#not happy with the middle bit but yolo
The OC Switch - Portals
I was supposed to write about Teatime. Wild wanted to meet Aaliyah and now it's nearly 5am. Rip to me I guess.
@neverchecking, I hope I did your girl at least a bit of justice but this is from Wild's pov so I'm blaming him.
Wild shook his head lightly as he stepped out of the portal. Every portal was always a little disorientating even with his experience of Sheikah Tech. The feeling of being magically transported through time and space was vastly different to the colder electric feeling of moving from shrine to shrine.
Rolling his shoulders to remove the vestiges of discomfort, he pulled the Sheikah Slate from his belt and glanced at it, frowning. The map was acting oddly. In most Hyrules, all it showed was static and the same blank page he’s had at the very beginning of his adventure. In his own Hyrule and in Cal’s, the map was filled out and clear, providing up-to-date information regarding the weather and the time.
This place however made the map glitch and a box popped up stating ‘CONNECTION ERROR’.
Which had never happened before.
Time finally stepped through the portal and it fizzled out behind him. “Sound off.”
Various voices called out, but Wild didn’t, too distracted as he poked at the screen.
“Wild and I are here.” Cal reported quietly. He’d been standing quietly next to Wild, curiously glancing over his shoulder.
“Wild? Is there something wrong?” Time turned to the two which also made the whole group turn towards them.
Cal shifted uneasily. They had only picked up the Hero of Calamity a few weeks back and he still had a habit of freezing up whenever attention focused on him. He’d loosened up, but there was still a ways to go.
Wild jabbed at the screen again. “My slate’s being weird. This isn’t my Hyrule, at least according to this, but it’s glitching.”
Suddenly, a bolt of light connected with a nearby tree, leaving a scorch mark and causing every single person to draw their sword.
“Identify Yourselves!” A feminine voice demanded. Both Wild and Cal froze.
The voice was familiar. Too familiar.
“Who are you to make demands when you attacked first?” Warriors said, taking a step forward only to pause when a woman stepped out from behind another tree, pointing a glowing bow directly at his head.
“Princess Zelda?” “Your highness?” Both Wild and Cal spoke at the same time, but denial shot through them.
This Zelda was clearly a bit older than either of theirs. Her hair was pulled back into a long braid, showing off the almost lightning-like scars that trailed up the right side of her face like a warped mirror of Wild’s own scars. The scars ran down her neck and under the sensible tunic and leather combination most travellers wore.
There was also the way this woman held herself. Confident without excess and comfortable enough with the bow that it held steady even as eleven swords were pointed awkwardly in her direction.
She looked like their Zeldas, but it was very obvious she wasn’t.
She glanced at them both briefly. “You are certainly neither of my heroes if you call me by that name. You came from a portal reeking of darkness. Identify yourselves else prove yourselves a threat to this land.”
“My name is Time and these are my companions. We are seeking the one who is making these portals and transporting monsters through them. Please, we mean you no harm.” Time sheathed his sword and held up his hands. “We also seek the Hero of this land. We believe that Hylia has called him to defend Hyrule once more just as she has with each of us.”
The woman snorted. “I have two heroes of courage under my protection and they shall come only if they wish. She can come down here and ask them herself if she wishes to toy with either of them.”
Sky and First looked as if they desperately wanted to object, but since she was still pointing a glowing arrow at Warriors’ head, they both bit their tongues and tried to still their impulses.
Still her eyes caught on the aborted movement and she stared at them. Something had caught her attention and her eyes narrowed.
“Is that the Master Sword?”
The group tensed as Sky nodded. She stared for a moment then nodded. “Then step forward and put it on the ground. We’ll see if you are who you claim to be.”
Cautiously, Sky took a few steps past Warriors and jammed the Master Sword into the ground before retreating to Warriors’ side. Her eyes squinted at him but let him remain next to the other.
Wild cast his eyes about as each of his brothers all shifted uneasily. They’d been thrown off guard by her appearance and knowledge and it was hard to make a choice. She hadn’t been entirely unreasonable. They had come from a dark portal and it was eleven to one. It wasn't unreasonable that she wanted to defend herself.
And she claimed she had two heroes to protect. How in the name of all the gods had that happened?
The woman smoothly approached the Master Sword and pressed a knee against the blade which glowed and let out a strange chime.
The woman glanced down at it and softened. “I suppose you can vouch for all of them, Fi?”
The sword chimed again and Wild nearly dropped his sword. Just who the hell was this woman?!
The sword chimed once more then dimmed and fell silent.
All tension in the woman dissipated and the bow vanished in a flicker of light. She wrapped a hand around the handle and pulled it easily from the ground. She smiled softly as she tested it’s weight, like she was greeting an old friend. “I apologise for my behaviour, but we’ve had issues with imposters recently and word of these portals unleashing strange monsters has everyone on edge.” She looked up towards him and Cal. “I take it neither of your Zeldas had visions when she was a child?”
“Visions?” Wild asked weakly. Next to him Cal tensed up, clearly uncomfortable with this woman who looked so much like their Zelda looking at them.
Her ear flicked, but her expression stayed gentle. “I had visions when I was younger. And a major personality change if your Zeldas are anything like the one we have to deal with.” Exasperation was clear in her voice.
“What are you talking about?” Wind burst out, voicing the thought they were all thinking.
“Oh, sorry. My name is Tia and I am a version of Zelda, specifically your Zelda.” She pointed at Wild.  He couldn’t help but stare. This woman was supposed to be a version of his Zelda. Like Cal was a version of him specifically. Impossible.
Tia smiled wryly. “I know it sounds complicated, but the long and short of it is when I was seven, I had visions of Ganon and what I assume was your adventure. I got brief glimpses at the other heroes, some clearer than others but you were the main one. A few months ago, my Hyrule merged with another version of Hyrule that was on a similar timeline. We’d both gone through the Calamity and… some other factors which I promise I will explain in a better location.” She added hurriedly before Wild could interrupt. “The main difference between our Hyrules was me and the consequences of my actions versus an additional Champion in the other Hyrule, a Sheikah Champion.”
Wild and Cal couldn’t help but tense up at the idea of another champion. One they could’ve failed and probably had in this version of Hyrule.
“Her name is Aaliyah and she basically attached to the hip with Link. Well, that version of Link we refer to as Sage and my original version we usually call Champ. The convergence was very confusing, but the end result was some people merged with their counterparts, others remained separate due to the fact they were too different or.. not dead really.” Tia explained, finishing awkwardly.  
“What do you mean not dead?” Warriors asked with a baffled expression.
Tia’s expression wavered for a moment then she licked her lips and looked directly at Wild. “The champions. Revali, Mipha, Daruk and Urbosa. They’re alive alongside others like your sister. I saved them.”
Wild felt the world go blurry. The champions? Alive?
And… a sister?
The world went dark.
Ten minutes later, Wild had recovered enough to walk back to Tia’s encampment. She was leading them next to Time and Warriors, who’d seemingly forgiven her for holding him hostage, discussing the portals. He noticed she kept glancing back at him worriedly.
He wished she’d stop.
Cal hovered by his side. It’d been hard at first, confronted with a version of himself that had won. But something about the other had him sliding him into the same place in his heart where he kept all of his brothers.
And now…
“Why didn’t you tell me we have a sister?” Wild asked quietly.
Cal winced and his lips pursed. He blinked several times and steeled himself. “I… I had hoped you would at least remember her a little bit. I haven’t seen her since I joined the knights.”
It was clearly a sensitive subject and Wild was no stranger to those. He dropped it.
But something else bugged him. “Do you have a Sheikah Champion?”
Cal shook his head. “No, we only have five of us plus the Princess. The Sheikah never had a champion.”
Guess that was something else different about this Hyrule. “Wonder what she’s like? Zel-Tia said they were attached at the hip to her version of us.”
Cal hummed in agreement before a loud laugh in interrupted all conversations through the whole group.
This voice was again familiar. A little rougher but still undeniably his own voice.
Tia’s shoulders slumped. “I’ve been gone for twenty minutes. What on Farore’s Green lands have they been up to?” She muttered before breaking into a light jog.
Bursting from the tree line, Wild saw a version of himself, older and more ragged with shorter hair and a strange black arm, laugh as yet another version, one with longer hair and similar arm bands, wiggle helplessly in the grasp of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.
She had gorgeous short white hair like moonlight on snow. Her lean body seemed to weave through the air like she was the wind itself. Her smile lit up her entire face and Wild swore not even stars would outshine the gold in her eyes. He could see the way her muscles flexed under her silken dark skin as she casually tossed the wiggling counterpart directly into the river.
Gods, he wished that was him.
Cal let out a small quiet noise like a mouse being stepped on.
Wild nodded in agreement.
Yeah, he felt that.
The gorgeous Sheikah stood on the edge of the river, arms raised in victory as she laughed brightly. The sunlight seemed dim in comparison.
“Who the hell are these guys?” The growl of his own voice grabbed his attention for a moment and he glanced to see Tia linking her arm with the rougher version of himself and giving it a light squeeze. He seemed to be glaring directly at him and Cal who was still glancing at the Sheikah.
“Link, this is Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, Link, and Link. They're heroes from past eras.” She said entirely with an innocently straight face, pointing to each of them in turn. He adjusted his arm around her shoulders and pinned her to his side, angling her away from them.
“Those portals with the monsters apparently connect to other times which is why I felt like I recognised some of them. These heroes have been dragged around trying to find the culprit.” Tia leaned against him.
The counterpart glared briefly at the group then down at her. “I thought you were talking to a korok.” He growled again.
She poked him in the forehead. “Well, maybe if you didn’t terrify the poor things, I would’ve brought one of you along but since you all decided to set fire to the Lost Woods...”
He slumped under the weight of her stare and seemed to grumble under his breath. "That was an accident."
Wild would’ve paid more attention as Time introduced himself properly, but it was stolen by the way the pretty Sheikah woman was now yelling at the river.
“Come back out here and face me!” Her voice was sweet like a bird song that could listen to for hours.
There was an explosion of water as the long haired version popped out from under the surface.
“Hey. Hey. Hey, Aaliyah~ Guess what I’ve got.”
Aaliyah. Even her name was beautiful.
She crossed her arms and smirked before she paused and pointed down at the possible hero who’s grin only got wider.
“If that’s fish you’re about to throw at me, I will make you eat it raw.”
“Close but no.” And with that, he threw an octorok at her.
Letting out a shriek, there was a flash of steel as she elegantly sliced the creature in two with her sword then gracefully launched herself at the cackling hero, sword left in the ground.
Wild felt the air leave his lungs in a rush.
That was amazing.
“YOU DAMN FUNGUS!” The ragged one tore after him as well, the water becoming a swirl of white foam and splashing.
Tia sighed and moved to pick up Aaliyah’s sword. “Honestly, I’m just impressed he caught one.”
Honestly, Wild was just plain impressed.
Tia can be Queen of Hyrule or she can fully corral the trio. She's good but no one's that good.
Wild is just like fully got the rose-tinted glasses on and so does Cal while Sage immediately has their number.
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nangel · 3 months
Paparazzi, part six
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✍︎ words count | 4745 words
✈︎ missing out parts? | series , part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 , part 5
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We’ll be staying in Paris.
We were walking through Paris and basically doing a sightseeing tour. We four walked together and I told them a lot about France. After we visited the Notre-Dame Cathedral which was our last destination we had free time. We went shopping and visited a bakery. We even visited the memorial for princess Diana and took a lot of pictures. Now we were walking around trying to find a place we could visit. “I think I’ve never felt so clueless in Paris” I said frustrated. “Don’t worry…we’re gonna find something” Annabelle said going through tiktok while Olga was already flirting with a 30-year old french man. I watched it and gasped shocked. “How is she doing that?” Maureen asked and I laughed. “I can tell you” i said as I pressed my boobs together which made Maureen laugh and me too. I admired my outfit in the window of a boutique. “Hell yeah…you look good” Olga said smirking and I lifted one leg playfully so my white nike’s touched my butt.
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We ended up in a cafe called Café de Flore and ate some with chocolate filled croissants while talking. I loved it and we even saw some people recognising us. Two girls came up to us and tapped my shoulder. “I’m sorry…are you Madeleine Sinclair and Maureen Lilac-Lane?” the blonde asked us, both a bit younger than us, maybe 16. “Yes” we said smiling. “Can we take a picture with you?” she the other blonde asked sweetly. I looked at Maureen and she nodded. “Yeah sure” we said and stood up to stand behind them. They took some pictures and then they left. I couldn’t hide my smile. “Okay that was impressive” Annabelle said smirking. “I liked that” i said smiling. “It was nice” Maureen said and we chuckled like little kids. Charles sent me a message. “What are you doing right now?” “Nothing enjoying my free time with Olga, Maureen and Annabelle” i texted back. “Really? Where are you?” he texted with a laughing smiley. “Café de Flore a nice cafe super cute and romantic” i texted back with a smiling emoji.
He left me on read and I was confused but I put my phone away cause Olga was flirting with the waiter so we’d get free coffee which we found extremely funny. “Yolo” i said and she winked at me. “I could never” Maureen said amused. “Me neither” i said laughing. We were in the middle of a conversation and I was telling them something about the portrait I was having in my head and wanted to paint as soon as we’re back in Berlin. They listened to me and we talked about it until I saw how Olga jaw dropped and her eyes widened, she looked like she was about to choke on her spit. “Olga?” Annabelle asked sitting next to her. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around. I couldn’t believe my eyes and my eyes widened as I saw Charles standing in front of me. “Oh my god” i said holding my hands to my mouth in shock. “Hey” he said casually but with the smile I missed desperately. I stood up snd looked at him in disbelief. “What are you doing here?” i asked shocked but in a good way. “I wanted to see you” he said and I smiled like a little child. “You wanted to see me?” i asked with a wide smile not able to stop it. “Yeah…it’s kinda risky but I…I thought about what you said and Paris and Monaco only have one hours distance” he said and I was speechless. “You came here for me?” i asked speechless. “Of course…” he said looking into my eyes with me not knowing what to say. “I’m speechless” i said covering my eyes with a chuckle. “So you can see him too?” Olga asked in a whisper to Maureen and Annabelle. “You’re here…” i said blushing trying to hide my face and he smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me. “I am” he said laughing while his arms were wrapped around me. I couldn’t stop chuckling. “I need to get some…croissants” Maureen said standing up. “Me too” Annabelle said in a happy mood. “Toilet” Olga said and they stood up and walked inside giggling. “I really don’t know what to say” i said as he let go of me. “I thought I’d surprise you” he said softly and I blushed again. “Oh god” i said embarrassed because I was flushed like a tomato. “Hey…don’t be like that” he said resting his hands on my shoulder. “Wait…what if people spot you?” i asked looking around. “This cafe is secluded and there are only old people” he said laughing and I laughed too. “Good that you told me about this trip and that you have free time right now” he said and I chuckled. “I have some questions” i said still speechless. “Go on” he said and laughed. “How did you make it I mean…did you plan this or was it spontaneous?” i asked him. “After you told me about this trip I thought about coming but I wasn’t sure and when you said that you hoped to see me again I couldn’t help…I needed to see you again and Paris is the perfect place” he said smiling down at me. “I am glad you are here, really” i said smiling at him. “I’m glad to see your smile again” he said and we licked eyes. “I wish I wasn’t on a school trip right now” i said tilting my head. “I also have a plan for that” he said grinning and I shook my head. “Oh no” i said and he nudged me. “I’m staying till Friday” he said and I laughed. “No way” i said stunned. “If I can only meet you like this…I want it to last as long as possible” he said and I looked into his eyes. “You’re sweet” i said with a nod. “How long do you have your free time” he asked smiling. “Until dinner actually…the teachers are quite casual with that” i said proudly. “Would you like to spend some time with me?” he asked smiling in the most handsome and charming way I have ever seen. “Are you joking? I’d love to” i said happily. “Good…If your girls are okay with that I’d like to…take you with me” he said playfully. “They’re not gonna say no…they’re probably in there watching us while laughing and giggling” i said and he looked at the window. “They are…” he said swallowing hard while smiling a little unsure about their acting.
“Oh no…” i said grimacing after 30 seconds of silence with him looking at me. “What is it?” he asked carefully. “This is way too risky for you…people are gonna recognise you instantly” i said shaking my head. “Yeah I don’t care” he said shrugging his shoulders. “I can’t do that to you…I already got you into so much trouble” i said concerned. “I came here for you…not for the people and even if they spot me…I’ll get through it” he said rubbing my shoulders. “Are you sure? I mean we can meet up after dinner too…it’s dark then” i said pointing at him while nodding. “We can do that too but right now I just want to spend time with you” he said and I smiled. “If you say so…” i said still unsure as my best friends came outside again with a big smirk and definitely not planning on hiding it. “Hey…uhm…” i started but Annabelle cut me off. “We already heard it…don’t worry…you can go” she said smirking at me. “Wait…Why…but okay” i said a little confused. “Yeah…you deserve this” Maureen said hugging me and I chuckled. “After all you waited long enough” she added and Olga rolled her eyes. “Ola?” i asked her and she nodded “Yeah go…” she said smiling at me. “Oh take that with you” Olga said handing me a bag with bakery. “You actually bought croissants?” i asked amused. “Yeah…not only croissants a lot more! You need to try the…those with the weird name” she said and I laughed. “They’re probably Tartes” Charles said and Olga snapped with her fingers. “Exactly that…” she said and he laughed. “You are the same girls that were in Monaco right?” he asked smiling. “Yeah” Olga said. “It’s nice to meet you, Madlen told me a lot about you three” he said and I looked at him as he introduced himself like a gentleman and saying my name with his french accent. “Madlen?” Olga repeated smirking. “Actually…it’s nice to meet you too…Madlen told us nothing about you” Olga said and emphasised the Madlen. “Absolutely nothing” Maureen repeated and rolled her eyes. “I think I’ll just introduce myself in the right way…” he said and my jaw dropped a little in admiration. “I’m Maureen” Maureen said holding her hand out. “Charles, as you know, nice to meet you…you’re modelling with Madlen right?” he said charming shaking her hand. “Yeah” she said and I knew she already liked him cause she gave me a thumbs up as he turned to Olga. “I guess Olga” he said looking at Olga before shaking her hand too “You better remember it for later cause I’m gonna make you two a hard time” she said laughing tho we all knew she meant it. “You should definitely try the french toast here…they make it nowhere better than here in Paris” he said and Olga was impressed. “You know what? I will” she said with a hint of friendliness, true friendliness. “Then you must be Annabelle” he said as he turned to Annabelle. “That’s me” she said smiling. “Nice to meet you” he said shaking her hand. “The pleasure is all mine” she said laughing. I smiled at him and then looked away. All three scanned us but were mostly looking at me impressed, impressed that he came, impressed that he was actually here, impressed that he introduced himself and impressed by him. “If it’s okay for you I’d like to take her with me” he said respectfully. They were trying their best to keep everything in. “Just go already” Olga said smirking and I smiled at Charles which he returned. “Take those with you” Maureen said giving me my black sunglasses. “Alright, bye!” i said wanting to get out of this with Charles waving at them. “Have fun” Annabelle said and Olga came up to me. “Do everything I’d do” she said winking at me and Annabelle pulled her back. “Not everything” Annabelle said and I waved at them. “Bye” i said as I left with Charles.
“By the way…if I didn’t say it before, you look great” he said as we walked out of the cafe. “Thank you” i said blushing. I looked around. “What are we gonna do now?” i asked him putting on my sunglasses. “Walking through the Paris” he said softly getting black sunglasses out too. “I think I saw quite everything today” i said amused. “But not with me…I’ll show you some hidden gems” he whispered and I chuckled. I probably didn’t look now as confident as always cause I was constantly looking around and practically hiding myself behind Charles while walking really slow to not stand out or get into trouble. He looked at me behind him. “Don’t worry” he said reassuring as his hand took mine and pulled me right next to him before letting go again. I have never been more unsure and insecure in my life. “We’re in side streets…nothing’s gonna happen” he said chuckling. “I feel like I am the dirty affaire” i said quietly. “You know that it’s not like that…but I don’t mind proving it to you” he said and I shook my head. “You already did…no one ever did something like you for me…coming to Paris for me” i said looking up at him. “Being me has advantages…I got a private jet” he said smirking and I nudged his arm. “You’re famous all over the world…I still can’t believe that I didn’t recognise you back then” i said amused. “You made me curious” he said and I smiled. We walked along the streets and slowly got to a more crowded street. The whole time we walked next to each other I asked myself how I could be that lucky. No one would believe me if I said that me -a girl from Germany- is spending time with THE FAMOUS Charles Leclerc. “How is it being a model?” he asked me and I saw a mocking smirk on his face. “It’s fun…yet it’s fun…but with enough I’m gonna walk for Chanel in about one month” i said smiling excited. “Now that you’re saying it…I have some connections” he started and I stopped and looked at him. “What did you do?” i asked him unsure. “I just played a little around and found a connection to Dior…just in case that you want to improve your future” he said snd my jaw dropped. “Are you insane?” i asked shocked. “Who knows what’s gonna happen in the future? You are really talented and you should definitely think about it” he said turning to face me. I tilted my head and shook it. “Why did you do this? You didn’t had to” i said and he just shook his head. “I know but I wanted to do it…as I said…I want to see you up there” he said and I narrowed my eyes remembering when he said that to me back then. “I can’t” i said and he nodded “Of course you can, I did it because I wanted it and you are gonna accept that after all it is just a connection I am telling you about not a contract I am forcing you in the hands” he said chuckling. “I don’t want to be intrusive” i said to him and he looked down at me through his sunglasses. “You aren’t…you are the greatest and most special person I met in a long time” he said and I smiled. Since when is he handsome too? “And you are actually the most handsome guy I’ve ever met and I met a lot” i said with a nod. “Come on…I want to show you something” he said as we walked to a little store. In there were funky painting and I immediately admired all of them. “I knew you would like it” he said proudly crossing his arm. “Look at all the pictures” i said as I showed him one that was completely filled with different shades of pink. “Funky” he said with his french accent and I chuckled. The next stop we made was at an old bookstore. “It’s giving Lana del Rey vibes” i whispered looking through the book that really gave me Lana del Rey vibes since I adored her. I lived books so it was no surprise I was walking out of the store with a bag of books while he led us to a beautiful park through which we walked.
We talked a lot about my exams and school in general. “It’s calming down now…I only have one test left and that one is in art history, we are gonna paint something but not just something…it can be everything but the task is to paint something that really intrigues you and we should dig deep in our brain and soul” i said amused. “And do you already know what you’re gonna paint?” he asked me while looking at me as we still walked next to each other. “I think yes…” i said softly with a smile while looking into his eyes. “Tell me…” he said and I shook my head. “Nuh-uh…that’s gonna be a secret” i said smirking and he groaned frustrated wrapping one arm carefully around my shoulder to pull me close. “Is this okay?” he asked smiling and I nodded. “Hey…can I tell you something” i said in a happy mood. “Everything” he said smiling. “I…I kinda missed you” i confessed looking at him. “That’s the best thing you ever said to me” he said and I smiled. “To be honest…I missed you too” he said pulling me even closer. I rested my head carefully on against his chest. It was weird…I couldn’t really believe it that this was really happening. Every time I realised that it was Charles I didn’t want to look away from him I wanted to scream around but that would be weird.
We ended up going through the whole park because we somehow couldn’t stop talking and since I still had Olga’s beloved bakeries we started to snack them. “Ils sont si savoureux” (those are so tasty). “Oui, c'est vrai?” (yeah right?). I chuckled it away. It was 5 p.m and we were walking through some streets. “And what happened then?” i asked him excited. “I crashed and wrecked the car” he said laughing. “But they told you that it was a bad idea” i said amused. “I was drunk” he said laughing and I started to laugh too. “Please don’t do this ever again, a ferrari is really expensive” i said amused. “But it’s my favourite car too” he said and I rolled my eyes amused. “I wouldn’t have thought” i said sarcastically. “I’m full of surprises” he said and I just nodded. “You are” i said locking eyes with him for a short second. He told me a lot of stories back when he was younger. “Even my friends asked me about you” he said with his arm around my shoulder. “What did you tell them?” i asked him smiling. “What is your love language?” i asked him smiling. “Love Language?” he asked and I nodded chuckling. “Love Language” “Physical Touch” he said and I chuckled. “Mine too” i said amused. “We’re matching” he said and I smirked. “It’s so good to finally have you close” he said again wrapping his arm tighter around me. “You too…The distance is sometimes…killing me” i said moving my head from side to side. “True” he said and we both looked at each other again.
It was 6 p.m and I had to get back for dinner so Charles walked me to the hotel. “What are you gonna do now?” i asked him smiling. “Going back to the hotel” he said smiling. “Can I call you later?” i asked chuckling. “Of course you can” he said and I smiled at him. “Thanks for today” i said gratefully. “You’re welcome” he said and I waved at him before going back inside. As I closed the door of our hotel room I slid down with my back against it, smiling. “How was it?” Olga asked smirking at me. “Beautiful” i said smiling. “Someone seems quite happy” Maureen said and I couldn’t stop chuckling. “I think Charles Leclerc just made our MADLEN the happiest girl in the world” Annabelle said and her and Maureen laughed. “Shut up” i said not stopping to smile. “Are we still going out tonight?” Olga asked. “No way…I’m soo tired from all the walking” Annabelle said dropping herself on the bed. “Yeah…I need my beauty sleep” Maureen said and Olga shrugged her shoulder. “Fine…I’ll walk to the store down the street to get some drinks” she said and left with Maureen following her so Olga wouldn’t get into trouble. “I just chuckled thinking of Charles as Annabelle smirked at me. “Tell me” she said and I immediately jumped next to her to tell her everything.
I was the whole night up reading the books I got yesterday while walking around with Charles. We were going through a museum. I loved the french style people here had, it was no comparison to Germany. I was wearing Charles’s jacket while we walked through the museum. After the museum we visited the Versailles palace which was magnificent and after that me and my girls had a picnic on a bench at the seine. “So he is staying until Friday?” Maureen asked excited as we two were alone. I nodded. “He is a dream” Maureen said and I nodded chuckling. “And you’re wearing his jacket” she said getting emotional while I was cuddled into his jacket since it was a colder day. “Weren’t you scared that people would recognise you?” she asked handing me her cherry coke. “I was and I still am pretty unsure but I just try to not think about it too much” i said taking a sip. “Just think about his girlfriend” she said devilish. “To be honest…I think that he is under a lot of pressure because of it” i said concerned before adding “She isn’t making things easier for them and they don’t talk much…I think it’s going to break…” i said carefully. “Okay…that sounds awful” she said and I just nodded. We went shopping and bought super cute clothed and I had the chance to improve my style. We walked down the streets with our bags. “What about you and Charles?” Annabelle asked me since the other two were already going without us because we took too long. “He said he would pick me up at the hotel” i said smiling. “Good…I’ll get your bags and you can go” she said as we walked to the hotel. “I hope no one’s noticing” i said looking around. “Trust me…they’re all in the hotel because of the weather and I just saw Stacie’s story everyone is in the hotel” Annabelle said as we were right in front of the hotel. “Great…could you uhm…” i started and she nodded. “I’ll cover you” she said smirking and I gave her a thanking look. “Give me your bags” she said and I gave them to her. “Alright…thanks” i said and she nodded. In that moment Charles stood behind us. “Bonjour ladies” he said and I smiled at him. “Bonjour” i said and Annabelle just nodded. “I’ll go inside…bye” she said and kissed my cheek. “Bye” i said and she winked at me before waving at us to go inside. “So…you’re ready?” he asked smiling and I nodded. “Yup” i said smiling and he started walking with me. “Where are we going?” i asked him smiling. “Since you are studying art history and probably totally into paintings I thought I’d take you to Louvre” he said smirking and I chuckled. “But I am going there tomorrow” i said softly. “But not with me” he said smirking and I chuckled. “Okay” i said smiling and we started walking to the trains in the underground.
I was wearing a wine red top with a collar and long sleeves, boots in the same colour and a white skirt with black check pattern, Charles’s black jacket over my top. “You look great…the jacket is fitting perfectly” he said in a whisper and I chuckled. “Thanks” i said and he wrapped his arms again around my shoulder which kinda gave me butterflies while we walked to the Louvre. Inside I was really stunned cause I’ve never been there and all the art and painting were insane. “You like it?” he asked and I nodded chuckling. “Let me take a picture of you” he asked as I took some pictures with my phone. “You sure?” i asked and he nodded which made me smile as I gave him my phone. I stood right in front of a painting as he took some pictures and then handed it back to me. “Look’s great” he said and I brushed some hair behind my ear.
After we walked through Louvre and argued about some things we walked to the La Galerie Dior. “I’m so excited” i said clapping my hands excited and he chuckled. “It’s just a museum” he said as we walked inside. “It’s not…it’s fashion…fucking fashion…and history…and fucking Dior” i said excited and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder again. “I am shaking” i said as we walked inside. We looked at all the dresses set up there and they were so impressing and I could’ve sworn that I fell in love in that moment. “Look, look, look!” i said pointing at the red dress which was a really special one for me. “You’d look great in it…red is your colour” he said softly and I chuckled. I couldn’t stop taking pictures. As we reached the white dresses I wanted to die, I’d die to wear such a dress. “Unbelievable” i said stunned. It was an unbelievable experience especially as we reached the iconic stairs that we walked up. Charles was following behind me while I found myself adored to all the pretty fashion pieces. “Fashion is a work of art” i said and he laughed from downstairs. Since there also were many teenagers in the museum it was no wonder that a lot of girls ran up to him asking him for a picture or an autograph. As I noticed I walked a little more upstairs so no one could really see me. He took a quick look at me before nodding at them to take pictures, give autographs and answer their questions. I chuckled from upstairs though I was a little scared. I was scared that we wouldn’t find a quiet moment anymore. He followed upstairs to me after he left them and asked if I was okay. “Of course” i said smiling brightly which made him sigh in relief. “That’s gonna be quite hard here” i said softly and he just nodded. “Yeah” he said and I kept admiring all the colourful pieces behind the glass while walking upstairs. I never had such an experience. We reached the thing I was excited most about. The dark rooms with the glitter all over the room, even running down and the dresses in there. I gasped in admiration and we went through it talking a lot and chuckling a lot. Cause it was dark there he placed hus hand on the small of my back which made a shiver run down my spine but also made me smile at him from in front of him. There were also some films and moments projected in the rooms which we watched and I noticed him smiling at me while he watched me. I knew that he wouldn’t understand my admiration but he tried his best and that made me weak even tho I tried not to be.
“But it was a good design” i protested. “It was like in middle ages” he said amused and I boxed his arm. “Shut up! It was good” i said annoyed and he just laughed. “I can’t believe you did this with me” i said chuckling. “Me neither” he said and I laughed. I looked at my phone and noticed that it already was 8 p.m, we spent like 4 ours in both museums and I asked myself how the could fly so fast. “And now?” i asked him smiling. “Dinner?” he asked and I nodded. “I’m down” i said smiling and I dialled Annabelle’s number. “Who are you calling?” he asked looking at me with a smile. “Annabelle…she should excuse me for dinner” i said as I held the phone to my ear. “She really is a good friend if she does this” he said laughing and I just rolled my eyes. I told her about going for dinner with Charles and she laughed but said that she’d excuse me whereupon I thanked her. “We can go…I have a headache” i said smirking and he smiled. “Where do you want to go?” he asked me as he got his phone out. “I don’t know I’m not familiar with the restaurants here” i said walking next to him. “I could show you my favourite” he said smirking and I nodded. “I’m excited to see” i said smirking and he led us to the hotel with me following him. “You’re gonna like it” he said and I chuckled. In the meantime we walked I posted some pictures.
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Next part
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chrissturnsw1fe · 24 days
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Tw / smut / TikTok trend / fingering / head / slight choking / face fucking / slight overstimulation / mentions of suggestive comments / degradation / dom!matt / sub!reader / p in v / (wrap it before you tap it) / no protection / read at your own risk
Summary: your best friend Matt wants to try a TikTok trend and it ends up in sweating and loud noises.
A/n : I really wanted a fic like this so I made one enjoy my little sluts.
You wake up and check your phone and see a message from Matt
‘Hey wanna come over we haven’t hung out being just us in awhile’
Me and Matt have always been extremely close and being in a group with Nick and Chris all the time we have not had the chance to hang out just us. I open the message and reply,
‘Yeah can you pick me up in 30’
‘Yeah course’
I get out of bed and get changed into some grey sweats and a baby tee and decided to put on some light makeup and straighten my hair with the time I have left over. About 25 minutes pass and I get a message from Matt saying he’s outside.
I shove my shoes on and walk out the door “hey matttt” I say happy to see him “hey y/n you want aux” he replies “bitch of course I do” I click onto Spotify and put on les by childish gambino and start singing along.
We get to the triplets house after about 10 minutes Matt puts the car in park and we walk into the house I say a quick hi to Nick and Chris and I walk to matts room immediately grabbing Mr. Wrinkleton Matt laughs at me. “I missed Mr. Wrinkleton more than you sorryyyy” I laugh Matt sticks his middle finger up at me jokingly. I place my hand on my heart pretending to be hurt “wowwww so kind” I hit him on the shoulder.
After awhile of us being dickheads we settle to watch a movie “you pick a movie I’ll go get snacks” I say to Matt. I walk into the kitchen and see Nick and Chris have gone out. I shrug my shoulders and go into the snack Cupboard and grab some popcorn and Pringles as I walk back into matts room hes in his phone listening to some TikTok trend I didn’t hear but I chuck the snacks on the bed “I’m going to the bathroom quick”.
Matts pov
I picked out a movie to watch then go on my phone while I wait for y/n I see this trend where you cut the bottom of a Pringles tube and put your cock into it I thought it was funny and I wanted to try it but wasn’t sure how she would react but yolo I guess. She comes back into the room with Pringles and popcorn bingo “I’m going to the bathroom” she says. Perfect I grab some scissors and cut the bottom of the tube and put the Pringles in the bin as I had no where to put them.
I whip my cock out and put it in the tube and cover the rest of my body with a blanket the I hear the toilet flush and the tap turn on ‘perfect’ I think to myself.
Readers pov
I come back in from the bathroom and jump on the bed next to Matt and open the bag on popcorn the way Matt was sitting was kinda hot wait I can’t say that he’s my best friend I feel my thighs clench the way he was sitting so nonchalantly fuck me he was hot to change my mind I decided to eat my popcorn and watch the movie after a little bit and go to get some Pringles and feel something in the tube that is definitely not a Pringle a small smirk can be seen on matts face my face goes bright red “cat got your tongue” Matt says seductively. I don’t reply I just gulp nervously me and Matt have never done anything sexually before he grabs my leg and makes me straddle him “I can make you feel good” he says.
“F-fuck y-es” I reply “of course you want it you slut tell me how bad” Matt speaks up he can change up so bad and I fuck with it “b-ad” I can’t even talk properly he’s just so fucking hot “beg for it like the whore you are” I have never took Matt for a dirty talk kinda guy “fuckk please I want it bad so bad” I beg they was just something about him I don’t know why this is happening but I wanted him to touch me “good girl you gonna do as I say and carry on being good or will I have to punish you” Matt spoke up.
I grinded against him for some friction against my heat as i did I felt a sharp spank on my sweats “take it as your gonna be bad….stand up and take your clothes off and be good or I will have to punish you” holy fuck the way he spoke had me dripping. I get of his lap and slowly undress my self till I’m naked as Matt squirms but has to stay in control. He stands up and backs me up against a wall “behave and get on your knees you whore” I slowly sink down as Matt undresses himself and lines his cock up to my mouth.
He pushes it in to my mouth he’s huge and shifts back and forth in my mouth I gag from how big he is he groans and picks up his speed as mascara runs down my face I bop my head to make it faster “shittt like that ma” I keep up the paste and me gaging sends vibrations to his tip “fuckk you slut gonna make me cum” with that I feel his warm seed in my mouth “swallow it like a good whore” I swallow it and open my mouth to show him “being such a good girl f’me”.
Matt helps me up and signals for me to get on the bed and lay down he goes in between my legs and kisses my inner thighs I let out I soft moan as he slowly moves to closer and kisses my clit I buck my hips from the sensation Matt holds my thighs down as he eats me out gosh now I see why his nickname is matt the munch “Fuckk mattttt” he slowly enters one of his long fingers pasteing it back and forth adding in another “I’m gonna come” I could feel the knot in my stomach “you come when I say you can ma” i was trying my best to hold it but I couldn’t for much longer “Matt I can’t hold it please let me come” i was desperate “come f’me you slut come all over my fingers” I release and scream from pleasure “OMGGGGGG”. Matt doesn’t stop he keeps pounding his fingers into me as my legs start shaking “fuckkk Matt omg Matt” I shout from pleasure I’m so happy Chris and Nick aren’t home “I’m gonna come again MATTT” as soon as I said that he stops.
“Turn around and put your ass in the air now” I do as he says he enters himself in “your safe word is red” “o-Kay” he starts off slow the picks up his speed almost immediately hitting my g-spot “fuckkk matthew” i could almost smell the smirk on his face when i screamed his name “that it baby scream my name let the whole street know this pussys mine” he pounds into me and I couldn’t hold my orgasm in any longer and I let it go squirting all over him and then feel a spank on my ass “I didn’t tell you that you could come yet but I’ll allow it this once” he carry’s on pounding into me I feel him twitch and then it’s stops with the feeling of being filled up with his come dripping down my legs. He slowly pulls out and we both collapse next to each other.
“You did great doll” Matt says sweetly as he kisses my forehead “lets get you cleaned up hm” I nod as Matt walks out the room to get a wet towel and he comes back and cleans me up and changes the bed sheets after we cleaned up we watched a movie and Matt got a message from Nick.
“How loud did you need to be the whole street definitely heard that if we did”
Matt smirked as he cuddled up to me and we carried on with our movie
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I just remembered the post you made about the GX kids in an American public school, and it immediately made me think "what if Zexal kids but in an American public school in the early 2010s" since Zexal first began airing in 2011.
YES. YESSSSS. I THINK SO MUCH ABOUT THIS ive wanted. to draw zexal kids in 2010s middle school fashion for Ages but ive only managed to get around to drawing cathy
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i know in my heart of hearts she would be The warrior cats lore specialist and roleplayer and girl wearing fake tail and cat ears in the hallway. she came like that.
idk if i'll ever get to drawing the other Number Club kids & co., but, some notes specific to this beautiful period piece concept:
you know theyre All wearing and trading 4385283945 silly bands. i want to carry this over to my regular yuma design actually; very endeared by the idea of him giving silly bands to others as he befriends them...
Flip definitely Kid in a Minecraft Creeper Shirt and/or Triforce Shirt and/or both. And probably also a fedora. i love him
it was a little before the 2010s when they were peak popular but I think Bronk would absolutely wear tripp pants. Just have the entire grungy skater vibe. AND SNAPBACKS. HE CAME LIKE THAT.
cathy tori and rio all feel like Uggs girls. i feel like they collectively own like eight pairs of Uggs
i KNOW shark is rolling up to math class with wrists covered in rubber emo band bracelets and a folder with a photo of a great white on it.
yuma absolutely hollering "YOLO" about as much as he hollers kattubingu
i feel like. Tori would go through a justin beiber phase. just a little bit. slash pos. said with love
this was early 2013ish but i Know quattro would be reading the dangan ronpa translations on somethingawful (quinton is not terribly happy about this. these games are so..gory :/)
ok also it would be Extremely funny if the Barians were a friend group having a collective Homestuck Phase. were kids reading homestuck at 13?? i cant imagine they werent (<--*was reading homestuck at 15-16ish*)
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venaue · 3 months
- Social Media (in my TWST AU) -
this is rly short cz im procrastinating finishing my oc profiles rn... oops edit after i finished: wow i lied MY BAD i did not anticipate this... ahahahaha...
any notes (do i call it that?) would mean the world even a like will make me very happy (pls im desperate.... i did not do all this yapping for nothing... /lh /nsrs) ok first section :sparkles: Magicam :sparkles:
in my au i sorta think of magicam like insta (obviously) except there's like two main sections obviously there's the insta bit which is just . insta . yk photo based and shit
then there's also a section that's essentially just twitter like as in text based posts and twitter type shenanigans and stuff
(think of it like threads but if people actually used threads as much as they used instagram and it was like integrated into the instagram experience and culture and stuff)
therefore insta-type posts and twitter-type posts can exist simultaneously and everyone wins (that's why everyone only talks abt magicam cuz its got EVERYTHING in one) wow!!!!!!!!! ok next section... a twst equivalent of discord... it doesn't have a name idk whether to keep it as discord or not... imagine i call it magicord... /hj ok so i just came up with this idea as im writing this so we're winging it
but essentially its like a main chat system integrated into most games where essentially you login to all games through this account and your username stays the same
it also integrates into in game chat systems and shit
but it also works like discord as its own platform and you can make servers and group chats and shit too
if you add someone in a game it goes straight to their account so like you don't have separate accounts its just all one :3
that's why gloomurai and muscle_red are always the same yk like ur friends list instantly transfers no matter what game u play handy right :333 last section!!!! [ how this is relevant in my au !! ]
im so so so very sorry theres no context for any of the oc stuff i swear ill get the profiles done soon...
ok this is purely for me to yap about my ocs and canon rn so uh yea
idia (gloomurai) lilia (muscle_red) yuuto (infinitelygrey)* & mace (chainflailed) have a group chat and a server and are usually active in them almost every day. they often play games together , idia and mace carry, lilia has fun (though does his part - competitive ass), and yuuto... yuutos trying his best... he'll bite u if u tell him he's doing worse than the rest of them though
yuuto & kiyuu share a magicam page with ramshackle dorm branding n shit (@/snowyruins)**, and they both have a sign off (yuutos is yu & kiyuu's is ki) kiyuu does most of the posts, whether its of himself, or ramshackle's 'cleaning progress' or him exploring outside of their dorm yuuto pitches in once in a blue moon to post dumb memes and/or reply in the middle of kiyuu's conversations to make fun of people ;p or alternatively just a really shitty doodle of someone to embarrass them aros has a magicam account that's decently famous because of his family, though he rarely uses it except to promote his families business yuuto posts his art under a magicam acc also called @/infinitelygrey (he has to resist the urge to draw his friends schoolmates since its anon) *this is a reference... if u get it ill marry you (/j ill just be very happy) **this one i can actually explain right since since yu + ki = yuki and yuki = snow and ramshackle means like 'state of disrepair' so its basically like ruins right right right right??! ok thats all i can think of rn.... i did way too much yapping holy shit i can feel my braincells melting... stay tuned for another one of these regarding a different topic sometime soon??? i have too much brainrot >;3 im actually kinda rly nervous to post this idk why but yolo ig...
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Could I request some Kazuichi x reader hcs where his s/o has a stutter and he comforts them when they get made fun of for it? I love your stuff a lot!!
Kazuichi Souda with a S/O who has a stutter
FOR MY USUAL READERS WHO UNDERSTAND THIS WITHOUT CONTEXT - BRUH THAT MAN THAT I SLEEP ON IN PEETS - THE MAN WHO WAS HETEROSEXUALLY FLIRTING WITH ME WEIRDLY - HE’S DATING ONE OF MY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS BAHAHA [I THINK? 90% SURE BC SHE WAS DESCRIBING HER SECRET BOYFRIEND AND IT WAS ALL THINGS ABOUT HIM AND HE TOLD ME NOT TO SLEEP ON HIM ANYMORE] 😭 I MENTIONED A FEW DAYS AGO HOW I SAW THEM HOLDING HANDS AND HHHWBSBNS IM NOT HEART BROKEN OR ANYTHING IM JUST MORE ANNOYED BECAUSE I have never seen them interact? Like she sits with us in peets and does her work but they never talk 😭 he just talks to me the entire time so whatgh?? I’m annoyed bc I don’t understand how this happened idk I’m a bit uncomfortable that he didn’t tell me when he’s also been flirting with me so yolo ig sorry if this sounds pretentious but I’m genuinely happy she has a boyfriend but I’m so annoyed that it’s him because he’s so weird for that 😭
I had this formatted in my drafts but with nothing written on it - what - why - that doesn't even make sense,, why did i format it,,, and then,,, not,,, write it
also thank you omg
-Mod Souda
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❤ He used to get made fun of a lot, so he is extremely empathetic. Whenever you tell him about all the things people have said to you he can feel his heart drop. He doesn't understand the point of making fun of someone with a stutter - it's not as if it'll magically fix it. The idea of people making fun of you just fills him with rage. He will rub the back of his neck, furrowing his eyebrows as he tries to put his thoughts together. His mind will be racing, thinking of things he would do if he caught somebody talking mess about your disability. He's never started a fight before but he is 100% certain he would throw hands for you.
"Seriously, what's their problem? There are so many other things they could make fun of that would at least make more sense!" He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms, thinking specifically about when his classmates would make fun of the way he spoke - something he thanks them for now, because he really was annoying. Truthfully, this mindset was a bit forced into him.
"Not... the point." You squint at him.
When he realizes you can't read your mind he straightens his spine and defends himself. "N-Not that there are some people who should be made fun of - I'm just saying."
You shake your head, looking down at the floor with a small smile.
He continues, leaning forward, "Hey, if someone says anything mean to you when I'm around, I'll make sure they're done for!"
"Thank you." You can feel your face heat up. Why are you getting so flustered? He's just being nice - but it's a niceness that you aren't used to when it comes to your stuttering.
You know that he would never make fun of you, but hearing him be so passionate about defending you gets you flustered.
❤ He is always patient when you struggle to get through certain sentences. If anything he doesn't mind your stuttering at all, because he stutters when he gets caught off guard, and he knows how frustrating it can be.
❤ He honestly doesn't even hear it anymore. He's so used to it - so swooned by your voice in general that it doesn't even process in his head.
❤ If you don't like talking - he is a chatterbox and can easily talk for the both of you.
❤ He is weirdly good at keeping eye contact (though he moves a lot when he himself is talking - but when you are talking he sits there with his eyes on you, looking at you like you're an angel from heaven).
❤ Literally stares at you the same way a child stares at a pile of candy.
❤ Seriously though, sometimes you'll have to stop in the middle of a sentence just to tell him to stop staring at you like that.
❤ He will use your stutter to his advantage in only one scenario. And this is when he is tickling you, and you try to tell him to stop, but your mind betrays your mouth and you can't stably get it out, to which he responds with: "What's that?" before attacking you with more tickles.
❤ Whenever Teruteru is around, he asks very sexual questions about your stutter, to which Kazuichi will swoop in and push him away with an awkward laugh, diverting his attention to something else.
❤ But out of all of his friends, Teruteru is the only one who makes any sort of comment about the way you talk. His friends, Class 77-B, are so unique in their own way that they don't even consider the way you speak unusual - they are so quick to accept it as who you are!
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lady-morrigen · 3 years
Hey baby!
Congrats on the new job and happy early birthday 💕
Can I request Davey boy with the prompt “We really shouldn’t be doing this” 😏👀
Oh god... alright. I finally finished this. I don't even know anymore lol Dave scares me. I hope you like this!
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PAIRING: Dave York x Fem!Reader
WORD COUNT: 2.8k (because I'm trash)
RATING: Explicit (18+ ONLY! NO MINORS!)
WARNINGS: mentions of separation, p in v ~sEgGs~, fingering, Dave turns reader into a toaster strudel, and uh... idk maybe don't bang your friend's estranged husband. or do. yolo.
BIG thanks to @acrossthesestars for gently bullying me into working on this every day, being the best beta, and fleshing out ideas with me at 2am. I love you more than "gummies" and vegan crunchwraps.
You’d known him for a couple of years now, having been in Carol’s book club for some time. You’d spent several evenings at the York’s; whether it was a casual dinner or one of the girls’ birthday pool parties, you were there.
You pretended not to notice any time Dave’s intense gaze lingered on you for just a few seconds too long, his expression unreadable. Attention from Dave was inconsistent at best. Sometimes an innocent touch would linger for just a beat too long but when you looked into his eyes, there was nothing there to indicate that it was anything more than a friendly gesture. On book club nights, you’d sometimes find yourself alone with him as you refilled your wine glass, so caught up in conversation with him that you’d forget why you’d even come to the kitchen in the first place.
That month the book club had decided on something that Carol had already read and she loaned you her copy so you didn’t have to buy your own. It had been a few weeks since the two of you had last spoken, and she’d cancelled the club meeting, which was unusual.  So you decided to return the book to her, figuring it a good enough excuse to make sure she was okay. You picked up coffee on the way to keep it casual.
You pulled up to the house, book and two coffees in hand, and knocked twice on the door. Expecting to see Carol, you were taken aback when Dave answered, as he was never home in the middle of the day. The state of his appearance only added to your surprise.
He looked like he hadn’t been feeling well; eyes bloodshot, tee shirt wrinkled from sleep, and rocking a serious 5 o’clock shadow. He had answered the door with a huff, but straightened a little upon seeing it was you that had interrupted his fifth straight episode of The Price is Right.
“Oh hi, Dave. I was looking for Carol. She around?” You peeked your head in the door a bit, no sound indicating that your friend or the girls were present. Dave cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“No she’s uh… she took the girls to visit her mother in Virginia for a bit. That for her?” He motioned towards the book and spare coffee, stepping back to invite you in. You turned it over in your hand as you entered the foyer and placed one of the coffee cups on a nearby table.
“Oh! Yeah, she loaned this to me a few weeks ago so that I could get caught up before next week’s meeting. I just wanted to return it.” Rocking back and forth on your heels, you took in the sight of him. There was something so jarring about seeing Dave York in his sock feet, wearing pajama bottoms so thin that you could practically see through them. You did your best to look anywhere else, deciding to focus on his face.
“Well, you could leave it here. I’ll make sure it gets to her.” There was a flash of pain behind his eyes that dissipated quickly, but it was enough. Enough for you to realize that maybe Carol wasn’t just away on a weekend trip.
“Dave?” You stepped forward, trying to catch his gaze, but he deliberately looked away. “Is everything okay?”
He ran a hand through his messy brown hair, roughly exhaling before tilting his head to look at you. He paused for a minute, just taking you in. Your eyes were wide with concern, but there was a tenderness there that would hopefully let him know that it was okay to talk to you about whatever was going on. Tossing his hands up in defeat, he relented.
“Carol left me.”
Despite your best efforts, you let out a gasp. You’d known their relationship had grown strained over the last year, but you didn’t think that it was bad enough for her to leave him. You didn’t know what to say, so you just stared at him open mouthed, head shaking in disbelief.
“I- what happened?”
“Eh she had enough of my shit, I guess…” it was meant to come out as nonchalant, but there was an unmistakable sadness to his tone. He awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck again, peering at you with a half-hearted smile. “Do you want to come in for a minute?”
You nodded, grabbing the other coffee, and followed him to the kitchen. You set them down on the counter offering Carol’s now-useless drink to him and he accepted with a grateful nod. The two of you leaned against the same side of the kitchen island, facing each other; a pregnant silence hanging in the air.
“So,” you started, sipping your coffee nonchalantly. “What happened?”
Dave’s body tensed, clearly still uncomfortable at the idea of discussing it. He toyed with the plastic lid of the drink in his hand as a distraction. He couldn’t tell you every detail and he knew you’d still have more questions than answers by the time he was done. Regardless, he took a deep breath and began.
It turns out an old threat from Dave’s past had resurfaced and dealing with it caused him to have to leave town for a while. You vaguely remembered hearing about that from Carol. He had begun sneaking around, so she thought he may be having an affair. When he returned and still provided her with half-truths, she had decided that she'd had enough.
You couldn’t blame her, really. The two of you weren’t particularly close, but she had confided in you that their relationship had been strained for years. This seemed to just be the last straw for a woman at her wits end. The man standing in front of you looked to be handling it quite poorly. You stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on top of his.
“I know this can’t be easy, Dave,” you said softly. “I wish there was something I could do.”
His face softened, eyes locking on your hand as your thumb danced cautiously over his knuckles. Your breath hitched when his other hand rested on top of yours, enveloping it in his warmth. He grabbed your hand, slowly bringing it up to his mouth as if he was going to kiss the back of it. He stopped short, closing his eyes and breathing in the lingering scent of perfume on your wrist. The gesture made your heart beat wildly in your chest.
Was this happening?
Dave’s lips pursed gently against the delicate skin of your wrist and it felt as if electricity shot down your outstretched arm and straight to your core. The heat that was pooling in your belly betrayed all logic as you stepped forward and leaned into his touch. You felt certain that your pulse was visible through the thin skin of your neck, eliminating any chance you had of hiding how much his presence excited you.
You ran your fingers through the hair over the curve of his ear, gripping the base of his neck, and leaning your forehead against his. You stood like this for a moment; sharing breaths, your hearts pounding in rhythm as you each willed the other to make the first move. After what felt like a lifetime, Dave’s hands found your waist and he began to gently nudge his nose against yours.
Before your brain had a second to catch up, his lips were on yours, prying a delicate whimper from between them as you allowed yourself to melt into the softness. He moaned, low in his throat and broken; a sound you would replay over and over in your mind, committing it to memory. His fingers were digging into the flesh of your hips with such ferocity that you knew there would be bruises later.
It started slow, a little hesitant and unsure as the two of you found your rhythm. Any self-control that Dave was holding onto flew out the window as your nails raked over the planes of his back through his t-shirt. With his lips still attached to yours, he leaned in, pinning you up against the marble as he reached behind you, sweeping an arm across the counter. A bowl of grapes clattered to the floor along with the coffee you had long since forgotten. He gently tapped your hip and signaled you to push yourself up, seating your ass on the counter as he settled between your legs.
Finding the hem of your tee shirt, he yanked it up and over your head unceremoniously, exposing your chest to the chilled air. Your nipples were pebbled and clearly visible as he reached up to pinch one between his thick fingers. He leaned down, pulling the other into his mouth through the thin fabric of your bra. You tilted your head back in pleasure, exposing your neck to his hot mouth as he trailed his way from your jaw down to your collarbone.
Splaying his large hands against the small of your back, he pulled you in tight. You could feel him, hard and wanting, through the thin fabric of his pajama bottoms and you gave a roll of your hips, testing his reaction. He groaned into the shell of your ear and bit down on the lobe, causing you to wince as the sharp pain melted into pleasure.
"We shouldn’t be doing this,” he husked, his deft fingers betraying his words as they quickly unfastened your jeans. His hand slipped into the front, pushing your underwear to the side and teasing a finger over your slick folds. “But… ahh fuck... you’re so wet for me.”
“Dave, please…” you were begging, having lost all sense of composure the moment his lips met yours. You quickly slipped your jeans and underwear over your hips and down to your ankles, kicking them off, to give him better access. His mouth had resumed it’s attack on your neck, his slick fingers rubbing gently over your clit. Your hands were gripping his forearm as you wiggled your hips, desperate for more friction.
“So needy,” he tutted gently, smiling against your skin.  “I’ve seen the way you look at me. You’ve been waiting for this moment, haven’t you?”
“Yes. Yes, Dave, I-” in one swift motion, he pushed a finger inside of you. He swallowed your cry, tongue swirling in tandem with his finger as he continued to pull delicious moans from your throat. When he pushed in a second finger, you gripped the edge of the counter hard as you began to work your hips, creating friction against his palm.
He had one firm hand on the back of your neck, keeping your lips pressed together as he began to move his fingers inside of you; curling to hit the spot that made you weak in the knees. He moaned against your mouth, the sound muffled, as he relished the feeling of your walls clenching around him. When he moved his thumb up to circle your delicate bundle of nerves, you cried out in pleasure; laying yourself back against the cool quartz of the countertop.
He leaned over you, his features dark with desire and a hint of something else; something dangerous. You felt a twist in your gut as you looked up at him; sweat beading on his brow and a lust blown expression on his face. You reached up to cup his chin, the intimacy of the act not missing either of you as you got lost in bliss, tilting your head back and closing your eyes once more. You reached for him, fingertips ghosting over his length, now evident through his thin pants.
"Dave…” you were breathless, panting his name like a prayer, as you practically begged to have him inside of you. You began to palm him gently, heart rate quickening as you felt the sheer size of him. He let out a growl, dropping his head into the crook of your neck and quickening the pace of his fingers as he panted, hot and needy into your skin.
“Tell me what you want, pretty girl,” his voice was low and gravelly, shooting straight to your core as he began to lave his tongue over the column of your throat.
Your hands found the dip of his hips, trailing to the dimples at his spine and under his waistband to cup his ass. You dug your nails into the soft flesh, pulling him toward you slightly and rolling your hips as if to answer. Immediately, he pulled away. His hand, now covered in your slick, came to rest by his side and you whined at the empty feeling. He shook his head, tutting under his breath with a glint in his eye.
“No. I asked you to tell me what you want.” His tone was commanding, almost cold. Your eyes snapped to his and you nodded, eager to please. He slowly untied his pants, shifting a little to allow them to fall to the floor. Gripping his length with his slicked hand, he gave himself a few pumps before stepping forward and lining up at your entrance. He pushed forward for a split second, a moment more, and then began to pass the tip through your folds, gently slapping it against your clit.
“I - oh shit - I want you to fuck me.” He did as he was told, pushing himself in slowly and shattering the “please” as it tore from your throat. When he was fully seated inside of you, he paused, allowing you to grow accustomed to the stretch of him.
He tested a roll of his hips, nearly losing control at the feeling of you clenching around him. He tested another, then another; agonizingly slow and deliberate as he relished in the sight of you laid out beneath him, broken and wanting. His hands began to trail their way from your sides, up the length of your arms, as he brought them together above your head. He crossed your wrists, one large hand coming up to pin them in place as the other snaked down to where your bodies met, drawing slow circles over your clit.
“Oh, you look so pretty like this,” he whispered against your jaw as he thrust into you, punctuating your moans with each snap of his hips. He kissed your temple, a gesture so intimate and comforting, in direct contrast to the way he was fucking you into the countertop.
Dave returned to standing, hooking one of your legs over his hip to get a better angle. His free hand came to rest on your waist, fingertips digging a bruise into the soft skin as he struggled to hold himself back. He slowed his pace, allowing you to feel each and every inch of him before slamming into you with purpose. The coil in your stomach pulled tighter with every thrust until you were sure you were about to snap.
“You’re doing such a good job,” he said, splaying a palm over your stomach. “I always wondered what this would be like. What you would feel like.”
You were keening under his praise; the words working to push you closer and closer to the edge. He reached up, pebbling one of your nipples between his fingers and you nearly tipped over right then. He could tell you were close, so he hiked your leg up higher on his hip, angling himself to hit the perfect spot.
“That’s it, baby. Come on,” his voice was strained from the effort of holding back his own release. He began rubbing frantic circles over your clit and you fell apart, your walls fluttering around him as your hands scrambled for purchase against the countertop. When the last of the aftershocks had coursed through you, he pulled out with a groan; quickly stroking himself as he painted your stomach with his release.
The two of you froze for a moment, the weight of what had just happened settling over you like a blanket. You looked from him down to the mess on your stomach, then back to him and giggled lightly to break the tension. Soon enough, you had both erupted into a fit of shy laughter with Dave using the leg you’d propped on the counter to hide his face. He placed a gentle kiss on the soft skin of your thigh before bending down to pull the thin pants back on.
He busied himself with getting a warm dish towel as you propped up and surveyed your surroundings.
“Damn, Dave… we made a mess,” you laughed, motioning toward the bowl of grapes on the floor as well as the forgotten coffee, now creeping inky black across the tile.
“I’ll get it later,” he said, gently wiping the remains of his release from your skin. He helped you to your feet, handing you your discarded underwear and jeans to redress. When you were finished, he pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and tenderly kissing your forehead. His lips lingered there as he spoke barely above a whisper.
“I think I owe you another coffee.”
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Polar Bear Wrestling | JJ Maybank
Hey, what’s up..it’s been a while! Second JJ fic I wrote even though I have an exam tomorrow but yolo am I right? Something like that (exactly that) happened to me last weekend with my friends and I just had to imagine what JJ would’ve done in this scenario. Enjoy! xx
Trigger warning: swearing, blood, angsty (kinda), fluff, and little bit smutty because I can’t help myself
Word count: ~ 2,220 words
You and JJ are just having fun in secret and everything seems smooth sailing until you get hurt at a party and JJ turns into protective™ mode!
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You did not know who’s idea it was to throw a kegger in the middle of the week but at this point you were too drunk to care and quite happy about it. 
The chateau’s garden was crowded with people, mostly poques from your school, but also a few kooks and occasional tourons. Some song from the Cure was playing on the speakers and your gaze wandered over the string light adorned garden, drowning it in beautiful colours of the rainbow.
“C’mon Y/N we’re playing beer pong and I need you on my team!” Kie yelled from across the yard where they carried a table outside. 
You were quick to support your best friend, always down for a good drinking game. 
“Who are we playing against?” You scanned the garden looking out for a particular blond surfer dude.
JJ owed you a rematch after the last party where he beat you together with John B. You couldn’t deny that you maybe also just wanted to make sure that he wasn’t flirting with some random girl again. Ever since the two of you started hooking up in secret you started to get more than a little bothered by all the attention he got from other girls. You told yourself that no feelings were involved but sometimes you weren’t so sure.
“Sarah and John B,” Kie waved the couple over to take the other side of the table where she had professionally filled up the cups.
“Rock, paper scissors…winner starts,” John B announced and promptly won the match.
Kie and you sunk one ball after the other into the cups, although most of them unfortunately only hit the rim. Sarah was surprisingly good at the game and you had to down more than you expected. That didn’t really help your already intoxicated state.
Good for you and Kie however, you were even better at beer pong when you were drunk. And at this point you were too drunk to care about anything except winning this match. 
When John B’s ball went way over the table you picked it up and hit your head lightly on the table’s corner. It hurt a bit but you weren’t too bothered by it. You had to win that game and there were only two cups left on the opposing team’s side. 
You concentrated on the furthest cup and with a flick of your wrist the ball cleanly fell into the cup.
“And that’s how you do it!” You screamed and turned to an excitedly jumping Kiara to give her a high five.
However fell the happy expression from her face rather quickly after looking at you and was replaced with wide eyes and an open hanging mouth.
“Fuck! Y/N, you’re bleeding!” Kie exclaimed, already storming towards you and looking out for someone to help.
Your hand went up towards your forehead, where the dull ache was centered, and came away red. Good thing you weren’t one to faint at the sight of blood. 
“Shit,” You swore under your breath and made your way towards the bathroom inside the chateau. 
Kiara was hot on your heals, fussing over you and grabbing Pope on the way inside.
“What did you do?” He asked and immediately went towards the cabinet with the first aid kit. You were glad that you could always trust him to be the rational one. Because Kiara was close to hyperventilating at this point. 
“Kie, it’s gonna be okay. It doesn’t even hurt that bad,” You tried to calm her down while you grabbed some towel and tried to stop the bleeding. 
“It doesn’t look okay!” She pointed out her hands flying towards the reddening towel in your hands. 
“Baby, can you get Y/N some ice?” Pope distracted her while he was preparing some disinfectant.
Kie nodded vigorously, glad to be of service and hurried towards the kitchen.
You let out a relieved sigh and looked towards Pope thankfully, “Thank you. I love her, but sometimes she can be a bit…”
“Overbearing?” He finished for you and gave you a knowing smile. You laughed in agreement and went back to focusing on your little wound. 
“This is going to burn,” Pope warned before pulling the towel away and starting to clean the cut above your eye with a disinfected cotton pad. You hissed at the burning contact and would’ve rather pulled away but you knew it had to be done.
“Doesn’t look like you need any stitches,” Pope analysed as he took a closer look at the cut. At this point you were really glad that Pope invested so much time in his medical future. 
“It doesn't even hurt, I’ll be fine,” You agreed and looked at the towel that was quite red but the wound finally had stopped bleeding.
“I couldn’t find any ice but this will do,” Kiara showed up with a frozen beer can in her hand that had a kitchen towel around it. 
“I’m not gonna walk around all night with a beer can pressed to my head,” You argued and made your way out of the bathroom. You were here to enjoy yourself and this little incident wasn’t going to stop you from doing so.
“If you don’t cool it, you’ll have a black eye tomorrow,” Pope warned but it was clear that you wouldn’t listen to him. He knew his friends pretty well and when it came to you and JJ every rational thought went out the window. The two of you were perfect for each other but also the most trouble anybody could cause. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” You scoffed and picked up one of JJ’s snapbacks that was lying around the kitchen. You loved wearing his hats to get a reaction out of him, mostly that reaction him being annoyed with you for stealing yet another cap.
“See, you don’t even see the bruise like that.” You showed off your new look but Kiara and Pope just rolled their eyes at your carelessness. You grabbed the beer out of Kiara’s hand and opened it instead of holding it against your head.
“Well if you’re not going to listen anyways we might as well win the game,” Kiara threw in and pulled you back outside with a slight smile. 
And you did win graciously as ever, as drunk as ever. 
You were about to get another cold beer inside the empty kitchen when you felt a pair of arms around your waist. 
“I’ve been looking for you all night.” A familiar voice whispered in your ear and you melted against his chest.
“Should’ve looked better,” You mumbled and turned around to be met with JJ’s sky-blue red-rimmed eyes from the weed and alcohol. 
He gave you a sloppy grin and his hands wandered over your backside pulling you closer to him. If it weren’t for all the people and your friends outside who could catch you, you would have fucked him right there and then.
“You look good with my hat,” He stated cheekily and leaned in to give you a peck on the lips, “but I’ll take that back now.”
“JJ, no-“ You tried to stop him, remembering the cut above your eye but it was too late, the hat was off. 
You knew how protective JJ was about his friends but after the two of you started sneaking around it was even more intense than before. You were quite scared about his reaction.
He looked shocked at the cut just below your eyebrow and the already forming bruise there. His jaw clenched when he took a step back from you.
“Who the fuck did this, Y/N?” He seethed and was already making his way towards the door to beat up whoever dared to touch you. You on the other hand hadn’t even thought about JJ assuming that someone hit you.
“What?” You were too confused to move at first but then your reflexes kicked in. “JJ wait!”
You grabbed for his arm but he yanked it away, one foot already out the door. He was furious and you’d never seen him like that before. You tried another time to stop him, yelling his name repeatedly and succeeded with a strong hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t you try and tell me to not get in trouble, Y/N! I don't give a fuck right now. When somebody hurts you, do you really expect me to just stand by and do nothing?” He yelled at you and you could see the desperation in his face as his shaking hands raked through his blonde hair.
“JJ, no one touched me,” You explained in a low voice to calm him down. Some people were staring in your direction. You grabbed his hands in yours, making soothing circles with your thumbs, and led him back inside. “It was an accident, J. I was just drunk and a bit clumsy.”
JJ looked at you with scrunched eyebrows, like he was not really believing you, but you felt his hands relax slowly in your grip.
“What?” He breathed out and let his eyes wander over your left eye repeatedly.
“I tried to pick up a ball while playing beer pong and hit my head,” You told him and sat down on the kitchen table, pulling JJ between your legs. 
“Oh.” JJ’s gaze dropped ashamed at your interlinked hands before he mumbled a “I’m sorry.”
You lifted his chin with one hand and giggled at his pouty expression. “It’s okay Jbae.”
“I don’t know I just assumed…” He stopped mid-sentence to take a deep breath and his hands caressed the wound above your eye carefully.
“You have to be more careful,” He lectured you and pecked the cut slightly.
Butterflies rose in the pit of your stomach at the touch of his lips on your skin. This side of JJ was so new to you. He had always been protective but he had never been this sweet and caring afterwards. You really enjoyed having him all to yourself in these moments.
“And you have to control your temper,” You reminded him and saw the guilty grin on his face immediately.
“Yeah… the combination of both of our flaws together will probably only cause trouble,” He laughed and placed his hands on either side of your body as he leaned in.
“You love my clumsiness,” You argued and locked your arms around his neck. This close you could smell his undeniable JJ scent: cigarettes, weed, the ocean and freshly cut grass. It was intoxicating.
“I do,” He agreed softly and placed a kiss on your jaw which made you gasp lightly. “But let’s just say that you wrestled with a…uhm…what are they called again? Snow-bear?”
You giggled as he struggled for the word while peppering your jaw and neck with kisses. You guessed the adrenaline rush had stopped and the both of you were back to being just a little bit too drunk. 
“A polar bear?” You guessed and looked at his crystal blue eyes for a second.
“Yes!” He exclaimed excitedly, like a little child. “You wrestled with a polar bear and he jabbed at your eye but the bear obviously looks much worse.”
“Obviously!” You nodded and smiled at him. “So…polar bears in Outer Banks?”
“Oh shut up!” He complained and before you could retort anything his lips crashed onto yours.
You pushed into him as your lips moved against his. The kiss was fiery and you gasped slightly as JJ bit your lower lip. You couldn’t contain the moan that escaped you when his tongue entered your mouth. Your hands grabbed strands of his blonde waves while his grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to the edge of the table. 
“Fuck Y/N!” He groaned as his groin met with the spot between your thighs and attached his mouth to your jaw once again. 
You threw your head back at the feeling and swore under your breath. But when you heard John B screaming from outside you were brought back to reality.
“Fuck JJ,” You pushed him away slightly and he whimpered at the loss of contact. “Not here, not now Jbae,” You reminded him, your hands framing his disappointed face. 
“I hate that fucking rule,” JJ mumbled but brought some distance between you anyways. 
You hated the rule as well, but you knew it was made for a reason. No pogue-on-pogue-macking or you would risk the entire friend group. Even though everybody seemed to have broken it anyways.
“C’mon, let’s get back to the party,” You smiled at him and slipped your hand into his.
“Fine, but I’m not leaving your clumsy side.” He placed his hat back on your head with a smirk and pushed it down a little bit so the bruise wouldn’t be obvious to everybody. 
“Fine by me,” You grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek. “And maybe later we can continue where we left off..”
At the sound of this JJ’s smirk turned into a thousand watt smile as he followed you outside, grabbing your hand a bit tighter. You couldn’t help the warmth that spread through your whole body as you looked at his gorgeous face and thought about his sweet protective side and what might happen later this evening. This boy would be the death of you.
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seancekitsch · 3 years
I was Never Young: A Klaus x Reader fic
Anyways uhhh heres my fic based on the Klaus spin off series!! I made sure not to really spoil anything in the series if u guys haven't finished it yet but it does take place after the series events. there's no smut which is weird for me bc i usually write just smut but like yolo this is where it went.
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Klaus had been through the ringer. Los Angeles seems to just be more of the same, so why even leave home? Right, he’d been kicked out and cut off. Well, at least one of those problems has disappeared, he thinks as he pats the ugly little satchel full of money at the side of his hip.
He meanders down the street, no real direction or motive as he shuffles down. The diazepine is starting to wear off, and he’s going to need something to dull the corners of his mind in about an hour. A neon green sign draws his eyes, looks as sick as he’s about to be.
‘Cobra’s’ the sign says, and this one is probably as good as any.
The bar has exactly six people inside of it, he realizes as he pushes the door open. It’s hazy, full of the stale and welcoming scent of menthol tobacco. Perfect, Klaus thinks.
The bartender is a stern looking man, like he used to be a wrestler. Maybe this is what Luther or Diego will look like in thirty years if they don’t eat their wheaties.
There are two other men sitting in a booth by the corner, deep in conversation with one another. They’re boring suits, no one that Klaus could have for company. He’s just looking for someone alive to have a conversation with while he numbs himself. Someone alive, he clarifies to himself. His last friend left for heaven’s greener pastures, which he’s happy for him, but maybe the guy could have stuck around on this plane of existence for a weekend longer.
There’s a couple at the end of the bar that looks like they're on a date. In the middle of the day? Wonder if their spouses know they aren't at work. Klaus laughs out loud, poor bastards.
And then there's you, with your mixed drink, absentmindedly swirling it with your little stirrer. You seem like a safe bet, so his feet drag him over to sit down at the middle of the bar near you. He more or less throws himself into the chair, his feet immediately feeling the relief. He’s still clammy and feverish in the come down, his stomach hurts, but that’s nothing a little booze and sugar can’t help.
You notice the guy as soon as he walks in. Of course you do. After a few years, you start to recognize people even if you don’t know them. You don’t recognize him. He looks paranoid, fresh off a set and worried about what a job will do, for and to him. Poor thing. Probably one of those River Phoenix types. Young, pretty, and overwhelmed.  In teen mags one day, in the obituaries the next. All preventable, hundreds of people that could step in if money meant more than the people around you.
“Hey,” the guy next to you greets you, his voice uneven, watery and cautious. His hands shake a little as he pulls a stack of cash out of his threadbare satchel, pulling a few bills from the rubberband holding it together and flattening them out against the bar.
“Hey, yourself. You new here?” He looks surprised as the words leave your lips, but is interrupted by the bartender approaching.
“Yeah, whatever that special is for today, that’ll do,” he orders like he doesn't really know what to do at the bar. He turns back to you, looking ever so boyish and lost with his big green eyes.
“How did you-?”
“How did I know you're new here?” You throw the rest of your drink back, carelessly placing it at the far end of the bar from you, “Because you don't look absolutely beaten down. I mean, you look a little twitchy, but you look fresh.”
Fresh? That’s not at all how Klaus would describe his look, having not slept in days and having been using an extreme amount of controlled substances, even for his standards.
The bartender slides a glass towards him, and he scrambles to catch it. There’s a total of two umbrellas, a flamingo stirrer, and two straws in it. In all, garish and hard to look at. The bartender takes the money, and they nod at each other.
“You look kinda young to be here,” with that remark, Klaus takes a long sip of the fruity cocktail he ordered, a sickening blue color so intense you bet it could substitute as hair dye.
“You do too,” you quip. You’d been working in this town for a few years now, on and off movie sets and bartending clubs with live acts. This boy? He looked fresh. Like he’s just been taken for his first ride. He looked rough and unused to it.
“How old are you?” he asks,  he can’t place your age or accent. You look just as young as him, if not younger. You sound southern- Boston- Chicago- western and somewhere European he can’t place. Is that what Hollywood does to people's speech patterns? Is that gonna happen to him? But you seem to be as much an anomaly here as he does.
“How old are you?” you mimic back.
Klaus stares in awe as you rest your elbow against the bar, making sure he sees that as you snap your fingers, a cigarette materializes between them. You quickly shift the rolled tobacco to rest between your index and middle finger, ready to place it against your lips.
“Listen, I’m old enough.” That's all you have to say about that.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “Sometimes I think I was never young.”
You exhale sharply through your nose, the hint of a laugh.
“Yeah, alright.” You fish around in your jacket pocket for the lighter and ask, “Do you wanna get out of here? Only smoking bar in town, but it ain’t got hotdogs.”
Hotdogs, Klaus thinks, He remembers having sausage back home, but he’s never had a hotdog.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that? You never been to a baseball game or something?”
He shook his head, no. Klaus hadn’t ever seen a baseball game. He knew the history of it, the impact it had on American society. All from a very clinical and academic standpoint. Sports weren’t really his thing.
“Nah, I always preferred activities with a bit more... uh, substance.” He laughs at his own joke, whether you get it or not really doesn’t matter.
“Right, right. So River, what’s your real name?” You talk with the cigarette but between your teeth, lighting it quickly, before the lighter in your hand vanishes from sight.
“It’s….. uh, It’s Klaus.”
You give him your name, and he repeats it, tests the name out on his tongue.
You take a deep inhale, blowing the smoke out of the corner of your mouth.
“So Klaus, wanna buy us some hotdogs?”
You leave as soon as he finishes his drink, and he talks in a way that he thinks might be too much. But you listen. You’re the first living person that’s actually listened to what he had to say since he got here. He asks about you, your story, but he doesn’t get as much as he wants. You like your smoking, you’re a special effects designer, you dropped out of high school to come out here, and you fucking love Alonzo’s hotdogs.
“Hey ‘Lonzo!” you shout, interrupting Klaus mis sentence, raising both arms above your head, the baggy sleeves of your jacket falling closer to your elbows.
“How’s my kid doin?” The man shouts back. A tall man, with heavy brows and a mustache. “And who’s this?”
“My friend Klaus here just directed a movie! With Vivian Clarke, and the kid’s never had a hotdog! Can you believe it!” Your footfalls come quicker, starting to jog as you clear the end of the block, Klaus starts to shuffle quicker to catch up. When he gets to see the man up close. clear chocolate brown eyes greet him. He looks pretty trustworthy, Klaus thinks, Like Santa Claus, or John Stamos. Basically, like anyone but Dad or Viv.
Alonzo asks all about Klaus’ recent accomplishment, not exactly something he wants to talk about, but he likes that Alonzo is genuinely curious and polite. The only thing you say is “extra relish, on both. Big shot director pays.” during the conversation, focusing more on finishing your cigarette and stubbing it out with the toe of your boot. Klaus looks down and the cigarette butt leaves no trace on the concrete.
“So back there,” he says as you wait for your dogs to be handed over, “That cigarette business, are you a magician?”
“Nah,” you say, not fully meeting his gaze, “I’m a Libra.”
You nod at the guy as he finally pulls the dogs over the edge of the cart he operates. Extra relish, just like you asked. When he places the hotdog in Klaus’ hands, the redhead’s eyes go wide. Guess he wasn’t kidding about never having relish, you think.
“Huh,” he starts, dumbfounded by the hunk of grease and meat and relish in his hands, “I’m a Libra too, actually.”
“Guess that’s something about balance or something,” you say, effectively ending the conversation again by opening your mouth as wide as you can to accommodate the sheer mass of one of Alonzo’s hotdogs.
He looks at the meal, his first and probably only for today, and then takes your lead, opening his mouth as wide as he can before finally chomping down on a huge bite of it. The bite is… heavenly. Pickled vegetables and chutneys exploding on his tastebuds, the coolness of it contrasting with the fresh off the grill meat. No offense to mom or Pogo, but none of their cooking could ever hold a candle to this street hotdog.
“Good, yeah?” Your voice, distorted by a mouth full of food, breaks his almost nirvana like trance.
“So good,” he tries to say, mouth just as full as yours. He finishes chewing, swallows with a huge gulp.
“You got any more food spots to show me?”
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 4 years
Love on the Line - Part 6
A/N: It’s finally here!!!
MASTERLIST      P1         P2           P3          P4          P5
Henry Cavill x Reader
If I keep tagging you and you’re not interested or want to be tagged; please let know!
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: heartache, language, angst, a pinch of lovey dovey fluff, cliffhanger 
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“Ohhh myy god…it’s official. This is the best burger of my life, hands down.”
What could easily be perceived as orgasmic music delightfully made its way to his ears. Seb chuckled studying the beautiful girl across from him admiring her combination of burger grease, ketchup, and mustard staining her chin. Y/N was too lost in the delicious meal to notice Seb gleefully watching her. In an instant his hand wiped away the condiment catching Y/N by surprise. She smiled bashfully blushing.
“Told you I knew a place.”
She sighed genuinely happy in them moment; “I could die a happy girl tomorrow because of this sweet, juicy perfection of a burger. All thanks to you.”
“What can I say? I have good taste.”
“And how did you run across this wonderous joint? Kinda feels off the beaten path.”
“Well, when you fly as much as me you learn to ask around. I never trust the internet when it comes to what I put in my body. I like to know what and where the locals scavenge for a tasty meal.”
“You continue to surprise me …I admire your style, Seb. Original, classy, and you no doubt just about charm the pants off any person who walks your way.”
“Is it working now?” He flashed his most flirtatious smile devouring another sweet potato fry.
Quick on her feet, she shot back with wit and attitude; “Should it be?”
“I gotta say Y/N, I’ve never been happier to wake someone up on a plane until I met you.”
“Damn, you’re suave, Seb. Fucking suave.”
Her eyes bulged from their sockets at her crude choice of words; “Shit, I’m sorry. Ah, fuck.”
His laugh flew through the air like wind on a crisp fall evening; her cheeks flushed.
“I’m not usually such a sailor. Guess you bring out the best in me.”
“I don’t mind a bit. In fact, I kinda like that I fluster you if I’m being honest.”
“So smooth. Are you sure you’re not from LA?  I get the sense that’s a requirement in these parts?”
He shook his head in stark disagreement; “Nope, sorry to disappoint you. Just a common foreigner.”
“And a handsome one at that.”
Shocked at her boldness, Y/N stared down at the remnants of food moving her fries as a distraction from his adorable gaze.
“I haven’t felt this at ease in …well I can’t remember. It’s nice.”
“Couldn’t agree more. I never actually asked what brings you here?”
Seb nervously scratched the back of his head; “Uh, work. Like I said, I travel pretty frequently. Hollywood is a hub of sorts for me. What brings you here?”
“Okay, okay, I’ll take the hint and pry later. Well, I’m a writer and some big exec wants to discuss the rights to my book series. So, yeah.”
“Y/N, that’s amazing! Are you secretly a super hero, part of the Avengers maybe?”
“Hahah, flattery will certainly get you far. No doubts there.”
“You’re too kind, Y/N. I’m definitely far from perfect.”
“Good. Perfection is overrated. Flaws are attractively imperfect. I mean at the end of the day we’re only human.”
“Consider me intrigued. I’ve gotta stop by a bookstore and check you out now!”
“Oh, hush! If you must know, I try to keep a low profile. So, uh, how long are you here for?”
“A couple days. I’ve got a bit of free time after my meeting tomorrow and thinking of hitting some trails while I’m here. Don’t get me wrong, LA is cool and all, but kinda suffocating. I try and maintain my distance if possible.”
“Oh, you’re preaching to the choir. The hustle and bustle of London is the literal definition of overwhelming. Countryside getaways were my one true savior. Sometimes London feels like an overpacked sardine can just waiting to explode.”
“So why did you stay?”
Y/N bit her lip trying to keep quiet. She hadn’t once though of Henry since meeting Seb. The lump in her throat appeared by just the mere mention of her subconscious. A part of her wasn’t ready to reveal the ache left beneath her exterior.
“Friends and family. What else ties a person to one place?”
“Love? A relationship?”
His coyness was flattering. She gave into his curiosity.  
“Are you asking if I’m single?” Her feigned expression was enough to send him into a fit of harmonious laughter.
“Maybe, maybe not. Depends on your answer, I guess. Part of me believes you’re too good to be true which usually means taken.”
“HA, no. Relationships and I are not on speaking terms at the moment.”
“Ah, sounds like heartbreak hotel is just around the corner….”
“I recently got out of a long-term relationship. So, to answer your question; Yes, I’m single and so not ready to mingle.”
“Are you assuming I’m hitting on you?” His shocked appearance made her question their entire encounter and if she’d been reading the signs wrong all along.
“Well, good thing I’m only here for the coffee and platonic company, hm?”
Seb raised his mug in salute as her stress magically melted away; “Break-ups suck. But allow for a real opportunity to see who you really are. Pain can be a bitter reminder of sadness and strength.”
“Wow, philosophizing so soon into our newly found friendship? A man after my own heart!”
Y/N playfully placed her hand over her heart, smiling for particular reason.
“How about if you’re interested and only 100% positive you aren’t sick of my company; we do dinner or even drinks? Whichever the lady chooses.”
Seb motioned in jest. Y/N tried to remember the last time she’d felt so carefree unable to pin down an exact memory. For far to long Y/N trapped herself in a fog allowing Henry to rule over her even when he wasn’t physically there. It had to stop, she had to quit placing him on a pedestal if she had any luck of moving on from their failed love affair. One torturous long minute passed as Seb’s nerved ramped up.
“Shit, I’m that weird dude, now. Forget I asked and let’s chalk it up to an amazing afternoon as strangers who leave this diner and head back to our own separate lives without consequence?”
Again, Y/N was speechless contemplating what she truly wanted to do next.
“First things first, stop blubbering, you seriously are ungodly handsome. And on second note, our chance meeting was unexpected but kinda sorta awesome. I’d love to see you again. I can’t recall the last time I’ve felt so free…and don’t even get me started on the belly aches due to your comedic skills.”
“Damn, a woman that speaks her mind. Are you sure you’re not in politics?”
“Nope, never, no thank you. Sooo, it’s a date?”
Seb furrowed his eyebrow in pleasant surprise; “You said it, not me.”
Y/N rolled her eyes; “Yeah, yeah. What do the kids say nowadays…. YOLO?”
“Yes, and please never say that again.”
A napkin holder was placed strategically resting against the window sill. Seb signaled to their middle-aged waitress; “Pardon me, do you have a pen handy?”
“Course, darling. Anything for ya.” She winked dropping the pen on the edge of the checkered table leaving them to privacy. He scribbled his number on the grainy piece of paper and slid it her way.
“I’ll leave the ball in your court and pass the privilege of reaching out to confirm details.”
“Wow, and they say chivalry is dead? Obviously not in Romania.”
“What fine establishment do they have you shacking up in?”
“Chateau Marmont. Long story short, my publisher fully embraces and understands my introverted nature and love of historical hotels. Call me an oddball.”
They snickered like school children slowly understanding their time was coming to a close. A power, a force of sorts gravitated Y/N towards him. He felt the same way.
“I happen to think women who especially history buffs are so incredibly magnificent. I haven’t met many as beautiful as you.
Their flirtation skyrocketed like flicks of fire firing between them.
“Knowledge is like your super power…. also, intelligent women are a complete turn on.”
She swatted his arm smiling like a kid in a candy shop.
“Come on, let’s get outta here. I’ll drop you off.”
He offered his hand helping Y/N to her feet. She lingered a second too long. With Seb a couple steps behind her, she missed the clinch of his fists and Seb’s reddened cheeks.
---The Next Day---
No luxury was forgotten as Y/N observed her decadent hotel room, but no matter how comfortable the memory foam or high thread count sheets, Y/N tossed restlessly the whole night. Her anxieties attacking her mind at every possible angle. Worry engulfed her clutching on her own insecurities. Her fear? 
That she’d walk into David Fincher’s office and leave very humiliated and very far from home. Henry’s ghost loitered just out of reach. A ghost can be many a thing; a memory, a daydream, a secret, but most times, a wish. Old or new. But that was the past, memories she must let go of.
Y/N stared at the ceiling wishing her bed to open up and swallow her whole finally dozing off to her temporary dreamland. But sunlight painted the walls like a colorful painting. She stretched and moaned at the sensations of her waking bones.
Making her way to the bathroom, Y/N’s phone chimed forcing her to circle back towards the obnoxious device.
Seb: Buna dimineata prietene! (Good Morning, friend)
Y/N: Romanian? So early in the morning. How dare you sir?
Blinking dots ran across the screen as Y/N waited impatiently for his witty response.
Seb: Never too early for greatness. As they say in the theater, break a leg! But not an actual leg because I might be looking forward to our date. Okay, good luck with the meeting!
Y/N: Thanks for the good juju. Same to you! Call you later.
She unconsciously rubbed at the tender swell in her chest, the fluttering in her belly kicking wildly. Butterflies. It’d been ages since she’d been this excited and it surprised Y/N. Maybe she was ready for something more…Y/N shook her head ridding herself of such silly thoughts. She knew better than to rush full steam ahead.
    ---Later that day---
The fourteenth floor was decorated to architectural perfection. Every space had its purpose and the décor elegantly stylish.  There she stood in the presence of cinematic greatness! As Y/N was about to pinch herself, she heard an echo of a name. Looking up, she searched for the unknown voice before landing on an enthusiastic figure waving her direction.
“Y/N! So nice to finally see you in person. I’m Meg.”
“Meg, so glad to put a face to a name. Thank you for having me.”
Both women walked down a hallway lined of glass walls smiling at those who looked up.
“David has talked nonstop about your series. So much so that I ended up devouring your books in three days. You’re freaking brilliant!”
“You really think so? I worked my ass off to get it through any publishing house. I was on the verge of chucking my ideas in the trash and getting an actual job that paid real money if it wasn’t for a last-ditch effort.”
“I’ve blocked off a thirty-minute window before his next meeting begins. He’s booked back-to-back today but by no means feel rushed. He hates when I push him. Don’t tell him I said that.”
Her head bobbed nonchalantly taking notice of the stunning scenery from the 17th level.
“Alright, here goes nothing.”
“Best of luck, Y/N.”
Meg knocked; “Come in!”
“David, this is Y/N.”
“Thanks, Meg. Close the door behind ya, we’ve got loads to discuss.”
David extended his hand towards Y/N’s shaking firmly. Y/N reminded herself to breath and to quickly find her manners.
She stuttered trying to remember common speech causing David to laugh aloud.
“Ms. Y/N, you okay?”
“Yyess—just a tad shell shocked. I mean, I can’t believe I’m standing in a room with the David Fincher. Unbelievable, really. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.”
“I should be the one thanking you. You wrote one hell of a series that I trust can be transferred stunningly over to the silver screen where it can be fully appreciated. I’ve never seen someone mold together so many genres with such ease yet adding a layer of complexity. You, young lady, kept me guessing every twist and turn. That doesn’t happen too often if you catch my drift.”
“I-I, it’s just nice all those late-night writing sessions and waiting tables paid off. I’ll have you know I was on the verge of giving it all up and going back to school.”
“So, let’s get down to details. My team and I have come up with an offer that is totally open for negotiations.”
David slid a piece of paper into view. Y/N stared at the parchment gob smacked. Her jaw fell open at the written proposal.
“Holy shit.” Her eyes snapped up at her vulgar language; “Shit! I don’t mean to be impolite.”
“Ha, it’s a bit flabbergasting upon first glance but I promise you I want to do everything in my power to make this work for both parties.”
“Am I…am I reading this correctly?”
“Indeed, $10 million for the first two films, advancing to an additional $13, $15, $17 million for the last three. Of course, aiding us in the writer’s room to make sure we bring your story to live through your eyes. This will undoubtfully increase book sales across the board, I’d say upwards of $60 million if all goes accordingly. Also, I didn’t forget about making you an executive producer.”
“You’re kidding me, riight? Am I dreaming?”
“You’re gonna be a big deal once the tabloids get their sticky fingers on this. I mean this is going to skyrocket you to the likes of Stephenie Meyer and Suzanne Collins status. I mean, I had to outbid Peter Jackson just for a chance at directing this masterpiece. Darling, you’re all Hollywood can talk about right now.”
“Wow, I’m, uh, seriously grateful. I guess I’ve been shacking up in London far too long. I don’t really read celeb gossip so needless to say I’ve been in my own bubble.”
“A huge thank you goes out to Henry Cavill for pitching the initial idea. He helped get the recognition you deserve. Nice fellow, that one.”
Momentary shock came over her face, mouth still agape; “He—Henry had a hand in this?”
“Most certainly. He was the one who brought it to my attention. Of course, he mentioned the desire to work with me was motivation enough, but genuinely, he seemed passionate about the project.”
“I-I had no idea.” Switching gears as fast as possible Y/N trotted forth; “So realistically, when can we get the ball rolling?”
“Once the proper documents are signed and stamped, we’re good to go. If negotiations aren’t necessary, I’d say within the next month or so we can start casting calls, booking air fare, figuring out destination shoots, getting a manuscript going. It comes together faster than people think. How about this; you mull it over, call whoever you need, and get back at me in the next couple of days. Sound good?”
“Sounds more than good! I think I’ll be forever be in your debt, Mr. Fincher.”
“Please, call me David. We have a long road ahead of us that has truly stoked a fire in me, all thanks to you.”
Her nerves triumphed pushing Henry to the back of her mind. Y/N had bigger fish to fry.
“May I be frank with you, David?”
“By all means.”
“As you probably know Henry’s my ex-fiancée. Is it true you’re possibly considering him for the lead role?”
David looked around quizzically composing himself.
“I figured we’d have to address the elephant in the office. Yes, I was aware and I didn’t consider him to be malicious. He’s a genius actor and I figured it was worth a chat. But if you’re worried about anything, just say the word.”
“No, no. I wouldn’t want to jeopardize his successes. I agree, he’s an untapped actor full of surprising talent. I’ll be okay.”
“You promise?”
“Great! Rest assured he isn’t even in the country. Believe he’s still galivanting about London.”
Silently pleading to change the subject, Y/N snapped out of it as quickly as she flew in to.
“This is a dream come true. I’m really looking forward to working with you and bringing my story to life.”
The squeaky hinge of the door alerted her to Meg’s foreboding presence. Taking a cue, Y/N stood up shaking David’s hand beaming like a child on Christmas Eve.
“I’ll be in touch, Y/N. Until then, enjoy your stay. Venture out. You’ll find LA isn’t all plastic and bullshit.”
“Oh, thank god. For a second I was getting nervous.”
“Haha! Meg, next appointment here?”
“Yes, he’s right around the cor--.”
She searched for the familiar voice unable to pin it down.
“Seb!? Wha...what are you doing here? I thought you had that big meeting today?”
“Uh, I do. That’s why I’m here.”
Sebastian nervously scratched his neck. Bewildered and thoroughly confused Y/N pushed on; “Wait a minute…. Are you an ...?”
“Actor, yes.”
“Whoa, whoa whoa. Wait.”
“Holy shit. You’re Shirley Lovecraft. Catchy pseudo name. So, you’re the brains behind this witty madness. What an interesting turn of events if I do say so myself, a happy one.”
“Agreed. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you. Kinda embarrassing.”
“Don’t. A perfect afternoon with someone who wasn’t using me for fame or money? Did I mention you look breathtaking today?”
Her cheeks fumed with heat stirring her butterflies back to life. Seb’s hand stilled on her waist unwilling to let go as they continued gazing at the other.
“Earth to Seb?
Seb broke eye contact first glancing over at David. Y/N was too busy memorizing the glimmer of his cobalt blue eyes.
“Yes, ah! So rude of me. Hello there, so great of you to squeeze me in. I appreciate it.”
He directed his attention towards Y/N once more leaning close to the shell of her ear; “Still on for drinks later?”
His wink sparked a jolt to her core leaving her weak in the knees. Somehow, some way, Y/N mustered enough confidence to walk without tripping. She glowed the whole walk to the elevator. Y/N pressed the button too lost in thought to hear the quiet ding of arrival strolling straight into a hard chest. Enormous hands grasped her shoulders; “Oh! Apologies Ms.”
“No, it’s my fault. I wasn’t paying atten—oh shit.”
Only one particularly charming British accent that could send a chill down her spine, one very distinguishable voice indeed. 
Time froze icily still.
“What the fuck? Henry??”
Tags:  @thedeadhearted @giveusbackourbucky @henry-cavill-obsessed  @onlyhenrys @omgkatinka @thereisa8ella @threeminutesoflife @homewreckingwreck @gemini0410 @maan14@bluegalaxyprime @sofiebstar @whyyykitkat @encounterthepast  @readermia @ly-canthropewrites @scorpionchild81 @henrythickcavill @snowbellexx @stephartrave @agniavateira  @cap-barnes @henryfanfics101  @mary-ann84 @westcoast-nightowl @poledancingdinos  @justaboringadult @peakygroupie  @nalathefirefly @vikingsbifrost @bloodyinspiredfuck @moderapoppins @cooldiva1234 @icedcoffeeismythang @titty-teetee @summersong69 @kaatelyyynn @missursulacalmet @michelehansel @iloveyouyen @shyshu @star017 @raynosaurus-rex @radkesgirl83 @starrynite7114  @wheretheriversrunintothesea @i-love-scott-mccall  @darkbooksarwin @ellieseymour70 @designerwriterchic @studywithrosie01 @dangerouslovefanfic @lebguardians @crazybutconfidentaf @hen-cavill  @cavill-sass @oh-for-fic-sake @icedbottles @buckysgoldenheart @brexrif @gryffindorwriter @laketaj24 @foxyjwls007 @lawsofthejungle @henrycavillfanpage @kaboogie21 @fangirl199812 @gothicninibalor @qualitynightkoala @strictlybuckybarnes @toomanyfandomsshreya @hersilencescreams-blog​ @viking-raider​ @sesamepancakes​  @madbaddic7ed​ @fuckoffbard​ @funfickgirl22​ @inlovewithhisblueeyes​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @hoeforhenry​ @henrycavills-babe​ @abschaffer2​ @loving-this​ @one-of-those-fanfiction-blogs​ @lovelycavills​ @beck07990​ @bokillylovesloki​ @michelehansel​
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vanilla-vivillon · 3 years
On November 14th Zoya and Nikolai had welcomed there third child into this world
Prince Koloda Grigori Nazyalensky 5Koda for short
He had warm brown skin and a smattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks
he had inherited his fathers blond locks in cute ringlets
And had the deep watchful brown eyes Zoya remembered her father had
He was rather quiet
And now that Myca was five and Nazariy was three
They could actually have an opinion about a new sibling
“How come he has blond hair? I want blonde hair!” Nazariy whined pulled at an ebony lock
Nikolai, Myca, and Nazariy were in Koda’s nursery
Nikolai wanted to let Zoya rest
And he adored his sons but saints they were annoying and Zoya needed a break
“Ask Aunt Genya to tailor your hair then” Myca swiftly replied
A new habit of Mycas was trying to fix Nazariys complaints
It seems Myca hasn’t realized that Nazariy like many three year olds complains for the sake of complaining
“Hey Dad I have a question” Myca stated
“What’s up Myca?” Nikolai had been to infatuated with Koda to fully Pay attention to his other sons
Nikolai felt the guilt creep in
The Old King mostly ignored Nikolai his entire upbringing
It was always Vasily
Nikolai swore that he would never make his children feel like that
“What’s up Myca?” Nikolai asked
“Why did you give Koda the middle name Grigori?” Myca wondered
“After an old friend me and Mommy had” Nikolai gave an easy reaponse
Apparently bored of complaining Nazariy piped up “who’s this friend?”
“A bear” Nikolai said with a wink
“Now way!” Myca explained as Nazariys eyes went wide
“You can’t be friends with a bear!” Myca stated
“Well if you don’t believe... I don’t think I can tell you the story...” Nikolai said feigning indecision
“What! No! We believe you Daddy! Please tell us the story” Nazariy begged glaring at Myca
“Well it started with a sandstorm....”
Nazariy was four now and his testing date was coming up
His mother and father were off on a two month emergency peace visit with the Shu
And Naza was glad
It started at Breakfast
He was doing what he usually would do
Try to get Koda to laugh
Annoy Myca
The usual
But when Myca got the last cup of orange juice Naza thought it was unfair
He wished he could make that cup tip over and spill over Mycas kefta
It was so unfair Myca could train at The Little Palace and Nazariy couldn’t
He felt something deep inside him
Something odd and funny
That thing that came whenever he saw Mom or Dad praise Myca at summoning
Nazariy always ignored it
But now Nazariy directed the weird feeling towards his older brothers juice
“What the-”the orange juice tipped over and spilled on Mycas homework
“Delano is gonna kill me! We need these for the big project!” Myca exclaimed while trying to dry it with wind
A tiny part of Nazariy felt bad
But he should’ve given me that orange juice
Nazariy learned he could do many things
Like push someone to trip
Or float a cookie over to him
And one day he wanted to try something bigger
Nazariy and his brothers were strictly forbidden from going into the meeting room
He didn’t know why
But the thrill of trouble made him want to do it more
He found some Kerch etherrealki to help him
When you needed a job done Amani Patel was the girl to talk to
She gave him easy enough plans to get in and was able to sneak inside
It was a cozy room with plush leather sofas and a display case of alcohol
Nazariy wandered around a bit
It had a fireplace he was able to set ablaze using his newfound abilities
By now Nazariy figured out that he was a Squaller
But he hadn’t told anyone yet
He would eventually but for now this was just a him thing
Nazariy didn’t have a lot of secrets
So it was nice to have one
He started looking around and it seemed like a normal looking living room
Some cards
A fireplace
Dreadfully boring
But what was real interesting was an odd contraption
It must’ve been one of David Kostyk’s inventions
It had a yellow horn and a disk in a box
And Nazairy gave in to the urge to touch it
He started poking around at it and nothing seemed to happen
Until it started playing music
“Wooooow” Nazariy said astonished as smooth jazz began to play
He got on the table and started jumping up and down dancing
Nazariy then started creating some wind causing the cards and checkers to fly up(like that one scene In Matilda)
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The breeze was nice
“You having a dance party Nazariy?”
Nazariy instantly dropped everything and turned towards the door
There stood his parents and the triumvirate mouths agape
Nazariy looked at his father the speaker In question
“I thought you would be gone for three more weeks” Nazariy stuttered sneaking glances at his mother to see how much trouble he’s in
Blue eyes wide and mouth agape the Queen seemed to stunned to talk
“Yeah, Makhi was more agreeable then we thought” Genya replied agasht
In fact the only one who seemed unfazed was David Kostyk
He nonchalantly went an turned off the weird music box
Adrik Zhabin seemed to regain his composure
Nazariy and Adrik never really got along
Nazariy was the type who enjoyed a good ruckous
And Adrik was the type who despised shenanigans
“You aren’t allowed to be in here” Adrik glared “And I hope you know your the one who’s going to clean this up”
“Oh come on, the kid was just having fun!” Tamar said picking Nazariy up and placing him off the table
“He ruined by poetry” Tolya sighed staring at the mess of a bookshelf
Books were torn and haphazard around the room
“Is that really a travesty” Nazariy murmured under his breath
It seemed everyone was still in shock
Especially his mother
She regained her composure
“So your also a Squaller?” Zoya questioned
But she wasn’t happy either
“Uhhhhhhhh...” Nazariy squeaked
“A prince doesn’t stutter Nazariy” Zoya scolded raising a brow
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m Grisha” Nazariy stated now raising his head and straightening his back
Nazariy couldn’t read his mother
She didn’t look mad
But she definitely wasn’t happy
At that Nikolai picked up Nazariy
“You couldn’t have a nice and easy testing to find out huh?” Nikolai laughed
Whenever his dad laughed Nazariy had to laugh to
They were quite close those two
While Myca and his father could have trouble sometimes
Nazariy was always easier
Whiny Nikolai could handle
But dead serious was trickier
“He wants to keep us on our toes”Tamar replied smoothly
Zoya who seemed to be done deliberating exclaimed “Everyone out except Nikolai and Nazariy”
Everyone shuffled out of the room shooting him putting looks
And patting him on the back
Once the door closed Zoya turned her eyes on him
They weren’t silver so it wasn’t like she was enraged
“How long have you known?” Zoya questioned
Nikolai stood behind Nazariy
In times like this when Nazariy messes up his dad was kinda like his lawyer
“Three weeks”
“And does anyone else know?” Nikolai asked
Nazariy shook his head “not even Myca"
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” Zoya wondered
“I don’t know” Nazariy replied to quickly
Zoya raised a brow
“Well.... it’s just” Nazariy started grasping for words “I don’t really have a lot of me things that are just mine... now I always have to share everything with Koda and Mycas always super busy. I was gonna tell you i swear!”
His parents exchanged glances
“We’re not mad Nazariy” His father finally said
“But we want you to know you can tell us anything” Zoya finished
“Okay Mommy” Nazariy said with a smile
I can’t even pretend I’m doing this for anyone but myself. I don’t know if anyone actually reads these but yolo lol.
As always, my ask box is open and I take any Grishaverse requests
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ad1thi · 4 years
2020 fic recs!! [Part 1]
this idea was stolen from @iam93percentstardust cuz i just,,,thought that this year was absolute shit and it would be nice to make a fic rec list of fics from this year that helped me through it. this will be over a range of fandoms and ships, but all fics were written this year. 
fics are ordered by the month they were published. ive tried to keep to five fics per month, but this is not obviously all the fics ive read that month - i just didn’t want to make this insanely long. 
im releasing the first half of this on the 1st of December, and the second half on the 1st of January 2021 - because otherwise it would just get so long (and also so i will actually have fics for December)
happy reading!! hopefully you find fics on this you haven’t read yet
The cat is mighty dignified (until the dog comes by): @five-wow
Steve and Danny find them on the pillow in the corner of the dining area, where Eddie is on his side, ass half on the floor because the pillow is more cat-sized than lab-sized, and Pickles is nestled between Eddie’s front legs, essentially being spooned and looking very I-got-the-cream about it. Pickles’ head is tucked into the crook of Eddie’s neck and Eddie’s head slots perfectly on top of Mr. Pickles’, like a furry jigsaw puzzle.
“They’re cuddling,” Steve points out, unnecessarily.
Or: There is a love story unfolding under the McGarrett roof.
Captain ‘Socialist Rage Muffin’ America: @baffledkingcomposinghallelujah
It takes three months of dating Steve Rogers for Tony to understand why Aunt Peggy once shot at him in sheer frustration.
Alternately titled, Honey, I committed treason again.
The Best Laid Plans (Of Mice and Men): @arboreal-elm-ash-oak
His Dark Materials AU
It was Annalise who noticed their small visitor first.
“Tony,” the spider daemon said softly, skittering up the collar of his dress shirt, two of her eight legs resting delicately against his cheek, “Don’t startle them, but I believe we have a guest. Look, by the coffee table.”
Fourteen Million to One: @tunastorks
Six months after Thanos, six months after Tony’s death, six months after Steve returns to his own timeline, Tony Stark turns up on their doorstep.
Brewed Awakening: @iam93percentstardust
Two years after he comes out of the ice, Steve is drifting through life. On his teammate's recommendation, he decides to go back to school where he meets the grandson of an old friend. He finds happiness with Tony but Steve won't be in Boston forever and someone is out to hurt the Starks. Will Steve and Tony be able to reach their happily ever after?
the young, the reckless and the foolish: @bruciewayne
In most universes, they don't know each other, not in the slightest, or they hate each other, in a way that's perfectly logical for anyone who were to find themselves in a similar situation.
In this one, they've known each other since they were four years old and naively idealistic.
This is them over the years, against the odds.
a giant sign: @areiton
“Think you can get him to open the weapons division up again?” his CO asks, his voice hungry and Rhodey laughs because this--
“No. Tony hung up his weapons.”
“That’s not what the suit says,” his CO objects, and Rhodey shrugs.
Tony has always had rules, rules he expects the entire world to live by.
And then there was Rhodey, slipping under them.
my heart is driftwood, floating down your coast: @nethandrake
Tonight, there’s a stranger in his backseat. That’s not unusual.
He’s also sad. That’s not unusual either.
What is unusual is that the stranger is silent.
(One night, a stranger enters Steve's taxi. Nothing is the same again.)
Just A Cold: @/delighted 
There’s a new text waiting for him. It’s from Steve of course, and it’s vaguely threatening as most messages from Steve are these days. Still Danny ignores it, and now he’s really playing with fire. Maybe it’ll burn the cold out of him.
Or, Danny’s sick, and Steve can’t stay away. The usual comfort fluff. With a little cameo from a gently meddling Grace.
An Unexpected Guide: @/Rachel500
Danny Williams has hidden his Guide status to keep being a detective, but his time of hiding is up when he unexpectedly finds his Sentinel, Steve McGarrett in the midst of a tragedy.
Why don’t we (Collide the spaces that divide us): @five-wow
When they finally catch sight of each other again through the milling crowds, they’re both a little worse for wear. Danny’s left side is covered in glitter and every time he brushes a hand over his hair, more blue and purple confetti rains down. Steve is- Well, Steve is randomly shirtless, which is all things considered not excessively remarkable, but he’s also covered in smudges of colorful paint and has a very nicely printed bloodred lipstick kiss mark on his cheek.
“What did you do?” Danny asks, because it looks like Steve had a lot more fun than he did.
Or: Steve and Danny accidentally end up in the middle of something entirely new.
A Little Unsteady: @finduilasclln 
Written for the Tumblr prompt meme : "Hey! I was gonna eat that!"
Tony lashes out at Bucky for eating his dessert. Only, it really isn't about the dessert.
a national treasure: @starklysteve
Steve isn't looking for an apple and Tony decides his passion is to inspire young souls. -x- OR: the AU where Tony is a Youtuber and Steve is Captain America and somehow they still save the world together.
cycle through: @ambivalentmarvel
Twenty-five years ago, Tony Stark disappeared from his family home a month after the tragic deaths of his parents, Howard and Maria Stark, leaving a billion-dollar tech conglomerate without an heir and the world wondering what happened.
Twenty-three years ago, HYDRA gained another super soldier.
Ten years ago, Peter Parker’s parents died in what is ruled as a home invasion gone wrong but he knows was murder, plain and simple, because he spoke to the killer.
And in the present, Project Insight fails, and the Iron Soldier pays the price.
Tony Stark is twenty-one when he loses his voice. It shouldn't matter, but in a world where the first words your Soulmate says to you are marked on your skin, it can be pretty damn annoying.
Especially for Tony's soulmate.
Companion piece to my fic Thumb, Index, and Pinky Extended. This is Steve's POV, with a few extra scenes, as a treat.
(Edit: Sorry if you guys get multiple notifications for this. I just realized (about two hours after posting it) that I fucked up the grammar in the title and I HAD to fix it. YOLO, I guess.)
come build a home out of me: @maguna-stxrk
Steve clears his throat.
“What if I went with you?” he asks nonchalantly, like his heart isn’t threatening to beat out of his ribcage.
Tony blinks a few times, looking at Steve, his mouth ajar. “As a— As my date?”
“Yeah.” Steve nods, feeling a little breathless.
“You don’t mind?” Tony furrows his eyebrows.
“I don’t. In fact, you can just tell them I’m your boyfriend. I’m sure they’ll back off, wouldn’t they?”
“I— Huh?” Tony stares at him, brown eyes blown wide open.
What. What. What.
“Huh? Uh, I mean— You know, that way people will see that you have definitely moved on. Monica will see that you have moved on. Right?” Steve smiles, hoping that it masks his inner panic, because what?
Steve Rogers, what have you done?
i don’t have a choice (but i’d still choose you): @nethandrake
There’s a name inked onto his chest, a name written in an all-too familiar scrawl. And it’s— It’s—
Steve doesn’t realize his body is quaking until he’s tracing the tattoo with a shaky finger.
Because of course that is the name etched into the skin. Like a brand, a reminder for everything he has done. An appropriate retribution.
Anthony Edward Stark.
(When Thanos snaps half of the universe away, he unknowingly leaves the other half with soulmarks.)
ua haʻalele ʻoe iaʻu (a ua hoʻomālamalama ʻoe iaʻu): @just-fandomthings
"The truth is, I was shot in the chest and nearly died, and not even three days after I was released from the hospital, you up and left-- and of those two, I'm not sure which one hurt me worse!"
(Coda to 10x22 because come on, we all need a better ending than the one given to us.)
Title loosely translates to: "You left me in the dark (you lit me up)" -- inspired by the brilliant song "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur
A Piece Of The Past: @hddnone
It had been so many years since Bucky had gone undercover in the Stark family's mob, he thought he'd gotten away clean.
Then Tony Stark slid into the seat across from him at his breakfast diner, and Bucky's boss has a new case for him.
the privilege of loving you: @starklysteve
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It’s a desperate plea, half-shouted and half-whispered, Steve’s voice cracking at the end. Tony stops in his tracks, halfway to the stairs. He doesn’t dare to turn back, and he really doesn’t want to fight, or to leave, to spend the last month of his life away from his husband and their son. But Steve can’t know, can he?
Or: Tony has palladium poisoning, but he doesn't tell Steve and Peter
your pillow feels so soft now (but still you must advance): @firebrands
When Bruce is 13, he decides to go to boarding school. It's an opportunity for him to learn about other people, and how to interact with them.
Bruce has the misfortune of meeting Tony Stark upon his arrival in Roxbury. Bruce is moving into his room, and Tony opens the door of his room to watch. He looks a bit younger than Bruce, hair wild and eyes bright. Bruce has never seen a boy like him before—handsome and confident.
Bruce doesn’t like it.
IMPORTANT: This fic has them meeting at 14, then progresses slowly until they’re 17. Includes underage drinking and kissing.
This is set before Bruce becomes Batman and Tony becomes Iron Man and I have no explanation as to how or why they just DO Canonically, Bruce is 17 when he finishes school and goes around the world to train, so we're sticking with that
The Real MVP: @sword-and-stars (part of a series)
[“I have saved this Tuesday!” Sokka announces, rattling the bag upon reentry.
Zuko doesn’t even look up from his phone as he deadpans, “It’s Thursday.”
Okay, so Sokka is still having trouble getting his days right without checking. At least he’s gone back to sleeping at night! Going to bed at night is way easier when you have a cute, cuddly boyfriend who starts falling asleep around eleven o’clock. It also helps that he and Zuko are on solid gold butt-touching terms.
It’s been a while since Sokka has been on butt-touching terms with someone and it’s amazing.]
Sokka knows a guy, gets laid, and introduces Zuko to the merits of an afternoon delight.
When is a bed not a bed? (When you’re not in it): @riotwritesthings
There’s a tiny safe house, with one tiny window and one tiny couch.
And one tiny little bed.
Nice Fingers: @anthonyed
A single compliment given by Tony stirs Bucky restless until he caves in and asks him out on a date.
With Steve’s help of course (whether he likes it or not).
The Darkest Touch: @starkrogerrs
This is the story of how Steve finds that it has been ordained that he is to marry a monster he cannot resist aka the God of Love himself, Tony.
It's Cupid x Psyche retold, but with thrice the amount of porn.
The Night Shift:  @weethreequarter
Welcome to the Emergency Department of San Antonio General where Dr. Tony Stark joins the team fresh from his most recent tour in Afghanistan and - much to the consternation of the other staff - strikes up an instant rapport with Nurse Steve Rogers. Meanwhile, new resident Bruce Banner refuses to give up on his patient, and Dr. Sharon Carter learns something from her own patients. Throw in a pissed off hospital administrator, Clint using the coffee pot as a mug again, and a major car crash and you have, well, just another night shift.
Wind Beneath My Wings: @iam93percentstardust
Sam first meets Tony Stark in 2005 when he joins the EXO-7 Falcon program.
In jest: @/apathyinreverie
“No, babe,” Danny shakes his head with a grin. “If the apocalypse were to go down while I’m elsewhere for some godforsaken reason, then you stay put and I’m coming to wherever you are.” His grin widens. “And I expect you to have cleared any aliens or zombies or whatever else might be messing with us off the island and to have set up a nice, comfortable military dictatorship for us to rule over by the time I get back.”
It’s a joke.
Of course it’s a joke.
Until it isn’t.
(A the-day-after-tomorrow-style apocalypse AU, where the world decides to end right when Danny is visiting one of the other islands with Grace. Because, of course, it does.)
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yolocorcega · 3 years
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I saw YOLOTL CÓRCEGA at a coffee shop in MANHATTAN today. She is a TWENTY-FIVE year old BUSINESSWOMAN who’s been in NYC for [SIX YEARS] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always CULTURED & DEVOTED but I’ve heard people say they can also be STOIC & CALLOUS. THE MAN BY TAYLOR SWIFT reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio. // @villagestart​
TW: mentions of cheating, criminal activities, divorce and family separation below.
hello everybody you know me as g aka the mess behind the bigger mess that is alexander warren and i am here to bring you one of my favorite kids ever, my daughter yolo who, of course, is also a mess because i can’t write happy, easy-going characters. let’s get down to it:
CHEATING AND FAMILY SEPARATION TW: Yolotl was born in Tequila, Jalisco on September 15th 1994, the product of an illicit affair between her father, Gabriel Córcega, an important business owner largely known in Mexico and one of his employees. The impromptu news didn’t sit right with Marcela Del Valle, Gabriel’s wife, who immediately ordered her husband to disappear every trace of his affair before anyone in town found out. What no one expected was for Gabriel to already have a kid with the woman no one knew about two years older than Yolotl.
Gabriel, in dispair, gave the woman some savings he had and helped her disappear from Tequila, not without an agreement whatsoever: he’d get to keep one of the kids and raise her.
When Gabriel returned to the house with Yolo in his arms but no trace of his remaining family, Marcela agreed on playing make-belief and tell the world the little girl was the second child of the marriage. The family never spoke of this again.
She and her “legitimate” older brother grew up surrounded by luxury: anything money could buy was granted to them as the Córcega name grew exponentially during Yolotl’s first years of life, the family went from having a sucessful tequila emporium to become a brand: nightclubs, hotels, soccer teams and more. The Córcega marriage decided the best and safest idea for the two kids was to be homeschooled, since the family traveled a lot due to the various businesses around the world Gabriel possessed.
Being only the two siblings most of the time, since their parent’s schedule was quite busy, Yolotl and her older brother became best friends. He became her hero, taught her everything she knew and more, became the getaway to her biggest passion in life: literature. It was a hobby the Córcega siblings shared.
The day of Yolo’s birthday, the Córcegas woke up with the news that Marcela had left the family and had run away to Europe, asking the rest of the family to forget about her
Upon Yolo’s graduation, the Córcega clan moved to New York and she enrolled in Columbia Business School where she got an MBA in Business Administration. She is working on her PhD in Modern and Contemporary Literature.
While in college, Yolo met someone whom she quickly fell in love with and the couple married not even a year after meeting, against all odds and advices from others. The first few years were perfect,  Yolotl loved her spouse and playing housewife and was perhaps for the very first time in her life truly happy. During this time, Yolo started writing books she decided to publish as a surname, deciding she wanted people to like what she wrote authentically and not because of the Córcega name. On that, she succeeded, she became a renown author under a surname, a secret she keeps to date.
CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES AND DIVORCE TW: However that happiness didn’t last long (nothing ever does, does it?) Her father started having legal and health problems, her world was beginning to crumble which definitely didn’t help the already tense marriage which ended in a divorce after a little less than five years, leaving her heartbroken and on top of that, her father was in serious trouble with a criminal organization back in Mexico after refusing to keep working with them, something Yolo herself wasn’t aware of. Something else she wasn’t aware of: the leader of the organization was the man Marcela ran away with and was now threatening Yolo’s dad, alas he had to hide and
Another truth that was told to her the day her father finally decided to speak candidly before disappearing was the existence of her real family; the brother she had and her real mother’s existance, which left Yolo brokenhearted.
Before parting ways after finally coming clean about all the lies her father had ever told her and disappearing, Gabriel named Yolo the CEO of the Córcega company.
Yolo owns one of Manhattan’s most renown hotels and a rooftop bars which she tries to manage herself on top of being the co-CEO of Córcega Onterprices (a position she “shares” with her brother) and trying to deal the mess her parents left behind. She’s… a little stressed™
She’s still on the divorce process and she is having a HARD time dealing it, she views divorce as a failure on her part, even though she doesn’t show it
okay so think angelica schuyler meets blair waldorf meets klaus baudelaire meets belle meets angela moss meets fuck up.
workaholic. i’m talking 24/7, work, non-stop. *fucking u and answering e-mails on the side* type of workaholic
big nerd, lowkey tho. she has like two personalities, the work-hard, femme fatale she uses with EVERYONE and then the nerd soccer mom she uses only with people she’s REALLY close to
uses sex and every advantage she has to get what she wants so… totes a dom but likes to be a sub from time to time and has all sorts of kinks lbr i mean what?
has a bit of an alcohol problem (i sense a pattern in my muses)
she used to have this bitchy reputation before the whole thing with her family went down and used to take advantage of that but she’s really not a bitch unless… yknow… you mess with her or her family or her friends then lmao gl she’ll ruin you, she’s a bit more human now i promise
a true slytherin, lives by the words ‘work hard, play hard’
TL;DR: lowkey a v sad and lonely rich girl who’s dealt with a lot who can act like a bitch but in reality... is only a bitch if she needs to be. v ambitious, workaholic.
older brother: the one person in life she truly trusts in the whol damn universe i mean... probably her best friend ngl (will be a wc on the main)
her husband?: they are in the middle of a divorce, about to finish off their marriage... or are they? guess we’ll never know. he’s been the only person she’s ever truly loved AND I WANNA SEE THAT i’ve never seen her in love i’m sorry
distant family? that could be fun
best friend: every girl needs a best friend they can confide in between champagne glasses and chocolate covered strawberries... she is very loyal to the people she ACTUALLY lets in i promise she’s a great friend
people who work for her: ESPECIALLY AN ASSISTANT OH MY GOD she needs that but ok, she owns a rooftop bar and a hotel so... barkeeps, waiters, chefs, hotel manager... all that jazz. she is also v loyal to the people who work for her ngl she was taught to treat the people who work next to her like family SO
enemies: i know my kid... 90% of the population doesn’t like her so... let’s play into that
fwb, hookups, one-side crushes, exes, friends, neighbors... the sky is the limit!
okay honestly if you read that whole telenovela… i love you and if you read what a mess i’ve created (it’s my true passion in life) and you still wanna plot with her… you’re a goddamn saint and i’m ready to marry you or plot with you so hmu or like this for that. marriage and/or plotting, whatever.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
internship (hc) | p.p.
summary: tony stark not only helped in bringing together a group of people to protect earth, but also in sparking young love
warnings: i love this one very cute very fun i think i cussed once? idk
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- we all know peter parker has (had????) an "internship" with tony sTaNk
- but, despite that being fake, tony does actually have an internship program
- and, luckily for you, you're one of tony's most prized interns
- the moment he looked at your resume he knew you'd be a perfect fit
- your extremely rare high level of intellect shocked him
- in fact, you were almost even smarter than the man
- the two of you bonded right away
- at this point you were able to lounge around avenger hq in sweats and no makeup
- one day tony asked you to help him on his new project
- you said yes, ofc
- much to your surprise, this project was spider-man's new suit
- of course you'd seen videos of the web-slinger on youtube (who hadn't?)
- so obviously this project made you very excited
- you got to work right away, coming to the hq everyday after school
- you and tony were extremely proud of the final product
- he asked you to program the AI for the suit (soon-to-be karen!!!!!!!)
- and that was the first time peter saw you
- you were sat on the ground, legs crossed, holograms in the air as you worked
- too focused on your work, you hadn't noticed a certain boy in the doorway
- tony was giving him the rundown on the germany trip while showing him around the place, but peter got sidetracked when he saw you in the office
- the boy stopped dead in his tracks, focus honing in on you
- luckily for you, you had put on some mascara that day
- but you were still donned in some of your best sweatpants and an old shirt from school that was way too big for you
- yet, peter parker being peter parker, couldn't help but be starstruck (STARKstruck???) when he saw you
- well, every girl in the world was gorgeous to him, for goodness sakes
- but something about you caught him off guard
- "mr. stark, who's that?" peter whispered
- an all-too-knowing smirk grew on tony's face
- "y/n!" he called - your head shot up from the holograms and towards the door, where you made immediate eye contact with peter
- it wasn't long before a small blush grew on your face
- as much as you hated to admit it, you couldn't look at a boy (or girl, too, if you're bi or anything!) anymore without mentally rating their appearance - this is what being single your entire life does to a person
- needless to say, peter parker was HIGH on the list of attractiveness 
- you quickly averted your gaze to tony, grin still tugging on his lips
- "yeah?"
- "this is peter." tony responds, gesturing towards the boy
- "h-hi," peter awkwardly blurts, giving a slight wave
- "hey," you reply, maybe a bit too bReAtHlEsSlY
- a few awkward seconds pass before you give the two a slight nod and get back to your work
- tony begins walking away, dragging peter along with him
- peter hurls series of questions about you at the man, which only made tony's smirk grow
- the two of you began to have more and more awkward encounters at the tower
- most of the time, you'd be working and he'd walk by, seeing you either by coincidence or on purpose
- but sometimes you would just be lounging in the living area, stuffing pizza in your mouth as you watched harry potter
- your levels of nonchalance made peter begin to question if you were mr. stark's secret daughter
- but no one needed to know he wondered that
- the more the two of you saw each other, the more you were on each other's minds
- the small "hey"s began to turn into conversations
- the first real conversation was started by peter (which was only possible through a rare burst of confidence)
- it started with the usual "hey"s
- and then peter asked about your internship
- he saw the way your eyes lighted up when he asked the question and it made him feel warm
- the conversation sparked into more:
- "what about you?"
- "what do you mean.. what about me?" peter asked
- "why do i see you here so often?"
- "oh. uh, also... intern... ship."
- the boys heartbeat began to quicken as you raised an eyebrow at him
- "why are you looking at me like that?"
- "nothing," you smile
- the two of you talk about school and life and stuff 
- after peter bids you an awkward goodbye (he has to go train to do spider things!!) he begins to make his way out of the room
- "bye, spider-man," you yell
- peter whirls around, panic present on his face
- "how did you-?"
- "i'm not an idiot, parker."
- it didn't take your genius brain to connect all the dots (especially cause sometimes when you saw him it would be right after he finished training and he'd be all sweaty?????? which made you forget how to breath just a lil??)
- the two of you began holding actual conversations more and more
- you find yourself watching videos of spider-man swinging throughout the city
- the two of you stalk each other on insta, both marveled by the pictures the other posts
- eventually you say yolo and just follow him
- he follows you back literally like two seconds later
- during one of your run-ins at hq he gets all flustered 
- "you okay?"
- "yeah," peter breathes, "uh, could i, uh, if you're okay with it, could i-"
- "dude."
- "sorry. could i please get your number please?"
- a small smile grows on your face before you reach out a hand, the boy hurriedly grabbing his phone and practically shoving it at you
- you type your name in with a little smiley face and then send yourself a quick "hey"
- you found yourself giddily smiling for a solid few minutes after he left
- one day you find yourself scheming on a way to get peter over to the tower (you were bored as heck; you'd already finished your work)
- then you got an idea
- peter was over mere minutes after you texted him
- he rings the buzzer and you tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. to let him in
- "hey," he greets, breathless from the speed at which he hurried over to the tower
- "tony said i need to start doing checkups on your suit every once and a while," you say, silently thanking your acting skills
- "oh," peter nods, "okay"
- he follows you down to the lab, mask still in hand and suit flush on his body 
- you reach one of the large tables, stopping and sucking in a breath before giving him a slightly expectant look
- "i.." you hesitate, "i'm gonna need your..."
-"oh!" peter says with realization
- and then realization hit again
- "uh.. i don't have any other clothes..."
- your face burns bright red before you open your mouth again
- "okay um.. either you're gonna have to hide in the bathroom until i'm done or we try to do it with you still inside the suit... it's just that there'd be a lot of touching if you choose that.." you ebb off at the end of your sentence, chewing on the inside of your lip
- peter immediately gets flustered
- "uh, we can just.. try it... with the suit on........?"
- you nod, taking a nervous step towards him and beginning to mentally berate yourself for not entirely thinking this through
- peter takes a shaky inhale and accidentally takes in the scent of your perfume
- which makes him begin to freak out a little
- you lay a wary hand on him and peter swears he's going to faint
- the two of you had never touched and peter already had a bit too huge of a crush on you
- so this was a lot for him 
- and his heightened senses didn't help
- you carefully (and very awkwardly) press the spider in the middle of his chest - peter starts silently praying you can't hear/feel his heartbeat
- the suit loosens and begins to slip off of his shoulders and you gasp slightly, furiously grabbing it and pulling it up
- "sorry," you smile sheepishly
- peter just half-smiles crookedly as he watches you refocus on the suit
- you give him a wary look before reaching in through the neck and wandering your hand towards the center of the suit
- your attempts to not touch him fail
- your hand brushes against his extremely toned stomach
- the breath catches in both of your throats
- yet you somehow continue, the two of you refusing to even dare to look at each other
- to your surprise, you find a wire out of place
- peter watches as your face scrunches up a lil in focus and melts just a little bit
- your fiddling doesn't get the problem fixed and out of frustration, you tug a little bit
- which causes the suit to slip off of his shoulders
- which causes peter's entire top half to become exposed, the only thing holding the suit up being your hands grasping the wires
- a blush spreads on your cheeks like wildfire as you look down to see the waistband of peter's underwear
- a small squeak involuntarily flies out of peter's mouth, making him mentally punch himself
- your flusteredness disappears when you focus your gaze slightly, seeing red and blue figures scattered across the boy's briefs
- a small laugh falls from your lips
- peter wants to run away
- your small laughter turns into a wheeze
- poor petey just stands there awkwardly
- "pete, are those..."
- you can barely breathe as you double over in laughter
- "are those spider-man underwear????"
- the slightest and weariest of smiles begins to creep on the boy's face
- "maybe..?" he says quietly, voice high
- "that's the best thing i've seen all day"
- eventually you focus again and fix his suit, the uncomfortable atmosphere getting replaced by the two of you joking around
- ever since that day the two of you would become a bit more touchy
- also almost forgot to mention that tony was watching the security camera that day and saw  e v e r y t h i n g  and loved it
- like peter would join you in watching movies after the two of you finished your work at hq
- you'd joke around by stacking your legs on top of each other and kicking each other
- your laughter literally made him so happy
- and you felt the same way about his
- one time you were watching a scary movie (peter intentionally made this happen so you would hopefully want to cuddle)
- a jump scare freaked you the FCK out and you immediately grabbed his hand - even though you cursed yourself, it made peter's day
- probably his whole month
- or life
- every time you got scared, you somehow gravitated closer to the boy, hands still laced together
- by the end of the movie you were curled into him, his arm around you and your head on his shoulder, legs hung over his
- and then the next day you two saw each other and literally pRETENDED THAT NOTHING HAD HAPPENED
- this made the avengers (who had caught onto y'alls chemistry very quickly) quite upset
- the group would tease you two so much kjvhgcjvkl it like wasn't even funny
- when peter discovered his AI (karen!! "hello?? hELLO????") (if you know the exact part i'm talking about i LOVE YOU)
- he immediately thought about you
- "wow, y/n really outdid herself”
- "yes, she did. also, she says hi." the AI responded
- "oh! uhh, i say hi back!"
- (pure angel)
- alright folks now i'm gonna get a little less detailed because i'm past 2000 words at this point and i think we can all tell that i got a bit carried away but let's keep going!
- essentially, the two of you just kept getting closer
- despite the two of you going to different schools, you still had fun lil study parties
- eventually you migrated from the tower and went to each others houses
- peter LOVES your room because it's literally you
- and same goes vice versa
- one day you were walking to the subway to get to the tower after school (beautiful fall afternoon, btw) and peter swung by and scooped you up 
- you screamed a little at the beginning but then got used to it and and had fun and just kinda giggled in his ear the rest of the time
- peter began to worry a little as he swung through the city bc he was so enamored by your laughter all he wanted to do was stop on a roof and kiss you
- and then the idea sparked in his head that he could
- he panicked a little because you two were just buildings away from the tower
- and with one huge swing he landed the two of you on some random roof
- you slipped off of him, eyebrows furrowed as you looked around you
- "pete? this isn't the tow-"
- the boy ripped off his mask (which hurt his nose a little if he was being honest) and stepped towards you, quickly pressing his lips against yours and pulling away just as fast
- "holy shit, dude," you whisper after a moment, head spinning 
- "holy shit?" he asks nervously
- "holy shit."
- you let out an ungodly snort and wheeze, smiles breaking on both of your faces and you let your head drop, pressing it into peter's chest
- you felt him laugh against you and you realized how happy you were (and lowkey hated how cliche it felt but it's fine)
- when you finally caught your air and pulled your head away, the two of you looked at each other with the most shit-eating, cliche, best-friends-turned-something-more smiles
- after a second, with the most boyish grin that made your heart melt, peter asked,
- "wanna make out?"
- "peter!" + + +
peter parker has my entire heart
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angrycowboy · 5 years
Okay, time for coffee and rewatch!
I did a rewatch last night after watching it live and flailed at @haloud​, because this episode was everything I wanted for the premiere and getting the show back. It made me hurt and it made me happy and it made me excited for all the things to come.
After I’m done with this, it’s off to find a decent download and start giffing!
- I love the little Echo flashback. I mean, I think it’s interesting to include Max mentioning the Alighting and the whole “savior” thing. Though, I wonder if it’s going to come into play more than just the mentions in this episode that allowed Liz to connect the dots about Max. But I am heart eyes at this cute Echo moment.
- Liz’s “you smell like rain” comment is also interesting. I am just gonna sit here and think about Maria’s comment about Michael smelling like a river now and what is up with these aliens.
-Jeez, Liz and Rosa. Oh my god, Rosa. And Liz, with tears on her face, needing to switch into crisis mode. 
- Graffitti! Omg Rosa’s artwork. “We don’t believe in humans” Omg I love it.
-This is an Arturo Ortecho appreciation blog. He’s adorable being so proud of Liz. I just smile at this scene so hard. It’s perfect.
- “I reject good-bye” I love Maria DeLuca, y’all. 
- So in my happy place headcanon, Michael did just get some sort of flash about Max’s death, left the Pony, and basically has been avoiding Maria ever since. Simplest explanation and I can live with it. 
- BUT as always, my biggest gripe with the show, it’s been two weeks and no one has talked to one another. Though I kinda understand Liz avoiding everyone while she’s trying to deal with Rosa. 
-”Came to vent about Michael Guerin ghosting me” Yeah, I mean, I’m glad that the show established this right off the bat. Especially after this fucking hellatus this fandom decided to go through in regards to Miluca. I’m actually happy about this. But see ya’ll? Fucking overreaction central.
- “And now just one more Roswell good time before I hit the road.” The delivery on this, and the look on Liz’s face. Fuck, Jeanine just nailed every scene in this episode.
- Michael Guerin, Resident PigPen and Disaster Bi, stumbling int the church and shoving his way into a filled pew. Oh, Michael, you are a mess and I love you so much.
- Oh, Isobel. Also, I love the overacting in the beginning when Isobel is trying to talk about Noah vs how she changes when she starts speaking about Max instead. I love that use of Noah’s funeral to publicly mourn Max. It’s so good. 
- Fuck, this flashback to the cave. To Isobel seeing Max dead. OUCH.
- Oh my god, the staple of every funeral and wake - people bringing way too much food and it’s all the same fucking thing. ISOBEL GIRL, I FEEL YOU.
- “Mrs. Evans! That’s a phenomenal cape.” Listen y’all, have I mentioned how much I love this sad disaster alien cowboy? Cuz I do. A lot. He is a MESS.
- I really love this shot of Alex watching Michael at the wake. Just that little bit of concern - it’s so Alex and I love him so much. And I operate under the “if Alex knows, Kyle knows” and vice versa, which means that Alex isn’t watching Michael like this because he knows Michael is spiraling because of Caulfield and Max, he thinks Michael is only spiraling because of Caulfield. 
- Kyle being all practical and realistic about dealing with Jesse, and Alex is just like YOLO LET HIM DIE. Like I kinda love how Alex just kinda doesn’t want to deal with Jesse.
- “I’m not a murderer.” “No, you’re not. But he is.” Also, are we gonna talk about Alex’s little eyebrow raise and the look in his eyes, and how he’s still possibily talking about himself? Cuz, oh my god. I have feelings. Alex Manes, you stubborn bastard, I love you so much. (cc: @ober-affen-geil)
- “Seemed like a kiss at least worthy of a text back.” Oh Maria, my darling. You keep holding onto the hope you have for him, because girl, you are gonna need it with this massive spiral of his. 
- “Regulars shouldn’t drink alone when they’re grieving.” Oof. The fact that Maria thinks Michael is acting like this because of Noah is dead kinda yikes, and really just makes me desperately want her in on everything else that is going on, because it just makes it so obvious how little she knows. But I also like that line because he comforted her in 1x07, no questions asked, and in a way she’s doing the same back for him. She’s telling him she’s there if he needs someone.
- Also her and Ann. “Graffiti is an early indicator of gang violence.” Ann Evans is the epitome of suburban white mom. I love Michelle Valenti just nodding along, like yeah, I’ll get right on that and not looking into this suspicious shit surrounding your son and your son-in-law.
- Lol @ this little public display of anger between Liz and Isobel.
- Oh shit, the fact that Liz hasn’t told Rosa about the cover-up is interesting, because that means that’s definitely coming. And oh my god, I cannot wait. 
- “a glowing ooze filled egg coffin from outer space” Listen, if that’s not the most accurate outsider description of the pods ever. (Also creepy Noah scenes are creepy.)
- Liz talking about burying Max, y’all that shit HURTS. Like, obviously we know that isn’t gonna happen but the fact that Liz and Rosa are sitting talking about it as a finite ending in that moment is just... OUCH.
- “...where’s my hole t-shirt?” um... as of 1x04 it was in the backpack that Fredrico returned! What’cha doing with it, Liz?
- God, Liz and Rosa is just so perfect. “I never thought we’d get to have this stupid fight again.” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
- Isobel, darling. What are those pajamas. They’re wild.
- “I meant to call - I heard you and Evans broke up” So that does establish that Kyle was too preoccupied dealing with Jesse, and Liz has been singularly focused on Rosa that they haven’t talked in the two weeks. Cool cool cool.
- “Lemme guess? Alien thing?” Kyle is so tired of this shit.
- Omg Maria beating people at pool. I love it. I love her. More of that please! Also this outfit she wears is super cute. FIGHT ME.
- Mimi and more alien movie references!
- “It’s been ten years since [Rosa] died.” “Not always.” I love love love the roundabout ways Mimi is telling the truth about the things she knows. When you don’t have all the facts, of course it would sound like she’s not making sense, and of course it would appear to present as dementia. But what does she know that she’s even talking in this kinda code at all? And why? And what’s up with the wandering?
- This scene with Kyle and Rosa is fabulous. “Ten years and my half-brother is still pining for my sister. Cool cool cool.”
- Hahaha “What’s your drug of choice?” “Why quarterback, you wanna party?” I LOVE THIS ENTIRE SCENE SO MUCH IT’S HILARIOUS AND FANTASTIC.
- Upon rewatching, it’s much more obvious about the hows and whys of Kyle not knowing Max was dead. Because I missed all of that the first time around, and thought it came out of left field, but it really actually doesn’t.
- Rosa is clearly like, “when the hell did Kyle fucking Valenti get so smart?”
- this continued implication that Alex shows up at the Airstream and just basically invites himself in will never not completely fuck me up about them
- Okay first off, where the fuck is Alex? Is this his new house? Why does Michael know where to find him? Is this Jesse’s house and Alex is housesitting while he’s in a coma? It’s also the same place as this shot Carina posted over the summer that we all died over. Can’t wait to maybe get an definite answer to that (and also, what happened to the cabin). Just the fact that Michael knows exactly where to find Alex when all through S1 Alex always came to the Airstream is again, more shit about them that just fucks me up.
- Michael mentioning Alex had said he was getting out of the Air Force to make music... um, question. Where? When? I am going to handwave this because I can handle it may have gotten cut, and Alex did talk about fighting his own battles and not his fathers in 1x13. And I can see them having talked a bit about it during their junkyard talk in 1x10 too.
- “came back the next morning after clearer heads had prevailed - wanted to show you something.” Okay, Alex, honey, We need to talk about this. Michael just saw and felt his mother die, giving him a folder with that information, with that photo, is not how you should be going about this. I get it - Alex operates on having as much information as possible. If it exists, he wants it to make the informed decision. But that’s not Michael. And Alex pushes just a bit too hard, and Michael snaps. And I love this scene because Michael says things that needed to be said between them. Michael needed to say them, and Alex needed to hear them.
-ugh that photo... but if there’s prop consistency, then it’s interesting that it took a year after the crash for Michael’s mom to end up a prisoner at Caulfield. It really makes me excited for the flashbacks, because if she wasn’t caught in the initial melee after the crash, how did it happen?
- Alex’s little “hey” when MIchael pushes the folder back into him. Just. Fuck me up, okay? I’ll be here, in the middle of the floor, sobbing. It’s just, it makes it so obvious they’re no where near being on the same page. And Alex’s asking if he left, and if Michael would come with him - it really reads like a hail mary attempt on his part. Because he’s still thinking in that moment, that Michael will say yes, like Michael always says yes. Alex doesn’t really know what it’s like for Michael to say “no” to him.
- “I wanna be good for somebody.” (and with the fucking Malex theme playing over them what the fuuuuuuuck) 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Hahaha Isobel using the good crystal to practice - THAT’S MY GIRL
- Handprint talk! Also lol @ Liz mentioning the handprint Max gave her in 1x13 during sexytimes and Kyle, not knowing what she’s talking about immediately just assuming she’s talking about the one from the pilot. Though it’s interesting that neither Liz nor Michael had residual physical handprints show up, but we know Liz was able to still feel Max die in 1x13
- “exorcising demons” Yoooo, I am here for this Isobel. She is determined, and she wants her life back and she is going to take it by force if necessary. Also, that’s a fantastic use for that good crystal.
- But it also breaks my heart a bit because she clearly is in this huge denial about Max. She really believes that she can bring him back if she tries hard enough, if she focuses and learns. And the way Michael is just... so resigned to this whole thing. His hope is just... gone.
- “Max’s heart was weakened before he decided to lasso lightning” Michael really does get some great lines. But omg he’s so angry, and he’s so determined to get Isobel to see reason.
- Ahhh Liz and Rosa. Also, Liz in the bathroom. Breaking down because she’s got that moment to herself to finally break. That scene in the shower. It always just fucks me up. It’s fucked me up since the first time I saw it at NYCC, and it still fucks me up now.
- These nightmares are creepy as fuck. 
- ‘Don’t treat me like the little sister.” OH SNAP, LIZ ORTECHO.
- I adore messy flirty disaster Michael. And smiling through a punch? Oh, Michael.
- The way Liz’s mind works, just bouncing and making those connections and conclusions and realizing how there might still be hope for Max. Woo boy, I need to take some time to process that (and don’t get me started on Michael’s loss of hope).
- “So she wants to use Noah’s heart? He’s the actual devil.” TOO RIGHT YOU ARE, ALEX.
- Also, this is @el-gilliath‘s fault but Alex brings up that when cremated, the aliens give off toxic fumes - so what does that mean for Caulfield? All those aliens would have been burned alive someone somewhere would have noticed then, right?
 - Alex is so soft looking in this scene. 
- Which is hilarious cuz the next scene is him throwing the morgue doctor agains the wall.
- “I thought he was you.” Oh boy. Let’s not even begin to unpack that.
- Aaaaah this scene. Okay first off, fuck Flint. I hate him. “There’s a chain of command in this family.” Oooooh boy, so we’re gonna see that this season, right? Cuz I am so curious about the other two brothers and their involvement as well.
- “there’s a sealed incinerator at area 51, can’t exactly storm the place” I’VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU, ALEX. But it’s nice to see confirmation that Liz knows that Alex knows about everything too. Woo hoo, communication!
- “Flint was the Manes in my grade. He was always such a dick.” YESSSSSSSS.
- Michael’s speech about hope. Shit. He is just. “Hope screws people up. Hoping that your family will come and save you from the system. Hoping that anyone can be saved at all.” And poor Maria, she doesn’t know anything. Did she know about how Michael grew up? Because even Alex only knew he was living out of his truck as a rumor, and didn’t know the full extent until the junkyard talk in 1x10. So maybe Michael did have that hope for a moment in 1x13, that he went to the Pony thinking things could be different. But then Max died, and it reminded him that hoping just means more of the same shit.
- Also, Maria. Honey. Taking Michael’s keys doesn’t really mean anything. He’s a mechanic and a telekinetic alien.
- “Need help moving a body.” “If I had a dollar for every time I heard that.” LOL!
- No Kyle, your life is never going to be normal again. Nope.
- “The last thing Isobel needs is to get her hopes up.” Lots and lots of talk of hope this episode.
- “I always thought it was synthetic but if it’s organic” YOU MEAN LIKE HOW LIZ HYPOTHESIZED IN 1x08? Cool cool cool. I also love how their brains work, speaking of that callback. Liz is a biomedical engineer, this is her jam. Michael seems to lean more towards mechanical engineering, especially in 1x08 how he talked about the pods being “tech” and having a seam. But I am super curious about this idea that the alien organs can be fixed in a way, essentially being in line with Liz’s chosen field of study and her career path.
- It’s so cute how Michael gets a bit squeamish before he’s just totally in awe, like he’s probably never really gotten the chance to actually know anything about his own biology, and how it differs from humans - especially not before working with Liz in S1 to develop the serum antidote.
- Liz and Rosa, omg I love them so much. This conflict Liz is dealing with, she’s so happy to have Rosa back, but she’s so angry and so mad and so upset over losing Max at the same time. i LOVE LIZ ORTECHO.
- I am so looking forward to figuring out what’s up with Mimi and this wandering and why she had Rosa’s bracelet from the roadside memorial.
- Poor Isobel. This is gonna be an interesting story arc to see play out. Knowing what Carina said about it, I am much more interested in letting it play out before making any decisions on it. I’m not crazy about a pregnancy story line, but who knows what Carina has in store with it.
- Zombie!Max I think it’s interesting he says, “you’re the only one I can reach” and how that ties in with Liz’s earlier remarks about the handprints. Why was Rosa the only one to get a handprint? Is it because she was the most recent one Max healed? In the pilot, Max did say, “the mark could show up” so he knew there was a possibility it wouldn’t. But what does that mean? There’s definitely something more there, and I am excited to find out.
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murfeelee · 5 years
Windows! Tutorial Time!
twinsimmingmain replied to your post “Art Nouveau Miniset”
Amazing! Teach me your window converting ways 😲
Sure thing! 😊👍
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Welcome to Murf’s School of Crap and Crap-Making!
School Motto: Prepare to be tortured! For Science!
Lesson #17: To the windooooow~! To the wall!! ♩♪
☽✶•.¸(✶•.¸★¸.•✶´)¸.•✶´☾ ☆«´¨`•°°•´¨`»☆    ☽.¸.•✶(¸.•✶´★`✶•.¸)`✶•.☾
So, this is how I made the Banishment Window from TS4 Realm of Magic.  I didn’t extract the meshes -- that was thanks to @deniisu-sims.
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Tuck yourselves in for quite the doozy; this is a biggun.
I just exported the textures and meshes from Sims4Studio, doing all the exact same steps from the TS4 Tutorial I posted here, to get the .obj & .png files into Milkshape.
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First thing I did was identify all the group parts, to know what’s what. There’s a front and back part of the actual window frame, and a front and back of the window glass. I deleted the shadow mesh, cuz I can’t be bothered.
Fortunately, there wasn’t much UV Map editing that needed to be done, just a quick adjustment to the glass meshes. This is what everything should look like:
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Now, I had never made a window a day in my life; never even tried. So, I cheated. ^_^ The RoM window I wanted was a simple circle, that perfectly matched the 3x1 circle from Into the Future. So that’s the one I cloned.
Export EA’s HLD mesh, cuz you’ll need it for reference in Milkshape.
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Imported into Milkshape, you’ll see where TS3 windows sit, compared to TS4. Select all your TS4 meshes, and Move them to sit right on top of TS3’s, as close as you can manage.
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Now, pay attention to EA’s group names:
Group 0 is the rear glass
Group 1 is the front glass
Group 2 is the rear frame
Group 3 is the front frame
Rename your TS4 groups accordingly. I Regrouped/Merged the Trim with the Front, to stick with TS3′s 4 groups. And I Deleted the Shadow mesh, as I said, since the ITF one didn’t have one. (Not that I’d’ve cared, in any event. :P )
Now, Assign EA’s bone/joint -- DO NOT FORGET to do this; it’s super important that anything with glass has a joint assigned to it, or the glass will be 100% invisible in-game, and won’t that suck. :P
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Now, believe it or not, you’re ready for TSRW! First part’s nearly over! ^0^
Export your mesh out of Milkshape, and Import it into TSRW.
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Now, before we get to the EVIL part (*cough* wall masks *cough*), lets do the easy bit first, and get your textures ready.
Go into GIMP/Photoshop/etc and make your Multiplier, RGB Mask, Specular, and yes, you’ll need an Overlay for the 2 stained glass versions included.
Delete EA’s extra variations, and make your own. I made 4.
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Looks nice, right? WRONG!
Now, before you do another freaking thing, assuming everything’s gravy only to be DUPED once you’re in-game and everything looks like ca-ca, head into your Material Editor and set your shader to Phong Alpha and change the Alpha Mask Threshold to 100 on the 2 front & rear window frame group meshes.
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For the love of all things sacred, DO NOT click the Yes button when it prompts you. CLICK NO.
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Remember to do the same for Group 2 and Group 3.
Once you’ve done that....we’re ready to address the frikkin elephant in the frikkin room.
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Time to mess with Wall Masks.
So... *takes a fortifying swig of Pepsi* ...Wall Masks. This utter crapfest.
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The green is the TS3 wall. That white crap should NOT BE THERE -- that’s wall tearing that WILL appear in-game, which is NOT sexy.
On the side are all the wall mask textures. Looks like 6, but really it’s only 3, because this 3x1 window is 3 tiles wide in-game. (If you make a 2x1 window, you’ll have 4; if you’ve got a 1 tile window you’ll have 2, yada yada).
Pocci’s got a tutorial here for editing 1x1 rectangular windows with TSRW’s built-in wall mask editor tool, which... I can’t handle the controls on TSRW the way Pocci did; they were just effed up. I dunno if it’s cuz of the version of TSRW I use (2.80.0 cuz eff the TS4 update), but yeah, I had to fix mine manually. :\
So anyway, we’ve got the left side of the window on one tile, the middle, and the right. I exported one of each, and opened them in GIMP/Photoshop.
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The top portion needs to be painted over with white, to get rid of the unwanted transparent parts there. You don’t want to paint over too much, or you’ll mess with the glass part. But because of the thick window frame mesh, we’ve got a fair bit of leeway.
So block off the tippy tops of the left, middle one especially, and right wall mask textures, and re-import them. It’ll take some fiddling with until you get it right.
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I can’t tell you how much time I wasted fiddling with TSRW’s built-in wall mask editor tool. It was a effing crapshoot for me. Just way easier to edit the textures itself. 
[EDIT] Deniisu-Sims graciously pointed out to me that I’d wasted even more time than I originally thought -- there’s a EFFING GENERATE BUTTON, y’all.
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Lord, THIS is why I stick to simple decor; I can’t be trusted with anything else; I’m so dumb! XD
Anyways, make sure you do all the same steps for your MEDIUM Level Detail mesh!!
You might think you’re done, right? Technically, yes, you would be...if we were working with a 1x1 or 2x1 window. But sadly, things are about to get a whole lot more effing tedious. Why?
Don’t export your sims3pack just yet.
Just Save your progress.
Keep your current project open and running, but start a New Project too.
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Looking at TS3′s windows, you’ll notice that the 3x1 windows have an extra diag 3x1 version, unlike the 2x1 or 1x1 types, which have diagonal windows built in. But eff my life, I picked the hardest type right out the gate on my very first try, cuz YOLO, right? >_>
So, pick the matching diagonal version....
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And yup, you guessed it:
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This is some BOOOLSHIIIII~~~~!!!
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Omg. WHY, EA. WHY.
@greenplumbboblover​ breaks it down in this MTS post how to link your regular window to your diagonal one. Bless you, honestly.
In order to enable diagonal versions on your regular window, you have to Copy/Paste the RK (resource key) from the diagonal window into the regular one.
With your Diagonal Window project open, go into Edit > Project Contents > OBJD > Edit > Open in S3PE.
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Double-click the OBJD and click the Copy RK button.
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Now bounce back to your Regular Window project -- you should have BOTH projects open, remember.
Open your Regular windows’ OBJD in S3PE, and click the Grid button.
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Click where it says DiagonalIndex, and you’ll see a dropdown list with a tiny arrow next to it. Click the arrow.
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I’ve already done all this, but on a fresh run the top box will say Type: 0x0000000.
Click the Paste RK button, and it will change to whatever you copied from the Diagonal Window RK. Click Save.
Now make sure you scroll down the dropdown list, and you’ll see that your new OBJD entry is all the way at the bottom of the list. Click it so it’s selected, and click Commit. Save your progress, and close S3PE.
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Now, if you’ve been looking carefully, you’ll notice that there are TWO OBJD entries for both the Regular and Diagonal windows. So yup, repeat those steps again for the 2nd OBJD entry.
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This is why in my Art Nouveau Miniset I only converted ONE window; eff ALL this noise.
But the good news is that once you’ve finished all this linking crap nonsense, you’re EFFING DONE. \^0^/
Go ahead and Export both of your Regular & Diagonal simspacks/packages!
Install them both in your game. IIRC, in Build Mode you’ll only see the Regular Window. But when you select it and rotate it, you can enjoy the sexiness!
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Happy Simming! *dark laughter*
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