#not even merder SORRY
formari · 2 years
today is darvey’s third anniversary and i have been seeing so many adorable edits over twitter and i’d like to cry over them tonight
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batwynn · 2 months
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Seems like we’re all going through it.
(Updates on Patreon)
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emily-prentits · 1 year
You pack up the kids in the middle of the night and leave Seattle, not sure where you’re going, only certain that you can’t stay in that house that he built for you for another minute—the house that’s filled with memories of him, filled with echoes of the sound of his voice, the weight of his gaze, his smile on you—without clawing your face off or screaming his name until you drop from exhaustion.
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shelbgrey · 4 months
Can i ask for a mark sloan x reader (kinda?) but mostly derek sheperd x reader (platonic)
She is younger than derek and she is his person and he is hers, it also helps that she never really had feelings or attraction to mark and always rejects him (maybe she likes someone else in the hospital?) and she is a major merder supporter
I love addison bit she had no right showing up to seattle the way she did💀
Being Derek Shepherd's person headcanons:
Paring: best friend!Derek x reader, Mark Sloan x crush!reader, love interest!Jackson Avery x reader
Summary: the reader is Derek's person and only wants Derek to be happy. Mark is in love with her, but she loves someone else.
A/n: sorry this is so short, I've just lost motivation to write this last few weeks
MasterList ML2
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You just couldn't understand how or why this happened, Addison cheated on Derek and now you were following him to Seattle.
You didn't expect Mark to do this, let alone Addison, but you took Derek's side like you knew he'd do for you.
Derek has been your best friend for as long as you could remember, you guys go way back. To the point you knew each other as kids. You were in the same class as Amilea and that's how you met.
But you didn't become friends through her like you'd expect. Amilea was actually really mean to you growing up. Derek nor the rest of the family knew Amilea messed with you everyday at school.
Derek only found out because Amilea was forced to invite you and her whole class to one of her birthday party's. Derek saw Amilea pushing you around and immediately put a stop to it. Even mark helped a little. Then you guys had sorta been best friends ever since.
Anyway, you moved to Seattle and it actually brought you two closer. He bought a trailer to live in and you got an apartment close by. You guys are close but not close enough to live in cramped trailer with him.
You actually loved the fact he found someone new. Meredith seemed to understand Derek better and he seemed to smile more when she's around.
You and Meredith actually became very good friends and you even lived with her and your other intern friends for a while.
You couldn't stand it when Addison showed up, and she had no right to show up the way she did. It hurt you to see Derek in this position. He wanted to do the right thing so badly.
You were the only one he could genuinely open up to without being judged. If your not good with advice that's okay, he's just thankful your there to listen.
You and Addison did used to be good friends, and you'd be lying if didn't say she was like a big sister to you. You never peged her as a cheater, but here we are.
But even though you had Derek's back through thick and thin, it's wasn't hard for you and Addison to fall back into the routine of your old friendship.
But there has been a few times you've become a messenger or they'd use you against each other.
“Hey, don't shoot the messenger Shep” you said rolling your eyes after passing a message to Derek from Addison.
Then fucking Mark showed up...
He's always flirted with you and even though it seems genuine with you, I think it pisses him off you don't fall into his charms like other women do.
You've always known Mark liked you, but unfortunately you never felt the same way. You knew deep down he was a sweet person, but you only saw him as a close friend.
The last time you regected him was when he started the affair with Addison.
But it's always been you in Mark's eyes and it he can't help but be crushed. I wasn't about sleeping with you anymore, it was more than that. He wants to he the one to make you happy, protect you, and wake up with you every morning.
“what's wrong with me? What I wouldn't give to have y/n look at me the way Meredith looks at you” Mark told Derek one day.
Derek has always been over protective of you. When you were a kid he protected you from bullies now he feels he needs to protect you from certain people at the hospital.
Usually he'd be pissed given the circumstances Mark and him were once in, but he couldn't help but feel nothing but sympathy for Mark. He had seen the way he looked at you. It wasn't the lustful look he gave Addison, but actual love.
But Derek wasn't gonna help set you and Mark up. He knew you didn't love Mark and he wasn't about to put you guys in a relationship that wasn't genuine.
What really crushed Mark was when you started showing interest in Jackson Avery. It was huge mental battle because he cared about you both so much.
You didn't realize this, you thought everything was good between you and Mark. You'd never intentionally hurt him. As far as you were concerned you, Mark, and derek had become this amazing trio again.
What you did know is you never felt this way before until you met Jackson. He was kind to you from the start and honestly loved that fact you wanted to be around him because he was just being himself and you weren't choosing to be around him because he was an Avery.
He'll even listen to you drool over him. “Jesus, you might as well jump his bones right now” he joked.
You were usually the shy one, but you actually stated flirting with him first, which he found adorable. “why have a Harper Avery Award when I have an actual Avery to hang out with... Those awards don't have your eyes”
Derek was actually glad you found someone like Jackson. He loved seeing you smile more and just be more up beat.
“can't help it, he's sweet and funny... And have you seen those eyes?”
Mark did learn to move on and when he found lexi he couldn't help but notice things about you and Jackson he hasn't before.
Like he saw the sparkle in your eyes every time you looked at Jackson. Mark notices the way Jackson treats you and cares for you.
He relised he's thankful your happy and in a loving relationship. He's happy too now, so there's no since at being jealous now.
Everything seemed to be at peace now, you had Jackson, Derek and Meredith got married on a post-it note, Mark had lexi, and Addison went to work at a private practice.
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cianmarstoo · 5 months
How do you think MerDer would react to Alex being bi and sneaking out to meet a guy or someone from the hospital catches him and MerDer find out (I know he doesn't experience any attraction due to being little but if he were Big or in another AU)
(sorry this took so long!)
I think Alex would be so sneaky about it and would start to set up lies for alibis (managing to pay Jackson in coffee or something to say they're going out together somewhere while also telling Jackson nothing about who he was going out with) and sneaks out at night, or claims to be working nightshifts (that one rarely though as he knows he'll be found out fast) While MerDer try not to be overbearing when he's big they do worry a lot about him, and Alex is often grounded anyway, and he does have a curfew for when he's not working as even when Big as a Little he needs more sleep than Neutrals or Caregivers
He ends up being seen by Bailey who is at the same bar with some friends, but Alex and the guy, who also works at the hospital, leaves before she can go over, after he leaves she does see that there were two empty beers on his table. Alex gets caught sneaking back in, he claims he just went for a run, and MerDer are already so tired from working that they ground him for being out past curfew and tell him that they're going to have a long conversation after work the next day
It's only when at work that they find out - with Bailey bumping into Derek (cause the two of them are friends lbr) and stopping the elevator like they do, and being like 'I'm not telling you how to parent, but I'm surprised you and Grey let Alex out on a date at a bar at night, especially without you guys around." She quickly realises by the look on Derek's face that he had no idea and is like "... ah... I'm guessing you definitely didn't know about the whole beer thing then?"
Derek literally goes storming off and reluctantly forces himself to see Mer instead of going straight to Alex and grounding him forever , because he knows (after several fights in the past) that parenting is them having to talk first.
Meredith hears about it and like Derek wants to find out who this guy is and kill him, but they need to find out who is first, they page Alex claiming its an emergency and he thinks it going to be a cool surgery.... nope, its them and they force him to go to Derek's office which is when he knows he's in trouble they force themselves to not yell or say anything until they get to the office, and when they do they demand the name of whoever it was he was on a date with
Alex internally spirals, Jimmy Evans was probably every type of phobic, and Alex didn't think that MerDer would be but he worries now.
MerDer on the other hand aren't even thinking about the sex or gender of whoever it was, they just care that Alex has been hiding it from them, sneaking around, and drinking when he definitely shouldn't.
Meredith is like "Alex I mean it, tell me his name now. I'm going to kick his ass."
"So am I!"
"Wait... what, his ass? It's not like he turned me bi, the fuck?"
thats when MerDer get confused and realise Alex is looking panicked.
"Yeah, you were drinking, Alex, and sneaking around, hiding things from us? He's clearly an asshole-"
"-he didn't make me drink!"
"Don't care, he should have made sure you didn't, you're not meant to, you're a Little, you know that, so why didn't he stop you?"
"... because he doesn't know my classification, we've only been on a few dates...?"
its then that they realise that they probably can't kill this guy, even if they feel protective of Alex.
They assure him that they know someone can't just turn him bi. That they're not homophobic or anything, and love him no matter what.
Then they get him to tell them absolutely everything, because they need to be able to trust him, so he does... and totally ends up grounded for a month...
They also find out about the guy, like who it is, how they met, what he knows about Alex or doesn't know.
They all leave to head back to work and MerDer privately admit to each other that they still want to kill the guy, and are like "Who doesn't ask about their classification in the first few dates?" then realise that they only promised not to kill him... they didn't promise not to threaten him....... so of course they do threaten him, because at the end of the day they know what they are, and that's protective parents
they also give Alex a very indepth sex talk, he points out that he's both a doctor and completed high school, they tell him they don't care, they know him, and they heard him and Jackson saying that they thought the morning after pill is 100% effective, and they're like 'nope, you're gonna be safe, whether you do or not, and you're getting regular checks'
'and someones going to be in the same place as you are on dates until we know him better, us, or one of your uncles'
Alex would never agree to them that it's nice getting to have essentially the teen experience which he never had, even if they're overprotective and embarrassing
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(Alex when being made to listen to their safe sex talk - it doesn't work they still give him the lecture)
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spookyrobbins · 4 months
Also, you're absolutely right about the part about Mark. If the plane crash happened in s7, Callie would just grieve her friend (possibly she wouldn't even feel like she had to be the one to turn off his life support, because sure, they were friends, but that's worlds away from sharing a child). Arizona would also not feel like she was better off dead and like Callie wanted Mark in her place to be there for her and Sofia because why would she. Callie would probably also not act like Mark's proxy in any of the legal procedeeings like she did on the show. She would also probably feel like she can ask other people for help and other people might even offer it freely, unlike when she felt like it was her obligation to take care of her wife alone and to know what to do to help her wife without any help. Sorry for occupying your inbox but a plane crash at a different time is just such a fascinating concept!
no no keep sending them, i’m loving this! i’ve never really considered the plane crash at a different point, only different people
taking away that added layer of mark and callie’s relationship is major. no sofia, significantly less intertwining of mark and callie, a much different type of grief for callie. yeah there’s no chance callies the one taking mark off life support. it’s probably derek and/or addison. maybe callie’s there when it happens but maybe not. im not saying that callie wouldn’t grieve mark ofc she would but it’s just a really different relationship in s7 vs s8.
callie not acting as marks proxy in the legal stuff opens up some really interesting possibilities. at most she’d be talking to arizona about it and offering advice/opinions. i do think it’d be interesting if they ended up going down the lawsuit route particularly since arixona if i recall correctly just wanted to do a settlement. and it kind of becomes derek and co vs arizona and callie really only is close with cristina at that point vs in s8/9 callie’s become much friendlier with merder. idk that whole dynamic could be interesting. also at the point that they’re buying the hospital if it gets to that point, callie who feels sort of totally left out and arizona doesn’t necessarily want to do that and be so tied to the hospital.
the fact that teddys around in s7 i don’t think can be understated. arizona having a singular friend around could be major for her. plus it’s not as if teddys a stranger to life altering trauma. just teddy alone is a great resource for both calzona. plus even if arizona and alex had an argument that resulted in arizona getting on the plane there’s almost zero chance it was as big of a blow up as canon. at most it would be something about alex overstepping or being a jackass but not like in canon where he’s gone behind her back (although arizona really fucked up there and strangely both in character and ooc) so that’s another person to just kinda help out.
what could be really interesting is if mark survives the crash and callie who almost doesn’t even realize how much she’s choosing arizona over mark bc she doesn’t have that same level of obligation to mark that she would in s8 with sofia
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ohanny · 2 years
another friday, another cutie pie episode! so here are my thoughts while watching the second episode:
kuea is absolutely not me because i would never check my email first thing in the morning, notifs be damned
also even if i did get good news, i would not have the energy to throw a full "blackpink in your area" on top of my bed
kuea: oh yes, i am a bit... sore lian: ¬‿¬
ugh, why can't you just talk to this man who just happens to be a supportive, relatively mentally stable, functioning adult who dresses nice, cooks you food, pulls out your chair and YOU ACT LIKE THE RETURNING HIDE AND SEEK CHAMPION OF 2022
lian: if you need help, you can always tell me me: IF ONLY
nonetheless, i've had a boyfriend for a decade and i feel as single as the last crushed pringle at the bottom of the tube of doom when zee looks at nunew
kuea, a lying liar who lies: kon diao texted me lian: i love you me: KUEA DO YOU FEEL EVEN A LIL BAD???
i love the mission impossible theme tune
nong diao squared ready to cover up crimes
yi can smell bullshit a mile away but unfortunately for him, he's also a weak victorian bitch who gets flustered by a cheek touch from a twink he (alledgedly) fucked in his car just last week
diao is a good friend with a good brain cell. we all need a diao.
kuea: i have a lot to think about. me: you also have a lo to TALK about goddammit
meanwhile poor lian is just trying to plan his barbie dream wedding, oh dear
yi is here to be the best man but also to watch the world burn.
kon diao loves lists. kon diao is me.
the world does not deserve diao. this show certainly doesnt. if he was running it, again, it would be 5 minutes long. well, maybe 15. he would keep all the spicy bits.
this beauty clinic is totally not the sponsor of this series.
the totally not sponsoring intensifies
i will never not mishear this as "cosmic-exo entertainment" and i am not sorry
uh-oh, their barbie dream weddings are NOT the same
lsakjfkasljfafj a nuer x syn intermission! and nuer has a less questionable shirt on!
you two (ಥ﹏ಥ)
but props to syn never hiding his intentions and props to nuer respecting his choices even if they make him a sad boy. SOME PEOPLE could never
hia yi is eternal suffering personified even at a cake tasting and quickly becoming my favourite.
foei: oh is it too crowded? do we need more room? the gays: *offended*
salaldkjf i am catching vibes. pls tell me they will grey's anatomy this and diao and yi will end up getting married in the barbie dream wedding horror show while kuea and lian elope in korea
"you can make the final decision" says lian, not having any idea they like the polar opposite things.
he is a smooth bastard though. "ah yes, my favourite wedding singer will be too busy being my husband"
"oh no, how will our suits match if we cannot see them?" you dumbo, you have kon diao, the wedding planner extraordinaire. he has a list for that.
diao has been calling out bullshit since birth at this point.
yi: ah yes, they are so compatible. diao: dude, they can't agree on anything. yi: which is not my problem.
yi really be like "pfffft, let them talk it out between them" as if we have time to be here for the next ten years. he really couldn't give less fucks, lol
how can he answer cosmic-exo in that suit. go change.
oh, the straights are at it again
lian: thank you yi: oh, you already picked a suit? lian: yes yi: wow, i am so helpful. you are blessed to have me tolerate you.
i love how nunew's voice gets so much deeper when he switches to english
kuea: what should i do? me screaming at my tv: TALK TO YOUR MAN
diao is seriously like baby yoda and syn doesn't need to become a monk. he just needs to hang out with diao more for some deep wisdom and then keep living in sin.
nuer is a sweet understanding angel and syn is a pouty baby and i could watch these two forever
"it's our wedding, not just mine." except you have NO IDEA you're not getting your wedding but an industrial scale keerati legacy production
yi: see? they're totally on the same page diao: ...
who is this random laxatives lady and why does she look like she's about to place a curse on kuea?
lian: you pick kuea: i am fine with everything narrator: he was not, in fact, fine with anything
diao turn of the tap for fucks sake, it is very obvious you are not paying your own bills in this economy
diao: my dog is so smart yi: your dog is literally an idiot
oh god here we have hia yi talk about marriage and kasdjflkafj they might kiss and i can't believe i am about to say this but at this point diao needs to worry about me cooking that cockblocking dog :D
lian: *trying* kuea: cosmic-exo is calling, byeee
look at his sad eyes, he KNOWS
"why am i talking to a doll?" BECAUSE IT IS MORE LIKELY TO HAVE AN ACTUAL CONVERSATION WITH YOU. you deserve better, boo.
lian: aren't you kirin already kuea: but i could be cosmic-exo kirin in korea. lian: okay. kuea: ... wait what?
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the-cryptographer · 9 months
friend asked me how i felt about what i'd accomplished with my writing in 2023. i felt a little caught off guard at the time but having thought about it more i'd like to record my general feelings for posterity. pros: - got into the habit of regularly doing writing sprints in the evenings. it's not always quick going, but I'm glad to have made it more of a routine and i think me posting every month-two months was probably possible bc of this. - finished seboteur! finishing a novel length project always feels great. - was particularly happy with getting to write so much morrigan this year. neither merr/morri dubcon or morri/m.amell daemon character study did well at the kudos game, but they were my favourite novellas of the year. - other things i enjoyed a lot were sigrun/orlesian warden ficlet, fenders watersports, and the precanon au about fenris escaping tevinter against his will. - think i've learned more about paragraph organisation for a better reading experience, and gotten more used to receiving critique and making more major edits to my work.
cons: - too much fenders and not enough merders. not that fenders is bad, but- if 2023 was the year of fenders, want to make 2024 the year of merders 😤 - in general def did not write as many ladies as i wanted 🤔 ngl feel like i def let myself get bummed that my favourite of my f/f and f/m work seems to, uh, be really far from what other fandom enjoyers of wimin want. i guess another 2024 goal is to let that get to me less 😤 - also disappointed I didn't finish my merrill as falon'din fic this year. the last chapter (plus epilogue) are pretty long so I see why I wasn't able to get it together. making this a plan for the beginning of 2024 tho. let's knock another novel length project out of the park! - jfc, lork, write for another fandom pls! or some original work at least! (i'm sorry the dao and da2 hyperfixation has me for the fourth year running)
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When I watch TV shows I'm mostly always involved in fandom and fandoms drive TV shows and ABC loves their couples and marketing them through the network for the tv show and fandom. Since the finale not a single damn person ships either of the new Buck or Eddie pairings and you don't think ABC has realized nobody cares about these two no chemistry pairings? They've taken notice just as much as they noticed the reaction to the finale especially the endings for buck and eddie was almost universally negative. I half think Oliver, Joauquin, and many others knew the finale would be received as negatively as it was although it probably shocked Oliver that it's now the lowest rated episode of the series(which he does take notice of those things) and he knows everyone hates his new pairing. I mean listen when Hallmark doesn't even cast you guys, that goes to show you have no chemistry. Hallmark casts anyone lol.
ABC loves there couples. Merder, Captain Swan, Chenford, Caskett, etc. Like they ride on these pairings. To put any of these two pairings even 100 yards away from these iconic ABC pairings is laughable at best.
I'm with you that I think Eddie and Marisol's break up will happen off screen probably post time skip but I think like with Eddie/Ana we will have to see Buck and Natalia's break up, which will probably connect to a Buck breakdown because he still has not faced his death on top of other things maybe him realizing him and Natalia want different things out of life.
I... I am not sure exactly what you're trying to say here, nonny. Are you... agreeing with me about how you think Buddie will go canon? Are you trying to dispute something else I said? I'm confused.
I agree with you in how ABC really promotes its pairings. I remember what they did for Caskett when Castle was airing, and I've seen how they promote Chenford, so I was instantly excited when I saw we're moving to that network. I think ABC is a network that knows a good thing when it sees one, and Buddie is a very good thing.
(Side note: Had to ask a friend what "Merder" is. Apparently it's from Grey's Anatomy.)
If you're trying to dispute what I said about chemistry, then I cannot begin to tell you how uninterested I am in this "debate." My tags were frustration that literally every time people ship A and B and then A has a romantic scene with C, people claim A and C "have no chemistry." It may or may not be true, but I've seen plenty of pairings that had great chemistry, or where I really liked the C character, but that didn't change the fact that they weren't meant to be together and that A and B were the ship that was endgame (Booth's season six girlfriend comes to mind as an example). So I find it a tired rallying cry and generally missing the point.
For example: as I've said in previous asks - hey did you guys know I have a tag called #mads answers things where you can see if I've already discussed the thing you want to put in my inbox? - 911 loves the "friends to lovers" trope. Two of their three couples had it, and it was the two we saw develop on-screen. If Buck and/or Eddie were going to get with a serious love interest besides each other, I think they would introduce that person as a friend first and spend time building the slow burn.
Anyway again not sure what you're trying to say here, but I agree that it's great we're moving to ABC. I'm very excited and hopeful for Buddie in regards to that move. I hope that others are as well, and if you're not, then you are more than welcome to that opinion, but you are not welcome in my inbox.
If you're trying to discuss with me things like production, networks, meta, speculation, etc, then I'm sorry but I'm genuinely not interested and I'm not sure how many times and ways I can say this. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, full stop. Can't really pass go when you don't have a car. And again, I ain't interested in building a car out of tin foil.
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bi-lullaby · 2 years
Love the ask you sent me so much (I’ll answer tomorrow!) that I’m sending it right back to you: “Spicy asks: Three most controversial opniões, three least favorite popular ships, and your absolute favorite and least favorite character for SPN, HP, Grey’s, Friends and whatever your favorite show ever is”
Oh dear how will I ever cope with this?/k
- Three most controversial opinions: I really love the Bunker [look, we can talk about how the aesthetics did get kinda ruined and overly sanitized and how much we all miss the motels and how it could come in as a deux ex machina at times but it gave them a home and a place dean felt safe anough to wear a robe and silly pajamas I can’t not love it also the sheer possibilities like lets put a full olympic swimming pool and gigantic greenhouse and all sorts of cursed objects and cool rooms and books with wild lote in there who knows why not]; I think Destiel is unrequited (I kinda ping-pong back and forth on this one and it’s not always my opinion but it’s my most consistent reading and it seems similar to JA’s: Cas was in love with Dean, Dean loved Cas and that’s a tragic little difference); I don’t much care for Jack (Idk how to elaborate on this without writing a whole thesis and a billion disclaimers and I do not have that kind of energy so lets leave it at that)
- Three least favorite popular ships: Sabriel (never caught wind of any sparks there tbh) Samifer (his torturer? SALS ofc but I personally cannot get into it and don’t ship it) I’d include Dean Alastair in this for the same reason but idk if it’s AS popular in general fandom) and Megstiel (I don’t deny they were a thing/on the way to being a thing/had chemistry, and I have read fics where they’re together, they just aren’t the focus of my shipping energy, I suppose?) (Destiel is not on this although again I’m one of the few people that doesn’t actively ship them I still like them and can enjoy lots of things about the ship, they’re far, faaar from least favorites lol)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Absolute fave is Dean (oh shocker). Least favorite os actually a though one bc while I hate some characters guts (John, most obvious villains) I tend to like them as characters? So I guess Lucifer? I don’t think he was that interesting as a villain in the later seasons especially (I mean, you can say that about a lot of characters bc I feel they got flattened a lot but he went from this terrifying force of primordial evil to a whiny teenage-esque brat with a chip on his shoulder? and then even as I type this I can’t help but like the ridiculousness of it all and the kinda profoundness we can find in all the shallow things and I’m sorry I have spn brainrot)
Three most controversial opinions: Putting Teddy Lupin in Gryffindor (this is literally so silly); Liking Percy Weasley (with caveats); not thinking Narcisa Malfoy is that redeemable.
Three least favorite popular ships: Drarry, Snily, Dramione (I could explain but tbh I think they explain themselves).
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Favorite is Harry and least is Snape.
Three most controversial opinions: (just three? lol) Disliking Derek and Merder, disliking George, thinking Maggie is absolutely delightful and one of my faves.
Three least favorite popular ships: Merder, Slexie (look I GET why they’re popular I just think it’s too much damn drama and they tire me) and Japril (yes I know they’re the three most popular most favorite ships SALS people it’s ok)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Meredith and George. Try and guess which is which lol (aside obvious villains and the like ofc).
I think I’m going to skip FRIENDS because I just don’t interact with the fandom that much to know what’s truly popular and unpopular <3
My favorite show: Huh, if we’re being honest and excluding the others I’d have to say it’s TGP however I don’t think I have any controversial takes on that? So I’ll go with Supergirl.
Three most controversial opinions: Kara had every right to hide her superhero identity (yes even from Lena and tbh specially from her) and did nothing wrong in regards to that; people are entirely too hard on Kara in a complete disproportionate way to some other characters; I LOVE love love Dansen and even prefer it to Sanvers.
Three least favorite popular ships: Supercorp and Kara x Winn (not as bad I just am neutral?) (I kinda blanked on other popular ships I dislike?)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Kara (although Nia is a close one) and Lena.
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televinita · 1 year
The Amazing Race: Fictional Characters Dream Cast Edition
(Found this in my drafts, totally forgot about the little exercise I drafted in January, based off idle thoughts I’ve had since last year while watching older seasons. One team per TV show per number, with one exception I couldn't resist. Choices picked based on who I think would be both be physically able to do it and who would make for entertaining TV, specifically my kind of entertainment which is the schmoopy emotional moments. No conscious attempt made to diversify types of competitors or balance demographics)
Kensi/Deeks (NCIS: LA) -- probably the clear winners for both physicality and ability to work together and stay supportive, but let’s keep going.
Danny/Lexi (Blood & Treasure) -- these two would get in shouting matches regularly under pressure but still kick butt in challenges
Peter/MJ (Tom Holland/Zendaya, non-superhero AU version)
Kurt/Blaine (Glee) per my brain's default BUT Sam/Blaine would be amazing too, possibly better
Meredith/Cristina (or MerDer if all-couples) (Grey’s Anatomy)
Jenny/Cassie (Big Sky) -- sorry Beau; you can play the alternate
Barbie/Julia (Under the Dome)
Kara/Alex (Supergirl, non-super AU version). Sisterhood!
Ned/Chuck (Pushing Daisies, Normal Human AU)
Jim/Pam would be hilariously outmatched in physicality but IDK it could be fun (or, per my heart’s song: JIM/DWIGHT, BECAUSE REASONS, probably that Jim thought it would be funny to put Dwight down as their alternate but accidentally sent it in and now it’s too late because Dwight will not be dissuaded)
Ryan/Kelly (The Office) -- because every season needs a high-drama couple full of bickering you love to hate!
STANDBY/ALTERNATE: almost any pair from Abbott Elementary; I don't care who but I refuse to choose (you know when I say that I mean Work Wives determined to prove that female awesomeness has no age limit, even though Jacob will be SO ANNOYED because he's been watching this show since he was a kid and is a superfan who knows everything about it and was desperate to please the casting director; and also even though we know the producers would see comedy gold in foisting Ava upon one of the teachers as a very unwelcome Surprise Partner. )
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fearsomeandwretched · 2 years
Oh Derek and Meredith are definitely the best couple and not even because they had a lot of screen-time and investment like they just got each other in a way that romantically, a lot of the other couples didn’t. Like obviously Meredith and Cristina is soulmatism but yeah Derek gets it even when he sucks lol. I feel like Alex and Izzie and even Cristina and Burke, had they had the time and a more structured story, would’ve gotten there eventually but idk. Owen though, don’t get why he didn’t die in the shooting. Like it was right there.
He should have died!! Thank you. It actively pains me he is still alive and Derek and Mark are dead sorry to be a petty bitch too invested in network television. And I absolutely agree on Merder and Izzex and Cristina/Burke as well. I do think all three of the original couples had an it factor and chemistry that other than Slexie and Calzona, I don't think any of the other couples later on measure up to. I also think part of it is that those three couples and MAGIC were all developed together through the first few seasons and after Merder moves in season 5, I don't think Shonda or the writer's room puts that much energy into building up the other couples. There's a lack of development missing with Calzona in particular for me which I think really goes a long way with the couples "getting each other".
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tellmeourstoryy · 3 years
Not that anyone cares to know but here is a list of my favorite ships from the shows I watch
Chuck: Chuck and Sarah. My absolute favorite ship ever!! The most pure and genuine couple ever. I love them with my whole heart
Pretty Little Liars: Spencer and Toby. Love them to death. The first ship I ever cared about and they’ll always hold a special place in my heart
Friends: Ross and Rachel. Obviously there could be some better writing between the two but I’m a sucker for this will they won’t they
Gilmore Girls: Rory and Dean... I know I know but hear me out I like Rory and Dean before he got married. I wish that he would have never got married and that they found each other again later down the line and ended up together. I realize they don’t work with the actual storyline they went with
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Robin...I know but hear me out again I also wish the storyline would have been different. I thought Robin and Barney made no sense and were absolutely toxic. I wish Barney and Robin never got married and Ted and Robin both grew and found their way back together. But I do think it was terrible for him to have a wife and then kill her off basically just to put him and Robin together but that’s just bad writing.
One Tree Hill: Lucas and Peyton. I love them a lot and did in fact stop watching the show once they left because it wasn’t the same without them.
Revenge: Daniel and Emily!!! I don’t even care if you don’t agree cause they were absolutely adorable. I think she genuinely fell in love with Daniel and should have just been friends with Jack.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan and Elena. Again Damon and Elena were toxic. Stefan ALWAYS put Elena first and they deserved so much better.
Prison Break: Sara and Michael. I don’t even remember any other significant ships from that show but they were adorable.
Hart of Dixie: Zoe and Wade. I really love them together and loveee to see both of their character development.
White Collar: Sara and Neal. I thought they were so cute together.
Baby Daddy: Ben and Riley. Don’t get me wrong I love Danny but I think Riley goes better with Ben. I loved Ben’s character development and seeing how much he changed for the better after Riley. I really did love them and am still upset they didn’t end up together.
Parks and Recreation: Leslie and Ben. Honestly this was hard cause I like several of the ships on that show but the absolute sweetness of Leslie and Ben makes them take the cake.
Dawson’s Creek: Joey and Dawson. I know that this is probably my most unpopular opinion but oh well. I do think there should have been some better writing leading up to it and things made better with that better writing though. Honestly I was absolutely so confused and shocked when she ended up with Pacey. Might have been the most upset I’ve been about people ending up together. I mean even if she would have ended up with no one or even Eddie but I was just really upset she ended up with Pacey. Sorry not sorry.
Once Upon A Time: Hook and Emma. Absolutely adore them. They are so pure and adorable and have character development and ugh I love them so much.
The Night Shift: TC and Jordan. I really liked them so much and am upset the show was cancelled before we got to see them get back together.
New Girl: Schmidt and Cece. Also hard because I also love Nick and Jess but if I have to choose it’s Schmidt and CeCe.
Bones: Booth and Brennan. Absolutely LOVE them.
Blacklist: Ressler and Liz. Honestly conflicted about this rn cause I don’t know if she deserves him but I have always liked them together.
Stranger Things: Steve and Nancy. I loveeee Steve and could not believe she got together with Jonathan. Like did everyone forget about him taking photos of her????
The Good Place: Eleanor and Chidi. Literally so adorable love them both sooo much. They deserve the world.
Psych: Shawn and Juliet. Seriously how cute are they?? I’ll go ahead and tell you... the CUTEST.
Grey’s Anatomy: Derek and Meredith. You already know I’m team MerDer because honestly who isn’t?
Arrow: Oliver and Felicity. So prefect together love them
The Flash: Barry and Caitlin. I saw Barry and Iris as siblings especially since Barry called him dad which is why I don’t ship that also I feel like she didn’t actually start to really like him until she figured out he was the flash. And I think Barry and Caitlin are super cute and honestly thought they were gonna date way back in season 1. But I’m content with them just being friends I just wish we could see some more of that friendship because they’re adorable.
The Walking Dead: Glenn and Maggie!!!!!! Love love love love them! What’s better than falling in love during a zombie apocalypse? One of the bests ugh my heart. That ending was too sad and definitely made me quit watching the show.
A Million Little Things: Honestly I don’t know rn. I still like Katherine and Eddie but that might just be because Katherine is my fav. I just wish he would have told her about the pills right away and how he was struggling or something. I just have a hard time rooting for him because he’s put Katherine through so much. And then Rome and Regina are so adorable. And I adore Gary and like him with Maggie and Darcy and like Maggie with Gary and Jamie. So yeah I’m all over the place with this one. Honestly can’t pick a fav but felt like sharing those thoughts.
Well this has been fun and there’s more shows and couples but that’s all for now
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tsrookie · 3 years
Now, and Forevermore: Part 2
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Alyssa Brooks)
A/N: Super nervous about this one, because I’ve wanted to write an ILY fic for such a long time, but it always got pushed back thanks to PB and their stupid inconsistencies. May or may not have included a teeny tiny Merder reference.
Trope: Fluff
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.5k
Warning(s): One innuendo, that’s it
Link to Part 1
Loud music blared through the speakers. Few guests remained in their seats, choosing to watch the joyous celebrations on the dance floor.
A wedding was an event where people came together to rejoice the union of two souls. Two separate lives, binding together for life. They came together to celebrate friendship, eternal partnership, and love.
Alyssa was still figuring out a way to confess hers.
She stumbled to the side of the crowded hall along with Sienna, who was equally exhausted from dancing the night away.
“Oh my god I think the last time I danced this much was at our housewarming party two years ago.”
Her best friend let out a chuckle. “I remember. Jackie even managed to knock over a plate of fries which ended up on your hair.”
She took a sip of her drink before continuing, “Speaking of the housewarming party, where’s the only person from the hospital who declined our invitation? Haven’t seen him since your dance, which was almost an hour ago.”
“He’s probably over at one of the balconies, away from all the noise.”
Sienna let out a sigh before fixing her eyes on the newlyweds, happy in their own little bubble, without a single worry.
“They look so… content. Like they have everything they’ll ever need right there in each other’s arms.”
“Yeah… I guess you feel that way when you’re head over heels in love with someone, and by some miracle, they feel the same.”
She looked over at Alyssa, who had a soft smile on her face. Her best friend had found the kind of true love she had always dreamed of, and she only hoped that it would last forever.
“Have you two said it yet?”
“Said what?”
“You know what I mean. Eight letters. Three special words. Words you two have been skirting around for almost a year now.”
“I…” She looked down, a pensive look taking over. “I don’t know Si… it never feels like we have a proper moment to say it. Everyday at Edenbrook feels like an unpredictable circus where something could go wrong at any minute. Finding time to just… be with each other without worrying about work seems impossible. Besides, he knows how I feel about him, and same here. There’s no rush.”
“No. Don’t do that. Don’t always rely on your actions. Sometimes, words are better. Saying it makes it sure. It makes it feel real. Or else, you’ll be out of time before you know it. Say it out loud, Alyssa. Don’t waste time waiting for some perfect moment, because chances are, you might never get one.”
Alyssa held her hand tight, and took a moment to take in the gravity of her words. Sienna might’ve been ready to move on, but Danny was still someone she missed everyday.
“Okay.” She turned to face her. “I’ll tell him tonight. I promise.”
Sienna nodded her head in response, a small smile of satisfaction assuming her features.
Ethan stood over by the railing, enjoying the feel of the sea breeze ruffling through his hair. The ocean glittered like diamonds, mirroring the starry sky. It was a magical sight, and he decided to go back into the raging party to bring Alyssa to enjoy the view with him. Although, he wasn’t sure his eyes would remain straight ahead with an actual goddess beside him.
“Thought I might find you here.”
His ears perked up. “I was just about to come and find you.”
“Well I found you first. Didn’t see you having any cake earlier, so I brought you some.”
He nodded in thanks. As she stood beside him, she looked positively ethereal. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the sight of the moonlit ocean, and her brunette hair danced along her bare shoulders.
Ethan didn’t have the words to describe her beauty, so he refrained to simply admiring her while he still had the time.
Her soft voice broke the comfortable silence they were in. “It’s beautiful out here. Kind of reminds me of the last time we were on a balcony facing the sea.”
He smiled ruefully. “You mean the night I threw every single rule I had for myself out the window and kissed you like my life depended on it, before leaving you the very same night to go sleep on the couch?”
“The very same. The only night where I had the best first kiss I could share with someone, and get dumped before we even got together.”
Ethan felt a pang of guilt in his chest upon hearing her words. He might have her now, but he would always regret the time he let go to waste.
Alyssa looked over at him, and his expression made her squeeze her eyes shut and smack her forehead. “Oh god I ruined the moment, didn’t I?” She took his hand in hers and said, “I’m so sorry. I’m under the influence of alcohol, so you know that I barely think before I blurt something out.”
“And here I was hoping we could have a proper conversation for the first time in months. Of course, I shouldn’t have had my expectations so high.”
She punched his shoulder playfully, and he took it as an opportunity to pull her closer. Closing his eyes, he breathed in her hair, which smelled of his shampoo from their shared suite. Ethan felt utterly content, having everything he ever needed and wanted in his arms, and wished he could stay rooted to the same spot for as long as he lived.
“Okay, Dr. Ethan ‘I would rather spend my time alone, in a party where his girlfriend’s having the time of her life, wishing her boyfriend would be there with her so that they could spend some quality time together’ Ramsey.”
“That’s… I think I preferred ‘freaking’ as my middle name compared to everything you just said.”
Soon, they were both laughing. She turned around to face him, and Ethan held her tighter. Taking in her face filled with happiness, illuminated by the light of the moon, he knew he had to say it.
“Is… everything okay?”
“I…” His throat closed up, at a loss for words. Saying the words he had longed to tell her for almost a year suddenly seemed impossible. After fearing true, long-lasting commitment for more than twenty five years, cementing his love for Alyssa scared him almost as much as the thought of ever losing her.
But looking into her concerned eyes, the eyes he could get lost into within the span of a second, he knew she deserved to hear it. She deserved the whole world, and so much more.
“It’s funny. I kept quiet all these months, not telling you what I should’ve told you the moment you were out of harm’s way after the attack, waiting for a perfect moment to present itself. When all along… I never realised that I didn’t need such a moment at all.”
He cupped her cheek, as she stared at him with wonder, yet a small smile dancing on her lips with the knowledge of what was to come. “Every single day, every minute, every second by your side, could not be more perfect. And I’m sorry that I didn’t know it sooner.”
“I love you, Alyssa Brooks. With all my heart, body and soul.”, he said as he brought her hand up to his thundering heart. “I believed love to be a lost and foreign concept, one which I would never be able to experience. But with you… I’d be an idiot to say that what I feel for you is anything but love. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love anyone as much as I love you and frankly, I don’t ever want to. I want to love you for the rest of my life. If you’ll let me, that is…”
Hopeful and earnest cerulean eyes stared back into awestruck shining brown, awaiting the response he desperately wanted to hear.
“Well… took you long enough.”, she teased, eyes sparkling with mirth. “I love you too, Ethan. More than you’ll ever know. And I want to love you for the rest of my life too.”
Matching her grin with one of his own, Ethan kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms round his neck and let her fingers tangle into his soft hair. He continued to kiss her with fervour, but she pulled away, panting.
“Don’t you think we should probably take this inside? I’d definitely like a more private celebration of us finally coming to our senses.”
“Are you sure? There’s still much left at the reception, including the bouquet toss, which I’m not sure Sienna would be okay with if you missed.”
She chuckled. “Considering the fact that she was the one who sent me out here to find you, I don’t think she’ll mind.” With a sudden surge of confidence, she added, “Besides… do you really think I should stay for that?”
Ethan held Alyssa’s gaze, which was both bold and bashful at the same time. He finally smirked and said, “No, you don’t have to.”
Her face broke into the smile he loved to see. A smile unburdened of all the worries in the world. A true and rare smile he thanked for being able to witness.
“Then let’s get out of here.”
Alyssa took his hand and led him back to their room, but truthfully, he felt her lead him into a new life that would have its highs and lows, all filled with unconditional love.
He couldn’t wait to see what came next.
Link to Bonus Ending
A/N 2: Hope you guys liked it! There’s a small bonus ending I’ll be releasing soon, cause if my babies are happy, my babies’ number one shipper deserves to be happy too😌 Thank you so much for reading💙
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cianmarstoo · 5 months
If Alex were to lose Wolfie how do you think MerDer would take action?
(sorry for such a late response!!!)
Oh if Alex were to lose Wolfie.... it wouldn't go down well. Missing Wolfie would make Little Alex absolutely sob! Its somehow worse when he's big, because he's hyper aware of losing Wolfie and isn't as easily distracted as he would be if he went missing while Alex was dropped - big Alex is trying to act like it's not a big deal as he tears apart the house trying to find it.
MerDer try to get him to calm down - if he's Little he's having tantrums for sure and sobbing and getting angry at everyone, if he's big he's still having tantrums and getting angry at everyone, probably more so than when he's dropped, he's blowing up at everyone and ends up in so many time outs despite MerDer feeling bad for him
MerDer are so stressed, even when they finally manage to get Alex to got to bed that night. They're searching just as much, and getting their friends to search their places too
they end up making missing posters, which embarresses the fuck out out Alex, but he doesn't rip them down, so long as none of their names are on the posters so it cant be tracked down to him... that doesn't stop him paging them to see if theres any news even though they promised him that they would tell him straight away
they end up having to deal with Alex who is even clingier than usual (literally how?????) theres not even a nap time that he can be without cuddling them
eventually they track Wolfie down! They find out that he's in Amelia's car, who happens to be out of town for a conference, eventually they find out and make sure that Alex knows that Wolfie's safe - Amelia is honestly such a good auntie and sends Alex a photo of Wolfie safe from the car inside her hotel room (because Derek begged her not to leave him in her car)
Alex is a little calmer after that, Amelia sends a lot of photos of Wolfie's 'Vacation'
Alex doesn't let him out of his sight at all for like a month and MerDer buy a couple of extras from build a bear to hide and have as backups because theres nooooo way in hell that they're going to go through that again!
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spookyrobbins · 1 year
I'm sorry but I just can't take CalPen seriously. They're so mismatched on every level. To me it's like Callie/George levels of bad, they just didn't fit together at all. There's no way Callie was in love with her, she was just in love with the idea that she found someone who isn't like Arizona at all and who seems stable and unproblematic and easy and unexciting to be with.
callie was completely in love with the idea of loving someone who wasn’t arizona, who was just easy.
which tbh to that end, i’m surprised she stuck with her through the derek stuff for a variety of reasons, including the fact that penny had to know who callie was, where she worked, that she probably knew derek and didn’t think to warn her about her connection to merder when she was starting at grey sloan. also there’s no way callie didn’t say “hey we’re going to dinner at my friend meredith’s house” maybe even said she recently lost her husband and it seems like derek was a major impact case for penny so it just seems like such a major oversight on pennys part.
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