#not by choice mind you it’s for a class
corruptedcaps · 11 hours
Bad Influence
Isabel Parker, a middle-aged teacher, had long accepted the ebb and flow of her life. Divorced and childless, she had poured herself into her career, teaching English at the same high school she had herself attended. The years had not been particularly kind, her once bright eyes now lined with fatigue, her figure softened with time and a lack of care. But Isabel's latest frustration wasn’t her aging body or the quiet loneliness that had settled into her evenings. It was Jonas.
Ever since Jonas had transferred to her school a month ago, he had made her lessons a chore. His presence in her classroom was like a dark cloud, disrupting the order she meticulously tried to maintain. He was charming in a way that grated on her nerves, always finding the right moment to crack a joke, pull a stunt, or distract others. Worse yet, his influence was spreading. The once diligent students were beginning to slip, their grades reflecting the chaos Jonas seemed to thrive on.
Today, she had reached her limit. As the bell rang, Isabel’s voice cut through the usual post-class shuffle. “Jonas, I need a word with you after class.”
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As the classroom emptied, Isabel remained seated at her desk, watching Jonas approach with a casual, almost lazy stride. He slid into the chair across from her, his smirk already in place.
“Jonas, this can’t go on. You’re causing too many issues in class, and it’s affecting everyone’s grades. If you don’t shape up, I’ll have no choice but to recommend expulsion.” She said, trying to keep her voice steady.
Jonas leaned back, his smirk widening into something more defiant. He toyed with a ring that was on his finger. “No, you won’t, and no, I won’t change.” As he spoke she noticed the ring on his finger begin to glow.
Isabel opened her mouth to argue, but he continued, his voice taking on an oddly soothing cadence. “In fact, I think YOU should change. Maybe you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a student.”
His words wrapped around her like a blanket, warm and oddly comforting. She blinked, her eyes suddenly heavy. “What are you…?” She tried to ask, but her thoughts felt sluggish, her eyelids drooping as his voice filled her mind. Then it all went dark.
Isabel awoke with a start. She was in her bed, sunlight filtering through the curtains, but something was off. Her last memory was of the conversation with Jonas. Then nothing. How had she gotten home? Was it all a dream?
Disoriented, she pushed back the covers and swung her legs out of bed. A strange sensation rippled through her as she stood up, a lightness she hadn’t felt in years. She padded toward the bathroom, intending to splash water on her face to clear the fog in her mind. But as she passed the mirror in the hallway, she froze.
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A stranger stared back at her. Isabel’s breath caught in her throat as she took in the reflection. It was of a young woman, vibrant and full of life. Her heart pounded as she slowly raised a trembling hand to her face, the mirror echoing the movement. The skin was smooth, unmarked by time, her body slender and firm. She was 18 again.
Shock gave way to a strange, tingling intrigue as she took a step closer to the mirror, running her hands down the curves of her body. This was her, once. She had forgotten how beautiful she had been. Her body was sleek, her breasts big and firm, her hair thick and full of life.
Isabel stood before the mirror as the events of the previous day flooded back. Jonas. His words echoed in her mind: “You should change.” A chill ran down her spine. Somehow, impossibly, he had done this to her. He had transformed her into her eighteen-year-old self. Panic and disbelief wrestled within her, but one thing was clear, she had to find Jonas and make him reverse whatever he had done.
Isabel pulled into the school parking lot, her heart racing. As she scanned the rows of cars, she spotted Jonas stepping out of his sporty car, his usual smirk in place. Without hesitation, she threw her car into park and marched over to him, her anger bubbling to the surface.
“What the hell did you do to me?” She demanded, her voice sharper and more aggressive than it had been in years.
Jonas turned toward her, confusion flickering in his eyes as he took in the sight of the young woman storming toward him in frumpy mom clothes. Then, realization dawned, and his smirk widened into something more amused.
“Wow, Ms. Parker, I didn’t know you were such a knockout as a younger woman.” He drawled, his eyes raking over her.
The unexpected compliment caught Isabel off guard, a flush creeping up her neck. She hadn’t been prepared for his reaction, for the way his gaze lingered on her in a way that made her feel both self-conscious and oddly flattered. But she quickly pushed those feelings aside, focusing on the anger that had brought her here.
“This isn’t funny, Jonas. You need to reverse whatever this is. Now.” She snapped, trying to regain control of the situation.
Jonas held her gaze, toying with the ring on his finger. It seemed to respond to his touch, glowing slightly making Isabel feel light headed. She knew it was to blame for this but he had the control. His eyes danced with amusement tempered by something more calculating. After a moment, he sighed, almost as if he were considering her plea. “Alright, Ms. Parker, I’ll reverse it. But only if you agree to spend one day as a student.” He said, his tone surprisingly gentle.
Her immediate instinct was to refuse. The idea was absurd, humiliating even. But as she opened her mouth to protest, Jonas cut her off. “You’ve already called in sick I assume, so what harm could one day do?” He pointed out, his smirk returning.
"Absoultely not!" Isobel shot back.
"Come on, you've been stuck behind that desk too long. You need to see things from a young person's point of view. 24 hours and after that you can go back to your dull teaching." He added.
Isabel hesitated, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She hated the idea, but what choice did she have? With a resigned sigh, she muttered, “Fine.”
Jonas’s grin widened. “Good. But first, you’ll have to change. No teenager would be caught dead in those clothes.”
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She looked down at her oversized sweater and jeans, irritation flaring again. “This is all I have.” She snapped.
“Don’t worry, I can help with that too.” He said with a mischievous glint in his eye as he opened his trunk. Isabel leaned in and her eyes went wide with what she saw.
Jonas walked into the school with Isabel by his side. A short flowery skirt clung to her hips, while a tight black top covered more of her arms than her body. Her hair was up in two ponytails to try and high heels clicked against the tiled floor. Her whole look appeared designed to accentuate her youthful figure in a way that felt foreign and uncomfortable. Makeup highlighted her features, giving her a polished, alluring look she hadn’t worn in years. Pink fake nails were pressed onto her fingers giving them a long an elegant look. Every step felt like a performance, each glance from her peers a spotlight she wasn’t prepared for.
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As they entered the hallway, conversations slowed, eyes turning to take her in. Isabel could feel the stares, a mix of curiosity and admiration that made her skin prickle and cause her to play with her hair nervously.
“Where did your ex-girlfriend shop? Strippers-r-us? This isn’t going to work, they’re all staring at me! I look like a slutty schoolgirl!” She hissed, trying to adjust the hem of her skirt without drawing more attention.
Jonas chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. “I'm not the one who decided on the pigtails but just relax. Every guy here is staring at you because they find you hot and all the girls are staring because they’re jealous. Use that. Let it fuel your attitude.”
Isabel bit back a retort, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Irritation, embarrassment, and a flicker of something else she couldn’t quite identify. As much as she hated to admit it, part of her wondered if she could pull it off.
When she was in high school there was a strict dress code enforced that prohibited the kind of clothing she now had on. She had spent her schooling buried under long skirts and baggy sweaters. No one had seen her naked until she had married her now ex husband in college.
As Isabel and Jonas walked down the hall, they were suddenly intercepted by Stacey, the school’s queen bee and notorious mean girl. Stacey’s eyes narrowed as she took in Isabel, her sharp gaze assessing every detail. For a second Isobel panicked, thinking Stacey somehow recognised her.
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“Who’s the babe?” She asked Jonas, her voice dripping with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. Isabel opened her mouth to introduce herself, but before she could get a word out, Jonas wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “This is Bella. My girlfriend." He said smoothly, flashing a charming smile.
Isabel’s eyes widened in shock, and she quickly leaned in to whisper, “This wasn’t part of the plan!”
"Stacey has been trying to date me since I started going here, let's kill two birds with one stone here so she'll get off my back." Jonas whispered back.
Stacey’s gaze flicked between the two of them, her eyes narrowing as she sized up this new girl. Isabel could practically see the wheels turning in Stacey’s mind, calculating whether “Bella” was someone to be wary of or not.
"So you're the infamous girlfriend he's talked about. I knew you'd have to be a knockout for him to resist my advances these past few weeks." Stacey said, letting her demeanor soften as she flashed a cheeky smile. Her tone was laced with faux sweetness, but there was a grudging respect in her eyes.
Before Isabel could respond, Stacey grabbed her arm with surprising strength. “Come on, you’ve got to tell me and the girls how you snagged such a hunk like Jonas.” She said, pulling Isabel over to her friends. Isabel shot a panicked glance back at Jonas, but he just grinned, clearly amused by the unfolding events.
Within seconds, Isabel found herself in the center of a circle of the school’s most feared girls, the ones who ruled the hallways with sharp tongues and even sharper glares. As Stacey introduced her to each one, Isabel couldn’t help but feel a strange shift in the air.
These girls, who as a teacher had once seemed untouchable in their arrogance, were now looking at her with something akin to respect. But it wasn’t just respect, there was a subtle undercurrent of intimidation that hadn’t been there before.
As each girl was introduced, Isabel noticed how they averted their gazes, their confident postures faltering ever so slightly when they looked at her. They offered nervous smiles, their voices quieter than usual when they addressed her.
“So, Bella, how did you and Jonas meet?” Stacey asked.
It felt like an eternity to Isabel before she spoke next, her mind trying to figure out how best to play the situation. The girls already seemed intimidated by her just by being associated with Jonas, maybe she needed to drive that home.
“Oh, it was sooo dramatic. Jonas was with some girl, can’t even remember the loser's name now. She thought she had him wrapped around her finger. But he wasn't hers to have. I saw what I wanted, and I took it.” She said, her voice smooth and confident.
The other girls leaned in closer, their eyes wide with intrigue. Isabel could feel their attention, their admiration. It was intoxicating. She had them hanging on her every word.
“I just walked right up to them, pulled that bitch's hair back and said ‘You’re out of your league, sweetheart. He’s mine now.’ She didn’t stand a chance.” Isabel continued, the story taking on a life of its own.
The girls gasped, their eyes flicking between Isabel and Jonas, who was casually leaning against a locker, watching with an amused smirk.
As Isabel spoke, she found herself slipping into the imagined role of Bella that she was concocting on the spot with surprising ease. She played with her hair, twirling a strand around her finger, then letting it fall with a careless flick. She admired her long nails nonchalantly as she continued her story.
"Of course that little bitch went running to the principal to tattle on me but Jonas was a knight in shining armor and took the blame. He got expelled of course and that's why he's here." She said looking over to Jonas with a smile that felt genuine, as if what she said actually happened.
All the girls let out a 'aww' in unison as they looked over to Jonas. They turned back to Isabel, ready to ask follow up questions when the bell rang. The girls exchanged glances, reluctant to break away from the spell Isabel had cast over them.
Stacey looked at the girls rapt by Isobel's story and Isobel thought she saw a flash of jealously in her face. "Come on girls, lets get going and let the lovebirds catch up. See you later babe." Stacey said herding the girls away while flashing a look at Isobel that seemed to imply more than her words were saying.
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Isabel watched them go, a strange mix of satisfaction and disbelief settling over her. She had done it, she’d played the part flawlessly. Effortlessly even. As the hallway emptied, she sidled up to Jonas, who was leaning against his locker with an amused expression.
“Bella sounds like quite the wicked bitch.” Jonas teased, his eyes glinting with mischief.
Isabel rolled her eyes, but there was a playful edge to it. She opened his locker almost on auto pilot to use his mirror. She plucked an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly, studying her reflection, then flicked her hair back with practiced ease. “I was just playing the part, the one I’ve seen girls like that go through these halls year after year. They all have the same playbook. There is always an alpha, I just recreated what I've seen.” She said casually.
Jonas’s smirk deepened. “Oh, so you’re the alpha now?”
Isabel turned to face him, her lips curving into a sly smile. She batted her eyelashes playfully, leaning in just a bit closer. “Isn’t it obvious? I'm your 'infamous' girlfriend after all.” She replied, her voice dripping with a bratty drawl.
For a moment, they locked eyes, their bodies slowly drifting towards one another as if they were two unstoppable magnets. Their hormones going into overdrive as they both were unsure of what was about to happen.
To be continued...
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sketch-guardian · 2 days
Imagine the students with an mc who’s like a middle aged man and has a beer belly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone write about a loud middle aged man in obey me
You're right, I guess I haven't seen many headcanons about such theme either🤔so I'll do my best to fix it☺For my headcanons, however, I usually use a gender neutral MC to make everyone feel included, so I hope this small change won't bother you too much🙈(I also apologize for the delay😥classes have started in uni again and I'll have less and less time to reply to asks, I might need to close the askbox for headcanons soon😭):
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Demya loves a bit of meat on bones, she can appreciate the thinnest or most muscular physiques too, however she would find a bit of plumpness charming, because it would make her mouth water. Middle Aged MC however wouldn't have to fear being mauled, because as Demya's mate, they would be off limits and have privileges that others would not be granted. Demya may nibble or kiss Middle Aged MC's beer belly out of affection while liying down on it during cuddle sessions in her soft nest, so hopefully Middle Aged MC doesn't mind having some marks, in easy-to-hide spots. Since Demya and Middle Aged MC are both troublemakers and food lovers, they would likely be a loud and occasionally chaotic couple, but still very much in love
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Domnra is a pretty fit and sporty demon, however he wouldn't force Middle Aged MC to follow his training regime, he would leave the choice up to them, depending on how they feel, Domnra would joke about Middle Aged MC deciding to settle down with a demon of all the available options though, at such an age too. Domnra could become Middle Aged MC's drinking buddy, celebrating with glasses of alcohol and getting angry at TV, shouting and breaking havoc, Domnra would mostly be a depressed drunk though, as if Demonus eased his anger issues. In quieter moments, Domnra would hold Mobim in his arms and rest his back on Middle Aged MC's soft beer belly, playing some music to listen to together, making sure to satisfy both of their tastes in music
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Azul is a twink, so the idea of ​​carrying Middle Aged MC in his arms or holding them on his lap without using magic would be quite out of the question, at least for Middle Aged MC at first, because they wouldn't want to risk hurting Azul with their weight, however he would likely be into such stuff and, as a demon, he would still be rather resistant, so as far as he is concerned, Azul would let Middle Aged MC crush him, hell he would even thank them. Being quite eccentric, Azul wouldn't care if Middle Aged MC made a racket, to be fair he's chaotic too so they would be one of the wildest couples at parties, and if they were to suffer from insecurity due to their age or chubbiness, Azul would remind Middle Aged MC of their beauty through drawings and photographs, or straight up physical intimacy such as kisses and hugs, if the first options didn't work. Azul would like Middle Aged MC to feel confident in their own body and if they wished to lose weight, he would support them, suggesting dancing as a fun exercise
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Many demons would wonder how the hell Middle Aged MC managed to woo an ethereal and elegant woman like Zuri, the answer probably being their charm and genuine feelings winning the demon over somehow, making her overlook their appearance for a while, their relationship could almost remind a bit of the one between Morticia and Gomez, in a certain sense. The occasional loud mess might upset Zuri, who often gets migraines due to her hectic work, therefore she would appreciate if they could spend some quiet quality time together, while occasionally sharing a glass of Demonus. However, Zuri would still attempt at helping Middle Aged MC with their drinking problem and would try to clean them up a bit, by buying them expensive suitable clothes that compliment their figure and curves
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Not gonna lie, the first thing that came to mind when thinking about a couple made of a middle-aged human and a horror beyond comprehension was Gravity Falls, specifically Stanford Pines and Bill Cipher, even if the dynamic would definitely be different. For Odon, most people, both on Earth and in Devildom, are quite young when compared to them, even Lord Diavolo, so they wouldn't really pay too much mind to Middle Aged MC's age, only if pointed out, it wouldn't make any difference though, especially because Middle Aged MC would still remain the youngest, even compared to the only other human in the exchange program (Solomon). Odon wouldn't care about Middle Aged MC's appearance, considering that the form in which they technically presents themselves doesn't correspond to their true monstrous appearance, so Odon would love Middle Aged MC no matter what and their messing around wouldn't even bother the eldritch horror, on the contrary it would amuse them, plus Odon would keep Middle Aged MC company while they drink, to make sure they're okay, drinking a cup of green tea instead of alcohol. Odon and Middle Aged MC would often lounge together, like an old married couple, on a couch covered in a flannel blanket while reading books, in the comfort of Odon's cabin in the woods. It would be cute to imagine such a domestic life
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Remiel is aware of how fragile and short life can be, she considers it precious and would get quite concerned over Middle Aged MC's health status, from a logical and medical point of view. Their age would also remind Remiel of how little time she has left with Middle Aged MC and therefore, despite some somberness, she would try to enjoy as many moments as possible with Middle Aged MC, kindly trying to help them change their harmful habits, not wanting the day in which she will have to assist their soul in reaching the afterlife to approach so soon. Remiel, apart from her wings, has cold skin, so being in Middle Aged MC's arms, pressed against their soft and warm beer belly, would certainly be a new, but pleasant experience, a source of heat, perhaps enough to lull the angel of death into a light nap, which she would honestly need, as she often attends to her celestial duty. Middle Aged MC being loud would surprise Remiel, since she is more used to a calm and isolated environment, however it wouldn't bother her too much, since she literally has two uncles and an aunt, who don't know much about the concept of being quiet, whether it's because of her powerful voice (Fury), his heavy step (War) or his shenanigans (Strife)
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Nathaniel would notice Middle Aged MC's age and size, however he wouldn't give too much weight to such details and would focus more on their affinity and how to spend time together. Nathaniel would be quite capable of handling Middle Aged MC being loud, after all he isn't the Archangel of Patience for nothing, however if Middle Aged MC bothered him too many times during his meditation sessions, then Nathaniel might decide to take revenge, it would be unclear how or when and Middle Aged MC would live for a while with anxiety, not knowing what to expect and when the angel would strike, usually it would just be a little tease anyway, because he's lenient. Being very chill, sometimes, Nathaniel would let Middle Aged MC sit on his lap while he meditates or while they rest like, playing with their belly as if it were a stress reliever and resting his head on their shoulder, finding the act very therapeutic. As for drinking, Nathaniel would just make sure Middle Aged MC doesn't overdo it
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Even Uriel would have no idea how Middle Aged MC managed to capture her heart and yet, much to her embarrassment, they still somehow accomplished such feat, however, due to having a reputation, the warrior angel would appreciate if Middle Aged MC avoided being loud or messy while she's busy with important celestial matters. Uriel knows how fragile humans can be and how many things can contribute to a premature death, therefore, not considering Middle Aged MC's lifestyle healthy, she would try to help them exercise, stop drinking and eat healthy, at least Uriel would do her best to not turn the experience into military training. One thing Uriel would be able to do with ease would be lifting Middle Aged MC in her arms, without effort or trouble, no matter their height or how big their beer belly is, Uriel is strong and Middle Aged MC would be like featherweight to her, so that would probably make them feel like royalty. Uriel would also enjoy the contrast between her sturdy body and Middle Aged MC's soft one
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I haven't seen anyone post Madam Director Lucretia from the DnD podcast The Adventure Zone: Balance Arc so I'm going to!! 😤☺️
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(Art by defenestratin)
Her character was controversial in the fandom and was a fascinating morally gray in canon imo, being the mysterious/cold/distant/intimidating director of the Bureau of Balance tasking Magnus, Taako, and Merle to go collect the story's plot macguffins: the Grand Relics.
As the campaign progresses though, and as she is coerced to spends more time with the boys while they're at base and is dragged into their silly antics again and worries about them on their dangerous missions, her softer side creeps out, her backstory is revealed on how she became "Madam Director" instead of "Lucretia," and she eventually plays a controversial role in the overarching plot as well as the finale.
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(Art by Rabdoidal)
I'm glad it seems people are warming up to her these days (she's won some fan polls even!!) Cuz I think a lot of the controversy stemmed from people understanding but not really accepting that good-intentioned, loving people can make incredibly toxic decisions in the name of that love, and that intense trauma can cause even the kindest people to make the worst, irrational choices with terrible, unforeseen consequences, and that other people can choose to forgive even if you, personally, wouldn't forgive them. (All the people complaining *SPOILERS* she doesn't die at the end to atone her crimes 🔫 *spray bottles you*)
She just tries so hard and suffers such heavy personal loss across this campaign in the background, all for the sake of her friends whom she cherishes so dearly, even when it left her so emotionally shielded/alone for years, and the fact they choose in the end to look past all the damage and hurt and to just see Her and make the choice to love her anyway and and!!! 🥺🥺🥺😭🤧
I just love her a normal, healthy amount. [Send ask.]
"Madam Director" yeah I love how that sounds. That first piece is so gorgeous, I dream of being that skilled with line work 😭 If it's one thing I hate it's when people die to atone for crimes 🙄 the only way you get to die is if I kill you. Otherwise, get your ass up and start doing some repenting! I'm sorry, death does not cancel out ones actions imo. But I also get into it with peers about "not speaking ill of the dead", so. I'm glad that people are maturing to her, she sounds like quite the character.
Hot Chocolate: oooo the art for this character is dope! I love that she has depth, she's not just cold and bitter, she has plot relevant trauma and very natural reactions. Is she a player character or NPC? Also she works for the bureau of balance, that honestly requires a certain temperament in my mind; because you can't just be good, sometimes you gotta be bad. 🤷🏿‍♂️ Anywho what's her class? I'm assuming she's human. Lastly, "Hot Diggity Shit" is my new phrase 🤣
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cheesysoup-arlo · 3 days
Janis x Reader (janis has adhd)
Its study hall the last class before lunch Janis is hyper, she definitely forgot her meds today and energy practically exploding out of her, calm and still are physical not possible for her. “Psst, y/n, hey hey psst” Janis says trying to get your attention, bouncing in her chair a little “hmm?” You say not completely giving her your full attention because you really want to finish this assignment “I’m bored can I borrow one of your fidgets, please?” She asks reaching over your shoulder and pointing to your fidget pouch on your desk “oh yeah of course” you say passing it to her “yay thank you” Janis says looking through it and picking out something. She sits behind you in this class so you don’t know what she’s doing but she’s quiet now so that’s new. You finish your assignment and turn around to check on Janis. “Hey, whatcha doin?” You say with a slight head tilt “nothing just uh drawing” Janis says with a shrug not looking up at you, fidgeting with one of the toys with one hand and drawing with the other, while bouncing her leg a little “nice, want some goldfish?” You ask “Oooo yessss” Janis says excitedly putting down her pencil and giving you her full attention “what’s the magic word?” You ask playfully “if you don’t give me goldfish I’ll bite you?” Janis says in a bright tone “um no the magic word was ‘please’…but I’ll give you some any way because you’re cute” you say with a smirk “yay goldfish” Janis says as you hand her a baggy of goldfish, you always bring extra snacks to share with her. The rest of the period you two draw and eat goldfish. The bell rings and you two pack up then head to lunch. You get to the table and Damian is already there. “Hey gays” he says with a little wave “hi Damian” you say with a laugh plopping down at the table “oh um J are you good? Are you off your meds again?” Damian asks with a little concerned look, Janis fidgeting with her hair “huh?” Janis was completely spaced out not paying attention “I asked if you are off your meds?” Damian said “oh um yeah but just my adhd ones this time, I ran out again and my mom is getting the refill today after her shift” Janis said with a thumbs up “oh ok…so how are you guys doing? any new gossip?” Damian says trying to make conversation “ooo yes I heard Karen and Gretchen got caught making out under the bleachers” you say trying not to be to loud or obvious when looking over at the plastics table seeing Regina talking aggressively at Gretchen and Karen “No fucking way!” Janis says suddenly interested in the conversation “yeah apparently Regina saw them and like lost her mind, my friend shares gym with them and got the whole thing on video” you say tossing a handful of goldfish in your mouth. The rest of the lunch period Damian talks about the theater drama, those theater kids are crazy. “Janis come on, we have art” you say grabbing her backpack “fuck yeah, art, this is gonna be tits” Janis says standing up and holding your hand as the two of you walked to class.
Art class was going well the teacher decided today was free choice so any medium and prompt all up to you, Janis decided to paint and ended up painting on herself instead of the canvas while you worked on a project you’d started a few days ago, “psst, y/n, psst” Janis says trying to get your attention “yeah baby?” You say not realizing what you called her “woah um uh” Janis blushes forgetting what she was going to say “oh shit” you say realizing what you said “J um uh you’re face is a little red” you joke “oh shut up, it’s your fault” she says embarrassed “aw don’t be embarrassed, I know you have a crush on me and now there’s no denying it” you say setting down your project and making your way over to her “woah woah wo-AH” she yelps as she falls off her chair “OH SHIT are you ok?” You say laughing a little “yeah just uh fell…for you” she says with a wink “oh you’re such a dork” you say helping her up “I could be your dork” Janis say with a wink and some new found confidence “oh yeah?” you say pulling her in so your faces are only a few inches apart and the gap could be closed with very little effort…
But the bell rings startling you both and causing you both to looking away from each other “meet at my locker after school?” You suggest “uh yeah” she says, you exchange a quick side hug and grab your stuff before heading to your last period of the day.
Class was going by pretty quickly, you finished your assignment early and were on your phone when Janis texted you
little gay bitch👾: have to talk to my teacher :(
little gay bitch👾: I’ll be out a little late
[gay] snacks (y/n) 🫡: don’t die
[gay] snacks (y/n) 🫡: I’ll meet you at your locker instead 👍
*ring* the bell rings and you head to your locker to grab what you need and leave what you don’t then heading to Janis’ locker to wait for her.
About 10 minutes pass and you see a frustrated janis walking down the hall “J what’s wrong?” You say brows furrowed and a concerned tone in your voice, gently placing your hands on her shoulders “my stupid teacher got mad at me for fidgeting” she said looking down at her hands “what the fuck that’s so stupid, you literally have so much information in your file stating all your accommodations” you say getting upset “I know and I reminded him but he said that I was just making up excuses” janis said tearing up a little “ok that’s it, we’re going to the principal right now and I’m gonna fix this” you say grabbing her hand “wait no, y/n it’s fine, I’ll be fine” janis says wiping away the tears that fell from her eyes “nope I’m gonna fix this, you’re so important to me janis and I’m not gonna let you struggle with an asshole teacher all year, there’s no way you’re gonna make it without your accommodations that’s why you have them, so please let. me. help. you. …please” you say cupping her face “…ok” she says eyes filling with tears again “don’t cry, I’m gonna fix it, I promise” you say pulling her into a hug as she hides her face in your chest.
After a long argument and a little yelling, Janis had a new schedule, no more asshole teacher, and significantly more classes with you, you wanted to be able to protect her and it’s kind of hard to do that in separate classes. “Thank you y/n, I- I really appreciate you” Janis says fidgeting with her sleeves “of course…wanna go get ice cream?” You suggest “um absolutely yes” Janis said, sadness quickly replaced with excitement. The two of you spent the rest of the day together, ice cream then headed back to her place to hang out in her garage, movies snacks cuddles and…
“So about earlier…” Janis starts “mhm earlier” you say turning to give her your full attention “so obviously you know I like you but um…well what I guess I’m trying to say is-“ Janis anxiously fidgets “Jay breathe, I like you too, I just didn’t want to make things weird till I confirmed you felt the same” you responded hoping to ease her anxiety “re-really?” Janis says surprised “Yes Janis ‘Imi’ike, I have a big crush on you” you say with a giggle “holy shit holy shit! This is so fucking tits” she says with a big smile “oh god you’re so adorable I could just-“ you cut yourself off and avoid eye contact “oh?” Janis teases “shut up” you say with a playful smack on the arm “hey!” Janis says poking you…you two are quiet for a bit till you both slowly lean in for a gentle passionate kiss filled with longing and desire, you both pull away after a bit “wow” “wow” you replied with a bit of a giggle “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time” you admit “me too” Janis says looking at you “soo…does this mean we’re like dating now?” Janis asks “mmm if that’s what you want hen I’m absolutely up for it but let’s go slow? I like our friendship a lot so I don’t want to ruin that by rushing into an intense relationship, so slow? Is that ok?” You say a little hesitant “yeah slow is fine, can I kiss you again?” Janis asks you nod, she gives you a quick peak on the lips then just holds you close “this is nice” you say trapped in her embrace, both of you giggle and cuddle closer
What a day… what a day…
AN: it’s been a little while since I’ve written/posted lol, this is also just like a draft I found and finished because I caught the writing bug randomly and couldn’t waste the little motivation I had I hope y’all like it idk if it really has plot but i really wanted to get something out
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apotelesmaa · 6 months
I hate Victorian lit they give u the most intriguing female characters and then make u read like 5 paragraphs of vile misogyny. Followed by 3 paragraphs of racism and 1 paragraph of ableism. & this happens every single chapter.
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that-butch-archivist · 3 months
1 out of 4 accelerated summer courses finished today. Next to go is Chem.
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thesnazzyjazzy · 10 months
A therapy session that is preluded by a round of DnD, with the therapist as GM, and they make thorough observations about how you play the game and how you interact with situations, and draw implications based on those, and make assessments about your mental state.
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veevoosh · 4 months
a small silly comic about kris on my class notes (pardon the yellow-ness LOL)
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* Why aren't you happy, Kris?
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While I believe that everyone can write what they want, I think people should really take a step back before posting the stuff that they write. Because lads, the Pavitr tag is filled with the most questionable things I have ever seen. Even after filtering out most of the bothersome things, I still come across fics that are absolutely DRIPPING with racism and feminisation, and sometimes even misogyny and casteism??
I know most of the time it's unintentional, it's just a sentence or two, but by god, there are hundreds of these fics. hundreds. I and others like myself can't search through all of them - and a hundred lines of racism is still fuckin horrible
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
when people complain about getting like, a 98% grade on something because it was "so close to perfect" its like. i understand what you're saying on a technical level. but that is a line of thought so far away from my experiences and ways of thinking that i do feel like im from another planet. 100% isnt even a real number to me
#i kinda understand when its something like a multiple choice test or something where there is an objective answer#it might feel like u got so close but just missed one#again still a bit alien to me because my scholarly performance is mysterious and anything over 70 is great to me#but i mean ive had a 98 before once in a math test. i did get exactly 1 bit of 1 question wrong#but i didnt really care that it was one off from perfect i was too busy being happy because that was the highest mark id ever received#and the previous math test i had taken got a 53% . grade 11 was a wild time for me in math class GHJKSHFKds#anyway i kinda see where ur coming from with stuff with right or wrong answers like that#but i sometimes get friends in class complain that they got a 95 or something on an art assignment#because they think they got docked 5 points for one or two little things#but i dunno. thats not really how fine arts departments in university tend to grade things#you dont start at 100 and get docked marks for things you got wrong. i dont think ive ever seen a 100% on something like that#tbh the numbers are a little arbitrary i find. i do prefer to try to get em higher because that helps with grants and stuff#but the numbers dont mean all that much in fine arts or in art history (my two majors) a 75 and a 95 can function the same depending on lik#weighting and context and feedback and whatever. i dunno its a wild world out there#it might just be the perspective of someone who did really goodbad in school. (GoodBad (tm) its when ur good but also kinda bad at school!)#compared to someone who got a lot of perfects in mandatory schooling. i sympathise i really do that kind of pressure sounds insane#but while i sympathize i cant really empathize as much unfortunately with this specifically orz its a world very far outside my purview!#100%s arent real to me so they never cross my mind to be worried about LOL
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kashmirichaiwithmehr · 10 months
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fabledteeth · 1 year
something something the aesthetic use of body horror in bg3 and it’s central theme revolving around bodily autonomy and the complete and utter lack of it
#somethin’ bout the fleshy innards of moonrise towers#…….#tooth talks#bg3#like it’s about the flesh and blood and bones and…something….#you never have autonomy. volo is going to pluck out your eye. someone placed a bomb in your chest and you had no say in it#someone forced you to grow horns and gave you a forked tongue#someone created you to be consumed and then literally carved a deed of ownership into your skin#you belong to vlaakith or shar and your memories are ours to take and your own people will think you disgusting for what has been put inside#your head#there is now a tadpole in your brain and it allows others to peer into your mind and it will eventually consume you body and soul from the#inside out. it will melt your flesh off your bones and turn our insides to goo and it will literally obliterate You entirely#but it will keep your memories. it will keep the metaphysical shape of you.#but You are gone. you are consumed. you were destroyed in a horrific body horror fleshy pain ritual#and you never had a choice about what was going to happen#WHAT IF I LOST MY MIND#bg3 spoilers#im rambling cus im reading for class and understanding nothing the adhd is in full force nr#rn*#by aesthetic I mean like. environment designs n stuff#like the nautiloid etc being made of organic material and such#like mind flayers are alien creatures that literally obliterate your physical form but all their technology is made of flesh. of the very#thing they consume#their designs themselves are incredibly Organic (exposed brain)#god. godddd.#this fucking game.#haven’t felt this way abt a game since botw#goddddddd#I think I maybe used the word metaphysical wrong but. hum
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twilightarcade · 4 months
thank cod we're not in high school english anymore
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sprinklethetangerine · 5 months
I think this is a pretty reasonable situation to cry in, right?
#ughhhhh#you know what becausd i hate myself (not really dw) this isnt gonna be a vaguepost#if youre reading the tags buckle the fuck up#so last week and the week before were spring break for me#and the week before was jjst full of studying and exam stress to the point where i couldnt attend my archery lessons#cause all i was doing at that time was either studying or feeling like shit for not studying#but when spring break hit actually THE VERY SECOND it arrived I had to go to another city about two hours away to visjt family#and guess what? I STAYED THERE FOR ALMOST THE WHOLE ENTIRE SPRING FUCKING BREAK#so i couldnt even do most of the shit i wanted to#and even there i couldnt enjoy my time#why? because ALL I DID was study. my cousin tutors me and I was failing these 3 specific subjects#so she was helping me withtgem and she wouldnt leave me be#and when my (undiagnosed) adhd made me shit at focusing and my mind keot wantering and i kept looking away because i was understimulated#i got shouted at which was not very fun#whats worse is she did it in front of people. literally in public.#then we come back home THANKFULLY and she comes with us. because of course.#and now all my time all of it except for one or two hours of the day is just studying#the only free time i have is when she sleeps#and school. literally never in my life have i been happy to go to school and yet id rather be there than here.#but what choice do i really have#its either this or fail the exams#it gets worse. on thursday i was really tired from school. i came back and PASSED OUT#and by passed out I mean PASSED OUT#idk if it was cause it was hot outside or school just drained my energy but i could barely exist at that point#then my cousin finds me on the couch sweaty and basically dying#what does she do? she wakes me up like “alright time to study”#so yesterday i did charity work and it involved carrying a lot of heavy boxes and stuff so i naturally came back drained and tired and she#STILL WANTED ME TO STUDY so the second we got back I just slept and i was practically comatose so she coukdnt even wake me up#i slept for 11 hours and woke up to MORE STUDYING HURRAY and then at 5 i went to archery class and we got back at 8 and she WONT STOP#i just want to go home. im so tired. physically and mentally and emotionally. i just wanna go fucking home.
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gaywiththesauce · 1 year
Hi hello sorry it’s not Wednesday anymore BUT. I remember you saying at one point that you were listening to your Giyuu playlist? (am I remembering right?) and I’m. so unbelievably normal and was wondering what your top 5 songs you associate with Giyuu are. Or top 10. Or top one million. Ok thank you sorry goodbye again_(:3 」∠)_
Hi Rose👋!! welcome back to my dropbox lmao
okok so so I don't remember saying that but it's totally possible that I did. I think about blorbo a lot so I think I mentioned it
These won't be very descriptive because many of the songs are just related to emotions or specific scenarios so you'll have my 4am ramblings. lil warning, I'm a swiftie, but I have a variety of other different music tastes too. here's my top 20ish because I'm obsessed with my blorbo Giyuu Tomioka the Queen
Telephones by Vacations - "my thoughts are crawling, you're all I see" "wherever I go, you'll always be next to me" has massive brain rot energy :) he only sees his love(s) everywhere
Verbatim by Mother Mother - I kinda perceive Giyuu as someone that doesn't conform to gender norms (totally not projecting) but he would totally be unapologetic for his expression. maybe a lil oblivious but not sorry
First Love/Late Spring by Mitski - the lyrics speak for themselves of anxiety that he can't love anyone else because he's too scared to lose them. "please, hurry, leave me, I can't breathe. please don't say you love me."
Long Live (TV) by Taylor Swift - this song is specifically for my fantasy prince/knight au I made and fully fleshed out with Minecraft building and shit. the idea of happy fluffy marriage makes me giggle
Gilded Lily by Cults - self explanatory. sad song. "haven't I given enough?" "always the fool with the slowest heart" (help please he has the slowest heart because his way of communicating isn't verbal and only a very select few understand-)
Daylight by Taylor Swift - "I once believed love would be burning red, but it's golden, like daylight" kyogiyuu energy, first impression of Kyojuro's "burning red" but it turns out he's a soft "golden"
Screaming by CHVRCHES - beautiful song. it talks about the past and how time has been stolen. not knowing what side of the coin you're on and if it's wrong or not. good vibes song to look out the window to
New Year's Day by Taylor Swift - SUCH A GOOD MESSAGE SONG! it's all about the tranquility that comes with love and life, how the couple would be there for not just the fun moments but the calm or hard or maybe boring moments. also "please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere"
Money by The Drums - Giyuu would totally want to give back to the world he believes he's stolen from (he's still alive, which is something that he stole from others-) but he has nothing else to give other than hard training and killing demons, saving people when he can
Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol - this one I can't really explain. the build up and release just kinda speaks for itself. it's cathartic and makes you want to jump up and down and rip an air guitar
Don't Let Go by The Ghost Club - "I'm falling off the edge but you never ever let go" another relationship one! who woulda guessed? again, love that lasts because love is not all sunshine. it rains and pours and you have to get an umbrella. very fun to listen to!
The Mute by Radical Face - this was shown to me by a beautiful moot when my one ficlet reminded them of it. it makes sense! "if you only listen with your ears, you can't get in [my head]" (your fic today reminded me of this song too and i listened to it again after reading tehe)
Nightmares by CHVRCHES - "Another poem designed for revenge. Now I'm living a nightmare again, and it won't end.
Black Out Days by Phantogram - gives me remembering Sabito vibes. So painfully thinking of him but trying to forget him and keep that part of his mind away from now but it doesn't want to stay away. He isolates himself from his memories that he "[doesn't] even recognize [Sabito's] face"
I miss you, I'm sorry by Gracie Adams - it's less of the lyrics and more the vibes. i just kinda really like this song. "I still love you, I promise" to Sabito---
Become the Warm Jets by Current Joys - listen listen ok hear me out: slow song, sad voice, sad song, Giyuu-themed? totally feel canon with "All my life is just something I can't ignore."
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be by Jess Benko - wow. sad angst sad song about regret because wow. just angst.
Young by Vacations - dissociation central. not knowing how things are moving and wanting things to be right and okay. that childhood innocence of want everything (read: Sabito) to be his
i love you by Billie Eilish - Giyuu being in denial of everything. How could Kyojuro say that he loves him? How could he open up so easily to Kyo? "the smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying" FFUCCK
Dress by Taylor Swift - this is that song when the pairing finally gets together after a 20K slow burn. smiles. "Carve your name into my bedpost 'cause I don't want you like a best friend."
A Love Song by Ladyhawke - happy upbeat love song. Imagine running through a crowd, holding hands, laughing and giggling as Kyo pulls Giyuu along to show him something he's excited about
I didn't mean for this to be this long (this was originally 10) but now you have 2/3 of my Giyuu playlist! I accidentally deleted my Giyuu playlist like four months ago so I'm building from the ground up unfortunately😭
I hope this satisfies your curiosity! Enjoy listening if you do!
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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My first Tulia let Watcher X go, just because she was my first DS!Agent and most of her choices were driven by being sort of comically evil, but this time around, I am being a little more careful about her choices in terms of her actual motivations (which, to be fair, I didn't really know when I played her the first time around, since all I had in my head for her was tol murder machine hurr durr and then she started simping at Zhorrid)
but anyway
This time she shanked Watcher X. While it was tempting to get Dirt on some folks who had annoyed her, Tulia's loyalty (at the moment, anyway), is primarily to Intelligence and she has a lot of faith in Intelligence as an Agency. 100%, her true loyalty is to herself and to staying alive at all costs, but she did the math on it and decided that the risk that he's a fucking liar far outweighed any possibility of him having good information (especially if his information might lead her to have an Existential Crisis about why she's doing what she's doing).
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He talked to her like he was better than her when, in her mind, he's not, so fuck him.
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