to graffiti and beating up thugs? (she'll get those things back just dealing with early 20s time management struggle). She's not a very openly verbally affectionate person, she's always been super independent, she doesn't really know how to say 'hey i missed you guys, do you wanna hang out because sometimes if i don't see you for too long i get worried.' So she tries to feel useful. Invites herself on patrols with them. Hangs out a lot with Leatherhead learning first aid for mutants (lots of skills apply to both but he's the medical expert in their friend group of mixed creatures and given their various hobbies they could always use more friends who can help with injuries). And--most importantly for this post--brings things by that she thinks the turtles could use. Just little gifts. Fun accessories to help them blend ('trust me mismatched socks are cool, the sillier the better. No one's gonna be checking how many toes you have if you're wearing these'), her own art, extra screws and bolts upon noticing that Donny can always find a way to use them. It becomes a bit of a game, with her trying to spot things that could be taken apart and repurposed to see what he ends up doing with them.
Gifts are a big deal to Donny. Especially since, as noted above, without a crisis to deal with he's finding himself vulnerable as emotions he previously couldn't confront due to being in survival mode are coming to the surface. And now someone he already respects and cares deeply for is bringing him Items and taking an interest in what he does with them. I think this is the main thing that gets his attention. And once you have Don's attention you have All Of It because that's how his brain works what, projecting? me? . He's seeing how much she tries to take care of other people while trying to maintain this aloof 'whatever I'm just here for the free food' facade. Noticing that she likes to do her nails in colors that clash with her hair, when she does them, usually she keeps them plain. Taking an interest in human cosmetology (what an academically interesting subject). Finding her jokes funnier than he ever remembers finding Casey's even though they have a very similar sense of humor. Admiring how brave she is, heart swelling with warmth when she does little things to take care of her grandma, stomach fluttering when she comes over to play video games with Mikey and specifically asks him to join. Taking note of her favorite foods, taste in music, what types of games and movies she likes.
Slowly realizing that his feelings have evolved, trying to ignore it because he has no idea how pursuing a relationship would even work. And then one day as he's shaking himself out of his daydreams to refocus on fixing the dishwasher, realizing that more and more often it's her filling up his thoughts in quiet moments, instead of Shredder or Triceratons or Viral. Huh, cool. Maybe it's not a permanent solution, Master Splinter's been telling him he needs to allow these feelings to run their course, but--well, maybe he can apply that to the crush he's developed. That's something he has to deal with, too, and it sure feels nicer.
And then Angel (who is more observant and more confident than her friend group, mostly older than her, ever remember), asks him on a date. Now he has a big thing to focus on! And for the first time in what feels like ever, it's a happy thing. He's going to be the best boyfriend, Angel deserves to be so spoiled and he's good at that!
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risebto · 2 years
Blood is Thicker than Ooze | Chapter Six
Word Count: 3524 Warnings: Bad Parent Draxum, Hurt Donatello, Unreliable narrator, Psychological abuse, Separated Donnie AU Description: Purple is the son of Draxum, a great warrior alchemist. With his help, Draxum will eradicate the prophesied human threat, and restore yōkai to the surface. Purple doesn��t understand why these three turtles are trying to stop them.
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Leo rolled his arm in its socket, trying to will away the pain he felt in his arm. It wasn’t broken or sprained, which was good. It was sore from being kept at a weird angle when caught by that Draxum guy's cocoon trap. 
Dad was still watching TV, just as he was when they had left. He wondered if the old rat had even noticed their absence before shaking his head. He sometimes thought so little of his father, despite what he gave up to raise them… It’s not like Splinter chose to become a rat, nor did he decide to raise three baby turtles all on his own in New York’s sewers.
He knew he was probably his least favorite. Mikey couldn’t be disliked by default; he was the youngest and sweetest. Raph was kind and strong. There was nothing to suggest that Dad didn’t like him or that he might like the other two. Leo could never shake that feeling of inferiority. 
“Leo, your arm okay?” His older brother’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. The large turtle mutant had a worried expression on his face; one Leo was familiar with. Raph worried too much, in his opinion. But he knew Raph didn’t think Leo was concerned enough. 
Leo gave him a thumbs up with the sore arm, ignoring the discomfort it caused him. “All good, big bro! Just a little stiff, is all. What about you and Mike’n’ike?”
“I’ve got no wounds,” Raph answered but looked worryingly at Mikey, who sat crisscrossed with an old iPad in his lap, either drawing or playing a game. “I’m worried that Mikey got hurt, though.”
“‘Wounds,’” Leo repeated with a chuckle before directing his attention towards the youngest of the three. Mikey was capable of many things, and Leo was painfully aware of his abilities. But he would always be his little brother, and he understood why Raph thought him so fragile. Not only was he the youngest, but he was also the smallest. Raph was always a little rougher when they were younger and had accidents when it came to playing with Mikey if he wasn’t careful enough. 
“Mikey,” Leo called, causing the younger turtle to look up at him. “You got any ‘wounds,’ as Raph would say?” Leo could practically hear Raph roll his eyes.
“Nope!” Mikey said with an enormous smile, returning to what he was doing. Leo saw that Mikey was holding a pencil and figured he was probably drawing. It was Mikey’s thing- other than cooking. Despite being named after artists, Leo and Raph never took up drawing as a real passion. But Mikey always had a niche for it. 
“His birthday’s coming up,” Leo said quietly to Raph. The older turtle nodded, glancing at the youngest for a moment before returning his gaze to Leo. “Maybe we could get him some of those markers he likes?”
“Copic?” Raph asked, clearly hesitant. “We got the pack he currently has at a discount from April’s old job- and even that was kinda pricey.”
“We can just buy a few colors,” The middle turtle suggested with a shrug. “We could ask him what colors he needs more of- or if he's run out of ink with some. I think they sell individual Copic markers at the Micheals near April’s apartment.” 
Raph nodded and patted him on the shoulder before yawning. “I’m gonna hit the rack. You should, too.” 
“Will do,” Leo assured him and watched his big brother disappear into his room. Leo was admittedly tired, but he knew that sleep often evaded him. There was no difference between being out and about while awake and being in bed, staring at the ceiling, and being awake. He made his way towards Mikey, observing his newest drawing.
It wasn’t incredibly realistic, which wasn’t a problem for Leo. Mikey had a very original style, and no matter what any pish posh artist said, it was his favorite art style in the world. 
Mikey had a sketched turtle that looked like Leo but… different. “You testing out a new style?” He asked, sitting next to him on the floor to watch him draw. 
Mikey shook his head. “I’m drawing the turtle we saw today.”
Leo stiffed unintentionally before forcing himself to relax. Was this a coping mechanism? “Don’t worry, buddy,” He said, bumping his shoulder softly with his own. “He’s not gonna hurt you.”
Mikey laughed at that. “I’m not scared of him!” The orange turtle said earnestly before slumping a bit. “Do you think we could be related? He looked like a turtle. He looked a bit like you, honestly.”
Leo hesitated for a moment, biting his lip at the comparison. “I don’t think he was a turtle. I mean- the thing on his back was more like a backpack than a shell. Plus, he didn’t look anything like me! I’m way more handsome.”
Mikey chuckled, and Leo smiled because his little brother was, too. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Dad would’ve told us if we had some crazy long-lost brother.” 
“Yeah,” Leo hummed before nudging the younger turtle softly before getting up. “You should head to bed soon, ‘kay?” Mikey nodded but had a reluctant look on his face, causing Leo to pause. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s a little stupid, but….” Mikey fidgeted with the pencil between his fingers but sighed and continued despite his apparent anxiety. “I’m still shaken up from earlier. Not about the not-turtle cyborg guy- just the goat man.”
Leo’s expression softened in understanding. “Wanna do a pile like old times? We could all sleep in Raph’s bed- I’m sure there’s enough room.” 
Mikey stood up, his iPad held against his chest, as he followed Leo toward their older brother’s room. Leo knew Raph would say yes. When they were younger, they often slept in a pile due to the childish fear of being alone. As they got older, they requested their own room and space. But, every now and then, one of them would get a nightmare. In that case, they all would go to Raph’s room for a sleepover pile. 
Leo might razz on them, but they all knew he would tear the Earth apart if it meant making sure his brothers were safe. And he knew that they would do the same for him. They were brothers, after all.
Purple hated his “brothers.” They didn’t even deserve that title. They were strangers at best and enemies at worst. They had forgotten him as a child and left him to die the previous day. They didn’t care about him then and had proven that they didn’t care about him now. 
The small flame of hope he had for their familial ties was snuffed out and buried when they attacked Father and him.
Father hadn’t spoken to him today, certainly disappointed in Purle’s catastrophic failure. It was well-deserved on Purple’s part, but knowing that didn’t stop the shame that prickled underneath his skin. 
He’d been avoiding his father’s judgemental gaze by staying in his room. It was a cowardly move, but it saved him from the embarrassment that would ensue if he had to confront his father and try to explain why the device they’d worked so hard on was now slit in two and all over the laboratory deck. 
“Are you still thinking about your brothers?” Shelldon questioned, to which Purple nodded. The turtle sighed, sitting with his knees pressed against his plastron. 
“I thought… we’re supposed to be family,” Purple murmured. He didn’t want to speak right now, his mouth feeling stuck and the words so hard to form. But he pushed himself anyways, knowing that he couldn’t remain silent. No, that was weird. He had to talk. “Why’d they leave?”
“To be fair, Draxum was trying to capture them. And you were helping him. In their eyes, you were being an aggressor. To help you would possibly mean getting themselves hurt,” Shelldon reasoned. It made sense, and Purple hated that it made sense. He didn’t want there to be a reasonable explanation for why they’d left him.
“I hate them,” Purple decided. “I hate them.”
“Fine with me,” Shelldon said nonchalantly, which Purple found odd. The tone, the way he spoke… It was all off. He turned to Shelldon and was surprised to see him connected to the spare computer he’d brought out for him the other day. He was playing Minecraft- but he wasn’t speedrunning it like he’d seen him do before. No, instead, Shelldon was building a house. Like, an actual house that looked nice and wasn’t entirely for practical reasons.
“What?” Shelldon asked, confused by his sudden silence and shocked expression. “It’s not that bad, is it?”
“You’re playing Minecraft,” Purple said dumbly, watching Shelldon continue to place bricks down. You didn’t need bricks to complete the game or make a practical house. “You’re not… trying to beat it?”
“Nah,” Shelldon shook his body as a sort of ‘no,’ which surprised Purple even more. “I wanted to build a house I found on Google Maps.” 
“You’re sentient,” Purple realized, at last, not caring for the house Shelldon immediately backed up from to show him a comparison. “You’re… Alive.”
“Well, duh,” Shelldon rolled his eyes. Purple didn’t know he’d programmed him to be able to do that. 
“When did you start….” Purple waved his hand in the air, searching for the words. “Having Yōkai-like intelligence?” 
“Rude,” Shelldon grumbled, his eyes narrowing in offense. “But I believe it had something to do with some of that mutagen getting into my circuitry yesterday when the lab exploded.”
“Oh,” Purple murmured. He didn’t know how that made sense. The mutagen was supposed to combine human and animal DNA to mutate them into yōkai-like beings. Robots weren’t supposed to be in that equation. “Interesting… I wonder if maybe you combined with my DNA? Since that would be the most recent organic lifeform, you came in contact with.”
“FUCK,” Shelldon said, causing Purple to whip around in worry. But he noticed that Shelldon had been blown up by a creeper and was on the death screen. “That MOTHERFUCKER blew up my house.”
“...Dude, just rebuild it,” Purple said, not understanding why the robot was so upset. It was weird to think that he could be upset at all. Guess that's a thing now. Sentient robots and crab men.
“I’m running all your data through a complex algorithm,” Shelldon said, and his eyes turned to 1’s and 0’s, a sign that he was genuinely computing something. “My algorithm has concluded that you are a bitch.”
“I don’t know if I prefer your sentient or not,” Purple deadpanned, but the smile on his face betrayed any lie he might’ve said. But a thought lingered in his mind, causing him to sigh and return to the previous topic of conversation. “I thought they would at least… care for me. In some regard. You can’t deny the resemblance.”
“If they had offered to take you with them, would you have gone?” Shelldon asked. 
Purple played with his fingers in his lap. “No,” he admitted quietly. “I couldn’t leave Father. I couldn’t survive without him.”
Shelldon didn’t respond to that and just returned to his game. Purple didn’t understand what Shelldon was feeling. “Are you mad at me?” 
“No?” Shelldon responded, confused by the question. “Why would I be mad at you?” 
“Oh,” Purple murmured, feeling embarrassed. “...Sorry. I’m bad at reading people, and… you’re not so easy to read, either.”
“What would help you understand what I’m feeling?” Shelldon asked, exiting the game to focus purely on Purple. It made the young turtle feel odd to have someone’s attention solely on him. It made him realize he didn’t want to talk about himself or his issues. It was uncomfortable.
“You don’t have to do anything,” Purple said honestly. “I need to work on that myself. Not everyone’s gonna be as accommodating as you are.”
“Alright,” Shelldon said. If he had shoulders, Purple was sure he’d be shrugging. He returned back to his game.
Purple sighed, burying his head in his knees. He pressed his kneecaps against his eyelids, watching the colors swirl in his vision. He knew the lights were an illusion created by the pressure that activated cells in his retina the same way natural light did. But it was nice to close his eyes and see patterns and shapes in his eyelids. He imagined that they were animals dancing across his vision.
He was seven. Training with Father had started when he was five, and he’d gotten progressively stronger through the years. He’d been clumsy and slow at first, but his balance had improved. Father had even brought him his wooden bō and bought a training dummy just for him.
“Again,” His father called as he backed away from the dummy, already tired and strained from the twenty-minute training session. 
He wanted to stop. He wanted to sit down and get drenched in cold water to cool off. But he knew it would only be ten more minutes until they were done, so he continued. 
The dummy was mystical in nature. It was able to replicate a real foe, and its settings could be adjusted to fit the trainee. It was a gift for his fifth birthday and something he cherished. It currently held the form of a human. 
He charged the dummy once again. The mechanical figure had arms that reacted and attacked, but Purple made sure to counter each blow. He was on the second to the lowest setting, which was frankly embarrassing for his age.
When the dummy went to rebalance itself, Purple swung his bō against its stomach, causing it to fall back onto the ground. It got back up, but Purple was able to use this moment of recuperation against it as he swung at its legs. 
The human kicked him back, and the soft-shelled turtle landed on his back. He cried out in pain, looking towards his father for help. But his father shook his head and pointed at the pseudo-attacker. Purple forced himself up despite his aching joints and knocked the opponent’s fists away from him just as it tried to punch him. He moved around the training dummy, shaking slightly. He moved forward and struck a blow to the dummy’s side, who recoiled and hesitated. Purple leaped into the air and used his bō to directly smack against its neck. When he landed on his side just feet away from the mystic fighting dummy, he watched it return to its standard stance when not in active training.
Purple fought to catch his breath, his lungs feeling as though they were burning. He began to cough, clutching his side. His face was hot with tears that hadn’t been given permission to fall. 
He felt a hand begin to rub his bare shell, the soft touch comforting to him. “Are you okay? Purple, is something wrong?” Father asked, his voice full of concern. “Are you hurt?”
He shook his head numbly, unable to get words to form. He tried to stand up but turned and hurled his lunch onto the mat next to him. Tears mixed with the disgusting bile on the carpet as he cried from the pain that shot through his throat. 
Father shushed him soothingly, still rubbing his back. “It’s okay, Purple,” he said softly before reaching for the tiny turtle. Purple didn’t complain and clung to his father, his small body shaking. 
He buried his head into his father’s shoulder, tears staining the shoulder pads. But Father didn’t care, more concerned with his son’s health than the awful vomit. 
“Huginn will clean that up,” Father said. “Let’s get you some water.”
Purple nodded and looked up at his father with wide eyes. “I’m sorry,” he murmured softly. “I didn’t wanna throw up.”
“I know,” Father said, petting his head. “It happens. As you train more, that’ll happen less. But just because you threw up doesn’t mean you can skip the last eight minutes of training. We’ll just add that time onto tomorrow.”
Purple didn’t protest and instead felt himself sinking more into Father’s touch and comforting presence. The training was a necessity; he knew that. Father only did it to make him stronger and improve him. Really, he was fortunate that his father had the materials and means to train him. Not many others had this luxury. He had to take advantage of the situation he was blessed to be in.
Purple sat idly in the training room. He didn’t have his bō on him, nor his battle shell. His back was bare as he stood there just observing the room. Weapons clattered on the floor when his “brothers” trudged into and stole the mystic weapons Father had paid a fortune to acquire.
Long ago, Father had shown him the wall of weapons. He told him that he’d be given the glowing purple scythe that hung on the wall once he was ready. The weapons next to it were reserved for his brothers when he was strong enough to save them and bring them back home.
But now they were gone. Both his brothers and the weapons on the wall save the scythe reserved for Purple. It was oddly fitting, in a way. They’d even left behind the powerful weapon, just like they’d left him. 
He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be ready for the scythe. Both in skill and sentiment. His bō represented him on a fundamental level he wasn’t sure anyone but him would understand. He made his bō from scraps and pieces forgotten in a junkyard and used those chunks to create something beautiful. 
He reached for the scythe on the wall, feeling the spark of mystic energy tickle his hand. But it felt wrong, so he pulled away. He wasn’t deserving of it- not yet. Maybe he never would be ready.
But he was willing to try. Purple may never use the weapon his father had gotten for him, but it wasn’t about the weapon. It was about himself and his ability to yield it. He needed to become more mature- more of a warrior. More of what his father aspired for him to be. More of what he wanted to be.
There was so much more he could do. 
The purple-marked turtle stood outside his father’s room. He wanted to knock, to let his father know what he’d been thinking. But he was afraid of his father’s disappointment and scorn. 
He sucked in a breath and knocked.
“Come in,” his father’s muffled voice came from behind the door after a moment. Purple pushed the door open, ignoring how his legs shook from anxiety. 
His father was sitting on his bed, his armor removed. Purple rarely saw him like this, exposed and vulnerable. It reminded him that they were similar in many ways. The horns on Father’s helmet were fake and not his own. He was a bovine yōkai with no horns in the same vein as Purple, a turtle mutant with no shell.
He had to remind himself that Father may push him, but Purple shouldn’t be ungrateful for his actions. Father did what he did out of love and a need to protect him. Because he knew what it was like to not have one of the most excellent defenses of your adjacent species.
“Purple,” Father said, his gaze holding a disappointment that only made Purple’s anxieties worse. 
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” Purple said, awkwardly standing in the middle of the bedroom. He shuffled his feet and glanced around the room as he thought about what to say next. “I… I should’ve told you about the intruders. I should’ve fought better. I should’ve defended the lab better….” 
Father sat on the couch in his room, his legs crossed as he observed his son. “I love you, Purple,” he said slowly, “but I don’t want you to be sorry. I just want you to do things right. So, do what you can to ensure this… misstep isn’t repeated, okay?”
Purple nodded solemnly, guilt pooling in his chest. “I promise it won’t. I want to be more involved- I want to help more. I… I held back because I couldn’t… I thought of them as my brothers, not my enemy. I won’t make that mistake again.”
“Oh, Purple….” Father sighed, motioning for Purple to come closer. The turtle did as instructed and was embraced by the older yōkai. “One day, maybe they will come around, and we can all be a family together. I know what it’s like to be backstabbed by your siblings- my own sister tried to kill me as I slept, and we were forced to live separately. It is sad, but your brothers will never be for you when it really matters. But I will always be here for you, Purple. I will never let you go.”
The turtle found comfort in his father’s words and found the embrace they shared warm and protective. Father was like the sun; warm, essential, and generous. Father shared his light and warmth with Purple. The least he could do was share his light.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
hi,i saw your mikey au and first and foremost its incredible, and second,hows the rise fam taking mikey's disappearance and do they ever reunite ?
Thank you! : )
I imagine Rise fam takes it pretty hard. Their little brother is there one moment and just gone the next with no clue as to what happened.
All four of them (Splinter included) searched the sewers desperately for weeks after that. There was nothing.
Splinter blames himself. Only a few years after becoming a parent and he LOST his youngest. It makes him distant from the remaining boys, turning towards his tv for comfort like he always had. He still trains the other three, but other than that, he's not really around. I think it's partially because he's afraid his 'failure as a parent' will cause him to loose the rest of the boys, so he'd rather not try, but also, well, it's hard to look at the three without becoming very much aware there should be four.
The boys were pretty shaken by it. Raph, in particular, as a result gets very anxious whenever Leo or Donny leave his direct line of sight (though Leo and Donny aren't much better.) So the three are kind of stuck together like glue, even sharing a room until they were in their teens (they technically had their own rooms but they opted to sleep in the same, often in a turtle pile.)
Despite this, the boys are pretty certain their wayward brother was going to come back some day and act accordingly. They set aside a room for him (Decorating it in orange of course), they make sure he got a bandanna (Again, orange), and when they decided they wanted proper names (Twins were 6, raph was 7) they make sure he got one too. (They named themselves per Donny's request. He wanted something more dramatic than a color lol.)
As for Reuniting, hell yes they do! Angelo ends up coming back to Rise a few months before "Mystic Mayhem" (There were extenuating circumstances that i'll probably get into during a different post.) The Rise universe NEEDS it's Michelangelo, no matter where he was raised.
I think when all is said and done, Angelo would up his mystic training so he could open a portal between 2003 and Rise at will. He doesn't want to be kept away from either side of his family. (though this probably wouldn't happen until post movie since he wouldn't quite know he had portal powers until then, despite everything.)
Thanks again! Honestly i don't have everything planned out for this AU and questions definitely help develop it! So feel free to ask away!
: )
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remmushound · 4 years
Okay so I offered a headcanon about 2018 Mikey being a therapist for Clearly Clinically Depressed 2003 Mikey and here are the details:
the Rise kids see 03 Mikey in an obvious RSD episode where he's hiding his frustration and rage at himself, and the 03 brothers are oblivious because their Don didn't actually investigate it enough.
So Dr Feelings, with Dr Delicate Touch right behind, makes 03 Mikey do stim play with his art supplies.
The other Rise kids have a "conversation" with the others, with 03 Raph scoffing and 03 Leo rolling his eyes. Rise Raph not happy.
This isn’t based on personal experience LOL nope nah (I went from 03 Mikey to 18 Mikey)
“Hey hey hey hey guys look!” Mikey held his Nexus trophy in one hand while his other arm was wrapped around Leonardo holding his own trophy, “He won his world’s battle nexus! We’re trophy-twins!”
Leonardo smirked, eating up the attention just as much as Mikey was. “You hear that Donnie? He wants to be my twin!”
“Good.” Donatello groaned from where he sat with Donnie. “Maybe you’ll finally leave me alone.”
Leonardo shot forward and hugged Donatello’s shell, rubbing his cheek against Donatello’s and making the softshell groan his annoyance at the obnoxious loving. “I could never~”
“Get off me, Nardo.” Donatello growled and shoved Leonardo off of him and back to Mikey.
“My god there’s two of them now.” Leo shook his head as he looked over Leonardo and Mikey.
“How do you think I feel?” Raphael joked with a laugh, “I got three of them! Speaking of which, where’s Mikey?”
Raphael looked around and it didn't take him long to find the box turtle sneaking up on an unsuspecting orange cat.
“Come here kitty, I just wanna feel ya!”
Michelangelo jumped on the cat as it woke up scrambling and held it tightly against his chest so he could pet it. “But it’s so soft!”
“You’re allergic to cats!”
Michelangelo was already sniffling, but didn't care. “It’s a price I’m willing to pay.”
“Oh my God— Donnie, you leave that mutant’s things alone!”
Donatello had both arms full of various machines, and his spider arms held onto various more. “He said I could have em!”
“Actually, I asked you to please not take my things—“
“Shush, other me!” Donatello pressed a metal claw to Donnie’s lips to shush him.
“Donnie, you put that stuff back right now or so help me—“ Raphael glanced back to where Leonardo and Mikey had just been, but only found the latter. “Where’d Leo go?!”
Mikey shrugged.
Leonardo blew a raspberry from where he hung upside down in a doorway, flipping off and landing on his feet while making a come-hither motion.
“I can—you know I can— I have bigger legs than you!” Raphael jumped forward and wrapped his arms around Leonardo, only for the slider to slip right through and jump up on his shoulder.
“And I’m a slider!” Leonardo jumped off and slid away before Raphael could catch him again, skidding toward Mikey and grabbing the box-turtle by the arm to use him as a body shield against Raphael.
“Leo— get your tail— out here— now!” Raphael tried to dance around Mikey’s shield unsuccessfully while making a grab for Leonardo.
“Hey— watch the trophy!” Mikey tried to protect his trophy from the struggling brothers. He yelped as Leonardo pushed him aside and made a dash for it, the Nexus trophy knocked out of his hands and clinking to the ground.
“Sorry!” Raphael called as he ran off after the difficult mutant.
Mikey scrambled to grab his trophy quickly off the ground and hold it protectively to his chest. “Careful! This is the nicest thing I own!”
“It’s just a trophy, Mike.” Raph laughed, still offering a hand to help Mikey to stand up. “It’s not that important.”
Mikey stuck out his tongue. “Dude, I won the shell freaking Battle Nexus!”
“So have hundreds of other creatures.” Donnie pointed out as he was starting to replace the stuff Donatello had taken, “There’s a new winner every three years.”
“Well, yeah, but…” Mikey looked down at his trophy and sniffled softly as he tried to buff out a scratch.
“It’s not that big of a deal, Mike.” Leo said, “We have bigger issues than a scratched trophy.”
Mikey hung his head and didn't speak again. Raphael caught Leonardo but before anything could happen, Leonardo pointed out the sad box turtle to Raphael and both stayed silently watching. Donatello snuck up beside them with the same thought on his mind that none of them needed to voice. Michelangelo was the first of them to notice and was already on his way over to the other mutant, taking Mikey by the arm and offering a wide smile.
“Hi! Did your trophy get scratched?”
“Yeah.” Was all Mikey said, not looking at the smaller box turtle.
Michelangelo humphed and grabbed Mikey firmly by the hand to guide him away toward the bathroom while Mikey blindly followed without looking up from his trophy.
“That’s okay!” Michelangelo cast a furious look back at the other turtles before rounding the corner and disappearing. “We can fix it!
“See?” Michelangelo held the trophy up to Mikey, beaming at the newfound gleam on the surface, “No more scratch! Toothpaste takes it right out!”
“Thanks…” Mikey accepted the trophy, staring back at his reflection for a second before quickly looking away again and dropping the trophy into the sink.
Michelangelo frowned and stared at Mikey another moment before taking his hand and yanking him once more to guide him.
“Ah— hey little dude.” Mikey laughed weakly, “Where are we going?”
Michelangelo didn't answer. He stuck his tongue out in concentration and hummed loudly, looking around until he found the kitchen and continued to pull his new friend along. He grunted and shoved Mikey down into a chair.
Michelangelo reached into his belt and pulled out several paint bottles and little baggies.
“Uh, okay?” Mikey huffed and rested his chin on his hand, “Whatever you say, little dude.”
Michelangelo hummed brightly as he inserted some paint into the bags, choosing the best and brightest colors he had and filling three bags full so he could use each and every color without the bags being too crowded. Then he rooted through the drawers until he founded just what he needed— tape!
“Here!” He taped the baggies to the table in front of Mikey so that the full beauty of their colors were showing. “Play with these while we talk!”
At first, Mikey stubbornly refused. Michelangelo didn't mind, and he only smiled when he saw Mikey starting to glance at the bright colors with a longing gaze in his eyes, though he had yet to start to play with them. Michelangelo decided to just give it some time.
“So.” Michelangelo sat in front of Mikey. “Tell me about your trophy. How’d you win it?”
“My brothers and I fought a whole bunch of other dudes in the Battle Nexus!”
“And you won?”
“Yeah! Out of thirty-two dudes and dudettes!”
“Really?” Michelangelo’s eyes went wide, “That’s a lot of people to beat.”
“Well I only fought four of them— half the guys would get eliminated every round, so it wasn’t really that difficult…”
“Still, out of all those people you made it to the end!”
“It was just a fluke— a lot of other stuff was going down and I just won by default…”
“Other stuff?”
“Yeah… Leo got poisoned and there was this whole usurper dude and a time vortex — it was weird, man.”
Michelangelo put his fingers to his lips. “I see.”
“I mean, it’s not like it was my fault!” Mikey hardly noticed how his hands automatically went to the paint bags and began to press them around, “And I won the other rounds fair and square, and beat Kluh in a rematch!”
“So you did earn the trophy.”
“So what if Splinter surrendered?! That was his choice! And so what if I tricked Raph— I still beat him!” His focus became more attached to the colors he was moving around.
Michelangelo leaned back and stuck his feet on the table as he relaxed.
“And I… I know I’m not as strong as Raph or as smart as Donnie or as bossy as Leo— so what?! I’m my own turtle!”
His features scrunched up as his teary eyes locked onto the table, the many colors that had once been separated now spiraling into one shape, mixed together and creating various new shades.
“You’re right!” Michelangelo quickly noticed the paints reaching the end of their usefulness and pulled out a small hunk of orange playdough to offer to the other box shell, who took it and started to mold it without stopping his rant.
“I’m Michelangelo Splinterson and I’m a party dude!” The playdough quickly started to take the shape of a cat, “And I like pizza, and I hate bullies! I know they don’t mean to be mean, but it still hurts!”
Michelangelo nodded along solemnly. “Have you told them that?”
“Well— no.” Mikey sighed and deflated, “And I don’t think I want to…”
“Is there a reason?” Michelangelo latched onto the opportunity and scooched closer to Mikey.
“Well, I’m the fun one.” Mikey’s molding of the clay slowed, “Nothing fun about complaining and yelling…”
Michelangelo experimented with a gentle touch to Mikey’s back before attempting a hug, which Mikey returned with a great force.
“You don’t have to be happy all the time.” Michelangelo said from his squished position, “I mean, you can’t be!”
“I’ve gone twenty years being happy! I— I can’t just suddenly be sad!”
“But… you weren’t all happy during that time. You can’t have been.”
Mikey looked away.
“There had to have been at least a few times you were angry or upset…”
“Well… before the rematch against Kohl I was kinda… scared. And… and I tried going to Master Splinter and Raph and Don about it, but they just… made fun of me. But I was really scared! They just didn't care…”
“So you’ve felt fear before— that’s different than happiness, isn’t it?”
“Way different.” Mikey laughed weakly, “And there was that time Donnie uh… double mutated and we didn't know what to do.”
“Double mutated?”
“He was mutated again and turned into a gross monster and we couldn’t figure out how to turn him back because we couldn’t read his notes.”
“And that made you feel sad and scared?”
Michelangelo hugged Mikey again the minute he felt the box turtle slipping into guilt again. “Hey, that’s okay! It’s okay to be sad when something like that happens! I get scared too when Donnie gets hurt.”
“Your Donnie got hurt?”
“Well, he’s really soft.” Michelangelo giggled, trying to encourage a smile back into his friend, “So he gets cut easy— that’s why he wears that cool shell thing!”
“Radical!” Mikey smiled.
“And whenever he’s not wearing his armor I get suuuuuper scared that he might get hurt. But he’s always okay after, and then I feel better. But that doesn’t mean I never felt sad. I feel sad lots of times. And sympathetic and mad and scared and ambitious and all these other things! And you do too, you just don’t want to admit it.”
Mikey gave a nervous laugh as a darker green blush crept into his face. “I… I guess. I just wish my brothers would understand that.”
“Well, they can’t understand if you don’t tell them how you feel.” Michelangelo said softly.
“Oh… uh…” The anxiety returned fast, “I don’t think…”
“You don’t have to tell them now— you’re still upset! You don’t even have to tell them today or tomorrow or this week— just when you feel comfortable. So when something like this happens again, they know what you’re going through, and they can help you.” Michelangelo put his hand on Mikey’s, “Trust me: they’re your brothers, and they love you.”
Mikey gave a raspy churr before grabbing Michelangelo and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you for listening, little buddy!”
“Hey!” Raphael didn't mean to be so loud, but his voice echoed like thunder off the wall. The three box turtles looked at him with bewildered expressions and Raphael quickly waved them over. “A chat, please.”
Donatello and Leonardo loomed at Raphael’s side like two angels on his shoulders, except judging by their expressions they were both demons.
“Yeah?” Raph huffed as he and his brothers took a similar stance, except with Leo in the center and him at the shoulder.
“Did you not see what just happened?” Leonardo leaned on Raphael’s shoulder and motioned to where Michelangelo and Mikey had disappeared to. “What you just did?”
“We didn't do nothin’!” Raph snarled, pointing a finger at Leonardo, “Yous made him drop his trophy.”
“And you criticized him for getting upset over it.” Raphael said quickly in his brothers defense, “What Leo did was an accident, what you guys did wasn’t.”
“So? It’s just a dumb trophy.”
“Raphael.” Leo warned gently to his brother before finally getting a word in, “Mikey is fine— he’s probably off skating with your Mikey right now.”
“Actually, statistics indicate that even if they are off skating right now that doesn’t mean everything's fine. Studies show that physical activity can help manage meltdowns if handled correctly—“
“Meltdowns?” Raph interrupted Donatello, “That ain’t no meltdown. That’s my baby brother getting upset that his toy was scratched.”
Leonardo gasped dramatically. “Exsqueeze me?! A trophy is not a toy! It’s a declaration of how awesome we are!” Leonardo held out his Nexus trophy for the box turtles to see.
“So you just wear that around everywhere you go?”
“Uh— duh! Gives me bragging rights! And if I ever meet a cute boy or hot girl, I have a conversation starter~” He waved the medal mockingly.
“Not helping Leo.” Raphael said gently, looking to the younger turtle before going back to their counterparts, “It doesn’t matter if it’s not a big deal to you— it clearly was a big deal to him. You should apologize for making him feel upset. It’s the brotherly thing to do.”
“Um… in my humble opinion, mister snapper Raph, I don’t really think I did anything wrong…” Donnie said softly.
Raphael offered a gentle smile and kneeled to Donnie’s level. “That’s alright— you won’t always recognize when your words hurt someone, but if they did you should still apologize. Make sense?”
Donnie nodded and smiled in turn. “Makes sense.”
“What about the rest of you?” Raphael looked around to adress the rest of the box turtles.
“I ain’t apologizing.” Raph stuck up his nose stubbornly.
“I just don’t see why I should.” Leo said, not nearly as agressively.
“But… you’ll apologize?” Raphael appealed to Donnie.
“Uh… y-yeah, I will when I see him next.” Donnie agreed.
“Good fella.” Raphael gave him a head pat out of habit.
“Uh… thanks.” Donnie flushed and looked away to hide his embarrassed look.
“I still say you were major jerks,” Leonardo pointed his odachi at Raph and Leo.
“But we can’t force you to apologize.” Raphael finished with a sigh.
“I probably could, but that might be crossing the lines between what is classified as ethical and what might put me on the same wavelength as Draxum or Sergei Briuk-honenko and his dog experiments.”
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bcbii · 4 years
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(Leonardo x reader)
Warnings // angst, blood, character death mention.
          Ruins, all of it           Within what felt like only days but had progressed in months. The previous lively city of New York had fallen into a downward spiral at the hands of Shredder himself. Streets flooded with the black clothed soldiers patrolling them, looking for any reason to leave civilians scared or slaughtered on the open streets as toxic fumes blackening the previously blue or star filled sky. New York was becoming a waste land and Shredders playground, so everyone was under the impression of at least. All everyone knew as a fact is that normal life had been gone for good. Along with the previous fearless blue clad leader, Leonardo.           Once all hell began to break loose, the turtles had been the first to answer the call. The fight that called upon them was the hardest and came at the highest cost. The cost being their father Splinter’s life and to the brothers and your knowledge, their eldest brothers as well. Not all fights could be won, and they came to such a realization once they faced it themselves. All four entered confidently, planned and ready. After engaging, their hopes for victory began to diminish. They were out numbered and overwhelmed and were given no other choice but to retreat before they got themselves killed. when doing so they waited a bit of ways off for their fellow terrapin brother to follow up as he said he was going to do. Hours of waiting, hours of searching passed and he never did return to his brothers.            You hid in the lair from all the chaos, directives from you former blue clad lover and he basically begged you to stay hidden and out of harms way before they left. You had sat anxiously and in fear for hours, watching the chaos unfold in Donnie’s lab, the multiple monitors displaying multiple news channels, each one going off air into static with each attack, you were horrified, wanting nothing more than this to simply be a nightmare. The nightmare got even worse when only the three turtles returned to the lair, beaten and bruised severely, blood of both themselves and their enemies covering multiple parts of their body.            “W-what happened?! W-Wheres Leo?!”          The question left the youngest of the four eyes welling up with tears that you’re sure he’s been holding back since this all had begun. Their heads hang low before Donnie’s raised, his expression unreadable, “we...we don’t know..”. You felt numb, scared, so many emotions at once and you could barely describe any of them or understand them. You were sure the turtles were just as distraught as you were. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?!”
That had been months ago, after failed attempts of attack and searching to no avail, adapting had been the only viable option left for them and yourself. Numbness had become a familiar feeling amongst all of you as you all attempted to find some normality in the new world. Some of this normality consisted of scavenging for any food or materials that you could find. And tonight was a scavenging night since you guys have been running low on materials. Getting ready, you dressed yourself in all black, baggy black pants, a black t shirt and mask to cover most of your face as you pull on your black leather boots. Throwing a backpack over your shoulder, you headed out.
After you finished getting ready for the trip you went to the brothers, ask if they’d want you to look for anything in specific. Raph hadn’t really requested much of anything, Mikey just wanted decent food and Donnie just wanted computer or any electronical parts. “Be careful, you have your phone if anything happens. Call us”, The large red clad turtle said in a rough stern tone as you started to leave the sewers. “I will”, you reassured him as you left. Since Leo’s disappearance, Raphael had stepped up, doing his best to protect and help his brothers as much as possible. The large terrapin didn’t realize how much Leo was doing until he began to do it himself.
Climbing out of the manhole, you glanced around the alley way quietly, making sure the coast had been clear. Once confirmed, you headed to the abandoned apartments a few blocks down the way, a fellow scavenger hiding out there in which you’d trade with for some pretty good items that would cost quiet a lot from anyone else. The cold breeze of the night nipped at your skin as your cheeks and tip of your nose stung with the cold, but you’d shrug it off.
Climbing the fire escape, you found the shattered window you would use as the entrance all the time. As you climbed through you were careful with the shards of glass that littered the floor. It was dark in the abandoned apartment, the only light being the faint glow of the moon through any openings from the outside in. “Max”, you whisper yelled for the man as you began to step around the apartment, getting no response. The sound of heavy foot steps made you freeze in place, the floor boards creaking loudly under the persons weight. Before you could move on to the next empty room you were halted by a large form as you stumbled back and looked up, it was to dark and you quickly stumbled back, falling back on your behind as you proceeded to scoot back. The large figure before you followed, closing the distance you tried to make each time.
“Who are yo!-“, you were frozen, sharp sapphire hues that glowed in the moon light staring down at you. The faint light from the moon outline his familiar large frame, accentuating the curves and indents of his large muscular form along with the scars that littered his thick skin. A lump in your throat left you breathless as you stared in horror and felt a sick sense of relief for some odd reason.
“L-Leo....”, the name that slipped past your lips felt foreign, it didn’t match the terrapin standing in front of you. That name belong to a fearless leader, wise, strong and caring with a calm exterior. Who stood before you was a stranger, a worn black bandana in place of the old signature bright blue, tired and emotionless eyes with what seemed like an almost permanent scowl. Scarred fist gripping large sharp katanas, the metal being a special kind with a sleek black color. The foot clan insignia etched into the metal that was now dirtied with the blood of her scavenger friend.
Hearing his name slip past your lips now made him freeze, his grip tightening on the handle of his katanas. That voice was all to familiar, your gentle voice sounded scared and broken as you said it. Beneath the shell he created around who he used to be, it broke him to hear. He stared and hard, almost to see if it had been a hallucination. “......(y/n).....”, his voice was rough and deeper than usual since the lack of using it so much, only to bark orders and the puny foot soldiers he led. When your name fell from his lips emotions rushed through you as memories hit you like a freight train, it was Leo but not your Leo. Overwhelming tears began to fill your eyes as you forced yourself up and stared into his eyes. “Where have you been?!” You snapped, he stayed silent and stoic and you despised it.
Stepping back you took in fully who he had become now, pulling down your mask you pressed your tongue against the inside of your cheek as a tear ran down, you stared at the branded insignia of the foot clan on the top left of his plastron. “You joined them didn’t you?.... you never disappeared or died...” you began as Leo’s lips parted to speak, “I can explain—“
“You just joined the foot and became a damn traitor!” You yelled as tears of disappointment, anger and sadness now spilled freely. The words hurt Leo to hear, especially coming from you, he cringed internally as he swallowed thickly and tried to step closer but you only backed up further. “(Y/n) please let me explain... I’m doing what needs to be done” he tried to explain. “Abandoning us? Joining the people who caused all of this?! THE ONES WHO KILLED SPLINTER! YOURE A TRAITOR LEONARDO!” You shouted ruthlessly as you stepped forward a bit and stood your ground. The now black clad turtle put himself in a position he knew would be unforgivable and he would never forgive himself either, but god how he wished he could grab you and let you know how sorry he was and how much he missed you and his brothers. Leo wanted to hold you, he wanted to break down too through all of this but he was the cold blooded assassin that led the foot clan, he couldn’t let himself break.
“I’m doing this for your guys saftey! It was either this or I lost you guys too!” Leo shouted back a bit, overwhelmed by his own feelings as well. The answer left you baffled as you stared at him in shock, “d-did you.... did you consider any of our feelings when you decided to leave us Leo?...when you left me?...”, you asked, searching for an answer as you stared into his dull eyes. You watched his gaze shift shamefully almost as if intimidated by yours. “Of course I did... and you know I did” Leo responded almost as if he seemed offended by the question, “it was the only way....”. Leo felt guilt wash over him as you scoffed and looked around in disbelief as if looking for someone to confirm it. Returning you attention back to him you were silent, somewhat silently remenising about who he used to be. You missed him, you missed the comfort, the smiles, the laughter and happiness your former lover brought you, his brave and protective ways, his arms around you and his lips on yours as comfort or in the most intimate moments. You missed Leo, but this wasn’t him.
Tears proceeded to roll down your cheeks, eyes becoming red “...how could you do this?...”, you said, voice quiet and shaky. Your tone left Leo wishing he could take you in his arms and hide you from all the bad that’s become of the world, that he helped cause which he hated himself for it.
“I’m sorry (y/n)...” Leo spoke, a bit choked up himself. You stepped back a bit as you shook your head quietly. “I-I have to go” you spoke quickly before rushing back to the window you entered through, “wait! (Y/n)-”. You didn't want to go, in fact you wanted to stay beside Leo and have him in your life again but right now, it was all too much, seeing him was only pain. 
Leo stood now in eerie silence as he stared at the window you exited, silently hoping you would come back through, come back to him. He knew you wouldn't though and he had to accept that. It was the price he paid for his decision and his families safety, but had it really be worth it?
// kind of out of the blue and for fun, hope you enjoy :) 
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migeviellardi · 3 years
Out Of Comfort
Genre : Adventure, Action, Humour, Hurt/Comfort
Summary : 2 years after the 'you-know-who’, Donnie struggles to adjust with the new way of life. The precarious science blocks are back haunting him, putting him in total stress while he tried his best to keep up with the new team play and co’ord.
Chapter 2 A New Start
Welding felt relaxing, the sound of tiny sparks are like a music to Donnie’s ears. It might not be a real music, but it’s melodious nonetheless. Donnie lifted up his googles, leans back to catch a break. He almost done fixing the hover shell, not the one from yesterday, the one that he kept fixing and fixing away, despite there’s nothing wrong with it.
The one he used last night was a prototype of a new model. It still looks the same as the old ones, but he did made a few upgrades on them. It was definitely frustrating when it got busted. He’s planning to use it more since it felt lighter than the old one. But, now he needs a new shell to wear on a patrol.
He looks at the battleshell charging station. What left there was his worn down Spider-shell. Below it was none other than his wrecked and broken shells that he hadn’t repair, yet. He let out a sad sigh, he looked around him to find that his lab are somewhat cleaner, much cleaner than he remembered. Usually the lab was littered with piles upon piles of inventions, blueprints, scattered metal parts, and energy drinks. 
Now, it seems as if it was untouched. The sleek metallic purple walls with LEDs are still looks fresh and new. The floor was free from dust due to the roombas roam freely without bumping into any tech pieces. And the workbench,....empty. Only his old battleshell that he kept tinkering that are currently there. Also, a cup of coffee.
Donnie about to take a sip when he realized it was ran out. He inspect the glass and saw small coffee drips down the mug got frozen in place due to a long time exposed to the AC. How long have he been there without refilling his coffee? Does he been getting the science block again?
Putting down the mug, he rubbed his tired eyes in frustration. Was he being unproductive on purpose? What is he doing here? Why can’t he finish anything? 
“Hey.” the voice made him jumped, he looked back to see Leo stood on the doorway. “Whoa, it’s okay. Just a little old me.” Leo held his hands out. Donnie frowned, he turned back to his hover shell.
“What do you want, Leo?”
“It’s training time, Don. Better not coop yourself up in the lab, or I’ll let Raph drag your shell to the Dojo.” Leo ordered as he left towards the Dojo. Donnie sighed heavily, he stood up and followed him. He admit, there’s nothing else he would do, science blocks are the worst and it became a daily routine ever since their Lair was smushed to smithereens. And, the fact that he hate to obey the words Leo told him to.
He wasn’t questioning his leadership skills. If Donnie allowed himself to be honest, the Slider actually knows what he’s doing, good at it in fact. Raph at first had a hard time to adjust, now the former leader putting his trust to Leo, even Mikey approved. Donnie, however, still adapting. 
It wasn’t because that he hate to admit it, it just doesn’t sits right putting the leader role to the one who usually pulled some poor one-liners out of spite and keeps bugging your work with some pranks, jokes and poking on things that could cause explosions like it was some kind of a job, because if it is, he good some pretty good records he might get himself some promotions.
And now, the true color of the team seems to emerge. We got the Leader, The Muscle, The Heart and The Brain. Although, The Brain more likely The Brain-Dead one. Stupid science block keeping him from thinking straight, not much idea that pops out other than upgrading, or upgrading the upgrade, or upgrading the upgraded upgrade.
It might be some improvement for anyone, but for the one with the giant science head-cannon looming inside his head, that’s barely even an add-on. He’s unproductivity hurts him, as if the genius inside suddenly just wanted to stop, no more mad scientist mambo-jumbo. He felt it once again, the feeling that he had gone rotten, expired, outdated.....useless. 
Seriously, what will he be for the team without his big brain? What can he do other than getting kicked in the booty several times that let your little brother saves your sorry butt?
If once again, he got knocked down and having Mikey, of all people saves him, he’s going to lose his mind.
“Alright, my sons. Now, let us begin to--Purple, where’s your battleshell?” they stared at Donnie in his bare-shell. He rolled his eyes, dejected.
“I’ll be fine, Dad. I’m not going to hurt myself.”
“Nono, my son. I believe you, it’s just....weird seeing you without one.” Splinter simply said, trying not to offend his purple son.
“Well, it’s in repair, and my shoulders are getting tired. So....” Donnie didn’t have to finish his sentence to earned a nod from his father.
“Verywell, then. Let us start,....now!” as on cue, the whole Dojo became dark. The brothers immediately forming back to back formation, weapons at their hands, full caution. “Hamatos carries essence of life, the Ninpo. Or what most common people called them, mystics.”
Raph sense a movement to his right, Splinter came in with a kick. Mikey saw the offense, he blocked the kick, swung his nunchaku to Splinters head. The rat dodged it with ease. Upon landing, Raph coming in clutch with his fist. Splinter jumps back into the darkness. “Some may think that it is the most essential in fighting.” 
The turtles back to their formation, listening to every sound to pinpoint the next attack. “Others, prefer something else.” a tail emerge from the darkness. Donnie shielded himself with his bo, the tail wrapped around the wooden weapon. Donnie expected the attempt of pulling, he pulled harder, forcing Splinter to show up. Leo anticipated Donnie’s strategy, he swung his sword at the same time Donnie ducked. 
Splinter didn’t expect the timing between the two, but he flawlessly avoided himself from being cut in half. Splinter pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it onto the ground. The smoke caused them to cough, which means distractions. They have no choice but to bail on their formation.
“There will be a time where mystic powers will do no good.” Leo sense presence near him. He ducked down to escape another kick. “So, you must focus on your own ability.” He tail swipe Leo’s katanas, leaving him unarmed. 
“Agility.” Splinter increases his speed, offering punches and kicks towards the turtle. Leo dodged every attack, seamlessly evading and parrying every blow. He counter-attacked Splinter’s punch, delivering a fist to his face. Splinter caught his hand and kicked Leo away, disappearing into the dark.
“Strength.” Raph blocked a powerful kick out of Splinter, pushed him back a meter. Another tail swipe, Raph let it wrapped on his hand and threw his dad away.
“Speed.” Splinter took a punch from what seems to be Mikey’s fist. Splinter blocked his next punch, only met with a swipe kick a second after. Mikey swung his nunchakus with unimaginable speed. Splinter steps up his game to blocked a series of attacks that his youngest son often called it ‘Razzmatazz’. He manage to grabbed both nunchakus and threw orange from the fight.
“And, Instinct.” Donnie dodged a powerful kick launches towards him. He swings his bo just in time to meet Splinter’s punch. Once again, he disappeared. Donnie waited, trying to hear the footsteps. Behind you! He turns to blocked another powerful kick, this time it was too much to hold, it sent Donnie flying to a nearby wall. He winced and panted, adjusting his weight to his bo.
The lights turned on, Splinter ran towards him. “I’m fine!” his voice sounded a bit too loud. Splinter flinched, he’s unsure if the pain was bearable, but he knows well how stubborn his purple son can be. He decided to let it go, “You did better, my son. If you did not block that last kick, you might get yourself hurt even more.” He thought that he should apologize, but he didn’t think purple would appreciate that.
“Alright, take a break all of you.” he put both of his hands on his back, cracking it forward. “Ugh, while I tend to my bad back, you may have some spar with each other.” he walked away while rubbing his back. 
“Hey, Raphie. Wanna spar with me?” Mikey asked excitedly. Raph smiled, accepting the challenge.
“Sure thing, Mikey.” Raph readied up. Mikey activates his mystic chains and whips the nunchaku to Raph, wrapping his whole body. Raph blinks before he was pulled away.
“AAAAHHH!!!” a lod crash was heard. Leo smirks at the scene. Donnie gathers back his bearings and prepared for the sparring.
“Leo?” the slider slowly turns with his smug face. Donnie’s on his pose, “Care to join?” giving him the serious look. Leo kept his usual expression as he readied himself. Donnie strikes first, jabbing his bo to his head, Leo tilted his head to dodge. Donnie swings, Leo parried them with his katanas. He gave more barraging swings, Leo’s agility gives him the advantage. He dodged, parried him with literal ease. 
Leo still using the same face. “What’s wrong, Dee-man? Can’t catch little Leo?” Donnie frowned. He swung, Leo blocked and kicked him in the gut. Donnie yelped, Leo sent another kick to the face. Donnie fell to the floor, shaking his head from the mild headache. Leo knelled down, “Aww, had enough already?” 
Donnie growled. He swung to his leg, Leo had expected that. He got up and sent more swing barrage, this time a lot faster and more frantic. Leo parried a lot more on this one, but didn’t change the expression on his face. Donnie downward, Leo blocked it. Eyes meeting eyes. “Come on, Don. Is that all? I can definitely fight you blind-folded.” 
Donnie’s patience grew thin. He didn’t have to tell him that. He knows he can, and he might will one day. 
Donnie pushed him back, now anger are definitely involved. Leo step up his game some more every time Donnie pulled off some new combos and new speed and variety. Donnie looked at him in the face. 
Shut up.
He was parried by another sword.
Shut Up!
He can’t beat him.
Shut Up!!!
He’ll never catch up to them.
Shut UP!!!!
He’s not good enough.
“SHUT UP!!!!!”
Leo flinched. Donnie panting hard, hands gripping tightly to his bo. Eyes fixated at Leo, as if he’s ready to kill. Raph and Mikey stunned by Donnie’s shouting. 
Donnie growled for real, this time. The deep reptilian growl filled his throat with his fang showing up menacingly. Donnie engaging his predator side, Leo held out his hand. 
“Okay, calm down, Dee. There’s no need to continue this with violence. Okay?”
“GRRRR!!!” Donnie attacks Leo with full intention. Leo no longer wanting to fight, he dodged every move Donnie makes. It was fast and chaotic, more like trying to hurt rather than spar. 
“Donnie, STOP!!!”
Raph blocks Donnie’s bo. “Donnie, knock it off!!!”
“Please calm down!” Mikey plead. Donnie ignored them all, he charged at Raph with blind rage. Raph dodged the jab, throw his fist at Donnie. He didn’t dodge, letting it hit his face. Donnie growled deeply, eyes as sharp as needle. Raph was stunned, he didn’t expect Donnie to accept the hit. He felt guilty for hurting his little brother.
Splinter ran back after being called by Mikey. “Purple!!”
Donnie saw an opening on Raph, he charge in while Raph refused to move. Leo tackled Donnie and pinned him to the ground. He refused to back down and squirmed his way to freedom as Leo gripped his limbs for dear life.
Leo, Raph and Donnie startled by his father’s voice.
“Enough!” Leo froze for a little while, he let go of Donnie once he felt no resistance. Donnie layed down, panting. He suddenly really exhausted. All that anger took too much energy out of him. He slowly hoist himself up to a sitting position. Splinter approached his purple son. Carefully assessing the damage around the turtle. There’s a bruise on his right cheek, might be caused by his oldest son as when he meets his eyes, he can see the guilt he’s facing.
“Purple? What is up with you?” Donnie refused to talk or making eye contact to his father. Splinter can still feel anger looming around him. Did one of the brothers ticked him off? What provokes him? 
“I DON’T KNOW, OKAY!!!!” he yelled. Splinter jerked up by the sudden loud voice that felt louder to his rat ears. Donnie noticed that he went too much. “I...I just--” Donnie can’t hold back the tears that began to form in his eyes. He looked down to obscure it. 
Splinter was surprised seeing his son cried. The brothers reacts the same way. Devastated seeing their usual emotionless turtle broke into tears.
Splinter held out his hand, “My son,-” Donnie swatted away his hand and ran straight to his lab. Not even the call of his name from his family can get his attention. He closed the iron-forced door of his lab, locking it immediately. Donnie sat under his desk, hugging his legs to his chest as he burst to tears. The lab was eerily quiet, the only sounds that are presence are his and the sound of his family trying to reach for him from the other side of the door. 
He felt vulnerable having to broke down like this, he hates it. The way the others desperately trying to get him to open the door made it worse. He wasn’t supposed to show his weakness at the time, he’s a Hamato, a descendant of heart o’ steel. And steel has a lot influence with tech, his thing. He supposed to be able to control his feelings. 
Now, his meltdown would definitely stuck in the topic for a while in this whole family situation. He knows he’s having trouble, yes he does. And he knows he needs to keep up with the others. He knows, he’s the smart one. 
He tried his best, to keep up, to adjust, to be stronger, for everyone’s sake. But he can’t let his family help him with that, they all helped enough. He can’t let them once again drag their butts to fix his problems for him, no. Fixing is his thing, and he can fix his own problem by himself. Just uh, not now. He needs more time, to figure things out. His family just need to be patience, they can handle the waiting game. They’ve done this before, just like waiting for the drill out of its beta version.
He also, needs to be patience. Everything’s going to be alright, he’ll figure it out. He have to. For everyone’s sake.
The rest of the day passes by, quietly. Donnie had refuse to talk or eat, he sent Shelldon to grab some drinkable sustenance for him. He can handle being hungry, but thirst must be dealt with. As he recalled some research he found out that living beings can survive hunger for at least a week as long as they have enough supplies of water. Although, he can’t say the same about coffee, but not like it’s bothering him.
He waited for Shelldon to come back with a drink, his lab door still close but no longer locked. Once in a while his brothers visited him as he succumb to his depressions in his favorite purple hoodie, concealing his swollen eyes as a result from the earlier’s mental breakdown.
They talked, though they tried not to bring up of what happened in the Dojo. Leo, most of all, had a hard time keeping it cool. The red-eared slider guiltily apologized for making fun of him in training. Donnie might not talk about it, but he willing to forgive him. It wasn’t Leo’s fault that he had problems, he needs to stop playing the Blame Game.
“We love you, Don. And nobody can change that.” Leo said.
“I know.” Donnie simply replied.
His thought was broken by the sound of whirring from the purple drone who he manage to salvage, thankful that Shredder didn’t think twice and explode his core memory.
“Yo, Dee. I got the coffee for you.” the drone informed enthusiastically.
“Thanks, Shelldon.” he quietly accepted the coffee and took the first sip before once again continuing his currently favorite activity, staring an empty desk. Shelldon’s cheery attitude turned into worry as he watched his creator’s constant solitude. Slumping his upper body further back into his gaming chair, holding the coffee mug in both hands.
“Dude. You okay?” he asked for what seems like the tenth times by now. The response stayed the same.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Shelldon wasn’t happy with the answer, but he shrugged it off. He took out his lanky robot arm and grabbed something that sitting on top of him.
“Mikey told me to give you this.” he held out a box of pizza at him. “You should at least eat something, Donnie.” he plead. Donnie stared at the pizza then at Shelldon. The look of worry annoyed him. Great, even a robot is worried about him. But he knows better that Shelldon is not just a robot. He’s a family, part of the Hamato, the drone has feelings and conscious of its own. 
Donnie accepted the package, he took a slice and eat it. Shelldon--although not quite visible--beaming away that he had accepted the offer.
“Thank you, Shelldon.”
“You’re welcome, Dee!” Shelldon flew off to the other side of the lab, knowing that he’d done his job. Donnie chuckled quietly as he gone. It’s weird to think that the drone behaving like a kid, which was the intention of installing the emotion-settings in the first place. He can’t remember the last time he acted like one, those days of constant playing, troublemaking and have no care in the world. He said it before; it was messy but gosh, it was fun.
Then, he heard the lair suddenly began crowdy. He didn’t realized that the door was opened, did Shelldon forgot to close the door? How could an AI forget something? Donnie have no mood to stand up or command anything for now, so he let it be. He heard a distant sound of clip-clop from hooves in the lair. The only mutant he knows that is involving hooves is Baron Draxum. What is he doing here? And the sound of chit-chats heard along with it as well, especially some faint female voices and his dad. 
They all having a chat out there. How long they’ve been in this states? Why haven’t anyone informed him about visitors? Then again, he’d been cooped up in this lab and desiring for some temporary isolations, of course they haven’t inform him. 
Not wanting to bother with anything about it, he continued sipping his coffee and chomped down more pizza into his throat. Not much he can do for now, other than listening the distant inaudible voices. Not even bothering to look up to the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to the lab.
“Hey, big guy. How’s it going?” April leans her body to the door frame, keeping it cool.
“’m fine.” he answered again, too often now that it sounds more like a chanting spell. April offered a sad smile as she bring herself to sit beside the purple genius. 
“Wanna talk about it?” she asked softly. Donnie sipped his mug as a sign that he refused her demands. “I see. Well, we wanted to hang out together as family to the hidden City.” she told.
“Last time we did that we got thrown in jail.” he bluntly respond.
“Well, yes. But things are different now. Now that we stopped that ‘you-know-who’, they pretty much removed the bounties from our heads.” she added, definitely sounding more excited than before. Donnie still can’t trust the sudden change, although he does agree the treatment for doing so after that horrible incident, he didn’t expect anything from the Yokais but pay some respect for sparing them from the devilish evil claws they called Shredder.
“Still, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Remember that time where we trust that spider lady for taking care of ‘you-know-who’, and look what she did, total havoc, everywhere.”
“Well, at least she did help out with locating the....uuuh....”
“Yeah, that. If it wasn’t for her, we might not be able to save the day and,... You know what I mean.” she reluctantly continued her sentence. Donnie can tell why, he also didn’t want to think of what happen if they can’t find where Shredder had kept their father hostage. Can’t probably sleep knowing if they were too late, Big Mama was indeed offer a huge help even though she’s only can help telling them the location.
Although, the point still stands, she wasn’t a type of person that can be easily trusted. Things happened because of her, and they suffered the most of it. Can’t believe he wished that he should’ve listen to Leo the first time, probably one of the reason why he can be such a good leader.
“Look, I know it’s hard to believe it that way. But I promise, I got some good hunch today. Everything will be fine. You can blame me if anything goes wrong in your way, okay?” And there it is, the classic humble April. The very things he envies the most out of her, dare enough to take the blame and always be there with positive attitude. 
And, yes, April always had a strong hunch, it never failed them and they all knew that. If she thinks everything will be fine, then it will indeed. 
“So, do you trust me?” she stood up with a big confident smile on her face. It somewhat contagious and made him smile as well.
“Of course, you’re the only human that I trust in this world, April.” he responded, with less tense or sad tone.
“What, you still don’t trust Casey?” as on cue, a loud non-feminine female voice shouting in the background, followed by what sounds like his brothers shouting back at her. Donnie grimaced at the behaviour of that girl. Ever since the former Foot-clan helped out with defeating Shredder, the group immediately warmed up to her. Except for Donnie.
He still respected her for saving his father, however he never had any connection with the girl. Her risk-loving-fight-adoring attitude giving his big bulky brother, Raphael a worthy friendly match. She didn’t even flinched by his loud thundering roar, if by chance she roared right back. And her chaotic energy is enough to keep up with Leo and Mikey. 
Donnie didn’t share much with such connections, in which he easily-predicted, the girl hates science. Although, she does find his inventions as cool and awesome, she might thinking about exploding it in place though. Leo would be proud.
Also, she’s terrifying, not as much as April, but she gave him too many goosebumps for the past years.
“In theory, she might be the last person to be trusted when it involves ‘safety’. Please don’t tell her that!” he semi-whispering, not wanting her to charged in and wreck something explosive in his lab.
“Your secret safe with me.” she gestured a zipping motion across her mouth. Donnie chuckles, “Now, come on. Everyone’s waiting. You don’t have to take your hoodie off if you don’t want to.”
Donnie smiled at that, he stood up and let April grabbed his hand leading him to the group. “Thanks, April.”
“Anytime, Dee.” she grinned at him.
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haziel-luz · 4 years
Own it..then Redeem it (2007!Leonardo x reader)
Chapter 2: An Excuse
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The annoying alarm goes off at 7 a.m in the morning. You open your eyes and remind yourself that Winters was gonna come by to take you to a cafe for coffee and maybe breakfast. You get out of the bed quickly, feeling like you might doze off into more sleep, then you’ll be late. You put on some music to bring up the energy. You get your clothes and get into the bathroom for a hot shower to also wake you up. You honestly wish that you could make coffee for yourself, but that’s gonna have to wait.
Once you're done getting dressed, you start doing your hair and applying light makeup. Then you hear your phone ring from the bedroom. Thinking that it’s Winters, you get out of the bathroom quick and grab your phone from your night stand. Your phone showed that it was April that was calling. You sighed in relief, because you thought Winters was waiting for you outside your door. The man was pretty much unpredictable when it came to you.
You brought your phone to the bathroom and put it on speaker while you're getting ready.
“Morning April, let me guess, Casey still woke up late?” You greet playfully while finishing your hair and double checking each side in the mirror to make sure it's good.
“At this point it’s predictable of him, morning (Y/n). I just wanted to call to check up on you, and heard that you're having a little date this morning.” April said a little excitedly in the end.
“I knew Raph was gonna crack at some point.” You rolled your eyes playfully.
“He actually told me to check up on you because last night, but hearing the background music means that you're feeling better?” April asked, trying to hide the concerned voice but you could still hear it.
“I’m actually feeling good this morning, you can tell him and everyone else that I’m doing good. I need to build up strength at some point, right?” You couldn’t help but smile at everyone trying to check up on you. You put a lipstick that matches your lip color but a little darker to make your eyes pop out. You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time and grabbed the phone to go to the living room.
“That’s good to hear, I’ll make sure that everyone else knows.” April’s tone was relieved and happy.
“So, any luck finding the ‘fearless leader’?” You turned on the t.v and sat on the couch. You couldn’t help but ask about him. April paused for a second and sighed.
“I did find him, but it seems like he’s not coming back. He disappeared before I could keep persuading him.” April tried to not mention the details of the conversation she had with Leo.
She wanted Leo to tell you exactly what he told her. She couldn’t stress how much she wanted to help you find closure...or maybe at least she felt an ounce of hope of getting the two of you together. The two of you were a perfect symbol of love, all the differences that you two had, and you guys still loved each other despite all the flaws. That actually inspired her to realize that she should accept Casey for his ‘vigilante game’. She just fell in love with him like that in the first place.
“Well that’s Leo for you, he never breaks once he makes up his mind. I just feel bad that he won’t at least visit Splinter and his brothers. I guess he found another señorita that wouldn’t let him leave.” You said a little bitterly at the end.
“(Y/n)...that probably isn’t why-” You interrupted her when the news came up. An oddly familiar news.
“Whoa, wait April, you're probably right. Turn the t.v on and check the news.” You quickly told her.
“What is it? Alright, hold on.” You hear April turning on the t.v and it was in sync with yours.
“We interrupt the Gilmore Girls, for this special news report.” The News Anchor came on. " Monsters loose in the city? Strange reports are coming in tonight about a construction sight incident, that sounds like something out of science fiction.”
“Is it me or does that sound like Leo somehow changed his mind?” You raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“That actually does seem like it...” April was a little stunned by the news.
“Splinter must be pissed, his favorite show interrupted by this news. I don’t even wanna know how much in trouble the guys are.” You hissed at their possible punishment from their father.
“Are we even sure that he’s back? I mean, like you said, he can be pretty stubborn.” April sounded unsure.
“I can ask Raph tonight...or maybe you, Casey, and I can go visit the guys tonight to see for ourselves.” You suggested a little hesitantly. You don’t know why you wanted to check that Leo’s back. ‘Come on (Y/n), just focus on Winters.’ You thought and shook your head from any thoughts of Leo.
“I guess we can check later tonight, but are you sure that you're up for it?” April was a little worried. More worried of how you’ll react to his return. Will all your wounds resurface? Or your bubbled up anger at the blue masked turtle. ‘Leo, you have no idea what you're expecting.’  
“I’ll be fine. I promised Mikey that I’ll visit after my shift today, gotta be there for the guy.” You smiled, remembering how much they missed your absence since you were busy.
“That’s some timing huh? Looks like we're gonna see the guys tonight.” April chuckled, knowing Mikey he would give you a surprise visit if you didn’t complete your end of the promise.
You heard a knock on the door and you jumped straight up from the couch.
“Oh uh, April I’m gonna have to hang up, Winters is outside my door.” You start to get a little nervous about this little outing.
“Relax, it’s just a little coffee. Advice: If you feel that you're about to say the wrong thing, just drink the hot coffee and think of something else quickly.” April chuckles and you could even hear her grin through the phone.
“Did you use that advice with Casey?” You playfully roll your eyes.
“Nope, Casey used that advice with me, he was the one that made it up.” April giggles at the memory.
“That’s pretty smart coming from him. Alright, I’ll see you later.” You laugh softly and grab your keys.
“I’ll be expecting you over my place, bye (Y/n).” April smiles.
“Bye April.” You hung up the phone smiling and looked at the door. You haven’t felt this nervous since Leo knocked on your window to escort you to the lair after you finished your homework for high school. You smiled at the memory of your crush for him. No guy at your school gave you the butterflies like he did, no matter how much they tried.
You shake your head and frown at yourself for letting those past memories resurface your head. You walk up to the door while grabbing your purse and open the door. Winters stood there with a kind smile and a nice suit.
“(Y/n), you look radiant this morning, are you ready.” Winter complimented politely with a greeting.
“Morning Winters, you don’t look bad yourself. I’m good to go.” You smiled, closing the door behind you and locked the door with your keys.
“Shall we?” Winters offered his arm to you and you smiled at the gesture.
“Oh, you British are so smooth.” You smiled, grabbing his arm with one hand while putting the keys away in your purse with the other. Winters chuckled at your comment.
“Leonardo...I am most disappointed in you. You are the eldest of your brothers. I was counting on you to bring order to the chaos of this family. This is why I have forbidden any surface activities. We cannot return to the surface to fight evil, if we continue to fight each other.” Splinter was disappointed with his son's outcomes. How can his son get into trouble so soon? And at the surface no less.
“But Master Splinter, how can I be expected to do something when Raph-” Splinter cuts Leo off while raising his voice.
“There are no excuses when you are the leader, my student.” Splinter told his son.
“He apparently has one for hurting (Y/n).” Raph muttered.
“What did you say?” Leo glared at Raph.
“Ya heard me.” Raph shot back.
“Enough!” Splinter hit the staff on the floor and made them quiet. “You both need to solve your problems as brothers, otherwise you my sons will have unnecessary endless battles.”
Raph was just glaring at the floor while Leo gave a sigh.
“We need to find who’s responsible for this, there ain’t no other solution.” Raph changes the subject.
“Save the brute vigilante junk for that Night Watchmen.” Leo scoffed.
“Night Watcher.” Donnie and Raph corrected him tiredly.
“Yea, whatever.” Leo said, uncaring for the new vigilantes name.
“I’m going out.” Raph excused himself to Splinter and left the room.
Once Raph left, Splinter sighed to himself and looked at his master's picture. All of his son’s are disoriented, he misses how close their sons were. When he sent Leo to Central America to make his leadership stronger, he never imagined that it would affect his relationship with his brother, especially his son’s romantic relationship. Splinter is starting to feel that it’s his fault for this broken road.
“Um, Master Splinter? Can I go so that I can schedule pizza boxes for tonight?” Mikey spoke up from the awkward silence. Splinter's ears perked up and faced his sons.
“What is the special occasion tonight, Michelangelo?” Splinter asked his youngest son with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, (Y/n)’s coming for a visit tonight, and the birthday cake took over the fridge.” Mikey smiled. Leo’s eyes widen a bit and he turns to his brother.
“Wait, (Y/n)’s coming? Does she know I’m here?” Leo asked hesitantly.
“No, but it should be a good surprise...right?” Mikey smiled at first but then looked at Donnie unsure. Donnie sighed quietly.
“How do you even know she’s gonna come by, she’s been busy lately.” Donnie raised an eyebrow.
“Raph told me last night that she promised to come by for a visit. You know she means it when she gives me a promise.” Mikey grins.
“At least her presence will make you stop asking about her.” Donnie points out, making Mikey pout.
“Her presence is probably what we need at the moment, Donatello. I personally would like to know what she has been doing and how she's doing.” Splinter smiles at the mention of you, and looks at the picture with everyone together. You had a special place in everyone's heart. You’re like a daughter to Splinter, all those years ago when you met his sons.
“My sons, you are dismissed, but Leonardo I want you to stay.” Splinter said nodding to Donnie and Mikey. His two son’s left and slid the door to close for privacy.
“Master Splinter, I’m sorry that I failed you and my brothers. I’ll assure you that it won’t happen again.” Leo bowed in respect to his father.
“I know you will my son, but that is not what I wanted to talk about.” Splinter walked around his table and gestured for Leo to stand.
“Then...what is it about?” Leo asked confused, standing up on his feet.
“I know I have told you that your absence brought difficulty towards Raphael, but it has also brought wounds on love.” Splinter pointed at the picture of all of him and his sons together with (Y/n). Splinters eyes and smile was focused on the way Leo and (Y/n) held each other. You had one arm around his son's neck while your other hand was on his chest lovingly, you wore the happiest smile. Leo had his arms around your waist, holding you close to his chest, with the most loving smile.
“You mean (Y/n)...” Leo said sadly, realizing Splinter’s hint.
“Leonardo, is it true that you ended your happiness with the woman you claimed that you would do anything for?” Splinter asked straight to the point.
“Yes master...it was a hard decision to make for her own good.” Leo turned to his father.
“My son, you may be the leader of the team to make decisions for everyone's well being, but your relationship only relied on choices to make each other happy. What was for her own good?” Splinter dug a little deeper.
“While I was the ‘Ghost of the jungle’, I realized that I couldn’t give her everything she deserved. All those people in the village may have been poor, but they all never got to hide in the dark.” Leo looked down and then looked back up at the picture of you. Splinter gave him a moment to continue.
“I tried my best to protect the village from those who wanted to terrorize it. There was a child who was held hostage by those bad guys. They only wanted something valuable in return, so the mother had to give up a priceless necklace for her son’s safety. They stood by their word to release her son, but who's to say that they wouldn’t come back to finish them off. Of course I defeated them and returned the items.”
“You have given the villagers everything. A mother can sleep knowing her son is safe from those bad men. I know they are thankful for your help.” Splinter looked at his son with a raised eyebrow, not clearly understanding the comparison of the situation.
“They can’t exactly thank something they can’t see...I don’t want (Y/n) to give up every opportunity or all the things she worked for just because of me. I can’t give her a child without risking her life. I wouldn’t be a good fit for her as a husband, to not be able to be there for her in the surface daylight when she needs me there for support.” Leo explained sadly with a sigh. Splinter’s expression softened at his son’s confession.
“(Y/n) is one of the strongest and most understanding people we know. Your decision took a lot of strength to fulfill but it also hurt more than it was to benefit. You should tell her your concerns so that she can also make a choice. Unless the wounds you made were intended to make her frown at your name.” Splinter put his hand on Leo’s shoulder.
“Sensei...if I let her choose to love me, then she would lose everything.” Leo looks at his father.
“You should be more worried if she chooses to let you go. It’s not everyday that you meet a woman who would love you for the way you are, inside and out. You, my son, will probably lose the one woman who accepted, not only you, but the consequences that she will meet in the future just for loving you. Leonardo, are you willing to accept that fate?” Splinter faced his eldest son with a serious tone in his voice.
Leo looks at Splinter and opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. He turns back to the picture of you and remembers that day. You both couldn’t help but stay together all day in each other's arms. Not even caring about anything else, just each other. He couldn’t get enough of your eyes, smile, laughter, or the way your nose crinkles when he kisses your nose.
“No...I don’t think I’m willing to accept that fate, father.” Leo stood up straight, finally feeling a little weight off of his shoulders and heart.
“Then you know what you must do, you are dismissed, my son.” Splinter smiles satisfyingly at Leo’s response. Leo bows and retreats from the room. Splinter takes one last look at the picture and smiles to himself. ‘Soon, things will be better than what they once were.’
Leo goes to his room to think about what he should be ready to tell (Y/n). He’s missed a lot since the day he left for his training. Looking at the picture of you and him made him smile. He wants to explain that letter to you, that there were some concerns he had. That he knows that it was a dumb reason, and it doesn’t excuse him from the heartbreak he gave you. He hopes that he can have a second chance.
‘I’m hoping that you didn’t move on yet…’
You laughed at the small child for accidentally spilling juice on Winters’ shoulder from behind. The mother apologized many times and Winters reassured her that it was fine. The mother and her child made their way out of the cafe.
“I’m happy this amuses you Ms. (Y/n).” Winters playfully sarcasms while cleaning his shoulder with a napkin.
“Can you honestly blame me Mr. Winters? This is the first I’ve ever seen you have an accident with your suit.” Your laugh slowly faded into a giggle.
“I honestly thought that I wouldn’t come across this incident, especially not in front of you.” Winter’s crumbles the napkin and puts it aside.
“There’s no need to look all perfect for a girl like me.” You grinned and drank more of your coffee.
“On the contrary my dear, you deserve everything perfect coming your way.” Winters gives you a playful wink.
“How are you British so smooth? It’s like you guys practiced all your lives with these lines.” You laughed softly. Winters chuckled at the way you got a mustache thanks to the coffee.
“Hold still for me.” Winters took another napkin and leaned over the table to hold your chin softly but firmly. You froze on the spot, your eyes questioning for an explanation. He carefully wiped the coffee on your top lip. You can see the focused expression he has, and now that you're looking closely...you have to admit that he looks handsome for a rich guy.
Winters pulled the napkin away and smiled at his work. He looked from where he cleaned to your eyes. Your breathing hitched quietly when he decided to lean closer. His phone suddenly rang making him let go of your chin and lean back to look at his phone. You sighed in relief a little, cause you still weren’t sure if you're ready for that step yet...and you didn’t want to lead him on if you changed your mind.
“I’m sorry to cut this short my dear, but this is an emergency. There seems to be a complaint with another company that I recently made partners with.” Winters glared a bit at the phone but it softened apologetically when he looked up at you.
“It’s fine really, I probably need to get to my shift anyways, my boss needs all hands on deck.” You smiled reassuringly. Winters kindly paid for coffee plus breakfast and gave a tip to the waiter. You both grabbed your coffee to go and left the cafe.
“Do you want me to give you a ride to your workplace?” Winters asked looking down at you.
“So I can earn some envious glances from my employees by riding a limo with a rich guy I just had breakfast with? No thanks, I’m good for today with just a free coffee in my hands.” You smiled at him and he chuckled.
“Your way of declining my offers are endearing, but maybe you’ll accept it one of these days. Until next time my dear.” The limo arrives and he gives you a kiss on the cheek before entering the spotless vehicle. You smiled and waved while the limo drove away.
Once the vehicle was gone, you sighed to yourself. The only thing that bothered you was that everything happened in that cafe didn’t displease you like those kids at high school. It felt like a natural date. Sure, it wasn’t like having a date with Leo, but it was genuine in it’s own way.
You kept walking down the sidewalk and stopped when you saw a park. Two parents playing tag with their kids together. The dad was ‘it’ and ran for the mother while the kids were laughing at their parents childishness, it made you chuckle as well. The dad caught the mom in his arms and spun her around until they fell on the grass with her on his lap. They all laughed and the parents held each other and gave each other a loving kiss in front of the kids. This made you silent and a little sad.
‘Maybe I wanted to convince myself that I don’t need him, an excuse to not love him anymore.’  
When the realization hit you, you just didn’t know what your next move was.
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alamhigyoooo · 4 years
you have lived a thousand thousand lives, but at the end you are still the same boy who fell in love with her under the moonlight.
(emet-selch/hades x warrior of light)
[read it here on ao3]
Your name is Hades, and you are just a boy when you fall in love for the first time.
She is standing in the ocean waves, clutching her robes to her chest. Tiny little turtles waddle from the sandy shore into the dark abyss of the sea, floating with the current around her ankles.
“Just think, Hades,” she says, kneeling down to peer at the infant turtles. “So many lives, traveling out to explore the world. Isn’t it exciting?”
“Exciting?” you echo, unsure if you agree. “The world is so big, and we’re just children. Doesn’t the thought of the unknown scare you?” The ocean, pitch black and endless, roars back, as if it hears the trepidation in your voice.
“Of course,” she says, and when she turns to you the moon shines through her eyes, refracting into a hundred shards of light across her cheeks. “Of course I’m scared. But that’s why I want to go and see it all, someday. It’s only unknown if we never seek to know it.”
Profound words from such a young soul -  and the moment is broken by the crash of a wave that sends sea spray into her face. She shrieks in surprised joy, and you watch as she flounders in the water with hearty laughter.
(Your breath catches in your throat, and you’re not sure you understand why your chest feels so tight, but as she laughs in the waves you think that you’ve never heard anything so beautiful.)
Your name is Hades, and you have just become a different man.
You turn away from the Convocation members - your new peers - and try not to smile too big as she floats across the room towards you. “I wondered where you’d drifted off to,” you call out, striding to meet her halfway. Behind you, there are soft whispers, amused chuckles, as the Convocation disperses into the greater crowd - but you pay them no mind.
“I certainly tried to find you, but you were swept up by someone else every time I got close,” she laughs, beaming. She reaches out and takes your hands in hers, and you feel your heart stop. “Congratulations! I told you that you’d make the Convocation one day.”
Ordinarily you’d smirk and agree with her - but as she looks up at you, kaleidoscope eyes peeking through her mask, your arrogance withers and you find yourself content to do nothing more than bask in her praise, her confidence in you.  
“I’m thankful to have had your support,” you say stiffly, failing utterly to convey the gratitude you feel. “Someday you’ll be on the Convocation with me, too.”
She snorts, but squeezes your hands gently. “I don’t need to be.”
“You’re still going?” you ask in surprise, unable to hide some of the disappointment in your voice.
“I always said I would,” she tells you, and she squeezes your hands once more. “But you needn’t worry. I’ll come back, and I’ll have so many stories to tell you.”
There are too many things you want to say, and not enough time to say any of them. So you smile and say, “Very well. Safe travels, my friend.”
(It takes all of your willpower to not beg her to stay, and as she slips from your grasp you wish you’d said “I’ll be waiting for you”, too.)
Your name is Emet-Selch, and you feel the weight of the world upon your shoulders.
Her steps through the grass rouse you from your thoughts. Though your eyes are closed, you hear her settle beside you on the ground. “Brooding again?”
You crack one eye open and frown. “I’m not brooding. Unless you think the world’s impending doom isn’t worth the extra thought?”
She looks down at you, before slipping off her mask - her new Convocation mask, marking her status as Azem. Her crystalline eyes are full of worry. “You spend too much time alone and upset. No one could solve a problem, much less the fate of the world, in such a way.”
With a sigh, you push yourself up and face her. “Well, what would you have me do?”
Her back straightens, and she leans close to you. “Come with me,” she says earnestly, and you’re lost in her prismatic gaze. “Come travel the world with me. There’s so much to see - there’s bound to be something out there that will help you.”
It’s a touching sentiment - but nothing more. Your place is here, in Amaurot, as the guiding hand of your people. You offer her a tired smile. “Surely if there was a solution in the wider world, you would have found it already.”
“My mind is hardly as acute as yours,” she replies, and she pulls back. You know she’s heard the rejection in your words, and though you find relief in her acquiescence, her withdrawal still stings. “Perhaps if you were to see something with your own eyes, you might find inspiration.”
Her compliment soothes some of the ache in your heart, so you tell her, “Your faith in me is inspiring enough.”
(In another world, you would have said yes, because deep down, you long for her to whisk you away, to show you the world - to set you free.)
Your name is Emet-Selch, and you have lost everything there ever was to lose.
As you wander through the rubble of what used to be your home, you’re not sure if it’s possible for a man to lose anything more. Every being, every soul - splintered beyond repair, halved again and again, into pitiful shadows of the majestic creatures they once were.
Every being. Every soul.
Save yourself, of course; yourself, and Lahabrea, and Elidibus. The three of you now comprise the final remnants of what was the greatest people to ever walk the land.
“Architect,” says the Abyssal Celebrant, emerging from the ruins of the Capital. He is pale-faced, haggard, and you see in the lines of his body the same deep, deep horror you feel in your own.
“No one?” you rasp, even though you know the answer. You have known the answer.
He shakes his head; you close your eyes and swallow down a sob, a scream.
(She had been there, to warn everyone, to warn you - and you turned her away like a fool, bitter and hurt and blind. That is all you will ever be, now and forever: a fool, who missed and missed and missed his chances, and will never have another chance again.)
Your name is… you aren’t sure what your name is, anymore.
What life is this, your eighth? Your fifteenth? You can’t keep track anymore. These lives, all too brief and empty, somehow manage to blur together into a mass of nothingness, but you must persist.
Zodiark demands it.
Perhaps you are a lord - perhaps you are a peasant. Perhaps you are ruling an empire, pretending to care about the ants who mill about this world and believe bloodshed to be their birthright.
You tried - heavens know you tried. You tried so very hard, in the beginning, to let go of the past, to live and love and die among the newfound stewards of this star, these stars. You gave it your all, gave them your all, and still they failed you.
You will not be failed again.
So you tread through these broken shards, silent and deadly, seeking your fallen comrades spread thin across fourteen planes. Igeyorhm, Naibrales, Mitron and Loghrif. Viciously as you work to tear down the walls between worlds and return the Source to its true self, just as tenderly do you press each crystal to the hand of its bearer and restore their memories, their minds.
It breaks your heart to see their faces when they begin to understand their reality, what happened to their home. Ten times do you restore an ally, and ten times must you witness that heartbreak - your heartbreak - all over again.
(Alone, you shut your eyes and imagine finding her. When you find her, when you press the crystal you made for her into her palm, you pray that she will take peace in your presence, that you will not have to watch her heart shatter as well.)
Your name is about to disappear, and you are there to watch Azem die.
It isn’t her, not really - but you know that color and would know it anywhere, despite being muted and dulled by the Sundering. Millenia since you have seen it, but it is etched into your heart with clarity nonetheless.
You see her color first, in the gaggle of souls who think they will escape the doom of the Third Shard. At first you think it might be a figment of your imagination, a ripple in the magic which makes you invisible to the untrained eye.
But it flashes by again, and again, and you are too weak to resist this chance to finally see her again. Like a moth to a flame, you let yourself be drawn to her color, pushing aside everything in your way to make it to her in time.
Time, after all, is dwindling - if not for you, then for her, and whose fault is that?
When you catch up to her shade, the ground is falling away at her feet, and she clutches to the side of a cliff wall with all the strength left in her body. Slowly, painfully, you let your magics slip away, revealing yourself with silence - a contrast to the howling of the earth around you.
The shade takes you in with wide eyes - eyes that are not right, not like hers. Violet, round, and afraid - not like hers.
Azem’s crystal is heavy in your pocket.
“Do I know you?” says the shard, and you are taken aback. You had expected a plea for help, a prayer for salvation.
You are not ready for the hand the shard reaches out to you, and like always, you miss your chance as the cliff fails her and she falls to her death far below.
(Nobody will ever know, but you search the Lifestream for her after, even though you know it will be in vain. She is gone, and you hate yourself for wishing she wasn’t. You vow that you will never look for her again.)
Your name is Solus zos Galvus, and you are bored.
“A toast, to Varis yae Galvus!” rings out through the dining hall, followed by a chorus of voices repeating, “To Varis!”
Boring. So very boring. A wedding for your grandsire, High Legatus Varis. As Emperor, it is your duty to attend such events, put on a show to bolster morale - but you despise it. There is nothing left worth celebrating in this world, you think.
The groom, your grandsire, rises from his seat, tall and imposing, so much like your son. Your pitiful dead son. You watch him lift his own glass, hear his voice booming through the hall, as he mechanically thanks the attendees for their blessings.
“How wretched,” you mutter under your breath, before wheezing as you push yourself into a better sitting position. The body you inhabit has cursed you with old age, feeble and decaying just like the rest of the sad remnants who surround you, and you long for a time when you may finally be free of it, to walk the world in youthful flesh.
At the sound of your fussing, all eyes in the room break from your grandsire and fixate on you, and you take small amusement in watching the bravado slip from your grandsire’s grasp.
Then his bride turns to look at you as well, with crystals glinting in her hair, and they reflect light in a way that makes you say “Pah!” and hobble your way out of the hall.
(Thrice cursed, in one night - to suffer through your own emotional failure, to sit through it all in an ailing body, and to be reminded of a love you will never see again.)
Your name is Emet-Selch, and your companions are useless.
Useless, you call them, though you tell yourself it’s well-meant. No matter how much you feud with them or gnash your teeth in frustration at them, deep down you love them. You can never say it, though - it lies in a box which cannot be opened, else other forbidden things come tumbling out.
But of course they would be useless when it comes to Hydaelyn’s champion - and suddenly, as you gaze upon the shard that people hail as “hero”, you are thankful that you locked away your love so long ago.
For who among them could turn on her shade?
Lahabrea tried, and failed twice. Naibrales lost, blinded by righteous fury and hate. Igeyorhm, too, silenced forever.
It’s cruel, but - you note with bitterness - cruelty seems to be your reality forevermore. Hydaelyn has chosen her, has chosen what’s left of her, pitted her remains against you in a grand cosmic match that, were you not utterly dedicated to your cause, is tragic enough that you would lay down your arms to weep.
You hate this shard.
(When you meet the shard for the first time, really meet her, her eyes are white - and they are too close to hers and yet not near enough anyways. White though they may be, they lack the fleeting colors which danced within - and every time you meet the shard after, you tell yourself to look into her eyes to draw strength from what she lacks.)
Your name is Hades, and you are finally free.
Though you have died a thousand thousand times, this is the first death that you really feel. It burns, it’s agonizing, and yet you have never felt so at peace.
She faces you - and it feels so good to finally, finally stop denying that it is her. To stop needing it to be her.
Remarkable, you think, that this life of hers is the one which ends yours. Dark hair, and white eyes, passion etched in every line of her face.
She is as beautiful as the day you lost her, and to admit it makes you weep.
“Remember us,” you tell her, at the edge of the world where your heart breaks and heals at the same time. “Remember that we lived.”
Silence, and though you know you are at peace for a moment your soul wrenches in agony. Maybe it is too late - maybe you have pushed her too far. And here, at the end, you must admit that you have.
Irony is ever so cruel - reunited at last, finished at last, and you are going to die in front of the one you love, in a body she hates because you made her hate it.
But she isn’t - she isn’t cruel.
“I will remember,” she says, surprising you like always. “I promise I will remember.”
(You fill your last moments with the memory of her eyes: they are no longer pure white, you realize, but now have the faintest hint of a rainbow at the edges, a gift of her impromptu rejoining. You think back to a night on the beach where the moonlight turned her gaze into diamonds and smile.)
Your name doesn’t matter, but she calls it anyway.
“Emet-Selch!” her voice beckons you, and you stir in the Lifestream. “Hades!”
(She needs you, and as you feel yourself pulled towards her warmth, you think that you’ve never heard anything so beautiful.)
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When the Battle is Won:  A ROTTMNT fanfiction
Summary: Healing in the heart is just as important as healing on the flesh. Takes place after ‘'Many Unhappy Returns”
Word count: 3160
Rating: Mild language
Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
For: @damsel-loves-machines cause it's all their fault
Leo always wondered if there was a difference between “sleeping” and “passing out”  All he knew was that one minute he was leaping in joy at the Shredders capture, and the next moment he was laying on Raph’s shell with the world going black.
Maybe he had passed out
Either way, he was waking up now with everything a blue around him. The only thing he was sure of was that Raph’s shell wasn’t the best pillow (or the worst he ever had, to be honest). He felt a warm blanket wrapped around his shell, the edges tucked in around him cocooning him in it.  He would have been embarrassed except his blanket was so warm and soft enough to melt some pain from his muscles. Even so he forced his tired eyes open. The lights and colors swirled around the room, reminding him of that Lou Jitsu Anti Drug Movie Splinter had shown them when they were going to the surface for the first time (Lou Jitsu and the Obligation You Have to Your Body). It took a few moments fro the colors to move to their rightful place and everything to come into focus. He had been right when he thought he had been using Raph’s shell as a pillow, but he wasn’t the only one. April was snuggled right into Raph’s shell with Mikey curled up on Raph’s shell like a cat. Donnie was resting his cheek on Leos’ bicep, if he had been more awake he would of teased his sleeping brother except when he opened his mouth to do so he realized his mouth was insanely dry, so much so when he took a breath he ended up hacking loudly.
“Hold on Blue.” Where Splinter had come from he had no idea, he craned his neck to see his father tucking another blanket around April. Splinter stepped around his ‘burritoed’ sleeping children to a water cooler Leo hadn’t noticed and a first aid kit sitting by it, pulling out a bottle of water and sitting by Leo’s side, “Here,” he cracked the seal for him before holding out the bottle . Greedily, Leo took the bottle and guzzled the water down. Other then the cup of tea he had with Big Mama he wasn’t sure he had anything to drink in days, “Thanks Pop.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I leapt onto a Yokai train, fought a supped up Draxum, fought a army of trolls, and Kraken Tom AND a feral robot cat.” His need to stretch nearly surpassed his bodies desire to stay warm. Speaking of Which, he tucked his arm back into his blankets and resting his cheek on Don’s scalp, “How long were we asleep?”
“I lost track, it took a few hours to get you all home and we only got home a few minutes ago.” It was only then Leo noticed how tired his father looked, the dark circles around his eyes gave the impression someone had broken his nose. He was almost afraid that looking at him too long would knock him over, “Dad are you ok?”
“Just a little antsy from missing so much tv.” A classic Dad move, drown concern with humor. Leo wasn’t sure if all dads did that, but his did. Leo asked, “Ok what do we have to do?”
“You are going to be resting.”
“I’m not tired, I mean I had it relatively easily compared to everyone else. I want to help Dad please?”
His father gave him a look, if he had been at full energy Leo was sure he’d tell him no. But as it stood he probably barely had enough energy to talk, “Ok fine, but if you start getting tired you rest. Alright?”
“Deal.”  It paid to be the smooth talker of the group, not that he had done a lot of that mind you, “OK Daddio, what’s the plan?”
Splinter looked out over his brothers, “I know everyone’s tired but they need to take a shower and eat some food. Make sure they all drink some water. I’m going to start making some soup. I brought out a few bags of chips to hold you all over.”
Even the thought of food had his stomach agreeing loudly. Loudly enough to make Donnie flinch in his sleep and roll over away from him. “Good idea.” He grinned sheepishly as his father patted him on the head and stood up. As he walked away his muscles popped continuously like someone rolling on bubble wrap.
Leo yawned and sat up. Water, and showers. That was a good plan. First though, he wanted to get everyone’s clothes, he knew how badly he wanted his own pajamas right now. He stood up and went around the lair at a snails pace, gathering everyone’s pajamas from their rooms and April sleepover bag from the closet putting them all in the bathroom in neat little stacks. It took almost all his remaining energy and he  himself nearly collapsing back on his pile of family before shaking April by the shoulder, waking her with a snort “Hey Ap.” Leo took up a water bottle, handing it to her, “Get some water in you and take a shower. I put your bag in the bathroom.” He slid off her glasses, “I’ll clean these while you’re in there.”
“Thanks.” She drank from the bottle before standing up shrugging off her coat and heading away, shaking out her coat before disappearing into the bathroom. Leo pinched some of his spandex between two fingers and rubbed them over the surface of Aprils glasses to get the excess dirt off before setting it aside. It was then he remembered the tv in the Living room. He took the remote and turned it on, setting it to automatically go through their online library of Lou Jitsu movies. Raph woke with a snort, “hmrmm?” Before looking to the tv,”Jitssuu.”
“Very observant Rapharino.” Leo handed him a bottle of water, “I figured this would be a better way to wake up.”
There was a scoff to his right, Donnie twisted around to glare at him through blurry eyes, “Or you could of just buried me and let me sleep forever.” Before twisting and curling back up into a bean shaped cocoon
“No cause then I couldn’t do this” Despite his exhaustion, Leo hopped forward onto his brother wrapping his arms around his middle sibling and squeezing him to him, Almost immediately Donnie  squawked and twisted around , bringing his feet up between them and kicking hard. Sending Leo flying off , “Gerrof you weirdo!”
Leo landed unceremoniously against Raph’s side, Donnie gave him  another glare before rolling away,” well you can’t be too tired if you have enough energy to shun me.”
“Bite me.”
Raph hissed loudly,” Enough you two, Mikeys’ still sleeping.”
Oh right, for a moment Leo felt guilty as he had completely forgotten that Mikey was still curled up on Raph’s shell, snoring away with enough drool pooling on Raph’s shell to drown a Kraken Tom. But he was sure Raph wouldn’t mind. Finally April left the bathroom, wrapped up in her favorite green pajamas and matching robe and thick socks and a matching hair wrap, “Alright whose next?” She said as she collapsed back on the ground wrapping back up in her blanket and pulling on her newly cleaned glasses. “I’ll go,” Raph said, putting aside his water bottle, “Someone get Mikey?”
“Got it.” Leo stood up on noodle legs and moved over to Raph, “Hey man.” He gave Mikey a shake on the shell, his youngest brother gave out a small whimper but otherwise stayed asleep. With no other option he slipped his hands under Mikey’s knee and behind his shell, “Come on little brother.” He said cradling Mikey to his chest and  stepping back setting Mikey on Pop’s armchair, Raph stood up, stretching his arms over his head and heading off to the bathroom. It was only when the door shut that Mikey’s eyes popped open, “SHREDDER!” His eyes twisting around the room in panic as he breathed quickly. Leo quickly knelt in front of the chair “Mikey its ok its ok.”
His youngest brother looked to him, his eyes swelled with tears again, “L-Leo I tried everything. I threw a freighter at him.  A freighter, and he just tore through it like lit was nothing. I tried. I tried-“
“I know, we know.” BeforeLeo could break out into a comfort speech, Mikey slid off the chair and curled up  against his chest. Leo wrapped his arms around him and held his trembling brother close. Don was there a breath later, “Its ok Mikey’ He whispered to, rubbing his shell before the purple masked turtle lowered his cheek to rest on Mikey’s shell. Leo reached to wrap his arm around Don’s shell when his brother flinched jerking away but not enough to let go of Mikey. Leo drew back, pride wounded but he ignored his own feelings. Donnie was a bundle of nerves at the moment, his whole cycle  had been interrupted and life thrown into chaos for three days. Of course he couldn’t handle someone touching him right now. Instead he gave Donnie a apologetic look and resumed rocking and comforting Mikey.
It was only then he noticed the burn onto of Mikeys scalp, though ti wasn’t’ bleeding. He urned to Donnie, looking to the burn then to his bedroom. Don nodded and left. Leo rubbed Mikey’s shell for a few minutes till Donnie came back, a tool box in one hand and a a first aid kit in the other. Leo was grateful he never had to use the toolbox, but anytime he had to open his first aid kit  he felt like he had failed. At this point Mikey had fallen asleep against his chest. He cleaned the burn and carefully taped out some gauze on it. Before he could close his kit, Mikey mumbled,’ I wanna Lou Jitsu bandaid.”
“No problem.” He pulled out a old yellowed cardboard box filled with bandaids from the eighties, and pulled out one of the bandaids. Though the special bandaid with Lou Jitsu posing on it would do nothing for the injury or keeping it clean, He laid it overtop of his already finished handiwork,” See? Lou Jitsu will help you  safe now.”
“I know,” Mikey yawned again, “Dad’s the best.”
After a few minutes, Raph let the bathroom in his bear pajamas and his retainer. Mikey went in next but barely took any time getting out before curling up back against Raph’s side. Leo made sure to hand over his sketchbook, his brother gave him a grateful smile before flipping the book open and sketching Lou Jitsu’s outfit from the movie rolling. He turned back to Donnie, who was curled up against the chair away from everyone else, “D its your turn.”
“Yeah hold on.’ Donnie blinked rapidly, “my contacts dried out during the fight and I didn’t notice till now.” Without warning, he used his thumb and forefinger to poke himself in the eye and drew out his contacts, despite Leos shriek of disgust,” EW BRO NO!! You should of warned me! I HATE seeing you take out your contacts.”
“You’re fine.” Donnie put the contacts in a napkin, “Damn it they were my last ones too.”
“I’ll go get your glasses from your room.”
“Um. NO. I hate those things.”
“Don’t be a baby Donnie, your glasses make you adoorrraaable.” He grinned, unhindered by Don’s lethal glare. Donnie wadded up his blanket and chucked it at his face “You are  SO annoying” he said before stomping out of the room.
“I knowwwww.” He sang after him. For the first time all night he finally felt like himself before his legs felt like jelly again. Leo kicked himself before going to Don’s room. It took a bit before he finally found Don’s old glasses in one of his boxes marked, “set on fire, don’t let brothers see”. Which would have been alarming, except Leo had seen all of Donnie’s “Burn” boxes and all they seemed to have were Lou Jitsu FanFiction’s in Donnie’s hand writing. Promising himself to read those later he took the thick framed glasses and went over to the bathroom. At this point the lair was filled with the smell of garlic, Parmesan and cooked noodles. Splinter was handing out bowls of soup to everyone in the living room. Leo would of killed for one of those bowls, but decided to sigh loudly and bang on the bathroom door, “D I got your glasses.”
The door opened, it was always weird to see Donnie without his mask or goggles even more now with that deep tired look in his eyes, “Thanks.” He grumbled pulling on his glasses, Leo made a point of letting out a big, “AWWWWWWWWW!” Before Donnie flipped him off, “Just take a shower nerd.” He said limping back to the group.
Leo shook his head, no they were all limping. They were all tired. He had strapped enough ice packs to Raph’s body to permanently change his temperature. Tired and sore. Leo finally stepped into the bathroom and into the welcoming hot shower that relaxed every knot in his body.  It was only then he noticed how tired he really was. It took nearly everything he had to get dressed, but after that his body got its wish as he sank onto the floor
“Leo you ok?” Came Donnie’s voice
“I’m just going to stay in here, bring me some soup and a coffin.” He took a towel and curled it under his head. The door opened a moment later, Donnie immediately rolled his eyes, “You can’t sleep in here man, come on.”
Leo held his hands up to him,” carrrry me.”
“I’ll help you walk. That’s where I draw the line.”
“Deal.” He reached up again, Donnie heaved him up to his feet and put his body under his arm, taking his weight, “Thanks.” He said, he put his arm around Don’s shell when all of a sudden his brother shuddered, Leo pulled away immediately as Don doubled over, “Donnie what’s wrong?”
“Nothing it’s fine my backs just sore.”
Leo moved around to look at his brothers shell, there were three red streaks across the back of his pajamas”Holy shit D.” He quickly moved around the bathroom and took out a pair of scissors they kept in there. His hand came up and gently forced Donnie to kneel, cutting up the back of his pajama top, “Leo seriously, its fine-“
It was not fine, when he exposed Donnie’s shell and saw three short shallow scratches “Holy shit-“
“Quit saying that Leo, its not that bad.”
“Your shell is cut dude, it’s BLEEDING.”
“No its just leaking a bit, it stopped bleeding hours ago.”
“And its bleeding again.” Careful not to touch it, he looked close. His anxiety began to leave when he saw that the scratches were purely on the surface of his shell and hadn’t gone any deeper, still, “I’m going to go get the toolbox.”
“Don’t tell the others.” Don’s voice was quiet, but Leo nodded. Luckily everyone in the room was still eating Splinters noodle soup and watching Lou Jitsu and the Trekies (his only horror movie) the toolbox was sitting behind the chair where he had left it so it wasn’t too hard to grab it and duck back into the bathroom.
When he first got the first aid kit, it felt like someone had taken a giant burden off his shoulders. The idea he could actually do something to help his brothers Incase of emergency. But when he was washing his shell he realized there was nothing in that kit that could help if their shells were cracked.
That’s when the toolbox came in handy
It was his ‘emergency shell repair kit. Full of everything he might need incase one of their shells were cracked. He even had some bra wires just in case (he learned of that one from Tumblr). He pulled out a spray and covered his arm with his sleeve, “This’ll sting .” Before spraying the industrial antibacterial spray over the. Even though is brother flinched he didn’t say anything. Now all he had to do was wait for the liquid to dry, he was already pulling out  some gel and a roll of bandages , “Why didn’t you say anything? How did this happen?”
His brother didn’t say anything for a moment, “did you see the back of my battle shell?”
“Yeah you said it was damaged in the fight.”
“Cause of the Shredder. I threw all my tech at him, all my machines. Even my industrial toaster. He tore through it like it was nothing. Then he.” Don paused, “he tried to tear through me.”
Leo froze for a moment. The claws that had tore through Raph’s mystic form, the freighter, had come a inch from tearing in Don. The burn on Mikeys skull, and the ache that burdened Raph’s whole body. He blinked several times before applying the numbing medicine to Don’s cuts  and applying the bandages “I should of been there. I could of helped.”
“NO.” Donne turned to look at him, “Leo if you had been there we wouldn’t of made it. You saved us all. If you hadn’t shown up when you did.” He paused, unspoken between the two middle children. Even though the weren’t officially twins, they always had a way of reading each others minds. Knowing what the other was thinking. So Leo wasn’t at all surprised when Donnie reached out and took his hand, giving him a half exhausted smile,  that Leo could barely return, “Does this mean you finally trust me again?”
“Leo you tried to trade me to the Trash Wizard for his half eaten sandwich. What do you think?”
Despite himself, Leo chuckled, giving Don a shove on the arm. He managed to sneak Donnie his hoodie before the two fo them made it to the living room and the warm noodle soup. Leo drank three bowls before he fell back against Raph. Splinter had finally taken a shower and was in his rightful place in his chair. Everyone was finally awake enough to watch the movies. At some point Raph and April had gone to the kitchen and gathered a bundle of snacks into the living room. For a moment Leo just enjoyed the company. He enjoyed Mikey showing off his sketches to April, he enjoyed Raph shoveling a bag of chips into his mouth while commenting on the movie (for the eight time) he enjoyed his father glancing at all of them out of the corner of his eye to make sure everyone was ok, and he enjoyed Don leaning on his side  already messing with this arm tablet again as Leo watched over his shoulder
They were all alive
That was enough for now
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kazdoesntknow · 4 years
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sorry for the stickers and lines in the latter image of leo, it’s the original one from before i got my sketchbook.
i ended up changing leo’s face. his right eye is burned, as well as his shoulder, and he’s blind in his right eye.
he wears goggles now- lightly based off of steampunk goggles. they read thermals, as well as zoom in and out. he’s also the only turtle who still has their mystic weapon- april still has hers.
leo’s really been through things. at his current age of twenty-one, he’s the leader of the team. though at sixteen, when he and his brothers went to fight draxum and most of the foot clan, he realized they were being overrun and he surrendered as a distraction so his brothers would be able to escape. he ended up being tortured over the next two years, as well as experimented on, but he eventually escaped and returned home, where he’s now planning on how to take his world back from the yokai, establish equality, and throw big mama and draxum away for their crimes, seeing as those two released shredder and made sure everyone else was shoved underground as the yokai had been.
he’s quieter now, and less quick to joke, and matured a lot faster than he should have. but somewhere in that heart of his, he’s still the same leon. he’s just struggling with how to express it.
he has a lot of mental disorders due to everything that has happened.
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again, sorry for the stickers and stuff. that’ll go for just about everyone else,,,,
so this is raph. probably not the best drawn, i’ll redraw him soon, i promise that much. but anyway, as you can see, he’s got a few scars, and where leo has teal eyes, raph has green. ( aka i wanted to give them eye colors, and here they are. ) he’s twenty two, and during leo’s two years away, he’d begun to think leo was dead. but he blames himself fully for leo’s disappearance, and regrets not being the one to think of surrendering first. he doesn’t have his mystic weapon, though he does use his sais. once leo returned, he passed leadership onto him, because leo was the one who showed leadership and protected them all.
raph’s still his cuddly self, though his fear of being alone has gotten stronger, and he usually sleeps in mikey’s room to avoid waking up with panic attacks. he also has a strong fear of abandonment, and is terrified his brothers will leave or get kidnapped again.
also heavily blames himself for splinter’s death, even though he wasn’t fighting shredder with miko and casey.
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stickers, yada yada. you get the gist.
anyway! this is the baby, mikey. i liked the addition of a bandana, so i threw it on him. he’s the youngest at age 20. upon leo disappearing, he chose to neglect the new way of life and pretend that nothing’s changed. upon leo’s return, though, he wasn’t quite sure what to do. he couldn’t seem to comfort leo. but mikey tried his best anyway.
during leo’s time in captivity, mikey was constantly with raph, bonding more heavily with his elder brother, due to donnie being more in his lab to deal with his own problems. mikey still loves to paint, and he simply wishes he could see sunlight again. he often plays video games with raph and does quite a bit of art- the lair is covered in his art, whether it be on canvases or walls. he chats about everything he wants to do.
he probably took draxum’s betrayal the hardest, seeing as he was the one the most supportive of draxum’s redemption. he wanted his two dads, and now, sadly, he has none.
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and this is donatello, the last, but definitely not the least, of the turtles.
he fully blames himself for the abduction of his twin. fighting draxum was also very difficult for him, because his battle shell was torn apart ( again ) and he was carried home due to the wounds on his face and on his shell. he ends up cutting off his right arm for what he claims to be self improvement, though there is an underlying truth no one’s managed to dig out yet. he woud have cut off his other upon leo’s return, but leo had stopped him from doing that.
still a tech guy, he tends to isolate himself in his lab, save for whenever miko decides she wants to waltz in there like she owns the place. he doesn’t find her much of a bother because she’s usually pretty quiet. he’s still sarcastic and sassy, but he is very angry and defensive, and forgets to eat and sleep. he, though he would never admit it, probably missed leo the most because of their twin bond.
he has pilot goggles now, which is pretty neat, i think. they’re modified by the mystic crystals, though, so they work the same as his old ones did.
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this is casey jones, age 22. living,,, somewhat his best life.
he met the turtles when he was fifteen, while he was out being a bit,,, crazy on the streets and doing his vigilante thing. he’s played hockey since middle school, and absolutely loves it. he’s learned hand to hand combat, and at school, he’s close friends with april o’neil. though at first, he had no idea she knew about the turtles until she went to introduce him to them, and... well, it just hit him. he was like “hey, i know those guys!”
he went with miko and splinter to help in stopping the shredder, and feels pretty sad about splinter dying, so he does the usual thing: vigilante shit. he fights off yokai who are harming humans or mutants, with the help of april and mayehm. he has hockey sticks, golf clubs, and baseball bats.
overall, casey’s a fun guy to hang out with. currently, he’s working on building up a resistance group to fight back, with leo’s strict instruction. in previous years, he was doing it on his own accord.
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APRIL O’NEIL! age 21.
she’s pretty neat. has a scar on her chin that actually isn’t from fighting- her and casey were fucking around on the skateboard ramp in the lair and she fell and,,, chin scar. her jacket is immortal. her glasses are broke, though, and she had to tape them together, but she’s not too mad about it. in fact, she’s not too mad about anything.
she fought big mama with lavi, and though they lost, they managed to escape, and april still has her mystic bat. she snatched that up real fast when she bolted. she ended up forced underground, and she hangs out with her mom sometimes, and tries to hang out with casey vigilanting, and occassionally bugs donnie in his lab, or tries to help lavi pull the family back together- not to much avail.
she’s smart, and funny, and sassy. she’s the same as she was when she was younger, but she’s also gotten to be more independent and strong. she’s very confident, and though she’s been through a lot, she has a firm belief that they’ll win soon enough.
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this is hizashi mikoto, an oc.
she’s a small. age 21. she’s formerly a business CEO, despite her young age, and graduated from MIT at the age of 15. she was raised in japan until she was twelve years old, and upon the death of her father and sister, she ended up moving to america with her mom. when she turned fifteen, her mom ended up dying as well to a foot clan attack. her relationship with her mom wasn’t the best- her ninja mother was fascinated with science, especially mutations, and inserted tiny bits of chameleon dna into her daughter through spars with swords. miko’s now partially chameleon. she met the boys by literally falling in on them. chasing down a few criminals vigilanting, she ended up falling into their lair and spraining their wrist when she was fourteen years old.
she fought the shredder with casey and splinter, and heavily blames herself for splinter’s death. she’s in love with technology and science, having of built a company off a computer chip she developed when she was twelve years old. so her favorite spot in the lair is in donnie’s lab. but she also likes to spar, and write on occassion, and is sometimes found watching tv with mikey.
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this is lavi, the last oc.
gunslinger. she was born in watertown, new york, where her mother had abandoned her before her father found her and her little brothers in their home, but spent most of her life in maine, until conflict caused her to move away from her family and live with her mémé ( great grandmother ) up in new york. wanting to be a police detective and invest her time in chasing down cases at the age of fourteen, she ran around in a deep search for something to do, something to solve, and one of those days, she found leo. and literally just peppered him with questions about where she could go to find some cases to solve. and then they started being friends because “finding cases” turned into “spa day in the hidden city.”
after leo’s disappearance, she ended up searching for the turtle with donnie. the two were relentless in their searching, but two years later, they ended up finding him because he had broken himself out. she tries her best to comfort him as she had the rest of the turtles and their friends.
often passes out in a pile of pillows. leo usually throws a fluffy blanket over her.
but yeah! those are the main characters,,,, lemme know what you think!
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nightmarenoise · 5 years
Just comparing two cartoons I love
I understand that nobody asked in any capacity, but here I go anyway:
It feels fair to compare Ducktales 2017 to Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018), not only because they're only about a year apart and truly, what is a year, but also because they
1. Both use this style that looks like it jumped straight out of a comic book. Okay, it's mostly the solidly inked shadows, but it gives me, personally, comic-y vibes.
2. They have taken what's arguably the main characters (the triplets for DT, the Turtles for TMNT) and shaken the formula up a good bit. Were the triplets formerly indistinguishable and all had the exact same personality, interests and voice actor, they are now three entirely separate entities with different traits and appearances. And while the turtles had about one defining personality trait and looked basically the same, save for the color of their masks, Rise made them different species of turtle to justify giving them radically different designs and three-dimensional personalities. Both shows faced criticism for this decision from people who cannot deal with change. Despite this, in both cases, it just works and does so incredibly well.
3. The oldest bros wear red.
4. We have two middle bros associated with the color blue who are both voiced by Ben Schwartz.
5. Both shows have a focus on family, with Ducktales especially focusing on found family and Rise on brotherhood.
6. Anime references!
Ducktales has a larger cast overall, with a lot of different characters all interacting with each other and they all have the most pleasant voices I've ever heard in my entire life. It's all solidly animated, the style is consistent and the animation is fluid, the characters are diverse and they're all lovely in their own right, except for those who aren't. The writing is top notch. Everyone feels consistent despite the large cast and it's delightful to watch all those interesting people interact with each other in their own way. The show also handles its mystery elements and occasional action scenes incredibly well, building suspense and delivering laughs and gut punches without hesitation. They juggle different tones like a professional clown, except the true clown was us, the audience, all along, for ever having doubted them.
The overarching plot of Ducktales, for its first two seasons, was mostly to uncover the mystery of what had happened to the mother of the triplets and all that would entail. Mystery and mythical elements will likely continue to be afoot for season 3.
Rise works with less focal characters, we have the Turtles, Splinter and April as well as various bad guys, but more than makes up for it with a lot of animation. A lot a lot of animation and it's all high quality. There's usually so much going on on-screen that a watching it once isn't enough to catch it all. Despite that, it doesn't feel crowded or rushed. Lots of dynamic shots and incredibly-choreographed action scenes, but nothing the thoroughly solid writing has to hide behind. Even when the baddies aren't the main concern, they're still well-rounded, interesting characters with unique abilities and motivations. Although, most of the mutants are just really feral. Still a delightfully diverse cast.
The turtles on the other hand spent their first season trying to foil their various foes, from a yokai trying to mutate all of humanity, to his mutants, to dealing with random mythical stuff, to the nefarious Foot Clan trying to reassemble the Dark Armor in the shadows. It's generally a more action-driven show, but they still find the time for some heartfelt moments.
The triplets 2.0
Despite their conventiently color-coded caps, they were really mostly the same character possessing three different bodies at a time. Well, the times of eerie The Shining like-twins, except extended to triplets, are over!
We have Huey, the oldest brother, voiced by Danny Pudi. He's a gentle, intellectual soul who values red hats, science, scout badges and checklists. Huey is arguably the closest in characterization to the original triplets, with some additional neat freak sprinkled in for flavor. He tries to be the responsible older sibling and keep his brothers under control and out of trouble. He also seems to have the most fiery temper of the bunch and should clearly not be pressed to the breaking point. He's my personal favorite and I heard season 3 will bring more focus to him, which makes me elated to hear. 888/10.
Middle child Dewey, the blue one, voiced by Ben Schwartz, who will inevitably come for all the iconic blue characters. He's very clearly the middle one, because he craves attention and validation and occasionally dreams of being an only child. Dewey is the one who started the investigation into their mom's disappearance and kept it from his brothers, partially to save them from hurt, but also because he wanted to feel special. He's the most interested in going on adventures with their uncle, but can get reckless when doing so. He's a bit of a spotlight hog, who has his own talk show that nobody watches and sings his own theme song when he needs to get hyped up, or just to fill this silence. This may sound kind of negative, but rest assured, he's a good, sweet boy. The focal triplet for the first season. 500/10.
Louie, the evil triplet, a schemer and a conman. Voiced by Bobby Moynihan.  The youngest of the bunch. While they call him evil, he's really far too lazy to cause serious harm, except for when it's his laziness that's causing him to take dangerous shortcuts, oops. He dreams of making a fortune, but without having to work for it and preferably without any responsibility either, thank you. He also occasionally dreams of being a spoiled fat cat. Despite his chill demeanor, he can be a bit of a crybaby and those tears are only fake 50% of the time. I feel like he likes getting babied, but mainly because that means there's less work for him to do. Season 2, which focuses more on him, reveals that he's actually quite brilliant, capable of seeing all the angles and giving him some chessmaster-like qualities. He needs to learn to use those abilities for good. 665/10.
Hi, she's Webbie! The honorary triplet, who also got a massive makeover, from annoying token girl tagalong to socially awkward, adorkable action girl. Be careful who you call ugly in middle school, indeed. Like a more ferocious  Mabel Pines, she has a grappling hook and years of martial arts training under her belt. Webbie can absolutely decimate you, but won't, because she's a sweet girl. Voiced by Kate Micucci. She continues to like unicorns and the color pink, but assuredly in the most badass of ways. She helped Dewey with his quest to uncover the mystery of his missing mom, but works well with all of the triplets, with Huey taking her under his wing a bit and Louie trying to get her to chill out more. Webbie is a sweetheart and I would die for her, were it not completely unnecessary, since she's more than capable of taking care of herself. ∞/10.
A lot of the supporting cast also saw updates and changes, for instance Gyro being a genius without social skills and Fenton being an adorkable scientist, but again, they work really well. They're interesting new takes on beloved characters. Even the new additions to the cast are great. In short, I love me some birds and am excited for season 3, Disney, get your scheduling together.
The Turtles 2.14.2 - I upgraded my upgrade in the middle of the upgrade
Also, these guys have seen so many different iterations in their, what, 30+ years of existence. As someone with no prior attachment to the turtle brand, I don't have a lot to say here. Leo's not the leader in this one and Raph has more personality than being angry at Leo for being the leader. Donnie is not just a random nerd spouting technobabble and Mikey has more depth than yelling the catchphrase every now and again. Apparently, this made people upset. I don't know how to help you with that.  The middle brothers exude some high chaotic energy and should not be left unsupervised, but the oldest and youngest seem fairly stable.
Raphael, the red-bandana'd alligator snapping turtle is an imposing figure. He's the oldest and therefore team leader by default. Raph has no reason to be upset at Leo, so he isn't. Despite his ferocious appearance, he's a soft guy, who likes teddies and doting on his brothers, but fears puppets. He's a bit of a knucklehead, most of his plans involve smashing things with his tonfa and he may refer to himself in the third person in the heat of the moment, but he possesses emotional intelligence, is open about his feelings and looks after his brothers. He is big and and strong, but his heart is bigger and stronger. He especially loves small animals animals, who don't usually return his feelings. RIP in F. This responsible guy is voiced by Omar Benson Miller. 300/10, very soft. Somehow both the heart and the big guy of the group.
Donatello has been upgraded from second-to-youngest to second-to-oldest, not that it makes much of a difference. His color of choice is purple and he continues in the character's tradition of being a nerd, although this time, with self-confidence. Donnie is very sure of himself and his abilities. As a spiny soft-shell turtle, he's less sure of his shell, but that's okay, he's made robotic battle shells to make up for it and his bō is the mother of all multitools. This guy can build you a tank out of a buggie and upgrade your animatronic into something to give the FNAF franchise a run for its money. He's the smartest of the four and when not focused on his phone, very focused on the mission. Due to having to deal with his bros, he can be exasperated a lot. Thinks of himself as an emotionally unavailable bad boy, even though he's just really sensitive and wants his dad or someone parent-aged to tell him they're proud of him. Theater kid. 999/10, give the middle child a hug and some coffee, you can't tell me he has a healthy sleep cycle. This sarcastic nerd is brought to you by Josh Brener.
Leonardo, Ben Schwartz's second blue character (Sonic (2020) being the third under his belt) and also his second ninja after Randy Cunningham. He's not the leader. He's still a good character. Leo has approximately 800 charisma and unwavering faith in both, his family and himself. Mostly himself though. Like Louie, season 2 revealed that he is a master of prediction and playing people like the cheap kazoo you can't tell me he doesn't have to play Darude's Sandstorm on. He dabs, he boards, he will pun you to death and back and he has an Odachi that can cut through space. Leo likes hogging the spotlight when given the chance and wants to be showered with attention and praise. Having four kids really only means twice the middle child nonsense. Leo is a red-eared slider, the original species of the TMNT, as I've been told. He's also the best at being a ninja, but usually too lazy to really apply himself. He's younger than Donnie, but tumblr suggested to read the two as twins, since they're approximately the same age, which sheds a whole new light on their dynamic and frankly, makes way too much sense. 420/10, for our memelord Leonardo.
Michelangelo, the eternally youngest of the bunch. An artiste, who puts stickers on himself, tags the lair, has a spiritual connection to his skateboard and the color orange. Mikey loves all things arts and craft, but he also tries his hands at cooking. He idolizes famous TV chefs and can do pretty much anything out of and into pizza. He's funny, without being annoying, like I feel a lot of other iterations of this character are. It's an easy pitfall for comic relief guys, but this one is more than that. If that's an issue, feel free to leave my house. Mikey is genuinely sweet and happy, optimistic and soft, but also the one brother who knows when it's time to take off the gloves and just get straight to the point. He's open about and in touch with his feelings. He's just baby. Don't treat him as one though. A lot of promo stuff says Leo has taken him under his wing, but he's had more episodes together with Donnie. Not that I'm complaining, they work very well together. Mikey and Raph are both the emotional centers of the group. Does not mind being yeeted after retracting into his shell, as box turtles may do. (Disclaimer, do not yeet actual box turtles!) His weapon of choice is a Kusari-Fundo that can turn into a fire-demon and is about as unpredictable as he is. Likes to jump and bounce around. Probably does parkour. Voiced by Brandon Mychal Smith who is audibly having a blast. 500/10, just an all around Kusari-fun guy.
For last, but certainly not least, April O'Neil, my girl, who saw an upgrade from flip-flopping love interest who was vaguely ninja-ing, but mostly damsel in distress-ing, to all-around spunky powerhouse and by God, she is glowing. Rise has her more as a big sister figure to the turtles, and I will not be told otherwise. She is independent and don't need no man, mutant or no. She has her teleporting pet, her faith in herself, her pinpoint baseball hitting skills and the a complete and utter lack of fear. Despite being a weirdness magnet, April is perfectly comfortable. She would like to be able to keep a job, maybe, but she has loving friends who respect and love her. Surprisingly good a ninja, fearless and fun. Occasionally thinks about being popular at school, but it's really not a big concern, she's not gonna throw a tantrum over it or anything. April is very chill. Not likely to be damseled. More likely to run after the turtles and clean up their messes or save them and everyone involved is fine with that.
The late 10's are really coming in to show us how dynamic and well-written female characters that aren't just "strong", but three-dimensional and relatable are done, huh?
An iconic performance by Kat Graham and ∞/10 for being the honorary better ninja non-mutant non-turtle and best big sister.
Here we have it, two older properties, having new life breathed into them to make them fresh and enjoyable. Have a new spin put on them, to better fit in with our current world. You can feel the love oozing out of every frame. At the end of the day, of course, it all boils down to taste and whether or not you like something. I gave Ducktales 2017 a go because a lot of the staff from Gravity Falls went to work on it and if you don't know me, I love me some Gravity Falls. It's a good show and I enjoy it. I recently got into Rise and while I don't know much about the people working on it, it is also a greatly enjoyable show, easily on the same level as Ducktales, if not above, yet with far less people speaking about it. Which is frankly saddening. I can only recommend the two of them wholeheartedly. If you love animation, yourself and occasionally feeling things, these are for you!
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years
For The Love Of Shell - Chapter 35
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Chapter 35 of my baby
Full story here
After filling their bellies with the food Master Yoshi had provided, they departed once again finishing their journey to the airport. With Aurora still drained of energy Donnie insisted on finishing the trip in the driver seat. Reluctantly she agreed, grabbing her bag she disappeared into the back room to put on fresh clothes for the plane ride. It was probably best she didn’t have bloody clothes on when she went through airport security.
Back in the main cabin Master Yoshi sat in front of Aurora at the kitchen table his arms outstretched his hands covering hers. The wonderment in his eyes he couldn’t hide, he had been waiting hours to talk to her. “Aurora, I have trained and prepared all my life in anticipation for yesterday’s events. And even seeing everything with my own eyes I still have trouble wrapping my mind around it. The masters had doubt that a woman would be able to endure everything that was required of you. Not only were you able to withstand the adsorption of power of all four warriors but you were able to give them their lives back when your task was done. I still don’t know how that was possible, it was a miracle.”
Leo walked up behind Aurora, he leaned on the back of the seat his hands in the open space of the seat next to her. His green digits reached absentmindedly for the empty water bottle rolling along the table and began rolling in between his wide palms. “We’re hoping it doesn’t have any lasting effects on her. When we get back Don is gonna do a full work up on her and us for that matter. He wants to see if anything that happened yesterday changed anything in our bodies or have become unstable from the surging power.”
“That would probably be a wise Leonardo, just to be on the safe side.” Master Yoshi agreed.
Aurora looked out the window watching the Japanese hillside pass by becoming less and less green as they drove into town and off the mountain, ominous dark clouds drifted across the sky covering up the blue morning sky alluding to a storm in the near future, “There is one thing I’m confused about.” Aurora started. “The demon, I mean he was large in stature, but I guess I was expecting something much larger. Like Godzilla big, you know?”
“The form you saw yesterday was his weakened form essentially. That’s why he needed you and the warriors. If he was successful with your consumption he would have grown exponentially, then he would have had the strength to take the warriors and after them he would have grown yet again four times the size. His power would have spread more quickly infecting the world’s population. He would have been invincible and able to destroy the world one city at a time.”
Aurora picked at the label on her water bottle and looked out the window to the vibrant colors of the Japanese morning. She could feel the warmth of Leonardo as he hovered next to her his presence bringing her solace. The sound of gravel below the large tires made them turn to the front of the RV; they were entering into the far field where she had picked up the turtles at the beginning of their journey.  As the RV rumbled to a stop the rain began to pelt the windshield. Donnie put the rig into park and turned the engine off looking up into the darkened sky. At least the storm would conceal them as they snuck onto the airport grounds and unnoticed into the bottom of the plane. Getting up from his seat he took the spot next to Raph who was sitting on the couch next to the kitchen table.
“The plane leaves in 2 hours. We better get a move on. Aurora still has to get through customs.”
Leo stood up as Aurora scooted from the bench seat and made her way to her bags closing up both. Leo quickly came up beside her his hand resting on her upper back. He could see she was still weak; her footing was timid and unsteady. “Do you want us to take your weapons bag so you don’t have to check it? It’s one less thing for you to carry.”
Letting out a heavy sigh she knew he was right. Just giving the bag a quick tug she could tell her strength was nowhere near what it usually was. She could barely carry her own body weight let alone the duffle bag with her two sets of katanas and miscellaneous weapons. She only had to carry it to customs but still she tired easily right now, still weak from yesterday’s ordeal. Nodding reluctantly, she lifted her duffle bag to Leo’s extended hand and he took it hooking it over his shoulder.
Reaching down Leo helped Aurora to her feet steadying her by placing his palm to the small of her back. He could feel her lean into it slightly getting her balance back; he hated seeing her like this. Usually strong and defiant he could see her legs tremble under her weight; he was a little worried letting her go alone on the plane. But he knew she would fight him so he left it alone, there was no use fighting when he knew she wouldn’t budge on the matter.  At least she gave up her bag to him.
Master Yoshi stood before them all; his smile was grateful and proud. “Turtles, you should be proud of yourselves. Your father taught you well and you have more than proven your worth. I know this deed will never be known more than an urban legend on the mountains, but I want to thank you for all your efforts yesterday. The world is safe once again with the demon banished back from wince it came, a feet unable to be fulfilled in a thousand years.” The old monk ran his fingers over his tired chin smiling warmly. “I suppose now with the Kingyos gone maybe I can re-open the monastery and update its teachings. I want you all to know that you are always welcome at its doors and this is including Master Splinter. If he would like I would be honored for a visit, I’m sure there are things I can teach him and perhaps a few things he can teach me. I wish you safe travels back to New York and I thank you for taking good care of Aurora.”
The four turtles gathered their belongings turned to bow to Aurora’s Sensei, showing their respect.
“Thank you, we will convey the message to our sensei, I’m sure he would be pleased to visit.” Leo smiled shaking the master’s hand.
Leo maneuvered around Master Yoshi and came up to Aurora his green fingers finding her chin tilting her face up to his. Her violet eyes bore into his as his mouth slanted over hers taking a quick but heated kiss. Pulling away slightly he ended the connection and closed his eyes. “We’ll see you in two days ok. Go home after the plane ride and go to bed and rest. When you get up the following morning come see us.”
“Sir, yes sir.” She mocked him giving him a sloppy salute.
Leo gave her a playful poke and stepped away revealing Donnie stationed right behind the blue banded turtle. He quickly filled the space Leo had once occupied and looked down on Aurora. “Your heart beat is still a little high and I can tell you’re still dehydrated. Make sure to drink lots of fluids preferably water and try to sleep on the plane. You need to get your strength back before I can take blood from you. Hopefully two days will be enough.” Timidly he leaded down and pressed a timid kiss to her lips.
Aurora smiled feeling the shy turtle kiss her, reassuring him she pressed up giving the sweet gesture a little more friction making the breath in Donnie’s throat hitch and his heart quicken.
“Ok, ok my turn.” She heard the grumpy voice of Raphael mumble pushing Donatello from her breaking their contact.
“Guys, I’ll see ya in two days.”
“Yeah we know but the past two days have been……stressful and emotionally and physically draining. The ordeal has left us all a little needy for each other’s presence.” Raphael’s usually rough demeanor softened as he gently gathered her into his arms. The bottom of his chin rested on the top of her head and the long warm drawls of breath from his nose rustled her hair.
The closeness of the big turtle made his scent drift through her nose and the dream she had flashed through her mind making her cheeks flush with red. “Get a hold of yourself.” She scolded herself internally, being close to any of them was making her pulse quicken for some reason. Raphael’s fingers relinquished their hold around her waist and slide slowly down lightly brushing against the top of her butt and around her hips sending a quick shot of heat to her groin. It almost seemed deliberate; she wondered if they were having the same residual reactions as she was.
Mikey curved around Raph’s retreating form and curved his one arm around her waist and dipped her back, his lips dove not for her mouth, but the side of her throat places a warm wet kiss to her pulse point. Her gut tightened at the spontaneous pressure from his moist lips grazing gently against her flesh and she could have sworn the tip of his tongue skated out tasted her skin. Hoisted back up she did her best to look normal despite her heart pounded against her chest. There was no disguising the flush in her cheeks and Mikey could see it giving her a playful wink before opening the RV door and disappearing into the storm. The three other brothers slowly filed out the door into the morning storm after their little brother.
“Let me know you got on the plane ok?” she called out to Leo’s retreating form as it disappeared into the deluge.
After returning the RV to the rental company at the airport concierge Aurora turned to Master Yoshi at the airport check in. She hoisted her backpack over her shoulders and bowed to her sensei. His face was warm and sincere as he closed the distance between them encircling her in his arms.
“I am so proud of you my dear. After all these years you’ve survived under great pressure and adversity and in the end you fulfilled your density. Hopefully now you can move on with your life with your turtle companions. I can see they all have strong feelings for you and you return them. I’m not so sure how deep those feelings go but you’ll all figure that out as time goes on. I think since you were a little girl you always knew you’d end up with them, you’d day dream about them often and I’d have to snap you out of it to continue your training.” He let out a soft chuckle reminiscing. “I’ll stop blabbing I know you have to catch your flight. All I have to say is, don’t be a stranger, I’ve missed you. Please come back for a visit. Because of your braveness and resilience I will be taking females into my teachings.”  
“Good, every gender deserves the right to learn the art of ninjutsu and the teachings of bushido. I hope my story has proven that in spades. There is no such thing as a weaker sex. And don’t worry; I will be back Sensei, I promise. You have my number now if you need to get a hold of me. I think it’s time I put down roots now that I’ve found my home.”
Master Yoshi now bowed to her in respect, “You honor me with your bravery and skill. I couldn’t have asked for a better pupil my dear. I wish you all the happiness with your future.”
Taking her leave Aurora entered the check point and headed towards her ride back home. Reaching the large overlooking window of the tarmac, the kunoichi stared at the large airplane that would return her and the turtles back to New York. The clouds were dark and heavy making the morning sky feel like late evening and the rain still poured from the heavens would easily conceal the four large stowaways waiting in the shadows.
An announcement over the airport com system informed the plane would start boarding first class now. Aurora waited for the line to die down and kept her eyes on the back of the plane as the last of the bags were loaded into the open hatch. Suddenly the lights around the plane flickered and cut off plunging the plane and surrounding areas into darkness. If she wasn’t in tuned to the darkness due to her training she would have missed them. Through the downpour four large shadows shot across the tarmac and into the open gate of the plane disappearing inside. Within seconds the lights hummed back on as if nothing had happened.
Several baggage men came out scratching their heads looking at the fuse box on the side of the building. After a few minutes they shrugged their shoulders and returned to their business closing up the back of the plane getting ready for takeoff.
Knowing they were safely onboard Aurora boarded the plane and took her seat by the window. A light buzzing brought attention to her phone in her hand.
“We’re aboard and ready to go home.” The message scrolled across her screen from Donnie. Quickly her fingers ran over the digital keyboard and responded, “See you guys at home, I love you all.”
Soon the plane pulled away from the main airport hub and started towards its departure. Thankfully the storm wasn’t too severe, so they were able to take off without a hitch. After the plane left the ground and ascended into the sky Aurora leaned her seat back and closed her eyes. She hoped she could sleep most of the way home, she could barely keep her eyes open, so it didn’t seem like it wouldn’t be possible. She concentrated on the low hum of the airplanes engines and soon drifted into slumber.
Below Aurora in the belly of the plane they four turtles were arranging several bags, so they could get comfortable for the long flight. Mikey flopped down in his pile resting his hands behind his head and let out a long sigh. “Well this trip didn’t turn out like expected.” He huffed.
“No, no it did not. But the upside is Aurora is free and no longer has to hide anymore. The demon is gone as well as the Kingyo’s.” Donnie smiled lying down on his makeshift bed as well.
Raphael sat down next to a crate which housed a sleeping dog, his green fingers slide through the grate and brushed over the soft fur of the canine. His mind racing, he looked up to his older brother and locked with his blue iris’. “Do you think we’ll ever know what happened while we were….um… you know.”
Leo and Donnie shot each other and glance and Leo nodded giving him the ok to inform them of the recording.
Donnie cleared his throat sitting down on his pile of bags, “When Aurora was thrown into out weapons she somehow activated my go pro, it recorded everything. I only watched a few moments before turning it off. But we should wait until were home so Master Splinter can watch the video as well. I have a feeling we’re only gonna want to watch this tape once.”
Making eye contact with each other the brothers nodded solemnly in agreement and settled down for the long ride.
Leo laid back and closed his eyes his dream from last night replaying in his head. The theme of the nighttime vision was of an erotic nature which included Aurora and all his brothers. It entailed each one of them taking their own turn exploring her body, taking her to blissful heights while the rest of them watched. It was rather strange; he had plenty of dreams about Aurora but none with his brothers included. He wondered if it had something to do with their merge, so to speak. He would need to broach the subject with Donnie when they got back and see if any of them had similar dreams as well. His green fingers ran unconsciously over the zipper of Aurora duffle he kept close to his person, getting quick wafts of her scent. His body was sore and tired and he needed a shower desperately. His mind was heavy with the burden with the choice he needed to make; it would alter their very lives and affect everyone in his family. He just hoped he would make the right choice which was in the best interest for all of them. With his tumultuous thoughts swirling around in his head Leo soon drifted to sleep.
Aurora jolted awake as the plane connected with the ground; her eyes shot open her hand clutching her heaving chest. Looking out her window the familiar sight of New York’s sky line calmed her racing heart. They made it home safe and sound, a little worse for the wear but nothing a little time wouldn’t fix. She had no idea how she did it but somehow she had sleep through the 14 hour flight without waking. She was still tired but when she stood to begin her exit from the plane her legs didn’t wobble beneath her.
Pinching the bridge of her nose she took a deep breath, her heart was still pumping quiet fast. She may have slept through the whole plane ride but she still dreamt. She had another dream but this time Donnie was prominent taking her from behind on his desk in his lab, with Mikey thrusting into her keen mouth. She could still feel Donnie embedded within her body, deeper then Leo or Raph could reach. And Mikey, she could have sworn she still tasted the saltiness of his release that he emptied himself down her throat with a shout.
She hoped she wasn’t making noises again but luckily no one was giving her sideways glances like she was a freak moaning in her sleep.  What was going on? These were Leo’s brothers, she loved them but this sudden attraction was very quick to manifest, or was it? She always had feelings for them, deep feelings that has grown over time. Brushing those thoughts away she exited the plane and made her way to the overnight garage to get her truck. It was time to go home and take a very very long hot shower.
Getting behind the wheel she pulled out her phone and typed a quick message to Donnie telling him she’d see them tomorrow.  
Getting off the plane undetected they disappeared into the sewers and hurried home, with everything that had happened seeing their father was of high importance. Coming face to face with death made the urge to see Master Splinter that more urgent. They had things to tell him….to show him.
Jumping the familiar turn styles of their lair their loud voices announced their arrival to their master who was mediating in his room.
“Father?” Leo called setting Aurora’s duffle down on the circle platform in the middle of the lair.  
Their eyes trained in on the entrance to Master Splinter’s room as he emerged from the darkened space. His smile was a ray of sunshine in the dark cloud that had followed them home. On light feet they all ran to him each giving their father a hug.
“My sons,” Splinter called out arms outstretched for his four mutant sons.  “It has only been a couple days since we have seen each other; you act as if it has been several months.”  Splinter chuckled looking up at his four large overzealous sons.
Leo kneeled down next to his rat father looking into his wise gaze, “Father, the trip did not go expected. They had a scout still at the monastery and they found us.”
Master Splinter’s smile faded and replaced with worry, his furry hands came out grasping his eldest son’s arms waiting more info. Leo continued, “They were prepared for us and we were hopelessly outnumbered. So needless to say the ritual was performed.”
Splinter tore his gaze from Leo searching behind his sons frantically, “Aurora?”
“She’s fine, just really worn out and tired. Her body took a lot the past few days. She went home to rest. She’ll be over tomorrow; I wanna do a few tests on her.” Donnie cut in reassuring his father.
“Sensei…..” Leo swallowed hard trying to bring his father’s attention back to him. “Aurora’s sensei is still alive, and we met him. He was able to give us the information we needed to defeat the demon. If the demon was released there would have to be sacrifices in order to give Aurora the power to defeat the creature.”
Splinter cocked his head, “Sacrifices, my son?”  
“Our lives.” Raphael whispered kneeling down with Leo. He needed to be part of this conversation.
“We died sensei.” Mikey made his voice known as well.
Donnie laid his hand on his father’s shoulder, “We had to give ourselves to Aurora to give her the power to defeat it.”
“But you are all here my sons and Aurora would never allow you to sacrifice yourselves.”
“Aurora tried to stop us, pleaded with us, but she was on the brink of death herself, she was being consumed by the demon and we were next. We had no choice. We don’t know anything after that except she was able to bring us back to life. There is a recording of the events after we passed on Donnie’s go pro. We waited until we got home to watch it. We figured you’d want to see it as well so we would all watch it together.”
They watched a range of emotions pass over their father’s face, his hands tightening their hold on Leonardo arms pulling him in for another embrace. Splinter moved to each son giving him an unusually long hug for the characteristically aloof rat. They could have sworn they had seen tears in his eyes.
After a few moments he spoke. “Come my sons let us watch this recording and hopefully it will answer some unrequited questions, so hopefully we can move on from all of this and grow with its knowledge.”  The old rat ushered them to the couch where they all sat down ready for the footage Donnie’s go pro had captured. The genius’s fingers flew over his wrist keyboard pulling up the footage sending the projection into the air for all to see.
“Father, please be prepared this will not be pleasant……for any of us.” Donnie called as the footage came up.
As the recording started Splinter flinched involuntarily seeing the large demon hurtling itself towards the camera taking him by surprise. It’s toothy gaping mouth screeching nearly engulfing the entire view of the camera stopping just inches from the go pro. His furry hand jumped clamping around Leonardo’s wrist hearing the pained cry from Aurora as she was hauled out into view of the go pro. Her face contorted in pain she tried freeing herself from the large hand wrapped around her bare waist. That’s when he saw his son’s hanging helplessly from shackles from a nearby wall.
Leonardo listened to his father’s breathing as he watched the fight enfold on the giant screen before them. Right off the bat when he saw the horrid demon, the old rat jumped not expecting to witness such an intense scene right away. Then his hand latched around his wrist and Leo could hear his father’s breathing catch and stop as the demon took hold of Aurora.
He couldn’t blame him; he was there for all of it, but reliving the nightmare was still just as horrible. As the video played they neared the part Leo knew would be difficult for his brothers and himself, especially his father. His blue eyes zoned in on Aurora’s as she writhed in pain being drained of her life, it pulled at his very being seeing her like that. The pain and sorrow in her eyes knowing she could do nothing to stop their impending decision.
Soon they all found themselves leaning forward towards the screen knowing what was about to come. They were about to witness their demise on screen and in color. Raphael and Leonardo felt their father’s arms come around theirs holding on to them his eyes transfixed on the scene.
Splinter felt his heart clench painfully watching his children, his precious four son’s bodies surrendering their life forces before falling lifeless. Tears welled up in his eyes and spilled forth wetting his fur. He knew they would be fine for they were sitting right next to him on their couch back at home with him but seeing it play out was heart breaking for a father. For a second a vision of them as babies tucked in their beds as he kissed them goodnight overtook him. His body trembled as short quick sobs escaped his throat. He felt both Leo and Raph’s hands come around and press down on his hands comforting him and through Leo and Raph’s arms came Donnie and Mikey’s hands resting gently on his knees.
“Dear Aurora had to witness that first hand.” Splinter softly whispered watching his son’s souls dance in the sky just above Aurora’s dying body her horrified eyes glued to his four sons bodies. “I am watching knowing full well you are alive sitting next to me but she didn’t kn…..” his voice cut off as their souls merged with her body sending out a burst of energy sending the demon flying.
Mouths hanging open they watched as her body hovered above the ground radiating her violet aura. Her eyes were closed squeezed shut tightly in agony, she had just witnessed their deaths and she could no doubt feel them within her. Her aura began to fluctuate and pulse as her hands clenched into tight fists her lips pressed into a thin line. Then everything exploded engulfing the screen in the vibrant purple hue, her haunting scream echoed over the speakers that delivered the sounds of the recording. They could tell Donnie’s pack rolled with the energy displacement but thankfully it rotated just enough to still record everything. As the light diminished revealing the scene again the forest fire had been quenched and the thick dense smoke had been cleared. Like something from a sci-fi movie Aurora’s body emanated power sending waves of her violet aura through the air.
Leo and Raph hissed feeling their father’s nails dig into the green skin on their arms as he watched Aurora stare at his son’s bodies seeming oblivious to the ravenous charging demon. Hearing them wince in pain Splinter let up on his grip never taking his eyes away from the screen. “Come on my dear he’s almost upon you.” Splinter called to the screen as if he was watching one of his stories.
Then she spoke lowing herself back to solid ground, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to stop him myself. I’m sorry you’ll never see the sun again or Master Splinter.”
Closer the demon came, and her eyes remained on the four bodies hanging lifelessly. They could see her face contort in anger and fury as it built within her fueling her power. It was almost upon her and just as he was about to collide with her she stopped him midair with her outstretched hand.
In perfect unison everyone took a deep breath in shock as she stopped the 20 foot demon without even touching it, she lifted the stunned immobile demon higher into the air as if he weighted nothing. Then in a fit of explosive rage she began to throw the demon around like a rag doll with what seemed like the flick of her wrist.
“I won’t let you win.” She hissed low in her throat at the dazed demon she had just thrown across the large space into a smoldering tree truck.
It scrabbled to its feet launching at her again, but light shot from her fingers sending the demon back once again.
“They’re dead; I couldn’t stop it, now I have to live without them in this cruel world!” They could hear the sorrow in her voice behind the unbridled fury. Her eyes wide tears flowing freely, she was breaking. Aurora closed the distance between her and demon and extended her finger out and curved it bringing the flailing demon back into the air. The purple aura around her expanded growing brighter as her fingers opened her palm outstretched to the cool evening air and then she clenched her fist sending the demon into a twisted pain filled spasm.
Launching the demon once again she turned to her swords laying a few feet in front of her, eyeing them carefully she took a few steps forward retrieving them. When her palms connected the hilts of her blades the steal began to glow, the purple hue rolling down the scrolling illuminated the writing on the edges of the blades. Rising again into the air she waited.
By now the demon had gotten to its feet, the determination apparent in its wide soulless eyes. It was determined to end her, to drink every last drop of her powers hopefully taking what remained of the warriors within. It launched itself forward again ready to take the human woman down. But its plan fell short as he reached her and found her swords impaled in its chest. It gasped for breath clawing at the hilts eyes wide with disbelief.
“How?” it growled.
“It doesn’t matter now. Go back to hell!” Aurora yanked her katanas free stepping back to watch the demon disappear. A red light began to engulf the demon as it howled in the agony of it, consuming it. Aurora backed up further towards Master Yoshi and the turtles and her hand reached behind her covering them once again in a protective bubble just in time as the demon exploded sending a devastating surge of obliteration hundreds of feet around them.
Each one of them were breathing heavy their hearts racing, she had done it and they had been able to see it. They were able to witness her raw power, the rage, the pain, the passion, and the sorrow. The experience of it all was intense leaving them all at the edge of their seats, but it wasn’t over yet. She wasn’t done, she still needed to bring them back, and they were reminded they were dead a few feet behind her.
She dropped the shield and her katanas, the heavy metal echoed as it hit the stone ground. Her head fell back her chest heaving for breath as everything came rushing towards her at once. Closing her eyes her mouth opened her lips trembling with her unhinged emotions.  Her throat constricted and let a guttural sob rip from her throat as her hand pressing over her face muffling the heart retching sound. Her whole body shook with her grief.
The four turtles didn’t realize they had tears rolling from the corners of their eyes wetting their green pebbled green skin as they watched her mourn them. It was nearly too painful to watch.
Master Yoshi reluctantly came up behind her placing his hands on her shoulders steadying her. Ignoring the gesture, she moved to them her eyes moving over each of them. A sudden realization in her face made her eyes widen and gasp out loud, “Oh god!”
Raphael was first in line as she approached him taking his cheeks in her hands. Raphael held his breath waiting for the moment to happen, his fingers dug into the old tattered fabric of the couch in anticipation.  He heard her whisper her nickname for him and his heart leapt into his throat holding back a sob.
Then it happened their eyes moved her to stomach as their colors began to swirl behind her abdomen behind her skin. Her body arched forward towards Raphael’s body as red inched up her chest into her arms. Aurora gasped realizing what was happening, she stared at her arms in shock and looked back at Raph’s face a hysterically wide smile moving across her face. Moving her face towards him the red continued up her throat and poured from her mouth into Raphael’s making him lurch forward inhaling gulps of air. His whole body began to twitch back to life. Caught in the moment Aurora pressed her mouth to his kissing the red banded turtle. Her hands rose up pulling him free of this metal shackles with ease allowing Raphael to land on his feet. He quickly cupped her cheeks taking another impromptu kiss.
Raphael looked over to his older brother and nudged him in the arm playfully, “Sorry bro I couldn’t help it, was a heat of the moment thing.”
“It’s alright Raph, calm down.” Leo calmly reassured his younger brother he wasn’t upset with him.
With each turtle she brought back they watched their colors pull from her stomach bringing them back to the living at the same time draining Aurora of her new found strength. When she finally collapsed in their awaiting arms Donnie ended the recording. The lair lay silent for quite a while as they processed what they had just watched. No one wanted to be the first one to comment. There were no words just emotions that none of them were ready to deal with.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
Sooooooo I’ve been listening to wayyyyy too many Bridezilla/Disaster Wedding Reddit stories so, to remind myself that not all weddings are expensive timebombs: RotTMNT weddings!!!
Warren and Hypno: Admittedly, Warren is a bit of a Groomzilla, though it’s more nerves than anything else and once he and Hypno have a talk and he assures his worm bf that yes this is for real, Warren becomes a lot more tolerable (though still spends an hour making sure his tux and hair are perfect).  Hypno, naturally, makes all the flowers for the wedding himself. They walk down the aisle together, Warren on Hypno’s shoulder and the two of them holding hands (er, finger). It’s a small wedding with really only the ELoM attending, but it’s special nonetheless and they get it on video so they can watch it over and over. Hypno’s vows are so dang sappy and romantic that it takes Warren a few minutes to calm himself down enough to say his own vows. At the reception and after the first dance, Warren sings a love song to Hypno, wanting to give Hypno a little something extra since their dancing is really just Hypno swaying back and forth with Warren in his hands, and Hypno absolutely loves it, practically falling in love with him all over again on the spot.
Lieutenant and Brute: Neither of them were really expecting to get married, so when they decided that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives they really had no idea what to do. They ended up just eloping to keep it simple, though it was still intimate and meaningful with lots of candlelight and traditional vows. They spend the rest of the day and night together, just the two of them - no clan work, no Shredder, just them enjoying their new official bond. They continue this tradition each anniversary, seemingly disappearing from their clan for 24 hours and doing whatever they want together - usually lots of kissing and cuddling, looking back on old memories, marathoning movies or lying down and reading together, and going on long peaceful walks. On each century anniversary (one hundred years, two hundred, etc.) they renew their vows to each other and then share a cake. The last cake was a Lou Jitsu themed one that they just loved.
April and Sunita: Their wedding is in the Hidden City so it’s easier for Sunita’s relatives to attend, and of course April thinks a wedding in a mystical realm is just rad so she’s all for it. The ceremony is a mix of Yokai and human traditions, the latter Sunita was VERY excited to learn about. All four of the Turtles are her best man (or rather, men) and Mayhem is the cutest ring bearer ever! They ditch the traditional white wedding dress in order to wear each others colors - April in a slime green suit-dress with a pink tie and sash combo while Sunita wears a yellow gown adorned with tiny green crystals. The reception is, naturally, at Run of the Mill Pizza. April and Sunita share several dances, ranging from slow and romantic to silly and fun - never let Leo be assistant DJ for a wedding, he WILL play meme songs and Mikey has no problem letting him - before they dance with their fathers (or in April’s case, father, turtle brothers and surrogate Rat Dad) or anyone else. They later sneak off from the party to unwind a bit and just snuggle up to each other, hands intertwined as they watch the beautiful NYC nighttime skyline. 
April and Recruit (I like both April pairings, what can I say?): Much like her senseis/surrogate fathers’ wedding, the affair is very small and intimate, only including Lieutenant, Brute, the turtles and Splinter, April’s parents and Mayhem, as well as any of her family that live in the NYC area. April doesn’t mind, and enjoys their small ceremony in Central Park. Speaking of her senseis, they both walk Recruit down the aisle (barely managing to hold it together), as well as providing the ceremony with plenty of beautiful origami flowers and candles. They all then share a meal + cake at April’s parents’ place, a mixture of traditional Japanese dishes and her family’s favorite New York style dishes. Recruit isn’t much for dancing and there really isn’t room for it in an apartment anyway, so the rest of the reception ends up being mostly enthusiastic storytelling - how they met, the battles they fought together, memorable dates and their eventual proposal, as well as fun and/or embarrassing stories about each of them courtesy of their families - and conversation as well as a few party games that the turtles drag out to liven things up. Lots of laughter and good memories, and the two brides happily team up to kick butt at Pictionary. Later on, when they get back to their place, Recruit requests one dance with April. April tells her they don’t have to, Recruit insists that she wants to, nerves and her slightly awkward dancing skills be damned. So April puts on her iPod, and the two dance around their apartment in the dark for what feels like hours, occasionally stealing kisses and whispering promises and I love yous to each other.
I’d write a BaronJitsu wedding bit but @halloweennut already did a great job with that prompt for one of her fic requests, so instead I’ll just focus a bit on the boys. We may not ever get love interests for them in the show, but I feel like at least one of them would get married, SO:
Raph and Mikey both wear traditional montsuki for their weddings - Raph as a nod to his pop’s culture, Mikey cause he just really likes the way it looks - while Leo and Donnie stick to tuxes. Leo’s is a classy and cool looking dark blue while Donnie wears a glamorous purple tux (sorta like his Dynamite Don look but with a black tie and more sparkle/flair) that he insists is NOT tacky, thank you very much! Heaven help whoever his spouse-to-be is, lol
April, naturally, is their Maid of Honor at each of their weddings. Raph also gets Buddy/Frankenfoot to be his Best Man at his wedding while Donnie chooses Shelldon to be both his Best Man and Ring Bearer. With how close they are, Leo and Mikey end up being each other’s Best Man (causing Raph and Donnie to get a bit jealous/feel a bit left out but they get over it quickly)
The ceremony is always in the sewers, but the receptions then get moved up to the surface in Central Park so they can party in the fresh air under the stars. Reception meals are usually pizza and one other main dish (probably chicken or filet mignon) for those who don’t like pizza, and then a few side dishes. Needless to say, Run of the Mill gets a LOT of catering jobs from this family
Raph’s vows end up being a bit rambly and wayyy too long, but they’re so sweet that his fiance can hardly care. He also picks his new spouse up as they/after they kiss, because he’s just so darn happy and because he can. No threshold to carry his spouse over in the sewers, so he just holds them and carries them all the way to the reception. That has to be extra good luck, right?
Donnie sets up small fireworks to go off at his wedding reception, because this boy is Extra. He also has plenty of dances with his spouse - though thankfully he’s more interested in being romantic and making his spouse smile than showing off.
Half of Leo’s vows and toasts are bad wedding puns, and he nearly gets cake thrown at him for it. Later on, Leo and his newlywed spouse end up ditching their reception halfway through, portaling to a private spot for the two of them to cuddle/makeout a little/talk about their wedding day. Leo may like to talk, but he can enjoy quiet moments with the one he loves too
Mikey gets inspired to spray paint an entire wedding mural for him and his fiance, which ends up being a great wedding photos spot. He also tries to cook his own wedding meal/bake his own cake, but the others insist that he sit this one out and just enjoy the food without having to make it.
And, of course, Splinter cries at every single one of his baby boys’ weddings, though always insists it’s just allergies cause of all the flowers. He gets plenty of hugs from his sons anyway.
aaaaand that’s all I got, lol. Anyway, feel free to add onto this with your own ideas/pairings ^v^
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remmushound · 3 years
Animal crackers part 1! @errorfreak88 @digitl-art-monstr
Growing up, the brothers often spent their time unsupervised. Splinter did his best to keep track of the four fast-growing children he had taken in as his own, but he had to sleep. He couldn’t do it when the boys were asleep; that was when he went topside and brought home food and toys to shower them with when they woke. He couldn’t take alternating nights either; his sons needed fresh food to grow healthy and he wasn’t going to sacrifice that just because he was physically and mentally exhausted. Mornings were for sleeping, from after the brothers had their breakfast to right before they had their lunch. Afternoons were for family time, exhausting as it was. He had chosen this; he didn't have to take the brothers in, but he did, and that was his decision. He had to stick to it and give them the lives they deserved to live, even if it took its toll on him.
When Splinter was asleep, Raphael was in charge. At least, that’s the way Raphael saw it. He was the oldest, the biggest, and the strongest, and his brothers looked to him to lead. He did his best to uphold his father's rules, but it was hard when he often forgot what those rules were, which led to him making up his own rules and enforcing them instead. That only served to further confuse his brothers, since the rules changed day to day and what was allowed on any given day was anyone’s guess. The only one who actively worked to enforce the rules that Splinter had put in place was the young and tepid Donatello.
“Raph, you’re not supposed to go out alone!” Donatello grabbed Raphael by the tail to try and yank him back, though it was like an ant trying to move a cookie by itself.
Raphael looked back at Donatello, staring curiously as the softshell tried with all his might to pull Raphael back into the lair. The five-year-old snapper had hardly gotten a few steps out of the boundaries of the lair, marked with yellow tape, before Donatello had chased after him.
“Relax Donna!” Raphael whipped his tail free of Donatello’s grip, but before he could walk away, he was grabbed by the hand instead. “Donnaaaa!”
Donatello hung on tight to Raphael’s arm as Raphael lifted him from the ground and tried to shake him off. “You’re not supposed to leave!”
“UGH! You’re like Velcro! Get ooooooffff!”
Donatello glared at Raphael with narrowed, angry eyes when Raphael stopped shaking him. With a final swing, Raphael knocked Donatello off and the softshell landed on his carapace with a sharp yelp. His eyes immediately watered as his hand went to grip at his throbbing shell, but still he got up to try and chase Raphael as the snapper hurried to run away.
“I’ll be fine, Donna! I’m a big turtle!”
“YOU’RE FIVE!” Donatello called after him, to no answer as Raphael disappeared out of the softshell’s short field of sight.
Raphael loved exploring. His dad would come out here every night and somehow come back with yummies, and Raphael was a big, growing turtle and needed even more nummies to grow even bigger! If dad could do it, so could he— he was already big enough to pick his dad up and place him high on shelves like a toy, so surely he could find food just like his dad! He wouldn’t eat it all, of course; his brothers needed fed too, and he would surprise his daddy with just how much he would bring home!
Raphael gave a soft squeak when he heard a crunch and he looked down at his feet, lifting his right foot and tilting his head to see what it was he had stepped on. What he found was a cream-colored cookie that vaguely resembled an elephant split into three pieces. An excited ohhhh left him as he knelt to grab it, then stopped halfway down to think.
What was it that dad had said about food on the floor? Raphael strained himself to think. Either…
“Raphael, don’t eat food off the floor, it’s yucky!”
“Oh sweet! Animal cracker! Get it get it get it get it!”
The second one sounded right, so Raphael quickly picked up the pieces and shoved them immediately into his mouth. They tasted sharply of sewage, but Raphael was used to that by now— he couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten food that hadn’t tasted like sewage. Once he got past the yucky taste, what remained was a delicious cookie that made him churr with excitement and close his eyes to enjoy it completely.
When he opened his eyes again, he gave a happy squeal and flapped his hands. He saw another animal cracker, and another! There was a whole line of them leading down the dry part of the tunnel! He couldn’t count past six yet, but there were definitely more than six! Enough for him and his brothers to share, and enough to make his daddy so proud! So down the tunnel he started, collecting the animal crackers and starting a stack of them in his arms. He wished he had thought to bring a bag like his dad always did, but he had big arms! He could carry lots!
Raphael’s jaw fell open with a loud gasp, dropping the collected animal crackers on the ground. He stared in amazement at the sight before him. There were lots and lots of more animal crackers, stacked in a convenient-to-collect pile— much more than he had previously gathered. His feet tip-tapped and he gave a loud squeal as he pumped himself up before running to the pile with outstretched arms.
Then he was flying upward, his body snared and trapped in… something! It took him a few seconds of panic to realize it was a net, like the one he and his brothers used to catch buggies to play with. But he wasn’t a buggy, and this net was big! One of his legs slipped through a hole and he cried out at the painful burning sensation. His entire weight rested on that side and the rope constricted against the base of his leg. He could feel his spikes slip between other holes, and when he tried to push himself up his arm got stuck too. He didn't know what was happening, but now he was hurting, and he was alone and he was so far from home that if he called for help, he couldn’t be heard but he was in so much pain he didn't really care—
“DADDY!” He wailed into the tunnel, his own echo the only reply. “Daddy! Donna— Leo!”
He tried again to stand up, but that only made it worse and got him more tangled in the rubbing rope.
“Daddy! Daddy…” He screamed for his father until his voice got hoarse and the only thing he could do was call out weakly and cry.
He didn't know how long he had been trapped for. It was long enough for him to be too tired to cry anymore and long enough for his trapped arm and leg to start to feel numb and tingly with no way to relieve it without burning the limbs against the roughness of the rope. Raphael had his free arm wrapped around his head as he gave out soft, occasional gasps whenever his exhaustion allowed for it. At the sound of footsteps, he was just barely able to lift his head up enough to look.
“Daddy…?” He asked, soft and hopeful.
“You weren’t what I was going for…”
The voice definitely wasn’t his daddy. It was a human, tall and skinny with a scary look on his face that made Raphael yelp and try to pull away. He wasn’t supposed to talk to humans, humans weren’t supposed to see him! He pulled his head as far into his shell as it could go, but he couldn’t go completely inside like his brothers could.
“But you’re a good find nonetheless…” The humans hand reached up to touch Raphael and Raphael tried his best to move away. “I can always get the rat later.”
“C… can you pwease help me?” Raphael whimpered, “I can’t get out…”
“That’s the point.” The human took a knife and sliced through the rope holding it up. Raphael fell and hit the ground hard, crying out as he landed on his side and his arm and leg slammed into the stone before his shell. He tried to find a way out of the net, but before he could, the human grabbed the net and slung it over his shoulder.
“D… daddy’s that way!” Raphael pointed down the tunnel. “I wanna go home!”
The human didn't reply.
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starswornoaths · 5 years
Of the Sea...
Hello! Hi! This is a bit of Hanvesh’s backstory! I decided to do a lil mini series of these for Serella and Uthengentle’s parents, to chronicle how they wound up retiring in Gridania, and this is the first part of what (I think) will be four parts! I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2,002
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All things considered, Hanvesh had a pretty damn good life, he’d reasoned.
There were so few things more satisfying than feeling free on the high seas, bellowing shanties amidst cannonfire, the whistle of his arrows finding their marks on the occupants of enemy ships, the celebration of a hard won bounty and the taste of good mead on his tongue as he cheered with his shipmates after a good haul. He had not truly lived until he first felt the sway of the ocean on a ship deck, the wind on his face and a song on his lips.
For he had been recruited specifically for the fact that his songs were nothing short of magical, in every literal sense of the word — and Hanvesh made sure everyone knew about it. When their ship sailed into battle, his lyrics inspired and bolstered their men to accomplish astonishing feats they would have otherwise never achieved, and more often than not, was what had made the difference in many a decisive battle out in the briney blue. The ship’s reputation — and their coffers — grew to astronomical heights over the years; there was nary a pirate in all of Vylbrand that didn’t know what they were capable of, what they had already taken for themselves. Their galleon’s name — The Serpent’s Sting — was carved in the annals of history and lined with all the gold they had amassed. Hanvesh felt like he had, after years of struggle and dedication to his craft, at long last caught a northerly wind, and was soaring on sails filled with the sweet air of success. 
Until that self same wind dashed them all against the rocks.
It had been foolish to engage in battle with another ship in the eye of a storm, and they had all known it — but the captain had grown too cocksure, too arrogant with their string of good fortune. ‘The Navigator always steers us through, boys!’ The captain had cheered as he ordered them to sail head on into the oncoming storm in conquest for more loot. 
As Hanvesh looked down at what was left of the captain, he bitterly noted that he wasn’t saying much of anything anymore.
None of them were — save for him. He stood in shallow water, his clothes tattered, his bow broken and his spirit dead, alongside the rest of his crew. Their bodies all scattered around the remains of their beloved ship, their seafaring home, eerily still even in the rocking of the water. The waves — gentled now that the storm had passed — lapped at his ankles lazily, their froth ticking his skin. He stared and stared and stared out to the horizon, waiting, praying for a sign from Llymlaen showing him where to go.
Though, he mused sourly, surveying the destruction of everything that he had known for the better part of a decade, he wondered if, perhaps, the Navigator already had.
Somehow, astonishingly, Hanvesh had managed to make it ashore with only a few gashes and bruises to speak of — nothing short of a miracle, given that he was the only one to have made it at all. He was in shock, he realized with a manic chuckle, barely wheezed out of lungs that struggled to gulp in air even as he stumbled toward the wreckage, stepping into the gaping maw that the rocks had carved into the bilge. 
Looters would be along shortly — he would know more than most, and he didn’t want to walk away with nothing; even amongst the tattered remains of a life well lived, surely there was something to aid him? Much as it didn’t feel right to take anything from around the bodies of his fallen shipmates, if he was to even have a shot at living — for them, for himself — he would need all he could get. 
His faithful pack, a lovely hardleather thing stained a crimson almost as deep as its pockets had survived with him, blessedly, and he slung it on his back as he continued to fumble around the ship’s corpse — and the corpses of those that littered it — for anything that might be of use. He found a dagger that was still in good condition — Gilpin’s, he realized — and though he remembered the way the boatswain would often twirl it as he went about his business in mourning, he still slipped it into his belt and moved on, trying to remember the man as the lively quartermaster that he had been, and not the graying body with its head nearly severed that he ended up as.
Sure, they’d been pirates, but they had all deserved better, Hanvesh thought. And I should’ve died with ‘em. 
They had hardly kept all of their treasure aboard their ship — they had far too much of it — but there was more than enough gil kept on hand for trade that he could easily purchase arms and armor for himself — provided he made it back to a town. He hoarded every coin he found in his pack — he’d count it later. Scrambling up the remains of the companionway, he made it to the captain’s quarters, brushed past the barely there door that clung to the doorway by a bent hinge, and staggered inside.
Miraculously, the cabin was largely dry — and intact, save for the bits and baubles strewn about the floor, in pieces. Hanvesh stepped over them, pulling the maps and charts down from the wall and folding them carefully into his pack; he knew he would need them desperately. Amidst the broken trinkets on the floor, he found the captain’s compass, its weighted brass casing, while scuffed, had protected the compass from the wreck, and he pocketed it for use later. As his eyes wandered around the cabin for anything lightweight that he could put to use, he felt an anger swell in his chest the likes of which he had never felt before; they all wound up like this because of Captain Marlow — their captain, the man they had trusted to know what was best for the crew! And his folly had led them all here! For a few long moments, he stood there, letting the reality of the end of this chapter of his life — and how it all ended — sink in. 
Too long, he realized with a curse when he began to hear distant shouting. Looters had already found their wreckage — or local authorities had beaten them to it, for once — but either way, he needed to leave — now. He turned to leave when he caught sight of a small flag of theirs — with their colors — still intact on the wall. His hand, still trembling and clammy, gripped at the fabric and ripped it off the wall, stuffing it into his pack and clamoring out, climbing above the cabin and up onto the afterdeck, creeping along toward the upturned stern of the ship, he peered over the railing just in time to see who was approaching. 
They weren’t looters — couldn’t have been; their weapons were too nice, too standard issue, to say nothing of the uniforms. No, these were Knights of the Barracuda. A blessing, then — provided he slipped past them undetected; if he could spot which squadron they were, he would have a better understanding of where he was. 
Hanvesh flattened himself against the deck as much as he could, still watching them through the railings as the woman he presumed to be the squadron leader barked orders to search for survivors. His elongated ears pricked up at the sound of boots thumping against the remains of the deck wood, and cursed — he was trapped.
Unless, of course, the leader of the squadron moved. Clenching his hands into fists, he silently willed the woman to just move toward the ship bilge, the same way he had come up, so that he could slip over the railing and disappear into the trees just beyond the beach. If she didn’t…he unclenched a hand and gripped the hilt of Gilpin’s dagger. His hands might feel shaky, and he absolutely wasn’t at his full strength, but if it meant making it out alive… 
Still. Best to avoid confrontation, he decided.
Blessedly, Llymlaen had decided to grant him pity, as the woman stepped up to the bilge to inspect some of his fallen shipmates. Taking the opportunity for what it was, he shimmied between the railings, his long, narrow body easily slipping between two posts and allowing him to hang from the other side. 
As Hanvesh righted himself and just before he lowered himself to hang, he caught sight of one of the Barracudas who had climbed atop the afterdeck, though had not yet spotted him in the dark. He spied the crest on the shoulder of the armor — the 9th Squadron. So, he thought, glancing back into the thicket of trees. They had crashed in the Sea of Jade somewhere? He rather hoped it was farther in toward the Rothlyt Sound; he could slip into Gridania or Gyr Abania better that way. If he was on an island just off the shore…well. He’d stolen ships before.
Bracing himself— because he could hear the Knight on the afterdeck drawing closer— Hanvesh let go of the floorboard. 
His already uneasy legs buckled underneath him in the wet sand, and though he sunk to his knees he scrabbled to stand under himself and the added weight of his pack. Though he teetered on falling on his side like a baby turtle he managed to right himself despite his muscles, his very skin protesting his movements, and sprinted into the treeline.
There came a shout from one of the Knights that he heard someone take off into the trees, and Hanvesh spat a curse, even as he begged his body to obey him and move faster. He couldn’t hope to out maneuver them with stealth; though his wounds were not grievous, they still bled, and hounds that the Knights of the Barracuda were, they’d sniff him out afore he had even gotten his bearings. In the thicket of trees that he now dashed and stumbled through, however, they were slower than he, and he used that to his advantage. 
The trunk of a mighty tree splintered near his shoulder— a bullet! Hanvesh realized with alarm when his ears rang with the crack of ignited gunpowder— they were opening fire on him! Did they think him a bandit, or worse, did they not want survivors to cry foul for them taking the Devil’s cut of his ship’s hard won plunder?
Doesn’t matter, have to keep moving, Hanvesh decided, beginning to duck and weave in odd patterns to avoid making his path a straight line: if these bastards wanted a shot at him, they’d have to work for it.
So Hanvesh ran. He ran and ran until his ears could no longer pick up on the sounds of his pursuers shouting commands at one another. He ran until the whistle of stray bullets faded away until there was only the rhythmic thumping of his feet on the hard earthen ground. He ran until he saw the trees thin out and give way to walking trails and silence reigned in the forests. He ran until he all but collapsed against a guidepost panting, flushed, and trembling like the leaves that fluttered in his wake. 
Still, his eyes yet availed him, and he looked up at the sign— Northeast up the path to Gridania, forty malms. His poor fortune had lifted, somewhat: at least he knew he was close to civilization. He need only make it there without dying in the process.
His spirits still heavy and his limbs like lead, Hanvesh Arcbane moved onward and upward, to what he could only hope were better prospects than the rubble of the life he left behind.
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