#not gonna gene him cause wow? huh?
felixegadrik-fr · 3 months
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Texas Roadhouse (Jake "Hangman" Seresin X Koko) 👩🏾👨🇨🇱🤟🏽👢🤠🐴
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Jake Seresin X Koko (Black Curvy/Plus-Size Reader)
Warning: Fluff and probably some little angst
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On a summer day, y'all flew to Jake's hometown to see his mom for the first time while you in Austin, Texas so while y'all there, Jake took y'all to side seeing around the town especially the horses, the festivals, etc.
"Wow, so this is Texas. No wonder why you always represent your hometown, I'm ain't mad at ya." You chuckled
"Yup, this is my safe haven. Besides what you think, I'm listening to country music and having this accent?" He smirked to you.
"I'm can see that." You smirk back to him
"Hey, Mama?" The child said to you
"Yes baby?"
"This is daddy's hometown?" The child asked you
"Yes honey, this is Daddy's hometown."
"Mama, look! A horsey!" The child said to you while she pointed and saw the animal.
"See, I'm told you the kids are gonna enjoy it so far." Jake grins.
You just happy to be with your little family while your husband is on the vacation to visiting his mom in Texas, but you know that you looking forward to meet your mother-in-law, especially bringing your kids to see their grandma for the first time in person.......
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The following day, y'all at the hotel, both of y'all gotten up, you already washed up the night before so while Jake in the bathroom showering, you getting the kids up, making sure they ate some breakfast, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed up. So afterwards your husband got out the bathroom from showering and you smell the vanilla & lavender body wash that he has on and also you couldn't help that he looks handsome without clothes on especially he have a towel wrap around his wrist like that, but you have to get your dirty thoughts out of your mind for right now because we are wasting time a little bit, and we have to get going so after we already got dressed and we are heading out to his mom's house.
So after hours & hours on the road, we arrived at the place, Jake parked the driveway, killed the engine and we got out of the car and rings the doorbell and we saw his mom and her outfit it's scream southern bell because of how they dressed especially cause of they raised in a old money Texan way versus me as a Georgian woman like myself I'm more into black culture way because of where I from so he understand knows where I'm come from after we first met before we starting dating.
"My baby Jacob, how are you?" His mom hugs Jake
"Hey mama, how are ya?" He hugged her back after he greeted her.
So after she greeted Jake, she saw me and the kids, she stepped closer towards her, immediately she hugged her & the children.....
"Hello Koko, it's so nice finally to meet you, and you are really beautiful as well." She smiles at you while greeting.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Seresin. " You greeted her back.
"Please call me Shelley or Ms. Shelley, whatever you like to call me, though, and this must be my lovely grandkids as well."
It's didn't hit you the fact that those kids are yours & Jake's because the children is more resemble like their father because of their green but hazel eyes but hey you can't help that it's those Seresin genes though but anyway your little girl is not the shy type, sure she has it but she more adventurous like her father and your son is so handsome, he probably gonna have the charm effect from his father and you know when he gets little older those girls probably gonna call up the house and asking him if he a available.....
"So this is my grandchildren, huh? Y'all are so adorable, and how are you loves?" Ms. Shelley compliments the kids.
"Hi grandma, I'm good, and I am glad to see you in person." Jade said hello and introduced herself to her.
"Hi Jade, I'm glad to see you in person as well and you just a cute pie."
"Thank you" she smiles at her grandmother
"And who this handsome prince also as well?" Ms. Seresin asking you.
"This is James Jacob, the middle name, that I'm named him after his father." You tell her about the name.
"So I see and the name is perfect for him but hey come on in, make yourself at home, I'm make some fresh made of cookies."
"Well thank you Ms. Shelley, come on Jade."
"Okay mama" she follows you in the house
"So how long yall gonna be here in Austin though?" She asked y'all.
"Oh we gonna stay here about 3 more days and then we head out back to California." Jake have James on his hip.
"Ohh okay, well it's so good to see you my Jacob."
"You too ma, but anyway where grandma at?"
"She outside on the patio." She told where she at."
"Okay but hey sweetheart I'm gonna see my grandmother alright?"
"Yeah sure, no problem go head" you tell to go head since you have the kids.
"So Koko, how you and Jacob met if you don't mind asking?" She brought out the cookies & tea
"Well I'm met him in a navy bar back in San Diego, California." You told Ms. Seresin how you & Jake met.
"Oh okay, so where you from though love?"
"I'm from Atlanta, Georgia"
"Ohh a big city."
"Yup, I'm from the south and I'm a proud Georgian." You told her that you proud of what city where you from though.
"That understandable darlin', so what you do though?" She asking you
"I'm a stay-at-home mom."
"Okay but look I'm have to tell you something and it's nothing personal, listen what your tensions with my son?" She ask for curiously.
"I'm love your son, more than ever, I'm not expecting anything from him all I want is understanding, morals, respect, and openly minded, that what I want, I'm don't care about the money, that not who I am all that I'm want it to want someone to loves me and let me be myself, that'll all I'm ever wanted." You poured your heart to Mrs. Seresin
"Wow love, I'm never expected that from you to pour your heart out like that." She was surprised
"Sorry I'm just, I in love with Jake and I'm never felt this way before in my life especially how he treated me as a woman."
"Well I'm glad he treated you well and y'all treating each other well too." She understood you.
"Mama!! We saw more horses too, can I'm ride one of them please?" Jade asked you
"Tell your father if it's okay for you."
"Okay mama." Jade running towards back to her father.
"I'm sorry, she like animals so much." You smiled
"That okay honey, kids being kids, but look I'm let you go back to Jacob and it's was a nice conversation with you Koko." She hugged you
"Okay and you too Ms. Shelley." You hugged her back.
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And so you went outside with James on your hip and Jake saw you standing there while holding y'all son, and he got him so you can keep a eye on Jade.....
"Hey Babe, how you like it so far?" He asked about the vacation.
"It's perfect, I'm wouldn't be anywhere but you, there no place I rather be here." You kiss him on the lips with a passionate.
"I'm wouldn't trade anything else in the world because of you, I'm really happy that I'm glad we found each other." He kissing you more.
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A/N: This is a another long one-shot story and also this is a alternate universe if Koko married to Jake and have children with him.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[The Pack Next Door] Wooyoung: Sorry Not Sorry (Part One)
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(photo edit courtesy of @songmingki​)
Characters: Wooyoung x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, brother’s best friend au, not really fluffy but there’s no angst until the very end
Word count: 1,788
Summary: Everyone knows that werewolves can’t control who they imprint on, no matter what they think their preferences might be. But despite that, Jongho can’t help but absolutely loathe Wooyoung because the older boy went and imprinted on his older sister.
a/n: reader is obviously written to be older than jongho so if you dont like that bc it doesn’t apply to you, im sorry but oh well. also i don’t have any sort of update schedule so updates are gonna be way slower than they were for mingi’s lmao
Next | Sorry Not Sorry Masterlist
For a long time, Wooyoung was just your younger brother’s annoying friend. You were three years older than Jongho, so while you weren’t too far apart in age, you were just far enough that while growing up, you found your younger brother and his best friend absolutely annoying and obnoxious. And it seemed to be one of Wooyoung’s favorite activities was annoying you or pranking you with your brother.
Eventually, the three of you were grown-up enough that Jongho and Wooyoung didn’t bother you as often. You both were still in school -- you in high school while the pair was just starting middle since Wooyoung ended up staying back a year in grade school -- and while you did often see Wooyoung around your house during afternoons and weekends, his presence didn’t annoying you nearly as much as it used to. 
It wasn’t until Jongho was 15 and Wooyoung was 16 that you realized just how accustomed you’d gotten to having Wooyoung around, because you stopped seeing him. He was no longer on the couch with your brother, yelling at the video games they’d play on the TV after school. You no longer walked into the kitchen to see him rummaging through your fridge like he was in his own house. Wooyoung just...stopped coming around.
And Jongho was noticeably sadder, too.
“What happened to Jung Wooyoung?” you had asked him after about a week of no sign of your brother’s best friend.
Jongho sighed, looking more depressed than ever after hearing you mention his best friend since childhood, “He was sent away.”
“Sent away?” you repeated with furrowed brows. “Where? Why?”
“His parents said they sent him away to an all-boys school because he was acting out,” he explained.
Maybe Wooyoung acted differently at his own home than he did at your house, but you didn’t think the younger boy acted out at all. Maybe when he was a child, but he’d been fine the last 5-ish years. It didn’t make sense to you, but then again, you didn’t know Wooyoung very well.
However, you didn’t know it, but you were right. Wooyoung hadn’t been acting out at all. His parents wouldn’t tell anybody, but they’d actually kicked Wooyoung out of their home and sent him away to live with his uncle whom they’d disowned from their family because he was a werewolf.
And so was Wooyoung.
Wooyoung had gone missing for about three of those days that he wasn’t around your house. It was something most teenagers who first shifted would do, unsure what else to do after becoming a giant wolf. His parents had a feeling what had happened since his father had seen it happen with his brother. When Wooyoung had eventually returned, his parents confronted him about what happened, and the poor boy was immediately shunned and sent away. But when Jongho went to ask, they lied and said he went to a different school far away now.
Jongho was sure without any type of contact with his best friend, he’d never see Wooyoung again.
But you never thought much of him again. Jongho did eventually make new friends, and while he didn’t talk about him often anymore, he did think of Wooyoung every now and then, recalling the good times they had and wondering what he was doing with his new life. But you carried on with your life, eventually going off to college and only seeing Jongho when you went back home to visit. 
There was one instance where Jongho had come to you at your apartment, though. He was sweaty and out of breath, seeming panicked. His eyes were a scary crimson that had you gasping and stepping back from him, unsure why they looked like that. But he kept saying he didn’t know where to go or what to do.
That was when you found out Jongho was a werewolf. You weren’t sure what to do with that information, either, but you helped him go to your parents with the information. Your mother had said her great grandfather was one, but they weren’t sure if anyone else in their family would get what they expected to be the werewolf gene. But thankfully, they were accepting and went to your grandmother for some help and advice.
During his time in college, Jongho had found some new friends that he started living off campus with. They seemed to make him happy, and he spoke about them like they were family. He had confirmed they were his pack, and you were happy that he managed to find them. You thought it was sweet that your brother had new friends in college that he cared about and who seemed to care about him, as well.
“Oh, and hey, do you remember Jung Wooyoung?” Jongho asked while he was first gushing about his friends.
“That little twerp you were friends with since forever?” you chuckled. 
“Yeah,” he laughed. “Well, he's in it too! He lives with them!”
Your eyebrows raised in surprised, “Wow. It’s been years since you’ve seen him.”
“I know!”
“It’s like you two were meant to be brothers this whole time,” you told him with a laugh. “That’s kind of crazy. Fate’s really amazing, huh...”
“You should come visit sometime. I think you’ll really like the guys. Hongjoong’s really cool, and Yunho’s pretty goofy but he’s sweet. San’s kinda flirty but he’s really nice and stuff when you get to know him. I think you’ll get along well with Seonghwa and Yeosang, honestly.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Because you were always no fun growing up,” he teased.
But you did eventually go visit your brother. It had been a little while since you’d seen him anyway, so you figured why not. Besides, he seemed really excited about his pack and especially getting to reconnect with his childhood best friend. Honestly, you were a little bit curious to see how Wooyoung grew up.
What you didn’t expect when you arrived was to see Jung Wooyoung for the first time since you were in high school, and see him as so much more than just your little brother’s annoying friend.
Jung Wooyoung had grown up to be more handsome than you could’ve even imagined if you’d ever bothered to remember him. As soon as your eyes landed on him as he walked out the door to catch up with the pack while your brother excitedly greeted you from the driveway, you felt a massive crush on him hit you. And if this was what your grandmother had told you, Jongho, and your parents about, this was something more serious than just a human crush.
For Wooyoung, his entire world stopped. All he saw was you in his vision, everyone and everything else falling away. His heart was beating out of his chest, his palms suddenly felt clammy, and he had the strong urge to run right up to you and just wrap you up in his arms.
He had imprinted on his childhood best friend’s sister.
Thankfully, with Jongho’s excitement to introduce you to the pack, he hadn’t picked up on that. However, the same couldn’t be said for the pack. Seonghwa easily noticed, Hongjoong had a very strong suspicion, and Yeosang thought it was so painfully obvious that he couldn’t believe that Jongho didn’t realize when he had re-introduced the two of you and you finally had to properly acknowledge each other.
Yunho was the only one who didn’t notice, thinking that was just how Wooyoung was. He was very flirty with, well, just about anybody. So the older boy didn’t have reason to think anything of it.
But it was silently decided that nobody would tell Jongho about it. Neither you nor Wooyoung knew how to tell him. Jongho had become very protective of you ever since becoming a werewolf, so not only were you afraid of possibly upsetting him, but Wooyoung definitely was. Not only was Jongho his brother now, but they had been best friends since they could remember, and they had finally reuinted. He didn’t want to ruin their relationship, and neither did you. And since neither of you ever said anything, the rest of the pack knew it wasn’t their place.
Eventually, another werewolf came into the picture: Song Mingi. He was tall, a little awkward, but very sweet and funny. He had imprinted on his best friend, Aera, who he hadn’t told yet and insisted everyone associated with the pack never speak of it to her -- that included you. You weren’t at the pack house often -- Wooyoung would simply sneak out to visit you at your apartment because that was way easier -- but you were glad that Mingi’s situation overshadowed your own. The less attention on you and Wooyoung, the better.
Until Mingi ended up telling Aera, and then someone had to go and open their big, stupid mouth and ruin everything for you.
Jongho had invited you over for dinner to sort of ‘celebrate’ Mingi finally telling Aera after however many years that she was his mate. They, like Jongho and Wooyoung, had grown up together and were best friends throughout their whole lives. You were shocked Mingi managed to keep his secret for so long, but you were happy for him that he finally told her. Besides, Aera was always so laid back and relaxed. You figured she’d be fine with the whole situation.
“I still can’t believe you made a mistake that stupid,” you chuckled as the pack launched joke after joke toward Mingi’s lapse of thought which caused Aera to find out. “Even I know to be more careful than that.”
“Yeah, but you have family that’ve been telling you about werewolves since Jongho was in high school,” Mingi pouted. “My parents still don’t even know.”
“Guess they’re next on the list of people to tell,” Yeosang joked lightly, knowing Mingi was getting a little grumpy from all the teasing.
Yunho snorted before laughing, “Where are Wooyoung and _____ on that list?”
However, the joke that was meant to lighten the mood only made it worse. The air seemed to thicken almost immediately as everyone but the oblivious werewolf froze, eyes unsure if they wanted to look at you, Wooyoung, Jongho, or just continue staring at the table. It was so silent after Yunho’s laughter turned awkward and then quickly died down that even you could’ve heard a pin drop from outside. But after what felt like an eternity of just dead silence, something finally broke it that made you wish you’d continued to just sit in the quiet.
“What?” Jongho asked sharply.
From the end of the table, you heard Mingi mumble, “What was that about stupid mistakes?”
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bubblyani · 5 years
(Bruce Wayne x Reader)
A Bruce Wayne One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Note: A particular photo of Mr. Wayne got my brain fired up for this short fic. Another break fic from my writing list. Impromptu but no regrets. Hope y’all enjoy!
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“Will you be dining alone, Miss?”
Those words felt like poison to you. You didn’t blame the waiter though. He was merely doing his job.
“Oh no...” you replied, flashing a bright smile at him, “...he will be here soon...probably stuck in traffic” you added. But the moment the young waiter left your table, you knew you were lying.
This inconvenience, it never happened to you before. And now when it finally did, it had to happen at one of the fanciest restaurants in Gotham city.
Perhaps it’ll be fun, you thought. But the wandering eyes of other customers had made you quite embarrassed already. You yourself remember entering the venue with a hopeful look, only to later wait and wait and wait. So how exactly would this be fun? Would it be when you’re stewing in the air full of pity and judgement exhaled by high society and new money? This was hell in the making.
A familiar voice echoed across, making your eyes widen. Turning your head back, you immediately linked the voice to none other than Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire, and your dear friend.
“Bruce?” You breathed, “Oh my goodness...” with your face lit up, you secretly waved at him, “Hey” you mouthed.
Excusing himself from the group of three beautiful female companions, the owner of Wayne Enterprises made his way over to you. 
Pride and wonder: that was what you felt as you watched him. Dressed smartly as always, he walked with the confidence and the classiest swagger that was created. Was it a Wayne birthright, or habit formed with time? You simply did not know. Nevertheless, it certainly complimented his handsome frame. There was nothing different.
Except for the fact he seemed a tad bit tongue tied by the sight of you tonight.
“You look...” he began with a deeper voice. Struggling to finish the sentence, he could only do so with simplicity, “ You look...wow!”
You chuckled, “Thanks...” you said shyly. Yes, as expected of a place like this, you had dressed so formally. And by formal you meant a backless, figure hugging sequined evening dress, while donning a low hair bun.
But it was never expected of Bruce to be so flustered by the sight of you in it. Come to think of it, never had you worn anything that risqué in front of him either. Silence was shared between the two.
“Well...you can make all the fun you want now...” you began embarrassingly, “...cause My date just ditched me” you finally confessed. You were prepared for a tease, some laughter in the background.
Except the smile left his face in an instant.
“Who was it?“ he inquired. You sighed.
“Frank Gilbert. Some stock market guy”
“Ah...Yeah” With his hands in his pockets, Bruce nodded with realization “I myself wouldn’t trust Frank with anything”
“Really?” You asked with genuine curiosity, later groaning with disappointment, “Oh man, what a waste of this dress!”
“Then let’s not waste it”
“Huh? Wait what are you doing?“
Your eyes rose with surprise the moment Bruce quickly drew up a chair next to you. Not in front of you. Right next to you.
“Well...I’m joining you, of course” he said with a hint of nonchalance “I certainly am not gonna let you eat by yourself” 
“That’s sweet Bruce...but you have guests” you insisted, pointing at the ladies who were waiting for him from afar. They may have been blessed with good genes. But patience? Certainly not.
Wayne scoffed “Who cares?” to which you shook your head frantically. “No no no...” you said, “I don’t want you to ditch them like Frank ditched me. That’s mean. Let’s invite them over” you said, forcing your unwilling  friend to get up whilst you prepared to greet the women with an enthusiastic wave, “Hey-”
Until suddenly, those women were saved from their boredom by someone else. To their luck, any bachelor businessman in the restaurant tickled their fancy and they were more than happy to tag along with this new admirer. “Well...” Bruce chuckled, “Just my luck, right?” He said, sitting down again with a pleased look. Even still, you just couldn’t believe this. And when all the wandering eyes around found this more intriguing, you felt more self conscious.
“What are you doing?” You whispered, leaning towards him, “People can see”
“Let them” Bruce said confidently, shaking the swan napkin before placing it over his lap. This man, really!, you thought.
“They’re gonna talk, you know” you said, attempting to fuel a fire you hoped would start burning.
No matter what, it seemed that your friend simply had made up his mind. Shaking your head, you gave up. How could you not when he flashed you his cheeky smile? And truthfully you were thankful.
“So ...how do your dates normally go?”
He teased. You let out a hearty laughter. “Oh buddy, you’re in for a long night”
“Really? Waiter!” He said, subtly signaling to the nearest one, “Some wine, please” Stubborn Wayne, really. 
“Okay buddy...” you said with a sigh, “...but I’m worried you’re gonna regret this” you added. Locking his gaze in yours, you felt warmth being transferred somehow as he replied with no hesitation:
“Never ...”
Just one word. One word to mark his assurance. One word to make your heart suddenly skip a beat, forcing any trace of your cold hearted self to ditch you, leaving your heart out in the open. Open for an unimaginable possibility.
Until then.
------------ @christianbalefanatic​
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thekitteninlove · 3 years
Okay, so i wrote another fanfic. This one is much longer, 3000+ words or 6 pages. I put some more romance in it too, since i realized the other ones kinda lack that and i want more romance. This is my way of coping with my love for Dean
Characters: Dean Tweedle
Warning: R 18+
Title: Teacher's pet, part 1
I was in the schoolyard with my friend, Maya. We were on a break, so we decided to just take a walk outside.
“So, do you wanna go to the club tonight?” she asked me
“Again? Didn’t you go to one yesterday? When do you sleep?”. Our personalities were completely different. Unlike me, she was an extrovert who liked to party. She was always cheerful, so her presence lightened my mood.
“Well, you know, during classes or after I get back from school. So, what do you say? Wanna come?”
“Nope, you know I don’t like those kinda places. The music is too damn loud. I’m gonna go deaf in there. Besides which I have to study for the finals”
“Ugh, we still have plenty of time. You should take a break and relax sometimes. You know how the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
“I think I take enough breaks. I have my own way of having fun. I’m worried that if I take more breaks I’ll fall behind in my studies and I don’t want to disappoint the teachers”. Actually, I think I have a fear of disappointing them. I wonder if this fear has a name.
“Right. How could I forget you’re teacher’s pet whose hobby is to please the teachers.”
“You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing, but my future is at stake here”
“Oh, come on, don’t be so dramatic. It’s not like your future will be destroyed if you spend a bit more time socializing. How about getting a boyfriend? Love will definitely make you happier.”
Love? I immediately thought of Dean and my heart started beating faster. I don’t know when I started having those feelings for him. It feels like it happened gradually. The feelings kept getting stronger and stronger. I began to look forward to his lessons, although I don’t particularly enjoy history. I think I love him, but he only sees me as his student, nothing more. He’s the perfect teacher, always going out of his way to help his students. He’s out of my league. I doubt he’d even consider a girl like me a potential partner. But I can’t find anyone else I’d like to date. Most of the boys in my class were acting like 5 year olds. During breaks, the classroom becomes a battlefield because they start fighting over trivial stuff, which is why we’re outside. They put bugs in girls’ bags or they play with paper airplanes. They’re high schoolers, not primary school kids, but they don’t seem to have matured much since then. There are a few other boys who act their age, but their taken. Figures. I sighed.
“I noticed how you’ve been looking at Dean” Maya said after a moment with a grin on her face. “You look at him like he’s the love of your life”
“What!? No way! Was I that obvious? Has anyone else noticed that? I don’t want him to know that. That’ll be embarrassing.” I felt my cheeks redden. I didn’t realize I was letting my emotions show on my face. I hope he didn’t notice that
“Emma, you should tell him your feelings or you’ll regret you never did that. What’s there to lose? At least give it a go. You can’t know what someone else is feeling unless you ask them.”
“Ugh, i… I guess you have a point. I’ll try to tell him how I feel” I was a bit reluctant and scared that he was going to reject me and break my heart.
“You’ll not ‘try’, you’ll do it. And don’t say ‘tie me up, teacher’. Confess like a normal person. ‘I love you’ is all you need to say to convey your feelings”
“Hey, why would you think I’d say that?” I was shocked at what she said and I tried to push away the thoughts of Dean tying me up and having his way with me
“Because that’s how masochists confess their love, duh” she said matter-of-factly
“I’m not a masochist”. Well, I guess I was a bit, but I wasn’t going to admit that.
“Uh-huh, sure thing.” She said in a teasing voice
Dammit, I need to change the subject. “So, uh… how’s it going with your boyfriend? I’ve seen him stealing your bag many times just to get your attention. He’s so childish, how can you stand that?”
“Well, he can get annoying at times, but I still like him. What I like the most about him is that he has a great sense of humor. I always laugh at his jokes”
That’s true. I really like his jokes too. I, on the other hand, suck at telling jokes. People think I’m serious when I make them. I should just give up. I like him, but he certainly isn’t my type.
The sound of the bell signaled the end of the break, so we made our way back to class. Hopefully, they didn’t destroy anything.
After the lectures were over I went to the library. I was still thinking about what my friend said. How will I go about it? What if he rejects me? I heard about the broken heart syndrome. It’s like a heart attack, but it can be caused by a sudden rush of extreme emotions. I hope he won’t break my heart, figuratively and literally speaking. I’m so anxious I can hardly concentrate on this book. Next time I get the chance to speak with him privately I need to tell him I love him. But he’s so busy. I wish I had more opportunities to talk to him. I doubt I could find a man as good as him anywhere else. He’s the only one I desire. I wonder why I feel so attracted to him. I’ve read in a book that researchers study animal behavior to explain certain behaviors in humans. It says that people are looking for a mate whose genes would increase the chance of survival of their offspring. Maybe I subconsciously want Dean’s genes. But is there all there is to it? I was so distracted by my thoughts I couldn’t hear the footsteps behind me.
“The library is closed. You’re not supposed to be here” said a stern voice behind me
“Whoa!” I exclaimed in surprise and turned around to find Dean standing there with an amused expression on his face. When I looked toward the windows I realized it was already dusk. Time passes so fast
“It’s closing time.” He corrected himself. “You need to go home”
“Oh, right” I was about to pack my things and go, but then I realized that this might be the opportunity I was looking for. “Um, I need to tell you something” I was starting to get nervous
“Yes? Do you need help with something?” he asked
His kindness warmed my heart. This was one of the things I loved about him. “Uh, i… I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately” I was quite anxious, but I tried to keep my voice steady. “but I’ve only recently realized that i…” I felt that my heart was about to explode from all the intense emotions I was feeling. Nervousness. Love. Excitement. I felt a surge of adrenaline, like I just drank coffee. Never before have I felt this way. It was something new. I felt like I was suffocating, like I was drowning in my own feelings. “I love you” I finally said it and looked at him expectantly
He opened his eyes wide. It was clear he wasn’t aware of this. Silence fell between us and after a moment that seemed to last forever he said in a confused voice “Are you sure? I’m not as good as you think I am”
Huh? He’s less confident than I thought he was. Well, that fine by me. He doesn’t have to be that confident for me to like him. “I think I am and I want to get to know you better. So would you like to go on a date?” I was feeling hopeful. He didn’t reject me straight away. It seems like I might just have a chance with him.
“Well,” he smiled “if you think you can handle me then I accept your invitation. I also want to get to know my pet better”
Wow! I can’t believe it! He said yes! YES, YES, YES! Damn, I’m so lucky. This is the luckiest day of my life. How come this hunk doesn’t have a girlfriend? Well, who cares about that, he’s mine now. I felt like dancing with joy.
He began to close the distance between us. “I will teach you about real love”. He lifted my chin up with his index finger and I looked up into his beautiful dark grey eyes. My heart began to beat faster as he moved closer and then pressed his lips against mine. I felt a rush of excitement at the sensation of his warm lips brushing against mine. I didn’t expect this. He then licked my lips and I slightly parted them to let him slip his tongue in. Our tongues coiled around each other and I felt the need to move even closer to him. I put my hands in his hair to deepen the kiss and he put his arms on my hips and pushed me against the bookshelves. He then pressed his body against mine and I let out a small gasp.
“You’re my pet. I won’t let anyone else have you. I’m your only master, do you understand?”
“Yes, master” I don’t want anyone else but him. My heart belongs to him.
“Good girl.” He smiled and kissed me again. This time he was more passionate than before. I ran my hands through his hair as he removed his gloves and slowly slid one of his hands up my outer thigh and used the other to massage my lower back.
“Mmmh” I felt myself gradually becoming hotter. I want him to do more. I want his genes in me. I hope we won’t get caught, but by now most of the students and staff should’ve left. He’s usually among the last ones to leave. He broke away from the kiss and started nibbling my neck, while his hands slid under my skirt and took off my undies, then I felt his hand rub me between my legs. I was trying not to make much noise in case there were still people in the school, but it was getting hard to control my voice and I let out a moan. “Ahh, Dean, I want you in” I was breathing hard and tightly gripping his hair. He slowly inserted two fingers in me and moved them in and out. At this point I couldn’t think straight as I pushed myself against his hand wanting more. “Ohh, I love you, Dean. I want you so badly”. He then used his other hand to take off his pants and underwear, took out a condom from his pocket and put it on.
“Put your legs around me, I’ll hold you” he said as he put his hands on my hips to hold me up
I did as he said and then he began to insert his shaft little by little in me. He tried not to move too much so that I could adjust to it. I put my hands on his back and held him tightly to me. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. I’d be surprised if he didn’t hear it. My desire for him overcame my anxiety and I began to move my hips back and forth. He then gripped my hips more tightly and began to move too. I was digging my nails into his back, moaning and calling his name. “Ahhh, I love you” I said in between breaths. I could hear him moaning close to my ear, which made me even more aroused. I then felt his warm and wet tongue on my neck and a bit of pain as he bit it. “Oh~, Dean~”. I felt myself getting closer and closer to the climax. He began moving faster and I could feel he was starting to lose the last bit of control he had on his body.
“Ohhh, you’re… mmh… such a… haa… naughty pet” he managed to say between moans “for tempting me… aah… I’ll… nnnh… punish you” he then bit my neck again and I moaned out his name as I arched my back and came. His movements became erratic and he soon came after me as he moaned my name in my ear.
We were breathing hard and it took a while until we regained our composure and got dressed.
“We need to clean ourselves, so we can go to my place to take a bath if you want to. I know you live farther away and you’re sweaty. You’ll catch a cold if you stay for too long outside like this” he said
It was nice of him to suggest this and I agreed to his proposal. I needed to clean myself. ASAP
It only took a few minutes to reach his apartment. After he turned on the water for the bath we sat down at the table to eat some food. This feels like a dream. I can’t believe this actually happened. I didn’t think he’d do this. Dum warned me that he was a corrupted teacher, but I didn’t believe him. But now I see he’s not as perfect as I imagined him to be. Although I don’t mind it. It felt better than I imagined it would be like. I felt my cheeks grow hot as I remembered what we did. To think he’d do something like that… Curiosity got the better of me and I asked him “Why did you agree to date me and why…” I trailed off trying to find the right words “why did you touch me like that?”
He stopped eating and turned his gaze to me. “I’ve had my sights set on you for a long time now. But I’m a teacher and hitting on a student would be considered outrageous. I was relieved to hear that you were feeling the same way about me. I was starting to worry that I needed to wait until you graduated to confess my love to you. Although…” he paused “we’ll have to keep this a secret. The others might jump to some false conclusions and I don’t want that. I care about my reputation. So could you keep it a secret?”
I was a bit disappointed that we had to keep this a secret, but as long as I could stay by his side I was happy. “Sure thing” I responded
“Great. I think the bath is almost ready, so let me spoil you for all your hard work”
We went to the bathroom, where he started taking off his clothes one by one. I watched him strip taking in his muscular body. Mmh, lookin’ good there, teach’. Looks like someone’s going to the gym. I heard he knows martial arts. Perhaps because he felt like I was staring at him he looked at me and grinned.
“Aren’t you going to undress?”
Oh, right, I should do it too. After we took off our clothes we went to soak in the warm water. The bathtub was large enough for both of us, so we sat across from each other. Ugh, it feels a bit awkward. The strained silence was broken by his voice.
“They say that actions speak louder than words. I want to praise you for being such a good pet, so come over here and let me spoil you” he said with a smile
I moved closer to him. Then, as I was closing the distance, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss. It was hot and passionate and I felt like I was melting in his arms. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine and his hands holding me tightly to his chest. I wrapped my legs around his hips as I placed my hands on his back. I could feel his thing harden, so I slid one of my hands down to stroke it. He then let out a moan and bit my lip, which made me gasp. He then placed his hands on my butt and squeezed it.
“Mmmh, Dean”
His lips moved to my ear and whispered “Your grades are… mmh… so good, I need to… haa… praise you… nnh… more” then licked my ear
“Yes, praise me more, teacher~” I said in a husky voice. I stopped stroking his cock and began to move my hips against his, feeling his hardness between my legs. It was getting hotter and hotter and that wasn’t only because of the water.
He grabbed my hips and began to put it in and I heard his voice close to my year “You’re such a… nnnh… good pet… ahhh” his hips were moving to and fro now and he was panting hard “a really… ohh… good pet… mmmh”
“Ahhh, I love you… mmh… master~” I was holding him tightly and moaning. I need him so much. I love him more than anything else in the world. I was getting closer and closer to my peak and as I felt him tighten his hold on my hips I moaned out his name and came. I felt him take it out and i realized he hasn’t finished yet, so I put my hands on his shaft and started rubbing it
“Ahhh… yes… do it like that… mmh” I heard him moan. He then gripped my shoulders and started licking my neck. “faster… nnh”
I started moving my hands faster around his thing. I felt it throbbing under my hands. It feels so good to hear his moans and know that I’m the one making him feel this way. After some more rubbing he came and took me in his arms. He began to caress my back, moving his hand down my back and back again. This feels so relaxing. We stayed like that for a while and then got out of the water. Since it was so late he let me stay at his place and lent me one of his shirts to sleep in.
We were lying in bed, in each other’s arms, when he said “I don’t want to ever let you go, even after you graduate… will you still want to stay by my side? Even though you know how I truly am?”
“Yes, I will. My heart belongs to you. I’m all yours”
“I’m all yours too” he said and gave me a quick kiss
I felt so relaxed and happy right now like I’ve never had before. My friend was right. Love makes you happier.
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
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                                          [elevator dings]
Renee Royce: Oh [laughs] Oh….
                         No. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Kelly Severide: Come on.
Renee Royce: No! [chuckles]
Renee Royce: Do you mind taking our picture?
Man 1: Sure.
                                       [camera clicks]
Renee Royce: [laughs]
Kelly Severide: Apartment fire. Ten car pile up. Hand caught in a
Renee Royce: Okay, all right. In Madrid, it is going to be, um, tapas,
                         tapas, dance club, and, um, Catholic Church.
Kelly Severide: You think I can dance?
Renee Royce: Well, I can dance and you can just watch.
Kelly Severide: That I can do.
                           I’ve never done that before.
Renee Royce: Oh, yeah?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Renee Royce: Wow. Well then, I guess this is gonna be the first of
                         many new things then, huh?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Renee Royce: Yeah.
                                          [kissing sound]
Kelly Severide: What is it?
Renee Royce: I met this doctor.
Kelly Severide: A doctor?
Renee Royce: Not like that. I just, um… Well I put out some feelers
                         to my medical contacts and, um, it turns out that
                         the Chief of Orthopedics over at River Forest
                         Hospital is… pioneering some kind of experimental
                         spinal surgery, and he wants to meet you.
Kelly Severide: Really?
Renee Royce: Yeah. 
                         You know what? Maybe this will help you get to
                          Madrid even sooner. Hm.
                                           [kissing sound]
                                            [phone rings]
Chief Boden: Chief Boden. 
Ernie: Do you remember me?
Chief Boden: Ernie.
Ernie: Yeah.
Chief Boden: What’s going on? You okay?
Ernie: No.
Chief Boden: [sighs] Talk to me. Where are you?
                                           [hangs up]
Chief Boden: Ernie.
                              [car door opens & shuts]
                                     [engine revs off]
                                    [dramatic music]
                                       [siren blares]
                                      [horn blasting]
                                    [truck door shuts]
Christopher Herrmann: Hardware store. Not good.
Matt Casey: Cruz, Mills, vent the roof.
Joe Cruz: Hardware store’s got propane tanks, accelerants.
Matt Casey: Go, go, go!
                                       [siren blares]
Chief Boden: (into radio) Dispatch be advised, Battalion 25’s on
Dispatcher: (over radio) Copy that, 25.
Matt Casey: Got one down.
                                       [metal clangs]
Matt Casey: Herrmann, take his legs.
                                  [overlapping chatter]
Gabby Dawson: No pulse. 
Leslie Shay: Not breathing.
Engine Fireman: Fire’s out, Chief. Looks like another dumpster fire.
                                                - title - 
Gabby Dawson: What’s up?
Otis Zvonecek: The door’s jammed. 
Christopher Herrmann: I told Chief we needed to grease this
                                        puppy before the weather turned.
Mouch: And what, he ignored you?
Christopher Herrmann: No, he told me to do it, but I forgot. 
                                        I’ve been preoccupied. 
Mouch: Weren’t you and Cindy using protection?
Christopher Herrmann: We’ve got four kids, Mouch. I was counting
                                         on my sperm being too tired to make the
Leslie Shay: Well, I’m gonna head inside and check the levels on
                      the hot chocolate.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, I’m gonna provide back-up.
Otis Zvonecek: You know, my grandmother had this garage door
                           that was always stuck 2 feet off the ground. So one
                           time I tell my brother Nick, I say, “go inside and
                           grab some butter.”
Peter Mills: What?
Christopher Herrmann: We got a rule. You tell a story that we’ve all
                                         heard a million times, we raise our hand,
                                         you gotta shut up, no questions asked.
Otis Zvonecek: That’s actually impolite and insulting.
Christopher Herrmann: Like that’s on us [laughs]
Peter Mills: I haven’t heard the story.
Joe Cruz: Mills, let’s go.
Otis Zvonecek: Where are you guys going?
Peter Mills: Oh, I asked Cruz to give me driving lessons.
Otis Zvonecek: I-I’m actually next in line to drive 81. You know
Matt Casey: Not now, Otis.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs]
Kid 1 (Roman): Hey, I… I got this dog here, if anyone wants it.
Mouch: Don’t even think about it. Had a dog over at 80 when I was
              there. Still have the teeth marks in my ankle to prove it.
Kid 1 (Roman): My dad says he’s gonna throw it in the river if I don’t
                           get rid of it. 
Peter Mills: I’ll take it, or at least I can find a home for it or
                                               [dog whimpers]
Kid 1 (Roman): He likes bacon.
Mouch: Well, there’s that.
Peter Mills: Does he have a name?
Gabby Dawson: Aw, dad, can we keep it? Huh, can we? Can we?
                            Can we?
Chief Boden: Keep what?
Leslie Shay: The dog.
Matt Casey: [chuckles softly]
                                               [dog yipping]
Peter Mills: The kid’s dad was gonna drown it if we didn’t take it.
Chief Boden: He can’t stay.
                       I got a call at 67 over at Morningside. They need relief
                       for the next two shifts.
Otis Zvonecek: I’ll do it.
Joe Cruz: What? That’s the slowest house in the city.
Otis Zvonecek: I’ll do it.
Hadley: Oh, what the hell? You’ve got a medical furlough, Severide.
              That means you’re medically required to be out drinking.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, well… this may be more than just a furlough.
                           I’m moving to Spain with Renee.
Chief Boden: Between your history with us and your father’s
                       distinguished career, I can get you arson
                       investigation. Or the academy. Your choice.
Kelly Severide: I appreciate it, Chief, I do. But I’m leaving.
Chief Boden: Kelly… just sleep on it.
Kelly Severide: I have.
Chief Boden: [sighs]
Kelly Severide: Hey. You okay?
Chief Boden: You were right about Ernie. He called, said he was in
                        trouble, and then he hung up. Right before we
                        responded to another dumpster fire. 
                        I don’t know where to find him.
Kelly Severide: You tried to help him, Chief.
Chief Boden: Did I?
Kelly Severide: You reached out to him. You invited him in.
Chief Boden: Kelly, I saw him with this man… everything about it
                       felt wrong.
Kelly Severide: And you handed it over to the police.
Chief Boden: And what have they done, huh? Nothing.
Leslie Shay: Hey, uh, I must have misheard Capp, because he said
                      something about you going to Spain.
Kelly Severide: Yeah. I was gonna tell you this morning, but, uh… I
                           missed you. 
Leslie Shay: How long have you known this?
Kelly Severide: A day. Maybe two.
                                       [alarm buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Ambulance 61. 425 Lake Street.
                   Infant shooting.
                                             [engine starts]
                                              [siren blares]
Lady 1: My baby. My baby’s been shot. 
                                           [dramatic music]
                                              [door slams]
                                              [gun cocks]
Lady 1: Baby!
Man 2 (Baby): You called the cops?
Lady 1: You’ve been shot, baby.
              Put down that… [yells] Aah!
Leslie Shay: Whoa, take it easy.
Man 2 (Baby): Shut up and stay away from me!
                         I’m not going back to jail.
Gabby Dawson: We’re not the cops.
Man 2 (Baby): This was self defense.
Gabby Dawson: Of course it was.
Man 2 (Baby): You stay where you are.
Leslie Shay: Are you gonna shoot me for helping your mom?
                                      [pounding at door]
Matt Casey: Fire department!
                                   [pounding continues]
Man 2 (Baby): Tell ‘em to stop bangin’!
                         Tell ‘em to stop, or I’m gonna blow a hole right
                         through that door!
                                       [taser buzzes]
Man 2 (Baby): [groans]
Matt Casey: Dawson? Shay?
Gabby Dawson: You can’t carry a taser.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, well [breathing heavily] tell that to Baby.
                                       [door breaking]
Gabby Dawson: Baby here, uh, cold-cocked his mom and then
                            tripped and bumped his head.
Matt Casey: Baby?
Leslie Shay: Where in the code of conduct book does it say you
                      can’t carry a taser?
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] Page one.
Leslie Shay: Oh, I should totally read that someday.
Otis Zvonecek: [exhales]
Mouch: Hey, Otis, remember to bring some reading materials with
              you to Morningside.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs]
Christopher Herrmann: 10 bucks you sell more Morningside
                            ��            T-shirts to tourists than you get calls.
Otis Zvonecek: Wager denied.
Mouch & Herrmann: [laughs]
Peter Mills: Yo, Dawson, hold up.
                     Yo, I’m sorry about before. It’s just that on shift, it’s…
Gabby Dawson: Oh, stop it. It’s all right.
Peter Mills: It’s just… you know that it drives me crazy.
Gabby Dawson: We’ll figure it out. 
                            Text me after you get some rest.
Peter Mills: Sounds good.
                                           [dog yips]
                                       [kissing sound]
Peter Mills: Mm.
                                         [horn honks]
Matt Casey: You wanna get breakfast?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, sure, absolutely. 
                                       [car door shuts]
Leslie Shay: Wow, look at you. You look like you’re about to pop.
Clarice: Yeah, a few more weeks.
Leslie Shay: Thank you. I heard if you eat eggplant, the baby comes
                      right out.
Clarice: I moved out.
Leslie Shay: What? 
Clarice: I told Daniel it wasn’t gonna work… ever.
              And I, uh… I moved back in with my parents.
Leslie Shay: Wow.
Clarice: Yeah, I know. [chuckles] I mean, it’s exactly where I
               imagined my life at 30, back with Barb and Gene in
               my room…
Leslie Shay: [chuckles]
Clarice: ... with the No Doubt poster.
Leslie Shay: Right. 
Clarice: Yeah.
Leslie Shay: And don’t forget pregnant.
Clarice: Well, I know what you’re thinking.
Leslie Shay: What’s that?
Clarice: That the way I live my life finally caught up with me.
Leslie Shay: That’s not what I’m thinking.
Clarice: And you would be right.
              Anyway, um… I just came back ‘cause I wanted to say
              thank you again. And you were a friend to me when I did
              not deserve one.
Leslie Shay: Forget Gene and Barb. Stay with me.
Clarice: No… that’s not why I came back.
Leslie Shay: No, end of discussion.
Gabby Dawson: And you don’t wanna get of the wrong side of my
                            abuela. Trust me. She’s got this look that she’ll
                            throw you when she’s aggravated.
                                    [Matt & Gabby laughs]
Gabby Dawson: That means tread lightly.
Matt Casey: Yeah, I can see that.
                      I’m gonna speak up for my mom at the hearing today.
Gabby Dawson: And how does your sister feel?
Matt Casey: Like I’m a traitor.
                     She’s spoken against my mom’s release every year,
                     which is all the board needs to hear to deny parole.
Gabby Dawson: Ugh. That’s a tough one.
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: You want me to come with you today?
Matt Casey: Ah, you never know how long these things are gonna
                      go. It could be a few hours before we even get inside.
Gabby Dawson: I’m coming.
                                              [mug clanks]
Receptionist: Chief, you have a call. It sounds urgent.
                        Okay, stand by. Here he is.
Chief Boden: This is Chief Boden. 
Ernie: I’m in trouble.
Chief Boden: Ernie, where are you? 
Ernie: Uncle Ray makes me do it.
Chief Boden: I know. Just tell me where you are. 
Ernie: He’d kill me if he knew I called you.
Chief Boden: I will not let that happen. 
                       Ernie, please let me help you.
                       Ernie. Just tell me where you are.
Ernie: In-in front of some store on South Halsted and Marquette.
Chief Boden: Okay. Don’t move. I am on my way.
                                    [car door shuts]
Chief Boden: Ernie?
Orthopedic Doctor (Dr. Doriot): We take parts of bone and
                                                      cartilage from one vertebra and
                                                      fuse it onto the next. And then
                                                      we inject your own platelets
                                                      into the area, which increases
                                                      healing. Recovery time could
                                                      be four weeks instead of one
Kelly Severide: How come I didn’t hear about this from my other
Orthopedic Doctor (Dr. Doriot): This isn’t covered by an HMO.
                                                      It’s experimental. I’m not gonna lie
                                                      to you. There are real risks here,
                                                      including partial paralysis.
Kelly Severide: Partial paralysis?
Renee Royce: I am so sorry. I, um… I guess I didn’t realise how
                         risky it was.
Kelly Severide: Hey. 
                           If I’m gonna risk anything, I’ll risk it on you and me
                           in Madrid.
                                        [kissing sound]
Parole Board Member: Is there anyone present who would like to
                                        speak either on behalf of or in opposition
                                        to Nancy Annalyn Casey’s request for
Matt Casey: Yes. My name is Matthew Casey. I’m Nancy’s son.
                      I’d like to speak, please.
Parole Board Member: In four years, you’ve never spoken before,
                                        Mr. Casey. Why now? What’s changed?
Matt Casey: Well, uh, when I was seven, I, uh, I stole a baseball mitt
                      from a sporting goods store. I got caught, and the
                      owner wanted to call the cops, teach me a lesson.
                      But my mom came down there and, uh, got him to
                      agree to let me work off the cost of the mitt by
                      sweeping his floor. And when my sister crashed the
                      family car, my dad wanted to kick her out of the house.
                      But my mom talked to him, worked it out where
                      Christie could work off the repairs by cleaning dad’s
                      office. What I’m-I’m trying to say is that my mom
                      understood punishment, but she also understood
                      forgiveness. She did a horrible thing that she regrets
                      terribly, and she’s paid the price with 15 years of her
                      life. But now it’s time for forgiveness, from all of us.
                      We lost both our father and our mother that day.
                      So, uh… so what’s changed? Well, I have.
                      I forgive her now.
Parole Board Member: Okay. Thank you, Mr. Casey.
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Parole Board Member: Would anyone else like to speak, either for
                                        or in opposition to Ms. Casey’s possible
                                        All right, then, Ms. Casey. 
                                        We’ll start with a simple question.
                                        Do you feel remorse for your crime?
Nancy Casey: Yes. Yes. Yes, I do… every day.
Otis Zvonecek: [exhales] Hey there, fellas. I’m, uh, Brian Zvonecek. 
                           I’m relieving here for the next couple shifts.
                                             [door shuts]
                                             [keys clank]
Kelly Severide: Hey.
                          I said hey.
                          I know what you’re doing.
Leslie Shay: Oh, yeah? What am I doing?
Kelly Severide: You’re not pissed at me because I didn’t tell you
                          first. You’re pissed off because you don’t want
                          me to go.
Leslie Shay: Clarice is moving in. She’s gonna need your key.
Otis Zvonecek: [chuckles] This guy, he has a heart attack coming
                           down the stairs. 
Otis Zvonecek: I mean, his heart stops and everything.
Man 3: I think I heard about that.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, yeah. And we had to put the paddles on him
                           and… [clicks mouth] he pops right back up, like,
                           no big deal, you know? I mean, he completed
                           training. I think he’s over at 94. 
Man 3: [laughs]
Otis Zvonecek: Gave him the nickname “Dead Frank.”
Man 3: I know where I heard that story before. You’re the guy with
             the podcast.
Man 4 (Redhead): We love that podcast.
Otis Zvonecek: Herrmann, right? 
                           He put you up to this.
Man 5 (Grey hair): No, nobody did.
Otis Zvonecek: [chuckles]
                                   [alarm chimes and blares]
(Over PA): Truck 67, assist the invalid. 32… [continues indistinctly]
Man 5 (Grey hair): Hey Brian.
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah?
Man 5 (Grey hair): Why don’t you drive?
Otis Zvonecek: Seriously?
Man 5 (Grey hair): Yeah, I’m getting tired of it. Been looking for
                                someone to take over.
                                          [truck door shuts]
                                             [engine starts]
Christopher Herrmann: It’s weird without Otis here. Who am I
                                        suppose to jag?
Joe Cruz: Don’t look at me.
Christopher Herrmann: And Severide’s gone too. I mean, he’s as
                                        cocky as they come, but if you were lying
                                        in the street, he’d give you the shirt off
                                        his back.
Mouch: If you’re lying in the street, why do you need his shirt?
Christopher Herrmann: You know what I mean.
Matt Casey: How many times I gotta tell you to stay out of the first
                      watch crate, Mouch?
Mouch: They tempt me with these marshmallows, Lieutenant.
              What am I supposed to do?
Matt Casey: Give me one.
Gabby Dawson: Hey. You hear anything?
Matt Casey: Not yet. It could be a couple days.
Gabby Dawson: Fingers crossed.
Matt Casey: Thanks.
Christopher Herrmann: Chief, maybe we should rethink the dog,
                                          eh? Time 51 got one. Plus, it would
                                          really piss off Mouch.
Mouch: No way.
Christopher Herrmann: Peter Mills, where is that dog?
Peter Mills: Um, I found a home for it.
Christopher Herrmann: You did?
Mouch: Thank God.
                                  [alarm buzzes & chimes]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Ambo 61, Engine 51. 78 Racine, Apartment fire.
Chief Boden: That’s Ernie’s house.
                                        [sirens wailing]
                                        [horn honking]
Chief Boden: Ernie?
                       I’m going up. 
Matt Casey: Okay. 
                      Spread out!
Chief Boden: Ernie!
                       Ernie, call out!
                                    [ceiling collapsing]
Chief Boden: [grunts]
                       Ernie, call out.
                       [half gasp half wail]
                       Ernie? Can you hear me?
                       I’ll get you out of here. Come on. Stay with me.
                       I’m gonna get you out of here, Ernie.
                       Okay, stay with me. Stay with me.
                       Ernie. Ernie.
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                                      [somber music]
Christopher Herrmann: [sighs]
Mouch: [grunts] 
                                    [dog whimpering]
Mouch: What is that?
              ��             [dog continues whimpering]
Peter Mills: I lied. Uh, I… I-I couldn’t find anyone to take her. And 
                    I couldn’t bring her to my place. 
                    Sorry, guys. 
Joe Cruz: Oh! Come here [murmuring to dog]
                                     [dog yipping]
Leslie Shay: [murmuring to puppy]
                                  [kissing sounds]
Joe Cruz: [whispers] Hey. Do you wanna say hi to Chief?
                                 [dog whimpering]
                                [cell phone ringing]
Matt Casey: Hello?
                      [whispers] The parole board.
Joe Cruz: I-I know you like my nose but you can’t…[murmuring]
                 [whispers] Look at that. What’s that? Who’s that?
Mouch: [laughs] Ahh, jeez.
              Fine. What are we gonna call this mutt?
Christopher Herrmann: Pouch.
Mouch: Huh?
Christopher Herrmann: Half pooch, half couch.
Mouch: Peter Mills, we’re gonna need some bacon.
Peter Mills: Right. 
Matt Casey: Thank you.
Gabby Dawson: And?
Matt Casey: They granted her parole.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, congratulations.
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: What?
Matt Casey: Well, there is one condition. She has to move into a
                      stable household. Meaning with me.
Gabby Dawson: Oh.
                                      [door breaks]
                              [door opens and closes]
                                      [siren blares]
                                   [tires screeching]
                                     [horns honking]
                                       [siren blaring]
                                     [tires screeching]
                                        [car crashes]
                                [Boden & Ray grunting]
Chief Boden: Come on! Come on!
Man 6 (Raymond Martin): [grunts & groans]
                                     [tire iron clatters]
                                  [sirens approaching]
Chief Boden: A little boy? A little boy?
Police Officer: Step back! We got it.
                                     [truck beeping]
Otis Zvonecek: [exhales]
Man 5 (Grey hair): Nice work 
Otis Zvonecek: [chuckles]
Man 5 (Grey hair): These, uh, these older houses are a tight
Otis Zvonecek: Thanks.
                           You know, I come from a family of doctors. But the
                            first time I saw a firefighter jump into a truck and
                             roar off, man, I knew I wasn’t going to medical
                             school. I wanted to drive a fire truck [chuckles]
Man 5 (Grey hair): [chuckles] Your parents okay with that?
Otis Zvonecek: Nope, but I am.
Man 5 (Grey hair): [laughs] Good for you.
                               Hey, you know, this, uh, spot in our house is
                               gonna be permanent. You should put in for a
Otis Zvonecek: What, are you serious?
Man 5 (Grey hair): Hell, yeah. I’ve laughed harder this week than the
                               last two years.
                                                [both chuckles]
Man 5 (Grey hair): You should see this place in the summertime.
                                Girls everywhere, all wanting a picture with
                                Chicago’s finest [chuckling] It’s the best house
                                in the city.
Man 7 (District Chief Arend): Public defender is saying battery,
                                                  citing you personally and the
                                                  department at large.
Chief Boden: If they wanna have that discussion…
Man 7 (District Chief Arend): You’re having it now.
Chief Boden: I apprehended a suspect in an arson and murder
                       case, a suspect with an APB out on him who the
                       CPD did not have enough manpower
                       [overlapping] to stop him from killing a little boy.
Man 7 (District Chief Arend): Do you wanna go back and take the
                                                 cop’s test? Because it’s not too late.
Man 8 (District Chief Steve Walker): Ah, come on now, Wallace.
Chief Boden: No, no, no, no. These are my bugles. I’m going on
                       furlough. When I get back, you can tell me if I should
                       put ‘em back on again.
                                               [bugles clattering]
Otis Zvonecek: Chief, I just wanna let you…
Chief Boden: Not now.
                                                 [car door closes]
Kelly Severide: I’m a stupid ass. I know.
Leslie Shay: Yup.
Kelly Severide: And I’m sorry. I should’ve… I should’ve camped
                          outside your room to tell you first. 
                          You’re my best friend, Shay.
Leslie Shay: Next time…
Kelly Severide: Hey... 
Leslie & Kelly: [laughs] 
Kelly Severide: No next time, I swear.
Leslie Shay: I’m glad you’re getting yourself healthy, even if it
                     means I have to let you go.
Kelly Severide: No one’s letting go.
Leslie Shay: Come on, let’s go in. I’m cold.
Kelly Severide: All right, yeah.
Leslie Shay: [chuckles] Hey, you know, tasers are totally against the
Kelly Severide: I know that. It’s page one.
                                                [door opens]
Leslie Shay: All you [chuckles]
All: Surprise!
                                        [cheers and applause]
Kelly Severide: You…
Renee Royce: Hi.
                                              [kissing sound]
Capp: I’m not sure what we’re gonna do without you.
Kelly Severide: [exhales] Cheers.
                                  [background chatter & laughter]
Clarice: Hey. Look, I…I promise you that I understand, you know,
               this is just an opportunity for us to be roommates.
               Nothing more…
                                            [kissing sounds]
Clarice: What was that?
Leslie Shay: I love you. I’ve always loved you.
Clarice: I love you too.
                                            [kissing sounds]
Gabby Dawson: Mm. You sure you wanna do this, Peter Mills?
Peter Mills: I’ve been waiting all day, baby.
Gabby Dawson: Wanna sneak out of here?
Peter Mills: Your place, ten minutes?
Gabby Dawson: You’re on. 
Peter Mills: Mm…
Firefighters: Kick flips?
                      No, you.
                      No, you.
Otis Zvonecek: I’m telling you, guys, it wasn’t that bad.
                                       [audio muffled, fading]
Renee Royce: Sorry, have… have you seen Kelly?
Matt Casey: Yeah, he’s over there.  
                      Or, was…
Renee Royce: Oh.
                                             [engine turns off]
                                             [distant laughter]
Man 9 (Benny Severide): So it’s 15 degrees, and there was this
                                           homeless guy that used to hang
                                           around in the alley behind the house.
                                           And we find him, and he is frozen
                                           solid. I mean, he’s a block of ice. So
                                           I call the morgue and I say, “Listen.
                                           We got a frozen dead guy, and you
                                           gotta come and pick him up.” And
                                           they say, “Well, he can’t just be
                                           dead. He’s gotta be warm and dead
                                           before we’ll come and get him.” So
                                           we dragged the homeless guy
                                           across the apparatus floor, and we
                                           wait for him to thaw out, for about
                                           ten hours. Anyway, eventually he
                                           got warm enough and dead  
                                           enough to actually be dead, so they  
                                           came and got him.
Kelly Severide: You still telling that one?
Man 9 (Benny Severide): Well, I’ll be damned. 
Kelly Severide: Guys. Hey.
Man 10: How you doing?
Kelly Severide: Dad.
Man 9 (Benny Severide): You want something to eat? 
Kelly Severide: Oh, nah. I’m good, thanks.
                           Uh… [deep breath] I’m leaving the CFD.
Man 9 (Benny Severide): What happens when you and this Renee
                                          get tired of each other, and you find
                                          yourself in some godforsaken country
                                          with nothing to show for it but a
Kelly Severide: I don’t know. This doesn’t look so bad.
Man 9 (Benny Severide): Trust me. You’re worried about partial
                                           paralysis? How about full paralysis?
                                           ‘Cause that’s what this is [exhales]
                                           There’s no replacing Rescue Squad… but
                                            you already know that. That’s why you
                                            came out here, so I could talk you out of 
                                            Look, I know I wasn’t there for you like I
                                             could’ve been or should’ve been, and
                                             I’m… three wives removed from your
                                             mother and I-I-I’m in no position to give
                                             you advice. But you’re scared, Kelly.
                                             And you know why you’re scared?
                                             ‘Cause you’re not ready for this. Man 10: Benny, you ready?
Kelly Severide: She’s counting on me. I promised her.
Man 9 (Benny Severide): She’ll get over it.
                                           Disappoint anyone. Hell, disappoint
                                           everyone, but don’t ever disappoint
                                           It’s good to see you.
Kelly Severide: You too, pop.
                                             [background chatter]
                                                  [distant siren]
Kelly Severide: Hey. 
Renee Royce: What’s going on?
                                                [car door closes]
Kelly Severide: I’m uh… I’m gonna get the surgery. 
Renee Royce: Oh, Kelly, come on. It’s… it’s just not worth the risk.
                         I mean, we’ll do it right. You’ll come with me. You’ll
                         recuperate in Mad…
                         You wanna stay.
                         I should’ve known [chuckles]
                         I was that close to not even telling you. And you
                         would’ve come with me to Madrid. And… the sky
                         would’ve been the limit for us.
Kelly Severide: Hey, hey. What you did might be the most important
                          thing anyone’s ever done for me. 
                          Thank you.
Renee Royce: Well, uh… I guess now we’re even.
Kelly Severide: Yeah. We’re even. 
                                             [kissing sounds]
                                             [car door shuts]
                                              [knocks at door]
Chief Boden: Shonda.
Lady 2 (Shonda): Wallace.
Chief Boden: Can I please see Jimmy?
Lady 2 (Shonda): No. He’s not your son.
Chief Boden: The hell he ain’t. I raised him from the time he was
                        three. Never used the word stepson. Not once.
                        I need to see him.
                                                  [dog barks]
Chief Boden: Hey Ralphie. How are you? I miss you, boy.
Kid 2 (Jimmy): Dad.
                         [murmurs emotionally]
                                               [taps on glass]
Doctor: You ready?
Kelly Severide: Yeah. I’m ready.
                                                    - end -
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Orthopedics = Is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system – the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
Propane = Propane is a form of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). Propane is a gas but can be liquefied and stored in a propane gas tank. It is commonly used as a fuel in domestic and industrial applications and in low-emissions public transportation.
Abuela = “Grandmother” in Spanish.
HMO = A Health Maintenance Organisation (HMO) gives access to certain doctors and hospitals within its network. A network is made up of providers that have agreed to lower their rates for plan members and also meet quality standards. Care under a HMO plan is covered only if you see a provider within that HMO’s networks.
APB = All-points bulletin (APB) is a general bulletin broadcast to alert law-enforcement officers over a wide area that someone (e.g. a suspect) or something (e.g. a vehicle) is being actively sought in connection with a crime.
Bugles = Orders are given to the troops by officers, through the use of a large brass device that resembles a megaphone. These were very ornate brass horns. They were commonly called “bugles”.
14 notes · View notes
momentofmemory · 4 years
FICTOBER 2020 - day twelve
Prompt #12: “Watch me.”
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Melissa McCall, Scott McCall
Words: 1306
Author’s Note: A series of four vignettes featuring Melissa & Scott’s relationship, culminating with the fallout of 2x10 (Fury). Fluff that slowly descends into angst. Melissa POV.
>> i saw your eyes (they looked like they were mine)
“Watch me, mama!”
Scott’s head just barely peaks up over the counter, his hands reaching up to grab for her attention. “Look!”
Melissa laughs, gently hip checking him to the side so she can cover the bolillos with a towel to rise. “Just a minute, mijo, I’m coming. You don’t want flies to get into your food, do you?”
Scott pauses, having somehow managed to get flour in his hair already. “Do flies need it?”
“I’m very sure they can get food somewhere that isn’t my house,” Melissa says, dusting Scott’s nose with flour until he falls back, giggling. “Now, what’ve you got for me?”
Scott’s eyes light up as he grabs her by the hand, decorating the floor with even more flour, and drags her into the living room.
“I fixed Roxy!”
The dog in question is sitting placidly on one of the couch pillows, the McCall’s medicine kit open and its contents strewn all over the floor. She’d gotten into a fight with the neighbor’s cat the day they’d gotten her, and while the cut she’d sustained on her ear had long since healed, Scott’s been rather taken with making sure she’s okay ever since.
Which is probably why there appear to be over a half dozen bandaids covering the poor terrier’s ear, along with an incorrectly though painstakingly placed Ace bandage.
“Wow,” she says, making sure to give Roxy a few extra scratches as a reward for her patience. “You do this all by yourself?”
“Yeah!” Scott bends Roxy’s ear up, eager to show off his handiwork. “I even got one on the—scapha, like Dr. Deaton said.”
“Oh ho, I see. Scapha’s a big word.” She moves from ruffling Roxy’s fur to Scott’s hair. “You gonna be doctor someday? Dr. McCall?”
Scott shrugs. “Is that what you do?”
“Sort of, sweetie. No doctorate here, but. Yeah. Close enough.”
“Then I’ll be close enough,” Scott says. “So I can be like you.”
Melissa feels a swell of warmth, and kisses the top of Scott’s head. “You’re already far better than that, mijo. And I’ll be there to watch the whole thing.”
Melissa looks up from the pamphlet she’s been reading, and Scott looks so small on the hospital bed. “Yeah, sweetie?”
“Am I breathing?”
Melissa’s heart twists in her chest. “Yeah, baby. You’re breathing. Does your chest feel okay?”
Scott nods, his lips pursed close together. “It felt okay before, too.”
“I know.” The signs were there—the coughing at night, the perpetual fatigue, the muscle and determination for sports but not the stamina. “But you’re okay now, I promise. The doctors have got you fixed all up and you’ve got plenty of medicine in case it happens again.”
Scott frowns, staring down at his hands. “So it’s going to happen again?”
“Not this bad, mijo. Not this bad.” She nods towards the inhaler on his bedside table. “That’s what the medicine’s for, remember?”
She wishes, sometimes, that she didn’t know quite so much about everything that was happening in her baby boy’s body. The bronchodilator via nebulizer to open his airways. Corticosteroid drugs in his IV to lower lung inflammation. Oxygen via nasal cannula to bring his blood oxygen levels back up. The trigger that’d caused the swelling and mucus production to threatened him to begin with, still lurking in his genes to strike at any moment.
Not that she’d tell him that.
“You’re okay, Scott,” she says. “I promise.”
“But what if it happens again while I’m sleeping?”
Melissa sets the pamphlet down and goes to sit on the edge of the bed. She takes his hand into hers. “Then I’ll be here the whole time, okay? If you stop breathing, I’ll make sure you start again.”
Scott bites his lip, tracing patterns on the hospital sheets. “You’ll watch me?”
“I won’t look away for even a second.”
She doesn’t, and Scott sleeps, uninterrupted and unafraid and breathing, through the entire night.
“You couldn’t have picked literally any other extracurricular?”
Melissa frowns at the dollar signs on the sign-up sheet, mentally tallying the costs of the uniforms, equipment, and not to mention rescue inhalers he’d need to play lacrosse, of all things.
“Lacrosse is like, the football of Beacon Hills!” Scott says, all but bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I can definitely do this.”
“I don’t know, Scott,” she says. “Your asthma’s been even worse than usual this season, and I don’t want you to commit to something like this and have to bow out halfway through.”
“I won’t,” Scott says, with all the total confidence only a teenager could have.
“Uh-huh.” Melissa sets the paper down and folds her arms over her chest. “Scott, I know you’re angling to get more popular than you were in middle school—”
“—but I don’t think picking something that’s going to be—” Melissa hesitates, fishing for the most tactful word—“unconducive to your health is the best way to go about it.”
Hurt blossoms across Scott’s face. “You don’t think I can do it.”
‘Oh, no,” Melissa says. “You wander around the house without a shirt on more than enough for me to know you’ve got the muscle tone for it.”
Scott’s incredibly tenacious once he gets his mind set on something—which is what moves his chances up from snowball’s chance in hell to snowball’s chance in, say, Nevada.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” she says.
“And you won’t. I can do this, mom—just watch me.”
It’s a bad idea. From definitely a financial standpoint, and probably a health one, too..
She sighs. “What time to tryouts start?”
“You’re coming?”
It’s painfully obnoxious and incredibly adorable how quickly he goes from sullen and determined to exuberant.
“Yeah, you dumbass,” she says. “If you’re going to go on some ill-fated mission to rise through the ranks at risk of life and limb, I’ll be there.”
His answering grin is so bright, she thinks he might actually do it after all.
“So.” Melissa licks her lips, fingers threaded together on the counter in front of her. “You’re a werewolf.”
They’re standing in the kitchen, the single unburnt bulb in the ceiling light shining down on them. Scott’s slouching, or maybe hunching, in the corner of the room; the island staking out the neutral ground between them. He’s not meeting her eyes, or maybe she’s the one that’s not meeting his.
Scott clears his throat. “Yeah. I’m, uh—a werewolf.”
It feels like the setup for an interrogation.
(She wishes she knew which of them was on trial.)
“Uh-huh.” Melissa taps her fingernails on the granite, waiting for him to expound. He doesn’t. “Okay, so how does it—is this a once-a-month thing? You change when the moon’s out?”
"No. I can—I can shift whenever I want, now.”
Now implies it hasn’t always been that way. Now implies a then. Now implies her son’s been a werewolf (a werewolf) for more than just a few days, and she hasn’t noticed anything other than a few slipped grades and out-of-character absences. Now means he did all that without her.
“Do you want to watch me do it?”
Melissa flinches before she can think twice about; Scott flinches in return. “Watch…?”
“Watch me shift,” he says. “I can control it really well, I could—we could just do claws maybe, or my eyes?”
Scott’s beautiful, deep brown eyes stare hopefully at her, eyes he got from her, and the thought of them turning the angry gold he got from someone else hurts too much.
“That’s okay, baby,” she says. “Maybe—maybe not right now.”
“Okay, yeah. Sure.”
His lips quirk up in a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, and Melissa can’t get her mouth to open far enough to handle the promises he needs.
She says nothing.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Mistake -  Bobby & The Buddies
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Fandom: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019)
Pairings: Bobby Brightside (OC) x Cliff Booth, StarBeep, DeepSpace, Platonic!Geep,
Warnings: Swearing, Faggotry, Probably sad, The end is here, Unrealistic timeskipping because Cliff hasn’t physically changed much,
Notes: Finally, the KISS & The Buddies crossover finale is here! We can get back to normal form hereon after, woo! There may or may not be minor references to this series in future Clobby oneshots, but overall, this is it. Ramon Valdovinos is my newest OUATIC OC; faceclaimed by young Benicio Del Toro, he’s The Buddies’ manager. Enjoy!
Bobby poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he, Cliff, and the Buddies looked up at the tall members of KISS. 
For what was probably the last time- ever, or for now, was beyond him. He didn’t wanna think about it.
As long as no one insinuated the first idea (ever) to Beep and Deep, he ought to be fine. 
Bobby felt Cliff put his hand on his shoulder, the man’s touch alone helping him through whatever life was. He looked up at Starchild. “So...this is it, huh?” Bobby rhetorically asked.
Starchild tilted his head from side to side. “For the most part. With our diverging schedules and plans for our bands, we can’t take your band on tour with us. And you can’t take us with you. Besides, you weren’t gonna be our openers forever. The Buddies were bound to get separate attention sooner or later.”
Maria nodded a bit. “Fun while it lasted, though. Didn’t think the seventies could’ve been any better if our bands hadn’t crossed paths.”
“We think so, too” Gene grunted. “That’s one thing we thanked Peter for, before...y’know...”
Maria hummed in understanding, rubbing Frankie’s back.
“You sure we can’t take you guys to Australia with us?” Eric Carr, the new drummer for KISS, spoke up.
Bobby scoffed. “Ramon thinks it’s best for us to start small and work our way up. Around California, then the USA, the continent, and make our way up to a world tour” he explained.
“We’re- We’re not, like, shaming you for jumping onto a world tour, though.” Frankie held his hand sup.
“Fuck knows you guys deserve it” Peep added, eyes shining despite their dark colour.
“Thank you” Starchild smiled.
Cliff had both his hands on Bobby’s shoulders, massaging gently. “Would it make sense to thank you guys for letting Bobby’s band open for you guys these past years...?” He asked. “They were decently popular before you guys, and I feel that you kinda pushed that forward to be even more-so.”
 Starchild nodded, “it kinda would- you’re welcome.”
Bobby glanced up at Cliff, hiding a smile behind Bobby’s brown hair.
Beep, Ace, and Deep had been quiet thus far. Which was new; Ace never shut up whether it be laughing or talking, and Beep ‘n’ Deep were usually the most talkative two in the band.
Beep had his hands behind his back, feet shuffling and shifting in dead silence.
Ace picked at his costume, occasionally patting down his hair and looking up at the ceiling.
Deep held his left upper arm with his right hand, eyes glued down to his beat-up shoes.
The two bands dispersed into their own groups, Beep and Deep separately standing by themselves.
Ace approached Deep, “hey.”
Deep glanced up at him. “Hey.”
Ace cooed softly, using a finger to tilt Deep’s head up. “It’s a wonder how I’m still somehow taller than ya, huh?”
“Man-” Deep swatted his hand away, fighting back a smile. “Shut up.”
Ace trailed his hand down to Deep’s left upper arm, thumb stroking the tattoo he had gotten years back. “I can’t sneak you into any of my luggage, can I?”
“Wish y’could. But I got a double-life here, with the comedy and the band.”
“Yea, I know. I’ll ring your line, though. Through calls and letters and whatever else I can do....a mail carrier pigeon?”
Deep snorted, “you’re unbelievable.”
“Like I haven’t heard you say that enough times already.”
Deep looked up at Ace, gulping.
The corner of Ace’s lips twitched up into a slight, sad grin. “I’ll miss you while we’re down ‘n’ out ‘n’ wherever.”
“I’ll miss you too...What’s gonna happen to us?”
Ace sucked his teeth, emotions unable to hide behind his ghostly-coloured makeup. “No clue, but we’ll manage. Can’t be that hard if we keep in contact like I said earlier.”
“I guess.”
Ace clenched his jaw, thinking of what to say next.
“Think your hair will grow back next time I see ya?”
He giggled, reaching a hand up to feel his now-shorter hair. “Hope so. I know how much you like it long so you could-”
“I’m joking” Ace winked playfully. “We’ll see. Think you can get it that long?”
“Never in a million years!”
Ace laughed, clapping his hands together.
The only sight Deep could ever want to see, the only one he needed. His finger traced the tattoo on his arm, it was of 'Frehley Forever’ in Ace’s handwriting.
“I’ll see you in time for your birthday, though. In November?”
“I’ll see you in November” Ace chirped in a sing-song voice, earning an airy chuckle from Deep. “If not, I’ll send some stuff back to ya, a few gifts, maybe. If we’re in Australia still, maybe a kangaroo.”
Deep laughed.
Ace smiled in adoration as he leaned in, softly kissing over the tattoo on Deep’s arm before kissing Deep’s lips themselves. “Love you, Derek.”
“Love you too.” Deep mumbled, his airy chuckle turning into a typical laugh when Ace did what he always did; ruffle Deep’s hair.
Starchild and Beep looked away from the two, and back at one another. 
Beep looked up at Starchild twitching. “Y’gonna miss my tics when you’re away?” He joked.
“More than anything” Starchild played along, Beep’s eyes trailing the outline of the black star around his eye. “I’ll miss you more, in and of itself. Shame you’re not short enough to fit in my jacket and come along with us, eh?”
Beep chortled. “First time I’m too tall for something, I’ll say.”
Starchild cupped Beep’s cheek, soft to the touch. “I’ll try keepin’ in touch. I won’t give up on us if you won’t. But as the Bobby of this band-” the two shared a giggle, “I’ll most likely be distant, literally. It’ll be busy.”
“I never could.” Beep assured him, hands interlocking with Starchild’s bigger ones and giving them quick squeezes. “See if Gene can send over free KISS merchandise” he sarcastically recommended.
“I’ll think about it” Starchild winked. He pulled Beep closer, fingers tracing down Beep’s neck. “I’ll be hot blooded f’you” Starchild referenced.
Beep felt his face flush, knowing what he was referencing.
“Check it and see?”
Beep kissed his teeth, dragging his tongue across his teeth. “I’ve got a fever of a hundred and three.”
Starchild grinned, bringing Beep’s hand up to kiss it, imprinting it with a red lipstick stain.
One Beep wishes he could keep forever. He gestured for Starchild to lean down, pulling him in to imprint the red lipstick over his own lips.
Peep slunk over to Gene, looking all the way up a him. “Gene.” She bowed.
Gene exhaled through his nose. “Peep.” He returned, bowing a bit.
“If you’re gone, who’s gonna protect me from secret serial killers?” Peep inquired.
Gene groaned, shaking his head. “I’m sure your brothers can manage” he shrugged.
“Benji and Derek? Wow, you sure have higher hopes for them, don’t’cha?”
“I don’t see in ‘em what Starchild and Ace see, but, yes.”
“Well, course you don’t. What Starchild and Ace see in ‘em is what you see in Dolly” Peep reminded, though it wasn’t something Gene needed reminding of.
“Y’got that right” Gene nodded. “That aside, you’re a strong lady, Penelope. You’re more than capable of takin’ care of yourself. Ain’t that right? I mean, you’re not so scared o’me anymore, right? That’s a feat.”
Peep lightly punched his arm. “Shut up” he giggled.
Gene smiled down at her, patting the top of her head. “If you’re ever really in so much trouble, I’m sure y’know how to get to me.”
“I do.” Peep smiled. 
Gene grinned. “Y’gonna miss this?” He asked, sticking out his horrifically long tongue.
Peep groaned in fake-disgust, turning away. “Gross, this is a question for Dolly, not me-”
Gene cackled, throwing his head back a bit.
Peep smiled proudly, hands on her hips. Making Gene laugh- or so much as smile- was a rare feat she had only seen Ace achieve thus far (”look! It’s rock and roll!”).
Bobby watched the Sweeneys converse with their government-assigned KISS members (as he liked to joke), gaze flickering to the floor in melancholy.
“You okay, babe?”
Bobby reached a hand up, carefully cupping Cliff’s cheek. He hummed in response. “I dunno when we’re gonna see ‘em again, mango. What if we never have time to hang out again? What if shit goes down and we have to stop hanging up with one of ‘em, or someone breaks up with someone else and it’s all weird?” He inquired. “I dunno, I just...as much as I liked the Buddies being independent, opening for ‘em as cool as hell.”
Cliff kissed Bobby’s palm. “Somethin’ tells me this isn’t the end, Bobby. They may not be your employers or technical-band-mates anymore, but they’re still your friends” he answered, kissing the top of Bobby’s head. “And we know a thing or two about friends, don’t we?”
“All sorts’a stuff.”
“Exactly. We know lots of the outcomes that this friendship with Gene, Peter- uh, Eric now, Paul, and Ace could come to. We’re ready for any of them anyways, amirite?”
“Right.” Bobby had the ghost of a smile on his face as he craned his head up to look at Cliff, though upside down. “God, you’re my religion.”
“Love you too” Cliff purred, kissing Bobby’s nose.
Backtracking to Deep and Ace, Ace’s hand in Deep’s hair. 
Deep glanced down at his watch, literally watching as each second with Ace slipped away. Each of Beep’s seconds with Starchild. Each of Peep’s seconds with Gene. “I just wanna stay here forever.”
“Y’do?” Ace arched a brow.
“‘Cause I know in the mornin’, you’ll be gone. And the morning after  that- rats, then the next ones after that.”
Ace gulped, pulling Deep in and tightly hugging him. “Bring it in, man.”
Deep wrapped his arms around Ace’s neck, a hand in his pitch black, but godly soft hair. “Ace?”
Ace pulled away from the hug, a hand cupping Deep’s cheek. Their noses were inches apart. “Yea?”
Deep glanced down at his tattoo. “Don’t make a mistake outta me, alright?”
Ace fought back a knowing grin, simply nodding. “Never on any planet, baby.”
Beep, meanwhile, bit the edge of his lip. “Starry?”
Starchild looked down at him, “mhm?”
Beep looked at the red lips on his hand. “Don’t make a- make a mistake out of me, alright? Out of, uh, us.”
Starchild’s eyebrows furrowed together a bit. “Y’know how I say I can see into the future, Benji?” 
Beep squinted, confused. “Yea-?”
“I can say for certain that I don’t see that happening.” Starchild chuckled.
Beep slowly smiled, feeling a twinge of relief. “I love you, Starry.”
“Yea, I love you too.”
Peep tilted his head. “Gene, y’better not make a mistake out of our friendship while you’re gone.”
Gene narrowed his eyes. “How could I-?”
“I dunno, but just don’t” Peep shrugged, rolling up an imaginary sleeve.
Gene scoffed, saluting her. “Aye-Aye, Penelope.”
Bobby smiled to himself, Cliff’s hand going up and under his shirt. “I’ll miss ‘em.”
“Yea, me too” Cliff agreed. “But this isn’t the end, remember?”
“Far from it.”
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fluffyunhoe · 5 years
hi uwu ! can i request a skz reaction of their s/o has dimples 🌱 🥰 love ya ~
Thanks for being my first reaction request! I hope you like it! 💙✨
Stray kids reaction: [their s/o has dimples]
warning: this is a mess like my life but it's a fun mess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
part 1 • part 2
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Okay so dimple boy over here has lived his whole life with dimples
He never really understood what the fuss was all about
Like they're just face depressions that exist because of a defect in his genes or whatever
it's not that big of a deal
So he never really noticed you had them? If that's even possible lmao
Until one day he cracked a joke and you died laughed so hard
Your dimples were more prominent then
Chan was like 👀👀⁉
Then his heart literally went ✨💕💙💞💗uwu💓💜💕💞✨
cue your confusion
"I've always had them???"
oh boy, you better prepare yourself cause he's gonna be gushing about your how cute your dimples are 365 24/7
constant cute couple selcas where you're both smiling and showing off your dimples and y'all look so cute like kgfdyhgdgytfddjgaaaaaahhhh
author.exe has stopped working
NOW he understands what the fuss is all about
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A tease ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No not that type of tease get your mind out of the gutter
A playful tease
Cannot stop pinching your cheeks
Like it's physically impossible for him to stop
Minho: WOW your dimples are so ADORABLE jagi~
you: *hitting him* STOP it!
Sorry, he'll never stop.
Minho: awwww you're so CUTE! like a BABY!! *pinch pinch*
It gets annoying but it's mainly just really endearing
Cause whenever he's teasing he'd have the cutest lovesick look on his face
Because he's hopelessly in love with you obviously
But if you ever get too irritated by his teasing or he hurts your feelings he's QUICK to apologize.
Cause he's not out to hurt you
Just some light hearted teasing, love and affection
Let me just end this here I'm so soft for boyfriend!minho rn like I could write a whole fcking essay about how good he'd be to you because he cares so much and UGH
don't get me started on how protective he'd be
Like if ANYONE tries teasing you about your dimples
It's game over man
Oh, it's on like donkey kong
k bye
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A jealous baby
Alright by now we all know that Changbin is dark THE aegyo master, king of adorable, changbeanie baby (see what I did there? No? Oop-)
So the first time you grinned and he got a good look at your dimples, he wanted them
Why, you ask?
Cause it'd bring his aegyo game up to a 1000% obviously not that it's not there already
"Your dimples are so cute baby,"
"Awww thank y—"
"I want them."
"Give me your dimples." He'd say with a straight face
"I-i don't think that's possible, binnie"
Then he'd be pouty all day especially since you'd have to break the news to him that there's no such thing as a 'dimple transplant' either
But imagine how cute changbin would look with dimples??? UGH my HEART
but he'd think they're also super adorable on you
And if anyone besides him is gonna have dimples in your relationship, he's happy it's you
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You: Hyunjin, if you poke my dimples one mORE TIME I—
hyunjin: HEY! It's not my fault that they're so cute!
He WON'T stop poking your dimples
Partially because he thinks they're so cute and poke-able is that even a word?? and partially because it annoys you and he LOVES your reaction
You: *minding your own business*
Hyunjin: *poke*
He's RELENTLESS with the poking lol you thought Minho was bad
But when he's not doing that, he's showing you off (more specifically your dimples)
Paparazzi boi #1
*cough cough* dispatch trainee #1 *cough*
I'm sorry but this boy will be constantly taking photos of you and with you and posting them with a cutesy cheesy caption like:
'Your smile makes my day. It's simple, your dimple.'
Or something like that
If he could he'd post them hourly daily, he would
It'd crowd up the boys' timeline/feed with pictures of you two but he doesn't care
Cause everyone should see his beautiful s/o!
And their beautiful dimples uwu💕
This was kind of a long-ish post heheh
ANNOUNCEMENT: if anyone knows how to add a 'keep reading' link on tumblr mobile please help me out🙏💓 all the blogs I've checked are outdated/don't work. Thank you 💕
Thanks again to anon for requesting!
Please request more! Everything you need to know about requests is HERE!
And remember keep yourself safe, wash your hands, be sanitary & healthy! Love y'all 💙✨
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soft-ris · 4 years
Hello, Cupid's Pick sounds fun! If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to request one for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (I'd prefer Part 5 since I'm most familiar with it, but only if it's okay with you!)
I'm a very open minded person, kind of quiet but I get talkative the more I know you. I'm the chaotic friend who's usually down to do anything with you. You could literally talk about anything (except math), and I would listen to you attentively if you sound excited enough. I do swing from lazy to hyper and energetic. There's very few people I genuinely open up to, but I dearly love them so god help anyone who insults them because I can and will fight them (nothing can stop this 4'11" gremlin!!!). My humor is either dirty innuendos or sarcasm. I am also the kind of person who can cry just cause someone else is crying. For hobbies, I'm very fond of cooking, singing, and playing video games. I absolutely love sweets and I am very much a cat person. I hate bugs with every fiber of my being though, I will definitely run out of the room like my life depends on it. An ideal date would probably be relaxing at home or going somewhere quiet to hang out and talk.
Ahdkakjda wait, I'm so sorry, I got so excited I misread your Cupid's Pick post... if it's alright, could I choose Melone, Ghiaccio, and Risotto as my top 3 picks? (I was the anon who asked for Part 5 of Jojo specifically...)
Cupid’s Pick for your match made in heaven is...
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I personally think Melone would only be open to a relationship if he believes the other person is a perfect match for him (and his genes)! And guess what? He believes you are and so does Cupid!
I'm a very open minded person...
Necessary for their line of job, but definitely a plus for Melone due to his…tendencies and personality and interests. So I feel like he would be very into open minded people (like yourself) because that just means more acceptance and more things to try out ;)
I mean he may brush off or ignore other people’s disgust, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be accepted too uwu so your open mindedness is one of the big reasons you’d catch his heart!
If you have limits, he will push them from time to time, but reign him in and he’ll be more than willing to behave (with a price ;3)
...kind of quiet but I get talkative the more I know you. + You could literally talk about anything (except math), and I would listen to you attentively if you sound excited enough.
Melone strikes me as someone who talks moderately in general (he just talks to himself a lot), but he will talk more to the people he’s close to/comfortable with, and his excitement when he realizes you’re actually listening to him will shoot up and up and up (like his rate of talking).
He knows you tend to zone out when he’s talking about math related stuff, so that won’t come up often with him, but it still will sometimes because he probably thinks your expression is just Di MoLtO~🥴
He also loves collecting data/information on you, so whatever you talk about to him, he’s gonna be typing it down simultaneously!! So not only does he listen, he remembers (and has like 50 sub-folders on the stuff you say lol). This is mainly because he wants a more cohesive file on you. Like I said, he already believes you’re practically the perfect match for him with all the information he has on hand already, but his appetite for more information about you drives him to do this because it’ll just affirm for him that ‘ok wow this person really is my match made in genetic heaven’.
Ghia’s excitement comes in the form of rage and it happens often, so while he loves that you’re listening to him, I think he would almost never show you that he appreciates it. Also, if you’re talkative when he’s stressed or angry, he will yell at you to shut up. Ris would be straight forward (tells you that he’s not in the mood) and Melone would say stuff like “Not now. Later.” (but he doesn’t sound as gruff as Ris).
Ris is the same way with the quiet to talkative thing (in my HC at least), so getting past that initial stage would be hard as hell with him. Imo Melone would be the easiest to get past that stage, and Ghia…depends? If you keep pissing him off though (bc yk…tsundere with anger issues lol), he’ll be the hardest to get to a comfortable stage.
There's very few people I genuinely open up to, but I dearly love them so god help anyone who insults them because I can and will fight them (nothing can stop this 4'11" gremlin!!!).
All of them would appreciate this one way or another, but Melone more so because you’re fighting…for him. Him who’s always touted as gross or perverted or disgusting by the majority. Him who never fights in a confrontational manner because he isn’t comfortable with that and prefers long range tactics (satisfactory but seeing u fight face to face for him just hits different YK?). And it means so much more to him than you’ll ever know.
He’ll also be standing behind you, cheering u on with the biggest smile on his face too :’) also would jeer & taunt ur opponent LOL
I'm the chaotic friend who's usually down to do anything with you.
I HC Ris as having a routine set of things he enjoys doing and it’s on permanent rotation (I’m not saying he won’t go out of his comfort zone, but he knows what he like and if he doesn’t like something, it’s hard to change his mind), whereas with Ghia I HC him as only having 2 interests – cars (more specifically the type of car he drives) and knowing facts (+ disputing and ranting about them). Ris would indulge in some chaos once in a blue moon, but I feel like him & Ghia are set and happy with their current interests.
Melone however would be the most open in terms of what he’s willing to do as long as his safety is guaranteed or if the activity does not involve him getting hurt. Like stealing a yacht or hacking ur annoying neighbour’s computer system LOL
Because you bring that chaos, Melone would be the most fit with you. I know you’re probably like “Huh? Ain’t Ghia chaotic too?”, or “Wouldn’t Ris handle chaoticness the best?”, but chaos (Ghia’s) feeding into chaos (yours) might burn the both of you out, and Ris already deals with chaos 24/7 and he just wants to relax imo. Melone though, looks the most flexible and can probably match up with you the best because of that since he deals with Ghia and the rest on the regular without looking like he’s Tired™️ lol
I do swing from lazy to hyper and energetic.
Like I just mentioned, Melone most likely deals with Ghia’s energy on the regular and he looked chill with the other members too, so he (and Ris as well since yk…he’s the one overseeing everyone in LS) would adapt to your moods the best.
Ghia…I feel like because he has such a short fuse AND is a tsundere (well, at least that’s what I get from his vibe), he would not deal well with your energy if it’s higher up there. He might blow several fuses if the situation and your mood and his mood doesn’t align properly. I also think if he happens on your lazy mood, he would just leave you alone and go do his own thing.
My humor is either dirty innuendos or sarcasm.
Melone is technically a pervert, so when you make dirty innuendos, he’ll absolutely eat it up like a wet ass pussy.
I feel like he definitely prefers that over sarcasm, unless your sarcasm is aimed at someone else (especially if it’s someone he doesn’t like). He’ll probably just ignore you if you’re sarcastic to him lol, but Ghia would absolutely take it too far too quick. Ris enjoys the sarcasm more than the dirty innuendos I feel, but because he’s also your boss, you have to know where the exact boundaries are when y’all are in a professional setting. He’s not quite forgiving if he feels undermined or disrespected. But if Ris is in the mood, he’d dirty innuendo you back, but if he’s not then he’d either brush you off or pretend you didn’t just say that lol. Overall, kinda dry with your humour bc in my head his humour brand is Dry too LOL
I am also the kind of person who can cry just cause someone else is crying.
Ghia would scold you or make you feel like an idiot because of that (he might think it’s a liiiiittle cute, but the chances of him telling you that is like 0.0001% lmao). He’s prideful as hell too so…. But he might also find it annoying or ridiculous (depending on the situation). 0/10
Ris would hand you a tissue and maybe offer his embrace. He thinks it’s a little odd, but it’s not something he would give most of his attention to after you explain it to him. 4/10
Melone would coo at you. Would tease you with it too. He’d also love your tears. Something about you crying…kinda turns him on…maybe. Overall, he’d be the one who doesn’t mind it the most and likes it the most too. 100% wouldn’t make u feel stupid or weird about it, that’s for sure. 8/10
For hobbies, I'm very fond of cooking, singing, and playing video games.
Cooking - Ghia’s taste is Picky, so he won’t eat everything you cook and will 100% complain if it’s something he doesn’t like smh. Ris enjoys the domesticity when you cook with him, but he’s 90% in charge bc he likes certain dishes a certain way. He would also give you constructive criticism like you’re on masterchef or some shit😭😂. Melone would eat it all up. No complaints. On the pan, on the plate, on the cutleries, on your body. Man don’t give a fuck. Put your cum in it too and he’ll gobble that shit up SO quick😭 Overall, would eat anything you give him because he’s chill in that aspect bc I see him as kind of a trash eater? 😂
Singing - Ris would listen and dish out a compliment once in awhile, Melone would verbally appreciate it the most (and also secretly record it and save it amongst the 2k other files he has on your singing lmao), and Ghia in all his tsundere-ness would ask you to can it (he really doesn’t want u to shut up but you don’t actually know that lmao).
Video games - Risotto would never LMAO. If he sees you playing games, he’s just gonna go about his day or even turn around lmao. Ghia probably thinks its childish. Melone would indulge in this hobby of yours the most. Probably buy some for you or even make hentai games just for u💓
I hate bugs with every fiber of my being though, I will definitely run out of the room like my life depends on it.
Ris is the best candidate for this because he would kill it for you, Ghia would walk out, and Melone would scream and run with u LMAO
An ideal date would probably be relaxing at home or going somewhere quiet to hang out and talk.
Melone would try to push you to go out & try different kinds of dates, which is fun in its own, and a good balance for compromise between the two of you. But then again, it’s not like he’s constantly going out lol, so when you go on your ideal dates with him, he’s reminded that intimate quality time like these are so important too (and it secretly becomes his favourite types of dates as well because more time = more info on his lovely baby)
Risotto would match up with this the best, but that would also mean these kinds of dates (chill, lowkey & personal) will make up majority of your dates. And he (imo) is quite fond of chill lowkey routine type dates, so...unless you’re the homebody introverted type, I don’t think Ris would match the best.
Ghia’s ideal date is probably travelling? And 60% involves his car and other cars & 40% involves trivia & debates (whether it’s a game between you two or at a bar against other teams). No other interests LOL
All in all, Melone x anon 🤷🏻‍♀️
I hope you enjoyed this 💜
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Episode 1–The Boy Embraces His Ambition; Scene 2
Judgment of Corruption, pages 23-31
After the head judge informed them of the date and time he would announce his verdict, court adjourned for the day.
"What do you think?"
As people were steadily starting to get up and leave the courtroom, Loki Freezis, sitting next to Gallerian, started to talk to him.
"What do I think about…what?" Gallerian replied, putting his notebook in his bag.
“About the verdict of the trial. How do you think it’s gonna go?”
"It's undoubtedly going to be the death sentence."
“Bet so. As far as I’ve seen with all of the precedent cases, there hasn’t been a single person accused of ‘witchcraft’ who was found innocent. And when a guilty verdict for violating the law on witchcraft is handed down, there’s no way to avoid the death penalty…Sigh.”
“Why the sigh?”
“There’s nothing more boring than a trial where you already know the outcome. If we have to watch it for our studies, I wish it could have been a more interesting case.”
“This is part of the curriculum to get credits, so there’s nothing for it, right? …And I don’t think you ought to differentiate between trials based on whether they’re interesting or not.”
After finishing getting his things around, Gallerian stood. Loki followed suit, and the two of them started to walk to the exit side by side.
"You always take things so seriously, Gallerian. Well, I guess that’s why you’re the youngest student at Levin University at age fourteen, and able to stay at the top of the class to boot.”
Gallerian’s expression didn’t change one twitch despite the praise.
“It’s just happenstance. On that last test my score only differed from yours by twelve points.”
“Those twelve points may seem small, but it’s a big difference. The difference between first and second place, you know. In the end I wasn’t able to flip our positions, despite my efforts.”
Once outside the building, two large trees flanking the main entrance could be seen, budding. The two boys walked through them.
“It’ll be graduation soon,” Loki murmured as he faced forward, sounding deeply moved.
“Yeah, it will. But…The real performance is yet to come.”
“Our bar exams, you mean? We can’t join the Dark Star Bureau without taking those. …But well, I think that’ll be an easy task for me and you.”
“…I hope it is,” Gallerian replied, his expression downcast.
What could he be worrying about? –I had a rough idea.
Just as Loki said, Gallerian was an exceptional student. He’d had no problems relating to his behavior. Someone who didn’t know of his circumstances would naturally think he was a shoo-in for joining the Dark Star Bureau as he hoped.
But the current head of the Dark Star Bureau was Hanma Baldured, just as it had been fourteen years before.
So then, would he accept so readily Gallerian’s entry, given that he was the son of a witch?
…Gallerian knew what kind of person his mother had been. And he knew why she had disappeared from him when he was a baby.
--Appearing not to notice Gallerian’s anxiety at all, Loki suddenly changed the topic and posed this question to Gallerian: “By the way—why do you want to become a judge?”
“…? What do you mean?”
“I’m just thinking, if you wanted to you could have chosen any other path. Like…going into government. After all is said and done, you’re from the once royal Marlon family line. Personally I’ve always wondered if maybe that isn’t more your cup of tea.”
“…Are you crazy, Loki?” Gallerian sighed, looking stupefied. “It’s because I’m a descendant of the Marlon Royal line that I can’t. The Viwirtz family runs the country of Marlon now. After they became sovereign over Marlon in place of the Marlon royal family, you really think they’d look well on someone from the Marlon line becoming a bureaucrat when it might invite disaster?”
“…Ah, so even if, for argument’s sake, you were able to get in, you couldn’t hope for any advancement. –But you wouldn’t need to become a bureaucrat in your home country, you know. You could try here in Levianta, or in Lucifenia, or someplace like that.”
“Given that the USE framework exists, and the Viwirtz royal family has a lot of influence in it, it would still be the same. If I wanted to get anywhere in the world of politics—I would have to move somewhere like the United States of Maistia, to the far west across the sea.”
“Maistia huh…That would be pretty interesting though, wouldn’t it? I’ve been there a few times when I was a kid, it’s a nice place. It’s not all squalid like Evillious is.”
“Then you go there. Maybe go be president or something. I’ve got no interest in politics from the outset. Becoming a judge has always been a dream of mine.”
Rather than answering that question, instead Gallerian returned it to Loki. “What about you? I think it’s a little strange for a son of the Freezis Conglomerate to want to become a judge.”
The Freezis Conglomerate was an organization that had been established roughly four hundred years before, originally going by the name of the “Freezis Foundation”, made to manage the fortune that the great merchant Keel Freezis left behind. That had been its original purpose, but in its present state it might be more accurate to call it a multinational corporation run by the Freezis family descending from Keel. With their moneylending using Keel’s fortune as funds, their overseas trade with the continent of Maistia and the far East, as well as their mining of subterranean resources, their capital strength had vastly increased; now the conglomerate was not just a main economic power, but also one that held great influence in the political stage as well.
And the Freezis family stood at the top of this conglomerate. It was natural that Gallerian would have doubts on Loki pursuing an education on law, given that he was a direct descendent.
“Hahah, you’ve dodged the question, Gallerian.”
“I’m just embarrassed to say my dreams for the future so openly. If you say that your reason is the same as mine, because becoming a judge is your dream, then I won’t pry any further.”
“I suppose…In my case it’s a little different. To be more accurate, it’s my destiny as a member of the Freezis family to be at the very top of the justice system—the director of the USE Dark Star Bureau.”
“Your ‘destiny’, huh?”
“Yes, my ‘destiny’. Though my father is the Freezis commander, I’m the third son. My oldest brother is next in line for succession, and my second oldest brother is working as an administrative official for the USE joint government. And so if I’m able to get into the Dark Star Bureau and advance through the ranks—”
“Then that means the conglomerate will be able to have its hands in both the economy, the government, and the justice system.”
“Exactly. The World Police is an organization that was originally started by the Freezis Foundation, so the current Freezis Conglomerate still has a strong influence on it. If all goes well, then my family—no, the entire Freezis Conglomerate, will gain a massive amount of power in the USE,” Loki explained, his eyes sparkling as he did. Gallerian glanced at him from the side with a calm gaze, and yet also with some jealousy.
“…You have plans on such a broad scale. It’s got nothing to do with me.”
“There’s no need to get so abject about it. Even you sort of have a connection to the Freezis family in your genes.”
Just as Loki said, Gallerian’s great-great-grandmother was a member of the Freezis family. Though this person was a distant relative removed from the main family line, and in the present day Gallerian had never received any benefits for it.
Even so, it seemed it was because of this connection that the two of them had become fast friends so soon after entering college. I had no idea what they had thought of each other in their first meeting, but judging from the look of them now one could say that they were, without a doubt, “best friends”.
“—Well, supposing the both of us do get into the Dark Star Bureau that would make us ‘rivals’,” Gallerian sighed.
“Oh? So you’ve got your eye on the director’s chair too, Gallerian. …Well, you would, wouldn’t you. Someone without ambitions would never have studied with so much zeal. But, university grades notwithstanding, I’ve got no intention of conceding a single step to you. What’s sought in scholarship and what’s sought in practical experience are two different things, after all.”
“That’s true. Getting to the top of the Dark Star Bureau isn’t gonna be so easy that I can get a big head about it.” Lifting his index finger, Gallerian asked Loki, “I’ve got one thing I’d like to know. Loki—what do you think of the ‘Witch Trials’?”
Loki appeared to think for a moment, before replying, “…I think it’s something we just have to do. It is true that some unknown power is causing chaos in this world right now.”
“So you think witches truly exist?”
“Yeah,” Loki returned decisively. Then he lowered his voice a little and continued, “Actually. The Freezis Conglomerate had secretly been conducting research into ‘witches’ for centuries. I’ve read papers on it that we keep in our archives.”
“Wow…I’m a little intrigued.”
“Unfortunately they’re top-secret documents, and only direct members of the family are allowed to read them. So I can’t tell you a lot of what’s in them, but—in the past, and in the present day, witches do really exist.”
“Even if the Freezis Conglomerate rules the world, it doesn’t mean anything if that world is destroyed. So when I become the director, I’ll use my judicial powers to soundly exterminate all witches…I think that’s another mission in my life.”
“…I see.”
Gallerian lowered his eyes for a moment.
And then he quickly opened them, smiled, and said, “Except, I’m the one who’s going to become the director.”
“So you said. Well, I know that you’re quite exceptional. When Director Loki Freezis is born, I think he’ll make little Gallerian here into his second-in-command.”
The two walked along the road, joking with each other.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Twin Snowflakes pt6: A slow morning
Shiva:*smiling* Aren’t you going to invite me in?
Summer:How is this happening?
Shiva:Come on, your are weak but not stupid. I’m sure you already have a few ideas. *skipping to the bed*
Summer:.....I’m still sleeping aren’t I?
Shiva:Bingoooo!!! *flops on bed* Gods I forgot how soft this bed was! It’s been ages since I layed here; reminds me of the real deal. Can’t wait to lay in it again.
Summer:*glares* Fat chance....
Shiva:Oh wipe that ridiculous look off your face and take a breather. No way I’m fighting you in this place. I just wanna talk.
The young woman layed back up and crossed her legs elegantly as she stared down Summer who was still in the door way. The smug smile that she wore was nothing new to her condescending attitude but it held a certain light hearted feature to it. Summer could tell that Shiva was telling the truth, so why did that only make her more anxious?
Shiva:There’s enough room in this bed for two you know?
Summer:I’m perfectly fine standing here. *tensing up*
Shiva:Whatever makes you less scared. Just when I thought you were getting more assertive. I guess it’s just desperation that made you steal those vials.
Summer:How....I was warm with that happened.
Shiva:Yeah but you’ve been thinking about it nonstop and obviously you’re cold enough for all this to happen. It’s only natural I find out; does natural even apply to us. Huh, something to ponder for later. Right now I’m way more interested in what exactly do you hope to accomplish. I tried digging deeper in that pretty head of yours but I can only get so deep, or maybe you’re winging it. *stands up*
Summer:Like I’d tell you. Just know your days are numbered.
Shiva:Funny, took the words right out my mouth. If anyone knows just how big the difference is from creating plan and executing it properly, it’s you. How many times has it been I wonder, since I left you freezing to death in your own mind? By now your friends and family have to be really tired of dealing with you.
Summer: Their problem is with you, not me!
Shiva:Now now Summer, do you really want to yell at me?
A chill ripped through her suddenly as her feet were frozen in place. The air itself started to get cooler to her discomfort. Despite her efforts, Summer started to shiver a little as Shiva walked closer. A piece of Summer really wanted to scream but refused to. The urge slowly growing though as her captors hand reached out to her. Nimble fingers on her left cheek caused the poor girl to nearly jump out her skin. Something told her that speaking wasn’t a good idea at the moment.
Shiva:That’s better, I really like this room the way it is. As I was saying, you’re nothing but a burden. The one’s you love wouldn’t be tired of me if you were strong enough to get rid of my from the start. Maybe then mommy dearest wouldn’t have a cute little scar that runs across the first one at the bottom. Man can she dodge like nobodies business. I wanted to leave a much bigger reminder of our meeting. If memory serves me well then it was diamond dust that caused the reaction and the whole apartment. History re-
Summer:*grabs wrist* That’s never happening again. You’re not catching anyone off gaurd by a long shot. We’ve learned many things in six years and you’ll feel like nothing but a bad dream in six more. My family will be just fine.
Shiva:Ah, there’s that little fire in your eyes. Always ready to come out whenever someone threatens mommy, daddy, or big brother. It’s the only time you are actually interesting. I wonder if it’ll keep you warm against me, or you’ll burn yourself by clinging to it?
Shiva:Hmph, well I think I’ve had enough fun for the moment. I suppose I should let you rest while you still can; it’s only fair.
Summer:*lets go* Gee how thoughtful....
Shiva:Goodbye little one. I’m gonna enjoy this bed. *puts cover on the floor*
Summer:What are you-
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Her body jolts violently as her eyes open. The right side of her body aches and feels like it’s on something way less soft than she is used to. Slowly her senses come back and notices that she’s currently on floor next to a knocked over heater. Shiva’s surprise appearance started to make sense; just another precaution to add to the list. The dim light hit Summer’s face from the bedroom window told her it was still early. As much as she wanted to move back to her bed, all the strength she had was put into placing the heater back up right. Then she pulled the cover down to the floor with her and went back sleep.
Year round, Atlas always looked like a work out art at a museum in Nicholas eyes. Freshly fallen snow in the beginning of Winter though, that’s when Atlas becomes the center piece of it all. Crisp air tickles his nose as he walks down the quiet streets with two coffees in hand. Behind him the sound of snow crunching in his previous foot steps gets louder. He raises the coffee in his left hand for it to be promptly grabbed.
Valerie:Five sugars!?
Nick:With a small amount of cream for good measure.
Valerie:Man if there’s one thing I miss about school mornings, it’s this baby right here.
Nick:*chuckles* You do realize you could’ve gotten one of those at anytime you wanted right?
Valerie:Nah, they’re reserved for this moment every time or it feels less special. Coffee on the way to school is our thing; don’t want to abuse that.
Nick:If you say so. What happens when we eventually graduate then.
Valerie:I’ll get it once in a blue moon and remember all the good times of combat school.
Nick:Do good times and combat school even fit together like that?
Valerie:Now you sound like your sister. Speaking of which......
Nick:Doubt she’ll show up today.
Valerie:Such a shame. One of these days a teacher is gonna blow a fuse. I don’t even think the Prince of Atlas could stop them from expelling her.
Nick:They will as long as I make the school look good and please don’t call me that. “A prince is nothing compared to knight that chooses to defend him.”’ I’d rather be the knight.
Valerie:I don’t see why you can’t be both. Your parents might as well be kickass King and Queen but I digress. Can’t really blame Summer for wanting to skip the P.E. physical.
Nick:*eyes widened* Gods I’m stupid,m. Of course that’s why she’s not here. It skipped my mind the two of you have that today.
Valerie:Not surprising, you don’t wittiness the crap that goes down. One of these days I might just fight half the girls in that locker room.
Nick:That bad huh?
Valerie:It’s not like they’re even saying much either, but the way all of them stare. Silently judging and forming opinions about her scars makes me wanna drop kick all of them. *aggressively sips coffee*
He couldn’t help but smile at his oldest friend’s remark. Valerie definitely was never one to put someone in their place. She was typically open and blunt just like her mother. Frankly it was hard to tell if any of Ren’s mannerisms or genes; especially with her hair being short. He sort of missed seeing it long if he was honest with himself. She’s kept it short since the day she decided to start “exploring.” Nicholas took a long sip of his drink to avoid making a frown. Both of them would do anything for Summer; that’s his sister and Valerie is her closest friend as well, but he knows that friendship probably isn’t what compels her to help. He’d have to be naive to believe it was.
Valerie:Hmmm? What’s wrong Nicholas?
Nicholas:Nothing, just thinking about the test is all.
Valerie:Nice try, that’s not a “I’m afraid of a test look.” You’re way to smart and study hard. I bet that expression doesn’t even exist. Something else is up.
Nick:Well maybe this is the first time I’m worried about a test so you finally see the expression? *sips loudly*
Valerie:*pouts* I hope you know that you can tell me anything right? We’re best friends remember. *nudges him*
Nick:Yeah I know?(That’s the problem....)
Valerie:*smiles* So be straight with me instead of giving me the run around.
Nick:I just really want you to lo.........
Nick:To....keep an extra good eye on Summer for the upcoming weeks. Classes are starting again, tournament preparation, the usual bullies, etc. It be a bit overwhelming for her in the beginning. Look after her if she needs any help.
Valerie:Of course! I’ll always be there for Summer!
Nick:Trust me, I know you will.
Valerie:That goes the same for y-
Nick:VAL!!!!. *grabs her arm*
He yanks her left arm to pull her in close to him The sudden movement causes her tense up as they see a car swerve onto the sidewalk at high speed before taking off moments from where she just stood. Her head is still processing the events that unfolded as her body is being held tightly against Nicholas’s shorter and slightly smaller frame. His body shaking with adrenaline. He began shouting at the car angrily.
Valerie:Wow, that was.....close.
Nick:*lets her go* Are you okay!? Nothing clipped you?
Valerie:*shakes head* Sorry, I’m alright. That was just ummmm, wow that was close. Lucky you were here. I guess it’s officially that time of the year again.
Nick:The only down side of all the ice and snow. Tsk, I gotta a deal with a whole season of this again. You sure you’re okay?
Valerie:*rotating shoulder* Yeah I’m good. Wasn’t expecting that yank but it’s better than a tire on my chest.
Nick:Oh, sorry about that. Guess I went full force.
A bluish bruise was left where he grabbed her arm. While he frowned at it, Valerie was actually a bit surprised and a bit impressed. Seeing Nicholas that serious outside of a match is a rare sight. Forever he’s cool, collected, and isn’t one to show up that much. She could count the number of times that he’s actually caught an attitude with somebody. Soon her aura kicked in and erased the bruise all together.
Valerie:Look, all better in no time at all. Also no need to apologize for saving my skin. *smirking* Been awhile since I’ve seen that level of pissed off from you.
Nick:*red* Well can you blame me!? Almost had a tragedy today.
Valerie:Oh but we still do...*points to the snow*
Both of them watch the white snow become dyed brown and melting from their spilled morning brew. Sadly they pick up the trash and continue to walk.
Valerie:Better the drinks than me but still a shame.
Nick:Sigh, Maybe I should’ve stayed in bed today too. Tomorrow let’s just ride the bus.
Valerie:*giggles* You’re the boss!
The two of them walked twice as fast to school until they ended up in front of the school. Nothing amazing about the building really. Just the regular combat/high school. Half the size of Beacon or Atlas maybe which makes since considering there’s no dorms. Just plenty of class rooms, a huge cafeteria, and a massive space in the back filled with multiple area’s designed for different sports. All in all the back had to be a least a couple of acres give or take but it’s mostly for the track and plenty of open space. They’ve arrived before most students even though they walked. Winter break must be making everyone a bit sluggish. Thes shiny white and gray hallways should have tons of people struggling to remember their locker combinations right now.
Valerie:Looks like most people are following your sister’s lead about school. Oh well, that just means science might be quiet for a change. Only one way to find out. *walking away* If I see you in between classes I’ll give you the inside scoop on the test.
Nick:I’d rather you just make sure you pass so all that studying wasn’t for nothing.
Valerie:Deal! Consider it my way of thanking you from earlier.
Nick:I don’t wanna be that guy but that gift doesn’t sound worth it.
Valerie:Hehehe, I guess you’re right. Give me some time to think about it. Love ya! *runs off*
Nick:.....Sigh, not the way I wish you would.
Valerie:(Hmmm for second I thought he had something in mind. Oh what to do? Maybe Summer can give me a couple ideas later; possibly even make a whole day out of it!) *grinning* Pfft wouldn’t that be nice?
Nick:*opening Locker* (Okay, Take notes in history for two, Ace a science test, lunch, free period, and then help organize the tournament. Should be a calm day.)
P.A. System:Would all members of the student council please meet in the auditorium during first period? Thank you...”
Nick:Okay, no notes I guess. I can always use free period. Still a calm day. *closes locker*
He turns around to see a middle aged black man dressed in a stylish black suit with a cyan tie and a black fedora with a ribbon around it that matches the tie. The man smiles at Nicholas who displays a neutral face that slowly turns into one of exhaustion, even though the day just started.
Nick:Hello Mr. Coal.
Flynt:Hello Nicholas, shall we talk in the courtyard or my office.
Nick:The principal’s office always has candy so I think you know my answer.
Flynt:Let’s mosy on then.
Nick:Sigh, I wish I still had my coffee.
Part 5
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everykindofnerd13 · 4 years
Natsu’s eyes lit up as Kageyama waved at her from the stage in her school’s auditorium. She waved back excitedly and the rest of the team turned to look at her after Kageyama’s acknowledgement.
“Hi Natsu!” Suga called and blew her a kiss. She caught it and shoved it in her jacket pocket, causing him to grin widely. She giggled and nodded as they all turned away to talk to eachother.
“You know the Karasuno team!?” One of her friends, Akita, asks from beside her and she turned to find basically everyone around her staring at her with wide eyes. She shrugged and nodded, and their mouths fell agape.
“How!?” They exclaimed and she giggled.
“Shouyo goes to Karasuno, he’s on the team!” She explained brightly, their jaws all dropped, “And Kageyama is dating Shouyo! Haven’t I told you?” She asked. They all shook their heads rapidly, still looking completely awestruck. She shrugged and turned back to the stage. Soon, all the students would watch a presentation by each of the different groups there, Karasuno Volleyball being one of them. Then they would all go up and look around at the tables to find out more if they were interested. She knew she wanted to see the Nekoma art club, and the Karasuno Drama club, but she was extra excited to go talk to her brother and his friends.
“I can’t believe you know them...” Satoshi muttered as they approached the Karasuno Volleyball table. Kageyama smiled and got up to hug her as she approached. Causing Hinata to pout as his boyfriend stole his little sister and his little sister stole his boyfriend.
“Hello Natsu!” Daichi greeted her and gave her a hug as well, along with Suga before Tanaka and Noya did their standard kneel and kiss on the hand that made her giggle, Asahi gave her a bear hug and lifted her off the floor, and then she was handed off to Tsukki and Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi hugging her and Tsukki giving her a pat on the back, before she was finally handed off to her brother who hugged her tightly. Kageyama gave her one more pat on the shoulder before she stepped back with her friends again.
“Wow, you really do know them...” Akita muttered as she stared intimidated by the 9 highschoolers.
“Indeed, hello!” Suga exclaimed, holding a hand out for her, which she took, still staring in awe. Natsu giggled and rolled her eyes.
“This is Suga, or Sugawara-San!” Natsu introduced as he shook hands with Akita and Satoshi.
“Daichi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Asahi, Kageyama~” Natsu pointed out each player as she said their names, and sang her brother’s boyfriend’s name teasingly, “My brother Hinata, Tsukkishima, and Yamaguchi.” Natsu finishes and smiled proudly at her friends as her hair was ruffled by Nishinoya.
“Yup! That’s us! Are you guys interested in Karasuno?” Daichi asked, but Akita was busy staring dreamily at Kageyama.
“Mhm...” she muttered and Satoshi rolled his eyes.
“I am! I wanna be on the volleyball team! It’ll be all sorts of fun!” He exclaimed. The kids were still only in 3rd grade, so really this expo was more for the older middle school kids, but it was still fun. Akita nodded along as he spoke, still spellbound at Kageyama, who was beginning to get uncomfortable and fell back behind the rest of the team instead of in front next to Hinata. Akita finally snapped out of it and blushed profusely before running away to talk to some of their more casual friends. Natsu giggled as she watched her friend run away, and Satoshi rolled his eyes again before getting into a conversation with Daichi.
“What was all that about?” Hinata asked curiously and Natsu giggled again, covering her mouth.
“Akita thinks that Kageyama is extra easy on the eyes.” She explained, causing Hinata to giggle as well.
“I agree,” he answered, and Natsu fell into a laughing fit.
“What?” Kageyama asked behind the two siblings and Hinata let his giggling die down as he turned to look at his boyfriend.
“Seems that Natsu’s little friend has a crush on you Kags.” He explained and Kageyama let out a breath of a laugh.
“Oh really?” He asked and wrapped his arms around Hinata’s waist. Hinata nodded, still giggling.
“Well, too bad I’m 6 years older and in a relationship with a really cute ginger then huh?” He asked before kissing Hinata on the nose. Natsu pointed her finger down her throat and made faux gagging noises at her brother and his boyfriend.
“Nasty love birds!” She exclaimed. And Tsukkishima chuckled.
“Indeed,” he agreed and glared at them.
“They’re all awful. Really. Asahi and Noya, Suga and Daichi, but those two especially, positively the worst, we practically have to pull them apart to play.” Tanaka joked from next to them, causing Noya, Suga, and Hinata to all shoot him glares and he put his hands up in submission. Natsu giggled again, then turned to look at Toshi, who was still talking to Daichi.
“Toshi!” She exclaimed irritably. Grabbing his arm and tugging, trying to get him to go with her to the Drama club table a couple of feet away, he sighed and shot her a glance before looking back to Daichi.
“Sorry, my nagging best friend wants to go see the Drama Club table, I guess I’ll take my leave, bye!” He exclaimed. Daichi chuckled, Suga beamed, and Hinata smirked as the two walked away.
“Natsu has a crush on Satoshi.” He explained and they all nodded and “ah”ed in understanding.
“Apparently Natsu’s friend has a crush on Kageyama.” Tsukki also pointed out causing Noya, Tanaka, and Hinata to snicker. Kageyama rolled his eyes.
“Well, we all know who’s gonna be a teenage heartthrob in his future.” Suga joked and shoved Kageyama playfully. He glared at Suga and shook his hair out.
“You.” He countered, and Suga narrowed his eyes confused.
“White hair, fair skin, deep eyes, you’re practically a k-pop idol.” Kageyama explained and Hinata giggled. Suga scoffed and turned up his nose, crossing his arms.
“He’s not wrong Suga,” Hinata reasoned, “you look like all the idol boys on Natsu’s stupid dramas.” He chuckled, and Suga glared at him.
“I’m pretty sure Natsu actually had a crush on you at first.” Hinata pointed out thoughtfully as he hopped up on their table and sat down. Kageyama sat down on the stool in front of him. Daichi, Asahi, Tsukki, and Yamaguchi all averted their attention away from the conversation as someone new approached the table. Suga rolled his eyes.
“But, Kageyama has already proven to already attract both genders, of all ages, we saw that woman at the market pinching his cheeks and calling him Kawaii.”Kageyama groaned loudly and dropped his head back into Hinata’s shoulder. Hinata chuckled and started running his hands through Kageyama’s hair soothingly.
“Whatever, you’ll all be teenage heart throbs, it’s in your genes. Meanwhile, I’m over here, looking like... this.” Tanaka complained while his friends chortled. Hinata reaches out and grabbed Tanaka by the cheek.
“I dunno Naka, I think that with this baby face you’ll be attracting old ladies for eternity.” He spoke as he pinched Tanaka’s face. The older boy grumbled and shoved Hinata’s hand away as the ginger began to cackle.
“Kageyama also has baby cheeks!” Tanaka exclaimed, pointing at the other boy very obviously. Hinata laughed.
“Yes, while that may be true, Tobi is mine!” Hinata reasoned as he threw his arms around Kageyama’s shoulders and his legs around Kageyama’s middle. Kageyama chuckled and slowly started to stand off the stool, causing Hinata to grip him harder as he was lifted into the air.
“You are tiny...” One of the kids talking to Daichi and Asahi muttered staring at Hinata. Said boy looked at the middle schooler confused then looked at Kageyama, who looked at him simultaneously.
“You’re just, so short...” he explained, still staring at Hinata. Kageyama glared defensively toward the boy.
“Yes... I’m aware, believe me.” Hinata countered, while Kageyama hiked him up higher and Hinata rested his head on Tobio’s.
“What position do you play?” The kids friend asked, now also staring at Hinata surprised. Hinata sighed.
“I’m the middle blocker, I’m 5 foot 4 inches, I’m on the starting team, no I don’t have a condition, and yes I am travel sized.” Hinata explained basically on auto-pilot.
“Uh...” the original kid muttered.
“He’s a perfectly capable player, we have won many games with him and all the other players on the team,” Suga explained, incredibly defensive while also coming off as docile.
“We don’t see a point in limiting people’s abilities based on their physical attributes.” Tsukki explained, an obvious venom to his voice.
“And he wouldn’t be a starter if he couldn’t get the job done.” Kageyama finally finished. The kid nodded, clearly intimidated by the nearly robotic response from the players.
“Anyway, are you interested in Karasuno Volleyball?” Daichi asked. The kids nodded and Daichi smiled, “Okay,” he started talking to them again and Hinata shut his eyes and let himself fall asleep on Kageyama’s shoulders. Kageyama chuckled when he heard his boyfriend’s snores, he was practically always sleepy, a result of intense Hyper-fixation caused by his ADHD that kept him awake through the night. Nishinoya laughed and poked Hinata’s calf then went back to talking to Tanaka.
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kristyavson · 4 years
Ducktales Crossover Fanfic: The Lost McDuck Part 4
This is a more au story based off of @kristyavson and @eclipsewarrior101 gene and Green Eggs & Ham. This Au is a mix between Ducktales Gene au and Anastasia with a cartoon crossover.
This is part 4 where sam and guy see gene has a same guitar, humming the "once upon a december" tune a bit and singing quietly as he waits for his lunch. sam and guy found him. (i add two songs on it) sam and guy are from the town of Glurfsburg.
meanwhile, sam and guy were at outside of the dinnr, they been looking for him for 5 hours, but no luck, even most of the town doesn't know him and they needed something to eat.
"sam, we been looking for him at least 5 hours from now and still haven't found him yet." guy said to sam as sam was a little sad about gene. "but guy," sam said. "we've to keep looking, what if... what if he ended up the same way like me? just like for i did in the past."
guy looks at sam as he looks to worry about what happened to him, still holding on to the missing poster of gene. "i can't believe that poor kid who ends up being lost and i thought he was safe with the family of McDuck’s. if i haven't met you and change my mind about Mr. Jenkins returns home to the chickeraffe island to see his mom again while I've changed for the better, i would be keeping the job as a con artist and not looking for that poor boy."
guy gives sam a hug and said. 'well, i'm glad that you haven't keep that job." sam hugs guy back. "come on, sam. let's get some green eggs and ham. that made you feel better." sam smiled as he and guy went inside.
while sam and guy are at in the dinnr, asking the waiter man, ordering green eggs and ham for lunch, gene also came in the dinnr, he puts his guitar to his side and sits at the table.
as the waiter men get sam & guy's lunch, he noted sam who looks feeling down. "what's wrong with him?" he asked. guy looks at him and answers. "sorry, he just... we are looking for the missing kid."
"Yeah, we been looking for him for 5 hours." sam said. sam looked at the poster and ask as he shows the missing poster of gene. "so, what're fine gentlemen like you ever seen him by any chance?" the waiter man looks at and said. "no, i haven't. but that poster looks... the kid has been missing for 5 years. sorry. anyway, what can i get you?" guy said, "two orders of green eggs and ham, please."
on the other side of the table, the waiter lady looks at gene, she feels sorry for that poor kid. then she came over to him and asks. "what's wrong, hon?" Gene would explain to her and said. "I lost my chance to go find my family. but i know has someone is out there looking for me and i'm not giving up yet." then she looks at sam and guy who has got their green eggs and ham, she knew that they are not from around here.
gene looks at sam and guy too and ask. "uh, who are those guys?" she said to gene. "don't know. they must be new here." then she saw sam holding the missing poster of him while sam eats the green eggs. "i'll be right back, hon." as she walks away to talk to waiter men (the one gives them their food), gene was confused, but he started to singing quietly.
sam tries to think, he heard gene humming. them something hits sam, he heard this tune before. guy asked. "sam?" sam snaps out as he hears guy's voice. "oh, sorry, just thinking, guy." guy looks at gene, somethings off about the boy, his clothes weren’t dirty clothes as others would be but he did wear worn clothes that he washed all by himself or used what money he had to clean them. gene's different than the other street performers. "some street performer, but a very clean one." guy said. "oh." sam said with a sighed.
then sam hears gene again and this time, he heard a voice. "someone holds me safe and warm. far away long ago, glowing dim as an ember, and a song someone sings once upon a December."
sam realizes the song as he drops the fork. "sam? what's wrong?" guy asked as he looked very confused. sam said to guy in shock. "the song. that means...." sam give guy a poster and guy looks at the poster and gene. they both realized that means... gene's alive!
the waiter lady came back to him and said. "i think the new guys can help you out, but they already know. the one who ordered green eggs and ham. come on, hon." gene takes his guitar and goes over to met sam and guy at there table.
"boys. i think that you been looking for." she said as she show gene. sam sits next to guy so gene can sit with them. sam looks at the poster's name and his name is 'gene'. "so, you're gene, right?" guy asked.
"well... yes, you know my name?" gene asked. "gene is my name, huh?" sam nod. "i' am sam, sam i am and this is bb aka briefcase buddy, guy am i. we're from a town of Glurfsburg. so what's you're handle dude?"
gene said. "well, I've lived on the streets ever since he could remember. all i could remembered was i'm being found unconscious in the woods and having no idea who i was or why i was there. i was of course sent to an orphanage at first but i ran away when i wasn’t adopted. so i ended up on the streets working odd jobs and even i playing my guitar for money."
guy asked. "but what about your worn clothes, they are clean." gene reply. "oh that? i just washed them myself or used what money i had to clean them. but my guitar, it was my only real clue to who i was and it was my prized possession."
sam asked. "wait, can we see the guitar of yours?" gene got confused at first, then he show them. sam and guy was amazement. guy realized that sam was right. gene's guitar was purple with gold rim and a dollar sign on it.
sam asked gene as he takes guy. "gene? i needed talk to guy outside alone? we'll be right back."
as they are outside, sam said. "this bad, guy. gene can't remembered who he is. that means he having amnesia and has been living in his own on the streets for a few years." guy asked. "then how we going to get his memories back?" sam looks the poster and it said "duckburg" on it sam said with a smile. "that must be where he lives, i know where it is. so let’s convince this kid he is a Mcduck to get the money. he’s the real deal, he ain’t no fake."
Guy said. “NO! nono. We are not misleading this poor kid. Yes and even though the similarities are...somewhat accurately, this seems like another scam!”
"why not?" sam asked and reply as he pointed at gene. "but we need it to find my mother at east flubria. i think my mother can wait. in face, i'll made up stories about my mom again, McDuck style."
guy shook his head and said. "no, you need the money to find your mother at east flubria." sam asked with his cute pouty face. "plaese guy?" guy just realizes he can’t talk Sam out of it. so he agrees. "ugh fine. but i have to warn you, Sam. it's gonna be consequences, ok?" sam replied with a smile. "don't worry, i'll be careful this time."
sam and guy went back in and asked. "how you like me and guy helping to get to your folks?" gene smiled with excited and said "really, you'll help me? thank you."
unaware, poe the raven was spying on the three and fly away. ------------------------ later that day after gene said goodbyes to them, sam said. "you know kiddo? i bet the McDucks will you to find your family." gene was happy to hear that! gene asked. ”um where to exactly?” sam replied. "to duckburg of course! to the home of the mcducks. they'll happliy to help you out, right guy?" guys said. “ummm yah...yah of course.”
sam said to gene. "you know, when i was a kid, mom was adventurer, but not only that, she's a treasure hunter too. once or twist, my mom let's me go with her, one of my mother's adventures. she gets upset by calling me my full name. 'samuel-i-amuel, put that down, that's an artifact!' something like that." gene said with amazement. "wow, you're mom is amazing!"
Guy: You know, sam, this may turn into the longest day of my entire life.
Sam: Oh, I got the perfect remedy for that Guy!
Guy: No Sam! not in front gene who turned out to be a lost boy!
Sam sings: Sing a song! Yes, a travel song When you gotta go somewhere 'Cause the fun is getting there Yeah.
Sam talks: Oh, what the heck, I must confess I love a road trip!
Sam sings more: Sing a song Hit the trail! forget the maps. Forget the guides. Before ya know it, you've made strides with me.
Gene Laughs at them, thinking sam and guy were funny: you guys are sure funny!
sam talks: aw, thanks gene!
Sam sings even more: And I know all I need - all along Is a path and a pals - and a song, So I'm singin' And I'm pallin' with you
Sam talks: See guys? It makes the time go by faster
Guy sings: Why me? Why me?
Sam talks: This is nice.
Guy sings: Tell me what was my crime?
Sam talks: We are strolling
(sam, guy, and gene Sees cat in the hat walking by)
Guy sings: He's as chatty as a parrot. More annoying than a mime.
Sam talks: Hey, look, a cat who's wearing a hat! That's crazy!
Guy sings: Why me? Why me? A simple answer would be fine
Gene talks: This is a good cardio
Guy sings: Won't someone please send me a sign?
(Sees train station sign)
Sam talks: Oh look, a sign! train station to duckburg straight ahead! we're almost there you guys!
Guy sings: What did I do to deserve this? Honestly, This who 'o mine is asinine WHY ME?
Sam talks: Oh man, what could be better than this, huh kid?!
Gene talks while Laughing: yup! I like you guys!  you and 'briefcase buddy' are so funny! now i understand why you boys always have your briefcases all the time, you two are briefcase buddies after all!
Sam talks: Aww, guy! he gets that from me now! that's so cute!
guy talks while angry at sam: see you just did sam? you give gene a bad example!
Sam talks: uh-oh! looks like somebody has a bad case of the ‘Not’s’!
guy talks while angry: NO! I do not! I'm still not so good with kids, remember!? (guy thinking: it's like having Mr. Jenkins *the chickeraffe* all over again!)
(Sam and guy sings together differently)
Guy sings: Why me? Why me? A simple answer would be fine Won't somebody please send me a sign? What did I do to deserve this? Honestly, This who 'o mine Is asinine
Sam sings: Sing a song! Hit the road! It's the way To get around! Before ya know it, you've Gained ground with me! And I know All I need All along is a path And a pal And a song
sam, guy, and gene sings: So, I'm singin' And I'm pallin' With you.
(at the train station, guy and gene see sam buying three train tickets by using guy's wallet.)
Guy talks: That'll do sam, That'll do. and give me back my wallet! ------------------------ please check out part 1, 2 & 3 first. and please check out @kristyavson and @eclipsewarrior101 Tumblr.
also link here: https://kristyavson.tumblr.com/post/614936608636010496/anastasia-au-travel-song
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krumbine · 4 years
Videorama: Revenge of the Nooooo!
Tumblr media
The year is 2005.
George W. Bush is just starting his second term in the White House.
The hottest game in cell phone technology is the Motorola Razr V3 and the PalmOne Treo 650.
The iPhone is still a few years away.
The Rise of Skywalker isn’t even a twinkle in Disney’s eye––an eye that’s currently preoccupied with an overly optimistic Narnia Franchise Wet Dream.
In fact, Disney wouldn’t even buy Star Wars for another seven years.
It’s summer in 2005 and millions of marketing dollars can still pull the wool over the eyes of a naive movie-going public, dictating box office success regardless of audience consensus or even general quality of filmmaking.
All hail the grand illusion of capitalism.
It’s a warm evening in the summer of 2005 and video rental stores are still a thing.
One particular, independently-run store––freestanding, double glass doors on the left side of the brick facade, small parking lot––was just turning its sign on as dusk settled.
Videorama was open for business.
Tobey blinked incredulously at the three teenagers standing on the other side of the counter. His brain hurt as he attempted to summon the endurance needed to fathom the sheer stupidity of their question.
To buy himself some time, Tobey blinked again.
“… well?” asked the one with the long greasy hair. “Do you have it?”
There was no way these kids were serious.
Tobey shook his head in disbelief. “You’re not serious.”
The one with a bad case of acne threw his hands up in exasperation. “Dude, for fuck’s sake!”
Tobey looked over at the other man behind the video store counter, feet up, sketch pad in lap. “I think these guys are serious.”
The third teenager was pale and wore a lot of heavy black eyeliner. He spoke in a flat monotone: “Catwoman. Do you have it or not?”
Tobey broke into a lopsided grin. “Oh, I get it. This is like a prank, right? Where’s the hidden camera?” Tobey propped his elbows on the counter and leaned forward. “Am I gonna be on the internet?!”
Long Hair was reaching his limit. “C’mon, man, we just wanna rent the movie.”
Tobey’s grin dropped. “No joke?”
They were practically pleading. “Do you have it or not?”
Tobey stood back, somber. This was worse than he thought. “Holy fucking shit.” He turned again to the other guy behind the counter. “Kurt, these guys are actually serious.”
Kurt didn’t look up from his sketch pad. “Hm.”
Zits backhanded Long Hair’s chest. “This is ridiculous, man.  Let’s get outta here.”
Almost through this, Tobe.
Eyeliner started for the exit. “Fuck these asswipes.”
Fuck me.
“Alright, you fucking hormone-addled, gene-pool rejects. Listen.” Tobey leaned forward. “I can appreciate the fact that the three of you otherwise fine young gentlemen are undoubtedly blinded by your adolescent throes of puberty––to saying nothing of the ungodly amount of jizz sprayed in your eyes from the nonstop circle jerk that is your formative years––so it stands to reason that the mere notion of Halle Berry sporting a whip and a leather catsuit is enough to make you pop your collective nut––which, again, I do understand. Halle Berry is a fine specimen of the female gender and I myself have spent many a lonely night pondering Ms. Berry’s lithe and supple … skills.”
Tobey lost himself for a moment and the three teenagers stared at him in confusion. Tobey nodded absently and then returned to the conversation.
“Fellas,” he implored. “All that being said, you cannot tell me that simple, unabashed horniness is just cause for what will amount to the severe rapage of your individual minds––a tragic and unavoidable fate that you will all most assuredly fall victim to should you proceed to rent the motion picture that is Catwoman.”
To buy themselves a moment to process Tobey’s rant, the three teenagers blinked at him.
“… yes?” Zits said, lacking any sense of surety of himself.
Tobey sighed. Definitely worse than he thought. With a sad shake of his head: “Look, let me make a suggestion. Go with Monster’s Ball instead. It’s got our girl in it, bare titties and all. Lots of sex plus it’s a flick that won’t rot your brain. It’s a goddamned win-win for everybody. Especially you.”
Tobey pointed at Eyeliner before changing his mind. “Well, maybe not everybody.”
Eyeliner’s face was as a neutral as his voice. “Isn’t she fucking Billy Bob Thornton in that one?”
Zits scowled. “Dude, that is so fucking nasty! He’s all old and wrinkly and shit.”
Tobey wanted to ram an ice pick in his own ear. “What the actual fuck, my man? We've already established that you're watching the flick for Halle Berry's tits, not Billy Bob's ball sack! What the fuck do you care what he looks like?!”
“We don’t!” Long Hair cried. “We just care about Catwoman!”
Tobey threw his hands in the air. There was no reasoning with these kids. “Okay, fine. I see how it is. Get out.”
Incredulous offense from Zits. “What?!”
Ineffable deadpan from Eyeliner. “You’re throwing us out?”
“No. Right now I’m asking you to leave in a gentle yet firm manner, as to assert a polite yet authoritative dominance over this conversation,” Tobey said. “In about twenty seconds I’ll be throwing you out.”
“We just want to rent a movie!” Zits said through gritted teeth and mounting frustration.
“Incorrect,” Tobey responded, raising an index finger. “You want to rent shit. There is a difference, although I can see that the lack of immediate release has caused the cum to bubble up and disorient your brain cells, inhibiting logical cognition. Regardless, I don’t even carry Catwoman since I have a very strict policy on stocking crappy movies.”
Long Hair tilted his head, waiting. “What’s your policy on stocking crappy movies?”
Eyeliner with the deadpan punchline: “He doesn’t.”
“––I don’t,” Tobey said at the same time. He shot Eyeliner an exasperated glare. “C’mon, dude!”
Eyeliner shrugged a shoulder.
Tobey leaned forward. “Now why don’t you three numb-nuts find yourselves a tittie mag, have a circle jerk, and just be done with it already, okay?”
Eyeliner scoffed indifferently. “This is bullshit. Let’s bounce, boys.”
Tobey nodded. “That’s right. But be sure to use plenty of lube. Too much bouncing chafes the shaft.”
Zits lunged across the counter but Long Hair pulled him back. “Fuck you, asshole.”
Tobey glanced down and flipped a page in his Indie Film magazine. “Mm. Clever.”
Zits straightened. He had one card left to play and he was entirely too confident in the move. “Hey. I wanna speak to the manager. Dick.”
Tobey looked up from his magazine. “I am the manager, you dipshit. Now get the hell out of my store before I call the fucking cops and have them throw you out.”
The three teenagers exchanged looks before stumbling to the exit, muttering various expletives under their breaths as they went.
“Yeah, I heard all of that!” Tobey called after them as the bell on the door jingled.
“You handled that well,” Kurt said from behind Tobey.
“You could have jumped in at any time there, buddy.”
“Seemed like you had it handled,” Kurt shrugged.
A young woman stepped up to the counter. Straight blonde hair to her shoulders and curves that Tobey drank in an instant glance, imperceptible the casual observer.
She perceived it. She always did.
“He didn’t have it handled,” the young woman said flatly, placing three DVDs and a member card on the counter.
“I had it handled,” Tobey insisted while he scanned her card. “Sure, I could have used some backup from behind the counter but that’s not to dismiss the overall nature of the situation behind, generally, handled.”
Kurt set his sketch pad aside and fiddled with a television set on the counter. A low-quality video continued playing––it looked like someone had used a cheap video camera to record a movie theater screen.
The girl’s eyebrow went up. “Is that Star Wars?”
Tobey didn’t look. He didn’t have to since they’d been watching the bootleg on a loop for three days. “Yep.”
“The new one?”
“That just came out in theaters?”
Tobey looked up from scanning the DVDs. “Wow. You’re a regular Veronica Mars. Can’t slip anything past you.”
She all but rolled her eyes and he decided to dial back the sarcasm.
“Yes, Kurt downloaded it a few days ago,” Tobey explained. “I mean, yeah, I paid to see the first two prequels but there was no way in hell I was gonna be stupid enough to let George Fucking Lucas screw me out of another eight bucks for yet another pile of shit he so fondly refers to as epic Star Wars lore.”
“Isn’t that illegal?”
“It fucking should be.”
“I meant the downloading.”
Tobey held up the three DVDs. “I’m sorry, did you want to rent these movies—” he glanced at the computer screen, “––Alyssa Tanner of 9000 East Westmore Drive, apartment 263? Or is harassing me over my moral obligation to protest the misguided artistic values of a corrupt media empire entertainment enough for you?”
Kurt shot a sideways glance and muttered: “Misguided artistic values?!”
Alyssa shrugged indifferently. “I just thought that in light of your current career path, you might have a better appreciation for the damage caused by downloading movies illegally.”
Kurt put his feet back up on the counter as he turned his attention back to the sketch pad. “Here we go …”
“The damage I cause?!” The mock in Tobey’s outrage was mild at best. “What about the damage George Lucas caused with these blatant cash grabs? Have you seen all the advertisements for this one? He’s spending millions of dollars convincing the world that it’s the greatest film ever!”
“And you’re saying it’s not?”
“If it’s possible, this one is even worse than the last two combined,” Tobey said gravely.
“Dude,” Kurt said, pointing at the television. “It’s the Vader scene.”
Tobey’s hands went up. “Perfect!” To Alyssa: “This is what I’m talking about. This shit is fucking hilarious.”
Alyssa looked at the television as the bootleg copy of Revenge of the Sith played. Darth Vader found out that he killed his girlfriend, clomped around like Frankenstein and then cried out, ‘Nooooo!’
Tobey clicked the television off.
“The only good thing about this movie is that it’s so bad it’s funny,” he said. “We’ve been watching it for days and that Vader scene just keeps getting funnier.”
“You don’t think Lucas deserves a little credit for closing the loop on A New Hope?”
“Does Adolf Hitler deserve credit for closing the loop on World War II?”
“First of all, Hitler lost—”
“Which effectively closed the loop—”
“—and secondly, you’re comparing a movie to a war that literally killed tens of millions of people?!” Alyssa balked.
“I’m comparing three movies to a war that killed tens of millions––”
“Dude!” Kurt cut in.
Tobey sighed. “Fine. Okay. Maybe the prequels aren’t, like, genocide bad––”
“The fuck is wrong with you?”
“But they’re still pretty bad.”
At one point, not so long ago, Alyssa had been amused and slightly intrigued by Tobey’s acerbic banter.
That moment had passed.
An awkward silence clung to the air inside the video store. Alyssa glanced at the exit. Kurt’s pencil scratched at his sketch pad.
Tobey held up Alyssa’s rentals. “… you want your movies?”
She took them from Tobey. “Yeah. Thanks.”
She turned for the door and then stopped. “Um …”
“Three day rentals. Due back on Thursday.”
Alyssa turned back to the counter. She grimaced. “Actually, uh, that bootleg—”
Tobey held up a hand. “Wait. Are you saying—”
Alyssa shrugged half-heartedly.
“You wanna borrow my illegally downloaded copy of Revenge of the Sith?”
“I mean, if it’s so bad, you wouldn’t mind letting go of it for a few days,” Alyssa suggested. “Right?”
Tobey studied her grey eyes. There was something about this girl. He chewed his lip, thinking.
Tobey nodded slowly. “Okay, uh, lemme think of a creative way of saying this …” Tobey rubbed his chin and then raised an index finger to the sky. “Oh, I know!”
Tobey threw his hands in the air. “Nooooo!”
A VHS rewinder ground on old tape and Kurt cursed as he mashed the eject button, popping the machine open.
“Goddammit,” Kurt seethed. “Why the hell are we still stocking VHS?”
“Same reason we don’t open until four in the afternoon,” Tobey replied as he gathered an armful of DVDs to re-shelve.
“Because you’re too lazy to wake up in the morning?”
“No, because despite appearances, we’re here to serve our customers, Kurt,” Tobey said, strolling the aisles. “Working class Americans. The nine-to-fivers. People rent videos on their way home from work.” Tobey placed a DVD on the shelf. “Or in the middle of the night. There’s been studies. Or something.”
Kurt finished untangling the botched tape and tossed it into the trash. “So what you’re saying is that you’ve got a firm grasp on psychological makeup of our clientele.”
“I’m a savante that way.”
“An idiot savante, sure,” Kurt said with an eye roll.
Tobey placed another DVD. “People mock what they don’t understand.”
“So what about that girl, Alyssa?”
“Pretty sure nobody mocks her,” Tobey replied, scanning a shelf. “Fear her, maybe. Beauty is intimidating. Intelligence doubly so. Beauty and intelligence—”
“I meant her psychological makeup.”
Tobey shrugged absently. “If it’s anything like her physical makeup—”
Kurt sighed. “I mean: why does she come in so often? She was just here yesterday.”
Tobey glanced over at his long-time friend. “She had a two-day rental, Kurt,” he said flatly.
“And that explains why she was here for the past five days in a row, how exactly?” Kurt asked patiently.
Tobey pondered this half-heartedly. “She likes movies?”
Kurt went back to his sketch pad. “You’re an idiot.”
“I’m an idiot with a stalker, according to you,” Tobey said, shelving the last DVD and returning to his spot behind the counter.
“She’s not a stalker. She’s a nice girl.”
Naughty thoughts ran through Tobey’s head and his eyes went wide. “I bet she is.”
Kurt put his pencil down. “You know, people might actually like you if you weren’t so sarcastic all the time.”
“What are you talking about? People like me. You’re the one who pointed out that I have a stalker,” Tobey said. “Plus, you’re a person, too. You like me.”
Kurt tilted his hand back and forth. “Eh.”
Tobey shrugged indifferently. “Friends come and go. Porn is forever.”
“That sixty-inch TV in your bedroom working out well for you?”
Tobey turned and leaned against the counter, facing Kurt. “I watch it as I fall asleep so that I have pleasant dreams. Of vaginas.” Tobey spread his hands an arms-length apart. “Ten feet wide.”
“So what you’re saying is that the addition of the big-screen pornocopia has obviated any pressing need to actually be liked by the fairer sex?”
“Who needs to be liked when you have a stalker? Plus, there’s always Horatio.”
Kurt blinked. “Who the hell is Horatio?”
Tobey held up his left hand. “We have a very intimate relationship. He knows how to please me in ways that most women just don’t understand. And yes, the big screen pornocopia helps.”
The bell on the door jangled.
“A vagina ten feet wide?” Kurt asked.
“Ten feet wide.”
“You call your hand Horatio?”
“You spend all day drawing superheroes with their dongs out,” Tobey said.
Kurt nodded. “Point.”
“Good to see you’re being as professional as ever.” The voice came from the other side of the counter. It sounded tired and annoyed.
Tobey frowned and didn’t bother to turn around. He grabbed his film magazine. “You know what? Fuck off, my dude. I don’t have time for your shit right now.”
The man on the other side of the counter glanced around the empty video store. “I can see that,” he said. “These late hours of yours really keep the place hopping.”
Tobey sighed and deliberately turned around to face his older brother. “Fuck you very much, Walt.”
Tobey’s brother was two years older and looked about as tired as he sounded. A dark suit with a loosened tie, coifed hair grown limp, distinct bags under his eyes.
Walt help up his hands in a show of  surrender, car keys dangling from his right fingers. “Just here to drop the car off. I’ve got a guy coming first thing in the morning to detail it. Karen’s picking me up in a few minutes.”
Walt tossed the keys to Tobey. They hit him on the chest and bounced on the counter. They stared at each other for an awkward moment.
Kurt focused intently on giving She-Hulk a very large, very veiny cock.
“Uh, last I checked, I’m not your fucking valet, Walt,” Tobey said.
Walt sighed wearily. “I’m not asking you to be—”
“Cause you just up and threw those keys like––”
“Tobey, we need to talk.”
“I really can’t see why.”
“Can we just––”
“Get the fuck out of my store, Walter,” Tobey growled from across the counter.
Walt ran a hand through his hair. “… it’s gonna be five years next month.”
Kurt glanced up and could see Tobey visibly tense, clenching his fists. He promptly looked back down.
“Yeah, so?”
“So …” Walt said slowly as he nodded. “… I want you to come visit them with me.”
Walt tried to meet Tobey’s eyes but the anger shooting across from his brother was brutal.
“… I think it’ll be good for you, Tobe,” Walt said softly.
“I haven’t gone yet,” Tobey spat out the words. “I’m not going to go and I’m certainly not ever going to go with you.”
Tobey cut him off. “Just get the fuck out, Walt. You can wait for Karen outside.”
“I want to talk about the store.”
Tobey’s hands went up. “There it is! Jesus fucking Christ. You lasted all of two minutes that time, Walter. When are you gonna give that one up? They left it to me, cut and dry.”
Kurt decided that She-Hulk’s cock wasn’t big enough and needed to be more throbby.
Tobey shot lasers at his brother. “… you don’t have anything to do with Videorama.”
“Yeah. Okay. You’re right,” Walt conceded. “I haven’t had anything to do with the store for a long time. But that’s not how I want it to be.”
“Well boo-fucking-hoo,” Tobey spat. “It’s not like you have a lot of options since, again, they left it to me, cut and dry.”
Walt straightened his shoulders and looked up, meeting his younger brother’s icy gaze. “Tobey,” he said, “I want to buy the store.”
Tobey’s anger kept his mouth moving before the words registered. “Don’t even fucking––wait––no––what?”
Walt swallowed. “I want to buy Videorama from you.”
For once, Tobey had absolutely nothing to say.
In the silence, Kurt’s pencil slipped through his fingers and clattered to the floor.
“Oh, nooooo,” Kurt said through a quiet grimace.
Jordan Krumbine is a professional video editor, digital artist, and creative wizard currently quarantined in Kissimmee, Florida. When not producing content for the likes of Visit Orlando, Orlando Sentinel, or AAA National, Jordan is probably yelling at a stubbornly defective Macbook keyboard, tracking creative projects in Trello, and animating quirky videos with LEGO and other various toys.
Leave a dollar in the Tip Jar: https://ko-fi.com/krumbine
Short stories: https://bit.ly/2XY5D7I Books on Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3bsqK5Y YouTube: https://bit.ly/2W41nSG Twitter: https://bit.ly/2VH0Vbu Facebook: https://bit.ly/2VpnylZ LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2xnmk1e
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
we watched 2 whole more eps but we’re abt to vacay so i better recap this biz now before i forget
ok so we finished the zoldyck arc and uhhhh gotta say we werent expecting like any of that to happen lol 
ok ill back up so we start w/killuas mom (i dont think we ever heard her name) confronting gon & co....and canary (i lov her) is not dead which i assumed but thank goodness. 
zoldyck mom was totally using nen. also she is off her rocker gotta say. tho that visor is super cool, albeit confusing - is it connected to a bunch of security cameras or something? how does she see all that shit? 
granpa is wild. his tunic thing that says ‘one kill a day’ or w/e is kinda hilarious, it reminds me of the ‘apple a day keeps the dr away’ saying...a murder a day keeps the....idk away????
i love that killua makes it abundantly clear that he couldve like escaped at any time lol. also tho why didnt he just escape....baby boy just leave 
killua getting all serious and threatening milluki if he messes with gon....my boys got it BAD 
this family has so many communication issues hvbjadkfbjaskdfj nobody is on the same page at all 
the butler guy continued to remind me of kuro one piece this whole time...i was waiting for him to bust out the ridiculous cat claws
oh my GOD wait the flashbacks of EVEN BABIER KILLUA were so precious ;_; he was soooo tiny and cute oh my god. so precious. and canary was also so tiny and cute 
baby killua really just wanted a friend :(((( and canary wanted to be friends w/him but knew that mom zoldyck would kill her if she overstepped like that :( thats so tragic mannnn
also canary is so cool man. her beating up all those guys was epic
ok that whole scene with killua and his dad was like, such a rollercoaster lmao
like....it was all over the place for me...first of all the ambiance was wack, the room lighting was weird and im p sure killuas seat was an electric chair??? and the dad was in a coffin thing..???? like....interesting aesthetic choices all over the place here 
also i see now where killua got his hair and also his catboy tendencies. the zoldyck catboy genes seem to trace back to zoldyck dad, who has kinda scary cat eyes 
also im guessing that the dad is the blood zoldyck and the mom is the one who married in. they sure seem to put a lot of emphasis on like, family legacy or w/e, but the two parents certainty go abt it in different ways 
the whole convo b/w killua and his dad was wild, it totally didnt go where i was expecting it to. his dad was weirdly chill while also being super intense? 
killua happily telling stories abt gon was so sweet....baby boy baby 
and his dad telling him ‘never betray your friends’ was rlly interesting...i wonder what his reasons were for saying that 
cause then he tells killua he can leave, and killua does, but then dad zoldyck tells mom zoldyck (i rlly need to find out their names) that he thinks killua will come back on his own time....inch resting 
i wonder if dad zoldyck made killua promise that bc he was trying to set killua up for failure - as in, he tells killua to never betray his friends, thinking that killua inevitably will & be distraught abt it, and then turn back to the zoldyck family when this happens. idk
also its interesting to me that zoldyck dad wants killua to lead the family someday. like, illumi is right there, hes the oldest and clearly dedicated to being an evil assassin, and he seems p good at it...i wonder why killua is the favorite....the grandpa (i think) did say that killua is Special(tm) which...yes he is a special baby boy i love him. i wanna see more zoldyck family flashbacks/interactions so we can see what led them to this point 
oh lord that reminds me of illumi briefly appearing in the killua flashback and hes just like, suddenly there, wearing some gay ass sweater....like ok dude did you just come back from the Evil Assassin Library or st?????
that reminds me too, ruth tells me that apparently in the manga illumi and hisoka got married or something???? to which i say, thats fucking wild, but also it makes sense, those two are both horrible and disgusting and they absolutely deserve each other hbvajvhsdfjbak peak evil nasty gay rep, i love it. i cant wait to see whatever the fuck the context to that is bc, thats fucking wild
ok back to the plot so like its so wild to me how smoothly everything went hvubsjduhfbjsh like....killuas dad was rlly like ok u can leave and killua just went to the butler house and then canary woke up and was like ok gon & crew lets go to the butler house to see killua, fuck the rules, (and she didnt even get killed for ‘disobedience’ or w/e, or more likely - in most big shounen, she wouldve been attacked by the other evil butlers and gon wouldve had to fight them)
killua Rlly was like fuck this place im leaving my boyfriend and his parents are here to pick me up [puts on gayest outfit he owns and skateboards away] hvbhsjdfbjdkf
i love killuas weird gay preteen fashion so far and i cant wait to see more 
killua telling the butler guy to let him know as SOON as gon gets there cause he wants to see him AS SOON AS HE CAN ;_; bro they r....in love 
of course the butler is trickey tho lmao, any other shounen this wouldve turned into an 8 ep long fight scene sequence where gon has to fight the butlers in order to see killua 
and the of course gon is the same way, gon is like i need to see killua RIGHT NOW take me to him!!! ohhh my god babies
the whole coin game was wild, it was funny when the other butlers got involved too lmao 
when gon was like ‘hey leorio can i see your knife’ i was like OH NO I DONT LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING. and i was right bc OWWWWW baby boy oh my god!!!! but that seems to have solved it even tho thats NOT how swelling works at ALL- 
anyways gon is a cute smart good boy and i also find it funny how killua eventually gets impatient and just busts in on this whole dramatic situation (and the tension immediately deescalates as a result lmao) 
tangent but god its so funny seeing all these butler guys deferring to killua, an actual 12 yr old....i wanna see the hilarious and hijink-filled results of killua being raised as a rich spoiled assassin prince. thats a lethal combo thats gotta result in some wildly skewed perceptions on how things work, especially paired with gon ‘probably eats dirt for fun and sleeps in trees’ freecess 
godddd gon and killuas lil reunion is SOOO cute they were so happy to see each other ;_; bro they are SO cuteeeee augh. two tiny babies
killua being like oh hi also uh kurapika andddd [looks at smudged writing on hand] lorpo 
hvhhbajfbs dont do my man leorio like that killua hes a hardworking father 
the fact that they just like. LEAVE...thats so wild. i cant believe how little fighting this arc had. this all wrapped up SO much faster than i could have ever anticipated lmao 
where the heck was alluka!? i assumed she’d show up here but uhhhh guess not......in the silhouette shot of all the zoldycks she and killua were holding hands ;_; my fucking uwus bro 
we also didnt see the grandma or great grandpa so im guessing theyll appear later 
gon being like fuck it im not using my hunters license til i punch hisoka in the fucking face hvbhahsfbjsk thats hilarious 
also a convenient way to let him have his hunters license but not utilize it til later in the story...its so early for him to have achieved that big chunk of his goal, which just shows that hxh is Not your typical shounen and isnt gonna just be centered around gons quest to become a hunter 
so we finally found out what hisoka said to kurapika....just as i thought, it was st to do w/the phantom troupe. so theres a handy setup for the yorknew city arc later. bam 
hisoka just being like ‘hey meet me in this (presumably) very large city on this date. no i will not tell you where in the city to meet me. bye seeya there’ 
tbf hisoka is very hard to miss 
god when they arrive and kurapika is just like ok well we got killua so im out lol bye everyone....bro hvbjkhgbfjhdksfhjk that felt so abrupt 
and then leorio was like oh yeah same i gotta go study time to take the fantasy MCAT or w/e
AND THEY BOTH LEFT....now gon and killua r chilling but im like oh my god no leorio kurapika come back, we need some (questionable) adult supervision over here 
and like immediately killua is like ok gon do you have money. and of Course gon doesnt have money. so killua is like well you need money and you need to train so you can deck hisoka, so lets go to a fantasy version of an underground fighting ring! this is why kurapika and leorio needed to stay 
tho they probably wouldve just gone along with it 
they did all promise to meet in yorknew city, but thats apparently like 6 months away. are gon and killua rlly gonna spend 6 months at heavens arena
the part where killua draws the diagram demonstrating how much of a n00b gon is....hvbajdkhfbhajskf
AND THEN when he drew himself into the diagram and was like :3c wow im so modest HBJHSKHDFHBJS that was so funny
it was like that post thats like ‘you can tell when a cats pupils change and they just shift into Silly Mode’ thats what killua looked like...catboy
so thats basically it i think, gon and killua are heading to heavens arena to join fight club or whatever. tournament arc time! 
i doubt this is the last weve seen of the zoldyck family. i mean we havent even met 3 of them, and we barely saw the ones we did meet...idk when theyll come back but i suspect theyll be making some big money moves later on and fucking shit up somehow 
i think maybe illumi or someone will like, spy on killua sometimes to keep track of him. or theyll track him by other means
ill use the prediction corner to reflect on incorrect predictions so heres a few. i rlly thot killua was gonna be more edgy than he is but hes rlly just a good boy huh. like hes a gay baby assassin catboy but hes so cute and good too. he just wants to live his life and hang out with his tiny bf like... omg :’) 
also i thot hisoka held a totally different narrative role lbvahkfjhjjaksfl i thot he was like main villain guy....hes more like an annoying creepy clown dude who (probably) shows up a lot to bother the main cast. we’ll see, but thats what i think of him now
like i thought hisoka would be like p1 dio, where hed be/quickly become a powerful antagonist who would amass a bunch of followers/minions (when actually the only person he seems to hang out w/is illumi, and theyre more like equals than an evil guy/minion dynamic)...or like i thought hisoka would be very well known as a scary evil guy but nope he was just another participant in the hunter exam, albeit a weird freaky one whose rancid vibes everyone seemed to pick up on 
anyways actual predictions, i think hisoka is gonna be at heavens arena, which would be super funny. gon is like im gonna train to beat hisoka and he shows up to do that and hisokas just there like >;) hey
i think if i had to guess, the zoldycks will show up again (in a plot important way) at the end of the yorknew arc/before the greed island arc. i know basically nothing abt any of the arcs but i do know the order they go in so theres that
i do think illumi will show up earlier than the other zoldycks tho, since he seems to be out doing his own thing more than the rest. also we still really havent resolved the whole mind control thing that im still convinced of 
i think nen will finally be introduced/alluded to heavily in this arc...or like, characters will use nen and gon will be like whoa whats that 
i think killua knows what nen is...maybe? it would make sense since im sure all the zoldycks can use it (at least, we saw mom zoldyck use it, probably)
can killua use nen already? that would be pretty funny. i dont think so tho. maybe u learn nen at a certain age. i have no idea what nen is 
also isnt gons nen power the power to like, turn into a really buff version of himself or something. how the fuck does that work 
ok enough nonsense its bedtime zzzzz
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