#not even something big i just want to decorate august's house with christmas decor and take pics..
simstoyourdismay · 9 months
for the past few days i've been redesigning all my sims and it's so damn tedious WHY do i have so many characters
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Day 4 - Painland Week
Day 4 of Painland Week 2024: August 5th - August 11th by @painlandweek
Prompt: Domestic
Tags:  Post-canon, Slice-of-life, Alive Niko Sasaki, Established Relationship
TW: None
Solving big cases had its perks. After Port Townsend, the reputation of “The dead boy detectives and their brand new psychic” had caught on, and with more requests came higher prices. In just a couple of months they didn’t need to worry about paying rent in time for their office space anymore. In a year, they could afford to expand to the apartment next door. Crystal and Jenny had a lot of fun throwing down the wall between the two places with a hammer, and Niko spent an entire month drawing different plans for the new space. They had to hire actual construction workers at some point, but they wanted the first part of the renovation to be theirs.
There were many debates about who would get a personal room, since they only had two. Jenny said she would rather die - no offence - than live with them, but both Crystal and Niko wanted one and they were adamant that they needed them more than a ghost, which was exactly the moment when Edwin decided he needed one, being “one of the founders of the Agency”. Charles, on the other hand, was just trying very hard to hide how much it triggered him when the members of his new family fought with each other.
“How about this,” he said, “we split the two rooms, Edwin and I will take one, you two the other, and we buy more of those rollable mattresses to put in the common space when one of you needs more privacy.”
It was, undoubtedly, the best compromise, so the others had to agree - not without one last challenging glare between Crystal and Edwin, but that was to be expected.
“Thank you, Charles, I know it was silly of us to argue on such a matter,” Edwin said when the two of them were left alone.
Charles hugged him around the waist and hooked his chin on his shoulder. “I mean, I didn’t want to say anything before, but it wouldn’t really make sense for them to have two separate rooms in our office, would it?”
“I feel like I am being a bad influence on you, darling,” Edwin chuckled.
With an answering grin, Charles disentangled himself and started walking towards their new room. “I suggest we buy a very large bed, and we use those two walls for libraries,” he pointed at the different parts of the space as he talked.
“We can put the libraries outside, in the shared space, seeing our collections of tomes and artefacts always impresses the potential clients. How about posters?”
Charles’ eyes widened with wonder. “Really? You would let me?”
“Charles, you do not need my permission, it is a personal room, so clients will not see it, you do not have to remain professional in here.”
It felt like it was Christmas’ morning, except better, because he could share it with the best person who had ever existed instead of his asshole father.
It took them months to finish the renovation, but it was so worth it. They finally had a waiting room, a functioning toilet for the living, coffee and tea machines, central heater, two desks, one for meeting clients and the other for research, and the almost fully decorated rooms.
“There is only one thing missing,” said Niko, excitedly. She had been looking like that for an entire day, like she was hiding the most juicy secret and she was barely able to stop herself from telling everyone she met.
“Construction workers have officially left, thank god,” Crystal groaned, closing the door behind her to join the others. “Which means, tonight is the first official house party!”
“This is not your house,” Edwin had to point out, earning himself a raised brow. “Also, Niko was about to say something.”
Niko’s grin, if possible, widened even more. “Yes, I have the best gift ever.”
She produced from her bag something that looked like an old polaroid camera, and before anyone could say anything, she explained:
“You know I went to Port Townsend in December, with my mum. Tragic Mick gave this to me, he says it’s enchanted to allow ghosts to appear in pictures!” She jumped in delight.
Edwin was on the item immediately, opening his palm behind him, in a way that Charles knew meant he wanted his book on “Magical Objects for the Day to Day Life”.
“Edwin, mate, before you go all business on this, do you realise what it means?” Charles said, very softly. “We can finally take a picture together.”
Even Crystal was smiling at the idea, despite her usual distaste for their “too explicit sappiness”.
Edwin looked around at them all, then at the object in his palm again, and smiled the biggest smile Charles had ever seen. He hugged Niko, and all four of them piled on before starting to take pictures in different corners of the new space.
At some point, boxes of Chinese food appeared on the floor, followed by a cake Crystal had ordered for the occasion with the icing forming the words: “Happy Agency Reopening Day!”. While Niko and Crystal had dinner, the two ghosts retreated to their room for a moment, still overwhelmed by the pictures they were holding in their hands.
Edwin caressed them with trembling fingers. “Which one should we put on the wall?”
“This one,” Charles said immediately, but instead of pointing to one of the pictures, he pressed a kiss to Edwin’s lips and clicked the button on the polaroid camera. He hadn’t dared do that in front of the girls, but he had desperately wanted to since Niko had shown them the object.
“You are lucky I love you so terribly,” Edwin said in a mock offended tone.
“I know,” Charles replied, putting the camera and the precious picture on one of the shelves.
“Guys! It’s still friendship time, you can go be lovesick idiots later!” called Crystal from outside the door. Quieter - but not enough not to be heard - she added:
“Shouldn’t the honeymoon phase be over after a thousand years?”
Charles chuckled. “Ready to go back there?”
Edwin nodded and entwined their fingers together, walking towards the door. Before they could walk through it, Charles whispered: 
“I forgot to say, I love you too.”
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years
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(Halloween headcanons that no one asked for but I am sharing anyway):
🎃 Happy Halloween, everyone!! I thought I'd share some random headcanons about my Strangerville OCs because Halloween probably won't be shown in the story. Fair warning this is so long lmfao like I'm serious... it's a lot of words. I rambled a lot. But if you actually read this ily and hope you enjoy! ❤
Tashia obviously loves Halloween. Outside of her birthday or her close friends/family's birthdays, it is the best day of the year for her. She hosts a Halloween bash at the 8-Bit every year for adults and sets up a whole treats and food station outside for the kids - caramel apples, apple cider, pumpkin spice cookies, full sized candy bars, popcorn, hotdogs, etc.
On the flipside, Erwin surprisingly doesn't like Halloween all that much. He loved it when he was a kid, but he would say that all holidays kind of suck when you get older (ever the optimist lmao). He is the king of minimal effort costumes - for example, his normal clothes and a pumpkin head that he definitely doesn't take off even to smoke (I like to imagine the cigarette poking out the mouth just a little lmfao).
Beckett and Junia would costume shop together. They are only dressing up because they're being forced to anyway, so they're going to grab a bagged costume from Spirit. They're not picky, they don't have time to make costumes from scratch!
Anwar didn't celebrate Halloween for most of his childhood - he always forgets about it and has to throw something together last minute every time. He never learns.
Zoe loves group costumes and couple costumes. She's a sappy person who loves expressions of friendship and love. She's never worn a scary costume in her life. She would assert that the world can be scary enough and on the *1* day she can dress up as something, she's going to take that opportunity to dress up as something fun and happy and magical, damnit!!!!!
Tashia likes her costumes to be scary and sexy. Anwar just wants to be sexy. Beckett will always pick something super recognizable because it makes for good conversations and jokes.
Junia is an artist but has 0 creativity when it comes to dressing up and cosplaying, so she always needs help and suggestions.
Erwin and his big sister Maggie used to carve very specific pumpkin faces growing up (really recognizable, ridiculous ones basically) so he takes the time to carve a pumpkin every year and set it out for her. He figures that if she's alive and sees it, she'll know he's looking for her. And if she's not alive... well, he figures she'll at least know he never forgot her, he never gave up on her ever.
When Zoe finds out about this habit, Erwin is worried it's going to weird her out or make her feel bad for him, but instead she's totally understanding and asks if they can put one at her house too, just in case.
The gang has scary movie nights at Zoe's when they have some downtime. Everyone (except Tashia) is terrified when it's Erwin's turn to pick the movies because they're always either (1) horrifying and gross or (2) just horrifying. He takes pride in his niche horror talent.
Tashia has a "spooky music" playlist she made herself that she listens to starting in like mid-August. She thinks it's dumb that "Christmas people" get music on the radio in November and that's normal but listening to Halloween music isn't.
Halloween in Strangerville feels like stepping back in time. The streets are decorated and people are all outside participating (no houses with their porch lights off). Even the local businesses decorate and hand out candy (and the decorations they use are quite literally 30 years old lol). There are yard decorating contests and doors open everywhere, it's just got that "small town" feel and everyone is talking to everyone.
The Roswell's couldn't take Beckett trick or treating most years, but after he got sick his mom started feeling like it was important for him to not miss out on childhood experiences. She would dress up with him (he would choose the costumes and she'd wear them no matter how ridiculous) and she'd take him trick or treating. Ted always worked on Halloween, so it kind of became a bonding day for Meredith and Beckett.
Junia is tough as nails, but she hates gore with a passion. If the movie has gore, she will be watching from behind a blanket and trying not to gag (while spending the other half of the time annoyed with people making stupid decisions.) But don't point out these quirks or else she will get very grumpy with you lol.
They all tried to go to a haunted house one year but Junia accidentally got so scared that she might have punched one of the workers. Needless to say... they don't do haunted houses any more 😂.
Anwar works at a hospital (he's a nurse) and during the holidays he is always the kid's favorite because he tries his best to make it fun for them! He always has candy or little toys, memorizes innocently spooky stories to share with the older kids, even incorporates little silly spooky things in his uniform. He comes off really cool and level headed, but he is soooooo soft around kids.
Zoe has watched Hocus Pocus so much that she knows it word-for-word. She can even reenact the "I Put a Spell on You" performance perfectly. She also loves Coraline!
Erwin and Zoe binge watch the 90s Goosebumps episodes during the month of October. (Also it should be noted that Erwin can play the Goosebumps theme on guitar which is super silly).
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demcnsinmymind · 2 years
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First Christmas after getting out tldr: he instantly tried to find his mom, a Christmas lover
In canon, Lance’s mom came across as a very lovely and kind woman, even with her illness. Before it, she was an even sweeter woman and I headcanon he just utterly adored his mom. I’ve made several headcanon posts about that relationship before but can’t help but repeat it here again: before canon, she was the only person he had no trouble openly caring about and showing that he cared about her. Maybe the way he showed that wasn’t quite as deep as some other children can be with their mom/parents, but it was pretty genuine and thoughtful for his standards. Just bringing her flowers every once in a while for no reason whatsoever, also bringing along a small and seemingly random trinket from his travels for work. Be that a mug, or a pin, or a hat, or a nice jacket or whatever, just a little something to give her to let her know that he thought of her while out and about.
Anyway, I headcanon that his mom is/was a huge Christmas fan. The type of person to decorate the whole house, collect tiny santas and reindeer and stuffed things, the type to knit and paint and tinker and craft, the type to make tea and cookies for everyone and whatnot, just a sweet sweet woman all the way through. And because Lance cared about her so much even if it might’ve not been super obvious a lot of times, he absolutely did wear the ugly Christmas sweaters and hats and mittens she made for him while coming over to Seattle on Christmas, complaining a little less about it just because he wanted to make her happy.
Then canon happened of course, he disappeared, her illness got worse and worse, and with him gone and having been her only child, Delia was put in a full time care facility around 2012. I headcanon he got out of Collingwood in August 2016, then ran from Danvers state hospital in November the same year, and it took him a couple of weeks of not just somewhat adjusting to the outside world, but also getting back to Washington because just like he said in canon - he just wanted to go back home. Naturally, he found his childhood home sold and with his mom no longer living there, and it took him even longer to track her down, and he achieved that with the help of Azzy. Since I headcanon as a huge part of the deal he made with it, one big aspect of it was that if he allowed it inside, it in return would get him back home and back to his family. So that’s a promise it actually delivered on by getting the info out of people through questionable means, but Lance got his mom’s location and decided to go visit her on Christmas Eve, her favorite holiday.
He thought of it as frustratingly cliché and almost cynical given his history and context, like straight out of a bad lifetime movie, but this wasn’t even really about him anymore, it was also about her, because by December 2016 he knew that she hadn’t seen him for 13 years and probably thought him to be dead. After a lot of sneaking around and trickery and naturally, a whole truckload of panic attacks all thanks to having to be inside a care facility that resembled as hospital (with Azzy having a field day over this), Lance ended up finding his mom and reunited with her, and it was both a fullfilling, yet at the same time heartbreaking little moment in time. With her dementia having progressed severely, she of course was no longer the woman he once knew, and she was barely there for the most part. Only the occasional brief moment or two where she almost recognized him though even then, she thankfully didn’t really understand or remember the fact that he’d been missing for over 13 years. And in the brief moments where she did recognize him as her sweet boy, there were some cheek touches and of course, a lot of tears for so many different reasons.
Lance spent maybe an hour or two with her there and Azzy certainly delivered on its promise and part of the bargain, helping with the remembrance bits by doing similar things to her brain for short amounts of time like it is doing at all times with Lance’s brain (keeping it in a sort of state extracted/suspended from its actual current time, just weird time/space distortion mumbo-jumbo where it’s like it’s been before the lobotomy/dementia), but of course, since it is a chaotic parasitic entity, it’s not exactly doing it out of the goodness of its nonexistent heart, or just because of the deal and its attachement to Lance, but mainly because each time Delia’s memories and mind are slipping away again, there’s another wave of emotional turmoil and pain in him, and naturally, that is its main food supply.
Anyway, visiting his mom on that first Christmas after getting out helped Lance a lot with coming to terms with his new life post canon, no matter how painful and definite it was to see his mom so much older and so severely deteriorated. But that first visit to her, one of the most important people in his life, and the fact that Azzy ended up delivering on its promises to him (unlike Nyarly before it) is one of the reasons why it’s a bit harder for him to see it as an entirely evil thing. Especially since at that point in time, he isn’t quite aware of its own entirely manipulative practices with him yet, and because he wasn’t told/didn’t realize yet just how much it is capable of when it comes to not just messing with his emotions/mental state, but also physiological aspects of his life and his surroundings as well.
Long story short: mom loved christmas. mom loved him. he knew both. first thing he did after getting out was visiting her on christmas, spending time with her, apologizing to her, falling apart a little and letting his guard and walls down in a way he can do only with her, made him feel a bit better about his situation, first big stepping stone on his path to recovery and reintegration into this ‘normal’ world post Collingwood.
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redrisingsun · 3 years
Swedish Holidays for all your Young Royals needs
Due to popular demand (by like five people) here’s a brief description of all the major Swedish holidays and how they’re celebrated because I can’t stand here and pretend as if we really celebrate Christmas the 25th. We have more holidays, I've only written about the ones we celebrate in my family. I come from a working class family and live in Southern Sweden, however I do have family in Stockholm. I'm not religious in any way and as far as I know, most families don't celebrate these holidays because they're religious, but because it's tradition.
yall better appreciate this, it took me literal hours
1: Dubbed as one of the collective pizza days in my household. It's the day after New Year, and most people either order in or eat leftovers.
Week 2 or 3: Most people return to their jobs, schools and other daily activities.
Fettisdagen ("Fat Tuesday"): celebrated 47 days before Easter. The actual date varies, all from early February to early March. It's an old Christian tradition where you'd eat fatty foods before the "before Easter"-fast and is supposedly a thing in other Christian countries as well. These days, most people celebrate by eating semlor with their family, and most don't fast before Easter.
The semla is a sweet bun with whipped cream and almond paste.
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Våffeldagen (Waffle Day, 25th of March): I think this day stems from a Christian tradition, but these days the day is mostly to get together with family and eat waffles.
Påsk (Easter): Again, the date varies, but Easter is usually in April. Easter stems from Christianity and is celebrated to remember Jesus' death and resurrection. Easter spans over a week, but I personally only celebrate one of those days.
Påskafton (direct translation: Easter Eve, English translation: Holy Saturday) is the Saturday of the Easter week. In my family, the children get to look for Easter eggs (often filled with candy).
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Some children also dress up as Påskkärringar (Easter crones) and I think this tradition has to do with the Witch Trials in Sweden, but I'm not sure. Chances are you won't need to know anything about this for your Young Royal fics, because mostly girls dress up.
Sometimes, we decorate eggs.
Later, we sit down to eat together and spend time with our families. Common things to eat for Easter is potatoes, eggs, herring and meatballs.
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Valborgsmässoafton (Walpurgis Night, 30th): We burn a big bonfire in the evening to celebrate that spring is here. I live in a fairly small town, so mostly everyone gathers at one spot and burns the fire together. When the bonfire is burned, most people go home and that's it. It's also seen as a reason to have a party (mostly for teenagers and young adults, I think) and get drunk as fuck.
Sveriges Nationaldagen (Sweden's National Day, 6th of June): Most people are home from school and work. We hoist the Swedish flag. Idk. However, the Royal Family celebrates by getting dressed up in Swedish costumes. This year, the King held a speech and the family went to Skansen (which is an amusement park/zoo. You can read more about it here). There's music and the military does their weird little thing. You can watch the National Day Celebration on Skansen from 2014 here.
Midsommarafton (Midsummer): date varies, but is celebrated a Friday in late June. I'm sure there's a Christian explanation for this one, but I don't personally know it.
Midsommar (midsummer) means middle of the summer.
Again, this is a day to eat and spend time with your family (or drink, depending on who you are). We eat pretty much the same things for Midsummer as we do for Easter.
For Midsummer we also dance around a Midsommarstång (direct translation: Midsummer Pole, English translation: Maypole) and make flower crowns.
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How Midsummer is celebrated depends a lot on your age (most teenagers and young adults again see this as a reason to party), where you're from and a million other things.
My personal favorite Midsummer tradition is probably more common in the country than in the city, for example. You're supposed to pick seven different flowers without saying a word. Then, you sleep with the flowers under your pillow. Supposedly, you'll dream of your future husband (or wife! But I think it's more common that women and girls do this). This tradition also varies. Some people say you need nine flowers and some people say you have to climb over fencing for it to count.
Some teenagers or young adults spend time with their friends to party, instead!
You can watch part of a Midsummer celebration at Skansen here.
The Royal Family usually celebrate Midsummer privately, but I think there's usually new pictures of the entire family around this time.
Day after Midsummer: Collective Pizza Day 2. Everyone either eats takeout or leftovers because no one can be bothered to make anything and like half of the population has the worst hangover they've had since New Year.
Summer Holiday Note: most people in Sweden have four weeks of paid leave each summer.
Kräftpremiär (Crayfish party) - date varies, normally early August. Basically people get together to eat crayfish and drink. You can usually get paper plates and plastic cups and whatever with ugly crayfish motives (which is fun), but I've never done this.
Halloween (30th): Halloween is nowhere near as big in Sweden as it is in the States. We just buy some lösgodis ("loose candy", where you can throw whatever kind of candy you want in a bag. See pictures). Trick or treat is so unusual in the town I grew up I've only ever had one kid ask for candy and when I celebrated Halloween with my grandparents (in a city not far from Stockholm), it was the same. I usually buy some candy and watch a horror movie, but that's about it.
However, Halloween is (again) a reason for teenagers and young adults to drink and party.
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Alla Helgons Dag (All Saints' Day): Date varies, usually early November. It's a day to remember the dead and we usually light a candle at the grave yard.
Första Advent (First Advent): Date varies. Sunday four weeks from Christmas Eve. We mostly just light a candle, honestly. Then, each Sunday for the next four weeks, we light a candle. Here's actually the Crown Princess wishing Happy First Advent with her family! Unfortunately without English subtitles, but here's the translation: "Today is the First Advent. Advent means arrival and hope, something that feels extra important this year. (her husband lights the candle) We want to wish everyone a happy first advent!"
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Andra Advent (Second Advent): date varies. We light the second candle.
Tredje Advent (Third Advent): date varies. We light the third candle.
Fjärde Advent (Fourth Advent): date varies. We light the fourth candle. In my family we usually decorate the tree this Sunday.
Julafton (Christmas Eve): Celebrated the 24th. YES, THE 24TH. Christmas Eve obviously varies from family to family, but there's a few things most people have in common. Usually, we get one gift in our sock (which hangs on our bedroom doors in my home, because we don't have a mantle) when we wake up. As kids me and my brother almost always got a movie or something to keep us busy until it was time to leave for our grandparents house.
For lunch we eat the Christmas dinner. It's the same damned food as our other holidays. Herring, meatballs, potatoes, sausages etc, but now, we also have julskinka (Christmas ham). Some people eat ham even for Easter, but we only really eat it for Christmas in my family. Obviously the food varies a little from season to season, but as a picky eater I always just eat potatoes, meatballs and ham.
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At 3, Kalle Anka (Donald Duck) is on. Yeah, we watch the same damned stuff every year. It's tradition, alright? Anyway, Donald Duck lasts for an hour or so, and first you get to see Santa work in his workshop, then Disney characters wish you a Merry Christmas with scenes from their movies (original, I know). There's Lady and the Tramp, Donald Duck (obviously) and a million other things. Then there's also one or two trailers for movies Disney will release the coming year. I really couldn't be bothered to find everything on YouTube for you to watch, sorry!
After Donald Duck, we open the Christmas gifts in my family. Normally we just rip out gifts open lmao.
After opening the gifts, we usually eat a second time. This time it's time for porridge. Tomtegröt (Santa porridge) is sweet and often served with cinnamon. Usually, everyone is so stuffed at this point that you only eat because you "have" to eat porridge for Christmas (again, at least in my family).
The last thing we do in my family, is to get a puzzle out. My grandpa almost always gets a new puzzle for Christmas, so we'll put that on the dining table and work on it together until it's getting too late for us to stay.
The Royal Family usually release new pictures of the family for Christmas and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Day after Christmas: Not a collective pizza day! There's usually too much Christmas food left to be able to order pizza. Usually, we have Christmas food to eat for four-ish days after Christmas, and by then you're getting really tired of it.
Sometimes we watch something on television, but for the most part we just sit around and spend time together. I think the Crown Princess read something from the Bible this year? I'm not actually sure if the Royal Family go to the Christmas Service, but I don't think so.
Nyårsafton (New Year's Eve): last day of the year. We shoot fireworks, eat food and dessert and spend time with family. This day we normally eat something "fancy" or something you we don't usually eat.
At twelve, we go out to light some fireworks (or just watch fireworks). When that dies down, it's time for the cheese platter. My dad wants it, no one else ever eats from it, we still do it every single year because "it's not New Year's without it". When we've had the cheese platter, everyone go to sleep and that's that.
People obviously celebrate this differently, as well. It's not uncommon to go see your friends or have guests over, and some people party rather than have fancy dinner with their parents. I personally prefer spending time with my parents, because that's what New Year's is for me.
Some people give resolutions, but I think it's more common in the States.
Christmas Holiday Note: It's common for people to not work between Christmas and New Year's Eve where I'm from.
Some things you might want to know about the Swedish Royal Family and Sweden overall:
The Royal Family in Young Royals is not the real Royal Family (obviously).
The Royal Family usually spends time on Öland during the summers.
Chances are Wilhelm and his family live at Drottningholm Slott (Drottningholm Palace) and not Stockholm Slott (Stockholm Palace). Drottningholm is used as a home for the current King and Queen and is located west of Stockholm. However, the scenes where Wilhelm is home is shot at a palace called Stora Sundby Slott. I doubt Wilhelm and his family would live here if they were the actual Royal Family since it's used as a place for people to gather when they want to hunt for sport. However, if they truly live at Stora Sundby, it takes almost two hours to drive from Stockholm to the castle.
Bjärstad is AT LEAST two hours away from Stockholm.
Bjärstad to Stora Sundby Castle takes approximately an hour and a half by car, and between nine and twelve hours by bus. Which means these two boys can't just take a twenty minute bus to see each other.
Bjärstad to Drottningholm takes a little over two hours by car and four-ish hours by bus.
Bjärstad to Stockholm Slott takes over two hours by car and three and a half hours by bus.
Hillerska is shot at Kaggeholms Slott (Kaggeholm Palace), and is a hotel.
The age of consent in Sweden is 15, HOWEVER it's illegal to have sex with someone four or more years younger than you if you're not both over the age of 18. Let me illustrate: -Person A is 15 and Person B is 15. It's legal because both are 15. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 20. It's illegal, because there's a five year old gap between them. -Person A is 15 and Person B is 18. It's legal (but probably frowned upon), because they're both 15 or older and there's not a four year gap between them. -Person A is 18 and Person B is 30. It's legal, because both are 18 or older. Idk if this makes sense or if this is what it looks like anymore, but this is what it was like when I still went to school. Obviously people aren't going to run around and call you names if you happen to date someone four years younger than you (I know a girl who met a guy when she was 14 and he was over 20), but please, be mindful of this. Our age of consent doesn't give you a right to be weird and nasty to teenagers (yes, I'm talking about Edvin).
Also, the Royal Family have their own website, which you can find here. As far as I can see, there's more information on the Swedish page, but there's plenty translated to English. You can also read of the Swedish Royal Family and its history on the palaces's website, here.
All pictures have been taken straight from Google. I haven't used any sources, because this is shit I do every single year with my family. Feel free to correct me or add things you do, but keep it respectful, please!
Friendly reminder that I've simplified some parts of this to make sense, specifically the dates of the Advent celebrations.
If there's anything you don't understand or want more information on, you're welcome to contact me! I take pretty long to reply, but I'll definitely try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
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acciomalfoy · 4 years
the way the planets align (fred weasley x reader)
A/N; this fic is @fromashescomephoenixes child and i assisted in raising it :) so go check her out rn cos she is wonderful!
summary: y/n grew up alongside her two bestfriends, but life had other plans when y/n moved to france when she was 11. prior to the triwizards tournament, fred and y/n are forced to face the lives they lived, and the radio silence of the past year has an explanation afterall.
word count: a whopping 7.5k
It’s funny, really. How quickly life can pick you up, and how quickly life can throw you back down.
 “Faster!” I had screamed as the wind rushed through my hair. I remembered this moment the most. With the wind rushing through my hair and knotting it like nothing else, I felt like I was an eagle all the way up here. My nest? Quite simple really. The boy sitting in front of me. 
 Reality though, was quite different. I was on one of the Weasley’s seven brooms, and Fred was sat in front of me. I hadn’t met many quidditch players, but I already knew that Fred was a damn good one. We had had a plan, you see. Once we arrived at Hogwarts, we were going to become the youngest quidditch players ever. We had it all planned out..  
Fred began his descent to the ground in a swift plunge, and I clutched onto him tightly. If I made it to the ground, I was going to murder the idiot. 
 “Freddie!” I yelled out, and he only laughed.
 “Don’t worry y/n! I’m the best quidditch player of all time,” He yelled back, and I wasn’t quite sure what occurred in that moment, but as soon as Fred slowed down his descent by a fraction, I knew I was in for it. 
 “Sure you are,” I giggled. “Although I’m slightly better,” The wind caught Fred’s response to this, so I never heard it. Looking back, I wonder what he had said. For once, everything seemed perfect. When we reached the ground, I was torn between kissing the ground and wishing I was still flying with Fred.
 “I’ll never get sick of flying like that,” Fred smiled. The summer had made his freckles stand out even more than usual. I grinned back at him as we raced into the burrow.  
 “Darling y/n!” Molly greeted me cheerfully. “I haven’t seen you in ages! It must have been at least two hours,” she teased in a loving tone, and I could only grin back at her.
 “I missed you!” Ginny cheerfully chimed in as she gave me a hug. I waved to her and gave her a hug while Fred and George grabbed a couple of pumpkin pasties out of the cupboard.
 “Good afternoon y/n,” Percy greeted me as he peered over the top of his book. He was wearing strange glasses, which he swore he needed but Fred and George said he simply fancied that they made him look more grown up.
 “Er, hello!” I cheerfully replied. Percy always seemed so much more grown up than Fred and George and I, that I almost felt awkward talking with him.
 “Oh!” I remembered suddenly. “Would it be okay if Fred and George come over to my house for dinner tonight?” I asked Molly. Percy glanced up, but quickly resumed his uninterested reading.
 “Please mum!” Fred and George begged one unison. They liked my house because mum always made dessert. Although George always liked to tease me by saying Fred likes dinner anywhere that I was. I didn’t mind that idea, in fact it only made me blush, but I knew George was joking. Molly nodded her approval and we ran out the door, eager to spend the afternoon in the sun. 
 We began our hike to our absolute favourite picnic tree, where the sun was softly filtering through the leaves of the forest. We were by no means quiet as we joked and laughed our way through the woods.
 Finally we reached our picnic tree. I was the first to shimmy up the ladder. We had found the tree about three years ago, and from then on it became our hideout. The tree had such a huge trunk that even with all three of us we couldn’t get our arms around it! The trunk split into three large branches about eight feet off of the ground, and grew on from there.
 “We’ll have to find a new hideout at Hogwarts,” I sighed, but spoke loudly enough so they could hear me down the ladder.
 “I bet there’s some sort of secret room we could use!” Fred suggested eagerly.
 “Or we could just stinkbomb whatever room we want, and then no one else would want to use it!” George suggested as he popped his head over the top of the ladder.
 “Yeah, but I don’t know if I could even get used to that scent,” I wrinkled my nose in memory of the one we set off last Christmas.
 “Ah true,” Fred sighed. “Bet there’s a charm for that issue though!” We giggled and continued to talk about our plans for Hogwarts. We’d all be going next year, although I was still waiting for my letter since my birthday wasn’t until the next week. 
 Dinner was certainly memorable that night. Fred, George and I walked back with about fifteen minutes to spare. They ran across the lane to get changed in time for dinner. I put on my favourite maroon dress and dashed downstairs just in time to hear the doorbell.
 “Hey guys!” Their marching grind beamed towards me and we sat down to a delicious dinner of homemade pizza. I should have noticed something was up, because we only ever had homemade pizza like that when there was big news. At the tender age of 10, this was the worst news I had ever received.
 “Are you boys excited for Hogwarts?” My mum had asked Fred and George. Of course, this launched us all into our carefully laid out plan. This extended to everything from what house we would be in, to what desserts we would eat on the first night.
 “Well, we have some exciting news,” My dad began. I glanced up, curious if my letter had arrived early or something. Unfortunately I was a bit preoccupied by a bit of cheese that was extra gooey on my pizza.
 “You’ll all get to experience two wizarding schools! In a way at least,” Mum announced this and we all instantly wanted to cheer. Secretly I hoped she would say we were all going on a gap year to Durmstrang. There was something so mysterious about it!
 “We’ve enrolled y/n at Beauxbatons as we’ll be moving there in August!” Dad positively beamed towards us all. Obviously they expected a rush of excitement about this, but what were we meant to say? I stared at my mother.
 “Without Fred and George?” My mom nodded a little sadly to confirm my worst fear.
 “But I’m sure you could all write letters or something!” My dad piped up. I felt like crying, but I couldn’t cry in front of Fred and George. Well, I could. They’d be very supportive, but I didn’t want to show them just how upset I was about it.
 “Excuse me,” I pushed aside my plate and left. I bounded up the stairs to my room, which was decorated with Holyhead Harpies posters. In a matter of moments my world had come crashing down. Beauxbatons was in France for Merlin’s sake! I would be completely and utterly alone. I sighed quietly, and opened up my window, leaning against the window sill. 
 It was quiet for a long time, the only sound I could hear being my own shallow breath as I tried to control my tears. A freckle covered arm nudged mine, and when I looked to my right I saw my best friend.
 “You know that nothing will change, right?” He asked quietly, and I laughed humorlessly.
 “Everything will change, Freddie. I can’t abuse Snape with you guys, or be the youngest chaser on the quidditch team. I want to go to Hogwarts.” I leaned my head on Fred’s shoulder, and he let out a long breath.
 “We can write to each other every week. Yeah, we can do that. Everything will be the same, nothing could tear us apart.” It was quiet again.
 “You promise?” I whispered, and he entwined his pinkie finger with mine.
 “I promise.”
 Fred had fucking lied, I thought bitterly. We were sixteen now, and the letter exchanging had fallen through two years ago. I felt resentment rising in my chest, but I knew it was no one’s fault. It’s just the way that things unfold. Now, as I stood outside the Great Hall I had dreamt of entering my entire life, I had to still my hands as they involuntarily shook. I had nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to even be afraid of really, and yet I couldn’t stop my heart from clouding my judgement as it always had as a child. Maybe there was just something about Fred that made me lose all inhibitions. 
 “Now!” Madame Maxine shrieked, and the doors flew open with a resounding bang. There was a split second where we froze, the eyes of Hogwarts on us. It wasn’t until the older girls flew forward did the rest of us, and without even seeing him I just knew where Fred was sitting.
 Something about a sixth sense, our parents used to say. I was Fred’s twin instead of George, with how finely tuned our minds were. We were always able to sense when something had happened to the other, or pinpoint the exact location of one another despite being apart. 
 I willed myself to look away from the flurry of red robes in the centre table. Knowing my luck, I would see a Weasley with questions written all over their face. It was something I couldn’t handle right now. Something that maybe I would never be able to handle. I curtseyed when I was supposed to, eyeing a yellow-robed boy who winked at me, and we continued marching forward.
 I knew that the house of courage was the next house to be curtseyed to, and I decided that if I had gone to Hogwarts, I definitely wouldn’t have made it into that house. I stared at the ground as I curtseyed and continued forward. During the dance we performed I was looking at the roof or the ground, anywhere but the sea of students in front of us. We hurried to the side, and I made the fatal mistake of looking into the crowd.
 Right into the eyes of a smiling Fred Weasley. 
I sat down angrily at the Ravenclaw table. I’m not sure if anger was the right word for what I was feeling. But really how else am I supposed to describe the heartbreak, the sense of loss, and fear I felt. It was all too much. I simply couldn’t stand being in the same room as him. Especially as it was the hall we had so expertly planned our pranks, and conversations, and lives for. 
 What hurt the most, quite possibly, was knowing that there had never been a relationship to begin with. I wasn’t sure how old I was when I realised Fred was definitely better looking than most, and at some point during our letter exchange I had begun to fall for my friend. 
 “Y/n?” My friend Marie nudged me. “You looked beautiful out there!” She encouraged me eagerly, seeing that I was incredibly quiet.
 “Merci, Marie.” I managed a small smile towards her. “I just feel a bit out of place,” I shrugged. 
 “Well, I’m sure any number of boys here are eager to make sure we feel right at home,” Marie wiggled her eyebrows towards me as I let out a small laugh. I rolled my eyes before picking up a fork. “What about...” Her eyes scanned the room for a minute.
 “That one!” She pointed towards the Gryffindor table. I nearly choked on my piece of potato when I saw that of all the boys in the room, she had picked him...
 Fred Weasley’s eyes burned into mine again. I couldn’t stand it a moment longer and I murmured a quick excuse before rising from the table and leaving the hall hurriedly.
When making the choice of leaving the hall, I had forgotten one thing. I didn’t know my right from left in this fucking castle. Everything was dimly lit, and there were endless corridors and nooks that aided in my getting hopelessly lost. I could vaguely recall the halls from Hogwarts: A History, but that had been six, seven years ago. 
 Eventually, I gave up and collapsed into a secluded corner. All things considered, there could have been a worse spot to allow four years of harsh feelings catch up to me. The starlight dimly illuminated by shaking hands, and bounced off of my silvery blue skirt. It was altogether peaceful, apart from my soft shuddering sobs. 
 “Hey,” a voice suddenly broke the secrecy of my break down.
 “Fred, I don’t want to see you right now.” I groaned. His warm brown eyes and soft freckles were too much. They still made my heart flutter and my head spin. As if I was soaring through the air on my broom again, a little girl having a crush on a little boy.
 “What? Why not?” He asked, flabbergasted. I turned the other way, and began to trace the soft patterns of my wand, as I often did when I was nervous. 
 “We’re not friends anymore. You clearly forgot me.” I accused him. It felt good to finally see him and show him how awful he had been to stop writing.
 “You’re the one who stopped writing to me!” He fired back, and I slowly shook my head. He had ignored my letters for over a year and had the nerve to lie to my face about it. 
 “Go. Away.” I coldly turned, and positively bolted down the hall. The more I thought about it, the more upset I became. Letters had begun growing scarce around our third/fourth year, and it was seemingly reasonless. The trail had truly gone cold at the end of our fourth year, and that was when the real heartbreak had set in. What a time to be alive. 
“George, did you keep writing to y/n?” Fred was sprawled on one of the many lounges in the Gryffindor common room, while George was lying at his feet. 
 “No, we never even started writing to each other,” He shrugged. Y/n and George had never been quite as close, and they naturally fell out of touch when she moved. 
 Fred pulled a crumpled piece of parchment out of his robe pocket, and lovingly smoothed it out.
 “She stopped writing to me in fourth year.” Fred whispered. At this George sat bolt upright. The thought of Fred and Y/n not being best friends was a startling one, one that had never come across his mind. 
 “What do you mean?” George asked, clearly stunned. His twin and y/n had written weekly for as long as he could remember. “Why didn’t you check if it got lost?” Fred shook his head.
 “I did George,” He held up the crumpled paper he was holding. His pained expression was almost too much for the twin to bare. “I wrote four fucking times. This one was going to be my last hope,” He crumpled it back up, and shoved it into a pocket dejectedly. 
 “Oh Fred...” George sighed. “I suppose a prank on Gin is out of the question then?”  
 “I can’t right now.” Fred ribbed his face in his hand. He felt so lost and confused after his encounter with y/n. How could she have thought he would ever want to stop writing to her? Something must have happened to the letters, but he felt like he must be kidding himself if he thought that 5 different letters could get lost. Errol wasn’t that old, was he? 
I dressed quickly in the morning in my pale blue, silky uniform. Although I still sometimes wished that I had gone to Hogwarts, I had to say that the Beauxbatons uniform was much better. As I exited the dormitory I bumped into my friend Maurice who had just exited his dormitory.
 “Salut!” Maurice greeted me cheerfully as we fell into step beside each other. 
 “Quoi de neuf?” I muttered. Though we all mostly spoke English around each other, we also had fun, shorter chats in French. At Beauxbatons they taught most classes in English, except for potions since it was so precise and they couldn’t risk as translational mix up. 
 “You okay y/n?” Maurice asked, pausing and placing a hand on my shoulder. “Aunty Lisa told me to keep an eye on you,” I sighed. Of course, mother would set my cousin on my tail to make sure I didn’t stress. 
 “Never better,” I grinned. “I might, er, run to the bathroom before breakfast,” I turned and threw a wave towards Maurice before I left. I hurried down a random corridor and hoped I’d be able to find a hufflepuff or something to show me to the great hall later.
 For now, I didn’t pay any attention to where I was going as I slowly walked around. I let my eyes drink up the lovely sights of Hogwarts. It was still sinking in that I was finally seeing it, even if I was seeing it under much different circumstances than I had hoped. I ducked away into a corridor as I heard hurried footsteps coming up behind me. Unfortunately I had misjudged, and they were coming towards me, not passing me. 
 “Y/n?” I heard a voice that I vaguely recognised, but couldn’t place. “What are you doing here?” After a moment of thought I finally placed the voice to Percy Weasley. 
 Bloody hell, of the hundreds of student in the castle it seemed I’d only ever meet the Weasleys. 
 “Hello Percy,” I mustered up as much cheerfulness as I could and I tried to walk past him. He grabbed my arm, and I was forced to stop and converse with him.
 “Well!” He smiled broadly, “How have you been?” Clearly he had a much different memory of how close we had been, because he was acting about ten times kinder than I’d expect. 
 “Really well, thank you.” I turned my lips up, hoping to achieve a smile. “Are you hoping to participate in the tournament?” 
 “Oh heavens,” He laughed in a very uptight manner. “No, no. I work for the ministry now.” He said with an air of self importance. 
 “Well, congratulations.” I spoke, with a hint of sarcasm and I made to excuse myself.
 “Would you like me to walk you to breakfast?” I cringed as my escape was foiled. 
 “Er, actually, I was heading to my dorm.” I lied on the spot, cursing the sound of my grumbling tummy. 
 “Oh! Which tower are you in?” I again cursed my poor lie. Thankfully, I was saved (or further doomed) by Fred coming around the corner. 
 “Y/n! Can we please talk?” Fred sprinted towards me and grabbed my hand. I saw some sort of emotion flicker cross Percy’s eyes as I shouted good bye and followed Fred. I laughed once we turned a corner.
 “Thanks Freddie,” I grinned a moment, forgetting I was meant to be angry with him. One more look at his honey brown eyes sent the negative emotions straight into my heart, however. “I’ll be going now,” I began to leave haughtily.
 “No. You won’t.” Fred begged. “Please let me talk to you.” I nearly yielded, but couldn’t stand the idea of my heart broken again with excuses of why my friendship wasn’t worth it. 
 “I can’t talk to you, Fred. Merlin, it hurts for me to even look at you. It’s heartbreak if I’ve ever known it.” I whispered quietly before racing away. Somehow I ended up in the Great Hall, with snot and tears on my face. 
 Before entering, I gently cleaned my face with a charm, and reapplied the natural makeup I had on. Determined to brave the hall before risking running into another Weasley, I calmly walked towards the Ravenclaw table.
 “Oh Marie,” I groaned. It was I could do to keep my composure and not sprawl my head onto the table. Luckily, as my best friend she was able to see this. She patted my back gently, and placed a fresh chocolate croissant on my plate. “Thank you” I smiled. 
 “Of course,” She smiled back towards me. “Did you get lost?” She giggled slightly. 
 “More hopelessly than you could ever know!” To her this would seem like dramatic flair, however I truly felt lost at heart. Unsure how to proceed between Fred’s excuses, Percy’s kindness, and the stress of possibly entering the tournament. I wanted to believe that Fred was telling the truth about the letters, but it didn’t add up.
 The last letter I had sent before Fred stopped writing had been a special one. I had been unable to hold in my feelings towards him any longer. At the end of the letter I had explained that I loved him. Not in the sisterly, or friendly way that I had previously led him to believe. But a real love. 
 Of course he stopped writing. I couldn’t blame him. But I had hoped that he wouldn’t let in stop our friendship. It had hurt. It still hurt, because even though I was young I also knew more than ever that I loved Fred. 
“I heard that a ministry official is going to ask you to the ball, y/n.” Marie whispered in that way of hers, and I stared aghast.
“What? Surely that’s illegal.” I whispered back, and Madame Maxine stared at us over the rim of her glasses. I swallowed before picking up my quill.
“Nothing’s illegal for ministry officials, silly. Have you heard of Percy Weasley before?” I froze. Percy fucking Weasley. 
“No, I haven’t. He sounds like a proper nonce.” Marie and I broke into peels of laughter, and another look from Madame silenced us. 
“Will you say yes?” Marie had long mastered the ability to speak with her mouth closed, and had tried in vain to teach me.
“Absolutely not.” I replied, and the sounds we heard for the rest of the lesson were quill scratching parchment and our headmistresses voice. 
It was on my way to another lunch in the gardens that I was ambushed by arguably my favourite Weasley.
“Hey Georgie.” I couldn’t help the old nickname fall from my lips, and he smiled at me.
“I’ve missed you.” He said, and I smiled sadly.
“I’ve missed you too, silly. I assume you didn’t find me for pleasantries though. You were never the most tactful Weasley, were you?” I laughed at the look of sheer outrage on George’s face, and he eventually chuckled.
“Rumour has it that you stopped talking to my brother a year ago.” He said, and I sighed.
“Fred stopped writing to me after I sent him a letter confessing how I felt about him. Take that as you will, but I took it as a clear rejection.” I took a deep breath, now able to say Fred’s name without falling into pieces. George stopped.
“What? Fred said you stopped talking to him, and I don’t like to think of my brother as a liar.” He said hotly, and I stared at him.
“Am I a liar, Georgie?” 
It was quiet for a long time.
“No, you’re not.” 
“Miss L/n!” I should have known that I couldn’t escape Percy Weasley. He was relentless, and I wondered if he knew what the word no meant.
“Hi, Percy. I’m actually on my way to class, I’m afraid.” I tried to end the conversation before it could begin, but no such luck.
“Perfect! I’ve been meaning to walk you to class for a while! Gentlemens chivalry and all.” He looped an arm under mine and I reluctantly started walking.
“Now that I’ve got you here, I wonder how you managed to rank top three in all of your classes. Naturally, I always ranked top five, but that’s mildly less impressive. I think it goes without saying that I topped most of my NEWT’s, but I’m still intrigued on what your methods are. There’s still plenty of learning and memorising that goes on at the Ministry, you see, and I think that you and I would make a great team. Who knows, maybe you can be my assistant when I’m Minister of Magic one day.” I tuned Percy out as quickly as I could. Really, I couldn’t think of anyone who would actually want to listen to Percy for five minutes, let alone the rest of his life. 
I thought wistfully of Fred during the walk to my class, and how much my heart ached at the mention of his name. Maybe I had been harsh on him. Suppose our letters had been lost in the post? It wasn’t unlikely, and it sure would explain why he seemed so confused and upset. 
“Well, this is my stop.” I interrupted him as he droned on and on and on and on and-
“It was a pleasure as always.” Percy picked up my hand and I tried not to gag as he kissed it. Was there anything quite as horrible as this was? I didn’t think so. Oh, maybe your best friend cutting contact with you after you confess your love to him. My life was going spectacularly.  
“See ya.” I darted inside the classroom, spying Maurice and Marie sitting by the door. 
“Hey, y/n.” They chorussed. I noticed with relief that Madame hadn’t arrived yet, and I slid into the seat beside Maurice.
“Salut.” I sat in silence thinking about how weird Percy was, when my breath caught in my throat.
I hadn’t been ranked top three in every class this year, and the last time I had been ranked top three must have been in fourth year. I recalled a quill in my hand as I wrote to Fred excitedly, and the emptiness I had felt upon not receiving a letter. Was it possible? 
I think it was about time I had another chat with George. 
“Where are you going George?” Fred glanced up, half interested. His gaze was still fixed on the list of products him and his brother were assembling.
 “Ah, just for a stroll,” George explained as he subtly picked up Fred’s robe instead of his own. The twin hardly nodded, as he became immersed once more in the list of clever tricks and treats they had assembled. George thanked Merlin for his good luck and slipped out the portrait hole.
 Once safely in the corridor, George felt around in the inner pocket to find what he was looking for. Thankfully, it was right where Fred had left it. As always. George pulled out the crumpled parchment, but didn’t dare to open it. It was too personal he had decided. He was simply acting as a messenger, he reminded himself.
 Y/n had invited George to meet her in the library after lunch. Thankfully, after being at the castle for nearly two months at this point, she knew her way around. Now, George thought, all that’s left to do is deliver a letter.
“George!” I hissed from a secluded corner of the library. This library was nice, but if I’m being honest I preferred the lighter atmosphere of the library at Beauxbatons.
 “Oh! Hello y/n, fancy seeing you here!” George teased and winked towards me. In return I rolled my eyes, but still had to suppress a giggle at his overused joke. 
 “Look I need to ask-“ I began to feel a little flustered.
 “How did I get my dashing good looks?” He ran a hand through his hair and struck a pose. 
 “No I-“ 
 “Sorry doll, I’m taken. But I have a twin!” George sent finger guns my way, and pretended to swagger away.
 “No! George!” As frustrating as it was, I had missed George’s little jokes. “Did you know Percy had a crush on me?” I questioned firmly. George’s jaw dropped open.
 “I mean-“ He ribbed his neck sheepishly “We used to suspect it in first and second year. But Fred beat him up about it and we thought that was that!” I buried my face in my hands, cringing at the very thought. Merlin’s soggiest sock couldn’t make this any worse. 
 “I think I know what happened,” I sighed. I felt defeated, and mean. I couldn’t believe the things I had said to Fred. How I’d brushed him away. Now the task at hand was talking to that Weasel that had ruined everything. 
 “Well, I don’t know exactly what conclusion you’ve reached,” George gently spoke. “But I think you should read this,” Before he left he pressed the folded, crumpled parchment into her hand. 
“George!” Fred sang out as soon as George entered their dorm room. “I have a plan!” He leaped from bed to bed in a happy spirit that often accompanies new hopes.
 “I’m going to ask y/n to the ball!” He exclaimed. George sighed, unsure how his brother thought this would instantly fix things. Luckily for Fred, George had pulled a few extra strings for the odds to be completely in his favour. 
“Marie!” I sobbed as she came into the dorm. This was probably not how she expected to find me tonight, and the shock on her face was obvious. 
 I had ripped the covers off of my bed and wrapped them around me like a large cocoon. Then I had promptly laid down and cried for the better part of an hour. At least it was a good test of my makeup setting charm.
 The letter is what did it. Oh! The letter! I cradled it ever closer to my heart as I sobbed again. He had written with all the heartbreak I had felt, with all the love I had felt, with all of the friendship I had felt. And it never got to me! Just as my letter never got to him!
 “He loves me Marie!” I gasped. “He wrote me five letters.” Marie, like the true friend she was, promptly crawled into the cocoon with me and began to rock me softly. 
 “Hush, mon caneton,” she whispered. I steadied my breathing and hugged her tightly. Thank goodness that we had both decided to come on this trip. I don’t know what I would have done without her.
 “I love him too,” I admitted. 
 “Well what are you waiting for?” Marie asked with a knowing look on her face, and I slowly nodded. She was right.
 “Go attack that little weasel.” I laughed in delight, and Marie gave me a soft shove out of our cocoon of blankets.
 “Go!” She repeated, and with another shove I stumbled out of our room. I had no clue where I would find a certain Percy Weasley at this hour, and I didn/t quite know where to begin. Only one person reminded me of Percy, and I figured I may as well head to his room.
 “Professor Snape.” I smiled politely as he opened the door after I knocked, and he merely scowled.
 “Pray tell me what you are doing outside of my classroom.” He sneered, and I stopped smiling.
 “Do you know where I can find-” I was rudely interrupted by none other than the man of the hour.
 “Miss L/n! How I’ve longed to see you!” Percy popped out from being Snape, and I found myself being guided away from the dungeons by the very person I wanted to slap.
 “I’m sure I have longed to see you more.” I said, and he squeezed my shoulder. I almost threw up, right then and there.
 “Why were you looking for me, my dearest?” I was two seconds away from punching the smarmy bastard in the face, and I took a deep breath.
 “I just wanted to let you know that if you ever try to come between Fred and I again, the letters you stole will be the least of your worries. I will ruin you, Weasley, and you better not forget it.” I snarled as I shoved his shoulder before walking off, and the stunned silence fueled my satisfaction.
 It was time to find my Weasley.
 Twenty minutes later and I couldn't find a trace of him. My heart sunk to my stomach. What if my coolness had finally gotten through and he had given up? Was he avoiding me? I slumped into my seat at dinner and leaned my head on Marie's shoulder.
 "I can't find him," I sighed. She reached over and patted my back while she swallowed her bite of quiche.
 "Well, he couldn't have gone too far!" She attempted to cheer me up. Out of habit, my eyes wandered over to the area where Fred and George usually sat. I raised an eyebrow as I found that their spots were empty. Loud footsteps behind me caught my attention and I snapped my head around the other way.
 Thank Merlin, it was George. He was jogging towards me and his robes flapped behind him.
 "Y/n!" He greeted me once he was within earshot. I waved and grabbed another piece of pizza.
 "You play quidditch at Beauxbatons, right?" Marie perked up beside me and grinned before proceeding to sing my praises.
 "She's only the best chaser I've ever seen! You should've seen last sea-" I cut her off, blushing furiously.
 "Yes. I play quidditch." I rolled my eyes.
 "Great, can you help me with something?" George begged. I nodded and followed him out of the room. The sun was just beginning to set, and the air was quite chilly. I wondered what he could possibly need help with at this time. Especially since quidditch had been cancelled this year!
 After we left the hall, and I was extremely puzzled what was happening I began to ask a few quesitons.
 "Do you know where Fred is? I can't find him," I asked George who looked completely bewildered.
 "Fred? No I have no idea!" His voice reached incredibly strange pitches and I realised quite quickly that he was lying.
 "So. What do you need my help with?" I suppressed a grin as I began to see what was happening.
 "Er," There was a pause while George thought of what exactly he had summoned me for. Luckily for him, Ron and Ginny were walking by at that exact moment. "Ron was thinking of trying out for keeper!" He explained desperately.
 Ginny's eyebrows shot up, and she slugged Ron in the arm.
 "Good for you little brother!" Ron's face burned red as they walked away and he began to make excuses.
 "Don't we need Ron for this then?" I grinned at George, and he began to mutter something under his breath.
 The rest of the walk passed relatively quickly as George and I caught up about everything that had happened since I moved. We easily fell into conversation thanks to Fred keeping us both updated on the other. Finally we arrived at the field.
 "Godric! I'm late for something." George looked at his non-existent watch and ran away before I could stop him.
 "What the hell?" I muttered as I began walking back to the exit of the quidditch pitch. Unfortunately, in my angry haze I tripped right over a broom that was lying on the grass. Gingerly, I picked it up, and paused. Why not, I thought, as I mounted the stray broom.
 "Y/n!" From a distance, I thought George had come back. I sped forward slightly, moving the broom precisely and smoothly to greet him. Of course, by 'greet' I meant cast a harmless hair changing charm. Luckily (for his sake,) I quickly noticed it was Fred. Unluckily (for my sake) I was now incredibly flustered and unsure what to say. I chanced a timid wave, and thanked Merlin when he returned it, equally timidly.
 "I'm sorry!" I instantly shouted, speeding down from my perch in the sky. I pulled out of the short dive just a few feet off of the ground.
 "No y/n," Fred shook his head "I'm sorry. I should have known you would never stop writing." He stared at his feet, looking ashamed. "Must've been that goddamn bird," He let out a nervous laugh, but continued to stare at the ground. I didn't want to bring Percy into this yet. He didn't deserve a place in what I hoped would become a treasured memory.
 "It wasn't your fault," My heart was breaking at the pain on his face. But how do you break this sort of news kindly? "I shouldn't have thought you would stop writing either, I just-" I trailed off, unsure what to say.
 "What was in that last letter you sent?" He asked glancing up. I paused, hopping off my broom. Fred followed in his actions, and our eyes finally met.
 "Wait, you never even saw it?" I knew that he'd most likely never seen it, but I had always imagined Percy had let him receive it at least. Little did I know the precision that Percy carried out his plans with.
 He had begun by snatching a letter here and there. Laying the foundation for doubt of each other's consistency of correspondence. He had saved the letters sent by me, burned the ones sent by Fred, and written his own imaginary replies. I had become an obsession for him. So much so that when he saw me this year, he thought we would instantly pick up where we had left off in his imagined reality.
 The day I had sent the letter to Fred. That all important letter. He had taken it and saved it for himself. Looking upon my words of love, and imagining they were from him. The thought of Percy receiving those words instead of Fred brought tears to my eyes.
 "No," He admitted.
 "I wanted to tell you-" I cut myself off. What if all Fred was searching was the friendship we had previously shared? I bit my tongue and held a silent debate until I finally plucked up my courage.
 "I love you," I let the sweet words fly away towards him. I hoped they'd be returned. That their fragile wings would be cradled, rather than crushed. A momentary surprise froze Fred. The stress of the situation made those few seconds feel like hours. Hours of anguish and feeling entirely exposed and unprotected. Finally, Fred sprang in to motion. He rushed towards me, as his lips found mine, my eyes fluttered closed. It was just Fred and I, the aligned planets watching as their plan fell into place. Fred tasted like strawberries and he sucked softly on my lip. I couldn’t help from running my hand through his messy hair, and I felt him grin into the kiss. 
 "Go to the Yule ball with me my darling?" He asked softly as we broke apart.
 "Of course my love," I let my head rest on his strong chest as we let the last flickers of sunset wash over us.
 The ball had approached much quicker than expected. Over the past two weeks, a lot had happened. First, I had explained to Fred what Percy had done. I didn't want to create a rift between the brothers, but it was the only way to fully explain and resolve the situation. Fred had looked very solemn, and confronted Percy who denied everything. Unfortunately for him, he carried around my last letter with him which was quite incriminating when we discovered it.
 Fred and I had hardly spent a moment away from each other.
 I had a periwinkle blue mini dress on, which hugged tightly around me. Over top, I had a sheer silvery blue gown that shimmered like stars as I moved. All of the Beauxbatons girls had picked something of the same color scheme, but this dress felt so me that I didn't mind. After curling my hair into delicate ringlets I helped Marie curl her hair and then we left.
 I took a deep breath as we glided down the stairs after Madam Maxine. I could hardly contain my excitement. My heartbeat felt similar to when I was anticipating a particularly good match of quidditch.
 Fred was standing there looking spectacular in his dress robes. He had charmed his tie to be a periwinkle blue, and he was holding a small bouquet of lavender flowers. The moment I smelled them, I remembered that moment with him on that broom. I remembered the rush of adventure, the hint of recklessness, but most importantly: the trust. I trusted him so much.
 He took my hand, and we silently walked into the ball. It almost felt too perfect. Too cliche, not unique enough for such a special story. Our story that we were writing one page at a time.
 After a few songs spent pleasantly dancing, laughing, and whispering lost words to each other I had an idea.
 "Freddie?" I whispered as I leaned my head onto his chest.
 "Mmm?" He swayed us gently to the sweet music.
 "Can we leave?" I asked. "I want to go on a broom with you again," I explained. His face softened and he took my hand as we walked to the quidditch pitch.
 Here we were. Up in the air again. I spread my arms, testing if my eagle wings were still there. They were. And as an eagle, I had finally reunited with my nest. I brought my wings back down to take hold of the broomstick. This time I was in control, and I'd had a bit more practice than 10 year old Fred had had. So, I sent us into a steep dive, almost until it felt like a free fall.
 After the rush of adrenaline I soared back up until we reached the roof of Gryffindor tower. I couldn't stop myself from imagining how many sleepless nights we could've spent talking here. How many breakfasts, and boring classes I could've spent with him.
 As I saw the moonlight softly reflect off of Fred's pale face I realised then and there. He was my soulmate. He was my perfect match. He was the person that I didn't want to spend a single minute without unless I absolutely had to.
 I told him so too.
 "Freddie," We were holding hands again as we laid on top of a soft blanket he had conjured to lay down on the roof. The incline of it was just barely safe to lay down on without sliding off. I didn't feel scared though, I had Fred to anchor me.
 "You look beautiful in the moonlight y/n," He turned his lively eyes towards me. I blushed and smiled slightly.
 "I love you so much," I began. He kept his eyes trained into mine. Giving me his full attention. "I don't want to lose you again, okay?" I took a somewhat shaky breath. " I just mean, the past couple weeks have felt like a dream.” I said, and Fred held my hand.
 “I know, pretty girl. You won’t lose me again, not if there’s anything I can do about it.” I squeezed his hand back, and we watched the night sky in all its glory.
 I was standing in my dorm room, nearly ready to leave when an owl flew into the window. Plonk, I realised it was poor Errol. It appeared he could hardly handle a flight around Hogwarts anymore. I tucked him into a small blanket and gave him an owl treat. He let out an appreciative coo and snuggled into the cozy nest I'd made. I unrolled the parchment, and twirled the sprig of lavender that had been in the ribbon between my fingers.
 Dearest y/n,
 Today you go back to Beauxbatons. I'm sorry I can't be there in person, but I'm happy to tell you everything is going really well.
 The shop looks amazing, although they can't have it ready for us until some time next year. I figure this will work well anyway since we still have a few more products to perfect. (Thanks for helping us with the antidote for the puking pastilles by the way!!)
 Also, the apartment will be perfect I think. We would be on one of the very top floors, so you might feel a bit at home given your talent for quidditch. It's close to diagon alley, but actually in muggle London, which I thought you might like. I said we'd take it within the next 8 months, since I'll obviously be leaving school before graduation and you'll be graduating in March.
 I hope the carriage ride is fairly nice. I know it won't be perfect since yours truly isn't there (wink wink) but I hope I'll be able to visit soon! I have to go for another surprise I'm working on, but I'll owl soon. I have my eye out for lovesick, letter stealing brothers this time!
 Yours forever and a day,
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moreidsdaughter · 4 years
spencer reid fluff alphabet
summary: a fluff alphabet that took way to long....
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1637
a/n: wowowowow i'm not dropping something out of nowhere...
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
spencer loves the way you put dedication into the things you do, whether it’s writing, reading, your job, staring at the television, watching your favorite show while being curled up on the couch or taking care of things around the house.
what do you find attractive about spencer? many things obviously, but his mind definitely is at the top of the list. You adore his mind, you adore the way he can ramble for days at a time. if you need him to be quiet, you hug him or plant a soft kiss on his lips.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
yes, for sure. you know that spencer would be a great dad, especially because of the way he is with kids. however, he wants to have one when he feels it’s safe. safe meaning not working at the bau. at the same time, he knows that he can’t protect his child from the world, so what’s stopping him?
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
spencer loves cuddling facing you with one of his arms securely wrapped around your waist. He pulls you as close to him as possible and lays your head on his shoulder. He nuzzles his head into your head and takes in the smell of your shampoo. then he places a light kiss on your head
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
spencer prefers to stay in and order takeout and watch movies, or read to you on the balcony. he tries to do these things with you once a week, but his job can get in the way. in spencers’ mind, as long as you’re doing something together, he’s happy.
when you and spencer do get out, you like to go on coffee dates or picnics. You two normally choose food and drinks. then you lay it all out on a blanket in a park. On coffee dates, you and spencer share your thoughts on different topics. spencer normally brings up books and you normally bring up current events and pop culture.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“you’re my home.” spencer whispered, his hands grabbing yours. you took a second to process his words. “you are the reason i keep going. you're the only person i feel truly comfortable around without any judgment. when i’m with you, i’m at peace with myself and i’ve never felt that way in my life.” he took a gentle breath. “when i’m with you i feel at home and even though it doesn’t make sense, you've told me that it doesn’t have to. none of this has to make sense because i’m in love”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
spencer knew that he was in love when you started repeating facts that he said to your friends. one time you had been at a birthday party and you said  “more people celebrate their birthdays in august than in any other month. about nine percent of all the people on earth have august birthdays.” you giggles after rambling. spencer looked at you with a smile, he couldn’t wait to hug you.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
spencer is the most gentle human being on the planet. he’s always patient and careful with you, he has one of the softest souls you’ve ever come across. he loves being gentle with you. he watches you when you’re sick, even though he despises germs. he loves to leave soft kisses all over you and he loves hugging you. your pet names for him match his actions towards you. you call him: bubba, sweet boy, my love, baby. he’s always looking out for you and he puts you first even though you tell him not to.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
spencer isn’t the biggest fan of public affection, but he loves to hold your hand in private. When you and spence are alone, likes to do one of these two things, interlocking your fingers or he holds your hand and rubs circles into your palm.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
spencer met you in a coffee shop and you were reading one of his favorite books. he sat down at your table and asked you about your thoughts on the book. even though you weren’t done yet, he could tell that your thought process is similar to his. when he found out that your thoughts aligned and how the way that you process is similar to his, he knew that you were someone worth getting close to.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
sometimes, it’s never because of you, but his own insecurities. spencer trusts you a lot and he knows that you'll never hurt him, but it doesn’t stop his mind from wandering. when people are affectionate with you in public it makes him jealous. he furrows his brows and his hands clench because his mind is thinking would she like me better if i was more affectionate in front of other people?
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
spencer’s kisses are soft and affectionate, which makes him a good kisser in your eyes. he never rushes and he’s always gentle. it doesn’t matter if it’s a peck or a makeout session, most of the time he will take it slow.
you initiated the first kiss technically. you asked “can i kiss you?” and he responded with “yes.” you brought a hand to his cheek and slowly moved your lips in closer. when your lips connected it was magical, you smiled into the kiss and he did as well. then you giggled and pulled your lips from his.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
spencer. you’re walking into your apartment with him after a date at a museum and you place your bag and coat down. spencer does the same and sits himself down on the couch. once you sit down, you turn on the television and spencer wraps his arm around your shoulder. you're slowly drifting to sleep and your head is falling onto spencer’s shoulder. when spencer thinks you're asleep he whispers “i love you so much, you’re my home and you make me feel safe in a corrupt world of madness.” what he didn’t know was that you were still awake, so you returned his words “i love you too bubba.”
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
it was your first christmas together as a couple and you wanted to decorate a tree together. You dragged him to buy christmas decorations and a tree. the tree wasn’t big, but it was your tree. you guys decorated the tree with different color bulbs and other cool decorations. spencer was begging to put the star on top of the tree, so you let him. you baked cookies and made hot chocolate. Then you guys sat on the couch watching christmas movies and you fell asleep on each other.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
spencer isn’t a very materialistic guy, he prefers intimate moments over items. however, when he does get you a gift he makes sure that it’s something meaningful.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
soft colors, like pale yellows and neutrals. these colors are what make spencer feel at home and he sees you as his home. one of yellow’s meanings is clarity, that’s how spencer sees you, you help him see things.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
spencer doesn’t have a lot of pet names for you, but the ones he has are special to him. Spencer likes the classic pet names; sweetheart, honey and baby. occasionally he’ll swap those out for your nickname.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
spencer isn’t quite up to date with technology, so he likes almost everything that’s older. specifically he likes reading books and writing things in typewriters or by hand. he just thinks that there's something about it that makes him feel warm on the inside.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
spencer loves curling up to you on the couch and reading to you on rainy days. he likes drinking a warm beverage like tea or hot chocolate. eventually, you’ll try to convince him to watch a show and then you guys fall asleep.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
spencer is pretty good at cheering you up, he always tries to make funny jokes or watch a funny movie with you. if he can’t make you feel better, he’ll just be there. he’ll ask you questions about why you're upset and try to find the root of the problem. however, he will never be pushy about these things, he just wants to be there and make you comfortable.
making spencer feel better is a hard task. normally he just shuts down when he gets like this, he’ll mope around the house and stay quiet. he thinks that he can get over the issue himself, but he can’t. It takes awhile for him to open up, but once he does, it never stops. at the end of the day, he just wants a hug and some cuddles.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
spencer loves to talk about literature and facts. he never has nothing to talk about because he can go on and on for days about anything, but literature is definitely his favorite.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
you. you help spencer relax. whenever he’s in a room with you, his bundle of nerves just melt away.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
his knowledge. he’s not afraid to dish out facts around others, unless he’s told to stop. sometimes he can’t help it, but he’s still so proud of his mind.
being with spencer is great, but it’s easy to feel small compared to him. Spencer tries to make sure that never happens, he’s your hype man. he hypes you up for anything like fixing something or decorating a room.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
it was at a team dinner. it wasn’t in front of the team though, he pulled you out to rossi’s backyard and got down on one knee. when you went back inside, you didn’t say anything because you wanted to see how long it would take the team to notice. let's just say, the team found out within minutes because spencer couldn’t keep a smile off of his face.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
spencer doesn’t really listen to modern music, he listens to mostly classical music. however one time, he’s listening to music with the team and garcia puts one fool for you by zayn malik. it makes him think of you almost instantly. the ballad with hints of piano making him think of your softness and his love for you.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
yes.  all the time after a year of dating, but very early on he had a small sense that you were going to marry him. it didn’t become real until you met his mom, diana reid loved you from the moment she laid eyes on you.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
A cat. it’s low maintenance with your work schedules and it can roam around on its own.
taglist (send an ask if you would like to be added):
@ssaemxlyprentxss@itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @pinkdiamond1016
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blesspastacraig · 4 years
A Year in Review
I wanted to creat a list of sorts of everything I wrote in 2020, since I managed to do a lot.
Here’s my one shots:
Not Alone - Published 08 Jan 2020
"I keep telling you, I don't want to go" Craig complains as he burps one of his two newborn twin daughters. His mom, thankfully is burping the other. Craig knows he should be nicer to her but two newborns has him at the end of his tether.
"I know but I'm going to keep pushing you until you do" she says, swaying and patting Daisy's back.
or Craig and Tweek bond at a young parents group because they're the only two people with twins.
New Beginnings - Published 19 Feb 2020
Tweek doesn’t want to push her, so they’re both a little cautious of one another. Tweek doesn’t want to barge in and fill a role she hasn’t given him yet. She’s never had a second parental figure before, and Tweek doesn’t want to force himself into that slot. He barely feels worthy of being the father to his biological child, let alone a stepdad figure to this poor little girl who’s life he’s just invaded.
Or Tweek takes Craig's daughter to a daddy daughter dance because Craig is unable.
Love Chooses You - Published 29 March 2020
He's heard the phrase that you can't choose who you love before, and really, right now he knows it's true. Damien never would have chosen to love Pip of all people.
Rebuild - Published 11 May 2020
“I’m flying Craig!” Tweek cries from the top of the concrete slab. Craig doesn’t answer, only sighs. He sinks down knowing he’s gonna let it happen. He doesn’t want to let it happen but the alcohol has made him slow. Kinda in the same way the drugs have made Tweek fast. They’re out of sync with no way of catching up until sobriety. So Craig just watches, letting it happen. Like he’s watching his own body do nothing. The inner voice tells him to move, to stop it but the body can’t unstick itself from the ground.
Coming Out - Published 20 May 2020
If Tweek is being honest his friends were Craig’s friends, originally. Now they’re his friends too but before Tweek had been a bit of a loner. Not by choice, but for whatever reason kids at school either didn’t like him or just didn’t know he existed. He spent most of his time alone, reading books, studying, playing music or anything one can do alone to ease boredom. For the longest time he’d been the freak and now he actually had friends, like, for real.
Red Racer and Ice Cream - Published 12 June 2020
He could leave, but he knows Tweek will start worrying about him. Tweek is having a good night, he seems pleasantly drunk and is having a great time with Jimmy and Token. Craig doesn't want to wreck what is shaping up to ve a good night for Tweek. It's taken a while to get Tweek to really feel comfortable in social situations like these. He wants Tweek to have the best night he can.
Much Ado About Theatre - Published 15 June 2020
"It's in english stupid, just old english" Tweek reminds Craig.
"Whatever I don't get it. It's like reading gibberish" Craig says dismissively, clearly frustrated.
"Why are you -nghh- taking this class then?" Tweek asks, purely curious. It's not just Shakespeare Craig seems disinterested in. He seems uncomfortable onstage as a whole.
"Because you're taking it" Craig admits sheepishly, a blush appearing on his cheeks.
Sure - Published 19 June 2020
Craig gets his first piercing and Tweek accompanies for moral support. They talk about facing fears and the future.
or Tweek is covered with piercings and tattoos and Craig is a body mod virgin.
Firsts - Published 02 July 2020
Craig likes having a Birthday in the winter. It's kind of a good excuse for only inviting like, four people to his gatherings on the excuse they can't go outside. Craig was never big on the schoolyard politics, even when he was small. The idea that he had to have the biggest party, or the most extravagant and have to decide who or whom not to invite stressed him out. He likes having the excuse that he only had a small house, and that his Birthday was in winter in Colorado, so that he can only invite his best friends and be done with it.
or Craig and Tweek's first birthdays together as boyfriends.
Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Vasopressin - Published July 11 2020
Tweek sighs boredly as he stirs the potion in his cauldron. It's not that he doesn't like earning a living making potions for people and casting spells but it's so much of the same thing. It's always love potions, that's all he makes these days.
Distracted - Published 26 July 2020
Tweek and Craig needed this break so badly. He feels kind of bad for Craig's mom, who is probably going to have a sleepless night babysitting their son. But holy shit, they needed this.
Stir Crazy - Published 14 August 2020
Craig Tucker: Tucker baby coming 2020! We could not be more excited to announce that Tweek and I are having a baby! There's no one else I'd rather go on this crazy journey with. - with Tweek Tucker.
or Craig is pregnant in quarantine.
Source Decay - Published 16 August 2020
Craig still hasn't taken off his wedding ring. He knows he should, but he just hasn't found it in him yet. He knows Tweek hasn't either, he's seen it in pictures even though now they've been separated longer than they were together.
Baby’s First Skateboard - Published 10 September 2020
Craig and Tweek never really grew out of skateboarding. They do it less often than they did before becoming parents, but they still do their best to make time.
You’re the Boss at Home - Published 18 September 2020
So he has mixed feelings about his last day. He knows he'll miss working, he's always been a working person and he knows he won't like sitting at home waiting to go into labor. But also, he doesn't have to deal with everyone fussing over him being pregnant anymore.
Little Star - Published 03 October 2020
This can't be happening to him, he can't have a baby! What would he do with a baby? He doesn't know. He doesn't even know what he's going to do when he goes into labour. He knows, inevitably he will. That he will go into labour, the baby has to come out some way and it's gonna hurt. He knows all this, but he can't bring himself to ask for help. He knows he's in trouble but he doesn't know how to ask for help.
Baby Love - Published 02 November 2020
Craig tries to swallow down the pain. He can't yell or cry out. Everyone will know then. He has to stay quiet or else everyone will know. He bites down on his lip hard and crouches on the floor near his bed. He has to just breathe, if he breathes through it he can make it. He knows he can.
This Time Around - Published 12 November 2020
Tweek knew he was pregnant with his second child straight away. It was a 180 from his first pregnancy, where he took months to figure it out. When he was pregnant with his first child, his son Teddy, he didn't really have much in the way of symptoms besides being hungry all the time. That was pretty easy to dismiss and write off. They weren't trying for a baby, so Tweek had no reason to assume he was pregnant. He only worked it out because he began showing.
Whatever We Are - Published 22 December 2020
It's hard because Stan isn't quite sure what he is to Kyle. Is it just sex? Is it more? Does Kyle maybe wanna make it more official soon? Stan doesn't know. He knows he loves Kyle and he'd pretty much do whatever Kyle wants. But for now, he's just enjoying the intimacy.
Temptation - Published 24 December 2020
Being summoned is kinda annoying. It's kind of like being asleep, super deeply and then pulled into the bright bustling world with no warning. It's no wonder most demons are angry and violent.
Tweek is an imp, so he's more on the mischievous, poltergeist side of the spectrum. He still scares the shit out of most people who summon him. Usually kids with ouija boards who don't know what they're doing. It's whatever, Tweek usually chases them for a bit, makes them scream and that's enough mischief for one day. Tweek can choose to appear by choice, and leave when he wants to but he rarely does. Humans are mostly annoying, so he stays in his own little world until some idiot summons him.
Traditions - Published 25 December 2020
"I hate Christmas" Craig sighs, looking around at all the lights and decorations. He glares at all the people bustling around. Don't they have homes to go to? He rests a hand on his swollen stomach, he certainly wishes he was home.
Here’s My Multichapters, completed and ongoing:
The Sound of Silence - Completed 25 January 2020
15 Chapters
Craig manages to find himself alone, jobless and a new parent. He struggles to put the pieces of his life back together and build something new for both himself and his daughter.
Don’t Break Me - Completed 26 March 2020
2 Chapters
"What are you -ngrhh- accusing me of?" Tweek growls.
"Literally nothing Tweek, I'm accusing you of your health improving? Isn't that good?" Craig huffs in annoyance. He's sick of his intentions being misinterpreted.
Insight - Completed 10 April 2020
2 Chapters
Craig listens to the incessant ticking of the clock on his wall. He can’t actually see it, it’s night and all the lights are off. But he can hear it, a constant reminder of the passing of time. He knows he should sleep, he really wishes he could but it’s just too hard. Knowing Tweek isn’t here but not knowing where Tweek is. He can’t help but worry even though he has so much more to worry about. His mom would tell him off, tell him he needs to rest but this thing with Tweek has him so messed up.
When We’re Older - Completed 04 July 2020
10 Chapters
When they're older they'll start again. They'll get married, find a house, do it all right. Have children when the time is right and build the loving, nurturing home they both have always wanted.
Stowaway - Completed 14 July 2020
3 Chapters
He's slowly beginning to accept it himself, yes, he's pregnant. He knows it but he's not quite ready to face the consequences yet. He didn't intend to get pregnant, he just got too drunk at a party and had sex with a childhood friend. Consensual but unprotected. He feels stupid now.
So he hides them, the baby, like a little stowaway.
Algorithm - Completed 12 August 2020
5 Chapters
Craig shakes his head. He looks at the homemade bracelet which spells Craig on Tweeks wrist. His heart breaks thinking about how Tweek will cut it off once he knows the truth.
Two for the Price of One - Completed 26 August 2020
4 Chapters
Craig has never been one to succumb to baby fever. He knows a lot of people in his profession do. Both he and his husband, Tweek, professional lives revolve around babies. Newborns too, and while Craig acknowledges that babies may be cute, other people's kids have never really triggered some urge to have his own.
Hungry - Completed 11 September 2020
2 Chapters
Tweek has heard about cryptic pregnancies before. He's seen I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant before, people saying they didn't have any nausea, felt normal, didn't put on weight. This isn't quite that, Tweek gained a small amount of weight. He felt fatigued, but he just put that down to stress. He didn't feel nauseous unless he had a headache, so it was really easy to blame that on the headache. The real only symptom he's had is the hunger. He doesn't think it's far fetched that he didn't realise, surely?
or Tweek doesn't realise he's pregnant because his only real symptom is being hungry all the time :)
Creek Week 2020 - Completed 02 November 2020
7 Chapters
My contribution for this years Creek Week 2020
All seven of these are short snippets of either fics I intend to write, or AU's I have left unfinished. But I thought it might be fun to share small excerpts.
Complicated - Ongoing, Last updated 08 January 2021
18 Chapters Published, 20 Chapters all together.
Craig kind of has an image. It's not that he's pretending to be someone else, but he likes to be perceived as aloof, cold and quiet. He's nice to people who truly know him, but he doesn't like to be perceived as soft from the outside. People already think he's kind of weird, and putting up those walls really helps him to keep unwanted people out. His boyfriend sees his sensitive side, his friends do and his family do. The rest of the world gets a cold shoulder, at least until he gets to know someone and decides to let them in.
Craig and Tweek figure out an unplanned pregnancy, Craig learns families come in all shapes and sizes. Especially LGBTQ ones.
AO3 Statistics:
Word Count: 261512
Hits: 22599
Works Published: 31
Top Five Fics by Hits:
1. Complicated
2. When We’re Older
3. The Sound of Silence
4. Stowaway
5. Hungry
All in all, not a bad output. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read, leave kudos and comment. ❤️
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janicho88 · 4 years
In This Together Part 3
 Pairing- Dean x Wife!Reader
Word count- 5821
Summary-Find out what these two have been up to for the last year. What obstacles are thrown at these two now?  
Warnings- Possible sick reader, hospital/doctors, little language, little angst, fluff, implied smut, talk of possible infertility, pregnancy.
A/N-This is the third part of my first fic.  It started as a oneshot but turned into more.  The first part of this story was written, because I needed someone like Dean at the time. This miniseries I guess you can call it, is very personal to me.  I’ve lived a majority of the first two parts. If you’ve read it you can see why I wanted someone like Dean to lean on.  In this part I wanted to give the reader something I don’t know if I’ll ever have. Thank you for reading! Pictures found on google.
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Part 1     Part 2
 11 months later August 2021
Slowly opening your eyes back up, you were staring out the window of your fourth-floor hospital room. This time your window looked over the street below, every time you were on this floor you had a different view. Dean was still sitting in the bed next to you, you leaned your head on his shoulder as you thought back on the last year and everything that had happened.    
October 2020 came around and your doctor let you go off your birth control.  He knew you and Dean were trying, or more not trying to stop anything from happening.  You knew nothing would happen right away and didn’t want to get your hopes up, you were also trying to stay positive that nothing was going to go wrong with you again. You were due a win.  
You had been back to work for about four months now, there were still some things you were trying to get used to at the new store.  Because of the two surgeries you could wear down easily and were mostly five days a week trying to get up to six. You had already rearranged the office and some of the shelves in the kitchen area to make it more efficient, but some of your employees kept moving things on you so you had to redo them. It would take a good year for your foot to be back to normal which was February, but it would never be pain free. As long as it was better than before you were happy.
Halloween was coming close and Sam and Jess invited you over to their house again.  Since you and Dean didn’t have any other plans you decided to join them along with Dean’s parents.  Jake’s costume this year was an adorably fierce lion.
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 With things still crazy in the world and covid still around there weren’t many trick or treaters. Unfortunately, this meant more candy for Dean.  Being a Saturday night Dean didn’t have to work the next morning. and you went in later on Sundays, so you stayed for a while.  After Jake went to bed the guys turned on the, All Saint’s Day, movies Dean loves.  They weren’t exactly your favorite so at least he could try and drag Sam into his madness this way.  Dean was enjoying his brother being a bit more into Halloween now that he had Jake around.   You bid them goodnight just before midnight and took your sugar high husband home, he wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.  
Thanksgiving was late again this year, so your parents had decided like last year to do their Christmas party the week before Thanksgiving again. Even though you were working less this year you somehow got distracted and got to planning late.  This meant the first two and half weeks of the month would be filled with baking.  The nice thing about the store you took over was the regular oven it had so you could do some of it there.  Although first things first, you had to assemble your as baking list.  The night after Halloween you were sitting on the couch with the Hallmark Channel playing its Countdown to Christmas. Computer in front of you with Pinterest pulled up.  Dean walked in from the kitchen during a commercial.
“Hey Sweetheart, what are you up to?  Anything good on?”
“Nine Lives of Christmas, is on. I’m looking..”
“No, Seriously Y/N? It’s the day after Halloween, and you’re watching Christmas movies?”
You turned and glared at him. “One, I have been watching Christmas movies whenever you weren’t around for the last week.  Two, you like this one so hush.  The guy is a fireman, your missed profession. Three, I’m trying to get into the Christmas mindset to put together my baking list.”
“Oh great, it’s that time of the year again. What crazy ideas are you going to come up with this year, actually wait, let me grab a beer first.”
You laughed as he walked back to the kitchen.  Dean might give you a hard time with the Christmas crazy baking list you come up with, but you also know he very much enjoys the sweets you bake.  You two had been dating since your freshman year of college and he was always your official taste tester.  Although anything pie related was his favorite.
“I think I’m going to just do round sugar cookies again, while I was off after surgery, I watched a cookie decorating class that showed how to paint the frosting with food coloring and alcohol.”
“That sounds like a mess,” you threw a pillow at him. “I mean great Sweetheart, I’m sure they will be amazing.”
“Keep talking Winchester, see how big a hole you can dig.  Here’s a recipe for mini pie like cookies, I co”
“..uld try. Okay, adding to the list      https://www.pinterest.com/pin/518406607102183606/
You were bound and determined one year you would get these cupcakes done; just not sure this year would be it. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/174584923040748115/
“How about Christmas Cheesecake Cookies?”  You showed Dean the picture and this time he glared you.   https://www.pinterest.com/pin/174584923040791076/
“Do you remember the red and green Krinkle Cookies you did last year?  Your hands were dyed red and green and so was everything you touched while rolling them.  I’m voting no more dyed cookie dough.”
“Fine spoilsport.”
“How about you put the computer away and come to bed with me.”
“You’re heading to bed already it’s only, oh.  Be right there Babe,” quickly shutting everything off you chased after your husband to the bedroom.
The party was a little smaller this year, some people still weren’t all for getting together with people yet.  It was mostly family and some close friends.  Honestly, you preferred it that way, less entertaining you and your mom had to do, and the more you could relax and enjoy the night.   The best part about having this early, was your baking was now done, you had even gotten Dean to get the decorations out and most of the house was done.  You enjoyed cuddling on the couch with the Christmas lights glowing around you.  
Thanksgiving was once again split between both of your families.  You went to your dad’s mom for a late lunch and spent time with your family. Then headed over to John and Mary’s for well, for Dean dinner, you were still full, so you just picked at a few things.  After cleaning you ladies joined the guys in the living room where they were watching the game and supposed to be keeping an eye on Jake.  You and Jess talked sales you saw in the ads and tried to get gifts ideas out of Mary for her and John.  Like your mom, she wasn’t very helpful and just said you guys didn’t have to get them anything.  Usually you and your mom would hit a few stores tonight, but nothing was really open with everything going on.  The two of you had planned for the next day to get a few things before you both headed for work. It was nice to spend time with just your mom anyways.
Every year December seems to fly by, it was the second week now and you had been feeling a bit off, and more tired than usual.  According to Dean you had become a bit moody too. Which of course you snapped at him when he mentioned that. He’d been watching his step after that. One morning you were taking care of the dogs when you felt sick and had to run to the restroom.  You didn’t go into work that day, since you didn’t want to get anyone else sick, but felt fine as the day went on.  The next day at work you walked into the cooler and for some reason the dough smelled strong to you and you had to walk back out and get some fresh air.  You attributed it to yesterday’s stomachache.  Then the burping started again. Donna heard you at work and came over.
“What’s going on lady?”
“Something’s off, I haven’t been feeling well, I started throwing up and the burping restarted.”
“You know what you need to do right?”
“I know, but really Donna, can’t I catch a break.  I don’t know how Dean is going to take it if the doctor tells me there is another problem, I don’t know how I’m going to take it.”
“Okay, well before we send you into the operating room again, maybe you should see what the doctor has to say first.”
“That would be the logical thing to do, I prefer worst case scenario.”
That night when you got home from work you told Dean what was going on and when you called your doctor’s office, they actually had an opening on Friday and could get you in then. Dean was unable to go since Benny would be leaving that morning for a weeklong trip to see his wife’s family for an early Christmas.
The day of your appointment arrived, the nurse, Julie that took you back was your cousin’s friend who first introduced you to this doctor.  You two chatted on your way back to the room.  When you got to the room, she asked what was going on and when your last period was.  You explained your symptoms and how you were worried about another mass or fibroid. It had been over a month since your last, but you hadn’t been regular since your surgery and going off birth control. They took a blood and urine sample to send for tests before you saw the doctor.  The doctor pushed near your uterus to see if he could feel any bumps around there. He wanted you to get an ultrasound, so that was scheduled for Monday, your labs would be done then also.
It was a quiet weekend for you and Dean.  Monday rolled around and your appointment was that afternoon.  Dean was supposed to meet you at the hospital, where the doctor’s office was located, but was stuck in a meeting with a new supplier.  Since you were there for an ultrasound you were just supposed to see the tech who would do the test, but Julie was the one who came and got you.  She took you back to the ultrasound room.  When you were back, she told you the test results came back.  You left the doctor’s office in a bit of shock after scheduling your next appointment.  As you passed the mall on the way home you decided to make a quick stop.
That night during dinner Dean asked you what the doctor had to say.  When he called you after your appointment you said you were fine and would talk to him at home you didn’t want to discuss it over the phone.
“I’m going to need follow up appointments for the next few months, but everything is good.”
“If it’s good why do you need follow ups, what aren’t you telling me?”
You got up and went to get the package you picked up from the mall, handing it to Dean you sat back down.  He looked at you and back to the wrapped box.
“Open it.”
Ripping open the paper he looked at the open back and back to you.  “Wait, what?  Really?”
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You told Dean what happened at your appointment.  The results came back, and you were pregnant. Because of your history though, the doctor still wanted an ultrasound just to make sure there wasn’t a fibroid or a mass there.  They didn’t find any problems; the tech could just make out the embryonic sac the baby would be growing in.  They figured you were around 5 weeks, and due around August 14th.  Dean jumped up and grabbed you in his arms, tears were gathering in his eyes, he was so happy.
Later that night you were laying with Dean on the couch and he was going through his phone.
“Hey, the baby is about the size of an apple seed right now.  An apple seed, that’s smaller than my fingernail!”
You looked over at his phone and saw he was going through baby sites.  “Yes, that is tiny.”
“I can’t wait to see them in the activity walker car, they are going to love it like Jake does.”
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“Dean, honey, you know we still have like 8 months till the baby is here, and then they aren’t going to be able to use that right away, right?”
“Yeah, well they still will one day.” He learned closer to your stomach, “right little on, can’t wait to play in the car walker daddy got you.”  You had tears in your eyes watching Dean talk to your baby, you had been so afraid this day would never come.
Wiping your eyes, “I thought you said you bought that for Jake?”  Knowing that was his excuse at the time, hoping one day it would by your child playing in it.
“Well, I, um,”
“It’s okay Dean, I get it.”
Sitting in the hospital bed you looked down at the little one in your arms, and still couldn’t believe how lucky you and Dean were to be here. Your mind went back to last year’s Holidays, and what happened after you found out you were pregnant.
The two of you debated on telling anyone about the baby yet, since it was early.  As excited as Dean was you didn’t know how long he could keep the secret.  You would only be seven weeks along at Christmas but decided to tell everyone Christmas Eve at your parents.  You were going to tell them like you told Dean.  You found some grandparent gifts for them to open. Since Sam had Jake it would be John and Mary’s second grandchild, but your parents first.
While playing games after dinner on Christmas Eve, you and Dean rigged a team game that had your parents all winning.  Handing each of them the gifts you picked up Dean grabbed the camera to record their reactions. It took a minute before it sank in, but everyone was so excited for you.  Mary and your mom rushed over to hug you while John and your dad congratulated Dean. The rest of the family joined in after the grandparents.
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“The baby is the size of a blueberry now.” Dean proudly told everyone.
The two of you decided to have a quiet New Year’s Eve in.  Your parents, Dean’s along with Sam, Jess, and Jake came over for dinner, and games. The guys ended up in the basement watching some competition, while you ladies were watching the New Year’s countdown and talking babies.  On a trip upstairs Dean heard the conversation and informed everyone that the baby was now raspberry sized.
You had your 11-week ultrasound the Friday before Dean’s birthday.  You scheduled it then because you thought it would be an early birthday treat for him getting to see the baby.  They were going to confirm your due date, and there was a chance you would be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat.  Dean looked over at you with a smile when you were walking up and threw his arm around your waist.
“You’re starting to show, I can’t wait till I can feel him kick.”
“Remind me when this kid is playing soccer in me, how happy you are about it then.”
He put his arm around your waist as you walked. “Yeah, yeah, come on I can’t wait to see our little prune.”
“I can’t wait till next week, and we’re on a different food.”
Dean was so excited he could barely sit still in the office.  They called you back and got you settled in the room before the tech came back to start.  She started and was running the wand over your stomach when she found the baby and pointed him out to you.  Dean grabbed your hand.
“Wow, Sweetheart, that’s our little one.”
“Yeah.”  You both had tears in your eyes.  
The tech turned on the volume so you could hear the heartbeat.  “There it is, wait a minute.” She was moving the wand again.
“What’s going on?” You worriedly asked.
“There’s another heartbeat.  Here, we have a shy one.”
Looking at the screen you saw another tiny dot.
“Wait, are you saying?”  You looked over at Dean and he was looking at the screen it hadn’t hit him yet.
“Congrats, you’re having twins!”
“Wwwhat?” Dean finally tuned into the conversation.
“Happy Birthday weekend dad, you’re getting two babies!” Dean’s look of shock wasn’t one you would be forgetting anytime soon.
Leaving the doctor’s office, you both were a mix of shock, nerves and excitement.  It was hard to tell which one was winning out right now.  You had the family over to the house for Dean’s birthday on Sunday and you let him share the news with everyone.  You also decided it was time to tell the rest of your friends.
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You moved your gaze from the tiny bundle in your arms to Dean staring down at the tiny swaddled baby in his.  Someone had Daddy completely wrapped around his finger.  Sensing you watching him he looked up with a smile on his face. “Sweetheart, I can’t believe our babies are finally here, I can actually hold them and see them when I talk.  You did so good,” he told you leaning over to kiss you.  Dean had been constantly talking to the babies and trying to feel them kick before they were born.  Ever since you got back to your room and the twins were brought in, he had one in his arms at all times, relishing in the fact he now could.  
Dean wanted to go all out for Valentine’s Day this year.  He said it was the last one with just the two of you, and last year it had been a week after your first surgery, so you just stayed home.  Thankfully, you had a dress that had been fairly lose on you before, so you didn’t have to go find something new.  Dean had reservations at a nice restaurant in town, where you enjoyed each other’s company and the food.  You were beat by the end of dinner and headed home to cuddle on the couch.  Dean was rubbing your stomach and talking to the babies while you watched a movie, you were running your hand through his hair.  
“How are my babies doing tonight? Did you enjoy the nice dinner I took your mommy to?  I can’t wait till I can meet you guys. A few more months, you have some growing to do.  You guys are 14 weeks, that means you’re as big as lemons now.  You would fit in the palm of my hand.”
The next month went by fairly quickly, both you and Dean busy with work.  There were things around the house that would need to be done to get ready for the birth of the twins.  It seemed like Dean was quickly lessoning what we would let you do without help so you wanted to get started soon before he had you completely sidelined. You had decided to turn your guest room into the nursery and move the spare bed into the office neither of you really used.  You cleaned out some of the lighter things because you knew Dean would freak out on you if you moved anything heavy.  One night you went through Pinterest looking for different ideas for the nursery before you rushed ahead with anything.
March 16th was your 6th wedding anniversary; you suggested a quiet night at home. Dean vetoed that since you stayed home last year, again because of you.  He booked you a weekend stay at a bed and breakfast a little over an hour away near the beach.  Being March, it was too cold to get in the water, but you spent time exploring the quaint little town and its cute shops. While you were walking the beach at sunset your first night you stopped to admire the view and Dean stood behind you wrapping his arms around your stomach.
“I love you so much, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too, Babe. Thank you for doing this.”
“You know I would do anything for you.”
“I know, you have always been so good to me, and you’re going to be such an amazing dad.  These babies are lucky to have you.”
“I love spending time just the two of us, but I can’t wait to meet these sweet potatoes.”
“Really Dean?”
“What that’s what the website says for 18 weeks.”
The rest of the weekend went very well, the highlight would have to be the last walk on the beach you and Dean took before you headed home. When you had stopped and were looking out over the water you felt a flutter in your stomach, and a few minutes later another faint one.  That’s when you realized it was the babies moving.  You told Dean and he kept moving his hand around to try and feel it too but was unable.  He was still excited because it meant he would be able to soon.
Easter was the first weekend in April, you split your time between your two families.  Sam and Jess hosted this year. While you and Mary kept Jake busy the guys hid Easter eggs around the yard for him to try and find. There were only about ten, but it still took him a little while. He was more interested in playing with the colorful plastic egg then finding the next one.  Dean stood beside you while Jess was helping Jake. His hand was on your stomach when he suddenly pulled it back.
“What was, wait was that?”
“Yeah, that was one of the babies kicking.”
“So awesome! I can’t wait till we are out there helping ours find eggs, take their first steps, holding them.”
“I think your order was a little backwards, but I know how you feel, Dean.”
You had a surprise to share with both of your families. A few days earlier you had gone for you third ultrasound. Since you already had the surprise of twins you decided to find out the genders.  While you were sitting around talking after dinner you let Dean tell his family, you had told your earlier in the day.  Jake was sitting in his lap when he started talking.
“Hey buddy, do you know how big your cousins are now?”  Jake didn’t understand and just looked at his uncle.  “They are the size of pomegranates.”
“Dean, Babe, he’s not even two yet, he doesn’t know what that is.”
“He’s Sam’s kid. Sam eats all kids of healthy shi.. stuff. I’m sure he has those around the house.”  Sam just shook his head and glared at his brother.
“Do you think you want a girl or boy cousin to play with?”
Mary was looking between the two of wondering if this conversation was going where she thought. Jake never answered Dean no matter what he did to try and pull something out of him.
“How about one of each, what do you think about that?”
“Is that one you’re having?”  Mary asked not being able to wait for any more of Dean’s game.
“Yep, we are having a boy and a girl.” Dean grinned proudly.
“Oh man,” Sam started, “a little girl is going to have you so wrapped around her finger.”  They all congratulated you and Dean once more.
It was the second weekend in May and you really needed to get going on finishing the nursery or starting it.  Who would have thought the hardest part was going to be picking a theme you and Dean could both agree on.
“Come on Y/N, what’s wrong with that idea?”
“Dean, I’m not letting your obsession with scaring your brother using clowns scar our children with a clown themed nursery. Not going to happen Winchester.”  The mobile and matching blanket he found even creeped you out a little. 
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“How about race cars? No, I got it!  Let’s paint Baby on a wall!”
“Um, nice thought. We were trying to keep it neutral remember?  How about when they get older, and this little guy can appreciate cars almost as much as his daddy, you can do a car theme.  Who exactly is going to paint Baby, or did you suddenly become Picasso?”
“I didn’t get to who was going to paint it yet in my planning. Fine we can do cars down the road.  Where are your ideas?”  
“You have already shot them down, you didn’t want to paint the chevron lines, the silver and blue was to girly.” You just shook your head and went back to looking.  This was going just as well as picking out names.
Dean looked over at what you had pulled up. “I like that color.”
“What, I can’t like that?”
“No, I was asking do you seriously like it, because I do too?”  
“Well we like it, but how about my little rutabagas?”
“Really Dean?  Do you even know what that is?”  mumbling something he turned back to his phone; you wouldn’t be surprised if he was looking up rutabagas. On the plus side you finally had the nursery plans worked out.
Jess, Mary and your mom threw you a baby shower the first weekend in June you were about 30 weeks now.  They had the party at your parent’s house, this worked out nice for you since you lived closest to them and it would be easy to take things home.  Dean and the guys could hang out at your house since they didn’t want to attend the party the whole time.  Jake was almost 2 and very interested in the presents on the table. You all had to keep him from trying to climb up there.  It was a great couple hours playing games and spending time with family and friends. Babies Winchester were spoiled greatly!
Dean did come down toward the end, you’re pretty sure though he just wanted food.  You excitedly showed him the wonderful gifts people gave the babies and you.  He eagerly described the nursery, told people how fast the baby was growing, and how they were now as big as cucumbers.    
Your birthday was a few weeks later, and at 32 weeks you weren’t up to doing much for it. Your families came over to the house for dinner.  Your parents and Mary had been around and helped with different projects in the nursery. John, Sam, Jess and your brother on the other hand hadn’t been over in a while, so they had not seen the nursey.  Dean was eager to show them all
“This is where my little squashes will sleep.”
Jess looked at Dean and laughed, “It’s cute that you think they are going to sleep Dean.”
The majority of the nursery was done now.  You had gone with the soft aqua color you both liked, along with white furniture and trim.  You had gone with light grey and white chevron curtains and pillows to accent it, along with soft grey carpet.
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The Winchester’s always did a big 4th of July BBQ, this year was no exception.  Ever since Sam and Jess got married you rotated hosting it between the three of you.  This year should have been yours and Deans’ but since you were 34 weeks along Mary graciously told you they would have it.  The doctor had told you to really start taking things easier, so you were trying not to overdo it.  Mary didn’t let you help much in getting ready for the party, but you did busy yourself in the kitchen at home making a few desserts and Dean’s favorite pasta salad. You were thankful for them taking over you hadn’t been getting much sleep and wouldn’t have had the energy to get everything done you would have wanted.
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Dean was manning the grill talking with Sam, Cass, and Benny when you walked over to join him.  You could hear him talking as you got closer.
“Right now they are about the size of butternut squash, although they could be slightly smaller cause it’s twins.”
“I could have sworn you called them squash a few weeks ago, or was that a nickname for them?” Sam asked his brother.
“A few weeks ago, they were squash, now they are butternut squash.”
“I wasn’t aware there were different squashes,” Benny added.
“You know Dean for someone with an aversion to vegetables I’m surprised by the number of them you have called your kids.” Sam teased his brother with a laugh.
“What will they be when they are born,” Cas asked.
“Babies, Cas, they will be babies.” Dean shook his head at his brother and friends catching sight of you waddling over.  “And there is my beautiful wife, and mom to be.”  Dean leaned down and gave you a kiss while his hand went to your stomach.
Night came and you were heading back to you seat next to Dean to watch the fireworks.  When the first ones lit up the sky you could feel both babies start to kick, apparently, they were as big of fans as their dad. Dean moved you around on the bench so he was sitting behind you and could have his arms around you. When he felt the babies kick, he moved his hands around and started talking to them calming them right down.  The last few weeks whenever they were really active at night Dean’s touch and voice were the only thing that would get them to settle down so you could get a little sleep.
They figured your due date was around August 14th, but since you were having twins, they would most likely be early. Because of your previous surgeries the doctor wanted you to have a C-section to avoid any issues.  It wasn’t what you really wanted, but it was what was best.  They scheduled that tentatively for Friday August 7th unless the babies had other plans.   Which they did.  You were laying on the couch Monday morning with some heat on your back to help with the pain you were having while Dean was getting ready for work. Just before Dean walked out you started to feel some cramping. You were fairly certain you were in labor now.  Dean actually took it much calmer than you thought he would. He called the doctor’s office while you went to shower and change.  When you came back, he had both you bag and the babies in the car, and called Benny to tell him he would need to handle the shop today.
Once you go to the hospital things were a bit of a blur. They checked you in, took you to a room to exam you and prep for surgery.  Dean disappeared at one point and came back dressed in scrubs.  Before you knew it, they were taking you back to the operating room Dean right beside you the whole time.  
“It’s time to meet our pumpkins Sweetheart.”
You just looked over to him and laughed.
“It’s the last time I can say that.”
“I know Dean let’s go meet our pumpkins.”  Dean smiled widely at you as you headed down the hall.
Dean was holding your hand and trying to keep you calm when the doctor asked if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord.  He did and came back to standing next to you with tears in his eyes as he watched a nurse take your screaming son.  The doctor went back to work to get your little girl and Dean once again cut the cord. He was pushed out of the way quickly because she wasn’t breathing.  The nurse who brought your son over said that could happen with C-sections and she should be fine.  It seemed longer than the few minutes it really was before you and Dean heard her little cries fill up the room, both of you letting out a sigh of relief.
After recovering you were finally in your room with Dean and both of your babies.  Your families were here and waiting for your okay to come meet the newest members.  Dean proudly introducing the babies to the rest of the family.
“I would like you all to meet Patrick John and Sophia Allison.  You spent a few days in the hospital Dean right beside you the entire time.
After everyone left your little family alone Dean sat down next to you on the bed holding Sophia, while you held Patrick.  The two of you both lost in your own thoughts and the babies in your arms before you looked over to him drawing his attention to you.
Once you arrived home your mom and Mary took turns coming over to see if they could help you or just let you get some sleep.  Dean had to go back to the shop but tried to be home as much as possible.
The twins were two months old and not sleeping well through the night which was leaving you and Dean exhausted.  You were both working during the day, and the twins were waking each other up at night which had the two of you getting up each taking one of the babies.  You told Dean that you would get up and he could sleep, but he just kissed you as he walked by saying you were in this together no matter what.  One night you had finally got them calmed down early and both of you sank down on the couch.  Dean asked if you wanted to watch anything on TV.  
“Honestly, I don’t think I could follow along on anything right now, but the back of my eye lids. How about we head to bed before the little monsters wake us up?”
“Knew I married a smart woman.”
Just as you settled into bed you heard Patrick start crying, and then Sophia joined in.
“Seriously.” Dean grumbled.
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As you were trying to calm both babies down Dean was playing on his phone.  All of a sudden you head Samuel L Jackson voice reading Go the Fuck to Sleep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb0t9TUNLpg
“Seriously Dean?”
“What?  They can’t understand and I completely agree with it.”
Much to your surprise the twins were starting to doze back off.  If this actually worked, you weren’t sure if Dean would let you hear the end of it.  This was the quickest they calmed down for you, and also the start of hearing this every night for the next four months.  
Things weren’t always perfect, but they were perfect for you.  You had an incredible husband who always supported you and two wonderful kids who would keep you both on your toes.  No matter what happened good or bad you and Dean were in this together.
  Thank you for reading!  For now this store is complete. 
 Tag list @talesmaniac89  @deanwanddamons @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @winchest09 @waywardbeanie @emoryhemsworth @katehuntington @malfoysqueen14 @anathewierdo @superfanficnatural   @akshi8278  @sandlee44    
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dangerous-mess · 4 years
Where Are You Christmas (Aizawa x reader) Part 1
Part of Christmas Oneshots
Characters: Gender neutral reader, Aizawa, mentions of Present Mic
Contains: Arguments, angst, reader overworks and kinda isn’t the best whoops, language 
Growing up Christmas was a time that brought joy and a smile to your face, but now as an adult you hadn’t had a decent Christmas in a long time. The spark and happiness you felt towards the holiday were gone and in return you worked most years on that day. Even after you started dating Aizawa you still spent most of your time working most of the day and just spent the evening with him. 
This year Aizawa planned to do something special for you for the holiday. He wasn’t big on celebrating holidays but he was a softie at heart, and so badly wanted to spend Christmas with you. So with careful planning and dedication, he was going to make sure it happened, even if you threw a fit. For weeks he gathered Christmas decorations that he hung around the shared apartment you had moved into with him just a few months prior. He even got a tree, which he set up while you were away on a week long business trip. He made sure to get gifts and tried to make some cookies for you, cause boy did you have a sweet tooth. 
Christmas morning rolled around and he felt you shift in the bed next to him. He quickly grabbed you and gently pulled you back down, holding you tightly. 
“Sho, I love you, but I need to get ready for work,” You whispered, letting out a small huff at the end. He felt you try and escape his grip but he held on tighter. 
“You don’t have work today. Called off for you a few weeks back, so please just lay back in bed with me.” He spoke out, as he felt you tense in his arms. He slowly let you go and looked at you. You were sitting on the bed, completely facing him. 
“Shouta Aizawa, you did what?” You spat out at him, giving him a deadly glare. “Why the fuck would you do that? This job is important to me and I need to go and work any chance I get!” 
He began to sit up, making sure he was facing you. “Y/N, sweetheart, it’s Christmas. They will be fine without you for one day. And I know that it is important to you, but you’ve also been working non-stop since August. You need a break and a chance to rest.” 
“I don’t care about Christmas, it’s just another day. We aren’t children anymore Sho, so this holiday doesn’t matter. And whether or not I need a break is not for you to decide, it’s for me. So if you’ll excuse me I’m still going into work, whether you like it or not.” You pushed yourself off the bed and stormed off into the bathroom to get ready for work. He just sat there in bed, stunned by what happened but also hurting from the interaction. 
Sure, he wasn’t a holiday person and he didn’t see much purpose to most of them, but he wanted to just spend this one with you. He wanted to start traditions and just have a whole day with you, he hardly got those anymore. He fell into a daze and got lost in his mind, only snapping back to reality as you slammed the front door shut. 
The day passed and he spent it taking down the decorations, throwing them out. He contemplated throwing the gifts out but ended up just sitting them on the table. After that, he went out, specifically heading to the only person he called his friend, Hizashi, also known as Present Mic. 
He made sure to give Hizashi a notice prior to arriving and before he could knock on his friend’s door, the door swung open, his friend quickly pulling him into a hug and inside the warm house. Aizawa hugged his friend tightly and both of them sat down as Aizawa explained the situation.
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oywiththefanfics · 4 years
The Merriest of Winchesters
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** Rating - PG-13 Characters- Dean and Sam Winchester, You, Castiel
Let me know if you guys would want a part two! 
Dean stretched after climbing out of his Impala. His back, his knees, everything ached as if he hadn’t moved in days. He was looking forward to getting inside of Bobby’s old house and plopping himself down on a comfy bed. 
He glanced up at the house, as he always did before entering. It felt strange to be here when Bobby wasn’t. He and his brother, Sam, made a pact to never meet here again after they burned Bobby’s body. But Sam was insistent that they return for Christmas every year.
“Is it my turn to put up the tree this year?” Sam asked, unfolding himself from the front seat and grabbing his bag out of the back. 
Dean shrugged his shoulders and mumbled, “dunno.” before he walked up to the door and unlocked it with the key. 
Inside smelled... clean. It was as if it hadn’t been sitting empty for the last couple of months. Dean paused, trying to remember the last time that he or Sam had stopped by to gather supplies--or sleep. It had to have been back in August, back when he had that Washington demon case. 
Dean raised his hand to motion to his brother, his other hand reaching for his gun that he kept in his belt. Something wasn’t right. 
Sam stopped and dropped his bag, reaching for his own gun as Dean motioned for him to run around back and check out the place. Dean would take on the inside, the closed off spaces, so Sam would have a chance to get away if possible. 
Last time he set food inside, the place smelled of rain and mud, seeing as they almost never mopped the floors before leaving. The smell of roses and lavender filled his nose the further into the house he stepped. 
The lamp that sat on Bobby’s desk was on, shining bright as if somebody placed a new bulb in it recently. Something really wasn’t right. Somebody broke into this house, somebody was cleaning. Demons wouldn’t clean. Neither would a vampire or a werewolf--unless they were claiming the house for themselves... 
Dean kept his eyes wide as he slowly scouted the place, looking in every room downstairs before heading up, careful to miss that noisy stair close to the top. 
“Hello?” Dean called out, knowing that he was wasting time trying to be quiet. Whoever was in this house, it was most likely human. Someone wanting to squat for a little while, someone needing a place while the snow outside slowed down. 
No answer.
He kicked open the door to the old room that he and Sam shared once. Aiming his gun inside, he froze when his eyes landed on a small figure standing there, holding up a gun of her own, a messy bun on top of her head, and in an oversized Christmas sweater. 
“Whoa!” Dean didn’t know if he should drop his gun and hold up his hands or keep it aimed at her. She was so small, so fragile looking, he was afraid of hurting her. “Who are you??”
“Who are you?” She narrowed her eyes at him, her glasses sitting at the edge of her nose as if she had just jumped up and didn’t have enough time to push them back up. 
“I asked you first.” Dean grumbled. “Did you know Bobby?”
“I knew him.” She said confidently, holding her chin up high. “He took me in after my parents died.” 
Feeling a little better, Dean lowered his gun but still kept his grip on it. “Dean Winchester. Are you a hunter?” 
“Winchester...” Her eyes widened as if she knew that name. The handgun she was holding fell at her side, though she kept her finger on the trigger as well. Son of a bitch. You sure do get around.” 
He tilted his head to the side, unsure of what she meant by that comment.
“[Your name]. I only started hunting after the devil killed my parents.” She said, almost proudly. A little too proudly. 
It clicked after she said her name, though. He had heard of that name before. Lucifer had mentioned it, Bobby had mentioned it. It was common knowledge amongst hunters that the [your name]’s had once stood in the way of Lucifer and had died, though most hunters thought the child died as well. 
She smirked, knowing that Dean was standing there, trying to figure out the real story in his head. He was confused, he was wondering why Bobby never told him or Sam of the girl. 
“Yeah, that’s the reaction I get a lot.” She tossed her gun on the bed and glided over to the standing closet. She pulled a pair of leggings off a hanger. “I was supposed to die that night. He thought he killed me, too. Poor Luci was too cocky to check his own work and I made it out of there alive. Not without a few scars, though. Bobby found me, patched me up, explained to me what I had just been through, and I asked him to train me, I wanted to find and hunt the devil down.” 
Realizing he was still holding his gun, Dean quickly put it back in the holster and crossed his arms, watching the beautiful creature in front of him pull on the pair of leggings carefully, doing her best not to show off her goods in the process. He turned his head, letting her have some privacy. “And then we locked him in the cage.” Dean stated, wanting to know more of the story.
“Dean?” Sam’s voice carried from down the stairs. 
“Up here! It’s okay, Sam. Just a girl. Get your ass up here!” Dean called down.
She raised an eyebrow. “Both Winchester’s in one place? Last I heard, you two parted ways.”
“Yeah. well, things change.” Dean uncrossed his arms and made room for his brother, who appeared at his side, gun put away. He was panting, as if he ran miles. 
“We’ll catch you up over coffee. Who wants some?” She glided over to the door, motioning for the brothers to part.
Dean sipped on his black coffee, the warmth making his insides feel better after the scare from earlier. He was still concerned on why Bobby never told them about this girl, about how he adopted another child and trained her. Bobby didn’t like to train, he didn’t like kids. Then again, he did take in a young Sam and Dean.
She poured herself a second cup of coffee before sitting with her legs crossed on a foot stool by the fire that Sam had put on for everyone. “After you two caged Luci, I felt like I had no purpose anymore. I went to Bobby and asked if I could stay here, help him around the place and go on hunts with him, but he didn’t think I should put myself in danger anymore. He begged me to stop, but I couldn’t It’s who I was after that.” 
“I get that.” Dean commented, licking his lips and thinking back to all those times he tried to quit. For Lisa, for Ben, for Sam. Hell, it was the hardest thing to do.
“I had a big target on my back for a while, too. I turned my anger on the king of hell, Crowley. He was nothing compared to Lucifer, but he knew how to slip away.” 
“He does that.” Sam agreed. “But... Why are you here? Now? Why haven’t we ever seen you before?”
She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve only ever actively gone to one other hunter before. His name was Rufus, and that was because Bobby told me they were best buds. Rufus helped me out with a few cases before he left me one night. After that and Bobby’s death, I just decided that it wasn’t any good to befriend a hunter.” She shrugged her shoulders. 
Again, Dean nodded his head in agreement with her. 
“I’ve always wanted to meet you two.” She sat her empty cup down and looked between both of them. “After seeing baby photos of the two of you around the house and all the stories. Bobby was so fond of you.”
Dean and Sam found themselves smiling at that thought. Dean always considered Bobby another father figure in his life. Probably more so than his own father. 
“I just... wanted something to be happy about this Christmas.” She sighed.
“Yeah...” Dean nodded. “Us too.”
“We have more to celebrate now.” Sam smiled. “There’s going to be four of us this year.” 
“Four?” She tilted her head.
“Castiel.” Sam jabbed his finger towards Dean. “Dean’s guardian.” 
“He ain’t no guardian.” Dean grumbled. “Just a friend.”
“Ohh.” She smirked. “The angel.”
Dean claimed the couch over the next couple of nights, seeing as she had the bedroom, Sam opted in for Bobby’s room, and there were no other beds in the house--except for the one down in the panic room. He wasn’t too keen on staying in there. 
It wasn’t so bad having a girl around. Dean liked listening to her hum classic rock and Christmas songs as she did tasks and hung up Christmas decorations. He loved to watch her struggle to get something done--like putting dishes on the top shelf. It always gave him a chuckle because she was just too short but refused to let him help her. 
Things between him and Sam hadn’t been too great this year, but with the extra company between them, Dean was starting to feel the tension lift. It didn’t feel like a chore to speak to him anymore. He didn’t like when things were like that, he wanted a relationship with his brother. They were all each other has. 
“When is Castiel showing up?” She asked one evening as they were putting up the Christmas tree. 
“He shows up whenever.” Dean shrugged his shoulders and put one of the many fishing baits on the tree. “He’s on some top secret mission we weren’t allowed to talk about.” Dean said a little mockingly. 
She giggled. Dean loved the sound. It was like little bells ringing through the air, giving him goosebumps. 
She stood up on her tip toes and placed a tree shaped air freshener on one of the branches. “Next year, I want a real Christmas tree. Like, a real one. I want to smell the pine cones and sweep up the needles every day...” 
“It would be nice to have my own house to put a tree up in.” Dean sighed, not meaning to say that out loud. He didn’t dare let anyone know how badly he wanted a normal life, how bad he wanted a white picket fence and his very own bed. 
“Someone to cuddle by the fire and watch Christmas movies with...” She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. 
Dean looked up at her from the floor, which he was sitting on to finish the lower branches. She was so cute standing there in an oversized flannel and tight jeans ripped at the knees. The tank top she wore underneath tight around her waist, showing off her curves. “You know, we have a fire.” 
“And no one to hold me. Who am I gonna ask? The angel?” She rolled her eyes.
Dean felt a tinge of jealousy at the thought of Cas holding her. “I volunteer.” He said teasingly, just incase she found it offensive. 
“Ah,” she smirked. “I should have known I’d get an offer from Dean Winchester. I’ve heard those stories.”
“Stories?” Dean was genuinely confused.
She sat down on the arm of one of the chairs and shrugged. “From other hunters, even some demons. How you pull women in, seduce them, keep them for a night, and throw them away like they are nothing to you.” 
“Hey,” Dean stood up, his face growing hot at the thought of her rejecting him. No, it wasn’t the rejection. He realized it was the way she thought about him. “First of all, I don’t throw girls away. I make sure they’re okay with something short term.”
“Oh?” She rolled her eyes up at the ceiling and sat back, exposing a little bit of her stomach as the flannel fell on either side of her. “Doesn’t matter. It’s not like we can have anything normal anyway. There’s too much moving around... I tried dating a hunter a few years back, after Bobby died. He comforted me, told me he’d keep me safe. He got too attached and wanted to quit, start a family.”
“Wish we could some times.” 
“Be nice.”
Dean watched her for a second. “You know, my offer still stands about the fire.”
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ijustneedtowhine · 3 years
I realized I don’t want to work, so I won’t.
I feel like I‘m going to be judged for what I’m about to say. But I’m going to say it anyway. I kind of always wanted to be a housewife. Let me start by saying, I hate the term, “housewife”. It sounds like I’m a human pet or something. But moving past the stupid word, I always pictured myself homemaking, married or not. In school, growing up, when we would have to say what we wanted to be when we grew up I never ever meant what I said. I could not for the life of me think of a job I ever wanted to do. It sounds “lazy” but I never wanted to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, there were things I liked to do. I was a very active kid. I did a million different clubs, stage crew and color guard all throughout high school. I enjoyed it all. But I would be lying if I didn’t say that the second I thought about those activities turning into jobs, I lost all interest. Something about turning my hobbies into means of production, swiftly sucked all the joy out of it. I realize now that it was weird we were being taught to aspire to become workers. I just have no interest in living my life that way (doesn’t mean I didn’t try though).
In the beginning I did try to force my round peg into some of the square holes provided by our capitalist society. I went straight to college after high school. My second year in, I decided to turn my hobby of stage crew into a career path. One very big thing ruined this for me. In order to take the classes I needed like; stage lighting, stage makeup, and the opportunity to work on the crew, I had to major in theatre and take all of the acting classes. YEAH. You read that right. I had to freaking act. I have ZERO interest in acting. Very much not my thing you guys. The program director's excuse was that we needed to understand what the actors did as well. These classes were some of the most uncomfortable times in my life and I really wish I had never done it. Needless to say. that only lasted one and a half semesters for me.
One thing I feel like I should inform you of is that 2 weeks before I dropped out of college, my big sister, my absolute favorite person in the world, passed away suddenly. She had small children and an ex unfit to take care of them. My family and I were dealing with custody fights and a new life no one in my family ever wanted. Looking back now I know that it was incredibly traumatic for everyone involved and played a huge roll in why I left school.
Another hobby I tried to turn into work was makeup and skincare. I went to beauty school right after I dropped out of college. You see, even though I was able to convince my parents to let me leave school, they still wanted me to be working towards a career of some sort. So I enrolled into beauty school not fully understanding what I was getting myself into. Like I said, I am only interested in makeup and skincare. But here, at my school you had to also learn to do hair. My naive 20 year old ass trusted the enrollment lady when she said that I wouldn’t have to do much hair and that the program was pretty evenly distributed. LIES. Hair was 90% of what we did there. I fucking hated it you guys. I of course liked certain parts of it. The material was interesting, the tests were a cake walk, I made some friends, and even dated a girl I met there for a short while. But when it came to graduating to the salon and doing real customers hair for 8 hours a day (before going to my job where I worked 5-6hrs a day 6 days a week I might add) I was fucking over it. This on top of my ever blooming anxiety was a real recipe for me to avoid, avoid, avoid. My attendance was piss poor by the end. I got kicked out because of this. I wasted $20,000 on something that turned into nothing and ruined my self esteem. I felt like such a loser for not being able to finish. I could not for the life of me understand why I couldn’t get myself out of bed and go. Why would I cry at the thought of having to walk through those doors? I knew I had to, but I physically couldn’t after a certain point. So after beauty school I just kept working a shit-ton. I got a retail management job that I was at for a couple of years. I liked it well enough. Management was fun and I was good at it. The day I put in my two weeks notice I walked into the back to put my stuff away and my store manager and district manager were there with balloons ready to surprise me with the good news that I was being promoted. That was a pretty awkward conversation to have needless to say lmao. And to be honest I only left because I wasn’t making anywhere near enough money.
 The job I left for is where I met my favorite person alive, my sweet husband. We were in the same department and we started talking when I was new and had no clue what I was doing. He would help me out when I needed it but was too stubborn to ask. We would stand around and talk when there wasn’t much work to be done. I could tell he was really kind and funny, so one day I just decided I didn’t want to stop talking to him. I offered him a ride home that morning (we worked overnight). We went to a park to watch the sun rise and we literally haven’t spent a day apart since. He’s truly the loveliest person I’ve ever known. I can confidently say our relationship is the only good thing that came out of my first couple of years of adulthood.
This job is where I hurt my back, Christmas 2019. I was working 7 days a week 12 hr shifts and I was fuuuckkinggg exhausted. I lifted something wrong and that was that. My back hasn't been the same since. I’ve gone to chiropractors and nothing helps. I can’t even do the dishwasher without having to take a break. So obviously I had to stop working there. I lasted until august 2020 though! I used a back brace and took lots of days off lol. At the end I just could not do it anymore. My last shift I spent the last three hours of  my shift crying in pain and taking breaks to sit every 5 minutes. I walked out the second my shift was over and never went back in. I felt like I was ripping my body apart. My now husband, then fiance, and I decided that I should look for something to let me sit. I did that. It sucked. Depression and anxiety got the best of me once again and I stopped going. I don't know what happens to my brain but it feels like it starts to attack me with words, fears and feelings of despair. I shut right the fuck down. I’m not strong enough to push through. And I don’t think that I have to be that strong. Once I had enough break downs about being too scared to leave the house my husband and I decided I would stay home as long as it takes me to get better, physically and mentally. I love him so much for being on board and understanding that I needed a break. 
It’s been a couple of months now and I’ve had a lot of time to try and connect the dots in this pattern of my life. I think that I spent a really long time fully convinced that being a housewife in this day and age was out of the question. Deep down I knew it was the only thing I could ever picture doing and being happy with. I loved organization, lists, cleaning, and cooking. Growing up I always felt really good about myself when I cleaned and organized my room. I would sit around and day dream about what my home would look like and how I would decorate it. But none of that mattered when I was being told that I should aspire to do a job and love it enough to do it until I’m in my 60s. Like what? I don’t love anything enough, besides my family, to do it for decades of my life. When I finally admitted to myself that taking care of a home and a family is truly what I aspire to do, the thing that feels like it gives my life meaning, I felt a sense of relief, and then quickly after, some anxiety. I started to get scared of what people would think of me. I know that there are a lot of feminists out there that actually understand the ideal of feminism. They would never down a woman that is doing exactly what she wants (as long as she isn’t hurting anyone). But on the other hand I have encountered so many people, men and women that are really nasty about women that are or aspire to be housewives. So many of the people I grew up with joked about people they didn’t like ending up bored housewives. I know I shouldn’t have but I laughed along. Knowing deep down in a locked away place, it was the only thing I pictured myself doing. I just don’t see what’s wrong with homemaking if that’s what you truly want. 
Finally, I’ve come to realize that I shouldn’t be ashamed of doing exactly what I want to do. It works for my husband and I, and that’s the only thing I should truly care about. I picked the side of things that felt like home. Like they fit. The part that brings me satisfaction, joy, and the space to move at my own pace.
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ft-dads-au · 4 years
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Gratsu Week 2020 Prompt: “I’m ready to die if necessary” Pairing: Gray x Natsu
A Collaboration by @mdelpin​ and @oryu404​
AO3 | FF.Net | Takes place after Break Free
Summary: Watching a horror movie late at night probably wasn't the best idea Natsu and Gray ever had. Combine that with scary noises coming from the basement and you have a recipe for a night neither one of them is likely to ever forget.
August 17, 2021
Natsu and Gray had just finished putting the kids to bed and were settling in for a quiet night at home. They had turned off all the lights to create ambiance; that part had been his bright idea. The blanket that covered them as they cuddled on the sofa watching TV had been Natsu’s. Gray wasn’t sure who had decided on the awful movie they were watching. It had probably been a result of their usual bickering and constant challenges. Either way, there they were watching a scary movie like two stupid teenagers, neither willing to admit that it was making them nervous.
Gray didn't know much about horror movies, but he could tell by the eerie background music that something terrible was about to go down. The first time it had happened had been funny, Natsu had squeaked loudly and leaped into his lap at the jump scare, and Gray had a great time mocking him, but now that was coming back to bite him in the ass. The suspense was killing him, and he held his breath as he watched the protagonist walk around her house.
Agonizingly slow, eyes wide open in fear, she reached the basement stairs and descended into the darkness. Gray found himself gripping Natsu tighter against him as if he were his only tether to reality. He tried to remind himself that it was just a damn movie by taking comfort in his boyfriend’s presence, solid and real by his side.
"Hello?" the young woman on the screen called out, her voice quivering in fear, "I-Is someone there?"
Gray held his breath as she took another step down, the old wooden stairs creaking beneath her weight. The camera focused on a dark corner of the basement, slowly zooming in while the ambient sounds that were giving him the creeps intensified, and then…
Gray jumped to his feet at the clatter, wincing as he heard the thud that immediately followed, realizing much too late that he’d just dropped Natsu on the floor. However, instead of the loud complaint that he’d expected, Natsu had only scrambled to his feet, his breathing shallow and fast.
“What was that?” he asked as his eyes darted around the ample open space of the first floor of his house.
“Probably just our overactive imaginations,” Gray chuckled nervously, “how about we watch something else?”
Jingle Jingle Jingle
“Overactive imaginations, huh?” Natsu grumbled as the jingling sound continued.
“Should we check it out?” Gray asked although he wanted nothing to do with whatever might be in the basement.
“Sounds like a great idea,” Natsu approved, “thanks for volunteering!”
Gray felt himself being nudged forward and instantly dug his heels, “Hell no! It’s your damn creepy house.”
“My house is not creepy!” Natsu huffed.
Gray raised an eyebrow as another noise rose from the basement. This one followed by even more crashes.
“Ugh, fine!” Natsu turned on the living room light and walked over to the small closet that sat at the bottom of the stairs. He opened the door and grabbed one of Erza’s foam practice swords, closing the door as quietly as possible.
He quickly walked back over to Gray and handed him the sword.
“Me? What do you want me to do with it?”
“I don’t know. You’re the big bad martial arts 100th level Master or whatever, go martial art!”
“That’s not even a thing, you dimwit,” Gray scoffed, looking at the foam sword with dismay. Seriously? What was he supposed to do with that? He gave a practice swish and reluctantly started to move forward, not wanting to look bad in front of his boyfriend.
It was at that moment that the protagonist let out a piercing, blood-curdling scream that made both of them jump again.
He handed the sword back to Natsu, “Fuck this, it’s probably nothing.”
The scream seemed to have affected whatever was downstairs as well because the noises started up again, that eerie jingling speeding up with every sound.
Natsu sweatdropped, “Are you for real?! Fat lot of good you are.”
“Hey, I’m injured, remember?” Gray pointed at his broken nose, a souvenir from seeing his ex the previous weekend.
He grabbed the TV remote from the sofa and turned off the TV, eliminating one source of stress as they debated what to do.
Natsu gazed at Gray in disbelief, sighing when he refused to budge, “Fine, I’ll go.”
He took two small steps, obviously waiting for Gray to change his mind or, at the very least, come with him. When neither happened, he turned to Gray, his eyes imploring, “I’m ready to die if necessary.”
“My hero,” Gray deadpanned, ignoring the blatant attempt at manipulation, he gave his boyfriend a small shove towards the door that led to the basement stairs.
“What in the world is going on down there?” They both looked up to see Erza coming down the stairs in her pajamas. “I could hear your bickering from my room. You’re going to wake up the kids.”
The warning came too late for the kids had already woken up. The sounds of little feet padding on the floor and coming out of their rooms attesting to that fact.
“I think there’s something in the basement,” Natsu informed his sister, having the decency to look embarrassed now that everyone was awake to witness their cowardice.
“I see,” Erza eyed both of them before shaking her head in disappointment at their behavior.
“Give me that.” She demanded her sword, and Natsu was quick to hand it over.
“I was just getting ready to go, you know,” Natsu protested, sounding much braver than he had just a minute earlier.
“Yes, I heard,” Erza smirked but refrained from saying anything else.
“Gray, why don’t you go check on the kids? Natsu, you’re with me.”
Natsu grabbed another sword from the closet, swinging it around as he followed his sister down the stairs, glaring when he noticed Gray laughing at him.
Gray hurried upstairs, herding the kids into Atlas’ room, which was the closest to the stairs. It wasn’t two minutes later when he heard an unmanly squeal.
There was a loud metallic sound followed by the sound of footsteps on the stairs.
“Everything’s fine, we found the culprit,” Erza called out, and there was something in her voice that piqued his interest. Was it amusement?
He hurried down the stairs, all three kids following close behind.
Erza was putting her swords back in the closet, and there was no mistaking the crinkling in her eyes. Gray turned to look for Natsu, who had yet to reach the living room.
“Where’s Natsu?”
“He’s having a little chat with our intruder,” was all she would say.
Gray was about to go after him when the basement door opened, and Natsu finally made an entrance holding a rather unhappy looking kitten by the ruff of its neck. The kitten had managed to get itself tangled up in some sort of Christmas decoration that was mostly made up of bells.
Jingle Jingle Hisss
Gray was about to tease his boyfriend when he noticed the scratches that littered his arms and hands, some deep enough to bleed. He set out to find some antiseptic instead. Natsu continued to hold the kitten speaking to it in a soft voice as Erza carefully freed it from its bonds. Once his part was over, Natsu handed the kitten over to his sister so she could examine it. Hana gasped loudly as she got a better look. She clapped her hands over her mouth in surprise before rushing over to Natsu and Erza. “Kitty!” she squealed in delight, bouncing on her feet. “It’s so cuuutteee!!! Can we keep it, Daddy?” “I don’t know,” Natsu thought aloud, “we’d probably need to get it checked by a vet, and we’ll have to buy all kinds of stuff for it...Pets are expensive…” Although he had a good point, Gray knew it the second Atlas, and Aki joined in with their oohs and aahs, and all three kids unleashed their combined attack of puppy eyes. Natsu was screwed. “Pleeaaassseeeee?” they all chorused, delivering the final blow, and judging by the defeated groan he let out, Natsu had accepted his fate.
“Your father is right,” Erza tried to intervene on Natsu’s behalf, “We can’t make that decision until we have a vet check to make sure it’s healthy.”
The kids groaned at her words, but they didn’t let that ruin their enthusiasm. Little hands reached out to pet the small creature who seemed to take the attention in stride for the most part.
Erza chuckled and carefully petted the kitten’s head. “It is cute, though, isn’t it?” she smiled as the kitten relaxed under her touch, offering her sweet little purrs in return.
Gray couldn’t help but agree. Even though its fur was matted down with dirt, it was a pretty blue-gray color, and now that it wasn’t scared anymore, the kitten was looking around curiously and mewling.
“Yeah, adorable,” Natsu grumbled under his breath, somehow managing to examine the scratches on his arms while deftly evading Gray’s advances with the antiseptic.
“Stand still,” Gray complained, “we need to get those cleaned up.” Natsu obeyed reluctantly, wincing at the sting of the antiseptic as Gray dabbed the scratches, “What happened anyway?”
“I forgot to close the bulkhead after I finished clearing the yard, apparently that hellion snuck in and knocked the Christmas decorations over.”
“Hellion? That little guy?” Gray couldn’t help but laugh at Natsu’s choice of word, “Don’t you think you’re exaggerating just a tad? Besides, you might as well get used to it. We both know you’re stuck with it now.”
Gray had always loved cats, and he was itching to get a closer look, so when he had finished tending to Natsu, he joined Erza in the kitchen, where she was giving the poor thing a warm bath in the sink while the kids watched in awe. He carefully extended his hand to let the kitten sniff him before attempting to pet it, quickly springing back when it hissed at him.
“You know, now that I think about it,” Natsu smirked at Gray’s wounded look, “I guess he’s not that bad.”
“Oh yeah? Let’s see if you still think that tomorrow when you’re getting a nice tetanus shot.”
“A what?!” Natsu complained, “You’re joking, right?”
“I suppose you don’t have to,” Gray shrugged, pretending to give the matter no importance, “You did say you were ready to die if necessary.”
“At least I wasn’t a big scaredy-cat, Mister it's your damn creepy house.”
“Oh, please, like you were any better. The only reason you went was that your sister didn’t give you a choice, and you know it.”
"Oh yeah? Let’s finish that movie and see who the bigger wuss is. You know, the one you turned off because you were too chicken to keep watching it!"
Gray was about to remind Natsu about who it was that had jumped into who’s lap when Erza put an end to their squabbling.
“That’s enough! You’re both wusses,” Erza retorted matter-of-factly.
“Honestly, getting so worked up over a little kitten. Here, hold it while I get the bathroom set up,” Erza handed the kitten over to Natsu and recruited Hana to find some dishes they could use for water and food.
“I didn’t notice any fleas, but we can’t let this little guy run around unsupervised all night,” Erza reported before running upstairs in search of some old towels and blankets.
Natsu nodded his understanding and grabbed the blanket from the couch, tossing it to Gray so he could spread it out on the floor. Once that was done, Natsu sat down and let the kitten walk around on the blanket.
Atlas and Aki soon wandered over, fascinated by the small creature, but to their great disappointment, it seemed to have eyes only for Natsu. It walked right up to him and sniffed him curiously before rubbing its head against his hand and licking one of his fingers.
Gray still had a hard time believing that the little guy had freaked them out so much, even though that stupid movie had been a significant factor. He watched a small smile spread across Natsu’s face at the gesture, and he felt all of his previous irritation vanish, replaced by a warmth in his chest that still caught him off guard after years of feeling nothing but sadness.
He joined them on the blanket, placing his arm around Natsu’s shoulders as Aki settled on his lap, shyly trying to pet the little cat and giggling when it purred in response.
Hana placed two small saucers at the edge of the blanket, one filled with water and another with tuna. She looked overjoyed when the cat went over to explore her offerings.
Gray watched the kitten devour the tuna messily, smiling at how easily Natsu had accepted the creature who had scratched the crap out of him. It reminded him of the way he’d accepted him despite how much of an asshole he’d been in the beginning.
Natsu was a lot of things. He was incredibly loud, loved to bicker about the stupidest stuff, couldn’t sit still to save his life most of the time. God, there were so many things about him that drove Gray completely up the wall. But for every one of those shortcomings, he had discovered a dozen other things that kept him coming back for more.
Real love is warm and unconditional.
Gray’s cheeks flushed as he remembered those words, spoken so earnestly just days earlier. Breathed into his skin and burned into his soul by the man he held in his arms. He hadn’t been capable of responding then, not with all the negative feelings that had been flowing through him after their encounter with Siegrain. Still, Gray knew he’d felt that warmth for a long time now— flowing through him as it cautiously worked its way to the surface, present in every one of their interactions until he felt heady with it. And he knew it was time to let go of his fear that once he said the words, they would be used against him again.
Gray gazed down at the man he’d fallen in love with - the one who had taught him so much about love from the moment he’d asked him to dance a year earlier, who was everything he could've ever dreamed of and more.
It was time to trust in what they had built together and finally make his feelings known.
“I love you,” he spilled quietly, but loud enough to know Natsu would hear him.
Natsu turned to him, and Gray could tell he was surprised by his sudden confession. His eyes glistened, and his face was swiftly turning a pleasing shade of crimson, but still, he managed a cheeky grin as he confessed his own feelings for Gray.
“I love you too, dumbass.”
Gray snorted, recalling how he’d responded to Natsu’s awkward confession when he’d returned from Crocus. “I suppose I deserve that.”
Natsu lay his head on Gray's shoulder, neither one capable of suppressing their smiles as together they watched the now tired kitten curl up in his lap.
"Alright, the bathroom is ready for our guest," Erza announced as she walked in, her expression once again turning into one of amusement when she saw them all sitting on the blanket. "What's with those goofy grins of yours?"
Their smiles widened as they looked at each other, "Oh, nothing," Natsu replied, “ Just happy, that's all."
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jackalopefreckles · 4 years
I feel like Ive aged at least 6 years since covid started. Im angrier. Less adapted to being outside then I used to be- which is saying a lot. This time last year I was?? Actually healthier mentally then I had ever been and looking forward to having the house alone for a month which?? Was the most freedom I wouldve ever had.
A lots fucking changed. I drove halfway across the country- all 30 hours at once with my big brother AND two elderly dogs, plus my cat. All animals on too many drugs (the vet said they couldnt overdose, and then failed to give any further instruction) cami peed on herself twice, unable to move. I had to waterboard her in Phoenix, a truly terrifying hell city where all the roads are raised and overlapping and its a hot as shit cause its?? What june?? Time was so fake this year I mustve just been stoned the whole time till I ran out of weed, and since moving its been a relief to be able to turn off the spinning anxious thoughts for a few hours
my big brother joined us. He brought a new dog with him which?? Is always a lot, plus I have this pack of dogs now cause the puppy wouldnt leave the super cancer ridden dog alone, and Im able to get her cbd regularly here, so shes always comfortable now instead of just?? Sometimes which is a lot nicer. We didnt think shed make it to chrisrmas. I thought shed die with me home alone to take care of everything, like always. It was almost a relief, I wouldn't have to coach my brother through the grieving process at least, and I had already finished. Its hard now even, for me to realize she might even have another christmas (but I wont hold my breath)
I feel safer going outside here then I did in Austin. I only went out a handful of times in texas, for the last few months I was ordering almost all groceries, and only going to the store once mask mandates were mandatory (theyre not anymore. Im so worried for texas. I missed a huge freeze by mere months. I dont think my elderly dogs wouldnt survived it. If I was alone with them, Im not sure I woudlve.
My parents took my brother to mexico with them. I begged them not to go, told them how irresponsible it was to travel across boarders. To visit an island and take all the plane germs with. I told them that even if my mom and brother were staying at home all day with me, my dad was still going to work and he didnt know what his coworkers were doing. That they wouldn't know what the people on the plane were doing. That at any point they could become the stupid americans that killed half an islands population.
They left a week after today last year. The boarders were closed the next day. Their friend has been traveling back and forth ever since. I have no idea how, except for the fact shes white and rich and wont hesitate to destroy a child, so I can only imagine how shed treat costomer service.
I will no longer allow this angry aggressive woman to ever make me feel bad, and I will allow myself to finally fight back. Im an adult, maybe not all the time (cause lets be real I'll always be a bit too eccentric for most) but when I get angry and allow myself that anger, it's not a bad thing. Anger doesn't have to make me feel like Ive done something wrong. Im usually very just in my actions, and I wont allow my parents influence to tell me all anger is misdirected and hurtful for reasons I couldnt understand. Its okay for me to be angry.
I think being alone with animals for months is at least reassuring that my childhood was unreasonable if nothing else. Which of course is a silly polite society term for pretty fucked, if nothing else.
My aunt had to gall to say weve had a good 2020 cause our family wasnt hurt, and I had to walk away from the zoom call. I haven't attempted communication with any of them since, not that I normally do. Of course none of us died, all rich old white people, most of them retired and able to stay home all day (not that all of them did, I learned about my grandfathers routine and just.. Im honestly surprised no one got it yet. Of course I knew from the beginning if anyone was gonna get it and die, it probably wouldve been me. Hence the 8 months of solitude before the move.
Was the move in August?? Im so unsure about time. Even with 2020 vision.
I tried to date when I moved here. Strictly on tinder. What was the point? On and off testosterone due to the wonders of texas, hadnt changed my body nearly as much as they should've a year after being on them. I look much more handsome now. Im also allowing myself to toss gender aside completely. He/him doesn't mean man, and they/them dont mean nonbinary, so why not mix them since Im?? Not really either.
It wasnt even a thought process like that to start. Much more "this is nice" which I think more gender should be allowed to be. Dont gotta be deep just comfortable.
I wont ever allow my parents to forget what they did. I ended up with three dogs I didnt want (I was so looking forward to not having any dogs) and I ended up taking care of my brother. Again. Its easier without my parents at least. Everything always is. My dogs are even happier. Cami finally isnt anxious 24/7. Again, a sad reminder my childhood wasn't great. Daisy is healthier. Trauma can be stored emotionally or with health issues, often both. I think the cancer dog getting better and?? Surviving and thriving so much longer then the vet said (how good was my old vet?) Is another unfortunate nail in thay proverbial coffin.
Im not as soft and openly loving. Im even more touch starved somehow. Harsher. I still want to choose love and compassion, but Im not letting myself fall into the trap of being so nice people wont be nice to you. Fighting back is something I wont feel shameful about, because it never stopped me from doing it completely anyway.
I was already reaching this on my own though. This was just more coffins, more nails. This didnt need to happen. We know our government let this happen. Its still letting it happen. Im not sure when Im getting my vaccine. My big brothers sick of quarentine and keeps trying to get us to go out. Sometimes I yield, and we go to a park, or the top floor of the parking garage. I get a vegan hotdog from nearby. We talk and laugh and were genuinely just. Boys being boys.
I shouldn't have to deal with parent shit anymore. I do though, especially since two out of three are unemployed and we can really only afford to live here cause of them (they owe me if anything though. Especially with my brother and these animals) I hope I can get a job soon. Or maybe even go back to school. Im lucky I had so much saved up (for top surgery, which I guess wont happen before Im 25 like I really tried for. I wouldve done it before now, but texas waitlists and rules kept holding me up. I literally went to an appointment in dallas, a 4 hour drive, just to found out the surgeon canceled on me for the second time)
Its incredibly depressing, and I know Im lucky to have had that stash. So many people didnt have anything and lost so much. People lost people. Half a million at this point. I remember when it got to 300,000 and I just?? Felt so awful it was so close to how many people we lost to AIDS. Its over that by so many now. It doesn't really stop, does it??
Is that catholic guilt?? Or maybe just irish guilt in general. Is it something I inherited or earned through all the end of the worlds and once in a lifetime recessions Ive been through. Im not sure how many off the top of my head, theyve been coming since I was so small and its always more and more. Im not even catholic anymore. I cant stop being irish though, even though the brits tried (and succeeded. Weve lost a lot. The current royal cotastrophy is bullshit as well, the only person who deserves a royal title is from Meniappolos
My home is decorate all inside for st patrick's day. My big brother loves it so Im going all out, and its def making me feel much more irish then usual (which is a lot Im over half)
I think I just wanted to say Im not the same. I hope I can still be happy an obnoxious is public. I wonder if I remember how
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iatasbcl · 5 years
You Were Born
Pairing: Deviant!Connor x Reader
Summary: It’s Connor’s birthday and the two of you take a trip down memory lane.
A/N: I didn’t feel motivated enough to write on the 15th so here is a late birthday fic for my boy!! Prepare yourself for some tooth-rooting fluff and shitty references, Enjoy!
W.C: 2K? I think
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Monday, August 15, 2039
The first thing Connor noticed was how abnormal the silence surrounding the Andersson household was. His home wasn’t one known for quietness nor peacefulness, it disconcerted him how he couldn’t even hear Sumo’s familiar barking that he heard every time he came back from work. The lights were out too.
The atmosphere sent him spiraling into the worst possibilities, was everyone attacked? Were you hurt?
The thoughts terrified him, but he moved towards the door nonetheless, he knocked once, twice, thrice. He touched the doorknob and it turned with ease, the door let out long creaks as he tried his best to look in the dark, he, unfortunately, was not equipped with night-vision optical units.
Something was wrong, something was wrong, something was wrong —
As soon as the word hit him, the lights were on and his eyes immediately adjusted. The inner decor was covered with birthday decorations, a big ‘HAPPY ACTIVATIᵛᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵈᵃʸ’ sign hung between the living room and the kitchen. It was your font; you probably didn’t take the size of the banner into account.
Most of the people he knew were there; Hank, Sumo, Nines, his friends from Jericho, and even Gavin. And you, who was smiling at him with the adorable smile he loved so much.
You closed in on him and pulled him into a tight hug, your lips pecked his cheek and you whispered, “Happy birthday.” Into his ear.
The party wasn’t over the top, as most of the people here were exhausted from another tiring Monday.
“It was ____’s idea.” Said Hank with some blue whipped cream covering his mustache, “They managed to gather everyone today, took a whole lot of convincing bring that rat-man.” Connor now knew that was Gavin’s nickname.
He appreciated it, you gathered everyone he loved in one room for him on a weekday, nonetheless. You and Hank made him cake shaped like a cartoonish robot with blue frosting, it was a bit messy, but it looked perfect to him. He appreciated the sentiment behind it even though he couldn’t taste it.
“Then I yelled ‘Fuck da police’” Said a weirdly drunk Gavin, Connor wondered where he got enough booze to become this intoxicated. He locked everything away for Hank’s sake.
“Detective, you work for the police.” Was Nines’ coolly response.
“Yeah… Fuck ‘em.”
“Nice,” You interjected, taking a sip of your drink “So, you’re saying where you were 15 you stole a car, crashed it, stole another car and yelled ‘fuck da police’ in the face of the office that was arresting you?”
“Yeah… it was awesome” He slurred.
“I feel like I should be surprised but I’m not.” You nodded to yourself.
“Hey, Markus?” Connor noticed the alcohol in your body slightly increased as you swayed next to him, “Is it true? Is Warren an android?”
Markus blinked at your sudden question; Connor gave him an apologetic smile.
“I can’t confirm nor deny that.” He chuckled.
“That’s a yes, Gavin you own me 20 dollars.” You ran to where the said man was.
Everyone had left as it got late, Nines accompanied Gavin to his home, Markus and the rest of Jericho went to the airport to catch their flight and a rather tired Hank retreated to his room.
It was just the two of you know, he did what you advised him to do if you slipped and drank too much. He made you coffee and gave you water, it didn’t take that long for you to begin to sober up.
“I am dating a one-year-old.” You muttered to yourself, sobering you liked questioning your life choices.
“I am technically designed to be in my late twenties or early thirties.” He corrected and you groaned, “Yeah, yeah.”
For the first time in the last hours, it was quiet. But this felt pleasant.
“Do you… wanna open your presents?”
Presents were a common part of birthday parties, given in celebration of the person’s birthday. He did receive gifts and cards from the attendees that he was curious to see.
And so, he did. He and you sat next to each other on the comfy couch and began to open the gifts.
The first one was a physical copy of the book ‘I, Robot’ by Isaac Asimov. He was surprised to see it was from Gavin, of all people. “Aw, he really loves that book,” you said, “Do you think you noticed you reading a lot in the precinct?”
Reading was another hobby he picked up, he enjoyed how relaxing it was.
The second one was from Nines, it was a mug with a Saint Bernard on it, it looked just liked Sumo. He smiled; he was going to use it for his thirium.
You were smiling too, like you felt happy for how loved he felt right now.
The third one was from Markus; it was a portrait of him. His Art always managed to take Connor’s breath away. “Damn, we gotta hang that over the fireplace.”
North gave him a custom-made knife; Josh wrote a birthday card that thanked him for his help with their cause and Simon gifted him a little cactus.
Hank’s gift would’ve knocked the air out of his lungs if he had to breath. Most wouldn’t call it a spectacular gift, but it meant a lot to Connor. It was an antique coin, similar to his dear one he lost a while ago. He flicked it into his other hand, testing the waters as they say. He knew how Hank found his habit irritating and yet he got him a new coin, a beautiful one too.
“Okay, show off. C’mon open mine.” You ushered and he noticed how you started to look anxious, “Are you alright?”
“Yes, of course, just open the thing.” You pushed the wrapped box towards him, and he nodded.
It was a scrapbook, made of polaroid pictures of him and the people around you. The first page was from the first time you met, the Carlos Ortiz crime scene. He remembered how Hank scolded you for taking a picture of this piece of shit instead of working. You did not care at all.
Friday, November 5, 2038
-Welcome to the team, Mr. the android sent by cyberlife
The next page included a picture of him and Hank in the car while you drove to Kamski’s place, he remembered it being rather… dull. You didn’t talk much nor did Hank.
Tuesday, November 9, 2038
-Going to visit Mr. I live in the mountains while the whole world burns, this should be great. Also, Connor is listening to heavy metal lol
He did mean it when he said he would like to listen to music, heavy metal has been one of his favorite genres ever since. His grin only grew wider when he saw the next picture. It was taken in Hank’s house, a shot of the TV displayed him standing behind Markus and the thousands of androids in front of them.
Friday, November 12, 2038
-This dork literally joined a revolution and won… what a power move
also hank is tearing up but he threatened to break my camera if I took a photo ):
“Hank cried?” He asked and you immediately nodded, “I told you he’s a softie… he was happy you were alright.” Right, he was almost killed beforehand by his ‘evil twin’ as you said, it made sense for him to worry.
He flipped the page and a wave of happier memories hit him. Things were still hectic since the revolution ‘ended’. Many evacuated the city despite the peaceful approach that Markus took, their fear was irrational yet understandable. This meant most of the resident of Detroit were androids.
It wasn’t bad but the evacuation only meant many humans still refused to acknowledge the fact that androids were alive and in time would be their equals in the eyes of law. It lowered his spirit a bit.
Hank wasn’t having it, at all. He decided to take out the old Christmas decorations he had and invited you over to help decorate the house. It wasn’t even December, yet you rushed here.
This one was of Hank scolding him and his counterpart while they tried to put the star on the tree.
Monday, November 29, 2038
-Life is great, Connor and Nines just tried to put Sumo on the amazing (decorated by me) Christmas tree
Androids really are superior to us
He chuckled at your comment and continued. The photo was of him in a ‘casual’ suit that hank gave him. It was your first date since you asked him out. You were going to watch movies at your place.
Tuesday, February 14, 2039
-Taking this one because Connor looks nervous… and cute.
You snickered, “Do you remember how nervous you were? It was so adorable.” He shook his head, “Yes, my stress level was a bit high. You failed to mention the date would be in your apartment and not out before I borrowed this from Hank. I didn’t want him to feel bad about it and I ended up looking overdressed.”
You chuckled, again. “Well, you still looked perfect.” Your loved complimenting him and it always made his face heat up, he bit his lip and proceeded.
The next one was of him standing in Hank’s bathroom with his LED gone for the first time since his activation, it took a lot of courage to be able to let go of what he was made for, be it that little spinning device. You and Hank were with him every step of the way.
Sunday, April 3, 2039 -My boy is accepting himself
He teared up a bit, the support he got from you and the others was heart-warming, to say the least. He held your hand and gave it a quick peck.
The following one featured a hug between him and Hank. He had received gifts from both Connor and Nines, the former gave him a card with a heartfelt message while the latter gave him one that simply said, ‘You are an efficient parental figure.’ It was impressive since it came from Nines, who still struggled with his lack of a social program.
Saturday, June 19, 2039
-Father’s Day with our fav grumpy old man.
After that was him in shorts and a tank top from last month. He stood next to Sumo with a box of fireworks in his hands. He didn’t participate with the celebration since he wanted to make sure Sumo would be okay, you stayed with him.
Monday, July 4, 2039
-Happy 4th of July! Connor, your legs were made for these shorts- god bless Cyberlife.
That night did end up being… Interesting because of his choice in clothing. He did end up wearing them a bit more since then.
He flipped the page and realized the rest of them were empty. “I didn’t realize this was why you insisted on taking pictures of me with your polaroid camera.” You shrugged.
“It wasn’t in the beginning but… I wanted to capture those moments you know? Keep them with us forever.” You moved closer and snuggled with him, “You can fill it up if you want. I know you can see any memory you want anytime but… I guess this is just a sappy way of doing it.”
“No,” he interjected, “I appreciate your gift and the meaning behind it. I also wish to have many more pleasant memories with you and those around us.” You hummed with a smile then yawned. You put your head against his shoulder and soon drifted off.
He noticed your Camera on the table next to him, how convenient. He slowly reached for it and used it to take a picture of the two of you. You looked breath-taking to him, with your peaceful face and soft snoring.
Something about this felt… right. He felt like he finally belonged. Like he found his place, his family, his love. This was ‘it’ as some would say.
Monday, August 15, 2039 -I am happy.
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sope-and-shine · 5 years
Christmas Special: Day 24
-> Pairing: Jeongguk x Reader -> Family!AU // Fluff -> Word Count: 2.6k -> Summary: Jeongguk has only ever wanted the perfect job, perfect wife, and the perfect family. This Christmas, you’ve finally been able to give that to him. -> Warning(s): Mild language??? (I forget) // nothing to really be concerned about though
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When Jeongguk was younger, he’d always had big dreams of becoming a man just like his Father. He wanted to be a good, strong man, that was kind and cared for others no matter what. He wanted to have a cool job, just like his Dad’s, and be able to take care of his own family. He wanted to have a beautiful wife, someone just as beautiful and as sweet as his Mother to have a family with. He wanted someone who would take care of him and his future children the same way his mother would take care of him.
And he found you.
In college, you both shared your 9 am literature class together for your first semester. You actually didn’t even sit next to or talk to each other for the first few weeks. You didn’t even notice Jeongguk for the first time until that one day in the middle of the class when he ran in late to the lecture, but when he was running down the steps as quickly as possible, he tripped halfway on the lip of a step and tumbled down the remaining stairs until he stopped right next to you, flat on his back. You remember staring at him with wide eyes wondering if he was even conscious until his eyes opened and the first words out of his mouth were, “Well, that definitely could have gone better.” 
Your professor was livid with his outburst, but didn’t nag the boy too hard considering the fall he just had. He only demanded that he take a seat in the next few seconds or he would be removed from the room. That’s how you ended up sitting next to the clumsy boy, sharing your notes out of pity when he realized that he’d missed so much of the class already and quietly asked to borrow yours. He would occasionally make comments on your notes and how easy they were to read - he even drew a few cute little characters that made you laugh when he gave the pages back at the end of class. He then insisted that he buy you a coffee in return for letting him borrow your notes, and after a few minutes of rallying back and forth - with him insisting he definitely should and you trying your best to explain that he shouldn’t trouble himself over a few notes - but in the end you do give in to his wishes.
And that began the wonderful years that you then spent together.
From that first class and that first coffee date, the both of you soon became inseparable. It wasn’t like you treated the coffee shop like a date - but after you did become official in your Sophomore year of college, Jeongguk began to insist that the coffee date after that terrible class definitely counted as your first date together - but at the time you and Jeongguk were just starting out as friends. But as classes continued, and parties came up, and just needing someone to keep you sane in those moments; Jeongguk was the man you were looking for. Study sessions, movie nights, and even the scattered mental health day when one or both of you just needed to step back and breath for a moment. Within weeks the two of you were now the best of friends, and it didn’t take long for something more to blossom in your relationship.
Flash forward three years, and you and Jeongguk have graduated from your perspective majors, you both have amazing jobs that you managed to snag relatively quickly, and you’re now renting an apartment for the both of you. Every morning you get to wake up in the arms of your boyfriend, you get to play with his fluffy hair and leave kisses all over his face until he wakes up, you get to watch his big, doe eyes open and his bunny smile shine bright first thing in the morning. It wasn’t like you were the only one who was winning in this situation, though. Jeongguk was happy to wake up to your smiling face and your small hands carding through his hair, he loved the feeling of your lips touching every inch of his face, he loved the feeling of the warmth of your body next to his, and even when you got out of bed he was blessed with the sight of your bare legs with his shirt covering the rest of you.
Yeah, he loved his mornings with you.
The movie nights that you had back in college were now every night, usually split between Disney, Marvel, anime, or shows the both of you had started to binge on. Take out an instant ramen were constants in your lives, and it was funny just how much the two of you consumed yet continued to not gain anything - Probably due to the both of you being young, but who was really keeping tabs on this? Everyday you spent together, whether they were bad good, whether you wee sick and tired of each other or not, whether you just wanted some damn space or not, you pushed through it all so you could go to bed together in each others arms.
And that’s why Jeongguk loved you so much.
Despite the fights you did have, you would never let him leave the house or fester in anger. Despite your own ill feelings, you would always grab his hand and hold it to make sure he didn’t go anywhere until the two of you talked everything out like adults. Not only that, but when he was sick, you’d always call into his work to inform them he would not be in for the day, then you’d call your boss let her know that you’ll be in just a little later so you could make him homemade soup, you’d get him a waste bin if needed, set up his medicines, and give him a quick kiss goodbye to his temple before leaving for work. 
But you didn’t stop there. 
You’ll come home with more soup from the little shop down the street for him and a silly little card just to make him laugh a little. Sometimes - if you don’t have time to grab or make a card - you’ll take pictures of every dog that you see just so you can gush over them together when you get home. And he loved every minute of it. To see your face light up when you show him every dog that you encountered on your walk to and from work, to hear you talk about your day as if you didn’t tell him everyday, just to hear you talk to him in general! He would never in a million years have imagined that he could admit he was whipped for you.
But it was no surprise that he wanted his ring on your finger.
He told his parents immediately that he was going to propose to you, and he took you on a weekend trip to see your family just so he could ask your father in person to ask you to marry him. Both parties shed tears, and both parties were elated to be joining families. He only had to ask you, and he already had a pretty good idea on how to do so. 
The two of you loved to take walks together in the spring evening, and he figured that was the best opportunity for him to pop the question. All he needed was some help from a few of your friends. So he got the boys together, called your work friends to meet him at the park an hour before you would meet him there - you thought he had to meet with Seokjin and Yoongi - and tell them the plan and send them ahead of him with the flowers and flower petals before you would arrive. 
And boy did you arrive.
He wanted to do you right and make sure you would be happy with your engagement photos, so he asked you to wear something nice so he could take you out for a date night after your walk. You walked into the park looking for him wearing a simple white, a-line, long-sleeve dress with a red scarf wrapped around your neck, and a pair of brown ankle boots. He couldn’t tell if you were wearing makeup or not, but you looked stunning even from afar. He felt his dark jeans with a light blue button down, black shoes, and a dark red suit jacket was nothing compared to how beautiful you looked. He couldn’t even imagine you looking any more beautiful - boy was he in for a surprise - but he still had a mission to do.
“Well, you clean up nice.” You compliment him, taking his hand in yours when you get closer.
He shakes his head with a shy smile, “You look even better. Shall we?”
You nod and follow him down the familiar path, enjoying the scenery around you in the peaceful park. You chat together quietly until familiar face start to appear: Jimin is the first to come up to you, saying a quick hello and handing over a rose before he just walks away without a word. You continue on despite his strange actions, but he’s followed by your work friend Ara with a flower of her own. As you continue down the path, more and more of your friends arrive to hand over flowers - at this point you have a feeling you know what’s going on - but when you reach the gazebo by the lake that’s covered in flower petals, and Jeongguk finally takes a knee and pulls out a little black box, you’re rendered even more speechless than you’ve ever been before. You knew he wanted a future with you, and he’d spoken about marrying you before, but now it was real.
You were going to be Mrs. Jeon (Y/n).
You had your wedding that winter, choosing the most convenient time of the year to get together. It was a little hectic at first with such short notice, but the both of you were able to find a wedding planner to help you arrange everything. You found your venue in a month, chose your decorations by June, you had a dress before August was through, invitations had been sent, and Jeongguk sent the food and music lists to the respective brother he entrusted the biggest day of his life with. And when the day did come, and he saw you in your beautiful dress looking like the most beautiful angel he’d ever seen before being walked by your father, he lost whatever will he had left to not cry in front of everyone he knows. But he still had you, and you wiped his tears despite having tears of your own. You took his hand in yours, and you professed every ounce of love you had for each other.
But that still wasn’t enough. He needed more to show that you were the love of his life, he needed something bigger to prove all of his devotion to you, and being the beautiful, loving wife you were, gave him that opportunity.
“Gukkie...look at how precious he is…” You cry, looking down at your newborn son resting on your bare chest. You were having your first skin to skin contact with him after 36 grueling hours of labour, and his little body had you convinced it was all worth it. But there was no reason for you to grab your husbands attention; you already had it.
Jeongguk was just doing his best not to cry after having his son come back to your room for the three of you to be alone together. 8 months ago you had told him you were pregnant with his child, 7 months ago you told him he was having a little boy, 6 months ago you first began to show his son was in your tummy, 3 months ago you were helping him unpack boxes in your new apartment, 2 months ago you were having a great time with friends and family at your baby shower, 2 days ago you still had your little boy inside of you, and 6 hours ago you finally gave birth to your first baby. He remembers every step of the way, wrote it all down as it happened so he could remember it when he was old and grey. He wanted to share everything with his son…
And now he was right here in your arms.
“Do you want to hold him, Guk?” You ask, pulling the doe-eyed man out of his deer-in-the-headlights state in the chair next to you. You giggle, “Unbutton your shirt and try skin-to-skin with him.”
He nods, standing up so you wouldn’t have to move too much after all the stress you just put your body through. He unbuttons his shirt just enough for his son to slip through, then he helps you sit up just enough so he can move your son from your arms to his own, pulling the small human close to his chest and resting in the chair next to you again. He stares down at his son, feeling the emotions bubbling in his chest where the little boy rests. Everything about him is tiny, and he’s in so much shock that he was able to create the ultimate form of love with your help.
“He’s so small..” Jeongguk whispers, fighting back the tears so he won’t disturb the baby trying his best to go to sleep. He looks to you, seeing you now resting on your side, facing him with a tired yet content smile. You look radiant even now, tired and worn out from the days activities. He’s so overcome with love just looking at you. “You’re amazing, Jagi.”
“I know.” You tease. You reach your hand out to him and he gladly takes it in his own, squeezing gently. “We did it.”
He nods, “We did it together...”
“It looks like Minjun is all tuckered out.” You comment, adjusting yourself on the bed to be more comfortable as you watch him sleep on your husband’s chest.
Jeongguk rubs the top of you hand with his thumb, “You should join him. You’ve had a long few days, so you should get some sleep while he does.”
“Are you sure?” You ask. Truthfully, you have no doubts Jeongguk can watch your little boy, but you really just never want to stop looking at him. You don’t want to fall asleep and find him all grown up just like that.
“Get some rest, baby. It’s Christmas Eve, so Santa will be coming very soon to deliver presents.” He teases, knowing the boys will be stopping by after seeing their own families and friends to drop off yours and Minjun’s presents.
“Okay.” You reluctantly agree, knowing that you’ll want to be awake at the same time your beautiful baby boy would be as well. Christmas was tomorrow, and you wanted to play with your gift all day and for the rest of your life. You settle yourself in the hospital bed, taking one last look at your son and your husband before letting your eyes close like they’ve wanted to since you gave birth a few hours ago.
Jeongguk watches you settle, warmth in his chest - and not just from his son. After years of wanting and waiting, years of joy, sadness, and high expectations, finally finding the perfect woman to spend the rest of his life with; He now had everything he ever wanted.
Just in time for it to be the best Christmas present ever.
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