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can a vani/kwaiz have smth similar to dementia/alzheimer
This is one of those questions that's a bit uncomfortable personally to answer, so I'll ultimately just leave it up to you if you really want your character to have dementia.
I want to also give a general reminder to EVERYONE to try and not tokenize/play down the severity and despair of diseases like dementia/Alzheimer's. EATEOT seemed to have "popularized" them in some way, leading to many jokes about the diseases as well as references to them that don't seem to fully understand them and treat them like some fun fantasy horror.
They aren't just "uhhhh i forgor" diseases, but the active deterioration of someone's memories, personality, and connections. It isn't some cool new liminal space thing to "coolify" because it's popular. Real people suffer from them, real families suffer from them, and they make many real people's lives hell. Please just try to keep that in mind!!
(Though, if I had to answer for the kwaiz, my answer would be No. their brains work completely differently from ours, and are unaffected by age (save for, yknow, growing up). they would only gain similar cognitive issues if they are actively wounded, and it wouldn't be in the same deteriorative way like dementia, but would always have to be an acute issue.)
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spaceistheplaceart · 8 months ago
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was gonna use terrible comic day to post this but its an idea thats been bonking around in my head for a min. if i knew how to program and the songs wouldnt all be copyrighted i would totally make this game.
A grayscale sketchy comic.
Caption at the top: "A video game wherein you're driving alone and have to listen to the radio's clues to survive"
POV from the driver, hands on wheel with the radio to the right. It's night in a forest on a dirt road. The driver is approaching a fork in the road, indicated by a sign that points right and left. The radio plays the lyrics: "you better run, better leave this place- get lost and go a different way! go left! go left! go left! go, go!
The next panel we see the driver, who has long hair tied messily up in a bun, wearing a hoodie, a collared shirt, glasses, and has black nails. Two realistic hands reach from the darkness of the car behind them- one grabbing their arm. The radio plays: "Don't turn around 'cause you're gonna see my heart breaking-- don't turn around i don't want you seeing me cry--"
Underneath the panels are song credit. the first song is Radiant Children's "Go Left" and the second is Ace of Base's "Don't turn around"
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months ago
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the frames were so perfect the meme makes itself
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stars-obsession-pit · 2 months ago
Skulker decides that being The Last Son of Krypton makes Superman worthy prey.
Clark doesn’t understand Ghost Speech though, so he doesn’t know that that’s Skulker’s goal. All he really knows is that a random robot guy has started repeatedly showing up trying to fight him.
And Skulker’s not like, that dangerous or anything. His ability to turn intangible is a huge hassle, yes, but his weapons don’t do much damage to Superman and he (superman) is fast enough to prevent people being caught in the crossfire.
So he’s just… a really persistent but ultimately not that dangerous threat. Like a cockroach.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year ago
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Everytime I go into the Zosopp tag, I just see people SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING about the lack of posts IN the Zosopp tag. THE ZOSOPP ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES
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softgaycontent · 6 months ago
I like to think Imogen's frequent complete lack of filter is because she got to used to hearing everyone's candid thoughts and forgot what was acceptable to say out loud
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ariadne-mouse · 8 months ago
This feels like both a statement of potential obviousness, but also a prediction because hey, we're only 2.5 hrs into Episode 1: I don't think Downfall will reveal either the gods or the Aeorians to somehow be uniquely evil, or that the desire on either part to destroy the other is somehow uniquely more justified or deserved.
Like in Episode 1 here we're getting a very strong dose of the shitty things Aeorians are doing to other mortals in their pursuit of control and power - we already knew they were a warmongering surveillance state, and as things get worse on Exandria it's grimly unsurprising that the people on the ground are increasingly treated as disposable. But Aeor is still a city full of people seeking safety in a land torn open by the gods' battles, desperate to survive by any (increasingly ugly and sinister) means. And the gods in turn are afraid for their survival, and are acting accordingly in seeking Aeor's Downfall (immense collateral damage) - all while and the versions of them in the party here have lived mortal lives & hardships, have families, communities. They have lived in the desolation their own godly battles have created. We don't see them portrayed as lofty divine abstracts, not even necessarily in the intro, where they are confused, afraid, and seeking safety from danger.
For Ludinus to think this "footage" is in his favor against the gods, and the complexity of the lore being what it is and the cast being the storytellers that they are, I think it must be the kind of series of events you can look at and see the humanity (using that word deliberately) for good and ill in all parties involved - and leave again with your biases if they're strong enough. Very curious what we will learn. I expect to weep. I can't wait.
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nullingvoidreblogs · 10 days ago
It annoys me so much when people ask "do we thank Trump now?" as if he didn't take the shit away in the first place. It would be like your abusive dad taking away your phone just because you're contacting friends he doesn't like despite no one doing any wrong and then giving it back to you to act like the hero. You don't thank a racist thief for stealing shit and giving it back.
as soon as i saw the tiktok notification “thanks to president trump for yadayadayada” I immediately went “wow, that was the most obvious manipulation I’ve ever seen in my life, we just got played” and I’m not sure how anyone came to any other conclusion
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namisweatheria · 4 months ago
One Piece means a lot to me as a disabled person, which I think would be pretty surprising to anyone who only has a surface understanding of it. The supposed central theme of "follow your dreams" would be pretty alienating to someone like me, right? It really, really would be, if that's what it was actually about.
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However, that ignores that Luffy's dream is to be the most free person in the world. And to attain that goal, the first thing he does is find friends to live life with. Over and over again, from the very beginning, he takes on their burdens, all in the name of being the most free.
Do you see what that would mean to me, as someone who needs more help to get by than is considered culturally normal, to the point that it puts me in a whole socially manufactured category of "other"? Not to mention, because of the infantilization of me due to that category, because of being forced so squarely into the "cared for" role, taking care of other people is deeply meaningful and empowering for me. However, the myths of independence and universal natural ability often make it emotionally difficult for my loved ones to accept that care.
The fear of asking for help, the guilt of being cared for, the weight of someone you loved who could not be as free as you, the insecurity of not contributing enough, the fear that you were born wrong, the self-hatred that says you are not worth the effort, Nami Sanji Zoro Usopp Robin Chopper Ace they all explore the painful obstacles to free connection. Through deeply impactful stories that weave beautifully into the larger one.
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All centered around this one person who views loving them and living with them and carrying them as essential to his freedom. Who cannot, for countless reasons, live a normalized life of Structured Relations. Who views exploring and bickering and suffering and laughing with them as the ideal way to live. Who repeatedly puts his life and limbs on the line to do so.
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To me, it is an ultimate privilege and freedom to carry other people's burdens. To care for them and live with them. This is central to my whole perspective, and is completely informed by my life experience as a disabled person. I rarely see it reflected back to me. Let alone as powerfully and beautifully as Luffy does.
Nor the other half of it, of wanting to create this life with people in ways that aren't socially normal or approved. Of creating many varied lifelong intimate relations among equals, rather than conforming to the expectation of choosing One Person to live life with and then Creating More.
The utter lack of roles and norms is just as integral and powerful to the exploration of freedom and connection! It is meaningful to me as a queer person, yes, but even this is deeply influenced by my disability. I could never be that One Person, despite everything I have to offer, there is logistically far too much that I cannot do to be someone's equal partner in this society that demands so much from all of us. However, even if I could, I wouldn't want to! It doesn't make any sense to me to only have two people navigate life together on such intimate terms. Can't the demands of society be more comfortably met in a group? Isn't life more fun that way?
We are taught that we can and must do everything ourselves, I just happen to be one of the people that never had a chance to buy into that lie. To learn very early not just the necessity of interdependence, but the joy in it. To learn that it is most comfortably lived with more people involved. To me, close relationships are, love is, a natural extension of that understanding. One Piece celebrates interdependence constantly from the start, while never pretending that it is always easy.
The obstacles to free connection that I mentioned before, they are interspersed throughout the story, and they are always met with "I do the things you can't do, and you do the things I can't do." With, "Of course I can't use swords you dumbass! And I can't cook either! I don't know a damn thing about navigation! And I can't lie!"
These are intentionally impactful moments, and they define the series. I found it very fitting that the Fan Letter focused on a character who was empowered by Nami to feel free and live adventurously despite not being the most physically capable. The character is able by our definition, but the story is very affirming in a disability way, and it was extremely One Piece. I loved how it acknowledged this deep connection between One Piece and the lived reality of disability and celebrated it as integral as it is.
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I also believe that absolutely none of this is intentional. It is simply an earnest exploration of human relationships, emotions, and behavior, and it naturally arrives at a radical and disability-affirming viewpoint. Because we are the monkey wrench in the deeply unhealthy (lol) and dominant line of thinking that independence is all. So naturally anything that also disputes that thinking has a disabled-perspective feel to it. The best part is how much it doesn't give a fuck! One Piece is aggressively against conformity in human relationships, in a way that is hard to find in our new world of self-conscious authors.
It's also, you know, the worst part, in terms of all the outrageous bigotry and offensive character design, but god damn it if it doesn't elevate the good parts to unbearable heights. Even the bad character designs can sometimes be more impactful for their intentional "ugliness", when those characters are inevitably taken seriously despite their appearance and the stereotypes they play on, it hits hard every time. I do have a simple hatred for many choices, there is no pay-off for much of the awful problems in numerous character designs and dialogue. But no matter how upset I can be by those things, in the end they can't succeed in pulling me away from One Piece. It's just so crazy and unique and great and terrible and beautiful and I LOVE IT.
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squirrelstone · 5 months ago
Bringing back the Danny Tanner of it all with the news of Liam Payne’s death. Liam was a bad person. He also had a profound impact on a lot of people, especially in their youth. Both these things can be true, and it’s okay to be upset or angry or apathetic. What’s not okay is dictating how people feel about his death.
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helloarchivist · 7 months ago
okay BUT think about the way Shanks acts when you kiss him. The way he giggles into it at first, grinning against your lips with all the playful, casual joy that made you fall in love with him to begin with.
The way he wraps his arm around you, pulls you close, hums softly when it's clear you're not letting go, the way he breathes so slowly as the weight of it settles in his chest, soft and warm and soothing. The way he seems to pull all the breath out of you when he deepens it, the way the wind seems to tug at you like the whole world turns on your shared heartbeat.
think about the way his eyes glisten with something so tender it's almost wounded when you pull away just enough to tell him you love him. that of every soul alive and every treasure at sea, he's the one you want.
think about how Shanks is so easy and indulgent and giving with his affection, but rocked to his core by how freely and honestly you give him yours.
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alicenpai · 1 year ago
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i love...wanpee...........🍊🍶🧡💚
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dazeddoodles · 7 months ago
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Does this fandom know what butches look like?
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spinningtusk · 2 months ago
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Great Pirate Colosseum hidden character 😲?!
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tendersugars · 1 month ago
lancer being left out of art of the fun gang and ignored 🤝 alphys' place in her own story being dismissed when she's not being hated or called annoying for it 🤝 sans being drawn as tall and thin for years despite not being tall or thin at all 🤝 utdr fan's refusal to agknowledge fat characters
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cappykhaos · 1 year ago
i love this post but the replies bro 😭
like im sorry yeah minors do have some disadvantage in that their brains arent fully developed, but we’re not all 10???
and also the only way i went from being angry at the world and a self-proclaimed fascist to a queer leftie was having several people who had more experience than me go “what the fuck are you talking about” during arguments, both irl and in the internet
teens are not children, we’re kids for sure, but exactly for that reason we need our ideas challenged, otherwise we’re not gonna learn anything
its called learning. and surpisingly enough we learn from arguments
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