#LOZ Fic
phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
It's always funny to me when in an lu fic the chain is offered bananas and don't accept them. Like, you're offering these high energy adventures free food?? Fruit they'll have never even heard of before??? A ridiculously expensive imported good at best?? AND it boosts your attack?
Not ONE of these idiots would ever turn down something new and interesting to eat at least once. They'd be all over those bananas and immediately get dubbed yiga and I'm honestly surprised no one has used it in a fic yet 🤭
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beemovieerotica · 9 months
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solarwreathe · 11 months
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designing totk ocs for a fic, it's about a gerudo woman and a yiga footsoldier travelling hyrule to learn about the power of friendship and crime. i don't have many plot points mapped out other than they mug penn at some point
i went back and reused this design because i liked it so much
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lily-alphonse · 4 months
Sometimes Link dreams of flying.
But he isn't the one flying. His head is resting in crimson feathers and he feels like a child cradled by the wind and sky. He is safe.
Against his chest beats the large heart of his beloved loftwing. Against his back beats the sun.
It's a delightful dream that he rarely has, interspersed with nightmares and blackness.
He barely remembers the dream when he wakes, but the day is always more pleasant after that.
And then one day Revali has him climb on his back for battle, and the feeling of feathers on his skin shocks something warm in him he can't place. He puts his face against him and closes his eyes. He can't focus, getting an ear-full from the arrogant Rito champion.
100 years later he has wisps of the memories in his dreams and nothing else.
Teba has him climb on his back to inspect the divine beast and the feathers on his skin shock something warm in him he can't place. He puts his face against him and closes his eyes.
This time tears slip into Teba's feathers, and he doesn't know why.
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gintrinsic-writing · 6 months
A Flicker in a Distant Timeline
CW: references to violence, loss of a limb, blood.
Like this, the King of Evil didn’t look like much—sweating through his robes, hair in disarray, panting through pain and exhaustion alike. He was too weakened to transform, and his baser form—his simple Gerudo body, absent of Demise’s visibly corroding influence—lacked the same petrifying, untouchable presence. Link figured he should tell him so. 
“You reek.”
Ganondorf’s glare was half-ruined by the tears rolling down his face; courtesy of some well-aimed dirt, Link thought smugly. “And you,” Ganondorf managed between breaths, “sound like a dying frog.”
Link barely had enough energy to muster up the indignation that deserved, but he managed. “A frog? That’s the worst you could come up with?” He scoffed, ignoring how much it stung to do so. “Were you even trying?”
“Croak, croak, croak,” Ganondorf griped, waving a hand back and forth. The Triforce of Power shimmered like a kaleidoscope against the back of his hand. “Annoying little wheezes.”
“Oh, forgive me. Some asshole punched me in the throat.”
“Only after another asshole pulled my hair!”
“So what?” Link croaked—ah, dammit, Ganondorf was right. What a miserable day.
“So, hair’s off-limits.”
“Off…” Link paused to stare. He blinked several times for good measure. Only a little blood managed to dribble into his eyes. “It was a fight! To the death!”
“Fated by the deities themselves,” Ganondorf agreed darkly. 
“And you think hair is off-limits?”
“Well, yes.” Ganondorf sneered at Link as if the hero was particularly dense. “We’re not animals.”
“You literally are, you dumb pig,” Link groaned. 
Ganondorf made some weird growling sound, then coughed. “Just you wait,” he grumbled. “As soon as I catch my breath, I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” Link mocked. “You’ll kill me? With what weapon? You couldn’t summon a speck of dust right now.”
Ganondorf curled his lip disdainfully. “As if you’re one to talk. You can’t even get up, can you?”
Link chose that moment to finally admit to himself that he’d been managing his half of the conversation while lying prone on the ground. He was sure the Master Sword was within grasp if he needed it. Probably. “I can move,” he answered loftily, only croaking a little, “whenever I want to.” 
“Sure,” Ganondorf agreed.
“I can.”
“Like I said, sure.”
Link groaned again. Dirt stuck to his lips in a very unheroic way. 
Seconds passed, then Ganondorf heaved another breath. It sounded more significant than the previous ones in some strange and foreboding way. He pushed off his knees with both hands and stood up straight. His spine popped immediately. “Damn the goddesses,” Ganondorf spat, bracing a clawed hand against the small of his back as he resumed his slouch. Link couldn’t help but nod in tired agreement. “And damn Demise!”
That sounded particularly vicious. Link nodded again for solidarity. “Is Demise the reason you’re so fucked up?”
“Yes,” Ganondorf hissed.
“Ah.” What was he supposed to say to that? Something meaningful, probably. “Sucks.”
Something wet fell on Link’s face. Then it happened again. Rain, he thought bitterly. Maybe he’d be lucky enough to drown. “I don’t suppose you’re dying? Spare me the trouble of having to finish this?”
“Unfortunately, no,” Ganondorf grumbled. “You?”
“Also unfortunately no.”
Ganondorf eyed him skeptically. “I thought you’d bleed more when I cut off your hand.”
Ah yeah, that. His right wrist really hurt. “To be honest, me too.” A wave of dizziness washed over Link, which he promptly ignored like he had the last four times. “How did you survive that light magic bomb?”
Ganondorf shook his head. “No fucking idea. Luck, perhaps. I felt my heart stop for a moment.”
“Really? Cool.”
Ganondorf shrugged. 
“So… now what?” Link asked quietly, licking at the raindrops gathering on his upper lip. They tasted like dirt. “You gonna kill me?” Because in all honesty, he couldn’t get up. Trying left his pulse racing and his limbs trembling. He was pretty much useless. 
“I should,” Ganondorf answered just as quietly. 
When nothing else was said, Link grunted. “But…?”
“I’m tired.” Simple, honest, absolute. 
“Yeah,” Link muttered. “Me too.”
With a pained little oof, Ganondorf sat down beside Link, crossing his legs at the ankles and keeping his weight off of his left hip. He fiddled with his many bracelets. Link struggled to read his expression. “Perhaps I’ll feel up to it in a minute,” the King of Evil finally said. 
There was something awkward about that. Something sad. Link decided to do what he did best and make a nuisance of himself. “Did you have to sit so close? I wasn’t lying earlier. You stink. Does deodorant not apply to demon kings?”
“Shut up, worm.” Ganondorf flicked a pebble at him. Somehow, it landed right between Link’s eyes. 
“Ow! Fuck you.”
“In your dreams.”
Link gagged, loudly. The effect was ruined when it started to rain in earnest. Before he could think of the best way to complain, Ganondorf threw out a hand, and tendrils of dark magic formed a barrier above them. 
“Oh,” Link said lamely. “Guess you’re not out of juice after all.”
Ganondorf frowned up at the barrier. “It’ll last a minute if we’re lucky.”
“Then what?”
“Then we’ll get wet. Maybe you’ll be able to walk by then, assuming you don’t bleed out in the meantime.”
A pretty bold assumption, all things considered, but Link wasn’t going to say so. He’d take what he could get. “And then?” he pressed. 
Ganondorf clearly held back the first answer that came to mind. He pursed his lips before saying, “Your choice. I got us this far.”
Link couldn’t help it—he laughed. It sounded pretty terrible. “Yeah,” he wheezed after several seconds. “Yeah, I guess so. Okay.”
Ganondorf shook his head in apparent resignation. The barrier began to flicker. 
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ziskeyt · 2 years
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Sorry for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger the other week, but I'm here with the resolution!
Reckon the Stars chapter 9 is live here or read from the beginning here.
In this chapter: a statue falls! What could have done this? Is everyone safe? What might be lurking in the sands?
As always, my lovely cover art is a comm from @st-hedge
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Link raises his sword, glaring at Cia.
“There’s nothing you have to say that I want to hear.”
“On the contrary, I think you’ll be quite interested. It has to do with your parentage... your real parentage,” Cia says as she leans on her staff, and Link’s eyes narrow, even as his heart jumps. It’s true he’s interested in where he came from, but learning it from Cia of all people... why would she offer him that? She must have an agenda of some kind.
“...What do you know about my parents?” he asks in a low voice, keeping his sword raised.
Cia laughs.
“A lot of things,” she smiles, so coyly it makes Link’s stomach roll. “In fact... I have it on good authority that the dragon knight Volga is your father, Link.”
Her words are like a slap to the face.
Of all the things he’d expected to come out of the sorceress’s mouth, that had not been it.
Shock roots Link in place, air in his lungs suddenly nonexistent. He can’t catch his breath, Cia’s words ringing through his head no matter how he tries to get them to stop, and Link can’t breathe.
It couldn’t be true. It was completely ridiculous, how could it even be possible?
Volga... my father?
“You’re lying,” he says in a voice not nearly as sharp as he’d like, and Cia laughs again, the sound like the tinkling of bells.
“Oh dearest, I’m not lying. Surely you must have noticed how hard it is for you to get burned? How you get your energy from the heat rather than have it sapped away?” she says mildly. “Your first encounter with your father didn’t even leave you singed.”
“How do you know that,” Link growls, and Cia drew closer to him, making the hairs on his neck rise.
“I’ve been watching you, Link. I saw how good Death Mountain was for you, I’ve never seen you that energetic!” she smiles, and meets his eyes. “You know what I speak of is the truth. You are the dragon knight Volga’s son.”
Link takes a step back, mind still whirling.
It was a trap, it must be a trap, made to disarm him, distract him, take him off guard so... so she...
His stomach lurches and he almost thinks he’s going to be sick, refusing to believe the sorceress’s words but knowing somehow, deep in his heart, that what she spoke of was the truth.
Volga was his father.
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mysticchaossoul · 1 month
Hey guys! The next chapter of Wild Tears is out if anyone is interested.
Fic Summary:
When the chain goes through a new portal, they didn't know what they were expecting to find. Definitely not their missing brother and his Zelda exploring some kind of tunnel system under Hyrule Castle. So when they go along with the pair, they are only left with more questions. Who was that corpse? Why is it under Hyrule Castle? How did they get up in the sky? What's up with Zelda gaining new powers? Where is Wild? A classic "Wild reunites with the Chain" fic, but with a twist. What if the Chain showed up a few minutes before the opening of totk? And what if Wild was the one sent to the past instead of Zelda?
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Started sketching thumbnails to redraw the covers of The Mage's Lantern (Chapters 1-6) since I'm revising them. (1/7)
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writingnocturne · 3 months
Here's a little snippet from my WIP for Zelink Week ( @zelinkcommunity)! It will be a 7-chapter fairytale centered around an original version of Zelink! ✨️ I'll be drawing them a LOT once the fic is posted. :)
¨༺ ~ ◈ ° ◈ ~ ༻¨
It was then that something struck Link; it struck him swiftly and painfully, right in his chest. He realized that, at some point in the years he knew Zelda, something had taken root in his heart. And, perhaps at that moment— or perhaps even earlier— it had burst into a storm of blossoms like none other.
𓆩o𓆪 ࿐₊‧⁺˖
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ivecomeforsouls · 2 months
Five Years Back Home
This is about what the Heros would do if they were all sent home for five years in the middle of their quest. Wind at the war of ages, Time with kids, and Wild's second adventure. Comment about what you think they should do, please. Cause I don't have ideas for all of them.
The Hero of Legend
The Hero of Hyrule
The Hero of Time
Nothing Exists Beyond this Point
The Hero of the Wild
The Hero of the Sky
The Hero of the Minish
The Hero of Twilight
The Hero of Warriors
The Hero of the Wind
Back on the Trail
Back to Master Post
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minijenn · 1 year
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Ok lemme reel it back and explain. So in the... eventual future I plan on writing a totk au fic entitled To Lose Oneself. Basic gist of the plot is if Link wasn't saved by Rauru's arm at the start, and instead, his arm is all corrupted or whatever by gloom and it just keeps on gettin worse and worse. Add that onto the rest of the game's already dramatic plot and you get: Ganondorf being a fucking bastard man, Fake Zelda being a creep, the sages being Link's concerned found family, Purah being the tired team mom, and MiniJen writing yet another fic where she slowly but surely corrupts a boy. Ya know, for fun.
Coming to an AO3 near you... sooner or later idk
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beemovieerotica · 7 months
so i've already introduced transphobic bisexual ganon in this fic, but since there's time travel involved and they all go back in time to kill baby ganondorf kill the original ganondorf that got locked under hyrule castle until the events of botw, i now have to distinguish the two ganon(dorf)s, and this is how i've chosen to do so:
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iti-iskuna · 2 months
The Wisdom to Know the Difference
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Category: F/M
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Word Count: 3,968
The frigid winds of Mount Lanayru howled like an injured dog. A high-pitched, aching whine echoed off the permafrost with every bluster, as if Nayru herself were wailing from the ice-capped peak. Any snow that had fallen and settled was thrust into the air with each gust, twirling in a delicate dance before gently drifting to the ground, waiting to be kicked up once again. Even in the warmest summers, this mountain showed no mercy to its pilgrims, an unkindly hostess to all who dared to visit her. Under the cold and disinterested gaze of the Hyrulean stars, Lady Zelda stood upon the mountain with her back turned and listened.
>>Read on AO3<<
**Please see AO3 for more tags and content warnings**
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only-by-the-stars · 3 days
Chapters: 37/46 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Link/Mipha (Legend of Zelda), Mipha & Prince Sidon Characters: Mipha (Legend of Zelda), Link (Legend of Zelda), Zelda (Legend of Zelda), King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, King Dorephan, Prince Sidon, Impa (Legend of Zelda), Purah (Legend of Zelda), Robbie (Legend of Zelda), Kass (Legend of Zelda), Hestu (Legend of Zelda), Teba (Legend of Zelda), Yunobo (Legend of Zelda), Riju (Legend of Zelda), Revali (Legend of Zelda), Daruk (Legend of Zelda), Urbosa (Legend of Zelda), Paya (Legend of Zelda), Jerrin (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Retelling, Amnesia, protagonist mipha rights, i'm gonna be taking some liberties here, with various things, this is a story about mipha saving the world and making a lot of friends along the way, Idiots in Love Series: Part 2 of Mipha's Ballad Summary:
One hundred years after the Great Calamity ravaged Hyrule, a Zora awakens on the Great Plateau. Bereft of her memories, she finds herself adrift in a strange land that needs her help, and soon discovers that she is its only hope. Plagued by questions and doubts, she nevertheless commits herself to a role she was never meant to have. [Inspired by/based on the "Mipha's Grace" playable Mipha mod.]
Chapter 37, in which Mipha and Riju venture into Vah Naboris and make interesting discoveries...
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gintrinsic-writing · 9 months
For You
@st-hedge always creates great art but this evening I saw this picture and had to write something for it. hopefully they don't mind i gave it an lu twist for angst (please dm me if that IS an issue)
“They call it the Downfall Timeline,” his husband murmured, features highlighted in resplendent bronze from the sunlight streaming across the balcony. “Those two exist only because of tragedy.”
Link threaded their fingers together. The backs of their hands shined with destiny’s humbling curse. “A tragedy not your doing.”
His husband sighed. Funny, that such a soft sound should come from such a fierce man. “Perhaps. Still, I cannot deny that my soul harbors—”
“We’ve been over this,” Link interrupted. He used his free hand to gently tilt his husband’s face toward him. “You are responsible only for yourself. You cannot control what happened in the past, or in other timelines; only what you choose to do with your life.”
“I want to believe you, I always do. But still, there are times…” His husband trailed off, ashamed to admit what they both already knew to be true. 
“It’s alluring, isn’t it?” Link asked knowingly. “That kind of power, just waiting to be picked up? Hells, even darkness has a draw.”
His husband kissed him on the forehead, then the cheek. “Like you’d know.”
Link smiled, then flicked his husband over the heart. “I really do,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.
Finally, Link got what he wanted; his husband threw his head back and laughed. The world was richer for it. “That’s because you’re some wretched deviant,” his husband teased. “You’re not supposed to—”
“Wretched?” Link interrupted again with a huff, fakely affronted. “You think I’m wretched?”
“I notice you don’t deny your deviancy.”
“Well, nobody’s perfect.” Link poked at his husband’s upper lip, amused by the large canine tooth this revealed. “But I'd argue I have impeccable taste. I’m basically an artist.”
His husband snorted loudly. “If the world depended upon your ability to draw a recognizable stick figure, we’d all be doomed.”
“That’s the rudest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“I seriously doubt that.”
Link didn’t bother hiding his grin, but his amusement faded altogether when his husband once again glanced at the street below. The Downfall Duo met up with a larger group; nine heroes in total, just like the rumors had warned. They didn’t look like much, but that meant nothing when the goddesses were involved.
“Practically children,” his husband murmured, “yet still they frighten me.” 
“Forget them. They’re not here for us.”
“I’m not so sure.”
“Gan,” Link said, taking his husband’s face in both hands. “There’s nothing to fear. We turned our backs on that cycle long ago.”
His husband shook his head. “I doubt they’d agree. They’ll sense me soon enough—sense us. The Triforce will see to it.”
Link shrugged. “So what? Let them come. They’ll see for themselves the life we’ve made, how wonderful it is.”
The sun dipped below the rooftops. His husband’s eyes emitted a faint glow when he tilted his head. “And if they decide I’m a threat anyway?”
Link pressed his lips together and hummed, tangling his fingers in his husband’s long red hair. “If it comes to that, I suppose I’ll have to kill them.”
His husband shook his head slowly. “You’d kill Farore’s blessed, your own spiritual kin?”
Link leaned in, his breath ghosting against his husband’s lips. “For you? I’d do terrible, terrible things.”
And Ganondorf could only chuckle as he swept Link up and slotted their mouths together. Everything fell into place as it always did when he had Link like this. “Pray it doesn’t come to that,” he murmured at last, fighting the chill that destiny held over their shoulders. 
“They better,” Link told him.
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